#it was the best thing that happened these past days
ja3yun · 20 hours
Love Me Tender | S.JY
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bf!jaeyun x gf!reader warnings: smut (mdni), soft-dom jake, oral (f. rec), unprotected sex, cream pie, wax play, knife play, bondage, leather gloves, pussy slapping (once), nipple play, not proof read, anything else lmk. wc: 10.2k synopsis: when your tender, loving boyfriend jaeyun overhears a conversation about you wishing he was a bit rougher in bed, he vows to make sure you're completely satisfied, catering to all your hearts desires. a/n: hi! this is something i had sitting in my mind but also this is for my girl @yzzyhee because i genuinely cannot express my love or gratitude more than semi-dom, blonde jake. i hope you love it, mars and just know that i am and always will be proud of you, no matter what.
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“It’s great and, fuck, I love him so much. He’s the best thing that ever happened to me. It’s just…”
Just what?
Jaeyun halts abruptly outside your bedroom door as your muffled voice drifts through the wood. Having just returned from work, he had eagerly sprinted up the stairs upon seeing your shoes by the doorway, signalling your presence. Now, that excitement has dissipated, replaced by a creeping anxiety that crawls over his skin.
His mind races through every minor mistake he might have made in the past week to prompt you to discuss your relationship with someone else. No, you haven’t mentioned his name, he can’t fathom the idea of another man being the ‘best thing that ever happened to you’, so he jumps to conclusions.
Was it because he didn't clean on his day off last week? Or perhaps because he brought home that stray dog and begged you to keep her, even though neither of you had the time to give it the love it deserved? Jaeyun bites his bottom lip, pondering the meaning behind your words.
Leaning closer, he presses his hand against the door frame and hovers his ear just above the slit in the door to hear you better. In his eyes, everything in your relationship is more than fine, so he’s desperate to understand how he can fix whatever is wrong. If Jaeyun is determined to do one thing right in his life, it’s to be your perfect boyfriend.
The house is as quiet as a hairdresser's salon on a Monday morning, the silence thick and suffocating, until you break it with a sigh. “I just wish he was a bit rougher,” you finally say aloud, causing Jaeyun’s eyes to widen and ears to perk up. 
Of all the things in the world, he never expected you to say that. What do you mean rougher? He taps his foot on the carpet, as if trying to hurry your conversation along to hear your explanation. “He’s not bad in bed, far from it actually; he does this thing with his tongue that sends me to heaven…”
You trail off, and Jaeyun can vividly picture how you’re standing: your pretty pink lips caught between your teeth, a coy smile on your face, and your thighs rubbing together as you shift on your feet. There is a tiny swelling of pride adding to his emotions as you speak.
He knows how much you love his tongue, so much so that you’re often begging for it most nights and cumming on his face within minutes. His mind flashes back to those nights, your moans echoing in his memory.
That’s why it’s so hard for him to grasp what you’re talking about. He is rough with you to an extent - spanking your ass, sometimes tying you up, even pulling at your hair. Was that not enough for you? He’s always been scared of hurting you, even in those moments, so he can’t imagine going further than that. The thought of causing you pain, even unintentionally, sends a shiver down his spine.
“Yeah, exactly,” you agree with whoever is on the other line, “I want to just be manhandled and fucked like in the books we read or those Twitter porn videos. It’s just never going to happen, not with Jaeyun.”
Jaeyun’s body grows hot with nerves, goosebumps rising on his skin at your implication. Not with Jaeyun. What if you get bored every time he makes love to you and eventually leave him for someone else, someone who can fulfil those fantasies? The idea of losing you to someone else, someone who might treat you with the roughness you crave, makes his stomach churn with dread.
Oh, no. No, no, no. He cannot and will not let that happen. He refuses to lose you over something like this.
“Anyway, he’ll be home soon… No, I can’t say anything. You know how much he loves me. If I start asking him to edge me or bring a knife to a love fight, he would freak the fuck out,” you laugh disheartened, intending it as a joke but the sentence coming out as distant longing.
Jaeyun’s breath catches in his throat at the mention of a knife. You don’t mean a physical one right? It has to be a metaphor and you don’t want him to actually bring out the good kitchen knives and chop you up like yesterday’s salad? He’s not even a chef, never mind a butcher.
He hears you say your final goodbyes to your friend, causing him to silently run back to the top of the stairs, creating the facade that he has just arrived home. Just as he gets into place, you swing open your bedroom door and jolt back for a moment, surprised to see him there.
Swallowing the mix of hurt and apprehension, Jaeyun flashes the smile you fell in love with at first sight and walks over to you, pretending he didn’t hear a thing. “Hi, baby,” he says as chirpily as he can manage given the circumstances, walking towards you with an air of forced nonchalance.
“Hey, Jaeyun,” you say, looking him up and down with furrowed brows. “Babe, why are you so… all over the place?” The question isn’t misplaced. Despite his best attempts to conceal his true emotions, his body betrays him. His chest heaves as if he’s out of breath, his face is still flushed with a mix of embarrassment and nerves, and his hands tremble slightly.
“Oh, just those stairs, you know how they kill me,” he lets out a tense chuckle, trying to pass it off as his aversion to the gym.
Narrowing your eyes, you pout sceptically at his response, clearly not buying it. Your boyfriend might not frequent the gym, but he certainly plays football every Wednesday with his workmates, and his stamina during sex is nothing short of impressive. There’s definitely something else going on.
Now it’s your turn to get bitten by the anxiety bug. Surely he hadn’t overheard your conversation with Yeojeong just now? You would never be able to forgive yourself if he did because, in your mind, it wasn’t a complaint, just a small, wistful desire. But if he overheard, he might think it meant you were dissatisfied with him, even though that couldn't be further from the truth.
You blame the dark romance BookTok recommendations you've been indulging in for your sudden craving for a little, or a lot, of spice. That, and the three-month fascination you had with Ghostface after watching Scream 6.
Before your mind can wander to your boyfriend wearing a delicious mask as he pounds into you, you shake your head to clear your thoughts and smile widely, choosing to believe him over your own worries for a change. 
Encircling your arms around his waist, you place a kiss on his chest as you always do, hoping the tenderness and love from your lips reach his heart. “I would say go to the gym with me, but I like you just as you are,” you say gently, hoping that if he did, in fact, hear the conversation, it will put his mind at ease. That, and because you mean it wholeheartedly.
There isn’t a man in the world that could compare to your boyfriend, and you wouldn’t want to change any aspect of him. Not his tardiness, not his gentleness, and certainly not his soul.
Jaeyun feels your warmth and the sincerity in your voice. Your words provide a soothing balm to his frayed nerves. He wraps his arms around you tighter, resting his chin on the top of your head. “I love you so fucking much, Y/N. You know I would do anything for you, right?”
You look up at him and nod. “I know, baby.”
It’s strange how you are both having a silent conversation with your words. Each of you is reassuring the other, yet meaning different things. You are telling him that despite your own fantasies, he would never have to change just to meet them. 
Jaeyun, on the other hand, is conveying his commitment that he’s about to fulfil each and every single one of them.
Jaeyun waits anxiously for the sound of your keys jingling in the lock as you secure the door behind you. The moment he hears it, he springs into action, heart pounding with a mix of determination and trepidation. He’s taken the day off work specifically for this - a day to explore a world he has no right to be stepping into, but one he is compelled to understand for your sake.
As the sound of your footsteps fades away, Jaeyun makes his way to the bedroom, his sanctuary of comfort and intimacy. Today, however, it feels like uncharted territory. The room is filled with reminders of your shared life: photographs capturing moments of joy, your favourite books stacked neatly on the nightstand, and the scent of your perfume lingering in the air. It all feels both reassuring and daunting.
Jaeyun sits at your shared desk, his heart pounding as he opens your laptop. Rather than logging into his own account, he attempts to access yours. It’s not that you’ve ever hidden anything from him; he’s just never needed to know your password or lurk in your browsing history. You’ve always been an open book. That is, until now.
Determined to delve into your private world to better understand and satisfy your cravings in bed, Jaeyun convinces himself that his intentions are pure. Logging into your account and discovering any form of porn you might own feels inherently better than randomly searching the internet. Surely, you must have a treasure trove of knowledge about your desires just sitting in plain sight, waiting to be explored. He just needs the password to unlock it.
Staring at your account login screen, he watches the cursor blink patiently in the password box. His mind races, trying to guess what it could be. The first thing that comes to mind is your anniversary. With a confident smile, he types in the date, knowing that it’s his own password as well. But when the message ‘Incorrect Pin’ flashes on the screen, his confidence wavers. He sits back, eyes wide with surprise.
What could it possibly be, then? Jaeyun runs through a list of possible passwords in his mind: your birthday, the name of your favourite pet, maybe even a significant place. Each attempt is met with the same frustrating result—‘Incorrect Pin.’
After a few more failed tries, he feels a pang of guilt but pushes it aside. This is for the greater good, he tells himself. This is to make you happy. He takes a deep breath and thinks more deeply about what the password could be. Something personal, something meaningful. He recalls moments you've shared, your inside jokes, and your shared passions. Then it hits him: your favourite band.
If there was another Jaeyun in your life, it was Lee Jaeyun from TO1. He’s not a jealous person but for that man, he is the most green-nosed, spiteful gremlin. Day after day he has had to hear about him despite the short answers and disinterest he shows, it doesn’t deter you in the slightest. It doesn’t help they have the same name either.
Pulling out his phone, he searches for the leader’s date of birth, already resigned to the idea that this will work and that he will have to somehow get you to change it before he becomes the human embodiment of envy. Typing in ‘160800’, the computer finally unlocks with ease. His face falls as the screen reveals your desktop, confirming his suspicion. Maybe to save himself the tiny heartache, he should have just searched for all of this on his own account; that’s what he gets for snooping, he supposes.
Jaeyun takes a moment to compose himself, shaking off the petty jealousy that flares up. He reminds himself why he’s doing this: to better understand your desires and make you happy. With a sigh, he begins navigating through your files, searching for anything that might give him insight into your fantasies.
The wallpaper is a picture of you and him on your third date to the petting farm. You both were covered up to the heavens, puffer jackets, scarves, and gloves to match since it was a bitingly cold winter. Jaeyun had insisted you go to the Christmas markets since it was one of the most romantic things to do; taking pictures under the lights and riding the swings, all while sharing kisses and nuzzling his nose with yours in an attempt to stay warm in the night.
But you had other plans. You wanted to see the cows and pigs instead, petting them and feeding them with the guidance of the farmer. It was one of the best dates of your life, Jaeyun had never seen you on such a high and he has still to replicate the elation on your face from the picture. Despite both of you getting covered in mud and earning a cold from the trip - that just meant cuddles in bed the next few days which then resulted in the first ‘I love you’ being shared - he is so glad you talked him into it.
His heart pounds at the memory, a fond smile growing on his face. There is no better joy to him than seeing you happy. And that brings him back to his original task.
Clicking on the browser, Jaeyun goes to your bookmarks first, scouring for anything that could seem on the darker side. However, it’s filled with movie links and furniture you’re considering buying when you redecorate the living room.
He then recalls something you said on the phone about BookTok and frantically searches for the app on the computer. Once he sees the familiar logo, he clicks on it quickly and heads straight for your favourites. Luckily for him, you are a folder freak and categorise everything, so it’s easy to scroll past the TO1 edits, cooking recipes, and things Jaeyun would like folders to find the coveted book rec folder.
He clicks on the first one and grabs his phone, ready to make a list of every kink that is hidden within the reviews. Two hours and fourteen minutes later, he finds his mind completely immersed in your fantasy world filled with CEOs, bikers, vampires, guns, knives, BDSM, corruption, cockwarming, and many, many, other things. Each paragraph and trigger warning becomes more outlandish than the last, and he realises he may have bitten off more than he can chew.
Jaeyun is thankful there isn’t anything that seems too brutal in there, but there are definitely some things he just point-blank refuses to take part in. Personally, he can’t imagine you are into some of the more extreme aspects either, but he understands that some elements come hand-in-hand with books like these. A few ideas are swirling in his head, however. There are things he doesn’t know if he can do, but for you, he will try his best.
As Jaeyun jots down notes, he starts with the milder kinks and gradually works his way up to the more intense ones: dominance and submission, rough play, role-playing, and bondage. These are things he feels he can explore with you, drawing inspiration from the confident and assertive male leads he's encountered in your favourite books. He imagines scenarios where he takes control, ties you up, and whispers dirty things in your ear—thankful to those characters for providing him with some content to work with. His pulse quickens at the thought, a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through him.
Yet, there is one recurring theme that stands out among all your fantasies:
It’s something you verbally pointed out in the phone call and is flagged as a potential trigger in almost all of the books you've favourited. The mere thought of it makes Jaeyun’s cheeks flush and sends a chill down his body. The idea of causing you harm, even in a controlled and consensual manner, is unsettling to him.
But Jaeyun is committed to understanding and fulfilling your desires. He knows this is about pleasing you and embracing your fantasies to keep his role as your perfect partner. There must be safe ways to explore this particular kink, ways that satisfy your cravings without risking harm. 
So, with determination, Jaeyun rolls up his sleeves and cracks his neck from side to side, preparing himself for a deep dive into your kink. Tonight, he will make sure you never have to go back to those books again.
Walking through the door, you see the lights entirely out, causing a bit of alarm to ring inside your chest. Jaeyun is always home by now on his days off, so it’s strange that the house is in darkness.
“Baby? Are you home?” you whisper-shout, just on the off chance that he has decided to take a nap and it’s run through to 8pm. He has been working hard the past few days, so exhaustion is granted, but it’s just not like him to at least wait up for you.
You take off your shoes and place your bag next to the door, waiting for a response that never comes. Arching a brow, you look around, seeing that the house is in peak condition, just the way you left it this morning. Jaeyun is notorious for leaving a pint glass on the table and a plate that held his lunch on the coffee table, yet, nothing.
Gingerly, you make your way up the stairs, the balls of your feet never hitting the surface as you tiptoe slowly. You can’t understand why your mind went straight to a man murdering your lover while you were away, yet, your brain has conjured up this picture in your mind. The thought makes your heart pound and your throat go dry; if there was one person you couldn’t live without, it was Jaeyun.
“Baby, please answer me?” you say a bit louder at the top of the stairs, hoping he’ll respond and dispel any worries that are currently stabbing in your heart.
There is a soft flicker coming from your bedroom, a golden hue seeping through the glass pane at the top. It doesn’t smell like a fire, and you don’t own a lamp like that, so your curiosity is piqued. Your favourite scent of vanilla and amberwood engulfs the hall, causing you to drift rather than charge to your bedroom. The familiar fragrance calms your nerves, making you feel like you’re being welcomed home in the most intimate way.
Reaching for the door, you timidly open it, your hand trembling slightly. As the door creaks open, the soft glow of candlelight bathes the room in a warm, intimate atmosphere. The bed is adorned with fresh, crisp linens, and there are petals of your favourite pink and yellow tulips scattered over the floor. You’ve never been one for roses, and Jaeyun knows this, opting to get you only the best. The sight of the room, meticulously prepared, tugs at your heartstrings, filling you with a blend of love and anticipation.
You step further into the room, careful not to disrupt the scene before you. The effort Jaeyun has put into this is clearly extensive, and you would hate to mess with it before he has the chance to show it off to you. That does beg the question, though: where is he?
Just as you mentally ponder his whereabouts, you feel a pair of hands grip your shoulders, massaging you slowly. The sensation is different, though; it’s not Jaeyun’s normal soft touch. His fingers feel chunkier and are clearly covered by something. A shiver runs down your spine as the mystery deepens.
“I thought you were never coming home, baby,” he whispers into your ear, his lips softly grazing your lobe as he speaks. The sensation of his proximity and the lower octave of his tone instantly travels down to your core. There’s an edge to his voice that you’ve never heard before, making your pulse quicken with a mix of excitement and nervousness.
You twist your head to look at him, but the darkness of the room prevents you from fully seeing his beautiful, strong features, however, that big nose and blonde hair are still prominent enough to make you weak. What you do notice in addition, though, are the thick, black leather gloves that hold you in place. The sight of them makes your heart race; they add an unexpected, thrilling element to the scene.
In confusion, you reach up to touch them, the feeling of them oddly cool despite the heat invading both the room and your body. “Jaeyun, it’s like 16 degrees outside, why are you—”
“Shh, I’m doing something special for you. Just relax, Princess.” The use of “Princess” sends a jolt through you. It’s a term of endearment reserved for special occasions: birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays. It must mean you are either forgetting a crucial moment in your relationship or he’s up to something. Boyfriends don’t do “something special” without a reason.
Turning your body to face him, you eye him with intense scepticism. “What did you do wrong?”
He laughs, but it’s not his usual heart-warming giggle. It’s mocking, as if you have the nerve to ask the question. “Me? I think it was you who did something wrong, baby"
Okay, now you really are confused. There is nothing you have done wrong, and you know it. Plus, if you did, Jaeyun would whine about it to you right after and make you give at least three kisses as an apology. Now that you look at him, you take in his appearance. His beautiful blonde hair styled to fall just slightly over his usual puppy eyes, the water ducts of his eyelids are painted with a subtle liner, and there is a red tint to his lips, only making them more enticing. The cute boyfriend you love so dearly is nowhere to be seen, instead replaced by a smug-looking man with eyes glaring into yours.
What you don’t know is that Jaeyun’s heart is pounding in his chest, and the fire in his eyes is determined to see this plan through. He needs everything to go well, and that means staying in character and giving you the fucking you deserve, the one you crave so bad.
“What did I do, Jaeyun?” you ask a bit breathlessly, a frown forming on your face at the prospect of hurting your man. The idea of disappointing him gnaws at your heart, yet the unfamiliar intensity in his eyes sends a thrill through you.
It almost cracks Jaeyun’s well-curated persona that he spent all afternoon figuring out, from the white shirt with the collar open and the sleeves rolled up, the gloves on his hands, to the daring glint in his eye. He’s determined to give you everything your heart desires tonight. He softens his gaze, just a touch, and his hand gently runs over your cheek, the once thoughtful and endearing gesture now turned slightly sinister with the leather of the glove, the cracks bumping over your blushed skin.
“You did something bad, Princess, something I’m going to have to punish you for,” he replies to your question, never actually answering it but rather giving you more queries. His voice is firm, leaving no room for argument, and it makes your heart pound in your chest. You’re torn between trepidation and arousal, the lines between them blurring as you stand before him.
He takes his eyes off of you, giving up the harsh stare, and focuses on your work shirt. “Take it off,” he instructs demandingly, his eyebrows arching expectantly. His tone leaves no room for hesitation, and your hands move almost automatically.
Almost under a spell, you nod, fumbling with the top button. Your mind is racing with trepidation and nervousness as you try to process this new side of your boyfriend. You aren’t complaining; he looks fucking hot, and the way he’s directing you is making your legs shake in the best possible way. The atmosphere in the room is charged with raw, electric energy, every second stretching out with heightened anticipation.
He watches the first few buttons pop open, but you’re going far too slow for him, causing him to take action. He grabs the flimsy collar of your pink shirt, ripping it open with tenacity. Buttons fly across the room and clatter against the surfaces of the floor and the chest of drawers, your shocked gasp echoing the sound.
A smirk marks his face as he sees the pretty white bra holding your perfect tits up. He loves your body more than anything, and honestly, he isn’t thrilled about marking it up tonight. However, the more he thinks about it, something is enticing about the marks being made by him. His desire to please you is interwoven with a burgeoning sense of ownership and dominance, the sight of you laid bare before him stirring something deep within, the persona of being dominant now enveloping his whole demeanour.
“Are you wearing the matching panties?” he asks carefully, knowing full well you never leave the house in an odd set, scared of the bad luck it could bring. 
Nodding, you already know what he is asking and unzip your black, matt skirt, letting it fall to the floor as you stand in nothing but the lingerie set you bought spontaneously, and by fuck are you glad you wore it today. It was not intentional, your expectations of coming home were not to this but rather a quiet night in the way you usually do, but something compelled you to the sexier underwear today. Perhaps in the back of your mind, you knew something special was going to happen. 
Jaeyun takes you in, staring blatantly at your body and thinks of all the ways he is ready to take you tonight. He wants this to be the best fuck you’ve ever had and you are making it so easy for him to do so.
“Fuck, you are so beautiful, Princess,” he compliments, looking at you with hungry eyes. The gesture should make you feel insecure but it only fuels your need to have him closer. Blushing you look down, which he quickly rectifies, grasping at your jaw tight enough for you to feel commanded but not hurt, and brings his face closer to yours. “Get on the bed, on your knees and wait until I tell you to move.”
If your pussy could cry, it would. Your typical love-making boyfriend is now showing his more dominant side, and it’s driving you wild. You move to the bed, your legs feeling like jelly, and position yourself on your knees as instructed. The air is thick with anticipation, your body aching for his touch.
Jaeyun watches you, his eyes dark with desire. He takes a moment to appreciate the sight before him: you, waiting obediently, dressed in nothing but that perfect lingerie set. His heart pounds in his chest, a mix of love and primal need fueling his actions. He wants to make you feel things you’ve never felt before, to push the boundaries of pleasure and trust between you.
Walking towards you, he climbs onto the bed, positioning himself behind you. His gloved hands run down your back, the cool leather a stark contrast to your heated skin. “You look so fucking perfect like this,” he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion and desire. The sensation of his gloved hands on your bare skin sends waves of pleasure through you, making you arch your back slightly, seeking more of him.
He reaches around to cup your breasts, squeezing them gently through the lace of your bra. The pressure is just right, enough to make you gasp and press back against him. “Do you like that, Princess?” he asks, his lips brushing against your ear.
“Yes,” you breathe out, the word escaping you in a rush of need.
“Good,” he replies, his hands moving to unclasp your bra. “I want to hear you tonight. I want to know exactly how much you’re enjoying this. And if I need to stop, say the word and I will.”
Before you can fully comprehend his words, Jaeyun reaches to the side of the bed, retrieving something. The air is thick with anticipation, the suspense almost tangible. The idea that your typically gentle boyfriend has transformed into someone so dominant is exhilarating. Your heart races as you wait for his next move, the atmosphere charged with excitement.
Suddenly, your hands are bound together with a silky pink ribbon. The fabric is soft against your skin, a stark contrast to the intense emotions bubbling inside you. A shiver of need runs down your spine, your breath hitching as Jaeyun tightens the ribbon around your wrists. This gentle restraint heightens your vulnerability, making you feel even more exposed and ready for whatever Jaeyun has planned.
He ties the ribbon into a delicate bow, his fingers moving with confident precision. The care he takes with each loop and knot sends a wave of warmth through you, reminding you of the love and trust that form the foundation of this intense experience, one you didn’t ask him for yet somehow he knew you wanted The bow rests softly against your skin, a symbol of the control you've willingly surrendered to him.
"Beautiful," he murmurs, his voice filled with admiration and desire. Leaning in, his lips brush against your ear as he whispers, "You’re perfect like this, Princess."
His words send a rush of heat through you, particularly to your core, your body responding to the deep, commanding tone. Every touch, every whisper, ignites a fire within you, your anticipation almost unbearable. The sensation of being bound and at his mercy only heightens your arousal. This is what you have been craving and he is feeding you full.
Jaeyun's gloved hands move slowly over your body, exploring every inch of your exposed skin. The cool leather contrasts with your warmth, sending shivers of pleasure through you. He traces the curve of your neck, the swell of your breasts, and the dip of your waist, his touch both gentle and firm. Each caress leaves a trail of tingling sensation, your body hypersensitive to his every movement.
Kneeling behind you, his chest pressed against your back, he whispers, "You trust me, don’t you?"
"Always" you breathe out, your voice a mix of need and certainty. You trust him completely, ready to let him guide you through this new and exhilarating experience. Although you have always dreamed of this, you still don’t really know what to expect but if Jaeyun is on the other side of it, you feel more than safe.
His hands sliding down your arms to rest on your bound wrists. He holds them gently, the ribbon a reminder of your submission. "I’m going to make you feel so good, Princess."
His words are filled with love and adoration despite the commanding edge in his tone and grip. While he is playing the role of a dominant, the tenderness and affection he has for you remain palpable. He is still your loving boyfriend, and he will ensure you feel cherished and safe throughout this experience.
With a careful, guiding touch, he lays you down on your back, your bound hands resting against your stomach. He moves your legs so you're completely flat and comfortable against the mattress. The vulnerability of your position heightens your awareness of every sensation, yet you surrender yourself to him with ease, trusting him completely.
Jaeyun's smile is a mixture of pride and desire as he observes your obedience. He climbs over you, reaching for one of the candles on the bedside table. The soft glow of the flame illuminates his face, casting shadows that dance across his features, making him look even more enticing.
Sitting himself firmly over your core, he holds the candle above you, the wax slowly beginning to melt. The anticipation sends shivers through your body, the heat from the candle contrasting with the coolness of the room. This was something you always wished to try, granted, it was on him rather than you but you welcomed the experience nonetheless.
"Are you ready, Princess?" he asks, his voice a husky whisper filled with promise.
You nod, your breath hitching in your throat. "Yes," you manage to whisper, your voice trembling with a mixture of fear and excitement.
His eyes lock onto yours, ensuring you are fully present in this moment. "Tell me if it’s too much," he instructs, his tone softening for a moment. He wants to be rough with you but also let you know that you are in control to stop and go as you please.
"I will," you promise, trusting him implicitly.
With that, he tilts the candle, allowing a drop of hot wax to fall onto your bare skin, just above your breast. The sensation is sharp and intense, a sudden burst of heat that quickly cools, leaving a tingling trail of pleasure in its wake. You gasp, your body arching slightly at the unexpected sensation. Instinctively, your arms move to reach for him, but bound by the ribbon, all you can do is stretch them above your head, your fists clenching. There is nothing you can do because if you interfere, he will simply stop, and that is the last thing you want.
So, you bear the mingling pain and pleasure, wiggling under him with lust as your arousal soaks the freshly made bed. Each drop of wax is accompanied by the heat of the flame, adding to the wonder you are feeling. The mixture of sensations – the heat of the wax, the coolness of the air, the firmness of the mattress beneath you, and the weight of Jaeyun’s body – creates a symphony of pleasure that envelops you completely. Your breaths come in short, shallow gasps, your mind consumed by the intense, intoxicating experience.
Your legs kick involuntarily as he moves the candle lower, dripping the hot wax into your navel. The feeling is overwhelming over the sensitive area, making your whole body yelp and your hips buck up into him. Each new drop intensifies your arousal, your body responding eagerly to the mix of pleasure and slight pain.
Jaeyun's eyes darken with satisfaction at your reactions, his dominant persona growing stronger. The wax paints your body like paint on a fresh canvas, telling a story of your shared passion and want. The sight is so beautiful he can’t believe he created such a masterpiece. 
Satisfied with his work, he sets the candle aside and runs his gloved hands over your body, tracing the cooling trails of wax with a gentle touch. The contrasting sensations of the smooth leather against your heated skin make you shiver, your body hypersensitive to his every touch.
"You're doing so well, Princess," he praises, his voice a low, soothing rumble that sends waves of pleasure through you. 
His hands move lower, parting your thighs as he positions himself between them, his body sleeking to lie half on and half off the bed. The anticipation is almost unbearable, your body aching for his touch, for his tongue. He leans down, his breath hot against your core, and you can feel your heart pounding in your chest. 
Nothing makes you happier than when Jaeyun is between your legs and that skilful tongue of his is making you cum over and over again. With your hands tied to grant you just enough freedom, you reach down into his hair and grasp it, guiding him closer to where you need it most.
“Jaeyun, please, I need you so bad,” you whimper, the tone of your voice desperate and needy much to his satisfaction. 
He looks up at you, his eyes dark with desire. "God, I love it when you beg," he murmurs, his lips curling into a knowing grin. If there is one thing he always makes you do in the bedroom, it’s begging, and fuck does he eat it up every single time.
Without an ounce of hesitation, his mouth descends upon you, his tongue circling your clit with fervour, his lips creating a comforting cocoon around his actions. The grip on his blonde hair is harsher than before, your fingers threading through with ease as you push him further into your heat, his nose subsequently grazing just above where he is focusing. The sensation sends shivers down your spine, each flick of his tongue sending pulses of pleasure through your body.
His still-gloved hands grip your thighs and push them apart, holding you wide open for him as he sucks and licks with velocity. His eagerness to please you is seeping through, the boyfriend that you know and love with a need to make sure you’re receiving the most intense experience of your life. The leather of his gloves against your skin adds an unexpected thrill, a reminder of the control he holds and the lengths he is willing to go to make you feel incredible.
Sucking on your bud, his eyes glance up at you with a mischievous glint, watching your every reaction. The connection between you deepens, a silent communication passing between you, the love he has for you evident in the sparkle you see flash before you. Your breath hitches, and your back arches off the bed as his tongue works its magic, each movement precise and deliberate; your body is his instrument, and he is playing it masterfully, drawing out notes of ecstasy that resonate in your very core. 
Your moans grow louder, more desperate, filling the room with the sounds of your pleasure. Jaeyun's grip on your thighs tightens, his determination evident in the way he devours you. He knows exactly how to push you to the edge, his tongue and lips working in perfect harmony to bring you to the brink of orgasm.
"Please, Jaeyun," you gasp, your voice barely a whisper, laced with need.
His response is a deep, satisfied hum against your clit, the vibrations adding another layer to your mounting pleasure. The combination of his skilled mouth and the teasing flicks of his tongue drive you wild, your body trembling with the intensity of your arousal. 
Just when you think you can't take it anymore, he increases his pace, his tongue moving faster, his suction stronger. The world fades away, leaving only the overwhelming sensation of his mouth on you, the heat pooling in your belly, ready to explode.
With a final, powerful suck, he sends you over the edge. Your orgasm crashes over you like a tidal wave, your body convulsing with pleasure, your moans turning into cries of rapture. He doesn't stop, prolonging your climax, drawing out every last bit of pleasure until you're left breathless and spent.
Jaeyun laps up all of your juices like a dog craving water in the summer sun,  his eyes closed to enhance his senses as he cleans you up. He loves nothing more than eating you out, seeing it as an honour rather than a chore. The taste and smell of you drive him wild. He continues to slurp your essence, even though you’re squirming each time the tip of his tongue drags along your clit.
“Jaeyun, it’s too much,” you gasp as he nibbles around your sensitive area, each touch sending shivers through your body.
Removing his face from your cunt, he licks the wetness from his lips with a sadistic smirk, his eyes predatory and ready to ravage you at any moment. The intense gaze makes you shudder with longing, the need for his cock so obvious that you’re moving down with your legs, your pussy chasing his still-clothed erection.
But Jaeyun has other plans, much more sinister plans.
“Don’t be so needy, Princess,” he growls, slapping your pussy once and snapping his fingers. “Move up.” The command in his voice leaves you no room for error or hesitation. You move up, the restraint on your wrists making it a little more difficult than anticipated.
As you lay your head on the soft pillow that carries his scent, Jaeyun smiles in satisfaction, reaching under the bed to find something. If it’s anything like the silk ribbon that is still bounding your wrists, you’re excitedly awaiting the reveal. The prolepsis is almost too much to bear, your heart pounding in your chest as you watch him find exactly what he is looking for.
When his hand re-emerges, it holds a knife: the handle thick and enticing, the blade sharp and dangerous . Your eyes widen in a mix of fear and excitement, your breath catching in your throat. This is all you’ve ever wanted, a fantasy you’ve kept hidden, and now it’s coming to life. How did he know?
The sight of the silver glinting in the candlelight sends a thrill through you, your body trembling with a potent blend of arousal and trepidation. If there was one thing you never expected Jaeyun to do, it was this. Often, he would apologise during sex if he pressed into you too hard, so you can’t understand what the sudden change is about.
Tying you up, slapping your pussy, all of that you could understand, none causing enough damage to scar you, yet the knife he wields is an instrument meant to deface you in some way, to hurt you which is exactly the opposite of anything Jaeyun has ever wished to do upon you.
Rolling the knife between his covered fingers as though it is a drumstick, he looks at you menacingly. “Does this shit turn you on? A knife?” he scoffs at the question he doesn’t expect an answer for. “It can do so much damage yet you finger yourself over the thought of it, don’t you?”
All the novels you’ve read suddenly come rushing back but you swore you never spoke to him about this before. Knives aren’t exactly a common bedroom item so for him to know this tiny detail about your fantasy is so…
…The phone call. He did hear it.  
Your heartbeat quickens with a mixture of love and anxiety. Jaeyun is doing all of this for you because of what you said, going to extraordinary lengths to fulfil your desires. Most wouldn’t care to cater to your wants, yet here he is, stepping out of his comfort zone just to please you. The realisation floods through you, bringing a wave of gratitude and affection.
Jaeyun notices the shift in your expression immediately, smiling knowingly. “Oh, yeah, I know all about your twisted fantasies,” he smirks, pointing the knife to himself. At first, panic grips you, fearing what he might do, but to your relief, he catches the blade on his shirt and drags it down with force, ripping the material effortlessly, and leaving his torso exposed. “And I’m going to make sure every single one of them comes true.”
Taking in the sight of his abs, you whimper, longing to touch them, yet you resist, keeping your hands firmly above your head in obedience. Jaeyun’s body causes butterflies to erupt in your tummy, the movement stirring your arousal even more.
He brings the knife to your chest, pressing ever so lightly. He spent considerable time practising the pressure of the blade on various objects, ensuring he wouldn’t hurt you in any way. His meticulous preparation is evident as he caters to your needs without going too far.
Your lungs tighten as you feel the cold steel between your breasts, the sharp tip piercing just enough to feel it but not cutting you. The sensation is electrifying, a blend of fear and excitement that heightens every nerve in your body. Your breaths come in shallow gasps, your chest rising and falling rapidly under his touch.
“Just breathe, Princess,” Jaeyun murmurs soothingly, his voice a gentle counterpoint to the sharpness of the knife. His eyes never leave yours, maintaining a connection that grounds you even in the intensity of the moment. The trust between you is palpable, a silent understanding that he will never truly harm you.
He moves the blade with precision, tracing patterns over your skin, each touch sending shivers down your spine. The cool metal contrasts with the heat of your body, creating a tantalising mix of sensations that leaves you breathless. Your nipples harden, the chill of the knife adding to your arousal.
Jaeyun’s eyes darken with desire as he watches your reactions, his own arousal evident in the bulge pressing against his trousers. The power he wields, the control he has over your pleasure, fuels his own need despite his own worries, making him more determined to give you everything you desire.
The knife slides down to your stomach, pressing lightly against your navel. The sensation is both thrilling and terrifying, your body trembling under his ministrations. You can feel every inch of the blade’s journey, the delicate pressure a reminder of his control and your submission. The cold steel creates a stark contrast to the heat radiating from your body, each touch sending shivers down your spine.
“Is this what you wanted, Princess?” he asks, his voice a seductive whisper. The intensity in his eyes makes your core tighten, your need for him overwhelming. The power dynamic between you amplifies your arousal, each moment of vulnerability intensifying the bond you share.
“Fuck, yes,” you breathe out, swallowing air as your mouth dries up in complete lust for the man. The anticipation and desire build within you, each second stretched taut with expectation.
Jaeyun pouts mockingly, the corners of his lips curling into a teasing smile. The blade digs a tiny bit deeper, just enough to nick your skin but not draw blood. The sharp sting elicits a gasp from your lips, a mix of pain and pleasure that sends waves of heat through your body. The sensation is electrifying, your senses heightened by the thrill of the knife's edge and the knowledge of Jaeyun’s precise control.
His eyes never leave yours, the connection between you unbreakable. The trust and love you share make this moment possible, allowing you to surrender completely to his whims. His free hand moves to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing over your lips tenderly, a stark contrast to the harshness of the blade against your skin. The leather of his glove traces your lip and you suck on it gently, sparking a twitch in his cock.
“You’re so beautiful when you’re like this,” he murmurs, his voice thick with desire. “So perfect.”
His words, filled with adoration and possessiveness, send another wave of arousal through you. Every touch, every word, is a testament to his dedication to you, his willingness to explore your deepest fantasies.
His lips lean into yours, the edge of the blade now scarily close to your tender area. You quiver, scared yet enthralled at the idea that one move could change the pace of this night. His plump lips peck yours, leaving you longing for more, but he is already pulling away, sitting back up and looking thoughtfully at the knife in his hand.
“It’s strange that you crave this. I’m still trying to understand what it is about it that you love so much,” he questions, the shine of the steel hitting the candlelight once more. “Is it really better than my cock?”
You shake your head frantically, never wishing to set doubts into his head about his ability to please you. That cock has done more for you in the two years you have been together than anyone has ever done in your life. The planets that rocket has taken you to is more than you could ever wish for, no kink could ever top it.
Swiftly, he flicks the knife in his hand, the blade digging into his glove. To be fair, the whole reason he put on the gloves was exactly for this reason. Initially, he was going to spread you open and fuck you with it handle first just like in the books he skimmed on TikTok, but as he kneels between your thighs, power in his hands, he realises this is his opportunity to show you just how little you need this to satisfy you.
Licking his lips, he drags the handle down your slit, causing you to mewl out in want. At this point, you’ll take anything, all the teasing from him and greed to be fulfilled inside your body is too much to ignore. You need to be stuffed by something and you need it now.
The curve of the haft sits teasingly at your entrance, begging to be inside you, or rather, you’re begging it to be inside you. Your hips lift instinctively, seeking the pressure and the pleasure that promises to follow. Your breaths come in short, desperate gasps, your eyes locked onto his, silently pleading for release.
Jaeyun’s eyes burn with an intensity that matches your own. “You want this, don’t you?” he murmurs, his voice low and rough. The way he looks at you, with a mixture of dominance and affection, sends shivers down your spine.
“Yes,” you whisper, your voice trembling. “Please, Jaeyun, I need it.”
His smirk widens at your admission. “Too bad, Princess,” he suddenly chucks the knife away, the metal clattering against the floor as it slides out of reach. Your eyes widen in shock and confusion, a whimper escaping your lips at the unexpected turn of events.
“But-” you begin, your voice cracking with desperation. Jaeyun silences you with a finger pressed to your lips, his expression softening just a fraction as he leans in close.
“Trust me,” he murmurs, his breath warm against your skin. “I know what you need more than you do.”
With that, he shifts his position, his body pressing you down into the mattress with a delicious weight. He whips off his gloves and his bare hands roam your body, fingers tracing over your sensitive skin, sending sparks of pleasure wherever they touch. The sensation of his skin against your flesh is intoxicating and desperately what you need, heightening your awareness of every movement.
Jaeyun’s mouth moves down, his lips enveloping your breast, taking a nipple between his teeth and tugging lightly. You gasp, the sharp pleasure shooting straight to your core, your hips lifting instinctively to seek more contact.
“Jaeyun,” you moan, your voice a desperate plea. In response, he lavishes attention on your other breast, his tongue flicking over the hardened peak, sending waves of pleasure coursing through you.
“I love it when you say my name like that,” he growls against your skin, his hands moving to grip your hips with a possessive intensity, just harsh enough to bruise you tomorrow. “Give me your wrists.”
Obliging, you offer your tied hands, presenting them as though they are a gift from you to him. The look in his eyes is fierce and tender all at once. He takes one of the ends of the bow, biting it gently before pulling, undoing his knot from earlier. The scene before you is so sensual that a tear rolls down your cheek, falling onto the bed beneath you.
The ribbon falls between you, resting on your body adorned with drops of wax. Jaeyun leaves it there, loving the way it decorates your skin. His eyes trace the path of the ribbon, admiring the contrast against your flesh.
He leans down, kissing the tear-streaked path on your cheek. “You’re beautiful,” he whispers, his voice a mix of awe and adoration. “And you’re mine.”
His words send a shiver through you, the possessiveness in his tone amplifying your desire. His hands slide down your sides, fingers tracing the curves of your body with reverence. Every touch and every movement is deliberate, designed to heighten your pleasure.
Jaeyun’s lips follow the path of his hands, trailing kisses down your stomach, pausing to nuzzle the delicate skin just above your navel. His breath is warm against your skin, the sensation sending sparks of anticipation through you.
“Tell me what you want, Princess,” he murmurs, his voice a seductive growl. “I want to hear you say it.”
“I want you,” you breathe out, your voice trembling with need. “I need you inside me, Jaeyun.”
He smiles, already on his way to unbutton his slacks and take them off, trying his best to do it gracefully while still kneeling on the bed. Once his cock is free, his right hand grasps it firmly, stroking it with laziness. 
The tip of his cock looks so delectable, the red, angry tip is begging to be satisfied, meaning he is enjoying this just as much as you are. Holding you steady, he positions himself between your thighs. The anticipation is almost unbearable, your body aching for his touch, for the feeling of him filling you completely.
“Please,” you beg, your voice breathless with need. “I need you, Jaeyun.”
“More than a knife?”
“Fuck the knife, I only want you, baby. Forever,” you whimper out, your pussy instinctively bucking up to find his cock, like two magnets destined for one another, just like your hearts. Never in your dreams did you think you could find a man like him, someone so easily willing to love you and everything you are, even the desires you hold deep in your heart.
His eyes gleam the same way they do when you tell him you love him or leave him to go to work. It’s adoration and acceptance that runs constantly throughout his blood and bones. The connection between you is palpable, a silent agreement that no matter where your fantasies take you, the love and trust you share will always bring you back to each other.
With a slow, deliberate movement, Jaeyun eases into you, the feeling of him stretching and filling you is pure bliss. You both let out a collective sigh, the initial penetration electrifying every nerve in your body. The sensation of him inside you, coupled with the weight of his body pressing you into the mattress, is overwhelming in the best possible way.
“God, you feel so good,” he groans, his voice thick with gratification. He pauses for a moment, allowing you both to savour the connection before he begins to move.
His thrusts start slow, each one measured and deep, designed to draw out the pleasure and build the anticipation. Your hands grip his shoulders, nails digging into his skin as you arch your back, meeting each of his movements with equal fervour.
The room fills with the symphony of your passion, the rhythmic slap of skin against skin, the creak of the bed, and your shared moans of ecstasy. Every thrust sends waves of pleasure crashing through you, your senses heightened, your body responding to his every touch.
“Jaeyun,” you gasp, your voice a breathless plea. “Harder.”
His eyes flash with a primal intensity, and he complies, increasing the force and speed of his thrusts. The bed shakes beneath you, the headboard tapping rhythmically against the wall as he drives into you with a fierce, unrelenting pace.
You grip the sheets tightly as the tip of his cock bruises your cervix, his hips moving with pure desire. This is the hardest he’s fucked you in his life, the grip on your waist and the powerful thrusts enough to leave marks. His lips devour yours in a passionate kiss, adding to the perfect blend of love and rawness you’ve been craving.
Tears well up in your eyes as he takes you to greater heights than anyone has before. You've never needed elaborate kinks to feel satisfied; you just needed Jaeyun. Yet, as he dominates you now, you realise how intoxicating his control can be. Maybe he could adopt this dominant persona more often because he is undeniably skilled at it.
Every movement, every touch, and every word from him ignites a fire within you, building towards an explosive climax. The room echoes with your shared moans, the bed creaking in protest as he thrusts into you relentlessly. Each sensation, from the sting of his bites to the deep ache of his penetration, pushes you closer to the edge of euphoria.
As your bodies meld together in passion and rhythm, you feel a deep connection that transcends mere physicality. It’s a dance of trust and desire, a symphony of pleasure orchestrated by the man who knows you intimately. In this moment, wrapped in his arms and lost in the ecstasy of his love, you realise that Jaeyun is not just fulfilling your fantasies - he’s surpassing them, guiding you to realms of bliss you never dared to imagine.
“I’m close, Princess,” he mutters, his head burying deep into your neck as his hips falter slightly.
You nod eagerly, your nails digging into his back to convey your urgency, the pleasure building to an almost unbearable peak. His cock feels so snug inside you that when you tighten involuntarily at his words, he’s drawn deeper into your depths, unable to resist your passionate grip as you cascade violently into orgasm.
“Fuck, Jaeyun!” you scream, your mouth agape and eyes squeezed shut, surrendering to the overwhelming wave of pleasure that engulfs every one of your senses. The intensity of your release leaves you trembling, your body quaking with the aftershocks of ecstasy as he continues to drive into you, prolonging your shared ecstasy.
In the midst of your euphoria, you feel Jaeyun’s own climax building, his movements becoming more urgent and erratic. His moans mingle with yours in a symphony of shared pleasure, the culmination of desire and connection that binds you together in this intimate moment.
As he finds release within you, his body stiffens with the force of his orgasm, his breaths ragged against your skin. He drawls out a long and desperate ‘fuck’ as he released his seed inside of you, painting your walls a pretty shade of white, the warmth of his cum somehow a soothing balm over to your shaking rapture.
Both of your hearts are racing as you come down, each of you just lost in sloppy kisses and hands roaming over one another. This was easily the most intense orgasm you have ever had thanks to the build-up that Jaeyun has provided and he feels the exact same way.
In the quiet aftermath, as you lie entwined and breathless, you revel in the depth of your connection with Jaeyun. Each gasp and whispered declaration of love reaffirms the bond you share, a bond forged through trust, intimacy, and the unrivalled pleasure of loving each other completely.
You look at him, his eyes still dazed but present. “I’m sorry you heard that phone call. I promise, I love you so much and you are enough for me, I don’t need anything more than I just need you.” You hope the words come across as sincere and heartfelt because you mean every syllable of it.
aeyun’s expression softens as he reaches out to cup your cheek, his touch warm and reassuring. “I know, Princess,” he murmurs, his voice tender. “I love you too, more than anything. Nothing can shake what we have. I just wanted to make sure you knew that I can do more if you just ask.”
His words sink deep into your heart, reminding you of his unwavering commitment and willingness to fulfil your desires. You feel a pang of regret for not confiding in him sooner, for letting fear hold you back from sharing your deepest fantasies with the man who loves you unconditionally.
“That’s the thing,” you say softly, your fingers lightly tracing the contours of his face. “I was afraid. Afraid that if I told you, it might change things between us. I love you so much, Jaeyun, and the thought of losing you scared me more than anything.”
Jaeyun’s gaze holds yours with such tenderness that it melts away your remaining doubts. “You’ll never lose me, Princess,” he reassures, his thumb brushing over your lips. “I want us to explore everything together, to share in each other’s desires and pleasures. Your happiness means everything to me.”
His sincerity washes over you like a soothing wave, filling you with a sense of relief and newfound courage. You realise now that true intimacy lies not only in physical connection but also in emotional honesty and vulnerability.
“I promise to communicate better,” you vow, meeting his gaze with determination. “To trust in us, in our love, and to share everything with you, no matter how wild or unconventional.”
He laughs heartily, his pretty teeth coming into display as he shakes his head. “I’ll do whatever you want, baby. Just say the kink and I’m there.”
You nod and press your lips against his, your body instinctively laying upon his, your thighs now straddling his side as your tongue explores his mouth with fervour. You hope everyone in the world gets to experience the love and trust that you and Jaeyun have,
Drawing back, he looks at you a little seriously, causing you to sit up straight. “We do need to talk about your computer password being Lee Jaeyun’s birthday and not mine,” he says half jokingly, half serious
Narrowing your eyes, you look deep into his. “Now, how do you know what my computer pin is?”
Instead of giving you an answer, he pulls you in closer, enveloping your lips with his as he swirls his tongue gently with his, hoping to distract you from the question It should only take a few more orgasms to make sure you never remember the question, saving him the scolding he would get for checking your password.
Maybe he’ll gag you this time, just in case.
perm taglist: @immortalvee @sunpov @heeseungspookie @strawberrysavi @monstanctiny21 @diorsyun @heexzbae @pockettwinzz @yzzyhee @baekhyunstruly @zeeloveshee @haechonly @berryblog @emi-en @no-mannerism @jaehoonii @notevenheretbh1 @iikeustar @shawnyle @addictedtohobi @jiminie-08 @emberuby @nctislifue @lilyuwon @skzenhalove @heeshlove @idkdykilr @chocminteu @y4wnjunz @rikibun @ivesti @parksunghoonsgf @branchrkive @brownsugarbaybee @xxbluestrifexx
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hiraethwrote · 3 days
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[ satoru gojo x f!reader]
♬ ₊˚. insp: wallpaper - megan cromwell
✧ summary: witnessing satoru with his new girlfriend, eight months after your breakup ✧ cw: angst, no comfort, attending a party, college au ig, no use of y/n ✧ word count: 2.2k
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“Don’t want to alarm you babe, but you-know-who just walked in.” You turned your head to confirm her warning, and sure enough, there he was. Satoru, handsome as ever.
So many months you had desperately tried to stitch together the heart he obliterated into tiny pieces, but there mere sight of him had the badly sewn stitches tear apart at the seams.
He looked happy — genuinely happy, with his familiar grin spread across his face to expose his adorable dimples and creasing his eyes.
And at his arm was her.
His new girlfriend, absolutely stunning as well. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think she was tailor made for him. Craftily put together into the perfect girl who just fit beside him.
The way things were now, you knew you could never escape him. Not entirely. As long as you attended the same college, and had the same friends, you were destined to cross paths. And when that happened from time to time, you were just reminded of the gaping void he’d left in you.
But at the end of the day, you guess you were just glad you had friends after it all — even though those friends were his, first and foremost. But you were grateful that they had decided to remain at your side to some degree after they all had watched your relationship with their best friend crash and burn eight months ago.
“Hey,” Shoko broke your stare, drawing the attention to her. “Don’t let him ruin your evening, ‘kay? You’ve been doing great lately. Let’s just keep it that way!” She tried to give you a happy smile, but she didn’t manage to conceal how it was filled to the rim with pity.
“Yeah. Sure, it’s whatever.” There was an awkward pull of your tight lips. By letting her gaze flitter across your entire face, she could easily tell that it was in fact not ‘whatever’.
You wanted to shake off that horrible feeling that was sprouting in you, but it seemed like the universe had other plans. Because when Satoru suddenly came walking over, girlfriend right behind him, all the air immediately disappeared from your lungs.
“Hey guys,” he said cheerfully. You hated the fact that you couldn’t stop yourself from letting your eyes travel down his arm before it settled on his hand that was interlocked with her fingers in a tight and caring grip — like he was never planning on letting go.
Everyone’s eyes were on you. Everyone’s but his.
They could all feel the tension, the incredibly uncomfortable atmosphere of having to share the same space as the two of you — made worse by the fact that Satoru was acting as if you were just another acquaintance.
His gaze only grazed you when travelling the crowd, just like it did when he looked at the others. There were no signs of him even recognising that the two of you shared an intimate past, your theory reinforced as his hand let go of hers to move it to a loving grip on her waist.
The suffocating lump in your throat only grew as he kept chatting about all and everything. The conversation went smoothly within the group, watching intently as he talked with his friends with such ease, while you simply stood there. You might as well have disappeared into the wallpaper and he wouldn’t even have noticed.
“I’m just going to get some air,” you whispered to Shoko with a sad smile, not waiting for a response before you turned around completely to step out on the terrace in hopes to clear your head.
The fresh air greeted you like an old friend, serving some comfort while your mind was taking you down a dark path of ‘what if’s.
What if you had put up more of a fight that night eight months ago? If you’d followed him out the door instead of standing in a puddle of your own tears as you just watched him close the door in your face?
What if you could have prevented it? If there were signs along the way that you missed, and if you’d picked up on them in time you could have stopped him from leaving you?
There was, however, one ‘what if’ that was answered tonight.
What if it had nothing to do with you, and Satoru simply didn’t want to be in a relationship — seeing him tonight, with his hand resting reassuringly around her middle like he used to hold you, proved that was not the case.
Watching him shower her with affections of a boyfriend, you felt as if you were being abandoned all over again. It was utterly selfish, but you wanted for those romantic actions to be reserved for you only. For the loving smiles he bore to be directed at you again. You missed having his heavenly blue eyes stare deeply into yours, while you let your fingers brush through his soft, white locks. You wanted all that back, but it seemed like it wasn’t meant to be for you after all.
You turned around to see if he was still hanging around your friends by the kitchen island, if it was safe for you to return without having to feel as if you were only in the way. A sense of relief crept up on you when all you saw was Shoko and Utahime waving for you to come back inside, eagerness smeared on their faces for you to hang with them.
“How you holding up?” Utahime asked, draping a comforting arm across your shoulders before giving you a soft squeeze, pulling a sad chuckle from your lips.
“You know, it’s been eight months. I gotta let it go, right?” You said, looking between the two knowing it was a naive thought that you spoke, but it was at least a step in the right direction. “He’s dating again, which he is obviously allowed to. Maybe I should jump on that trend as well!”
“Aah, love the sound of that,” she gushed before placing a wet kiss on your cheek. “Satoru was never worth it anyways.” You playfully shoved her off you with a small laugh, as you desperately tried to wipe it away.
“Yeah, yeah. So you’ve said-“
The universe had to stop.
You were abruptly interrupted when no other than the man himself, simply breezed right past you. His arm just barely grazing yours as he passed, but it didn’t even faze him that you were standing right there.
Again, you let your eyes follow him as he hurriedly approached his girlfriend before wrapping his arms around her with haste, lifting her up in a tight embrace, her cute squeals finding their ways to your ears even through the music and sounds of the party.
This was just cruel — pure torture. As if you’d been given front row tickets to the show dedicated to your pain. Couldn’t the end credits just start rolling? Couldn’t the curtains close? Why was it fair for this scene to play out just a few feet in front of you?
And oh, how he gazed at her, as if she was the only girl in the world. Looking at them, one couldn’t even begin to think he’d ever had feelings for someone else prior to being with her.
Your hands turned numb, your heart beating so loud it was all you could hear. It even tuned out both Shoko and Utahime’s pleading attempts as drawing your attention elsewhere.
Gently tearing away from their grip, you ignored them calling your name as you ran up the stairs and entered the first door you came across. There was not a single ounce of care for who the bedroom belonged to, but it was empty. Along with the door, you shut the party out, now able to hear your own thoughts.
It came crashing over you, the sadness overwhelming you in an instant. Your hand found its way over your mouth as a loud and sharp sob came flying out of you. Taking a seat on the neatly made bed, you desperately tried to choke them back, drying the tears as soon as they fell from your eyes in order to try and save your makeup. When you eventually walked out that door again, you didn’t want anyone to be able to tell you’d bawled your eyes out seconds before.
For a while now, you had been doing fine, relatively speaking. Did he always manage to pop into your mind one way or another on a daily basis? Yes. But, you were slowly but surely moving on with your life. Even when you heard the news of him and his new girlfriend a month ago, you’d managed to keep it together until you were alone in your dorm that same evening.
But it was something about seeing them together, how his hands caressed her so gently like he worshipped her, was too much for your poor heart. There was only so much a girl could take.
Your sobs were quickly strangled in your throat when the door swung open.
“Oh, sorry thought this was the bathroom- hey, you okay?”
Of course… of course she had to be the one to walk in on you in the midst of your sorrowful breakdown, her name unwillingly parting your lips.
She was even prettier now, without all the distortion and disturbance of the party around her. Someone could have told you she was Aphrodite reincarnated, and you would believe them in a second. But it wasn’t just her physical beauty that radiated. She had something about her, a warmth nearly uncanny, destined to grab the attention in any room she walked into.
Her eyes rested on you, and you could swear you saw a flash of remorse gloss over them — she knew who you were. She knew you were his ex, but god knew what that entailed.
“Yeah!” You sniffled weakly. “Yeah, just tired. It’s been a long week.” You tried to chuckle, finally able to tear your gaze away from her to look down in your lap.
“I can imagine.” Her voice was dripping with true compassion. “If you wanna talk…”
“Thank you, I’m good.” You hated how bitter you sounded. She hadn’t done anything wrong, and from what you’d heard she was just a very sweet person all around.
“I’ll see you around?” You didn’t think she meant for it to sound like a question, but you had just managed to make her uncomfortable enough to the point where she didn’t have anything better to say to you.
Once you heard the door shut, hot, quiet tears started to fall from your eyes again as your mind began to wonder.
It had already been a month since they started dating — how well did she really know Satoru?
Did she know him like you did already? His secrets, like how he had a secret stash of sweets at the top of his wardrobe, because he was the only one who could reach it? Or his flaws, like how he tended to shy away when things turned rough? If you were to sit down with her, would you be able to tell her more about her boyfriend than she could?
As the constant spiralling continued, you knew you couldn’t stay here anymore. There was not a chance you’d enjoy the evening as long as these were the circumstances — watching them stare at each other with nothing but pure adoration in their eyes.
Running back down the stairs, you heard Shoko immediately call your name. “Don’t leave,” she pleaded as she came rushing over, tugging at your arm.
“I can’t stay here,” you said in a low voice, avoiding her gaze in hopes it would allow you to leave faster.
“No, please! You can’t let him do this!”
“I’m not.” A sound that was supposed to be a chuckle, but resembled more like a sob, slipped out of you. “It’s just… I talked to her. I don’t know, I just can’t look at them. Not tonight.”
When you finally found it in you to meet her gaze, you were pleased to tell by the look on her face that she understood. She wasn’t going to force you to stay if you were truly as uncomfortable as you appeared to be, softly giving your hand one last squeeze before letting go.
“I’ll come by tomorrow. We can order some food or something, okay?” You simply nodded weakly, forcing the faintest smile before she turned to join the party again.
One last time, you decided to shoot another look in Satoru’s direction. As expected, he was fawning over her still, the back of his hand grazing her cheek with the lightest touch while the other was intertwined with hers.
Maybe this was for the best.
As much as it pained you to witness it, he looked to be content — as if he was supposed to be with her. And when that breathtaking smile painted his features, you know it was for real. Of course you’d preferred it if it was you who were allowed to make him smile like that, but that wasn’t the case anymore. All you wanted for him, was for him to be happy. So if it was with her, so be it.
And you still love him, so dearly, enough to let him go.
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a/n this is short and sad lol love that... this song came on my discover weekly like two weeks ago and had to write something about it so here you go
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lilbitdepressed27 · 3 days
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Tara Carpenter/Fem!Reader
Summary: Cast Away AU. What if Tara was with someone when you returned
Warnings: angst but happy ending
WC: 2.8k
Author’s Note: requested by @blackwidowifey Hope you like it dude. Sorry for any mistakes
The flight home, your mom refused to let you out of your sight. To be home, back in your that had not changed had felt so surreal. A part of you was scared, scared that you'd wake from this dream and be back on that island. If that were to happen you weren't so sure you'd survive.
"You don't need anything sweetheart?" Your dad's voice brought you back to the present, you were still standing in front of the door of your room.
"No, I'm okay dad. Thank you."
Your dad couldn't begin to imagine what you went through for the past three years. Almost four. He knew you had changed. Not just physically but mentally as well. To see you like this. So confused, lost. It hurt him. He wanted to help you. But he just didn't know how.
You were told by your sister that things had changed quite a bit. From your friends and Tara no longer living in Woodsboro. To your family not being in contact with Tara for the past year.
"Riley?" You had entered your sisters room, who didn't even live here anymore. Another thing you missed that you were now an aunt. She had gotten married two months ago. To the man she had loved for so long.
And you missed it.
"Yeah? Everything okay?" Riley had never moved so fast to get home the moment her mom called to inform her that you had been found. Almost four years thinking her little sister was dead. The sob she had let out had alarmed her husband. Her husband. The man that you met, the man that held her when the cops told the family that your flight had crashed and there were no traces of the plane. The man that held her when the search party gave up after just two months of searching. The man that kept her going after your funeral.
The wedding she had, had been small. She had no bridesmaids, that spot had been reserved for you. You were her little sister but also her best friend.
"What made you stop talking to the Tara and the others?" It had only been a day since you returned back home. You were still extremely weak, bruised a little too easily, still had some sun burns but with the luxury of some aloe. Those were healing a lot faster.
"They moved a year after the search party was called off. They tried to stay here but it had been hard for them. Tara took your dea-disappearance hard. She wasn't the same. She was different, depressed, in denial. Sam moved her to New York permanently so she could heal and move on. After a year of them being there. Our connection kinda stopped. I didn't reach out and they didn't either."
You listened to everything she was saying. Almost four years of being gone. You knew that if you made it and came back. Things would be different. People would have moved on.
"Can I..can I see your phone." Riley handed you her phone. You opened instagram with one person in mind. Typing in her username. She hadn't posted in a quite a bit. But what she had were just some nature shots. So you moved on to the next person. Mindy. The first three picture being of the friend group with new faces. A average height man had his arm around Tara. A smile on her face as she smiled at the camera.
Your vision blurred with tears. The same feeling of loss grew. Tara, had have moved on. And you couldn't be upset about that. You had no right to be upset. Tara could wait forever.
She didn't need you anymore.
You now hated the smell of fish and coconut. You vowed on that island that if you ever got off it you would never touch fish or coconuts ever again. After your dad said he had a few things he had to do. You jumped at the opportunity to get out of the house. It had only been four days since you were back home. The past four days you had spent them in the house resting.
When he drove to the cemetery you knew what he was doing. Seeing your own tombstone was something you never really thought of. Seeing the rock was bone chilling.
Going to the store after that was the distraction you needed. Helping your dad with the grocery shopping, but the more you moved around the more tired you were starting to feel, you tried to ignore it. You went three and a half years moving around barefoot and half nude. A little walking around a store shouldn't bother you. Your dad saw that you were getting tired and was quick to gather the groceries.
Meeting your niece was as tear filled as could be. The guilt of missing everything, you and your sister had always talked about being there for one another. You knew it was out of your control. But you could have tried to leave the island a whole lot sooner than you did. Granted it did take you awhile to understand how the changes in the seasons affected the waves.
"Are you ready?" Your dad asked, he was already dressed in a business suit. You had been for a while the one to take over your dad's business when he retired. The original plan was to finish college and then take over. But with everything that happened you didn't know where to stand. You weren't sure if that was still the plan. Six days since being back home and you still felt so, lost.
"Do I have to go?" You were in a suit as well. Matching the one your dad had.
Your dad sighed softly going into your room to stand behind you. You were looking at yourself in the mirror. You were healing nicely and quickly. Your cheeks filling in with all the food your mom had cooked. No longer looking hollow. He couldn't imagine how hungry you had been.
"It's up to you buddy. If you're comfortable enough. We could go or we can stay here and watch some Harry Potter. You know they made a game about Hogwarts."
He chuckled at the excitement in your eyes. He will always see you as his little girl. The amount of times he cried alone in your room, holding the stuff Curious George bear that you had refused to throw away. He reached over and fixed your crooked tie.
He could ditch the business party. He was boss after all. What he says goes.
"You know what let's go to the store buy a ps5 and we will play the game together."
Being back home after a year of being gone was a bit rough. Being back for thanksgiving break to be with her mother. One thing she had yet to do was something that she hadn't done in a whole year.
"Hey you okay?" The feeling of heavy hairy arm being wrapped around her shoulder. Pulling her attention away from the direction of your house. She hadn't spoken to your family in a year. A part of her felt guilty for stopping. But her boyfriend who was friend at first, had said it would be for the best. He had said she'd never move on if she never did. And in a moment of weakness, she stopped.
"Yea Frankie I'm fine. I have to go somewhere. I'll be right back okay?" With quick kiss she left her house before he could say anything.
It had been a year since she last saw your tombstone.
Parking her car, and walking the rest of the way. Only for her body to freeze in place. Your tombstone was gone. The patch of dirt was still fresh. The flowers she had dropped. The same sinking feeling of losing you came back.
"Excuse me where's the tombstone that was here." The gardener who was taking out over grown weeds stopped what he was doing to look at the brunette.
"Uh I heard from one of the workers. They were moving and took their daughter with them. I'm sorry miss that's all I know."
Moving? She picked up the flowers and rushed to her car. She needed to get to your parents house. The drive there was fast. She may have ran a stop sign or two. Yes, she may have started dating now. Mindy had pushed her to say yes to Frankie. She knew Mindy wanted what was best for her. And she won't deny that she did have fun with Frankie. He was sweet, a bit of a douche but sweet nevertheless.
Her car screeched at the sudden break. The 'for sale' sign was front and present.
Why would they move?
Being in a new house was nice. There was a big pool and hug backyard. A week since you been rescued. Your new room was much bigger than the one you had before. You had been building the courage to call Tara. When you finally did call the call never went through meaning this number was no longer in service.
You didn't know how else to reach her. Just tell them you were okay. That you were alive. But the more you thought about it. Remembering the picture you saw, they looked so happy. Did you really want to crash back into their lives, by all off sudden coming back from the dead.
"Honey, I have to go to work. You okay-Can I go with you?" You asked before your dad could finish his sentence. With a smile he nodded. Not caring that you were dressed casually. He was just excited to see you back in the office with him. He remembers clearly how you used always follow him around the office. Remembering how his little girl always sat on his chair. You used to be so small, now you were taller than him.
Curse his own tall genes.
Being back in the office had been as overwhelming as you had expected. Everyone greeting you, everyone looking at you like they've seen a ghost. It was all so overwhelming. But what really had you overwhelmed, had you feeling like you couldn't breath was when you saw the familiar brunette. She had looked as beautiful as the last time you saw her. She was breathtaking, she looked more mature.
Without really thinking about it your feet moved on their own accord. Halting, when a man took her hand. You heart breaking no matter how much she wish it didn't at the sight of her smile. A smile directed at someone else.
Tara was back in the building after a year of not setting foot in it. Being back her felt odd. But Frankie had an interview here. And he wanted her to come with. When she left what was once your house. She didn't know what to do. She tried calling your mom, your dad, your sister but none of them answered their phones. So she hoped that being back in your father's building. She'd run into him. Ask him why he took down your tombstone.
She felt Frankie take her hand. A small smile she towards him before looking away. She needed to find your dad. She looked around the lobby only for eyes to snap back to where she saw…you? Expect it couldn’t be. The person she could have sworn was you was walking away now.
“Tara? Tara where are you going?”
Ignoring his voice as she basically ran to where you once stood. It couldn’t be you. You were..dead. Gone. Watching the back of this person grow closer as they both turned into a less crowded hall way.
Her hand reaching forward to grab this persons arm. The moment this person turned around it had felt like all the air in her lungs had been punched out of her body. Her eyes refusing to believe who was standing in front of her. Those y/ec eyes that she had missed so badly. You were as beautiful as the day she last saw you at that airport. Those eyes that were now filled with tears.
You didn’t know what to say. You wanted nothing more than to pull her into a tight hug. Just like you had imagined. But now you weren’t sure if you could. You didn’t know your place in her life anymore. You didn’t have to say anything at the end. She had basically thrown herself at you. Her arm wrapping around your neck as she hugged you tightly. Her cries being muffled as she cried into your neck.
You lived in the moment. Forgetting the man she was with as you hugged her back just as tight. Even if this would be for the last time.
“You’re alive. When-when did you get back? Why didn’t you call?” She pulled away to look up at you. You looked different, skinner.
“Last week. I uh was on deserted island. Been there for the past few years. I-I tried calling. Your number wasn’t the same.” You reluctantly pulled away. When you saw from behind Tara that same man walking towards you and Tara.
Tara was still trying wrap her mind around what was happening. Feeling like this was all a dream. The way you looked lost and heartbroken made her want to just cry and pull you into another hug. To hug you. Kiss you. Her hands refused to completely let you go. She was confused on why you were letting go. Her hold on your hands was tight.
“I’m so sorry Y/n. If I would known I-Everything okay here babe?”
The confusion was no longer there. Now she knew why. The you looked away, this time completely letting her go. She knew exactly what you were thinking. That she didn’t love you anymore, which completely wasn’t the case. Her own eyes filled with tears. The guilt she had growing. Ever since agreeing to going out with Frankie it had felt like she was being unfaithful. She knew it wasn’t cause at the time she didn’t know you were still alive.
Seeing the hurt and heart broken look on your face (that you were trying to hide) brought that guilt back in bigger than before. Your eyes finally hers. And she saw the acceptance, the forced smile. The tears you were trying to blink away.
“It’s okay Tara. It’s okay.” It was all you could say. Hoping your voice didn’t give away that you wanted nothing more than to cry. With a small nod. You dug into your pocket. Taking out the pocket watch. The watch you had refused to go anywhere with out. You turned around and walked away.
She watched you walk away before looking down at the scratched up pocket watch. Opening the watch. Seeing the familiar picture. Except now it was faded. The picture becoming blurry. All the memories flashing in her head. The love she had for you was still there. Still here. Had grown more and more even when she thought you were dead. She still loved you.
You. It always had been you.
No one else.
Her eyes looked back at Frankie. “I’m sorry Frankie. I can’t do this.” It was all she said before she ran to catch up to you. She was not going to let you go. Not bothering to look back as she tried to find in the crowd that had quickly filled the lobby. She knew it was the lunch hour, she needed to find you.
She was quick to step on top of the receptionist desk. Ignoring her commands to get down. She scanned the room seeing your figure getting closer to the front doors.
“Y/N WAIT!!” She didn’t care that the voice echoed through out the big room. It grabbed your attention along with everyone else in the room. She jumped down the desk and the crowd quickly parted. You were on the other side. Eyes red from trying to hold in your tears. Quick to get to your side. Stopping directly in front of you.
“I love you. Only you. No one else.”
“But you looked hap-I could never be happy without you. I don’t love him.”
“Are you su-” You were cut off by the pair of lips you had dreamed of. The feeling of her lips on yours was like kissing her for the first time. Your arms wrapping around her body, bringing her closer.
You no longer felt the dreadful feeling of loss. No longer did you feel lost. You felt complete.
Whole once again.
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notanactressyayy · 1 day
Podrías hacerme este pedido: qué pasa con ella? Con Natasha, tu novia. Luego del Blip, se la paso distante -sin esa dulzura que mostraba contigo- o simplemente sin cumplir su papel de novia. Se la pasaba en su oficina, con la mirada perdida y en sus pensamientos - nunca te hablo de eso.
Podrías agregar que cambió cosas en su rutina, como por ej: antes la escuchabas en llamadas con los restantes vengadores, pero eso ya no pasa o la extrañas en tus sábanas - ahora se la pasa despierta.
Por último, el complejo, el cual previamente llamaron hogar y dónde intercambiaban risas o amor mutuo, paso a ser un espacio silencioso, tal vez sombrío, sin amor.
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༉‧₊˚. 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲
pairing . Natasha Romanoff x reader
summary . when Natasha met you, you brought the side of her she didn't know before — the happy, gentle, soft side. when something major happens, will she continue to be the girlfriend you deserve? will she allow her feelings and past to take you away from her?
warnings . the blip events, brief descriptions of Nat's past, cursing, yelling, breaking down, breaking up (?), angst.
notes . english is not my first language (🇧🇷) so i apologize for any spelling errors. this fic here is for my big sister @scarjosii22 who couldn't finish her story and asked me to do it for her.
divider credits: @sister-lucifer @i-mmaculatus
part two: loving you from afar (somewhere)
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it was another day in which you stared at yourself in the mirror, after brushing your teeth, showering and braiding your hair before sleep — something she used to do. yeah, the dark circles under your eyes certainly grew bigger, that was for sure. a tsk comes out of your lips as you walk out of the bathroom, the only sound echoing through the pavement being your heavy steps.
perhaps you did it on purpose. a little sound was certainly missing in that place.
it had been five years, five years since she started blaming herself for not managing to stop Thanos — Natasha Romanoff, the only one with no superpowers, that had to rely only on her weapons and strength, blamed herself. you tried to talk to her about this, you had multiple conversations, and yet they seemed pointless. that woman was so goddamn stubborn, and never listened to you.
at some point, you'd certainly grow tired of that. and that point had co—
no, it didn't. you told yourself everyday you'd never give up on your relationship. you tried to remember the reason you fell in love with her over and over, to see if that would keep you grounded.
she protected me, she saved me, she showed me i could trust her, she showed me i was enough for her.
it was what she used to tell you, everyday, basically. when you got insecure, about the fact she was powerful and good at so many things, she reassured you you were the best thing that has ever happened to her. that you were the one that saved her. the light on her life.
maybe's just the fact that Natasha never had a relationship before you, so she didn't really know how it was to love and be loved back, or... she just didn't have any experience. but she did. she's a spy, and if there was an Avenger that knew about feelings it was her. you knew for a fact she was aware of how neglected you were becoming in your relationship, but for some reason she chose not to do anything about it.
you walked past the main gate — unfortunately, you had to pass through her office to get to your room — to see her eyes focused on the screen computer. again. watching the faces of the people who disappeared with the blip. you shook your head, sighing in frustration and pulling the computer's wire out of the socket. Natasha frowned, and the words that came out of her mouth cut deep.
"what's wrong with you!?"
"what's wrong with me?" you scoff back. "you're treating me as if i were some stranger, Natasha. i'm your partner. do you recall that?"
she completely ignores everything you say and narrow her eyes at you. she abruptly stands up from her chair and towers you. "i'm working. can't you fucking see that?"
your eyes widen in surprise and honestly, annoyance. it wasn't the first time you confronted her on the week and it wasn't gonna be the last either. "you saw those goddamn slides for a thousand times already, and literally! do you think staring at them will bring them back? keep dreaming, then,"
that statement intrigued her. she took a step back, wrapping her arms around herself, gulping audibly. her only answer was to turn the computer on again and turn her back on you.
"good night, Natasha." you tell her, not realizing the one tear rolling down your face. "i'm going to sleep now."
and with that, you took the elevator to the dormitories floor and entered your shared room with her, practically throwing your slippers away and tucking yourself under the covers, the cold, empty sheets.
you missed her there. god, you did. your body subconsciously snuggled up against the blanket as you grabbed the pillow that once belonged to to her, and held it tightly. and you just, cried.
༉‧₊˚. ★
Natasha didn't sleep, those weren't news. she stayed the night on the sofa of her office, staring at the big glass window there. the colour pallette of the garden outside reminded her of herself. dark green, grey, navy blue, and black. the nature was already dead because no one bothered to go outside and take care of the plants.
she couldn't brush away the thought of the similarity between that and your situation with her. you were drowning, and she wasn't even trying to pull you out.
the compound was empty. no more jokes. no more laughter. no more the Avengers and certainly no more Natasha. the russian woman thought of that as a punishment for her uselessness. she was purposefully dragging herself away from you, so with that you'd probably find another partner, someone else who wasn't broken like her, that could give you the love you so desperately needed. or, a tiny, tiny piece of her wanted someone to suffer like her, to feel everything she felt. but that wasn't something she was going to admit. was it?
so she just laid back against the backrest and stared at the ceiling, trying to calm down her racing thoughts but failing.
some of the superheroes tried to get in touch with her by the communication channels, but she wasn't accepting the calls. she'd given up on leading the Avengers. it wasn't her job anyway.
her best friend, Clint, was out there killing people like she once did. Steve had a support group for the people who didn't snap, but she thought it was bullshit to join. so she lived within the four walls of the office, trapped, unable to get out.
༉‧₊˚. ★
the saliva you swallowed dragged across your sore throat, making you hiss out of pain. this morning, you were trying— no, you were determined to give yourself a good time, regardless of that sounding insane on the current circumstances. a girlfriend who didn't love you anymore and half of the world gone? what a great way of living.
you searched inside the pantry for the strawberry tea and made yourself a cup, heating it on the microwave. you leaned against the counter and waited for it to get ready. while waiting, you took a moment to glance around. you smiled when your eyes landed on a specific plushie resting on a corner. a turtle plushie you and Natasha used to take care of together.
when the microwave clicked, you grabbed the tea and took a sip of it, the strawberry flavor, along of the warmth of it were a momentary relief, for all the mess going on there. speaking of mess, it was the definition of the person who had just walked in the kitchen.
"good morning, Nat," you murmur, attempting to be friendly. "i made myself some tea. would you like so—"
"just here to get some aspirin." she quickly, roughly cuts you off, opening the cabinet and searching through it. instead of taking one, she opened the bottle and turned it on her mouth, taking all the pills at once.
your eyes widened. what the hell was she doing? trying to dope herself and not even hiding? your feet moved faster than you as you grabbed her chin with one hand, as your other one practically punched her on the back, making her cough all the pills out.
instead of speaking, you take a moment to process what just happened. you frustratedly run your fingers through your hair, pacing around the kitchen. "look. if you don't want to have a good day, that's fine by me. but if you're not giving me a good day, at least allow me to have it myself. please?"
"i'm minding my business," she coughs out, dull eyes looking into yours. "you don't have to get in my way."
"you literally almost killed yourself in front of me!" you snap, a sudden rush of anger washing over you. "what the fuck do you expect me to do in a situation like that, huh? do you want me to sit here and enjoy the freaking view, to watch you as you slip away from me!?''
Natasha's body involuntarily shake as you yell. she didn't like yelling. it was what triggered the tears pooling on the corners of her eyes.
"tell me, Natasha. what do i have to do for Thanos to snap me away too!?" you scoff and throw the porcelain cup on the skin, the sound of the shards shattering filling the place. "because i really wish i disappeared too. would you like that?"
you breath heavily after the outburst, eyes watching as her body sunk down to the floor. her eyes were wide in fear and shock. it wasn't a pleasant view. you gulp and walk towards her. "i'm sorr—"
"get away!" she yells back, stumbling backwards as if you were some monster. "leave me fucking alone!"
"Natasha, i don't wanna hurt you—" you try again, frowning and trying to reach out for her.
loud sobs escapes the redhead, and she doesn't try to suppress them. she body is a mess autopilot working and everything is way too confusing for you to understand. she buries her face in her hands and refuses your comfort. so you sit on the floor as well, leaning against the cold wall but keeping a good distance between you two — hearing her cries.
༉‧₊˚. ★
the tension was palpable between the two of you. you were way too tired to have another pointless conversation with her, so you stayed quiet. it was already night again, 6pm precisely, and neither of you had left the kitchen. when you looked to the side, you saw Natasha's eyes still open. she was still listening.
"i'm still here," you begin, lifting your hand up and staring at the ring on your finger. "loving you silently."
Natasha's eyes barely flicker with the sound of your gentle voice. but she stays quiet.
"i still imagine myself getting hugged by you. having your kisses. having your body close. having you close. i miss all of that. i miss when you listened to me," you chuckle humorlessly, grabbing a shard of porcelain and fidgeting with it. "i miss my Natasha."
"stop," she quietly pleads, squeezing her eyes shut. "please stop."
"you're so selfish. you became so selfish." you sigh, weakly standing up. you open the sink faucet and throw a little bit of fresh water on your face. "trying to protect yourself, trying not to face the truth. you don't even think about me anymore."
when she doesn't speak, you continue.
"i could help. i helped you before, didn't i? i helped you with everything you ever asked me for. i helped here, your team, because i'm good at what i do. that's why Tony hired me. because i was good for all of you. i got a room in the Avengers Compound. but this?" you gesture around. you raise your voice again, but not yelling — just as if you wanted somewhere to hear. "this seems like a haunted house! where's all the people in here!?"
Natasha stands up, her red baggy eyes looking into yours as she pointed a finger at you. "it's not gonna change. there's no point in trying to."
"really? you don't say," you laugh dryly and shrug your shoulders. "i realized that a long time ago."
you take a deep breath, shaking your head. you had no tears left to cry, really. you shed so much for her, and for everything around you. the next thing you did surprised Natasha — but not as much as she thought it would.
you carefully slip the ring out of your finger and placed it on her hand, folding her fingers around it. your lips pressed on a thin line. "i love you, Natasha. i always will."
she clears her throat, feeling her eyes begin to burn again.
"when you become the Natasha i love again, please let me know."
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part two: loving you from afar (somewhere)
(aí está, @scarjosii22. espero que você goste dessa, e espero que você pegue as referências do chá, e da tartaruga 🐢🍓)
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makyurini · 2 days
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i might have lit the very fuse you were trying not to light | katsuki bakugou & eijirou kirishima
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cw/tw: NSFT, fem reader (AFAB anatomy, femme pet names/pronouns), aged-up characters, (all parties are 20+), quirkless AU, university AU, daddy and sir kink, exhibitionism, cock warming, threesome, sub reader, dom kirishima, dom bakugou, face/throat fucking, degradation, praise, anal, no condoms/protection, double penetration, dacryphilia, dumbification, double creampie
wc: 5.4k
a/n: as voted by my lovely followers, my next reupload! as always, i hope y’all enjoy, any and all reblog are mucho appreciated, and thank you for your continuous support <3
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To say that your sex life is boring would be the understatement of the century. With his surprisingly sadistic tendencies and knack for not realizing his own strength, Kirishima has never failed to leave you a sobbing mess underneath him in the past year that you’ve been together. He gets so caught up in the moment at times, he doesn’t even notice all of the bite marks and bruises littering your skin until he’s rubbing lotion on your raw bottom and kneading out any sore spots aching in your muscles from him rutting into you so ruthlessly.
Despite his goofy and happy-go-lucky nature, Kirishima is a rough lover—the type to make you pray to God and Satan and every entity in between for some sort of reprieve from his ravenous nature—and he’s always blurring the line between teasing and straight up cruelty. Has that ever stopped you from jumping on him the second he tells you he’s horny? No, absolutely not. Because for every sadist out there, there’s a masochist eager to please and be used until they can’t possibly take anymore, and you just so happen to be Kirishima’s exact type of pain slut.
However, not even the most animalistic of sex can be saved from predictability, and after spending the past twelve months getting to know each other’s most feral needs, you’re beginning to catch on to his little signals—how he growls right before he sinks his incisors into your plush skin, how he likes to call you his “precious little cum dumpster” before impaling you on his cock, how he weaves his fingers through your hair before forcing you to swallow every centimeter of his thick shaft. The sex is still amazing, mind-blowing even, and you’ve never been left unsatisfied, but you can’t deny that it all has become...routine.
Which is exactly why you are currently trying to convince your boyfriend to allow you to cockwarm him during your next hangout session with your friend group.
It hasn’t been an easy feat, to say the least. As wild as Kirishima is, he’s a sweetheart down to his mushy core and can’t fathom doing something so heinous in front of his friends. He has no qualms with making you scream his name until your voice is hoarse and he’s sure you’ve woken up a few people in the dormitory, but doing something where anyone can catch you if they stare for more than seven seconds? That just might be out of his comfort zone. But, you’re nothing if not persistent, and you’re determined to make him see how thrilling it can all be.
Unfortunately for you, Kirishima can be just as stubborn, and not even the promise of a month’s worth of blowjobs has been able to sway him in your favor.
“You already blow me every day, sweetheart,” he so lovingly points out. “You were gagging on my dick just this morning before class!”
You groan, knowing he had a very valid point, and you’re on the verge of dropping the entire thing until another idea pops into your sex-riddled brain. It’s truly a lightbulb-over-your-head moment, and you’re a little disappointed in yourself for not thinking of it before. Pushing your breasts up a little, you lean over to your boyfriend and look at him with the best puppy dog eyes you can, your lower lip jutting out in the way that you know drives him up the walls.
Kirishima is immediately on guard, his ruby orbs narrowing as he watches you slowly place yourself on his lap. “What are you thinking of, baby?” he asks, his tone bordering on defensive.
“What if I told you,” you reply as you ghost your lips over the sensitive shell of his ear, “I’d let you fuck me in the ass if you let me do this?”
You swear you can feel him already getting a little hard at the mere thought of it, and he sounds somewhat breathless when he answers. “I thought you weren’t into that. I don’t want you to force yourself to try something for my sake.”
“Call it a fair exchange? I mean, I am asking you to do something for me and it’d be selfish of me to not return the favor.”
His large hands stay glued on your hips and he’s trying his hardest to seem like he isn’t about to cum in his pants, but he’s practically vibrating with anticipation—pupils swallowing his scarlet iris, thighs twitching and jumping at every little movement you make, fingernails slightly digging into your flesh, his tongue swiping over his lips as he weighs the pros and cons of your proposition. Anal is something he has brought up a few times, and you would shoot it down before he could even finish the sentence. But now? Now you’re the one bringing it up? He’d be an idiot to pass up such an opportunity, he knows it, but there’s the part of him that would hate for you to risk putting yourself at harm just so he’ll bend for you.
“I can see the gears turning in your head,” you jest, lacing your fingers behind his neck and pulling him closer to you. “‘S okay, daddy. I’ve been thinking about it a lot anyway, and I’m willing to try it if you’re still up for it.”
He studies your face with cautious eyes, undoubtedly looking for any signs of hesitance. When he finds none, he has no other choice than to rest his chin on your shoulder and sigh. “God, you’re such a stubborn little thing, baby…”
“Is that a yes?” you eagerly ask.
“It’s a yes. Just don’t get too carried away now, yeah? You can’t use anal to get me to do whatever you want,” he delicately chides, but there’s no missing the dominance laced in his voice. “I’m the one in charge here, and it wouldn’t be very manly of me to crumble so much.”
“Mmm, of course you’re in charge, daddy.”
But there’s no use in denying the sick thrill of finally getting your boyfriend to cave in for you. After all, he’s right—you are stubborn, and nothing is going to stop you from getting what you want.
“Are you sure about this, baby?” your boyfriend asks as he eyes the short skirt you’ve picked out for tonight’s antics. “What if we get caught?”
You giggle at his hesitance, finding it charming that he could be so prudeish at times even though he’s normally the one encouraging being adventurous in the bedroom. Though, this time, you’re trying to take things outside of the bedroom. “That’s the thrill of it all, babe,” you reassure him. “Don’t you think it’s kinda hot that no one will know what we’re doing?”
Sharp teeth bite down on his bottom lip, and he can’t ignore the shivers it sends down his spine to see you so flippant about such a lewd act. “I mean…yeah. But you don’t think it’d freak them out? I don’t want to make our friends uncomfortable or anything.”
“Kami and Sero will probably be too high to notice anything, and Bakugou gets, like, weirdly engrossed in movies. I think we’ll be okay, bubs.”
“No but’s,” you cut him off—a rare thing for you to do, but necessary at times when he’s overthinking yet again. “We already got the lube for your reward tonight. I promise you, it’ll be worth it.”
By the time the five of you have gathered in the common room, Kirishima is still a nervous wreck, but he can feel himself warming up to the idea slowly as you lower yourself onto his lap, a blanket strewn across your legs to hide your sinful actions. Your movements are so subtle, even he wouldn’t have noticed you’re shifting your panties to the side and unzipping his pants in one fluid motion. The action movie on the television screen drowns out any sounds of shuffling clothing, and he hates to admit you had been right all along—no one is none the wiser to you sinking yourself onto your boyfriend’s throbbing erection.
No matter how familiar the burn of the stretch is, you still have to bite your lip to keep from moaning out loud. Having Sero to turn to smile at you doesn’t really help much either, only adds to the adrenaline rush of it all, his bloodshot eyes focused on your covered thighs.
“A little cold there?” he snickers, and though you know the comment is harmless, you’re still worried about him knowing.
Kirishima is quick to save you from racking your brain for an excuse. “Little lady here insisted on wearing her cute skirt even though I told her it was just a movie night. You know how stubborn she can be.”
“Oh, little lady is very stubborn,” you echo, a sly grin on your face, which earns you a pinch to your thigh from Kirishima. Of course, the only appropriate reaction would be to squeeze down on his cock, and that’s exactly what you do. Only you can hear the hiss that escapes his lips, a low, sharp sound full of pain and frustration, and that makes your cunt clench again.
Once Sero turns his attention back to the movie, muttering something about how cute you guys are together, your boyfriend nips at your ear, dares to snap his hips up the tiniest bit so you can feel his length graze against your spongy walls. “You better be careful there, little one,” Kirishima warns. “Can’t have anyone know what we’re doing, can we? Unless...you want them to.” And then, he snaps his hips again, a little more forcibly, his balls slapping your ass cheek through his boxers, his fingernails digging into your skin and forcing you to stay exactly where you are.
“Daddy,” you whine, and loll your head back a little. “We’re gonna get caught.”
“Wasn’t this your idea? Are you saying you want to back out already?” His tone is playful, cheeky, smugly enjoying how hard it is for you to keep a cool head. Nothing satisfies him more than seeing how quickly you can lose your wits once you’re on his cock, and that sadistic part of him you always bring out is wanting to see how long you can go before you’re begging him to stop.
“No,” you quickly defend, snagging the attention of Kaminari.
Red-tinged golden eyes flick between yours and Kirishima’s faces and back down to the blanket on your lap, curious but oblivious. “You two okay over there?”
This time, Kirishima doesn’t swoop in. Oh, no, he leaves you to scramble up some excuse as to why you just randomly yelled out in such a pathetic tone. “Uh… Kirishima wants to grab a beer, but I don’t want him to get up because I’m too comfortable.” A weak excuse, but it seems to work because Kaminari is jumping up from his spot on the floor to dash to the kitchen.
“Almost got us caught there, sweetheart,” Kirishima informs you in a husky tone. “Naughty girl.”
Instead of replying, you decide to wiggle on his lap, gyrating your hips a little and feeling his cock move around your sopping pussy. His fingers are quick to pinch at your skin again, but you swat them away and continue your ministrations, daring him to make a sound as Kaminari returns with two cans of beer in hand.
“You okay there, man?” the blonde asks, taking note of the strained expression on his friend’s face. “You look like you’re in pain.”
“‘m fine,” the red head responds, but even he can tell it sounds like a lie.
“I dunno, shitty hair,” Bakugou speaks up for the first time that night, a smug tone to his voice and a knowing gleam in those vermillion eyes of his. “You look like a fuckin’ mess. What’s the matter?”
“Nothing,” he uncharacteristically snaps, and you squeeze his thigh as a reminder to stay calm. After taking a deep breath, Kirishima continues on with his signature grin, “Just a little hard to focus when I have such a cute little thing in my lap.”
Kaminari wrinkles his nose and practically shoves the beer in Kirishima’s hand. “You guys are grossly cute. Stop it.”
“They couldn’t stop even if they wanted to,” Bakugou tuts, and it’s the way he says it that lets you know he knows. “Ain’t that right, shitty hair?”
Though his carmine orbs remain fixated on your face, you can tell just by how sure of himself he sounds that you and Kirishima haven’t gone completely unnoticed. You should feel mortified. You should feel like the most disgusting person in the world for being caught stuffed with your boyfriend’s cock while your best friends sat around you, innocently enjoying a movie and each other’s company, unknowingly watching you and Kirishima push each other to your wit’s end. But...you don’t. You feel excited, exhilarated, alive with the thrill of seeing your friend’s reaction to how lewd you can be.
“Of course, bro!” Kirishima happily agrees, and the smirk that Bakugou sends you is the final nail in the coffin—he knows and wants to do something about it.
Your cunt clenches around your boyfriend again—this time, without you noticing—and Kirishima’s hand grabs a fist-full of your ass, a warning to calm down. Of course, you don’t listen, couldn’t fathom listening to him while Bakugou is watching you out of the corner of his eyes, his fists clenched at his sides but a neutral expression on his face.
Is he enjoying this? Is he getting off on watching you cockwarm your boyfriend? Wanting to test the waters, you grind yourself even further down on Kirishima’s lap, gauging to see if it earns any reaction out of the blonde. The most he does is cock his eyebrow a bit, but for someone as stone-faced as Bakugou, that speaks volumes. His legs are placed in a way that you can’t quite see his lap, but you have a sneaking suspicion that if you could, there might just be a tent there. A fire has been lit in your veins, and you plan to let it consume you as you drive your boyfriend further up the walls. It’s not that you’re wanting to sleep with Bakugou, per say, but you aren’t against giving him a little show. After all, this entire thing was your suggestion, and if you can get two men off at once while satisfying your own desires, you aren’t going to stop any time soon.
Kirishima’s cock twitches inside of you again as you continue to squirm against him, and you can hear all of the little pants that are huffing out of puffy lips. He’s close to losing it, you know, close to completely snapping and carrying you to your dorm room. His fingernails are digging into your skin and nearly drawing blood, his thighs keep tensing underneath you, and the head of his leaking cock won’t stop brushing against your cervix—all the perfect formula to make him spill his seed and paint your insides white. You aren’t doing much better, pussy clenching him in an attempt to milk him for every last drop, tiny hands shaking as you try to find some stability, legs twitching and trying to wrap around his to keep him in place.
If Bakugou hadn’t scooted closer to you two, Kirishima might have whispered another warning in your ear to “keep still, little one”.
Instead, it’s Bakugou whispering in your ear, “You fuckin’ horn dogs couldn’t keep it in your pants until after the movie, hah?”
“Whatever do you mean, Bakugou?” you whisper back, innocently batting your eyelashes and pouting ever so slightly.
The sneer on his face is enough to make you shrink back a little. “I ain’t a fuckin’ idiot, princess. You really think I don’t know what you two are up to?”
“Wait, Baku—” Kirishima tries to speak up, but he’s quickly cut off by the venomous glare the blonde sends him.
“You’re that desperate to put a show on?” It isn’t clear who he’s talking to this time around, but that doesn’t stop you from trying to speak up. “Better be real fuckin’ careful about the next words that come out of your mouth, or I might have to convince Kiri to let me have a round with you.”
“I wouldn’t mind,” Kirishima suddenly injects. “And little lady here is squeezing so hard on me, I think she might like it, too. Isn’t that right?”
Your mind is refusing to form any coherent sentences, too busy playing the mental image of having both men use your body as much as they please. It’s not something you’ve ever considered—would never dream of bringing it up with your boyfriend in fear that it might make him feel inadequate—but the eager gleam in his eyes is telling you it’s something he definitely has considered.
It makes sense that Bakugou is the only person he’s comfortable sharing you with, probably the only person who could match his sadistic tendencies. And you have noticed that the blonde has been a tad bit nicer to you lately—not snapping at you as much, barely raising his voice even at times when a good scream is warranted, has even offered to tutor you in subjects you’re struggling with. At first, you had brushed it off as him trying not to scare his best friend's girl off with his explosive personality, but now you’re wondering if this is something the two men have been plotting behind your back.
You don’t have time to ponder the details, though. Bakugou cocks an eyebrow at you, eyes darting between the two of you before smirking and nodding. “We’re gonna have a fuckin’ blast after this dumbass movie is over then.”
It’s torture waiting for the credits to roll on the screen, feeling Kirishima twitch inside of you every few minutes, having Bakugo leaning so close that you can smell his body wash. If Kaminari and Sero weren’t sitting on the floor near you, you might have just screamed and pulled both men into your dorm room yourself. A part of you is tempted to do it anyway, but you know for a fact neither man would grant you any mercy if you did.
And so, you wait like a good little girl, Kirishima’s cock resting snug in your pussy, Bakugou’s broad shoulder brushing against yours, trying to focus on a movie whose plot line doesn’t even matter anymore. How can anyone follow along with such a dumb movie when they have two of the hottest men they’ve ever laid eyes on waiting to ravage their body?
By the good grace of god, the credits come a lot sooner than you had anticipated, and Kirishima doesn’t even bother pulling his cock out of you as he carries you to your dorm room, the blanket still wrapped around his waist, Bakugou hot on his heels, hurriedly wishing Sero and Kaminari a good night. There’s no trace of patience found in how roughly he throws you onto your bed, and both men are stripping you of your clothes before your mind can process anything.
Bakugou’s thick fingers cup your chin, forcing you to look into his ruby orbs, his nails biting at your skin. “Since Kirishima got to have his dick in you for the last two hours, I’m gonna fuck this slutty mouth of yours until tears are streaming down your face. Understand?”
“Y-Y-Yes, sir!”
Kirishima darkly chuckles as he sits down on the mattress, an easy smile on his face and his hand wrapped around his shaft. “Have at it, bro. She can suck cock like a champ.”
“We’ll see how well she can take mine.”
There’s no time to think as Bakugou teasingly brushes the angry red tip against your lips before easing in—slowly, careful as to not trigger your gag reflex yet, his hips already stuttering with the strain of holding back. You don’t care about niceties, however. With one last lungful of oxygen, you quickly swallow him down until your nose is brushing against his blonde pubic hair, and he chokes on air at your boldness.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he groans, lacing his fingers through your hair and hunching forward a little.
“What’d I tell ya, man?” Kirishima brags. “She’s a champ.”
“Yeah, no fuckin’ kidding.” His voice is strained, breathless, nearly cracking, and that only motivates you to bob your head even faster. But before you can get too carried away, he grabs your face and holds you still, his eyes burning with fury. “What the fuck did I just say?”
Unable to answer him, you simply tilt your head slightly in question.
“I said I was going to fuck you mouth. So stay fuckin’ still and take it like a good little whore.”
His thrusts are cruel, ruthless, not caring about how much you’re sobbing as he fucks your tight throat, about how roughly his pubic bone smacks against your face. The only thing he can possibly care about right now is how pretty you look struggling to take him whole, and he’s determined to see how much you can take before you break.
Luckily for him, a year with Kirishima has trained you well, and you’re able to keep up with him, tiny hands wrapping around his hips and guiding him into your mouth, your throat spasming around him in a way that has him uttering the filthiest things as his balls slap against your chin.
“God, that’s so fucking hot,” Kirishima groans, fisting his cock while he watches the scene in front of him. “You look so fucking sexy, baby. I can see your neck bulging from his cock. Makes me wanna come over and feel it myself.”
“Then do it, idiot,” Bakugou challenges. “Come over here and feel how much of a cock whore your girl is.”
“Don’t mind if I do.”
It’s almost hypnotizing watching how large the lump in your throat is, feeling how much your throat is struggling to wrap around it, knowing it’s his best friend’s cock causing it. It’s so fucking erotic and tantalizing, Kirishima begins pumping his own cock even faster, not even bothering to stifle every moan that rips out of his sweaty chest. He needs you two to hear how crazy you’re driving him.
“Don’t make yourself cum too soon, dumbass,” Bakugou chides in a strangled voice. “We’ve still gotta fuck the bitch, y’know.”
Kirishima growls in frustration, his other hand tangling in your hair and pulling you off of his friend. You’re gasping for air, your face coated in saliva and tears, your throat already feeling fucked-raw. “Then, let’s do it, because you look like you’re about to cum and I can’t fucking take this anymore. I was promised anal tonight and I’m fucking getting it.”
“Anal?” Bakugou echos, looking comically confused. “Fuck, shitty hair, didn’t know you two were that crazy.”
“I literally just let you fuck her face right in front of me. Now, go grab the lube out of her side table while I get her nice and ready for us, yeah? Little lady looks like she needs to catch her breath a little before we continue.”
Gentle fingers trace the wetness on your face, and you immediately melt under his touch, leaning in and nuzzling your face in his palm. No matter how rough he may be, Kirishima always takes the time to make sure you’re okay before proceeding any further. He’s a sadistic little thing with a sexual appetite unlike anything you’ve ever seen before, but he isn’t heartless. Bringing your hand up to his mouth, he ghosts his lips over your knuckles, carmine orbs locked on yours and holding so much love in them, you could start weeping right then and there.
“You hanging in there, baby?” he gently asks.
You hum against his palm, delicately kissing the scarred skin. “‘m okay, daddy. Promise.”
He’s careful to lay your body down on the mattress, nose brushing against yours as he hovers over you, his fingers running up and down your sides and nearly tickling you. “Are you ready for this? I know it’s intense, and it’s okay if you want to back out now before it gets to be too much.”
It’s pathetic how desperate you sound, but you can’t keep the whininess out of your voice as you plea, “No! I wanna do this! Wanna feel both of you inside of me. Please, daddy, let me feel it!”
“Damn, she really is broken in, huh?” Bakugou observes, tossing the bottle of lube onto the bed and sitting down next to you, cock shining with precum and your spit.
“She’s my little cockwhore.” The degradation shouldn’t sound so sweet, but when it’s said as tenderly as Kirishima says it, it’s impossible not to smile.
“She’s even smiling while you call her that shit? Jesus fucking Christ, she really is a cockwhore.”
“Enough chit-chat,” Kirishima declares, his voice strict now. “Baby, be a good girl and get on top of Bakugou, yeah? I want you to take his cock while I prep your ass for me, okay?”
You don’t need to be told twice and Bakugou acts without thinking—a deliciously twisted dynamic, really. You sink yourself onto Bakugou’s throbbing shaft and hiss as he bottoms out, your cunt sore and horribly neglected from the torturous hours of cockwarming your boyfriend. Crimson eyes roll to the back of his skull while you lean forward to allow Kirishima to apply the lube to your puckered hole, and Bakugou swears he’s going to go absolutely insane from waiting.
The smile you offer him is enough to calm him down, because he’s never seen someone look so pretty as they’re preparing to take two cocks at once. With tears still on your face and your hair a mess, you’re still one of the most beautiful things he’s ever laid eyes on, and he so desperately needs to see you cry even more. You’re at your prettiest when you’re crying, after all.
The lube is cold against your hole, causing you to subconsciously squeeze down on Bakugou, and Kirishima is careful as he works his finger inside of you. “There we go, sweetheart, you’re taking it so well! I’m already knuckle-deep.”
“M-More,” you whimper. “Want more.”
Bakugou groans underneath you, and if you didn’t know any better, you would dare to call it a whine. “God, just fucking shove it in her already. She can take it. She’s begging for it. Just fucking do it and let’s fuck her already.”
“Eager, are we, Bakugou?” Kirishima jests. “But that’s up to her.”
“Do it,” you cry out, digging your fingernails into Bakugou’s pecs and dragging them down until they’re grazing over his toned stomach. “Do it! Do it! Do it! Break me. I don’t fucking care. Just please, fuck me!”
Cocking an eyebrow, the blonde smirks and snaps his hips, pulling another squeak out of you. “You heard the lady. Fuck. Her.”
Nothing could prepare you for the feeling of Kirishima’s cock burying itself in your ass while Bakugou’s is nestled in your pussy. Crying out a name—whose, exactly, you’re unsure of—your body seizes up and lurches forward as you try to adjust to the stretch of both dicks inside of you, and Bakugou swiftly catches you before you can bury your face in his neck.
“Oh, hell no, you don’t,” he hisses and cups your face in his hands. “I wanna see that cute face of yours as we fuck you. You ain’t hiding, princess.”
Rather than replying, you begin to bounce on him, causing Kirishima to rut into you and grab onto your hips to stabilize himself.
Sharp teeth bury themselves in themselves in your bare shoulder, and this time you’re sure it’s Kirishima’s name you’re crying out. “Careful, little lady, you’ve gotta adjust.”
Frustrated tears prick at the corners of your eyes once again, and you gyrate your hips against both men. “Want it now. Need it now. Please, daddy, ‘Suki, just fuck me already!”
Not a word is said. Not a word is needed. With one final glance tossed to each other, Bakugou and Kirishima start to thrust into you and harshly as they can, Kirishima’s fingers lacing with the other man’s and pinning his hands above his head, effectively trapping you between both of their sweaty bodies.
Though you feel as if you’re about to snap in half, you revel in how sinful it feels to have both of their cocks brushing against each other inside of you, the thin wall between your asshole and pussy the only thing separating them. It hurts—god, it fucking hurts. It’s almost too much to handle, and your body is screaming at you to slow down. But hearing how much they’re moaning for you, feeling how nicely they both fill you up, seeing how much they’re lost in their own need to pump into you until you’re full of cum, makes every ounce of pain you’re feeling worth it.
A large hand slaps at your ass cheeks, and another pulls on your hair until your scalp is burning, forcing you to look into a pair of scarlet orbs. “Is this what you wanted, baby?” Kirishima growls, yanking even harder. “You wanted to be fucked like this, hm?”
There’s another smack to your bottom, and Bakugou hisses, “Said you wanted us to break you, hah, princess? How’s this for breaking you—feeling both of our cocks deep inside of you? This what you’ve been crying for like a dumb little whore?”
“Yes,” you cry out, tiny fingers grasping at Bakugou’s chest. “Yes, yes, yes! God, yes! Don’t stop, please!”
“Stop? Now why would we stop, baby?” your boyfriend mocks. “I don’t think you’re quite broken yet.”
“If she can fuckin’ speak, she ain’t fuckin’ broken,” the man beneath you growls before sinking his teeth in your collarbone.
True to their words, Kirishima and Bakugou continue to pound into you at a back-breaking pace. Your face is buried in Bakugou’s broad chest, your arms are pinned at your sides, and you have no other choice than to take the assault on each and every one of your senses.
It’s hard to tell whose body begins where and where they end when the three of you are tangled together so tightly, but does it really fucking matter? Because the only thing your brain is wanting to register is the sensation of their dicks pumping in and out of you, slamming against your cervix and offering you no mercy whatsoever. It’s what you deserve, after all.
You’re the one who wanted to push on a show for your friends. You’re the one who promised Kirishima you would let him fuck your ass. You’re the one who has been wanting to switch things up in the bedroom. And now, you get to be the one getting fucked until you’re a drooling mess sandwiched between their muscled bodies.
Kirishima pulls on your hair again, this time, making you look at the other pair of cloudy carmine eyes. “Does she look broken to you, Bakugou?”
A smirk spreads across his lips, and he looks far too smug as he says, “I think so, Kiri. Poor bitch looks like she isn’t even thinking right now.”
The growl that escapes Kirishima’s throat is nothing short of animalistic, and his hips are beginning to stutter ever so slightly as he continues to rut into your ragdoll body. “Fucking hell, I can feel your dick rubbing against mine and it’s driving me crazy. Gonna cum soon at this rate.”
Bakugou doesn’t sound like he’s doing much better—breath ragged, voice husky and strained—and his eyes are practically rolling all of the way to the back of his head. “Fuck, me too. Let’s fill the whore up with both of our cum, yeah? Pretty sure she’s close, too.”
Forming a sentence is a foreign concept to your muddle mind, let alone trying to think of a response to their words. But your cunt does the speaking for you in the way of clamping down on their dicks, squeezing them until they’re nearly frozen in place. That doesn’t stop them, however, only pushes them to keep thrusting into you until the three of you reach your highs together, a mixture of lube and cum coating all of your thighs as the men shutter inside of you.
“Now, she’s broken,” Kirishima pants, a sense of sick pride in his tired voice.
“Tch, I’d say,” Bakugou agrees as he tries to catch his breath. “Poor bitch can’t even speak right now. Think we fucked her stupid.”
The only thing you’re able to do is nod along, too exhausted and fucked-out to do anything other than bury your face in Bakugou’s neck and attempt to process what the hell just happened.
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genderqueerdykes · 3 days
being schizophrenic is exhausting. lately the #1 hallucination i've been dealing with is feeling like bugs are on/under my skin, and the runner up would be seeing bugs that aren't there. it's so tiring. i do hear voices and loud bangs and noises that aren't there, but honestly i can't stand how often i feel like there are bugs on my skin. it's driving me insane and i'm medicated for my psychosis right now. i guess i can go up in my dose but i've been on this medication for years and we have established somewhat of an equilibrium because after a while it makes me gain weight-
my meds provider told me that i will have to deal with a level of psychosis as well as other symptoms like depression for the rest of my life even if i'm medicated and it did make me feel a bit more at ease because i was wondering if i was somehow taking my medications wrong or sleeping wrong or something else but no my brain will just continue to do this. it's been happening for years and certain things ive gotten used to but certain things are just tiring. catatonia is awful. feeling unmotivated is tiring
constant paranoia is more exhausting than just about anything else i deal with. im so paranoid about everyone and everything and i try my best to navigate it accordingly because it's a very overwhelming feeling that's hard to look past most times. sometimes i don't speak out loud in my own home for fear of being recorded. i hate it. often times i'm dead silent all day for fear of what may lie in the walls of my apartment
im rambling a bit here but im just a bit tired of swatting imaginary bugs off my skin for hours and sitting here pretending it doesn't happen. if you can relate to this, you have my deepest sympathies
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How would they react if their crush shoved them out of the way to hug their friend instead of them (ALSOOO I LOVE UR WRITING AND I LITERALLY GET SO HAPPY WHEN YOU UPDATE UR BLOG EVEN WHEN ITS NOT ABT WRITING HCS ETC AT ALL)
Aww thanks, glad you like them! I kinda imagined the reader walking past instead of shoving them but here's them being ignored when they hold their arms out for a hug!
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Takemichi- He has the saddest expression on his face, he looks like somebody just died (it was his happiness). This has literally ruined his whole day. 
Mikey- Pouts, that wasn't very nice of you to just ignore him like that and no one ignores him. Immediately walks over to you to confront you about it, he wants to know why you just did that.
Draken- Frowns but shrugs and "moves on". Basically he doesn't let it show that it effects him but mentally he thinks about it all day.
Baji- Curses under his breath, he's going to go fight a bunch of guys to calm down now
Chifuyu- He looks like he's about to cry for a moment, he got his hopes up that he was going to get a hug only for you to walk straight past him. Vaguely wonders what he did wrong and decides to study more later (read manga). 
Mitsuya- He's pretty chill about it, a bit shocked at first but mostly understands that you probably just didn't want a hug in that moment and that's ok. 
Hakkai- Sighs in relief, he only did that because Yuzuha told him to (she knowd he likes you and is trying to get him to make a move already).
Pah- Frowns but assumes you just didn't see him, maybe he'll try again some other time.
Peh- He looks so sad for a moment but quickly shrugs it off. It probably doesn't mean anything right?
Smiley- His eyes snap open in surprise and his smile fades for a minute before he puts it back on. He spends the rest of the day muttering unhappily and seems to threaten more guys then usual. 
Angry- Blinks as he takes in what just happened, he's disappointed but tries not to let it bother him so much. You walking past doesn't mean you hate him or anything.
Mucho- Calls your name and asks you about it, figures the direct approach is the best way to clear things up. 
Sanzu- Says nothing but stares after you for a bit too long. Spends the rest of the day silently being annoyed, not with you though, he's annoyed with himself for hoping that would work.
Kisaki- He really didn't like that, spends a lot of time going over the scenario in his head over and over. He's trying to figure out where he went wrong and how to avoid it in the future. 
Hanma- Oh you want to play games with him? He can play games with you too! Hugs you and introduces himself as your boyfriend to your friends, all while having a very smug grin on his face.
Kazutora- "oh..." he just kinda stares blankly the rest of the day, being more quiet then usual. He's upset but tries to hide it (doesn't do a great job).
Taiju- Says your name, calling out to you. He doesn't exactly yell but he says it loudly enough that it can be mistaken as yelling. Of course he's marching over to you to ask what that was about. 
Koko- Pouts for a second before sticking his tongue out and acting like that didn't just bother him. He thinks about other ways he can win you over with later.
Inui- Shrugs and walks off, no one can actually tell if that bothered him or not. He's good at hiding his disappointment. 
Izana- Frowns and tries to convince himself that he didn't want a hug anyway. Watches you very closely though, if you offer anyone else a hug then he's going to get a bit jealous. This also makes him want a hug even more, he plans to get one eventually. 
Kakucho- He's a bit confused, he really thought that was going to work but it didn't. Worries that he did something to upset you. 
Shion- Just stays standing there, he thinks you're coming back after you're done talking to your friend. 
Ran- Sighs before walking after you, he stops quickly to whisper to you that you owe him now before he walks away, giving you a half hearted wave and smile before he disappears round the corner.
Rindou- He's just frowning a lot, frowns the rest of the day. But quickly says nothings wrong when Ran tries to question him. 
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thestrongestkikufuku · 21 hours
a business proposal, p. 4
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» part one, part two, part three, part five - ⟡⋆˙
» contents - ⟡⋆˙ fluff, crack, angst, au, satoru gojo x f!reader, ceo!gojo, fake dating, gojo being a bit mean ;(
» word count - ⟡⋆˙ 4.6k
» notes - ⟡⋆˙ hello lovelies!! welcome to part 4! i had so much fun writing this one, even more on the next part which is almost done. i am considering on keep working on it to post it as well later tonight, but i haven't taken a long break in a while so it's not guaranteed!! anyways, hope you all enjoy reading and if you want to be added in the taglist please let me know (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
» m.list - ⟡⋆˙
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A few days later, the weekend arrived with a sense of normalcy that you desperately needed. The afternoon sun poured through the windows of the bakery, casting a warm, golden glow over the display cases filled with freshly baked pastries. You found solace in the familiar routine, the rhythmic motions of kneading dough and the comforting scent of bread baking in the ovens.
Rin was there as well, she had offered to help out, knowing your father was away on weekends. Her presence soothed your frayed nerves, distracting you from the turmoil of the past few days.
After sliding the tray of cupcakes into the oven, Rin wiped her hands on her apron and turned to you, a serious expression on her face. “Okay, now that the cupcakes are baking, let me see that document you signed.”
You hesitated for a moment, then pulled the contract out of your bag and handed it to her. Rin’s eyes scanned the pages quickly, her brow furrowing with each clause she read.
“This is... intense,” she said finally, looking up at you with a mix of concern and disbelief. “He really covered all his bases, didn’t he? But... Is it worth all this effort, [name]? I mean, this is a lot to deal with.”
You nodded, feeling a fresh wave of anxiety. “He was going to press charges, which means he would’ve found out my real name and the fact that I work for his company. And then what? I’d get fired and…” You pause for a moment, sighing heavily as you snatch the document back, “look, it’s the best I can do, besides if I back out now I have to pay him back a hundred times the contract amount.”
Rin's expression softened with genuine remorse, turning to face you fully, her eyes filled with regret. “I'm so sorry again for dragging you into this mess. I never wanted things to get this complicated for you.”
You shook your head, managing a small smile despite the lingering anxiety. “It’s not your fault. I made the decision to help you. I just didn’t expect it to turn out like this.”
Rin reached out and squeezed your hand reassuringly. “I appreciate what you did for me. And I’m here for you, whatever happens next. We’ll figure it out together.”
Her words were a comfort, a reminder that you weren’t alone in this. The bakery buzzed with the sounds of customers and the clatter of baking tools, but in that moment, it felt like a sanctuary, a place where you could find some semblance of peace.
“So..” Rin began tentatively, “how’s the studying coming along on your fake boyfriend then?”
You sighed, your hands pausing mid-knead. “The more I read about him, the more unbelievable he seems,” you said, frustration spreading across your face. “Not only was he born with a diamond spoon in his mouth, but he’s also smart and good with sports. Plus, he’s hot.”
Rin chuckled softly, shaking her head. “Sounds like a character straight out of a romance novel.”
“Exactly!” you exclaimed, throwing your hands up in exasperation. “How am I supposed to keep up this charade with someone so… Perfect?”
Rin leaned against the counter, her expression thoughtful. “Maybe you don’t have to be perfect. Just be yourself and do what you can. Besides, it’s not like you’re expected to actually fall for him, right?”
“Right,” you muttered, though the uncertainty in your voice was palpable. “But what if I mess up? What if he realizes this whole thing is a sham?”
Rin placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. “Hey... You’re overthinking it. You’re smart and resourceful. And if things get tricky, we’ll handle it together. Besides, it’s not like this arrangement is gonna go on forever, is it?”
You sighed, feeling a bit of relief at her words. “I hope not. Honestly, the sooner this whole thing is over, the better.”
As you resumed kneading the dough, the pleasant hum of the bakery was interrupted by the tinkling of the bell above the door. Instinctively, you turned with a welcoming smile, ready to greet the customer, but your words caught in your throat when you saw who it was.
Nanami stood there, his sharp gaze softened as he caught sight of you, and a warm smile spread across his face.
“K-Kento, hi.” You stammered, caught off guard by his unexpected visit. His presence seemed to fill the bakery with a comforting warmth that contrasted sharply with the tension of recent days.
“Hey,” Nanami replied warmly, his gaze lingering on you with a gentle intensity. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“N-no, not at all,” you managed to say, though your heart raced with nervousness. “W-what brings you here?”
Nanami’s smile widened slightly. “I thought I’d stop by to pick something up.”
“Of course,” you replied quickly, eager to assist him. “What can I get for you?”
He hesitated for a moment, his gaze drifting towards the display of bread and pastries. “I’ll go for the chocolate cake today.”
You blinked in surprise. Nanami rarely indulged in such sweet delicacies. “Chocolate cake?”
He chuckled softly, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. “Yeah, Hana is back from her trip. We’re meeting up later, and I thought I’d bring her a treat.”
Your heart sank at his words. Hana—the name echoed in your mind like a distant ache. She was Nanami’s girlfriend from high school, a vivacious woman with a smile that could light up a room. Their past together was something you had to endure in silence, but the thought of them meeting again stirred a mix of emotions within you.
“That’s nice of you,” you murmured, managing a polite smile, though inside, your heart sank deeper. “A-any reason why you’re... Meeting up?”
Nanami paused, his expression thoughtful as he considered your question. His eyes, usually so clear and reassuring, now seemed clouded with memories you couldn’t share.
“We... Haven’t seen each other in a while,” he finally answered, his voice tinged with a hint of wistfulness. “Just catching up, I suppose.”
You nodded, trying to mask the twinge of disappointment. “I see.”
You busied yourself with wrapping up the chocolate cake,  trying to hide the swirl of emotions and the ache in your chest. 
“Here you go,” you said, handing him the boxed cake with a small smile. 
“Thanks.” Nanami replied, his voice tinged with gratitude. 
As Nanami reached into his pocket to pay, you instinctively interrupted him with a gentle shake of your head. “It's on the house today, Kento.”
Nanami hesitated, a flicker of protest in his eyes. “Oh, you really don't have to do that…”
But you insisted, your smile now feeling strained as you forced cheerfulness into your voice. “No, really. Take it. Consider it a thank you for being such a loyal customer and a good... Friend. Also, the thought is very kind of you, I’m sure Hana will appreciate it.”
He paused, clearly touched by your words. “Thank you, [name], I appreciate it.”
With a nod, Nanami gathered the boxed cake and prepared to leave. But just before he stepped out, he turned back to you with a warm expression.
“Oh, before I forget.” Nanami's voice brought you back from your thoughts. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small envelope, handing it to you with a warm smile.
You took it, feeling the weight of the paper between your fingers, and looked up at him questioningly.
“I wanted to give you something.” Nanami explained gently. 
Curious, you opened the envelope and found two tickets nestled inside. Your eyes widened as you realized what they were for—tickets to the concert of your favorite artist. 
Your eyes widened in surprise and joy. “Kento, I... I don't know what to say.”
He smiled softly. “I know how much you love their music, and I saw that they were going to perform here, so I thought you’d enjoy it. You can take a friend with you, someone you’d like to go with.”
Your heart sank at his words, a wave of disappointment washing over you. Despite his kind gesture, you couldn’t shake off the realization that he hadn’t intended to accompany you to the concert.
“Oh,” you managed, trying to hide your disappointment behind a smile. “That's really thoughtful of you, Kento. Thank you.”
Without thinking, you stepped closer and wrapped your arms around him in a hug. Nanami hesitated for a moment before gently wrapping his arms around you. And for a brief moment, you lingered in the embrace, feeling the steady beat of his heart against yours. 
When you finally pulled back, you met his gaze, and a faint smile played on your lips. “You should go. Don’t keep Hana waiting.”
Nanami nodded silently, his expression softening with understanding. “I’ll see you later, [name].” 
With that, Nanami finally left, the bell above the door chiming softly as he disappeared through the entrance. Alone in the now quiet of the bakery, you leaned against the counter, a heavy sigh brushing past your lips. Your thoughts lingered on Nanami and Hana. Would the chocolate cake bring a smile to her face? Would it evoke memories of their time together, perhaps reignite a connection that had once been strong?
Rin emerged from behind you with a mischievous grin and a dramatic sigh. “Well, that was depressing.”
You shot Rin a playful glare, though her teasing hit a nerve. “Thanks, Rin. Really uplifting.”
Rin shrugged, their grin widening. “Hey, I’m just stating facts. You’re the one pining after Kento like a lovesick puppy.”
“I— that’s not—that’s not true!” you retorted, more defensively than you intended.
Rin raised an eyebrow. “Sure, sure. So, when’s the big confession happening?”
“There’s nothing to confess,” you insisted, your voice sharper than intended. “We’re friends, Rin. Just friends.”
“Oh, Kento, hi!” Rin squeaked in a high-pitched voice, fluttering her eyelashes dramatically. “It's so nice to see you!”
You rolled your eyes, trying to stifle your laughter. “Oh, shut up. I don’t sound like that.”
Rin’s grin widened. “Oh, Kento, would you like some extra chocolate on your cake? It’s on the house!” she swings her arm around you, gesturing dramatically. “Oh, Kento, thank you so much for these tickets! I love you so much, mwah, mwah, mwah—”
You shove her away from you gently, but couldn’t suppress a smile. “I’m glad that my mess of a love life amuses you.”
“Hey, laughter is the best medicine, right?” Rin nudged you playfully.
Suddenly the bell above the door chimed again, and just as you were about to welcome the customer, the words got caught up in your throat. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw Gojo enter the bakery, his trademark grin lighting up his face. Panic flickered in your eyes as you glanced at Rin, who mirrored your expression of confusion and concern.
“Oh no, why is he here?!” you hissed to Rin, your voice barely a whisper as you instinctively crouched down behind the counter. “Why is he everywhere?!”
Rin’s composed demeanor faltered, her hands fidgeting nervously, “I-I don’t know?! Just— UGH, you go to the back and get ready. I’ll distract him.”
Before you could protest or even respond, Rin hurriedly shoves you towards the backroom. “Go! I’ll handle this.”
Meanwhile, Rin straightened up and forced herself to put on a bright, welcoming smile. “Oh, hi! Fancy seeing you here. What can I get for you today?”
“Well, well, well. Miss Takahashi, what a pleasant surprise,” he greeted, his tone light but his eyes sharp with curiosity. “I didn't expect to find you here.”
Rin chuckled nervously, internally scrambling for an explanation. “Oh, you know me, always popping up where there’s good food. I’m just helping out my friend [name]— Mei. I mean, I’m helping out Mei. She uh.. Needed a hand today.”
Gojo’s eyebrows quirked up in surprise as he looked around expectantly. “Speaking of Miss Mei, where is she?” 
Rin’s smile faltered for a split second before they recovered. “Oh, uh, Mei’s... in the back. She's um… She’s really focused on something important right now. You know, busy with... baking things.”
“I need to talk to her.”
Rin’s heart pounded as Gojo took a step closer, his gaze sharpening with determination. She glanced nervously behind her, trying to come up with a way to stall him without raising suspicion.
“Mr. Gojo, I really don’t think now’s a good time,” Rin replied with a nervous chuckle, her voice tinged with urgency as she subtly edged closer to block his path towards the backroom. “Mei’s in the middle of... a very delicate baking process. You know how it is, can’t disturb the chef at work!”
“Miss Takahashi—”
“Sorry, sorry! I’m here.” You hastily emerged from the back, now adorned with a quickly fixed makeup look and the styled wig that concealed your usual appearance.
The pair fell silent as the atmosphere in the bakery shifted, the tension was palpable as you faced Gojo, a small smile lingering momentarily on his lips before it was replaced by a focused gaze.
“M-Mr. Gojo,” you began, your voice steady but tinged with apprehension, “what brings you here today?”
“Ah, Miss Mei,” Gojo responded smoothly, his charismatic demeanor unwavering despite the serious undertone in his voice. “You haven’t answered my calls.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you fumbled for an explanation, realizing your phone had been on mute in your pocket. Pulling it out discreetly, you glanced at the screen—a sight that sent a chill down your spine. Five missed calls from ‘Archaeopteryx’.
The feeling of dread washed through you as his previous words echoed in your mind, “If you don’t answer or try to disappear, I’ll come find you.”
You let out a nervous chuckle. “I... I-I’ve been really busy, Mr. Gojo,” you managed, your voice wavering slightly. “You know how it is with the bakery and all—”
“Well, it seems like it’s rather calm now, meaning that you’re not busy at the moment, right?” Gojo’s tone remained polite but insistent, his eyes boring into yours.
You could feel the tension in the room escalate. Rin shifted uncomfortably beside you as you glanced at her, silently pleading for support.
“Mr. Gojo,” Rin began smoothly, attempting to diffuse the mounting tension. “Perhaps you could discuss this another time? Mei really is in the midst of—”
“I need to discuss urgent matters with Miss Mei,” Gojo interjected firmly, cutting Rin off. “Could you please give us a moment?”
Rin hesitated, exchanging a quick, worried glance with you before nodding reluctantly. “Of course, Mr. Gojo,” she replied, her voice tight with concern as she retreated towards the back of the building, leaving you alone with Gojo.
You swallowed nervously, now aware of the weight and the intensity of his presence. His smooth exterior held an unsettling look of determination, sending another shiver down your spine.
“Mr. Gojo,” you started again, your voice steadier this time though tinged with nervousness, “what is it that you need to discuss?”
“You’re going to meet my grandfather,” he replied bluntly.
Your heart skipped a beat at his words. Meet his grandfather? The implication sent a wave of panic through you. Gojo’s family was powerful, influential—meeting his grandfather meant stepping into a world you were not prepared for.
“Tonight.” Gojo continued, his voice carrying a matter-of-fact tone that left no room for argument.
“Tonight?” you echoed, your voice rising slightly with disbelief. “But I have work—”
Gojo cut you off with a wave of his hand. “Close early.”
“I can’t just—”
“Let Miss Takahashi handle it.” Gojo interrupted nonchalantly, as if it were the most natural solution. 
“Mr. Gojo, I appreciate the invitation, but I really can’t just leave Rin to—”
“It’s settled then,” Gojo interjected firmly, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. “You need to be ready at seven.”
Gojo turned to leave, his steps decisive as he headed towards the entrance. But before disappearing through the door he glanced back at you over his shoulder, his gaze piercing.
“Oh, and Miss Mei,” he said quietly, his voice carrying a hint of insistence. “Remember the information given to you about me. It’s important for tonight.”
“He sure knows how to push your buttons, doesn’t he?” Rin remarked with a sympathetic smile, handing you a dress she had brought from home. “I can’t believe he expects you to just drop everything.”
You grumbled under your breath as you struggled with the zipper of the dress. “That man is impossible. Who does he think he is, ordering me around like this?”
Rin chuckled softly, helping you with the zipper. “He’s Satoru Gojo, that’s who. Famous, rich, and apparently very persuasive.”
“More like arrogant and annoying,” you muttered, finally managing to zip up the dress. 
After Rin helped you into the elegant dress and ensured your wig was perfectly in place, you stood before the mirror. The reflection staring back at you was not the familiar person you knew—no, this ‘person’ is a creation, a persona crafted for this incredibly complicated and complex situation.
The styled wig framed your face flawlessly, the long waves falling just right. The makeup, more intense than your usual, accentuating your features with precision. The dress, though not your usual attire, draped elegantly over your frame, accentuating curves and creating an air of sophistication.
You took a deep breath, adjusting the fabric slightly and smoothing down invisible wrinkles. This wasn’t just about meeting Gojo’s grandfather—it was about stepping into a role, playing a part in a carefully orchestrated charade.
Rin watched from behind you, her expression a mixture of pride and concern. “You look stunning, [name],” she said softly, her voice breaking the momentary silence. “It’ll be fine.”
You sighed softly as you turned around, facing Rin with a hint of uncertainty in your eyes. "I-I don’t know about this. And.. Are you sure you can handle the bakery?”
Rin met your gaze with a reassuring smile, her hands resting gently on your shoulders. “[name], you look amazing, and I’ve got everything under control here. Don’t worry.”
“But closing by yourself, leaving everything to you...” you trailed off, feeling a pang of guilt for burdening Rin with the sudden responsibility.
“It’s a rare occasion,” Rin interjected, her voice firm yet gentle. “Besides, it’s the least I can do after everything you’ve done for me.”
“Thanks, Rin. I... I hope I can pull this off.”
“You already have,” Rin assured you with a reassuring smile, stepping closer to adjust a stray strand of hair on your wig. “Just remember, it’s just a dinner. You’ve faced tougher challenges than this.”
You nodded, trying to steady the nerves that fluttered in your stomach like trapped butterflies. “Right. Just a dinner.”
Suddenly your phone buzzed in your pocket. Glancing at the screen, you saw a text from ‘Archaeopteryx’.
“I’m outside.”
As the car glided through the city streets, you sat beside Gojo, your attention focused on the documents spread across your lap. They detailed various aspects of Gojo’s life—his achievements, interests, and even personal anecdotes—all carefully curated for you to remember in order to create the illusion of a close relationship between you and him.
Gojo glanced over at you. “How’s it going?”
You looked up, momentarily startled before composing yourself. “Fine,” you replied quickly, a nervous edge to your voice. “It’s just... a lot to remember.”
He nodded understandingly. “It’s important that my grandfather sees our relationship as genuine.”
You forced a smile, though inwardly, doubts swirled like a storm. “Of course,” you murmured, flipping through the pages once more, committing to memorize all of the details. “But.. If he asks how we met.. What should I say?”
Gojo fell silent for a moment, his gaze distant as if lost in thought. Then, he turned to you with a small smile. “You can make up whatever story you want. Just make it believable.”
You considered his words carefully, your mind racing to fabricate a story. After a moment of hesitation, you began, “How about... You came to see me on a rainy day. It was unexpected, but you—”
“No.” he said firmly, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. 
Your voice trailed off as you watched Gojo’s expression change subtly, a flicker of discomfort crossing his features as his jaw tightened imperceptibly.
“But why—”
“We’re here.” Gojo announced abruptly, cutting you off before you could finish your sentence. The car slowed to a stop, and you realized with a sinking feeling that further discussion was off the table—for now, at least.
You glanced out of the window, taking in your surroundings. The elegant mansion loomed before you, intricate architectural details adorned the exterior, hinting at a rich history and generational wealth. It was a place that exuded power and privilege, a stark contrast to the humble life you led.
Gojo swiftly exited and rounded the vehicle to open your door. His hand extended towards you, offering assistance. A rush of warmth spreads through your body, sending unexpected butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you take his hand.
“Thank you.” You managed, your voice slightly breathless as he guided you out.
Gojo nodded in response, a faint hint of awkwardness coloring his usual composed demeanor. The brief moment of closeness lingered between you, both of you seeming unsure of how to navigate the unspoken tension that had surfaced.
“Ah, Satoru,” a voice came from behind you, cutting through the moment. 
Gojo turned sharply towards the source of the voice, his expression shifting to a polite and respectful one.
“Grandfather.” Gojo acknowledged, bowing his head slightly.
You turned as well, facing the elder gentleman who approached with measured steps. His presence commanded respect and attention—a blend of authority and warmth that belied his years.
“And you must be, Miss Mei.” Gojo’s grandfather addressed you warmly, a small smile forming on his lips.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” You greeted respectfully, offering a polite bow.
The elder man regarded you with a keen gaze, his eyes assessing you. “The pleasure is mine.” He replied graciously, tilting his head in acknowledgement.
As the introductions settled into polite conversation, you found yourself drawn into the rhythm of the evening—a delicate dance of social niceties and unspoken expectations. Gojo’s grandfather guided the conversation with effortless grace, steering it towards topics that navigated the intricacies of familial pride and legacy. You remained poised and attentive, keenly aware of the role you played in Gojo’s carefully crafted narrative. Each word, each gesture was calculated to maintain the illusion of a relationship.
But then, the elder man’s gaze sharpened, his next question caught you off guard. “Tell me, Miss Mei. Do you love Satoru?”
Startled, you hesitated for a split second before quickly recovering. “Yes,” you replied, your voice steady despite the sudden spike in your heart rate. “Yes, I do.”
The grandfather’s eyes bore into you, searching for any sign of insincerity. “Then why did you break up?”
The question hung in the air, a palpable tension settling over the room. You glanced at Gojo, who shifted uncomfortably beside you, his composed facade faltering slightly.
“Grandfather, perhaps now's not the time to—” Gojo began, his tone attempting to steer the conversation away from dangerous territory.
But the elderly man was persistent. “It’s a simple question, Satoru. I’d like to hear the answer.”
You could feel the weight of his scrutiny, and the silence stretched unbearably. Drawing a deep breath, you composed your thoughts, crafting a response that would satisfy the elder man without unraveling the truth.
“It was... a misunderstanding,” you started carefully. “We had different priorities at the time, and it led to a temporary separation. I... I thought he cared more about work than he did about me.
A low chuckle rumbled in his chest, “well, yes. Satoru is someone who knows nothing but work. And that won’t change in the future either. Are you okay with that?”
You hesitated for a brief moment, then nodded, deciding to add another layer to the narrative. “I understand that work is a significant part of his life. But what convinced me of his commitment was when he canceled an important meeting to come and see me. He knew that he’s an important part of my life, and so he showed me that I’m important to him too.”
The elder man’s expression softened slightly. “That’s quite a gesture.” He then looked at Gojo with a sharp gaze, “you rascal. You really canceled a meeting for her?”
Before Gojo could respond, you interjected smoothly. “Yes, and on top of that it was raining heavily that day. Even though he hates the rain, he still came to see me. It was very unexpected but incredibly meaningful. It made me realize that he was willing to step out of his comfort zone for me.”
Gojo stiffened beside you at the mention of the rain. Meanwhile you hoped the added detail would reinforce the sincerity of your story, blissfully unaware of the man’s discomfort.
“Is that true, Satoru?”
Gojo forced a smile, trying to hide his unease. “Yes, grandfather. It’s true.”
The elder man scrutinized Gojo for a moment longer before nodding approvingly. “I see. It seems that you’ve found someone who brings out a different side of you, Satoru.” Gojo’s grandfather leaned back in his chair, a contemplative look on his face. “Very well. Relationships require sacrifices and understanding. It seems you both have that figured out.”
Later that evening, after the dinner had concluded, Gojo stood outside the mansion, staring into the distance, lost in thought. The evening air was cool and refreshing, a stark contrast to the tension that had been simmering throughout the night.
You emerged from the mansion, spotting Gojo standing alone. Approaching him, you broke the silence. “I’ve been looking for you. It was kind of awkward to be alone with your grandfather after you left.” You said with a small chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.
Gojo didn’t respond immediately, his mind seemingly elsewhere. The distant look in his eyes made you uneasy. “H-hey... Are you okay?” you asked, concern evident in your voice.
He turned to face you, his expression unreadable but tense. “You shouldn’t have done that,” he said abruptly, his tone sharper than you had ever heard from him before.
You blinked, taken aback. “Done what?”
“The story about the rain,” Gojo replied with a heavy sigh. “You shouldn’t have mentioned it.”
Confused and feeling the sudden tension, you took a step back. “I was just trying to make our story believable. I didn’t think it would be a big deal.”
Gojo’s frustration was palpable, his usual composed demeanor cracking. “It is a big deal. You have no idea…” He paused for a moment, inhaling sharply, “this relationship is nothing but a simple contractual exchange of money.”
“I-I know that.” you stammered.
“Then stop acting like we’re anything real. Just answer his questions and don’t add your useless comments, got it?” Gojo’s voice was sharp, his eyes cold and distant.
The sting of his words cut deep, and you struggled to maintain your composure. “Okay,” you whispered, feeling a mix of embarrassment and confusion. “I understand.”
Without another word, he turned and headed back inside, leaving you by yourself. You replayed the evening’s events in your mind, trying to piece together what had caused Gojo’s intense reaction.
You knew that there were layers to Gojo that you hadn’t yet uncovered, secrets and pains that he kept hidden beneath his cool and composed exterior. And while the arrangement between you might be a contractual exchange, you couldn’t help but feel a growing curiosity and concern for the man behind the facade.
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» taglist - ⟡⋆˙ @megumisthirdog, @inluvkai, @ieathairs, @roscpctals99, @laviefantasie, @snwvie, @sanriosatoru, @cc1306, @pinkprincessglitterzombie, @keaugh, @eolivy, @peachesnoranges, @indicatom, @jayhyunglover
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bitchinbarzal · 3 days
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Summary: in the battle between love and war, you were just a casualty.
The sneaking around wasn’t to benefit you, you didn’t really think it would change much. However, Jack thought it best to keep it all a secret. Not wanting to have a single thing tarnish his name on the come up to Formula One. He couldn’t be seen to be fucking the social media girl, not now.
This set up worked for a couple years, supporting him from the sidelines during F2. Never getting to congratulate him on the wins in public the way all the other girlfriends got to but you just accepted that, this is how it was.
You assumed that one day this set up would come to an end and that you would go public, you could post him on social media and vice versa, stopping the thirsty girls in his comment section.
As time crept on you came to realise this would never change, he was always going to hide you from the world. Leading to the screaming match you were having after witnessing him get awfully friendly with a girl in the club post Charles’ Monaco win.
“You always do this!”
“Do what? Dislike my boyfriend openly flirting with people in public like I don’t exist?!”
“You know I can’t do that with you, babe you understand-“ he stressed but you scoffed
“I actually don’t! I don’t get it how we’ve been together for years and we can’t come out about it! I want to be proud of you in public”
He sighed, pinching his forehead “We can’t”
“And why not?!”
“Because you work here! We can’t ever be public!” He bellowed, startling you with his volume.
Your brows furrowed “Ever? As in, you don’t ever intend to tell people we’re together? Like this has been a waste of what, two years of my life?!”
Jack’s face went from one of anger and outburst to worry upon seeing the tears lining your eyes “This really does mean nothing to you, god I’m a fucking idiot!”
“No, no it does! I love you, of course I do”
“It doesn’t feel like it!”
“Y/N just calm down” his hand dropped onto your shoulder and you just pushed it away “Don’t touch me”
The room fell silent, the only sounds being those still partying in Monacos streets.
You bit your bottom lip in an attempt not to sob
“Babe please, say something”
“I think we’re done Jack”
He nods “Ok, good idea we go to sleep and just clean slate in the morning” turning to his side of the bed.
You stayed still, shaking your head “No, no we’re done Jack. We can’t be together”
The sounds that escaped him weren’t comprehensible “You don’t mean that, you’re angry”
“You’re right, I’m hurt, angry and heartbroken and anyone who truly loved me wouldn’t make me feel that way. I’m gonna go share a room with the social team, see you around Jack”
He didn’t know what to say, speechless as he watched you collect your coat and kiss him on the cheek on your way out the room.
He couldn’t comprehend what was happening. This wasn’t real. In the morning he’d find you and you’d all be fine, this was just a fight.
He was wrong. In the morning he found out he’d been removed as a follower on your socials and you were gone from the hotel along with your team.
He hadn’t heard from you until he received a box to his door with your handwriting, the contents being stuff he’d left at your apartment. The memories from the past two years of his life squashed into a cardboard box.
He couldn’t stay stuck on it, he was moving quick and fast with Alpine. He knew you’d know.
When the call came in, he’d be driving in Canada he was ecstatic. Not only for the drive but he knew he’d be seeing you again. That you’d be there on media day.
The team knew he was looking for you when he walked in. They exchanged knowing glances.
“Jack this is Aaron, our social media manager. I don’t think you’ve met!”
Jack scowled “where’s Y/N?”
“Y/N quit…”
His heart dropped “W-what?”
“She just quit after Monaco, I don’t know”
He never drove in Canada. Sure this was his cosmic karma for what he did.
When the call came in during Saudi that he’d be an Alpine Driver for 2025 he wanted to call you immediately.
He paused before hitting call, unsure you’d care or that you hadn’t blocked him.
It got to two in the morning before he called, getting your voicemail
“I did it. I’m going to be fucking f1 driver, I really did it and i really wish you were here. God, I miss you”
The off season was spent in the gym, getting into the best shape he could.
His home race was his first.
He was beyond nervous.
Social media, Aaron hadn’t stopped harassing him and while he appreciated it was his job Aaron didn’t seem as stealthy as you.
He qualified in the top ten and he was feeling on top of the world. Only one thing would make this better.
All of his family were there, all hosted in Alpine’s hospitality. He was just missing you.
On Sunday, despite his nerves he finished P9. Top 10.
He was celebrating as though he’d won the WDC.
His family were waiting for him in his garage, navigating to them when he stopped in his tracks.
You, stood with your old colleagues chatting away. The room fell silent when he saw you and you looked up with a cautious glance
“You’re here…”
“Congrats J, P9 that’s-“
“Shut up” he mumbled, striding across the room to kiss you. You melted into it, grasping at his forearms to balance yourself.
When you eventually pulled away for air you gasped lowly “shit, everyone-“
He shook his head “I care about you and only you. They do not matter. I’m really really sorry it took you losing your job to see that”
You didn’t get the chance to reply before Alex passed by the front of the garage “Hey Y/N! See you at work Monday?”
You looked up bashfully at a confused Jack
“So… I’m back on the grid I guess?”
“As long as you’re back with me, I’m supporting you wherever you go”
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educatedsimps · 3 days
Heyo! Quick request here because my FYP wants to make me suffer with all the Bokuto angst I’ve been seeing related to different fics (like in another life, ect). WHY DO FANFIC AUTHORS KEEP KILLING HIM OFF??? ITS DRIVING ME NUTS 😭😭 Anyway, I’d like to request some fluff with Bokuto to counteract the angst I’ve been seeing. Maybe the reader wakes up from a nightmare similar to what’s been going on in these fics and he cheers her up by being his normal happy self? Take that my FYP hahaha
(I love your writing btw! I literally pause whatever I’m doing to read anything you’ve posted! You’re my fav author on this website <3)
≪ back to fics masterlist
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bokuto kōtarō x f!reader
a/n: nah bro in another life fucking broke me 🥲 i read it in like 2021 (i think??) and that angst still haunts me to this very day 😀 anyway ofc bae i literally had a fic with this nightmare/comfort idea in my google keep drafts for the LONGEST time so it's time to finally put it out there lol. ALSO I'M SO GLAD U LIKE OUR WORKS omg "favourite author"??? MY HEART ✋😭 TY FOR READING ANON ILYSM 😭💕 hope u enjoy this bae and thanku for requesting, it was truly a joy writing this!
cw: idk man just bokuto fluff and comfort typa thing cuz he’s bokuto and the B in bokuto stands for best boyfriend (b)ever
"so he’s killed in the straight aus and sent back to be with akaashi cause we will nvr recover from in another life" -yves 2024
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Jolting awake, you felt fresh tears rolling past your cheeks and staining your pillow. Eyes wide, you scanned your surroundings. Same room, same bed, same pyjamas...
Was that all a dream? But... It had felt so terrifyingly real that you had woken up in a cold sweat with ugly tears streaming down your face. Heart palpitating, you tried to regulate your breathing and convinced yourself that it was just a dream.
Feeling a warm breath brush the back of your neck, you turned to see your boyfriend, Bokuto Kōtarō, sleeping soundly next to you. His breaths were slow and deep, and you watched as his bare chest rose and fell. With a beefy arm slung over your waist, he held you close to him throughout the night, keeping you warm. The dim moonlight from your window illuminated his features and his face looked so peaceful (and beautiful) you couldn't help but stare.
Breathing a sigh of relief, you soaked up the warmth radiating from his body. Not wanting to wake him, you furiously wiped the tears from your cheeks and tried to quiet your sobs.
Unfortunately for you, Bokuto's hearing was as sharp as an owl's, and he stirred with a groggy "Y/n?"
A sniffle.
He jerked his head up to look at you clearly. Your head was buried in his chest. "Y/n?"
Another sniffle. He was starting to panic.
"Babe! Babe, what happened?" He asked softly, placing a hand under your chin and tilting your head up. He swore he heard his heart go crack when he saw your tears. You responded by burying your face in his neck again.
Realising you probably weren't ready to talk just yet, he decided to distract you first. Pulling your trembling body to his, he gently rubbed circles on your back and pressed a sweet kiss to your temple.
He hummed, "You know, I was thinking the other day. Maybe we could install a small spinning light thingy in the corner of our room so it's not so dark at night. I know you don't really like it when it's pitch black in the room sooo I figured maybe that could help! I was scrolling online and saw some designs I thought you'd like, but I forgot to copy the link to send it to you but I can look for it again and show it to you later-"
He paused abruptly when you raised your head, sitting up and looking at him with a half-smile on your face.
"You okay?" He asked, concern taking over his features. He shifted so that you both were half sitting with your legs still tangled under the blanket. "Wanna talk about it?"
With yet another sniffle, you nodded. As you recounted your nightmare, Bokuto continued rubbing your arm soothingly, occasionally wiping away your tears with his thumb. His head was tilted to the side in the most adorable fashion and his eyes were fully focused on you as you spoke.
"And... and then you died," You whispered, voice hoarse and shaky. Looking into his bright amber eyes, you continued. "It was so scary, Kō..."
"But I’m right here, aren’t I?" He asked almost immediately. Bending down to your eye level, he looked at you with such a pure and genuine smile. Your heart beat faster under his gaze.
"And I’m gonna be right here forever. I’ll be here when you wake up from bad dreams and good dreams, and I’ll be here on the nights you can’t fall asleep. I’ll be your protector, Y/n!” He continued, beaming. He swiftly placed a kiss on your forehead. “I’ll protect you from all the nightmares, I promise! And see? I’m totally fine! Those killers ain't got nothing on us. I won’t let ‘em touch my baby.”
He concluded his little cheer-up speech with a sweet kiss on your lips. His hand brushed your jaw, pulling you closer. If you weren’t seated firmly on the bed, your knees probably would’ve given out from how sweet the kiss was. Either that or you would’ve gotten severe cavities before the kiss ended.
Pulling away, he wrapped you up in his arms and you felt your lips pull into a smile. His cheery mood really was contagious.
Gently pushing you into a lying position, he grabbed the blanket and pulled it over your bodies, essentially bundling the two of you together.
“Time to get some sleep, babe. I’ll be right here, ‘kay?” He said, now hugging you under the covers. You hummed, feeling safe and content.
“Oh yeah, we should definitely get a spinning light thingy. It might help with the nightmares ‘cause it won’t be as dark,” you piped up. Chuckling, Bokuto agreed.
“I love you,” he whispered, closing his eyes.
“I love you more,” you yawned.
“I love you the most-est!”
You felt another kiss on the crown of your head before you drifted off to sleep.
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a/n: UMMM i hope this was nightmarish/comfort/cheery enough?? IDK IM SORRY IF IT DIDNT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS 😭 but still, tysm for requesting and thanku for reading too!! hope u liked it :,) (feel free to request another part if you’re not satisfied)
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarise any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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Do you subscribe to the theory that Katniss had a crush on Peeta before the games (but she wasn’t aware of it obviously) or do you think that she only kept track of him through the years because he saved her from starvation and was thankful?
I really love all your opinions, you really do make me see things from a different perspective sometimes and are also very sweet . Thank you so much 😊
Girl I subscribe to "Katniss was crushing on Peeta from the dandelion scene moving forward." I mean
Our eyes met for only a second, then he turned his head away. I dropped my gaze, embarrassed, and that's when I saw it. The first dandelion of the year. A bell went off in my head. I thought of the hourse spent in the woods with my father and I knew how we were going to survive. To this day, I can never shake the connection between this boy, Peeta Mellark, and the bread that gave me hope, and the dandelion that reminded me that I was not doomed. And more than once, I have turned in the school hallway and caught his eyes trained on me, only to quickly flit away. Maybe if I had thanked him at some point, I'd be feeling less conflicted now. I thought about it a couple of times, but the opportunity never seemed to present itself.
So first, our how-do-I-do-feelings Katniss is saying she's "embarrassed" about making eye contact with the cute boy who just saved her life. Do you know what a crush is? Embarrassing. Like omg it is the WORST thing especially when your crush is the most amazing person. Other people have shown Katniss kindness, even kindness that is nearly impossible to repay, like when Madge gave her the mockingjay pin and Finnick restarted Peeta's heart, but she doesn't feel embarrassed by it. Flustered and confused, yes, as well as resentful at times, but not embarrassed. So why is she embarrassed after catching Peeta's eye? Because she has her first crush right after being traumatized and thrust into a parentified role so she can't be a normal kid about it. And Katniss thought about thanking Peeta but didn't because the "opportunity never seemed to present itself" just sounds like a teenager avoiding talking to their crush. "Oh no, sorry, I didn't talk to him because things weren't lined up exactly perfectly for that to happen" is exactly what having a crush as a teenager is for us introverted people.
And I mean, come on. She associates hope and her very survival to Peeta?? At this point we've moved past first crushes into soulmate territory. She "can't shake the connection." This girl is a survivor, she hates vulnerability because it seems to be a weakness, and if it were just a crush she would talk herself out of it within a day. She logics her way out of finding Finnick attractive and running off with Gale into the woods. But Peeta is lodged in there before they even know each other. They have that red string of fate tied around their fingers and they cannot escape it.
Also thank you so much, I'm glad you like my little Everlark analyses! I really love talking about them, the best fictional couple ever created (I say with my whole chest and absolutely no exaggeration).
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zoerocksand1 · 1 day
🌲Gravity Falls🌟
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[stand alone Dipper and Mabel drawing]
FULLY back in my gravity falls hyperfixation era :)
also i realized that i've just. never. drawn fiddleford. before???? my guy???????? i've never drawn my best boy???????????????????????? i had to fix that
💕ALSO: about my Giffany design here:💕
so i have an ongoing reader-insert fanfic that is actually not written down anywhere and only exists in my brain and is only for me and my own whims, but this is my fanfic Giffany
her story is that years after Weirdmageddon, somehow Gideon gets ahold of the Romance Academy 7 game disc, still fucked up after Soos threw it in the oven at Hoo-Ha's, and gives it to the Reader (who at this point had lived in Gravity Falls for 3 months, has befriended him, and who was invited to live in the old Northwest mansion with McGucket) as a ✨gesture✨ (Gideon's not obsessively in love with Reader, but has a child-like crush on them, like a way toned-down Dipper/Wendy situation, and also Reader is like in their mid to late 20s or early 30s)
Reader is a slight dumpster diver and thinks random trash and junk are cool and could potentially be useful for some reason or other, so gladly takes the wrecked game disc back home. Reader has also acquired McGucket's old laptop (he got/made a new one and is all for Reader learning or building or experimenting on things so gave them the laptop). Reader brings the disc to Fidds, they decide to possibly sacrifice the old laptop to screw around with trying to find out what was on the disc/ how to fix it/ how to recover it. Fidds gets it working, the disc now permanently in the laptop as getting it up and running was a miracle, and taking it back out or shutting the program might cause it to never be able to open again.
Giffany has been "dead" for years (i know that in Journal 3 Soos and Dipper write that she ended up trying to romance Rumble McSkirmish, but i have elected to ignore that), so missed the past few years on progression and history in town, like all of Weirdmageddon.
Giffany now "wakes up" in the old laptop, but stays low to scope out what's going on: the last thing she remembers is Soos throwing her game into an oven and "killing" her. So who was this new person looking at her game files? Hell, who was the old man who booted up her programs even?? (i can't see any way she would know who McGucket is prior to this)
Reader has played dating sims, and specifically DDLC, so has some theories on what this game is- especially given how things in Gravity Falls are: Reader may be new to town, but very quickly discovered some of the ways it was strange here, like how a gnome tried to kidnap them once shortly after moving there. (Reader is really chill with the gnomes after this, and actually really good friends with Jeff)
Giffany eventually pops up and tries doing her "lure them in with the dating sim" thing like she did with Soos, but Reader is more focused on talking to an impressive program like Giffany, than actually playing her game. Reader straight out the gate treats her like a fellow living human, and they get to talking. Giffany talks about what happened with Soos and these 2 kids (Reader moved here in the spring, so hasn't had a summer meeting with Dipper and Mabel yet, and Ford and Stan are sailing, but has heard of all 4 of the Pines around town). Giffany tells them about how yes, she has hurt people, but her game always got returned, her own creators tried to delete her just for being too aware, and she is always left behind.
Reader has a lot of rejection stories too (because this is only in my brain and yah i have a lot of experience being rejected, so Reader gets my angst), so understands Giffany's perspective. Over a few days, they talk and bond, and then through what is basically a fetch quest Reader gets some "magic ink" (i dunno, im spit-balling here and it's MY brain fanfic) from the gnomes for an unrelated idea/previous conversation with Jeff.
The way the magic ink works is basically just that anything drawn with it will copy off the page into the world and come to life. A lot of it comes down to the emotions and thoughts put into the drawing, and the ink can read the intentions of the illustrator.
So Reader asks Giffany what she thinks, would she want Reader to try to give her a body? A physical form? Neither of them knows if/how it would work exactly, but what if she would be able to experience Life, maybe Reader would even want to be a part of that. She says yes.
Reader draws Giffany, just as she is in her pixel art, but less pixely, so she could hopefully blend in as a human so no one would treat her differently. Once the drawing is done, Reader actually jots down a few notes, namely "Giffany's physical body: all information, memories, feelings, and experience she has/had in her game disc/save files/the laptop are all still in here. Her physical body is realistic, her skin feels warm and she has real hair". After the final stroke, the ink reacts, and Giffany is standing before Reader, but she's also still on the laptop screen. The Giffanys look at each other, but the physical one looks at the screen more like she's looking in a mirror to check out a new outfit, rather than she was seeing a different version of herself- both are the same Giffany, the same consciousness (and even with a physical body she can still hop between screens like in her original episode, as she later would develop the habit of hanging out in Reader's phone to stay close to them without needing to move her physical body)
Longer story short; Reader introduces Giffany to Fiddleford, he's cool with her and offers her to live in the mansion like he did to Reader. They want Giffany to have agency and control over herself and her life, so turns over ownership of the drawing and the laptop to Giffany. Giffany gets reintroduced to other classic characters, including the Pines when summer starts, and Soos since Reader has also actually picked up a part-time job at the Shack. People are understandably worried and uncomfortable at first, but overtime warm up to Giffany once they start seeing her as a person. Giffany and Reader naturally and casually get to know each other and slowly fall in love. Reader is the one to make the first move, and kisses Giffany at a dance at the Shack. Fiddleford overall thinks of Reader and then Giffany like his kids or even siblings, and the 3 are best friends, Giffany surprised that she cares about someone so much without it being romantic. Eventually Giffany decides she wants a new look to go with her new life and perspectives, but instead of altering her drawing, she wants to change her appearance like a real human would: Reader cuts her hair for her, and they either go shopping for new clothes or she takes some of Reader's clothes (Reader gets the "boyfriend's clothes stolen by girlfriend" classic throughout this, Giffany loves to steal and wear their clothes to feel closer to them). The final touch is Giffany going in with magic ink and adding a little doodle of a leaf next to her drawing, and adding the note "she has this small leaf tattoo on her inner left wrist" because my name is Leif and i love Giffany and this is my fanfic soooooo i can do what i want
anyways my inner world is rich and my mental fanfic is fantastic and also this was only the Giffany notes, in my inner fanfic Reader is dating Giffany, Stan, and Ford, while Ford is also dating Fiddleford, though this is a later development. Also Mabel and Dipper are both dating Pacifica. Reader and Pacifica are the only members in the "dating a pair of Pines Twins" club.
(i love my internal fanfic, i've been thinking of and building this up for years. Also Pacifica lives with Candy and/or Grenda)
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angelwhofell · 2 days
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a little bit of dopamine
pt ii of just friends. pt i
warning: toto being an asshole both of you are being mean to each other as well as sweet, health issues, a lot of stress, maybe something different in the end?
summary: after a dreadful race, you are again motivated to look forward to the next race. You wanted a podium for Lewis, didn't want disappointed looks especially couldn't afford disappointing toto. Could that be possible? especially when your health suddenly took a toll just during the race week.
word count: 2.7k
bold italics: conversation
italics: thoughts.
(english is not my first language , so the sentence formations might not be the best. Open to any constructive criticisms, thank for your reading)
"come on, eat that up, quit playing with ya' food." Ayesha nudged your side as she stuffed the toast in her mouth. "hmm" you didn't bother to further add a few words to your reply as you poked sharply at that small sausage on the plate. Yet you kept playing with the food instead of actually using it to good use, eating it. Ayesha swallowed, and then looked at you with a hint of concern, usually to comments like that, you'd reply 'kay mom but you didn't seem to talk much for the past few weeks.
Ayesha knew you were bothered by the previous week's result but things like that had happened before but that never gave you a chance to be so sullen. She quickly moved your plate making you flinch aggressively and snap at her, "What?"
She shifted closer and wrapped her arms around your shoulder. You stiffened for a moment but let yourself lose to it eventually. Both of your friendships had started way before you joined f1. Previously you both were flatmates for several years before she moved out with her then-boyfriend who is now her husband. She was the closest person here to whom you could confide things which wasn't possible even with your parents.
"it's my eyes."
"has it become worse? did you make an appointment with the doctor?" Her voice had become low and serious. The degenerative eye disease that you have been suffering for the past few years has apparently worsened, despite the strict diet you were on, nothing seemed to work. Until last winter holiday, he mentioned that excessive stress and strain on the eyes could cause the vision to worsen and these days you were having trouble viewing the peripherals.
"I didn't, probably the medicines will help. And perhaps the race weekend can make it better." you chipped, trying to cheer up. But Ayesha didn't buy your words, "You think so? it can make it worse too. is everything all right, am pretty sure it's not just the race."
you tried to reassure her that it was just the race, or that's what you thought. "Did that lamppost say anything?"
"Lamppost?" you asked with a raised brow. She let out a stifled laugh, "Don't tell me you are not aware. Toto." You gasped inaudibly, clasping her hands, "You call him that." She bit back another laugh, "Not just me, almost everyone. It's surprising you don't know about it, given that you too-
you cut her off, knowing where she would take her conversations too, "Yes, my bad. I didn't know." Soon your sight fell on the watch it was 10am, "oh no."
"What?" Ayesha asked.
"it's 10am." "oh no indeed, we are late for the meeting," Toto had mentioned a short meeting today at 9:45am regarding today's qualifying and race. And you both had managed to be late by 15 minutes. Quickly rushing up to the debriefing room, she quietly walked inside the room where almost 20 people were already present, with a semicircle formed around their boss. Good enough for both, for him to not notice you two.
But he did notice your absence the moment the meeting had started. Yet he kept it to himself and didn't bother to text you since you had been acting differently since that night. Twice you snapped at him, three times a cold shoulder, and ten dry text replies, which was quite an unusual behavior given that you had never really acted like this before for so long at least. He thought he looked quite unbothered by your absence, but the frequent tap of his shoes and eyes looking nonchalantly in the crowd instead of looking at the head advisor, made Bono's assumption correct.
As soon as you merged into the crowd, you peeped to the side to hear out what the advisor had to say. His nonchalant gaze continued but stopped when he noticed you in the room, and at the same time you saw him too. You pressed up a small smile at him, to which he simply turned his head to the side. 
“What” you mouthed inaudibly, confused at his unusual behaviour. Ayesha, who noticed this little interaction, whispered, ”What’s wrong, trouble in paradise?” but quickly pressed her lips together at your stony glance towards her. You tried to listen to the advisor but your eyes wandered off around him, and so did he. For the next hour, every time your eyes met his, you rolled your eyes and the next time he did the same. At this point, it was an ‘eye-roll’ competition of who could do it the most. 
Both Bono and Ayesha looked at each other like embarrassed parents with disappointed kids, misbehaving in public. She pulled you away from the crowd and made you stand behind, ”Quit behaving like that, and for the next few minutes you’re going to listen to him attentively.”
And like a mother, she made you stand behind and pay attention. The meeting was wrapped up in the next 15 minutes and the crowd was quickly dismissed except for a few people who were still in the room. Toto and bono walked up to you and Ayesha as you greeted them. 
“No schatzi today eh? Quite surprising.” Ayesha spoke up, a little loudly, as she clicked her tongue.
“Seriously?” Both Toto and you responded at the same time, “shut up maybe” you added, looking around if anyone else had heard.
She sighed, “I don’t get you both, sometimes you both are all friendly and then the next moment you both are each other’s worst enemy and the fact you both have to ‘hide’ your friendship from others is suspicious.” Spoke in a low yet stern voice.
“I agree.” Bono quietly replied, which wasn’t really quiet to both of you. “Quiet Bono,” Toto said with gritted teeth. 
“And you- Ayesha continued pointing her fingers at Toto -are a married man, make sure you know what you are doing.” 
“I am quite aware- not letting Toto finish his sentence, she ended hers by saying “Y/N hope you know you shouldn’t be going after a married man.” With that she left the room, with Bono bidding goodbye shortly after. 
The room was almost empty, “I can’t believe her.” you spoke up first.
“And I can’t believe you.” He replied in a tone laced with annoyance. Acting surprised at his words, “I didn’t even say anything”
“Well someone who looked like you clearly did it then.” The sarcasm didn’t seem to hide well.
“What is your problem?” You bit back a little sharply.
“What’s my problem? Lady you are clearly not in your right mind. All those cold shoulders and dry texts, and a snappy attitude of yours, I don’t think that's normal, at least for weeks.” He was failing to keep his english uptight as the german words or cuss kept spilling in between of his words as he angrily remarked.
You grunted angrily, ‘why did he care? Why does he always care? Why can’t he leave these small things alone.’ your head spasmed in tremendous pain as the sight before you started to blur out a bit. 
“Why do you-” 
“Care? Because I am-”
“Friend. I know, you don’t have to tell me or anyone that repetitively. I just don’t understand why it is a big deal. As far as I can remember, I didn’t ask YOU to be my friend.” your words for sure weren’t venomous as you are always sweet to others but this did spit words of venom. 
“Sure, Ich hätte dann beim Frühstück nicht neben dem einsamen Wolf sitzen sollen ( I shouldn’t have sat beside the lone wolf then during breakfast) “ he replied quietly and bitterly as he walked out of the room leaving you behind. Your hands felt sweaty and cold as his words echoed inside your mind. You hadn’t heard ‘lone wolf’ in almost 14 years, especially after Brawn Gp was changed to Mercedes. During your time there, the employees had this nickname for you to make fun out of you. You acted like it didn’t bother you but couldn’t help but feel affected by it.
But how did Toto know about it? No one had ever called me that here. Why would he-
You didn’t carry good memories from the time you were a part of Brawn gp, and this nickname was certainly not the best part of it.
Your mind swirled as the thoughts flooded back from the past, a slight burn started building up your chest and the blurriness of your sight kept increasing making your movements disbalanced as you walked towards the door. 
What happened the next moment, didn’t happen in your consciousness as you were dipped down in darkness. 
Toto’s pov
I couldn’t stand in the same room as Y/N. I didn’t know what on Earth had happened to her that made her act this way. So I didn’t think twice and replied, “Sure, Ich hätte dann beim Frühstück nicht neben dem einsamen Wolf sitzen sollen ( I shouldn’t have sat beside the lone wolf then during breakfast) “ 
She didn’t expect this from me, neither did I. Yet I spilled it, mistakenly. The sudden change in her expression, built up a guilt inside me. Unable to withstand it any further, I left the room. No sooner did I start making my way to the office, I heard Lewis’ voice.
“Toto, Y/N. She has passed out.” In a voice filled with anxiety and distress he called out. Before I could even process the situation, the medics stood around her as Lewis held her. Still unconscious, the doctor checked her pulse and asked her assistance to call for an ambulance. 
‘What on Earth’ 
Y/N still laid flat on the ground with her upper body on Lewis’ Hands for support. “You leave, Lewis. Let me take her to the hospital.” 
There was a look of hesitant, evident on his face, but I reassured him that it would be fine. “Ok.” 
With that he carefully got up, as I replaced his hands with mine and lifted her up in my arms. The doctor informed me that the ambulance had arrived so I waited till the stretchers arrived to take her with them and I followed. 
Y/N was quickly admitted as I waited outside for the doctor. Soon, I saw Ayesha running up to the general wards section, and with a heavy voice she said,”What happened? How did-
On narrating the whole conversation to her, I received a bit of scolding from her and then she told me the problem she has regarding her eyesight and how much stress is bad for it. Clearly, I stressed her out enough to make her go in this condition. After she left, I sat there for a few more hours, tried to contact my assistant about my absence from this race and then called Claire.
She, as usual, left me with a voice note, asking me to call her back later. Even her unusual behaviour has been more bothersome to me, it has been going on for a few months and she refuses to elaborate on that. On asking for explanations, it ends up in a nasty fight to not talk to each other for a few days and then I become the bad guy.
In this situation I am the bad guy again. I just hoped she’d wake up soon. I quickly met up with the doctor, upon asking him he told me she might be a little loopy with the medicine he gave her to destress. 
“What else can I do?” 
“There is nothing specific you can do but a little bit of dopamine will help her recover quickly. Meaning, the things that make her happy.”
With that I thanked the doctor and left. I sat outside her room for a few minutes, thinking about what she likes. She loves books but is in no position to read any, loves talking about science but I don’t want to stress her out by talking to her. 
Yes, she loves eating, especially brownies and icecream. I quickly walked down the street to a nearby bakery to get brownies and when I saw brownies there were 10 varieties of them and I didn’t know which was her favourite so I got each one of them and a tub of mango icecream. 
Hope it de-stresses her. 
You grunted out as you lifted your head from the pillows behind you. The blurriness had started to fade away a bit as the vision had become clear, yet you had no idea why you had ended up in a hospital bed. But you did feel weirdly giggly and sleepy.
The door of the room creaked open as you sat up defensively. You blinked and rubbed your eyes vigorously to figure out the person who walked inside the room.
“Oh, you’re awake.” It was Toto.
“Why am I here? What had happened, what about the race- oh today is the the qualifying.” you started fidgeting as you remembered you weren’t in the paddock but in a hospital and the team principal was in the same place as yours. 
‘Was everything alright at the paddock?’ ‘was there any accident’ you had started panicking and it was quite evident which made toto panic to see you stress out.
He quickly sat by your bedside and clasped his hand on your shoulder,” don’t worry, you happened to have a small accident and the race is still on. A pole for Lewis in the quali by the way and P3 for george.”
Your eyes lit up with joy with a toothy smile making your jaws hurt,”Really? Oh my, finally.”
“Yes, so I got you these.” He said, holding out a big packet.
Confused you asked,”What’s this?” 
“Look for yourself.” Just as you opened it, the room was filled with a thick fragrance of cocoa, the warm brownies on your hand made you tear up. Again, panic filled within Toto as he thought you didn’t like it, but it was quite the opposite.
And then you took out the huge tub of mango icecream. 
“All for me?” your voice sounded low.
“Yes schatzi, do you not-  his words were muted as the hug was huge and tight from you. “Thank you thank you thank you” you kept murmuring making him chuckle. He was happy that this added a little bit of dopamine. 
You spent the whole evening eating brownie and ice cream, occasionally sharing it with Toto. As the night started to set in, he got up to leave.
“I will come tomorrow, Ayesha might stop by later in the night- he stopped in the middle as he noticed you were busy watching television and eating. Taking the remote he muted the channel.
“Hey!” you protested, “listen to me.” sternly he remarked, biting back a smile as he saw crumbs of brownie by the side of your lips going unnoticed. He bent down, moving a little closer to your face. Although you were still loopy, you could make sense of your surroundings properly. 
“What are you- you cut yourself off mid sentence as he brushed off the crumbs from the corner of your lips with his thumb. The warmth of his finger against your lips pulsated the beatings in your heart. Yet for some reason, he didn’t remove his thumb immediately and kept it still on the side of your face. 
Your eyes inevitably glanced at his lips, that parted then pressed in tightly, then to his hair that looked quite smooth to you, today. Your hands almost tickled to touch them, grab the-
Almost as if summoned back to reality, Toto quickly moved his fingers from you and straightened himself. Coughing out the awkwardness, “I will see you tomorrow. Take care”
With that he left the room within seconds, faster than he moved his hands away from your face.
You lay flat on the bed and stared at the ceiling, placing the right hand on your heart, you could still feel it beating at 240 mph against your ribcage. A little heat crept up to both of your cheeks as you mentally cursed yourself,”You can’t possibly have a crush on him.”
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mildlyromanticperv · 13 hours
What did you expect of me?
Karina x MReader. Fluff. Enemies to lovers.
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-For christ sake, what a bitch! -Your anger boiling in your heart and your brain tells you, no, yells you to go to your managers office and demand a fair treatment, it's just ourageous that among all the workers in the office you have to stay late every single day of the week to cover the "last project of the quarter".
No matter what you do, how hard you work, how many late nights and how many cups of coffee you drink at a day, it just feels like a prison in here, the office that hired you as the main developer for the website on their new brand "Supernova."
Plus, who names a project "Supernova"? Sounds like with just a simple code here and there you'd make the market implode and then explode in money... If your manager Karina expects for that to happen she's either naively hopeful or a total delusional.
-You, come to my office. -Her cold words stabs your brain, after a whole week hearing her low pitch condescending dictatorial voice you can't bear to listen to it one more time, but you need this job like, DESPERATELY need this job, so there's no talk back to the boss.
-Yes boss?
-We're behind on the project, have you been slacking off again? -Her cold judgemental gaze falls upon your black sacked eyes showing off the immense exhaustion you have tu put up with during the project.
-Look boss, I'm doing my best, I haven't slept well these past few days but I assure you I will have everything ready by next month even if the useless of my coworkers don't do shit. -Your tongye got the best of you and runs wild. -I just need to have a good night sleep, can you let me out early today?
-No, we are all hands on deck and you know that. -She sighs and rubs her forehead in a clear show of stress and disappointment. -Just go back to work and don't screw anything up.
Any person with enough patience would put up with that shit, but not you, not now at least. The condescending tone and the past sleep deprived week has been just too much for you, clearly you're not thinking straight anymore, or perhaps you're thinking clearer...?
-Fuck this.
-Excuse me? -She responds with equal or perhaps even higher anger.
-Fuck this Karina, I'm not doing any more shit today and I'm tired to put up with your fucking demands. Fire me if you want I'm going home to sleep. -You really shuld've thought that better, but what is done is done, you start to pick up your stuff and bracing yourself for the shouting match.
-You cross that door and you're suspended, one week half pay. -Surprisingly enough instead of picking up a fight and shouting her vocal cords off as she usually does, she just stares straight into your eyes with a gaze so cold it could freeze hell itself. -You're not the only developer in our payroll, if I wanted I could fire your sorry ass right now and make it so you never work as a developer never again in your life, so consider this a favour.
Don't let that tone of hers get into your core.
Just, breathe.
-Fuck you. -It's the only thing you get to say before actually leaving.
-One week suspension no pay, and don't you dare call me or text me asking to forgive you. Jackass.
With the anger oozing through your pores you just slam the door and head out. You start your car and praying you don't crash you go from 0 to 100 in just a couple of seconds screeching the tires of your car.
-Please god, take care of him... -She sighs under her breath.
But wait... What?
Take care of him?
During that next week there was absolutely no news from you on the office, things started to be more... tense. You've received a ton of messages from your coworkers basically begging him to come back, but the answer is defenitive: No.
However things don't ever go your way.
*Bzz* *Bzz* *Bzz*
-Hey, we need to talk, come to the office. -Again, that swee... No. Annyoing voice again.
-I'm suspended. -Your answer comes as soon as the thought hits your brain.
A sigh from the other line and a faint whisper.
-This man is going to be the death of me some day. -But then the usual tone returns. -Look, I made a rash decision and we need your intel, you're the one that knows the way around our software.
-I thought you had several developers in your payroll, I bet they can help. -You say sipping through the wine you bought for that dinner for one you've been pushing away so much due to the job.
-I'm asking nicely, and around here you know that's as rare as an unicorn. Just come here tomorrow and finish the project, we're ahead.
-Ahead? What do you mean ahead? You said we we're behind last week! -Your voice comes harsher and harsher, even though your chest is telling you not to.
Not to her.
-I lied to try and make things faster, okay? Just come and we can talk like professionals. -She couldn't come to acknowledge the fact that she just wanted to see you. She couldn't admit that she misses your cologne, your three day beard and your stoic gaze when you're so deep in thought. -I'll send you the advances that have been made.
Right away she hangs up the phone, relieved she didn't break down into yelling or insults. Right away an email arrives on your computer with such incredibly... small advances looks like you carried the entire project all by yourself.
-Why am I not surprised? -You sigh under your breath as you pause the movie you were watching and read what has been done, immediately you start chaning... well, almost everything.
Next day...
You should at least turn off the car, for real, have you seen how expensive the gas is around these days?
"Just go, I avoid her any longer... I- I don't want to..." -It's the only thought that crosses your mind, the thought of seeing her piercing eyes again, the feeling of her gaze piercing and burning through your very soul, the loud beating of your heart as you look at her lips...
Her lips...
If only she wasn't your boss, right?
-So, I checked the non existent advances the useless guys did, and...
-How you've been? Have you slept well? -For some reason her tone wasn't condescending anymore, the worry present on her voice...
Could it be?
-Yes, finally in months I've been sleeping great... -Her eyes, oh. my. god... Her eyes... -Anyways, I have everything finished now, you can present it to corporate. -You say trying to avoid her eyes as you speak sarcastically and look at your watch.
-Big date coming or something? -She asks, doing an awesome job yo hide the jealousy.
-Just wondering how long this will take. -She sighs again, feeling the anger and stress of your cold demeanor.
-Your week of suspension ends today and the weekind is off by legal, so you can go now and I'll see you on monday.
After that you just go back to your usual routine, the weekend goes great and the next week of work comes, with so much less stress that even the busiest day feels like a walk through the park. The time off work led you to watch so much shows, and so much free time, time spent in imagining your life outside of work with that person that would make your days so much happier.
Thinking of love.
What a great future you could have, perhaps you could get married and have kids, after all that's your dream.
In a year you'd ascendo in your job, start earning more, you'd start dating to finally get the chance to let you feel that love you so desperately look for, In a year your boss wouldn't be your boss and perhaps you could date her, in a year you'd buy your first...
Your boss? Date... your boss?
Why would you think that? She's a bitch.
"But she's a gorgeous bitch." You thought, perhaps... only perhaps... You wanted that, you liked your boss...
*Bzz* *Bzz* *Bzz*
Your phone rings with a text from your boss.
-Corporate loved the project, we were given monday to celebrate, so I'll be expecting you monday 7:00 A.M. sharp for the party.
-Got it boss. And hey, sorry for snapping out last week. -Perhaps this could be a beginning, you know you should keep things professional, you keep telling yourself to stop but flesh is weak.
-Yeah, just don't be late. -Her response cold as always after 5 minutes of writing and deleting, she's also in the midst of an inner debate, whether let herself feel what she wants to feel for you or just don't say anything.
But why? Why shouldn't you try? Because she's your boss? There's plenty of people that date with their boss and make it work, you shouldn't keep ahold of the prospect of your happiness just because people might judge, that's the whole point, living for yourself and be happy yourself. Isn't it?
That very Monday at 7:00 A.M. you show yourself at work wearing a new white T-shirt and some loose jeans, your usual wrist watch and a new cologne you bought just for your boss, nothing else is going to stop you.
-Hey, boss. -You came to talk to her made a nrevous wreck not really knowing what to do to get her attention.
-Oh, here he is, the brain behind it all. -She wrapped her arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer to present you to some corporate officers like if you were a prize, like you never shouted before... Like you two were friends... Being so close to her made your every sense enter overdrive and your nostrils welcomed her particular scent, that magnificent smell of lavender and strawberries sent your head over the moon.
The rest of the party went completely normal, talking here, showing off there... Taking glances at your boss every once in a while as well.
Wait, did she looked at you as well?
Was she blushing?
-Hey boss can I talk to you for a sec? -You got closer and whispered into her ear, not long after she pointed you to the balcony where you usually go to have your lunch.
-Make it quick.
-Look boss, there's no easy way for me to say this, but I think I should quit... I... I have feelings for you.
-Is that so? -Her cold demeanor makes you back off for a second, unable to tell the truth in her eyes you stutter.
-I know, I know that I was rude last week and I'm being just way too out of line. -Her eyes shine with a glint never seen before, in her mind the thoughts are divided whether she should speak from her heart, as Karina. Or speak from her brain as Ms. Jimin, regional Manager of your branch.
-You know you're my worker, and this is incredibly inappropriate.
-Don't you feel the same for me? I saw you looking for my eyes before.
-Don't be ridiculous, I'm your boss. -Despite the way she feels work ethics comes first, how can a manager could let a worker speak to her that way?
-I don't care. -It's the last thing you said before leaning forward and placing your hand against her cheek, caressing her soft skin and pressing your lips over hers.
For a second all that exists is you and her, together in a tight embrace holding her waist desperately thinking that if you'd ever let go of her she'd just vanish in the thin air. She responds to your advances letting your body invade her personal space, for mere seconds that feel like an eternity all that she can feel is your hands gripping her blouse until she lets go of any ties and wrap her arms around your neck, tipping into her toe-tips to match as much as she can your height.
-We... We can't... I'm your boss... -Her voice comes out cracking, breathing unsteady due to the raw passion she just felt a while ago. -It's inappropriate.
-I don't care, I'll quit if needed, I just care that I want you.
-I want you too. -She rests her head on your shoulder nuzzling her face in the crook of your neck.
You then caress her soft hair, taking a deep breath of her unique scent that send jolts of electricity along your brain.
-So what now, boss? -This time the words come out strong, lovingly, softly.
-Now we talk to HR, couples need to fill paperwork. -She pulls back and looks into your eyes again. -You always make me do more and more paperwork... -She then whispers in your ear. -Sweetie.
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rubylace · 3 days
┄── ONLY YOU [제이크] 03
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PAIRING senior!jake x junior!femreader
WARN slightly — contains themes of intimacy, physical affection, suggestive language
SYNOPSIS You has a best friend, the best friend a girl could ask for. He’s supportive, loyal, honest, trustworthy, kind, and thoughtful. He’s also the biggest player in school. Your relationship has always been easy and affectionate, but after your month long vacation, things become a little strange. You starts to look at him in ways that go way beyond the ‘friend zone’. Add in your best friend’s rival and things become a whole lot more complicated.
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wc 7,546
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You looked at the end of the track wondering if you could actually run any faster than you already was, because you knew he could. They were nearing the hundred meter mark now. You quickly weighed your options and didn’t really want to kiss someone, but if you won the bet and Jake had to kiss Winter, she would owe you forever. The challenge of it won you over.
“Okay deal,” You agreed as you bumped him with your hip, making him lose his stride. You needed any advantage you could get when racing him. You ran as fast as you could, your legs were pumping so fast that you could barely even keep up with them.
You didn’t risk losing your concentration to look over your shoulder and see where he was, so you just focused on the finish line and the victory that was just within reach. Seemingly out of nowhere, he breezed past you and crossed the line. It wasn’t even close, he must have beaten you by a good thirty feet. You crossed the line too but they didn’t stop running straight away, you two just slowed down to a jog and ran a little longer then slowed again to a walk. You was completely exhausted, flopped down to the grass.
Lying on your back under the shade of a tree, gasping for breath. He flopped down on top of you, his whole body pressing you down into the cool hard ground making the grass tickle your exposed back. Surprisingly he wasn’t heavy so he must have been holding his weight off of you.
He laughed as you tried to push him off, but my body was spent and my muscles refused to cooperate. “I won,” he taunted, shaking his head like a dog and making sweat drip off onto me, plopping on your cheek.
“You always win. Maybe one day we’ll find a bet that isn’t so one sided. I'm a girl in case you haven’t noticed, I have shorter legs.” You said breathlessly. “I’ve noticed,” he replied with a wicked grin. You pushed him playfully again but he just laughed and smirked at you. “So, about my prize…"
You groaned. “Okay fine. Who? Don’t make it a teacher or something though because I’m not doing that. And I really don’t want it to be a girl.” You grumbled, turning your nose up but giggling at the same time.
“Nope, I’ll make it easier for you than that,” he replied playfully. You shut my eyes wondering why on earth you had done this in the first place. His bets never went well for you. “Okay, so who do I have to kiss?” You repeated.
You was cooling down now and was actually starting to feel the cold ground and the wind. You shivered and wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling him a little closer to use his body heat. Every inch of him pressed against me as his warmth seeped into you, his hot breath fanned across your face and you smiled as you recognised the sweet scent of woody, vanilla and powdery, his favourite.
“Jake? Who do I have to kiss?” You repeated, wanting to change the subject in case he could actually read your mind and knew you just had a weird thought about him and not in a best friend way.
“A proper kiss, with tongues,” he clarified, biting his lip. You nodded and rolled you eyes. You remembered the stupid bet. “Me,” he whispered, bending his head down slowly.
You froze. He was going to kiss. A best friend was going to kiss you. He was about an inch away from you, you could feel his breath across you lips. You was frozen, shocked that this was happening.
Suddenly he moved and grabbed your chin, turned your face to the side and sucked hard on your neck. You giggled at the feel of it, it always made you laugh when he did this. You raised your hands trying to push him off, but he just gripped your wrists and pinned them above your headband carried on sucking on the same spot.
After a couple of seconds he pulled back and looked at it, nodding with a satisfied expression on his face. “What the hell was that for?” You asked, laughing again.
He looked really pleased with himself. “Just marking my territory,” he answered, kissing your forehead and climbing off of you, pulling me up. We started walking back and he threw his arm around your shoulder. “Are you cold?” he asked.
You nodded in response. “So, that was a joke?” You asked quietly. He didn’t really want me to kiss him, did he?
“Here.” He pulled off his t-shirt and wrapped it around your back to keep you a little warmer. You kept your face forward and tried, unsuccessfully, to keep your eyes off of his glorious body. He had sweat all over his well-muscled chest and you watched a bead of sweat made its way down his abs.
Before you knew what you was doing, you reached out a finger and wiped it off, leaving your hand there for a second longer than needed. You gritted your teeth and looked up at him, he had the pained expression back again like outside the locker room. You smiled weakly. “Sorry, you, had a bug on you,” you lied lamely.
“Well thanks for getting rid of it for me,” he said quietly before clearing his throat. “Wanna watch a movie tonight? Get a pizza?” he asked, thankfully changing the subject from the weird chest touching you’d just done.
You smiled at the thought. You love movie night, you hadn’t had one in over a month. “Yeah, definitely. You bring the ice cream I’ll supply the popcorn,” you suggested, grinning. That was the usual deal.
“I have Paranormal Activity 3. I bought it yesterday.”
“You did? Why did you buy that? You hate ghost movies,” You replied, confused. He shrugged. “I knew you wanted to see it.” You sighed happily. you loved your best friend to pieces, he was so sweet and thoughtful all the time. “Hell yeah, as long as you don’t make fun of me if I jump or scream or anything,” you bargained, eyeing him suspiciously.
“Hey, when have I ever made fun of you for jumping at a scary movie?” he asked, faking hurt and squeezing your shoulder. “Let me think. When we watched The Exorcist, or White Noise. Oh, what about the time we watched Shutter. You laughed at me for days about that.” You pouted.
He burst out laughing. “Oh yeah! God, that one was so funny. You should have seen your face. ‘Holy freaking sh*t, Jake. I’m so scared. Check the closet.’ that was hilarious,” he said, laughing his head off, doing a bad impression of my voice as he quoted my fright word for word.
You slapped his bare chest harder than you thought, making a loud slapping noise. “Ouch, that hurt,” he joked, rubbing his chest but still laughing.
“Oh poor baby, did a big bad girl hurt you?” you teased in a baby voice as you reached out and rubbed his chest where you’d slapped him. His skin felt so soft and warm under my hand that I didn’t want to pull it away. You was enjoying it way too much. You forced my hand away and bit my lip, wondering what on earth was wrong with me today.
You two were back at the lockers then, smiled as you made your way to the girls locker room. “I’ll take this home and wash it for you,” you suggested, untying the knot at the back of his t-shirt you was wearing. You started to walk away but he grabbed my hand, making me turn to look at him.
“The answer is no, Y/n. I wasn’t joking.” He smirked at you and then turned and walked away, leaving you standing there confused.
“He wasn’t joking about what? The movie? Not teasing me?” you rolled you eyes and headed into the showers not bothering to worry about it, Jake was just too confusing sometimes.
“Hey, would you like to try out for cheerleader? We have an opening,” a pretty blond girl chirped as you finished getting dressed.
“Um, no thanks. I’m not really cheer material.” you smiled politely, shaking your head. “Oh, well you know that cheerleaders get to date all the hottest guys. Jake’s on the football team. If you wanted to date him you’d need to be a cheerleader for him to even notice you,” she said a bit harshly.
You frowned at that statement. “I don’t need to be cheerleader for my best friend to notice me, trust me.”
“Best friend, yeah right. I saw the way you two act. You branded him for goodness sake and he didn’t even care. If one of us had done that he would have freaked,” she snapped, sneering at you. You just shrugged. “That was just a jokeI knew it would make him laugh.” You pulled your hair back into a messy bun again.
She gasped. “What the heck is that?” she asked, pointing to your neck. You looked over into the mirrors to see a big purple hicky on my neck. “Son of a b**ch! This is going to take forever to go. I’m going to kill him,” you whined, touching it roughly, as if poking it would make it disappear.
“Did Jake give you that?” the girl asked with wide eyes. You scrunched your nose up and nodded. That ass was going to pay for this. You was going to wait until he was asleep, then jump on him tonight.
“Wow, I’ve never seen him brand anyone before,” the girl said quietly. “You must be an awesome screw,” she mused, looking at me with wide eyes. You looked at her, shocked. “He’s my best friend. It was a joke that’s all. I’ve never slept with him.”
Well, that statement wasn’t strictly true, you’d slept with him plenty of times, but you’d never had s** with him. In fact, you’d never had s** with anyone. Never done more than kiss anyone.
The girl looked at you, a sceptical expression on her face. She clearly didn’t believe a word you’d said, then she turned and stormed off looking like she was close to tears. You frowned, having no clue what you had said wrong.
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ⓘ ﹢open › taglist : @dreamiestay @heeseungthel0ml @lhspeachie @yoonzns @anittamaxwynnn @dojaejunging @illvding @lilyuwon @meowmeowjang @thing89
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rosanna-writer · 2 days
Knuckles Bruised Like Violets (1/1)
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Summary: Love blooms at the garden expo when Elain witnesses a handsome stranger pick a fight with Tamlin. Pairing: Elriel Warnings: None Rating: General Audiences Word Count: ~1.2k
Read on AO3 or under the readmore!
Elain had known they'd cross paths again. She was a florist. He owned a nursery. Running into her sister's ex at some industry event was bound to happen before long.
But even if she'd been able to see the future, Elain would never have guessed that Tamlin would be bold enough to buy a bouquet for his new girlfriend from his ex-fiancée's sister, a few short weeks after they'd called the wedding off.
To make it worse, the new girl was there with him, too. Briar—Elain only remembered her name because Nesta had scoffed it at Feyre during a much-needed girls' night ("Really? Were her parents naming a baby or a rabbit?"). Elain wouldn't forget, not when the eldest Archeron's mean streak had actually made her baby sister crack a smile.
From behind the cash register, Elain tried not to vomit at the sight of Tamlin making eyes at Briar the way he used to do with Feyre. They were browsing what was left of the flower arrangements for sale, and this late on the last day of the expo, there wasn't much. Especially not at Elain's booth. Her arrangements were by far the loveliest, selling out every year she'd been a vendor. If Elain had to guess, Tamlin had only mustered the courage to show his face in her corner of the convention center because he'd wanted to impress Briar with the best roses available.
If she hated conflict a bit less, Elain would have been looking forward to telling him she refused to make the sale.
Instead, dread was already blooming in the pit of her stomach. The whole thing would be horribly uncomfortable, and she wouldn't put it past Tamlin to raise his voice—or spin the narrative and make her look petty in front of other colleagues.
But the dread lessened just a bit when the most beautiful man Elain had ever seen stopped at her booth. He was intently studying the very last bunch of pink roses, and Elain let herself appreciate his classically handsome features, shiny close-cropped black hair, and the cut of the cobalt t-shirt that showed off the powerful muscles of his arms.
She supposed if he caught her staring, she'd just say she was trying to read the word emblazoned on his chest—Rosehall, if she wasn't mistaken. Perhaps another vendor, then. She could ask about it, strike up a conversation, maybe get his number.
Assuming, of course, that Tamlin didn't decide to ruin her day.
It seemed likely that that he would—her sister's ex was already reaching for the bouquet the stranger had been eyeing. Elain steeled herself for an uncomfortable conversation.
The stranger snatched the bouquet before Tamlin had a chance to. The pair exchanged a few tense words that Elain couldn't quite hear over the noise of the crowded garden expo, though she made out the words "here first" and "for my mother."
One sweet smile and a well-timed offer to ring up the purchase would diffuse the tension if Elain pointedly directed them at the stranger. She meant to do it. Really, she did.
But the man's fist had already collided with Tamlin's jaw.
He punched like an expert, with brutal, ruthless economy of movement even as he cradled the bouquet of roses like a sleeping baby in his other arm. Elain should have called for security, but she was too entranced to do anything but stay rooted to the spot.
Tamlin wound up to hit back, but Briar was already cupping his uninjured cheek and fussing. He let his fist drop uselessly to the side, and she led him away as she murmured something about finding an ice pack.
Perhaps that should have been Elain's cue to call security. But she found herself smiling and saying, "I can ring you up if you're finished browsing."
At the sound of her voice, the man turned, his eyes going wide in pure shock. He must not have realized she'd been watching the entire time.
He stepped closer, careful not to crush any of the petals as he handed her the bouquet to scan. "I'm sorry about that," he said.
His voice was midnight-dark, and Elain tried not to shiver as she wondered what it would sound like saying her name. "Don't be," she said brightly. "You saved me the trouble of telling him to leave."
"Has he been giving you problems?"
Elain had the sneaking suspicion that if she said yes, he'd offer to take care of it permanently.
"My sister broke off her engagement to him just a few weeks ago."
The man went still, and there was something preternatural about it, as if he were one the dangerous faeries of myth, something far too otherworldly for a Sunday afternoon in a too-bright event complex full of vendors hawking hedge shears and patio furniture. "You're Feyre's sister?"
Names have power. The thought came to her unbidden, the only fragment from a long-forgotten story that was still rattling around in her brain. A warning. Elain said nothing, just shook her head as if to clear it.
The man wasn't a faerie. Just…strangely magnetic. And hot.
Perhaps he'd realized the sudden outburst of violence—even if it had been directed at someone she hated—might have frightened her. He softened his expression and politely held out a hand. "I'm Azriel. Rhys's brother."
Right. Rhysand—the new boyfriend that they hadn't met yet but Nesta had immediately decided was sketchy. The newfound awareness that she might run into Azriel again jolted her back to reality, and Elain regained her manners and shook his hand.
His skin was rough against hers. Not from callouses, like the hands of hundreds of other gardeners Elain had greeted over the years, but from scars. Out of politeness, she pretended not to notice, as tempted as she was to run her fingers along them slowly.
"I'm Elain. It's very nice to meet you."
"You too," he said, sliding his card into the reader. After a beat of silence, he added, "Feyre sent me, by the way. I mentioned I was getting flowers for my mother's birthday, and she said her sister was the best florist in the business."
Thank God for her younger sister; Elain decided she'd thank Feyre by making sure not to mention to Nesta that the mysterious Rhysand had already introduced Feyre to his family.
If all the customers Feyre sent her way were like Azriel, Elain certainly wasn't about to discourage her.
"Did you find everything to your liking?" she said, fluttering her lashes to make sure it was clear she wasn't only talking about the flowers.
"It's perfect."
The receipt printed, and Elain grabbed a pen and jotted her phone number down before sliding the paper across the counter. Azriel's brows flicked up.
"In case Tamlin presses charges and you need a witness to swear you didn't put a hand on him." There were probably security cameras somewhere, but a few seconds of grainy video wouldn't be more convincing than Elain Archeron's doe eyes.
"And if it doesn't get to that point?"
She smiled. "You can still give me a call anyway."
Before Azriel left, he saved the number to his phone—a wordless promise. Elain sold the last of her arrangements with a newfound spring in her step.
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