#it was actually our 2 month anniversary yesterday officially !!
remnantsfm · 1 year
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hi everyone! this is a formal announcement that for this week & onwards, the main is going to become more of a "collective" of writers, rather than a strictly regimented group. this comes after 2 months of writing with each other and going through those typical lulls in activity, where i feel like we can cut away some formalities and be able to focus on just enjoying writing. and so, the main change is that we'll no longer be enforcing weekly activity checks. instead, on the 1st of each month, i'll run through the blogroll, see who hasn't in 3 weeks or so, and just check in with whether they'd like to keep writing with us or not. if yes, perfect! you can post when you have the muse to do so. if not, no worries at all, just let me know! my main goal is to take away some of the stress of activity, since i know people (myself included) are getting busy at this time of year and rp is and always should be a fun hobby. as for the rest of the main, it will largely function the same way it has been, just maybe a little slower. i fully plan to keep accepting any reserves/apps as they come, updating the pages, posting new tasks/events/plot drops, etc (including the rest of event #002)! i started remnants because i wanted a place to write, so i'm dedicated to keeping this verse up & going for as long as there is anyone else who wants to keep writing in it too. ♡ with all of that said, i know that this is a shift from a traditional "group rp," and so please don't feel pressured to stay if you'd prefer to drop. if you would like to keep writing with us, please like this post before october 1! that'll serve as our first new check, and then we'll go on as usual afterwards. aaand that's it for now! if you have any questions, let me know. additionally, since i'm going to be gradually updating the main to reflect this change, if anyone has any updates they'd like to make to their muse(s), occupations, apps, etc, just reach out as well! technically that option is & will always be there, but i figured i'd mention it since we're already talking about changes. :')
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rosedmuse · 9 months
connecting dots; for harusoie 900 days
Sometimes I think to myself, 'do i really deserve this kind of love?' because I cannot recall any instance in my life that makes me worthy enough to be loved like this. I doubt myself a lot. I wasn't born pretty. I'm imperfect. But then, maybe that's exactly why I am being loved as I already am, by this beautiful person I now call my other half. 
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January 1st.
Just like our usual setting, Haruto and I are celebrating another New Year's Day together. This is... our 3rd consecutive one, if I did the math right. But unlike our usual setting, we're also off to check yet another milestone of our relationship coincidentally on the same day. 
A romantic candle-lit dinner. The gentle music of orchestrated violins reach our ears from nearby. And of course, the prettiest date alive sitting across me. Claiming this night to be absolutely 'perfect' is way beyond of an understatement, but this sure feels like a reenactment of a dream I once had back when we were still a newborn couple.
"Do we really have to do this?" I ask in a slightly whispered voice.
Haruto playfully rolls his eyes. "I told you I'd reserve a holiday just for the two of us."
At that remark, a smile betrayed my intentions. Could I be embarrassed? Nah. It's not like there's anything for me to be bashful about, anyway. I probably just got too used to us celebrating at home for a long time that finally doing so out in public resembles taking an actual step onto foreign territory.
Oh, well. Every day is a venture out towards the unknown with Haruto. And it's a journey I'll keep choosing to tread for as many lifetimes as I get.
"So..." Taking a small sip of my drink (orange juice), I ask again, "how many days are we at now?"
Haruto pauses, staring at me dead in the eyes like I've been turned into a ghost by a witch neither of us could see. "Don't tell me you lost count."
"I haven't!" I raise both my hands up in defense. "And I mean it! Seriously!"
Haruto raises an eyebrow. He doesn't seem convinced, but he also remains silent; so I take this as an opportunity to further explain, "It's just... To think that we've been through so much for a very long time now and yet it still feels like I just met you yesterday."
"Hm," he hums, head nodding slowly in approval, "I get it, though."
And it's in tender moments like this, that I tend to discover so many more little details about us. For instance, Haruto's innate sensitivity as to how he communicates with the people around him. He may still refuse to admit it at times, but he does know when to keep things professional, when to allow his competitive youthfulness to show, and when to tone it all down a notch (or two).
As for meーsince words of affirmation is my love languageーI noticed how extremely careful he is in choosing the words he's about to let me hear. I wouldn't call it 'sugarcoating' per se, but it's more of just his own way of making sure that the people he loves and respects are all taken care of well.
"Speaking of," Haruto suddenly says, "do you know why our anniversary is on July 15th?"
My eyes go round, even almost choking on my juice. "And where's this coming from?"
"Curiosity," he simply responds.
I think that that should be my line. All I remember is blurting out to him one day that I would like an anniversary date that's both memorable and thoroughly thought of. Well. Of course, knowing just how naturally keen and meticulous Haruto is...
"Somehow." I wink at him. "I figured there was a hidden meaning to it because c'mon. It's the Haruto Asuka we're talking about here."
"Heh. Exactly," Haruto beams, the grin he has now could arguably be the proudest one I've ever seen.
If anything, connecting dots like this is an absolute specialty of his.
"15 is your birthdate and favorite number," he begins to explain, "so no questions there. But I chose to officially ask you to be mine in July because it's exactly 2 months apart from May (your birth month) and September (my birth month)."
Propping his chin on top of his knuckles, he then tests me, "Now tell me. What's the significance of 2?"
"It's your birthdate and favorite number," I immediately pass and ultimately complete the backstory for him, mouth gaping in awe.
Sometimes I think to myself, 'do i really deserve this kind of love?' because I cannot recall any instance in my life that makes me worthy enough to be loved like this. I doubt myself a lot. I wasn't born pretty. I'm imperfect. But then, maybe that's exactly why I am being loved as I already am, by this beautiful person I now call my other half. 
"Thank you, Haruto-san." It's all I could muster in such a precious moment as this. My hand drifts over to rest above where the back of his palm is.
"I'll do everything I can, Seonne." He flips his hand around to hold and bring mine up close to his lips, with a soft kiss being engraved upon his promise ring that I wear on one of my fingers. "Happy 900 fabulous days and counting~"
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jerzwriter · 3 years
Day Two - Telling the Parents 💕
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Book: Open Heart (After Series)
Series: Their First Two Months
Pairing: Ethan x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Rating: Teen
Summary: They made things official just 2 days ago, now Ethan won't let Casey wait another day to share the news with their parents & Naveen. But things don't exactly go as expected.
Category: Funny, silly FLUFF
Warnings: Language
Words: 1993
A/N: Part of a series outlining the first two months after Ethan and Casey make it official. (There will not be a story for each day, just the important ones that brought them through the two-month period covered in the alternate series ending found here.) This FF can be read as a stand-alone.
A/N2 : I am participating in this week’s Wacky Drabbles. This week’s prompt can be found in bold below.
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Casey emerged from Ethan’s bedroom dressed in nothing but his blue terry bathroom with a bad case of bed head. She rubbed her eyes as her feet shuffled across the hardwood floor that led to his kitchen. Ethan smirked as she approached, she could not have been more adorable.
“Good morning, Sunshine! Rough night?”
The melodic timbre of his voice broke her sleepy spell. Blinking twice, she opened her eyes to find a breakfast feast waiting before her.
“Aw, what’s all this? For me?”
“Yes. Greek yogurt with honey, freshly baked banana muffins, and Earl Grey tea. If I remember from our lessons yesterday, this ranked among your top ten breakfast selections. Though, I cheated on the muffins. They are store-bought as I found snuggling in bed with you to be more satisfying than baking.”
Standing next to the table, she bit her lower lip as she pointed to a small bud vase with two red roses. “Roses, too?”
“Casey, it is our second day anniversary. Did you forget?”
“Who are you, and what did you do with Ethan Ramsey?”
“I thought you would be delighted with the change. So, ready to share our news with our parents today?”
“Well, it doesn’t have to be today.”
Ethan looked at her with feigned shock, “Excuse me, didn’t you want to hire a skywriter to announce our relationship above Fenway yesterday? Now you want to put off telling our parents?”
“The skywriter was your idea. I just wanted an ad in the Boston Globe. I just thought maybe we’d wait until we could see them.”
“Well, I’ve seen you Zoom your parents, so… make that happen. I’ll Facetime my Dad as we talk to Naveen. Problem solved.”
“So, I can’t tell another soul for two weeks, but we must tell our parents today.”
“Your listening has improved drastically since you were a rookie… Rookie.”
Circling the table, he leaned down to kiss the top of her head, “Let me know what time we’ll be Zooming with your parents. I���ll make arrangements with Dad & Naveen.”
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Casey sat at Ethan’s desk fumbling with her laptop. Ethan entered the office and, for all the enthusiasm he displayed earlier, he appeared a bit ashen now.
“What’s the matter? Have you had a change of heart?” Casey asked.
“About you? Never. About the call? Possibly.”
He sighed, “What if they hate me?”
“Ethan, you have met them. They like you.”
“They liked me as your doctor after the attack. They like me as your boss…. “
“They know you meant more to me than that.”
His eyes bulged, “They do? Did you ever tell them?”
“No. I mean, I never actually said, ‘Hey, I’m sleeping with my boss'. But, you took the 4-hour drive to their home with me for a barbeque. You took the day off of work to go sightseeing with us when they visited. That is going a little bit above standard bossly duties.”
“How did you explain that to them?”
“I don’t know. How did you explain it to your Dad?”
“I didn’t.”
“There you go! I mean, I did tell my Mom some stuff… but not my Father.”
“What… what did you tell her!?”
“I may have told her I thought you were cute.”
“I might have used the word… hot?”
“Well, why did you say that?”
“Because you are hot….”
“But did you have to tell your Mother?”
“Well, I mean... she sees it... she thinks you’re hot too..”
“Oh, Jesus..”
“Oh, look, they’re on. Let’s get on the call.”
“I think I’ll….”
Casey’s Mom appeared on the screen.
“Hey, Mom!” Casey said waiving, “Is Dad joining us too.”
“Yes,” she said exasperated, “He is in the yard trying to get on using his phone. He’ll never figure it out. Let me go get him.”
As Rose walked off the screen, they could hear her and David squabbling about him joining her inside.
Ethan shot Casey a look.
“What else did you tell your mother?”
“Well, I…”
Before she could finish, both her parents were on the screen. Her Dad was a bit flustered. Ethan tried to hide behind Casey’s shoulder, an impossibility given their 8-inch height difference.
“Hi, Dad! I’m so glad you are joining us!”
“Hey, pumpkin. I would have been able to get it in the yard, but your Mom here is impatient….”
“It’s OK Dad, I like it better this way. It’s more... intimate.”
Ethan rolls his eyes at her choice of words.
“Hi Mrs. MacTavish, Mr. Mactavish”
“Hi Ethan, how many times do we I have to tell you? I’m Rose and he is David.”
“Yes, I’m sorry, I’m a little….”
“Uncomfortable, you look uncomfortable, Ethan. Is everything OK?” David interjected.
“Yes, of course, I’m fine. I’m just….” Ethan looked at Casey, his eyes pleading. A sly grin spread across her face as she momentarily considered letting him flounder a little longer, but she spared him.
“Well, Mom, Dad, we’re actually calling you together because we wanted to tell you that….”
“Oh my God, they’re engaged!!” David yelled.
Casey and Ethan’s eyes both popped right out of their heads. “ENGAGED! DAD! Where the hell did you get that from? No, we’re not engaged.”
“Well, you’re calling with this big announcement, I mean….”
Rose rolled her eyes as she shook her head. “Casey, I’ll try to keep him under control. What were you about to say, dear?”
“Uh, well, I guess it’s anti-climactic now but, I was just calling to let you know Ethan is … he’s now my boyfriend… and I’m his girlfriend… we’re like, together.”
Rose covered her mouth and gasped with excitement. “Oh my God! Casey!!!! Oh, finally!”
David looked at his wife bewildered. “Casey, what do you mean he’s your boyfriend? Hasn’t he been your boyfriend?”
Ethan looks as if he was praying for the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
“Well, Dad, not exactly….”
“So, Pumpkin, what telling me is that you weren’t dating at all until now….”
“Well, no, we were but….”
“David, what she is saying is that they are now official, dear.”
“So you have both been seeing other people this whole time?”
Ethan grumbled, “This might be a good time for me to pull the fire alarm.”
“No! No, Dad, I wasn’t dating anyone else, I mean...” she looked at Ethan “you weren’t, were you?”
He turned to her, astonished, “What, no! Casey, of course I wasn’t dating anyone else!”
“So, then you have been official. I don’t understand this newfangled stuff!”
“Dad… what we’re saying is we are committed, we want to build a future together and… Ethan asked me to move in with him, so I am!”
“You’re what?”
Rose sighed, “David, She’s going to be 29 in two weeks! She’s a doctor! And it is 2021!”
“I told you I should not have been on this call,” Ethan said looking for an excuse to run.
“Dad, it’s not a big deal..”
Ethan flips his head toward Casey, “It’s not?”
“No, it is! I mean…”
Finally, Rose yelled above the pandemonium. “EVERYONE STOP!!! And by everyone, I mean you, David! Casey is calling us with happy news. Let’s be happy!”
With a smile on her lips, Casey exhaled, “Thank you, Mom!! I am happy. Daddy, I really love him, and he really loves me, and we’re really happy.”
David lowered his head and dabbed a Kleenex at his eyes, “You know, my allergies are terrible today….”
Rose shook her head, “He gets a little emotional.”
Casey elbowed Ethan. “Uhm, Rose, David, I want to assure you, I love Casey with all my heart, and,” he looked into Casey’s eyes and they smiled at one another, “this is the start of something great.”
“Awwwww,” Rose whimpered, “you are so cute!”
“I told you they were cute, Rose. I always said what a handsome couple they made...”
“You never said any such thing, David….”
Casey and Ethan watched as the call descended into chaos once again.
“Yeah, it’s time to end this,” she whispered to Ethan.
“Mom, Dad! Look, we have a meeting, so we have to go, OK.”
“OK, bye, sweetie! Your Dad and I are so happy, Ethan, we can’t wait to see you.”
“Same here, Mrs. Mac… Rose..”
“Bye!! I’ll call you tonight!” CLICK.
Casey tilted her head up toward Ethan, “Welcome to the family!”
He laughed, “Well, it can’t get worse from here, right?”
Raising her eyebrows, she said, “Wanna bet?”
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Casey & Ethan rushed into Naveen’s office; Ethan was already getting Alan on Facetime, as they knew Naveen only had a few moments free.
“To what do I owe this pleasure!” He asked as he hugged them.
“Just one moment, let me get Dad on and… there.” He rested his phone on the table so they could all see one another.
“Well, this is most unusual. What are we doing here?” Naveen asked.
Casey smiled at Ethan, “This one is all you, darling.”
“Darling…” Naveen said with a raised eyebrow.
“Well, that’s one way to intro it, I guess,” Ethan smiled. “Dad, Naveen, Casey and I wanted to let you know….”
“Yesssss?” Alan asked.
“We’re dating.”
Naveen looked at Ethan with no expression.
“No kidding.”
“What, you knew?”
“Everyone in the hospital knows, Ethan. Did you know, Alan?”
“Oh, I figured as much.”
“Wait, we only made things official 2-days ago?”
That got everyone’s attention. Naveen’s eyes bulged, “Wait, you made it official.”
“Yes, that’s what I was telling you!”
“Son, Casey, you are not joking, right?”
“Dad, why would I joke about such a thing? I asked Casey to move in with me and….”
A loud noise crashed when Naveen rolled his chair back against the wall.
“Ethan, I am not a young man. Can you break news like this to me in a gentler manner… my heart…”
“Could we cut the dramatics?” Ethan deadpanned.
“Absolutely not!” Alan yelled through the phone, “Do you know how long we’ve been waiting for this?”
“Alan, my friend, do you have the chart? I think you might have won this bet.”
“Wait, you were betting on us?” Casey asked.
“Yes, sweet child. It’s no judgment on you; we were waiting to see how long before this loveable oaf finally came to his senses.”
“No, Naveen, you won this bet. I didn’t have him coming to his senses until at least 2022.”
“You are joking about all of this, right?” Ethan asks.
“Ethan, I think I would stop before they continue. By the way they’re looking at their phones, I think they have other side bets we may not want to know about.”
A sly grin formed on Naveen’s lips, “She’s right, you know.”
“And this is why we can’t have nice things!”
“We most certainly can!” Alan laughed. “When are you all off? I’m coming up to Boston, and we’re going to celebrate at that place Casey liked in the North End….”
“Tony and Elaine’s?”
“That’s the one!”
Naveen looked up from his computer, “We’re all off Thursday night, Alan. We will go then.”
“You know, Casey & I might have had plans, Naveen.”
“Fine, then you’ll reschedule them. You’ve tortured your father and me, not to mention this beautiful woman, long enough. Now, we celebrate.”
“So, I take it you’re happy about this?” Casey laughed.
“Of course, my dear! But I am saving my real excitement for winning the next bet.”
“And what is that?” Ethan asked.
“When you get engaged, of course.”
“And on that note, we’re leaving.”
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Ethan and Casey leaned on the office door as it closed behind them.
“I think that went well,” she said.
“Yeah, I guess we can say it went well.”
Without realizing it, Ethan laced his fingers with Casey’s. Without realizing it, she held tighter.
“I’m shocked everyone seemed to know,” Ethan said.
“Yeah, me too, it’s not like we walked around holding hands or anything…”
Day One can be found here. Thanks for reading! :)
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
Ghost of you (1/2)
Pairing: Luke Patterson x Fem Reader
This fic is inspired by Dancing with your ghost by Sasha Sloan and specially Ghost of you from 5SOS and one of its verses also makes an appearance.
It’s also a collaboration I did with the lovely @cookiebuba, thank you for trusting me to write it, love! (I really hope you like it🥺)
Summary: This first part is angst and is basically Y/N catching up with her boyfriend Luke one last time in the 90’s and then Luke founding her once he’s back in 2020.
And that's the only thing I'll say because I really don't want to spoil you. I also adored to write it🥺💖
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“Hello again, my love.
Today marks 2 years since you left, And it's still as hard as the first day. One of the hardest things is waking up. Sometimes I stay almost an hour on bed, looking towards the door. Terrified to turn to your side and find it empty again.
Every night I try to rest for hours until finally exhaustion allows me to sleep wrapped in one of your old shirts, pretending that you are quietly sleeping next to me. Sometimes I have to play the only slow song from the first and last Sunset Curve record to ease the craving of you and in the hope that it will help my mind to meet you in my dreams. Those nights when I am lucky enough to find you are what keeps me relatively sane, because no matter how much it hurts to have to say goodbye, not seeing you again would be so much more painful.
I could dream of us anywhere, doing anything. But it’s always the same dream, what I yearn most projected in it. It always starts with me opening the door of our house, you are writing a song in the living room and as soon as you look at me you smile as if you had not seen me in years, wrapping me in your arms with all your strength.
You tell me how much you love me, and that when you are without me you feel as if your soul is missing. And then you ask me to promise not to leave you again. And it hurts, it hurts like fucking hell. Because I know I’m dreaming. Because I know it’s not actually you. Because I know I can’t promise you that. And god, how much I want to promise you that.
I divert the conversation crashing my lips on yours because I don’t want to lie to you, even if it’s only a dream. You pick me up and I hang my legs around your waist. And for a second I allow myself to forget. I sink in your perfume, in your arms, in your kisses, in how your tongue feels inside my mouth, in how your hands walk all over my body, In how my name sounds almost magical in your husky voice.
We spent the rest of the day just being us. Laughing, writing, playing, singing.
I sing to you the last song I wrote, the one I wrote especially for you after the first dream. The first time it just came out naturally, like it had been there the whole time. When I woke up I decided to write it down and complete it, and the next time I dreamed you I started playing it for you, just like all the following times. Because it’s the only excuse I have to cry there, for you to comfort me. Because it’s the only way I have for you to understand a little of what I am suffering without ruining the illusion.
“Come here beautiful, you’ll never have to experience something like that, I promise. You’ll dance with the real deal.” If you only knew, love.
That's when I melt on you. The tears don’t stop falling as you practically wrap me in your arms and we dance calmly around the room, I’m sobbing like crazy while you sing in my ear to try to help me relax.
I can tell you’re freaking out, comforting someone while crying was never your strong suit, but being me you always try your best,and that was more than enough.
The dream always ends with me in your arms, when I finally calm down and our heartbeats sound as one. Everything feels good for a second until suddenly I can't hear yours anymore. I beg you to hold on to me but little by little you fade away. I try to dance alone, pretending that you are still there to try to make you reappear, but I never get it. I never get you. So I keep dancing and crying until the stabbing pain wakes me up.
And I know it sounds awful and heartbreaking, but I can assure you, If to see the shine in your eyes, hear your voice and feel your lips, I have to end up dancing with the ghost of you, I’ll do it every single time. It's worth it... you are worth it. I would happily pay for the suffering I go through when I wake up every day in order to continue living the good moments.
I officially released the song a month ago, and it's doing fairly good. I knew I had to come to tell you, and it was a good excuse to finally dare to tell you that I still find you recurrently in my dreams. You will always be the love of my life, my biggest dream. I love you Luke, yesterday, today and always.”
After talking to him for hours, she gets up, wipes her knees, and examines the tombstone of her beloved for a few more seconds before leaving the cemetery.
The only thing on her mind right now is how unfair life was with her.
After several months Julie finally decided to hear the music that she used to listen with her mother at full volume every day. Iconic songs from the 90's that marked the life of her mommy and later, in some way, hers.
‘Ghost of you’ starts playing and Julie can't help but feel even more connected to the song now that she lost Rose and the boys came into her life.
Just as she thinks of them almost as if she had summoned them, Sunset Curve appears. Reggie is about to speak when Alex puts his hand on his mouth. The three turn pale and begin to search where the sound is coming from, until the three approach their friend's laptop, a tear instantly falling from Luke's eyes.
“Ghost of you by Y/N Y/L. The story says that the poor thing lost the love of her life when she was just a teenager, she couldn’t recover from that loss. 2 years later she released this song to honor his lover on the anniversary of his death, and ended being one of the most iconic songs of the 90's era."
“Dancing through our house with the ghost of you. Cleaning up today, found that old Zeppelin shirt you wore when you ran away, and no one could feel your hurt.”
There is no doubt that she wrote it for him. The pain on the young woman's face makes him want to hit his head against the wall until he’s unconscious.
Reggie and Alex aren’t in better shape, they both seem about to pass out. Julie wasn’t expecting them to be so affected over an old love song.
“I know the feeling guys, her voice is breathtaking and heartbreaking at the same time, is insane. I know she would have done a lot more of amazing music if she’d had more time.”
If Luke's heart continued beating it probably would have stopped at that very moment.
“Julie, What do you mean with If she’d had more time?”
“She died a month after releasing the song in a car accident. I think in 1997.”
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atinydise · 4 years
Ateez asking their s/o’s member when they’re having a baby
❦ Genre: Fluff.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 13k.
❦ Requested: Yes, thank you! 🦋 
❦ Masterlist.
HONGJOONG (ft. Yunho)
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Finally, after this long day at the mall, you could enjoy silence at the dorm. You spent the whole day at the mall, trying to find an outfit for the incoming award show. As a Saturday, the entire mall was crowded, and you bumped sometimes on people. The music was louder than usual and people too. You had only one thought and it was to go back home as fast as possible. Instead of your apartment, you ended in the dorm. You thought that it would be noisier, as always, but everything seemed strangely quiet. “Why are they so quiet?” You whispered, head resting on your boyfriend’s chest. “We had a long day. I think they are tired and it’s a good thing because I can’t handle any yells or fights today.” He replied. You didn’t add anything, you just enjoyed the warmness of his body. Hongjoong settled a little atmosphere. He played a chill music, turned off the lights and opened the window so you could hear, a little bit, the city below. You were at 2 seconds of falling asleep when someone knocked loudly at the door. Not a single and quiet knock but one of the loudest knocks you’ve heard. “Oh hell...” sighed your boyfriend, taking a deep breath. “Come in.”
You glanced at the door frame to look at the intruder. “Y/N! HYUNG!” Yelled Yunho. You instantly had a headache. You weren’t expecting him to scream like this. “Yunho-” you tried to tell him to lower his voice. “WHEN ARE YOU HAVING A BABY HUH?” You blinked dumbly at this question. “When we what?” Asked Hongjoong. Yunho entered the room, “Mingi and I made a bet! Who’s going to the best uncle!” He said proudly. “And everyone knows that it’s me!” “No! It’s me!” You heard Mingi yelling from the living-room. Hongjoong rubbed his head. “Can we talk about that later huh? We are busy r-” “Aah,” he winked. “Busy making us uncles already? I got you.” He said leaving the room. “Did he really thing we were going to-” you whispered. “Let’s see in 9 months! They’re busy making one!” “Oh god...” you sighed falling back in the mattress.
SEONGHWA (ft. Yeosang)
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You were eating with Seonghwa in the kitchen. You were enjoying a simple dinner together since the other members weren’t there. But when you take out the tiramisu for the dessert out of the fridge, Yeosang entered the dorm. He immediately greeted both of you and went to his bedroom. You thought that he was about to sleep but 5 minutes later he joined you and your boyfriend in the kitchen, sitting right in front of you. “How was your day?” Asked Seonghwa, enjoying the bitterness of the dessert. “Pretty good. I met an old friend and we went to a cafe to talk about our high school years.” He quickly resumed as always. “Oh that’s really cool!” You added, happy for him. He nodded, stealing his Hyung’s spoon to eat a piece of Tiramisu. “Actually,” he chewed loudly. “I have a question for both of you.” “What is it?” You asked, curious. “When are you going to make a baby?” He chewed again. At his question, you almost choke with the dessert. You weren’t expecting a such intimate question. “When Y/N wants to. But no rush.” Replied Seonghwa calmly, grabbing back his spoon. “Wh- wait wait!” You stopped him. “Why you are not shocked about this question?” Your boyfriend shrugged. “It’s not big deal.” “N-not a big deal?” You repeated, freaking out. “I’m not ready yet to have a baby!” “That’s why I said when you want to.” “Don’t be too long.” Said Yeosang, standing up. “Wait! Why did you ask this? There’s a link with the meeting with your friend?” “No,” he shook his head. “I just have some love to give and I’ll be glad to give him to your baby.” Completely surprised now you didn’t say anything more. “You are all crazy!” You yelled before eating your dessert again, trying to reduce the blush on your cheeks.
YUNHO (ft. San)
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You were wrapped in Yunho’s arms. Your favorite place to be perfectly relaxed. You were watching a new K-Drama and useless to say that you were totally immersed by it. San was on his phone, sometimes looking at the screen and the other time on his phone. You didn’t notice it, but he was planning something. “Y/N?” Whispered San. “Hum?” You replied, not even looking at him. “What do you think of these?” He sat up on the couch and showed his phone screen to you. “Baby dresses?” You raised a brow. “Yes! They are cute right?” “Yes, it is. As always when it comes to babies.” You stated. “Maybe I should buy one then.” He said before sitting down to his seat. You stared at Yunho who was surprised by his friend too. “There’s something you didn’t say to us San?” He asked. “Me?” “Yes, you.” You replied. “Why do you want to buy baby things? There’s no baby here.” “For yours.” He claimed. Yunho immediately looked at you again. “Y/N are you pregnant?” He lifted your hoodie to check if there was a round belly. “What? Hell no! I’m not pregnant.” You slapped his hand. “Then what is he talking about?” “I have no idea! San what is going on? We are not having a baby.” “You should. I need to be an uncle.” “There’s a plenty of time to make you… an uncle. And maybe another member will have a baby before us.” Stated Yunho. “Relax guys. I was just kidding with you.” He smiled. “You are so evil,” you whispered. “But to be honest you persuaded me that I want to be an uncle soon.” “If I don’t kill you before.” You threatened him. “Come on, you won’t kill the best uncle of the year!” “Shut up,” you throw a pillow at him playfully.
YEOSANG (ft. Wooyoung)
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You were partying with the whole group tonight. Another group were celebrating their anniversary since their debut in the K-Pop industry. Yeosang invited you. There’s no way he would leave you at home while he was having fun. Plus even if you weren’t drinking, it was always good to hang out with you. Just when the party was getting more and more intense, you went outside with your boyfriend to get some fresh air. “I forgot how partying with you was fun,” you laughed, sitting on the bench. “How can you forget that I am the craziest between us!” “I don’t know, you always seem so serious and chill compared to the other.” You explained. Yeosang and you weren’t dating since a long time. It’s been 2 months that you officially started to date. You always learned a plenty of thing these last days. “You mean I’m the quiet one! They are all so-” he started. “YEOSANG-HYUNG! Y/N!” Yelled Wooyoung, exiting the house. “Loud...” he finished. “I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU!” “Stop yelling we can hear you!” Growled your boyfriend. “What do you want Wooyoung?” You gently asked. “I have a request!” “Oh god...” Wooyoung smiled and held your hands. “Woo what the hell,” you tried to remove yourself from his grip. “I know you met each other since not a long time ago but I really like you, so I wanted to ask you this.” “Are you confessing to my girlfriend right now?” Asked Yeosang. “What? Hell no!” He shouted. “No offense Y/N but you are not really my type.” “It’s okay.” You giggled. “Then what do you want to ask?” “Oh yeah! When are you going to have a baby?” “I would prefer his confession...” you said, surprised. “It’s just that one of my friends told me how good it is to be an uncle! So… I want to be one! AND A GOOD ONE!” “Let’s go back inside,” sighed Yeosang, pulling you back in the house. “HEY! DON’T LEAVE ME THERE OR I WILL TEACH MY NEPHEW OR NIECE HOW TO BE LOUD AS ME!” “If someday we have a baby, can we move out of this country?” He asked you.
SAN (ft. Seonghwa)
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The group and you were in the van, heading to their last stage for Inception’s promotion. You were between Seonghwa and your boyfriend, San. Because of your upcoming exams, you were sleepy the whole road to the broadcast building. Your head was resting on San’s shoulder while he was rubbing the palm of your hand slowly. He knew that you were tired, so he asked the group the be a little quieter than usual. Things that they did without asking. They were so respectful. But Seonghwa was a little bit too excited today. You noticed it because he was non-stop saying “cute” at his phone and giggling a bit. Without paying more attention to him, you tried to take a quick nap. Just when you were finally resting peacefully, you heard your boyfriend talking, or whispering, with the eldest member. His body was shaking a bit, so you lost the comfiness of this human pillow a bit. “Don’t! We are not having one right now!” “Come on!” “Don’t wake her up!” You heard a slap noise in front of your face. You cracked an eye and saw Seonghwa’s phone in front of your face. “What are you doing weirdos?” You asked, not removing your head off his shoulder. “See! You woke her up!” Growled San. “I wasn’t really sleeping don’t worry.” You reassured him. “What’s going on Hwa?” “Remember when we were talking about this little baby yesterday?” You nodded, not understanding why he was talking about that. “You said that you loved her little shirt.” “Ah the one saying, ‘best baby in the world’?” You giggled, remembering the cute baby. “Yes! I was curious so I went to their website and there’s a plenty of cuter things!” He smiled. “Ah really?” You glanced at this phone. “Yes! So I asked San when you are going to make a baby so I could buy one.” He simply said. Your head fell of San’s shoulder. You weren’t expecting this, at all. Your boyfriend facepalmed next to you. “I’m sorry babe.” “Oh come on! It’s not like we don’t hear you doing a bunch of sinful things almost… every day.” You blushed furiously and tried to hide your face behind your hands. “Hyung!” Shouted San, more ashamed than you. “He’s right,” added Mingi, behind you. “So when are you going to make these make out session useful and give us a niece or nephew?” He asked, enjoying how both of you were shy. “Please, open the door so I can jump off the van.” You whispered to San.
MINGI (ft. Jongho)
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“Jongho can you bring some snacks for us.” Asked Mingi in the bottom bunk bed. The maknae growled loudly from the upper bed. “Why always me?” “You are the baby. And the baby needs to help the elders.” “Sorry Jongho...” you apologized. “But he doesn’t want me to get up.” “It’s okay. I know it’s not your fault Y/N.” He sighed. Jongho woke up and ordered to his hyung’s order. “Why you don’t do it by yourself?” You pinched his arm. “Why should I do it when he can do it for me?” He smirked. “You are so mean!” You pinched him again. “He doesn’t have to do this!” “Okay okay! This is the last time I will ask him to do or bring something for me.” “Good.” “Or at least when you are there...” he added, whispering enough for you to not hear it. “Idiot. I heard you.” Mingi laughed and buried his face on your neck. He was enjoying your presence so much that he couldn’t leave you for a second. When everything went quiet again in the room, Jongho entered back in. “Here’s your snacks.” He almost threw on his friend’s body. “Thank you Jongho,” you thanked him, appreciating his attention. “I talked with Y/N and she persuaded me to-” started Mingi. “When are you having a baby?” Cut the maknae straight. The chips pack you were struggling to open, suddenly popped up. Spreading few of them on the bed. “What did you say?” You asked him to repeat. “When you, Y/N, are you getting pregnant?” “Jongho what the hell,” said Mingi, throwing his pillow at him. “I want you guys to have a baby!” He added, not scared of Mingi or you neither. “Why? I mean- we are too young, and we are not even-” “Bla bla,” muttered Jongho. “Just make a baby so I won’t be the baby of the group anymore.” He finally explained before getting up in his bed again. You punched your boyfriend’s arm again, “see! I’d you were not so lazy we would avoid this awkward conversation!” “I hope you guys are thinking about my idea.” He added from the upper bed. “We won’t get a baby Jongho!” Yelled back Mingi. “Or at least not now...” “It’s okay. I will ask you this question every day.” You didn’t know but the maknae was enjoying this situation so much. He heard you punching Mingi again and again because you were shy and awkward about this question. Finally, he might get some peace from his member.
WOOYOUNG (ft. Hongjoong)
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“Let’s go to the amusement park babe!” Said Wooyoung, plopping on the couch next to you. You pointed at the big window in the living-room. “What?” He asked, not understanding what you meant. “It’s raining. Why do you want to go to the amusement park when it’s raining?” “It’s a detail... we can have so much fun tonight! There will be fireworks and other stuff like that.” He said enthusiastically. “I don’t think the firework will stay planned with this rain.” Added Hongjoong, eyes glued on his laptop. “We can go tomorrow, there will be a pretty cool weather.” You showed him your phone screen. “No I want to go today!” He insisted, almost acting like a child. “I don’t want to stay under the rain for the whole night Wooyoung. And should I remember you that you can’t be sick because of your upcoming promotions?” “Listen to your girl Woo.” “Come on... both of you are no fun.” He rolled his eyes. “The rain will stop soon I’m sure.” You laid back on the couch, not wanting to waste your time to change his mind. “Come on! Don’t act like you were tired. Just grab your coat, an umbrella and come with me.” He grabbed your phone so you could focus on him. “Wooyoung...” you grunted. “I really don’t want to.” “Just an hour? Or at least 2 hours? We can leave after the firework!” He almost begged you. “Poor Y/N... I can imagine your child being so headstrong. As his or her father.” Said Hongjoong. You blushed a bit, it was not the comment you expected but you didn’t want to make a big deal about it. “By the way...” he finally turned around to face both of you. “When are you having a baby? It’s been a long time now since you know each other.” “Aren’t we supposed to get married before?” Giggled Wooyoung. You glanced at your boyfriend. He was really imagining you being his wife. Or the mother of his kids? “Depends. People don’t really care now. It’s up to you.” Replied the leader. “But I’m really curious to see how this baby will grow up with a father like you.” “Let’s go to the amusement park Wooyoung!” You shouted, a bit too loudly. “Oh finally you want t-” “Just go!” You pulled him in the hallway. Before leaving the room, you saw Hongjoong smirking at you. He probably said something touchy for you to react like this.
JONGHO (ft. Mingi)
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You just came back once again from the bathroom. Since this morning, you threw up your meals and even your soul at this state. It’s been a long time since you didn’t get this sick. Your boyfriend was worried for you. You were always so strong and so healthy. “Are you okay Y/N?” Asked Mingi, walking up to the hallway lazily. “Yes,” you obviously lied but you didn’t need him to worry about you. “Are you sure? Because it’s been almost 2 hours that I hear you throwing up your entire soul there. Like every 5 minutes.” “I’m okay. I just ate something wrong; I don’t know.” You sat back on the couch. “Where’s Jongho?” “He went to the pharmacy for me. Even if it’s not necessary.” “What are your symptoms exactly?” You tried to suppress the throw up feeling coming in your throat. But sadly, you rushed to the bathroom once again. “Vomit for sure,” he concluded. 2 minutes later, Jongho came back to the dorm, hands full of medicines and snacks. “Oh you are finally home.” Stated Mingi, standing in front of the bathroom’s door. “Where is Y/N? Is she okay?” “She’s still throwing up, but she said that ‘I’m okay’.” He mimicked your voice. Just at this time, you opened the door, almost making the tall boy falling. “Oh you are back.” “You look... miserable.” Claimed Jongho, putting his hand on your forehead to check if you had fever. “Are you guys hiding something from us?” “What are you talking about?” “You are going to make us uncles, right?” He smiled proudly. “I will have someone to give my love to.” You stared at your boyfriend. He was speechless as you. “I’m not pregnant Mingi.” You declared. “I’m just sick.” He was doubting about this a bit but the look you had was clear enough to erase this assumption. “Well okay. Too bad.” “Too bad?” Repeated Jongho. “When are you going to have a baby? I want you guys to have a baby! I want someone to give my love to!” He pouted. “Just find a girlfriend or give your love to us.” Replied the maknae. “No I want a mini me.” He claimed. “Not exactly a mini me because, he or she, will be your child but I will help this child to be cool as me!” He smiled proudly. “I think I’m going to throw up again,” you stated in front of this scene. You slammed the door behind you. Mingi blinked at his friend. “Do you think she’s going to think about it?” “You are unbelievable Mingi...” sighed Jongho, entering the bathroom to check on you.
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tamapalace · 5 years
2019 Year In Review
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To say 2019 was an AMAZING year for Tamagotchi would be an understatement. Bandai America surprised everyone by announcing and releasing the first english color Tamagotchi, the Tamagotchi On, Bandai Japan released a bunch of Tamagotchi Meets versions, and Bandai Korea released their very first Tamagotchi, the Tamagotchi Some! Let’s take a look back and see what made 2019 so special!
Tamagotchi Featured On ABC’s Schooled
Tamagotchi received some airtime on the new ABC Series Schooled. It was a super cute episode that featured a throwback to the Tamagotchi craze that took over the school hallways back in the late 90’s.
Bandai Japan Releases Eevee Tamagotchi
The Eevee Tamagotchi was highly anticipated by both Tamagotchi and Pokemon fans all over the world. The interest sparked once the device was leaked in late 2018 and around the release in January of 2019. The device was released in Japan and sold out pretty much everywhere which sparked rumors of the device being discontinued.
Bandai Japan Announces Tamagotchi Meets Pastel Version
Leaked months prior, Bandai Japan officially announces the Tamagotchi Meets Pastel version. Beautiful pastel colored shells, adorable characters and locations, little did we know we would have to wait a bit more than we anticipated to get our hands on this version. Delays in production caused the release date to be bumped almost a month, owners of the pastel version know the bugs and glitches on this device are absolutely present.
LEAKED: Tamagotchi Meets Sanrio Version!
Nothing like starting off the new year with a leak, and what better than a Meets version leak? It’s no surprise that Tamagotchi fans LOVE a Sanrio collaboration, so the Tamagotchi Meets Sanrio version got everyone super excited. Sanrio characters, locations, and even exclusive event functionality on the Tamagotchi Meets app! The device would later be released on June 15th, 2019 after officially being announced in April.
Bandai Booth at New York Toy Fair 2019!
As usual Bandai America attended the New York Toy Fair. Tamagotchi had a table which featured the Tamagotchi Original, Gudetama Tamagotchi, and the 20th anniversary Digimon Digital Monster - which was something not announced and came as a surprise to everyone, even us! Now what we didn’t know is that the Bandai America representatives had brought the Tamagotchi On with them, but of course was not shown to anyone!
Tamagotchi Gets Another Primetime Television Appearance
Although no Tamagotchi was present on the set, Tamagotchi was mentioned on an episode of the fifth season of Schitt’s Creek! This was the second but not final Tamagotchi appearance featured on broadcast television.
My Tamagotchi Forever App Celebrates First Anniversary
Doesn’t it feel like this app was released last week? The My Tamagotchi Forever app celebrated a big birthday in 2019 and there were lots of activities to help celebrate!
Disney Japan Announces 2019 Usatama & Usapiyo!
Disney Japan surprised us by releasing a sequence to the original Usatama, a collaboration with Bandai and Disney originally released back in 2017! However like any release, the device was leaked a few weeks prior in MAY magazine. The 2019 version introduces two devices one with Usatama, and another with Usapiyo! New animations and accessories make made this device a perfect Easter gift.
LEAKED: Tamagotchi Meets Fantasy Version!
Another month, another leak. This leak revealed a super cute and totally new version. New fantasy based characters, locations, oh and a totally adorable shell that features jewels! The device would later be announced in early June and released in August and become an instant favorite.
US: Tamagotchi Merchandise Coming Soon!
After seeing licensed merchandise released in Europe such as the Tamagotchi socks & squishy toy, fans in America were wondering if they would ever get their hands on some licensed merchandise. Bandai America informed us we would see some goodies soon, and they did not disappoint! Licensed merchandise release later in 2019 included the Hot Topic t-shirts, and heat change mugs.
20th Anniversary Digimon Digital Monster FAQ’s
After seeing the Digimon Digital Monster at Bandai America’s booth at the 2019 New York Toy Fair Digimon fans went wild. This device was never really officially announced, and they wanted as much information as they could get. Although the device is not technically a Tamagotchi we decided to cover the device since it of course is from Bandai. We reached out to Bandai directly and got fans questions answered, there was even a sequel of the FAQ’s too.
Tamagotchi ON: What We Know
We remember this day like it was yesterday. Tamagotchi fans pulled up a listing on Amazon of the upcoming Tamagotchi On device. Fans were SHOCKED to see that the device looked identical to the Tamagotchi Meets released back in November of 2018 in Japan but in english! The device was not announced by Bandai America yet, but that did not stop everyone from preordering! Little did we know that we were in for quite the summer.
Bandai America Tease Upcoming Device
Bandai America took to social media to tease an upcoming Tamagotchi, there were actually three teasers. The joke was on them as we knew that the Tamagotchi On was the surprise they were about to announce, but we played along, right?
Tamagotchi ON Press Release
As promised by Bandai America in their social media teasers, the official press release announcing the Tamagotchi On device. The first color english Tamagotchi to be released in North America. Fans were so happy that this was becoming a reality. After 11 years of importing color Tamagotchi’s from Japan, we too would have our very own color device, a localized version of the Tamagotchi Meets. Words cannot describe how significant this moment was for anyone in the Tamagotchi community. We asked, believed, and received.
Tamagotchi On Commercial
What’s a new Tamagotchi without a commercial? We hadn’t seen a Tamagotchi commercial since 2015 for the Tamagotchi Friends, so this was a big deal. Bandai America had to get the word out that a new Tamagotchi is in town, and this one is drastically different from the one you had in your childhood. We thought, and still think the commercial is top notch! More versions, or spots, of this commercial would are released and and grace our television streams a few months later.
20th Anniversary Digimon Digital Monster Unboxing
After getting our hands on the device we booted it up and starting filming our unboxing video. This was a bit different than our other unboxings, as we were not too familiar with the Digimon programing. Much to our surprise our pre-production unit did not arrive with an instruction manual. It took us a few hours to film because we were waiting to see if the second generation allowed users to select between different egg types which determines the character of the next generation.
Our Tamagotchi On Has Arrived!
We were so happy to get the our hands on the Tamagotchi On device months before the release, and it was amazing! Having the device first allowed us to post our unboxing video, pictures, and answer some of your questions!
Bandai Japan Apologizes for Eevee Tamagotchi Problems
Bandai Japan released an official apology for the Eevee Tamagotchi problems that users were experiencing. This was released right on the TamaTV.com website, and is actually still posted there too. The apology does not go into detail about the problems, but encouraged users to reach out to Bandai Customer Service Center for a replacement device if there were any issues with theirs.
Tama-Palace Featured in CBS News Article!
The announcement of the Tamagotchi On was HUGE for the Tamagotchi community, and the media was looking to capture the attention for an article. CBS News got in touch with us about the upcoming device and we were interviewed about how the community has reacted to the device, and how it effected our website and fanbase.
Tamagotchi Featured on ABC’s Jeopardy!
Did you ever think you would see Tamagotchi on Jeopardy? Well it happened! Back in June Tamagotchi was featured in the “Remember the 1990’s?” category on the popular ABC prime-time show. The first contestant called it a tomato-gotchi, silly Becky. Right after E.J. answered it correctly, Tamagotchi.
Tamagotchi Classic App Being Retired July 17th!
Bandai announced that the Tamagotchi Classic application available on both iOS and Android would soon be retired. If you have the app you can of course continue to use it, but after July 17th it would no longer be available in the App Store or Play Store.
Tamagotchi On First Impressions
What would a new device launch be without our first impression article? We had our hands on the device for a little over a month and we wanted to spread the word about how amazing this device is! This device has set the standard for upcoming Tamagotchi releases worldwide!
LEAKED: Tamagotchi Some, Korea’s Tamagotchi Meets
We were shocked to see an english color Tamagotchi being released in North America, we had no idea that Bandai had additional plans to a country they’ve never sold Tamagotchi in before. The leak revealed that Bandai Korea was preparing to announce the Tamagotchi Some, a localized version of the Tamagotchi Meets & On but of course in the Korean language! Upon announcement the device was noticeably missing a key feature, bluetooth - so Tamagotchi Some users are unable to use the application. This is super exciting to see Tamagotchi making its way to new countries!
Tamagotchi On Launch Day!
This is a huge launch in Tamagotchi history! Finally an english color Tamagotchi outside of Japan, oh yes and it’s available on retail shelves. Huge accomplishment for the Bandai America team has they worked tirelessly on this device which included a unique partnership with the Bandai Japan team.
PSA: Tamagotchi On iOS App Now AVAILABLE!
Tamagotchi fans were getting impatient about the Tamagotchi On app. Of course the device was scheduled to be released on July 28th, 2019, but they wanted the app sooner. Bandai America officially released the application on July 28th, 2019 in the afternoon on both the App Store and Play Store.
LEAKED: Tamagotchi Meets Sweets Version
Yet another leak, this time its super sweet. The Tamagotchi Meets Sweets version is everything a Tamagotchi fan with a sweet tooth wanted, chocolate, macarons, and everything in between. The initial leaked image featured a milk chocolate drip on the front shell, after being announced Bandai Japan would later switch it to a pink chocolate drip, this did not settle too well with the community.
Tamagotchi On Scores Spot On The Toy Insider’s 2019 Holiday Gift Guide!
Awesome accomplishment here! The Tamagotchi On was featured on the popular gift guide which would give it the exposure needed to let the world know that Tamagotchi On is here! This also allowed the Tamagotchi On to be featured on various network television shows.
Bandai America Announces White Magical Tamagotchi On
No one saw this coming. Bandai America surprised everyone by announcing the white magical Tamagotchi On! We did not expect to get this device, which is a localized version of the white magical Tamagotchi On. The device remains an Amazon exclusive.
Bandai Korea Releases Tamagotchi Some Commercial
Not only did Korea get their very first Tamagotchi launch, they got a SUPER cute commercial. This claymation commercial was the perfect way to introduce the country to the newest Tamagotchi which is now regionally available!
Tamagotchi On Lands A Spot In The 2019 Target Toy Book!
Tamagotchi On got featured in a major toy book in the United States. You may recall that the 2017 Tamagotchi Mini did get featured back in 2017 too! Not only did the device get featured, but it was also on sale for a good period of time, and with an additional 25% coupon, fans were able to get one for just $37.49!
McDonald’s Announces Return Of Iconic Tamagotchi Happy Meal Toy!
Retro! This was an adorable campaign that McDonald’s launched to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Happy Meal. The Tamagotchi Happy Meal toy along with sixteen other toys returned to help celebrate. Quantities were limited and the promotion only ran for four days. If you were luck enough to get your hands on the Tamagotchi Happy Meal toy you’re probably enjoying its red flashlight functionality or just wearing it as a fashion accessory.
Tamagotchi & Pac-Man Team Up To Celebrate Pac-Man’s 40th Anniversary
Another collaboration? Bring it on! Bandai Namco US teed an upcoming collaboration with Pac-Man to help celebrate the 40th anniversary. A Pac-Man Tamagotchi is very much going to be released in 2020 and we just can’t wait to hear more about it!
Bandai America Announces New Tamagotchi Original Shells
New year, new shells. Bandai America announced four new additional shell designs to the Tamagotchi lineup via their social media profiles. The four new designs will join the existing lineup and will be released in February of 2020! Preorders are currently listed on Amazon.
2019 was PHENOMENAL for Tamagotchi, the best one yet in our opinion. This is the largest and most exciting year in review we have written to this date. Bandai really brought it and expanded the brand to new countries! We are looking forward to an even better 2020, so stay tuned to Tama-Palace for the latest and greatest Tamagotchi news. Happy New Year!
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catradorea · 5 years
Hey beautiful! I think I want you to answer... EVERYTHING!! hahaha I just love those kinds of posts
hehe you’re so cute babe 🥰 i’ll answer all the rest of the questions i haven’t already answered 💕
1. Femme or butch?
definitely femme
2. answered
3. Plaid button-ups or leather jackets?
hmm i don’t really wear either, but i’d probably most likely go for a leather jacket
4. Describe your style
floral femme
5. Describe your aesthetic
iced coffee on a rainy fall afternoon, double venus jewelry, purple color schemes, cats napping on a warm blanket, constellations, the moon reflected in the ocean, body glitter
6. Favorite article of clothing?
this sparkly blazer that makes me feel fierce
7. Favorite pair of shoes?
these black sandals with a chunky heel that gives me two extra inches of height 🙏🏻
8. Current haircut?
a little past shoulder length with side-swept bangs, nothing too fancy
9. Any haircut goals for the future?
i’ve always wanted to try an undercut, maybe one day i’ll be brave
10. answered
11. Describe the worst date you’ve been on
again, i’ve never been on an official date, so i can’t really answer that
12. Single? Taken?
happily taken by my lovely girlfriend
13. If taken, talk about your girlfriend/wife!
oh gosh… i could talk about her for hours. we just celebrated our 3 month anniversary yesterday and i’ve truly never been happier in my entire life. she is genuinely the best thing to ever happen to me, and i don’t know what i did to get as lucky as i did to have such a kind, thoughtful, understanding, patient, and beautiful woman love me in a way that is so pure and tender. she takes care of me in a way that no one ever has, and my heart just feels so safe and at peace knowing i’m in the most loving hands. she’s my world and i’m just so head over heels in love with her
14. If single, what are you looking for in a potential girlfriend/wife?
15. Describe your dream wedding
a small, intimate gathering on a secluded beach at sunset, listening to the soothing sounds of the ocean as i pledge my love and eternal devotion to the woman of my dreams
16. Do you want kids?
17. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
somewhere in the pacific northwest
18. Favorite lesbian movie?
imagine me and you!
19. Favorite lesbian novel/story?
the price of salt
20. answered
21. Favorite lesbian musician?
shura and hayley kiyoko
22. What lesbian stereotypes do you fit into, if any?
i’m obsessed with cats and i enjoy wearing the occasional flannel
23. Ever been assumed to be nothing more than a gal pal?
as in… if i’ve ever been assumed to be straight? oh for sure. i present very feminine, so i guess i don’t ping a lot of people’s gaydar
24. answered
25. answered
26. Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?
cat person 10000000%
27. Turn ons?
kindness, intelligence, compassion for animals, speaking more than one language, brown eyes, praise….
28. Turn offs?
being mean or rude, passive aggressiveness, anger, crude humor
29. Do you usually ask other women out or do you wait for them to ask you?
i definitely wait to be asked… i am a bottom after all haha
30. What is your dream career?
being a trophy wife… but more realistically a successful painter
31. Talk about your interests or hobbies!
gaming, gaming, and more gaming
32. What is the most attractive quality a woman can have?
genuine kindness
33. Do you love easily or does it take time for you to warm up to someone?
i love pretty easily honestly
34. Ever fallen for your best-friend?
kinda…? i wasn’t actually in love though, they were just the only other lesbian i knew at the time and it seemed convenient haha
35. Ever fallen for a straight girl?
i actually haven’t shockingly enough
36. The L-Word: yes or no? (love it or hate it?)
i unironically love that hot mess of a show
37. Favorite comfort food?
38. Coffee or tea?
39. Vegetarian? Vegan? None of the above?
i love chicken too much to ever be either
40. Do you have any pets?
i do! felix, auggie, and loki, my 3 precious feline children
41. Early-riser or night-owl?
night-owl… i do mostly everything at night
42. What is your sign?
43. Can you drive?
i can!
44. Who was your first lesbian crush?
keira knightley… wife me ma’am
45. At what age did you know you were a lesbian?
i want to say 18, but it might’ve been 19
46. At what age did you come out (if you have)?
i came out to my mom when i was 24… i could’ve done it way sooner considering she was completely on board and fine with it, but it’s still a scary thing to work yourself up to do
47. Are you crushing on anyone at the moment (celebrity or otherwise)?
yes… my girlfriend!
48. Talk about how your day went
woke up, texted my girlfriend, made a latte, went back to my room, put on some music, and started answering the questions in my ask box… a thrilling journey
49. Talk about your dreams/aspirations for the future
all of my dreams and aspirations involve finally being with my girlfriend… moving in with her and starting our life together as we pursue our dreams
50. answered
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idk if i talked about it here, but yesterday at work we had a Covid-19 meeting at work bc ppl were spreading rumours that lay-offs were gonna happen. They're not (like my works answer to not wanting to be unionized is by treating us all properly to begin with AND THEN some extras), and that they'll be cutting on expenses before they will cut labour like that. so we're losing some of the fun things we would get every month (usually have a big lunch or dinner once a month to celebrate that month's birthdays and anniversaries, we'll be buying less linens and stuff, etc) but they're doing their best to keeps us all working. they are also disregarding Q1 and Q2 when it comes to calculating if we're full- or part-time (so if we ended 2019 full-time, we're keeping out full-time status going into Q3, regardless of what hours we actually work in Q1 and Q2) so we're not in risk of losing our health benefits. my property isn't being hit as hard as the downtown properties, so we have that going for us (we're inside the airport, and people are still traveling and would choose our property over going into downtown to stay).
basically the plan is to make the schedules based on the on-the-books occupancy, then look at each day again 2 days before and rework as needed. so I'm gonna have a Who Fucking Knows schedule for the next little while (it makes sense bc we went from sold out to 20% occupied the moment the WHO announced covid is officially a pandemic).
next week my schedule is down from 5 8-hour shifts to 4 7-hour shifts plus an on-call day which is better than I expected honestly. the next schedule is.... questionable. I'm hoping for 3 8-hour shifts and 2 on-calls but still D;
I REALLY need the world to realize we can't just stop living bc of covid, that the world still has to carry on bc its not GOING anywhere, bc idk how I'm gonna pay my bills if this keeps up.....
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Life Update
This morning I had a weird meeting on my calendar and I figured they were gonna fire me. I’d cleaned out my desk yesterday preemptively and while I was waiting on the subway platform this morning I just had this....feeling....of....
relief.....?.....wash over me. I felt like MYSELF for the first time in months. Like I woke up and was like “oh! I have a self! There I am! I exist!”
Get to weird meeting and my boss and HR are there and I’m like. Yeah. But turns out they’re not firing me because like there’s nothing to actually fire me for. But because my boss quit 1 week after I started (because our department is so toxic, surprise!) I’ve been doing all her role as well as mine my entire time here. So they want to hire someone for her role again and get rid of mine (lol it’s just gonna flip the problem there’s still too much work for one person!!). So basically I have a job until 3/31 and they’re gonna support me in looking for a new position elsewhere.
All and all it’s the best outcome because now I can openly job search and also my responsibility will be decreasing hopefully meaning more normal hrs. I’m literally the 3rd person to leave this position in UNDER A YEAR because my department is so toxic, so I don’t feel bad at all. My only heartache is that I’ve worked a lot with our HR Team and I’ve gotten really close with them, and of course that includes The Crush(tm), and it’s been killing me to know that my department has been saying stuff about me that isn’t true and that the people who I respect the most might have a bad opinion of me.
ANYWAY after the official meeting, the HR guy came and got me and basically had a secret meeting with me about how upset he is and how much everyone loves me and how other despartments, including his, really value me. He said a lot of stuff he’s not supposed to say (lol) and said that I’d been put in an impossible position and he knew that what has been going on isn’t my fault. He fully acknowledge how badly my team has treated me and how that’s not my fault. He said he’d be my reference even though he’s not supposed to do that! We’re getting lunch (and he’s like, “and we should drink!”) on Friday. He also is having The Crush(tm) reach out to me so we can meet because he wants her to help me find a new position. He was really upset on my behalf and kept saying how much his department appreciates me and my work. I think that he and The Crush(tm) were the ones to negotiated my staying for 2 months because that’s an unusual move. I think they fought for me to at leave in a way that was going to screw me over the least. Probably different than what my team wanted, tbh.
Also, trying not to cry while writing this...but today is my 1 year anniversary post surgery. It’s been a year exactly. I can’t put into words how that feels, especially given everything that happened after, how sick I was, how crazy work situations got, how hard I’ve had to fight this year. But I’m having some Big Emotions.
But you guys have had my back the whole time. You’ve lifted me up. You’ve made me brave enough to share parts of myself I don’t share with anyone else. You’ve had my back and helped me grow so much.
I’m endlessly grateful. And I’m ready for a new chapter in my life. I know I deserve better.
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aspiefox1988 · 6 years
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So... Today... 4/28/2018... it finally happened... After 4 years, 8 months, and 27 days... It finally happened. @jenny-bunbun and I are officially married. We actually met here, on Tumblr on 8-1-13. We quickly became the best of friends. For our 1 year anniversary, I few across the country, from Greenville/Spartanburg Airport in South Carolina to San Diego and we met in person for the first time. Four days later, on 8/5/2014, I lost my mother to pancreatic cancer. My mother who gave me the money for that plane trip. That was her final gift to me. Over the years, we've had our ups and downs, our spats... Mainly my fault I will admit... But we have always came through. In 2015, I moved west to be together... But I was homeless for almost 2 years... I couldn't find a job in Cali because I wasn't a local. In August of 2017, we moved to our new home of Las Vegas. I got a dead end job at McDonald's to help support my little boo through college. It was hard, but we made ends meet. In March of '18, I finally landed a REAL job, with real pay, real benefits. Yesterday, Saturday, April 28th, in the Year of 2018 CE, at the Vegas Adventure Wedding Chapel, two lives became one. Two souls United for one life. Thank you @staff for creating this wonderful site... Without it, we would never have met... Without it we never would have found our love. In case you're wondering, I am the ugly one with the blue fuzzy ears... Jenny-bunbun is the beautiful one in the black and red.
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milatherese · 4 years
Being sad is part of life.
(the following is just me talking to my future self who is reading stuff I wrote to get it all out of my head so I don’t cry mid-exams... aka it is insanely long, unimportant, and depressing)
On November 29th, I got a notification that read “Father Adrian San Juan’s Birthday tomorrow.” I had already been counting down the days until his birthday and didn’t need the notification to remind me. But when it did remind me, it hurt.
The following day I shared a post on Facebook:
Yesterday, Father Adrian San Juan turned 44 in Heaven. I’ve faced grief before (4 times this year, c'est la vie) but...
Posted by
Mila Reyes
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
but I didn’t share the full story because it was already long (and no one cares lol).
This isn’t the full story but the truth is, 
I miss him.
I miss his loud laugh. I miss his smile. I miss his savage comebacks. I miss his nerdy music moments. I miss his criticism. I miss his tidbits of wisdom. I miss his random rants. I miss his leadership. I miss his guidance. I miss his witty sense of humour.
I know I’m not the only one, but it certainly feels like it. I feel alone in this.
I still remember the day he died. 
I had a rough start to the day and had skipped breakfast (because I had planned on just eating a big lunch) and lunch (because I was too hurt to eat [for reasons I won’t mention]). I was still crying in my room when a friend called to ask about some logistics for a relative’s memorial Mass I was coordinating. Around that time, my mom informed me she received a call from an unknown number in Norwalk. Because I was in a sour mood, I didn’t look up the number and simply dismissed it as a telemarketer. A few minutes later, I received the news that Father Adrian was hospitalized and was in critical condition. When I learned that the cause for his hospitalization was his collapse right before Mass, I knew he had died at the scene. (collapse + delay in CPR + critical condition [usually] = death) It was not officially confirmed that he had died until 1-2 hours later when I received another phone call. I was still in my room but was now on a video call with a friend (discussing the music for the Mass). My friend got the call first so I was already mentally prepared for what was to come. I got called right after and that’s when we (my friend and I) decided to hang up and just spread the news.
I called Ken Weber. Father Adrian had invited me to attend his parish’s 50th Anniversary concert and I did. Little did I know that he had plans for me to study under Weber’s tutelage. We had dinner with Ken Weber and Father Adrian after the concert and after Father Adrian shared that I love church music (and hinted that I may be interested in learning how to play the organ), Ken offered to give me my first organ lesson the following day. We continued lessons over Skype when Ken returned to Hawaii and Father Adrian had me provide music (on the organ) for Sunday Masses.
Me: Hi Mr. Weber, I just thought you might wanna know this... Father Adrian passed away not too long ago. Ken: What was that, Mila? Me: Father Adrian died Ken: Oh no, not Father Adrian?!  Me: Yes Ken: Oh no, oh no, no I was just there with him at his parish! Oh God no... 
I told him what happened and after he learned I had not even told my parents, he had me hang up and share the news. I didn’t.
I called Alexandra Ramos. Or at least I tried.  I met her at the same concert. She was the featured soprano. Beautiful voice. I had seen her perform in the musical where I first saw Father Adrian and I was in awe. After we met, we worked together on concerts featuring Father Adrian’s music from the musicals. When that was over, she left the country to discern with an order and we lost contact. When she returned, we discovered we had a lot in common (that we had never talked about) and decided to keep in touch. Unfortunately, her return from that order left her without a personal number and we lost touch again. I left a voice message at the answering machine instead.
I decided it was time to break the news to my family. I opened my door and walked out.
“Guys, Father Adrian died.”
There was no sugarcoating it. It was the truth. I went to each of them. My dad was in his “office”, my mom was in her “office”, and my brother was in the garage. We were all surprised and I was beginning to lose it. After they asked “San Juan? Father Adrian San Juan?” I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I burst into tears. My parents went to me and my dad pulled me into a hug - something he has never done before. After a few seconds, I pulled away and said I needed to be alone. I ran to my room and stayed there for as long as I could.
When I was finally alone, I realized that phone call from that unknown number in Norwalk was from the parish school. Father Adrian’s staff was trying to reach my mother, who Father Adrian had asked to put on his emergency contact list. I had forgotten he did that. And that’s when the guilt set in.
I never got to thank him in words for everything, especially his most recent gift when I last saw him. I told myself “I’ll wait until after this semester to properly thank him.” I didn’t know that would be too late.
My family regularly prays at 6pm but this day I could not even utter a single word of prayer. I was in so much emotional pain that I barely made it to our prayer room without nearly falling. I had cried myself into a headache (yes, it’s a thing) and vertigo. All I could think about was Father Adrian. I couldn’t believe it. Apparently I looked so bad (I did not feel well) that my mom considered taking me to the hospital.
The days that followed weren’t any easier. I thought I would be okay after the funeral (which happened a month later) but I was not. I thought I would be okay after my birthday but I was not. I thought maybe, just maybe, if I celebrated his birthday with his sisters I would be okay. I was not. I still am not okay. I poorly estimated the time I would need to grieve. (I based my estimation on my grieving period when Father Suarez had died which lasted ~90 days.)
I have a monthly calendar in my room. I am usually excited to flip the page when the month is over but I still haven’t flipped the calendar to December. It was hard enough flipping to my birth month, and then to his, but to flip to a month of the year where we made some of the most (and best) memories is a big step. I’m already two weeks in and I still haven’t flipped the page.
I have not figured out how to grieve. I typically turn to music but this year music has failed me. When Father Suarez died I listened to praise and worship until I couldn’t – this song played and I lost it while walking to work.
With Father Adrian, I can’t just listen to music. Nor can I just play an instrument or sing and grieve that way because for much of my life, Father Adrian = music. We listened to the same songs, which was pretty much everything. He used all my musical talents in some way (yes, singing, too). I tried music, but it was much too painful to have anything to do with music.
I even stopped singing at Mass. At first it was because I was always crying at Mass because I could see him celebrate the Mass I was attending. But later it was also because whenever I would sing I would hear his voice sing, too, in my head.
I haven’t exactly figured out how to grieve yet. And it also doesn’t help that I keep on pushing people away. I didn’t notice it at first but now that people keep reaching out to me it has become clear that my first instinct when faced with strong emotions is to distance myself.
A friend sent me this:
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I knew all of this already; he didn’t need to tell me. But I think I needed to hear it from someone else for my heart to understand it. 
There are no time constraints for grief and I shouldn’t put any on it either. It’s all in God’s time with God’s grace. Jesus knows how I feel. And I am not alone. 
I have to remind myself it is normal to feel this even though it is something new to me. I am trying to accept that it is a normal feeling.
Today would have been the first day of Simbang Gabi at the Cathedral. I would have been playing violin and he would have been conducting the choir of priests for the fourth time. But, it’s 2020 and that didn’t happen. Instead I “attended” Simbang Gabi on YouTube. And they decided to share two old recordings of what I had hoped would happen.
I have to remind myself that he is easier to talk to now that he is not limited by time and space and that he now knows my heart better than I can express.
I feel ungrateful. I found it difficult to be thankful this thanksgiving after all that has happened this year even though there is physical evidence God has been taking care of me despite everything going on.
I feel angry. I feel like someone unjustly took away something that belonged to me even though I only own my decisions. I wish I had been the one to go Home first.
I feel sad. I can’t talk to him like I used to and he’s no longer just a text away. He always said “See you in the Eucharist!” and I need to remember that.
I feel weak. I often think that the sooner I do the will of God, the sooner I get to be with Him and can leave this world. I know it’s wrong to think this but I can’t help it. His death makes my journey to holiness more urgent. And I feel like I don’t try hard enough.
I guess I don’t really know how I feel right now. Maybe it’s normal to feel all these at once. I hope it is.
This was definitely a wake up call. Memento mori. (here is something I made on my birthday to try to cope)
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There’s no such thing as “I’ll do it later” anymore. There’s no “after I do this thing then I’ll do it.” Whatever it is, it has to be now. 
That’s what Father Adrian learned when he beat cancer (among many other near-death situations). It sucks that it took losing someone for me to actually learn this but at least I know now. If I am not actively doing God’s work, I might as well have not been born. 
Alrighty, now that I’ve poured most of it out, I really need to get to studying.
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never-not-ever · 7 years
2017/1 year anniversary with my girlfriend
How We Met
So I actually met my girlfriend on OkCupid when I was down here at my Aunts house last January. I love visiting my Aunt and we do hang out and go places but there’s also a lot of down time. So last year when I was down here I was bored and made an online dating account. At first it was just guys but I got pretty bored of that and started thinking how a lot of the guys weren’t my type and then I was questioning what my type even was and what gender too! So I decided to switch my “looking for” to women and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. I started talking to Andrea and I remember it all so clear and it’s so crazy to be back in this bedroom where it all began. Laying on this very bed where I stayed up late talking to this amazing woman. It sounds cliche and I don’t know how but I stumbled across Girls Like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko and that was literally my anthem for that month. I mean come on the song was perfect for me. It was like my own little cheerleader in the background telling me that what I was doing was okay except I didn’t need anyone to tell me it was okay because I knew in my heart that it was perfectly okay and perfectly normal. We started talking on January 13th. I left WV and took the Amtrak train home to Boston on January 16th and that day I heard her voice for the first time. I remember it like it was yesterday! I was on the train and getting closer and closer to Boston. We were so giddy and nervous to talk on the phone but looking back it was the cutest thing. That night we talked on the phone for 2 hours. I met her the next day on January 17th and almost a week later we made it official. January 23rd, 2017.
So the rest of the month is a blur. Lots of dates and hanging out. Meeting her family etc. Her meeting my gm. This month should have been filled with pure joy but there was also heartache. This also happened to be the month I had a fall out with my two ex-best friends. Not going to go into specifics, just that it was very painful and very toxic. 
Our first Valentine’s Day! I bought her flowers and she stuck post it notes around her room with little reasons why she loved me or little fun facts about us. I think it was after Valentine’s Day where I started working more and more in the Florist. I’ve been at my job for almost 8 years now and I’d always help out in the florist around the holidays but this year I moved to that department permanently. February is also the month her parents go away so I basically stayed at her house all the time! They have a 16 year old dog and Andrea works a lot and couldn't take her out all the time so her sister moved home for the month and since I was always there I grew closer to her sister during this month. 
Nothing too grand and exciting.
We went on our first vacation to Virginia Beach and it was so much fun. Our hotel room was amazing and right on the beach! The weather was perfect and we did so much. I’d love to go back again because it was just a great time filled with lots of memories! I started talking to one of my ex-friends around this time too.
Birthday month! My first birthday in years were I didn’t wish to be dead when I blew out the candles. Sounds dramatic but I’m not joking. We spent the day together and I saved a baby squirrel from a rest stop parking lot. Ruined my “Normal People Scare Me” hoodie by wrapping the little guy up in it who was covered in fleas and bugs. I also started talking to the other ex-friend again but it just wasn’t the same. I think by this month I was officially a florist clerk! Besides meeting Andrea, switching departments at my job made my year. I became so much more happier and cheerful at work. I also went to my first wedding (since I was a kid which I don’t even remember!). It was a waterfront wedding and amazing. I’ll always remember that night! I wore a dress for the first time since prom!
I went to London!! It wasn’t as long as I would have liked but it was amazing!! I could honestly see myself living there. I went with my cousin and my uncle who was on a business trip. It was the highlight of my Summer. Went to another wedding. It wasn’t as nice as the first one but it was still a great time! It was out in western Mass and we slept overnight at a nearby hotel. The next morning me and Andrea decided to take a drive down to NYC. It was spontaneous and I loved it even though we got there around suppertime and didn’t get to do much. It was still a good time!
Andrea’s family has a huge 4th of July BBQ and that was a pretty great day! I wore another dress lol! My old friends came and we all hung out and played games and then watched the fireworks on a dock in the water. It was so nice to have everyone together but that was the first and last time it ever happened. A strange and mysterious thing happened this month. A baby kitten was found in my front entrance. You see, to get in my house you have to go up a flight of stairs and open not only a storm door but a regular door as well. That brings you to a little square hallway where we keep the mail and theres two more doors-one leads to the second floor where I live with my gm and the other is for the first floor where my uncle lives. We keep the mail on a little set of shelves in that hallways and one morning my gm was taking my dog out and there was a kitten sitting on the bottom shelf! We named her Delilah and kept her and she’s been a part of the family ever since.
This month was a blur. Nothing big and exciting happened. Met my new psychiatrist and started preparing to say goodbye to my therapist whom I would be terminating with in the next month. 
Went on our second vacation together to D.C. My body image was crap and it kind of sorta ruined the trip cause I was always so self conscious being in public and stuff. In the end it was still nice just being able to get away and spend time alone. It was Andrea’s birthday and I made her a collage of our pictures that said “I like me best when I’m with you”. It was cute. When we got back from our trip I started up EMT classes again. I took the course in 2014 and passed all but one test (the state written) and I let too much time go by so I decided to retake the course. At the end of the month I had to say goodbye to my therapist. Someone I worked with since April of 2016 when I was inpatient. It was so hard to say goodbye because for over a year I saw this woman almost every single week and she helped me thru times when I thought I was going to end up back in the hospital. I also stopped going to my DBT group as well. Stopping with therapy wasn’t my choice, stopping with group was. This also was the month I stopped talking to my ex-best friend whom I was friends with for over 10 years. We didn’t have a big fight or anything we just drifted apart. “You didn’t text me” “But you didn’t text me” so typically but it was bound to happen. People change and there’s nothing wrong with that. I feel like for the most of 2017 I kept trying to prove that I didn’t change like it was some bad thing when in reality it’s okay to change, it’s part of life. 
And to follow along with that last month I also stopped talking to my other ex-friend. I have nothing against them. They were there for me when I was at rock bottom in 2016 and for that I will be forever grateful. In 2017 however things were very rocky. Things felt forced, like I was walking on eggshells afraid to do something wrong. A never-ending rollercoaster that finally came to a stop in the end of October. I’m not going to lie and say that my life has been great ever since. Because it hasn’t. I mean yes it’s been okay and I’ve been happy but I’ve also been so down because of all that’s happened with them, second guessing myself and wondering “what if”. But in the end we all moved on and that’s all that matters because in the end life moves on.
This Thanksgiving me, my uncle and my gm went over to Andrea’s and it was so much fun. After my people went home I stayed and played games with her brothers and sister and their significant others. We listened to Christmas music and just had a blast. Me and Andrea started Christmas shopping and listening to Christmas music and it was the start to a wonderful holiday. In the end of the month I took my class written exam and in some surprising turn of events I passed! Like I was so shocked because I didn’t study at all and went into that exam knowing that I could retake it and thinking that thats what was going to happen. But I didn’t have to because I passed!!
More Christmas shopping and snuggling under fuzzy blankets with my babe. All up until Christmas the only music I listened to was Christmas music! Ever since my Aunt passed away I always hated the holidays. It was so sad and depressing. But this year was different. I was looking forward to spending Christmas with Andrea and her family and starting new traditions. This month I had two practical exams. One for the class and one for the state and I passed them both!! I went to Andrea’s family’s Christmas party on the 23rd and it was so nice and festive. I slept over that night and on Christmas Eve we all woke up and celebrated Christmas morning a day early cause not everyone could be there for Christmas Day. We went over to a friends house for New Years Eve and ordered Chinese food and played Cards Against Humanity. I can’t remember the last time I kissed someone on New Years. But this time I got to ring in the New Year with my babe. 
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buckybabybaby · 7 years
Everything Backwards (Epilogue 2/3)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Reader (gender neutral)
Word count: 1358
Warnings: None, just fluff <3
A/n: Just to be clear, 'ten months later' is from chapter twelve, not the first part of the epilogue. It's 7 months from then :)
Previous: Epilogue Part 1
Everything Backwards Masterlist | Masterlist
Epilogue Part 2: Ten months later.
“You know, it's our anniversary today.”
Your hands still above the keyboard as Bucky props himself against the headboard. Staring at the very blank document of your 'masterpiece', you try to remember if you've recently knocked your head on something. if you've missed a couple of months by being unconscious, and that's why Bucky seems to think it the end of summer already.
You close the laptop. “I'm pretty sure that's in September?”
“Of when we met, I mean.” He repositions you so you're lying next to him and he can play with your hair. “It's a year ago this week.”
Mentally adding it up, you realise he's right.
It feels a lifetime ago, but at the same time you can still clearly remember the pure terror you felt when you first saw him in the garden, and the days you spent sneaking around the house to avoid bumping into him again.
“We had a bit of a weird start to our relationship, didn't we?”
“That was all my fault.”
“I know you wouldn't have said any of the things you did if I hadn't provoked you.”
“Maybe not.” You curl into his side. “Do you think it would have worked out like this if we had actually 'met five minutes ago'?”
“You remember what I said?”
“It's burned into my brain.” He pouts and you grin at him, flipping his lip with your thumb. “It's not a bad thing! And please don't apologise again, I forgave you ages ago.”
“I've forgiven you.”
“Alright.” He pulls you a little closer. “And to answer your question, I have no idea. I do remember when Steve told me your name, I thought, 'please not the same Y/N'.”
“How rude!” You gasp as you poke his side, trying to keep a stern expression.
“You know what I mean! I know you weren't happy to see me again.”
“No, I suppose not.”
“But if I'm being honest,” he leans in so your noses bump, “After the initial panic had worn off I was actually ecstatic to find you again. But at that point I'd already messed it up, so then I felt even worse.”
It's your turn to pull a face, and when Bucky sees how that upsets you he kisses you, soft brushes of his mouth across yours. “Don't look like that, I was the one who went on to make it worse for myself.”
“That second morning, in the kitchen, I really thought you hated me.”
“Yeah. Sorry. But you didn't give up on me, even after I was so unnecessarily rude when all you did was offer me a lift.”
You link his fingers together with yours. “I was going to just ignore you after that, but then I had a change of heart.”
“That's because you're an absolute sweetheart, doll. I've never met someone so beautiful, inside and out.”
“This is fun. Let's talk more about how great I am.”
“Always pleased to,” he giggles, and then sits up suddenly, gently untangling your bodies. “I think now is a good time to reveal I've got something to show you.”
Watching as he hurries out of the bedroom, you wonder how you got so lucky. Despite how you finally got here, it's no exaggeration that these past ten months with him have been the best of your life. Every day he manages to surprise you with how much he cares, not only about you, but generally, and you hope this feeling of contentment never leaves.
When he returns he's clutching a large roll of paper. You kneel on the bed as he's spreads the pencil scribble filled sheets across the top of the covers, tilting your head as you try to decipher what the lines mean. He rearranges them into an order that still doesn't make sense, but you can recognise Bucky's handwriting on each page, mostly numbers which look like measurements.
Bucky pushes a match box along the duvet. “And this is for you.”
“You want me to set these on fire?”
“Open it.”
It doesn't rattle like it should when you shake it, sounding like there's only one object inside, which makes your heart stop. You glance back at Bucky.
“Don't worry, it's not that.” Taking the box back, he slides it apart for you. “Not yet at least.”
You peer into the bottom tray. “Why do I need another key?”
“This isn't just another key.” He picks it up and places it into your palm, folding your fingers closed over it. “This is a key for a lock yet to be fitted.”
“Oh. Are you building a house?”
“Not quite. Come here.” Holding out a hand to help you rise and stand beside him, he gestures at the shapes on the paper. “So here's a plan of this house. Here's your bedroom-”
“Our bedroom.”
He squeezes your hand. “Yeah, our bedroom.” Pointing at another rectangle, he continues, “And this is the bathroom, that won't change. But this wall, the one that separates the old office from the hall, that's not load bearing so it can come down. Then we can have a small kitchen-diner slash lounge.”
Squinting at the plans, the grip Bucky has on you tightens the longer you stay quiet, but you're finding it hard to process.
The cold metal in your other hand unfreezes your brain. “And where does this key come in to it?”
Bucky lets out a slow breath. “That is for the door to the rest of the house. I bought a proper lock for it instead of the bolt, so it would feel more official.”
You turn to face him, still in shock. “You drew this up by yourself?”
“Peggy and Steve helped.”
“So they're okay with it?”
“They suggested it.”
One year ago you'd accepted a job with a sweet family, but back then you didn't know just how lovely they really were, or how much working for them would entirely transform your life.
Thinking about it is overwhelming at times.
“Hey, hey, don't cry.” He brushes a thumb below your eye to catch the stray tears. “Is it too soon? I know we seem to do everything a bit ba-”
“No! No, oh my gosh come here.” You pull him down to kiss, clinging to the collar of his shirt when he deepens it, twisting the both of you so you're pressed against the wall.
Breathing unevenly when you separate, he cups your face. “Do you like the idea?”
“I love it. Like I love you.”
He picks you up, squishing you into his front as he mumbles his usual response of: “Love you more.”
Relaxing in his arms, you breathe in his scent as you listen to his heart race, waiting for the bubble to burst and someone to tell you this perfect life you're living is just a dream.
But luckily for you it's not.
Still trapped in his embraced, you peak over his shoulder at the many sheets of paper.
“It looks like a lot of work. Who's going to do it?”
“You? Oh.”
“Don't act so surprised Y/N! I'm sure a bit of basic plumbing and painting isn't beyond me. And the children have already volunteered to help knock the wall down. Safely, obviously,” he adds at your wince.
“I trust you will be.”
“And I have all summer free, so plenty of time.”
Bucky has excelled at his job, and is quickly becoming everyone's favourite in the staff room, a fact that's not hard to notice whenever you visit him at lunch time. But even though he is enjoying it you can tell he's looking forward to a break.
“Are you sure you want to spend your time off doing that?”
“Of course. I'll be under your feet if I don't have anything to do. It can be my summer project.”
“Like the children have! Do you expect sticker rewards too?”
Laughing as he shakes his head, he kisses you slowly, dragging your bottom lip into his mouth almost obscenely before he pulls away and makes you fall in love all over again.
“Being with you, that's reward enough.”
Epilogue Part 3
A/n 2: Part three soon! :) (I said this would be up yesterday, and saying I will do something and then not doing it is the story of my freaking life, so, hopefully by the end of the week.)
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dandelliongirl · 5 years
Catching up
before winter.
Greetings, blog. It's been a while again.
It’s been an autumn and a half at work. Things have gone very poorly on a lot of fronts, which has lead to a lot of drama and stressed people. I've personally been trying to distance myself from it all but haven't had too much energy to sit in front of a computer after work. I have, however, discovered a lot of new hobbies/interests, so I'm excited to update my blog/diary about them.
Summer cottage season is officially over. In August/September we got to go on a nature hike, collect heaps of mushrooms and bake a delicious pie with them. I harvested lots of lavender, rosemary, thyme and some parsley. We also picked lingonberries and I froze lots of currants from grandmum’s garden for the upcoming winter. We had an official ending to our summer house season in mid-October. My guy came over as well and we spent a cozy weekend doing yard work, appreciating nature and spending time together. My guy went on a trail run while I biked next to him, and in the evening we went to the sauna and sat at a bonfire. We also saw Venetian fireworks from across the lake.♥
So since August/September I’ve started down on a little witchy journey and even started making my own Grimoire. I’m mainly a kitchen and green witch with some wiccan beliefs but as I do belong to the lutheran church I’m not a wiccan. Regardless witchcraft has made menial tasks and tiring chores a lot more interesting and meaningful. It means I now find love and joy in cleaning and cleansing, decorating and baking. Meditating, charging things I do with intent and using "spells" as affirmations are definitely a part of the whole super trendy mindfullness thing that people who have been distanced from nature and natural wisdom pay top dollar to learn from expensive psychiatrists and life coaches. Appreciating nature at any season and being able to cook, bake and decorate with seasonal things gets me excited, gives me reasons to live through the dark months and works wonders in alleviating seasonal depression. Trusting, honoring and living by nature feels right, and learning about the practice of witchcraft has given meanings and explanations to a lot of my own behavior, such as collecting all kinds of magical knick knacks and talismans or creating my own sigils and even rituals since childhood. My respect for history and old wisdom certainly helps. Celebrating Samhain with all it's historical meanings and associations was a lot of fun and I cannot wait for Yule.
So some notable events that have happened since the end of August:
My high school reunion was a lot of fun even though not everyone could make it. Reminiscing about all the weird stuff that happened and things we put ourselves through for a piece of paper was a lot of fun. It was also good to hear how people are doing these days and see what cool adults they have all become.
Me and mum attended an outdoor movie picnic in August. We had grapes, vegetable chips, chocolate and pastries. We watched the movie Shoplifters and it was a nice warm evening with the whole area packed to the brim. It was a really sweet movie, and a fun evening I’ll remember and treasure forever!
In mid-September grandmum had her friends from her social democrat youth group come over for a reunion and me and mum helped her out with the arrangements. She was very tired but happy she got to be reunited with those people once again. Getting old is so cruel and ruthless, and for a while now grandmum has definitely been tying up loose ends and getting ready for the inevitable. It is sad but I don’t want to be selfish and hold on to her just because I don’t want to be left without her. I’ll just hold on to every day I still have her, and when the time comes it will come. My friend just lost her 90 year old grandmum and she’s now facing her first christmas without her...
Other events:
Annual city light event, an autumnal photoshoot for my project with my friend, meeting up with my ballet friends for coffee and mulled wine, playing the Jedi Outcast 2 remaster with my friend and feeling incredibly nostalgic, spending Samhain week with all my closest friends, my friend from kindergarten getting engaged (eeeekk!!! ♥ ♥ ♥), ordering a bunch of physical photos and buying a photo album for them, germinating 3 different kinds of apples and a few plum stones to plant in the next few weeks, having literal tens of kilos of apples to dry and make into delicious apple butter, cakes and pies. Hanging out with my guy’s high school bestie who has moved to our city to study psychology. I’ve also (finally) made some progress with my piano rehearsal and found a bunch of sheet music books that I’m waiting to be delivered. (The mail delivery services are on strike right before Christmas - yikes). I’ve also been trying to get into embroidery and continue knitting. I would also really like to spend more time reading even though I do listen to books weekly.
It is a very rainy week with lots of wet snow. I’ve been collecting dragonflies made with beads and reflective fabric that a local craft store has been leaving out on bikes. (Only from abandoned bikes though!) We took a big bird feeder to our summer cottage and when mum and dad went to check it out yesterday it had tons of birds flocking around it! ♥ Last night me and my guy went to the sauna at my parents' house and had nachos for father's day.
I put up the Christmas tree this past weekend and I'm planning on decorating it this week. I'm still waiting for a Sims sale so that I can get my planned build-a-bundle of city living, realm of magic and romantic garden stuff for the holiday season. Me and my guy started playing kingdom come deliverance on a free weekend and bought it on sale. We've also been playing fe3h, Untitled Goose game and Skyrim (again!) on the Switch. I would really want to play Luigi's mansion 3. Some 130 days until New Horizons.
This Friday it’s me and my guy's 9th anniversary and we're starting our 10th year together. Crazy! I'm so glad that pretty much our entire relationship is saved in these tumblr posts. We're having a lunch date for some sushi on Friday to celebrate, and possibly planning a trip for our upcoming 10th year together.
It's been a beautiful autumn full of new discoveries about myself and enjoying the company of awesome people. Because of all these awesome things in my personal life the difficulties at work cannot get to me (they sometimes do but I try to stay strong) like they did to my poor colleague who had to take sick leave.. 6 weeks until Christmas vacation, and after that I have almost 3 weeks of vacation left for the spring. Whether I travel or spend it at home with New Horizons is still up for debate.
I drafted this post at work. I have very little motivation to do any actual work so I take every quiet moment when I'm alone in our office to do other things and avoid actual work at all costs. Oop. I ordered some warm indoor shoes and a new Oysho blanket in preparation for the long winter in our freezing cold office.
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imaginebeauty · 7 years
I’ll Be Here
Words: 2029 Pairings: 1940s!Bucky x Reader Warnings: It is a flat out feels trip
Author’s Note: First off: This imagine is written differently. I did it in 1st POV to give it more of a narrative type of feel. So my sister showed me this song and I loved it so much that naturally, I had to write this because I’m angsty af. Please comment, like, and reblog! If you enjoyed this then you can follow me for more stuff like this!
Song: I’ll Be Here from Ordinary Days
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We met, of all places, In front of Gristedes some freakishly cold winters day. I had on several unflattering layers of wool. He slipped on the ice with his grocery bags full, So I rescued some Fruit Loops he dropped by the curb And he made some remark that my smile was superb I thought that was sweet and I started to go and he said “Hey, whatcha doing tomorrow?”
        The sun was shining brightly as it lit up the bustling city of New York as I strolled down the street. Soggy, gross snow that had turned brown from the dirt and grime from the street had trailed alongside the sidewalk. I wore rain boots to protect my feet from the slush that sat between the sidewalk and the street where I was about to cross.
        My eyes swiveled as I heard a “swish” followed by a thud and grunt. I turned to find a man getting up off the cold ground. His groceries had fallen and scattered. As he was putting some his groceries back in the bag, I picked up some cereal that had slid next to the curb. 
        He stood with his bag in his arms as I held out the cereal box he had dropped. His eyes met mine briefly, I smiled. 
        “Um, I believe this is yours,” I said as he reached, taking the cereal from my hand. 
        “Yeah, thank you,” he said, his lips twitching up into a smile. “You have a really nice smile,” he complimented.
        I smiled more as my cheeks flushed red. “Thanks,” I giggled. With that, I started to walk away. I could feel the cold starting to slip through my many layers of wool. 
        I stopped and turned around when he asked,”Hey! Whatcha doing tomorrow?"
'Because I'll be here At the corner of Bleaker and Mercer tomorrow at 7. If you want to meet up, I'll be waiting right here, And in case there are two fellas waiting for you, my name's John." He waved and then he was gone.
        “Because I’ll be here at the corner of Bleaker and Mercer tomorrow at 7. If you want to meet up, I’ll be right here. And in case there are two fellas waiting for you, my name's James, but I prefer Bucky,” he proposed, his lips curled into a charming smile.
        Without even waiting for your answer, he turned and went in his own direction. I smiled to myself before spinning away and walking in my direction.
 Needless to say I went back there to meet him Mostly to see if he'd show, and there he was Out in the cold with his jacket pulled tight. He took me to dinner and kissed me goodnight. The next week we went to this terrible play. And the week after that drank hot chocolate all day. And suddenly, eight or nine months had flown by when he said "Hey, whatcha doing the rest of your life?'
        I went back to the corner to meet him. I tried to tell myself that I was only going to see if he would even show up, but I knew. 
        When I arrived at the corner of Bleaker and Mercer a couple minutes after 7, I saw him standing there. His hands were tucked away in his pockets as he pulled his jacket tight. He took a deep breath, and I could see the smoke from his breathing in the freezing air from across the street. 
        He turned his head, his face instantly lighting up when he saw me crossing the street. He flashed his charming smile. When I got closer, I could see how red his nose was from waiting and his lips looked like they were beginning to blue. 
        That night we went out to dinner. It wasn’t a super nice dinner, it was just at a cute little diner. Afterward, he called me a cab to take me home. 
        Before I climbed into the cab, he kissed me goodnight. It was just a peck, but it was enough. The rest of the night all I could think about was how soft his lips were, even if our lips were connected for just a second, though it felt like forever in a single moment.
        The next week we went out and saw a terrible play. The plot was dry with half-good actors, something that would never make Broadway. Nonetheless, I had so much fun as Bucky and I joked and made fun of the play after we left the theater. 
        The weekend that followed the night of the play, we stayed in. It was snowing so we decided it was best to just cuddle up inside the warmth of Bucky’s apartment. We huddled up in blankets and drank hot chocolate was we watched a cheesy movie. 
        Next thing I knew, eight or nine months had passed and every day I spent with him was like the first moment we met. Before I knew what was happened, Bucky dropped onto one knee and said,” Hey, whatcha doing the rest of your life?”
'Because I'll be here Right beside you as long as you want me to be. There's no question. There is nothing I've wanted so much in my life. This might sound immature but I'm totally sure you're the one." And we had just begun.
        I gasped, hands flying to my mouth in surprise. I smiled beneath my hands.
        “Because I’ll be here, right beside you as long you want me to be. There’s no question, there is nothing I’ve wanted so much in my life. This might sound immature but I’m totally sure you’re the one,” Bucky stated with the utmost confidence.
We got hitched in September, out favorite month, With a rock band that played in this old synagogue. And we bought an apartment on West 17th street and talked about children and getting a dog
        Bucky and I got married in September in a beautiful and old synagogue. We had a rock band play at the wedding, the only band we could agree on, oddly enough. But it didn’t matter, it was perfect. It was us.
        We bought an apartment together in Brooklyn, where Bucky was from. I was from Queens, but I didn’t mind moving away, beside Queens isn’t very far from Brooklyn. 
        We talked about things that married couples talk about. We talked about getting a real house with a backyard and about having kids, maybe even getting a family dog named Captain. 
        We would have kids, one boy, and one girl. The boy would be older and his name would be Steve, after Bucky’s best friend Steve Rogers. He would protect his little sister, Rose, named after my mother. And the dog Captain would be a big scary looking German Shepard but really he would be a big sweetheart who was good with kids. 
Our first anniversary came in a flash And we promised to take the day off. He had to stop into his office that morning, And so I went walking uptown to this bakery I know. When I heard on the street what I thought was a joke Till I noticed the sirens and saw all the smoke. So I'm running back home with this feeling of dread To the voicemail he left with the last words he said.
        Our first anniversary showed up quickly. It felt crazy. It was as if we met just yesterday. 
        Bucky was supposed to be coming home that day. He was in the army, but he had promised he would make it home for our first anniversary.
        I figured he wouldn’t be home until later in the evening, so I decided to take a walk uptown to a cute little bakery. I decided to buy a cute little cookie cake that said: “Happy 1st Anniversary” that was decorated with little-frosted hearts and flowers and swirls. 
        “Thank you so much,” I said to the lady at the bakery before taking the cake and starting to walk home. 
        As I walked down the dirty street of Brooklyn I felt a sinking feeling in my chest and I could feel my heart stop for a moment, though I couldn’t understand why I felt that way. I dismissed it, but those feelings were then given a reason when I walked past a newspaper stand with the headline reading,” American Soldiers Freed Thanks to Captain America!” 
        I picked up a copy. I flipped through it when all of a sudden my eyes landed on an article title reading “Captain America Loses Best Friend In Battle.” My hand traveled to my mouth in a gasp.
        “Hey, you gonna pay fo dat?” the guy behind the newspaper stand asked in a thick accent.
        I practically shoved the money at him and grabbed the newspaper and cookie cake before running back to my apartment. 
        I ran into my apartment and set down the newspaper and cake, before running to check my mail.
        Maybe Captain America had another best friend? Maybe they just got it wrong? I didn’t dare read the actual article, I didn’t want my worst nightmare to be confirmed. 
        I sat at my round, wooden dining room table that was in view of the front door. I watched. I waited and I waited. Meanwhile, the pit in my stomach grew. 
        7:04, the sun was setting over the city. The sky turning orange allowing the buildings to create beautiful silhouettes along the skyline, and nothing.
        7:16, there was a knock at my door and I sprung to my feet. I hoped that Bucky was standing on the side with flowers and he just knocked to be silly. I opened the door, but not to find Bucky. 
        I was met by a man. His face was aged with wrinkles and it almost looked like his face was stuck in a permanent scowl as if he hadn’t smiled in years. He wore an army uniform and held 2 envelopes in his callused hand. 
        “Are you Y/N Barnes?” He asked in a deep, husky voice.
        I opened my mouth, but no noise came out, so I nodded.
        His eyes tired eyes, eyes that had seen many horrors, softened. His scowl was replaced with a sorrowful frown. “I’m sorry, darling. James Buchanan Barnes died in action this morning, September 11th, 1941,” the man stated with a sadness to his voice that meant that this was real. He handed me the envelopes, and he left. 
        I took them, and I closed the door slowly behind him. 
        I broke. 
        One of the envelopes had the U.S Army official stamp. The other had my name written in familiar handwriting. 
        I opened the envelope with Bucky’s handwriting on it, that’s when I realized that it was the last words he wrote.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to ruin your evening by bringing up all of this stuff. You're probably wondering why I even called you tonight. Well today something happened that spooked me alright. I saw this storm cloud of papers fall down from the sky, And I thought of that day and I started to cry. When as sure as I breath I heard John clear as day saying "Hey, you're allowed to move on. It's okay.'
        “I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin your evening by bringing this up,” I mumbled. He listened from across the table, carefully taking in all that I was saying. “You’re probably wondering why I even called you..” I trailed.
        Tears were in my eyes now. He nodded before taking my hand in his gently, sending a silent message of comfort and understanding. 
        “Um, but I saw something that um yeah… I saw a man in a uniform and-and a girl run and hug him and kiss him..” I said, my voice lowering to a hush. “And I thought of that day, and I started to cry..” I continued. I met his eyes briefly before continuing,” And then I heard him… I heard Bucky clear as day say, ‘Hey, you’re allowed to move on. It’s okay.’”
        He had tears in his eyes, but he refused to let them fall.
“Because I’ll be here Even if you decide to get rid of my favorite sweater. Even if you go out on my birthday This year instead of staying at home letting all of life’s moments pass by. You don’t have to cry.”
        It was 3 years later. I kept his things, like his favorite sweater. I would wear it sometimes. I liked to wear it on cold winter nights when I stay inside and watch cheesy movies with hot chocolate. 
        I never go out on his birthday. It doesn’t feel right. I baked him a cupcake one year. He wasn’t there to eat it, but I liked to think that he would’ve liked it he was there. It was red velvet, his favorite.
'Because I'll be here When you start going back to the places we went to together. When you take off my ring and you let yourself smile. When you meet some handsome and patient and true.
        I can’t bring myself to go to the places we would like to go together. I walk an extra block around the corner of Bleaker and Mercer and I don’t eat in that diner anymore. I don’t go and see plays because there is no one I want to see any of them with.
        I can’t.
        I still wear his ring. I wear it out in public and even around the apartment. I feel…wrong without it. 
        It’s time. 
        It’s time to move on. 3 years is enough. Bucky would be upset if I didn’t let go. 
        I went to my closet and I grabbed his sweater. I felt it and hugged it as if he was wearing it. And then I threw it away. 
        I took off the ring. I put it in a little box in my dresser. 
        I put all of our pictures away.
        I walked to our corner, and I kept walking like it was just a sidewalk. 
        I ate at the diner and I went to see a play by myself. 
        And I met someone.
When he says that he wants to be married to you. When you call him one night and he meets you downtown. When you finally answer him yes."
        “Yes. Yes, Brandon, I will marry you. I will give you my heart. It has taken so long, but I’m ready to start. Right now, James is whispering ‘Congratulations’ in my ear cause I finally let myself tell you that I will be here."
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imnoexpertblog · 6 years
We Bought a House!
Good morning, people! If you have me on social media, you probably saw my announcement yesterday. Baby and I bought a house! We got engaged and became homeowners within DAYS. I looked at homes and submitted an offer on Thursday, May 31st, our offer was accepted on Friday, June 1st, and Baby proposed to me on Saturday, June 2nd. We waited a little bit to announce the house. Baby wanted to be absolutely sure. It was really hard not spilling the beans to everyone. We did tell our families and some friends before the official announcement because we were too excited to keep quiet. We close at the end of the month and we couldn’t be happier. This home has a bigger kitchen with lots of cupboard space, three bedrooms, and a huge yard for Nugget to play in. I’m so proud of the life we are building.
I’m only 22 years old and I’ve never bought a house before. I didn’t even really know the basics of buying, which shocks me because all I watched for a long time was HGTV, LOL. I only really knew that you go house hunting, you find one you like, and you put an offer in on it, and you either get it or not. I had no idea what happened before and after that stuff. Even crazier, Baby can’t leave work because he is saving his vacation for our anniversary trip in the Caribbean this summer so I had to be the one house hunting, meeting with the lender, being present during inspections, etc. And remember, I work third shift. Being awake for everything necessary to buy this house has been rough. Imagine needing to wake up at two in the morning to meet your mortgage lender to sign papers. That’s basically been my life for over two weeks. I’m extremely lucky I had Baby’s grandparents with me every step of the way. Baby’s grandfather and I have gotten pretty close through this process. Baby and I couldn’t have done this without them. I’ve learned so much from them already and I am so grateful! I may have learned a lot, but I’m still no expert. I don’t know it all but here is what I DO know.
First, you need to know your budget. I was spot-on with what I expected our budget to be, which was pretty cool. Look around for a lender! You’ll have to send them a bunch of financial documents in order for them to truly assess what you can afford. Obviously, the better your credit, the better the loan will be. You also have to figure out how much of a down payment you’ll be able to put together. Obviously the higher the down payment, the less you’ll have to pay on the loan (and also less private mortgage insurance added to your costs, a highly unanticipated additive).
Once you are pre-approved on a loan, it’s time to find a realtor. We have a lot of realtor friends, but we ended up going with a realtor that Baby’s family works with regularly. He is great! If you’re in the area looking for a realtor, Jeff Narges with Coldwell Banker is wonderful. He is actually who recommended us use Rob at Executive Mortgage as well, another great person to work with. Tell your realtor what your wish-list is. Baby and I needed at least three bedrooms and two full bathrooms. An updated kitchen is important to us. Baby was very focused on the yard, too. Your realtor will scope the homes in the areas you would want to live in and will suggest seeing certain homes within your budget.
Next comes the open-houses. You will go look at the homes you may be interested in. I can say, pictures can be entirely different than actually seeing the house. Our first choice of a home looked beautiful in pictures! Then when I went to go see it, it was AWFUL. So run-down, old, and dirty. Our second choice home looked decent in photos but amazing in person. I suggest going and looking at everything you can.
You’ll put in an offer on the homes you like, of course. You may be outbid, especially in the seller’s market it is today (at least around here). Your realtor should guide you throughout the process and give you advice. Jeff was truly looking out for my best interest and I could see that while working with him. He told me the truth about the homes we viewed and what I should expect to offer if I really wanted a home.
Once offered and accepted, you will need to get moving on an inspection and an appraisal (which both cost money and that is something to remember). A lot of people make their offers contingent on the inspection. They say never skip the inspection! You want to be protected and you want to me smart about the biggest purchase of your life. What if something is seriously wrong with the house and you could have known about it prior to buying? It just makes good sense. Jeff also recommended someone for the inspection. Everyone we worked with was basically referred by each other. All these professionals work with each other very often and they all trust one another. It was a huge weight off my shoulders to feel comfortable and taken care of throughout this process by all these people! After that comes the appraisal, which is required per the lender. (The value of the home affects taxes and such).
Once all of that is over, you’ll need to be re-approved by the lender. You don’t want to get any new credit cards or other loans during this time because of needing to be re-approved.
Now, you close! You will need to account for your down payment, taxes, insurance, closing costs, etc. Your lender will go over all of that with you. There’s a lot of paperwork to sign, that is for sure. They say 30-90 days is standard for buying a home. In our case, we are doing this in less than a month. Crazy fast!
Other things to think about during this process are: Will you use movers? You’ll have to transfer the electric, water, cable, and wifi over. What appliances will you need? Do you have extra money for the appraisal and inspection? You’ll have to get homeowners insurance. Do you have to give notice that you’re moving out of your current home?
Going through this process made me feel like I was really becoming an adult. I graduated college last winter, but living in an apartment still made me feel pretty damn young. Buying a home at a fresh 22 seemed impossible to me. It actually almost happened for me at 21, but we pushed it off a couple months. This was a brief overview and I’m no expert, but maybe if any of you are new to this experience, my post today could offer some knowledge. We are so pumped to move in; just two short weeks away! If any of you know me personally or are in the Green Bay/De Pere area, we need boxes and I will need a hand packing. Baby has a business trip all next week so I will need all the help I can get. I can’t pay you but I can offer my fabulous company. ;)
I’ll catch you on here next time; we’ll talk food.
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