#it’s also a really nice place to skate gonna go back
mer-se · 1 year
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Cute 🖤
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michibap · 2 months
also sorry for the spam but schlatt ruffling hockey readers shaggy hair when ur finally being nice 🤧 schlatt making sure to kiss all ur cuts and bruises from hockey 🤧 schlatt who traces your cut and cracked knuckles from the cold and scolds u to make sure u wear more lotion,,,,,,, u r changing my brain chemistry idk sorry
malewife schlatt truthers rise up ✊🏻
-everyone knows that the main appeal of hockey players is the shaggy hair
-and what is jschlatt if not part of a statistic??
-he's taking any chance he gets to bury a hand in your hair
-you're standing still in his general vicinity for too long? he's twirling a strand around his finger
-taking off a hat? he's fixing ur hair for u
-resting your head on his shoulder? he's petting ur hair
-fresh out of the shower, exhausted after a game or practice? if your hair is short enough, he's running his fingers thru it | if it's longer, he's more than happy to have you sit on the ground between his legs so he can brush it for you
-waking up after falling asleep in yet another strange position? he's licking his palm and trying to flatten your hair back into place, obnoxiously laughing as you yell and try to keep him away
-doesn't even give a fuck if you're all sweaty and gross and stinky after practice, he'll just wipe his hands off on you or his pants
-schlatt cooing at you all sweet as he smooches any new bruises he finds, only to jam a finger into them a few minutes later when u do sth to piss him off
-laying in bed with him and he's trying to feel u up, but stops when he feels a long scar on your torso
he's like "What the fuck??" sitting up and yanking up ur shirt to see it, "Where the fuck 'd you get that?"
you laugh tell him about the time some bitch tried to gut you on the ice after sharpening her skates,
"I honestly don't even remember what I said to piss her off that bad" you chuckle like you're reciting some fond memory
but he is Not laughing,
"You realize this woman made an attempt on your life?"
you shrug, "Must've been a fuckin good chirp."
-schlatt who knows you're a little forgetful after getting your poor little brain rattled so often
-he slowly accumulates a small collection of Things he carries around for you bc you forget them so often
-hairties, lotion, gum, water, protein bars, the whole nine yards
-though he's not sure why he bothers bringing you your own water, especially considering that you go out of your way to drink out of his bottle
-if he's at your practice, you'll literally come off the ice to drink His water during your breaks, even though he knows damn well that he threw one in your bag for you before you left,
"You fucking have your own!" he basically whines (but would never admit it) as he tries to take back the bottle you literally just snatched out of his hands
watches helplessly as you drink most of it before unscrewing the top and dump the rest on your head,
-for no reason other than just to be a dick
you hand it back to him with a cocky grin, "Yours just tastes better," you pant, before leaning down to give him a placating kiss on the cheek, "Y' should take it as a compliment, sweetheart."
-he rolls his eyes, but still gets up to refill it at the water station for the next time you come over
-the skin of your hands getting so dry that they crack and start bleeding
-and you just???? don't seem phased??
-he's not sure if you don't notice or don't care
-but it's lowkey grossing him out
-and he knows either way he's gonna have to be the one to do it
-grumbling to himself as he forcefully grabs your hands, pulling them to him so he can gently apply ointment to the cracks and massage lotion into the rest of your hands
-you sigh, watching as hands work over yours, enjoying yourself as he firmly massages your palm
"Fuck, you're really good at this."
he looks up at you with a grin and a raised brow,
"Keep it in your pants," he simpers
"Is this why your hands are so soft?" you ask with an innocent cock of your head
-and he's scowling as he's roughly putting your hands down before gets up and walks away, "Fuck off."
-he likes to make sure you're eating good when you're home, but he can't do much more than pray when you're off at an away game
-returning to your feral ways without him keeping an eye on your protein intake and nutrients or whateva
-daily conversations go sth like this:
smartfella 🤓: what have u eaten today?
fartsmella 🍖: slimjim
smartfella 🤓: gross???
smartfella 🤓: is that it?
smartfella 🤓: it's 8pm
smartfella 🤓: you're actually going to die an early death
smartfella 🤓: do you even know what animal thats made of?
fartsmella 🍖: slimjikm
-the rest of the team likes to flirt with him just to get under your skin and rile u up
-your eye twitching when you hear him all "omggg guys stoppp", definitely gloating with all the attention
-him laughing with your teammates as you drag him out of the rink, and he's still a little smug when he sees the way your jaw is clenching and you've gone rigid, grip on his wrist gradually growing tighter
"Aww, is someone jealous?"
-you don't even dignify him with a response
-knows he's in for it when you're too pissed to even shoot back some witty response
-ain't shit funny when he pulls up to your next practice with his hoodie pulled up, still unable to cover the way you fucking marred him, a few bruises and a couple of tasteful bite marks still visible despite his efforts to cover up
-flushing bright red when he hears your teammates wolf whistling at him
-"What'd you try to fucking eat 'im?" one of your teammates laughs as she skates up to you
-you only shake your head and laugh, looking incredibly satisfied with yourself
this is all i've got for now, but i think i'm gonna flesh some of these out a little more eventually
so ty dearest anon for the request
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aliaology · 9 months
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summary: older hughes sister and her mama ellen hughes ⭐️
pairings: ellen hughes x daughter!hughes!reader
fluff fluff fluff its also lowkey so bad n short
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five years old
it was getting cold in toronto. your big coat fell to your knees as you looked up at your mom with a big grin on your face. she held your seven month old brother as your father held quinn’s hands, helping him skate.
you carefully moved around on the ice, scared to fall. you do well for a solid few seconds before falling straight on your butt, causing your mom to laugh.
instead of crying, you look up smiling at her, immediately getting up from the ice. you quickly skate past her before slipping again. another laugh erupts from your mothers throat.
the sky is slowly turning gold as it sets, signaling it was time to go home. you whine as your mom takes your skates off.
your dad holds baby jack now. quinn is sitting beside you, legs kicking back and forth as he waits for help. your mom slides your boots on and immediately you get off the bench, hugging her legs with a whine.
“i dont want to leave yet.” you groaned. your words muffled due to her pants. she just chuckled and helped quinn.
then, on the ride home, you were fast asleep.
when you woke up, you still had five minutes left until you got home, and both quinn and jack were asleep.
you wondered why the trees changed colors over time, watching them as you passed by each and every one.
you also wondered how your mom wasnt scared that your dad was driving, he speeds!
you rub your eyes.
“i had the best day today” you yawned.
thirteen years old
your friends were mean. really mean. they kicked you from the lunch table, stopped inviting you to hangouts. every class you had with them, they’d ignore you or leave you alone during partner projects.
it came to the point where you were crying as you got home. you opened the door, tears falling down your cheeks as you threw your bag to the floor.
upon hearing the sound, your mother rushed towards you. “hey, hey, honey whats wrong?” she asked.
she immediately pulled you into an embrace. you cried on her shoulder, “why are they all so mean mama? im nothing but nice!” you cried.
she sighed and held you tight. when she pulled away, her hands stayed on your shoulders. “lets go for a drive, okay?” she spoke.
you nodded and wiped your tears as she grabbed the keys.
you both drove and drove until you were a few towns away, where no one would know you guys. you talked, and talked, and talked.
you told her everything that had been going on. everything that they were saying and doing to you. after ranting, she took you window shopping until you forgot all of their names.
when you made it home, you got scared. who were you gonna talk to at school? but then you remembered, you still have the laughter when you’re with your mom.
it may take awhile to feel better but,
“i had the best day with you.” you told.
you have an excellent father. one whos strength makes you stronger. one whos smarts may not always be at its peak but hits it every now and then. one whos cared for you to his very core.
you have perfect younger brothers, who you believe are better than you, inside and out. but altogether you guys are a perfect family.
you grew up in a pretty home, one where you had space to run and hide, and call yours. one where you were able to paint your room a bright pink.
and that place, was where you had the best days of your life.
twenty five years old
you were searching through your old stuff. there you found a camera and immediately you got to charging it. you were three, your mother was still pregnant with quinn.
she set up your paint set in the kitchen, knowing it’d be easier to pick up. in the video, she talked to you. asked what you were painting. to which you responded, “a princess!”
it was a bad painting of a princess on a pirate ship, a really bad painting. so bad, you laughed through your tears as you watched it in your lonesome apartment.
the camera zoomed in to your mother, your father obviously being the one to take the video. shes the prettiest lady in the whole wide world.
now you know why the trees change colors. you know your mother was on your side, even when you were wrong, like when you pushed a kid for calling a teacher ‘stupid’ in the fourth grade.
you were grateful for her, for her watching you shine and become who you were today. you dont know if she knows, but, you always had the best days with her.
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liked by elblue_06, jackhughes and others
ynhughes you always know how to make me laugh. miss u mama, better visit more
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is this like.,, good..,
tags; @slaythehousebootsdown13 , @outrunangelss , @um-mads , @bqbylon , @whoreforthehughesbrothers , @p3nislawd , @queenmendes , @absolutelyhugh3s , @hockeyboysarehot ,
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Juri, Cammy, and Ibuki reacting to their S/O casually walking in with severe injuries and when asked they respond: "Tis but a scratch"
I absolutely LOVED writing this, it really let me go all kinds of crazy, especially with Cammy's part, allowed me to tap into the more unhinged side of my writings.
Now, that aside, your wish is my command!
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When you barged into the garage, drenched in blood, and looking like you just walked out of being a no name extra in a Tarantino film who existed only to be shot, stabbed, and otherwise beaten to death, Juri was rightfully concerned.
Doubly so when you started tearing the place apart and asked, in a voice that was WAY to calm for someone who was in the condition you were in “Where the crowbar was”.
Now, Juri likes to think she is a pretty brave lady.
I mean, she’s done all kinds of crazy things that have her skating the edge between life and death before.
Right now however, she got the feeling that she wanted no part of what was going on with you right now.
It also didn’t help that she was more than a little bit scaroused by this.
So, she handed you the crowbar and asked.
“So… you… uh… good?”
“Never been better! Why do you ask?” you responded as a pool of blood started to form under your feet.
“Well all of… that.” Juri stated as she gestured to all of you with her hands.
“Oh don’t worry, it's not mine. Most of it at least.Tis but a scratch! As they say.  Anywho! I’ll be back before dinner! Love you!” You exclaimed as you turned on your heel and walked out from the way you came, leaving Juri standing in the middle of the garage.
“Yup, definitely scaraoused.” Juri declared to herself before turning on her heel to return to what she was doing beforehand.
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Cammy was not the type of person who shook easy.
However, the person she loved bursting into the home the two of you shared, drenched in blood and covered in wounds, was more than enough to leave her… concerned.
Doubly so when you took a kitchen knife and made your way back the way you came.
Luckily, she managed to catch up to you beforehand.
“Oh! Heya Cammy! How are you doing dear?” you asked her, completely ignoring your wounds.
“I’m doing… fine. How about you?” Cammy asked, deeply concerned for your state right now.
“Doing great! And don’t worry about all this, Tis but a scratch!” you exclaimed with a smile as you moved to move past Cammy who stopped you.
“How about… we take a little trip to the hospital first!” Cammy suggested as she wrapped her hand around you and gently took the knife out of your hand.
“Oh, okay, but I… I uh… I had something to do first, there was this blonde guy in a mask, a real weird guy. Had this claw, real, real strange.” You muttered, the blood loss already getting to you.
“Yeaaah… we’re gonna be taking a nice little trip to the hospital. They’ll have jello!” Cammy exclaimed as she wrapped her arms to guide you out the door.
“Ooh! Jello!” you happily stated with a smile.
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The last thing Ibuki expected to see after finishing her training for the day was you, covered in blood, a knife sticking out of your back, knuckles bleeding heavily, blood pouring down the side of your face, and you carrying a metal bat as you walked down the street.
Ibuki, being a semi-normal person and excellent girlfriend, found this a tad concerning, and so, decided she should probably check up on you.
“Uh… hey there.” Ibuki greeted, the concern in her voice completely unmissable.
“Hey Ibuki! How’s it going?” You asked, paying absolutely no mind to the condition you were in at the moment.
“Good… it's uh… going good. You know you have a knife in your back right?” she asked you, growing more and more concerned with each passing second.
“Yup! Hurts like you wouldn’t believe! But don’t worry, Tis but a scratch! Now, if you’ll excuse me! I have some ruffians to finish speaking to in this parking Garage.” you happily exclaimed before walking into said Parking Garage.
Shortly following this, Ibuki heard the sound of a metal bat cracking open someone’s skull and a scream of pain, followed by the sound of a metal bat breaking bones, and just causing a great deal of unpleasantness to a fairly large group of people.
A very short ten minutes later, you walked out of the Parking Garage, your formerly pristine bat now blooddrenched and dented in several places.
“Now then Ibuki, what were we talking about before?” you asked, a massive smile on your face.
“I… think we were talking about… going to the hospital!” Ibuki exclaimed.
“Really? Well then! Let's go!” you declared joyously.
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spiderfunkz · 1 year
i saw ur recent post and now hear my out *drumroll* tasm peter parker teaching an S/O how to skateboard/skateboarding dates with an S/O <3
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✧.* dirty converses
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— summary : it's a boring sunday afternoon, so peter decides to take you skateboarding.
— pairings : tasm!peter parker x gn!reader
— word count : 0,6k
— warnings : fluff, established relationship, a kiss, reader almost falling whoops, pet names, not proofread.
a/n : *drumroll* here it is!! sorry it took so long butttt i hope u enjoy it <33 also i am no skater so sorry for any mistakes abt that.
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peter has always loved skateboarding, it's something he can use as a distraction from everything, something he can do to feel some sort of freedom and joy.
ever since uncle ben gifted him his first board on his 9th birthday, he's been skating almost everyday. especially on sunday afternoons, the day where all the homework and essays are finished, the day where there are no chores due, and the day where he can just relax and skate till his legs go numb.
and now it's another sunday afternoon. peter's walking to your house, with a small flower on one hand, and his skateboard on the other. he's been dying to teach you how to skate for longer than ever, and when you finally agreed to learn today he did not hesitate to walk out of his house and run to yours.
you were waiting near the steps outside of your house, playing with the laces of your dirty converses. maybe you should get new, clean ones. you wait for a bit.
peter arrives, grinning from ear to ear. "hi, i uh got you this." he hands you the small flower. "for luck, in case you fall and break your ankles." he jokes — "you're mean." you reply as he helps you stand up.
"do you wanna just skate here? you're neighbourhood seems nice." he asks, "or- or we can go to the skate park." — "i could go for a walk to the skate park." you answer, peter smiles.
the walk was nice. you kept the flower peter gave in your pocket, a few petals peeking out. you felt the warmth of peter's hand and the cool breeze of summer.
the skate park was quiet, a few kids who were there left a few minutes later. "at least no ones here to see you fall." peter teases. "are you saying i'm gonna fall?" you reply. "no, because you have the best teacher of all time." peter smiles, teeth showing. you roll your eyes at his sarcastic tone.
peter helps you balance on the board first, his hands holding your waist gently, making sure you don't fall. "just relax, i got you." peter reassures. you balance carefully on the board, peter's hands letting go slowly.
"see? you're a natural, we can go to the basic's now like pushing off and stopping." he continued. peter demonstrated the move, you carefully try and copy it.
but i don't think falling was part of the steps — "careful there!" peter caught you as you were about to fall, he helps you get back on your feet. "it's alright, everyone falls on their first try." he attempts to cheer you up.
peter continues to guide you and help you through all the basics of skating. complimenting you every time you did a step correctly.
"see? i told you you're a natural, bubs." he kisses you on the cheek.
you continue to spend the afternoon with peter at the skate park. sitting near the ramps, you see peter skate from afar. you watch how his hair falls perfectly in place, how the glow of the sun beautifully captures his movements, you watch as he lands a trick, giving you a smile and a thumbs up before walking towards you.
he sits next to you. the sun begins to set, casting a warm golden hue over the skate park. "did you see the trick i landed there?" he pointed, "yeah! you should teach me that sometime." you suggest, "i will, you've gotten really good at this you know? i had a really good time with you today." peter remarks.
"i had a really good time with you too, pete." you smile.
sunday afternoons might be your favorite now.
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gyusfavlibra · 2 years
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Pairing: Beomgyu x afab! reader
Featurings: TXT, Chaewon, Yunjin (Le Sserafim)
Word count: +2K
Warnings: Fluff, one swear word. Friends to lovers! Skateboarding.
The sun sent heat over the city. Winds were very low, brightness casted through the trees. Against sidewalks and streets, creating the perfect visible shadows it always did.
It was the middle of summer. Students taking their few months off to relax and kick back. Do whatever it is they spent many many weeks waiting to do.
You, being a on that particular break, just finished up your senior year of high school, racing through your bedroom. Throwing on some clothes to get ready for your personal spaced trip.
You grabbed some baggy ripped jeans, a cropped black tank top, and a thin knitted green sweater. The wind was capable of power pushing through the material just enough to chill your chest.
Your well thought of plan was to go to the skating park in your neighborhood. You had always traveled there after school, or homework time, to roll around and jump tricks on your board. It was never crowded during the school year since people had plans to write essays, do algebra, etc.
But you knew, today would be a little more occupied than usual days that you've been there. However, you didn't care. As long as you got your skate time in, the amount of people didn't matter to you.
You say goodbye to your parent(s). Passing through the front door, your graphic designed skateboard clutched in hand on your side. Just as you stepped onto the sidewalk, you flicked your board down on the ground and rolled off. Heading in the direction of the skate park.
The ride was nice. Creating your own wind by riding down small hills and going at your own speed that satisfied your insides. Faster that a walking distance. It was peaceful.
The park wasn't packed like she had expected. Not a little amount of people, but not a huge amount either. To your shock, there were only two females besides yourself. And you just so happen to be good friends with those girls. Chaewon and Yunjin.
You had met them at this specific park many months ago when your city did a skate tournament. You didn't participate, but Chaewon did. And obviously being the good skater she is, took home the trophy.
"Yo, what's up, Y/n."
"Hey, Chae."
You hugged the dark headed girl before hugging your other friend who just got off a ramp. "Place isn't as packed as I thought it'd be."
"Yeah, well, most of these people are only here because of them," Yunjin, the one with lighter brunette hair spoke as she pointed down the cemented walkway you approached on.
Five guys, five guys that you knew all too well, stood against a the metal fence by a picnic table. Laughing away which echoed through the space. Yeonjun, Soobin, Beomgyu, Huening Kai, and Taehyun.
These 5 boy were very well known to everyone at school. Girls would gawk over them like it was their first priority. Of course, it's because they were really hot, even you thought so, but you weren't one to waste your time hoping they would pull your hand and kiss it like some type of romance show. At least not for all of them.
But they could also sing which was cool in your eyes. Along with the fact that they all have really hot features was a good pro. Especially for him.
Okay okay, turns out there was a partial lie in the list of reasons why you go to this one park constantly.
Choi Beomgyu.
You two have had many conversations before. A couple ocurring at the park, but mostly in school. You did find him to be really admiring and super funny.
Over time a crush developed, but not one you would openly spread in school like other did.
You'd have to put down all your self pride just to fluster at him like every other person and you were NOT gonna do yourself like that.
"God, I'm female and even I want those dudes' bone structure," Yujin said while holding her hips.
You laughed at this while keeping your eyes on Beomgyu who was jumping around around on a picnic table. His friend watching him with wide smiles.
The way he smiled and always seemed to be in such a positive attitude was so intriguing and comforting to you. Fighting to urge to go over and kiss his smile as if it was your own.
You stares were like a call in the wind. Practically sensing sound waves to the whole group of guys, because next thing your girls knew, four of the five boys were looking your way. Chaewon and Yunjin quickly pull their eyes away to act like they weren't checking them out.
There was no hiding for you. You were caught. You probably have been caught more than you know by him or even just his friends.
Beomgyu's smile that was momentarily fading grew even bigger when he spotted you. The boy with mid length black hair and platinum blond streaks, held a arm up and waved largely at you.
You stomach filled with flutters.
You were in total awe. Making sure to send one back. "Man, he totally likes you."
"N- Chaewon, no. No he doesn't. He's just friendly."
"No, no, he totally does. That boy wants to have you wrapped around his finger here and now."
You rolled her eyes at the ridiculous comment. Sometimes you wondered if he did like you. He was always nice to you. Everyday even. But even then, you just think that's his personality, he's just treating you how he'd treat others as well.
"Oh my god, shut up."
Even though, you denied the accusation, it was very much true. Beomgyu did like you. You didn't know that though. But he told his friends that every second of every day because it was that hard to get you off his mind.
The boy watched as you strolled off with your friends to a ramp, taking turns to go down them. He watched in pure bliss as you rode so cautiously. You were a natural.
"Dude, just go talk to her."
Gyu turned to the know voice speaking. His friend Yeonjun was looking down at his boards purple wheels. Dusting them off with a rag he continuously brought along each time.
"No, I'd embarrass myself."
"No you won't. You've talked a million times before. Nothing can be that different."
Beomgyu kept his eyes on your figure. "You think she knows I like her?"
Soobin looked upwards at the whipped friend of his, still standing on the picnic table. "If she does, she's bad at trying not to like to you back."
"H- she said that?"
"No, but I've talked to her friend with the short before."
"W-what'd she say?"
"I guess- Y/n's not much of a head over heels person for guys. She doesn't act how she does with you, to anyone else."
He smiled slightly. Hearing that made him feel so special. So special. You only treat him so greatly and comfortably.
"He could just be tolerable," their red haired friend Taehyun spoke as he opened a package of fruit snacks. Soobin shook his head at the individual.
"Well, that's what I thought too, but Chaewon said that Y/n has a short tolerance, so, either Beomgyu is just testing us, or she likes him. Because he is annoying as hell."
Beomgyu felt a rush of excitement in his chest despite the minor teasing. If there are any chances that you liked him back, then he knew he needed to act on them. On something at least.
Huening Kai patted his shoes. "Go talk to her, tiger."
"Yes, now. Don't be such a cat," Yeonjun said deeply. Smacking his friend's leg. Beomgyu jumped down from his sitting position the table. His soul flipped.
"Someone come with me."
"B- dude-"
"I'm scared."
"I-okay I'll go with you," Soobin offered. Standing from his seat practically pushing Gyu to where they needed to be.
Yunjin noticed them approaching and snapped at the other two girls who just finished skating on a wide ramp.
"Beomgyu's coming!"
You were alerted. Looking up to the duo that were in fact walking over. Although, you didn't show the excitement to see him, it was definitely there. Your mind screaming to run away. You flipped around to look at your friends. "You guys better act normal."
The two gave an "ok" with their fingers before standing to act as told. Soobin was pushing Beomgyu by his shoulders. The closer they got, the more his heart started racing. But he had to quickly suck up that nervousness and be confident.
"Hello. How are you?" Chaewon waved. Bright smile plastered on her face.
"We're great! We just saw you guys skating. You're all really good!"
"Thank you."
"Yeah, I heard you won-"
All the talking had completely been zoned out of Beomgyu's mind as well as yours. Soobin and Chaewon were practically flirting in front of them and no one wanted to hear all of that. You grabbed Beomgyu's hand and pulled him to another pit.
"You can skate, right?" You asked.
"Why else would I be at a skate park?"
"To meet a girl, maybe. I don't know. You tell me, Gyu."
His nickname rolled off your tongue like magic. Like it was meant to only be spoken by you and you only. He loved the sound of you being the one to say it. His ears rang with romance.
"There is one girl."
His fingers pricked at the pebbles stuck on his shoes. "Really? Who?" You questioned. You set your board down on the cement. A huge wave of disappointment wipe out your happiness. When the words exit his mouth, you almost wanted to cry. Maybe there was a part of you that thought maybe you had a chance.
Did he really like someone else?
There goes any chance with him.
"Doesn't matter. She doesn't like me back."
You shrugged with a pursed mouth, choosing to support rather than talk down on his feelings. "Never know until you ask her."
And with that, you slid down the ramp. Staying in a steady position to keep yourself from falling off the board. Beomgyu watched carefully. Making sure he saw your every move. For many reasons. Just in case she fell or you wanted him to redo what you did.
It'd kill him to see you get hurt.
Seconds later you came back to the surface of the pit, kicking your board up and into your hand.
"Think you could do that?"
"I think...I can do better."
"Oh really," you rose an eyebrow. Almost shocked at the sudden confidence. "Then, show me what you got Gyu."
You handed the boy your board, realizing he didn't bring his over. A soft smile planted on your face. It was so memorizing to him that he almost forgot what you had wanted him to do.
"Here I go," he spoke with a shout as he slid down, moving to the other side. Scraping against the edge were quite good. Meant he held on quit well.
You weren't shocked. Not even near surprised. You knew he was good. You used to watch him skate before you even became "friends". One of things that brought you closer by the days.
"Alright, okay. I underestimated you, sir Beomgyu."
"Noo, I'm not anywhere as good as you."
"Yeah you are. Even better. I really like your form.
The compliment made his whole heart flutter. Cheeks burning to a crimson red. Gosh, too bad it was dark. You could definitely see he's blushing. Beomgyu typically took nice comments like a simple hello. But not from you. It was like a music box that he'd NEVER turn off. Ever.
"So, tell me about this girl you like. Is she pretty?" You interrogated as they now sat on their own boards, facing each other.
The thought that he did like someone still stuck in the back of your mind. Beomgyu smiled, trying to deeply hide it. But it was failing.
"She's breathtaking."
What did he think of you? Did you come close to breathtaking?
"Breathtaking? Hm. What's she like?"
"She is funny, nice, she is very very smart. In school, she passes every quiz, every test. It's mindblowing. Oh! And! And! She skateboards."
You felt your stomach drop. Getting the feeling that Beomgyu was for some reason describing one of her friends. There goes the arrow of pride your were so close to shooting into his back.
Your eyebrows rose as if you were waiting for him to continue. But you chose to speak instead. "Is it....Chaewon?"
Beomgyu couldn't help but burst into a loud fit of laughter. Catching the attention of each of his friends as well as yours. You just sat dumbfounded at the fact that you didn't understand what was funny.
It was almost as if, he knew you wanted it to be her and he thought it was dumb, but obviously that was NOT the case.
After many seconds, his laughter died down, feeling a large chunk of courage, he wiped his eyes from the happy tears. "So, Yunjin?"
"Not even close."
You gaze down to the cement and back up at him. If it wasn't either of your friends....then that could only mean...
You slowly raised your finger to your own chest. "Me?"
And with that, Beomgyu kneeled over and place his pink lips onto yours. Holding your jaw in one hand. His friends continuing their stalker viewing, cheering for the duo across the court. The girls squealing and the guys dropping chants of Gyu's name.
His eyes fell into the gaze of your own when you separated. Both carrying large smiles, but still being very close to each other's faces.
The connected conformation had you smiling CRAZILY. Your cheeks heat up. The burning sensation filling up your whole face. "You think I'm breathtaking?"
"Bodytaking," he chuckled. You hold his hand tightly in yours. Almost afraid to let ago. "Will you be mine, Y/n?"
"Don't have to ask me twice."
Hope you enjoyed this! I wrote it on Wattpadn but I'm gonna transfer them all to Tumblr since they're mostly oneshots and stuff! Thank you!
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aita for moving a (small) table?
OK this is a pretty minor thing but I still feel a bit guilty about it. As of writing this Halloween was yesterday, and this took place on Halloween evening.
So, every year on Halloween my parents go to my sisters house to see my nieces, and I stay at their house to give out candy in the front yard. I like to have some fun with it, so I wear a little grim reaper costume, and use a 'spin the wheel' style randomizer app to tell visitors supposedly how they are gonna die.
(Except its all funny slapstick stuff, and I have a normal cute fortune telling option for the little ones)
This year I wanted to add to it a little bit, so I decided to wear my roller skates with my costume and do some dancing and tricks while people walk up to make them laugh. (I have been doing roller skating as a hobby most of my life)
While I was getting changed, my mom brought out the table for the candy and a chair out to the driveway, which was a very nice thing of her to do, and I thanked her, but explained that I was actually going to move it up to the porch since the driveway was slanted and I would just roll down it on my skates.
This is where some context is needed about my mom, she is a victim of brain damage twice over, and also has OCD. Relevant to this story, her specific brain damage means that she has trouble regulating emotions, as well as difficulty speaking. Her difficulty speaking leads her to becoming particularly frustrated when she feels like someone was not making an effort to listen to her properly or was ignoring her.
All this to say, when I said I was going to move the table, she said no,no, it has to be right here. Dont move it. I figured she had become "stuck" on this (it's a common type of thing that she does, although im not entiely sure how to explain it) so I just agreed to keep it there to her.
Still,though, I wanted to dance, so I figured there would be no harm in scooching the table up once my parents left, and brought it back before they came back. Except, they came back early, and my mom saw the table in a different spot and became very agitated with me for ignoring what she said.
And I do feel bad about it, because I did it anyway knowing that these things that might seem small to others really can bother her a lot, and she is particularly hurt when ignored. She's over it by now and i apologized, but I'm still thinking about it. Was I being an asshole? I did intend to put it back, I wasn't actually ignoring what she said, I was paying attention, I just wanted to be a little goofy for the kids while she wasn't there anyway. Idk.
What are these acronyms?
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clonerightsagenda · 1 month
HDM Season 3 continued!
Episode 3:
Pan sleeping against Will's leg. I saw that.
Asriel and Mrs. Coulter are a couple that truly matches each other's freak (child murder) (derogatory). He was really like hey babe now that we're back together let's torture a prisoner of war.
"You look different." "So do you." Yeah you both grew several inches and she has a chest now. Puberty comes at you fast when you have to wait a while between shooting seasons.
More show-original squabbles to drag decision making out longer for some reason
The show is emphasizing Asriel sucking a lot more. Which I appreciate because he does kind of suck. Mrs. Coulter on the other hand is practically a tritagonist (evil/complicated)
They've switched Serafina saving an arrow to kill Mrs. Coulter to Ruta being hostile toward her. I don't love how I feel like they're skating on the edge of the angry Black woman trope with her.
"It's not about your beliefs. They believe, and they will act on it." Folding this into my conviction that Lyra is only the prophecy child capable of moving a multiverse of Dust because everyone is obsessed with her.
The forging scene was kind of half assed compared to the book. Where is the masterful forge Iorek built out of scraps because he's such a great blacksmith? You could not get the metal hot enough on an open air campfire like that.
Lyra: An angel? I'm gonna poke it.
TV!Balthamos is a lot chiller.
"Perhaps I never needed a knife in the first place." You're on the right track. But you also don't need high tech angel torture devices. You just need a big hole.
Shame they didn't do the bit re: the land of the dead where they cut into a world, then cut again, and end up in a reflection of that world with a former corpse now a ghost. I thought that was cool.
Episode 4:
God, you die and go to the afterlife and the prison guard for the dead is still a British guy. This is like Tell No Tales' load bearing British guy of death.
Everyone's reaction when Mrs. Coulter re-enters the plot is some variation of "are you fucking kidding me"
Mrs. Coulter continues to somehow seduce her way through the Magisterium. Is Mrs. Coulter a masterfully or misogynistically written female character for femme fatale-ing her way through various male authority figures and then losing her shit over her child: famous forum thread closed after 8000 pages of debate.
It's only now occurring to me that Asriel built a craft that can only be piloted by people from his world. It wasn't as important in the books, but in here where the craft can cut through dimensions, it looks more like keeping certain abilities tightly under wraps.
We're finally getting to Mary's lifechanging safari. About time.
It's also now occurring to me that it might've been nice for them to cut the living people stuck in the afterlife waiting room out. Most of them got there accidentally.
No Tialys/Salmakia with the kids in Death. Guess they wanted to focus on Will and Lyra, but it's a shame that we don't get Lyra pissing off Tialys on purpose to summon her death vs just wanting it real hard.
I can't remember how the ghosts knew that Lyra was about to get exploded. Maybe the show will elaborate on that.
Where are their fucking rollerskates
Will spent months searching for Lyra?? I guess they added that in to explain how much the kids grew but a) lots of devotion for someone he knew for like a week and b) Lyra should be in way worse shape if she was in a medical coma for months.
It says a lot that Will pulls a knife on the ferryman for Pan's sake given how much he hates having to be the 'violent' one.
They trimmed the ferryman's speech. I get it because it's quite long but still, bummer.
They didn't have Will screaming in agony! That seems unfair given the emphasis on how he's losing the same thing as Lyra. Maybe they decided it was not manly. Also it would be almost impossible to adapt into television but shoutout to the passage where it describes his experience as if he told someone to kill his mother instead of him because he doesn't love her.
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The Cowboy’s Ice Princess ⛸ | Rhett Abbott Headcanon
Link to my Rhett Abbott Masterlist
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Takes place in the year 2021 (I know OR came out in 2022, but they more than likely filmed last year so im using that as the timeline). Also content warnings: light mentions of sporting injuries and misogyny/sexism by the press.
Rhett falling love with a Olympic figure skater would look like:
It all began when Rhett was asked by Cecelia to take Amy to her ice skating lessons. First off, the man didn’t even know his niece was enrolled in them. second, where the hell was he supposed to take her? After gaining the information —which was that Amy’s classmate had their birthday party at the ice rink in the city where she immediately fell in love with skating and begged for lessons—Rhett was giving the address and the two were on their way. “We’re gonna be really early, uncle Rhett,” she said when she saw the time, deep down it excited her-knowing that before her lessons were the training hours of a famous skater. Rhett, unaware of what the girl was thinking replied, “well, there ain’t no harm in showin’ up early. Better get you started now.”
When they arrived at the rink they were really early. Like Amy still nearly an hour till her lessons started. Only a few cars were in the parking lot so Rhett suggested they wait in the car until it got closer to the time, but Amy was like “no! Let’s go in! I don’t mind waiting inside.” “Well alright….” Walking toward the facility, Rhett missed how beneath the name of the building it said, “home of Olympic Champion, Y/n L/n.” Inside the lady at the counter smiled at Amy saying, “you’re early today Amy. The ice won’t be ready until they finish up down there, but i can get you your skates and you two can head on over to the bleachers.” Picking up her skates, since Amy didn’t have her own personal ones to bring, she carried them past the concession booth and locker room entrance to the stairs leading to the bleachers where music could be heard through the speakers.
As soon as the rink was visible, blue eyes landed on the figure gliding across the ice like she was a ballerina doing a solo on a the stage. Even from a distance Rhett noticed her beauty, which was only accentuate as she danced across the ice. She was dressed in a black turtleneck and leggings, white skates in her feet and hair slicked back into a tight bun. Rhett was pretty much frozen, captivated by the lone skater who was in her own element, unaware there were onlookers besides her coach who was off to the side. Each spin, each jump, each glide and Rhett felt like he was in a trance—until Any pulled him out by hissing under her breath, “stop being creepy and sit down, uncle Rhett.” When he did Rhett noticed a look of awe in Amy as she watched the skater, leaning in to whisper, “this why you didn’t mind waitin’ in her’ when you still got plenty of time?”
With a grin and not taking her eyes off the skater, Amy began to rant to her uncle, “That’s Y/n L/n—one of the best figure skaters in the world. Some weeks ago some of the girls I do lessons with told me ‘bout her after I asked about the little shrine dedicated to her when you first walk in. You didn’t see it but it’s on the other end of the counter if we would’ve turned right instead of goin’ straight,” Amy paused to watch the woman, Y/n, complete a triple axel, one of the most difficult jumps in the sport. “Anyways, Ruby told me Y/n’s trained at this rink since she was five years old and is one of few people from this city to make it big in the world. She’s competed on the international level since 2010–and went to the Olympics!! Three times!! She’s trainin’ for the 2022 Games in China happenen’ next year. Her trainin’ is right ‘fore my lessons but gramma always brings right on time so I never get to see her unlike some of the other girls. I heard people on tv call her the ‘Ice Princess’ —not ‘cause she’s a great skater, but ‘cause she’s rude to reporters—but some of the girls say she’s very nice and welcomin’ when they’ve gotten a chance to talk to her before class.”
Impressed and captivated by you, Rhett does a google search and finds your career stats. Whistling under his breath, Rhett reads that since your debut at the 2009 U.S Figure Skating Championships at the age of 14, you’ve gone on to become—in your discipline of the women’s singles— a six-time National champion, a four-time World champion, and are currently the reigning Olympic champion of the 2018 Winter Olympics. Rhett also reads you have three World silver medals, are the 2014 Olympic silver medalist & the 2010 Olympic bronze medalist as well as part of the 2014 & 2018 U.S Olympic bronze medal teams. Bringing a total of five Olympic medals in three appearances. Rhett even came across a YouTube compilation titled, ‘Y/n L/n being the Ice Princess & snapping back at reporters for 4 minutes straight.’ Curious, Rhett watches it and all he saw was you acting how anyone would when asked about their weight, diet, personal struggles, and that they were getting old in a sport known for young girls.
What made Rhett’s eyes gouge from his head was when your information read that you were actually from Wabang. “No fucking way,” he muttered just as the music ended. Lifting his head he saw you exhale and skate in the direction of your coach. He couldn’t hear what was being said but soon you were back in the middle of the ice doing spins so fast it made him dizzy. You continued practicing elements of your routine for the remainder of your training. When it came time for you to exit the ice, feeling bold, Amy jumped up and raced to the entrance of the ice to meet you there with Rhett calling out to her. The sound caught your attention, where you smiled at the sight of a little girl beaming up at you with awe in her eyes, “well hello.”
Introducing herself, Amy politely asked for a picture which you happily agreed to just as Rhett approached with an apologetic expression. Immediately you thought he was handsome and looked away when you connected eyes. Gosh they were the most gorgeous shade of blue you’d ever seen. “I’m so sorry, ma’am. We didn’t mean to bother you, Ms. L/n.” You brushed it off saying it was not a problem and you were enjoying Amy’s company, hoping Rhett couldn’t pick up on the fact you found him extremely attractive. Since Rhett had the phone, he quickly snapped some photos of you two before he and Amy thanked you for your time. Amy’s lessons were about to start so you wished good luck and to have fun before heading to the locker room to freshen up and change since you weren’t gonna be back in the rink till later that night.
Rhett could not stop thinking about you after that. Whenever Amy had lessons Rhett would offer to take her, making his mother confused, and, coincidently, would arrive 20-30 minutes before her lessons just to watch you train. Sometimes her friends in the classes were also there, so it worked out cause then they weren’t the only two being lowkey creeps. Finding it amusing—especially when Rhett tried to make it look like he wasn’t completely captivated by you—you’d wave to them and say hello when passing by on your way out. Rhett would tip his hat, giving you a smile that nearly knocked your skates off.
Amy had lessons every Saturday & Sunday afternoon so after a month of admiring each other from a distance, you made the first move by approaching him after changing into your hoodie and jeans, “This seat taken?” “Not at all. Please, be my guest.” You two talked the entire duration of Amy’s lesson. After finding out they were also from Wabang, and Rhett mentioning he read you were from there, you explained to him, “Yeah my ma worked as a nurse here in the city and would bring me everyday while she worked almost a twelve-hour shift. I basically grew up in the rink. My pops was a ranch hand ‘til he hurt his back and homeschooled me so I could skate. I moved closer to here when I turned eighteen—but my folks still live in Wabang and I visit every week.” Rhett then talked about his family’s ranch and bull riding and soon Amy’s lesson ended. While she was getting changed you and Rhett exchanged numbers after the cowboy asked if you wanted to get coffee the next time you were in town.
The feelings between you two bloomed over several weeks of texting, phone calls, and going on dates whenever you were in Wabang or having Rhett travel to the city. One of your dates actually was bringing him onto the ice after the days lessons were done and nobody wad there. That memory would go down as the funniest night of your lives with Rhett losing his balance, bringing you both onto the ice several times because you two were holding hands. “C’mon, cowboy, give me one lap without falling and I may just give you a kiss when the night ends.” Oh you bet your ass he did everything in his power to not fall on that one lap. When it was a success he immediately asked for his payment, and so your first kiss happened right there in the middle of the rink. From that moment on you were his and he was yours
When you came to the ranch Rhett would teach you to rope and ride a horse. His mother nearly had a heart attack when you met for the first time, obviously knowing who you were because she’d seen the shrine dedicated to you and your accomplishments at the rink. She couldn’t believe her son actually was in a relationship with you. Amy was over the moon and happy for her uncle. Royal and Perry were actually impressed but lowkey made bets on how long it would take for Rhett to fuck it up.
Rhett was head over heels for you and made the promise to never let you down. You were his woman and he became your biggest supporter. Even when Amy didn’t have lessons Rhett would come to the rink in his free time to bring you food or sit in on your practice. He saved up money just to travel and watch you compete, spent time on learning the different moves and jumps, and how the scoring works. You’d made it known to him that the upcoming Beijing Games were to be your last if you made the team so Rhett became your personal cheerleader to motivate you to do your best. “Baby, you’re gonna make that team—no doubt ‘bout it. Just keep doin’ what’re doin’ and that gold medal will be yours again. And I’m gonna be cheerin’ you on every step of the way.”
You made Rhett feel things he never thought he would feel. You inspired him, motivated him, was not only his partner but his best friend. With you he never felt like a disappointment. You made him laugh, held him when he cried after a bad day, encouraged him to follow his dreams. Rhett loved you so much he couldn’t picture a life without you. Even when he would rant about how you deserved better than him, you stayed by his side, kissing him breathless to show you were just as crazy about him as he was of you. “I don’t ever wanna hear those words again, Rhett Abbott. I don’t just open heart to anyone. You are the most amazing man I’ve ever met, and I love you so much and I’m going to make sure you know that everyday. You’re my cowboy, Rhett Abbott.”
You would attend his rodeos, cheering in the stands which has some of the locals shocked to see you there. Although you no longer lived in Wabang many of the residents knew who you were. Whenever the Olympics came around your picture was on the front page of the newspaper, detailing your accomplishments. Many couldn’t believe one of then had made it to the worlds greatest sporting stage and was recognized as one of the best athletes in their sport. They also couldn’t believe the notorious Rhett Abbott had managed to pull you—confirmed by the dropping of jaws when Rhett swooped you off your feet to kiss you when he finished his ride. He’d been up front with you about his reputation, but you assured him you’d never judge him by his past and as long as he continues to be the man he was to you then you were in for the long haul. “C’mon, cowboy, let’s show ‘em you’re better than what they perceive ya.” With his Stetson on your head, you had to hold back smirking at the disappointed looks from buckle bunnies.
Being a professional athlete working to defend an Olympic title was challenging. There were days you didn’t hit your routine as sharp or fell on a jump. About three month before the trials you lightly sprained your ankle when you landed wrong on your triple axel, putting you off the rink for two weeks for it to heal. During that period your stress and anxiety was high, worried that you were falling off your game and would miss your chance at winning a second gold. 2018 was the best year of your life, winning your first Olympic gold in your third Games. Since then the commentators have put a lot of pressure on you and have go so far as to call you the ‘Ice Princess,’ due to your stone cold attitude at the press when they’ve asked offensive questions you’ve called them out on instead of giving a sugar coated answer to remain polite. Only the media seemed to be your enemy because friends, teammates and even competitors had praised you for standing up to the press.
On those days that were hard Rhett would take you out on a nice date before settling down for the night by cuddling on the coach with the fire going and have a movie on the tv. Rhett would hold you in his arms, running his hands through your hair and murmur words of encouragement. “I know you had a rough day, baby. But just ‘member that each rough day is a sign to do better the next. Tomorrow is a new day. You just gotta rest tonight and put your mind at ease, so let’s talk about anythin’ ‘sides the ice.”
When the trials came for the 2022 Winter Olympic team, you were the #1 overall skater for your discipline securing your spot on the team. You were in tears, hugging your coach as Rhett, his family, and your family cheered in the stands. He even had to wipe his face, overcome with emotion and met you when it concluded with a bouquet of flowers and a passionate kiss. “I’m so proud of you, darlin’. So so proud,” he said in between kisses, “you were incredible—I knew you could do it.” Unfortunately Rhett wouldn’t be joining you in Beijing due to the COVID restrictions set in place, but he promised to be up every morning to watch you skate. It was a tearful goodbye at the airport with Rhett telling you how much he loved you and would miss for the next two and a half weeks, and after several kisses and promises to call everyday he finally let you go so you could get through customs.
Rhett and his family sat down to watch the opening ceremonies of the Games where you led Team USA as their selected flag bearer. You looked so adorable in your outfit that Rhett couldn’t help but take a picture if his tv when the camera panned to you. Not much of a social media person, he did however post it on his story with the caption, “That’s my Ice Princess♥️⛸.” The nickname you once hated ended up being your favorite whenever Rhett called you it. Only he could make you flustered when it rolled off his tongue. He was your cowboy, you were his Ice Princess.
Making through with his promise, Rhett got up at the ass crack of Dawn the days you were set to go on the ice. Qualifications, team finals, short program, free skate, he was on his couch watching it live. When it came back you were the #3 overall qualifier, Rhett was over the moon. Then he and Amy cheered together when the USA claimed the silver metal in the team. He watched you with beaming eyes on the screen medal yourself and hold it up with pride.
On the day of your free skate, the final segment of the women’s signals skate finals, Rhett held his breath and was on the edge of his seat when you stepped on the ice. The last to perform, becoming a two-time Olympic champion would be down to the four minutes ahead if you. All through the routine he felt that familiar skip in his heart like the first time he saw you. You glided across the ice with ease, like a ballerina on stage. Each twirl, each jump was perfection and you hit every single element, finishing the routine with a grin on your face. You knew right then, as did the small crowd of local spectators and members of team USA as well as Rhett and y’all’s families back home. They were already celebrating with Rhett having tears in his eyes the moment your name came up with the overall total next to the #1 spot.
Rhett never thought he’d find love—especially with someone as amazing as you. You were the definition of perfection, the most dedicated, inspiring, beautiful person he’d ever met and everyday he thanked whoever above to allow him the honor of being your cowboy. When the gold medal was placed around your neck, and you announced the closing of a chapter with retiring from the sport of figure skating, Rhett couldn’t wait to be a part of the next chapter. But no matter what you did on or off the rink, you would always be his Ice Princess.
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eunchancorner · 2 years
If you don’t me requesting for some headcanons, do you have any for the hatzgang by chance? Generic or tickle, or both, which ever you want:3
I AM LITERALLY WRITING A FIC FOR THEM RN HOLY SHIT This is actually so perfectly timed-
Regular HCs:
-Ross was pretty emo for about a year or two but grew out of it pretty quickly
-Robert has tried many times to convince his parents to get a dog, but it doesn't go very well
-In fact, him and Roy once tried to sneak a dog into Robert's room but Radford caught them. He promised to keep quiet if they returned the dog
-Remember how Ross likes bike rides? (If you didn't know this, go read the wiki.) Sometimes Rob skates along with him.
-Ross has no fucking idea how to hold a cat
-The other two would hold a cat like they held the doll in Deadly Smiles
-They have sleepovers REALLY often, but never at Roy's house
-They all have different favorite games (Ross: Mario Kart, Robert: Lego Star Wars, Roy: GTA5)
Tickle HCs:
-Getting the depressing HC out of the way first: Roy's parents never tickle him. Like, never ever. He's just their little legacy, so he never gets affection.
-Ross and Robert, however, have received many tickles in their lives
-Ross is about 40% ler, 60% lee
-Jaune thinks tickling her son is the most fun thing in the world, so Ross gets tickled almost daily.
-His worst spot is his belly, his ears coming in a close second (BEANIE OF PROTECTIONNNNNNNNN)
-He does enjoy it but is SUPER secretive about it, it's SO embarrassing to him
-Bro curls tf up like a little hedgehog when tkled and it's the cutest thing 🥺
-However, he is the most EVIL of lers. Teasing, anticipation, this boy WILL study your reactions and WILL figure out how to fluster you
-His friends love hate it
-Since he gets a little awkward about affection, sometimes he'll cuddle, sometimes it's just a pat on the back and some water
-Robert, however, is constantly getting into tickle fights with his siblings
-Usually this ends up with three of them teaming against the fourth (the fourth most commonly being Radford, surprisingly enough!)
-Half ler, half lee, all shameless tickle-enjoyer!
-Tho it does get a bit embarrassing when he's tickled in front of his friends
-He does get over it tho, and does love including them in his tickly shenanigans
-His worst spot is his sides, such an easy spot to get too, poor boi.
-He's the tallest but also the easiest to lift up bc he's a fucken STICK and it makes him SO easy to get.
-He's also SUCH a squirmer, like, you gotta pin this boi down or lift him up to have a CHANCE
-But him as a ler, oh SHIT you are in trouble
-Bro is FAST, you can't run, you can't hide, can't do shit before he catches you
-He LOVES cooing at his lee's reactions, he can't help it, he loves making his friends smile!
-He is the cuddle KING afterwards tho, he'll make sure you're nice and comfy and cozy
-If that's not your thing tho, he'll respect that too!
-Now ROY... oh god this is gonna get complicated.
-Poor boi has never been tickled until one fateful sleepover
-Twas there he learned the full extent of his ticklishness... and how much he loved it
-Ofc, he's WAY too prideful to admit it
-70% ler, 30% lee, but a glass cannon oml
-Before he knew he was ticklish, he was SUCH a huge ler oml
-He loves teasing his friends about how ticklish they are while he just fucking WRECKS them
-Cockiest little shit too like put him in his place lol
-But he CANNOT take what he dishes out.
-Worst spots are his belly and armpits, but bro is practically a walking tickle spot
-Teasing makes him turn into a freaking tomato oml
-And he just CRUMPLES too
-In short, when it comes to Hatzgang tickle fights, he's probably gonna end up losing if he gets got fast enough
WOW this ended up long, anygay if I think up more I'll probably rb this post and add them, or if you wanna add your own, feel free to rb with them, I love reading other people's hcs!
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navbrain · 18 days
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too lazy to take a nice picture (didn't even have the wheels back on yet lol) but I dyed my skates! 2nd pic is up close with flash on to get a better view of the color
i like it okay. it's not my favorite, i feel like since they started purple, they just look kinda dark purple now more than burgundy, but that was to be expected tbh. i also ran out of dye and didn't get to do a 2nd coat on the right boot, so it's a lil splotchy in some places lol.
im gonna leave it for now until I've had a chance to skate on them a couple times and then decide how i feel. im leaning toward just dyeing them black but idk yet. honestly, the good thing abt these is i know im gonna upgrade soonish (more ish than soon).
i have a business trip to [redacted] in October and there's a roller skate shop there, so im gonna try on some moxis and sure grip boardwalks so i can figure out what size i am in those bc ordering online scares me too much. prob won't even buy them then, just wanna know my size for when I'm ready to pull the trigger.
im kind of torn between going all out for my next pair and getting a custom build like picking out the plate and boot and everything or just getting smthn standard. maybe we'll see. i kinda don't wanna rush it and just really wear my current skates until they're falling apart first anyway so idk.
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figula · 9 months
ok im gonna just talk about it anyway :D
he announced earlier that next year he's gonna push me more, and i was like ? wat? why? and he was like i think we're both undersocialised atm and i was quite annoyed by this and also a bit hurt bc i feel like that's more untrue in the past 6 months thn it's been sice the pandemic (and maybe before - bc most of our friends now are people from discord we ended up becoming irl friends with)
maybe *you* feel undersocialised ben but *i* actually find basically all social activities something to endure rather than enjoy
also don't forget that ana is my soulmate and I feel very happy just hanging out with them and Ben
i feel like he has still this shark feeling of gotta keep moving or ill die :) like he is doing much better than he was from sept-nov but yeah i think he doesnt need to make that an Us problem lol like i dont share that feeling at all lol like if you want to do more things than i do you can do some stuff separately, and some stuff with me! as is normal!
i did feel quite frustratedand annoyed with the way he brought it up , which he did apologise for later bc he agreed we're doing the right things etc and he didnt really mean he wants to push me MORE just that he doesnt want to BACKSLIDE. which is fine i guess but it was a bit annoying to hear anyway bc i am not planningon going intoi a big isolationist hole
like the implication that next year some REAL change is gonna happen and totally ignoring the fact that we got married a few months ago (objectively the biggest social event either of us have ever done), that we hung out with Boops and yuka at an art installation, that we've had clare over a bunch of times, that we've had boops over, that he's done a few irl dnd sessions w/ lucas clare boops, that we've been ice skating a few times, that we've done escape rooms together, that we've done some family trips, we did that ceramics class, we've done a LOT of pokemon walks - all of this in teh past 2 or 3 months apart from the wedding - im just like god damn how much stuff do i have to do to satisfy you lol like i simply dont find the same kind of drive to Do Things that he has and I have still done all this shit REGARDLESS
i was also annoyed i think by the implication that he's the one who needs to push me when actually half of the above shit was my idea!!! the ice skating was me! the wedding was my idea! the escape rooms were my idea! i was the one who restarted teh pokemon go! i was the one who created the server in the first place, where he found his friends!!!! these are all my friends i let him share!!! i was the one who arranged the halloween party w/ boops and clare literally bc he was so sad i wanted to do something nice for him
i do read him charitably - as i legit think is important to do in all relationships with someone you like and respect on a very basic level lol - and i dont think he meant to suggest that im massively inadequate lmfao (i mean - i know he didnt) and he apologised for coming in too hard about stuff, and i know he's traumatised by covid (who isnt?) and is terrified of going back into that tiny world where it was just us and we didnt see anyone else for 2y. but that's not on the cards anyway so i felt a bit wrongfooted by the whole talk
also i was so cross i went mute and under my blankets until he sort of to put it bluntly fucked me back into communication lmfao !! me hissing "im cross with you" while he was actively fucking me </3 looool (this is 100%% fine by the way, just for the record, i was way less annopyed by the sex than the conversation, the sex cheered me up even and it was the right move)
anyway whatever. i think we're actually on the same page in terms of not wanting a particularly quiet 2024 (we're planning on going to Iceland in the winter and also there will be a chess meetup abroad somewhere) so we move. i was just annoyed by how he framed it but he did apologise anyway and i know he didnt really mean anything!! but it was annoying lol like omg I try sooo hard. so fucking hard!!!
ETA: fucking. also. he wasn't even making ANY comment on this stuff and he's fully been my biggest cheerleader lol but I've also been so busy work-wise (my "chess career" is reaching new heights after all) and taking care of him these past few months and doing my doll job as well I think I just want someone to be like omg cham you are actually soooo impressive I'm soooo obsessed with you !!! don't worry you don't need to find anything else inside you you are doing sooooo well!!! (Ben is actually usually like this but I want him to say it now as well) like I've been working on job stuff AS WELL AS doing loads more shit with him lately and I feel like I should get extra credit for that
all this to say that this would be a good time to send me a message with how great you think i am. lol
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Baby, Let's Ride (NSFW)
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Words: 1,042
Summary: Y/N is in the driver's seat for this road trip but she's bored.
Warnings: public car sex, unprotected sex, we're going to pretend absolutely no cars are gonna drive down this road for the next thirty-ish minutes lmao
Written for an Angel request
You enjoy driving, you really do, but certain parts of the US are definitely less exciting than others and this is one of them. The landscape around you is flat grasslands as far as the eye can see and you’re not going to lie, it’s a bit mind-numbing. Certainly doesn’t help that Bucky Barnes is lounging in your passenger seat with his nose buried in a book Steve loaned him for the trip, one elbow resting on the back of the bench seat with his hand in his hair. The sight is extremely distracting.
Though, to be honest, that might also be because your bored brain has decided now is a perfect time to be more than a little horny.
Bucky is a perfect gentleman, of course, and has kept his hands to himself besides some hand-holding. “Eyes on the road,” he keeps saying and you roll your eyes but obey. The highway is empty now, though, a long stretch of blacktop disappearing into the horizon, and you’re in a mood.
Your top is a comfy button-up, soft wicked fabric that’s perfect for a long day on the road. You shoot a look over at Bucky - his eyes are locked on his book still - and bring your hand up to the top button. You try to be casual about it, scratching at your collarbone before slowly undoing the top button. It’s not until you reach the bottom button and pull your shirt open beneath your seatbelt that Bucky notices, glancing over at you from the top of his book. His eyes go wide.
“What are you doing?”
Your lips curl in a mischievous smirk. “What?”
Bucky opens his mouth to respond but when you unzip the front of your sports bra, all he can do is sputter.
You hum thoughtfully and make sure your seatbelt still sits properly across your chest and shoulder. Your eyes flick from the road to Bucky and back again, and you can’t help a small laugh at his expression. “See something you like?”
The words are punctuated by the glide of your right hand over your breasts, pausing to tweak both nipples, and you can practically hear Bucky’s brain shutting down in response.
“You’re a tease,” he finally grumbles, hands clutched tight around his book.
You just laugh again and let your hand drift down your belly, your pelvis, to trace one fingertip along the seam of your leggings. Your clit throbs in response. “What’re you going to do about it?”
He makes a low sound, something between a growl and a moan. It sends a shiver of arousal down your spine. “Pull over.”
You lift a playful brow in his direction. “Sergeant Barnes, are you implying that we should have sex on the side of the highway?”
“That’s exactly what I’m implying.”
Your purse your lips, considering this for a moment. A quick glance in your mirrors confirms that there’s no one in sight, so you turn your blinker on.
The shoulder is rough under your tires. As soon as the car is in park, Bucky’s fingers are on your seatbelt buckle and he’s pulling you across the seat for a kiss. His hands skate up your sides beneath your open shirt and find their places on either side of your breasts. His metal hand is cool from the air conditioner and the rub of his thumb over your nipple makes you shiver.
“Such a fucking tease,” he growls as he kisses along the line of your jaw.
“Is it teasing if I plan to follow through?”
Bucky doesn’t respond, digging his teeth into the side of your neck instead. You gasp, head tipped back to give him better access, and one hand flies up to grip lightly at his hair. Not pulling, just holding on. Bucky sucks on the mark he’s made, drawing more blood to the surface. He’s got a nice, dark mark in mind and you know people are going to notice it. The thought stokes the heat in your core.
Once he’s satisfied with the mark he’s left, Bucky continues his path downward. He nibbles at your collarbone, bites lightly along the curve of your left breast, and then skips right over your nipple like a fucking dick. When you voice this complaint, he just laughs and replies with “Is it teasing if I plan to follow through?”
You reward him for that with a shove at his shoulder, prompting a low laugh into the valley between your breasts.
“Lay back, doll,” he purrs, giving you a gentle push to guide you down. “There you go. Gotta be quick. We don’t want someone to come along and interrupt us.”
“Please don’t get us arrested for public indecency,” you laugh.
Bucky’s only response to that is a wink as his fingers creep under the waistband of your leggings.
Your shoes, leggings, and underwear end up somewhere in the passenger-side footwell. Bucky’s lips are soft against your breasts but his stubble is rough. His jeans are the same, rubbing against sensitive skin in multiple places as he settles between your thighs. His metal arm holds him up, elbow braced against the seat above your head, and his flesh hand creeps down over the curve of your pelvis.
“So wet,” he purrs, middle finger bumping over your clit and tracing the edges of your folds. “Do you like showing off in the car? Knowing someone could drive by and see you with your tits out?”
You open your mouth to reply but all that comes out is a moan, a little broken and whiney. Bucky laughs, low and dangerous against your collarbone.
“Gonna fuck you.” His finger dips between your folds, pressing against your entrance but not inside yet. “Leave you dripping my cum all over your panties for the rest of the drive.”
Your pussy clenches in response to those words, something he definitely notices based on his smirk.
“Yeah. That’s what I thought.”
This isn’t what you’d expected when you decide to tease Bucky - and you definitely didn’t expect it to happen on the side of the road - but all you can do as he presses two fingers into your dripping core is spread your legs and hold on for the ride.
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Team Forever: @mrswhozeewhatsis @manawhaat @books-and-icecream @laughing-at-the-darkness @tumbler-tidbits @emoryhemsworth @imsuperawkward @onethirstyunicorn
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birdmanart · 1 year
Hello naughty children it’s OC time! This time, may I present Esmer de Sola, the protagonist of my Pokémon Violet playthrough!
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He is a big transmasc dork who ends up befriending Grusha because I Have A Favorite Character and also bc I think it’s cute. He’s originally from Helles, my greece-based fanregion, and actually ends up becoming an ice/flying gym trainer there post-SV!
Transcriptions of the dialogue on images 4-9below the cut!
[Image 4 dialogue:
Grusha: You did pretty good on the slopes. (Thinking: Another gym contestant… well, better get this over with.)
Esmer (off-screen): Oh, thank! It was fun!!
Grusha (thinking): Wait.
Grusha: Did you do the run… dressed like that? Isn’t that the summer uniform?
Esmer: Yeah?
Grusha: … Wait there a moment, I’ll be back. There’s gotta be a coat or something upstairs, dios mio…]
[Image 5 dialogue:
Esmer: PFAH! Wow, I really was cold!
Grusha: You didn’t notice?
Esmer: I’m bad at temperatures. Uncle always had to make me put on stuff at the rink too.
Grusha: The rink?
Esmer: Yeah! My Uncle Cefi— well, technically he’s like a great-uncle or something— he’s a figure skater back in Helles! He taught me loads of stuff!
Grusha: Huh, figure skating… that’s neat. ]
[Image 6 dialogue:
Esmer: See! That’s me! From last year.
Grusha: …
Grusha: So the shorts are just a you thing, then?
Esmer: If you can find a pair of jeans flexible enough for that, go right ahead.]
[Image 7 dialogue:
Esmer: And then— then his eyes glowed just like the crystals, and his voice went all glitchy, and— and— I seriously thought Arven was gonna cry, it was awful.
Grusha: That sounds pretty freaky.
Esmer: It was!]
[Image 8 dialogue:
Grusha: There, I’m off the mountain, what now? Nice place.
Esmer (off-panel): … I promise this was not my intent, but I think now you need to take off your coat. And the gloves, holy shit.
Note in the corner reads: (it’s like 79-80 degrees [fahrenheit] at Esmer’s house)]
[Image 9 dialogue:
Grusha: Ah, what’s under is thermal…
Esmer: I told you I live South! Why would you wear those?
Grusha: I don’t really own much else…
Esmer: Just let me lend you something, jeez! I feel hot just looking at you!
(after a visible change of clothes)
Grusha: No shorts?
Esmer, conspicuously still wearing shorts himself: I do own other clothes, you know.]
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sungbeam · 1 year
hi friend as your biggest fan u already know im always gonna hype u up so have my lengthy answers to the ask game:
1. My fav fic of yours - flight risk......im pretty sure its the first fic of yours ive ever read but oh god its SO good erics character and everything abt it ??? Had me feeling butterflies so many times i screamed and yelled into my pillow. Also inspired me a lot in my writing slump and like... i dont wanna be cheesy but helped me mentally bc i read it when i was having a rough time 😭👍 but also PARTY PEOPLE !!!!! so good. SO so good. oh and also the sunwoo hoodie drabble owns my ass i reread it like 5 times already
2. My fav chapter in my fav fic of yours - not my fav fic but the kiss scene in the practice room in off the record ??? slaps
3. The best character youve written for - swing my way eric honestly. so authentic to him imo TT i just adore his character in that fic a whole lot.
6. Something i remember vividly - that scene from flight risk when eric asked sunwoo if he wants to go skate w them and sunwoo goes "no, im down" and eric is like wtf and so sunwoo goes "no, im down. laying down in my bed" or something (the memory is not 100% vivid as u can see) but I legit slapped my knee that was PEAK COMEDY for me
7. Something that made me emotional after reading - that one chapter of somewhere only we know when intak describes how he wishes he could hear his brothers voice sometimes because if he missed him in that way maybe it would hurt less. That whole series is...very personal to me in sense of grief :,)
8. What i like the most about your writing - THE UNIVERSES U CREATE and like. The friendships and the characterization of each character and how theyre all their own person and not just a tool for plot. Also your comedy in fics it always has me giggling
9. A fic im excited for you to post - sangyeons love in unity fic bc i need to know whats up w that secret gf
12. A fic of yours ive reread - hoodie talk LMAO
13. Have i talked to anyone else abt your fics - yes i fangirled to my friend abt u multiple times also we talked abt rhapsody anonymous after it came out 😭👍
YOU. i will actually ksbfkenfkndkfnf 😭 i love u, bar !!! ur support of me has literally been the saving grace to my writing motivation; every time i write something, i always have u in the back of my mind and i wonder what you'd say/react and if you'll like it 🤧
makes me really happy to hear that my writing helped you through a rough time in your life 😔 i wrote party people and flight risk and even hoodie talk during a ,,, emotionally stiff part of my life where i felt super isolated and emotionally constipated, so it's good to know that the feelings i wanted translated *were* translated correctly, if that makes sense
HELLO I LOVE THE PRACTICE ROOM KISS TOO SKFNDKFNJFNF sorry coughs uhm haha def not like biased or anything *looks away*
OMG THAT LINE FROM FLIGHT RISK 💀 i actually thought i was so clever for that one, thank u for mentioning it and sknfkd YAY thank god u found it funny 😭😭 IN GENERAL, the fact that u find me funny at ALL is like ,,, im punching the sky rn im actually celebrating 🤧
ik i prob said this in the reblog of that one chapter of the intak fic, but that series also holds a really tender place in my heart :') grief is one of the things i feel like isn't written abt very much here, and i always seem to leave traces of it wherever i go, so it's nice to know someone can connect to the grief theme </3
thank you thank you thank you for all you've done for me (more than you even know), and for just being so flippin cool :'))) 💖
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macaroni-rascal · 11 months
Sorry I'm late with the women's FS review, you-know-which dress took me out, and now I'm also reeling from H/B's WD. Why does god hate me? Anyway, redemption fashuns from many this time around.
Young - a decent dress, very pretty skirt, but I'm wishing away the darker shade at the top. If she's already skating to an autumnal theme, if the soft yellow had continued up and they'd just used rust-colored rhinestones, she would've looked like a leaf changing colors and it would've been light and bright, which she needs rn. One of several kinda stereotypical skating dresses here, but what're ya gonna do. I feel really bad for her because we can see the sadness in her eyes and I wish she'd allow herself to take a break. The Korean ladies already look tired and we know why 😡.
Our poor baby Clare. Her presence here is less reflective of her preparedness and more of her coaches' seemingly pathological need to insert themselves into the conversation at any cost, regardless of whether they have anything to say. A mindless Yuna knockoff with matching styling from 10-15 years ago. Truly random stoning on the dress, and don't even get me started on the back. It's like they fed Yuna programs into ChatGPT and this is what it spat out. If we're doing over-the-boot tights, then why not cover the heel as well? Somebody pull this sweet child out of Colorado because she did incredibly well considering the material she was given.
Seoyeong - massive improvement, beautiful colors, great shading, but again - we've seen this exact dress in a million different iterations. Nevertheless, it doesn't offend me because it follows the lines of the body amazingly and it enhances rather than detract. They might wanna work on opening her shoulders a little bit. Exogenesis is officially overdone.
Hana is so cute! She kinda looks like a blend of Riku Miura and Akiko Suzuki, don't you think? The construction of the dress is good, but the appliques and rhinestone shapes seem truly haphazard. I don't know what the deal with the one red glove is, but I would've put it on the other hand. Kinda random combo of music pieces. A bit of a leg wrap they'll want to address but there were some moments of real sensitivity in this, I'm excited to see how she develops.
Omg Nini again. This could've been a spectacular dress, which is why I was in physical pain watching this. The color is fabulous, I love the lacy shoulder straps and neckline, but everything going on between the bust and the knees is a felony. Why is the bodice so narrow? Why are the side cutouts so big and asymmetrical? Wth is that medallion in the middle of her back? Why the chewed-up skirt? Just imagine if the tan gloves were purple lace matching the dress. I'm livid, I'm filing for emergency custody.
Okay, Katya - possibly the best dress she's ever had, but lbr it's a low bar. Nice colors and ombre, but I wouldn't have slit the sleeves and I would've just had them run to a point over her hands for extra flowiness and sense of extension, since she's itty-bitty. The V in the back and front is well-placed and the flowers I didn't mind since the front needed something, but they're a bit outdated. Not a fan of the opening signature Russian miming, but they're clearly working with her to mature her, it'll just take time. And can we please retire the arms above the head in the jumps? Btw, didn't Brian get a hip replacement, like, yesterday? I didn't expect to see him here at all. I see his tie is from the same fabric as Ilia's FS shirt and for that, he's canceled.
This will again be in two parts out of consideration for those who will have to scroll past my ramblings.
Correct opinions were shared.
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