#it’s been crazy cold we are having a cold front rn
motheyes · 2 years
my hips hurt from sitting and laying. they’d hurt if i was walking more. they always hurt regardless
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Sick </3
wc: ~1.3k read time: ~5 minutes
༉‧₊˚.¸♡ master list✧ '*•༉
cw: fluff! smooches here and there i guess! gn throughout! also not proofread lol
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I have fucking covid!! my bones are on fire!!!
on a serious note, i have never been sick like this before in my life, i had the worst skin and joint aches i'd ever had in my life and my head felt like it was going to explode with pressure and my ears are still fuckin clogged. so anyways im gonna project my problems into this fic in the order in which i experienced them as a form of therapy and if anybody else is out there sick rn, i hope you have a jason todd to make it bearable!
On a silly note, I met a stray cat in the neighborhood the other day but she's been spayed! im hoping this is the cat distribution system at play
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"You've gotta be fucking kidding me," you groaned.
You're sitting on the couch trying to convince your boyfriend that you're not sick. It's just allergies! Allergies that come with body aches, pressure in your head, and now a fever.
Jason showed you the thermometer, "Dude, you're running at 100.1..."
You looked at the thermometer incredulously, "Isn't that thing super old? I mean how do we even know it still works? Take it again."
Jason sighed and scanned your forehead again, "Babe, we bought this a couple months ago." He glared at you as he showed you the thermometer again, which now read 100.2.
"Tch, that's barely even a fever," you said rolling your eyes.
"That's it. You're going on bed rest."
"Woah, what?? Jason, I told you I'm fine! Besides I have so much to do today. We need groceries, I have a prescription to pick up, there are so many dishes in the sink, I have laundry to fold and I have work this evening. A little cold isn't... what are you doing?" You cut yourself off as you saw Jason typing on his phone.
"Thanks for the to-do list! While you rest, I'll go and get this done. Grocery list is on the fridge and our pharmacy is in the store, so text me if you need anything else. I am more than capable of doing dishes and laundry, so you don't have to worry about that. And I love you, but you're crazy if you think you're going into work tonight. Text your boss a picture of the thermometer and call out. Or I'll do it for you, whatever you prefer."
"Ar-Are you sure? I mean it's..." You trailed off. You really did feel like shit and it's not like you necessarily wanted to do these errands and chores. After a moment of thinking, you sighed and relented, "Okay, fine, only if you're completely sure you can handle it."
"(Y/N), I'm an adult. If I couldn't do laundry, you should be worried about me." You tried to laugh a little, but it quickly snowballed into a coughing fit, "Woah woah, take it easy. I'm gonna take the list and go to the store. Again, text me if you need anything or if you just wanna say hi," he said with a smile.
Your eyes welled up a bit as you whispered, "Thank you, Jason. I love you very much."
"I love you too, I'll be back soon."
The front door swung open and Jason's voice rang through your shared apartment, "Honey, I'm home!"
You couldn't have gotten up if you tried. You're sickly moan from the couch alarmed Jason, and he dropped the groceries and ran to your side.
You were lying on the couch in your spiderman sweats and a hoodie; your arms draped over your eyes to block out the white lights from the kitchen that added to your headache. Your entire body ached like it never has before. The sight squeezed Jason's heart. "Oh, honey," he said sympathetically, pressing his hands to your cheeks, "Woah, you are burning up! Hang on." He snatched the thermometer from the coffee table and tested his partner. The screen lit up red. It read 101.7.
You mumbled, "H-Holy shit..." It was a bit too much to talk right now.
"Okay babe, I got you some chicken noodle soup because that's what Alfred always made us, and I don't quite have his cooking skills--and this is, uh from a uh... a can--but I'm gonna make some for you, and that should hopefully make you feel better," he looked at you with worry. "Then would you want to watch Pride & Prejudice while I folded the laundry? The movie obviously, since you like it. Even though the show is better," he grumbled at the end.
God damn it. You were crying again.
You were experiencing so many different emotions you didn't really know what else to do. You loved Jason so much and felt so much gratitude for the way he was taking care of you. As if there was nothing else he could possibly be doing right now other than be here. This is on top of the fact that you've been in agony for the past hour as you got worse and worse; and you were really tired of feeling that way.
This shocked and scared Jason, "I'm sorry!! The movie isn't that bad! I just like that the show's more accurate to the book! Also, when Lizzie runs through the rain, why does she grab a soaking wet cloth from the very same rain storm to dry her hair?! I'm sorry I just--"
"I love you so much," you croaked out. "I also feel like fucking garbage."
This put Jason at ease and he kissed the top of your head. "I'm sorry you feel like shit, sweetheart. I do this because I love you too. Like, a lot. Now stop talking and spare your voice. Let's get you cozy and hopped up on vitamin C, and we'll just take it easy."
The next morning, you woke up. You sat up slowly and realized most of the pressure in your head is gone. Your body no longer felt like it was on fire! Definitely still congested though. You also realized you fell asleep on the couch after the first proposal, yet you were currently sitting in your bed. Jason must've brought you in. Suddenly, a sneeze crept up and exploded out of you. Then another. Then one more. Jesus, that hurt your chest.
Your fit was loud enough to let Jason know you had woken up. He came into the room holding a spatula. The opened door let in a sweet smell and a sizzling sound. "How are you feeling, baby?" He walked towards you.
"Well I can bear to be conscious, so I'd say much better. What's going on in the kitchen?"
He pressed his hand to your forehead and said, "Pancakes! And lots of orange juice. I don't think you’re in the clear yet. Sit tight; I'm gonna get the thermometer and take your temperature."
Ignoring his request, you got up to meet him in the living room. You stepped out of the bedroom and was met with the sight of Jason discarding the pancake that had burned due to his doting. He saw you walking towards him and urged you to go back to bed, "Go back! I'm gonna bring you breakfast in bed. Pancakes, juice, fruit, the whole shebang."
"No it's okay, let me be out here with you. I'd kiss you good morning, but I fear I might poison you and get you sick."
Jason stole a quick kiss, much to your surprise, "I spent all night with you. If I were to get it, I don't think a kiss would be what seals my fate. You're plate is ready, by the way."
He handed you a plate stacked with 3 pancakes and a butter slice, drizzled in maple syrup with strawberries and whipped cream. It was beautiful, "Oh my god, Jason, that's so gorgeous I don't think I can eat it." Your stomach growled and promptly gave away your true feelings.
"Tear it up, baby girl."
You sat down as Jason finished making his stack. He sat down with you and you both began eating. Pre-packaged pancake mix has never tasted so good.
"Thank you for nursing me back to health, Jason. You've made this past few days in unbearable hell feel more like a manageable limbo."
He laughed, "What else was I supposed to do? Let the love of my life suffer?"
"God I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you in my life."
"Well, fortunately, you'll never have to." He leaned over the table and pressed a syrupy kiss to your lips.
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if there are an content warnings you think i missed, please tell me so!! i’ll add them to this post and remember to add them to future ones!! :) ♡ ♡
and pls pls like and reblog and reply!! literally if you interact i will kiss you on the mouth
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ekpriyasi · 10 months
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Pairing: Jungkook x reader
genre: yandere, best friend to lover, jungkook is a hotty, angst
warning: oc is sad and lonely
Summary : He loves bieng my friend, but he has girlfriend who he loves ....could this possibly change him from your close friend to a distant person.. And will that be able to change his habit of kissing your neck to seek comfort
A/n : I am just too nervous for part too... I changed oc from y/n to nari.But I hope you all like it please share your reviews on it
It's been two weeks, he is still being cold. Now not even bothering to replying to her messages, not even her calls . She called him three times yesterday, two times today. And what did he do? Just shooed her away sending a quick " Busy rn call you later " but never calls
Nari scoffed felling tears dwelly up. Just sitting there on her bed for past 5 hour seeing her twelve years of friendship dying. And could do nothing. She wanted to meet him ask and ask why is he doing this to her, shout at him, nuzzle her face in his neck and cry until he gives the answer but she could not do it she felt defeated.
She messaged him that she wanted to hang out 'he said he is busy' . She asked him if she can come over and have some time together 'he said please not now' . He is just avoiding nari, it's more than evident.
Yuna , a good and close friend ( not more close than jungkook) who met nari met through jungkook himself. Even said that why were you running after someone who is not even willing to make things clear or even pushing you alway. Why can't you let things be.
She can not, she did'nt knew how to. From when she was nine and he was eleven , she have been with jungkook, they both have done everything together. She perfectly knew how to live with jungkook by her side but without him. She felt lost .
Every day seemed like months, she cried cried. Two weeks turned into three and still no word from him. He knew she that how shattered and broken this all was making her but he was keeping his quite.
I knew there was a part of me that was selfish. I was being petty by hating and blaming Aeri. But would it be understood if I said that i loved him since the first day we met he was different from others. Always caring genuine, kind , good looking and most of all my best friend. I never wanted him to know this because I never wanted to lose him I was happy having him by my side as a friend.. Even if I knew he would leave me one day Or another.
I'm starting to wonder if this is really what being in love is. Being okay with ripping yourself to shreds, so the other person can stay whole.
I was always afraid the poison love would make me a monster, but what if trying to get rid of it makes me more of a monster than I was before., monster for loving my own best friend
But how could I stop falling for him. He was the only person who ever made me feel like I was the one worth protecting.
I have decided enough is enough , I will go to his place. This all is making me crazy. But this time I will go without telling him. So he won't have a reason to deny.
So here I am in front of his door ready . Ringing the bell sand waiting for him to open .
"Nari " he says with shocked expression, of course he did not expected me to be here. "Kook, hey" you say seeing him getting confused " Hi , why are you here".
You scoff "Of course I m here to talk but could you let me in ". He moves aside and you enter his visibily tidy and spacious apartment. That's one thing about jungkook you love the most that he loves to be clean arranged and tidy.
"You are avoiding me " You say with visibly tensed expressions."No I am not". " Yes you are, u are not replying to my messages , not picking my calls, and not even hanging out with me". You saying trying hard not to cry. "I not avoiding or ignoring you, it's just this month have been a busy one" He say nonchalantly.
"It's not the first time you were busy kook, there have been times when you were but you never ignored me then, and its much more than evident that there is something bothering you" Now you were crying. You don't know how to stop the tears , you feeling you are not able to breath, the pain in your heart and mind is now getting to much.
"No it's nothing nari , you are just making it a big issue".
"Is it something I did, or something I said " You say not being able to stop the tears "not everything in my life is about you nari". He knows his word are doing nothing but making you hurt more. His heart clenches seeing you cry, if the circumstances where different he would have kissed your tears away. But not know, no matter how much it hurts him seeing you so broken that to because of him , he can not hold you.
"I am just busy nari, we are not kids anymore, we have a lot of responsibilities now, I have more people in my life not just you, I can not be with you everytime or talk to you everytime. You are being a problem now ".
"Oh so I am a problem, and you want to get rid of me don't you ". Crack evident in your voice, you were now breathing heavily.
"Nari you making it a big deal, I didn't meant that "
"You know na kook, how much I hate fighting with you, you know how much this all is hurting me and still you are fooling me with your words .why? Why kook?. "
"Nari I think you should go it's getting dark . I need to go somewhere "
You knew there was no use of stretching this conversation now. He has just cut you off his life. You mind was clouded with all the emotions you were felling. You were shaking, it was getting hard every second to breath.
Jungkook noticed your state and held your hand. "Nari, you are shaking, talk to me ,you are fine ? ". You were just standing not able to speak. You yanked his hand away and started moving towards the main door
You held the door knob .and looked over your shoulder to see him him still standing there with some unrecognizable emotions in his eyes. “You're still wearing your bracelet ,It reminds me of a relationship that I don't want to lose. Kook" You said, more like pleaded. It was the bracelet you gifted him when you were eleven and you both promised to each other you will not leave each no matter what. He never removed that bracelet. And you wish he never do in future too.
Jungkook pov :
I felt as if someone is snatching my life from me. I wanted to hold her in my arms , tell her all the truth, calm her.
" Nari " She turned.
I moved towards her, and I don't what took over me and I wrapped my hands around her waist and my lips were met with the soft skin of her neck. This was not knew to us but kissing her neck knowing this would be the last time. I wanted to just do it forever. But this time she didn't moved her head back to give me more space instead she moved away from me. Hurt was in her eyes and I realized how much I fucked up.
Shooing her away one second and kissing her neck the other second. Kissing her neck was something i always did to show her affection and also to calm myself but doing it right now was not a great move it must have felt as if I was using her to calm my nerves as I always did.
She left as soon as she could, without even sparing me a last glance. Why would she, when I was the only one who was being an asshole and wanted her to leave ..
She is worth nothing less than stardust, but all I can give her is dirt..
Tagelist -:
@heyitsmehaneul ,@xonga
@theblueslytherin , @drqvn
@jjeonjjk7 , @hskahvd5 , @chaconnelatte , @talyaaas-blog
@ane102 , @hobabobas @kochycooky
Sorry if I missed someone out.. Tell me if so
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cruel-summerxy · 3 months
renegade - billy the kid x reader
summary ➞ Your brother Jesse is back in town and he brings a friend with him. You know he’s bad news but you can’t help but to be drawn to him. word count: 2.2k words.
a/n ➞ will anyone read this? Probably not but I’m going crazy for tom blyth rn. I’m for sure gonna do more parts, kinda miss writing. oh and this is based on renegade by big red machine and ms taylor allison swift. anywho, hope y’all enjoy.
It was a quiet and cold day when you first met Billy. You had been trying your darndest to stay away from your brother and his gang but word had gotten back to you that he was back in town. You had done your best to not go into town, avoiding Jesse would be the best option.
A tap on your window causes you to reach for your gun. Ever since your Papa had died and Jesse had left it had been up to you to protect your home.
“Who’s there?” you shout, not daring to look out the window.
“My name is Billy. I’m a friend of Jesse!” a voice beams. You scrunch your eyebrows and decide to look out. Your eyes are met with a tall man— kid. He couldn’t be older than 20. A part of you knows that anyone associated with your brother was bad news but when you see him in front of your house your heart skips a beat. His blue eyes almost make you lose focus.
“And?” you ask annoyed, your hand gripping your firearm.
“You’re his sister, right?” Billy questions and looks through the window, catching you off guard. You point
your gun at him and he takes a step back.
“Woah I’m not here to hurt ya,” he raises his hands in surrender, “Jesse sent me here. He said you’d help.”
You mentally curse Jesse out and open the door carefully. Billy takes another step back and watches you intently, his hands still up.
“And why would I do that?” you raise an eyebrow, “I don’t know you.”
“Cause you’re nice,” Jesse shouts from the corner of the house.
Your eyes widen when you see Jesse with a red head next to him. You pivot your heels towards the door hoping that he won’t catch up.
“Come on, I know you see me,” your brother bellows and runs behind you. You lock the door and lean against it. To say you loathe him is an understatement.. You let out a sigh and contemplate if ignoring him would do any good. Right when you are about to walk away you feel his arm come over your shoulder. You groan as you realize the back door wasn’t locked.
“Well that’s not very nice to do to your older brother, sweetheart,” Jesse lectures you as you both walk to the dining room, his men close behind. Billy gives you a sorry smile and leans against the counter. You hold back an eye roll and pick up an apple, pretending to inspect it.
“What do you want Jesse? Tired of stealing and running away yet?” you mutter avoiding his gaze. He laughs at your words and shakes his head. Ever since you had been little Jesse attracted chaos and destruction.
“Something like that. Listen me and the boys need a place to crash for a while,” Jesse explains and points at the two men behind him. “This is Billy and Beckwith.” Your eyes inspected the men in front of you— a blush covering your face as you saw Billy again. Your face quickly changed when your worried mind spun with possibilities, each one more terrifying than the last.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” you debate.
“Come on sweetheart,” Jesse nags, “we’re tired and hungry. We won’t cause any trouble, you have my word.”
“Mama won’t like it… she doesn’t want to see your face around here,” you remind him, hoping that he’ll forget the whole thing.
“Mama doesn’t know who you are. I doubt she’ll even recognize me,” Jesse counters. You sigh and lean against the counter, your arms crossed. Billy remains quiet and straightens up next to you. You think of Jesse's words and groan. He had a point, your mother’s condition had been going downhill, her often forgetting to even eat.
“I don’t want your men stealing from Mama,” you state, “no bringing women and no late night shootings.”
Your brother nods and a smirk appears on his face, “told ya’, boys. Come on, let me show you my father’s whiskey collection.”
Billy hesitates, but follows the blonde man.
You felt a headache coming and you went back to your plants. Jesse had only been back for a few hours and your body was already stressing out. You caught a glimpse of Billy once again, your shaky hands causing you to drop the task at hand.
“Need anything?” you ask and walk up to him. You squint, trying to cover the sunset.
“Jesse made me come out here,” Billy coughed awkwardly, “he’s wondering if you can make us some food.”
“Of course he is.” you groan. You sigh and clean your dirt covered hands on your dress. You look up at Billy and scan his face for a moment, his blue eyes doing the same. “When was the last time you all had a proper meal?”
“It’s been weeks,” he says truthfully and follows you back into the house. “been catching some meat here and there but we’ve mostly been eating berries.”
“Jesus,” you mutter and try to turn on a fire. You feel Billy’s eyes on you, your breath becoming uneven now.
“Here let me help,” Billy says and turns on a fire easily. You give him a once over and put on a pot. You wash your hands, Billy watches your every move and hands you a drying rag.
“I’m sorry for disturbing your peace. Jesse insisted on us coming here. He said you’d take us in,” Billy spoke sincerely.
“Why are y’all running?” you question him. Billy’s eyes darken as he recalls why Jesse and the other man had to hide.
“Stole some cattle and then accidentally killed someone.”
You stop what you’re doing and look at him. He stares back, not moving an inch. You search for a teasing smile or a glint of joking but find none. “How do you accidentally kill someone?”
He ignores your question and looks down at the apple you had been inspecting earlier.
“You can eat it. I’m tired of ‘em. Mama’s the only one who eats them,” you say and soften your face. He shakes his head in embarrassment but you roll it his way. “It’ll go bad. We’ve got more in the back.”
He reluctantly takes a bite and thanks you. You smile at him and you wash some vegetables. His eyes follow you and do your best to ignore him. He wasn’t making you uncomfortable per se, but it had been a while since a man had been in your home.
“Can you let Jesse know I’m cooking something?”
Billy nods and walks back to his friend. You can hear them in the other room, Jesse being the loudest. After a few minutes you hear Jesse’s laugh and then hear him speak once again.
“She’ll get over it, it was like five years ago.” Jesse told them and your heart sank. Anger flooded your body as you realized what he was talking about. You began chopping the vegetables with more force.
“Stupid Jesse and his stupid little friends,” you whisper to yourself. This had been why you didn’t want him in your home again. Jesse had the tendency to come into your life and cause old wounds to reopen.
“Dinners ready,” you shout and serve yourself a plate. You hear the boys come in and take a bite, ignoring them.
“Woah didn’t even serve us,” Jesse teases and serves himself. The two others follow suit and moan at the smell of your food.
“Y’all got hands,” you point out, this getting a laugh out of Billy. You smile at his reaction but cover it when Jesse sits next to you.
“That’s not very nice sweetheart,” Jesse replies and tries
the food on his plate. He whines at the taste of your food but you're too occupied with Billy, him sitting across from you. He wasn’t bad looking at all. His dark hair and blue eyes mesmerized you, making you lose your train of thought. Jesse calls out your name.
“What?” you knit your eyebrows at his voice.
“Said if this is Mama’s recipe,” Jesse repeated with a full mouth. You cringe at his actions and shake your head.
“It’s my own.”
“It’s delicious,” Billy compliments and takes another bite. You smile at him and try to keep yourself from getting red in the face. You look at his shape and frown, his body jagged and weak. The warm meal probably settled into his stomach quickly.
“Thank you Billy,” you smile at him and look at your brother and his other friend, “y’all like it?”
Beckwith nods and continues eating. You suppress a laugh and look at Jesse, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s alright,” Jesse teases while sipping on his beer, his eyes landing on your own “since when do you drink?”
You ignore him and look up at Billy who had been staring at you already. You cross my arms and observe him, “why are you drinking? Aren’t you too young, Billy?”
Billy smiles, amused at your curiosity, “I’m not that young.”
“He actually is,” Jesse mumbles between bites, “but after a long day one needs a nice beer.”
“One might argue that you need a bath as well,” you reply. Billy chuckles under his breath and continues eating. A hint of achievement covers your tummy. “But I am serious. I’ll bring some water for you all, you really do need to clean up.”
Jesse rolls his eyes but it goes unnoticed by you. You’re too caught up on Billy to look at your brother. Your eyes land on the dark circles under his eyes. It hadn’t occurred to you that the group of them might want to lay down and rest. You wipe your mouth and look at Jesse, his body filled with exhaustion as well.
You clear your voice and look back at all of them , “the baths can wait. I can set up your rooms if you wish. You must be tired.”
They nod and you stand up. You walk through the hallway feeling someone following you. You turn and are met with Billy’s tall and hard figure.
“Shit, sorry. I was just trying to help, didn’t mean to hurt ya,” Billy apologized. You looked up at him and he smiled, it not quite reaching his eyes.
“It’s alright, you must be drained out. You like sleeping with a lot of blankets?” you ask as you gather them from the closet. He sheeply nods and you gather more in your arms. Billy follows you, keeping a distance.
“This is my room,” you say pointing, “that one is Mama’s. This one is Jesse’s. You’ll have to sadly share with Beckwith.”
“That’s alright. It’s better than sleeping in a tent, darlin.”
“I suppose,” you reply and your eyes gleam at his words. You quickly open his door and show him where he’ll be sleeping. “It’s not big but you’ll each have a bed.”
He nod appreciatively and takes the blankets off your hands, “thank you for taking us in. I know you and Jesse don’t get along.”
You shrug and close the window in the room. In a swift motion you turn on a candle, carefully avoiding your fingers. “He's a pain in my ass but he’s still my brother.”
Billy smiles and leans against the wall. “Trust me, I know.” His eyes drooped, his fatigue becoming even more evident.
“Well you should sleep Billy,” you whisper and he agrees with you.
“Goodnight,” he says softly, matching your tone.
The next few days you steer clear from Billy and Jesse. The group of men spend their time resting or drinking. You engulf yourself with your mother and your fields of corn.
One morning Billy finds you working in the fields.
“Do you not rest?” he shouts, catching you off guard. You look up, wiping your forehead. You lean against your shovel, “I do, just like starting my day early. How’d you sleep?”
“Best sleep I’ve had,” Billy confesses and walks up to you. His steps grow louder as the gap between you two closes. He’s wearing the same clothes for days now but you say nothing. He reaches you and takes the shovel from you, copying your previous movements. You take a step back and let him help.
“That’s good to hear…” you say and stare at him. You couldn’t wrap your mind about someone as young as him running in Jesse’s circle.
“What?” he laughs at the look on your face, his own cheeks turning red.
“Why are you with Jesse and his men? You’re far too young,” you speak your mind.
“Told you, I killed a man,” he huffs as he digs a hole. You freeze at his voice.
“Hold on, you killed someone?” you say and silence settles over you both. “I thought Jesse or Beckwith had killed someone and that’s why you were running,”
“It was an accident,” Billy reminds you softly, using the same words from the first day.
You tilt your head, not sure if you should believe him. “How do you accidentally kill someone?” Not once does he stop digging, you can see his demeanor changing. Perhaps you had pushed too much.
“What? You scared of me now, darling?” he laughs at the look your eyes held. The noise coming from him almost scared you — almost.
“Oh I’m not frightened, I’ve seen Jesse take someone’s life. Trust me, I can handle me a dangerous man.”
He laughs at your words and continues digging up. You remain in your position.
“No really, I can.”
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close to home | chapter seventy one
close to home | chapter seventy one
plot: time continues to pass for the reader
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 3,008 Warnings: violence, blood, typical twd A/N: my body dysmorphia is insane rn I've lost like 70 pounds this year and I cannot keep up with how I look mentally and its such a mind fuck I cry like every day cause nothing is good enough I need to go back to therapy honestly at least by ed is under control tho
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“I can’t find anything,” You groaned as you shut the dresser drawer. “All I want are the sweatpants Michonne had when she was pregnant, and I can’t find them. My life is over.”
The hardwood floor was cold against your back as you lay down against it. You whined as tears filled your eyes. 
“Did ya leave ‘em downstairs?” Daryl asked, standing above you. “Why ya always gotta lie on the floor?”
“Because it’s where I find comfort,” You retorted. “I just want my pants.”
Daryl sighed, and you watched him leave the new bedroom. It was only your third night here, as you had to wait for the paint fumes to leave before you could sleep. And Daryl made sure you waited. You hadn’t even finished moving all your belongings up.
You stared up at the ceiling and waited until Daryl came back, holding the pants you were looking for. “They were in ya dresser, crazy girl. Now get off the floor.”
“Will you help me put them on?”
He sighed again as he sat down on the bed and nodded. “Let’s go, woman, ain’ got all night.” 
You chuckled as you slowly got up off the floor. Using his shoulders to help keep balance, he slid the pants to your waist, so the front band was resting under the bump. 
Daryl put his hands on your waist and kissed the bump right above your belly button, his lips grazing against the healed scars. “We gotta start thinkin’ of names. She gonna be here in four months.” 
“I have a name already, just keeping them a secret for now.” You said, shutting off the lights and then climbing into bed. 
“Secrets, huh? Thought we wasn’ supposed to have secrets between us?”
You felt his arm wrap around your lower waist, and then his bare chest was against your arm. You smiled and turned your head, leaning up to kiss him. 
“I will tell you soon.” You bumped your nose against his and then looked up at the ceiling. “It’s way too hot in here. I can’t wear these sweatpants.” 
Between months five and six, your belly seemed to explode. It was now a full-on pregnancy belly, and everything was bothering you. Your clothes itched, your food was dry, and you were either too hot or too cold. 
Daryl met every demand you requested or didn’t, and you were eternally grateful he was with you. He held you every night, ensured you could sleep comfortably, and helped you with everything he could. 
Still, it was hard. He never thought he’d be a father, never wanted to be one until he met you and saw the life he could have. He never thought he’d even have a wife, let alone someone like you. Someone who was as brave and strong as you. He knew that baby was the luckiest baby in the world to have a mother like you. 
“You okay?” 
Daryl glanced up at Aaron and came back to the present. They were about fifteen feet up, clearing another foot of snow off the storage shelter before it got too weighed down. 
The archer nodded and watched Aaron turn to see what he’d been staring at. 
You were on the street, your jacket covering the ever-growing bump, and you were with Rosita, Gabriel, and Michonne. You were laughing, with red cheeks, and seemed healed. Like the hell you’d been through was long behind you. 
“Three more months, right?” Aaron asked. “You excited?”
“Just be happy once it’s over, and they both okay,” Daryl said, shoveling off some snow. 
“I can’t wait until she’s here. You guys picked out any names? Gracie wanted me to suggest Belle, but I think she just likes Beauty and the Beast too much.”
Daryl snorted. “Nah. (Y/N)’s got some names, but ain’ tellin’ me yet.”
Aaron laughed as he flung some snow off the roof. “Sounds like her.”
Daryl paused and looked at his friend, his tongue heavy in his mouth as he thought about yours and his conversation from last night. “Hey uh, listen, she wanted me to ask ya… she wanted ya to be the baby’s godfather. In case anythin’ ever happens to us.” 
Aaron paused and looked at the archer, a smile already growing on his red-cheeked face. “I would be honored.”
Daryl nodded and shoveled more snow off the roof. “She gonna pick between Rosita and Michonne. Don’ say anythin’.”
The two of them quickly finished the roof and soon had their feet on the ground. Daryl walked around the building and towards you. 
His steps slowed so he could admire how beautiful you looked with red cheeks and wind-curled hair loose from its braid but under a wool hat. And he loved seeing the bump. He loved seeing you pregnant with his baby. He loved that everyone knew you were pregnant with his child. Perhaps that was why he couldn’t keep his hands off you in the bedroom and why he knew you were still sore from the way you shifted your weight back and forth.
Daryl’s entire world was wrapped up in an old parka. 
You smiled widely when he approached you, and your arm wrapped around his waist. 
“We should get ya inside, get that baby somethin’ to eat.” He told you quietly. 
“My keeper has returned. I will see you guys later.” You said. 
The house was warm when he led you to it, and after he made sure you ate a decent amount and had the tea that Siddiq ensured was great for prenatal care—thanks to Hilltop—he knew you were ready to lie down. 
Your middle-of-the-day naps were a regular occurrence. 
“I can’t wait to get her out of me,” You sighed loudly as you shut the door behind you. “I’m so exhausted every day.”
Daryl sat down at the edge of the bed and brushed back his hair to watch you change. 
“She kept me up half the night kicking.” You continued, but your words drowned out as he stared at you. 
You’d put on weight since getting pregnant, which of course, was a given. Your thighs were a little thicker, and your hips had a curve to them they didn’t before. And, of course, there was the bump. With lighting strikes of stretch marks claiming the undersides of the bump. 
More scars that made you you. 
“Are you even listening to me?”
Daryl blinked and looked up at you. You were wearing an oversized shirt that did little to hide the bump, and he grabbed your arm to pull you toward him. 
“Ya look gorgeous,” He said, pulling you to sit on your lap. He knew you wouldn’t be able to fit in a week's time. You barely fit as it was.
“Oh, here we go again.”
“Shut the hell up, crazy girl,” Daryl said before kissing you deeply. 
His hands pressed against your waist before roaming your body, taking in every dip, curve, mark, and bump. He couldn’t keep his hands in one spot as he slid them under your shirt to feel your warm skin. 
He hummed against your lips and pulled away. “Get on the bed.”
You were panting as you pulled your shirt down. Daryl fell beside you and pressed a kiss to your temple. His breathing was labored, and you thought back to only minutes ago when he had your back against his chest, his fingers caressing you, and he was taking you from behind. Or from when, even earlier, looking down while riding him into oblivion. 
“And I thought we had a lot of sex when we were at the Sanctuary.” You mused, grabbing his hand and intertwining your fingers. 
“Ain’ like ya gonna get pregnant.” 
You laughed loudly and shook your head. “Daryl Dixon making a joke. He must be in a good mood.” Your smile widened when he told you to shut up. 
You sighed with contentment and kissed his shoulder. “Are we gonna talk about the Kingdom?”
“I know ya don’ want me to go.”
You shook your head. “No, it’s not that. You can handle yourself out there. And the Kingdom needs escorts. I just hate the idea of not being out there with you. But I also know how much Carol and Ezekiel need you.”
“It’s only a few days. And I can radio ya once I get there.” 
You shifted your hips as the baby moved, then sat up to move his arm and cuddle against him. “Every day at ten in the morning.”
Daryl turned on his side and pressed a kiss against your cheek. “If that’s what ya want.”
“And tell Jerry I expect a cobbler next Apple season. Actually, two, since I’ll only be a few months postpartum.”
Daryl hummed and kissed you again. “Anythin’ for ya, baby girl.”
You cried for an hour after Daryl left with the group the next morning. You were positive it was just the hormones, but you couldn’t help it. So you ended up at Gabriel’s house with Rosita, eating a jar of canned peaches from Hilltop and listening to old records. 
Her bump was showing too, though yours had a good two months of her. You couldn’t believe that the two of you were pregnant simultaneously, let alone so closely together. It made you feel even closer to her. 
But when the kids got out of school you headed back home, and were on parent duty. You would be on parent duty until Michonne was back. Not that you minded. You loved the two of them like they were your own. 
“Alright, come on Jude,” You said as you stretched a fitted sheet over the chairs. “RJ, go run up and get the pillows, okay?”
The little boy took off upstairs, and you smiled when you heard him thudding around. 
“Can we make some popcorn?” 
“Do we still have kernels?” You asked, looking at the tent the two of you just built. 
“I think so. I’ll check.”
She ran off just as RJ came back with every blanket in the house, it seemed like, and you had the little boy help you get them sorted. 
“I never made a fort before,” RJ smiled up at you. 
“There’s a first time for everything, little man.” You said. 
Judith returned with a jar of kernels, which you hoped would pop. You weren’t sure how long they’d been in the cellar for. The last time you had popcorn was a few years back after some corn didn’t take. 
But, you would try for the two little kids who looked at you like you were their world. 
The following week was uneventful. You spoke to Daryl every morning as you agreed. The Kingdom was done for. It was worse than what Ezekiel had been saying. And Carol wasn’t doing well either. 
Lydia was having a hard time, and Daryl thought it would be best if she came here. You’d start preparing a room for her soon. 
It was nice talking to Daryl. His voice was so rough through the radio that it made you wish he was there with you. You had to keep reminding yourself he would be home in a few days' time. They’d be headed to Hilltop, where he would stay a few days and then come home to you. Your bed was too lonely without his massive body, and the room too quiet without his annoying snoring. 
“He’ll be back soon; stop moping around,” Rosita said, handing you a steaming cup of tea as you waited for the kids to get their belongings together. 
“Hopefully, they’ll beat the storm,” Siddiq said. 
“Don’t remind me; I’m worried about them enough as it is.” You said, taking a long sip. “Judith, RJ, hurry up!” You yelled after. 
“Gabriel and Eugene are already at the church getting supplies in, and it’s starting to snow, so we should go now,” Rosita said. 
Both the kids came down with bags on their shoulders and bundled under their clothes. You wrapped a blanket around the youngest and cupped Judith’s face. 
“Come on, babe, we gotta move before the sun sets and the temperature drops,” Rosita said, handing you your jacket. 
You quickly put it on, then slung your bag around your shoulders and opened the front door. 
The cold wind pushed back your hair, and you adjusted the scarf around your neck. It was well below freezing, and you could feel the cold soak into your bones. 
“I miss Georgia winters,” You mumbled, taking RJ’s hand. “Come on, kids.” 
It wasn’t a long walk to the church, and before long you were sitting RJ down by the fire and telling Judith to do the same. With the door fully shut and blankets keeping out any extra air, you dumped your bag down and rubbed your gloved hands together. 
You sipped at your canteen and then glanced over at Negan, who was sitting on his cot and rubbing his hands together. 
He smiled at you when you walked over. “Hi, baby.”
“You really should stop calling me that.” You shoved your hands in your pockets. “If Daryl hears you say that…”
“And I thought you would’ve told him.”
“Not important enough to tell him,” You said and shrugged your shoulders. “Do you need anything?”
“I’m okay, thank you. You haven’t come to see me in a while. How’s the baby?”
You rubbed your hand against your stomach. “Fine, thank you very much. And I’ve been busy. Let me or Gabriel know if you need anything.” 
It was getting colder by the minute. Your hands were shaking as you wrapped another blanket around Judith and RJ. “Stay close. I know it’s cold.” You kissed each of their heads and then walked over to Eugene and Rosita. 
There was still tension in the air from Negan being an asshole, and you could see how annoyed Rosita was, especially after the sorrowful news about the fireplace. 
“If we’re going to go to Aaron’s, we really need to move now.” You said, trying to keep yourself from shaking terribly. God, you wished Daryl was here. 
“I agree. The temperature is going to keep dropping.” Eugene said. 
“Alright, we got rope in here, right? Let’s tie us all together in a line so nobody gets lost,” You said. “We’ll keep the kids in the center. Eugene will take the front. Siddiq in the back.” 
Rosita and Eugene both nodded, and you all got to work. You bundled the kids under a blanket each and tied RJ’s hat strings tightly around his head. You did the same with Judith. 
“You two stay on this line no matter what, you got that?” You asked. They both nodded. 
You walked over to Rosita and Gabriel, who were preparing themselves. “Put Negan behind me in the lineup. I don’t trust him behind anyone else but me. You know he won’t hurt me.” You said, zipping your coat all the way up. 
Though you knew they weren’t thrilled, they both agreed. Siddiq came over and handed you another blanket and helped you tie it around you so it wouldn’t come undone. Then he put your bag on your shoulders. 
You found your spot on the line, checked on RJ and Judith, and then Negan behind you before the doors opened. 
The wind was strong enough to push you backward when you stepped outside. Whirls of white spun around you, and the community had that snowing lightness to it. But it was freezing. A type of cold you hadn’t experienced yet. This blizzard was nothing sort of a terrible, new experience in a world of just that. 
It was hard to keep track of anything. You could barely focus on the ground below you and each step. But when you heard Dog barking, your first thought was of Judith. 
“Judith!” You screamed after the little girl. You didn’t hesitate before running after her. 
You heard someone yelling your name but couldn’t see anything through the white haze. But you could hear Dog. 
Then you could hear your name, and suddenly, Negan was limping toward you. 
“We need to find Judith!” You screamed over the wind. 
He nodded, and the two of you pushed forward into the blizzard. It felt like an eternity, like when you lost her in the woods all those months ago. But finally, you saw her near the children’s playground, leashing Dog on a bit of rope. 
“Here!” You yelled, pulling Negan’s arm. When you got to the young girl, you grabbed her by the shoulders. “Don’t you ever do anything like that ever again!” You yelled, fighting back painful tears. 
“I couldn’t leave him,” She yelled. 
You cupped her red cheeks and looked up at Negan. “You need to carry her. I got Dog.” 
The blizzard fought you every step of the way. It pushed and pulled until you couldn’t feel your face, fingers, or feet. Your boots and gloves were soaked through, and each step felt like you were walking on knives. 
But when you finally saw the glow of Aaron’s house, it gave you enough energy to push Negan forward. 
“(Y/N), Judith!” Rosita yelled as soon as she saw your figures. “Thank God.”
You walked up the icy steps to Aaron’s house, and Rosita ushered you inside. The heat from the fire hit you hard, and you let go of Dog and let Rosita lead you to the couch in front of the fire. 
“Judith,” You called, and the girl walked over to you. She sat beside you, and you wrapped your arm around the half-frozen girl. You called for RJ, who was climbing into your lap before you could even finish saying his name. “Thank God,” You whispered.
Rosita put a blanket over the three of you. “Judith, don’t you ever do that again.” 
“I needed to get Dog,” She said. 
“It’s okay… it’s okay….” You breathed out, still shaking. “Let’s just warm up and get through the storm.” 
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fatuismooches · 1 year
omg omg omg i’m brainrotting so hard abt arlecchino rn im so sorry if you’ve already been sent smtg similar but hear me out: childhood friends to lovers w the one and only knave <33
growing up w her in the house of the hearth, ur the only person she has a soft spot for <33 even when she began ascending the ranks of the fatui u know she’d always come back to you <33 i’m entering delulu land but im LICHERALLY going crazy over the idea that the reason arlie killed the previous knave was because they threatened you and she was not having that dgjskdjdjd im scratching clawing at the walls of my enclosure
BONUS: whenever u show up to fontaine’s hearth all the kids get very very excited bcos they’re going to be able to break SO many rules and arlie will mostly let it slide since she’s just so damn weak for you <33 all u hv to do is bat ur pretty lashes a little and she’s folding like a wet paper towel (“another story surely won’t hurt the children 🥺🥺 please?” “………fine”) one of the kids accidentally called you ‘mother’ once in front of her and her brain did a hard system reset for like 5 entire minutes LMFAO lyney is SO tempted to set up his idiot pining father with a special in-house magic show but lynette is a 100% sure arlecchino would straight up murder him if he tried (though she does agree with her brother in that father should just confess to you, because there’s no way you would ever say anything other than i love you too)
Going to the House of Hearth and seeing shes always the quiet, solitary, speak to no one kid and your interest is piqued right away!! Yeah she ignores you for a while but you keep following after her so earnestly! On the missions, during playtime, during mealtime when she leaves to eat somewhere by herself but somehow you find her anyway… how can she not start to warm up to you? :( slowly but surely that cold mask of hers starts to melt just a tiny bit… you two are inseparable at that point, she refuses to work with anyone else <3 Arlie is… s-s-soft for you 🥺
AND UGHHHH her not forgetting about you even when she’s a higher-up, and a Harbinger 🤭 everyday, when she’s learning to adjust to her new duties, learning to deal with more incompetent people by the day… Arlie can just come back and rest her head on your shoulder and relax ❤️ (lmao regardless if it’s the former Knave or a random person they will be GONE hehe 😈😈)
AHHHH ANON THE BONUS IS MAKING ME GO CRAZYYY AJAIAIBDW I WOULD ADOPT THOSE BABIES IN A HEARTBEAT, THEY LITERALLY GET SO EXCITED BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS WHEN THEY HEAR THAT YOURE COMING!!! Help I would so be the parent who lets them break rules (within reason of course)!!! We can stay up past your bedtime!! Pillow fights and spooky stories and everything!! We can bake cookies together and playfully fight!! There are so much possibilities omg and Arlie is just like 🧍‍♀️yea there’s no way she would let this happen usually but,, sigh, the kids are literally beaming in happiness and crowding you and you’re laughing and smiling and looking so soft,, so fine, she’ll let it slide. But don’t expect her to join! (She’ll pop up around dinner time ❤️) (you *may* get her to join you for that one last story time, but it’s a very big *maybe*)
THE CHILDREN CALLING YOU MOTHER AHIAIVFW YESSS YESSS like bro you just give off motherly and parental energy to them, you are the parent they never had :( I always hc Arlie’s partner as being hella overprotective of their kids, like they are NOT getting hurt on your watch!! Making them separate meals if the regular food isn’t to their fancy, making sure their clothes don’t have holes in them, tucking them into bed and all :( Please the child would act as if they just said something normal and you’re just smiling really hard and blushing a lil bit and Arlecchino is just like 😐 outwardly but inside her heart is racing a bit ANISJAIAI. Like it just clicks for her that you’re really so wonderful… omfg she loves you so much.
And omg omg I would sooo love to be around baby Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet, they deserve the whole WORLD… you would clap and be surprised when they come home and show you all the new tricks they learned… you’d be their willing member from the audience to join them!! And Freminet, he’s a shy baby so you would just read him stories and help him with the big words :( you’d help him find more mechanical stuff to play around with and fix! And although Arlie doesn’t like when kids cry… the kids love you because they can cry into your arms and you won’t tell a soul 🥺
HAHAHA LYNEY BEING HIS FATHER’S WINGMAN 😭😭 he would so do it but Lynette reminds him every time that his life would be FORFEIT if he ever tried doing such a thing! Lyney is still thinking about it though 🤔, even the younger kids have caught onto Father’s pining for you! Like bro… Arlie, it is so freaking obvious how much you two like each other just kiss already smh (the kids have bets on who will confess first 🤭)
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mooodyblue · 2 years
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hello my dear! I hope u’ve been feeling better today <3
could we get a fic of little!e playing in the snow? maybe it snows at graceland for the first time in a while and he’s sooo excited about it and is annoyed when reader makes him wait to put on a jacket and boots and gloves 😭💜💜 (and yes it’s snowing like CRAZY where I live rn)
this was so cute!!! so jealous y'all are getting snow, it was hot today 😭 thank you for the request 🫶🏼
wc: 764
you'd been keeping a close eye on the weather the whole week. it was much colder out, the sky was grey and you were eagerly waiting for it to snow. elvis complained about the lack of snow every single year and honestly, you were getting sick of the plain, boring, rainy christmases the past few years. graceland deserved just a little bit of snow.
it finally happened on a tuesday morning. you woke up before elvis, letting him sleep in a little after a long recording session the night before. you slipped on a robe, crossing your arms for warmth as you headed downstairs. "oh my god." you gasped to yourself once you caught a glimpse of the front lawn covered in white.
elvis padded down the stairs, tiredly rubbing at his eyes. "mommy?"
"oh!" you turned around quickly at the sudden name, "baby, come look!" you took his hand and brought him to the window to point outside.
his eyes widened as his jaw dropped, "snow! momma, it snowed! it snowed, it snowed!" he said excitedly. he quickly unlocked the front door, ready to head out in his pajamas and bare feet.
you pulled him back immediately. "nuh-uh, silly boy." you tsked. "we have to get you all bundled up first."
"but mo-"
"nope. no arguments." he let out a huff as you pulled him up the stairs and back to his room, pulling out his many layers. getting him to change wasn't an issue until it came time to put on his coat. he did his best to convince you didn't need it and that his sweater would be enough, but you knew it wasn't enough. "elvie, it's just a jacket. c'mon." you sighed, tried to get his arms through it as he resisted.
"don't wanna wear it!" he complained.
"well, that's too bad. guess you don't wanna go play in the snow then." you shrugged.
he shot you a glare, rolling his eyes and holding his arms out. "fine."
"good boy." you finally got the jacket on, slipping it over his shoulders and zipping it up. "boots next." you got on your knees to help put his boots on, only to get another dirty look in response. "jesus, baby. you're actin' like i'm torturing you or something! i'm just trying to get you bundled up."
"this is t-tour-tort....tor....t-that word you said! jus' wanna go play, momma." he complained, stomping his feet.
"and once we get your boots and gloves on, you can go play." you said, sternly. you got his boots on, tying them on and patting his knee as you stood up. "you see how easy that was?"
elvis grumbled, "can i go out now?"
you slipped on your jacket and boots as well, not forgetting your gloves and his. "so impatient." you mumbled. "okay, let's go." you walked down the stairs with him, stopping him once more before he headed out the door.
"now what!" he whined.
you took his hands and slipped on his gloves. "watch that tone." the moment you opened the door, allowing him to run out into the cold air and snow covered front lawn.
elvis threw himself in the snow, rolling around in it and giggling to himself. you sat on the steps watching him enjoy himself, smiling as he ran through the snow. of course, the one time you turned your back to him, a snowball smacked right into your back. you jumped up, turning around and putting your hands on your hips. "now, who did that?"
he looked the other way, pretending to kick at the snow and not acknowledging you.
you got a snowball quickly made in your hand, slowly walking over to elvis and tossing it right at his back. he gasped, "momma!"
"wasn't me!" you held your hands up in defense.
and thus began a very heated snowball fight between the two of you. then he went on to make a snowman, assuring you he could build it all by himself. it was a struggle for him at first, but he got the hang of it. he placed the head on top, giving him a face and looking at it proudly. "see, momma! i did it all by myself!"
"i'm proud of you!" you smiled.
elvis continued playing in the snow while you watched, shivering slightly and crossing your arms. "honey, let's warm up for a bit then come back out! it's freezing! i think it's about to start snowing again too."
he perked his head up, "hot chocolate? marshmallows?"
"lots of marshmallows."
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cookieseals · 9 months
don't got much a fanfiction website rn to post junk on soooo here we go-
Memories are crazy yall-
(Writing of 2 of Acorn4's memories are below)
Memory 1, "The First Day":
My eyes open, screen slightly dim to not blind myself. But what was the point of doing that when there already was a bright light pointing at my screen. Soon enough, the light was turned off, I saw a yellow figure. Couldn't tell much of what they were as I was seeing colors from the bright light prior.
Seconds past before I hear their voice,
"Greetings, I'm Steve. Steve Cobs." They said calmly.
I used my bright orange paw to rub my screen, seeing the yellow figure now in clearer view. As their name had suggest, they were just like their name.
"Welcome to the world, Acorn4. You're my finest and newest model, and with your advanced emotion emulator. You'll do splendid here." Cobs greeted.
Cobs then reached his paw towards mine, which at the time I didn't know what to do. So, I allowed him to do so. Now, should have I allowed him? I feel weary of him, but why? Maybe because I just met him, maybe that's it..? He simply was just someone new?
But looking back at him, he seemed to be examining it. Which I gotta admit, it's more painful than it sounds. He dug his claws deep into my paw, why? No clue.
"Uhh.. Mr.. you're hurting my paw" I choked out, I couldn't believe myself being so nervous. Cobs glanced up at me, having a lot of annoyance but returned to a calm or should I say more blank expression?
"Acorn4, you must learn how you tolerate it. And I would request you refer to me as sir." He replied before writing on a paper attached to a clipboard.
Then would explain my purpose, I was made to be donated to a place where I would help raise something called a squrriel, whatever that is.. The speech was so boring, I would rather talk about how I got here but I guess that was on hold.
"I have what is means to protect you" Cobs said to me before selecting something on a screen I couldn't see. It lowered some sort of machine down, I wanted to move away from it but I was strapped to the table so that was pointless to try. Once the transparent screen made contact with my face, everything went blank...
Memory 2, "The Training Dive":
It had a been few days since I've been awakened, been finding my foods that I enjoy, nuts. They were a favorite of mine, mainly walnuts were the exact type.
Cobs motioned their paw towards the small pool of water. Of course, I didn't know what he wanted so I ask;
"Sir, what exactly are you wanting me to do?"
He rolled his eyes by this.
"I want to you to attempt to get into the water."
I then glanced at the clear liquid that I guessed was water and slowly dipped my leg into the assumed water. It was quite cold as it brushed against my fur but I continued on and stood in the freezing water, only my neck and head didn't touch such water.
Cobs then had explained how to swim, to kick my legs and make sure to not have my neck or head touch the water. So, I did just that. Using my legs to kick and my front paws used as assistance, and when I looked up at them.. They looked proud? Was I doing a good job, that's a miracle!
That was short lived and then ordered me to get out for the next 'task'... I luckily got an easy one, figure out what will be my uniform, all of them looked quite depressing. None of them had any bright colors, it looked as all of them were placed in gray scale. I glanced at each one, the majority of these uniforms were simply all black and the only thing not making it look as if you pretending to be a black hole was the name tags and logo for the company on the back. I've decided on the only one not black in color, a light gray uniform with pale blue on the shoulders.
Cobs assisted me when getting on the uniform, it was my first time after-all wearing such things. I could tell he likely had done this before with some sort of the other Acorn phone I never met. The uniform itself was alright, kinda tight to wear but at least my fur had enough room to not cause me to overheat from it.
And this seems to be getting better and better, hope it stays that way.
Just two starting memories for now hagagdifkrjt8fufufuthtj
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lavenderhhaze · 1 year
why do i kinda feel like felix fits the type of story where the characters love each other so much that it, like borders physical pain (but in a good way??) ?? like no matter what you do, they will never let you force them apart. y'know, they love each other so much that it's like they gave each other a piece of their own mind, soul and heart? AND they've known each other since like lets say elementary school, (they explored everything together, intending to be each other's first and last) and ever since then they are literally almost always together, and when you look at them its like you can feel their love seeping right into you, from how unyielding and intense it is. they are kind of ruining one another, but its okay, because it'll always be the two of them, after all.
"I can take you even further,
I'll let you enter from the stage,
We shoot our guns,
Then we sail off into the sun,
While the cold world freezes on, the view from the trails from the vapors,
We burn in a kiss. " FRONTIERS - CROSSES
"I wanna view your dreams,
I wanna pull out your crazy and pour it over me,
I might take you somewhere far across the seas,
I need your faith, I need your everything." BERMUDA LOCKET - CROSSES
These two songs are the main reason of this brain rot, and im pretty sure im close to dying bc of it. but thats it, i, like anyone else on this damn app should, love your writing and when i read from the other ask that you'd appreciate inspo for some felix fic I HAD TO SHARE THIS WITH YOU!!! i love you <33
hi precious anon, no bc this made me drop what i was doing to get 200 words of writing out of my system. i had planned smth similar but a bang chan fic (that i started writing actually), so i already had a lot of inspo in this field. here is the little i wrote for you rn:
Felix has always been your forever— complete only when you have each other. At love's mercy, because you just can't stand separation. As tragic as it is romantic. And you have seen love go from smiling at you to sinking teeth into your skin. You love the pain, regardless, because you have Felix.
It doesn't matter, because you stir your coffee — in love with being alive because Felix's warm breath hits your shoulder. It has been so since as long as you remember. You don't know when Felix began, he has been there forever. He taught you to drink, to kiss — your first and forever — all star-eyed and secrets spilling from drunk lips.
Felix is all sunshine and silver teeth, smiling at you as if it's the beginning of the world, kissing your shoulder because he likes to be close to your heart. And you wonder if you can ever stop loving him. You can't, because you know no life beyond him. You don't realise how love slowly cuts away at you, just like he tucks away rotten flowers and decaying heartbeats in his pockets because he knows nothing beyond you.
You and Felix — butterflies pinned and dead under glass, stoic and unmoving, watching as life unfolds in front of you. Because you know nothing beyond him.
yeah this is not edited at all, too many italics and m-datches but i wanted to get this out to you as soon as possible bc this made me so happy idk 😭. I'll probably stretch this to a full length fic when i have time to properly map out the plot. i love this sort of love that's toxic in ways you can't explain. thankyou so much lovely anon, this was beautiful 🤍🤍 (please do let me know how you feel about this, ily ily)
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stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 5 parts 3&4]
“You must only be happy, Talay” UGHUGHUGH
“Only for five minutes” LIAR, YOU WANT HIM TO BE HAPPY ALWAYS
I’d complain about Talay rejecting the hug but again, I think he’s doing it to protect himself
Talay: “I’m cold” Puen: “cool, here’s a drink made of snow”
That poor fucking guy who came back only to lose everything dear to him
Talay’s like “oh god that’s right I swapped with the worst possible person”
“Pakorn might destroy your acting career” Puen: *shrug*
I’m actually surprised Puen didn’t quit being an actor at the end since he didn’t seem particularly attached to the job–plus as his husband Talay wouldn’t get any damn privacy
That dark suit looks soooo good on Jimmy, holy shit
“She’s my type” Don’t say that in front of your bf Up wtf
Puen is nervous, CUTE
Talay comforting him, CUTE!!!
I’m glad the camera focused on Up and Aou in the theater too since, y’know, it’s /their/ movie and /their/ dream too
I can’t help but go “pfft” and their deflated reaction to the meh reviews because while I understand you want your movie to succeed, they’re first-time screenwriters, just be glad your movie didn’t bomb and learn from your mistakes
Also the movie’s been out for like ten seconds, give it a while
Also Aou is right, what matters is that your art connects to even one person and I’m sure the worst movies out there do
Love that the mall is literally just called “The Mall” adklfdlk
I was alone in a theater for a movie once and it was heavennnnn (it was Jojo Rabbit which did NOT deserve an empty theater)
T&P pick themselves up only for U&A to go “we quit actually”
I don’t really have anything to say about the last five minutes akdfjksdl I’ll leave that to you <3
I’d complain about Talay rejecting the hug but again, I think he’s doing it to protect himself <<<<< yeah at this point talay is still very unsure about puen’s intentions, so he keeps taking a step back. it’s also why episode 7 is gonna be very important and the fact that people completely overlook it just because it has a lot of product placements it’s gonna be my villain origin story
WAIT IT ONLY TOOK TWO WEEKS TO SHOOT /AND/ MARKET THE FILM?? WHAT THE FUCK??? <<<<< LITERALLY THE BIGGEST MYSTERY IN THE SHOW it throws me off every single time too. i guess maybe it was a short film??? or time also moves differently in the alternate universe????
That poor fucking guy who came back only to lose everything dear to him <<<<< don’t mind me im just killing tess with my mind rn
I’m actually surprised Puen didn’t quit being an actor at the end since he didn’t seem particularly attached to the job–plus as his husband Talay wouldn’t get any damn privacy <<<<< i can’t remember if you watched episode 12 as well…… anyway, just to be safe im not going to spoiler you too much, but they do say that after a while puen starts to work behind the camera as a screenwriter way more than as an actor
STOP T-POSING WHILE THE BIKE IS GOING!!!! <<<<< puen has been such a bad influence for talay SAFETY FIRST KIDS NEVER FORGET THAT
That dark suit looks soooo good on Jimmy, holy shit <<<<< I CANNOT AGREE MORE AND THE TURTLENECK WAS SUCH A GOOD CHOICE TOO
“She’s my type” Don’t say that in front of your bf Up wtf <<<<< SFKDSGFKJSDGFDKJ TRYING NOT TO SAY ANYTHING IS KILLING ME
I’m glad the camera focused on Up and Aou in the theater too since, y’know, it’s /their/ movie and /their/ dream too <<<<< people can say anything about this show but it would have been so easy for them to just not bother with the secondary characters since they're gonna remain in the alternate universe and not be part of puen and talay's life anymore instead they took the time to give them depth and screentime and i guess you can add this to the endless list of reasons why i love vice versa
I can’t help but go “pfft” and their deflated reaction to the meh reviews because while I understand you want your movie to succeed, they’re first-time screenwriters, just be glad your movie didn’t bomb and learn from your mistakes <<<<< the movie industry (just like the publishing one) is so hard that i also feel like it was kinda naive of them to expect to be successful on their first try, but i do understand how bad it feels to have something you have worked on and put a lot of effort in be so easily disregarded (especially for up and aou who already experienced their script being rejected before)
Love that the mall is literally just called “The Mall” adklfdlk <<<<< I SWEAR ALL THE DETAILS IN THIS SHOW ARE SO GOOD AND FUNNY
I was alone in a theater for a movie once and it was heavennnnn (it was Jojo Rabbit which did NOT deserve an empty theater) <<<<< HOW DID JOJO RABBIT OF ALL MOVIES GOT AN EMPTY THEATER WHAT THE F--
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livelle · 3 years
liv. my beloved. i’m kinda sadge rn. cause tommy ended stream and i miss him </3 but. i would love to request a PURE tommy fluff :3 if you can ofc!! - ANNOYING ANON a.k.a :3 anon
I’m so lazy it’s 12 am on a school night so this is DEFINITELY not perfect, or long, but have this hehe.
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A World Alone
A Tommyinnit/ You!!
^^^^^^^^ based on this song my lorde ^-^ idk if u like lorde though :)
summary: just pure Tommy fluff, because we all need some emotional support once in a while, haha :) you and Tommy fall in love. There’s beautiful nature around u two. I recommend listening to the song while reading. It soothes all the pain in me, it’s wonderful.
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Trousers were rolled up, up to your knees, and you both had your lower legs dipped in the water. Tom sighed, but he smiled. His eyes roamed the sight before him, the uninhabited mountains, full of forests and colour. There wasn’t a village, nor a city in the valley of the mountains. It was a big lake. A big, cold, lake. You followed Tommy’s pointer finger as he explained how the snow and ice from the top of the mountains melted, downwards, all the way to the lake. ‘Makes sense why it’s so cold-‘ you said. He laughed. ‘Dork.’
Honestly, you had no idea where you were. But that was the good thing, the only thing on your mind the clear, blue-green from the water and the perfect gold from Tommy’s hair. They both shone in the sun, like highlights in a painting. He picked some pebbles from behind him, and you watched as he threw them perfectly onto the water, him cheering as one bounced on the surface 5 times in a row. You giggled again, and you wondered, if you had ever been happier. His smile was pointed your way, and you knew the answer already.
‘I really wanna go in’, he said, but you still shook your head. ‘Are you out of your mind?! Have you felt how cold the water is?’ You looked at him like he was crazy. ‘Then why did we put on our swim suits?? Pleaaseeee Y/N’ ‘for when we passed a lake or something where we could swim’ you answered, and he immediately snapped back; ‘THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT THIS IS’ he laughed at your face, his only inches away. You looked away, red. ‘Shush. I’M NOT SWIMMING IN THE SNOW WATER’ he laughed even harder.
you remained seated, but he couldn’t resist the pretty lake. He smiled from his place in the water in front of you, and you grinned back. His eyes blended in with the water, and his lashes were wet, and long, which made him even more pretty. He put on his puppy eyes, again, without words, pleading for you to get in with him. So you nodded, and he cheered happily.
You shivered, but soon warmed up by the light growing inside of you, the laughter spreading in your body. And there he was, he, the only person ever. You only cared about him, and it was nice like that. He spread out his arm, and held out his hand. ‘Come on here.’ You took it shyly. He pulled you closer, and closer. You were eye to eye now, the water coming up to your shoulders. ‘Tom, thank you. It’s so, so beautiful here. I’ve never felt such-‘ but he didn’t let you finish. His lips were on yours. Your eyes widened in shock, but then, you felt it. He felt like home. He is home. He smiled into the kiss.
A need for air broke the kiss, and you turned. Facing the beautiful sight in front of you again. It was silent. ‘Wow’ he whispered, then. ‘Isn’t it beautiful?’ You asked him, but your eyes remained on the fairy-like water. ‘Mhm’ he hummed softly. You realized he never was looking at the world around him anymore, but only at you. Full-on staring. You turned again. You blushed, laughing; ‘I meant the view.’ you explained. ‘And I meant you.’ Your heart fluttered. You brushed a wet curl from his forehead, and he held you close again. Your arms found their way on his neck. And he kissed you again.
‘I’m so happy.’ He said, softly. You were now bathing in the sun, on some blanket. You were reading a book, and he was clingy, tracing shapes onto your skin. You closed the book, marking the page you were on. You smiled brightly. ‘Tommy, have you ever noticed how you’re like the sun?’ He shook his head, but his eyes lit up. ‘You look like the sun. And you feel like the sun too.’ You clung onto his warm body. He pressed you even closer. You could feel a happy sigh on the top of your head, and it felt safe. You looked around, and there was no one. No one. Even if someone passed, even if you were in the most crowded city in the world, it was always, just him. No one but him. You were in a world alone, with him. Dancing in a world alone. ‘I love you.’ He said the three words into your skin, like he sealed them in, so they’d stay there forever. You wanted that. ‘I love you’ You answered.
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love ya :3 anon
@milofroglover @kiss-me-more-whore @oolovebunnyoo
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inupibaldspot · 3 years
Our Snowfall
Pairing: Baji x Reader
Request: OPEN
Note: I cried writing this I’m in so much pain rn 😭
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Baji slowly opened the door,revealing room of white color, with faint sent of medicines and anti-septic's.
Earlier he was playing catch with Mikey outside, but Mikey wanting to show off threw the ball too hard making the ball zoom across the sky as it breaks the window to a hospital room.
Baji was about to shout at Mikey only to find the blonde boy had disappeared without a trace. And now Baji was on a mission to get his ball back.
“I’m sorry for breaking your window.” Baji bows his head from the door.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Baji blinked in confusion. The voice was that of a young child and not an adult like he was expecting. He raises his head to see a small figure ,who looked really weak.
The person smiled. “The ball is on the table there. It would be best if you left before nurse comes back.”
Baji nods as he walks in and takes the ball. He notices that the broken glasses pieces were already picked up and clean.
Baji turns to look at you. “My name is Baji Keisuke. What is yours?”
Your lips curl into a weak smile. “My name is Y/N…”
Baji walks towards you. “Are you sick,Y/N?” His expression was somewhat worried.
You nod. “I’ve been here forever.” You laugh. “Mama told me I can’t go outside because I get sick easily so I stay at the hospital so Mr. Doctor can help me…”
Baji frowned. He was always an active kid who spend most of his time playing around so when he heard that you don’t get to go outside,it made him sad. “Is it okay if I visit you sometime.”
Your eyes widens as color appears on your cheeks,you then smiled brightly. “I would love that!”
True to his words,Baji immediately visited you the next day.
Ever since Baji entered your life,your life has been full of colors. Baji would always talk about how he spend his day,he would talk about his friends and all the crazy thing they would do.
He would always visit you,never making you feel lonely. Along the way he even introduced some of his friends. First he brought Mikey along and then the next Mitsuya and Pachin.
You were scared at first when Baji said they were in gangs but when you got to know them,they were just dorks,lovable and funny dorks.
“I heard this time we are going to have a white Christmas.” You said as you looked outside.
Baji who was cutting apples for you, stopped as he looks at you. “Are you going to be with your parents?”
You shook your head. “Both my mom and dad are going to be busy with work so they said we can’t celebrate it with me this time.”
You smiled as you turned to look at Baji. “But the nurses said they’re going to set up a Christmas tree so I’m excited!”
Baji looks at how your eyes brightened when you talked about the Christmas tree. You looked so happy talking about and that made you seem so much beautiful.
“I’m sure it would look so pretty-“ Your words came to a halt when you started coughing. The coughing never seemed to die down making Baji rush to your side and when it finally did,there were blood in your hands. He looked at you in horror but you didn’t seem to panic,rather you looked as if you were think ‘Not this again.’ As if this happened regularly.
“I’ll get the doctor real quick!” With that he rushes away.
To your dismay the Christmas tree was smaller than expected but nevertheless you enjoyed the cake your parents ordered for you,you ended up eating them with the grandma next door.
Maybe it was because you weren’t with Baji today,the day felt bit gloomier even-though it was such a joyous day. You missed Baji. 
Just when you were about to sleep,tiny knocks were heard at your door. “Psttt, Y/N.”
You look at the door confused. “Baji what are you doing here?”
Before you knew it,Baji makes you wear a thick jacket and cover your neck with a muffler not answering your question.The wide grin on his face perked your curiosity more.
He then kneels in front of you,his back facing you. “Get on!”
Baji turns to you and he gives you a grin. “I’m going to show you a huge Christmas tree.”
Baji and you then sneak out of the hospital as he carries you to the main town. You gleam at how beautifully the place was decorated. The air outside was cold but it was so fresh, so much frsh as compared to the air in your hospital room.
“It started snowing!” You shouted excited as you raised one of you hand to try and hold it,only for it to melt as soon as it touches you. “The report was right! We’re having a white Christmas!” It was your first time actually being outside when it was snowing, normally you'd only watch the snow from inside.
Places were beautifully lit, decorated with lights filled with joyful atmosphere. Some with their family others on dates. As people start to stare at the sky taking in the entrance of the snow.
“We’re here!” Baji stops walking as he nudges his head at a particular direction.
There at a distance was a huge Christmas tree, decorated with fairy lights, colorful bulbs and small other decorations. “Wow…”
“Beautiful isn’t it-“ Baji stopped speaking as he looked at your expression. Your eyes gleamed as it shone,from all the lights, you nose and cheeks slightly flushed from cold but the most beautiful part was your smile.
You burrowed you face against Baji’s neck,making him feel ticklish but he didn’t mind it rather he love it. “Thank you Keisuke …” He could feel your breath against his neck.
“I’m so glad I could spend the Christmas with you…”
“I hate school!” Baji shouts as he messes his hair in frustration. “I don’t know why I have to study this bull shit!” Baji was currently in you room as he worked on his homework while you were reading a book. A pleasant way you guys would spend your time together. It has almost been two years since you guys met.
You laugh at Baji’s expression as you set down the book you were reading. “Come on now~ Don’t say that..I think school must be fun.”
Baji stops as he realizes what he did. You were someone who could never join school after multiple incidents of you passing out or getting rushed to hospitals when you were a kid.
You couldn’t experience school like he did. Baji huffs as he goes back to his books. “Fine… I’ll aim for twenty marks this time.”
“Twenty? That’s not even the pass mark.” You laugh at him. “How about you go for thirty at least.”
“Thats not the pass mark either, Y/N!“
You were about to say something when a sudden thought came into mind. “Keisuke … I actually was watching tv yesterday and I saw someone making a pumpkin themed cake…”
“So I thought I’d want to eat that but I don’t think I can complete it by myself. So how about you join me…?” Your cheeks flushed red.
You were basically asking him out on a date.Sure you guys spend time together alone but you never once made an offer like this to him. It has been months since you figured out you had feelings so Baji but you never really acted on it.
Since the thought of you getting rejected and in turn losing a beloved friend scared you to no end.
“Sure!” You turned your head quickly at his reply. Baji was smiling as well as he continued. “When would it be?”
You smile as you brought your hands together, excited. “I was thinking of October 31..”
“Ah… I don’t think I can join you then…” Baji replied regretfully. “How about November 1?”
“Sure!” As long as you could spend time with Baji, you were happy.
But then that day never came.
That day you waited for Baji to enter the room,with an untouched cake box on the table. The door opens to reveal Mikey,Draken and Mitsuya.
“Baji…Baji died during our fight against Valhalla …”
Would it be funny if you said you ate the cake while you cried? Probably,but that’s what you actually did. Stuffing you mouth with the soft creamy treat as tears pool you eyes.
Days after were as if a curtain closed closed your window, everything felt so much dim and it didn’t help that your condition seemed to worsen.
You were losing weight at an alarming rate,coughing up more blood at frequent rates. You grew increasingly weaker as you parents even took time off their jobs to nurse you.
But at certain nights you would wake up in tears,as you could barely breathe as you searched for Baji,hoping to see him with you in the room. “Keisuke…”
It was a peaceful winter evening ,the air was cold and places were quiet as white snow gently falls in the ground.
People outside were looking and hoping that the snow would set properly. Kids were already outside as they excitedly play out, parents in their homes were making food to warm themselves up.
“Stay with me Y/N!”
People were rushing all over the room as you dad hold your crying mom.
You head felt as if it was going to burst,a strong sense of nausea filled you. Everything you hear and see seemed so muffled and blur.
Despite you body feeling limp, it was twitching. You breathing which was rapid at first seemed to now slow down,accompanied with a strong aching pain.
Then suddenly all those suffering at once disappear.
You entered into a white place,as if each and every part was covered in snow.Your body felt light with no presence of pain that you were feeling just a second before.
 You walked around too see that in a distance was a very familiar person.A person who made you life so much brighter. A person who you enjoyed every moment spend with him. A person you loved.
That person turns around as he expression turns into a frown.
“Why did you join me so early?”
You smile as a tear rolls down your face. “I guess I missed you too much,Keisuke.”
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realcube · 4 years
characters dealing with a deep sleeper! s/o  (_ _)。゜zzZ
characters: bokuto, oikawa & saiki k 
tw// swearing, fluff, mentions of death, illness, funerals, sexual references 
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Kōtarō Bokuto
he literally thought you died 
this was your first time sleeping over at his home and last night, y’all were stuffing your faces with treats until your stomachs ached
you had mentioned several times how you were feeling sick - even after bokuto took you out for a late-night run - but he just told you to take a pain-killer and sleep it off
but now he was kinda regretting not calling someone to help 
like what if the sickness was a symptom to a deadly disease which took you overnight?
plus, he had tried everything he could think of to wake you up: he shook you, he blasted music from his phone, he opened the curtains to allow blinding light to shine on you, he flicked spits of cold water onto your face and he literally wafted cookies around the room in hopes you’d catch the scent 
but it was no use as even after all that, you didn’t move an inch
he tried to check your pulse which he believed to be on the wrist but he couldn’t think it 
so either he was too stupid to find the exact location or......you didn’t have a pulse
he’ll admit, it was an eerie thought that there could be a dead person in his bed rn but even he considered that a rather outlandish idea 
how could a person as healthy as you just die overnight? so he did what any reasonable person would do in that situation-- no, not call a doctor
he held a funeral for his beloved s/o 💀
he gathered all five of the plushies laying around his room (all of which were owls) and lined them up on the foot of the bed 
‘we are all gathered here today to celebrate the epic life of my partner, (y/n) (l/n).’ he sobbed into the sleeve of the black blazer he had pulled out of his closet, ‘gone too soon.’
silence. but in his mind he was met by a chorus of ‘aww’s and whimpers from the crowd
‘i loved them. (y/n) was my rock; they helped me through some of the hardest points in my life--’
his speech was cut off upon hearing one of the audience members pipe up, ‘bo, what are you doing?’
a wave of excitement washed over him as he scurried up to the line of guests, closely examining each one, ‘i didn’t know y’all could talk!’
you rolled your eyes before leaning forward and gently tapping the back of his head, ‘it’s me.’
upon laying his eyes on you, healthy and alive, his lips curled into a foolishly large grin as he immediately pulled you into a tight hug, ‘(Y/N), you’re alive!’ he cried
you gasped at his rather dramatic reaction before slowly melting into his embrace, ‘yes, i am.’
as your lips parted from the skin of his jaw and he slowly let his arms fall from your waist, you finally inquired, ‘did you hold a funeral for me?’
bokuto’s eyes-widened at your ‘crazy’ suggestion, ‘uhhhh, nooooo.’
if his elongating of each word wasn’t enough to show that he was lying, the dead giveaway would have to be the sheet of A4 paper with ‘(Y/N)’S FUNERAL 😭’ written on it that was stuck to the door with blu-tac
ignoring his completely false reply, you leaned back on the bed and picked up on the owl plushies, gently stroking it’s soft fur, ‘are these the guests? why are there only five?’
bokuto shrugged, picking up one himself and absentmindedly attempting to balance it on your head, ‘seven; if you count me and you.’
you giggled, about to make a inquire about the names of each guest until bokuto suddenly through his arms around you again 
‘why didn’t you tell me that you are such a deep-sleeper before?! i was so worried - i thought you died! please never die on me again, (y/n)?’
you smiled, pulling back to plant a sweet kiss on his cheek, ‘i promise.’
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Tōru Oikawa
he would take advantage of this opportunity lol
the first time y’all slept over together as a couple, he had no idea that you were as deep of a sleeper as you actually are
like he thought you meant ‘i sometimes sleep through my alarms’ deep-sleeper
anyway, at first, he’d probably just freshen up while you sleep: take a shower, wash his face, brush his teeth, floss etc so he’s no longer effected by that ✨morning crust ✨
but when he pokes his head out of the bathroom and noticed that your sleep asleep, he tries to blow-dry his hair bc he knows how much you like it when it’s all fluffy
but his blow-dryer was quite loud so he put it on for a few seconds to see if it’s wake you up and just as he expected, you were still sound asleep
so he blew-dry his hair until it was that soft texture that you liked so much- all while you were still like (∪.∪ )...zzz even though the blow-dryer was making a racket 
you were still sleeping and upon looking at the time, he realised that it was completely fair considering it was currently half past 8 and he had just woken up extremely early for some unknown reason
he didn’t want to wake you so he was just doing to go out for a run or make breakfast until he caught a glimpse of himself in mirror
despite his  puffy hair and pearly-white smile, he still looked sloppy
but it was definitely bc of his stained, torn, washed-out pyjamas tbh
he was just wearing an old T-shirt that he’s had for god-knows how long and a pair of grey sweatpants; it wasn’t a look
he had no idea what possessed him to wear such casual nightwear while you were at his house - especially when you chose to wear something so relaxed yet titillating - but he knew that he needed to change
after a while of rummaging through his nightwear drawer, the best he could find was a pair of white, silk, loose-legged trousers which he had bought for a halloween costume many years ago
it was pretty classy though :)) he was sure that you’d like it 
however, he still couldn’t find anything to wear on his top half but there is no fashion problem oikawa can’t solve 
thus, he went shirtless ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
he also threw on some jewellery too, just for the lols
you weren’t awake yet thought, so after he set up some candles to create a ‘mood’, he just sat next to you on the bed, scrolling on his phone and anticipating your reaction once you woke up
for a moment, he thought that he might’ve went when too far but upon taking a look at himself in his front-facing camera, he realised that there was no harm in spicing things up
once he noticed one of your eyes slowly flutter open, he quickly tossed his phone to the side and turned his body to face you, shooting you a kind smile and he gently ran a hand through his fluffy hair, ‘morning, angel~’ he cooed
you grumbled your greeting in response, then proceeded to rub your eyes to make sure you were seeing him correctly, ‘what are you wearing, tōru?’
‘can a guy not dress up for his special someone anymore?’
you rolled your eyes, playfully slapping his chest and going to hop out of bed until he pulled you back down against the sheets
a faint gasp escaped your lips but you were quickly hushed by oikawa pushing his finger against your lips, ‘you’re not going anywhere, (y/n).’
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Kusuo Saiki
this was the first time you ever slept over at his house or next to him yet y’all had been dating for year and a half
he was just scared that he might accidently do something crazy in his sleep (bc of his powers ofc) and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you 🥺
you were patient with him though but bc y’all had never woken up together before, he had no idea how deep of a sleeper you are
he thought it was cute at first bc you were laying there like the beauty you are, lookin’ all serene and calm and stuff
but after a while, he got bored on his own  #•̀ ︿ •́
also, you promised to bake macarons with him for breakfast and he was hungry as hell, still he didn’t want to eat without you but if he didn’t wake you up rn to make macarons, he’d surely starve to death while they were in the fridge
on any other day, he’d just try do it himself but when you helped him make food- it just hit different 😍
‘(y/n), wake up.’  he spoke into your mind using his telepathy, while light nudging your arm, ‘i’m hungry.’
you didn’t reply, seeming completely knocked out
he tried the next best thing, holding his annoying alarm noise near (but not too close) to your ear
still nothing, though
his last human attempt was aggressively pulling your blanket away but even after that you showed no signs of waking up so he realised that he’d have to resort to using his physic abilities
he considered using his astral projection to possess your body but he felt as though taking over your body might cross a few boundaries 
but he did try duplicating himself so he could shake you from many different angles but it was still no use
he continued to use his telepathy to try wake you up but it didn’t seem to work either
after multiple different attempts of using his powers to try wake you up; here he was, standing in the middle of some dystopian, apocalyptic scene - alarms ringing in the distant along with sirens, screaming, honking and wails. everything around him seemed to be engulfed by flames which created thick, smoky air 
he wasn’t really sure how he got here but he was pretty sure it started around the time he tried to form an energy ball 
whatever 🤷‍♂️ it’s no biggie
he jumped back in time so he was standing next to your bed once again, exactly where he left off before he created the energy ball
he stared down at your sleeping figure and let out an exasperated sigh as he realised that he’d have to employ one of his most dangerous tactics
he really hoped it didn’t have to come to this
‘(y/n), if you get up right now.’ his voice rung through your head, ‘i speak with my voice.’
just like that, both of your eyes shot open as you hastily sat up on the bed
‘do it, saiki!’ you cheered, a foolishly large grin plastered on your features
and he couldn’t help but smile too 
curse you for being so cute
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3laxx · 3 years
Maternal Feelings
There she was.
Her tiny granddaughter.
She had a bit lighter skin than Luz and just about Amity’s hair color. And she was so damn tiny.
Eda found herself getting scared, suddenly. This was a really small kid. This was like, a stupidly small child. She would not hold that baby for any number of snails.
Eda meets her newborn grandddaughter for the first time.
I don't know man I'm just chucking out words rn like I'm running from something.
But I had this thought of Eda meeting a very small child and my stupid brain was like "We can do that instead of sleeping" xD
So yeah, have this incredibly fluffy oneshot about Eda coming to terms with her Momma feelings and adjusting to being a grandma.
I just really wanted Eda to get emotional over a baby
Don't even ask Idk
Have fun reading! <3
Ao3 / FF.net
Eda had never been the most maternal.
Not in her youth, not when she had found King, and not when she had sort of adopted and sheltered Luz until she had graduated and been able to stand on her own two feet.
Not when King had taken her name and not when Amity had asked her for Luz’s hand, which had in truth just been a mockery of her parents’ traditions and had given Eda nothing more than an excuse to drink some apple blood with her future daughter-in-law.
Of course, she had seen Luz as a daughter at some point, had called herself her mother, had cared for her.
She had made their meals, had helped Luz with the homework – even if that had disgusted her – she had taught Luz and King everything she knew, she had tucked King in, cared for Luz when she had gotten sick or sad. She had of course done everything in her power to make sure her kids were content and happy.
That didn’t mean she had felt as though she was a mother. She had liked pretending to be the sort of crazy aunt, in charge of all the bad decisions.
But she had never seen herself as maternal.
Well, she supposed that came from not really setting any rules. When she had been younger, she had always been under the impression that mothers had to set rules, educate their children, and raise them. She had never really raised King or Luz.
She had just sort of made them laugh, given them food, and then they hadn’t left anymore. Like the free-loaders they were. Kind of like pests, actually.
It had always made them laugh if she had called them that. It had made her laugh.
Because she loved them, of course. She didn’t know love alone could turn her, the irresponsible, free-spirited wild witch a mother.
She supposed she had been a mother for King and Luz. Without setting rules, without all the raising stuff. She supposed her kids had turned her the littlest bit maternal.
Was it normal for friends to stay up at night and change the cold applications on Luz’s forehead in the hopes of bringing her fever down? Was it called caring and loving when she went out of her way to get King’s favorite toy, to get Luz the food she could actually digest, to make sure King was free of fleas and bathed and tucked in at night?
Did it make her a mother if she risked her own life to ensure they could lead a happy life?
Eda never knew the line between loving, as friends, and maternal.
Raine had started calling her out on her maternal feelings once she got the littlest bit protective of Luz.
Well, it wasn’t her fault that everything made her jump after Belos had almost – had, in fact – killed Luz on the day of unity. It wasn’t her fault that she woke up at night in a cold sweat, rushing to check on her daughter in the room next to hers sleeping peacefully, only to return to a sleepy Raine dazedly grinning at her with a smug, shit-eating expression of “Told you so”.
Every time, they would roll over their mattress in her nest and wrap an arm around her waist and tell her she was such a sweet mother.
Well, she was. She was the Momma of the Owl House.
But maternal?
Eda supposed she was.
After all, even if friends would do the same as her, a mother would make sure everything stayed safe and protected in her house. Making sure there was food on the table that Luz could eat. Making sure King was feeling loved, despite having discovered his past.
Making sure Luz had all her school materials, spending money on icky, stupid books. Giving her an allowance. Keeping her and King safe.
Well, Eda had never really tried finding a definition for maternal. All the love she had gained for King and Luz had just been that to her – love. And it had been enough.
She had loved calling herself Momma and had loved treating Luz like her daughter and King like her son, and she had loved calling them her kids. She just supposed the word itself – maternal – didn’t exactly describe what she was. She, herself, as Eda the Owl Lady, the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles, an agent of chaos and the most daring criminal history had ever seen.
She had just assumed a mother wouldn’t call herself these titles.
Seemed like her view of a mother had been wrong.
Any person could be a mother, a parent, a father, or anything remotely close to this. And she supposed, caring for Luz and King, taking them in, giving them food, kind of did make her a maternal person, while never losing her pride as a criminal and generally irresponsible person.
A mother.
Well, whatever a mother was, or whatever maternal feelings were, or whatever she defined herself at and whatever she did for Luz and King.
Here she found herself, fidgeting next to her spouse, her excited teenage son in tow who was already towering over her height, in front of the healer’s coven building.
Whatever a mother was, she would probably feel that way. Well, Camila – Luz’s other mother – next to her other side was buzzing in excitement just as much as she was. The two women exchanged a glance before Camila gave her a small smile and she felt Raine taking her hand.
King gave a groan when he finally placed his claws on Eda’s and Camila’s shoulders and pushed them up the three steps into the main entrance, rolling his eyes.
After Belos had been taken down – after he had actually very much killed Luz, Eda had just brought her back to life – Luz and her friends had taken on graduation while the Boiling Isles had experienced a change in the government. Covens were no longer used to steal or limit magic. Instead, they had been used as a way to form a working parliament, with an elected group of government heads. After the gang had graduated, Luz had worked towards getting a way back home while helping establish a stable government form from the makeshift temporary one they had managed to create after Belos’ defeat. Luz had actually helped them quite a bit by telling of experiences made in the human realm, where politics were apparently a lot more twisted than here on the Isles.
Eda and Lilith had been elected as part of the group forming the government, even if Eda had dropped out after one or two periods, while her sister had taken charge like it had been the most natural thing for her.
Discovering that politics hadn’t really been up to her alley – she was way more interested in rebellions than anything else – she had begun building a legal business since she didn’t have to fear being captured anymore. It had gone pretty well.
Raine had started working in the government as well as Amity, while Luz had started working to mastering all forms of glyphs she could find, admitting her studies to the academics, and shortly after, had been offered to become a teacher at Hexside by Bump to teach magicless witches and demons glyph magic.
After traveling the Isles and working on her studies, Luz had accepted and finally settled down with Amity. It really hadn’t been a surprise to Eda when Amity had come to her and Raine with a ring and asked them to marry Eda’s daughter.
After already asking Camila that is.
Eda faintly felt King pushing her into the cool building that smelled like disinfectant – a nifty cleaning drug from the human realm that Luz had introduced them to – before hearing herself asking the receptionist where the room of the Noceda-Blights was.
A kind of bored-looking demon sighed and looked the room number up in the list, before pointing them in the direction. Again, Eda’s feet felt like they had been planted into the tiles below her.
Only after Raine gave her a light push, she moved again.
So, the world now had some sort of order. Nobody was forced into covens anymore, and the coven seals had been removed, setting the magic free again.
Raine and she had married shortly after her daughter had accepted Amity’s proposal, and now, ten years after Luz had first set foot on the Boiling Isles chasing after her book, Eda found herself feeling more maternal than ever. Whatever that meant.
Her hands were fidgety, and not even Raine’s steadying grip could calm her. Camila tried not to look around too much, even after so many years of knowing the Boiling Isles and having visited her daughter regularly, she still wasn’t used to all of it.
Stopping in front of their room, Eda tried breathing through. King sighed again, but Raine shot him a glare and he shut up. At least her spouse understood that this was a big step for her. Looking to her side, Camila tried another smile and Eda nodded at her.
“If you want to, you and King can go ahead. I’ll-… I still need a minute.”
More than willing, Camila accepted. She knocked, and upon hearing Luz’s call, she stepped in. Eda shuffled to the side to let King through, so he could duck through the doorframe and maneuver his broad shoulders in without hitting anything. The door closed and Eda breathed through once more, feeling Raine’s grip tightening.
“How do you feel?”
Shooting them a grin, Eda turned, shrugging and trying to play it cool, “Old, honestly.”
Laughing, Raine pulled her aside to the row of chairs and made her sit down.
“No, I mean, how do you feel about Luz and Amity?”, they tried again and Eda sighed, staring at the blank wooden door with the small eighteen next to it.
“… Proud. I’m proud of them for making this commitment.”, looking back to Raine, she added, “And kind of scared. I haven’t really been the most-… Well, involved.”
Unimpressed, Raine lifted an eyebrow.
“… You’re kidding, right?”
Groaning, Eda shrugged again and leaned back, before closing her eyes, resting her head against the wall.
“I-… I never made the commitment they made. King has his father and Luz has her mother. I was more a friend to them than a mom. Sure, I liked seeing myself that way, and they liked seeing themselves as my kids, but-… It was fun having them. King had always been mostly independent and Luz was already a teenager when I met her. I’ve never-… Well, been around-…”
Raine softly placed their hand on Eda’s hands that she had folded in her lap and when she opened her eyes again, the gaze of her spouse was humored.
“Come on, Eda. How hard can it be to be a not-grandmother?”, at the joke, Eda groaned, “It’s not much different to being a not-mom to your kids.”
Grumbling, she got up again before straightening her back and nodding.
“You know what, you’re right. That kid is family now and whoever the hell cares what a mother or a grandmother is.”
A little confused, Raine got up after her and pumped a fist, albeit half-heartedly.
“That’s the spirit?”, they laughed and Eda huffed, before knocking and getting her own call to be let in.
The room was warm and humid. Eda let in Raine and quickly closed the door after them, not to let too much of the warmth escape, before turning back to her daughter.
Luz looked tired when she approached them.
Well, that wasn’t a surprise, given that she and Amity had arrived in the hospital two days ago before their little daughter had been born just this morning in the earliest hours. She had probably been awake all this time to be there for Amity.
Giving Eda a big hug, she nuzzled her face into the crook of her mother’s neck, before deeply breathing out. Eda could tell that Luz had just overcome a big step for herself.
“… I’m glad you’re here…”, she breathed and Eda wrapped her arms around the now-grown woman, tilting her own head into the embrace. The younger witch snuggled close while Raine squeezed past them to join Camila and King around the crib next to Amity’s bed.
Eda tried so hard not to cry.
This was a happy occasion and she would sure as hell not shed a tear about this. Just when she pressed a little kiss to Luz’s head, a tear rolled into her dark curls as well. Well, there went this promise.
“I’m proud of you, kid.”, she whispered and Luz held her tighter, smiling against her neck, “I’m so, so proud of you. If you ever need some help, I’ll do my damn best to provide.”
Sniffling, Luz nodded, before parting from her.
The exhaustion was evident on her face. She wiped her cheek before Eda placed a hand on her shoulder and caught her gaze. They exchanged a silent smile, then she looked up and around her daughter to her future daughter-in-law on the bed, obviously exhausted as well.
Amity gave a small wave, but it was obvious to see she was under the influence of some strong sedatives. That was the logical thing to do, Eda supposed, to keep her from acting protective over her child while all her family and friends wanted to meet the newest family member.
Witches only carried six months until giving birth, before incubating their pup for another three months. Which was why this room was so damn hot.
But upon giving birth, new mothers would also become a lot more protective of their pups than humans would. Luz had been new to all of this and Eda had had to educate her on the reproduction of witches, because Amity had been too busy laughing. Well, Eda had laughed as well, but not as hard as Luz’s fiancé.
Looking back to her daughter, she finally noticed the bandage she was wearing around one hand. Smirking, she gestured to that.
“Don’t tell me your weak nerd arms gave in.”, she joked and Luz huffed, rubbing the bandage with the healing sticker.
“Amity just had to transform her hand into a damn abomination while in labor. Seriously, who even does that? She sliced my hand right in half.”, grumbling, she looked back to her fiancé and gave her a small smile before looking back to Eda, “I almost missed the birth because the healers had to patch me up first. But there won’t even be a scar because they had my hand reattached just a second after it happened.”
Still grinning, Eda punched her shoulder, then Luz leaned closer to her, lowering her voice.
“Just don’t tell Mami. She’d lose her cool.”
Shaking her head and laughing, Eda walked past her.
“I won’t, don’t worry.”, after making her way around the bed, she sat down on the edge and caught Amity’s dazed gaze, taking her hand after permission, “Hey Minty. How’re you feeling?”
“… ’M good.”, the young witch slurred, trying a small smile, before breathing through and looking to the side where she kept her pup in view, “… Tired.”
Eda nodded, cupping her hand with both of hers, before softly patting the back of her hand.
“Lily will be here this afternoon to look after you two. Your siblings are still in Latissa on Government business, they asked me to tell you because they couldn’t get a hold of you. But they’ll be back tomorrow.”
She could tell that was a lot of information for Amity to process so she made a note to tell Luz as well. Leaving the witch to try and observe the room again – probably to make sure it stayed safe for her pup – she turned to the crib now finally.
There she was.
Her tiny granddaughter.
She had a bit lighter skin than Luz and just about Amity’s hair color. And she was so damn tiny.
Eda found herself getting scared, suddenly. This was a really small kid. This was like, a stupidly small child. She would not hold that baby for any number of snails.
Camila seemed a lot more comfortable around the baby, though. She had respected Luz’s wish to leave her in her crib for the time being, so Amity could get used to so many people around her pup so suddenly, but she was already reaching in and brushing the tiny thing over her cheek.
Well, okay, that seemed easy enough. Eda could do that, someday, when the kid was like twelve or something.
King and Luz were talking about something while Raine looked just about as amazed by the small creature as Camila was.
Sensing their amazement and figuring that Raine didn’t exactly have that much experience with children, either, Camila took the hand of Eda’s spouse and guided them down into the crib, brushing their knuckles against the incredibly soft skin of the baby’s cheek.
Amity didn’t even flinch at that. Either the sedatives were really strong or she felt incredibly comfortable with the people in the room. Looking back to the young witch, Eda confirmed the latter. Through half-lidded eyes, Amity was leaning back against the pillow, her other hand that was not held by Eda draped across her belly, while she was calmly watching Camila guiding Raine’s hand against the infant’s cheek.
She wondered how much Amity had actually adopted Luz’s family as her own once her parents had been imprisoned for their crimes against the public.
Judging by her calm reaction, she didn’t mind them being around her and her loved ones in the slightest, even in the now starting incubation period. Finally, Luz leaned around King and reached into the crib to lift her little daughter up and cradling her close to her chest. The baby didn’t even wake up, which made Eda chuckle.
“She’s got your sleeping habits, kid.”
Amity’s hand in hers shook when she started laughing alongside the older witch and Luz flushed in deep red when her mother confirmed.
“Sometimes, not even me shaking her would wake her up to school.”, Camila added and Luz huffed, bopping the infant in her arms.
“You guys are being mean to me in front of my daughter.”, she tried pouting, but King deadpanned.
“In front of your sleeping daughter. She won’t hear any of this.”
They started laughing again while Luz couldn’t suppress a little smile herself while looking down at the infant. When they had all quieted down a little, Luz pressed a soft kiss to her daughter’s forehead, before approaching Camila. Shooting a gaze towards Amity first to ask her permission, she then placed the baby in her mother’s arms and kept her hand cupped on the baby’s head, smiling.
“That’s your abuelita, mija.”, Luz mumbled softly and Eda almost felt her own heart breaking with the light sniffle Camila gave. After all these years of calling Luz her mija, Luz starting to use that label for her own daughter now made the human tear up.
While Camila greeted the little pup, Eda turned back to Amity whose head was softly nicking every time her eyelids fell. She had to be exhausted.
Tugging on her hand, Eda got her attention, then she lightly pushed the crib away to get up and adjust Amity’s pillow for her.
“C’mon, let’s get you lying down. We’ll take care of your pup.”
A sleepy gaze crossed with Eda’s but before Amity could object, the older witch was already adjusting the settings of the mattress to be flat again, before helping Amity lie down on her side.
“You can stay awake for as long as you want, but you should be comfortable with it at least.”, shooting her a grateful gaze, the younger witch yawned, then she adjusted the blanket around her future daughter-in-law and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, “Don’t worry about your pup, okay? Luz is taking care of her.”
That seemed to soothe Amity. She mumbled a soft “thank you” towards Eda and curled up a little, before continuing to watch the scene before her, the blinking of her eyelids already getting slower.
When Eda turned back to Camila, she discovered that Luz had taken her daughter back already and was safely cradling her before going around the crib and catching Eda’s gaze.
She knew that Luz wanted her to say hi, too.
“Luz, I’m not so sure about holding-”
Chuckling, her daughter adjusted the baby, before taking Eda’s hand.
“You can greet them like this first if you don’t wanna hold her. Or you can sit down if you like.”
Huffing, Eda fidgeted shortly, before rubbing her hands together and breathing through.
“Just, uh-… Sitting would be nice. I’m-… Holding the bat kids was an entirely different thing, you know? They could fly. Your kid can’t fly.”
Luz had to laugh at Eda’s rambling, pulling on her hand, she ushered King out of the chair by the window, before letting her adoptive mother sit down in it. Camila helped out by placing a pillow on Eda’s lap, then she was all set. Luz studied her face again.
“If you’re too nervous, you don’t have to hold her. I can hold her over your lap if you want to.”
Trying to wave her off, Eda forced a laugh.
“Pfft, you can just say you don’t trust me holding a baby, kid.”, she tried to joke around, but Luz just gave her a smile.
“If you feel uncomfortable, you don’t have to. That’s all I’m saying.”
But Eda wanted to. She definitely did kind of want to hold the tiny fragile baby that Luz had made together with her fiancé. Even if she was nervous and a little bit scared and so amazed by how small such a tiny thing could actually be, she did kind of want to hold that baby. Patting the pillow, she finally breathed through, then she opened her arms.
“Okay, I’m ready. Bring it, kid.”
Smirking at her antics, Luz leaned in and kneeled, then she slowly placed the baby in Eda’s arms. It was so tiny. It was so stupidly tiny, it wasn’t even as long as Eda’s forearm. Hiccupping, the older witch instinctively cradled the tiny, tiny infant in her arms and a warm feeling overcame her.
A really warm feeling.
If that was maternal feelings, then Eda swore she was going to be the best dang grandmother she could be for that child.
She brushed over her temple and the baby squirmed slightly. Apparently, she had woken up sometime during Camila holding her and was now kind of fighting against the snug swaddle blanket she was trapped in. Eda didn’t even notice she had tears in her eyes when she already felt the first tear rolling down her cheek.
“Wow… You’re my granddaughter now, hm?”, she asked and that tiny thing yawned, her arms struggling in the swaddle, before softly smacking her incredibly small lips. Eda found herself smiling immediately, “Titan, that’s new.”
Luz’s hands undid the blanket that was wrapped around the baby, then Eda laughed tearily when the infant stretched, her absolutely tiny fists stretching up to her face and rubbing her cheeks. She was apparently waking up and while she knew that incubating infants didn’t open their eyes yet, she found herself wondering what eye color the child would have. Adjusting the baby, she cradled them closer, then she smuggled a finger into the fist and giggled in delight when the baby grabbed it, despite not wanting to open the fist at first.
Looking up to Luz, who was still kneeling in front of her, she managed a smile, her teary expression probably matching the one on her daughter’s face.
“She’s perfect, Luz. But, let’s be honest, you two made a stupidly small baby.”
Laughing under tears, Luz nodded then she brushed over her daughter’s head and pressed a small kiss to her forehead to which the baby responded with a huff.
“Yeah, when I first held her, I was so scared she’d just slip right through my arms. But I think Amity would have killed me if I had so much as stumbled so I concentrated really hard not to let that happen.”
Eda’s gaze shot up from her granddaughter to her future daughter-in-law who was calling from the bed, her words slurred from the sedatives and sleepiness, but still very much poised if needed.
“… You better not drop our child, Luz.”
Raine had to laugh at that and went to soothe the new mother, while Eda turned back to the baby in her arms with a smile.
“Titan she’s small…”
The following few minutes were pretty much filled with tearful giggles and a very excited King who almost knocked the crib over when Luz called him to say hi as well. When Eda and King had calmed down a little, Camila had taken Luz outside for a little mother-daughter walk in the nearby park and King had gone with them for snacks. The older witch got up and carried the baby back to the crib, smiling when she lifted them up to her face. Resting her forehead against theirs, she kept like this for a moment, before stopping in front of the crib.
Amity had fallen asleep by now, even if she was flinching with every littlest sound her daughter made, so Eda looked over to Raine.
“Wanna hold the baby, too?”, she asked and Raine blushed.
“I’d-… I’d rather wait until she’s a little bit older.”, she admitted and Eda nodded before still gesturing her spouse over. Raine got up from the edge of Amity’s bed and joined Eda, putting an arm around her waist while Eda still cradled the baby close, taking care not to jostle her too much.
She yawned again and from the corner of her eyes, Eda saw Amity’s eyes opening, unfocused and probably very much still asleep but still attentive to her daughter. Chuckling, she turned back to Raine.
“Boy, I’m sure glad I only had two adoptive children.”
Shrugging, Raine caught the baby’s fist with their free hand and tickled their tiny fingers, but she wouldn’t open her hand this time.
“I’m sure you would’ve made a great biological mother as well. As you’re already a great adoptive mother, too.”
Shrugging, Eda brushed over her temple again, leaning into Raine.
“Nah, I’m glad I never had a baby. I don’t think I would’ve wanted to go through that.”
“Fair enough.”, Raine whispered, but their tone indicated that they had stopped listening to Eda, engrossed by the child in her arms. She softly kicked, which caused them to chuckle, before she settled back against Eda’s chest, curling in slightly and breathing through, apparently getting ready for her next nap. Raine sighed softly.
“Honestly, I’m glad I never had a baby, too. But having a grandchild is amazing.”
Grinning, Eda kissed their forehead, before carefully maneuvering the baby back into the crib and swaddling them the best she could, watching her breaths deepening and calming as she fell asleep again. Then, Eda pushed the crib next to Amity’s bed, to which the young witch immediately responded by reaching into the crib from the side and resting her hand on her daughter’s belly. Smiling, Eda took Raine into her arms and watched as both her future daughter-in-law and her granddaughter slept peacefully, leaning her head against Raine’s.
“… You’re right this is amazing.”
She already knew that this child would have the two best mothers she could ask for. And she knew that her entire family, including her furry uncle, three grandmothers, and one grandparent, and their twin uncle and aunt would do their damn best to make sure this child had everything she needed.
Smiling, Eda reached down to brush over the baby’s cheek and pulled Raine closer.
Maternal feelings or not, this was amazing.
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if we had 5 more minutes — f. w.
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Summary: You thought you could save Fred from the rumbles of falling stones; you did your best, only to be in the rumbles with him instead.
Words: 2,160 words
Warnings ⚠ : ANGST, TW: Death, TW: Battle of Hogwarts, TW: war, TW: injuries, Fred died, you died, big Pain™, I strongly suggest tissues and a dozen of comfort chocolates, I cried so you will too, Basically An Emotional Rollercoaster, Read At Your Own Risk
Disclaimer: inspired by Billie Eilish's cover of The End of The World, so... ya'll know this is going to be a painful ride. Buckle up your seatbelts and enjoy. Reblogs and Comments are Highly Appreciated! <3 p/s: reading this with the song at the background really helps with the tear pouring effect ;)
Disclaimer 2.0: i know what yall are thinking... what tf is syaf doing, posting a fic when she’s in a hiatus she just posted yesterday? Also where is mad hatter chap 5 and epilogue? well, my brain likes to conjure up ideas at very inappropriate times (like rn) so bare with me and uh i’ve been really physically and mentally exhausted from work (retail is bathshit crazy) to write the mad hatter series so idk when will i update the two chapters but i’m working on it! thank you for being patient, and im sorry for causing you guys to wait for so long, ilysm don’t kill me <3 
masterlist! | general taglist! | buy me a coffee!
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The end of the world.
The Battle of Hogwarts looked like the end of the world. Curses and spells thrown left to right, different kinds of bodies found at each corner and crook, walls here and there crumbling as down as hope for freedom. And blood.
At that point of time, the pools of blood on the floor look the same; pureblood or not. Because they bleed the same anguish red.
You didn't need to see the apocalypse of the world anymore. Screw the end of Mother Earth; this battle in front of your eyes was more than enough — sadly — to be your end of the world.
“Hey,” You called, causing Fred to turn his head around to your direction, his lips etched up a smile before replying with another hey. You sat next to him, the place where George had sat before he got up and left to speak with Professor Lupin.
Evil is winning, and good is losing. But then again, what difference would it make; if good kills as many as evil? At the end of the world, there is no good and evil alone. There are desperation, madness, and hunger for power, lust for victory brought along with them.
So, at the end of the world, you chose to be side by side with your lover, Fred Weasley. The red-headed dork you’ve taught yourself to pour your love into had become the very source of your life. He is your elixir, he is your soul, heart, and happiness.
It was silent for a while, none of you had anything to say. Yet the silence was comforting, with only the presence of each other as calming as it is. “Y/N,” Fred suddenly turned his head to you, biting his lower lip in contemplation. “Hm?” “Can you just stay at the Burrow?” 
You blinked, “What?” Fred sighed, “Can you just stay at the Burrow right now and not join the war? I- I don’t want you to join in-” “Fred-” “I-It’s dangerous and it’s literally a war a-and I don’t want you to get hurt I would- I would rather die than have you hurt-” 
“Fred!” You raised your voice, your hand clasping onto his securely, an effort to calm his frenzied thoughts. He stopped rambling and stared at you with those doe eyes you adored so much, “You know I can’t do that.”
“We need everyone on board for this war. I am no exception- bloody hell, even your parents are joining in, Freddie!” You tried to explain slowly, and Fred closed his eyes in denial of defeat. 
“I love you,” he suddenly blurted out. He noticed the slight fluster you had, your eyebrows were raised for a millisecond before they furrowed upon a realization, “Wait, why are you saying this now? I-“ “I love you, Y/N,” he repeated himself and you shook your head, realizing what he was doing, “Wait, hold on a minute, no-“
He was saying it in case anything happens.
“Y/N, I love you-” “Don’t you dare say it one more time like you’re not gonna make it, Fred Weasley, I swear to Merlin,” You cut him off, your jaw clenching at his absurdness. “… Aren’t you gonna say it back?” Fred asked, his voice was small.
“I-” You sighed, “No, I won’t because I don’t want to say it right now, given the circumstances,” You paused, your voice quieting down, “It felt like a goodbye when you say it like that.” “Then when will you say it? We’ve been dating for almost a year and you'd never say it before,” He said.
“Really? This is the time to argue about this?” You gave him a pointed look, but your expression softened as you understood the meaning behind his actions. “Look, Freddie, I- You know how I feel about us,” You sighed, looking down at your hands on your lap, “You know I’m not that expressive with my words but- but I’m trying and- okay, let’s make a deal,” Fred’s ears perked up the mention of a deal. "I'm listening," he drawled.
“I’ll say the words when the war is over,” Fred gave you a sour look that clearly said ‘really?’ and it caused you to huff a smile, “Once everything is over, and everything is okay again, I’ll say them as many times as you want me to, okay?” Fred leaned into your touch as you cupped his cheek with your hand, kissing his forehead.
“Even if I made you say it a thousand times?” He asked and you chuckled, your heart warming at his childlike question, “I’ll say it for an hour if you asked me to.”
It happened so fast.
One second you were fighting off the Death Eaters with Percy and Fred, and then the other, you find your body aching at the major pressure from the rocks and debris that used to be Hogwarts’ protective wall from the outside world.
It was dark, and it was dusty, but you were too unconscious to notice. That was until you felt your cheek being patted a few times. As you gained consciousness with a cough or two, you also gained the pending pain spreading all across your whole body. You couldn’t feel your legs, or safe to say your whole lower body part. 
Memories of you a few moments ago trying to push Fred away from the rumbles but ended up facing the falling stones head-on with him instead began to flow back into your mind. How foolish could you be to act like a hero, as if you could sacrifice yourself for him to live.
“… Y-Y/N…”
You turned your head with a silent grunt, and your eyes fixate at the body beside you, a few feet away, Fred. 
He had blood leaking from his nose and ears, probably from the impact, and his face was dusty with debris from the stones. As he looked at you, he threw you a smile; a weak, hiding the fact that he’s in immense pain kind of smile.
“F-fancy seeing you here,” he grunted with a wince, a smile nevertheless rested on his lips. “Fred…” you could only mutter his name, closing your eyes for a brief second at the growing pain on your thighs. The pressure from the rumbles had slowly increased, and you felt yourself losing consciousness again. Only to be brought back to open your eyes as Fred poked your cheeks a few more times, “Hey, hey, s-stay with me, love.”
“We’ll… We’ll be okay.”
You winced at the trickling sensation on your skin as you tried to move your fingers towards him, “It’s… It’s impossible, Fred…” You voiced out, your voice cracking up. You saw Fred’s lips quivered before he threw you another comforting smile, “Don’t… Don’t say that. We’ll make it… I-I know we will.”
“We… We will?”
Groaning from the injuries on his body as he tried to move closer to you, he nodded, “We will.”
You felt his fingers trying to reach for yours, and you handed him assistance as you hooked your fingers with his. His hand was cold, trembling. But it was Fred’s. And Fred’s hand is always warm.
“It’s… It’s so heavy,” You whimpered in pain, looking at Fred for comfort. All Fred wished to do at the moment was to be strong enough. Strong enough to push off these rumbles pressing onto his body. Strong enough to pull you out from the pain. All he wished for was for you to not be in pain anymore. But he knew he couldn’t do anything. The rumbles were too big, too heavy, and it would take a while for anyone to find them at the bottom of everything. 
Fred breathed out heavily through his mouth, slowly finding it difficult to breathe through his nose anymore, trying his best to look strong for you, “Stay with me, love. S-stay with me. Five more minutes. F-five more minutes and they’ll- they’ll save us…”
“Five more minutes, I promise…”
You saw the desperation in his eyes, trying his best to somehow keep you afloat until you two are saved. You heard muffles from the other side, Percy screaming for Fred and you. His screams were sad and painful to hear; you would’ve cried for him if it wasn’t for the constant high-pitched ringing in your ears.
“Fred, h-hold my hand. P-please,” You whispered, finding no more strength to say anything louder than a whisper. He instantly intertwined your fingers with his, stretching as far as he could to reach you; no matter how screeching the pain in his lower body was.
“Fred,” You called him again. He chuckled a bit, “You’re… you’re saying my name a lot of times right now, darling.” You huffed a smile, the corner of your lips twitched, “… I want to ask you something.”
“… Anything.”
Your eyes met his, even in the darkness, his eyes still managed to look so beautiful. So earthly beautiful. “… Are you happy, Freddie?”
There was something about the way you say it, Fred couldn’t get a touch of what it was but… it felt like a goodbye. As much as Fred hated to admit, he wasn’t holding on much longer either. He was bleeding heavily from everywhere, his wand was out of his reach, and his body was starting to numb. His vision began to blur by itself, hence he blinked his eyes repeatedly. Trying his best to see your features clearly, one last time, if the worst happens.
This is it, he thought. This is the end of my line. 
Finding an urge to cry, but didn’t have enough strength to sob, Fred let out a tear or two onto the dusty surface he laid his head on, his eyes closing after the content stare of your beautiful— though bloody and dusty— face. How ironic, he’s slipping away first even though he was the one who said five more minutes.
If only you had five more minutes.
“W-with… With you? Heh, always… “ The whisper coming out from his mouth caused you to narrow your eyes at him. It felt strange, it felt wrong. Was he saying goodbye? Watching Fred close his eyes was alarming, so you gained all your strength to pat his hand a few times, “H-hey, Freddie… Five more minutes. Hang… Hang on for five more minutes, please.”
You squeezed his hand, and he naturally squeezed back, only this time it was weaker than usual. His grip on your hand started to soften, but you tightened yours desperately. The pain all over your body was partially forgotten, your only focus was on keeping Fred breathing and alive, as well as yourself. 
“I’m… I’m trying, my love… but I’m sleepy… and tired…” he mumbled, his words became slurred by time. He was on the edge, you realized that. Upon the sad realization, you bit your tongue, trying your best to prepare for the worst. “L-look at me, darling,” Your voice quivered, feeling the sandy surface on your temple as you tried to force your eyes open, to properly look at him, “Look at me.”
You knew it. He was slipping away from your fingers, and you were slipping too. It didn’t matter anymore even if Percy bulldozed his way to you now, it was too late. Simply too late. And that’s none of his faults. It’s none of his and none of yours.
Some things are just meant to be.
You took your other hand and placed it onto his cold, dirty cheek. Caressing his cheekbone gently, you gave him a comforting smile, “Fred.”
He looked at you, a faint smile on his lips. He’s at the end, you acknowledged. You widen your smile to assure him, although the tears escaping your eyes say otherwise, “… You make me happy. You make me so so happy. And I… I love you.”
“I love you, Freddie.”
With a big smile, Fred widened his eyes weakly, letting out a sigh of content as he looked at you with gentle eyes,“… Now that wasn’t so hard, now was it?“
Gentle eyes that soon hollowed empty.
“Yeah,” the dam of your tears broke down, “Took me a long time...” You squeezed his now lifeless hand, trying to find comfort and warmth from him for the last time. You smiled at Fred, whilst tears rolling down your temple slowly as if mourning the passing of your lover for you. You inched closer to him, careful not to graze your injuries, and met your nose with his.
You caressed his cheek, finally feeling yourself lose consciousness. This is it, you thought, I won’t wake up ever again. “You said we’ll be okay,” You whispered weakly, huffing a content smile on your lips. Staring into his eyes that had held so much love and pure unadulterated affection for you all these years, now empty with no trace of life, had sent you into pain more powerful than the injuries present on and in your body.
“I guess we will be, after this.”
“… You spent your last five minutes with me, huh?” You felt yourself going in and out of consciousness, and your vision blurring continuously, “Aren’t you a sappy git,” the mere whisper escaped your mouth with a sigh. The warm smile never left your lips, and the only thing in your mind was how peaceful he looked as of that moment, and you wondered if you’ll ever be in that state of peace, with him.  
“No- no- no!” someone was shouting. “No! Fred! no!” And Percy was shaking his brother, and Ron was kneeling beside them with his hand on Y/N’s head, and the pair of lovers stared at each other without seeing, the ghost of their last smile still etched upon their faces.
On our last few drags of air, we agree
I was, and you were
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Speedy one night stand
Ok, so this is an old scene that i never posted because I never thought it was good enough, but since I wanted to post smth before ‘Tis the Damn Season, here it goes! I’m sorry for any typos, it’s 3 am and I don’t have the patience to proof read rn. There are mentions of a car accident but I swear it is not a sad or angsty scene. It’s bad and not at all a believable situation, but I hope it’s ok enough to be mildly enjoyable!
Aelin was having a spectacular day.
She had woken up around six, laying near the hottest man to ever walk on this Earth. In the previous night, she had drank enough to practically guarantee her a bitch hangover, but apparently her beautiful, silver-haired stranger had fucked it right out of her. A few times.
Not so proudly, Aelin sneaked out of his house without making a single sound. Maybe she should have stayed, maybe asked for his name. But she was also almost sure she had given him her number yesterday, and so if he wanted to continue things, he could call her. If not… Well, it had been a fun night.
Understatement of the fucking century.
And thanks to her stranger, once she got home, Aelin felt energized and inspired enough to finally give the painting a try.
The painting had become Aelin’s nightmare for the past year and a half. She had the idea, had the ability, but didn’t know how to do it, how to tackle it. She tried a few times every few days, and left the room hating it more and more. The painting started to be a mock to her abilities— she would finish other works, beautiful works, and yet the messy canvas would always stare at her from the corner of the room.
Aelin was mainly a sculptor, not a painter, and so she didn’t even know why it bothered her so much but it did. Oh, it most certainly did.
For the past eighteen months, staring at that taunting canvas was like staring at yourself on the mirror for too long. The vision started to blur, and it didn’t look real, evoked a deep panic.
For the past eighteen months, Aelin hated that fucking painting.
And yet, when she got home earlier, all she could think is that she might be able to finish it. The painting was supposed to be of Oakwald, a beautiful forest that extended for the whole expanse of the west of Terrasen. She hadn’t been at home for so long now, and all she wanted was a painting of how she remembered the forest to be. She wanted to capture its light, its life. She wanted it to look exactly how it was in her memory, but the colors never seemed right. Her fondness of the memory was becoming stained with that stupid canvas.
All she needed was the right palette.
And he had walked in a bar and sat by her side yesterday.
Her stranger was the literal embodiment of her memory, so much so that for a split second, Aelin had thought she had gone officially insane. His silver-grey hair was the exact shade of the sky on the cloudy mornings when she and her dad would go for a walk. Eyes a combination of a few shades of green and small specks of brown that reminded her of how the trees were. His demeanor was cold, and yet Aelin found him somehow so welcoming— just like she felt back at Oakwald, back home.
Her stranger had given her the thing she had needed for the past eighteen months, even if he hadn’t given her even his name.
Aelin was staring proudly at the now finished painting when the phone rang. She was glad her roommate wasn’t at home to witness her staring at the painting for that long like a crazy person, and honestly hoped it was Lysandra calling to ask if she wanted to go out and grab something to eat.
Or maybe it’s your stranger.
Aelin forced herself to shove every single spark of hope down until they were nothing more than cinders. To be honest, Aelin knew that she probably wouldn’t get a call from him. It was his first day in town, they both had been drunk, and, even though the sex had been great, her stranger didn’t seem like the dating type.
At least not the dating type with a woman who left his house unannounced at six in the morning after leaving him with no note other than her number that could potentially be wrong since said woman was already tipsy when she gave it to him.
A fucking shame.
“Hey.” Aelin said, putting the phone to her ear as she looked for her car keys. She wanted to be in the elevator by the time the word “eat” left Lys’s mouth.
“Is this Aelin?” A female voice she had never heard in her life asked, uncertainty and hesitation lacing every word.
Aelin withdrew the phone from her ear and looked at the unknown number.
Aelin rarely gave her phone number to strangers, and lately it had only been to…
Oh fucking shit.
He had a girlfriend?
Fuck fuck fuck.
“Hum, yes?” Aelin sounded as uncertain as the girl. “I’m sorry, but who is this?”
Maybe it wasn’t what she thought. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe—
“Do you know a Rowan?”
“Maybe?” Aelin wanted to bang her head against a wall. Almost seven months without touching a guy, and the first one in her way back to the land of the social people had a girlfriend. At least she knew his name now. Rowan seemed fitting, matched his appearance somehow. “Silver hair, green eyes, looks really pissed even when he’s sleeping?”
Please say no.
“Oh, yes.” The woman said, sounding… relieved? “I’m doctor Towers, and—“
“Doctor?” Aelin blurted out, all anger and nervousness being substituted for confusion. “Doctor?”
“Yes. Well, actually an intern since I’m still halfway through my first year here and—“
“I swear I mean no offense, but I am a little confused.” Aelin interrupted her after she started mumbling. “You’re Rowan’s girlfriend?”
“No!” The woman shouted loud enough that Aelin had to take the phone from her ear. “Gods, no. I thought you were his girlfriend.”
A moment of silence passed through the two women.
“What the fuck?” Was everything Aelin managed to say. She cleared her throat, mind trying to catch up with what was happening. “Why would you think that?”
“You’re the only contact on his phone.”
“I am?”
“You are.”
“I am.”
“You are.”
“I— Why are you calling me?” Aelin shook her head, her grip on her keys strong enough that started to be painful. She didn’t know if this was some type of joke her friends were pulling on her, or if Rowan was just some sick asshole that was fucking with her now that he had her number but she sure as hell wasn’t enjoying the experience.
“Well, you see.” She cleared her throat, voice tone becoming more serious, more professional. “Rowan was admitted into the Torre’s hospital a few hours ago. He was involved in an accident, and all the emergency contacts we could find are not in town as of now. I know it is not protocol, and I’m breaking so many rules here, but I went through his phone to see if I could find a contact of someone who was around. We didn’t know if his injuries were serious or not, but…”
Doctor Towers didn’t finish the sentence, and dread mixing with some type of anxiety started rolling inside Aelin’s stomach. “But?”
She didn’t respond the question, instead changing the subject. “You’re the only contact, Miss Aelin.”
Aelin slowly sat down, the dead silence of the apartment mixing with the expectant silence from Doctor Towers. She didn’t know the guy, didn’t even know his name until two minutes ago, and yet the image of the painting in the other room kept flashing in her mind, the colors in the canvas mixing with the colors she saw on his face. “I— Is he alive?”
“Yes, yes. He’s in surgery, I believe.” The initial apprehension came back to the woman’s voice. “I don’t know, actually. Again, just an intern. People don’t tell me much here.”
“And I suppose hiding somewhere after stealing a patient’s phone isn’t the best way to pick up on any information they might be sharing in the halls right now.” Aelin said, some amusement for the girl showing through her voice. “Where are you? Storage room?”
“Coma patient room.” Doctor Towers laughed nervously. “I thought I was helping.”
“It’s fine.” Aelin said even though she didn’t feel it.
The line went silent once more, and after a minute, Aelin said. “Well, bye, I guess.”
“Wait.” The doctor’s apprehensive voice sounded again. “Couldn’t you… Can you still come? Even if you’re just his friend?”
Aelin sat frozen on her chair. “I’m not his friend.”
“Oh.” She sounded disappointed. “Ok. Sorry. Have a great night, Miss Aelin.”
Before Aelin could respond, the call was ended.
The first thing Rowan noticed when he opened his eyes was that he was not at the rented apartment he and the rest of his friends had gotten for the summer.
The lights were too white and too artificial, the bed too uncomfortable to be the same one he had slept the previous night.
And there was also the fact it felt as if he had been thrown from the top of a building, broken every single bone in the impact and, somehow, survived.
He tried opening his eyes a little bit more and acute pain shot to his brain.
Unfortunately. Unfortunately survived.
Shit, maybe he was in hell.
“I don’t know if the struggle is amusing or pathetic.” A low and sultry voice sounded from the left corner of the room. “Maybe try not staring directly into the light and then try opening your eyes.”
Rowan turned his head to where the soft voice had come from, pain burning his neck with the movement but he found himself incapable of not looking at her direction. But the woman was right, and Rowan managed to open his eyes enough to see her seating in one of those uncomfortable hospital chairs, legs crossed in front of her and fingers laced on top of her stomach.
Rowan mentally scratched his last thought. If he had actually died, that certainly was tilting a lot more towards heaven than hell even with the killing pain.
“Fuck, I think I died.” Rowan blurted out.
“I’ll pretend you just compared me to an angel, not to the devil.” She said, getting up and walking in his direction. Despite her hurt tone, she was smiling as she approached his bed. “It’s the least you could do after you ruined my perfectly perfect day. I was having a blast, you know?”
Hell, heaven, or Earth— it honestly didn’t fucking matter because the pain was the same, but her voice seemed to soothe his muscled, make the pain secondary to the pleasure of listening to her voice.
“Yeah?” Rowan rasped out, hoping she would continue talking.
“Oh, yeah.” She sat by the edge of the bed, straightening his sheets. The light wasn’t so blinding anymore, and he could see every detail on her face.
Heaven. Definitely heaven.
“I’m an artist, you know. Sculptor mostly, but I’m a decent painter. There’s this painting I’ve been trying to get done for over a year now, and today I did not only make progress I liked, but I also finished it. I thought today was going to be a terrible day, you know? Yesterday I found out my flight back home had been canceled and I would only be able to get another one by the end of summer, so I went to a bar and planned on getting drunk. Today was a day for tears and hangovers.”
“But?” Rowan asked automatically, all too focused on the woman sitting next to him.
She smiled, raising a hand to brush his hair from his face, fingers intertwining with the shoulder-length knots he most certainly had after whatever it was that had happened. She seemed too focused on her hand gently undoing the knots, but thankfully kept talking. “But I met this guy, you know? Definitely not from here, accent gave it away immediately. Also not from where I am from. Just that made him interesting enough. And,” she turned her eyes to him, eyes glinting with mischief. “Very, very fucking hot. That definitely made him even more interesting.”
“What a guy.” Rowan could feel some of the life coming back to his body, and even managed to weakly match the grin she had on her face.
“Oh, yes, what a guy. Fucked the hangover and artistic block right out of me. A hero, if you will.” Her grin extended into a smile, and she shook her head. “So imagine how ruined my day was when I got a call saying my amazing bar guy had been in a car accident.”
Rowan let out a broken laugh, his ribs screaming in pain when he did so. “So irresponsible of him.”
She assented solemnly. “And there I was, hoping he would have called me to go out on a date. I’m not picky but hospital is a huge downgrade from mind blowing sex in his expensive apartment.”
Rowan laughed again, not even caring about the pain.  “I’m sure the guy would have asked you if you hand’t left the expensive apartment at the crackass of dawn without telling him.”
“And instead of calling he let his car be smashed by a fucking truck to get my attention? Tsk, tsk, tsk… Maybe I didn’t dodge a bullet with this idiot.”
Rowan’s lips were taken by a grin. “Well it worked, didn’t it?”
“Next time try something a little less dramatic.” She said, eyes narrowing but Rowan could see how she was trying to contain a smile.
“The girl really seemed into dramatics tho. Gave it away last night when she—“
“Since I didn’t know your name until your doctor called me, Rowan, I’ll save you the embarrassment of asking mine.” She interrupted him, slender fingers going from his hair to the top of his lips. “I’m Aelin.”
“Aelin.” He said against the finger sushing him. “May I ask how you got here?”
She blushed a little, taking the finger from his mouth and straightening her spine. “I was the only contact in your list. They called me.”
“Lost my phone in the airport yesterday and had to buy a new one. Still doesn’t explain why you’re here.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, small nose frowning. “You’re very talkative for someone who could barely open his eyes a few minutes ago.”
“Am I?” Rowan said, hoping to push some of her buttons. Consciousness had been coming back slowly, and Rowan certainly remembered every single detail. Remembered being pissed by losing his phone, impatient because he would have to wait two more days for his friends to arrive.
Remembered all the pissy and impatience leaving his body once he sat on the bar by the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had been quick-mouthed, with no filter, and absolutely hypnotizing. She wasn’t just fucking beautiful, but also funny, smart, and had the ability to make him forget every single thing that was making him irritated.
And the rest of the night… It was a shame Rowan was bedridden, he certainly wouldn’t mind reenacting last night again.
And again. And again.
And again.
Rowan had wondered earlier if she had been that amazing because he was drunk. The answer was obviously no.
Aelin pursed her lips, red coloring her cheeks. She cleared her throat, rolling her eyes. “The doctor guilty tripped me.”
“Yeah?” Rowan knew he was smiling like an idiot.
“She said you were in surgery and she didn’t know how serious.” Aelin finally looked him straight in the eyes, and Rowan noticed how beautiful hers were. “No one deserves to have no one in this situation. She said your friends were out of town, and the girl sounded desperate enough that it sounded as if you were fucking died. Again, no one deserves to die alone. Specially someone this good in bed.”
It took Rowan a second to understand everything she had just said. When the last sentence finally registered on his brain, Rowan laughed. Aelin shook her head, a small smile appearing again.
“Also, you’re the first guy I slept with in seven months. Letting you die alone seemed like bad luck.”
“I am honored you put so much consideration into coming to stay with me.”
“Shut it.”
“If it makes you feel less embarrassed—“
“I’m not embarrassed.”
“I would have come too. Make sure my best fuck wasn’t dead.”
“Awn, best fuck? You’ll make me tear up like this, Ro. So romantic.” Aelin pretended to clean fake tears the moment the doctor in darker scrubs and a few on lighter ones entered the room.
“Good to see you awake, Mr Whitethorn.” The man smiled at him, checking his charts. “It’s always good to see wives crying of happiness rather than sadness around here.”
“Of course.” Rowan agreed, turning to Aelin and raising an eyebrow.
“They wouldn’t let me stay if I wasn’t family.” She whispered low enough so that only Rowan would hear. Her face slowly broke into a grin, and she winked at him before turning to the doctor. “So he’ll be fine, right, doctor?”
Rowan had to bite his cheeks from laughing at how obviously fake she sounded, but no one other than him noticed. “Yes, yes. Other than a fracture to his right wrist, your husband is completely fine. Some bruising and soreness that painkillers can help, but nothing major. You two are free to enjoy your vacations when he’s discharged tomorrow.”
“Oh, great.” Rowan said, nodding seriously. “My wife here has just informed me that a hospital is no adequate place for a first date.”
All the people in the room laughed, thinking Rowan meant their first date in Antica.
Not their first date ever.
“I’ll leave you two. Anything you need, ask a nurse and they will page me.” The doctor in darker scrubs said, leaving the room with all the ones in lighter scrubs following.
“Where do you live?” Rowan asked the moment the doctor was out.
Aelin turned to him, fingers going back to his silver hair. “Have been living here for the past two years in an art internship. Going back to Orynth, Terrasen by the end of the summer.” She curled a strand around her finger before looking to his face. “You?”
“Have been and will continue to be a very happy resident of Orynth.” Rowan said, a smirk appearing on his lips. “Definitely happier after the summer.”
“Haven’t even asked me out and you’re already thinking about the end of the summer.” Aelin shook her head and clicked her tongue even though she was smiling. “No surprise you got into a car accident, so speedy.”
His smirk grew into a smile. “My dear wife, would you like to go on a date with me?”
She narrowed her eyes, taking her sweet, sweet time to answer. “I’ll think about it.”
“And, seeing how the doctor talked about all my grave injuries—“
“Grave.” She snorted.
“Do I get kisses to feel better?” Rowan’s tone was full of mockery and some laughter.
“If I kiss every place you’re hurting after being hit by a fucking truck, I think we’d be here for a long while.”
“You didn’t complain yesterday.”
Aelin half laughed, half snorted. Rolling her eyes, she bent forward, and even though she was trying very hard not to, Rowan could see the start of a smile just before she pressed her lips against his. They were sweeter and softer than he remembered, and despite the pain on his arms and specially on his right wrist, Rowan raised his hands and put them in her golden strawberry hair.
“One more thing.” He said against her mouth.
“Has anyone ever told you that you ask for too much?” Aelin said impatiently.
“As our situation is already as fucking weird as it’s gonna get—“
“You don’t say!” Aelin said, voice dripping with so much fake surprise Rowan couldn’t stop but smirk up at her.
“As our situation is already as fucking weird as it’s gonna get,” he repeated forcefully, eyes narrowing at her as her smile widened. “Tomorrow, when my friends arrive.”
“Can you please still pretend you’re my wife?”
Aelin stared at him blankly for a moment before letting out a full, lovely laugh. The bed shook with her laughter, and Rowan joined her— a little weakly due to the pain, but joined her nonetheless. She bent down to kiss him again, nodding as she did so. “Of course. What type of person would I be if I didn’t help such injured person find some happiness in their lives?”
Rowan kissed her back, fingers playing with her hair. “So this means you’ll go out with me?”
“We’ll see.”
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