#it was a fun experience ngl i met so many new people
entropys · 6 months
im so sleepyyy but i want to participate and watch the election results for the first election i ever voted in :( but they’re literally counting votes until morning i couldn’t even stay awake if i tried
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suzukiblu · 5 months
May I ask how you got people interested in your works? You have so many people who love your writing (rightfully so bc you're awesome) and I just want to find some people who like my writing like you did
ik that I should be writing for myself and everything, and for the most part I am! I write bc I like writing and it makes me happy! But it's just so so discouraging to see my little silly posts that take me 5 minutes to make do fantastic, meanwhile the works that take me weeks of effort get like 3 notes yk?
How do you do it? Did you ever deal with something similar? Any words of wisdom for the struggling noobs?
(This is a genuine question, I'm not trying to be rude in any way shape or form and I'm very sorry if it came off like that) (Also sorry to bother you)
You’re good, I’m not bothered by questions and I don’t think you’re asking anything rude either! I especially don’t mind the “please explain this thing I don’t know much about to me” type of questions, there’s just some shit you can’t effectively google or things that just make more sense coming from someone with direct experience. 
First and foremost: the two cakes meme is law!! No one will ever complain about getting two cakes, no matter if you think someone else already did it better! 
Second and second-most: as a newbie, before you read any of my advice at all, remember that you're currently comparing yourself to someone who’s been writing fic for their entire writing experience and has also been in fandom on and off for pretty much all of that time on multiple sites and through at least a couple major migrations of fandom hubs, and that time has been about twenty-five years now. Like, it has very much been a long-term process, me learning how to find a receptive audience for my stuff. Also I am a grown-ass adult who is currently pushing forty and am pretty self-aware of who I am as a person due to a WHOLE lot of personal introspection and therapy and general life experience. Like, I know how I work at this point in my life, if nothing else.
The long-form answer of my personal fandom process will definitely require a cut at this point, though, haha. Like, this got kind of involved, ngl, but since you’re asking I figure it’s reasonable to go into detail.
So anyway, the “how to find your audience” answer is obviously gonna be different for everybody, but PERSONALLY, I've been in fandom for a long-ass time and just about always been pretty prolific and consistently communicative and available during the times I was around. I have a ton of different fandoms and fics in my history and have run into a lot of different people and written a lot of different things over the years, so I've cast a pretty wide net of options for people to find me through. I've got readers who've followed me through multiple fandoms and even deliberately gotten into new ones because of me just because they like how I write and know me well enough from my other writing to trust that I’ll be respectful of certain things (or at least put in a good-faith effort to be). Your kink is not my kink, but I’m not gonna hate on it; your thing is not my thing, but you have fun over there, you DO your thing!
Being prolific is super-helpful, of course, because that gets people in the habit of checking in on you regularly and keeps you fresh in their minds, but one of the most effective ways I’ve gotten people long-term interested in my work is by being very responsive to readers and very open about what I’m currently working on. Taking requests has helped, asking who wants to see more of what has helped, talking to people in general has helped, and definitely playing “yes, and?” with ideas I’ve been offered has helped. Also I had the benefit of LiveJournal being one of my main fandom hubs for a while, where I met a lot of people and got in the habit of talking to them in a way Tumblr does not necessarily intuitively facilitate, so that’s just a habit for me. 
I definitely still produce stuff that comparatively flops and get bummed about it, it’s just a thing I’ve gotten used to over the years and so I either kill my darlings and move on to the next thing or I decide “naw, I’m still into this idea, I’mma work on it more anyway”. That’s obviously much easier when at least a couple other people are also into said idea, but still, it’s a thing you just gotta decide for yourself either way. Like I’ve DEFINITELY had stuff I slaved over get just about totally ignored while things I only tossed up on a whim off the top of my head or just intended as jokes people adored and resonated with way more, which is part of why I do so many WIP memes where I’m drip-feeding bits and pieces of content more regularly. One of my recent fics didn’t get near as much of a reception or interest on AO3 as I’d hoped it would, but when I was writing it on Tumblr people DID get excited for and enjoy it during the process, so that helped soothe that particular indignity/frustration for me.
Also, I’ve gotten enough people invested in my writing at this point that it’s much easier for me than it is for some writers, because I can do things like ask “hey what do you guys like/want to see more of?” and I’ll pretty much always get an answer, simply because so many people are in the habit of regularly checking on my blog and talking to me now. Polls are very helpful that way too, because it’s a functionally anonymous way for shyer people or people who are just casually scrolling their dash to give you an idea of what they’re enjoying from you without having to disrupt their flow or psych themselves up or anything like that. Like, it’s low-pressure, you know? I have done a LOT of polls since I found out Tumblr has those now.
I also constantly encourage people to both talk to me about and also play with my interpretations and AUs as they so please, and I deliberately cultivate responsive relationships with as many readers as I can. I don’t always have the spoons to answer every ask, but I always try to answer the majority of them and try not to ignore questions. A significant chunk of people have told me that they read tropes and AUs from me that they hate from other writers because they just trust that I’ll write it in a way that they can enjoy. I will include certain things and a certain level of respect that they just would not be comfortable without, and if I don’t have those things in there or there’s a common trigger, I’ll at least have done my best to tag for it. And I listen to people who tell me when I’m fucking up and I either take reasonable accommodations or change my behavior where appropriate. I tag for common triggers, I don’t use terms I’ve been told are insults or slurs, I try not to associate negative connotations with physical characteristics or things people can’t change about themselves, and when I have a reflexive “squick” reaction, I try not to assume shit and try to examine my biases. Or I just back-button and move on, if it comes to it. I also do my best to assume the best of people until they prove that I should not be. I am very much going to de-escalate when and wherever I can. 
I generally consider myself a low-drama blog and a low-drama person to follow, and put in effort to be that as best I can, and at this point I think (or at least hope) people feel relatively confident that they can talk to me without having to worry about immediately getting their head bitten off, which seems to be an increasing fear/concern that some people have in fandom. Therefore, I get people talking to me pretty regularly, because I’ve gone to the effort to be as approachable as I know how to make myself.
Also, yeah: above all else, write what you wanna write! Write your weird and niche dreams! Trust me, somebody out there LOVES your weird and niche dreams and wants all the deets on ‘em. I get the most engagement and interest when I just write what I really wanna see and don’t particularly worry about how goddamn weird I think I’m being. People are actually gonna be EXCITED about how goddamn weird I think I’m being, because a lot of them want it too and they’re not finding it as easily as a lot of the more popular stuff. 
So like . . . hope at least some of that was helpful, feel free to ask follow-up questions if you have any, hah.
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How does Aurora feel about the rest of the Snape and Barty gang(s)?
This is,,, a good question lemme just make a little list here. Honestly I think there's a good handful she just does not have opinions on because she doesn't really interact with them but yeah vjfnbjgb
Severus: Whether friends or partners Aurora considers Severus someone she can trust. He understands her like no other and he doesn't try to change her but rather embraces everything that most people usually find odd about her. She finds comfort in his presence and I believe his death would be one of the ones if not the one that hit her the hardest in a canon-compliant universe.
Edmund Junior: They have a bit of a complicated relationship. Theoretically, they should get along, though Edmund's (very literal) fear of women makes him not want to interact with her for a good amount of years. They're both very intelligent and there's a bit of overlap with their interests but once again Edmund is not interested in having a proper friendship with Aurora. She struggles a bit to understand this, but she generally takes a step back from him. There's a part of her that considers him a bit odd ngl. Also in a scenario where Aurora and Severus date he is especially nasty to her which makes her just downright avoid him.
Bruce Junior: They get along well enough. Aurora would probably not consider herself active friends with Bruce but more acquaintances over many years. They got along better when they were younger but Aurora does not get along with Bruce's girlfriend (who's the same girl he ends up marrying and having kids with) since she is one of the girls who most persistently makes fun of Aurora and that really put a wedge in between what little friendship they had.
Wilhelm: Oh boy, oh boy. Aurora considers Wilhelm to be her best friend. Her closest companion in the whole wide world, the one she can tell everything. She blindly trusts his every word with little thought because she assumes that of course he's got her best interest in mind. That's her best friend of course. They became friends in their fourth year when Aurora was slowly starting to open up more and Wilhelm was a fresh transfer who previously attended Durmstrang. Charity had hijacked him and brought him into their carriage and was very eager to be his friend. I do also think Aurora might have had a bit of a crush on him at first but not in a way she could ever make sense of and eventually it just faded into a devoted friendship. If asked by Wilhelm, Aurora would probably jump off of a bridge. Or at the very she would strongly consider it. She pushes his bad sides to the back of her mind which is extremely easy because she so rarely sees it due to the mask he presents to everyone. She is heartbroken and altered to her core when she finds out that she's been nothing but a joke to him for years and she genuinely struggles to move on for the rest of her life.
Charity: Charity has tried to be Aurora's friend since they first met on the train as young children. Aurora was very shy and quiet at the time and it took a good few years before a proper friendship blossomed but Aurora will always appreciate how Charity never once stopped offering her friendship even when Aurora was less receptive to it. The two are close, though Charity is quite a personality and a loud person in general and there are many things about her that Aurora does not understand and she finds she needs breaks from her sometimes. Charity is also a big help when it comes to Aurora trying to "be more normal". She wants her to try new things and have experiences like everyone else her age but she's also more than willing to try and tailor them to better fit Aurora and her needs. If asked Aurora would call Charity one of her best friends as well as her best girl friend (thought the latter is partially also because Aurora doesn't have a lot of girl friends).
Igor: She really struggles to figure out what she thinks of him. Wilhelm tells her all the time how he's a horrible, inconsiderate and violent brute with a pea for a brain while Charity gushes over him like he's a mix of a supermodel and the second coming of Christ. In general, she considers him odd. Most conversations she has with him are her asking him if he can quiet down or shut up but in the way a teacher would speak to a toddler.
Evan: She appreciates him for being able to keep Barty somewhat in control. She does not realise that at least half of the bullshit Barty gets into was Evan's idea/was otherwise influenced by Evan. After the rumour about Evan and Barty hooking up in the broom closet became public she quietly admired the way he handled the situation and the fact that he stood by his sexuality.
Barty: She genuinely wonders if there's something wrong with him. She's impressed by his grades and she has been convinced to tutor him a few times but she genuinely cannot wrap her head around him as a person and she struggles to keep up with him. She is likely to avoid him. She was visibly uncomfortable with him as Moody when they danced together and I would not be surprised if it was because she could recognise part of him but not understand where she recognised him from.
Pandora: Pandora has tried to talk to Aurora a few times in the common room but it never makes it past sparse conversation unless the topic falls on Astronomy. It has a few times. I feel like they'd get along if either of them tried more to initiate a friendship.
Xenophilius: That is Pandora's boyfriend and the kid that always smells like the equivalent of wizard weed. She frequently wonders how the hell he's a Malfoy.
Regulus: She is aware that he is from an important wizard family but the closest connection she's got to the Black family is that her uncle played quidditch against Regulus's aunt while they were at Hogwarts. She also considers his brother a rude and abrasive person and thus can appreciate that he is not that way. She always acknowledges that he is a talented quidditch player.
Dorcas: She doesn't have a whole lot of thoughts about her. Like with Regulus, she can acknowledge that she's good at quidditch. She considers her really pretty and I would not be surprised if she tried to replicate the way Dorcas does her makeup (or asked Charity to help her do so)
This was fun to do so I hope it scratched the itch you were looking for jvnfgjbngjbng
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neopuppy · 1 year
I went to the Dallas show too and everyone I talked to said the GA situation was mess. I had seated tickets so it wasn't that bad for my friend and I, but our friend in GA said the line/fast pass situation was insane.
I was so ready to be bias wrecked by renjun but jaemin just wouldn't let it happen
I high-key want to see the dreamies again
MANNNNNNN i wont get into it abt the line drama too much, idc what they venue said either it was 1000% their fault. As someone who was raised by armys to smarten up abt how kpop works when I first got into it I rly never wanted to do a GA crowd again after how wings tour went down💀😅 but 7dream……
the whole everyone show up at the same time to get in line without any staff to handle how it goes is the venues fault, they were letting people get crushed, smothered and injured just bc we’re “kpop stans and the worst fandom they have ever had to deal with.” and then going on twitter to make fun of us 💀 also idc what anyone says there are a group of 20-30 foreign girls cutting lines at every stop and will not allow anyone to talk to them rationally. There are also about 15-20 American fans doing the same thing- thinking they control front of the line and saying the most ridiculous shit…..unfortunately most of them are Haechan stans too. They make it harder for the rest of us bc they were acting crazy as fuck, everyone else I met was pretty normal and calm😭 but those people were rly insane and staking out the venue by hiding in bushes/trees and piles of dirt the nights before. GA crowds need to be abolished bc some of these people are just abnormal.
idk I have been to well over 50 kpop concerts and ykw, Dreamzens are the worst. like, hands down the worst fandom experiences I have had irl have been in Neo City, they rly do have some of THE worst sasaengs I have ever encountered and it’s not limited to Asian fans, a ton of Western fans have adapted that behavior. It’s rly weird and sad to see.
BUT!!!!! None of that can deter from how fun and amazing the concert was oh my god I love them so much I almost cried a few times I’m ngl, like I’m not that person but NCT Dream mean a lot to me(despite how awful the fandom is, online AND irl), I heavily deep-dived Dream during the pandemic/lockdown and they in many ways became my safe space throughout the mental strain covid put me through(and still does). Their music and them in general bring me more comfort than I realized, like finally getting to see them all together felt idk….. I felt happy again, like my heart was full. It was so nice, I’m crying just thinking abt it, I love them so much bfjwixidcn.
I have really been getting over kpop and very disheartened with it ever since lockdown restrictions have been lifted(even prior bc the way kpop was moving during the pandemic made me pull back big time). Concert etiquette is lost, younger/new generation fans are the most disrespectful and entitled pieces of shit literally ruining the fun, and people are more insane than ever……like I cannot handle this culture of newer fans that truly believe they will become y/n and get an NDA by acting like a wild animal and holding up not only stupid signs but also crossing lines between fan/artists.
There are more problems in this fandom beyond Judy(iykyk) for example, but the fact that people enable her delusion by saying she is pretty and they aren’t doing much to shove her away. SHE READS MY JENO FICS LIKE THE REST OF Y’ALL……. She is not fucking anyone in NCT and its sick how even the fandom has no respect for these artists as human beings
Like I have traveled for many concerts now, and it is 1000% extremely easy to not stalk or ‘conveniently’ show up at the same place as kpop idols. People with the same flights/hotel/at the same restaurant/off-schedule events etc etc are going out of their way to harass these idols.
The whole experience of being a kpop fan is an everyday struggle for me bc on one hand I love these artists for their work and talent so much, on the other hand being associated with fans who act like wild animals that were raised by apes is sooooooo humiliating and not in a nice kinky way either.
I keep saying this is my last year with anything kpop idk. I just wanted to see the neos a few more times in concerts bc they rly do have the funnest concerts imo, but something rly shifted after lockdown, bitches went too crazy fr. I wanna go back to 2019 when concerts were more abt having fun with your parasocial friends and less abt getting attention lmao. Ok I ranted butttttttt yeah. Asking for kpop stans to act somewhat normal is…..outlandish I suppose.
Hopefully the next time I see the Dreamies will be more pleasant! I know this arena is much safer and more prepared for kpop stans bc they handled enhypen’s crowd rly well when I saw them there. Either way I’m going to have fun! Hope everyone stays safe💚
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dekuhotnugget · 2 years
My Journey in Breath of the Wild
As promised, I will describe how my journey and experience went throughout Hyrule's vast world in Breath of the Wild. From what I can remember, I've always loved exploration and open world games and I think, that's what made me love this game every day that passes because, there are so many things for you to do and see and even to this day, we are always discovering new things from this amazing game. I promise not to make such a big post but still, I hope you like it and have fun reading!
First appearance of Farosh
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The first time I saw a Dragon in the game, it was crazy. At first, I didn't even know it was a dragon, I wondered, "Bro, what the hell kind of creature is that? So cool!" I remember looking at Farosh for minutes because, it was something so new and incredible for me at the time that I just fell in love with it (especially also because, I am in love with Dragons, in general).
Arriving at Kakariko Village
In the game, one of the first villages you arrive is the Kakariko village. There I met Impa, leader of the village of Kakariko, Paya and many other characters. When we go to talk to Impa for the first time, she tells us the story of what happened 100 years ago and with that, she gives us the mission "Free the Divine Beasts" where we will have to go to the locations that the mission marks on the map to free Divine Beasts from the malicia of the Calamity Ganon. Impa also gives us the mission "Captured Memories" where we will have to find 12 memories spread across the game map. In fact, it is not mandatory you capture all the Bivine Beasts and also, you have the option of not having any Divine Beasts with you, this will depend on your choice as a player but, in my case, I decided to acquire them all.
That was the order I made the Divine Beasts. Of course, you can order as you like:
- Divine Beast Vah Ruta of Zora's Domain
- Divine Beast Vah Naboris of Gerudo Desert
- Divine Beast Vah Medoh of the Hebra Mountains
- Divine Beast Vah Rudania of Death Mountain
Arriving in Zora's Domain
Arriving in Zora's domain, there I met Sidon, a really nice guy and the King of Zora Domain, King Dorephan. It was there also that I could get my first memory from the quest "Captured Memories". Before I went to face Vah Ruta, Dorephan gave me Zora's armor, made especially for me by Mipha, one of the game's champions.
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After having managed to pass through the challenges of the Divine Beast, Vah Ruta and saved people of Zora's Domain, I'm consecrated with "Lightscale Trident" which was used by Mipha.
After all that, I also managed to make some friends along the way, like this Guardian here, for example. You thought being friends with a Guardian was impossible? Well, here is proof that they can also be very sweet, apart from the fact that he shot and killed me one day, he is very friendly.
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Arriving in Gerudo's Town/Desert
One thing I learned on Gerudo was that if you are a woman and you interact with a man, he will want to take you to some secret place (really sus, imo) or just start flirting with you and what is this rule that you don't let men (Voe in Gerudo language) into the city? What have voe done to you, people of Gerudo?
Jokes aside, Gerudo is also pretty cool heheh. The city, from what I understood throughout my exploration outside the city in other, around the Gerudo Desert, is known for commerce, which I find very interesting, ngl.
Afterwards, a little way away from Gerudo City, I came across not only the Divine Beast Vah Naboris but also with, the Kara Kara Bazaar. Kara Kara Bazaar is the last stop on the road through the Gerudo Desert before Gerudo Town. However, I met a rather peculiar person. They was known to be a suspicious person and was supposed to know how I could enter Gerudo City without them knowing I was a voe. If I remember correctly, their name was Villian, or something like that (I don't really remember, sorry).
During our conversation, he told me that he had the perfect outfit for me to wear to go unnoticed by Gerudo but, he said that I give 600 rupees out of my pocket. At first, I called them crazy because, where would I get 600 rupees but now, that I think maybe it wasn't that expensive because, they have clothing stores that they sell separately at a much higher level. After selling some stuff to get my rupees to buy my outfit, I finally I got it and I looked fabulous heheh.
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After that, I finally managed to enter Gerudo Town and that's where I met Riju, the current chief of Gerudo and it was also in Gerudo, that I got two more memory (one in Kara Kara Bazaar and the another, in Gerudo Town).
After having managed to pass through the challenges of the Divine Beast, Vah Naboris and saved people of Gerudo Town and from the Desert too, I'm consecrated with "Scimitar of the Seven" and "Daybreaker", used by champion Urbosa in battle.
Arriving in Rito's Village
Arriving in Zora's domain, there I met Teba and the current chief of the village, Kaneli. When I met with Theba, he challenged me to a challenge, in which I would prove that I truly had the ability to defeat Vah Medoh, the Divine Beast of the Hebra Mountains and just like in all other places and villages, I managed to get one more memory.
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After having managed to pass through the challenges of the Divine Beast, Vah Medoh and saved people of Rito village, I'm consecrated with "Great Eagle Bow" bow used by the champion, Revali and however, I also managed to buy Rito's outfit.
Saving Naydra from Calamity
Before leaving for the next city and Divine Beast, I had to complete some quests and one of them was to save Naydra from Calamity that had consumed him. Having saved Naydra from Ganon's calamity, I can say that we've become great friends ever since.
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Over time, I was also able to ride some legendary creatures and horses like, Ganon's horse, The Royal Horse (I still have these two horses), The Lord of the Mountain and the Skeletal horse (this was after i had all Divine Beasts).
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Arriving in Goron's City
Unlike the other cities and towns, I didn't go straight to the Divine Beast, before that I had the opportunity to do the "From the Ground Up" side quest where I had to do various things and search for various people around the villages and cities of Hyrule. With all that done, I managed to get together the beautiful couple, Hudson and Rhondson and after that, then yes, I went to the Divine Beast and that's where I met Yunobo and Buldo, the chief of Goron's City.
After having managed to pass through the challenges of the Divine Beast, Vah Rudania and saved people of Goron's City, I'm consecrated with "Boulder Breaker" weapon used by the champion, Daruk and with that, I also complete the quest "Free The Divine Beasts".
By that time, I already had all the memories I needed so, with that I went to Kakariko's village to talk to Impa and when I go there, she gives me information that there is one more memory for me to go after. I went after the memory and with that, I complete the quest "Captured Memories".
After all that, I had decided to buy the game's DLC and that's what I did, I bought the DLC and with that, I received "The Champions Ballad" quest, along with other side quests, of clothes or rare things I had to find. After completing all the DLC, I received Link's famous and legendary motorcycle, "Master Cycle Zero".
After that, I was just doing really random and funny things in the game and finally, last week, I finally got to face Ganon and save Zelda and with that, I officially ended my journey in BotW. This is just a summary of some things I did during the game and it would be quite exhausting to write everything in detail because, it's over 200 hours of gameplay. I also got to complete all 120 shrines and all the quests i had. I just didn't do all the Koroks because there are 900 of them and I don't have the patience for it, ngl.
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This game for me and a lot of people, it was the best game of 2016/2017 and to this day, it's a great game. Can't wait for TotK that will explore much more than we've seen in BotW. Thank you BotW for coming into my life. 🥰
In case you are interested in taking a look at my Zelink analysis, here is the link Zelink.
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chr0mematic · 2 years
Best/Worst Moments of 2022
I’m making this tradition for my blog now, sorry. Or you’re welcome? Dunno how many people actually read these lmao. 
Went to my first real concert this year! I saw Twice with my friend and they played *checks setlist* 33 songs in the span of 2 hours what the fuck.
Music wise I got really into dnb, idm and (older) breakcore. Biggest fixation was Pendulum. My taste is weird I know lmao but this is some really interesting electronic music here.
Started working jobs. In the summer I worked as a cashier for a grocery store, and then I worked at a dining hall at my college (usually cleaning, I tried to avoid getting the serving position). Making money is nice ngl.
Speaking of college, I transferred from the regional city campus to the main campus. Didn’t get housing, but I live in a small apartment complex right next to campus. Pretty neat experience, prepping me for the real world yada yada.
I finally started to learn animation related things. I took a modeling + lighting/texturing class and they were fun. Next semester I’ll be doing some actual animating. yey!
Got to hang out with my friend outside of school and concerts hell yeah
I know this sounds very mundane but as an introvert with little friends, I appreciate these moments a lot..probably more than the average person.
Corporate Clash had a big update right as I started getting into it again godbless.
DHMIS show came out after forever and it was fkn awesome, well worth the wait. Check it out if you’re into dark, British humor (and don’t mind mild gore). 
My schedule for this semester sucked so much ass. Was super busy all the time, which was not good for me considering the fact I am a Chronic Procrastinator. Sometimes I barely had time to study.
Didn’t make many finished digital drawings this year...again...oops...
Also didn’t really get into new fandoms, primarily stuck with Idle and Red Velvet. I adore them of course, but at the same time I wanna get into a new show/game since it’d probably be more stimulating and I can get attached to an actual fictional character again
I used to be able to balance my musical interests with my geekier interests, but kpop is designed to suck you in at all times and I guess I became victim to that lma
Almost every other social media site is becoming so corporate and I hate it so much oh my god make it stop. Gonna start saying “bring back blogs and forums” again for real, I can’t stand this centralization of things.
AI art. Do I even have to explain why I don’t like this as a digital artist myself?
Don’t even get me started on the HBO Max bullshit. What they did to Infinity Train especially was so fucked up.
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firelightfoxes · 2 years
Thanks for the long response I really appreciated it. They sound great ngl, and I’m def more interested in showlines that could do sport. Re noise reactivity,is it a guarantee with mudis or is this smth that can be found in some lines but not others? I don’t mind a dog that ‘talks’ to me but I want a dog that I can take in public without it barking too much at anything. (Not that I wouldn’t take steps to prevent it/train that out) Are mudi confident or do they need some time in new situations?
well, i actually hate when dogs bark and yet i have a mudi lol. i have seen some mudi people say "don't get a mudi if you don't like dogs that bark" but i've also seen other people say that their mudi are intelligent/intuitive enough to know when not to bark. like they can be dismissed by the human after an alert, or learn not to alert in certain situations, etc. mudi are very trainable but i would say there's absolutely no guarantee that you won't get a dog who likes to scream for fun. Lichen's parents are pretty quiet which is part of why i wanted a pup from their pairing. re: taking in public - early socialization is just super important. mudi have pretty intense fear periods so you really have to comfort them through those and then go right back to working hard on socialization. socialization has been a huge priority for me and Lichen and she's still showing some mild reactivity towards strangers/strange dogs in certain situations. she might grow out of it, but unfortunately it's not exactly "incorrect" temperament for the breed, so many may display these traits.
i definitely wouldn't say that mudi are confident. i mean, some are, but it's not a trait i would give them in a blanket statement. they're sensitive and very environmentally-aware, so most new situations can be a bit much for them at first, and they will need a bit of time to adjust before they feel comfortable. but a lot of mudi are totally fine in these situations, it just depends on temperament and of course socialization. Lichen's dad, for example, will crawl into a stranger's lap 30 seconds after meeting them, and fall asleep there. whereas other mudi may not warm up to a stranger until they've met them 3-4 times.
i would encourage you to reach out to some mudi breeders since they have adult mudi and can give you more examples of personal experience with the breed! mine is more limited since Lichen is my only mudi and she's still a baby. they're great little dogs, they're just a bit unique and they need some special accommodations i think. let me know if you have any other questions! :)
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malaierba · 11 months
I'm so not normal about the last helluva boss episode that I can't even analyse it I'm in Emotional Reaction Town whenever I think about it
And ngl I thought I wouldn't be very much into it at first..... I was selfishly thinking like, it's been SO LONG since we saw Blitzø and Stolas interact, is their long overdue Talk being saved for the season finale? I don't think I'm that into Ozzie and Fizz like yeah they're a fun couple but idk idk
And then like. The episode picked up speed. I need to know who wrote Fizz's character arc??? Because holy fuck, did they have personal experience with stalking, abuse in the entertainment industry, performance burn out? It was written SO CAREFULLY, it was soooo. Idek, raw, honest, real.
And it made me realise so many tropes that we come to expect from couples like. Okay spoilers:
During the scene between Fizz and Ozzie, before Fizz's final performance idk why I kept expecting Ozzie to take offence or get angry at Fizz or something, because he was being irrational and was lost in his feelings and was doing something very logical from his POV but very hurtful to Ozzie when he said "you're only with me because of who I am at my best, and who I am at my best is all thanks to the opportunities and mentorship that I earned by letting Mammon exploit me". Because, you know, he was invalidating his feelings.
But Ozzie... SOBS. Ozzie never got mad. He saw that Fizz didn't believe that his love was genuine and unconditional for whom Fizz is in his entirety, and he understood that well duh he doesn't live in his head, he can't know how serious Ozzie is about thinking he's an incredible person that he's lucky to know. So he talks and talks until it gets through to Fizzie. Bruh idk I'm so emo. WHO WROTE THAT. And the sappy ass song augh. Suave mf.
And then when Fizz stands up to Mammon. I was going insane because at that point Fizz gave up his platform, and yes he could build it back up by leveraging his career and same, but at that point??? He has NOTHING. I mean he has Ozzie but that was between them two, a secret still. If Mammon had wanted he could've destroyed Fizz in more ways than one.
And what did Ozzie do??? Like yes it was on instinct, but he also made up his mind. He met Fizz on even ground, he surrendered just as much as Fizz. He admitted to their relationship, thus showing Fizz and everyone that he didn't actually give up everything, because he had Ozzie on his corner who was willing to admit as the Sin of Lust to being in love and treating an imp as an equal.
And it's going to bite them in the ass but jfc that little scene they have afterwards? That intimate little moment of tenderness they have in private, it felt so much like the calm before the storm, the culmination and acceptance of what had happened and the promise that they'll face whatever comes together (gagging, puking, wailing) and it'll be worth it.
I think we're at the point where it's pointless to continue to watch the episodes going into it like "IS THIS GOING TO BE THE BEST EPISODE YET!?". The show is setting up so many things that get addressed later, there's so many themes that are addressed through the different perspectives of different characters. Every new episode affects the context of previous episodes, like literally I seldom watch one without having to rewatch two or three. ISN'T THAT GREAT. I'm shaking my fist at people who aren't being patient by letting the story unfold at its own rhythm.
Unrelated but the twins song blew me away I rewatched it five times. That animation..... It. HOW was it THAT good 😭
0 notes
visarcana · 3 years
In (Reluctant but Needed) Defense of Allen
This is something I wrote in the Slack channel discussion but I wanted to save it here. And I’m sure I’ll expand on it even more as I go. Well, I am trying to make Millerna a bit more relatable and sympathetic character in the fic; why stop there? Though I admit, this might be even one level up. Cause you either love or hate Allen, right? No gray area there. Nevertheless, let’s try (also, belated happy birthday to him!)
So what is the most superficial, caricatured image there is to get of Allen? I think there are two things that people often reduce his character to:
a manwhore (and turbo one at that) that would do anything that breathes and seduces women for the fun of it
a toxic, manipulative “30 year old” that preys on all these innocent teenagers, moreover, teenagers he sees his sister in (yuck, how creepy is that?!)
It’s usually one of these two, or a combination of them. And ngl, my image of him was not much better early on, after the first watch and reading some fics where he often became a straight-out villain.
It took me many years, several rewatches, and some new content to improve my opinion of him. First of all, let’s get some facts in here.
Allen is 21, he’s the same age as both Dryden and Eries
His sister was spirited away 10 years ago and around the same time his mother died, making him roughly 11 at the time
He then turned to life of crime, becoming a highway bandit, until he met Balgus
It was Balgus who changed his perspective of life, made him care about honor and all that, and made him into a master swordsman
His romance with Marlene happened as he was about 16 while Marlene was two years his senior and it was Marlene who was after Allen from the minute she first saw him, manipulating her father to get him a post of the Palace Guard near her (from the novels, feel free to disregard if you want though it’s all complement to the series)
Allen & Women
Obviously, we have to start here. But, consider this: Allen’s womanizing reputation may come simply from how he treats women, not necessarily from his body count. People tend to oversimplify things, so when they see him switching his charm/flirty side on, they would automatically assume he would have tons of experience. 
Because no matter how you look at it, there's just not a whole lot of time for him to play around too much. Obviously, he is not flirtatious yet as he trains with Balgus and coming from the novels and stuff, he is STILL not a "ladykiller" while in relationship with Marlene. And then he gets banned to a remote sausage fest of a border fortress.
The series itself is a bit vague in the Marlene part (there is that troubled look of his in that shot where they are hugging in the garden, but that's easy to miss or disregard)... so the viewers may jump to the conclusion that "hey, this guy already seduced the princess as a teenager, it's in his nature!". And that's their image of him they work with. 
I think the Marlene chapter in the novels definitely changed that image even for myself. It was not Allen who actively sought that relationship, or did a whole lot to make her fall for him. Heck, he barely DID anything. A good example of how a crushing girl can build a whole castle of melodrama about a guy she barely even knows.
After Marlene, there shouldn't be a whole lot of time for him to seduce half of Palas or whatever. And then there is the banishment to Castelo, where it doesn't look like a whole lot of women would come by. Still, his men recognize the way he treats ladies so they must have witnessed it before. Didn't have to be like every other day, a handful of typical charming Allen displays would paint his picture sufficiently for them. Let's also not forget that they are a rough bunch and probably not used to chivalry and courtly manner at all, so it's all the more remarkable for them.
I think the creators struggled with Allen’s image a bit, too. It's interesting that two of the deleted scenes in the early episodes actually showcased Allen flirting with  Hitomi. Besides one extra scene at Castelo, there's another one at the Crusade just before landing in Asturia for the first time. I think that one is the most daring, I mean, it looks like he's about to nuzzle up or even kiss her. And there's no Dilandau or other objective/protective reason to be so affectionate, except to ease her (and his own) mind before landing in the "Capital of Intrigue." 
I can see how this got axed because it really fixes his image of flirtatiousness. They possibly had second thoughts about it if they toned it down as much, and yeah, you don't really see him behave so forward even later in the series. Probably also because he befriends Hitomi and takes her a little bit more seriously. 
I also think the motive behind Allen's behavior is not to seduce women like sport (even though he's often portrayed like that in fanworks)... it is to be pleasant to them, protect them, tell them what they want to hear etc. In one of the filmbook secrets, Allen is called feminisuto (I refuse to write it as feminist, becaust the meaning is different here). 
Feminisuto in Japanese is a "guy who indulges women," basically, the meaning is the same as a gentleman. I think this could be sort of an archetype of a man in Japanese society, and knowing more about that culturally would explain a lot about Allen's character. One of the reasons I see is what happened to his mother and obviously Celena, but I want to talk about Encia a bit.
I think it's clear that Allen very well understood much of their family's misfortune was rooted in his father emotionally neglecting and eventually abandoning his mother. I think this influenced how he treats women a lot. Yes, he is overprotective and coddles them, but I also believe he is very weak towards them and can't say "no" to them.
For example, it's obvious that he doesn't want to get involved with Millerna from the start, but he is also too weak to refuse her properly, whether it's because of his attraction towards her or hesitation to hurt her.  Also, that early flirting phase is something he’s the best at, because he thinks it's all about that and doesn't really know how to build an equal, trusting relationship... he thinks being nice and attentive to women solves all the problems, without having to open about himself too much. Hitomi may be an exception, which is maybe why he asks her to marry him eventually.
Of course, Allen's looks combined with those caring and gentlemanly ways of his would just attract women endlessly. That's another thing, you may have witnessed it irl; the good looking guy, no matter how shy or awkward in the beginning, would gain a lot of self-confidence as women throw themselves at him just because of his looks and he gains more experience with them. 
Also, I believe Marlene was a big heartbreak for him so maybe he did become a bit of a playboy afterwards, while he was at his lowest... I think that’s the sort of a headcanon the fandom agrees on, that it was at this point that he fooled around with women. 
I also wrote a while ago already that I don't think he was banished immediately after the Marlene affair, giving a time window for Millerna and Eries to develop their respective relationships with him. Because they both are familar with him and if he was gone from the capital immediately after Marlene... then at least Millerna wouldn’t know or remember him at all, young as she was when Marlene left for Freid. 
Perhaps he was gaining a bit of that reputation few years after Marlene, and that was what eventually pushed Aston to order him far away from his daughters? That, or it was at a later point he found out about the affair. Or even both. I think it all comes together nicely, just depends on how you want to connect it all in your head. 
About him seducing younger women... I would obviously never condone anything like it irl but you gotta take the setting into consideration. It’s not like it doesn’t happen in modern-age stories, too, but I would be more forgiving in this kind of (pseudo)historical story.
I specifically believe that on Gaea, at 15 you are already considered “of age.” We see that as both Van and Folken attempt the dragonslaying to become the king at 15, Dilandau is a commander and the Dragonslayers are soldiers at 15, Millerna gets married at 15 (and in general, looks mature enough so that nobody would guess she is only that). Gaea’s level of development is 17-18th century Earth with a much shorter life expectancy, which yes, pushes these ages down and nobody would pause at that. 
The way I see it, 15 is Gaean 18 and the difference between Allen and the girls would be 24 and 18 years old in Earth terms. Of course, it’s still not ideal and nothing to be proud of on Allen’s side, but I guess Gaean society would not frown at him (or Dryden for that matter) for craddle-robbing. Also, let’s realize that by modern standards, an “adult” Marlene seduced an underaged Allen, too, though the age difference was much smaller.
An entirely other beast is Allen’s “cage” speech and his overprotectiveness. You really start to see the loss of his sister and mother seep through when he reprimands Hitomi even about simply walking around the city. And that “keeping precious things under lock,” you sort of see where it’s coming from but then; this is truly a character flaw and I have nothing else to say here. I just pity poor Celena after the end of the series but I know she would get him to change his ways, in many ways. Also, living with her and helping her gain her independence again should improve this (the guys growing up around sisters tend to have much better understanding of women).
It seems Allen subconsciously avoids an older and more experienced partner who would see right through his crap and confront him about it. I honestly hope for this to happen to him, could also be pretty hilarious to watch. Eries is probably the only good candidate from the introduced cast to give him a piece of mind, especially since he seems to respect her and she’s all ladylike. I could still see her doing it without breaking her form too much.  An older Millerna might as well. I mean, she did give him a bit of a wake-up call in chapter 14 of my fic, too, I hope at least.
The Bravery & Honor
This is too often forgotten but if you watched paying attention to anything else than shipping, Allen is always trying to act honorably. When he takes Van and Hitomi under his wing, that’s not calculation, nor attraction towards Hitomi... it’s just the right thing to do. He lets his fortress to be destroyed for that right thing, and King Aston is quick to scold him about it (“honor alone can’t save a country.”) 
You might be distracted by his princess hair or skirted uniform but Allen is a heroic, honorable character, and can wreck pretty much anyone with his mech. And does it all with a certain effortless charm of some sort of movie hero. I sort of recognize this sort of character from other mecha titles, the initially unreachable rival/friend/aniki who is annoyingly good at what he’s doing, is sort of an idol for the protagonist and helps him improve and often dies heroically. Allen successfully averted that, maybe because this is not quite a classic mecha story. And then, there is was Folken (this still kinda felt too soon).
Anyway, Allen gets in trouble again and again because of honor (he saves the kidnapped Van against all odds on Vione, he gets arrested for crossing Zaibach - at the time still an ally of his country, he escapes to Freid to warn them about the attack, etc.) Time and time again you see him make a decision when the dishonorable option would have been the easier one, and Allen takes the honorable way, again and again. 
And he teaches Van a thing or two about it, too. I think this is an important thing, because the origin of these teachings is Balgus, so through Allen as a senpai, Van still can get some of the Balgus’ lessons he never had a chance to obtain. But then, there’s something else between the two.
The Rivalry & Pettiness
This is sort of harder to track because Van is a trademark hothead who would pick fights with Allen against all reason... but it seems Allen enjoys it himself? I mean, enjoys knocking Van into dust. 
I will repeat myself here, but one of the things I disliked about Allen fighting Van at Castelo was how he mentioned Balgus for no other apparent reason than to throw him off (”Balgus never held back like that.”) And that was not nice of him in my charts because there is no way he would mention this if he didn’t know Balgus trained Van (he may have as well said “did you even learn anything from him?”) And it makes Van feel shittier than he had to about his loss, beating himself with the memory of his late master. 
This really gives me trouble because why would the honorable Allen proceed like that? He can win this with ease anyway, so why pull the Balgus card? And if you read about bushido... even remaining in today’s sports like karate/judo/kendo, it’s just disrespectful and weak to show joy over beating someone and such, same as using some petty tricks. And yet, Allen does it, despite being an alumni of The Balgus School of Honor.
Well, one of the explanations I found is, he probably tries to kick Van into action and improving, instead of pitying himself. And he sort of succeeds, cause Van really focuses on training more from that on, as confirmed by the artbooks.
Other possible theory was, when Balgus left back for Fanelia (”sorry lad, I hear my king is ill, g2g!”) Allen felt sort of bummed that his master ditched him? There was probably some talk where they agreed that Allen should get back to Asturia and regain his house. But maaaybe Allen had wanted to stay with Balgus and learn/adventure some more?
Another, and I tend to like (and when I say like I mean use) that one is, Van is eerily reminding Allen of himself at his age, I mean, at his emo bandit age. Van surely looks and plays the part of emo bandit all too well. So, being hard on him comes naturally to Allen, he would be hard on himself after all. He wouldn’t be so mean to another adversary, but to Van, who is his rival (in more ways than one) and reminds him of the him he would like to forget, somehow brings out the worse in him.
To be comprehensive, Allen has a similar hack and slash with Dryden, but the latter seems to be more on the winning side there, skillfully turning the knife in Allen’s wounds left by his father just as well as Allen managed to do with Van early on. Then Dryden gets a whipping himself. Yeah, karma is a bitch.
There, I think I wrote enough, and that on top of the chapter 14, where we sort of touch upon Allen x pretty much everyone... and that will continue for a short bit now, among other things. Regardless of the fic, I think the implication of the end of the series is that Allen wouldn’t have much time for romance from now on, his family relations with Celena and perhaps Chid would take precedence for a while. I wonder how that would change him and make him more mature. Allen at 30 or so, now that is something I’d like to see... 
So yeah, to sum up, 
YES Allen has a weakness for women BUT NO he would not have the time nor opportunity to whore around a whole lot
YES he acts flirtatious BUT it’s also about chivalry for him
YES he pursues younger women BUT they are of-age in-universe and he is quite immature himself
YES he is all this BUT don’t overlook that he is a honorable knight and without him, his ship, and protection, VH would have been screwed from the get-go and too many times to count
AND YEAH he’s supposed to be so relentlessly handsome on top of that kindness, chivalry, and heroism, that it must have seemed like he stepped out of a dream to them... so please forgive also these girls who don’t know any better YET
P.S. The reason it’s a reluctant defense is I feel like I may not be big enough fan of Allen to be writing this but here we are. On the other hand, I doubt I wrote more even about my top favs!
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jfks-phat-cheeks · 4 years
Hi!!! I was wondering if it would be ok for me to request headcanons for jfk with an artist reader? 🥺👉👈 if not that’s ok!! But if you do do it, thank you!! I hope you have a wonderful day/night!!❤️❤️❤️
Of course! Just a heads up im going to keep it gender neutral!!!! (I am also going to be trying soo hard to not slide my self in here because by god do i love this man so much-) Thanks for the request! It was a lot of fun 🥺 :D
JFK With An Artist Reader
Lil bit of backstory
Okay let me just say, he absolutely is n o t an artist. Like its to the point where the closest thing he has gotten to art is drawing stick figures on the side of exams.
Now, just because he cant do it doesnt mean that he wouldn’t find it mildly interesting.
When he meets you the first time it honestly was an accident. The hallways of that school are crowded and trying to get from a to b can be tough especially with nearly 5 pounds of art supplies in your hands.
He ran into you.
Needless to say, all of those art supplies and projects went flying. You were lucky that people didn’t step on anything.
He did feel kinda bad, it took him a moment to process though he was staring at you before helping pick up some of your stuff.
After that, you said thank you and were back on your way to class. Leaving him high and dry. Which was strange experience for him, and left him with an even stranger feeling.
Second time you had met was when you had to work together.
It was a simple science project, but when doing anything related to science or math with jfk it becomes almost impossible.
To be fair, He did help to the best he could. Ultimately in the end you scored a B and he scored a date.
Once Dating:
Once you guys start dating expect him to be constantly watching you do your art.
all the time
And if you every feel like your art is bad expect this man to have a whole argument on hand that it is not. Not just a “well i can barely draw a stick figure” but a “i would er- uh buy your art for uh all the money in the world”
He loves your art and will never let you forget it. He will constantly tell you.
Every once and awhile he will ask for you to teach him, and if you say yes he will be over joyed. If you say no then expect a mopey, but understanding boy.
On more than one occasion you have walked in on him laying on your bed, practically naked and asking to be drawn like “a er- uh french girl”.
He has no filter, he would absolutely model for you if you wanted him to. He would be down in a heartbeat.
He loves looking at your tiny doodles, he just thinks they are so neat! Especially if they are of him, he would feel so loved please draw him
You absolutely drew jfks tattoo of him and ponce, it ment a lot to him
Speaking of ponce-
If you are a painter/spray paint, I think he would beg to make a mural for ponce. He ment a lot to everyone, especially jfk. He feels like ponce should be remembered and he would give his 110% to make sure that mural resembles his past friend and how amazing he was.
With both you and after doing that murel jfk would kinda dive into the world of art. Hes not good at drawing but ceramics on the other hand? Amazing.
He makes you pots.
So. Many. Pots.
You could be like “Man I need a new jar for my paint brushes” ans this man would just pull one out of his back pocket.
Also you get some serious eye candy when this man is working on clay ngl. cause half the time hes in an old teeshirt and jeans its just *chefs kiss*
His dad Wally, absolutely adores you and constantly askes to see your art. Carl on the other hand doesnt like you as much but he does like that you are making his son happy, so keep it up :)
So, in the end Jfk loves you, and he loves your art. 10/10 good boy.
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gryffindorkxdraws · 4 years
Want to start off by saying that I love your mind! I was hoping to get your opinion on: what is it in jackunzel that makes it feel so right?
EDIT: changed a few things ehe
ngl i found this challenging cus it made me think of how the answer would vary per person (yeah i went there idk why sdjkknds) so lemme get logical for a sec here haha
what exactly is the definition of “feel right”? 
to make someone feel relaxed and comfortable, as merriam-webster states
simple as that, right? but wait there’s more
what makes something/someone go under that category? 
now from there it expands because there are so many ways of answering that with everyone having different opinions and mindsets.
fair warning before we push on, this is going to get messy (like a word vomit) with how i’m just going to pour out everything i can think off, but just know i really like this question hence the, uh, mess? lmao
so back to your question, what is it in jackunzel that makes it feel so right?
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in one POV, it could be because of how rapunzel and jack represent the sun and the moon respectively, making them two contrasting sides who shouldn’t collide and yet, against all odds and opposing forces that would come between them, they did. 
and we can bet on the fact that they fought hard/struggled for it, depending on how fanfic writers play with it (reminds of this sun/moon au that sold me to this trope lmao).
just because others said it’s impossible or it’s against whatever, why should they listen to the “norm?” what even is considered “normal,” when the two can explore so much more of what they could be missing from life after stepping out of others’ shadows?
i just love sun/moon dynamics. i’m obsessed lmao i read the ones below somewhere and idk where but it’s been living in my head rent free and i can’t escape it tho feel free to correct me about any of these symbol topic!
like the Sun, thoughtful and full of energy to share with everyone, is connected with one’s self and known to, yeah, radiate warmth or light. it also symbolizes firmness, strength and power. oh and life too i guess?
while the Moon, subtle but full of mysteries and wonders, can also get emotional and sway others to be more nurturing. cus like it also symbolizes calmness, beauty, and nurture. plus eternity and enlightenment?
the list goes on if we head into more of what it both symbolize, but when these two celestial bodies get together, masculine and feminine energies unite. the Sun gives out life, while the Moon cultivates it.
i have no idea where i’m going but moving on
maybe it’s that taste of rebellion with going against the authorities/society/rules/of what has always been set to find out who they’re meant to be or, y’know, finding their identity without the shackles of others (like jack learning he has the potential to be a guardian and embracing it in his own time, and rapunzel realizing she’s the lost princess and works hard to be a good one), 
or there’s something about the mystery that follows the other because they’ve never met anyone quite like them (like exploring a world they’ve never set foot on), 
or finding all the good and bad in each other and in their differences, but still loving the other for who they are, 
or what one lacks the other makes up for it and vice versa. with or without them realizing they can help each other grow to be a better version of themselves.
opposites attract who are bound to be full of surprises.
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but on the contrary, they could also be two peas of a pod. aight this definitely goes against what i said above with all the opposites and stuff, but hear me out.
while they grew up and learned how to cope with life differently, they somehow still share the same sentiments when it comes to, for example, reaching their goals. 
they have their own way to go about it, sure, but my point is they can reach a common ground better together compared when they’re with others.
like rapunzel with the lanterns, and jack with his memories. at first, one hesitated and wavered, while the other disagreed and pulled away. it was only after they saw a chance/realized this was it that they agreed in a heartbeat
they ultimately made the choice of diving in head first regardless of their initial thoughts in the first place. kinda like the moment they realized they can be a step closer to what they’ve been yearning for their whole life 
bam, out of the way, they’re coming through lmao
not only that, but they can also be soft, gentle, understanding despite rapunzel’s spontaneuosness and jack’s mischievousness. we’ve seen them interacting with children and they’re so good at lifting their spirits up to have some fun and that there will always be a tomorrow.
and with their peers too. rapunzel lights up even the darkest of rooms, may it be like fireworks to bring joy or a campfire to warm one’s heart. jack meanwhile keeps things light when everyone else feels tense, easing others to relax and remember there’s always a way out
don’t forget the way they both sacrifice themselves for who they care for. like, they just do that, putting others first before them. that scene of saving eugene and baby tooth aaahhhhdjhdskdjkbkfjdkjf
and when everything comes crashing down and the world feels heavy on their shoulders, they both know they’re not alone with the other there for them.
maybe it’s the mutual understanding they have for each other after opening up, and finding a friend/partner/home through the connection they made together,
or they could be a push and pull that leads them to showing an unexpected side of the other, but in reality they always had it in them and all they needed was someone to show the way,
or how they complement each other, but they’re not two halves of a whole, no, rather they’re already whole themselves and they only reminded each other that they are,
or it’s simply because they don’t feel the need to put up walls or anything of the likes, because they know that no matter what they’ll be accepted for who they are.
opposites who have so much more in common than they originally thought
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in another POV it could be because of how they give such partners in crime vibe. lowkey or highkey, take your pick. nothing would stop them from moving forward to a new tomorrow, or honestly whatever it is they put their minds to. 
and i am here for that
like i said in one of my posts, “They were a magnet for trouble, with the Sun being a free-spirited and vivacious fellow, and with the Moon’s knack for mischief and being a rebel without cause.” 
while both are adventurous, ready to explore whatever is out there, all the while just wanting to have some fun, they still balance each other out.
with jack usually ready to do what he needs/wants to do (which helps rapunzel to trust her gut and take the risk. that he’ll be there for her whenever she’s ready to step out of her comfort zone and jump away from her tower)
and with rapunzel knowing how to handle sticky situations properly (which reminds jack that not everything has to be done harshly and abruptly. that while freezing someone could be fun, it won’t solve things in the long run)
am i making sense? idek but you’re stuck with me lol but before i forget and i can’t believe i just remembered now. the way they can help fill in on what the other is missing 
rapunzel wants to see the world, what goes out there, with the people, society, and history i feel. and jack can take her to wherever she wants to go. hell, he’ll even surprise her and bring her to places he’d think she’ll like.
with his experiences, he’s bound to have an endless list of plans for them to go through and it’s no surprise that she’ll love it, and (him) his gesture, nonetheless
jack wants to be noticed by others, to be seen and heard for who he is. and rapunzel is such a welcoming person that she accepts him wholeheartedly. give him the love he was deprived of for years. 
reassure him that even he has a place to call home because why would he be excluded from that? he deserves it just as much as she and everyone else does
also i like to think they brainstorm ideas together
maybe it’s how they’re both game for an adventure, sudden or not, and this makes it easy for them to team up together and take on the world
or the feeling of familiarity as they click and everything flows naturally to them, where nothing is forced or uncomfortable between them
or how it’s like they can hold on to each other, knowing the other won’t let go no matter what because they’ll always have each other through the ups and downs
or it’s in their shared smiles, mischievous sparks in their eyes, moving together to the music of their synchronized heartbeats, as they step forward to the vast unknown
finding the ‘one’ who understands them inside out that they feel at home with them
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i’ve said so many things and threw out so many brain rot, but what exactly is my final answer? 
it’s simple: who knows? now before you toss me aside, and i hope not lmao, lemme just say even with that kind of final verdict, you can still find beauty in it. 
you see, there’s so much more to explore and delve into with jackunzel because of their potential, that i don’t want to make a set answer for your question. i’d rather much help you, and anyone else wondering, to come to an answer yourself and maybe even share/discuss it with others.
i’m running out of brain juice, but i at least hope this helped satisfy your curiosity behind your question since this is all i can give… for now, maybe? who knows lmao 
tho i’ll be honest and admit i based these on how i feel about jackunzel. so if ever someone else out there wants to add more points they thought of, feel free to add on this
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thedancefloorsilly · 3 years
Ngl seeing your 300 followers event intrigued me (loved the spin on what’s usually just a describe yourself and I’ll give you a matchup thing) enough so that I’ve binged through most of what you’ve written on here!! It’s actually been awhile since I sent in a request for one of these 😬
So!! I’m female, going by she/they and bi (male leaning). My romantic f/o are illumi + hisoka. Illumi - unexpectedly usually out of my type, but he buried himself in the ground in the first scene we saw him in and I was gone. Since then I’ve had people point out that he looks like a frog and that its a very major subconscious reason I love him so much. Hisoka, I very much resisted liking at first because hes,,,, hisoka, but this bastard made a place in my heart the more his main character syndrome made him helpful and not a total villain. I had no choice but to begrudgingly love him, and he makes me laugh as often as he makes me turn to look to the figurative camera.
When it comes to me, I’m 5’2, black hair + eyes, Asian, and must admit I do have a bit of a god complex as a Pisces (which my own need to compete w others then compromises). I definitely consider myself fashion forward (but favors black a lot) and I love to find shoes to give me some more height. I have a taekwondo black belt and do MMA, and I love to crochet even though I tend to rage at my yarn when new patterns for clothes make me repeat rows over and over again. I’m the only one in my friend group that knows how to do taxes, but STILL did not understand knuckle’s loan and interest nen AT ALL. I adore collecting marvel and dc comics, as well as manga, and my guilty pleasure is the pink drink from Starbucks (guilty because Istg im not a 13 year old, I just need to stop consuming caffeine and the vanilla sweet cold foam with it is addicting). Someday I dream to have three cats, and I have a drivers license even though I legitimately have never driven or taken any drivers Ed classes in my life. Ever. I have no idea how to drive. My procurement of a drivers license regardless may or may not have been through legal means.
Ooh well that’s nice to hear glad u liked this idea!! I hope I liked my writing😳😳 I don’t write for Hisoka but for this event I will :P I also did these as separate. enjoy anon!!
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- The fact that you know how to fight, being that you do MMA, DEFINITELY intrigued Hisoka when he first met you. He did his whole evaluation thing in his mind about how well your powers fair, and honestly this was probably what prompted Hisoka to learn more about you. Once getting to know you more, there was something different he would feel rather than the usual “excitement” when around a strong fighter. It was a certain feeling in his stomach he would get that would linger on.
- Even though Hisoka might have been a little confused at first, he was curious to try and explore these unknown feelings more, thus leading him to spend more time and to try and observe your personality. The more and more he spent time with you, the more his interest in how you fought began to slip away from his mind. Not only that, but Hisoka also always felt his heart racing when he was around you. Was this eccentric clown magician man developing a crush? Oh, absolutely he was.
- Well, as the time came where he would smoothly confess his feelings, Hisoka really did try to make everything special. Hisoka actually bought red roses for you, dressed VERY nice, brought you to somewhere calm and romantic, and used his charm to try and win you over. Well, at the end of the night, you guys both learned that you and him had mutual feelings for one another, and it was pretty clear that a second date was to be expected.
-  Sometimes you can’t help but to laugh at Hisoka’s outlandish behavior. Of course, he takes notice of this, and with that, Hisoka tries his best to always put on a show when you’re around!! He always does things to try and hear that laugh of your’s that he loves so much. Not only that, but Hisoka also does things to rather amuse you. Hisoka will sometimes do random tricks with his nen to try and put up his “magician” act, just to see that entertained look on your face.
- Whenever he’s fighting at Heaven’s Arena, he always tries to impress you, too!! Once facing an opponent, Hisoka will try out these new moves or special techniques that will surely put a ‘wow’ on your face. Yes, his tricks might be a little stupid or dangerous, but that’s all part of the fun isn’t it? Not only that, but when he’s mid-fight, Hisoka will also try and do stupid things like wink or smirk at you justtt to see you blush and roll your eyes playfully.
- Mentioning that you have no experiencing with driving to Illumi, he insists that he could just drive you to some places himself. You calmly agree to this at first, but since you weren’t aware of the fact that your boyfriend also has very little driving experience, you have NO idea what you’re about to get into. His driving is a little... reckless to say the least. You really thought you were getting a calm drive to Starbucks?? Well, expect your incautious, daredevil of a boyfriend to be passing every red light, almost hitting pedestrians, and speeding exceedingly just to get to your destination. You guys are just better off with Illumi’s butlers driving you guys...
- Sometimes you like to crochet random things for Illumi (It could be something like a hat or some gloves). Whenever you’re making them, Illumi often hears the little complaints you make from frustration from your room, so he goes to check on you and to see what’s wrong. Immediately though, you tell Illumi to not come in your room because you’re making something to surprise him. Even though he’s wondering what you might be doing, Illumi just goes on and doesn't question you further.
- One day, as you finally finish your creation, you announce to Illumi that you’ve made something for him. As Illumi tilts his head in confusion, you then proudly reveal a crotched frog hat from behind your back, all for him!! At first he wonders what prompted you to make something so specific for him, and all you say to Illumi was that he reminded you of a frog!! You might not know what he truly feels from his blank reaction, but deep down, Illumi really appreciates the gift!!
- Now, Illumi definitely doesn’t see himself having not one.. but three cat’s in his future (since you’ve told him all about your dream). It’s not that Illumi opposes of the idea of them, or thinks that they’re a lot of work (especially since you’ve seen his GIANT pets..), it’s just that he’s just never really thought about it before. There are days when Illumi does consider owning them, or how it would be like to own them, but then again, Illumi never acts on getting the cat’s. 
- That wasn’t until one day though. It was a rainy afternoon, and Illumi was walking through the town, ready to come home from one of his assassin missions. As he was strolling down the empty streets, he heard a faint sound of an animal come from the left of him. Illumi turned to his left, but looked down to see that the noise came from a beaten up box in an alleyway. He walked toward this box, noticing that the animal sounds were actually the small ‘mews’ of a cat. As Illumi squatted down to see observe this box, he then saw the sight of MULTIPLE small kittens!!
- While you’re waiting for Illumi to come home, you hear the knocking of someone on the door, and you immediate assume that it’s from your boyfriend!! As you happily rush to unlock the door, you then see a drenched Illumi, holding a box of kittens as they’re meowing non-stop. Though, you might be confused, Illumi blankly says, “Look. I brought you something.” From the nonstop meowing, you question to how many cats are there... Even though you dreamed about having three, well.. can you handle about six?
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Many Unhappy Returns
Sorry for being gone from these for so long! I was really upset after Rise ended, and just sorta lost my energy there for a while- but I am feeling pretty confident that we can get it back!! 
In the meantime though, it’ll be fun to talk about some episodes! So per request that is over six months old now (sorry @alwayshere195​) Many Unhappy Returns!
- We all know how much the visuals in this show absolutely slap but this episode really kicks it off right away with beautiful scenery
- “Thanks for doing the dirty work for us! Big up Shreddy!” (the fact that this is their super-great-Grandfather makes this so much funnier for reasons I can’t explain)
-Leo would have been seriously injured in the Shredder hadn’t just disappeared like that
- “You fools! You have doomed humanity!” “Have we? No seriously, tell me, this has all been very confusing.”
- “Wow, one season later and I still got full battery, nice!”
- Leo’s overall support of his brothers and his confidence that they can handle it is actually really sweet
- April’s ‘get to safety song’ 
-”Two data points? You’re hypothesising with two data points? Scoff!” 
*Fifteen minutes later*
- ok but just in general, I just really love that they aren’t afraid to have Mikey have genuinely good ideas
- “No one’s responding, I’m the only one who made it!”
- “really? cause’ I thought my overall ninjocity was totally working” “It wasn’t”  “I’m pretty sure it was about to...”
- “She’ll help me! I’m the face man, people love me!” “Last time you saw her she tried to kill you.”  “Who hasn’t?”
- why are there so many good Leo lines? Also, just in general, despite this being a serious episode, the comedy still slaps while not seeming out of place- this is why I love rise tbhhh
-ngl the entire scene where Splinter tells Leo that Big Mama is his ex is probably one of the funniest things ever
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- Splinter apparently met Big Mama in 1984- I kinda wonder if that was a nod to the fact that the og tmnt comic books came out in ‘84
- Splinter’s story is actually really sad tho- he lost so many people in his life, and finally thought he had found happiness with Big Mama, who he assumed was just a driver, not even an actor. Then he was betrayed by her.
-Big Mama’s assistant is there, just standing around and looking cool while the entire fandom begs to know if it’s Venus de Milo
- Leo’s whole plan while Splinter just freaks out in the back
- out of context, this shot is great, but with added context, it’s even better. Like u know that awkward moment when your grandfather walks in on you trying to kill him?
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- eventually Donnie just goes on his phone while their tickling Shredder, and Mikey just chills on Shredder’s shoulders. Like sure, why not
- “You have thrown me into the lion’s den!” “I think it’s more of a kraken’s den”
- It’s the first time we hear Splinter say Leonardo’s name fully, and he’s just telling him to shut tf up
- “My other sons would’ve taken this seriously!” *cuts to them tickling Shredder*
-asdfghjjhgfd foreshadowing as to what the drill is for??? yes please not to mention the shot is just simply amazing
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- APRIL FREAKING O’NEIL WHO GOT A CRANE LICENSE  BC OF POSSIBLE FIGHTS WHERE IT MIGHT BE USEFUL???? WE STAN but also what was that conversation like with her parents
-Kraken Tom and the Evil Six. Why is that so funny.
- ngl, Leo’s plan reveal actually had me gasping the first time I watched it. Like idk, despite them showing several times in the first season that Leo is incredibly smart and good at planning, it never clicked in until this episode for me, and I think that was a pretty popular experience- the audience realized just how smart Leo actually was at the same time Splinter did, but it was still seriously foreshadowed and didn’t feel random- just A+ writing for ya there folks
- “I have calculated that this is the site of our final resting spot- I mean, go team!”
- Donnie with his own headstone will forever be iconic and relatable af, but also just another way to add in how much I love the team behind Rise, and how much effort they put into this show
- Leo guessing that April finally used her crane license was kinda sweet tho
- “Trust me.”  “I do.” 
- Donnie and Mikey are both so terrified while they fight, but they still do it, and idk, I think it’s really important that they showed main characters who are still strong and fight despite being scared.
- WHOLESOME- also Splinter hugging Leo tightly idk I just think it’s sweet
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- Splinter just shoving his sleeping children into the sewers gives off tired dad vibes and we stan
- one last thing: I love how in Rise, you really get the sense that they don’t want to be fighting the Shredder, they don’t ever want to deal with this. You want them to beat the Shredder because you know they have ‘normal’ lives to get back to, that ultimately they’re kids who still want to get back home in the end, and while I doubt any of the other tmnt turtles wanted to fight their Shredder, it hits a little differently in Rise- maybe that’s because we see a lot more of their normal lives- but I thinks it’s really cool that the writers provided a scenario like that.
tl;dr- this is an epic episode, but the more serious nature of the plot doesn’t mean that it lacks the comedy- in fact, the tone matches with the rest of the show perfectly, and it’s seriously awesome that they managed to pull it off. It’s a great episode for the start of a new season, and has a bunch of foreshadowing as well.
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Can you write a story of Leona Kingscholar x Ruggie Bucchi safe vore/ Same size vore? Plus can you have it where getting swallowed is Ruggie's kink?
Ngl this one was really short but that’s because I got side tracked with another story but also felt like I should post this one. I’m tired and pulled into mild fluff area at the end of the story but I think I managed to leave it in a space that’s pretty satisfying and open for the readers imagination. And who knows maybe someday I’ll write another story based around this one (like a sequel type thing) But right now I’m exhausted and need to finish stuff up for my other blog too so I hope ya’ll enjoy despite the lack of actual voring in there. (I’m so sorry my brain just feels tired)
   The day that Ruggie met Leona Kingscholar he had a feeling the rude royal would have a significant impact on his immediate future. All it took was for the hyena to ‘bump’ into the lion and get caught attempting to snatch his wallet. He was a simple first year who was raised in the slums and had no interest or experience with royalty. The bump and grab worked almost any time on anyone since most people worth pickpocketing were snotty riches that didn’t have the time or need to care about a few extra dollars gone missing. Apparently however the second prince of Afterglow Savannah was smarter than the average victims of Ruggies sticky fingers.
   When the hyena turned to slip the wallet into his own pocket a hand grabbed his wrist. He found himself face to face with a very pissed off lion who bared his fangs and growled loudly in the thief's face. Ruggie who was well trained for these types of situations kept the mischievous smile on his face and snickered as a way to keep up the act. Leona however saw right through it and held up his almost stolen wallet. Ruggie’s expression faltered. 
   “Thought you could get away with snatching some rando’s wallet huh? Never thought that you’d be pickpocketing from the prince of the savannah and dorm leader of your new home did ya?” The hyena’s eyes widened. He really hadn’t expected that, it caught him off guard and he attempted to take a step back, but the lion held tight on his wrist. “You know what? As an apology for trying to steal from me you’re required to be my servant for the first term of school. I needed a new one this year anyway so you’ll do nicely.” Ruggie’s jaw dropped. Servant! He wasn’t gonna be anyone’s servant. And he said so too. The prince only chuckled though, “you’ll do it or I’ll eat you!” he growled lowly, his piercing green gaze never leaving the hyena’s face. 
   Ruggie sucked in a breath and willed a blush off his face as his eyes zeroed in on the sharp fangs on display that no doubt were the gates to a slimy cavern beyond filled with soft pink flesh and a tongue ready to slaver over whatever its owner puts in his mouth. The thief was caught in his own thoughts and despite being able to push his blush back his eyes lingered for far too long on Leona’s mouth. The lion raised an eyebrow before darting his tongue out to lick his bottom lip. He watched the hyena man shiver and decided to try one more thing. 
   Being lazy and tired nearly all the time came with it’s perks, the ability to yawn on command was one of them. He stretched his jaws wide and kept careful watch on how the lower year would react. Ruggie was tempted to get closer for a better view when the lion man’s fang filled maw opened and gave a clear view of the image he had been trying to kick from his mind a moment ago. The longish tongue pushed forward in a very cat like manner and strands of saliva snapped when they got too thin. He suddenly had a very clear image of himself sliding to the back of that throat and pushed into the dark beyond. 
   The hyena’s pupils dilated with excitement and he looked at the ground for a few seconds before retreating back to the freshman section of savanaclaw members to try and get a hold of himself. A hum vibrated through Leona as he registered what had just happened. He decided to store that information for later when he was bored. After all, every cat needs its toy.
   This information proved to be useful after all since Leona and his Hyena boyfriend were now in their current relationship and in an understanding of each other's kinks. Leona took pleasure in being especially dominant and predator-like towards his sub. Ruggie has a vore kink where all he wishes is to be swallowed whole and alive. When discussing their kinks the hyena had blushed the whole time and stammered through each sentence. It was unusual for the normally mischievous 2nd year and Leona had to admit it wasn’t a bad look for him. 
   They took that particular kink slow at first and simply tested the waters, but eventually the time to actually act on it came. Which is how Ruggie ended up sitting inside his boyfriend's stomach, petting the walls with deep content. The lion prince purred deeply at the treatment he was getting and hugged his swollen belly possessively as he was lulled into a tired state. Hic-uuuarrp. “Ugh…” He looked down and smiled knowing that his ‘snack’ couldn’t see him. They were definitely a good match for each other. Leona gets to act all like a king and receives a good inner bully massage and Ruggie gets to enjoy himself in a way he never thought possible. The lion chuckled. Oh how many fun adventures they could have with this. He couldn’t wait.
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miaxeu · 4 years
      though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, MIA STOEGER is actually a descendent of DIONYSUS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-ONE year old MYTHOLOGICAL STUDIES MAJOR from LOS ANGELES, USA has taken after HER godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite CHARISMATIC & DUPLICITOUS. 
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( y’all dont deserve this real messy intro but im workin w half a bwain cell at 4am so i beg thee 4 mercy. nywyy im the excited new girl who’s hella pumped to meet all ur charas : katya ! feel free to hop in my ims to plot or drop a like and i’ll hop in urs ! x  )
natural acting abilities — her ma’s a hollywoo agent so she started actin real early & now shes a big shot actress. there r more deetz on her career below !
chlorokinesis — it wasnt as natural as acting n she only started working on it when she turned 13 n started going to camps. b4 she just noticed shes good w plants but it wasnt super crazy or nything. its p good now tho ! shes prioritizing vine binding and manipulation 4 the self defense bc awards r cool n all but they dont rlly protecc from monsters ykwim 
levitation — shes trying her best ur honor
alcokinesis  — she cant conjure it or anything, she’s just immune to it ffff
BIO POINTS — cw: drug use ( full biography here )
her mom raised her by herself bc dionysus the party god was out of the picture immediately. she never told mia she’s a demigod & it was always just “ wow ur so talented ” or “ aww u got a green thumb ! ” but when she saw him claim 13 y/o mia by placing a weird hologram over her head while she slept, she knew she had to spill da beanz & tell her kid
ofc mia thought her mom was jus playing sum weird acting exercise w her bc her powers r so lowkey she could highkey just be a Mortal but insert sad whistle, the realizashun & the claiming meant heightened monster threat !! so yea ,,, one ended up chasing her a couple days later rip 
aside from the trauma, mia was ok. mostly bc she ended up cryin for dionysus like any child would n lo & behold he came & helped !!! as he should. nywy she made sure to go to summer camps every year after that but mostly just for protection purposes
she lowkey rlly hates this whole god business esp now that shes grown lmfao deadass thinks she got a bad deal bc life threats arent sexy !!! went to eonia eventually bc its Too Much Man. she just wants to go back to work and her life w the mortals w/o worryin for her life. would deadass fade her father if she could. may or may not be majoring in greek mythology to figure out the logistics of it all out of spite, who knows !
not ! a Drama Queen  —  dont get me wrong, shes hella Extra in the way she moves n acts sorta like shes always bein captured on film. is quick-witted & playful & can be a huge tease/flirt if she feels like it, but miss her w Real Feelings ! totally not sentimental. srsly she will try to rationalize away everything and is just,.,., not good w it. so soz folks, we just keepin it breezy here
ugh, she’s an Actress — aka she can act like she cares tho ! shes very much into keeping ppl on her good side. shes friendly n palatable to everyone bc its how shes been trained & while it doesnt seem fake, its def diff when its genuine
The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known —  lemme circle back to the first one, ok so shes good w emotions but only in theory. does intense character work with her roles so she thinks that counts as her having eq when rlly shes just emotionally stunted, projecting n repressing like an idiot
blonde, skinny, rich, & a lil bit of a Bitch — shes only a bitch inwardly or to ppl she trusts enuff to let in on the gossip. if anyone full on opposes her or becomes real emotional, then this lil diva will rear its superiority complex head n snap a lil. will most probably do it v underhandedly n w a smile but it will be Brutal
girls just wanna have FUN ! — shes the child of da party god, so ofc she a true party girl. officially off the rails when she parties. inhibitions ? we dk her. can be insensitive in that case bc smtms its truly no strings attached, tis all abt the fun. likes company a lot & it doesnt even have 2 be loud or particularly abt her, she just likes having people around n the escapism of it all. will make friends with everyone n make sure they have a jolly fun time guaranteed at dionysus parties 
Work Hard, Play Hard — real responsible when it comes to work and commitments and if she trusts/likes u enough, she’ll give it 2 u straight, no bs. def thinks Calling Out is an act of love but maybe does it a lil too harshly smtms. v much into efficiency, sentiments be damned. not the feely words type. will sit next to u or party w u or even pay 4 ur therapist if u need sum1 to talk to. she will Be There while u work thru it, so long as u dont expect her to change n be all emotional n stuff
if she seems a lil contradictory thats bc she kinda is. tis the good ol nurture vs nature. her ma’s a real no nonsense chick n her pops is a frat guy drama geek greek god whos rlly into cottagecore so u get this lil blonde bitch whos sorta teetering on the edges
OTHER INFO  — cw: drug use ( full headcanons here )
re her career, she achieved pegot status when she was 18 aka she truly b dat bitch. shes not super mainstream famous tho, more like indie sweetheart, film snobs/critics fave typa gal. if ya want a trajectory she started w baby commercials then a sitcom from 4-10 ( think modern fam’s lily ) then it was off to the big screen & the stage ! 
mia has a lil bit of a drug habit. its not abusive or dependent, but it is a staple whenever shes parties bc alcohol is useless 2 her. started a lil young too bc hollywoo. primarily uppers/hallucinogens. she smokes weed a lil more liberally but the rest is mostly just an on occasion thing ( which, ngl, is a still a lil problematic when u party a lot rip )
after she got claimed, mia ended up going to demigod camps in a lot of diff places n countries, depending on where production would take her. there was never an established place, more like wherever was nearest when they wrapped up shooting bc monsters afoot n wutnot  
she was always homeschooled but she still managed to go to a prom and homecoming bc party is life. that makes eonia uni p much her first chance at having a normal educational environment & experience and even then its anything but. still tho this is her moment !!! im lit rally begging her to get a personality that isnt her internally rolling her eyes going “ its not that deep ”
might put up a bio/stats page if im feelin sxc but i wud jus like the records to show that mia stoeger is a bi sxc babe bc me ? write a het ? no grassy ass.
POSSIBLE CONNECTIONS — cw: drug use ( full connections here )
omg danny devito i love ur work ! 
,,, p self explanatory sdkjfs sum1 who loves her work ! it can be lowkey/highkey fangirl to a civil admiration
OR alternatively, y/m can Not Be a fan of her work. they might think the storyline of the projects she takes on r too out of touch n highbrow yada yada yada, but yes, we love to see either of it ! 
summer camp sweetheart !  
someone she met when at camp when they were teens ? doesnt matter in what country/city, but mia was only visiting so it was truly a one summer romance typa thing. bc she was younger, im thinkin 13-17 or w/e she was probably sweeter n a lot more emotional then. was it either’s first puppy love ? first kiss ? first “ relationship ? ” idk, do yk ? truly, so many possibilities. nothin set in stone just hmu bub 
summer camp pals ! 
p much the same as above but make it Platonic
party buddies !
or druggie pals. either way works but she wud luv it if theyre both xoxo
friends w benefits !
most probably ( but not limited to ) sum1 she met at a party skdjhsjk is it exclusive ? is any1 starting to develop feelings ? im down 4 nthing n evrything
alexa play true friend by hannah montana !
give mia her college bestie ! her confidant who knows her feels and can call each other out viciously with no ounce of resentment. we stan the friendships !
omg i love ur skirt !
that is the ugliest effing skirt i've ever seen. lmao basically sum1 mia pretends to like or acts civil w but rlly ,,,, Cannot Stand for w/e rzn   
im p much braindead rn but those are just sum ideas !!! ofc the usual staples like the pals, enemies, wutnots are also v welcome we love to see it. if u also have a wc that u think mia would fit in, id luv to know more ! there are also a couple more detailed ones here, but pls feel free to shoot me a msg n we can get 2 plotting x 
( * wipes brow * how did i type so much n say so little rip. mia is also a completely new muse so pls b patient n if i fuq up from time to time, pretend u do not see >.< nywy thnx 4 readin, sweets ! feel free to hmu here or at discord if ya wanna <3333 )
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Survey #445
“you’ve got a lot of nerve, but not a lot of spine”
Have you ever created a fake internet persona for yourself? No. Do you enjoy going to weddings or showers? What is it that you like or dislike about them? Not... really. They're triggering for me. And I don't use "trigger" lightly. They legitimately, deeply affect me. It's part of the reason I've lost a lot of interest in being a wedding photographer. Is there a person in your life whom you support by showing up for the sports games, concerts, or other performances? This question, uh... sucks. Because I'm that awful aunt that doesn't go to her nephew's t-ball games while everyone else does. It's the heat that does it, but still... it shouldn't. How many video games do you have? A lot. We have a big case of them. Why did you take the last pill you took? My heartburn is especially awful today. Has a girl ever stayed up with you all night? A guy? A girl, uhhh... maybe? Idk. A guy, yeah. Do you think guys look good with makeup? Hell yeah. How long would you wait to become sexually active with someone you’re dating? That would just depend on how quickly we deeply bond in a relationship. I wouldn't go that far before I knew I was in love with them, though, so it definitely wouldn't be quick. Do you enjoy a good debate or prefer keeping the peace? klasd;jkla;jfklwdj I HATE confrontation, so I strongly prefer to keep that peace. Debates rarely ever stay civil, anyway. Can you ever see yourself and your ex back together? One, easily. The other... I wish. But it won't ever happen because I fucked that relationship up way too much. Are you thinking about anything that’s upsetting right now? Yeah. My PTSD is being really bothersome. Would you ever want to ride in a canoe? Yeah, sounds fun and peaceful. So long as I'm not rowing, ha ha. When did you last see an attractive member of your preferred sex? Did you speak to them? Do you think you’ll see them again? Two days ago. Yeah, 'cuz he was my personal trainer. I don't plan on quitting the gym, so I'll probably see him around there now and again. Have you ever tasted baby food? How about pet food? Save for when I was a baby, obviously, no. I once tried a guinea pig yogurt treat, ha ha. How many times have you had your heart broken? Once romantically, twice overall. Actually, no, four. Quite a jump, I know, but Teddy and Jason's mom both dying was nothing short of heartbreaking. Think of the person you fell hardest for. How many people has he/she been in love with, besides you? One, before me. I don't know about since. Find 5 people on your Facebook friends list, whose names begin with K. Who are these people, and how did you meet them? Katherine: an online friend. We met on YouTube. Kim: she's my stepmom. I met her through my dad, obviously. Kelly: a high school friend. We met in art class. Katelynn: was Jason's old friend's former girlfriend. We met through said friend when we all hung out together. Kieley: she's the wife of who I call my "big bro," a close gaming friend. We met through Sam, the aforementioned friend. Sometimes do you wish you lived in a fantasy world? Yeah, who doesn't? What would you say if the ex who hurt you the most told you they hated you? "I don't blame you" or something to that effect. Have any of your friends dated an ex/previous crush of yours? I don't think it's accurate to call her my "friend," but Jason's first girlfriend and I are friends on Facebook. I'd love to get to know her better and actually be *real* friends. One word to describe the last person you kissed? Strong. Has anyone ever cheated on their boyfriend/girlfriend with you? You could say that. Does your hair have layers? No, not anymore. Who was the last person you cried in front of? My mom. Have you done something recently that helped someone else, in any way? I don't know. Which Disney princess do you think is the most beautiful? Why? Probably Jasmine. I just think she's really pretty. If you’ve had a bad experience in a past relationship, did you find that you were scared to get into another relationship, in case the same thing happened again? I'm terrified to this day to start new romantic relationships. I had so many panic attacks about losing Sara when we first started dating. If you were going to buy a present for the person you love/like, what would you generally choose? Absolutely something Frieza-related. If you met the celebrity that you most admire, what would be the first thing you’d say to him/her? Probably just "oh my god, thank you" and start crying lmao. Is there something you generally always ask for help with? I'm sure there's something, yeah. When was the last time you cried? Today. Do you like sausage? Yep. Ever held a newborn animal? Kittens, yes. Do you know anyone with a dual citizenship? Uhhhh maybe? Have you been called a bad influence? Yeah. Like she had ANY room to talk. Do you get stage fright? Yes. Would you be excited or annoyed if your favorite book was being made into a movie? Both of my favorite books are also movies, and they're wonderful. Do you need structure in your life or do you prefer to just go with the flow? I require structure, for sure. Without it, my anxiety goes rampant. Change is something I do not cope with well. Post a picture of you from one year ago. No. Have you ever written a fan letter? If so, who was it to and did you receive a response? No. What trait(s) would you not want your children to inherit from you? My mental illnesses, primarily depression. I have A LOT of reasons for not wanting kids, and my poor genetic makeup is even one of them. I don't want to pass on all the shit I deal with. What is the worst place you’ve woken up? Waking up in a shitty bed at the ER while waiting to be transferred was never one of my favorite things... Are you the type of person who has to study to make good grades or does it just come naturally to you? Aha... I was lucky in that once I heard something in school, it had a tendency to stick. I didn't need to study very much at all - usually. When on YouTube, what types of videos do you mainly watch? Mostly let's plays. What was the last conversation you had with someone about? Sara and I were kinda fangirling over how cute Maieykio and Rumours are, ha ha. Do you have any currency that’s not your native country’s? No. Can you describe your father in one word? Complex. Do you still watch movies intended for children? Yeah. Hell, I probably tend to prefer them. Who is your favorite stand-up comedian? That's living, probably Gabriel Iglesias. What is your strangest phobia? Probably whale sharks. Which part of your state/province do you live in [upper,lower,middle]? I live on the eastern side. Who in your life can you count on the most? My mama. Would you rather eat your pizza cold or hot? It depends on what I'm up for. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? No, I'm not a fan. Last thing you drank? Pink lemonade. Have you ever thought you were going to marry someone? Sure did. The belief was clearly mutual. But I ruined that. Who are your favorite people to talk to when you’re down? Sara or my mom. Have you ever thought you liked someone, and then found out that you really didn’t? See: Girt. Describe the last dream you had that you can remember. It was actually... really fucked up, so the squeamish beware. I don't remember the details, just the shocking part: a little bird flew into me, and I thought it was a bug, so I crushed it in my hand. Heard and felt the bones break and it was just... ugh. It's nauseating to recall. I'm sick and tired of dreaming of only awful things. Any current family issues? Not any big ones that include everyone. The only "issue" that really exists in my family is how my mom feels like Ashley (my older sister) avoids her, and therefore Mom doesn't see the kids nearly as much as she wants. She feels very overlooked. Whose room of the opposite sex were you in last? When? Uhhh, probably my nephew's? Sometime when I visited my sister's house, idk. The last movie you watched with a friend? Elf, I think. Have you ever played with fire? Uh no, because I'm not keen on being burned. What industry do you want to be a part of when you’re older? Art, in some form. Who do you usually text the most? Since Sara and I started chatting mainly on Discord, definitely my mom. Have you ever been surprised with breakfast in bed? No. Llamas or sheep? Sheep. Have you ever seen anyone famous in the street? No. When do you plan on moving out? Whenever I'm in a long-term, stable, happy, and healthy relationship. I really don't at all think it would be healthy for me to live on my own. What’re you going to be for Halloween? I'd actually love to dress up this year seeing as I've really been feeling the holidays, but the money to like... make a recognizable costume isn't really with us. So I'll ust answer as if I had it, in which case it would be a handmaid from The Handmaid's Tale, but with fake blood splattered over my stomach region. Will you buy a cake for your next birthday? We always do for b-days. Do you like brownies? BITCH I love brownies. Have you ever dressed up as a witch on Halloween? Yeah, as a kiddo. Have you ever been to a masquerade? No. Do any girls like the last guy you kissed? Maybe, I don't know. Do you have a second mom? I have a stepmom, if that's what you mean. When a bee is coming close to you, do you stand still or run away? Ngl, I gtfo. Do you ever hang out with someone of the opposite sex? I haven't hung out with Girt in around a year. Really need to change that. When you go out to eat, what sides do your order with your food? Fries. What is your winter coat like? ... I actually don't know if I have one? Did you do well at fitness testing in grade school? I did fine. Are art museums interesting or boring to you? Interesting. Inspiring, even. Do you know how to use an ATM? ... No. :x How about write a check? uhhhhhhhhhhh... Are you Italian? Not to my knowledge, no. We don't know my dad's heritage. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings? I commented on one of my sister's Facebook posts earlier. Are you interested in photography at all? Very much so. Do you own an acoustic guitar? I don't believe so? Ashley had one when she was waaaay younger, but I haven't seen it in forever. I think Dad might have it. Can you talk to your parents about anything without them judging or bickering at you? Because you said "bickering," no. Mom knows how to pick fights on a lot of things... Who was the last person you took pictures with? My sister when she came to visit a few months ago. What is the wallpaper on your best friend's cell phone? I'd be willing to bet it's either her and Jem or Frieza. Do you melt butter to put on your popcorn? No. We get the movie theater butter kind. Do you consider flirting cheating? Sure do. Have you ever been on probation? No. What is normally on your Christmas list (if you celebrate it)? A tattoo and meerkat stuff. Do you like KoRn? They're one of my favorites! When you were little, did you pick up worms? Do you pick worms up now? Ha, I did. I would sometimes dig just to look for them, especially if I knew Dad was going to take me fishing later that day. I don't like touching worms nowadays. Would you ever go see a stand-up comedian? Yeah, I think it would be fun. Do you have any best friends that you only know online? BEST friends, not current ones, anyway. I've met my current best friend. Have you ever gotten into a physical fight? Nope. Do you have a problem with swearing? No. What do you do when you see a spider? My reactions vary. If it's a tiny little thing, I tend to ignore it. In most cases, admittedly, I get my mom to come kill it. :x I really, really want to get on a level where I can just cup the spider and take it outside. I want a few types of spiders one day (tarantulas, jumping, and velvet), after all, so I really should get used to interacting with them. I know in my gut they're nowhere near as dangerous and scary as your head makes them seem, but it's so instilled in you (most "you"s, anyway) from a young age to stay away from spiders, so it's fighting almost like instinct. Do you have big dreams? Meh... When is your father’s birthday? Sometime in April. The 16th, I think? Maybe. Are you interested in anime? Yeah. They can have some great stories. Do you eat three meals a day? Most days. Are you part German? German and Irish make up most of my heritage, yes. Do you dream of being a porn star? Uh, I can confidently say no. Have you ever been on a farm? I have. What is your favorite type of muffin? Blueberry, I think. I like the moisture it adds to the muffin. What is the last type of salad that you ate? Just your normal one with iceberg lettuce and ranch. What do you usually put on your waffles? A layer of peanut butter and then some syrup. You NEED to try it. Would you rather have a cottage on the beach or in a forest? A forest! Name all the people that you talked to today. Online, through texts and in person. Mom and Misty are all, I think. Do you know a schizophrenic person? My half-sister. Did you ever watch Sailor Moon? If so, who is your favorite? I did. I don't think I had a favorite character. Name the last 3 people you kissed and list one nice thing about each one. Sara: she's very loyal. Girt: he's funny as hell. Tyler: he, uh, cares a lot, I guess? When was the last time you felt EXTREMELY depressed? Why is that? Yesterday, actually. I was passively suicidal just over... a lot of things. Would you ever dye your hair pink? I want pastel pink hair anyway.
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