#it was so hard to find out about/info about the this new tv show
dapapple · 2 years
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Don’t worry, theyre professionals
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Bees flowers and laser beams
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Homelander x fem!reader (superheroine)
warning : fluff (as much fluff the boys can have), kiss (kinda), comfort, homelander is a danger to all including bees, no use of Y/n
Summary : It's World Bee Day and Homelander has to make a video about bees for a pr assignment with the superhero and environmentalist Honey Queen…well it turns out that the superhero of America is afraid of bees. Accidents and approaches are pre-programmed alongside laser beams.
Info : A quick idea and then I had to write it. The bts scene with Anthony who is afraid of the bee is just cute. Have fun reading and have a nice day ;)
,,The environment is an important part of the earth without a healthy environment we wouldn't exist, no animals and flowers no superheroes like us all need oxygen to breathe but the environment is the most important thing we have….so let's come together on world bee day and plant flowers" the young woman spoke into the camera with a green screen behind her showing the video with data, promo pictures and videos.
Smiling for the last few seconds, she waited for the shrill sound that the recording was over and relaxed again. This whole superheroine thing was still new not even a week ago she was still a small beekeeping club with her friends and had a few small requests, half of which were pornos she was supposed to act in and now she was contacted by Vought was on TV had spent until she couldn't spend anymore and she would meet Homelander in a few moments.
,,Okay that was good just wait in your van or something we'll come get you" she heard Ashley's voice typing on her cell phone with a call on her ear and walking past her in a hurry it was definitely a pace she had to get used to.
Sure, anything you want, thought the superheroine and went into the small van where she found her friends, who immediately bombarded her with questions and congratulations.
They had given everything so hard and now the dream of a big environmental carnival was going to happen, ,,Ashley said there would be several hundred kids and families coming alone," she said and showed a few recordings on her cell phone.
Some of the families were actors and hired influencers but it made her happy to see that the younger ones cared so much about the environment and the bees. ,,You're going to be a little star, Queeny," she said, looking at the big bee lying in her friends' arms and humming as the familiar stroked the soft fur and the dark eyes seemed to radiate joy.
Since awakening her strength to find out what she was and the kitten bee she had once saved with a little sugar water and a roof over her head, Queeny had not left her side.
They were a well-rehearsed team and even if she always wondered whether everything here made sense, she only had to look at Queeny or her friends and what they had achieved.
It would all work out. After a few more moments of practicing with Homelander with her friends, they took a few more photos and Queeny was desperate for more cuddles.
But then the door to her van opened and Ashley picked her up to take her to Homelande, they were in the allotment area of town where they had their beehives and the little shop it was all the pride they had.
,,Remember to smile, stick to the script and when the bell rings it's on," the brown-haired girl reminded her and without saying a word the brown-haired girl turned around and left her standing in front of the little house in the garden. Queeny flew next to her and heard the voice asking her if everything was alright and she replied, taking one last breath to smooth her "costume" before going inside.
The typical smell of wood and honey came to her familiar and relaxed but a smile curled on her lips as she saw Homelander watching the honey on the shelf. ,,I didn't know bee shit could be so colorful," was the first thing he said, pointing to the different colored honeys, a statement that threw her for a loop. this was Homelander, he was older than her.
Everyone knew honey wasn't bee shit, right? A nervous smile on her lips she approached him and held out her hand which he accepted with a sigh, ,,The color changes as the nectar is concentrated into honey and depending on the pollen," she replied and saw him look a little puzzled and then smirk and put his hands up in surrender, ,,All right bee mistress," he mumbled and was about to go back to the jars when he let out a shrill cry.
At first she thought he'd been startled or heard an explosion but he literally stumbled back and pressed himself against the wall, "What-what the fuck is that!" he shouted and his gaze went to Queeny who flew next to her and just looked at him. Homelander's afraid of bees? she asked herself, not knowing whether to laugh or cry at the whole situation.
This time it was she who put her hands up defensively and stood in front of her pet and companion, ,,It's all right, don't worry it's my well mascot she won't hurt you" she assured him and was about to tell Queeny to land on the ground but even a movement from the bee seemed to frighten him.
A red laser beam went through the air and Queeny flew out of range just in time, but the superhero had hit the younger girl. ,,Shit-fuck sorry you're ehm fuck," stammered the older one, watching in shock as her insides dissolved into a swarm of bees.
As cute as she was outside with her wings and "costume", her insides were made up of bees, something many people couldn't cope with.
She understood that too, but his reaction wasn't helping at all as he tried to destroy her bees again and again with his laser. ,,Home-Homelander please calm down I have you under control the bees here look" she said and concentrated on rebuilding her body after him letting her mind wander through the little animals and she slowly took on his form.
An image of Homeland in black and yellow surrounded him and came slowly towards him, ,,Bees won't hurt you, the stings will probably even bounce off you," she said calmly and flew in front of him, using a single bee to show how small the sting was, ,,But-but they're so aggressive," he replied, seeming completely oblivious that they were working on a project, that he was the super hero of America, that he could do anything, it was almost cute to see him like this.
Slowly placing her hand of bees on his she was almost afraid he would break every single little worker bee but he let her, ,,Here this is Larry he won't hurt you…he's actually very soft" she said and slowly took on her own form as the group spirit was quite challenging to maintain.
Standing on the ground again, she saw Larry crawl over Homelander's red gloves and lift a small leg in greeting, ,,He says hello," she said and saw the almost amused look on Homelander's face as he held the bee in front of his face and carefully moved his finger to the bee and tapped it, ,,He's really…soft," the blond stated and seemed much more relaxed.
But when Larry lifted off again and put a feeler to the superhero's lips, a fact she felt on her lips, Just wait until I catch you mister, she warned the bee, trying to cool her warm cheeks as she practically kissed Homelander.
But the bee had touched him and Homelander hastily let go, startled that he dodged out into the garden where there were only more bees, ,,Oh shit Homelander calm down!" she shouted and her bee wings started to buzz as she rushed after the flying superhero, which was harder said than done as he was much faster than her bee wings.
But still it was easy to find him as the laser beams went through the air and he tried to catch the bees one by one, which was a bit of a challenge for him, ,,Tell them to stop!," he demanded and continued to flail around to catch the little insects while she tried to dodge his blows.
But after a few moments she had managed it and was in the air in front of him and put a calming hand on his, telling the bees to fly back to the hives, ,,It's all right Homelander, they won't hurt you okay? I promise I'll keep them under control," she said calmly, nodding slightly as she saw his eyes change color and he became calmer, she felt him slowly slide to the ground and cling to her.
She was relieved that he had calmed down but she was also a little proud - not everyone could claim to have saved Homelander from a bee. ,,You don't tell anyone about this, dear bee, do you understand?" he warned, but his voice was not harsh, not filled with hate, he just seemed relieved to have peace from the insects again. Nodding hastily, she detached herself from him and an awkward stilel came between them both.
Before she suddenly felt his hand on her shoulder, she felt his gaze on her and he gave an almost pleased, ,,Well, let's market some honey," and she followed his gaze as they stood in front of the cameras and began the wonderful campaign for World Bee Day…. maybe there was something more to this wonderful day than just colorful flowers and little bees, maybe flowers of affection would open.
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so i keep referencing the What Broke Delirium essay i plan to write but never actually writing it, so let's dig into that one!
because. sandman does not spoonfeed information. neil gaiman even said this in regards to the tv show, most shows are written these days under the assumption that audiences aren't really paying attention and need things spelled out for them - but sandman is not one of those shows. you gotta notice everything to get the full story
which honestly i love in many ways because it's part of why i'm never gonna run out of sandman essays to write - every time i reread the comics or rewatch the show i catch something new
and this is one of the first hidden bits of info i caught - remember this spread from overture?
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it's a fucking gorgeous page and one of my favourite in the entire sandman run, both for the pretty art and the content itself (i love delirium SO much)
but let's just zoom in on the center of those flowers for a sec
because there's tiny tiny text written inside them
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(for anyone who can't parse that, the first says "delight was sad", the second says "delight went mad")
now i've mentioned in many of my posts before that the endless all struggle to experience their own aspect, they are that thing, it exists for the most part out of their reach, and that causes problems for all of them
but i usually leave delirium out of these explanations
and that's because, for whatever reason, delirium is the opposite. and delight was too. i don't know what it is that makes her different, but while her older siblings all seem to be barred from their own domain by nature (or have to go to great lengths to experience it), del is too much of it. she's utterly absorbed by it. and while i think she's learned over the centuries how to be a bit more flexible (she understands the coins have two sides thing better than any of them, and can be lucid when she needs to), she didn't start out that way
we don't know what it is exactly that broke her. but we know why.
she had spent all of her life as the personification of happiness and joy, and someone who embodied those emotions. she appeared most as a little kid as delight, because kids definitely find it a lot easier to stay in that perpetually excited, happy mindset
but nothing stays that way forever. and this is where she is like her siblings, and why she's so familiar with the coin metaphor - when you're missing a fundamental piece of being human (either by being barred from your aspect or by being absorbed by it), that's not sustainable. it will tear you apart. dream refuses to accept that this is the case, and that breaks him. desire is equally stubborn about it, and they've outright admitted (in narration) that they're hanging on by a fucking thread
but death figured it out, when she realised she couldn't fulfill her function properly without learning what it was like to live. destruction figured it out when he ran away to go create. and delirium figured it out the hard way, because as soon as the world got a little too big for her singular aspect to make sense, it shattered
and it shattered slowly
there may have been some form of inciting incident, but she didn't become delirium overnight. i think a lot about her describing it as "growing up, or at least growing older", because that's both a very mature way to look at it and also an extremely tragic way to look at it, the idea that she knows too much, is never going to see the world the same way again, and that means delight is never coming back
(and that realisation is when she stopped presenting as a child and started presenting as a teenager)
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and i think for a while, early days of being delirium, not delight, she didn't know what to do with that. delight broke into scattered pieces and the more fell away the harder it became to connect them
but she's also the only one of her siblings who's picked herself up from that. and it's why she's the wisest of them. because from there she learned
okay, so her innocence is gone. so delight isn't coming back. but there's still parts of her around, if delirium ever needs them. and the more she observes about the world, the more she experiences, the more different pieces she gets to add to the puzzle. they don't fit together, but that's del's real strength - they're not supposed to. she could have tried to reassemble herself piece by piece, like gluing together a broken statue, but why would she do that? then she'd be exactly as breakable as before, if not more so
instead she's more of a floating amalgamation of pieces, or rather, she's the ties between them. and because there's no set puzzle, she can put those pieces together in any order. she's no longer susceptible to the same problems as her siblings, because she's not missing anything anymore. she didn't lose parts of herself when becoming delirium, she gained some
and yes, no one is entirely without flaw - her downside is she's still susceptible to strong emotion, and when that overwhelms her mind she stops being any kind of person, we just see that floating amalgamation, until she can calm down. but that's the worst of it. her siblings may see her as broken, but she's more whole than she ever was as delight. and she's never going to break again
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hellfirenacht · 1 year
Writing Master List
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Request Info
Isekai Chronicles: OPEN (see rules)
WON'T write: shy!reader, popular!reader, cheerleader!reader breeding kink, parent!Eddie or parent!reader, pregnancy
WILL write: Eddie Munson x Reader, smut, fluff, angst
***Requests are subject to approval and aren't guaranteed.
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Stranger Things (Eddie/Reader)
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Isekai Chronicles: Through no powers of your own, you end up in Hawkins 1985, in a tv show that you once saw on Netflix.
Wing Man: (AO3) Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington is your best friend, and is constantly striking out. Sick of this, you two make a deal; you’ll wing man for each other. Hooking Steve up with dates is easy, but he finds himself struggling to find you a date. At least, until Dustin starts talking about his new cool friend Eddie. COMPLETE
Crit Happens: (AO3) You are who’s Dustin’s favorite cousin from out of town who is staying with him for the summer. Eddie finds himself jealous as he's suddenly been pushed aside as Dustin’s favorite dungeon master. When Dustin insists that Eddie join the campaign, you and Eddie quickly butt heads about how Dungeons and Dragons should be played.
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Clean: (AO3) After the battle in the Upside Down, you and Eddie try and get clean. SMUT
Candygram: (AO3) It's Valentine's Day and you shoot your shot with Eddie by sending him a candygram.
Water Balloons: (AO3) You and Eddie agree that you aren't interested in having kids.
Meet Me At 4:20: (AO3) It’s hard to be the new kid in a small town during senior year, and there’s only one person you actually want to be friends with. So you do the only logical thing, and set up a drug deal.
Dress Code: (AO3) It’s too damn hot to be wearing your Hellfire Club shirt, unfortunately the rest of the club disagrees. One Shot. Reader x Eddie if you squint (Part 2)
C'More, It's Just One Night: (AO3) (Two-Shot) After getting a fake love note in your locker, you ask Eddie to help you mess up some bullies plans. (Part 2)
Splash Zone: (AO3) You and Eddie go to Gareth’s Pool Party
Anomaly: You can talk to anyone in school with no problem. At least, anyone who’s not named Eddie Munson.
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Corroded Coffin Friendship Bracelets Trend HCs
Being in Hellfire Club HCs
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Players Wanted Master List: A series of one-shots about various Readers asking to join Hellfire Club (HIATUS)
Plus One: (AO3) (HIATUS) Once upon a time, you made a deal with the school freak that if he ever got famous then he'd invite you to be his plus one at a red carpet event. Now a decade later an invite shows up at your house asking you to be the +1 to Eddie Munson, front man of Corroded Coffin. (1 2 HIATUS)
Upside Down to Inside Out: (AO3) It has been four months since anyone has heard from Eddie 'The Freak' Munson. After the Events of the Upside Down, he skips town, leaving you to reflect on the fallout and how your relationship changed during the battle for Hawkins. (1 2)
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Sally Face (Sal Fisher/Reader)
Can't Be Unseen: (AO3) Flirting is fun, but flirting with Sal Fisher is the most fun of all.
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Beetlejuice The Musical (Beetlejuice/Reader)
The Convention Fic: You were a mod for one of the biggest YouTube gamer, Beetlejuice. Now you’re finally going to meet him in person. Shitpost AU got Wild (Discontinued)
Snapchat: You’re on vacation and to your surprise, your favorite demon sends you a friend request on SnapChat. 18+
Haunt Me: Possession, haunting, rough sex, consensual scene, respecting safe-words, after care. 18+
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The Conglomerate (Demon OCs x Reader)
The Ciarog Cockwarming Fic: Exactly what you expect. 18+
**Dividers by @strangergraphics
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does all the information on here have actual sources or is some of it ur own creation?
Does all the information here have sources?
Yep! Nothing is pulled out of thin air; it’s all rooted in genuine Doctor Who lore. Some of it is speculative with some creative license because it has to be, but everything is firmly based on established canon. I always prioritise canonical responses and specify when I’m being more theoretical.
🧠 How each area is approached ...
🗣️Language: The Gallifreyan language is a conlang, but whenever there’s a real word or concept in Doctor Who lore, I'll provide that first. I always specify when I have to default to the conlang if I can't provide canonical answers.
📅 Friday Facts: These are always hard, real facts, and I always provide a source.
🧬 Biology: I work in medicine, so this is my special interest. It's more comprehensively constructed than any other area. It bases itself on almost every mention of Gallifreyan and Time Lord biology in any medium, supported by anatomical textbooks, online medical databases, and multiple learning resources. All sources are cross-referenced and analysed, ensuring that the biological systems are both true to Doctor Who lore and scientifically rationalised.
💭 Hypothetical Questions: For random questions like "How do Gallifreyans view balloon animals?" or "Do Gallifreyans wear Speedos?" where there's literally no information at all in lore and probably never will be, I use known facts about Gallifreyan society and biology to create the most plausible answers (and before you ask, it's a personal preference for Speedos and balloon animals are just plain weird not matter what planet you're on).
📚 The sources used include ...
My Brain
Rassilon, Omega, and That Other Guy x (information found here is located in the original source and checked)
TARDIS Wiki x (information found here is located in the original source and checked)
Tardis Technical Index x
Parkin, L. and Pearson, L., 2018. Ahistory: An Unauthorized History of the Doctor Who Universe. Volumes 1-3. 4th ed. Mad Norwegian Press. x x x
Reference Guide x
Discontinuity Guide x
Chrissie’s Transcripts x
Standring, S. 2020. Gray’s Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. Gray’s Anatomy. x
Tortora, G. and Derrickson, B., 2017. Tortora's Principles of anatomy & physiology. 15th ed. Wiley. x
Waugh, A. and Grant, A., 2018. Ross & Wilson anatomy and physiology in health and illness. 13th ed. Edinburgh: Elsevier. x
BMJ Best Practice x
British National Formulary (BNF) x
ClinicalKey x
Skills for Health x
Osmosis from Elsevier x
Oxford Medical Handbooks x
Patient for Medical Professional x
You can find the source list for canonical references at the bottom of every post, including this one.
It's currently moving along with the anatomy guide, so right now, it's only focused on biology and is a WIP. This source list extracts and examines the relevant information in the DW EU directly from the primary source to help support anatomical concepts. Each extract is contextually checked. It's all ridiculously academic.
🔍 Then there's the evidence hierarchy ...
Because Doctor Who is such a ridiculous universe with a million conflicting sources, I use an evidence hierarchy to harmonise and prioritise information. The highest priority is at the top:
TV Show: Classic and New series are of joint importance, including animations and info on lost episodes. Any conflicts are sorted on a case-by-case basis.
Spin-offs and Extended Broadcast Media: Full spin-off series (Torchwood, SJA, Class, etc.), BBC-produced minisodes, animations, cartoons, trailers, and charity broadcasts.
BBC Books/Audio: BBC-produced main book ranges, audios, and comics.
Big Finish: Main ranges, crossovers, spin-offs. Excludes alternate universe stories like Doctor Who Unbound and Death Comes to Time.
Other BBC-Licensed Material: Books, audios, comics, and board games. Includes Virgin New Adventures, IDW and Titan ranges, and other BBC-licensed content, plus anything that got deleted from above.
Proximal Sources: Production team comments and other relevant but less reliable sources.
At any point, the answers I give could be invalidated by new releases, but at the time of posting, they’re the most likely and detailed responses you could get. I would absolutely detail every source on Tumblr if I could, but I just don't have the time because unfortunately, this isn’t my full-time job 😭 However, the Anatomy and Physiology Guide will be fully referenced when released.
🎉 So, what's GIL all about?
Essentially, GIL is designed to be a kind of information point where you can ask the weirdest, dumbest, and most intriguing questions and I'll try my best to provide accurate and comprehensive answers that align most with established lore. As mentioned, I specialise particularly in Gallifreyan biology, but I'll take pretty much anything.
Why? I have no idea. Help me.
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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redheadspark · 1 month
For your August prompts:
14. Watching TV & movies together.....I wanna watch TV with Druig that'd be fun!!!! 😆
A/N - STELLA! Thanks for requesting this, I loved writing this! its short but cute!
Sunday Nights
Summary - It was tradition: Sunday Nights are for the trashy shows
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Warnings - Just fluff
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“Are you ready yet?”
“Patience is a virtue,”
“Not when it comes to our reality show nights!”
Druig grabbed the remote control from the coffee table, turning the TV on as you were finishing the last of the popcorn that was freshly popped.  The aroma of popcorn was filling the small and cramped kitchen while you poured out the bag into a massive bowl, knowing that you had other pop two bags instead of one.  It was something you learned early on in your relationship with Druig when you two got together: Druig was a snacker.
He especially loved snacking while watching reality TV.
That was a shocker to you when you two met some time ago, Druig always seemed to have his nose in a book or digesting what was going on in the newspaper.  He would rather curl up in a book than go out to parties that his roommate Kingo would throw, which was fair since most of those parties were pretty rowdy.  That’s how to met him in the first place: trying to find the bathroom and accidentally walking into his room where he was perched on his bed reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.
You ended up staying in his room and chatting about literature for three hours, and the rest of history.
Two years later, you both found a decent apartment that was close to his work at the University and it was perfect.  The views of the city, the walking distance to several restaurants and a few parks, even some of the neighbors that were on your floor were great.  The first night you two finally moved into your new shared home, you popped in a movie a brought out a new snacks for you two to share between.
Druig ended up eating most of the snacks without realizing it, which was quite amusing.
To his defense, Druig loved watching the Tracy reality TV shows that were everywhere, both on cable and streaming. It shocked you, a hobby that never really fitted his personality and lifestyles.  When you asked him about it once morning during breakfast, he simply shrugged.
“It’s a good way to turn my brain off for an hour or two,” he replied, you realizing that it was his own way other than decompressing.  He loved his job, though it would be very stressful at times.  He also was still iffy with his adoptive brother Ikaris, they would butt heads from time to time and it brought him down a bit.  You hated seeing him in those hard moments, it wasn’t like him at all.  
You made it a tradition then: Sunday nights were for there reality shows
“Here we are,” You said, walking into the living room and seeing your TV qeued up and Druig looking at you with a grin on his face.  You showed him the big bowl, popcorn was about to overflow as you made it to the couch and place it in his lap.
“Thanks, babe,” he replied, pecking your cheek as he the gestured to the TV screen, “This episode is supposed to be a cliffhanger,”
“Since when do you indulge the spoilers?” You asked in a teasing manner, seeing him grab some popcorn to pop in his mouth.
“I don’t, but one of my co workers told me on my lunch,” He explained as you ate some popcorn as well, “She knows I hate getting that kind of info, so I know she did that to pull my leg so to speak,”
“How nice of her,” You joked as he poked your side.  As he wrapped and arm around you to tuck you in his shoulder, you breathed in the cologne that he was wearing and the small hint of sweat that still lingered since he went to the gym earlier that day.  You both looked forward to this time together at the very end of the week before your work week would start up again.  Both of your schedules were full time, making it hard to enjoy some quality time together at the end of the day.  Hanging out with mutual friends or going out with co workers, attending family events, they were fun but also draining simultaneously.  
So having this small moment with Druig, it was more than enough. 
You phone lit up, showing a message on the screen,  You reached over to grab it from the coffee table, reading the message and then chuckling, “Makkari is going to rooftop party tonight and wants us to come,” 
“Sounds like fun,” Druig replied, then looking over at him and see him eye him with a smirk on his face, “This is better though,”
You laugh, typing the quick rejection to the invitation as he stared the show and you placed the phone to the side.  
The End
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August Prompt Session
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fauxfickle · 7 months
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We now return with your regularly scheduled and all too familiar feeling of malaise and the search for "The Great All American Pizza Show!"
So it's been a little under a month since my last post and I've been skimming through commercial compilations from the LA area. I've found some cool YT channels that archive old ads from that area but I obviously don't have anything to show for it. The ads are either too early or too late to be part of this campaign which is a bit frustrating. Something I neglected to mention last time was that I was also looking through Colossal Pictures demo reels to see if they had a snippet of the animated commercial but of course, there's nothing. There seems to be a cutoff point in the early 80s as most demos only show things from that far back. I was able to find some obscure, silent, avant garde, sci-fi film possibly connected to Colossal but I don't think that'll help me much.
Colossal had some sort of "meet the crew" type video where all the employees said they're names but only their first name so I can't really track them down or anything. I'll keep looking, I didn't look all too hard as I was kinda at my wits end at that time looking through ad comps for hours.
I took a bit of a break for a while before reading through the old Pizza Times newsletters from Dec 79 - May 80. The May 1980 newsletter had some cool info about commercials and news features filmed at the various stores. Some of these aren't technically part of TGAAPS campaign but ehhhhhh I don't really care. They're part of early PTT history and I wanna see them damnit!
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Let's go through these starting with Citrus Heights. The Citrus Heights section is loaded with info regarding lost media, 3 in fact! Sacramento's Channel 40 (KTXL), which has since been bought out by FOX in the mid 80s, did a Newsplus at 10 feature on the cyberamic systems at the new store during it's opening week. If we consult the ever so useful Chuck-E-Pedia, we can find that this feature would have been shot and most likely aired on Christmas week of 1979. A perfect pin point set of dates to look through! Next, Chuck was seen in the lead up to the United Cerebral Palsy Telethon which also gives us some idea of where to look. Finally, a TV commercial was filmed, possibly with TGAAPS slogan. Bob Wilkins' ad agency produced it but I couldn't find ANYTHING regarding this company. It's mentioned on his wikipedia but not named, and a even his own website doesn't mention anything about it. It's surprising that someone who seems like a local celeb in there area could have an ad agency that goes almost entirely undocumented.
Next, we move to Sparks, Nevada. Channel 2 (KTVN) filmed a feature on the store for the PM Magazine. The store was visited by reporter Keith Hirshland. Now I'm actually pretty sure I've found this dude! I found a local online article talking about him and the timeline works perfectly. Assuming this was filmed in early 1980, Keith would of been still fresh out of college with a degree in journalism and around 23. He also says he grew up running down the halls of the KTVN office. As a little aside, I'd just like to say don't bother this man or anyone/company mentioned in any of my posts. The last thing we need is to scare off these people.
This last little piece of lost media probably has the best chances of being found out of all the rest. Ben Wattenberg's 1980, from what I can find, is a dry, uninteresting TV news segment hosted by an equally dry and uninteresting host, the neo-conservative Ben Wattenberg. Ben Wattenberg's 1980 itself seems to be almost entirely lost media as only a few stills, episode descriptions, and TV listings exist online. However, this show was on PBS which no doubt has it somewhere in it's archive. What's better is that that there not only an exact date of when the episode will air, but also the name of the episode itself! One user on taptalk was able to find a TV listing which unfortunately doesn't lead anywhere and isn't archive on the WayBack machine. Luckily people actually said the name of the supposed episode which would of been "Silicon Valley: The New Entrepreneurs". We can also find evidence of it in a newspaper from that June 15th.
I sent e-mails to KTXL-40 and PBS on 2/24, so far no responses. I'll wait a little longer and in the mean time look for more leads and contacts. As I said before, don't bother these people/companies. I don't want them to be swamped with calls and e-mails and clam up on us. Bye for now!
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marshallpupfan · 7 months
Marshall Merchandise Update... Kinda.
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Okay, so... funny story. Do any of you remember that merchandise update I made near the beginning of the year? The one where I said my aunt found some items of Marshall, so she bought them for me as a Christmas gift? One was a plush of Mighty (Movie) Marshall, which I said I already owned, and the other was that cube plush of Charger from Rubble & Crew (she thought it was Marshall because of the red hat). Well...
As it turns out, I was wrong about something!
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It's not the same plush after all! I mean, it's basically the same style, yet one's slightly smaller and has a plastic nose. I didn't realize it at the time, but placing them side-by-side, it's quite obvious now. Huh... I'm pretty sure these were released around the same time, so I wonder why they made two different versions? The left's from Walmart, while I think the other's from Meijer. How interesting...
While I'm here, I might as well show off a brand new item I found.
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This is... er... dang, why do I have such bad luck with cameras? I keep saying I'll break down and buy myself a better one someday, and... well, I probably could, if I stopped buying so much merchandise of Marshall. Hang on, maybe if I turn the flash off, that'll...
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...oh my. Alright, back to my $40 TracFone cellphone camera.
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Well, that's... better. Still not the results I was hoping for, but it'll have to do. In any case, this is a brand new item I found recently at a Meijer. I suppose this is what we'll get from now on, instead of those True Metal vehicles? Admittedly, I thought "Pup Squad" was something specifically for The Mighty Movie, but I see the merchandise is carrying on with that branding. I don't think they've actually said pup squad in the TV series, unless it was mentioned somewhere in the Mighty Movie (I still haven't seen it, so I've no idea).
One last item, which is...
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...a common Marshall figurine and his firetruck? Wait, don't I own one already? Ah, I do... but I found a bunch of these at a flea market for $2.50, so I thought it'd be fun to have one in its original, undamaged, unopened packaging! Admittedly, I was hoping it was one of the first toys of him released back in 2013, but the copyright info instead says it's from 2019. Ah well, it still looks rather nice!
Of course... it'll look much better without that big sticker. Geez, did they have to make it so big? Stickers like that tend to be difficult to remove, since they come apart so easy and leave sticky residue.
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Thankfully, I was able to get it off just fine, due to taking my time and whatnot. It pretty much looks good as new now! Of course, now I just need to find a spot for it...
Oh, speaking of finding a spot for something...
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My aunt recently gave me this small display case, and I thought about incorporating it somewhere in my collection. Perhaps I can use it to house some of my favorite and/or rare pieces of merchandise, like that hard-to-find Christmas ornament from 2016? It's kind of big, so I've no idea where I can put it yet, but I'll find a spot for it...
...Eventua- okay, I'll try to find a spot for it before the third movie releases in 2026, I swear! lol
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cobraonthecob · 9 months
Charles isn't linked to Italian right wing parties. Once a right wing politician claimed him and Ferrari as symbols of true "Italianess" (fascist rethoric) and he started liking tweets left and right about not being and not wanting to be associated with that man and that party.
Also in Monza 2023 when the fascist Italian prime minister was at the gp in the Ferrari box, Charles suddenly disappeared and returned only when she was gone. But when in 2022 the Italian President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella (one of the most important constitutional experts in Italy and the only person with dignity in the Italian positions of power) was in the Ferrari box Charles was there and they talked a lot.
He also used to follow pro-Palestine accounts before the war on October 7th, but Ferrari imposed on him to be neutral about everything. Also the hanging out with Noah Snapps was way before he started acting like a crazy zionist. The fact that these things happened is a shame, but that doesn't make him a zionist.
But Charles doesn't have a liking for right win parties in Italy, this is just not correct.
damn, charles doing something right for once lol (wrt to trying to distance himself from the right wing italian parties and also not sticking around to talk to italy's prime minister). not an attack to you, but i'm having a hard time finding who even said that unless it's like. a deleted tweet, but if someone's got screenshots or a news article about it, i'm all ears
also, lol @ being monegasque and someone trying to claim him as italian. i'm wheezing way too damn hard. monaco watch your back (or should i say harbor?), italy might try to add you to the country
i don't think charles is a zionist or pro-palestinian (i definitely remember him following either eye on palestine or some other related accounts, and then he suddenly unfollowed them), but he hasn't said anything about wanting to distance himself from noah at the very least, so i'll just put the 'silenced by ferrari and fia, his views could go either way'. for me, it's got to be all or nothing, and right now, a white man with a huge following is not passing the litmus test of doing the bare minimum (not be zionist)
what also tickles my brain though is that he has a massive following and a big chunk of the fandom likes charles in some way, so why not use his influence? lewis expressed support for palestine, and should not be the only f1 driver to do so (the al-qubaisi sisters have put in their stories support for palestine). and it's not like charles would be shown the door; the tifosi love him and would probably raze the ferrari factory to the ground if ferrari threw him out for that, and let's pretend that the tifosi don't exist - why would ferrari throw out someone who can challenge for WDC? why would ferrari throw someone who lives and breathes ferrari, who stays with this clown circus of a team despite all the shit he goes through, just to fulfill a childhood dream?
anyways, there's a lot of nuance to be held here that i'm probably not hitting and i should really be going to bed, but thank you very much (genuine) for bringing new info to the table. charles is off the hook for now in my book lol, but he'll just be a driver that's in my 'oh nice. he's there. he scores points when there isn't a mechanical issue'
also we really should not be allowing politicians at f1 races, cota was something lol (in that i yelled at me tv for daring to show me abbott. i did not consent to seeing that on a lovely sunday afternoon). just bring the fia's governing body or some celebrity, the politicians can watch at home like the majority of us.
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
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Real Answer:
I've cried about this before on here multiple times but this is my favorite line, and the one that made me an indefatigable Akechi stan:
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Yeah I'll have feelings about this again, why not.
"I can still be your playmate" literally recontextualized the way I think about love hsfjdlshfks. Like. Play is such an essential part of living. Not just for humans, pretty much every animal we've ever studied turns out to engage in play when given the opportunity (feels safe, not hungry/thirsty).
And playing with others is especially important in social species! Notice how core playing is to human society: all games obviously, but also sports, gambling, a huge chunk of media dedicated to various games or using games as a base for a story, etc.
Anyways, Kusuo just hasn't gotten the opportunity to play, really play, since he was a small child. Even if those early games with Kusuke counted, they no longer did once Kusuke installed the limiters. After that, every game was tinted with the danger of basically losing his life should he lose, essentially destroying any fun that Kusuo could have gotten from it. Not at any point does Kusuo wish he could play a game with his brother again – it's something he would rather avoid at all costs.
And we can see that Kusuo does not really know how to play on his own either. When left to his own devices, he only reads/watches/plays shitty/obscure media, watches live TV, or stares at the ceiling. His powers prohibit him from doing a lot of things, and if he's up to anything else, it's usually training to improve his control (like when he threw a baseball back and forth a billion times to get better at it).
So when Akechi comes up with a game for Kusuo to play, it's actually groundbreaking. Especially because Akechi purposely does not place any limits on Kusuo in order to do it! That's HUGE!
Kusuke ALWAYS tries to limit Kusuo when they play, handicapping Kusuo in London with a GPS tracker and 2 friends to limit his power use, and using Toritsuka as a hostage during the Cat Tank arc (and there's no way Kusuke didn't shoot at Toritsuka directly multiple times to make Kusuo take the hit). The only time Kusuke doesn't handicap Kusuo is for the fireworks "birthday surprise", but that was explicitly because he was testing the limits of Kusuo's powers to adjust the Cat Tank.
On the other hand, Akechi doesn't put any limits on what Kusuo could do to play, and in fact, watches him obviously using his powers (specifically clairvoyance and distance telepathy). To him, Kusuo using his powers is not cheating, because Kusuo's powers are as much a part of him as his hands or eyes.
The wording of Akechi's comment in the first panel, "I guess [...] I'm still better than you when it comes to betting on horse races", and then "It seems there may still be plenty of things we can go head to head in", shows that Akechi didn't actually know whether he would be able to provide Kusuo with a challenge. And that he's happy he can! Because it means that he and Kusuo can play together!
And tbh, Akechi himself probably has trouble finding people who can keep up with him in games. He mentions in the same chapter that he doesn't have any friends and isn't even sure what social people do for fun, rip.
So anyways, it just really hit me that the ability to be playmates is so important for a deep personal relationship. Like if you can't feel safe enough to relax and be silly and vulnerable, and try new and different things together, how good is that relationship really, y'know??
Yeah. That line gets me every time lol.
Stupid Answer:
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Love that he's trying so hard to take the conversation away from anything that could mess up the manga rating but as soon as someone makes an incorrect statement about dick, he immediately has to correct them with penis ethnography. We stan this pan king lmao.
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My special interest is cock and brother, I'm about to start info-dumping.
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otakween · 4 months
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One Pound Gospel - Volume 4 (Final Volume)
Man, all the cover art in this series is so samey. Kind of a shame. Maybe they should have incorporated side characters into the covers?
Ch. 29
So apparently Angela's family is super rich and judgy, that sucks. Maybe that's part of why she wanted to join a convent to begin with lol. As an aroace person, I somewhat understand her struggle being pressured into a relationship by society.
What do you MEAN Angela isn't her real name?? I didn't know that nuns adopted new names! (So I guess I did learn something new after all). Is her real name pronounced "Mari-eh?"
The chef literally made "Tyler's Bullshit" from The Menu lol
Great another dumber than bricks character who is so dumb that no one could possibly be that dumb in reality. New guy's gimmick is that he just adds random sauces to his dishes without knowing what they are. Riiight
Ch. 30
Well, that was a tiny arc. It succeeded in making me hungry.
This was just the Kana arc but in reverse (Kosaku is jealous instead of Angela). I can feel Takahashi running out of ideas for the characters.
Ch. 31
What is this, the dying of over work chapter?? Both the bento guy and the cram school teacher are going through it.
Kosaku threatens to quit boxing for the 9 millionth time. I don't buy that he's serious about becoming a chef. These kinds of flaky people are the worst irl.
Ch. 32
I appreciate the different fighting styles we've seen through the course of this series. In this one we see one of the lazier options that boxers can use to earn points. I thought it was funny that the nuns referred to it as "hugging" because that's what I was thinking it looked like lol.
Ch. 33
Okay, I feel really silly that I didn't pick up on the fact that Ryusei was Kosaku's next opponent.
I respect Angela's immediate disgust for the dudes at the host bar. I have heard stories of how they can be pretty extortionate and phony. I'd be scared to go to one. Kosaku's reaction to finding out she went to one was funny. That is pretty wild out of context lol
Ch. 34
I liked the use of overlapping speech bubbles to show Kosaku ignoring his coach, that was clever.
They're implying that the guests at host clubs are often female employees from similar industries. IDK if that's true, but that's pretty interesting...
This chapter made me google whether or not male customers are allowed at host clubs and I got mixed results. I guess it depends on the club!
Woah, host club dude gets 3 chapters instead of 2? What makes him so special...?
Ugh, I just googled what a "bait dog" is and learned some very disturbing info about pitbull fighting 😭 couldn't find anything about the term being used in boxing
Ch. 35
All the guys at the gym cringing at Ryusei's phony TV interview was funny. Kosaku's so cute saying "yeah he's cringe, but he's not a bad guy!" (paraphrasing)
Oh snap, Kosaku got angry! Honestly, Angela deserved to be yelled at a little bit. I know it's because she cares, but she's a little too hard on him sometimes.
Ch. 36
Wow, these final chapters are so short! It kinda feels a little rushed actually, oh well.
Ryusei's host coworkers coming to cheer him on was cute.
Ch. 37
Aww, that was really wholesome :) <3 Marie (Angela) gave up being a Sister to be with Kosaku at last and Kosaku won the title.
I loved that Kosaku said he was fighting for Marie AND himself. It's important to be a whole person outside of your relationships!
This was a sweet little, fluffy romcom. Very easy to get through. Looking forward to the adaptations!
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freegancreations · 4 months
I know this is a long shot, but I figured it would be worth the effort to try. I only hope people will listen… It couldn’t hurt, right? 
If you don’t mind, I’d like to tell you about a friend of mine, GrayBeardTv. He is a new YouTuber with a current count of 123 followers. He streams primarily for gaming but spends a lot of time communicating with chat while doing so. We are always included in one way or another, which to be honest is pretty refreshing after the past few years...
I’ve been communicating with him for a while now, and I’ve noticed just how much this all means to him. Gaming isn't just something he does in his free time, it's played a huge part throughout his life. Gaming wasn’t just something to show off, but something to share with others.  I don’t know about you, but I love when I find a passionate YouTuber. By that, I mean you can see how games give him an outlet, a very small community, and a way to make a connection with the world… And I think that’s poetically beautiful. 
I hate to say this, but as a female gamer, I have always tried to avoid going online and playing with others. I've heard, like I'm sure many of you have, all the horror stories of women getting harassed. The other day, Gray asked for people to join the lobby chat so we could all play Killer Instinct together. He was well aware that I was a complete beginner and still welcomed me. We played and he made sure to not only support me in playing but also congratulated me if I had won. 
This may be no big deal to you, Reader, but for me, it meant a lot and gave me a tiny bit of freedom to let go of all that anxiety I've been carrying. I am naturally skittish, and Gray has done nothing but try to make me feel comfortable and welcome in his streams. He has done this for all of us who find him… And maybe this is a stupid attempt to give back, but I would like to try. 
I’m writing this to try and help him with his dream of making this Streaming Opportunity a functional career. I know a lot of people want this, I do, but I think he deserves this chance. He busts his ass constantly trying to give us the best streams he can. His brother also works extremely hard on this channel (making thumbnails, correcting OBS, etc..). This isn’t just one person messing around, but a group effort to really make something wonderful.
Listen, I understand this is the internet, and nobody wants to hear people complain or ask for help. I’m yelling into a black void, hoping to hear a response… But I’m still holding out hope.
I know gaming streams may not be your thing, but if you would be willing to sub to him, maybe even give the stream a try; it would mean the world to all of us. I'm hoping that this letter will find the right people and that the universe will throw me a hallelujah... 
If you think you'd be willing, please check out his channel. He has no idea I wrote this, and probably never will. I just want to try and help a friend reach their dreams, and I hope you will too.
PS, If you're a small streamer, please drop your info in the comments so I can follow you and hopefully others will too! I know this is a dog-eat-dog world, but I think that's stupid... haha. I want the world to support each other more, and I want to do my part. <3
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bunny-heels · 5 months
i saw your post about not rebloging from people who are proship and if im being honest, that mentality terrifies me as someone who just learned this word. what if there is a new word that circulates in places im not familiar in and i get blacklisted for just rebloging something specific without seeing the entire blog? i really try to stay on top of all this lingo but it gets tough. also is bdsm proship? bdsm is not a cover for abuse even if people try to use it as such, when done responsibly and in the right communities that value safety as a first rule they often are more aware of harm and the reduction and prevention of it then movements that wont allow the depiction of stories that help survivors identify their abuse. am i proship if i appreciate a artful depiction of an abuse in tv that helps me learn how to recover in a healthy way and find skills to help others not get hurt the ways i had to? am i proship for making jokes that might read as hurtful to an outsider who dosnt know my relationship to my friends/partner? im sorry i just want to understand the line here so i can understand the harm these people are actually doing.
i think youre just terrifying yourself, friend.
proshippers only have 3 terms they use, as far as i know; proship, comship [meaning complicated ship], and darkship [meaning dark topic ship].
you won't be blacklisted just because you reblogged a post created by a proshipper, especially if you dont follow the person who created the post and you didnt know they were a proshipper. stuff like that happens all the time, and not just with proshippers. lots of people unknowingly reblog from terfs, racists, nazis, zionists- hell even i've reblogged posts made by people who were like that. but if youre followers actually know who you are, then they'll know it was a mistake, and they'll likely warn you politely about it just to watch out for you.
BDSM is not proship. BDSM has to do with rough and physically tasking acts in sex that are discussed and consented on extensively. lots of people into BDSM, such as subs and doms, will tell you that they regularly check on each other and have a system to let them know if they're okay or need a break or if something goes too far.
plus i myself am into some extreme things that i would never do in real life, let alone without someones consent. its either a 100% yes or there's no doing it all.
liking media with depictions of harmful topics that put it in an educational or meaningful light is also not proship. one of my favorite indie games is My Eyes Deceive, which i find to be a beautifully morbid game that touches well on the topic of abuse towards children and shows how horrific it can really be.
not proship for making jokes either. i'm friends with a chick who we both used to date the same guy who turned out to be a pedo. we often joke about how we were victims of grooming because really, we were.
checkin to see if a person is a proshipper isnt something scary or even that hard to do you'll find. i mean, if you'd make an effort to check if the youtuber youre watching is racist or if the twitter acc youre following is a nazi, then i dont see it as a lot of work to go to a persons blog and double check to make sure they arent a creep.
which btw, you'll know instantly if they are. everyone on this site is not afraid to say what they like or what theyre into. there is a good 90% chance that if the blog youre checking is proship safe, then they will proudly say it on their pinned post or carrd or whatever they use to put their info. its not too hard to spot.
buddy, you have nothing to worry about, and i promise you its not that hard to be a good person. you see someone who has shitty ideals? just block and move on. you didn't know the person you interacted with was shitty? delete it, block them, and move on. like avoiding a food you find gross in a buffet or taking out the trash. you'll be fine.
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jkjs · 1 year
SO sorry to slide into your askbox but i also got caring about boosteritis multiple years after his solo series, and i work in a library so which trades are still in print is info that is less hard for me to find than the average person (thanks dc comics for your website being a true nightmare to navigate <3). if you already know all this stuff please ignore me. because of the aforementioned working in a library i have terminal "can i help you find this resource" disease
the first volume of the 2007 run (52 pickup) did just get a trade rerelease in april! so you should be able to get it uh... somewhere, it's still in print. also the blue and gold reboot series trade is still in print! the rest of that 2007 run did get collected in trades (sadly out of print) but not (to my knowledge) one big omnibus.
as far as big omnibuses, they did one for the original 1980s jurgens run (showcase presents: booster gold) back in 2007 to coincide with the new series, and then also released that run in two volumes in 2019 (booster gold: the big fall and booster gold: future lost.) those 2019 releases would probably be the easiest to find (and they're hardcover, if that matters to you.)
i imagine stuff mayyyy also get releases when the booster tv show eventually comes out but also who wants to count on anything happening in today's tv and also dc comics landscape. there ARE justice league international omnibuses! v1 and 2 are out already, and v3 comes out february 2024
i love you
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Hey, I really like that headcannon of yours with a deaf Donnie.
Would it be ok if I put it into a new fic I'm writing as a base?
I'd like to make a small change or two, like how instead of going deaf later, he was always deaf.
But I feel like this is ultimately your choice because you're the one who thought of this.
Also, as a side note, my mom was actually born mostly deaf.
She had lots of surgeries when she was little to correct that though.
Nowadays she can hear, but she still has trouble.
Like she can hear better out of one ear than the other.
And when talking, you have to speak clearly and face her, that way she can read your lips.
If there's too loud of a background noise, she basically won't be able to hear you at all and will rely even more on her lip-reading abilities.
When watching TV, she can't "hear" the show/movie without subtitles.
And if you cover up the subtitles by blocking their view, she'll often say, "I can't hear the show/movie because you're blocking the subtitles."
People who are deaf, also walk differently. They will end up pointing the front of (the foot, or their toes.) their feet towards each other.
And while her parents worked hard with her to get her to walk normally, she'll often start walking like this if she's really tired.
Another thing that happens, is you'll have a normal (in volume) conversion and be right next to her, and she'll still have trouble hearing you.
But then you could be five feet apart and whisper some random thing so quietly that even you can barely hear yourself, and she'll just end up responding to that random thing you had just said.
Also, no.
She does not wear hearing aids.
So all of this is just normal day-to-day life without any help from hearing aids.
And I'm pretty sure this is a personal choice.
I'm not sure if you have to love a certain amount of hearing to qualify for hearing aids, or if you could just get them without needing to qualify.
But if you did need to qualify for hearing aids, then I'm pretty sure my mom would fall under the qualifications to get them.
And personally, I never asked her why she never had hearing aids.
It's possible that they just don't work for her, she doesn't like the way they feel on her and doesn't want them on her, just can't afford them, just didn’t feel the need to get them, or just some other reason.
I should ask her about that.
Of course, each experience is different depending on the person and how deaf they are.
But this is the (personal and physical) experience I have when interacting with someone who is deaf. (Or partly deaf.)
And I would put this information, along with more researched information, into the headcannon. (If I get your permission, of course.)
And if you would like, you may use the (my own experience) information that I have given you, to work with your own HC. (Whether or not you agree to my request. You are free to the info I have given you.)
Sorry for the rant.
I had said (or typed, I guess.) a lot considering I only came to ask a small question.
Oh Autism and ADHD, I love ye so much.
I'm also being serious and sarcastic about that.
Like I'm not ashamed of my Autism and ADHD. (Or my OCD and skin sensory disorder.)
But they can make life difficult at times.
But oh boy! Do they make life so interesting!
And here I am, starting to rant again, after just apologizing for ranting!
And you know damn well that I could keep going! (Because I'm doing that shit right now.)
But I will stop myself from going any further and hit that fucking ask button!
(And yet, after saying that, I added another wall of text to the paragraphs up above.)
I'm glad your mom is still independent even with the hearing troubles. And reading lips is so cool!! My father taught me to read lips when I was younger and I find it fun.
Not hearing a show/movie without subtitles is so relatable. I've always watched EVERYTHING with subtitles on so I do that to. Not being able to hear the audio without them even though I'm not deaf or have trouble hearing.
I do have a problem with selective hearing /HJ
YES OFC YOU CAN WRITE A FIC WITH THE HEAD CANON! (I would love the link to the story when it's published-!) AND YOU FAN CHANGE IT AS MUCH AS YOU WANT. not like I own it or anything (unless that's how head canons work- I mean- cuz who would want someone to steal the credit for the headcanon- oh wait- yea I see it now oops) Just give some sort of credit for the head canon I guess?? AHH I REALLY WANNA READ IT!! I bet it's gonna be awesome!!
NEVER BE ASHAMED OF WHAT MAKES YOU, YOU!! thank you for the rant!! ❤❤❤❤🥳🥳🥳]]
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disneyswiftpolls · 11 months
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Vote for Belle here (Closes Monday, 10/30)
Submit song suggestions for Pocahontas, Esmeralda, or Megara
Info Post with previous winners
Reasonings for each song choice below the cut:
"I Knew You Were Trouble" from Red (TV)
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This is when Jasmine finds out Aladdin has lied to her and Jafar ships him off to the ends of the earth before she can can confront him. She is left feeling very betrayed. Aladdin put on this whole show just to marry her AND doubled down on his lie when initially called him out. Does he love her or is he in it for the wealth and power? Not to mention he leaves her with a hell of a lot of trouble with Jafar taking over.
'Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in So shame on me now Flew me to places I'd never been 'Til you put me down, oh I knew you were trouble when you walked in So, shame on me now Flew me to places I'd never been Now I'm lyin' on the cold hard ground Oh, oh Trouble, trouble, trouble
"King of My Heart" from reputation
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All of the royalty imagery in the lyrics works so well for Jasmine. She has had several suitors thrust at her that want her as a prize, not her as a person. After standing strong against outdated tradition and her father's wishes, she runs away from it all only to find the one she has been waiting for. The one that fancies her, not fancy stuff. Even though he doesn't have the "expensive cars" that the princes do, he makes her the happiest.
Late in the night, the city's asleep Your love is a secret I'm hoping, dreaming, dying to keep Change my priorities The taste of your lips is my idea of luxury Salute to me, I'm your American Agrabanian Queen And you move to me like I'm a Motown beat And we rule the kingdom inside my room (inside my room, oh) 'Cause all the boys and their expensive cars With their Range Rovers and their Jaguars Never took me quite where you do (where you do) And all at once, you are the one I have been waiting for King of my heart, body and soul, ooh whoa And all at once, you're all I want, I'll never let you go King of my heart (my heart), body and soul, ooh whoa
"Run" from Red (TV)
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This song sounds like Jasmine talking to Aladdin about how she wants him and freedom over the luxuries of royalty. She is willing to run away with him, defend him from the palace guards, and even kiss Jafar to protect him. The references to seeing "this view a hundred times" and "no one to be, no one to tell" could be an updated version of 'A Whole New World ("unbelievable sights, indescrible feeling" and "no one to tell us no, or where to go").
I could see this view a hundred times Pale blue sky reflected in your eyes So give me a reason and don't say no, no And the note from the locket, you keep it in your pocket Since I gave it to you There's a heart on your sleeve I'll take it when I leave And hold it for you And run, like you'd run from the law Darling, let's run Run from it all We can go like they're trying to chase us Go where no one else is, run
Treacherous from Red (TV)
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Aladdin represents everything that is the opposite of Jasmine's life. Very few people would have said that a princess and a "street rat" together would work, but Jasmine can't help being drawn to him. She gets to be friction instead of forever going with the flow. She faces true danger for the first time in her life and discovers she can think on her feet. There is freedom and understanding in the danger...and she likes it.
I can't decide if it's a choice Getting swept away I hear the sound of my own voice Asking you to stay And all we are is skin and bone Trained to get along Forever going with the flow But you're friction This slope is treacherous This path is reckless This slope is treacherous I, I, I like it
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