#it smells sooooooo great in here
dinosaurwithablog · 5 months
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It's harvest time!!! I love the smell of pot plants. They smell sooooooo good. I don't smoke pot anymore, but it's fun to grow it and make it into hash and hash oil. It's a very rewarding thing to see them grow big buds. And my friends enjoy the results very much. 😍😊💚💚💚 these need to be trimmed, and then they'll look spectacular. There's a lot of white crystals and red hairs on them that's hard to see because they're not trimmed yet. I get sticky fingers when I handle them. I love that. Sticky fingers is a great Stones album and a great tasting treat. 😋😍🤗
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I Hate Baking, But You Love Bread
Nanami Kento x Reader
(Song Inspiration: Still Into You by Paramore)
You hummed to the music happily as you kneaded the bread. You heard the door unlock and Gojo happily walked inside.
“Big brother has arrived!” Gojo exclaimed happily. He laughed when he saw flour all over the counter, arms, apron, and face. “What the hell?” You gave him a look of annoyance.
“Shut up,” you said.
“But you’re a legit mess,” Gojo said in between chuckles. “Aww man! I’m not gonna let you live it down.” Gojo started to take pictures on his phone that made you cover your face with some embarrassment.
“That’s fine,” you said, bottom lip jutted out into a pout. “At least Kento-kun will appreciate my nonexistent baking skills.”
“I knew you had a reason. How long have you two been together anyway?”
“Ten years. Eleven in two months,” you answered as you focused on kneading the dough.
“And you’re just baking bread?”
“He has recently developed a new obsession with bread. So I wanted to surprise him,” you said happily.
“But you hate baking.”
“But I also love Kento,” you said proudly. Gojo chuckled and ruffled your hair.
“How’s it like?” Gojo asked curiously when he took a seat at the island counter where you were kneading the bread. “How is it like to be with someone for that long? How do you know that you still love him?” You smiled.
“Kento-kun has never changed his chivalrous ways,” you said. “He makes sure that I don't get too worried when he's on missions. That was one of our bad fights before and he puts in so much effort on it. Kento-kun stays consistent and that is something that I love so much about him.” You separated and placed the dough in a baguette pan. You put it in the oven and started the timer.
“Does he still gives you butterflies?” You nodded happily, your cheeks turning a light pink color.
“Do you two still argue?”
“You know that we do. I call you when we do.” Gojo chuckled.
“Very true. When is lover boy coming back from his mission anyway?” On cue, the door opened and the two of you stared at the front door.
“Gojo-san, what are you doing here?” Nanami asked once he entered inside.
“Kento-kun!!” you exclaimed happily and ran over to hug him. Nanami lightly laughed and hugged you.
“You’re covered in flour,” he said surprisingly. He chuckled as he wiped the flour away from your cheeks. “You’re so beautiful, sweetheart.” You blushed. Your heart raced and the butterflies were fluttering around. Nanami softly kissed your lips before placing his hand on the small of your back and headed inside the kitchen.
“Yo, Nanamin,” Gojo greeted. Nanami nodded in response. “I see that my baby sister is in great care. How’s the mission?”
“Takuma-kun is improving,” Nanami said. “The mission was a success.” Nanami looked around the kitchen. Flour everywhere with bowls, measuring spoons, and measuring cups piled over the sink.
“I thought you hate baking, sweetheart,” Nanami said. You blushed.
“Well, you’ve been into bread lately. And I wanted to surprise you with homemade baguettes,” you answered cutely. Nanami chuckled. He kissed the top of your head.
“It smells really good, sweetheart,” he said. “How about you wash up and I’ll clean the kitchen. I can keep an eye on the bread.”
“No, no, no! You just came back and—“ Nanami kissed your lips. When he pulled away, he turned your body around so you were facing the direction to the bedroom.
“Go, sweetheart,” he said and lightly smacked your butt. Gojo laughed at the interaction while you walked away flustered. Nanami rolled his sleeves up before heading to the sink to clean up.
“Sooooooo,” Gojo started.
“Are you here to annoy me?” Nanami asked.
“Sort of. So, how is it like being with my sister for this long? How do you know that you still love her or she loves you?” Nanami raised an eyebrow at Gojo.
“She baked bread and she hates baking,” Nanami said. “That says a lot already.” Gojo sighed, knowing that he’s not going to get more of a response from Nanami. He stood up and patted Nanami’s shoulder. “Where are you going?”
“I was going to meet my students for dinner. Tell my sister that I’ll call her tomorrow,” he said before leaving. Nanami shook his head at your brother. By the time you returned back to the kitchen, Nanami had already cleaned it spotless. Your eyes widened.
“You’re fast,” you said. “Satoru left?” Nanami nodded.
“He’ll call you tomorrow,” he notified, leaving you to nod in reply. You walked over to the bread and smiled proudly. Nanami smiled and walked over to you. He hugged you from behind, his face resting in the crook of you neck. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” you said and caressed his hair. “Kento-kun, what makes you still love me? Do I still—Do you still—what I’m trying to ask is—“ Nanami squeezed you tightly before letting go and dragging you to the couch. He sat you on his lap and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“You baked bread for me when I know you loathe baking,” Nanami said with a soft smile. “It taste good by the way. But I don’t just love you for that.” Nanami curled a strand of your hair behind your ear. His hand cupped the same side of your face. “I love coming home to you. You make my worries melt away, especially when I hear you singing in the background while you make dinner. You remind me how amazing of a sorcerer I am. You’re a sweetheart who always looks out for others. You haven’t changed a bit except for how confident you became over the years.”
“I think I can thank my nursing profession,” you said happily. Nanami smiled.
“You support me no matter what. If anything, my love for you keeps getting stronger.” You kissed him deeply. “What about you?”
“You’re consistent and I love that about you,” you said. “You’re patient and take care of me even when you don’t have to. No one gets me like you do, Kento-kun. You mean everything to me.” Nanami kissed you back in response.
“Even when I haven’t proposed yet?” You laughed and playfully hit his shoulder.
“Even then,” you said. “However I’m still waiting for that ring.”
“I know, sweetheart. Soon, I promise.”
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httpiastri · 2 months
im crying so bad i hate f2 why is it always pepe 😭😭😭😭 tell me about your experience with him pls 🥨
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1. i truly too hate f2 😭 esp because its ALWAYS PEPE 😭😭😭
2. this is such a bad pic but i thought i hadnt taken any pics but then i remembered a pic i took on thursday morning of all the bracelets i made sooooooo
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idk i don’t like it a lot but 😭 good enough (and it didnt look like it was too tight around his wrist aaaaaaa so thankful)
3. I DIDNT HAVE TIME TO FOCUS ON HOW HE SMELLED AAAAAA I WAS TOO NERVOUS 😭 (and too focused on his hands-) i am pretty sure he smiled at me but it's all such a blur… plus he was definitely upset abt the races so :(( but no yes there were definitely smiles!!!!
4. okay story time!! i will try to cut this as short as possible but here we go!! sooo i was actually just casually strolling down the f3 paddock for no reason when i just happened to look into the campos tent and there he was !! he and sebastian just stood and chatted for a long time looking all cute as always, and i was cursing myself for putting the bracelet i wanted to give him in another bag because this is such a lovely opportunity……. but i rushed away the like 200 meters to my bag and got the bracelet and when i got back they were still there!! and then after a while of waiting they were separating and pepe got onto his little electrical scooter and was about to drive off and i was heartbroken because nooo what if he just drives off in another direction and i have no way to catch up?? (i was standing a bit away from the truck because i didnt wanna bother them too much)
and like there were two separate ways to the f2 truck… and what are the odds that he chose the way that was right where i was standing? like he was driving exactly up to me??? so i just took a deep breath and said his name… he had so much speed that he drove past me, and he just as well couldve pretended not to hear or just looked back and said "hi" before keeping driving, but he turned around and drove back to me 🥺 and so i asked if i could give him a bracelet and he said "of course!" 🥺 and i said i was sorry about the weekend but that he would come back in monza and just 😭 wait i actually cant write about this without tearing up a little 😭😭 idk he was just super sweet and we chatted real quick about the future and he was so cute and i just 😭😭😭😭 like i said, he seemed a bit upset still about the weekend (very understandable!!!) but he still seemed a bit optimistic! and as he drove off, he wished me a great day and i just 🫠🥺😭🥰🫨😭😭😭
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gardenletter · 24 days
Someone asked for a chiropractor yandere x reader with reader being a baker and I Thought that was SOoooooo CUTE I had to try sooo here you are my friend I tried hope you like🩷
Chiropractor yandere x reader
The light shines through my office window as I finish up my shift after miss takes her leave....AND THANK GOD SHE DID!she was a sweet old woman for the most part but she was a talker.A sigh slipped as I think of her voice going on and on about her grandkids and the drama in the nersing home.My fingers were taping way fillings files.and updates....y/n.... they're all I can think about.They smell like everything I hold dear...the love of my life. Their eyes are so deep they have a whole world under those orbs, It's all I can think about everything about them entices me.I lay my head into my hands as work seems to hard as my thoughts fill of y/n, and as if on cue I hear a light knock .
"we're clos-"
The door opened slightly and I meet those deep eyes.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to bother"
"NO....I mean you can never b-bother me please come in and take a seat"
Oh Lord please...help me have restraint. They had a white box in hand with a pink bow on top....my favorite color...was that on purpose oh God please let that be on purpose.I couldn't help the smile that slips upon my face as I see y/n.
"please take a seat"
"oh thanks" she takes the seat in front of me as my desk separates us, she starts to play with the ribbon.
"I wanted to thank you for helping me with my hands and back...I slouch" the slit blush that dusts y/n cheeks gives my heart a flutter.
"so as a thank you I made these".
Y/n slides the box across the desk and as it meets my hands I pull at the ribbon to reveal baked goods, chocolate croissant, cheeses danish with others stacked on each other trying to find in to the smaller box.
"theirs no need to thanks me, you are always a pleasure to have"
Y/n smiles "I hope you like them but I have to go I need to close my shop....my employe K is great but....is terrible with locks".
I hesitate to let y/n leave but I know I will see y/n later with my visit. As I heard the door bell ring indicating their leave I take small bites of everything trying to savor and hopefully make them last.
Mmmmmmmmmm the best I ever had
I snuck out to check in y/n but as I reach the bakery to go to their apartment on top I see the lights are on. I look inside the glass to be met with warming lighting and y/n baking with tired eyes.
Nooooooo you need your sleep....I couldn't help but watch to make sure they were ok.
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b1zmuth · 3 months
Welcome To Hell!
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Episode 2 
‘’Shitty Beginnings’’
´angel, angel, go away!´
My head hurts. 
Well, considering how i just landed flat on my face after falling 50000+ miles, would be a pretty much expected response. 
Starting to look around at my newfound surroundings, i noticed a brightly lit sign up ahead- so i dusted myself off and pulled the gigantic splinter out of my hand and walked up to it, inspecting it and reading what it said.
I also noticed that there was a small booth box with a older looking demon inside of it- walking up to it i got ready to speak but was interrupted by the woman speaking.
‘’Another one? Jesus facking christ! You little angels are dropping like flies down here! *HACK* *COUGH* name and registraaaaaation pleaze.’’ the clerk lady said whilst puffing her lung cancer smoke in my face
‘’I go by Koi, no last name nor registration- they dont really do that up there.’’ i responded fanning away the thick black smoke with my hand
‘’Thats just sooooooo facking nice. I guess ill jast have to *COUGH* make you a licanse.’’ the clerk lady said whilst printing me out a card and handing it to me through the shielded screen adorned with bullet holes and.. Something else. 
‘’Thank you’’ i said whilst attempting to walk away- only to be abruptly stopped by the clerk lady flagging me down. 
‘’Sweethart.. That gate is only used for the royal personalities! Youll have to use the tube to get to da main citay.’’ 
‘’The tube? What do you me-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!’’ 
‘’Cane. Where the hell is this new transfer student? Weve been sitting here for HOURS now!’’ 
‘’I dont know, Calico just said be here early so they wouldn't wander off’’ 
‘’Great! I really wanted to spend my Monday night sitting on the cold hard floor instead of fucking SLEEPING.’’ 
‘’Dont you do this shit every NIGHT? Get over it. Youll be o-fucking-kay!’’
‘’I hope you slip and fall.’’
Really. I JUST came out of my comatose state from breaking a bone or two even getting here- only to be send flying downwards through a tube that smells.. Rancid! 
It smells like garbage juice in here..gosh.
Landing facefirst on the ground again, i found myself fully redressed in a school outfit, and having two large figures standing above me 
I JUST GOT HERE!! How am I already getting mugged? Oh right.. This is hell..
‘’Well, there's your answer, finally! after an hour of waiting.’’
‘’Hi. Are you the new transfer student?’’ 
‘’I guess so, i just landed facefirst in the ground so?’’ 
‘’Ha! Thats so tough man- could never be me though.’’ 
I got up and dusted myself off only to get up close and VERY personal with the two figures, examining the one to my right, seemed like someone who would be a serial killer- he had on a weird mask that had a crude drawing of a smiley face on it, seemed to have dark skin that was rough like a dragons scale, had long goat-like horns that seemed to reach around his head, and was significantly taller than the one to my left. 
The one to my left seemed WAY more approachable than the other.. Guy. he had multiple long horns and multiple eyes, all narrowly pointed towards me, he looked sinister, but also like someone i could possibly use and trust.
But alas, this is hell.
‘’Welcome To Hell.’’ Both of them simultaneously said.
‘’My name is Cane Witherspoon, future heir to the throne of Hell, and current prince of hell.’’ The one to my left ‘’Cane” said whilst giving me the worlds most blank stare.
‘’Im Simon. No last name. Lets keep the introduction short and simple.’’ The one to my right named ‘’Simon’’ responded
Great. Nevermind my great thinking on making these two my allies. There is no way in HEAVEN that will i fool around with someone this wicked.
‘’My name is Koi, they don't give us last names in Heaven. Short and sweet- just like how you wanted it.’’ i responded, now starting to tense up
Simons eyes seemed to light up when he heard my name.. I guess we knew eachother in a different time.
‘’Thats great. Fuckin amazin. Now i have to deal with even MORE paperwork.’’ Simon said whilst rolling his eyes
‘’I guess we’ll have to be your guide, cmon. We totally dont bite!’’ Cane added starting to walk away
‘’Lucky for you, my father has prepared a special room for you.’’ Cane turned to me and said
‘’Did your dickass dad really make this poor kid sleep in the basement of our dor-’’ Simon almost said before i cut him off
‘’Its alright, its better than what i was sleeping on up there.’’ I said whilst preparing a spell.
Suddenly, the room was lit and shrouded in clouds and dim lights, with a gigantic and fluffy cloud bed and furniture, adorned just the way i liked it.. Not to bright to where it would irritate me.
‘’What the fuck?’’ they both said looking at me with the most confused look on their faces 
‘’Language! Saying bad words in here will TOTALLY kill you oooooh!’’ i said mimicking a ghost whilst flopping ontop of my new bed
‘’Har har, very funny.. Did they not give you this treatment in Heaven?’’ Cane asked whilst playing with my dangling stars that hung from the roof
‘’No, not since HE took over. We got forced to sleep on.. Something.’’ i said trying to hold back a voice crack
‘’Oh. I know we arent supposed to really show any type of emotion but, i feel for you.’’ Simon said whilst rolling on the floor, clearly loving the clouded floor
‘’You two are demons, i highly doubt that you even feel for me, to you guys i am of lesser value.’’ i said whilst still laying in my bed
‘’Never thought of you as lesser value, we just dont like meeting new angels since they always are cocky about them coming from heaven- you seem different.’’ Cane responded still playing around with the dangling stars 
‘’Thats somewhat reassuring- thanks.’’ i said whilst giving a playful kick to Canes shins
*Two yellow auras, one swirled with grey and one swirled with pink.
Their auras dont tell me anything concerning, for now i guess i can trust them?
I still dont see how Cane is actually finding some excitement by playing with dangling stars. Ha.
‘’Oh yeah, we still have to introduce you to school and more around the eternal shitdump of hell.’’ Cane responded, looking down and at a faint snoring noise. 
I also instinctively looked down to find a sleeping Simon.. Sleeping. On. MY. floor!
Ugh. Cmon.
‘’If you want, you guys can stay the night- because im NOT waking up that sleeping beast.’’
‘’Sure, but as much as id love to sleep on your floor, i can really only get a goodnights sleep floating.’’ 
‘’I don't even like sitting whilst floating, so the fact that your able to sleep whilst doing it baffles me.’’  
‘’An influx of memories caused by a traumatic event.. Is that why your here?’’
‘’Yes.. I think.’’
‘’Lets see.. What type of tramautic response is this causing for you?’’
‘’I guess more nightmares and ----.’’ 
--scribble scribble--
‘’Ah, yes! I realize now.. Are you feeling like this due to the daybreak event?’’ 
‘’That might be the stemming problem for me.. I just miss ---sh and --i. I left them up there with HIM.’’ 
--scribble-- --tap-- tap-- --scribble--
‘’Do you want me to watch over them for you?’’ 
‘’Yes. Please make sure that they both remain safe.’’
‘’As you know, i cannot guarantee their safety as they eventually will have to come down here to hide.’’ 
‘’Thats okay. They are mature enough to handle the crown prince and any other foe that comes into contact with them.’’
‘’But! --sh, poor, poor --sh. Hes always had a savior complex- so im afraid that if --i goes, --sh will stay behind in order to save him.’’
‘’Him and his fucking savior complex. Its nice when your being the one saved but trying to save him just makes that a pain in the as-’’
‘’Language. This is technically a holy sacred temple of our savior.’’
‘’Okay. Can we talk a bit more about arrangements for them?’’ 
‘’Of course, Castiel.’’
‘’Koi? Wake up.’’ a tall figure standing right over me said 
‘’Wha- what? Why?’’ i responded in a groggy tone
As i FINALLY opened my eyes and looked up, i saw Simon and Cane standing over me with tired looks on their faces  
‘’Because i said so! You have to get up and get ready for school’’ Simon said whilst picking me up from the neckline of my cloud pajamas :(
‘’Hey HEY! Easy on the pajamas!’’ i said whilst jumping out of my bed  and successfully landing flat on my face 
‘’Ugh.. Hold on i have to get my uniform dont i?’’  i asked simon
‘’Yeah here.. I ironed it out for you last night’’ Cane said whilst holding up a perfectly good red and black school uniform’’
*jingle jangle* ‘’can you stop with that shit? Does it look like i want to hear your car keys- knowing good n’ fuckin well where we are going! ‘’ Simon snapped at Cane 
‘’Aw. Youll be fucking ok! Koi looks happy to go’’ Cane responded with a smirk 
‘’Thats fantastic!! You point out the goody two shoes and say ‘’HE LOOKS HAPPY TO GO TO SCHOOL!’’ dickwad.’’ Simon snapped back, rolling his eyes
Boy do they bicker much. 
I dont really think that Simon has the hots for me considering their attitude this morning- but they just might be upset that they cant do their regular dose of  anarchy.
‘’Oh PLEASE! Shut the fuck up! Clearly robotnik is the better villian than metal sonic’’
‘’Whats better? A metal robot designed for killing and kicking ass or some fatass long nosed bitch?’’ 
Both of the boys bickering slowly faded as they walked out of the door.. Without Koi. Maybe he should stop with his lousy daydreaming and catch a hint.
‘’What?’’ ‘’Simon left something here.. Looks like a diary. Wait WAIT! Did they seriously leave me?? On the first day of school??’’
After 2 hours, Cane finally noticed that Koi was nowhere to be seen and promptly turned around the car and sped back to the house. ‘’You FUCKING idiot! How the hell can you lose a damn bright ass angel??’’ ‘’Hes not my obligation or problem now- this ones on you’’
Yeah, that car ride to the school was pretty uncomfortable. 
Simon thought it would be a funny joke to make me sit in a childs car seat.. What a piece of work he is. 
As Cane pulled into the parking lot of the school, Simon only sighed in response and got out of the car, throwing a fit all the way to the door and punting some poor kid like a football who was just minding their own business. 
‘’Ight Koi. i have only one rule for you- and thats STICK WITH ME. im not getting in deep shit because you wandered off.’’ Cane turned around and said to me 
‘’Im not stupid. They atleast teach us that you demons would have a ‘’ory.. Gasm?’’ if you saw us anywhere near you.’’ I responded tugging on the door handle to no avail though.
Cane only started laughing and got out of the car to meet me at the door.
‘’Whoopsies, child lock’’ he said, winking at me and offering his hand.
‘’You both are so insufferable! I am not THAT short!’’ (i still took this hand though, his car was pretty tall.) i snorted back with a small smile 
‘’Yeah yeah whatever you say short boy’’ Cane responded smiling back and walking to the office. 
Whilst we walked in the long hallways, Cane suddenly stopped and looked at me with a weird face, and asked me a question
‘’Oh. I have to take a quick piss- and i have a student council meeting in 5 minutes too. Can you find a student with a red tag on and ask them for directions to the office?’’
‘’Sure- but-’’ 
‘’Kay, thanks’’ Cane responded and ruffled my hair and PROMPTLY disintegrated into.. Nothing? 
I guess he has teleportation powers or something.
As i looked around, i finally found a student with a red tag on and asked them for directions, but they were about to say something before a taller female figure hushed them and told them sternly to help me. 
Sooner or later the teacher walked away and so did the STUDENT?? 
So now, poor Koi stood there like deer in headlights frantically searching around for someone else, to literally no avail since the hallway was CLEAR. 
‘’Oh my.’’ Koi said to himself 
Walking down the halls he eventually found a curtained off room with about.. Six shadows moving around inside.
Good god am i not going inside of there- ill just keep on walking around and pray that the office magically appears.. 
‘’Are you looking for something?’’ A deep and gruff voice said from behind him 
Poor Koi almost jumped out of his skin hearing a sudden voice.. Only to find a shadow.. Man? Standing behind him. ‘’Im sorry, im looking for the office or somewhere to find my schedule. Are you a guide here?’’ Koi timidly asked because aside from demons, he HATED shadow people. ‘’Im not a guide, but i am apart of the Student Council here. Your overseer Cane asked me to locate you to give you your schedule.’’ the shadow figure responded, blinking its red eyes and handing a paper to Koi 
‘’Well, arent i supposed to address you or something? Also thank you!’’ Koi responded with a smile 
‘’Excuse my rudeness. I havent introduced myself. I am Kortax, and yes, i am a higher being shadow.’’ Kortax said, bowing as an apology and greeting
Oh, you cannot be serious. NOT HIM. ‘’Oh, yeah… thanks.’’ 
‘My pleasure.’’ 
You best believe i booked it to the nearest hallway.. Just to get away from him. Well, luckily i had my schedule now so i can atleast go to class… Worship & backwards messaging.. 
Great! That seems like a fun class to attend, maybe i can learn how to- ‘’This class has to be the most mind-numbing class ever, when will the teacher shut up for once? I actually cant believe i thought this class would be somewhat FUN.’’ .
The intercom crackled to life with a loud ear-shattering echo. ‘’Will Koi Kishimoto report to the office immediately’’
Seriously, out of all the names for a LAST name they pick THAT??
The silence in the room was deafening as everyone nearly broke their necks to look back at him and koi could only hold his head down in shame. A consecutive ‘’OOOOOOOOOOH!’’ roared across the classroom Koi got up and took the walk of shame to the office. As he arrived, you could hear distant shouting, and as Koi got closer to the office doors, it got louder… and louder.
“I want to know where the FUCK is our tour guide! We cannot have a transfer student roaming the damn halls!’’ shouted a very tall and muscular demon ‘’Im so sorry Principal Wither, apparently the tour guide decided 9AM was smoke break time.’’ A much smaller and frail demon responded ‘’That doesnt matter anymore you lazy shit! I will just get this new transfer student…’’ Principal Wither responded ‘’Koi Kishimoto?’’ ‘’Yes him, i will get this Koi Kishimoto to get a full tour by my youngest son.’’ Principal wither said ‘’Okay, Koi should be on his way soon then.’’ ‘’Finally, you do something fucking GOOD for once Blanco! Principal Wither laughed out Koi just had to listen to that whole dramafest, a bit mentally scarred from the Principals endless yelling. The Vice Principal named ‘’Blanco’’ turned around and finally addressed Koi. ‘’Ah, you must be Koi Kishimoto, correct?’’ ‘’Yeah, im Koi.’’  
‘’Take a seat then’’ Koi VERY reluctantly took a seat at the desk “Its about time that you show up, Let me introduce myself. I am Principal Wither, and this Fuckhead right here is Vice Principal Blanco”
“I see that your tour guide wasnt up to par, no?’’ “Yeah, he kinda like ditched me the second the teacher walked away.’’
“.. so your saying Cane defied his duties today?’’ 
‘’No, no sir. Cane had to excuse himself to go use the restroom and deal with a student council matter’’
‘’Thats splendid.. The student council meeting should be ending soon.. CALICO! Bring my son to me this INSTANT!’’
‘’Oh! Uh.. ye-yes sir!’’ 
I really just figured that maybe i wouldnt want to be in the same room as both Canes father and him so i just packed up and went back to class.
The class was boring. Litterally had nothing to do with Worshiping and backwards messaging. But since i still have no cl
ue in the world where im going, i just waited for Cane to appear, either way, my next class is Dark Magic training, but im hoping that the teacher will just let me sit the class out.
  ‘’Koi?’’ Cane said, suddenly appearing right behind my shoulder, and finally moving to stand beside me.
‘’Yes Cane?’’ i responded, clearly tired
‘’Sorry about my dad, i know he frightened you a bit.’’ Cane retorted, with a small snicker and putting his arm around my neck 
‘’Look Cane, ive had a really, REALLY stressful day- could you NOT? Everytime i turn a corner, this man and that man wants to look me up and down like im a piece of ham!!’’ I finally snapped, yelling at cane
‘’Jesus, calm down for a second- first of all, you are quite literally a piece of ham to these animals up here, you know how valuable angel scent is going for?’’ 
Cane is pretty cool. He makes me laugh alot, it helps distract me from what happened above. My head hurts anytime that i really think about it.
‘’Koi! Quit fuckin spacing out. Were supposed to be helping you tour the school, not watching you run into a damn wall because your heads stuck in fucking lalaloopsie land.’’ Cane told me, purposefully bumping into me to wake me up
‘’Huh? Oh yeah sure- wheres that serial killer guy or whatever his name was’’
‘’Ha! Thats oh… HAAAA- oh my fucking god- ive gotta tell Simon you said that HeHEEEEEE’’
‘’Dont! Please for the love of god, hes gonna murder me!!’’
‘’With what? A fucking Cereal box and a bowl of milk? HAAAaaaa’’
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federthenotsogreat · 1 month
People seem interested in universe travel? I have no idea how this happened but I'm happy to help my friends out with my "knowledge" sooooooo
💫⭐Universe travel tutorial!!! (by yours truly)
So first of all, this post informs about what universe travel actually is, including how to do it, but I simply wanted to write another one that serves as a full on tutorial!
Also hi, it's me, Deamy, I'm not writing in orange cause that would get distracting.. Still me tho!!
What exactly is universe travel? 🤔⁉️
"universe travel" as I like to call it, is the process of separating one's soul from the physical body to transcend into another reality, one's consciousness now split between the body and the soul
How do I do it?? 😳😔⁉️
It's actually surprisingly simple! Everyone can universe travel and you don't need anything for it besides your concentration!
⚠️(please don't try this out before you haven't read the beware at the end of the post!!)⚠️
First, pick a reality you want to visit! Then you concentrate on the place you want to appear in! (let's say, a secluded beach)
Now, envision yourself in that environment as vividly as you can! (Closing your eyes can be of great help! You can also stand up to actually get the feeling of well, standing somewhere, instead of laying down for example)
Concentrate as hard as you can! Use all of your senses and remind yourself that you are on a beach in a different universe right now! Imagine the beach. Maybe take a few steps. (you can take these steps in your actual room to make it more realistic!) Can you feel the sand beneath your feet? How does it feel? Hot? cold? Can you hear the ocean? Smell the salt? Can you see the shells? The birds? Maybe take a handful of sand! Can you feel the texture?
It should feel as if you're just imagining things, but at the same time, feel realistic in some way, as if you're actually there, mentally speaking!
Great, you are now universe traveling!!
To return, simply open your eyes (should you have closed them) and stop imagining yourself on the beach.
Remember that to actually universe travel, you have to KNOW and BE AWARE that you are universe traveling! If you don't do that you'll simply imagine stuff 😔🙏
You should also know things about your soul form, as not imagining yourself as your soul can lead to distortions (more about that in the beware!!) You can read up on souls here, or simply shoot me a dm or an ask, I really don't mind!
And that's that! That's how you universe travel!
Stuff to know!!🫵👁️👁️
It's completely normal for a universe to look a bit different and appear bigger than what you see in a movie or a game! It's normal to stumble across forests or villages that you aren't able to visit in, for example, a video game! Don't make things up tho! If there is an actual forest there, it will just pop into view!
It's incredibly difficult to travel into the exact reality you want to visit. It took me a year to figure out that the universe I was traveling to was actually a different one than what I thought... But don't get discouraged! The world will most likely only differ from your preferred one due to a few minor details. You will come to love it, I promise that!
Don't overthink it. You want to meet a specific person and you randomly find them in a tent in the middle of the forest?? Doesn't matter. Probably just one of those minor details! Say hello!
People won't recognize you, and your species! They most likely aren't used to soul furries running around. Depending on the universe (it works really well in the Mario universe I travel to) you can simply try to explain it!
Tips and tricks! 😏🤫✨
Moving your body in sync with your soul form helps a lot! For example, when you knock at a door, actually make a knocking motion with your physical hand!
When talking to people, you can just imagine yourself speaking words and moving your mouth, but actually physically mouthing helps a lot! I actually full on talk physically!
When choosing a location to appear in, choose a quiet and secluded one to get used to your environment
The universe will remember that location. Should you travel to that dimension again, please appear in the same spot! It will help with glitches (explained later in the beware)
Don't let your mind trick you into thinking you're delusional and are just imagining things! This may be harder if you're not a multi-eye like me, I really don't know...
You are not a god. Treat the world you visit with respect. Your actions have consequences, even if your brain thinks you're just making things up. Don't get edgy and play the villain
The multiverse does not encourage traveling trough it, and the reality you travel to may try to "kick you out" by distorting!
If the reality starts to glitch, keep calm and concentrate to make it go away!!
Due to the universe distorting, it may create accidental "mistakes" pulled from misinformation! (for example you imagining a castle as white when it's actually grey)
The mistake will usually correct itself once you realize what happened.
Common universe distortions:
Things appearing in places they shouldn't be in (objects, rooms etc... If it's about an object it's possible that another person moved it. Ask them if you're not sure!
Your soul acting out of control (tripping, running against objects...)
People acting out of character (Cackletta once slapped me in the face :/)
People knowing things they shouldn't (your birthday, name, story details...)
Things existing/not existing in the world that definitely should not exist/exist (traditions, games, animals etc)
The universe retconning itself (certain events happening that shouldn't have happened due to universe distortions can suddenly be wiped from the past including everyone's memories due to the universe correcting its mistake! You too can forget things (i once forgot that I found a seven year old in the woods and spent an entire day with him??????)
Don't travel to a universe directly connected to a video game! Those universes are constantly changing due to players from our world manipulating them! Traveling there can lead to serious distortions!! Travel to the universe that is the same, but doesn't have that connection to our world!
Bringing objects from your world into the other universe!!! Never do this! It causes the object to duplicate so it can appear in the other universe which can lead to distortions!!
I highly recommend knowing at least a little bit about the multiverse!! You can read about that here, or simply ask me!!
If you have ANY QUESTIONS, ASK ME!!! Ask me about souls, ask me about what to do in certain situations! Maybe I can help out!
And now, have fun bonding with your favorite people and then crying yourself to sleep because you can never be truly with them ☺️☺️✨
Sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes I might have missed!
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marauderswolf22 · 2 years
Wolfstar Winter Wonderland Challenge fanfiction part 2!
first part: https://at.tumblr.com/marauderswolf22/wolfstar-winter-wonderland-challenge-fanfiction/q327388htl0b
thirt (last) part: https://at.tumblr.com/marauderswolf22/wolfstar-winter-wonderland-challenge-fanfiction/5k3jkt8vk8m2
The perfect acting he'd learned over the years of explaining himself and his friends, coupled with a desire to keep a good reputation among teachers, paid off. The head of Gryffindor just nodded softly and walked away towards the thumping and music-filled common room of her house. The clatter of heels died away, replaced by the muffled giggles of two sixth-graders. "You're such an idiot"-They intertwined their hands cramped for touch again and walked briskly on. "But you still love me." When they appeared on the spot, it turned out that others were also lazy, and psor sprout hadnt even started the lecture, about where to hang baubles and where chains. Sirius, having never taken an active part in such things, not even back in Hogwarts, was more excited than Remus could bear to bear in mind. With each passing moment, he let the smile shine brighter and brighter on his handsome face, not surprised that Remus looked happy too. While waiting for the rest of the volunteers, the aforementioned animagus jumped from foot to foot, asked about ornaments every now and then and sang softly under his breath, putting everyone around in a cheerful aura. The aforementioned glistening smile was seen on the faces of a bunch Hufflepuffs, a pair of Slytherins, and those with prefect badges gleaming on their wool sweaters. ”Okay guys, I guess we're all here!" It seemed that even Sprout got the December mood. Her Muggle sweater had bright red and green stripes on it, and a small reindeer flew around the winter hat. "There are 20 of you, so split into pairs and each pair will get a box of ornaments."- After assigning each a box and part of the castle to work in, the group dispersed. Remus and Sirius were given the task of hanging the classrooms and corridors in the lower floors of the castle, with garlands, spells, Christmas trees, and of course Sirius' eagerly awaited mistletoe.
"Sooooooo." The young werewolf, already knowing what was going to be said, rushed into the corridor, leaving his boyfriend with the box in his hands. - "Hey, that's not fair!" -But in the corridor there was nothing except giggles and the echo of running on stone floors. Not getting his hopes up for Remus's return, Sirius quickly ran after him, simultaneously trying not to drop favorite Sprout’s bubbles. Despite Remus's longer limbs, padfoot was all the more athletic being a Quidditch player. After covering a distance not exceeding two Great Halls, he caught up with him, throwing a golden chain around his neck. "You're stuck!" Remus laughed again in response. "I'm not going anywhere without you anymore." And although Sirius was out of breath and amused, the words affected him a little more than they should have. Thinking about them warmed his heart, but he tried to focus on his work, making Rem proud of him with his commitment and of course, sometimes he tried to drag him under the mistletoe. So he put the box on the windowsill and they togheter start work. The previously mentioned chains were placed above the benches, minimalist Christmas trees stood against the walls every few meters, and the spells they had learned in the previous classes made the air smell of candles and little enchanted elves were flying around. After a few longer moments, they made their way to the next corridor. "It's much more time consuming than I thought," the words didn't seem to reach Sirius as he looked at the ornaments. "Hey, are you okay?" He quickly looked up and smiled brightly at the sight of his amber eyes. "Yeah, I'm just happy to be here with you."
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the-kneesbees · 3 months
this is the 1st half of my thoughts, i'm working my way through the back half now-
Tulsa '67 - wasn't expecting Ponyboy's voice to be so freaking strong, I like the softness to the background music, feels very floaty and story telling, gets very upbeat and jazzy sometimes, I kinda dig it, JOHNNY MY LORD, the ending was sooooooo good
Grease Got A Hold - why was the intro kinda sexy- I feel like Dallas would never ever do this, but I appreciate the voice he's got, the acronym and rapping??? hello????? okay cool kids- STOP AND SMELL THE MOTOR OIL, two is as always my baby boy, i feel like i'm being hunted down by a grease monster
Runs in the Family - ohhhhh the darry feels, loveeeee the beat on this one, very eldest child syndrome, i feel like i will definitely be learning the words and singing along to this one in the future, his voice is so damn smooth I just wanna sit on a wooden box and snap along to the tune
Great Expectations - the FEELS at the beginning, i'm very sad, ponyboy always assumes he's the main character and yet i will listen to whatever he sings because i'm floored by their voices, i like how it builds up at the end, it's very dramatic, very very very breaking the fourth wall vibes
Friday at the Drive-In - HOLY SHIT WE'RE GETTING INTO IT NOW, i was soooo into the beginning and it's very very vibey, great way to set the scene, I can practically see the whole set up in my mind
I Could Talk to You All Night - hate the love song vibe. hate it. cherry has a stellar voice (they all do) but i don't like the way i can feel the crush-y vibes bleeding from the song. maybe this dislike comes mainly from my dislike of cherry. who knows.
Runs In The Family (Reprise) - damnnnnn the beat at the beginning. down on my knees once more for darry's voice. am sat. love the banter between sodapop and dare, love that the whole song is darry snapping back. in love. one of my favorites, hands down easily, love the way the beat gets stronger as they fight and fight and fight. THE SLAP.
Far Away From Tulsa - once again, we are main character moment-ing but his voice is so damn silky i don't even mind. very floaty, i like how mellow it is. johnny sounds very kid-like here, but this feels odd to me, the whole song feels odd, and we of course bring back dickens, much drama. many feels.
Run Run Brother - oh my god- oh my god- this really makes pony's voice shines, i love the desperation, the quick pace would probably make it a nightmare, but i love the pacing, in LOVE with the way it brings in the other songs, the vibe is very rushed and spooky and swirling and overwhelmed and i dig it
Tulsa '67- I KNOWWW his voice is so beautiful NOT what i was expecting for some reason - very good opening song
Grease Got a Hold- I def agree that dally wouldnt act like this- i feel like hes quite different in the musical than in the book and movie, but its not necessarily a BAD thing, and plus we all have different interpretations of the character etc etc. i do really love the actor though hes got a nice voice. ALSO about the acronym thing youre so real for that i love it so much. two is also a real cutie <3
Runs in the Family- I LOVE HIS VOICE SO FREAKING MUCH STOP- literally every word he sings is like holy gospel to me i dont even care im so okay with being entirely annoying about it. i also fully agree w you as an eldest child myself- felt this one in my soul fr
Great Expectations - real good song but not my fav actually? i do love the part where he talks about everyone else too yk. i do really appreciate he emotion the actor puts into it though i mean he really has me hanging on every word
I Could Talk to You All Night - yeah definitely a bit too lovey dovey- i do like it as a song though yk? like its a good song on its own. and i also thought it was a bit weird how cherry spoke to pony? like the whole 'i never thoight i see hope in your eyes' and the thing about assuming he didnt read? that was really strange to me and definitely NOT how i interpret cherrys character (love her sm though) and i totally agree they all have phenominal voices theyre a really amazing and talented group of actors/singers/whatever
Runs In The Family (Reprise)- literally just exactly what you said- this is probably my favorite in the whole album, and the slap is SO FUCKING FUNNY for some reason lmao
Far Away From Tulsa - yeah this one definitely captures pony in that scene- he was being kind of a drama queen in that bit where he was crying to johnny lol but we still love him. ALSO i dont even really ship pony and johnny (like ig i kind of do but its not something i really care about much) but WHAT were those boys on about in this one. with their feather bed and shit oml-
Run Run Brother - once again, you said my words exactly- this song is PERFECT for what its about and their VOICES ohmyGOD
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hauntingthechateau · 11 months
Monday November 6th
rain, clouds, high of 14
I've got a new routine! Get up, great dressed, head to studio, have tea at studio and do my journaling over tea. Much better. Its easier to write when I'm not falling asleep and it uses that awkward hour in the morning when I'm ready before breakfast.
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Had a great breakfast (with Dusty, of course). And then took me second tea of the morning for a walk around the property. It's been raining on and off but there was a perfect lull and the temperature is quite nice for a hat and jacket. I met the chickens and goat and sheep and saw the swimming pond as well as the reservoir and some swans and ducks and a maybe a muskrat? Some sort of cute rodent having a lazy little float. sat on the bridge with the best view of the Chateau and finished my tea.
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Headed to the studios and got to work! Finished a layer on a painting around noon and then had a great one on one with Beulah (the director of the Residency). We had a great talk about what I want to get out of the residency and my time here, my background and what I'm planning on working on. I think it kind of sunk in then that I was going to get even more out of this residency than I thought... It's a lot more hands on and involved and committed to helping artists grow and giving them resources. I mentioned wanting some more storage for my studio and within minutes Ziggy (the co-director) appeared with a couple matching antique corner units. I cleaned them up and then filled them with supplies and my studio is looking both more organized and less empty.
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Realized today that 12pm lunch doesn't mean I need to EAT the lunch at 12 pm, just means it's SERVED at 12pm. Apparently it's not put away until around 1:30/2 but even then it just goes in the fridge. SO I had lunch today around 1:30 which made the 7pm dinner easier 😅.
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Didn't do a lot of painting today, but feel really good about what I accomplished and I'm getting really excited for next steps. Headed up to the Chateau around 6:30 and was assault by the smell of roasting sausages. Tortured ourselves by talking until dinner was ready while drooling from the smell. Dinner was Chef Marie's first meal back after the weekend and we were treated right! Sausages (full of garlic and herbs and so rich and succulent), the most flavourful french lentils I've ever had, brussels sprouts, chicken caesar salad and fresh baked bacon and cheddar biscuits. Dessert was a molten lava cake that was divine. I had mine with creme anglais and a heavy red wine that complimented the rich semi sweet cake perfectly.
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I didn't stay too long after dinner, even though the conversations are good, I find the dining room gets so hot and loud that my ears are ringing by the time I get home.
Now that I'm not journaling at night, I really have time to read. I'm reading Babel right now and its GREAT, but its hard reading such a stressful book before bed, it really gets my heart pumping. Its due in a few days and its sooooooo long, but I've got to power through and finish it so I can return it to the library.
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Headed to bed and was out for the night.
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pa-panda-heroes · 3 years
Requested by @acidicly-poisonous. Your requests have given me so much hope and happiness 🥺 as always, thank you!!
Cuddling Dabi!
Oh, here we go. Dabi secretly loves to cuddle. He’ll never admit it to you, and if you tease him about cuddling you, you’re likely to get sassed or teased back tenfold so he can deflect.
Obviously, you both have to be wary of his staples and stretching his skin, so anything elaborate is most likely off-limits! Dabi’s body heat tends to run on the cool side and he can get smothered easily, but that doesn’t often stop him from yanking a blanket over the two of you!
His favourite time to cuddle is after you’ve both had a bath, whether you head straight to bed to cuddle and browse on your phones, or bolt to the sofa to watch tv, he doesn’t mind! He just loves taking the smell of your shampoo and soaps and feeling clean. Baths are a great time to relax, so for him it’s only natural to cuddle and relax after that.
But, his second favourite (even if rarely he remembers) is in the morning, when he’s slept really deeply and is still sleepy, grumbly, and totally incoherent. Half asleep, he’ll latch onto you and pull you close before nestling his face into the crook of your neck or your hair. If he’s really asleep still, he’ll end up hugging your chest to his face and sighing before dozing off.
May not cuddle and coddle you when he’s having a bad day, but he’s not going to complain if you cuddle up to him. It makes him feel better when he’s sitting on the sofa watching tv to distract himself and you crawl next to him, putting your head on his chest and wrapping your arms around his waist. Bonus points if you wrap your leg over his!
Sooooooo cuddly when he’s drunk. Alcohol tends to wipe away a lot of his self-restraint, leaving you with a clingy, cuddly, and smothering villain in your lap (maybe literally). He’s also very smooch-y, but he’ll usually miss or just end up headbutting you gently in the meekest way possible. Drunk Dabi is cute Dabi
Put! His! Head! In your lap!! Sober or not, it doesn’t matter! Run your fingers through his hair, gently scratch his scalp - it’s the best way to make Dabi putty in your hands. He loves your thighs, and he loves just putting his head there and dozing off if you let him. It makes him feel taken care of.
Dabi also loves to stretch out on the sofa on his back and let you lay on top of him - with your head on his chest - so he can lay there and hold you. It’s serene and it brings him a calm he doesn’t experience often.
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liannelara-dracula · 4 years
Alright this is finally done. I am trying to get to other asks do not send in other ones.
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He let’s you handle yourself at first.
But if he notices that you aren’t getting better or need help he will come to you.
He isn’t strict with medicine but rest.
He wants you to sleep.
So he cuddles you.
He literally pulls you down to lay with him.
Take you to the doctor if needed.
He isn’t too worried.
He will give you affection cause he knows he can’t get sick.
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Is sooooooo strict, like no joke.
He watches you like a mom.
Gives you remedies and medicines to treat you.
He keeps you in his room to have you rest on his bed. So he can watch you of course.
It’s also cause he likes to secretly watch you sleep.
If it’s bad like a fever or worse he carries you everywhere. Obviously bridal style.
He checks your temperature and asks you were it hurts.
If you want affection he doesn’t give it to you bc your sick. He won’t get sick but he just feels the need to punish you for getting sick.
Though he will kiss the top of your head after he checks your temperature.
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He’s pretty good at taking care of you.
Actually knows how to care of you, with Reijis instructions of course.😂😂
He worries a lot
To the point where it’s annoying.
“Bitch Chan do you need this?” Or “How do you feel? Does it hurt?” He’d ask, just getting on your nerves.
Tries to be helpful but he’s nervous.
Finds your stuffy nose and red face kinda cute.
“How adorable.” He’d tease tapping your nose.
“Ugh.” You’d huff.
Overall he tries.
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Bro here really tries, like he does his best.
Always asking Reiji or Shu how to do things.
“Bro how do I check the temperature again?” He’d ask.
“Just put it on her forehead and it’ll tell you.” Shu would sigh.
“Thanks, dude.” He’d say before leaving.
He will take pictures of you while you’re sick.
Hands you tissues, or water.
Gives you fluffy blankets.
Makes horrible soup.
Gives you his hoodies.
doesn’t kiss you tho.
“Human germs can’t effect you.”
“Really?” He’d ask.
“Yes, idiot.” You’d joke.
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Is pretty good.
watches you like a hawk.
knows how to make you fall asleep.
Sings you to sleep.
He feeds you his sweets and his cake.
You have to convince him a lot of times that your not dying and that it’s just a cold.
He likes to cuddle with you so much.
You become the little spoon. No objections.
He likes to give you blankets and pillows.
He’s very good at giving medication to you if needed.
If his brothers are being loud and you need rest he’ll get angry and tell them to be quiet.
“Be quiet! Can’t you see your upsetting Y/n!?”
He’d yell before closing the door to come back to you.
“Okay you can rest now princess.”
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He is soooooo worried.
Protect him I swear
He is so caring and sweet.
Will get you anything and he makes sure you take the medicine.
He might forget and then he’ll get mad but you tell him it’s ok.
Would take you to the doctor if things got worse.
He’d really help if you needed it.
If he saw you could handle it he wouldn’t interfere.
But he’d check up on you.
And kiss your forehead, especially if you have a fever.
He’d also give you cuddles if you were cold.
Overall he’d be really sweet.
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Takes pictures of you for black mail.
Not so good at taking care of you.
He’s like a Ayato in that sense.
His soup will be salty.
He will give good massages tho.
Buys you medicine tho.
You mostly have to take care of your self tho.
But he’ll make sure it’s not an emergency or something.
Otherwise he’ll get you some help.
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He knows you don’t need help but he’s helping you anyways because he says you don’t know how to take care of yourself.
It’s just an excuse to be with you.
He is very caring and gentle with you.
Reads to you a lot to comfort you.
Temple and forehead kisses.
He brushes your hair a lot.
He also makes you take baths to relax not with you tho since your sick and he knows you don’t feel the greatest rn.
Gives you medicine and if you hate it you’re still taking it. He doesn’t try to give you other flavors that you’d like either he just tells you to suck it up.
“Ruki it tastes horrible.” You grimaced at the spoonful of dark liquid he was about to give you.
“There is no other way of getting better. So open wide.” He’d be a little smug about it seeing you act like a kid.
You are usually in his bed bc he supervises you when you’re sick.
He will cuddle with you too.
Keeps a close eye on you.
He doesn’t want you to help him bc he knows you’re weak right now.
He would carry you around if needed.
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He does his best if he needs to step in.
Cause Yuma has a big heart.
He will carry you anywhere and everywhere. Bc he doesn’t want you t be by yourself.
Ruki would have to tell him how to use the medicine properly cause we all know Yuma can get upset with instructions.😂😂
Really cares for you but he sometimes wants you to be tougher cause he thinks it’s just a little illness or whatever.
Though after he sees you trying to follow up after him and you can’t he stops and apologize.
He will probably hold you like a little kid when he picks you up. Which is so awkward.
“Yuma put me down. I can still walk there.” You’d say a little annoyed.
“Aw, are you embarrassed little pig? It’s not like you’re wearing a skirt.”
You roll your eyes at him just give up.
You have to remind him when you have take your medicine cause he forgets.
He will help you in the shower even you don’t need it or want his help.
“I’m okay. I really don’t need help washing myself.”
“Two showering is faster than one.” He’d say pulling up the hem of your shirt above your waistline.
“Yuma I’m sick, this isn’t appealing.” You’d pout.
Tho he always reassures you, you look beautiful anyway.
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He’s pretty decent with taking care of you if you need it.
You sleep in his bed cause he wants you too.
He makes you food and gives you medicine.
He finds you being sick a little too cute.
Like all your little sneezes and red nose.
Even tho your really annoyed.
He is sweet with helping you but you always tell him you got it.
Sometimes he can annoy you so you pretend like your sleeping😂
He likes to cuddle with you.
He gives a lot head pats.
Will baby you.
“Here let me help you walk there? Do you want to shower? Some water?”
And so on.
He just gets worried.
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Soooooo gentle and sweet.
He helps you with everything.
Brings you the homework you missed and completes it for you.
But he tells you everything you need to know.
Makes you food even if he sucks.
Cuddles you.
Gives you the medicine and listened to Ruki’s instructions.
He is very careful.
Worries over you a lot.
So he checks your temperature often.
He will keep you company and won’t leave.
Is just so sweet and will carry you if you don’t feel good either.
Likes to prepare baths for you too.
He puts a lot of flowers in it with a bath bomb too.
It all smells really nice.
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Keeps an eye on you.
He knows what it’s like to be sick.
Helps you as best as he can.
Pretty good at making you food and remembering when to give medicine.
He’s like a doctor honestly.
Will allow you to sleep his bed instead.
He checks your temperature and places a kiss to your head.
Reads you books probably.
You mostly sleep so he doesn’t have to be around you too much.
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he’s not that great.
it’s cause he doesn’t get sick so he doesn’t get it.
he tires tho.
but he gets impatient.
“How the heck do you read this damn thing?”
“Shin, you’re reading it upside down.” You’d giggle.
You mostly take care of yourself but he is willing to help if he’s that you need it.
He actually likes to take care of you.
Sucks at making food.
no really.
Finds your sneezes cute tho.
He likes to hug you too, cause it gives you comfort.
And it’s probably the only thing he can do.
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geminidentitycrisis · 3 years
The Scent of Leather and Hairspray
Present Mic/Hizashi Yamada x F!reader ONESHOT
(WARNINGS! - swearing)
Sooooooo, I have a new favorite Pro, I guess haha
I hope you enjoy, and if you're underage, pretend you're older because I get it, I'd be Hot For Teacher too, but he's not a pedo sorry......
You sighed as, upon exiting the store where you just purchased a frozen drink, the men you passed to enter that store started catcalling you. Just what you needed at the end of a rough day...
"Hey Honey, you'd be cuter if you smiled...!"
"Don't listen to that shit, babygirl, you're sexy as hell, c'mere and hang out a while...?"
Ignoring them the best you could, you kept walking, but they didn't take that very well. "You think you're too good for us, that it, stuck up bitch? Where you think you're goin'?"
You could hear their footsteps approaching behind you and turned to face them after sipping from your drink.
"Guys, please, I've had a hell of a day today and my quirk would probably scar you both for life and what do you say we just don't do this, huh?"
They exchanged glances before fixing you with threatening glares. "You think you're tough, babygirl? We'll see how tough you are when we get through teaching you some respect..." the first one said.
A voice called from behind you and suddenly an arm was draped gently around your neck. You froze, being caught off guard tended to prompt a panic response when you were so tired.
You smelled leather and an overwhelming scent of hairspray.
"What's the trouble, my homies? Pretty sure ya heard the lady, she ain't jammin' to the vibe ya layin' down, ya dig? Beat it."
Heart skipping a beat or two, your eyes grew wide and a blush flooded your cheeks. "That voice...?!"
You whipped your head up to see the one and only Present Mic.
"Ah! I knew it! I knew I recognized your voice, I catch your radio show every day! You're the Sound Hero, Present Mic!" he flashed a grin down at you, winking.
"Oooh, you've got good ears, Listener! Thanks for Hypin' me up like that! Always great ta meet a FAAAN!" he responded in his commentator voice.
One of your would be tormentors interrupted angrily. "Hey, peacock head, why don't you mind your business?"
"PEACOCK...?! You boys best get ta steppin', aight?! Don't make me beat you up in fronta this pretty girl!" he replied in annoyance after his attention was so aggressively stolen from you.
The blush came back in full force and you couldn't contain a dreamy sigh as your lashes fluttered, eyes lidding contentedly now that you felt safe again.
*he said I was pretty~!* you thought.
"You believe this banana hair lookin' motherfucker? You're about to get your ass whooped, fruity!" the other threatened.
"Hey bro, watch your language! There's a lady here!" with the arm around your shoulders, Mic carefully raised it and guided you behind himself as the two started walking towards you both.
Another voice came suddenly from the other side of the parking lot and everyone, with the exception of the blonde who was guarding you, turned to see Eraserhead.
Suddenly these jerks weren't so confident.
"Get lost, both of you, and go straight home or I'll bring the two of you in right now for loitering and harassment." he said calmly but with deep authority.
Mic crossed his arms, glaring at the duo as they ran off after a mere moment of hesitation, his cheeks puffed out slightly. "What a couple creepozoids! You okay, Pussy Cat...?" he quickly spun around to check you out, striking a dramatic pose while pointing at you, the trademark grin already back in place.
You smiled up at him with admiration sparkling in your eyes, clasping the cup you held in both hands and tight to your chest, stepping closer to him.
"Yes, thanks to you! You're my Hero~!"
Mic felt his own chest swell with pride a bit, the grin on his face getting bigger as he relaxed his stance and shoved his hands in his jacket pockets.
Usually by now the damsel has already flung herself on Aizawa, but not only were you praising him, you recognized him from just his voice and he was impressed at that.
"I can't believe I was just rescued by my favorite Pro, I am your #1 fan! Please, are you patrolling the city tonight? Please let me buy you a coffee or tea or something?? Just as a thank you...?"
Hizashi laughed rather loudly, one hand emerging from his pocket to be placed over his chest.
"HAHA! Aaaww, how can I say NO when you ask so sweetly?! Coffee sounds like a rockin' idea right about now!"
"Ugh, we don't have time for this, Mic..." Eraserhead complained tiredly.
Eyes rolling in exasperation, the blonde groaned twice as loud. "ugGHHH!! Don't be such a buzzkill, yo! I'll get you one, too, just chill!" with that, he trailed after you back into the store.
You watched as he doctored up the coffee you poured for him, blushing again when he threw a hint of a smirk your way, using the tip of his finger to lift the gold tinted shades he wore and showing you his emerald green eyes. "Don't worry, I'll pay for my boring friend..."
Smiling, you bounced on your heels. "Damn right you will, I'm not HIS fangirl, after all..."
This promoted a slight blush to his face, but he maintained that knockout grin. "Ha! Well, good thing his best friend is here at least, lucky for him I tagged along tonight, huh??"
"Lucky for both of us..." came your soft reply from over your shoulder as you turned to walk away, your hips swaying temptingly had definitely not escaped his notice.
He followed you to the checkout counter and placed some money beside yours, his ungloved fingertips brushing against your own when he does. Leaning down closer to you, he cocked his head, pushing his shades down his nose this time and raising a brow.
"Does my #1 fan have a name...?"
Your smile bloomed again, blushing up at him. "It's  _______...but I might prefer you calling me Pussy Cat...~"
Saying that last bit, you applied a sensual undertone which he picked up on instantly, making his blush spread over his face and grow darker as he chuckled in amusement.
When you guys walked out the door, you noticed Eraserhead seemed really annoyed but tried to ignore him, looking up at the Voice Hero hopefully.
"Listen, I know you're both busy, but if you have just one more second to spare, I can't tell you how much it would mean to me if I could get your autograph..."
Looking away awkwardly, he made a pained expression. "Aw, man, I dunno, we are kinda in a hurry here and stuff..."
You felt your heart sinking when he startled you with another loud laugh. "Hahaha, gotcha! JK! Of course I will, I ain't gonna leave ya hangin' like that, no way, that ain't my STYYYYYYYYLLLE!"
Giddy with excitement, you let out a tiny squeal, quickly fishing out a small notebook and pen from your purse as he set the cups down. When you handed it to him, his fingers brushed yours again, making you bite tenderly at your bottom lip.
They were so warm and soft...
He had started to whistle a cheerful little tune as he spun the pen between his fingers before starting to write in your book, it took longer than you expected, clearly longer than Eraser expected, too.
"Say goodbye to the girl, Mic, it's time to keep moving!" he didn't yell, exactly, too lazy, but he had raised his voice since last.
"YEAH, YEAH, I HEARD YA!!! Gimme a sec, ALRIGHT?!" the volume of the blonde's reply actually made your eardrums flinch and quiver this time, but you smiled anyway as he defended you again.
"There ya go! And hey, just to spite my buddy over there, I wouldn't mind walkin' ya home ta make sure ya get there safe."
The blush came right back, clutching the book to your heart, you gave a weak smile. "No, no, it's okay, really...I took up too much of your time already, and I only live around the corner from here..."
Eyes closing momentarily while you gathered yourself, you took a deep breath before confessing. "...I cannot express how grateful I am for you...not just for saving me tonight, but also for your talk show, hearing your voice over the radio gives me strength and motivation every week...it means the world to me...thank you..."
Beckoning him by flexing a finger, you stood on your tiptoes and pressed a sweet kiss against his cheek when he leaned in curiously.
Eyes widening, his whole face became scarlet red and his grin stretched from ear to ear. "AW, YEAH!"
He jumped, pumping his fists in the air and then proceeded to shoot you with his finger guns while  winking again. "Listen, I dropped my digits on that piece'a paper ya got there, Shawty...hit me up sometime if ya wanna chill! I'm down for whatever!"
You were caught off guard by that and checked the page he signed for you, finally reading what he wrote down as he rambled on as background noise about how he wasn't a creep like those other guys and you could say no without worrying about him making a scene, he just had to shoot his shot, I mean you DID kiss ME first ya know...
"For my #1 fan, _______...Thanks for the coffee and stay outta trouble! ...and maybe call or shoot a txt, if your feelin' this funky vibe, too? Live loud, Pussy Cat ;) don't ever let anyone try an put the mute on ya! XOXOX PRESENT MIC!!!"
Followed by his phone number, and there were little hearts drawn around the page.
You were already blushing when he surprised you again by returning your gesture and swooping in to plant a kiss on your cheek this time.
Reaching up to touch the spot, you smiled up at him shyly. "I can't wait...please be safe out there..."
"You got it! SEE YA SOON!" The Pro nodded vigorously, giving an enthusiastic wave of goodbye before grabbing his and Eraserhead's drinks, practically bouncing with every step.
It made you giggle, but you were trying not to get your hopes up too much. For all you knew, he gave his number out to every girl that asked him for a signature.
"Are you happy now...?" Shouta grumbled, taking the cup being offered as he turned to resume patrolling. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! HECK YEAH I AM! I'M ON CLOUD NINE RIGHT NOW, I JUST MET MY FUTURE WIFE!!!!!!!!"
You heard him very clearly, the blush traveling all the way down your neck this time, and you couldn't help another small giggle, your heart fluttering with happiness like the wings of the butterflies in your belly.
He just had that effect on you.
Glancing down at the notebook in your hand as you sipped your quickly melting frosty, you noticed in the bottom right corner was a little arrow, below which was written the word "flip".
You looked up again but the two Pro Heroes were already gone.
Curiously, you flipped over the page.
a. YES!!!!!
b. a
c. b
That smooth sonuvabitch had you blushing and giggling all night.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Ok, ok - it's so great that we're sharing this enthusiasm here ❤
So, how about period sex with Jerome, Jervis, Oswald, Edward, Jonathan, Victor Z., Beetlejuice, Spike, Billy, Pennywise (2017) and J.D.? That's not too much is it? Sorry!
Oooh. Okay, hm. 
For you or anyone else who wants to see my other post about this- Horror Villains And: Period Sex
Jerome Valeska: Well man he’s for sure up to give it a go!! And he’s going to give it his best go, too. I mean, he likes blood! He likes your body! What's not to like about this, really? He’ll use his fingers, his cock, and his tongue- what? He just wants to get the full experience, Y/N! He calls it a free sample. 
Jervis Tetch: He’s happy to try, if it’s going to make you feel better!! Anything for his Alice. (As soon as y’all get into it though he’s genuinely into it. Its so much warmer, and gooey. You lost him. Enjoy) 
Oswald Cobblepot: Oz is like Drayton in that it’ll take some convincing. He’s not scared, uncomfortable or disgusted at all, he just doesn't.. particularly... want to see you covered in blood? You know? He’s seen a l o t of people covered in blood, and its never a good thing- so he doesn't want to see you like that- even if he knows, logically, that its natural. He’s afraid it would bring bad memories to the table. 
Edward Nygma: He’s a forensic scientist, so he is certainly not afraid of getting up close and personal with blood of any kind. He’s more nervous about the actual sex part, but I assume by this point you and him have done it at least a couple times so he’s gotten more comfortable, and knowledgeable about pleasuring you. Similar to Jervis, he’s glad to help if it’ll lessen your discomfort factor during this hard time of the month! Its not really any different to non-period sex for him, though. Except he must put down a plastic sheet so you don't mess up the bed XD
(Separate part for) Riddler: Let him just get outta his strictly dry clean green suit quickly and then you’re on. He’s on it, Y/N. He’s on it. 
Jonathan Crane: Yep. Haha XD He likes all things gorey, bloody, and taboo. This is his favourite kind of sex. 
Victor Zsasz: Vic is in Jervis’ and Ed’s boat in wanting to care for you when you’re not feeling too hot- other then that, he’s indifferent to the fact that there is blood. 
Beetlejuice: Are you kidding. Disgusting gremlin man will even eat out his partner when they’re on their period with PLEASURE. Will take it upon himself to try and lick you clean, even though that’s not going to happen depending on the time of your cycle- which bleeds into some serious overstimulation for you. He’s just enjoying himself so much!! ...  slurp. 
Spike: Uhhh... this might be a Jerry Dandridge kinda situation. Then again Jerry didnt have had that chip that would stop him from hurting you and he does like to torture himself a bit sooooooo... he actually might be into it ha ha. Don't take advantage though, you’ll hurt him. 
Billy (Loomis? I assume Loomis): Already did him but just saying, once he does try it... he probably likes it. Perfect for when he’s mad- he can take his anger out without actually shedding anyone’s blood. And he gets to do it with you! Bonus. 
Pennywise 2017: Like Billy I’ve already done this but just to add- they’re really into the smell. Unlike his older counterpart, he will probably steal your freaken bloody underwear (No chill. Filthy.). 
J.D: I don’t generally write for JD because... secretly he annoys me... but whatever, this is short, so I don’t mind ^^ I can so see him loving to get his fingers right in there, and show you the mess you made. Such a tease. Such an ass. 
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glitxhwayventeen · 3 years
A Different Kind Of Love…
Wonwoo: Chapter 4 (Open Your Eyes)
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Characters: Wonwoo x female reader
Genre/Warnings: multi-member au (different scenarios), werewolf au, fantasy, angst, fluff, cheating (again, sort of), Food mentions, domestic abuse (well almost, he didn’t mean to), angry mobs, death/murder, blood mentions, fire mentions, thoughts of suicide, implied danger, mob violence, Mood Swings. Any others will be put as warnings when future chapters are thought up/written. Please let me know if I missed anything!
Author’s Note: Sooooooo yeah. That was a fun chapter to make. Hopefully it actually makes sense to you guys the at it makes sense to me. And hopefully it makes up for not posting for like a week.
Please remember that all of these chapters and the content within them are a work of fiction! They’re just for fun/entertainment!
Bold= Dialogue Italics= Thoughts/Story Bold&Italics= Flashback/Premonition Dialogue
A Different Kind Of Love… Master List
Chapter 4: Open Your Eyes
These past few days have been a bit… strange to say the least. You were acting weird. Well, you were always weird. But recently, you’d been getting weirder. Though, you refused to admit it, and you had the boys all too frightened to ask you about it because you’d cry anytime someone tried to say something to you.
You’d cry hard, much harder than most people would from even getting hurt over something as small as burning your breakfast. It was starting to worry your mate. He wasn’t upset with you or anything, he couldn’t be even if he wanted to because he loved you so much. He was just… worried for you. Especially after the latest premonition he had…
He found himself in the center of a field surrounded by beautiful freshly bloomed flowers. He could smell the soft summer breeze in the air and could see all the fluffy clouds above. He was able to just vaguely make out what seemed to be a small village in the far distance. And he heard basically every bird within a mile chirping their happy little songs. Everything seemed so… peaceful.
Then, in a flash, the flowers were on fire. Everything was. Yet when he tried to touch the plants, he felt nothing. No seething pain. No blistering burning sensation. Just… nothing. It was like he wasn’t even supposed to be there and because of this, the whole scene around him ignored him.
The now evening sky had turned a deep orange from the flames and the smoke that came with them, he couldn’t see even one star shining through. Breathing in was like breathing in an ashtray of cinders and fireflakes. He could no longer hear the birds singing, only the hissing sound of the flames crackling.
The smell of a soft summer breeze was replaced by charred wood and sulfur. Everything had literally gone up in flames before his very eyes. He had a feeling, a very VERY not good feeling, that something seriously bad was happening.
He could hear screaming and shouting from a crowd of people nearby, he was so far away and yet he wouldn’t have even needed his super hearing to listen to it. They were literally screaming.
His heart rate picked up out of no where, worrying him a great deal. He had only ever felt the type of heavy feeling in his chest once before…
Since he could move around the blazing scene without fear of getting harmed, he started to follow the profanities being spewed through the air.
Kill them!
They’re not human!
Hurry before it’s too late!
They’re over here!
He figured it must’ve just been some sort of creature they were afraid of, which really could’ve been about anything considering there were mystic things all around them. Humans were ridiculously scared of any and everything they didn’t fully understand or wouldn’t consider normal.
As he got closer to the noise the angry mob was making, he felt an all too familiar churning in his lower stomach. Though he couldn’t quite place it at that moment as there was too much going on around him for him to process one specific thing.
He just continued to the voices until he was met with people rushing to the center of the small town he now found himself in.
It looked like it was the town the pack usually went to to get supplies. It was typically a pretty quiet town, most people hardly even spoke to each other out of polite curtesy. So what in the world had the townspeople so worked up?
He pushed passed people, quickly trying to weave in and out between them as he didn’t know whether or not he had contacts on, if anyone would recognize that he was a werewolf, or if anyone could even see him.
He was positive at that point he was seeing some sort of future. His surroundings never just blatantly ignored him when he normally slept. Everything felt… too real for it to just be a dream.
A sweet scent pulled him out of his thoughts. You. He was smelling you mixed with some other scent that sent a charge of overprotectiveness through his veins. And the scents were coming from where the crowd was rushing off towards. They were after you!
He picked up his speed and began throwing people away from his path with all his might in an attempt to get to you quicker. No. Not you. It couldn’t have been you. You should’ve been at home sleeping. You should’ve been at home safe. Why the living fuck were they after you?
Load the guns! And make sure the bullets are silver! We don’t want it getting away!
That’s when Wonwoo stopped dead in his tracks as his heart felt like it had traveled down and fell to his stomach. That’s when it hit him. They must’ve known. They knew you were a wolf. You must’ve gotten yourself exposed.
He had marked you too. What were they gonna do to you once they found you? You were in trouble. Serious fucking trouble. Your life was in imminent danger, he had to do something. But what could he do?
He was surrounded by unknown people and he didn’t sense his pack around. He didn’t sense anything familiar but you. You must’ve been alone.
Why the hell would you go out alone? Why would you go out without them? Why would you go out without him?
He heard a loud warning growl in the near distance that caused him to begin bolting onwards again. You must’ve shifted. Why the hell would you shift?
That would just give them more reason to shoot you. You’d also be a bigger target and be more vulnerable.
You could’ve gotten away easier as a human because you were so small. You could’ve used your powers as a human better. Hell, you could’ve semi-blended in better with the crowd as a human. You knew all of that. So why the hell would you shift in the middle of an angry crowd with a target already on your back?
He could sense your own breathing becoming more erratic while he was all but gasping for air the closer he got to you. He could feel your own heart racing next to his own and your own fear flooding through his body. You were scared, but you weren’t getting further away from the mob. You were stuck.
So why the hell weren’t you fighting back? Why were you sending them warning snarls instead of ripping their heads off in an effort to run away? Why wouldn’t you push back at them? Why weren’t you fighting and taking as many of them out as you could? You had to have known the chances of you getting out at that point were slim. And you would never just go down without a fight. Ever. So why weren’t you defending yourself?
As your snow white wolf form finally came into his view, he saw all the guns pointed at you. He watched as you bared your fangs at them. He could feel the terror and anger in your deep green eyes.
But he also saw something else, something that confused him. You were… backing away from the crowd. It was as if you were shielding something from them. Or someone.
Before he even had time to sneak a peak at what you were protecting or wonder what it was you were doing, he heard a shot that made his heartbeat still.
It rung through his ears like an alarm. He watched in horror as blood started pouring from your torso. Tears filled his eyes, his legs started to tremble, and he fell to his knees in despair at the thought of having lost you.
But he could see that you were still trying to stand tall. You were pushing through the agony your wound was causing you to guard whatever it was behind you that you cared enough about to risk your own life for.
Another shot echoed off the stone walls and sent panic through Wonwoo’s body.
You let out a howl of screeching pain as another bullet struck you in your hip. But you still refused to stand down. Even as the trickling blood began to pool at your paws and your vision must’ve started to blur, you wouldn’t go down.
Wonwoo was sobbing uncontrollably at that point because he couldn’t help you. He was watching from the sidelines unable to save you because he wasn’t even there. He wasn’t able to do anything for you, even though every instinct within him was telling him to leap to your defense, because no matter what he did it wouldn’t work.
It was just a premonition after all. He was shown them to give him a glimpse of the future, not so he could stop it as he was watching it. In all reality, he wasn’t even supposed to be there to begin with. He just had a power that brought him there intangibly.
You continued growling and thrashing at the crowd through your injuries until one hunter finally struck you with a silver bullet in your head, causing your eyes to roll back and the light to drain from them.
Wonwoo’s heart felt like it had shattered into a million little pieces as your lifeless body finally fell to the floor. It felt like his world was caving in and he was drowning. Like he had stopped breathing and was hyperventilating at the same time. It felt like the only thing he had ever cared about was ripped away from him and he now had nothing.
He was going to lose you. He had watched you die. It was your future, you were going to die. But why? He didn’t understand.
He didn’t understand why his usually useless power forced him into such a powerful seen. He didn’t understand why it had brought him into the always calm village his pack frequented just to watch you die a brutal and violent death. He didn’t understand why he wasn’t able to do anything to prevent it. He didn’t understand why no one could see him or why he couldn’t manipulate his surroundings to his will.
Hell, he wasn’t even sure why he was brought to a beautiful field in the beginning only to witness it burn to ashes moments later. He didn’t understand any of it until one of the townspeople yelled out again.
There’s still one more!
Wonwoo lifted his head from his hands to defend himself. Even though he was positive no one knew he was there, he knew his brothers weren’t around and he could sense no other wolf present. So his body automatically started to assume they were talking about him.
But he quickly put himself in check once he realized that his actions didn’t make any sense. He wasn’t supposed to be seen by these people because he wasn’t really here. So who could they have been talking about?
He moved his gaze over to your now battered corpse and saw two small chubby hands grabbing onto your blood tainted fur for dear life. It was a kid. No, not a kid, a baby.
And based on the tiny pigtails and braids in it’s hair, Wonwoo easily figured out that it was a baby girl.
She couldn’t have been more than a year old. She barely looked as if she should be sitting up by herself. Yet she was clinging to your body like her life depended on it. And that’s when it clicked in Wonwoo’s head: you were protecting her.
You were protecting the baby from getting harmed by the angry crowd. Your protective instinct took over and you shifted to defend the infant from the mob and their intentions. She must’ve been the other smell mixed in with yours he was smelling earlier. But… why were you protecting a baby to begin with? Where did she come from?
One of the men hurriedly moved to rip the infant off you, but she started to cry and was fighting back at the grubby man. Her little face was turning bright red, her eyes had screwed shut and now had tears flowing down her cheeks.
She seemed almost…. inconsolable in the way she was acting. She was crying not like a little baby that was scared of being harmed by a stranger, but like someone who just lost everything.
She portrayed herself like she was heartbroken that you were murdered by your vicious killers. Like she refused to leave you even though you were dead now lifeless on the floor because you were what held her to the earth.
She acted like she felt almost what Wonwoo was feeling over your sudden death. But he still didn’t understand. Why were you helping a random baby…? And why was this baby acting as if her life wasn’t worth living with you gone?
What do we do with it?!
One of the men yelled to who Wonwoo assumed was the leader of their gang as he held the little girl out from his arms, like she was some sort of disgusting object he didn’t want to be touching in the first place.
Kill it.
Another let out in annoyance, as if the answer should’ve been obvious to the man holding the baby to begin with.
One of the women did her best to speak up and intervene but was swiftly cut off.
But what?!?!
The leader man got in the woman’s face, causing her to make herself smaller by cowering slightly.
It’s a b-baby…
The woman stuttered softly, knowing full well that she could’ve been met with the same fate as you if she talked out of turn or said something the elder man didn’t like.
Wonwoo noticed that the crowd had turned quiet at the scene in front of them. The had no problem slaying you because they thought you were a monster.
But a baby? An innocent infant who couldn’t even speak up in defense of herself yet? A blameless toddler who knew had done no harm to anyone yet? He subconsciously reckoned that it probably made even some of the coldest hearted townspeople question if what they were doing was right.
I don’t care! Because IT’s not a baby! IT’s one of them! IT’ll grow up to be one of them! IT’s not human! So we’re gonna kill IT!
The leader shouted down at the woman and declared to the other man so he could take care of the little one. The mob quietly cheered the man for his despicable sentence, probably wanting to remain on his good side so that they wouldn’t be treated the same way as the woman.
The original man sat the baby on the ground and relifted his rifle, aiming it at the infant’s head. That was when Wonwoo’s blood began to boil and something in him snapped.
Suddenly, he started to growl a menacing snarl as his fangs elongated. His claws grew through his fingertips and his eyes shifted to red.
He didn’t know why he had gotten so worked up over the man’s actions, he was supposed to want to die in that moment. He was supposed to welcome death because he had lost the one important thing that kept him going: you.
Even if the baby was in distress and he would’ve normally tried to step in to defend it just as you had, he had lost his mate. He had lost his sole reason for existing and getting up out of bed in the morning.
Any other wolf wouldn’t have cared anymore either. They wouldn’t have cared about anything other than the feeling of wanting to drop dead on the spot. They would’ve given into the depression that would’ve been brought on by having lost the one person they treasured most in the world.
But something about the child made his heart yearn to protect her. So protect her he would.
You had been jerked awake during the middle of the night when you heard the snarling beside you as you slept begin to get louder.
Of course you figured something must’ve been wrong with your mate when you realized it was his growling that had woken you up.
And thank god you had sensed that something was off and had managed to lift your sleepy self up out of bed quickly because, not even five seconds after your feet touched the floor, Wonwoo had started to phase into his wolf form in the middle of your shared mattress.
You would’ve not only gotten crushed by the sudden weight of his wolf self on top of you, but you would’ve gotten his sharp claws sliced through your torso because of where his arms had rested while you were cuddled in bed being spooned by him as you slept.
He stood up on your shared bed on all four of his newly furry legs in an instant. He was snarling and his muzzle was lowered down in anger, showing he was ready to pounce at any given minute. But instead of being met with reddened eyes, you quickly took notice that his lids were closed tight. He was still asleep.
Wonwoo had shifted in his sleep and was now basically sleep walking as a wolf. Except he looked ready to attack, and you were the only one in the room for him to go after.
He slowly started to square up to you, stalking up to you as his growling got louder and more menacing. You stepped backward, cautious not to make any sudden movements, until you felt your back hit the bedroom wall with a small thud.
Your mate had never done something so dangerous around you before. He’d never so much as raised his voice at or around you before and yet, there he was, looking as if he was ready to rip you to shred if you blinked wrong.
You squeezed your eyes shut and threw your hands in front of your face in a last ditch attempt to poorly defend yourself, having been too frozen with fear to phase yourself, and braced for the inevitable impact he would have likely delivered to your face the closer he got to you. But it never came.
Instead, you heard the loud smack of your bedroom door bounce against the wall next to it before you listened to a horrible cracking sound ring through the air as something flew into the adjacent wall.
Mingyu’s room was right next to yours, and he was up reading a book Wonwoo insisted he read in an effort to better himself when he heard his older brother’s growling through the wall.
At first, he had thought maybe he was playing with you, that the two of you were joking around and that it was all in good fun.
But the louder it got and the faster he heard your heart race, he realized it was anything but playful. That’s when he decided to burst through your door and rushed to push a very aggravated Wonwoo away from you, just before his teeth had collided with your arms.
He threw him into the opposite wall and began sparing with him to keep you out of harms way. You were left standing against the wall in shock, too stunned to try and help him calm your mate down.
But the crash of the vase sitting atop of your dresser hitting the floor after Wonwoo charged Mingyu into it alerted Jeonghan and Jihoon, who were still awake as they were up getting a midnight snacks, to possible trouble.
They both rushed in to help their little brother, who was now underneath Wonwoo struggling to keep his teeth from slicing into his face.
Jeonghan pulled him off with ease due to his extra strength, but was beginning to lose his hold on him due to his erratic wiggling. Jihoon was attempting to freeze the sleeping wolf, but he couldn’t get a clear enough shot to not get his other brothers or you entangled with him in the process.
Mingyu finally snapped back at him and put him in a head lock, his eyes now red and full of anger. You heard your mate whimper in pain as the taller boy pressed a little harder than he should’ve in his frustrated state and it seemed to pull you out of your episode. Well, at least pulled you out enough to make you aware that you could help stop there from being anymore carnage.
You pushed yourself off the wall and yelled at the bigger wolf to stop trying to crush Wonwoo, to which he did much to even his own confusion, but he kept his arm around his neck to keep him from lunging at you again just as a precaution.
He never meant to hurt him, Mingyu wasn’t even angry that Wonwoo had tried to practically kill him only moments ago. But he was really upset at the fact that your mate had tried to hurt you. He thought that the older boy had just gotten too angry and attacked you, which of course wasn’t the truth.
But Mingyu didn’t know what had happened yet. None of them did. They just wanted their brother to stop before he hurt someone.
You moved in front of them all and placed Wonwoo’s fluffy head in between your petite hands, lightly brushing through his fur to calm him down and bring him back to reality.
“Wonu baby, please Open Your Eyes.” You whined next to his ears once his snapping and snarling had relaxed and subsided.
And as if on cue, his eyes flickered open and any sort of animosity or fury he had disappeared with his slumber.
Once he became aware of what was going on around him and his brothers deemed him no longer a threat to you or anyone else, they let their hold on him go and he shifted back, quickly grabbing the blanket on the bed to cover his naked body in embarrassment.
He never did tell you what happened that night, he just kept apologizing profusely to you for the scare he caused.
You told him he didn’t have need to be sorry considering he was asleep and didn’t mean to hurt you or go after you, but he kept insisting he did something wrong.
But that night also seemed to be when he decided you weren’t to go anywhere without him or Mingyu (your protector and savior that night) for your own good. You didn’t complain though.
Sure it was a bit suffocating at times to always have someone near you and you missed your alone time. But it helped your mate feel better and you’d rather him be okay with what was happening than to be constantly worried about you.
Still, the new buddy system he implemented for you didn’t keep you from wondering what went on that night or question if everything was really okay with him.
“HELLOOOOO!” You waved yourself in front of your mate’s vision, finally coaxing him back into conversation with you after he had left you hanging for the nth time that day alone.
He blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes to almost wake himself up, “W-What? What happened?” He questioned with a very confused look plastered on his face.
You noticed he hadn’t really been the same since the night he freaked out. He was much quieter than he was before, and jumpier too. He seemed a lot more on edge, which was something you’d never thought you’d see from Wonwoo as he was naturally a very calm and rational person. But lately he had been anything but rational.
The slightest startling noise from you aside from your usual speaking made him feel the need to be glued to your hip for the rest of the day. You were barely allowed to leave a room without someone escorting you to the next one, even though you were inside your own house.
He had started to restrict your movements outside as well, refusing to let you stay out for more than ten minutes at a time for fear something would happen to you.
And his anxiety seemed to reach an already unreachable high. He barely slept and he hardly ate or drank anymore. He definitely didn’t do anything like reading or playing games like he used to. In fact, the only thing he seemed to be willing to do was keep you within his line of sight at all times.
Needless to say, you were incredibly worried about him. So much so that your own anxiety and stress level seemed to jet up. You didn’t sleep well at all and always felt restless. Your emotions were always running too sensitive due to the constant emotional toll his issues were taking on you. And now the constant knots in your stomach had caused you to feel like you needed to eat extra food to deal with the extra stress, which you knew wasn’t healthy. Everything was a mess.
“You zoned out again.” You crossed your arms and deadpanned out to him.
He had been thinking about his premonition more and more lately. He’d been obsessing over it. He couldn’t help but question a lot of what had happened.
Though, he could tell you were clearly very frustrated with him. He would’ve been too if he were you, but he didn’t want to upset you further.
“I’m sorry baby. I didn’t meant to. I just- I haven’t been sleeping too well,” Wonwoo picked up your delicate hand and began rubbing circles on the back of it with his thumb reassuringly.
He still didn’t really understand what his premonition had been trying to tell him. He was still terrified of losing you. And he didn’t know why a lot of what happened in the premonition happened. And he still didn’t know if parts of it were just things his brain envisioned or if the whole thing was part of the very strange and traumatic premonition.
Part of him was still scared to talk to you about it, thinking that if he spoke his worries out loud, he’d make them a reality. Which he could absolutely under no circumstances let happen.
Still, there was so many inconsistencies, so many things he couldn’t let go of. But there was one question that just hounding his mind day and night in particular.
You gave him a deep frown and watery features in response, “I just need you to pay more attention to me please.” You tightly closed your eyes in an effort to hold back your growing tears.
You weren’t even sure why you were upset with him. He was entitled to off days just like everyone else, you knew that. Logically you did know that. But you haven’t been so logical lately.
Lately, on top of the stress and anxiety you had been feeling, you had just been feeling… kind of off. You hadn’t felt as happy no matter how much the pack had tried to distract you from your problems with their crazy antics.
You had been feeling very clingy to Wonwoo, whether it was because of your worries for him or not you weren’t too sure. And overall you were feeling very lethargic, something you again just attributed to the mountains of stress you were putting your body through.
You just wanted your mate and you wanted him to give you the love and care you craved to help make you and himself feel better. You just needed everything to be better and be better soon because you were starting to feel so full of sorrows and misery you could just thrown up at any given time.
Wonwoo put his head down for a moment and bit his lip before he brought his stare back up to yours, “Princess, can I ask you a question?” The worry in his eyes evident as he searched your face for any hint of discomfort.
“Yes.” You sighed, nodding as the once more burning tears finally depleted from your eyes.
“Could you- could you be-” He gulped before he could finish his sentence, his throat suddenly having felt dry, “Could you be p-pregnant…?”
Your eyes widened to the size of saucers at his question. There was a long pause of both hesitation and fear coming from the both of you.
Oh fuck.
(Edited on 4/12/23)
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
The Arrangement Ch. 19
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Story summary: Desperately in need of money, you answered the questionable ad. AKA-Arranged marriage AU featuring Y/N and Yoongi
Chapter Summary: After the photoshoot you and Yoongi decompress
Previous Chapter here  AN: SO FLUFFY UGH
You slunk back to the elevator and just stood there for a second. What a weird day. You pulled out your phone to double check your work schedule and saw a message from Yoongi.
YG: I ordered pizza.
You smiled. 
YN: Oh yeah? Did you order enough to share? 
YG: *Eyeroll* 
YN: :D Where is this food? Apartment? Studio?
YG: Apartment. Photoshoots wear me out.
You pushed the button for the 18th floor. Other people got on and off as you made your way there; it was the end of the work day for most of the hourly staff. You finally arrived at your stop and headed left.
You opened the door and took off your shoes, immediately noticing the delicious odor of bread and hot cheese filling the air. You had been running around all day and just now realized, other than a few carrots, you hadn't eaten today. 
"Oh my God thank you so much." You declared as you walked into the kitchen. You eyed the box sitting on the counter and looked around for Yoongi. “Helllooooooo?”
“Good. I’m starving.” You saw him rise up like a reanimated corpse from the couch.
“You didn’t have to wait on me.” You reprimanded, even though you thought it was incredibly thoughtful. Yoongi just shrugged and walked into the kitchen.
You opened the box and handed him a plate. 
“I have no idea if you ‘ll like this.” He said as he took some pieces.
“I like food. My favorite food is the food in front of me.” You took the plate over to the table, going back for some water.
Yoongi followed suit, quieter than normal. 
“You ok?” You asked.
“Yeah, just tired. Photoshoots take so much more energy.” He collapsed down into the chair. 
The air was filled for silence for several minutes as the two of you stuffed your faces. Finally, you worked up the nerve to ask, “Sooooooo…...did you know Bongcha was asking you out or are you oblivious?”
Yoongi looked up, shaking the bangs out of his face. “I knew. But what should I say to her? "No I don’t want to go out with you" and ruin her day? Upset her at work? It would make things awkward for both of us. Nah. Just request another stylist for a few months.” 
You pursed your lips together in thought. “Why not just date her though? She’s cute. You guys get along. Why go through this whole elaborate contract scenario?” You gestured to yourself.
Yoongi sighed. Ugh he had been dreading you asking him about the contract. Things had been going so normal. He thought, stupidly, maybe he could just never think about it again. Of course with Namjoon and BPD up his ass he knew that was unlikely. He realized he had been quiet for too long.  “Look, If I actually dated someone I worked with and then it didn't work out, imagine the fallout. The scandal. The wasted time. Plus then I'd have to go on dates and stuff. I'm busy.”  
You rolled your eyes "We went to a diner the other night. And the grocery store." 
Yoongi blinked his eyes and stuffed more food in his mouth. “Not dates.”
You scowled. "You spent all Sunday driving a van and putting up with my family'
Yoongi chewed, taking as much time as possible to think of a response. “Yeah but I did that because I wanted to."
You rolled your eyes, “You're a weirdo "
"Says the girl who signed a contract to marry a guy she didn't know. And who doesn’t eat their pizza crust. Are you 5 years old?"
"Crust is gross. Anyways. I'm a very good judge of character, I will have you know." You pouted at having been admonished over your crust preferences.
"That's true. You could tell Namjoon was an asshole within 30 seconds I bet." He jested. 
"Haha yeah. I could tell he was  rich and full of himself by his demeanor and then when he opened his mouth, he confirmed the asshole part. And, I knew Alice was awesome within like 2 seconds.” 
Yoongi pushed his plate over a bit and interlaced his fingers. Resting his chin on them, he asked, “OK. So what was your first impression of me?” 
You laughed as you recalled sprinting in your work clothes.  “That you were busy. Very busy. And a little bit short on patience, but I thought that's because you were in a hurry.” 
“Sounds about right.” He took a sip of his water. 
“The second time I met you, you were putting on an act for Namjoon. Still not sure why... " You eyed him suspiciously. “You guys have a fucked up dynamic "
"You are right all-around there. Cheers." He lifted his glass in your direction."You did a great job today."
You scoffed, "I literally just pointed at things and handed you stuff.”
“Hey I've been to shoots before, you haven't. Today went much smoother than usual. “
“Really?” You rocked back in your seat.
“Yep.” He stood up and extended his hand." Do you want more? "
"Yes please. Thanks again for ordering. I didn't realize how hungry I was til I got home.” 
“‘Same.” He took the plates to the kitchen and returned with more food. Sitting them down on the table. He pulled his laptop over and looked over some things as you guys sat in silence for a few minutes. You scrolled through your phone, returning some texts from Jimin and your brother. 
"Do you want to go watch something?" he asked, taking you by surprise. 
You raised your eyebrows, “You're not going to work?" 
"I told you, photoshoots wear me out. I'm done for today."
"Yeah sure," you stood up and grabbed the plates. "I'll clean up the leftovers and get changed. Pick whatever."
You travelled up to the loft area about ten minutes later, much more comfortable in your leggings and oversized sweatshirt. 
Yoongi was waiting on the couch, the remote in his hand as he scrolled through the menu. You plopped down on the other end, covering your mouth as you yawned.
“Grab a pillow. You know you’re going to fall asleep.” He said without looking over.
“No I won’t,” You protested through another yawn.
He shot you a look that told you he knew you were full of shit and got up. He returned a minute later, throwing a pillow at the back of your head.
“You’re welcome.” He sat back down, adjusting himself into a comfortable position.
You grumbled a thank you as you balled the pillow into a couch-compatible shape and leaned up against it. You pulled back for a second. It smelled just like Yoongi. This was his pillow. You looked over, his eyes were still scanning the screen.
“Since you’re going to fall asleep in ten minutes I’m putting on my favorite documentary.” He said matter-of factly.
“I will last more than ten minutes.” You declared. You heard a small snort come out of his mouth as he dimmed the lights and pressed play. You started to watch the movie and tried to pay attention, but your heartbeat was racing. You kept replaying earlier conversations in your head and also smelling the pillow. You felt like a pervert. The man across the couch was completely oblivious. You stared at him for a few seconds and realized that yes, you did like him. Well Shit. You didn’t have too much time to ruminate on this as your eyelids began to grow heavy. Soon you were passed out, just as Yoongi predicted.
Ten minutes into the NBA show he looked over, a knowing smile crept onto his face. You were out.
He took a deep breath. What the fuck was he doing? He tried not to think about it too much. Every time he thought about you and the contract it left him feeling weird. The thought that you were getting paid to like him and to hang out with him, didn’t sit well at all. But he knew there was so much more to it than that. He picked up his notepad and wrote a few lyrics, the movie playing for background noise at this point. 
After several minutes he looked at his writing. Satisfied, he stood up and slipped the notebook into a desk. He didn’t think you would snoop, but better safe than sorry. He looked back at the couch and smirked. He thought it was hilarious you thought you would stay awake when he knew better. He went over to the stuffed animal line and pulled out a Snorlax. Appropriate, he thought as he sat it down on top of your side. He snapped a picture. Sweet revenge. Stretching, he decided to head to bed himself; only slightly lamenting that he had given you his favorite pillow and now he would have to use the flatter one. NEXT CHAPTER
@lidda  @anpanman-sonyeondan   @firefairy1  @cuteipat  @sugaslittlekookies  @janeelizabeth1216 @deeepvibes @gxldenhunny @livelyjay @niniita-ah @bobbyboops @honeysunandsoil @deathkat657 @min-yus​ @or-worse-expelled7​
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To be named GGMU fic: Part two - A Derby to be Forgotten
Here it is my dear friends. This fic still feels blasphemous to write but I'm doing it anyway. I'm getting on a plane in four hours and I'm scared out of my mind but I finished this part so everything's fine! Here's part one if you haven't read it!
Jamie slammed his phone down on the table of the bar as he collapsed into the booth opposite his oldest friend. He let his head drop and it slammed, with more force than Jamie expected, into the table. Fuck. It had been such a long day. Jamie couldn’t even bring himself to lift his head up out of the indent he was sure his skull made on the table. He felt a bony finger jab the sore muscles of his shoulder.
“Jamie,” another jab, “Jamie, mate. You alright?” Jamie groaned and lifted his head slightly to peek at Stevie. Jamie didn’t know why Stevie would even ask him that question when he so clearly knew the answer. When Jamie saw the dazed, twitchy, beer-soaked look in his eyes, he found his explanation.
“Course I’m not fucking alright. Everything sucks. I hate football. I hate United. I hate Manchester. I hate television--” Jamie felt drunk and he’d only had one, two, three--oh, definitely too many pints. Jamie couldn’t blame himself for the nightmarish morning he would surely have. No, he was driven to drink. For starters, there were few things Jamie liked less than losing. When you retire, watching your team lose gets so much worse, because that’s all you can do: watch. There’s nothing you can do to turn things around, to steer things in the right direction; you have to watch as the team you love more than the air you breathe goes down in flames. Looking over at Stevie, Jamie thought he too was having trouble adjusting to his new role: that of a fan, not a player.
To make matters worse, it was the Northwest Derby. Jamie hated Northwest Derbies: he hated them to the very core of his being. Sure there’s a thrill to it: the chance to beat your bitter rivals is inviting, but it never seemed to work out that way for Jamie. It certainly didn’t pan out that way in his playing days that often. Northwest Derbies were a reminder of broken ribs, harsh words, own goals, and most of all the bitter sting of defeat. And despite all of that, he would’ve chosen to be a player losing again over a day like this one.
Jamie was in an unfortunate situation. He found himself somehow entirely smitten with his obnoxiously unprofessional, Mancunian, united-till-I-die co-pundit. Gary had apparently thought it was a great idea to do victory laps around the studio right before they went on air. When they went live Gary was sat across from him at the table, a smug smirk on his face and panting slightly. Jamie tried not to think about that night, that first night that Gary had burst into his hotel room, but ultimately failed. He could almost feel Gary’s hot breath whispering across his nose and cheeks as they embraced. He could almost taste the sweet, artificial fruit of Gary’s mouth when he pulled Jamie into a closet for a pre-match snog: it was a great way to release some energy. Jamie spent the rest of the show stumbling along as he tried to get the image of Gary flustered, panting, and thoroughly kissed out of his brain.
On top of all of that catastrophe, Gary managed to make things worse in the dressing room after. He practically floated into the room, something Jamie would have found attractive if he hadn’t known the context. If Jamie was honest with himself he found it attractive even in context but in the way that made Jamie want to pull his hair and push him to his knees rather than wrap him in his arms and kiss him. He hummed softly across the dressing room as he unbuttoned his shirt, doing Jamie’s job for him.
“Glory Glory Man United,” Gary sang just once to make sure Jamie knew before he went back to humming. Not that it would have been easy to ignore otherwise. He looked over at Gary expecting to see him searching for Jamie’s reaction: Jamie wanted to show his neutral face, to let Gary know he couldn’t be manipulated. Except that he could, so, so easily. Gary was looking at him for a reaction as expected. Jamie did not expect Gary to be wearing an old United shirt, Neville proudly written on the back. Yet another reminder to Jamie that the man he had not chosen but had come anyway to love (yes he said it, Gary might have been in denial but Jamie Carragher was not an idiot or a coward) was so different from himself in the ways that matter both the most and the least.
“What’d Neville do this time, mate?” Even Drunk Stevie seemed to know how smitten Jamie was and Drunk Stevie was an idiot. Jamie had videos on his phone to categorically prove that. Jamie loved one in particular of Drunk Stevie trying to strip off his shirt, instead getting the fabric stuck around his head and laughing so hard he fell into a lamp post. But that's another story. Jamie took another sip from his beer. Given the amount of beer left in his pint, it seemed that he’d taken a lot of sips while lost in thought.
“He won’t stop singing that fucking song, Stevie. It makes me want to throw him off a bridge every time.” Stevie nodded solemnly. Jamie appreciated Stevie’s humouring him and decided to continue. It wasn’t like he had many other outlets he could rant to about his infuriating, Mancunian coworker. “He’s such a stubborn idiot, Stevie. I mean, God, he’s so dense. We fucking fuck every other fucking day and every time he fucking comes up with some fucking shit excuse and fucking runs out like a fucking coward. He’s fucking stubborn that’s what he is. He’s so stubborn. It’s against his fucking principle or something to hang out with a fucking scouser. Mate! He wouldn’t eat the fucking cereal, Stevie! I bought fucking Weetabix--Weetabix! I bought it just for him and he doesn’t have the fucking decency to fucking stick around to fucking eat it!” Jamie gasped for breath as he finished his sentences and chased his breath with a large gulp of beer. Stevie grabbed his hand and pulled the pint out of his now loose fingers.
“Think we should call it a night, eh, Carra?” Stevie went to get up and slid down into the booth further. “I think I’ll call Alex.” Jamie grunted. Even in his swirly, tired mind, it seemed like a good idea. Jamie melted down onto the table and for the second time on the night, his cheek was smushed against the cold wood.
“I just love ‘im, Stevie. I don’t want to. I just do. I love him sooooooo much,” Jamie was really slurring by now. Jamie’s head was spinning and there was a dull throbbing pain in the centre of his skull. They definitely needed to call it a night. Preferably an hour ago, maybe longer.
The next thing Jamie knew he was in the back of a car with his head resting in Stevie’s lap. Stevie looked down at him and ran his fingers through Jamie’s short hair comfortingly. Jamie thought Stevie’s breath didn’t smell nearly as good as Gary’s did.
“I just love ‘im,” Jamie murmured once again. He didn’t even mean to this time; the words just came out. When they left his mouth the words blended together into one mush of a word but Stevie still seemed to understand him. Stevie always understood him.
“I know, mate,” Stevie said, softly, “it’s okay.” And as long as Stevie said so, it was.
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