#it was such a WHIPLASH it got me alright
HOPEFULLY now they'll cool it with the incest jokes, but I gotta admit I was on the floor laughing at Jerry reading his fortune originally ckfkdld
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edains · 1 month
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Children of Rannoch: Notable Quarians aboard the Rayya
Children of Rannoch - A Quarian Overhaul (LE2)
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raraeavesmoriendi · 1 year
so my cat woke me up this morning to insist his food bowl was empty when he just didn’t know it was full and now one conversation later I guess my dad and I are. fine??? it’s a lot for six in the morning but at least we hashed it out/things aren’t as dire as he made them out to be.
anyway. thanks for. letting me spew that ln, if anyone stumbled across it 👍🏻💀
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quarklynx · 1 year
Love how in between worrying about being able to afford food and rent, I can watch a livestream from under the ocean or in actual space to take my mind off things, definitely doesn't give off any dystopian vibes at all
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
For match ups I'll just say I think Tighnari, Diluc, Xiao and Dain would love you! (I love how Dain's your ideal match sksksks)
Sorry late reply I just wrote down some notes real quick. I'm trying to process this I feel red–
I definitely was not expecting Tighnari and Xiao but huh now that I think about it yeah maybe we could get along. (To those who reads OC!MC!: Okay, turns out it really was my fault that Alhaitham's taking Ls. I didn't know Tighnari and I were partners-in-crime, my bad–)
I'm unsure if you added Dainsleif just to indulge me but I'll gladly take it 😭. I love this man so much. I still can't accept the recent epiphany I have that maybe I am, in fact, obsessed with him the same way I obsess with my fave fictional character of all time. Idk how to explain it, but have you ever experienced going "No, no one can [character]. He's been with me for 3 years. They're the only one for me." and you're in denial that your loyalty is wavering? So uh, yeah–
Dainsleif still hasn't come home for 500 years idk what milk he bought out there but he better come home soon. Hoping that the 3.5 leaks are real (copium)
((Also Master Diluc Ragnvindr... Is this why your C2 came home instead of Nahida *pulls out a fork*– C'mon my friend! Let's have a chat! I'd bring in some grape juice if you want– sit down, comrade.)))
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plebeiangoth · 9 months
Cool how some spinal injuries from a car crash years ago is ruining my day right now
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bioblsm · 3 months
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❀ ꒰warnings꒱. boothill backstory spoilers, not proofread ಥ_ಥ
𖧷 characters. jing yuan, blade, dr ratio, ruan mei, aventurine, sunday, boothill
☆彡 notes. aventurine 🤝 boothill — being some of the most gay ass mfs i’ve seen in a hyv game (apart from bronya and seele) seriously their flamboyance still gives me whiplash…anyways this has been on my mind for months now but i’ve never gotten around to writing it!!! >_<
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[◉"] 2,304 photos, 83 videos
⌖ if you scroll really fast down or up his gallery, all you’ll actually manage to see is splotches of pink, blonde and silver
⌖ everything ranges from cute candid shots of yanqing (he takes multiple if yanqing’s fallen asleep while on duty), to sneaky pictures of fu xuan as she’s working where he’s in the foreground doing peace signs — the final picture of course being her looking at the camera lense directly to glare up at him
⌖ reaching weekends when he’s slightly a little more free or allows himself a small break to stroll around town, his camera roll is either filled with pictures of food he’s eaten or swords that yanqing may or not definitely ask about that he’s now more inclined to buy as he’s seen them in person (he’s a boy dad who loves spoiling his child, alright?)
⌖ the large majority of his photos unfortunately are work related, only really the recent ones being deleted from his gallery to clear up some space
⌖ however, while his photos are preoccupied with either his two kids or random scrolls with messy and rushed handwriting, each video is of you; jing yuan thinks a picture would belittle your beauty too much.
⌖ he needs something a little more real, a little more active and animated to help him quell the chirping loneliness that creeps up on his heart whenever you’re away from him for a prolonged period of time; if he’s feeling particularly mischievous he might sneak a quick but blurry picture of himself to send to you ♡
[◉"] 9 photos, 2 videos
⌖shit is BARREN. literally a complete EMPTY VOID. if you snatched his phone somehow you’d assume he just got it despite him not having changed it ever since he received one
⌖ perhaps on the occasion you’ll find a cameo picture from one of the stellaron hunters as his phone is left unoccupied and someone decided to blast his entire gallery with their face (silverwolf specifically just hacks into his phone to keep putting random screenshots he’s never taken in his gallery to make him believe he’s taken them)
⌖ maybe sometimes he’ll screenshot different ways to die or health clinic locations he can avoid when he’s fortunately bleeding out but otherwise? nothing.
⌖ if you’re a massive yapper and love sending him pictures, he won’t go out of his way to download them for later usage (whatever that may be…) but he also won’t go out of his way to delete it if it’s accidentally automatically downloaded on his phone — maybe elios intended for it to be there?
⌖ it’s quite nice having a reminder of his significant other where he doesn’t have to actively listen to their voice… that’s a little exaggerative; but he loves just mapping out the features in your face, it helps him sleep just the slightest bit better with no ailment if he’s able to trace your features like a constellation on his blank, dark wall
DR RATIO 𐚁 真理医生
[◉"] 1000 photos, 100 videos
⌖ call it a form of ocd, but he NEEDS to have a decent ratio (i didn’t even mean for this to be a pun i’m so sorry) of his photos to videos; he doesn’t care if it’s 10:1, 2:1 1:5, he needs something that’s at least somewhat pleasing to the eyes
⌖ ratio immediately deleted anything he doesn’t need or thinks he won’t find use in for at the very least the month (this includes every single cameo shot aventurine or you have taken of yourselves on his phone without his permission, which by the way, he didn’t hesitate to scold you two for)
⌖ maybe if he’s feeling particularly loving (when is he ever?) he’ll allow ONE picture to stay.
⌖ his camera roll is purely filled with test results, written exams, student emails he needs to read over, things concerning the guild or the ipc and secret purchases of ducks he’s made (he’s not ashamed, he just doesn’t want you to know he’s buying ducks that are bigger in size every time so he can fill your shared bathroom)
⌖ realistically, maintaining such a perfect ratio of photos:videos is rather impossible unless you’ve got impeccable timing with things you save and delete so, in order to bypass this, ratio made a photo library to help serve as a base number of sorts
⌖ that photo library is of course a secret and locked haven filled with pictures and videos of you, none of which you can even recall taking. all of them hold at least some sort of significance to the both of you, but the ones that dr ratio loves the most is the ones that are just natural
⌖ the ones that show you being yourself, whether it’s where you’re cuddled up near a blanket reading something with a leg hiked up over the sheets or where you’re sleeping with your mouth wide open because you’re sick and unable to breathe through your nose properly; he loves it all
RUAN MEI 𐚁 阮•梅
[◉"] 505 photos, 28 videos
⌖ she tries to keep it as neat as possible; that means no sneaky pics taken of her by you, accidental blurry shots she’s taken (god forbid, those ones are immediately scrapped and done anew especially if related to an experiment of hers) thought that doesn’t mean she clears it in the regular
⌖ ruan mei actively saves any photo you send her, sometimes she’ll even screenshot the chat itself if she finds herself clutching at her heart as she swoons over a few lines of flirting that apparently you couldn’t hold yourself back from due to how much you missed her
⌖ she’s not someone really sentimental so despite having photos of her little cake-cat hybrids, she rarely ever rechecks them unless the trailblazer sent another report on their status to match
⌖ honestly her memory is impeccable to the point she doesn’t even need screenshot reminders of things like dates and experiments saved (would it even be called machine reductionist to call her a walking computer model at this point?) therefore, anything she saves that’s work or science related probably has more intricacies that she can account for
⌖ her gallery is a little boring otherwise. for someone of her morally grey standards you’d expect at least something worth mentioning, maybe even something dumb like a secret recipe she uses to make the sweetest (anti-truth serum…) pastries but no— nothing.
yet the reason for that is very blatant; not even her beloved has the privilege to witness her mendacity.
[◉"] 8,793 photos, 777 videos
⌖ it’s a complete and utter mess to say the very least; dr ratio refuses to so much as glance at it whenever he’s near and topaz just gets an ick:
“how do you even manage to find anything?”
⌖ his photos range from absurd, to sweet to egotistical. things that remind him of you such as random rocks he finds, alcoholic beverages that have the same colour scheme of an outfit you wore the night before, an animal he saw that he swears if reincarnation was real would so be you
⌖ he has a specific library for just solely screenshots based off your chats, most of them including a significant amount of “i love yous” and goodbyes that promised a little something more when you met up next; everything that aventurine utterly cherished and craved
⌖ …and then the rest was either him showing the background of him photobombing others, pictures he took to send to you (or one of the ipc members to piss them off, sometimes even the trailblazer for a cheeky laugh) and on the even more popular occasion, all his extraordinary wins whether it be in poker, pool or uno
⌖ compared to his photos, his videos are slightly more interesting. a near 50/50 split that ranged between him telling dumbass jokes to piss off his coworkers, recordings of the back of dr ratio’s and or topaz’s head just for the future laughs (he likes the reminder that he does actually have friends and they aren’t just deliberate hallucinations born of loneliness).
⌖ but of course, all his “favourited” videos involve you somehow. sometimes it’s just a slip of your name while he’s sneakily recording a meeting, him telling you he misses you or vice versa, other times it’s just when he feels like he has a home. you snuggled up on his chest, hands intertwined together as your breathing nearly synchronises with him…moments where he feels as though he could forget the trademark imprinted onto his neck.
SUNDAY 𐚁 星期日
[◉"] 777 photos, 111 videos
⌖ now as much as i want to say “oh it’s all you! he has a special folder for you <3” i unfortunately can’t.
⌖ it’s almost most definitely videos of robin’s concerts, solo shows, videos he stolen off of audience members with good seats when he wasn’t available to personally hide in the crowd…a lot of the photos are also the same way; robin’s promotional pictures, screenshots from her recent advertisements and negative hate comments or news stories that he’s going to personally deal with later
⌖ that doesn’t mean he values or priorities you over his sister, absolutely not. you two are the only people in his life who he would unironically take down the skies and survive utter torment for if it meant your voices were the last things he heard as bellowing winds sliced past his eardrums to tune the world out in order to hear his own final breath
⌖ he tries his best not to be sentimental or nostalgic, as he’s been told as he grew up into the bright and maybe just slightly tragic and guilt-infested man he is today, those things in his eyes are an innate weakness of humanity. clinging onto something thats not tangible anymore.
⌖ but he can’t help but hold on to every video you send him. every picture of you smiling, laughing, every text of you saying i love yous, quoting love songs to him or showing him pictures where you jokingly said “that’s us” (did he tilt his head a few times when you kept sending animals to him with that particular correspondent message? perhaps, but it never made him blind to the intentions).
[◉"] 12,113 photos, 191 videos
⌖ he truly doesn’t gaf (give a fork) about how messy it is, all the things that are genuinely important are already locked and loaded into his noggin’, there’s no point in being frugal with the space he’s been given on a little cellular device
⌖ you wouldn’t believe it, but he rarely uses it unless it’s for emergencies. there’s plenty of trouble that comes around when you’re a galaxy ranger, which means having a constant tracking device on you like a phone that you update daily is a stupidly bad idea; which is precisely why his photo gallery is a mess
⌖ he quite literally can’t go in and clear it out otherwise it risks giving out sensitive information.
⌖ not applicable to you, that is. in boothill’s eyes, you’re an “emergency”. if you’ve texted him, it’s obvious you want his attention, which potentially means you could be in danger and he has to rush to the rescue like the flamboyant cowboy he is (no he absolutely knows you don’t need help, but there’s always that nagging “what if” factor, you know?)
⌖ he inwardly blesses whoever invented screenshotting because it would be an understatement to say that little as half of his gallery is littered with you. he’s just a bit of a boomer when it comes to technology like this, despite being a whole walking charging port himself ehem, so a lot of the pictures he has saved of you that you sent over whenever he cutely pleaded;
“missing ya, send me a lil’ somethin’ wont you?”
unfortunately are uncropped and framed with the outline of whatever messaging app you’re on.
⌖ if he lets you scroll up far back enough, maybe you’ll get to see just a glimpse of how similar his adoptive daughter’s smile was to his
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© BIOBLSM ✮ do not copy steal or repost
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sleepiexx · 17 days
Something He’d Overheard
James Potter x fem!Reader
Note: I’ve been in the marauders fandom for over 7 years now, I think it’s high time I write a fic for it. Part of my efforts to branch out into writing for more fandoms than COD.
Summary: James finds himself head over heels when he sees you defending a first year student.
Warnings: some curse words here and there, bullying mention, overall rlly soft
Word Count: 1151
After countless fictional characters and random strangers on the street with pretty faces catching his burning ire, anyone who knew James Potter knew good and well that he was a lover. He had long believed in love at first sight, merely seeing someone eye-catching often sparked thoughts of budding romance, fantasies of how they would love and what their relationship would look like amongst other things. Soulmates and fate were a big concept to him too, for example his favorite book character, a headstrong witch who was kind and brilliant, well James had a hunch that in another life they were lovers.
He’d fallen in love just about a million times, and yet something about you was different.
You had caught James’ eye one day as he made the trek to the library to collect his good friend Remus for their group’s usual night’s worth of mischief. Your beautiful eyebrows were pinched together in anger, a sneer on your pretty lips, your voice was loud and firm as you scolded one of the usual culprits (a death eater in the making) for bullying a defenseless first year student.
Your hand clutched your wand intently as you damn near hissed the words, “you wanna try picking on someone who can actually fight back?”
They let out a scoff and left the scene, leaving you, the first year, and unbeknownst to you, James.
The switch between standoffishness and caring came like whiplash. Your tensed frame relaxed as you knelt down in front of the first year (those eleven year olds seemed to be growing shorter and shorter every year). Your dominant hand reached out and gently wiped away the younger child’s tears.
“Everything he said is bullshit,” you began, “he’s angry at the world, looking for someplace to fit in, and unfortunately it’s really easy to fall into the wrong crowd. You haven’t, and he’s jealous of that.”
The kid sniffled, pout still indented firmly on their little lips, “who would be jealous of me?”
You shook your head in disbelief, “plenty of people! You have a gift that a large part of the world’s population doesn’t possess, that’s something to be proud of no matter what other witches and wizards try to tell you. Heck, I’m even jealous of you.”
As you spoke a smile crept its way on the first year’s face, “you are?” They asked.
“Yeah, I am!” You nodded, “you’ve got six and a half more years left at Hogwarts to have fun and run about the castle, I only have another year and a half.”
“This place is pretty cool,” they muttered.
Your face lit up and you stood to your feet, offering the small child your hand so you could walk them back to their common room. You’d never seen the awe-stricken onlooker, but the scene was now burned into James’ mind.
It followed him to the library, where he convinced Remus to follow him to their other friends, a long walk that Remus spent listening to James drone on and on about you. It followed him to his dorm that night, and every other night for weeks leaving the marauders to know every single detail about you. And it most especially followed him to each of the classes you had together where James would stare at you and admire your appearance while daydreaming about you.
It was the third time that week that the scene had followed him to the lunch table when Sirius slammed his palms on the table, “I’m putting an end to this nonsense right now. You either talk to her, Prongs, or I will. And trust me, you won’t like how in depth I will go about those daydreams you’ve been having where-“
Sirius couldn’t even finish his sentence with how fast James jumped in, “alright, alright! I have potions with her next, I’ll talk to her, I swear.”
The statement leaves the marauders satiated in conversation as they finish up their lunch and head to their classes.
In potions, James nearly decides to abandon ship, facing a new anxiety he’d never experienced before when dealing with a girl. He decides that maybe it would be best to keep to himself, too afraid to stumble on his words and make a fool of himself in front of such a pretty girl. All this is until Professor Slughorn proclaims that today’s assignment requires a partner. If there ever was a time to shoot his shot, it’s now.
He takes deep breaths, adjusting his posture and forcing his every step to radiate confidence before he reaches you, “I was wondering if maybe you’d like to be my partner?”
You smile, “I’d love to! Fair warning, though, I’m not the best at potions.”
James bursts out into a giddy grin, “I’m willing to pick up the slack.”
“Unfortunately, I bet I’ll make you eat your words,” nonetheless you collect the ingredients as James collects the supplies.
When everything is together, James reads off the instructions. You follow them with great care, not wanting to make a fool of yourself in front of your new, devilishly handsome potions partner.
You make to slice open one of the ingredients, as the instructions called for, but your knife slips, sending the damned thing hurdling straight towards your face. You close your eyes, bracing yourself for an impact that never comes, reopening them only to be met with the sight of the back of James’ hand.
“Holy shit,” you curse, “did you just catch that?”
James nods, almost surprised at himself.
You shake your head in disbelief, “if you weren’t such a good chaser, I’d suggest you take up seeking.”
Your statement renews James’ confidence, so you’d noticed him too?
“Can I show you how to cut it?” He asks, a smile on his face.
You nod, watching his hands intently, confused when he disappears behind you. You quickly piece together what’s happening when he grabs your hands with his own, handing you the knife and positioning you so that you slice through the ingredient like it’s nothing.
“Great job!” James praises, even though it was him that had done all the work.
You still take the compliment, grinning from ear to ear as he tosses the final ingredient into the potion, creating the rich purple color you were striving for, “we make a really good team, Potter.”
“Oh yeah?” He asks, “well what do you say we see if we make as good of a couple?” You feel blood rush to your cheeks, James further clarifies “Hogsmeade this weekend? Just you and me?”
And you nod eagerly, “I would love that.”
If Sirius thought James asking you out would be the solution to him raving on and on about you all hours of the day, he was sorely mistaken and he was about to figure that out as soon as James stepped into the common room.
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lo1k-diamonds · 2 months
A woman's best friend 💜
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PAIRING: Taehyung x (f)reader
SUMMARY: When you met, you and Taehyung hit it off instantly, becoming the closest of friends. You thought he was off limits, meanwhile, he’s been begging for a chance to put an end to your friendship.
WORD COUNT: 6,992 
GENRE: friends to ?, smut
RATING: R (explicit)
WARNINGS: mutual pining, dirty talk, body worship, nipple play, oral (both), rough, sweet, bittersweet, mentions of alchool, talks about Tae's sexuality
A.N. I heard Fri(end)s and had the idea for this fic... I love this song sooooo much 💜 Thanks to @downbad4yoongi for the beta! I don't know if I should do a part 2... we'll see 😁
Masterlist | Scroll my stories on Tumblr | Schedule and WIPs | AO3
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“Fuck, what I wouldn't give for cock right now.”
Your voice came out in a low groan right before you brought your cold beer bottle to your lips to take a few swigs. The TV was blaring a new episode of Physical:100, and you understood everyone’s obsession with Amotti’s body. For you, it was the lack of sex mixed with alcohol, hormones, and being exposed to hot guys on the TV on a Saturday night. Well, and in real life.
You looked at Taehyung out of the corner of your eye. He had taken off his black leather jacket, but his tight black shirt accentuated his chest and wide shoulders. His dark eyes had jumped to yours at your words, but he was drinking his beer and didn’t stop. He was very handsome, something you had noticed the moment you met during photography class when he asked you for help in a project. Your heart had fluttered hard, but had since calmed down — he didn’t look at you that way. He was there to admire Amotti’s abs with you. 
At least you had a friend to share these debaucheries with.
“I mean,” he voiced as soon as his lips were free. “I have one right here.”
You threw your head back laughing, “I know.” You made sure to tap his chest playfully before reaching for another cherry in a bowl on the coffee table, pulling it from the stem between your teeth. “But you know…”
He was looking at you with his usual nonchalance, with legs spread, beer in his hand, and completely relaxed into your couch, but his eyebrow twitched.
So you nodded, “Alright, let me put it better.” You suddenly realized you could be offending him somehow: it was not because a person with a cock was present that they would want to have anything to do with you. So you corrected yourself, “What I’d give for a good fucking.”
He nodded, seemingly understanding, and you smiled, turning to the TV again. You were happy your friendship was like this; you used to talk about who you were attracted to and help each other out, and now you could openly comment on your thirst. It was perfect.
“Still applies.”
You turned to look at him so quick you almost got whiplash. Your eyes were wide, and your mouth blabbered before you could think, “What? But I helped you get it on with what’s his name a few months back.”
Your head was spinning, you were so confused. That night out had been the proverbial nail in the coffin of your secretly harbored hope. 
“Yeah, so?” His voice was monotone at best. “I’m pansexual.”
Your eyes widened comically as your cheeks flushed red. “Oh… I… I…”
“Assumed?” He raised an eyebrow again, and you were flustered, but still noticed him fidgeting, with his knee jumping repeatedly.
“Well… Yeah, kind of,” you admitted, with shame forcing your eyes down. Amotti showed on the TV again and you glanced. “You only ever talk about guys in front of me.”
You knew it before it was out of your mouth that it was a lame excuse, and he did too because he scoffed, “Yeah, well. What else do you want to talk about?”
“That’s not fair,” you complained, frowning with embarrassment burning your chest.
“Didn’t think you’d be interested in hearing my thoughts on women.”
He was looking away now, and you could hear a tinge of bitterness, and it pricked your heart. 
“Tae, that’s not true,” you insisted, reaching to put a hand on his arm so he’d look at you. Was that resentment? It hurt you deeply. “I want to hear your thoughts about everything,” you admitted with a shy smile, and his eyes softened. “And I’d wish we could talk about anything. I mean, look at what I just said.”
His lips twitched before he reached to catch your hand in his. He couldn’t see you sad, especially not about something like this. It could be that you had the wrong impression because he never bothered clarifying, and that was on him too. The reason he was deeper in his feelings for you, than he had ever been with anyone else, was you saying things like those, treating him like that. It was the reason he had canceled his weekend plans to be with you last minute, it was why he wanted to hold your hand, and at long last, why he was done being just friends with you.
“Fair. You’re right,” he relented, turning on the couch to you more comfortably. “Sorry, that’s not why.”
Your eyebrows furrowed, and you braved through it, “Why, then? Why haven’t we ever discussed this before?”
It would have been so easy to deflect, or act offended about his sexuality even being a topic of conversation, but he wasn’t doing that. He was putting the cards on the table tonight.
“I thought… You were so open-minded and welcomed me to join your friends and… I thought that if you knew, you’d treat me differently. Like just any other guy, and then we wouldn’t have become friends.”
“Tae…” You shook your head lightly, disappointment pulling the corners of your lips. He thought that of you?
“I also needed your help with that midterm project, so it was a life-or-death situation.”
He said it sheepishly, caressing your hand in his, and you chuckled, “That was so long ago.”
He nodded, lowering his eyes to your hands, and you kept a sigh from coming out. Maybe you were wrong to presume, but it was easily done when he blended in so easily with your group of girlfriends. Not because he wasn’t manly, but because he acted with grace and care, and had no qualms holding your hand or showing affection when most guys wouldn’t be caught dead doing that to a friend.
You nodded, “I thought we became friends…”
“We did,” he agreed, though his voice was an octave lower.
“So can, or can I not, say I’m craving a good fucking?” You squeezed his hand with a grin on your face before bringing your beer to your lips again. You didn’t care about his sexuality, and you’d been friends for so long you couldn’t read more into his actions, even if you wanted to delude yourself. 
You had hoped to lighten the mood and get back on topic, and you did. Sort of.
“You can always say it,” he mused, eying you with a darker look in his eyes once they locked with yours. “The question is: do you want to do something about it?”
“What can I do about it?” you asked with amusement before taking another swig.
“Fuck me.”
You would have choked if you hadn’t already swallowed. Instead, you gaped at him with eyes like a deer caught in headlights, “What?”
“I’m down if that’s what you want.”
You blinked for a second, taking in his casual demeanor as he sat on your couch, totally chill. Then you grabbed a pillow and swatted him right across the face.
He jumped in place, checking if he hadn’t spilled anything over the couch or himself. “What?!”
“What what?” You asked, pulling the pillow and throwing it away on the floor so he’d check on himself comfortably.
“What was that for?”
“I’m being serious, and you’re messing around!”
You couldn’t help your blushing cheeks, but you could keep things casual by taking a bit of inspiration from him.
You just didn’t expect him to shuffle in his spot with a pout, “I’m not messing around, I’m serious.”
You grimaced, shaking your head in disbelief, not even able to contemplate such an outlandish thought.
But he stayed put looking at you, as laid-back as always, and you felt the consciousness sober you up a little. That was him being serious.
“You… You’d—” You swallowed, annoyed by your own hesitation. “You’d fuck me?”
“Fuck yeah.”
His reply was instantaneous, and he bit the inside of his bottom lip. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. Or better yet, said it like that. It wasn’t like that was all he wanted to do. It wasn’t like he was proposing a one-night stand, for you to become fuck buddies, or— What was he even suggesting?
“Well,” you spoke up before he could chastise himself internally. He could only look at you with bated breath. “Even if you’re into women, I never thought you’d… be into me.”
It could have made his head spin, but instead he sat more upright and frowned, “Why not?”
“I’m not all fit and pretty and shit.”
You were mumbling with your eyes on the floor, and he had to keep himself from scoffing, “Are you serious? There is nothing wrong with how you look.”
“No, just—” You glanced at him and instantly knew you wouldn’t be able to explain it properly. Or, better yet, that he’d never let you have your way. So instead, you huffed and rubbed your face, “Ugh, but… you always see me bare-faced and—”
“Fuck if that matters,” he shook his head, more irritated than you thought he’d be. “You know damn well none of that matters. You look good without makeup, your curves are crazy, and you have other attributes that top it all off.”
You couldn’t help laughing and pulling your legs under you as you got more comfy. The action got you closer to him, but you didn’t mind that. You were pretty convinced he was just messing around. “Like what? My wonderful personality?”
He smiled; he liked seeing you laughing and even more that you were leaning into him, with your arms pressed to each other. “I was going to say a significant chest size, but your personality is wonderful.” You burst out laughing, hiding in his shoulder, and although he liked you being relaxed and touchy with him, he wanted you to truly hear it. “I mean that.”
“Yeah, right!” You managed to say, still laughing. “Did we drink too much?”
You were grinning and shook your nearly empty bottle before putting it on the coffee table. You sat back, still leaning into him, and saw worry on his face for the first time. “Have you? If you have, then this conversation stops here.”
“I only had one bottle…”
“Me too.”
He raised it as if to imply it was that one and took it to his lips to finish it in one go. The gesture gave you a time-off from his gaze and allowed you to try to process what you two were talking about. You knew him well enough to gather he wasn’t pranking you, but you were unsure where that landed the two of you. You couldn’t possibly reevaluate your interactions, talks, and bond over this new light. That wouldn’t be justified, and regardless, you wanted his friendship. You wanted him in your life, by your side, being a part of everything, while you made sure to be a part of his everything.
He leaned to put his empty bottle next to yours before sitting back, “Would you fuck me?”
His tone was neutral, and suddenly your stomach lurched. Fucking wasn’t the word on the top of your head, but that wasn’t what you two were talking about.
You scoffed, “I’m not fucking blind.”
“What does that matter? I’m asking you seriously.”
His gaze had all the certainty someone as handsome and amazing as he could have. Your instinct was to cover your face before your feelings could be easily read and groan, “Ughhh.”
“What?” He sat closer, facing you, though your legs were already touching.
“I don’t know!”
“You don’t know what?”
“Yes or no, come on!”
You couldn’t see how frustrated he was becoming. Why were you groaning into your palms instead of answering his very important question?
He called your name, you groaned, and he almost tried ripping your hands away. Instead, he brushed your arms, “Words! Come on, use words! Why don’t you just say it? Yes or no? Must be a no if you’re—”
“Shut up!!” You exploded, revealing your wide, glistening eyes and pink cheeks. He was surprised. “Why?? Because it could ruin our friendship!”
“Saying if you’d fuck me or not will not ruin our friendship, even if it’s a no.”
Your face scrunched up in a mix between a plea and worry, but your lips remained sealed. He let his head fall back with a sigh, then faced you again.
“You know what might?” He paused, waiting for you to raise your eyes to him. That was all he needed to spill it out, “Saying that I want to give you the fucking you’re craving.”
You clenched around nothing right as your heart somersaulted, spreading a burn down your chest. You couldn’t even blink away from his stare, locked as you were. Instead, you swallowed, and he continued, as if spurred by your silence.
“Fuck you into a slobbering mess, and right now, I can think of like five different ways of doing it.”
You blinked, and that was the extent of your capabilities. He raked his fingers through his dark hair, and your only thought was how easy that would have been — you, a drooling mess in whatever one of those five ways. You only needed one, and it didn’t even need to be that complicated. He could start with his fingers in your mouth and—
“Starting by taking that stupid bra off and licking your n—”
You squealed and reached to cover his mouth with your hand. Your cheeks burned; thinking it and saying were two very different things!
He grabbed your wrist and pulled it away, uncovering his mouth but choosing silence. And you realized that saying something could only make it worse. You had gotten on your knees and were almost straddling him at this point. He had stayed put and, funnily enough, your deep breaths were raising and lowering your chest closer to him than before. He seemed to notice this too because his eyes roamed over your legs, your shorts, your white top, your chest, your neck, and finally made it to your eyes. You didn’t just watch him attentively observing you, you felt it in the tingles tracing you under his gaze, as though you needed to feel him somehow.
The tension was climbing up your spine, reminding you to move your neck just a little to release it, making your long hair fall over your chest instead. The simple motion was enough to draw his eyes and tighten your nipples, and your underwear clung further to you inadvertently. 
His eyes on yours had you shuddering, and his thumb rubbing your skin only amplified it. “Just say the word. If that’s what you want, just say the word.”
The last drop was his velvety voice. That wonderful trust inducing, hypnotizing, delicious voice that you’d follow to the end of the world.
You were already nodding, and you still managed to hoarsely voice, “Yes.”
His eyes read your lips, but he didn’t move, and you faltered. You were unaware of how you were leaning into him, eyes fixed on his lips, absolutely bewitched. At that moment, all your hesitation melted away as you licked your lips. You were not beyond asking for a taste when he shortened the distance between you in the blink of an eye, making you gasp.
His big, warm hand instantly reached your jaw, supporting your head gently. His lips grazing yours with the utmost softness were what convinced you to close your eyes. Screw the shock trying to freeze you and steal this opportunity from you. You pressed his lips harder, removing any hesitancy from what you were doing — you wanted this.
You wanted to feel Taehyung’s kiss. You wanted to feed your curiosity, give sense to the fantasies sprouting in your head when you were lonely and heated, and learn what that forbidden fruit tasted like. 
Truthfully, you thought your lips were the only way to feel and taste him because at any moment it would all end. But as he kissed you back, matching your eager curiosity, you sighed. You succumbed to grabbing his dark hair in your fists, breathing in shakily when his hands framed your waist without an ounce of reluctance. You kept fearing you were acting crazy, that he would push you back and laugh this off as being drunk. It was why you couldn’t stop pressing him closer, sighing into his mouth every time his hands moved on your curves, licking against his tongue when it dared teasing you, and nibbling his bottom lip whenever he dared to stray.
You hardly noticed when he moved over the couch because his lips never left yours. And whether he’d pull you to his lap or lay you under him, it mattered little as long as he didn’t stop. All he did was kneel on the couch in front of you, kissing you harder. His fingertips touched the skin just beneath the hem of your top, and you jumped, bringing them further up your sides under the fabric. You were breathing heavily just at the feel of his wide hands exploring the expanse of your stomach, but when he reached your bra, your breath hitched. His words were still burning inside you, making you clench at the thought he evoked.
You opened your eyes and found him looking at you, puffy lips bruising yours as he sneaked his fingertips under the bra, digging gently at the supple skin. His tongue peeked, licking your lips slowly in a tease as his thumbs brushed your hard nipples over the fabric, and you groaned.
You didn’t care anymore, you were irrational. Yes, you had covered his mouth out of embarrassment before — the embarrassment of how much you wanted him to do what he was saying, and now he would. You were a train about to derail and nothing could stop you.
His dark eyes were still locked with yours as you squirmed to unclasp your bra at your back, trying to get rid of it. As soon as you did and the fabric no longer protected you, he leaned down and licked through your white top, finding a nipple all too easily. You squirmed but pressed his head to your chest harder, ignoring the bra almost around your neck, looking to feel exactly what he wanted to do to you.
He, on the other hand, found the bra obstructing the view of your face contorting in pleasure annoying, and got rid of it quickly by passing one of the strips down your arm. You were so immersed in gripping his hair and feeling him lick and pinch your nipples that you didn’t even notice. Only when he caught your lips again, grabbing and squeezing both breasts hungrily, did you notice there was no bra anymore, only your moan inside his mouth. He was devouring your whimpers, drinking every sigh as you enjoyed his hands on you, unable to hide it.
His lips trailed down your jaw and neck, and you squirmed, disliking what you thought was growing distance between you two. Instead, it made you realize that he had kneeled on the floor in front of you, and that his hands were squeezing your sides before dragging your top up. His open mouth kisses between your breasts gave you goosebumps, making you eager to roll your hips against him, but it was when his hands cupped your breasts and squeezed them to his face that you moaned, melting between your legs.
“Tae,” you breathed a moan, half in wonder, half in a plea. You wanted him to have you like you never wanted anything else before.
His name on your lips wantonly like that made his dark eyes flick to yours in what you believed was a line being crossed. He pulled the top above your head, parting from your chest only the time needed for this, before finally licking and biting your nipples, squeezing and groping whatever his mouth couldn’t catch. Your moans were shooting pure desire through his veins, especially as you let your head fall back to enjoy. Your nails were holding onto his shirt by his shoulders, not trying to stop him as he traced your hips and played with the hem of your shorts, but quite simply letting his mouth work you up.
You squirmed beneath him to let him drag your clothes off, and barely contained a squeal at his mouth trailing lower. You were feverish, wet, hot, absolutely derailed not just with the view, but with the anticipation. This was why you almost keened when, feeling him kiss your legs down to your knees, you looked down. Your panties were still on, and he was pecking your skin, feeling the smoothness of your legs with his hands before stopping. His eyes fixed on yours, glistening with just as much desire, but then his eyebrows twitched.
You were already exposed, winded, flushed, dazed, and there was only one thing you wanted. “Are you going to eat me?”
“If you let me.”
“Please,” you breathed, raising your knees to your chest in an offering.
The corners of his mouth twitched as though you had promised him candy, and he didn’t hesitate to lean down. His nose rubbed at your clothed center, and just him breathing deeply before nuzzling the skin around your panties made you hold in a shaky sigh. You would fall apart so easily if he kept teasing you like that. Your legs were trembling, you could barely take in enough oxygen, and then he pressed his lips to you. A low groan stayed inside your chest, as though the very sound could distract you from his kiss. It was both breathtaking and short of a tease to feel him pressing, grazing his lips across your covered slit, nuzzling your core to maddening effects. You couldn’t help your squirm or your hand shooting to his head with your request, and he obliged.
As though he was done with waiting, the same as you, he pulled the fabric aside and dove in. His groan was subtle, covering you with goosebumps right before you lost all sense and fell back. You didn’t know if it was the anticipation, the fantasy becoming reality, or the sheer hunger, but it floored you. His hands pressed your legs harder, almost as if he couldn’t let you get away, and he groaned. You felt it deep inside you, right as his tongue collected your slick on his way to your clit. He licked over it, driving you to squeeze your eyes shut, and in waves, barely kept you afloat. You bucked your hips to increase the friction, and he pressed his face harder, letting you feel the tip of his nose, tongue, and lips in open-mouthed kisses, but whenever you thought you would peak, he drew back. You didn’t realize your own push and pull, lulling yourself to his rhythm, until a louder whimper drew him to cup your ass and raise you to his mouth. He latched on, keeping a steel rhythm on your clit that was impossible to deny, regardless of how much you tried to writhe and keen. Your core burned with how tense you were, a sensation so consuming, you stopped breathing. You wanted the moment it sparked and covered you ablaze, and it did.
You melted from that point on, trembling and moaning so hard that you lost touch. Taehyung’s mouth was latched to your core, lavishly mouthing you as you wiggled and squirmed, grabbing onto his hair so crudely, it probably hurt him. Yet he groaned, sucked and breathed you in, and you wanted it even harder. Your peak dissolved despite your wishes, and although you had to pull him away so he wouldn’t hurt you, the vision that met you was shattering.
The sight of him covered in your come was like nothing you had imagined, quite simply because it was real. He was really kneeled between your legs, kissing your inner thighs, with his hair tucked in your grasp. Your legs were still trembling, and you wanted only to relax into the pillows with your much sought release, yet in an instant, you realized that was not what you wanted at all.
You pulled him to you as you lowered your legs to give him space, wrapping them around his waist. He let you, almost caught off balance, but you left no margin for errors. You grabbed onto his shirt for good measure and crashed his mouth to yours, kissing him with as much hunger as you could muster in your dazed, satisfied haze. You didn’t want to leave it there, and if licking your come out of his mouth didn’t convey this, then you didn’t know what did.
Taehyung kissed you back, smiling almost tenderly before scrunching up his nose at your tongue tickling him. Yet, despite your glued cores, he wasn’t trying anything else. He wasn’t pushing, or exploring you anymore, and you would have cowered, if it wasn’t for the bulge pressed to you.
You rolled over him, getting him to sit on the couch before pulling away to kneel between his legs. No way he could eat you like that if he didn’t like it or was turned on, and you weren’t over your curiosity. You wouldn’t stop until you hit all stops.
“I always wondered,” you started, reaching your hands inside his shirt so you could scratch down his chest. “What it would be like for you to touch me,” you licked your lips as he smiled. “To touch you,” you mused, reaching his flat stomach. “For you to want me,” your hands cupped the bulge in his pants, and you shuddered at the harness twitching back. “Like I want you.”
You were brimming with desire, and knew he was too when he reached to grab your hair and crash your mouths together. To your surprise, he didn’t pull or push you in one direction or the other; it was as though he simply wanted to kiss you. If anything, he only hardened under your hand.
You couldn’t think about what that meant, only that you wanted to continue and fulfill all your dreams tonight. You unbuckled his belt and opened his pants, and he helped you get them and boxers off. Your chin almost fell in awe at the cock imposing before you, so hard and stiff it was pointing at you. So close to your face, it could only have been an invitation.
You touched it tentatively, feeling the soft, warm skin covering lengthy veins from base to top. Its puffy pink tip was the perfect size for you to lick, and you did. There was usually an order to these things, but not tonight. He looked pretty and hungry, and you wanted to eat him too.
Your tongue only took a taste before you sank your mouth on him. There was no way you could take him whole, as he was already poking the back of your throat, but it didn’t matter. You were there for the experience, for his taste, for that fucked out look on his face as he closed his eyes and let his jaw slack. Taehyung was fucking gorgeous, like the peak of human perfection, and it turned out it was even better when his cock was stuffing your mouth.
You couldn’t stop yourself. Your plans escaped your mind; all that mattered was bobbing your head, lapping your tongue, sucking him and doing all that with your eyes fixed on his expression. It was the sweetest part of all — he liked it. He was breathing heavily, biting his bottom lip, blushing, and finally fluttering his eyes open. They were like candy; all his strength and power surrendered to your mouth, and you drooled. You finally closed your eyes and let your head fall as deep as you could take him, just to keep him there while you braced yourself for what you wanted.
You pulled away, letting him breathe a groan before facing him, “Said you’d fuck me.”
He blinked, almost stupefied, and you got up from your knees. You moved swiftly to the entryway to search in his jacket for what you were looking for, and when you turned around, you almost stumbled. Physical: 100 was still on the TV with the contestants showing off their physique, and yet they didn’t even come close to that view. Taehyung was tall, towering over your entire living room as he stood there, naked, hard, with dark, glistening eyes set on you. Not even his disheveled hair or the pants at the bottom of his feet made him look any less heavenly. That view was perfect, and you didn’t allow yourself to think too much about it.
Instead, you waved the condom you had just found, and he nodded, getting rid of the clothes by his ankles in the time it took you to reach him. The moment your hands were cupping his cheeks, he was already pulling you by the waist, eager to hold you and kiss you. He didn't hesitate to feel your curves, reaching your ass to pull you to him, and you molded yourself to him, arching your back into him.
You were dizzy with his attention, with his big hand squeezing your ass while the other gripped your hair, but when he meant to sit down, you pulled him to stay put. You grinned, giving him the condom, then got on the couch on all fours.
You didn't see his surprise, only felt a soothing hand on your ass down your leg, “Are you sure?”
“Yes, please,” you sighed.
It wasn't much of a logical thought, but the idea was to have him in as many positions as you had fantasized. You doubted you'd get far — as soon as he was inside you, all ideas would evaporate — but doggy was good to start. You wanted him raw and deep, reaching places inside you no one could. Of course, you couldn’t have him raw, but if he fucked you without holding back, you'd already consider that a win.
Taehyung got on one knee on the couch behind you after covering himself and eyed you. You were vulnerable like that, with your unblemished back arching and long hair falling over your shoulders. He’d like you in any position, but he couldn’t help pursing his lips. He touched your soft skin again, and you wiggled your ass for him, and although he bit it playfully just to make you jump and sigh, he still second-guessed it.
It felt impersonal. In all of his dreams of you, he rarely pictured being with you like this without at least a mirror so he could see you, so you two could communicate. He wanted to be with you, to feel and watch you writhe in pleasure, in the ways he could make you feel; not to turn your face away so he could use you. If anything, your face was what made it special.
You wiggled your ass again with an impatient sigh, and this time you pleaded, “Please, Tae.”
You looked over your shoulder and saw his expression softening before he got behind you. The feel of his cock brushing your folds had you shaking, but it was his nails scratching down your spine that did it. You fell back on him, unwilling to wait for him, and he let you, groaning. He helped your hips as you wiggled and searched to get him deeper, and as you did, you both sighed.
You could feel him stretching you despite your previous orgasm, and you smiled. In another circumstance, you’d just enjoy the show without thinking much of it, but just the fact that it was Taehyung turned you on again. And when he started moving, he delivered.
It wasn’t just his hips smacking yours, the crown of his cock teasing your cervix and making you groan and curl your nails around the couch armrest. It was the way he held your waist, leaned over you to peck over your spine, and responded to every reaction of yours. You mewled and tried fucking into him? He fucked you harder, adjusting the angle so you’d keen mindlessly. You moaned and hid into the pillows, feeling so tense you didn’t know your name? He reeled back, slowing down his thrusts to let you breathe. You whimpered and called his name? He was instantly all over you, kissing your neck near your ear, asking if you were okay without ever stopping giving you what you wanted.
You looked over your shoulder, meeting his eyes as he kissed your skin there, and you thought that was impossible. You knew Taehyung was attentive, but that bordered on perfection, and you didn't know how to deal with that.
“Harder,” you whispered, glistening eyes boring into his.
“Are you sure?”
You grinned, “Said you’d leave me a slobbering mess.”
“You sure look like it,” he teased, and you laughed. You knew you were drooling onto the couch, but you also knew he was holding back.
“Give everything to me,” you sighed, and your lightness earned you a nod.
The second he pulled away, you wondered if you knew what you asked for, and the second he showed you, you knew you did. He grabbed your hair in a fist to keep your back arched, and your mind melted. The way he rutted into you, holding your waist so you’d stay in position to take every thrust, only made you keen and moan louder. He felt so good it was unbearable; how did he reach deeper and harder when you thought you were at your limit? His groans, his scent, his nails piercing your skin to hold you in place; you could barely function in the frenzy.
You knew you were tightening because his focus was faltering, but when he stopped, you were worried. “Tae?” You asked, trying to swallow the dizziness and figure out why that stairway to heaven had suddenly halted.
“I can’t—” His voice was a whisper as he tried regaining his breath. “I’ll come.”
Your eyebrows jumped, and you almost smiled, but you bit your lip to keep it in, “How’s that?”
He was still squishing your flesh in his hands, but he took one hand to brush his sweaty hair out of his eyes, “You’re so tight and warm and—” You clenched involuntarily, and he grabbed your ass again, “You fucking tease.”
You stifled a laugh and could swear he’d spank you, but instead he covered you and bit your shoulder. You finally laughed, “Let me ride you.”
He hummed, and instead of answering, he let you take the brunt of his weight as he held your hips. You groaned with the effort, still shuddering at his lips tracing your cheeks to your neck, but then you moaned lavishly. He was pressing himself slowly to you, reaching inside you and twitching, and you thought you’d be too desensitized, but it was the opposite. Your core hugged him, sucking him in with the subtle rolls of your hips, and he groaned into your ear, making you flutter even harder. It was as though he couldn’t help himself, ensuing that small push and pull enough to get you both crazy.
But you insisted, “Tae.”
And he was off of you in a second. He sat down and helped you turn around and straddle him. You were flushed, covered in sweat, but he didn’t seem to mind. You were so wet you were sliding, but he guided your hips as you grabbed his cock. Just looking at him beneath you, you knew it would feel amazing, but something about staring into his eyes as you sank onto him rewired your priorities. Instead of looking to give a show or tease him, you let your chin drop the same as his and reached to hold his head in place. Your nails grazed his skin as you gripped his hair by the back of the nape and rolled your lips to feel him inside you as deeply as possible. His eyebrows knitted as he looked down, and you burned under his gaze, wanting for nothing more than for him to feel as good as you did. And by the way his fingers were digging into your hips and his droopy eyes came back to yours, you knew he did. You knew that every jerk of your hips stole his breath too, squeezed his tip to your smooth walls, and ground on him in a way that made you hover even though you were sinking.
Your fingers curled around his hair, “I can’t hold— I’ll come—”
If he was surprised at how easily you fell apart, he didn’t let on. You searched for his kiss right before your orgasm swept you away, and he held you, kissing you and receiving your deep moans onto his skin as though it was praise.
You were dizzy when you came down and held onto his shoulders, and it was almost funny when he grabbed you to lay over you on the couch. A euphoric giggle almost burst out as he pecked and nuzzled every inch of your face — you could swear you were with Taehyung, but that wasn’t—
“Can I finish?” He whispered against your mouth and you opened your eyes.
Taehyung was really holding you in his arms, balls deep inside you, smiling with a hint of amusement.
You nodded, and he hummed, “Sure you had your fill?”
You shuddered, aware of the state of things. No.
As it was, you’d never have a proper fill because you didn’t want it to end. But as reality would have it, Taehyung was just fucking you. Just like you asked.
So you nodded and kissed him, refusing to let those feelings surface right now. You started, you’d finish. The final destination was just ahead; you had to know what he felt like when he came.
He kissed you back and restarted the sweet movement of his hips, and you sighed. He held your legs high so you could wrap them around him, and grabbed onto your hair to keep your chin up. You could barely breathe without a moan, and looking into his eyes while he fucked you made it all the harder. His lips were parted for soft sighs, and you squirmed under him, adjusting your hips. It was enough for him to falter and let you hide in his chest. You breathed him in, biting down on the soft flesh out of sheer frustration. He felt so good you could lose yourself again, but that wouldn’t happen. He wasn’t yours.
Still, his love felt like heaven. So when he pulled your head up again to face him, you did. You moaned your pleasure so he’d know how amazing he felt, scratched him closer, and looked into his eyes just like he wanted. In an instant, he groaned, and his hips faltered. He crashed into you, kissing you between stifled moans, before he nuzzled your neck and stilled.
You hugged him to you with your eyes closed, taking deep breaths. He was breathing down your neck, recovering, and you matched him, feeling deeply every time your nose picked up a mix of his cologne with the sex scent still in the air. For as long as that lasted, you were free of thoughts and worries.
But then he got up, pulling out of you to get rid of the condom. And although he laid back down next to you, pulling you into his arms with a sweet smile, the spell had been broken. 
You started trembling and he noticed. He took your fingertips to his lips to kiss them, ready to ask you cheekily if he had given you more than you bargained for when you sniffled.
His heart fell through; he looked at you, and you tried to hide in his chest.
He brushed your hair behind your ear, “Hey.”
You couldn’t face him; your eyes stayed shut so you wouldn’t cry.
“What’s wrong?”
His voice was low and laced in worry, and your heart hurt even more. You didn’t want him to worry, he was just doing what he said he would. He just had no idea how you felt.
You shouldn’t have done this. You were terrified to lose him. Nothing was worth that.
“I don’t want this to ruin our friendship,” you managed to say before a sob shook you. “You’re my best friend.”
Taehyung almost smiled; if he had only heard those words, he would have promised you that nothing was lost. That you two together never spelled just friends in his mind, and that he wanted so much more than that. 
But he could feel you, and see you: the lines on your face that spelled the unshed tears, the way you were trembling in his arms, and your refusal to face him.
His heart sank. A storm of questions raged inside his mind — was it him, was it the sex, did he hurt you, was it not what you expected, did you never want this to happen, did you regret it — but he asked none of it. The more you tried to stay put and not cry, the more sad and certain he became that you were distressed. That you wanted him just as a friend, and that nothing he had done had convinced you otherwise.
You opened your tearful eyes, “I don’t want things to change.”
He opened his mouth then closed it, a lopsided smile showing instead. He couldn’t help eying your lips and regret with his whole heart not having stolen one last kiss to remember you by, to settle his heart, but there was nothing to do about it. Instead, he looked up at your teary gaze and brushed your cheek, “Don’t worry about it.”
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sukirichi · 2 months
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[ DUSK ‘TILL DAWN : 014 ]
“we who bear the burden of the crown do not need to love. you only need to stay here, with me, in power, in greed, in lust – in victory.”
cw. modern royal au. explicit smut, 18+. fingering. angst. unedited. toxic characters & toxic relationships. fluff. romance.
notes. feedbacks / reblogs/ comments are appreciated <3
wc. 11k
series masterlist 
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[ FOURTEEN ] you say, “I don’t understand,” and I say, “I know you don’t.” we thought a cure would come through in time, now I fear it won’t.
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The night couldn’t come close to what Rintaro had dreamt of.
Laughter rang throughout the house, the gentle murmur of the ocean harmonizing with the convivial conversations, a moment that felt both timeless and precious. The beach house, aglow with soft, ambient lighting, mimicked the warm murmurs of his heart.
Rintaro sat between his brothers on the living room, a sense of profound contentment washing over him. His gaze swept across the scene before him: his family, radiant and effervescent, their faces illuminated by the flickering flames of a nearby bonfire. His brothers’ cheeks reddened by the liquor, their faces pulled back in laughter. They shoved one another as they fervently pressed on the game’s buttons, teasing and shoving one another.
He marveled at the simple pleasures – the shared stories, the clink of glasses, the playful banter that filled the air with a blatant sense of belonging.
The night was redolent with the scent of the sea, mingling with the fragrant notes of jasmine and citrus from the garden – he’d ensured to fill the surroundings with anything but vanilla in hopes of pleasing you. Leaning back on the couch, Rintaro watched as the waves lapped gently against the shore, their rhythmic cadence a soothing counterpoint to the lively atmosphere. The stars, scattered like diamonds, adorned the velvet sky – reminding him of you. How your eyes shone and glimmered like stars, or the way your face lit up each time he came close.
You no longer hated him. Or if you did, you hated him less.
You were finally looking at him like how you always used to.
In that moment, Rintaro felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude Everything felt right in his world. The beach house – a sanctuary where memories were made and love was rekindled. The laughter of his brothers, the shared glances and secret smiles. He felt connected to everything around him.
“What was that all about?”
Rintaro faced his brothers. The others who stayed around were huddled around the couch playing Mario Kart, their attention honed in on a deeply absorbed Tooru, determined to win.
“Yeah, what was that?” teased Atsumu, taking another swig of his drink. “Since when have you and Maiko become close?”
Tooru rolled his eyes. “We were always close.”
“Was close, until you got married,” corrected Osamu before sharing a knowing look with his twin. A split second later, and the twins erupted into laughter, the sound mocking and echoing. “Don’t tell me you’re falling for her.”
“I’m not. Don’t be stupid,” Tooru’s clicking on the controls got louder. “We just… fighting gets old sometimes, alright? You grow up eventually.”
“I’m pretty certain not fighting is not the same as ‘oh, I scored a point, let me run to my wife and hug her!’”
Rintaro and his brothers sniggered. It was the sight, indeed – one that both confused and amused all of them. The married pair had always been like cat and mouse, with Maiko being the cat and Tooru the mouse who ran away at the mere sight of her. But something had changed, something had shifted between the two. No one knew where it began, or how it happened. It was just there. A change so sudden Rintaro might’ve gotten whiplash, and wondered if Tooru had ever been interested in you in the first place. Or maybe he’d been so blinded by jealousy he assumed everyone was going to steal you away from him.
The thought of it made the liquor taste bitter on his tongue.
“The rest of you should get married and see for yourselves,” mumbled Tooru, “Might make you man up, too.”
His brother received a chorus of noncommittal grunts. None of them were in no rush to get married, more so because the Queen might arrange one for them. There’d been whispers here and there already how the twins might be next, and neither seemed ecstatic by the idea. Osamu was more on the neutral side, whilst Atsumu passionately went against it.
“Speaking of marriage, you and the Princess have been… oddly fond of each other.”
Rintaro’s eyes flickered to Osamu, brow raising at the hidden implications of his otherwise innocent tone. Although he knew his brother well – nothing was ever innocent with Osamu. He was merely a more discreet version of his reckless brother.
“We were always fond of each other.”
“I meant to say that she does not look like you she hates you now.”
“That’s because she does not,” affirmed Rintaro, feeling pride swell in his chest. He felt confident enough to believe in his words. He knew he’d been a good husband – he’d been attentive to all your needs, let you pull on the reigns and ordered him around like he wasn’t the Crown Prince. Curiously enough, Rintaro did not mind. He rather enjoyed that you were speaking with him again, and you’d tolerated him enough to even smile around his presence. That, and you’d finally let him hold you each time you slept. To say he was in heaven would be an understatement.
“We are finally heading in the right direction.”
“Right,” Atsumu scratched his nose, clearly not believing it. “If that’s what you say, sure. Congratulations on your everlasting marriage, brother.”
Rintaro bit back his tongue. Refusing to let his brothers ruin his night, he quickly stood up and bid them farewell. Find my wife was his only thought in that moment. He saw you rushing upstairs a while ago, but did not follow since you didn’t hear him calling out for you. Not that he thought much about it – he knew hosting and attending to everybody must’ve been quite stressful for you. You’ve been running around in circles.
Now that the night was ending, Rintaro’s only desire was to tend to you, and hold you close.
Taking two steps at a time, he quickly reached the bedroom. He hadn’t realized how eager he was to lay his eyes upon you. And as ridiculous as it sounded, he’d missed you. Having his brothers around meant both your attentions were divided. That could be changed, though. Everyone would soon retire in their rooms, and he could have you all for himself again.
Rintaro stepped quietly into your bedroom, his footsteps muffled by the plush carpet. The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of the moonlight streaming through the expansive glass walls, casting a silvery sheen over everything it touched. He paused at the entrance, his breath catching as he saw you standing by the window. Your silhouette framed against the vast, star-studded sky. You’re wearing nothing but a silky white nightgown, the sides of it falling down your left shoulder to reveal a strip of bare skin. Bathed under the moonlight, he would’ve thought you were an angel who fell right before him.
Lost in thought, you gazed out at the night scenery.
The gentle waves of the ocean shimmered under the moon’s gentle caress, and the distant sound of the sea breeze whispering through the trees filled the air. The sight of you, bathed in the ethereal glow, made his chest tighten with something unfamiliar. Something alien, something stranger. You looked almost otherworldly, an arm wrapped around your center, and he found it impossible to look away.
The delicate curve of your neck, the lines that made up your profile – everything about you in that moment was perfection.
Rintaro felt his heart swell. Had you always been this beautiful? He knew you were attractive; he wouldn’t have bothered wasting his time on someone he didn’t find pretty. But you were always more than just a pretty face. You were so beautiful, so enchanting, standing there like a figure from a dream he didn’t want to wake up from. He was afraid just as he was bewitched – afraid he’d wake up and find none of this was real, and captivated by how ethereal you looked.
It seemed difficult to wrap his around the fact you were his, because how could he have been so lucky?
He approached you slowly, not wanting to break the spell of the moment.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” you murmured, sensing his presence without turning. It made him smile and pause on his tracks, his gaze fixated on your back before his eyes flickered towards the glass. Through the reflection, he saw you looking back at him, your lips pulling into the smallest of smiles.
His heart stuttered in his chest. Stupid – that’s what he felt. He was as nervous as a schoolboy. “Yes,” he replied softly, his voice full of emotion. As if pulled by an invisible string, Rintaro stepped closer to you – close enough he could inhale the scent of your shampoo and bury his nose in it. That’s exactly what he did. Weak when it came to his wife, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to him, resting his cheek at the top of your head. “But not as beautiful as you.”
You turned to look at him, your eyes shining with the same light that illuminated the night. A smile played on your lips, and in that shared moment of silent connection, he felt an unspoken bond deepen between you. The night, the scenery, the serenity of their surroundings – it all paled in comparison to the beauty he saw in you.
He understood now – why men went to war and put their lives on the line because they believed in something. Because they had something, or someone, worth protecting. Now that you were in his arms, pliant and soft, wholly gorgeous and utterly his, he knew he felt the same.
He would gladly go to war for you.
In fact, there was nothing he couldn’t do for you, because of you. He understood now why people get married, because if this was how his daily life was going to look life, then it seemed a real shame that he could not live forever. A lifetime with you wasn’t enough. And for a brief moment, Iris’ face flickered through his head. This time, the image of her did not fill with him with adoration, or raging jealousy, the blinding effect of greed. He felt nothing but animosity towards her in that moment, his heart chiding him because how could he have been so stupid?
She was nothing like you. She couldn’t – and would never – come close to you.
Rintaro’s eyes softened as he studied your features. Your eyes were red, and dark circles lined them. “Hey,” he nudged your forehead with the pads of his knuckles, “What are you thinking so hard about?”
He hummed, the sound vibrating in his throat. It didn’t seem like it was nothing, but he didn’t push. He trusted you would tell him when you were ready. For now, he simply wanted to have you like this – in his arms, breathing in his scent, and eyes closed as he swayed you from side to side.
“I missed you.”
Your lips wobbled as you fought back a smile. “Did you now?”
Rintaro was not good with words – never have, never will. He decided in that moment it would be best to convey the emotions he couldn’t express through actions, kissing the top of your head and spinning you to face him. With your face cradled in his hands, Rintaro leant down, his lips gently – but passionately – meeting yours.
It isn’t his first kiss. But it felt like it was in that moment, his heart rampaging inside his ribcage when you made a small sound of surprise. The sound echoed through him, and he groaned, finding the last bits of his restraint breaking like a rusty chain.
Unable to help himself, he gathered you in his arms. Tapping you once on the ass, you immediately jumped into his hold, your legs wrapped around his waist. It was a blur after that – he’d fallen on the bed with you on top of him as soon as the back of his knees hit the wood. It’s nothing if not messy, just as it was sensual and slow – painfully and excruciatingly slow. Yet he couldn’t go fast, refusing to pin you down on the bed and take you hard.
Maybe it was the moonlight flittering in the room. Maybe it was your feminine, soft scent that made him lightheaded and heedy with desire. All he knew was that he wanted the moment to last, wanted to cherish every single thing he did.
So, slow it is. He was slow and took his time as he flipped you under him, using his knee to settle himself in between your legs. Your eyes are blown wide, the mounds on your chest rising up and down with each staggered breath. It filled him with a sense of achievement knowing he’d been the one to cause your undoing. Smiling softly at you, he dove in for another kiss, moaning all throughout at your taste – like red wine, soft and swirling at his tongue. With deft fingers, he reached over to slide the straps of your nightgown down your shoulder, pulling away to pepper small, heated kisses over the skin. You’re breathing hard the entire time.
And your hands are everywhere – tugging at the buttons of his shirt, pulling at the annoying pants he’d kept on. His laugh is muffled as he presses them to the nape of your neck, licking and sucking until you were keening under his palm.
He decided not to torture you any longer. Sliding his lips back to your mouth, Rintaro gently pushed you back to the pillows, his fingers finding purchase at your heat. The moment his hand came in contact with your damp underwear, you whimpered, and he greedily swallowed down the sound. You were so beautiful, so unreal.
Pushing the material to the side, he pushed two fingers and curled them in. Your reaction is instantaneous – pushing your hips off the bed, tilting your neck to the side as you gasped in his mouth. He took the chance and slid his tongue, sucking on yours while his mind ran a mile a minute.
It was as if his senses had been amped up to two.
The rustling of the sheets, the squelch of his fingers in your cunt, and the lewd, slick sounds of your tongues dancing together. It wasn’t long before you’re falling apart in his hands. Moaning, you tugged at his hair, the slight sting nearly driving him crazy. You did this to him; making him fall prey to your desire, making him bend his will at whatever you pleased. He realized you could stab him at this moment, slit his throat, abandon him – he would’ve died a happy man. Seeing you sprawled out before him, your nipples peaked and hard through the thin material of your nightgown, lips bruised and shiny with saliva. You’d never been more beautiful in his eyes.
And when you called out his name, not Your Highness, not my Prince, just Rintaro, he allowed himself to sink deep into you.
Rintaro has reached nirvana. With one hand holding you down by the hip, and the other cradling your face, his thumb caressing your lower lip, his eyes are locked with yours. The world could come crashing down, and nothing could tear his gaze away from you. He drinks you in greedily – every fluttering lash when he thrusts deep, or the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you squeezed tight around him. Beautiful, mine, mine mine mine – his throat constricts with the affection he’s trying so hard to hold back. He wanted to fuck you hard enough you left a deep imprint on the bed, the shape of your bodies embossed on the sheet. To slide in deep, and carve a space for himself inside you that no one else would reach.
He was a mess, and so were you. Wet, sloppy kisses that were more tongue and teeth than lips, with you holding onto him for dear life. It makes him chuckle, only for that same sound to come out garbled and chucked each time you tightened around him. And when you come, your cream outlining a ring around his cock, eyes shut tight and lower lip held captive by your teeth, Rintaro only had one thing in mind: marriage was a beautiful thing.
“You,” he croaked out, feeling a lump form at his throat. He couldn’t understand why his eyes glossed over with tears, or why the mere sight of you brought out with him emotions he was unfamiliar with. “I adore you.”
You reached over to cup his face, your eyes unreadable. “We should rest.”
The sheets were damp, your bodies sticky and uncomfortable. Yet Rintaro couldn’t pull away from you, not even if he were to be forcibly taken away. This is where he belonged – deep inside you, your foreheads pressed together, breaths mingling and your hands intertwined until your wedding rings clinked at the contact.
Here is where he belonged.
Kissing you one last time, Rintaro lets his arms fall around you. He collapses at your side, still buried in your warm, wet heat. He’d been mumbling sleepy nonsense as he tugged you closer to him, an arm wrapped around your midsection, your legs and his just one confusing entanglement. Slowly, his heart returned to its normal pace. It’s no longer screaming, rather humming your name. Nothing felt more right. You were there, your cheek resting on top of his bicep curled under you.
Drawing circles over your bare hip, the delicate scent of roses enveloped him, subtle yet intoxicating.
It was your scent, a fragrance that clung to you like an invisible halo. He couldn’t stop himself from breathing in deeply, savoring the floral notes that seemed to blend seamlessly with the night air. You smelled like grace and elegance, of tender moments shared and memories cherished. Like a princess from a fairytale, he thought, smiling into your skin, because you were a princess. His princess, his wife.
He loved the way you smelled, your fragrance lingering into the sheets and onto his skin long after you’d fallen asleep. Each inhalation was a revelation, a moment of pure, unadulterated connection he’d never felt before. Delicate and profound – you were kissed by the morning dew, fresh and timeless. He cherished it, breathed it in just in case he forgot before looking out the window.
Outside, the whole world stayed still. His Kingdom was out in the open, all for him to take. It was his – the land, the people, all the wealth and power one could wish for. Yet Rintaro felt no attachment to it.
The real treasure was there, in his arms, sharing the same bed with him.
The realization that he wasn’t desperate to be King anymore made him tighten his hold on you, his face buried at the crook of your neck. This was all he wanted now. To live the rest of his life like this – with you, in this home. But he knew it couldn’t be that easy. He had to sever all ties from his past before he could move onto the future, and fully enjoy the present.
Tomorrow, he would break up with Iris.
Tomorrow, he would tell you those three words he’d never uttered before.
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞’𝐬 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥, 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐲𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐨.
Through the efforts of the royal staff, the palace became a veritable spectacle of opulence and grandeur, transformed into a shimmering paradise befitting for the ninth prince’s debut ball. Crystal chandeliers hung like clusters of starlight from the vaulted ceilings, casting a soft, golden glow over the marble floors that gleamed underfoot. The walls were adorned with rich tapestries and floral arrangements that exuded a heady perfume – one that made Rintaro feel squeamish inside his suit.
Guests in their finest attire filled the grand ballroom, a sea of jewel-toned gowns and sharp tuxedos. The air buzzed with the lively hum of conversation, punctuated by the clinking of champagne glasses and bursts of laughter. An orchestra played a waltz, the music weaving through the crowd and inviting couples to the dance floor, where they glided with grace and precision.
Scanning the ballroom, it was a kaleidoscope of movement and color. Dignitaries, ambassadors, and nobles from far and wide had gathered, their presence a testament to the importance of the occasion. The most influential figures in the kingdom mingled effortlessly, their animated discussions ranging from politics to the latest fashions. The sheer number of luminaries was staggering, each one adding to the ball’s prestige and splendor. Leave it to the Queen to turn a young boy’s important day of his life as an opportunity to establish connections and flaunt her power.
At the center of it all stood Prince Tobio, resplendent in a tailored suit that accentuated his princely bearing. His eyes sparkled with excitement and gratitude as he moved through the crowd, graciously accepting well-wishes and gifts. He was the epitome of charm, engaging each guest with a smile that radiated genuine warmth.
Tables laden with an array of culinary delights lined the edges of the room, each dish a masterpiece of gourmet artistry. From delicate hors d'oeuvres to decadent desserts, the kingdom’s finest chefs had given their utmost best to impress. Servers moved with practiced elegance, ensuring that no glass went unfilled and no plate remained empty.
It was a beautiful ball, Rintaro had to admit. A ball he would’ve greatly appreciated were he not occupied digging his hands into Iris’ hip, her gown fisted under his palms. She tasted even more exquisite today, her lipstick had a touch of cranberries, and he could faintly taste fizzy champagne from her tongue.
It was an unspoken agreement between the two that they would keep their hands to themselves during public events like this. But it was far from being easy – not when Iris wore a tight-fitting gown that accentuated all her curves, leaving very little to Rintaro’s imagination. He’d seen it all, of course. He’d kissed and licked at every spot and corner of her body. He’d memorized the way she tasted on his tongue, or the face she made when he knew she was about to come. He knew all that, and still couldn’t get enough of her. Before the Princess could react, he’d already dragged her into the nearest hallway, his lips furiously crashing with hers.
Screw the party. It wasn’t like his presence was needed; all the Princes had attended. Surely they would not notice the absence of one.
Iris moaned into his mouth, her perfectly manicured nails running upward his suit. She broke free from him to breathe for a moment, but Rintaro was unbothered. He’d turned his attention to sucking down on her neck, his mind flaring with possessiveness. A strategically placed hickey for everyone to see would please him – but it would also make Iris mad at him.
“Your Highness, we should stop this.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Iris,” he mumbled, uncaring as Iris wove her hands through his thick hair. “We’re just having fun, are we not? It’s not like anyone can see. I made sure we would be alone.”
“It’s not that,” she flattened her palms over his chest and gave a gentle shove. It’s enough for Rintaro to pull back, studying the way her lower lip puckered out – just like how she always did when she wanted something from him. “I just… I think our relationship is pointless. I don’t see this going anywhere.”
Rintaro chuckled, tipping her chin upwards to make her look at him. “Where would it go? You’re married. I’m in line for the throne. We couldn’t have any more than what we have now.”
“That’s exactly why we should break up. I’m married, and I’m tired of being passed around between you brothers like I’m some sort of toy. I’m a princess, Rinnie. I deserve to have more dignity than just being your… plaything, or whatever.”
“You are not my plaything.”
“I am not your wife, either.”
He stepped back. Tipping his head to the side, he let his eyes roam over Iris’ figure. She was gorgeous, that much was evident. She had sinful curves, her golden skin radiant as if she was touched by the light itself. It was fitting, he thought. Iris burned bright like the sun – passionate, fiery, and scalding. He’d known her long enough that she would stop at nothing to get at what she wanted, but her dilemma was not something he could easily offer her on a platter.
“Is that what you want, then? Title and dignity?”
Iris was a Princess by marriage, one arranged by the Queen herself.
However, Rintaro thought bitterly, no amount of elegance lessons or femininity practices could change Iris at her core. She was a Princess only by decoration, the twinkling tiara on her pretty head an accessory she received from being associated with his brother. But she was not regal – her temper too short, her lies too deceiving, and her smiles too empty.
He loved her, yet somehow the thought of sharing the crown with her felt wrong. Now that he thought about it, not even Princess Maiko would make a fitting Queen – not that Tooru would ever be in line for ascension. It was just a realization. Iris was too hollow in her heart, and Maiko was too childish.
None of them would make good Queens.
Iris shook her head, the tendrils of hair left to frame her face swaying at the motion. “I want security. I don’t want to keep fooling around with you if it risks my position. Unlike you, I don’t have a sweet, dear mother who would catch me if I’m kicked out of the Palace.”
Rintaro gave a one-shouldered shrug. “Fine. I’ll be King, then. And once I ascend to the throne, I’ll have you and my brother separated, and you shall be mine for the rest of our lives.”
She looked like she wanted to laugh at his face, which shouldn’t have to hurt as much as it did. “This is a ridiculous plan. You’re not serious, are you?”
His lips twitched. Somehow, he wanted to wipe that smug look off her face. It was a face he’d seen enough from his tutors and governesses – all too familiar with their disappointed shakes of their head, their pitying looks whenever Rintaro aimed too high. Just stick to the books, they said, there is no need for you to be great. Follow only what is expected of you. Rintaro detested that, to fit into their image of how he should and shouldn’t be.
Levelling his hard gaze with hers, he ripped himself away from her body. Scalded, burnt – that’s how he felt each time he was with her.
“Watch me.”
Rintaro stood at the edge of the ballroom, his keen eyes sweeping over the glittering crowd. His heart was set on finding a suitable potential wife, someone who embodied innocence and modesty. He sought a woman whose presence did not draw undue attention, someone who exuded a quiet grace that promised loyalty and submission. He needed a woman who would be malleable to the wife he wanted, the Queen he needed her to be. Even if it was only to prove a point to Iris that he could succeed, Rintaro still felt that he could not take his decisions lightly.
He had to consider the throne, the mother of his children, a future Princess and a potential Queen.
Observing the throng of guests, his gaze flitted past the more striking and flamboyant ladies who basked in the limelight. They were all stunning, of course. He’d be lying if his gaze did not linger longer than what was seemed acceptable whenever the ladies giggled at his attention. Nevertheless, his attention lingered on those who seemed to blend in the background, their beauty understated and their demeanor serene. Surely one of them would catch his eye. That’s all he wanted – an unassuming, plain, and dull doll whom he could shape to be good enough to stand next to him. He was the Crown Prince, after all.
He looked and looked – and there you were. In a dark blue gown, your eyes downcast in shyness. You moved with an elegance that spoke of gentleness and humility, smiling politely at everyone who greeted you. Still, he could tell you felt out of place. You stuck out like a sore thumb, plastered at the wall, staring out into nothingness and looking like you’d rather be anywhere than here.
And the best part? No other men approached you.
With his goal in sight, Rintaro approached you, impressed with the way you carried yourself with quiet dignity, your every gesture imbued with a subtle charm. You seemed unassuming, yet your eyes held a depth in them that intrigued him. He smiled to himself, deciding that a demure maiden like you might just be the perfect match he was seeking.
“Splendid ball, is it not?”
“Your Highness,” your eyes widened, and Rintaro awaited it. A crack in your composed stature, a flaw for him to point out. Yet, you did not stutter despite your initial shock, your features schooling into that of well-practiced manners in the blink of an eye. “A most wonderful ball, indeed.”
As the Prince surveyed you, his eyes were drawn to your modest adornment. You wore a simple necklace and earring set, understated yet remarkably elegant. It was vastly different from the layers and chunks of crystals the other ladies wore. It was then that recognition sparked in his mind – the jewelry was from a rare collection that had once captivated Her Majesty. He could still remember that day clearly; his mother’s disappointment when she learned it was already sold. Very rarely did the Queen not get what she wanted, but to think that you – simple, quiet, and shy – would be the one to snatch it right under Her Majesty’s nose.
He had to admit, you piqued his curiosity and admiration.
“My baby brother is finally on his path on becoming a man,” he continued, effortlessly swiping a flute of champagne when a servant passed by. You were quick to follow his action, and Rintaro couldn’t stop himself from smiling. “I’m sorry, I don’t believe I caught your name, and your face… Have I seen you around before?”
“Probably not, my Prince. These events are not really my thing.”
He didn’t doubt that. Shortly, you introduced yourself, shocking him as he learned you were a daughter of one of the three noble clans that helped his ancestors build the Inarizaki Empire. He hid his surprise by taking a sip of his drink, and pretended to be nonplussed.
“A lovely name for a lovely woman.”
“How very kind of you, my Prince.”
Deciding you couldn’t be any more perfect, Rintaro cut to the chase. “Are you married?” he’d blurted out, amused by the way your brows shot up. A quick glance at your gloved fingers showed that you were ringless, but so was he, and his heart was still taken by another. “Or, to be married?”
“No. I’m… as available as a lady can be.”
“Then I suppose you would not mind entertaining a Prince bored out of his mind for one night, do you?”
The internal dilemma is written all over your face. It’s obvious you didn’t want to dance, but who are you to say no when the Crown Prince has his hand outstretched?
“Oh, uh… I don’t think you would want me as a dance partner, Your Highness. I have been told I have two left feet–”
“Don’t worry about it. You can step on my feet if you require,” he encouraged, “Come on. Will you really deny your future King a dance?”
“If you insist…”
Forcing a smile to yourself that was more shy than uncomfortable, you eventually placed your hands on his. A perfect fit, if he dared to say it.
The orchestra struck up a waltz, and Rintaro led you to the dance floor. As you began to move, there was an initial and pronounced awkwardness, your hesitance palpable. You were able to follow his lead with precision, your steps flawless and elegant, yet your body was stiff with discomfort. You even stepped on him once or twice, grimacing and quickly apologizing – much to his chagrin. He hadn’t realized one could look so adorable in their conquest of trying not to crush his toes. Despite your unease, however, you danced with a grace that naturally came to you.
As the dance progressed, Rintaro’s eyes scanned for Iris. He found her stood beside Kiyoomi, her husband uninterested and unresponsive as ever. He had his back turned to her, his eyes closed as he leant against the wall. Nursing a drink in her hands, Iris’ gaze connected with his, her eyes narrowing at Rintaro’s hand resting on your waist. Then, her gaze flickered upwards to smirk at him – daring him, challenging him, to prove his words.
Rintaro clenched his jaw. He’d been so distracted by Iris he didn’t notice you’d stepped on his toes again until a short laugh bubbled up from his throat. It surprised you both – neither of you had expected he would find it funny. But he did, and he found himself inexplicably drawn to you.
When the music finally ceased, you both shared a knowing smile before doubling over in silent chuckles. Rintaro pointed at his toes, faking injuries until you were apologizing again and again – your eyes lighting up in joy.
“You are a splendid dancer. It is a shame you look like you would not entertain me for a second one.”
You placed a hand to your chest. “Of course I would never say no to you, Your Highness.”
“So you would not mind if I asked you for another dance later?”
“If it is what you would like.”
“Nothing would make me happier.”
 He led you off the dance floor after that, compelled with a desire to actually speak to you. And so conversations were had, and he soon discovered your intelligence and wit, the humor lighting up your face and bringing a warmth to your demeanor. It was a warmth people from the Palace lacked, a genuinity in them he never knew was possible.
Your laughter, a sound he found unexpectedly enchanting, softened your features, making you even more beautiful. In those moments, he realized with a pleasant surprise that he enjoyed your company. In fact, he couldn’t recall the last time he’d laughed that hard, or spoke so easily with someone like he’d known them forever.
Could it be fate, then? Was he always meant to find you?
Shaking his head in laughter, his bangs fell into his eyes. “You are very pleasant company to have. I’m surprised no one has snagged you for themselves yet.”
You rolled your eyes. “Nobody is interested.”
“I find that a shame. Why wouldn’t they be?”
“There are just more eligible, more charming ladies out there. One with more charisma, and a little more grace–”
“But they do not have your humor. Or your wit,” tracing his gloved fingers to the curve of your cheek, Rintaro’s voice lowered as he spoke softly. “Or your beauty.”
The moment your breath hitched, Rintaro learned of a new desire: to learn what other reactions he could pull from you. It made him want to learn of all the most heart-fluttering lines, to memorize poetry and recite them to you, if only it would make you turn away, abashedly, once more.
“You are too kind, my Prince.”
“I am only being truthful,” he smirked, “And I have always been a lover of all that is beautiful.”
As the evening wore on and Rintaro spent more time with you, your innocent charm and unguarded nature became increasingly apparent. He felt a calculated determination solidify within him. You were the perfect person to be his Princess – not because his heart yearned for you, that was impossible. He had Iris already. Rather, your genuine demeanor and lack of guilde made you an ideal figure to shape and influence, a malleable partner who would submit to his will and fortify with his position without the complications of a more independent, fiery spirit.
You were simple, quiet, and boring. And the plan was simple enough: win your heart, marry you, become King, and cast you aside once he could finally be with the one he loved. Rintaro knew with absolute certainity when that time came, you would be too deeply in love with him. And when one was in love, one would forgive.
“You came.”
“It would be considered treason if I didn’t.”
Ah, yes. You and your quick remarks. It was one of the many things he liked about you. Smiling to himself, he pulled you deeper into the gardens. “Come. Follow me.”
It had been exactly three days since Tobio’s debut ball, three days since he’d laid his eyes on you. Rintaro wasted no time formulating his plan and putting it into action. He immediately called on you, made a formal visit to the Yuzuru Estate, and finished reading The Art of War if only to impress your father. That night he found out your father was also the Kingdom’s general, Rintaro hesitated. You seemed too important a figure to depose when the time came. But the longer he thought about it, the more it made sense.
He would be the future King, and the General was loyal to the crown and whoever sat in it. He would simply do his best to win your parents’ favor – which wasn’t all that hard. As soon as he arrived, your mother was swooning, and Rintaro knew he’d already won.
Today marked the first of your many dates. In a year or two, he would finally marry you.
Walking through the gardens with your hands shyly brushing against each other, Rintaro struggled to contain his emotions. It was his first time wooing a lady, much less be with someone who he’d never known before. Things were different with Iris; she approached him first. But with you… Rintaro felt that he had to be careful. Precise. Perfect.
He’d stayed up all night searching up on good date spots before deciding to invite you to the Palace. He didn’t think a public appearance for a first date would be good. Sure, he liked you, but things could still go wrong. But here in the privacy of his home, it felt more natural to act like he was this charming, effortlessly smooth Prince he wanted to present himself as.
Thankfully, the day was beautiful.
The morning sun bathed the palace gardens in a soft, golden glow, casting delicate shadows among the vibrant flowers and lush greenery. As you strolled through the grounds, he spotted you standing by a rose bush, your face turned towards the sky, basking in the gentle warmth of the new day.
For the first time, he saw you clearly in the daylight, and the sight took his breath away.
Your beauty, which had been understated under the dim ballroom lights, now seemed to radiate with an ethereal quality. The sunlight danced on your hair, highlighting its hues, and your skin glowed with a natural luminescence. The simplicity if your attire, a pale yellow dress, unadorned by the elaborate jewels of the previous evening, only served to enhance your natural beauty.
Your eyes, bright and clear, reflected the sky’s azure, and your lips curved into a serene smile as you inhaled the fragrant air.
Unknowingly, his mouth opened before he could think twice about it. “I thought you were beautiful in the moonlight, but seeing you for the first time in daylight… you are nothing short of bewitching.”
The smile on your face faltered, your fingers nervously twisting the fabric of your dress.
“Your Highness, if I may be so bold–” you sucked in a breath, grimacing, “–why are you interested in me?”
Rintaro blinked back in confusion. He was the Crown Prince. He was wealthy, handsome, and powerful. Shouldn’t any woman he showed interest in look delighted? Why did you look baffled instead?
Scratching his ear, his brow furrowed. “Do I have any reason not to be? I enjoyed my dance with you, and so did our conversations. You are… different from everyone I’ve met. I found myself unable to stop thinking of you ever since I held your hand in mine,” he said, surprising himself that he actually meant what he said. “When I formally called to your parents to court you, they welcomed me like I was their own son. I knew immediately I wanted to give their daughter the whole world and nothing less.”
Your pretty face pulled into a frown. “But you do not know me yet.”
He gestured to the gardens around you. “That is what we are here for – to get to know each other.”
“And if you do not like what you learn?”
Ah. So that’s what you were worried about?
He wanted to call you out for being silly; he would never choose someone he did not think was good enough for him. Love or not, he needed a woman he wouldn’t be ashamed to marry. However, he kept that sentiment to himself, because he, too, was curious on who you were beyond the surface.
“Test me, my Lady. You’ll find I might like you more than you’ll know,” he insisted, carefully picking out a rose and picking out the thorns. Your eyes widened in panic, but he merely brushed you off with a reassuring smile. Once the rose was picked free of its thorns, Rintaro offered it to you. “So tell me. What exactly can I do to win your heart?”
You giggled, twirling the rose between your fingers. “I believe you could win anyone’s heart. You’re a Prince, after all.”
“I do not want to steal anyone’s heart. I only want yours,” he smirked, basking in the way you hid your flustered face behind the rose. He couldn’t understand this sensation – like a flower blooming in season, his heart slowly unfurling as he leant down to your level, using his fingers to delicately pry the flower. It truly is a shame; you didn’t need to hide your lovely face so much.
“Are you saying if I were not a Prince, I would not even be worth your time?”
You huffed, turning away from him. Behind you, you could hear Rintaro laugh, the both of you knowing you were determined to not let the Prince read you like an open book. “I think… even if you were a Prince, I would appreciate it if a man took his time to get to know me.”
“I see,” he says, unfazed by the challenge. “It’s a good thing I have all the time in the world – there’s nothing else I’d rather be doing than know you, my Lady.”
The palace gardens lay before you, a hidden paradise veiled in the delicate glow of twilight. He gently guided you along the cobblestone path, his heart pounding in anticipation. This was your first date, and he listened to every word that escaped your lips. Everything you wished for was going to be his bible now, his guide into winning your heart. Not a word spoken by you was left unheard, and Rintaro already had your heart mapped out inside his head.
As you walked, the gardens seemed to come alive. Each flower and leaf whispering secrets of the past. The air was heavy with the fragrance of blooming roses, their velvety petals a riot of colors against the lush greenery. And when you walked past him, he vaguely realized the scent was emanating from you, too.
Rintaro stopped by a secluded alcove, where an array of moonflowers and lillies bathed in the sinking glow of the sun. He turned to you, his eyes reflecting the gentle light.
Reaching out, he gently took your hand and led you closer to a cluster of white lilies, their pure, delicate blooms standing tall and proud. “You remind me of these lilies,” he continued, his voice low and sincere. “Graceful, elegant, and timeless. They possess a quiet strength, a beauty that captivates and endures.”
You looked at the lilies, then back at him. “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful,” you whispered, voice tinged with awe.
He smiled, his thumb brushing lightly against your knuckles. “Nor have I, until I saw you. Just as these lilies thrive here in this garden, I hope you’ll find your place in my life, bringing beauty and grace to every moment we share.”
Your nervous giggle echoed through the alcove. “That’s a little fast, isn’t it, Your Highness?”
He raised his hands in surrender. “My apologies. You couldn’t blame me for getting excited,” at his words, you both shared an easygoing laugh.
Soon, he fell into step beside you, enamored by the way you fit so perfectly beside him like this – with him standing tall in his boots, and your steps falling in sync with your dainty heels that peeked out often from your dress.
“What would your dream life look like?”
“Dream life?” you hummed to yourself, your hands joined d behind your back. “I guess… I’d want to live by the sea – with a nice, beautiful house. I want it big enough that I feel like I could walk there forever and not get tired, where there’s a sunroof and plenty of glasses so it looks like I’m being bathed by sunlight each time. That sounds perfect, does it not?”
“It does,” he could picture it already, this house of yours. It’s only the first date, and Rintaro was already eager to go out and find this house you dreamt of. And if it did not exist, then he would have to build it with his own hands. “Does this dream life include being with a loved one?”
You snuck a shy glance at him. “Well, of course, but it never crossed my mind I might get married for love someday.”
“Let the world surprise you, my Lady.”
The two of you stood there, surrounded by the fragrant blossoms and the gentle glow of dusk, the world narrowing to just the two of them. Thought not yet in love – and he could never be – Rintaro savored every moment spend in your company, enjoying your conversations and the shared laughter that echoed under the orange sky. In your presence, he felt a rare ease, a comforting companionship that hinted at deeper – more intimate possibilities – yet unexplored.
And when you gazed up at him, with your head tilted down and peeking up only from your lashes, your smile shy and reserved, Rintaro knew he had to see you again. Soonest, at best.
“May I call on you again?”
You dipped into a curtsy. “Of course, Your Highness.”
“A call you would heed, I’m hoping?”
Biting your lip, you nodded. “I’ll be there. You know I could never refuse a Prince.”
A week later after your first date, Rintaro realized – much to his dismay – that he does not have any pictures of you. With flaming cheeks, and a hand to cover his face, he quickly typed your name on the Internet. There aren’t much results, as he expected. But there was one article, dated six months ago when you were sighted travelling with your mother in Greece. You’re in a flowy, white sundress, waving shyly at the cameras. There’s a hibiscus tucked at your ear, the flower the exact same shade as your lipstick.
Rintaro’s arm draped over his head.
“What am I doing…” he muttered to himself, and with one eye peeking at his phone, he saves your photo and sets it as his phone wallpaper.
It’s around your eleventh date when he decided that he wanted to take you out personally, sans the security team and the cameras following around. It wasn’t anything extravagant; just a simple, romantic dinner at your favorite restaurant. It went like any other date – peaceful, enjoyable, memorable.
The night wasn’t any different than the others. At least not until he’d dropped you off at the Yuzuru Estate. You’d been so beautiful that night in your dress, the fabric cascading like silk spun from dreams. You’d always been like that – dreamy, a tad too good to be true.
Driving you home along winding lanes dappled with moonbeams, Rintaro sensed the weight of the moment poised delicately between them. Halting at your place, he stopped you before you could move. He was a gentleman, he should open the doors for you, but his touch felt different. He felt different. His gaze traced the contours of your face, where the shadows danced upon it. In that suspended breath, in the silence of his car where he could hear the rapid beating of both your hearts – and he thanked the Gods he wasn’t the only one nervous – Rintaro leaned in.
The first touch of your lips set his nerves on fire. Like fireworks exploding within him, his stomach tumbleweeding and crashing, like being sucked into a black hole and drowning in non-existence.
It isn’t his first kiss – that was Iris. But it might as well be his first kiss, with the way he’s immediately hungering for more. To kiss you harder, press against you with more ferocity than he ever thought he was capable of, and to pull you onto his lap because you simply weren’t close enough. No, he wanted you to take up every space and inch of his life. To breathe in the same air you did, to exist under the same stars and moon. You could consume him and he would thank you for it.
Was this how first kisses felt like? If it was, then he would willingly sacrifice one of his idiot brothers in the hopes you felt the same. That he’d made your first kiss a good and memorable experience, instead of feeling like it’d been stolen just like Iris did.
All too quickly, the moment ends. The need for air makes you both pull apart, eyes wide and breathing heavily. The kiss is short but sweet, one that Rintaro would stay up all night thinking about over and over again. He almost regretted it, how it was over sooner than he’d liked – until you leaned in and kissed his cheek, mumbling a quick “thank you for dinner!” before running out the car, and disappearing behind the gates.
Rintaro fell back into his seat. Any other time, he would’ve felt upset you didn’t let him escort you back the house. He’d let it slide for tonight – only because you were embarrassed, and that sneaky cheek kiss was enough to appease him.
He doesn’t pull out from the driveway until you were waving at him from your bedroom window. Windows rolled down, he waved back, and headed back for the Palace.
The entire ride back, Rintaro had his thumb swiping over his lips every so often.
Your lip gloss still lingers, and he can’t help but wish you’d been his first kiss instead.
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Tonight, Rintaro whispered to himself, tonight he would tell you everything.
On the secluded stretch of sand where the ocean collided, Rintaro had meticulously laid out a tableau of romance beneath a canopy of stars. Each detail spoke of his adoration: a gossamer canopy adorned with twinkling lights gently swayed in the sea breeze, casting a warm glow over the fine linens and flickering candles. Seashells adorned the table, their iridescent surfaces reflecting the moon’s gentle caress.
A carafe of chilled wine stood ready, its glass catching the shimmering light of the evening tide. Nearby, a small fire crackled, casting a warm, inviting glow amidst the cool embrace of the night.
As Rintaro amidst the romantic dinner he’d prepared, a nervous anticipation fluttered in his chest.
Tonight, amidst the symphony of the waves and the whisper of palm fronds, he would finally reveal the depth of his heart. It would be more than a confession – it was also the right time to ask for your forgiveness. Until now, he still couldn’t believe you chose to be by his side after everything he did. How you chose to protect him, and risked meeting men alone, all to save his reputation. He’d hurt you, over and over, and you’d chosen to stay loyal, over and over. He had to make sure tonight was perfect.
He’d been so desperate he turned to his brothers for help: Osamu prepared the meals, Tobio went out to buy a bouquet of flowers, and Kiyoomi helped him decorating the table. Kiyoomi seemed hesitant at first, scowling down at him when he knocked down his brother’s door. Rintaro couldn’t blame him – he’d been an awful husband to you, no excuses. But he could be better. He would be better. And after seeing his sincerity, Kiyoomi eventually stopped grumbling and helped him.
“Don’t mess this up. This might be your last chance,” he’d warned Rintaro, and he couldn’t agree more. “And for the record, I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing this for her.”
When Rintaro woke up that morning and you weren’t beside him anymore, he felt true fear for the first time. He felt like he was brought back to that time you’d gone for Itachiyama, and left him behind. That bone-chilling fear of seeing your side of the bed empty was enough to wake him up.
He couldn’t restart over from zero, but he could try. He would go down on his knees to beg for forgiveness if he had to. He’d do anything – absolutely anything – just to win your heart once more. He’d done it before, he could do it again. Only this time, he promised to keep your heart safe. Rintaro didn’t want to hurt you anymore.
But before he could confess to you, he had to get this over with first.
With the sun dipping low on the horizon, the sky painted in hues of melancholy gold and crimson, Rintaro made his way silently toward the beach. The gentle lapping of the waves provided a solemn rhythm to his steps, each footfall heavy with the weight of his purpose. There, amidst the soft, shining sands, he spotted Iris, her figure a silhouette he’d immediately recognize against the backdrop of the fading day. She sat with her shoulders slumped, her gaze distant and eyes glistening with unshed tears.
The air around them hung heavy with the unspoken knowledge of what was to come.
In the quietude of the moment, Rintaro approached with a heavy heart, knowing that their time together would soon unravel like the receding tide.
“Hey,” he mumbled, crossing his legs as he filled in the space next to her. Beside him, Iris rested her cheeks on her arms, her knees drawn together. Rintaro sucked in a breath. Iris looked… miserable. Her skin was dull, and dry. If he’d seen this side of her months ago, he would’ve reached over and wiped the tracks of dried tears on her face. Pulled her into his arms as he consoled her, and maybe even joked he’d beat up whoever made her cry.
But he couldn’t do that now. He didn’t want to, either.
Looking at Iris felt like looking at a stranger. Rintaro had loved her for a long time – ever since he was eighteen. Now, eight years later, and she still held a portion of his heart. Not romantically, but he’d known her forever. She’d been his first kiss, his first love, his first time, his first everything’s. She was the one who’d taught him how to handle his alcohol, the one who told him it was okay to not be so perfect, and when the time came – the one who’d been the reason Rintaro found you.
He couldn’t hate her, not really. Iris wasn’t a bad person; she was just misunderstood. She was lonely, desperate, and didn’t have a place to call home. She had nothing at all before she was suddenly thrown into a loveless marriage with a man who couldn’t stand her. And how could he hate her? He was just to blame as she was.
He was just as lonely as she was.
“Hey,” she greeted back, her voice cracked and broken.
“Are you alright?” he couldn’t help but ask, bumping his shoulder with hers. The contact didn’t set his skin on fire anymore, and Rintaro pursed his lips as he recalled it all – the times he’d obsessed over her, only for it to disappear. Like it never existed in the first place. In the back of his mind, fear loomed over him again – because what if that happened to you, too? What if, one day, you looked him in the eye and couldn’t recognize him anymore? What if one day, all the love you had for him vanished into thin air, too?
“I’m okay,” Iris said, even if they both knew she didn’t mean it.
“Kiyoomi told me you barely left your room.”
She chuckled, the sound mocking and muffled as she buried her head in her arms. “Pardon me if I didn’t want to join your play pretend of house. My entire stay here has been awful. You’re all acting like… like everything is okay.”
Rintaro sighed, “Listen, Iris… I know what we had was complicated. You’re married, and I was young and foolish. We did things we weren’t supposed to do – things we cannot take back,” he admitted, finally braving to reach over and cup her knee. Iris didn’t react, didn’t move or pull away. She remained frozen where she sat, save for the slight shake of her shoulders. Rintaro’s heart ached. “What we had was special, and I cherished it, cherished you, but I think we should finally end things.”
“You’re breaking up with me.” It wasn’t a question, it was a statement. One Rintaro couldn’t deny.
Iris lifted her head, her face tear-stained as she laughed. “You should’ve done that a long time ago, if you weren’t so damn stubborn.”
Despite himself, Rintaro’s lips pulled into a bitter smile. “That would be my fault. I thought I was in love with you.”
“Are you not?”
“I don’t know,” he said, even though his heart was screaming no, no I don’t. “I always thought it was going to be you. You were the only one who I ever wanted this much, and when I found out you married my brother, I thought my world was going to end. That I was put on this Earth just to suffer and watch you fall for someone else when that should’ve been me. But then she came, and – and marriage is not so bad. If it’s going to be like this every day, I would gladly endure the troubles of the throne. I can do anything as long as she’s by my side,” the words are spilling out of his mouth, his heart, before he could stop himself. Rintaro clutched at his chest, watching the way his wedding ring glinted with the sunset. “I’m not sure if it’s love, but I do know I can’t watch someone I care about slip through my fingers again. I lost you already; I can’t lose her, too.”
“You’re giving up on becoming King? Just like that?”
“Not entirely. The throne is my birthright,” he reminded her, hating the way she always seemed to doubt him even in their end. But he was tired, so tired, that he no longer argued. “I just want to enjoy my marriage, Iris. And I think that’s something you’ve always wanted too.”
“So that’s it. We’re over.”
“We are.”
“Good,” she sniffled, wiping her tears with the back of her palm. The relief on her voice was palpable, and Rintaro lifted his head to look at her – watching the way her face broke out into a giddy smile. “Because I never wanted to be with someone like you in the first place.”
“Someone like me? What are you talking about?”
“Didn’t you know, Rin?” she turned to him, her smile cruel, and her eyes so cold it brought a chill down his spine. But nothing could compare to the dread he felt when he heard her next words, and that’s when he knew – his life would never be the same ever again.
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The morning unfolded with a gentle whisper of anticipation when you returned to your room, a cryptic note left behind by Rintaro. It bore a simple request: “Dress up for tonight. Meet me at the beach.”
You loathed the way your heart fluttered with a blend of nervous excitement and curiosity. You loathed yourself even more for what you let happen last night – with him making love to you, and worshipping your body before you’d fallen asleep in his arms. It was slowly becoming torture. You didn’t know how to act anymore, how to keep up this act. How could you have been so foolish – believing that he could buy you a house and ignore his girlfriend, and suddenly that made everything okay? Because it didn’t. It didn’t change the fact that he loved her first, he loved her long enough that he’d gotten her pregnant.
It hurt even more the longer you pondered about it – did he know the entire time? Was that why he’d suddenly become sweet? The longer you thought about it, the more you felt sick to your stomach whenever you entertained the possibility that maybe he didn’t know.
Maybe he’d just truly had a change of heart.
Maybe he’d finally fallen in love with you.
But if that was real, all would change once he found out he was going to become a father. Iris couldn’t get rid of the baby – it was a royal child, unborn or not. She must’ve known that, too, otherwise she wouldn’t be so desperate. And what would happen next? You could lose Rintaro and Kiyoomi all at once.
You crept out of your husband’s arms the moment you came to. He was still fast asleep, looking so at peace and unaware that it felt wrong to leave. But it felt even more wrong to stay, so quickly exited the room and started early. Breakfast was served, the other Princes started playing again, until you couldn’t handle it anymore – pretending everything was fine, pretending like you couldn’t notice Rintaro’s longing stares at you from the other side of the room. You avoided him under the guise of tending to your guests, and it wasn’t long enough before he’s kissing your cheek, and went upstairs to disappear.
That was when you saw his note.
Now, you stood before an array of delicate fabrics and jewels. Choosing with care, you draped yourself in a gown of celestial blue, its silk like a cascade of moonlit waves against your skin. Jewels, glinting like captured stars, adorned your neck and wrists, adding a subtle sparkle to your reflection in the mirror.
As evening descended, you made your way down the beach, the scent of night-blooming flowers mingling with the soft rustle of your gown. There, your eyes caught sight of candles lit in the distance, a scatter of petals around a table and two chairs. The glow of lanterns and the shimmer of a thousand stars above awaited you like a secret garden of enchantment. There, beneath the velvet sky, you stood in quiet expectation, your heart racing with the promise of an eventful evening.
The dinner set up, adorned with its evening charms, you awaited Rintaro’s arrival with a patient grace. You stood there, rubbing your hands down your bare arms with growing unease as the minutes stretched into an eternity.
Each passing second seemed to amplify the rustling of the wind, heightening your senses to every distant footfall and murmur of the night. Your fingers, intertwined nervously, betrayed the inner turmoil mirrored in your furrowed brow and the anxious flutter of your heart. Time itself became an adversary, teasing you with its slow passage as uncertainty wrapped around you like a shroud.
The breeze picked up, whispering the unspoken question – where was he?
With each unanswered moment, your apprehension deepened, casting shadows upon the once-hopeful tableau of your rendezvous. When he finally appeared, a chill seemed to settle over the air despite the warmth of the evening.
Rintaro’s handsome features, usually a portrait of princely composure, were now etched with lines of sorrow and eyes that spoke of turmoil within. In his trembling hand, he held a bouquet of deep red roses, their velvety petals trembling as if mirroring his own unsteady emotions. Every movement he made seemed to carry the weight of a world crashing down upon him. The carefully chosen attire that once adorned him with regal splendor now draped over a figure that seemed to struggle beneath its weight.
As he approached, your eyes locked in a silent exchange that spoke volumes – of secrets unsaid, of a heart breaking under the strain of unspoken burdens. The bouquet he offered, usually a gesture of affection, now felt like a peace offering. A plea for understanding amidst the raging sea of emotions crashing against the shore of your fragile marriage.
The question hung at the tip of your tongue. Do you know? you wanted to ask, your fingers trembling and your eyes welling up with tears when Rintaro pointedly avoided your gaze.
“Rin,” you pleaded, closing the distance between you two as you stepped closer to him. Please, say something. Tell me, do you know? Did she tell you?
The questions die at the back of your throat as Rintaro closes his eyes, leaning forward and kissing your cheek. Your husband had never felt so far away than he did in that moment.
“I’m sorry,” he said after a moment, and pulled away. His words were loud and clear, yet his gaze was distant – like you weren’t even there in front of him. “This was a mistake. We should get divorced.”
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fettuccin-e · 11 months
Like It Like That
Kinktober Day 16: Role-Reversal
Tags: Steven Grant x Reader, afab!fem!reader, unprotected piv (pls oh pls wrap it irl i'm begging you), rough sex, fingering (r!recieving), slight degradation, dom!steven my love my life (w/c: 897)
A/N: Another part of the rapid-fire Kinktober catch-up! This one is a tad short but guys we're so close to being fully caught up I can practically taste it oh my gosh!! And I needed more husband Steven, especially because I feel like I fluctuate between dom and subby Steven in all of my fics, so he's perfect for role-reversal! (I've been using these prompts from flightlessangelwings for the month!)
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He’s usually so good for you. Perfectly happy to whine beneath you as you do whatever you want to him. And he’s always so responsive, giving into your every whim without question, desperate for your touch.
Marc put the idea in his head, just like he always seems to. Steven supposes that he brought it on himself, asking Marc if he really liked being in charge as much as he seems to. He did.
“'Course I do, and she fucking loves it,” Marc had said, eyes going dark. “She gets so damn desperate for it. It’s like she’s in goddamn heat.”
Steven had watched you both that night, watched on through your bedroom mirror as Marc tore you apart, fucking into you harder than Steven has ever dared to. And you had cried with the force of it, dripping down Marc’s cock as he fucked you hard enough for tears to spring to your eyes.
Steven couldn’t get the image out of his head, needing to see you like that again, needing to be the reason for it.
He asks you one night, over dinner of all things, like he’s discussing the fucking weather, “Can I have control for a night?”
“What?” you ask, setting your fork down and scooching closer to him on the couch. “Like, in the bedroom?”
Steven’s face flushes bright red. He won’t make eye contact with you. “Yeah,” he breathes, “Want to see how it feels, if that’s alright with you.”
You smile at him, ducking to his lips to meet him in a gentle kiss. “Of course, Steven,” you murmur. “Of course you can take control, see if you like it.” And in the back of your head, you can’t help but wonder how Steven, the sweetest, most docile man you’ve ever known, could possibly be dominant.
A few nights later, you find out. You find out, spread underneath him, just how far he can take it.
 “Fuck, please Steven, need it so bad, please,” you whine, unable to help yourself as Steven’s fingers spread you apart, jamming into your pussy so hard your head spins. 
“God, that’s so beautiful, love,” he murmurs, “keep begging for me.” And you realize that you’ve never been the one begging for him before. It’s always him, writhing and pleading beneath you. The change, his dark eyes roving down your body as he plays with you like a fucking toy, is enough to give you whiplash, sending you into a tailspin.
“Please, Steven,” you gasp as his fingers jackhammer into your g-spot, sending your back arching as you bear down on his fingers. “Please fuck me, need it- need it so bad, baby.”
Steven grins, the same cocky, self-satisfied grin Marc always gives you when he’s got you like this. It’s fucking maddening.
“Marc was right,” he murmurs, “you’re fucking gorgeous when you get desperate like this.” You flush with heat at the compliment, throwing your arm over your eyes to escape from Steven’s unrelenting gaze.
Before you can even breathe, Steven grips your wrist, pinning your arm above your head. “Look at me when I fuck you,” he snarls, deep and dark and so unlike your Steven that it makes your entire body lock up, feeling like you’ve been struck by lightning. You’re lightheaded as you feel the blunt head of his cock push at your gaping entrance.
He doesn’t break eye contact, holding your arm above your head as he pushes inside without remorse, not giving you a second to recover before he’s pulling out, and slamming into you again.
You’re so used to the way Steven whines beneath you, his hips bucking uncontrollably.
Now, you’re the one gasping for air as he growls above you, fucking into you at a pace that is utterly obscene, practically ripping you apart, straight down the middle, with his violent thrusts.
“Steven, fuck, oh my god, Steven,” you slur between his harsh movements into your aching body. You can hear the sound of your pussy around his cock, the wet slapslapslap of your bodies meeting over and over again.
“God, you’re so wet for me, love,” he rasps. He pulls his hand away from your wrist to grasp your hips, his fingers digging into your flesh as he pulls you onto his cock. “You love this, don’t you? Being used?”
You choke on your moans with his words, gasping for air.
“Fuck! Yes, I love it, love when you fuck me like this, oh shit- Steven!” Tears spring to your eyes, leaking down your cheeks. The headboard slams against the wall, threatening to dent it, but you couldn’t care less. Not when it feels like you could pass out from the pleasure of it all, Steven’s cock jamming into your g-spot with every single thrust.
“You look fucking perfect like this, darling,” Steven growls, “getting fucked like a slut.”
And you’re fucking gone, trembling and gasping soundlessly as you squeeze Steven’s cock with your orgasm, your nails digging into his shoulders. He thrusts in once, twice before he’s following, leaning into you to lick into your mouth, his hips moving in aborted little thrusts as he floods your pussy with his cum.
As you both settle, Steven lets himself rest on top of you, his weight comforting and warm.
“Did you like it, Steven?” You whisper, running your fingers through the hair on the back of his head.
“Mhm,” he hums tiredly into the crook of your neck. You chuckle.
“Good, because I fucking loved it.”
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beebabae · 1 year
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okay but being rintarou suna’s passenger princess??
but make it chaotic. :)
like it’s late at night and you fools are whipping around in your new cute little beetle convertible you’ve been wanting for forever on the highway and you’re there lowkey praying you guys don’t crash lmaoo.
and he’s gotta constantly remind you that just because he passed his permit test with the help of quizlet (in quizlet we trust), doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to drive smh. umm let’s just say he can’t drive at night for a while. </3
“the road just isn’t ready for me, yet, princess.” rintarou shrugged, his signature lopsided lazy smile captured his blush lips.
“rin, baby, you almost swerved off the highway.” you sigh, shaking your head like a disappointed parent.
besides this minor setback, i feel like rintarou is a pretty surprisingly good driver. i say surprising bc i feel like he’d also be the type to fail his permit test multiple times. ;’)
so another time, you guys are driving and he hits the brakes hard as fuck at a red light. when i say he’s like a mother with his fucking reflex bc the way his arm flings to you, making sure you don’t fly out of your seat.
“oh fuck. my bad. you alright, princess?”
“no, bitch. i just got fucking whiplash.”
“gasp. i just saved your life.” AND YES HE SAYS GASP LMFOAODJ
✩ sincerely, b. <3
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luna0713hunter · 1 year
hii young!luffy x young!reader fluff inspired by the kiss scene in my girl? honestly u don't don't have to know the film you can just search up the scene! also it doesn't even have to be fully accurate all I'm really asking for is their first kiss
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Author's note : hello there!so abt this request;i havent watched my girl ,but I've searched abt it and gosh they're so adorable?!?!maybe I'll watch it this week!
My Girl
Monkey d. Luffy x reader
Warnings : lots of fluff,young!Luffy x young!reader, you're both 10 btw
Your mother always used to tell you that you'll find your true love when you grew up.
But you found love a little bit too early.
It was a sunny summer day. Those days where the weather is both too hot to go outside but staying inside is not an option either. So with small hands interlocked,you and your long time best friend,Luffy,go to your usual hanging spot : Shanks' ship.
The crew were all outside, perhaps that was the reason why the two of you had entered without anyone telling you that you're too young for being on a pirate ship. But when you sit down on the wooden surface and spread your small picnic basket that Makino had packed,you give Luffy a blinding smile and offer him a small sandwich.
And true to his fashion ,Luffy swallows whole the entire piece in one go.
You huff and smack his hand away from your share,and glare at him, "dont eat so fast or you'll get an stomachache!"
"nuh uh!i can eat the whole basket and still be hungry!"
"well too bad!!Makino packed this lunch for both of us!so you have to share!"
Luffy pouts but complies, choosing to grab an apple instead and munch on it slower this time.
There's a moment of silence before Luffy opens his mouth and the world stops.
"have you ever kissed anyone?"
You loudly choke on your food.
Luffy jumps up and gives you a bottle of water,and with concerned eyes,rubs your back.
"you alright?!"
You cough and try to wipe your eyes from the tears that had formed.
"w-why would you ask that?"
Luffy sits across you crossed leg and shrugs.
"i saw some couple kissing in the bar last night,and it got me thinking," he then looks at you and grins, "so?have you?"
You shake your head furiously as you feel your cheeks heating up with each passing second, "of course not! I'm only ten!"
"but Makino says love has no age."
Your eyes widen and your mouth hangs open, "L-love?" You swallow and your voice suddenly drops;like you're scared somebody will hear you, "who do you love,Luffy?"
And he answers without missing a bit that it gives you whiplash.
"you of course!who else!?"
His answer makes you shut your mouth so fast,that you cringe upon the sound of your teeth clattering. You cant speak;what can you say to his confession? But when you see him staring at you expectedly,you swallow and gather your courage to speak again.
"Luffy," you wet your lips before continuing, "i think loving someone romantically is different than... loving your parents or..Shanks and Makino."
Luffy tilts his head,and you smile upon seeing his adorable puppy like eyes.
"but y/n,i know i love you. Why would i mistake it?"
"how do you know it's different?"
Luffy folds his arms against his chest and takes a moment to consider your question.
"its like," he wonders aloud, "when i see you its different from when i see Shanks or Makino. My heart gets all..mushy mushy,"
"mushy mushy?!"
"Yeah!" He grins and nods rapidly, " it beats really hard,and i want to share my foods with you!!i never want to do that with Shanks or others!!"
And to Luffy, sharing food is a big deal.
You shyly glance away and start fidgeting with your fingers, "so... you've been thinking about kissing..." You swallow, "me?"
Luffy nods again and skootched toward your until your knees are pressing together.
"do you...want to try it?"
You give him a shy smile and with a final nod,Luffy leans forward with his eyes squeezed shut,and presses his lips clumsily against yours.
The kiss is sweet and short;the taste of the apple that he had earlier lingering on your lips even when he pulls away.
You wish you could taste it once again.
"so," Luffy nervously bounces his knee, "how was it?"
You giggle and leave a small peck on his nose,making him scrunch it up.
"it was...sweet."
"yeah. I liked it."
The words seemed to make Luffy beam,as his grin becomes impossibly wider.
"I'm glad!!!"
Before either of you can say another word, there's the sound of another pair of footsteps and soon, Shanks' playful voice calls out for the two of you.
"you kids better not be here again!!"
And when Luffy takes your hand and with giggles ,runaway from the ship,you cant help but to feel your heart beating loud,and being warm just like the summer sun.
"hey," a snap of finger in front of your face brings you back from your daydreaming, "whatcha thinking about?"
You smile at the boy in front of you;his taller form and muscular arms and shake your head.
"just remembering some good memories."
"oh?am i in any of them?"
You glance at him and when you see his warm chocolate brown eyes,you close your own and sigh contently.
"yeah. You're the main character in all of my dreams and memories."
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johnwickb1tsch · 5 months
bittersweet ~ a yandere!John Wick x fem!reader sunshine/grump coffee shop AU... Part 33 all chapters
WARNING: NSFW, SEXUAL CONTENT, YANDERE SH!T. Plz take care. I luv u all. 😘
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As it turns out, the Underworld provides a whole slew of services designed to deal with circumstances just like this. Medical care, emergency home repair–and body disposal, all for the price of a handful of gold coins.
You sit with John as a man your lover so descriptively calls Doc sews up Wick’s wounds. There is blood on your face, and your silk pjs. Dog sits on your foot, clearly anxious about letting either one of you out of his sight. In the same spirit, John’s good hand is clasped in yours, or yours in his–neither of you have been able to let go. 
Another man known simply as Charlie orchestrates the removal of the collection of corpses through the house. Yet more tattooed tradesmen work on boarding up the blown out window in the kitchen with a big piece of plywood. 
It’s a miracle, really, the house didn’t burn down. 
“Thought you’d left all this behind you, John?” asks Doc, making a neat knot in the former assassin’s side. 
“So did I.”
“What will you do?”
“The same thing I always do when I’m lost. Talk to Winston.” 
The two men share a snort of laughter you don’t entirely understand. 
When Doc finishes with John he gives you a bottle of pain meds, and a bottle of what are, as far as you can tell, pharmacy grade amphetamines. “In case he has to work again.” You take them with wide eyes and a nod, praying to whatever devil might be listening that that won’t be necessary. 
You’re fairly certain that no one up above is interested in any of you anymore. 
You killed a man. 
You killed a man with a gun to save John, and you do not feel sorry at all. 
Numb, perhaps, but not sorry. 
John groans as he adjusts himself on the couch. You reach out to steady him, helping him best you can. He is heavy, and you look at the stairs with doubt. “Maybe we should sleep down here tonight?”
He blinks at you, undoubtedly thinking you incredibly naïve. “We can’t stay here, baby. It’s not safe.”
“Where will we go?” 
“We’re going to the city,” says John, sounding weary as a man twice his age. “I know a place. Can you drive?”
You have to admit you’re a little dizzy from the whiplash. In the span of a few hours, you’ve gone from being locked up like a princess in the castle, to murdering a man, and now John is going to let you drive?
He must read the blatant surprise on your face. He doesn’t like it, his grip tightening on your hand. “These are bad, bad men who would eat you for breakfast. You’ve got to stick with me.” 
You bristle at this, because even though you absolutely should be thinking about escape? You’re not. You were thinking about how you were going to manage taking care of him in this state, and it pisses you off that he’s still so fucking worried about controlling you that he can’t see the writing written in blood on the wall. 
Or at least, written in blood, on the kitchen floor. 
“You asshole,” you say for the second time tonight. It wins you a lordly scowl that for some fucked up reason thrills you to the tips of your toes. But it’s too late to turn back now. “Were you there, when I fucking shot a man for you? Maybe this is just business as usual for you, but it’s fucking new to me.”
He clenches his other fist on his knee, seeming to count to ten with his eyes closed. “I’m sorry,” he finally grinds out. “I know…Are you alright?”
You guess that you put up a good enough front that he forgot that maybe he should ask. Good on you. Maybe.
“No, not really,” you answer truthfully. “But I don’t have any choice, do I?”
He actually has the grace to cast his eyes down, seeming to really think on what you’re saying. “You had a choice,” he muses quietly, his thumb sliding over your knuckles. “In the kitchen.”
You stroke Dog’s head for something to do with your other hand, which is shaking. Your thundering heart beats painfully in your chest. From the corner of your eye you take in this anomaly of a man. This man, who kidnapped you, who has been playing mental games with you for months, who has kept you prisoner, who has taken your body to heights you never even knew were possible, who has spoiled you, who has adored you and degraded you all in the same breath–this man, who somehow, you know you love with your whole heart. 
“John…” He tilts his head to look at you, his eyes glazed with pain. You’re not sure if it’s physical or mental at this point. “Did you really think I could shoot you?”
Perhaps he did, because in his mind, the only acceptable answer to a wrong against you is murder. 
Perhaps in the brutal world he’s occupied since he was just a child, it is. 
Suddenly he can’t meet your eyes. “Maybe I would deserve it, y/n.”
The fact that he knows that is definitely a good sign. 
But the tricky truth is–it wasn’t all bad. And the good? The good was almost worth the bad, you dare to think now that you’ve survived it. You know better than to say that, because you know you are in the midst of a negotiation right now.
“I love our life together, when you’re sweet to me, John. I only want to murder you when you boss me around. And I only mean that figuratively.”
A huff of laughter escapes him; there is a glimmer of hope in his miserable dark eyes. You know it’s insane, after everything he’s done, but you feel sorry for this man. 
“If you would just treat me as an equal, instead of constantly trying to control me…” I’ll be your ride or die. You can’t bring yourself to say it aloud yet. He already has enough power over you. “Do you think…that’s something we can work on?”
He could have pushed you over with a feather, when slowly he nods, bringing your knuckles to his lips to kiss them. “If you don’t want to murder me after everything I’ve done to you…maybe anything is possible.”
You on the other hand, can only blink. Did you just hear what you think you heard? 
That blood-pressure induced ringing has returned to your ears again. The explosion and gunfire surely didn’t help, but somehow this is far more momentous to you. Your surprise for the magnitude of this admission surprises you, and you must show it in the lift of your brows. It makes him smile ruefully; you’re not sure why the sight of it squeezes your heart so. 
You are not so stupid as to think this traumatic event has healed him miraculously, knocked some loose screw back into place. The mind doesn’t work like that. But just maybe, it did put some things into perspective. You are allies now against a mutual cause, rather than enemies of each other. And just maybe, when you tell him that you don’t want to leave him, he will actually believe you from now on. 
“Anyway…I can drive the Rover…” you say with confidence, even though you are still utterly flabbergasted he’d even give you the opportunity. “I don’t know about the ‘Stang.” The Mustang you think you could manage in an emergency, but it’s been a long time since you had to drive a stick, and being responsible for his baby doesn’t sit well with you. 
“That will do.” He grumbles, mostly to himself, “I’ve got to teach you to drive. There is so much I need to teach you.”
You’re not sure what he means by that. You are too tired to hash it out completely right now, but you sense that something, a whole lot of something, has changed in the past few hours between you.  
He makes to get to his feet with a groan–and can’t quite. “Maybe I am too old for this shit,” he grouses. 
“John, you got shot, stabbed, and fought off ten heavily armed assassins. I think you can count tonight as a win.”
Again, that bitter huff of laughter escapes him. You help John to his feet, trying to steady him as best you can. If he’d injured one of his legs badly you would be so fucked; there was no way you could carry him.
“Um…who were they?” You realize you haven’t even talked about who was just trying to kill him. You suppose you already think you know the answer, but then again you could be wrong.
“Camorra goons, I’m pretty sure,” hisses John, clearly in pain. “Guess I should have kept someone alive for questioning…I’ve always been bad at that.”
You press your lips, because it shouldn’t be funny…but if you don’t laugh about it, you might cry. Your life has been so weird lately, it almost just seems par for the course in a way. 
“John…” you chortle and sigh. “Surely the d’Antonio kid gets the picture now? You’ve killed everyone he’s sent after you? Why can’t these assholes just leave you alone?” Why the prince of the Camorra would court such trouble is beyond you. 
“Good question.” He groans as he takes a step, his good arm slung over your shoulder. “The young ones, especially the second or third generation, think they have to prove themselves. Or maybe…he loved his mother and wants me dead. It’s a faint possibility.” 
“Italian boys and their mothers.” 
John chuckles a little, then winces. “Please, sweetheart,” he entreats you. “Don’t make me laugh.” 
Maybe you are a silly creature, but hearing the endearment for you warms something in your heart that had been left out in the cold for too long. “Fine,” you agree, even though humor is absolutely your biggest coping mechanism. “Tell me what we need to do next?” 
“We need to pack.”
“Ok. What?”
“Suits, and guns.” 
You guess in a nutshell, that was the essential distillation of his world, once upon a time. Now, quite against your will, you both are being kicked back into it. By the look in John’s dark eyes, for some reason you have a feeling it’s the Camorra who are going to regret it. 
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abbyromanoff · 2 years
hi my love! since you’re writing me a birthday fic cause you’re the absolute best, i’d like to request Scarlett Johansson x Reader where it’s Rs birthday and Scar just spoils and treats R for the whole day. Ending in smut with Scar using her biggest cum filled strap and absolutely ruining R, hardcore sex with daddy kink and breeding kink. Like Scar just being rough and throwing R around. Make it as dirty as you possibly can haha. then ending with aftercare and Scar being a sweet baby.
thank you babes i love you <3
Birthday Suit
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Pairings: Scarlett Johansson x reader
Word count: 6,460
Summary: After making you wait all day long, your wife has you open the last present of the day, her.
Warnings: smut, food play, strap-on use, daddy kink, breeding, punishment, face riding, blindfolds, orgasm-denial, teasing, cunnilingus, fingering, thigh riding, dom/sub dynamic, slight nipple play, slight possessiveness, squirting, small housewife kink, praising, degrading, petnames, aftercare, small pet play, cnc
No one is permitted to steal, copy, or reblog my work as their own!!
“Sweetheart? C’mon, it’s time to wake up.” A small nudge was sent to your sleeping form. You groaned in response, turning to face the other way only to have strong beams of light flashing through your eyes.
“Mm, not yet.” You negotiated, noticing the clock being marked 10:03 AM. You never were one to wake up this late, usually having work early in the morning. But Scarlett had already contacted your boss and got you the day off, you just didn’t know that yet.
“Shit! My alarm must’ve not gone off, I’m gonna be late.” You almost got whiplash with how fast you had gotten up. If it wasn’t for your girlfriend pushing you back down, you would’ve already been rushing out the door.
“Shh, I already called in. It’s your birthday, my love, you need a break.” You let out a content sigh as her lips clashed with your own. Her arms wandered your body and found place on your shoulders, leaning back but not before giving another short peck to your lips. A smile broke out across your face when seeing the beautiful woman in full glory, you couldn’t keep your eyes off her. You were the luckiest person in the world to call her yours.
“Let’s go. Since you say my cooking is so terrible, I’m taking you out to eat instead.” It was true, she burned anything she made. You were the one who cooked for her while she watched, giving the occasional kiss to the chef to show her gratitude.
“I’ve never said no such thing.” You added with a playful tone, watching as she gave you ‘that’ look. You shut your mouth immediately and went to the bathroom to get ready. You didn’t want to take too long, but you wanted to look nice. You had light makeup on and before you could pick out your outfit, Scarlett surprised you with some that she had gotten for you.
“No way you got me a ‘birthday girl’ shirt.” You tried hiding your laugh behind your hands, only to fail as you toppled over in humor. You wanted to be embarrassed, but it was too funny to even care. She signaled you to lift your arms, placing the tank top over your skin. You already had your leggings on and were now fully dressed. She walked the both of you out, giving a slap to your ass making you jump slightly. You turned to look at her only to see a smirk in return.
She opened the car door and got into the driver's side, her hand making its way to your thigh. She grasped your fingertips in her hands, giving small pecks to each one before holding your hand in hers tightly. She’d give you occasional glances at red lights, chuckling at the way you admired the city as if you’d never seen it before.
“Alright, dove, we’re here.” She had stopped in front of your favorite diner from when you were a kid. It wasn’t fancy, and it wasn’t the nicest place either. But she’d manage for you, seeing that large grin on your face as you tackled her with a hug before rushing in made it all worth it.
You sat down on the torn-up booth seat as the waitress gave you their introduction.
“Happy birthday.” She whispered next to you when walking away, you questioned how she knew for a moment, only to remember the shirt you had on. Your girlfriend sat across from you, still holding your palms. She never wanted to let go of you. She felt like if she did, it would all just end up being a dream. She knew that couldn’t be, but god she just loved to hold you more than anything.
“So, how’s your birthday, birthday girl?” By now, your drinks have already gotten here. You had a milkshake while Scarlett had a lemonade, but she kept taking sips of your drink when you’d look away. She already loved this day just as much as you. Even if it was your birthday, she never felt happier.
“It’s amazing because of you. Thank you for taking me here, I know you don’t really like this place.” She faked a gasp and held her hand to her chest, acting as if you just ripped her heart out.
“How dare you accuse me of that! I like this place, the…aroma is nice.” You chuckled at her failed attempt at a lie. The waitresses often acted like the sweetest old ladies, that was the only good thing. The boss knew you since you were a kid and gave you 10% discounts every time you ate here. The seats were held together by tape, must’ve been a bunch of nobodies tearing it up. They kept everything the same, it felt so nostalgic.
“And second of all, this is nowhere even near the start. It’s your day, I’m spoiling my beautiful girl with everything their heart desires.” Your eyes widened, your mind traveling to all the things you’d be doing that day. The only thing you didn’t know was that she was planning something extra special tonight. You had no idea what she was hiding under her pants, you had no idea she was even packing.
“And when you get back home, I want you to open your first present of the day. I hope you’ll like it.”
“Baby, anything you get me I’ll love, you know that. You yourself are more than enough and yet you’re still getting me so much.” Before she could lean over and kiss you, the waitress interrupted by placing your food on the table. Scarlett had ordered cinnamon french toast while you ordered their famous egg bacon and cheese sandwich. It was your go-to, you never switched it. Their food was great, but you loved the way the gooey egg yolk would leak out of the sandwich. You loved the crunch of the bacon and the pull of the cheese.
“Mm, is it good, my love?” You nodded and let out a small moan, your eyes rolling to the back of your head at the first bite. She only laughed before she finished cutting her meal and taking the first bite. It wasn’t her favorite but it was still good.
A little over an hour later, the booth was filled with laughter and your beaming voice. Your smile was the largest it had ever been, your wife loved it. She loved making you happy, she’d give everything just to see you grin.
“Well, you ready to go home?” The bill was already paid, a decent-sized tip and a hug to a few of the workers and you both were out. You returned to your spot in the car, leaning over the console to give the woman a long, passionate kiss. Her hands cupped your face as her tongue licked over your lips asking for entrance. You let her in and she explored your mouth like it was new, like she’d never even kissed you before. She was hungry for you, but she had to make you wait just a few more hours.
You pulled back to breathe, resting your head on her shoulder and giving small pecks to the exposed skin. She hummed in delight before starting the car, pulling your head back to smile at you once more.
The second you arrived home there were so many presents on the table that you hadn’t seen before you left. She must’ve got someone to place them for her.
“Well, I want you to open up one to two for now, you can save the rest for later.” You rushed over to the different-sized boxes, examining all of them to see which you should open first. You shook a few in your hands and made guesses on what they are. Scar took them from your hands, walking you over to the couch and picking out two for you to open.
“Hmm, I think this one is a Lego set. And this one- I can’t tell what it is.” She motioned for you to open the surprises and maneuvered your body so you sat on her lap with her arms around your stomach.
You were right, the first was a Lego set of the black widow set. She knew how much you fangirled over her characters and knew she had to get it for you.
“Do you like it?”
“Like it? I fucking love it, baby! Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” You turned your body to hug her tightly, rocking her side to side with you. She kissed the side of your cheeks repeatedly and made sure you couldn’t let go. You could feel something poking you but you couldn’t care, all you wanted was to have your girl in your arms. You couldn’t stop the ever-so-light grind your hips made against the toy making Scarlett smirk. You now knew her surprise for the night, you couldn’t be more excited.
“Daddy?” She groaned into your ear and bit her lip, her eyes fluttering shut for just a moment.
“Baby, it’s still the afternoon. Why don’t you wait a bit till daddy fucks you, hm? You think you can last that long?” Even when knowing it was most likely a lie, you still agreed. You didn’t want to make her angry, not on your birthday. As much as you loved being edged and humiliated for hours on end, all you wanted in the moment was for her to fuck you so sweetly. So softly. You wanted to feel her hands wandering your body as she made love to you.
“Yes, daddy. I’ll wait for you, I’ll be a good girl.”
“Good. Good little girl for me, doing whatever I tell you, huh?” She played with your locks of hair and handed you the next present without breaking eye contact.
“Now this one, this one is a little special. I had it custom-made to my liking, I want you to wear it for me.” You unwrapped the wrapping paper of the small box, your eyes widening as the object made its way into your sight. The red set was pulled out, the stockings following suit. Her hands ran up and down your inner thighs, her mouth lightly sucking on your pulse point. You let out a small moan and dropped the clothes down, leaning more into her touch.
“Be careful, my love. I had this made just for you, don’t be so ungrateful.” You picked up the articles of clothing before you could even blink. You didn’t want to make her mad in any way and cause her to throw you around tonight. But at the same time, that was all you ever wanted.
You didn’t even notice your hips still moving on top of her until her hands gripped your waist, forcing you to stay still.
“What did I say?”
“T-to wait for you.” She scoffed in your face before pushing you onto her right thigh, forcing you to straddle her. You knew you couldn’t move unless she said so, but you had to rock your body back and forth just once. Surprisingly, she didn’t make you stop, she just watched, arms behind her head admiring the view in front of her. You took this as her approval and started to go a bit faster, feeling the texture of her skinny jeans below you.
“Mm, that’s it. Why don’t you take your pants off, leave the panties on.” You quickly stood up to remove your bottoms, shying away from the hungry eyes of your girlfriend. Before you could go back to your previous position, her hand grasped your chin with gentleness and care.
“Oh, doll, you’re so pretty. My beautiful little pet. Now, how about you show me those panties, I want to see how wet you are for daddy.” She laid you onto the couch and separated your legs, getting onto her knees in front of you. Your excitement was through the roof knowing what was to come. Her tongue lightly grazed your clit through your soaked undergarments, your head was thrown back at the immense pleasure.
“Oh, daddy, that feels so good!” You tried closing your legs, only to no avail. She kept them pried open as her mouth left small kisses and licks over the wet spot that she caused.
“Fuck, you taste so good. And you’re so fucking wet, did I do this to you? Did daddy cause you to be dripping onto our couch?” You nodded along, not registering a word she said. Suddenly, a loud ringtone made you jump in your seat. There was no contact name, but Scarlett seemed to know exactly who it was. She moved from her place between your legs, shushing you with a finger to your plump lips.
“Scarlett?” You asked once she hung up, staring at her with confusion when she grabbed your pants off of the floor.
“I’m going to pick up the cake, I’ll be back soon. And if I find out you touched yourself without my permission, this day won’t end well for you. And trust me, I always know.” You gulped away your fears and stared up at the woman, begging her to stay and let you cum. She only laughed and walked out the door with a short goodbye. You were left in the shirt she had chosen for you and your soaked panties. Your mind was filled with thoughts of what was to come, what she’d do to you. She couldn’t possibly be mad at you for playing with yourself, it was your birthday, after all, you deserved a bit of a treat.
But you couldn’t give in, not yet. You just had to wait a few more hours for her to have her way with you. It never felt so long. It was like she had left hours ago even though it had only been forty-five minutes. You so desperately needed that release, you needed her to be here with you. You debated on calling her, the contact name screaming at you to just give in. Right as you were about to click the call button, the door opened revealing your stunning wife holding a box that must’ve held your cake. It was red velvet, just as you liked. She sent a smile your way and placed the food on the counter, the small grocery bag making its way into your eyesight. You could only see what looked like a jar of whipped cream and a carton of un-cut strawberries. ‘It must be for the cake’ you thought, not realizing the true purpose of the items.
“Y/N? Did you even hear what I said?” You blinked a few times and looked to where the voice came from, only now noticing the close proximity between you two. She grabbed your hand and led you into the kitchen where the food was, your mood immediately being lifted when seeing the design. There were pink flowers on the top and sides along with chocolate-covered strawberries on top. You couldn’t wait to get your hands on it.
“Well, do you like it? I know how much you love pink so I thought, why not get my favorite girl exactly what she wanted.” She tickled the side of your hips, laughing at the way you tried to escape her grasp. She used one fingertip to dip into the frosting, booping your nose and painting it with a pink cream.
“Oh, you are so lucky I love you.”
“Yeah? You love me?” You rolled your eyes before turning to face her, your arms placing themselves around her shoulders. You buried her face into her neck, making sure your nose would rub against her.
“Okay, now that’s just rude!” She mirrored your position, holding you close to her body and grabbing the fork left on the counter.
“Well, let’s dig in, baby.”
After what seemed like hours, every present was opened and the cake was almost gone. You had already responded to every ‘Happy Birthday’ message and tweet. Your whole dashboard was covered in sweet messages and drawings people had made for you on your special day. Scarlett was in the walk-in bathroom getting ready for bed, applying her skincare delicately to her face. You turned off the light on your bedside table and laid on your side facing away from where she was. The conversation with her from earlier had already escaped your mind, but it sure as hell didn’t leave your wife’s.
You felt the bed dip as she joined you in bed. You moved your head just a little bit to give her a kiss goodnight and returned to how you were, stopping in your tracks when feeling something against your bottom.
“Scar? What are you doing?” Her hips grinded slowly into you, a remembrance of what you were doing earlier on her thigh. Her curious hand found its way to your neglected breasts, her fingertip circling your nipple gently. You whimpered quietly and tried to scramble away from her, only to be pulled back in.
“Don’t try to push me away, we both know you want it. Now, why don’t you let me treat my girl for her birthday, it is your special day after all.” You couldn’t possibly say no to her. She was right, you both knew you needed it. It was like a drug and you were an addict.
“Daddy..” Came your small voice, your body moving in rhythm with hers on its own. You moved onto your back, Scarlett’s breath-taking face coming into your view. Her wet hair splayed across the sides of your face. She picked up your leg and placed it on her side, your other leg being pushed apart to give her free access.
“I have a little surprise for you, dove. And I think you’ll love it.” You followed her gaze to the bedside table on her side, the grocery bag from earlier being placed on top of the wooden table. Your eyes widened, turning to look at her with shock and excitement. She placed her hands on the oversized shirt you were wearing, feeling the soft fabric in her hands. You could tell what she was thinking and gave her a nod of approval.
“Fuck, I’ll never get sick of these perfect tits.” She palmed the soft skin in her hands, letting out a soft moan at the contact. She smiled smickly to herself when thinking of the things she could do, how she could ravish you. Your hands slowly made their way to the large imprint in her boxers, you could tell it was a new strap.
“You feel that? Daddy got it just for you. This one, this one is special though,” She took a small pause, ridding herself of her undergarments and freeing her strap-on from the confinements. “You know why it’s so special?” You shook your head, no, your eyes stuck on the toy. She grabbed your hand, placing it onto the object and guiding your hand onto her.
“Yeah, jerk daddy off, princess. I can’t wait to fill you up with so much fucking cum, watching it drip out of this sweet little hole- God! You’re so hot, baby girl.” She thrusted herself into your strokes, acting as if she could feel it, she could feel your touch. You tried clenching your legs, anything to get some sort of relief. Scarlett didn’t let that slide. She gripped your thighs tightly, almost causing the soft skin to bleed.
“Don’t be greedy, I’ve already given you so much today. Why don’t you let daddy play with her little toy for a while, that sound good?” She didn’t care for a response and gave you a long, forceful kiss. Her tongue prodding at your lips distracted you from the feeling of her fingers dancing around on your thighs. Your clit was aching, begging to be touched. You gasped when feeling her long, cold fingers circling your clit, she took that as her opportunity to insert her tongue into your mouth. She explored your body like it was new, as if she hadn’t already claimed each inch of your skin.
Her faux cock prodded at your folds, sending a shiver down your spine and goosebumps to erupt over you. She chuckled lightly and disconnected her lips with your own, watching as you struggled to fight for air.
“Look at you, all spread out and ready for me. I think I know just what could be the cherry on top to all of this.” She whispered hotly against your ear, biting the lobe softly as to just graze the area.
“W-what is it? The cherry on top, what is it?” You asked in a meek voice, your slick dripping down her fingertips and your thighs. Her digits popped into your mouth, the lightly salty-sweet flavor invading your tastebuds.
“Taste good? Yeah, you taste fucking divine, my love. Now, why don’t you close your eyes before I blindfold you.” You had to bite back a moan at the thought alone. Her using you however she pleased without you even knowing what her next move would be, it was something you could only dream of happening.
“Oh? You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Who am I kidding, of course, you would. You love anything daddy gives you, isn’t that right?” No words were able to leave you, only your consistent moans.
“I asked you a question, answer it.”
“Yes, daddy. I love everything you give me, everything!” She hummed in satisfaction at your words, waiting for you to comply. You slowly did, closing your eyes and ridding yourself of knowing anything she would do to your helpless body.
“Such a good whore for me, always doing exactly what I tell you.” You heard what sounded like a small crackling sound and automatically opened your eyes, bad mistake.
“What did I just say? You know, I was trying to take it easy on you but you just don’t want to listen.” Your eyes were quickly covered with a cloth, your sight only being filled with darkness. You wriggled in her grasp hopelessly, only making her more enraged.
“Stop it! Don’t make me handcuff you too, because I promise you, I will.” You felt a cold, soft texture land on your breasts causing you to let out a gasp. You could just see the concentration displayed on Scarlett’s face trying to make the perfect swirl.
“Now this is what I like to see. Stay still for me, baby, daddy just wants a taste.” Her hands held your hips, her tongue smothering your covered tits and eating the delicious treat like it was her last meal. She didn’t leave a drop behind, not a single one. She gathered up the whipped cream on her pointer finger, ghosting over your lips as a sign to open them. You did. Your mouth was filled with the sweet flavor, and your wife leaned over you with those same eyes as before, pure hunger and need. You couldn’t see it, but you could feel it. You could feel the way her hands held you, fighting off the urge to not move lower. And you could hear the ragged breaths, you could hear just how desperate she was to finally get her mouth on you.
“Fuck, you think you can do something for me?” She was trying to hold back, you could tell. It brought a small smirk to your face knowing how much control you had over her even when being blindfolded and helpless.
“Anything for you, daddy.”
“I want you to ride my face.” Even through the sternness in her tone, you could hear the slight uncertainty. You were always too nervous to do so, scared you’d be too heavy for her to hold. But she had assured you countless times again that it wouldn’t happen and that ‘I’d love more than anything to die between your thighs’. You’ve watched many pornos that played out exactly like this, the girl riding the others’ face like there was no tomorrow. And you couldn’t lie, it was hot. You just never thought she’d be so into it.
When not hearing a response, your wife let out a small sigh. “We don’t have to if you don’t want to, angel. You can tell me no.”
“No! No, I want to.” She didn’t fully believe you, she knew you’d gladly do anything she wanted before thinking of yourself.
“You need to tell me you want it, I need to know this is what you really want.”
“I want it, I want to ride your face, Scarlett.” Her hand delicately placed itself around your neck, licking a long stripe up your neck. She enclosed her lips on your skin, creating more hickey’s the farther she went down. Suddenly, the same hands were lifting you up and placing you onto her lap. She was letting you go at your own pace. No matter how much she loved to have that control over you, she’d never force you into doing something you didn’t want.
She lifted your blindfold for a moment, giving you a soft kiss before you started to move closer and closer to her face.
“It’s okay, love, do it for me.” You felt a rough grab on your thighs, pulling you onto her lips. She didn’t let up, her tongue immediately dove into your heat. It swirled around your clit, making out with the wet bud like her life depended on it.
“Fuck, taste so damn good.” She muttered, your juices filling her mouth. You held onto the bedpost in front of you, slowly starting to rock your hips against her. Your bundle of nerves grazed against her nose, causing you to let out a loud moan.
“Daddy! Oh god- yes! It feels so good! So fucking good!” She chuckled darkly into you, the vibrations causing shivers up your spine.
“Mm, could eat this little pussy all day, so sweet.” Her fingers ran across your folds, prodding at your hole for entrance.
“God, you’re so tight! Just begging me to finger you, huh?” You rode her faster, your pace becoming animalistic. She held your butt tightly, giving a small smack to the soft skin and creating a loud cackling sound. Her tongue dipped into your hole, moaning at the flavor.
“Daddy! It- it hurts, I can’t take it.” She restricted your movements with the hand placed on your body, the other teasing your wetness once more. You were absolutely dripping, nearing your peak. You knew you couldn’t finish without permission but fuck was it hard. It felt like heaven, the most beautiful woman sloppily eating you out with pure need. No matter how tight of a hold she had on you, it couldn’t stop the grinding coming from your lower body.
“Don’t you dare fucking move, or I’ll stop.”
“But, please! I need it, I wanna cum so bad.” Tears rolled down your red face, the overwhelming sensation becoming too much to bare. You broke. You couldn’t even warm her before you came crashing down, trying to push her off of you to the best of your ability. She quickly stopped what she was doing, making you whine loudly.
“When did I tell you that you could cum? Hm?” When you didn’t respond she continued, “Huh? Tell me, when the fuck did I say you can cum?” You gulped down any words that could form, knowing they’d only get you into more trouble. The sight of her angered face filled your eyesight as the cloth covering your eyes was ripped off of you.
“I was trying to be gentle with you, princess. Since it’s your day I thought, why not treat my girl? I’d fuck them so well and make their day perfect, but you just had to ruin that, didn’t you? You couldn’t listen to me and wait, no, you were too much of a desperate little bitch to wait for daddy.” A slap was sent to your cheek, your face moving to the side as you touched the reddened skin.
“I’m sorry, daddy-” Before you could finish your sentence, you were being slammed against the mattress, your wife leaning over you with that fierce gaze.
“Don’t get all apologetic now, you know what you did. Now, why don’t you make it up to me, let daddy play with this sweet fucking body however I want, okay?” You knew there was no point in pleading for forgiveness, the damage was already done. Her arms went on either side of your head, one going down to stroke her strap. You moved your hips towards the toy, begging for it inside of you.
“Such a dirty girl, I thought I taught you better. What do we say when we want something, hm?” Your hands were fighting the urge not to grab onto her round breasts and tease them till they were swollen, till she was the one pleading you not to stop.
“P-please! Please, daddy, I want you to fuck me, want you to use me.” She leaned in close to your face, your lips nearly touching.
“That’s better.” She leaned back, your body chasing after her mouth as if it was a floating memory. She only chuckled, noticing your distracted form and using it to her advantage. She slipped the tip inside of you, watching as your mouth formed a large O shape when trying to suppress a moan. Her thumb pinched your clit, your eyes rolling to the back of your head and your hands forming fists. She didn’t stop until the entirety of her length was inside of you, stretching you out like never before. She was so big, you almost couldn’t handle it.
You gave her a small nod when the burning sensation went away, instantly feeling her thighs make contact with your own as she started a slow yet hard pace. You needed more, it wasn’t enough.
“Daddy! Go faster, please go faster!” You hoped she’d show you some sort of mercy and do as you asked, but she didn’t. She had only done the exact opposite, stilling her thrusts completely.
“Is that how you ask for things? Are you that dumb and brainless that you can’t follow a single fucking rule?” You shook your head quickly, forcing your body to stop its movements before she did it herself.
“No, daddy, I’m sorry. Please fuck me faster, I’m begging you. I’ll do anything, fucking anything!”
“Good girl, love. Did such a good job doing as I say.” She finally complied, hitting deep inside of you only to pull out almost entirely. The headboard slammed against the wall in front of you, creating a dent that Scarlett made a mental note to have fixed. Your moans filled the room covered in the stench of sex, your wife wished she could play them on repeat for hours. Heavy breaths escaped her every time she moved, the sound being vocalized right next to your ear. You could hear the small whines that left her, you could hear everything.
“God, you’re so damn sexy. Want to cover this beautiful body with my marks, show everyone who you belong to.” She took hold of the necklace she had gotten you that was splayed across your chest. It had her name written in gold cursive, it had to be your favorite gift of the day.
“You see this?” She started, “This is my name. Mine. And I want you to wear it every goddamn day so everyone will know you’re mine. All fucking mine.” She connected her lips with yours, the small hint of your juices from earlier lingering around and hitting your taste buds.
“All yours.” You mumbled, receiving a smirk from the slightly older woman. She took hold of your thighs and pushed them forward to touch your stomach, reaching deeper inside of you and causing your legs to shake.
“Oh fuck! Yes, right there!” Your hands went to play with your nipples, hoping to throw you closer to the edge.
“Yeah? Did I hit that nice little spot inside of you that gets you all dumb for daddy? Such a cute whore for me, and only for me, right?” You nodded along with whatever she said, only focusing on the immense pleasure she was giving you. She decided to let it go just this once, instead choosing to admire your blissed-out face.
“I can hear just how wet you are for me, doll, you’re fucking dripping.” Her thighs shined in the small bit of light illuminating the room, being drenched in your slick as she rammed into you harshly.
“My beautiful, beautiful girl, I love you so much. Daddy loves you, princess, she loves you so much.” You basked in the short, sweet moment and pulled her into you, licking the shell of her ear before whispering gently,
“Show me how much you love me, let me cum. Let me make a mess all over your dick.” Her eyes fluttered shut as she contemplated her options. This was supposed to be a punishment, she was meant to deny you. But the way you spoke so heavenly into her ear made her want to fulfill your request more than anything.
“You can hold it a little longer, right? Can you be my good girl, or do you only know how to be a cock-drunk slut?” Your back arched off the bed, your release nearing. You knew you were incapable of waiting, you already had long enough. But you wanted to make it up to her, to do what she had asked of you.
“No, I can’t! I really can’t, daddy. It’s too much!” She shook her head in disagreement, making you shed tears you didn’t know were threatening to come out.
“Just a little longer for me, okay? Can you do that?” You agreed with no plans of actually following through. She wasn’t going to stop anytime soon, you both knew that.
“I can’t! I need it, I’m begging you. I’ll do anything- Ah! Just, please fill me up!”
“Yeah? You want me to cum deep inside this tight pussy? Maybe you’ll get pregnant too, be all round with my pups. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Your mind was fuzzy and blank, the only thing you were able to think of was her. Her voice. Her words. Her touch. Everything she did got you closer to breaking her rules.
“Mhm, I want it, I want your pups. I need you filling me up every second of the day.” You mumbled out incoherently, a grin finding its way to your wife's face.
“I will, baby, I fucking will. I’ll make sure you’re dripping in my cum every morning and every night, I’ll never waste a drop. You would make the perfect housewife and the perfect little mommy.” The fake cum shot deep inside of you, occasionally spilling out of your hole. She moaned as if she could actually feel it, like she could feel your walls clenching around her. You let out a silent scream and bit the pillowcase next to you, your hands gripping the sheets tightly.
“Don’t hide your moans, love. Daddy wants to hear every sound she can get out of that whorrish mouth.” Her mouth placed itself on your breasts that were calling out for her. She sucked as if there was milk coming out, teasingly biting the hard bud to pull a reaction out of you. The coil in your stomach snapped, your juices spurting out of you and hitting her lower stomach. She hadn’t permitted you, yet it was too hard to stop it. You hoped she wouldn’t mind, that she’d let it go and continue to fuck you all night long.
“That’s it, cum for me. You’re so fucking hot, I’ll never get tired of watching you squirt all over me.” She sloppily fingered your clit, laughing at the way you tried to clench your legs closed.
“Awh, don’t get all shy on me now. I want to see this wet little pussy just dripping in my cum, can’t you just give daddy this one thing? After she’s been so nice to you today.” She pouted innocently, forcing your legs back open with her long, veiny hands. You were so sensitive, it hurt just for her to touch your inner thigh.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s alright. I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.” You hugged her close to your chest, whimpering as she started to pull out.
“It’s okay, let’s just wait a minute. Does that sound good?” You nodded, hiding your face into her neck and sobbing quietly.
“I didn’t hurt you, right?” She was panicked, the last thing she’d ever want to do is harm you in any way.
“N-no, you didn’t hurt me. ‘M just sensitive.” She let out a small sigh of relief and refused to let you go, keeping you in her arms like you were her life support. Your eyes were droopy as sleep was invading your senses, only to be pulled back to reality as Scarlett hoisted you onto her waist. She was careful not to hurt you and gently placed you down on the side of the tub, moving to rid herself of the strap-on attached to her hips and to grab a wet cloth.
“This might sting just a bit but I promise it will be over soon.” The fabric made contact with your cunt, a small burn following. Your hands instinctively made their way to her shoulders, biting your lip to suppress any sounds that would follow.
“There, all done.” You had already brushed your teeth and gotten yourself ready for bed earlier and now were being carried to your shared bed. She let you down gently, tucking you in under the pile of blankets before sliding in next to you. Her arms went around your form, hugging you tightly and catching a whiff of a familiar scent.
“Are you wearing my perfume?” Your small giggle and no response were all the answers she needed as she let out a laugh of her own before kissing your forehead.
“You’re adorable, baby.” She said, “Happy Birthday, I hope I was able to make this day perfect for you.”
“You just being here was the greatest gift I could’ve ever asked for. Thank you, you really know how to make someone’s day.” She could tell by the yawn you let out soon after finishing your words that you were close to falling asleep.
“I try. Now, get some rest, baby. You were so good for me tonight, I’m so proud of you.” You smiled drunkenly, letting out yet another yawn before speaking one last time that night.
“Love you so much, Scarly.”
“Love you to the moon and back, darling.”
Taglist: @obsessedwithhereyes @boredandneedfanfics
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spidernuggets · 6 months
this is so tropey and cliché yet I cannot help but adore it sooo a calm chill peace n love pacifist type of gal who only uses computer skills/detective skills/whatnot for the titans but never violence. that is until some asshat takes jason hostage and reader to the sheer shock of everyone goes deathstroke level violent, demolishes everything, sneaks out alone to single handedly rescue jason whilst the titans are still tryna figure out a plan, and jason wakes up back in titans tower to find out that it wasn't a team effort to get him back, that reader did it all alone and killed the people who took him, jason is maybe a lil shit and is all thanks but I had the situation under control, and then he asks why she cares so much and she's like I don't but if they killed you I would kill everyone in this room and then myself 😊 👉👈
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Note: I'M SO SORRY IT'S TAKING SO LONG TO GET THIS OUT, BABES!!! I'M IN MY FINAL YEAR OF SCHOOL, AND I HAVE EXAMS LIKE EVERY WEEK REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE THIS CRIES. ALSO, the first part of this fic is kinda based on Jason and Gar's little moment before they go down to the subways.
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"What are you doing now, nerd?" Jason walks into the computer room where yoh sat in front of the downgraded version of the Bat Computer. He leans against the edge, budging your leg with his to get your attention.
"That name is hypocritical, theatre nerd," you bite back.
"Holy shit, they're thespians, not theatre nerds."
"Same difference. Anyways, if you must know, Arkham Asylum's system broke down. Dick asked me to help them fix it. It's fine now, but a bunch of crims broke out. Some are back in, but a few handfuls are still out there. No one above Riddler level. We'll be fine," you say, leaning back on the chair, hands resting behind your head.
"Need any help, babe?" He asks.
You'd be a pathological liar if you said all the nicknames he gave you didn't make your face heat up. You always liked Jason. He has the smart potential that everybody else seems to refuse to see. But you appreciate it.
You shrug. "I dunno. You can if you want, I'm just trying to find where these criminals would be next. But it just looks like they're breaking in and stealing shit from wherever. They pick one building and then move on to a whole different area," you frown, unable to find a pattern.
Jason squints at the big screen. "Hey, zoom into that street over there," he points to the corner of the city's map. You furrow your brows, but oblige. "They're not targeting random buildings, sweet thing," he mutters.
"What? What do you mean?"
"Look. See those buildings there? They already have past records of breaking and entering, and robbery. These Arkham crims are targeting untouched places." Jason says, observing the area.
You then go on your own computer, searching the history of crime through Gotham. Sure, the majority of residents were witnesses or victims to these crimes, but there's still places that have been safe for a good while.
"Hey, all these buildings. I know them." He adds. "Bruce enforced higher security. They're aiming for Wayne Enterprise sponsored buildings!"
"How did I miss that?" You whisper to yourself. "Fuck, Jason, your a bloody genius." You missed the whiplash he got, looking at you in awe for such a simple compliment. "Alright, let me just go mark these locations and I'll go and let Dick know."
"Woah, woah," Jason holds your shoulder. "He doesn't need to know. He's already so busy. I'll handle them. You said it yourself, 'we'll be fine'." He says proudly.
You sighed. "Jay, I know you'd be fine. What's not fine is knowing for a fact that you'd show no mercy and probably make all of them bite the curb." You crossed your arms, folding one leg over your other.
"Ugh, c'mon, Y/n. I promise I won't, and I promise I'll be safe. Dick and the other guys need to know that I can do shit on my own!" He starts to beg. You always knew how important Robin is to him. You were actually impressed about how passionate he was to a mask.
You sighed again, staring at the floor while thinking. "Fine. But you need to be wired. At least be in contact with me. The moment you get into trouble, you call me, I'll get the others to help."
"Why don't you just come out with me? I know you git them badass combat skills?" Then, Jason gives you those eyes for when he asks you for something, and shamefully, you always give in. Not this time.
"Jay, you know why. Even just giving someone a oetty slap just doesn't do it for me."
"Yeah, yeah I know. But if you're ready to throw a punch, make sure I'm there to see," Jason winks as he's about to leave to suit up. But you call out to him.
"Jason." He turns. "You don't need to prove yourself to anyone. Not to me at least," you gave him a sympathetic look. Jason just gives a slight nod in return before turning again and leaving to get ready.
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"You sent Jason out there?!" Dick storms into your room without knocking.
You were sat on your bed, holding your hands up. "Woah, man, I could've been changing or something," you say nonchalantly. "Jason will be fine, Dick. He is capable enough of defending himself. Besides, I have him wired, so if he needs help, he can contact me." You say, eyes focused on the laptop placed on your legs.
"Okay, genius, then why did Hank inform me just now that Jason's unresponsive and that his tracker has been disconnected!" Dick yells at you. You stop typing.
"I'm sorry," you choke out a sarcastic laugh, getting off your bed, walking out of your room, Dick following suit. "What? It sounds like you're saying someone cut off all connections that Jason has to us," you said, hoping that you heard wrong or that it was some lame, insensitve prank. You walk into the debriefing room, where the other Titans were. And to prove what Dick said was true, the screens showed that there were no signs of Jason, his tracker, or his wire.
"That's exactly what I'm saying." Dick replies sternly. "Jason's gone missing, possibly kidnapped. Why didn't you tell me he was going out?! Why didn't you tell us?"
Hank chimes in. "Yeah, kid. You know how reckless Jason can be-"
You chucked your laptop to the wall, completely smashing it, the screen chipping everywhere, and the keys scattering across the floor. It instantly made the room dead silent.
You stayed silent, too. You said nothing, giving the others no explanation to your sudden, quiet outburst, and headed back to your room.
From behind you can hear Dick sigh, and preoare everyone to find Jason.
You had other plans.
You didn't know where Jason could be. But from the tracker, you can pinpoint his last known location. Not that you told Dick or even Bruce, but you managed to connect your smartwatch to Jason's tracker. No, you are not a stalker... is what you always repeated to yourself. You just wanted to be the first one to always be sure that your spontaneous friend is okay. And look at what good it's doing.
Opening your closet, deep in the back, situated your throwing knives and flame thrower.
"Come to mama," you whispered. Sure, the use of violence is more or less a disturbance to you. But these assholes have your friend hostage. And you know that if you stay with the others, they'd slow you down.
You packed a backpack with everything you think you'd need, and you climbed out your window and ran to where Jason was seen last. You didn't have a hero suit of your own, seeing as you refused to kick ass with the others. Oh, well, you thought. A face mask would do you good.
You ended up in the outskirts of the city. There was no noise, and no Jason. But there was blood. Possibly his.
Unfortunately, there were only splatters and no trails that could guide you.
"Well, aren't you a pretty little thing?" A deeo, raspy voice said behind you.
You turn around and tilted your head. "Hello. I'm lookin' for a friend. About yay high, black domino mask, Christmas coloured superhero suit with an R on the left breast of the chest plate. Goes by the name Robin. You seen him anywhere?" You politely ask.
The gruffy man hummed. "Hmm. Show me what you're made of little lady, and I might spill a secret or two," he disgustingly smirks.
You shrug. "Since you asked so nicely." Swiftly, you threw a knife at him, slicing right through his shoulder as the man howls in agony.
"YOU BITCH," he screams.
You slowly walk up to him, and right as he tries to throw a punch, you dug, slicing his leg with another one of your knives, making him tumble to the concrete.
As he lays on his back, you tower over him, your foot resting on top of the knife that was impaled through his shoulder, making him cry out in pain.
"Now you listen to me, pretty little thing," you smile, mocming him. "After this, you're going to live. Because the sight of a dead body makes me gag. But the catch is," You reach for your flamethrower from your back, pointing it to the man's crotch as he whimpers in fear. "You're gonna be walkin' around with a fried dick. So what's it gonna be? Giving me a location? Or giving yourself a grilled sausage?"
You blink twice before he yells and reveals where Jason is. "Thank you so much, sweetie," you smiled, moving the flamethrower away and your foot lifting off the knife, turning to go find your friend.
He sighs out in relief, but you then turn back around. Saying nothing else, you point the flamethrower at his face, setting it off, letting the flames char his skin.
You hide behind crates in a dimly lit, abandoned warehouse, trying to search for Jason. You then go into a different room, and upon going in, you see a figure tied up in a chair, mouth covered in a dirty rag and a blindfold over his eyes.
My poor- shit. I mean. Poor Jason. You think.
The room was empty. It's an opportunity for you to help him. You cut the ropes, take the rag, and blindfold off.
"Jay?" You whispered. "Jason, wake up, c'mon we gotta go." It was no use.
"So you're the little gal burning up faces," another rough voice says.
You stand up straight, facing the significantly larger man in front of you. "Why does everyone keep calling me that? I'm the average height," you complained, crossing your arms.
The man grunts, snapping his fingers. Then, what seemed to be a whole army of men dressed in black and white striped jumpsuits appeared from every corner, with crooked grins and nasal chuckles.
"Naw, but you'd be cut, chopped, and sliced into little pieces after we're done with you, little thing," he smiles.
"All of you against me?" You pouted. Well, that's just not fair, is it? How about a little disadvantage for you guys." You threw knives in all light sources, smashing the bulbs, now with the only source of ligbt being the moon shining out from a window or two.
You quickly whip out night vision goggles, activating them and your flamethrower ready in your hands.
You start blasting at all the men that attempt (and failed) to attack you, quickly burning their faces, hands, legs, all over their bodies.
All you could hear were the sounds of their writhing pain. You also made sure to stay close to Jason, making sure no one tried to hurt him.
Just as you were about to roast another guy, your flamethrower suddenly ran out of fuel.
"Well, shit," you muttered to yourself. "Old fashioned, it is."
You used the flamethrower itself as a combat weapon, hurling it through their guts and crotches, any of their most vulnerable areas.
The last guy to go down was the supposed leader. You smash the flamethrower into his head, probably leaving a dent, and he falls to the ground. You then take out any knives that remain, stabbing them through bith his shoulders and shins.
You took out your remaining anger and adrenaline out on him by using the flamethrower, striking it against his abdomen.
"Asshole! Perveted! Kidnapping! Ugly! Son! Of! A! Bitch!" You exclaim with every blow.
You pants, looking around the room full of unconscious men. Even the one in the cape.
You lift him up, throwing his arm over your shoulder, beginning to haul him out of the warehouse.
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By the time Jason woke uo, his head was spinning, his throat was dry, and his vision was blurry. He sits uo, trying to stay still to focus his vision. He then notices that his shirt is off and his torso is bandaged. There were also many patches all over his face.
He slowly gets uo from bed, wincing at the pain. On his nightstand, he sees a glass of water, pills and a sticky note.
"Take the pill and drink all the water, theatre nerd
- Other Nerd."
Jason couldn't help but smile at the little message and consideration. He did as was told, swallowing the pill and gulping down the water.
Wanting to get into bed, he heard voices coming out of his room. He leans against his dokr, trying to listen.
"Half of those guys are in death threatening condition! The other half have permanently damaged bones! You killed a guy, Y/n! When the fuck do you even kill!" It was Dick. Who seemed pissed. Wait.
Did he just put your name and the word kill in the same sentence?
"What was I meant to do, Dick? Lock them up and wait for them to escape again? You and I both know the justice system is bullshit!" You spit back.
"That doesn't make you the judge of death, Y/n!"
"What-Fucking-Ever! Here's an idea! Maybe if you had just a little faith in Jason, he wouldn't feel the need to go out there! He was just trying to help! You're his older brother. Act like it!" You bite, not wanting to hear another word coming out of Dick's mouth, and stormed into Jason's room.
Too bad you didn't know he was leaning on the other side of the door.
He grunts heavily, and you shove the door against him.
"Shit! Jay, what the hell are you doing out of bed!" You scold him, taking him by the arm and leading him back to bed.
"Hello to you too, nerd," he mumbles, lying back down.
"You just wake up? How you feelin'?" Your hand rests against his face.
"I'm fine. What happened?" He replies groggily.
You sighed, sitting on the floor, resting your chin on the edge of the bed. "You got kidnapped. Your tracker and wire went offline."
"So what were you and Dick arguing about?" His brows knit together.
Your head tilted so that you were leaning on your cheek.
"Just tell me, nerd," he scoffed.
"Went to save you on my own. Killed a guy," you shamefully admitted.
He smiled in disbelief. "I thought I was fuckin' hallucinating. Fuck, wished I was conscious to see you in action. You didn't even need to get me, nerd. I had everything under control." He scoffs at the end.
"Mm.. Okay, Mr. black eye and stabbed stomach," you reply tiredly, while poking his nose.
Jason sighs and stares at the ceiling. "Thanks." He mutters.You smile.
"Hm? What was that?" You tease.
"I'm not saying it again. You know what I said."
"Yeah, yeah. I know." You admire the side of his face.
"Why? Why go through all that, Y/n? You haven't even punched a person in who knows how long. And suddenly you put people in the hospital and kill someone? I don't understand," Jason suddenly says, turning to face you.
You look back at him. "They took you."
He shook his head, unsatisfied. "No. That's bullshit. Gar and Conner got kidnapped once. You didn't kill people then."
You looked away. "They aren't you." You mumble.
"So what? What the hell's so special about me, Y/n? Why do you care so much?" Jason was confused. He wanted answers as to why someone could care so much for him. He wanted to know why someone who doesn't believe in violence would kill for him when even his own family couldn't.
"I don't," you tried to excuse yourself. "But if they killed you, I would've killed everyone, and the Titans, and then myself," you casually say, still avoiding his gaze.
Jason couldn't help but snicker. "Sounds very caring to me, nerd," he lowly says.
You hum. "Mm, whatever."
He then dramatically sighs. "You know what, sweetheart. It's pretty cold up here. And I assume the floor isn't as comfortable as the bed," there's a look of both want and need in his eyes.
You smile. "What? Wamt a blankie?" You teased.
"Fuck, just come up here," he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
You said nothing else. Just quickly obliged, going around to the other side of the bed, lying beside him.
"You're too far," he complains.
"I'm gonna mess up your bandages," you pout.
"You're so stubborn," Jason says, using his gokd arm to pull you closer, making your head lay on his chest.
"You're one to talk," you snap, though nestling your head into his warmth.
He just hums in response, letting his lips linger on the crown of your head.
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I'M SORRY AGAIN, ANON. this is probably lame... and I didn't know how to end it
cries 🥲
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