#it was a nice way to start the morning though!
pucksandpower · 2 days
Hip Thrusts
Oscar Piastri x Reader
Summary: watching your boyfriend train gives you ideas about other things (or people) his hips could be doing … like you
Warnings: 18+ content
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You take a deep breath as you push open the door to the gym. The smell of rubber mats and metal weights fills your nose.
It’s early — the sun is just starting to peek through the windows — and the gym is mostly empty, except for a few dedicated early morning regulars on the cardio machines.
Across the room, you spot Oscar on the weight floor. He’s doing barbell hip thrusts, clanging the weights up and down with each rep. His trainer Kim stands over him, stopwatch in hand, counting out the seconds between sets.
You take a moment just to watch Oscar train. His brow is furrowed in concentration, his muscles flexing and contracting with each thrust. He’s wearing those tiny Nike running shorts you bought him last month, the ones that show off his sculpted quads and glutes.
You can’t help but stare a little bit. Okay, a lot. Your boyfriend’s butt looks amazing.
“57… 58 … 59 ...” Kim counts. “Good, take 30 seconds.”
Oscar racks the barbell and sits up, grabbing his water bottle. His eyes catch yours across the room and his face lights up in a smile.
“Hey babe!” He calls out, waving you over.
You weave your way past the ellipticals and weight machines until you’re standing next to him.
“Hey yourself,” you lean down to give him a quick peck. “You’re looking strong this morning.”
“Just trying to get some strength training in before Kim puts me through the ringer later,” Oscar says. “We’ve got the season starting up so I really need to be on my game.”
He takes a long swig from his water bottle as Kim jots down notes on his clipboard.
“So what brings you to the gym so early?” Oscar asks. “I didn’t think 6 am workouts were your thing.”
You shrug. “I was up early and thought maybe we could do breakfast after you’re done?”
“Sounds good to me,” Oscar nods.
Kim clears his throat. "30 seconds are up, time to go again.”
“Duty calls,” Oscar says, getting back into position on the bench.
You step back to give him space, but stay close to chat. Oscar grips the barbell and hoists it up into position over his hips. You glance at the plates stacked on either end, doing some quick math in your head.
“Seems like that’s heavier than last time I dropped by,” you can’t help but comment.
“Sure is,” Kim says proudly before Oscar can respond. “We increased the weight since last week. Gotta keep increasing the load to build muscle.”
You stare at the barbell plates again. Exactly your body weight. Which means ...
Oscar is doing hip thrusts with the equivalent of you lying on top of him.
A little flutter goes through your stomach at the thought. You try to push it aside though. Obviously he isn’t thinking of it that way, it’s just part of his training regimen that Kim has him on. Still, you can’t help but visualize it for a moment.
“Alright, here we go,” Kim says. “Three sets of twenty reps, and … go!”
Oscar begins thrusting the barbell up in controlled motions, breathing out with each lift. You try not to stare, but your eyes keep flicking back to the movement of his hips. There’s something about watching your boyfriend’s pelvis go up and down right in front of you that’s making it hard to look away.
After twenty reps Oscar racks the barbell again. His chest is heaving a little from the exertion.
“Nice work,” Kim says. “How’d that feel?”
“Good,” Oscar says between breaths. “Definitely feeling the burn.”
He catches your eye and must notice you blushing because he adds with a wink, “Enjoying the show, babe?”
You feel your cheeks flush even more. “What? No! I mean, yes? I just … never mind ...” you stammer.
Oscar grins knowingly and takes another sip of water.
Over the next two sets, you try your best not to gawk. You remind yourself that this is serious training. Oscar is an athlete and you need to be respectful.
But still … when he’s finished his final set and Kim tells him to take a longer rest, you can’t help yourself.
“So, the weight you’re thrusting, huh?” You say, trying to sound casual. “That’s kind of a coincidence ...”
“What do you mean?” Oscar asks.
You glance at Kim, who is occupied on his phone. In a lower voice you say, “Well, it’s exactly what I weigh.”
Oscar’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Oh! I didn’t even realize.” A sly grin crosses his face. “Hey, you’re totally right.”
You take a step closer to him, emboldened. “So basically you’re doing hip thrusts with me on top of you.”
Oscar lets out a startled laugh. “When you put it that way ...”
“I have to admit the thought crossed my mind while I was watching you,” you say. You run a hand slowly up his arm. “I think you’re the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Oscar swallows hard, his eyes darkening. “Yeah?” He asks quietly.
You nod, feeling suddenly shy under his intense gaze.
He reaches out and takes your hand, rubbing his thumb in circles over your skin. “Well I can promise you, the real thing is a hundred times better than any training exercise.”
You lace your fingers through his, reveling in his touch. “Why don’t you remind me later?” You ask boldly.
Oscar leans in, his breath hot on your ear. “It would be my pleasure.”
A little shiver runs down your spine at the promise in his words. You want to kiss him right here in the middle of the gym, but Kim finally looks up from his phone.
“Alright, time’s up! Let’s keep moving.”
Oscar gives you a sheepish look as he releases your hand. “Duty calls once again. But rain check for later?”
“Absolutely.” You wink and take a step back so he can get into position for his next set.
You try to pay more attention to his form as he does the next round of hip thrusts. But this time, your mind keeps wandering to what those hips could do under different circumstances. Judging by the smoldering looks Oscar keeps shooting your way between sets, you’re pretty sure he’s thinking the same thing.
By the last set, there’s an obvious tension and heat between you. Oscar holds your gaze as he finishes the final reps, his hips rising and falling rhythmically. You bite your lip, no longer even trying to hide your desire. You want him, and you want him now.
Finally Kim calls time and tells Oscar to start his cool down stretches. As he reaches for his toes, back arched, you sidle up behind him.
“I think you need to stretch out some other muscles too,” you murmur in his ear. “I’d be happy to assist with that later.”
Oscar straightens up with a groan. “You’re killing me here, babe. As soon as we get home ...”
You grin up at him innocently. “Yes?”
He kisses you heatedly, not caring that Kim is still packing up his things nearby. “Why don’t you head out and get breakfast started for us?” He suggests. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
You bite your lip as you back away slowly. “Don’t keep me waiting too long.”
You toss one last flirty wave over your shoulder as you leave the gym, heart racing. You have a feeling breakfast might be the last thing on both of your minds when Oscar gets home. But you love teasing each other like this — it always makes your time together even hotter.
As you drive home, you can’t stop replaying those images of Oscar doing hip thrusts in your mind. Maybe you should start joining those early morning workouts more often …
You can barely concentrate as you drive back home. You and Oscar have always had an adventurous and flirtatious relationship, but that encounter at the gym took things to a whole new level.
When you get home, you quickly tidy up the bedroom and kitchen to get things ready for when Oscar arrives. You take a fast shower, letting the hot water relax your excited nerves.
Slipping into a silky robe, you head to the kitchen to start preparing breakfast. You chop fruit, arrange multigrain toast and toppings on a platter, and squeeze fresh orange juice, trying to make everything look as appetizing as possible. Not that food is really on your mind right now, but you want to set the scene perfectly.
Just as you’re pouring two cups of coffee, you hear the front door open. Oscar calls out your name, his voice sending a thrill through your whole body.
“In here!” You call back, straining to keep your tone neutral even as your pulse quickens.
Oscar strides into the kitchen and pauses, eyes sweeping over you hungrily as he takes in the robe and the breakfast you’ve laid out.
“This looks amazing, babe,” he says appreciatively. He comes over and kisses you tenderly. “Thank you for doing all this.”
You smile up at him, arms encircling his neck. “Least I could do after that little show you put on for me. Now come sit down and eat before it gets cold.”
You both take a seat at the kitchen island, filling your plates with fruit, pastries and eggs. The domesticity of sharing a meal together contrasts wildly with the tension still charging the air between you.
Oscar asks about your morning as you eat, keeping the conversation light. But his foot slowly trails up your calf under the table, making your breath hitch. You tell him about your plans to meet up with some friends later in the week. His hand finds your knee, fingers lightly grazing your bare skin. You ask him how training is going, trying to keep your voice even as your whole body tingles.
By the time you’ve both cleaned your plates, you’re squirming in your seat, heart pounding with anticipation. The second Oscar pushes his plate away, you surge forward to kiss him hungrily. All pretense of small talk is dropped — you want him now.
Oscar responds immediately, his strong arms pulling you tight against him as he kisses you deeply. You run your hands over the hard muscles of his chest and arms, feeling them flex and relax under your touch.
“Take me to bed,” you whisper in his ear.
In one smooth motion, Oscar stands and lifts you up into his arms. You wrap your legs around his waist as he carries you effortlessly to the bedroom and lays you down on the bed, his athletic body hovering tantalizingly over yours.
You run your hands up under his shirt, feeling the ripple of abs and obliques. Oscar lets you pull it up over his head before capturing your mouth again, kissing you ravenously.
“Need to feel you,” he groans, hands fumbling to untie your robe. He pushes the silk aside reverently, eyes roaming over your exposed body with undisguised longing.
You arch up into him, gasping as your overheated skin meets his. Oscar kisses down your neck to your collarbone, hands gliding up your ribcage to caress your breasts. You moan his name, back bowing off the bed at the sensation.
“You’re so beautiful,” Oscar murmurs, lips continuing their descent. “I’ve been thinking about this all morning.”
You smile, combing your fingers through his hair. “Well then stop thinking and start doing.”
Oscar laughs, his warm breath fanning over your stomach. “Yes ma’am.”
He kisses lower, fingers trailing down your thighs to nudge them apart. You let your legs fall open with a pleasured sigh, back arching in anticipation.
Oscar starts slow, kissing and licking with delicate flicks of his tongue that have you squirming for more. He grips your hips, holding you still as he finally puts his mouth on you fully.
You cry out as he brings you right to the edge, only to pause and ease up again, keeping you balancing at the precipice.
“Oscar,” you moan urgently.
He smiles against you, knowing exactly what he’s doing to your body. When he finally takes pity on you, the climax rockets through you powerfully, leaving you trembling and breathless.
You pull Oscar up to meet your lips again, tasting yourself on him. “Your turn,” you whisper.
He groans as you quickly flip him onto his back and kiss your way down his taut body. You pull off his shorts torturously slowly, trailing your tongue along his hip crease in a way you know drives him wild.
Finally you take him into your mouth, noting how he’s already hard and straining for you. You smile around him, working him with your lips and tongue until his hips are bucking uncontrollably.
“I need you. I need to be inside you,” Oscar gasps, stilling you.
You release him reluctantly and crawl back up his muscular frame to kiss him hungrily. Oscar grips your hips and then you’re sinking down onto him, crying out at the delicious fullness.
You move together urgently, the restrained desire from earlier in the gym bubbling over as your bodies join again and again. Oscar’s fingers dig into the curves of your hips as he guides you up and down. You brace your hands on his sculpted chest, grinding your hips in little circles that make you both moan.
The pleasure builds rapidly, urged on by the intoxicating intimacy of your entwined bodies. Oscar’s thumb finds your most sensitive spot and starts stroking in time with your movements. The dual sensations send you hurtling over the edge again. Your climax seems to trigger Oscar’s own release. He throws his head back with a ragged groan as he finds his peak deep inside you.
You stay wrapped together as you both catch your breath, hearts pounding against each other’s chests. Oscar strokes your hair back from your face and pulls you in for a lazy kiss, full of satiation.
“Wow,” you sigh, still trembling with aftershocks. “This morning just keeps getting better and better.”
Oscar grins and rolls you both onto your sides, keeping you tucked close. “I guess we have hip thrusts to thank for this extra workout.”
You laugh and kiss his cheek. “Remind me to join your gym sessions more often.”
You lay entwined, trading soft kisses and simply enjoying the intimacy. The frantic passion from moments before simmers down into contented warmth.
Eventually Oscar nuzzles your hair. “As much as I want to stay like this all day, I should probably shower before practice.”
You pout playfully but let him slide out of your arms. He heads to the bathroom and you hear the water turn on a minute later.
Biting your lip, you get an idea. Oscar did say all day ...
You sneak into the steamy bathroom behind him. Through the frosted glass door you can see the outline of his muscular frame under the cascade of water.
Silently, you drop your robe and step into the shower behind him. Oscar turns under the stream, eyes lighting up as he sees you.
“Well hello there,” he grins. “Come here often?”
You press your naked body against his slick skin. “I missed you already.”
Oscar’s arms wrap around you as his lips find yours. “I think we have time for round two before I have to get ready for the afternoon,” he murmurs suggestively.
You smile and reach for the body wash, lathering up your hands. “Better get started then.”
Oscar groans appreciatively as your soapy hands glide over his shoulders and down his chest. You take your time relearning every hard ridge and valley of his athletic physique, paying special attention to the areas still sensitive from your earlier activities.
The combination of cascading water and roaming hands quickly has Oscar hard again. This time he lifts you, pressing your back against the cool tile wall as your legs lock around his hips.
You cry out in bliss at the new angle as he enters you. Oscar braces one hand on the wall and slips the other between you, resuming his earlier attentions. The dual sensation makes your eyes roll back in ecstasy.
“Yes, yes, don’t stop,” you gasp, raking your nails down his back.
Oscar increases his pace, thumb working you relentlessly as he snaps his hips. You feel the pleasure coiling tighter and tighter until it crests explosively, just as Oscar tenses and finds his own peak.
You cling together, slick and sated under the warm spray. Eventually Oscar carefully lowers your weakened legs back to the shower floor, keeping an arm around your waist to support you.
“Okay, now I really need to get ready to head out,” he chuckles.
You sigh contentedly. “Fine, but only if you promise more later.”
Oscar drops a kiss to your shoulder. “Oh I’ll definitely take you up on that.”
As you exit the shower on shaky legs, you exchange a grin. Looks like early morning workouts are going to become a permanent part of your routine from now on.
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hanniebaeee · 3 days
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Boyfriend Lee Know x fem!reader
Warnings: A lot of crying, pregnancy and child birth, dad! Minho stealing your heart (sorry!)
Genre: angst, fluff
Summary: You feel your boyfriend, Minho, slipping away from you. You love him way too much to leave, but your current situation calls for change.
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This wasn't the first time your boyfriend Minho is missing a date with you. In fact this has happened way too many times already and yet here you were, hoping it would be different this time around. But the jokes on you, because Minho wasn't there and you were eating on your own at your favorite cafe. One of the servers was your friend by now and she gave you a sympathetic smile as she placed your order on the table. Blowing the candle out, you ate in silence.
It had started raining heavily by the time you were finished. The cafe wasn't too far from your house and so you had decided to walk. It was pouring cats and dogs now. You didn't have an umbrella, so you tried to wait it out a little. But unfortunately, the rain wasn't planning on stopping.
Just as you were about to step out, the kind server came running with an umbrella.
'Oh no, thank you! How would you get home then?' You asked.
'I still have a couple of hours left here. I'll catch a ride with one of the girls.' She said. 'You get home safe, yeah?'
You nod and take the umbrella from her, thanking her. Stepping out into the freezing rain, you walk to your house as quickly as you can. Even with the umbrella, you were drenched by the time you got home. The cats were asleep in their bed in the living room. It was so quiet and cold, you felt a fit of sobs take over you, crumbling to the floor and crying silently.
You had hoped to find Minho home at least, but sadly, he wasn't. Standing up and walking to your bedroom, you change into dry clothes and get ready for bed.
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It was past midnight when you felt the bed dip under his weight. He stayed silently on his side of the bed for a few minutes. He was afraid to approach you after forgetting about your date. Again. But then, you felt his warm body press against your back, his arms wrapping around you. His face is in the crook of your neck. He was crying.
'Minho, it's ok.' You said, even though it really wasn't. But you didn't want to push it. You were too tired.
'I don't deserve you.' He said, his sobs shaking his entire body.
'Hey, hey. Stop that. We'll talk in the morning, ok?' You put your hand over his, giving him a reassuring squeeze. But he cried even more as he realized that you weren't saying all those nice things you usually did.
'Are you leaving me? Is that what it is?' Minho asked, making you face him.
'It doesn't feel like you're in my life anymore, Minho.' You say sadly. 'Especially, now, when I really really need you.'
'I've been struggling a lot with... everything...nothing is going right with me. I'm exhausted all the time. I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.' Minho said, cupping your cheeks in his hands.
Then he falls silent before asking, 'What do you mean, now?'
'Minho, there is a reason I wanted to meet you today.' You say and Minho stiffens.
'I don't want to be a burden, ok? I'm telling you only because you deserve to know.' You continue, making his eyes well up again. 'Your work is your first priority. I get it. You have worked way too hard to be here now and nothing in the world should take it away from you.'
Minho shakes his head no, but you continue talking.
'I'm just really tired of being caught up in between this.'
'Baby, no. Please, no-' Minho was crying harder now, holding you tightly against his chest. 'I won't let you go. I won't. You're everything to me. I wo-'
'I'm pregnant, Minho.' Your words stun him to silence.
He pulls back to look at you clearly for the first time in a while. You did look really tired and pale.
'What?' Was all he could say.
'Yeah. I didn't know until last week. I was really sick - the nausea, the fatigue, the bloating. I didn't think I was pregnant, until I passed out at work after skipping a meal...I'm around 8 weeks in.' You say, wiping a tear from your eye before it could fall.
'Why didn't you call me?! Oh my god, you passed out??' Minho was sitting up, looking shocked.
'I called. You didn't pick up or call me back. So I told you to clear a day and meet me for dinner. You didn't show up today, did you?'
You weren't angry. That he could've dealt with. You just looked so tired and resigned, it killed him. You sit up and pull your messy hair up into a bun.
'I have made up my mind. I will have my baby with or without your help, Minho. You can walk out right now and I won't fight you. If you wanna help and be a part of our baby's life, that's ok too. But I'm done being left on read and being stood up.' You try to control the sudden surge of tears. 'You have to make up your mind.'
'No no no' Minho pleaded. 'I know that I fucked up ok? But I promise, this would be the last time! I will leave everything for you. But I won't last a day knowing that I won't come home to you again.'
'Minho...please-' You didn't have it in you to take any more disappointment.
'NO!' His voice was loud and it shook with emotion. 'No one is leaving! We're doing this together, understand? I'm going to take care of you and our baby. I'm going to be here for you. Ok?'
'Ok' You whisper, after a pause. 'That's what I want.'
'Ok' he said, cupping your cheeks in his hands. 'That's the only thing I want too.'
He leaned forward and kissed you, both of you crying.
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Minho stood by his word, and you didn't find yourself having dinner or going to bed alone again. He was by your side for all your appointments and scans and he cried like a baby as he heard your baby's heartbeat for the first time.
Minho had bought a ring he wanted to propose to you with, years ago. He was just waiting for the right time - but here you were. He never thought your baby would be there to witness the wedding though. He organized a beautiful baby shower for you with just your closest friends and family. And he took this opportunity to propose to you. Of course, you said yes.
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When you woke him up one night, slowly telling him that you're in pain and the moisture spilling down down legs is definitely not you just peeing yourself, he shrieked in fright.
Picking up your hospital bag and calling Chan through excited tears, Minho drives you to the hospital. He held your hand, trying to soothe your sobs as contractions ripped through you. Everything was fine until he saw your eyes roll back and you were sweating way too much.
'Too tired, I can't-' you mumble, and he's calling out to you, softly first, then it gets louder and louder before the doctor asks him to step out.
'What? Why? What's going on?' Chan holds his hand, trying to assure him that everything is alright when there is a nurse asking him to sign a form and telling him that you need an emergency C-section. His hands shake as he looks at Chan and then at the nurse, who tells him that you're alright, but you won't be able to push your baby out on your own right now.
He covers his face and cries as he thinks of all the nights you spent alone, the times he ignored you and now here you were, struggling alone yet again.
He stares at the little pink bundle in his arms, his little girl with sweet pink cheeks and lips. But his heart is still tight because he hadn't seen you yet. Later, when he was finally allowed to meet you, he wouldn't let go of you. He clung on like a koala, as Chris held your baby, watching you both with moist eyes.
It killed him to see you in so much pain, and he did everything he could to help you. From taking you to the bathroom, helping you bathe and change your clothes - Minho did everything for you. In fact he hated it when anyone else (his mum or yours) tried to do it for you. He was fiercely protective of you and it made your heart swell with love for him.
He stayed true to his word and he never left you hanging ever again.
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A few months later:
You watch as the boys move around the kitchen, busy cooking. It was a free weekend for all and they decided to come and have lunch together. You were ordered to go and chill on the sofa as Minho and the boys handled the cooking.
Minho held your little girl in his arms, laughing at something Hyunjin was saying. Your daughter was fast asleep against her father's chest and he was rocking her gently. His eyes meet yours and he gives you the sweetest smile ever. You smile back at him.
This is everything you've ever wanted. And you felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
a/n: I have a thing for dad!skz 💘
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dearsnow · 2 days
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- you lost contact with the boy next door, and you believe your life is better for it. (bradley “rooster” bradshaw x fem!reader, ⚠️ adult topics mentioned, part of the series “out of touch”)
OUT OF TOUCH: It’s been twenty years since you last saw Bradley Bradshaw, and, suddenly, you realize he’s finally grown up.
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word count: 1,003
a/n - aaaaaa my top gun obsession as of late is currently taking up everything in my brain 🥹 now that i’m out for the summer, i really am going to try to finish what i started. come along for the journey, if you dare <3
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You were never “together” together with him. You used to wish you were, praying desperately to every fallen eyelash and coin in a fountain and 11:11, but nothing could make Bradley Bradshaw, the only thing your teenage self wanted, settle down.
Instead, you followed him like a lost puppy, and he reveled in your affection. He was fifteen years old, just barely starting to grow his hair out, and you were fourteen. He was also your neighbor, something you could not get out of your giddy head every time you caught a glimpse of him riding his bike outside your window. You supposed it was a thing of proximity; you fell for the only boy you had ever really talked to, and he wanted a warm body.
It was an innocent crush. You liked the way he moved his (frankly horribly styled, which you only realized later) hair out of his brown eyes, and he liked that you liked him. So you went out on “dates”, and you had a fun time, and he inevitably left you to fend for yourself when his friends came around. It took two months of this for you to finally realize that it just wasn’t going to happen.
As soon as you pulled yourself off of your metaphorical knees, he was attached to another girl. A blonde named Rebecca with curves that were certainly not age-appropriate, even at seventeen. You hated her, for a time, but looking back on it, she had the same lovesick look in her eyes that you did. He had that effect on everyone.
When Bradley left, you didn’t even miss him.
You’re thirty-four now, with a brand-new sparkle in your eye. Things are perfect. You just accepted a new job in sunny San Diego to be closer to your long-term boyfriend, and really, life couldn’t be better.
After high school, you moved halfway across the country to attend your dream college, where you met Derick. He’s a nice guy. He brings you flowers, knows your drink order by heart, and, most importantly, he isn’t afraid of commitment. He has a big, shiny ring tucked in the back of his sock drawer, and you won’t ever tell him you know where it is.
Even your job is amazing, which is something people rarely get to say. You got the opportunity to own and manage a cafe quietly nestled into the cozier part of the California coast, and you wouldn’t change it for the world. Its proximity to a naval base is also a great thing, as uniformed men line up in droves for an early morning coffee or the odd pastry on their cheat days.
You’re hardworking, and finally, finally, it’s starting to pay off. You smile to yourself as you pull the morning’s cash profit out of the cash register and divide it into folded envelopes. Nothing, you think, could ever go wrong.
Bradley’s life is great, too. That’s what he’d like to think, at least. He has friends. He loves his job. He loves the freedom of hooking up where he wants when he wants, without anyone trying to tie him down. He likes condoms and birth control, too, which are very important to his lifestyle. But when he looks at couples, rings around fingers and hands tucked into back pockets, something inside of him gives a little.
He’s never been one to stay in one place. He moved around a lot as a kid, and some essential part of that stuck with him. His job doesn’t make it easier, either–he’s constantly on the move. Now, though, he’s living in San Diego semi-permanently, and his roots are beginning to dig into the sand. And the whole time, he’s stayed depressingly single.
Women want him. There’s no doubt about it. He’s young enough, at thirty-five, for the twenty-something’s to chat him up, but old enough for the forty-somethings to not feel creepy talking to him. He’s fit, smooth, confident, and if he wants to take it that far, very good in bed. Despite all of that, he’s never found anyone that could truly tie him down. He’s getting a little tired of it at this point.
“Lord, she’s the hottest thing I’ve seen all week.” Fanboy moans into his palms. There’s a croissant on a napkin in front of him that he hasn’t even touched.
Hangman grins from behind him. “You gotta get us there so we can take a shot. As a humble man, I can firmly say that she won’t even think about her boyfriend when I walk through the door.”
The daggers are going on about their new crush of the week. Apparently, Fanboy had spotted what he describes as a “cuteness off the charts” cafe owner on his quest for a new dessert spot. There’s only one thing that deterred him from sweeping her off of her feet: she has a boyfriend, one that she’s evidently quite serious about.
Rooster isn’t into taken women. It’s too much hassle, and he doesn’t like getting in the way of a relationship. He’s made that mistake in the past, and gotten a black eye to show for it. A bit of him is curious, but he won’t take that bait.
“I want to go back. Maybe… maybe I can say the croissant was so good that I had to get another. Guys, you need to go with me. It’s serious serious.” Rooster can firmly say that he’s never seen Fanboy so worked up about a girl before. Who in the world could make his friend geek out like this?
Phoenix chimes in from her spot behind Rooster. “I don’t condone messing around with girls with boyfriends, but I’ve gotta see her for myself.”
Fanboy stands, determination written on his face, as he takes a bite of the croissant. “Let’s go. And you guys better not steal my thunder.”
Rooster rolls his eyes, but follows behind his very smitten friend. He’s in for an interesting (if not somewhat funny) afternoon.
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Taglist: @m1dnightsnackz @itsarabellebabes
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ikemenomegas · 1 day
Levi decides he wants a baby. He doesn't have an alpha, but this is the modern era. Who needs an alpha to have a baby...
But the thought of a total stranger siring his child doesn't satisfy him either. After a year of thinking it over, he finally brings it up in front of his friends and someone recommends
Deeply suspicious of an alpha "chill" enough to simply stud for free, and recommended by his friends no less, he accepts an invitation to a group gathering where he spends the whole time not so subtly eyeing you and then pretending not to.
And when you finally get the opportunity to talk to him, you're so offensively nice, Levi has to hold himself back from ruining the encounter
But you can tell he has something on his mind. He doesn't tell you, but your receptiveness, laughing at his clumsy attempts at humor, it all lower his guard.
So when he finally meets you, formally, at a cafe with plenty of private space for you to talk, it's just a tiny bit less awkward.
He reminds himself that he doesn't even need your body. He just needs you to agree.
And he's so frustrated, because you don't. You want to "get to know him", whatever that means. And he knows it's reasonable. He does. But he's waited for so long. He's not getting any younger. And he's waited so long to bring it up and it cannot be so easy yet so impossible.
And again, you're so patient with him, with this frustration so deep that it nearly brings tears to his eyes.
Levi has spent his life carving space in the world for himself, surviving things that aren't so hard for other people, and it's painful, knowing that this thing is so important, that he can't just do this himself.
But you meet again. He wonders, mutinously, which of his acquaintances (...friends, temporarily downgraded) has turned rat on him to make you so nice, kind, patient, attentive, interested. In him.
Yet somehow, before he knows it, you've gone six months. Somehow, it's nothing like he'd expected.
"My answer is yes," you said, in a gap between conversation, cupping a lavender latte, a travesty but so far his only complaint today, between your palms. "But..." you hesitated, but then your resolve seemed to crystalize before his eyes, "I'd like to be involved. With the baby. If you'll let me, if you're open to it."
Levi knows his eyes go wide, and he knows he all but flinches, because he's never even imagined you asking this, never imagined asking you. That's not what this is. You're a donor, a practical stranger. That's what he keeps telling himself rather than wonder if he's just someone you humor on the weekends or odd weekday morning, rather than wonder if he'd rather you actually spend a few nights with him, instead of going through the procedure Hange had told him about, rather than wonder if the kid's going to have your eyes or your smile or your way of folding a napkin with perfect corners after a meal.
His heart is pounding and you look obviously worried, like you've gone too far. It's just...
"A baby is a lot of work," you say, waving your hands like you're showing him you're not a threat. Your scent turns placating, when did he start being able to scent you even under the scent patches? "Even with your family helping. And even if we're not mated, I've been doing research. They say having the donor alpha offer pheromones can help your recovery, and if the kid is omega or alpha, it helps them bond stably." You're babbling. This is surely not what he wants.
"You know what, never mind. I'm sorry. I know you value your privacy, and you won't need another person intruding on your space after the birth. It was wildly out of line for me to--"
"Can I think about it?" he chokes out before you can rescind the offer. "If you, if I, shit," he curses, his cheeks are flushed, but he's cold, but he's not scared. It's just unexpected.
You relax, but he can still see that you're uneasy. He's so stupidly grateful when you nod though and he wonders if you can scent him too, if you can taste it wafting faintly from his neck, that relief.
Neither of you manage to stomach anything more than another tea, and your smile is as weak as his joke about the second latte you order. When you turn your wrist, he can see the rapid flutter of the pulse there and he knows your heart is hammering. He blames it on the caffeine.
You give him space, although you continue to text him regularly. He's stupidly grateful that your texts are normal, even though he appreciates the effort it must take to pretend - because he knows you, and he feels the same way. It takes effort to reply, but he does, because he doesn't want you to think that he wants this to be over.
He's not running away. He's just thinking.
Erwin is no help, happily mated as he is, but he is comforting and encouraging, and being around Erwin's two-year-old, which is really not as bad as people say it is, helps.
Seeing Erwin's alpha doing the normal childcare things Levi has seen a hundred times and thought nothing of helps too.
Hange is clinical and excited about it, spouting unhelpful statistics about post-partum alpha-omega bonds, even between unmated pairs, and mentions studies done with surrogate couples. That makes Levi flush, briefly imagining he's having your baby and not his own, something he quickly shakes off.
Mikasa is surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, level headed about the whole thing. The only thing she's never normal about has been her own mate anyways.
And she asks him the question everyone else may have also been asking, but he hadn't heard.
"What do you want?"
And then he gets to sourly sit through dinner where Mikasa looks at Eren like she wants to literally eat him, like down to the bone, and he excuses himself, wondering how long it will take until he's soft and sluggish, until he can't move so fast that Eren can't tell when he's moved.
Then he sits in his house for a week. He asks you not to call, not to text. To give him time. And you do, and he hopes that you hate it, at least just a little.
At the end of that week, he can't eat in the morning. He turns his phone over and over in his hand before he takes a deep breath, feeling like he's going to throw up.
And then he calls you.
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dira333 · 14 hours
dearest dira !! im here for your plot bunny game <3 could i request bokuto ?? :>
You might not have fallen in love with your husband if you'd met him out in the open, as loud and (affectionately) obnoxious as he is.
So you'll be forever thankful that you met him the way you did.
"Excuse me?" You kneel down to squint under the table. The space is barely big enough to hide a child and you don't think a man in a fancy dress suit could even get his leg in there.
"I'm not here," a voice whispers, high and a little whiny.
"Okay," you nod, "I was just wondering if you're comfortable. Are you hungry?"
You look over the table, take stock of the room. Loads of equally fancy-dressed people. The food isn't that far away.
"Okay, stay where you are, I'm going to get you something. Any preferences."
"I like meat."
"Okay, I'm back, are you there? I've got a few sticks with grilled chicken, some Onigiri even though they only had Tuna, and those Mini Steaks that are absolutely delicious. Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy but I don't know how hungry you a-" The Plates are all but ripped from your hands. You stare at the now-empty space but don't dare to lift the tablecloth in fear of what's truly hiding underneath.
For a while, you can only hear the quiet noise of someone chewing. You think about leaving, but it doesn't feel right. What if they're thirsty too?
But before you can ask them, the table starts shaking softly. For all the quiet swiftness he had entering this little safe space, the guy does not care for quiet nor swiftness as he creeps out, almost tipping the table over.
"Hey," he smiles up at you with wide, curious eyes, greyish hair slightly drooping, "You're still here."
"Uh, yeah, I was... uhm, are you thirsty? They have a Soda Fountain."
He's tall, huge even, with beefy arms and equally large thighs. How on earth did he fit- No, you don't wanna think about that. "Yeah!" He smiles, "That would be nice. What's your name? Mine's Bokuto. I'm not really sure why I'm here though, do you know-"
"OH! You're Bokuto Kotarou!" You smile, beaming with pride. "You're famous for your crossshot!"
Are you imagining things or did his hair just straighten like it has a mind of its own.
"You've seen me play?"
"Obviously! I'm probably your biggest fan!"
"Really?! Tell me more!"
"He's like his Dad," you sigh, peering into the small space between the TV and the Wall. "Always creeping into the tiniest places."
"Is he okay?" Kotarou's hanging off your shoulder, all weight and despair.
"I think so. Do we have some food to lure him out?"
"He ate all his snacks this morning."
"All his- Kou, you know you're not supposed to give him all his snacks at the same time!"
"But he looked so cute!"
You sigh again. "Stay here, okay? He likes you, he might come out when you ignore him. I'll get something he likes."
"But how do I ignore him?" Your husband asks, clearly unable to imagine such a scenario.
"If you turn your head to the left you can see the artwork Keiji bought us for our wedding. You always get lost in your head looking at it."
"Oh, right."
You're only a little surprised to still find him staring at the artwork when you turn back. But that's not the important part.
Important is the little puppy gnawing on Kotarou's hand, so obviously unhappy about the fact that no one's paying him any attention.
Like you said: Like father, like son.
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antigonenikk · 10 hours
What it would actually be like to date various HBOWAR men (modern au):
by me and @guarnerepdf
-is a cokehead finance bro
-you wake up in the middle of the night to him watching you sleep with no explanation given, just an eery smile
-is gaslighting you for purposes unknown (moving your furniture one inch to the left etc)
-buys you the fucking tackiest expensive jewelry and designer clothes as random gifts but half of it is fake
-you justify staying because he takes you to NOBU but you’re afraid to google him
-malarkey keeps telling you he's a serial killer but he has such beautiful hair
-lipton keeps handing you domestic violence brochures when he thinks no one is looking. you throw them away because you want that fucking ugly gucci belt! and the staring is sort of charming after a while
-possibly has a secret child that he is hiding from you. you're not sure.
-the first time you have sex he chokes you without asking and is confused when you get mad at him over it.
-does coke while eating dry fruit loops cereal in the morning. somehow looks hot while doing it.
Liebgott and Webster:
-challengers level toxic throuple, these two come as a pair!
-liebgott is xanned out so badly on the regular that he does not remember the last time he washed his hands.
-lieb met bill and toye in rehab and now all his friends are undergrads even though he's going on thirty.
-lieb won't kiss you in the morning "goddamn it woman, brush your teeth" but will kiss webster no problem!
-lieb likes webster more, but web likes you more because you don't call him slurs and you let him rant to you about sharks.
-you and web unionize at some point to get liebgott back into rehab. when he's gone you realize your relationship is 200 million times healthier but also extremely boring. you take him back the minute he releases himself AMA.
-lieb cannot figure out how to work tiktok, meanwhile webster has 100k subscribers on youtube and does grwm story time videos.
-you once had to be driven home by babe from the gas station after lieb kicked you out of the car. the fight was because he didn't believe you when you said you were allergic to gluten. babe lets you play cinnamon girl by lana del rey on the way home.
-lieb keeps trying to weaponize therapy language against you, 'baby you're fucking gaslighting me!' webster just makes it worse when he tries to explain what the terms actually mean.
-you start dating Bill after he steals you away from Babe. Babe was nice, but you got the ick immediately after realizing he's not the leader of the friend group.
-bill sends you disgusting dick pics with extremely poor lighting. you can see his bottle of lotion in the background.
-you think it's sweet that he brings flowers when you go out until you realize they're stolen from the neighbor's flowerbed.
-you have an extremely lavish jersey shore wedding that culminates in a horrible fight when he shoves cake in your face ruining your 400 dollar makeup (that you paid for) and your 2000 dollar dress (that you paid for). during your vows babe has to hold himself back from saying something when the priest asks if there are any objections.
-DIRTY fingernails! does not wash his hands. gives you a UTI but doesn't understand that it's his fault.
-Doesn't cheat but is always on the brink of it.
-Follows multiple swimsuit models on Insta, claims it's okay because 'sweetheart, listen, it's all on the screen!'
-Is so cheap he refuses to pay for extra sugar for your coffee, 'you've had it bitter before, babe.' you are ready to murder him. takes you to chili's and acts like it's a michelin star restaurant.
-cheats on you immediately. within the first week.
-sends you anonymous texts to get STD tested, too scared to actually go to the clinic but is certain he's dying of syphilis.
-cries to lip for an hour when you leave him for speirs.
Gale Cleven:
-'sweetheart. are you really gonna wear that out to dinner? it's a bit...well... risque.'
-accuses you of being an alchoholic every time you drink, but Bucky has done four Jeagerbombs tonight and isn't getting any lectures. Also. Why is Bucky with you two on your date night?
-is straight but keeps stringing Bucky along because he reminds him of his father and for narcissism reasons.
-marge messages you on facebook to warn you about him, and also to sell you on her new MLM scheme.
-bucky keeps giving you mean little grins as he hangs off your man....you are very close to murdering him.
-you finally leave him after he calls you daddy in bed. not mommy. but daddy.
-gives you chlamidya three weeks into dating. gaslights you into thinking you got it from sitting on a public toilet seat.
-drives drunk while you're in the passenger seat, goes above 90 and almost kills the both of you.
-is in love with gale and you both know it but refuses to talk about it.
-laughs when you start crying over your new STD diagnosis.
-is the worst boyfriend in the entire world. do not date this man!
-cheats on you with vera, but has a jealous meltdown everytime you talk to hoosier at house parties. you were literally just asking the man for a lighter.
-hoosier is stirring shit up for shits and giggles. he keeps liking your thirst trap insta photos, commenting 'photo cred'
-cries when you confront him about cheating. writes a poem to you about how badly hurt he was by the whole situation. says he only did it because that's how he was raised! no one taught him how to love properly!!
-exploits his family trauma at any given opportunity, shameless about it
-writes you sweet yet cringy love poems
-chuckler keeps trying to warn you but is so awkward about it that you just end up super confused
-blows up the minute you try and critique his writing
-tells you you're acting 'just like you're mother!' during arguments
-eventually you break up because you cheat on him with hoosier and he cheats on you again with vera
-completely emotionally unavailable
-laughs at you in the middle of a fight, then when you storm out he stares at the wall for four hours straight. no blinking. no moving.
-goes to chuckler thinking he's dying because he has a 'weird feeling in his stomach.' the feeling is literally just a crush.
-catches leckie flirting with you. doesn't cause a scene but DOES immediately cheat on you as a retaliatory action. has no idea why you're mad about it.
-determined to hurt you before you hurt him.
-somehow makes you think you're in the wrong due to the sheer FORCE of his conviction that it was okay for him to cheat on you.
-you two break up but get back together after having a baby. the baby is possibly not hoosier's but he's a genuinely good father. (the baby very obviously has leckie's face. no one is fooled.)
-during your wedding ceremony leckie has to be thrown out after making the worst best man speech of all time.
-parent teacher conferences are a nightmare because your child is biting the other kids and is failing all her classes. hoosier blames you for not helping her with her homework. you all go out to souplantation afterwards and he keeps dropping barbs about you being a dumbass.
-the two of you stay married for 40 beautiful years before dying of old age. within those 40 years you separate and get back together a total of 5 times. leckie somehow outlives you both.
-is sweet and lovely and handsome and makes you laugh a lot but
-you're banned from six movie theatres, three bars, the pier, disneyland, and a froyo shop
-you don't even LIKE froyo but the fact that you can't fucking go there anymore is driving you up the wall
-you got kicked out of disneyland because he got into a fistfight with donald duck
-his mother HATES you. she is the ultimate boy mom. they are constantly talking about you in Portuguese behind your back. she wears white to your wedding.
-cannot go grocery shopping because he's stopped every five feet by some old acquaintance. you have no idea how he knows any of these people!
-you're his beard but he doesn't know it
-is the ideal gay boyfriend/husband
-buys you flowers and takes you out on beautiful dates. cringes when you try to kiss him
-everything would be PERFECT except snafu keeps creating dummy accounts to harass you, drives by your house at all hours of the night, and you're pretty sure he's planning to SWAT you.
-eugene has no idea why you hate snafu? he's such a sweet guy!
-you're a bit embarrassed to tell your friends you're dating him....he's sweet but just so dorky
-almost puked on you after taking a dab at bill's house. you had to comfort him for ten minutes
-long suffering angel who you cheat on because you know he's just too good for you.... better to hurt him before he leaves you first!
-is popular on tiktok somehow. you have no idea how this happened but it did
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creatingnikki · 2 days
sudden wave of missing you. I hope you're doing well. that you've found people you can converse with and those who can call you out on your bullshit like I did. but do a better job than me. I hope by now you're more self aware. that you feel more balanced. that the void inside of you feels manageable; I'm trying too. there are good days and then there are days I want to put my head in the oven. I would send you all this in an email but I never asked for your email address. and I'm not sure you'd want to hear any of this. I know you'd be happy to hear from me, though.
I can already picture your smiling face. you called me a smartass a few times. that's rare; many have called me smart but never a smartass. I guess with you I was able to bring out that sassy and smartassy side of me more freely. that felt nice; you felt nice. and then you stopped feeling nice. and then I started getting obsessive.
what do I think about when I think of you? I think about that morning in your home when you made me iced coffee while being so severely sleep deprived. the morning that we sat discussing poetry and going through your wedding pictures. the morning when you kissed me and I kissed you back. the morning you said a lot of shitty things. the morning I did not call you out or walk away when I should have. but more than any of that I think about innocence, I think about delusion, I think about mischief, and I think about childhood.
I wish we got to speak about our childhoods. I wish there were more conversations and more coffees and more smartass banter assigned to our destinies that crossed paths ever so briefly. But alas. I wish you're well. I wish you keep smiling irl the way you do in my head. Love and light to you. So much love and light.
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detectivebambam · 10 hours
hi!! i have a writing prompt for you pretty please with a cherry on top: andreil, airport rainy day with a delayed flight and cuddling. i just love airports
i loved this prompt so it is the first one I finished. hopefully this satisfies your needs:
The flight to California was supposed to leave at six in the morning, but weather had delayed it until further notice. Andrew was already on edge from waking up so early, and the fact that they were going to California just made him cranky. Neil took his phone and changed all of Andrew's nap alarms to an hour early so he could adjust.
"You okay?" He asked.
Andrew just grunted in response.
"I have juice in my bag if you want."
Andrew shook his head and went back to picking at his nails.
If Andrew was going to be this grumpy the whole time, no one was going to get through the day unscathed.
"Take a nap, then," he suggested, "I brought your blanket."
Andrew looked over at Nicky, then back at Neil.
"Oh for fuck's sake, Andrew. If you think I'm gonna let anyone get near you, you're fucking crazy."
"Don't care."
He busied himself with his nails again, then got bored and went to search for food. He didn't ask Neil to join him, but he went anyway.
After a couple minutes, Neil found a perfect solution.
"That place has cocoa," he pointed. "Do you want some?"
Andrew started walking towards the store in lieu of an answer.
"Read," he demanded.
Neil cocked his head in question.
"My contacts broke."
"I have your glasses with me-"
Neil rolled his eyes and began listing menu items he thought Andrew would like. He didn't even bother with the list of Matcha Teas, though he made a mental note to get one for himself.
They arrived back at their gate with a peppermint hot chocolate and a peach matcha. Hopefully the warmth of the drink along with the sound of the rain could lure Andrew to sleep; at least that was the plan.
It was a good plan, too. After half an hour, Andrew was fighting to keep his eyes open. Neil clicked his tongue and ran his hands through Andrew's hair. He had to be methodical about putting him to sleep. One wrong move and he'd be in danger of getting bit, and probably be subject to the silent treatment.
Luckily, his plan had worked out okay. Andrew tucked his feet up underneath him and laid his head on Neil's lap. Of course there were plenty of old hags in the seats nearby that felt the need to glare at the PDA. Thankfully, Neil's scars proved useful for some things. He glared right back and could've sworn he saw one of them crossing herself. With his barely healed Glasgow scars and broken hands he supposed he did look like the Devil. It didn't matter anymore. He was content with whatever would keep them away from Andrew.
He carefully reached down to grab Andrew's blanket. It was yellow and lightweight, with a sunflower pattern. Bee had got it for him after Aaron's trial. A peace offering before the difficult weeks to come.
Neil threw it over him and by the grace of God, didn't get a glare in return. He went back to sipping his tea and reading the synopsis of the book he'd secretly bought for Andrew. It was a young adult, about a boy trying to prove himself to his father with the help of his ghost friend. Maybe at the hotel, Andrew could read it to him. Neil much preferred it that way; Andrew doing the hard part so Neil didn't have to watch the letters jump around the page, taunting him. Laying his head on his chest to feel the hum of Andrew's soft voice. It had become a nice way for them both to unwind after long games. A tradition of sorts.
Neil looked down at Andrew once more. His blanket had slipped slightly down his shoulder, so Neil blew on his face to let him know he was there and pulled the blanket up under his chin.
Andrew made a small hum of appreciation and went back to sleep again.
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safetycar-restart · 3 days
okay but
having charles cum by grinding against your ass???? yes pls
the poor thing is just ten times more hot and bothered than he usually is. and usually, that's a lot. and you're cutting up some strawberries for him – his favorite fruit. meanwhile, he's behind you, arms around your waist as he nuzzles his face into your neck, whining into your ear.
"please, mommy. please let me fuck you, please, please, please." he begged, his voice soft and gentle. "i'll be such a good boy, just let me feel you, wanna make you cum." he continues, but you don't budge. service sub, he is.
"not now, darling." you answer softly, cutting the strawberries. "be patient, okay? then mommy's gonna play with you." you added, but he whined in protest. "but i want you now."
you shake your head softly, with a gentle "mm-mm", as he clings onto you, kissing your shoulder and your neck. "tell you what," you start, and he immediately perks up. "while i cut this, if you can cum by grinding against me, i'll let you fuck me right after."
charles, knowing that that's better than nothing, agrees. he's in the perfect position too. pressed up against your ass, half-hard already. sure, his sweatpants and your own make it a bit harder to grind against you, but it also feels all the much better cause of it.
he's a mess, whining and whimpering, letting out gibberish moans right next to your ear as his hands sit on your hips, as he just desperately grinds and ruts against you. just this has his eyes rolling back. you can only imagine how he is when he's inside you.
and you're unbothered, just cutting up strawberries while he moans into your ear like crazy while he literally grinds his cock against your ass. and of course, it doesn't take him that long to cum in his pants, leaving a stain on both layers of his clothing.
and yes, you kept your side of the deal. you let him fuck you right after. now he's a happy boy <3.
Right lads, time to return to absolute filth with subby Charles.
So firstly, yeah Charles just gets SO needy sometimes. It's almost like he works himself into a panic? And then all the poor thing can do is whine and beg and cling to you. When he gets like that, you know there's no way to snap him out of it without at least two orgasms.
Maybe he had been horny from the moment he woke up? Except he had an early morning training session to get to so he couldnt get a sleepy hand job in bed, which he was NOT pleased about. He pouted all the way through breakfast.
But of course, he goes to his training session and does all his exercises and everything because he's a good boy and he always follows all his rules. The moment he gets back, you have a horny, sweaty Charles in your lap. You have to order him to go shower or else he'd refuse to move from your arms.
It's after he's showered and changed that he finds you in the kitchen preparing him a little post workout snack. Which of course he's very thankful for but he's horny! He's been horny all day! You must help!
The poor thing is just whining in your ear and gripping you tight and begging to fuck you. He's not even saying full sentences, just random phrases of 'mommy... please... mommy wanna fuck... need mommy' in your ear and of course there's no way you could just ignore him.
When you tell him he can grind against you, he's so happy! Even though of course it doesn't feel as good as when you play with him, it's still so so nice. Especially because he's hugging you!
When he gets close, he basically leans all his weight on you, shaking and desperately humping you, whining and begging for permission to cum.
All you have to do to get him there is to lift your one hand up and lightly tug his hair and he's cumming in his pants.
At no point does he even notice you stopped cutting fruit a long time ago.
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pinkhairedlily · 3 days
On a random weekend morning, Sasuke catches his daughter lingering for quite a while in front of the mirror. 
Sarada fixes her hair, trying to change the parting from side to middle. Upon realizing that she looks like a dusty old broom inside the university library, she lets her hair be and shifts her attention to the hitai-ate. She usually wears it across her forehead, but committed to trying things out, she fashions it today like a headband. 
A longer stare at her reflection. A twist and turn. A sigh of exasperation. The hitai-ate is sprawled across the counter.
Sasuke guesses it's time for some sort of intervention. In the earlier days, it felt like he was always grappling at the most mundane accidents, teetering towards breakdowns, but now—now, he's learning. He's coping. He clears his throat as he pretends to just notice her. “Sarada, is something wrong?”
His daughter gives him a lopsided smile and shakes her head tentatively. “It's…nothing.” Sarada glances again at the mirror and sees him looking too.
Sasuke wraps his arm around her shoulder. “You resemble me a lot.”
Her fingers start playing with the tips of her hair. “I'm thinking of dyeing it to pink.”
He wonders what tone he should use for a bubbling sign of rebellious reinvention. “Like Mama?”
Sarada nods. “I'd love her green eyes as well.”
“Me too. They're my favorite color.”
“Do you think,” Sarada stares up at him with a disarming sincerity, “I'd look like her if I did?”
He leads her to the veranda overlooking the garden they have been toiling for the past summer. What Sakura enjoyed the most was the fresh supply of flowers, clumped wild blooms that spruced up their space, as if it had always been their home.
“It's not that I hate your genes, Papa. You have a very nice genetic makeup, the best actually, but—” Sarada blurts out in innocent defiance. “—sometimes I wished I looked like Mama too so people could tell immediately I am that great doctor's daughter. I don't even have her medical skills, which sucks so so bad. You know how my friends always seem like they had a 50-50 share in their parents’ features? Look at Himawari. Or Inojin. Or Chouchou.”
“But you do look like her, peanut.” Sasuke smoothes down the tension that lined Sarada’s face.
“Mama. I want to know what she looks like when she grows old. How the wrinkles and age would shape her face. How she would smile without dentures. Her smile when the laugh lines end up staying. The crow’s feet that would only get more prominent by the years.”  The child clasps the knuckles of her father. “So maybe if I look like an exact replica of her, we would see her alive again.”
Sasuke opens up his palm and entangles their hands together. Tiny fingers too small for the spaces that her mother once fit perfectly. 
“As I said, you do look like her.” He smiles, internally fighting the waves that have surfaced on his recently calmed shores with Sarada’s confession.
“You laugh exactly like her. You yell shanaroo at the smallest inconvenience. You have her brute strength and her wit and that makes you the strongest kunoichi alive. You're Sakura's daughter.”
In the distance, Sasuke makes out the first blooms of daffodils. “To me, to us, you're perfect the way you are.”
Sarada slyly whisks away the pooling tears in her eyes. “I still want to dye my hair pink though.”
“I think Mama will kill me if your hair gets fried with the bleaching.”
“Fine Papa, let's try first with a wig.”
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grumpyoldsnake · 1 year
So it turns out that if I wake up at 5:30 am after a restless night’s sleep, hike partway up a mountain on a whim, and then drive a couple of hundred miles, I wind up tired at the end of the day 😂
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hua-fei-hua · 1 year
*flopped down on a couch w/a glass bottle of apple juice to make it look like i'm drinking beer*
yeah... yeah i'm fine.... just coming to terms w/the fact that i must use javascript in order to achieve my vision w/the neocities...
#the main reason i haven't just abandoned this particular aspect of the Vision(tm) is bc it would be useful for like.#more than one thing. so it's like. le sigh.#(reading the documentation for tippy tooltips tonight so that i can sleep on it n try to implement it tmrw or something)#why is it always js.... please god spare me at least a Little bit of suffering here i'll never sin again etc etc#speaking of sin i've started speaking more candidly abt my queerness w/the kids at work this week#it's nice to talk to the older kids (as in fifth grade or older) bc even tho like. nine years old is when they start to be tolerable#they lack awareness n life experience. today i told the older kids that i like men but in a gay way#n one of them was like 'i don't get it' n then i reminded her of Gender:tm: n she was like 'ohhhh i get it'#n the two guys also listening were like 'what. i still don't get it.' ONE OF THEM ASKED ME IF I WAS AMAB ACTUALLY LOL#n i was like 'what? that's not important.' but that was really surprising! kids usually read me as female#so it was kind of flattering in a way to be asked 'were you born a boy?' like idk how he's trying to process my gender#but i'm going to flatter myself into thinking the question comes from him like. idk clocking some kind of innate masculinity or w/e idk#花話#anyway it's Crazy that it took me almost a year to not feel like i'd get instantly fired for telling kids i'm queer#Not going to lie it really felt like i'd never get to this point but it really is kinda just once you start it gets easier#(though to be fair i also wouldn't have told Any of the kids Anything had one of them not started acting like 'gays' was a dirty word)#(n i just Looked at him n said 'you know i'm a queer right?' n he was like 'O_O')#when i worked at homophobic summer camp i do remember daydreaming abt telling my boss i was a 'flaming queer'#i'd have put my feet up on her desk n everything as i made direct eye contact w/her but ofc i never did anything like that.#anyway! i will slep now so that i can get back to work on my projects tmrw morning
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majouartings · 2 years
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some autumn outfits~ 🍂🎃
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hey besties going to be out of country for the week and i won’t have my computer so might be inactive heads up!!
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I do think one of my favorite parts about work is having people who I can be like omg you would Not believe what is happening rn in my life to and they’re like oh my god really??
#today on that is I actually cannot stand where I go to college and am not happy about going back#though I’m glad to get out of my house#and I was like maybe I should take a gap year. oh. I’d still have to live with my mother than. nvm#and one lady was like aww but I’ve met ur parents they’re fun! and I’m like oh bestie u wanna hear the latest on my mother???#which would be that she left for 4 days said it was bc of me and then claimed she never said that and thinks everything is back to normal#and she’s like oh! oh wow. i did not get that impression#i just gotta. watch what I say a little bc my dad and the owner r friends#not that I have anything bad to say about my dad#my mother however……. don’t get me started#my mother saying all that is old news but I do like people to have context before they decide she seems like a very nice person#im working maximal hours still im out of here lol#but they didn’t schedule me!! so now im trying to take peoples hours#but it didn’t occur to me that I should like. pick and choose the days. like I should be putting in more effort to work days my friends do#everyone I really wanna see is there on my last day which makes me happy#i am gonna miss my friends a lot#i managed to weasel my way into my manager just like. giving me all of Wednesday to work. despite them not really needing me#she’s like wellll I’m managing so no one will say anything#like ok bestie thank u#now I just need to steal someone’s Friday morning#soup talks
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ray-kitty · 2 years
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I had to say goodbye to my oldest kitty today, Ginger. I just wanted to make a post so other people could see how cute and wonderful she was. She got to 18 years old, and did well right up until the end. She was really wonderful, and I'm going to miss her a lot. She was really sweet. And loved her food, and being brushed. We kept some of her fur and will be getting impressions of her paws. Some of my favorite things about her are that one of her feet was orange, and when you would snuggle her she would wrap her tail around you like she was snuggling back. She really loved being wrapped up in blankets to keep her warm. Rest in Peace, Sweetpea. 2005-9/16/22
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