#it’s been like this since i started school i’m like seriously considering applying for disability
speedlimit15 · 2 years
hi everybody i have 5 days to pay my rent or i get evicted and i’m $400 short because my hours at work got cut drastically after being trained
i fucking hate making posts like this especially since i’m not a Donatjon Post Reblogger so i’m not making it rebloggable. Followrrs Only type shit you know. but. i know it’s hard rn so no worries if you can’t/don’t want to, i’m just kind of flustered bc my family is also out of money and having extended health issues so i have uhh no options:))) jtenney94 is my vmo we could also work out a quick commission if you wanted to dm me we can figure out something!
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the-scarlet-witch-22 · 7 months
hi! i've been following you for quite a while now, since chaconne was still being updated (i miss the good times 😭), and now getting to read your new lawyer!agatha au (new good times!!) made me curious about something.
have you always wanted to go to law school? especially being a trained, professional musician, it just makes me very curious as to why you want to go to law. asking as someone starting law school soon but seriously considering a major in music, and as an enormous fan of your written work. there is so much love and passion for music in your works, it is heart-touching.
with love,
- law school anon 🥹
Hi law school anon! ✨ (this is going to be a long reply, I apologize)
Oh wow you’ve been here for a while haha, thank you for sticking with me for the past few years!! I do miss writing Chaconne, but I’m excited to be posting the sequel soon (I’m 2 chapters in right now, I think). And I do love Lawyer!Agatha, she’s growing on me. (she is the best time haha)
This is such a great question! I considered law school right after I graduated. I thought about becoming an entertainment attorney- a lot of the alums from my school who were music majors & went to law school ended up pursuing it, and I find the music & entertainment world to be so fascinating. I took the LSAT in 2021 and did pretty well, but I was scared I was only applying because I was struggling to find a job. I couldn’t justify applying and paying so much money if i wasn’t 100% certain I wanted to do it, if that makes sense?
But I’ve been thinking about it more and more, and now I’m more interested in pursuing something with disability law or human rights law (potentially, lol). One of my younger siblings has special needs, and I’ve spent the past couple of years acting as a caregiver for him. He’s my best friend, and I really love him so much. While I’m so thankful that he has such a strong support system, I know that there are so many individuals with both physical & intellectual disabilities who don’t necessarily have that. The world has really, truly failed them, especially the country that I live in, and it makes me so angry.
I think everyone has a driving force in their life, something or someone that motivates them to want to do better. That’s always been my brother. I want to be able to help people who don’t have someone looking out for them the way that I try to do for him. I also might not end up getting in or wanting to practice what I’m talking about, but it’s definitely been the reason why I want to go to law school.
I wish you the best of luck since you’ll be starting law school soon, (which yay, that is so so exciting and I know you’ll do great!!!) and if you’d like to share any learned wisdom or advice with me I would be very grateful haha.
Also thank you for the kind words about my fic 😭 I love writing, and I love music, and I’m so glad that it resonated with you. That’s also very interesting that you almost majored in music, what instrument(s) do you play?
Thank you for the ask!
Lizzie 🩵
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zeldasayer · 4 years
I transcribed and translated Pedro’s interview from GQ Germany for all of us. I tried translating as good as possible but bear with me, English is not my mother tongue. By @sixties-loser
Pedro Pascal, the star from “Game of Thrones”, “Wonder Woman” and “The Mandalorian” talks about becoming an adult, film, fashion, corona – and a painful surgery in the exclusive GQ interview.
It seems almost eerie how empty the streets of LA are in the sunshine. Meanwhile a new normality seems to be coming to Europe, most people in L.A. are still cutting their own hair. Many have not seen their friends for half a year. The pandemic is out of control. The reaction towards it too. Inviting someone into their garden for a “distance drink” can cause the same distress as suggesting to switch spouses.
Therefore, it was particularly surprising that Pedro Pascal immediately accepted. He accepted the drink, not to switch spouses. He is one of the rising stars and newcomers this year – if it wasn’t for corona sending the whole film industry into a forced vacation, there would most likely not have been time for said drink. After having his skull crushed in “Game of Thrones” followed the lead role as a DEA agent hunting Pablo Escobar in “Narcos” in 2015 and now he is stepping towards big Hollywood films. From the 1st of October onwards the Chilean-born actor will be starring in the blockbuster “Wonder Woman 1984”. Moreover, the second season of the “Star Wars”-series “The Mandalorian” on Disney+ starring him as the lead is going to air in October this year – but he will be underneath a helmet. Well, we all are under a helmet in 2020 in one way or another. We want to meet the man who a few years ago still worked as a waiter in New York, whose parents were political refugees who found asylum in Denmark and settled in Texas and whose son one day signed up for a theatre group in High School.
Then, the cancellation! While we were in the middle of fixing up the house and the garden for the drink with Pedro and organizing the fashion shoot, which was not easy considering the safety measures in L.A., his management called with an unfortunate message: Pedro – no, not sick with corona – had to get emergency surgery because of a damaged tooth and was lying in bed with a swollen face that was hindering him from speaking and taking pictures. The sun is shining onto empty streets. And our empty garden.
A few days later he nonetheless arrived at our front door without a swollen face but still with threads in his mouth. He was not chauffeured by a limo-service but he came with his own car – he even picked up his make-up artist. He is helping her carrying all of her utensils into the house and declares: “I’ve got time today!”. What a celebrity! It seemed like we did not want to ask him how he made it to the A-List of Hollywood but he wanted to ask us how we made it to the A-list. Pedro Pascal! Yes, what kind of a celebrity?
Pedro Pascal: Sorry for messing with your plans. The surgery was an emergency.
GQ: Really? We were wondering whether the swelling wasn’t the product of a secret visit to the plastic-surgeon. Apparently, they are drowning in work because of the quarantine in Hollywood.
PP: I have to disappoint you. A few days before our appointment I was rushing to the hospital with a fractured tooth and the worst pain in my entire life – a hospital in which treats people with severe cases of corona. I was unable to reach any dentist! Right in front of the parking lot a specialist called me back. The pain was hell despite the ten injections I got. The doctor said I was not an exception because a lot of people are grinding their teeth because of all the stress.
GQ: What are you most afraid of at the moment?
PP: How the government is handling the pandemic is worrying me more than the virus itself. This shortage of intelligent management of the crisis is a moral shame. The leadership crisis in this country is turning us all into orphans – destitute and abandoned.
GQ: How did you spend your time over the last few months?
PP: I spent it with frozen pizza and sweatpants in Venice Beach. I live in a rear house that’s in a family’s garden. Actually, there are a lot of good takeout places nearby but for some reason I just love pepperoni pizza from the supermarket.
GQ: That does not really sound like movie star-lifestyle. What does it feel like being suddenly stopped from top speed to zero?
PP: Regarding what is going on around the world one should hold back one’s own mental turmoil. I would be lying if I was saying that I am not disappointed. The whole team put a lot of heart and work into the production of “Wonder Woman 1984”. We had a lot of fun on set. I wished to travel around the world and introduce the film with the same lively energy.
GQ: You come from a politically engaged, socialist family that fled from the Pinochet-regime in Chile. What do you remember from that time?
PP: My sister and I were born in Chile but I was only nine months old when we first found asylum in Denmark. From there we quickly came to San Antonio in Texas where my dad started working as a doctor at the university clinic.
GQ: Texas is not known as a socialist utopia. How did you assimilate?
PP: San Antonio is not a Cowboy-town but very diverse with big Asian, black and Latino communities. I remember it as a romantic place, culturally open. The culture shock only came as we later moved to range county in California. There the atmosphere was suddenly white, preppy and conservative.
GQ: How were you received in California?
PP: I’m still ashamed of the fact that I did not correct my classmates when they kept on calling me Peter. I am Pedro. Even if I didn’t grow up in Chile the country and the language are still a part of me. I was very unhappy in that environment. However, I was fortunately able to go to another school close to Long Beach where I felt more comfortable. Through the theater group at that school I found my way.
GQ: Were you able to visit Chile as a child?
PP: Yes, when my parents made it to the list of expatriates that were able to travel to Chile without consequences. First, there was a big family reunion and then my sister and I stayed there for a few months with relatives while my parents went back to Texas. They likely needed a break from us. They got us when they were very young, had a buzzing social life and my mother was obtaining a PhD in psychology.
GQ: Was your mother a typical young psychologist who wanted to apply her theoretical knowledge at home?
PP: You mean, whether I was her guinea pig? For sure! I remember strange tests and sittings that were disguised as games where someone was watching me react to different toys. I cannot have been older than six but I was already aware of the dynamic. My favourite thing was being questioned about my dreams. That was a wonderful opportunity to come up with fantastic stories.
GQ: Was that your first performance?
PP: Of course! My mother worried about my strong imagination because I was living in my own fantasy world rather than reality. I hated going to school. I was always categorized as the troublemaker. At one point, the topics at school became more interesting and my grades also went up. There are so many kids that are unnecessarily diagnosed with learning disabilities without considering that school can be abhorrent. Why is it so accepted to be bored in class when there are so many stimulating ways to convey knowledge?
GQ: Considering al that has happened this summer around the world: Do you believe that we can seriously demand social change now?
PP: I Hope so. After lockdown, the first time I went out was to protest for “Black Lives Matter” on the streets. The energy was peaceful and hopeful until the police provoked severe conflicts. Nevertheless, we cannot run from problems like we used to this time and we cannot distract ourselves from them either. It seems like the pressure of the pandemic led to a new clarity: We cannot go on this way.
GQ: The “Wonder Woman 1984” Trailer revives the optimism of the 1980’s. From today’s point of view, it seems almost nostalgic.
PP: That’s right. You really are happy for two hours. The director Patty Jenkins created a film full of positive messages. We shot in Washington D.C., then in London and Spain – this sounds like I am talking of a past time.
GQ: Do you miss traveling?
PP: I’m just now realizing the privilege of just packing up one’s stuff and being able to fly anywhere. An American passport used to guarantee unlimited travel. And that’s why it the small radius of our lives is actually unimaginable. Over the last years I often retreated for a break after shootings because I was constantly on the move and overstimulated. My friends were already complaining I had become too comfortable. We all took social contact for granted and are only realizing now how dependent we actually are on human contact. Over the last weeks I often longingly thought about all the parties and dinner invitations I declined.
GQ: In L.A. people spend more time at home or nature than in other metropolises that are more geared towards public life. Could this city become your second home after New York?
PP: My Real Home are my friends. I have been a nomad since I was little and I do not have a place where I have put down roots. Up until not long ago my physical home was a place in between departure and arrival. Therefore, it was something I did not want to complicate through the accumulation of stuff. On the contrary: Without having read Marie Kondo’s book I have freed myself from excess baggage over the last few years and I lived relatively minimally.
GQ: Is there nothing you collect or something you just can’t throw away?
PP: Books! I even still have the literature I read when I was a teenager and when I was in college. Recently, I stumbled upon a box full of old theatre manuscripts and materials from my time at the New York University. I also cannot part from art easily, just like I cannot part from lamps or old photos. On the other hand, I can easily get rid of furniture and clothes.
GQ: Do you remember roles that were really only completely defined through the costume?
PP: Yes, I am particularly thinking about “Game of Thrones”. At that time I understood for the first time what it meant to be supported by a look. This is thanks to the costume designer Michele Clapton. She created very feminine robes and brocade coats for my character that nevertheless looked masculine when worn and I felt very sexy in them. Of course, Lindy Hemmings power-suits and Jan Swells bleached hairstyle for the tycoon-villain in “Wonder Woman 1984” were very important as well. At first I did not really see myself in the role because the cuts and colors of the 80s do not really fit my body. I’m more the 70s type.
GQ: Do you incorporate those inspirations into your personal wardrobe?
PP: In my free time I choose comfort over a cool look these days. Sometimes I miss the times when I expressed myself through a certain style. It is hard to imagine that I went to Raves as a teenage in the 90s; I was a real club kid with ridiculous outfits: overalls, balloon pants, football shirts and a top hat, like in Dr.Seuss’s “Cat in a Hat”. Later in New York I was hanging out with a group of people that felt it was very important to have a certain style. The fact that I am basically only wearing sweatpants everyday is actually tragic.
GQ: whoever plays roles in comic book adaptations becomes a bodybuilder and eats ten chicken breasts a day. You don’t?
PP:My body would not agree with that. It is hard enough to stay in shape normally. When you’re in your mid-forties you have to live with a lot more discipline. Up until before my tooth-incident I worked out with a trainer in my garden multiple times a week to keep the quarantine body in check.
GQ: Apart from the personal trainer, are you in a steady relationship?
PP: I am not ready for that yet. Maybe at some point I will be but until then I’ll let it be. I can’t even offer you absurd corona dating stories.
GQ: What would annoy you the most if you were your own roommate?
PP: I can be quite controlling. I have to conjure all my humanity to prevent myself from going through my entire film collection. When I don’t want something I cannot keep it to myself or be passive-aggressive, I always have to take it to the frontlines. Other than that, I tend to have tunnel view: when I am not feeling well I cannot imagine to ever feel better again. I have trouble relativizing my emotions or to wave off problems. Method-acting would really not be for me. This is why I try to only work on projects that feel good, where there is mutual support and encouragement.
GQ: When we were trying on the clothes earlier you spoke of a lack of self-confidence. How does that get along with a career like yours?
PP: Isn’t it interesting how these characteristics and circumstamces relate? Self-worth comes from inside but it is also influenced by what society values because we often internalise the public gaze. I have lived in New York for 20 years, I studied there and made a living by working as a waiter until my mid-thirties because the theatre and film jobs I got did not pay the bills. There were so many times I was almost there. The disappointment of having missed the perfect role or opportunity by a hair’s width can be crushing. When should you give up and what is plan B? That is a question that is not only on many actors‘s minds but also on many others minds who struggle for a living – no matter how much potential they have or how close they seem to be to the top. We are seeing now how our narrow definition of success destroys society. At the same time, we are realizing that where we come from and the color of our skin still decide whether we can exist with dignity.
GQ: What are the positive aspects of a relatively late success as leading-man?
PP: I feel like I can decide over my own life without the pressure of having to accept projects or to have to present a certain identity on social media. This is for sure also because I am a man. Regardless of age, Women have to try harder to stand out.
GQ: Life always consists of risk management – now more than usual. For what would you risk losing something?
PP: Generally, when you never risk something you might never get ahead. That is for friendship, love, work and creativity. I have to be ready to take risks for the things that really matter to you.
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The Librarians
Summary: Jeremy Scalera (Jeremy sounds more natural than Janus...seriously who would name their kid Janus?! Sorry to anyone named that but you deserve better. JanICE does not count.) is the head librarian at Hawthorne Library and antisocial intellectual with a taste for being alone and silence. Logan Constell (short for constellation, not his actual last name in this fic) is strikingly similar. So what happens when these two antisocial and intelligent loners cross paths in an interview that was sure to change both their lonely souls.
Pairings: Loceit
Alternate Universes: Human Au, Vitiligo Au (Human! Janus Headcannon technically)
Warnings: Mentions of disabilities and a few mild swear words. A smidge of angst at the very end. Let me know if anything else needs to be added.
Hope you enjoy my dears!!
Edit: Chapter 2 is here! The Librarians Chapter 2
The Hawthorne Library was run by a bitter and short tempered know-it-all named Jeremy Scalera...He was exactly 5 foot 3 and 120lbs with a thin frame and even thinner shoulders. His skin was the color of milk chocolate but his smooth sweetness of skin was interrupted by a clash of white splotches scattering his body. Jeremy had been born with vitiligo which resulted in a crude nickname of ‘Dairy Cow’ all the way through his middle school years. This influenced him to hide as much skin as possible using gloves, scarves, and extensive wool jackets and sweaters. This wasn’t entirely odd since at the time he had lived in Minnesota and it was freezing all the damn time. Now he lived in Florida where you either were sweating or shirtless.
“Please let this be a quiet day...” He muttered as the door to the library slammed shut behind him. 
It was exactly 7 ‘o clock in the morning and the library was in need of opening. Jeremy was the only employee of the library and he practically lived there. Sure he still owns an apartment and everything, but he prefers the guaranteed silence at night with the library. His office had a small cot in it with a bathroom and a small kitchen fridge and a few counter-tops to hold his microwave, sink, and single cabinet. 
Jeremy’s morning consisted of walking down to the RelativiTea coffee shop down the street that was operated by one of Jeremy’s old classmates. One who hadn’t mocked him because he himself had a disability, Roman Sancleur had turret syndrome (is that right?). Jeremy might have even considered him a friend had they ever talked to each other than exchanging a coffee order.
“Morning Jeremy.” Roman said out of reflex. His fingers twitched every now and then along with the skin under his eyes, but that was more on the fact that Roman had had no sleep last night because he was too busy drinking coffee and teas left over from the day before and watching Disney movies. 
“Just the iced chocolate mocha today.” The librarian sighed and leaned on the counter. He always got here early to avoid the morning rush. 
Roman set a drink onto the counter already prepared.
“You’re too predictable Jerry. Why don’t you ever shake it up a bit?” Roman leaned over the counter getting a little too close for Jeremy to like. No romantic signs came from the barista, more so curiosity.
“First of all don’t call me ‘Jerry’ please, and second I like consistency. This doesn’t take too much out of my paycheck from the city and it’s tasteful.” Jeremy hissed and put a five dollar bill on the counter as he always did. The drink was actual $2.73 but he didn’t ever like change so Roman always got a pretty generous tip.
Jeremy walked out of the coffee shop without another word and entered back into his solitary space just a block away.
The head-librarian set down his coffee on the horseshoe desk in the center of the library and the jingle of his keys echoed.
“I hope I’m not intruding.” A smooth voice laced with calm sounded behind Jeremy and he jumped.
“Mother of damnation who the hell are you?!” The librarian spun around and gripped his hand on the can of pepper spray he kept on him at all times.
“I-I suggest no hostility, and I advise you keep your voice down...we are in a library after all.” The stranger raised his hands in defense. “I’m sorry to have startled you, but the door was unlocked and I assumed you were in your office.” The man was oddly calm despite the can of pepper spray aimed at him and the clearly hostile look in Jeremy’s eyes.
“My name is Logan Constell. I came to apply for a job here.” The presumed ‘Logan’ folded his hands behind his back and only then did Jeremy begin to notice his features.
Logan wore tight black framed square classes, a smooth black dress coat and a navy undershirt with a star-flecked tie across and brighter blue fabric making up the tie itself. His shoulders were broad and his chin sculpted almost so finely one could mistake him for a statue if he had been gray. 
Speaking of gray, his eyes were a brilliant icy blue-ish gray that sparked with intelligence Jeremy had never seen before. Then there was his hair, pitch black it seemed to be made of the dark matter of space itself. The lightness at which it was folded back and not a single sign of gel or any other product other than a mint smelling shampoo and conditioner. He was so put together with his black slacks and dress shoes to top everything off.
“It doesn’t make much...” Jeremy said steadily despite the rushing feeling running through his veins. He set the pepper spray down next to his coffee and Logan began to approach him which with every inch closer the head librarian’s heart beat a little quicker until it was skipping.
“I have no one to provide for but myself and my hydroponics garden.” Logan stated and held forward a piece of paper with a series of qualification statements and columns.
“I don’t need a resume...I just need you to answer a few questions.” Jeremy quickly said and slipped behind his horseshoe desk. 
“I would be happy to answer them.” Logan said blankly.
“As I would hope.” Jeremy glanced up at him as he sat down in the old roller chair with a creak. 
“Age?” He started.
“Twenty-Three years, seven months, and fifteen days.”
“Are you organized?”
“To a fault some might say.” Logan replied cooly.
“Do you have balance well on a 14 foot ladder?” Jeremy shot back.
“I’ve never tried, but I have a high pain tolerance and have been reported a fast healer.” 
“Then you’re hired.” Jeremy rose from his chair and stuck out his hand. Logan took it in a firm grip that shot sparks through Jeremy’s arm and heat shooting up his face then he let go and the sparks vanished.
“When do I start?” Logan’s eyes held the slightest hint of joyous feeling but it was masked behind the gray and blue storm.
“The library opens in five minutes which should be enough time to get your tag done.” Jeremy offered a smirk which was met with only the slightest twitch of the others lips and the flicker of those eyes casting over the librarians face.
~Time Skip~
It’d been three weeks since Logan had started working at Hawthrone and every glance or movement seemed to attract Jeremy’s attention. He had considered going to see a doctor at this point but the Library’s salary and the fact Jeremy didn’t have insurance wasn’t exactly ideal.
“Good morning Jeremy.” Logan said one day as he walked in. 
“Morning Lo.” The other responded calmly. This was about all that was exchanged by them verbally on most days.
The first three days at the library Logan had worn a simple silver band on his ring-finger then it had disappeared. Today seemed like an okay day to finally question his new employee about it.
“So...I noticed you stopped wearing the ring.” Jeremy said casually one day as he stocked the shelves. It was closing time and Logan was better at checking back in books than Jeremy.
“What ring?” Logan asked blankly, barely glancing up at the brown and tan head librarian.
“The silver band you wore the first three days you were here.” Jeremy clarified.
“I didn’t think it had any significance to my work here.”
“It doesn’t.” The conversation fell quiet for a few seconds before one of them spoke again.
“If you don’t feel comfortable with telling me it’s fine. It was just a silly question worth a bit of satisfied curiosity.” Jeremy said hurriedly as he started to ascend the ladder. The book he had in his left hand belonged at the top shelf.
“No...it’s just I don’t wish to make you uncomfortable or loose this job.” Logan rushed out.
“Why would I fire you? Or feel uncomfortable?” Jeremy asked slowly as he reached the fifth level.
“Because that ring was my tie to my ex-husband.” Logan said quietly, barely loud enough for the man on the ladder to hear.
“Oh...” There was a pause with only the sound of clicking keys and the steps of Jeremy climbing the ladder. “Well that’s nothing to ashamed of. Some people just don’t fit.” He quickly said after an extended period of time that felt longer than it should have and he reached the top and began moving books around to shelve the one in his hand.
“You’re not...going to judge me?” Logan seemed surprised.
“Well no. Who you choose to love is not up to me, and it’s not like I have anything against gays or bisexuals or any of the LGBTQ community. I myself am apart of it.” Jeremy reassured him and started climbing down slowly. The ladder rings dug into his worn shoes and hit against his old socks, further sinking into the bottom of his feet.
“Fascinating.” Logan muttered. Jeremy pretended not to hear and as silence once again claimed the room the sun began to send a orange glow over the dark gray carpeted floors of the house of books. Jeremy looked up to see the tangerine and apricot that now spilled through the windows like a waterfall to a lake. 
Jeremy didn’t stop his descend though and his foot caught on a ring, but before he could notice he slipped and fell. All the way from the seventh level down to Earth and before he hit the ground something snapped and pain rocketed through his left leg as black crowded his vision. Nothing existed except the abyss.
AAAAAAaaaaaand that’s Chapter 1. If this chapter gets some love or I get bored then I’ll check out getting a Chapter 2. 
Until next time my Foxlings! <3 <3 <3
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recentanimenews · 4 years
INTERVIEW: The Founder of an Anime and Manga Academic Journal Talks Anime Scholarship
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  Anime and manga have truly begun to enter the mainstream in recent years, with pop culture icons from Michael B. Jordan to Billie Eilish becoming vocal about their love of both. Even in academia, anime and manga are becoming recognized as legitimate art forms. We had the pleasure to talk with Billy Tringali, the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Anime and Manga Studies, a new academic publication focusing on... you guessed it, anime and manga! Tringali talks about how the journal was started, the history of anime academia in the West, and the love of the medium that lives at the core of this project.
    Could you introduce yourself and give us a brief explanation of the Journal of Anime and Manga Studies?
  Hello! I'm Billy Tringali. I have a Master's of Science in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's iSchool, and I'm the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Anime and Manga Studies. I'm currently the Outreach Librarian at Emory University School of Law, where I build resources, programming, and partnerships that help support student success. I'm a member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of International Women's Studies. I'm also a popular culture scholar, having presented at the Popular Culture Association's National Conference on topics ranging from building morality systems in vampiric video games to socio-cultural anxieties concerning gender and sexuality in Dracula. I am completely obsessed with anything created by Junji Ito. My favorite manga is a tossup between Death Note and A Silent Voice.  
The Journal of Anime and Manga Studies is an open-access journal dedicated to providing an ethical, peer-reviewed space for academics, students, and independent researchers examining the field of anime, manga, cosplay, and fandom studies to share their research with others. JAMS is peer reviewed by scholars with experience in these areas. The goal of JAMS is to explore anime as an art form and bring visibility to the deeper meanings, understandings, and/or cultural significance of anime, manga, cosplay, and their fandoms.  
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  via Netflix
  I understand that JAMS was born out of your desire to preserve and champion anime and manga. Could you tell us a bit about your personal experience with the media?  
I love anime. I've been a fan of anime since I was a kid, but I didn't really start getting involved with anime and manga from a fandom perspective until high school. I founded my high school's anime club in 2009, and started attending and performing at anime conventions in New England in the same year. I started hosting anime con 'Cosplay Events' at 16, and have performed and hosted at conventions up and down the east coast. I eventually founded the Anime Boston "Cosplay Death Match" after hosting events there for several years. Highlights of managing that program included not being sure if I was getting prize support and running out to buy something to give to the winner (it was a toaster), and convincing my mother and grandmother to cosplay for the first time, throwing them into the event, and actually having my grandmother sweep the competition as Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle. (With my mom coming in second place as Cookin' Mama!) It lives forever on YouTube.   
There is something so electric about anime conventions, about being around so many people so passionate about this medium, and being able to be on stage before so many of them was some of the most wonderful parts of my teens and early 20s. I have made some of my very closest friends because of anime, and owe some of my happiest experiences to my involvement with this medium and its fandoms. Then, in April of 2017, I was fortunate enough to visit the Kyoto International Manga Museum. Wandering the museum, surrounded by shelves upon shelves of manga, I came across a message from the museum’s Executive Director that put such a passion in me. I wanted to do something to contribute to this medium. I want scholarship about anime and manga to be accessible to everyone, regardless of university affiliation. JAMS is an action taken to help achieve this goal.  
What work goes into launching an academic journal? Did you have to secure funding or institutional resources? How did you get the word out to potential contributors?  
Bringing JAMS into existence was an incredibly exciting endeavor that took a lot of hard work. I started JAMS as part of my coursework for my master's degree. I partnered with the University Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's iSchool, the University Library's Office of Scholarly Communication and Publishing, and the Scholarly Commons to begin what would be a year-long notes process, during which I did research about open-access publishing and scholarly communication. Based on this research and the guidance of these offices I built the guidelines for publishing with JAMS. I had to prove there was an interest in this type of work being published and accessible, pointing to the journal Mechademia had been publishing work on anime since 2006, and the dozens of books about anime and manga have been written. But more than proving the idea of interest in anime and manga studies, I needed contributors. I needed to build an editorial board, reviewers, and potential authors. I wrote two conference papers and applied for (and received!) partial funding from the iSchool to present and attempt to pitch JAMS at two, national conferences on popular culture, the Midwest Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association's Conference and the Popular Culture Association's National Conference.   
I made and purchased business cards for JAMS, handing them out at panels on anime and manga, pitching JAMS to a variety of scholars who reacted with everything from definite interest, to mild concern, to one scholar actively doubling over with laughter at the thought of open-access publishing and anime colliding. The most amazing moment was, after a panel, when a woman pulled me aside and was eagerly asking me questions about JAMS. She wanted to know about our guidelines, about how the process of approval was going at my university, and when I looked down at her nametag I realized it was Frenchy Lunning - the founder of Mechademia, the journal which had lent so much legitimacy to the idea of JAMS!   
Meeting all these accomplished scholars and advertising JAMS at the PCA drummed up enough interest for a slot of peer reviewers and an editorial board. From there, after further evaluation of JAMS principles documentation, JAMS applied to be a part of the Illinois Open Publishing Network, and was successful. We put out our first call for papers not long after that, and published our first issue in October of 2020.
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      via HBO Max
  JAMS is published through Illinois Open Publishing Network. Was accessibility a big concern for you when pursuing the creation of this journal?  
  Accessibility was my biggest concern when I was crafting JAMS. There was never a moment in time when I considered attempting to pursue the creation of this journal as anything other than open-access. I did my undergrad at a small state school in Massachusetts, and going from that to working as a graduate student in one of the largest academic libraries in the country was astounding. Millions of items at my fingertips that I never had access to before. Having so much access to so much amazing scholarship, I could only think of students at smaller universities, or fans outside of higher education that want to do this type of research. JAMS is open-access to be part of the solution to potential lack of access to scholarship about anime and manga.  
Can you give us a general sense of the types of papers you've published and that you are hoping to receive?
  JAMS publishes and is interested in high-quality work about anime, manga, cosplay, and their fandoms. We've had submissions, inquiries, and published works across a variety of disciplines. From analysis of the nuclear family structure in a major film, to the representation of the overlap in queer and disability cultures in a manga, to media industry history. Our Editorial Board members and reviewers come from backgrounds ranging from library and information science, to education, to literary studies. Anime and manga studies is a vast subject and extremely interdisciplinary, and because of that JAMS accepts papers from a variety of scholarly perspectives.   What is the state of anime and manga academic study in the US? Has it gained more traction parallel to the growth of the industry in the past decade?
  Anime and manga studies classes are being taught in universities across the United States. Dozens of articles are published every year that fall under anime and manga studies. People are crafting theses for their advanced degrees about anime, manga, cosplay, and their fandoms. It is an extremely exciting time for anime and manga studies in the United States.   
Are anime and manga studies generally taken seriously by the rest of the academic world, or is this an area of study that is still broadly fighting for legitimacy?
  I would say that any person who does academic work on popular culture has to deal with occasional comments about their research, and may need to battle harder to prove the legitimacy of their scholarship. But Shakespeare was once popular culture. And Paradise Lost is a fanfiction. Popular culture scholarship is scholarship.
  Do you (or do you plan to) collaborate with any Japanese academic centers or scholars?
  I would absolutely say that one of JAMS long-term goals would be to include more international scholars on our Editorial Board! Currently JAMS' only institutional connection is to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, but papers have been submitted and published by scholars in several countries. I hope that JAMS can continue to grow, and gain further connections as we do so.  
Do you have anything you would like to say to students who want to pursue academic study of anime and manga (or just anime fans who are interested in this sort of work)?
  This is the outreach librarian in me, but if you are a student at any level of education - your librarian is your best friend! Librarians are all trained to help you find the information you need. If you want to do research on anime and manga at your institution, they can help you understand what your university library has to offer, and what resources are right at your fingertips. You also don't need to be majoring in Asian Studies or Japanese to engage in anime and manga studies! You can approach fandom from a historical perspective, perform qualitative or quantitative data-based research on using manga in a classroom setting, the sky's the limit! Additionally, there are a number of amazing resource guides put together by librarians all across the internet that are worth digging into. Your local library may also have a connection to a local university, which might give you limited borrowing privileges. Even just doing close readings and analysis of anime can make for amazing presentations at conventions and online, which might help inspire the next person to engage with anime and manga studies.
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  via HBO Max
    Go check out the exciting work being published in JAMS at their website, where you can also submit any of your own academic work for consideration!
You can read an introduction to the journal here.
You can follow Billy Tringali on Twitter @BillyTringali and the journal @OpenAccessAnime.
By: Cayla Coats
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Survey #250
"you’re so pretty, dripping sin.”
Do you plan on having children in the future? No. How big is your house? It's very small. Two bedroom, one bathroom. Do you believe that the world will actually end? Humanity, yes. The planet being inhabitable, probably at some point. The universe itself, life itself, won't, though. Describe your handwriting: Very fancy/fluid, a weird mix of cursive and print. Can you speak any other languages than your first language? Some German, but not a lot by now. I've lost a lot of memory of it. If you could speak another, which would it be? I wanna be fluent in German, but it's not something I pursue 'cuz I guess like... why. I don't think I'll ever really apply it to my life, nor is it something I'm DYING to do, so paying for classes just seems. Idk. What is one trend you think is stupid? I don't care. Let people enjoy things. Do you ever watch any soap operas? No. Do you ever get goodnight or good morning texts from people? Not usually. If I do, it's only ever Sara. When did you last go to the doctor and what for? I'm assuming you mean a general doctor, in which case, I think it was just a regular check-up a month or so back. Are you socially awkward? To a painful degree that I'm incredibly sick of. Can't be in a social situation and not feel uncomfortable even if it saved my ass. Would you rather watch a comedy movie or horror movie? It would depend on my mood, but horror would usually win. Do you know where your family came from? Europe. If you could choose to be any mythical character, which would you choose? Realistically, probably like, an elf or something 'cuz they're pretty unlike me so it'd be a nice change. :^) Where are both of your parents right at this moment? Mom's at church, and Dad is probably at home 'cuz it's Sunday. Have you ever seen a movie so ridiculous you couldn’t watch the rest? Yep. Does it make you angry when people text short messages back? If I'm seriously trying to have a conversation, it doesn't make me *angry*, just aggravated. What is your favorite animal and why? Meerkats. I could write a damn essay on why, but I'm not up for it, so basically, they are just extremely interesting animals with serious fire in a foot-tall body. Are you satisfied with your gender? Yeah. Have you ever kept a successful diary before? Not really. Well, I guess for short periods of time. I'd call them just "journals," though. It was something to do every time I stayed in the hospital, a good, insightful thing even, and just really at my lowest times, it helped me, but I never stuck to it. Are you good at admitting your problems? I think I'm very honest about them, really. Have you ever had a hangover? No. What is something you’re looking for in the next three months? I don't know. What’s something you normally cannot spell on your own? I have trouble with certain words where "e" or "a" could both easily be used (ex., "independEnce"), so I rely on spellcheck with words like those a lot. Looks or personality? Which is more important to you? Personality. Do you know any strippers? I don’t think so. How many times have you dyed your hair? Holy fuck idk. What is something that reminds you of your childhood? Cranium games. Do you think you eat healthy? I think I eat decently. Since I started paying attention to calories, I improved a lot. How would you describe your style of speech? Are you a fast/slow speaker? Do you stutter often? Generally, I think I speak quietly (but sometimes actually too loud, according to Mom) at a pretty normal pace, sometimes kinda fast, but I stutter a lot. When was the last time you’ve visited a family member’s house? What was the occasion? I haven't been to anyone's in a while... I think the last time was when I went to Ashley's to babysit my nephew a few months ago. Have you ever tried to construct a language? How do you feel about fictional languages (such as Dothraki and Klingon)? Not really. One of my old RP friends and I kinda-sorta had this "ancient meerkat language," but it was faaaar from developed. I don't feel any particular way about fake languages. Were you born and raised into a certain religion? What was it and have you changed your religion? Yes, Roman Catholicism. I've changed my religion quite a few times... Well, I don't like "changed." It just developed away from what was instilled in my head as a little kid. How do you usually feel when one of your favorite television or book series end? This doesn't apply to me really, because I haven't been involved in those things for a long time. The only one that I really cared about/was watching when it was current content was Meerkat Manor. I was sooooo so bummed out. That show had such, such, SUCH a colossal impact on my life. What do you like most about your town or neighborhood? Nothing. Well, it's small. Are you looking forward to any upcoming events? I'm obviously anticipating Mom starting chemo this week, but also very nervous. I don't want to see the physical toll it takes on her. What were your first impressions on your current best or closest friend? Lmao it's still funny to this day to me, our start... I just didn't like her. I thought she was over-dramatic and attention-crazed. What would you do if you knew a person that you were not fond of or even disliked, but they considered you as a friend? Would you confront them, avoid them, etc.? "I wouldn’t confront them unless something happened that made it come to a head. I’d try to be civil yet non-committal. It would also depend how I knew them and how much I had to interact with them." <<<< This. It doesn't seem necessary to just randomly walk up to this person and be like "hey you know you're not my friend, right?" Just leave it be unless something occurs where it seems more relevant. What are some things that you do to make you feel relaxed? Listen to music, nap... How often to do go to concerts? What was your favorite experience so far? Not even nearly enough because 1.) I'm not in a position where I can afford tickets and 2.) NO good bands like, ever come here. We only ever have country bands. The only concert I've been to was Alice Cooper, which was great. What is your newest and/or current passion? Newest, uhhhh. Idk man. I have a lot of current passions, but none surpass the Blazing Inferno of Love in my heart for Mark Edward Fischbach. Do you still have a fear that you had held since childhood? If not, how did you overcome one or more of your childhood fears? Yes, dolls. It's really mild now, but still, I really don't like porcelain dolls. What is your favorite type of weather? In general, a moderate snow. To actually be in, ohhhh man, gimme that cool, crisp fall air with a partly cloudy sky, very little to no breeze, depending on how cool it is. Do you watch documentaries? If so, do you have a particular favorite? I love animals docs. Meerkat Manor is of course my favorite. Is there a particular sentence or line from a book that carries a deep meaning to you? What is that sentence/line and why does it speak to you? I'm sure there is, but none immediately come to mind. When's the last time you ate bread? A couple days back for a sandwich. What's the last movie you watched on your own? UHHHHHHHH I think it was The Shining. Great movie, so glad I finally watched it. What about the last movie you watched with another person? Now this I'm unsure about, but I want to say The Lion King (live action) with Dad. What about the last movie you saw at the cinema? Was it good? ^ It was fucking great. I mean maybe I'm biased because it's my favorite movie, but either way, the hate it got shocked me. I know people were upset about like "oh they looked so emotionless" but like... they're animals made in the most realistic portrayal possible. I thought that was very cool. Do you attend school, college, or uni? I'm a college student. What do you study, wherever you study? Photography. What industry do you want to be a part of when you’re older? At least SOMETHING with art, or even animal rescue and conservation. How many girls can you trust? Like, two. What about guys? Also probably two, maybe three. How do you earn your keep? I don't. I don't/can't work (at least right now) and my disability case was just denied for the second time, so, y'know, I'm basically a leech. If you could speak three different languages fluently, what would they be? Not including English? German, Japanese, and Spanish, for convenience's sake. Who do you usually text the most? My mom or Sara. Baths or showers? Showers; baths gross me out. Cheese or tomato? Noooot a tomato fan, so. At least I like some cheese. Shaved legs or shaved arms? ??? I mean I think shaving your legs is more noticeable, but I don't care. I'd only ever shave my legs (I mean unless I had a good reason to shave my arms?), but shave whatever you want, dude. How many coats do you own? One winter coat. What about shoes? A handful, though I only ever wear my sneakers or flip-flops, lol. One word to describe your most recent ex? A soldier. Fried, poached, boiled or scrambled eggs? I will only ever fully eat scrambled eggs. Boiled, I'll only eat the whites. Fuck yolk, shit's gross. Have you ever been surprised with breakfast in bed? No. Where, in your current cournty, would you like to live, other than where you do now? Western NC, in the mountains. It's beautiful. Where wouldn’t you want to live? Several places, like North Korea. Do you like snow? I'm a kid when it comes to snow, I love it. Have you always got good grades? Up until college, I did... Do you like sheer clothing? With something under it, yes. List four things about your facial appearance: 1.) It's this really weird mix of dry as hell and oily; 2.) I have blue/gray eyes; 3.) I wear large, black-rimmed glasses; and 4.) I have a vertical labret in my bottom lip. List four things about your general appearance: 1.) I'm fat even though I've worked my fucking ass off to keep losing weight for two years now :^); 2.) I have some but certainly not enough tattoos and piercings; 3.) I'm very pale; and 4.) I have very short, brown hair that needs to be dyed immediately. List four things you like about yourself: 1.) I'm extremely empathetic; 2.) I care a fucking LOT about the people I love; 3.) I'd say I let myself fall kinda easily, yet I'm resilient as shit and will always get back up; and 4.) I'm extremely open-minded and capable of considering a whole lot. List four things you dislike about yourself: 1.) MY GOTDAMN WEIGHT; 2.) my teeth are too yellow for my liking (I've been exceptionally self-conscious of that lately as I've used whitening strips); 3.) I'm extremely impulsive with what I say and do when I'm seriously upset; and 4.) I will, without fail, jump to the worst possible conclusion in any and all situations. List four of your favorite TV programs: 1.) Meerkat Manor; 2.) That '70s Show; 3.) Fullmetal Alchemist (+Brotherhood); and 4.) Deadman Wonderland. List four of your favorite foods/drinks: 1.) Mountain Dew Voltage is my absolute worst enemy; 2.) I will ANNIHILATE the spicy shrimp fritas from Olive Garden; 3.) the shrimp & cheese quesadillas from Mexican restaurants are not safe either; and 4.) pizza is, of course, rather gucci. Cats or dogs? Idk, I really like both. Have you ever seen anyone famous in the street? Hunty I live in NC, that doesn't happen here. Are you hungry right now? No. What do you think of couples who have entire albums just for them, with pictures of them just randomly at home, doing nothing that really requires a photo? Dude, I love that. Cherish every moment with each other. Make memories, freeze them in pictures. Can you work the microwave? Well, considering it's the only thing I cook in and we've had the same one my entire life (ours is extremely old/can't be bought anymore and is SERIOUSLY durable with time, apparently, as it works perfectly), I know it well. Can you work the washing machine? Heh. Not really... embarrassing as that is. My mom does both of our laundry together, so... but I should seriously still know. She's shown me a few times, but with how abominably horrid my memory is, I forget again and again. There's too many options. Do you like your photo being taken? NO. Have you ever got into a club, whilst being underage? Never been to a club period. How many magazines do you buy a month? None. How many of them are car-related? "If I did, they certainly wouldn’t be car related. That doesn’t interest me at all." <<<< Big same. What about fashion? Well, I'd like ones that offered alternative clothing choices that you could order. Any celeb gossip ones? Ew. What pets do you have? We're about to have only two: my snake Venus and cat Roman. With Mom's cancer diagnosis and both chemo and surgery coming along, she simply can't handle our dumb dog anymore. He's needed to go for a LONG time, so we're trying to find a new home for him. Last gig you went to? Still Alice Cooper. Next gig your going to? Should Ozzy still have his concerts like he wants to after his treatments in Sweden or wherever it is, most likely him. Mom and I planned to, and we will absolutely go if he reinstates them. I'm completely understanding if this doesn't happen though; he has to take care of himself, the poor 'ole man. Bless him. Life's a cruel bitch, giving a legendary singer Parkinson's (it's going to disable him from singing with time). Favorite color? Pink! o: Are you regularly tired? Only always, my friend. Are you excited to live on your own? Completely alone, no. I know it would be extremely unhealthy for me with depression and becoming so easily lonely and unmotivated without encouragement and companionship of some sort. I'll have to live with a spouse. Even then, I'm nervous about it. Living with Jason and our friends in that apartment was both a good and very bad experience; it taught me a good deal of independence, but I still found it very stressful. When do you plan on moving out? When I've been in a long-term, healthy relationship. Do you daydream? Only all the time. Do you dream at night? More like have nightmares/terrors almost nightly. BUT! They've actually chilled some the past few days!! I don't recall what the dream was (but I'm 90% sure Mark was in it, A SHOCKER), but I woke up laughing hysterically recently, Mom told me. So that could only be a good sign. When you’re sick, do you like to be pampered, or left alone? A mix, but mostly the former honestly. Halp pls. But I also want my time to sleep. Are you superstitious? Nope. How many pictures are in your wallet? Ohhh I'm actually not sure. I know I have a handful of my nieces and nephews. I need one of Emerson now. If someone cries while watching a sad movie..do you laugh at them? ???? That is so insensitive???? No???? How often do you change your sheets? I'm... not sure, actually? I know at LEAST once a month (which probably isn't enough), but possibly another time? Idk, I don't pay attention. I just do when I feel it's time to. Is you bedroom upstairs or down? We only have one floor. Is it true blood is thicker than water? Nope. If you could wish someone out of your life... who would it be? Well, he's not *literally* a part of it, but Jason, as far as in my head. Remembering him, sudden memories, flashback prompts, all that jazz are very much daily events. Truly, it doesn't *really* affect me much anymore, it's just so "normal," but it would certainly be grand if he wasn't the most staple person in my head. If you could be with anyone in the world..famous or not..who would it be? HUNNY SWEET CHILD- Are you high maintenance? Nope. If you could change one thing in the world... what would it be? PEACE. JUST PEACE. No war, no violence in general, just. Handle shit like mature adults. If you could star in any movie... which would it be? None. I'm too self-conscious of myself to be in a movie, and I'm a horrible and extremely awkward actress. If you could live in a fairy tale..which would it be? "Alice in Wonderland." <<<< 100% 100% 100%. If you could live in the past..where would it be? The '80s, baby!! If you could see only one person right now..who would it be? Ugh, Sara. I've missed her to death and desperately wanna hang out. Do you wear shoes in the house? No sir. Do you dream in color or black and white? YO! I only recently learned this is a thing with some people, but I dream in color. What is your favorite accent? British. Do you write poetry/songs/stories? Poetry, occasionally. Stories, well, you could easily consider RP that, as we're all collaboratively writing many. Do you wear socks with sandals? gtfo of here with that shit Would you marry for money? HA, no. Do you have any “in the mood” music you like to listen to? AHAHA YES I'M SORRY. Would you vote for a woman president? "If she was a good candidate in my own personal opinion, yeah." <<<< "This. I want to vote for someone who I feel can do the best job. Their gender has nothing to do with it." <<<< Ditto. Are looks/appearances really important? For me personally, not really. Like yes, it's nice to feel physical attraction towards your love interest, but it's a very, very little factor for me, if at all. When you die, do you want to be cremated or buried? Please just cremate me. I really don't wanna be buried. Just taking up space. Do you like to play video games? Yeah, but not as much as I used to, though I wish I did... I think I've watched way too many let's plays to where I can enjoy just fine watching YTers I like experience the game, and I do secondhand while getting some good laughs. Do you like Final Fantasy? Which one do you prefer of all? Oh my god, I wish I was more involved in that series, as I know how madly beloved it is. I used to be obsessed with the demo for FFVIII; my sister, brother, and I would play it like mad, but only Bobby could beat it. The final spider-like boss of the demo was fuckin impossible. I did play a lot of FFVII, which I adored, it was just... so long and by maybe over halfway through, I just drifted from it. I need to watch a playthrough of it, honestly, because the story was so captivating and I genuinely would love to witness how it ends. Have you ever caught on fire? WOW no thank fuck. Do you have a YouTube channel? Yeah, but I don't really make stuff anymore. I don't have Vegas on this computer and honestly I'm just not motivated to really make videos. Do you ever go to video game arcades? No. :( Do you care what people think of you? In most cases, VERY MUCH. Not always, though, but it STRICTLY depends on the situation, big time. Like, I'll walk into Wal-Mart in my pj's np, but there are just a lot of things where I will seriously care too much. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? No. I had one teacher that ALL the girls thought was super attractive, but I definitely didn't have a crush on him... and then later he got fired for sexual relations with one of the students. OOF. Do you like Lady Gaga? I don't mind her, usually. She's got some good jams. "Bad Romance" is legendary. Do you think you have been in love before? Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadly in love, friends. Do you like Edgar Allan Poe? Love him! Have you ever gotten hit on by some creeper? Oh god yeah and it was awful. Do you bless random people when they sneeze? Yep. Do you have a short temper? No. Have you ever had a yard sale? Yes. Do you go to Barnes and Noble for books, the library or someplace else? I go to Books-A-Million. Do you have an iPad? Nope. Are you scared to die? Yes and no. It's the unknown of what comes after that makes me apprehensive. Do you go to church every Sunday? I never go. Do you think you draw well? I honestly think I draw decently. Have you ever wanted to be a meteorologist? No. Do you like Taylor Swift? Not really, and DEFINITELY not newer stuff, but I will rock hardcore to "Picture To Burn," "Safe and Sound" is positively beautiful, and "Love Story" used to be my favorite song at one point.
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warmheartworldwide · 5 years
A Busy Gap Year - seeing through children’s eyes
The following blog comes from Rex Lin who is completing a six-week stay at Warm Heart:
I graduated from high school earlier this year and decided to take a gap year. Although I was a good student, I wanted to do something more than just studying all the time. I am not a typical Taiwanese teenager. My family lives in Homei township, in central Taiwan, and both my parents work in factories. My mother is ethnic Vietnamese and, like many others from southeast Asia, married my father and emigrated to Taiwan in the 1990s. She was very brave to leave her home in search of a better future and she encourages and inspires me a lot. I think that she has influenced me to become a more empathetic person. 
I first got involved in activism in high school. There is a nearby chemical factory with 1000 workers which was still using three older power plants which emitted toxic gases. Some of my classmates campaigned for a month and succeeded in getting those plants shut down. None of the workers lost their jobs because the factory has newer power plants that are up to code but which are more expensive to operate.
Initially my parents were surprised about my gap year decision but after I told them about my plans, they supported me wholeheartedly. I first became aware of children’s rights in the eleventh grade when I was the leader of our student association. I looked into any matter involving students and advocated for their rights. Then I was chosen to represent Taiwan and speak at a review conference of national reports on the rights of children. After that I studied the subject more thoroughly and spoke at the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. 
I consider myself to be quite outgoing. Since I was 10, I have seriously studied English and use it whenever I can at international events where I can meet and make foreign friends. Since I enjoy public speaking, my first gap year activity was to organize a two-month lecture tour targeting 50 engagements all over Taiwan. Most of the lectures were staged at schools, NGOs or other institutions. On average, about 30 people came to each lecture. Mostly I talked about student and children’s rights and how to protect them. I got a lot of support and feedback from the students and teachers who attended. Since I am not from a wealthy family, I think my story inspired some people and made them realize that they can also change their lives.
After my lecture tour, I realized there are still so many things that need changing, both in Taiwan and the rest of the world, and that’s what I want to work for. I understand that change might come slowly and only in gradual steps. I also realized that I am a good listener and always ready to learn more about people and their lives.
In Taiwan, students try to show in their college applications that they have previous volunteer experience both at home and abroad. I had never volunteered before so when a friend told me about Warm Heart and its involvement with children’s education, I decided to apply. I liked Warm Heart’s grassroot approach and its “helping people to help themselves” philosophy. I thought that working more closely with the Thai people would allow me to truly understand their problems. At the same time, I was also worried about Warm Heart’s location in the countryside, in the middle of nowhere.  
During the interview process with Evelind, when she asked me about my plan for my stay, I panicked. I had just graduated from high school and had no special skills, so how could I really help? Whatever I had learned about children’s rights during my past experiences in Taiwan, how could I transfer the knowledge if I didn’t speak Thai? Luckily Evelind said that we would find out what I could do after I got here. I was quite relieved because I really wanted to come.
My parents wondered why I didn’t choose to volunteer in Vietnam but I had already been there several times to visit my mother’s family and wanted to discover a new place. I managed to get a government subsidy which covered about half my expenses. The Taiwanese government is quite generous with students who require financial assistance for higher education and I will also be getting grants to cover my university education. My last activity before coming here was at the 7th Global Trend Youth Forum which was hosted this year by Taiwan and where I served as a youth pilot.
After getting here, I began by observing everything and trying to understand how Warm Heart works and everyone’s role. I saw how great the burden of constant fundraising is. I joined visits to the elderly and disabled in our community. One visit was to a grandfather who did not seem to be disabled. He had a wife and sons and his home was in good condition. At first I didn’t understand why he needed help. But after more visits, I realized our goal was to establish a good relationship, one of trust. Even though I needed to go with Noina, Warm Heart’s public health staff member, who translated for me, the residents really appreciate our visits and getting the attention.  
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Fellow volunteer Malory says goodbye to local resident when she finishes her time at Warm Heart
Many of the elderly feel neglected because their family members are too busy working and unable to spend much time with them. Lying all day in bed by themselves, just watching television, without enough human interaction, they can get overcome with stress and other negative emotions. We pretend to be their sons and daughters for a short time. We ask them simple questions like “Did you sleep well last night?” or “Do you have enough blankets to keep you warm?” We show that we actually care.
Every project at Warm Heart is aimed at improving the welfare of the residents in the surrounding communities. At the same time, it is important to always respect the residents. I wondered how they perceive Warm Heart, an NGO set up by foreigners that uses foreign volunteers. Maybe they don’t really need us. But then I think that our role is to help them see the different possibilities of ways to improve their lives. If we can build up their trust in us, they will gradually accept us and the obstacles and walls will break down. So maybe sometimes we need to slow things down and work more on building the trust.
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Biochar stand with other volunteers at Citylife Garden Fair in Chiang Mai
The most valuable lesson I´ve learned at Warm Heart is how to see the world through the eyes of children. Most of Warm Heart’s kids have had a difficult start. Some have parents who take drugs or risk imprisonment; others have dysfunctional families and have been neglected. I asked myself, what do these children really need? Do they really need more dull classroom lectures? In Taiwan, many people think that children from poor families just need to study hard to improve their lives. But there is a big difference between the opportunities for children who are supported by their families who have resources and those who are not.
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Warm Heart kids share their photos with volunteer John (left)
I think the Warm Heart kids all know that education is important if they want to find meaningful work. Warm Heart cooperates with several hotels, restaurants and tourist agencies to involve the older kids who are interested in internships or apprenticeships leading towards decent jobs. But the kids lack creative activity that teaches them something about the world and themselves. With this in mind, I organized several activities during my stay. In Taiwan, kids welcome the coming of the winter solstice by making sweet rice balls. My goal was for the kids to feel a sense of achievement when eating the rice balls they had made themselves. Seeing their smiling faces when they tasted the rice balls for the first time, I knew that our bonds were closer.  
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Warm Heart kids make sweet rice balls
Warm Heart has been in operation for over a decade. It takes a long time to build the trust which is needed to effect true change. As the Warm Heart kids grow up to be pillars of that trust, going into higher education and creating good lives for themselves and their families, we will gradually see the fruits of our hard work.
I now regard myself as a budding social anthropologist. Observing and learning more about everyone’s social and family contexts, their customs and living habits, helps me help them. As for working with children, I just want them to be able to evolve happily and in a carefree way. Our task is to provide a positive environment with sustainable economic support and stable educational resources. Without obstruction, hopefully each child will then be able to find their own path.
My busy gap year will continue after I leave Warm Heart. Before resuming my studies in sociology at the National Taiwan University in Taipei, I have a short-term paid contract with the Taiwan Alliance for the Advancement of Youth Rights and Welfare, a large NGO. In collaboration with the Scottish children’s and youth parliaments, our committee will be creating a model children’s parliament to show the Taiwanese government how it works. There are many children’s parliaments across Europe but, as far as I know, there aren’t any yet in Asia. We will build the structure and encourage students and children to join and empower them accordingly. It's a tough task but I’m looking forward to the challenge.
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Mali, Wonhui, Malory (front), John and me (back)
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Countdown to Season 6 Raven/Murphy #4 - They Listen To Each Other & Are Better For It
I’m back and we’ve got five days to go! This is a completely random countdown until the 4/30 premiere of S6 of The 100, and if you’ve missed the previous posts, here they are - #1, #2, #3 . These two characters are my favorites and I invest way too much of my mental space contemplating their character motivations, but what the hell - I’m having fun! 
Today I wanna look at instances when Raven & Murphy listen to each other and why I think it’s such a big part of their dynamic and what that means for them. They’re in a place of tentative friendship towards the end of S4 and then definite friendship/found family dynamics in S5 with the added bonus of each of them ready to die for the other (S5 has multiple examples of both of them being willing to put themselves in clear and obvious danger for each other and/or the rest of their friends), which is great, and I would expect that their caring feelings for each other WOULD mean that they were certainly open to hearing the other person’s perspective. 
But it’s also interesting to me how different they are on the surface when it comes to “smarts”. Raven is the typical version of smart - practical, studied, logical, and it’s canon that most people consider her a genius as well as somewhat naturally gifted in this area. She knows something about everything, and is definitely the go-to person you want on your team when it comes to technical problems and how not to die. Murphy doesn’t have these advantages - it’s canon that he was locked up in the Sky Box early, possibly missing out on schooling, and he’s a poor speller which lends to the lack of education theory and/or a learning disability. He’s more talented in the street smarts aspect of life, and I’d venture that he’s also better than Raven when it comes to reading people - Murphy has a knack for understanding what motivates a person and can manipulate a situation to his advantage because of it (plenty of examples of this in the show). This ties in to his survival instincts. Although neither of them are 100% one thing or the other, there’s a good argument to be had (in my opinion, anyway), that Raven is more THINKING/LOGIC and Murphy is more FEELING/INTUITION. 
So what does that have to do with anything? Well to me it says a few things. In 4x06, the two are still adversarial (omg I love these scenes) and Raven’s literally killing herself by using her ALIE brain to try to find answers about making nightblood in space & landing the rocket. She has no real reason to think that Murphy, who honestly knows nothing about the complex scenarios she’s trying to figure out, will be able to provide her with any kind of solution. However, she listens to him anyway, and it’s HIS input that ultimately leads to the plan that solves the problem (Perfect sucks - Maybe perfect is your problem - Screw the computer, Raven, fly it yourself). And Raven is absolutely aware that Murphy’s contribution is the tipping point, which is why she deliberately thanks him even though things are overly strained between them. This situation worked out because they worked together and listened to the other POV. 
In 5x03, Murphy clearly believes that killing the prisoners in cryo is the best plan (valid reasons). He isn’t budging from this position but eventually lets Bellamy & Raven convince him to “be good guys”. IMHO this stems partly from faith in Raven’s ability to block the cryo signal from the ground so that their group does have control, and from Murphy’s likely belief that both Raven and Bellamy are somehow ‘better’ than him so he gives in to their position. If we take this scene into consideration with those in 5x04, where Murphy questions Raven’s ability to kill the prisoners - not in a mean way but in a ‘this is a lot to deal with’ way and are you sure you can do it - and she therefore thinks harder about it and eventually confesses to him that she’s not sure she can do it, these are more signs of listening to each other’s POV and letting it influence them and in fact, change their own positions. In addition, he convinces her she needs some downtime (soccer) even though at first she thinks he’s being ridiculous. After her saying she may not be able to pull the lever and he says that’s why he will, we then get the actual scenario of one of them having to do it. At first, Murphy hesitates, so Raven gets frustrated and prepares to do it herself, but Murphy stops her at the last minute, and instead of pushing past him, she listens when he demands she wait and says “I’m not ready to die, are you?” and she listens to his sudden plan instead. She throws the whole agreed-on plan out the window just on his say-so, suggesting that what he says carries a lot of weight for her. The combined take away from all of these interactions to me says that when they work together & listen to the other POV, things work out. 
Not to mention, let’s talk about how HUGE it is that Raven & Murphy manage to subvert the lever scenario that Bellamy & Clarke also faced with regard to Mt. Weather. In this scene, they manage to actively “be the good guys” by refusing to kill people in their sleep. They don’t know if it’s going to be the right decision or not, but either way, their own lives are at risk. Still - they break the cycle here and it leads to Bellamy ultimately stopping Madi from killing the alive cryo-criminals and telling her that she “can be better than them, can be better than us”. Then Madi tells Clarke “first we save their lives, then we let them prove they deserve it”. This could not have happened if Raven & Murphy killed all the prisoners in cryo, and it was because they worked together and listened to each other that they were able to do better than they might have on their own. 
There’s smaller instances where one of them listens to the other, stuff in S4 and again in S5, but ultimately what I find most interesting is thinking about WHY do they listen to each other? Part of it is past behavior, of course - Raven being right in the past indicating she has a probability of being right in the future, their friendship lending them the mutual desire to take each other’s opinion into consideration, even having respect for what abilities they each bring to the table could come into play... but I also come back to how they fill in each other’s WEAKNESSES. 
When Raven is being too logical, too stuck in her head and can’t see the forest for the trees, it’s Murphy who pulls her back down and reminds her that sometimes the simple solution works best and that even geniuses need a break and she shouldn’t have to carry the burden all the time. And while Murphy often jokes or slacks off and can’t seem to be bothered to put effort into things, it’s Raven who takes him seriously by not even questioning his input or scoffing that he’d even bother giving it when obviously he isn’t as smart, instead giving it solid consideration just like she would everyone else and often letting him convince her, therefore proving that he IS valuable and that what HE says carries a lot of weight too. 
These two working together as a team makes them both BETTER, more effective. When they’re not fighting (tho lemme be honest I like it when they fight... for reasons), they click with regard to their weaknesses & strengths, they clearly trust each other both in word and action and these interactions provide them both with BALANCE in their own personalities AND in the overall themes of the show, and I am so here for it. 
I have said plenty of times before that I started shipping these two in 1x10 because of that look in the Dropship, and that is true because I disliked Finn so much and wanted something better/deeper for Raven, but essentially it was also a desire to see two complicated, fascinating characters who clearly had mega backstory and lots of baggage interact with each other so I could sit back and watch the fireworks. And I have been truly enjoying the heck out of it since I finally got it. Of course I want MORE - I’m very greedy - but guys... it’s canon that they work better when they’re a team, that they support and listen to each other and value each other’s input, and that does make me pretty happy. Not to mention... the whole idea of balance, ying/yang, strength/weakness and how all those themes apply in the 100 absolutely lends itself to an entirely different sort of analysis about soulmates, huh?
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ryouverua · 6 years
The Despairingly Hopeful Flashback Light
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“It’s been days since I’ve had a chance to insult people so do me a favour and line up in a row so I can have a go at each of you in turn.”
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“Just.... enough energy... to pick that low-hanging fruit...”
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Have you even slept at all since this all began?!
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She... she’s fully ready to do this? I know it’s not participating in the killing game, but this still not how I want you to use your talent! Not at all!
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Just before I go onto the good stuff, I wanted to bring it back over to Himiko’s fluff text because it’s so bittersweet to have her thinking about Tenko in this situation.
It’s hard to say though, Himiko - I think she would have difficulty accepting the situation in general and would try and encourage you to at least enjoy the time you have left. Would she be mad at you though? Mad, no. Sad, absolutely.
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That is... exceedingly odd. We’ve only ever found them before by searching - but then again, who would be searching for anything now?
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Maybe, but didn’t he say he wasn’t going to interfere with us anymore? I suppose that could be a lie too, but I can’t imagine why he would do anything like this now.
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Closure is better than nothing I suppose. Though I’d argue that was... sorta, kinda what Kokichi gave us, in a way?
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That’s the, uh, attitude? 8′D
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“They don’t call me the Ultimate Assassin for nothing, kid.”
omae wa mo shindeiru
Alright then... well, let’s see it. She’s right, honestly. What’s the worst that could happen at this point? They’re days away from committing mass suicide! 
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Is it the colours? Are the colours why I love this animated sequence so much?
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Wait, Hope’s Peak Academy?
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So it officially is now??? I always thought it might be in a small way (I mean, come on, Monokuma is there), but literally everything???
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Hope’s Peak Academy, you absolute bastard.
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Man, we’re really just going over everything, aren’t we?
~The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History~, which was then renamed to being the second most awful because METEORS RAINED FROM THE SKY AND WIPED OUT EVERYTHING -
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Here’s Junko -
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The Ultimate Catalyst. >>
Aaaw crap though, if she’s being brought up now... they can’t possibly bring her back for a third time, right? Right???
Now the 78th class’s killing game, most significant to history because that was what led to Junko’s death, I imagine -
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We really are getting the Cole’s notes version of events, aren’t we!
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I guess they can’t outright talk about Danganronpa 2 here, huh? Fair enough, honestly! Might as well give people a chance to play it without spoiling it too badly!
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You gonna expand on that champ? ...... No? Uh, okay?
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Wait are you seriously telling me the cult is the Remnants? I... I don’t know if I’m super happy about that, but okay... I guess it makes sense for them to try and latch onto something like this when their side has lost so much ground. Does that mean there were still a bunch of them lingering, left over from when their fight came to a so-called abrupt end?
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Wait, Makoto did this? Would he be in his 40s or 50s then? I was hoping this would take a good deal after the other events, so I guess that’s one way to do it!
though with that said you didn’t have to literally chuck meteors at the prequels and burn them to the ground that is some serious overkill
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hope hope hope hope hope hope hope
Oh right, before I forget -
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Please don’t sound so happy about that Shuichi, I thought it was actually nice for you guys to be from different schools. 8′/ Though I guess the whole reason were were considered ‘Ultimates’ was because you were selected as a representative of your specialty to attend Hope’s Peak, but still.
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Applied? Weren’t they scouted? I guess Makoto changed the rules or something? 8′D
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????? Am I just completely remembering things wrong because I swear it was a scouting process and not an application process...
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Oh, that I like at least! Wait, does that mean there were 16 classes going on at the same time for a single year of students??? The logistics must have been a nightmare.
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because Makoto’s normal meter has been completely, utterly destroyed by his own old class
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eyes Kaito
......... Are you, now? Exactly... what are the symptoms of the virus, exactly?
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Oh hey, it’s a new ‘New World Order’! Long time no see!
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I know I said I thought we were missing information that would help gel some things together, and this would explain why Monokuma is overseeing this game again, but I still feel like there’s more. I mean, also because even now we’re still in Chapter 5, but that’s beside the point.
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Damn it the ‘h’ word is out of the bag and it’s like the game is trying to make up for lost time. 8′D
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Weirdly enough, having the cult be the Remnants of Despair makes me more suspicious of Kokichi’s claims of being the mastermind? Is that just me? 
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So timeline-wise are we far enough away from Junko’s life and death for her to have become both a historical figure as well as a symbol? Do I have that right?
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Mm, I mean, if we hadn’t had that whole ‘sister’ reveal I could see ‘let me witness the beauty of humanity in the most extreme of circumstances’ Korekiyo Shinguuji being a good, if slightly obvious, choice just off the top of my head, and without any relation to the Remnants. 8′D 
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That I can actually agree with! There’s way too much of a coincidence between how things are being held for it not to be related to them, at the very least.
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Literally my biggest question!!!
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That.... That just seems like such a handwave answer! I know one of Junko’s things was how bored she got, and sure, Kokichi talked about how boring a lot of things could be, but the game was literally how Junko got her kicks! She was quite happy to see it until the end, and I’m pretty sure if Kokichi was following her script he would do the same!
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Eeeeh? But like... Junko’s plan was ruined by Naegi, Kirigiri et al., right? She didn’t just throw it all away the way Kokichi has. Doesn’t that seem weird to any of you guys at all??
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T... The number of times the word ‘hope’ has been said in the last twenty + minutes is leaving me dizzy.
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Normally I’d love to hear more about your inner voice but right now I’d love for you to put it on mute. 8′/
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I love you two but I am debating the pros and cons of pushing you both down the stairs leading to Kaito’s lab r/n
say hope or despair one more time
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Aaaaw Himiko! My tiny shining light in this sea of hope and despair talk!
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I am glad she was revitalized though - it was pretty scary watching her talk about having Maki kill her!
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Sweetcheeks I am judging you inner monologue right now? Do you hear me?! I am judging you right now!!!!
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If he’s the mastermind, it was probably a reward for getting so far, right? “Here’s everything else you need to know about the world that I didn’t get a chance to tell you.”
But if he’s not the mastermind aka lying about it, it seems like this is a way to disrupt his new power? Would he have really done this? Would he be able to access the flashback lights as the new king of the school, if he isn’t the mastermind? I mean, it’s not out of the realm of possibility - he’s got control of the exisals, and that shouldn’t be possible if he isn’t controlling everything - but if he also has the ability to give out flashback lights, why would he do it now? Is this is attempt to make them more interesting again?
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Hypothetically, yes... though that conclusion does seem to be based on Kokichi = Mastermind. I guess to say everything I blabbed earlier more concisely, does Flashback Light Access = Mastermind, or does Flashback Light Access = Control of the School?
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you wizarding nerd he’s not going to pop up if he hears you say his name
Or... would he? If he’s the mastermind, he should have access to whatever method of surveillance being used this game. This seems like a good time to pop up now in that case - gotta quash the rebellion before it starts - but he hasn’t yet.
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Yes!!! Rally around Kaito’s safety!!!
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He did say he wanted the remote for the hangar and that he would be keeping Kaito there! So Kokichi periodically leaves to get food and supplies? I guess with an exisal, there isn’t much any of the students can do to stop him. 8′D
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“Look guys, if I see a ship, I call it.”
also I’m a bloody hypocrite re: my saimota comment earlier
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OOOOKAY that’s uh tmi, anyway thank you for your contribution!!!
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?!?! :O Oh shit, when in the world did you get that? Did Miu have extras in her lab?
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Oooooooh oooooh how clever of you!!! Damn girl, you’re good!
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Alright - so despite Kaito not being there, they’re able to hammer out a pretty good battle plan. Sorry Kaito, looks like you’ve been relegated to the ‘damsel in distress’ position! That’s... sorta close to being a hero? Related? Or something? anyway if you don’t think Kaito being a damsel in distress makes me incredibly happy you don’t know me at all
So they’ll be charging the exisal hangar tomorrow (gotta charge those hammers!) with an electrobomb to disable Kokichi’s access to the exisals and hammers to disable the shutter lock and as a back-up. It’s a good plan, all things considered!
.... But..... why do I have a terrible feeling that someone is going to be dead when they get there? For that matter, I don’t know why I’m saying it in such vague terms - I’ll be shocked if someone isn’t dead either by the time they reach the hangar, or while they’re in there. I posited the idea that Maki’s lab could be an alternative spot, or even Shuichi’s lab, but with both Kaito and Kokichi in there I don’t think there’s any doubt left. I also feel like the ‘potential victim’ list has been cut to the two of them too.... D: 
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Is this not just so incredibly reminiscent of what happened with Kaede? It’s incredibly tempting, I understand that, but we can’t make the same mistake twice! I also feel like this will be another case of 'wrong target’ but that’s a separate issue
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Well said, K1-b0!
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FINALLY a chance to use the nerdmugi tag again! It’s been so long! I’ll let that use of the word ‘despair’ slide this time, but only because of that.
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Despite being embarrassed about being rescued by the others, I bet Kaito would be so proud to know that Maki reached out to the others like this and is working together with them to rescue him! She’s spent so much time caught up in her own emotional walls she created around her heart, you know? And now, finally, she’s letting some people in!
Okay now Maki this may not be integral to the plan or anything but I do insist that if the impossible happens and nothing goes wrong, you carry Kaito outside of the hangar bridal-style. Okay? Okay.
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It’s wishful thinking, all things considered... but we can hope.
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but first, time to get a certain robot’s underwear.
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theredbedroomwall · 4 years
Day 61 of Quarantine: COVID-19
Right now, it is day 61 of Quarantine. Sounds strange, right? “Quarantine,” like we’re in some type of post apocalyptic novel and things are about to get VERY interesting. However, it is May 16th 2020, and I’m just feeling a bit caged-in and defeated.
The pandemic is called COVID-19 or Corona Virus. It attacks your lungs and puts you on a respirator, or just makes you feel like you have a really bad flu. Daily deaths have been in the hundreds just in New Jersey alone. I wonder how much of the population we are losing world wide. 
Some people are taking it very seriously, while others are not. We are supposed to be “social distancing” and all “non-essential” business have been closed. However, it seems that certain places around the world and the US have started opening again. The “President” is instigating his fans into protesting Quarantines and stirring up animosity. It’s truly crazy what is seen on the news. People around here, including my own friends, do not take social distancing seriously either. It makes me jealous of them, because they get to see their friends...but at least, I know that my family is safe...although, Papa started working at Walmart only a week or so before Quarantine was put into effect. And that’s considered “essential”. 
Right now, I am fully feeling the effects of Quarantine. I feel caged-in. This is the time of year when I get to come out of hibernation and socialize. I’ve actually been doing so well with my mental health since last summer. I started applying to the masters program I that would give me direction in life, started taking online pre-requisite classes, traveled a lot, have a boyfriend, work out fairly consistently....everything seemed to be going my way...until this. 
I’m still fairly okay. But the longer this lasts the harder it feels to keep myself and all my thoughts from drifting to a place I’d rather not go. 
One of these, is about my boyfriend; Andres Gomez Fernandez. He lives in Spain (believe me I know) and has a lot of great qualities about him. Many that I needed when we met. I was in the process of healing over many things and he was stable, kind, responsible, wanted to travel and have fun, treated me like a princess. But as Quarantine goes on, I feel like I’m never going to see him again...travel bans, restrictions, COVID-19... And our future together seems hopeless. He has been through so much and feels lonely, he can be emotionally immature due to it. His grandmother died about a month or so ago, and living on his own has be very difficult for him. I wouldn’t wish his situation upon anyone. I’m scared that I’m holding onto him...because I want to help him and not because I still love him. I haven’t actually said that out loud to anyone or written it down, but I think it might be true. At the same time, every time I think about breaking up with him I get extremely upset. I wonder if I would be feeling the same way if I was still going to be seeing him all summer...if quarantine hadn’t happened...I’m tearing up writing this.
Another, thing is I’m jealous of all my friends who are ignoring social distancing rules. I don’t want to put my family in danger but I am itching to go out and socialize properly. I’ve found activities to keep me occupied, but I miss seeing my friends; their energy and presence. Alex had friends over today...that group with Mo, Melissa, Dilan, Julian, Naomi etc. I still feel weird when I’m not invited to those things. I don’t invite Alex to everything I host...but its such a strange feeling because I used to know those people. And I’ve only ever disliked one or two of them. Granted, Alex had added me to a GroupMe with them and I didn’t “like” the heart button to stay in the chat when Mo were cleaning it up...but I also didn’t feel wanted. It’s not so much the group that it’s at Alex’s house and I think I’m still pretty salty about Tommy’s girlfriend Victoria. (It’s rounding two years and the girl has finally not been a straight up bitch to me. Probably because I have a boyfriend now. Who knows.).
I keep re-living everything I’ve ever done wrong, especially drunk. And I’m truly not enjoying my brain for giving my those hazy experiences back. 
On the bright side: 
I’ve replaced my carpet floors with lament that looks like wood floors. Painted over that strong dandelion yellow in white so that my closet looks cleaned. And I’ve gone through my clothes and organized my room completely. I got rid of a lot of things that I just do not need. It was a nice, cleansing experience. 
My family is here and safe; including Elena who hasn’t gone back to Florida since her spring break.
I’m officially enrolled at Montclair State University in the Masters in Teaching Social Studies with Teacher for Students with Disabilities program and I have a Graduate Assistantship that will pay for my first 24 credits for the 2020-2021 school year. 
I am half way through my Teaching English as a Foreign Language certificate (I have to start that up again soon). 
It has been so sunny and wonderful the last few days that I am re-reading the Harry Potter series out on the deck, getting color and feeling beautiful. 
I AM trying to socialize as much as possible via Zoom, FaceTime, etc. Jenn, Reese, and Mylo plus various people a few times. Facetimed Koda. I might do a snapchat call with Jordan, Tommy, and Alex. Talking to Rob again in general (we drifted, we’re still not close but it’s nice to talk to him). Might social-distance meet up with Kathryn soon. 
My emotions seem a little wild right now, and I’m trying to hang on to that absence of extreme depression and anxiety that I’ve managed to maintain for about a year now. 
0 notes
stormysurveys · 5 years
A – Accidents
01. Have you ever been in a car accident? + -- Yes.
02. Do you have a lot of scars? + -- A fair amount. I'm sure many hae faded by now, though...
03. Have you ever been in a fist fight with someone? + -- I don't count sparring, but I've had a few close calls. I gave them the opportunity to fight me since they seemed so eager, but they always walked away?? Like, hello, you outnumbered me. Surely the two of you can handle little old me. But oh well I guess.
04. Have you ever seriously hurt anyone by mistake? + -- Yes.
05. Have you ever had stitches? Where? + -- Apparently I was supposed to get stitches but nobody ever took me to the hospital, so I had to kind of handle it on my own.
B – Beauty
06. Do you consider yourself beautiful? + -- GOD no lol.
07. Are you self conscious of how you look? + -- Yes.
08. Do you put on a lot of makeup? + -- My skin doesn't tolerate any kind of makeup. I learned to deal without it.
09. Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery? + -- The only way to fix what puberty did to my skin is apparently extreme laser surgery. Too bad for me.
10. What do you think makes a person beautiful? + -- A kind heart. Among other things.
C – Consequences
11. What was the longest amount of time you’ve been grounded for? + -- A few weeks. I don't even remember what it was for.
12. What would you do if you got pregnant, keep it or have an abortion? + -- I would get an abortion. It's kinder than having to have me for a parent. Ugh.
13. Do you ever think about how your actions affect other people? + -- Yes.
14. What do you think is the worst punishment someone could give you? + -- Leaving me alone while you go do fun things.
15. What is one thing you wish you didn’t do, just because it wasn’t worth it in the end? + -- There's a lot of things.
D – Dealing
16. When you are mad at someone, how do you show them? + -- I usually let it blow over. It's not worth bringing it up.
17. Name a time when you had to be strong. + -- Losing multiple cats and friends in one year.
18. Have you ever dealt with a divorce or parents fighting? Any kind of abuse at home? + -- My parents fought a lot, and various other things.
19. When people at school don’t accept you, or have problems with you, how do you react? + -- Deal with it. :| I'm here and you're gonna suck it up.
20. Have you ever lost someone to death? Explain how you got through it. + -- You just move on. I don't think you ever fully get over it.
E – Experience
21. Have you ever had a job? Any volunteer jobs? + -- Yes.
22. Do you think that you are sexually experienced, or not at all? + -- No. There's still so much I don't understand.
23. Have you gone through a lot emotionally, or has life been easy thus far? + -- I have gone through a lot, but I can't really compare myself to others.
24. Do you think you are ready to be on your own (have your own home, job, etc.)? + -- Yes.
25. How old do you act? + -- Hopefully like an adult.
F – Family
26. Is there anyone in your family you don’t talk to? Why? + -- To my knowledge, there's no bad blood between myself and my family. If anything, I pushed everyone away.
27. If you had to choose, family or friends? + -- /shrug
28. Can you tell your parents or one of your parents anything? + -- No.
29. Do you have any siblings? If so, do you ever get jealous of them? + -- No.
30. How often do you spend ‘quality time’ with family members? + -- My entire family lives in the South. I do not.
G – Growing
31. How tall are you? How tall do you wish you were? + -- 5'2" and 3/4". :l I wish I was maybe 5'5" or 5'6
32. Do you think that you have grown more in the past year than any year before that? + -- Maybe emotionally.
33. As a person, do you think you are mature for your age or still act childish? + -- You asked this.
34. Are you scared to think that one day you will turn 30, then 40, then 50? + -- I don't want to, but there's nothing I can do about it.
35. Do you believe you still have a lot to learn? + -- Yes.
H – Hope
36. Love – real or not? + -- It is real.
37. Are you a pessimist of an optimist? + -- Depends.
38. Do you believe in fate, that everything happens for a reason, or do you think that our actions lead the way? + -- A little of both, but I  don't usually rely on "fate".
39. Do you think that after we die our spirit is still alive? + -- I believe in reincarnation.
40. What gives you hope when you just feel like dying? + -- Nothing ever "gave me hope". I just realized that I could get back up in the end. The hardest part was physically making myself do it.
I – Issues
41. Do you suffer from depression or constant sadness/loneliness? + -- Lol, probably. I don't know.
42. Do you have any type of disease or disability? + -- I don't know.
43. Are you currently in a hard relationship or have bad luck with the opposite sex? + -- No.
44. Do you think that you are alone in this world? + -- It really do be like that sometimes.
45. How often do you think about death, suicide or running away? + -- Perhaps more than I ought to.
J – Jokes
46. Say a word or phrase that would not be funny to anyone but you & one of your friends (an inside joke) + -- I got nothin'.
47. Are you usually the one who makes people laugh,Or the other way around? + -- No, I just piss them off with my puns.
48. Do you cry when you laugh hard? + -- It happens.
49. Write down a hilarious moment you had with someone that makes you laugh to this day! + -- Probably. I'm not awake dude.
50. Do you ever get in trouble for laughing or talking a lot during class? + -- No.
K – Knowledge
51. The purpose of school: to learn, to cause trouble or to hang out with friends? + -- You tell me. I couldn't function at school at all. :D
52. Do people refer to you as smart, dumb, or average? + -- People probably think I'm unintelligent. I'll let them think what they want.
53. What was the highest grade you have received (full course mark) ever? + -- I don't know. I don't remember much from those days.
54. What was your last average? This year would you like to maintain it or aim higher?
55. What do you find the most interesting subject to be (to study or to talk about)? + -- Many things! Languages, psychology, history, philosophy, mathematics/logic (moreso on how it applies to the universe than trying to memorize formulae), the arts. ALL THAT HAPPY SHIT.
L – Love
56. Are you currently in love? If not, have you been before? + -- I assume so.
57. Do people around you show you a lot of love (tell you they love you, hug you, kiss you, etc.)? + -- Sure.
58. Is love worth it? + -- I guess if you find the right person, sure.
59. Do you hate it when girls in their young teenage years say they ‘love’ someone that they’ve been dating for a few months? + -- It's ridiculous, but children do what children do.
60. Does it take a lot for you to say you love someone, or is it just a word? + -- I don't like to throw it around. I'd rather show it anyway.
M – Money
61. Do you believe that money makes the world go round? + -- :/ Yes, and I hate it.
62. Is your family on the poor side, average, or above average when it comes to money? + -- My family did not have much money.
63. Are you saving up for college/university, or planning to? + -- I tried, aha. I couldn't live with the idea of putting my parents in more debt than they'd ever owed in their lifetime, even for a small college. So I chose to wait until I was older. Unfortunately I still haven't gone.
64. Would you rather win millions of dollars & be set for life, or find the perfect person to marry & start a family with? + -- Blah blah blah
65. On a scale of 1-10, how important is money to you? + -- It isn't. I need it to survive, but that's about it.
N – Naughty
66. Are you a virgin? + -- No.
67. What do you think about doing sexual things with someone you’re not going out with? + -- I'm not really that kind of person.
68. Do you know anybody you consider a ’slut’? What makes you say that? + -- Eh.
69. If you could, would you erase some things you did in the past or make it so you did more? + -- Probably.
70. Do you consider yourself more nice or more naughty? You can’t say both! + -- Who says I can't say both? I'll say both if I damn well please. But I don't consider myself particularly "naughty". At least not with random strangers.
O – Openness
71. How long does it take for you to open up to someone? + -- Probably too long. Most people walked away before I could.
72. What does it take for you to fully trust someone? + -- I don't think I can.
73. Are you generally untrusting towards people because of past experiences, or any other reason? + -- No, I just don't want anyone to know.
74. When are you comfortable with someone sexually? + -- When I decide I don't care anymore. If they show they genuinely want to be with me, I guess.
75. When it comes to parents and close friends, what’s the limit of what you can tell them? + -- Hmm.
P – Positive
76. Have you ever had an experience with someone that didn’t necessarily end positively? If so, would you rather erase the memory of that person because of the sad times or keep the memory of that person because of the good times? + -- No, I will keep my memories.
77. Do you agree with the saying: better to have loved and lost than not have loved at all? + -- For me, no. I was content before I met my husband and I'd be fine after. But I also prefer being alone most of the time.
78. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? What do you try to be? + -- A bit of both.
79. Do you agree that something good can come out of everything? + -- Possibly.
80. Have you ever had a time where something really bad happened, but something really good happened because of it? If so, please exlain what it was: + -- I'm sure, but I don't want to.
Q – Questions
81. When faced with a problem, do you ask for help or try to figure it out yourself? + -- I try to figure it out for myself first. I always get told "you need to ask for help blah blah". No, I don't. Let me do it on my own.
82. Do you often question the world and how we came about? What are some things you would like to know about creation? + -- I always question how things came about. And I don't know. What came before?
83. Do you think the government is truthful? If you could ask the president one question, what would it be? + -- LOL. I'm too conspiratorial for this survey.
84. When someone does something wrong to you, do you confront them and ask them why they did it or just let it go? + -- If I know them, then I'll bring it up casually or something. Could've been an accident. If I don't know them I might just shrug it off.
85. What is one unsolved mystery about the world that you want answers to? + -- There's a lot.
R – Respect
86. How do you show respect? + -- I treat everyone with politeness.
87. What can someone do for you to lose all respect for them? + -- Prove to me that you are a coward or generally a terrible person I guess.
88. Do you respect your teachers, parents, and other authority figures? + -- If they give me a reason to. I don't give out respect freely. I might do what you ask me, but I will do the bare minimum unless I actuallly care about what you have to say. Give me a reason to respect you, and I will work hard for you.
89. When you are disrespectful to your parents, what is the punishment? + -- My mom can't do anything to stop me. Not that I AM, but she's very old now.
90. If someone is mean to you, are you mean back or do you kill them with kindness? + -- Neither, but it depends on the situation. Like if you straight up hit me, well...
S – School
91. If you are still in school, what grade will you be going into?
92. When will you graduate high school/college? + -- I left years ago.
93. After high school, what did you do/are you planning to do?
94. Do you like or hate school? What do you like/hate about it? + -- I hated school. I couldn't function at all.
95. Have you ever been suspended, expelled, or dropped out of school? + -- I dropped out. After spending ages taking all these makeup classes on top of my regular studies, I had my counselor tell me to my face that I'd be good to go to graduate. And two weeks after school ended, I received a phone call telling me that no, I would not be graduating and that, if I wanted to, I'd have to pay them either $200 or $300 for either summer school or night school. I couldn't afford that, so I just didn't go back and acquired my GED, which was easier and I didn't have to study for it. :/
T – Temptation
96. Have you ever done something wrong, knowing it was wrong, because something inside of you said it was okay? + -- I mean... it's possible?
97. Has anyone ever pressured you to smoke or drink? Did you do it? + -- Nope. I've never smoked and I've no intention to.
98. Did you ever cheat on someone? Why did you do it? + -- My mom cheated on my dad multiple times. I've seen how it slowly tears the other person apart. I would NEVER do that to someone.
99. Did you ever want to do something sexual with someone you didn’t really know or love? What did you end up doing? + -- Not really. I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with this, but my brain doesn't make the jump to "this person looks nice" to "I want to have sex with them" for some reason.
100. Do you give in to temptation easily, or are you more independent and strong willed? + -- In the middle. When it comes to junk food I'm more weak-willed, but other things not so much.
U – Unique
102. Do you do a lot of things because your friends are doing it? + -- Where's the other question? And uhh no?
103. Do you follow trends, wear whatever you want, or wear really unique pieces? + -- I don't pay attention to trends or fashion. There's times that I unintentionally, say, dyed my hair a "trendy" color - but it wasn't on purpose and it didn't stop me from dying my hair.
104. Do you give in easily to peer pressure? Do you do things such as smoke, drink, or have casual sex? + -- No. I rarely ever drink.
105. What makes you different from people your age? + -- I don't know and I don't care.
V – Value
106. What’s the most expensive thing in your room? + -- Probably the electronics.
107. What’s more valuable: your life or the lives of your loved ones? Would you sacrifice your life for other people? + -- The lives of my loved ones. I'd do what I had to do I guess.
108. What is something you value not because it cost a lot, but because it means a lot to you? + -- As far as regular material items, probably the little Stain merch I have. For anything else, it's my husband.
109. If there was a fire in your house/apartment, what is the first thing you would grab? + -- The cat.
110. Do you think past memories and experiences are more valuable than what could possibly happen in the future? + -- Of course. You can always look at them later.
W – Wishes
111. If you had three wishes, what would they be? + -- I dunno. Is there a genie involved? I don't like the idea of someone being enslaved to serve me, so that's out the window. I wouldn't feel right just wishing something out of thin air like that.
112. Would you rather wish yourself to be happy, or your loved ones? + -- Loved ones.
113. Do you believe that wishes come true if you really believe in them? + -- Just go out and do it man. If you sit around wishing you'll just wish your life away.
114. Have you ever had a wish come true? If so, what was that wish? + -- It only "came true" because I forced something to change. I made the necessary sacrifices to make it come true. Nothing more, nothing less.
115. Do you find wishing for things a waste of time because everything that’s meant to happen, will happen? + -- I think it's important to believe in something. But I also believe it's important to actually reach out to make them happen too. It's not just going to drop into your lap.
Y – You
121. Are you more independent or social? + -- Independent.
122. What is something that makes you very mad when you see it? + -- Oh god hahahaha. When they sweep my favorite holiday under the rug to ring in Christmas extremely early all for the sake of cashmoney.
123. Do you think that you have potential to do great things? + -- I don't know. I assume I don't, but I don't really think much about that.
124. Do you think people are born a certain way, or develop their personalities based on what they go through in life? + -- Genes definitely play an impact on a person's mentality and whatnot, but the environment ultimately shapes that.
125. Do you think people are generally good ? + -- "Good" and "evil" feel like really convenient terms to me nowadays. I think people believe that a) they are the hero of their own story, and that b) most people have "good" intentions. Unfortunately, good intentions do not a good person make.
Z – Zest
126. Are you currently happy with your life? Why or why not? + -- No. It's not where I want to be yet.
127. Do you go on FacebookCraze.com to get facebook survey’s and quizzes like this one? + -- No.
128. When change occurs, do you get scared or are you excited for it? + -- I just prepare for it.
129. Do you like to try new things, meet new people? + -- Yes.
130. What is the most motivational thing in the world? + -- When you have no other choice LOL
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babaleshy · 5 years
I know I haven’t touched this thing for a while but whatever. I’m gonna rant. Yes, it’s about my folks. Yes, they are Trump supporters. No, I still can’t move out because my husband and I cannot afford it nor is there any jobs in the area that pay enough for us to move out.
On with the rant (plus, like, a mental health update which I will do first).
Going to get re-evaluated for ADHD because as much as I loved seeing Mark for counseling, he wanted to simply focus on my struggles, hence why I was diagnosed with EFD. He was great, helpful, all that. Just... There’s other stuff going on with all of these signs pointing to ADHD, and I actually forget that sometimes symptoms outside of executive functioning issues can get in the way because my depression makes me forget shit.
On top of this, Paulnetta (my new counselor) has referred me to a couple of places to go and get tested for dyslexia and other learning disabilities. What has kept me from getting tested the past couple of months is that my ID expired back in April and I fucking forgot about it. I’m going to the DMV tomorrow to get my ID renewed but will have to wait for it to appear in the mail, now, because of bureaucratic bullshit. Once I get my ID, I can finally get tested for a learning disability and FINALLY apply for goddamn Medicaid.
I’m getting mighty sick of what my parents are pulling. I’ll start with my mom since there’s not TOO much bullshit to bitch about with her like there is with my dad.
My mom still won’t engage much with me in conversation about anything I want to talk about. But the moment she decides to talk, she immediately changes the topic to her favorite country singer or something about horses. I don’t hate horses as in the animal, but looking at anything involving horses has me feeling rage because of her. She keeps getting old horses (never surpassing 3 horses) that aren’t really able to be ridden, wanting a few for companionship so no one feels alone when my mom rides the only one that is capable of being ridden. Horses are social animals. I get this. All fine and well. But my mother does the ABSOLUTE FUCKING BARE MINIMUM care for these animals. They’re healthy and doing okay mentally, but she has yet to ride since I moved back that I can remember. SHE SPENT WHO KNOWS HOW MUCH MONEY ON A ROUND PEN AND SHE STILL HASN’T RIDDEN THE HORSE SHE WANTS TO RIDE. She just sits on the couch on her phone AND tablet watching livestreams of her favorite country singer who has developed this cult surrounding the pledge of allegiance while being on FB interacting with other horse owners. My mom seems to like the aesthetic of the western/country/farm lifestyle without actually LIVING it, and I’m betting it’s because she’s too old and tired from working 6 days a week at a minimum wage job she’s been at since the mid 90s and refused to consider looking for another because she knows people who work there and shop there (small business hardware store). On top of all of this, she refuses to listen to any other radio station unless it’s country, so that plays on constant in the living room for the dog when my parents aren’t home, or she has it on in the truck and wonders why I have my earbuds in. She BLASTS anything she and my dad watch, which includes but is not limited to things like Last Man Standing, NCIS, faux news, and pseudo-hillbilly shit shows from the 60s and 70s on YouTube.
This woman did not interact with me on my terms in the past unless it was something she was interested in. If I distracted her from her soap operas or baseball/football games, she got pissed. As an adult? If she does interact with me, it’s because it involves the topic of money. My mom IMMEDIATELY gets pissed at me when I inquire about our financial situation. I don’t complain, I’m not nosy as fuck, I just wanna know “hey, can I get some help getting thirty-something bucks worth of lumber so I can build shelves for my room since I have no income?” Nope, the topic bothers my mom too much. I don’t even think she listens to me talk to her when she doesn’t participate in conversation because she is just... ADDICTED to FB. Like, hopelessly fucking addicted. And she used to get on my ass about being on MY computer too much in high school! (circa 2005-2007)
And now, onto the dumpster fire that is my father.
The bastard is having us live in a meatlocker. The air is so cold and so dry here that my skin is very dry, my nose is CONSTANTLY running and bleeding, and I’m too cold to do ANYTHING most of the time, including sitting at my desk to do anything from art to surfing the web! He uses his breathing issues as an excuse, but it was never this cold in the summer last year or any years prior. He says it’s to keep the humidity down. By the same damn excuse, because we do NOT have a working ventilation fan, and opening the bathroom window (which faces the street) would expose us and give us no privacy, my dad HAS THE HAIR DRYER RUNNING BY THE BATHROOM SINK WHILE HE SHOWERS. His logic? “The heat will cause the moisture to evaporate!” Not kidding. But he’s huffing and wheezing by the time he’s done in the bathroom. And he won’t listen to me when I tell him just how wrong he is.
The bitter old bastard has whatever they’re watching on blast in the living room. He re-clutters whatever I de-clutter. He tries picking fights with my husband by purposefully trying to engage him in topics my husband doesn’t want to talk about to get my husband to react a certain way (never works because my husband caught on real fast). This is all my dad trying to “establish dominance” or some bullshit like that. He’s flaunting the fact that he can be a piece of shit all he wants to us, and if we put up enough of a fight, he can kick us out. He’s also hoping (and he’s used a similar logic on other shit before in the past) that he pisses us off enough to move out, because he thinks we can move out whenever we want. This guy has not been in the real world since ‘95 or ‘96, and before that, hadn’t had to look for a job since the ‘70s, hadn’t had to look for another place to live since the ‘90s. He has no idea how expensive rent is, how shit the job opportunities are around here, how it’s impossible to find a decent paying job and be expected to make rent while being able to feed one’s self, etc. He is so detached from reality that he’s trying to delude himself that shit still works like it did in the 70s.
I had to make up a lie that I get car sick unless I have my music. The reality of it is that my dad stresses me out so much I fear him bringing up a topic we both know I won’t be able to keep my mouth shut on to where he will then stress me out, threaten my life, and then tell me he threatened my life “just so I would shut up.” So, dad believing that I get car sick without my music, he claims it’s a “problem with the middle ear,” which is a thing with some people, so I’m playing along with that. Gives me an excuse to not listen to my mom’s piece of shit radio station in the truck on those VERY DAMN FEW times she takes me somewhere (seriously, unless it’s to work, seeing a local country concert, or seeing her sister, my mom doesn’t wanna leave the house) and not have to explain to her why I bury my head in my own music when she won’t fucking talk to me about shit I wanna talk about, shit I’ve wanted to talk about since childhood but she doesn’t fucking care. She tried so hard to get me to be like her, wanting to live on a farm, but it failed. She knows it failed. So she doesn’t wanna talk unless it’s about the lifestyle she always wanted.
And this is the weird part, they have views and shit that would make you go “that’s not very typical of a Trump supporter” so because they’re “not so bad” to other moderates or right-wingers, I don’t have a right to complain. My parents know evolution is a thing (yet are climate change deniers), have no problem with me being a Pagan or practicing witchcraft (but will talk shit about Muslims), think that Halloween is too kiddified and the fun is sucked out of it (but there’s a “war on xmas”), and thought I spent way too much time in my room on my computer in high school (but they rarely leave their own internet devices in the living room; dad just has a computer but refuses to touch social media and hates modern technology despite being hopelessly addicted to YouTube). Like...?
Here’s what’s sad...
When my parents first got together and had me, they were a loving married couple with a kid. My brother came along, things were still smooth sailing. Dad gets hurt and we’re plunged into inescapable poverty and all of a sudden dad ignores me, mom ignores me, only interaction is breakfast, dinner, and screaming and belittling. That’s it. There was still favorites, and because the favorite died, it’s like I don’t matter that much to them, especially since I didn’t turn out anything special like they’d hoped for. They won’t own up to their mistakes, they conveniently ignore that half the time growing up I was yelled at for lack of social interaction outside of forced interaction with my brother and having ADHD and anxiety. In fact, I still can’t tell if they’re the cause of my anxiety or if I was born with it because of how young I was when the complete one-eighty with them happened.
And yet they still act like they’ll be wealthy someday, so they support the rich getting tax cuts and worship the cheetoh in office. I think they banked on me and my brother becoming successful and wealthy after high school that they continued to avoid admitting they’re stuck in poverty. Now they think they’ll eventually get wealthy with the fucking royalties on the oil (spoilers: no, lol, they’re kinda getting screwed actually but won’t admit it) or hitting the lottery.
Dad presses all of these money-making ideas onto me, ideas I don’t care about or don’t like, and won’t do it himself. He won’t even write stories to have them published because that would mean he’d have a hobby. Too much work. He even said the whole reason why he got a job at the steel mill was so he didn’t have to think. He literally claimed he’d rather have someone think for him and admitted that he’s proud to be ignorant of technology. No, I’m not kidding.
So my husband and I are forced to live with these two assholes, whose marriage is barely held together (they barely interact with one another, and when they do, half the time one is pissed at the other) and only keep the marriage going because divorce is expensive and at least they’re not as bad as their exes (mom had her jaw broken by an ex, dad was nearly killed by an ex).
Once they move north, we’ll be going with them, attend Kent State, and get the fuck out of Ohio. And I’m never looking back.
0 notes
So Brett Got Confirmed. Now What?
s.e. smith
Brett Kavanaugh may have prevailed in the short term, but he doesn’t get the last word.  
The nailbiter confirmation vote for Brett Kavanaugh has many people feeling dispirited and frustrated. Even before the revelations that Kavanaugh committed multiple sexual assaults, the hearing felt impatient and rushed, with Republicans eager to push it through before the midterm elections. After, in the face of dwindling public support and calls for further investigation, it feels like a slap in the face to see the senate voting for his confirmation — and then celebrating it.
If you’re feeling raw, furious, betrayed, or any number of other things after the confirmation, you’re not alone. At Scarleteen, we’re pretty enraged too.
It’s not just that Kavanaugh’s legal history suggests that he will be an extremely conservative jurist who is also pretty sloppy with the rules. It’s also that we spend so much time trying to build a better world for young people, and telling you that being kind and respectful to each other is the right thing to do, and it’s infuriating to see men like him rewarded. And to see people dismissing his abusive history with “boys will be boys.” We know that behavior like Brett’s is the result of unchecked toxic masculinity and privilege, not because he was a teenage boy, and we hope you do too.
Especially if you’re not eligible to vote, you may be wondering what you can even do about the whole Kavanaugh situation, since everywhere you look, the response seems to be “register to vote�� followed by “actually go to the polls on election day.” Or it’s “donate to civil rights organizations.” Those are all great things to do if you can, and you can learn more about registering and voting in our primer on the subject, but what if you can’t vote or can’t donate? Or if you want to take other steps?
I rounded up five things that don’t require voting, documented residency, other bureaucratic markers, or cash to make a difference.
1. Talk About Consent
Kavanaugh’s case highlighted the fact that we’re still having complicated conversations about consent, sexual communication, and how to be kinder with one another. Some of those conversations happen best spontaneously amongst friends — and not just in the heat of the moment. Consider using this as an opportunity to talk about consent and learn more about how other people approach the topic.
We advocate for enthusiastic consent, but consent is much deeper than a single yes. It’s about an ongoing conversation, and not just in the sexual sphere. Friendships often involve elements of consent, whether it’s “may I hug you” or “may I talk to you about an emotionally charged issue right now.” Expand the conversation about consent and think about how it applies to your own life; you have the right to your autonomy in any setting, whether the doctor’s office or a sexual relationship and your own home. And you can negotiate and renegotiate those boundaries, whether we’re talking about sexual intimacy or a friend who’s handsier than you’d like in casual social situations.
How do the people around you think about consent? How do you advocate for people who are having trouble articulating themselves, or who are not able to provide affirmative consent? When you see someone pushing another person’s boundaries, do you intervene? Do you have gendered ideas about what kinds of consent people give, and in what situations?
2. Care for Survivors
The Kavanaugh hearings and confirmation vote were extremely difficult for some victims/survivors of sexual assault, some of whom live in silence and couldn’t even speak out about why they were experiencing pain. Being mindful of survivors is a good idea all the time, because chances are statistically high that someone in your social circle has experienced harassment or assault, but especially when these topics are in the news.
Survivors may be struggling with feeling like their trauma has just been refreshed and then denied; for a moment, it felt like people were validating feelings of violation and abuse, and then Kavanaugh was confirmed anyway. But some people may also have been struggling with issues like not being the “perfect” survivor, or speaking up and being ignored because of who they are.
How can you care for a population that might not always be visible? Make it clear that you are working to make the spaces around you safer for survivors of sexual violence from all backgrounds, and all levels of healing. Shut down rape jokes, victim-blaming, and comments that can make environments feel hostile and unwelcoming. Promote affirmative, enthusiastic consent and gender justice, and be mindful that sex workers, people of color, disabled people, and others in marginalized groups are at greater risk of sexual assault, while simultaneously being less likely to be believed or helped when they speak out about it.
If someone does open up to you, tell them “I believe you” and “I’m listening” and let them progress at their own pace. Tell them you’re happy to help them connect with resources, but you respect their needs and choices.
3. Defend Sexual Education
The Trump Administration is launching systematic attacks on funding for sexual education — it’s getting harder to access comprehensive, age-appropriate sex and gender education in many parts of the United States. And while lots of opinion editorials recently have proclaimed the need for “consent education,” sex education is bigger than that.
Information about the full spectrum of human gender and sexuality helps you make informed choices about both your body and your heart. Everyone deserves access to that education, provided in a setting and format that’s conducive to education; no cheesy half-hour video in the gym, please!
Changes to sexual education curricula happen in a number of ways, and you can intervene at each step. In addition to relying on federal funds, sexual education in your area can come from the state and community organizations as well. All of this funding can come with strings attached — and you can be involved in the decisionmaking behind those strings by submitting public comments to the people and agencies involved.
You can also get active with your local school board, which has a tremendous impact on policy across your district. School board meetings are often poorly attended, and the elections are often uncontested, too. Consider attending meetings, or at the very least, reading the agenda packets and submitting comments. The more you go and engage, the more seriously they’ll take you when you comment on agenda items or bring up issues you want them to address; they say “politics is made by those who show up” for a reason.
For bonus points, check out the requirements for school board officeholders. You might be surprised by who’s eligible to run!
4. Advocate and Agitate at Your Own Pace
In coming years, a series of important cases will work their way to the Supreme Court, and Kavanaugh may decide their outcome. You may hear people saying “we should take to the streets” after unfavorable verdicts, which can be empowering and energizing, but isn’t an option for everyone, for a variety of reasons. You don’t need to explain or justify yourself if you can’t engage in direct action — maybe it would threaten your immigration status or health, or maybe it’s just too scary for you right now. That’s okay!
There are lots of ways to make a difference. If you don’t want to take to the streets (or even if you do!) there are lots of things you can do to support social change. For one thing, all those marches actually need a lot of logistics, from developing accessibility plans to making signs, and someone has to be at home to pick up the phone if people get arrested and need someone to bail them out. Being on the support team is a vital part of making change happen. So is participating in letter writing campaigns; joining social media events; attending local government meetings; starting conversations at the dinner table; pushing for changes in your classroom, and so much more. Do the work that you feel able to do, and support others doing their work — and if you are one of the people fearlessly taking to the streets or calling your representatives every morning, don’t give people a hard time if that’s not within their capacity right now.
Social change doesn’t happen overnight. If you’re angry right now, think ahead to your potential career as well as volunteering opportunities. Maybe you’re already thinking about going to law school and joining one of the many organizations using impact litigation — lawsuits that rely on a big case that could set a precedent, like Obergefell v Hodges, which legalized same gender marriage in the US — to make a difference. Maybe you want to become a social worker who supports people in immediate need; volunteer on a sexual assault hotline; run for office; or start a spa that offers free and reduced-cost hair and skincare to low-income people who want to look their best for job interviews. Start learning about what will help you achieve your dreams of a better world.
 5. Participate in the Process, at Any Level
At times like this, it often feels like the system is broken, maybe even irreparably. How can someone win the popular vote and still lose the election? How come votes in some places seem to count for more than others? How can elected officials and the people they appoint blatantly engage in criminal activity and apparently get away with it? If you’re having these feelings of defeat and frustration, you are not alone.
But you are also in a position to make a difference, because you do care, and the work of caring people can change the world — or at least pave the way to make that change possible in the future. Dedicated, loving humans have always existed, even during extremely dark times, and some of them changed thing by working within the process, like Oskar Schindler, who saved over 1,000 Jewish people during the Holocaust by leveraging his Nazi connections, subverting the system in a pretty spectacular way.
While it may seem pointless, participating in the process really does make a difference, even, and maybe especially, when your participation is actually designed to fundamentally reshape the process because it’s messed up and unfair and you think it has the capacity to be better. Sometimes that can mean voting, at any level. It can also mean attending meetings and events, submitting formal comments, contacting elected or appointed officials who work for you, or even going to work for a government agency yourself.
Find the kind humans who care and are doing their best and support them. Find the unkind humans who are being cruel, and work to push them out. Because kindness does prevail through darkness.
life in hell
united states
seriously please freaking vote
from MeetPositives SM Feed 4 https://ift.tt/2P1qKS9 via IFTTT
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My dad says if I bought one the insurance rates would be extremely high even if we put him as the primary driver??? I'm 18 and irs either this or a 92 camaro will it be that expensive??
Car Insurance and Tickets?
My room mate just got two tickets. One for changing lanes without using a blinker and another for not having his headlights on at 9 o'clock at night. He had just left a parking lot. He had a previous ticket for going 12 over the speed limit which was moved to a parking violation. Will these new tickets affect his insurance rates? He has State Farm and lives in Saint Louis. Should he just pay it or get it fixed?
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Hi. I'm 20, female, turning 21 late next month and my mom is planning to ship her 1998 mercedes benz sedan to me (in NC) from california early next month. I went to a driving school when I was 17 and I have been driving ever since. I also do have a clean record. If I would want to have a full coverage, how much do you think will it be per month? And also, since I am turning 21 in a couple of weeks after the car itself arrives here, do you think it will cost me less? Thanks.""
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With fuel prices in the uk soaring and having to drive 120 miles a day I am seriously considering buying a motorbike to save both time and money. Thing is I'm gonna still need a car for the winter months when we have to deal with increasingly heavy winters... So my question is do i have to pay 12 months insurance for both a car and a bike or is there any way of having a policy that I can put on hold for the months that either vehicle isn't being used?
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I recently bought a salvaged 2006 Honda Civic Ex for $10,800. The only damage that this car received was the airbag was blown during an accident. But it was replaced ever since. How will gap insurance work for this salvaged car?""
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I was in an accident back in November and my car was totaled. The claim just closed a few days ago because they finally paid our medical bills and everything. Should we have to pay for car insurance right now? We still haven't purchased a vehicle because we didn't get much for our car. How do we handle this?
Insurance question for sport bike?
Ok so I drive already and im going to be 18 very soon. I'm thinking about getting a sport-bike for college mainly because they have very good mpg and are fairly cheap.Once i get my m1 licence im thinking on getting a kawasaki ninja 250 or a suzuki gsxr 600. How much would insurance cost extra on the gixxer than for the ninja, thanks !!!""
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Can i get insured on my dad's car by a different insurance provider than his?
Hi! i just passed my driving test! and i rang my dad's insurance company and they said they can't insure because i'm a young driver and the car is too big for its a Peugeot with 4 door! so just wondering can i get insurance from another provider just for me on that car? is it legal and possible? what do you recommend?
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What if I have one-way Insurance, and my friend hit my car? what will happen if I do Insurance on him? Will I receive any money for the damage? will my insurance rate go up?""
Is this a proper plan for term insurance?
Just trying to see if I am able to understand and apply knowledge of insurance. Please give your opinion. Here is a hypothetical example: X(35yrs) and Y(30yrs) are married and employed and they got joint home loan for Rs 30 lakh. They will be in service till 60yrs of age. Their current annual incomes are about Rs 5 lakh and Rs 3.8 lakh respectively. X and Y are willing to buy term insurances with sum assured of Rs 50 lakh with 25yrs and 30yrs terms respectively. (First doubt, given their income level, are they eligible for such high sum assured?) They both want to get critical illness rider of same sum assured (Rs50 lakh) amount since critical illness is kind of death of earning capability. Also they want to take same accidental permanent disability benefit rider of same sum assured(Rs 50 lakh) for same reason. They also want to have separate mediclaims though that is different kind of insurance and we won't consider here. Do you think that they are on right track for planning term insurance with riders?""
What car insurance company will insure my car with a permit in California?
I wanted AAA but they do not do that. Any suggestions? PLEASE!
Can my friend insure my car?
I bought a car and currently have a loan for it that I'm paying off. The insurance that I got for my car is $250 which is way too much. My friend pays $100 for his insurance. If I were to be put on my friends policy, it would make his insurance go up to $200, but I would pay him $120, and he would pay $80, making insurance cheaper for the both of us. Is this legal? Note that he is listed as the policy holder, but I am listed as the primary driver of the car.""
Which car insurance company allows you to make the cheapest one year payment?
I have esurance but they force you to make 2 payments a year,and the second payment AWAYS shows up at the worst time lol""
Does having a Husky effect my insurance?
I live on the same property as my parents so they have the same house insurance. Well they are telling me that if i get a Husky they will loose there insurance. I have never heard of such a think. I have heard of it going up but not losing it. I just really want this dog, but I dont know if they will approve. I just dont think they approve of having another dog on there land. What do you think?""
How Much is a car note usually for a 2006 Chevy cobalt or any 2006 model? and car insurance for a 20 year old?
How Much is a car note usually for a 2006 Chevy cobalt or any 2006 model? and car insurance for a 20 year old?
Do you need car insurance if you only have your permit?
Do I need car insurance? I've only got my permit and I drive my parent's car. What about after I get my license? Do I still need insurance even though I drive my parents' car?
What is the cheapest car insurance for young drivers?
So far the cheapest i can find is with aviva but it is still pushing the 2000 mark which is really expensive!!! Any help appreciated thank you :)
How do I know what medication is covered under my insurance?
I have BlueCross BlueShield, and my card has an Identification Number, Group, and Plan Codes. But how do I know what medication is covered for me? Can I find this on the website?""
""Car accident, Driver has NO insurance.?""
A girl hit my car on Easter. She lied and told me she had insurance only for me to find out she doesn't. I am so pissed because I do not want to pay my 500 deductible on an accident she was faulted, cited and ticketed for. However, she's only 17 so id feel bad to sue.. It's not her parents fault. What do I do?!""
does insurance quote hurt my credit score
does insurance quote hurt my credit score
What can a car finance company do if you no longer have insurance?
I bought a 2004 vehicle (from CarMax) about 3 months ago. The finance company (Capital One Auto Finance) would only approve me if I started an insurance policy before I left the dealership. I did, but have since let that policy go, for different reasons. The finance company is now sending me letters to give them updated insurance info, or they may take appropriate action to protect its interest . What exactly does that mean??? All my payments have been on time, actually 2 weeks or more early. So, what can they do if I continue not to have insurance, since my payments on the vehicle are all in order? Since guessing or assuming won't help me, sources for your answers would be helpful. Thanks.""
If a 16 yr old totals her new kind of expensive car how much will insurance go up?
what if the car was already paid off would that matter
Affordable health insurance in NYC?
Hi, I am 30 years old and my wife and I had a combined income of approx $62,000 for 2006. In august of this year I will be quitting my full time job and going back to school full time. My current salary is $50,000. I anticipate making no more than $20,000 while in school and not being able to get health insurance through work. My income for 2007 will screw up my chances of getting most federal aid for the first year and will probably exclude me from healthy NY as well. Insurance through school is about $600 a month. I've gotten quotes of $513 to $1200 a month for my wife and I. All I want is catastrophic coverage in case either of us have any major problems or I have an accident while riding my motorcycle (a means of transportation, not a toy). These online quotes are driving me crazy. Where is the best place for me to look for something that will cover these specific conditions and how much should I expect to pay? Thanks in advance!!""
What are some affordable Health Insurance Options in NYC for Latin American father and his child to be?
My friend doesn't have health insurance and is planning on putting his new baby (born around Oct.) on his policy with him. He's Latin American and has his permanent residence card, but is not yet a citizen. Anyone know of any affordable plans for him to look into in the Manhattan area?""
Anybody got a guess for what it could cost to get insurance on a 95 mustang in ny?
Just tryin to see if anyone has a idea of the cost
What car insurance would be cheaper on which car?
I'm in the state of Alabama with ALFA and I'm looking at either an Infiniti G35 coupe or a Toyota 4Runner....both between the years 2000-now. I'm thinking the 4Runner would be cheaper. What are some other opinions?
Does my aunt need insurance to drive with a learners permit in CA?
My aunt just got passed the written test in the DMV and got a learners permit. I will be the one who will teach her how to drive. I have a valid CA license and the car we are driving is my uncle's. It is insured in his name, but he added me to his policy. Do we need to go to the insurance company and add my aunt to the policy or can I just teach her because I am insured with the car.""
Hit and Run insurance help!!?
My car was hit 4/19 and now I want to get it fixed through my insurance. The damages from Honda are about $1200. I think I should file with my insurance since I can't afford it. Since I did get the quote with Honda will the insurance company or DMV know I got it on that day?? I do not know if they will honor it since it was a few weeks ago.. I have a $100 detuctible and that is way cheaper than the $1200 but do not know what to tell them when i file the claim.. I am with Mercury and live in California
Car insurance -- should they cover these expenses?
I had an accident a month or two ago. It was in a rental car. I found out today that the insurance company had disallowed some of the charges that the rental company tried to pass to them. Now the rental company is trying to pass those charges to me. They ammount to about $500, plus my deductible, of course. The charges are $100 for an administrative fee $200.89 loss of use fee $139.38 diminished value fee. Who should pay these charges? Should I fork this money over to the car rental company? Should the insurance company pay them? What strategy should I use in my conversations with them? My feeling is that I have insurance, it should pay everything which is an actual cost above and beyond the deductible. ie if I have to pay it, the insurance company should have to pay it. On the other hand, if they are somehow bogus charges, then the rental company can eat it, and that's fine. Thought?""
How much would insurances cost on a 88 corvette?
im am going to be 16 and going to get a red corvette i was wondering how much would insurance cost for it and i live in CA in LA i well be under my moms insurance pollicy so what would u think it would cost i drive the car a lot and all the car is for looks it not for racing and pick a up all the girls and go to party lol
How much cheaper is a hospital visit wit health insurance?
i'm trying to decide if i should get health insurance, my job does not offer this, is it worth getting insurance?""
What would be the cheapest Car Insurance for a 20 year old? HELP!!?
so i'm 20, & i've had my licence for a year now & been driving around in my dads cars. but he just recently got a letter from his car insurance asking if he will add me on to it!.. will it be cheaper if i was added on to his or if i had one of my own?? because i go to school full time & work part time! & would the insurance go down when i turn 21?""
Anyone have any information on insurethebox car insurance?
I've been looking at insurance quotes from various sites and insurethebox keeps popping up. The company fit a clear box to the car to see how much mileage you used (has to be under 6000 a year). Does anyone have any more information on them? I've googled, and aside from some advertisement articles haven't really found anything. All help is appreciated (10 points for best answer :D)""
How much is Ferrari insurance?
How much would it cost to insure a 16 year old for a 308 Ferrari that is worth $20,000""
I'd like a bigger bike but what will the insurance cost me?
I'm looking to trade in my 125cc for a bigger bike, most likely a 600cc, but I'm wondering what the insurance will be considering I have 3 points on my license for speeding. I'm looking to get it for my 18th, and it will be restricted to 33bhp. Can anyone give me a ballpark figure of what the insurance will be? And what bike should I get?""
Does a car need insurance if it isn't being used?
My mam bought me a car as my test is in a weeks time, but im trying to tax the car as it has been declared as off the road. When i try to tax it, it is asking if the car has valid motor insurance, it doesnt as nobody is driving it, should it have insurance if it isnt being used?""
I have a question about health insurance?
if a contact is lost will health insurance get you another pair
Someone at fault with no insurance suing my insurance?
I was t-boned at an intersection by a lady who had no insurance, no license and who ran a red light (she was ticketed for all 3). I filed under uninsured motorist claim and my deductible is $250. She tried making a claim against my insurance, but it was obviously denied. She is now saying she is contacting an attorney because the officers at the accident were corrupt ...Can she sue and will she likely get anything? Can I counter sue for the decidable?""
Which Car Would be Cheaper to Insure?
2001 Celica 1997 Spyder Eclipse Neither are GT! I'm just wondering which would be cheaper. ((BTW Yes I would pay for everything myself!) Sorry for the all caps buuuut..PLEASE DO NOT GIVE ME A WEBSITE OR TELL ME TO CALL AN AGENT. I'm not looking for a number I just want to know if they would be much different in insurance prices. One more question, would they be much cheaper than the 2001 Mustang Convertible, if so a lot cheaper, or a little? I got a quote on the mustang a while ago, so I know how to compare that some! 16 year old Female. Thank you for those of you who answer my question!! :)""
Disability insurance?
Where can I find a free, instant , disability insurance quota online?""
""I broke my brand new phone 2days after i got it, and i was still able to get insurance. Can i replace my phone?
I dripped my phone in a river 2 days after i got it. I called them and they said i can get insurance(but didnt tell them i broke it) i waited a few days and i was wondering if i can replace my phone?
Can a college student go back on her parent's insurance?
I am a college student and in 09 I went off my moms health insurance and went on my work ins. If I move and leave my job I may be left without ins is it possible to go back on my moms insurance? I heard you can stay on your parents ins if you are a college student until you are 26 not sure if I can go back though.. Any info will help!
How much is the fine for no insurance in texas?
police set up a routine check up on a one way street and everything was good seat belt, DL, inspection sticker but the cop forgot to ask me for the insurance so he sent someone else to chek my insurance and thats when they got me""
Answers to life insurance test?
answers to life insurance & applications test
Is it legal to have two different auto insurances on two different cars but are both in my name?
I have 2 cars, I just bought one cash. So I already have full coverage on one car and its paid for 6 months, and I want to add insurance on the other but with a different insurance company because it is cheaper and I will be getting only liability. Is it legal to be carrying different insurances or are they required to be both with the same company? I live in Texas!""
does insurance quote hurt my credit score
does insurance quote hurt my credit score
About car insurance and the laws on it?
i just want to know if a car is insured but the driver of that car is not in the policy .. do i still get ticketed for not having the car insured? I don't know if i'm making sense.but let me explain .my car is insured fully covered but my daughter was driving it and got stopped by the police.and he claimed that my car was not insured. i called my insurance carrier and was told that it was because my daughter was not on the policy. I always assumed that as long as the car was insured it did nt matter who drove it. provided an accident was not involved. please help me on this. as soon as possible
Who are the best and worst car insurance companies?
I'm looking for a new car insurance company and would like to hear other peoples experiences to help me choose. Thanks!
How much for ticket for no insurance?
I just got a ticket today.. my car hasn't pass smog and I currently don't have insurance. I have to go to court for this how much do you think they will fine me ?
Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance?
Who do I contact when a taxi driver has no private insurance?
Health insurance?
i am 22 years old and i have no health insurance and a LOT of health problems. does anyone know any affordable health insurance plans that would cover pills or partial of the pills, doctor visits, or most of the doctor visit, and hospital bills. i live in new jersey""
What kind of motorcycle insurance do I need?
I'm thinking about financing a motorcycle and I was trying to get the most accurate quote, just wondering what I would need in each category (i.e. $25,000 bodily injury/property damage or $25,000 uninsured motorist etc etc)""
Car Insurance and good grades ?
I hate All state as insurance. I am in college, how high does my GPA have to be and also how much do they lower insurance for having good grades?""
What is the best insurance company?
I'm looking for a company that offers life, auto, and home insurance. Good rate and customer service.""
How do i compare insurance companies?
My boyfriend is the sole souce fo income for teh two of us right now (and for teh forseeable future), do to a medical issue i am dealing with. and that brings up the issue taht we would be in a world of troubel if he is hurt, or if he dies i would be in trouble. So we are thinking about getting him life and disability insurance policies. But there are so many companies out there, it seems daunting to research them all. and if i were to use a broker, how would i knnow they have my best interest in mind? so i was hoping people could share their knowledge and experience in this area. any tips are helpful! any stories (good or bad) about yoru experience with a particular company are great as well! Thanks so much!""
Why has my car insurance went up?
mine and my partners car insurance is up for renewal, we only passed 3 years ago next April we were 660 for a 1.6 focus we thought it would go down this year as my partner is now 25 but the insurer we are with wanted 900?!! the cheapest we have seen is 730?? nothing has changed we have never claimed so why has it went up?? is it not suppose to go down the more experience you have and older you get? anyone else having this problem?""
""Home insurance costs in Slidell, LA?""
Does anybody have a rough idea of the average home insurance prices for home in Slidell, LA above Interstate 12?""
Young rider needs insurance help (motorcycle)?
Hello I am completing my motorcycle course this week and will be obtaining my m2 license, I was considering buying a motorcycle. I am a 18 year old male and was wondering if anyone could give me advice or some help for insurance in ontario?. I am aware it will be costly but was wondering if someone had any motorcycle suggestions that would be cheap on insurance or even insurance companies. Recent personal experiences would be nice. Thanks for the help!""
Car Insurance Help!!!?
k my problem is my parents wont put me under there insurance or let me use theres so i have to get my own car insurance got some quotes and all of them want to charge me 400 to 500 dollars a month its crazy. can you guys help i was researching on how to insure my own car couldnt find anything how can i do that or how can i start my own insurance company so i dont hav to pay these money hungry bastards
Would I need insurance?
Ok so I'm thinking about getting an iPhone 4s. I want one so badly. It's 29 a month but insurance is 10 a month and I can't afford to pay another 10 a month, would I need insurance? The handset price (how much you pay on the day for the actual phone) is 29, so if I break or loose or someone steals the phone, would I pay 29 and get another headset, or will they make me pay 29 for a phone I don't even have? I live in England btw :)""
""Insurance for a 16 year old male, owning my own car, please help(ontario)?""
Im 16, male, in ontario, single, no other drivers in my family. I plan to own my own car, i know alot of you will say; depends on model or year of the car idk the answer to that because i dont have the car yet... but i do know it will be between the years 2001 and 2004 roughly, it will probably end up being a chevy, toyota, honda (just the average company) can anyone please give me a rough estimate what i will have to pay either per year or month doesnt matter thanks :)""
Some Cheap Auto Insurance Companies for Young Drivers?
Can you list cheap auto insurance companies for young drivers please?
""How much would insurance be on a 2001 Porsche 911 Turbo, im 16?""
okay how much would first the down payment be? wich my parents will pay for, how much will the monthly payment be when i have nothing on my credit and im 16, and how much would ensurance be ? i live in northern california if that helps near sacramento""
Which car insurance? (10 pts)?
I am a 19 yr old female, first time driver and am planning to buy a used 2003 honda accord ex. i wonder which insurance is cheapest for me. i live in san diego, ca and am wondering how much geico, progressive, etc would charge under these circumstances. please dont tell me to check online quotes. i will do it later. im just wondering how much you are paying as a comparison and what you think i should go with. thanks""
Car Insurance: Driving Parents Car?
I have Insurance With State Farm on my vehicle. Currently it is being repaired and I have no car. I need to drive a car to get to work and school. They have State Farm also, but on a different policy. Both Insurance policies say Uninsured motorist on the card. I live in North Carolina (insurance is required) Could I drive my parents car? If I get pulled over what will happen?""
What is public liability insurance? where can i get one?
im applying for business permit and one of the requirement is public liability insurance.
How much is my car insurance?
Im 17 i want a vw golf mk4 tdi, it will cost me for the car 800-1600, i wanna no how much is the car insurance""
How much will my car insurance be?
I can't drive, YET! I really want to learn, buy myself a Renault Clio. But.. I'm worried about car insurance! I heard you can buy insurance with a provisional licence to make it cheaper; how does this work? I'm 20. Female. Assistant teacher. Living in London. Id love a little Renault Clio, just scared of costs. THANKS!""
Woud my car insurance go up?
i got into a car accident the beginning of september this year. i had a car that was in my dads name and also the insurance was in his name as well. i never payed for anything or signed anything in my name. i accidentally ran a red light and hit the car that was making a left. it wasnt that bad as it sounds. but my dad decided it wasnt worth it and place the car as a right-off. sooooo anyways. i never got a ticket. i am planning on buying a car in january. would my insurance go up? could i get away with not such a high monthly insurance? i mean really everything was in my fathers name and i recieved no ticket. btw. i live in fl
Car accident and they got old insurance.?
I got in a car accident last November and they tried to hit me with 6 duis with no evidence. We got the FDLC results 6 MONTHS LATER, and it came up with nothing. I have no idea what they had to charge me with 6 DUIs, however... It was reduced to reckless driving. Anyways, when I got in the accident, I left in an ambulance. The police gave out the wrong car insurance (I had just got statefarm the day before.) They gave like esurance to everyone, which was the WRONG insurance. So, I ended up having to tell the hospitals etc that they gave out the wrong insurance. Then I got a call from one of the people I hit's insurance, and they queried about what insurance I had (They said the policy they were given expired in like 08.)... Part of the deal of reckless driving is that I pay restitution. My lawyer is unaware that the police gave out the wrong insurance, but he told me that there should be like nothing (insurance should cover all of it.) I just got a letter in the mail yesterday saying that I owe 2500 to some person. Is it possible that he was given the wrong insurance as well, thus me getting charged for this?""
Around how much is car insurance for a 19 year old new driver in the uk?
Around how much is car insurance for a 19 year old new driver in the uk?
does insurance quote hurt my credit score
does insurance quote hurt my credit score
About how much of your base pay do you spend every month? (US Military).?
I am just curious. I will go into the US Army as an E2. (So I will be making $1568.7). How much do you spend on car, insurance, phones and internet? (I do not drink.)""
What happens to money at the end of life insurance term?
As a young child and teen, I remember my mom saying on a few occasions that she bought term life insurance when I was a baby. It was a 30 year plan for 100,000. She said that the term would end when I turn 30 years old and if she doesn't die by the time it ends....then SHE would be able to collect on the plan (getting the 100k) Now, I am 30 years old..and want to by term life insurance so my child will be taken care of incase I die. I'm thinking off getting a 20 year term. MY QUESTION - is it so that in 20 years...if I don't die, then I will be able to collect all that money? I'm doing research on it and finding that with regular term life insurance, you don't get any money at the end of the term.....but I remember my mom saying different. What do you know about it? (it isn't possible to ask my mom about it)""
Does Progressive raise your insurance rates for no reason?
I got a good quote from them online, but the main complaint I have heard is that they raise people's insurance for no reason. They got good initial quotes, but a couple months later, they raise them. Anybody know anything about that?""
How much should my 19 yr old be paying for liability insurance?
She has had a policy with State Farm for liability which is the requirement in Illinois which was about $68 a month Yesterday they said she now has to pay $130 a month for insurance on a 1995 Toyota Camry. There is no loan on the car, so I told her just to get the basic liability insurance in illinois. Isnt $130 a month high and why do you suppose it all the sudden went up. I told her to call them back and she did. They gave her some spill about a deposit and monthy payments. My name is on the title of the car, neither of us have ever had a wreck. I insure an old truck for about $45 a month. What do you think about her sudden increase in payment from State Farm? I am trying to make her independent, so I have refused to pay her insurance.""
""Looking for a good first car, one with low insurance rates preferably?""
I just turned 16 and am currently in the market to buy a car. I am looking for something in the price range of around $2,000, possibly a small four cylinder pick up, or a japanese sedan. Does anyone have any sugestions for a good first car, and if any one has expeiriance with insurance can you tell me a price range of what I would be looking at for isurance, I have good grades and looking for a minnimum policy in Florida. Thanks if anyone can help me although I know I probably wont get much help with the insurance part.""
Im turning 16 and i was wondering waht my insurance rates will be?
What are the average insurance rates?
Auto Insurance & Road Service Question?
Hi there, Thank you in advance for helping out! I want to know your advice and recommendation on which company to receive my auto insurance/road service from, and what sort of coverage is recommended. I have been with AAA my whole life because my father advocates highly for them so I have trusted his judgment and experience. But I think they may be ripping me off. I am a 27 year old single female with a good driving record (last accident was back in spring 2005 I believe). Yet, every single year they seem to increase my monthly payment by ~$10 and now I'm paying $118.25/month! Are they that superior a company that it is worth paying this and should I try to negotiate with them, or is it worth looking into some other companies such as Geico, State Farm, Progressive, etc. Ive been receiving invites from them for years and Liberty Mutual supposedly has some college alumni offer for me and claim to be ~$340 cheaper than 21st Century, Allstate, and Mercurybut I never trust ads anymore. I only believe concrete statistical comparison data. Also, my dad said road service is completely separate from auto insurance (although AAA handles both) and I pay $52/year to be part of his joint plan as a AAA Plus Dues - Associate. He said he believes this covers 6 visits/year, 100 miles, is the most basic plan, and he only got it because hes been with AAA for 30 years. Could I get a better deal elsewhere or is this fair enough to stick with? At the end of the day, I want decent coverage for the best price available. Im saving for a down payment on a home and have to scrape pennies from anywhere I can, but still do not want to be stranded at the time of an accident. I got some quotes online that were considerably cheaper, but if Im going to be screwed, then are the savings worthwhile? ============================================= As needed, here are details on my car and policy (please tell me which are unnecessary or should be edited): - Honda 2008 Civic LX 4-door sedan - Miles commute USED to be 50 miles one way ~3 days a week, but now I work from home every single day; Notes in Policy say: Prior and Future Annual Mi: 8,000 (22mi per day, so I wonder if they even counted my prior commute in this). - Policy has me down as a student, not sure why, been a full-time professional since Jan 2008 and now make 65K - Bodily Injury: Liability Limits Each person 50K; Liability Limits Each Occurrence 100K; Premium: $193 - Medical Payments: No coverage - Uninsured Motorists: Liability Limits Each person 50K; Liability Limits Each Occurrence 100K; Premium: $78 - Property Damage: Liability Limits Each Occurrence 50K; Premium: $192 - Comprehensive: Actual Cash Value Less Deductible; 100 Deductible; Premium: $242 - Collision: Actual Cash Value Less Deductible; 100 Deductible; Premium: $650 - Enhanced Transportation Expense: Premium: $28 - All Risks: Actual Cash Value Less Deductible; No coverage - Total Premium Per Vehicle (1 vehicle): $1,383 - Auto Death Benefits: 15K/driver listed with ADB coverage above - DSR (Driving Safety Record): 1 Pt - YDE (Years Driving Experience): 12 started at 18, Im 27so the actual is 9, but Ill take it. - Discounts: None except Good Driver(s): Items 01 and 01 is my Honda, so I guess this means Im a good driver (dont know why the price doesnt reflect it!) - Live in Berkeley, CA (zip code 94708) but am listed as Lafayette, CA (94549)  how do I check which zip is less money? Thanks so much for your advice!! =) I appreciate your time & insight.""
What is the best Health Insurance?
I am in need of health care insurance. What is the best? I will be paying out of my pocket on my own. I would like so meting with low deductible and low prescrioton cost. My job currently pays for BCBS, however, now going independent, I will need something like this. Im not too big of a fan of them.""
Motorcycle insurance for 16 year old male price in ontario?
im looking to buy a 2001 Harley-Davidson sportster 883 for my first bike what am i looking to pay for insurance
Cheapest Way for an international student to Drive a car in the UK with an international License?
I will be staying in the UK for 1 year and need a car cuz I will be driving around 50 miles a day. I looked to buy a cheap car but the insurance is around 6000 to 8000 a year cuz i am young and driving with an international license. The cheapest thing I found was renting a car for 13-14  a day. Is there anyway I can drive cheaper in the UK? If renting is the only choice, what is the cheapest renting diesel car can I get in Birmingham?""
""You must have car insurance, question about that?""
Here in Utah, it is law that you must have car insurance. I'm wondering though, what if I borrow my father's car, and it is insured, but I am not an insured driver, how does this work? Is it fine as long as the car is insured? I might not be an insured driver but does that still fulfill the law? If not, why do people borrow cars all the time?""
""Is it possible to buy a car insurance without owning a car, and then use it for renting a car?""
I live in India and frequently travel to USA. And when I go rent a car, pay almost double the rental because I have to buy all the coverage. I was wondering if it is possible for me (or my company) to buy some sort of protection policy, using which I can rent the car and not have to buy insurance from them.""
National insurance Number?
is it possible to get a job without requiring National insurance Number?
""How much would it cost to get insurance (if you can) on a $100,000.00 car if your 18?""
Just asking for an estimate. If i cant get full coverage, could i just get liability?""
How much would it cost to insure a used Aston Martin Vantage?
I have decided to get the Aston Martin Vantage (Used). it is around 34000. My salary is around 30,000 a year. I was wondering if insurance is expensive?""
Will my insurance go up?
I got a failure to obey a traffic control device ticket because I cut through a parking lot to go on a road. I paid the ticket today, wondering if this gets turned into insurance? I am hearing mixed reviews on this from looking online. I would hate to see my insurance go up at all for something so petty. I'm with state farm. Im 25 and just had my insurance go down a few months ago. Never had an accident and havnt had any other tickets since I was 18.""
Will my car insurance be able to transfer over to another car without extra fees?
My mother-n-law has an extra car that she doesn't have insurance on because she doesn't drive it shes letting me use it for a month. If i get my own policy and pay the 6 month premium in full and add that car to it when I take that car off after i give it back to her will i have a credit that I can transfer over to my car when i get one in a couple months without paying anything extra?
Cheap auto insurance in Austin?
I just got my first car and I am looking for auto insurance for the first time. Which companies offer the best rates? My car is 1988 mazda
Is it worth it (in decreased insurance costs) to finish driver's ed after getting my license?
So, I got my license today, but I'm literally halfway through my driver's ed course. I was just thinking, if I pass the test, great, if not, I'll retake after the class and nbd. I honestly want to drop out since the classes are very repetitive and common-sense, and it's 15 hours I could be using on something else, but my mom disagrees... I know some insurances make you pay less if you've finished a course, but is it that significant that it would be worth it?""
""Hit and run accident, should insurance pay for my auto damage?
Here is my situation that I'm confused about. About a week ago I went to church and parked my car. Next thing I know is that someone was driving stolen (Yukon) car and has hit the ...show more
How much would i get from the insurance?
I was involved in a car accident in Sept 2009. I sustained low and upper back injurie, left side shoulder and neck and severe headaches. I have been dong treatments such as chiropractic, acupuncture, massage and phisio therapy. As of right now i am only doing physio therapy and massagge, however the injuries have not healed yet. If for any reason i dont get better for another year or 2, how much would i be getting from the insurance as a settlement? The medical bills as of Sept 2010 were around 13 thousand. I was employed at the time of the accident and have not returned to work since the accident. My car was totaled and the other driver was fully at fault. I am just wondering how much would i be getting roughly if my case lasts for 2-3 yeas in total.""
Motorcycle insurance?
progressive is quoting me at $20 a month for bare minimum coverage for a 2010 yamaha r1. I'm 18 years old and single. how is this even possible? am i reading something wrong? this price just seems absurdly low to me
What is the AVERAGE cost of surgery to fix a varicocele without insurance in the midwest?
I have a varicocele in my left testicle. I have no medical insurance. How much does this operation cost to fix it? I know it will vary, but i want to know the AVERAGE out of pocket cost. This is in a midwest state.. Also, would doctors offer a payment option?""
Car insurance under a company policy?
I've never owned a car in the UK and may be joining a company where I will need one. This company offers a car allowance and I'll probably use the car for business. Would I be covered under the company car insurance policy or would I still need to get a policy myself? I'm trying to avoid the massive bill given that I have no UK driving history :-)
What is the cheapest car insurance and what company for a 17 year old?
also can i use a motorbikes 1 year no claims for my cars insurance thanks
does insurance quote hurt my credit score
does insurance quote hurt my credit score
0 notes
How much is your auto insurance annual premium in NJ ?
"How much is your auto insurance annual premium in NJ ?
I live in Central New Jersey and I pay around $1700 for 2 cars + 2 drivers with no accidents. How much do you pay approx ?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Can anyone tell me how do you get cheap auto insurance rate and from what company or any website or link?
How do you get cheap auto insurance rate and from what company?can you tell me?
How do I get car insurance if my car was stolen?
I wrecked my car recently & was given a ticket for no insurance. My car was stolen shortly after & now I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do about the ticket or getting insurance. The court date is approaching very quickly! HELP PLEASE!
What does the car insurance go buy for grades?
does the car insurance deducation for grades go by all them added up such as a G.P.A. or all of them individual. also what grade do you need for the deducation i think it's a B but im not sure. fyi im a boy and have an 86 GPA
Car insurance coverage fraud!?
My boyfriend did something very stupid that I am worried about. He wanted to apply for a pizza delivery job at Domino's. The thing is he did not have car insurance, so he faked one on the computer, it looked completely valid, but when he was applying for the job the manager called the company to see if it was valid. My boyfriend heard that he was doing this, then he walked out before the company called him back to say he wasn't in their data base. So my question is, since he faked coverage with that company, and his name did not register in their data base, would the company report it to the police that he tried to fake coverage with that company since it was brought to their attention? I am worried for my Love, please shine some light on this. Thank you! He is just worried that the insurance company that he tried to fake coverage with would notify the police and/or the DMV and put it on his license.""
Insurance on a Audi R8?
Well my plan is to get a Audi R8 with 5 years of driving this year, but how much would insurance be if i buy the car used with say 20,000 miles on it and the year is 2009, and if possible what would the insurance on a 2011Audi R8 new ? Seriously i just want to know i dont need to hear your if you ask u cant afford it and what not, so be mature, and just answer it if not f**k off.""
""Cheap, effective health insurance?""
I'm a 25 year old, healthy, unmarried female looking for a low co pay health insurance that covers major medical and dental. I need to be able to see my primary physician for annual checkups and hopefully get Invisalign covered under dental as well. I have no pre existing conditions and would prefer a lower deductible... Somewhere up to $5000 in the event a major medical issue arose.""
Military Out of state insurance?
Im a Texas resident but was stationed in Florida. My car was bought and registered in Florida, and I have my car insured in Florida . I am now stationed in las vegas and if i change the location my car insurance will double. Somebody informed me since im military i can have out of state insurance as long as its from where the car is registered? Is this correct? Does anyone know if im technically still covered or must i switch my car insurance?""
How much should a family budget for insurance?
Can you get a discount on motorcycle insurance if is has an alarm system?
I just go a 2009 zx6r and I was wondering if ICBC gives you a discount if it has a full alarm system and immobilizer? I live in vancouver BC canada thanks
Do you know that 30 million working poor will be able to get health insurance under the affordable care act?
But only if the law stands. http://eclectablog.com/2012/06/18-reasons-the-affordable-care-act-is-the-greatest-achievement-for-the-middle-class-since-medicare.html
Is there affordable health insurance available for fertility: tubal reversal?
Me and my fiancee' are wanting to have another baby. The only problem is that my tubes are tied. I wanna know is there afforable health insurance that covers fertility? Is there ...show more
How much for car insurance?
My mom told me to look for my first car and I found a 2002 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS, Silver, non-convertible, and i asked her if it was ok. She said that the it is considered a sports car because it is a coupe and insurance will be high, it has 2 seats in the back but it is a 2 door....can somebody tell me if insurance will actually be high for me...im 16 and ive never been a accident Thanks!""
What is the average of full coverage car insurance for a chavy blazer 2001 in north Carolina?
I am planing to buy a chavy blazer 2001 used car. I know I will need full coverage insurance. I am a good driver, haven't have any accidents or traffic violations. How much would the car insurance cost in North Carolina?""
What car insurance company provides the cheapest policies and best coverage?
What car insurance company provides the cheapest policies and best coverage?
How much would insurance be for a jeep Cherokee?
i am planning to get a jeep cherokee or wrangler and want to know how much car insurance would be. i am 16 and want to know how much money i should pay insurance to see if it is in my budget.
What is the cheapest car insurance company right now!!!?
What is the cheapest car insurance company right now!!!?
Getting my auto insurance rates down?
My wife and daughter just started driving, my daughter is a college student with a hi gpa and will be 18 soon. We have a 2008 Honda crv and a 2003 Honda Odyssey How can I get to pay the lowest premium with 100,000 300,000 my daughter only goes to school 4 days a week.Thanks John California""
What is good insurance for teens?
Can I have some good companies? I want the basic insurance package. im 17, male, senior in HS thank you""
How much does a car insurance agent earn per car insured?
what is the average earnings a car insurance agent earn per car insured? i am looking into the possibility of becoming a car insurance agent in the very near future.
What is the cheapest and most affordable auto insurance?
i live in illinois
An individual purchasing auto insurance is an example of:?
An individual purchasing auto insurance is an example of: Answer Hedging. Passing risk to someone else. Risk premium. Systematic risk. a and d
What do Life and Homeowners insurance cover?
I have a tricky question that I really need an answer to. I just got back from the hospital. I was working on my garage this evening and I had a terrible accident. I was ripping a piece of ply wood with my table saw and I ended up cutting my middle finger on my left hand off. I have heard that in some instances life insurance pays out. I am just wondering if maybe that would be true. The other thing I was thinking is would my homeowners insurance possibly cover something like this. I have health insurance and am not too worried about medical bills. The problem I will have is keeping up with my bills when I cant work which sounds like quite awhile until this heals. My finger was non- repairable. I am in the construction industry. I need my hands to work. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Where/how can i get kitten care insurance?
please tell me i need to take my 8 week old kitten to the vet (bloomington,IN)""
Can my car and I be added to my boyfriends car insurance policy?
I'm buying a car tomorrow and insurance for myself only is going to be over a $100 a month. If I get added to someones policy its wayyy cheaper. My boyfriend has progressive insurance. Could my car and I be added to his policy?
Changing grades for car insurance?
so my car insurance company wants my transcript so that i can get a discount. my GPA is high enough for the discount, but not high enough for my dad. if i make a copy and slightly adjust it and give it to my dad, there shouldn't be a big problem right. its not like they check the grades with the school to see if its perfect. and i'm not changing an F to a b. just like raise my low 70's to 74's or 75's. theres a possibility of this working correct?""
How much is your auto insurance annual premium in NJ ?
I live in Central New Jersey and I pay around $1700 for 2 cars + 2 drivers with no accidents. How much do you pay approx ?
If someone hits me do I file a claim with his insurance company or mine?
on new years eve a man backed into my car, I'm kind of behind and starting to finally get on it, when we called state farm (my company) they said it would make our rates go up because we were filing with them, do I have to call his insurance company or mine? and is there a certain amount of time i have to file a claim?""
Site for FREE vehicle history report?
my girlfriend is looking to buy this car, and we took down the VIN number, so we can look up the history on it, to make sure it's good enough to be bought, but i was wondering if you guys knew any sites that had FREE vehicle history report, that you typed the VIN # in, and didn't have to pay for. because auto check, and carfax and some other one, you have to pay monthly for. and i think that's absolutely ridiculous. i just wanna look it up real quick, and that's it. thanks for your help, guys. =)""
Is auto liability insurance mandatory in Texas?
I know it is mandatory in NYC, but not in all states. Is Texas one of the states where it is not mandatory?""
What is a good and cheap insurance for a Acura Rsx 2002?
I just recently got my license and want to know of good and cheap insurance for my car.
Another question about health insurance?
alot of people are angry that they have to have health insurance unconstitutional etc.but arent we suppose to have car insurance by law if drive?
Whats the difference between molina & caresource health insurance?
Whats the difference between molina & caresource health insurance?
Will my auto insurance rates go up if I get a red light camera ticket?
This is my first red light camera ticket but my second ticket this year. The first one was a speeding ticket. Will my auto insurance rates go up for a red light ticket?
What is the cost of homeowners insurance on Alabama shores?
Have or have not got insurance if you live on Alabama coast?
Penalty for not having auto insurance in calif.?
Penalty for not having auto insurance in calif.?
""How much does it cost per month, in avarege, to lease a non-expensive car,including insurance fee?""
How much does it cost per month, in avarege, to lease a non-expensive car,including insurance fee?""
How much is insurance in a car for a 17 year old?
I get my provisional this week and I'm just wondering how much it is? I'm from Ireland by the way.
Car Insurance - No claims question?
If you have been banned for a year, and are now back and allowed legally to drive, can you continue to use/put down your no claims bonus. For example, if you had 9 years, then were banned for a year, can you put the 9 down this year? Or does the ban wipe that out? As the ban wasn't a claim on the insurance, can it still be used? Does anyone know, or any ideas where I could check this out? Looking for quotes online and Im not sure which number to put in.""
How to get cheap car insurance?
im 17, my mates have got theres for just over a thousand pounds, but all my quotes are 3 thousand plus, how can i make it cheaper? like by putting my mum as a driver or?""
How much does insurance go up with a teen getting his license?
the teen will get his license on march. dependig on insurance cost. he will be 16 and with be driving a 2003 to 2005 honda accord. auto. how much would insurance go up on the year policy. oh he also gets very good grades.
How much is insurance for under ground pools?
How much is insurance for under ground pools?
Will i be double paying for house insurance?
I have had a 3 year personal loan on my house with a balloon payment on the end, and i am Re-financing the house to include my taxes/insurance with a conventional 30 year note. I have already paid my 2010 property Tax, and my 2011 house insurance is due March 21st. I am going to the bank today, will i actually have to pay my insurance come March 21st or is that something the bank does?""
If you accidentally hit someone with your car how much does your insurance premium increase?
By hit someone, I mean a pedestrian.""
Do I need to keep insurance on a broken down car?
My son's car is not working and seemingly not worth repairing. Do I need to continue insuring it until we get rid of it?
""Which is cheaper for liability insurance, in Alabama: Geico, The General, or 21st Century?""
I am buying a little beater, just need some el cheapo liability..cant compare w/o VIN number, don't have that yet..""
Do I need my own insurance to rent a car?
I am a US citizen but I live outside the country. I'll be coming to the US for about two weeks over Thanksgiving and will need a rental car to get about and between the two places I'll be staying. Since I live outside the country, I don't have my own personal car insurance, as the country I live in doesn't require any. I have a PA driver's license, so I'm fine in that department. I just want to know - since the rental car companies don't explain anything - whether or not I need to have a my own insurance to take the car off the lot...OR, since the rental car companies are required by law to have liability coverage, which is the PA state minimum, am I able to just drive the car off the lot without ever giving proof of insurance. As far as I've been told, the last part is generally the standard - with the caveat that if I were to get into an accident, I would be responsible to all damage done to the vehicle itself, as well as myself. But I just want to make sure with anyone who's in the know.""
What are the books that insurance companies use?
What are books that are full of the variations of ways that people have died, that insurance companies use to produce statistics called or labelled as genre.""
What is the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male?
I need it for a school project PLEASE HELP!
Can I get temporary car insurance for 3 to 5 days?
I'm not currenty insured because i go to San Francisco state and dont need a car, im going to florida for thanksgiving and ive got my old car out there, but my parents wont let me drive it unless im insured..""
Car insurance is very cheap or very expensive?
Car insurance is very cheap or very expensive?
Help with insurance prices?
I was wondering what the cost of these cars would be for a 16 year old male or just a list of most expensive to insure to cheapest to insure. 2006 Chrysler 300 touring 50000 miles 2007 dodge charger sxt 40000 miles 2006 chevy cobalt ss not sc or tc 60000 miles
How much is your auto insurance annual premium in NJ ?
I live in Central New Jersey and I pay around $1700 for 2 cars + 2 drivers with no accidents. How much do you pay approx ?
Cheap Health Insurance In New York State for single adult?
Is there any good but cheap health insurance in new york state not based on income?
Does my teenager need to be added to my insurance policy BEFORE he receives his driver's license?
Three of my friends didn't add their kids until they actually had their licenses, and the driving school said that technically they are covered by the parent's insurance while driving with just a permit. When I called AAA, they said I needed to add him. If I don't have to add him to the policy until he's actually a licensed driver and save the enormous $$$ it'll cost, I'd prefer to wait.""
How much is average insurance for someone under 18 that buys a 2006 BMW 325i e90?
This is one of my favourite e90 cars, that's a 4-door, if I'm under 18, how much would insurance be? OR even better, how much is YOUR insurance?""
Insurance m3 17 year old?
I have found a really nice BMW m3 2005 on eBay and considering it as a first car i have had simlair quotes for 1.4 polo what i was wondering is if i could have it on commercial insurance on my dads policy and me as a named driver as i wouldn't be driving as often as him and around how much would it be if Ive had a quote of 4700 on my own policy?
Is there such a thing as divorce insurance?
My parents are getting a divorce and, since it's California, the courts favor the female. Even though my mom and dad earn about the same money, my dad has to pay this huge amount to my mom for child support because she got more time with my younger brother. He's 12 and he told the mediator that he would rather live my dad full time, but the court gave my mom more time and made her the custodial parent. How old do you have to be to tell the court which parent you want to live with all the time? Also, just like there is medical insurance, has anyone ever heard of divorce insurance? It would kick in if you're ever stuck with child or spousal support. I haven't found anything on the internet yet.""
Car Insurance Help?
Where can I find Car Insurance with no license needed answer ASAP??
My car was hit and I have no insurance?
Hi, I have just moved to Alberta from Ontario, I cancelled my insurance and then was not able to get insurance with out an out of province car inspection...... totally my fault I'm not covered but when I stopped at a pedestrian crossing a truck slammed into me from behind. who claims from his insurance company if I don't have insurance doing it on my behalf? I also sustained some injuries where do I stand on this matter?""
Help on insurance?
does anybody know were i can find an affordable full coverage insurance in Los Angeles? its for an Escalade.
""On average, how much does it cost to purchase and maintain a car? (insurance, car note, gas, tags, etc).?
i am 17 years old and a senior in high school and i would like to own and drive a car as soon as possible. please help!
Motorcyce Insurance (Temp) Cost? Possible?
I own a 2001 Ford Ka. I'm 18 in a month, and I pay 400 a month for car insurance. I'm looking to purchase a motorcycle in the summer, to cut the cost of petrol for going to work, and as a hobbie. I've been interested in taking up riding for a year now. I'm looking to buy a Honda CBF 125. Maybe a CBR 125. Although, I'm only wanting temp insurance. For, Say, The summer. Pay each month and stop when you want, start when you want. As sometimes some months im away, and i wont need it. I was just wondering, Could I get insurance for under 60 a month? I'm still on provisional bike licence. I just really don't want to be looking at another 400 a month for something i'm only using for sunny days/fun. Thanks!""
I need to find cheap renters insurance in Michigan? Wheres the best place to go?
I need to find cheap renters insurance in Michigan? Wheres the best place to go?
17 soon. just wondering about car insurance?
whether when i pass n get a car if il be able to pay insurance monthly? and does it cost more tht way (uk)
What is the best life insurance for seniors?
age 53, will retire in 2010 - federal employee""
How much does renter's insurance cost?
How much does renter's insurance cost?
Insurance plan for emancipated teens?
So I'm leaving for Texas/Mississippi this summer and if I enjoy it down there I would be able to live with my sister and be able to go to school . . . but the thing is my parents don't know if I would be able to go to school down there without them signing the forms and what not since they live up here in Oregon . . . I'm 17 I'll be 18 in about 8 months but till then my mom was considering giving up legal rights to me (not because of family issues) so that i would be able to sign the forms myself yada yada yada now the thing is if there rights are terminated I will no longer be on there health plan or any insurance I honestly know for a fact that I'm not able to provide myself with insurance and any other adult type amenities I'm wanting to get my HS diploma and go to collage and become a Elementary Teacher for underprivileged children in Mississippi and or Texas so is there any insurance plans that help with kids who no longer have legal guardians but can't afford it? or is it possible for me to enroll into a high school that isn't in my own state and if so how!?
Im 18 how can i get affordable insurance?
im a private contractor self employed individual i dont make much at the moment im still covered by my parents but i want to checked out and im ebarassed to ask parents because i feel like i might have something they have enough bills and issues and id like to be responsible for my own actions and bare the consequences if i must but hopefully its nothing...
How much is insurance for a 16 year old?
So Im looking to buy a car when I turn 16 in a few months.. preferably the 2012 beetle which comes out to be around $25,000 and about $400 a month for 72 months. And I am also looking to get a job and work as many hours as I can, including the summer AND when school is back in session. I live in Southern California so minimum wage is $8.00... I am just hoping I can afford the car even with the cost of insurance... and after taxes as well! Im having trouble figuring it out so PLEASE help! Thanks :)""
Car insurance / liability coverage?
My brother, who is insured with a different company, had an accident with my car. There were 3 cars involved in the accident. He hit the first car in the back which hit the second car and so forth. I don't know whether it was his fault or not, and we did not informed my brother's insurance because it was my car that was crash. The problem now is that, I have only had basic coverage, and my insurance is telling me that my liability coverage ($5000) can cover only one car, meaning that I have to take care of the 2 others cars. So I am wandering what should I do? Please advice""
Is car insurance you buy online instant cover?
Hi, I'm interested in buying a car at 4pm after a viewing. I would obviously have to set the insurance to start on today's date but does it happen instantly or does it not activate for hours/days? Just being careful because I dont want to be stopped! It's with Igo insurance btw thanks""
Insurance rates for this car?
First car, v8 mustang""
Where can i get non-owner's insurance in houston?
i need some cheap, yet effective non-owner's insurance. if anyone knows of a smaller insurance company that provides this, preferably on the east side of houston, i would be most grateful. any info would be welcomed (but none of those sarcastic i dunnos just to get points). thanx.""
Any Creative Marketing ideas for Auto/home insurance in California?
I've been trying lots of new ideas for marketing my insurance business. I do flyers, internet advertising and more. What made you chose your insurance agent? What sorts of things are important to you, (other than price)? What sort of promotions would you be interested in seeing?""
Car Insurance coverage?
I was driving in a dirt parking lot at my school, I drove over some 3 foot tall weeds, I didn't see there was rocks underneath and as a result, damage to the under carriage occurred to my vehicle as follows: 1. Radiator crack 2. Transmission oil pan bent, 3. Exhaust damage total est cost $1,800 I am wondering whether or not this will be covered by insurance this happened yesterday I have not yet contacted my insurance company it occurred within 100 Yards of a paved road.""
Do I need car insurance to drive?
So I'm sixteen and use to think as long as the car had insurance I was okay. I have my license and sometimes I drive my moms car in case it was required since my mom really needs someone in the family to drive. Recently I was told I needed to be added to her list but my mom says since I have medical insurance it's okay? oO That I just need some sort of insurance in order to pay.. not necessarily car insurance. So if I get pulled over and police ask for my license [which I have] and registration [which I also have] would I get arrested and have my license suspended?
Can my mom carry me on her car insurance?
My mom lives in GA and has transfered her car insurance over to GA, but I live in SC and am getting my permit in SC. Can she still put me on her insurance even though I live in SC and am getting my permit in SC.""
How much is your auto insurance annual premium in NJ ?
I live in Central New Jersey and I pay around $1700 for 2 cars + 2 drivers with no accidents. How much do you pay approx ?
Fully comp car insurance?
Hello wondering if I am covered to drive another car if we both have fully comp car insurance and if engine sizes have to match thanks
Is obligation have a motorcycle insurance in the USA?
Hi, im in Friona Texas and i have a car, but insurance is so expensive because im 20, so i think in buy a motorcycle because i hear that the motorcycle insurance is more cheap than car insurance, but is this truth? I hear than pay 400 for year So how much pay for insurance and is obligation have a motorcycle insurance?""
Keep until expires or cancel car insurance?
My car has broken down for the last time. It is very old (1998) and very high mileage. I am deciding to sell it for parts and what I can get rather than sink any more money into it. Point of negative returns. I will be going carless for some time, taking the bus and using a car share program. That is just background though. Hoping to save the money, pay off other things and raise credit score to possibly qualify for a brand new one in the future. My question is about the auto insurance. I just renewed at the beginning of the year. So I have about 4 months left before the policy is done. I am making monthly payments. If I cancel now, will I still owe them for the entire policy amount - (can they come after me for it?) Or does it look better (when I go to get insurance in the future) that I keep paying on the policy until it expires in a few month (just not renew at that time). I don't want to spend money needlessly. However, I also want the best (least expensive) insurance rates when I need it in the future, and a good track record. Can anyone (especially if you are in the insurance industry) give me the straight scoop? Thanks and much appreciated.""
Does the mazda 3 have high insurance costs?
just wondering if it would be in the sports car range or the sedan range?
Car insurance - What's the car worth?
In the past when ever i've been asked by insurance companies what my car is worth i've always told them the amount that i think i could realisticly sell it for (what its worth? or so i thought) If i was to sell my car i would be able to get around 1200-1300, which is what i would say 'it's worth', HOWEVER, recently after putting my reg number into a price comparison website it automatically came up with a value of just 700. (My car has low milege, fsh and is in v good condition so is worth more than average) So my question is, if i tell them it's worth say 1250, take out their policy and then i write it off, what will they pay? The amount i told them or 'their' valuation. Also, am i paying a higher premium than i should because i'm telling them it's true value instead of their lower valuation? and if so, how many other people are doing this?""
What are the contents of an insurance premium?
What are the contents of an insurance premium?
Insurance Agency Tax Help 1120S?
I own an insurance agency. I have a seperate checking account for insurance premium funds. When we collect a insurance premium payment from a customer, the funds are deposited into this account and then we send our agency check to the insurance company. How are these funds treated on form 1120S?""
Is New York Life Insurance a good company to work for?
I have been job hunting and got a interview next week for financial adviser. I want to know if this type of job are commission based pay only and do I have to bug friend and family to buy stuff? thanks, andy""
Citroen saxo car insurance?
How much would this cost for a 17 year old male who has just passed his test?
Insurance rate for 17 year old in california?
as my first car i was looking at the evo x mr or the 3g eclipse gt, gts which would be better as my first car and wat would be the insurance cost for either of these cars?""
Car insurance help?
Ok so im about to turn 16. my parents said they would get me a car, but only if i paid my own insurance. can u please tell me how much it would be a month. and what company would be the lowest price. i dont know if u need this info but. im 16. white ( someone told me it matters?), i live in florida (palm beach county), and the car will probably be an audi a4. thanks for help""
I got an insurance quote for a 1990 mustang gt at 225 a month. im 17 how do i get lower?
i want a foxbody so bad. nothing will stop me from getting one except insurance rates with my dad. he is being stiff about a mustang in general so i need a low insurance rate to ...show more
My daughter had a car wreck with my car causing my insurance to go up.?
My daughter had a car wreck with my car causing my insurance to go up. Technically I didn't cause the insurance, so if I was to switch insurances, will it still show up. It would just be me in the policy now.""
Problems with my car insurance?HELP?
last night somebody broke in into my car stole my audio system, they rip the cover of the doors to get the speaker and they broke the dash to get the stereo, not satisfied with that those bastards scratched all around my car, I called my insurance and they asked about a previous claim ,,where a car hit me in the front side and broke my light, well they asked if I fix that ,,they payed a thousand $ to me because I have full coverage but they got their money back from the other partie insurance, so I told them that I did replace the light but that was it, u guys think Im gointo have problems with them because my car wasn't in excellent conditions or because I didn't fix it HELP,have this ever happened to anyone tell me,,,,,,,,thanks""
Who gets cheaper insurance guys or girls?
Who gets cheaper insurance guys or girls?
Im getting my first car but my mom says 2 dr car insurance is more expensive than a 4dr is that true explain.?
i love my mom but i wanna pick what i drive i want a two door car because if i get a 4 door car ppl are gonna leave there trash in it and im gonna be pissed off. My great great grandfather told me that the driver don't pick the car the car picks the driver and i understood him i want a car that is suitable to standards the most important thing it has to have is a sunroof/moonroof cd player and all power options. my mom just doesn't understand me or my life can someone please help me just a straight shot of info which car insurance is more expensive a 2 door car or a 4 door car.
Why do auto insurance quotes change day by day?
I received a quote today online, then went back to the same quote today and it was $22.00 more. I didn't change any of my info. Why do these quotes vary day by day? Is there a particular time I should search for quote? Thanks in advance for your answers!""
How can I get low-cost affordable medical care in Oklahoma?
I recently moved to Oklahoma. Can't afford health insurance -- and am worried about what to do if I need to go to the doctor. What are my options? (I have no Indian blood and ...show more
Does Car insurance increase for adding spouse as Non-driver?
I have been added to my Dh policy for Car insurance as Non-driver. I dnt know driver. Does it increase the insurance rate? suggestions please
Insurance after admitting responsibility car crash?
i have admitted responsibility at the scene when i crashed my car into someone elses. i have since found out that it will make my insurance go up horrendously. yikes!! how much is my insurance likely to go up? im worried
Could someone please explain health insurance to me?
Difference between PPO HMO DRG Private insurance, and deductibles I read it in my textbook but all these terms I'm not very familiar with so no matter how much I re-read the paragraphs I'm still a bit confused... I might sound stupid but oh well! Clarify for me please! Thanks for all who answer""
Does full coverage insurance cover repair costs of the other vehicle 100%?
there's no damage to my car (only bend license plate), but scratches on the other person's bumper. I have full coverage insurance in California and just made my claim. Since my car doesn't need fixing, will my insurance cover the repairs on their vehicle completely?""
Financing a car and someone els pays for insurance?
If I'm financing a car can someone els buy me full coverage and pay for it? . (Car being under there name for insurance yet under my name for the car payments with the bank)
""When you get married, how do you get off of your parent's insurance, etc?""
My dad still has me declared as a dependant, and my car insurance and health insurance is on his. When I get married will these automatically change, or do I have to notify the insurance companies and tax people?""
Cheapest car to insure for 17 year old male in Toronto?
Im looking to buy a car and i live in the toronto area. Insurance is not the cheapest here. I was wondering what my best bet was in terms of insurance. Im looking for cars, not minivans,suvs, trucks...etc""
How much is your auto insurance annual premium in NJ ?
I live in Central New Jersey and I pay around $1700 for 2 cars + 2 drivers with no accidents. How much do you pay approx ?
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