#it was really only a matter of time
I legit cannot wait for your the 100 fics. and i cant believe you're a CS WRITER!!! MORE STUFF FOR ME TO READ!
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Agh, thank you! This is exceptionally sweet. I am...writing Bellarke fic now. Because I have no chill. That’s it. That’s the excuse. It’s not really an excuse. I may post later today, if I can type quickly enough before work, but definitely at least tomorrow and THEY WERE ROOMMATES WITH A SHARED SPOTIFY ACCOUNT: 
“Also,” Bellamy adds, “Clarke already had Spotify premium. It made sense.”
Octavia shakes her head. “You’ve got to live together to be on the same account.”
“I thought we already covered that you have a key to this apartment. Clarke and I do live in together.”
“It looks romantic. It looks—” Octavia waves a pair of clearly frustrated hands through the air. “—Domestic. Partnered and, like joint playlists and—”
“—You know he gets unlimited skips now, right?” Clarke interrupts, a desperate attempt to end this conversation and, maybe, get Bellamy to put a shirt on. 
“Don’t forget the no ads,” Bellamy grins. “That’s been a godsend.”
“What an old sentence. Also, you’re a podcast dweeb.”
“Informed, princess. There’s a difference.”
“Yuh huh. Whatever.”
“As always, your arguments are well-structured and articulate.”
She flips him off. He grins. Octavia makes a noise previously unheard by human ears. 
“You two do know,” she hisses, “that everyone is talking now and—”
“—You all need to find a hobby,” Bellamy groans.
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presidentcrane · 5 years
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because really what’s the point in being an artist if you can’t throw wings onto people since their last name is a literal bird
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dilfpassing · 5 years
me: im never going to get into death metal
also me listening to epitome of darkness for like the 8th time in a row:
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autumnwyvern · 6 years
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Inktober 16
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thetidemice · 3 years
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turnipstewdios · 2 years
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iridescentides · 4 years
the lea michele situation is actually a prime example of why we should be wary of performative activism right now. if you are supporting the cause by protesting, donating, posting your support, etc. that’s great! but this problem goes so much deeper than just police brutality.
every single non-black person who has posted #blacklivesmatter this week needs to take a step back and analyze whether or not their actions (not just their words) have shown that they truly believe that statement. it’s a clear and obvious choice to speak out against the brutal murder of an innocent man. however, if you are not making the obvious choice every day to speak up for us when your friends/relatives make racist jokes, if you are not listening to and respecting the black people you know in real life, if you have not sat down to analyze the ways you actively benefit from this system, if you have not worked to start unlearning the biases you were raised with, or if you thought “black lives matter” was a controversial statement until this week, do not pretend to care just because everyone is talking about it right now.
when these protests are over, there will still be many battles to fight. this is not a game, and this is not something you post about just for likes and clicks. if you are resting easy right now thinking that you’re “one of the good ones” for showing public outrage over a situation that should anger any reasonable person, you need to do more. racism is not something you can pick and choose when to be against. we don’t get to pick and choose when we experience racism. so if you’re going to get involved with this situation right here, right now, then you need to be ready to hold yourself and others accountable for anti-blackness in all other areas of your life.
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changkyyun · 4 years
wooyouung -> changkyyun
alright he did it he got me
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sandushengshou · 3 years
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endless gifs of wei wuxian [1/ ∞]
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bepisconsumer · 2 years
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nothingweirdhere · 2 years
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so glad they talked about this on the podcast. i needed the excuse to post these xD
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lollytea · 2 years
Yes it might have taken me an embarrassingly long time to really pay attention to it but in ASIAS, along with the 'half a witch' parallel, both Hunter and Willow are motivated by upholding the legacy of those who came before them. That picture of Gilbert and Harvey being flyer derby champions is just as significant to her as the Golden Guard sigil is to him.
#other miscellaneous ASIAS thoughts that are not worth their own post but i think about them often:#its an episode that asks ''but who are you outside of the roles this story uses to define you?''#this is the only episode of the Hunter Makes Friends series where his actions are not motivated by Belos#and Willow is neither one of Luz's two best friends nor the estrangled acquaintance to Amity#both characters are unnattached to those influences here. And without those roles slotting them into predictable places#we're able to explore new nooks and crannies of their personalities#stuff that really hasnt been revealed before#the two of them are trying out something new and a little out of their comfort zone and it pulls new traits out of them#Hunter’s hexside infiltration reveals him to be WAY more socially awkward than previous eps have shown#and then after his flyer derby match it really brings out his excitement over having friends and the genuine affection he has for them#Meanwhile this is the ep that really establishes what an ambitous go getter Willow can be#Shes never been a leader before. Shes never been this direct or ruthless. But her dedication to this team really pulls it out of her#and these lesser known sides of themselves are the version the other meets#lastly it is a very good take on a Person Vs Society story#again Hunter's internal conflict in this episode has nothing to do with Belos. He literally never gave a fuck if Hunter had magic#But Hunter was still born and raised on the boiling isles and no matter how sheltered he is#the inherent prejudices of the place is gonna gnaw at his self confidence. hes gonna internalize this shit#so while every Hunter ep before this was about how Belos has manipulated his self of worth as a person#this time we are dealing with how hunter views himself as a WITCH#MEANWHILE Willow's struggles with have always been entirely focused on her insecurity as a witch#her terrible grades and her severed friendship has always been about her insufficient abilities with magic#but in this ep you learn that it goes deeper than that#she berates herself not because of her magical ability but because she believes that shes stupid#the half a witch thing has severely deteriorated her worth as a PERSON#their respective struggles go in different directions in this ep and their emotions are complicated#but they still overlap enough that they can understand what the other is feeling#OKAY AND LASTLY AGAIN. Forreal this time#that scene when Darius is about to attack the entrails and Willow throws her arms out to shield all three of them#and then Hunter proceeds to run in and shield HER#because SOMEONE had to shield her. they are instinctive protectors. they are the same
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kiitoskiitos · 2 years
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rrragdoll of homoerotism
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themessyaofmind · 2 years
When madeline hyland growl 'I tried, I really fucking tried ' in The Calling.. It does something to me and I can feel the lyrics till the deepest of my soul
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shadeswift99 · 2 years
Something about the way Pearl kept an eye on Sausage while he was corrupted just Gets me. She didn't accuse him, she didn't excuse him, she was the only ally he hadn't pushed away with his bloodlust who was also the only ally he had who was unconnected to Xornoth... She was willing to leave him be, for the most part. She just wanted him in sight, for his own good. In sight, occupied with a task that might distract him from all the dark things threatening to choke his mind, and networking with the other rulers again with her there to keep the peace and show them he could be safe still, in the right circumstances. She wasn't overly optimistic about his goodness, or overly critical of his sickness. She was just a farmer queen with some time on her hands and a good enough sword arm to not be afraid, and, well, she had always been a person to help out where she could. It's not good to be alone, when you're in that kind of trouble. Even if the company is just watchful eyes and busy hands, it helps to have a thing outside of yourself. I love the quiet, practical wisdom in that. It's so Pearl.
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hella1975 · 2 years
the complicated sibling relationshipcore of it all. like there is something so specifically fierce about the way siblings love and hate each other. it's so intense and personal and cruel and fond. there's an element of solidarity there that isn't inherent to other familial relationships because this person isnt supposed to be a guardian or even a role model, they are your equal, your comrade. they are messy and imperfect and you know exactly how ugly they look when they cry and you didn't choose them. they are you and you are them, every awful fragment, the best and worst of you condensed into another living breathing snarling human being, and they are everything you aren't too. you hate the parts of yourself you see in them and you hate the parts of yourself you can never see in them. i dont think we were ever designed to love our siblings completely. i dont think it's possible to hate them completely either. you are looking at a mirror and shattering it. you are cutting your hands trying to piece it back together. they will come downstairs while you're washing the blood down the sink and ask you if you want to rewatch merlin for the eighth time, and you'll turn off the tap and reach for the remote
#this is specifically for younger siblings and siblings with small age gaps#double homicide fr#i just think i could go decades not seeing my sister and i could show up at her doorstep of the home and family she has built for herself#and i would still wholeheartedly believe that i had more right to her#does that make sense?#idk. im thinking#like i will never be able to unstitch myself from her nor will she ever be able to unstitch herself from me#and i think that's why we can both be so mean. because we didnt choose each other and we wouldnt have chosen each other if we could#but we're here now. stuck. and all we can do is keep making it work#i love her a lot i really do#im at once so proud of everything she achieves and filled with the need to tear it all down#her successes are my successes are my failures all in one#a few years ago i was talking to my mum about my sister and i said 'i love her. i wouldnt have chosen her' and it rlly stuck with me#literally just said it and now it haunts me like babygirl maybe dont just say shit next time lmfao#she makes me mean and no one has hated me more before than she has at times in our lives#our relationship is one tormented by the past and so so much negativity#and we genuinely make each other worse lol#but every single time one of us asks to watch merlin no matter how catastrophic the argument#we always say yes#like to ref fleabag it's rivalry and bitterness and yet also 'the only person id run through an airport for is you'#and natalie diaz's 'this is my brother and i need a shovel to love him'#and do not get me STARTED on 'am i my brother's keeper?'#girl help ive been looking a lot into genesis (cain and abel) and exodus (moses and rameses) lately for a wip & it's making me insane#writing ig#this is free to reblog nothing's acc happened im literally just thinking lol
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