#it was so beautiful tho!!! the colors were soft and warm and he smiled like my childhood friend
unusualsims · 5 months
I had a dream last night and in it I came across some of the most beautiful artwork but the one that stuck out the most was Erwin taking a fat bong rip 💀
0 notes
rafesslxt · 4 months
Hii! I am so addicted to your writing! It keeps my heart warm ^^
So I work in a flower shop and I was wondering if you could make anything on Mattheo x florist!reader, mostly fluff where they get to know when he and maybe theo was there looking for something for theo’s gf or like, and he met reader.
Love your work again 💞💞
[that makes me really happy to hear, thank you love. hope you enjoy and imagined it something like that 🤍]
🌻 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑 | 𝐦.𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞
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「 ✦ fluff, fem!reader, different house!reader, mattheo falling in love at first sight, mattheo sending reader her fav flowers + English is not my first language + not proof read yet✦ words: 2,5k 」
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It was a beautiful Saturday today with the sun shining through the windows and the opened door to the little flower shop I work in besides school. A lot of people came in today, buying flowers for their loved ones, alive or passed.
Even tho it made my heart happy to see all these people buying flowers for their partners, I couldn't help but wonder when someone will buy me my favorites.
"Hey y/n, I'm gonna take my break since it's a bit calmer now. Can I leave you alone my dear?" Mrs. Rosewood asked me. She's in her mid 70's and also the owner of the shop, working in here with all her heart and passion. "Of course Mrs. Rosewood. I'm gonna be fine, don't worry." I gave her a reassuring look and a little smile while removing the thorns from our new arrived roses. "Thank you love, I won't be gone for too long."
I continued cutting off the thorns when I heard two young male voices coming into the shop. I put the flowers in my hands to the side and look up, seeing Theodore Nott and Mattheo Riddle. Of course I know them, who doesn't? Both of them were quite popular in my school, but from another house than mine. Slytherins.
"Dude, just pick some. I bet she won't even mind which one's as long as it's some flowers." Mattheo groaned at his best friend. "No, I don't just wanna give her something. She's special bro."
I had to smirk at the scene in front of me. It wasn't rare that especially man came into our shop without a clue. I left the counter where I stood and walked over to the,. "Hey guys, can I help you?" I questioned with a soft voice.
Both of their heads turned towards me, just now noticing me. Theo smiled at me and nodded. "Hey uhm – yeah. I wanna buy flowers for my girlfriend and don't know what to get her. I think she doesn't have favorite flowers but I wanna give her something.. special." I saw a light tint forming on his cheeks but I hid my smirk.
"Well I could tell you the meanings of some flowers and you can decide what fits the best for whatever you wanna tell her with them. How does that sound?" he instantly looked a little bit relieved. "Yeah, great. That would be really great."
I started to list some of our flowers we sell with their meanings to it but nothing seemed to fit until after a while I got an idea. "Oh my god wait I have the idea. You could gift her tulips. Each color means something different." "Really? That would be quite special, right?"
I waked him over to our tulips and started to pick some of them out of the vases. "So red means 'deep love' which obviously fits, right? Then we have the yellow ones that stand for 'happiness and sunshine which is perfect for happy occasions. The variegated ones mean 'you have beautiful eyes' because of their beautiful color patterns. The pink ones stand for 'affection and caring'. And last the cream tulips which mean 'I will love you forever.'"
Theodore looks at me impressed and starts smiling. "This is perfect, she will love this! Can you give me three of each please?" I smile back at him and start making a pretty bouquet out of the 15 tulips, adding some cream colored ribbons to the stems.
When I look up I suddenly met Mattheo's eyes, somehow staring into mine. I give him a shy smile and when Theo see's his best friends state he nudged him slightly against his shoulder. He breaks our eye contact and looks down to his feet. Did I do something wrong?
"Here, your flowers. I know your girlfriend will love them." I promise and send him a warm smile. "Thanks again y/n, don't know what I would have done without your help." And with that I give him the bouquet and he pays, leaving a generous tip which I refused to take at first but only took because he told me he would leave it on the door If I wouldn't take it. I have to admit he definitely has charm and I completely understand his girlfriend, but my mind couldn't forget the eye contact I had with his best friend.
I think I never saw Mattheo that quiet, which lets me worry I may have been boring him with all my talking about flowers. But now it was too late anyways to I tried to shake that thought off as good as I could.
The next day I walked through the halls of Hogwarts when suddenly a pretty girl stood in front of me. I think I recognize her somewhere, her necklace gives a hint of her being from Slytherin. "Hey, are you y/n l/n ?" she asks me with a little smile to her lips, tilting her head to the side a bit. "Yeah that's me, is everything alright?" I asked her kind of worried that maybe I am in trouble.
"No I just wanted to thank you. I am Theodore's girlfriend and he gave me the flowers he bought in your shop. He told me you helped him and I just wanted to tell you how much I loved them." A bright smile formed on my lips now and I nodded. "Oh I'm happy you liked them that much!" "Yes, especially the meaning behind the so, thank you again. I guess I will see you around." she politely comments. "Yeah, see you around." With that she walked away again and left me with a smirk on my lips. I'm alway's so happy when I see the reactions of the people that get gifted by our flowers.
Another day went by, the weekend over which meant I had to get ready for classes again. With a good mood I woke up my best friends which I shared a dorm with together and changed into my school uniform. First class today was Transfiguration.
I sat down next to my best friend Blair, waiting for the professor to start the lesson. "You remember when I told you that mattheo and Theodore were in my shop? I forgot to tell you that Theo's girlfriend came to me yesterday and thanked me for helping him with the flowers." I whispered to her. She turned her head to me with big eyes. "And that's something you just forget to tell your best friend? Where was your mind that you forgot?" she chuckled until she noticed my pink cheeks. "Oh my god, are you still thinking about Riddle?" Now my eyes had gone wide. "Shhhh –"
"Please open your books on page 286." Professor McGonagall started the class, just right on time so I wouldn't have to hear Blair try to tell me what a huge crush I developed in two days for him. Which isn't true I mean.
We were in the middle of class when someone knocked on the closed door. All heads turned towards it, inclusive Professor McGonagall's who spoke, "Yes, please?" The door opened and a younger boy from Slytherin, I guess from year 4 maybe, walked in with the biggest bouquet of sunflowers I've ever seen in my entire life.
"Wow.." I breathed out, stunned at the sight in front of us. Sunflowers were my absolute favorite flowers since I was a little kid and my dad planted them in our garden.
"Uhm – I'm sorry to interrupt your class Professor but.." I saw him gulping and had to swallow down my laugh. He looked so nervous under her arched brows and surprised face. ".. I was send to deliver these flowers to y/n l/n. It's a gift." What?
Now all heads turned to me, away from the boy. He walked over to me and handed me the bouquet, rushing out of the classroom. "Who the hell send these to you?" Blair gasped and gawked at all the flowers. " I - I don't know." I stuttered still too stunned to speak.
I met the gaze from McGonagall who's corners of her lips slightly turned upwards before she told the class to concentrate again and dismissed me to bring the bouquet to my room.
On my way out I smelled the, my heart instantly turning warm. Who could have send them to me? Who would know they are my favorites? I never told anyone beside my family and Blair. Was this a mistake? Oh god, a prank even?
I rushed to my dorm where the next surprise waited for me when I opened the door. What the –. At least a hundred of sunflowers were spread all over my dorm. On the beds, on the tables, nightstands, some even on the ground in white vases. Tears started to form in my eyes. Who could have done this? And how?
I mean, I wasn't even away for an hour. A half maybe? I stepped inside slowly, careful to not run over any of the flowers. The whole room smelled like them now, even with the opened windows. I think I've had never seen something so beautiful like this. I looked for any sign, a letter maybe.
Then, I found one on my nightstand. It was a little card. I opened it and read
" The most beautiful part is, I wasn't even looking when I found you."
I turned the letter around. But nothing. No sign of who's behind all of this. I took out a new vase of my own and put the flowers in my hand into it. Why is he keeping it a secret who he is?
A few days went by and I found myself working in the shop today again. The last time I was here, was when I helped Theodore. "Good afternoon." I greeted Mrs. Rosewood who already prepared some flowers. "Oh hello dear, good to see you. How are you?" I'm good, how about you? Lot's of people today?" She turns back to the flowers in her hand and answers, "No not really, I already thought about giving you a day off because I really don't know how to entertain you today."
"Ah you know I could always help preparing flowers." I chuckled, while grabbing my apron. "Hm no I'm already done with them. really dear, take a day off. And maybe spend them with your new boyfriend." she smiled at me. Boyfriend? What?
"Mrs. Rosewood, I don't have a boyfriend?" She turned to me again with a surprised look on her face. " Oh really? Then who was the boy in here ordering all these sunflowers for you?"
My jaw almost hit the floor. She know's who bought them for me? "What? You know who he was?When was he here?" I asked her eager.
"Oh it was a young boy in your age. He asked me what your favorite flowers were and what the meaning of them were. I told him Sunflowers, that's right. Right?" "Y-Yeah they are but- who was he? How did he look? I received them through someone else and all over my room but to the letter were no initials."
"Ah he had brown curly hair, brown eyes. He looked really handsome. Oh I forgot his name. Max? Matthew? Oh! Mattheo! His name was Mattheo." she smiled brightly at me while I felt all my color vanishing from my face.
Was this really a joke? But who would do this for a prank? Then a normal bouquet would have been enough. "Are you sure it's from him?" "Yes, yes I am. he was in here Saturday with his friend too while I took a break. I saw him from the other side of the street, I remember."
My heart pounded so fast in my chest I feared it crawling out of my mouth. Mattheo. Mattheo Riddle. He send them to me.
She must have seen my face because she smiled at me again. "You have a free day my dear, go talk to him." I let out a deep breath, nodding. "I - I will. Thank you so much!" And all of a sudden I couldn't stop smiling.
I almost ran towards our school, looking for the brunette boy. God where should I start looking for him? Then without really thinking about it, I walked towards the common room of the Slytherins, sporting just the person I needed right now.
"Pansy!" I almost shutout through the hall and jogged towards her just when she wanted to walk inside her common room. "Y/n? Did you already figure out it was- " "Yes, yes I did. Can you tell me where he is?" "He's inside. Should I tell him you're waiting here?" "Please, and thank you Pansy." She smiled at me and nodded her head. "No problem."
I felt like throwing up while waiting for Mattheo. Again my heart almost jumped out of my chest when he finally stepped out of his common room. He seemed nervous and scratched the back of his neck.
"Hey y/n." he nearly whispered, standing right in front of me now. "You.. send the flowers, right?" I asked him with so much hope in my voice. He nodded, a shy smile forming on his lips. "It was me, yes. Did you like them? The lady in the store told me Sunflowers are your favorites so I guessed you- " Without letting him speak his full sentence, I crashed into him and hugged him tightly, my head just reaching his chest.
"I loved them, thank you Mattheo. They are so beautiful. Nobody did something like that for me like, ever. The k you so much." I murmured against his clothes, my eyes welling up again.
He wrapped his arms around my body and looked down at me. "So, you're not disappointed that they are from me?" he softly asked. "What? How could I me disappointed at that? I have the biggest crush on you since -" I stopped myself when I realized the words coming right out of my mouth.
I slowly looked up into his teasing smile. "Hmm, a crush yeah?" my cheeks probably turned red like a tomato. he placed a hand on my cheeks and stroked it lovingly with his thumb. "I was so stunned when you offered Theo your help. I couldn't believe I never saw you before in school. I was so utterly falling in love that-"
Now he was the one who stopped mid sentence and I looked at him shocked. "Love?" He licked his lips and gulped before nodding slowly. "Yeah.. love at first sight or.. something like that. The told me it's called like that."
I couldn't believe my ears. Or my eyes. Was this really happening? "So, would you like to go on a date with me?" he asked me, still stroking my cheek. "Of course, I'd love to actually." I giggled, still wondering If this all was just a dream too good to be true.
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[I feel like the ending kinda sucked but I couldn't do better right now, damn.]
thank you guys for reading, let me know how you liked it in the comments if u want to 💛
xoxo sarah <3
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other info:
sunflower divider is by: @saradika 🌻
[taglist: @justarandomcanadiantransdude @helendeath @thatonepansexual2000 @imabee-oralizard @supernaturaldawning @sofa-couch26 @little-miss-naill @kolsangel @itsarajr @hisparentsgallerryy @slytherinscreamqueen @littlemadamred @mixvchelle @ummmmmmm-username @jeannie-beannie @belle-blue @beautywine @sagetakami @simp-for-fantasy @whyamireadingthis ]
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my-own-walker · 1 year
requesting kit with younger reader, where he picks her up from college and takes her for a milkshake but then they have sex in his car and after he has to drop her down the street because her parents don’t approve of him
Oh! You Pretty Things
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note: this is cuteeeeee. thanks for the spicy kit request. i was getting bored of writing inside-the-asylum kit hehe
warnings: sm*t, p in v, oral m receiving, teasing, cursing, kinda overstim, not really tho
The second hand moved so slowly on the clock, I thought it might be broken. Class always went slower when I knew I’d be seeing Kit afterward. Thursdays were our day.
My parents didn’t know. They hated the idea of me being distracted from my studies by some silly boy. I was, in fact, sticking my neck out by going to college as a woman, so I had to succeed. But, the new decade called for liberation for us women. I was proving a point by being able to date and do well in school.
I digress. I met Kit after my father's car got a flat. He showed up in his tow truck to save the day.
'Scummy, those mechanics,' my father quipped as we drove away.
I walked to the gas station Kit said he worked at the next day, set on getting him to ask me on a date.
We'd been secretly meeting up for dates ever since. He'd come to pick me up after my last class of the day every Thursday and take me out somewhere. I could, at times, sneak away to see Kit on other days of the week, but Thursdays were a set date. My mother and father had no idea. They thought I would stay late to study.
In my daydreaming daze, I almost didn't notice my classmates getting up to leave. I gathered my things hastily and rushed out of the room and into the bright daylight of the afternoon. The sun's light on the pavement was nearly blinding. I shaded my eyes with my hand as I walked to the curb, looking desperately for Kit's car.
Within seconds, his shiny black car came slowly up to the side of the street.
'Hey, pretty thing! You goin' my way, doll?' he called out of his window, acting as if he were a creepy stranger. I giggled and got into the passenger's side.
'You have no idea how nice it feels to do this,' I sighed, kicking my shoes off as Kit drove off.
'Rough day, beautiful?' He wore his work uniform. Some jeans, a white undershirt, and his button-up with his name on it. His hair was perfectly tousled, and the shirt was unbuttoned so that part of the white undergarment was showing. He looked soft and warm, and his smile lit up his eyes.
'Just a very long one, and I'm starving.'' I said, drawing out the word 'very.' I flipped down the visor and slid open the mirror, smoothing my hair and fixing the line of my lipstick while regarding my reflection. I pulled the tube of peach lipstick out of my bag and touched up my pout, making faces at myself all the while.
'Havin' fun over there?' Kit laughed.
'I'm beginning to think this shade is old hat,' I sighed. 'Maybe I should try red like Marilyn.'
'I don't care what color they are so long as I get to kiss 'em,' he smirked, taking one hand off the steering wheel and placing it on my upper thigh. I didn't even notice how far my dress had ridden up my leg since getting in the car.
I blushed and giggled, tucking the front pieces of my hair behind my ears. I will admit, I was still in the lavender haze with him.
He pulled into the parking lot of the small roadside diner in our town. It was quaint, tucked away in some trees, filled with truckers from out-of-state and old ladies meeting for lunch. It was a stone's throw from Kit's job, and the perfect place to hide away. Somewhere neither of my parents would dare go.
We sat at the tall counter in the center of the place. This was part of our little Thursday routine. I would always come out of class absolutely ravenous. We'd pick far-away or unknown places to eat before truly spending time together.
'You want somethin', my pretty thing?' Kit asked as the waitress stood in front of us.
'Honestly, a milkshake would be a gas,' I smiled up at the waitress. 'Strawberry.'
'That's all you want?' Kit asked as she walked away. 'Are you sure?'
'Yeah, Kit, I'm alright,' I replied, feeling around in my bag for a light for my cigarette. 'Shit, I must have dropped my lighter somewhere. It's not here.'
'Don’t worry doll, I got you,' he drawled, flicking his own open and holding it under the cigarette clenched in my teeth. I took a long drag and exhaled. The waitress returned and placed my drink in front of me, and Kit's meal in front of him.
I looked over at Kit and caught him taking me in. He looked me up and down and chuckled softly.
'My, you are a dream,' he cooed, placing a hand on my chin to bring me in for a kiss. I went in for a peck and was alarmed to find that Kit wanted more.
'Baby, not here,' I said through gritted teeth, pulling away quickly. I looked around to make sure no one saw. 'You're an animal.' I laughed and he returned the smile.
'I just can't control myself around you, pretty.'
'Well then hurry up and finish your food so we can peel out,' I giggled, pushing his shoulder playfully.
There was an old abandoned schoolhouse in town 5 minutes away from my house. Kit and I would find ourselves in the back parking lot frequently. Tucked away from the public eye in his car.
As soon as Kit parked the car, he dragged me into the back seat with him. We made out furiously, like two caged animals that were finally set free. It was a small space, but we sure made it work.
I took over, immediately pushing Kit's back up against the door, placing my hands on his chest to hold him down. His white undershirt was soft against my palms. I could feel his heart pounding furiously beneath my fingertips. A pace that signaled to me just how much he wanted this.
We kissed for only a short time before clothes started getting removed. First, I aided him in removing his work shirt. Then, I worked to undo his belt and unbutton his jeans. He slid them off quickly. I took that time to remove my panties, throwing them hastily to the front seat.
His erection was noticeable through his white briefs. My hand immediately reached to touch it, only for it to be held back.
'Not yet, sweetheart,' he smiled. He pushed me back into the door on my side and continued making out with me. His hands groped all over my body, paying particular attention to my breasts. 'Oh this dress just won't do,' he muttered.
My high-necked smock dress was fit for school, yes, but not for this. He reached behind me and unzipped the fabric smoothly. He tugged the material and it slid down to expose my bra. Kit smiled as he looked into my eyes, then turned his attention back to my chest. He peppered kisses all over my sensitive skin, making goosebumps raise all over my body.
First, he slid my left bra strap off my shoulder, creating a bit more slack and revealing more of my skin. He took his time to kiss all of the areas of skin he hadn't before, going agonizingly slow so that I would get hot and bothered. He loved when I was hot and bothered.
Next was the right bra strap. The ceremony continued. His ritualistic dance of adorning love to every inch of my body made every horrible minute spent without him worth it. His mouth inched closer and closer to the very edge of my bra. Eventually, I gave in to the teasing and reached back to unhook the damn thing myself.
Deciding I'd had enough, though, I pushed Kit back again. This time, all the way down so that he was laying across the back seat. My hand reached for his bulge and stroked it. He whimpered in pleasure. I took the waistband of his briefs in my fingers and tugged, making his dick spring loose.
I lined myself up with him and slid his throbbing erection into my slick middle, feeling every inch of it go deeper and deeper into me. I cried out involuntarily and began bouncing on it, feeling our two bodies connect naturally. My walls tightened around it. He moaned softly.
'Oh baby, yeah,' he spat through gritted teeth as I continued to ride him. I stooped down and kissed him passionately, still keeping a rhythm. His shaking hands reached up to grope my breasts again, this time more firmly. He slid his hands down to my waist and held it, almost as if he were trying to feel some sort of control over me.
I continued moving my hips atop his dick. His length went so deep within me, I thought I'd scream. I put both of my palms on either side of his chest to steady myself. His breathing got more ragged, and I could feel his heart racing still.
'Fuck,' Kit grunted, trying not to come so easily. He gathered what strength he had a lifted me off of his erection by my waist. I sat back and slid down to a laying position as he rose to position himself above me, both of us maintaining eye contact as we went. He wanted a turn on top.
I didn't even get a chance to settle before his large cock was inside me again. I yelped and screwed my eyes closed, existing at that moment at his very will. He held my wrists, which were resting just next to my head, down so that I couldn't move. I whined in protest but was silenced by his lips on mine.
Sweat formed on his brow. I could feel myself succumbing to the waves of orgasm. But, neither of us wanted to be the first to give in. I breathed heavily to steel myself, but it was to no avail. I came first, crying out and moaning loudly. He slid out of me and stroked my hair as the fits of pleasure overtook me.
Kit sat back against the door on his side of the car once again, breathing heavily. I regained my composure and sat up, sitting back on my heels. I stooped down and took his pre-cum covered dick in my mouth. I flicked my tongue over the tip and reveled in the whimpers and cries Kit was letting out. He grabbed and pulled my hair gently as I continued to suck him off.
'I-I'm gonna come,' he mustered, trying to warn me in case I wanted to stop. Instead, I let him blow his load directly into my mouth. I ignored the warmth and bitter taste as I swallowed. He moaned and threw his head back, eventually relaxing into his position. I wiped my mouth and sat back as well.
Recovered from his orgasm, Kit leaned forward and laid half-beside and half-on me, resting his head on my chest. I sighed in contentment.
'God, you're good at that,' Kit whispered, laughing softly. I laughed too. He grabbed my hand and brought it up to his lips to kiss it. He kissed the back of each finger as well to emphasize his gratefulness. He nestled closer into me. I nearly fell asleep listening to his breathing even out.
I gasped suddenly when I looked out the window and saw the sun setting. 'Shit, Kit, we have to get me home!'
We both worked quickly to redress. He helped me with the tough job of zipping up the back of my dress. I scrambled out of the back door and into the passenger door, slamming it shut and bringing the visor down to once again look at myself in the mirror. Kit clambered up to the front from the back seat and settled himself in.
He turned the key in the ignition and started the car up. He paused, though, before going. I looked away from fixing my lipstick for a moment to see what was the matter. Kit shifted in his seat and reached for something that was under him. In his hand was my panties.
'I uh, think you're gonna need these,' he chuckled, blushing. I smacked his arm and snatched them from his grip.
'Oh, hush! Stop! It's not funny,' I protested, half-laughing as well. I shoved them into my handbag demonstratively. 'Now hurry up and drive!'
The ride home was quick enough. The sun was still setting as Kit got to the end of my street. He had to drop me there to avoid my parents seeing anything.
'Are you sure you're gonna be okay walking over there this late? I don't need anyone snatching my girl,' Kit spoke.
'I'll be fine, Kit. No one really walks my street. Plus, it's not even that dark,' I assured him.
'Well okay, but I'll be parked here watching ya, okay?'
'Just don't be too obvious,' I warned.
He leaned over and grabbed my face, pulling me in for one last, passionate kiss. When I pulled away, my lipstick was all over his face. I just chuckled to myself and opened the door.
'I love you, you pretty thing,' he called after me.
'I love you too, Kit,' I smiled.
Literally cannot lie I got a bit, uh, bothered myself writing this one LOL. Let me know if you liked this one!
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amalia-uwu · 7 months
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What are you two up to? 💜💙
Where are you carrying the sleepy boy?
What is he dreaming of?
What's on your mind?
Is he heavy?
Is he a squishy, soft teddy bear?
So many questions.
Drabble :
“Carry you in my embrace”
Notes comments:
Thank you so much for this! I love the whole piece so much!
Sans's expression is so soft, serene and beautiful! I love the way you drew him wrapped around me!
I love how I'm holding him!
I love the hair etc.
The colors are also so soft and a beautiful combination.
I love it thank you so much! It gives a soft, beautiful, cozy aura.
As always this is one more beautiful piece of art, that I receive from you!
Each drawing has its own story to tell!
You are an amazing artist and great inspiration! Fudgie! 💙
Thank you so much! 💙
Now unto the Drabble!
We were sitting on the couch watching TV.
At some point I noticed Sans dozing off.
He couldn't stay awake. I saw his eye sockets closing. His head falling forwards.
I chuckled. Hehe!
How can he be so adorable? He was such an adorable baby boy. A baby girl. A cutie pie! I wanted to squish him mercilessly in my embrace!
He just looks so cute when sleepy.
Okay, he looked masculine and adorable anyway. But even in sleep he looks handsome and adorable!
I shuffled closer and wrapped him in my embrace. He smiled in his sleep.
His cheek bone on my shoulder. I brushed my hair at my back, so they won't bother his face.
We stayed there for some time. Just cuddling.
There were many thoughts on my mind.
One thing is sure tho; that, I loved him so much.
I didn't know what he was dreaming but, I could tell he was happy.
There was a soft shade of blue hue on his cheekbones and a relaxed genuine smile on his face.
As much as I loved cuddling him. I knew, that the couch wasn't comfortable.
I was thinking how to carry him. «Will he wake up? Be scared? How will I lift a well build skeleton man?
... He is all bones. He can't be that heavy. I'll try to lift him. Worse case scenario.. Is that he falls on the couch and me on top of him. I am quite heavy. He doesn't have organs like me. He doesn't have skin like me.. How heavy can he be? Well... Let's find out»
I picked him up softly. He wrapped his bones around me.
Hm.. He wasn't as heavy as I was expecting him to be. Heh! He was a bearable comfortable weight.
I could carry him as I carry a child.
I was surprised I could carry him around with so much ease. Truly fascinating. Heh!
Another thing I loved; is how soft he is. How squishy.
Despite him being made of bones; he was pleasant to touch, hug. Physical contact with him felt incredible.
He was warm, soft, squishy. A teddy bear. I could feel his warm breath on my neck.
I could feel some of my hair touching his face. Heh, our souls were close to each other.
He was content and calm.
I walked upstairs to his room carrying him in my embrace.
Heh, he was doing an effort to keep it as clean as possible.
I laid him in his bed carefully. As I attempted to untangle him.
He took a hold of my clothes and refused to let go.
A soft whine left his teeth.
Welp, okay then. So be it.
I laid next to him and cuddled him closer. I could smell his clothes amd bedsheets. So, his bedsheets smelled like green apple. While his clothes smelled like green soap. It wasn't bad. I.. liked it!
Soon enough I covered ourselves with the weighted blanket he had.
I kissed his mandible and got comfortable next to him. He hummed softly.
I closed my eyes too and joined him for a nap.
"I love you sans!" I whispered.
He smiled and mumbled "i love you too".
The end ����
Thank you for reading! 💙
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theostrophywife · 1 year
here with a fluffy request :D i ask only for eris or cassian fluff. maybe aftercare. maybe just a sweet romantic moment. idk, its up to you!! but soft kisses are a must tho because that sounds adorable rn lol
your writing is amazing btw. i find myself constantly going back to reread it!
cotton candy kisses.
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author’s note: you are too sweet 🥹 here's some baby boy cassian. (and maybe something for eris in a separate post what? who said that)
“does that feel good, baby?”
you sighed softly, nodding in appreciation as cassian massaged your scalp. the rose scented shampoo soothed your nerves as did your mate’s fingers which felt heavenly in your hair. the warm bath water licked at your skin, making you flush and sleepy. with half-closed lids, you hummed in appreciation and leaned into your mate's touch.
“your hands are magic, cas.”
cassian chuckled as you leaned back into him, his strong, muscled chest a solid plane behind you. you kissed the top of his knee as he cradled you between his thighs. he took great care and handled you gently, working out the kinks in your shoulders and rubbing soap over your aching muscles. it was such a stark contrast from your earlier activities in the bedroom when you both practically tore each other’s clothes off and pushed your bodies to the limit.
“you deserve it, sweetheart. that was a workout back there. i was afraid that we’d broken the mattress. again.”
you chuckled. “you do love to put that headboard through hell.”
your mate grinned. “don’t pretend like you don’t love it.”
“i do,” you said with a grin, “but not as much as i love you.”
cassian kissed your cheek. “i love you too, peach.”
you reached up to weave your fingers together. “will you give me a bun? like yours?” turning to your side, you beamed and poked cassian’s signature half bun. “i wanna match.”
the smile that bloomed on cassian’s face took your breath away. despite being mated for decades, you never really grew accustomed to how beautiful he was. every line and curve of his face was ingrained in your memory, the stunning color of his eyes, chocolate brown with mossy green and flecks of gold marked your soul, and the scar through his right brow was a landmark that denoted home.
there was a warmth to him, sometimes it was the burning flame of passion and other times, in moments like these, he was the cozy heat emanating from an ever trusty hearth. it was in the gentle way he gathered your hair, trailing soft kisses along your jaw and temple as he tied your curls back.
cassian turned you around to admire his work. “i think you pull off the bun better than i do, peach.”
“never,” you said, crawling into his lap. soap suds slicked skin brushed against you as you wrapped your arms around cassian's neck. “i could never be as cute as you, baby.”
your mate chuckled as he pulled you into his arms. he nuzzled his nose against yours and showered you with tiny kisses. “yeah? you think i’m cute?”
“mhm,” you murmured, twirling a strand of his silky raven hair as you tugged him down to you. “you’ve got a cute bun. and a cute face. and the cutest ass.”
cassian chuckled and tilted your chin up, his lips meeting yours perfectly. he lavished you with cotton candy kisses, soft and sweet and slow. the two of you took your time, kissing like it was the first time. kissing like you were still shy teenagers in the throes of puppy love. your fingers in his hair, his hands on your hips, lips velvet and plush and oh so intoxicating.
you moaned softly as his tongue brushed gently along your bottom lip, asking for entrance. like a flower in spring, you bloomed for cassian. your skin tingled as you kissed and kissed until your lips were swollen. still, it never felt like enough.
gods, you could’ve kissed him forever.
“my sweet peach,” cassian whispered, his lips ghosting over yours. you nipped at his bottom lip, savoring the taste of him. his kisses were intoxicating. you wanted to drown in it. in him.
“hmm,” you sighed dreamily. “more kisses, please. i wanna feel your lips on mine, cas. always.”
your mate kissed you once, twice, three times. "all my kisses are for you, peach. always."
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maislovebot · 1 year
Top 10 bsd characters oral scenarios: Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Contains: afab reader, no pronouns, reader is wearing a camisole, afab reader, slight hurt/comfort, morning sex, except you both have like brushed teeth and stuff, nibbles and licks, temperature play, power play if you squint, mommy issues Fyodor, no mommy kink tho, hair pulling, Fyodor is the little spoon :’)
Check out the original post on ao3 if you want! It’s the same username
You whined out as you woke up, stretching your arms out. It was bright outside, as to be expected from this late-summer heat. The room was warm but not too hot, and it felt nice. You checked next to you, and saw that Fyodor was nowhere to be found.
‘ hm, I wonder where he ran off to. ’ you inquired, looking around the room, questioning where your lovely partner went.
You noticed the bathroom light was on, and you assumed that was where he went. You sat up and got out of bed to brush your hair, waiting for him to return from the bathroom.
When Fyodor walked out, you saw his beautiful hair was soaking wet, presumably from an early morning shower. It made his hair just a little longer than normal, barely meeting his shoulder blades, and it looked lovely on him.
“Ah, you’re awake.” Fyodor stated.
You nodded, and got up from brushing your hair to run your fingers through his soft locks, smelling the remnants of conditioner in his beautiful hair. You smiled at his state, looking down and seeing that he was dressed comfortably in a sweater and his solid-color boxers, laughing a little.
“What’s funny?” Fyodor questioned.
“Oh it’s nothing. It’s just cute seeing you in casual clothes.”
Fyodor didn’t respond, and instead leaned into the crook of your neck, resting his forehead on top of your shoulder. His hair was wet, making it stick to your back, getting the straps of your shirt a little damp. It didn’t bother you though. Tender moments like this were what made your relationship worth it.
There were issues, of course. Like a constant worry for Fyodor’s safety, considering how dangerous his work was. His morals were a little messed up, but you could tell he meant well. You were the only person in the world who got that though, he felt like. He felt that no one else was understanding of his goals, besides you. Even if you didn’t always agree with his way of going about things, he knew you knew what he really wanted.
You also weren’t afraid of him, which made him feel desired. You couldn’t even fathom how lonely he must’ve felt for so long. Everybody has been so afraid of him because of his special ability, and you could tell that it had lasting effects on him. Like for example, how he used to shy away from any and all affection, because he wasn’t used to it. He wasn’t even used to receiving love from his own mother.
You, however, were different.
“Alright, Fedya. I’ll be back in a few minutes. I have to wash my face and such.”
Fyodor slowly let go of you, and laid down on the bed, awaiting your return.
It was only a few minutes, of course, but Fyodor was quite literally tapping his foot against the mattress waiting for you. When you finally returned, you felt fresher, and you laid down on the bed next to Fyodor, grabbing his arms and wrapping yourself around him.
Fyodor maneuvered his way through you two, eventually managing to climb on top of you. You looked at him quizzically, wondering what he was doing. He rested himself between your neck and shoulder again and laid there for a solid minute before giving a small, teasing lick to your neck. It was a miniature lick, as Fyodor was simply testing the waters.
“This early in the morning?” You teased, running your fingers through his still wet hair.
Fyodor hummed, and nibbled on your neck, feeling the soft flesh mold between his teeth. You gave a small whine, and gripped his hair, turning your head to the right, giving Fyodor better access.
Fyodor nibbled on your neck again, before moving his head down to your collarbone, licking in seemingly random spots before biting where he licked. Your whines were small, but Fyodor was enjoying every second of it. He ended up sucking on one particular area that he knew was sensitive, and it made you tremble a little and grip his hair tighter. Fyodor smiled into your skin at your reaction and began abusing that spot. He was drawing consistent whines out of you that were getting louder at a slow and steady rate, just how he likes it.
Fyodor breathed into your neck moving his mouth from you, his hands gripping the sheets next to your head just tight enough that he could not easily be moved out of place.
“You know, I was having a hard time focusing in the shower.”
Fyodor pulled his head up and looked you right in the eyes.
“Why would that be?” You questioned, grinning.
Fyodor slowly pulled your camisole up and over your head, your top half completely naked now. He then trailed small kisses down your collarbones, on your chest, then down to your stomach.
“I couldn’t stop thinking of you.”
You wanted to respond but you were caught in your tracks by Fyodor pulling your shorts down by the hem. Fyodor noticed your silence and paused, before looking into your eyes and continuing. Considering his genius he probably used your body language to understand your consent, or something of that nature. He was so smart you were unsure how he read you half the time.
You put your hand in his hair again, feeling your hand dampen from it. Just like your stomach was. Just like between your thighs was. You ruffled his hair a little, your other hand propping you up so you could see him better.
“More specifically, I couldn’t stop thinking about this .”
You bucked your hips up from his words, your hips successfully pressing against his upper chest more than before. Fyodor’s mouth opened slightly, jaw agape, before he smiled.
“Looks like you’re having the same problem.” Fyodor smiled, looking at you from your lower stomach.
“Well, there’s no point in keeping you waiting.” Fyodor mumbled, looking up at you and grinning. He moved himself up, his arms supporting him. He reached up to your nightstand and dipped his fingers in the cup of ice water you had laid out for yourself the night before. The ice was almost melted, but when Fyodor dipped his fingers inside the drink was still cold.
You were slightly confused, until you saw Fyodor take the water he had collected on his fingers and pressing it onto his tongue, small drops of water falling on your stomach from the access remaining.
Fyodor really knew how to get you going.
You moved your hips, unable to sit still because of the show Fyodor was putting on. He laid with his face between your thighs, looking at your pussy admiring the slick that was forming between your folds.
He finally dipped his tongue between your thighs, and you jolted from the cold feeling remaining on his tongue. He moved his hands under your thighs and pushed them up so they were up in the air, your shins hanging low, giving Fyodor even more power over you. The cold feeling was still remaining on his tongue as he licked a stripe from your hole up to your clit.
“Ahn—ah.. Fyodor!” You cried out and shook your head back and forth, not signifying ‘ no ’, but instead signifying ‘ too much ’. Even if he had just started. He really was a master with his tongue, in more ways than one.
He had a silver tongue that could tell so many lies, and yet he was like this with you. Instead of using that tongue for evil, he’s using it to please you. Even if he uses it for anything but good for other people.
He delved his tongue inside your hole. It was no longer cold, but it was replaced by that warm feeling bubbling up from the very depths of your veins, making you attempt to grind yourself against him as much as you could, considering how little use your legs currently were. He moved his hands from your thighs to your hips, allowing your legs to fall down atop his shoulders, effectively holding him down. He gripped your hips as much as he could, forcing his tongue deeper inside of you. It made you cry out a short whine, followed by a groan as he took his finger and pushed it between your folds to thumb at your clit. You clenched around him, gripping his hair, pulling it impossibly closer to your pussy.
“Pleas-e, Fyodor! I’m close, don’t stop!” You sobbed, feeling yourself tear up. It was too much. He was too much. He was relentless, and it showed. Your body trembled, and your legs shook and twitched. You were close, so, so close.
Fyodor removed his left hand from your hips and rubbed small circles on your inner thigh, and that finally broke the dam that had been forming. There was simply too much happening for you to last much longer. You came on his face, successfully mixing his spit, your slick and your cum. His face was sopping wet by this point, but he didn’t bother to stop. He kept fucking your hole with his tongue, forcing your own cum right back inside of you.
“Fyo!—ahhn..” you attempted to tell Fyodor how it was simply too much, but his movements cut you off, making you simply whine and grip Fyodor’s hair with much less vigor, as all your energy was lost.
You simply let Fyodor continue to do as he pleased, losing much of your strength to fight back, or even shutter with your hips. When you inevitably came again, he cleaned up all that had been left behind, wiping everything off on the back of his hand, then on your thigh.
You breathed heavily, catching your breath. You assumed you were done, as there was no way Fyodor would continue when you were in this state. That’s what you assumed, but you were very wrong.
“You can’t just leave me like this.. I know you’re tired, so how about I just fuck you to sleep?”
You nodded, wrapping your thighs around his waist.
Needless to say, you passed out after coming once more, leaving Fyodor satisfied. He pulled out, allowing the mix of your and his cum to pour out of you. Fyodor crawled up to you, pulling the covers over your body, lying down next to your sleeping form, allowing himself to be held in your arms. The rustling of the sheets woke you up, and you played with Fyodor’s hair for a short moment before dozing off again.
When you awoke a few hours later, you were met with an empty bed, and a note on your bedside table, accompanied by a Russian dessert of some kind, all you knew was that it was powdered and miniature. Whatever it was, it made great company to eat while reading the note Fyodor left behind.
‘ I unfortunately had to meet up with Fukuchi. I’ll see you tonight, моя милая. ’
You weren’t sure what ‘моя милая’ meant, but you knew it meant well.
Wc - 1.8k
Expect some Francis porn soon!
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elsbbg · 1 year
Watercolour eyes, Ellie Williams x reader
Synopsis: Doing Ellie’s makeup for the first time
Warnings: none, just pure fluff
Wc: 0.9k
A/n: heyy, so this is my first ever fic (so please go easy on me I’m sensitive :)), til now I’ve always made silly scenarios in my head, now I wanna write those fantasies down just for pure fun, soo hope you’ll enjoy <3 btw the title of the song has nothing to do with the story, I just liked it that’s all :) Also excuse any grammar errors English isn’t my first language
As the snow was collecting on the mountains and a storm was about to loom over Jackson, it was impossible for you and Ellie to go on your usual afternoon patrol shift since Maria thought it would be too dangerous to go into the woods in the middle of a storm. And so this is how you got here, in the comfort of Ellie’s garage.
The lights hanging on the wall behind her couch were emitting a soft warm light that hugged her whole living room. As you were lazily laying on her bed, back pressed to the headboard while reading a book, Ellie was laying between your legs, head resting on your belly as she was playing video games.
This was until you felt her shift from her original position and feel the warmth of her body slowly leave you. She had turned the television off, to then throw herself on the bed again next to your frame, face hiding in her pillow.
“Els, you okay?” You asked as you were closing your book to place it on her bedside table and give her your full attention. “Yea… just- really fucking bored”she sighed hiding her face into your chest. “Mhm… do you still have my little beauty case that I left here a couple of weeks ago?” You asked the freckled girl as you gently caressed her hair. “Yeah sure, why?” She asked laying on her side, hand supporting her head “there might be something interesting in it, you know to pass the time” at your response a smirk started spreading on her plushy lips: “oh yea? And what is it?” She asked, hand caressing your exposed hip. “Nothing like that dummy” you said, suddenly standing up from your place on the bed, heading to her bathroom to go pick the beauty case up “so I’m not getting laid?” She asked in a high tone, fake sadness draped in it. Just when you returned back to her, bright pink case full of cosmetics and coloured powders in your hands, that the realisation hit her “I’m not doing that” she stated in a flat tone, one you rarely heard. “Of course you’re not, I’m doing your makeup for you” you said brightly smiling, sitting on your knees in front of her “absolutely not. I don’t want sticky shit on my face”. “It’s not sticky and I’m gonna make you look so cool, like rockstar cool” you tried convincing her “I swear if you put pink glittery stuff on my face I’ll throw you out of the house, and your house is across the city” she jokingly threatened you, to which you responded “yea and Joel lives across the street” “shut up he doesn’t”.
Since doing her makeup sitting across each other would be too hard, you asked her if she could lay back for you and let you sit on her lap so to be closer to her face and more concentrated. Her hands were on your hips keeping you still, fingers slightly fidgeting with the hem of her sweater you were wearing.
You decided to do a makeup that would totally fit her, both with the way she dressed, with her usual dark baggy clothes, and with her loser and nerdy personality. So you opted for a black liner that would color her waterline, slightly smudged on her eye bags and blending a bit toward the outside of her emerald eyes. Just when you thought the girl couldn’t get prettier your expectations were fully blown. The way the black liner made her emerald eyes pop out was actually mesmerising, she looked so graceful yet so inelegant in all her beauty. Even tho her eyes were closed she could feel you staring “everything okay there babe?” She asked opening her eyes, squinting through the dim light of the room. “Yea, you just look- very pretty” you said gently caressing her cheek “yeah yeah, just finish your work of art” you smiled at how she defined her own skin as your work of art, a canvas to paint on. “Open your eyes els, I gotta put mascara on” you said gently tapping her cheek “I swear if you stab my eyes with that thing-“ “I’m not gonna stab your eyes out els, just trust me” you reassure her as you leave a kiss on her forehead. After having applied mascara and succeeding in not stabbing her eyes, it was time for her lips, as soon as she saw you pick a lipstick up she immediately stated “you’re not putting that on my lips” “yes I am” “no” “please… do it for your girl” you fake pouted, the look in her pleading eyes screamed kicked dog but you didn’t care. “Please… so I can smudge it up later while making out” you said accentuating a smile “what colours do you have?” That’s all it took her for her to say yes, and fall into your trap: a pout and a make out session.
After a good five minutes of choosing the right shade that complemented her pale skin, you opted for a nude dark rose lipstick color, and a light coat of clear lipgloss.
“You look beautiful els, like actually pretty- I mean you always look pretty but this is a different kind of pretty… I guess” you stutter a little “mhm, thank you baby, but now I wanna see how it turned out too”. You pass her the portable mirror you got and she actually looked pretty shocked too. “This is so cool and totally badass… I kinda do look pretty” she looked at you through the mirror with a giddy kind of expression on her face “maybe you should do my makeup more often…” she shyly said “I think so too els”.
“Now come here, I need you to smudge my lipstick” she said as she pulled you in for a sweet and passionate kiss. “Wait wait wait…” you brutally braked the kiss. “What is it?” She asked, a hint of worry in her voice “I wanna take a pic” you said smiling. She gave you a little peck before answering “we’ll take it when it’s all smudged and on your pretty face too” she said pulling you back in for the kiss, wide smiles plastered on both your features.
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leonsthunderthighs · 1 year
Simple Sketches
Tumblr media
I drew a picture of him and bro is GORGEOUS (probably taking too much pride in it but no matter-)
☆RE4R Leon era <3
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°
"Alright perfect, stay just like that" You giggled through your words. Your eyes quickly focusing on Leon's smiling expression and back to the off-white sketchbook paper.
"Gotcha" He focused on keeping one expression and kept his eyes on you. A smile pursed your lips as you slowly admired his features and dragged the pencil imitating what you see.
Leon loved the concentration you had trying to perfectly capture his handsome portrait. The smile slowly fading while your brows furrowed, craning your neck closer and closer to the paper. His eyes wandered down curiously watching your process.
You glance back up seeing your boyfriend leaning from his position, "Leon quit being nosey, we just started." You bantered pushing back his face with your pencil against his forehead.
"Fine fine, as you wish." He said while slightly laughing and leaning back to his position. Before going back to drawing you fix his head position by gently tilting his chin, "There."
You quickly went back to drawing, the pencil scratching the paper letting you capture his features. His parted blonde hair that sat perfectly around his jawline and high cheekbones. The beauty marks that freckled his cheeks down to his neck and Adam's apple. The warm sunlight accentuated parts of his cheeks, the bridge of his nose, and his pretty lips that always has something smart to say. His dark circles that formed over the course of years made his pearly blues brighter, eyes being windows to the soul is a phrase that's almost been overused but you couldn't help but think it was true for Leon. His eyes matched the fighting spirit he has, you looked up to and admired his strength, whether it be physical nor mentally. Just the utter thought of having to do the grimey work he's forced to put through leaves a sour taste on your tongue and a heavy sense of dread weigh in your stomach.
Your focus was broken as you stared back at his lips trying to capture the soft shading. They were such a deep peachy color and the warm light only added to the sight, your eyes didn't come back down to the paper to imitate what you see so you stared at the curling smile forming on his lips. "It's rude to stare you know", his words came out smoothly in a quiet breath.
"You really make it hard not to Leon." You continued to just lovingly memorize portrait. A quiet chuckle came from the back of his throat as he left a gentle kiss upon your lips. You hummed gratified by the feeling of him pressing his lips against yours, the pads of his fingers rubbed circles against your skin.
Comfortable silence fell within the house as Leon pulled his head back to rest his forehead against yours, basking in your presence and wishing he could stay like this with you.
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°
Sorry I disappeared on you guys 😭 I have a lot of drafts but none of them end up getting finished and they just collect dust BUT I GOT THIS ONE DONE tho its a little short but still its so soft to me </3
Also if you see any spelling/grammar errors just pretend you didn't see that
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bewitchingbaker · 6 months
The Baker and Werspinna
Chris finds himself in a flirtatious back and forth with a certain dimension hopping Spider themed hero.
A sweet but smutty drabble starring @birkenzeisig muse @werspinna and Chris
"That depends-" gently she took the mans big hand from her elbow in her small,scarred hand and breathed a little kiss on his knuckles even if her grey eyes never stopped looking up to Chris and there was a little smile that was as sharp as a blade pulling at the scarred corner of her mouth: "-What nice things exactly have you planned to do with me when I have time and come for a nice visit?"
A red hue fills those chubby cheeks of his.
Her grey eyes locked in on his soft brown eyes, the soft and ever so subtle kiss to he knuckles.Topped off with the soft and alluring tone that was her voice.
The laysister knew what she was doing and Chris loved every minute of it.
Ever since their first meeting, the spider hero known as Werspina and the bewitching baker had something going on. Prolonged stares whenever she would leave. Hand touches that left him as red as a tomato. Of course it wouldn’t be a visit from Wolf without an old poem hitting at some shared desires. However, even the baker was able to surprise the spider woman with his admission of what they wanted.
But it looked as though things had come to a head.
What was the baker to do?
“Maybe make you a nice dinner” he blushes, “If you have time, maybe a dessert as well..”
A half truth.
Now the baker had every intention of making Werspinna a delicious meal, but she knew what he really wanted. After all they both wanted the same thing. Those eight eyes flutter at the baker, giving him a smile that gave him peek gap in her teeth.She breathes another kiss against his knuckles.
“Sounds like a plan,” she smiles. “Lead the way.”
A wink and the coup de grace.
Just like a cat trapping their mouse, the spider hero had him wrapped around her fingers.
With a few shared giggles and small saunter, the duo stood next to each other on the elevator. Sneaking glances at the other’s physique and figure. Soft brown hues admired all of Wolf’s features. Those beautiful grey eyes paired with her beautiful olive skin slowly trailing down to her ample breasts. She would soon find out how much the baker thought about the plump hips she hidden under her armor, though his stares wouldn’t go unnoticed by Wolf. Two eyes took a nice long look at the baker’s ass. Another pair gaze knowingly into those soft brown hues. It isn’t long before theduo found themselves, inching closer and closer to the other until finally, their lips intertwine. A warm soft kiss. Her pox scarred hands caress those chubby cheeks as if he were made of glass. His own hands lost in those coffee-colored locks. Admittedly, Wolf was pleasantly surprised to feel Chris deeping their kiss.
Just as the took a moment for air, they reached his floor.
It isn’t long before they’re rushing to his place. The second Chris unlocked his door, he is greeted once again by the gift that Wolf’s lips. He smiles into their kiss, already excited about their plans. The baker's hands pull her closer to him by her hips, earning a small giggle from the laysister. Their hands stripping the other out of their clothes.
Wolf’s hands eased the baker out of his shirt while Chris eased her pants off. Another break for air. Both were pleased at the sight before them. She bit her lip at the broad shoulders with matching massive arms, though her 8 eyes were drawn to to the gold and purple piercing that adorned his navel.
“Ach~” she laughs. “You’re certainly full of surprises~”
A bashful chuckle escaepes Chris’s lips, hands easing off his pants to reveal his hardening length. Just as she was enticed by what kid underneath the baker’s clothes, the sight of those tattoos and the beauty beneath her trousers made him lick his lips in excitement. Before she knows it, the baker is standing over her.
“That’s funny,” he replies, one hand tilting her chin to gaze into those enticing eyes. “I was going to say the same thing about you~”
To her own surprise, Wolf was the one blushing from the Chris’s words. Earning a smile from Chris. Who would have thought the shy and blushing baker could flirt with the best of them? It was safe to say that both were in for a night of surprises. His hands snaked their way around her waist and onto the plumpness that was her ass. Without much effor the baker lifts Wolf into his arm once again meeting her lips with his own.
The baker deepens their kiss, nibbling at her bottom lips before pressing a few kisses against her neck. Soft pleas of more escaped her lips as he carried to his bed. Like a delicate flower, Chris gently laid Wolf onto his bed. Not once stopping his worship of the art that was Werspina. Softly grazing her neck with teeth while his hands admired her breasts.
“Hermosa…” Chris whispireed against her skin. “You’re radiant mi angel~”
Soon his kisses trailed lower and lower. Lips pressing themselves against her tummy, hands caressing those hypnotizing thighs of hers. Eight eyes stared in admiration at Chris’s action, biting her bottom lip in anticipation. A soft laugh escapes her lips once she feels the baker press a kiss against her ankles, trailing up to her thighs and giving her small teasing bites before finally coming face to face with her arousal.
Soft brown hues met her grey eyes, looking at her as if asking for permission. A pox scarred hand reaches down to caress his cheek once again
“Don’t keep me waiting~”
That ever-so-alluring purr of her voice was enough for him to press his eager lips against her heat, happily obliging her request. It wasn’t long before the baker heard the sweet song that Wolf’s pleasured sigh.One hand caressed the hero’s plump thighs as he lapped at her folds, his other hand soon interlocking with hers. Each lick earned a moan and every kiss to her arousal received a squirm. 6 of Wolf’s eyes were closed in pleasure while two remained open to gaze at the beauty before her.
Now, Wolf had her fair share of experiences with oral sex. But there was something adorable about seeing the baker so focused on bringing her to a nice climax. From the way he had her squirming and filling the room with her rooms, the adorable little baker had done this many times before (she would make sure to tease him about this later). Plus, it was nice to see that cute butt of his out of those jeans.
Suddenly, our Spider hero could feel the baker’s finger pumping in and out of her arousal. She began to arch her back, throwing her head back with a gasp of pleasure.
“Oh! Chris~” Music to his ears.
With his fingers massaging her walls and his tongue dancing along her folds, the baker had Wolf right where he wanted her. Her beautiful fingers were lost in his curls, her ever so addicting and those cute moans only encouraged his tongue’s dance against her folds. When he heard Wolf moan out his name, Chris decided it was time to deliver the coup de grace. Those lips wrapped around her ever-so-sensitive pearl as he continued to massage her walls.
Her toes curled and eight eyes saw stars with a loud moan, those thighs clenched around his head. Chris’s hands held onto her thighs as she continued her climax, her own hand holding him close to her drenched heat. A few seconds passed, riding out the rest of her climax. Soft moans turned into pants and pants turned into laughs.
“I take it you enjoyed that?” Chris asked with a wink, earning another laugh from Wolf. Her hands reached out to caress those chubby cheeks with an enthusiastic nod. With a smile, she pressed a kiss against his forehead. Then his nose. She leaned ever so close to the baker’s face, her poxscarred lips only inches from his. Just as he leaned close, she pulled away with a laugh
“I very much did enjoy myself, muuske,” Wolf cooed before giving him a light peck, “It’s been a while since someone’s surprised me like this. But~”
In one swift action, she gently pushed him onto his back, his soft brown hues looking up at those 8 gorgeous eyes. Wolf’s lips were soon pressed against his neck, earning a few soft hums of appreciation from the baker. Her hands ran along his chest as she continued to cover his neck in soft kisses and small bites before finally whispering.
“I have a few surprises of my own~”
Wolf began another trail of kisses from his neck, leading to his chest and along his dolcissimo stomach. It isn’t long before she’s face to face with his arousal. With a soft peck, her hands began to slowly stroke his length, offering him a knowing wink. Chris enjoyed her strokes, doing his best not to get too loud. But even he couldn’t hold back a soft moan.
“No need to hold back,” she whispered with an impish smile.
Soon her tongue danced around his shaft, coaxing a gasp of pleasure out of the baker. With 6 of hereyes closed and another 2 gazing into his, Wolf began to take more of Chris into her mouth, her hands continuing her strokes. It isn’t long before her head is bobbing up and down his length, soon taking the entirety of his girth down her throat. Her eyes did not once leave Chris’s gaze.
“Geez, Wolf…that feels amazing..~” the baker moaned.
A muffled giggle escaped her lips before finally coming up for air.
“Good, it would not be very nice if I did not return the favor,” she winked.
A familiar red hue fills his cheeks as nods in appreciation, happy to know he wasn’t sleeping with a selfish partner. Though he would be fun bringing her to climax with no reciprocation. Chris was always happy to bring joy to his partners with his mouth.
Chris’s fingers motioned towards his dresser, causing it to open and reveal a condom. Thanks to the gift of his magic, their protection levitated towards them. As if Wolf were made of glass, the baker softly laid her down on her back with another warm kiss. Thank the Gods for his magic because this wouldn’t have been as smooth as the condom was already unwrapped by the time it reached his hands.
Wolf smiled in anticipation as she watched Chris slip-on his protection. With a beckon of her finger, she pulled Chris in for another smooch. His rather thick length teased her arousal, occasionally rubbing against her ever-so-sensitive pearl. The spider hero’s hand found themselves caressing those beautiful curls on Chris’s head while the other guided his length into her. With an impish smile, she leaned up to Chris’s ear.
“Don’t keep me waiting,” she whispered in a sultry tone, “Muuske~”
A bright red blush spreads across the baker’s face. Wolfgund knew she had him wrapped around her finger and boy did he love every minute of it. Her wish was his command. With one hand lost in her beautiful coffee hues locks, the baker thrusts every inch of his arousal into her welcoming heat. A loud gasp came from Wolf’s lips, throwing her head back in pleasure.Chris released his own groan once he felt her warmth around him. 8 half lidded eyes stared longingly at Chris, all but telling him to keep going.
With their hands interlocked, the baker’s thrusts were slow yet deep. No doubt wanting to enjoy every minute of their time. Who knows when they would get another chance at this. It wasn’t long before their dance began to pick up speed, their moans growing in volume. Their song of passsion was soon joined by the sounds of his bed creaking against the wall. Wolf’s legs wrapped around the baker’s hips as his lips wrapped around her ample breasts. Soon, they both began to feel that familiar pressure from their dance. Wolf’s walls tightened around Chris’s arousal, earning another moan from the baker. Their eyes met for an eternal moment.
“Wolf…I’m close~”
“Oh Chris…~”
As they got lost in each other’s gaze, the interdimensionl duo lips met in a heated kiss, muffling their moans. Chris’s thrust’s got faster and Wolf’s grip on him tightened, her nails leaving small scratches along his back.
With one last thrust, a groan from the deepest parts of Chris’s stomach filled the room. It wasn’t long before Wolf let out a moan of pleasure as they released their climaxed simultaneously with one final kiss.
After a few moments they broke their kiss for some much needed air, getting lost in the other’s gaze with a few tired pants. Their bodies were slick with sweat and their clothes were scattered all over the room. Wolf let out a tired laugh as she carressed the back of Chris’s neck, bringing about that all too familiar blush.
“There’s that beautiful hue~” she laughed with a kiss to his nose, “Now…as nice as this is, you are getting quite heavy on me and I imagine this will not be a comfortble way to nap..”
Chris laughed tiredly before slowly pulling out with a soft moan. He collapsed next to the laysister and wrapped his arms around her waist.
“I have to agree with you, mi reina,” Chris smiled. “This is much more comfortable. Hopefully we can do this again.”
A small yawn came from Wolf before she settled into his arms.
“Maybe, as long as Spider Society doesn’t…” Wolf pauses with a tilt of her head. “How do you say? Cock block me? And if you prepare those sweet treat I oh so desire~”
A boop of nose followed.
“Oh trust me, after this I’ll bake ya anything you want.” Chris laughed with another kiss to her forehead.
The laysister knew what she was doing and Chris loved every minute of it.
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neonhairspray · 1 year
Pleasure Little Treasure.
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Author's Note: I seriously don't know how did it happen and what is this. But it is ...something. I had to let it out of my system ok? I guess that's what being woken up from your nap + being horny does to you.
Even though it is not specified who I had in mind while writing about the male character it is very much based on a real guy. One of my crushes to be exact. There are clues that might tell you who it is, but if they are to subtle I'd say imagine whoever you want (;
Warnings: Bad grammar and punctuation, light smut. Quite suggestive in general.
Cats are light sleepers. Even if it seems like they spend most of their time in this quite vulnerable state a mere scratch of a branch against the window on a windy day can wake them up in a heartbeat.
That's something she'd learned just a couple of days ago. It was probably in the early morning hours when she was up in the air, looking at the cloudy sky that looked eerily calming through a small window. Or during two hour train ride that took her to where she was now. Blinking her sleepy eyes that were trying to adjust to the dim light of late summer sun & bedside lamp.
Last days of August have brought some warmth to this piece of land tho she was still getting used to the climate that was a bit different to the one she grew up with. Sea was three hundred kilometers away & chilly winds would rarely grace that wooded area she called home. Warm season would continue longer with temperatures of +20C and more making late weeks of September feel like they had one bonus month of summer. Whereas the man that was sitting across her was used to the cold whispering of Northern winds, soft rain & silver colored sky. He actually enjoyed spending his time by the sea, looking at the big waves & breathing in the salty smell that came with it. Sometimes he'd jump into the same unruly waters to calm his forever buzzing thoughts, washing away some of the worries that would pile up through the week. At first it was a bit worrying to see him trying to play with the elements she liked, but was slightly scared of. But as the time went by he made sure to stay closer to the shore and she knew that he wouldn't put himself in danger. Because the image of her scared eyes was more painful than salty water in his lungs.
The beating of her heart was getting quicker and quicker despite the fact that her eyes adjusted to the soft yellow light that illuminated the room. "I must have fallen asleep" she thought. Only to be awakened by a pen falling on the floor. "That's so ironic... Just like a cat, sleeping peacefully on a windowsill..."
She felt startled, heart racing like crazy making her head feel dizzy. Tiredness, excitement, lack of sleep, too much caffeine & too much of everything. It wasn't new & the feeling of overstimulation was something she had to learn to live with yet it was always draining, discouraging even. She clutched to a warm blanket that must have been draped around her shoulders when succumbed to sleep. By the same man that was looking at her with his muddy green eyes, asking something that she failed to register.
Baby ? Are you ok? he repeated
I...I don't think so, but I will be. she smiled I guess I'm still jet lagged.
Maybe... Tho I thought you slept quite well. Or at least that's what you told me this morning?
Not that we had much of it... Sleeping, you know. she murmured to which he sheepishly smiled knowing that it was the truth.
He took her hands in his checking for a pulse. The rhythm was steady, but he could feel her fingers slightly shaking and the whole body still tense. He knew her, that messy yet beautiful mind & the body that hosted it. As well as what to do when things like that happen.
Come here, darling. he said, making himself comfortable on a large sofa & opening his legs so she could position herself between them with her back to his chest. She smiled and took a large blanket with her covering their bodies with a soft material.
You feel so warm she said and turned her head to kiss him. When their lips met she could feel that it would not be enough & he seemed to think the same. Once you taste it you cannot get enough. It was deep and passionate, their tongues fighting for dominance & two hearts beginning to beat faster. A moan escaped her lips earning a chuckle from a man that was now sliding one of his hands down from her shoulder to where he could literally feel her heart beating.
Do you feel it? she asked, already struggling to form coherent words This... this is because of you.
And I feel honored, darling... Relax. I'll take care of you. he said lifting her shirt & exposing her warm skin to a cooler weather in the room. He cupped one of her breasts squeezing it just a little while his other hand found its way much lower, snaking into her underwear. He had her in his embrace, so vulnerable & exposed to him in more ways than one. This wasn't something to take for granted. And he felt grateful that he was the man that she'd given this gift for.
One long finger slipped through her folds drowning in arousal that was so evident. He went further & slid it inside earning another moan from her. It was quiet, but to his ears it sounded heavenly. The kind of music only he was allowed to hear, it was to intimate to share it with someone & frankly he didn't want to.
It feels so good... Ahhh! she yelped when his mouth found her other breast & began to suck her nipple. The pleasure was overwhelming & her moans were getting louder. He increased his pace while still keeping his mouth on her breast. The echo of hear heartbeat was ringing in her ears, the pleasure making her feel light headed. A second digit easily slid into her warmth & at this point she gave up and started bucking her hips, using his fingers to chase the peak that was approaching.
That's right, use me. Use my fingers for your own pleasure his voice sounded breathless. She knew he enjoyed it as well, his hardness was pressed to her now naked bum, hidden under thick material of his pants. Be selfish, baby... It's all about you now.
It was just a matter of seconds as he felt her soft walls squeezing his fingers. He moved his mouth to her neck, the hair of his goatee brushing her sweaty skin & his other hand joining the other one. She remembers hearing the faint sound of David Bowie's Ashes to Ashes coming from his headphones that were now laying on the table. His thumb circling her pearl & a feeling that it's here, just a breath away.
She let out a loud moan as she came, shivers running down her spine. A lone tear ran down her cheek leaving a trail of black mascara & she turned her head slightly only to be met with the same eyes, usually so warm & loving, now being consumed with something that combines lust and adoration. There were moments when he'd be in his element, so into what he was doing that nothing around him existed. Or rather he existed in parallel universe, unseen to the others. She'd look at him mesmerized & full of love. But this was different. This was the look reserved solely for her.
And then he took his fingers that mere seconds ago were inside of her & slowly put them in his mouth. Eyes still on hers, licking them slowly like he was savoring a gourmet meal. Her big eyes grew even bigger not being able to believe what was happening. In these six months that they've been together they were curiously discovering each others bodies, but he'd usually taste her right after her peak, cleaning what was left.
Open your mouth he whispered and as soon as she did it he slid his fingers into her mouth. She never tasted herself & with soft whimpers coming from his mouth it felt even more intimate. It was so raw & arousing, his fingers sliding out of her mouth, leaving the taste of her own pleasure to linger on her tongue.
You all right, baby? was his question that slowly brought her back to reality. How do you feel?
More than ok. Great, actually! she smiled while caressing his cheek. He leaned into the palm of her hand closing his eyes. Umm... Thank you, by the way.
For what? he opened one eye and smiled.
I mean... It's not only about today. But... You know... For being the way you are. In these intimate moments.
He shook his head Remember what I told you in the beginning? I am honored to be a part of this journey. you could feel that he meant what he said in the way how firm his voice sounded. I hope I'm doing my job well in showing how good can sex feel. And if I'm not please, do tell me.
She sat up and looked him in the eye, an array of thoughts and emotions behind hers. I am not as good with words as you, but I can let my body do the talking.
Is that a Depeche Mode reference? he said enthusiastically.
I can already see my influence & I am proud of it. she giggled & positioned herself once again between his legs, but this time she laid on her stomach, hands reaching for the button of his pants.
What... Hey, baby. You... You don't have to, you..
But I want to. came her reply as she tugged his pants a bit lower & tracing her fingers to the hem of his boxers. Her heart was full & her mind was still adjusting to what was happening. You probably had no idea of what you had awakened in me, but let me show you.
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ranisutra · 2 years
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“You can sit on my lap if you'd like.” Viren said.
Sade hesitated, her hand gripped the fabric of her New Katolis designer dress, a gift from Viren and Lizza for her nineteenth birthday. It was the same shade of blue as the sky above them, a soft hue that perfectly matched her eyes.
She returned her gaze to Viren and noticed that he patted his lap, waiting for her to take a seat.
"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt your legs. I'm heavy."
Viren nodded reassuringly. "Nonsense," he said gently, "Have a seat, Darling."
Sade smiled at the endearment and cautiously perched herself on his lap, letting her legs dangle off the side. She felt the warmth of his body beneath hers and all her worries melted away.
She rested her head on his shoulder and felt his lips brush against her neck as he whispered in her ear, "That dress looks stunning on you."
"Thank you," Sade murmured, feeling herself blush, "It's my favorite color."
She felt her heart racing, her body wanting what it shouldn’t. She looked into his eyes, her thoughts a mess of “I should” and “I want”. She knew what would happen if she gave in to her desires; she’d lose her friendships, her family, and the respect of everyone she loved. But what if this was the only chance she had? What if this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? She stayed still, caught in the moment, knowing she had to make a decision that could change her life forever.
"What do you think of me? I'm not just some dumpy, prudish girl from the dessert?"
“Darling, I see you as a beautiful, intelligent, captivating young woman who will make a fantastic, caring and brave nurse someday.”
Sade opened her eyes to look at him with a loving and timid grin. His grace and charm were undeniable, and she felt like the luckiest woman alive.
“I am honored to give you such a personal birthday gift.”
The kiss happened so quickly, there was no time for her to question it. His lips met hers, and the wetness of it made her shiver. The strong smell of spices made her head reel and sent a wash of heat over her body. Sade felt like her entire body was covered in a warm blanket of fragrant earth and silk. She felt safe, she felt protected, she felt home.
That kiss was the first debt.
Karz [In-Progress]
Dragon Prince - [Soren Azimov x Sade Thos (OC)] & [Viren Azimov x Lissa Azimov]
Set in AU 1980s. Inspired by S3-S4
A kind-hearted nurse from Neolandia named Sade Thos can't escape her terrible past after paying her father's debt to a notorious felon and drug trafficker, Viren Azimov, when Detective Soren Azimov recruits her to go undercover as a live-in nurse to Viren’s wife to take the crime family down. Will Sade and Soren fight for justice, or will the seduction of vengeance lead them to ruin?
(This story contains adult themes that may not be suitable for everyone. Reader discretion is advised!)
Read it on A03
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venus-pjo · 2 years
The Halfblood Chronicles- Part 6
When he said he had something to show me, i didn't he meant witchcraft. He showed me all sorts of amazing things, from crystals, to his book of shadows. 'Well, what do you think?' He smiled and hugged me. Why we were acting like a couple? I have no clue, we just were. 'I love it' I sighed as i let in the beauty of his book of shadows. He had the monalisas head cut out, with those meme glasses glued to her face, and that was only a corner of it. It was colorful, with poetry and quotes all over it. Evren showed me each page, both of us stuck in a witchy trance. 'I'll go make dinner, you can try a spell if you want' He got up to leave, but suddenly a freezing gust of wind entered the room. He must've noticed me shivering, because he put his jacket around me before leaving. I smiled to myself as i sunk into the jacket. It really smelled like him, he smelled like lavender and jasmine. Then i remembered Lydia, i felt bad till i recalled our last chat, she obviously had someone else already. 'Dinner!' I heard Evren calling for me down stairs. I went down quietly, careful not to make noise. I crept up behind him and whispered in his ear. 'I will eat you…' In a creepy voice, hoping to scare him. I succeeded, as he jumped the height of himself while screaming. When he saw it was just me, we both burst out in hysterical laughter. 'You idiot' he laughed when i pouted in response. We sat down for dinner with a good atmosphere, joking about things like being possessed because of what happened to Perseus, Azalea, Cecil and Cameron. They were alive, we could tell that much from our powers combined. Out of nowhere, Evren started laughing. 'What?' i asked, confusion clearly there. 'You have sauce on your face' he snorted. 'Really? I didn't even feel it' I laughed and wiped it of quickly. 'Theres a little bit- Y'know what, i'll just get it' He leaned over the table, and rubbed the side of my lip. We stared at eachother for a second longer. 'We're both done so i'll show you were you can stay for the night' He smiled and held out his hand to help me of my chair. I took it and he led me to a room down the hall. It looked pretty, with a soft pink and white aesthetic. 'It used be my sisters, but she was killed when "Berman" attacked'. I felt bad for him as he told me about his sister. 'She was the familys golden child, her name was Alethea' He smiled sadly, i had a feeling that he was reliving his memories with her. I decided to hug him to make him feel better. He hugged me back and he began to sob into my currently red hair. His body shook as he cried. 'Let it out…' I hugged him tighter. 'What did her name mean?' I asked, knowing that it made him feel better to talk about the meanings behind names. 'Truth, and her middle name was Zephyr, meaning 'a gentle breeze' He choked on his words as he explained. 'Sorry, i shouldn't have brought it up, i did this to myself' His voice sounded hoarse as he wiped his tears. Well, 'I'm gonna get to bed, goodnight' he left the room, i could still hear him sniffling in the hall, meaning he was still crying. Poor guy, but that bed looks comfy.
Bed hair is the worst. My now auburn hair had somehow gow as stuck sticking up like someone had pulled my hair from above and then glued it together. I jumped in the bath and sank into the warm water, i knew that i would have to focus on my hair now, before it became permanently like this. I fixed my hair quickly, it was weird having color changing hair. I realized that my hair was not going back to blonde any time soon. I weirdly liked it, yet i was confused on how it was changing. It seemed to be that any strong emotion would turn my hair red, and from their it would slowly fade back to a reddish blonde. Cool, it was midway right now. I got out of the bath quickly and i was surprised at how fast i dried. I didn't have anything to wear, till Evrens voice told me to wear something of his sisters if i didn't have anything. So i picked out a loose white shirt, like those ones in Pirates Of The Caribbean. Along with one of those corset top things with the straps. I finished the outfit with black leggings and combat boots. Dang, i looked good. Wait….I look like familiar….ehh, doesn't matter. 'Honey, did you steal a pirates wardrobe or something'. I found myself staring at Maziar's beautiful golden eyes. 'Hey, whats up?' I smiled. I stroked his smooth, dark coat. 'Nothin' much, d'you have any apples?' He nudged me hungrily. I laughed and we skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen. He chose his own Apple out of the fruit basket, and began to eat loudly. 'What are you doing up at 4 in the morning?' A familiar husky voice questioned. 'Hmm? Evren, hey, Maziar was hungry, so yeah' I muttered awkwardly, embarrassed of such a reason. Surprisingly, he seemed amused with my reasoning. A few moments of silence past through us, till a furious expression cut through the humor on Evrens face. Footsteps came closer to me, And Evren sent me a look that meant 'Don't move'. I did the reasonable thing, i did exactly what he said not to do. I moved around a lot, i had the urge to duck so i did and just at that moment a gunshot went of and went right over my head. The person ran over to me and held a gun to my neck. 'Try anything and the girls dead' A gruff voice said. 'Don't you dare harm her' Evren basically screamed, if I'm honest, I'm flattered that he doesn't want me to die. Suddenly, the man dropped dead behind me, A dagger in his throat. Eww. 'Jeez, i leave you two alone for a few hours and this is what happens' A familiar silvery voice laughed. 'Azalea?! How did you find us?' I hugged her, but then i noticed the group of men behind her. 'When i let go, run for your life' She hissed into my ear. What? I was confused but decided to listen anyway. She let go slowly, and i sprinted towards the back door, Evren at my heels. I'm guessing Azalea stayed back to distract them, but i still felt uneasy without her. We locked the kitchen door while we gathered supplies, when i slipped over something on the floor. Evren looked afraid, so i rolled over to see what the liquid was. A Crimson red pool of something that looked suspiciously like blood, was smeared over the floor where i had slipped. 'Zelda, did Azalea say anything to you? anything related to death…?' Evren looked so scared that i couldn't just lie to him. 'Yeah….She said "When i let go, run for you life", it was creepy'. The look on his face made me wish i hadn't said anything. 'Well, the day before i got here, i was visited by a rajha, and it gave me some sort of prophesy, "thou shall find the flower of blooming hope, one shall be lost in the palace of night" thats all i remember' He sighed. I don't know why, but something just clicked in my mind. 'I understand the last part. Its about Maria…..Berman'.
I didn't expect to have figured it out that quickly. No one did, well, except Maziar. Evren was preparing to avenge his mum and sister. But i decided it was a better idea to keep him calm for now, because anger is ruining that good-looking face of his. 'What was your mums name?' I asked the angry dude. 'Nadia, meaning hope, and her middle names were Emma, meaning universal woman and Cordelia, meaning something to do with the sea, i forgot' He smiled at the memories of his mum. He sat down next to me silently, but i could feel something happening. The forest was quite pretty, but Evren didn't seem to think that as he led me to a grove of cherry blossom trees. I sat on a large log as he began to…sing? I recognized the song though, Electric love by BØRN. His voice sounded amazing, i was strangely sad when he stopped. Then, he kissed me. I froze for a second before melting into the kiss. He tasted of Pancakes and Nutella, my two favorites. When we broke apart, we giggled hysterically. Then i kissed him again. I kept staring at his beautiful, dark eyes. Also, if you think we've only known each other for three days, its actually been six months as the time here is seriously different to your time. Evren caressed my cheek with a slightly open mouth. 'Your so pretty' he murmured sweetly. I couldn't help but blush, this dude was literally perfection if it was a person. He kissed me on the forehead, then on the nose, then on top of my head. My mind was dazed with happiness as we cuddled on the soft forest floor. I love my little life.
'Deirdre?'. I sat up quickly and lept at the familiar sounding person. 'LORDY LADY! ITS JUST ME!' Mitchell yelped as my feet landed on his face and sent him flying across the clearing into a large cherry blossom. 'Look at we've got here, a murderer' Mitchell snorted as he stood up. My blood ran cold at his words. I had forgotten about throwing Maria of someones roof. Evren hugged me from behind, i could sense him glaring at my old best friend. 'Vee, it's fine' I turned to him. 'But darling, i cannot let this bastard insult you and expect to get away with it' He placed a kiss on my head, i could hear Mitchell wrinkling his nose, but i could sense that he had backup nearby, probably hiding in a tree. As expected a feminine figure jumped down from somewhere, landing beside Mitchell. 'Seriously? I only cheated on you like, 12 times so you get a boyfriend! Wow.' A flat voice which i recognized as Lydias came from the figure. Evren attacked her, ripping her dark hair from her pale head. She screamed and i couldn't help but compare her to a strangled ferret. Mitchell was kicked aside as i ran of in a completely different direction. I didn't want to fight them, i cared too much, When suddenly i heard Mitchell yell. 'SERIOUSLY? STOP ATTACKING MY GIRLFRIEND! YOU KNOW WHAT? MARIA WAS RIGHT TO KILL YOUR MUM AND STUPID SISTER, YOUR PATHETIC'. An eerie silence filled the forest, It sent chills down my spine. I jumped aside as a body when flying into the distance beside me, a second one followed. Evren limped into the area, looking exhausted. 'We need to find shelter' He groaned in pain. I helped him walk to the nearest safe house, problem was that they were really fricking far from each other, so we used our powers. I shape-shifted into an eagle while Evren hovered at my heels. Hours passed as we flew nearer. My energy level was incredibly low. I nearly fainted multiple times. My mind was stuck on Mitchells and Lydias words, it hurt, that they would say something like that to someone who used to be their friend. My whole life was turning into a humongous mess. The pain in my head was getting numb, then it went black.
'Deirdre? Are you alright?. A familiar voice spoke from beside me. Everything slowly came into focus. I was in a cabin, Maria looked down at me with concern. I nearly hit her, but then realized that she was trying to help me. 'I'm okay…just, whats happening? One moment you betray us, the next your dead, and the third your nursing us back to health?' I asked her as she re-bandaged my bloody stomach. 'I never betrayed you, Mitchell was the real traitor. When i found out, i threatened to tell you and Moon, but then he pointed out the fact that there was proof that i was a possible traitor so he used it against me' She paused before continuing. 'I ran away in fear of being framed and punished, i hid within the village, and when i heard the enemies army coming, i went with them, that day, when you found me on Mitchells balcony, i was looking for proof against him, luckily, i got it, but then you threw me of the railing and i nearly lost the folder filled with all the proof' She finished with a hug. 'I'm guessing that after we both left, Mitchell realized that there was no reason to stay' I hugged her as i explained my theory. We cried as we hugged. When we pulled apart, both our faces were red and puffy. 'Zelda? Mari? I made hot chocolate' Evren entered the room and sat three mugs on the table. We thanked him and Maria looked away from him immediately. 'What is it?' I asked as i sipped the hot drink. To my surprise, Evren answered me instead of Maria. 'Its because, Mitchell is my brother, we have some similar features' He sighed as Maria nodded. I choked on my hot chocolate at the confession. Actually they did look a bit similar, just Evren looked a lot more like Emma Craggs. 'Wait…but if your siblings then why do have different last names?' I spoke the thing that was confusing me. 'Because we're only half siblings, he took moms maiden name, while i took my dads' He quietly drank his hot chocolate. 'I'm the older one as i have a dad' He finished with a loud slurping noise. We all felt uncomfortable at the mention of Mr. D'angelo. Marias face suddenly lit up like a little explosion went of in her head. I knew she had an idea to get rid of the tension. 'C'mon, let me show you around'.
0 notes
unfinshedsentec · 3 years
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a morning with rindou
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a/n: I’m just taking a quick break from requests, because I really wanted to write this for Rindou
word count: 1.0k
character pairing: Rindou Haitani x you (reader)
rindou might be a bit ooc
tw: cursing
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(credits for picture above to the person who colored! Unfortunately, I can’t find who did it tho)
The morning was a quite one.
The light sunlight of dawn peaked through the small crack in the curtains, and the room became warmer as it continued to rise, almost making the room more prone to sleep.
But, even then, your boyfriend, Rindou, rose with the sun as he always did.
His eyes fluttered as he adjusted to the newfound light, and slowly he began to wake up. Slowly, he came to his senses. His gaze then immediately moved towards the sleeping figure next to him, as a small, rare smile formed on his face when he made contact.
You, were still sleeping soundly. Little snores come from your mouth as you cuddled into the warmth of your bed. Your chest steadily moved in a constant, almost comforting rhythm, reassuring Rindou from any previous nightmares he had the night before.
His smile became even larger as he saw the cute expression on your face. He couldn't help but let his hand cup your adorable face, before he finally allowed himself to move closer and cuddle you. Instinctively, your head buried deep into Rindou's chest, as you nuzzled your nose against his bare, warm skin.
Your comforting presence always made Rindou so happy when he first woke up. After all, you were just so...soft in the mornings. You often slept with a small smile, which only became bigger when Rindou pulled held you in his arms. Your skin reflected the bright morning sun, and your beautiful {h/c} was a frizzy mess. It went all over the place; it's ends even tickling Rindou's bare chest.
"Mmmm" you groaned, as your own eyes slowly fluttered opened. A sour, unhappy expression formed on your face as the sun shone right into your eyes, you quickly turning away in response. It was only when you made eyes contact with Rindou's purple eyes, that your face turned soft, once again.
Rindou, once again, smiled as he noticed your now awakened blushing form. "Good morning, Y/n"
"Moring Rin" you quietly replied, a shy smile gracing your features.
"Sleep well?"
"Sure did" you replied. "You're very comfy"
"...good to know?" he mumbled, an almost flustered expression forming on his face from your unusual comment. Then again, Rindou wasn't one to take compliments well, he was never sure what to say, especially when they came from you.
You chuckled at his cute reaction, and you cuddled deeper into Rindou's chest. Your hand slowly reached up to Rindou's head, where you ran you fingers through his soft, blonde and blue locks, him humming in content.
"You look beautiful Rin"
Rindou rolled his eyes, although a slight blush was still rising to his cheeks. "You look like a mess" he replied nonchalantly, trying his best not to smile at your offended reaction.
"Ohhh Rindou Haitani.... you're gonna pay for that" you said in a low voice, your face set in a fake glare.
Rindou, cockily looked at you. "And just how exactly do you think you're going to do that?"
You moved so you were now straddling the younger Haitani on the bed, and slowly, you leaned down and whispered in his ear. "You are aware that I have multiple torture methods...right?"
Rindou only looked at you, unimpressed "The hell do you mean torture...wait, Y/n! Don't you dare!" He yelled as you began tickling the secret sensitive part if his tummy, that only you knew about.
"AHAHA Yes!"
Uncontrollable, rare laughter fell from Rindou's mouth as he desperately struggled against your grip. "Y-y/n, you motherfucker, stop!"
"Take back what you said, and I MIGHT think about it" you said, an amused expression being on your face from the rare sight below you.
"Then this is never gonna end" you said, tickling even more.
It wasn't long after that, that Rindou had enough, and begrudgingly gave into your request. "Fine Y/n! I take it back; I take it back!" he yelled, between unwilling laughs.
"Sorry, did you say something Rin? I think you're gonna have to repeat yourself"
"You heard me!" Rindou yelled. "I take it back!"
Your hands, after what seemed like an eternity, f stopped, and you finally got off and laid right next to the very unamused Rindou. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"
All your boyfriend did was huff and cross his arms.
"You loveee me and my mess of a self" you persistently continued.
"Mmmm" Rindou cocked his head to the side, to get a good look at you. "I supposed that's true"
You, smiled and gave your boyfriend a huge hug before continuing. "And I love you Rin. So, so, so, so much"
Rindou groaned at your affectionate behavior, but on the inside, he was extremely giddy and happy. A blush, once again, rose onto his cheeks as he leaned into your warmth, silence now filling the warm room.
It continued to stay quite like that for the next few minutes. You both just simply laid there cuddling and enjoying the silene. Rindou, quietly traced shaped onto your own skin, as he began to fall back to sleep.
"I want pancakes" you suddenly muttered intercepting the peaceful silence.
Rindou sighed, before he looked down at you. "...Well, if you're nice to me for the rest of the day, I'll consider making you some"
"Yes! I swear I'll be super nice!" you squealed, unlatching himself from the younger Haitani before quickly climbing out of bed.
"Yeah, okay, Y/n. Give me a second here" Rindou slowly stood up as he fondly watched you and your excited self, before he got up and appeared right next to you. His arms silently cupped your cheeks while he gave you a sweet kiss on the forehead.
Then, suddenly, Rindou picked you up bridal style and took both you and him to the kitchen.
"You better put chocolate chips in"
"Anything for you" Rindou answered as he put you down and got the needed ingredients out. You, sat on the kitchen counter while you sang your favorites song, Rindou bobbing his head along as you continued.
"Rindou?" you muttered, suddenly ending the song.
"I love you" you sweetly told him.
"I love you too" he softly replied.
And it was then, in that moment where you watched Rindou make pancakes in the morning light as you talked, that you realized how lucky you were. Sure, things got hard with Rindou being one of the leaders of Roppongi, but you wouldn't trade it for the world.
You loved Rindou, and Rindou loved you. To you, that was all that mattered.
As long as you had him everything would be okay, and you'd go back to watching Rindou make pancakes in the mornings while you admirably watch him and think:
'I have the most beautiful boyfriend in the world'
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one-and-lonely16 · 2 years
Having a hard time describing it but the vibes of pumpkin spice Oreos, warm milk, warmer smiles, cool breezes, fuzzy sweaters with ghosts on them, colorful leaves, and staying out till dawn.
(Warm fall vibes, not to warm tho. Let them freeze.)
Autumn had always been Lance’s favourite season. From fuzzy sweaters, to pumpkin spice everything, to cozying up on the sofa with a hot chocolate and to the fun at Halloween. It was just amazing. It had been amazing when he was little with his family, and now he had his own platonic family (and wonderful boyfriend) to share his joy with. 
He and Keith decided (more like Lance had begged) to go for an evening walk. The sun was just setting, casting the world in a soft orange glow and there was a chill in the air. Lance had only had to put on a hoodie, but Keith was wrapped up as if it were winter: a jumper, coat, scarf and beanie he had managed to shove his unruly hair under - though it did flick up as it peeked out from underneath it. His nose and cheeks were flushed from the chill and despite how cold Keith obviously was, he still insisted holding Lance’s hand.
“I still don’t know how you’re so warm in just a fucking hoodie,” Keith grumbled.
Lance grinned. “You’re just always cold. I am the perfect temperature. This is why autumn is my favourite.”
“Why? Because your boyfriend freezes to death?”
He snorted, causing Keith’s scowl to melt into a soft, warm smile. “No. Because it means when we get home, I get to snuggle up with you on the sofa to warm you up.”
Keith’s face became a deeper shade of red and he looked off to the side flustered. Lance chuckled, dragging him closer using the hold he has on his hand. He nuzzled Keith’s cold face with his nose, pressing light kisses all over his cheek. When Keith laughed, you could see it come out of his mouth in a small cloud. Lance leant back and looked up at the tree above them, which had started becoming orange. 
“It’s beautiful,” he murmured.
Keith didn’t bother looking at the trees. “Yeah, it is.”
Lance looked back to him with a smile. Keith tugged at his hand and begun walking back the way they came. “Come on, let’s go home.”
The two got home quickly. As soon as Lance got his shoes off, he bounded off to the kitchen. 
“Hey, I’m making warm milk, you want any?” he called out as Keith was taking off his scarf.
Keith hug the scarf up and padded into the kitchen in the fluffy socks he had stuffed on under his boots. “Yeah, sure.” 
Lance glanced at him and snorted.
Keith dropped the smile he had and scowled. “What?”
Keith raised an eyebrow as Lance very poorly tried to hide the smile on his face. “Lance.”
Lance let out a snigger. “It’s just, your hair has gone all poofy from your hat.”
Keith’s face flushed bright red and he dragged his hands through his hair in an attempt to flatten in. That just made Lance laugh even more.
“It’s not funny, Lance!” he protested. 
Lance finally calmed himself down and walked over to Keith, ruffling his hair. “Go have a shower, it will warm you up as well. I’ll make us warm milk and get some snacks.”
Keith shoved Lance’s hand out of his hair and messed up Lance’s hair, causing him to squawk indignantly. Keith smirked in victory and started walking out of the room. “Fine. But don’t just put those pumpkin spice oreos you love so much, get some snacks I can eat.”
“I still can’t believe I’m with someone who doesn’t like these masterpiece of oreos.”
“I’m not having this argument with you again!”
Ten minutes later, Lance was flicking through movies whilst snuggled under a blanket when Keith padded into their living room. Lance glanced at him and smiled. 
“Hey! You’re wearing the jumper I got!”
Keith tugged at the hem. “Well, yeah, its comfy.”
The jumper was black with ghosts stitched along the bottom. Lance had seen it the other day and knew he had to buy it for them. Technically, the jumper was Lance’s, but in Keith’s defence, Lance owns so many jumpers and hoodies that it’s his role as his boyfriend to steal at least a few of them. And if they’re the comfiest ones, no one has to know. 
Keith sat down next to Lance and pulled the remaining blanket over him. Without taking his eyes off of the screen, Lance lifted up an arm and Keith tucked into his side so they could both fit under it. 
“Shiro texted me whilst I was upstairs. Apparently everyone is thinking about doing a quiz with Coran as the quizmaster tonight. He asked if we wanna join,” Keith asked, reaching forward and grabbing one of the cookies Lance had brought through.
“Yeah, I saw something about that on the group chat. It’s Halloween themed, so obviously we’re going to win. I’m literally the Halloween king.”
Keith nudged Lance’s side. “You could’ve called yourself the Pumpkin King.”
Lance paused and thought it over. “Fuck, you’re right, that’s so much better.”
Keith chuckled. “So, I guess I’m telling Shiro yes for later.”
“Yeah, of course. Now, we watching the Corpse Bride or Coraline? I’m in the mood for some Tim Burton tonight. Maybe there will be questions on them.”
Keith shivered slightly at a draft coming from somewhere (no doubt Lance left open a window in the kitchen) and snuggled into Lance’s side even more with a warm smile. “Whatever you want.”
“The Corpse Bride it is. Jesus christ, your nose is freezing,” Lance exclaimed when Keith pressed his face into the crook of his neck. He pressed a gentle kiss there before bringing his head up and planting another on his lips. When he pulled back, Lance had a surprised but soft look on his face. “I mean, I’m not complaining, but what was that for?”
“Nothing, I just love you.”
Lance kissed the tip of his nose. “Love you too, bubs.”
The two turned back to the screen and one thought went through Keith’s mind.
Autumn is definitely my favourite season.
this was really fun to write. i now realise that u might have meant all of the paladins but i couldn't help myself with writing klance so
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astrohnova · 3 years
𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬?
Tumblr media
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ransom hugh drysdale thrombey x latina!camgirl!reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 Ransom and you have a complicated relationship. But his fucking makes it simple.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 +18 ONLY. IF YOU’RE A MINOR, i’ll kick your ass and also block u. insults, explicit language, smut (sex toy use, filmed sex, filmed masturbation, dumbification, breeding kink, squirting mention, spit play, blowjob, rough sex (all consented tho) creampie, daddy kink, "bitch", "whore", "cumslut", "slut"), use of spanish phrases without translation. WHEN IN DOUBT, DON’T READ. THAT’S IT.
I’m new at writing so if I should add more tags let me know. Also, english is not my first language so it might be a little weirdly worded so just let me know and i’ll change whatever’s wrong. I’m sorry
If you reblog and leave me some feedback I’ll kiss your mouth. With tongue.
The new lingerie set you’d bought made you feel savage. You knew it was something that your followers would enjoy. You decided to appear soft and delicate today, a good girl. So you turned your camera on, and while you were waiting for your payers to come in, you were sucking a lollipop endearingly, to gradually rile up the people watching you.
The candles you had lit along with the perfume you had spread in the room, with the soft music sounding in the background set the ambient, and your hand was gloved sending goosebumps through every part of skin you caressed. You were just fueling every sense, aislating yourself from the real world. You put the lollipop down and laided your back onto the headboard of your bed, with the computer at your feet, your clothed pussy in the first plane for your followers to admire and the clothed hand making it’s way there.
You’ve bought this glove recently, it was a sex toy. Made of black latex and a different head on each of your fingers, along with different textures that would let you see the stars. You even put a vibrator inside the middle one, just touching the point of your middle finger. Every head was different and enticing. And the vibrations between your thighs, so close to you sensible cunt left you gasping. Your lips and eyes stand out from the mask that you had on your face, sensual and with the same color as your underwear.
You looked straight to the camera when you grazed the vibrator contained by the latex over your pussy, while you gasped and then moaned, laying your head back. You could hear the sound of subscriptions coming in, and you suggestively moaned before pulling your panties to the side with your uncovered hand and brushing the vibrator on your clit, whining lightly. Then you put one of your fingers inside of you, and moaned directly to the camera, while you rubbed soft circles on your clit with your thumb, your belly contracting gently, your nipples hardening.
You took your finger off and brought it to your lips. And before you kept the show going, you said “Thank you for the gift, I’m enjoying myself so much. I hope you get off too”. You inserted two fingers in your pussy and moaned out loud.
He was watching you going down the street, completely mesmerized. Just like the other men and women seeing you. He was smoking, but the smoke got into his eyes, for not being careful; his whole attention was on you. He threw the cigarette on the floor and stepped on it.
“Que hermosa, mamita.” A cute man complimented you, and you smiled and winked.
“Gracias mi amor. So pretty yourself.” You complemented and left him with his mouth open. But compliments were responded to, and he was a beautiful man.
You were walking with so much confidence and all eyes were naturally attracted to your presence, in that dress that hugged you perfectly, in those heels that took you some time to accustom to but now you walked like on a runway. And those striking stockings that you were wearing. You really were feeling yourself, that’s what a good night of orgasms and money gets you, really. You had earned so much, just had a few video requests that you had to fulfill and this month's cuota would be filled. And with this new job you had landed, things were starting to get off for you and your family
He was about to kill all the tigers that were stomping in your way, looking at you the way he did. Thinking the same things that he did, incited by that fucking dress, that gracefullness of your soul, and the barm coat that flew with the wind as you ate the wole street up. He was meeting you on this old cozy bar, after seeing that video of you yesterday he was riled up and just needed to be inside your warm pussy this cold afternoon, maybe with the coffee that you were gonna drink while you argued still stained on your mouth, that he was going to pry from your willing mouth as you gasped against him, with your mixed spit going down your chin from the sloppy kisses that he loves, and your breathy whines that had him rubbing his crotch against your stomach. And he couldn’t wait to see if you were wearing the lingerie that he had bought you, with that color that highlighted your skin undertone and got his dick leaking precum. Last night you were glorious, and today you were a walking goddess.
“Hola, imbécil.”
“Now that’s not very nice, especially after all the money I gave you last night.”
“Mhhm. Others gave me more, papito.”
“That so?”
“It is.”
“I got something more that they can’t give you. And you’re driving me feral, walking like that towards me, flirting with other guys. I thought I made it clear that you were mine.”
“And I thought I made it clear that I was my own. Especially after last night, did you see me get myself off that hard? And after the video endend I got so fucking happy, so fucking horny with all the comments, the views, the pictures that I got that I went to sleep humping my pillow.”
“Oh yes, I got so many pictures of so many pretty cocks daddy”
“You were thinking of other cocks, slut?” He questioned, grabbing you by your arm and putting you against a wall as you laughed.
“Not only thinking, papi, I found this hot guy that was just drooling for me, and he made me drool for him so much. The sheets were so messy that I had to change them after he left.” He gripped your throat harder, just growling furiously.
“Fucking bitch, I’m gonna stuff my cock so deep than your throat to make you regret everything you just said.”
“But daddy, I haven’t told you the best part yet!” You bite your lip, seeing his predatory eyes that wanted to devour you entirely. And you kept going without remorse. “The mattress was so wet too. You never reached that, did you? You want me to think that I’m yours but I got others treating me better.” You pouted, all that you were saying was true and seeing this look in his eyes was such a sight. You almost whined from his look alone.
He grabbed you by the arm and took you to his car, getting on it just right before you on the driver’s side. Wildly driving back to his place to get you fucking stuffed
“You’re driving me insane, bitch. Did you fucking curse me?”
“I did, every dick that enters this sweet pussy, plastic or meat, gets obsessed.”
“Don’t talk like that, making me more horny.”
“I’m sure your hand can help you, guapo.”
“My hand? Are you kidding me? You put that dress on, that looks more like a fucking t-shirt, to come see me and then you leave me with my hand? No, fucking whore You’re giving me your mouth. I have to wipe that smug smile and that boy’s taste off your lips. So suck, vicious little bitch.” So you did, with the loudest and a porn-like moan you quickly undid his briefs pulling his cock out, sucking the tip first.
“Daddy, the lollipop yesterday got me thinking so much about your cock. I couldn’t wait to taste you like this again.” He grabbed you by the hair at the red light, roughly pulling you up to met his face, yours pleasure filled, with drool over your chin, the same that had dirtied his pants.
“You fucking slut, were you just drilling me up to make me get rough on you?”
“No daddy, I did fuck the boy. That was yesterday morning, and then yesterday night I found a little time to think about you.”
“Yeah? Now all you're gonna have in your head and your mouth is me.” He shoved his cock deep into you, and when you gagged he pushed himself further and kept you there. “”Breathe, make this nice for me. I know you can do it.” You could, you enjoyed this so much, your paties were drenched. And what would he do when he notices you weren't wearing the pair he bought for you. Hopefully, break you. You started moving your hips, moving some friction in your pussy, and tastefully wiggling your ass for Ransom to admire.
“That’s right, cumslut. I'll make your ass fire up later too.”
You screamed sensually when he hit your ass. You were on all fours, head down ass up, exposed to Ransom. He was filming your glistening pussy and your delicious ass that bounced on his torso asking for more pain. Delicious pain.
“I’m gonna break you with my cock baby. But after you ask nicely. Your followers want to know what a whore you are.”
“Such a whore! I want your dick papi, you fuck me so good. I want you to leave me braindead, drooling, filled. Please, please, please papi. Cogeme, fuck me. Te tengo muchas ganas.” You whined so hard, so annoyingly empty and desperate.
“What a good girl, making daddy so happy. Here you go, cunt.” He put one hand on your ass and thrusted into you aggressively. He positioned the camera to capture your joy filled face and his hips slamming in you. He didn’t stop nor slowed down, and started rubbing your clit to make you man loader, and you started to move back against him.
“You’re such a greedy little girl, you want all of me. ‘Cmon, give it to me now.”
“Ah!” You opened your mouth in a silent scream when you came, wetting him with your fluids.
And he quickly turned you around, on your back with your legs spread to search for his own high. But you were so sensible you started to close your legs and tried to squirm away from him. But he grabbed your face and spit on your cheek.
“Don’t you fucking dare pushe me away. You take it. Open your fucking legs. Open them wide.” You did, and he used you like a doll, with your mind swimming in pleasure, in his gorans in your ears and his hair caressing your face. He came, pushing himself against you and spilling into the condom. He moved away from you and grabbed the camera, turning it off. Then you were gonna edit the video a little bit, cropping some parts to upload to twitter and the full part you were gonna send it to your special subscribers. You gathered yourself, going to the bathroom to wash yourself a little bit, and coming with a cigarette in your mouth, already lit. You threw yourself on the bed.
“We… We have to stop doing this.” Ransom turned himself to you, taking the cigarette out of your hand and smoking it.
“Baby, you say that everytime. And then you do shit like today.”
“I know. But it’s different now, Hugh.”
“What the fuck you calling me that for?”
“‘Cause I got a new job. Lisa’s personal assistant. And I don’t intend to be higher than all the employees you ask to call you that and then go ahead and disrespect them.”
“You don’t have to work for shit, baby. I’ll pay everything for you. You just keep making those videos and the rest is on me”
“What? Like a sugar daddy? No jodás.” You grabbed another cigarette for yourself, so this dipshit wouldn’t take it away from you
“I mean it baby, I can give you the world, just let me”
“I already have the world papito, and I got it all on my own.” He hummed, and his eyes lit up when you called him ‘daddy’ in spanish, in this intimacy. With your body still displayed for him, through which he roamed his eyes in.
“Papito?” He repeated with an accent. “Maybe I can make a mama out of you....” He burned the cigarette out and took yours off too.
“What the hell are you talking about?” You complained in a moan when he turned you around, on your belly with your hands by your head and his entire muscular, heavy and warm body sprayed out on you. He then pushed deep into you.
“Get off me, Ransom.” You complained in a gasp.
“But I’m so deep ‘side you... I just have to get this shit off me to fill you up.“ He still had his condom on, but he hurriedly got it off and dived inside you again.
“What?! Don’t you dare. Get. The hell. Off.”
“Don’t lie to me princess, you want me to fill this pussy. You’ll be a fucking queen, in my arms, being spoiled with my money. I’ll take care of you and all the kids you’re gonna give me.”
“Ransom…” Your accent was spilling, and your resistance was getting away from you, his words and promises stained in your brain. “Fucking dick.”
“Nobody takes me like you, gripping me like that. You’re just a whore for me, ain’t you? Want all of me.”
“Ah, Ransom, you’re so deep.” You whined, your belly contracting.
“What do you want, honey? I wanna hear you beg for it”
“I-- Please Ransom. Please, please, please llename. Por favor, papi!” You moaned when he started pushing into you again. Last round had been intense and you had little break, so naturally you didn’t last long. You came screaming Ransom’s name, free to do so without a camera in front of you. And he was so close too, his mind winded up with getting you pregnant, with images of your belly full, your tasty breasts with all the milk he was gonna drink. He was goraning so much, your pussy grabbing him so hard, pushing him farther inside of you.
“Are you gonna be a good mama for me?”
“The best, daddy! Just please, please fill me.” And he did, with the loudest groan. To then turn you around and start admiring your tits, your body, getting inside your head with compliments of the mommy you were gonna be. And all the videos you were gonna make with your horniness, with your huge titis and that round belly. How he wanted to cover you in cum and get it on camera to show that you were his, cause getting you pregnant just wasn’t enough. And after that, he went down to eat his leaking cum out of you and prepared you for the next round.
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ackerfics · 3 years
levi who's fascinated with the way you apply makeup on yourself and watches you every time you do it, surprisingly does well when you tell him to do your makeup just for fun
i am one of those people who have no idea about applying makeup but i'm levi when somebody's doing it tho, especially if that someone is a close friend of mine snjdnwjnw i just stare at them while they continue doing their thing, it's so fricking satisfying <3
but this is levi we're talking about so here we go:
(pls don't attack me for what i write in this bc i absolutely have no idea abt doing makeup. my knowledge in this is very limited and revolves around watching youtube videos and watching my friends do it bdwjwbj)
if you're planning on going out, even if it's a natural makeup look since you're only hanging out with some old friends or preparing for your class (online or not), levi is ready to stop what he's doing to appreciate the colors you paint over your eyelids or how you blend them so well until they become this aesthetic levi associates you with. for him, you're already so pretty without makeup but when you dedicate your time in perfecting your craft, creating so many looks, levi thinks that it enhances your beauty because you look so adorable while working so hard.
he admires that about you.
you are rummaging in your pouch in your shared apartment's dining table, the morning sunlight filtering through the windows and the pink skies blanketing the waking-up city. the smell of french toast and tea covers the entire space, levi cooking breakfast for the day. you have an online class scheduled in about thirty minutes and after going out of the bathroom, you instantly start making yourself look presentable. you have your laptop opened to your camera app as your mirror, deciding that a change of scenery is perfect for your productivity. you pick up your vitamin c dropper and moisturizer and let the low music from levi's phone fill in the background, your hums mingling with the singer's voice. since all of your classes were announced to be set online for the whole year, you opt for a lighter look which still covers the blemishes that your camera can't hide.
you hear a plate click on the spot beside your laptop, a mug of your favorite brew of coffee on your cat coaster appearing soon after.
"what time is your first class?" levi asks you as he's settling in his chair adjacent to yours. he always chooses that seat wherever you two eat since as he claims it, i want you close to me.
you look up from rubbing the moisturizer on your skin. "oh, 7 a.m., i chose the worst time to take that class."
levi sips on his tea. "you have economics, right?"
you begrudgingly nodded. "i know it sucks but i can't do anything about it." you run your fingers over your eyes. "damn, i have dark eye circles." after putting on your primer, you start by putting on concealer on your under-eyes, dabbing on your skin gently. the whole day, you'll be lounging and doing work inside the comforts of your shared apartment with your boyfriend so going overboard with the makeup won't help and will be a lot of work to erase later after your classes. "what time is your class, levi?"
by now, levi's breakfast is forgotten as he leans on his chair, gray eyes following each of your movements. he always find himself captivated with how effortlessly you make yourself even prettier. even though he prefers your bare skin more (placing random kisses on your cheeks or the corners of your lips are more doable without the feeling of cream stuck on his lips), he still likes how makeup turns you into an artist that uses your face as a blank canvas. he watches with awed eyes how you daintily dab your cream blush over your cheeks and over you the bridge of your nose, blending it that levi thought it's a natural glow on your skin.
with a dazed tone, he answers, "nine."
you glance at him with the prettiest eyes he ever find on a person. you sigh when you realize that he woke up early to make breakfast. "i can cook breakfast, you know. you should've slept in today, levi."
levi shakes his head, sipping on his tea. "no, i'd rather wake up early and make breakfast every day than snuggle alone with our pillows." he then shrugs. "besides, watching you do your morning routine is a great way to start the day."
you only smile at him before cutting a piece of french toast and putting it in your mouth. a hum of satisfaction lights up your face. levi's way of cooking traditional breakfast dishes never fails to amaze you. he has these secrets that even you don't know of since he wants to cook for you with surprises sometimes. with half of your french toast consumed, you continue with your eyebrows and eye makeup, which only consists of applying one shade of eyeshadow and putting on mascara.
if levi has a favorite part of your routine, it's you curling your eyelashes and applying mascara on them to make your eyes more noticeable. and as he watches you create the illusion that your eyelashes longer than they are, he can't prevent the blissful sigh coming out of his lips. it catches your attention and the moment your eyes meet with his, levi's cheeks start to warm. that pretty smile that always take his breath away greets his vision, making him shy under your gaze.
"like what you see, babe?" you jokingly ask.
after staring on his untouched french toast like they're worth displaying in a museum, levi looks back to you with half-lidded eyes. "very much, baby."
now, you're the one with flaming cheeks. the little moment turns into something that induces a laugh from levi, with you huffing that your heart sometimes can't take his words. you go back to finishing your french toast before applying your flavored chapstick, levi's loving stare never faltering, lasting even when you have your first class of the day.
every once in a while, you hand levi your makeup pouch with an expectant stare. the first time you did this to him, he couldn't comprehend what your intention is at first until you tell him that you want him to be the one doing your makeup this time. he nearly backs out. he's scared of poking your eyes out but you reassure him that he will never do that.
for a person who never imagined himself in this position, the ending result becomes your favorite look. not because it's levi but because he did it so minimally that it appeals to you.
"this is for your face, right?" levi softly asks, lifting your moisturizer. he's sitting close to you, inches separating your faces. he's saying that it makes him see clearer but you know that he's being clingy without saying anything. "i just want to make sure i'm using the right products."
"levi, sweetheart," you laugh under your breath, "i already laid out everything on our bed. and in order. you got this."
he sighs. "you have another minute to think this through. we're meeting with the others in the club and i can't have you looking like my coloring book when i was three."
you place your hands over his cheeks. "relax, levi, you'll do fine!"
opening the moisturizer, he keeps glancing at you to check if he's putting the right amount on your skin. once the small dots of cream are on your face, levi takes a deep breath and gently rubs it to cover your skin. despite having blemishes, levi thinks that your skin feels so soft underneath his calloused fingers. he'll caress your cheeks the whole day if not for your supposed call time which is in forty minutes. a sigh brushes on your face, levi cursing erwin for making them come on time. once he finishes rubbing your moisturizer on your face, he nods in approval, and kisses your lips quickly before moving on to the next step which is the primer.
you are admiring levi the whole time his face scrunches up in concentration. you're holding your laugh back when you see his lips curling in distaste, having applied more than your instructed amount. you're looking at him with a soft stare, your small smile fondly lifts up your lips. his eyes are a beautiful shade of silver, blue tones peeking through, and it makes your heart warm. his skin glows under the overhead lights of your shared bedroom, smooth to the touch. there are no words left to speak --- levi is simply the most beautiful person gracing your life, the definition of pretty and handsome combined together.
"okay, i'm starting your eyes now."
you didn't register that he's finished with applying concealer and blush on your cheeks.
levi turns to the opened palette sitting on the towel-covered duvet. "which shade are you feeling right now?"
with a cheeky grin, you answer, "how about you surprise me."
"... if i hear one complain from you later, you can always catch a ride with four-eyes on the way back."
levi eyes a specific palette with oranges and browns and starts winging it. if someone looks from the sidelines, levi looks like he's ready to murder someone. his eyes are narrowed, bottom lip in between in teeth, and face scrunched in peak concentration. he starts with that shimmery dark peach eyeshadow he finds pretty on you, then continuing with something darker on the outside corners of your eyes. one eye lasts for ten minutes but you understand since this is levi's first time applying makeup on a person. you can feel his breath tickling your face since he has scooted closer to you to perfect this.
"okay, i'm done, what's next?"
"liquid eyeliner."
that alone makes levi stop.
"then it's the mascara. your favorite part."
"... you do the eyeliner. i don't want you going blind because of me."
in short, levi is phenomenal with makeup and he doesn't even know it.
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