#it was all very scary to be like uhhhh yes suit please! and have the workers be like oh okay! np :)
skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
I don't think I'll ever reach the peak gender again of wearing a 3 piece suit to prom
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copias-thrall · 4 years
Uhhhh okay so,, papa II with his S/O never having had sex before and they’re kind of nervous?? But he comforts them,,? Please I have a need
I am here to fulfill that need, nonny. Fluffy Secondo coming right up!
You were officially Papa’s.
Not that there was ever a question—not since, as a fresh recruit, you’d witnessed him perform “Body and Blood” in his full skull paint and vestments—that one day he’d own you.
Most of your fellow Siblings seem to have a hard on for his younger brother—and a good amount are devoted to The Rat. But your heart (and loins) belong only to the man with the “bitter” reputation.
It had taken some subtle manipulation to get yourself onto his duty roster for his wing of the Abbey—and then some not-so-subtle bribes to get yourself into his chambers for chores—but it had all been worth it when one day he’d leaned back in his chair and asked you if you’d be willing to do some work after hours.
Papa had wined and dined you; ever the gentleman, he’d kept his hands to himself, but had let his mouth run free as he quietly talked about all the filthy things he’d like to do to you if you were his pet. Your body had felt every single promise he made. When he’d summoned you to his office the next day and slapped down his contract in the empty space in front of you, you’d realized he’d been testing you the entire time—eager, but wary of how you’d react to his … predilections.
He’d encouraged you to give the document a careful read through on your own time and to write down any questions or concerns you had. Pleased—but slightly trepidatious about your virgin status—you’d nodded before clutching the papers to you.
It was clear you were dismissed, but your hesitation must have shown. He’d quirked his eyebrow at you as if to say, “Yes?”
“It’s just, Papa, sir …”
You’d looked down at the contract in your sweaty grasp.
“It’s just that I—I’m a-a virgin.”
Papa had gone very still for a moment, then he’d licked his lips.
“And …?”
“Well, it’s just … how do I know what I really like, and what I only think I like?”
As if someone had put a coin in his slot, the man had relaxed back into his chair—the leather creaking—his hand coming up to rest under his chin and a finger to stroke his lips.
“Not to worry, pet. You’ll find there’s an option for negotiable kinks. We can go over all of it after you’ve reviewed it in full. Sí?”
Relief had flooded you. “Yes, Papa. Thank you, Papa.”
Bowing and shuffling awkwardly backwards out his door as if he were some royal, you’d left his office.
Over the next two days, you’d poured over the papers. There were lots you knew of; some you didn’t; and a few you immediately had a hard no to—but all-in-all, nothing in the contract put you off your Papa.
When summoned once again to his office, he’d poured you a glass of iced tea and combed through the packet with you, carefully explaining when you’d had any questions or concerns. You hadn’t expected it to, but the entire thing took hours, and when the two of you were satisfied, Papa had replaced the iced tea with two-finger’s worth of top-shelf scotch.
“I am pleased, pet. Enjoy this tonight—now that you’re mine, you imbibe how and when I say.”
You had shivered in anticipation, a reaction Papa hadn’t failed to notice, and he’d sent you a look full of promise.
The day has come—the one you and Papa have talked about extensively. Your first scene, and also your first time; it mostly has to do with Papa being in control of you than anything really intense (he’d promised you could work up to the really hardcore stuff).
“Are you nervous, pet? I want the truth.”
You gulp. “A-a little, Papa.”
“Hmm. Let’s see what we can do.”
Papa leads you into his bathroom suite and undresses you slowly while letting his giant tub fill up. He’s still in his dress shirt with his vest and slacks, and you watch as he rolls up his sleeves right before he adds some lavender into the water. With a deliberate pull to each finger, he removes his leather gloves, and you delight in the feel of his bare fingers on your skin as he methodically divests you of all your garments. Then, with a firm grip on your hand, he helps you into the bath.
“How is that? Not too hot?”
You ease down into a sitting position. “It’s perfect, Papa.”
He lights a few candles that have previously served their purpose. Then he kneels on the plush bath mat, and takes up your arm, his fingers kneading into your muscles.
“See this arm? This arm belongs to me.” Papa brings your arm up and kisses your hand. “This hand? It belongs to me.” He trails his fingertips from one shoulder to another before he starts kneading your other arm. “Ah! A matching set”
His one hand slides down your side, dipping into the water before it gives your ass a good squeeze.
“This ass is definitely mine.”
He lifts your chin up with his finger so you meet his eyes.
“Tell me, pet: do I seem like a man who is careless with his possessions?”
“Of course not, Papa!”
“So you trust me to take excellent care of you?”
“Yes, Papa.”
“Are you lying?”
“N-no, Papa!”
“Then relax, pet. Here.” His hands fly to your temples and start massaging there, “Now: listen to me. Unclench your jaw.” You do. “Untense your shoulders.” You let them drop. “Let your limbs meld into the tub, there you go.”
A few more commands and you really do feel like your body could become one with the spotless porcelain. Papa works his hands down your body—starting with your neck and ending with each foot—kneading your muscles until he’s satisfied that they’re jelly (you letting out a quiet gasp as he briefly teases between your legs).
By the time Papa finishes turning you into a sentient blob, the water is lukewarm bordering on cold.
You crack your heavy lids open at him. “Mmm … yes, Papa.”
He holds out a fluffy towel for you to step into. Careful not to slip as you get up, you leave the bathtub with a slosh of water. Papa immediately wraps the towel around you and starts rubbing you dry, and you laugh at his vigorous attentions.
“Tsk. Can’t have you catching a chill, now can we, hmm?”
He wraps you in a silk robe before pulling his gloves back on, and—upon a tilt of his head—you follow him out into his bedchambers. He helps you up onto the bed before crawling over you to rest on his side next to you.
He reaches for something he’d left on a pillow. He holds it out, and you see it’s a red, silk tie. Heart pumping, you watch as his free hand skims down your chest then pushes apart the ends of the robe, exposing your flushed skin.
“This is not so scary, is it, pet?” he hums as he runs the fabric in tight serpentines down your bare skin. The sensation of the slinky material has your flesh goosepimpling.
“No, Papa.”
He lifts up your one arm and circles the tie around your wrist a few times before pulling it free.
“And how did that feel?”
He takes your wrist and leads your hand down to bulge now tenting his slacks.
“And this?”
You gently palm his erection, and your blood quickens.
“Well, pet … is it so scary?”
“No, Papa,” you practically whisper.
Your heart is pounding, but it’s now it’s from anticipation.
He leans down and kisses you gently on the lips.
“What’s your color?”
“Green, Sir.”
His solicitous look darkens into something more dangerous, and he gathers up more silk ties.
“All right. Let’s begin. Safeword?”
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One Million In One Day | 6
GOT7 SugarDaddy!Jackson Wang x Reader + Park Jinyoung x Reader | Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ? Characters: Jackson Wang (+ other Got7 members in future) Summary: His mother’s final wish is to see him be happy in a relationship, knowing that Jackson would be fine when she left him. But, damn, he didn’t have time for relationships, especially not since he was busy running his father’s billion dollar empire, thus the compromise: you.
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: class discrimination, slight degradation, TYPOS, ex boyfriends, etc.
Preview | Alternate Moodboard
Jackson and I were driving back home. The bright bickering we had on our first ride was gone, and I was genuinely concerned for him. There were two reasons why exactly, 1) he could be upset because one of the snobbby businessmen told him off. Honestly, everyone at the party looked pretty scary, even Bambam, though he was quite nice to me. Or 2) he was upset because I helped the crying child, which I knew may have been too out of charcter for these high-noses, but come on! She looked like she couldn't even run yet, what did he expect me to do.
I huffed, honestly, if he was upset over the latter, that was saying a lot.
"Jackson... are you okay?"
As if I pulled him out of a spell, he turned to me and hummed, off guard.
I pursed my lips and repeated my question.
He kept his eyes on the road when he replied, "Ah, yeah. Just thinking. Parties usually tire me out, esspecially if political moves are played."
I looked at him and decided to believe it. I mean, it didn't seem like a lie. I'm sure it was tiring. I didn't know him well enough to argue otherwise anyway.
"So here's what's gonna happen," Jackson inhaled sharply, "The card I gave you?"
I nodded and pulled it out from the purse Hani lent me.
Jackson nodded as well, "It's wired to an anonymous account, or a burner account if you will. I bought a small bank just for this and how much I put in will only be valid for an exact and entire 24 hours. Got that? What time do you want the clock to start?"
I gulped, "Ni- uh, n-- 10 o'clock. Am."
The man nodded, "10. On the dot."
I nodded back, slowly.
"Okay then."
After, Jackson made a quick call during a red light, and the next thing I knew I was in front of my house. I turned to him and offered a soft smile when he turned back to me.
"Uhm... so I guess I'll just wash this and give it back next--" "What?" Jackson blurted, cutting me off. He began to chuckle and narrow his eyes in amusement, "Ah, jagiya, you don't have to give back anything. Those are yours now."
My eyes widened, "Ya... this... this wasn't part of the deal..."
Jackson laughed softly, "No worries. Remember, I'm your filthy rich sugar daddy. This is really nothing."
"Oh my gosh, Jackson," I sighed, pulling an uncomfortable face, feeling my cheeks burn. At this point, Jackson bloomed into brightness, seemingly reverting to his usual self.
"Really, it's fine."
"But," I sighed, "I have no where to wear this."
He threw his head back in laughter, "Baby, you can wear this anywhere. It really suits you."
I shook my head in defeat, opting to just bid him a goodbye because I knew it'd be pointless to argue otherwise. I got out of the car and waved as he drove off. I huffed and went inside.
Gosh I hope Nari isn't here.
Lo and behold, my apartment was empty. I hummed in appreciation. Hopefully, by the time someone starts catching on, Jackson and I will no longer be in the middle of this.
"MARK! Mark, thank goodness. I- I- I think I'm having a panic attack. Can-- c-can you come over right now. I'm... in my apartment."
Exactly 12 minutes passed when a red hoody, jeans, and worn out sneakers clad Mark Tuan came banging on my door. I shuffled in my old pajamas and ripped off the faded blanket off me. I ran to the door and immediately sealed Mark into a tight embrace when I saw him. 
"Oh my gosh, what the hell happened? Do you want me to call an ambulance? Your parents? Jinyoung?" "NO!" I shrieked, pulling away from him, heaving.
Mark raised his hands in concern and shook his head in disagreement. "Okay. Okay."
I wiped my face and sat on the floor, "I need-- I need to tell you something."
Mark crouched down before me.
"Okay-" breathing, "I need to be-" breathing, "completely honest with you first," breathing.
Mark nodded and placed his hands on my shoulders, sitting in front of me.
"I tried to call Nari first, but I think she's too busy trying to flirt with Mr. Choi or something to pick up, and then I thought of calling Jinyoung," I inhale sharply, "but I just can't. I can't call him. I can't tell him this." I start hyperventilating again.
Mark snickered, "And so you called me. I get it. I'm not your first choice. No need to rub it in."
"Mark! That's not what i'm trying to getting at."
He nodded and laughed, "I know, loser. Just get to the point."
I exhaled and nodded, "I have a sugar daddy."
Mark looked at me and blinked. For a moment he debated internally, then spoke up. "Sorry, what?"
"I have a sugar daddy!" I exclaim and begin to explain from the very beginning.
"Is this legal?"
"... yeah."
"Homaygahd." he blurts and suddenly starts to panic.
"Mark, you're supposed to hElP mE!1"
"Hol'up!" He raises both his hands in the air, "you're telling me your problem is you don't know what to spend with a million bucks?!" He chuckles in disbelief, "Literally anYTHING BABY GIRL!"
"Don't call me baby girl!"
Mark laughs his high pitched on. "Okay, my first thought was to buy a video game but then my conscience said pay off my student loans first-- or I mean at least yours."
I huffed and nodded, "Yes I know-- my student loans AND your student loans."
He smiles widely.
"But there's still a lot of money Mark."
"... what about like, Nari's and Jinyoung's."
"Nari doesn't have student loans... and, if we pay for Jinyoung's, I'd have to tell him, and we established how you got here in the first place."
"Uhhhh, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't judge you for getting a million bucks just for going out with some rich guy."
I rolled my eyes, "That's not the point. I--I'm not ready to tell him. Maybe... I dunno, like, the second date."
Mark gasps, "Are you for real! Will he really pay you another one six zeroes?!?"
I groan, "I know I shouldn't rely on this, but I assume that there will be more dates in the future, so I'm kinda just trying to make a strategy on how to get rid of all this money first."
Mark nodded and we pondered for a moment. 
"Ugh! Mark, we literally have a count down. It starts at 10, on the dot."
"It's 9:45! Chill, we have time to think!"
"Not that much time!"
"I know, I know!"
We both laid on the floor in frustration and ponder. "I got it, how about we buy a million lotto tickets so that when we win, you won't have to panic about it!"
I punched his shoulder, he whined, "Literally, I already one the lottery, dumb-ass! 10 times over since I probably will reach ten dates with this dude."
"Damn. I wanna sugar daddy too."
"What?! I want things!"
I quickly sat up, "Then let's just-- buy these things... let's just splurge."
I stood up and ran to my laptop, sitting on the chair in front of my desk, groaning when it loaded slowly. "Okay, first order of business, I'm buying a new damn laptop."
"I want one too!"
I huffed, "Fine."
Mark giggle like a child form behind me. "This is so cool! We can literally buy everything we want!"
"Yeah, but first, let's do the math." I opened a bunch of applications and screeched at the slow internet. "Okay, #2, a better internet plan." Mark chuckled. I pointed, "Post paid."
"Let's do the math." I started listing down all the things we needed to pay first. We reached a fairly high about with out debts and laptops and internet plan to begin with, but it was still a joke against how many zeros we have left.
Assuming we didn't find an open bank today, because it was Sunday, we came to an agreement to stop at a certain amount, so we can pay tomorrow. I mean the 24 hours end at 10 am tomorrow.
"Okay. So," I turned to Mark and raised my hands, "we can buy whatever we want now!"
Mark and I cheered and hugged each other. "LAPTOP!" Mark screamed.
"Remind me again why we need to check?"
"Because! I don't want to buy a laptop and be invested in it only to be told my black card doesn't work."
"Didn't you say you trusted Jackson?"
"DUdE!" I whisper-yelled at Mark, "don't just say his name casually like that. Call him, uhm, sugar."
Mark held back a chuckle, "Right, for sugar daddy?"
I shushed him and pinched his side as we walked into the convenience store. He whined, and I defended myself, "It could be a dog name."
He rubbed the part of him I pinched, "Right. Kinky."
I shot him a look. Mark gulped. 
"Do you want a laptop or not?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Then shut up while I buy some candy."
Mark shrugged and I went up to the counter to purchase a chocolate bar. The cashier told me the price and turned to me. I nodded and handed her my card. She turned to it and shrugged, swiping it in.
A few moments later, she turned to me and handed me my receipt.
I smiled widely and turned to Mark, just to see him grinning with a literal handful of junk food. I rolled my eyes, "put it back, Mark."
"We can eat at a buffet or something."
"Uh ma'am." the clerk called as I moved to walk away. I held my breath and turned to her. "Sign this please." 
I let out a breath. "Yeah, yeah, sure."
"AW FUCK!" Mark whined, stopping in his tracks, fidgeting in his place.
I licked some of the strawberry ice cream off my lips and whipped my head to Mark. "What?! What?"
Mark turned to the newly bought, shiny, black, fur collared leather jacket on him that was atop his satin button up. He pulled out a tissue from his well fitted slacks and stomped his new high tops.
"I got ice cream on my Gucci."
I looked at him as he wiped off the sugary liquid off his brand new clothes.
Once he turned to me, we blinked at each other and started laughing.
"Oh wow, I can't believe that came out of your mouth."
Mark sucked in a breath, "I know, yikes."
Suddenly, someone called my name. I turned around and saw the past person i wanted to see right now. 
I wanted to scoff, but I decided not to. "Jaebum."
He walked up to me and I crossed my arms.
Jaebum, I think, didn't even notice Mark behind me, as he was too busy swallowing my appearance. I mean, maybe it was too much that I was wearing an dark blue, ankle length, spaghetti strap dress with silver kitten heels, but... Mark said it was fine... and, and it didn't matter. I thought I looked fine.
"Wow, you look... you look good," Jaebum noted.
I nearly scoffed and turned to Mark firm over my shoulder, motioning that he give me a second.
"About last time-" "Let me stop you there." 
I crossed my arms. "I get it. Finally, after all his time," I handed him my empty ice cream cone, "you finally realized what you missed." I placed my hands on his cheeks and proceeded to fix his hair, "but I'm over you JB."
I breathed in heavily and  flashed him a wide smile. "Move on."
With that I turned over my shoulder and gave Jaebum one last look before walking passed him.
Mark followed after, snickering, "Yoooooo, that was badass."
"Better believe it, babe."
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swordbreakerz · 4 years
romanticized asks do all the evens motherfucker
i’ll hunt you for sport
2. if someone were to catch Hanahaki disease for you, what flowers would they cough up?
thats such a loaded question god, fucking. green carnations i guess? simply cause of the gay coding of that flower idk man
4. tell us about your ideal battle outfit.
im gonna take this literally so base layer: nice linens, and then a silk shirt and pants. well fitted leather armor with a good range of motion, sturdy but flexible boots, leather arm guards, a swooping cloak and simple jeweled diadem
6. name five iconic quotes that make you feel things.
may butcher these i have a shit memory and i cant think of anything like. ‘iconic’ rly so bear with me
‘and don’t forget sam. frodo wouldn’t have gotten far without sam.’ ‘now mr frodo i was bein serious!’ ‘so was i.’ - lord of the rings
you’re right-- holiness is in the hands even if it’s always the head that gets haloed. - c.t. salazar
are you there, sweetheart? do you know me? is this microphone live? let me do it right for once. - richard siken
you cannot kill me in a way that matters - that tumblr post abt mushrooms
there is no greater innocence than our gentle sin - hozier
8. what combination of natural scents would you use as perfume?
manzanita, pine sap, forest duff, juniper, very earthy and sharp
10. describe yourself as if you were a storm.
on again off again all day rain, sometimes no more than a drizzle and sometimes a raging thunderstorm
12. honey in milk or cinnamon in tea?
14. curtains of beads or lace?
mmmmm beads i think cause of the click clacks
16. describe your ideal fantasy outfit
high waisted cotton pants and a poofy linen shirt, leather half corset, a couple belts for my sword and daggers, either no shoes or soft leather slippers, cape obviously and lots of jewelry
18. hard candy, fruit preserves or spice cake?
if i had to choose right now spice cake but like all of them depending on my mood
20. tying your hair up using ribbon, yay or nay?
hell fucking yes i just dont have long enough hair right now
22. tell us, in detail, about a curse a witch would put on you.
god fuck you uhhhh. probably like a curse to not be able to articulate myself? i would be able to get the general idea across but not what i Actually Meant wow that sounds like my personal hell
24. mint, rosemary, basil or sage?
mint or basil depending on my mood
26. tell us about an experience you’ve had that seemed unreal or supernatural. (doesn’t have to be scary)
ok so 2018 i did a haunted house and for the first few days i was behind a door that essentially led to a service hallway fr the security cause there was a lot of people instead of like, an actual scare spot in one of the rooms and it was great UNTIL i started hearing knocking from the wall behind me, and keep in mind this was a warehouse i was at the edge of the haunt there was nothing on the other side of me but the Outside so its not like one of the actors or patrons was knocking around behind me, a couple times i saw a stack of hat boxes jostle which was Not fun no sir i really hated it, this went on for a couple nights before one night it was a slow period and i was standing by my door waiting to hear someone come in, and let me clarify the setting a little bit i was in a storage area so there was bins and shit all around me, and i was chilling and i heard smth like sliding behind me? and then a stack of empty tubs fucking slid into me and hit my shoulder. now this stack wasnt in danger of falling it was sitting back pretty stable on top of a pile of boxes so tldr a ghost shoved a pile of emtpy storage bins to try and hit me it sucked. it stopped after that and then i moved rooms after to fill out the necessary spots but it uhh sucked lol
28. tell us three sayings that you live by.
ah jeez um. lets see
do no harm, take no shit; it takes two to tango; curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back
30. describe your ideal masquerade ball outfit (mask included).
tailored three piece suit with a corset styled like a waistcoat, dress shoes with a small heel, cane with a handle styled like a big cat, maybe a panther or smth, full-face barn owl mask with pale filligree you have to get close in the right light to see clearly
32. what would you end up in the dungeon for?
homosexual activity and public dueling
34. if you could have any magical item, what would it be?
definitely a flying carpet
36. would you rather be a pirate or a king/queen?
pirate pirate pirate pirate 100 percent oh my GOD please let me sail the open seas with my gay lover
38. would you have a painting of yourself?
nah maybe if it was a group piece with my friends or s/o or smth but not a solo portrait
40. if you could live any fairy tale, which one would you?
idk i dont have the braincells to give this question a lot of thought, theoretically i guess but it depends on the fairy tale
alright motherfucker expect retaliation im coming for you
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minchase-ingclouds · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
𝕒𝕗𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦 left, 𝕚 𝕔𝕒𝕞𝕖 𝕒𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝒻𝒶𝓃𝓉𝒶𝓈𝓎
╰ ♡ ✧ ˖ chae hyungwon. 25 he/him. have you seen charles “chase” min? they used to be so +confident before their heart got broken. now they just seem to be very -timid. i think it had something to do with (tw: abuse) his sugar mama emotionally/physically abusing him, but who knows how accurate that is. i know, we should get them hair dye to help cheer them up! maybe then they’ll start acting like fairy floss and cherry blossoms blooming.
name: charles min
nicknames: chase, whatever nicknames his sister gives him, rosir (his sTriPPEr NamE)
age: 25
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: heterosexual (he thinks) ((but is actually bisexual)) (((he’s confused ok)))
traumatic childhood backstory etc in the bio below so if ur here from dee’s intro on ciel then jump down there hey
anyway bc of the traumatic childhood backstory, chase and his little sister ciel moved out when he turned 18 and she was 14/15ish
long story short he became a stripper to support them
when he was about 20, he met tiffany, a rich business woman who frequented his strip club because she thought he was stunning and had seen him on a night out with the girls
she wasn’t that old, maybe 7 or 8 years older than him, and approached him one night asking for a private session where she then asked if she could take him out on a proper date
they dated for a while and she became his sugar mama, asking him for sexual favours but paying for pretty much everything, EVERYTHING he wanted and even offering to pay for things for his little sister too (she was stubborn and refused tho)
only a few months ago, tiffany had an STI scare and insisted it must be chase’s fault bc - you’re a stripper, you’re a whore, i bet you cheated on me - and when he told her that no, he’d been loyal, and if she had cheated on him and had this scare then he thought they could work through it and stay together, she continued to grow more agitated and (tw:abuse) started to throw things and hit him
when his little sister found him in their lavish penthouse (courtesy of tiffany, ofc) he was covered in bruises and cuts
together, they decided to move to palm springs to a shitty little apartment since chase was done with tiffany, wasn’t going to use her credit card ever again or even speak to her again and now we’re here, his arm’s just healed after being broken but his heart still hurts and he kinda misses tiffany - after all, they were together for four years
born in new york, new york, chase was a curse to his father from pretty much the moment he was born; with his mother dying in childbirth, his father had a love/hate relationship with him, since he reminded him so much of the wife he so loved but was also the very reason she was gone
when he was 4 his father remarried a woman named stacy who was pregnant with a little girl ( @cielmins )
speaking of ciel! if you are here because you were redirected by dee (thanks for palming this bit off to me btw sweetheart) then buckle up kiddos, cus we’re about to go for a RIDE
stacy was never all that nice to him, mostly put up with him because she loved his father, gerald or some other basic dude name
of course, stacy absolutely ADORED ciel, since she was her actual daughter, but chase never resented ciel - in fact, quite the opposite, since he adored her even more than their parents did
yes, chase is literally the most doting big brother that could ever exist, would move mountains for his baby sister if she asked (she would never ask because she’d figure out how to move the mountain herself), but that doesn’t stop the pair from being literally The Worst™ to each other and general public nuisances of the meme variety
side note - although nobody ever told ciel that she and chase aren’t related and are just step-siblings, she has a big brain and figured it out eventually (chase couldn’t be prouder of his genius little sister, although the difference in their ethnicities was probably the biggest tip off)
home life was not so great - stacy was constantly feeling undermined by gerald’s first wife, knowing he would always love her just that little bit more, and the more insecure she felt, the more she’d take it out on chase, and the meaner she was to chase, the more distant gerald was towards her and to ciel. it was kind of a cycle.
just before chase’s 18th birthday, ciel pointed out that they could run away, just the two of them, and take care of each other like they always do. her big brain pointed out that as an 18 year old, he could be her legal guardian
so, at 14ish (maybe 15? idk how old ciel is tbh) and 18, the pair moved out
when it became apparent that they weren’t coming back, stacy and gerald said fuck it, got a divorce since they were really only together for the kids at that point anyway, and ciel and chase were pretty much independent from then on
he and ciel even adopted a kitty named mayonnaise britney spears min - but you can call her may for short
as two teenagers they uhhh weren’t so great in the funds department and chase took it upon himself to provide for them so that ciel could focus on her studies - sacrificing his own education, he put himself through odd jobs here and there until one day shortly after his 19th he was approached by someone who told him he’d be great at ‘twilight modelling’
turns out by ‘twilight modelling’ they meant hhhh stripping
well, one look at ciel’s immaculate report card and the pleased twinkle in her eyes when she started talking about scholarships and college and stuff, chase was absolutely fuckin gone and knew he’d do anything to keep that look on his baby sister’s face so - hoo boy, here we go, ya boi turned to stripping
it actually took him a while to let ciel know, he told her he was, well, twilight modelling because he didn’t want her to know, but when she did eventually find out about one and a half years later, she help him come up with his rad stripper name - Rosir, because it’s french for ‘pink sky’ which matches ciel’s name, but also ‘the colour you turn when you’re embarrassed’, which suits him
a year into stripping, he meets tiffanny, and yk, all that stuff in the tldr, she pays for all his loans, buys him all his fancy designer brands, gives him plenty of allowance (which ya boi saves cus he’s not an idiot), even buys him a car and opens up her penthouse for the two of them
of course, when shit hits the fan, he has to give up his fancy car and leave the penthouse with ciel, now the two of them live in a shitty little apartment in palm springs because he doesn’t want to blow al their savings and since his arm was kinda uhhhh broken after the ordeal, he’s only just been able to get back into stripping (since he stil isn’t qualified for anything)
(tw:emotional abuse) before he started dating tiffany, he was pretty sure he was bisexual. tiffany had him confused for years because she told him that liking it up the ass didn’t mean he was gay and he could enjoy bottoming for a woman without being bisexual; he was totally straight, she would insist, and he started to believe that and to this day he struggles with whether or not he’s straight or bisexual because he knows he finds men attractive, but he isn’t sure if he would date one --> this was a form of emotional abuse that went on for literal YEARS
(tw:emotional abuse) should i mention that tiffany was kinda lowkey the worst and also tried to convince him to stop being a stripper several times? things like “you don’t have to strip, you’re basically my personal prostitute baby” and “you don’t need an education, i’ll always be here to provide for you, you’re all mine baby boy” and when she’s mad uhhh “you’re my little whore, got it? no one else’s” so............. yh let’s just say ciel wasn’t a fan but chase, well, he was blinded by those hearts in his eyes
but don’t feel too bad for him! chase actually kinda likes stripping now, thinks it’s made him feel much more confident with himself and his body, having always felt maybe he was too gangly and thin and awkward, and he likes the feeling he gets when people can’t take their eyes off of him
despite the fact that he’s a stripper, he’s actually real sweet and innocent. has only had sex with tiffany, has never even kissed a guy and hasn’t even really kissed many other girls except for a few awkward dates he’s had here and there - most he’s done is private dances for paying customers
anddddddddd now that he’s been saving, and is finally free of tiffany and of his shit ass parents, with encouragement from ciel, ya boi has finally, finally started college
it’s a little scary since he’s older than most of the people in his classes, but he’s studying to become a kindegarten teacher and cannot wait for the day that he can hang up his lacy black garters and pick up a whiteboard marker
so, still stripping and working part-time as a waiter to pay the bills, chase is starting a new chapter of his life (signified by his brand new pink hair, courtesy of ciel), and whilst he doesn’t know what the future has in store for him, he’s ready to face it with a big smile and with his baby sister (aka his favourite person in the whole wide world) by his side
wanted connections
well hello beautiful people! if you’re still here, i must say, i’m rather impressed, so without further ado let’s get into this
ride or die best friend - chase only met this binch after moving to palm springs, but they happened to see him entering the strip club and figured out he worked there and, uhh, with persistence and a promise not to tell anyone, they became great friends and probably visit his shitty apartment to play with may and piss off ciel all the time
classmates - everyone needs a study buddy! if u got an ugli in college, throw em his way
gay awakening - now, chase isn’t necessarily going to date this person or even develop feelings, but as a beautiful man he’s going to turn chase’s sexuality upside down and cement his suspicions that yes, he is bisexual no matter what tiffany said (taken: moon jisoo)
honestly open to anything! hmu if you have any plots you’d like to chuck at him or any you’d like to fulfil <3
signing off for now,
yours faithfully
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calystegiaidol · 7 years
[[I said a while back that Kanami had some 260 voice lines. Well... I had time in the car so I, uh, wrote them all down. Under the cut.
Note: They’re not really formatted to match her inflections and what not.]] 
P Studio
Persona 4 Dancing All Night
How’s that? Good? Bad?
I’m gonna do my best.
Here goes!
What?! Me?!
Uhhh… I-I’ll try my best.
All righty! I just have to do this!
Okay! Go me!
I’m supposed to wear this, right?
Sure! I’ll give it a try!
Whoa! You think it’ll look good on me?
Uhhhhhh… this is embarrassing! But I’ll try it!
Yay! What a fantastic costume!
Yes! I love costumes like these!
Whoa! N-now this is… new.
Uh… Is this okay to wear?
Hahaha! Leave this to me!
Okay. Time to show what I’m made of. Woohoo!
Yes! M-my heart’s pounding but I’ll give it a try!
I’ll be sure to make the most of this opportunity.
All right! One must seek out new challenges!
Ahh! You think I’m really up to this?
Whooooa! Y-y-you really think I can do this?
I’ll go out and dance with a smile!
1 and 2 and 1 and 2! Dance to the rhythm!
Woo! I’m looking forward to this very much!
Yay! Bring you’re A-game!
I’ll cheer you on until I’m hoarse! You can do it!
Ooo! This is what I was waiting for! Good luck!
Go do your best Yu-san! You’re so cool!
Oooooo! A dancing hunk! In other words, a dunk! How cool!
This is totally unfair! Rise-senpai’s friends are all so cool or so cute!
W-whoa! That’s amazing! She’s a kung-fu master! Huwa-ta! (you know, the chie sound)
That looks so fun! Just watching this is making me all excited! Wheeeeeeee!
Wow! What a beautiful lady! She’s going to be dancing right? Yay!
Oooo! She’s so stylish and cool!
Woohoo! Rise-senpai’s dancing! This is so exciting! I-I’m… so hopeless.
Just having her on stage changes the atmosphere! I wish I could be like her!
Whoa! H-He’s gonna dance in costume?! Doesn’t it get hot in there?
So adorable!~ I’m a little round and pudgy too, but he’s definitely cuter!
Whoa! He looks intense! But I feel like he might be good.
Uhhhh.. your brows all scrunched! Loosen up!
Uh! Are you nervous?! Y-You need to relax!
I like the vibe you’ve got going! Show us a fun dance!
Ooo! So cute! You’re the best Nanako-san!
Nanako-san! If you’re ever in trouble I’ll come help in an instant! Go! Fight! Win!
Margaret. You’re so beautiful.
Go, go! You’re the best!
Here goes!
1, 2, 3!
This is going well!
I’m joining in too!
Excuse me for butting in!
Let’s get fired up and do this!
Ohhh.. I can’t hold back anymore! I’m coming in!
Let me join!
Excuse me for joining in!
Let’s dance Nanako-san!
Nanako-san and I make Kanakokko!
Whoa! You’re so good Yu-san! Awesome!
Oooo! Pretty amazing Yu-san!
Oh my gosh that made me dizzy! But it was fun anyway!
Ooo! Yosuke-san’s on fire! Go! Go!
That was great Chie-san! Very good!
Such awesome legs! I admire them!
Whoa! Yukiko-san! Are you really an amateur?
You’re really elegant! So light and sparkly!
The invincible Rise-senpai’s dance is so cute! Ahhh~
Woo! Rise-senpai are you really making a comeback?! That’s the best!
Mr. Bear Suit’s dance is so exciting and fun!
That was a lot of fun Mr. Bear Suit! Loved it!
So intense! Like a huge explosion of power!
Your kick ass dance was intense Kanji-san! Totes amazing!
You’re on fire Naoto-san! 100%!
I think you could be an idol Naoto-san! You’re so cute and cool!
Wow! Nanako-san you’re so good!
Kanakokko is on fire! Hehehe!
Margaret, you’re beyond perfect!
I’ll strive to become a mature lady like Margaret!
Woohoo! Wow this is amzaing!
So cool! So cute! So impressive!
Very nice! Good job!
Whoa you’re glowing! So sparkly!
It’s okay! Don’t let it bother you.
No worries! You’re doing totally fine!
You can do this! Go! Fight! Win!
Don’t let it bother you!
Ooo how fantastic!
You might be better than me!
Impressive! I super admire you!
What was that just now?! Can I do that to?
Looking great Yu-san! Way too cool!
You’re so cool! Like completely and utterly rad!
Whoa! Yosuke-san’s dancing puts the pros to shame!
Yosuke-san’s living up to his name! ...No?
Whoa! You’re very cool Chie-san!
Wow! I wanna be able to dance like that too!
Wow! How beautiful! I’m so jealous!
Whoa! Are you really an amateur Yukiko-san?
Whoa! Rise-senpai is always so impressive! I admire you a lot!
Yes! You’re lovely and unbeatable Rise-senpai!
Damn. Even in costume he dances so well!
He’s starting to look cool! What should I do?
Whoooa! You’re so intense! That’s really cool~
You’re super amazing! And a blond to boot!
Whoooa! Incredible! You’ve got skills Naoto-san!
So nice! So cool! So jealous!
Oooo! Absolutely adorable!~
Uh~ Nooo~ I’m gonna die of cute!
*sing-song voice* The charms of a mature woman!~ *exasperated* I’ve got none of that.
So smooth! What do I need to do to dance like that?!
You’re tensing up a little bit! Try to stay relaxed!
You have to put your mistakes behind you! Dance like you mean it!
All that practice wasn’t for nothing! Keep on going!
You can still make it! Turn those tables around!
You have to believe in yourself! Let’s do this Yu-san!
Y-You have to stay calm Yu-san!
Huh?! What’s wrong?! I know you can go for it!
Nooo! Hang in there Yosuke-san!
Show me your guts! Your passion! Fight on!
Dancing is a martial art too! It’s a battle with yourself!
You have to recover! I know you can Yukiko-san!
No! Yukiko-san’s in danger! Hang in there and go for it!
It’s at times like these that you can’t worry!
Now that’s our Rise-senpai for staying calm! She’s electrifying, so amazing!
Time to make a huge comeback Mr. Bear Suit!
It’s not over yet! Let’s go all out from here on!
It’s the moment of truth Kanji-san! I’ll be cheering you on!
Waah! Time to get serious! Don’t give up yet!
Naoto-san! You can still come back from this!
Forget everything else, and dance with an empty mind! Like me!
Nanako-san, keep going and don’t let it bother you!
Tada! Your charm can still win them over Nanako-san!
Margaret isn’t doing so hot! Nooo! Don’t lose!
She’s not affected at all! *gasp* This is amazing to see!
Yeah! Let’s get this show on the road!
Entering Fever Time! Here goes!
Time to use every ounce of strength we have! Let’s all get fired up!
Whee! This is the highlight of the show!
I can’t stop anymore! This is so much fun!
All righty! Let’s nail this Nanako-san!
Wow!~ Yu-san really can do anything!~
You could be a star with that level of skill! I guarantee it!
Woohoo! Yosuke-san and I had a totally rocking time together!
We blasted right through that! Totally on fire, ahhh so much fun!
Super great moves Chie-san!
Whoa! The Fever Time Kung-fu dance! Wow! Hwuah-ta!
How fantastic! You’re a proper Japanese lady!
Hehehe! The two of us totally lit up the stage!
We’re an invincible duo! We exploded with energy on stage!
Oh gosh! That was seriously the best thing ever!
Fever Time! Fever Time! Go go go!
Dancing with you is such fun Mr. Bear Suit! How will I top it?
Whoa! Kanji-san’s moves are so powerful!
Your sense of rhythm is amzing! You’re no ordinary guy!
Forget all the complicated stuff… and just dance!
Naoto-san is cool through and through! She’s the raddest!
Awwwww~ What a precious little angel!
Thank you! That was our special double-act: Kanakokko!
Adult sexiness vs idol cuteness! What did you think?
Haha! We’re sexy and young!
Ohh I’m out of practice! This ain’t good…
Noo-! Oh dear…
Oooo nice moves!
What a charming duo!
Now then! Go! Fight! Win!
Looks like they’re both on fire!
Whoa! They’re great at livening things up!
Eee! A full blast of girl power!
Whoa! They’re both so cute I could die~
They’re so in sync I could watch them all day!
Oh my! These two are perfect for each other!
Wow!~ Men’s dances are pretty strong stuff!
Ohhhh myyy!~ *gasp* The girls will coming running to see this!
My excitement level went… Bam! Through the roof!
So beautiful! I just have to learn from this!
Oh gosh! Those two are pretty bold!
That was so cool! I just have to keep my eyes on these two!
You’re looking great!
*quiet panting* I’m sorry..! Please, let me rest for a bit. It won’t be long!
Yay! 120 points out of 100! …Huh?
Yes! Yes! I did it! I can’t believe I actually got a perfect score!
Wooo! A perfect score! I did it! I did it!
Ohoho! That went totally awesome for me! Yup!
How was that? Have I gotten better?
Dancing is so much fun! I’m in such a good mood!
All right! I can’t be satisfied with this! I’ll try even harder!
Well, I knew I could do that much. I gotta practice more to get better!
I gotta try even harder! All right! Go! Fight! Win!
Uhoh… Tomomin might yell at me for this.
I need to take on more and lessons! I just have to practice harder!
Whuuuh… that was close. Too many mistakes.
Awwwnh… the path of an idol is harsh as ever.
I’m no good! It’s to the point that I mistake when the trash day is!
What am I doing?! Stupid me! Useless slowpoke Kanami!
That was so intense that I’m all dizzy! It was great!
Oh what fun! Hehe! …Oops. Sorry. I… couldn’t help it. Ehehe! Hee hee hee!
That was amazing! I’d definitely like to request an encore!
Thank you so much! That was extremely well done!
What the heck?! How are you that perfect?! *gasp* I don’t understaaand!
That was too amazing Yu-san! I don’t feel like I could ever top that…!
Whoa! That’s amazing! You didn’t make a single goof!
You’re a god of dance Yosuke-san! People from Inaba are scaaary!
Nooo! If you show off like that my confidence will melt like a candle!
That was sweet~ I’m head over heels for you Chie-san!
I’m so jealous… I wish I could pull off moves that awesome!
Amazing! Yukiko-san was like a celestial maiden! So cool!
Ahh! Rise-senpaiiiii! You were so marvelous that I could die!
Nooo! It’s no use! I haven’t gotten closer to your level at all!
So amazing! That was tons of fun! You’re the best Mr. Bear Suit!
I see that long legs aren’t that important when it comes to dancing!
Wow! That was flawless! So perfect it’s… scary!
Amazing! Kanji-san looks scary but he’s a great dancer!
Wow so smooth! You were on another level Naoto-san!
That’s it! I’m done! Geniuses really do exist! I can’t dance that good!
Woo! You’re the best Nanako-san! Totes adorable!
Nanako-san, you’re a prodigy! No… a genius! This girl’s got skills!
Wow! Your dance is top-notch pretty lady! It’s out of this world!
Whoa… whaaaaat?! That was perfect! Too perfect lady… (she almost sounds suspicious xD)
Whoooooa… I admire you so much!
So perfect! I guess she has more life experience to draw on… Ahhhhhnnn…
Wonderful Yu-san! You were in spitting distance of perfection!
Ahhhhn… Are you really an amateur? You’ve been training your whole life, right?!
These skills… *gasp* Is a Junes job the secret? Let me work there too!
So cool! You’re the dancing shop employee Yosuke-san!
Whoooa! Can I be like Chie-san if I learn Kung-fun too?
Whoa! You have an amazing sense of rhythm Chie-san! Woohoo!
Amazing Yukiko-san! I was moved by your hospitality!
Oooohhhh! She’s prettyyyy, has a great body, AND a stunning dancer! Life isn’t fair!
She’s got moves like that after a long break? Rise-senpai is incredible!
I knew it Rise-senpai! I gotta step up my game too! I’ll try even harder!
*gasp* Is there a secret to the suit that gives you intense dance powers?
Wha? How?! How can you dance so much with that costume on!
That was powerful dance! Hmmmmm… maybe I should put on some muscle!
He can dance, knit, and even cook! You’ll make a great wife Kanji-san!
Wow! It’s so cool that you’re smart AND you can dance!
So it’s possible to be both smart and a good performer! Very neat!
That was too wonderful! When I was little I wasn’t… that… good… Huh… Oh dear…
How is a little girl so good?! Inaba folks are pretty scary.
Those sharp moves! That much be the secret to your sexy bod!
That was soooooo close! You can get a perfect next time!
The most important part comes next! Try to get even better!
Ohhh! You really nailed that part! You’re on a roll!
You still have stamina to spare? Wow! I better work hard too!
It’s not good to hold back! Release your inner spirit!
That was so good Nanako-san! Keep taking lessons and you’ll hit the big time!
1, 2, 3… *gasp* Oh gosh! Isn’t this a new record?
Babam! This is amazing!
I’ve never seen anything like this! It’s a new record!
That’s Nanako-san for you! What a scary little girl…!
Tada! Level up! Ba da bing!
Whoooa! Your moves are getting better! You’re really improving!
Your dancing is looking up Nanako-san!
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infinityknight25 · 7 years
A Deadpool Halloween
Linus and Charlie Brown sat in the cold lonely pumpkin patch waiting for the great pumpkin. Suddenly a shadow began rising in the distance. "Great pumpkin?" They asked in stereo. "Nah it's me Deadpool!" the man in the red and black mask said in a growling scary voice grabbing them in a satchel. "Welcome all to my Halloween extravaganza! I am you host Deadpool." The livinng room of Deadpool's cruddy apartment was decorated with cheesy Halloween decorations. There were several people tied up all around the room.....and a few that weren't. "First before we get things started let's meet our guests. Over there strapped to my ottoman give it up for Bart Simpson!" "Hey man I'm not sure who you are but can you please let me go? I'm just a kid." "Ha ha always so funny. There padlocked to the floor, the always loveable Mike wazowzki and Sully from monster's Inc." "Hey let us go. We will forget this ever happened!" Exclaimed Mike. "Ha ha that Wazowzki is oh so clever. Our next guests are fresh from the pumpkin patch. Give it up for Charlie Brown and Linus!" "Wade!" Shouted a voice from the kitchen. Deadpool looked back to the kitchen. It was Doctor Strange. Strange was standing in the kitchen with Tyron Owens, Vision, Rocket Racoon, Groot and Howard the duck. "You can't keep them all like this! This is not how you treat guests." He said. "Pfffftttt. I wasn't gonna keep em like that. I just wanted to make sure they weren't gonna run away. I Got this great drink recipe from a guy. He said you can get anyone to do anything with it!" "Um bro then I recommend NOT using it." Chimed in Owens. "You guys are lame. It sounds like a great idea hey 'pool can I get some? It would help when we catch people for bounties." Said Rocket. "I am Groot." "Yeah well our job ain't really ethical anyway is it?" "Guys!!!! Your stealing my story here. Except for like three sentences I haven't been mentioned since the first paragraph. Said Deadpool. Yeah that's right I'm so jealous I'm gonna narrate this bad boy too. So guy I don't need yah anymore!........Okay I need you to scribe for me."........"Alright you know what I think narrating would take too much effort too so do that too but it's my extravaganza darn it!" " Will you guys promise not to run away?" Asked Strange. They all shook they're heads yes and Deadpool began to unlock them all when in the corner of the room a ball of electricity appeared. Bursting from It was Cable. He looked around the room a second then focused on Deadpool. Cable was reasonably tall. Well built and was half metal from a disease he has been fighting for a long time. Cable can travel from the future where he is from. He is a mutant who has telepathic powers but has to focus them on his disease to keep them from spreading. "Wade you have to stop this! If you continue on... " Cable was still talking but Deadpool had tuned him out. "Blah blah blahblah blah blah blah blah. Man I'm bored I feel like my party is missing something or someone. Hey I know! Spiffy needs to be here!" Then poof. Deadpool teleported out of the apartment. Spiderman was swinging above New York city when a black cloud poofed to his right. "Spidey!!!" Deadpool yelled as he grabbed Spiderman. Spiderman screamed "Aggghhhh!" They teleported as if they had never been there. Well except for the string of web still hanging. Poof! Spiderman and Deadpool were back in the apartment. "Wade! Listen to me!" Cable was yelling now. "Your right something is missing! I'll be right back." Poof he was gone again in a black cloud of smoke. But within a blink of an eye he was back with Jack Skellington and Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas. "This party needs some girls. Oh I know I'll go get Harley Quinn!" Deadpool said as he went teleport. A black cloud began to appear. He went to jump in but Cable grabbed his arm. "That's where things would go wrong. Sorry but I can't let you do that."Cable said. "Fine!" Deadpool said in an irked tone. "Soooo what are we going to do? You brought us all here for a reason yeah?" asked Tyron Owens." Yes my hot headed friend. Please help yourself to the taco, chmichanga, and the pepperoni jalapeno pineapple pizza Buffett. Then we will begin our festivities by doing some trick or treating and closing the night out with some "mischief"." Deadpool said. "Sully.... What's up with this weird guy?" Mike Wazowzki said to his giant blue, purple poka dotted friend. Sully shrugged. "Master 'pool is a very peculiar fellow. He usually means well as long as meaning well is the best price."  Vision said. " Um sir. Where's your skin?" Linus asked Vision clinging to his blanket. "Actually. He's a robot. His skin is a type of synthetic sciencey junk I have no clue what I'm talking about anymore." Deadpool said as he was on Linus' level, putting his head next to Linus'. "Okay!!!!!! Now that everyone has eaten I do believe it's time to go trick or treating!!! Everyone to the spashtruck!!!"Deadpool exclaimed. " The what?" Said Sully in a curious time. Spiderman sighed "Its a right side drive trash truck that he has turned into a spaceship." "But! It can be used as a plane!" Deadpool jumped into the conversation. Everyone was buckled in and Deadpool was at the steering wheel. " So are we going to drive on the road in this thing?" asked Bart. "Where were goin.... We don't need roads." Deadpool said in a Doc Brown impression voice. The back of the cab was cut out and the floor stretched across the top of the motor into the back of the trash body. The spaceship/air plane jet motors were attached to the back of the trash body on the outside. The trash truck took off of the New York street outside of Deadpool's apartment into the air. The doorbell rang on a fancy mansion on the coast of California. Tony Stark answered the door holding a bowl of candy. "Trick or treat!!!" most of the group said in unison. "Hey here you go." Stark said in a mono tone tossing candy into the bags of Linus and Charlie Brown. "What? Snack size bars?! Where's the full bars? The golden rolexes? The large pizzas? The golden chimichangas? The keys to a fancy new car?" Deadpool asked. "Wellllll. My house is secluded sooooo..... I don't get many visitors maybe a total of you guys and one or two random families. Andddddd is that Linus and Charlie Brown from the Peanuts cartoon?" Stark said. "Um yeah." Replied Deadpool. "Hmmm. How do you do the things you do and get away with it?" Questioned Stark. "I just do.Hey Stark! We are gonna go to Latveria and prank Dr. Doom you wanna go?!" questioned Deadpool. Stark licking his teeth behind his lips "I call shotgun. What are we taking? Your trash truck?" "Its a spashtruck! But yes. Oh man this is gonna be a great night!!!" Outside of Doctor Doom's castle in Latveria, Deadpool and his group stood outside the castle while Deadpool and Tony Stark egged the castle. Laughing and carrying on. "Hey Sulls you mind if I use these?" Deadpool asked Sully who was standing there awe struck like the majority of the group. Sully looked down at the eggs he was holding. "Uhhhh sure." He said but Deadpool had already grabbed two cartons from the pile in Sully's arm. Tony Stark was flying in his Iron Man suit throwing eggs at one of the upper levels of the castle. "What an odd Haloween tradition. I didn't even know it existed." Jack Skellington said to Sally. "Do you want to join?" she asked him. "Mmmmm no I will observe this time and take the knowledge back to Halloweentown and discuss it at a meeting tomorrow." Jack replied. "Hey skeleton dude! Toss me a couple rolls of toilet paper." Iron Man said while still  flying above the castle. The lights came on in the castle. "Oh no everyone run!" Deadpool yelled in a whisper. They hightailed it back to the flying trash truck. "You mean spashtruck!" Deadpool yelled. "Yo dude who you talking to? We all know you want us to call it that." Tyron said.  They all made it to the spashtruck and were in the air safely before Dr. Doom could get to them. The villain was dressed in metal gauntlets, a metal mask and a green cape. "Mark my words you will pay for this." Dr. Doom said aloud to himself. Not knowing Tryon Owens could sense him below "Don't worry you will pay for your sins soon enough." Owens thought to himself. "Alright time for the last stop. " Deadpool said bringing the truck down next to a pumpkin patch. We are all gonna hang out here together for the great pumpkin!" Deadpool exclaimed. Jack began to reply."Great pumpkin? I'm the Pumpkin King and I have to say there is.." "A 100% chance we will see the great pumpkin tonight on Halloween!" Deadpool interrupted. "Ummmm while yes our world is full of many wild and crazy things Wade." Tony Stark began to say. "I really..." "Can't wait to see the Great Pumpkin? Me too!! " Deadpool said once again cutting someone off. "Yeah you guys may as well just give up. Wade isn't gonna let this one go." Spiderman said. The whole group sat in the cold lonely pumpkin patch. Most looked bored while Deadpool and Linus and Charlie Brown leaned forward with excitement and anticipation. Then a shadow began rising slowly. "Oh wow....... There it is!" Deadpool said in an excited whisper. Iron Man kicked on lights from his suit. It was..."Snoopy!?" Exclaimed Deadpool. "And he's wearing the infinity gauntlet!?" continued Deadpool. "How did you get that? The writer hasn't even concluded the gauntlet war yet!" continued Deadpool. Suddenly Thanos appeared behind Snoopy "Filthy little mutt I will feast on your roasted carcass!" Thanos said. Snoopy turned around and vaporized Thanos. Then turned around and started uttering gibberish at Deadpool. "Okay okay. Jeez I just wanted to have some fun. Guys your rides here." Deadpool said to Linus and Charlie Brown. They walked over to Snoopy. Snoopy did the I'm watching you gesture to Deadpool and they disappeared. "Alright guys I guess the shows over......till Christmas." Deadpool said. "And I'm gonna be the best there is at bringing cheer to everyone." He said mimicing Wolverine's voice. "See was that not the best random pile of phooey you will read all week?"Deadpool said climbing in and closing the door on the trash truck and starting it. "Actually it's a spashtruck and happy Halloween everybody. We'll see yah later." He said taking of into the sky.
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critical-misfit · 7 years
Tagged game hell: Keep reading if you want to know shit about me. Tagged by @not-the-drones 1: Are you named after someone? Nah my mum named all of us with 'E' names and she already had Elora and Erika Elizabeth so I got Emerald. 2: When was the last time you cried? Uhhhh Wednesday I think? At my desk at work? 3: Do you like your handwriting? Yeah it suits me. It's small and scrawly and I like to write exclusively in black pen. I too lack the stereotypical girly handwriting. My cursive is on point though because I took it at two different schools two years apart from the other. 4:What is your favorite lunch meat? Idk probably roast beef 5: Do you have kids? I have plants. 6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Honey I would date myself #narcissism 7: Do you use sarcasm? Psh noooooo. It's not like, my main method of communication or anything 😏 8: Do you still have your tonsils? I don't know 9: Would you bungee jump? Uh that really depends because no if it was just me and yes if someone forced me on it. 10: What is your favorite kind of cereal? Pops 11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Of course not. Ain't nobody got time for that. In all seriousness though I messed up a pair of shoes from not untying them before but I still have not learned my lesson. 12: Do you think you’re a strong person? I am very frail emotionally and physically but I like to think that I have my moments. I'm stronger mentally, I think. 13: What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Cherry cordial. 14: What is the first thing you notice about people? Usually their demeanor/personality. It's a huge deciding factor in whether or not I want to be friends. 15: Red or pink? Red 16: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? Okay so I love and hate my hips. Ever since I lost all that weight my hips are super bony, and therefore they hurt if bumped into things or if I sit in a certain position for too long. I guess the only thing I fully don't like about myself is my face shape. 17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? I'm in socks and a pair of black shorts 18: What was the last thing you ate? Tyson chicken tenders 19: What are you listening to right now?. LA Devotee - Panic! At The Disco 20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Light Blue or Robin's Egg blue. 21: Favorite smell? Coffee. 22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? A guy trying to get me to switch my car insurance. 23: Favorite sport to watch? I tolerate baseball but only if I'm at the game. 24: Hair color? "Very Dark Brown" 25: Eye color? Brown 26: Do you wear contacts? Cosmetic ones sometimes, yes. 27: Favorite food to eat? Dude I am a slut for lo mein noodles. 28: Scary movies or comedy? Scary movies have no effect on me, so comedy. 29: Last movie you watched? I got about 2/3s of the way through This Is The End. Wasn't a huge fan. 30: What color of shirt are you wearing? Heather gray 31: Summer or winter? Any other time I would say winter but this year after having to move in the snow, summer. 32: Hugs or kisses? Both yes please give me attention and cuddle me 😂 33: What book are you currently reading? The Dark Knight Returns 34: Who do you miss right now? My boyfriend and my grandma 35: What is on your mouse pad? Are we talking about my laptop? Probably food crumbs. 36: What is the last TV program you watched? NCIS I think 37: What is the best sound? Um...you know after working in a call center I think I prefer silence. 38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? Listen I like rock and punk and hardcore, but I could never get into The Rolling Stones. So probably The Beatles. They're my chill music. 39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Panama City, Florida 40: Do you have a special talent? I can shuffle cards really good and make coffee so good people who hate it like it. 41: Where were you born? Cincinnati. 42: People you expect to participate in this survey? Hmmmmm; @mortalorder @weyounn @miss-mizuki @enygmass and anyone else who wants to.
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