#it started with the “princess nickname and now my mind won’t stop comparing them
jamoncitofail · 1 year
I just noticed that my two favorite ships, KuboSai and BakuTodo, have a lot of things in common.
I noticed it because my mom called me while I was reading a fic, and when I came back the first thing that I read was “Everything all right, Princess?”, so I thought that I was reading a BakuTodo fic (because u had already forgotten what I was reading lol) and then I kept reading and it said “Kusuo’s house” so I was like “…what?”
And now I can’t stop thinking about the similarities.
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thenovelartist · 3 years
A Blanc Slate, Chapter 1
Marichat May 2021 has arrived and I am once again writing a story by the seat of my pants. XD I will post one chapter a day (hopefully daily?), and each chapter will have 3 prompts. Enjoy ;)
Next >
1. Rain
The clouds were thick and black, shrouding the city in darkness. This was normally when Chat Noir had the best time blending in.
But as he stood before her now, up in the high beams of the Eiffel Tower, his brilliant white suit stuck out like a sore thumb.
She remembered the first time he’d been akumatized and turned into Chat Blanc. His blue eyes had flipped between empty and full of pain. He’d been fighting the akuma the whole time, and it had physically pained her to see him like that.
However, that was the difference between then and now. His normal green eyes glowed behind that white mask. No; that was a lie. They held the same green color, but instead of the vibrant life they normally held, they were empty. Hollow. As if his soul had died.
“Chat Noir?”
Her voice sounded weak to her own ears, and had his kitty ears not twitched, she would have questioned whether he’d even heard her.
With inaudible footfalls, he slowly stepped towards her. Once he was close but still out of touch range, he extended his closed fist towards her.
Normally, that would be a ‘pound it’, but it hurt Ladybug more than she would have thought to know Chat was just wanting to give her something.
She extended her own hand out, and he dropped two things into her hand. Clink clank.
Even in the darkness that hung over Paris, she knew what those were right away. And her gut positively dropped to the bottom of the Eiffel Tower.
“Chat,” she started, words somehow failing her.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” he stated, his voice firm but tired. She only could tell that because she’d known him so long.
Her hand around the two miraculouses, falling to her side as she took him in. “If… if I have the moth miraculous, then… how are you…?”
Her words died out, and Chat didn’t add to them, instead turning his head away while his ears flattened back on his head.
Biting her lip, Ladybug fought for anything to say. “Are you okay?”
She already knew the answer. But he still said it.
“What can I do?”
“Not much,” he said, taking a step back. “And frankly… there’s nothing I want you to do, either.”
She felt cold begin to hit her face, but the oncoming rain was the least of her worries. Even the fact she held the two missing miraculouses was negligible compared to the weight of her heart breaking at the pain her partner was experiencing.
“Please, Ladybug,” he growled, ears pinning flat as he shot her a snarl. But it didn’t seem to mesh with the tears that were already forming in his eyes. “I need you to stay out of this.”
“But I don’t want to just sit here and do nothing when you’re—”
“This isn’t your battle to fight!” he shouted, shocking her silent. “Hawkmoth was your battle to fight. Mayura was your battle to fight. But the miraculouses are back in your hands, meaning your fight is over.”
“It’s not over until they’re brought to justice, Chat,” she countered. “And I’m not going to let you just—”
“He was my father!”
Lightening ripped across the sky, followed by thunder rolling through Paris and shaking Ladybug’s entire world.
“It’s personal,” he spoke, his voice steady once again. “And not anything you will muddy your hands with. I won’t let you. You will tell the public that you retrieved the miraculouses and Paris is safe. I will handle the rest.”
“Do you honestly think I’m going to just let you handle it alone?”
“You think I’m not capable?”
“I never said that!”
“It’s better this way, Ladybug,” he said. “That way you won’t be lying to the press when you say you didn’t know Hawkmoth’s real name and therefore cannot release it to the public.”
She grit her teeth. She did hate lying, but in this instance, for Chat’s sake, she’d do it in a heartbeat.
And he should have known that.
“Then what about you?” she challenged.
“What about me?”
“You think I’m going to do this without you by my side?”
The finality of those words struck her harder than an akuma blow.
His eyes flooded with an intensity rarely seen from him, and Ladybug found herself taking a step back to steady herself.
“Let me finish this,” Chat stated. “And once I do, I’m giving you my ring back.”
“NO!” The panic that suddenly bubbled up felt suffocating. “No. What makes you think you need to surrender it?”
The rain was coming down harder, but Ladybug hardly felt it. She barely acknowledged the fact they were both drenched by now. All that registered in her mind was Chat’s sad and broken expression.
“Sorry,” he whispered, barely above the rain. “But I can’t be your Chat anymore.”
He took a step backwards and away, putting more distance between them before giving her a pained smile. “And… I guess the other thing is I need time away from you.”
“Why?” she begged. She was sure tears were streaming down her face by this point, but her cheeks were so wet that she didn’t know what was her tears and what was rain. “What are you even talking about? I don’t—”
“I know you don’t,” he interrupted.
“Then tell me!” she screamed. “Aren’t we partners?”
He sighed, pained grin still on his face. “We were,” he said. “Until Hawkmoth was gone, right? I’m going to go clean up the mess. Think of it as… as my last gesture to you.”
Ladybug just stood confused. “What—”
“Good bye, Ladybug,” he said, taking out his staff. “We’ll meet again, at least once. I promise. After all—” He waved his hand, the one with his ring, in her direction. “I will be giving this back to you.”
And with a roar of thunder, he was gone.
2. Ghibli
As Ladybug made her way home in the rain, she so happened to catch sight of a figure sitting in the park across the street from her house. Part of her was tempted to stop and rush over to him, but the other half knew better. Considering what had just happened at the Eiffel Tower, she knew he would run from Ladybug.
But maybe…
Would he run from Marinette?
With the idea in her mind, she ran back home, detransformed the second she entered her room, quickly put away the two miraculouses he’d given her, and then snagged a raincoat and an umbrella before running back out of the house.
Checking both ways before crossing the street, Marinette splashed through any and all puddles without care as she ran towards Chat Noir… er, she supposed he was Chat Blanc now.
It didn’t matter to her. That was still her partner no matter what color his suit was. And at the moment, her partner was in pain, slumped over as he sat on the edge of the park’s fountain, his head hung low and ears drooping as rain poured over him.
When Marinette got closer, she noticed his ears twitch before he glanced up and looked towards her. His eyes narrowed. “What are you doing out, princess?”
Princess. That was her nickname. That was also a very good sign. It gave her hope he wouldn’t turn her away.
She flipped up the hood on her raincoat before extending the umbrella out so that it was covering him. “What are you doing out, Chat?”
“Nothing,” he curtly said. “Go home, Marinette. It’s cold out.”
“Exactly,” she countered. “So why are you out here getting soaked?”
He just shrugged. “I have my reasons.”
“Reasons you don’t want to tell me?”
“Okay,” she said, wracking her brain for ideas on just how she could convince him to get him out of the rain. “Do your reasons allow you to come inside the bakery, then? Or are you out here punishing yourself for being a bad kitty?”
She tried to make it a joke, hoping it would put a smile back on his face if only for a second. But she instantly regretted her words the moment his ears fell again.
“Please, just leave me alone.”
Her heart broke all over again. Something in the way his head was bowed just made her want to touch him, want to comfort him. Part of her knew it was risky to push her luck, but the other part, the part that cared deeply for her partner, just wanted to comfort him any way she could.
She patted his head, causing him to startle in a way that shocked her. His eyes were full of panic at her touch and his body was tense, as though he was ready to run.
“Sorry,” she said, tugging her hand away and taking a step back. Please don’t run. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”
He didn’t relax fully, but the tension in his body did ease a bit, and then he shifted away, out from under her umbrella. “It’s fine. Just leave me alone.” Then he looked up, his eyes locking on something behind her. “You should go back home.”
“Only if you come with me.”
“I’m not going to just leave you out here in the rain like some kicked cat!”
Lighting flashed in the sky, shortly followed by thunder, but Marinette hardly noticed. Her attention was fully focused on Chat, who was looking back up at her with some surprise.
Eventually, he sighed, his shoulders slumping with exhaustion. “I’ll escort you; that’s all. Understood.”
Better than nothing, and it still gave her a chance to convince him inside out of the rain. “Understood.”
He stood, but he ended up stumbling sideways two steps as though he was going to fall over.
“I’m fine,” he said, spreading his feet wide to give him more balance. “It’s…” He forced a smile at her. “Just been a long day.”
Liar, she thought. It’s not just that.
He got close enough to put a hand on her shoulder with the intent of guiding her back towards her house, but Marinette just knew something was off. She dropped her umbrella in favor of holding Chat’s head with one hand while the other landed on his forehead.
In spite of the chilling rain, he was warm.
He stepped away, clearly agitated at the touch—that was the other thing; Chat loved touch, so why was he shying away from it now?—and shot her a glare. “Marinette,” he growled in warning.
“You’re running a fever, aren’t you?” she asked, watching as he swayed unsteadily on his feet.
“I’m fine!”
“You are not!”
“I am!” he shouted, voice firm and strong and threatening. She found herself taking a step back out of shock.
He seemed to notice that because half the fight in his eyes extinguished immediately. “I’m fine. I don’t need anyone. I never asked for help. I don’t want anyone else to end up in this mess. So, leave me the hell alone!”
But he didn’t move. And neither could she.
And when he took a step back, as to be the first one to retreat, he stumbled, landing on his knee.
She rushed to his side. “Sorry, Chat,” she said, grabbing his arm, both to keep a hold of him so he wouldn’t run as well as support him. “But I’m not leaving you alone like this.”
“You should.”
“I won’t.”
“I don’t need you.”
“But you want someone, right?”
“Not in my own mess.”
“But do you really want to fight it alone?”
The only sound that filled the space was the rain that continued to pour down.
And after what felt like an eternity, he eventually spoke. “No…” he admitted, voice quiet and weak. “No, I don’t, but it would hurt worse if someone was hurt because of me.”
She didn’t know how to counter that. All she knew was she needed to get him out of the rain as soon as she could. “Come on, Chat.” she coaxed. “At the very least, let me get you out of the rain.”
He still hadn’t moved from the ground, leaving it up to Marinette to pull him up. He had to lean on her substantially, and she hadn’t even realized he’d been this unsteady on his feet.
Had he been like this just an hour ago when he met her as Ladybug?
She dragged him back to her home, then slowly up the stairs before deciding the best place to dump him was in the bathroom so he could both get clean and warm himself up. She could only hope she didn’t leave her bathroom a disaster as she led him inside. Thankfully, it wasn’t too much a wreck. She sat him down on the edge of the tub, then patted his head. “I’ll go grab you a towel, okay? You just take your time to clean yourself up.”
“Marinette…” he weakly tried to argue.
“Don’t even try with me, kitty,” she warned. “Warm up. Use whatever you need to. I think I have clothes that will fit you that you can change into. I’ll go grab those. Don’t worry about it and don’t even try to argue with me.”
He looked up at her, and she swore she could see the internal debate happening behind those green eyes of his.
Eventually, he sighed. “You’re as stubborn as my lady.”
Marinette smiled, a genuine one. No matter what front he had tried to put up, he still considered her his lady. That gave her hope. “Thanks for the compliment.”
And with that, she walked out of the bathroom and shut the door. Once she did, she heard the water start up.
“Hey!” Chat called out. “Are you still there?”
“Yeah, what do you need?”
There was a pause. “Is… is there any conceivable way I could bother you for some cheese?”
Ah, for his kwami. What did Chat always complain about? Smelling like camembert? She would have to go see if she had any, but she knew any cheese would do. “Sure thing.”
“Thank you.”
Anything for you, kitty. “No problem.”
With that, she started off to collect the needed items only to realize that walking up 2 flights of stair soaking wet was bound to leave dirty, wet footprints on the floor.
Well… guess she knew how Sophie felt now having to deal with Howl.
3. Dirt
Once all the dirt on the floor and stairs was cleaned up, she started collecting the things Chat needed. She did manage to find some camembert in the fridge, though it wasn’t much. Surely it would be enough to restore his kwami, though.
After that she grabbed a towel and change of clothes for him. Who knew what shape his clothes were in, and she wasn’t going to let him get back into dirty clothes after a nice bath if she could help it. Luckily, he and Adrien looked to be about similar sizes, and she had made an outfit for Adrien since his birthday was right around the corner. She knew he was the son of a fashion designer, but he’d also totally egged her on last month when she casually suggested making him an outfit one day. And so, she did.
Now that outfit would be worn by Chat Noir for the time being, but Adrien didn’t have to know that.
Once her arms were full of the aforementioned items, she knocked on the door to the bathroom. “Chat, I have the cheese you asked for, and a towel and change of clothes for you, too. I’m going to close my eyes and slide them in, okay. I won’t look, I swear.”
“Thank you, Marinette,” he said, voice sounding very tired.
With her eyes closed, she cracked the door open and felt around for the counter before sliding the items on top of it. Once she was sure they weren’t going to fall on the floor, she quickly backed out and shut the door again. “There you go. Feel free to ask for anything else, okay?”
“Hey, Marinette?”
He was silent for a moment, and she opened her mouth again to repeat herself when he spoke. “I… really appreciate this,” he said. “Sorry for… pushing you away, and I’m sorry if I hurt you. I’m… I’m really grateful… that you did this for me.”
Anything for you, you stupid cat. “You’re welcome, Chat Noir. It’s always an honor to help out the heroes of Paris when they need anything.”
He was silent yet again, but Marinette didn’t quite want to leave. “Feel free to take your time in there,” she said. “And when you come out, I’ll check your temperature again and give you something for your fever if I suspect you have one. Oh! And I know you’ll be careful anyway, but those clothes were actually made for a friend. I really don’t mind you borrowing them for the time being, but once you’re able to return them, I would like them back, please.”
“I’ll bring them back as soon as I can, princess, in the same condition you gave them to me in. I promise.”
“Thanks, Chat. Is there anything else I can get for you?”
“You’ve done more than I deserve, Marinette,” he spoke, voice now solemn. “Thank you.”
You’re hurting, kitty, and I won’t feel like I’ve done enough until I know how to help you through it. “You’re very welcome, Chat.”
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cosmiclatte28 · 3 years
Disorder (Yuta x reader)
a/n : contains sensitive topic about eating disorder, do not read if it’s triggering or uncomfortable for you :”) 
I do not personally support this topic, but last time I worked on this and I don’t know why I post this.. just tell me to delete this if this is too controversial I’ll take it down.
don’t force yourself 
The dark cloud loaming on the sky is terrifying enough to make you crouch under your blanket as you mutter prayers so the lights won’t go out and the thunder won't surprise you.
However the cold feeling creeping on your feet and hands should be the real deal to worry about. You shake under the blanket, hiding more under the fluffy linen if that is possible. Your lips tremble, chapped lips, and icy blue in color.
You know he won’t like what he sees. Yuta will never like this state you are in, but no matter how much you want to stop it, you can't.
Your body refuses the tiniest amount of food forced into your mouth. It happened three months into your marriage with Nakamoto Yuta. World's famous idol, actor, heart stealer. Life was perfect with Yuta before the marriage announcement. You love him, he loves you… his members are all supportive about his relationship. You're healthy and Yuta loves you for everything you do.
That was until Yuta got his first major role in a drama. The drama won a lot of awards, thanks to your husband's wonderful acting skill as a mafia and the perfect chemistry between the doll actress and him. You need to admit you're jealous of her, but the problem doesn’t come from the actress nor from Yuta.
Your husband is still loyal to you, he takes the marriage vow seriously… you actually do not have to worry about Yuta falling out of love, you clearly can see his love grows more and more each day to you. It's already your second anniversary!
It was the fandom, the talk of the town, the tweets of the bullies that broken you. You know you're not the perfect girl to marry the oh so perfect Nakamoto Yuta. No, you're not ugly or fat. You're fit, you’re healthy, you look fresh. You have a bright smile, cheerful personality, and kind heart. You have your own charm, the glowing smile that makes Yuta bears with the harsh schedule every day. Your hugs bring his broken pieces back, and your laugh it makes Yuta realizes no matter how hard life is, he will keep striving for you.
But the comments of the web, of the unknown faces caught you. Crept slowly into your mind and ate your heart bits by bits on lonely night when you have to fake a smile over calls and videocalls with Yuta.
“(Y/n), I'm coming home In two weeks! The world tour is tiring, but it's worthy!” Yuta one night greeted you over video call. He was unwinding from the tiring show and you were getting ready to work in your own company.
You always put a smile to him, no matter how harsh the comments of the world is whenever people brought up Yuta's marriage with you. The comments are always about how unsuitable you are to be Mrs.Nakamoto.
At first it just hurts, but as you try to ignore them, you just think and think more about it. What if they're true. What if the world really hates seeing you by his side. What if one day you're just going to ruin everything Yuta worked hard for?
With Yuta's tight schedule with comeback and more drama, you found yourself sleeping by yourself and eating by yourself. The lack of companion after coming back from a tiring day makes you skip dinner and directly go to bed.
You thought, skipping dinner will not trouble you, Yuta won’t know and you'll just ignore the pain. You skipped dinner not to lose weight, mainly because you don’t feel happy eating alone. And this happened for a while. You don’t drink anti-acids even when you feel like throwing up at nights, you don’t feed your grumbling stomach when they beg for solid foods. No, you lost your appetite. For weeks, the only thing you have in the morning is just water, one small apple if you really cannot help it and on lunch you try your best to only consume little to none food. Did you lose weight? Drastically! Not in a healthy way, you're not proud of your body. No, this lost of appetite doesn’t make you happy. You don’t feel like living.
“(Y/n)-chan, have u had dinner?” Yuta called on his last week of tour. It has been almost four months since he left for the world tour. He'll have another one month away to finish the closing tour.
You lied and nod your head “Yes, what about you?” Yuta couldn’t see your dining table, you just put your face there.
“I am having breakfast! Anyways, make sure you're eating enough… your cheeks are gone honey!” Yuta looks concern, but his smile is still there coz he is always treasuring the short time he has to call and see you.
“Well, it's the camera maybe. Good thing right?” you try to laugh it off although you know you really lose weight.
“No, I love your glowing cheeks! Don’t tell me you're skipping meals" he suddenly opens his eyes wide.
You chuckle “No. Don’t worry Yuta.”
He grins “Then what did you eat? Why you never show me?”
You are taken aback “Uh I've eaten it.”
Yuta doesn’t give up “Next time, send me a picture okay so it feels less lonely! Gomen, I have to go rehearsal! Byee love you!” he closes the call after you bid him goodbye, goodluck and a love you.
You walk to the mirror in your room. Grimacing at your skeletal body. You were fit and now you look sick. Your skin doesn’t glow, your lips are chapped, and your hair looks dull. No matter how hard you try to bring your glossy hair back, the lack of nutrients won’t allow you.
You hate your current state, you look horrible. Thin body but with a very dull skin, pale lips, unlovely eyes. You look like a walking zombie. Your nail and hair vitamins did not help, the polished healthy nails are now chipped and broken.
You tried, eating some foods, but your body throws them back out. Your friend suggested going to the specialist, but you're too stubborn and shy to go. What if someone caught you on camera, what will the world say about Yuta? About you?
Yes some people know about you. Your wedding picture was published online, you were pretty back then! Some fans supported you, but after they realize how regular you were they started comparing and regretting their idol's choice.
You go to work with your big clothes, trying to hide your sick appearance but everyone in the company realizes you're not doing good.
“Yuta will hate me,” that’s all you can think about when you close your eyes and force your light head to sleep by yourself in the big room while wishing you can still see the sunlight and greet Yuta.
What you fear the most, happened.
Yuta got home to you, shaking so bad from the lack of food. You're working too hard and forgot all the meals. You only drink water, and Yuta got home from his tiring tour to find you laying almost lifeless on his bed.
“(y/n)?! What joke is this?!” he lightly slap your cheek to wake you up, but your breathing is slow and your eyes are heavy.
Yuta rushed you to the hospital and all you remember was the worried look he has once you opened your eyes.
“The specialist said this is not something new. For you to reach this state of disorder, they said it has been at least two years. Why have you never told me? Why?” Yuta asked first thing first when you woke up.
You cried, feeling bad to see Yuta this worried “Gomen, I'm stupid Yuta. I skipped dinner… and it became a routine.”
Yuta shook his head “You were lying to me…”
You cried, unable to deny him. He stayed silence and a tear fell from his face “Why do you lie? Why are you killing yourself? Do you not love me?”
You shake your head furiously “I love you yuta! I love you so much! But it’s lonely without you.”
Yuta trembles upon your remark. Is he the reason you're like this?
Yuta feels bad about your condition, he wants you to return to your healthy self but the doctors all tell him it will take time and patience and a whole lots of determinations!
The medics have to give you fluid foods which sadly you cannot deny. For a week you live from the liquid nutrients injected to your body and for the next month you're forcing yourself to consume food at least a real food.
Yuta takes a break from his promotion, making sure he is with you throughout the process. You feel bad for him, feel pitiful about your condition yet at the same time you hate yourself.
“It's awful Yuta.” You sob as you sit on the toilet floor, after barfing away your dinner once again.
“I'm just wasting food.” You desperately cry and Yuta's there to lend you his shoulder.
“No. Come on, it's not everything! At least your stomach is learning to work and digest again. Come don’t cry my beautiful princess.” He brings back the name he used to call you back on the younger days. You asked him to stop calling you princess after you get older and feel shy about the nickname.
But hearing that from Yuta's own lips, with pure sincerity when he is standing by your side makes you determined to overcome this together with him. For you and for him. For many more memories to make with him and for your future.
“Thank you, Yuta" you whisper before closing your eyes and leaning to his chest because you feel weak.
Yuta kisses the temple of your head “Always and forever my princess.” He hugs you closer to his chest and picks you up to carry you to bed.
“We'll get over this together okay?” You nod “Promise?” he shows you his pinky
You hook your pinky to his “Promise.”
“I love you not for how you look but for who you are.” Yuta slowly say that when you're falling into sleep.
You smile knowing this silly storm in your head will slowly fade with Yuta’s sunshine in your life.
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rayofsunas · 4 years
 haikyuu!! as dads (pt.1)
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A/n: hello! starting off with a clean slate here yay! if some of the first few seem so short and the writing seems different, it’s because I wrote half of this like three days ago- anywways, requests are open btw!!
Summary: haikyuu characters as dads/domestic living. 
Pairings: Semi Eita, Bokuto Koutarou, Kuroo Tetsurou, Oikawa Toru, Kenma Kozume 
Warnings: some timeskip spoilers, fluff, parenting, angst (kinda) swearing (maybe), crack, all characters are aged up
Word count: 1.8k 
Part Two!
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Semi Eita
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- the serious sometimes scary looking dad, but other than that he’s a fluff ball
- he may look scary but he simply cannot punish them for anything 
- especially after they bonded over music, legit cannot do nothing wrong
- on the days he’s not working or with his bandmates, you can often find him with his twin daughters, teaching them how to use different musical instruments 
- okay, so your daughters are still pretty young, so they aren’t very good at using most instruments, but for Christmas you and Semi got them both a small set of drums, something easy
- it was very cute to come home from work to see your husband and daughters loudly practicing on the drums
- sure at first it gave you a blasting headache, but after a while you got used to it, and even jammed out with them when you had the time
- mainly just random sounds/beats coming from the two five year olds, but Semi doesn’t mind, he’s willing to teach them and he does proudly 
- if one of his daughters or both wants too
- definitely writes songs for his daughters and you
- i can see him writing lullaby’s for them and working on them for hours making sure they were perfect
- lets just say they were perfectly beautiful 
- because you went to high school together, the nickname “semi semi” stuck with you (thanks chicken tendo)
- but your girls will also cutely call him “semi semi”
- you often bring them to concerts despite semi saying it’s probably too loud for them
- he’ll let you sit safely with them back stage uwu
- after he runs back to you three and is bombarded with hugs, high-fives and kithes
Bokuto Koutarou
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- bokuto is a hyper dad, which we all saw coming. there is no taking the child out of bo
- i feel like he’d want tons of kids, probably even uses his children as an excuse to act the way he does
- i can see him with a few kids, 3 to be exact (2 boys and 1 girl)
- he likes to be really involved with his children, and gets very sad/emo when he doesn’t see them for short/long periods of time
- for example, the Black Jackals is a whole different game field than high school volleyball and it’s much more time consuming and has him away a lot 
- when he does come home and has time off, let’s just say he clings to his children like a puppy
- even after a while THEY get sick of him and wanna ditch him, cue emo bo :(
- if his children gang up on him (which they do) cue emo Bo again :(
- he babies them all, can’t ever say no
- tends to go back on his word lmao
- if your oldest son begs and begs for season tickets to his favorite sports team? Bo KNOWS they can be expensive, and he was even scolded by you, but two hours after saying no, he runs back to his son and gives him the money 
- if your daughter wants to get her nails done with a group of friends, he knows she picks out the most expensive polishes, etc, BUT HE DOES NOT CARE, he will gladly give her the money and even go with her to get his nails done 
- yes, you heard me
- of course he’ll being chaperone for this girls day, he promises to pretend that he doesn’t know them and keep his distance (sit very far away lol), but after a little while its just hard to contain and he’s screaming to everyone in the salon that his daughter is sitting on the other side of the room eye- 
- your youngest son wants an expensive sports car? done
- he just wants to make his family happy, pleaseee
 Kuroo Tetsurou 
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- poor Kuroo, he has 2 daughters and you, so he’s surrounded by girls lol 
- he actually doesn’t mind it tbh
- between you and his two daughters, he wouldn’t have it any other way
- just gives him an excuse to be overly protective
- anywhere in public, expect either kuroo holding your hand
- or holding his daughters close to him (piggy back rides, yes)
- or, he stands protectively behind you and your daughters while you talk to someone, sending them threatening glares behind your backs 
- he was shy as a child, so it wasn’t surprising when one of his daughters, the youngest, was very very shy
- he doesn’t mind once again, just gives him an excuse to be protective 
- although he’s busy, he always makes time for his girls ALWAYS
- definitely a bragger
- if his family is brought into a convo, he pridefully will express how cute and smart his daughters are, may or may not openly declare his daughters are the cutest amongst his co-workers children
- he’s mad intuitive and aware/observant
- kuroo always knows when one or both of his daughters are about to start crying/throw a fit
- cue dad kuroo prepared to crack funny chemistry and or science jokes
- his shy daughter finds him very funny, doubles over every time he cracks a joke and calls him a “silly rooster”
- even when she's older she still laughs and even copies his jokes
- but his other daughter just cringes, every time sigh
- when she was younger she used to fake the laughs, but when he started saying the jokes in public she just stopped reacting, hoping he would stop-
- he didn’t...
- i like to imagine kuroo and kenma staying friends even after high school, and since kenma has hella video games and a whole arcade in his house, he’ll often bring his daughters over to his house
- his eldest daughter loves it at uncle kenma’s house
- cue jealous rooster dad
Oikawa Toru 
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- okay so oikawa is ALWAYS busy
- isn’t home much, except during off seasons or if he messes up his knee again (yes, it’ll happen) 
- in the event that he’s home due to a knee injury, he’ll wanna be catered too lmaooo
- he doesn’t expect his little girl to cater to him and really only teases you about it
- but his daughter will get him whatever he needs while he’s propped up on the couch
- she admires him so much
- his daughter kinda has a smart mouth-
- definitely got that from him, having picked up on it from a young age, while he was home
- when he was home once propped up with a messed up knee, she went “here dadkawa” as she handed him an ice pack
- he laughs at the nickname, asking you about where it came from later
“she was on call with hajime’s daughter yesterday... hajime asked how ‘poopykawa’ was doing”
- he just rolls his eyes, “at least he cleaned it up for her sake” you explained 
- will not lose the “kawa” part, so it’s dadkawa lol
- when he’s away, she’s always asking for dadkawa
- when he’s here they're inseparable
- morning breakfast now will be her sitting in his lap instead of yours
- she asks to watch cartoons with him instead of you :(
- bath time consists of her arguing with you as you try to wash her hair, while oikawa sits on the closed toilet seat laughing to himself
- “mommy i want dadkawa to wash my hair!”
- “you always whine that he gets soap in your eyes”
- “I don’t care!”
- when you bring your daughter to games, she’ll be cheering him on proudly, “mommy, look at dadkawa!” “GO DADKAWA!!!!”
- since he plays for the professional Argentine team, i figure you all live in Argentina now, traveling from Argentina and Japan was tiring, so you moved to be closer
- when the news approaches him after or before games, he makes sure to show his daughter off and the whole time it’s his daughter stealing the show
- she might be shy at first, but as long as dadkawa is holding her, she’s fine
- he’ll teach her Spanish, defiantly sings happy birthday to her in Spanish because it’s special
- he calls her his princesa (princess in spanish)
Kenma Kozume 
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- if his child didn’t enjoy video games like him or any of his hobbies like volleyball, I feel like Kenma would have a hard time with them
- he loves his son yes, but he’d have a hard time interacting with him, especially if he’s not into video games or volleyball
- if he is though, you can often find the two in kenma’s home office, playing games
- when your son was a infant, you would always come home from being out/work to find your son sitting in his pj’s on kenma’s lap watching his dad play video games 
- “it’s late, ken. i see he’s already in his pj’s- did you already have dinner?” “yes”
- “without me?” you asked, lifting up your son to give his cheeks kisses. “there’s apple pie in the fridge.”
- eye-
- yes he fed your son that, yes he needs a little guidance, yes he needs to be told apple pie is NOT dinner
- on another occasion of coming home, you found your boys in the same spot, once again playing video games, your sons eyes drifting between the game and his father every time he muttered under his breath 
- “the screen is bad for your eyes kenma, and he’s just a baby! he’ll get bad eyes too!”
- kenma’s short answer is, “he won’t” 
- when your son got older, and he started getting into video games, it got harder for you to tear his eyes away from the screen
- he’s been around video games his whole life, so of course it’d be hard, you just didn’t think he’d grow attached 
- kenma leaves most of the strict parenting to you, because he LEGIT doesn’t NOT know what to say
- he’s lowkey afraid he’ll push his son away if he says the wrong thing, but he’s also worried that if he doesn't say anything, they’ll have no real relationship, so he struggles 
- he tries his hardest to bond with him over video games and volleyball though
- as said by your son, kenma’s cooking can’t compare to yours, BUT he does know how to make a yummy apple pie
- his son will help kenma with said apple pie, when he’s younger he was often the taste tester and made a mess every time
- kenma gets nervous in huge crowds and really around anyone he doesn’t know, so if his son is a social butterfly he’ll try to get kenma used to people other than himself and you
- somehow, during the rare moments his son has problems (friends, school etc), kenma will be the one to speak up privately
- he’ll definitely tell his son to surround himself with a good friend/good friends, he also makes sure to let him know the importance of quality over quantity 
- he has a brotherly relationship with kuroo, and if not for kuroo he’d be alone, he wants the same thing for his son
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10.20.20, rayofsunas 
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butchchat · 3 years
Falling For You || Miraculous Ladybug AU - Chapter 2
AO3 | Falling - AU Series
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After her encounter with that new girl yesterday, Marinette was in a sort of daze. She had never felt this way before, yet the girl was on her mind for the entirety of that night. Her beautiful chocolate brown eyes gleaming with an unreadable emotion, her short flowing hair, a few shades darker than her own… 
She sighed dreamily as she relaxed into her blankets, patrol had gone fairly well - sure she wasn't too thrilled about Crimson bailing on her and leaving her to do her job alone in the rain, but meeting that girl had certainly lifted her spirits. 
She was on the brink of sleep, her thoughts becoming muddled together until one thought, louder than the rest, was suddenly brought to her attention and she shot up in bed, her eyes full of panic.
“I forgot to ask her name!” Marinette whisper-yelled, aware her parents were sleeping just a few doors away.
Plagg, who had been curled up asleep on her pillow, gave no reaction to the horror-struck expression on her face and simply muttered under his breath before rolling over again.
“Plagg! What was that anyway?” Marinette demanded, “I mean Princess? What kind of nickname is that?”
“Hey, I didn't flirt with that girl, you did.” Plagg's voice was muffled as he tried to tune out her voice under the blankets.
“Well it was still your influence.” 
“Meh.” The small kwami shrugged before rolling back over.
Marinette rolled her eyes, frowning slightly as she reached out for her phone - blinking rapidly as her eyes adjusted to the harsh brightness of her screen. Almost two in the morning, she groaned to herself, maybe she and Crimson needed to talk about how late their patrols were getting.
A brief notification flashed up on her phone, it was Adrien of course, sending a string of memes in their shared group chat with Alya and Nino. Marinette scoffed lightly before she placed her phone back down next to her pillow, not really in the mood to chat so early in the morning.
She could hear Plagg's soft snores from the other side of her pillow, careful not to wake him again she moved slowly as she turned over and pulled the blankets up to her chin. She could think about that girl later, right now all she wanted was some sleep before she faced another day at school. 
Sleep came as quickly as before only this time she managed to remain asleep without an sudden realizations hitting her. 
Though it felt like only a few seconds until she was woken once again by the sound of her alarm blaring underneath her pillow, Plagg floated above her, his expression unreadable. Marinette blinked the sleep out of her eyes as she reached under her pillow to shut the alarm off. 
Crap . Her eyes widened. She was going to be late - she hopped out of bed, almost stumbling over but luckily she caught herself and proceeded to run over to the closet to find some clothes to wear.
“Why didn't you tell me it was so late?” Marinette hissed accusingly at Plagg.
“Is that my job?” Plagg twitched an ear casually, “hey where's my cheese, you were too busy thinkin' about that girl last night that you forgot to give me any.” 
“I'll give you your stinkin' cheese once I'm dressed and actually able to think.” Marinette retorted, picking out a pair of jeans, a plain polo and a nice blue checkered shirt - maybe it's time I did switch things up a bit. She thought.
Racing into the bathroom she quickly put the outfit on, brushing her teeth just as fast she darted back into her room, pulling on her shoes and socks. Plagg watched, eyes lit up with amusement as she stumbled over multiple times in her panic.
She pulled her hair up into a small ponytail, not having enough time to put her hair into its usual style she grabbed her bag and gestured for Plagg to go inside.
“Cheese.” The black kwami said simply, folding his tiny arms across his chest.
“It's in the bag, now hurry up we need to go!”
Plagg zipped over as soon as she told him where the cheese was, she heard his quiet, contented purrs as he chewed at the camembert inside. She sighed, climbing down the ladder and walking through the bakery. Her parents were doing some deliveries early so she wasn't surprised when she didn't see them up to their usual business in the morning. 
Usually it was her mom that woke her up if she slept in so late, Plagg wasn't usually bothered much if they were late or not, he just cared about his morning cheese. 
She heaved a sigh, slinging her bag over her shoulder as she made her way outside, careful to remember to lock the doors as she did. She navigated her way through the busy streets of Paris, checking her phone every few seconds to keep a close eye on the time. 
As she walked, her mind wandered back to last night, the girl - she really should've remembered to ask her name - was at the center of her thoughts. Better just forget about it now, she thought to herself, gripping the straps of her backpack tightly, it's just one girl in a sea of millions, I probably won't see her again. 
She met Alya at the foot of the stairs to their school, the other girl was tapping her foot against the pavement rhythmically, a huge grin lit up her features.
“Hey, not too late, an improvement.” Alya congratulated.
“What're you so happy about?” Marinette questioned, coming to a stop beside her.
“Oh nothing,” Alya's smile got somehow larger, “just… guess who got an exclusive interview with the Bug himself!”
An interview with Crimson? Huh, Marinette never really thought Crim would be so open to doing interviews, even with a lesser known website such as the Crimson Blog. Though she had to owe it to Alya, that girl sure was dedicated to her work.
“How'd you manage that?” She said, smiling as the two started towards the door together.
“After yesterday's akuma attack he had some time left so I just quickly asked if he'd be willing to do a short interview about himself and Lady Noire. I tried to get her too but she was already gone after the attack.” She seemed slightly disappointed about that fact, admittedly that made Marinette's ego grow a little bit - she'd always thought that not many people cared about her compared to Crimson.
“I'm sure you'll get her next time.”
“I hope so! I have so many questions about their powers and where they came from—” Alya started babbling on, Marinette listened intently to her friend, still smiling to herself. 
It had been almost a full year since she'd received the ring along with Plagg and her new duty as a protector of Paris - almost a full year since Hawkmoth had started akumatizing innocent people and using them against their will to attempt to gain hers and Crimson's Miraculous.
For whatever purpose that was for.
In that time Marinette had seen a lot of close calls, the battles were tough and only getting tougher, but as long as Crimson was still standing to purify the akuma and fix everything then it was okay. 
Even if it meant sometimes sacrificing herself for his safety.
She shuddered.
Luckily, both she and Alya had a free period to share that morning until their next class after lunch, so the two girls took a seat on a bench closest to the yard. Alya continued talking about her admiration for Crimson and Lady Noire, and Marinette listened, though this was something she heard from Alya almost everyday she was still interested to know every detail.
“Sup dudes!” She raised her head to see Nino striding over, Adrien in tow. The blonde was beaming at them both.
“Hey babe,” Alya smiled, sitting up to embrace her boyfriend in a delicate hug, both Marinette and Adrien rolled their eyes in unison.
“Hey lovebirds, us single pringle's are tired of watching you guys make out all the time.” Marinette chirped as Alya leaned in for a kiss.
“Yeah I'm kinda feeling like a third wheel here.” Adrien added.
“Fourth wheel.” Marinette corrected.
“Just because you guys can't find partners for yourselves doesn't mean you have to be salty about it.” Alya scoffed, giving Nino a brief kiss on the cheek before turning back to face them.
Adrien scoffed, “I could if I wanted to.”
“Alright sunshine incarnate.” 
“I could!”
“Mari couldn't possibly find a girlfriend, she literally shuts down when she so much as looks at a girl.” Nino put in.
“Dude.” Marinette said disapprovingly.
“He's not wrong.” 
Suddenly Adrien snapped his fingers, “I forgot to mention, there's a new student that should be arriving shortly who I want you to meet.”
“New student huh? Who are they?” 
“She should be here pretty soon.”
Alya elbowed Marinette lightly, “looks like this could be your chance to prove us wrong.”
Marinette shot her friend a quick glare.
Adrien looked over his shoulder, he then smiled and turned on his heel, “there she is. Hey Kagami!” He called out.
Marinette looked over to see a strikingly familiar girl walking up to them, dressed in a black shirt with a checkered red tie, a formal white blazer with a skirt matching the pattern of her tie and red sneakers. Dark hair, a few shades deeper than her own and dazzling, brown eyes.
No way, no way, no fucking way. Marinette thought in disbelief.
“Guys this is Kagami, she recently moved to Paris. Kagami, these are my friends, Alya, her boyfriend Nino and Marinette.” Adrien said cheerfully.
“Hey girl.” Alya said warmly.
“Nice to meet you dudette!” Nino dipped his hat in greeting.
Marinette could only manage a casual wave.
“It's a pleasure to meet all of you, I hope we can all become good friends.” Kagami said, the edges or her lips twitched upwards into a small smile.
Why couldn't she talk to her? She certainly had no problem with doing it last night. She cringed, remembering how she'd flirted and called her Princess . Way to screw up a first impression.
“I'm sure we will, any friend of Adrien is a friend of ours.” Alya told her.
Except Chloe. Marinette added on silently.
“That's very kind of you.” 
The group immediately dissolved into chatter, Alya was on her feet again, suddenly asking Kagami a string of questions.
“So, have you seen Crimson and Lady Noire yet?”
Marinette snapped her head up quickly, her attention pertained towards Kagami once again at Alya's question.
“I encountered Lady Noire last night.” Kagami said casually.
Marinette eagerly waited for her to say more on the subject.
“You talked to Lady Noire? Girl, tell me everything! ” Alya practically squealed.
Kagami seemed surprised, she most likely hadn't had this much social interaction before and was caught off guard.
“Well it was a very short meeting, but I had a small accident and luckily she happened to be passing by.”
“Saved by a heroine on your first day in Paris, what a story!” 
Marinette chuckled to herself.
She looked back up at Kagami who was looking more comfortable around the group already and a warm feeling filled her chest, she really hoped she'd get to know the girl more. Though, that was considering that she'd be able to form a single sentence when talking to her. 
She furrowed her brow slightly, it seemed all the confidence she had as Lady Noire melted away the moment the mask disappeared. Great, just wonderful . 
She swore she could almost feel Plagg's shaking laughter from her purse.
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peterxwade24 · 3 years
Safety Found in Red Sleeves
Chapter 9
I know it's been nearly four months (just five days shy of four months) and I apologize for that.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy.
Thana watched as all of the patrons of the Iceberg Lounge turned to look as they entered. She knew they weren’t the usual crowd, seeing as how Adrien had on a fanny pack, but since they all had red, or some shade of pink, sleeves Uncle Ozzy would let them in.
“I’m sorry. Do I-” Oswald Cobblepott was, fundamentally, a good man. He would never turn away a child in need and he remembered the children he gave shelter to, so imagine his surprise when the person standing in his place of business was none other than the girl who’d managed to burrow under his skin and earn a special nickname. “Chick? Is that- are you- you’re really here?”
Thana let out a laugh and rushed at the man, throwing her arms around his neck before letting out a louder laugh. “I’m taller than you Uncle Ozzy!”
Oswald laughed before his gaze drifted back to the rest of the teens gathered just inside his place of business. “Chick, as much as I love seeing you, who’re they?”
“Oh!” Thana pulled away from Oswald before turning to her friends. “Well, the tall boy with black hair and frosted tips is Kim, the blonde girl is Chloé, the guy with short brown hair is Nino, the other blond is Adrien, and the short sporty girl is Alix. They’re friends I made in Paris, with my mother’s cousin.”
Oswald smiled and waved. “I see my niece has given you a heads up on the dress code around here.”
Kim nodded, a smile on his face. “Mèo con’s always reminding us that we have to wear red when we’re in Gotham, says she’ll ditch us if we don’t.”
Nino snorted before his eyes drifted over to the turntables. “Do you mind if I?”
Oswald smiled and nodded. “Go ahead, you can’t be any worse than my usual guy.”
Nino drifted over to the turntables and began playing some music.
Chloé strode over to the duo, a smile on her face. “It’s so nice to finally meet Fragolina’s Uncle Ozzy.”
“You must be the one my Chick won’t stop saying reminds her of the second Robin.” There was a twinkle in his eye as he pulled Thana close.
Adrien and Alix followed Kim over to the trio, where Kim draped an arm around Chloé’s shoulders. “That’s a possibility.”
Thana and her friends, accompanied by Thana’s Uncles Ed and Jon, toured Gotham. Thana made sure to show her friends around, showing them shortcuts to use to get around if they ever get separated from Madame Bustier. Eventually, the group came to an overgrown looking park.
“Uncle Ed, Uncle Jon. I’m going to show them around, and if we run into her introduce them. If we don’t, could one of you text her to let her know where they’re staying so we can do the introductions there?”
“Of course Mini Todd.” Her Uncle Jon nodded and wrapped an arm around Ed, who smiled softly at the act before nodding as well.
“And we’ll keep an eye out for You-Know-Who. He seems to think that you will come crawling back any day now.” Her Uncle Ed rolled his eyes.
“Thank you both so much.” Thana pressed kisses to their cheeks and smiled. “If we ever come across him, I’ll send an SOS to the group chat and then beat his ass.”
Jon and Ed pressed kisses to her cheeks and smiled. “Be safe.”
“With Aunt Pam? Always.” Thana turned towards the park and took a breath, smelling the local flowers and feeling better than she had since she’d been removed from the streets.
Thana led her friends around the park, pointing out all of the Poison Ivy original plants and warning her friends to stay away from them since they hadn’t built up an immunity to the toxin within the plants, with a smile on her face. “Aunt Pam always has a new plant that she’s making, and she’s been sorta kinda courting my Aunt Harley since she first saw her, although Aunt Harley used to be with this abusive asshole. I do wonder what happened to Aunt Harley’s daughter, I know she said she was with her sister but still.”
“Who?” Adrien asked, his hand hovering dangerously over a hybrid Venus Flytrap and Trumpet Pitcher plant, as he looked back at the group.
Adrien’s hand was saved by a wall of Boston ivy that shot up out of the ground. A loud scoff could be heard just beyond the plants before a beautiful head of red hair appeared through the leaves. “Didn’t your parents ever teach you not to touch wild plants?”
Thana smiled and allowed Kim to pull her into his side. “Are all of your relatives ridiculously attractive people?”
“You’ve met my Ma’s cousin,” Thana shrugged and settled more firmly against his side, “and Jervis Tetch is a rotten man, he’s rotten to the core.” Thana’s head rested against Kim’s chest, her ear close to his heart, as she forced thoughts about her birth father out of her head. “My Uncles and Aunts have this friend, Harvey Dent, who’s a little disfigured. He was in this really bad accident a while back and his face is a little hard to look at. He’s kind of nice, never really been mean to me specifically. I think he’s kinda cool though, he’s got a whole schtick about truth and luck.”
Kim nodded, his eyes flitting over the rest of their friends. Kim had never really had a big friend group, not until Thana joined their class, and then suddenly Kim was always around other people, had a shadow who was nearly as protective of him as his Mẹ was, and suddenly his fledgling crush was one of his best friends. Kim would probably always be thankful that Thana showed up when she did. Without Thana, Kim probably would have always been just a dumb jock who fell for some perfect princess. Kim knew his Mè was as thankful as he was that Thana had shown up in their lives, that Thana had stayed after she learned about the skeletons in their closets.
Kim looked at Thana, and he could see how much lighter she was here in what was the darkest city Kim had ever stepped foot in compared to back home. He could only hope that no matter where she went after Lycee, she would keep in contact with him and his Mè.
Thana and her friends left Robinson Park just before dinner that evening, her Uncles Jon and Ed escorting them back to the hotel when Thana’s friends went in for the night. Thana, however, followed her friends in and ate a meal with the class before ducking out of the hotel to go spend the night on the streets.
Thana refused to spend any more time in that building than absolutely necessary. She could still feel the cold lead encased in steel as it pierced her abdomen.
Thana hunkered down in an old spot, one she knew like the back of her hand, and could only hope that she would be safe here. She could only hope that she wouldn’t catch a cold while she slept on the streets.
Thana’s friends, however, slept fitfully that night in their comfortable beds in the hotel. Their thoughts filled with worry about Thana on the streets.
Jason puttered around the kitchen, his feet encased in his slippers, and let out a yawn. He looked at the counter and noticed the already full coffee pot. He glanced around the room and frowned when he didn’t see anything before the sound of the TV reached him a moment later. “Duke?”
Duke’s head popped up over the back of the couch and he gave Jason a sheepish smile. “Yeah?”
Jason let out a breath and his whole body sagged for a moment. “Just had to make sure. Little twitchy after our late night visitor last night.”
“Who stopped by last night?” Duke stood up off of the floor and walked into the kitchen, sitting down on one of the counters like Tim, Steph and Cass had started doing.
Jason set his coffee mug (which read “World’s Greatest Dad” in a similar red to his helmet) down on the counter with a little more force than necessary. “The Bat.” Jason turned to the fridge to pull out the coffee creamer, but frowned when the only creamer left was the Southern Butter Pecan Pie flavour. He simply reached past and grabbed the milk to add to his coffee instead of creamer. “He wanted to know why I’d ‘taken you as well’. Because he sees you all as things to be taken and not children to be taken care of.”
Jason pressed a kiss to Steph and Cass’ foreheads before hitching Damian further up on his hip. “I’ll be back later. I just need to take Damian to finish introducing him to his aunt’s aunts and uncles. Unless of course, you two wish to join us.”
Steph looked at Cass and shrugged. “Timmy’s got work. I think Bart is out running around.”
Cass nodded before mussing up her hair and frowning at her sister in question.
“Kon might be in Kansas, I think he mentioned going to visit Clark’s parents. Cassie is hanging out with Donna, getting advice most likely. Cissie is spending the day with Oliver.” Steph slung an arm around Cass’ shoulders and smiled. “Give us a few minutes to get dressed and then we’ll join you.”
Jason nodded, a small smile on his face. “Of course. Take all the time you need.”
Steph and Cass disappeared into the room they had officially claimed, coming out a few minutes later in coordinated outfits.
Steph walked out wearing a dark purple crop top with black shorts and a black sweater tied around her waist. Her hair was pulled back into a low ponytail and a pair of black sunglasses, easily recognized as Kon’s, sat atop her head.
Cass, who walked out just a step behind Steph, wore a black t-shirt under a black and yellow flannel paired with black high-waisted jeans. Her hair was freely flowing around her shoulders while her wrists sported scrunchies she’d pilfered from Cassie and Cissie.
Jason shook his head at his sisters, Cass who was just a scant six months older than he was but acted so much younger and Steph who was just a few months older than Tim, and smiled. “Any particular reason for the attire today?”
“Just felt like coordinating.” Steph smiled at Jason and slung an arm around Cass. “Well, what are we waiting for?”
Jason led the way into the Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane, his sisters just behind him and Damian clinging to him like he was the only thing keeping him attached to the planet.
“So, not to question your sanity or anything but, why are we here?” Stephanie’s voice was filled with trepidation and Cass’ arm was wrapped around Steph’s in an act of comfort for both girls.
“One of Thana’s uncles is here right now. He’ll be out soon. Do not compare him to the guy who killed me.” Jason smiled at the guards on duty and continued into the building.
The person at the front desk, a young individual of indeterminate gender with short brown hair and brown eyes, looked up from the clipboard in front of them and deadpanned. “Name of the patient you’re here to see?”
“Jerome Valeska. He should be expecting me, Jason Todd.” Jason smiled and shifted slightly so Damian’s face was more comfortably buried in his neck. “My son and sisters will also be joining us today.”
The receptionist nodded and jotted down the details relayed to them. “Identification?”
Jason handed over his identification card while Steph and Cass pulled out their driver’s licenses. “My son is only nine and only has a passport, will that work?”
The receptionist nodded and smiled. “A passport will work.”
Jason pulled Damian’s passport out of his pocket and handed it over. “We’ll come back to collect those when we’re finished visiting.”
“Have a good visit.”
“Thank you.” Jason smiled and led the way back into the rehabilitation center, his sisters sticking close to his back with their free hands clinging to the back of his shirt just over where Damian’s leg rested, passing the cells filled with the more humane residents of the asylum. Jason paid them no mind, having grown used to their hooting and hollering as he passed on his previous visits.
The little four person group of the family finally reached the rehabilitation center and were let in by one of the orderlies, a bulkier individual dressed in teal scrubs. They all gave the orderly a smile and a nod as they passed into the room.
Jerome was sitting at a table with blank sheets of paper mixed in with sheets of paper filled with writing, and as soon as Jason could read what was on the paper he could see that the pages were filled with apologies and plans to become a better person if for no one other than his favourite niece and her wellbeing. Jerome looked up when Jason started to cast a shadow across his paper. “Hey buddy. You’re standing in my- Jason! What a surprise!”
Jason’s face grew soft, a smile on his face and pulled out the chair next to Jerome to sit down in. Damian was settled into Jason’s lap while Steph and Cass sat down in the chairs next to Jason’s. “How are you today Jerome?”
“I’ve been better.” Jerome had been better, before his parents and his uncle died, before his twin fell apart and brought him down with him. Jerome had been happy in the circus, performing with his family for crowds of people who adored their act, and then everything changed.
“Jerome, I’d like you to meet my son. Damian al Ghul-Todd, nephew of your niece Thana Todd, as well as my sisters, Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown.”
“Oh come on Jace. Why’d you have to use last names?” Steph pouted and punched Jason’s upper arm.
“Because now that Uncle Jerome knows of your parentage he’ll be less likely to toss anything you say aside.” Jason smiled as Jerome spoke about himself in the third person.
“What he said.” Jason let out a chuckle. Damian frowned at the lack of attention he was receiving and simply headbutted Jason in the chin. “Yes, yes, we know you’re here Kutlat Saghira. I’m sorry that we’re not paying attention to you.”
Damian pouted and puffed out his cheeks. “Baba, not here.”
Jason smiled at his son, knowing that he was safe in his arms. “I love you my Little Nugget.”
“Baba!” Damian frowned and looked towards the table, effectively ignoring the four other people at the table.
Steph and Cass watched the moment between father and son, sharing only a look before looking back at the duo.
Jerome watched as his niece’s brother smiled at his child, glad that he got to see it but all he really wanted was to see Thana.
“She’s in the city.” Jason’s voice was quiet, barely heard over the lull of the rest of the patients in the center. “She’s in the city and she, she got so big Jerome. She has a really good group of friends. You’d be proud of her.”
@amigotasbien @maribat-is-lifeblood @mystery-5-5 @our-preciousss @mochegato @chocolatecatstheron @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @2confused-2doanything @wannajointhecrabcult @dreamykitty25 @tomanyfandomsonmymind @moonlightstar64 @justafanwarrior @mialuvscats @pheony1882 @pepelachanel @moongoddesskiana @abrx2002 @ladybug-182 @greatcatblaze @thatonecroc @vixen-uchiha @superbwhispersconnoisseur @sauseyyy @susiej1118 @bluesimani @thatonecroc
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Chapter 8: Ghost Dad Worries
The morning sun shone through the forest's leaves, a gentle breeze removing some weaker leaves from the trees. It was mostly quiet in this part of the woods, outside of the small things that came each time the hoof would make an impact with the earth. The young prince sighed as he took in a breath of the fresh air, and slowly, the laughter of children in the village he was approaching. It felt so great to finally be home.
AJ pulled back on the reins gently after they had past the bridge, the horse slowing to a stop gently as he prepared to get off. He hop to the ground, grabbing the reins and tied them to a nearby post. "Take a quick rest, Bay. I will return once I get the flowers." He said, petting bay's brown fur. The horse let out a slight huff, looking to the side as the prince smile, leaving as he took a glance around the town.
He felt so wonderful to be here again. While the place his school was located had quite the beauty, it could never match the feeling of being home. Nor did it have the same wonderful people. He caught a group of three children playing with a ball. He chuckled as one pointed him out, him waving with a smile as he walked past. He found himself staring up at the sky, the warm sun like a ray of life and hope.
He soon spotted his disation, the florist shop. There he would garb flowers for his lovely Vanessa and- he froze slightly. Something was wrong. Things weren't going to turn out right. Even if he just picked flowers from somewhere else, she would still accuse him. His legs became shaky as he tried to calm down. It's ok, you're ok. Don't let what already happened ruin the light for you. Just-
"AHHHHHHHHHH!" The scream was like shattering glass in the middle of the night, waking the ghost jolted right awake from his dream that had been becoming a nightmare. After he got himself to slow his breathing, his eyes instantly laid to the source of the scream, a shaking figure wrapped in the best blanket he could find. Glowing yellow tears falling onto the ground. "NO! PLEASE! I DON'T WANNA DIE!"
"Shadow Kid!" He said, quickly picking her up and pulling her into a hug. "It's ok- ow!" He said, when the child's reaction was to punch him in the chest in confused terror.
The child glanced up at him with a gasp, her eyes shaking slightly as more tears fell from them. "Snatcher?" She asked, her voice so small and meek compared to how it was just seconds before. Snatcher nodded as he floated back to his chair where he was sleeping, holding her close. "I-I.." The child stumbled. "I-I s-saw you frozen. T-The evil queen froze you then shattered you in front of me! S-"
"It's alright kiddo.. just a nightmare." Snatcher sighed, trying his best to stay calm. A small part of him was pounty he had to be woken up early, but he shoved it to the darkest corners of his mind. "That witch is still in the manor. She can't get to us now. She never will."
The child's breath slowed after a small bit. Her tears did as well. "I don't like nightmares.. they feel too real.." And sleeping in a closet was probably not helping with that. In Snacter's defense, he was slowly working on getting a 'second floor' grown into the tree for the child's bedroom, but it's only been a few days since he adopted her, so things were going slow. "What should I do to make them stop?"
"Well, you could always scare someone so you get the mindset you're in charge of scaring!" Snatcher piped up, it helped him out every now and again after all. The child looked confused by his request and just glanced to the side. "Right... sorry. You're not.. crazy like me. That won't work."
"I don't think you're crazy." Shadow Kid said, wrapping his ghostly tail around herself. Great, now he's got the kid trying to consuel the adult. Another great example of his parenting skills. He was so sure Shadow would just be another Hat Kid once the manor scares passed, allowing him to get a Dad plan ahead of time. But he was blind. Shadow was so different. Not that it mattered to him that she was...
"I am compared to before. But let's not talk about that..'' He could see the child look up at him, mainly as the words 'before' left his mouth. Peck, she was going to start asking questions. "You shouldn't worry about that after all. I'm your Dad. I watch and worry about you. I steal the souls of anyone who dares try to harm you. You don't need to worry about me at all, kiddo." He said, a small smile on his face.
"But what if I need to.. steal a soul?"
Snatcher froze for a moment there. On one hand, a part of him was happy by the idea. He could teach her soul stealing, it'd be great bonding time, and it could protect her later on! But at the same time, he knew it likely wouldn't be something she liked. The way the question was phrased was enough to tell that. "You don't need to worry about stuff like that right now, alright?" He asked, tilting her head up slightly.
Shadow Kid nodded. "If you say so... I just want the nightmares to stop.." she said, wiping at her eyes before any tears can form. Snatcher felt upset at the scene. And useless. After watching over the dwellers and minions for the last he didn't know how long, he just assumed he would be a great dad to any ghost child. He was wrong. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't be bugging you about it. I just... want to be happy."
"Boss?" A young voice piped up, Snatcher glancing at the minion who appeared. "Is the princess ok?"
"Yeah.. Yeah she's ok. She's my daughter, why wouldn't she be!" Snatcher playful chuckled, holding Shadow Kid in a more casual way. When he first introduce the child to the other ghost children, the minions quickly latched onto the fact that she was now, techoanlly, the princess of Subcon. They had been calling her 'princess' ever since. He honestly wasn't sure how to feel about that nickname...
"Oh, well, I heard a scream so I felt I had to check it out!" the minion claimed proudly, getting a chuckle from Snatcher in response. There was a small yawn, and Snatcher looked to see the child in his lap falling asleep. "You know, not to be rude, boss, but we noticed you've been struggling with your new responsibility the last few days."
Snatcher sighed slightly, waiting in a few minutes of awkward silence until he was sure Shadow Kid had fallen back asleep. He didn't want to say something that might upset her by mistake. "I would be lying if I tried to deny I have been. I thought having a kid would just be a piece of cake, especially since Shadow here doesn't need to eat or drink. Yet... it's been harder than I thought. I wish I had an idea how.. from someone other than a child." He gave the minion a knowing glare.
The minion shook their head slightly, with a yawn. "Well, you're the boss of things, so I can't make any good calls. Maybe there's someone who may have any idea out there... Welp, night!" The minion waved, before leaving the tree. Snatcher sighed as he looked down at his daughter. Maybe the minion was right... Maybe there was someone out there who would help him.
Snatcher watched from his chair, letting his daughter play in little pool of water the tree had become surrounded in over the years. He was a bit paranoid when he first found her in it, but it wasn't deep enough for her to be stuck. And although she likely wasn’t the best swimmer, she seemed to know enough of the basics to stay afloat. Still, he kept an eye on her, rolling his eyes as a minion splash in the water beside her. It was a nice small distraction from everything. Although he couldn't stay distracted for long.
"You found what-" The DJ's voice brought Snatcher's attention back to the phone he summoned out of thin air. DJ Grooves was the only person he could think of that morning who might help him, so he had reluctantly given the penguin a call. "You're saying that all this time, the little darling had a piece of her own soul stuck here. And we've never known?"
"Don't get any ideas, Grooves. She's my daughter and you will need my consent before you throw her into any of your movies. Don't worry, same for Conductor." Snatcher warned, his slight finger wag could be heard over the phone. He sighed as he floated up, beginning to pace with the phone in hand. "But yes. Apparently she hid from me all these years and only came out recently." He found her, but he wanted to make her sound brave.
DJ Grooves chuckled on the phone. "Well, it's good the little superstar finally came to you, then." DJ Grooves, as one may expect, didn't know too much about Snatcher's past or the manor. But he knew just enough to know what the ghost child's fate could have been. "I do have to say, I'm really happy for you! Having a daughter is one of the most wonderful things in this world, after all." He chuckled.
"That's part of the reason I'm calling, actually.."
"Huh? How come?" DJ Grooves asked. Before Snatcher could respond, he heard a small giggle in the background, and felt a small pain in his soul. He could hear the Penguin place the phone down briefly, likely going over to share a small moment with his own daughter. He only saw the child a few times, but the relationship between the two of them seemed so perfect... "Sorry about that. Also, you seemed so happy about the idea of having her when you first called."
"Well... it's just... I'm failing as a Dad!" He nearly shouted, having no other real way to put it. Hopefully he didn't blow the Penguin's eardrums out. "I kept trying to bring my 'ghost that makes people sign contracts and then kill them' ways to her. I know it's dumb, but the other minons and dwellers seemed so used to it that I thought it'd be ok!"
"Well... I'll be honest, that isn't the smartness move on your part." DJ Grooves said, and Snatcher gave a slight glare to the phone. He knew the penguin was judging him for even thinking about bringing those topics up to her, but he just couldn't help it! Then again, that was the reason he was calling, so it wasn't like he could judge him in return. "She's just a child after all, if she does want to do those things with you, it'll likely be in the far future."
"Assuming she ages... but that's not all..." Snatcher amdited, sighing as he sat back in his soft chair. "Even when I try to treat her like I treated Hat Kid when she was young." As in treated her like a timeline version of Hat Kid where he didn’t try stealing her soul. "She doesn't seem too interested in other stuff! She... hasn't even called me Dad yet.."
"Relax, darling, she will be alright." DJ Grooves said, trying to calm the phantom over the phone. He never really saw this side of the ghost before, the closest he ever got was the last time they all saw Hat Kid back when she was first on this planet. Back when she swept them away from her spaceship. It was strange to see this side of the ghost, even a little unsettling. But he stayed claimed. "It took Dineanna a little over a year to call me Dad. Or to talk at all."
"I suppose..." Snatcher sighed, quickly waving his hand slightly at a minion who noticed him. "But I just... I don't know what to do. I was... hoping you might be able to give me some father pointers?"
"Well, I'm honored that you thought I would be your best choice." DJ Grooves chuckle slightly, as Snatcher rolled his eyes. He was the only father he knew personally. Well, that wasn't fully true. He glanced at the shadow child slightly, smiling faintly as he heard her giggle faintly. "But I'm not sure I can do much to help. She's 7 or 8 and Dineanna is only three. I don't know much about taking care of a child that age."
"Great..." Snatcher sighed, feeling tired slightly. "Is there anything you can tell me, anything? I need to... be better for her."
"Well... Maybe you should learn how Hat Kid was raised. Maybe that will give you some ideas?" As soon as those words came over the phone, Snatcher already knew what was going to be said. He didn't want to deal with them, especially the one...Looking over to the side, he got ready to hang up the phone. "Maybe go ask her, like what things helped her through hard times. What things calmed her down. Or you could-"
"You can say ask her Dads, but I'm not doing it." Snatcher said, glaring at the phone.
"Well... I don't see why you don't." The penguin asked. "They raised her ever since they found her, the little darling must have had some truma they needed to help her get over. They're bound to know the right things to do for someone like Hat Girl or Shadow Kid to be happy, and see you as a father as well. Besides, if- huh, oh right. I need to go darling, I have to head to the studio as soon as breakfast is finished, and I don't want to waste time with my family."
"Fine..." Snatcher sighed, using the opportunity to hang up the phone. And to resist the urge to throw it at the wall nearby. "They'll be the one who knows what's best for her? Yeah right, that kid was covered in scars when she got here! They couldn't have had her in a safe place when the rocket of thier's crashed!?"
Although, he really didn't have much of a choice here, did he? He sighed as he floated to the exit of the tree, watching Shadow Kid poke at one of those glowing mushrooms. The fact he tried to kill something so much like her before was crazy to him... the fact it was crazy to him was insane. He sighed and glanced to the side. "She deserves the best possible from me... Minions! Watch Shadow while I'm gone!" He shouted, to the surprise of many nearby.
The first one to snap out of the shocked state sluted him. "Yes boss! We promise nothing in rain, snow, or fire will come and harm our princess! You can count on us!" A few others shouted in agreement as he just nodded his head. He gave a small smile and wave to Shadow, who looked slightly confused, before turning away and beginning to head through the woods. To the one place where he could get help.
"What do you mean Reg-Hats is busy?!"
"'e's T'e c'eif, did you expect 'im to not be busy?" Right Hand Man sighed, adjusting his position on top of the station.
Snatcher sighed as he looked around the place faintly. The toppats were doing a decent job of things, at least as decent as they could this early on. The kids and teenagers were close together, Snatcher having to glance away once he saw Hat Girl talking with her brother. He glanced back at the cyborg. "Look, I don't know how your clan works, but I need his help so do me a favor and call him here."
"Can't do t'at" Right Hand Man said, shaking his head with a sigh. "'e's In a meetin' wit' some of t'e ot'ers about 'ow exactly we can repair t'e station. You know, make it to w'ere we can go 'ome? W'atever you need 'elp wit', surely it can wait."
"Look, techally I can ask you it, but I rather speak to him about it." Snatcher admitted as he look at the cyborg, who rose a brow faintly. He glanced down at the ground, well, there was no way getting out of this now. The half metal man would just push him to answer if he tried to hide it, after all. "It's... with Shadow Kid... I may or may not be needing some help with her. And was hoping you could help."
"Only a few days and yer already gettin' the tried dad moments?" RHM chuckle, taking in the simple information.
"Shut it." Snatcher said, giving the cyborg a glare. How dare he assume that he would get tired of his own daughter. She was the most perfect and pure thing and she... deserved so much. Especially after everything that happened to her. He looked to the side, then backed at the man. He didn't like looking at him for too long. "I'm... having issues raising her right, I can't seem to get her to see me as a Dad."
"Really? That's the issue?" RHM asked, a little surprised when he heard that.
Snatcher sighed in defeat. "Yeah... I figured that since you two raised Hat Kid and she came out fine, that you would help me get her to see me as a Dad." And to be a better father overall, but he didn't want to admit that aloud. He was trying to act like he didn't care too much about it all, he couldn't let anyone see him acting kind... weak. "So, I suppose I should ask what stuff she would like."
"'ow Am I supposed to know t'at?" Right Hand Man asked. When the ghost first showed up and came to him, he found himself wanting to do anything else. Now he found himself wanting to see how this would go. "Can't tell ya what yer daug'ter would like or not like after all. 'er 'nd Hattie, despite t'eir connection, are two completely different people at t'e end of t'e day."
"Perfect, just perfect!" Snatcher stated in frustration.
The cyborg signed, shaking his head to the side. "Look, I can't give a better answer t'en t'at, ok?Even if she acts similar to 'ow Hattie was now, she's goin' to c'ange into 'er own person. T'e second she took 'er own form, 'er and Hattie were set on two completely different paths. Any tricks I've learnt over t'e years as a fat'er isn't goin' to be of any real 'elp to ya." Right Hand Man said. "'nd Don't go buggin' Reg for a different answer, 'e would tell ya t'e same."
"But... Hattie seems to care so much about you two!" Snatcher said, and now his desperation was becoming noticeable in his voice. "You two seemed to do a perfect job of raising someone like her. And you say it won't work for me... What should I do then." He sighed as he grabbed his head, trying to think. "I shouldn't have just adopted her on instinct. I should have prepared myself before I..."
Right Hand Man chuckled at that. "Bold of ya to assumed I was prepared." The ghost gave him a confused look. "It was a few days after we first found 'er. 'ad To go 'elp Sea Division for one day. T'e second I came back Reg told me 'e adopted 'er. 'nd S'e was already callin' 'im Dad, so t'ere was no goin' back."
Snatcher let out a chuckle. It felt nice to hear about the man's struggles. But, in a sense, it felt relieving to know the man had similar issues to what he had. "Really?"
"Yea'. I t'ought it was 'opeless, to be 'onset." Right Hand Man admitted. "I'm a fig'ter. I could easily be a murderer from 'ittin' cops wit' my bat alone! I didn't see myself as a good fat'er figure. I didn't brot'er tryin' to c'ange because I knew I couldn't."
"If you didn't change, how did you get her to see you as a dad?" Snatcher asked.
Right Hand Man sighed, a small smile formed on his lips. "Well... I guess I slowly tried to get us used to eac' ot'er. Allowin' 'er to bug me wit' questions to me looking for her if Reg got worried. I t'ought that was all our relationship would be. But one day, she came up 'nd asked 'Papa. Can ya 'elp me finis' t'is one puzzle.'" The cyborg chuckled. "'nd As soon as those words left 'er mouth, I knew I was doin' t'ings right. And it instantly became one of t'e best moments in my life."
"So... I should just... let us both try and get used to each other." Snatcher asked. The cyborg gave a shrug in return, allowing the ghost to sigh. "Well... for a man that got turned into half machine, you do seem to know a lot.. thanks."
"Anytime, I suppose..." he glanced back where the teens were, seeing Platinum backup from that 'Van' kid while Hat Girl was laughing. He wouldn't admit it out loud, but the ghost wasn't as bad as he thought... Still, he wasn't going to drop his guard around him anytime soon.
The two were there silently for a few moments, before Snatcher let out a clearly fake cough. "Well I suppose I should be going! Have to make sure those minions didn't get into trouble with Shadow..."
"Sounds good. I need to go check on how the solar panel repairs are goin'." Right Hand Man stated to the ghost. He hop off the top of the station, blasters under his feet activating and keeping him in the air. He floated to another side of the station, not even bothering to say goodbye to the phantom.
Snatcher didn't let that bug him... he had a job to do after all.
"Snatcher!" The young girl's voice brought worry into the phantom's soul as he approached where his tree was. He speeded up his pace, worried inside. Until the sight entered his vision. "One of the Minions got themselves stuck in the ropes!"
"Again?" Snatcher sighed triedly as he went over to the hanging minion. He ignored the nouses' calls and gently poke the minion free. "You all need to stop going up there. You can't die, but you can still get hurt!" He schooled as he floated down to the ground.
"Sorry boss. The princess just wanted to see how strong it was, so I volunteered to-!"
"I didn't tell you to do anything." The shadow child corrected meekly, glancing at the monon in confusion. "You told me 'Wanna see a trick I can do' and got yourself stuck."
Snatcher chuckled a bit, a small grin forming on his face. "Well, looks like you are guilty, aren't you?" He asked. The minion just nodded his head, before beginning to walk away. Snatcher smiled at Shadow Kid. "Good on you, kiddo. Best to call out people like that as soon as you can. Make them know it's not smart to try and lie their way out of everything!"
Shadow Kid giggled slightly. She then glanced over at the tree she and Snatcher called home, looking up slowly. Her eyes seemed to gain a bit of awe to them, and a look of mystery. She looked back at the ghostly prince. "I wonder how things look from the top of the tree."
Snatcher glanced up at the tree. With how tall most of the trees in the forest were, he forgot his was a special case. Going beyond the human, and ghost, eye. He looked down at Shadow Kid, a smile forming on his face as an idea popped into his mind. "Why don't you and me go find out?" He asked, picking her up.
She let out a gasp. "Really?!" She asked, as Snatcher reached behind himself, placing the child, his child, on his back.
"Let's go!" He said, and began to float up. Admittedly, he could probably just float right up to the top right away if he wanted too. Would only take about 12 seconds. But he decided against that. It would be better to take things slow. Shadow could end up having a fear of heights, and he wanted to be as close to the tree for when he would need to make a quick turn around to get back onto the forest floor.
Shadow Kid glanced around in a bit of awe. Everything somehow felt bigger, but also smaller from all the way up here. She felt like she was as powerful as Snatcher! She found herself reaching for a purple mushroom, when her eyes caught onto an orange glow. She looked in the distance, and saw a tower that looked like it was filled with fire! Tilting her head a little more, she soon saw one so similar, but with ice poking out in every direction! "Woah! Snatcher, what are those!"
Snatcher paused when he heard her voice, glancing around to see the two towers. "Oh! Well, to be honest. I don't fully know.”
"Wait, there's something here you don't know!?" The child asked, her surprise making Snatcher flich.
He chuckled faintly as he turned so she could get a better view. "They've been there as long as anyone can remember." Snatcher explained, a calming tone to his voice. "But no matter how close you try to get to them, you never can get there. It's almost like they exist in a different reality altogether. Some even say they might be the remains of the Moonjumper's work."
"Moonjumper?" Shadow Kid asked, as Snatcher started to float up the tree again. "What's the Moonjumper, is it like a cow or something?"
Snatcher had to hold back a laugh at that. "No, no Shadow. He was a figure of Subcon folklore that supposedly protected the forest years ago, until one day he was just... gone" He shrugged slightly. "Who knows, one day I might get around to telling you those stories.."
"I think that would be nice. He sounds almost as cool as you!" Shadow Kid called, allowing a small smile to form on the phantom's face.
It took about half a minute to finish the trip up the tree, the phantom having sped up faintly since Shadow Kid didn't seem bugged by the idea of heights. He soon floated on top of the giant mushroom top that grew from the tree, placing Shadow Kid down. The child let out a gasp, spinning around like the mist and snowflakes around them. She soon stepped a bit near the edge, sitting down as she looked at the, a bit foggy, view.
"The forest looks so beautiful from up here." She said, a soft smile and faint blush appearing on her face. She looked over as Snatcher went beside her, mimicking how she was seated the best he could in his current form and size.
"Yeah... I wish you could have seen it when it was alive..." Snatcher sighed, as he looked at her. "Such a beautiful kingdom... that might be yours one day."
"Huh?" Shadow Kid asked, tilting her head to the side faintly. "But.. you can't die?"
"No, I can't. Already done that after all." he chuckled slightly. "But I could still have the chance to move on one day. Now, I don't see that happening anytime soon, especially willingly. But, if it does happen, I need someone to watch over the forest for me. Someone who won't let the dwellers and minions get hurt." He looked at her, giving her a small smile. "And who better to watch over it than my own child."
"But... I'm not like you.. I want to be but I can't." Shadow Kid sighed, looking at her hands. Not noticing the surprised look that dawned Snatcher's face. "I can't steal souls or cast spells or anything that you can do. What if.. I can't do a good job?"
"My little Shadow..." Snatcher said, reaching for her, gently pulling the chipped soul into a small hug. "You're kind, bright, and full of hope. That alone is enough to make you the best Queen Subcon has ever had one of these days." He glanced to the side. "Although, when you're a little bit older,I suppose I can try and teach you some tricks. Would that work?"
Shadow Kid let out a gasp, nodding happily. She quickly hugged him. "That would be perfect! Thank you Papa!"
Snatcher's world slowed from a moment, everything became a blur except for his little bundle of joy he held in his hands. A bundle of joy he could no longer see himself existing without. She called him Papa... she called him Papa.... He smiled as he wrapped his tail around her faintly. "Of course, my little shadow."
It was the best moment in Snacther's entire existence.
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blxckbutterfli · 4 years
Victor Grantz: Dearest Bunny
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Summary: The truth is always hidden between the lines of a letter, but after Victor has been fooled once, how can he trust another letter?
Wordcount: 2.1k
Note: Female reader
Hi! Hello!
So… you’re a postman, right Victor? You must walk or bike a lot, you even have a dog! Do you take him to exercise with you? What’s your dog’s name? It’s honestly so cute.
Anyway, I just wanted to write this letter because oooooh mystery person, and I heard that you don’t like social interactions much? I really want to be friends with you so I wanted to start out with something you’re comfortable with.
Good luck with your first match! Don’t get fooled by Michiko’s cute looks.
Victor gripped the letter in his hands until it turned white. Feelings of confusion stirred inside him--should he be happy he received a letter or suspicious of it? It sounded so genuine but he didn’t know if he could believe it anymore. The first letter he received also sounded just as friendly, however, that friendliness and sincerity were just a facade that he fell for. A facade that trapped him inside this horrible cat & mouse game.
He threw the letter in the fireplace with his dog whimpering beside him
You’re amazing! I heard it’s only your second match and you already won! I guess you could call it a... VictorY… Yeah, I know, I’m such a comedian.
You have natural talent I tell you, many of us here didn’t get wins until our 5th of 7th match. Also, I found out your dog’s name is Wick, that’s so adorable, it almost sounds like ‘Vick’ which is quite similar to your name.
I used to have a dog when I was little, it was a stupid little pomeranian that’d never stop running in circles, but either way, it was my stupid so I still love him with all my heart.
I look forward to playing matches with you in the future!
I look forward to playing matches with you in the future? That means he hasn’t played with them yet. Victor searched through his memory of who he played with in his first two matches. Andrew… Luca… He sighed in defeat, he didn’t think knowing who his teammates were was this important. 
A soft texture rubbing against his arm brought Victor out of his small misery, Wick rested his tiny body beside Victor’s leg. ‘Wick sounds similar to me, huh’ Victor thought as he gave his dog a small pat.
Victor placed the letter on the fireplace, deciding to burn it away later.
Why hello there,
You seem to be in a happier mood these days, I’m glad :D. When you first came to this mansion, I noticed that you looked really excited for some reason, like who would be excited to participate in a dangerous game? But then I found out that you were tricked and now I feel so bad for judging you so quickly. After you found out it was a trick, you were so gloomy all of the sudden so I wanted to cheer you up with these letters.
Is it working?
A big grin dared itself to stretch on Victor’s face but he tried his best to stay calm. This was the third letter sent to him by this person and so far nothing bad has happened. Once in awhile, he’d wake up and would see a letter laying near the door (it was most likely slipped under the door). It was always something positive, never bringing his mood down. Is this person really as bad as he thought they were?
Memories of the ‘sincere’ invitation letter flashed through his mind. No, he couldn’t get fooled again, he won't be an easy and weak-minded person. Victor used to think that conversations were pretentious and filled with lies and that letters were the hidden truth. Now, he doesn’t even know what is true or false anymore
Victor threw the letter, along with the previous one, into the fireplace.
Rise and shine because I’m here again!
You know I find it funny how right after I said you looked happier, you go right back to being gloomy. Am I that atrocious to you? Honestly, I can’t really tell if you’re acting gloomy just to spite me or if you’re actually sad. If you are actually sad… What’s wrong? Is there anything I can help with?
You can always send a letter back to me if you want to. Just get another paper, write whatever you want on it, and tape it under the piano. I’ll check there every day at noon to see if you sent something.
How can someone cruel write something as amiable as this? There were so much care and personality written into this one letter that Victor wanted to cry from guilt because of the previous burnt letters. 
The invitation letter he received was carefully crafted but it was also so… formal, no emotions, no feelings. Maybe he was blinded because it was his first-ever letter. The letter that Victor is now holding in his hands, the person behind it can’t be cruel and deceitful, not at all. If they were, they would’ve just continued spreading pretentious positivity and ‘happiness’ and just ignored his feelings.
One chance. Victor will give them just one chance, the moment he senses something bad about the letters is the moment he’ll burn all of them. No point in keeping bad memories alive.
Thank you for being concerned about my well-being, I never really meant to bother you with my moods. It’s just that I’ve been… suspicious of these letters. Are they actually genuine or are they trying to trick me? After the invitation letter fooled me, I began having doubts about the truth written inside letters so when you sent those letters, I felt hesitant about them.
But I believe you now, you wanted to be friends? Then we’ll be friends! However, we can’t be friends unless I know stuff about YOU! I don’t know your name, age, or even gender, maybe you can give me some small hints as to who you are?
Was that good? Did he come off as too nosy? Despite delivering so many letters, he had never written one himself. Wick, as if the dog knew Victor’s feelings, barked and jumped like he was cheering on his owner. Victor smiled and made his way to the old piano.
Even after almost three months of repeatedly sending letters to each other, Victor only had one clue to what his mysterious friend’s identity was. They were female. Of course, when he read that letter, he started observing every single female inside the manor--he even went as far as observing the hunters much to his fear. No matter how much he observed and talked to them, none of the girls gave any hint of the identity of his sender.
This observation time helped Victor get closer to his fellow teammates. His original goal was to find out who his friend was, this involved talking to people and comparing their personalities to the one in the letter. While at first, he had no attachment to the irrelevant teammates, he warmed up to them over time. Of course, he still wasn’t as social as someone like William but it was a start.
Though Victor didn’t know their identity, he at least got to call them a name--Bunny. Bunny actually came up with the idea, it felt weird to be so close to a person yet not know what to call them so she made a list of nicknames and reasons to call her that:
Clown 🤡 because I’m much funnier than you
Buttercup because I just like that flower
Princess because no one can be the queen except for Mary
And Bunny because I’m cute as a bunny haha.
Of course, Victor laughed at all those choices and was even tempted to circle Clown, but Bunny stood out to him. It was cute, simple, and an animal. Victor loved animals!
Bunny… Victor can’t help but want to meet her.
Oh god, he’s so thirsty, and he forgot to fill up his water jug last night. Victor reached to his bedside table to feel for his watch. 6:17 the watch showed Victor’s tired eyes. The postman closed his eyes and sighed, why must his thirstiness wake him up so early?
Victor sluggishly got out of bed and weakly grabbed his water jug. At the door, he frowned when he realized Bunny’s letter didn’t arrive yet--Victor’s gotten used to waking up to Bunny’s funny letters every morning the past months.
Opening the door, Victor walked out and made a beeline to the kitchen
Finally, he got some water to quench his undying thirst. With his water jug filled to the brim with liquid, he walked back to his room--slightly more awake than before. His footsteps paused, however, when he turned a corner and noticed a figure standing in front of his door, Victor quickly stepped back and hid behind the corner.
Y/N? What is she doing here?
A grin was plastered on your face as you hummed a joyful tune, your mood always goes up whenever it was time to deliver your letter to the cute postman. You opened your letter one more time and re-read it to check for any silly mistakes. Victor watched in curiosity, from his angle, he couldn’t see what you were holding. Goosebumps rose all over Victor when he finally saw a letter within your hands.
Bunny… is Y/N?
You crouched down and quietly slipped the letter under his door, Victor should be asleep for another hour so it’s no worry if he’ll see you or not. That thought quickly went to vain when you stood up and was out of the blue grabbed by your wrist. Gasping, you instinctively thrashed about until you saw the cute yellow eyes that you’ve stared at every day.
“Oh, Victor! What are you doing here? Isn’t it too early to be awake-”
“Bunny?” Victor cut you off, you quickly shut up. Damn it, I thought I could slowly escape if I rambled enough. His innocent eyes bored deep into you which made you guiltily look away--how could you lie straight to his face? “Bunny? Is that… you?”
You slowly nodded and looked back up to his face which had gone from a small frowned to one of… joy and excitement? You let out a tiny squeak when you were suddenly slammed into Victor’s chest and was encased in a hug. “It’s really you, Bunny” Victor’s whispered into your hair--you smelled so nice, you felt so nice between his arms.
After a small pause, you finally returned his embrace, your arms wrapped around his body, “Yep, it’s me.” You pushed your way out of Victor’s hug--much to his disappointment--and twirled, “so, do I look as cute as a bunny?” You joked.
No, he thought, you were so much cuter than a mere bunny, so much more beautiful than a lonesome rabbit. Not only your appearance but your personality, the way you cared for him these past few months, you were an angel.
“Y/N,” he spoke your real name, “I love you.” He immediately covered his mouth when he let that phrase out. ‘What that heck? Why did I say that? I just met her!’ he scolded himself.
“What?” You gaped at him as he awkwardly distanced from you while scratching his neck. He stammered for words, not sure how to redeem himself after suddenly blurting the phrase out like a madman, one just doesn’t simply confess their love on the first meeting. “Victor, what did you say earlier?”
The cute postman barely responded to your question, you could see his lips barely move as he responded--or rather barely whispered--to your question. Victor’s face was flushed with red, he could barely look at you in the eye--actually, he couldn’t look at you at all. “I… loveyou.” It was quick, but what’s important is that you understood it.
A few seconds of awkward silence passed--which is also a few seconds of Victory dying inside--and you let out a small chortle. “I’m sorry… you just looked so cute when you were saying that,” you explained to him when you saw his perplexed expressions. You placed a hand on his cheek, brought his face down to your level, and kissed his forehead, “Of course, I love you too.”
Victor cried.
He didn’t mean to, but the emotions filling inside him wanted to spill so bad. He’d never felt such joy before, the man didn’t know how to deal with it so he just let it all out.
And so when you were fussing over his tears, Victor embraced you once again and thought of the many firsts he had with you.
His first genuine letter; his first friend; his first crush; and now… his first lover.
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theoverly · 3 years
Her choice
Pairing: Johnny & female V
Rating: T for swearing
Dreams are a reflection of our subconscious, and nightmares are our subconscious way to deal with trauma, as Johnny learnt the hard way early on in his life
Catch me traumatizing myself with my own headcannon
On ao3; https://archiveofourown.org/works/30339804
Or press “Keep reading”
”I… I can’t believe it… everythin’. A-all we did… pointless.” V glitches away, leaving Johnny alone at the glitchy diner-booth for a moment before he follows the path of her code, already as familiar to him as her mind. She’s sitting in the vast empty space of the net, knees pulled up towards her chest and arms resting atop them, staring out into nothing with an empty look in her eyes. “I’m sick of this…” she growls just as he materializes, pulling a chair out of cyberspace to straddle, arms resting on the backrest. Even without access to her mind he can feel the rage building up in her. “Of everythin’.” She continues as she glares up at him from under her brows. “You most of all.”
  He ignores what feels like a stab or a glitch in his code, and instead levels her with a stern gaze. “Perfect, ‘cause we’re stickin’ to the plan. You’re goin’ back to your body, and I’m goin’ with Alt.”
  “Where she even gonna take you?” she bites out.
  He glances off to the side, to a beam of bright light that appears to be both extremely far away and dangerously close at the same time. “Beyond the Blackwall, to become part of her-“ he looks back, glancing at the glitchy outline of V’s boots. “Whatever the hell that means.” He finishes, voice trailing of a little at the end.
  “… What’s it like, beyond the Blackwall?” he looks up at the slight tremor in her voice, finding an air of anxiousness about her, making him huff.
  “Assumin’ I don’t loose my fuckin’ mind-least no one’s gonna ride my ass there.” She chuckles, a little, face softening. “Can’t read you mind anymore, V.” he reminds her, wondering what’s so funny.
  “Didn’t seemed to mind having you ass ridden – on occasion.” Her mouth curls into a toothy half grin, her signature look of mischief.
  He blinks at her for a moment before realizing what she’s hinting at. “Dirt girl…” he huffs, shaking his head in amusement. “Gone pokin’ ‘round in my memories for the juicy stuff, huh?”
  She chuckles briefly, shaking her head and looking down at her hands as she begins to wring them together, a display of anxiousness he’s never seen her partake in before. “… you go beyond the Blackwall, you ain’t comin’ back…” she mumbles, voice hoarse. “What about hanging around as a construct?” she glances up at him. “Just… till we find another way?”
  “Know you ain’t that naïve.” Johnny shakes his head, looking away from her. “Findin’ another way means makin’ a deal with ‘saka. I’ll pass.”
  There’s a stretch of silence only interrupted by the hum and buzz of cyberspace, neither of them jumping in to fill the void for a long while until- “I don’t wanna die, Johnny…” V whispers, making him look back at her, finding her eyes staring down into nothing with a hopeless expression. He furrows his brows in concern, wondering what thought are racing through her mind as she tries to come up with a plan for how to tackle her current predicament. “Never thought life was worth clingin’ to. Not at any price, anyway…” Her eyes focus and she looks up and to the side, to the beam of light, eying it in a mournful way that has Johnny’s code buzzing in alarm.
  “’cause it ain’t.” he huffs.
  “Wrong.” She shakes her head a little. “That light beyond the Blackwall-“ she nods her head towards it, inviting him to look at it, though his gaze is pinned on her. “-that’s hope.” He shakes his head as he prepares to jump in and interrupt, but she continues. “Could be the flames of Hell or Heaven’s grace -who cares?”
  Cyberspace buzzes and both constructs look to the side where Alt’s form glitches into being. “We’ve learned to turn into pure data-” She begins, voice soft and booming at the same time, echoing through cyberspace. “-but an animal still prowls inside us, and its instinct to survive almost can’t be extinguished.”
  Johnny narrows his eyes at the AI. “Yeah, that instinct’s part of bein’ human – but so is denyin’ it.” He looks back to the nomad. “V, you’re talkin’ crazy – there’s nothin’ for you beyond the Blackwall.” He stresses sternly.
  “‘least it’s not the big fat nothing I’m goin’ to in six months’ time anyway…” she murmurs before looking away from Alt and pinning him with a stare. “I am going to die, Johnny.” Each syllable of every word of that sentence is thoroughly pronounced, the difference is startling compared to her usual drawl; It’s not a guess or a fear anymore – it’s a statement of fact... Don’t mean he can’t open his mouth to argue- “Save your breath-“ she shakes her head and looks away from him. “-really think I alone could find some way to save my life in the following six month’s when we haven’t already?”
  “You won’t be alone.” He reminds her. “You’ve got some great chooms backing you, V.”
  She ignores him, instead looking up at Alt. “What now?”
  “As I said; You can return to the body, where you will perish within six months. Alternatively, Johnny can retain the body, remain there, whilst you come with me beyond the Blackwall.”
  “Guess it was naïve of me to think there’d be a happier ending for all involved…” she chokes out, voice thick with grief.
  “Wrong city, wrong people…” Johnny agrees mournfully.
  Alt’s body splits into copies, showing up along a path leading towards the beam of light. “This path leads deeper into cyberspace. Take it, and permanently sever the connection to the body to go beyond the Blackwall.” More copies, this time leading in the opposite direction and towards what appears to be a well of some sort. “The path to the body passes through the mortal well. Whichever of you goes through it will retain the body.”
  V’s eyes linger on the well, and Johnny feels a wave of relief washing over him that she’s considering going back. “What I told you at the Pistis Sophia-” the relief drains from him and is replaced by dread as she speaks. “-we stick to that. I’ll go with Alt. You stay in our body.” She rises to her feet slowly, not even sparing him a glance.
  It pisses him off…
  “Turning your back on your problems, again?” he grits out, glitching off the chair when she turns towards the beam, grabbing her arm to stop her and yank her back. “What? Just gonna roll over and decomish? Give up?” he growls at her.
  “It’s my decision, Johnny.” She yanks her arm away from his grip, clutching her hands into tight fists and bracing for a fight. “This bullet is comin’ my way, I just need to make sure it don’t take you down with me.”
  “You’re loyal, I’ll grant you that. But damnit are you dense! Haven’t changed a bit since we met.”
  Her construct shakes, edges glitching as she seems so be winding up, and he fully expects her to start throwing punches. Instead –
  “I’m so damn tired, Johnny…” she breathes, eyes fluttering closed, face scrunching up in despair as she fully deflates. “I just want this all to end…” she sobs, making him deflate too.
  “I know, princess…” His voice comes out soft, the nickname he’s been using to tease her now an honest term of endearment. “But let’s not make any rash decisions, ok?” He grabs her forearm again, just below the Johnny + V tattoo, and softly pulls at her, signaling for her to follow him as he turns around towards the well. He pulls his hand back, but hers shoots out to grab his in a weak grip. Given that it’s his chrome hand and they are both two constructs in cyberspace with no physical form, he really shouldn’t be able to feel the soft warmth of her hand, but he does. He squeezes her hand lightly and holds it as he leads her to the well, sitting her down on the edge before taking a step back from her, her weak grip allowing him to slip his hand free. Her face is an open book now that she’s admitted to her exhaustion and allowed it to set in, looking at him mournfully.
  “I don’t want to die alone again…” she admits quietly.
  “You won’t.” He insists. “Really think Vic’s gonna just sit back for six months and let you die? Fuck – tell Kerry what’s happening, he’ll throw a fortune Rouge’s way so she can-“
  “You know I don’t trust Rogue.” V interrupts coldly, shaking her head weakly.
  “Then go to the Aldecaldos;” he insists, voice rising as he begins to go on a rant. “you know better than anyone that a Nomad clan large as that is bound to know someone who knows someone who can help, and you’ll have six months to dig ‘em out. Or fuck – call Judy. Girl’s smart, maybe she and Vic can figure somethin’ out if they work together for six months? Or maybe that PI of yours can sniff out a lead better than he can a fuckin’ clitoris!”
  V breathes out a small chuckle, shaking her head in amusement. “River did fine, you’re just mad I made you fuck a cop.” She protests, smiling softly at him for a moment before patting the edge of the well beside her. “Sit with me?” she asks quietly. Johnny’s wound up tight, and he almost snaps at her, but the small hint of a hopeful smile tugging at her lips deflates him, so he ambles his way to sit down next to her, leaning forward to rest his forearms against his legs, glancing up towards the beam of light beyond the Blackwall, where he’ll go after they’ve said their goodbye. “I still want you to have my body…” she admits quietly, and he shakes his head briskly.
  “Stop already.” He snaps. “You’re a fighter, V… It’s as that doll back at Clouds said; You’ve never backed down from anythin’ in your life, so don’t go backin’ down from the fight for your life.” He sits back up a little so he can look at her, her eyes starting to gain some focus, hanging on to every word he says. “You’re stubborn as all hell. You see a wall blocking your path, you’ll either find some way ‘round it or bash that thick head of yours against it until you bring it down.” He reaches out and knocks on her forehead, making her huff out a sound of amusement and swat his hand away softly. “You’ll find a way to cheat death again, and when you do; Gonna take Night City by storm. Ain’t nothin’ gonna stand in your way.”
  She shakes her head a little, a faint smile tugging at her lips as she looks at him with such open adoration it’s startling. “… Goodbye, Johnny.” her voice is hoarse again, filled with unshed tears that he doesn’t deserve.
  “Goodbye, V... And never stop fighting.” He moves to stand up and help her into the well, but before he can she glitches away to stand before him, forcing him to look up at her in alarm. Her face, set in burning determination, is the last thing he sees as he feels her hands on his shoulders pushing hard until he tumbles backwards, over the edge of the well and into a freefall.
 Nightmares are nothing new to Johnny, he’s had them since his gonk ass enlisted as a child soldier and went to fight in Mexico, but it’s been a long time since he’s had a nightmare so vivid it causes a physical reaction.
  He wakes with a start, throwing the cover off his body – drenched in cold sweat – as he shoots up from the bed and stumbles out of it, catching himself on the floor with a grunt of pain before franticly pulling himself back up and stumbling out of the bedroom and into the bathroom, throwing himself at the toilet as he dry heaves a couple of times before emptying the contents of his stomach into the bowl in several drawn out heaves that leaves his entire body trembling. His fingers weakly curls against the cold ceramic as he hurls and hurls until there’s nothing left for his body to expel, and then he dry heaves a couple of more times, tears and snot running down his face once he manages to gulp down large breaths of air, the occasional sob or groan of pain interrupting his efforts to try and catch his breath.
 He wipes his face with his arm, leaving a disgusting mess of tears, snot, and vomit as he slowly rises, looking down at the tattoo on said arm as he drags his feet along the cold floor and to the sink, hands shooting out to grab the edge of it before he looks up at his reflection. Gasping sharply, he pulls his fist back, a primal roar of rage and loss rips from his chest as he punches the mirror, shattering V’s reflection.
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tinydragonstories · 3 years
Heat vs Steele Pt 1
Logan walks through the corridors of his home, watching servants bustle from room to room. He was quiet as voices surrounded him, gossiping about the potential suitor coming to attempt courting their princely heir. Logan rolls his eyes at the excited tones. Apparently, this man was of the neighboring kingdom and has had his eyes set on the stony prince since he’d heard of the challenge. Logan had compromised with his father on the matter of courting: if the suitor could make him show emotion, he’d allow them to attempt courting him. Now, this wasn’t an easy task, if the last three years gave any indication.
Many have tried, princes and princesses alike, to earn his hand, but none have succeeded in their endeavors. The most he’s ever felt was disgust, and he was easily able to hide it until he was alone again in his library. 
He frowns when he notices he’s at his destination and hangs his head for a moment, the small circlet on his head glimmering in the light. He looks out over the edge of the balcony and watches as a small group of knights ride into the courtyard. His father walks out and Logan groans, realizing he was meant to meet with them shortly. His eyes watch the man in the middle -probably the prince, if that hideous cloak said anything- look around as the king approaches. He freezes when he looks up at him and stares back for a moment before turning and heading inside, the doors closing softly. 
Roman grins at his men as they ride into the courtyard of the Elmarion castle, his horse naturally slowing at the soft tug of the reins. His hazel eyes gaze around at the stone walls until a glimmer catches his eye and he looks up. On the balcony above, meeting his gaze, was the objective of his mission: the supposedly emotionless Prince Logan Lightheart of the Elmari kingdom. He feels his breath catch as those startling blue eyes bore into his very soul before the prince turns and stalks back inside, most likely, coming to meet him at the door. 
“You must be Prince Roman Adalbert from the Hungoria Kingdom! Welcome, my son should not be long in coming to greet you himself, but for now, I can show you the stables set aside for you.” 
“That won’t be necessary sir, if I may speak. A servant boy can show us, if you don’t mind. I’d rather show them how to care for my horse so she doesn’t spook, as I’m usually the one to care for her.” 
“Very well, I understand your reasoning. James!” 
A young boy, around fourteen if Roman had to guess, comes skipping up at the king’s call,” yessir?”
“Show the prince where to take his horse and listen to all he has to say. The horse requires special care.” 
“Good, dismissed. Prince Adalbert, I will have my son wait here for you when he decides to grace us with his presence.” 
Roman chuckles,” yes, your highness, I should not be long.” 
The king nods and stalks inside as Roman follows the boy with his horse trotting behind him obediently. He’s led to a clean stable and removes her saddle as well as her bridle. 
“I can get those for you, sir!” Roman turns to see James struggling to carry the heavy saddle to a stand. He chuckles and trades it for the bridle. Relief fills the boy’s eyes and he listens as Roman describes how he must always be in his horse’s sight or have a hand on her so as not to startle her. James nods, hanging onto every word Roman says. When they’re finally done,Roman dismisses the boy and walks back out to the courtyard, where he sees Prince Logan reading against a wall. The sun is high in the sky as Roman approaches him and glances to the title of the book. 
“I see you’re interested in astrology, mi amour.” Roman takes Logan’s hand and kisses the knuckles before the other prince takes it away from him.
“And I see you’re interested in spanish.” Logan snaps the book shut after slipping a ribbon into place,” shall we begin so as to end this business trip sooner?” 
“My, you have quite the tongue, my dear prince. Are you really that eager to be rid of me?” He winks slyly and is disappointed when his flirting was unnoticed by the stoic prince. 
“To be perfectly honest, I see no reason to court at such a young age, as I intend to rule with a cabinet.” 
Roman frowns inwardly at the man’s clear thoughts.
“Come, I suppose I should entertain you for at least an hour before my father decides to speed this along.” He snaps out of his thoughts and nods  to Logan’s suggestion. 
“What is it you would like to do?” 
“Well, we could go talk, for a start.” 
“Very well,” Logan nods,” come, there’s a bench in the garden. 
As Roman follows the strange prince, he notices the different hues of blue, silver, and white among the flowers as bees buzz around contently. Logan motions for Roman to sit and then takes a seat beside him,” what would you like to discuss?” 
Roman almost says their future but corrects himself,” What are you interested in?”
“Astrology and mathematics, mostly. I also enjoy reading.” 
“So you like the stories of mythical creatures and harrowing journeys the heroes take to rescue their damsels!” He smiles brightly, a connection forming in his mind.
“No, those stories are for children, Prince Adalbert. I prefer the political aspects of reading. The learning and magic of the sciences intrigues me.” 
Roman feels his connection break instantly,” fair enough I assume. Please, call me Roman. I cannot stand the formalities.” 
“Very well, Sir Roman.” 
“Roman is enou-” 
“Logan! You better be with Prince Roman, or I swear I’ll take those books!” 
Logan rubs his temples as his father comes through the flower field,” oh! You actually are for once. Well, I’ll leave you, and your books,” he mentions after an unreadable look from his son,” alone.” 
He turns around and starts leaving,” I’ll be in meetings for a few hours so why don’t you show Roman your brilliant bee hive?” 
“Father, they’re bee hives. They wouldn’t be able to stay in one hive if they all lived together. Well, I suppose I can show you if you are interested.” 
“Anything that interests my love, interests me too. Please, show me.” He stands and offers Logan a hand, frowning when he stands on his own and clasps his hands behind his back. He starts walking away through the flowers and Roman strolls along beside him, watching the gentle touch he shows to the life surrounding him.
“Truly, these flowers are beautiful, but none compare to you, my rose.” 
“How many nicknames are you planning to try, Prince Roman? I’ve heard that one at least ten times by now.” 
Ten times? How many suitors have attempted to win his hand? Roman questions his chances as he follows the other closely. They stop in front of a small greenhouse and Logan holds the door politely for Roman. Stepping through, his nostrils are hit by a nauseously sweet scent and he hears the door click closed behind him.
“You’re smelling the honey, Prince Roman.” 
“That sweet scent, as I’ve heard it described, is the honey the bees produce from their nectar and pollen spread. Come, I shall show you.” Logan leads him further in, already marking Roman down as another failure in his mind. The prince following him had tried everything that had failed the past suitors and he was sure he’d leave the following day, like them. He knew his interests bored the royalty who asked for his hand and he knew that he’d most likely have to drop those interests once he marries. If he can put it off until all the suitors were rejected, perhaps his father would allow him to rule alone and adopt an heir. He had no intentions of being another pawn in the game he was born into. 
Logan opens a box and he sees Roman’s hand go to his belt as he pulls out one of the bees’ queens. Immediately, the hive swarms around him and surrounds their queen on his arm. Roman stares as the man in front of him calmly let the bees walk over his arm, his jacket hanging on a nearby tree branch. 
“How are they not stinging you?” 
Logan watches the hive for a moment before turning those piercing blues to Roman’s soft hazels,” simple, really. The queen recognizes me and as she is uninjured, the rest do not attack. I am no threat to them, and they know I’ll put her back in a moment.” 
He does and the bees dissipate back to the hive. Logan closes the lid of the nest and reaches to his jacket, before seeing Roman holding it open for him. He slips his arms through the sleeves and keeps himself from jumping away when Roman’s warm fingers fix his collar for him. He focuses his attention instead on buttoning the jacket up and fixing the lower edge of his attire. Logan would never admit he misses the warmth when it pulls away, but he simply leads him away. 
“So what exactly is the purpose for having bees under your care, Logan?” 
“Please do not refer to me by my name without my title. We are not friends, nor will you be around long enough for us to become friends.” 
“Is that a challenge, mon amour?” 
“”If that is how you perceive it.” 
Oh, Logan, I do so love a challenge.
“Where to next, my dear?” 
“It depends on where you’d like to go. We have a few extensive libraries, the stables, the fields around the castle are quite appealing this time of year, or my room.” 
Roman grins,” are you inviting me to see your bed?” 
“On second thought, perhaps you could make use of the bathhouse before we go anywhere else.” 
He bursts out in jovial laughter,” you sure do have a way of telling your suitors off, don’t you?” 
He doesn’t respond for a moment,” the others at least made themselves presentable before coming before me. You’re the first to skip the preparation phase.” 
Perhaps I have a chance after all! I stand out already from the others
Roman follows that swishing, deep blue cape as he muses,” my love, why do you seem emotionless.” 
“I assure you, I have emotions figuratively locked away. I’m sure you’ve noticed my father is intent on marrying me off for love, however, I intend to marry for the kingdom’s benefit. None of the previous suitors seemed to have anything beneficial to offer in exchange for my hand and so I refused them. This illusion of ‘love’ clouds their judgement and they cannot see my disinterest.” 
“So their love for you impairs their vision?” 
“Figuratively, of course.” 
“Then I must be going blind, mon amour~” 
Roman groans in disappointment when he doesn’t even get an eyeroll. 
“I assure you, Prince Roman, the best healers we have will see to you if you lose your sight. We’ve arrived.”
Roman looks up at the small building,” why’s it black?” 
“The color retains heat, according to my experiments, and the heat then is transmitted to the water inside. There’s also hot coals under the floor to keep the steam and soap for your use. I will wait out here for your return.”
“Why don’t-” 
“I will not be joining you.” He opens his book and immediately starts reading as Roman enters the bath with a frown. Logan hadn’t reacted t anything he’d thrown at him. Compliments, flirty remarks, nicknames, hell even Remus’ indicative suggestions had no affect on the other prince. But he has to react to something. Perhaps at supper, he’d inquire into it with the king, but for now, he’d have to think of something else. He feels his body wash itself on automatic as he drifts away into his thoughts and it isn’t until he sees his skin has turned red from the heat, does he redress and leave the building. He sees Logan has read a good chunk of his book while he’d bathed. 
“Come, it’s almost time for dinner.” He snaps the book closed and Roman catches a glimpse of the page before he puts it in his jacket’s inner pocket. Logan leads Roman inside, around corners, through halls, and between guards before he pauses in front of the spruce doors. The guards push open the heavy doors and bow as Logan passes through with Roman by his side. The doors close behind him with a soft slam and Logan shows Roman to his seat, pulling the chair out for him. Hazel eyes gaze around the room. They were at a table on a raised platform with balconies on every wall. There were tables laid out below theirs, currently empty, although Roman guessed they’d be filled in a moment judging by the noise outside the room. 
Sure enough, servants and guards come in not long after Logan had taken his seat at the right of his father’s throne with Roman on his right. 
“What’s going on?” 
“My father prefers to have most of the staff here as well as his nobles for announcements during meals. I’m not quite sure why.” Logan whispers back to him as everyone settles in. 
It’s quiet for a moment as the king walks in with two of his guards at his sides. They bow respectfully and he waves dismissively, standing at his throne. 
“Welcome, everyone, to tonight’s dinner! I hope you’ve all had a pleasant day and a productive attitude. Tonight, we have a special guest, please welcome Prince Roman Adalbert from the kingdom of Hungoria!” 
The crowd applauses him, some even wolf whistling much to his embarrassment, but he stands and waves before he seats himself again. A wave of the king’s hand silences everyone,” tonight, we shall see if the rumors are true. If the Hungorian people truly have bottomless pits for stomachs!” 
Roman chuckles along with a few in the crowd and smiles politely to the king,” although we do have quite the appetite, I assure you we do not have bottomless stomachs.”
“Ah, well, that’s a relief for the cooks. Alright, everyone, I’ve held you enraptured long enough; you may eat!” 
The air fills with prayers, silverware clinking, and hushed discussions between people talking about their day. Roman turns to mention his journey to Logan -hopefully to impress him with his wits and strength- but finds himself mute when he sees him with his eyes closed and hands clasped. The candlelight flickers off of his pale skin, shadows claiming the areas under his jaw and the hallows of his eyes as he prays. For the first time, Roman wonders how this man is still single and, not for the first time, swears he’ll warm that cold heart of his.
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jbbuckybarnes · 4 years
Spiral of Feelings - 3/5
Pairing: Bucky x Reader AU: Fake Dating AU Description: Natasha makes you feel bad about being single and how your apartment looks. Sam and Steve annoy Bucky about dating. Seems only fair that you both fake it to show them that it doesn’t make a difference. But what if it does? Warnings: Softness, fluff, food, unhealthy food, binge eating pretty much, (not beta read)
Masterlist // Spiral of Feelings Masterlist
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There were bright lights coming at you from everywhere. One of Stark’s events with the Avengers and you hated them. Not all of it, the food was good, but the paparazzi weren’t and neither was the press overall. The moment you stepped into the room and away from the cameras you felt the eyes of multiple journalists gluing themselves to you. And the eyes of a certain idiot that gave you a supportive smile. “What do you think about the decision of Steve Rogers giving the shield to Sam Wilson?” “I support it. The man had enough stuff to deal with his entire life. He deserves a break and Sam is really great at his job already. He was made to take over the mantle in my opinion.” “Does it bother you that there aren’t more women on the team?” “No, of course it would be nice to have more women on the team but I don’t mind the way it is right now.” “Any partner in the picture or is dating impossible as an Avenger?” “It’s not impossible but it’s also not something I talk about in interviews.” “Thank you so much. Can you tell us what you’re wearing tonight before I say goodbye?” “Manolo shoes, Dior dress, Tiffany’s necklace, bag by...I actually don’t know, I just borrowed it from one of the girls.”
“Are you uncomfortable?” You heard right next to you in a soft tone shortly after when you were standing at the bar of the event hall. “A little.” You looked up at Bucky in an all black outfit, typical. A cold hand sneaked into yours and squeezed you lightly while he gave you an understanding little smile. “You really take this serious, huh?” You smiled. “Of course, don’t want you to feel shitty. Also, maybe I’m gonna throw the next person asking you about your dating life out of the window over there.” He nudged his head towards a specific window. “Kinda wanna see that, but also kinda wanna save you the bad press, just let me do it with words, alright?” You chuckled with your previously encapsulated hand reaching for the glas of Rosé and his hand landing on the small of your back. “Too bad, would’ve loved to bring some actual interesting vibe into this party.” He chuckled. “Maybe when it’s not a charity event.” You laughed. You were sitting on the roof of the event hall after most of the important people of the evening were gone. He sat down next to you shortly after and you just stared at the city in silence for a while. “It’s kinda nice to have someone to be silent with,” he said after setting down the empty wine glass next to him. “Yeah, it’s something special.” You smiled into the night. “I thought silence was bad for so long. You know, cause of the war and all the other stuff,” he mumbled and made you look over to him. “I get that. Silence can be so awful in the wrong situations.” You let your hand run over his arm and he looked over too. “I never told anyone that,” he whispered a little bit baffled by himself. “Is that good or bad?” He chuckled, “I don’t know.” “I’m glad you told me,” you mumbled. “It’s not that big of a deal.” He shrugged. “Yes, it is,” you answered and got a long stare back for it. “Uh.” You got him out of the awkward stare, “Can I have your jacket?” There was a small smile and a nod before he put it around your shoulders. “It should be more acceptable to wear a jacket around your waist with a dress,” you said dryly. “You could pull it off like this.” He grinned while padding down the shoulders. “Thanks.” Another of your real blushes creeped up. “So...are we gonna start with pet names soon? Can’t wait to see Sam’s disgusted face.” He chuckled. “Sure, honey.” You gave a charming smile with the nickname. “Alright, princess.” He winked before standing up and pulling you to your feet shortly after. “Good morning, Bucky Bear. Thanks for carrying me half of the way home.” You grinned up at him the next morning, half of the team still asleep, but he was already having your arms around his neck. “Of course, princess.” He smiled back with his arms around your waist, head kinda cloudy from the situation you had just put him in. His lips landed on your forehead and you pouted with big innocent eyes. “Stop looking at me so convincingly cute.” He grinned while booping your nose. “You both are really testing my gag reflex,” Sam commented from the table behind. “I could say something right now but I won’t.” You grinned and actually saw him almost choke on the next bite he had taken. Planting the picture of something so sexual in his head was your favorite part about this whole fake dating thing. Giving Sam a taste of his own medicine. “Can you get me the chocolate chips from the upper shelf, baby?” You went back to pouting at your fake boyfriend. His metal hand played with your hair for a second before he finally got himself to actually do you the favor of searching for the container on the top shelf. “Thank you, boo.” You smiled at him sweet and gave him a peck on the cheek before sprinting to the table.
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Bucky noticed first how deep he got himself into this mess when he started thinking about you while doing the most mundane things. You might like this ice cream, you would love to travel to the place in that article, you’d enjoy playing this game, that’s a recipe he should try for you one day, that necklace would look good around your neck. All he could do was hoping that it would pass soon. Deep inside he knew that it was wishful thinking, but he was sure you didn’t like him like this way that much at the end of the day. This situation was just a way you both could go your own paths again, right? He closed the magazine he was reading, grabbed his phone and ordered some food to the compound, thinking about what you would like. Maybe vegetarian? Not too spicy? With a dessert, definitely. There was no question about you and your love for sweetness.
With a content smile and a 25 minute timer on his phone he continued reading articles. It wouldn’t be weird to bring you food, would it? His mind was full of this or that on the way to the kitchen, getting a serving tray, cutlery and glasses. “What’s your plan?” He heard behind him and froze. “Uh, bringing her some food cause she’s been working on reports all day,” he answered his best friend in the door frame. Feeling a little caught in the act. “She makes you soft again,” Steve smirked. “Is that a good or a bad thing?” He asked raising his brow. “A good thing. I missed that part of you.” He grinned before the alarm on Bucky’s phone went off and he sprinted to the lobby of the compound.
A few knocks on your apartment door got you out of your search for a word that isn’t ‘then’. “Yeah?” You yelled. “It’s me.” Bucky’s voice came back. “I’m working,” you answered. “I brought food.” You heard the amusement. He knew. “Come in,” you said and heard the door open in a split second. “Ignore the...whatever, you already know the gist.” You shook your head and saw him step in front of you from the little corridor in your apartment. Your eyes went big and his smile simultaneously bigger, “Woah. That’s a lot.” “Thought you might be hungry after all the work.” He shrugged and set the tray down on the bed behind you. “I’ve been trying to find synonyms for the last 5 minutes. Wouldn’t exactly call that hard work.” You chuckled.
He gestured you to come to him after he sat down on your little marshmallow cloud bed. He looked so incredibly mismatched compared to the big white bed but also incredibly cozy in his black sweatpants and the Brooklyn College sweater. You leaped over to the bed and started unpacking the things he gave to you. “Woah, cheese pasta with tomato flakes? A mini funghi pizza? Triple chocolate chip cookies!!! BROWNIES WITH CHOCOLATE SYRUP!!! BUCKY! ARE YOU INSANE!?” He grinned apologetic for going a little overboard, “Didn’t know what you might like.” “Those are all my orders whenever I need soul food. You knew, don’t lie.” You squinted. “No, well, I knew the brownies with chocolate syrup.” He smiled and it reached his eyes. “You’re husband material,” you stated and leaned over to kiss his cheek. He didn’t hide the blushing face that action resulted in. “Uh, thanks,” he mumbled reaching for his wrap. “You wanna watch a show?” You asked after taking a bite from the pasta. “Sure.” He shrugged and watched you reaching for the remote to your TV. He couldn’t get enough of the domestic mood you permanently emitted from you, especially in your personal safe space.
By the end of it, you were cuddled up on his lap with a darker episode on the screen and a hand wandering over your legs soothingly. “Your hair smells good,” he mumbled. “Strawberry, thanks.” You looked up and had his face was closer than you expected. There was a fond smile on his face, “Sorry, am I too-” “No, I like it like this. Feels comfy.” He pulled you closer. “Okay, but tell me when I make you uncomfortable,” you whispered before leaning against him again and continuing the show. “You won’t.”
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kiarcheo · 4 years
StepBother - Part 2
@tally-braven asked for more stepbother teasing and I said I’d try to put some snippets together… 2800 words later…here we are. Not sure how it compares to the the first part (don’t think it will make much sense if you haven’t read it) but I tried.
Some episodes are inspired by real life events…feel free to try to guess which ones.
As usual you can read it on ao3 too.
Kat and Cathy stand at the entrance of the house they share, still holding hands, as they have been for the entirety of their walk home after dinner.
‘Hate to leave you like this, but I have something to take care of.’ Kat raises Cathy’s hand to her lips, kissing it briefly.
Then she opens the door and gone is the soft voice. ‘You better start running!’
‘Wow,’ Anna is almost bowled over by Mary running up the stairs. Few second later it’s Katherine who narrowly manages to avoid crashing into her.
‘What's happening?’ she cautiously steps into the living room, wary of another possible collision, as she hears a door slamming.
‘No idea. Kat came back with Cathy, told Mary to run and...that happened.’ Jane waves her hand towards upstairs.
‘Mary! Open the door!’ Kat bangs on it. ‘I know how to pick locks and you know it.’
‘She does??’
Cathy is not sure why they are looking at her, but she is saved from having to reply. She did not know about it, just for the record.
‘Is Mae sleeping yet?’ Kat pokes her head out from up the stairs, a grimace on her face.
Jane looks at time. ‘She was playing with Anne and Elizabeth so probably not, but-’ she gives another pointed look to the clock hanging on the wall.
‘Got it. I’ll try to murder her quietly.’
‘I have some news.’ Kat announces entering the room.
‘You finally leaving?’
Kat glares at Mary. ‘As if I’d ever give you the satisfaction.’ She turns around to leave the room.
‘Wait!’ Jane stops her. ‘What was the news?’
‘The moment is gone.’ Kat shrugs. ‘But I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough.’
Sometime later Cathy knocks on the doorpost of Kat’s room. ‘Can I?’
‘You know you don’t have to ask.’ Kat smiles at her. ‘What can I do for you?’
Cathy steps in. She glances between her girlfriend and the hallway. She closes the door.
‘Oh.’ Kat wriggles her eyebrows. ‘That kind of thing?’
‘Shut up.’ Cathy huffs, rolling her eyes. ‘It’s not like that.’ She says while sitting down in her lap.
‘Mixed messages, darling.’
Cathy tries to stand up, but Kat wraps her arms around her, stopping her. ‘No take backs!’
‘Not that I mind this. At all.’ Kat speaks up after they have been snuggling in silence for a while. ‘But did you come for a reason? Not that cuddling is not a good enough reason.’
‘Right.’ Cathy had almost forgot why she went looking for Kat in the first place. ‘Jane said you had news, but you didn’t actually tell them?’ She doesn’t think it’s anything big, trusting Kat would tell her in that case, but she is curious. ‘Because Mary ruined the moment?’
‘When does she not? And it’s not news for you.’
‘At least I hope.’ She adds cheekily.
‘You think you’re funny, don’t you?’
‘Well, you are smiling...’
‘Spit it out.’ Cathy can’t deny the evidence, can she?
‘I was just going to tell them we are dating, but alas…’
Cathy nods. They had agreed at first to keep it under wraps to see how the transition from friends to girlfriends would go, but now they feel secure enough in their new relationship to let the others know. ‘So, what now?’
‘I’m sure it will come up...out soon.’ Kat gets a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. ‘You can’t keep your hands off me after all.’
‘Me.’ Cathy gives her teasing girlfriend a deadpan stare, before looking down at the hand on her thigh. Kat’s other hand is currently under her shirt, resting on her lower back. Cathy’s arms are innocently looped around Kat’s neck. ‘Sure.’
‘I think green is definitely your colour.’
‘As if I would ever be jealous of you.’ Mary scoffs.
‘Interesting that’s where your mind went to...I was thinking more Wicked Witch of the West. Or Shrek.’ Kat adds after a beat.
‘First of all, I’d be Fiona – at the very least –   since I’m a lady. Second, who would you be? Donkey?’
‘There is literally Puss in Boots, a literal character who is a cat in boots,’ Kat gestures to the ones she is wearing, ‘and you went with freaking Donkey?’
‘Shut up.’
‘How is coming along, girls?’ Catalina asks, entering the kitchen to check how the preparations are going since they are on cooking duties and Mary is not exactly known for her culinary skills. Indeed, Kat has different piles of ingredients already washed, chopped, prepared and ready to go and Mary has...a bowl full of green leaves in front of her and some mangled carrots on the chopping board.  ‘Kat, you work fast.’
‘I’m very good with my hands.’ Kat winks at her.
‘Are you serious? Right in front of my salad?’
‘I wouldn’t call that poor excuse of something a salad... Perhaps just...sad.’
Mary stares at her. Looks at her mother who is chuckling. Then she leaves the room.  
‘Where are you going?!’
‘Want me to make her come back?’ Mary might be a young adult, but Catalina is still her mother and she will listen to her if she knows what is good for her.
‘Nah. Not like she was that helpful, anyway, wasn’t she?’ She jokes, gesturing towards Mary’s workstation.
‘Are you talking behind my back?’ Mary comes back. She has a strong sense of duty – her mother doing – and it is her turn to cook, after all.
‘Nothing I don’t say to your face, don’t worry.’
‘What’s this?’ Mary picks up a small object wrapped in colourful paper.
‘A gift, if I have to guess.’ Anne gets a glare from Mary, but she shrugs it off.
‘Oh, that’s nice.’ Jane comments, watching curiously as she opens it. It’s a...peeler?
‘I would say that’s all you are good for, but that’s not even true.’ Kat shows up as if evoked. ‘Hence the need for that.’
Anna barely suppresses a snicker. She loves her friend, but Mary’s incapacity to peel vegetables with a knife without cutting off half of the good part is hilarious almost as much as her blaming the quality of the knives. Is it true that they don’t make knives like they used to? Maybe. But as if as a princess and then queen she ever had to handle one to peel a vegetable....
‘Or not.’ Jane mutters, the way Kat and Mary manage to turn even the sweetest gesture into something...not sweet baffling her as usual.
‘I’m going to poison your food.’
‘That would imply you cooking...so I think I’m safe.’
‘Kat, are you gonna marry mama and be my new mom?’
Kat chokes on her tea, nonetheless she motions Mae to get closer. ‘Why are you asking?’
Mae shrugs, before leaning against Kat’s leg.
Kat wraps an arm around her and holds her closer, before looking at her thoughtfully. ‘Did someone say something?’
The toddler nods. ‘Mary told me to ask you.’ She admits guilelessly. Oh, the blissful innocence of children.
‘Of course, she did.’ Kat mutters.
Thankfully Cathy comes in distracting Mae from her task. ‘Ehi baby, have you shown Kat your drawing yet?’
As Mae runs off to get her latest artwork, Kat turns to Cathy. ‘What do you think of starting to call her Mary?’
‘It’s still going to be as confusing as it was when we decided for the nicknames?’ She looks at her perplexed. Kat should know better than anyone since they had the same “problem”. ‘With two of them around and all?’
‘Oh, don’t worry.’ Cathy’s usually sweet girlfriend gives her a shark smile. ‘The other one won’t be around for much longer.’
Cathy and Kat are out together, Mae in tow, when they stop in front of a stationery shop.
‘She still has plenty of colouring books.’
‘I was actually looking at that,’ Kat points to a set of coloured pencils heavily discounted, ‘but now that you mention it...’
‘I didn't know you liked to draw too.’ Kat has a penchant for spoiling Mae (and Elizabeth and Edward), but pencils that expensive and fancy for a toddler are too much even for her. Hopefully.
‘For Mary.’ Kat replies absent-mindedly as she enters the shop.
‘That's nice.’
Kat swirls around. ‘Never say anything like that again.’ She gives her a level stare. ‘If you want this to work out. There is nothing worse you could do to me.’
‘Really??’ Disbelief is heavy in Cathy’s voice. ‘Nothing worse??’
‘Well, on purpose, anyway.’ Kat amends herself. ‘Would you cheat on me?’
‘Of course not!’ Cathy’s reply is immediate and certain, no hesitation whatsoever. ‘Never.’
‘Are you going to hurt me...physically?’
‘What the fuck, Kat! NO!’
Everyone in the shop turns to look at them, but Kat ignores it. ‘Exactly, so yes, that’s the worst thing.’
‘Give me a good reason!’
Catalina walks in what looks like yet another spat between Kat and Mary. She would make a joke about pigtails pulling and crushes or about fighting like an old married couple, but she is not sure she would survive unscathed, filial affection be damned. And the joke is not worth the headache, especially since she knows it’s not like that at all and will never be. Not to mention that she suspects something is going on between Kat and Cathy.
‘And “I was the Queen of England” does not count!’ Kat continues before Mary can reply. ‘The whole bloody house can say that, you’re not that special!’
It’s late at night, pretty much the only time Cathy has to do her own stuff, after taking care of kids, house, family, work and everything else, as many mothers know.
She is working at her desk when she hears a muffled commotion. Then her door opening and a soft thud.
She turns around. For a second she wonders if it had been just a draught, before seeing Kat sprawled on the floor but already raising on her knees.
‘Are you okay?’
‘Why are you on the floor then?’
‘Mary shoved me.’
Cathy has stopped questioning these kinds of things. But as Kat looks up, eyes bright, face flushed and...dopey grin? She has another question. ‘Are you drunk?’
‘Nope!’ She tries to stand, giving up not even half-way through the motion. ‘Maybe a tiny bit.’ Evidently deciding that walking is a no-go, Kat starts to crawl on all four.
‘Tiny bit my ass.’ Cathy snorts.
‘I like your ass.’
‘Wait here.’ Cathy ignores her girlfriend’s muttered words.
‘Not going anywhere.’ Kat promises in a what is probably supposed to be a serious tone.
When Cathy comes back with a glass of water, Kat had somehow managed to reach the bed and sit on it.
‘Drink this.’
‘Are you trying to get me drunk?’ Kat squints at her, suspicious.
‘I don’t think you need my help for that.’ Cathy hands her the glass. ‘What happened exactly?’ she asks after Kat dutifully drinks all the water without further protests.
‘Mary got me drunk. To get me to confess my feelings to you. Joke’s on her.’ Kat sniggers. ‘She paid for all the drinks. But I don’t need to be drunk to tell you how much I like you.’
‘Lay down.’ Cathy gently pushes her as she sees her starting to waver. ‘Wait...she still doesn’t know?’
She looks at Kat, face scrunched up and eyes closed. She would not fall asleep like that, right? She leans on her elbow so that she is hovering over Kat’s face, just to check.
‘She keeps saying I’ll owe her for getting us together and I keep telling her no,’ Kat looks deep in thoughts. ‘So maybe not?’
Suddenly her eyes shoot open and she grabs Cathy by her collar, tugging her so close to their noses are almost touching. ‘Never tell her that!’
She tilts her head. Gone is the intense look in her eyes, replaced by a sappy expression. ‘You’re so cute!’
Cathy lets out a cackle. ‘Go to sleep.’
‘Here?’ She looks around as if realising for the first time she is in Cathy’s room. ‘No funny business!’ she wags her finger at Cathy but scoots over while tugging her down so that Cathy would lay down properly too.
‘You’re the only funny thing here.’ Still, Cathy settles next to her.
‘Good.’ Kat puts her head on Cathy’s shoulder, slinging an arm across her waist and a leg over hers. ‘They say you need to make a woman laugh to keep her. And I want to keep you forever.’
‘How can you go from absolutely ridiculous to absolutely charming in the space of-’ Cathy turns her head to look down at Kat. ‘And you’re gone.’ She sighs. Well. At least now she knows what type of drunk Kat is. Thankfully she isn’t a violent or aggressive one (she honestly can’t even imagine her girlfriend like that) or an angry one. She is not a sad drunk, either, which is a bit more surprising, since she has plenty of reasons to be sad (and angry, if she were to be honest) about her life even when sober.
She glances at her desk. Then at her sleeping girlfriend. She should keep an eye on her. No matter how adorable she was when drunk, she is quite sure she is gonna hate herself when she wakes up. She supposes work can wait another day. And a little bit more of sleep isn’t going to hurt her either.
‘How much did she drink, exactly?’ Cathy asks the next day.
‘Is she okay?’ She sees a flash of concern in Mary’s eyes, before she schools her expression into an indifferent one. That’s why Cathy just rolls with their antics. She can’t say she understands their relationship. She is not sure she will ever do. But she knows that they care about each other...even if they will deny it until their dying breath.
‘Depends on your definition of okay. Is she alive? Yes. But she is also deeply regretting the fact and calling for a second beheading, so make of that what you will.’
‘Since it’s only a question of time, I wanted us to discuss it so we can be all on the same page.’ Anne sends Kat and Anna a pointed look. She would be proud of how Elizabeth has them wrapped around her little finger if it didn’t make her life as a mother harder. They ignore the jab, unfazed. They have a role as the cool, fun aunts to maintain. ‘Let’s talk about animals in the house.’ Elizabeth has been dropping not-so-subtle hints about wanting to get a pet.
‘What about Mary?’ Kat gets hit in the head by a rubber. Thrown by Mary, of course. ‘Let’s call pest control. I vote for extermination.’
‘You two are having sex.’ Mary storms into the living room, where Anna had told her Kat was watching a movie with Cathy.
‘Catalina, why didn’t you tell me, I would have paused the movie.’
The older woman sputters, the popcorn she was eating going down the wrong pipe. Cathy reaches around Kat, who is sitting in the middle, to pat her godmother on the back.
‘Also, Mary, dear,’ Kat continues unperturbed, ‘do you spend a lot of time thinking about me and your mom together?’
‘That’s not what I meant, and you know it.’
‘Do I?’ Kat looks at Mary as if butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, eyes twinkling.
‘I know I'm right and I’m gonna prove it.’ Mary slams her hands on the table, glaring at Kat.
‘You’re not.’
‘I am.’
‘How long will you keep it up?’ Catalina asks, weary amusement in her voice.
‘I can go for hours, babe,’ Kat winks at her.
‘Right in front of...your girlfriend!?!’ Mary turns to Cathy. ‘And you are okay with that??’
‘I’m not going to get into this.’ Does she love Kat? Yes. Is she in love? If not already there, she is surely falling. But is she going to get involved into whatever you would call the thing between Kat and Mary? No, thanks. She may be in love, it doesn’t suddenly make her stupid.
‘Wait.’ Mary does a double-take. ‘Are you admitting you’re dating??’
Everyone looks at them. They would have told them, right? Kat doesn’t say anything.
The lack of denial is all Mary needs. ‘This is gaslighting!’ Mary looks and sounds absolutely outraged.
‘I never denied it.’ Kat objects. ‘Just that it’s because of you.’
‘Of course it is. I got you two together.’
‘You are not even able to get two braincells together.’
‘Are you saying I'm stupid?’
‘I’m saying you don’t have a romantic bone in your body.’
‘I set you up on that movie date!’ Mary reminds her pointedly.
‘That movie made me cry!’ Kat is kind of sorry that she will never be able to discuss the beauty of that movie, and what it meant to her, with anyone else but Cathy. But she will never give Mary the satisfaction.
‘Just admit it.’ Mary cries out in exasperation.
‘Over my dead body.’
‘We can arrange that.’
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miah-pooh · 4 years
Open Part 2
A/n: Short than part 1 but part 3 will be longer. Don’t forget part 3 will be up the next day at 11:30 Eastern time. Enjoy !
Word Count: 1.2k
After patrol it was still daylight and you couldn’t help but think about the awkward conversation between you and Bakugou. You returned back to the hotel room to get changed, You put on some jeans, a Tank top and your distressed jean jacket with some sunglasses. After you got dressed you left your room and started walking through town seeing if you could find something to eat, you remember there was a popular ramen place down the street not too far from the hotel and decided to go see if it was good. When you made your way in the shop you noticed how busy it was ‘Seems really popular’ you thought to yourself and walked in but instantly saw why there were so many people here. It was Bakugou, he was black jeans that fit perfectly around his thighs and a black shirt that complimented his muscle as the shirt squeezed him with every move he made. You pulled yourself out of your thoughts and went to order spicy ramen noodles with pork and water. While you were waiting you felt someone come up behind you, it was  Bakugou, just your luck. “ So we’re’ stalking now?” He says in a gruff tone towering over you making you feel small compared to him “You wish someone like me was stalking you.” You say as getting your food and sitting in a booth, Hey chuckled at your comment “ You think i would want someone like you to stalk me?” “ I hope not. But the way you're following me like a little puppy, you might be a little stalker.” Bakugou eyes widened at what you said “tch, please” was all he could say. You started laughing while eating your food “Why are you even around me if you didn’t want to be ‘buddy buddy’ with me hmm.?” Bakugou slid in the booth sitting across from you “ Cause I can make decisions like that, got a problem with it?” “Nope but you nearly blew a gasket when I mentioned it.” “ You always have something smart to say, don't you, every thought about shutting up?” “I'm trying to figure out why you came over here in the first place implying i was stalking you when you came to me, like I noticed you but wasn’t going to bother you, you just came right on over and made yourself a home.” “ Tch whatever” was all he said. You always knew what to say to shut Bakugou up when he thinks he has the upper hand in certain situations. Bakugou was on his phone and you let your eyes wander for a little too long “ Eyes up here princess” he says with a huge grin on his face, you rolled your eyes “Yeah whatever.” you say looking anyway but him and his ‘eat shit grin’ on his face.  “What's the matter, don't like it when someone calls you out for your actions or was it the nickname ‘princess’” “ I don’t Have time for this” You say getting up walking out the shop, Bakugou had a smirk on his face when you got you and walked off. He knew how to get under your skin and piss you off with the simple things. Before you made it any closer to the hotel bakugou called out to you “Don’t Act like that princess” 
You continued walking towards your hotel but shot a bird at him “Fuck Off Kacchan” Bakugou stop smiling when you said his childhood nickname, he never really like it when you called him that, Bakugou grabbed your shoulder, “dont Call me that shit again” “why not it goes so well with you calling me ‘princess” dont it?” At one point Bakugou was your safe haven, you could always go to him about your problems you had, it felt like he was the only person you can talk to. It was so easy to talk to him, but your mind and heart would fight about the feelings you had for him. Even on days where neither of you was talking to each other you find yourself back venting to him. You knocked on Bakugou door, you heard things moving around and footsteps coming to the door. The door flung open with bakugou leaning on the frame “wassup” you didn't say anything you just walked in, he stared at you with a confused look on his face, he closed the door and spoke again “you okay y/n?” Before you could speak you stared down at the floor finding it more interesting than what you're about to say. You open your mouth to speak but nothing comes out and Bakugou stared in confusion. You ended up leaving and not saying a word to bakugou so you decide to just text him. 
Y/N- We've been friends for a while and i don't want to mess it up cause one both of us have goals when want to accomplish and you're a really good friend but i kind of , sort of caught feelings for you and i tried to ignore them but i can’t, and i feel like it’s better for you to know.
Readed at 9:37
It's been a while since you sent the text and Bakugou hasn't replied back to you and you started regretting sending the damn text and should have left the situation alone in the being. You're sitting on your bed trying to sort out all the feelings you have and just bottle them and never mention them ever again.
Ever since then you never really talked about your feelings or that situation to anyone, not even your closest friend. It was like it was a forbidden topic that neither one of you are able to talk about without being at each other's throats. You made it back to your hotel room with your thoughts bombarding you. You tried everything to keep yourself distracted but you couldn’t due to the warm feeling in your heart you've been denying ever since your highschool days. You took a shower and let the memory play in your head letting the water hit your face.
You jumped up when you heard a knock at the door, you got up to see who it was. You cracked open to see an enraged bakugou at the door. Before you can close it he push his way in saying “Have you ever thought I liked your dumbass but your to damn stubborn to listen when i'm telling you straight to your face,i didn’t text back because you needed to hear it from my mouth instead over a text, and you think i haven't noticed but i did. You Started to move different” after hearing that your face got extremely hot due to the fact he knew why you were being so distant with him and he was saying all the things you needed to hear at that exact moment. At that moment your heart was fluttering but your mind was fighting against what he said “ So you knew I needed to hear that or just hoping for the best, cause this type of game is dangerous to play with.” “Your always trying to be reasonable but your the one who texted it over the phone hoping i come and tell it to you like an adult but you won't even listen” He saying walking out the room, he mumble “You're the only one for me and you can't see it even if it hit you.”
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arolla-pine · 5 years
Fake Dating - p.10
(10) - A nickname for him
The GPS informed them that they would reach Château d’Auvers-sur-Oise within an hour. They should use this time efficiently, because they were aware that three days given by Plagg weren’t too much for all preparations they needed to make.
“I guess we should start from the reason why we kept our relationship secret.” she began, trying to ignore Nino. “I think journalists will ask about it first.”
“They always pry about a bombshell. They won’t be interested in details at the beginning.”
“You sound like a specialist in media issues.” Adrien smiled.
“Well, I don’t have too good experiences with the press…”
“Seriously?” he was surprised. He couldn’t recall any scandalous articles involving LadyBug.
“There’s especially one journalist who really hates me.” Marinette sighed and looked through the window as if she remembered something from her past.
“But why?” Adrien asked intrigued, and Nino only pretended that he wasn’t listening.
“It’s all my pseudonym’s fault. At the beginning of my career Tikki decided that I should have a stage name. You know, she’s brilliant at her profession. She hid my identity so deeply that I was practically untraceable. And that made Alya mad.”
“Alya Césaire?” Nino spotted, slowing down unknowingly. Marinette looked at him uncertain, as if she forgot about his presence.
“Yes. Do you know her?” she asked suspiciously.
“No.” he replied shortly. “But we’ve had some problems with her once or twice…”
“So you know what I mean. Oh, if you saw her! Every single time we met at the press conference, she asked me a question that could help her to find my true identity.”
“But you don’t hide your name!” Adrien noted. “Yesterday you introduced herself as Marinette.”
“Now it doesn’t matter anymore, because my pseudonym has become a label itself. But Alya hasn’t forgotten the beginnings, so she still pesters me at each press conference. She takes revenge on me for hiding my identity in the past.”
“I can’t believe she didn’t find you. You know, on the street or something…”
“It wasn’t so easy. My personal image differs from the professional one. That was another Tikki’s idea to create an official LadyBug’s image that would be recognisable.”
“I don’t follow.”
“Every day I look like now. Jeans, T-shirts. Sometimes a dress… Usually I wear my hair up – a bun or ponytail. Or just hair down. On stage I wear two pigtails with red ribbons. And I always have a little ladybug on my cheek.”
“But you still look like you.”
“You’d be surprised how such details matter! I’ve met a lot of people who passed by me, glancing or even staring at me. And they always moved on, because they weren’t sure if it was me or not. I guess they didn’t want to accost a stranger or to feel foolish if they were wrong.”
“I have to share this idea with Plagg.”
“It’s too late for you. You’re too recognisable.”
“I have to admit that your manager was unusually determined.”
“She wanted to avoid a double marketing. You know, once they’re talking about Marinette, the other time about LadyBug. She directed all the efforts to promote LadyBug to let people associate my face with that name.”
“Like Madonna. Or Pink.”
“I’m flattered, Adrien. But they’re out my league.”
“I mean a label of a pseudonym. Nobody remembers real names of those stars.”
“That was what Tikki wanted to achieve for LadyBug. Of course, I’m not so arrogant to compare to such stars like Madonna or Pink. I’m not even a half of their talent…”
“You’re at your beginning. There’s a long way ahead.”
“Tikki also repeats that I should sing more often in English. That in French I have no chance to be known worldwide.”
“Look at Celine Dion.”
“Adrien, please… Stop comparing me to another star!”
“I’m not comparing. Just try to inspire by their experiences. Celine Dion has promoted French songs all around the world.”
“God, I feel like I was listening to Tikki right now.” Marinette sighed. “Did you talk to her?”
“I think I’ve just said something obvious. I don’t know why you don’t want to accept a piece of advice. Especially when two people from your inner circle advised you the same.”
“Let me remind you that you were included in my inner circle yesterday.” she stated wryly.
“So?” he grinned.
“Never mind.” she ended the discussion and added in a reserved tone: “Thank you for your advice. I’ll think about it.”
“You seem not to believe in your real position in the music market.” Adrien commented.
“How did you figure it out?” she asked outraged. “After these few sentences I said? We’ve known each other since yesterday, My Frog!”
“Frog?” he spotted.
“You were to be a prince, but now I prefer to turn you into a frog!”
Adrien couldn’t resist and burst out laughing. She fascinated him more and more. For fifteen or twenty minutes they had been chatting like good friends, she even shared quite personal afterthoughts with him. Yet became irritated and outraged as soon as he dared express his opinion on her career. She ended the discussion immediately, and he – instead of withdrawing from a dangerous minefield, felt like continuing teasing her. Weird. He’d never felt that way before.
“You would have to kiss me first, Princess…” he whispered in her ear that made her blush instantly.
“Now I’m so sure you talked to Tikki!” she replied irritably.
“Really? Did you ask her about how to turn a prince into a frog?”
“You don’t want to know how this conversation looked like.” she answered back, recalling the moment she had shaken herself in disgust. Yet… Kissing Adrien didn’t seem so disgusting for her anymore…
“After what you’ve just said I can’t wait to know all the details. Did you really ask your manager about kissing?”
“One more word, Adrien, and I promise I’ll break our agreement!” Marinette warned. “Is he always like that?” she asked Nino who only chuckled in reply.
“Actually, he’s never been like this before.” he said after a moment, still focused on the road. “I think you awoke a beast in him.”
“You think it’s reversible?” Marinette frowned.
“Don’t get it so seriously!” Nino advised. “It’s only fake dating, isn’t it?”
Marinette became speechless for a moment. She couldn’t believe she let herself involve into that conversation so deeply that she forgot about this whole mystification. No wonder that Adrien had fun teasing her! She called herself to order and decided not to let him provoke her again. If he could turn on a mode of flirting, she could do the same. ‘It’s only fake dating’ – Nino said. And he was so right!
“OK then…” she began in a conciliatory manner. “If you’re going to act as a playboy, I have to join the party, Kitty-Cat.”
“I’m a cat now?” Adrien smiled.
“Do you prefer being a cat or a frog?”
“Do I have to be an animal?”
“Maybe a teddy-bear…”
“Again, an animal, or even worse: a toy…”
“Nino said I awoke a beast, so I’m trying to figure out what kind of animal you could be.”
“Not every animal is a beast.” he noted.
“And vice versa.” she answered back.
“So, I suggest a cat. They are endearing, soft. They can purr and cheer you up…”
“They walk their own ways.” Nino added. “They can leave the house and come back after a week. It’s not you, Adrien.”
Marinette giggled.
“Cats have their own opinion and they are rather individualists.” she completed the description. “Are you someone like that?”
Nino snorted meaningfully, and she knew instantly what that meant. This time she didn’t laugh, especially when she saw pain on Adrien’s face after his friend’s reaction.
“Well… It’s been just awoken. Who knows what I’ll turn out to be?” he murmured.
She smiled at him and softly touched his hand.
“OK then. You’ll be my Kitty…”
And he smiled back.
Day 6 “Double life”
Fake Dating p.9  <-  Previous part  |  Next part  ->  Fake Dating p.11 
Start reading from the beginning
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silvana-fangirls · 5 years
Target [Dabi x ua!Reader] Chapter 9
Hey guys! Sorry for taking so long. This chapter feels like a big leap of faith, and I'm kind of nervous about it.. So, hopefully you'll like it. Also, I don't wanna sound demanding or anything, but I know a lot of you read this fic, and it's kinda underwhelming and dissapointing that most of you don't comment or tell me your thoughts about it, mostly because this fic does make me so selfcouncious and it's much harder for me to write it than any other fic I ever did... So, I'll really appreciate if you let me know what you think. Even if it's just a word or constructive critisism.
Happy reading
PLEASE read notes at the end
or below the cut
When Dabi finally got into her room and closed the door behind him, her confused gaze instantly lifted up from the book Twice gifted her. Once her eyes landed on him, they instantly widened as her whole body visibly tensed up.
Dabi tried to keep concealed the smirk that has been threatening to show ever since Shigaraki decided to spare the girl’s life.
It was obvious that this was not the usual time he showed up the past few days, and her terrified reaction was obviously regarding the fact that Dabi wasn’t carrying any food with him. It was the very first time he entered the room for something other than meals ever since he dropped her here, so he could imagine the scenarios that were probably going through her mind right now.
Did she think he was here to kill her? Torture her?
The corners of his mouth twitched imperceptibly at the thought. He almost wanted to laugh out loud.
There was no way this girl was dying.
…At least not until he knows everything.
He started walking towards her, same bored pace as always, making her drop the book on the bed and back up against the wall like a cornered prey once she saw him at the edge of the tiny bed, towering over her.
“W-What is it?” She managed to squeak out.
He didn’t hold back the low chuckle that came out.
“You’re really somethin’, you know?” He said, lowering himself to her level to get a better look at her. He wanted to see every single detail of the reaction she’ll have. “You really had me fooled, I’ll give you that”
Her terrified state calmed down a bit, only for her to look at him in confusion.
“What are you even talking about?” She said, still pressed against the wall to keep her distance.
“I’ll have to say I knew there was something odd, though.” He said while eyeing her. This girl. This girl was the one who stopped two of the worst villains ever. This girl was the one who saved the country. This girl was the one who turned against her own blood. This innocent looking school girl was the one who murdered her parents. “I’ve had some ideas about what it might’ve been, but holy hell... it was nothing compared to the real thing”
She was glaring at him now.
“If you told me what you’re even talking about maybe I could give you some sort of answer” She nearly spat, irritation showing.
“I know what you did, doll face” He said, but she didn’t even react. “I know about your parents” That did the trick.
Her complexion suddenly went white and her eyes almost popped out of her sockets while blinking several times, clearly not giving any credit at what she heard.
She shook slightly, before darting her eyes away from him.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” She said, and turned to pick up her book with a shaky hand, that Dabi obviously caught on.
“You might’ve been good at hiding it, but you’re terrible at lying, princess” He pointed out with a smirk on his face. “Plus, everyone knows now”
She was skeptical, he could see it. Maybe she thought this was a test and he didn’t really know exactly what happened.
“Knows what?” She asked, with a fake innocent smile.
He chuckled again.
“Don’t bother” He said. “It’s been all on national TV”
Her facade visibly cracked, and Dabi could almost feel the panic beginning to rise in her.
“That’s not possible” She whispered shakily.
“Oh, it is” He instantly replied, smirk visibly growing. “Footage of your first visit to the police station and all” Her terrified face returned once again.
“Y-You’re lying!” She was quick to accuse “Best Jeanist would never-“
“Best Jeanist is currently unconscious in a hospital fighting for his life” He quickly interrupted. “I remember him being in charge of the case…” He commented. “…He was also apparently the one who decided to keep the truth under the wraps. Your truth”
“Even so” She said stuttering but with a determined gaze. “No one would dare to go against his orders-“
“It was Eraserhead the one who gave the press conference”
She turned quiet at that, almost suddenly understanding and believing him.
Her gaze was lost on her hands, as Dabi waited for her to react with narrowed eyes.
“O-Okay” She said quietly. “Just get on with it, then” She sighed, but he could tell she was afraid.
Dabi blinked in confusion at this, eyes not once leaving her.
“Get on with what?” He asked.
She seemed to huff in annoyance and her gaze left her hands to give him a death glare.
“You know? I’m fucking tired of your little games and pretended aloofness!” She growled. “Now that you and your friends know what happened, you obviously know I won’t join you! You’re obviously here to kill me. So, get on with it!” She hissed through clenched teeth.
He was surprised at her outburst, but not even as near as her words. It was logical, thought. Still, he couldn’t help but let out a loud chuckle.
“I’m not here to kill you, babe” He assured, and shifted in his crouched position. “Shigaraki was about to, though. I guess you owe me one”
She flinched a bit at the nickname, Dabi knew it was her least favorite of them all, but that didn’t stop her from glaring at him even more.
“Torture me, then?” She asked, and he smirked at her.
“I suppose that’ll be fun, but no unless strictly necessary” He said mockingly.
“Then what?!” She said irritated.
“I won’t let you die until you tell me” He replied, all mockery vanishing.
“Tell you what?” She was starting to get nervous, he could tell. It was for the better, though. She’ll probably quickly blurt out everything he wants to know to get this over with.
She blinked several times, her mouth moving trying to find what to say.
“You already know everything!” She said overwhelmed “You said they showed the police station footage. That’s everything. What is left to know?!”
Dabi maintained his composure at her panicked words. She was upset and scared. Probably thinking he was searching for an answer she couldn’t provide and condemning her life because of it.
“I wanna know everything, doll” He calmly said, hand reaching out to softly move the bangs out of her face. She didn’t flinch at his touch; she stopped to about a week ago. Dabi didn’t know exactly when it started: subtle touches here and there. It probably was that day she made a scene about wanting Twice to be the one to bring her the meals and stuff. He remembers that was the first time he didn’t touch her in a menacing way. Since then, he hadn’t stopped. At first she would flinch away (not much, because she didn’t want to anger him and get burned in return) but after a week she mostly stopped. Almost every meal came with a subtle touch that mostly remained around her face and hair area: he’ll brush her hair aside, or lightly tousle a strand of it; he’ll grab her chin to make her look at him or even booping her nose to mock her.
“I wanna know how it all went down” He said once his hands were off of her. “Tell me, how does a girl like you decide to send her parents to the slaughterhouse?”
A flick of hatred crossed her eyes, and he knew it was directed to him. He didn’t care, though. His entire body was itching for answers. It was almost too hard to remain still, his veins pumping so much adrenaline from the expectancy.
Feelings that mirrored his own almost perfectly... He needed to know what drove her to give her parents such destiny. Same destiny he wanted for his own father.
“Did they hurt you?” He asked, noticing she was taking too long to answer.
“They’ve never laid a hand on me” She said, lips quivering almost imperceptibly as she spoke. “Never touched a single hair of my head” Dabi looked at her almost disbelieving and she let out a dry laugh. “Yeah, I suppose that’s hard to believe considering how… creative they were when killing their victims”
Creative was not the word. Gruesome, maybe. Unbelievably wicked. Not even Toga’s mind would ever dream most of the things they did, and that’s saying something.
“I’ve only realized about what they were doing a year before they finally got caught” She continued “I still wonder how I didn’t manage to catch on sooner. All the red flags where there. I was homeschooled, wasn’t able to talk to anyone, wasn’t able to leave the apartment. If there was ever an emergency I wasn’t to contact the police, I should just lock myself in my room and hide. They never talked about their crimes even though the News channel was always on. They always came with expensive stuff even if we lived in the worst part of the city. They hated heroes” She listed and sighed. “The more I think about it, the most convinced I am that my father’s quirk was activated on me most of the time. Most of my life” She explained. “They made me believe I was quirkless the entire time. I only found out went I finally realized who they were and what they did” She added. “It was when I asked them why they were so brutal and sadistic when they needn’t to that I decided to take them down” Her eyes finally looked straight at him “You say you hate heroes who are in for the fame, for power, for money. Heroes with selfish and unworthy convictions”
He didn’t answer her, he didn’t need to.
“I understand your point of view. I understand there are selfish and shallow heroes” She said looking straight at him. “Just like I understand there are villains that do what they do out of need. To feed their families and survive, and while they’re not to be excused for their actions, they’re nothing compared to the sadistic, sociopathic villains that do what they do for fun” She said with almost venom in her voice, directed to him, of course. “That’s why I did it”
He was biting down a chuckle. He wanted to laugh, so bad… Because the coincidences were just so ridiculous. The only difference was that she wasn’t trained to be a villain, and her parents didn’t physically abused her, it was only psychological abuse, considering her father probably took advantage of her own mind with his quirk her whole life.
But everything else?
“Same point of view from different perspectives” He said with an almost teasing smirk. “Cute oxymoron” She smiles icily in return.
 “With the difference that you want to condemn people that, whether they’re selfish, they’re doing the right thing” She said with the icy smile still present.
“You’re not ready to have that conversation with me just yet, babe” He said and booped her nose, only this time she did move away from his touch almost instantly.
“Are you going to kill me now?” She asked him with clenched teeth.
“Hadn’t we discussed that already?” He said, finally getting up from his crouched position.
“We did” She said. “And you said you wouldn’t let me die until I told you everything, and I already did” She was challenging him again. “So?”
“Do you really want me to kill you?” He said teasingly, but her serious face didn’t falter for a second. In fact, her eyes seemed to be piercing right through his soul now.
“Why would you keep me alive? You know I won’t join you.” She said, eyes not leaving his. “And we agreed before, that if you kill me, it’s still a win for you and a loss for the Pros” Dabi felt the weird need of backing up, even though he didn’t. “Shigaraki told you to, and while I know how much you seem to like to annoy him, this is a bit unnecessary, even for you. So why did you stop him? To satisfy your curiosity?” She asked and he was about to reply but she was quicker. “Well, you already did. So why am I still alive when you know I’m not of use anymore?” She continued pressing on the matter. “Why do you want me alive, Dabi?”
It was the first time she used his name. And it shouldn’t have affected him as much as it did.
He kept his well-rehearsed cool, though. If he gave a reaction, it was probably so imperceptible that she didn’t manage to notice.
He still cursed at himself in his mind. Not only for letting something as trivial as his name coming from her mouth affect him, but because her question had him frozen in place even if he pretended to be fine.
Why did he want her alive? A now useless (if kept alive), ordinary wannabe hero?
‘Not so ordinary, though’ His mind quietly pointed out.
He tried to consider her death in his mind. He knew that, if being rational, he should just go for it. It’ll save the League quite some trouble. They wouldn’t worry about keeping her alive any longer and it also would bring them such satisfaction once the Heroes realize she’s dead. It’ll be a big win. A safe win. Secured win, since they wouldn’t have to worry about potential rescue missions from the heroes any longer.
He should go for it. Shigaraki wouldn’t mind. He wants her dead after all. He’ll probably bicker about it for a while, because Dabi knew that Shigaraki probably wants to be the one to do it, but he’ll get over it and the job will be done anyways. Also, if he killed her right now, Shigaraki wouldn’t have any of the ridiculous suspicions he probably has now. He wouldn’t have anything to hold against him. He wouldn’t bother even more than he does now.
... But he can’t.
And damned be him, he didn’t know why.
Why does he want her alive? A question he didn’t have the answer for, either. He was just as curious as she was.
He knew he was intrigued about her in before, he wanted to know about her, about her past. That should’ve been it. He got his answers. He got what he wanted… and he still couldn’t kill her.
It was just unthinkable.
He didn’t understand what his deal was, but he needed to figure it out and quick.
He needed to get out of this situation first, though.
Her eyes where still on him, unwavering, waiting for an answer… a reasonable one.
He’ll be damned if he let her figure out how affected he actually was.
One of his many gifts was being quick at comebacks and excuses and while he never been in a ‘deer in the headlights’ situation for years like he was now, he managed to pull it off again.
“I just think is fun to have you around” He said with a devilish smirk.
She blinked at his reply, her mood deflating and she almost looked defeated. She obviously didn’t buy his excuse, though.
It didn’t matter. He saw an opening and went for it. With his same bored pace as always, and his ‘pretended aloofness’ as she called it, he excited the room without another word.
He needs to figure his shit out.
“How incompetent can heroes be?” He said while quickly analyzed several shits of paper scattered on his desk. Several pieces of evidence, information and profiles where amongst them. “And they dare to call themselves Professionals” He almost growled out.
Pissed off was not enough to describe how he felt.
Endeavor knew… he just fucking knew.
He should’ve been at the front line that damned day of the failed rescue mission. He should’ve been dealing with those heroes first-hand, and not backing up All-Might’s ass.
If he were to be there that day, looking at the villains in the eye, he wouldn’t have let them escape, let alone with one of the students still with them.
Every single one of those villains would’ve been in jail by now, and both students safe at their homes.
He wouldn’t have failed like All Might did.
Just remembering about it angered him enough to want to burn the whole building down.
He knew it’ll only be a matter of time before they came begging for his help. He figured that it was only pride that kept them from coming to him for so long.
They didn’t have a choice: The Pro Heroes in the case were as helpful as nothing, the police were even worse… And now that Aizawa dropped the bomb about that girl’s they didn’t know if time was on their side or not. The move Aizawa made was risky, but he knew somehow it was necessary.
‘Villains will start to get desperate. They won’t be as careful now that they know the truth’ Aizawa said when he called him, and nearly begged him to take the lead on the case.
He was right.
He picked up one of the pictures one of his team members took just hours after he decided to take the reins of the case.
A blond haired guy could be seen in it, and it was obvious that he was in a panicked rush by the look on his face and his tensed up state. For most, it wouldn’t look like much… if it wasn’t for the big scar right in the middle of his forehead.
It only took a few hours for him to get the first, big lead on the case. He couldn’t help but smirk.
He’ll prove that he’s a much more competent Number One Hero than All Might ever was.
Unlike him, he’ll get the job done.
We have Dabi struggling already... and Enji's taking care of the case now. How long do you think it'll take him to rescue reader? Idk why it felt a little awkward to use 'Enji' so I settled with Endeavor instead. We'll get reader's perspective next
Silvana :)
tag list: @buckybear97 @this-lost-child @aebeessun @ye-rinn@ihatemyselftoinfinityandbeyond @cindxalex @luvley-shadow@taeniix@roadtripsonspaceships @iana-therese@darkagedoctor @liliafangirls @darkfaethedestroyer@celestiallsunshine@meggy126 @starlordsmum @megganclaark@hecatemacbeth7 @dixonsbugaboo
(please let me know if I forgot to add you)
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blackhakumen · 5 years
Mini Fanfic #278: Frosty Big Sister (KOF/Fatal Fury)
Hokutomaru: (Enjoying a Bowl of Ice Cream Kula made for him) Ah man. You and your folks have like the best Ice Cream!
Kula: (Happily Enjoying her own Bowl of Ice Cream as well) I know, right?! They're sooooooo good!~ Thanks for eating them with me, Hokutomaru.
Hokutomaru: No problem. Though, I'm not really sure I'll be able to eat them all as fast as you're eating them right now.
Kula: (Still Eating her Ice Cream) Don't give up now, my little ninja! ('Mmhm') I believe you! ('Mhmmm') (Yummy~)
Hokutomaru: (Chuckles Lightly at his Frosty Friend) Thanks for the words of confidence.....(Stops Eating his Ice Cream and began having a thought in his head) Hey, Kula.
Kula: (Immediately Stops Eating her Ice Cream and turn towards her little ninja friend) Hm?
Hokutomaru: Mind if I ask you something?
Kula: (Shake her head as he gulp down some Ice Cream she still had in her mouth) What's wrong?
Hokutomaru: (Begins to rub the back of his head back and forth) Ok so..... You're not a huge fan of anything fire related, are you?
Kula: (Begins to Pout) Nope! In fact, I hate it entirely! Especially people who would used them carelessly!
Hokutomaru: (Eyes Widened a bit) Oh.....Well I mean.....K' uses fire too...right?
Kula: That is true.... Although, to me....(Smiles a little) I think K' is different from all those other pyro maniacs I've met so far. He can be a lazy, grumpy-pants most of the times....(Smiles Brightly) But I still think he's great.
Hokutomaru: Cool. So......If that's the case....and if there's other people you know, who uses fire, that you hate.....Do.....I... fit in that category as well?...
Kula: ('Gasps') What?! Oh my gosh.... Hokutomaru, no! (Gently Grabs Both of Hokutomaru's hands while giving him the saddest frown he ever seen in his young ninja life) I could never hate you. Never! Why you would ever think that?
Hokutomaru: Well I mean.... Me, My Master, Big Sister Mai.... We're all Shiranui Ninjas, remember? Our ancestors has been learning how to create flames in combat for quite a long time. (Looks down on the floor, sad) So... I'd figured....since you're not fan of some people using flames....I thought maybe.... I'm one of those people too-
Kula: (Immediately Pulls Hokutomaru I for a loving hug) Oh, Hokutomaru.....Do you remember what I said earlier?
Hokutomaru: (Blushes a little by the sudden hug) Uhh..That...you hate people who uses flames?
Kula: (Slowly Shook her head) Not entirely, silly. I said "I hate those who would use them so carelessly." And I know that deep down in my heart....that you nor Mr. Andy and Ms. Mai would never use yours to hurt people. Am I right?
Hokutomaru: D-Definitely! We never use our ninjutsu skills to hurt anyone that isn't our enemies! That's basically like Ninja Guide 101!
Kula: Exactly! So that I don't EVER want you to compare yourself to those psychos again. You're like a little brother to me and it makes me very sad to see you down like this....
Hokutomaru: Wait....You actually see me as a little brother?
Kula: (Nodded her head) Why else would you think I keep calling you 'My Little Ninja'?
Hokutomaru: (Shrugged) I dunno.....I thought it was maybe because I was small and junk.
Kula: (Giggles Lightly) You're not entirely wrong. I mean, you are pretty small....But that nickname means more to me than that.
Hokutomaru: Really?
Kula: (Smiles Brightly) Yep. It's mean you're a ninja who's also like my own little cute brother.
Hokutomaru: (Almost at a loss for words) Wow, Kula.....I...gotta say...(Slowly Starts to Smile) I'm honored. And you know, sometimes......I would see you like another big sister to me.
Kula: ('GASPS') Really?
Hokutomaru: Yep. I mean, it's sound weird but..... you're pretty amazing, Kula Diamond. (Smiles Brightly) I honestly won't mind having you as my second Big Sis. (Gave Kula a thumbs up)
Kula: Hokutomaru.......(Immediately Pulls Hokutomaru in for another hug) I wouldn't mind being your Big Sis too~ And I think you're amazing too in your own cute way.
Hokutomaru: (Blushes by Kula's comment) I-I'm not that cute, Kula! I'm just a cool, handsome ninja!.....In training....
Kula: (Giggles Softly while having Hokutomaru in her arms) Even "A Cool and Handsome Ninja in Training" can be cute too, Hokutomaru. (Smiles Softly) I'm so glad I've met you, my cute little ninja...
Hokutomaru: (Smiles Softly at Kula while completely ignoring that 'Cute' comment) I'm glad I've met you too, Kula. You're so cool.
Hokutomaru: Ok. So, what your thoughts on that Kyo guy?
Kula: (Still Holding Hokutomaru in her arms) Kyo Kusanagi? Meh. I don't like him.
Hokutomaru: (A Bit Surprised) Really? Is it because he's a crazy pyro maniac too?
Kula: Nope. He's just a jerk. A big one at that.
Hokutomaru: (Starts Snickering) Since when were you ever this savage, Kula?
Kula: (Smirks Playfully while Ruffling the top of Hokutomaru's hair) Even nice and cute Ice princesses like me can have their savage moments, Hokutomaru.
Hokutomaru: (Starts Laughing) I know that's right!
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