#it wasn’t intentional • but now that I’ve noticed it I’m gonna keep it in mind for when I make more outfits in the future
camilaxmartin · 2 years
Can you do a Shuri x Reader where the avengers come and help with the fight and Spider-Man starts flirting with the reader because he doesn’t know that the reader is dating Shuri and Shuri gets jealous.(Black fem reader btw)
ღ spidey, spidey
hi! thank you for your request! i hope you will like how it turned out.
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navigation // request // me and find the rest
summary: spider man flirtis with reader while she’s in relationship with shuri
warnings: none
notes: i hope you don’t mind i chose a side for civil war but it just fitted right in
it was the time of civil war. not quietly agreed with tony on his point of view, you still got his side in the battle. mostly because t’challa was on his side and so was your girlfriend, shuri.
it was more complicated for you to be honest. as long as you believed in the law and not living by it you also understood why captain america was so determined for keeping his best friend safe. it was a really difficult situation, but after all you needed to choose a side, even only for a fight. and also for keeping yourself safe, you signed the sokovia agreement. i mean, you didn’t want to be on the target of the law right?
but as much as you were concerned about the law your heart was telling you that if you were in the shoes of steve, you’d do the same for you friend. you couldn’t help having a heart.
t’challa and shuri arrived at the campus like an hour before the battle, so you and your girlfriend haven’t had a lot of time together. to be precise, you got none of it. everyone was so made up about the fight that everything you did was just preparation for the battle. shuri promised you that after all, you’ll get some time alone. and that was the thing you were mostly looking forward to.
not long after their arrival captain america showed up at the airport wanting to actually steal at that moment, one of the planes. suddenly all of the iron man team members showed up from their places to stop steve and his crew.
the battle began. at first it was easy to stop the captain but it became more complicated when people from his team also started fighting. and they did it good.
but tony also had an as in his pocket, suddenly spider-man swing out of nowhere and took captain’s shield. steve was surprised for a second but then he got to fight again.
everything went pretty smoothly after that, besides the fact that natasha helped them get to the plane. she automatically resigned from the sokovia agreement. you were actually curious how she was gonna manage this now, but you also knew that helping her would be as risky as not signing the agreement so you decided you’ll just wait for the news from her.
after all, all the avengers from tony’s side came back to the campus. even the spider boy, which took a little to much interest in you from the time he lied his eyes on you today.
while you waited on shuri to come back from the bathroom and finally go to somewhere quiet to spend the rest of the day together, peter came up to you looking quite nervous. you smiled at him knowing inside why he wanted to speak to you. but you didn’t want to ruin this for him, also having a bit of fun yourself, you haven’t said anything at the start and let him talk.
“hi.” he said looking you straight into the eyes.
“hey.” you responded trying to sound as sweet as you could.
“you come here often?” he asked and you almost lost it. controlling yourself you just smiled.
“considering that i’m an avenger, yeah. i live here.” you responded while noticing how his cheeks grew redder.
“oh, yeah, right.” she scratched the back of his neck. “well, i’ve noticed that you can be around my age and just wanted to greet you.” he added, both of you knowing that wasn’t his true intention.
“ya spidey, i am your age.” you replied, wanting to make this conversation as long as you could. i mean, he obviously didn’t stand a chance, you had a girlfriend, but you didn’t want to be rude to him. eventually you would tell him that you’re taken and that it’s a girl you belong to, but right now you just wanted to see how much confidence he had.
“i knew it!” he smiled while also getting even redder at the nickname you used for him.
“how did you become an avenger?” you asked actually being curious. his eyes shined a bit.
“oh well, one day mrs stark just showed up in my apartment and told me he wanted me to help in the avangers stuff and gave me this freaking awesome suit.” he explained gesturing to his clothes at the end.
“that’s quite a story to tell.” you smiled and peter laughed at it.
“i’m peter, by the way.” he said reaching out his hand for you to shake.
“y/n” you responded shaking his hand. he was looking at you like one of the puppies when you visit the shelter. it was really sweet, but oh boy he was so wrong.
“i just got an idea!” he said suddenly getting your full attention. “i don’t have any plans for today and if you’re not busy maybe we could go out somewhere?” he asked and you were actually taken aback by his confidence. it was pretty sweet, but you knew you had to make the situation clear without going any further.
“listen spidey,” you started and bit down on your lip feeling a bit embarrassed by having to decline his offer. of course you’d go with him somewhere but it can’t be a date, obviously. “i don’t want to hurt you, but i’m in a relationship. so i would love to go out with you but just as a pair of friends.” you explained and peters smile got a bit smaller but was still present at his face.
“of course!” he said fast, regretting a bit that he even asked you at the first place. “and who’s the lucky guy?” he then asked and you wanted to tell it’s a girl, but said girl interrupted you.
“back off peter, she’s mine.” shuri said sounding more playful than mad. she came out of the bathroom and with one smooth move was standing next to you. one of her hands already on your waits.
“oh.” peter said aloud what made both you and shuri laugh.
you moved your head a bit so that you could kiss shuri’s cheek. she smiled at you gesture and her eyes immediately flew to your face.
“we can still meet up if you want to.” you said looking again at peter who was still standing right in front of the two of you.
“sure!” his smiled grew again.
“but not today. your busy.” shuri said which made you and peter laugh at the same time. she then wrapped her other arm around you, hugging you.
“she’s right.” you nodded your head slightly. “but after today, i’m free.” you said and shuri rolled her eyes at you playfully, knowing that you’re going to be busy all day as long as she’s here.
“great!“ he said and wanted to walk away but your voice stopped him.
“we can meet the three of us actually.” you offered and shuri smiled at you words.
“that’s amazing! i’ll bring ned with me if you’re okay with it. his my best friend and knows about the avenger stuff and everything. that’s a long story actually, but he’s cool.” he said and you smiled at him.
“i think that’s a great idea.” you girlfriend commented. “but now, me and y/n would love to spend some time alone.” she continued and peter smiled at her words. “so if you don’t mind we’ll excuse ourselves.”
“of course! see you the other day!” he said and walked away leaving the two of you alone in the hall.
“i’m not surprised he wanted to ask you out. you’re stunning.” she said pulling away from you.
“stop it.” you smiled hitting her hand. “and let’s go. i have so many things to tell you about!” you said and grabbed her hand leading the two of you to your room.
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nerdyfan1 · 2 months
Thinking about Winner Pentious again. So fuck it gonna list some things about him I’ve thought about or speculated.
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First thought I kind of took from this post and idk if I really believe it but, I have a thought about it so I’m talking about it here. That being Morningstar eyes observation.
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Now I’m iffy that this was actually intentional cus for preparation for this post I went through the episode in Heaven to look through all the background winners to see if is like rare. It wasn’t super common but, I did see it a lot more so I think this was just winner thing and likely a coincidence. Still it did give me the funny idea that before the fall Luci had the same eyes as winner Pentious. Ngl that probably look so cursed and I kind of like it. If that the case god that is probably a jumpscare to Sera.
Moving on let’s talk about something smaller before I jumping into a big thing I have in mind. I like that the big third eyeliner changed to making it look like little wings. It’s obvious why it looks that way and it’s not like anything super deep about this I just wanted to mention it cus nobody seems to at all and I just found it cute. Wish I knew how to draw this better.
Tho yeah I guess speaking of wings… that leads to another thing.
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So he’s wingless. It’s right here when we got the shot him of him ascending guess what I’ll call it. I really like this. Both from a logical standpoint and more importantly a character standpoint.
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First of all up makes sense he’d not randomly grow new appendages. Spoiler alert but, I feel like this is gonna be a trend with any other future redeemed sinners we get. Where they pretty much similar to what they once looked like in hell but, the pallets are changing to something more heavenly, visuals that reflect the reason they died (which I’ll touch on later) and maybe smaller wings. Something else I realized when looking into the background is most Winners usually have wings. The only wingless one I found when looking around was like a lobster guy. This meaning unlike the eyes this is more rare. So very interesting if less redeemed sinners will have wings. Or what I’d prefer less fancy ones. As they’ll still need to fly among the sky to survive really live up there.
Leading into this from the character perspective, I do wonder if this means Winner Pentious just can’t fly? Idk my first thought was him using his love of making machines to help him fly like this:
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Or maybe a more fitting one for him, a steampunk style jet pack kind of thing? Idk something I always liked about Pentious as a character is his ability to adapt and how uses his mind to aid in leveling the playing field for himself. Besides it could lead to some great comedy to see him fly around like a nerd in his little nerd contraption. :P
So last point for the post but, my Hazbin moot mentioned this to me and I really wanted to bring this one up. So when I stated that I was making this post and asked her server about if they had any things they noticed about him that was worth mentioning here. My mate pointed out his bow tie eye changed to a heart.
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Which lead to me going into us talking about the heart theme of Winner Pentious’ design. Back in hell, at least to me, he’s always read as more paranoid. He was just not exactly the most trusting person before the hotel. A lot of eyes are usually are a visual for paranoia after all and Sinner Pentious’ design did indeed have many eyes in different places. It’s a common theme throughout it actually. Now compare that to the Winner design with the overall eyes theme starts to be overtaken by a hearts.
Considering how he died to get here, to me it was designed this way intentionally cus well he spent the time at the hotel learning to finally open up his heart to others. Then died in a sacrifice out of the love he grew for the place that became his home and people there who became basically his family. Hence now he’s decorated with hearts. While still keeping a few eyes indicating that his paranoia is still lingering a little bit within him just it’s not nearly as much as he used to be. Cus stuff like that never truly leaves you but, you can still find ways to combat those feelings to live more healthily.
This lead me to start to develop a headcanon about them. If he developed those hearts on his new designs cus he learned to open his heart and let ppl in then if someone took advantage of his new founded trust or made him super upset, would those same hearts visually be shown to breaking?
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Started doodling the idea out (sorry it looks kind of ass lol) to show what I mean. I know a more common fanon thing to do when drawing Winner Pentious is to give him the more stereotype angel wings but, ngl I kind of like the idea of messing around with the hearts of this design to express him emotions way more. Given how his hat in the actual show this feels so fitting haha.
Tho yeah that’s kind of all I got. Idk just wanted to dump stuff I thought about with Winner Pentious and his design. It’s such a pretty looking one btw probably my favorite in the show. Took a design I always really liked and did really cool stuff with it while keeping to the core of the original. He’s very pretty basically what I’m saying. Love him. :3
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herofics · 11 months
Old habits die hard
I actually have another Gojo WIP I need to finish, but I’ve written myself into a corner with that one if that makes sense, so I just sort of decided to abandon that for now. This is basically me rambling about my current issues with selfharm urges, so if that triggers you, don’t read
The urge was pretty much always there, every day. Even though you had been clean for a long time now, the urge was still there. Every time something went wrong, the first solution your brain offered you was: “Hurt yourself”. Every fucking time.
You hadn’t done it, you didn’t want to, but the urge never seemed to really go away. It wasn’t like it was an active thing, but every time you encountered disappointment or hardships, which seemed to be all the time nowadays, there was a momentary thought of how harming yourself would resolve all your problems. You knew it wouldn’t but your brain kept falling into old patterns.
Fighting the constant urge was exhausting, it took so much energy everyday and you were getting tired of resisting. Sometimes you started to wonder if it was even worth it, but then, everytime he came home safe, every time you saw him light up when he saw you, it felt a bit easier to keep going. Your Satoru, your light in the darkness.
You were having a particularly bad evening, waiting for Gojo to get home while making dinner. The knife you were cutting vegetables with flashed in the light of the evening sun, and you had to stop to stare at it. It wasn’t particularly sharp, you hadn’t sharpened it in some time for exactly this reason. You didn’t want to make it easier for yourself to give in.
You weren’t sure how long you had stood by the counter when you heard the front door open. You were lucky you hadn’t put anything on the stove yet, since it would have surely burned while you stood there in a daze.
“I’m home!” Gojo greeted you excitedly as he closed the front door.
“Hey” you greeted as you heard his footsteps coming closer behind you.
Gojo placed his hands on your waist and leaned down to whisper in your ear: “And how is my beautiful partner doing today?”
“Honestly?” you sighed, turning to face him.
“Yeah of course” you could hear the worry in his voice already.
You looked up at him, noticing he was basically scanning you with his eyes. Looking for signs of what could be weighing on your mind. Gojo lifted you up so you were sitting on the counter with him in front of you.
Gojo had had a feeling something was going on for a while now, but he hadn’t been able to put it together. 
You didn’t blame him for not knowing what was going on with you. He was a busy man, constantly going on missions and having to be away from you and your home, and being a teacher too. You knew he cared, but how could he know what was wrong with you when you were hiding it from him?
“What’s wrong doll?” Gojo asked, looking at you intently.
“I’m not having a good day to be honest. It’s just… I really want to hurt myself again, and I’m having a hard time resisting that urge” you sighed, not being able to look him in the eyes.
“Hey, it’s okay” Gojo said gently, lifting your chin so you would look at him. “Talk to me about it, please?”
“Every time something goes wrong or I feel upset, my first thought is to hurt myself. I don’t know how to get rid of that thought pattern and it fucking sucks. The only thing that helps even a little bit is distracting myself by doing something else” you chuckled wryly.
“How can I help?”
“Just… I wish you were here more, so I could talk to you. I get that you’re busy, and I don’t mean that you should neglect your other duties because of me, or that this is in any way your fault, but I do miss you… a lot” you explained.
“Oh doll, I wish you’d told me sooner” Gojo shook his head with a sad smile, before pressing a kiss on your forehead. “But I’m glad you told me now”
“Yeah, me too”
“I can’t really promise I’m gonna be able to be around more, but I’ll try to make more time for us. I miss you too. I’m also gonna start calling you like five times a day to make sure you’re doing okay” Gojo smirked.
“And I’m gonna start to not pick up half your calls” you stuck your tongue out at him jokingly.
“Hey, that’s mean” Gojo frowned.
“Aaaw, I’m just teasing you, you big baby” you giggled and booped his nose with your finger. “But seriously, I appreciate it. Just promise me you won’t freak out if I don’t answer the first time. I might be at the school or on a mission, and I’m not able to answer my phone in the middle of a fight unlike you”
“Good point, good point. I’m gonna keep calling you until you pick up though, but not like spam calling. I wouldn’t do that…”
“Oh yeah, of course you wouldn’t” you rolled your eyes and draped your arms over his shoulders, looking into his crystal blue eyes.
Gojo moved as close to you as he possibly could while you sat on the counter. He leaned his forehead against yours and both of you closed your eyes, your arms still draped over his shoulders. You were just relaxing against one another finding comfort in each other’s arms.
“Hey Satoru?” you asked.
“Hhhmm?” he mumbled.
“Thank you for loving me, even when I’m a pain in the ass” you opened your eyes and leaned back a little.
“Of course, but could you promise me not to hide yourself when you're in pain? It's unfair that we laughed together but you cried alone. We’re supposed to share our hardships, remember?” he answered, placing his hand on your cheek.
You leaned your head against his hand and looked at him adoringly, making Gojo’s heart flutter. He worried for you every day, he couldn’t help it, he loved you after all.
You placed your hand over his and kissed his palm before nodding in agreement. He always took such good care of you.
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 185 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: cutting the jasmine in my garden.
"So when she turned and saw them standing there, so official in their vests and helmets, what else was she to think? Ah, thank goodness, it flitted through her mind as Tina felt herself relax, whatever it is, someone is taking care of it. Because that’s what they were for, to take care of these problems, to shuffle people away for their own protection, and keep the world working as it should be." There is an episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, when Will and Carlton drive the car of a friend of the Banks' family somewhere to meet up, and being two black young men in a nice car, they of course get pulled over. Will already knows what this means, but Carlton (while being black has still lived a rather privileged life because of his dad's wealth, private school, country club, a butler etc.) was super oblivious about the officer's suspicions and intentions. I always have to think of this episode when I think about MAG 185.
"This did not happen to people like her." I mean, I do think MAG 185 isn't about the typical racial profiling per se, more about it happening to people who think of themselves to be so privileged and safe from police brutality, that they never would have guessed it could also happen to them?
"It had all been there, all of it. Her life, her loves, her choices, her mistakes. No details spared, no nasty inference ignored." That's one of the domains, that can't be sorted that easily. This is clearly Eye, and even before Tina was arrested she felt like being watched. Then the identical looking police men who arrested her sound like the Stranger. That thing with the world just carrying on without her and even if there are people noticing, they antagonize her like the girl hurling a stone at her and the father quickly shooing her away in terror could be Lonely?
"'None of these things are illegal,' she had said." And Spiral?
Hmm, I mean yeah, that statement had rather few fantastical things happening which makes it seem more realistic and not like a supernatural, impossible twisting of reality.
MARTIN: "No it’s just… Is that how these creatures see us now? As one of them?" JON: [Amused] "I forgot that’s a new experience for you." MARTIN: "Excuse me?" JON: "You have to remember I’ve had this for years. Right from the start, it’s always been ‘Archivist’ this and ‘Archivist’ that. All these weird, awful creatures assuming I’m ‘in’ on all the secrets. Even when they were trying to kill me, they treated me like I was a… a peer." Hm yeah, we know it because we're seen primarily Jon's story, but there are big chunks of information missing for Martin (especially S3 and 4). Even though he was there when he was been addressed as "Archivist" for the first time. Or for the first two times? Elias singing "dear Archivist" at Jon's birthday, and then when Prentiss texted him (lol, that sounds funny...)
JON: "Not all of them. And now? Sure the power’s shifted, it’s all politeness and respect, but it still feels just like more of the same. I guess I just stopped caring at some point. Besides they are technically right, I am one of them. To a degree." Yeah, in the beginning they were like "Ohhhh, did I hurt the poor young Archivist? What'cha gonna do? You're gonna cry? Gonna run to Elias?". Then after the coma it's suddenly "What are you doing... Stop it!" and now they're full on Schrödinger's douchbag with "Pls don't kill me, I didn't mean it! It was just a joke!"
MARTIN: "It’s not the same. I’m still just your ‘plus one’." JON: [Amusedly] "Don’t put yourself down. It’s not your fault you’re a bit overshadowed. I am such a very big deal after all." MARTIN: "Oh, very big arse, more like it." Lol
JON: "Either way, even if I wasn’t here, I don’t think you’d be in any danger. Not anymore. I wasn’t sure when we first started out, I hadn’t properly, er… looked into it, as it were. But now I’m certain." Still, I think Jon actually did mean the "I won't let it [harm you]" in MAG 161. He would have fought tooth and nail if he had to in order to protect Martin.
MARTIN: "I’m one of them." JON: "One of… us." MARTIN: "That’s not as comforting as you think it is." JON: "Doesn’t mean it’s not true though." Still a bit in denial^^
MARTIN: "Even though I didn’t ask for it? Did nothing to deserve it?" JON: "‘Deserve’. Huh. Now there’s a word that always causes trouble." MARTIN: "Don’t be patronising." JON: "I just mean that nobody here deserves the position they’ve found themselves in, not really. I suppose a few may have asked for it, sought it out even, but far more didn’t. They just made the wrong choices for the right reasons. Or even the right choices. But ones that still led them here in the end." NOT REALLY! Also, yes, more philosophizing about morals, I love that shit!
INSPECTOR: "Argh! Look, you can’t know if they’re all guilty, alright? It’s just about evidence…" Right, so if that one's here in this domain, then was Tina in the statement really that innocent? "None of these things are illegal" can mean a lot of things.
INSPECTOR: "Hey, fuck you, you scrawny little tit! What the hell do you know?" Luckily, there are a lot of awful people out there who, sooner or later, will show their true face in public (And then this becomes a whole new problem when the majority of society can’t understand why that was wrong...). Also, we got a bit of physical description of Jon there! I never really gave anything to Nikola's "little Archivist" in MAG 97, I thought she meant it in a belittling way. But Jon get's called "little" again, so I guess there's something to it xD Also, we knew he's not the fittest since he gets tired from carrying a metal pipe around, but another confirmation here, boy's scrawny!
MARTIN: "No, you were right to. That’s… that’s a lot of power to have to deal with. Lot of responsibility." JON: "Yes, thank you, Uncle Ben." MARTIN: [Chuckle] "Pop culture? Really?" JON: "I’m allowed to know what Spiderman is." Even if Jon embodies this old fashioned dark academia look, I don't think that's him at all and people just misjudge him. He's been a bookworm in his childhood after all!
MARTIN: "Not helping people is still a decision, isn’t it?" JON: "Well, you saw Jordan, I’m not sure ‘helping’ is –" MARTIN: "I know, I know, not the right word. Ignoring them then." JON: "Yes. It’s a choice I’ve been making a lot recently." MARTIN: "I guess we should get used to it. Knowing that all these awful things are happening for our benefit." JON: "Maybe it’s better if it never gets comfortable." MARTIN: "Maybe." Huh, that's a thought you can convert to rl. The luxury we live in first world countries is sustained at poorer country's cost. And it's so hard to fight this, to try and get resources, which were traded fairly or get them locally. And if you can find something like that, then you need to be able to afford it because these things are of course a lot more expensive than the exploited thing.
Heh, how that familiar Lonely squealing already starts and Martin immediately noticing^^
That is a really cool cliffhanger. Not only teasing Martin's domain, but Martin and Jon being separated in a Lonely domain, again!  
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drakothedragon55 · 1 year
Because some people (on Discord) really like my silly goofy AU robot man, I decided that I was gonna do this! Y’all know who you are, and this is for you :)
— Skeletons in his Closet —
A robot fitted with cowboy-esque attire wandered through some mostly desolate plains. Radge was made with the intention of hunting down anyone who displeased his master, and for the most part, he did his job well.
There was only one teeny tiny little issue: Radge wasn’t alone.
Before the game was modified (which he referred to as ‘the change’), the bot had been working on his own little creations. However, he could hardly recall anything about them because most of his memories had been wiped, and the rest were corrupted.
But the Uberbots? He couldn’t forget them. Mainly because sometime during ‘the change’, their files had somehow become unzipped, and were now living within his mind.
“Movement spotted. Potentially the target.” The Photographer said. Due to his sensitive optical sensors, he had been helping Radge with hunting down their most recent target: an oddly small Smiling that had wandered from Pafjyn’s island and was now intruding on Krozzar’s land.
They had been stalking the infected for some time now, and nearly lost it when the Photographer offered his assistance. Radge was cautious when it came to letting an Uberbot take control, so he only did it when on a mission, and away from his master.
“Hey, Radge?” When G0lly abruptly spoke up, she inadvertently ‘booted’ Radge into the inky black confines of his synthetic subconscious. He was only there for a moment, but it felt like an eternity without his optical or auditory sensors.
“Jeez, G0lly! You can’t just butt in when another Uberbot and I are both piloting. You might throw off Photo’s focus.”
“I’m sorry….I just thought of a question and reaaaaly wanted to know the answer.” This time, G0lly had the decency to send a direct message instead of taking control of his speakers.
“Fine, fine.” He replied. “But make it quick.”
:0 “Thank you!!”
”So…how come you only let Photographer help you out? Why can’t we do one of your super cool missions?”
Radge pauses for a moment, before sending a private message to the Photographer asking him if he could be the sole pilot for now (to which he responds with a thumbs up emoji.)
“…Well, I’ve given an offer to the Archivist in the past, and she politely declined. And you know how Canvas can get sometimes. I didn’t want them to get overwhelmed—“
“That’s weird. I never got an invite. How come?”
Oh, G0lly. She was much too pure for this cruel, dark world. Radge promised himself that he’d keep her safe from the horrors he and the others had to experience because of Krozzar.
And h̵̬̹͋͋i̴̡̺̖̔̏̀͘m̶͇͚̔̑̕͝ͅ.̶̞̟̠̝͌
“Oh. Well, I probably just- forgot. Yeah.”
“…Come to think of it, you never invite me to do anything. You don’t even let me pilot.”
Radge noted that G0lly sounded like she was on the verge of tears, even though she was physically incapable of doing so.
“Why…why do you leave me out? Do you hate me that much?”
“What? No. Why would you think that, G0ll—“
“Target acquired.”
Seeing his chance to leave this awkward situation, Radge goes to re-pilot his body alongside the Photographer. Once he reconnected to his optic sensors, Radge notices the limp figure laying on the ground in front of him.
“Is it-“ ”Unconscious. Krozzar requested it be taken alive, correct?” ”Y-Yeah…”
They were essentially a robotic hitman, but Radge could never get used to the feeling of actually eliminating a target.
“I can take it from here. Thank you, Phots.” ”No problem.”
With the small infected slung over his shoulder, Radge thought that things would get easier from here. “WH#T DID YOU S#Y TO HER?”
“Heyyy there, Canvas! I thought you were taking a rest.”
“S#rry for yelling, but G0lly’s gon# quiet. She s#id that she ‘finally g#t her answer.’ W#at did you say to #er?”
“G0lly sent me a notification. Is something wrong?”
“None of your business, Archivist. Now can you please just—“
“I have received a notification as well.”
“You’re all here! Awesome!!” ”I’m trying to convince Radge that I’m tough enough to help him with his missions, and I thought that you guys can help me with that!”
“Tough enough? Oh, G0lly…”
Every wire in Radge’s body felt like it was melting. His system couldn’t handle the strain of everyone attempting to pilot at once. The bot froze in place, twitching. It’s screen flickering from one set of eyes to the next.
“I agr#e with G0lly. It’s #nly fair that she g#ts to do a mis#ion.”
“This work…this world…it’s all too much for her. I’m sorry, G0lly, but I’m siding with Radge on this one. What do you say, Photographer?”
“I have little opinion on this matter, as long as our tasks are still completed.”
“-and I can complete them!”
“Can you aLL JUST SHUT UP!?!”
“Please….just *hhh* stop. All of you. Just stop…”
“We appear to be overheating.”
“Perhaps we overdid it a bit..”
One by one, the Uberbots slowly receded back into their shared digital headspace, leaving just Radge.
And G0lly.
She didn’t say anything, but Radge could sense that she was still there.
“I— I won’t beat around the bush anymore. I’m sorry. You’re just…so positive. You’re the only ray of sunshine we have in this miserable world, and I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want to lose you like how I lost mys-“
“Do…do you want to look at animal pictures when we get back?”
“That’s all you had to say.” :)
And with that, G0lly was gone as well. But not before sending one last private message.
“I’m still kinda sad…but I get it. Can I at least help you and the Photographer find targets?”
“Maybe.” Radge replied as the familiar sights of the heart of Krozzar’s domain faded into view.
“Just maybe.”
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tohellandback99 · 1 year
I have a couple of things to say about Siobhan stewing in my brain that I wanted to share in my drawing, as well as here with you. Drawing it helps me to present it all in a visible way which I had to share first before anything so you may see what I mean. Of course, you don’t have to look at it, lol.
I have a whole LOT of ways of looking at this character. Firstly, I liked that she wasn’t very integral to the story as a movie. Especially given how we do, (meaning white directors,) often put mixed people to play the role of black people which I am wholly against. I give props to Henry Selick and Jordan Peele for knowing the importance of having, a black main girl, character who isn’t also white. And it’s about time.
Siobhan didn’t really strike me in any kind of way, the first… I’d say, five times I watched this movie. I was massively uncomfortable with her bothering Kat before she even got into the school and found her blond hair absolutely jarring, but I was rather neutral about the whole thing. When I saw people talk about her and I remembered she exists, I became more and more dizzy. But now I’ve come to an understanding of this whole thing. She’s more complex than at first glance, and I heard vastly oppositional perspectives about her. People like her, people also hate her. It’s very important to me to share this because I feel like we’ve only scratched the surface on what Siobhan’s role meant in Wendell and Wild. I want to provide my enhanced, pontifications because I’m almost entirely sure I understand it very very well after months and months of deep thought….. and understanding my own experiences, as lenses to help me see through the characters’ eyes. Now I’m not the creators, so I don’t know if I’m right. But if others can share and talk about her, I’m gonna do it and I’m gonna do my best.
My Critique
Firstly, I felt she was a very very watered down half-baked cookie, the way I see it. She’s lacking the complexity in a world of complex characters. She is a biracial teen girl, who has parents that destroyed the entire town, murdered a priest and the movie also alluded to them having a hand in the death of Kat’s parents. She seems to be meant to be a major contrasting identity to Kat’s, in a very interesting way. I really love that this in turn, highlights Kat’s qualities that are “rough and tough” in more of a positive (and not judgmental) way than what anyone making a movie about a black, punk teenage girl character with superpowers typically would. Even though they probably wouldn’t, but anyway. Everyone treats Kat like an actual person. I think they were unable because of time constraints, to take Siobhan’s character from a much crazier angle than they managed to keep.
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The Evidence
Everything. The obnoxious, intrusive micromanaging of both herself and other people. The blond, STRAIGHT HAIR. Putting on pink nail polish in contrast to Kat’s, purple nail polish. Yeah, I SAW THAT! Yes I did! Lol. Last but not least, the big one, the deadnaming of Raul, which I’m certain was intentional and you can’t change my mind on this (I have more to say on that later.) so I feel like there’s more there that no one cares to acknowledge about why she is the way that she is. This movie was way too short for everyone and everything in it, her included.
I believe wholeheartedly that they made Siobhan with the intention that she is someone who is aware of what her parents are doing to people from the very start. I don’t know for surrre, only the creators know that. It would make A WHOLE LOT of sense, however. They made almost everyone else super duper complex and real, except her. It was too different for me to not take notice of that.
For starters, it doesn’t make sense to me that they’d have Siobhan herself deadname Raul on accident or just because. I strongly suspect, that they were going for Siobhan separating herself from him completely on purpose, intentionally and putting herself above him to protect her family’s values, but perhaps also… him? That’s my theory, this will all make sense just hear me out.
I wanted to point out for a minute that we also don’t know exactly what happened that caused Raul to be dropped from their small clique. If it was or wasn’t the girls’ choice to get rid of him. I suspect that he’s actually the one who left, considering he keeps his photo of himself with the girls pre-transition. It wouldn’t be a stretch nor would it be something I’d judge him for. The stuff that the girls do would probably and has already pressured him to be somebody that he isn’t. Moreover, there’s Marianna’s investigation on Siobhan’s parents, that I wonder if she knows about and is defending her parents out of denial, but perhaps also… fear. Fear they might actually hurt Raul if they found out about that. Because they totally would do something horrible to him, to try and get their only potential threat (Marianna) to stop.
I don’t think Siobhan wants to be like this. I think that she cares about him more than she lets on. She’s following a role that’s backwards from her own beliefs that may not be very developed to begin with and because of her circumstance she simply cannot be his friend. It’s very interesting, the things they were implying about her as a character. I don’t want this movie to be about her. Nor do I want the darker aspects of reality. However, this WHOLE movie is about getting through the thick of it. Beginning to heal from trauma, there is no reason for people to not want to hear about this other than that it makes them uncomfortable, or they don’t care. But why then, would we even care about this movie?
I’m one who’s torn in between in this argument. I don’t like her. I agree with other people who think she sucks. She is weirdly placed in the film, some of which could have been easily changed to have her make more sense than she did. But when people critique her it’s not for the underlying cause for which her character is flawed. Just that she’s “in the way,” “mean,” “controlling.” I want to share what I can see, is the big issue with her as a character. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Here’s the fire. She’s not trying to be a bitch, she’s screwed up. At the same time, I’m also not feeling, how some people are just giving Siobhan the benefit of the doubt because we’re of the assumption that she’s simply stupid and made a mistake. And I don’t like that because they didn’t go there, (which is absolutely okay,) that Raul still being a potential target in the world the creators built just flies right over everyone’s head. No one’s safe from the Klaxons in this film besides, the demons maybe? She can try to appease them but Siobhan isn’t even safe from them. And Raul especially, isn’t safe from them in particular.
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When I see Raul with Kat I can see clearly why he is drawn to her from the start and why he stays. The difference between Kat and Siobhan in just their interactions with Raul make it all so so very clear, although I doubt he even needs this to REALLY like Kat, lol (I don’t doubt he’s got a crush on her too >.<) I was gonna write about this for my drawings of Kat that I want to make soon but I’ll say it here. It’s so important to point out because a lot of people don’t get it. A lot of people only spoke about what she “DOESN’T DO,” for Raul. EXCUSE, ME?! Her being mean, ok? The world is a cruel and sometimes, a person of color or a person with a vulva have perfectly logical reasons to be. Also look, at the difference between when she’s angry at Raul, and angry at literally anyone else in the movie: sister Helley, Siobhan, and Father Bests (for REALLY good reason, that one.) Wendell and Wild. I call a spade a spade, and I call the part where she gets upset and throws the drawing at Raul’s face a domestic quarrel. When I think more and more about the choices they made for this movie it blows my freaking mind. I’m going to say this since no one has to my knowledge, and no one gives her any credit for this;
Kat helps Raul too. I can assume with almost certainty that if this were real life, Kat would not care one bit about what anyone thinks if the other students gossip about Raul hanging around her. I’m speaking from personal experiences; This is how some girls their age react, when a child who happens to be born in a girl’s body, who presents as masculine or androgynously, hangs out with a girl. Do you think Kat gives a shit if people snicker at the fact that they skipped the bus and were hanging out after dark in a cemetery? She came in that class blaring music from a giant boom box and nobody was brave enough to ask her to turn it off. She’s a punk, she’s a rebel she’s a BOSS. She makes herself hard to approach. I perceive is out of need to protect herself given her past but that’s not the part of her bad PTSD that is disorderly, that’s a protective mechanism to keep predators away from her. And necessary since a lot of people don’t help. It’s cynical, but true. Even though she was mean to him at the start, we can also already start to see her change with him. She keeps her wall up but not to intentionally hurt him. (it’s also at her own expense that she can’t relax.) But because she is so guarded and also is comfortable with Raul. I have NO doubt that she probably would help try to defend herself and Raul if someone said anything to them to hurt, or tried to directly hurt them both. Raul is FINE with her, trust me.
Now, a person like Siobhan? Pfffft. Siobhan would not even entertain the idea. She would disassociate from him, not out of fear of him but of fear of the people around them and her parents. She’s stuck in their vision. And that’s exactly what I’m talking about.
Closing Thoughts and Conclusion
She’s already insufferable; why NOT go the whole way? I would love to have seen her fake smile fade for two seconds and for her to be a miserable, angry little bitch to people. I want to see the compulsion for perfection and conformity. I want to actually see the crazy. But still secretly, deeply cares about Raul and soon enough, Kat. Other people say that they like that she isn’t actually mean. I say that she’s unfinished, resulting in a serious case of one-dimensionality and that her character development was rushed. Literally at the end she was cheering right after her parents got arrested. That’s evidence enough for it to be the case. And don’t let her blond wig fool you. She’s not stupid. Kat has more integrity for Raul than she does, and they’re the same age. Even if she’s not intentionally bad and is badly conditioned, which is understandable. But what if I said that this aspect of her would’ve actually made for a better, interesting and realistic, later reformed villain in the story? It would make sense that she would start off as a villain, given that the whole town hates her family and would realistically not like her either. If they made it so that she was in on it, and they had her WANT TO desperately change after having to see that Kat is affected by the damage that Siobhan and her parents caused if they made Siobhan a villain. Oh my god. It would’ve had everyone at the edge of their seats. God. God. 😯 that shit tickles my drive for good drama and angst in a story right there. Ugh, That. I want that. I want to be uncomfortable. I want tears to be shed. I want Siobhan at the end screaming and crying at her parents for harming people she genuinely cares about. I want to see her actually feel the guilt. I want to see that she actually wants to change.
And it’s ironic that I think this. Only this movie would make me actually want, to see a villainous biracial girl character. I don’t typically like how most female villains are written. It’s usually either they’re villains for a stupid reason or it’s a rehashed, beaten into the ground trope based on sexist stereotypes of women and girls. Like Irmgard. Sorry, but it’s true. She would’ve made for an excellent bad guy that’s not typical, and not for no reason either.
And that’s my perspective and why she’s one of my least favorite characters. I REALLY like the idea of her, and she could’ve been done in a way that isn’t her taking over. But I’m not a huge fan of the execution. I still like what they did, however. She’s not believable, and her existence in the plot could’ve been way more exquisite and effective in a very good, bad way.
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gn-pw · 2 years
Void state progress tracker
-I’ve gotten into the void state twice over the summer already, but i wasn’t intending to so yeah I’m trying to do it on purpose now
-I would get into the void state by putting on a guided meditation, but I wouldn’t actually listen to it. It would just be there so I wouldn’t fall asleep. Then I would just take deep breaths and then I would realize I didn’t know where I was (it feels really trippy) or what I was doing, and I would be in the void lol but it’s really easy to just fall asleep instead of getting there. I also would always forget to affirm in there because my intention would be to directly shift and I didn’t want to go into the void state 💀💀 literally kicking myself rn oh well if I can get in there twice I’ll be able to get in again
Day 1-
Listened to void state subliminal and kept counting (I think I got to 300). I think I had hypnagogic hallucinations? I saw a beach, bottle cap, and other stuff I can’t really remember. I’ve gotten into this state before, it’s like what you get into right before you sleep. I felt like I had to wake up so I did. Tried again but couldn’t really concentrate.
Day 1 Night- fell asleep 😃
Day 2- also fell asleep 😭
Day 3- tried and started vibrating? May have gotten into the void state, it’s kinda a blur lol. I might have just been very tired but I remember not remembering who I was, where I was etc for a brief period of time so I probably did. Unfortunately didn’t remember the affirms bcz I couldn’t even remember who I was lol. Tried again but kept getting distracted and couldn’t relax. Trying again tonight or tomm. Can anyone recommend subliminals?
Day 4- didn’t rlly have time to meditate :( tried but was too distracted. Tried again but I was rlly jittery bcz I had coffee and didn’t work
Day 5- interrrupted twice 😀. Third time I meditate for almost 40 mins, come out of it bcz I hear someone calling me. I noticed a pattern- usually I keep counting until I get into a state where I’m half asleep. I stay there for a while until I pull myself out, and my body will be rlly relaxed but my mind will be rlly awake. It feels like my body is sinking it’s kinda crazy. When I affirm from here I think that’s when I get into void state. I didn’t this time, stopped at my mind being awake and didn’t affirm. I feel like my main problem is persistence. I might try again today. Next time I try I’ll keep persisting until I get in. Idk if it’ll be today bcz I’ve been feeling slightly light headed since the meditation tho
Have not updated on forever sorry I had stuff going on. I’m gonna get into void today tho just bcz i don’t want to do this anymore haha bye I’ll update later
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vgckwb · 1 year
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 166: One Foot in Front of The Other
Thursday after school, Ryuji was heading out when his old track buddies came to him. He was stunned. “Ummmm, what’s going on?”
“Well, we’re meeting up for the track team,” Takeshi said. “We wanted to stop by to see if you’d like to come with.”
“Ummm…” Ryuji said. “I said I wasn’t ready to come back.”
“I know, I know,” Takeshi said. “We aren’t asking as a permanent member. Just for today.”
Well, I guess it couldn’t hurt. I could use a little more training. “Alllllright,” Ryuji said, somewhat reluctantly. The track team was excited.
Takeshi smiled. “Let’s go!” The group went over to the track.
Their coach, the old coach, the one Ryuji actually liked, saw them arrive. “Ah, Ryuji, glad you could join us.”
“Um, well,” Ryuji stuttered, “I, uh, hate to disappoint, but I’m not back on the team or anything. I just got an invitation, and, you know…”
“Right, right. Go at your own pace Sakamoto,” the coach said. “Now, let’s begin!”
“YEAH!” the track team and Ryuji cheered. They began by doing some warmups, followed by their actual training. Ryuji was loving it. He hadn’t felt this good doing track since, well, since the coach left. He felt that maybe, just maybe, he could figure something out.
However, throughout practice, the coach was watching him intently. He looked stern. Not angry, but not happy. Whenever one of the track members came up asking for help or advice, he’d give it kindly, but when it came to Ryuji, he was focused.
After practice was over, Ryuji and his old track buddies were laughing it up, when the coach called out “Sakamoto!”
Ryuji looked over. The coach nodded. Ryuji turned back to his track friends. “Alright, I’ll see you around. Later!” He rushed over to the coach. “Hey coach.” He noticed the coach’s stern expression. “Um, is everything alright?”
“I should be asking you that question,” the coach replied. Ryuji seemed confused. “I actually had Takeshi and the others bring you out today.”
“Oh,” Ryuji said, surprised. “Well, I’m glad they did! I had a blast! Just like old times!”
“Well, not entirely…” the coach responded. Ryuji was confused again. The coach sighed. “Ryuji, I know what Kamoshida did to you.”
“Oh…” Ryuji said, disappointed, his weak knee twitching.
“You know I’d have you back on the team in a heartbeat,” the coach added. “However, after seeing you out there today… I know your drive is still there, but I don’t think you’re fit enough to make this a full-time thing.”
“Figures…” Ryuji said. He looked sad.
The coach placed a hand on Ryuji’s shoulder. “I know it’s hard. Trust me. But I believe in you.”
“Well…what am I gonna do?” Ryuji asked. “I like being on the team. I like doing track. It’s probably the only thing I’m really good at.”
“Ryuji…” the coach said. He pulled out a flier. “I have a friend I’d like you to get in contact with. She’s a physical therapist. I think she can help you get to a point where you can push yourself once again.”
Ryuji grabbed the flier. He noticed the address. “Um, this seems a little out of the way, doesn’t it? I mean, it’s a ways away from the school, right?”
“From this school, yes,” the coach said.
Ryuji was shocked. “Wha…What are you saying?”
The coach smiled a sad smile. “You know I love having you on the team. And you know that if you were at your best, we could easily crush any competition. But I think what may be best for you is for you to get the help you need, even if it means leaving the school.”
Ryuji was stunned. “...Coach…”
“Hm,” the coach chuckled. “You don’t have to answer right away. I just want you to keep it in mind.”
The coach started to leave. Panicked, Ryuji said “Wait!” The coach paused. “Uhhh, I mean, I’ll definitely think about this. But I at least want to finish this year at this school. I’ve…got a lot on my mind at the moment. And while I don’t know if I know what I want now, I promise you I’ll figure it out by the end of the school year. I just… I just need some time. A lot has happened, and I don’t know where I am at the moment.”
The coach looked at him and smiled. “It’s OK. The fact that you can even say that means you're stronger than when I was forced out of this position. I was so worried that after I left, you’d go further down a path of disdain and reactionary violence.”
“Well…I think I might have too,” Ryuji admitted, “if I was alone. But a little while ago, I stopped being alone. I made new friends. I learned from them. I did things that I couldn’t even imagine doing even a year ago.”
“It sounds like these friends are very important to you,” the coach said.
“They mean the world to me,” Ryuji replied.
The coach smiled once again. “I see. Well, I’m glad that someone was able to help in my absence. I’ll be looking forward to what your answer is going to be. Oh! I almost forgot. Here.” He took out a handful of coupons for Ryuji’s favorite ramen place. “As a thank you for reuniting the track team. It’s the least I can do.”
Ryuji’s eyes sparkled. “Thank you coach.”
The coach smiled and nodded. “Well, see you around!”
“Right! Seeya!” Ryuji called out. As Ryuji was leaving the school, he looked at the flier again. He took out his phone, and made a call. “Hey mom. We need to talk about something.”
0 notes
chellsworld · 1 year
Life inventory question # 6. Who first taught you to love?
“Who even taught you how to love?” I questioned him.
“No one ‘taught’ me how to love Cel, I already know! It’s not my fault you feel like it’s wrong.” he stated. This has been an ongoing fight since the beginning of our relationship. Before Joshua and I even started dating, he’s always done twisted things claiming them to be acts of “love”, all of which leading up to now.
“Josh, how can you even say that this is love? What you did wasn’t to show your love. It was you wanting to keep me on a leash.” I laced my words with the pain I felt.
“There you go again. For the last time Celina, this is how I show my love. You’re lucky too, if you were with anyone else it would be a lot worse. If you would stop being so crazy, I would treat you better.” He claims. There it is.
“Oh so you admit that you’re doing this on purpose?” He looks at me as if I’ve got two heads.
“What are you talking about?” He asks, feigning obliviousness.
“You said you’d ‘treat me better.’”
“Cel-” He starts, only to be stopped by me.
“You know what Josh, I’m done. You can treat someone else “better.” I say, using air quotes around better.
“What are you saying Cel?” He asks as I walk over to the closet and pull out my suitcase.
“Are you just gonna throw this away?” I’m now packing my clothes trying to block him out.
“We’ve been together for five years!” I ignore the sting of his words and continue to pack my stuff.
'Yes, we’ve been together for five, long, years.'
I thought.
Five years of pain, five years of ignoring your ‘subtle’ jabs, five years of pretending not to know that you occasionally hook up with your ex.'
“Do you know how lucky you are to have found me? You’ll never be happy again if you leave.”
After messaging my best friend, Ashley, to make sure she can pick me up, I gather the last of my things and take them outside to wait with me in the driveway, Josh following behind only to stop in the doorway.
“I was gonna propose soon too.”He scoffed. I took a deep breath, sorted my thoughts, and turned to talk to him.
“You know what Josh? That’s another thing you do,” I start, “you claim that you ‘were’ going to do something special for me, but now you’ve changed your mind because I’ve upset you.”
He stares at me with a tight jaw.
"You’ve never had the intention of doing such things, you just wanted to give me hope so I’d stay by your side."
He’s about to say something when bright lights are suddenly shining on us both. I turn and see my best friend's car. She parks in the driveway and gets out to walk over to me.
“I’m glad to have you back.” she whispers in my ear as she embraces me for the first time in weeks.
“I’m glad you’re still here for me.” I whisper back, giving her one last squeeze.
“Always.” she says as we break apart.
”Oh for fucks sake! Go away Ashley, this isn’t any of your business.” Josh tries to send her away, to no avail.
“Shove it, douche bag.” she says as she helps me load my things into the trunk of her car.
He watches angrily as I place my last suit case in Ashley’s trunk. I work up the last bit of nerve I have and walk over to Joshua, stopping at an arm's distance.
“I’ve put up with a lot over the years, but I’m done. Don’t try to contact me or I will call the police.” I try not to cry with the words I’m about to say.
“Goodbye Josh, I wish you well.” I turned around and walked towards Ashley’s car, noticing she’s already inside behind the wheel.
If he’s saying anything, I can’t hear him. My blood is rushing in my ears and all I can hear is my heart beat. I open the passenger door of the car and crouch down to get in. I zone out and can hardly process the time that goes by, I’m snapped back to reality by Ashley’s voice.
“I’m proud of you Celina. I know it was hard, but what he was doing to you was not love.” She says.
I take a moment and gather my thoughts to respond. “I know… it was just hard. I mean, he was the first person who taught me how to love.”
///This is my first short story like this so pls be gentle with any criticism- that being said constructive criticism is more than welcome <333
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keefwho · 1 year
July 22 - 2023 Saturday
10:31 AM
I don’t think it wise to draw comparisons between current dynamics and old ones but I can’t help but notice similarities sometimes. My ex and I were in a situation where he clamored for my attention but I didn’t want to give it to him. In my case it’s because he made me feel uneasy and guilty for not being everything he wanted me to be. My strategy to deal with him was to not entertain is behavior or requests but he never let up. Sometimes I feel like I’m in his position, simply being put up with until it gets too much for them or I settle down. Of course people are different and I could be misinterpreting behavior. IF it is true though, it might not be a total loss. I have the experience to know that I do need to lessen my grip and lighten up. Thats what I wanted him to do at least. 
This is also my first time openly acknowledging said individual as my ex. As much as I don’t want to admit that we were technically dating and everything fell through, thats what happened. It’s the reality of my past. 
8:33 AM (The Next Day)
Forgot again to journal because last night was drinkin night. 
Yesterday my intent was to keep busy no matter what so my thoughts didn’t get too out of hand. I was mostly successful, I actually consider yesterday to have been a good day for once. Breakfast was some potstickers and a poptart. In the morning I worked on fixing the image compression in my VRchat furry world and adding new pics to the gallery for about 30 minutes. I did a couple other random little things I don’t really remember. I watched some more of the Chris Chan documentary while I was busy. I remember getting horny enough midday to message my friend but it was mostly to distract myself from my commonly upset midday tummy so I deleted it before she read it hopefully. I wasn’t actually able to follow up with that request even if I wanted so that would have been irresponsible. Lunch was spaghetti and meatballs. For the afternoon I spent a few hours finishing up my bathroom world in David’s server. I finally finished it so I’m happy to move onto other projects finally. As I was finishing up, my friends were down to watch the first Rugrats movie so we did that while I was uploading the world. It was a good movie. Afterwards I really wanted to get in VR so I could check out the world and make it a little surprise so we did that. BUT I somehow overlooked the fact that NONE of the animations were global which really put a damper on my experience for awhile. Most of the night I was thinking about how I’m gonna fix this instead of just enjoying my time. I did have a lot of fun though. I was trying to request a little along time with my friend but I can’t tell if she was avoiding that or didn’t see what I was trying to say. After she went to bed I focused on fixing the world’s networking which I did fairly easily but then I had an issue where the particles were all black which took me 40 minutes to realize it needed a Unity restart to fix. Now the only problem is that animations aren’t buffered for late joiners so there can be some de-sync with the animations but it’s not a massive problem. I also stayed up until 2 am because I got too horny, I wish I hadn’t. I really don’t like how horny I can get being a guy. 
I’ve been trying to make my desires known to others instead of bottling things up and expecting them to be mind readers. I’d much rather have a yes or no answer instead of dropping hints trying to determine if they are ignoring me or not picking up on the hints. I think it’s a toxic thing I do to avoid direct communication. It’s an exercise in self respect to tell someone exactly what I want from them and accept whether they want to give it or not. 
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aemonds-sapphire · 3 years
Curiosity - Dabi x Reader (Smut)
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Summary: You had always been curious about the rows of staples that Dabi had on the palms of his hands, more particularly... how he pleasured himself.
Warnings: NSFW. Masturbation. Handjob. Mention of his staples. Shameless dick print. Dabi being a tease.
Word count: 3k
“You gonna keep staring?”
Dabi’s harsh voice snapped you from your transe-like state at once.
You weren’t being exceptionally subtle when it came to staring at his scarred hands, were you?
“Sorry.” You immediately blurted out, turning your head to stare at the TV in front of you.
Even from the corner of your eye you could see a sly smile on his lips. “Whatever, doll.”
You flushed hotly. Even though you hadn’t been staying with the league for long, and barely knew any of your supposed new ‘friends’ all that well, Dabi was by far the most intriguing out of them.
In fact, he was just as intriguing as he was perceptive, which was why you doubted he hadn’t caught on to you occasionally glaring at the staples that were tightly holding the skin together throughout his body.
Quite frankly, the burning curiosity inside you begged you to just ask. It was ridiculous, really, but your mind kept wondering how. How did he do it?
What was the worst that could happen anyways?
Besides getting incinerated on the spot...
Your body language betrayed your apparent calm demeanor, and that was enough to get his attention.
“Why are you so tense?”
You jolted in your seat on the worn out couch. “What? I’m fine.”
“Yeah, and a lousy liar,” he scoffed, shifting in order to fully face you. “Spill.”
You pressed on the remote in your hand, quickly skimming through a few channels before settling on a cooking program that you had no intention of watching. However, given the current circumstances, learning how to cook pasta didn’t seem that bad wen compare with having to deal with a suspicious Dabi.
“There is nothing to spill. Let me watch this in peace.”
If you thought that was enough to get him off your back, you were dead wrong. The young man started waving one hand obnoxiously in front of your eyes.
“Stop it!” You complained, brushing it away.
“Do you think I’m stupid?”
“What do you—“
Dabi interrupted you straightaway. “I’ve noticed all the eye fucking that’s been going around, yeah?”
Your eyes widened at him in shock. “Eye... fucking?”
“Yeah. Not so subtle, doll.”
He waved his long fingers in front of your face once more, and you frowned deeply. More at yourself than at him, to be honest. You had taken him as someone who wasn’t easily fooled, but you had also expected that all the glaring hadn’t become that noticeable.
“Nevermind,” you mused.
“I keep catching you staring at my hands. Why?”
“For no reason.”
“Lie to me one more time and I will make you regret it.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “You are so dramatic.”
He clicked his tongue. “Just say it.”
“Ugh! Fine! It’s nothing much,” you glanced around to make sure no fellow villain was there to overhear. “I was just wondering how it feels when you... uh... when you... do it.”
Bravo. Brownie points for the lack of conversation skills.
“Do... what?”
You weren’t sure if he was genuinely unaware of your innuendo, or if he was just pretending in order to get you riled up. However, you were willing to bet on the latter.
“Hmm... You know...” you said, feeling your face burn hot from embarrassment. “Jerk off... how does it feel when you jerk off... because of the staples. You — I was just curious if it hurt. Not that it’s any of my—“
You cut yourself off, realizing that you were just rambling.
Tense seconds ticked by.
Dabi was visibly amused by now. “Is this your subtle way of asking me to jerk off in front of you?”
You immediately panicked. “Of course not! Why would I want to see that? How —How is that—what? —I was just wondering.”
He held both hands up. “Not judging. I wouldn’t mind it either.”
You shot him a death glare. “If you don’t want to tell me about it just say that.”
“I don’t jerk off.”
“Bullshit,” you threw at him in disbelief. “You are such a liar.”
A teasing smile curved his lips. “Takes one to know one, right?”
You bit the inside of your cheek at the remark regarding your earlier failed attempt at deception.
“No need to get all worked up, doll.”
“I’m really not.”
Dabi snorted. “We all have urges,” he then shrugged, staring at his own hand. “Besides, if I’m gonna do it I might as well have an audience,” he concluded.
The nerve!
“Are you always like this?” you sneered at him.
“Like what?”
Impossibly... alluring. “Annoying. I was having a serious conversation and you can’t stop talking about your dick.”
This time he arched an eyebrow a you. “Kinda lost now, doll. Weren’t you the one who wanted to know how it felt like jerking off?”
Point taken. “Yes, but—”
“So what do you want me to talk about? The weather?” He mocked, dragging a thumb across the hoops on his cheek.
“You’re being a pervert.”
“You started this conversation, doll,” he pointed out. “You’re the pervert.”
There was no way around it. You were definitely making things worse for yourself. This had started off innocently enough, but he was easily bending the conversation to his will.
You settled for ignoring his remark, and have your eyes on the cooking program again.
But Dabi was relentless.
“If you want to, I’ll show you up close.”
Your heart skipped a beat. You awaited for him to quickly say something along the lines of “Just kidding!”, but that moment never came.
He was dead serious.
“No, thanks. I’ll pass.” You breathed, not daring to look at him.
In all honesty, you wouldn’t mind taking a peak... but you couldn’t just admit to that. What you needed to do was regain your composure before you dug yourself into a deeper hole.
Unfortunately for you, Dabi had no intention of stopping his teasing.
You kept your eyes firmly locked on the TV, but you could feel him shift beside you. It was probably a bad idea to dart your eyes to the side. He had his legs lazily sprawling out from the couch, and one hand resisted directly on his belt.
You jolted when you saw him extend his hand to you. “You can touch it.”
This was definitely not what you had in mind. “Uh...”
He rolled his eyes dramatically. “It’s my hand, not my cock.”
Dabi was swinging his long fingers in front of your eyes. “You were the one drooling all over my hands, anyways.”
You frowned. “I wasn’t drooling! It was just...” you then paused for a moment, which had him give you a hooded look. “It was genuine curiosity.”
He chuckled. “And I’m here willing to satisfy that curiosity. But you don’t want me to pump one in front of you,” he said, feigning hurt.
“Are you out of your mind?” You hissed in a low voice, eyes roaming across the living room in distress.
“Yeah?” Dabi eyed you as if you were the insane one for even questioning that in the first place. “What are you so scared of? That Shigaraki is gonna jump from behind the couch and say ‘ha-ha!’?”
Your cheeks flamed up. “In case you haven’t noticed, you ashtray, this is a common room. Anyone could walk in at any moment.”
He brought one hand to his cheek. “Oh my! Really? Tell me more!”
Dabi was impossible.
“But... yeah. Since you’re offering, I guess there’s no harm in it, right?” You added, gently bringing his hand closer to yours.
“I’m offering more than that.”
It was your turn to roll your eyes at him.
He flashed a devious grin. “Fine.”
Your heart sped up almost immediately, but you did your best to ignore it as you inspected his hand. His palm was turned upwards, giving you access to the single row of metallic hoops that spread across the juncture where his two skin types met. It was nothing short of fascinating just as you had imagined.
“Can I...?”
Dabi had his head on the backrest, half-hooded eyes still on you. “Yeah.”
Holding the back of his hand in yours, you let your index finger slowly drag across the intact part of his skin.
You could have sworn you heard the faintest sound come from him.
His skin felt really warm to the touch, and once your finger reached the purple layer that was when he flinched slightly.
“Does it hurt?” you asked, halting and studying his face.
“Nah. It’s more of a tickling sensation,” he answered sincerely. “Carry on.”
The subject of your interest, however, lay an inch away from the pad of your finger. You’d been wanting to know more about the staples ever since you saw him for the first time.
You gently traced over the cold hoops in absolute fascination.
After a few seconds of... caressing the hoops, you noticed he had his eyes shut.
Maybe this was therapeutic to him.
But then something else in your field of vision caught your attention.
The hand he had resting on his belt drew you to look a bit further down and—
“Are you serious?” your sudden hiss had him staring at you. “How are you...”
He bent his neck to stare down at the bulge in his pants. “I’m only human, doll. My cock loves a good teasing, what can I say?”
You wanted to be outraged, but this made your ego soar somehow. You wanted to let go of his hand and be done with... whatever this was.
But you didn’t even budge.
If anything, the grip on his hand only intensified.
“Go on, doll... I can get harder than this.”
Holy fuck. What was even that sudden deep voice? It immediately caused your thumb to resume the soft strokes along the row of metallic hoops. The tension in the room was palpable, and you were no longer bothered in concealing how much your body craved more.
And just like he had promised, you were able to see his cock growing bigger, and even twitching slightly each time you applied a certain amount of pressure on his skin.
Your breath was coming out in shallow pants.
You wanted more.
You needed more.
Apparently, the feeling was mutual because you noticed he had his fingers on the buckle of his belt, lightly tugging on it. The sight had your mouth water. The not so subtle bulge was clearly making him uncomfortable in a way, and in his turquoise eyes you detected obvious lust.
You couldn’t help but shift closer to him, and the motion triggered him into undoing his belt. Once he got that out of the way, he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants.
He heaved a deep sigh of relief. “Fucking finally.”
You suddenly stopped. “Uh... maybe we should stop?”
“You wanna stop?” he asked, gently fondling with the waistband of his underwear.
No. “It’s just... what if someone—“
“Are you always this good at cockblocking yourself?” he groaned in exasperation. “Just fucking enjoy this.”
“But... if someone comes in...”
He growled. “I will incinerate them.”
Your eyes widened in sudden horror.
‘Fuck! I’m obviously joking.”
With that being said, your jaw almost dropped to the floor as he pulled the fabric down, freeing his hard cock.
“Oh... oh...”
He wasn’t the most endowed guy you had ever seen, but what he lacked in sized definitely made up for in thickness. You tried to do something other than just glare, but you couldn’t quite believe in what was happening.
“Such a pretty mouth...” he observed, wrapping his fingers around himself.
Your clit was pulsing, and your panties had grown damp with how wet you had gotten. It pained you to even admit how weak you truly were for him.
Dabi started pumping his cock in a lazy rhythm, eyes fully locked with yours. You saw a few beads of precum pool around the tip.
“Keep touching me, doll...”
“I... I...” You sounded like a fish out of water.
He tightened the grip on his cock, forcing more clear liquid to come out. That’s when it started sliding down and onto his knuckles.
“If you wanna see how I fuck my hand, keep touching me.”
It was clear he was getting impatient, and the strain in his voice rebooted your brain, causing you to straighten before bringing the palm of his hand to your lips.
You made sure he kept his eyes on you when you started pressing soft kisses on each staple, with occasional flicks of your tongue.
“Good... good girl...” he encouraged, bringing the palm of his other hand to rub on the tip of his cock.
Oh. That was definitely hot.
He had the liquid smeared across his skin, obviously intending to have it work as some sort of lube. You kept kissing him, and he dragged his hand down to pump his cock once again.
“The friction feels really good,” he panted, squeezing himself tighter. “But I want to feel you.”
You lifted your head. “What?”
It was his turn to grip your hand. “Let me fuck your hand.”
Oh... my... god...
You felt a load of wetness leak from you, an it’d be a miracle if you managed to somehow finish this without having your own pants completely soaked.
He guided you down to his crotch, letting go of his cock only to have your own hand wrapping around him and drawing a beautiful hiss from him.
The sudden urge to kiss him took over your senses, and just as the thought flooded your mind your body promptly acted in it, and you crashed your lips onto his.
He was definitely caught by surprised, but had no problem reciprocating the same hunger and lust you felt for him by having his tongue against yours.
You allowed him to guide your hand up and down his cock with his own, feeling the staples dig into your own skin. He set up a very slow rhythm as if making the most out having you jerking him off.
Your fingers squeezed around him reflexively. He had been leaking so much precum that it didn’t take long before your own hand was drenched in it. Wet and soppy sounds accompanied each pump.
It was hard to focus on his cock when he was completely robbing you of oxygen as he refused to break the kiss.
When he finally let go of your lips, you saw him staring down at his cock fucking your hand. You could feel his breath come out in pants when he started lifting his hips to set a new tempo.
You absentmindedly brought your free hand to your pants. Your wetness was sipping through the fabric, and it drove you crazy to think just how ready you were for his cock. Your pussy clenched at the thought, but even more when you heard him moan your name.
You didn’t even notice that he had lifted his shirt, exposing his subtle abs flexing with each snap of his hips, a sheer coat of sweat forming as he sped up.
“If your pussy is as tight as this I won’t last long... fuck.”
Please... how could someone be this hot?
He kissed you again, his hand gripping yours tighter again. It was clear that he wasn’t going to last much longer.
But you needed more of him.
You pushed him away for a moment so you could swing one leg over his face waist, effectively sitting on his thighs. Dabi was glaring at the stain that was spreading across the fabric of your pants.
“Shut up.” you told him, squeezing his cock as a warning.
“I said nothing,” he said with a knowing smile.
You needed the friction on your clit, and this new position was doing wonders. With each thrust from him, your panties would rub against it.
Dabi finally let go of your hand and framed your face with both of his hands, once again draining your lungs from are as he pulled you into a heated kiss.
You didn’t think you’d be able to cum like this, but that was the least of your concerns. You wanted to watch that beautiful man unravel for you.
He kept on thrusting into your hand, and when he pulled away from him you knew he was close. You took some time to admire how his beautiful face twisted in pleasure, mouth parted, straining the hoops on either side of his face.
“Faster... faster...” he kept urging you, and you were more to happy to oblige.
You did your best to bring him over the edge. It took him only a few more seconds before his thrusts started faltering, and he had to bite the back of his hand to keep himself from groaning out loud as hot spurts of cum started shooting against your crotch. You let go of his cock, so he could press it against your pants, leaving thick strands sliding down the fabric.
You tumbled forward to rest against his body, not even worried about the mess that was sliding down your bodies.
“I owe you one, doll,” he let out, chest heaving rapidly.
You lifted your head from his shoulder, deciding that it was time to get cleaned up, and — hopefully — get him to work on that promise.
“Oh my god!”
You almost lost your balance from shock as you noticed a pair of red eyes staring at you, and it took Dabi wrapping his arm around you to keep you steady on his lap.
He followed your gaze.
A very unamused Shigaraki was standing by the door.
“If I ever catch you two spilling bodily fluids onto my couch again, I will literally make you crumble to dust.”
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queen-haq · 3 years
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 17
Fic: A Woman Scorned - Part 17
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader
Rating: R for language and smut.
Words: ~3300 words.
Summary: You’ve been sleeping with Billy Russo for a few months now. Knowing his aversion to emotional commitments, you’re satisfied with your clandestine arrangement until you catch him having dinner with Dinah Madani one night. Then it finally dawns on you. It’s not that he doesn’t want to commit, he just doesn’t want to commit to *you*.
Billy may think he knows you, but he has no idea what he’s just lost…
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9   Part 10   Part 11   Part 12   Part 13   Part 14   Part 15  Part 16
Part 17
Billy couldn’t stop gawking at you, wondering how it was possible you grew more beautiful each time he saw you. The red wrap dress you were wearing accentuated all your curves, and it took every bit of willpower he had not to rip it off of you and fuck you senseless right then and there. Unfortunately, he had to behave himself. Caravan was a pretty bouji place that had recently been labelled as one of the hottest restaurants in Manhattan and he had to pull a few strings to get a last-minute reservation for tonight. But seeing the smile on your face when you realized this was where you were dining had been completely worth all the hassle.
As the hostess guided the two of you to your table, he noticed a few assholes at the bar admiring you from afar. Immediately he snaked his arm around your waist to draw you in closer. You were his. If he could he’d pluck out every one of those fuckers’ eyes so they never made the mistake of looking at you again. Better yet, he’d keep you locked behind closed doors. Of course you wouldn’t agree to anything like that because you were too goddamn independent for your own good.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, taking a seat at your designated table.
Billy’s attention returned to your face as he followed suit, his gaze inhaling you in. “You look too hot. Too many assholes staring at you,” he grumbled.
The worried look on your face was replaced with a beaming smile, one that made his cock twitch.
“You’re being ridiculous” you remarked, scanning the menu.
His eyes drifted down to your chest, the swell of your soft, supple breasts just begging to be kissed and licked by him.
“Stop staring at my boobs, Billy,” you chastised even as a small smile graced your lips. “This is a proper first date. You can’t just ogle me like that. You have to behave like a gentleman.”
He quirked his eyebrow. “Sweetheart, I’ve never been that.”
“Well, try,” you ordered.
The waitress came by with the bottle of red wine you’d requested and poured some in both of your glasses. He noticed the redhead giving him a friendly smile, her green eyes lingering on him for a second too long. Fine, yeah, she may have been hot but she wasn’t you. No one was. So while he would have happily slipped her his number in the past, now the idea of being with someone who wasn’t you no longer excited him.
Once she left, he took the opportunity to move a few inches closer to you. What he really wanted was to get on his knees and bury his head between your legs, but something told him eating you out in in the crowded restaurant wouldn’t go over very well with you.
“I think she likes you.”
Hand propped on the back of your chair, he started playing with your hair. “Who?”
“Our waitress. She didn’t look at me once, her eyes were on you the entire time.”
He leaned in, ecstatic at the thought of you acting possessive. Even though you’d confessed to having feelings for him, Billy still worried you were ready to bolt at any moment. To see you jealous meant you genuinely cared and he didn’t have to worry about you leaving him. “She’s not my type. I have my eyes on someone else.”
You made a show of looking around the restaurant. “Oh, is Madani here too?”
“Funny,” he retorted, taking your hand in his.
“Your ginger’s lucky. I’m dressed way too nice or I’d take my knife and stab her with it.”
He smirked. “You’re vicious when you’re jealous.”
“I’m not jealous. I just don’t like bad service.”
“Billy, you’re hot. You know that. All the women here are checking you out. If I freaked out every time someone did that, I’d have a breakdown.”
He wanted to destroy the fucking world at the thought of someone even looking at you but apparently you were simply ambivalent about him. “So it’s that easy for you? Your brain tells you to turn off a feeling and your heart just does it?” Even to his own ears he sounded bitter. “Guess you’re not all that invested in me.”
Your eyebrow quirked up, apparently surprised by his edgy tone. “Do you want me to go nuts?”
“Just want you to give a damn.”
“You think I don’t?” you snapped. “Every time she looks at you I want to tear her hair out. Even though the rational part of me knows she’s probably just flirting with you because it’s part of her job or she’s hoping for big tips. Or maybe she really does want to fuck you. Either way, I want to punch her across the face. Happy?” You gulped down your wine.
Grinning, he squeezed your hand. “Then why not just tell me that? Why act like you don’t care?”
The agitated expression on your face was replaced with tenderness, your eyes soft. “Just because I don’t have a jealous fit doesn’t mean I don’t care. I just…” You exhaled a sigh, and he sensed this was difficult for you. “I express my emotions differently than you.”
“I noticed. You put on an act while holding everything in.”
“Yeah, I guess.”
“But I want you, the real you, not the version everyone else sees.”
“It’s not that easy, Billy.”
He brought your palm to his lips. “I’d never told anyone about my mother.”
“You didn’t tell me either,” you pointed out.
“You found out anyway, and I’m so fucking glad you did. Otherwise I wouldn’t have realized I could be real with you.” He placed a tender kiss on your skin. “I don’t want to hide anything from you, Y/N.”
“Then tell me about William Rawlins.”
Your request gave him pause, his eyes roaming over your face. He’d taken painstaking measures to keep his partnership with Rawlins a secret yet you’d discovered it. “What do you want to know?”
“He gave you a lot of money.”
“I earned that money,” he said in a defensive tone. “He and I were partners for a while. Then he died.”
“You went to a lot of trouble to hide your connection to him.”
“You found out about it though.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I’m good at what I do.”
“Yeah, too good,” he muttered. He released your hand, watching you intently. “So what do you want to know?”
You leaned in closer, your voice barely above a whisper. He was momentarily distracted by the sensation of your tits pressed against him but he forced himself to concentrate.
“What happened to Rawlins, did you have anything to do with it?”
Billy took a swig of his wine. “Why do you think that?”
You quirked your eyebrow at him. “Knifed by someone in the parking lot. They never found the guy who did it.”
“He had a lot of enemies,” he pointed out.
“Okay, so maybe I was wrong.”
He studied you for several seconds, trying to decide if he should take the leap or not. “You’re not wrong.”
Realization dawned on your face as the truth set in. “Why did you do it?”
“You sure you want to know?”
“I’m asking, aren’t I?”
So he told you, about Operation Cerberus, his role in it and the money he earned, how he’d eliminated Rawlins a year ago when the prick plotted to take out Frank and his family. To this day Frank didn’t know about Billy’s partnership with Rawlins or how close he came to dying and he intended to keep it that way.
Throughout his confession his eyes were glued to your face, gauging your reactions. The part of him determined to do anything to be a success, the one who didn’t let society’s morals get in the way of his ambitions, would never be accepted by his closest friends. Despite the myriad of reasons to have kept that side of himself hidden, he didn’t want to do that with you. Because as risky as it was to be so open with you, it was also exhilarating. There was no one in this world he’d ever been this honest with and that kind of intense connection with you was addictive. He wanted you to know everything about him, all of the dark and vicious thoughts that ran through his head, the burning ambition that kept pushing him forward. He wanted you to know him inside and out and he wanted the same from you.
Before he could prod you to speak your mind the server came by with your dishes, setting your meals on the table. The redhead took her time, all the whilst your gaze was focused on the table, avoiding his. Billy’s heart started to pound in his chest, he was suddenly filled with doubt. Had he made a mistake in telling you the truth? Did he just completely fuck this up? Every second the goddamn redhead lingered at the table felt like an eternity when all he wanted was to shake you out of your stupor.
The second the server left, he moved in on you. “Are you gonna say something?”
You finally looked at him, your forehead burrowed. “We need to do a better job of hiding your history with Rawlins. I found it, that means someone else can too.”
“You gonna help me with that?”
You shook your head ‘yes’. “Yeah, I have to. You need me.”
“What I did doesn’t bother you?”
You exhaled a heavy sigh. “Of course it does, but there’s nothing I can do about it. You’ve seen me at my worst and you didn’t judge me. I won’t do that to you either. Besides, when the universe deals you a shitty hand you’ve got to find other ways to even out your odds.”
A strange feeling of warmth flooded over him, compelling him to angle forward and kiss you on the lips.
You pulled away a second later, smiling at him as you rubbed the corner of his mouth. “This lipstick isn’t kiss-proof.”
“I don’t care.” Wicked visions of you flashed through his mind. Your bold red lips wrapped around his cock, sucking him off the way he liked it. His cum spread over your tits, your neck, your lips. The taste of your sweet, delicious cunt on his tongue as he fucked you with his mouth. The heat of your tongue against his as he rammed into you over and over-
“Stop looking at me like that,” you warned.
“Then stop looking so hot,” he snarked.
You smiled, biting down on your bottom lip.
It blew his mind how sweet and shy you were when he paid you compliments, like you didn’t expect that from him. Obviously he needed to fix that, because you deserved to know how insanely beautiful you were all the time.
“Has Anvil been okay without Rawlins?” you asked, taking a bite out of your butternut squash ravioli.
Swallowing his steak, he wiped his mouth with a napkin. “It was tough for a while but we’ve been doing pretty well the last few months.”
“You should be proud of what you’ve accomplished, Billy. You took a big risk going into business for yourself and you made it work. That’s amazing. I could never do that.”
Billy’s insides radiated with happiness. Other than Curtis and Frank he never really had people who genuinely believed in him so to have you cheering him on was exalting. Especially considering you were great at what you did and he had so much respect for you.
He poured himself and you more wine before reaching for your hand again. “I think you could. You’d make a shitload of money if you freelanced.”
You shook your head ‘no’. “No way, I’m too much of a coward to take a risk like that.” You took a sip of your wine. “Plus I get to go to Paris for work.”
“Or you could go to Paris on vacation and not work.”
“Then I’d have to pay for it,” you pointed out, grinning. “When you grow up the way I did, you learn to appreciate free things.”
Your enthusiasm was infectious, he couldn’t hep but smile back. A part of him was hoping this would be the perfect opening for you to talk more about your childhood, about everything you went through, because he desperately wanted you to trust him as much as he trusted you with his secrets.
“I’ll be there for two weeks,” you continued, oblivious to his disappointment. “We’re going to scout out locations for the new branch and-”
“We?” Billy interjected.
You cast him a quick glance. “Roger’s coming with me on the trip.”
The jealousy that struck him felt like a swift kick to his gut. Images of you and that goddamn bastard traipsing around and enjoying romantic date nights in Paris assaulted his mind. Agitated, he pulled his hand from yours. “I bet that fucker can’t wait to be alone with you.”
“Billy, come on. You can’t be serious.”
“How would you feel if I took off with someone who wanted to fuck me?”
“First of all, he doesn’t want me.”
His jaw clenched with frustration as he glared at you. “I’ve seen the way he looks at you. He’s thought about fucking you.”
“Even if he does, I don’t want him.” You reached out to cup his face, your voice so soft and tender in your attempts to placate him that he momentarily forgot how upset he was. “You really think I’d jeopardize what we have for a fling with Roger? I wouldn’t do that.”
“Then don’t go. Turn him down.”
Irritation flickered over your face, he could tell you were done coddling him. “Billy, you have no right to ask me that. I’d never interfere with your work.”
Underneath all that jealousy he knew you were right. As much as he despised the idea of you going away to Paris with another guy, he couldn’t demand that you not go on work trips. If you did that to him, it would annoy the fuck out of him. Yet despite his rational side recognizing he was asking for too much, he couldn’t help but feel bitter. “That asshole’s gonna make a move on you, I know it.”
“What if he does? What do you think is gonna happen?”
Hs eyes met yours, urgently seeking some kind of validation from you. “You tell me.”
“Do you think I’m going to sleep with him?”
He flinched. “Don’t talk about fucking another guy, please. You’re gonna make me lose my appetite.”
You took his hand and placed it over your left breast, probably to distract him from all the disgusting images that were running through his brain. “I wanted you so badly and even then it took me like a month to fuck you. Trust me, I’m not going to sleep with him when I’m not even attracted to him.”
Spotting the earnestness in your eyes, the knot in his stomach finally loosened. Roger may have had a hard-on for you but Billy knew you felt nothing for the fucker. He’d noticed that even at the night of the gala. So that meant he had to trust you, there was no reason not to. “Call me every night when you’re there,” he grumbled.
“Every night? You’re probably going to start blocking my calls,” you laughed.
He booped your nose. “Every. Fucking. Night.”
You beamed. “Fine.” A wicked glint flashed in your eyes, a seductive smile on your lips as you slowly moved his hand lower, his fingers now on your nipple. “Hey, just ‘cause you’re not there with me doesn’t mean we can’t have fun.”
He stroked your nipple over the fabric of your dress, enjoying how the nub hardened under his touch, the way your breath hitched in your throat when he continued his ministrations. With his other hand he tucked your hair behind your ear, whispering to you. “Phone sex is alright, but nothing beats this.” His tongue curved along the shell of your ear, and you trembled against him. “Right?”
The waitress seemed to come out of nowhere this time to ask how your meals were, and you jumped back. Disappointed, he sighed.
“Food was great. Thank you,” you replied, smiling stiffly at the redhead.
“Can I get you anything else?”
“Privacy would be great,” Billy muttered.                                                            
You kicked him under the table. “Dessert menu?”
“Sure. I’ll bring it right over,” the waitress said, taking your plates away.  
“I’ll give you all the sugar you want once we get outta here,” he murmured seductively, caressing your thigh.
You giggled, rolling your eyes. “That’s a terrible line!” You took his hand and removed it from your thigh. “Billy, I’m not sleeping with you tonight.”
“Why not?”                                                      
“Because it’s our first date and I don’t put out on the first date.”
“Now that’s a terrible line,” he fired back, mimicking your earlier tone.
“Also, we already had sex this morning.”
“So? I’m greedy. I can’t get enough of you.” There was that shy smile of yours again, and he reached out to give you a sweet peck on the cheek. “You blush every time I tease you.”
“I do?”
“Yeah, it’s adorable.”
Your cheeks grew even more red. “I’m not used to it from you. A part of me still thinks you’re bullshitting me.”
Billy stiffened. “Really?”
“I know you’re not playing me,” you reassured. “It’s on me, not you. I just have a hard time accepting when good things happen.”
The waitress came by with the dessert menu. He briefly glanced at it before ordering a slice of pecan pie while you ordered a piece of chocolate cake.
As soon as the redhead left, he broached the topic with you again. “I’m not gonna hurt you, babe. You have to believe that.”
You didn’t look at him, your eyes fixed somewhere on his chest. “I do. You were so pissed off at me last night. I honestly expected you to hit me because you were so angry. But you didn’t.”
It made him sick to his stomach that you actually thought him capable of hitting you. It hadn’t even occurred to him that you would worry about that, but of course you would. With your childhood it made perfect sense, he was just a fucking idiot who hadn’t realized how much it still impacted you. “I’m never gonna lay a hand on you. I swear.” His eyes locked with yours, hoping you can sense how much he meant those words.
“I believe you.”
His voice was insistent, his gaze boring into you. “Why did you think I would?”
Your eyes wavered from his eyes to his lips for a long time, the atmosphere thick with tension. Your facial expressions ran the gamut of painful emotions, from uncertainty to fear to sheer panic.
It finally sank in that maybe the reason you were keeping the truth from him had noting to do with if you trusted him or not. Maybe you didn’t want to be assaulted by memories from the past that caused you so much pain. The last thing he wanted was for you to experience that hell again. Regretting his demanding tone, his hands caressed down the length of your arms. “You don’t have to tell me, It’s okay.”
Your eyes brimmed with aching vulnerability as you looked up at him. “I want to… I just… give me some time, okay?” You pressed your lips against his, giving him the softest, sweetest kiss. “I’ve been looking forward to tonight for so long, I don’t want to ruin it, you know?”
His heart felt full, his mind reeling with wonderment at the thought of you truly reciprocating his feelings. His arms wrapped around you as you sank into him, burying your face in his chest. His fingers stroked the back of your hair, murmuring soft, soothing words to you. Somewhere in the distance he heard the server’s voice trying to interject, but he didn’t give a damn.  He was yours and you were his and nothing was going to ruin that. Nothing.
Part 18
A/N - I realize not much happened in this chapter but I just reallly wanted to write a dialogue heavy part where they simply get to know and enjoy each other. I think they’ve earned some fluff. LOL.
As always, thank you for your kind words of encouragement. Please let me know your thoughts.
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@yourfavoritefruitybitch @voyevoda-thejoy @adreamemporium @queenmalhinewahine @gubleryum @galaxyjane @xceafh@maralisa124@tomhollandisabae @daybleedsintonightfa11 @lil-baby-nor @all-art-is-quite-useless @tanyaherondale @nashibirne @dour-trash @thetallassgirl @athenamikaelson @agent-jbarnes @primadonnasdream @aleksanderwh0r3 @elisemockingbird @nihilismworld @archisur@nemesis729 @lysawayne@kaqua @ladyblablabla @lemasonda@advictedtohim @24-martie @tarkanelima-blog @shinebrightlikeafanbase @krystal-clear1 @damalseer@dontjinx-it@darkishx @wanderlusting-about-life @thatguppienamedbae @happypepperdog @bat-revival @sassygirl25 @consulting–heroes @the-celestial-kitsune @mackaywhore @ablxssm @competitive-dust @red-head011 @exo-1204 @sunsetenigma @millieb-3199 @chatnain @licensedcheek @tinkertailor1212 @vertesalope @safetyhtom @acourtofglassandroses @eliwinchester-barnes @finnismyoriginalsin @weallhaveadestiny @beananacake @beauty-and-the-beast97 @smurfelle @fire-treasure-iii @charly-0 @kestrafagnor @pigwidgeonxo @damagelove @allegra-writes @pensandthings @jad3djay @batshitbarnes @kashimayuki @secretsthathauntus @odetostep @awesome-eccia @mackaywhore @stories-you-wont-hear @vvsdiamond28 @supernaturalcat7 @arieltwvdtohamflash @iknownoqueenbutthequeeninme​​    @devs-stufff @ticosas @moodacheeks @myakai13 @carlywhomever @fvckthisbxtchup @its-evita-here @papapapadumb @talesfrommycell @bat-luna-cat @fific7 @elluvians @dailydoseofchoices @everythinghappens-love @papapapadumb @mylife-love-and-other-things @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @ancientbeing10 @natty2245 @stuckysavedmylive @kasslucilfer @simp-for-ben-barners @originaldeputycalzoneegg @bdffkierenwalker @kimoranelson03 @sadbi-hours @haushinka27  @haushinka27    @caylaxwrites   @extraneousred​   @agentmstark​   @crazywitchkitty​   @its-an-idea-not-a-blog  @partypoison00    @fictional-hooman​   @hoglady   @helnicks    @luckyfreakfishpeach   @chiquitita18   @rachlovesactors  @icecream50055    @doloreschanal​   @lupinsfavslytherin​    @swthxrry    @wanderlusting-about-life   @dreamer7black  @leahnicole1219 @superawesomegeek @weallhaveadestiny   @toxicenough @tiiffanym  @dark-twisted-and-mechanical-mind @cap-just-said-language  @edithsvoice   @natashasilverfox
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halloweenbitch2764 · 3 years
I can request a scenario in which the reader is rescued by the police or by someone who cares about her and thinks she is saving from the Slachers (Brahms, Jason, Michael, Vincent, Bo and another killer of her choice).
What would happen next, would the Slachers go after their reader and bring them home with them? Would the Slachers cause a massacre with people who cross your path, perhaps?
((Note: S / O is not a victim or hostage of the Slashers, but his girlfriend)).
Absolutely! Thank you for the request and patience! I think family/friends will work better in these situations so I hope you don't mind! Also I'm gonna skip Michael because I can't come up with anything for him and the other scenarios are super long. I hope it makes up for it <3
TW: Violence
F/N: Friends Name
Brahms Heelshire
It had definitely taken some getting used to when it came to living with Brahms
Between the HUGE mansion and the man himself
But you adapted into the role and settled in relatively well
However, you dropped contact with outside people quite suddenly
The cell reception had became increasingly worse and the landline phone had finally given out
When you tried to leave Brahms would insist on you staying
Which left your brother quite worried (pretend if you don't have one)
After multiple failed call attempts he decided to visit the address you had given him after accepting the job
He continued to try and call once he landed
Sure he'd be annoyed if you answered but would be happy you even did
However you didn't
So he made his way out to the mansion and parked in front of you
You were busy doing some cleaning and hadn't heard the car door slam shut
Brahms did though
A knock rang from the front door and you answered it, seeing your brother in front of you
You were confused and questioned why he was there
"You haven't been answering ANY of my calls. What the hell happened?" He seemed more concerned than angry
You knew Brahms would have heard him by now and one major rule was "no visitors"
Your stomach dropped
"Oh, um. The cell reception here is garbage and I haven't had time to get a new landline." You partially lied
"Well I'm glad you're safe. Mom wanted me to stay for a few days if that would be alright. I hate to invite myself but you know how mom is."
Your stomach sank further
"U-Uh actually, I'm not allowed to have visitors stay. Really not supposed to have anyone stay at all."
He raised his eyebrow. "Aren't you just watching some doll? Come on, Y/N you gotta be lonely. This place seems huge."
"Just go back home and tell mom I'm fine. I'm gonna be here till my job is done. Okay?" You wanted to make him leave without worrying him or him seeing Brahms
However, you noticed his eyes shift behind you and then widen
Oh fuck
"Go. Home." You told him but he didn't have to be told twice, already halfway to his car
You turned around to see Brahms behind you and you figured his size was enough to scare your brother
You just hoped he wouldn't tell your mom what really happened
Jason Voorhees
You had been at Camp Crystal Lake with Jason for quite a bit before anyone came to see if you were there
Cell reception was basically nonexistent so you hadn't had contact with the world since you had decided to stay with Jason
Your sister (pretend if you don't have one) remembered how much you loved Crystal Lake though and wondered if maybe you had ran away to the abandoned and dilapidated cabins
You were just taking a walk when your heard a female voice screaming your name
You instantly knew who's voice it was
You hoped Jason hadn't heard, scared of what he would do to her for trespassing
You ran towards the voice and you thought your sister was going to faint when she saw you coming towards her
"Y/N?" She almost didn't seem to believe you were right in front of her
"Hey dork, what's up?" You asked, trying to seem casual
"What's up?" She seemed stunned and then angry. "What do you mean 'what's up'?! You ran away and then just act as if nothing happened?!"
"Hey keep it down. Look, I'm sorry. I just was tired of everything and decided to see if I could stick it out here by myself for a while. I'm trying to renovate an old cabin to make a sort of house and I don't want ANYONE knowing where I am." The whole story was pretty much a lie. "I was just so overwhelmed with everything I needed a getaway. Don't tell anyone where I am. Please?"
She was silent as she processed everything. "What about Jason? Isn't he supposed to kill anyone who lives here or roams here?" She was almost positive the whole story of Jason wasn't real but she was still curious
"Well I mean. I'm still intact so I'm gonna say he doesn't exist." You lied.
She nodded a bit. "I've just been so worried about you. Just...try and let me know you're okay ever so often. Alright?"
You nodded and she headed back for her car
Once she was out of sight you started to head back to the cabin only to bump into Jason's chest
You jumped slightly in surprise, not having heard him sneak up and explained that she was your sister
He nodded before bringing you back to the cabin
Vincent Sinclair
You were sitting silently in the woods with Vincent as a victim made their way into the small town, pulling into the gas station
You were fairly far away and hidden by the foliage but you recognized who stepped out of the car
He had papers in his hand with large red letters spelling "MISSING" on the top and your face under it
It was your friend
Well he thought of himself as your friend
You didn't mind him but he would act obsessive towards you, wanting to hang out as much as possible and even interjecting himself into conversations you were having
You knew he had good intentions but couldn't help but feel annoyed just by his presence
He walked into the gas station, likely to ask about you
You knew what would happen
Vincent seemed to notice how closely you looked at the guy
It was different from past victims
"Who's that?" He signed
"An old...friend of mine. Well, he thought we were friends. He got on my nerves." You signed back
Vincent nodded a bit as you continued, "He had a thing for me I think. He was obsessed to say the least."
Jealousy started to come over him at what you said even though he knew you didn't return the feelings
He'd make sure he wasn't made into a wax figure
Just tortured and then disposed of
Bo Sinclair
You leaned against the gas station counter as Bo worked in the garage as per usual
You were fairly sure it would just be another normal day
Nobody coming to bother you
However a car pulled up and parked by a gas pump, shutting off as someone stepped out
No it couldn't be
Your old friend
You hadn't spoken to her in years
She still looked the same
You didn't know if you hoped she wouldn't recognize you or that she would
She pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head as she pushed the door opened but stopped in her tracks as her eyes scanned your face
You reluctantly nodded and stood up, walking out from behind the counter
Tears welled up in her eyes as she pulled you into a hug to which you returned
"I-I can't believe this. We all thought you were dead!" Emotions swirled rapidly through her voice. Pain, excitement, nostalgia
"What?" You asked, confused
"I've missed you so much." She held you by your shoulders. "I didn't even mean to come here. I made a wrong turn and then was gonna come ask for directions."
Well that sounded oddly familiar
"Well I'm glad to see you. I'm alright. Just uh, decided to live here. I like how secluded it is." She turned to look at the side door to the garage as it was pushed open and Bo entered the room.
"Well hello there." He said in his normal charming accent, greeting your friend and seeing her as a victim. "Who might you be?"
"Oh this is F/N, she's been friends with me since we were in school."
He nodded a bit and she raised her eyebrow. "Well who's this Y/N?" She smirked
"This is Bo. He's my boyfriend. He works in the mechanics shop." You told her
She nodded and smiled.
"Well have a look around if you want any snacks. I gotta help Bo with something in the garage." You lied, tugging him into the garage and shutting the door behind you
"Do NOT hurt her." You sternly said and he raised his eyebrow
"I can't risk her telling people about this town." He responded.
"She doesn't even know what this town is. I think she missed the sign." You told him and he sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose
"She could be lying."
You shook your head. "She won't tell anyone."
You walked back out and smiled at her, taking her money to pay for her snack
"You didn't see me okay?" She raised her eyebrow
"Some things happened that I don't want to get into right now but I can't go back for a while. Just let them think I'm dead and move on. Okay?" She nodded after a moment
"Have a safe trip." You said sweetly, giving her one last hug before she left
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
I've Told You Now - Lee Bodecker smut
The one where Lee seduced his sister's babysitter.
Warnings: smut, dubcon, age gap, innocence kink, dirty talk, loss of virginity, blood
Word count: 1.7k
A/N: This one is a part of my kinktober celebrations. My original intention for this October was to work exclusively around prompts that my wonderful friend @darkficsyouneveraskedfor created for her challenge and dedicate each story to a different friend. My new plan became then 31 days of different kinks, which expanded on a poly relationship with Stucky, as you might know by now. However, some of the stories I started were already truly loved by me, and so I kept on writing them. It worked well because as it turns out, I am fortunate enough to have more than 31 friends on Tumblr, so here is the story I wrote for @slothspaghettiwrites! You were the biggest reason I fell for Lee and it was only appropriate I wrote you this! I only hope it doesn't disappoint! Special thanks to @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog who helped me believe this was good enough to be posted! @sweeterthanthis also has a big hand at this!
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Y/N’s P.O.V.
I was finishing packing up the toys in the living room when I heard the door slam, startling me into dropping the box of legos on the ground. Looking at the clock, I considered the time before looking back at the hall again. When no one appears from the hallway, I get confused. If the Hendersons hadn’t come home earlier than they intended, who else could it be?
“Waiting for me, bunny?” I immediately straightened out at the sight of Sheriff Bodecker, trying to resist the urge not to flush and keep eye contact, but ultimately failing to do so. I hadn’t seen him since the night he offered to give me a ride home and I ended up with his cock in my throat, his cum in my mouth.
“I-I didn’t even know you were coming.” Silence followed my confession as he slowly approached, eyes never leaving my body while I tried to keep myself up. He’d always had this effect on me. I remembered being a young girl and Sheriff Bodecker being the crush I knew was too old to be mine, the guy I’d never have even in a million years, but that didn’t stop me from daydreaming about him.
If I thought that maybe having him would help this infatuation disappear, it’d become clear by now that it wouldn’t be the case at all.
“And here I was, thinking you wanted me just as much as I wanted you.” The Sheriff tsked, and the sound went straight to my already dampened underwear. I couldn’t process his words very well, given how close he was and how loud my own heartbeat was ringing in my ears. Did he mean to say that he actually really wanted me?
“If that was really the case,” he taunted, circling me like I was some sort of prey. “You’d always be expecting me, wouldn’t you? But it’s alright, honey. You know why?” When I shook my head, he answered his own question, a single finger running down my jaw to guide me to look him in the eye. “Because I think you were expecting me. You’re always expecting me, looking for me wherever you go, just like I do. And there’s an easy way to prove my theory.”
Before I could question it, his arms embraced me from behind, hands slowly running down my stomach until they reached the edge of my skirt. I started sweating in anticipation. I knew what he would find.
“Let me check.” His fingers went over the fabric first, and he chuckled when he noticed how wet it was. “Would you look at that?” I was already trembling when he pulled my panties to the side and ran that same digit over my lower lips, just lightly grazing them. “Soaked already.”
Although I couldn’t see it, the humming sound he emitted after taking his fingers from under my dress didn’t leave me any doubt about what he did with the moisture he collected. Just the thought of him enjoying my taste that much had me weak in the knees, and I tried to keep myself up by reaching for a chair nearby.
Lee’s P.O.V.
I chuckled to myself at how sensitive she was, barely able to keep up with the little I’d done so far. Then again, it was clear I had a particularly strong effect on her. That had been obvious for a while, ever since she started working for my sister, probably - around the same age her womanly features began to stand out.
She seemed unable to look me directly in the eyes, always averting her gaze and biting her lower lip when I decided to stop around here for a coffee or check in on the little rugrat. I began doing this a lot more often after she was hired, but neither her nor my sister seemed to connect the dots.
Her innocence, her beauty just left me so fucking hard. I was hard right then, and I wanted her to know it. So I pressed my body against her back, lightly grinding my member against the curve of her ass.
“I suppose you’re finished for the day,” I speculated, knowing once the kid was out all she had to do was wait for my sister and her husband to arrive. “Guess I can help you unwind…”
She gasped when she felt my hardness, making me chuckle. “Your sister and her husband should be back soon…” She tried to reason, but I wasn’t having any of it.
“We’ll be quiet anyway. Can’t risk waking up the kid.” I gripped her wrist and pulled her on the direction of the guest bedroom, now fully unable to control myself. I was so close to having what I had wanted for so long.
She looked unsure of herself as I closed the door behind us, and I raised an eyebrow in a questioning look. “What’s wrong?” She shifted her weight from one foot to another, fingers playing with the hem of her skirt.
“I-I don’t know about this…” Chuckling, I approached her to cradle her face between my hands and deposit a kiss on those sweet lips.
“Don’t you trust me, pretty girl?” I had caught her now, we both knew it. She’d never risk disappointing or offending me, so when her mouth opened to explain herself and I raised an eyebrow in warning, it was only a matter of seconds until she closed it altogether and nodded, her eyes dropping to her feet.
“Yes, I do.” My smirk was full of victory, and I could taste it in my lips now. It was as sweet as the nectar between her legs I’d only had a taste of.
“There you go.” Approaching her once more, I settled my hands on her hips before leaning to kiss her shoulder. “Besides…” I continued, already bunching up her dress to get rid of it as quickly as possible. “You obviously need me to take care of you and this little wet hole.”
She bucked when my fingers rubbed her this time, dress already forgotten on the floor as I slowly shoved down the fabric of her underwear to join it. Once she was completely naked, I ran my digits over her cunt, verifying that her wetness was already so overwhelming that it was threatening to drip from her.
“So sweet.” I hummed once I wrapped my lips around those digits, tasting her on my tongue again. Yes, I was already obsessed. I think anyone who had the chance to try her nectar would understand my situation - but no one ever would.
She was mine now, and I would never let her go.
“C’mon, bunny.” Patting her ass, I directed her to the bed, chuckling at how embarrassed she seemed, being this exposed to my hungry gaze. “Be a good girl and spread your legs. Be my little angel, won’t you?”
I wished I could have done this somewhere more private - my own house, instead of my sister’s. But I just couldn’t wait anymore. My cock twitched inside my pants. I felt like I was drunk on this, drunk on her.
“C’mon, honey!” I repeated, lightly slapping the outside of her thigh. “I wanna fuck you. And I know you want to be mine, pretty girl. You can’t hide it from me.”
When she finally relented and slowly parted her beautiful legs for me, I nearly melted at the sight. Driven by my desire, I unbuckled my belt and worked to whip my cock out as quickly as possible, smirking at the wide, innocent eyes that settled on my member as I fisted it in preparation.
“Doesn’t it look good?” I teased, climbing on the bed to take my spot between her legs, rubbing the head of my dick against her slit. “I’m gonna have you taste it next time. But for now…”
Resting my forehead against hers, I slowly started to penetrate her tight pussy, slipping only the head at first, even though I was aching to fuck her throughly.
“This is gonna hurt a little,” I warned, not able to stop mid-way to let her adjust but keeping my invasion of her maidenhood slow until I had bottomed out inside of her. “Sh…” I tried to calm her, gently wiping away the few tears running down her soft cheeks. “I know it hurts, bunny. But you can take it, can’t you?”
She managed to nod despite her whimpers, and I brushed her tears away as I warned her, “I’m gonna make you feel so good, honey.”
It took a little while, but at last, she opened her eyes and I waited until she was able to focus them on me again. “You look so pretty, bunny…” I whispered, kissing her while I finally started to move inside of her, stopping only to moan out loud at her overwhelming tightness.
“I’m gonna train you until all you can think about is my cock,” I warned her, slowly pulling out until only the head of my cock was keeping her open.
“I can’t wait any longer.” Slamming my dick all the way in, I felt her nails running down my back, leaving trails of blood behind - trails I wouldn’t mind wearing under my shirt, sting as they might.
“I promise you, honey…” I panted, sweat already dripping from my forehead onto her pretty face. “You’re gonna miss me when I’m not inside of you.”
I kissed her cheek, rubbing my nose against it as she held me tightly against her. “I know you don’t want any of those boys you used to go to school with touching what I’ve already taken.”
She nodded quickly, my pretty little honey. Yes, she was mine already and she knew it. “It’s alright, pretty girl…” I soothed her as she started to whine, her cunt clenching deliciously around me. “It’s alright, cum with me…”
She closed her eyes when she met bliss, but I kept mine wide open so I wouldn’t miss her perfect expression of pleasure. It was almost enough to keep me hard, but I wasn’t as young as I once was.
I never pulled out of her tight heaven, keeping her body snuggled against me. I was happy that I decided to be patient, if it meant I now got to have her like this.
“I hope you know that you’re mine now, bunny.”
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httpdabi · 3 years
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Break up
Summary: After having a messed up break up, your best friend Dabi is there to comfort you, and give even more than you asked for.
Word count: 5,2k
Genre: romance, smut, no quirks haha
Warnings: 18+, creampie, public sex, spitting, choking..
,, I fucking hate him’’ you cried loudly, mouth full of ice cream as you talked to your cousin over the phone. At this point you didn’t care of how loud you were, and you didn’t care about the fact that your cousin had a hard time understanding you since you were a crying mess. Sobbing loudly, you ignored the words coming from the other line.
,, That bitch cheated on me with Toga, can you believe that?’’ you sobbed, tears rolling down your cheeks as you wrapped yourself with your favorite comfort blanket.
,, The girlie with weird hair ?’’ your cousin asked in shock.
,,YES, the fuck she thinking she’s the fifth element with that hairstyle?’’ you choked out, throwing the empty package across the room, as your cousin giggled because of your remark. She wished she was closer so she could pay you a visit, but sadly miles and miles were separating the two of you.
Sure, the first person you wanted to inform about your breakup was Touya, but you couldn’t force yourself to bother him, knowing he’s probably on work. You knew very well that he would drop everything and come over, saying how he doesn’t feel well or some other shit, and you didn’t want that.
After the call ended, you stood up, ignoring your reflection on the window, knowing very well that you look like shit right now with all the smudged mascara over your face. Tears started rolling down your cheeks even more when you saw that there’s no ice cram anymore. What did you do to deserve such a torture.
Wearing your hoodie, you made your way toward the nearest store, ignoring the people that were giving you weird stares because of your silly Sailor Moon pajama shorts. You couldn’t care less of what anyone thought in that moment.
You went to the store with the intention to buy ice cream, only to end up in the part of it with variant different choices of hairdye. So many ideas were going thru your mind, as you looked all over it. You almost ended up buying the pink dye and some bleach, until you saw scissors hanging beside the bleach.
Grabbing the scissors only, you hurried up to pay everything you chose, rolling your eyes shamelessly as you saw Rumi, the cashier of the fucking day. For some weird reason, you almost hated the muscular bitch. Maybe it was because she never had the exchange to give you back, giving you a pack of gums instead. Maybe it was because of her attitude, always giving you some smart comments, how your skirt is too short, how there are kids here, or even because she always rolled her eyes when she saw you coming in.
,, Looks like someone had a rough day’’ she commented sarcastically, as you gave your best to keep calm and ignore her. After the comment, she shut her mouth and did her job.
,, Sweetie, can you help?’’ she asked, suddenly with a cute tone, when her co-worker asked her to bring him few paper bags that were beside her.
,, No, you are doing great’’ you spat, grabbing all of the items as you hurried out of the store. The fuck would you help her? She’s getting paid for it, not you. Stupid bitch.
Placing the ice cream into the freezer, you immediately made your way to the toilet as you unpacked the scissors almost aggressively. Why would you dye and ruin your hair with bleach, when you could just cut off a bit of your hair, which meant the exact length of his dick.
Your hair was already long, and the fact that his dick wasn’t that big meant that you would only cut few inches. After short calculating, you grabbed the scissors, as you turned some silly tutorial on Youtube. Watching yourself in the mirror, you cried even harder, not because you regretted your decision. It was more because you looked like a lunatic.
After you finished, you immediately washed your face, cleaning all the ruined make up. Sure it didn’t look like a professional person did your hairstyle, but it didn’t look bad either, in fact, you liked it.
Since you weren’t in the mood to do your make up, you only put a bit of face cream over your face, and bit of mascara to make your eyes pop up a bit, before you took few selfies to post on instagram.
You were too lazy to do it, all you wanted to do in the moment was cry some more and eat ice cream you just bought, while watching something on Netflix. But you had to do it, you had to embarrass him as much he embarrassed you.
,, Not gonna miss those 5 inches, Kai.’’
You wrote, laughing ironically at the caption under your selfie. It wasn’t the best selfie you ever took, but at least you didn’t look like you were suffering because of the breakup, and the much shorter hair was visible on it.
[cyxnaf] Touya Todoroki
,, What happened?’’
It wasn’t even a minute since you posted your photo on the instagram, and your best friend already messaged you there.
Bitch cheated on me
You replied, sending him a crying selfie, with a spoon in your mouth.
[cyxnaf] Touya Todoroki
I’ll be there in 15 mins
A smile crept on your face, as you read his message. You loved him more than anyone or anything else on the whole word. If it was someone else coming over, you would probably force yourself and clean the apartment. But since it was Dabi, you didn’t give a shit.
The moment he arrived, you started bawling your eyes out. Having a face to face conversation with someone, talking about the break up made your feelings awake again. Dabi in other hand tried to make you feel better, bringing you your favorite snacks, and trying to put Kai down.
,, I’ve never had drama, unless it’s with my inner self’’ you cried loudly. ,, And all of sudden, I’m being cheated on.’’ Adding you grabbed the chips from the paper bag and opened it almost aggressively. Touya laughed you out, pointing every drama you’ve been connected to.
,, Stop it, you’re supposed to make me feel better’’ you slapped his arm lightly, as he talked about the drama that happened back in high school, when you got into a huge fight with a girl that called your dog a rat.
Once Touya realized that your mood was only getting worse, he turned some documentary on Netlfix that he started watching few days ago, explaining everything about it to you. You couldn’t help but smile, as you listened to him explaining every small thing, making sure you won’t be confused once he plays the episode.
,, You only watched few episodes of one murder documentary and you think you’re Mr. worldwide intellectual.’’ You laughed, as he tried to explain professionally.
,, The fuck you talking about ? The only documentary you watch is Keeping up with the Kardashians, so shut the fuck up’’ he spat, rolling his eyes playfully as he played the documentary.
The thing he played was about some murder, nothing you would watch on your own, but you didn’t mind. Seeing him talk about it so excitedly made your heart warm and in that moment you didn’t care if you won’t be able to sleep next few days.
You always loved spending your time with Touya, you simply loved how even when none of you had something to say, the silence was never uncomfortable. Even just sitting with him was making you feel safe.
,, You really choped your hair’’ he said, as he started to play with your hair. Being tired from all the crying and with his gentle movements, you were not capable of replying, simply nodding your head in response.
,, It looks good on you’’ Touya complimented you, placing a soft kiss on top of your head. He noticed that you were zooming out, so he just continued to caress your, helping you fall asleep.
All the horrible thoughts he had washed away, once he saw your sleeping face. He could only smile to himself as he noticed how puffy your face got from all the crying. Sure, it wasn’t that visible, but he simply noticed it and found it more then cute.
He tried to act calm and suppress his feelings, he tried to be there for you, but when you talked about what happened, all he wanted to do was find that piece of shit of your ex and simply kill him. He couldn’t understand how did you always manage to find some weird boyfriends that didn’t appreciate and treat you as you deserved.
If you only gave him a chance, he would always be there for you, he would simply give you anything you wished for. Touya never understood how could you be so blind, never once did you notice his feelings for you. Never once did you question his behavior.
Every time you called him over, he would ditch all his plans and run to you. Every time you needed something, you knew very well that only Touya will help you 100%.
You woke up in your bedroom, a little bit confused about what time it was and if your best friend was still there. Taking your phone to check what time it is, your eyes widened when you saw a Instagram notification from Kai. That piece of shit had balls to like your photo.
Throwing your phone away, you started crying again, wishing the day you met him never happened. You wished you listened to your best friend when he told you that Chisaki ain’t the one for you.
,, You ok?’’ you heard Touya’s voice under the loud TV noise. In just a second he was beside you, warming your body with his own and wrapping his arms around you, telling you how everything is ok and how he’s there for you.
,, Come on, stand up’’ Touya commanded suddenly, forcing your upper body up. ,, We are leaving’’ he added, forcing you out of the bed. You were too confused to even think at that very moment, but you found yourself following his lead. Wearing one of your very oversized shirt that covered more than enough, you hurried out of your bedroom to Toyua who was waiting for you already all ready.
You didn’t know what was happening, and the pack of eggs in his hand was confusing the shit out of you, yet you found yourself in the passenger seat, doing whatever Touya planned at that moment.
,, Where are we going ?’’ you asked, tears long gone.
,, We’re egging his car’’ he said, as your eyes widened in shock.
,, Is that even legal?’’ you asked again, already all excited about it.
,, Nope’’ Touya laughed out, focused on the road. You were sure that Kai would know it was you, definitely. But he also won’t have balls to call the police on you, since you knew about all his dirty deeds, you knew about all the drugs he’s taking and having hidden somewhere in his house.
Kai didn’t live far away from you, so in only few minutes of drive the two of you found yourself in front of his car. Lighting one cigarette, Dabi took the paper that was placed on the windshield.
,, Stop perking on my spot’’ Dabi read out loud, pointing out the word he wrote wrongly. You laughed loudly as you remembered about Kai telling you about some dude parking his Motorcycle in front of his car, making it hard to get out of the spot for him.
,, He can’t write, but he can do meth I guess’’ you laughed, as Touya puffed on his cigarette.
You stood there close to Kai’s car, as you waited for your best friend to finish his cigarette. It was a quiet night, with no people around at all. Maybe it was the adrenaline that was rushing in your blood, or the fact that you spent all day crying like a mad person, but in that very moment all you felt was anger as you thought about your ex.
,,Here’’ Touya gave you the package, still smoking that cigarette. You weren’t sure if he took his time with cigarette or if the time was simply passing so slow for you, since he was a pretty fast smoker.
To his surprise, you grabbed one egg and immediately threw it on his car, making him rise his eyebrows and laugh in shock. You never did something like that before, so you didn’t really understand why the alarm didn’t go on. Was your throw too weak?
A huge grin formed on your lips as you threw another egg, you couldn’t stop the evil laugh as you watched the egg yolk all over the window and in that moment you wished you had rotten eggs instead. Watching you happy like that, Touya couldn’t hide his smile. He was almost sure that everyone could read his emotions, he was sure that everyone could say how much in love he was with you.
You were on your fourth egg when Touya took one from the package and threw it. You weren’t sure if he threw it with much more force, or if he already did this before, but when the egg hit the car, loud alarm took over the peaceful night.
,, Shit, we have to hurry’’ Touya said under his breath as both of you threw one more egg. Sure, Kai won’t call the police, but if someone else saw you, they sure will.
You were laughing loudly, as you took your last egg, ready to throw it while Touya explained to you at what you should aim for.
,, HEY’’ you heard a familiar voice, coming from the building you used to spend so much time in. Not even turning around, you threw the egg and rushed to Toyua’s car, hopping fast into passenger seat. The moment Kai got out, everything happened too fast.
You wished you could take a photo of his upset face as he looked over your car. You were sure that you never saw him mad like that.
,, YOU FUCKING SUCK’’ he yelled once he turned the alarm off, while Dabi was ready to drive off, laughing loudly with you.
,, AND YOU SWALLOW BITCH’’ you yelled, popping your head thru the window. Touya gave you a bit time to flip him a bird, before he drove fast off, leaving your ex boyfriend pissed on the road. Laughing loudly, you leaned back into the seat, satisfied with the little event your best friend thought of.
,, You are seriously the best’’ you said, still smiling widely. Touya nodded his head, focused on the road. Every time he took a look of you, his heart would skip a beat. He was so fucking glad that you weren’t sad anymore, at least not for now.
You weren’t sure what had he planned next, since he wasn’t driving back home, but you didn’t care. You enjoyed his company, and you enjoyed the fact that you felt nothing else beside happiness in the moment. It was weird how fast emotions were taking over you. Just one hour ago you were a crying mess, and all of sudden you found yourself enjoying the night with your best friend.
You didn’t even realize how hungry you were, until Touya stopped by McDonalds to buy some food. Once he came back, placing the milkshakes and paper bag into your lap, you almost started drooling from the delicious smell.
He parked on the spot beside lake, where the two of you usually come to chill a bit. The music played on the low as the two of you ate slowly and talked about casual stuff. The moment a song from the famous tiktoker started playing in the background, you wished your hands weren’t so oily from the food. You wanted to change the song, but you didn’t want to make your phone oily, you weren’t even sure why you had that song in your playlist after all.
,, Does this song bother you?’’ he asked, taking a sip from his milkshake.
,, Yeah there’s a word that’s pissing me off’’ you rolled your eyes in annoyance.
,,Which one?’’ he asked confused.
,,When she says This ain’t build a bitch, you don’t get to pick or choose, what she should have said is nothing and just never release that stupid song’’ you hissed, wiping your hands as you changed the song that was pissing you off so much.
,, You are so cute’’ he complimented you, as both of you placed the rest of the food in the paper bag. Everything you did was cute to him, the was you sneeze is cute to him, the way you rise your brows when you are surprised, the way you laugh at your own jokes sometimes. Everything.
,,Did you know that Yumi got pregnant ?’’He asked you suddenly. Your eyes widened in shock, as you heard him ask, not because it was weird or anything like that, the two of you always gossip, but because you knew Yumi so well. You weren’t best friends with her, but the two of you would casually meet up.
,, Wasn’t she on the pills?’’ you asked, covering your mouth with your left hand. ,, Oh fuck no, I don’t claim this negative energy’’ you gasped shaking your head as Dabi laughed at your sudden reaction.
Talking about pregnancy and sex, you found yourself thinking about the last time you slept with your ex. You didn’t feel any sadness, all you felt was disappointment and anger. Just the thought that he was the last one inside you was making you mad, and the fact that only god knows when will you sleep with someone again was making you mad even more.
It’s not that you were a prude, or that you had something against one night stands. Sure, you could install Tinder and just find a quick fuck, knowing very well that the thought will bother you until the problem in your head is solved. But you weren’t the one to jump under the covers with a complete stranger.
,, What’s up?’’ Dabi asked once he saw you confused and lost in your thoughts. Hearing his voice, a sudden idea popped up in your head. You shook your head, trying to not think about it. He is your best friend for fucks sake, you can’t use him for something like that.
,, Nothing’’ you shook your head once again, trying to avoid his eyes.
,, Oh come on, tell me’’ he said stubbornly, as he placed his cigarette between his lips.
,, You know, the fact that Kai was the last person I had sex with, and the fact that I don’t know how long it will stay that way is bothering me’’ you confessed, skipping the part with the rest of your thoughts.
,, and you thought I could help you with it’’ Touya joked, as he puffed on his cigarette.
,, How did you know?’’ You asked way too fast, regretting it almost immediately once he almost choked onto the air and the smoke of his cigarette.
,, You can’t be serious’’ Touya said under his breath, closing his eyes as he spoke those words out. You weren’t sure why, but your heart sank a bit once you heard him say that.
,, Ah come on, it can be a quick fuck, it won’t change anything between us’’ he whined, turning your body to his direction. Once you said that, Touya grabbed you and forced you into his lap. You were more then shocked by his action, but you still positioned yourself comfortably in his lap, not sure if you should say anything or just wait..
,, You think I’ll be able to go back after it ?’’ he asked, one hand holding your waist firmly, and other holding his cigarette. ,, Doll, you should know better than anyone that I don’t do quick fucks’’ he added, as his grip got stronger. You weren’t sure if you should be embarrassed or not, but you felt uneasy at that moment, not sure where this all is leading.
,, If we do it now, there’s no going back doll, you’ll belong to me’’ he added again, as you sat in his lap confused. It was weird to hear him talk like that.
,, Touya, that can fuck up our friendship’’ you whispered. You were way too confused, not sure if he was talking about a relationship with you or just about you not sleeping with anyone else beside him.
,, And a quick fuck won’t do it?’’ he hissed, throwing the finished cigarette out of his window. He was right, both of it could fuck it up, and your idea was probably the worse option. The problem you had just few minutes ago was long gone, as new thoughts took over your mind. The fact that he was slowly placing soft kisses all over your neck didn’t help the situation, and the fact that you tiled your head to the side to give him more access to it didn’t help either.
You weren’t sure if you were simply too horny in the moment and if emotions took over you, but one part of you wanted to give it a try, yet another part of you was simply too scared of losing him. You did think about it before, how lucky can a girl be to call herself his girlfriend!? He’s not like other guys, at least not to you. He was always so caring, so gentle and so loving with you. He was the one who was always there for you, and in fact, you were more than sure that if you two start something, you won’t end up being hurt. But the fact that your friendship was under a question because of it was making you scared. Touya is the only person you never want to lose, and he knew that very well.
,, What do you say doll? Wanna try?’’ he asked, as he kissed your jaw softly. You weren’t sure how were you even capable of thinking at all in that moment.
,, Yes’’ you breathed out, closing your eyes shut as you enjoyed his soft kisses. Could you really lose him? If you had to worry about it so much, you should worry about the very exact moment. Why wouldn’t the current event ruin your friendship, now that you know that he doesn’t really see you as a friend as much as you thought. If you start some kind of a relationship with him, and if it doesn’t work, the two of you could talk it out.
The moment you said yes, Touya grabbed your yaw with his right hand, brushing his nose with your own before he connected his lips with yours. Once you placed your hands on his cheeks, trying to get closer to him, he couldn’t help but smile into the kiss.
What really drove him crazy was you rolling your hips on him. The fact that you had nothing else under your oversized shirt than your favorite panties almost made him cum in that very moment. Breaking the kiss, he leaned back into the seat, as you tried to catch your breath. Touya pulled your shirt up, exposing your naked chest. Not wasting any time, he placed his left on your right boob, pinching and twisting your already hard nipple, while sucking the other one.
Just the feeling of his hot breath made you throw your head back, enjoying the sucking and squeezing he was giving you. You placed your hands on his shoulders, finding support in it. Every roll you did with your hips, was met with his own one, making you feel his hard erection under his sweatpants. A quiet moan escaped your lips when you felt him bite on your nipple few times before he got back onto sucking it again.
Touya pulled your hips up a bit, giving you a sign to stay in that position as he pulled his sweatpants and boxers down, just enough for his dick to spring up. You knew that he had a dick piercing, in fact, you were in the waiting room when he decided to get it, but you still were shocked. It looked so good, so attractive.
You wanted to get out of his lap, you wanted to taste him, but his hands stopped you. Pushing you back onto his lap once again.
,, You have no idea how much I love you’’ he said, brushing his lips on your own, as he pushed your panties to the side and rubbed the tip of his dick around your hole.
,, I love you too, so much’’ you confessed, kissing him softly, as the pink head of his dick slowly entered you, hands on your hips slowly leading you down onto his length, until he was all in.
,, I know’’ Touya smirked into the kiss, enjoying the warmth of your walls hugging his dick. The hands on your hips slowly started to lead your hips up and down. The pace was so slow you could feel every inch of his dick rubbing against your velvety walls. Touya wasn’t one to enjoy the slow pace that much, but with you it was something else. He wanted to feel you as much as possible, and pushing his dick so slow into you gave him that possibility.
Just thinking about how it finally happened almost made him cream inside you. Closing his eyes, he let you move up and down his dick on your own. When you nuzzled your head into his neck he almost lost it, holding your hips down for few seconds just to calm his dick down. The small I love you that you whispered into his neck all over again didn’t help either, making it hard for him to control himself.
His hand found its way under your shirt, while his lips were all over your neck now, leaving sloppy marks all over it. You weren’t sure what did you enjoy more, his lips and hot breath over your neck, sucking and biting it, his hand squeezing your left breast or his dick deep inside you rubbing against your cervix.
Even tho you were moving your hips so slow, every time you were pushing your hips down, his would move upward, snapping against you with a little force and hitting your cervix perfectly. The both of you were breathing heavily, enjoying every second of the slow sex you had.
Wrapping his arms around you, he pulled your body closer to his, as he started moving just a little bit faster. You squeezed your eyes shut, as you realized that your climax was getting closer and closer with every move. Touya noticed your breathing getting faster, and your walls hugging his dick tighter then before, as he pulled your body up a bit, pushing you against the steering wheel and giving himself more access to move and fuck you a bit faster and stronger then before.
Moaning loudly, you wrapped your arms around him as you came all over his dick, almost shocked that you came without any clit stimulation. Dabi didn’t stop fucking you, helping you ride off the hard orgasm that just hit you.
Once he was sure you were done, he sat down. He lowered his seat, as he changed the position, locking you under him. Without giving you a chance to understand anything, he pushed his dick inside you.
,, I’m not done with you’’ he groaned, as he started moving his hips at much faster pace then before. Instead of saying anything, you wrapped your legs around him, placing your hands around his neck and just kissing him again. You couldn’t get enough of him, and luckily he felt the same. Accepting everything you had to offer, gladly.
The slow and steady pace was long forgotten, as he fucked you into the seat of his car with much more force and at one ungodly speed. You were pretty sure that the car was moving with every move he did, and you were sure if someone happened to be near, they would know what’s going on, but that was the last thing you cared of.
You were a moaning mess under him, and he was no better than you. You were surprised when you felt his hand around your throat, holding you in one place and playing with your breath. Open your mouth for me was all he said, before you felt thick saliva in your mouth. When it started, you thought it would be only some vanilla sex, the last thing you thought was that he would end up choking you and spitting in your mouth.
If it was someone else, you would probably freak out, but since it was him, you only obeyed, mouth open and tongue out, giving him approval for more.
,,That’s my good girl’’ he said, as he spat into your mouth one more time, while his grip around your neck only grew stronger. He was moving at rapidly speed, his skin slapping against your own was louder than the music that was playing in the background.
You closed your eyes as you started catching your breath once his hand moved away from your neck. Touya couldn’t control himself anymore, grabbing the edges of the seat, as he fucked into you. The pain mixed with pleasure was too intense for you, but you are his good girl, and you are doing so great for him, he made sure you understood that, as he repeated it all over again, while fucking into you.
The moment you felt his fingers rubbing your clit in circles, all you could do was squeeze your eyes shut, moaning loudly, as he told you to cum all over his dick, so you did as you were told and that was enough for him to reach his own high. Few harsh moves and he found himself cuming deep inside you. Even Toyua doesn’t know how did he find the energy to tell you how good you are milking his dick, but he did.
Collapsing on top of you, he fucked his seed inside of you, making sure not a single drop will get outside of your tight little out, making sure none of it will go to waste.
,, You’re mine’’ he said, placing soft kisses all over your face, and you were his. You were always his and he was always yours.
You weren’t sure how long would it take you to get over your stupid ex, but you were sure that Touya will be there for you and help you out in every way he can. Starting from the moment the two of you left your apartment, to the very moment the two of you cuddled inside of his car, after one steamy sex. All you could think of was your best friend and what would future bring you.
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Shut Me Up
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A/N: Here’s another smutty one-shot. I felt like something a little cliche so here it is. This was so fun to write! I’m still finding my footing in this fandom as a writer but I think I wanna start taking requests, the next fic I have coming out will be a request and I’m having fun with it so shoot me a message if there’s something you wanna see. I’ve just put together my Masterlist so you can check out my other fics there :)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Spencer and Y/N don’t exactly get on well. Will they be able to work out some of their frustration when they’re forced to share a room for the night?
Category: Pure smut baby
Warnings/Includes: smut, graphic descriptions of sex, dirty talk, oral (female receiving), penetrative sex, name calling, light choking, hair pulling, scratching, please let me know if there’s anything I’ve missed!
Word count: 3850 words
The hotel is somehow worse than usual. It’s got so few rooms that they just narrowly grab enough for the whole team. But few enough that they have to bunk. Y/N didn't love sharing a room but it was better than having nowhere to sleep at all.
Prentiss tosses her a key, “That’s you and Reid” she says it so nonchalant that Y/N almost doesn’t notice it. Once in clicks in her head though she races down the hall.
“Hey, hey wait!” She calls out, a little too desperate, “Emily you can’t put me with Reid. We’ll kill each other.”
She laughs at that, it was on open secret amongst the team that Y/N and Spencer had something of a rivalry going. Bitter sworn enemies apparently. No one really bought it though. People who really truly hated each other would be a lot better at avoiding one another. But Y/N and Spencer could never seem to keep apart for very long.
“I’m sure you’ll be able to put your differences aside for a night.” she waves Y/N off as she heads into her own room, leaving her stranded in the hallway. Contemplating if the reception area might let her crash on the couch, she could even spend the night in one of the SUVs, the seats reclined far enough.
But that was stupid, why should she be the one who had to be uncomfortable, why not Spencer.
When she arrived at the door of her own room Spencer was slumped up against it, he stood up straight once he saw her coming.
“Took you long enough” he spat, reaching to take the key from her but she pulled it back before he had the chance.
“I was on the hunt for alternative sleeping arrangements” she huffs, unlocking the door.
“To no avail I presume?” he jokes but he’s just met with an eye roll.
“I’m taking the bed by the window” she stakes her claim before they even get through the door. Once they���re inside he lets out a chuckle.
“You’re welcome to the side of the bed by the window?” he jokes.
This was infinitely worse than she thought it was going to be. Where there were usually two generally uncomfortable twin beds in these standard small-town motels, instead there was a queen sized bed, staring at them as they stood at the foot of it.
“I get the bed” she says like she’s calling shotgun.
“Bullshit you get the bed, there’s nowhere else to sleep!” he complains.
She takes a second to scan the room, no sofa, no arm chair, the floor is a scratchy carpet. There’s no real option here. “You can sleep on the desk?” she suggests, and she’s not serious about it, but she wouldn’t say no if he agreed.
“Are you kidding me?” he almost shouts.
“Soft mattresses are bad for your back! Maybe it’ll sort out your posture?” she adds.
“There’s nothing wrong with my posture” he groans, massaging his temple.
“Okay sure, you tell yourself that”
They don’t say anything more about it as they unpack. Showering and changing for bed in silence. When Y/N comes out from he bathroom, Spencer is sitting up on one side of the bed, reading through case files by the light of the bedside lamp.
“Are you serious?” she whines.
“Look, we both need rest, just shut up and get over yourself” he says it without looking up from the file in his hand, his finger running over the lines at speed.
She doesn’t respond, she just climbs in on the other side, keeping herself as close to the edge of the mattress as possible to keep the distance in between them.
She lies like that for about 45 minutes but sleep’s just not coming.
“Are you ever gonna turn off that fucking light, I thought we ‘needed rest’” she mocks, turning over to look at him, still combing through the files, mumbling to himself every once in a while.
“We’ll both be useless tomorrow if we don’t get any sleep” she tries to convince him with a slightly more sincere tone.
This case wasn’t easy, the unsub had been abducting victims he’d met in online BDSM chatrooms. Bodies had been turning up murdered in ways that the victims had previously expressed were turn-ons. Suffocated, whipped, tied up in peculiar ways. There wasn’t much information to go on now, they just had to wait for the next body to turn up but that didn’t keep Spencer from pouring over everything a hundred times.
When he wasn’t being purposefully irritating Y/N honestly admired his work ethic. Just not when it was interfering with her much needed sleep.
“The bare minimum of sleep most humans need to live is just 4 hours in a 24 hour period” he blurts out, still not looking up.
“Well I’m not most humans, so knock it off”
He finally concedes, chucking his files onto the bedside table and shutting off the lamp. It’s now eerily quiet, and all she can hear is the steady breathing coming from the other side of the bed.
Enough time passes that she really should be asleep but it’s still not happening. So she’s already beyond irritated when she feels a slight shove against her shoulder.
“Hey, you still awake?” he sounds mischievous, she knows that tone of his voice and she doesn't like it.
“God! I am now! What do you want?” she mumbles into her pillow.
“I’ve just got a question” he says defensively.
She hums and rolls over to face him, he’s wide awake, “Well? Out with it” she encourages, the sooner this is over with the better.
His mouth twists into a smirk as he takes a minute to study her face, “What turns you on?” he asks it sincere, and she has no idea what to do with that.
Rolling her eyes on instinct she groans, “Ugh, are you serious? I was so close to getting to sleep, goodnight asshole.” she turns back around to end the conversation but he can’t leave it there.
“I’m serious actually, just all the talk about it earlier, I wanna know”
She doesn’t move as she speaks, remaining with her back to him in a bid not to engage, “You couldn’t handle that information.” She deadpans.
“Try me” he antagonizes, and that’s enough to set her off. He just didn’t know when to quit.
This could be a fun new way to tease him, is her first thought. Turn him on, leave him wanting, yet another game to add to their repertoire of spite.
“Fine I’ll give.” she turns back to him, staring intently this time, “Here’s one, I really get off on having my hair pulled” she scoots closer so she can lean in and whisper the next part, “like when I’m getting fucked from behind, or I’ve got someone’s cock down my throat. I love having my hair pulled, just the short sharp pain of it.” she sort of moans the last little bit right by his ear before settling back on her own pillow.
“That good enough?” she asks, and she can practically see his breath catch in his chest.
He takes a steady gulp, “Yeah, that was, informative” he breathes.
“And what about you?” she poses, he’s not getting out of this one so easy. He looks shocked, like he didn’t see this coming a mile off.
“Me? Uh—” he stutters, “My back, I get really— I get turned on when someone digs their nails into my back, like scratching and marking” something about seeing him flustered like this is almost endearing.
“I guess we’re both suckers for pain” she winks as she says it, making a move to turn around again in a bid to let the conversation die but he doesn’t give her the chance.
“Tell me another” he pleads, and she’s not sure what his expression means but she might just draw this out, see how far she can can tease this.
“Hmm, nosy aren't we?” she smirks, he doesn't respond, just waits for an answer. She thinks for a moment, “Have you ever choked anyone Dr. Reid?”
His breath hitches, and he shakes his head. She likes this new Spencer, the one that doesn’t seem to have some quip for her every two seconds.
“Well I think you might like it, you’ve got nice strong hands, long fingers too. I feel like they might make it the whole way round my neck if you tried?” her voice is soft like velvet as she speaks. He lets out a short pant, and she can see his eyes flicker down to her exposed throat before quickly coming back to her eyes.
“Does the idea of that turn you on Doc?” she teases.
“I— um—” he’s at a loss for words yet again.
“That’s not an answer now is it?” She taunts him, and moves to turn around once again. Feeling accomplished in her goal, finally about to get some sleep. But she’s barely closed her eyes when she can feel him move. He’s so close behind her that she can feel the heat radiating from him. His hand slowly reaches around and grasps her throat gently, she moves herself further into his grip on instinct and he runs with it. Using the leverage to pull himself right up behind her, and she can feel it. He’s hard, and she can feel him pushing himself right up against her ass.
“Is this a satisfactory answer?” he moves in close and whispers against her ear. She’s changed her mind, maybe this is her favorite Spencer.
“Mmhmm” she hums in response, and his fingers tighten around her neck. She pushes her ass further back, moving it up and down slightly to create some friction and she can feel him twitching through the thin layer of her nightdress. He starts to move with her, grinding against her, his other hand resting on her hip, fingertips digging in so that he can pull her closer.
She tries to moan when she feels his nails dig into her but it gets stifled in her throat.
“You sound pathetic” he whispers, “I’ve barely even touched you and you’re whining like a little slut” her hips buck involuntarily at that. “You like it when I call you names?” he teases.
The hand on her hip starts to pull at her nightdress, inching it up higher and higher until his fingers are on her bare skin. He digs his nails in just slightly and drags them around her thigh, letting them settle right at the hem of her panties.
“I bet if I put my fingers in here I’d find you soaking wet for me already?” When she doesn’t answer he tightens the hand around her throat so that it’s almost cutting off the air supply, then loosens immediately. “Answer me” he demands.
“Yes! Yes!” she moans, anything to get his hands to move where she wanted them.
“That’s what I thought” he laughs and lets go of her completely. Her dress hiked up, breathing ragged. She snaps back around to look at him and he’s already curled up on his side of the bed as though nothing’s happened. Left in shock she sits upright, crossing her arms across her chest.
“What the fuck was that?” she has to stop herself from outright shouting at him.
He turns back to look at her, taking in her sullen expression, “Disappointed are we?” he teases with a smirk. And that look makes her want to kill him.
“You’re such a dick” she huffs, and he sits upright next to her.
“You say that like I didn’t just beat you at your own game?” he tries to fight back.
“You didn’t beat me!” she protests
“Oh really, and how’s that?”
“I could feel you, you were rock hard before you even touched me” she spits it out, because if she turned him on first then somehow this didn’t feel as embarrassing.
“Yeah! Because you were teasing me!” he looks frustrated now,
“Exactly! Because I was teasing you, and you fucking liked it” he just rolls his eyes at that, pretending like it’s somehow not true.
“Shut the fuck up” he groans, running his hands through his hair and letting his head fall back against the headboard.
She quirks an eyebrow and looks straight into his sleepy eyes, “Make me.”
In less than a second his hands are on her again, grabbing and pulling her into his lap. One hand is firmly on her back, holding her tight against his chest, the other is tangled in her hair already. Grabbing fistfuls as their lips work against each other.
It’s heated, and ferocious, full of pent up aggression, or tension, or both.
As his tongue works against hers, she lets her own hands wander over him, finally coming to rest at the back of his head, tangling in his curls. When she grinds down into his lap she can feel his cock still hard beneath her, straining against the fabric of his boxers. She thought it was impossible but it felt harder than it had been earlier.
He breaks apart the kiss and they both take in wrecked breaths, chests heaving. He pulls at the hem of her nightdress, pushing it further up her thighs, grabbing a rough handful of her ass as his hands find the exposed skin there.
“We gotta get this off” he whispers, and she nods, pulling it off over her head so that she’s exposed now. Perched in his lap in nothing but her panties. “Fuck” he moans at the sight. His hands come straight up to grab her tits, rough and exited for a moment before easing up, kneading them, getting used to the weight of them in his hands. He brings his mouth down, leaning in so that he can place sloppy open mouthed kisses along her neck and collar bones, trailing down to the valley between her breasts. He takes one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking on it gently then teasing the bud with his teeth. When he releases it and looks up at her his eyes almost look glazed over, dreamy.
“I’ve always had a thing for your tits” he confesses, his lips coming down to repeat the action on the other nipple.
“Your turn to take your shirt off” she whines as he removes his lips, the cold air hardening her nipples now that he’d teased them. He drags his eyes away from her for a second so that he can peel his shirt off over his head.
On pure instinct she rakes her nails across his now bare chest, leaning in close to place kisses into the crook of his neck, moving up painfully slow, kissing along the column of his throat, landing on the soft skin beneath his ear. She can feel the moans rippling in his throat against her lips. While he’s stilled beneath her she takes the opportunity to tuck her hands in behind him, digging her nails into his back and dragging them across the skin with force. Certainly leaving harsh red lines in their wake. The noises that escape him might be the best thing she’s ever heard.
“You like it when I mark you up?” she moans into his ear, “When I make you mine?” she can feel wetness pooling between her own legs as she says the words. The very thought of it turning her on more than she ever thought it could.
Clearly he feels the same, something erupts in him and the hands that had been resting on her hips were now lifting her up and laying her down on the bed. He was on top of her now, his hair framing his face as he looked down at her, and she was biting her fucking lip in anticipation.
He almost can’t even look directly at her so he snakes down her body, littering her torso with kisses and licks. Once he lands at her hips he takes the elastic of her panties between his teeth, pulling it up and letting it go so that it snaps against her stomach. She lets out a low moan.
“Let’s see if I was right earlier, how wet are you for me?” his voice is low as he places small kisses over the cotton, making his way right in between her legs. He pulls back for a second to inspect the fabric, there’s a damp patch covering the majority of the area, as if he didn't know already. “You’re fucking soaked Y/N” he groans and presses his fingers right up against it, forcing the fabric between her folds so that it soaks up even more, “Such a needy little thing aren’t you?”
She can only let out a small whine in response, her teeth biting into her lip so hard she was afraid she might start bleeding.
“Better get rid of these, don’t you think?” he hooks his fingers into either side of her panties, sliding them down her legs. He takes them and places them on his pillow before returning to his position between her legs.
He’s slow and deliberate in his actions, teasing painfully as he places sloppy kisses on the delicate skin inside of her thighs. Stopping right at the top to nip and suck enough to leave a bruise. Taking the time to stop and leave a matching bruise on the other thigh.
She was starting to grow restless, she felt like she was literally aching for any stimulation at all.
“Spencer” she whines, “Please, I’m so fucking turned on already”. She can feel him chuckle, his exhale sends a burst of cold air right against her pussy.
“So impatient” he chastises, but gives in anyway. Laying his tongue flat against her, taking a moment to taste her before he starts to move. Licking deft strokes along her folds, alternating with sucking softly on her clit.
“Spencer, fuck, oh my god” is all she can muster as her back arches up off the bed, her hips squirming as he pins them down. “You feel so fucking good”
He takes the encouragement and brings a finger to her entrance, pushing it in at an agonizing pace, curling it upwards against her once it’s fully inside. “You’re so fucking tight Y/N, do you think you could even handle another finger?” he has to take his mouth off of her to speak but it’s worth it for the downright filthy sounds she makes in response. He takes that as a yes and slowly pushes two fingers in this time. Bringing his lips back down to wrap around her clit and suck.
Her hands fly down to his curls as he works his fingers in and out of her at a relentless pace. She grabs handfuls of his hair and pulls them harshly, not knowing where else to put the energy. “Fuck Spencer, feels so good, don’t stop” she mutters between gasps.
He continues his ministrations and he would be lying if he said the feeling of her hands pulling at his hair weren’t doing something for him.
A moment later and she’s barely able to control her movements, thrashing in the bed as he continues to work his fingers in and out of her, relishing the feeling of her walls tightening around him. Once she’s relaxed again he takes his fingers out, bringing them up to her lips, without telling her to she opens her mouth, taking the two fingers in, letting her tongue move around them to taste herself.
It’s one of the many memories from tonight he knows he wont forget anytime soon. Or ever.
“I can see why you like it” he says, leaning over her, talking into the crook of her neck, “having your hair pulled, feels fucking amazing” she lets out a weak laugh, regaining her strength.
“Told you you liked pain” she reaches down between them, grabbing his cock through his boxers, “You must’ve really liked it” she teases, squeezing as his eyes flutter shut and he nods.
He maneuvers a little so that he can take off his boxers, and finally she gets to see it. It’s perfect, bigger than she expected, it looks painfully hard, precum leaking from the tip. He moves back to hover over her, lingering for a minute to take her in. She thinks there might be something almost sweet behind his expression.
“Just fuck me already” she smirks up at him and he rolls his eyes without even meaning to.
“Will you ever stop antagonizing me?”
“If you fuck me maybe?”
With that he leans down to capture her lips in a heated kiss, she can taste herself on his tongue as it tangles with hers. She can feel him push up against her, the head of his cock just teasing at her entrance before sinking in so slowly she was almost angry.
“Fuck Y/N, you feel so good, so fucking tight, so fucking wet for me” he’s whispering right into her hear and she can barely string together a sentence.
“Spencer, you’re so big, fill me up so good with your fingers, with your cock, fuck” as he starts to move they both start to lose it, her hands digging into his back, her nails sinking into his shoulders leaving small half-moons in his skin. He finally starts to build a steady rhythm, thrusting in and out of her, filling the room with the pornographic sounds of skin on skin, coupled with their moans.
Once she can feel the familiar feeling building within her again she starts to lose control completely, her nails scratching marks into the expanse of Spencer’s back, hearing the little breathy gasps he lets out each time she does might be enough to make her cum all on their own.
“I’m close” she mewls, letting her head fall back against the pillow, exposing her neck, eyes screwing shut.
“Fuck, me too” he takes the opportunity presented to him, and wraps one of his hands around her neck, squeezing ever so slightly.
“Ahh, fuck” she breathes out with the little air that she has, “gonna cum” and she does, he can feel her tighten around his cock, her body writhing beneath his and arching up off he bed as he continues to fuck into her.
He’s following behind just a second later, spilling into her as he collapses back down, releasing his grip on her throat completely and settling on her chest.
They both take a moment. Melting into one another, steading out their breathing.
It’s Y/N who breaks the silence, “So you’ve always had a thing for my tits then?”
He cranes his neck up to look at her, “Shut up” he breathes, laying his head back down on her chest. She cards her fingers through his hair, smoothing it back down.
“Now you know how to make me.”
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