#it shows just how horrible AFO is
airanke · 6 months
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haine-kleine · 2 months
The entire manga ending is a burning trash fire that falls on its head in all of the established thematic purposes, but what was done with Shigaraki's character might be one of the stupidest and plain evil writing decisions.
Shigaraki was established as an immature and arrogant AFO's heir and since they were separated after Kamino, his journey was all about learning to stand on his own, developing his own agenda, establishing and chasing the goals he set out for himself. In other words, since AFO's imprisonment, Shigaraki was gradually healing from years of grooming, brainwashing and social isolation.
His backstory revealed in the My Villain Academy arc had challenged the readers and their views of this character, showing his extreme trauma, his guilt as a 5 years old boy who had killed his entire family in a quirk accident. It also finally explained Shigaraki's fervent devotion to AFO, the only one who had reached out, who wanted to help, who cared.
Of course we were aware AFO's motives can't be pure. He was preparing Shigaraki as a future vessel for himself, a means to achieve his dream of living forever.
Then, by the last war arc, Shigaraki has all the agency, individuality, autonomy ripped away by AFO stealing his body. He spends the entire second war fighting for control, silenced by AFO and the narrative barely giving him any chance to talk. One of his main goals was protecting his comrades and their dreams - this is taken from him as well, the League spent the entire second war separated, not even getting one final chance to see each other. Shigaraki dies while thinking of his friends, of his goal to save them, which he will never be able to achieve. While Izuku was at least given a chance to directly confront Shigaraki on his final quest of trying to save him, Shigaraki spent the entire time even before the second war delirious, and until his death, he had never even learned what happened to his friends, the people who chose to follow him, trusted him and supported him.
The very last thing that happens to Shigaraki before his death, is learning that his entire life, everything that had happened to him, was caused by AFO and his schemes. This strips Shigaraki of the last of his agency, turning him into a martyr. His story is no longer one about the unfairness of the heroes-adoring society and hypocrisy, good VS bad victim, trauma and coping with it. His story is about becoming a victim of a creep who had been grooming him since he was 5. One who had tried his best to make a life for himself outside of his abuser, and then had this life cruelly taken from him. Shigaraki doesn't even get to talk or react to the fact he has to sacrifice himself for AFO to die. Izuku doesn't ask him, doesn't apologize to him, he just presents the fact plainly. Shigaraki just has to deal with it.
He went from a victim to a martyr and the story barely even acknowledges it. Deku and Shigaraki were the only people who had learned the truth and neither talks about it or is allowed to share this with the world. Shigaraki died an unwilling martyr, and is remembered as a monster no better than AFO. The public draws no line between the abuser and his victim. Izuku or Allmight don't exhibit any intention to reveal the truth, and we already have Dabi's example on how this turns out.
What is the point of this character ending? Life is unfair and everything is horrible? Just deal with your trauma without causing problems for others, or you will be punished? Always abandon your ideals and your friends if a cop tells you to, or you will be murdered?
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fedzkun · 6 months
Things I need to happen after BNHA 419 (pls.)
Tenko comes back.
Otherwise, what's the purpose of Izuku's entire battle and sacrifice? Just to bring AFO back and off Tomura in the most horrible way? Give Tenko catharsis. Give him agency.
2. Tenko awakens the reconstruction half of his tampered-with Quirk. And reconstructs Izuku's arms.
Would fulfill the cycle of the 'villain' saving his hero. And also show how Izuku's heroic heart managed to touch his own. And it would also show the world that Izuku's ideology that 'villains must be saved as well' WORKS.
3. OFA to be reconstructed.
Or retain Blackwhip and the Strength part at least. But mostly, Blackwhip is too cool not to get retained.
4. Vestige Might to still be part of Izuku's All Might collection.
I'm dying on this hill.
5. For Izuku to strike All Might's victory pose after all these BS.
I'm also dying on this hill. I'm dying between the cleavage of both hills.
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marunalu · 10 months
Okay so.... like I already teased before, here comes the post about the "afo red herring" hori put in the manga and I just realized yesterday evening thanks to JADE (I dont know if you have an tumblr blog and what your username is, so if you read this, this post only happend thanks to you!) from the afo discord server and I feel so dumb for not realizing it sooner. So to make it short JADE pointed out in one of their comments that in the scene when yoichi is killed afo actually reaches out with his hand towards yoichi, because he was trying to GRAB HIM! And when I did read that I was like "Huh? What? Didnt he use a quirk and it accidently killed yoichi?" So I checked and JADE is absolutely right!
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The way afos hand is drawn and reaching forward makes it look like as if he just used an attack on yoichi. This is what I believed myself. I thought he used an quirk on yoichi, because he was in a fit of rage that his brother was "leaving him" and that in his anger he used more force then intended and thats the reason why he is so shocked afterwards and in denial about killing yoichi. But the thing is: nothing in this scene actually confirms that afo really used an quirk on him! We dont see him use one. We dont see an energy beam, flash of light or an other more physical quirk used here. We only ASSUME afo used a quirk, because of the way his hand is raised and reaching out and yoichi falls into pieces! I also believed that myself! I was sure he used air canon on him or maybe decay but didnt intented the attack to be lethal and THATS why he is so shocked! But then JADE mentioned that afos hand is raised because he was trying to GRAB yoichi to stop him from running away! Afo DIDNT use a quirk on yoichi that killed him, it only LOOKS like it! THAT is the red herring!
Okay look, I know this sounds crazy, but please hear me out a little bit longer, because I will explain WHAT actually happend in this scene in a moment. But before I do that, I want to point out something else. Since we got the chapter about yoichis death, the whole flashback about their childhood and afos tendendcy to dehumanizing himself to the point that he is convinced that he was born evil, there was something that bothered me, but I couldnt pinpoint what it was. NOW i know! Afo is trying to portray himself as the ultimative evil. The flashback of him as a baby is from HIS narrative and he is trying to convince everyone (espicially himself) that he was born that way! But the thing is: despite his desire to be seen like that by others, he REFUSES to acknowledge himself as yoichis murderer. I thought he was just in denial and coping. But if he wants to be seen as the ultimative evil, WHY doesnt he acknowledge that he is indeed SO EVIL that he was even able to kill his own brother if he really did it? Murder is already horrible enough, but to murder your own family? Espicially in a family focused country like japan in which "family" is the most important thing EVER?! To be able to kill your own kin would make you look like the devil in human form. Its the very image afo wants people to see of him. But STILL he refuses any responsebility for yoichis death! And now I think I understand why: as incredible as it sounds, but afo refuses any responsebility, because he really DIDNT kill yoichi! Look at his shocked face:
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Look at his confusion afterwards and his inability to accept that his brother is dead. Look at the fact that kudou, bruce and the rest of their group managed to flee from afo after the incident which shows that afo didnt follow them after yoichi was killed! It was not just because he was in a state of utter shock. He simply couldnt understand WHAT THE HELL HAPPEND! And that only works if afo indeed never used any quirk on yoichi. Becauae no matter how much in denial he is after killing yoichi accident or not, its very suspicious that it was never mentioned by him or the narrative what kind of quirk he used in that moment. WE DONT EVEN SEE HIM USE ONE, WE JUST ASSUME HE DID, BECAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE IT!
But WHAT killed yoichi then? Soon, soon Im almost there guys. But to understand you need to look at this first:
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THIS is what pissed afo off! THIS is what his focus was on: yoichi and kudou "holding hands" while running away together from him. He wants kudou to let go of hid brother, wants them to stop holding hands, because he is fucking JEALOUS (from the flashback we got about their childhood, I think we can conclude that afo and yoichi NEVER did hold hands as kids) since holding each others hand is a very intime gesture you dont do with everyone. It fuels afos fear and anger that kudou is "stealing" yoichi from him. That he is losing his "most precious possession". And he also for the most part is pissed at kudou and even blames HIM for yoichis death later. But still its yoichi who dies not kudou. If afo indeed used a quirk, why was it directed at yoichi he clearly just wanted back and not at the person who was "stealing" him? It doesnt make any sense. And now I want you to look closely at the picture of kudous and yoichis hands again. Do you see the glow around their hands? Do you understand what this means? Because THIS is the very moment ofa got transfered from yoichi to kudou! Look at their hands and you can see that they are a little bit brused and dirty, so its not to farfetched to assume that this is how ofa was transfered, because we know blood contact between 2 people works just like how in the movie "heros rising" ofa was transfered from izuku to bakugou through blood contact.
And now back to the most important question: if afo indeed didnt use a quirk on yoichi and to us readers and kudou, bruce etc. just looks like he did, because of the way his hand is reaching out towards yoichi and he falls apart, then WHAT really killed yoichi? Guys... its so simple, I cant believe how I didnt get it sooner. Yoichi wasnt killed by afo, he was killed by OFA!!!
Okay listen, before you freak out and call me delusional or something similar, lets remember a few facts we know. Ofa was created when yoichis "give" quirk fusioned with the stockpike quirk afo forced on him. That means, while it was still an very weak quirk in that moment, it already got his first powerboost. We know that ofa is an incredible dangerous quirk that can kill its owner if they cant control it. We know ofa shortens its owners lifespan (except all mights and izukus). We know that if the owners body is weak ofa can KILL them! We know when ofa is transfered and used at the same time between 2 people it sets an huge destructive energy free (again look at heroes rising when izuku and bakugou both use ofa at 100% after izuku just transfered it). You may wonder now WHEN did kudou and yoichi use ofa though? And the answer is they actually used it without realizing (since they didnt know of its existence yet) the moment it was transfered from yoichi to kudou by trying to outrun afo. It was still an pretty weak quirk at that point, but yoichi was born with a WEAK BODY! The exact thing the owner of ofa SHOULDNT have because its a DEATH SENTENCE! Its the very reason why all might helped izuku to train his body before he gave him his hair to eat. Izukus body needed to be tough and strong enough, otherwise he would have immediately killed himself with it when he used it the first time (which he still almost did!). And now look at this:
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"Your limbs would fly off and youd be BLOWN TO BITES!"
Here you have it everyone! THIS IS WHAT HAPPEND TO YOICHI! THIS IS WHAT KILLED HIM! Afo never used an quirk on him, it just looks like he did TO US! It wasnt air canon! It wasnt decay or any other of afos quirks! He was simply trying to grab his brother! THAT is the red herring! Hori is a fucking genius!
And its the whole reason why afo looks like as if he just got punched in the guts with a wrecking ball when kudou tells him "you killed him". Because just this one time afo really didnt do it!
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bibibbon · 3 months
smth i hate abt hori is how easy it would’ve been to use the lov to show how hero society lets people slip through the cracks as a result creates villains, but he never fully expands on the idea.
jin’s parents died when he was in *middle school* MIDDLE SCHOOL! which means he could’ve been anywhere between 12-14. and then because of a motorcycle accident that *wasn’t his fault* he got a criminal record, was fired from his job, and became homeless. and then he just spiraled from there.
toga is biologically wired be to fascinated and obsessed with blood. but instead of helping her, her parents are disgusted by her and force her to suppress herself until she inevitably snaps.
dabi is a product of his fathers abuse and it was allowed to go on for decades because his father is a famous pro hero
compress is just an unapologetic evil bastard tho and i love him for that
This is also one of my problems with horis writing!!! Villains in MHA all had wasted potential and I absolutely hated the way their arcs went!
I guess the only arc that I can semi agree on is toga himiko's arc to a certain extent but that even has wasted potential that I talk about down below 👇. I discuss what togas arc could of been and different directions her character could of went.
In my opinion himiko was already introduced as somewhat irredeemable. The first time we see her we are told that she killed 6 people known so far and on around 5 of them she performed blood letting. Also her first victim she literally sliced him up and started drinking his blood (some including I theorise that she maybe even ate some of his body parts). I think it adds to the story simply because togas love or idea of love is based on her becoming that person and having parts of them on her whether that be literal or metaphorical.
I personally like the idea that toga is an irredeemable victim. Toga is someone who was failed by the system and had went through a lot for sure but the actions she did were also things that she should be accounted for ( I talk more about toga and what makes her different from lady nagant in another post). In the end I personally enjoy seeing toga be a humanised not redeemed victim of society that has also commited many crimes.
When it comes to other members of the league I feel like they could of all had better arcs in general.
I remember talking to @doodlegirl1998 and she suggested that twice and togas characters could of very much switched roles as twice is a character who parallels more with ochako (both struggling financially) and hawks would get more repercussions for killing a child (toga). However, I also do like twices death but I do have some problems like how I wish his death would of been thoroughly explored and we see how it impacted everyone or we should of gotten more from twice himself in general.
Dabi deserved better and I really would of wanted him to have a redemption arc, receive some concequences but end up with the todoroki family WITH ENJI DEAD (I HATE HIM!). I hated the whole Dabi always had an ice quirk and that he was just the second choice, always the second choice all along.
Shigaraki and just how much AFO was involved ruined everything for me also Shigaraki knowing about AFO was a horrible twist which made shigarakis characterisation even more inconsistent. I would of liked to see a Shigaraki redemption where he himself works towards one by starting to question AFO and get into the leader role a whole lot more while using the MVA to his advantage to get information, resources and more.
Spinner could of ended up being the better stain and learned form stains mistakes while also changing with shigaraki. I also feel like he needed more build up with his own counterpart like shoji and a thorough explanation and development of the whole hetamorphis discrimination thing.
Compress was evil for fun and it's fun to have those types of characters. One thing that I really would of liked to explore is compress's and magne's interactions. I feel like their arcs could of been interwoven (maybe I ship them a little who knows 🤷‍♀️) magne's death should of had more substance to it and all it just felt lacking and compress's disappearance the same.
Now when it comes to minor villains Iam a huge advocate for MUSTARD!! AND GIVING US A MUSTARD REDEMPTION 👇👇👇
I also think that muscular and moonfish should of obviously went to prison but that this could of been used as a way to shake the leagues trust for shigaraki. If any of the league members were to end up in jail would shigaraki help them? Maybe he won't as he didn't do that to muscular or moonfish or maybe he has stated to care for them more and he would as he is growing into that leadership role.
I would have it so that the Dr garaki is just an evil menace who starts to become much more greedy and manic causing AFO's death and going insane.
Kurogiri or kurooboro in this case would go through a different type arc that's down below.
In the end all of the villain characters or characters that don't up hold the status quo are victims of society. I think your ask could also apply to the hero characters that are also harmed by the system like hawks and izuku.
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sapphic-agent · 16 days
I REALLY hate the common theme in BNHA of pinning the blame on something or someone for an abuser turning out the way they did.
Bakugou? Oh he got a big head from everyone praising him or just Bakugou being Bakugou.
Endeavor? Oh he watched his father die saving someone.
Kotaro? Oh it was all Nana's fault for abandoning him as a child and should've kept him even though it would've put a target on him for AFO to get to!
I especially hate the last one because it was literally villainizing and pinning blame on Nana all for wanting to protect her child. Sure it sucks that they went through that, but that doesn't mean they should physically take it out on those they're supposed to love and justify it.
Bro the Endeavor thing pisses me off so bad you don't understand😭 Like so many other aspects of the Todoroki story (excluding Shoto's flashback) it feels like it's only there to make Endeavor more sympathetic.
But the worst part is, this doesn't even have to be a bad thing. Bojack Horseman had a horrible childhood (mentally/verbally abusive and negligent parents, generational trauma, substance misuse in his genetics and throughout childhood, toxicity of Hollywood, etc.) but the show goes out of its way to make sure you know that it doesn't excuse his actions. It makes sure you know that he is 100% at fault for not seeking help as an adult.
But for Endeavor, it was just something thrown together last minute to justify him literally participating in human trafficking. Like, WHAT??
(Would also like to point out that his father being killed by a villain does fuck all for his personality. Endeavor has never been about righteous justice like All Might. He's always been about being the best, like Bakugou. How in the fuck does that correlate to his father being killed? You can tell Horikoshi threw that together last minute because it's so generic and dumb)
And don't even get me started on Kotaro. It 100% feels like Horikoshi continuously bashes Nana for giving him up, to the point where she's barely a character outside of that. There's a lot of characters who deserved better, but Nana will always be so high on my list because of this
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inkalight · 2 years
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Katsuki knew this kid when he was 4, they would play and pretend to be heroes almost daily. He remembered the boys green fluffy curls and sparkling round eyes and his insistence to follow him. At the time it was annoying, at the time he was a stupid kid who didn’t realize how happy he was. He teased the boy and nicknamed him Deku.
Then the boy with green hair and eyes introduced his dad. Katsuki immediately hated the man, and he made a poor impression by kicking him in the shin when he grabbed Deku by the arm. The father told Izuku at the end of their hang out he didn’t like Katsuki and they were going to have to limit their visits.
The few times they hung up from the point on Katsuki realized the green eyes were sad, he mentioned lightly how his dad knew best and getting in trouble was the worst and time outs were so cold and dark. The boy told him he wasn’t allowed to play heroes anymore. Deku mentioned his father was at the limit, and if his quirk didn’t show up soon he’d be in big trouble. They pretended that day that Deku had found his quirk. He looked at the green eyes and grinned, ‘I’ll bet it’ll come tomorrow.’ Deku smiled sadly, ‘tomorrow would be too late.’
That was the last time he saw Deku. After a week of unexplained absence their teacher called the police. And Izuku Midoriya became a missing person.
Looking back into his memories Katsuki realized Izuku had enormous bruises and scars under his shirt and that his fathers presence immediately petrified Izuku making him quiet and obedient. He had no evidence and the police officer who did listen to a 5 year old didn’t find Deku. Katsuki grew up and made a promise. Even when all the heroes gave up on finding Izuku, he looked into the stars and promised to find Izuku as his first task as a Prohero. There was no option for failure.
Then he was kidnapped by the league and met all for one face to face. He called him a little hero. Mocking him. But the name felt like a memory. Izuku’s father had said it at one time with just as much loathing. All for one was the horrible man he kicked in the shins, the one who took his Deku.
That day Katsuki had a quirk awakening. But all for one had Escaped.
He trained and studied under Aizawa and All Might. Learning quickly he was no match in skill. But would steal the lost boy just as AFO did. Quietly and while no one was looking. They proceeded with care. Everything fell together when they found a recording of a boy in a dirty shirt looking out a window his hair filled with dirty ratty and long with just a hint of green at the roots.
Katsuki with his first day on the job as a prohero faked an injury. Hundreds of heroes raided a nomu lab the following week and Katsuki slipped into the building and and found Deku. He was small, clearly malnourished, pale and shivering. Izuku saw him and tried to run but his foot was chained to the ground. Katsuki knelt and he used that old nickname that fit like an old glove and a small flicker of recognition sparkled in Izuku’s eyes. Izuku took his hand and finally after all those years.
Katsuki had found Izuku and took him home.
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tomurawr44 · 2 months
heyy! I have a request, can you show us how unhealthy and toxic Tomura is? NSFW if you want ✨️
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A/N : okay ty for the first ask!! but imo he's not like DETRIMENTALLY toxic or physically, it's more or so the mindgames he plays and how he unknowingly does the things he does.
WARNINGS: toxic tomura, this is my first time writing him like actually mean so plz forgive, manipulation, all of..that, warnings for NSFW will appear.
he's very into guilt tripping, like actually, it's somewhat sickening at this point, he'll get pissed at just the slightest things and accuse you of hating him or intentionally doing it to piss him off.
he's the jealous kind, like really easy jealous kind, he'll slowly nitpick things about your friends until you cut most of them off of else he'll make you choose between him or them.
he never, ever says sorry, most if not all the blame is on you, he will never acknowledge that he is in the wrong and will blame the world around him for his own failure.
he's very straightforward, he will tell you what's on his mind, for better and for worse. the way he treats Kurogiri reflects on you.
the more vulnerable he gets with you, the more he begins to put his guard up, he's not used to the sensations your giving him, he'll take and take and take, barely giving anything back though.
Don't cry around him, it'll piss him off and he'll make poor half assed attempt to get you to stop, 'stop crying, it's annoying me.' or 'those tears will get you nowhere.'
if you aren't a member of the league, he will put them above you because he craves his 'rightful' seat at the throne as king of destruction, and his hate outweighs his 'love' for you.
he doesn't know how to comprehend his own emotions and will say things he will barely regret during a fit of rage, he'll blame it on you for sticking around.
all your conversations will mostly be about him, once it's about you he kind of looks off to the side and waits with a scoff.
he wants you to touch him but he'll get mad at you if you do.
he's a mess, one day he'll be praising you, touching you and even telling you all sorts of compliments before a little slip up can cause him to lose it and degrade you, say nothing but insults and berate you.
you aren't above AFO, the moment his master finds out about your little relationship (if he even considers it that) he'll break you off like your nothing to him.
his love for you is the same as how AFO loves yoichi.
WARNINGS: dubcon, piss mentioned.
sex with him is honestly a hit or miss, he only mostly focuses on his own pleasure and chases his own high instead of trying to get you to cum too.
he doesn't like it when your kinks have something to do with you being on top, and in the bedroom, it's all about him, and it'll always be about him.
he'll have his orgasm, and recover for a bit, a factory reset for his body before he gets right back up to use his PC or go back to the league.
he's very demanding.
horrible in bed, since it's mostly about him it's all about what he likes, what his kinks are, and what makes him cum. he practically just humps you like a dog before he goes on his way.
aftercare, prep, praise, safewords? what's that? those don't exist for Tomura, you stop when he stops, don't want to leave him pissed off do you?
his kinks are gross, honestly. he looks like a basement dwelling NEET, so he'd probably have some freaky kinks, (mhoj2 he says alot of bdsm based lines) probably even piss if he's willing to put his trust in you that you won't snitch.
even if you do, the more vulnerable he gets he'll remind you that he can take your life any day, to keep you in a constant state of paranoia so you'll stay quiet and alongside him.
huge fan of somnophilia, he'll ask you about it and fuck you like a fleshlight while you're asleep, he's not so kinky to the point he'll have sex with you outside but, he'll indulge in it.
don't be surprised if you wake up with a load in or on you.
He gets really mad when you don't swallow, why? you think he's gross? why don't you just leave him at that point?
When you two break it off, he'll only really try and call you back for a quick fuck because he's tired of using his fist.
he'll never apologize for going overboard in bed, it's your fault you couldn't handle it.
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—Ake 2024
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beeisntevenhere · 6 months
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☆Hii so it's April 4th and ofc I have to do something for my fav characters birthday :) So this might suck horribly because it's very rushed but atleast then i tried !
☆Happy birthday King!
☆Warnings!! None dw
As always english isnt my first language so if you see any spelling errors I'm sorry !
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How Shigaraki would spend his birthday with the reader ♡♡ (Headcannons)
| Shigaraki x GN!Reader |
Since he was raised by AFO Shigaraki has never really celebrated his birthday because AFO doesn't give much importance to that stuff
And even before that when he was still a kid his parents didn't care much for his birthday (mostly his dad)
His sister was the only one that really did something for him by sitting down with him with a little cupcake she managed to get and one singular candle that he could blow
It definitely wasn't something huge but it's one of the few things he stills looks back fondly on
Anyways,since creating the league of villains he has barely had time to even remember his birthday much less care about it
You whoever, do care about his birthday
So on a random night when you're both cuddling in bed you question him about it
"My birthday? I don't see how that's something of interest"
He's definitely a little stubborn because his birthday is something he basically left in the past along with the life of Tenko Shimura
In the end he still tells you anyways because if he were to tell anyone you would be the best option being the closest one to his heart
Now aware of this information you'll never let him spend another birthday without at least a small celebration
The first time his birthday comes after he tells you, you buy (or steal) him a little gift
A videogame he has been talking about, a new release he still hasn't has managed to get his hands on
You carefully place it next to his other games with a little present bow on top and a handwritten note
"Happy birthday! I thought you might like this :)"
When he comes home and sees it his heart beats so fast he doesn't know how to even begin to process it
I mean how could he? How do you, someone so precious, care that much about him? Going as far as lending your heart to him? A monster
(if he cries the first time he plays the video game and it immediately becomes one of his favorites no one will question it)
That same day he decides to take you out somewhere to spend the rest of it together
You're over the moon with that factand happy he enjoyed the gift,and he's over the moon that your so happy
You two go get ice cream,go to the arcade and go check out some shops around the mall
When the evening hits and the sky begins to darken you take a walk around the park and just generally enjoy eachothers company
Finally when you get back to the base you order take out pizza and play videogames with him (especially the new one you got)
You both end of falling asleep all cuddled up together just happy to have eachother
Thinking about the fact that this was the best birthday he has ever had only makes him hold you tighter
You do so much for him and he appreciates every second of it
Obviously when your birthday comes he'll show that appreciation by spoiling you rotten
But that's a story for another day!
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A/N:I had alot of fun writing that lol I really like shigaraki that's why he's my fav mha character,he's really fascinating
☆As usual request are open! As of today (April 4th) so if you want to request you can :D And if you don't know the rules you can find them here! REQUEST RULES!
☆If you see any typos or find anything triggering that I forgot to correct or tag pls dm me so I can change it
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I'm not sure if you're still doing the fact-au asks still, but the guided masturbation fic has me in a chokehold to this day. So I was thinking about something along those lines but in a stalker au? Like Dabi who doesn't have any experience in sex (for whatever reason) develops a crush on shigaraki, can't be normal about it, kidnaps him, only to find out shigaraki is worse and has also been stalking him. Because he can't be normal about a crush either.
Stalker 4 Stalker Au? Yummy! But I prefer one of them to actually be a victim/other flavor of crazy! I actually did stalker/yandere for the last round of 5 Fact AUs! It's going to become a 101 kink prompt when I have the chance. The long and short of that one is that Dabi stalks Shigaraki and breaks in to be creepy, gets caught, and Shig is a little more yandere and locks him up down in the basement and turns him into a 1950's housewife sub, which Dabi is happy to become. But this is a dynamic I can have fun with in another flavor so how about Stalker/Manipulator instead?:
Dabi gets obsessed with Shigaraki after his debut at UA. He wants to know everything about the guy who attacked his brother, who rocked All Might and left such a mark that the hero world is scrambling. He goes and finds him, and sees him being treated by the doctor who made that horrible hospital full of puppets and decides he absolutely can't let that stand. He doesn't want his new idol to end up being as empty and used up as the kids he burned. So, he kidnaps him.
Dabi was fully off the radar and Shigaraki is still out of commission because of the gunshots when it happens, leaving AFO scratching his head about where his fucking successor went. In the meantime, Dabi is so happy to have Shigaraki near. He makes him wear gloves all the time because 'he's not stupid', but he talks to him constantly, telling him about his goals and who he is, how he wants to destroy heroes just like Shigaraki does. He takes care of him and takes a lot of arson jobs and robs places that Shigaraki points him towards so that he can get the money he needs to ensure that Shig has better medical care than he ever bothered procuring for himself.
Shigaraki is not thrilled about this situation, of course, but Dabi is just a crazy villain who wants to do what he wants to do. He can work with that. And AFO taught him how to find people's pressure points and use them to break his targets. So he leans into the conversations with Dabi, watching him get all starry-eyed and leaning in closer to him when they're talking. The first time Dabi blushes when he says that he's good to talk to, Tomura immediately decides to go for the seduction angle.
He leans in hard. He's telling Dabi how beautiful his eyes are, telling him what a nice voice he has, praising him for how well he's survived all of this, hyping him up and agreeing that he has what it takes to show the world how bad Endeavor is. And one night, Shigaraki asks if he can kiss Dabi. Dabi is bright red and timid when he nods. Tomura kisses him, super slow and soft at first, but he deepens it and tells Dabi how good he tastes and Dabi gets even more confused and embarrassed because he's hard and he's never been hard while awake before (coma all through puberty, too much pain to trust anyone to touch him afterwards, no one interested anyway, and he didn't even really get what he was missing because of the knowledge gap).
Tomura tells him how to take care of himself, and keeps things very sweet with Dabi, and Dabi is absolutely head over heels for Tomura, doing anything he asks-- except letting him go, because he doesn't want to be alone again 🥺. Tomura tells him that's okay. He wants to stay with Dabi, and he'll be happy how things are until he is ready to trust him. Dabi timidly asks how he can make Tomura feel as good as he helped Dabi feel, and he teaches him how to suck him off, he gets Dabi to lengthen his cuffs so he can finger him open and even eats him out, and he dangles the possibility of sex in front of Dabi. He calls it 'making love' because he wants to show Dabi how much he cares about him now, and Dabi keeps trying to say he's smarter than that, that he won't fall for things, but he still takes Tomura to bed, and Tomura knows how to get out of handcuffs, he always has. He was just curious about this situation, and he still fucks Dabi, still slips the cuffs and could kill him and escape, but, well. Being away AFO made it very obvious that he was using his own manipulation tactics on him, and Dabi is such a good and loyal pet, doing anything he asks if he just gets a little positive reinforcement. Tomura can work with that.
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donkeys-waffles · 7 months
My head cannons about All for Inko
I always hear how AFO has Inko in a gilded cage, how he's possessive and controlling and how horrified Inko would be at the revelation. And I always liked the idea that those feelings are mutual between them. Maybe not the possessiveness, but the fear of abandonment, especially if the Inko Shimura theory is true.
Imagine Inko living her entire life in the system, not really knowing the love of her parents or even the love of regular adults. What if she never got adopted, taking into consideration the fact that the society we're given in MHA is one driven by quirks, the stronger the quirk the more desirable/respected the individual (looking at Bakugou getting away with verbal and physical abuse for nearly a decade without any backlash.) It's possible she wasn't adopted as a result of her weak quirk factor (you can kinda think of it as a measure of success, as utterly messed up as it sounds, it's possible that people wanted the kids with the strongest quirks first because of their potential for making billions as a hero later in life. Again, super messed up, but a thought coming from what we've seen throughout the manga.) A result of prejudice that ended with Inko never really feeling paternal love, or a consistent source of it.
What if AFO didn't fall in love with Inko just because she was kind, gentle, and loving. What if she was not only a supply of what he yearned for but also a mirror, someone he could actually relate to. Someone who had to look out for themselves their whole lives.
And if so, how would that potentially alter her perception of her own life. What if she knows she's in a gilded cage but him being her first real source of love (no matter how ugly or twisted,) keeps her there.
What if all I said about her backstory is true, it's not just AFO using her as his source of the unconditional love he never received, but it's completely mutual.
Now, I get it, he's a horrible husband, he's never depicted actually being there for either of them aside from a monetary provider. But this is the best part. She loves him, many people can't forget their first love and many others consistently make excuses for the actions or inaction of those they love. It's something you need to remember, you can throw a stranger behind bars, but it becomes incredibly complicated when that person matters to you.
He provides money, maybe the odd gift or letter, hell maybe even a phone call, and she tricks herself into believing he's still there.
She knows she's in a gilded cage, and logically she knows her husband is terrible, but leaving him or confronting the issue entirely would shine a light on her greatest fear, being abandoned again. Tricking herself into thinking that he's just busy and that's why he didn't even send a text when their son was in TWO WARS THAT RECIEVED GLOBAL ATTENTION.
AFO is afraid of being abandoned which would lead me to believe he isolated her on purpose, putting her into this gilded cage so she'd forever be taken care of by him and adored from a safe distance (kinda like Yoichi,) and she stays, tricking herself into believing that she isn't practically a single mother, out of fear of recognizing her own abandonment by the hands of a loved one.
Now what if she knew of his criminal history? It's easy to believe that she'd try to leave. And that's plausible. But I find it much more interesting it she didn't, for the first reason, he's the first man to show her kindness.
He's her husband, who probably bought her gifts, was a big quirk nerd who reads comics, was good with children, charming, handsome, and definitely the type to be kind (even though it's all so he can manipulate you later of course.) And that's not something I think she would find easy to forget. She would 100% set boundaries with him regarding Izuku and their life together. But I just find it interesting is all. Their love would be incredibly toxic and codependent and definitely obsessive.
And I would be lying if I said I didn't eat that crap up. :)
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mettywiththenotes · 10 months
I don't think people are really taking into account the baby Bakugou flashback. Because a couple of chapters ago we had the baby AFO flashback and I think it tells us a lot more about the people in this battle in that comparison
AFO was born into this world with no one to take care of him. His mother died in labour, no father there to help and his brother was born weak and fragile. Whereas Bakugou was born with love, both his parents alive and already in a position to take care of him
That's not me saying "AFO was born with no one to take care of him so of course he's the villain in this battle" and "Bakugou was born with love so of course he's the hero in this battle"
But throughout their lives, we're shown how one character has changed and the other hasn't. The circumstances of birth don't necessarily matter for how a person turns out
AFO was born without anyone to take care of him, and while Yoichi did care for him and tried to convince him to stop, hoping that he could become a kind person who wields a powerful quirk, AFO didn't change. His love for Yoichi was always something twisted, possessive. He never learnt to be better and frankly didn't want to. Of course part of that is due to the world he lived in at the time, a world that punished him for having powers, but even as society got better about quirks, he still didn't change. Even after he died and came back to life again, he still continued to do horrible things
Bakugou was born with love and care, but he was a bully. He hurt Izuku and pushed him away and told him to jump off a roof and couldn't stand to see Izuku progress despite it all, undeterred from his dreams with a new advantage. But the point is Bakugou did change. He took a good look at himself and decided he didn't want to be like that anymore. He recognized his own weaknesses and decided to get better, that meaning that he couldn't be the kind of person who always looked down on people anymore if he wanted to be an actual hero. We see evidence of this throughout the rest of bnha, with how he motivates Izuku as a rival and helps him train with One For All, how he pushes Izuku aside to sacrifice himself, but especially and most importantly so when he finally apologizes to Izuku. The courage he had to face the victim of his bullying and say he's sorry and explain why he did the things he did but emphasize it was wrong is something Early Bakugou would not have had or resolved to do
And though there's the connection with Izuku, there is also very noticeable development with how he treats others, shown in the A vs B joint training and the class band and many more. Even as he delivers the blow to AFO in the last page of 409, he does not take the credit for himself. "This is OUR story. I could have never done this on my own.", also something Early Bakugou would not have said, which shows how far he has come
The dedication he has to look at himself and actively improve how he looks at being a hero and a person to others is what makes him an admirable person
Point of this post being that whether they were loved from birth is not a necessary factor to look at in their roles, even when you compare both flashbacks. As you grow older, naturally, you change. Maybe you used to do bad things, unforgivable things. Maybe you were just trying to survive in your environment, or maybe you were wrestling with your own emotions regardless of your circumstances. Whether you acknowledge it or not, we as people are supposed to change at some point in our lives
AFO has not changed. Has had an incredibly long life enough to have that choice to stop doing bad things and hasn't. He is the villain of this battle. Not because of birth, not because of circumstances, but because he chooses to be
Bakugou has changed. He's 17 years old and has already reflected enough to know there's no excuse for his behaviour back then, has set himself and apologized roughly a year after being aware of that fact. He is the hero of this battle. Not because of birth, not because of circumstances, not just because he is the only one who can physically fight right now, but because he chooses to be. He chooses to be better than he was before
In conclusion, I believe showing AFO's birth and Bakugou's birth one after the other is an intentional contrast and what follows in their lives shows the differences in their characters to this point
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just-a-lil-critter · 2 years
Bakugo's Apology Analysis :-
(but it's actually just me crying over my dearest bois and their dynamics)
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I love Izuku's blatant show of emotional vulnerability throughout the series. yeah he's a crybaby/nerd/impulsive martyr but for someone who's been relentlessly bullied for so many years he is ridiculously open about his feelings and I admire him so much for it
"I am scared for you, for everyone and what risking everything could do to me, so I will stay away even if it costs me my smile, even if it drains me of all life"
Like hello?? this boy is so exhausted, halfway to death's door and fighting off an actual army of frenemies and still, still cannot bring himself to close his heart, the worst he can think to say is "you can't keep up" and apologises for that too. he doesn't even think to push them away like he should and I *ugly sobs*
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The apology *manic cackles*
Ohh the relief. the satisfaction. the completion of a circle literally years in the making.
and Izuku's reaction is just the icing on the cake. I was genuinely worried they might downplay this scene after the whole OP fiasco (Bokurano by Eve is a banger btw) but Bones did not disSAPOINT
look at them. look at Katsuki. head bowed, face-to-face in front of everyone, openly admitting to the horrible things he said, things he did to Izuku in the softest voice we've ever heard from him, running to catch him in the rain and not once asking for forgiveness, only that Izuku come home with him, with them all
"I have done terrible things to you, the kind not easily forgiven, so I do not ask. but you are dear to me and I cannot lose you, even if I am lost to you. so come with us, come back, I will hold your shaking hands and broken body in the hailing rain like a testament and save to win as you win to save"
did anyone else notice this?
when Izuku goes vigilante he's so focused on defeating All For One he completely switches from 'save to win' to 'win to save'. ofc he's doing it to protect everyone but that's not the objective anymore, it's the result.
whereas Katsuki is so fixated on bringing Izuku's overworked dumbass back he doesn't even think about AFO let alone defeating him. his defining moral also does a 180 & becomes 'save to win' instead like ASBHSDHSJDKFS DO YOU GUYS SEE WHAT I MEAN IS THE BRAIN BRAINING TO MY BKDKS??!
In summary, I have lost my leftover sanity, 3 boxes of tissues and so much comfort food y'all oh my god-
to this scene. this one moment in a(surprisingly large) list of bkdk being soulmates, platonic or otherwise ಥ_ಥ
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, have a good day/night, drink some water and fix your goddamn spine you banana shaped fucks<3<3
Also here's the link to my previous post>>
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 8 months
Funny story, my friend asked me why I hate Aizawa while I adore Kakashi, saying that Aizawa is essentially same as Kakashi. And. I. Just. Can't. Stand. it.
Ninja is highly lethal occupation when murder between each other is not only unpunishable but often encouraged. A ninja tried to kill the MC in just the first chapter and angry mob tried to do the same. A teacher prevents his student from succeed in their important future career when they are not 'ready' for him is very understandable and sympathetic. If Hori tried to copy that, he shouldn't show heroes that only there for model gig, heroes that were very unharmed in all their career, or at least give me one notable heroes that died in MHA because of non-AFO related reason. I just can think of one, Endeavor's dad whoever he is. And unfortunately that backstory is already used to justify eugenic.
Obitobi's foreshadowing is strong since the first Bell Test while Shirakumogiri has no foreshadowing and has the lamest reveal ever. We can feel how Kakashi treasured Obito since like chapter 6, we've shown how pure Obito is and how malicious Tobi is, so when the big reveal happened we can all collectively said 'sheeeiitt that's horrible'. Shirakumo? No foreshadowing except like a couple Vigilante chapter which is not written by Horikoshi anyway. Hori only showed us Kurogiri being bartender, Shig's nanny, and occasional Uber driver. After experiencing massive gut-wrenching seeing Kakashi beyond despair at having his hero being the worst man ever, I should sympathize with that bitch's cry why?
Kakashi would love Izuku and hate Bakugo for their stands in teamwork. Aizawa meanwhile did the opposite.
For a Kakashi fan like me, Aizawa feels like an attempt from an amateur writer to copy Kakashi's coolness but forget to include the nuances or basic complexity of why those 'cool' aspects are there on the first place. Exclusively wrapped in Disney level of cowardness.
I’ve never seen the anime Kakashi’s from, but from what you’ve told me he has far better reasons for what he does than Shota does.
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marunalu · 4 months
I saw many people people now who claim that DFO disproved because AFO doesn't show any affection to his son.
Also they claimed that Dekus dad could be a hero in America and he was sent to Japan now so we will see him.
What do you think about that?
Dfo is debunked as soon as the manga ends and we have the 100% confirmation that there isnt any connection between hisashi and afo. Not sooner not later. What a lot of people dont seem to grasp is that dfo is in the first place not about afo loving izuku. Dfo is about the theory that afo is izukus biological father. He can be his father without loving him. There are millions of parents out there in the real world who sadly give a wet fuck about their children. Afo loving his family is just one of multible interpretations and hopes people have for the theory. There are a lot of dfo fans out there who never believed afo cared for izuku. Dfo is about afo being izukus father and not if he loves him or not. Fans have just different headcanons how it could turn out.
I said it already in the past. I dont believe that izukus father is a hero working in america. America is the country with the most heroes worldwide, so WHY should a japanese hero work for a different hero government then his own and most importantly not even come home ONCE or mentioned ONCE by his hero obsessed son in the whole story? Not even when he was about to get killed by muscular? Why should hisashi not come home for christmas, new year, izukus and inkos birthday etc. If he is just a hero working outside of japan (which makes no sense anyway). And WHY should hori refuse to talk about hisashi if he is just a hero working in an other country who has no importance to either the plot nor to izukus character? If hisashi is a hero working in america and NOW comes back after the war is already won by the japanese heroes this would be the biggest asspull hori could come up with. The only way I could see hisashi as a hero is if he is also connected to afo. We know that afos presence is huge WORLDWIDE! It was stated he has his hands in almost EVERY country! And we saw that he is quite "popular" in america.
I have seen a few people talk about how hori will use some deux ex machine to bring tomura back to life and that he is just scaring people with the most horrible and dissapointing outcome he could come up with. I dont trust hori enough to pull something like that off, but on the other side he is the man who brought bakugou back from the dead in the most ridiculus and stupid way possible so who knows what he is ready to come up with.
But to come back to the main point: dfo is only then debunked when we got the last chapter of the manga and its to 100% confirmed hisashi isnt afo. Because we are talking about a man who can change his appearance, change his dna, can have any quirk he wants, is known for planning ahead should the 10 different plans of the other 25 different plans he planned for 15 different scenarios fail and who spends time with a mad doctor who was not only in posession of a clone quirk, but also is able to make copys of every quirk he gets his fingers on.
The only advice I can give dfo fans is to wait and not to read any anti dfo posts and get worried for maybe no reason. Just wait till the manga is done and THEN you can complain as much as you want!
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bibibbon · 1 month
I find it funny that Dabi unlearned his sexist perspective of "man pain" while living on the streets. It either because he had to for survival or just not being around wife-beating Endeavor gave a better impression of women.
Or young Toya was depicted as sexist to give the impression he was born evil with these "bad ideas from nowhere" to make Endeavor seem less responsible for him.
Even if horikoshi made touya sexist to somehow show that touya shouldn't get any of our sympathy since he was born evil with his sexist ideologies. This just ends up totally backfiring on horikoshi and makes enji look worse (in my opinion) and this is because no child comes out of the womb evil (except AFO I guess but thats something iam gonna ignore because AFO's backstory is an anomaly and it was horribly written)
The point still stands that no child is born evil and that from what we see of young touya he didn't come out of the womb evil like AFO.
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So by that point touya must of learnt this women are inferior to men ideology from somewhere right?!?! And my best guess is that it's definitely enji todoroki especially because during touya's childhood he clings to that ideology pretty strongly even after he goes to school and is surrounded by other people touya at the age of 13 still held those sexist beliefs.
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Those same sexist beliefs are what cause him to be so distant to his sister fuyumi and his mother.
I think even though we don't ever actually receive a fully detailed chapter going on what touya went through during his time of homelessness I do like seeing how he has changed. However, I do very much wish we saw more of Dabis pov maybe him feeling a lot guilty about being distant towards fuyumi and viewing her as inferior (never actually seeing the strength she had to live in that household) or maybe we see touya develop a better understanding of his mother and what she went through (I think that might of happend since in the end touya ends up exactly in the same position Rei starts in alone, vulnerable and trapped).
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Maybe the way Dabi treats toga is influenced a bit due to the guilt he felt for being distant towards fuyumi?
Maybe or maybe not 🤷‍♀️
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I do like the idea of Dabi at 16 learning to treat women with respect and ultimately them being equal to men and not inferior simply because of the various experiences he had in the streets both good and bad (I think it also shows just how bad of a person enji is like how the hell is your son learning how to treat women with basic respect in the most dangerous parts of the street while you're filling your sons head with sexist ideologies?!?)
However, Iam still mad that we didn't get more from Dabis perspective as there's so much left to answer and that the narrative tires to paint Dabi in the worst of lights while doing the exact opposite for enji
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