#it was so messy ๐Ÿ˜…
burningsoftly ยท 2 years
Obsessed with the scene in Halloween ends of Corey wrestling Michael in and out of frame like it was an episode of scooby doo. Iconic.
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catastrxblues ยท 2 months
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EVERMORE by taylor swift (feat. bon iver) โ€” โ€œand i was catching my breath, floors of a cabin creaking under my step. and i couldnโ€™t be sure, i had a feeling so peculiar, this pain wouldnโ€™t be forevermore.โ€
my #swiftiegiftexchange2024 for @lovesickallovermybed!!!! ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿฝ
#HIII HII HII how are you <3333 SO sorry for being slightly to the party but HII#i saw that you are currently recovering from surgery and iโ€˜m wishing you all the best and =a faster recovery ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’— i hope youโ€™re okay and#are feeling and getting much better every day ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—#iโ€™m your anon swiftie and it was really nice to get to know you!! ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿฝ youโ€™re super super talented and your gifs are so so STUNNING#it was such an honor to be your anon for this event and i had such a fun time making this !#i was SO excited when i saw that some of your favorite ts songs are evermore and idsb. really really sorry i didnโ€™t have the time to make#something for both because my laptop went dead for sometime and i ended up only having the time to make this ๐Ÿ˜ญ#evermore the song is something i hold and cherish deeply in my heart too and it was something that has seen some of the worst of my days#and so i decided to do this song for your gift instead!#i canโ€™t really gif much and couldnโ€™t even try#because my laptop in which i had installed ps in went rip so i decided to make you this#(slightly messy sorryy) scrapbook of my view of the song! i tried to incorporate some of the descriptive lyrics and the objects mentioned i#the song and i hope you like it ๐Ÿ˜!#and because i think evermore is also something that IS meant to be incredibly personal to the people that listen to it#i decided to include some photos (+added highlights on every lyric that has ever touched me which is almost everything as you can see ๐Ÿ˜ญ)#of some of my journal pages on which i rewrote the entire lyrics (except bon iverโ€™s addition ๐Ÿ˜…) in โ€˜21 when the song meant to me the most!#i hope you're having a great dayy love ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿฝ#SwiftieGiftExchange2024#taylor swift#tswiftedit#evermore#*my edits#nadine.mp3
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buildoblivionthenwewilltalk ยท 5 months
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so I read this wonderful gem of a fic called save the date by AstroGirl and I was so charmed that I blacked out and doodled this (go read it!!!!!)
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screwpinecaprice ยท 26 days
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I woke up feeling like I was crying to sleep when I wasn't??? And my dream was about Mei from Turning Red riding a snow sleigh. Um There's nothing sad about that??? Lol
Anyway, the warm up sketches. The colors were added in Medibang. It was pretty fun, might do that technique some other time. My body still refused to recover from being bummed out throughout the day so I did house chores instead of commissions. ๐Ÿ˜… Will try again tomorrow.
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hungrydolphin91 ยท 9 days
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Font replicated from Dawn of the New World
Font replicated from Tales of Graces
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whereismyhat5678 ยท 7 months
Pizzahead would wear a pretty princess dress for fun. Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.
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HAH of course he would-
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Iโ€™d like to imagine that he would say this while also not knowing technically only Queens can do that- But heโ€™s having fun!- Let him have it- ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ’ช
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And Tw: for Blood
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Some good olโ€™ wisdom with Pizza Head :]
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jollyfang ยท 1 year
Iโ€™ve been putting off posting this even though itโ€™s been done and colored for over a week. Iโ€™m a shy little guy, what can I say?
So Iโ€™m just gonna throw this up and avoid my phone for the foreseeable future like the coward that I am lol
Anyway- I posted my version of Babe a week ago so here is Ash.
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Yes, I know I forgot the spikes on his collar. No, Iโ€™m not gonna go back and fix it now lol. Iโ€™ll make a note of it for the next time I draw him.
Oh and I wanted to say thanks for all the likes on my last art post. They really made my day ๐Ÿ˜Š
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chellychuu ยท 9 months
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Hello kitty wip ๐ŸŽ€
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singsweetmelodies ยท 9 months
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had a piarles thought โค๏ธ
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steddie-there ยท 1 year
Steve's got his hands on his hips, a scowl on his face, and Eddie's leaning in the door to the kitchen, arms crossed tight over his chest and glare directed at the table. The table with a neat stack of notebooks and pile of dice and clump of miniatures all standing in rows. The table where, yesterday, he had notebooks spread open, drawings and notes for different campaign ideas paired with miniatures and sets of dice, visual cues for the plans and stories.
"I just don't get why you're so upset," Steve bitches. "All I did was clean!"
Eddie rolls his eyes. "I'm upset because now I can't find any of my shit." It's a lot more growly than he intends, but it also sounds how he feels so he rolls with it.
"Not exactly sure how you could find any of it before," Steve gripes, ignoring the thumping noise from the living room. "Our table looked like a bomb had been dropped on it."
Steve ignored the thumping sound, so Eddie does, too, even though it's gotten closer and louder. "Oh, well excuuuuse me for having a system," he says, flinging his arms out, his volume increasing by the second. "I knew where everything was and how it all went together. Now I have to figure it all out again. You think you'd relate, the way the bathroom looks. But you don't see me moving your hair shit around, do you? So this? This was bullshit."
Steve's eyes widen and he jerks back and Eddie knows he shouldn't have used that word, he knows, but he's just pissed enough not to care.
"Oh, that's bullshit? Really? You know what's actually bullshit? There was trash in that pile, Eddie. Literal, actual trash. On our kitchen table. And you couldn't be bothered to clean it up, so I did." And now Steve's tone has moved out of bitchy territory into something scathing, something a lot like actual anger, matching Eddie's volume.
It makes Eddie's hands start to shake, makes Steve's breath hitch in his throat because, sure, they've fought before, a little, sniping back and forth about something petty, but it's never been like this. Never to the point of actual yelling. This is starting to feel big and loud in a way their fights never have, and now there's fear laced through the anger, but it doesn't help, only makes everything worse and
This time the thumping is right next to them and they can't ignore it and, in tandem, look down to the floor between them just in time to see Paul thump his back foot again and stare at them with an expression that, if there was just a little less tension between them right now, Eddie would laughingly tell Steve looks exactly like his bitchy babysitter face.
They glance back at each other, then down to their rabbit again, who thumps his foot once more, still glaring up at them
"...I guess someone doesn't like that we're fighting," Eddie says, arms still tight across his chest.
"Yeah," Steve huffs. There's a beat of silence. Then he sighs, his shoulders lowering, running a hand through his hair. "I don't like it, either." His voice is barely more than a whisper.
Eddie bites his lip, dropping his arms a little. "Same," he admits, voice just as soft.
They stand there for a minute, the quiet ringing between them, all the fight draining from their bodies, before Steve steps closer, plucks at the hem of Eddie's shirt, as if he wants to touch but isn't sure it would be welcome.
"I'm sorry, Eds. I shouldn't have moved your things. I was frustrated with the food wrappers and cans on the table and instead of talking to you, I just got mad. You're right, I should understand. The bathroom sink is always a mess, but everything is right where I want it, and you never touch any of it but if you did I'd probably -"
"Hey," Eddie interrupts, gentle, tucking a strand of hair behind Steve's ear, cupping his cheek. "I'm sorry, too. I let it build up really badly and I shouldn't be leaving trash out like that."
Steve leans into the touch with a soft sound, lets his hands rise to circle Eddie's waist, leans their foreheads together. "Still. I should have talked to you."
"Yeah," Eddie agrees, but presses a kiss to Steve's forehead because they're talking now and it's gonna be okay and now they know a little bit more. And he wraps his arms tight around Steve's back, tugs him in close.
"I promise I won't move your things anymore. I'll clean around them. And I'll talk to you if something frustrates me," Steve says into Eddie's neck, nuzzling his face into the warmth there, his arms sliding around Eddie's waist.
Eddie tucks a hand into Steve's hair, runs the strands through his fingers. "And I'll be better about throwing the wrappers and cans away so it doesn't get so bad in the first place."
For a long moment, they simply stand, wrapped up in each other, in soft hands and gentle kisses and forgiveness. Then a thought occurs to Eddie and he pulls back just far enough to peer down at Paul, who is now happily flopped against their feet.
"Hey, Stevie... did our rabbit just bully us into communicating like actual adults?"
"...I think he did, yeah," he giggles and after everything, all Eddie wants is to taste Steve's laughter, to feel it in his own mouth, so he leans in for a kiss, grins against Steve's lips.
"Guess we're lucky he's such a smart little bastard, then," he smirks, never more grateful for that day at the petshop than he is right now as they swallow each other's laughter like water after a drought.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7
ao3: And Rabbit Makes Three
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xxlovelynovaxx ยท 5 months
"I don't feel love," the robot said. "Replicating a facsimile of that particular neurochemical response was simply never considered a necessary part of my programming. Does that make me not a person?"
The human put its chin in its hand, musing.
Finally it said, "Well, do you consider yourself a person?"
"I don't know," the robot said, making a small whir-click sound in his throat that the human recognized as a sound of distress. "I do not know what makes a person. Human texts conflate personhood and humanity, and humanity whilst ill-defined often seems to center love as a requirement of participation in humanity."
The human clicked its tongue. "Do you want me to give you my answer?" it asked. "Or do you want me to help you find your own?"
"I... think that hearing your answer might logically aid me as compatible input in the compilation of my own," the robot said slowly. She looked up to see the human smile, an expression she knew usually meant the human was pleased.
The human swung its legs in the air from where it was sitting on a table. "I think wanting to be, or considering yourself, a person is enough. I think personhood is descriptive, not prescriptive. I think the definition of personhood shifts to encompass all those who label themselves people and none of those who don't."
The robot's fans hummed as he processed that. "So then it seems the only constant factor is that of self-awareness. But then, why does humanity in particular insist that there are experiences prerequisite to personhood beyond self-determination? What is love's role in the context of personhood?"
She heard the human mutter "Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more" under its breath. It was an odd mannerism of its, seemingly a form of echolalia in response to certain phrases in discussions about love. Other humans seemed to find it humorous. Truly, humans were unfathomable sometimes.
The human locked its arms and launched itself off the desk, landing on its feet. "I think that's a load of bullcrap, honestly," it said, startling the robot. "I think humans universalized a common experience and decided it was inherent to the experience of humanity, which we considered ontologically equivalent to personhood when we were alone."
It continued, "there's no emotion that is universally applicable to all humans. Love, Hate, Anger, Grief, Remorse, Guilt, Happiness, Excitement, Anxiety, Sadness - you can find a human out there who hasn't experienced at least one of every one of those. And I mean, why are we choosing these things as an arbitrary default, anyway? Who says humans have the authority to set parameters around personhood?"
The robot moved her body for the first time, servo-motors quietly purring as he lifted his arm into the range of its visual sensors.
"It seems humans put a lot of weight on love, though. It seems it is a need to receive it, and you are hurt if you do not."
"What is love, then?" it asked. The robot noticed it drumming it's fingers on the table behind it in a pattern matching the syllables to the strange response in the call-and-response it would do, but it didn't speak the words as it usually did.
The robot said, "to my understanding, it is an internal feeling of attraction or affection which takes different forms, typically engendering a desire to fulfill the needs and desires of the object of said feeling, to ensure their safety, to spend time with them; and contextually to copulate and/or to enter into a contractual partnership often including cohabitation wherein the parties agree to either mutual exclusivity or consensual nonmonogamy and a lifetime commitment to the other which prioritizes their needs, desires, and well-beings above other relationships the human might maintain or establish."
"Right, so in essence," the human said, "it's a feeling you have towards other people that motivates you to make them happy and sometimes to fuck them or marry them or enter an equivalent partnership."
"Yes, that is my understanding," the robot said.
The human sighed. "Here's the thing," it said. "Yeah, humans can be real weird about love, especially about receiving it. But like... hm. Well, I don't need you to love me. Love is a feeling. You don't have to feel the right way towards me for me to feel my needs in our interactions are met sufficiently."
The robot watched as the human paced back and forth. It then continued, "I mean, some people consider love to be an action as much as a feeling. If you want to participate in love, then you could consider the actions you do in order to meet someone's needs and wants in the way that makes them happy 'love'. Is that why you're asking?"
The robot couldn't put her finger on why she was interpreting the situation this way, but the human seemed upset. He was confused. Had he done something wrong?
"Would that make you happy?" the robot said carefully, but it seemed that was the wrong response.
"No!" the human said, almost explosively. It took a deep breath, then some of the tension fell out of its shoulders.
"Like I said," it continued in a softer voice. "I don't need love to feel my needs are met. I s'pose I should've clarified that I also meant love as an action. But," it clarified hurriedly, "it's okay if you interpret your actions through that lens, if it's an experience you want to participate it."
The human was hugging its arms around its body, as if it felt cold, or exposed. The robot searched for the right words to say to help it, but she was still combing her database of social interactions when the human spoke again.
"Y'know how I said not all humans feel love?" it said, its voice even softer. It didn't wait for a response. "I'm one of them. Well, specifically, I don't feel 'romantic' love, whatever the hell that even is. I don't label any of my other feelings or actions, like lust for the people I find sexy or affection for the people in my life that matter to me, love, either."
It walked up to the robot almost defiantly. "I do feel other things, but I wouldn't need to in order to be a person. I know people who don't, and they're still people. Do you understand now?"
For some reason, it almost seemed as if she might be pleading, but surely that couldn't be right. As he ran its responses against her social protocol database cross-referenced with its psychosocial processing subroutine with the input of its body language and voice pitch and cadence, he didn't understand the output being generated. It seemed to be in a format she couldn't parse, but perhaps that was just because it was a result he'd not seen before.
She turned his attention back to the human. "I... think so. I didn't mean to imply that someone might be less of a person without feeling love, nor do I share the fixation so seemingly prevalent in much of human data with love as either noun or verb, so to speak."
The human visibly relaxed, its body becoming less tense and its face finally split with a wide grin. "You get it," it said. "I knew you would."
The robot wasn't sure exactly what she "got", but she was glad the human seemed happy again.
"Is there a word for those people that do not feel love, too?" he asked, cocking his head to one side in a way that the human had once said was "cute" and "nonthreatening".
The human laughed. "Yeah, aromantic, or aro for short." She paused. "Well, actually, loveless aro. There's lovequeer aros too, that feel certain kinds of love, and also arospec people that feel some romantic attraction..." she smiled ruefully. "It's complicated. I mean, aro as a label works generally since love often is synonymous for romantic attraction, but if you mean all love, loveless is a good qualifier to indicate that..." her rambling trailed off in a nervous giggle.
"Hm," the robot mused quietly. "Well, if I get to decide to be a person, then I think I'm a loveless aro person."
At this, the human stepped closer and flung its arms around her in a hug. While its voice was muffled as it talked into his plating, he thought he heard it say, "oh thank goodness. Me too, buddy."
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nimilla ยท 3 months
Quick Sketch! | Farmers' Interaction!
I saw this image in my head while I was riding a motorcycle with my dad, and it's quite clear, so I had to sketch our farmers in how I saw it in my mind. It was cute in my mind, but I am itching to share this online, so I just did this messy sketch ๐Ÿ˜…
I think I might redo or probably refine this so that it looks better? ๐Ÿค” IDK, but for now, have our farmers being silly chibi in the School AU! โœ๏ธ
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I hope I didn't ruin them too much ๐Ÿ˜… Hair is my weakness lately ๐Ÿ˜ญ But I enjoy drawing them, hehe! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
Wren belongs to @bungiri ! Ao belongs to @aolyxe ! Ziana belongs to me! ๐Ÿ˜Œ
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moe-broey ยท 8 months
what are your hcs for kiran
OHH..... I DO really like thinking of Kiran as their own character, too, despite being a stand-in for the player. I don't have a ton of complex thoughts about them, I Do tend to just absorb other people's hcs for them LMFAO (LIKE. I AM SOOO intrigued by your analysis of them being all luck. Mid maxed to hell LMFAO)
I also really adore @hulloitsdani 's portrayal of Kiran... solidifying them as silly strange somewhat off-putting individual, for me!
I really like to think they contain just. So much. World's smartest dumbass. Guy who does fuck all but is still somehow extremely perfectionistic. I like to think they're impulsive, and they have the luck to make it work. Chill individual who has Something. Going on. That makes people uneasy. More than the seemingly lacking a face.
I also very much like to hc that Kiran covers Alfonse's blindspots, in personality -- and Alfonse covers Kiran's. This IS essentially canon but you do have to extrapolate a bit since Kiran is a silent protag in FEH!
I like to think canon Kiran exists in a universe parallel to my summoner OC's. One thing I've been rotating in my brain actually is the Spring paralogue featuring bunny Alfonse and Sharena, who are with a different summoner -- I have a mental image of that summoner being Moe. Like two ships passing in the night.....
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screwpinecaprice ยท 3 months
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I really don't have time to be bummed out right now so I made them a little sad instead.
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opanchu ยท 1 month
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do they have cameras in final fantasy
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studentbyday ยท 8 months
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[SUN. OCTOBER 1, 2023]
got to play piano today and watch the flask lecture (finally have just 30 mins left!)
also this weekend i woke up roughly around the same time as i do on the weekdays...am i getting used to waking up earlier or is this a fluke??? i still don't go to bed early enough tho, especially on the weekends (it's like i have a weekday body clock and then a weekend body clock and the shifting is so annoying)
[MON. OCTOBER 2, 2023]
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welp. i did not wake up early again and i low-key felt terrible and defeated. slept unexpectedly late last night. don't worry, i've learned my lesson and i just need to not cave into self-imposed pressure to do sudden last-minute things late at night.
๐ŸŒŸ productivity:
finished 1/3 things for psyc lab (as part of it, they showed us a video of an unfixed brain - i had never seen one before and i felt a little nauseous and also sad for the person who owned it and was no longer here and i'm just so glad my brain is safe and i'm alive and they didn't show us one in person cuz idk if i could've handled it ๐Ÿ˜…)
finished biochem discussion post
finished notes on 1/3 psych ch (i ๐Ÿ’— neurons)
๐Ÿฆ morning motivation:
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