#it took me so long to find the meme again BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT
You, Me & My Boyfriends
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Pieces of My Heart - Chapter 18 Stray Kids OT8 x reader, Soulmate AU
Masterlist | Next Part
The JYP building felt like something out of a movie. Or a dream. Or both.
The hallways seemed never ending, all branching out from one main area and filled with doors on both ends. The small kitchen area near the elevators was nice, you had to admit. You were never far from a coffee machine, or a studio, or a small circular table with plastic chairs to sit in.
It was one of those notoriously uncomfortable chairs (seriously, the company was worth millions. They couldn’t get comfortable chairs?) that you currently find yourself anxiously shifting around on, trying to look normal. You weren’t doing a very good job, judging by the curious look a passing girl gave you as she made her way to the coffee machine, picking up a cup with perfectly manicured hands and swiping long glossy hair over her shoulder- holy shit! Was that Sana?
Sana, THE Sana from Twice, poured a cup of coffee as your phone vibrated noisily on the table in front of you. You frantically picked it up to quiet it, catching the idol’s eyes once again. She smiled at you in amusement, and you flushed.
Oh my god she was so pretty.
Felix Img.png
It took you an embarrassingly long time to focus on the image Felix had sent you long enough to realize it was a meme, and by that point the lounge/waiting area (you weren’t even sure what to call it) was once again empty. You wanted to bang your head against the table.
You checked the time once again, making sure that the 15 minutes Seungmin asked you to wait hadn’t passed by already.
Nope, only 9.
When the singer had asked you out on a date, you assumed it would be similar to your outing with HyunLix. He’d pick you up, you’d go do something, and then you’d head back to the apartment afterwards. But he was determined to take you out before any of the others, and with both Jeongin and Changbin fighting to have you on their next free day, he had to reschedule your plans.
That meant the very next day, apparently.
You had woken up to a cryptic message telling you to be ready by noon. It wasn’t until you were being picked up by a company car that Seungmin finally admitted he wanted to take you out to eat on his lunch break. He had an hour, and he asked you to be there just before he got off to make sure he was with you every possible second.
However, that did mean you had to wait until he was actually free. He said it would be 15 minutes.
You check your phone again with a sigh.
10 minutes had passed. 5 more to go.
This time you actually did let your head drop softly against the table. The sound of the elevator dinging made you quickly sit up straight, trying not to look at off as you felt.
The entire company building made your skin crawl. You weren’t sure if it was the overly formal language used by the staff members in the building, or the crisp white walls of those never-ending hallways, or just the perfect beauty radiating off every person you saw. You just didn’t fit in. It felt wrong for you to be there, like you were somehow contaminating the place.
“Excuse me. Are you waiting for someone?”
You froze, shifting your wide-eyed gaze slowly to the girl standing next to you. You hadn’t even noticed her approaching.
“Ah, yes!” You winced at how loud your voice had come out. “Sorry. I’m waiting for … a friend.”
“Oh. Who are you waiting for?”
You hesitated, not sure if you should even be talking about this. Chan had reassured you that the company had been made aware of your existence, and that you had access to the building if you needed it (you were given a guest id card and everything), but you were never told just how much the company knew. Were all the staff aware? Other idols? Just their managers?
“… Kim Seungmin,” You finally said.
You figured it would be fine. Seungmin surely had friends, right? It wasn’t like you had introduced yourself as his soulmate, or girlfriend.
The girl gave you a forced smile, nodded her head, and then made to follow the group of girls that had come of the elevator. When she reached her friends, she whispered something that made all of them laugh loudly, two of them even turning back to look at you with smirks on their faces.
Your stomach dropped.
God, you felt like a kid in high school, having just fumbled the bag with the popular girls. It was all kinds of wrong.
You couldn’t have been more relieved when Seungmin appeared, down to the minute. They must really take those lunch breaks seriously.
“What could be so important that it takes an entire day,” You wondered as the two of you got into the elevator.
“I’ve been recording an OST song,” Seungmin said, his lips pulling up into a pleased smile. “They wanted me to sing the song. They actually asked for me.”
“Seungmin!” You squeezed his arm. “That’s amazing.”
“It’s a little last minute, so I have to get the recording done today. That’s why I didn’t have a lot of time.”
“Oh, honey. We can reschedule this date for when you’re not busy. This is important!” You urged him, suddenly feeling guilty about pulling him away from such a great opportunity.
The doors to the elevator opened, and Seungmin pulled you out into the lobby without a care. “You’re important too. And don’t worry, I’ll take you out on a real date someday. We’ll go to dinner at some fancy restaurant, get all dressed up and make the others jealous.”
“Right, because that’s what really matters, doesn’t it,” You joked. “Making the other’s jealous.”
Seungmin faltered slightly. “Well, no. Of course not. It’s just … a bonus.”
You rolled your eyes. “Uh huh. That’s why you’re taking me out on your very busy schedule, just so you can say you got to do it before the other’s. Right?”
The streets were getting crowded the further the two of you walked. For a second, you let go of his hand to walk behind him, making room for people walking in the opposite direction. As you turned down a street with less people and more room to breathe, you glanced at your soulmate.
Seungmin’s face mask prevented you from seeing whatever expression he was making, but you could tell that something was wrong. His forehead looked tight, his shoulders tense. You reached out to grab his hand again, but besides a quick glance at you, he didn’t seem to react.
You stopped completely, the motion causing him to be tugged back in your direction. Seungmin sighed.
“What’s wrong,” You asked him.
“I’m sorry.”
You let out a laugh. “What?”
“You deserve better than a rushed date pulled together last minute. I just … I don’t know. I hated how everyone seemed to have a moment with you. Just … I don’t know. I wanted something that was just for us, something I could talk about when the others start to talk about you.”
“The others talk about me?” You wondered. Seungmin shot you a look, and you sighed. “Seungmin, honey. Have you ever thought that maybe you might be the one who’s jealous?”
“Maybe,” He murmured. “I just feel … yeah. Fuck. Maybe I am jealous.”
There was something more there, something that made you prod at him just a little further.
“I don’t think this is just about me, is it?” He shook his head. “Seungmin, I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me. Remember how we talked about this, before? That if any of us had a problem, we needed to communicate? That’s the only way this thing is going to work.”
“I know. I just feel like-“ He took a deep breath, pulling you close by your still joined hands. “Sometimes I feel like we did all of this wrong. You moved halfway across the world to be with us, all because of this stupid soulmate bond, and yet we treat you like you’re an accomplishment. A goal. You were an idea all of us held, a hope we had, and I think we forget sometimes that the idea of you in our head isn’t the actual you.”
You felt yourself looking down in shame. As he began to talk, you found yourself realizing that you had been treating them much the same way. The idea of Stray Kids, the idea that you had in your head of who they were and who you wanted them to be, always seemed to be stronger than the men you actually knew.
The man in front of you right now, clouded by an idea.
You shook your head. “Maybe your right. But that doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong. You’re still getting to know me, you know. And I’m still getting to know you. We have to figure this out at our own pace, you know. The whole soulmate bonds just … sped things up.”
“If I was actually trying to get to know you, I wouldn’t have taken you out today. I would have waited until I could actually spend time with you,” Seungmin pointed out.
“Yes, you would have,” You agreed. “So, you made a mistake. You let your jealousy guide you and rushed into something just for the chance to say you did it. It was stupid.”
Now it was Seungmin’s turn to hang his head in shame. You nudged his shoulder gently. “But who hasn’t made a stupid mistake? You realized what you did, at least. And I’m here now, so you might as well use the time to do something about it.”
“Like what?”
You pulled him forward. “Let’s go to the café. I’ll order something, and you can remember it for the next time I ask. And we can just sit down and talk. Not as a date. Just two people, getting to know each other.”
Seungmin squeezed your hand. “Isn’t it a little late for that? I mean, we’re not just two people. You’re my girlfriend.”
“And you’re my boyfriend,” I agreed. “No take backs.”
“Getting to know my girlfriend. Properly,” Seungmin laughed. “Okay. Still seems a little backwards.”
“I have 8 soulmates. This was never going to be normal,” You pointed out.
“You’re right.”
“I usually am.”
He shot you a smirk. “Right, okay. Not letting it get to your head, now, are you?”
The two of you laughed, walking down the street hand in hand.
You let out a sigh, carding your fingers through Jeongin’s hair. The maknae had fallen asleep on you when you came to visit the dorms earlier than evening. After your ‘not date’ with Seungmin, you decided to drop by and see what the other boys were up to.
Hyunjin had been painting, inviting you to join him, but your clothes were far too nice for you to risk getting paint on them, so you had given him a rain check. Chan and Changbin had gone to the gym, and Hyunjin had informed you that Jisung was in the other dorm, which is where you had headed next. You weren’t sure if Jisung actually was there, or what the other boys were doing, because Jeongin had stolen you the moment he had opened the door for you.
“I haven’t gotten to spend time with you since you got back. You’re mine now.”
And that’s where you found yourself, resting against the living room couches with Jeongin fast asleep with his head in your lap. There was a show playing on mute on the tv, but you weren’t paying attention.
That was how Felix found you when he came out of his room, beaming as he spotted the pair of you. “Hey, when did you get here?”
“’Bout an hour ago,” You mused. “I’ve been busy.”
“I can see,” He teased, leaning close to kiss you. “Are you staying for dinner?”
“If you’ll have me.”
Jisung and Minho were the next to emerge, both of them looking soft and cute with their messy hair and rumpled clothes. Judging by the red mark on Minho’s cheek, you guessed that they had been napping, and you smiled in amusement as Jisung spotted you. His eyes went wide, his hands immediately jumping up to his hair. He squeaked out your name in surprise.
You almost laughed when he turned around and ran back towards Minho’s room.
Minho himself didn’t seem bothered to be seen all messy. He leaned forward, just like Felix had, and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. “Hey. How was your date with Seungmin?”
“Our ‘not-date ‘was great. Thanks for asking.”
Minho mouthed the words ‘not-date’ in confusion, and you didn’t know the words in Korean, so you weren’t sure how to explain it to him, but he didn’t ask. Instead, he shrugged it off, sitting down on the armchair next to you.
“Well, I hope you enjoyed your relaxing day out, because things are going to get hectic tonight.”
You raised your brows. “Oh?”
Jeongin grumbled something that sounded suspiciously like Mario Kart. It took you a second to realize that he actually had said Mario Kart, and that the hectic thing Minho was referring to was a competition.
Your grinned. “Oh, I’m going to smoke you guys.”
“Good luck!” Felix yelled from the kitchen. “I’m undefeated babe!”
“Not for long!” You yelled back.
“He lie,” Jeongin said in english, finally lifting his head up with his eyes still closed. His hair was adorably smushed on one side. “Felix is the worst.”
“Shut up Maknae-ah!”
You giggled, and the boys gave you fond looks that made your chest all warm and bubbly. You guessed it didn’t matter if there were any problems, or whatever the future decided to throw at you. You would get through it together, just like you always did.
Felix was actually a lot better at Mario Kart than you thought. But that didn’t change the fact that the little minx spent half of the game cheating. Distracting Changbin during his turn, ‘accidentally’ unplugging Chan’s controller, and even going as far as to pull you into his lap when it was your turn.
He kept his hands to himself, didn’t move you or try to sabotage you in any way, but just being able to feel his warmth at your back made it hard for you to concentrate. It was only because you were up against Jisung and Minho (who were targeting each other) and Minho (who was driving in the wrong direction – probably on purpose) that you managed to get 2nd place, only beaten by an unfortunate blue shell close to the end.
Even after handing off the controller to Felix behind you, you still felt nervous. Your heart was beating hard in your chest, but it felt good somehow. Even after going on a date and having the ever-loving life kissed out of you, it was the simple action of his arms wrapping around you and leaning his chin on your shoulder that gave you the worst case of butterflies ever.
Chan was giggling in his chair, smiling behind his hands as your feelings hit him too. You were glad the others were too busy yelling and arguing at the screen to notice.
Out of all the people to call dibs on getting to spend the night with you, you were somehow surprised and yet not surprised when Minho was the first to bring it up. He of course made his claim in the most gentlemanly way possible, asking you if he could spend the night, but you caught the looks some of the boys gave him.
He looked almost smug when you agreed.
“Don’t let him corrupt you,” Chan teased, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “And at least try to get some sleep.”
You smacked his shoulder, and he weaseled his way back with a laugh. “Get your head out of the gutter you little shit.”
“Who knows, they might be a good influence on Minho-hyung,” Seungmin pointed out.
Minho flicked the singer on the forehead. “Watch it puppy.”
“I’m not afraid of you,” Seungmin said, sticking his tongue out. Minho grinned, all teeth. It was such an odd sight that it had everyone taking a step back just out of habit. Seungmin shivered. “Never mind.”
The boys were either all getting ready to leave themselves, or in the case of the maknae’s, heading off to their beds. Hyunjin and 3rachas joined you and Minho in the elevator. Already growing tired, still not used to the time differences and the boy’s late schedules, you found yourself easily accepting Changbin’s hug as an excuse to rest your head against his shoulders. He was warm, and you felt safe in his hold. It was almost disappointing when the elevator reached their floor, and he had to let you go.
As the others started to leave, Jisung was still holding Minho’s hand. Chan was the first to notice the young rapper wasn’t following them.
He stopped at the elevator opening, preventing it from closing. “You coming, Hannie?”
Jisung gave him a devilish smile. “Nope!”
“Yah! That’s not fair!” Changbin yelled.
“And here I thought my boyfriend and I were going to have a nice relaxing night with each other,” You mused, exaggeratingly shaking your head. “But really, I’m just playing third wheel to Minsung. What a tragedy.”
“You can come sleep with me tonight,” Hyunjin offered, wagging his eyebrows at you.
“No.” It was all Minho said, but that, combined with the way he pushed Chan away from the doors, was all he needed to stake his claim.
Jisung reached out and grabbed your hand with his free one, pulling boy you and Minho closer until he was squished in between the two of you. He grinned. “I think I’m the real winner here.”
You snorted hard enough that it hurt your throat. “First sneaking in with me and Chan, and now you want to join in on me and Minho. I’m starting to think you’re trying to steal me away.”
Jisung hummed. He let go of Minho, just as the elevator beeped to tell you that you have arrived to your floor. You didn’t expect him to suddenly pick you up, throwing you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and you let out a squeal. You felt a hand slap against your ass.
“You’re going to wake the neighbors up, Jagi,” Minho said.
As Jisung spun around and began to walk towards your door, you did your best to flip off Minho. He just smirked. You offered your key when asked, mostly because you wouldn’t put it past them to try and get it out of your pockets themselves.
Your apartment was small enough that it only took a few steps in before Jisung reached your bed, leaning over so that he could place you down gently, and you reached up to grab his shoulders and prevent him from pulling away. He giggled.
Minho closed your front door, flipping the lights on so that the three of you could see. Jisung allowed you to pull him down next to you, and you didn’t even care that you were both still wearing your shoes or that his elbow was pressing against your ribs, because you were still buzzing from the great day spent with your great boyfriends.
It felt almost unreal to still call them that.
“You two better not fall asleep like that,” Minho warned you, having taken the time to remove his shoes, and now unbuttoning his pants.
You closed your eyes out of habit. “What are you doing?!”
“I’m not going to sleep in jeans. They’re uncomfortable,” He told you, almost like it was obvious.
Jisung smiled against your collarbone. “I think you’re embarrassing them.” He lifted his head slightly. “Are you embarrassed?”
“Shut up,” You snapped back.
After a moment of thinking, you leaned back onto your back and began to unbutton your own pants, shimming them down your legs. Jisung inhaled deeply next to you, his own eyes wide and darting down your body and then back up in panic.
You grinned. “What’s the matter Sungie? Embarrassed?”
His eyes narrowed.
It was almost a competition between the three of you. Or, well, the two of you, really.
Minho had disappeared into your bathroom, and you could hear the sound of him brushing his teeth as you and Jisung finally got rid of your shoes and began to undress. But you felt like you had a significant advantage over your boyfriend, judging by the way his eyes lingered on your body.
Not planning on sleeping in just your underwear, you did actually end up throwing on a soft shirt you had been using for years, perfect for sleeping in. You and Jisung then joined Minho in the bathroom to finish getting ready for bed, and while it was tight enough that the three of you had to be careful not to elbow the other’s as you moved around, it still managed to fit you all just fine.
Getting under the covers, finally ready to sleep, allowed any remaining tension in your body to float away. You let out a soft sigh.
“Sweet dreams,” Jisung muttered from behind you, wrapping his arms around your stomach like a cocoon.
From his other side, Minho’s hands just barely managed to wrap around your arm, giving it a soft squeeze. “Good night.”
You smiled. “Good night.”
You fell asleep quickly after that.
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itsyourstarboy · 1 year
Streamer!Honey Headcanons Pt.5
First Part
Note: This may be the last part, but it is not the end of Streamer!Honey!!! Just the long-winded headcanon posts. I have more planned for the future ^^ mini-fics, shitposts, all sorts of shenanigans <3
The punch became a meme. Honey hates it, and Guy hates that Honey hates it.
But god if it isn’t hilarious.
It took a good few months for Honey to stop beating themself up over it, and now they are able to look back on it and laugh. They even have a GIF of the moment as an alert for gifted subs.
Charity streams!!! Honey loves doing them. It’s fun, and for a good cause.
And, though it’s fun, sometimes it can get out of hand.
It was meant to be a joke! But, before they knew it, they hit the donation goal...
I can’t believe they’re actually doing this 🤭🤭🤭
The sound of the door opening made chat go mostly still.
Honey, very reluctantly with an embarrassed scowl on their face, stepped into camera view.
They stood stiffly, pondering how they ended up here. Here, on stream, in front of thousands of perfect strangers...
Wearing a maid outfit.
Not even a comfortable one! It was frilly, and itchy, and the skirt was way too fucking short.
You look so cute!!!
Oh 😳😳
“I hate everything,” Honey muttered, as they tried to tug the dress down. It was bad enough that it was so revealing, but it also wouldn’t zip up all the way.
It would only get worse, however, as the next goal would add thigh highs.
And the one after that would add...
You mean “right fucking meow?”
They’re gonna kill us 😭😭😭😭
With what? Their wittle paws?? 😽😽
This is my phone lockscreen now
“Yeah, you all better enjoy this, ‘cause I’m never doing it again.”
Doubt it, this is the fastest we’ve ever raised money
Still waiting for you to say nya
“I’m not saying that.”
tf you’re not-
★someone donated $50★
Honey heaved out a sigh that bordered a growl, and very blandly, “nya.”
As Chat cheered and went practically feral, Honey could only be glad that this couldn’t possibly get any wors-
They froze as they heard the Jaws theme start playing.
“Oh f-”
HoneysHeaven: wowah 😳
HoneyHeaven: hey there Honey ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Honey braced their elbows on their desk and hid their face in their hands. “Go back to working.”
HoneysHeaven: I will if you promise to still be wearing that when I get home 👀👀
“I’m burning it as soon as this stream ends.”
The boy just wants to see you all dolled up Boo, let him have his treat
“The next 15 minutes are going to be hell.”
HoneysHeaven: oooh the next goal you put on a collar, hm? 😏😏
Guy ur killing even me rn
HoneysHeaven: Honey can you send me like $70
“I am not sending you money.”
HoneysHeaven: awww cmon 🥺🥺 my break ends in 2 minutes I just want to see you in a collar
“I’ll put you in a collar,” Honey grumbled with their arms crossed tightly.
HoneysHeaven: wouldn’t be the first time 😉
Guy likes interrupting Honey’s streams unprompted. He loves seeing the smile on their face. The gentle one that they wear while doing what they love. It makes him want to smother them in kisses.
Sometimes when he does this, he forgets about the mask and glasses. There have been plenty of times where he’s nearly accidentally exposed his face to the world, and it gives his honey a mini heart attack each time.
Honey made the executive decision to rearrange their setup so that the door was no longer in view. That way, Guy could spontaneously enter as much as he pleased.
Honey was still streaming when Guy returned home from work. They had told him in advance that this stream would be dragging on a bit longer than normal.
Honey looked up as they heard the door click open. Guy entered, waving a paper bag around.
“Honeeeey,” he sang, “I’ve brought you somethiiiiing.”
is that the boy i hear 👀👀👀
Honey eyed the bag skeptically as Guy drew closer, “should I be worried?”
“No,” Guy laughed, stopping right outside of the camera’s view. “I brought you donuts!”
“Ooh, really? What’s your motive?”
“Wha-? Motive!? Why do you think I would have a motive?”
Honey raised an eyebrow at their boyfriend and smirked.
Immensely offended, Guy scoffed, “what, am I not allowed to bring the most important person in my life a treat? Purely out of my own volition and the kindness of my heart?”
“I was joking before, but now I’m actually suspicious...”
“Just take the donuts, Honey,” Guy softly spoke with a warm smile, holding out the bag and leaning forward.
When Honey’s hand brushed against his own, Guy leaned closer, his other hand cupping the back of their neck. He held the bag up to hide his face from viewers as he placed a gentle kiss on his partners cheek.
Honey, growing ever more flustered, let out a nervous chuckle as they pushed Guy away and accepted the gifts.
When you’re so lonely you’re living vicariously through someone in your screen
Chat wouldn’t stop talking about it for the entire rest of the stream.
And for the next 4 streams after that...
Chat knows that Guy is important to Honey. No other roommate of theirs has ever become such a big part of their life, everyone knows that they have to be something more.
They stopped bugging Honey about it after a year. It's just kind of common knowledge that these two have a lot of chemistry, but asking straight up about their relationship won't work.
Not that having an answer would change anything, Chat loves seeing how happy Honey is with Guy.
It took a little over a year for Honey to agree, but finally they are streaming a game with Guy!!
They're playing Raft. Honey in their streaming room, and Guy in the living room. They're communicating through discord, and Chat is having a blast.
"Did you finish building that engine yet?" Honey asked, filling a chest with some items.
"No, I thought you were going to do it," Guy answered.
"I literally told you to go ahead and make one two minutes ago!"
"I was busy distracting the shark while you were scavenging all that shit underwater!"
We should get them couples counciling
Guy can't keep being shark bait ooh ah ah 😭😭
I still don't understand the point of this game
It's his destiny
The point is raft
"Honey, I think I'm dying. My hunger bar is low."
"Then eat something, we have plenty of food."
"I don't think I can make it back in time," Guy whined.
"Wh- where are you??"
You could practically hear Guy's pout, "I went back on the island because you were mad at me."
"I am not mad at you," Honey responded, exasperated, "where are you at on the island?"
"Uhmm... I'm in a place with lots of trees."
"Okay, I'm bringing you some shark meat."
"The shark is dead?"
"Yeah I killed it."
They are playing the game so wrong I am ripping my hair out
Tip: multiple sails will make you go faster
They can play however they want to 😡
The only right way to do anything is the [Honey] and Guy way
"Oh shi-" Guy started, "I'm dead."
"You're fiiine."
"No, my character just collapsed from hunger."
"Don't be dramatic, I'm almost there."
"I'm not being dramatic!! I died!!!"
"A little death never killed anybody."
Honey found Guy's character, limp on the ground, and picked him up.
"Alright, you big baby, I'll take you to the bed."
"Oooooh," Guy sang impishly, "you're carrying me to bed?"
"What are you gonna do with me once we get there?"
"When we get there, you are gonna build that goddamn engine!"
Upon arrival to the raft, Honey discovered something...
"Where the fuck is the bed??"
Guy coughed out a laugh, "oh, uhm- I might've taken it with me when I left."
"Why would you do that!?!?"
"Because you were mad at me!!!"
"I swear to god-" Honey dropped Guy's carcass on the raft and went to collect materials to make another bed.
"Honeeeeey," Guy whined, "this wooden floor is hard."
Honey sighed, "I'm making you a bed, hold on."
"Come lay underneath meeee."
Boi he wants them under him 👀👀
Can't believe they let Guy die, I'll never forgive them for this 😢🤧😖 /lh /j
Our boy really stepped up his flirting game 😳😳😳
Too bad [Honey] is too oblivious
They're not oblivious, they're an asshole
A distinct sound of sharp teeth chomping into their hard work caught Honey's attention.
"Fuckin' hell," they murmured, "the stupid shark is back."
"Hurry up making the bed and I can kill it," Guy offered.
"I thought you were making the bed," Honey retorted.
Guy scoffed, "Honey!!!!"
"I gotta stab the shark, hold on."
Cold blooded
They don't deserve Guy I'm gonna kidnap him
That shark is an endangered species!!!
Finally, finally, Honey returned and placed Guy's character on the bed. He sprang up immediately.
Guy's cheerful voice started up, "yayyy, thank you Hone-" and was cut off with a yelp.
The shark had glitched through the bottom of the raft and attack Guy. It scared him half to death, but Honey?
Honey was laughing hysterically.
And it was music to Guy's ears.
Gasping for breath, they kept trying to say something, but continuously fell into a fit of giggles.
Guy was barely able to form his own words without laughing, trying to feign offense at his honey's joy in seeing him hurt. But hearing them laugh so heartily? He couldn't help but melt.
And he didn't want to just hear it, he wanted to see it.
"I'm coming to get you, Honey!" He announced, just before darting towards their room.
"No, no no!" They tried to object, but it was too late as Guy came bursting in.
They were in his arms and on the floor in an instant, tears streaming down their face as they tried to breathe.
Their face hurt from smiling, and they tried to calm down, but as soon as their breathing slowed Guy started to tickle them.
"Guy-! No!! Stop it!" They squealed and squirmed, but to no avail. Their previous laughing fit left them exhausted.
I feel like we shouldn't be watching this
Wait I think I've seen him before!
When all settled down, Guy and Honey were nothing but a mess of tangled limbs on the floor, just barely out of frame.
"I love you, Honey," he said softly.
Honey smiled, "I love you too."
When the couple realized that Guy was no longer anonymous, Honey made him start carrying pepper spray while he worked.
Gotta keep the boy safe.
The End.
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A/N: Thank you for reading the Streamer!Honey series ♡ I've loved writing it, and it makes me so happy that you all loved it as well!
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smallgronk · 1 year
This Community: A Love Letter <3
When I originally joined Tumblr, it was because reddit was being fucking dumb and I didn't want to support it. I had been a user for almost a decade and it really was frustrating to leave a platform I enjoyed so much. It turns out to have been one of the best things to ever happen to me. I went from a lurker to being active in a wonderful community here on Tumblr. I originally joined because I wanted to see the same memes I got from reddit, and I loved the horny vibe mixed in. It was right when I was beginning to explore myself for the first time in my life, rather than just floating along. When I got here, it took me a bit to find my feet, and holy shit was the effort worth it. I struggled with feeling like I was invading, but so many people took my hand and let me know I was welcome all the same. Whether I knew what I was or not, and because of that I was able to truly immerse myself fully in a vibrant queer community for the first time. I had plenty of interactions with many in the queer community before, but not from the inside like it happened here. I finally was able to figure out something that made me feel comfortable with myself. I realize in hindsight, I had never truly felt at peace. I suspected I might be trans before I came here, but I learned some of what being trans means to me in this place. I was content to leave the story at that! To have been grateful for the small kindnesses afforded to me by those around me. To start to try and help others see the same things I had my eyes opened to, and just move forward. And then this week happened, and it feels like my life is going to have a before and after. In a mere five days I have had so many things occur it takes me paragraphs to even glimpse the surface. Death, fear, bravery, exploration, romance, joy, and hope. I have experienced these things more deeply in a matter of days than I have in the last decades of my life as a guy. I have spent mere weeks as a girl on tumblr, a week in my house as a girl, have yet to try and be a girl in public, and I don't even think I consider myself a woman yet, but my life as a girl has felt like its almost just as long as the life I spent as a man. Its incredible. In the middle of this incredible, horrible, beautiful, and terrifyingly stressful week I didn't know how I was going to make it through each minute let alone get through each day. And then this silly little horny community reached out to me. Everywhere I turned I had people not just offer support when I complained, I had people reach out just to let me know they were there if I needed them. I'm so used to just shoving things down and dealing with it alone that I didn't even know how to accept this much help. Every time I had gotten everything shoved down again I had someone else reassure me that I was allowed to lean on them if I needed. It was incredible. It felt almost coordinated with how many people helped me. And I just don't think it's possible for me to express my love for everyone in this community who has helped me both this week, and in the time leading up to it. Those who have given me tips. Those who have helped me find myself. Those who have made me feel beautiful. Those who have let me lean on them when I needed to cry. Those who just let me know they would worry for me. @xenasaur @justaflatbitch @userwordandpassname @rosieeyes @crocadilly @latenitegirlluv @evergreen-femme @v10l3nt-gl1tch3s @tymera @godincarsnate-blog Thank you. I have already said words to some of you, but there is no chance it accurately gets across how much so many people here have meant for me in the little time I've spent. I have surely missed people here, so please don't think you don't matter if you haven't made the list. It's not just these few people. It's the entire community that gathers together and makes this kind of thing happen. Everyone has played a role in making such a lovely space what it is. Big hugs, much love- Jay
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omniblades-and-stars · 2 months
6 pairing of your choice?
Ok listen I think I just needed something soft and thoughtful and then I did way too much. Sorry? Anyways, this is everyone's reminder that I cut my teeth on writing Dragon Age fanfic.
From this ask meme here.
bound and undone
some things get easy with time
It wasn’t unusual for him to wake in the small hours of the morning, when the sun was just a whisper of pink on the horizon and the birds still had the grace to be quiet, and find himself alone. Valethen was taken to walking in the woods on her own when they traveled, she claimed it was a Dalish thing, but Thom knew the truth. She needed the solitude.
He’d asked her once, what she got up to when she wandered away when most folk, Maker-fearing or not, had the good sense to sleep for a couple hours more. She simply offered a demure smile and said, “We all have our secrets, Thom. Please allow me mine.” The smile didn’t reach her eyes.
That is what she always said when their conversations edged to close to home, to Cyrion. Valethen had told him as much as she was willing about her husband from long before she’d ever gone to the ill-fated Conclave. And how she still harbored guilt that she had been unable to save his life.
Thom was many things, a fool chief among them, but he was not the sort to pry about where he wasn’t wanted. It bothered him not at all that Val liked to walk among the trees and speak to her husband’s memory when she couldn’t go back to sleep. Everyone had their way of praying. And she’d had her gods snatched right out from beneath her previously sure feet. It would have been a matter of cruelty to deny her the one connection to her life before, the one thing that truly mattered to her. Furthermore, it was his firm belief that he had no right to interfere with her rituals.
No, her need for solitude didn’t bother him. But on that morning, wiping the sleep from heavy eyes, he couldn’t shake a deep feeling that something was wrong. He sat up quickly, taking note of anything in the tent that might have been out of place. But everything was just as it should have been.
He had one boot about half on his foot when he heard again what must have woken him, and worried him so.
The subdued but very distinct sound of a woman crying.
His boots forgotten, Thom rushed from the tent with newfound purpose. Valethen was stoic, some even accused her (wrongly) of being cold, and he had only ever seen her cry once: when Solas took her arm and shattered her already fragile heart, disappearing to leave her to pick up all of the pieces on her own. Again.
Thom didn’t have far to look, a blessing for his bare feet on a cold morning. Valethen sat in front of the fire, restoked and burning low. She cradled her face in her hand, soaked raven-dark hair, shot through with grey, clung to her back, and a small looking glass lay abandoned at her feet.
If she heard him approach, she made no effort to greet him, or hide that she was crying until he kneeled before her, the fire warm at his back.
Valethen took in a deep shuddering breath before saying, quite pitifully, “I didn’t mean to wake you.” Her jewel green eyes were rimmed red and fresh tears slid over sun-darkened cheeks.
“What troubles you, Val?” Thom asked while wiping a tear away with the pad of his thumb. He rested his other hand gently on her knee.
“It is quite possibly the stupidest thing I have ever cried over,” Val mumbled darkly in reply.
“I don’t believe it’s possible for you to cry over anything that is not worth crying over. Tell me.”
Val chewed on her lip, made a heroic effort to gather her composure, only to drop it entirely. “It’s my hair,” she sobbed and choked on a fresh wave of tears. “I haven’t been able to braid it since I lost my arm. I thought I might be able to figure it out with it wet, but …” her voice trailed away and she cast her eyes down to the mirror by her bare feet.
She had lost so much of herself already. To see her shattered and pulled apart in this way sat heavy and burning in his chest.
Valethen looked at him with tired, questing eyes. She held her breath as though she waited for him to laugh, or chide her for being ridiculous.
Thom leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to her tear-soaked cheek. He felt her sigh, releasing the defensive wall she frequently erected in front of her heart to the gentle breeze. “If it’s a braid you want, Val, then a braid you’ll get,” he said softly with his forehead pressed to hers.
He was rewarded by the small smile that tugged at the corner of her mouth, the sparkle in her eyes as she pulled her head back to regard him with mock suspicion. “Thom Rainier, if you are about to tell me that you were once a hair stylist at a premier Orlesian salon, I shall have to send you away. That is a secret that is a bridge too far!” There was a hint of musical laughter hidden in her words, barely audible beneath her breath still hitched with tears.
“We all have our secrets, Val,” he teased with a cocked eyebrow. When she snorted and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, he added, “Sadly, I have never braided anything a day in my life. I make no promises as to the quality of my craftsmanship.” Thom stood and helped Valethen to shift so that she was sitting in the spot where he had just been kneeling. He settled in on the canvas stool behind her. “How have you been out here without anything on your feet? I half expect you wouldn’t feel your own toes by now.”
“Ancient elven secrets,” Valethen answered with a shrug. After a second or two of pointed silence, indicated that he wasn’t buying the lie she was selling, Val cupped her hand and breathed into it, speaking quiet words which seemed to form into a golden, glowing mass in the palm of her hand. She placed her hand on the ground next to her, and Thom felt the earth beneath his feet begin to warm. “I can cast a fireball large enough to rival one of Cullen’s trebuchet projectiles. I think I could keep my feet warm for a couple of hours.”
“All of that time freezing my bits off in the mountains, and here you had the solution in the palm of your devious little hands,” he groused playfully as he carefully separated her hair into three separate strands. “I know you heard us complaining.”
“If only any of you had thought to ask me to warm your socks for you.”
A comfortable silence fell over them as Thom worked to tame Valethen’s hair into something that sort of resembled the neat braid he had always seen her wearing before. Valethen hugged her knees to her chest and rested her chin on top of them. “He used to call me “Little Halla,” she whispered to the embers remaining on the fire. “Cyrion, I mean.”
“Halla are majestic creatures,” Thom reasoned, careful not to say too much, afraid that one wrong word would have her sewing herself up in her shroud of secrets and memories. The pieces of her she rarely spoke out loud for fear that the wind would take them away forever.
Valethen shook her head lightly. “Halla are temperamental animals. Beautiful, to be certain. The halla-tenders all say that they will only carry our aravels when asked kindly. And even then, if they are unhappy, they’ll refuse.” She lifted her hand to offer Thom the leather chord hanging between her fingers. “Cyrion, may his soul be at rest, called me such because I am hopelessly stubborn. It was his little joke.”
He couldn’t help but agree. Valethen was quite stubborn, though he might have compared her to an ornery mule, but that was far less poetic and far more likely to end with him knocked flat on his ass by one of Val’s great earthen projectiles for saying so. Thom settled on saying, “He was a wise man, then. You miss him.”
“His memory has always walked with me, but old wounds are torn open with new.” Valethen sighed, straightening her shoulders before saying, “I can almost hear him chastising me because I still haven’t learned to ask for help when I need it. Even a halla knows to tell the tender when it’s ill or in pain. I’m afraid I’m more like a particularly recalcitrant cat, who hides its wounds until they fester and can’t be hidden any longer.”
Thom squeezed her shoulder reassuringly, “Cat or halla, I don’t think anyone could rightly blame you for it, all things considered.” He draped the finished braid over her shoulder for her to inspect.
Valethen tenderly picked up the braid, looking over what she could see and feeling the rest of it to the back of her head. It was uneven, the pattern skipped here and there. Overall, a terrible braid. “Oh, it’s positively awful,” she said with a laugh. “Thank you, Thom. I feel much better.”
Thom smiled before pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Next time, you need only ask.”
“I will try."
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polizwrites · 7 months
A Shining Example
This is a fill for today’s  @flashfictionfridayofficial  prompt: [#FFF243 Glitter and Blues]  as well as my @thehawkeyesbingo  square  C3 - "I've never been so humiliated in my life."
Fandom:  MCU/Marvel Pairing:  Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes Rating: General Tags:  Avenger Tower,  Avengers as Family,  Mistake, Hurt Feelings Summary: When a live-streamed demonstration goes wrong,  Clint has to reassure Bucky things aren’t as bad as they seem.
"I've never been so humiliated in my life."  Bucky groaned,  shaking his head vigorously to send a shower of shiny particles flying every which way.    “No one’s ever going to take me seriously again.” 
“I said I was sorry!” Clint apologized, backing slowly away.   “I swear that was supposed to be a grappling arrow!”   It had been Kate’s idea to live-stream an Avengers training session,  which meant that instead of seeing a demonstration of how to use a line to scale the side of a building, thousands of people watched as a blast of rainbow   sparkles covered the former Hydra’s Fist head to toe. 
“Now you’re the Glitter Soldier!”  Yelena crowed,  nearly bent double with laughter.    “So much for fading into the shadows!”  
Bucky muttered something in Russian that Clint was thankful most of their audience wouldn’t understand before  stalking out the door.   Clint bit back a curse of his own.  “Okay you two - your turn.   Give our audience their money’s worth.” Kate started to explain that the livestream was free, but Clint was already out the door in search of his boyfriend.  
Bucky wouldn't be that hard to find; after all, he was leaving a twinkling trail behind him.   The fleet of cleaning ‘bots in residence at the Tower were going to have their work cut out for them. 
Clint finally tracked Bucky down to one of their favorite hideouts - the ledge behind the giant Avengers symbol that shone out across the city.   He sat down beside Bucky who was staring out at the skyline.   “Sweetheart?” 
“Go ‘way,”  Bucky mumbled in reply,  “before you get covered in these damn sparkles, too.”   
“Would it help if I said the glitter is water soluble?  Kate’s very eco-conscious.”    That got a snort in reply, which Clint took as a good sign.    “I’m sorry I screwed up and embarrassed you.”  
“Not your fault.  Well, mostly not. It’s just…”  Bucky sighed heavily. “I’ve spent so long being seen as a villain. I was hoping these videos would let people see who I really am.  How I’m trying to make up for all the terrible things I did. And instead, I looked like a fool.” 
“Welcome to my world,” Clint replied.   “Remember the photos of me climbing out of a dumpster?  And all the memes they generated?”  
“Yeah - Natasha sent me a couple - still got them saved on my phone.  What’s your point?” 
“That we’re not perfect.  Not any of us.  Ask Tony about the birthday party where he and Rhodes trashed his mansion.  Then there’s the cringe-worthy Captain America PSAs  and Darcy’s stories about Thor’s first few days on Earth.” Clint paused for a moment.    “But when push comes to shove, everyone knows that we’ll step up and be the heroes the world needs.  And you’ll be right there with us.” 
Bucky nodded thoughtfully.  “You go around giving everyone pep talks like this?” 
“Only people I care about.”  Clint leaned over and pressed a kiss against Bucky’s glitter-sprinkled cheek.   
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Weird Question.
What does a good Limbus Company Tier List look like?
[Warning: Long]
Gacha games are, at least in part, games about optimizing limited resources. There is a daily stamina limit, and weeklies and dailies that you need to feed that stamina into. In turn, you receive an amount of rewards that need to be spent to acquire and upgrade units. Limited rewards. And you need so many just to upgrade one unit. Decisions need to made, resources allocated. You only have so much, you want to get and use the right stuff without wasting anything on someone you find out is trash 90 levels in. Right?
This is an aspect of Gacha that is often missed in discourse about pngs of anime waifus: the emotional and intellectual labor of investing into a unit, the constant worrying about if you are making the most optimal choices, and the satisfaction of planning well. How a lot of attachment to a character can stem not from their design or personality but just because they're all you had that countered this boss node and lord almighty they clutched out the win with 0.1% HP after you dumped all you had into raising them. I could talk about it all day, it' super interesting to me. But to refocus, the major consequence of this kind of game design are tier lists.
Tier lists will tell you, at a glance, what units are worth investing in and what's worth avoiding. Good tier lists will provide comprehensive explanations and guides for each unit to contextualize their placement. Bad tier lists won't. They can be the combined knowledge of an entire community for a game, they can also be an edict laid down without compassion or transparency. Again, absolutely interesting. And again, to refocus, Limbus doesn't really have one.
Ok, there are Limbus tier lists. Esgoo has great tier lists on which IDs and EGO you should prioritize when considering Uptie 4. Obviously those are his opinion, all Tier Lists are at the end of the day, but he has a whole hour of discussion covering the why's and hows of each category. There is a Prydwen tier list for units, but its rarely shown to new players in any of the PM communities I'm in and is instead largely chastised to my knowledge. I've seen Sinner tier lists, meme tier lists, so on and so forth. None of these are the Tier List.
Maybe its just a sign of the times, but I remember when Gachas had the Tier List. Community vetted, moderator approved, above any all all others. Offered freely to newcomers and watched feverishly by veterans after a new unit is released. Nowadays I feel like I rarely see them.
Limbus doesn't have the tier list. You may wonder if it even needs one and I think you'd have a point. Boiling an entire ID's value to a letter grade might seem unnecessary, especially as Limbus is a bit different as a Gacha. IDs are easy to get, and though the level cap continues to raise (in a way many others find alarming and I'm inclined to agree) it's still less than a week's effort to max one out. I've played games where it took a month of currency to get a single Unit useable. THere just isn't as much drive to worry about leveling the wrong things, investing incorrectly because basically anything works.
There still are obvious differences in the strengths of each character ID. True, most if not all are "useable", but you're probably better off leveling Pequod Yi Sang than Seven Yi Sang. You are definitely better off leveling Pequod Ishmael than Sloshing Ishmael. Its fair to want a quick cheat sheet to communicate those ideas at a glance, with explanations for those who want to delve a little deeper.
But I ask again, what would it even look like?
By what categories and traits do we subdivide these IDs? How can you convey that W Ryoshu is a self sufficient DPS monster tahat requires no synergy to be good while Maid Ryoshu has AoE built into her kit as well as strong poise gen that also does good damage at a glance? Put one in an AoE group and the other in DPS? Is that truly accurate when part of attack weight is that it's great against Abnormalities, the most common type of one-on-one encounter?
I ask the question "what would it look like" because I truly don't know. Limbus is a complicated, evolving game. I don't think that makes it special or standout in any particular way, but for an example it could be that Seven IDs are top tier next event because of temporary buffs and that throws a whole tier list on its head. I don't know of many Gacha that do stuff like that.
That's kinda the end of the thought. The best I can come up with is a list consisting of three tiers: "great, good with the right team comp, and don't. Further explanation available upon request." That's not very helpful, is it?
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insertdisc5 · 2 years
Devlog #8: QA and Q&A
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(all the screenshots i have left are spoilers. while i take more, have a meme)
Hello everyone! Welcome to this month’s devlog!
If you just stumbled upon this, I am Adrienne, also known as insertdisc5! I’m the developer, writer, artist, main programmer, etc of the game. The game being In Stars and Time, which is the next and final game in the START AGAIN series, following START AGAIN: a prologue (available here!).  You can find out more about In Stars and Time here!!! 
With the game’s alpha finished, I didn’t do anything much worth talking about this month. QA is underway! I’m fixing bugs! I’m writing changelogs that say stuff like “At the hallway before that one room, getting to the edge 2+ times wont softlock anymore if you do it between the wall and a column”!!!! I’m also resting because September was a LOT!!! 
So, since I have very little to say, I asked people on Twitter to ask me questions, so I could answer them. Q&A time!
@ItsMeLilyV asks:
1. I really have been in love with monochrome & limited palette styles recently :3 How did you figure out the art style for ISAT? Are there any distinct challenges or walls you've run into? 
2. did you get to take any good naps. how would you rank the naps on a 10-pt scale
1. The TLDR is: it’s more fun to draw in black and white. And it’s faster. And it looks cool as hell!!!
I did run into some challenges especially when it came to UI- how do you draw the eye of the player to a selection, or something they need to interact with, when you can’t use an eye-catching color to draw them in?!? I ended up relying a lot on level design to do that… And animations, too, especially in the House where everything is frozen! Keeping a very limited palette also helps, I think I mostly used black, white, and maybe 5 shades of grey in between… It’s all about contrast! And not having a big muddy grey mess!!!
2. I got some good naps in, yeah. I’m a big fan of naps after lunch, so I eat, wait for the sleep to kick in, and sleep for 2-3 hours. Solid 8/10 naps. That’s heaven babes!!!
@gertritude asks:
I am curious about what your writing process is for the game!! Like, what is your planning process (if you have one) and how do you approach actually writing for it?
My writing process… It’s a little all over the place to be honest! 
I had the big strokes of ISAT figured out from beginning to end before I even finished the prologue, but then I had to really sit down a bunch of times and really figure out how to get from point A to point B. So it involved a lot of writing, and also rewriting, to Foreshadow some Cool Stuff. Also, early on I was really struggling with some plot points, so I sat down for a whole day and wrote down the entire plot from beginning to end, and tried to get really granular and write down those middle point A to point B things! If I didn’t know what would happen I just invented something on the spot! As long as the whole story was written!!! It took a while, but I’m really glad I did this, because this saved me a lot of time later on hehe
Apart from the big plot events, the smaller events that are conversations between the characters usually just come out of nowhere, like “ok I have a table here and I put cookies on it. How would everyone react?”. I try to strike a balance between “this is how people talk” and “does it say anything new about those characters”, whether it’s a character’s favorite food, or a nice foreshadowing moment that you’ll reread later and go “OH DAMN… ALL ALONG THIS WAS HERE…”
My big go-to technique to actually write is that every day 1. I decide I’m going to work for 15mn and I start a timer 2. I put my headphones on 3. I start my concentrate playlist, which is full of instrumental electro/dubstep/wub wub adjacent music 4. ????? 5. Writing accomplished. The 15mn goal is just because it’s easy to write for 15mn. I always write for longer, but I just need to get started with an easy goal!
@_blade0fgrass_ asks:
Is it hard coming up with such immaculate puns
I would like to thank punpedia from the bottom of my heart. And also google. Thanks punpedia thanks google!
@kayleighdotjpeg asks:
keeping spoilers in mind, who are your favorite characters to write? which character dynamics are your favorite? did any of them surprise you?
This is THE question. Thank you so much. 
I loved to write Siffrin (especially when they’re all depressed teehee), but Odile ended up being my Actual Favorite to write. Most characters are either 1. Full of secrets or 2. Pushovers and/or oblivious, so it’s very nice to have Odile be the one to say “Alright, enough of this. We will talk about the elephant in the room Right Now”. She’s very blunt and doesn’t care about anything and she is so useful as a plot device and I love her.
Siffrin and Odile is my favorite dynamic, followed closely by Siffrin and Loop! As for surprising character dynamics, I reaaaaally enjoyed writing Odile and Isabeau… I didn’t get to write them often, but they are so fun to write together. Please ask me this question again once the game comes out so I can say more.
@novvclutchmate asks:
How do you go about finding a balance between levity and seriousness? Would you say your story tips more in one direction than the other; if so, was it on purpose and why?
What a good question! Hmm, for me and my writing style personally, it’s less about finding a balance, and more that One Cannot Exist Without The Other. It’s like adding sweetness to a savory dish- adding them together elevates the whole thing!!! 
If I have a serious scene, I like to add some levity to kind of bring the characters back to earth. I don’t know about you, but when I have a serious conversation for too long, I automatically laugh or tell a joke to break the tension! I get uncomfortable when it’s too serious! It’s normal! I’m normal!!!! It’s also a way for the audience to breathe out- don’t worry player, we’re good! We’re back to the usual stuff! Plus, I find that funny scenes right after a serious emotional scene hit harder.
As for seriousness to levity, I think it’s fun when you have a funny slice of life scene and then the story reminds you that this scene is Serious Actually. Like having everyone talking happily and the narrator saying  “it makes you sad when your friends keep repeating the very same lines every time.” :)
ISAT tips more towards levity I’d say, because of the reasons listed above! If you’re used to funny cute scenes and then I give you a Serious Emotional scene it makes you go Σ(っ °Д °;)っ
is there any words youd like to tell aspiring/young indie devs?
Just make the dang thing!!! Stop putting it off!!! Just do it!!! Buy a simple game maker thing like rpgmaker or renpy or whatever and make the thing!!! Yes it’ll take time!!! Yes it won’t be as good as you imagined in some ways!!! Yes making games is hard!!! But you gotta just do it!!! It’ll be so much better than you imagined in other ways!!! It’ll be real!!! You’re the only one who can make it!!! It’s yours!!! It comes from your heart!!! It IS your heart!!! No one else can make it but you!!! So just make the dang thing!!! I believe in you!!! JUST MAKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s all I have to say for today! Let me know if you have any questions, or if there’s any aspect of the game development struggle you’d like me to talk about! See you next time!!!
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sussoro · 10 months
hello!! please tell me more about your detective for M who’s gonna freak out when they say ily because that reaction and the aftermath is going to be so so good 💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️💆🏻‍♀️
hello to you too! hope you're doing well 💕 i'm really sorry it took me so long to reply, but i needed to sort through my very confusing thoughts to give them some sort of consistency, sjksjks. if you guys ever find yourselves curious about any of my ocs (which you can easily find here) please, do not hesitate to ask! i just love talking aimlessly about them and receiving these types of questions makes my heart all fuzzy and warm, so thank you for taking an interest in one of my wayhaven detectives!
okay, you didn't ask for my stupid rambles (and i swear one day i'll stop — *insert the 'today is not that day' meme*) so here are some facts:
‘the wayhaven chronicles’ canon
personality stats: sarcastic, easygoing & charming (also: not really a stickler for the rules and authority in general);
professional skills: deduction, science & combat — no matter what she's doing or how many times she's done it, the results will always be perfect and spot on;
rebecca → relationship status: not overly bad. honestly? could be better, but it could be much, much worse (personal note #1: rebecca is not my favourite character in the series and i'd probably be happier if she had died already — fingers crossed for book 5, sorry-not-sorry, becky — or, at least, if the narrative/characters would stop forcing the readers/mc to forgive her);
tina & verda → relationship status: best pals. her ride-or-die squad;
felix → relationship status: best friend. she found a mischievous kindred soul to relate with and if you ever encounter them together... run (there's this scene at the beginning of book 3, where adam/ava asks why the werewolves attacked them and rue answered with: "i may have made one teeny sarcastic comment", causing adam's/ava's soul to leave their body, lol);
bobby → relationship status: ex-boyfriend (personal note #2: i've always hated that the mc's gender/sexuality is what determines the ros' and bobby's gender) — she's not bothered by him at all, but since her responses are very sarcastic, well... rest in peace, robert marks;
mason → relationship status: a big, bright question mark;
personal canon
if i have to choose a few words to describe her, i'd say: naturally talented, wild card & big dick energy;
hyperactive little kid — couldn't stay still at all. always exploring the world around her, climbing up some tree/furniture or hiding somewhere in the house/backyard to play (the sitters tasked with keeping an eye on her went batshit crazy all. the. time);
as i said here, rue is extremely smart, often prone to boredom if something is not mentally challenging/stimulating enough (which can also be applied to her romantic relationships);
if you ever need someone to cut out some tension (or spike it up even more), she is the right gal for you. unfortunately, 99% of the time, the saying 'taking things seriously' is not part of her vocabulary (e.g. in book 3, when finding out about the trappers' bounty, she says: "how much am i worth?"). what can i say, she really likes to have a good time;
sarcasm is her default mode, plus she always downplays her feelings/emotions by either ignoring them or making badly-timed jokes;
rarely bothered by anything (e.g. in book 3, during the 'fight' with mason/morgan at the bakery, rue replies with: "me being naked is way more important to you") plus, not a jealous person ever (alima included, when she'll make her appearance);
was in an on-again/off-again relationship with bobby. after a while, though, she got exceedingly bored by the monogamous lifestyle and decided to dump his ass;
never had serious relationships/fell in love before — this is partly because: a) she's a free-spirited person & b) she's scared shitless of commitment (mostly caused by rook's death and seeing what that did to rebecca). in a sense, she and mason are quite similar;
just thinking about the word 'love' has her panicking really bad (i.e. after the 'date' at the antique shop), so when mason will inevitably confess his feelings to her... the only way i can see this going is with rue assuming it's all some kind of prank but, once her huge brain will catch on the fact that mason is not exactly the joking type, she will get cold feet and blearily say: "uhh, thank you, i guess?". after realizing what she has said/done, she will skedaddle so fast that the only thing people are going to see is an indistinctive, blurry form (later, she will definitely wish for an asteroid to hit her);
likes to sing everywhere: in the shower, at her workplace, inside the car, you name it (and she's also very good at hitting those high notes too — while she was attending the police academy, 'the karaoke incident' happened and no one beside her and tina knows the truth about it. verda is still trying to unsuccessfully bribe them to know what took place);
excellent chef — loves to cook/bake when she has some free time (she just thinks the entire process is pretty neat, starting with a few ingredients to achieve a full-on meal);
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selfship-shenanigans · 2 months
hiiii Ray!! how about 💋 and 😢 for the most recent ask meme?:)
Tysm!! <3
💋 Have your F/O describe for us what kissing you is like,
"Ray is a very gentle kisser. They're usually quite reserved and will let me take the lead, even if they were the one who initiated it. In the heat of passion, they can be much more forceful about it, but typically, they seem to prefer giving me control. They like it when I cradle their head in my hand, and if they're not in a hurry, they always stand on their tiptoes to be able to wrap their arms around my neck. I'd be lying if I said I didn't find their struggle to reach me to be quite endearing."
😢 Have your F/O tell us about a time when they missed you.
"Normally, the two of us are rarely apart. I am always there at Ray's side to protect them personally, particularly when we venture far from the safety of the castle. But there was one occasion when we had to be separate for far longer than usual."
"After Link conquered the Spirit Temple and awakened the final sage, Ray and I both knew that he would be coming for me soon. I wanted to keep Ray as far away from our confrontation as possible, so I sent them back to the desert, all the way to the fortress, where they would be safe. It pained me deeply to make them leave. Ray was so afraid that they wouldn't see me again, that I would fall to Link in our final battle, and all the reassurance I could give them still wouldn't assuage their worry. I wanted to be there, to protect them from Link myself instead of relying on my soldiers and guards, but it was a risk I simply couldn't take. I had to keep Ray away from the fighting. So I made them a promise, that no matter what happened, no matter how long it took or how difficult it was, even if I had to crawl across Hyrule, I would come back for them. And I did, of course."
"But before that, I had no way of knowing exactly when Link would be there, only that it would be soon. So I sent Ray away preemptively, and waited alone in the castle. It took several days for that fateful moment to arrive. The anticipation, and constant uncertainty, were... utterly maddening. I missed Ray dearly, and it surprised me just how lost I felt without them at my side. Imagining how Ray must have felt during that time only made me regret my decision even more, as there was no way for me to tell Ray that I was alright. For all they knew, I could have perished at Link's hand already."
"I didn't want Ray to suffer like that any longer than they had to. As soon as my victory was secured, I left the castle at once, and went immediately to the fortress to bring Ray home. Their relief was immeasurable, as was my guilt when they described how agonising the wait had been for them. I did what I had to do, and it was worth it to ensure Ray's safety, but... I never want to put them through that again."
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stuckincoolsville · 2 months
7/23/24: what's my name?
i absolutely hate these things. 
intros, blogs; it's all stupid, really. it's not even worth the effort of capitalizing, let alone proper grammar. 
who's gonna read this? who's gonna care about some random weirdo teenager moving to some random weirdo town? in OHIO, of all places. the meme is writing itself and dying as we speak.
but my therapist says this will help me. somehow. he says we don't meet enough, so he has no way of knowing how i'm truly doing or feeling. starting a little blog will, supposedly, help me get my feelings out.
i feel it's just another way for him to keep tabs on me, but whatever.
don't worry, i'm not dumb enough to reveal my actual name. just call me V. 
i recently graduated from a high school in New York. yes, i lived near bodegas. yes, i'd rather attend NYU, or a CUNY, or anywhere else besides Coolsville Community College. yes, i walk wherever and whenever i fucking want. yes, i miss the bagels. and the pizza. and the water.
so, that being said, what am i doing in Coolsville, Ohio? 
moving into the house i inherited from my mom. who i have not seen since i was...twelve? yeah, about twelve. i still have this vague memory of watching her pack up her car with all her stuff. her mouth, pressed closed. how she kept refusing to look at me, at my dad. and then walking back in the rain so she can get in her car and drive out of our lives.
yeah, that's rather grim...but it's also relevant. 
surprisingly, she's not the main reason i'm in therapy at the moment. well, not because she left. children are abandoned by parents all the time. most divorces are the result of a parent walking out on a family. i'm not special because i'm another statistic.
i'm in therapy 'cause of the other thing.
anyway, the relevance of this is that i haven't seen my mom in six years. no one seemed to know where she went. it was like she literally dropped off the face of the earth. and yet, a few months ago, my dad and i got a visit from a lawyer. my mother's lawyer.
he said my mother died of a tragic...accident (spoilers: i don't think it was an accident), and that the ownership of the house she lived in recently transferred to me. a house in Coolsville, OH.
if this was last year, i would have slammed the door closed in the man's face. or had my friend Johnny do a prank call and scam the guy out of his money. or maybe had Marcy
i think you get the idea.
but this year...it was like the guy handed me the solution to all my problems on a silver platter. after everything that had happened this year, all i wanted was to disappear. to go to a place where no one knew my name or who i was. 
you'd think that'd be easy in New York, a city of several million people on its own. but when you've gone through what i've gone through, when your picture has been published in enough NYC newspapers or blogs or anything with readership, it becomes difficult to be invisible again. 
i had to argue about it with my dad, but it was weak on his part. i think everything was starting to strain on him too.
so with a few bags packed and a rather emotional goodbye with dad & the few friends i have left, i hopped in my car and headed for Ohio.
took me a little bit to find this place. Coolsville is pretty obscure, even by most small town standards. if you can get past the sense of dread you get from Toledo—with all its emptiness and boarded up houses & buildings—you're already on the right track. 
go past the long highway. head east, towards where the trees gather most. down that long, long road that seems to be an entrance to another realm. towards the faint sound of rushing water flowing from a place you can't see yet. and suddenly, you're there. in a town stuck in time, struggling to embrace modernity as we understand it. a place that is just outside the border of the area considered to be part of Appalachia. 
it's like i walked right into the 1960s...or maybe early '70s. every house is painted in bright colors, the grass never seems to brown; and the flowers are always in bloom. and all the people seemed to dress like they go thrifting on the regular, their clothes are so...retro? vintage? any of those words work? and they always seem to have a smile on their faces. typical welcoming committee, wholesome small town edition, i suppose.
i was a bit wary at first. still am. but it's been a couple weeks since i moved in. no one's asked the questions i've expected yet. no mob is calling for my blasphemous head. everything and everyone i speak to actually exists, which is a relief. so things are okay. 
for now.
no idea what the future holds, but i recently registered for classes at the community college here. it's much more affordable than the schools in NY, even for a newcomer like me. (guess enrollment must be pretty low over here.) no friends, but the few neighbors i've met seem friendly. there seem to still be teens my age over here, so that gives me some comfort. the house my mome left me is already paid for and has all the furniture and appliances i need. i just need to pay for utilities and maintain the house.
that's why i got the job at the bookstore. it's pretty cool, run by this weird old lady who likes to cackle and rant about the new age occult scene. says my generation doesn't know how to properly communicate with the Old Ones, and that will lead to our ultimate downfall. 
things like that. 
she has a lot of weird takes, now that i think about it, but i'm not gonna argue logic and reason with the crazy lady signing my paychecks.
not much else to say at the moment. i mean, there's more but. this was just supposed to be an intro. i don't wanna vomit out everything in my head. not yet. 
(Dr. Dimaggio, if you're seeing this, you already know. so there's really no point anyway.)
so i guess i'll be signing off. i'll update this when something happens or if there's something i wanna get off my chest.
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raichana-artblog · 11 months
OC Description Tag
I am also counting this as todays OCtober since... once again i wrote too much lol
I was tagged by the always amazing @card-queen here: https://www.tumblr.com/card-queen/731816443929346048/oc-description-tag
Rules: Share an excerpt from your WIP that describes one of your OCs.
So.... I don't have any WIPs.... yet... but yeah I wrote this for the meme and it's too long but I hope you enjoy!
Edit: I guess i should add a mild content warning or mention of trafficking and death. I tried not to be too descriptive.
The ink had yet to dry on the newly completed contract when the guard outside of this secret room was heard thrashing around.
With a simple glance from an annoyed boss the bodyguard moved to see what was going on, it only took a few steps before he keeled over foaming from the mouth.
Laughter filled the room from every corner causing all in attendance to rise and draw weapons. “Wow looks like I’ll be getting a bonus today” the young girls voice moved all about like a ghost with no form. Another one of the hired goons fell over, face purple and bloated.
“Shadowlord…” one of the younger criminals muttered under his breath. Trembling in his boots and trying to stand in a more well-lit area.
“Stop that, it’s only an urban legend… find the source of that voice and kill her” the large man grabbed the contract and started to roll it up, he may have been annoyed two of his men were already dead but all that mattered was his own life. “5000 gold to whoever brings me her head.”
“Now now I’m worth much more then that” this time the mans right hand man hit the ground with a hard thud. “If you are going to ask them to throw away their lives you should at least pay them accordingly” she giggled.
The young criminal who worried about dealing with the ghost voice dropped his weapon and ran off. “Please! spare me” he could be heard yelling as he ran past his dead former comrades.
“Oh, looks like you don’t have that much loyalty, that will make this easier” the girl jumped out of the middle of floor as if she truly were a ghost. The only thing more shocking than her entrance was her appearance. Dressed in hot pink miniskirt and black top, it was like she wasn’t even trying to hide. Her piercing green eye surveyed the two remaining criminals. Her smile was almost catlike as her pink and blond hair bounced with every movement. “I am a little surprised that a trafficker was making deals with the mayor, but I guess we were due for an election” Her smile grew wider. “Any final words?” she spoke as cheerfully as if she were asking where they should go to eat.
“I’ve heard of you” the man behind the desk stood up. “You’re an assassin with the guild then” The trafficker sighed. “A pink Elf with the fashion sense of a child making quite a mockery of the guild, stealing all the high-ticket jobs. You will do anything for money well” he grabbed the coins that were original for the exchange of ‘goods’. “This should be enough to shoo you away.”
She just giggled. “A true elf would be quite offended by you trying to lump me in with them, I’m closer to a demon after all…. But you do have a point, I’ll do anything for money” she moved closer without any hesitation a slight bounce in her step. “But you know?” She glanced over at the mayor as he started clawing his neck, he tried to make a run for it but was dead after only a few steps. “When those kids I rescued ask me to take you out… I just had to do it for free” yet she made no move to attack. “So, I’ll ask again, one last time… any final words?”
The dread hit suddenly, trying to breathe was suddenly much more difficult. He looked down where he could feel a small cut on his leg near where his shadow was cast. He could see the veins on his arms bulging as his body struggled to get every bit of oxygen left. “Who… are you?”
“What a waste, you were already told who I am… I’m Arianna… the Shadowlord” her devilish smile would be the last thing he saw. She moved over to take his pulse and gave a little nod satisfied as a job well done.  “Though I will still take the money, Orphanages cost way more then I expected.” she muttered as she grabbed the sack full of gold coins and slipped into the corpse’s shadow.
There was one last loose end. “I should get that guard who ran off to show me where the kids being sold are. I’d rather that then kill him after he was so entertaining” but it was best to let him calm down, otherwise he may do something stupid like try to fight her. It would have to wait till morning.
“Boss may be mad but at least I got to test out my new poison” she giggled to herself before heading back to report the chaos she had just singlehandedly caused.
I'll be posting this on toyhouse too but yeah I tag.... uh....
@greywaysart (figure you can post it on whichever blog is more appropriate)
@cloudedpoetry if you want i know you are very busy.
anyone else who wants to... again you don't need to write as much as i did i was just doing two things at once.
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jacksonstarkiller · 2 years
2 for each of the main five (I know your meme selection will be top notch, I can feel it, so I'd love to see your picks for everyone 👀💕)
I’m so sorry it took so long! It took me a while to find memes for everyone as most of the memes I make are already about Thunderbirds or are about very specific aspects/events/people in my life. Finding a meme for Virgil was the hardest. But I found memes for Alan, Scott, and John pretty quickly. Gordon took a bit more effort but not as much as Virgil.
I’ve selected more than 1 meme for the characters as a humble attempt to compensate for the late response. 😔
I don’t know if you had a particular version of the main five in mind but I went with TOS.
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Scott and food, need I say more? As for the second one, it’s classic idiot behaviour, aka Scott Tracy.
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The second one reminds me a bit of the final scene in Move And You’re Dead where Virgil shows Alan his painting of him😂. (And I couldn’t find something better in my meme-archive 😬)
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John is done. I don’t make the rules.
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The first one obviously refers to Gordon’s humorous nature. I can’t really explain the second one tbh. I just like to trash on Gordon a bit so this meme just reminded me of him 😂
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I know the first one is a bit of a cheat but I can’t help it that 90% of my meme material comes from Thunderbirds 🤷🏼‍♂️. The second one might be a bit of self projection…
I really hope you enjoyed this selection and that it was worth the wait. Again, so sorry it took so long!
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irresistiibles · 2 years
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i was gonna do small little starter calls and changed my mind so under the cut is a post event plotting/starter call with little bits on how everyone is doing post event! i haven’t fully decided what i’m keeping/dropping but i know i’ll drop a lot, so feel free to message me if there’s something you really want to keep, but chances are if it’s not plot or connection heavy i will wind up dropping it. if you want something transitioned or time skipped to post event just let me know! otherwise all of my characters are under the cut with some little blurbs on how they’re doing! i’ll also be using memes as a way to get some new stuff going but in the meantime feel free to like to plot or reply with who you want the starter from/for! this is a long post underneath the cut i’m so sorry
achilles (2/5) : honestly he’s a little shaken. something about it all just did not set well with him, the violence, being out of control, everything, so he’s on edge and as a result a bit of an asshole but like when is he not honestly
starters: josh washington, dream
amber (1/5) : she had a fun time! i mean it was a little more stressful than a standard sparing matching but she’s not all that mad about it. they will be going around offering cleanup help or whatever else to help with repairs though
starters: noelle
asami sato (1/5) : very glad she didn’t murder korra. very over the city being like this. honestly she’s just trying to regain some normalcy though what even does normal mean around here. is gonna deal with her stress by being a little reckless but it is what is is
starters: lettie hatter
chihiro ogino (0/5) : honestly between not going on a date and being a little head empty even at the best of times chihiro really wasn’t all that affected by any of this. sympathetic to people’s issues though and happy to listen while she’s chilling
starters: ?
ciel phantomhive (0/5) : aware again! ciel is back to his typical ways of being a condescending rude little shit. he’s a little shaken, having his pile of memories which are mostly bad forced back on him really wasn’t a vibe but he’s not expressing that and will probably just be even more difficult to deal with than ever for a little while
starters: ?
emily davis (0/5) : i already did a starter call for her when i took her but if anyone else wants one lemmie know. she’s more stressed finding out people who should be dead are here than with anything regarding valentine’s day to be honest
starters: ?
esther mckinnon (2/5) : well her mom doesn’t know who she is so that’s a big pile of stress she’s not happy about. she’s used to these things happening but usually with people she can argue with and insist that she knows them, so figuring out how to express and deal with these emotions might be a bit of a time
starters: cleo mckinnon, stitch
glinda upland (1/5) : very upset! that she killed her best friend! needs some support some people to vent to or whatever because she’s loud and emotional no matter what’s happening and this is actually something worth being loud and emotional about 
starters:  addison wells
jin ling (0/5) : very relieved he didn’t stab anyone this time. stressed about the people he knows who are now unaware but will be acting annoyed about it. the stress of having such a big fam to check in on after things like this has him mostly just tired. he needs a whole nap
starters: ?
lily evans (3/5) : event over means she now has to go on the mission of making sure all of her friends got out of there alive which is always a task and a half. she’s glad she avoided everything but damn, could the city relax? tense but will be out helping people while trying to get back to normal
starters: fleur delacour, ginny weasley, rubeus hagrid
mianmian (0/5) : somehow both embarrassed and relieved that her murder attempt didn’t work. note to self rat poison is not guaranteed to kill a person. lesson learned. she’s gonna want to be a real hermit after this nonsense so someone come forcibly drag her outside please
starters: ?
madoka kaname (1/5) : avoided being shot through the power of being an upbeat lesbian so honestly she’s feeling pretty good. will be running around trying to help with recovery in whatever ways she can and get back to normalcy as she figures out what’s going on with her and homura. happy to have some friends of any kind
starters: tifa lockhart
mob (1/5) : Stressed and upset. he was supposed to have better control of his powers and then this happened. sure, rosemary was alright but that doesn’t make them feel a lot better. also trying not to be too stressed in case that sets off more destructive powers so he’s having a rough time. trying to keep to himself and focus on improving his jogging.
starters: benjamin
nico di angelo (1/5) : glad to have control over himself again. back to his usual of trying to avoid people and figure out why people don’t die long term here. he’s so bad at socializing but please give him a friend anyway he deserves it and is nice at his core i promise
starters: t.k. strand
nie huaisang (2/5) : freshly unaware! come be his friend he’s lots of fun. busy getting his phd in art history though i think he was something boring like a business major so he could have actual money before pursing his interests. give him some drinking buddies, people he tutors, pretentious museum friends, literally whatever
starters: childe, jin guangyao, elliot alderson, lan xichen
san (0/5) : killed someone but isn’t stressing about it tbh. killing a human is a positive in her mind though they don’t love that they lost control over themselves. she needs more human friends so she can chill a little please (or a nonhuman friend who understands her confusion and distaste for the city who makes her worse whatever)
starters: ?
shang qinghua (1/5) : was fully stabbed and is currently recovering. he’s gonna be achy for a little while and avoiding potential arson accusations. yeah he did it but that’s not the point. he’ll be whining about his injury but also bored from it and wishing he could run around and do more. he’s annoying sorry.
starters: sha hualing, luo binghe
shi qingxuan (1/5) : fully updated memories now and is having a bit of a time with it. honestly someone be their friend and give them a distraction. not sure about all of her usual lavish activities but if you want someone to hang out with and drink really cheap wine with qingxuan is great company. despite everything he’s trying his hardest to be optimistic.
starters: xie lian
toph beifong (05) : best valentine’s day ever tbh. a little stressed and upset about hurting innocent people. toph loves to fight sure, but she is a good person at her core and wouldn’t have wanted to go that far in usual conditions. could probably use a bit of cheering up, which for toph means reckless behavior so join them for stupid decisions and fun
starters: ?
victor nikiforov (1/5) : uh man is mostly confused about what the actual fuck went down. glad he didn’t get hurt or hurt anyone but seriously what was any of that. any normal people who wanna hang and wonder what the actual fuck this city is he is your guy.
starters: yuuri katsuki
yin yu (1/5) : does not realize his boss was killed and is now unaware because he’s too awkward to just ask why he’s being weird and is just assuming the guy forgot his name!! he could really use some chill company everyone he knows is A Lot and though that balances him well after something like this he would really just like some quiet
starters: yin yu
zagreus (0/5) : honestly? had fun. he’s apologetic about anyone he tried to fight, and will just apologize if needed but he loves to spar, and this was just a more intense version of that. he’s feeling hype after everything, loves being out of the underworld, thinks mortals are fun, and is getting a really messed up idea of what the human lifestyle is like
starters: ?
zhongli (1/5) : not feeling great ngl. he killed someone, and though he’s not the type to get really distressed he still doesn’t feel good about it! gonna keep himself busy with nice meals, visiting museums, and keeping himself busy with work so feel free to give them some company!
starters: childe
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elveny · 2 years
Awkward 🌲 - Climbing up a tree / in a tree.
For the emoji meme! | Thank you ♥ ... and sorry it took me so long 🙈
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Megan can't help thinking that if his voice got any drier, it'd fall apart like sand.
"-are you doing."
It isn't even phrased like a question, more like a demand, but sitting amidst the leaves and with the sun shining through the branches, Megan doesn't care. She lazily blinks down to where Estinien scowls at her.
"Come join me and you might find out," she says, a smile blooming on her face as he scowls at her a moment before leaping up into the tree and landing on a branch next to her with the ease and grace only a dragoon can display - a far cry from her minute-long grunting as she drew herself from branch to branch when climbing up. Still, it was worth it every single time; every scratch and patch of dirt and leaf in her hair.
He looks weirdly out of place, more so than on the spikes and towers of Ishgard when he stands guard over his city.
"How did you even get up here?" he asks, brows drawn together, and Megan chuckles.
"I climbed."
Megan just smiles and pats the rough bark of the branch next to her.
"Sit down, husband."
Estinien does as she asks, and she knows the exasperation in his sigh is more show than anything else. Megan leans back again, closing her eyes to just enjoy the sun upon her face, the sounds of leaves rustling in the wind and birds fluttering past.
"I used to spend whole afternoons in the highest tree I could find so nobody would find me. Everything else falls away when you're high up, nothing but you and the wind and the sun and the tree all around you," she murmurs when the silence next to her stretches longer and longer. She doesn't say why she hid, unwilling to visit the hurts from days long past.
When he still doesn't answer, she blinks again, turning her head towards him. A rare softness is on his face as he meets her gaze, and her heart flutters as he touches her hand in a rare loving caress.
"Indeed," he just says.
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spicyvampire · 2 years
2022 : a summary
Post your favorite or most popular edit from each month this year (it’s okay to skip months!)  
Tagged by @talays-portkey Thanks for the Tag!
Most Popular : [x] the Yok liking Dan in a very normal way
Favorite : [x] Yok skills gifset really was the start of an era, loved that insane guy and he was funny af, first time I was starting to make huge gifsets with little captions on them I think? ; [x] Y’all remember the raccoon meme? Man, I forgot I made that for Bad and Crazy but it was fun, and different from anything I’ve ever made because I tried to make it look like posters and yeah I like that
Most Popular : [x] Yok defending Dan in front of Sean, tbf this came out during a heartbreacking episode people needed a laugh
Favorite : [x] y’all remember Sean vs Yok who is the fastest gay alive? these guys were insane, also this inspired Vegas vs Kinn later that same year ; [x] Yok + Greek words for love, the amount of love I have in my heart for that boy isn’t even half the one he has in his for like everyone, he is just SO full of love
Most Popular : [x] Yok edition of who is the fastest gay alive, that bad boy took so long to make ugh glad people liked it
Favorite : [x] my danyok goodbye gifset using stucky quote ajgdhashdfgsh the purple looks great on computer ; [x] Live slug MoD reaction, it was just fun to do something MoD again
Most Popular : [x] Porsche not connecting the dots on Kinn homosexual activity, I just learned how to animate a gif and boy did I want to have fun with that
Apparently I gifed like almost nothing in april, it was exam period afterall
Most Popular : [x] Vegas vs Kinn, trying to find neon looking fonts and neon looking overlays was a pain in the ass but it was worth it, I hope I do that type of gifset vibes again soon  it was fun to make
Favorite : now it is very hard to chose my fave gifset there because it was the month I was doing Not Me Appreciation and I really like that I should probably try to do again but I really think those are my top 2 so here [x] Yok; [x] DanYok sunshine & Rain
Most Popular : [x] Pete’s BDSM duality, which is very surprising cuz I thought it was gonna be the [x] Family Braincells gifset seeing that people even requested that for the bodyguards afterwards but oh well
Favorite : [x] Vegas Hidding out Magazine which weirdly is one of my less popular KP gifset but I love it so much “pathetic is the new chic” like come on I literally peaked there, if I ever make shirts out of the one liners this one is gonna be the first one at for sure; [x] TanBunn relationship developements finally went back to my MoD roots for pride month MaxTul if you reading this pls come back 😔
Most Popular : [x] Porsche fear of ghosts, we love a little scared cat
Favorite : [x] KP goodbye gifset, truly the end of an era, I’m forever changed
Most Popular : [x] Shadowhunters edits that reminds me I have not gifed SH in months
Again I did nothing really that month
Most Popular : surprisingly the most popular gifset isn’t a KP one, it’s [x]  akkayan hoodie, 2nd is [x] PorschePete bitches stage tho so eh
Favorite :  so end of september & start of october was kpweek and boy did I come  there ready cuz I spend the entire month before doing like nothing and I  had all these pent up ideas,  I have so many favorites really I had fun with KPweek [x] Kinn [x] Pete [x] KinnPorsche
Most Popular : [x] Main and Minor family (minus the parents), that was one long boi wasn’t it
Favorite : [x] Ayan + Debbie’s monologue what can I say I just love the addams family and I rewatch the movies almost every year so I know a lot of these lines by heart; [x] KP Halloween cuz I forgot to put the side story in my Porsche fear of ghost gifset so Halloween gave me a reason to dedicate a gifset to it
Most Popular : [x] Cherry Magic, god the way I ran when it dropped on youtube oof
Favorite : [x] MoD 2 years anniversary gifset, cannot believe it’s been 2 years MaxTul WHERE are you 😭😔💔
Most Popular : [x] SamMon right in front of everyone salad
Favorite : December is exam month and this time I really tried to gif almost nothing till like the very end but shoot out to [x] Bodyguards braincells gifset
I think I did one of for 2021 too and it was fun going back through the stuff I did, a bunch of these I literally forgot I made last year so that’s why I wrote so much for a lot of them
Tagging (if you want to no pressure & also idk who has done this already sorry) : @luna-lina @winteams @kinnsporsche @thelaziestmotherfucker @fangrui @guzhu-furen @laowen @sunsetandthemoon @pavel-chekovs @liyazaki
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bidaubadeadieu · 10 months
calibree for the ask meme! 1, 6, 17
Ahhhh thank you for asking! Sorry it took me super long to get back to you. Though the d&d campaign that Calabree was a part of ended a few years ago now, she just recently showed up again as an NPC in my playgroup's current campaign, so she has been on my mind. (Thanks @wymanthewalrus for reprising her!)
1. What drives them? What is their ultimate goal?
Calabree thinks a lot about power. She is an "I would be a good benevolent dictator" type. She is extremely self-assured and would say something like "Absolute power might corrupt you absolutely. Not me though. I'm built different." Her ethical code considers mostly equitable outcomes, not fair rules and processes, which also enables her to be a "steal from the rich to give to the poor" type. She grew up feeling really disempowered due to a prodigy younger sibling who was clearly the family favorite, leading to her decision to run away from home and take matters into her own hands to find a community to lead, somewhere where she can be admired. And she does want to genuinely do good and help people and make the world better, which can conflict with her inexperience, but the admiration is a big part of what she wants. There is a fundamental misunderstanding she has, where she seeks leadership positions because it will finally give her the power she needs to help others, but in reality it's the reverse; people become respected leaders over time by consistently helping others.
6. How have they changed in the last year? The last 5 years?
I'm a little bolder with a wider range of ages of my characters now, but when I made Calabree, I made her my own age, and I was 21 at the time. So a lot of how she's changed has been, broadly, coming of age! She had some early, fumbling attempts at sexual relationships, she's left home for the first time, and she's taking her first real for-pay jobs. She's learning to discern who is worth looking up to and who doesn't deserve their station. In this way, of course I see myself in her! More concretely, her relationship with religion has also changed. Gods played a very large role in the campaign in which I played Calabree, they were among the most important recurring NPCs, and though Calabree didn't grow up with a traditional pantheon, she became interested in appeasing the ones she met, getting on their good side, as part of her wider plans toward acquiring power.
17. They're crying, what did it take to make them cry?
There are a few patterns among the characters that I seem to always like to make, things that appear again and again. One of the big ones is denialism. I really like to play a character who maybe knows something deep down, but will not face it head on. For Calabree, this manifests as a kind of unearned confidence. She is very sure of herself. You may recognize this trait in my character Liz, from our Dragon Heist game, too! (this denialism is in my OC Yulia, too, though it manifests in a different way and I can't talk about it without spoiling some ppl for our ongoing d&d game)! I find it is simultaneously a source of comedy (funny for Calabree to punch above her weight) and dramatic irony/tension (I know she's being dumb even if she doesn't know it herself). What makes Calabree cry is being ripped from that fantasy of her own competence, especially if she has been played or manipulated by someone else (and she's a low INT sort of character, so this happens with some regularity). She's got strong bodily awareness, so she'll feel her throat tighten and her face flush with the embarrassment of suddenly realizing she's deeply out of her depth and it'll only compound itself and make her feel even more out of control, which makes her want to cry more.
But thank you for asking and giving me an excuse to rotate her in my mind!!
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