#it wasnt even that much im just hypersensitive to it
tipytap · 9 months
i may have done what we in the professional world call “a bit of an oopsies”
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nightmaredxydreams · 2 months
theres no way i have this.
look, heres all the proof you need. im whining about not having DID lmao
who truly has DID and does that? no. body. thats all the proof you need
people who truly dissociate suffer from it. i dont. i love the numbness from my body that experiences so much discomfort (not even chronic pain not even pain like all other DID systems have just fucking discomfort, mostly caused by autism hypersensitivity) i love the feeling of being detached from my own flesh prison ugly undesirable embarassing body. i am fucking faking im prob psycho or sum shit lmaooo
i dont even dissociate that badly. other real DID and even OSDD systems be out here so dissociated they dont even fuckin know their name and feel like nothings real all the time. i never forget my name or personal information, i just forget what i just thought or zone out daydreaming or sum shit and say "whoops! i dissociated sorry" or if im lucky, have few seconds long derealization in little few day long episodes. i dont even fucking dissociate for real. definitely not enough to have DID
i never had severe trauma. i was too disabled and shielded. fuck, the disabilities i was born with prob mimic DID. brain damage to the hippocampus, a majorly affected part of the brain in DID put two and together lmao. who knows how psycho the brain damage made me. im autistic and intellectually disabled, all people with intellectual disability are perverts they get arrested for sex crimes more than other people lmfao ofc i was hypersexual at 3 there was no sexual abuse i am too ugly to be sexually abused or even desired ofc im faking being sexually abused to make me feel better about myself lmfaooo i just cant live with the fact i was born a worthless undesirable unfuckable ugly pervert
if i had DID i wouldnt fucking remember when i was 3 who tf u kiddin
im sensitive to yelling and the least little "threatening" tone or touch or even fucking hand signal. if i was really sexually abused id be triggered by sexual shit, not the least little thing like a trauma free scared little baby
if i had DID id switch out more, especially when triggered or in situations where it would help. idk if i even switch out, i prob js fall asleep, wake up and do shit in the early stages of waking up i dont remember. instead my alters are just back there and do nothing when im being retraumatized and i have to call out mentally loudly to get any alters to respond anymore. then just trying to communicate with them gives me a headache from hell. proof enough my alters are delusions and im some psycho. most of my "alters" are just vague faces with voices and not much of identity. most of them fade away. just like delusions.
i feel like im worthless unless i was sexually abused. my whole worth depends on it for some fucked up reason. i will get defensive toward the two people i live with who say it didnt happen, they arent honest all the time but when they say theres no chance it happened bc i was too shielded even tho i have memories of being alone w him (no abuse memories bc fuck no) i believe it and feel iffy when i even wonder if i was sexually abused. when i think about any other form of abuse i suffered or trauma i have, i feel like that means i wasnt sexually abused. i have no memories of it, i never did until someone pointed out that my hypersexuality at 3 was a sign of sexual abuse so i went diving for the memories myself. then what i got were a few random half ass flashbacks to the sexual abuse. if i was really sexually abused i wouldve had flashbacks to it waaay before i made myself remember. everyone else with ptsd, did osdd etc does
other people with DID feel broken and suffer because of their trauma. they remember it somehow and suffer from the effects of it. i just suffer from wanting to have the trauma to be valid, not knowing if the trauma happened and having things trauma victims have but no memories of the trauma. the only flashbacks i have are to things i deserve, things that other people would agree i deserve and arent anywhere near as traumatizing as it can get for a real sexual abuse survivor. things that dont cause DID and rarely cause ptsd. i have cringe ass trauma. i dont have valid trauma.
i dont really have DID and i wasnt sexually abused. i just held onto the idea as an excuse for me being a worthless, born broken, jealous, delusional psycho pervert who will never amount to anything, never matter enough to get a job, marry or have a family, never mattered enough to be smart or do normal kid things because of my disabilities, never got to be cool and wont be, am trying to be cool and matter when i never will, am so ugly my body doesnt deserve love and sure as fuck wasnt sexually desired as a little kid how fucking sick of me to even want that to matter, and dont matter because of my disabilities. im sorry for faking it all. no wonder my denial was so strong, it was never real anyway. now im gonna do some major fucking harm to my ugly waste of space and resources body and kill myself. im fucking sick and tired of living in hell from my own brain torturing me saying im worthless and not valid and more i cant say here. good fucking bye.
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maschotch · 2 years
the henry growing up problems please 👀
aldhkshd ok this is definitely 100% made up and based purely on my interpretation of the jareau family since we get very little on how jj actually is as a parent (and even less on her kids’ personalities). so dont take it too seriously
to me henry seemed so.. quiet. to be fair he’s like three the first time we meet him aldhsk but im gonna go ahead and interpret his demeanor the few times we see him as a mild temperament. kind of like will, but will’s comes from consideration and courtesy while henry’s comes from having a very clear and simple path laid out for him with no options available
i think what im actually basing a lot of this on is jj’s relationship with her own mom. its such a strained relationship. her mom can barely get out a sentence without jj rolling her eyes and jj seems hypersensitive to her mother’s criticism. this is undoubtedly because she was likely criticized constantly as a child—constantly under scrutiny by a prideful, humiliated family under scrutiny by a “tight-knit” (invasive), traditionalist town. sucks to say it lol but the jareau family was probably judged a lot by her sister’s suicide: a dark stain on the reputation of the family. and with a mother who would rather pretend nothing happened for the sake of their image instead of putting jj’s needs first… not only did her family shove aside this devastating event, they placed all expectations of their family’s success on their remaining daughter’s shoulders. it was jj’s duty to make up for the embarrassment of her sister that she wasnt even able to mourn
when someone grows up under such omnipresent, overwhelming pressure, it can sometimes lead to them applying similar pressure to their own children as a way to prepare them for the world of their own childhood rather than the world their child is currently experiencing. that combined with jj’s pride in being a mother (prioritizing a pride in the position it gives her over actually mothering her children) creates a certain ~energy… it doesnt feel right to just say she’s assertive and leave it at that: it doesnt fully encompass the actual situation. she’s making up for all the freedom she lacked by decisively doing things her way now, not realizing that its placing a similar barrier on her own children. we know she’s repeating the same mistakes her mother made through the way jj talks (more aptly put: doesnt talk) to henry about rosaline
from the few interactions we see of will and jj as parents, its clear that jj has the final word. she feels entitled to make decisions concerning their family, and resists any kind of correction or suggestion. i feel like jj would be the kind of mom whose love feels like a cage: henry can sense the boundaries established by a mother he’s never seen challenged. i really do believe that jj wants to do whats best for her child, but her view is so cut and dry that her devotion to her child twists into defense of her parenting skills. while she has henry’s best intrest in mind, she’d only looking at it from her own perspective by only considering what happened in her own childhood
i think its almost worse for henry that all of this is done out of love, bc theres no way to argue against that. “im doing this because i love you” “i just want you to be happy” “i want whats best for you” are all seemingly loving sentiments that sours any attempt of contradiction. henry seems too sweet to further challenge his mother, so i think henry gives up defying her by the time he’s a teenager. even if he’s hurting, even if he cant do what he wants, even if the constraints feel like a noose around his neck, “mother knows best.” “be true to yourself, but only within the realm of what i find acceptable”
between his mother’s unyielding resolve and his father relenting, its unlikely henry grew up with much of a backbone. he has no confidence in himself as an individual: everything has been dictated by his mother, who’s been forever unopposed in his mind. she’s like a next level helicopter mom: her hovering presence is always felt and he always remains in his mother’s shadow. he has no hope to see beyond the barriers his mom has constructed bc the concept of confronting her has never been a possibility in his life—whether its him, his father, or anyone else for that matter. jj gets her way no matter what.
im uncertain on how self aware jj is about this constant conflict within her. assuming she truly wants whats best for her child, at some points she must realize that what she’s doing isnt healthy either. i just dont think the jj we see in the show is capable of acknowledging such a huge mistake. i think she’d double down on it instead of changing her ways, refusing to acknowledge any harm she may be causing despite knowing the truth. it would take a long time, and a LOT of introspection, for her to actually acquiesce
it would probably take a lot of work to undo that submissive mindset thats been instilled in henry his whole life. i think if he was an only child he’d probably stay in his mother’s grip, unwilling to hurt someone he knows genuinely cares about him. “its not worth it,” he may think, “what i want doesnt matter.”
im not sure why i think things go differently from michael. maybe bc little brothers, so im told, like to act like little shits. but between the two children i think he’s far more likely to butt heads w their mother. instead of accepting his mother’s limitations as just the way the world is—the way henry does—michael would get fed up with the constant handle jj has on every aspect of his life, rebelling against his mother’s control. i think it’d definitely be amplified once he’s a teenager, and i think the persistent fighting would lead jj to reflect on herself in a way henry’s obedience wouldnt. she’ll realize how much she’s become like her mom and learn to do what she wished her mother had done when she was a kid: listen
again this is all just speculation. i feel like jj would be a very domineering mother, even if it comes from a good place. will doesnt know how to stand up to her and his easygoing nature means he doesnt really mind letting her have complete control of the reins. but choosing that environment and growing up in that environment are two very different things, and i think henry would suffer for it
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autobaby · 3 years
ive been physically sick for over a month or two and its not getting better idk what its called in english and idc enough to google the translation the antibiotics arent working or helping i just googled it i have chronic pneumonia lmao wtf my lungs are inflammed and produce mucus and i cough my organs out everyday and taste blood lol its not covid i got tested and i got a CT scan and everything and theres nothing wrong with me except i have mild inflammation so im mildly sick and it wont get better it started as a cold and swollen tonsils then it turned into allergic rhinitis even tho im not allergic to anything i got that tested as well i caused my nose to be sensitive by constantly over blowing it since i cant breathe through them and that drives me insane due to my hypersensitivity and now its gone down to my lungs and its not getting better the antibiotics im prescribed arent doing shit its absolutely horrible and its caused by mental illness if i wasnt mentally ill i wouldnt be physically ill my body would be so much healthier in general and could heal itself much faster
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subetagossip · 5 years
Lmfao wow bat youre seriously going to defend your transphobia. you dont get to pick and choose what minorities you respect and on what terms. just because its gabe were talking about doesnt mean its okay to be transphobic. if theres a poc you dont like that doesnt mean its okay to be racist towards them right? and yeah btw what bath said was totally transphobic. its not out of context at all. gabe was hurting over a bad experience where someone mis-gendered them and bath replied "#firstworldproblems." that was literally it and it was appalling. a cishet being an asshole to a trans person talking about a trans issue? not cool, and not justifiable with "i dont like them so its okay" because sweetie no it is not. transphobia is literally never acceptable especially from someone who calls themself an ally. shove your transphobia and justification back up where it came from. re: politics. i hate the right as much as anyone here and i dont know what the fuck possesses gabe to vote for them. however until i see them actually being an asshole and shoving their views down our throats or attacking someone because of them ill continue to respect them even if i think theyre sometimes batshit crazy and hypersensitive. i didnt even know about their politics until i went to their blog. theyre not shoving anything in our faces so as far as im concerned all i care about is how they are on subeta and ive only seen them be okay. i havent seen them calling anyone names or attacking or harassing anyone so...are we seriously going to hate a trans person soley because of what they have on their personal blog? i thought we were supposed to hate people based on th bad shit they say and the bad shit they do not the bad shit they think. and you know maybe what gabe said about being disappointed with the reaction ( or lack thereof ) after coming out was uncomfortable for some people but thats not on gabe. you cant get offended because they experienced a good reaction. for you to suggest that gabe was like hoping they had a violent family reaction or whatever? that is so fucking messed up of you to say. thats such a messed up slant on what they said. every coming out experience is different, and we might not be getting the whole story anyway. like we dont know what came next or what other reactions there were. my coming out went terribly. id be lying if i said i wasnt jealous of gabes luck but thats not their fault? why the fuck should i be angry with them when i should just be happy for them? what i saw is that theyre surprised and relieved that the family wasnt worse about it. imo the family response actually sounded dismissive. we gonna bitch about that too? coming out is hard and painful for everyone. publically shaming someone because you dont like their response to their experience is really shitty. its also pretty shitty that were all just going to dump on a trans user because we dont like their views. and whatever this "victim complex" bullshit is i dont know but were talking about a handicapped trans person no? that life is not fucking easy and for you to be hating on them because they feel shitty is just shitty. dont "victim complex" a minority. ever. just fucking dont.
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abcsofadhd · 6 years
hey can i just say that ive been on and off with thinking i have add, and i didnt know about rsd and i just read about it and??? i have experienced physical pain in that same way? like thank you so much for bringing this into my vision, even if it wasnt on purpose. i was about 80% sure i have add, but now im like 99% on it. thank you so much
You’re welcome :) Though, RSD shouldn’t make you feel physical pain. ADHD does bring about hypersensitivity and emotions can make you feel like you’re in physical pain but if it happens often, you should see a doctor.
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aplpaca · 6 years
1, 19, 20
thanks for asking! (this ended up being hella long so thats why its kinda late)
1: Did you discover that you are autistic early or later in life? How do you think it affected you?i had an “unofficial” diagnosis when i was like 4 (unofficial bc i was “on the spectrum but didnt meet all the criteria for an official diagnosis” aka i could talk and wasnt a boy) but because it was unofficial there wasnt really anything that could be done with it, so it wasnt considered significant and i didnt think much of it.    
i didnt actually “figure it out” till towards the end of high school, and what really made me consider it was how much i related to posts by autistic people talking about traits and experiences.  and it was super “freeing” i guess cause it was like realizing that id been viewing myself wrong for most of my life? that my difficulties werent because i hadnt “nurtured” them the right way and my interests and talents werent some warped form of compensation.  like a mental shift from “im a defective version of other people” to “im a perfectly decent version of myself”. 
kinda like if youd been taking care of a “weird bush”, getting confused that it was different from the other ones, and then realized the bush was actually a cactus.  but now that you know, you can figure out how to grow a healthy cactus instead of overwatering it in the hopes it will look like a bush   
19: What, in your opinion, is the most ridiculous autism myth or stereotype?theres a lot of those but the stereotype of autism being a young white boy thing is definitely up there in terms of perpetuating inequalities like afab people and poc are diagnosed less frequently and misdiagnosed a lot more, especially when theyre not kids anymoreless institutional for this one, but a lot of non-autistic people act like theyre able to intuitively tell if someone is or isnt autistic? when their knowledge is based on one autistic person they know of, or a mix of pop culture and maybe an intro to psych class.  like “*person* cant be autistic they do *thing that isnt mutually exclusive to being autistic*” or “are you sure youre autistic cause youre not like my younger brother”  
20: How would you describe autism to someone who knows nothing about it?im not exactly sure how to answer this concisely and still give some actual background on being autistic but heres some traits (under the read-more since this is pretty long already)
social interactions
casual conversation comes a lot less naturally for you than for others (like for me it feels kinda like trying to do a card trade when youre deck is out of order or when youre taking too long trying to find the right amount of money to give the cashier)
even if youre pretty sarcastic yourself, you might have trouble recognizing when other people are doing it (maybe responding to them as if they were serious, then realizing it was sarcasm afterwards)
difficulty with timing in conversations - accidentally interrupting a lot or not knowing when to start talking in groups
takes a lot longer for you to make friends than most people, even when actively trying
might have difficulty telling peoples feelings from their facial expressions or tone of voice, may accidentally overstep boundaries as a result
language/expression differences
speaking might not come naturally as a form of expression, might be more comfortable writing or using another method, especially on more personal topics
might be more or less facially expressive than most people (”resting bitch face” or finding it really hard to hide emotions)
might go nonverbal at times (or all the time) - talking feels physically difficult and takes more energy than usual, can happen with stress or just randomly
sensory stuff
hypo or hypersensitivities - more bothered by loud noise or bright light than others, being a lot more sensitive to fabric and clothing, needing certain levels of noise to be comfortable, “picky” eating (especially related to texture), sitting normally in chairs is uncomfortable, more or less reactive to certain smells
stimming because it feels nice, helps focus, relieves stress - fidgeting, Need To Move, leg bouncing, rocking, repeating phrases/noises because they sound/feel nice, hair twirling, feeling certain textures, pressure (heavy blankets, tight clothing, etc),
sensory overload when overstimulated (often in loud/bright/crowded/etc areas), may have trouble processing all information at once, get irritated by small sounds, may get dizzy, can trigger anxiety, restless energy, trouble focusing, places others are fine with may feel very chaotic to you (eg: a mall or supermarket), symptoms lessen when away from situation
various other things
special interests - if you like something you really like it no middle ground (”obsessed or nothing”), avidly pursue more info/content relating to it, feel an intense need to talk about these interests with others, could spend hours a day on these interests without getting bored  
executive dysfunction - procrastination, difficulty planning ahead, trouble with time management, distracted easily, trouble staying on task, difficulty multi-tasking, having trouble making yourself do something even when you want to get it done
unexpected events or changes in routine (even small things and even if your schedule is not busy) are stressful, might cause you to freeze up,  can take a long time to get used to
auditory processing difficulties - “sorry can you repeat that”, comprehending what someone said when theyre halfway through repeating it, following verbal instructions is hella confusing (“i know what those words mean and i know what that sentence means but i have no clue what im supposed to be doing”)
detail oriented - needing to know specific details and reasons behind things to remember them better, noticing lots of things others dont
good at coming up with unique ideas, different thinking approach leads you to problem-solve in ways others might not
i could write more but ima stop now, i think ive prob info-dumped enough
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triplemixedpd · 4 years
8/12/20, 1:34am - i wouldnt dare
~text or tell anybody about my new life because at the moment, it consists of things like indulging in squishmallows and fidget toys, and the highlights of my week are either creating/redesigning a new oc or doing chores ~i dont have a job, i dont have a drivers license, but wow i dont even have a personality; literally how the fuck can i talk to anybody else when i dont know how to talk to them??? i hesitate to talk because when i texted danny to try and catch up and tell them about my surgery, i got screamed at and cried at, and then told “i cant do this; i need to sit in the back seat for a bit.” and, i got this reaction for.. doing nothing. literally, nothing. she told me that she thought i was mad at her the entire two months. but, i was texting anna??? they knew i wasnt dead??? and i texted danny on 6/23??? im, sorry??? im sorry ~dude i wish i literally wasnt so blatantly autistic. ~i cant process emotions when i desperately need to, i struggle to understand what i do wrong, i seem to do or say something wrong, or i say something that seems worrying, or just different, to others; i laugh at stupid and repetitive shit, i eat fucking childrens food, i repeat things like im fucking rain man, and im a fucking EMBARRASSMENT!!!  ~i feel like ive disconnected from reality and people as a whole, bc for the past few months ive just delved into my partner, me, our mental health, and our trolls.   ~but at the same time, its nothing new; this isnt new day-to-day conversation. it just happens to be all day, everyday now, in person- something that ive never had with capp before. as opposed to only getting to text them while also juggling everything else; school, family, schoolwork, mental health ~dude, being fake is hard ~ive realized just how fake i am because i dont remember how to talk to anyone else, and seeing how graant reacted just by me trying to literally text them “how are you doing? i miss you!”, im kind of fucking like??? “well??? guess i shouldve just stayed dead honestly???” ~a lot of my day to day consists of thinking/talking about our ocs and plot, drawing, watching shows/movies and playing games, and literally just trying to fucking stay afloat; that last past including a lot of abrupt, sudden suicidal thoughts and crippling fucking self-esteem, paired with hypersensitivity. that is not me being “boohoo poor me sensitive baby :(”, that is the textbook description of what i experience. thats not exactly conversation material with others ~because of melissas reaction and dannys reaction ive felt very unsure of myself  - im unsure if i did the right thing or not  - i dont know what i shouldve done differently, or where i messed up  - i feel like a terrible person, an awful person  - im upset at myself because i get really really confused by people and their expectations, or what they want me to say or do;  - i wonder if im currently displaying the textbook definition of the borderline symptom “impulsive ending relationships”  - and subsequently, im wondering if im thinking rationally; its kind of scary to not know, because i hate myself when im fucking splitting* ~i see that theyre upset, and from experience, i know that they require alone time when stressed. so when theyre stressed, and im the source of the stress, i leave to give her space. and what does THAT equal??? “YOU NEVER TAKE INITIATIVE TO MAKE THINGS UP” “I’M TIRED OF BEING THE ONE THAT FIXES EVERYTHING” ~WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN “TELL THEM WHATS GOING ON IN MY HEAD?????” ~I WAS LITERALLY TERRIFIED TO REACH OUT TO ANYONE??? WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY????? “GOOD MORNING DANNY I JUST SUDDENLY WANTED TO SLIT MY CHEST BECAUSE I SAID SOMETHING STUPID IN A THROWAWAY CONVERSATION AND IT EARNED A SLIGHT CHANGE OF TONE FROM MY PARTNER THAT I INTERPRETED AS AN ‘I HATE YOU’ VIBE [WHEN THATS ACTUALLY NOT THE CASE ITS JUST ALL IN MY DUMBASS INFERIORCOMPLEX-HEADASS HEAD]”???????? ~IT’S A LITERAL SCIENTIFIC FACT THAT ME AND ALL OF MY BAGGAGE IS A FUCKING BURDEN!!! I CANT ENTERTAIN, CONVERSATE, OR FUNCTION WHEN IM EXHAUSTED, AND RECENTLY??? MY BRAIN IS MAKING ME SO SO TIRED ~BUT MY PARTNER DOESNT JUDGE ME OR MIND MY RAMBLINGS ABOUT TROLLS OR MY REPETITIVENESS OR FIDGETING GODDAMN IT!! I DONT HAVE TO HOLD BACK OR WATCH WHAT I SAY LIKE HOW I DID EVERYDAY IN TEXAS!!! ~I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT I DID WRONG!!! ~”IM SORRY THAT I WAS SO EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE AND, DARE I SAY, MENTALLY ILL, THAT I NEGLECTED TO MESSAGE YOU AND TALK”
 - *either too cruel or too nice, too aggressive or too passive, too rough or too soft, im too sensitive/serious or “i need to learn to take a joke”, im either a disrespectful and ungrateful brat or the best goddamn trophy-tranny kid on the planet, i either really REALLY love someone or think “oh my god im gonna have to prepare to cut them out of my life so much that its already happened in my head”  ~im scared that maybe im worse than i think i am, and i just dont know it; ive never told anyone the full extent of my symptoms. i guess thats why im seeing a psychologist, right?
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vyvy838-blog-blog · 7 years
Psoriasis: My story.
I was ...16 maybe 17 I had this weird new liking for bleached hair so, being the rebelious teen I took it upon myself and brought my dream to life. I felt so liberated looking different. Until one day I thought itd be a good idea to go to a salon and bleach my hair. What I wasnt aware of was there was a difference between bleach and highlighting? Im not a hair dresser. So I come home with blond hair and a new hatred to the salon that overcharged me for their mistake I never went back there of course. Having Asian parents and a very conservative father didnt give me much freedom for things like hair dye and other temporary fashion statementes. So he forced me to dye my hair the next day and it broke out into what I thought was just a chemical burn, but it didnt go away. It got worse and began to spread from my scalp to my forehead. Then little dots on my body, legs, arms. Currenrly Im covered in scales all over my back legs and face. The creams help, and dieting probably was a key player in how I used to have very little covering my body. Ive had psoriasis for about six years now. Has it changed my quality of life? Not really. But I find that others make more of a big deal. One look at my and all of a sudden it becomes a pity party for me. "Oh my god! What happened?!", "I feel so bad for you", "when I see you I just want to cry!!!". Excuse me? I was standing there minding my own business laughing at a video or a dog. Does it look like I'm suffering? I understand people's genuine curiosity about a condition that's not often talked about, but the last time I checked I'm wasn't suffering at least to my knowledge. The itch gets pretty bad I'll admit it and of course it's not the most attractive thing to look at. But screaming in horror isn't exactly the greatest way to address a stranger . . . In the middle of the street. True story. So here I am 21 and in school for esthetics where I'm being subjected to the "protection" of my instructors. Singled out to watch my peers experience treatments for some unknown reason I can't have even after a doctors note was presented and stated saying I could participate. It's stressful, classmates understand that. I just want to live a normal life without being put in a bubble and have my peers told that they shouldnt touch me. It makes me feel like I'm disgusting or have some kind of life threatening hypersensitivity that cripples me from the inside out. I've been depressed about it. I've felt alot of things towards my psoriasis. And I'm slowly trying to accept that it's apart of me but when enough people start to look at me like Im a monster I can't help but check myself and question. I really start to question, is what I'm seeing different to what everyone else sees? Am I that horrifying to look at? It takes a tole on my self worth and my self esteem. I'm more than my condition I'm more than my psoriasis. So now I'm on a journey to regain some security and learn to love myself even when no one else does. Except my boyfriend whom I appreciate very much for being such a goat support ❤ Share your story with me. Even if it's not about psoriasis or skin disorder. I'd love to start a community where there's love and understanding to what we all go through.
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