#it sounds like a cmbyn fanfic
alittlefrenchtree · 2 years
Hi everyone! I’m very happy to announce that Call me by your name is having a new baby this year. Their new child is a dark-very-angsty-french (synonyms) movie. Unfortunatly it has a very lame name but it will break your heart all the same. If you have a chance to see it, please do. If you’re a cmbyn writer, please write something inspired by it so I’ll have a chance to break my heart in two different ways at the same time? 😍 not sure if anyobody would actually write something like this so I’ll may have to do it myself. in the next 5 years or so.
Anyway, Arrête avec tes mensonges, ladies and gentlemen:
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euphorial-docx · 2 years
ok so i have something to say about opev:
it’s okay to be sad that the ending of the first fic wasn’t jegulus endgame. it’s sad, i know— that’s why i tagged it as bittersweet, because there’s a whole lot of bitter that goes with a whole lot of sweet.
but comments like this?
Tumblr media Tumblr media
these are just fucking mean.
and yeah i’m posting your comments here. if you can comment this openly in my comments section, then it shouldn’t be a problem to have your words displayed here too.
first of all, this is a call me by your name au. it is going to follow the cmbyn plot structure, and it was explicitly stated in the fic that it would follow that plot structure.
as i said, you can be sad all you want, but you can’t say you were shocked or tricked, when you know the source material i was working with and following pretty closely.
i never tagged opev as a happy ending. i never tagged it as endgame jegulus. i never tagged it as jily because lily isn’t even in the fic at all. but i did specify in the story that james would leave, that regulus had no interest in pursing a relationship with james after that summer, that james and lily were romantically involved at one point and that regulus assumed they would get back together eventually, and i tagged it as bittersweet and assured that there would be a sequel, and further assured multiple times that the sequel would be a happy ending/jegulus endgame.
if you are shocked, you did not read my fic.
forgive me for being defensive, and forgive me for being a little angry, but i’ve gotten one too many comments of that nature. i don’t want to be doing this, believe me.
i love seeing comments, i love interacting with you guys and having really beautiful and heartfelt conversations with you about my writing— it truly brightens my day to see any inbox notifications at all— but when i see comments like this? when the only comment i get for a whole week or month is something like this? it makes me feel like shit, and that’s not what i want fanfic writing to be for me. that’s not the community i want to foster or be involved in or put in months of work for.
because it was months of work for free. months of work for my own enjoyment, and for yours, and to share things that i love with people that love it too— it wasn’t an entire year of my life to have someone leave a rude comment on my fic’s epilogue without even fucking reading it.
and i know i sound so angry right now, but i am. i am angry and i am honestly really sad, because it doesn’t feel good to get those comments and it doesn’t feel good to be typing this all out. i hate being angry. i hate being mean. but i tried to be nice about it, i tried to explain my reasons for my tagging and for my creative decisions, and still this happens.
i just… i really don’t get it. i don’t get why people comment these things. you get nothing out of writing those mean comments, and maybe i’m sensitive, but i just get hurt out of reading those comments.
and again, it’s okay to be sad about the ending. i know i’ve cried over it before myself. but it’s not okay to be angry at me for it, it’s not okay to disrespect me like that. because you’re not just ridiculing some fic, you’re ridiculing the real person who wrote it.
at the end of the day, i love writing fanfiction. i love being here. i don’t want that to get lost in all the other things i’ve said.
i don’t want fanfiction to be about this, okay? so let’s not make it about this.
please and thank you.
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liladiurne · 2 years
10 Lines Tagging Game
Thanks so much @givereadersahug for tagging me!
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
I don't know if we're meant to share ONLY the first line of each but... I guess I took liberties then. Sorry about that.
1. Brighter Than Bright
(Rated E, WIP, slow burn, a/b/o, Pride and Prejudice adaptation)
The sun rises, bright and beautiful. Harry looks up just in time to watch it pierce the horizon, igniting the field with golden light. The warmth is overwhelming already, even in the cool, misty air of dawn, and though the grass is wet underneath him, he knows his clothes will dry long before anyone can see the poor state of them.
2. A Strange Fate
(Rated M, based on the myth of pygmalion, statue!Harry, sculptor!Severus)
For the longest time, nothing happened. He rested at the heart of the mountain, in silence and darkness. He felt no fear, no loneliness. He lay cradled in the bowels of the earth, as he had been from the very beginning.
Perhaps, even then, he waited for something. But he did not know yet what waiting was.
3. Miraculous
(Rated E, muggle AU, escort!Harry, rich!Severus, pining)
Severus barges into the gents just in time to see Lucius tucking his shirt back into his trousers. If it weren't for the attendant standing near the row of gleaming white urinals, he would lunge at his friend, grab him by his priceless silk bowtie, and threaten him with violence. But since there is a witness present, he settles instead for a menacing scowl.
4. An Escape
(Rated E, muggle AU, underage, coercion, abused!Harry, very bad!Severus)
Severus is deep in slumber when the call comes. So deep it seems to takes ages for him to emerge, like trying to crawl his way out of a pit of wet cement. When finally he manages to fully wake, for an instant the world is still so blurry he thinks he’s imagined the ringing. But then he pries open his eyes, and his ears come to life to the aggressive shrill of his mother’s old rotary phone echoing through the house.
5. Certain Dark Things
(Rated E, Malfoy!Harry, summer in italy, CMBYN-inspired, first person Sev pov)
Some years ago, a trap was laid out for me. Make no mistake, however, I was not fooled or tricked in any way; I was aware of it all along. I had been a spy, after all, and I tended to notice these things. It was an obvious sort of trap too, nothing like these strange metal contraptions left on the forest floor, half covered with leaves, into which any innocent doe’s leg might get snapped up. No, my trap was always present, never hidden, ever watchful. It shone like a beacon, calling me out from the darkness like the flame would lure an unsuspecting moth.
6. Compulsory Figures
(Rated E, muggle AU, figure skaters!, confident!Severus, shy but thirsty!Harry, smutty)
It’s not yet eight in the morning when Severus gets to the training centre, but already the usual crowd has gathered by the rink to gawk and gasp and gossip. And though he pauses to watch with them, huddled up in a thick scarf and cradling his old thermos in both hands, he stands apart, keeps a careful distance. Lest anyone decides to talk to him before he’s had time to finish at least half of his coffee.
7. On the Deficiencies of Translation Spells
(Rated E, post-war, Beauxbâtons professors, bad French, pining)
The bloke’s name is Florient, and he is so French Harry almost snorts when he introduces himself. He has unconventionally large eyebrows and a strange little moustache that Harry tries very hard not to stare at fixedly. He is dressed in a crisp white shirt, but he wears his trousers with the legs tucked into his socks – so they don’t catch into his bicycle chain, he explains when Harry frowns at the sight.
8. Sudden Light
(Rated E, post-war, memory loss, angsty, based on Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind)
First is the sound of retreating footsteps and the muffled, distant slamming of a door. Then Severus startles awake.
The drapes are open, filling the room with pale light. He winces and shuts his eyes against it quickly, but the pain assaults him at once. Acute, violent, and throbbing.
He moans a pitiful sound, cradling his head in both hands.
9. with great outbursts and lightnings
(Rated E, muggle AU, poet!Severus, violinist!Harry, angsty angsty, pining)
Severus wakes up late, clutching the sheets around his body, curled up as if he’d been repeatedly kicked in the stomach while he slept. Eyes still shut, unwilling to face reality just yet, he chases sleep as far as he can. It comes and goes for an hour or so and then it’s gone, leaving behind unidentifiable wisps of dreams. When finally he opens his eyes, it’s already past noon. The bedroom is drenched in sunlight and the pillow wet against his cheek.
Here goes. That only makes nine, but decided not to include my French translation of Certain Dark Things, nor the short smutty sequel to with great outbursts and lightnings.
I don't really know who to tag. I'm sure everyone I know has probably been tagged in this already, and I wouldn't want anyone to feel any pressure to do this. So please, if you follow me and want to do this, you are more than welcomed to pretend I tagged you. xx
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sheisraging · 3 years
2021 Fic Year In Review
Thanks for the tag @pray-for-sound
Total Number Of Completed Works: 9
Total Word Count: 102,613 (This includes the PMAU sequel, but only the parts I wrote - the other part of that word count belongs to @bartbarthelme. It doesn't include the TONS OF WORDS I wrote on incomplete works... which is rude.)
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected? I wrote more than I thought I DID. I had hoped to get some more stuff actually finished, but wound up getting distracted and starting other things before finishing the WIPs, so I'm only now actually tying up projects I had intended to have posted by now.
Fandoms I’ve Written In: Call Me By Your Name, Charmie AU, MCU (Stucky)
Most Popular Story Of The Year? these are just a couple of my cravings (aka. the GBBO AU) (I cannot believe it was THIS YEAR.)
What’s Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year? Also these are just a couple of my cravings. I so loved writing it, and miss working on that story like no other. I think about it often. It's probably all the baking.  
Do You Have Any Fanfic Or Profic Goals For The New Year? I've been working on an Elio/Oliver AU for a while. Right now it's pretty much done in terms of the overall story, but needs a lot of clean up, editing, and gap closing. I would really like to get it posted in early 2022, but my motivation has been waning lately.  
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year? I dipped my toe back into Stucky, which probably isn't much of a risk, but I rarely, if ever, revisit writing in a fandom after I've moved on from it in that way. It was fun, and I did start another longer story, but the inspo has mostly faded (see: rarely revisit).
Story Of Mine Most Under-Appreciated By The Universe, In My Opinion: I really liked i am overwhelmed by this decent and good feeling (i love you more than my own skin), which is a one-shot in my E/O even the landscape resembles you series. I worked on it for a long time (actually started it back when I was writing the main series) and have a soft spot for it. I was also surprisingly happy with start from ten, count back slowly, which is a short E/O fic that came from a tumblr prompt.
Most Fun Story To Write: Once again: these are just a couple of my cravings - I actually did so much baking and cooking research, to the point of actually baking some of the things (ROUGHLY) that I wrote about.
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: Not sure there is one? GBBO AU revealed that I love baking and food and writing about food? I guess?
Biggest Disappointment: lollllll welp, there's a lot less new fic in both CMBYN and Charmie AU fandom(s), so I've read very little this year, and in turn have started to feel less inspired to write, which is a bummer.  
Biggest Surprise: Finding out that I wrote as much as I did this year.
My Favorite Part Of Fandom This Year: All the nice comments and feedback. :) Also the @ficwriterhub discord server, which has grown a bit and has been a nice source of support and motivation. <3
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isitandwonder · 4 years
you never hear about anyone douching in charmie porn.... *cough* sorry fanfic... pmsl. its never been about queer rep... i hate it when straight cis women bang that drum around movies like cmbyn... they would NEVER get this hot under the collar for real queer content like tangerine for example.
Good morning, nonnie, a lot to unpack here.
1) Hate is a big word and hating on cis women is kinda widespread with some gay men (the infamous fag hag). I don’t like this. Sounds misogynystic and is the wrong way to go about this issue imo, though I get what you mean and your frustration with certain self-proclaimed allies.
2) A lot of these straight identifying women might not be that straight after all. You live and learn. Ofte, watching gay movies can be a catalyst for women to find out more about their own sexual orientation.
3) Is cmbyn a gay movie? I’d say it’s a bisexual movie. Doesn’t mean only bi people are allowed to enjoy it though. There are some good articles about the sanitized gayness in cmbyn, exemplified by 2 straight identifying actors playing the leads and THAT TREE, for example. I also read that this isn’t just a thing with female viewers enjoying gay sex but not too much, but also that gay men themselves enjoy watching straight men ‘play’ gay. This touches some deep rooted ‘longings’ in the gay community for straight men, as can be seen in a lot of gay porn (Giving it to my Straight Neighbour kinda stuff, and isn’t that some form of fetishising as well?).
4) This sanitized queerness, filming a tree instead of more of E & O in bed for example, both makes the film probably more accessible to straight viewers and therefore guarantuess a broader audience to be reached by the film’s message which is, among other things, promoting tolerance for same sex relationships, but for the price of erasing a significant part, the same SEX, of these relationships. The jury’s still out on the question if that’s beneficial or backwards.
5) Slash fanfic or smut is essentially porn, written to get the reader off. Nothing wrong with that and whatever rocks your boat. I don’t see men douching in gay porn movies either. Porn sells a fantasy, not ‘real’ sex with all its messiness and ridiculousness. No harm done there as long as you don’t think this is how sex works or uses it as sex ed. There’s also fanfic without smut, though I agree that from what I’ve been seeing with a lot of writers leaving the fandom, those who keep writing T/A fic have fallen into a pattern where A is the manly hunk and T the soft flower, being depicted with traditional female attributes like delicate, pale, thin, smaller etc. D/s fics dominate, or Daddy!Armie and baby!tim. To me, that’s boring but to each their own.
6) There are a bunch of reasons why straight identifying women enjoy gay porn and gay slash fic and summing it all up as fetishising is unfair (also, fetishes are a part of sexuality and not inherently a bad thing). A good book on it is ‘Girls who like Boys who like Boys’. Some reasons are: 2 dicks are better than one / no big-boobed blond woman in gay porn to which the female audience has to compare herself, finding the own body lacking / for women who’ve experienced abuse or assault gay porn can be a form of still enjoying sex but taking themselves and their bodies out of the equation as gay men have no interest in them, either predatory or otherwise / gay porn allows equality between the partners, it’s not, as in het porn, clear from the start who penetrates whom, which breaks with traditional sexual roles always depicting women as passive, as to be conquered, pissing a lot of women off.
All that being said, I agree that probably many of those women who ship charmie wouldn’t enjoy the movie as much if it showed more explicit gay sex like anal penetration. There are movies and also books that depict queerness more openly, and they don’t have the kind of success cmbyn had.
But Charmies are a special case: they want to force gayness on 2 straight presenting actors. Maybe some of the above listed reasons come into play. Maybe it’s because many are young and don’t know much about sex at all, looking for some kind of perfectly sanitized safe romance. Other female charmies insert themselves into Tim’s part, making him the ‘female’ of the ship, to imagine traditional straight sex with AH. Some are obviously psychotic and need professional help. It’s a colorful mixture.
In the end, no piece of media can choose who consumes and enjoys it. The moment it’s released it’s the death of the author and everyone takes away from it what they need. This can’t be restricted.
Yet I personally would wish for more tolerance on both sides. I want explicit queer content but not just for queer people. Gate keeping doesn’t lead anywhere and is futile.
Oh, and I forgot 7) Was it a good idea to have 2 straight identifying actors play E & O? It surely added to the appeal for straight audiences because I believe no matter how good an actor you are, if you can’t draw on your own experience it’s not quite the same as if you as an actor know what you’re portraying esp in intimate settings. So queer actors might have portrayed E and O different, maybe queerer. But that’s a huge issue in itself and all I want to say to it is: a) we need more queer characters on screen and in media b) I want queer characters played by queer people. I also want straight / non-binary / ace characters played by queer people c) I don’t like ‘playing gay’ to be seen as a daring choice or rite of passage for serious straight actors.
I think as with every piece of media it’s always worth to open-mindedly examine: why do I enjoy it? What do I enjoy about it? There’s no right or wrong here, nothing is verboten. But reflecting on ‘what does this mean to me?’ never harmed anyone either and gives media consumption it’s deeper meaning and reason. If charmies were able to do this they wouldn’t have gone so completely off the rail like they did.
These shippers running amok now are just batshit crazy and not a good example of fandom or allies at all.
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myloveisshared · 4 years
Rules: answer 17 questions & tag 17 people you want to get to know better
I was tagged by @theflyingpeach Thank you! 😘
nickname: Always wanted one, never really had one. Told myself I wasn’t interesting enough. “Jo” surely doesn’t count? My nieces call me “Nana”, after some confusion when they were young and it stuck.
zodiac sign: Libra (sun), Aries (moon), Pisces (rising).
height: 5′8″.
hogwarts house: Ravenclaw.
last thing you googled: “how’s it going to end pin” because I found mine and I couldn’t remember the reference.
song stuck in your head: The theme from Snuff Box.
following and followers: 333 / 157.
amount I sleep: I can do a solid 8 hours but I can also function perfectly well on about 5 (recently tested when I stayed up reading fanfic).
lucky number: 6.
dream job: Many animal owning writer.
wearing: Plaid shirt, t-shirt, jeans.
favorite song: Right On, Frankenstein! - Death From Above.
favorite instrument: Piano.
random fact: I am starting to get that weird neither-here-nor-there accent that’s softening the edges of my English. Here, I still sound very English; in England they tell me I sound different. Honestly wish I’d studied linguistics at uni.
favorite authors: Chuck Palahniuk, Bret Easton Ellis, Alice Sebold, André Aciman (purely for CMBYN), Kier-la Janisse.
favorite animal noise: That cat activation noise when you wake them up, “mrrrpp?”.
aesthetic: Spooky swamp mermaid. Forest green messy hair, black clothes, horror t-shirts, wants to be left alone but gets lonely, surrounded by animals, daydreamer, lip biter, a frown that’s more self-admonishment than anything else.
tags: I feel like a bit of a weird creeper on tumblr now that I’ve come back on it. I used it so much for music fandom stuff way back, then abandoned it, and now I use it for general prettiness/film/book fandom stuff (this + side blog @rightonfrankenstein) so I have people I follow and admire but... no friends really? Yet? What I am saying is, do this if you want to :B
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audreyhheart · 5 years
Just read the new yorker's review of Aciman's Find Me and omg I am CRINGING. Among other things, the young, beautiful woman elio's dad meets calls his penis "my lighthouse" and begs him to bear his child within 24h of meeting him.... Cmbyn is my bible but I think I will have to pass
I’ll read the book myself and form my own opinion. The New Yorker also gave the cmbyn film a negative review for not exploring the inner life of Mafalda, so no I won’t take their word and a few quotes out of context as gospel.
I think a lot of the frustration with this book comes from the fact these scenes are not between Elio and Oliver (I guarantee you, if Elio called Oliver’s dick his lighthouse, everyone would be like “uwu, he called his dick his lighthouse!”) . Some readers seem to be coming to the book with the expectation that it’s a cmbyn fanfic. It actually sounds a lot more like Enigma Variations, a book that was very different from cmbyn in structure and tone but one that I really enjoyed.
This is not a book about first love, so by its nature, it’s going to be less endearing. But the review made me wonder if Waldman had actually read cmbyn or if she just saw the movie. A lot of the writing she points to as faults, the colourful descriptions of sex, romantic and sexual obsession, the epiphanies, are all present in his previous books, especially cmbyn.
I’ve read positive reviews of Find Me in PW, The Guardian and Kirkus, so I’m at least hopeful. But if it’s not perfect that’s okay too. I don’t expect it to be. A bad review in the New Yorker is not going to deter me from supporting a writer I love.  
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ghostcat3000 · 6 years
Can I have one from each section? 9, 15, 28, 51
yes, you can!
9.  Fandom Questions: What are the best things about your current fandom?
I have so many fandoms happening at once, I rarely get too deep in one UNLESS I’m writing fic and then it can’t be helped.
So by that measure, I guess the current fandoms are the SKAM/SKAM remakes fandoms. The best thing about it is definitely all the content. On any given day there could be content from one of the remakes and I love that. There’s a constant element of surprise--a surprise that’s also familiar because the OG has given us an idea of what might be coming.
The idea makes my brain glow > SKAM Prime and all of its infinite AUs. The AUs that are most interesting are the ones that really change it up and I love hearing and seeing the story told over and over again.
NB: I’m still scribbling away notes for my CMBYN series. I’m just slowing my roll with it because it’s haaaaaaaaard and I am lazy.
15.  Ship questions for your current fandom: Is there an obscure ship which you love?
I have not encountered any obscure ships in the OG SKAM fandom that I also ship yet. Though in the remakes, I’m more inclined to see possibilities because there are different actors bringing different vibes. But really when it comes down to it, I’m a very boring shipper. I tend to stick to canon pairings.
28.  Author questions: If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of?
I LOVE FAN ART. And I’ve been lucky to get some before so like any true addict, I would always love more.
I have three answers for this:
One. Oh man, no lie I would love to see a version of the Elio/beaver illustration first mentioned in the Rondo section of Pense-bête. I picture something like beat_salad’s incredible line drawings. A girl can dream.
Two. There’s a production of Romeo & Juliet being staged in my current w.i.p. and the director has some difficulty in nailing down the ending. The coming together of that moment is a big part of the ending to the actual fic. There’s a specific gesture that I would love to see fan art of. Even if I could say more about it, it would probably sound ridiculous but hopefully it will come through in the writing.
Three. A version of a certain photograph in a certain unwritten fic that might be too much to release into the wild but still... :discreet cough: AM I BEING VAGUE ENOUGH?
51.  Fanfiction questions: Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
Okay, etal, as one of the poor souls that occasionally hears me bitch via messaging about THINGS IN FIC I NEVER WANT TO SEE AGAIN, I want to stress how important it is for me to keep my thoughts to myself. I feel like talking about that stuff leads to folks thinking I’m speaking specifically to them and I never want to be the cause of a writer not writing. Regardless of whether their stuff is my cup or tea or not. Fanwork is more important to me than that.
What do I love? SO MUCH. I love that people take the time to create fanwork. That I can read things for free nearly ANY TIME I WANT. I love the variety of alternate versions of canon events. I love explorations of unseen moments. When writers write sentences that are so beautiful that I’m just like :screams into fist:. When there are love scenes that are just EL SCORCHO and I gotta hide my phone from the person trying to read over my shoulder on the train. Fanfic is just so fun and wonderful. It’s constantly surprising me.
thank you, @etal-later!
from this meme, ask away!
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auselysium · 6 years
2,3,4,5,11,12,15 — re: your Other Road series. Sorry if you’re getting this message from me twice, but I don’t think it sent the first time I tried! Love all of your work, but as a fellow screenwriter and someone who just happened to jump aboard the CMBYN train only after hearing of sequel plans, that series really resonated with me early on in my fandom adventures. :-) All the best with your Pocket Pass writing, can’t wait for the next chapter!
HELLO!  Thank you SOOO much for doing this @ashleydownunder.  I’m so excited to answer these questions.  
Also, thanks a million for calling me a “fellow screenwriter”!  I’m so not!  I’m just a fanfic writer who tried this thing once.  But man, did I love it!!  (And might do it again, for real this time...)
This might take me a few days to get through all of the asks because I’m trying to finish up this next chapter of Pocket Pass too. :)
Ok so I got another ask about this series so I figured I’d answer your set of questions about The Other Road and the other set of questions about After New York, sound good??
2) What scene did you first put down?  I always write in order.  It’s a thing for me.  And strangely enough the first scene I thought of with this fic was also the first scene - the movie credits fading away (like they did for CMBYN) but instead of it being the beautiful bird songs we hear, having it be the gritty sounds of NYC and Elio on a park bench in Central Park.
3) What’s your favorite line of narration?   (I also saw this scene VERY early on in the planning process)
ELIO begins with the 2nd movement, a slow, haunting, almost-waltz - the piano alone, left and right hand in two different meters.  
OLIVER is unprepared.  The sadness of the notes.  The purity of ELIO’s advanced technique.  He can hardly bare to watch him.
As the phrases intensify, the notes drifting past him in this magnificent space, OLIVER closes his eyes, his back to ELIO and for a moment, he imagines him at the piano in CREMA.  Shirtless, jean shorts, boyish short hair. OLIVER watches on from the edge of a chair, young, yellow bathing suit on, realizing how real his infatuation with ELIO is becoming.
OLIVER opens his eyes and turns.  And there he is again at the piano on this stunning stage.  His ELIO - mature, filled with life experiences, elegant, beautiful.  He is struck by how much has changed 5 years, and yet almost nothing at all.
OLIVER walks to him, coming to stand directly behind ELIO as he continues to play.  Delicately, so as not to disturb his nuanced performance, OLIVER reaches for ELIO. Fingers brush precious curls.  His hand trails the curve of ELIO’S jaw line. These subtle touches that are more evocative than any overt act could ever be.  They are whispers of desire. Like memory. Like a plea for permission.
4) What’s your favorite line of dialogue?  
Borrowed from the book obviously but fit into dialogue.
I wish we could start over in that little room, not like we were then but as we are now.  
What did I say about looking backwards, huh?
That everyone does it.
OLIVER appreciates ELIO’s logic.  He laughs softly.
Fair enough.
Maybe this time you wouldn’t fight it so hard and I’d find the words I hadn't been able to then. And we could stand on that balcony, the one at the end of the hallway by our rooms.
I remember.
Rubbing shoulders in the sunlight, making plans, everyday for the rest of my life.
Every day of mine too.
5) What part was the hardest to write?
The first scene between Oliver and Josh.  I didn’t know how much Josh should know, how pushy/protective he should be.  I’m happy with how it ended up.
11) What do you like best about this fic?
That last scene, set to Sufan Stevens is hands down one of my favorite things I’ve ever written.  Elio looking at Grecian statues at the Met.  Oliver driving down a sunlit road.  Elio writing the letter.  Oliver happy as he writes Cor Cordium on the back of the post card.  I thought I had given them the most uplifting ending possible.  It felt so brilliant and full of hope but SOOOO many people found it tragic and sad.  I was shocked!  (So that why I wrote After New York!)
12) What do you like least about this fic?
I think a lot of people have avoided it cause it’s a screen play, but that’s ok!  We’ve all got our own thang.
15) What did I learn from writing this fic?  
That I adore writing screenplays!  I learned to be precise with my wording.  That dialogue can convey so much if it’s good.  (I also learned a lot about NYC in the 80′s, the introduction of AZT, AIDS testing in the 80′s, Columbia, Lincoln Center.  Good times!)
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alittlefrenchtree · 5 years
Yeah it's probably not Timmy, but it would have been fun if it was! One unlikely possibility is that Timmy and Cudi hung out before cmbyn, but Timmy didn't want to post about it to avoid cudi fans 'stalking' him? I mean the guy went to school with Madonna's daughter so I feel like anything is possible with him. This sounds like a fanfic, why can't I write for shit only make up far fetched scenarios :(( But yeah, you're right it's probably not him.
Well knowing Timmy, he could have been avoiding talking about it because he would have not feel legit enough, or famous enough, or not want to look like he was riding cudi’s coattails as someone would said but yeah, it seems like a long shot.
Well maybe the idea has inspired someone! but if you want to write, Nonny, all you have to do is to start. Anyone who writes has started by writing (very) shitty stuff 😉 Practice and patience are the keys :)
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scarlet--wiccan · 7 years
Hey, the guy who asked the engagement question here. I wasn't trying to come at you or anything. I was just curious as to why you were referring to them as underage when they've been at least 18 since 2009, a decade ago. I guess it's just a different mindset then and I respect that. As a 19 year old European, from a country where the age of consent is 16 (porn 18 though) it just seemed weird to me to talk about them like that in their current, post-2009 state. (1/2)
I'm sorry if it came across as offensive. Ever since Call Me By Your Name came out, a lot of people have come out to say that it's pedophilic or whatever, which as a European, I don't get at all. So I've been trying to find out how people perceive "underage" differently. As someone who's only started reading Young Avengers after 2009, it seemed pretty weird to perceive them as underage in their current state especially since I'm their age now and I don't see myself as underage at all. (2/2)
Don’t worry, I didn’t take offense at all. First, I want to clarify something, because it sounds like you’ve got your dates mixed up: The last issue of Children’s Crusade (which is the issue with the “proposal”) came out in 2012, and during that series, the characters were still in high school. In America, that means under 18, which is legally a child. The characters were aged up a few years during Kieron Gillen’s  2013-2014 run of Young Avengers, which means they’ve only been legal adults per American custom for about 4 years. 
The reason I refer to them as underage so often is that they are under-18 in most of comics they appear in, and the majority of fanart/fanfic was either made or set during a time period where they were under-18. That means there’s a lot of porn out there in which the creators were placing explicitly underaged characters under a sexual lens. (at least by American standards)
Now, to address the rest of your question- I’m American, so I won’t speak to the cultural norms of your country/region. What I can offer is the perspective of age: 
I’m 24, and you’re 19. That’s actually a smaller age gap than the one in Call Me By Your Name. Nonetheless, I would never pursue anyone your age, romantically or sexually. I respect that you’re an adult, but at the end of the day, a teenager is still a teenager, and a teenager is too young for a person in their mid-twenties or older to be thinking about in that sense. As for CMBYN, the author of the novel is not, to my knowledge, gay. The idea of a straight man writing a gay romance with a controversial age gap, or depicting gay teenage boys having sex, feels really exploitative and gross for a whole bunch of reasons. 
I hope my response was helpful. Thanks for reaching out. 
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Tagged by @isthisenoughorcanwegohigher (tysm for the tag btw x)
Okay so just to make this clear, I don’t really like to consider myself a credible writer because I rarely ever dabble in fanfics and write based on other peoples prompts and ideas lol. This is just for shits and giggles and I’ve always tried not to take my writing too seriously. Basically if this is shit then I apologise, I’m still just playing around and trying to develop my own writing style.
(Rules are simple btw; post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence). —> although to be fair I guess I’m cheating cause I included wayyyy more than a sentence 😂😂 oh well none of it would make any sense on its own so whatever 🤷🏻‍♀️
Okay here it goes 😬
“Okay,” she said, clutching her knees as she caught her breath in deep, shuddering gasps, “What’s our exit strategy?”
“Our what?”
“Oh my god, we’re all going to die.”
“Well I guess we could just fight and get it over with.”
She laughed hollowly, sounding near hysterical, “That is a terrible, horrible, incredibly foolish idea. Let’s do it and see what happens.”
Okie dokie time to tag ... 62 people I think ? Alright this is gonna be interesting; do it if you want, it’s just a little fun
@newtscarf @themazerunnerconfessions @thefederalistfreestyle @thesweetfandomlife @just-french-me-up @justmerlin @newtmos @tmibookwormseries @shadowhuntersdaily @newtdaily @wicked-is-ok @minewt-malec @hamiltrash @percy-jacksonand-the-olympians @percyjacksonincorrectquotes @newtismyangel-mas @merthurdaily @newtpain @pjseaweedbrain @patroclus-topped @patroquiles @accio-percy-jackson @accio-shitpost @booksquoteslife @cmbyn-gifs @demidorks @ethanakamura @fuckyeahgameofthrones @fuckyeahthemortalinstruments @gangsterthomasbrodie @harrypottersource @justarthur @landofmerlin @lao-pendragon @newmasdylmas @ohmy80s @rickownsmysoul @totallycorrectmerlinquotes
Alright I know that’s way less than 62 as well but I give up trying to find people to tag 😂 have fun and happy writing I guess
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