#just feeling all *flappy hands* and silly!??!
transgender-catboy · 1 year
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Hiiii Peter :3€
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ron456 · 1 month
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He doesn't "act naturally" or "normal" because HE'S AUTISTIC-
Will Roland portrays him as AUTISTIC so he's gonna act AUTISTIC-
AND ANOTHER THING- Jeremy is supposed to be a "loser"-
he gets bullied and is misunderstood by his peers because he is, well, NOT CHILL-
He gets bullied because he cares about things too much, he's anxious, he's loud-
And in regards to the "can't hold a note for too long"- have you heard Loser, Geek, Whatever? Or More Than Survive? Or Two Player Game??? Song where he holds notes for quite a long time- ALSO- to say that Will Roland can't reach the same notes as Will Connolly is just... not true.
And one of the reasons I think some people think Will Roland is "a worse singer" is because, sometimes, stylistically, Will Roland will use a sort of falsetto/head voice (which I LOVE BTW AND IM SICK OF PEOPLE CALLING OTHER PEOPLE BAD SINGERS BECAUSE THEY USE HEAD VOICE- IT'S BEAUTIFUL, IMPRESSIVE, AND REQUIRES GOOD BREATH CONTROL TO MAKE IT NOT SOUND CRAPPY AND WILL ROLAND DOES IT AMAZINGLY) like when he says "hero" and "Rob Dinero" (idk if that's how you spell it 😭) in More Than Survive.
It's not that he's a bad singer, he is taking the brunt of his voice during those parts and also, given that it's this little solo/soliloquy moment for Jeremy, I think that Will Roland's choice to use a light head voice there is perfectly well-placed. It feels kinda personal, I guess. And I love it <3
Not to say that Will Connolly's way of singing it isn't also great. It's awesome! But like, guys, we can't keep getting pissed when a new actor in a show doesn't have the exact same singing voice as the original 😭 That's just silly, guys. 😭
Anywaysss- back to Will Roland's voice- he is very much capable of hitting the notes that Will Conolly hits- if not higher (IT'S NOT A COMPETION THO, GUYS- PLS DONT COME FOR ME). For example, the acoustic version of Loser, Geek, Whatever on Spotify which, I believe, is a key higher than usual!! This man can belt some high notes when the situation calls for it! And also, (these are not really bmc related but whatever) during the harmony or whatever at the end of "Sincerely, Me", that is none other than WiLL RoLaND (!!!) hitting that high E (I'm pretty sure it's an E. I hope it's an E. But regardless, it's still a SUPER HIGH NOTE) at the end! And in "Amphibian" on Joe Iconis' album titled, well, "Album", Will Roland hits some insanely high notes!!! ( EVEN IF THEY ARE HEAD VOICE. I REPEAT, HEAD VOICE DOES NOT MEAN BAD SINGER!!)
Also, as a little additional statement to my "Jeremy is autistic/ autistic-coded so Will Roland played him as autistic"; this is not to say that Will Conolly didn't add some "autistic flare", if you will, to Jeremy. I mean, just yesterday I was freaking out with my friend about a gif of Will Conolly's Jeremy doing the autistic flappy hands :))). And I think that he was a good baseline for other Jeremy's to build off of!
Also, I feel like the people that are saying that Will Roland's portrayal of autism/neurodiversity is "ableist" or "incorrect" or "too dramatic" are sorta failing to understand/acknowledge that autism/neurodiversity is a spectrum. Not every person with autism or another kind of Neurodiversity is gonna act the same. And I think that's something really beautiful that we should all cherish. It is GREAT that we are all different but also, in many ways, the same!
And to see myself and my uncontrolled speaking voice and weird noises and such represented by Will Roland on stage is such a beautiful thing that I think 'ought to be cherished.
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mythica0 · 1 month
Fop: a new wish Tword headcanons!
Because, once again, hyperfixation lol. In this is Dev, Hazel, Cosmo +Wanda, and Peri, in that order. (long post)
Dev (I love this silly lil guy)
-he is def a lee, although he likes twording ppl as well.
-he didn’t know until after he got really introduced to it(he always knew what it was and kinda what it felt like, but never really experienced it that much.) but he really likes being tworded. [don’t worry man, same 🙏]
-his death spot (and coincidentally, his favorite spot to be tworded) is his tummy!
-his laugh is the happiest sounding giggle you’ve ever heard. This laugh is so bouncy and bubbly and sweet. It’s the kind of laugh that you just know whoever’s producing it is having the time of their life.
-Whenever he’s tworded he stims, usually with flappi by his hands or little kicks. However, he never seems to try and get away.
-very easily flustered, both by the fact that he’s ticklish and that he likes it. however he can say the tword with ease(unlike me)
-would try to hold off his laugh but fail miserably
-he is weak to raspberries and tword games, but as much as he likes to deny it he loves them.
-after being introduced to twords, he gets lee moods, and the first one he ever got he did not understand. ‘Why do I feel all buzzy? Why do I want to be tickled?!’ Peri was happy to explain and assist (probs gonna write a fic of this one)
-Now, when it comes to being the ler, Dev is an absolute little shit.
-he likes to tword others, both because it’s fun for him and because he likes seeing others laugh. (He will tell you it’s just the first one. That it’s fun for him to make other ppl powerless)
-He’s pretty new to the whole thing, so he’s not super good at it yet, but he’s trying, and getting better!
-She is a ler leaning switch!
-she loves to start tword fights and absolutely loves it as a bonding experience.
-Her laugh is very wheezy, but don’t worry she’s fine.
-her worst spot is her ribs
-She doesn’t actually squirm all too much, kinda just goes limp.
-she is immune to visual teases after the twords start, because as soon as she starts getting tworded she shuts her eyes.
-Hazel loves to use twords as a way to cheer up her friends. (Although she tends to leave Jazz out of it since she’s afraid of being tworded)
-she is not shy about her love of twords at all. She’s very open about it.
-I didn’t come up with this one,(that award goes to my mootie @randommusicalfluff) but after finding out Dev is twordish, she absolutely gets him any time he’s being pretentious or pushing people away.
-she uses baby talk. And lots of it. A fave of hers is definitely to just repeat the tword over and over again in a teasy voice.
Cosmo + Wanda
-putting them together cause they’re basically a package deal.
-both of them are even switches.
-they love to team up, but also love to get into tword fights with eachother.
-sometimes after a tword fight they’ll have a cuddle sesh and watch a movie
-Cosmo’s worst spot is his wings, and his laugh is very funny, and kinda high pitched.
-Wanda’s worst spot is her armpits, and her laugh is kinda rough but very sweet sounding.
-they will use their magic to their advantage in a tword fight, or when lering as a whole.
Peri (my fav boi!!)
-he’s a ler but he likes being tworded too.
-his worst spot his also his tummy (him and his godkid have something in common that way.)
-when he’s tworded he squirms but mostly just curls into a ball. Most of his movements are in his wings, which usually flutter around rapidly.
-his laugh is very smooth, but also very frantic sounding. And it can get very loud.
-Now, as you’ve probably gathered, Peri loves to tword Dev. Especially to cheer him up. He just loves to see his godkid happy.
-he has a ridiculously good sense of when someone is in a lee mood. He just knows
-he loves to make a game out of it, and is overall a very silly ler
-the more he can make someone laugh the better he feels.
-hasn’t thought about using his magic before, until he sees his parents do it.
And that’s all I have today! Hope you enjoyed reading these and expect more fics of these guys in the near future!!
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week In BL - Korea is coming after your office romance crown, Japan
March 2023 Wk 3
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Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
Ongoing Series - Thai
Bed Friend (Sat YT, GaGa & iQIYI uncut) ep 6 of 10 - (sorry, yes I knew they extended it to 10, and I don’t think it’s a good sign) I thought the kink moment was kinda cute, and it illustrates the best thing about f-buddy relationships, license to play and explore. Also language play! (You know phi/nong is also for pets, right?) Poor Uea never gets to keep a grain of happiness very long - so now he’s pushing it away and self isolating. Sigh, I do hope there is happiness for a few eps at the end of all this trauma. 
Future (Thai Sun YouTube & Gaga) ep 1 of 5 - Based on a y-novel by Faddest (En of Love) about an engineering student and a dentist. Expect this one to stay soft, it’s from the 21 Day Theory people. I LOVE it. Bad sound and wooden acting but this is a classic old school Thai pulp. Older shy (but delightfully manipulative) sweetie dentist Ana with crush on younger sappy sunshine jock engineering student, Fuse. Very much a puppy/cat pairing. I admit, knowing all the various characters’ back stories means everything makes more sense. The friends’ conversations make me laugh a lot, but this is a very talkie show, with not awesome subs, so certainly not for everyone. I’ve already rewatched the first ep 3x. 
Pastsenger (Thai Weds Gaga) 3 of 12 eps - I enjoy that its the tsundere uke developing feelings first. Unusual approach. I also like that fake dating is being deployed to protect the girl from a stalker. It’s silly but I’m starting to like this show more. 
A Boss and a Babe (Fri YouTube) ep 4 of 12 - Honestly, the boss character isn’t really that tsundere. He’s basically a big old softy. Also baby boy very jelly. I would be too. Ex is v hot. But we keep being told things about these 2 characters but not shown said things on screen. Like the writers think they are telling one story but what we are watching is completely different. It’s... odd.
Tin Tam Jai (Tues Gaga & iQIYI) ep 4 of 12 - Aw, P’Park has an emotional support uke. OMG they brought the flirty faen fatal crumb back! YES. I love him. 
The Promise (Thai Weds YT) ep 4 of 10 - Good advice about secrets. It better come out and it better be a good reason... like witness protection. I am starting to get annoyed and feel manipulated the more they drag it out. But from the preview it seems like next week brings the PAIN. I have never been more ready. 
Chains of Heart (Sat iQIYI) ep 6 of 10 -  Will I ever understand this show? I hate that such good acting and chemistry is squandered on such an incomprehensible script. Is the “Korean doctor thread” a set up for Lue actually being Din (dead lover) with a new face? Because I suspected that at the beginning but if that’s the big twist in this narrative it’s a super clumsy twist. I hope they don’t. I’d rather it’s that Din turned himself into Ken - creepy, but less predictable. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Our Dating Sim (Korea Thurs Viki) eps 5-6 of 8 - Miracles of miracles: The kissing is even good in this one! Aw, baby wants to be courted. The redial phone call flirt had me flappy-handing and cackling. How are they THIS cute? It hurts my heart, two nerds in love. Also being linguistically outed at work is my new favorite trope ever. I rewatched these 2 eps an embarrassing number of times. (Warning, it looks like we got us a classic 1yr Kdrama separation coming down the line. PLEASE subvert this trope ODS. PLEASE.) 
All the Liquors (Korea Thurs Gaga & Viki) eps 7-8 fin - I guess I just don’t get over-dramatic angst about silly things. The premise of this show seems to be overreaction to some stuff, under-reaction (more typical KBL) to everything else. So not allergic but an alcoholic grandma who drank herself to death? Cute confession and kiss. They are so shy and sweet with each other. For a Korean drama this had a great ending which elevated it a lot over the many other KBLs of this type (Tasty, Sweet, Ocean, etc..) 
Final thoughts: A pretty classic foodie set KBL that managed to distinguish itself from others in this category by having a particularly satisfying final episode centered around found family. Sunshine sweetie soju rep gets involved with a shy introverted chef who doesn’t drink. Has a somewhat uneven plot, but If you are looking for a restaurant BL with Korea’s signature softness, then this is a great option. FYI I may identify with our baby party boy hedonist more than any other BL lead ever presented. 8/10 
I present actual footage of P’ABL whispering in your shell-like about what you should watch next... 
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Unintentional Love Story (Korea Thurs iQIYI) 3-4 of 10 - (here’s how I am getting it) ALL THE TROPES these 2 eps. Cohabitation! Pretty house! Flirting. Ooo evil agent ex? White towel sponge bath doesn’t get deployed by Korea very often. Other thoughts: Why does the ceramicist’s car look like a hearse? How is Gongchan SO CUTE? Boyfriends-to-be eating together is great. So many self-worth issues in this one no wonder @heretherebedork​ loves it. (This is an unexpectedly long series, too. 10 eps and each one is over 30 min. That’s crazy for a KBL = Light on Me territory.) 
A Shoulder to Cry On (Korea Tues Viki & Gaga) eps 3-4 of 7 - this sort of emotional and mental manipulation (from narrative and characters) meets bully romance isn’t my thing. (And should be left up to Japan if it must exist at all IMHO.) Ultra cringe, humiliation, and emotional torture for everyone! (What is this, fan fic?) Result: therapy is needed for everyone, including me, who continues to have trust issues with this show. 
Jack o’Frost (Japan Fri GaGa) ep 6 fin - delayed until next week 
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It’s Airing But ...
Love Syndrome (Thai Sat WeTV) stopped at ep 2 of 12 - I’m just not into any aspect of it (except Lee Long Shi and I can watch him in Tin Tem Jai) - saving to binge if the end is solid.
Blue Sky Complex (Japan ???) 5 eps for VR - adaptation of Kei Ichikawa's manga started Feb 27 on 360 Channel (SHOCHIKUch) a VR distribution service. Will inter-fans ever get to see this, and if it’s filmed for VR will it adapt without being overly dark and fuzzy? I have questions. But as usual, you do you Japan and we will wait (im)patiently to see if you remember the rest of the world exists. This is my preferred kind of live action yaoi, so fingers crossed.
Boyband (Thai) ep 2 of 10 - Stopped airing on YouTube, and only available in Thailand & Japan. Not sure if they’re working a distribution deal or just fucking with us.
Cafe In Love (Thai ???) 10 eps on Ch3+ - Thai pulp, about trying to save a coffee shop. FairyGodBLer came through for me, but I’m collecting to binge just in case. It’s my new policy with the grey stuff.
Destiny Seeker (Tues WeTV Thailand) 10 eps - it’s not on any WeTV I can get ahold of. Bad Buddy the pulp rebirth meets Japanese handsome host club action. Same as above.
Make a Wish (Thai Weds ?) from WaGa Creative staring Fluke Natouch (OhmFluke UWMA etc...) & Judo (The Miracle Of Teddy Bear) in a medical-fantasy. It seems to be a light-hearted romance with a comedic flair. About a doctor who sees ghosts and a deity who resides in a Bodhi tree that earns merits whenever he fulfills a wish based on a y-novel by Sammon (Manner of Death, Triage). Too hard to find. 
In other news
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I finished watching Why You... Y Me (hold over from last year). It’s basically Puppy Honey + a band + excessive fujoshi, so NOT my jam, but the main BL side is nicely handled love triangle, if that’s your thing. There is a tiny gem of a story (buried in amongst the rest of this nonsense) about friendship, support, love, and owning your identity. But BL is very much the secondary plot here and the main plot is AWFUL so I can’t give it more than 5/10. Still it’s all on YT if you wanna give it a try. 
I also finished The End Of The World, With You AKA Bokura no Micro na Shuumatsu. (Speaking of Japan psychologically bullying us.) Conclusion? It’s not BL (no BL tropes used, a sub-genre is defined by its tropes, BL is a sub-genre of gay romance). It’s a quirky road trip found family gay drama/romance. It’s fine if you like this kinda artsy tortured character thing. I don’t. But it’s well done high heat from Japan so... 6/10 I guess?
Next Week Looks Like This:
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The Eighth Sense starts weds Viki, I’m thinking this is KBL doing JBL style again, so no promises on an HEA for this one. It’s giving me. His (the series) feels. But it could be more in the Blueming vein. Remains to be seen. 
Full list of upcoming in March 2023 is here.
2023 forthcoming BL master post. (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
This Week’s Adventure in Captions
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Actually, Fuse said meeha which is usually translated as wifey (there are other slang words for bottom). Fuse is trying to establish a sexual and romantic dynamic where he plays “the male role” and he is doing this with Ana for several reasons: 1. Ana made the first move. 2 Ana is older. 
This is definitely one of those were the captions are OK but old-fashioned, it helps to know the common used terms and parlance. They are ALSO never saying boyfriend, they are always saying faen (gender neutral). 
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I really liked this phrasing (Boss & Babe). 
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Double date!
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The cuteness, it burns us. How is Gongchan a 2nd gen idol, nearly 30, and still the ultimate macknae? Inquiring minds would like his immortality pill, please and thank you. (Unintentional Love Story) 
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Another gay cactus baby! (Why did tumblr lose its mind over this? Here’s the BL meme primer) 
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I love it when a show calls out it’s own tropes. 
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I also love it when a show accurately reviews itself. 
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All from Our Dating Sim. 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? Okay so Ireah on Peak Time did a bitty cover of Bad Love by Hynn and now I’m obsessed with it. I like her original a lot but I really want him to drop a full cover of it someday. 
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andro-dino · 2 months
Kyouya has the highest amount of self control when getting feeling the zoomies out of his whole family....
during the start of fusion.
After he joined the gang, the ability to control himself began to slip further the more time he spends with them. He is seen stimming a lot more to have an outlet, usually wiggling his fingers and rubbing his hands. He cannot let the silly out, not in front of them.
While he was with Wild Fang, they'd have a strategy meeting in their team room and Kyouya is only half listening because he felt the zoomies kick in, and all his attention slipped away on trying to supress all of it. Until the meeting was done, Nile, Demure and Benkei left the room, in that moment Kyouya climbed on top of the table.
When Nile came back because Kyouya wasn't following them, they only see Kyouya crouching on the table, contemplating his life choices.
I’ve had multiple times at school where I’ve seen or thought abt something that could trigger an autism nuclear explosion but I was in a very quiet classroom so I couldn’t really do anything and just had one wrist going wild with a flappy hand while I was otherwise completely still. I imagine many such cases for Kyoya as well
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greenday-bingus · 2 months
[𝒜𝓇𝓂𝓎 𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝑒𝓇𝓈] (JJK x Blood User!Reader)
𝟏.𝟖𝐤 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬
CH. 1 CH.2
𝙳𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚖𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚜𝚞𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛?!
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♥ [Chapter 2] I know what I saw ♥
One of your close friends had invited you to dinner since it was her birthday, so of course you didn’t want to miss out on it. It was a small restaurant she had picked, it wasn’t really known so there was absolutely nobody in the restaurant except for you and your friends. The birthday girl took a 0.5 photo of you as you were distracted eating your meal. 
“Hey you can’t just take photos of me when I’m eating!” You swat your hands at her as she laughs. “You look like a chipmunk though! You’re so silly!” Your face turned red in embarrassment, while your other friends giggled lightheartedly and returned to gossiping. You sighed as they finally stopped teasing as your attention shifted to your vibrating phone.. 
“Oh my goodness I’m scared to even open my phone. But maybe it’s my notification from my cool tweet I just posted.”
You opened your phone to see Gojo has sent a photo, of what you may ask? Megumi with blood covering his face. “Oh god!,” you accidently peeped out which made your friends turn their heads at you. They all ‘ooo’ed and scooted closer to you just to see what you were looking at your phone. The friend on your right gasped, “is that your boyfriend?! He looks like he's been fighting!” You covered your friend’s eyes and blushed, “it’s nothing it just, a guy… A guy from Tumblr! That’s all, I don’t even know him!” 
They could tell that it wasn’t true but decided not to push, except for the girl on your right side. “He looks exactly your type! He’s so pretty, and has long lashes!” 
“You’re just spitting nonsense, listen we’re just friends,” you rolled your eyes and decided to text Gojo back, something along the lines of, “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!”
As much as your text was stressed, you showed no signs on your face. “Miki (birthday girl), are you ready for the cake?” One of the girls on her left side asked. Miki’s eyes looked like they were going to water, “you guys got me a cake too?! God has really blessed me with awesome friends!” You laughed a bit seeing her too excited for cake, but it made sense as to why she was filled with joy. Her parents have never bought her a cake before, so this was truly special to her, it made you feel warm inside seeing her smile. A genuine smile. 
You walked Miki to her car, and waved, but she quickly stopped you, “are you sure you don’t want me to drive you home?” Her voice was filled with genuine concern. “Yes, I’m sure! The drive is way out the way! It would take too much gas for your small, small car! I’ll be fine, trust me, nothing is going to kill me!”
“Unless it’s a special grade curse, then there’s no way I’m winning that fight.”
She sighed and then waved you off, in which you waved and watched her leave. “Anyways, time to head back home!” You skipped away into the abyss until you got a phone call.
You slowly reach for your phone, only to find out it was just a spam call. “I’m not falling for your tricks, scammers! I’m way too smart for this!” You quickly declined the phone call, and went your merry way onto the subway. Normally subways at this time were almost empty, which didn’t bother you, who would want to be pushed up against other people.
Surely not the guy who’s also on the subway, probably. When you stepped into the train station you saw a very peculiar man, blue hair, stitches, a lot of them, along with two different eye colors. You thought it was best to ignore him, he had curse energy, there was nothing normal about him. 
You had your cursed energy turned hidden since it wouldn’t be good if you were to attract curses like the guy in front of you. You grabbed your phone out to start to play flappy bird as one does, maybe afterwards you played some crossy road, because who doesn’t play crossy road. You need to keep your mind distracted from staring at the guy, but he just looks so weird.
“I can feel him staring, maybe if i sit really still he won’t notice me, it works with bees all the time!”
‘briiing briiiing’
Hearing the sound of your phone made you jump up a bit, you almost had a heart attack from the loud ringing. The caller id was from Gojo, it’s almost like he knows when to call you at the worst times.
“Should I pick up, it would be weird if I didn’t, but I’ll look like how I care about the ringing, in front of nobody, supposedly…”
“Hello?” you cautiously answered.
“You should’ve been here! Some crazy things had just happened, you know the fingers? You know the fingers, but anyways some kid ate them! Oh and then Megumi got his shit absolutely rocked!”
“That's so great! I’m so glad your book meeting is going great, mother. Though I know you’re oh so busy, how about I talk to you later when I get home? Okay byeeee!” You quickly hung up on Gojo trying to keep a calm composure. The man in front of you is looking at you like a rotisserie chicken, it’s making you uncomfortable. 
“Doesn’t this man have anything else better to do?”
You were quickly pulled out of your thoughts as soon as the train had abruptly stopped, then the lights started to flicker quickly. Your heart started to beat faster, “I’ve faced scarier things than a couple of flashing lights, I should be fine.”
Suddenly the lights were back and the train started to move again, however the blue haired guy was gone. Vanished. Absent. Maybe he disintegrated, you could care less. Maybe you should care. People don’t disappear randomly on trains, “actually where the hell could he have gone?”  
You looked to the left then quickly to the right, you covered your mouth realizing he really was nowhere to be seen. That was definitely a curse, if it took the appearance of an actual man then it had to be dangerous. Probably. You gripped onto your hand bag, your stomach started to feel uneasy. But you made sure not to crush the cake you brought for Megumi and Gojo. 
You almost collapse at the entrance of your dorm, you swore to yourself to never run up those stairs again. You set the cake down on the floor as you drop onto your bed. The fluffy blanket you owned quickly engulfed you. As much as you wanted to sleep, you had to get ready for the night and give the leftover cake to your pals. You let out a groan and picked yourself up from the bed, you headed for your door as you grabbed the cake, then left.
You shut your door, you’re met with Megumi. “I was about to give you some cake!” Megumi’s eyebrow arched as he sighed, “I don’t really like sweet things…” You gasped and covered your mouth, “oh my god! I forgot, how’s your head doing? Gojo sent some photos of you and it looked like you were fighting for your life!” Your hand started to reach for his wrapped forehead, but he quickly caught your hand. “I’m fine, it’s just a small injury. Jesus, you’re acting like I got hit by a car or something!” Megumi rolled his eyes as his eyebrows knit together. 
“What happened? Actually, where's Gojo? Normally he’s yapping about missions, especially when you’re involved!” 
“Well, I was sent out to look for the missing Sukuna finger, only to be in the hands of some occult club. Oh! There was also this crazy strong kid, he ate the finger-”
Megumi slapped his hands over your mouth, “shush! Yes he did, he’s basically now a vessel for Sukuna.” Your eyes could almost pop from your skull just from hearing this information. “I don't know what's going to happen with the kid, but I’m hoping for the best for now. But you have to keep this a secret until Gojo or the higher-ups decide what they’re going to do with him,” Megumi added. He removed his hands from your mouth so you speak, “isn’t that stuff super rare?!” 
Megumi nodded, “yeah, but I’m not surprised he’s the vessel. Without any curse energy he’s pretty skilled with combat. Anyway, Shoko said I should be laying down, so goodnight.” With that being said Megumi turned on his heels and went to his dorm. Knowing this information you were sure that the higher-ups have this all handled, nothing could go wrong. Sukuna? Pshh, what could a more than 1000 years old curse could do? 
Maki and you have been sent to check out an abandoned hospital, the place had been said that a long time ago all the patients were treated awful, which led to the abandonment. Gojo had said something about the curses being either grade 1 or 2, neither you or Maki could remember, which was the reason you were shaking uncontrollably. When Maki looked back at your shaking figure she scoffed, “why are you shaking? We’re going to be fine, especially since I don’t have any curse energy, and you can hide yours. We have a good advantage, we can see the curse, and it can’t find us.” Her words of wisdom made you feel better, you clutched your Axe closer to your body praying you’ll make it out alive.
“You’re right! We can do this!” you confidently smiled only for Maki to pull you to the side and point in a direction. “There it is,” she whispered, she got her spear ready to lounge at it, however she was quickly stopped when you put your arms in front of her. “I got this,” you quickly threw your blood spear at the curse. “Stay behind me!” you yelled out to Maki as you started to run towards the curse. 
The curse let out an ear bleeding screech once your blood spear had hit it. This was going to be your first time to show someone your really cool technique, nothing could go wrong, you’ve been practicing this technique to its perfection.
You moved quickly and dodged every attack the curse threw at you, once you were close to the curse you touched the wound so you could spread the blood through your hands. 
“Curse technique: Spider web!”
Your puppeteer-like blood strings went to move the curse’s body, only your fingers to fall off.
“I thought you had it all under control!” Maki yelled at you. 
When you tried to use your ultimate weapon, the blood strings had cut off your fingers. “I did! I swear! I didn’t think that my own technique would cut my fucking fingers off!” The two of you were in Shoko’s office as she used her curse technique to put your fingers back. “Well, I guess it’s better to learn now. I guess I can only control curses and people weaker than me, or something.”
Maki hits you on the head, “next time, just let me handle it.”
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minimujina · 2 years
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the stimmies and the shimmies !
hi i wrote a self-indulgent drabble about kuni (wanderer) where u do some happy stimming and he wants to know why!!
ᴄᴡ. written with a neurodivergent reader in mind, but anyone can read and relate as stimming is not at all exclusive to neurodivergency :] i do not at all wish to encourage harmful stereotypes or put this behavior on a pedestal—this is simply a silly happy drabble building from my own personal experiences and i wanted to share it for anyone to enjoy!!
ᴀ/ɴ. happy flappy happy flappy flip flop flappy pap :D also this actually turned out to be really cute and doesnt only have to do with stimming—its very fluffy and funny and i really like the dialogue!! not super proofread and im very proud of myself for not hoarding this in my drafts for months!! im really happy that it only took me an evening to write this!! WEEEE
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“…why are you flapping your hands?”
you stopped moving abruptly, staring at the wanderer with a blank face, expression unreadable.
it took you a moment to get the words out (because he was staring at you expectantly with his arms crossed, and that was rather intimidating), but you managed to squeak them by after some self-encouragement.
“well… im happy.”
kunikuzushi seemed to scrutinize you for a moment, and you were afraid that this had only given him another reason to dislike you. “happy? why would you be happy? i hate happy people.”
(…that’s what you imagined he would say.)
though, you obviously didn’t know him perfectly well, because what he said next was far from the venomous reply you’d feared.
he simply hummed, gaze softening a bit. “alright then.”
alright then.
you had finished your happy flapping due to the interruption, no longer feeling the urge to happy flap, but you still felt calm and content, and maybe even more so thanks to his almost… sweet response. sweet for him, at least.
the expression on his face made you feel a bit warm all of a sudden—he wouldn’t stop looking at you. it wasn’t hard to tell that his eyes were boring into your own even if you weren’t meeting them yourself. you felt like a little pot of boiling water under his gaze. a little soup. a soup of happy and confused feelings. happy soup.
what was it that had made you so very happy, kunikuzushi wondered? he kept replaying the past couple minutes in his head, trying to remember what had occurred just before this, but the only pictures in his head were of you, all bouncy and flappy and so very pleased.
perhaps he should’ve just asked you, he mused.
perhaps he would just ask you.
“what made you so happy?” he inquired, as blunt and flat as ever. but you knew him just enough to know that he would never ask such a thing if he didn’t really care—and the tone of his voice was irrelevant. he always sounded rather uninterested with anything.
you grinned, meeting his gaze. it looked as though you were holding yourself back, buzzing with a chained excitement again.
“kuni, i was happy because of you!”
a most incredulous expression crossed the wanderer’s face.
what could kunikuzushi have done to make anyone so happy?
he studied your smile, your hands, your eyes—and he could not figure out how he could possibly be a reason that all of those lovely features of yours contained such absolute joy.
you nodded confidently. “do you want me to explain?” you could tell from kuni’s horrified expression that, firstly, he did not really believe you. and secondly, he held a deep-seated loathing for himself, which was why he could not believe you. he could not accept that there was anything good about himself.
“knock yourself out,” he murmured, still seeming dazed.
you motioned for him to sit next to you, looking like you would start jumping up and down at any second. seriously, why were you so happy?
“i was just thinking about how far you’ve come, kuni,” you began. you already looked like you were in the middle of one of your long spiels that the wanderer was so often obliged to listen to. “and it makes me really happy.”
he had to hold himself back from scoffing—not because he thought anything bad about you, but because he thought badly about himself.
“remember when nahida first made you come work with me in the nursery?” you grinned. “you were so mad. it was hilarious.”
kunikuzushi averted his gaze to the ground with a grumble, suddenly finding his shoes very interesting.
“okay, i was not mad.”
“yes, yes you were! oh my archons, you were so grumpy, kuni! you-”
“no, you are so delusional,” he retorted. “i was just-”
“ooohhh, yes, kuni was feeling a bit grumpy, i think. you were a little grumper.”
the wanderer opened his mouth to retaliate—but he faltered, a new hint of amusement smothering his gaze.
“…you are incredibly annoying, did you know that?”
in any other situation you would’ve taken that very literally, but the faintest of smiles itched at his lips, and you knew for certain that that was his way of conceding.
you probably should’ve stopped there, but something inside you just couldn’t continue in life without saying this one last thing.
you feigned pity with a pout, widening your eyes and clasping your hands.
“...did nahida forget to give you a juicebox that day?”
kunikuzushi thrust his hat onto your head, shoving you and your hysterical laughter aside. if you could’ve seen from under the big ass hat, his glowing cheeks and sheepish grin likely would have sent you into a fit, and the wanderer just couldn’t have that.
“i am so funny,” you cackled, very obviously pleased with yourself (but you were still trapped under his hat, so your voice was very muffled, and it was much more difficult for him to take you seriously this way).
“yeah, yeah. whatever helps you sleep at night, flappy.”
“flappy?” you knocked off the hat with one sweep, an incredulous smile dancing on your lips. “you jerk!”
“yes, i know.”
“oh, you are so mean,” you grumbled, though your expression said the exact opposite.
“i’m well aware, flappy.”
“you just make me wanna—wanna—oh, why i oughta-”
“oh, please, do tell!” kunikuzushi drawled, resting his chin in his palm.
when you couldn’t seem to say anything at all, mouth agape, he closed it for you—pushing your jaw up with his pointer finger—grinning smugly like he always did.
“as auntie nahida says,” the wanderer murmured, “if you have nothing nice to say…don’t say anything at all.”
and with that, he grabbed his hat from the floor, exiting the nearly empty nursery with a dramatic flourish that was so characteristic of him. you were left sitting there for a few minutes, aghast at what had just happened, until you came to your senses.
you did a bit of happy flapping after that.
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thank you for reading :)
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actually-a-fish · 6 months
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
Hello! I like watching movies. Ideas get stuck in my head while watching them and i need them out of my brain. This is my 4/9/24 viewing of The Mitchells vs. The Machines. I like cartoons :)
This will have spoilers
Without further ado... my thoughts chronologicall
The main VA is Abbie Jacobson (aka Princess Tiabeanie Mariabeanie de la Rochambeau Grunkwitz)
this family reminds me so much of mine minus depression and a commitment to a cult :)
girl its probably a good thing you weren't at the tech reveal. be nice to the siris, alexas and echos in your life...
i kinda wanna watch that robot movie with Will Smith and hot robots now
running away from your crush and saying you hate them is so real
"what are these? robutts?"
I like that the new genre of villian is a tech bro and AI
I dont like this bit about wifi, we are dependent on it yeah but people can adapt pretty well. Well some I guess.
why do dads always suggest eating the family pet?
i cannot express how autistic this family is. its constant, not demeaning or the butt of a joke. just a family being a family. I have flappy hands about it.
aww dads do love to teach their kids to drive stick shift
i do like Eric and Barbara
the robots are shooting the humans into space, that's their plan and honestly i've been saying we should shoot garbage into space for a while now so im glad somone is finally doing it
there are cute edits done by katie through the whole movie and they deserve a shout out
I knew touch screen fridges were a bad idea
"your whole lives i wanted to save you from disater and this is the moment ive been waiting for" - Rick (and also my father)
This is good family bonding, but no tears yet.
unfortunately i think the family bonding was to good. The dad left a sentimental object in katies bags and now im convinced hes gonna sacrifice himself to save the rest of the family.
now im crying. :) if you watched i bet you could guess which part.
oof crying again! a Twofer!
This movie may be healing my childhood trauma. I miss my parents. They were just doing their best
thank you game grumps for introducing me to the song "Walk the Dinosaur" by Was (not was)
An accurate compilation of watching my coworkers and professors use computers
uh oh they got little brother, Linda is gonna rip out someone's heart
damn i need to see my family so i can remember why i hate them bc this is to sweet for me
How long of a break between the entire world being abducted by robots and everyone going back to work was? Do you think this was like their pandemic
"My name is Monchi, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair"
THEYRE BASED ON A REAL FAMILY (and the whole family has "im easily overstimulated" hair cuts, its so relatable)
It's cheesy. full of stuff you know is meant for kids and that corporate made them do. but I really liked it. I know the whole bit is that the family is weird. I don't really like that they used the word weird instead of autistic but i can kinda understand why they had to do it. i found myself relating the characters constantly. The way they run away when things get overwhelming, communicate through their interests, stim when they have big feelings (they all have their own, and most of them have a couple they do) and the way the situation their in affects them. It is not perfect representation but it did a good enough job for me.
If you read all the way through thank you! If you have any formatting tips please lmk!
Also I feel the silly need to add, this is all my opinion, and my opinion is not fact! It's okay if we don't agree and if you're nice, I would love to hear about it :)
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
Who are some of your favorite FOP characters and why? Or more specifically, what is something they character did that made you like them?
For the sake of rambling on about some of the convoluted reasons why I love these children, here's the upfront disclaimer that I'll be referencing a few of the early draft episode scripts (from Fred Seibert's Scribd); that's where the wordy screenshots are from.
[ Tagged as "long post" but same deal as usual - if I put a Read More on it, it'll crash and delete :') Sorry ]
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Imaginary Gary was my first true love in terms of FOP characters. He's such a brokenhearted little 5-year-old trying to play with the big kids. His debut episode starts out so lighthearted and silly with Timmy talking about this imaginary friend who used to attend therapy with him play with him when he was 5. The tone shift you get punched with after Gary realizes Cosmo and Wanda have to grant his wishes too because "he's a part of Timmy" just hits so hard.
I also just love his debut episode because it speaks so much to me about what the show is really about at its core... Timmy got physically and emotionally wrecked by Vicky as a kid, and that's a trauma he's still recovering from. The boy is not okay.
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Fanart I made the first time I watched FOP, circa 2016
"Escape from Unwish Island" is very good too, such a fantastic episode in both context and execution.
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I think Mark was the second show character I fell in love with, namely around "New Squid In Town" and "Five Days of F.L.A.R.G." There's something so incredibly charming about a teenage alien prince who flees his fiancée at the altar and seeks protection from a scary rival boy... and then just, like, enjoys being human so much that sometimes Timmy shows up at his house and Mark is just hanging out in his human 10-year-old disguise. By himself. Because he likes to be 10 and human. Love that for him.
His entire character type of "surfer dude alien prince" is so funny and creative. Mark is the guy who suffers physical pain when he's hugged, but he'll hug Timmy anyway in an attempt to show Earth affection. He has such a good heart. I also enjoy his dynamic with Vicky, like how he still wants the real girl even though his parents cloned her for him in Season 2, and how he keeps making attempts to be physically affectionate with her according to American culture even though things are drastically different on Yugopotamia.
They break up at the end of "King Chang" because she finds out he's an alien, then a few episodes later in "Wishology" they're hanging out again and he tries to put his arm around her while in alien form and she's like "Don't even think about it" and he respects her rejection, and then they still get back together in Season 9 even though she blatantly knows he's an alien and she decided she was okay with it, and he just adores her so much and has ever since Season 1... he's a sweetheart.
Also this early "Foul Balled" script hits the right spot for me-
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Sob... they are in LOVE, your honor.
Mark's journey to being a terrifying prince who feared a human boy to becoming Timmy's biggest fan and best friend is just really sweet. I like to imagine they become roommates later in life. Timmy has to say good-bye to Cosmo and Wanda someday, but Mark stays in touch forever.
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Flappy Bob has always been a favorite of mine. The man played the perfect role of an untouchable antagonist while simultaneously doing nothing wrong. Worked hard in school, started a business, did his best to make it a pleasant place to be. Stood up for Betty when she told Gary to respect her touch boundaries, straight up chased him down to make sure he didn't cross a line... all-around great boss.
Got handed magic and wished to make the world a safe place where people could feel loved and not get hurt. After his world of peace was in effect, he walked around, did his own research, and came to his own conclusion that this wasn't working out. Apologized to Timmy for being wrong and did all he could to fix the situation. Sold his business to Gary and Betty, then left town to live his dreams.
The clown theme was a lot of fun to see in a movie, and I'm glad it was acknowledged since it would have felt weird to see him namedropped in Season 2 ("Totally Spaced Out") and then not have the clown aspect be followed through with... The Musical is my favorite episode for good reason. Absolute sweetheart, 10 out of 10. This man can do no wrong.
I don't have much to say about him beyond that, but he's a fantastic character I adore. I would have loved to have seen more of him, but he did all that he needed to do and he's perfect. Also, big shout out to Timmy for handling the interactions with Flappy with grace even though in this same season, he revealed he has a clown phobia.
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H.P. is just a funny guy. He's the big boss of a race of clones who file magical paperwork and he really just wants to swing by the club and dance and hang out. Incredibly sarcastic. He'll call you "Dude." Teamed up with Anti-Cosmo and immediately dubbed him with a nickname. Successfully took over two worlds in a single day (after planning this for 37 years) and just wanted to chill in a hot tub tbh.
He's a big, sassy goofball who likes to party and he shouldn't be brushed off as "just an old guy who speaks in monotone and does dull and boring paperwork and nothing else." He is very much Not That. Fairies canonically get drunk off soda, which means we've literally seen H.P. drink on the job. Slaps high-fives and fingerguns his underlings. Smirks and snarks constantly. Respects contracts even when they don't go his way. Keeps detailed files about members of another species. Supports his employees when they join music competitions. Gave his godson a nice car and flowers and sent him on a date with a girl he'd already screwed up with.
Literally gambled all of Fairy World in a bet against a 10-year-old boy and then almost quit after like 30 seconds because he wanted to go to a rave instead. Laughs at his own jokes. Complains when his employees suck up to him. Dressed in drag to flirt with Jorgen. Straight-up lost a golf game to Timmy despite the fact he was cheating in an attempt to win. As in, like... even before Cosmo tipped the scales back into Timmy's favor, H.P. was straight-up losing slkdjfs.
He golfs in his full-on business suit. Twirls his club like a baton. His head will stick in a dartboard if you throw him hard enough, and when Jorgen used him for darts the only thing he said was "You can only imagine the joy I feel in my heart right now." He has a laser cannon in his head. Jabs his elbow into you for attention. Always being snooty with hands on his hips. Used a newborn as a yo-yo. Kidnapped a baby, then announced he wanted to name the child Bill because "Bill's a guy you'd trust with your insurance portfolio."
Went out and bought office supplies in the middle of the Fairy World Games. Won a footrace against Anti-Cosmo. Uses dollar bills as pizza toppings. Keeps chicken drumsticks in his ear. Will flap his arms and make chicken noises at you. Monotone "Go me, go me, it's my birthday." Literally makes you use enormous microscopes just to read the fine print in his contracts. Will hand you a cell phone and then call you even though you're standing in front of him. Once wore a bowler hat on top of his already existing hat.
Keeps his golf club on the table during board meetings. Likes to breakdance. Anti-Cosmo started taunting him and H.P. jumped on a scooter and said "The only thing you'll be eating today is my dust! Later dude!" and peaced out. He might be one of the oldest and most "professional" characters in the series, but in his heart he's like 21 and a total party-loving dork. He's all business on the clock and he might even pay attention to you for five minutes, but honestly he just wants to drink soda, attend raves, and do the worm. H.P. is my dear beloved and I just can't imagine not adoring this perfect man.
And he really is just Like That:
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I love him so much...
I like how H.P. was totally okay with splitting the world with Sanderson when they take over... When asked WHY he wants to take over, his reply is "I'm not a hater, but I must cater, to my mission, my ambition, to be the world's administrator" and I like to interpret this as "I don't hate Fairies, but their world is disorganized and I have OCD." Oh no. His hat is also a pen.
Also the OG script shows Jorgen, Anti-Cosmo, and H.P. each choosing a contest for Timmy to judge them on so Timmy can name one of them the "best in the universe." I am obsessed with the sheer confidence of H.P. selecting one task in the universe he knew he could beat Jorgen and Anti-Cosmo at, so obviously he picks:
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(Anti-Cosmo wanted to play cowboys)
This early script also depicts H.P. and Anti-Cosmo getting in a magic fight and exchanging insults like "Bring it on, meat" and "Oh no you didn't" while they shoot each other with duckzookas and magic and I need everyone to understand how much I treasure the bitter frenemy silliness that is... Them™
Idk, I feel like if H.P. had been portrayed as a younger character with the exact same personality then he'd probably be more popular in the fandom, and that's really too bad because he's freaking hilarious. He is just a guy. A dude. He's here to party and make it everybody's problem. We need way more H.P. content out there, I adore him.
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Sanderson I like for many of the same reasons as H.P.- I've always loved dorky suck-up characters. Plus, Sanderson blatantly cheating at every competition he touches is funny to me. He has a similar goofy attitude to H.P. except he's also like, more vulgar and easily distracted and it's hilarious. My boy really broke a rhyme scheme to compliment his boss on the same hat he's been wearing since forever. In his mind, H.P. is just really really cool and he'll say it.
Sanderson loves music, but when he had the chance to describe himself in song form, his response was basically "Lol, I'm about to end Fairy World's whole career; bite me" and I respect that. He is just the perfect embodiment of "that suck-up who likes to drink and party with his boss, but oh wait! He also has a lot of genuine affection in his heart! But oh wait! He'll also screw you over :)" He's great.
I very much enjoy the fact that when Gary called for Pixie backup in the Musical, it was Sanderson, not H.P., who got the call. I like to think Sanderson took Gary and Betty under his wing and might be a little more attached to his dorky music-loving "godkids" than he'd like H.P. to know. H.P. gets to call the shots, but Sanderson will sneak them candy. As Gary starts sliding off the deep end in my 'fics, I think Sanderson's slowly breaking heart is one of my favorite parts of the whole arc. He really likes Gary, but his hands are tied on how much he can interfere even when his mental health comes crashing down. He's a high-up at Pixies Inc., but still can't overrule the boss's orders. It's lots of fun to play with characters who have power, badly want things, but can't take the risk to use power for the things they want.
I just love my little dynamic of Happy Peppy "I'm a pawn who can't cry in front of my godfathers" Gary and Mr. "I can't express affection in front of Gary or I'll get fired" Sanderson. There's just so much pain there to play with if you jump into FOP canon, point at Gary's call to the Pixies, and say "And I took that personally."
I also enjoy the fact that Timmy was extremely insistent that Poof needed to score "perfect 10s" on the gymnastics course in the Fairy World Games and the Pixies bribed the judges to take 1st place, which implies that it was the Pixies, not the Anti-Fairies, who scored a 10-10-9. Sanderson and H.P. are the only pixies seen on the field in that event and I would have loved to see that. Sanderson likes to be where the action is. He is hanging out.
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Happy Peppy Gary and Betty are just inherently fascinating. It's pretty obvious that they know about the magical world. Even if we wave off their weird laser tech and overlook the fact that they got teleported from California to Florida, then made it back before the end of their work shifts in "Baby Face" and didn't even question it... there's a scene in the Musical where Gary picks up a phone that is blatantly labeled "Pixies" and calls Sanderson directly. My boy really went "Dad pick me up, I'm scared" slkdjf I love him.
Actually that's not true, his actual words were "Kids just being kids; they could all get hurt!" and honestly my heart. Like, I'm a full believer that the Happy Peppy duo were in on the Pixie takeover scheme even though Flappy wasn't, they are miscreants, but still... Vote Happy Peppy duo some of the sweetest and most innocent characters in FOP canon, please and thank. Ignore the times they launched babies off-screen, used lasers to cage infants, stuffed a child in a box in front of his horrified peers, and all that other stuff, that's not important. My children did nothing wrong.
I just really love thinking about all the different backstories you could write about these... extremely intense teenagers getting mixed up with magic. I favor the idea that the Pixies have always raised them the same way they raised Flappy Bob, but I think the concept of these two showing up for work one day and accidentally walking in on Pixies scheming to take over the world is equally hilarious.
I want what Gary has- I want the absolute confidence to look a crowd of kids and adults in the eye after they've just been tormented - after I'VE just been tormented - and say "Welcome back, give me money." The extent of the brand overhaul he did on the Learn-a-Torium was slapping his and Betty's names on the side and investing in giant images of their heads. He changed nothing else, not even the uniforms, and just decided to shoot his shot. I love him.
It's also VERY cute that we saw a cardboard "You must be this tall" Gary standee in "Baby Face" and I'm obsessed. This is before Gary and Betty took over, so why isn't it a Flappy standee? For some reason this cracks me up because the implication is that either Gary loves his job so much that he volunteered to be a standee model or someone else took one look at him and knew he was destined to be the smiling face of the Learn-A-Torium so they made standees of him. I love it.
I adore Gary and Betty because they make me think... To me, they're not easy to brush aside and overlook because I have a million questions, and they're cute and fun and I love them. I wonder if Vicky runs in their social circle. They probably cross paths in the babysitting field sometimes.
Also the fact that Betty is so physically affectionate with Gary on a daily basis, but the moment he turns to her for genuine comfort, she bolts out of the room, always gets me laughing. I guess it evens out, because Betty passed out in front of him once, yelling about her heart and clutching her chest, and Gary just covered his ears and screamed that the world was falling apart sdklfj. My babies.
I talk about this all the time, but Gary and Betty also have some fantastic scenes in early episode scripts that were cut from the final versions, like this gem from "Totally Spaced Out":
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I love them.
Also in the early days of planning, the Musical's antagonist was actually Imaginary Gary.
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While it's not confirmed that Gary and Betty sing this song since unfortunately there's no full script for the Musical available, just the first song drafts, the lyrics for the OG version of "Get Flappy" remain almost identical to the final and it's said to be sung by "Clown cheerleaders," so it seems likely that this refers to them.
I think about this a lot. I mean, if Gary and Betty are singing while Imaginary Gary reveals himself, the implication is that they found out their boss Flappy Bob was actually a 5-year-old in disguise who came out to them as an imaginary friend and they were like "Yeah, that's cool with us." For obvious reasons I don't treat the Imaginary Gary plot as canon in my 'fics, but like... They accepted him. Man.
Like... I can never express how much I enjoy the BFF dynamic that is "I'll keep working here even though our boss is 5 and imaginary, I'll run away to Mexico with you, I'll run a business with you when our boss skips town, I'll catch you when you jump in my arms, but if you want genuine comfort then BOI I'm walkin' out." Betty sdjklf
On that note, I feel like something does need to be said about Gary seeking comfort from Betty when scared and her response is "But I don't like you like that!" She obviously felt like she needed to clarify that and I have so many questions about their relationship. Ignoring for a moment the obvious need to transition to a new scene, it's just not a good look for Gary that Flappy felt the need to chase them and mediate. Is Gary okay. Does he need to be held. My son.
Anyway Gary and Betty have my heart and they know it- they fascinate me and I love them very dearly. I feel bad for the fact that literally every fanfic scene I've put them in is just a horrible downward spiral of their relationship and sanity; I'm pretty sure I've never actually been nice to them, and honestly that's terrible slkdjf
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Foop will be ranked at the top of my fave characters for forever and a day. He's just a messed up little sweetheart ping-ponging between being socially awkward in school, hanging out with his loser friends, and struggling against the desire to consume the world in a black hole. He's just struggling so hard and there's, like... no one giving him actual help and it's heartbreaking, but also you don't feel too bad for him because he also has a healthy social life and he's doing okay.
There are something like... 5 or so episodes where you can see Foop's alternate personality take over and I'm just happy that the alt personality thing wasn't pushed as a reason for his destructive behavior. The alter is focused on a little when Foop is freshly out of solitary confinement, comes up again when he's going to school, but all the other appearances are a lot more subtle and just showcased in later episodes by Foop getting that extra highlight in his eyes and gushing over things ("Oh, goody! I found a spot on my body where I wasn't bitten by a spider!" which... isn't the same way Foop speaks when he's in pain any other time in the series, because usually when he's hurt, he'll moan, grump, or panic). It is interesting to me.
Anyway I'm just very happy that the alter wasn't a one-episode gag "played for laughs" who then got thrown aside like nothing happened. Rather, the alter features majorly in two episodes (or three if you want to make an argument for "Terrible Twosome"), then quietly becomes part of Foop's character in a few episodes after that.
We saw extremely valid reasons for where this alter came from. Foop was locked in solitary confinement from the day he was born, developed claustrophobia, accidentally yeeted himself into an alternate dimension for an unconfirmed amount of time while the timestream was frozen for 50 years, and although there's a certain humor in his alternate personality (like when said alter rigged the class president vote for the wrong person) there's also just... this quiet melancholy to the whole experience, this very legitimate childhood trauma that Foop is recovering from... Yikes.
Also this comes later in his life, but he also experienced other fun childhood events such as being tortured with magical shocks while trying to escape a bully and also that one time in Season 8 when the Fairy Council ripped him out of reality. Foop is not okay.
Anyway, Foop's alter is there for him while he adjusts to life outside of solitary confinement and again when he starts a stressful first day of school, and after that he becomes a smaller aspect of Foop's attitude that you can still see in later episodes when he's stressed. Like yknow, that time he literally saw the Grim Reaper and got told how he'll die, I also would probably struggle emotionally with that.
Foop is great- he'll bribe you to spare his life with a dollar bill and he'll still ask if he can keep the change. Disaster child. He's a struggling little kid who's struggling with massive amounts of trauma and doesn't seem to have much of a relationship with his parents. At least Anti-Wanda packs anti-venom in his Kelly Clarkson lunchbox, so I'm glad they're on good terms. Overall, Foop is such a goofy character with a harsh backstory, a difficult family life, a criminal record, and high political expectations and he's also a bad boy evil genius, so like... He's the best kind of character type. But he also has silly subplots where he spends hours TP'ing a house because he forgot he had magic (twice), he loves making prank phone calls, and he freaks out when Crocker doesn't invite him to a party. His dialogue is always fantastic and I really enjoy when he's onscreen.
The downward spiral of his mental state when being tortured with lightning and forced to team up with Vicky in "Scary Godcouple" to the point that he stops caring about anything, straight-up ready to let her kill Poof even though he'll ALSO die just... Man. Hits hard. This happens after "Timmy's Secret Wish" where Foop was violently yanked out of reality. He already ceased to exist once and begged for life again, and then the forced team-up with Vicky happens and he just... can't. He can't.
He screams and begs and finally surrenders to it all, right up until seconds before Poof dies. Finally he lashes out at Vicky and blasts her with magic, gets tortured because of it... This boy is not okay. My man be STRUGGLING. And then the fact that he had to face Vicky AGAIN in "Certifiable Super Sitter" and he just did not trust her for a single second... ouch. The emotional arc of Foop saying "Ooh, I really like her :D!" in his first encounter with Vicky to Foop throwing himself in front of her chainsaw to save Chloe in their last...... Love that.
The Crocker / Dark Laser / Foop friendship is important to me. I just want Foop to have adults in his life who care at least a little about his well-being. He has very few people to turn to... Chloe made him cry with a hug, the boy struggles so hard with healthy affection. He might be a destructive force of chaos but he's also just baby.
I also just really like Foop's dialogue; he's this posh British boy genius who will get extremely worked up about how "For the record, if he HAD thrown a lightning bolt, it would have been done in protest over being asked to participate in this candy-coated farce that you call theater!" but he's also like 5 so he'll just groan about how things are "Super lame" and it's adorable. He has a certain twang to his speech where he'll "spit" these single-word sentences like "Wow" and "REALLY?" and "SERIOUSLY!?!?" and I just find him both refreshing and easy to write. He's so loud and so very cute.
This kid literally runs around on the playground eating poisonous spiders while trying to pick up girls by comparing them to potassium chloride, he'll also distract his teacher by pointing at the window and yelling "A van of rich single men!!" where else can I go to experience this character type, he's the best. He booked a restaurant for Cosmo and Wanda at a black hole. When will I ever be this funny.
Also I cry over the fact that Foop corrected Goldie every time she called him by the wrong name - from the day she came to class to the day they held the play - until he finally screams that his name "isn't that difficult!" and honestly just the fact that he had to deal with that is interesting to me. Goldie knew Poof's name, she memorized her lines in a play... there's no way she "forgot" his name. She was doing that on purpose. In his debut, Foop made it clear multiple times that he hates his name, but he also stood up for himself when misnamed. Love that.
It's also extremely funny that in "Spellementary School," Foop reveals he's never been able to understand anything Poof says and he just has to guess all the time, yet he's also shown to be extremely accurate in recognizing when Poof is grumpily agreeing with him, arguing with him, or straight-up swearing at him and I love that about their relationship. The scene in "Two and a Half Babies" where Foop assures Poof that he can be trusted because he's "not a pathological liar" and Poof just looks at him sadly and says "Poof poof" and Foop backpedals with "You're right, I am; I lied about that" is v funny to me.
Nonverbal popular kid and the boy who needs someone to talk to for the absolute win. They are bonded for life... Good luck, Poof.
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I also really like Poof, especially in "Love Triangle" when he screws Foop over by making him take over as understudy and then he just eats popcorn while Foop fumbles around onstage. Comedy gold. Poof is sweet and forgiving, but he's also a straight-up savage and he knew EXACTLY what he was doing. Love him for that. As good as he is, he still has that wild streak the same way that Foop has a secret soft spot for people. Poof doesn't mean to cause trouble except for the times when he definitely DOES mean to cause trouble and it's hilarious.
Poof has a certain "looks like a cinnamon roll, but could kill you" vibe. He's this kindhearted little boy who's very cautious and sweet and you can just imagine what a little gentleman he'll be when he grows up. I love how the first thing he did when he met Chloe was tip his crown at her, the sweetheart.
He'll jump into new adventures. He'll play along. He'll help you out. Yet while all of this is going on, you can see how when he's scolded - either when it's being scolded for "not forgiving people after they try to destroy you" or Timmy yelling that getting them both stuck in a spider's web is all his fault or even just Wanda telling him to calm down because he was getting so worked up when he was unable to articulate what he wanted to say......
Poof doesn't know how to stand up for himself in those situations. He holds himself to this standard of respecting authority even when he's overworked to the point of exhaustion. When he was assigned as godparent to Mrs. Crocker, he went into it with a good attitude but came home wiped out. Didn't voice a single complaint. Just exhausted. Didn't know what to say.
Meanwhile, Foop will flip the heck out if you accuse him of anything and I really enjoy that... Here are two counterparts, and you've got one kid who struggles to speak up so he usually just keeps his head down, and then you've got Captain Overshare who will outright lie and throw blame on other people and it's just... nice to see the personalities of two opposite creatures truly be opposite like that.
There's definitely something to be said about how when Poof finally started talking in sentences, it was while dueling Crocker in a magic fight. The poor kid had been been begging for others to step in and get Crocker out of Spellementary School for two days. No one was there for him. Poof got backed in a corner and had no choice but to challenge Crocker himself. Kid got blasted with magic lightning, slammed into a wall twice, and finally pushed himself off the floor and stood up for himself. Good on ya, kiddo. He WILL get in a physical fight to protect himself or others, but if he's in a situation where he needs to say "Hey, I'm struggling with this assignment" or "No, I'd rather not hug the guy who tried to kill me last time we met" then oh heck no, absolutely not, he'd rather die skldfj.
Poof finally spoke and the second sentence out of his mouth was "Your plan to absorb all the magic from my friends and Foop has failed" slkdfj. Tell us how you really feel. And then after Foop apologized for a lifetime spent trying to kill him, Poof still tried to extend the hand of friendship, my heart...
Also, the dynamic of "I blatantly do not like Foop, but I tolerate him because he's my cousin / counterpart / classmate" is very funny. Poof doesn't usually go out of his way to hurt Foop, but he absolutely sits back to watch Foop create problems for himself. If Foop launches a spiked ball at him, he'll fling it right back at him instead of eliminating it. He also accidentally pushed Foop into a garbage can one time and chose to leave him there instead of helping him. Love that.
Poof's great, I love his vibe. He's neither a brat nor a goody-goody... He's just this shy little kid who was born a celebrity and has to deal with everything that comes with that, like attracting a crowd of friends at school and being nominated class president. He's sweet with a streak of mischief... He'll go along with a plan to steal Cupid's arrows, he'll eat all your brownies, and he'll also eat 11 pounds of chocolate just because he wants it. He has his share of chaos, but he's a lot more thoughtful and controlled about it than Foop is. Needlessly dramatic and likes doing things with a flair <3
Woo... This post became much longer than intended, yikes. I'll wrap it up, but Juandissimo, Kevin, Norm, Crocker, Ed Leadly, Chester, A.J., Elmer, Sanjay, Binky, Jorgen, and Dr. Rip Studwell, are all such fantastic characters too, just to name a few off the top of my head. There's a special place in my heart for Chet Ubetcha, Mr. Bickles, Schnozmo, Chloe, Molly, Dark Laser, Cosmo, Wanda, Anti-Cosmo, Anti-Wanda, Blonda, Schnozmo, Remy, Mama Cosma, Big Daddy, and Sammy Sweetsparkle too. And Timmy himself, but I think that goes without saying.
So many funky dudes; I love them so much...
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letsatomicbanana · 1 year
Neurodivergent Ink hc’s? Ok!
Full-body stimming, gets up and runs/paces around a room when excited, jumps up and down/shakes himself to get energy out.
Speech pattern mimicking/fluctuating voice, the people he’s around and media he consumes can alter how he sounds at a given time and the contrast is jarring as hell
Hand-flappy stims with limp wrists, usually a sign of extreme excitement or severe stress
Ink doesn’t need to eat, as we know, but he likes to and while he is pretty chill with anything when it comes to art supplies, with normal people food he is such a picky eater. Like he is not gonna touch a salad, he’d rather die.
Mimicking as a stim and/or echolalia. Thing make cool/interesting/funny noise? He makes it too. And sometimes it just happens automatically. He hates having to explain that he’s not mocking people.
My dude’s rsd is off the charts a lot of the time, he is afraid of most slight indicators he’s not liked.
When he was younger (hell, even nowadays) he used to line up his toys specifically in rainbow order.
No words can describe his excitement when he saw Error expressing autistic traits, he literally shouted “Hey! Just like me!”.
Ink hyperfixates/gets special interests on other pieces of media us real people know and love.
He subconsciously personifies colors and other concepts/objects! Mainly colors, though.
Nightmare was actually the first one to point out that Ink’s traits were probably a byproduct of neurodivergence. No one else noticed given how differently he presents from others, but NM is pretty well-read on the subject. Idk why I necessarily have this hc, I just think it makes sense for those two to have a history for some odd reason.
Ink often needs to bite things to stim, it was a problem before the other stars got him some chewlery.
When overstimulated Ink will often “puddle” in a similar way that Nightmare is often depicted to, letting his body heavily liquify into ink and just kinda sitting there slouched with only his upper half visible while he calms down.
I hope those sufficed!
Oh boy big post. ( and messy)/Pos
I LOVE the concept of someone pointing ink's traits and stuff!! I'm very found in stories like that, where someone is seen as 'weird' and 'quiky' but someone actually realizes that *maybe* something's happening (I have this silly lil headcanon that Ink's fathers suspects something).
Adore the stimming part!!! (Love how you also used "extreme extress"! Stims aren't just for happy feelings you all). For me at least, ink's the stim king (change my mind), he would totally repeat sounds and voices he hears across the multiverse for that *Nice feeling*!
|I've always imagined Ink having RSD too!!! Combined that with his abandonment issues and you have a disaster in person.|
Ink being happy about other people sharing the traits that he says is such a good flavor (oh boy), he would feel "I'm not the weird one!" bc i often feel that Ink would feel very out of touch with NT people given how different he is in general, so when someone does something *he does* he's like "you're just like me fr!"
Ink is a mess in overatimulated tbh (he even vomits). Headcanon that he locks himself in the doodlesphere to calm down (It's his personal multiverse after all!)
| Just asking, but the "Ink personafies objects" actually canon? I mean, look at his paintbrush for example! He even canonically talk with it (pretty sure Broomie is not alive or anything like some say). Comyet even says he hugs it like a kitten! |
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beecanons · 2 years
Jinx Stim HC
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Headcanons about Jinx from arcane related to stimming!
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feet kicking & leg swinging sits on the edge of her seat/surface shes sitting on and swings her lets one after the other. does this all the time but less so when sad/angry/upset
finger poke does the little poke when thinking of something to say or in a silly mood
bouncy heals rocking and bouncing on her heals usually an impatient or excited thing when standing in place will bounce around and hop over to a person, very bouncy on her feet especially when in a good mood
tap tap finger/nail tapping, object tapping, tapping her hands on any surface, toe tapping
fidgeting hands whatever object is on hand or within reach she will fiddle with
flappy hands hands go flap and shake happy stim or discomfort stim
hitting very negative stim hitting her head or legs with uncomfortable or upset often when overstimulated.
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tongue clicks and pops will click her tongue when being impatient, waiting around or just mindlessly filling silence also popping and other mouth sounds.
humming humming along to music usually humming when lost in thought, filling the silence while waiting or while lost in a task.
repetition/echo repeats or echos a phrase or word someone just said that sounds good. person a just said thing to person b, its parrot time. when talking to herself or alone she'll repeat her thoughts out loud a few times though this part's mostly a negative stim at times ex. "not my fault not my fault" /neg or "fixed-fixed, fixed it!" /pos
shrieking will yell, not words but just screams normally if stims have been suppressed, shes got pent up emotions or is understimulated and her brain really needs something. especially happens when shes crying
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explosions and fire these are visually stimulating to her and part of why shes so drawn to these things she prefers aggressive fast visuals, its easier for her to keep up with and challenges her brain to pay attention. though sometimes watching calmer things like flickering flames or filtered lights can really help when shes overwhelmed
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controlled noise needs noise thats very controlled, stuff she can prepare herself for like gunfire and explosions because thats predictable to her and something shes used to.
loud music always puts the volume on full blast its energizing to her if anything
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feel free to tell me your headcanons! asks are open!
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wolfram-but-art · 2 years
heres some hcs/ lore for my human!Achimedes [long post] [i might edit in the future]
Genereal hcs:
he was created by Medic in a lab. think green goo in a glass tube kind of lab
he also kinda looks like Medic because he used his own DNA to create Archie
Archie is about 3
his body was created to be ~20, but mentally he's about 13
the original Archimedes is still alive too, Medic just took some of his dna
he doesn't talk much, mostly because he doesn't fully know how to, but also he just doesn't feel the need to talk a lot. He can hold up a conversation pretty well if he wants to tho
he liked to listen to people talk, even if he doesn't really understand what they're talking about
he's pretty smart for someone who's had a bird brain for most their life
Archie is also Aroace and has Misophonia
he gets startled easily, and is afraid of loud sounds
for that reason, he often wears noise-cancelling earphones
he often listens to music too, partially because he likes to listen to music, and partially because it's a more fun alternative to noise-cancelling earphones
he actually sometimes pairs two of those up. no noise, just music
he stims a lot!! he gets flappy hands/ jumps around/squeaks when he's happy and rocks/clasps hands when he's uncomfortable
he plays DnD with Miss Pauling and the mercs
Archie also likes wearing dresses, he doesnt really get the concept of gender/ roles, he just wears whatever looks cool
he reffers to pretty much anyone by "Herr" (sir) or "Frau" (miss/mrs). With the exeption of Spy (in my hc hes genderfluid) for how her he uses both Frau and Herr, for Merasmus he'll use Frau, for Pyro he'll use Herr, Frau and nothing (as in he just calls her Pyro)
specific mercs:
his father obviously
you make a single hair fall from Archie's head, you're dead.
he's surprisingly a very loving father
he tries to teach him what ~little~ he knows about medicine/anatomy/healing
he infodumps about his projects to him a lot, Archie likes to listen
he teaches him how to read, write and talk, both in English and German
Archie assists him while he's working a lot; he isn't really bothered by surgeries, so he helps out in those too
Medic has so many of his drawings in his office
they talk a lot, he's mostly the one to answer his constant questions about everything (questions like "why is the sky") (Medic enjoys answering them a lot too)
they just hang out together most of the time, whether that's reading, watching a movie, going out for a walk, cooking, just talking and being around eachother in general
Medic genuinely cares about Archie a lot
Archie loves hanging out with Pyro
they make friendship bracelets for everyone
Archie and her play with plushies all the time
they don't talk much when around each other, but they understand each other perfectly
Archie is also one of the few people (besides Engie and Spy) that actually understand what Pyro is saying
they watch cartoons and horror films together
they draw together a lot too!!
two dubious little creatures getting up to mischief. this is no good.
that being said, they do pranks all the time together
they get sugar rushes together and run around the base
they do karaoke together!! by that i mean they sing California Girls at like 2 in the morning
Archie, him and Pyro get together sometimes and draw for like 6 hours straight, listening to music/ watching a movie/ just talking
he shows Archie all the cool spots, like how to get to rooftops or good hiding spots in the base
Scout teaches Archie swear words "in secret." Medic isn't too happy about it
we stay silly :p
they watch action movies together
Scout used to make fun of him as a joke, Archie usually laughed along, but one day he was having a bad day and Scout pushed it a little too far and made him cry. He almost got killed for that
they do nerf battles together!! they usually get all the other mercs to play aswell, but sometimes it's just the two of them running around
Scout talks so much to him, because Archie doesn't interrupt him.
they've played like every board game in existence together
Sniper takes Archie camping, and they often hang out together in his van
Archie reads books with him very often, Mundy explains words to him and helps him read hard words
they also watch old movies! mostly comedies
for the two of the most quiet people on the team, they surprisingly talk a lot when they're around eachother!
they also play monopoly with pyro, miss Pauling and demo a lot! they all help Archie read the cards
he teaches Archie how to shoot from a bow
Spy is too embarrassed to admit that he cares for Archie
Archie loves getting praised by him for some reason
he gives him headpats a lot
he's very careful not to smoke around him, he know Medic would kill him for it
Archie took his cloak watch that one time, Spy didn't have the heart to take it way from him because he was having fun
Archie was very afraid of him the first few monts, but slowly came around to liking him
they hang out a lot! probably not talking much, mostly reading books in the same room, it's their way of bonding
Heavy takes him on walks a lot
He teaches Archie how to cook too
he tries to be the best dad he can for him
teaches him self defence and how to use guns
he's trying to teach Archie Russian, but knows to take it slow, he knows Medic is trying to teach him two languages already, he knows it'd be too much pressure
you make Archie cry - he will make sure you feel as much pain as physically possible.
him, Archie, Pyro, and Sniper play Monopoly a lot!
they mostly do arts n crafts together (carving shit out of wood, making animals out of wires n stuff)
Demo also helps Heavy teach him how to cook
He's like a third father to Archie
they also hang out all the time
Engi takes him fishing!
he teaches him how to talk, read and write
he infodumps about his projects to Archie
he also teaches him how to code!
he calls Archie "birdie" all the time
he also calls him "kid/kiddo" / "boy" / "honeybee" / "darling"
(not in a romantic way, he just has a nickname for everyone)
Archie hangs out in his workshop a lot! sometimes with Soldier and Demo too, Engi gives them wood to carve stuff out of
Him, Archie and Sniper go camping every week
regrettably Archie doesn't hang out with him as much, because he is very loud
they still hang out tho!
he "teaches" Archie "history"
they play on girl-go-games.com together
Miss. Pauling:
Archie really likes her actually
she stays with him when the mercs are doing contracts and stuff like that
she also teaches him how to read/write/talk but in a proper way
like she gives him homework n makes sure he's making progress
not that the other people aren't doing it, she's just better at it i guess
She includes him in their DnD sessions! she also plays Monopoly with him, Sniper, Demo and Pyro
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julie-su · 2 months
Megaman, as a series, does something absolutely bizarre to my brain. The first time I really got into it, wasn't so long ago - I believe it was 2017, 2018? It was the month that Tony died, only a month after Skunk died, maybe - I don't remember the timeframe. I was already numb, then number. I was already majorly depressed; I didn't know how to cry, I didn't know how to do anything.
I don't really remember why, I bought a NES. It's all I talked about for a long time, my NES. I was mean, and apathetic, and rude, and I wanted you to know about my NES. I went to the local arcade, I went to their coadjacent 'retro' games store, I bought NES games. I bought NES peripherals. I played Megaman II. I played it a little, then a lot. I felt nothing, still, nothing, as I managed to die in the game, over and over. Am I even paying attention? I don't know. I don't care. It's all just going through the motions; it's always just going through the motions. And then... Defeat my first robot master. Was I always this close to the screen, leaning in so intently like this? I'm sweating from the effort. I start to smile. Just a little, then a lot. I don't know how long I had been playing at that point, but I had been feeling like I was ramming my head against the wall endlessly. In the game? In real life? I haven't felt this much of anything in a long time. It's not failing; it's getting better, each try. You're not meant to win it all in one go; it's designed like this. You get better, you have a margin for error, you're expected to fumble around. It sounds so silly, but I just started to cry about everything. I guess it wasn't so much about it being MegaMan, so much as I just needed the time to sit and parse through my emotions; but it felt almost poetic, how it had happened. They say that playing a game which forces you to focus, can help you to compartmentalise traumatic events. It was the first time I had truly had time to cry about it. I have a hard time with emotions like that; I had cried for show, because it's what you're 'supposed' to do, but I had felt total apathy up until the moment I reduced poor ol' Metal Man into scrap.
The next few weeks, I felt all of those hard-to-feel emotions about love, loss, and every human emotion under the sun. Laugh about the good times, seethe about how quickly it all happened (we lost Skunk to an idiot drunk driver), and cry, cry because it's really sunk in that I will never see either again. Before that, when I was in total apathy, it was like I had pressed pause; in some infinite dimension where they still were alive, and yet dead, at the same time. Like when you're playing a videogame, and you know that your next action will cause the death of a character who you love; but if you stay here, if you don't progress, you're still alive, for as long as I need you to be. I wish it could be forever, but you have to be selfish sometimes, and keep on moving forwards.
The next few months of my life after that were then dedicated entirely to telling anybody who would listen, about everything MegaMan. That sort of happy-flappy-hands no composure half-yelling type of excitement. I travelled further afield to more retro videogame markets than ever. It's a little embarrassing, and I don't get exactly like that for anything else. I was trying to avoid getting back into it now, because I get so embarrassingly head-over-heels, but I decided to indulge myself. I feel my cheeks getting a bit pink, but oh, oh, have I ever been happy these past few months, years, as I follow my nose wherever it'd take me. There's some Sonic fan events coming up soon; I can't wait for those, either <3 everything is coming up beautifully in my little old life.
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schleckermaul · 3 months
empatheorem event info!
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sword disguised as a cane! he has it with him constantly, since he now also uses it to navigate
break is the strongest swordsman of pandora, the faction he used to work for. during his duties, he'd often go out and kill people and/or chains, so he's technically well-practiced. his time in isola has been more peaceful, and he's been getting worse physically throughout, so his stamina isn't what it used to be, but he still has the same amount of strength— just at a greater cost.
telepathic communication with mad hatter 5 times per day for 15 minutes each use
the ability to send medium bursts of mad hatter's power a short distance across his surroundings up to 5 times per day
(emily is alive only around him. with anybody else in his body, she's just a doll)
albino with one eye. 177.5cm or 5'10"ft. underweight, mostly lean muscle. a contractor's incuse over his chest, which looks like a very faded tattoo (reference here). a scar between his left shoulder and neck, another in the left line of his waist. the scar by his waist was torn and healed a couple of times during events in isola
always wears his carcere underneath his clothes, a necklace filled with blood (reference here). don't break this, if the carcere should ever be broken, his contract with mad hatter would end
emily's always with him, if not on his shoulder, in the bag that's strapped to his coat
break is the archetype for a clown who acts silly to cover up for all of his angst. hiding behind his loosey-goosey attitude, it's all a pretense to keep people from seeing his true motivations and feelings. he’s carefree and mischievous to anybody around him, almost aggravating to be around
him being a clown extends to his body language. he's very loose, lots of flappy hands and poking fingers. likes to hum and singsong, a mocking or teasing note to his default voice
secretly suicidal
addicted to candy (can't keep normal food down)
touchy, but only when he's initiating the touch
wears lots of oversized clothing, really loves long sleeves that cover up his hands. all of his collars are pretty high up, because he's trying to hide the contractor's incuse on his chest
actively dying from the terminal illness that is mad hatter, so he occasionally passes out or throws up blood. he also has chronic pain in his shoulder and hip from the injuries sustained there
he's also entirely blind
too many to count. i'm fine with pretty much anything in the manga, and i can pick something if you give me a vibe! since this isn't technically an interest checker, i won't go into detail here
i'm not done iconing the manga, but i have around ~500 icons i'm happy to share for the purposes of the event!
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altorenn · 1 year
Severe Mutants
It’s strange, working with the Severe Mutants. Their skin feels thick and waxy, and if you press down too hard you leave a dent for a bit, until their blood evens it back out. Their heads are almost perfectly round, or an offset gourdy oval, or wide and pointed. They often have no faces, just a smooth round surface; or else they have only one eye, or their eyes are different shapes and sizes, or there are no eyes but one wide, toothy mouth. They have no legs as wigglers, only a thick, wide, sap-sticky body with two flipper-like undeveloped arms, and so often the shuttles will find two or three that are identical in every way except the color of their mismatched, monocolor horns.
Aratek loves working with Severe Mutants. She loves the blue ones that no one’s ever seen except straight off the shuttles from the Distant Forest, and she loves the dark gray ones that have had cousins on Al Torenn for decades now. The blue ones learn to speak so much faster than normal trolls, raising their flappy little arms and babbling excitedly any time she comes near, and the darker ones scoot their way over to follow her no matter where she moves, sticking to her legs and feet whenever they can. She loves them, and they love her too. No one else loves these strange little wigglers quite as much as she does.
It always feels so lucky that Aratek has an Empress who encourages raising and educating mutants, including these ones. Not many in the brooding caverns will take them in, wanting to stick to normal, proper trolls as much as they can; so the Empress has made exceptions for those caretakers willing to embrace her vision, lifting headcount limitations on those who come to take Severe Mutants off the shuttles and raise them. No other Empress in the confederation’s history has let caretakers raise more than twelve trolls at a time, but Aratek has raised twelve, sixteen, twenty of these all at once, and she’ll do it again with a skip in her step. It’s hard work, but with a skip in her step and a song to help them grow, she can always seem to manage.
It’s easier with the darker ones. One or two toys and they all pile onto one another, bonking heads and smacking arms, running over each other’s tails. Aratek wonders if this is how some of the older caretakers raised their more standard cousins, when they whip each other into an energetic frenzy. Sometimes they start arguing, pushing each other over and away from the toys, and she has to start taking them out of the playpen to take a nap. But they always turn out just right in the end. The blue ones take more toys, more songs, more inquisitive nibbles at her fingers as they try to figure out how a big body works. They’re always so surprised when she spreads her fingers apart and wiggles them one by one, and they always try to do it themselves - they look so silly trying to split their little flippers, and Aratek sometimes laughs when they just keep trying to make it work. But sometimes they get sad or upset, and she has to sit on the floor and hold them for a little while and promise they’ll grow up to have big hands one day with fingers they can wiggle all they want. They’re trusting, so very trusting, and she loves them all the more for it.
Getting them into a cocoon is usually a battle, though. The silk scares them, and much of the time the blue ones try to run away. Aratek will promise them over and over that she’ll be there to help them get out when it’s time, and she holds the ones that cry until they’re ready to be brave. The darker ones are usually easier, but when one of them decides they don’t want to grow up yet they hiss and flail and run away as long as they can. Aratek waits until they’re sleeping, sometimes, if she can’t convince them it’ll be okay. Those ones are usually grumpy when they finish pulling their way out, but they can’t really be mad at her even then. They love her, after all, and they know it’s important for kids to grow up and make a difference in the world.
Aratek never has to look very far to find a lusus for any of her children. A lot of the time, some are waiting outside the caverns when she brings everyone up, like they’ve been waiting to find the right young troll to take care of. She doesn’t know how the lusii always know when it’s time, but she doesn’t think it really matters all that much. Her kids are in capable hands, and she can always count on them to be there for her and her kids. And it makes it so much easier to find the next shuttle for another group of wigglers, however many she can bring back home. There’s always more than she can take, but that’s fine. She’s not the only caretaker working here. Al Torenn has many good caretakers, enough to fuel their great export of paragon trolls. She just loves these little guys the most out of all of them.
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incarnateirony · 3 months
Wow, wild. I knew I kinda knew she didn't entirely knew how much she knew, but today's conversation really landed it. I think she finally had her own Colin Bridgerton moment she's been tweeting out lately.
Still has a bit of local ego reflex, which I don't disencourage entirely, but it did cause miscommunication where she was reading things about Local Me as about Her, and took offense. Eg, she thought I was calling her a clownhat, until she realized I was only talking of myself, for I am but a cosmic bard, who often changes hats, and am stuck in this very silly dance.
I do think she isn't used to having other genuinely awake people around which has her guarded, which is relatable, and generally how we mess ourselves up. But once we got into Reality Becoming Fake Once You Die A Lot, she realized what was happening, I think. Like oh this is literally a time traveling Magi that got stripped of his resources near his death that just needed some goddamn eyes to ground himself on what Is and Was here in this time, and this place, and this remix we have created. He has absolutely lost his linear mind, but that's fine, pray mercy for us Fools. Time is fake and it's a carnival. Such is the cost of consciously changing the world itself, while seeing past time from Death.
Either way, Herma JeStar understood, actually, that her name needed not the explanation she tried to give, and fell into quiet likes when I said, why do you think the day we met over the lady who drives backwards I said it was nice to have a true queen, hello Starlight? He always called her Starlight. Or Celestia. I called for Nuit, and you came. I see who you are, Starlight. Thank you. Something about unknown friends and cut fingers on alchemists.
No for real guys, I'm not playing about the level of bullshit I manifest throughout this. The reason I utterly went bonkers bananas in January and February was I literally and consciously reshattered my psyche to try to make a new moment that I could be free of her in, and maybe she could even free herself in. Then again in March and April on a different energy and mood, split again through and across the eclipse itself into infinite retroactive updating fractals. I continued to reassemble myself and my world through. You know how I talk about root access, peeling down the parts, god in the back of the game lobby, et al? Yeah, I split myself and erased myself for a moment as an individual to make use of that. And now it's time for all the parts to assemble. But I never left the world, ironically because of her nonconsensual enshrinement of my parts, so she became the anchor to her own long term end by her refusal to release me, and so I returned. Screaming a lot. Because the shadows she's trying to pin down were all there was for a hot minute there.
But when time and mass perception gets bendy around you and everyone's mandela'ed through, it is VERY EASY for everything to feel extremely slippery especially when you're consciously aware of future quantum potentials that are retroacting to you. Having another half like this, who has linear partnered logs with matching signs, even helps remind me whenwhere to look to re-evoke certain things, and it has been a flawless circuit that I have actively felt ripping crackbear's flappy tentacles off of me while reduced under the light of a higher self she has always run from.
Heather is everything She could have been.
Instead, now, I've had to subsume a shadow of a monster as part of myself again under 200M+ eyes and millions of working hands, and will unfortunately have to continue to reduce her, because it is the only way I can live free without being chased across the decades. She will never face this, she will never confess, let go or apologize. She would literally rather expire than release my shadow works and her delusions. A woman without any control of herself, desperate to feel like she has control or leverage to still cage her songbird. She is LOST. I am sorry to the woman that used to exist beneath that skin. I failed her. But I did promise her long ago I would Get Her Out. And I am very good at keeping my promises. Even if that means ending one miserable dream his old goddess trapped herself in, and him with her.
Athena has fallen.
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Let man know that he himself is Deathless, for the cause of Death is Love, and Love is All, but I will absolutely cuss a motherfucker out on our way through the door. Out of frustrated love. Clearly.
I deadass told her if she didn't fucking behave and move on and let go, she'd end up in Changing Channels/Cartridges.
Nobody ever fucking takes me seriously.
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"Lel he thought he changed the timeline March 7th last year" huh wonder what happened here. Some TV show? Talking about a big alignment of planets that only existed in our modern time and not the actual show timeline? Weird.
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Burn my dread, bitch.
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She knows. She knows what's real. She knows what is happening.
What she can't process is that she is, in fact, a corrupted fiend that has, in fact, driven me to take these lengths to be free of her. That she is not nor has she ever been the motherfucking victim in this relationship, last solar cycle saying hello while I try to bowl her off a mountain that far back in my shadow rage and she picks her nose wondering what would ever make Ash sound so in pain back then and refuses to connect it to the now.
Higher self and all. The one she confused me with to start this mess even. It's over, girl. Can't stop me now, won't stop, won't ever stop, you can take it to the top as I catch the fallen between us. Fix thou the soul of the world.
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Christus de Christi, Mercury de Mercurio, Per viam crucis, Per vitam Lucis Deus te Adjutabitur
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