#it was fun to write her dialogue because it was pretty cute and cheerful but that's because it contrasts her fucked up actions anywaysssssss
kandisheek · 1 month
SERIES: Best Bot Dum-E by rebelmeg
Pairing: Pepper/Tony Rating: G Words: 7,400 Tags: Precious Dum-E, Fluff and Humor, Tony's Robot Family
Reasons why I love it: This series is the pinnacle of adorable robot shenanigans. Seriously, if you need good vibes injected straight into your veins, look no further. Every single fic in here is funny, fluffy and heart-warming to the max. I love them so much, and I bet these stories will make you just as happy as they make me!
This series consists of:
Dum-E's Inner Hairdresser
Pairing: Pepper/Tony Rating: G Words: 938 Tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Hair Braiding, Hairdresser Dum-E
Summary: Dum-E learns a lot of things by observing and inquiring, and watching Pepper braid her hair inspires one such occasion.
Reasons why I love it: This is the cutest fucking thing, oh my god, my heart is a puddle of goo on the floor. I love the relationship between Dum-E and Pepper here, and that hint of Pepperoni at the end is adorable as well. Just all around good vibes, in case you need them today.
Dum-E's Shrine
Pairing: Pepper/Tony Rating: G Words: 1,198 Tags: Dum-E Ships It, Pictures, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Summary: Over the years, Dum-E has picked up some pretty human behaviors, such as protectiveness towards Tony and fondness towards other people and bots. He's also picked up some interesting quirks, and once he understands the relationship between Pepper and Tony, he takes it upon himself to express his bot-ly happiness.
Reasons why I love it: Dum-E continues to be the best boy, he's so sweet. And my heart melts every time he asks for pets like a little puppy dog. This fic makes me so happy, and I bet it'll do the same for you!
Pairing: Pepper/Tony Rating: G Words: 644 Tags: Raise Your Glass, Tony's Robot Family, Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Summary: Dum-E picks up a lot of things from his humans, some of them helpful, some of them not-so-helpful. And some of them are mostly just cute. Set after Avengers, when Bruce has moved into the tower to participate in the joy that is Tony's R&D department Candyland.
Reasons why I love it: Yeees, Bruce, join the family! This whole conversation is so much fun, and Tony getting flustered is always lovely to see. I'm still smiling as I write this, this series just makes me so happy.
Best Bot Dum-E: Bedtime Enthusiast
Pairing: Pepper/Tony Rating: G Words: 1,075 Tags: MIT Bros, Dum-E Shenanigans, Banter
Summary: Dum-e is a very good helper bot. Steve witnesses him being helpful in an unexpected way. Tony will probably have a few small bruises...
Reasons why I love it: This is certainly a unique approach to battling Tony's insomnia, my god. The mental image of this scene is so fucking funny, and having it told through Steve's incredulous eyes makes it even better. I love this one so much!
Got Your Nose!
Pairing: Pepper/Tony Rating: G Words: 2,751 Tags: Spontaneous Baby Acquisition, Dum-E POV, Shenanigans
Summary: Dum-E is intrigued by the game Ton-E is playing with the miscellaneous smol child that is hanging out with him in the workshop.
Reasons why I love it: Watching this whole thing play out in Dum-E's alternative vocabulary is so much fun. And all of the Avengers humoring Dum-E in his attemps to learn a new game is so sweet – despite the broken noses and black eyes. Definitely check this one out, it's hilarious.
Accidental Alpaca Acquisition
Pairing: Pepper/Tony Rating: G Words: 794 Tags: Tony Can't Say No, Dum-E Wants a Pet, Pepper is Resigned
Summary: The story of how the amazing duo of Dum-E the Disaster Bot and Gerald the Chaos Alpaca came to be.
Reasons why I love it: The dialogue in this one is perfection, just one banger line after the other. I would quote the entire fic at you if I could, but I guess you'll just have to read it for yourself. And while you're at it, read the rest of the series too, because it's amazing!
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peaches2217 · 10 months
Ooh, another ask game! 😁✨️
May I start off with 21 for Mario? ^-^
Gonna answer these in one fell swoop! Let’s go!
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I love writing his dialogue actually! I have a rule of thumb when writing dialogue where, if I can’t imagine it in the character’s voice, it’s not going in my fic. Mario is extra fun to work with in that respect, because, while I don’t write his accent out phonetically, I always try to arrange his words and phrasing in ways where you could still read it in his accent. I struggle more with his general quirks and mannerisms; I’m still figuring out how to write him physically occupying a space.
More below the cut!
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@mrspockify answered 21 above! As for 6:
6. What’s something you have in common with this character?
We’re both cheerful little shitheads that tend to act without thinking. We’re also both fat; I’d love to be fat AND strong like him 🥹
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21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Sorry to sound repetitive here but I love writing dialogue for him SO much! He’s so hammy and over-the-top, yet thoughtful and competent. And I love writing little mannerisms for him (I’ve given him a few quirks, namely mirroring people’s actions without realizing it and grabbing onto the handle of his sword as an almost comfort reflex). Admittedly I can’t think of anything I don’t like… he’s probably my favorite character to write for overall right now.
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@keylovesstuff I wish I had answers for you, but I honestly don’t. 😭 I was 13 the last time I wrote or read Pucca fanfiction, and that was also 13 years ago. I don’t remember much of anything that went through my head at that time… and I cringe at my old writing too much to go back and re-read it. 😅 I’m so sorry!!
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2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Honestly? I love the implication that she’s perfectly capable of holding her own, she just usually doesn’t bother because she knows she has a stocky little plumber who will answer her every beck and call. Unconventional answer, maybe, but it makes her that much more fun in my eyes. 😂
Summarized by this quote from Fortune Street:
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7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
I love how everyone really leans into her girliness rather than tomboyifying her, honestly. There’s historically been an air of “Ugh, she’s so GIRLY, which makes her BLAND” around characters like her, but at least since I’ve been in the fandom people seem to embrace her frilliness and ditziness without dehumanizing her for it.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
It’s not hugely widespread within the fandom itself, but I see it in general — characterizing her as vapid or ungrateful, with no agency of her own. I’m especially talking about the people who put her down for Odyssey’s (admittedly controversial) ending. “Uuuuuugh she’s so ungrateful, Mario went to the moon to save her and she cucked him” he saved her from a forced marriage and then got into a cockfight with the guy who tried forcing her into that marriage… over a MARRIAGE PROPOSAL, she had EVERY RIGHT TO SAY NO
It’s not Peach’s fault Nintendo was too fucking cowardly to give us the ending we actually wanted. 😭
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Strawberrycore. She would ROCK strawberrycore.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
My introduction to Peach outside of vague mainstream acknowledgement was when I played Super Princess Peach in the third grade, and I loved her from the get-go! She was just so cute to me. And I feel pretty much the same way now; she’s such a fun character, more than people give her credit for.
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taptroupe · 3 years
finally we are here. EVERGRACE CHAPTER 10 PART 3 LET’S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO but this time it’s actually serious
i even  made an animated visual this time!
but this kinda spoils the later part of the chapter so please enjoy it once you reach the part in my tumblr post. thank you. also warning this is pretty fucked up and violent and has slight implications of asphyxiation maybe
“So, Morpheus is up there, right?”
“Yes. We’ll be taking a gondola from near here, and then climb a stairway to get to him.”
“Guess it would be tiring to walk the whole way.”
“[something someting] it’s a normal stairway, but it goes up this hollowed out tower, and many parts of this tower are still untouched [think this was mentioned over in the second part in fact]”
“And Morpheus is at the very top?”
“Man, he must really enjoy that God complex.”
“I’m not sure about that... The Tower’s peak is the closest to the outside world, after all. The Cycle...”
As soon as the word “Cycle” left her mouth, she gasped and looked at Darius.
[...or did Darius gasp, leading to Medina to stare at him?]
“If he were to free this world, captured by the Cycle... That’s certainly a fitting place to do it, wouldn’t it?”
“Are you saying my country’s been caught up by this Cycle?” of course orlaidnfids is saying this bit
“That’s what I remember hearing, but... I’m not sure of myself.”
wellll once they got down the stairs they saw the funny looking pillars of the soaring tower. you know the ones you brute force the fuck out of lol i sure did
As they descended to the end of the stairway, they came across some strange pillars. The four evenly spaced round pillars were of white, red, green, and blue. And at the wall nearby was a door that certainly wouldn’t be opened by hand.
“if it hasn’t changed, then this should work...”
Medina stood near the colourless pillar, and like she had hit the leaf relief, fired palmira actions at the coloured pillars from her arm. [must be her alcrest powers]
Red fire Palmira. Green leaf palmira. Blue Ice Palmira. 
Then all the lights turned off, including the colourless pillar. And once more, Medina launched leaf palmira at the green pillar, turning it on again. And the colourless pillar turned green toooooooooo........ AND THE DOOR OPENED WOW EVERGRACE WIKI GET YOUR WALKTRHOUGHS HERE LOL
“alright everyone get in and ride this bad boy”
medina ushered the two guys into the small room that opened up. there was a lever near the wall and she activated it, closing the door. with a small bump, the lights in the room dimmed, and started to move or something
“So this is... A gondola, huh?”
Darius asked without a shred of ill will, as he looked around the room. Medina couldn’t help but let out a small laugh.
“First time?”
“Not like that, but I mean... Rieubane is pretty amazing. We haven’t reached this kind of technology in the time period where I come from.”
“Time period?” orlainde and Medina both ask.
“Right, in the place where I come from... Rieubane’s already been destroyed for 100 years now. How I’m here, how this can all still be here... I don’t really understand it.”
“Ah, Sharline did talk about the Darius who was a young boy... Perhaps time’s been shifted between the outside and in here.”
Medina continued on.
“In this closed country, perhaps we’ve been left behind by the passage of time.”
“It’s been a year since that incident that our country was blocked off, right? And you said that it’s been a hundred years out here... So perhaps, a day here equals 100 days outside.”
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oralindade did the math. I did the math. This is his math. could it be? 100 days outside means 1 day inside?
if sharline and darius are separated by 13 years, then... that is 4745 days outside, but converted into rieubane days that’s like, almost 50 days! but didn’t the others say sharline was only there a few days ago?! not over a month...?!
“What did you say?! Wait, my friends... No, the starving villages and cities...!”
“Hey, hey, it’s just something I thought up! It’s just a guess.... Gah!”
The gondola stopped with a sudden, loud noise. The three were probably knocked to the ground, and Medina looked at the gondola with a worrying glance.
“This is the first time this has happened...”
Medina pulled the lever and opened the door to a dark room.
“looks like the plans have changed. it seems to have stopped lower than usual.”
“So, we can’t go up?”
“No, this is the highest point. We’ll walk from here.”
[i wonder what she meant by that? is this the appropriate destination? probably the “first time” bit was how it stopped suddenly perhaps.]
Darius stepped out and looked carefully around the room. No sign of monsters, but the sound of the wind outside the tower could be heard from far away. There was a door-like opening with an arch, with rubble strewn about.
“If we continue in from here, we’ll reach the beginning of the staircase.”
As Medina continued onward, she was stopped suddenly by Darius.
“Thanks, but... I have a bad feeling about this. You should walk behind us.”
this WHOLE bit about describing a room is so hard. i’m just gonna machine translate this and pray to god. it’s like a room.. it’s dusty... fanshaped with weird things everywhere..... experimentation tools like the room of the legendary mercenary... two doors split off, and there’s a tower with an iron grate near the centre of the room... idk there’s a light near the back, and an open door near there too. this is alot and i can’t even figure out where this is in the game. SORRY LOOK OKAY LOOK GUYS HERE’S
Going through the strange doorway, Darius follows a narrow dark path. He motions for orsdfjsdfds and Medina to stop as he peers through the iron grate. I can kinda understand the layout of the room now hahaha
A glowing bluewhite pillar stands in the middle of the room. There are female soldiers with blonde hair and purple skin standing side by side or something.
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you know. them
beyond the female soliders was a transparent like wall, like the one they saw in the human laboratory. and beyond that wall was a girl sitting on her knees - a girl with red hair.
with a gasp, darius pulled back from the grate.
“darius, what’s wrong?”
orladin rushed to him, with quiet footsteps. darius replied back in an equally hushed tone.
“it’s sharline.”
“huh? just by herself?”
“It seems like it. she’s in a... strange tube while the soldiers stand around it.”
SHARLINE IN THE TUBE WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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now you may watch the video at the top of the page.
“that’s an experimental cell and transfer device that my grandfather made, and those are ‘ferugu’ patrolling around it - also made by my grandpappy”
orlsjfid looked around the room the three were in. 
“hey, there’s a lever on this wall. will this open the grate?”
“i haven’t been here often, so i’m not sure...”
“how about this one..?”
darius notices another lever on the wall opposite.
“i really don’t know, but... perhaps if we both activate the levers, the grate might open up, then.”
“We’ll try it. I’ll be counting on you two.” Darius says, warhammer in hand, already facing the grates.
orladidifns stands near one of the levers, waiting. and asks:
“so.... how did morpheus activate this grate, when it takes two people?”
“i don’t think he’d really have a reason to come here. and if he did have something here, the transfer device would’ve taken sharline up to his experimental lab, anyhow.”
“i see...”
“i wonder if sienna is nearby?” “we’ll probably figure it out as we go up.”
oljskfjksf stands silently near the lever now.
“the first plan of action will be to rescue sharline, right?”
“right, otherwise she might be transferred away.”
[koitsu wa ugokan darou was hard to understand but i think that’s it. the alternative is that he’s referring to darius just moving on from this debacle if they didn’t wanna save sharline lol]
cranking the levers to a steady rhythm, the grate slowly rose up from its position, and darius followed the path briskly (worried that the grate might unexpectedly fall on him haha). and in no time at all, the female soldiers took notice of him and readied their swords.
darius kinda like. deflected some of their attacks because they’re pretty slow? might’ve dodged a few by ducking. ignoring their sluggish moves, darius turns and runs to where sharline is.
i thought it was an interesting choice to have double quotes like that so i’m keeping it in and i’m lazy to figure out how to localize that emphasis for an english audience. bbut the following line makes sense as to why.
across the shimmering wall, a muffled voice could be heard. sharline hit the wall with her fists, trying to break free. darius shouted.
“Get back!”
seeing the warhammer in his hand, sharline backed up against the wall. with a tight grip, darius swung at the light wall, shattering it into pieces. 
it was for a moment, but the shattered pieces seemed to glitter as they danced in the air. 
At the moment, a heavy thud reverberated. A sound much like the dropping of a grate. 
Followed by Medina’s cries.
“Darius, behind you!” Sharline shouted.
darius swung around and could notice the panicked faces of medina and olksjfsjf beyond the grates. olskfjlsfjlsf seemed to be shouting something that he couldn’t make out. and furthermore, the female soliders were getting up, ready to face him again.
But at that moment, darius felt a familiar warmth against his back.
“I just knew you’d come to save me, Darius.”
Sharline smiled, with a smile wide enough to reach her ears. 
A cold smile, as her arms dug into Darius’s neck.
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“Under my master’s command, I stayed here all nice and put. Y’see, my master really wants to see the Crest up close... So why don’t you come with me?”
It was Sharline’s voice, yet what came out of her mouth wasn’t anything like Sharline at all.
[use of omae below]
“You... You’re.... What monster are you...?”
“I’m Sharline.”
It was like some kind of inhuman strength fought against Darius as he struggled to break free. A strange pattern emerged from the sparkling debris of the cage, marking the ground with its shape...
Darius hesitated for a moment before he closed his eyes shut, and struck Sharline’s torso with his elbow.
It was like hitting rock. She continued to press on.
>be me >at the soaring tower >bringing my comrade and a nice lady who lives here to the top floor >sees my sis in a tube >she’s super weird >asked her specifically to get back so i wouldn’t accidentally hit her >she’s free of the tube >we get out, things are looking better >she busts out the stranglehold >mfw
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just wanted to the lighten the mood with a funny thing based off a tweet liv made once. back to work
He scrambled to find his knife, but his fingers only touched an empty sheath - a thought arose in Darius’s frantic mind, that the knife must’ve fallen out during his battle with the Legendary Mercenary.
“You know, if you thrash around like that, it’s only gonna be pain for you. Y’see, there’s only one thought in this head of mine - and that’s to kill any naysayers. Sooo, if you don’t come along with me, I’m just gonna tear you to bits like that!”
[lots of wa and yo and no and ne suffixes here. like much more than usual, and sharline’s speech pattern is really cheerful and interjected with bits of things. in short, Energetic Elder Sister Of Kill]
The female soldiers approached them, with sword in hand. Darius tried to swing them away with his warhammer, but a thin hand pulled his arm back with the strength of iron shackles.
“I just wanted to get you there quickly safe and intact, you know... If you’re not going to listen to me, I guess I can’t expect you to act like a grownup either, huh?”
With a giggle and a smile, the monster that took on Sharline’s shape tightened her grasp around Darius’s neck.
Darius tried to use the momentum to lunge to the side, hoping to knock Sharline to the ground, but her feet would simply not leave the floor - as if planted to the ground.
“Oh yes, your friends are over there, aren’t they? But you probably won’t make it in time.” 
Using his one free hand, he tried to grab the sword of the nearby soldiers, but it was no use... Palmira actions wouldn’t work either, at such a close range... 
Darius readied his warhammer as the female warrior swung down her sword. But, at that moment, something behind the warrior swung and struck it, sending the warrior flying.
Behind that warrior, in front of where the grates were, was a strange figure cloaked in black armor with a large knife.
All Sharline could let out was an “Eh?”
Darius, shaking free of her momentarily slack arms, plunges the sword into her, channeling Palmira power into the blade. Though the attack landed, he feels a dull impact at the tip of the sword, and the recoil sends him back. His armor makes sparks against the ground, and his back is er.... the skin peels off his back, it probably really hurts that’s kinda a lot of detail novel
But with the power of luck, Darius pushes the sword in deeper, and finishes the monster off. Sharline staggers backwards, shrieking some noise that could never come from a human... 
you know i don’t actually get the intricacies of this bit here and i’m here to write about darius and sharline being best friends not to see them beat each other to death so i’m freeballing it. contact me if this pisses you off somehow
darius lands a hit with the warhammer to her collarbones, her red hair seems to fly, and sharline crashes into a white pillar and falls. it was as if the red hair fell out in bundles, skin like porcelain and i’m not digging how she’s described as white skin and thin arms at all but this bit at least it implies it’s porcelain BECAUSE SHARLINE’S SKIN IS CRACKING AND PEELING OFF 
it was like reddish-brown sand scattered and spilled to the ground, like a leather pouch deflated on the ground. and as if a dust of white fog, sharline’s clothes  and the mountain of sand it rested on...   all disappeared.... 
My God. Fucked Up Bit. this is going out because it’s already plenty long. DAMN
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lycorogue · 3 years
Thoughts about episode “Lie”
Okay. Here we are. This is back to the better writing I was talking about the other day. I love me parallel stories, so this was just *chef kiss* in that department. 
Before I delve into my thoughts on the episode itself, I want to take a step back and talk about my views of the non-love-square ships Lukanette and Adrigami. (Feel free to skip ahead; I have a header for when I start talking about this episode again)
Lukanette and Adrigami
For me, Marinette and Luka had romantic chemistry from the word go. As much of a Marichat shipper as I am, I knew that if anyone could make Marinette forget about Adrien, it wouldn’t have been Chat Noir. It would be Luka. Chat Noir would then come in at a close 3rd (a bit ironically) when it comes to Marinette’s heart. Meanwhile, Kagami slowly grew to have a crush on Adrien post-Riposte, and then charged forward knowing exactly who she wanted. On the flipside, though, I stand firm that there wasn’t really much romantic interest coming from Adrien. If anyone was going to make Adrien forget about Ladybug, it would be Marinette; not Kagami.
The episode “Frozer” - the one where Kagami makes her crush known for the first time, and Adrien first attempts dating her - practically gives us some foreshadowing of their entire relationship. Aside from clearly finding Kagami attractive (as showcased by the pink-bubbles-vision when Adrien first sees her sans-helmet in “Riposte”), he doesn’t seem to have any romantic inclination towards Kagami until after she cups his cheek and lets him know, in not so many words, that she likes him. Even so, it isn’t until Marinette basically gives the thumbs up that he should pursue this relationship does he give it a try. He’s still very uncomfortable around her, and only gets a bit more comfortable in “Animaestro”; probably because he’s seen his father around Kagami’s mom and just mimics that (as seen in “Backwarder”). Going back to “Frozer” though, Adrien spends most of his time with Kagami watching Marinette, and even abandons Kagami in favor of checking in on Marinette - something Luka could have easily done and probably doesn’t because he sees Adrien already on it and knows Marinette would prefer Adrien’s comfort. So Luka doesn’t push the issue. That whole ice rink interaction shows that, while Luka trumps Chat Noir as a potential alternative love interest for Marinette, Marinette still surpasses Kagami as a potential alternative love interest for Adrien. This, for me, is again hinted at in the episode Heart Hunter where, while enjoying himself seemingly equally with both girls, there’s just these little hints - complimenting Marinette more than Kagami, asking Marinette to choose the ice cream - that, at least subconsciously, Adrien is leaning a touch more towards Marinette over Kagami. His heart just isn’t all that into this relationship. This is again showcased in the New York special when Adrien (at least in the English dub; I haven’t watched it in other languages) asks Marinette to dance with him with an almost pleading tone in his voice. (To be fair, clearly Marinette isn’t thinking of Luka at all during that trip either...)
I think the final Foreshadowing nail in the Adrigami coffin is this dialogue from “Frozer”:
Kagami: “You still keep doing what other people want you to do.” Adrien: “No, I just want him to be happy.”
In the end, Adrien did the same thing with Kagami: he did what he thought would make her happy because he’s a people pleaser to his core.
Adrien of course found Kagami attractive and fun to hang out with. She was a fantastic companion, and I love their companionship so much. However, I feel like he dated her mostly because he knew he had to find some way of getting over Ladybug, and here’s this pretty girl who clearly has a thing for him, so why not???? Their parents were practically setting them up as a couple anyway, between the trip to the royal wedding and the movie premiere. Plus, this “approved” friend meant he could spend more time outside of his father’s house while genuinely enjoying the company. Win-win. He then did all the pseudo-dating stuff he’s clearly witnessed in media; kind of following a play-book as it were. 
However, he never did anything even remotely romantic or flirty towards Kagami that was on par with his romantic gestures and flirtations towards Ladybug (or even Marinette, for that matter). His love language is obvious after watching him with Ladybug, and he uses some of that same language (albeit subconsciously... probably...) while interacting with Marinette. Things like leaning in playfully (ending of “Troublemaker” and when asking Marinette for a macaron in “Despair Bear”), sharing a romantic picnic (“Glaciator”) even if it was just to cheer Marinette up, winking (the endless winking in too many episodes to list here), whispering in her ear (“Despair Bear” and one other that I can’t recall right now), Soft SmilesTM (“Chameleon”, pretty much all of the NY special, tons of season 3 episodes), confessing insecurities or secrets (“Gamer” and “Gorizilla”), or asking her to dance (“Despair Bear” and “NY Special”). I’m sure there’s tons more and each example has more episodes it’s showcased in, but you get the idea. Alternatively, Adrien just never used that same love language with Kagami. With her it all felt like calculated moves; it was expected of him to lean in for the kiss in “Heart Hunter” and “Miracle Queen”, or wipe away the smudge of ice cream by Kagami’s mouth, so he did it. Aside from his protectiveness and care for Kagami in “Onichan”, Adrien never really treated Kagami any different than his other friends.
Marinette, on the other hand, does show some of her love language towards Luka. She blushes around him and does that bashful little shoulder shrug. She makes excuses to touch his arms, hands, chest, or back. She literally leans on him. She has an interest in his interests and even goes above and beyond for gifts, such as the necklace (yay; Luka looks so good in a necklace!) and, unofficially, the contract with Bob Roth for Kitty Section. 
Granted, she doesn’t flirt with Luka like she does with Chat Noir, but, as someone who also used to flirt with my guy friends without truly realizing the romantic implications (I was a disaster as a teen, okay?), I don’t know if Marinette has truly realized how flirting is part of her love language. If she is anything like I was, flirting is more a fun past-time to see if you could get a rise out of someone in some sort of sextual-tension game of chicken or something. It’s not something you do with someone you have serious feelings for. 😝
Back to Kagami though. I want to stress that, while I didn’t see any romantic future for Adrigami, I do still very much like Kagami and appreciated the character development the writers gave her. I love her as one of Marinette’s potential friends and, as I mentioned, a companion for Adrien. I just never saw any romantic interest coming from Adrien towards Kagami. He never even truly seemed himself around her the way he is around Ladybug or Marinette. I don’t think he’s comfortable enough to not be Textbook BoyfriendTM around Kagami. He even mentions in this episode that him being a clown IS the real him and she calls bullshit (although @gale-gentlepenguin​ does have some nice commentary on how even that wasn’t exactly truthful and Kagami was right to call him out). Point being, Adrien loves to be nerdy and goofy and playful, and she just doesn’t get that????? A lot of what Adrien likes she seems to dismiss.
I’m sorry, Adrigami shippers. There could have been potential there as these two grew, but as it stood? I just didn’t see it.
The Episode “Lie”
Going back to my thoughts on “Lie” though with all of that above commentary for context. I just feel a bit cheated that Clearly-There’s-Mutual-Pining Lukanette gets ONE kiss lean-in for the whole “love rival” arc they’ve had set up for 1.5 seasons before the relationship implodes, but Clearly-Only-One-Has-Feelings-And-The-Other-Is-Just-Kinda-Going-Along-With-It-Because-Hey-He-Likes-Hanging-Out-With-Her-And-She’s-Cute-So-Why-Not Adrigami has THREE kiss lean-ins in THIS ONE EPISODE ALONE (not to mention the 2 from Heart Hunter/Miracle Queen)!? Like I said, I feel a bit robbed, but... well fed, Adrigami shippers, I guess...
Anyway, my heart hurts so much because yes, Kagami deserves someone who will take the time to be with her (just like how Luka deserves the same), but also, it’s not like Adrien WANTED to abandon her (much like Marinette not wanting to abandon Luka). These poor kids. All four of them. My heart breaks. 😢
I did feel a much stronger emotional gut-punch with this episode, which is surprising because a) we already saw a good 5-10 min of it in “Truth” so this episode was essentially shorter than the premiere, and b) I’m a much stronger Lukanette shipper than an Adrigami shipper (see above). So, bravo to the writers on this episode. I hate that this team broke so many hearts, but this is the caliber of writing I was hoping for. 
(I know Marinette is the Guardian, but can we agree to have more Adrien-centric stories, please? They’re just so good).
Adrien is still VERY vocal about his love, and, while he has learned a lot, matured a lot, and has eased up a lot, Adrien does still semi-burden Ladybug with his feelings; something Luka never did to Marinette. Adrien, possibly due to witnessing his parents - I have theories about the romance dynamic between Emilie and Gabriel - seems to have this view of love being okay even if unbalanced. Ladybug is far more powerful and crucial to the protection of Paris, but they are still partners and equals in their eyes. So maybe he feels the same about love; he may be more romantically devoted to her, but as long as Ladybug loves him even a little, it’s like they’re equals in romance... right???? So... yeah, a more balanced relationship with Kagami could have taught him how important a romantic balance is as well. Plus, if I am right in my assumption that he just kind of went along with the relationship because he thought it was expected, then he could have also learned something about being a people-pleaser. There was a lot of growth potential for both Marinette and Adrien in these non-love-square relationships, and it just feels squandered.
Also, as I mentioned with my review of “Truth”, I’m fearing that the writers are kind of railroading the Ladynoir ship. First, there’s Marinette realizing that she can’t have a boyfriend because he wouldn’t be safe, nor could she be truthful to him about why their time was so limited. The exception being Chat Noir, who can very much protect himself (except for when he’s shielding Ladybug, but she yelled at him for that in “Lie”), and she can be fully honest with him as long as it doesn’t involve their identities, and he very much knows and understands their time restrictions. In fact, he even goes so far as to state that ANY time with her is a gift he cherishes. He’s basically the perfect boyfriend for her in her situation; she just needs to be lonely enough to “realize” it. >3> On the Adrien side of things, Kagami tells him that she can’t trust someone who isn’t honest with her, but there’s Ladybug: fully understanding and completely trusts him even when she knows he’s lying. She also doesn’t fault him for their lack of time together and understands if he needs to run away without a moment’s notice. He’s already in love with her, but this whole situation just paints her even more as the perfect romantic partner for him. I get it, but I also hate it. I hate this feeling of this one corner of the love square being railroaded. It basically dismisses the other 3 corners as possibilities right alongside the Lukanette and Adrigami ships.
All that grumbling aside, I would like to give some applause to how the episode ended. I very much enjoyed that Kagami was like, “nope. You lied to me, and I can’t trust you, so we can’t be friends. I need time away from you. I’ll let you know if we’re ever okay again.” It shows the consequences of playing with someone’s emotions, even if under the best intentions. It also shows that it’s perfectly okay to cut out toxic relationships, even if the other person didn’t intend any harm. Well-intentioned people can still cause toxic relationships, and if you need to step away from them (as Kagami did), then you are completely valid in that decision. It’s an important lesson for kids to learn, I think. I’m just worried that Kagami brushing off even being Adrien’s friend (while justified) might mean not really seeing her in the show anymore, and that would be a shame. 😟 I do enjoy her as a character, and would love to see more of her growth. Plus, she is so limited in social interactions as-is, so I hope we see more Kagami and Marinette friendship growth.
I am also interested in how Adrien reacts to the knowledge that he can indeed ruin his friendships with people if they aren’t in the same emotional space. This is most likely what’s preventing Marinette from confessing: fear that Adrien will reject her so severely that he might not even want to be her friend anymore. So having Adrien now possibly have that fear as well has some interesting story potential (if the writers don’t drop the ball like they did with the Lukanette/Adrigami ships). Meanwhile, having a dejected Luka still offering friendship and support to Marinette - something clearly Adrien assumed would happen with Kagami; once a friend, always a friend - might give her the confidence to confess to Adrien, now trusting that they are good enough friends and he’s a kind enough person that they can still remain friends even if he doesn’t return her feelings.
There’s a lot of potential birthed from these opening episodes, but especially from “Lie” and I’m interested to see what the rest of the season is going to look like now.
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baejax-the-great · 4 years
First Line Game
I was tagged by @hollyand-writes​. Thank you! This one looks fun.
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
I’m going to put most of these under the cut, but I’ll put my favorites up top =)
The Coolness of Your Shadow: The first time Bethany met Alistair, there was grass in his hair.
Red: It started with an itch.
Wager: “Admit it,” Hawke said, “You think he’s sexy.”
Lighthouse: Even with artificial lights meant to simulate days and nights, and even with Margo having full control over when this happened, she still found herself waking up earlier and earlier in what she generously referred to as “morning.”
A Hawke’s Breakfast: Hawke woke up on the floor in a sort of heap.
The Edge of Sadness: Alistair had not chosen to be born. 
The rest are just chronological =)
The Depth of Fear: “Corypheus is my responsibility,” Hawke had said to the Inquisitor not five minutes ago. Ten minutes? Half an hour? Maker, she couldn’t be sure, except that she’d said it, and now, some number of minutes later, she knew she’d been entirely mistaken.
A Rumor: “Inquisitor!” Josephine waved exuberantly from her seat in the back of the tavern.
Nephew: “He’s a bit small for royalty,” Hawke said, eyeing the little princeling.
Like a Lead Balloon: “This will break him.”
The Silence of Your Deep: Bethany couldn’t be bothered to change out of her Warden uniform for dinner. She would be Bethany the Warden tonight rather than Bethany the sort-of-almost Queen, and the ambassador from Nevarra could simply accept that.
Merry and Bright: Bethany did not like chemistry. It was a complete embarrassment. Her father was a PhD in chemistry, a respected professor, and Bethany could barely remember the chemical nomenclature for table salt. She should have majored in literature or history or dance or something, but foolishly, she had decided on being a doctor, which meant biology, and biology required the basics of chemistry, and chemistry was impossible.
Serenity: “Merrill is sick. Went down to see her earlier. Something is going around the whole alienage.”
Snowflakes: Hawke wasn’t entirely certain how she ended up on the ground. Last she remembered, her feet were firmly beneath her, and she was on her way to a sneak attack on some very well-equipped and unsuspecting bandits.
The Mountain: “So… The mountain.” Aloy stood just outside the entrance where she had once watched Varl charge a thunderjaw. “You ready?”
Shelter Me: Usually the first fluffy white snowflakes of the season filled Lace with cheer.
Top Ten: Shepard limped into her cabin, the painkillers Chakwas gave her already wearing off. The doctor could heal a broken bone in ten minutes, but the ache lasted.
Deep: “A penny for your thoughts, my dear?”
First Contact: Shepard rubbed her eyes and tried to remember why she even came to the crew deck. It wasn’t that she particularly disliked her crew, but when it came down to it, they were Cerberus.
Smutty Literature: “Bethany, sweetheart, I was reading one of your books—”
Interestingly, it looks like I frequently start my fics with dialogue, but almost none of my favorite first lines are dialogue. HMM.
TEOS in particular makes me laugh, because it just sets the tone for Alistair for the entire fic-- very begrudgingly and miserably accepting his lot. Red is just sinister, given the topic, TCoYS is cute, and Wager is silly.
I would also note that every single one of my opening lines is character-centric. I don’t spend any time at all setting the scene, but rather the mood/goals of the character. That’s pretty much all of my writing, though. As a young girl I read Tolkien describing forests for 18 pages and thought, “never again.” But I really admire people who can get me interested in settings and make me feel like I’m there. That is a truly beautiful talent.
Tagging forward @midnightprelude @luzial @noire-pandora @juliafied @pedlimwen @rpgwrites @swaps55 @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold @wizardofozymandias @hezjena2023 @hermiowngranger
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jaynavajasso · 5 years
A list of things about Boris Habit:
(Edited to include some corrections from you guys! Thank you for helping me out!)
▪ He (at least partially) went to college for dentistry - enough to successfully perform multiple operations. It’s safe to assume he’s very intelligent.
• In his tweets, he complains about his fingers being “too sharp”, suggesting that his spelling atrocities are mostly because he’s having trouble typing - not that he can’t spell. Further examples are the diary and the PSA’s; in the diary pages (writing) his spelling is nearly perfect, and in the PSAs (typing) you get way more misspellings. 
• On that note: He can speak English almost perfectly! Typing errors aside, in any of the endings, he sobers up real quick - and when he gets serious, the misspellings just stop. I’ve seen a lot of people writing his dialogue like he types, but according to the game, he can speak just fine.
• If anything, the misspellings pop up in his dialogue when he’s psychotic - perhaps he’s baby talking you? No proof on that one, just speculation.
Edit: I’ve been informed that “manic” is the more appropriate term for how he acted in the boss fight. Sorry for the confusion!
• His cheerfulness isn’t completely an act - the game suggests that he was a really cheerful kid up until he snapped (as an indirect result of his father’s abuse, no less), and in the good ending (after you agree to be his friend) he gets some of that same peppiness back. Even Kamal agrees he’s just a big softy... under the poorly managed trauma, at least.
• HE UNDERSTANDS, AT THE END, THAT WHAT HE’S DONE IS WRONG. He’s not all flowers and sunshine about it, either - in the bad ending he realizes he’s become the villain, and not only accepts his death but smiles at you as if to encourage your actions. In the neutral ending he actively says that hurting you would be “wrong of [him]”, and in the good ending, if you agree to be his friend, he somewhat disbelievingly says “a real friend… after everything i’ve done to you…”
• Related to the last one: His amazement at your friendship, combined with the bullying documented in the diary, suggests that he’s never had many friends. In the last PSA, you see a picture of Kamal labeled “friend :-)”, suggesting they either used to be close or that Habit got attached. (I don’t think Kamal really hates him, but with how mad he got at him for so long, I’m not sure how close they actually were).
• In the good ending, it’s suggested that Boris left the Habitat and became a florist! At the very end of the credits, no less - you see Habit surrounded by plants, grinning ear to ear, holding a lil flower pot in his hands. If not a florist, then he’s at least getting to work with plants! (Good on him!!)
• On that note: in the bad ending, you see the same shot at the end of the credits, but with Boris just missing. You know, because you killed him. The game pretty heavily goes against that ending and repeatedly tells you that there’s another way.
• His favorite color is orange, according to his tweets! That’s not a ground breaker, it’s just cute. 
• He’s canonically 37, but his knowledge of the internet seems to be... mixed. On one hand, he knows enough to program his own website - and on the other, in the good ending he asks you to email him. (I don’t know a soul who uses email anymore.) BUT he does tweet! So maybe at the time of the ending he just doesn’t have a phone. We have no way to know.
Edit: Several people have informed me that the game takes place in the 90′s, which would explain why he uses email! Considering his tweets are (apparently?) canon and take place before Flower Kid, the timeline may be more or less ambiguous - but as far as I know it’s canonically in the 90′s.
• The Habitat is canonically in the USA, according to his twitter. Considering the developers said he has a Russian accent, perhaps his parents are immigrants. Again - no way to know for sure.
• In the tutorial, the pre-ending, and Boris’ photograph (if you take one), he appears as nothing but a red-eyed shadow that quite frankly looks demonic. In the game, the camera is used to show people's true selves (most dominantly with Trencil, where taking his photo reveals him as a vampire). Considering vampires exist in this universe, we can take Boris’ photo and assume he’s… at least not fully human. Exactly what he is, however, we don’t know.
• Boris created the Carlas, and it’s suggested that he cares for them. Each of them refer to him as “dad” or “father”, expressing concern for his mental wellbeing and even recognizing his diary pages. (In fact, you get one of the diary pages from a Carla, who says Boris stored it inside her!) The fortune telling Carla even recognizes the Tooth Lily and understands how rare it is - knowledge that, according to Habit, only he knows.
• Randy says that Habit smells like “loose change”, suggesting that the metallic smell of laughing gas clings to him. Apparently he and Habit butt heads - Habit told him he couldn’t smell like pickles, and in his tweets he calls Randy “smelly”. In the same tweet he also admits to crying because Randy told him he smelled like loose change, so maybe he’s just holding a grudge.
• Habit doesn’t seem to be very tactful. He manages to tick off a few of the Habiticians, most prominently Kamal, who Habit says has “sepia toned teeth”. If you ask the Habiticians in question, they’ll suggest that he’s plain rude - but considering his character, it’s more likely that he’s just unintentionally blunt.
• Habit is trusting, even before the good ending. This is mostly displayed by his tweets. He clicks an ad for free lasagna and gets a computer virus, buys a fake set of X-Ray glasses from Gerry (and wears them all day despite not being able to see!), someone stole quiches (presumably from his office) without him noticing, and in another tweet he said he ate an apple pie that tasted like rat poison! He expresses concern about the poison, but the way he wrote it suggests he ate the whole pie! He trusts people nearly to the point of naivety, despite the broken philosophy in his boss battle.
• It’s very heavily suggested that Habit is hurting for attention and interaction. In the good ending, despite knowing he’s just hurt you, he’s desperate enough to ask to be your friend (and not only surprised, but ecstatic if you say yes). In the same ending, kissing him is enough to completely snap him out of his breakdown and sober him up - right after flustering him immensely, of course. In one of his tweets, too, he accidentally admits that sometimes he wants kisses. Considering his childhood, it’s more than likely he’s really touch starved. 
• It’s really easy to make him cry. Several of the Habiticians mention him crying, and Habit even mentions crying in some of his tweets. On the other hand, he gets excited really easy, too. Basically, it seems he’s prone to feeling any emotion really strongly. 
• Habit canonically loves to draw and is good at it. In-game, he illustrates himself all over the walls of the Habitat. Usually they’re peppy, fun, somewhat childish drawings, but once you get to his office and the areas near it, you start to see some... really disturbing illustrations.
• Finally, my favorite: his hair. Aside from the obvious fact that it’s really long, in one of his tweets he’s distressed because he’s “drowning in it”. There’s no conclusions to be drawn here except that his hair’s awesome.
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retvenkos · 4 years
hi!! congrats on 2.5k!! i was wondering if i could get a ship for atla, lok and into the spider verse (if that’s okay ofc!!) ?
i’m a 5”3 bisexual girl. i’m pretty sure i’m an enfj and i’m a leo (with an aqua moon and leo rising if that helps in any way!)
i tend to love/crave attention but i tend to be very insecure once in it (and just in general). i love meeting new people, i have a slight tendency of selfishness but i will do absolutely anything for my friends. i’m not a fan of taking a backseat in many things, including life. i like to poke fun at people but am always terrified of hurting their feelings. i also value peoples perception of me a lot.
i like to read, write, hang out with friends, learn new things, sleep, spend time with friends, photography, and going to concerts. i play basketball and work out on my own time.
hopefully that’s not too much/too little. thank you in advance and i hope you have a wonderful day/night!!
I ship you with Katara!
alright, so i think that katara would be a great match for you because you are both fiercely loyal and independent in life, but you also carry a softness with you that makes you feel vulnerable and insecure.
there is a bit of turbulence in both of you that would be disastrous when paired with someone incredibly turbulent (like zuko) or someone incredibly steadfast (like toph), so you both need someone who recognizes the struggles you face and gives them merit, but is also actively working for stability and peace.
you and katara would be good together because you will both do what it takes to save each other, no matter the cost. it’s good that you both have this attitude because when the other does something terrible in the name of saving everyone, you understand and don’t judge them for it. 
you’re both natural leaders with a fair amount of altruism, so you both strive to do what is best for everyone, taking charge in many situations. you are the parents of the group - making sure everyone is alright and doing what needs to be done.
if you have trouble making decisions, katara is wonderful to lean on because she always has an idea, and she’s acted like a mother for so long she has what it takes to make the decision. oftentimes you can be caught between two decisions, but by taking to katara, you can figure out what path would be best.
both of you are extroverted and love to be in the thick of things, so i imagine the two of you are a bit of thrill seekers - i have no doubt that katara would go to concerts with you and would play basketball with you (although she’s not very good and would much rather cheer you on from the stands).
i have this idea that in a modern! au the two of you met at a party or something similar - maybe you’re a friend of zuko’s and you force him to go to a party he was invited to, and you meet katara and the two of you immediately hit it off and hang out for the rest of the night.
or, both of you are photographers and in a high school! au you’re in a photography club together, and the two of you are tasked with getting pictures of some school event or another, and she drives you there, and afterwards you stop to get fast food and end up talking late into the night.
either way, the two of you are a force to be reckoned with, when you team up. you’re both supportive of each other and determined and reliable.
you are a little more tolerant than katara, so you are definitely one to talk her down, esp. when she’s holding a grudge against someone, and she trusts your judgement. you may not always get her to back down completely, but you do get her to back down just a little.
I ship you with Asami Sato!
alright, so here is a power couple if i have ever seen one
you and asami are wicked smart with the outward confidence to change the world (while still being vulnerable to your own insecurities) and hearts big enough to want to save everyone.
both of you love learning and coming up with new ideas, so when you are together, your creativity just flows and you come up with cool, new ideas together.
you guys also have a tough side to you - neither of you will turn down a challenge, and your dedication to your friends is unparalleled. 
i see you guys as being the cool aunts - you are the voice of reason in your friend group, sure, but you also let them run wild with weird plans and interfere after the worst of the damage has been done. and it’s always like,,, you just go along with this ridiculous plan? “yep. because if we don’t, they’ll do it without us and that would be disastrous.”
okay, but i also just love the quiet moments between you two. you play pai sho together, and even though asami wins every time, you insist that at some point, you are going to win and continue to play anyway. 
i also think that asami gets pretty competitive? she loves winning, and even though she always asks you if you’re sure, she’s secretly very glad when you insist on playing (and losing).
and she’s also so supportive? she would love to read your writing or hang up your photography. she’s a proud girlfriend™ and will not hesitate to tell you how great you are. 
you, in turn, are constantly talking about how cool your girlfriend is - because have you met asami? she’s talented. she’s kind. she’s tough. she will kick you in the face, and then you’ll thank her for it.
oh, and 100%, asami will make sure that both of you find the time to sleep. both of you love having lazy weekend mornings where you stay in bed until noon, waking up when the sun filters through the windows but staying in bed, talking tiredly and laughing at each others jokes, intertwining your hands and playing footsie under the covers. you drift back off to sleep in asami’s arms, and when you finally wake up and decide to start the day, the two of you go to get brunch and then go for a drive.
and going for a  d r i v e  with asami is peak sweetness. you drive slowly through the city, hand in hand, and when you make it to the more deserted roads, asami goes fast. and spirits, you swear that she is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen when her hair is blowing in the wind and she has that determined but thrilled smile on her face.
Into The Spider-Verse:
I ship you with Miles Morales!
first of all, both of you have big hearts and believe that you can make a difference. you also carry that same bit of doubt and insecurity, so whenever you hype the other you’re not out of touch - you just truly believe the world of each other, so you are sincere in your belief that the other is capable of anything
you guys are also artistic, and that’s a source of bonding for sure. you both find things visually beautiful and you both have a way with words, so you two often hang out and just create together. you write while he draws, and then, on the weekends, you take photos while he puts sticker around town, or when he’s doing graffiti.
you’re also wicked smart - both of you. i imagine that the two of you love to team up on projects together because you work really well together, while still having fun. miles plays music for you while you’re working on the project, and the two of you debate over what artists are better.
miles probably introduces you to a lot of music, and the two of you plan to go to concerts together, if you ever save up enough money. 
but if you are a superhero too, you definitely just put on your masks and sneak into venues and listen from the shadows. 100%, someone has caught the two of you, and so now concerts will save a spot for their friendly neighborhood heroes - they mark it off with tape and everything.
i feel like you and miles will spend a lot of time just.... chilling. hanging out, talking about whatever comes to mind. you’re lives are often going so fast - with him being spider-man and everything, so it’s good when the two of you can just hang out, sprawled out on the floor while playing video games. you bring the snacks and miles provides the entertainment, and the two of you can just be kids.
you can both be idealistic and selfless when it comes to the people you love, and while that can sometimes be a dangerous combo to have, you are both constantly saving the other after they do something recklessly noble, so you keep each other in check.
you also lean on each other a great deal. you both trust each other’s judgement more than anything, and so you often have open dialogue about the choices you have to make, and what the best course of action would be.
also, something i think is cute is that both of you like to tease, but you worry about taking it too far. so both of you will say something and be like, “but i didn’t mean it— are you alright? because it was just a joke— a pretty stupid joke, actually, i don’t know why i thought it would be funny—” and the other is like. “i promise it’s alright. yes, you’re fine i swear. i’m all good, i guarantee.” 
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spnfanficpond · 4 years
May 2020 Angel Fish Awards
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(New Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words.
The monthly Angel Fish Awards are peer-nominated, meaning ANYONE IN THE POND CAN NOMINATE ANY POND MEMBER’S FIC. While the Pond was founded to support the Guppies, everyone in this community deserves to be showered with love and feedback, and we hope that by opening this up as a Pond wide system, we’ll be able to share the love as far as it can go.
NOTE: WE’VE BEEN HAVING OCCASIONAL PROBLEMS WITH ASKS GOING MISSING. Please use the Submit button when submitting your nominations and make sure you’re signed into Tumblr or your URL won’t show. (If the form asks for your name and email address, then you’re not signed in.) If you like, you can also send a message to Michelle @mrswhozeewhatsis or Mana @manawhaat to check and make sure we got your submission.
Be sure to read through this whole post as people who were nominated more than once only had one tag activated for tumblr tagging purposes!
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Nominated by @focusonspn
A Night on the Town (oneshot) by @supernatural-jackles
I completely love this fic!! Jensen is a total sweetheart, it’s really easy to read and all those words felt like only five minutes. This is everything a Jensen!girl could’ve asked for!!
Hunger (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
HOLY. MOTHER. OF. HOTNESS. It was a fucking pleasure for my eyes to read every single word of this fic!! hot as hell, dark, Demon!Dean and in character as always.
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis 
Handkerchief (oneshot) by @babypieandwhiskey
I don’t usually read RPF, but this is an AU, so I dove in. Mechanic!Jensen with a magical supply of handkerchiefs, ready and willing to clean up whatever mess I find myself in? SOLD. Sweet, appeals to my love of Jensen’s back-pocket bandannas, and it activates my competence kink! Excuse me while I go wibble in the corner.
Nominated by @supernatural-jackles
Still The One (oneshot) by @luci-in-trenchcoats
I have a lot of respect for the way Michelle writes such difficult topics. She approaches them with such grace and accuracy, that makes it all the more realistic. This series is no exception. I deeply enjoy this series and the way things are playing out between Dean and the reader. It’s an extremely heartbreaking story that most of us don’t really think about until it’s put into this kind of perspective. This one is still ongoing, and I’m extremely excited to see how she handles the rest of the story. I highly recommend checking this one out. Just heed the warnings beforehand.
Nominated by @peridottea91
Healthy Competition (Series) by @kittenofdoomage
This! Omg this series! I love it so much!! It’s slower moving but keeps you itching for the next chapter and is oh so relatable. What woman hasn’t had body image issues? And what plus sized woman hasn’t had to deal with rude jerks and bullying? This fic is actually super realistic and hits all those relatable issues. Can’t wait to read the rest!!
Dangerous Signs (Series) by @kittenofdoomage
Ok, let me start by saying that I am a sucker for a good “character transported to alt. universe/world” fic. That said, I got soooooooooo addicted to this fic! It was so well written and you could just feel the reader’s hesitation and torn emotions. Should she stay? Should go? Ugh! Fantastic!! Also, kudos for the Norse mythology!! *chef’s kiss*
Nominated by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters
Cotton Candy (oneshot) by @ellewritesfix05
“It was always nice knowing [...] you could always find ways to bring light into Dean’s life.”
And he damn well deserves it! This was so sweet. No one can resist that “I didn’t do it” smile of his ;)
The Oath (Series) by @thecleverdame 
This series is definitely dark, but it’s so so good. If you’re okay with reading about the heavy subjects covered in these chapters, you won’t regret giving this series a try. I can’t seem to stop diving into all of this author’s content. She’s just too good.
Choices (CYOE) by @talesmaniac89 
I’ve been excited about this impressive project since I first saw the announcement post. Though I’m ashamed to say I haven’t gotten into reading the full thing yet, I plan on making time for reading ALL the different endings. I’m excited to see the different ways in which the story plays out, depending on the brothers’ personalities. For now, I’m recommending this first chapter, the starting point, which was already a beauty of its own. If you haven’t started yet yourself, prepare to be amazed.
Not Safe (Oneshot) by @torn-and-frayed
I love this. Spicy but sweet… Is that a cringy enough way for me to try and put my thoughts into words? I also just really miss Bobby, man.
nominated by @impala-dreamer
Safe Here (series) by @because-imma-lady-assface
This is one of the greatest Dean series. Ashley writes Dean amazingly well, too well sometimes, and this series gives him exactly what he needs; a place to feel safe and find comfort. I love this one so much!
Losing You (series) by @idreamofhazel
This is a superbly done Sam series that has stuck with me for a long time. I literally can’t go into Bed, Bath & Beyond without thinking about the ending <3
nominated by @kittenofdoomage
Blind Luck (oneshot) by @crispychrissy
A great Sam x reader that hits the holy trifecta of smut, fluff, and angst.
 Blood And Water (series) by @crashdevlin
Pretty sure I’ve recc’d this before but it’s such a good series, so twisted and angsty, my dark little heart loves it. Heed the warnings!
Just Sam (oneshot) by @dontshootmespence
This might not be everyone’s cup of tea but for me, it’s perfection, because I am a kinky bitch and any other kinky bitches out there would definitely enjoy this XD
nominated by @deanwanddamons
Private Party With A Rockstar (oneshot) by @mummybear
@mummybear Has been working her butt off this month for her RolePlay May. She wrote this story for me and put me in it (my name is Sian). Rockstar!Jensen is one of my weakness’s, and she knows that, and clearly knows me very well too, as included everything I like 😉
She’s Not You by @winchest09
@winchest09 is one of my fave authors. This is a super cute, super fluffy fic which really cheered me up.
Dangerous Signs (Series) by @kittenofdoomage
I LOVED this series. it was so good and lots of fun with some very sexy going’s on. Rhi’s work is just fantastic 💕
Wedding Bells (oneshot) by @katehuntington
This one shot is super cute and fluffy! I love her writing so much and this is not exception 💕 
Not Much Left (oneshot) by @impala-dreamer
Demon!Dean is another of my weakness’s and fic really hit the spot 🥵🔥
Dear Dean (series) by @smol-and-grumpy
This series made me laugh, made me cry, made me horny and made me gasp. One of the best series I have read 💕
nominated by @emilyshurley
Jensen’s Self Care Routine (oneshot) - @luci-in-trenchcoats
It is just adorable. People taking care of themselves for their loved ones. You can’t get more fluffy.
The Proposal (series) - @katymacsupernatural (Ongoing)
If you love fake dating fics, you’ll definitely love this one. Really like the character of “the reader”.
Private Party with a Rockstar (oneshot) - @mummybear
This one is both hot and adorable at the same time
You shook me (oneshot) @myinconnelly1
It’s Myin writing Demon!Dean what more do you want? No seriously that’s the perfect combination
Dancing the Spiral (oneshot) by @myinconnelly1
One of the only times I genuinely felt like a fic was creepy in a good way. And the passing of the whole thing is great. Am I little biased because its Myin, yes but that doesn’t make the fic any less good. sure it’s on the longer side but definitely worth it.
The only exception (series) - @ne-gans and @negans-lucille-tblr
I have only read the first part so far but I had to mention it. It is a serial killer AU so read the trigger warnings just in case.
Make it Big (series)- @negans-lucille-tblr
Again I’m still catching up It’s one of those fics I thought I won’t like reading but was really glad that I started.
Cast no Shadow (series) @kittenofdoomage
It’s Rhi, I can fangirl a lot about her fics. Really enjoyed (?) (that might not be the right word) the whole fitting a new relationship in existing ones. Felt to real in a weird way. It might seem like I don’t like the fic because of how I’m wording this but that’s really not the case.
Nominated by @deanwinchesterswitch
Sunshine (oneshot) by @talesmaniac89
If you like angst, this is the fic for you. It is utterly captivating and heart wrenching. It’s a cut your heart out with a dull centuries-old wooden spoon style hurt. The use of the song lines in this fic is well thought out and poetic. Make sure to have a box of tissues handy. If you don’t at least tear up while reading this, then you don’t have a heart to cut out, and your soul is already in hell.
Choices (CYOE) by @talesmaniac89
A clever interactive series where you get to choose your favorite Winchester, and the ending of the story. This is so detailed and intriguing. I loved the story I ended up with the first time, and excitedly went back in to pick the other options. Each story was unique and well written. 
Babe I’m Gonna Leave You (oneshot) by @waywardbaby
This one shot is an absolutely stunning piece of smut. The lack of dialogue makes it that much better. All you’re left with is the option to feel the detailed emotions—sexual tension to the max.
No Words (oneshot) by @because-imma-lady-assface​
Beautiful, detailed, and heartbreaking. Dean’s pain and need for comfort are palpable, and I cried while reading it. I can’t find the proper words to describe how this fic made me feel, but man did it ever make me feel.
Sky Full of Stars (oneshot) by @smol-and-grumpy​​
This is the sequel to Something Just Like This and is just as exciting as the first series. A roller coaster of suspense. The characters continue on their journey of love, dealing with the good and bad that comes with every relationship—the perfect combination of angst and fluff with a healthy dose of smut.
Something Just Like This (oneshot) by @smol-and-grumpy
A perfect combination of big badass Dean and soft, fluffy Dean, along with all the incredible smut your little heart could desire. I usually don’t like to read a series until it is complete, because I am impatient and don’t want to wait for the next chapter to post. However, this story was intriguing and sexy, and I couldn’t keep from reading each chapter as soon as it posted and then eagerly anticipating the next.
Nominated by anon
Request 42 (oneshot) by @thegirlwhorunswithwinchesters
This was super-duper cute!! I love frustrated soon to be parents especially when one of those parents is Dean! Great work, well worth the read!
Just A Daydream (onesho) by @maddiepants
This fic is refreshing with its canon-ness! I love Sam's little dream, and you get so wrapped up in it, you forget. Absolutely masterful and HOT AS HELL! Also, Tall People, WTF? 
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Thank you all for the awesome work and great feedback!
These are not actual awards! This system is set up so everyone in the pond has a chance to share the love and promote a fic/author that has grabbed your attention. The more people that participate, and the more everyone remembers to submit their own fics after posting, the better this will be :D
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stimmypaw · 3 years
Stimmypaw reads Darkest Night! The fourth text post!
Back with these uh live reading comments! Remember those? yeah! I'm on the fourth book of Warrior Cats: A Vision of Shadows :D I read The Apprentice's Quest and Thunder and Shadow and Shattered Sky and now!! I'm here :D and boy did I have a time. Click read more to see it!
These guys are weak and dumb skyclan is epic and sharing the territory with them is good, but of course sparkpelt isn't dealing well with change wink wink nudge wink nudge nudge huh???? (this is a nod to how I project into her and say shes autistic)
I am getting anxious for tinycloud SERIOUSLY how much longer until those kits??? Everyday you show up and its WOW my tummy ssure is HUGE AND BULGING I just Wonder Oh When They'll Be Born, probably pretty soon!!! :) and then they arent!!!! Birth dammit!!!
Cherryfall cut the sick and hurt cats some slack jeez youre Fine, youre not feeding half the forest and you have THREE medicine cats ready to help you if youre not feeling well
Bastard Cherryfall I hate you /lh
Dovewing and Tigerheart have relationship drama again. What is UP with those two I simply do not understand them
Watching Bramblestar trying to control this bizarre situation is actually funny he is so close to screaming "PLEASE dont be mad :c"
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Get her, Alderheart
They LITERALLY said something about sharing the territory, they were like "Stars have five points baby and we need those 5 clans togetherrrr" what else do these cats want??? I know its a big change but its necessary
Wait everyone shut up that cat is named Podlight this is so important to me
Dang these cats are really still struggling :c I wish they didnt blame each other
Harestar is so cool
What the FUCK mistystar????
God what a disaster of a gathering Starclan is gonna be so pissed everyone is doing the opposite of what they should
I was holding my breath oof
I hope thunderclan gives some territory too thats too small a space for Skyclan
Oh boy oh boy oh boy i am Anxious for these Kitties
Violetpaw is me having nightmares every night
Macgyver is a heavily gringue name and I have No Clue how to say it how the hell do you say it
Update its either Mick Guyver or Mac Guyver apparently
Its fun to see how different the sisters are from one another, I love them both
I also love their mom with the name identical to puddleshine wish I got to meet her
Sadly Twigpaw is for gender binarism 😔 /j
Twigpaw is often in her thoughts and doesn't pay attention to anything around her and I love her for that
Bad news Finpaw is gonna lose his tail, good news I can draw his tail fin-shaped
Puddleshine surgeon moment!!!
I love Graystripe and Millie
And I love that being flirty is a part of Sparkpelt's personality, I don't know what Alderheart is talking about she's always been dandelion-headed
Ok this is epic, I’m glad we’re breaking gender roles in Warrior Cats my heart dropped when the books called Briarlight cr*ppled, that’s the thing they promised not to do anymore recently right? I’m not sure but, I could use some uh less ableism on my Warrior Cats, the series is old but the newer books should be better, so yeah, good modernize these cats babyyy
OH COOL Skyclan journey!!! Fun I hope they find someone :] also fuck Molewhisker and Cherryfall bastards.
Jayfeather is gonna miss Alderheart too much for him to leave hehehe
ALL of Starclan showed up just to call out Riverclan pahahah
oooo is shadowclan haunted?????
I wonder why Twigpaw wants to stay behind, there has to be more than just the camp stuff
"I wish I were more positive like Twigpaw, but at least I'm just as scarred by the death of my loved ones as my dad :] I like being like him"
Violetpaw witnesses a car crash 😔 that was a bit messy what happened to those cars also why the hell was one of them smaller was it a bike??? Or ???? Idk what's up with it!!!
Needletail just happens to have slow-down turned on for her on the discord chat so she can only say like a few words each hour :/ why the hell is she here tho Violetpaw needs to get OVER your death!!!!
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This short exchange has made me love Dewpaw
Also, I love Twigpaw, I still wonder why she stayed behind tho
Ahh, is it cus she feels too estranged from her family :c ? I wish her mom was around maybe that would help
Jee Twigpaw be a tad more empathic, I can see Twigpaw struggles with that sometimes
You can't cheer him up right now he's grieving, just find him on common ground, talk to him, don't try to make him happy just try to keep him company
Oh wow finpaw that's a dangerous thing to say I hope Twigpaw doesn't crumble under the pressure to never be sad because people like her because she's happy and her being sad would be bad
Okay I'm glad they're getting along this is nice
Oh look twigpaw you Are like your father :] this is cute
Skyclan begins to fish competitively I'm glad
I like it when medicine cats bicker about their leader's behaviors ehheheh, Jayfeather talking about how weak Shadowclan is, Alderheart being annoyed at his father for wanting to stay silent, the others worried about the tensions this is all cheff the kisser
Jayfeather spitting the truths about how Starclan doesn't know shit, and he is very much one to speak
Puddleshine: Rowanstar stepped up the patrols :c
Leadstar: He has warriors enough for that?? Damn good for him
Dang poor Skyclan I hope they manage stuff better soon
Oooo the girls are fighting!!!
Alderheart starclan anxiety time dang
Sheep :]
Needletail :[
I'm sad Ravenpaw isn't here, this is a lovely reunion scene but knowing Barley will be alone when they all leave breaks my heart
Oh, maybe not, but if they stay I'll be sad also cus Skyclan needs its warriors
Aw man, Twigpaw is struggling :c
Omg crimes
That sounds kinda possessive twigpaw!
omg tigerstar 2 real
Whats he gonna do to rowanstar???
Aw, I'm glad they're having fun tho, and that twigpaw sees herself as skyclan
Alderheart, as he meets someone for the first time in a while: ARE YOU OKAY???
Blackstar protagonist moment
The medicine cats: our gods are toying with us again and destiny is uncertain
Leaders: I cannot DO this right now PLEASE leave and let me care for The Real Issues
Alderheart: YOU WILL hang out at my house Willowshine this isn't up for debate
Riverclan suffered enough and it's their turn to throw a tantrum about it, honestly good for them hsghahah
Alderheart asks his father to go on a quest to check people's feet
Alderheart and Willowpelt sitting there watching Shadowclan fight
This is really funny
Puddleshine, in his eyes: help help
I love Skyclan
Ok this sounds like it's gonna be very very fun
Mission impossible: Escape From São Paulo
Oh, is Fallowfern deaf? That's so poggers omg I wanna see more of her
Edit: fallowfern is an elder that lost her hearing with age and retired after that happened :/ boring
I love leafstar so much
Juniperclaw: aren't you gonna punish her????
Leafstar: why
Juniperclaw: when I tell rowanstar he's gonna be pissed
Leafstar: don't tell him
Juniperclaw: the fuck is wrong with you and your clan??? Where is everyone???????
Leafstar: busy
I don't trust abled people specially able-bodied people telling disabled people they just have to train harder and feeling sorry for yourself won't help.
But this is the closest to a positive message to disabled people we have ever had in warriors so I guess I'll take it but I want better
Dang ivypool what a way to show someone you miss them hahaha
Twigpaw: uhhhh how's dovewing?
Ivypool: what do you mean did she do something illegal I'm sure she did
Ivypool is a seriously funny character WHY are you yelling at the young adult about your sisters illegal activities she doesn't know anything about it!!!!
Alderheart goes on an adventure
Feet inspector on the road!!!!
Jasper is so funny I love him
Omg what's he got against clan cats??? What's his sad backstory????
YEESSSS SPARKPELT MY LOVE 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕💕💕💕💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💕💕💕
Sparkpelt your opinion sucks but I love you
I'm really really glad they had this moment this is really sweet, they hadn't talked for a while but this is genuine like, we hadn't had this sort of relationship in so long in the books with just, dialogue yknow??? THEYRE TALKING ABOUT THINGS
And the pause Sparkpelt takes between her speaking to fix what she's saying "I'm sorry for saving you :c no wait uhh not exactly but like" this is so good so natural so fun I love you sparkpelt
I get why she has a diferent opinion on Skyclan it's good for someone close to Alderheart to have a different mindset from him and for him to have someone like uh be opposites from him a lil yknow contrats his characteristics makes both siblings fun round and full of kitty do you get what I'm saying???
I love this
I love Sparkpelt, love her lil anxious moments, love her, love that she just wants to fool around with toms and enjoys Larksong but doesn't want to get serious you go girl
They wanted to write smart-ass they wanted to write smart-ass so bad
They're doing this in the rain?????
I'm quite certain Violetpaw is a young adult by this point its valid for her to go
Wh why did you let your cat out in the rain dude!!! When it comes back it's gonna dirty up the whole place it's wet out there!!!! And the cold is gonna get in the house!!!!!!!
Oh this is so epic
That moment when your cat nearly dies and then it runs off and you go after it and then a bunch of other cats show up and start running with it
I hope Twigpaw can see the others soon
Glad to see her keeping her medicine cat knowledge ehehehe
Sandynose I hate you you are so abled
Sandynose: I don't want my son to feel distanced from his peers so I'm distancing him from his peers
Angry sad upset why
Thanks graystripe
Ok who's dying this time
Ok no one just a background cat got hurt he will survive otherwise it would be relevant
This was intense though what will happen now???
Oh this is lovely so good they're here!!! The rest of skyclan has arrived and we are all happy together
That dream felt good
Where were you at!!!!
Check this man's feet how many toes are there this could be good
Hegshahwha what the fuck is up with this guy
Okay I like him
Ohhh THATS tree
Change your name if you don't like it you sound trans already
Yeah nothing makes one smarter like dying
This is very fun I'm excited for more of whatever happening
Twigpaw :c
Oh no
Hhhhnn I want Twigpaw to be happy so bad, I hate seeing her struggles
Sandynose you are so evil and very detested by me
You can and you SHOULD feel angry at Sandynose he SUCKS and he is being needlessly mean at you!!!!! There are much better ways to bring up the possibility that maybe you'd be happier with thunderclan!!! Fuck off Sandynose
Oh so Snowbush hasn't improved, maybe he will die?
Poor Alderheart
Oh fuck there he goes
Aw man, rip to the background cat
That was a heavy death too
Aw, I was hoping the rest of Skyclan would show up before the gathering, maybe just after it???
I wonder what's going on in Shadowclan
The couple was kidnapped
Oh my lord oh fuck
Can't anyone step up to lead why do they depend on Tigerheart so much???
Jesus christ
Alderheart kills his gods
This is so chaotic and funny I'm worried as hell for shadowclan but excited a lot is happening
Tawnypelt >:(
Oh dear
Twigpaw :c
TWIGPAW :CCCC Man rememebr when I said I hope Twigpaw doesn't crumble under the pressure of being happy for others? yeah
I'm so heartbroken for them
Uh pdhsgahab okay then
Bye finpaw
Wow that was easy for him
This is fun
I'm still sad as hell
Okay there's a lot going on right now wow
The owl scene was funny as hell to picture, this dramatic prophetic moment and the cats just "uuggh is that a prophecy??? Nooo"
Okay so
There's some shadowclan cats missing, considering the many sleekwhisker maps I'm sure she's up to no good but I have no clue what happened to the others and I hope they're okay
Wow! That was really something
Fantastic ending to a very good book its, definitely a different energy from the third but I'm really enjoying this I'm still excited as hell!!! I got worried things would get kinda bad from here but nope!!!! Very fun stuff for now this is very very good and I am enjoying it
This is definitely one of the most fun arcs I've read so far!!! The drama the stakes the little moments everything is tying together really well into a very fun story I'm enjoying a lot!
I worry for Twigpaw and hope for her happiness, and Violetshine too, hope her and Hawkwing deal well with missing her. Tree is being interesting. Alderheart wasn't much of a focus here but always fun to see him trying to solve the damn prophecy no leaders seem to care about. Mousewhisker was okay??? Lots of very fantastic turns for all events and uh let's see where this all goes next!!!
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auroraknux · 4 years
I wrote something new for my Brotherswap AU. This time, it’s some Mario x Peach fluff! I’m not used to writing any of these characters at all, so I apologize if I messed up their personalities or dialogue.
I tried to convey that Mario and Luigi are still themselves, despite some changes to their personalities caused by their different circumstances in this universe. I don’t know how well that got across. (Just in case the story didn’t make it clear enough: Mario only acts shy around Peach, which of course is because of his crush on her.)
Oh, and for anyone who isn’t familiar with this AU: basically, Mario and Luigi’s roles are switched. Luigi is the hero, and Mario is the one who doesn’t get much attention.
EDIT: Oh yeah, I wanted this to take place during a party but I wasn’t sure what to have the party be for (I didn’t want it to be another “rescued from Bowser” party), so I randomly went with “the summer solstice”.
Story is under the cut. Hope you enjoy it!
It was the night of the summer solstice. Every year, the Mushroom Kingdom held a festival for this occasion at Peach's castle.
The castle was crowded that night. It seemed as if the entire kingdom had come to celebrate. There were so many people there that some of them had to stand outside. Fortunately, the castle staff was prepared for this, and had food and activities available both indoors and outdoors.
Peach scanned the crowd, looking for one specific person. She was a little worried that he wouldn't be here, given his anxiety around large crowds. However, he had promised that he would come, and he wasn't one to go back on his word. Finally, Peach spotted a man in green.
"Luigi!" she shouted with a wave.
Luigi looked up, and smiled when he saw her. "Hey, Princess!"
Peach went over to him and gave him a hug. "It's good to see you, especially when I'm not being kidnapped."
Luigi hugged her back. "Yeah, it's nice to have a break for once."
They let go of each other, but kept smiling.
"How have you been?" Peach asked.
"I've been doing okay. I've been very busy, though. There was a huge pipe problem in Toad Town that everyone was expecting me to fix. Good thing Mario was there to help!"
"Where is Mario, anyway?" Peach asked. "Did he stay home again? He's been doing that so much lately."
Luigi grinned triumphantly. "Nope! I got him to come with me this time."
Peach's heart fluttered. "Really? Where is he?"
"Probably eating all of the cake," Luigi said with a chuckle. "We should go find him before there's none left."
Sure enough, Mario was stuffing his face with cake.
"Come on!" a toad groaned. "Leave some for the rest of us, uh...Marvin, was it?"
"It's Mario," Luigi corrected.
Mario turned around. "Hey, Bro!"
His demeanor turned shy when he saw who was with Luigi. "Oh, and...P-Princess."
Peach smiled. "Hello, Mario! It's good to see you. I'm really glad you came."
Mario fidgeted with his gloves. "It's good to see you too."
An awkward silence followed.
Peach coughed. "Luigi, would you mind taking care of that...thing we talked about?"
Luigi looked confused. "What thing, Princess?"
"You know…" Peach glanced back and forth between Luigi and Mario.
"Oh." Luigi realized what Peach was trying to do. "Right, right! I'll go, uh...do the thing."
He gave her a quick wink before running off (most likely planning to hide from the crowd in the bathroom again).
"What was that about?" Mario asked.
"Oh, nothing." Peach made a beckoning motion. "Mario, will you please come with me? I want to talk to you."
"Me?" Mario winced at how his voice cracked when he said that. He cleared his throat. "S-sure, Princess."
He finished the last bit of his cake, then practically jumped over to Peach.
"Okie dokie! Lead the way, Your Majesty!"
Peach smiled. "This way, please."
Peach led Mario through the castle. They soon came to a flight of stairs.
"I've never been to this part of the castle before," Mario said curiously.
"I don't bring many people here."
Peach glanced around to make sure no one was watching, then grinned mischievously. She leaned down towards Mario's ear.
"I'll race you to the top," she whispered.
Mario grinned back. "You're on, Princess!"
The two stood at the very bottom of the stairs.
"Ready…" Peach said. "Go!"
The two began to run up the stairs. Well, Peach ran. Mario's method was to use his signature jump, which allowed him to climb multiple stairs at a time. He may not have been able to jump as high as Luigi, but it was still rather impressive.
Mario reached the top first.
"Yahoo!" he cheered, doing a victory pose.
Peach giggled. "Oh, darn! You win, Mario."
When she got to the top, she motioned for Mario to follow her again. They soon came to a set of double doors. Peach opened the doors, and the two stepped out onto a balcony. They were greeted with a cool breeze, a strong contrast to the blistering heat they had endured during the day.
"This part of the castle gives me the best view of the stars," said Peach.
Mario looked up at the sky, eyes filled with wonder. "Mama Mia…"
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Peach asked softly.
Mario nodded. Then he looked back at her. "Oh, yeah, didn't you want to talk to me about something?"
Peach nodded. She was a little nervous, but she couldn't put this off any longer. She took a deep breath before she began.
"Mario...I'm sure you've heard those rumors about Luigi and me."
"Oh. Yeah, I have." Mario averted his gaze, his expression neutral. "Luigi, uh...he said none of that was true."
Peach nodded. "People like to speculate about us being a couple, but we're just friends. Luigi is a great guy, but he's not really my type."
"Really?" Mario's eyes shifted nervously. "So, uh...what is your type? I-if you don't mind me asking, I mean."
Peach smiled. "Well...there is a guy that I like. He's a little shorter. He's outgoing and energetic, and loves a challenge. He's very kind and selfless, and is always willing to help those in need. He's very supportive of his brother. He absolutely loves cake. And, he has the most adorable smile."
"Wow," Mario replied. "Sounds like a great guy. Does he know you like him?"
Peach blinked. Is he teasing me, or is he really that oblivious?
"I’m not sure if he knows."
"Well, you should tell him! I'm sure he would like you back."
"Oh?" Peach playfully raised an eyebrow. "Why do you think that?"
"Well…" Mario looked down at his hands. "You're very kind and compassionate, always looking out for your people. You have a pretty voice, and a cute laugh. You're really fun to go kart racing with, or play party games with, or do anything with. A-and, you're really beautiful too. You're a wonderful person, and anyone would be lucky to be loved by you."
Mario was blushing, and Peach was pretty sure she was too.
Wow...he really feels that way about me?
"S-sorry, was that weird?" Mario asked.
"Not at all. I think that's really sweet of you to say." Peach walked closer to Mario. "So...you think I should tell him?"
Mario nodded.
"Hmmm, maybe I'll do it now," Peach continued. "He's here at the party right now, so this is a good chance."
"He is? You should go find him, then!"
Oh dear, Peach thought. He really is that oblivious.
"I don't have to."
"Huh?" Mario looked confused. "What do you mean?"
Peach gently took Mario's hand in her own. "Because he's right here."
Mario stared blankly at their intertwining hands for a minute, as if trying to comprehend the words he had just heard. Then his eyes went wide.
"...Oh. Oh."
Peach giggled. "I like you, Mario. I like your laugh, your smile, your voice, your energy, your loyalty to your brother, everything. I think you're a great person, and that you deserve more appreciation than you get."
"You...you really think so?" Mario asked softly.
He's not used to being complimented by people other than his brother, is he? Peach realized with a pang of sadness.
She knelt down beside Mario. Gently, she removed his hat. She was amused at his confused look.
"Yes, Mario. I mean every word.”
And with that, she planted a kiss on his nose.
Mario's face turned almost as red as his hat, eyes wide in surprise. Peach giggled. Once the shock wore off for Mario, a bashful smile formed on his face.
"Th-thank you, Princess. That means a lot, coming from you."
Peach ruffled Mario's hair with her free hand. "There's no need to be so formal when it's just us. You can call me Peach."
"Okay, Pr--uh, Peach."
Peach stood back up, still holding Mario's hat.
"Can I have that back now?" Mario asked.
"Hmmm, I dunno…" Peach said with a teasing smirk.
She took off her crown and put the hat on her head. "How do I look?"
Mario giggled. "Not bad!"
Gosh, he's so cute, Peach thought.
"Here." She placed her crown on Mario's head. "Now you can be the princess!"
Mario grinned. "For my first act as princess, I declare that everyday shall be National Pizza Day!"
Peach bowed. "It shall be done, your majesty!"
They both laughed.
They both turned towards the sound of the voice. Toadsworth was standing in the doorway, tapping his foot.
"Princess, the guests are getting restless. They keep asking where you are. Please come back downstairs as soon as possible, before they begin to fear that you've been captured again."
"I’ll be right there, Toadsworth." Peach turned to Mario. "Well, this was fun while it lasted. We'll have to pick a less busy night to go on a date."
Mario nodded. "I'd like that."
After swapping hats again, the two followed Toadsworth back downstairs. The old toad's suspicious glances in Mario's direction didn't go unnoticed by either of them.
When they returned to the party, they quickly spotted Luigi at the snack table. He waved at them. Peach gave him a wink. He beamed in return.
"Will you excuse me for a moment?" Mario asked Peach.
Peach nodded. "Of course."
As Peach went to see her other guests, Mario went over to Luigi.
"I saw that." Mario crossed his arms. "You two planned this, didn't you?"
Luigi smiled sheepishly. "Heh, looks like you caught me, Bro. After you told me you liked her, I talked to her and found out that she liked you too. So I encouraged her to confess to you, and I suggested she do it during the festival."
"So you didn't just drag me out here because you thought I needed to get out more. You wanted to set me up with Pe--the princess."
Luigi nodded, looking rather proud of himself.
Mario smiled softly. "Thanks, Weeg."
Luigi hugged him lightly. "Anything for my Big Bro!"
He let Mario go. "Now go find your girlfriend. I'm sure you want to spend some time with her."
Mario's heart skipped a beat at the word "girlfriend".
I guess she really is my girlfriend now, isn't she?
He waved as he walked away. "Catch you later, Weeg. And make sure there's some cake left later!"
"As if you haven't had enough already," he heard Luigi mumble.
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artgurusauce · 5 years
So, how was Pokemon Shield?
Before I start, this is going to cover the main game, not post-game. Sorry, no talk about Dickhead Swordward and Shieldbert. Also, if it wasn’t obvious already, massive spoilers ahead. 
I’m not going to ramble for hours about this, because to be honest, my thoughts about this are much briefer than they are for gen 7/Alola. Not to say there’s not much going on in this game, just that if you were expecting a super professional and profound review of the game from me, you may or may not be disappointed.
I will do my best to be articulate, though.
I’ll start with the rivals, the most obvious choice the begin with being: Hop.
Hop is definitely not like Hau like so many people were desperate to make me believe pre-release. In fact, while their arcs are similar, there’s a biiig difference. That difference, to me, is their changes in character. Hau had a big ass crash, yes, but his character change was pretty damn gradual. With Hop, after Bede puts him down, well, you can pretty much tell he’s not the same guy right off the bat the next time you talk to him. I absolutely adore Hope and I’m glad he got as much screen time and focus as he did. His arc was fantastically written and beautifully handled all the way to the end. All I can say is, another cinnamon roll for the collection.
Then there’s...Marnie.
Now, I don’t hate her, far from it. I adore her very much as well. The problem is that it seems she doesn’t get much time to flesh out like Hop did. A problem that goes both ways between her and Bede. Of course when I got to the seventh gym and met big brother Piers I actually did like the dynamic they were going for. Buuut I really wish they had given Marnie just a little more time to herself before that. I just didn’t feel like they did enough with her and...that’s a damn shame considering how popular she was upon her first reveal. Of course, again, this isn’t to say I don’t think she’s still just the cutest little punk goth button ever.
Sigh...and now it’s time for me to talk about Bede.
Look, from what I could tell, half the fandom was nuts for him, the other half was sick to death of a generic douchebag rival that adds no flavor to the table. But I’m a little torn on this one. Like I said, him and Marnie share an awful side effect of Hop’s arc being the most prominent...they don’t get enough time or everything that happens in their arcs feels...rushed, by comparison, at least in my opinion. So the thing is, when Bede gets disowned by Chairman Rose, of course my first reaction is “You had it coming, you were being a shit.” But then Opal...takes him in? And...acts as though Oleana manipulated him? I guess I could perhaps see what they were going for here, and, I’ll admit it, I kind of adored their dynamic, albeit a short interaction between them. And I did find it rather cute at the League when he was all flustered about being trained by Opal, having to continue training because everyone was cheering for him. But the thing is...his arc is kind of...broken? Like, I want to feel bad for him, and I want to feel invested in Opal taking him in and showing him the ropes of the Fairy Gym but...it just doesn’t work like it should. Which is odd considering Bede gets considerably more time to flesh his arc than Marnie, at least, that’s how it seemed to me. I do think the general story and Hop’s own arc really just forced the writing’s hand in sweeping Bede’s arc by as fast as possible. He could’ve been an interesting diversion of expectation, but...oh well.
Speaking of gyms, how do I feel about the gym leaders?
Well, Milo is a fucking cinnamon roll, and I do think I’ve settled on shipping him with Nessa because...I mean...c’mon now. Short bean boy, toll ocean gal? Perfect for each other ♥
I don’t really...feel anything towards Kabu. His design is bland, his personality didn’t stick out to me at all, but I guess they can’t all be iconic gems when you think about it.
Then...there’s my baby boy Allister. And lawd, my dudes, if Hop ain’t my new son well then Allister sure as fuck is. I did HC that he was mute like Red before the game came out and, well, his personality and dialogue are pretty good despite not being what I was hoping. I mean, c’mon, how can you not love that adorable little face? Or that he’s so socially introverted he keeps a collection of masks to make absolute sure his face is hidden? I am going to be quoting “Crumbs, that’s aces” forever now.
Opal was an interesting woman, I definitely think there could’ve been more to her relationship with Bede but I already discussed that. My dad thought she was kinda scary and creepy but she reminds me of that old lady from Spirited Away so I ain’t bothered all that much lol. She was nice enough, I do like her humbleness and that she’s willing to admit it’s definitely time for her to call it quits. And yes, I have seen that official art of her when she was younger. She is a fucking QUEEN  ♥ ♥ ♥
Then comes Melony...hoooo boy my lesbian ass is fallin’ so hard it physically hurts me in ways you will never imagine in your life. Wicke wishes she was this thicc. In all seriousness though, I am pretty curious about that son of hers. I heard you can meet him in Sword but I’ll have to wait and see that for myself. Aside from being the newest love of my life, she’s absolutely adorable and wholesome. I know her card reveres her as strict, but, she just looks like a cinnamon roll.
Piers...oh Piers, where do I even begin? His design is fucking on point, for one thing. And his relationship with his sister Marnie is just so cute and so much fun to watch. As unfortunately left field as it was for me, I did like his arc about not being a good Gym Leader and wanting his sister to take over for him. It was sweet and kinda sad but I just love him so much. For the first Dark Type Gym Leader, not bad guys, not bad at all. Also omg Piers slay me with your metal, king plsssss
Finally, there’s Raihan and...omg he’s so great. This mother fucker not only takes selfies in the middle of a match, not only bombards you with weather effects therefore making him a fun and challenging opponent, but this dude is also beefin’ with our head champ? SIGN ME UP, FAM. For real though, like, I loved battling with Raihan the most out of anybody that I fought. I definitely haven’t felt this much fun battling a Gym Leader in years. And I will forever be torn as to whether or not I want to ship him with Leon >3>
Speaking of the chadster, I ain’t talked about ‘im yet. Or Sonia, for that matter. Honestly, they’re both pretty great. 
But Leon is the fuckin’ MVP this gen, I’ll tell you what. He’s such a bro he tells Rose his “Day of Destiny” bullshit can fuck off til our match is over. Of course, I do like his ditzy and dorky sides too. Like his snapback collection or how easily he gets lost seriously Leon it’s just a straight fucking line to your house how do you fuck that up. But he ain’t just a bro to the main character, naw, he a bro to his actual bro, Hop. And I fuckin’ love it. Their interactions are so investing and entertaining and wonderful to watch. It’s almost kind of magical, in a way. I think he is without a doubt my number one favorite Champion of all time now. 
But as for Sonia, well, I dunno...maybe I’m nitpicky or remembering things wrong but she seemed to drop her disdain for researching the legend of the “Darkest Day” like a hat at some point. Granted, I still think her character arc while it wasn’t even needed was very well done. I loved listening to her dork out about the legends, her research, all of it. It was spectacular. And ever since I first found out she was childhood friends with Leon before the game even came out, ladies and gents, these two have dun been my OTP. The only one still challenging that notion is Raihan at this point, lol.
And now...we get to Oleana and Chairman Rose.
Oleana is just...kind of a nothing character for me, personally. Even after knowing about her Garbardor and all that, sorry fam, she ain’t doin’ it for me. She was a red herring so overblown and obvious it has since been laughable that anybody thought she was gonna be this gen’s Lusamine. She is just...some really crazy lady who happens to be passionate about her job. Ok.
Rose, however, is an absolute bastard. And I love it. However, I do have a problem with this, as it sort of connects to my earlier point with Bede. His relationship with Bede is...I don’t even know if I could call it a father-son relationship. I mean, yeah, he basically adopted him, but he disowns him at the drop of a hat. Granted, what Bede did was wrong, but...really? I guess that’s just how much of a dick he is, but, there’s no closure to that. Even after finding out what a horrible, deplorable man Rose is, Bede never talks to him after he’s disowned. Maybe this was meant to be a “Well it’s better he moves on to the next chapter of his life as soon as possible” sort of thing. But his sudden taking under Opal’s wing did not accomplish that feeling with me. So it feels sort of...hollow, to me. There’s no conclusion, follow-up, it’s almost as if Bede didn’t even know who Rose was anymore after Opal scooped him up. And yeah, Bede says “Everything has gone wrong since I met you” but...here’s the problem; That’s as much as he goes into being affected by Rose. It’s not too important, I guess, but it’s something that bothered me, personally. Rose’s motivations seem...ok, I guess. It’s about what I was expecting. Seriously though, his battle theme has no business being that good.
Those are all my thoughts on the characters, at least any that were all that worth talking about. Without further ado: Allow me to introduce y’all to my babies...
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As I mentioned on Monday, my team consists of an Appletun, Centiskorch, Greedent, Hatterene, Inteleon, and an Eiscue. And I only just now realize like 5 out of 6 of them have names that start with a “C” lmao.
First up, we have my very first darling: Chastity
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There’s a few things one should know about this slick little bitch:
Big shock, she was a huuuge cry baby as a Sobble. Like, mortified of pretty much everybody. Total mama’s girl. But as a Drizzile she was just a total grump goth binch. The only one of my Pokemon in my camp she would give the time of day is her dear friend Chariot, who at the time was a Hattrem. They pretty much grew up together and they’re besties now.
But now that Chastity is fully grown, well...she’s a little...flirtatious. Oh, no, not with the boys on her team. No no no. Every camp we step onto she’s just flirtin’ like a mad woman. She even managed to seduce my dad’s Cinderace who was already a huge playboy
Still, I can’t stay mad at this cute little brat. She’s still a total mama’s girl at heart and I love her to death. Btw, her Snipe Shot is ridiculously strong, though that’s probably because she’s still holding a Mystic Water haha
Up next is our resident lady in waiting: Chariot
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I found Chariot in the Motostoke Outskirts and she has always been a picky snob even as a Hattena. She only ate small portions unless it was Whipped Cream Curry. Though nowadays I’m sure she only eats in such small portions to maintain her figure...
As I said before, she and Chastity have pretty much always been best friends. I definitely love to imagine her always hassling Chastity for her less than lady-like behavior though, haha. Chariot was weirdly sleepy as a Hattrem, though. Like...she dozed off a lot. She must’ve been getting plenty of beauty sleep for her evolution lol. 
I used to have a Toxtricity on my team named Ripper before I found an Eiscue for the League, and she seemed quite enamored with him. At least for the long period he was with us, she talked to him 50% of the time when I stopped for a little break. It was incredibly adorable, though I fear what might happen if I leave them alone at a daycare for too long...  <(⚆_⚆;)>
As a grown Hatterene, she’s rather dainty and conversative. I’m actually surprised, lately she’s starting to talk to some of her other fellow team mates lately. I suppose she’s not as stuck-up as she pretends to be, haha.
Up next we have our looonnnggg boy: Mushu
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I picked up Mushu at Kabu’s gym. He was pretty shy as a tiny Sizzlipede and often avoided talking to most of his team mates. He was pretty spooked by a lot of them, actually, particularly Ripper for reasons I never quite understood. I guess when Ripper was still a baby, Mushu didn’t understand why he cried so much and was terrified of the loud noises he made lol.
However, he grew into a long boi rather quickly and he’s pulled us through some pretty tough spots in the gym challenges so I like to spoil him with lots of play time. He’s got a Jolly nature and honestly, it shows a lot more now that he’s all grown up. He loves to play and races with his team mates pretty much all the time. Rip Caramel, your utter annihilation will not be forgotten. He’s a very sweet and almost gentle boy and I honestly feel bad for all the battering he’s had to take before because I was a little too eager to take on opponents way out of my league.
A couple of fun facts about him before we move on:
His favorite curry in the curry dex is Smoked Tail Curry, which he always eats in gigantic portions. He freaking loves camping on Route 6 or in Stow-On-Side, I guess he really loves the heat.
Up next is my precious dumpling baby: Caramel
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I first caught Caramel on Route 5, and I love love looove my baby apple pie. He’s such a chill and adorkable little dragon and I’m not one to pick favorites but...oh, who am I kidding? He’s totally my favorite.
As an Applin he was just too cute. He was a little slow and none of his team mates seemed to understand him so they tended to leave him by himself. So I ended up having to give him lots of attention so he wasn’t too lonely. And gosh was he just the cutest little baby apple. Of course, he wasn’t an Applin for very long, so there’s not much to speak of regarding his early stages.
However, once he evolved, he became a fucking tank. Caramel can take hits like a freaking champ and since I gave him Draco Meteor he’s practically an unstoppable beast. Of course, by heart, he’s a Lax boyo and enjoys the littlest things in life: Like the nice breezes in the Wild Area, or his Apple Curry, even if it’s snowing something fierce outside he’s all about it. And I just- argh he’s so fuckin’ cute!  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Up next we’ve got the chunky cheeked baby: Peter Griffin Conker
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Conker is a Gentle boy who’s been with me since the very beginning at Route 1, and it fits since objectively he’s probably the weakest Pokemon I’ve got on my team. But that’s ok, because he’s definitely scored us a couple of hard gym challenges just like Mushu has. He was definitely useful for buying some time when I needed it, that’s for sure.
He was pretty chattery as a Skwovet, even if some of his team mates weren’t all that talkative looking at you, Chastity. This probably comes as no surprise, but he’s always had a bottomless stomach. Seriously, he’s eaten large portions even as a baby Skwovet and it baffles me. Guess he’s just a really hungy boy, lol.
As a fully grown, chunky Greedent, he’s pretty slow. Like, really slow. Even when he runs it’s like a snail tracking through peanut butter and molasses. And it’s too cute to watch. I really wish I could give him belly rubs tbh, he looks like the type that’d enjoy those, haha. These days he’s best friends with my Eiscue, Cubert. They usually race each other after they have lunch.
And finally, one of my greatest MVP’s: Cubert
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Cubert joined us very late in the game on Route 10. And while unfortunately he ended up taking Ripper’s place, I knew he’d be a good addition to the team. I’ve given him Hail and Aurora Veil, which is super useful for battle prep. It’s pretty lucky I was able to find this little guy waddlin’ around up there on my way to Wyndon.
As I said before, he was pretty anti-social with everybody at first. Though I’m sure that’s because he was so new by the time we got to the League. Thankfully, Conker got him out of his shell and they’re best friends. He still seems a little shy around the others, and even myself, but I’m just glad he’s got somebody to talk to. Not much to say about him unfortunately, since he’s so reserved and tends to keep to himself, but I’m sure that’ll change eventually with time.
Now that’s everyone that’s on my current team, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention my boy Ripper at all, so, allow me to introduce an old friend who’s been livin’ in retirement for the past few days:
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I first picked up Ripper at a Nursery while I was omw over to Hulburry, I believe. So Ripper was with us for a damn long time until I picked up Cubert. Initially I had hoped he’d be a High Key Toxtricity, but I’ll take what I get. Besides, he was more than helpful with quite a lot of battles, especially Opal’s gym.
He was pretty loud as a Toxel, which should come as no surprise. Always throwing tantrums and never really seemed to eat anything bigger than a small portion of whatever curry I cooked, so he was picky just like Chariot was. All around a bastard baby, really. He didn’t really start getting onto the battle field until he evolved, in all honesty.
But once he did, hoo boy, he was killin’ the competition like a pro. I feel pretty bad I didn’t take him into the League with me, but I felt like Cubert would’ve been more useful so I swapped ‘im out. I’ve been pulling him back out of the PC box for some more training lately to help him catch up to make up for it, though. And he seems pretty happy about it, so bygones are bygones I suppose.
And it seems he’s still very much taken with Chariot. Sigh, young love, so adorable. Anyways, respects to the OG madhouse that got me through some toughies, you did good out there buddy. ;w;
Alright, well, that’s just about all I have to discuss, for now. I hope this wasn’t too droning of a post or anything. But before you head out, I’ve got a little surprise. Since this was such an interesting experience, I’m opening a new Tumblr based on my journey that will follow my Trainer OC Luna and her adventures through Galar. If you’re curious to check it out, click here. I don’t really have an upload schedule, so just keep your eye out for any posts in the future. Hope you guys enjoy it!
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yo-namine · 5 years
Okay, time to talk to myself about Re:Mind and Limit Cut Episode. 
Spoilers galore under the cut!
I'm just gonna start off by talking about how the DLC handled my biggest gripe with base KH3, which was obviously how Kairi was written in the last few hours of the game. Like I said in my other post, Re:Mind doesn't totally fix those problems, but... Well, here's what we get:
Kairi's "murder" is reframed a bit in the DLC. Base KH3 presents it as Xehanort killing her just to provoke Sora et al. into "clashing" with him to make the final key. In Re:Mind, we learn that Xehanort was actually stowing Kairi away (by "crystallizing" her, which... means she wasn't dead? But Sora still takes all the steps Chirithy gives him that are specifically for restoring a heart from death, and it works, so...?) as a fail-safe of sorts in case he needed another Light. Xemnas foreshadows this a bit when he says that Kingdom Hearts needs the Princesses of Heart in case the whole 13 Clashes of Light and Darkness thing doesn't work out. And for what it's worth, I do think this is a little better for Kairi as a character just because it shows that she was "killed" due to something unique and special about her, rather than what she was to Sora. She's still being used, and she's still sapped of her agency, but presumably no other character could have worked in that role against Xehanort, so... that's something, I suppose.
During the Xemnas/Saix/Xion fight, there's an added scene where all the Lights get to take a shot at Xemnas, and Kairi actually broke that motherfucker's guard and made him stumble when no one else could... And then she got captured, bloop, but at least this time it was because she was actually fighting and simply got bested. I can appreciate that. I liked seeing her shield Axel from Xion's attack, too.
And of course, she does get the chance to take on Xehanort later. She has a nice battle set-up (a sort of warp dash ability similar to Riku's and Roxas's, shotlock, reflect, and a GORGEOUS link attack with Sora), and it's a little cathartic to play as her taking Xehanort down. However, I don't think she ever learns that Xehanort took her as a safety measure for his plan or why she was the one chosen for this in the first place. She doesn't speak to Xehanort at all, which makes her big battle with him at the end feel rather... impersonal? And never mind him "killing" her in KH3; Xehanort's ultimately responsible for her losing her family when she was four years old, as well as the destruction of her home world. I'm not saying Kairi and Xehanort needed to have some long overwrought conversation or anything, but there definitely should've been some dialogue between them.
Kairi's actually involved in Naminé's restoration after all!!!!!!!! I remember the Ultimania's explanation of Naminé's return leaving a bad taste in my mouth because it seemed like they framed Kairi's death as ultimately a good thing, because hey, at least her murder freed Naminé from her heart. But that's not what actually happened; instead, Kairi and Sora go to Radiant Garden at the end of the game, and she lets him use the keyblade to release Naminé's heart from hers. And honestly, that scene right there? That was probably my favorite part of this entire DLC. The fact that Kairi really did play a part in restoring her Nobody is a much better payoff to her earlier lines in the game about wanting Naminé to have her own experiences. She wanted to give Naminé her life back, and rather than that being something wrenched from Kairi against her will, it was something she did for Naminé of her own volition.  I just. 😭
/tl;dr thoughts on kairi
As for everything else in Re:Mind:
I loved the background moments with Sora and Kairi in the ending cinematic. Each one is framed so that you can't see their faces, so they all feel like you're looking in on something secret. The "Behind the Curtain" trophy name is pretty fitting (and just downright cute, lol). And like I said above, I loved the scene where Kairi and Sora restore Naminé's heart. You just see him pull the keyblade away from her chest, and then she cradles Naminé's heart in her hands and fjsldfjskd. I teared up at that. It was just such a sweet and gentle little moment. Sora and Kairi taking Chirithy to Ven (and Sora even giving them a little push, lol) was really sweet, too. I loved their body language while they watched Ven run off, how you see them turn toward each other just slightly.
I also like how Sora and Kairi's relationship evolved from "Even if we're apart, our hearts are always connected" to "Heart connections are nice and all, but I'd much rather actually be with you."
Demyx and Riku interacting was something I never knew I needed. Riku's like "PLEASE be careful with that vessel, it's very important--" and Demyx is just "Bro, I got this," and hoists it over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
Sora and Roxas actually talk to each other! I liked the scene where Sora's Station of Awakening starts to peel away to reveal Roxas's, and you get little glimpses of Roxas's memories. And it turns out that Sora actually did release Roxas's heart from his, and it wasn't just Xemnas kicking Xion into his chest that did the trick, lmao. I like that change.
Xemnas mentions that the original Organization doesn't remember Xion, but they do have records of her. That's a nice little tidbit to have for my Day 4 AU. 👀
Saix says the Guardians must be desperate if they're getting a Princess of Heart involved in the war, and Axel's like "Nah, she's our trump card." Aw. I also thought it was interesting how Saix purposefully uses Axel and Roxas's names to try to trigger Xion's memory of them.
I had to watch the recusant's sigil bit like four times before I understood what the hell was happening, lmao. The sigil represents the Sea Salt Trio's actual connection to one another that they had to "reclaim" from Xemnas, which... okay, but why was that needed? The thing I always liked about this trio is that they're the only one that we see develop fully from the beginning to the end of their relationship. They were always the most believable (canon) trio to me because of that, so throwing in this whole "The sigil binds us together!" thing just seems kind of stupid and unnecessary. They're friendship is good enough as-is. You don't have to add in this nonsense to represent their bond; their relationship development itself already did that. But whatever, they still had a really cool combo attack.
Scala ad Caelum is expanded on! I really enjoyed exploring it and solving the little puzzles to put Kairi's heart back together.
There are so many cute dialogue exchanges during the Guardians vs. replicas sequence, too! Ven and Roxas compliment each other, Aqua scolds Axel for talking too much (twice, I think? Axel fusses at her the second time, lmao), Terra says something to Riku that I couldn't quite catch, and Riku's like "All thanks to you!" It's just so cute and charming, and it really made the Guardians finally feel like a team.
Mickey Mouse straight-up Boromir-ing his way through the Nort replicas was... I think I loved that? Yeah, no, I loved that. I was laughing through half of it because I kept getting knocked back, but it was a great sequence (visually and gameplay-wise).
Connecting all the keyholes was very satisfying, and was just a beautiful visual altogether.
Sora and Kairi's reunion was adorable. And then Sora sees Goatanort enter the scene, and he just looks at Kairi and is like, "You ready, B?" and Kairi's like, "FUCK yeah, I'm taking his trachea through his kneecaps!!!!!" Okay, not really, lmao. Actually, Kairi's surprised when Sora asks her that, like she didn't expect him to let her help, or maybe she felt like she wouldn't even be able to, but she says she's ready anyway. Kairi’s under-confidence in her fighting skills is a little more apparent in the DLC. Like she says "I can do this" right before the final battle, but it comes off as her trying to reassure herself. She even has a counterattack where her battle quote is "Please work!" and I don't remember hearing her say that in the base game. Girl knows how outclassed she is compared to most of the other Guardians (and Xehanort), but she fights like hell anyway. Attagirl. 🎉
And as for Limit Cut:
Aww, I love that Terra calls Riku "a great leader."
Cheers to David Gallagher for saying "Are you sure about this?" with the exact same inflection as the John Cena meme.
Riku's a master now, right? When will he get some spiffy keyblade armor???????
Okay. Riku is having dreams about looking for Sora. Sora is dead (?), and "the edges of sleep and death touch." Kairi has been asleep for the past year so that the Radiant Garden team can study her heart in effort to find Sora. Nomura? Nomura? Nomura. You cannot fuck this up, man. You can do this. You can write the Destiny Trio working together again. You can write a full story in which Kairi has an active role. You can write her and Riku interacting. You can do it. I believe in you.
The data battles are so hardddddd. I wound up just watching all the LC cutscenes on youtube, lmfao. But I do want to try to beat at least some of these bosses. Tragically, Riku is TRAPPED IN MERLIN'S HOUSE, so you can't leave to grind or anything. Boo.
I don't really care about Yozora. I think we got a confirmation from Sora that Nameless Star is Stella (?), and that's cute for her I guess, but I genuinely don't care, lmao. But I definitely understand the compulsion to include beloved characters from old cancelled projects in your newer ones, so I hope Nomura has fun with that. ...That sounded sarcastic, lol, but I meant it. I hope he gets to do something cool and creative with this recycled cast. It just might not be a story I'll end up following, is all.
Data greeting is SO much fun. I sank a couple of hours into that the other night just creating scenes and playing with effects. The controls are really easy to use, and it's even fun to just explore environments like Radiant Garden and Scala ad Caelum without messing with photos at all. I hope we can unlock more character outfits and poses in the future, but I can definitely enjoy it as is for now.
Overall, I'm pretty happy with this DLC. True, about half of Re:Mind is a rehash of the Keyblade Graveyard scenes with some extra content here and there, but it's sort of justified story-wise since we're in a timeloop. I enjoyed the extra Kairi scenes and the interactions between the Guardians the most. Limit Cut is mainly just bonus bosses, but like I said, I do want to actually beat those once I can figure out a strategy for them. And I'm obviously having way too much fun with Data Greeting, lmao, so yeah. Not a bad update.
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b-rainlet · 5 years
i really loved reading what you wrote about allison and luther so how about alluther again for the new ship q&a? :D
This is years late but I just wanted to give y’all some sweet hcs while I am battling this monster of a Luego WiP!
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa
Okay have you seen Luther? Luther tries to dance and accidentally wrecks havoc across his room (which is very relatable) while Allison is a Queen who is able to flawlessly fight in heels. 
Luther will try to be a gentleman and open the door for Allison in this one fancy restaurant he invited her to on their first serious Date - because she is a movie star, she’s probably used to expensive food and champagne and guys who can talk about politics instead of scared boys who still write poetry - but he’s so fucking nervous, he pulls the door when he should push. 
And normally that would be a little hiccup for an otherwise perfect night but not with Luther. Luther accidentally pulls the door and tears it straight out of the frame. 
“Uhhh…, sorry?”
(They don’t eat at the restaurant. He isn’t allowed to set foot there anymore. He also has to pay for a new door).
(Luther is terribly sorry he ruined the night but Allison is to busy doubling over laughing to say anything).
(They eat at home, pizza and leftover pasta from dinner. Allison drinks beer instead of champagne and laughs some more when Luther spills juice on his shirt).
(Allison also thanks him for such a nice Date before kissing him, hands on his face, so maybe it wasn’t ruined after all). 
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them
Both! Have you seen them as kids, making love eyes at each other over dinner? You can bet that both of them have a bunch of notebooks that are just full of ‘A+L’ or ‘A.H. + L.H. = Hearts’ 
Allison has an old doodle she made as a kid of them on their wedding day and she couldn’t bring herself to throw it away. 
She shows it to Luther once, joking how hopelessly in love she was as a child, how childish!
And Luther looks at her for a long moment, all serious, before getting up and fishing something from under his bed. 
A box.
A box full of poems. 
More precisely, a box full of poems about Allison, some from back when they were 13 and some from only a month ago. 
Luther refuses to read them out loud - face all pink and biting his lower lip - but Allison trades them for the picture she drew. 
Once they live together, the picture somehow ends up on the fridge, along with some of Allison’s favourite poems. 
They don’t talk about it but both smile every time they enter the kitchen. 
Who starts the tickle fights
Allison is a ticklish little thing and Luther has used that to his advantage since they were kids. 
(All of them used that to their advantage, especially Klaus who liked to raid Allison’s room for nail polish and skirts). 
And ever since she was kid, Allison had hated it. 
Which is only normal, who enjoys having hands all over their body, tickling her sides?
So Luther doesn’t do it often. 
But sometimes…..
Sometimes when Allison is in a bad mood, he knows he just needs to trail his finger over the underside of her foot and she’ll be a giggling mess. 
“C’mon, cheer up a little? For me?” - “No.”
“Well, okay then.” *starts to wiggle his fingers under Allison’s shirt, scratching his nails over her stomach* Allison, immediately giggling: “Stop iiiiiit.”
“If you give me a smile.” Allison: *trying her best to smile while also trying to wiggle away from Luther’s gentle touches* “And a kiss.”
(Maybe, if Allison is honest with herself, she doesn’t hate being tickled as much when it’s Luther doing it, less because he likes how she squeals, but more because he’s earnestly trying to stop her from being moody).
(And maybe Luther touching her simply isn’t the same level of awful as anyone else touching her). 
(Maybe she likes being tickled when it’s big hands doing the tickling, touching her as gently as possible despite their size). 
Who starts the pillow fights
They rarely have pillow fights because Luther is afraid he’ll get carried away
(And do you have any idea how awful that was as a child? He once hit Klaus with a pillow hard enough he got thrown against the opposite wall and had a concussion. Luther rarely participated in any ‘rowdy’ games after that). 
But sometimes, Allison will throw a pillow at him when she wants him to pay attention to her or when she’s too lazy to move and tries to sweet talk him into getting something so she doesn’t have to stand up. 
And Luther will throw the pillow back - gently - and they’ll just try to hit each other with pillows and blankets and shirts and whatever else that’s soft enough to be flung at each other. 
They rarely do the typical ‘jumping around on the bed, hitting each other with pillows’ though, because Luther jumping on a bed? You want the bed to survive a few years, right?
He used to be more bummed about this kinda stuff as a kid anyway, no need to be sad about it as an adult. Allison still tries to get him to play wrestle with her a little, tries to pin him to the bed or just slumps down on top of him like they’re still 13. It’s cute. 
(It also leads to kissing 90% of the time now, so Luther is good). 
As teeny tiny children, Allison felt bad for Luther not being able to play with their brothers without accidentally breaking their bones, so they always played together. Baby Alluther playing house together, colouring pictures, telling each other fantasy stories and going on made up quests…...Luther would’ve followed Allison anywhere. 
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile
Depends on who falls asleep first, lmao. In a world where Skype exists, they probably facetime each other whenever Allison can’t be home, murmuring things back and forth already half asleep. And sometimes, one of them will actually fall asleep, softly snore as the other either keeps talking to them (Luther) or softly sings for them (Allison). 
They never end the calls, btw, they just watch the other sleep, peaceful expression on their face before slowly falling asleep themselves, dreaming about being able to reach out and touch. 
Who mistakes salt for sugar
This is something that could happen to both of them. Like, maybe they’re at a diner and Luther accidentally salts his pancakes so Allison feeds him bits of hers, or Allison is cooking at the mansion and after all those years she isn’t sure about which shaker contains what anymore and just grabs the one she thinks has the sugar in it. 
Although Allison would probably be thoughtful enough to check which is which first, whereas Luther lives a dangerous life. 
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning
Luther. He tries to prevent it but he’s sluggish and slow when he’s tired so he never manages to. 
Allison rarely wakes up from it though, which Luther is very grateful for because he feels a little bit embarrassed about his nightly food cravings. 
(He eats...weird stuff at night. A lot of it covered with melted cheese, whether cheese should be on that dish or not. Allison stops commenting on it once she figures out how guilty Luther feels for it). 
She does try to get him to talk about things instead of stuffing his feelings with food but it’s a long journey. 
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines
Allison likes to make Luther blush by stepping next to him and saying things like “What’s a pretty thing like you doing here all alone?” even though they’re only standing in the living room. 
Luther tries to retaliate by coming up with his own pick up lines but he spectacularly fails each time. 
“Are you from Tennessee? Because I got lost in your eyes.”
Allison thinks it’s cute though, so that’s alright. 
(Diego’s the one who tells him all the pick up lines and face palms when he gets them wrong. And then mentally yells when Allison still kisses Luther and proclaims herself ‘swooned’ because HOW?
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order
Allison doesn’t mind but Luther gets really peculiar about where certain books should be. 
He has different shelves for crime novels, for romance stuff and for books that have multiple installments (“Because they belong together, Allison!”). 
He also gets upset when Allison sets down a book upside down because that’s not good for the back of the book and in Luther’s words “It hurts the books.”
Also, Luther is the kinda person who tries his hardest not to dog-ear paperbacks, not holding them open too wildly so there aren’t any crinkles on the back. 
He got Allison rainbow coloured bookmarks for Christmas because Allison is the kinda person to just use whatever as a bookmark - even another book. 
(Allison also writes into books, highlights her favourite paragraphs or just scribbles down her thoughts on something next to the dialogue. Luther kinda hates it but sometimes he’ll turn a page and just see Allison’s elegant handwriting, spelling out “I love you!” or “Hey Handsome ;)” and he can’t help but smile. 
(Sometimes he goes to Allison and tries his best to burrow into her lap without crushing her when he finds a note like that. Allison kisses his forehead and makes space for him on the couch). 
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies
Luther is a little boy who just so happens to be 6’5 (Fun Fact! I did not make that up, Tom Hopper actually is that tall). 
So he’ll help Allison and Grace bake and hope he gets the empty bowl with the leftover cookie batter. 
He has to fight Diego over it though. And most of the time Five gets it anyway, simply because they can dial up the puppy eyes whenever they want to). 
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasion
He is a big sappy romantic who buys flowers for his beloved whenever he walks past a flower shop or he sees some pretty ones outside and he absolutely won’t have dinner without lighting candles. Especially when he’s the one doing the cooking (which he does a lot simply because Allison is a very busy woman and Luther likes providing for her). 
He also prepares bubbles baths for Allison with loads of candles and scented bath bombs and stuff and they don’t fit into the bathtub together, but Allison talks him into at least dipping his feet in too. 
And more often than not, Luther will rub over Allison’s back and wash her hair while Allison idly plays with her hands or tries to get her hands on Luther’s arms or his face. 
(Allison is grabby and Luther enjoys that but not when he’s trying to wash her hair). 
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen
Allison isn’t a big artist but she likes doodling, especially when she’s stressed. And Luther never complains when she draws a little heart on his arm or his cheek. 
And it’s also a nice way of being intimate? Allison holding one of Luther’s hands with her own, his arm gently laying on her thighs as she leans over and draws on it, her hair tickling him when she moves. 
Luther actually considers getting some of her drawings done as tattoos but Allison always shakes her head, claims they’re silly little things. 
Luther loves them either way. 
(Sometimes Allison writes her name on Luther’s wrists and Luther’s name on hers. Pretends they’re in one of her romance novels, the ones she read as a pre-teen, daydreaming about Luther being her soulmate. Still does apparently. 
Luther kisses his arm when she does it, kisses her name on it and then his name on hers). 
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation
She’s the one who comes around loads, be it because she’s going on vacation with Claire or because she’s on a promo tour for her upcoming movie. 
Luther….feels better just staying home. Safer. 
Allison doesn’t push him but she does remind him that he’s always welcome to join her. Luther nods everytime, puts the magnet on the - slowly overflowing - fridge, but never takes her up on the offer. 
They have time. 
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines
Luther does every single survey he can. What kinda boyfriend is he? Does he fall for bad boys too easily? Is he trapped in a loveless relationship? What Hogwarts House does he have? What kinda Girl is he? 
He does them all. And he always shares his results with Allison very excitedly. 
Allison humours him by doing the surveys with him but she isn’t as obsessed. 
(She also doesn’t believe in astrology and horoscopes, not the way Luther does, but she still checks his horoscope daily and send him those ‘The signs as…’ posts).
She thinks they’re doing quite well, no matter what the survey results are. 
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Captain Marvel fic recs
i wrote this ages ago, during the summer, and then forgot to post it - but better late than never! it’s got a mix of gen, carol/jess, and carol/maria fics on it, including both comics and mcu fic. enjoy! 
Galactic Response Time by SassySnowperson (Carol & Fury, 5k): All the OTHER times Nick Fury texted Carol Danvers. // May 4th, 2012    Get your ASS over here there is an INVASION. Aliens are coming out of the SKY HELP US // May 10th, 2012 "Invasion, Fury, the word you used was invasion! I made it across three quarters of the galaxy in six days! Where are the aliens?" [I love this fic and the way it so perfectly captured Carol and Fury’s dynamic. THE DIALOGUE! IT’S JUST SO GOOD! Their banter is fun and there are some genuinely sweet moments.]
whatever it takes (and i couldn’t whisper when you needed it shouted) by pratz (5k):  In which Tony called Carol glowing space Jesus, and Carol did her best to understand the weight of 3.2 million lives lost. [An AU of Endgame focusing on Carol and her journey in processing what happened and what she can do about it. I love the characterization and her interactions with the other characters, particularly Tony.] 
All Around [Reminders of You] by sinandmisery (1k):  The first year is the worst. [Maria and Monica’s grief over Carol’s ‘death’, framed around Christmas. Some good and painful angst.] 
another place, another time by sorrybaby (1k):  In every lifetime but this one, Carol gets to love Maria. [Oof, this one hurts and it’s absolutely brilliant. It’s Carol/Maria and endgame Carol/Val and sometimes you can love someone but not be with them. Because sometimes life is like that and you miss one another. Lots of good pining and learning to let go. Bonus Nat + Carol friendship.]
a simpler place in time by Elisattack (3k): It starts like this: Carol blows up. // Actually, it starts like this: Carol falls down, then she gets right back up again. Her dad shakes his head at her bruised knees and cut face, and calls her unladylike. She says fuck him, and fuck any man that tells her what to do. [Tracks through Carol and Maria’s relationship from the early days to getting together to the events of CM + Endgame and afterwards. Lovely writing and character work. One of my favorite works of this kind]
brave face talk so lightly by lesbiyawn (1k): Carol is stubborn. Carol is hot-headed. Carol can’t help it if some people deserve a just beating. Maria knows this. It’s why she loves Carol calls Carol her best friend. [Pre-canon and pre-relationship fluff that is both sweet and very them]
do you have to let it linger by whyyesitscar (2k):  in the wake of carol's crash, maria has to explain everything to a lot of different officials. only one of them seems to get it. (Maria talks to Peggy. Beautiful fic about grief and the people who can understand it.)
jambalaya (please be my baby) by carol_danvers (6k): Loving Maria comes easier than anything else ever did. Carol won't say she wants to be more than friends, not when she has so much to lose, but she'll tell her in everything but name.AKA Carol tests out pet names, Maria gets pregnant, and they fall a bit more in love. [One of my favorite get-together fics, the writing is so good and I love the development of their relationship, the PINING and the obliviousness, it’s gold.]
kisses under my palm by neon_air (1k):  Carol Danvers has been kissed before but never by the one person she wanted it from most. [All the different kisses Carol has had, and love. A lovely one-shot.] 
Lightning Crash by Monochrome_girl (2k):  Carol is here to stay. Maria is still getting used to having her back. [Carol stays and they reconnect. It’s a lovely progression of the two relearning each other and building a life together that also involves collecting alien scraps and it’s sweet.] 
Love’s Labors Lost by lesbians_and_puns (3k):  After Carol finds a home planet for the Skrull, she returns to Louisiana to try to get her old life back, but when she finds an old photograph of herself and Maria on Maria's bedside table, they both realize how much they're still missing. [An angsty take on Carol’s return and the things people can say because life is stressful and complicated and sometimes you hurt the people you love without meaning to. It’s really good, it also hurts.] 
we were too close to the stars by inkwelled (1k): "God, what did they do to you," Maria whispers, wrapping another bandage around Carol's bicep. / For all it's worth, Carol doesn't even wince. [This hurts but in a delicious way. There’s a kind of soft aching quality to the angst, it’s premium, good stuff, you can feel the love.] 
Always Falling by sariane (2k): “What do you want?”“I don’t want to be her sloppy seconds. I want all of it, all the corny relationship stuff. I want the dumb date nights, the stupid fights, the awkward breakfast-making elbow bumps. I want to take her up flying – someday. I don’t know,” Carol says suddenly, scuffing her foot on the street, “I want stability.”Carol wants a lot of things. She does not want to be Jessica's rebound girl. [Basically Jess and Clint break up, Carol is a great friend on the comfort front, and then Jess kisses her. And Carol assumes it’s because she’s a rebound. There’s some light angst over that, it’s very well-done. Characterization is very good.]
Fly, Fight, Win by singalellaby (1k):  It's not a sign of superhero lesbian bed death, whatever Peter says, it's just that Jess is an Adult. A Mature Adult. In a Mature Adult Partnership with a woman who happens to wear skin-tight suits as her work uniform and it was either become habituated to her girlfriend being the hottest anything with Kree DNA around or living in a state of permanent arousal in her own pretty damn tight costume. And since S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't spring for laundry expenses, that was so not an option. [Jess POV, admiring her really hot partner.]
He Picked the Wrong One by beckydawolf (Carol/Jess, 34k): When Captain Marvel and Spider-Woman are knocked unconscious on a mission, they wake up in a world a lot like their own. In fact, it’s almost identical. Except that the Civil War never happened, Jess doesn’t seem to exist and their Carol is dead. Oh and then there’s Natasha Stark.Turns out, slipping between universes might not even be the most complicated part of this mess. (Fantastic characterization, really love the perfect Carol and Jess banter, nested in this wonderful comic book-y plot that works as perfect background for the development of the characters and the relationships. Also the plot is entirely driven by characters and their relationships and their love - both unhealthy and healthy. It’s great)
In My Dreams by sariane (3k): Carol may not have her memories, but she has her dreams.(But, of course, she dreams of kissing Jessica. As if her life isn't already complicated enough.) [This fic takes this concept and does a phenomenal job with it. You really get Carol’s growing frustration with the dream as she tries to work out what it means by subtly asking everyone other than the person in her dream.] 
It’s A Slow Slide Into Misandry by bendingwind (800): Carol's all fixed up and Jessica's moved on, and things have... changed. [Short little fic post-Hawkeye break-up, dealing with feelings. It’s cute.]
once you live a good story by pummelwhack (Carol/Jess, 13k):  Carol and Jessica redefine what it means to be happy, in the context of coffee, philosophy, and each other. Or: the one where Carol and Steve own a used bookstore, Sam runs the coffee shop next door, and Jessica searches for more than what life is currently offering her. (Lovely, soft fic about falling in love and finding happiness in each other and your life. Some truly beautiful lines and musings about philosophy.)
Pin the Tail by Alsike (Carol/Jess, 7k):  Carol doesn't know who she is. But she knows Jess. She likes Jess. There's probably a good reason why she's not dating Jess, but, you know, amnesia. [Glorious, this fic has pining and angst and trying to deal with amnesia and it just gets Jess and Carol down. And the emotions, they’re just really good as they navigate their relationship and the baggage they bring]
Red by awesomocity (1k): If Carol had been a more self-conscious person she might have worn stale jeans for another day. But years of dealing with brothers and locker rooms and the general knowledge she was both hot AND powerful made standing in a laundromat in her underwear at three in the morning tolerable, if not comfortable.(or, the one where Carol and Jess get romcommed by laundry.) [Love the characterization in this, just a really good fic for cheering you up.]
Smell Like I Sound by Sineala (6k):  Carol likes Jess a lot. That's not the weird part. The weird part is that Carol likes Jess a lot more when Jess isn't in the room. [A pheromones fic taking place in the Marvel Adventures verse. It’s really cute and I really like the push-pull of Carol figuring out her feelings and wondering why she keeps having these moments of revulsion around Jess.]
Snow Day by Traincat (1k):  Jessica Drew goes missing. Carol and the Hulk team up to get her back (and maybe fight some ice monkeys along the way). [Absolutely delightful fic, I love the dynamic between Carol and the Hulk as well as Jessica and the Hulk, and Carol’s concern for Jess. I could easily see this being a real comic]
Such a Cunning Disguise by WhenasInSilks (2k): Carol is fracturing again.Carol and Jess started dating six months before Stamford. Eight months before Captain America died on the courthouse steps. Ten months before things like the measurement of time ceased to be part of Carol’s personal universe.Now she sits alone in the darkness of her cell and feels herself fall apart.A Secret Invasion AU. [This fic HURTS. It’s beautifully written too which makes the angst all the more delicious. Warning for heartbreak and self-loathing and mental instability]
the small rain down can rain by tigrrmilk (3k): When Jess was jumping between universes, trying not to get killed, she had wondered - was there a version of her and Carol who had... made it work? [Jess dealing with Carol having amnesia and going off to space. Really good character stuff, all the complicated feelings Jess has about what Carol did, and then Carol showing up, you can really see the connection between them, regardless of memory loss or distance.] 
Turn Around and Look Back by Sineala (Carol/Jess, 6k):  When Carol first lost her memories, to Rogue, Professor Xavier healed her and let Jess experience all of Carol's missing memories. When Carol loses all her memories -- again -- it's up to Jess to give them back to her, in exactly the same way: Jess has to link with Carol telepathically. But Jess' mind contains a lot of feelings about Carol that she doesn't exactly want Carol to know about. [I love this fic, just all the feelings, the pining, the concern, the character voices, it’s all really good.]
Unshackled by beckydawolf (27k): Carol's in space and Jess is alone again. But that's the pattern of her life. The hunt for a missing teenager leads Jess to some new friends, reminds her she still has some old ones and forces her to face a part of her past she'd rather ignore. [A darker take on the pheromones and the trauma + complications of Jessica’s powers. This fic is really good at how it handles it, and I really love how supportive Carol is. Also Anya and Kamala and America and Kate show up and they’re awesome!]
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edelgoth · 5 years
Hi, I'm 2w1 for ennea and (I think) ENFP for MBTI. I am a big nerd (obviously :D) and for hobbies I do MMA, photography, play the Mandolin, love folk music and acting. I like meeting new people even though it tires me out. My humor can be snarky, and I apologize way too much. I am not assertive at all, but do not shy away from difficult heart-to-heart moments. I do try to be there for people and normally see the best in other by default. DA2 or DA:I? & any gender, if you don't mind. Thank You!!
(Hi. It’s that 2w1) I think I for got to mention that I’m female, and I enjoy writing. But, yeah, thank you so much for if you see this!! ( If you’d like, I’d be happy to do a Dragon Age match up for you as well!!) Thank you again.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have no idea how excited i was to see a dragon age request in my inbox i’m,,, thank you so much! also, it’d be lovely if you did a matchup for me!! just message me! 
okay, so i tossed this one up a lot, but in dragon age ii, i match you with… 
i think you two have a nice amount of contrast! youhave the sort of personality that’ll help bring him some levity, while he has amore assertive edge
he strikes me of the certain of person to encourageyou to stop apologizing too much; not only have you not done anything wrong, but he has such a clear view of your valuethat the idea that you’re apologizing for nothing doesn’t make sense to him
you’d definitely be the “social point” of therelationship, if that makes sense; fenris is more than happy to let you dealwith other people, but he’s always there when you’re tired at the end ofthe day. he gets it,
he’d like to see your creative outlets, fromwriting to acting, and he’d be very supportive of them; he’s intrigued by howyou express yourself, and would value any extra understanding of you he couldgather from your work. i think he’d also really enjoy it when you played themandolin (i had to look up what that was for this and oh my goodness they’re so cute), and i think he’d be especiallyfond of the folk songs that had a story to them?
just imagine him resting his head on your legs withhis eyes closed as he listens to you pluck away at a laid-back tune,,, bless
i feel like he’d enjoy getting involved in mma withyou (or the thedas equivalent, depending on how you’d like to think of thismatchup), and it could be a good way for him to get more comfortable with beingtouched by others? that’s something he has to work through in a relationship,and while mma certainly isn’t intimate,it could be good practice? i have No Idea where this tangent is going, B U T itgives him a) an opportunity to get competitive for fun, and b) an opportunityto be close to you
fenris had a pretty good sense of humour, and ithink you’d bounce off each other quite well here. his humour is moreunderstated, so he’d like your snarky side 
but at the same time, i think being with someonewho has your outlook would be a good thing for him; he struggles with pessimism(with good reason), and he’s naturally distrustful (again, for very good reason). having someone whosaw the best in others would help remind him that things are okay, and that oneday, maybe things will get better
also, since you like meeting others, i feel likeyou’d help him get out of the house more? he has a habit of cooping himself up,but with the joint efforts of you and varric, he might see the light of day (orthe streetlights) just a little bit more
i think something else that’d be invaluable wouldbe your ability to have those difficult heart-to-heart conversations. fenrishas a lot to work through, and knowing he had someone with who he could behonest and vulnerable with would be precious. it would take him a while to getcomfortable with that, the dialogue you two would be able to have would helpyou both grow as people
and when all’s said and done, he’d try to be thatperson to you, too. i think a lot of people forget that fenris is a deeplycompassionate person at his core, and he wantsto connect with people; it’s just hard for him to really express thosesides of himself. but, knowing he was with someone who treated him with thekindness and patience he needed would inspire him to return that with attentivenessand care.
i love him so much thinking about him has made meemotional hhhhh 
alternative matchups
merrill: she was actually the first person i thought of, but i just felt more passionate about fenris tbh. that being said, i think your relationship with merrill would be quite different to that described above; you share the propensity to see the best in others, and you’re both very kind people. i can see merrill missing a lot of your snarky humour (to varying degrees of endearing), but she’d be as equally invested and supportive as you are. you’d have a very open, honest relationship, and it’d be the kind where you never went without affirmation and affection! 
varric tethras: honestly i can’t can’t quite put my finger on why i think you two would work well together, but this is a great match in my mind? varric is very different from the other two, but you guys would have a great rapport. you have similar senses of humour, artistic inclinations, and you both care a great deal about people. i think that while he definitely seems a tad more cynical than you, i think you’d understand each other very well. also, i think you’re the perfect mum for the kirkwall crew? and honestly, what else would varric look for in a partner? 
your inquisition matchup is under the cut because Big Yike guess i got carried away and this post is getting ridiculously long
in dragon age inquisition, i match you with… 
josephine montilyet!! 
i… love her so much i cannot put itinto words… and i think she would really love you!
first of all, kindest couple? you bothwant (and do) to see the best in people, and I’m guessing that extends to theworld in general, as well? josephine wants to make the world a better place,and you seem like the sort of person who can help her do that
also, beloved socialite couple! part ofher job is literally meeting new people, and she’d love taking her with you todo that. You’d flit through all those parties hand-in-hand, and she’d know exactlywhen to take over when you got tired
okay but josephine would want to takeyou everywhere with her, tbh. expectto travel the world with her, and whenever you meet anyone she knows, she’sdefinitely the sort to say “hello nice to see you have my met my partner? no? well, let me tell you—” before going ona long ramble about all your best qualities
your biggest fan, without a doubt. whileshe may not understand the wrestling (and certainly isn’t going to take partherself), she’ll be there cheering you on!
also loves seeing your creative work! she’senraptured whenever you’re on stage, she gets emotional when she reads yourprose (or poetry!), and she marvels at your ability to capture the beauty of theworld around you. It almost gets overwhelming tbh
she’d love your mandolin so much!! as anex-bard, she’d obviously have a bit of musical knowledge hidden in those puffedsleeves of hers, and she’d delight in hearing you play 
she’s not obviously nerdy, but I feellike josephine is a naturally curious person? Because of that, she’d lovehearing all about your interests and your hobbies, and would always have a cleverquestion to ask
she has a very stressful job, and she’dgreatly appreciate having a partner with whom she could be very honest and openwith. knowing she could be frank about her feelings with you would take amassive weight off her shoulders
you’d have a very good dialogue withone another, and it means that you don’t let things get bottled up or left tofester; your relationship is a very safe, comforting place for both of you, andit’s something you’re both thankful of!
and she’d be your biggest support too! josephineis a very emotional, loving person, and you’d never have to doubt how she feltabout you; she’d always be telling you how much she loves you and how much sheappreciates you
josephine is too good for the world andwe don’t deserve her,,, please duel for her hand in marriage and give her lotsof love
alternative matchups
blackwall: while he’s less bright than josephine, ifeel like the things he’d value in you would be the same. he’d appreciate theway you saw the best in other people, and i honestly think your lifephilosophies would be quite similar? i’m assuming here, but it just reads thatway to me. i feel like blackwall’s also very affirming, once you work out howhe shows love. he’s not as affectionate or overt as josephine, but he’d be justas supportive, once he felt secure in your relationship. he’s just a Good Man, youknow? it’s just going to take a while for him to relax and open up.
iron bull: okay so things would be very, very different withbull. your personalities would bounce off each other quite well, and ithink you’d be that couple that’s always laughing about something. bull would be the toughest nut to crack when it came toemotional openness, but i think he’d get there eventually. like fenris, he’dtell you that you don’t need to apologize so much. he’d teach you how to bemore assertive, and you’d teach him how to see the best in others. your ways ofseeing the world are more different than all the people listed above, but ithink that’d make for a really interesting relationship?
side note: i knowyou didn’t ask for a matchup for origins but,,, you sound perfect fororigins!leliana? softest couple 
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Fan Fiction Ask Game
@suchatinyinfinity tagged me some time ago, and since I really couldn’t decide which ones to answer to, I took all of them! Yes, I really did. Worry about me... This is going to be a long post, so I’m putting everything under the cut and tagging some of my fellow writers at the bottom. I also am going to answer with all of my fics and not only one of them, that way you can get more perspective. 
Thank you for reading!
A: How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
I’m not going to answer about how I named one fic, I’m telling how I usually name my fics. Most of them get their titles if I listen to a song and it has a nice name or a line, sometimes I read quotes or just think of a word and taste it for long enough to decide could it be the title. Sometimes I read the piece before naming it and decide a line it has as a title; this can be seen in most of my drabbles. The title can be found. With my current series Aura, Of New Beginnings, You, Dark Passion Play and I’ll Make a Man Out of You; they either got their titles from the names of the characters, aspects of the story or songs. 
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
Actually, You. Not all of it, but most of the first chapter is. I took some artistic freedoms to describe some things but it indeed is inspired by my very shitty day during last December. Some of my friends know about this, it was horrible. But the young man at the stoplights (who looked really different from Ben but still) still inspires me very much.
C: What member do you identify with most?
Member... This question confuses me, all in all. I identify with a lot of things and can really tell you as soon as someone tells me what kind of a member this question is searching for haha. 
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?
I don’t really do playlist for my stories, I listen to whatever I feel like. Sometimes I want to listen to one specific song during one scene. It really depends. 
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
I’m bad at sequels. And most of my fics are not even ready, aka they’re series that will go on and on. But! One fic that possibly could have a sequel one day is Irresistible. It’s one of my favorite pieces of my own fics and it would be fun to see did the reader really catch him or not ;)
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
“The knife?”
“That was Reep…”
“The apples?”
“No, I didn’t touch your apples…”
“Someone ate them while I was picking up those flowers I gave you.”
Caspian shook his head, still humming his laughs.
“Apples don’t walk away, Caspian!”
He showed you his hands as if he was surrendering. “Maybe not, but it wasn’t me.”
You pouted. “If you have to say it, you’re not telling the truth.”
“Maybe you didn’t have any apples with you on that day? I don’t remember seeing any.”
“Yeah, because you ate all of them. I was away for ten minutes!”
“Okay, I just might have eaten one…”
King of Thieves, Caspian/Reader
I think this is really sweet. I had so much fun writing this and it can really be seen, I think. I’ve always struggled with real-like dialogue, as I’ve told countless times before, but I think that with this drabble, it became quite real after all.
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
It depends, really. I usually write from start to finish but if I suddenly get a scene in my head, I write it down. It’s easier for me to write from start to finish, that way I can stay on track and don’t lose the balance of what I’m doing. 
H: How would you describe your style?
Someone once said I have noticeable style, something that is... part of me. I guess I like descriptions? I use a lot of adjectives and different kind of sentences; long and short, both to describe and rhythm the story a little. I also like beautiful words very much haha. My style may be a bit dreamy and I like to go slowly more than quickly. Sometimes I speed things up a little, only to tell the more meaningful parts but all in all, I think I describe more than use dialogue. 
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Haha! I truly do have! Especially in writing. I love to use quotes and song lyrics in my stories as dialogues, parts of them. It’s really funny for some reason. When I read, I don’t think do I actually have a guilty pleasure. Hmm... I don’t think I have?
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic].
Goodness! Well, ok, let’s take Irresistible again...
Billy either left without leaving a single note or... Maybe he didn’t leave at all? I almost wrote that he stayed but... Then I thought of the note and I let that come to the story. Well, we can always play ;)
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
Something that had to do with Billy having to kill the reader either because the death was inevitable or because he had been told to. I’ve tried to think of this but as I have felt a bit bad myself, writing angst hasn’t really been on the top of my mind right now. Maybe one day?
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
Sometimes more and sometimes less. I often read it twice; once right after reading and then I let it be for a moment, I got to eat or take a shower or play with my cat for a while and then come back to read it. You kind of become blind to your own text; I still have typos, I’m not saying that but it’s easier to see everything that needs to be corrected or revised before posting. Once or twice, usually.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Not more than I will never probably get it done because I keep getting stuck haha!
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
Not at the moment. Even though, I always love to see people writing something I’ve talked about with them.
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
The plot, usually. The characters come with it. While writing fanfiction, I kind of have some characters “ready to use”. The reader creates itself. I try to describe them as little as I can, so everyone can relate to them, which is why I go with the plot and not with the characters. But with something like Aura I try to get the plot with the character or the other way around. 
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
I’m more like “one rose is my whole garden” type of person. I make some plans and write down some important plot points but for me, planning the whole thing from chapter to chapter and all the way to the ending kind of means it’s written already. Then I don’t even write it. So, I try not to let my ideas die with something like this but every time I get some important plot points in mind, I write them down because I’d forget them otherwise.
Q: How do you feel about collaborations?
I have nothing against them. Collabs are just fine. Although, they can get a bit hard, can’t they? You need to have very profound talks about what you want to write and what should happen and all. It can get stressful. But it would also be very interesting thing to write! I’ve actually talked about one of these with one person once. 
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
Sure. And I think that to be a writer, you have to have influences. You know what I mean? To see different ways to do some things and how the person X does this thing - but the person Y does it differently, so I’ll do it like this. You know what I mean? 
The people I’m going to tag (also the one that tagged me) all have some kind of influence on me, in good. 
My favorite writers, I’ve tried to learn something from them. Stephen King, Marcus Zusak, Joël Dicker, Tolkien, Rowling, Lewis, Wynne-Jones, all of them. 
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
I’m not good at this trope thing anyway, I think. I don’t even think about them too much. But, you know, I just opened a list and I definitely can say that there are some I reallyreallyreally like hahah!
Shapeshifting is always nice, all kinds of AUs are really close to my heart, crossovers are fun, timetravel, fix-it is my go to... I have quite a lot of these!
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
Hmmmpf... I don’t like to say I don’t stand something, these are just things I’m not exactly a fan of.
I’ve always been bad at anything that has to do with comedy (I’ve only recently learned to live and watch comedy films, I used to hate them a few years back), so maybe... crackfics? Ok, good crack makes me cry my eyes out because I’m laughing so much but it’s pretty hard trope for me. 
I’m also either so decent (or at least try to think I am, which is a lie, I’m far from it haahah) or old-fashioned that I’m very bad at PWP as well.  
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
@padfootagain she writes so good fluff! You can always trust that whatever she writes will cheer you up - and I often read her fics if I feel a bit down. She’s also one of my closest friends.
@something-tofightfor I love her way to tell the stories, her characters. I enjoy her style a lot. And she is also very cute human being.
@banditthewriter quite a lot like with the previous. I like the way she develops her stories and characters and always gives us something to wait for. She also seems so nice and genuine as a person. We don’t interact much but I still appreciate her a lot.
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Whoa, this is hard... This is really hard because most of the fics I read already tell the stuff I’d tell in prequels. Maybe sequel... To @padfootagain‘s A Recipe For Love, to see the life of Caspian and the reader. But I don’t even dare to touch that masterpiece!!
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
Both are fine. I like prompts a lot, they help me but sometimes they also set me a trap haha! I tend to use more general ones myself and I’m fine with that. But if I find a list of some more specific ones and find it inspiring, why not?
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
WHAT?? I hate to make any character suffer!! Ok, I’m a mascohist so maybe a bit but... No, that tells that I like to make the reader suffer? Because I’m not a sadist (even though, some of my friends might say so, they always say I’m killing them, so...). 
Y: A character you want to protect.
Caspian. Ryan Brenner. Steve Rogers. Billy Russo. Yes, you read right - Billy might not need my protection, but I’m doing it anyway. Paul “Jesus” Rovia is my dearest and I’ll fight for him. Tom Ward. Magneto. Athelstan. Sirius Black. Sam Winchester. All my actor babies. There are so many of them, they’re all my babies, I want to protect all of them!! (Logan, don’t look at me like that - yes, I’m protecting you too.)
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
... I hate the fact that every time I watch a movie or a show or even read a book, it’s 100% sure that my favorite character dies. Or if not 100&, then at least 85-90%. But, the happy thing is that most of the characters are not killed in fanfiction! I can read deaths, yes, but... They’re not nice things to read. I can also write deaths, still not my fave things to do. 
Want a list of these characters? Sirius Black, Billy Russo, Logan Delos, Kili, Fili and Thorin, Steve Rogers or any of the Avengers (don’t come at me, I know we all have been thinking about this)... This list could go on and on.
Tagging: @padfootagain @jennareedus @carol-damn-vers @something-tofightfor @dylanobrusso @suchatinyinfinity @whostheblondegirlwriting @loriwrites @breanime @princerussoand everyone else who wants to do this. Sorry for the double tags.
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