#it’s a Japanese brand and it’s the only one that has comfortably fit my big ass head
My state’s insurance being like “we see you are getting home nurses visits every week”
Me: “uh, yeah. Why?”
The insurance: “you know how we said we were the type that covers disability?”
Me, suspicious: “yeah”
The insurance: “well we don’t cover people with that much disability. Your severity has been changed so you get this new other state insurance that is for more disabled people! Don’t worry, they cover your doctors and nurse visits”
Me: “okay, cool. What about my dentist and eye doctor?”
New insurance: …
Me: “you fucking bastard whores! You covered them on my old one, I need to get my wisdom teeth removed now! What are you going to do with that?!”
My insurance: “we’ll just have to see what happens”
Me: “you fucking shitty ass bastards! Fuck you!”
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characteroulette · 3 years
well all rightie then, it’s time to analyse how DGS1 handles grief really well in my opinion
(once again, spoilers for all of DGS1)
(also some spoilers for the original trilogy games) (and a little of DGS2)
okay So my thesis statement here is that Asougi’s character in DGS1 is the vessel through which Ryuunosuke and Susato’s grief is explained. Everything about how they relate to Asougi is their dealing with their grief in a simple message: Loss hits hard, but you have to continue to live and love. Life Goes On, shaping that grief into yourself if you allow it.
We start off with Case 1 as our baseline. The set-up. It’s a routine to show what life is like for Ryuunosuke before tragedy. (Fitting for an AA protagonist to have their baseline of normal being accused of murder.) This case does a really, really good job of setting up Asougi as our friend, our partner, whom we might spend the rest of the game with.
(I mean, the death flag’s kinda obvious if you’re genre-savvy; the mentor must die so that the student may grow into their own. But Asougi’s so likeable! He’s confident, genuine with Ryuunosuke, comfortably teasing, and looks at you with the same eyes as Klavier. What’s not to love? Also that small hint of something deeper is so tantalising that for it to go unresolved is pretty unthinkable.)
It’s important for us to see how much Asougi means to Ryuunosuke, how much the two really are best friends. This set-up is pivotal to what happens next in Case 2: the drop.
The way Ryuunosuke reacts to learning about Asougi’s death is real. He tries to deny it at first, can’t bring himself to believe it. Especially since he’s been accused of the crime! But the moment he sees that photo of Asougi that Sherlock took, that’s where the truth of it hits and he can’t run from it anymore. All he can do is try to push past that biting grief to at least solve his friend’s murder and set things right.
Susato’s own grief is portrayed really well here, too. She’s so angered and clouded by it that she totally ignores the fact that Asougi and Ryuunosuke are best friends and believes Ryuunosuke to be the murderer. Really, she just blames Ryuunosuke because it’s easier that way, since the wound cuts just as deep for her.
What really strikes me, though, is how the whole case isn’t just a one-note misery. Like real life, the two slip into sadness when they remember their dear friend, but they’re still able to joke around. They still get upset or sarcastic or excited. Because, though their grief affects them immensely, the message is that life continues. It can’t just stop for them like it did for their friend; life goes on. Not out of malice, but out of necessity.
Also, the way Sherlock acknowledges their grief is pretty great. That felt hugely validating to me, how he tells them that their mourning is important and how his jovial, joking tone was never properly taking that into account. The way he continues breaking in at the end to lighten the mood, too, is his own genuine way of trying to help, exhausting though he may be. It’s appreciated, at the least, to keep us the players from breaking down into tears as the conclusion rolls with no real satisfaction at the mystery being solved.
That final conversation between Susato and Ryuunosuke, at least, is hugely cathartic to make up for that. It sounds like it should feel rushed, honestly, dealing with the majority of the grieving process in just Case 2, but it doesn’t at all. It seems properly healthy, like the two are doing their best by confiding and taking comfort in one another in order to celebrate Asougi’s goals, to keep going where he can’t. Ryuunosuke and Susato both form their resolve here to continue to live, not just for Asougi, but for themselves as well. For life’s sake.
Because, again, life goes on.
(A brief tangent: Seeing the contrast of this story versus the original trilogy is also a really neat sort of view into Shu Takumi’s growth as a writer. Or the AA series’ growth as a whole. How Edgeworth handled his grief by never really acknowledging it in AA1, how he basically ran away from it by refusing to live as a sort of punishment against himself, is really sad. Then Phoenix handling his grief in JFA by turning to anger and resentment is just as heartbreaking. Phoenix disavows himself from it, trying to spare himself the pain by denying it, which only hurt him more and he had to have everyone around him break him out of that awful mindset. Then in T&T it’s Godot’s grief which drives the plot, as he turns his anger on Phoenix unjustly. He blames Phoenix for Mia’s death and lashes out at everyone instead of allowing himself the time to properly grieve.
And then DGS1 comes along to say that maybe the answer is just that life goes on and we have healthier ways to reconcile with our grief and it’s just real neat to see!)
In Case 3 and 4, we can see through Ryuunosuke’s discussion with Lord Vortex (/Stronghart) the continuation of his handling this grief. It’s a burden, one Ryuunosuke doesn’t fully understand, but he fervently takes upon himself because we want to live for those we’ve lost. (It is the Wright way, the Naruhodou way, to take on the aspirations of the friends you’ve lost. To mimic their mannerisms, their ambitions, in order to keep them close to your heart.)
(That’s a whole other can of worms I could dive into, honestly, how their decision to give Ryuunosuke all of Phoenix’s poses for the whole ancestor vibe while ALSO making it clear that Ryuunosuke took them from Asougi to begin with, it’s just. It’s good, it’s perfect, it’s the same brand of gay the series is known for and I’m love it.)
You also see, as the trial of Case 3 progresses, how Ryuunosuke is basically just living off of ‘what would Asougi do?’ as Susato coaches him along and it’s fun and bittersweet all the way through. Case 4 is where he gains more confidence in himself, but he still defaults to thinking of Asougi’s unwavering trust in him to help him and every time it’s handled with tenderness and shows just how much Ryuunosuke loved his friend.
And, if you’re like me and take every opportunity to examine Asougi’s badge and present it to Susato (/others), you see how they continue to grow with their grief. It starts off with both of them being unable to say much, still weighed down heavily by Asougi’s loss. Though they are continuing and life goes on, it’s still a wound too fresh to approach and hard for them to properly explain.
By Case 5, though, the two of them are more conversational. They’ve found their words, they’ve mended that wound as much as possible so that life won’t leave without them. It still hurts, of course, but it’s easier to think about. It’s easier to reconcile when they’ve been working hard and making friends and continuing to live. It’s small, but the progression is there and I really appreciate it.
Speaking of Case 5, though, everything about this one, in regards to Asougi, is pure catharsis. It really is like they’re looking their grief right in the face and accepting it as a part of themselves. Ryuunosuke looks back on his friend not just with fondness, but with gratefulness that Asougi could make such a big impact on his life.
(This is similar to the whole Phoenix and Mia thing, I feel, since Phoenix often thought of his mentor with the same sort of tone. At least, I think so. Remarkable how Phoenix’s grief can mirror the finalised version of Ryuunosuke’s with the help of spirit channeling! /joke)
Ryuunosuke and Susato have etched Asougi into their hearts and their persons and it’s just really, very good I like it a lot.
(okay time for a few paragraphs on DGS2 and Asougi)
Case 1 one DGS2 is a neat look into Susato’s mind and thought process. You can definitely tell she’s still just a 16-year-old with the mistakes she makes and how she tries to handle her own arguments, which is very cute. We also get to see her actually talking to Asougi’s grave and then see how her own relationship with Asougi has influenced her style (/poses) and aspirations. (Ryuunosuke, too. It’s cute to see how she’s ended up a mixture of both of them.) And it’s a great rug pull moment for the player, since the way that the grief is handled in DGS1 is so good and (almost) final that hearing Asougi might not actually be dead is a bit like digging up old wounds. I mean, we went the entirety of the first game coming to terms with his death, what do you mean his body went missing??
(Case 2 serves as a reminder. Like haha remember how Susato and Ryuunosuke both love Asougi and are sad about his death? Here’s the baseline again, get ready to have it wrecked!)
And Case 3 is phenomenal, too. The way Van Zieks is so understanding in his response to showing him Asougi’s badge is just. It’s perfect, he’s so gentle and empathetic that it shocks Ryuunosuke (even though Ryuunosuke did the same understanding and concern for Van Ziek’s situation Ryuunosuke please). Then the way that Ryuunosuke sees Asougi, disguised in a cloak and mask, and immediately recognises him. To me, that really shows how much he loved his friend. He knew Asougi for about a year and it’s been about nine months since Asougi’s death, yet Ryuunosuke recognises him just by the way he carries himself.
But, to him, Asougi is dead. He’s made peace with that. So, even if it plays on his mind, he can’t allow himself to think that. He puts it out of his mind completely and doesn’t think on it again.
At least, until Susato (who reacted very realistically by shutting down the possibility that Asougi might still be alive because that means Sherlock lied and she couldn’t take having that hope break her worse than before) sees the exact same thing just as immediately and shouts after him. The fact that they both see this disguised man and know it can be no one besides Asougi is insane. It’s love. It makes me cry, I wish they could’ve hugged him during the big reveal (though I know Japanese culture’s just not like that).
Anyway, DGS2 diatribe over. Back to the conclusion.
The whole of DGS1 is just a masterful example of how grief doesn’t have to destroy you, of how life can go on and that doesn’t have to be a bad thing, and how channeling that grief into motivation to keep their memories alive can be powerful. That it’s okay to still feel grief even as you heal, that it’s okay to have fun and keep living even as you mourn. Life is a mixture of levity and tragedy and, to me, DGS1 nails that mixture with perfection.
Absolutely legendary. Join me next time when I dive into the main theme of DGS2, which is literally ‘the dead will come back to life to haunt you’ thanks for coming to my essay talk
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chibimyumi · 4 years
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Redesign Prompt RESULTS!
Alright, thank you everyone who has voted, the results are now in! Overwhelmingly our winner is Ranmao 🐈!
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First of all, I need to insert a few caveats here. Unlike with Victorian fashion, I do not have years and years of studying of Qing dynasty-fashion behind me. So whatever results I show here are the product of a fortnight of reading up and meticulous studying of contemporary photographs. a.k.a. I am merely scraping the surface here. But! I do promise that everything shown here is done to the best of my ability to be responsible as a content provider.
Now without further ado, let us dive into Ranmao’s current design, the blatantly obvious inaccuracies, and how I propose to redes...ign... her outfit while keeping the original intact as much.... as possible????  Heck, this is not even worthy of being called a ‘redesign’, this is straight up designing from scratch!
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Let us start with her bangs. Her bangs are in fact surprisingly accurate, as late Qing dynasty women would wear their bangs in a variety of Bettie bangs trimmed well above the eyebrows. Having sides of the bangs growing longer framing the face was usual too, though they would be cut slightly thicker than Ranmao’s. Though, we don’t know how much hair Ranmao has, so I see no reason to alter it.
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Twin braids are very much associated with the “China doll look”, but they seem to have been branded into our image of the “Chinese Girl” because it was the go-to look for unmarried women in Republic China (which is many years later than Ranmao’s time, and also has more surviving images.)
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In Ranmao’s time, unmarried girls would either wear the bottom part of their hair down, or have everything tied into a single braid behind them. Girls who preferred a more feminine look would often decorate the sides or the top with flowers or other ornaments depending on their wealth.
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Yana’s notes say that the flower in Ranmao’s hair is a Chinese peony, which is also called the Empress of Flowers in Chinese as well as Japanese culture. I could find sources on how the peony was the symbol of the Empress of China, and how one better avoid wearing any type of peonies around the Empress herself for fear of being suspected of disrespect. But I could not find any evidence of such flowers being banned for other people, so presumably it was more an ‘unwritten code of politeness’ rather than fashion law.
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Hence, I kept the pink peony design for Ranmao, and decorated them in the way Qing women would have.
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By far the most interesting thing I learned from this redesign attempt was that the “mandarin collar” - the thing that pops up first in most people’s minds when thinking about Chinese fashion - was in fact not at all common.
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In this academic work on Chinese fashion history, Finnane writes that the ‘high collar’ was “not a common feature of costume before the twentieth century.” Instead, most costumes would have had a round neckline.
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Finnane, Antonia. Changing Clothes in China : Fashion, History, Nation. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008. p. 93
The ‘high collar’ gained popularity in early 1900s in China after the Europeans brought with them the beauty standard for high collars, as well as slim-fitted silhouettes. The Chinese increasingly adopted this type of collar and the slim silhouette (the well known ‘china dress/qipao/cheongsam’), and the relatively many early photos that survived helped engrave this stereotype into our minds.
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I do not think it requires any mention, but 19th century Chinese fashion did not include boleros... For many of the original designs of Ranmao I can sort of see where Yana got that image from, but this bolero-look truly beats me.
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The sleeves worn in the late Qing period were relatively wide, though they were starting to slim down over time. Late Qing women enjoyed much more flexible clothing rules than earlier Qing women, and the width of the sleeves was in great part determined by personal preference, season, but mostly one’s wealth.
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Needless to say, the larger the sleeves the more fabric and embroidery it would require, and thus more expensive. Also, the wider the more it would get into the wearer’s way.
I don’t know how much thought Yana put into Ranmao’s original design in relation to her function as elite bodyguard, but considering how the original has zero practicality and only serves to maximise Ranmao’s attractiveness, I have no qualms about giving Ranmao fairly large sleeves too. Besides, let us assume that Lau is responsible for providing Ranmao with clothes. Illegal money tends to fill the pockets quite deeply, I don’t think he can’t spare a few pounds for big sleeves.
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Wider sleeves would expose much of ‘a lady’s precious skin’, as such a more fitted layer would have been worn underneath. (The sleeves under the wider sleeves obviously did not have to be orange-ish. This was merely coincidence that both my redesign and the visual source have this colour.)
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The figure hugging silhouette x Chinese clothes was - as mentioned above - not at all a thing in Ranmao’s time. In fact, the accentuation of the “female curves” was considered very inappropriate if not downright ugly in the Qing dynasty.
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Finnane, Antonia. Changing Clothes in China : Fashion, History, Nation. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008. p. 94
Yana’s notes mention that the thing Ranmao wears is just an European corset and that that is the only thing ‘English’ about her attire.
Well... I don’t know where the idea that Victorians wore corsets on the outside comes from, but I myself admittedly was fooled by this a few years ago too... I promise you all now however, Victorians decidedly did not wear their ‘bras’ on the outside. I think even now this look is considered rather ‘questionable’ by most people.
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Instead, Qing dynasty clothes were mostly cut wide and straight, loosely dangling around their bodies offering maximum comfort and space. You feared Ranmao killing you in her corset? Now tremble before her now blessed with maximised agility.
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Well... I considered ‘translating’ Ranmao’s attire to 2020 standard like I did for O!Ciel, but that would not be Tumblr-filter approved. Skirts so short they could be mistaken for a belt are nothing too surprising today, but wearing one with a split that deep is probably a bit too revealing even by today’s standards.
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By the late Qing dynasty, men and women, rich and poor alike predominantly wore trousers. Long robes (skirts) were definitely in fashion too, but they were reserved for those who could afford to not have much agility. If you were a farmer, robes would not have been your first option. Perhaps the way long skirts were viewed by the Qing Chinese was not unlike the way we see them now; ‘more classy’ ‘more feminine’ and ‘less convenient’, but not the only way to express femininity.
In these pictures below we can see relatively rich women, married and unmarried alike, all wearing trousers.
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Ranmao is predominantly a fighter, and as trousers are plenty feminine in Chinese fashion culture, I don’t see why she would not choose to wear trousers instead of a restricting long skirt. Hence I gave her a pair of trousers.
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Like I said before, “the shoes are correct...” But the anklets definitely are not!
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Golden or silver anklets are something that are worn by very, VERY young children in China. Even to this day it is customary among many Chinese people to gift newborn children at least one piece of pendant, bracelet or anklet, for it is believed to bring the child luck. More practically, this piece of jewellery will become the child’s first piece of property then, which can be sold later SHOULD they ever run into a financially difficult situation.
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These anklets or bracelets would not be removed from the child unless they have outgrown them, which happens fairly quick. Ranmao who is probably full grown should have outgrown them at least ten years ago. Hence, seeing these things on Ranmao would probably make it look like she is still wearing diapers or bibs.
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Chinese people would likewise not have worn shoes barefoot. Instead, they would have worn cotton socks which were mostly white.
HERE COME THE WEAPONS! Luckily Yana wrote the following note or I would never have guessed what they are for my knowledge about Chinese weapons is next to nothing.
“These are【SUPER】heavy. They are weapons called 双錘 (double hammers) and they in fact exist. I heard these were used by power-type warriors.”
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So, I googled 双錘 and it turns out that the type Ranmao is holding do indeed exist! But... only in fiction and theatre.
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The hammers that were used in actual combat were either very thin and long, or short and plump. Such hammers were one of the most primitive metal weapons in China, and quickly fell out of favour among Chinese warriors when more practical weapons such as the metal spear, sword and bows were invented. The hammers mostly retained their value because of their weight in heroic tales and myths about legendary warriors and deities.
I don’t have the full details, but apparently according to some legends or myths, one of such big-ass hammers could deal a force of 200kg, and thus 400kg combined. Regardless of this being realistic or not, it sure does sound very cool! It is therefore no wonder this primitive weapon retains its popularity even today.
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Nowadays when these hammers are used, they are either the blown up theatrical versions, or the smaller versions for the sake of preserving martial arts.
I had a bit of a dilemma as to which version to give Ranmao, but in the end I settled with the short and heavy ones because I wanted to keep the idea of this small and innocent looking girl wielding solid metal balls. Two cheer-leading sticks would simply not have the same weight, figuratively and literally.
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Alright everyone! Did you enjoy my response to your votes? I hope you did ^^ Non-European fashion history really is not my strong suit, so my deepest apologies if I messed anything up.
Pray tell if I did, I am always happy to learn ^^
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naralanis · 4 years
hey nara! first off, I absolutely adore your blog and your writing, Perhaps is on my comfort fics list that I pull out whenever I’m having a bad time. I also happen to be a fan of your pen instagram and I was wondering if you had any suggestions on some fountain pens for beginners? I recently bought a “Pilot MR Retro Pop” that I really enjoy but I think I’m ready to branch off a bit. Do you have any tips with practicing with fountain pens you’d be willing to share? As much as I try, my handwriting never looks as nice as I want it to with mine. No pressure to respond if not, just wanted to stop by and let you know how much I enjoy your content! Hope you have a pleasant rest of your day/night!
Oh goodness, you’re talking about fic AND fountain pens in the same ask? Stop, stop, I’m already married!
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First off, thanks for reading; I’m so glad Perhaps is there for you when ya need it, it makes me really happy to hear. Seriously warms my heart!
As far as fountain pens go... ANON I HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO TALK ABOUT I AM SO SORRY THIS WILL BE SUCH A LONG RIDE so I’m going to put it under the cut sorry sorry sorry in this essay I will
Hooray for the Pilot MR (or Metro, here in the US), it’s an AMAZING little pen, and if you’re calling it the MR, chances are you got it with an international standard converter, you lucky, lucky duck. I’m happy you’re enjoying it, as far as beginner pens go, this one is an excellent choice.
When you say “branching out”, this can mean one of two things. It can mean you want to branch out to other brands but a similar price range, or that you’re ready for a ‘next level’ pen. I’ll try to cover both! (I’ll link some of these models to the Goulet Pens website, but feel free to look for them elsewhere--I just really like Goulet’s very thorough descriptions)
If you’re looking to explore other pen models in the MR’s price range, there’s a metric ton of  options! Sticking with Pilot, you can try the Explorer-- a completely different, more streamlined pen than the MR, but if you’re used to the nib on your pen, you have a better idea of what to expect with it. There’s also the Kakuno, which is cheaper, but very cute with its little smiley face nibs haha
Another Japanese pen you can try: the Platinum Plaisir. Aluminum body, but do remember that Platinum nibs generally give a little more feedback than Pilot’s, which are some of the smoothest Japanese-made nibs I’ve ever seen.
You can also try the Diplomat Magnum -- it’s a a great little pen, and I love mine. Keep in mind, it is very lightweight, especially compared to the MR’s metal body, but to me that makes it great for long writing sessions. The nib is completely different--it will write a little wider, a little wetter than the MR (and any other Japanese-made pen), but it’s slightly springy and awesome to write with. Plus, it has an ink window so you can keep track of your ink!
Other options in this price range: the Jinhao 8802 (Shell or Rosewood, and the most bang for your buck imo as far as cheap fountain pens go), the Jinhao x750 or x450 (these are heavier, but they look great!), the TWISBI GO (a teeny, amazing little pen with a spring-loaded piston filling mechanism), and a Kaweco Sport (another pocket-pen, German-made, so the nib will write a little wetter/wider generally) or the Perkeo.
Now, if you’d like to push your price range a little further (only a little! I promise not to break the bank!), you cannot go wrong with Lamy.I am a self-admitted Lamy fangirl, so I may be a little biased, buuuut... it is what it is, their pens are great, they’re easy to disassemble for cleaning (I go totally nuts over it and even disassemble the converters, which you absolutely don’t need to do), and their nibs are SO EASILY INTERCHANGEABLE!
You can pick up a Lamy Safari for fairly cheap nowadays (and ever cheaper look-alikes, which I will never endorse but also will not judge anyone for buying), and they come in so many colours (the O.G. 1980 colours were also just reissued!), they’re like my Pokemon because I want to catch ‘em all.
For a little more, you can get yourself a Lamy AL-Star--the same design of the Safari, but this time in aluminum, which makes it look super cool (but also prone to scratches if you’re the kind of person that puts your pen in your pocket with your keys... that’s... definitely not me...), so keep that in mind.
You can also pick yourself up a Lamy Logo, for a couple more bucks. A completely different design, but still great, particularly if you like slimmer pens.
The nibs on ALL the Lamy models (even the more expensive ones like the Studio or the Scala or even the Dialog) are interchangeable! Even the gold nib on the Dialog! The only exception is the Lamy 2000 (which is probably one of the best pens out there period, and certainly an amazing first-gold-nib pen).
The one thing that absolutely kills me about the cheaper Lamy pens is that, for the most part, none of them come with a converter--you have to buy it separately. Which is fine, it’s not super expensive, and it is widely available, but COME ON, LAMY, JUST GIMME.
If you’d like to try a cool-looking pen with a CRAZY ink capacity and a nifty piston-filling mechanism, look no further than the TWISBI ECO. I have one of these (green, obv), and I love it. Never tires me out, and I stg mine never. dries. out. I don’t know what witchcraft is involved, but it’s an amazing pen for long writing sessions.
Finally, if you’d like to try another Japanese-made pen that is a little more expensive than the Pilot MR or the Platinum Plaisir, there’s the Sailor Compass 1911. This is one of the cheapest Sailor pens I know of, and a good introduction to the brand. Keep in mind that, like Platinum, Sailor nibs will give more feedback than the Pilot you’re used to!
If you would like to push your budget even further, here are some options for fountain pens under $100 (I know, big jump, but it’s good to see what’s out there to you can compare!) from JetPens.
There are a million other brands out there that you can look at. Sheaffer makes great, very cheap and fun beginner pens (including a whole Star Wars Line! They’re adorable!). Hong Dian has a ton of pens that look sleek as hell (like the Forest Series) and they’re all like under 20 bucks. Kaco is another one that makes surprisingly good pens! Parker is also an option, with the Jotter, which is a classic-looking pen. There’s Conklin and Monteverde (which have a ton of fountain pens in a wide range of prices, but I’ve had bad luck with their nibs, so I would suggest you do some independent research on those!), as well as Noodler’s if you’d like to go crazy with some flex nibs! The fountain pen rabbit hole is bottomless. Welcome :D
As far as handwriting goes, I’m afraid I don’t have much more to say besides practice, practice, practice. I learned cursive as a child, but never got into calligraphy, really. Even today, I only just dabble, but whenever I see something I like, I usually just like to try and replicate it. Very often I’ll see a video on Instagram and go Oh my god, how the hell did they write that G, I’ve got to try that and then what follows is me going through page after page on a Rhodia pad trying to imitate them. I like janinescribbles and aidanbernal on Instagram, they’re like handwriting goals--check them out!
A lot of the time, we’re looking for more line variation to make our handwriting look prettier--that’s usually what you see in that fancy, old-timey Spencerian cursive, or even copperplate calligraphy. Unfortunately, you won’t get that with just a regular fountain pen, but there is good news!
There are a TON of different nibs out there. Stub nibs, fude nibs, flex nibs, obliques, cursive italic -- you can even get your pen ground by a professional nibmeister to fit your specifications. There are calligraphy pens (like the Lamy Joy) or pen sets (Kaweco has a Perkeo Calligraphy set, and I believe Sailor has one of their own as well). You can even check out the Pilot Parallel set -- the whole thing is like the price of a Lamy AL-Star, you just won’t do regular writing with it; it’s pretty specifically a calligraphy/lettering set. There are even flex pens in the market (though none of them are as flexy as those old, vintage gold nibs) like the Noodler’s Nib Creaper, Ahab, and Triple Tail or the Conklins with their Omniflex nib (which has been problematic in the past, but I’ve heard good things recently). It’s a whole other rabbit hole!
But honestly, don’t sweat the handwriting too much. Just write a few lines every day, try new things, and get lost for eternity on some Instagram tags!
I think this is a long enough post as it is, so I’ll stop there! SORRY. HOPE IT HELPS!
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Lately we've seen Sonic and Amy together these past few years. Sonic Forces for phones in a matter of events, the IDW (although they are not 100% canon), a few official images of the two in official accounts, the new line stickers did not look so much Amy stalking and Sonic uncomfortable; On the contrary they look good or have put it as if they were Sega's Mickey and Minnie Mouse. Do you think there will be a small future for the possible couple?
It’s true! Sega has been re-marketing over these new ‘eras’ you could say within media and advertising. It’s interesting to see their ‘new direction’ with so many ‘projects’ to find that ‘Sonic flare’ that once sparked the whole series into great appeal and success.
I have great hopes for them. I know it’s coming slowly, but as a little girl I once predicted that SEGA would have an ultimate question… Would romance in the Sonic series improve the brand as a whole? Is it successfully marketable?
Over the last few years, I have been studying and watching SEGA’s strategies and trying to learn the best I can while not being ‘in the loop’ so to speak. They’re kinda experimenting, and I worry it could be forced.
I’m only hoping that they realize Shipping and the possibility of young love isn’t a bad marketing idea. In fact, the themes of love and self-healing (Much like Steven Universe) and Friendship with Magical Success that makes sense (My Little Pony) are doing incredible.
Sonic’s main ‘theme’ was about nature vs. metal, man and his unbreakable soul, and how a life with friends is more than any life alone.
If they can put ‘Love of Friends’ and ‘Caring for others’ with the idea that Sonic and Amy, along with other couples they’ve established, could translate into a cute ‘crushing’ moments that could boost the series into more mainstream for this generation, it could be epic!
We want more emotion, but what we really want is that rebel heroism we saw in Sonic at the very beginning. He wasn’t as unconventional as Batman, as Lawful Good as Superman, or as Tragic as most superhero stories go.
He wasn’t Mario, who got the job done with a smile and Yahoo!
He was dealing with metallic scrap ruining his world. He was alone and had to accept others, but only under the condition, they accepted him and his way. He had to learn to care for others and not just protect them and then ditch them.
Sonic’s core is his unbreakable will, but then also his undeniable heart.
He loves his friends.
He loves nature and the world he races upon.
He loves his life.
That is inspiring. It’s subtle, as is most things in Japanese animation, but it’s what drew us to Sonic and his unusual character.
He’s cocky, he’s fun to watch, he’s hyper but chill… and he won’t back down.
Not all heroes can show a raw side and a big heart at the same time. Sonic can.
How does Amy fit into this world? This brand?
If Sonic is the will/soul of the series, Tails is the can-do spirit. The mind over matter. If I try, if I believe in myself as my friends and hero idol do, then I can do anything so long as I don’t give up. Knuckles, muscle, but brawns is used for valiant causes like saving your friends and doing the right thing without hesitation. You can’t just isolate yourself, you need others, and others need you.
Then there’s Amy.
The Heart.
People can change, they’re good, there is more then just fighting, life is meant to be enjoyed and not dull or boring, you can seize your own destiny, you can fight for those you love and the future you want to pursue, you don’t have to give up your dreams, you are special and wanted, you can make a difference, you’re strong so long as you don’t ever give up!
There is so much Amy brings… and when she’s tossed to the sidelines, we lose that emotional grip and the cliffhanger of seeing Amy’s subtle lessons inspire the rest of the gang and give us emotional depth physically on the screen…
You can’t cut women and their influence out. Even if it’s Shonen.
Rouge too, Blaze as well… All the girls have something that is hard to translate through a male character. (It can happen! Don’t get me wrong, I love sensitive guy characters!)
To abandon ‘heart’ from your series… to give those roles to the other 3 or even to other characters doesn’t work as well since Amy was LITERALLY crafted to be that glue that kept that emotional turmoil and comfort in a beautiful balance.
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Devotion to one’s heart.
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The heart is strong, no matter what. It may fight for different reasons, but each is a strong emotion that can’t be denied nor forgotten.
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The heart suffers, but it does so for others.
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Because it cares, it speaks up, and won’t let you carry on if it’s wrong or hurting others.
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The heart can be easily beguiled or deceived, manipulated, and used…
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The heart can also quickly forgive, not judge, and love unconditionally.
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The heart sacrifices, is unselfish, and undeterred.
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The heart is hopeful, and ever-patient…
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The heart can be fierce because it feels so much and will scold you when its called for. It’s brave and true but most of all-
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It perseveres.
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Gets back up.
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“I told you didn’t I? There was no way Sonic would let something like that happen!” - Sonic Unleashed, Amy Rose.
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The heart is strong.
And to be without a cute little romance like what the heart seeks, is like denying the heart altogether.
“There was always something fun to do with Sonic around. I really miss him.“ - Sonic Adventure
”I hate it when they leave me behind!“ -  ”Have no fear! Amy Rose is here!“  - ”I know that people fight over the most trivial things. Some people may be selfish like the Professor said… But they’re basically good. If they try their best and never give up on their wishes…. They always have a reason to be happy. That’s why you should help them out… Saving them is a good thing!“  - Sonic Adventure 2
”Love changes everything. It feels like every little moment in your life is huge!“ -  ”Sonic, I’m going to save you.“ - Sonic 06
“No matter the package, you’re still my Sonic, Sonic!"  - “That won’t happen! There’s no way Sonic will let it end like this!” - Sonic Unleashed
You save the lines that mean the most to the character of the HEART, and you can learn a lot about a character’s heart through their words.
I would love for our Blue Hedgehog to continue to learn about love through this spirited, cheerful, and canonally described “pretty” Pink Hedgehog!
Sorry, I could quote Amy for so long haha! That’s all for now, too long of a rant!
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xxcxcs-blog · 3 years
Everything You Need to Stock an at-Home Bar
So you finally found the bar cart of your dreams, and you’ve loaded it up with your favorite liquor. While those are two very important steps to curating an at-home bar, to really make your setup recall that of your favorite watering hole, you’re going to want to add some barware and cocktail equipment. But that can be an intimidating task, especially if you’ve had more experience drinking cocktails than making them. The good news is that you don’t have to spend a lot of money. “Most people in their home bar really don’t need that many tools,” advises Joaquín Simó, a partner at New York City’s Pouring Ribbons who was named Tales of the Cocktail’s American Bartender of the Year in 2012. “I say you start with the absolute basics and concentrate on the things that you like to use.”
If you’re in a pinch, Martin Hudak, a bartender at Maybe Sammy, says you can always use bartender tools you may already have on hand: “For your shaken cocktails, you can use empty jam jars or a thermos flask. For measuring, spoons and cups, and for stirring, any spoon or back of a wooden ladle.” But Stacey Swenson, the head bartender at Dante (which currently holds the No. 1 spot on the World’s 50 Best Bars list), notes that if you’re going to put stuff on display, you might want gear that’s both practical and stylish. “You want something that’s functional and also something that’s pretty,” she says. “If you’re putting it on your bar cart, you kind of put on a show for your guests.” With the help of Simó, Hudak, Swenson, and 28 other experts, we’ve put together the below list of essential gear for any cocktail-lover’s home bar.
Editor’s note: If you want to support service industry workers who have been impacted by the coronavirus closures, you can donate to the Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation, which has set up a COVID-19 Crisis Relief Fund, or One Fair Wage, which has set up an Emergency Coronavirus Tipped and Service Worker Support Fund. We’ve also linked to any initiatives the businesses mentioned in this story have set up to support themselves amid the coronavirus pandemic.
According to Simó, all shakers “technically do the same thing, and there are very cheap and very nice versions,” so there’s really no superior option when it comes to function. That said, many professional bartenders use Boston-style shakers, which are basically two cups that fit into each other and form a tight seal to keep liquid from splashing all over you. “If you want to look like a bartender at Death & Co. or PDT, and you want the same kit, then you’re probably going to go metal-on-metal,” or “tin-on-tin,” Simó notes. Six of our experts recommend these weighted tin-on-tin shakers — which come in a range of finishes, including copper and silver — from Cocktail Kingdom, a brand that nearly every bartender we spoke to praised for its durable, well-designed barware. Grand Army’s beverage director, Brendan Biggins, and head bartender, Robby Dow, call this “the gold standard” of shaking tins. “Behind the bar, there’s almost nothing worse than shaker tins that don’t seal well or don’t separate easily,” explains Krissy Harris, the beverage director and owner of Jungle Bird in Chelsea. “The Koriko Weighted Shaking tins seal perfectly every time and easily release,” she says. And because they’re weighted, they’re less likely to fall over and spill.
For some people, a two-piece setup like the above shakers might be tricky to use comfortably. “Say you’re a petite female — if you have very small hands, then maybe using a Boston-style shaker may be a little harder,” explains Simó. In that case, a cobbler shaker may be the better choice, because it’s smaller than a Boston-style shaker and thus easier to hold. The other convenient part of a cobbler-style shaker is that the strainer is already built into the lid, so you don’t necessarily have to spring for an additional wine tools. Karen Lin, a certified sommelier, sake expert, and the executive general manager of Tsukimi, suggests this shaker from Japanese barware brand Yukiwa. “The steel is very sturdy, and the shape fits perfectly in my hands,” she says. “It is also designed well so you can take it apart easily to clean.”
You know how James Bond always ordered his martinis shaken, not stirred? Well, if you were to ignore Mr. Bond’s order and make a stirred martini — or any other stirred cocktail, like a Negroni or a Manhattan — you’d set aside the shaker to use a mixing beaker instead. A mixing beaker is essentially a large vessel in which you dump your liquors and mix your drink. And though you can purchase handsome crystal ones for hundreds of dollars, both Simó and Swenson agree that they’re kind of superfluous for a basic bar kit. “I don’t think you should spend any more than $25 on a mixing glass,” says Swenson. Harris agrees, saying that since they are the most broken item behind the bar, you should stick to a well-priced option like this mixing glass from Hiware that “doesn’t have a seam, so it’s stronger and very attractive.”
One of Simó’s hacks to getting a glass mixing beaker for not that much money is to use the glass piece from a French press, which is something else you might already own. If you want a dedicated one for your bar cart (that could serve as a backup for your French press), he says you can buy a replacement glass like this one, which has a capacity that is particularly useful if you’re making drinks for a lot of people. “I generally will take one or two of the big guys with me when I’m doing events, because then I can stir up five drinks in one, and it’s really convenient,” Simó explains.
According to Paul McGee, a co-owner of Lost Lake in Chicago, “finding vintage martini pitchers is very easy, and they are perfect for making large batches of cocktails.” Plus, they’ll look more visually striking on your bar cart. This one is even pretty enough to use as a vase when it’s not filled with punch. The photo shows the pitcher next to a strainer, but you’re only getting the pitcher for the price shown.
If you’re making a stirred drink, a mixing or bar set spoon is also necessary. “Three basic styles exist: the American bar spoon has a twisted handle and, usually, a plastic cap on the end, the European bar spoon has a flat muddler/crusher, and the Japanese bar spoon is heavier, with a weighted teardrop shape opposite the bowl,” explains Joe Palminteri, the director of food and beverage at Hamilton Hotel’s Via Sophia and Society. None of our experts recommended specific American-style bar spoons, but Simó told us that one of his favorite Japanese-style spoons is this one made by bartender Tony Abou-Ganim’s Modern Mixologist brand. “It’s got a really nice, deep bowl to it, which means you’re able to measure a nice, level teaspoon” without searching through your drawers, according to him. Simó continues, “The little top part of it has a nice little weight to it, but it’s not too bulky. So it gives you a really nice balance as you’re moving the mixing spoon around,” making your job a little easier.
Should your at-home bartending require a lot of muddling, Swenson recommends getting a European-style spoon like this, which he says will still allow you to stir while eliminating the need to buy a dedicated muddler. “You can actually use the top of the spoon to crush a sugar cube if you wanted to for your old-fashioned. I have one of those, so I don’t have to have two tools; I’ve got both of them right there.”
You don’t necessarily need a strainer if you’re using a cobbler shaker, since it’s already got a strainer built into the lid. But if you’re using a Boston-style shaker, you should get what’s called a Hawthorne strainer to make sure the ice you used to chill your drink doesn’t end up in your glass and dilute the cocktail. Three experts recommend this one, including Lynnette Marrero, the beverage director of Llama Inn and Llama-San and the co-founder of Speed Rack, who says it’s her absolute favorite because “it is light and easy to clutch and close correctly.” If you choose to buy this Hawthorne strainer, Simó also recommends getting “the replacement springs that Cocktail Kingdom sells,” telling us they’re a good way to give a worn-out strainer a face-lift. “They’re really, really nice and tight, and you can generally slip them into any Hawthorne strainer that you have.”A jigger is what you use to measure the liquor into the shaker or mixing glass. A hyperfunctional, albeit nontraditional-looking, option is the mini measuring wine decante from OXO. “I know some bartenders, including the ones at Drink in Boston, one of the best bars in the country, swear by those graduated OXO ones because they love the ability to read them from both the sides and the top,” explains Simó. “You can measure in tablespoons or ounces or milliliters, and it’s all on the same jigger.” Part-time bartender Jillian Norwick and Ward both love it too and keep the stainless steel version on hand (which looks a little nicer when left out). Noriwck adds that she’s in good company: “The peeps at Bon Appétit love it.”This fancy-looking jigger combines the functional appeal of the OXO measuring wine glass (it’s basically a cup that grows wider to accommodate different amounts of liquid) with the aesthetic appeal of a classic bar tool. It also makes measuring a snap: “This handy measuring bar table and stools is super-easy to use and enables the imbiber to essentially build all the ingredients of a drink in one go,” says Confrey.If you’re going for a more classic look but still want something practical, Simó recommends this double-sided metal jigger that has a one-ounce cup on one side and a two-ounce cup on the other. The one-ounce side on this strainer also has a half- and three-quarter-ounce lines etched into it to make it even more precise. “That gives you a lot of wiggle room” and will allow you to measure for most basic cocktails, Simó says. “From there, you really just have to learn what a quarter-ounce looks like in there, and you’re pretty much good to go.”
Biggens, Dowe, and Swenson prefer a Leopold jigger, which has a unique bell shape (with one bell holding an ounce, and the other two ounces) as well as lines etched on the inside marking both quarter- and half-ounces. “They’re really easy to hold and they have some weight to them,” Swenson adds. “Somebody who’s not really experienced using a jigger is going to be fine with something with a little bit more weight to it. And they look cool.”
Though it’s easy to want to get a different type of glass for every type of drink you make, that’s really unnecessary when you’re first starting out. According to Simó, “You can make 90 percent of drinks into a good, all-purpose cocktail glass like a rocks or a collins glass.” (While this section contains our bartenders’ favorite glasses, if you want to shop around, you can find most of these styles at various price points in our list of the best drinking glasses.) A collins — or highball — glass is the one that looks like a chimney, and generally you’re looking for something that’s about 12 ounces, like these collins glasses from bartender-favorite brand Cocktail Kingdom. “You don’t want a 16-ounce Collins glass because you’re going to be hammered after your second Tom Collins,” advises Simó.
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bbq-hawks-wings · 4 years
Who are your fave characters in bnha (aside from hawks) and your least liked. In a "i dont like this one as a character or/and as a person" kind of way or even they're just meh to you.
This is a good and surprisingly complicated question! I'll try to give at least three from each category with my reasoning as I like most of the characters for one reason or other but marking down favorites and least favorites is not as straightforward as I first thought.
I love that most of Horikoshi's characters are either loveable, likeable, enjoyable to hate, or leave a benevolently indifferent impression. There's not really many characters that get on my nerves for just existing.
Except Mineta. He can die in a ditch. But that's too easy for our purposes he doesn't count. This time...
Mina is a character I just really am drawn to every time she shows up. She's described as a people person, and as a cautious introvert who often feels the need to put on appearances to make friends in a "you do not have a high enough friendship level to unlock my tragic backstory" kind of way, I feel like if she were a person I could just relax and enjoy myself around her. She isn't dismissive of people's real fears or insecurities and prefers to let herself be the best she is right now in all of her dumbass glory. I really, really love her even if I don't give her a lot of love often.
Iida is another character I gravitate towards despite not showcasing him often. I'm just always happy to see him and his dorky, admirable self. It's like you could look up "square" in the dictionary and his picture would apply to basically all possible definitions, but it's a good thing. He's conscious and proactive even if he seems overbearing, and it's just his way of protecting his family and friends' security and happiness. It makes me feel like I would be safe and cared for in his presence, you know? Bonus points for his wholesome adoration of his big brother (who is also a majorly underappreciated background character, imo), and I can't help but headcanon him as autistic. I literally can't not see it every time he shows up at this point.
Gotta give the last spot to Fatgum. Another detail about Horikoshi's character writing I adore is that the "obvious" thing about a character usually does not end up taking up the bulk of their characterization or is usually never focused on for too long. They have lives and identities outside of one or two traits. Being huge and fat like Fatgum in a Japanese society that usually runs smaller and thinner than the rest of the world (and that is never canonically shied away from) would usually be focus of his entire character in most other series. Here, it's just a blip on his entire sheet - an important one to be sure, but it's just been embraced as a part of who he is from so far back it's beyond old news for him. Confidence, focus, determination, and enabling others' personal growth is where it's at as far as he's concerned, and I am here for it! He's just so set and comfortable in his skin that he's got more than enough to give others a boost if he can offer it.
Horikoshi has a lot of empathetic characters that feel more like people than tropes (especially in the world of anime overrun with cookie cutter personalities to fill flashy but otherwise empty character designs), so there aren't many characters I just genuinely don't like or care for. That said, there has been a pattern I've been noticing, and wouldn't you know it happens to correlate with traits I don't like in real people, either.
I cannot stand people who can never admit they can be wrong. I mean those people that might say how everyone in their family or all their last group of friends hate them/left them or how their ex was crazy and when you ask if maybe they had any idea why they go, "OMG, I don't know! 😭😭😭 I just can't seem to find anyone who will love me for who I am, warts and all. 😇😇😇"
Sure, Jan.
So about the villains! To be fair, not even close to all the villains fit this bill. Most of them I either unironically love (like Rappa and Gentle Criminal) or love to hate (Dabi and Shigaraki). It just so happens that no "hero" character happens to grate or push my buttons in a way that leaves me either negatively ambivalent towards them or outright hating them. (Save one...)
Toga. Get your pitchforks, folks! BBQ is on the menu! I actually don't hate her or even dislike her. She's just not a character I can have sympathy for for very long. In a situation I couldn't just walk away from and hope to never see her again, she'd get some stern words a la Ochako a long time ago. Especially at her age I get where she's coming from and how she feels, but while asking people to just conform without question under threat of punishment is not inherently good, it's not unreasonable in her case and it's troubling she seemed to one day snap and decide she was being unduly repressed and killed someone when she looked like she otherwise had a normal life. I completely give her some grace for clearly having an "pretend it isn't there and it'll go away" kind of help, but she's capable (at least now) of realizing why people are repulsed by her behavior and that it's not unfounded. She needs much better help than what she got and certainly more than what the League offers.
I have similar problems with Spinner. He has a reasonable-enough justification for wanting to lash out at broader society, but he largely refused to help himself before the League of Villains and he'll always be working with a handicap in my book thanks to that. If he was living with parents and couldn't escape to a larger city with more inclusive attitudes towards heteromorphs I could understand, but it looked like he lived alone and either managed to finance his lifestyle or supplemented with government aid anyway, so points lost there as well. He relies on others to give him meaning, first Stain and then Shigaraki; and even then only acts on it because they give him permission to act out his aggressions in an environment that doesn't hold him accountable for it or ask him to do something constructive to change it. That came out harsher than I intended, but I really am not able to give him much room either way in this case.
Monoma. Ah, yes. The Exception™. Sorry, buddy. It's not like I don't get it. You've got a lot more in common with Bakugo than you probably like, but your brand of inferiority complex is just... Unhinged? Grossly inappropriate and misplaced? My dude, you gotta stop trying to knock others down to make yourself feel better by comparison, you can and will destroy your life doing that. I get that having a quirk that requires you to play second-fiddle is infuriating, but that's where you really need to leverage your individuality and be certain what defines your character in a vacuum. At that point you can find a way to leverage other's quirks in ways even they can't because of the sole fact that they aren't you. I know easier said than done, but I am rooting for you, buddy!
That was fun! Thanks for the ask! It's interesting to break down my gut feelings about the characters like this. I enjoyed it a lot!
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archaicbookworm · 4 years
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@chaotic-archaeologist​, prepare yourself for a similar fate. As asked, here they are, this is currently what the affliction that is fountain pens looks like for me. I’ve made a new post to avoid hijacking the original. 
It’s not all the pens or inks I’ve ever owned, but this is what 2-3 years of collecting has generated. I have friends with three times as many pens, so in some regards I’ve been spared, but 12 pens is still a lot in many regards. 
I’m gonna cut this off since I know long text/picture posts can be a pain to scroll through, but click the keep reading if you’re interested in a breakdown of what each pen is and more pictures. 
In general I really like Japanese fountain pens, particularly from Pilot and Sailor. I’m also partial to Pilot’s inks, which is all of the ones pictured. The bottom row of inks are part of their Iroshizuku line, based around colors in Japanese landscapes and nature. I also like rather large pens, since they’re more comfortable in my hands, which also happen to be pretty big and clunky. Some of the pens here are actually very small but I still like them a lot, so that’s not a hard and fast rule. 
My favorite ink is the green on the far left, although I love having four different types of blue (Blue, Blue Black, Cerulean blue, and Moonlight blue). The purple and red are also very pretty to see, and the bamboo charcoal black on the far right is a nicely expressive dark ink. 
It started out innocently enough, a medium Pilot Metropolitan (2nd pair from left). Then I had a Jinhao that I eventually gave away because it wasn’t really a good fit for me. I also had several brands of ink, but found myself drawn to Pilot’s in particular. I don’t write with the Metropolitan a lot anymore, but it is an excellent gateway pen and has a nice heft to it. 
The fifth pair from left was my graduation gift to myself, a Pilot Falcon, which has a soft medium gold nib and writes in a way I really can’t do justice by describing. The rollerball paired with it was produced I think in the 80′s or 90′s, it was the closest match I could find. 
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After that came the Lamy Al-Stars (3rd from left), though I still don’t know if I like or hate the way they look. After these pens I realized I in general prefer the classic styled pens, especially in dark colors like black and burgundy (not that I currently have a burgundy pen, but I have my eye on either a Platinum 3776 or a Sailor 1911). But the rollerball writes very well and I usually reach for them when I’m traveling.
I wouldn’t use a fountain pen in the field for a variety of reasons but I do like to have one wherever I go. I also wouldn’t be heartbroken if I lost them in the same way as I would with other pens. 
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The first pair of pens in the picture came after the Lamys, they’re Sailor Hoshizuku (Stardust) and they have a really gorgeous pattern that does look a lot like the night’s sky in person. The Nib is also very pretty. 
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The last pair in the picture are from the 1940′s, with a really interesting vacuum-fill mechanism. The fountain pen has a two tone gold nib and the matching pencil uses .9mm lead. I was at an antique market and struck up a conversation with a gentleman selling a bunch of antique pens, and showed him the ones I was carrying. He offered me the Sheaffers for a very low price that was far too nice of him. I didn’t expect either to work since they’d likely been sitting in someone’s drawer for decades and because the vac-fill is not something you can repair yourself, but amazingly they both worked immediately after I cleaned them up. 
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Most recently I found the middle right pens. They’re the most expensive ones I’ve purchased, although as in many things I hunted for months to find a good deal on them. They’re from Pineider, an Italian company that’s been making paper for several hundred years. The resin looks incredibly nice in person, with swirling patterns. I think bright blue has become my exception to preferring more reserved pens. 
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Pictured in the background is one of my watches, my only quartz piece. That collection is probably a story for another time, although that collecting began even earlier than my interest in fountain pens started.
I haven’t shown the paper because that’s a nightmare to photograph for someone with as poor skills as me, although I have a fair amount of fountain pen friendly paper. 
The collection is large for a non pen person, but notout of hand like other collections can be. Part of that is because I really do plan the purchases out months ahead of time, looking for just the write (hehe) pen to get. The next one will be burgundy and from Sailor or Platinum (the third of the big Japanese pen companies) as I mentioned, and most likely after that I will get a larger Pilot pen, probably in black with a gold nib. It’s not the most exciting style for some people but I love the classic and formal pens the most, it fits me quite well. 
I’m happy to answer any questions about these pens or fountain pens in general (or really anything watch, lifting, grad school, or archaeology related I suppose). 
If you’ve made it this far reading congratulations, here’s where it ends. 
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fic propmt for ss- Sasuke going through emo phase, Sakura bubble gum pop who are neighbors and are annoyed by each other’s taste in music
Look at me answering fics prompts months after, I’m the worst I know! XD
This fic is a songfic inspired by A*Teens’ A perfect match! I know the ask was about Sasuke’s emo phase and you were expecting a little bit more Fall out boy than Dir en Grey but deal with me, my emo phase was my visual kei phase so I don’t know much about western emo music. Also, both Sasuke and Sakura are Japanese xD!
Well, without further ado, the fic:}
Perfect Match
Your family says that it’s just a phase, the fact that you like to wear dark colors on your clothes and you listen to angry music because that is what boys your age do and there’s nothing to worry about.
They don’t like to talk about the anger and the sadness you feel. You’re twenty and already in collage. You don’t think this is a phase anymore, now you’re just angry.
They don’t like to talk about how you’re a lot more sensitive than your brother and how you’re not all that much interested in becoming a lawyer just like him.
You are the second son of a rich family that never had to struggle for anything, you have absolutely nothing to be sad or angry about, or at least, that’s what they think.
But even with all the money they have you still had to sell your TV and your music system just to buy tickets for a “The Gazette” concert back in 2009 and even thought they can totally afford for suits you don’t want and private tutors you don’t need, you still had to sell your car and work for four months just to travel to Seoul and get tickets for the “Metallica” and “Baby metal” concert hosted there this year.
It was a great experience, it made you happy beyond belief, but that happiness you experienced, those feelings that for once weren’t depressing and anxiety-infusing, weren’t enough for your family.
Maybe that’s why you’re angry.
You’re angry when you arrive at your street on the buss, alone, because no one would come and see you at the airport and you’re definitely angry when your find Sakura, your childhood neighbor, dancing to fucking Reol’s “Give me a break” on her brand new music system that her mom bought her last month just so she could go and spend the money she makes on the Maid Caffe she works part-time on her mindless clothes and accessories.
She looks cute, you have to admit, with her too short, hot pink shorts and her Harajuku style black crop top with a Kabuki mask printed on it. She’s wearing the pink pearl collar you saw her buy a few days after your trip and you just know that the eyes of those stupid cat earrings she’s wearing are actually real diamonds.
It angers you how she can spend her money on making herself look how she wants to look so easily when you can’t even buy a pair of ripped, black jeans with all the money your father makes.
So, you lash at her “Could you shut up with that shit, please?” You ask her from across your own lawn, “I don’t want to listen to your garbage today.” She glares at you, her green eyes accentuated by her cat eye makeup, and then she turns up the music.
She’s a fierce girl Haruno Sakura.
You find yourself obliged to talk to her again when your parents invite hers to a late dinner on your house.
They force you to take her to your room and warn you with a tight lipped “behave yourself or else…” that makes you wonder what else could they take away from you now that you don’t even have a car.
She makes herself comfortable on your bed as you turn on your computer and My Chemical Romance’s Teenagers starts rolling through the music list. She makes an annoyed face at your choice in music but doesn’t say anything.
It’s your room, your rules, after all. And she’s smart enough to acknowledge this universal rule.
She’s wearing nicer clothes today. An all-black assemble consisting of a lite crop top only covering her small breasts paired with a big black bomber jacket and loose black, dress pants with a cute bow on top. Even when you couldn’t care less about clothes and fashion you think she looks insanely good tonight and you can’t take your eyes off her.
“You like my outfit?” She asks with a smirk when she notices your intense gaze on her.
“Yeah…” You answer, sitting by her legs on your bed.
“It’s by Yohji Yamamoto’s summer collection!” Beams Sakura, “You would think that with this level of minimalism it would be from a European designer you know?”
Whatever she says it sounds like a question, and even when you don’t know of what she’s talking about you mumble a small “Sure” as you come closer to her.
She smiles, “but no, it’s one of our own!” Giggles Sakura with clear excitement in her voice “We really do have to start appreciating our own artists more.”
“That sure is interesting,” You answer, so near her face that you can feel her warm breath against yours.
You really want to kiss her.
She’s beautiful, awful taste on music and all, she’s always happy and cute, more than anything. Happy like you never are, always optimistic and irreverent like her music and her clothes so kissing her red-looking lips that never stop smiling it’s all you can think about.
She kisses you first, the sweet taste of her lips on your own and the feeling of her petite arms around your neck making you feel like never before.
“I didn’t know you were interested in art,” she comments as she ends the kiss.
“I’m not,” you smirk, “But South Park says you can get a girl by faking interest in her and they’re not wrong.”
Sakura doesn’t hit you or screams, she just pushes you away, takes off her jacket and takes a copy of The Mist from your bookshelf to read in silence. You are able to see the expanse of her pristine, beautiful back and the beautiful Sakura tree branch tattoo that adorns her right arm and collarbone the whole night until she eventually leaves with her parents.
But you’re not allowed to touch and that is punishment enough.
You invite her to see a horror movie a few days later and she accepts, Sakura seems to hate the movie the whole time but the way she blushes when you put your arm around her shoulders makes you think she may be enjoying herself anyway.
You don’t understand until she invites you to an art gallery for a friend of hers whose work is being accepted that you finally understand the appeal of doing things you hate just for the person you like.
Her friends are boring and snobbish, but she’s wearing a form fitting red dress with her back bare and she allows you to rest your hand there the whole night.
You’re allowed to kiss her anywhere and everyone just knows that she’s yours and you’re hers by principle of her the closeness you share.
When you discover that you both want to go to a 2000s bands tribute after the party and she shows you the blue leather skirt she’s going to change into, you discover that maybe you’re not all that different.
Her clothes are always styled to look the way she likes them. Be it cute or sexy or that delicious combination of both that you like so much on her. With her short, pink skirts and her long, boyfriend t-shirts.
Her family is a very progressive one and they don’t mind how much skin she shows off or the art she has on her skin.
Everything is pristine on her, even her few tattoos, because she planed and wanted those changes on her.
But the holes on your pants are messy and not at all how you want them to look. You had to cut them yourself after all and you’re shit with anything that has to do with clothes, you don’t know about fabric and you always end up cutting where you should not.
This all ends when you start dating Sakura.
This time you’re in her room, listening to freaking Grease’s You’re the one that I want (and not saying anything because her room her rules, after all), as she carefully cuts holes on your jeans.
She looks happy to do so, because she loves clothes and spicing them up, she even buys a few skull patches to sew on the pockets and those small details make you happy just like the concerts and music make you happy.
You kiss her deeply when you go to your own house by night and she winks at you from across her window as Marina and the Diamonds’ Bubblegum bitch blasts through her music system.
As your parents who always thought of her as the nice girl from across your lawn frown at the lyrics of the singer crying “I'm gonna be your bubblegum bitch!”, you can’t help but think that she’s a perfect match for you.
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pahsmina · 4 years
Wardrobe post 2021 part 1 - dresses (image and text heavy)
For years I have wanted to tag along the trend in the EGL community to make a wardrobe post. But I just never took the time and effort to go through with it. Perhaps it’s because I’m so used to writing about merchandise that I sometimes feel a little lost what to write when it comes to clothes? 
So let’s go 2021, let’s do this! 
In this post I will focus on dresses, so get ready for a lot of pictures, along with my endless ramblings. 🙏
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Rabbit Circus by Zhijinyuan - Release unknown
Now this dress is a walking mystery for me, which most offbrand dresses often becomes for me. I first saw this on google image search while checking out different circus cords, and I fell in love with it instantly. 
However every site I managed to find it on seemed to be a bit shady, so I was a little bit cautious if I would end up with something similar to the stock photos of it, or a nightmare of cheap fabric. 
At the end I stumbled across it on a Japanese lolita store called Alice Doll, which seemed to be a reseller of some taobao dresses. The price was around 4000 yen, which made me think “at least it’s not a too good to be true deal” and placed an order. 
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And I’m so glad I ended up ordering it! 
Yes the skirt part of the dress does feel a bit cheaper in the fabric than my other brand ones, but there is such a lovely attention to details in it! Plus I’m a big fan of the jacquard texture in the fabric. 
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Jewelry Print Chiffon JSK by Alice and the Pirates - 2007
Being an adult means I can purchase old dream dresses I used to have as a teenager. And this is one of them!
Funny story, I used to own this print in another model and colour. But sold it because I mostly bought it as a compromise for not finding this specific model. 
So here I am, years later and owning that exact dream. It fits wonderfully, and the asymmetrical cut is even more beautiful in person. 
Sadly mine is missing the pearl chain in the front, so I replaced it with a navy coloured bow instead. 
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Twinkle School Tartan JSK by Angelic Pretty - 2007
This feels like a piece of Swedish lolita history. 
Over the years I have seen several people in the community all over Sweden own this dress, and also bought it secondhand from a Swedish lolita. 
I wonder if this is the same dress that all those people have owned before, or if there are more Twinkle School Tartan jsks floating around here? 
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Titel unknown by Mary Lolita -  Release unknown
I’m a really big fan of balloons, especially hot air ones. It’s just something about them that always makes me smile. 
So when I found this dress I immediately had to get it, despite not knowing too much about the brand. 
It’s easily one of my most comfortable dresses, and works perfect for more casual, yet colourful outfits. 
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Miracle Rabbit by 由纪的八音盒 - 2020
My absolute favorite theme for lolita dresses are circus and rabbit prints, so I was overjoyed when I found out the existance about this dress. 
And not only that, I was quite lucky since it was sold out in almost every model, except my most desired cut, colour and size. A match made in heaven 🐰
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Holy Night Story Switch JSK by Angelic Pretty - 2010
Another old dream dress of mine!
I bought this after my last breakup to cheer myself up a lil bit, but despite being purchased during such a sad time I never feel sadness whenever I look at it. 
Except for circus themes, I’m a huge sucker for anything reminding me of marching band outfits. And also rats, rats are very important too. (Yes they are probably mice but let a girl dream) 
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My favorite detail on this one is that it’s missing one of the original buttons, and the owner before me replaced it with this crown button instead. I don’t know why, but I just find it super cute haha. 
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Dot Jacquard Circus JSK by Innocent World - 2008
More circus dresses! 
I ended up loving this dress so much that I am actually on the hunt for the black one as well. 
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Bertille OP by Mary Magdalena - 2009
Despite often dressing in OTT sweet lolita prints, this dress often makes me feel a little bit too overdressed sometimes? It’s just so elegant that I feel a little bit out of place sometimes haha. 
But I don’t have the heart in me to sell it, because when I do end up wearing it I just love the silhouette way too much to even consider parting with it. 
(I do have the bow for the front, I just forgot to dig it up from my accessory boxes) 
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Dressing Up Bunny-Chan Corduroy JSK by Angelic Pretty - 2006
Time really has taken it’s toll on this dress. 
I love it to death, but it makes me a little sad to see how much the blue has faded to more of a grey colour. The zipper is also broken and have to be replaced.
Sadly it’s not a hyped enough old school dress to ever see a re-release. So I will continue to care for it till the day it finally gives up. 
...and then buy a new one , because boy oh boy, I love it so much. 
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Sugary Carnival OP by Angelic Pretty - 2009 or 2011
I was SUPER lucky when I purchased this dress last year, even if it arrived to me in a condition that is unacceptable in my eyes. 
Always imagined myself buying the JSK version of this colourway, but I ended up liking the OP more than I thought. 
The fabric is quite faded over the years, and I’m a little bit worried it might not match too well with the 2020 re-release of the headbow, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take. 
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Tiara Rose Tiered JSK by Angelic Pretty - 2009
My very first Angelic Pretty dress, and it’s still with me. 
Originally purchased to wear to a wedding I was gonna attend, and kept ever since. 
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Dreamy Dollhouse Switching JSK by Angelic Pretty - 2009
Another dress from my breakup phase. 
Purchased this while I was hospitalized as a “Bitch you’re gonna get though this”-gift to myself.
I was quite lucky with this find, since I managed to get the JSK and headbow in a set for 5000 yen. 
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Frederick Party Picot Lace JSK by Innocent world - 2007
I used to own this skirt in pink many many years ago, but sold it when I was getting into figure collecting and desired money for that instead. Big regrets on my part, since I ever since then desperately wanted it back. 
Since then I have not managed to decide on which cut I desire for the pink one, but I was 100% about the blue one. And luckily that exact cut and colour is hanging safe and sound in my closet 💖
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Milky-Chan the Fawn Ribbon JSK by Angelic Pretty - 2009
It’s kind of funny that for SC my plan was to get the JSK, but ended up with the OP instead. And it’s the complete opposite with my Milky-Chan. 
This is another dress that I might not use too much, but it’s mostly because I’m a big slob and terrified of spilling something on it. Plus it’s a nightmare to iron with the ribbons on the straps and the pearl details haha. 
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Lyrical Party Going-out JSK by Angelic Pretty -  2011
My love for bunnies of course includes loving Lyrical Bunny. The design of this lil bun is just so cute and I can’t get enough of seeing it. I want to get more items such as accessories and novelties, but there’s always something that stops me from getting them. Like when they do pop up i’m out of cash for the moment, or sell out super fast. 
So I feel lucky to at least own the Lyrical Party JSK. At first I planned on getting this in lavender, but I’m quite happy I ended up with the pink one instead. 
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Melty Chocolate High Waist JSK by Angelic Pretty - 2010
My pride and joy, my absolute dreamdress. 
I was on the hunt for this colourway for so long that it drove me crazy. It popped up secondhand on sites not quite perfect for my timezone, so it often sold out while I had been asleep. 
But a few days after Christmas in 2019 it finally showed up while I was still awake, and I purchased it with no hesitation. 
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Sugary Carnival JSK by Angelic Pretty - 2021
Not yet in my wardrobe, but I want to mention it anyway. I can’t wait till October😭😭 
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Survey #318
“what can you do, where can ya go, when your mama is a burnout, and your daddy is a pyro?”
Do you have your ears pierced more than once? Yeah. Do you use an electric toothbrush? Yes. When was the last time you changed in front of someone? Oh, I have no idea. That's something I avoid like the plague because I loathe my body. When was the last time you got high? Never. Do you get along with your parents? Yeah. How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? None. Have you ever used a Ouija board? No, I don't fuck with that stuff. Have you ever met anyone who claimed to be a witch? Yes. Do you go along with prank-callers, or just hang up? I don't answer numbers I don't recognize to begin with. Would you ever tattoo a lover’s name onto your body? Nooooo. Do you own any version of Guitar Hero? I have a lot of 'em. Do you use mouthwash every single day? No. Do you know anyone with asthma? Yeah, my mom. Have you ever walked through a forest at night on your own? Uh, no sir. When was the last time you were in a graveyard? It's been many, many years. Do you know what an ‘AMV’ is? Yep, used to make 'em. How many items are in your recycle bin? (On your computer!) Oh yikes, probably loads. I haven't emptied it in... I don't know how long. Would you rather be a bird or a fish? A bird. What’s one award show you have to watch every year? None. Who do you like more: the Batman or the Joker? Joker. Heath Ledger's is my favorite. Have you ever had a pet rock? No. How much do you weigh? Yeah, no. If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Taking nature photographs. Have you ever lost your luggage at an airport? No. Have you ever been on a rollercoaster that actually scared you? I don’t do roller coasters to begin with. Have you ever gone in a sauna? Ugh, hell no. Has a stray dog ever tried to bite you? No. Have you ever had an eating disorder? No. Are you attracted to people outside of your race? Yes. Are you in love with anyone at the moment? No. Have you ever dated someone more than once? No. Best cough drop? Those creamy strawberry ones. If you have a pet, does it make a lot of noise? One's a snake, so she's silent as could be. My cat is generally quiet, but he has his times where he just walks around meowing, normally for attention. Are you a fan of eyeshadow? If I actually wear makeup, yeah, I like black eyeshadow. Can you tell the difference between Coke and Pepsi? Absolutely. I don't like Pepsi. Would you feel funny if you kissed somebody of the same sex? Done it before, didn't feel weird. Besides furniture, what’s the biggest thing in your bedroom? A Silent Hill poster. Which of your friends makes you laugh the hardest? Girt. Have you ever been in a Catholic confessional? Yeah, as a kid. What color was the hair of the last person you kissed? Brown. What was the title of the last song you listened to? So today I've really been digging dark synthwave/cyberpunk-ish music, and right now I have a playlist on that's currently playing "DNA War" by Absolute Valentine and Billy Mays. How far away is the closest Walmart? Not even five minutes. Can you do a backflip? No. Who is the lead singer of your favorite band? Well, Ozzy is the lead singer of Ozzy Osbourne, haha. When was the last time you went fishing? Not since Sara visited and we went catfishing with my dad one night. What brand of deodorant do you use? Secret. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yes. Do you regret it? Nah. Who was the last person to buy you a drink? My mom, lmaoooo. Who was the last person to buy you dinner? Also my mom, haha. How old is the oldest person you’ve dated? Juan's maybe like... 28 or something by now, idk. Have you ever run a stoplight? No. Have you ever dated someone & then dated their sibling? YIKES, no. That sounds miles beyond awkward. Are both your parents still living? Yeah, thankfully. What’s something that makes you feel more creative? Music, for sure. Do you collect Mason jars to use for crafts? No, but I do find those super cute. What gives you a quality of life? Not much nowadays, idk. What would give you a high quality of life? A sense of purpose, direction, and worth. Do you have any rugs on top of carpet in your home? We have a big one in our living room, yes. I don't get it. Do you have a mattress cover on your bed? Yeah. Do you hate taking naps during the day? No; naps are normal for me. Who has the best personality on YouTube? Maybe I'm biased, but I genuinely do think Mark for a multitude of reasons. He's just extremely likable imo and sincerely a fucking spectacular human being. Do you have any vinyl records? No, but I would love to collect classic rock and metal ones. Which serial killer(s) do you find most fascinating? I'm quite honestly not well-informed in serial killer stories. I think they're interesting, but not enough for me to learn about them. Have you ever visited any celebrity gravesites? No. How do you feel about archaeology? It's fuckin dope. Any animals whose behaviors you find particularly interesting? ALL OF THEM AHHHH!!!!! But I particularly love learning about social animals, like meerkats (mongoose in general, really), African wild dogs, wolves, etc. What are your thoughts on gun control? I don't support the idea of banning firearms altogether, but I am very much in favor of some reform. There needs to be a much, much more strict and complex system in order for you to legally own a gun, and I also support periodic "check ups" to ensure you still fit whatever criteria is laid out. "Bad people will still find guns;" yes, some most certaintly will, but you can't convince me that the numbers wouldn't decrease. It would take a serious villain to put so much effort into pursuing obtaining a firearm. Do you like animals better than most humans? Sure do. Have you ever had to block people online for harassing you? I've blocked people to prevent that. If you collect anything, what is your favorite piece of that collection? I cherish the plush meerkat Jason gave me most, probably; out of my Silent Hill stuff, the limited edition Revelation flyer I have in Japanese. Are you friends with anybody you didn’t like at first? Hi, meet my best friend lmao. Are there any musicians you didn’t like at first, but grew on you? Probably. Do you have any favorite books you’d like to have signed by the author? Not really. Well wait, Ozzy signing my copy of his autobiography would be pretty damn cool. Do you like any board games or card games? I'm not really a board game fan, but Magic: The Gathering is fun as far as card games go. What historical figure(s) are you most interested in? I'm not incredibly interested in any, but I do think Pharaoh Hatshepsut was a bad bitch. She was one of the extremely few female pharaohs, and if my memory serves me right, one of the most successful. Do you like Breaking Benjamin? I sure do. How many people of the opposite sex have you told you loved them? One. Have you ever had to change your phone number? Yes, because I was getting strange texts from numbers I didn't know. Have you ever played bingo at an actual bingo hall? No. What’s your favourite comic book/graphic novel? I don’t read any. What is something you take pride in? How far I've come as far as my mental illnesses go, particularly depression and PTSD. What’s the biggest magnet on your fridge? I'm not getting up to go look. Have you ever eaten a Big Mac? No; I hate lettuce on burgers, so. What brand is your vaccuum cleaner? Dunno. Do you believe in sex before marriage? Sure, but I don't believe it's a must for everyone. Plenty of people don't even want to get married. Be intimate once you're comfortable with the person, and be safe and smart about it. Are you for or against abortion? I'm pro-choice. Do you feel like you need to lose weight? It's fact that I need to. My body just doesn't want to, afuckingpparently. All I seem to be capable of is either maintain or gain nowadays. Is summer your favorite season? It's my least favorite, actually. Do you wear glasses? I'm basically blind without 'em. Can you say the alphabet in more than one language? Yeah, in German. What do you want out of life? To feel like I made a difference, even if it's a small one. Do you ever get carsick? No. Do you groom your eyebrows? Not really anymore, no. Have you ever liked someone who treated you badly? No. When was the last time you went in the car past midnight? Oh boy, probably not since I had my cyst in I think '16. I was in so much agony and we had no painkillers, so I had to wake up Mom to go to Walmart to grab some. They barely even helped at all. God, I couldn't imagine dealing with that again. Were your last two kisses with the same person? Yes. Do you have alcohol in your house? I don't think we do right now, no. Do you have any personal fashion rules that revolve around your own preferences/body type (e.g., you never/always wear a certain color, sleeve type, or length of dress)? Yeah; I don't wear anything that shows my legs unless I shaved, but I will never wear a dress that isn't at least past my knees. Do you remember any celebrity whose style you admired when you were a teen? What do you think of that style now? Avril Lavigne was/is an ICON. I still think she looks badass. So, is it gif with a hard G or soft G? I used to say the opposite, but I say "gif" now. Apparently that's how the creator of the term says it anyway. When you are invited to things like wedding showers or baby showers do you tend to go or skip? What about graduation parties? If Mom is able to take me, I'll try to go to the first two if they're my closer friends. Do you like spicy chips? Oh FUCK yes. What’s the last movie you watched at a friend’s house? Elf with Sara's fam. Can you remember your parents’ birthdays? Mom's, yes. Dad's, only the month. Do you read your friends' surveys? Yep, I love learning about them. Do you know anyone with a glass eye? Not to my knowledge, no. Do you ever use the n-word? Absolutely not. What piercing do you like most on the opposite sex? I tend to like lip piercings. Do you prefer beef, chicken or steak? Chicken. Ever spent the night in a tent? Yeah, multiple times as a kid, "camping" in the yard with Dad, haha. What do you call your grandparents? I called both sets just "Grammy" and "Grampa." Have you ever cried while reading a book? Oh, certainly. How many college degrees do you want? I got none, and I'm not going back to college. Do you know how to play pool? What about foosball? Yes. Have you ever attended a professional sporting event? Yeah, hockey with my dad a few times. Do you own any jerseys? No. Were you born with naturally straight teeth? No; that's why I had braces. If you were the opposite gender, what name would you like to be called? Maybe like... Victor. Idk. Do you prefer original or sour Skittles? I love both, but sour. Do you like bacon bits on your salad? Yeah. What is your favorite kind of soup? I'm not a soup person. Did you learn to type through a computer program for kids? Yeah. What do you take for pain? Advil/Ibuprofen. What is your favorite place that you’ve lived? My pre-teen and teenage years house: in the woods on a dead-end road and down a gravel path that everyone always missed when learning where our house was. The actual road itself had very, very little traffic, and there was a large expanse of cotton fields. I loved it and miss the house itself, but it's got a lot of bad memories rotting in it. Who are your favorite kids that you’ve babysat? My niece and nephew. <3 Who is your favorite cousin? I don't have a favorite. We barely interact at all. Does one side of your family live in another state? Literally none of my extended family (or half-siblings) live in NC. What states did your parents grow up in? New York and Ohio. Have you ever had an allergic reaction to an insect? No. Is there a good hospital where you live? God no. It is notoriously awful. When was the last time you were asked out? Did you accept or decline? Mid-2017. I aceepted. Does your job allow piercings or tattoos? N/A Do you want to get married? If so, what color will your dress be? Yeah. Probably white/ivory or black. Ever had a caricature done of yourself? How much was it, and were you satisfied with it? No. Do you like peanut butter and fluff sandwiches? No, I don't like the texture. If you got married and then got divorced, would you want to re-marry? Probably not. What’s your favorite amusement park? I haven't been to nearly enough to know. Do you play video games? If so, what kind? Yeah. My favorite are horror games, but I also love me some story-driven survival games like The Last of Us, and then there's "kids" games like Spyro, etc. I like a looot of different kinds. Would you buy used clothes? I don't think so. I know it's easy to wash clothes and stuff, I'd just still feel kinda... grossed out by it.
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glare0322 · 4 years
h.i.v.e. head canons
just some character and relationship/friendship head canons :)
- plays the piano and quite well. she doesn’t want to play much at h.i.v.e. because it reminds her of scotland and her family. after book eight, she plays a lot more frequently cause she really sees h.i.v.e. and the people there as her home.
- is not organized in anything but school and files on her computer. her brain runs a million miles an hour which leads to things getting messy fast.
- becomes a lot closer with raven after the greenhouse since they now have a bit of shared trauma especially in the fact anastasia favored to torture both of them.
- still sucks at driving even after h.i.v.e.
- after h.i.v.e. laura goes and lives with her family for a month back in scotland. they talk about h.i.v.e., shelby and her other friends, whats been happening here, and other general catching up topics. mary (mrs. brand) takes a special interest in meeting otto and laura reminds her mom every day not to make a big deal about it. yet she still counts down the days until she gets to meet her daughter’s boyfriend.
- gets very frustrated when he can’t grasp certain concepts or master specific skills. he is known as the boy genius after all.
- went through an edgy phase while at h.i.v.e. not emo, but he would throw in more hurtful quips towards shelby during their usually playful spits and his jokes were just a little too dark. otto got a lot more detentions during this time and even the thought of trying to escape again reoccurred in his mind. he eventually noticed how wing was not a fan of it and slammed the breaks. of course everyone still makes fun of him for it.
- if you don’t think otto wouldn’t cry at the sight of his newborn child/ren then um...you’re wrong
- he looks back on his little prime minister scheme with pride and cringes terribly at it. on one hand, it was his beginnings and the device he made not only worked but was something like no other. and then he remembers how he made the prime minister moon everyone. when he was younger it was hilarious, now that he’s a tad older otto hates the fact he did that. there is just something immature and lacking taste about the whole thing.
- lives in sweaters/jumpers. i know this one is random, but something about them just suits otto.
- has a gentle singing voice. he only sings lullabies to his kids and if one of his friends needs it. besides that wing does not sing often. it’s always a treat when he does.
- wing is really scared to be a dad. the thought of being like his father is incredibly scary to him.
- i really can not see wing becoming a villain but an antihero, now that i can definitely see. his methods are immoral in the sense he is still technically a murder, but he only goes after truly evil corporations. like human trafficking kind of evil.
- he teaches his kid/s self-defense and martial arts.
- trilingual and speaks english, japanese, and mandarin. the first two are canon to the story but i feel like his parents probably would have taught him at least some mandarin.
- shelby hated how laura would stay up for hours in the night tapping away on her computer. however when she moved out, it seemed weird not to fall asleep to the sound of a typing keyboard.
- if there is a h.i.v.e. gymnastics team/program (since there is a water polo team) shelby would totally do it. she waves to her friends before her round and even sometimes blows a kiss to her supportive boyfriend who is always there to see her.
- after h.i.v.e. she pursues gymnastics professionally. it provides the same wealth she was used to back with her parents, she likes to do it, but most importantly it’s an amazing cover up for why she’s traveling so many places around the world. (to steal of course) it also funds these trips and gives her, and wing for that matter, a great public image. plus she likes the spotlight a bit.
- i’ve said this before but shelby eventually gets lessons from raven. i just love this idea with my whole heart especially because how different these two are.
- had a bit of affluenza before h.i.v.e. which played into her desire for stealing diamonds along with her crappy parents. (my theory on shelb’s parents is right here)
laura and otto
- otto adores laura’s piano playing. there is something peaceful about it to him which he finds really comforting.
- they go to university together in scotland and help each other get through it. the two live in an apartment together go to school then see each other after classes at home.
- laura has some zero ptsd and it occasionally effects her relationship with otto in the sense she gets flashbacks and is genuinely scared. otto completely understands this though and is super patient with her. obviously it bothers him since he’s not zero, but he understands why she’s experiencing this and loves her enough to put his annoyance aside for her.
- these two wanted their kids’ names to be after someone. so if they would ever have a daughter her name would be lucy and the middle name of their son would be wing. laura wanted to include shelby but it just didn’t fit anywhere.
- if otto can’t find a shirt, then laura is wearing it. she wears his clothes super frequently and he won’t complain. she looks cute :,)
laura and shelby
- shelby likes things to look pretty, so she ends up being the one that keeps their room tidy, makes the beds, and other cleanly stuff like that. especially when they live together outside of h.i.v.e. she does the dishes pretty often, keeps their room looking nice, and stocks their fridge. laura is messy, but it doesn’t effect her much cause shelbs takes care of it. she doesn’t mind and only teases laura when people are over to embarrass her (all in good fun).
- laura doesn’t like girly things (we been knew). shelby tried for a while to get her into these things and a few stick on: nail polish, very light make up, and shopping. but never and i mean never would shelby make laura do something she didn’t want to. of course laura introduces shelby to her more geeky/nerdy stuff. they watch superhero shows together, shelbs has a black widow t-shirt in her closet now, and even some basic hacking codes.
- laura didn’t like shelby at first not only because of her nasty personality, but because she was a lot like the girls who would talk about laura behind her back.
- basically canon, but shelby was the number one ottra shipper. she had been rooting for them since day one of h.i.v.e. laura comes to her for advice with otto and shelby consoles her when lucy and otto get together. they both were disappointed the two didn’t get together.
- laura is really good at baking and shelby asks her once to help her bake something for wing. (she was really trying y’all) long story short, even laura couldn’t help shelby’s terrible baking skills and they set off the fire alarms in their apartment along with the sprinklers.
wing and otto
- otto wanted to do one of wing’s workouts despite his best friends many warnings it would be rough. it was safe to say otto underestimated the intensity of the workout.
- oh god the scene where these two will eventually leave each other to go move on past h.i.v.e. is just absolutely gut wrenching. they both acknowledge how the other had such an influence on their lives and hope to see them prosper in life. honestly this is like a rare moment where i can see wing legitimately crying.
- so we all know how wing has half the overlord protocol necklace (he has yang) if shelby doesn’t get the yin half then otto should because he kinda fits the yin meaning and is best bros with wing.
- for wing’s “bachelor party” they honestly just get all the guys from h.i.v.e. together and hang out for a couple hours. after, however, he and otto go out and go have some fun doing morally gray criminal activity.
- they still sometimes speak in japanese to each other on missions and stuff or if they need to plan something without anyone else knowing.
shelby and wing
- they move permanently to america, but visit china and japan quite frequently.
- one of the first things shelby does after she and wing get out of h.i.v.e. is watch a bunch of disney movies and american movie classics so he can understand the pop culture references she has been making for the past five years.
- i totally think shelby gets the other half over otto, or at least a replica. there’s kinda set up for this as well, the other half (yin) is known as the feminine half.
- if they would ever have a daughter her name would be mei or raven.
- she always knows exactly what to get him as a gift or even just in general. she’s observant and can pick up on what he needs before he does. wing has mentioned before shelby is a little...less predictable but he tries his hardest and oh my goodness does shelby appreciate his efforts. of course it irritates her, but she knows her slightly emotionally-unavailable boyfriend is trying an insane amount to sort through her emotions right.
shelby and otto
- they totally bond over how wing is great, but have an urge to smother him in his sleep because of the obnoxiously loud snoring
- menaces to the public when these two are together. i couldn’t even begin to tell you all the crafty things that would conspire between these two. pranking teachers, seeing who can steal the answers first, racing in stealth or in fitness classes. (wing beats both of them in combat/fitness so their efforts are often pointless)
- when they first came to h.i.v.e. shelby was taller than otto, by quite a margin too. she teased him into another galaxy about it. so when the day came that otto was officially taller than her, she mourned the countless jokes that could no longer be made.
- asks a lot of those “wait who logically thought to make butter?” questions. they also argue whether these people were geniuses or a new level of stupid. (seriously who thought to mix together milk until it gets to a solid consistency and then eat it?)
- they have to live together for one month after h.i.v.e. in the beginning, they like wanted to choke each other, but by the end of the month they were upset to not live with each other any more. (fic is dropping soon 🙈)
wing and laura
- after the greenhouse incident, laura went to wing asking him to teach her some martial arts since she felt really weak physically while in there. he doesn’t initially think it’s the best idea, but laura convinces him it will be okay.
- they’re a lot better friends then people would initially think. she hugged him like twice in the first book alone and is grateful for him saving her life. laura and wing seem like the two that just relax with each other. no shenanigans, no combat, honestly just vibing. they drink tea and watch murder mystery shows while catching up on the latest things and theorizing about the show.
- the entire gang goes to tokyo all together at one point in their life. laura and wing go to all the historical places in the city and chat about them for hours.
- they go on hikes together. that’s it. i’m right and you know it.
- i always imagined at least once wing decided to try and take the high road instead of cheating by asking laura to tutor him. it worked pretty well for him and now whenever he needs help with work, he just goes to laura and they work through it together.
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lesbicattiva · 5 years
araki’s interview at luccacomics&games 2019 part two.
loose & imperfect transcript / translation of araki first interview (30th oct 2PM) at lucca comics & games 2019 at teatro del giglio about his main work: jojo’s bizarre adventures. (talk show translated from italian to english 2/5).
A: Good evening. Q: Good evening. Since we’re here to talk about it, I’d like to ask: how was JOJO’s Bizarre Adventure born? A: [ignores the question just to properly repeat ‘good evening’ again and then point at cosplayers] I think I recognize that character! Maybe I saw it on japanese tv! Q: [stammers] Uh.... my question? A: Oh right [laughs]. The idea of JOJO came because I wanted to draw characters with superpowers that can’t be seen. I wanted to draw that and shape those powers on paper. I did it on shōnen jump, where I debuted, and just tried to pick a name that could be easily remembered, something like with a double J and a double O.
Q: Continuing with the foundations of JOJO, as I was saying earlier, there’s a common theme in this year’s lucca comics and JOJO; the focus on ‘humanity’, its tight bond with ‘fate’ and the ‘immortality of the human spirit’. I’d like to know why these themes have been chosen and why you like them so much. A: Actually, it’s because I’ve been told to draw something like this, and so I did it [editor of JOJO laughs]. But only after drawing it I realized that “wow, I drew something really interesting!” a theme so deep such as ‘admiration for human beings’ and so on. It’s really a serious thing [him, the translator and the two editors laugh] but yeah, I only realized it later because at first I’d just been told to draw [head-editor of ultra jump speaks to araki and he nods]. Well, yes, actually this was the short version of the story, the longer one is that I actually wanted to draw the theme of the ‘affirmation of humans’, of ‘not rejecting your humanity’. And because of this there are ‘good’ characters, which are obviously appreciated, but even ‘evil’ characters have something that can be appreciated since they are human beings. And this was more or less the idea for JOJO’s theme. I gave a bit of a superficial answer at first but now it’s a good answer, isn’t it? [everyone laughs]
Q: Let’s remain on the theme of fate, of destiny, of how we humans are destined, or damned, if you will, to follow a certain path. In JOJO there isn't just the protagonists’ family, which moves from location to location, but there’s also another family.... the Zeppeli [audience laughs]. It’s good to see you guys taking it that way because they really.... don’t. Since, as you can hear, I’m from Napoli, I’m rather curious if their fate will always be the same or if they’ll be able to take control of it someday. A: I don’t mean to ‘persecute’ them, but they are complementary to the Joestar family. Them ending up dying serves to complete the flow of the story and to facilitate the path of the Joestars. Q: But do you see a possibility for them in the future.... I really care about them, you see. A: I’m glad that you’re a big fan of the Zeppeli as I am. But I think that the beauty of their family is in the very fact that, yes they will die, but they will also pass on those values and positive qualities through their deaths. The very act of dying for them allows that. Don’t you think too? Q: Yes. I too.... can’t wait to die. [audience laughs and so does araki, but he’s still a little concerned]
Q: In JOJO, compared to other mangas where characters fight, you made a precise choice; that is, the absence of a direct clash. You opted for a more studied, strategic way of fighting, almost like a chess match. And the cornerstones of that are stands. How do you manage to always find new powers and tactics? A: Having new ideas is my job. I get inspired by many things, especially during my everyday life: when I meet my friends or I see them do particular gestures, when I talk with my old neighbour or when I drink a glass of water and some gets stuck in my throat; then I think “hey! I could make a stand power out of that!”. Basically, I think observing little details is essential to my creative process.
Q: Many of the stories of JOJO are real travel diaries, since a huge variety of settings is present. How much the setting influences the writing and how fundamental is it? Do you start from there to create the story or is it just a plus?  A: I was very inspired by the small trips I did when young. As a kid I would bike to various places, I’d climb up mountains, go around other cities.... This travelling process helped me a lot in my growth – from kid to adult, so for me the philosophy of a journey is very important because it allows the characters who partake in it to evolve and become adults, from the beginning to the end of the journey. As for the other part of the question, thinking about the creative process of the manga for more contained locations.... For example, if you stopped to camp during a trip and encountered one of your fears, you would have to face it directly. But I asked myself what would happen if that fear, that enemy, is the one hiding instead; maybe even in the apartment next to you. From this idea the setting of Morio-cho was born, to have an invisible enemy, a peaceful person who just waits silently somewhere in the background. This has been a different challenge compared to what I previously tackled regarding the process of a journey.
Q: Speaking of Morio-cho, would you like to live in this town you created? A: Yes. I’ve answered your question right away because it’s based on the town where I grew up, near Sendai, it was full of weird people [audience laughs] – well, they were all good people but [laughs a bit] still some were weird. Q: I see. I’m sure there were some Zeppelis there as well.
Q: Again, speaking of the creative process, it’s common knowledge that you listen to a lot of music while working. It’s also an interesting concept, since rhythm is essential to storytelling. How much music, and what type, influences your work? A: What influences me the most is the rhythm, and you can probably see it in the onomatopoeias that I use, which can go like [makes an index gesture] ‘tan-tan-pa’. They are all different types of rhythms that I listen to while writing, this of course influences my creative process as well.
Q: Okay. This is my last question, then I’ll leave the rest to fans. What will the future of JOJO be? A: I don’t know [laughs]. (note: translator suggests he might know but doesn’t want to reveal anything) Actually, I had a good idea of the beginning and a relatively clear idea of the end, but everything else in between is like a jazz concert: it’s a very spontaneous and in the moment creative process. But yes, the ending is pretty definite to me.
F: Hi. As we were saying, you are often inspired by ordinary things: your travels, your childhood, music.... In Diamond Is Unbreakable there's a stand called Bad Company and I remember seeing something similar in a Stephen King's story. I'd like to know if you took inspiration from that and if you like horror movies in general, and if they influence you in any way. (note: people say this guy was rude) A: No, I didn't know there was a story like that. But yes, I do like Stephen King. I enjoyed The Twilight Zone and I'm definitely influenced by horror for my work but I prefer movies like Chucky or Child's Play. I really love horror movies though. 
F: Hi. I read online that the ending and opening songs for the anime are personally chosen by you. I'd like to know if there's an italian song that you like and maybe would use as an ending for the anime. A: An italian song? Mhh. I really like PFM. Was it Premiata? Premiata? [audience claps loudly and araki smiles] Premiata Forneria Marconi, that's it! I didn't decide it just now, I really do like it! [laughs] I also love Puccini's opera.
F: Hello. We know that clothes are one of the main characteristics of JOJO and that many are also inspired by famous brands, I'd like to know, then, what's the creative process behind the creation of those outfits. A: A thing that all of my clothes have in common is that they are comfortable and facilitate movement. In particular, for the protagonists, I always base myself on the model of a classic japanese student uniform, on which I then add other features, like ladybugs brooches or more fancy accessories. But the start is always the school uniform. When I was young I really liked “Babil Junior”, a manga where the protagonist wears a school uniform while in the desert. I found that truly beautiful and it inspired me a lot. To be able to draw these characters in school uniforms and have them go around desolate locations.... It really touched me and even made me cry a bit.
Q: While I search for the next person can I ask another quick question of my own? If you could choose your stand, what would it be? A: Judging by the weather here in Lucca, which has been pretty gloomy today, I’d say that I’d like the stand power of a ‘hare-otoko’ / 晴れ男 (lit. a man that brings good weather). In fact, forecasts said that it would rain a lot today, but since I’m here, thanks to me, there’s good weather [laughs]. (note: believe it or not, it always rains during lucca comics, but for the hours that araki was there, the weather was good. as soon as he finished his talk show, it started raining heavily. he really has a powerful stand.)
F: Hi. A straightforward question: since today's theme is ‘becoming human’ don't you think that Diavolo's punishment was a bit too much? (note: people say this guy was also rude) A: Oh, sorry, you don’t like his punishment? [laughs] I think he was such an evil character that he deserved to end like that. I’ve been told that his death was too harsh by japanese fans as well, however.... I think it was fitting for someone as evil as him. Sorry.
Q: Since time is almost up, allow me to ask the last questions. Is there a character that you think looks like you or just one that you can easily identify with? A: Rohan— [audience interrupts him by cheering loudly] NO NO NO [araki and the translator laugh]. I was saying that Rohan is who I aspire to be but it’s not who I am, sorry [araki and the translator laugh again]. There isn’t a character that I can really identify with but my favourite is Shigechi. [audience is kinda surprised] I like it when he collects the money that fell on the ground.
Q: Looking in hindsight at the work you’ve done on JOJO so far, is there any anecdotes that you’d like to share with us here today? A: I don’t know if it’s interesting but when I was writing for weekly shōnen jump the deadline was set to 19 pages of work each week. But every single time I just couldn’t limit myself to only 19 and always ended up doing 21. Like this, 2 pages were always going to be cut out. They wouldn’t even go in the next chapter because they were part of the current one and thus had to be cut out completely. Currently I’m very satisfied because I have 45 pages to work with in ultra jump. Although, actually, maybe now they’re a bit too many [everyone laughs].
Q: The last thing that I’ll ask you before saying goodbye is: if you could go back to the very first day in which you sat down at your desk and started working on JOJO, is there something that you would do differently? A: I would change the printing mistakes, for example ‘nani o suru da’ / 何をするだァーッ would often be written incorrectly as ‘nani o surun da’ / 何をするんだァーッ (where んだ got added) [laughs and jokingly blames the editor of JOJO, who takes responsibility. even though the editor wasn’t able to correct them at the time he still feels it was his responsibility nonetheless]. But yes, in the end, I would change little things like this, because in the first volumes there were many mistakes like this.
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knifesgeek · 5 years
Best Knife Set Under $200 - Get your conventional Best Knives Sets
Description: Are you facing a hard time finding a good knife set for your kitchen? Nowadays, it can be tricky to get a Best Knife Set Under $200 that justifies your pocket. Stick around to find out why you must see knives reviews, features, and buying guide to clear your mind.
Best Knife Set Under 200 Overview:
There is always a time comes when you need to change your kitchen knives, whether you are getting bored or just want to test out a new set of knives. Maybe knives get worn out, and they don't cut accurately anymore. Here is the good news you need to pay attention to the Best Knife Set Under $200 if you don't want to compromise too much money and get similar results. It is evident that not having a reliable, durable set of knives will probably ruin all your cooking experience and it can also be an unbearable drag. If you are someone who has a reach to this point, then you should start thinking about investing some more cash to buy a new set that will suit your wallet.
    What exactly is the Best Knife Set Under 200?
Whether you are a domestic or professional cook, chances are you will require an excellent set of knives at least once to show your artistry. But finding the right one can pose a real challenge, especially when you don't know where to look for and who needs to struggle with knives that take long time cutting, slicing, and chopping. A knife comes in different sizes, shapes, and forgets with high carbon stainless steel that increases durability, sharpness, and they are dishwasher safe. My friends, you just one step close from purchasing your reliable knife set that will meet your kitchen needs ideally, all you need is to understand which one suits for your cutlery skills. An excellent high-quality knife set can make a difference in your cooking process. It can undoubtedly help speed things up and create all the jobs of dicing, chopping, mincing, slicing, peeling, and pairing, and trimming tasks easier. Usually, all these kitchen jobs take a long time while attempting with wrong knives. 15 Best Knives Set Under 200 dollars you can choose: Today it is challenging to find a set knife that comes under $200. It seems merely impossible if you are searching in local markets. No matter if you don't have proper knowledge about the knives and can't figure out, and then I am here to help you guys to get correct knife sets online where you will get to see a list of amazing and easy to use that you will appreciate in every way possible. Rest assured, if you choose to go with any of the below Best Knife Set Under $200 picks, you will enjoy the cooking experience without any trouble and makes any kitchen job much quicker and fast exceeding your expectations.  
1) CANGSHAN S1 series 1022599 German steel forged 17 piece knife set:
Synthetic handles, comfortable grip, and aesthetic functionality The CANGSHAN S1 series is one of those few knife sets that is known as a sleek and modern knife with exceptional qualities, compelling features, and elevate skills of a chef.  
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View On Amazon This knife set introduced with a walnut block wood, and each one has crafted with a patented focus design and ergonomic structure. It can facilitate a comfortable and secure grip to the users while operating. This knife set is also stainless steel and one of the best examples of unusual and unique qualities. The knife is loved by professional because it also the reliable and trusted that comes in the range of $200. The model consists of 17 pieces, and each one is worth buying. These knife pieces are designed to fit right in hand and won't slip. You start using the knife you will offer stability and long-lasting performance to cut and chop anything that you put under it. You want accuracy with more strength and safety. Then this is set you can rely on and quickly become your perfect cutlery and utility Kitchen Knife. These knives are stylish and very sharp and do not rust, thanks to its single blade design that is truly useful and attracts any buyer easily.   Key features: Comes with a patented design Ergonomic handles for a comfortable grip Full tang forged German steel Solid walnut block NSF certified Comes with a lifetime warranty   Users score: 4.7/5 Personal opinion: Overall, this knife set good chopping power with more precision and high quality enough to last for years to come. Your one-time investment on this one gives benefits, so grab it now.  
2) Ross HENERY Professional nine-piece chef knife set:
Exceptional sharpness, precision-forged, and Roll-up case Having a high-quality collection of knives can make meal preparation a lot easier, faster, and safer. But it is also essential that blades for slicing fruits, meats, and vegetables come in all sizes, for that Ross HENERY Professional Knife set to go as your disposal that will reduce risk of injury and produces work of art, unlike anything you've seen before.  
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View On Amazon The knife set presents nine pieces of the collection that will accommodate your kitchen and work for both casual and chef's requirements. Each knife is made with high carbon stainless steel for a sharper, harder, and resists corrosion. The full tang design allows you to cut with perfect weight and balance. This knife also has a knurled ergonomic grip to enhance the control during most meal preparation. All the knives are honed and polished to make sure you get the highest quality while using. You will be happy to know that this knife set is always in demand, whether you are working as a chef, or just want to show off your culinary skills. Ross HENERY Knives will perform with more precision and also comes with sheaths to prevent any injury or damage.   Key features: The knife set comes with nine pieces High carbon stainless steel Can resist rust and corrosion Easy to sharpen Japanese style cutting angles All knives come in measurement denote lengths Meticulously balanced Gives optimal control for carving Hand sharpened Protective sheaths Comes with a lifetime warranty   Users score: 4.2/5 My thought: The knife set is quite safe to use, you will feel more confident in performing kitchen duties with one. It also has easy transportation, and you can take it anywhere you want.  
3) Chicago Cutlery Insignia 18 piece knife blocks set with sharpener:
Full tang blades, triple steel rivets, and ceramic sharpeners CHICAGO Cutlery Insignia Knife set is a necessary product for every kitchen. It provides you with easy tasks to perform in cooking because it comes with 18 pieces and offers incredible sharpness and precision.  
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View On Amazon This knife set also comes with a black handle allowing you to grip every time and lined with rubber comfortably. The handles are embedding with durable plastic to prevent anyone spot injury or incident. The blades made very high carbon stainless steel that looks shiny, rust-free, and gives easy cleaning as well. You can use these knives for lengthy terms because it may come at a low price, but in reality, they are resistant. The most significant advantage of choosing these knives set us that it is one of those premium pieces available in the market with grind taper edge technology to help you accurate in cutting.   Key features: Labeled sharpness built-in triple stainless steel Heavy-duty forged bolsters Dishwasher safe High carbon stainless steel Comes with a lifetime warranty   Users score: 4.7/5 Personal advice: If you are going to use this knife set on weighty things, then you will be fascinated to see the results as it can cut and chop through thicker items thanks to the fast cutting. It is a must-have a knife set for all cooking enthusiasts.  
4) Chicago cutlery 1121065 19 Pieces insignia knife block set:
Flexible blades, stylish design, and optimal cutting performance If you want to become creative and looking for the Best Knife Set Under 200 dollars, then this knife set is made with modern design with extra forged power that can work for both small and big kitchen jobs.  
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View On Amazon Why do you think it will suit your pocket? It is simple; it has indulged with excessive balance and weight. The invoked metal tang build offers exclusive strength and control while you begin using it. If you are new to the cutting knives, then you also know that Insignia is a brand that has introduces many steel cutting tools, and this 19 piece Chicago Cutlery Knife set is something you can't overlook. It will give you an accurate and efficient food preparation in quick time and satin finish. This knife set is pleasing for both eyes and hands. This knife set has emerged as a leading industry in the online market thanks to its versatility and incredible performance where sharpening can be done manually according to your desires. With this one, you can cut fish, poultry, meat, vegetables, and all standard kitchen jobs without worrying about the injuries. It is a 100% balanced knife set with only one vision to aid people with different cooking skills and becoming their very own favorite in so many ways.   Key features: This knife set comes with a peeler, boning, serrated bread, shears, steak knives, and more Blades made of high-quality stainless steel Hard-edge for long-lasting Offers precise cutting Easy manual re-sharpening Blades can resist rust, stains, and corrosion Heat absorption range is 30 degree to ensure optimum sharpness All knives feature a forged design and metal tang Comes with a lifetime warranty   Users score: 4.5/5 Personal viewpoint: This knife set makes a beautiful gift because it will use daily. You don't need to worry about accuracy and versatility. All comes built-in. Just take it out from the box and start cutting.  
5) CANGSHAN N1 series 59205 6 pieces German steel knife block set:
Unique patent design, well-balanced edge, and convenient grip The CANGSHAN N1 series knife set offers a great design, precision, and balance performance to give professional chef and home users an excellent blend of subtle and sharpness.  
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View On Amazon Its hollow handle makes sure all the knives work aesthetically in your hand. The robust and slim pattern of this knife set is unique and works only to improve your cutting skills in no time. It is the only blade that looks visually stunning and built to last in every way possible. If you want more flexibility in your kitchen and want to use different knives for different purposes, then this six-piece knife set is everything you need to finish all your kitchen chores without exhausting. For the price you are paying for this, you are getting various knives made from premium materials and ergonomic handle and rivet that will ensure to reduce fatigue and increased prolong cutting hours.   Key features: Unique all metal patent design Cutting edge with wood blocks Knives include bread, serrated, paring, boning, cutting, and more NSF approved Long-lasting edges Laser-cut blades Full-time warranty   Users score: 4.8/5 Personal belief: Now, you won't need to change knives time after time because the CANGSHAN N1 series is the number one choice you can use. Just don't overthink and get your hands on this marvelous piece of knives right now.  
6) Ross HENERY professional eclipse premium stainless steel nine-piece knife set:
Wipe clean zip-up case, protective sheaths, and proper construction The Ross HENERY knife set is one of those couples of blade sets that are known as a smooth and present-day blade with excellent characteristics, convincing highlights, and hoist abilities of a gourmet expert.  
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View On Amazon This blade set presented with a pecan square wood, and everyone has made with a protected center plan and ergonomic structure. It can encourage an agreeable and straightforward hold to the clients while working. This blade set is additionally hardened steel and perhaps the best case of astonishing and functional characteristics. The blade is adored by proficient because it likewise the solid and believed that comes in more than price range. The model comprises of 9 pieces is undoubtedly worth purchasing. These blade pieces are intended to fit right in hand and won't slip. You begin utilizing the blade you will offer the dependability and durable execution to cut and cleave whatever you put under it. You need precision with more quality and security; then, this is set you can depend on and effectively become your ideal cutlery and utility kitchen blade. These blades are jazzy and exceptionally sharp and don't rust, on account of its single edge structure that is helpful and draws in any purchaser no problem at all.   Key features:  Comes with a solidly built structure Slice and dice on the go Ergonomic handles for agreeable grasp Full tang fashioned German steel Solid pecan square NSF approved Comes with a lifetime guarantee   Users score: 4.4/5  My verdict: This blade set comes with a high cutting power with more exactness and top-notch enough to keep going for a considerable length of time to come. Your one time venture on this one certainly gives benefits to your kitchen jobs.  
7) TUO cutlery wooden block honing steel knife set:
Excellent sharpness, easy accuracy, and Roll-up case Having a unique arrangement of blades can make supper readiness significantly simpler, quicker, and more secure.  
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View On Amazon It is likewise significant that sharp edges for cutting natural products, meats, and vegetables come in all sizes, for that TUO Cutlery Knife set is proficient blade set to go as your removal that will lessen the danger of injury and produces a masterpiece, not at all like anything you've seen previously. The blade set presents eight pieces of assortment that will oblige your kitchen and work for both easygoing and culinary specialist's necessities. Each blade is made with high carbon tempered steel for a cook, harder, and opposes erosion. The stable handle configuration permits you to cut with an ideal weight and equalization. This blade likewise has a knurled ergonomic grasp to improve the control during most supper planning. All the edges are sharpened and cleaned to ensure you get the highest caliber while utilizing them. You will be glad to realize that this blade set consistently sought after whether you are functioning as an expert, or simply need to flaunt your culinary aptitudes. The blades will perform with more exactness and accompany sheaths to forestall any injury or harm.   Key features:  The blade set accompanies eight pieces High carbon treated steel Can oppose rust and consumption Easy to hone Non-tired ergonomic handle All blades come in estimation signify lengths Meticulously adjusted Gives ideal control for cutting Hand honed Protective sheaths   Users score: 4.7/5  My word: The blade set is very sheltered to utilize, you will feel increasingly sure to perform kitchen obligations with this one. It additionally has a simple carry case, and you can take it anyplace you need.  
8) DALSTRONG steak knives with folding block set:
Solid handles, custom storage, and engraved rivets DALSTRONG Steak Knives blade set is an essential item for each kitchen. It gives you simple errands to act in cooking since it accompanies 8 pieces and offers unbelievable sharpness and accuracy.  
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View On Amazon This blade set additionally accompanies a dark handle permitting you to hold without fail effortlessly and fixed with elastic. The handles are inserting with a solid plastic to forestall any on spot injury or episode. The edges are made extremely high carbon treated steel that looks sparkling, sans rust, and gives simple cleaning also. You can utilize these blades for long terms since it might come in modest cost; however, actually, they are safe. The highest bit of advantage of picking these blade set us that it is one of those exceptional pieces accessible in advertising with pound decrease edge innovation to help you exact in cutting.   Key features:  Labeled sharpness worked in triple treated steel Heavy obligation produced reinforces Dishwasher safe High carbon treated steel Comes with a lifetime guarantee   Users score: 4.7/5  Individual opinion: This is a much have blade set for all cooking devotee. You are going to utilize this blade set on different things. At that point, you will be captivated to consider them to be as it can cut and slash through thicker things quickly.  
9) CALPHALON Contemporary 15 pieces self- sharpening knife block set:
Adaptable sharp edges, ideal cutting execution, and everyday knives You need to get innovative and searching for the Best Knife Set Under 200. At that point, this blade set made with a present-day structure with an extra fashioned force that can work for both little and enormous kitchen employments.  
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View On Amazon For what reason do you figure it will suit your pocket? It is straightforward and has engraved with over the top parity and weight. The conjured metal tang fabricates selective quality and control while you start utilizing it. No matter you are new to the cutting blades, at that point, you likewise realize that Insignia is a brand that has presents many steel cutting instruments, and this 15 piece cutlery blade set is something you can't neglect. It will give you a precise and proficient nourishment readiness in a faster time and glossy silk finish. This blade set is satisfying for the two eyes and hands. This blade set has developed as a perfect in the online market because of its flexibility, and excellent execution where honing should be possible physically as indicated by your wants. With this one, you can cut fish, poultry, meat, vegetables, and all typical kitchen tasks without agonizing over the wounds. CALPHALON Contemporary Knife set comes with just a single vision to help individuals with various cooking abilities and turning into their one of a kind most loved from multiple points of view.   Key features:  This blade set accompanies a peeler, boning, serrated bread, shears, and steak blades Blades made of top-notch hardened steel Hard-edge for durable Offers exact cutting Blades can oppose rust, stains, and erosion Heat ingestion go 350 degrees to guarantee ideal sharpness All edges include a fashioned plan and metal tang   Users score: 4.6/5  My judgment: This blade set makes a brilliant blessing for your family since it will utilize every day. You don't have to stress over the exactness and flexibility. All comes worked. Simply take it out and begin cutting.  
10) Mercer Culinary Millennia 8 piece knife roll set:
One of a kind patent structure, advantageous hold, and smart handling The MERCER Culinary Millennia Knife set offers extraordinary working capabilities, exactness, and equalization execution to give proficient gourmet expert and home clients a fantastic mix of unpretentious and sharpness.  
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View On Amazon Its hollow handle ensures all the blades work stylishly in your grasp. The powerful and thin example of this blade set is one of a kind and works just to improve your cutting aptitudes right away. It is the sharp leading edge that looks outwardly staggering and worked to toward the end inside and out. You need greater adaptability in your kitchen and need to utilize various blades for various purposes. Then this eight-piece blade set is all that you have to complete all your kitchen tasks without depleting. At the cost you are paying for this, you are getting different blades produced using premium materials and ergonomic handle and bolted that will guarantee to diminish exhaustion and increment drag out cutting hours.   Key features:  Unique all metal patent Cutting edge with wood squares Knives combine bread, serrated, paring, boning, cutting NSF certified Long enduring edges Laser-cut sharp edges Full-time guarantee   Users score: 4.6/5  My perspective: Presently, you won't have to change blades on numerous occasions because Mercer culinary millennia knife set is the number one decision you can depend on for a long time.  
11) J.A HANCKLES international statement 14 piece cutlery knife set:
Engineered handles, stylish, and appealing aesthetic J.A HANCKLES 14 pieces knife set is one of those couples of blade sets that is known as a smooth and current blade with outstanding characteristics, convincing highlights, and lift aptitudes of any specialist.  
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View On Amazon This blade set was presented with a pecan square wood and has created with a protected center plan and ergonomic structure. It can encourage an agreeable and straightforward hold to the clients while working. This blade set is likewise tempered steel and perhaps the best case of astonishing and exceptional characteristics. You begin utilizing the blade you will offer the dependability and enduring execution to cut and slash whatever you put under it. You need precision with more quality and security. Then this is set you can depend on and handily become your ideal cutlery and utility kitchen blade.   Key features:  Super durable extra extensive safety bolster Ergonomic handles for agreeable grasp Full tang produced Germ steel Comes with a lifetime guarantee   Users score: 4.3/5  Genuine belief: The knife set brings great slashing force with more exactness and sufficiently excellent to keep going for quite a long time to come.  
12) Top Chef by master cutlery 15 piece knives set:
Excellent quality, ice-tempered stainless steel blades, and precision cutting edge Having a high notch set of blades can make feast planning much more straightforward, quicker, and more secure. Yet, it is likewise significant that an advantage for cutting natural products, meats, and vegetables comes in all sizes.  
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View On Amazon TOP CHEF by master cutlery blade set comes as your removal that will lessen the danger of injury and produces a masterpiece, not at all like anything you've seen previously. The blade set presents 15 pieces that will compliment your kitchen and work for both easygoing and culinary expert's necessities. Each blade is made with high carbon tempered steel for a more keen, harder, and opposes erosion. The robust handle configuration permits you to cut with an ideal weight and equalization. This blade likewise has knurled ergonomic hold to improve the control during most supper planning. All the blades are sharpened and cleaned to ensure you get the highest caliber while utilizing them.   Key features:  High carbon tempered steel Can oppose rust and erosion Acrylic stand to put knives All blades come in estimation indicate lengths Meticulously adjusted Gives ideal control for cutting Protective cover   Users score: 4.2/5  My personal opinion: The blade set is effortless to utilize; you will feel progressively sure to perform kitchen obligations with one.  
13) AUSKER Kitchen Knife set with six pieces and woodblock:
Solid handle cutting edges, premium German steel, and innovative design AUSKER Kitchen Knife set furnishes you with simple errands to act in the kitchen since it accompanies 18 pieces and offers staggering sharpness and accuracy.  
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View On Amazon This blade set additionally accompanies a dark handle permitting you to grasp unfailingly and fixed with elastic effortlessly. The handles are implanting with a solid plastic to forestall any on spot injury or occurrence. The cutting edges made extremely high carbon hardened steel that looks sparkly, without rust, and gives simple cleaning too. You can utilize these blades for long terms since it might come in modest cost, yet in all actuality, they are safe.   Key features:  Labeled sharpness worked in Superior edge retention Heavy obligation fashioned reinforces Dishwasher safe High carbon tempered steel Comes with a lifetime warranty   Users score: 4.5/5  My point of view: This is something you can't say no, because at first glance it steals your heart immediately, go for it now folks.  
14) ZWILLING J.A HANCKLES 14 piece knife block set:
Adaptable edges, classy structure, and ideal cutting execution You need to get inventive, smart, and searching for the Best Knife Set Under 200 price ranges. At that point, this knife set made with high technology metal with extra produced power that can work for both kitchen employments.  
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View On Amazon It is straightforward. It has enjoyed with inordinate equalization and weight. The conjured metal tang construct offers selective quality and control while you start utilizing that you are new to the cutting blades. It will give you a precise and proficient performance in time. This blade set is satisfying for those who crave for long hours of cutting experience. The blade is amazing in the local market only because of its flexibility, execution, where honing should be possible physically wants. With just a single cut to help individuals with various cooking aptitudes and turning into their one of a kind most loved from multiple points of view.   Key features:  This blade set accompanies different sizes and shapes blades Blades made of top-notch tempered steel Hard-edge for durable Exact cutting Blades can oppose rust, stains, and erosion All blades include a full metal tang Comes with a lifetime guarantee   Users score: 4.6/5  My honest thoughts: This blade set makes a superb home kitchen tool since it works for the long term. You don't have to stress over the precision and flexibility when you have a thing at your side.  
15) CANGSHAN S1 series 59663 6 pieces German steel forged knife set:
Eastern style knives, good cutting strength, and stunning look The CANGSHAN S1 6 piece blade set offers an incredible design, accuracy, and equalization execution to give proficient culinary expert and home users a fantastic mix of inconspicuous and sharpness.  
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View On Amazon Its hollow handle ensures all the blades work tastefully in your grasp. The vigorous and thin example of this blade set is one of a kind and works just to improve your cutting skills in the blink of an eye. It is the leading cutting edge that looks dazzling and worked to toward the end inside and out. You need greater adaptability in your kitchen and need to utilize various blades for various purposes. Then this six-piece blade set is all that you have to complete all your kitchen errands without debilitating. At the cost you are paying for this, you are getting different blades produced using premium materials and ergonomic handle and bolted that will guarantee to diminish exhaustion and increment drag out cutting hours.   Key features: Unique all metal patent plan Cutting edge with wood squares Knives come in bread, serrated, paring, boning, cutting, slicing, and spreading NSF approved Long enduring edges Laser-cut edges   Users score: 4.7/5  My perspective: You won't have to change blades over and over when you this one to depend. Simply don't over think and get your hands on these glorious pieces of blades at present.  
Best Knife Set Under 200 Buying Guide
How to choose the Best Knife Set Under 200 dollars in 2020? When it comes to knives, it is not an easy task to find something that suits your wallet, especially when you have a tight budget, like $200. Most knife sets come more cooking items to increase your experience and make your everyday life easier. There are many essential factors you need to keep in mind while purchasing the best knife set that will help you understand before buying them. As a consumer, you should follow these few steps to prevents yourself from robbing a bad knife set such as, 1) Blades type: We all know that a kitchen knife comes in a different collection, and usually, there are many brands available that would like their products to sell more. But not all of them offer excellent blade functionality. A knife set should make from premium materials and razor-sharp edges and improved durability. There are only two types of blade types, which are famous, 420-degree stainless steel and high carbon stainless steel. Both are different and produce different blade forged execution. You must take this under consideration while buying a set of a knife. 2) Handles: The best quality handle means that you will never feel uneasy while holding knives for a long time. Most knives nowadays come with a wooden handle because of the incredibly beautiful and comfortable than any other materials. But still, if you need an extremely durable handle, then you can go for a stainless steel handle because you won't have to worry about damage or falling off. 3) Full tang: Owning a full tang knife means one thing it is highly durable and comes with a triple rivet holding. This type of knives is well balanced, extremely durable, lightweight, and looks fantastic. If you genuinely want a durable knife set, then prefer full tang that will give you the best results. 4) Safety bolster: A safety bolster means a very close and small junction between the handle and a blade. It provides the right balance and smooth transition. There are two kinds of safety bolters available one is semi-bolster, and the other is the full bolster. They will keep your finger away from the knife-edge, so there are no worries about cutting yourself. A bolster is a beneficial feature for beginners or new cookers who are interested in cooking and want to experience all kinds of knives. Conclusion: These are some interesting facts about Best Knife Set Under 200. All of the knife sets mentioned are low budget will undoubtedly prove beneficial for all your cooking needs. So don't go for one single knife, whereas you are getting a complete set, wait no more just grab on them right away.best Read the full article
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sunriseinorbit · 6 years
monoma, shinsou, and my hero academia’s english major bullshit
i like the joint training arc. yeah, i know, big surprise there, considering it’s practically my personal brand at this point, but you don’t understand. i really like the joint training arc.
but a lot of people don’t. and honestly, i can’t really blame them. it’s a low-stakes, villain-free arc that focuses heavily on characters a lot of people didn’t really care about and it directly followed an arc that was action packed, introduced an instant fan favorite character in hawks, and was thematically relevant to the main question the series tries to answer: what makes someone a hero? and honestly, i don’t think i would have given the joint training arc as much of a chance if i didn’t have a shippy reason for doing so.
and therein lies the question: do i have a not-shippy reason for liking this arc?
no. no, i don’t. at least, i don’t have a reason that isn’t based around my two favorite characters and the relationship between them. but the reason i did find goes a lot farther beyond “i want them to make out”, i promise.
and it begins with this panel:
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compared to the action that ended the previous chapter and continues after this brief interlude, this first panel of chapter 211 is striking, not in that the action depicted in it is particularly extreme but in that it isn’t. there’s no movement in the shot, and the only thing we see is a younger monoma, smaller than the dialogue bubbles around him and, most importantly, completely alone. in the midst of the most highly-anticipated match of the full arc beginning and deku’s quirk going haywire, this panel effectively pulls you out of the action and makes you feel the same way monoma does.
the chapter continues with this exchange in the viz translation:
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and while i do like the viz translation quite a bit for obvious reasons, i also have other reasons for liking other fan translations.
for example, this is the translation by mangastream:
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and this is the translation by jamini’s box:
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while i don’t have the raws for this chapter or the knowledge of the japanese language necessary to determine which translation is “the best”, i do know that there’s no such thing as a perfect translation and that the same thing can be said in many different ways.
that being said, i really liked “i know how it feels to be ‘unable to do anything’” in the mangastream translation and “we both have to be open to seeing all things in shades of grey” in the jamini’s box translation, because i think they really get at the heart of the emotion the first panel is trying to convey.
while monoma’s quirk certainly doesn’t physically work on its own, the real “problem” with it, so to speak, is that in bnha’s quirk-based society, his - and everyone else’s - identity is entirely based around it.
quirks are everything to most, if not all characters in the series. firstly, they’re passed down genetically, and because of that, they can be a physical representation of heritage. and for some characters, they’re treated as such: the two most notable examples of this are iida and todoroki, who both come from high-status hero families that tie their livelihoods to their quirks. todoroki especially has a lot of character development and growth surrounding this concept as he accepts the fire side of his quirk on the way to accepting the fire side of himself. while he doesn’t forgive his father for what he’s done, he understands that his father’s quirk is a part of him, and that using that quirk isn’t a bad thing when he takes control of his path to becoming a hero.
and secondly, for the vast majority of pro heroes, their quirks are their personal brand. hell, this is even lampshaded on the back covers of every volume of the manga, where a pro hero advertises a product that has something to do with their quirk (or, very rarely, their personality). this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it is definitely one of the factors in hero society’s greater problem.
this inexorable bond between quirks and identity creates a problem in society: a strong quirk is valued, especially in heroics, more than the person who has it. on one end of this spectrum, you have early bakugou, who was praised for having an amazing quirk ever since it manifested, which inflated his ego and led to him acting in... not very heroic ways. despite that (and getting no rescue points in the ua entrance exam), he destroyed so many robots in the entrance exam - with, again, his super strong quirk - that he got into the school on that alone. he’s getting better now, of course, but even ua fell into the trap of overlooking his personality in favor of his quirk.
and on the other end, you have shinsou and monoma, who face similar problems in different ways.
in shinsou’s case, the ua entrance exam was stacked against him from the start. since he couldn’t use his quirk on the robots, he didn’t stand a chance, even against deku, who only received his quirk that morning. he applied to general studies because he knew he wouldn’t get in, no matter how much he wanted to be a hero.
and while monoma was presumably able to use the quirks of the other students to pass the entrance exam, he failed the final exam. the teachers planned the exams in order to push the students out of their comfort zone, and for monoma, that likely meant being placed with someone like shiozaki whose quirk he couldn’t copy. in that sense, his sentiment of “i know how it feels to be unable to do anything” in chapter 211 applies here. not only is he practically quirkless when there aren’t any good quirks to copy, but in most real-world fights, he won’t be working with people whose quirks he’s used before. he’ll take whatever he can get from other heroes, villains, or civilians, and use it to the best of his ability, meaning that he has to constantly be on his toes. even working with his class around the clock to master their quirks won’t prepare him for that.
but a problem both of them face is that their quirks have a large amount of stigma working against them, too. obviously, this is really fleshed out with shinsou; a major part of his sports festival fight with deku is devoted to fleshing out his backstory and motivations and proving that he wants to be a hero despite his quirk and his actions:
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and i think that with the way the sports festival was structured, the audience - both the spectators of the sports festival and the readers/viewers - all fell into that trap too: we all freaked out when shinsou first used his quirk on deku because it’s a scary quirk. and i think that’s the point, that we’re assuming that all heroes fit a certain mold when they don’t. it’s like monoma says, some people have to be “open to seeing all things in shades of grey” because they’re unable to do things the traditional way. after all, bakugou and todoroki and deku and everyone else were able to use their quirks on their competitors and the environment without anyone batting an eye, why shouldn’t shinsou?
furthermore, when (because we all know it’s when) he gets into the hero course, graduates, and starts his career, he’s going to face an uphill battle. because his quirk has so much baggage attached to it, no matter how many people he saves, people are going to assume that he’s shady or outright evil just because his quirk is what it is.
but i think monoma faces these kinds of assumptions, too, though he has a different set of obstacles in his way. and once again, it comes back to this panel from chapter 211:
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think about monoma’s quirk in the context of quirks as a manifestation of identity. quirks are basically your personality, they’re what everyone around you first finds out about you. but here comes this kid who can use your quirk, the thing that makes you unique and makes you you. and, worse than that, without your quirk, which he stole from you, he’s practically quirkless. how is that fair?
obviously, i don’t think that about monoma at all, but it wouldn’t come as a surprise if other people did. thus, this panel: he’s not just alone in that he can’t do anything without a quirk, but he’s also alone in that other people probably wouldn’t have let him use their quirks as a kid. he’s alone because he doesn’t have any kind of quirk to hold onto that’s just his own.
chibi reviews said in his video on chapter 211 that this scene really showed that compared to the other characters, monoma doesn’t have an identity. his quirk, the number one factor that contributes to who he is in the eyes of bnha’s world, is constantly changing, so he is constantly changing as well. this means that once he goes out into the pro hero world, he’s going to have trouble securing a brand that he can build himself on, but it also means that he doesn’t have anything to build himself on, period. he can take whatever quirk he wants as long as it’s in the vicinity, but it’ll never really be his. it’ll just be a copy of someone else’s.
and this is what makes monoma and shinsou’s experience with their quirks fundamentally different from deku’s experience with his. deku was given the chance to change, to inherit this new identity from all might and all the ofa users before him. obviously, deku was still quirkless and faced a lot of judgment because of it as a kid, but he was given a tradition to uphold, a noble if unknown quirk he can embrace. but for monoma and shinsou, they don’t have that opportunity: their quirks are who they are, and they have to deal with people seeing them that way, and just because their quirks work the way they do, that’s a disadvantage for both of them.
which is why it’s so important that they’re working together, because they’re doing so in a way that complements and somewhat makes up for the other’s fears and insecurities: shinsou’s quirk is based on talking and requires a vocal response to work, but monoma isn’t afraid to talk to him and does so a lot; on the other end, monoma’s quirk revolves around using the other quirks around him, something that plenty of people probably wouldn’t agree to since quirks are such a personal part of them, but in chapter 209, it’s shinsou who proposes the idea of combining their quirks to pin down midoriya.
more importantly, though, both of them fundamentally understand the other’s experience in a way very few other characters do (the only one i can name off the top of my head is aizawa): in a world where nearly everyone is told that being a hero is the greatest thing they can do, they were told the opposite, that no matter how much good they do they’ll never be seen as heroes, not without doing some very much non-heroic things. and it’s heartbreaking that at just 16, they’ve accepted that the world isn’t going to see them for who they are and that in order to achieve their dreams, they have to resort to things that to the casual observer would seem counterproductive. and yet, here they are.
over the course of the series, my hero academia has kept coming back to one main theme: anyone can be a hero. of course, the story is centered around deku’s journey from a quirkless kid to becoming the greatest hero and all might’s successor, but that’s not the only story that can be told here. the vigilantes spin-off shows that even characters who weren’t able to become heroes in the traditional way can still do what’s right, even when the world doesn’t agree with them. not everyone can be a hero in the way deku can, but anyone can be a hero by doing the right thing and being a good person, even when it doesn’t always seem that way.
and i think i love this arc so much because even when the odds are so heavily stacked against them, monoma and shinsou can prove it.
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keith-mizuguchi · 5 years
Year One
It’s been awhile  — I’m sure I’ll eventually get this writing about LA thing down pat.  But it’s been  a busy year.  I’ve enjoyed my time down here in Los Angeles.  There’s so much I love about the city and surrounding area.  I still feel like a newbie — haven’t explored enough.  But hoping to do more of that in the new year.  The things I do love — food, drinks and music — as you’ll see below are still a big part of what I’ve been able to enjoy outside of work.  It’s been a fun year +.  Some highlights below.
My time at KNX has been a learning experience.  It is one of the most challenging newsrooms to work in — not many people are cut out for the pace.  But I feel like I’ve taken the challenges head-on.  As some of you know, I’m now full-time staff, serving as editor and producer.  It’s rewarding to know that people appreciate the work I’ve done  — that’s not always the case in this business.  We’ve had numerous breaking stories and I think the station has risen to the occasion each time.  Proud to be part of the team.
Outside of KNX — I’ve made a promise to myself to try to branch out and finally write about food this year.  I still feel there are so many stories that need to be told, not only here in LA, but also back up in the Bay.  So I’m preparing to pitch, pitch, pitch to see if I get any bites.
I know some will say this is blasphemous, but I think Los Angeles beats the Bay in food and drinks.  It was part of what attracted me to the area.  I love the fact that there is such a wide-range — from expensive tasting menus to inexpensive strip mall restaurants that are out of this world.  One unfortunate thing about both markets — I think you’re going to continue to see a lot of closures in the coming years, many of which will surprise people.  It is really, really challenging for small businesses to survive in these cities.  Not to mention, the competition is fierce and you really have to stand out.  It’s why I respect my friends who are owners and chefs/bartenders.  It can be a brutal, brutal business.  But on to the good — here is some of what I have enjoyed eating and drinking down here (and it can be a decent list if you ever come down to visit).  
Bavel (Arts District) - I’ve been blown away twice by this restaurant.  It is always packed, is plenty loud (probably too loud for many), but the food and service have been terrific.  Middle Eastern cuisine that has so much flavor, it jumps off the plate.  Good cocktails too.
Bon Temps (Arts District) - I had a terrific dinner here.  The dishes are beautifully prepared, almost like art.  Lincoln Carson is obviously known for his pastries so even though I’m not a dessert person, it’s a necessity to save some room.  The one thing about many of the restaurants in the Arts District is they’re built out of warehouses — so they have an industrial feel. But I didn't get that sense here.
Joy (Highland Park) - I loved Pine & Crane and this is their sister restaurant.  Very casual, and for the most part, smaller bites.  Comforting, seasonal Taiwanese food.  It’s weird, but I really love the small seasonal appetizers that they have on display in the deli counter.  They’re delicious.
Ototo (Echo Park) - Easily my favorite bar (they serve sake, lots and lots of sake). The owner Courtney is so knowledgeable and I love picking her brain about some of the choices on the extensive menu.  There are so many interesting and unique sakes on their list — and it changes up quite a bit.  It’s not just sake here as they have a really nice menu of Japanese snacks and food that is quite good.  I have to also mention their restaurant next door, Tsubaki, which has some of the best Japanese food I’ve had here in LA.
Alta Adams (West Adams) - When I think of Alta Adams, I just think I’m being welcomed into the West Adams neighborhood.  Unlike many restaurants, the staff seems like it’s made up of people from this historic neighborhood.  And they treat guests with the hospitality that you would expect if you’re visiting their home.  The food is terrific — just really comforting Southern food.  It’s a lively restaurant and has one of the best vibes in the city.  It’s the perfect fit in the perfect spot for a growing area.
Some of my other favorites that I’ll call standbys — Animal, Petit Trois, Ronan, Here’s Looking at You, Night + Market Song, Guerrilla Tacos, Tsujita, Rose Cafe, Rossoblu, AOC, Apollonia’s Pizzeria, Republique, and every place in Koreatown and San Gabriel Valley.
Old Lightning (Marina Del Rey) - It will cost you far more than most places, but this is one of the most unique bars I’ve ever been to in this country.  The spirit list has so many rare and unique bottles, it will make your head spin.  The cocktails are terrific, but I think a tasting is the way to truly “get” this bar.  Reservations only and they do take your phone at the door.
Bibo Ergo Sum (Beverly Grove) - I’d call this my go-to spot if I want a really great drink.  The menu is pretty extensive with lighter and more spirit forward cocktails.  Very cool decor inside with big booths and a half-circle bar.  I don’t think I’ve ever had a bad drink here.
The Varnish (Downtown) - A very cool speakeasy in the back of Cole’s. The best way to order is dealer’s choice and let the bartenders make you something.
The Normandie Club (Koreatown) - Just a good solid bar with a little bit of everything.  You can get a really nice cocktail, a shot and a beer, a glass of wine.  I loved Walker Inn too, which was in a secret door, but it’s since closed.
Gold Line (Highland Park) - First of all, I have a lot of respect for Peanut Butter Wolf, who is one of the owners (he also owns Stones Throw Records).  I love the fact that part of his record collection is in the bar and he has guest DJ’s nightly spinning records.  All that and the drinks are really solid.
Some others I’ve enjoyed — Bar Clacson, The Wolves, Employees Only, Death and Co. (yes I know it’s brand new.. but it was really great my first visit during their soft opening), Melrose Umbrella Co., The Roger Room, The Daily Pint, Here & Now
The way I get away from the stress of work and the news cycle that never ends is going to live shows.  And I went to way too many over the past year.  But I wanted to check out as many venues as I could down here.  I still haven’t been to a few — namely The Roxy and Whisky a Go Go.  But here are a few of my favorite shows.
The Roots — Hollywood Bowl.  I’ve seen them a few times but this was by far the group at its best.  Black Thought did a crazy 5-10 minute medley of hip hop songs that was something I’ve never seen before.  
Anderson.Paak — The Forum.  I feel fortunate every time I get to see Anderson and the Free Nationals.  I’m pretty sure he’s the artist I’ve seen the most in my life.  His show at the Forum was amazing — hometown, so many great guest appearances.  I continue to say he is the best live show going today.
Chris Cornell Tribute Show — The Forum.  I was bummed when this sold out, and then magically, a few tickets went on sale a day or two before the concert.  Chris Cornell was one of my favorite lead singers of all-time.  And the show was 5-5 1/2 hours of amazing tributes.
Prophets of Rage - The Mayan.  My mind was blown.  This group, which is now disbanded with the return of Rage Against the Machine, was exactly what I thought — a mix of Rage, Public Enemy and Cypress — all in a cohesive and awesome group.
Also loved Herbie Hancock at the Bowl, Childish Gambino at the Forum, Big KRIT in the OC, my first time seeing JID and Vince Staples, The Raconteurs, two amazing groups - Bikini Kill and Sleater Kinney and finally getting to see Carlos Santana.  And there was really so much more. Yes I go to a lot of shows.
It’s been a fun year down in LA.  Yes, I still love the Bay and miss my family and friends.  But meeting new people down here and making new friends has been a lot of fun.  Excited to see what 2020 has in store for me.
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