#it’s been so long since I had an anon hiiiii
yoohyeon · 1 year
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send me a 🐮 and I will refresh my Pinterest and give u my first four pics as a random moodboard
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fatescaprice · 7 months
hiiiii ☀️ can i ask for something about aventurine and the reader who is part of the express family (not trailblazer) ? it can be some love at first sight thing, or maybe where they meet again in penacony and turns out they both had some hidden past with eachother b4🤭 of course, you can choose whatever storyline to go with as well with this reader🤍 thank uuuu
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aventurine and a nameless reader
content warnings: vague penacony spoilers
note: hello anon!! i went with the second option since i just looove reunions ... i had a lot of fun writing this but i also had to google how a lottery works ... i'm embarrassed ... i hope you enjoy!
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You and AVENTURINE had met ages before he became a bigshot at the IPC, back when he was doing Aeons-know-what to scrape by. Whether you were friends or rivals or had to use every fibre in your body to keep yourself from insulting him on sight, you eventually parted ways and both, quite reasonably, assumed that you would never see each other again — the universe was far too big for that, after all. He saw you off as you boarded the Astral Express, and resigned himself to thinking that your meeting was little more than a lucky draw.
That is, of course, until you run into each other by chance in the lobby of the Reverie. He doesn’t pay you much attention at first, but his eyes end up wandering to you almost against his will as he sorts out your grey friend’s room issue. When did you change your hair? Did your voice always have that kind of cadence? His customer-service smile turns a tad more genuine as he turns to you once it’s over and your friends had dispersed within the lobby. “What a pleasant surprise,” he drawls. “Long time no see, huh?”
Aventurine offers to catch up over drinks, if you’re so inclined. Time is money, but that’s how you normally celebrate making new friends and reuniting with old ones, isn’t it? He’ll treat you to whatever you like while you tell him about your travels.
Even after he gets his own business sorted, he can’t help but notice how you two seem to keep running into each other, as if by little twists of fate. Your room across from his, the sound of you laughing with your pink-haired friend in the lobby, the sight of your back as you wander around the Golden Hour.
If fate keeps bringing you together, Aventurine would be a fool to not capitalise on it, wouldn’t he? He’s quick to slink over to your side and suggest a wager: “You look lonely,” he’ll say, rolling a coin back and forth over his knuckles. “Say, if I win big at the lottery over there, how about we spend the rest of the day together? We can even call it a date if you like.”
It’s a bit of an unfair bet, all things considered — he doesn’t often make bets he can’t win, and while it’s little surprise to him as he claims his prize, he also takes the time to relish in your surprised expression. What, did you really think he would lose? Don’t be silly. Now, tell him what you want to do — he’s already planning an itinerary in his head before work inevitably drags him away that evening.
Even as you two spark up another conversation (What’ve you been up to all this time? Got any travel destinations he might like?) he can’t tell you the whole truth, not yet — but in the meantime he can wrap one arm around your waist just like this, and watch how the dreamscape tints your eyes a shade of the most opulent gold.
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liliewrites · 4 months
Here's another brainrot for you. Your an adventurer (famous or not is up to you) stationed in Fontaine & you just got an mission to you know...stop some Fatui agents from disrupting the peace or something. So since you became an adventurer in the 1st place for the thrill, the mission was accepted by you. You go blazing into the fatui camp and like take them out (lets assume like theres at least 15 people there). Arle was just watching everything from a cover (which you obviously don't notice) & knocks you out after the whole fight. So arle was really impressed by you cus like you took out the entire camp & she wants that strength for herself. You were really stubborn about not betraying the guild & joining the fatui so arle decided to rail you into submission cus like torturing you is not gonna help in the long run.
NSFW transfem! Arle please.
Also, can I be 💫anon? So that you know its me next time XD. I am too shy to NOT ask as anonymous.
okkk HIIIII 💫 ANON!!:3 here's ur rqst hope u eat it up good, it has a small little sprinkle of jealous arlecchino to spice it up a little..
-warning/s : NSFW, transfem! arlecchino x fem! reader, lightly dark content, dubious consent, blowjob.
(men and minors dni utc!)
"take care out there, ranger!"
you waved your guildmates goodbye, heading off to the north to disband a nearby fatui camp as the agents there have been causing chaos within the area recently. you were scouting the area, when you saw the said camp.
it was fairly small, but with around a dozen to fifteen agents present.
you let out a sigh, hoping they would cooperate lest this would end up a mess like last time you've done similar missions to these.
you slowly approached the camp, a nervous and awkward smile on your face. "hello there, fellows!" you exclaimed, hands near your weapon, but not on it, in hopes that no aggression would occur.
"oh? what's a pretty little lady like you doing out here in the wild?" one of them snickered, and you instantly knew this wouldn't end up peacefully like you hoped. still, you tried. "uhm, well, this pretty little lady is respectfully asking you to please go away." you told them, oh, but they persisted. one of them even grabbing your wrist with a perverted grin. "well, i'm afraid we'll have to decline. especially when we've caught prey as good as you."
needless to say, you immediately grabbed your weapon and started kicking their ass. they were all caught off guard, but had immediately started coming after you one after another. "damn it, what in the hells are you all doing!? that's just one girl!" one of them exclaimed, frustrated at the fact that you were able to knock half of the camp out alone.
little did you know, a certain harbinger was supervising your little fight with the fatuus. she was also surprised at the fact at how easily you were taking down trained fatui, and she wanted you.
after taking down the last of those annoying perverts, you dusted off your hands and double checked yourself for injuries and your items.
the harbinger however, had come out of your hiding spot, silent steps approached your oblivious ass.
and the next thing you knew, all you saw was black.
"what the.. what the hell?"
you opened your eyes, barely aware of what had just happened before you passed out, but upon realizing that your hands were tied and you were stuck to a chair. you realized you were knocked out.
"oh, finally awake?"
a voice that belonged to a woman echoed behind you, along with loud clacking of heels, and lo and behold.
before your eyes stood the 4th of the fatui harbingers, arlecchino the knave.
you'd be a liar if you said your knees weren't shaking. that was the arlecchino, standing before you, right in front of you, just a few meters away! you were no match for the harbinger, and you feared for your life. scared that you might've angered her for wrecking a whole camp of fatui, shit, what if those were her soldiers? you thought.
"tsk. calm down. i did not bring you all this way to kill you. if that was my intention then i would have done that right then and there."
she told you, probably noticing how nervous you were from your silence. usually, people would've been screaming for help, but you weren't.
".. then, why am i here?"
you asked, calmly, trying not to look too scared. "i've witnessed your fighting prowess, how you took down those agents in mere minutes. those agents were trained for years under the regime of fatui military, with strict discipline and harsh conditioning." she walked towards you, a curious gaze settled upon you, besides that though, her expression was hard to read. you couldn't tell if she was angry? upset? sad?
"- and you made those solders look incompetent, stupid and weak. i commend you."
her answer wasn't one of your expected reactions from her. her expression was still deadpan and you couldn't tell if she was pleased or happy, but judging from her words alone you could at least say that.. she was satisfied with your performance? "thank you, uhm.. miss harbinger?" was all you could say, unable to really make out what her intentions were.
"perhaps you wonder why i took you here, little lady."
she walked closer to you, rough, dark blackened hands approached your face and gently caressed your skin. you noticed how cold the knave's hands were, and your curiosity was piqued as you started to wonder why her hands were like.. that.
it could've been considered an honor to be praised by a harbinger, but to be asked to join their side was completely something else. "no offense and with all due respect, miss arlecchino, but i will not leave the guild." you told her, all of the fear you felt was gone and you wanted to make it clear to her that you didn't want to join. "tsk, you are held captive and yet you still have the will to say no?" she grumbled, finally showing at least one expression on her face- annoyance.
"- it is because i want you to join us, join me, under the house of the hearth."
"i do not care where i am, but i will not leave the guild."
you stood your ground, nor longer were you afraid for your life, but for your friends and loved ones at the guild. "fine. it is your choice, but do make sure that you wrap your pretty little head around my words-- you will not leave this place safe, not until you agree with my offer. make your choice, or you'll regret making me impatient." she told you, tightening the ropes around your wrists and ankles, making your skin slowly start to burn but you stuck to your resolve. arlecchino left the room, and this was only the beginning of her trying to convince you to give in.
at first, you were starved for 2 days, with each time that you reject her offer she ends up slapping you on the face. today was the third day, you were hungry and light-headed. you swear you could feel like you were slowly slipping away from sanity as from spending so much time in solitude. your body was sore from being tied to a chair for 2 whole days without food nor water and you swear there were rope burns on your wrist and ankle.
arlecchino however, realized that starvation wouldn't make you crumble, much to her annoyance. this was not her usual preferred method of torture, thinking it was a waste of her time, she didn't like to wait and would prefer to end things swiftly. oh, but you, much to her annoyance, she didn't want to waste the talent that you had. she couldn't resolve to physical pain or she might accidentally inflict injuries that might hold you back from improving so she had to resort to slowly destroying your will, but she didn't expect you to be this stubborn. so she had to resort to the last method she could think of- fuck, she cursed under her breath. she may not admit it, but besides wanting to have you as a useful little helper, you may have caused her to have desires she never thought she'd have. it was a nuisance to her, but she couldn't get it off her mind-- she couldn't get the thought of using you like a slut out of her mind.
arlecchino walked back into the room, untying you and you were puzzled, "w-what are you going to do to me?" you asked, alarmed from her sudden behavior. you tried to struggle and squirm as she got you off the chair, but you could barely even stand on your own. "pathetic. so much for being a feisty little mouse." she mumbled, placing a collar on you and tying the leash on the wall. your ankles were freed but her hands were tied. "you've wasted plenty of my time with your reluctance to obey, little lady. don't you think it's about time that i finally teach you some manners, hm?" she placed her hand on your head, forcefully pushing you down on your knees. she unbuckled her pants. your heartbeat started to accelerate. no, no, she wouldn't do what you thought she would, right?
"open that pretty little mouth of yours."
she commanded, but you kept your mouth close as she pulled down her pants. "tsk, stubborn little mouse." she harshly squeezed your face, pulling you forward. "not going to follow? too stupid to understand instructions? fine then." she untied the leash, instead wrapping it around her hand before walking to the chair where you were tied to.
"i'll give you options, little mouse. either you learn to obey and i will reward you, or you will be forced to obey and i will continue to isolate you in this room."
you sat there, weighing your choices. should you comply? should you disobey? but you really wanted to get out of this dark, isolated room. arlecchino clicked her tongue, tugging on the leash.
"hurry up, little mouse, before i lose my patience and decide for you."
she huffed, and you know you've really got no choice here than to follow. with tears in your eyes, you slowly crawl forward, making her tug on the leash. "faster, you're too slow." she grumbled, making you approach her faster.
as soon as you were on your knees, right in front of her, you put your hand on her lap and stared at the intimidating bulge in her pants. you slowly pulled down her pants, along with her underwear.
your eyes widened at the mere sight of her dick, she was at least 7 inches-- and you were going to take that in your mouth? "very good, you're finally putting some sense in you." she praised you, her other hand now making it's way to your head, lightly pressing some weight downwards. "now suck." she commanded, and you didn't want to, you took some time before you leaned down- and it ticked her off.
she pushed down on your head, making you forcefully sink down onto her dick. "i said do not make me wait, obey if you want me to be nice." she warned you as you choked on her, and then she released her grip on your head. "go on, please me. show me that you if you cannot be of help in the battlefield, at least be good at something."
throwing away all your dignity and pride, you lifted your head up, your tongue running along her dick as you did so, before going back down all the way to the base. your actions made arlecchino shiver and she looked down at you with a dark stare, but said nothing.
you repeated this, bobbing your head up and down, and you could hear small little grunts from her. as you went up this time, your tongue ran over the tip, making her groan. you went down, angling yourself so it hit the back of your throat this time. oh, you felt arlecchino shiver. ".. hm, what a slut. you're surprisingly good at this." she told you, now gently grabbing your head and setting the pace. she bobbed your head a bit more faster, but you kept up with your tongue movement earlier. her grunts were becoming louder, but she was becoming more rougher too.
she pushed your head down and pulled on you with no remorse, like you were a toy for her pleasure only. you almost choked, the pace was becoming too fast for you, but she was already thrusting her hips into you. loud groans could be heard from her along with your whimpers and moans at the way she tugged on your hair and used you. she was trembling, her hips stuttering, and before you knew it-
she pulled you off, your lips creating a pop sound. "strip, dear." she commanded, staring down at you with half lidded eyes as she panted. oh, oh no. you didn't want to, but you were determined to see this through and not anger her. you slowly took off your clothes, leaving you only in your underwear. she now, gently took you in her hands, pulling you down on her lap to sit with your back facing her. "darling, open your legs." she purred in your ear. compared to earlier, she was much more gentler and affectionate. you closed your eyes in pure embarrassment, her hand cupping your breast as she spread soft kisses on your neck.
"tsk, those fatui soldiers.. must you know, that even after you've beat them up- they continue to speak about you. incessant chatter about your body, it makes my blood boil."
she whispered against your skin with a tone of possessiveness dripping from her words. her hands gently massaging the mounds of your breast, making you let out soft moans. "they do not know that beneath the orphanage, i hold you captive and that i am the one holding you, not them." as she let go of her words, she started to suck and bite on your skin, her other hand trailing down your tummy as she spoke. "i am not better than them, i am aware.. but i will certainly give you more what they can, my dear. join me, and i will make all of your dreams come true." her gentle words were accompanied with her hand ghosting against your clit, breath grazing against the sensitive marks on your skin, and her other hand squeezing your chest. your mind was hazy, you felt overstimulated, and all you could do was nod. you may not be aware, but arlecchino was overjoyed with your answer. "so wet, little mouse.."
she slowly pulled your underwear off, lifting your hips with only her strength, then kissing your back. she slammed you back down, her dick forcing it's way inside of you. the sheer pain was enough to bring you back to your senses and you gripped onto her lap as you let out a whine. your reaction made arlecchino feel guilty, she immediately wrapped her arms around you. "shh, shh.. i'm sorry, my dear but.. bear with me." she wiped away the tears from your eyes.
"i promise, now that you are mine darling, i will give you all the pleasures in the world.."
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animehideout · 8 months
Hiiiii !!!
Do you think you could do a part 2 of the insecure reader with suguru and any other character u feel like writing for ???
Maybe something w a reader who had a past w s3lf h4rm?? If this makes u uncomfortable I totally understand and u don’t have to write it!!
Tysm have a nice day/night :)
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Insecure Reader X Geto Suguru Finding Out
check out part 1 here
a/n: Thank you Anon for your request ♡⁠˖. This one turned out a bit long, kinda like a oneshot so I didn't include other characters, but there will be a part 3, since someone requested Choso/ Megumi / Sukuna. I'll be posting them soon.
P.S: For anyone who didn't see their requests posted, it's because I'm still working on them <3
TW: Mention of Self-harm, Depression, Negative body image.
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Despite multiple pleas from family and close friends to open up, find happiness, and lead a better life without hiding, they still don't know that stepping out of your comfort zone means exposing the harm you've inflicted on your body as a way to punish yourself for simply being you.
But love works in mysterious ways, and has a way of transforming people, and now, every day, you find yourself making an effort for Geto Suguru—the man who turned your world upside down and indirectly encouraged you to embrace your true self. The happiest day of your life was when he asked you out on a date, making you feel worthy of love and care.
He always treated you with sweetness, but a sense of guilt lingered for hiding a big part of your life from him. Maybe it's because you chose to bury your past and start fresh, or maybe because of your insecurities, that prevented you from being authentic in front of him.
Tonight marked a special occasion as he would meet your family for the first time, anticipating a familial yet fancy dinner. He thought it'd be a great idea if both of you matched in color—black. So, he took you shopping to get a suit for himself and find the perfect dress for you.
The moment you'd been avoiding arrived, and you found yourself in a revealing short black dress he had chosen. Standing in front of the mirror in the changing cabinet, your eyes scanned your body, fixated on each scar from your past. Vulnerable emotions surged, and you gulped back the urge to cry.
"He'll hate me.." you whispered to yourself.
Not only would he be shocked by your appearance, but your family as well. At least, that's what you thought, as no one knew about your self-harm. It was a tough decision to make—whether to put back your clothes and continue concealing yourself from him or to walk out in that dress, letting everything unfold. You were prepared to accept whatever he would say, whether he chose to break up with you or accept you.
You clenched your fists, scared of his reaction, but you knew it was time to reveal the truth. The truth always surfaces, and if he doesn't see your scars today, he'll discover them eventually,when both of you have your first time. Pushing yourself out of the changing cabinet, you took a deep breath. The air hitched in your throat as your laid eyes on your boyfriend, who was already in the company of a stunning woman with a perfect figure and smooth skin,.. hugging him. The timing couldn't have been worse, especially as you were already having an internal breakdown and crisis from how the dress exposed one of your deep secrets.
Standing still, the weight of the moment hit you— not only would he see you like this, but also the woman who was hugging him. It felt like someone had struck a sensitive nerve in your mind, shifting elsewhere full of negativity. Trust issues resurfaced, fueling self-hatred within you, expecting both of them to judge you or maybe laugh at you..and Geto ditching you for her.
"Oh baby, you're here...Mei Mei this is my partner Y/n, Y/n this is my colleague Mei Mei" he started when he saw you.
You forced a smile to not come out as rude or jealous. Blinking away your tears, your trembling hands awkwardly trying to hide your scars, forcefully tugging on your dress. You noticed the way Mei Mei scanned you head to toe, your mind telling you that she's judging even though she wasn't.
"See ya Mei Mei, say Hi to your brother" said Geto waving her a goodbye,
And then approached you with a smile that quickly dropped. " b-baby?!" he started his heart pounding when his eyes fell in your scars "w-who did this to you?" he asked.
His question felt like a poisoned arrow that was aimed at your chest .You looked down, mind racing with unwelcomed ideas "maybe it's the end, I've never deserved him anyway" you thought to yourself.
"baby answer me!" he asked again and reached to hold your hand but you flinched away
" I -I did" you confessed,
and ran to the changing room to quickly strip out of the dress before Geto gets to catch you. But it was too late, you didn't even get to lock the door when he got inside joining you and locked the door behind him, traping both of you inside the cabinet. You expected him to yell at you,to voice his frustration and anger but you were left speechless when he pulled you into a his chest, engulfing you in his big arms, whispering,
"I'm sorry"
"why?" your voice cracked, thinking that it might be his way to break up with you but nicely.
"Because I wasn't there for you" he muttered into your hair.
"It was years ago Suguru..."
he pulled back, his thumbs wiping your tears away, looking at you with admiration yet with a broken heart.
"why baby why? tell me everything"
Both of you sat on the cold floor, his arms still around your shaking form.
"It was the only way to cope with my reality– b-because I've never liked the way I am. Everyone around me was trying to compliment me, but I've always taken it as a pity not a truth. My mind just couldn't accept it, so hurting myself was the only refuge to make me feel alive, to punish myself–",
you couldn't even finish the sentence, it was too overwhelming for you, to open a wound that you've been miserably attempting to heal.
"And you thought I'd leave you? You thought I wouldn't accept you?...Look at me my love, You're too precious to deal with all of this. You are important and worth fighting for. I'll fight the whole world if it means getting to be by your side forever. I'm here to protect you and what we have between us is a safe place for both of us. Dont harm yourself anymore, I won't let you do it again... Together we will find a healthier way to deal with your unhealed side. A way far away from harming yourself, okay?".
"What about these Suguru? what's gonna heal them?"
"You're beautiful the way you are! Even though it was a wrong way to cope with what you've been through, but still they're a reminder that you're strong for fighting and surviving till this day. I promise I'll plant a kiss on each scar everyday"
"What about my family...they don't know and I'm sca–"
"You'll wear this dress tonight, and no one has the right to judge you, be who you are, raise your head up and be proud of being you. And by the way, the dress is hugging your body perfectly.. damn you're turning me on–Yes just like that baby... Smile. Oh how I love that sweet smile of yours" He giggled leaning in for a kiss.
"Now roll that dress up a bit" he added
"But Suguru we're in public what if we get caught"
"Didn't I tell you that I love the thrill, but I promise I'll be quick, love. I just want to make sure that you know how beautiful and attractive you are both inside and out...let me treat you well.."
💌✨ Dear readers, remember you are beautiful inside and out, you are worth it and you are deserving of all the love and happiness. I want you to know that you're not alone. I know that overcoming the daily struggles, the negative feelings, the insecurities and self-harm is a challenging journey. Healing takes time but each step you take towards recovering is a great Triumph, so be proud of who you are. Remember that it's okay to ask for help your past doesn't define you and the journey towards self-love is worth every effort. I love you all ✨💌
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shadesoflsk · 8 months
Number 71 with re2r Leon could be so silly *twirls hair and blushes*
hiiiii anon😼 That idea is so cute please I'm melting. For this one, I immediately thought about an amusement park date (is that the correct name ? lol), and that led to a photo booth kiss! And you're sooo right this idea with re2r Leon is so silly he's just ike that! I hope you like it, take care. !!
71. “Kiss me, quick!” summary: re2r leon kennedy x gn reader, just straight up tooth rotting fluff wc: 1.0k
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After accepting a job as a cop in Raccoon City, he knew that time wouldn’t be enough to be with you. That’s why, every time he has days off, he does his best to make it up for you.
Leon had decided to surprise you this time. The only clue he gave you was “wear something comfortable” and while it was an ambiguous sentence, you obliged. You took one last glance at the mirror, making sure you looked the part when Leon whistled.
“Ready to go?”
It hadn’t been a long drive, at least you thought so until Leon stopped the car in the middle of the road. Confused, you turned your head as you observed Leon rummaging through his pockets. Eventually, he found what he was searching for.
“A blindfold?” Your voice carried a sense of curiosity in it.
“Do you trust me?”
“Hell no.”
“Darling…please.” He whined, his lips forming a pout as exasperation filled his speech. It was funny to tease your boyfriend every chance you get, but now you spare him the embarrassment. 
“Ok, no need to cry.” You took the blindfold and Leon made sure to check that you couldn’t see anything.
“How many fingers do I have?” He said as he lifted his hand, forming a three.
“Four. Now drive.” You couldn’t hide the silly smile that was forming on your face.
And with that, Leon’s hand gripped the steering wheel again.
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When you finally arrive, Leon helps you get out of the car and the first thing you notice —besides the chill air— is kids screaming and giggles filling the atmosphere. At first, you thought Leon had brought you to a concert. But then again, kids wouldn’t be at a concert at this time of the night even if it is still early.
“Can I take it off?”
“Yes, let me help you.”
Leon gets in front of you and takes off the blindfold that prevented you from seeing anything. The previous darkness that blurred your vision is now disappearing as your eyes adjust to the neon lights that the scenario before you offers.
“Ta-da!” Leon’s lips curve into a cheerful smile as he extends his arms, showing you his greatest idea. He has been planning this date for days. Ever since he read this new fair was coming to town, he just knew he had to take you there.
He is the epitome of a good boyfriend, dates are always a must when he has free time. And even when he couldn’t be with you, he would leave surprises. A sticky note telling you how much he loves you? Done. Having flowers delivered to your front door? Of course.
“Leon I...” You let out a breathy laugh. Your eyes dart back from the scenario of countless games and rides lying in front of you, to Leon's eyes which look at you with a devotion and love that just makes your heart weak. “Thank you…”
And, as a way to show your gratitude, you wrap your arms around his waist and hug him, letting the warmth of your bodies embrace both of you. He places a kiss on your forehead and motions you to follow him.
You don’t know who was more excited, you or Leon. But with the way he kept tugging your hand each time he saw a ride he wanted to try, you may as well say him. He kept his vice grip on you all the way from the roller coaster, to the ferris wheel and to finally the haunted house.
After scaring the shit out of both of you, you decide to sit down for a while, catching your breaths as adrenaline still pumps through your veins. Your eyes, eventually, fall on a photo booth a few meters away from where you’re sitting.
Now it was Leon’s turn to be dragged around.
You both laugh in unison as you waste no time in getting into the booth, almost forgetting to insert the five dollar bill that the machine needed to work. Leon closes the red curtain and instantly pulls you closer.
You sit down, struggling to fit into the narrow and tight space the photo booth provided. Leon and you try fixing each other’s hair amidst the giggling fit you were in. The countdown for the photos starts.
“Leon! Stop laughing.” You mutter as you try to maintain a sweet smile for the picture. Leon, on the other hand, moved at the very exact moment when the machine snapped a photo. “For God’s sake Leon…” And as much as you feign annoyance, you are grateful for this little memory you are creating with him.
For the second picture, you both show a beaming and pearly white smile to the camera, pressing your cheeks to one another. However, as the first photo is probably blurry due to Leon’s inability to stay still, you decide to have the perfect picture just for yourself.
“Kiss me, quick!”
He almost didn’t hear you when your words left your lips. However, your instructions are followed to the letter, and Leon in a swift motion grabs your face. You smile between the kiss as you hear the camera making a click sound. 
You don’t pull away right away, letting the romantic display of affection linger for a few seconds before the machine decides to break the sweet and tender moment.
“Thank you. You can now leave the photo booth. Please don’t forget to collect your pictures.”
“Don’t pay attention—”
“Thank you. You can now leave the photo booth. Please don’t forget to collect your pictures.”
“Jesus… I get it” Leon mutters as he reluctantly pulls away from the kiss. A dumb smile is plastered on his face as you admire his expression. You both walk out of the photo booth with your fingers interlaced, ready to see the results.
Needlessly to say, Leon stole that picture from you just to brag about what a pretty partner he has whenever he gets asked if he has a special one or not.
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s0ftl3 · 9 months
Any of the boys with a partner with sensitive thighs??
(calling myself out a lot little here <33) -✨
Hiiiii sparkle anon i missed your asks!! Welcome back and I am happy to write this for all three boys. It'll be good practice for a Charlie one shot I have coming up!
Ted Nivisonꨄ
He accidentally discovered your thighs were sensitive while on a short road trip one weekend. His hand was absentmindedly rubbing your thigh as he drove, the other steering. The way you squirmed in your seat had piqued his interest, so, experimentally he squeezed your thigh, watching as you jumped and let out a small sound of pleasure.
“What was that sweetheart?,” he squeezed your thigh again soaking in yet another sweet little moan you let out, “Is my baby sensitive there?” and of course even without an answer from you he knew the answer. 
And ever since he’s found out about your sensitivity he’s never missed an opportunity to use it against you. It’s especially useful to him when he’s going down on you. He squeezes, bites, and sucks hickies into your thighs while he's there, not missing a chance to show them the love they deserve.
Schlatt’s a bit more sinister about his discovery. Much like Ted, he never misses an opportunity to use it against you, and I truly mean use it against you. You’ve been acting bratty during dinner with friends? His hand’s on your thigh, squeezing and pinching, watching you try to contain your sounds. 
And the way his chops feel against the inside of your thighs as he eats you out like a man starved? It’s a big part of the reason he’s kept them for so long. He’s also a big hickey giver, there’s not been a day since he found out, that there weren’t pretty bite marks and hickies adorning your thighs. 
Honestly, you use your sensitivity against Charlie more than he does you. On nights you feel like teasing him, or if he’s been disobedient (which, let’s be honest he rarely ever is.) you make him fuck your thighs, instead of giving him the satisfaction of fucking your cunt like he so badly needs. 
And he’s such a good boy that he’ll thank you for the entire interaction, because he’s just the most polite good boy. He’s happy to take whatever you give him. He especially loves when you make him clean up his mess by having him kiss, lick, and suck on your thighs.
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bella-rose29 · 1 year
Request from anon:
hiiiii, first I wanna say that I enjoy reading your works, they're wonderful. <3
Now, I've seen you post about wanting Lockwood requests and I might have an idea. Lockwood and reader are in long-term relationship (they know each other since childhood, the reader is talentless but Lockwood comes to her when he need to relax/help with a plan/whatever), and no-one knows about the relationship besides them. And after some rough case when kipss crew had to help out, Lockwood and co and kipss crew are drinking in a bar to ease up (the reader works in the bar as part-time job) and in the drunken state Lockwood is even more confident than normally so someone makes a bet with him that he won be able to get a kiss out of the bartender (the reader) by the end of the night... I don't really know what after but maybe you'll be able to find a fluffy/funny ending to it?
I hope I'm making sense.
Have a nice day! :)))
First of all, thank you for the love anon, and I hope you have a nice day too!! <3
Second, I am completely in love with this idea (it's totally something Lockwood would do let's face it) and I had so much fun writing this!!!
Hopefully this lives up to expectations my lovely <3
Word count: 3.5k
Warnings: descriptions of injury, fight scenes (with dead people), swearing, suggestive comments, drunken activities (mostly Lockwood), everybody is over 18 so they can legally drink in the pub
Tag list: @anathemaloren, @augustisintheair, @avdiobliss, @dangelnleif, @el-de-phi, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @karensirkobabes, @mitskiswift99, @mrsklockwood, @mrsyixingunicorn10, @ran23sblog, @superpositvecloudshipper, @t2sh0, @taygrls, @tournesol77, @wandamaximoffbae, @whenselenefallsinlove, @wordsarelife
As always, if you'd like to be added to/removed from the tag list, let me know here <3
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(not my gif <3)
Lockwood was tired.
He'd barely slept the night before, despite not having a case, and he'd barely eaten the whole day. It was nearing 7pm now, the sun having set over an hour ago and leaving the city in almost darkness. There would be no sleeping tonight, either, since he and his company had to tackle a Type One in an old lady's house. All Lockwood really wanted was to see her, and have her tell him stories about her day until he fell asleep in her arms, but he couldn't do that right now. Hopefully this would be done quickly, this job, so that he could get to hers before she went to sleep.
Lockwood and Co had been in the kitchen of Mrs Lovey's house for a while now, cups of tea left empty on the counter and the packet of biscuits finished off. Initial readings had been low, giving Lockwood hope that they really would be done quickly, and they'd made note of the likely places for the Source.
"Lockwood? You're staring into space again. You alright?"
He blinked back into reality, pulling himself out of his thoughts of warm rooms and soft kisses.
"Huh? Oh, right. Yeah, I'm alright. Just surprised this Visitor hasn't turned up yet." He checked his watch. "Time for another reading in the living room?"
George nodded. "I'll go first."
The three of them headed in, rapiers at the ready.
"One degree. And a feeling of unease. It's definitely getting close to being here."
"Never mind close, I can see it," Lockwood whispered, taking up a defensive position.
"Yeah, I can hear it, too. Sounds like someone crying. I don't think this is a Type One either," Lucy added, and Lockwood couldn't help but agree.
"Any murders or anything happen here, George?"
"Not that I'm aware of, and I researched for days for this one. Didn't find anything out of the ordinary."
"Male or female, Luce? The voice."
"Uh, hang on, shut up a minute." She closed her eyes, focusing her efforts on Listening. "Male. Definitely. Sounds older, and like he's got some sort of trauma."
"Right. George, you figure out where the Source is. Lucy and I will watch it, make sure it doesn't go for you. Can either of you see it yet?"
"Not really. There's a sort of shiny mist over by that armchair, though," George said, pointing in the direction of the ratty old seat.
"Yeah, okay. That's where it is. Lucy?"
"Same as George. Getting stronger though. Maybe the chair is the Source?"
"Could be. George?"
"You're sure you've got my back, yeah? Because I really can't see it that well right now and I'd rather not die tonight."
"We're sure. Go on, have a poke around."
George did so, hesitantly getting closer to the chair and holding the scanner up. "Yeah, the Source is here somewhere." He prodded the side, and Lockwood saw Lucy flinch.
"It didn't like that at all. God, that was awful. Wait, George, don't-"
She slammed her hands over her ears, trying to block out the scream that even Lockwood could hear now.
"George, get the net," he cried out, rapier moving swiftly as the Visitor grew brighter and aimed for the head of the company.
"Incredibly clear visual, Lockwood! Lucy was right, it's definitely a Type Two!"
Lockwood had been backed into a corner, arm starting to ache from the continuous motion of the rapier holding off the ghost in front of him. Lucy had recovered (just about), and was picking up her rapier to help him. Sensing a second opponent, the ghost turned, and targeted Lockwood's coworker. The two of them spent the next few minutes sending the Visitor between them while George repeatedly chucked the net over various parts of the chair, expression growing more frantic each time.
"George, what's going on?!" Lucy shouted.
"It's not working! I don't think the chair is the Source! Or if it is, it's inside the chair!"
"Then get searching! Rip the whole bloody thing apart if you have to! But get on with it!" Lockwood gritted his teeth, fighting off the cold unease he felt flooding through his body. He thought of her, and her smile, and her laugh, and pushed back twice as hard against the Visitor. At some point he'd injured himself, the cut on his upper left arm bleeding slightly, but he couldn't think about that until the ghost was dealt with.
"GOT IT!" George shouted, voice triumphant. He slung the net around the object he'd found, and all at once the living room went silent apart from the heavy breaths of the three agents. The ghost disappeared, and the temperature started rising. George sat back on his knees and held the swaddled object up, bits of foam stuffing caught in his curls. "Knife, it's got blood on it. I'd wager she killed her husband. There was a cut already made in the back, made it easier to find." He looked vaguely manic, what with his wide grin and foam-covered hair, but Lockwood couldn't deny his gratitude for his weird friend.
"I reckon we need to have a chat with DEPRAC, then. Mrs. Lovey clearly doesn't live up to her name," he replied, smile matching George's.
Half an hour later, Lockwood was on his way to hers. He'd left George and Lucy in the taxi, telling them he had something to sort out and he'd be back later, and to not wait up for him, and had caught his own cab to his destination.
He dragged himself up the front steps, knocking on the front door, and couldn't help the smile that appeared when it swung open to reveal his girlfriend.
"Jesus Christ, you look like shit."
"Charming as ever, love. Can I come in?"
Y/n stepped to the side, giving him a peck on the lips as he went past. "Shoes off, then up to my room. I'll be there in a sec. Gimme your coat, I'll hang it up for you."
He pulled himself up to her room, trying to be as quiet as possible so as not to wake her siblings, and collapsed on her bed.
"Look at you. You're like a puppy, all cute and cuddly."
He lifted his head as Y/n walked in, closing the door behind her with a soft click as she balanced a tray in her hands.
"Jacket off. And shirt."
"If you wanted me naked you could have just said so, darling." He wriggled his eyebrows suggestively, revelling in her blush.
"Shut up and strip, Anthony," she mumbled.
He complied, smirk turning into smile as he saw the medical supplies on the tray, right next to a pot of tea and a plate of biscuits.
"What even happened?"
"Honestly? No clue. Type One turned out to be a Type Two murder victim though, so that was fun."
"You know, there are times I wish I had Talent. Then you come here looking like this and saying things like that and I wonder why I ever wanted it in the first place. Easy on the shirt, I think it's stuck." He'd winced trying to peel the fabric away from the wound, and Y/n immediately replaced his fingers with hers, touch gentle as she attempted to prise his shirt off. Sucking in air through her teeth as she got it off, Lockwood knew it was bad. It had been a dull throb the whole time he'd been travelling over, too exhausted to think about it more, but now that he had nothing else to think about the pain sharpened.
"This is gonna hurt, okay? I'm just gonna sterilise it, so try not to move. Three, two..." He waited for one, but before she got there, Y/n had placed the cotton wool on his arm, dabbing the alcohol on the wound. He gritted his teeth, asking her about her day. She spoke while she worked, cleaning it out and covering it in protective wrapping. Her voice distracted him, letting him lose himself in her words, and she was done before he knew it, pouring a cup of tea and offering it out to him. "Put this on," she said, passing over an old shirt of his that he left at hers specifically for times like this.
"Do you really want me to?"
"No, but if it means that when my parents inevitably walk in they don't kick you out forever, I'll live with it." He laughed slightly, placing the tea down and pulling the top on, careful not to disturb his wound.
"You know you don't have to do that, right? I'm perfectly capable of looking after my own injuries."
"I know," she shrugged, sitting down next to him on the bed. "But I don't mind. Just another excuse to be close to you, I guess."
"You don't need an excuse for that, love. You know I'll happily give you anything you like."
He nodded.
"Alright," she said, leaning up to plant a kiss on his lips, breaking away when their smiles got too wide.
"I thought you were going to make me dance naked in the street or something." Her eyes went wide as she took in his words.
"Oh my god, I am totally making you do that sometime."
He groaned, unable to fight the smile on his face as she peppered his cheeks with kisses, finally pressing one to his mouth.
"Remind me why I love you?"
"Because I'm amazing, and the most incredible person ever?"
He chuckled, kissing her again. "Yeah. You are."
"Where the hell have you been, Tony? We've been waiting for you!"
"Just had some last minute things to sort out, don't get your knickers in a twist, Kipps. Oh, thanks Luce," he said, smiling at the girl as she handed him a flask of tea. He'd actually been at Y/n's, spending time with her before her shift at the pub. He'd almost been late, her parents wanting him to stay for dinner (he had politely declined, reminding them that he had a job to go to as well as their daughter), and her younger siblings wanting him to play with them. Lockwood and Y/n's parents had been friends since before either of them were born, at one point the two families living next to each other on Portland Row, and it was only the arrival of the fourth baby five years ago that had made the L/n family move. It had only been natural that Anthony and Y/n started dating, having been childhood friends, and her parents were delighted at the pairing. Unfortunately that now meant that they wanted him to spend every spare minute at their house, which more often than not made him slightly late for work.
"I'm not wearing knickers," the older boy muttered indignantly, clearly unable to come up with a good enough retort.
"Oh, are these the files? Thanks George."
"Wait, have you not even read these?" Kipps said, eyebrows rising.
"Of course I have, just not the whole compiled thing. I'm not stupid." Kipps scoffed at that.
"Yeah, sure you're not, Tony. C'mon. Hurry up and read, we're late because of you and we need to set everything up before it gets dark."
Three hours later, the two teams were close to death.
Both in the sense that they were run ragged, energy severely depleted and bodies aching, and also in that they were completely surrounded by ghosts, Type Ones and Types Twos blocking every exit. The report had said that there were only meant to be two Spectres in the whole abandoned department store, but before it had even been properly dark Lucy had heard voices crying out and shouting, and Lockwood had seen death glows so bright he'd needed his sunglasses.
"Tony, what the hell are you doing?!"
He was taking a break, eyes aching from the brightness surrounding them and arm protesting the weight of his rapier. He scanned the area, sure that Lucy would have his back for a moment, and spotted something through a gap in the Visitors.
"I need you to not kill me and cover me with flares."
"Because I'm going to run through the ghosts."
"You're WHAT?!"
"What? What's he saying?" Kipps was trying to get closer to them, rapier cutting arcs into the air and not giving him much headway.
"You're impossible, you know that?" Lucy glared at him, grabbing some flares from her belt.
"Yep. Ready?" She threw, the magnesium creating a break in the swarm of ghosts large enough for Lockwood to cut through. He made it to the other side (although a near miss from a badly aimed flare made him think that Lucy was trying to hit him and not the Visitors), trying to block out the sounds of his team mates yelling as they fought swathes of the undead. He ducked under a chair that a poltergeist had thrown, dodging the knives hurled afterwards. Skidding to a halt in front of a large iron box filled with objects, the lid hanging open, Lockwood slammed it shut, throwing a net over the top for good measure and securing the edges. Within seconds the majority of the Visitors disappeared. A few still remained, including the two poltergeists, but the number was much better.
The two teams spent the next thirty minutes finding the various Sources of the remaining ghosts, all the while trying to not get hit by the items the poltergeists were throwing, and by the end of it when Kipps suggested going to the pub, nobody disagreed.
Lockwood and Co were in the taxi on their way to the pub when George piped up.
"Why'd you agree to going to the pub with Kipps? I would have thought you'd rather eat your own foot than spend more time with him."
"I need a drink, and he said he'd buy the first round. If it's free, I'll take it. I don't really care who's buying it, even if it's Kipps."
They clambered out the taxi, Lockwood paying the driver and jogging to catch up with the other two just as they entered the pub. Spotting Kipps' team already sat down, the three of them headed over, taking seats and giving their order to the older agent. Lockwood looked around, certain he recognised the building but unsure why, when his gaze caught on the girl behind the bar.
Of course the pub Kipps picked was the one that Y/n worked at. Lockwood had been here before, which is why he thought it was familiar, but nobody knew about his relationship with the bartender. Kipps came back with the drinks then, one of the other servers following with the rest and asking for ID. Taking his first sip, Lockwood felt himself relax a little more, happy to not be going anywhere for a while after the gruelling job earlier.
"You," Lucy pointed at him, "are so drunk right now."
"Seriously, you cannot hold your alcohol, can you Tony?"
"Don't call me Tony, you prick." It was true that Lockwood was a lightweight, and he knew it, but he grumbled about the accusation anyway. Kipps only laughed, not doing much better than his rival in terms of handling alcohol, and took another swig of his beer.
"You're probably rubbish at picking up girls, too. Y'know, you're probably rubbish at every normal guy thing."
"Shut up, I can so pick up girls." He wasn't going to let Kipps tell him he was bad at anything.
"Oh really?"
"Yep. Amazing at it."
"Bet you can't get a kiss out the bartender though."
"Which one," he said, hoping Kipps would pick the right one.
"The one in the blue top, about your age. In fact, I am so confident you'll be shit at this, I'll bet ten quid you can't do it."
"Oh you're on," Lockwood said, knowing already he'd win the bet. Kipps had unknowingly picked Lockwood's girlfriend, and this would be the easiest ten pounds of his life.
"I'll bet a tenner too. I'm looking forward to watching you fail dramatically," Kat Godwin added, smirk on her face. Bobby placed his own bet, and soon enough there was fifty quid on the line, with George and Lucy agreeing with Kipps.
"Off you go, Lockwood," Lucy smiled, giving him a pat on the back. "Try not to traumatise the poor girl."
"Oh, just you all wait," he slurred, pointing a finger at them. "This is gonna be easyyyy." He headed for the bar, confidence filling him and giving him the ability to walk a lot straighter than he would otherwise have. He leaned forward on the wooden surface, fingers drumming against it. "Heyyy," he said, smiling up at his girlfriend as he slid (unsuccessfully) onto a stool.
"Hi... you okay?"
"Oh, yeah, I'm great, and you," he wagged his finger at her, pausing for effect, "are gorgeous." He winked, and she suppressed a laugh, making him pout. "Why're you laughing? It's true!"
"Ant, honey, you are very drunk right now. Please go home," she said, pressing a hand to her mouth to stop the giggles bursting out.
"But I can't go home," he said, suddenly very serious.
"Oh really? Why's that?"
"Because I need a kiss if I'm gonna go home." He puckered up immediately, leaning forward over the bar and closing his eyes.
"Oh my god, Anthony, stop it!"
"Aw, do you not wanna kiss me?" He pouted again, and Y/n couldn't stop her laughter anymore. Lockwood sat back, crossing his arms over his chest and huffing. "Well, I'm not going away until I get a kiss from the prettiest bartender person lady that I've ever seen, so you'll have to get used to me being here."
"Okay, alright! Lemme serve this customer, yeah?" She turned away, leaving Lockwood to stew in his seat at her lack of kisses. Waiting for her to come back to him felt like an eternity, and when she came around the bar to stand next to him, he perked up, half launching himself at her. "Woah! Hold on, Ant! Jesus!" He was still sat on the stool, Y/n being only slightly taller than him despite being stood up, and he pulled her between his legs, arms wrapping around her waist. "Wait, what about your friends? I thought they didn't know?"
"Don't care, jus' wanna kiss you. There's a share of fifty pounds in it for you," he said suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows like he had a few weeks ago when she'd patched him up.
"Oh wow, you really love me, huh? Kissing me for money?" she asked sarcastically, but her eyes were warm. He nodded, dopey look on his face.
"Please? 'Cause Kipps said I can't pick up girls, and he bet money that I couldn't get a kiss out of you, and then the others bet money too, and mostly I wanna prove him wrong, but also I want the money so I can take you on the most amazing date in your life and get you ice cream."
"You are such a golden retriever puppy of a boyfriend, aren't you? Come here." She took his face in her hands, placing a few soft kisses on his mouth. His arms tightened around her waist, holding her closer to him, and Y/n had to brace a hand on the bar so that she didn't fall over from the awkward angle. When she pulled back, he chased her lips for a moment, opening his eyes slowly. His gaze was full of love, and he had a gentle smile on his face.
"I love you, Y/n/n."
"Love you too, Ant. Now get your fifty pounds and drink some water."
"Ugh, but water's boringgg," he complained, frown forming on his face. Y/n chuckled, kissing the crease between his eyebrows.
"I'll give you more than kisses when you come over on Saturday if you sober up." Lockwood stopped frowning immediately, and Y/n could practically feel the happiness radiating off of him.
"Where's the water?"
"Shit, how'd you do that, Tony?"
Lockwood shrugged. "I'm just really good at picking up girls."
"Sure, is that vodka?"
"Nope, water."
"Why have you got that?" Kipps wrinkled his nose, handing over his portion of Lockwood's winnings.
"Because she told me to drink it," he said, sipping the liquid through the straw he'd asked for (it made drinking boring things more fun, he'd told Y/n).
"Uh... okay?"
"Yeah. I feel like- hang on, Lucy, where's your tenner? Thanks. I feel like it's a little bit unfair, the bet, 'cause she is actually my girlfriend, but- no, you can't take the money back! You made a bet! No take-backs! But thanks anyway."
"So you can't pick up girls!" Kipps shouted, thinking he'd finally found something Anthony Lockwood couldn't do.
"Well technically I can, 'cause I had to pick her up in the first place to get her to be my girlfriend, and also she's not that heavy, so I can definitely pick her up if she doesn't wriggle too much. I know 'cause I've done it before."
Kipps groaned. "Wait... she just told you to drink water, so you are?"
"Yep. She's very persuasive. Basically said that if I drink it all then when I go to her house on Saturday we're gonna have sex," he said casually.
Everybody around the table choked on their drinks.
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jadewolf22 · 1 month
Hiiiii!! Could I request a Lady Jane and Wife Reader, with some domestic fluff (at least, as domestic as Lady Jane can get if you know what I mean). Maybe something like they've been apart for a really long time hunting bounties and manage to meet up for their anniversary or sm?
Happy Anniversary
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Sub!Lady Jane x Dom!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Guns, mentions of extreme violence, mentions of scars, mentions of kidnapping/hunting children, smut, oral (J recieving), thigh riding (r recieving), fingering (J receiving), strap-on (J receiving), orgasm denial, ect… 
Summary: You give your lady a special gift for your first wedding anniversary.
A/n: Hi anon!! Thank you so much for the request! This is my first time ever writing for Lady Jane, so I hope I did her justice. I wasn’t sure if you wanted to include smut, but a married couple who hasn’t seen each other in a while probably wouldn’t be able to keep their hands off of each other…Word Count: 3,012
You couldn’t stop the sign that escaped your lips as you entered the threshold of your home, dropping your duffle bag and the bag of groceries you’d bought on the floor as you removed your jacket. The quaint little farmhouse that had been your childhood home was quiet, secluded by miles of dead fields and thick woodlands. You ran your fingertips over the bench along the wall, pleased to see that not too much dust had collected since your last stay. Work kept you away for weeks, sometimes months at a time and there was no one to stay and clean the place while you were gone. 
Moving away from the threshold and into the living room you smiled softly, taking a moment to walk around and glance at the multitude of pictures decorating the space. Most of the ones on the walls and bookcases were from your younger years; birthdays, vacations with your parents, school activities and accomplishments, holidays and such. But it was the ones above the hearth that you loved the most. Jane, your lady and beloved partner, wasn’t one for taking many photos so there were only a few on the mantle, and you cherished each one like they were diamonds; Your first date at the shooting range, one of her birthdays at the bar, your first Valentine's Day hunting in the woods, a few engagement photos taken while you were working a job together, and one of your wedding here one the farm placed at the centre of them all. It was your first anniversary today, exactly one year of pure happiness for the two of you despite the gruesome reality of your jobs as bounty hunters. 
The sound of tires against gravel drew you from your thoughts. You were sure you knew who it was but, just in case, you gripped the glock tusked into the waistband of your jeans as you moved to the window, peering out through the curtains. The sight of a gold car parking beside yours allowed you to relax, letting go of the weapon as you rushed back outside. You’d barely given Jane time to close her door before you were on her, strong, toned arms grabbing her by the waist and lifting her off the ground as you embraced the love of your life. A light chuckle left her lips, demanding that you set her down before she hugged you in return. 
“I missed you, my love.” you said breathily—lifting Jane off the ground was no easy feat, despite how strong you were—kissing her gently.
“And I, you.” she returned, cracking the smallest smile.
You couldn’t have stopped the large grin that spread across your face even if you wanted to, insisting that you take her things before escorting her into the house. Jane found it quite adorable how you insisted on pampering her with even the smallest tasks, such as carrying her luggage—granted, it was only two duffle bags, one filled with her guns and extra magazines. Once inside you added your own bag to the load and headed upstairs, setting the bags down on your bed before you pulled her to you and kissed her again, this one a little deeper than the last. 
“Happy anniversary, Jane.” you breathed.
“Is it our anniversary already?” she teased lightly, kissing your cheek, “My, does the time fly.”
“Indeed it does.” you agreed, moving away and beginning to unpack your bag. 
Jane did the same, the two of you unpacking in a comfortable silence. You’d missed her terribly, her presence alone helping to soothe the ache that had built up after a month apart. When you were both unpacked and her guns properly cleaned and stored away the two of you headed back downstairs, putting away the groceries and preparing dinner as you talked about your most recent jobs. Yours had been easy; a couple of greens that had escaped the compound two months back, but Jane’s had been far more difficult. She’d gotten stuck with a group of yellows who’d disappeared nearly a year ago and, apparently, they had put up quite a fight. You hated it when she took the more dangerous jobs, always afraid that one day, one of them might kill her. But you knew that Jane could hold her own and, the more dangerous the job, the better the pay. A part of you felt sorry for the kids the two of you hunted, but you knew the world was safer without them. Children with supernatural powers were a recipe for disaster.
When the food was ready the two of you sat down to eat, easily falling back into the domestic pattern you’d adopted. It was easy to push the exhaustion and anxiety of your jobs when you were like this, content and at peace in your little corner of the world. 
The meal was delicious, Jane's cooking far better than your own, and much more satisfying than the protein bars and canned food you lived off of while working. When you’d both finished, you took care of the dishes while Jane showered—despite how much you’d begged her to wait so you could join her. Once the dishes were done it was your turn to head upstairs, showering quickly and trading your dirty jeans and t-shirt for leggings and a tank top. Stepping out of the bathroom you found Jane stretched out on her side of the bed, damp brown hair cascading over her shoulders and a book in hand. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of big-bad Lady Jane looking so utterly adorable and domestic in grey sweats and a baggy red t-shirt. 
She looked up from the book before you could hide your smile, muttering, “What?” as she set it aside.
“Nothing,” you shrugged, moving towards your side of the bed, “I’m just glad you’re home. You know how worried I get when you take jobs involving yellows.” 
Jane rolled her eyes at your protectiveness, mumbling, “At least they’re not reds or oranges.” sitting up as you fished through the drawer of your nightstand, producing a black box and smiling as you sat down, presenting it to her.
“Happy anniversary, my lady.”
She rolled her eyes again at the nickname, taking the box from you and opening it with a small gasp. Nestled inside was a golden glock, the handle engraved with little vines that made both of your initials. 
“It’s beautiful, y/n.” she whispered, looking up at you, “Where did you even—?”
“I have a friend who specialises in engraving guns.” you explained, trying to suppress just how happy her reaction made you, “I  swung by his place on my way back home… Is it safe to assume you like it?”
“I love it.” you knew she did, but hearing Jane say it aloud made you ten times happier, “My turn.”
She reached over to her nightstand, plucking a little red box off of it that you had, somehow, failed to notice earlier. A cheshire-like grin adorned her face as she handed the box to you, making you that much more excited to see what was inside. Nearly tearing off the lid, your eyes fell on the silver bracelet lying against the black velvet lining of the box. At first glance, it looked like a simple band but, upon picking it up, you noticed her name engraved on the inside. Smirking, you had her help you but the bracelet on, noticing just how snuggly it fit your wrist. You laughed, realising that her name would be temporarily branded onto your skin if you wore it for long enough—and you had no intention of ever taking it off. 
“It’s perfect.” you said softly, “Thank you.”
You leaned forward and kissed her again, smiling against her lips when her hand crept up your neck to thread itself in your hair. A groan escaped you when you felt her tug at your hair, making you kiss her that much harder as you grabbed her hips and pulled her across the bed to you, manoeuvring the both of you until you were straddling her waist in the middle of the bed without breaking the kiss. Jane whimpered a little as you manhandled her, her hands moving to the hem of your tank top and pulling it up your torso. You broke the kiss just long enough for her to pull the item over your head before your lips were attacking hers again, your leggings quickly following your shirt. Sliding your hands under her shirt, you gripped the waistband of her sweatpants, removing them and her underwear in one fluid motion. Her t-shirt was torn down the middle and haphazardly tossed somewhere in the room. 
You paused for a moment and sat up, marvelling at the beauty beneath you. God, she was a masterpiece. Ivory skin that seemed to glow in the dim evening light, pale freckles splattered across her chest and shoulders, icy blue eyes dark with want, thick, deep brown hair that seemed nearly black against the white sheets underneath her, and a perfectly toned body with small, perky breasts that were practically begging for attention. You growled, your lips and teeth abusing her neck and shoulders, leaving bite-marks and bruises for her to find for days after you were done with her while your hands palmed her breasts. Jane panted and squirmed beneath you, nails tearing down your back as he hand nestled itself in your hair again, tugging harshly and scratching at your scalp. 
“Please, y/n—God! I need you!” she whined, bucking her hips up towards you in search of some kind of friction.
“Miss me so much you’re needy already, hmm?” you teased, your mouth replacing one of your hands as you nipped harshly at her breast, causing Jane to release a low, near pornographic moan.
She opened her mouth to argue but, at that moment you plunged two fingers deep into her cunt and whatever she was about to say was replaced with a loud, broken moan. A steady string of “Ah, ah, ah”s fell from her lips as your digits pounded into her, your mouth moving to her other breast as your hand settled on her throat, squeezing gently. 
“Mh—feel so good, baby.” you muttered against her skin, slipping in a third finger when the first two began to move within her too easily. 
“Mph, please y/n, harder!” she cried as she felt her cunt streatch deliciously around your fingers, her nails digging painfully into your back and scalp as your digits slammed into her walls, “Yes! God, yes— Just like that—Ah!”
You tightened your grip on her throat a bit as you sat up, groaning at the sight of her cunt taking your fingers so deep that your wedding ring disappeared when you were fully inside of her, the titanium band coming out glistening with her arousal. Her cunt clenched around her fingers, her thighs tightening around your hand as she neared her climax but, just before she could fall over the edge, you pulled away. Jane went to complain, but the way your hand squeezed her throat in warning made her go silent. You licked your fingers clean, groaning at the taste of her on your skin. 
“Relax, baby. You’ll get what you want.” you assured, reaching into the drawer of your nightstand and retrieving your harness and favourite strap, “You’ve just gotta be patient.”
Jane bit her lip as she watched you attach the strap to your body. The black, 8-inch was not the largest she’d taken from you, but it was most certainly the thickest. She released a sound between a whine and a groan as you teased her with the tip, nearly screaming when you began to force it into her, your hand coming back to her throat. The silicone cock stretched her cunt to the point where Jane felt as if she was being split in two and she loved it, her body tightening as a searing heat spread through her as you buried the strap up to the hilt inside her, beads of sweat making Jane’s skin glisten. Once she gave you the go-ahead you set a harsh, ruthless pace, hard, deep strokes filling her cunt so well it was a wonder she didn’t cum right then. Your grunts and Jane’s screams filled the room and it was moments like this that you were especially grateful your house was in the middle of nowhere. No one but yourselves and the animals could hear you.
“Miss you so much, my lady,” you grunted as you thrust into her, one hand still on her throat, the other harshly gripping her hip, “Missed having your pretty little cunt stretched out around my cock—Fuck, baby, I missed you—!”
“M-missed you, t-too!” Jane stampered, her hands moving to your hips to help guide your thrusts, “Missed your touch—! M-missed you in me—Shit, y/n, please make me cum!! Wanna cum so bad—!”
“I know, baby. Just hold on a bit longer. You’re doing so well for me—” you praised as her hands moved from her hips, one grasping at the bedsheet, the other wrapping around your wrist. The black diamond on her wedding ring glinted in the light as her body jolted with each of your thrusts.
“Mmmh—Fuck, y/n! Please—please, keep going! ‘M so close—Shit, y/n! I-I’m—I’m gonna cum— pleasepleaseplease!”
“Just hold on a bit longer, baby.” you said, slowing down your movements just a bit and making Jane practically cry, “Just a bit more, my lady. You’re almost there.”
You removed your hand from her hip, sliding it down between her legs to rub gentle circles over her clit. Her whole body contracted with the added pleasure, shaking in desperate need of release.
“It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you. Cum for me.”
“F-f-f-FUCK—!” Jane finished with a loud scream, legs tightening around your hips, back arching off the bed. Stars exploded behind her eyes and, for a moment, she couldn’t see. Her body felt as if she were floating as she relaxed back into the mattress, brain fuzzy and her mouth numb, her throat already burning from screaming so much. You slowed down as she rode out her high, stopping completely and taking a moment to admire just how ethereal she looked like this, skin flushed and slick with sweat, her head thrown back in euphoria, eyes scrunched tight and jaw slack. Slowly so as not to jostle or startle her, you reached out and cupped her face, gently stroking your thumb against her cheek.
“You did such a good job, baby.” you praised, releasing her throat as her eyes opened, unfocused and her pupils blown out, “Come on back to me, my lady. That’s it. I’m gonna pull out now, okay?”
Jane mumbled out a hoarse, “okay” and you slowly pulled out of her, the strap coated in her release. You removed the toy from your body and threw it on top of your clothes to be cleaned later, bending over and placing gentle licks and kisses over her bruising neck as you moved to position yourself on her thigh. 
“My turn.” you husked, lowering yourself onto her thigh, “You just lay back and relax, baby.”
Jane sighed when she felt your slick core against her skin, whimpering a little as you began to rock yourself against her. Watching her unravel beneath you had made you so pent up that it didn’t take you long until you were nearing an orgasm, your breath laboured and thighs shaking.
“Mm, you feel so good against me,” you groaned in her ear, leaning forward and changing her head with your arm, practically laying on top of her as you rutted against her thigh, “So perfect. And all mine.” 
Jane whined, nodding frantically, heavy arms reaching up to wrap around your shoulders. WIth a final snap of your hips, you came, smearing your slick across her skin and you moaned against her shoulder. Sighing, you sat up and kissed her, your fingers dancing over her stomach. 
“Think you can take one more, my lady?” you asked gently, your tone making it clear that she had the choice of saying no, “I promise I’ll be gentle.”
Jane nodded and you smiled, kissing her again as you slid down her body, levelling your face with her soaked cunt. You licked a broad stripe up her slit, placing a gentle kiss to her clit, making Jane shudder. Smiling, you licked at her folds, slowly forcing your tongue deeper inside of her, your nose brushing against her bundle of nerves. Jane whimpered above you, hands threading into your hair to keep you in place. Still recovering from her past orgasm, it didn’t take you long to bring her to the edge again.
“P-please, y/n—” Jane muttered, tears slipping down her cheeks from the overwhelming pleasure, “uh-ah! I’m-I’m gonna—!”
“Go ahead, baby.” you whispered, plunging your tongue deep inside her. 
Jane came again with a shuddering moan, her release flooding your mouth and spilling down your chin. You lapped away at her release, cleaning her cunt with your tongue before moving up to kiss her again, sliding your tongue into her mouth so that she could taste herself on you. 
Pulling away, you climbed off of her, grabbed the strap, and padded off to the bathroom, cleaning yourself and the toy before returning with a warm washcloth, gently cleaning her thighs and burning folds. Taking the cloth and both of your clothes you set them in the hamper, handing her the water bottle on your nightstand as you set off all the lights except for your lamp. Once she’d drunk enough you helped her beneath the covers and crawled into bed beside her, covering her body with your own.
“Happy anniversary, Jane.” you muttered, kissing the back of her head. 
Jane hummed, releasing a large sigh before exhaustion overtook her and fell asleep. You smiled down at your wife, reaching behind you to shut off the lamp, welcoming the darkness as your eyes fluttered closed.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 4 months
hiiiii for your jukebox roulette I was thinking about a fic for Obi Wan based off the song Come What May sung by Obi Wan himself and Nicole Kidman. Maybe it can be an angsty one please
Hello Anon!
Thank you for this request, how could I not love it!
First it's Obi-wan, then the song is sung by Obi-wan, 'Come What May'. It's just all sooo Obi-wan and I'm here for it. I hope it's angsty enough for you.
Thank you for the request.
Love oo.
Come What May
Warnings: Held hostage, death, mentions of blood, regret, feelings of guilt, dead bodies, passing out, angst, some fluff, crying, anger, frustration. I think that's all of it, if I miss anything please let me know.
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Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
This wasn’t supposed to be you, this wasn’t what you had wanted or what you had planned. You didn’t want to be an Ambassador or a Senator. Your goal, your dream, had always been to have a small plot of land, something you could grow herbs and vegetables, something out of the way and secluded. 
It wasn’t … this wasn’t supposed to be your life. 
You closed your eyes, unable to keep seeing the blood of the handmaidens who’d been by your side since you were forced into office, slaughtered before your very eyes by none other than General Grievous. Doing everything he could to get you to reveal your planetary defences. 
“You’re a monster!”
“And yet, you could’ve saved them,” he chuckled, coughing as he stepped around you, “tell me, Senator, who’s really the monster?”
The truth of his words hit you like a ton of bricks, your eyes focused on each of your ex-handmaidens faces, their sheer terror still imprinted on their cold faces. You killed them, you could’ve lied, given him some false information, kept them alive long enough for someone to rescue you, even if no one did. But you didn’t, you just simply refused to answer, and turned your head as he executed them one by one. 
Before you could even respond, the ship jolted as one of the engines exploded.
“Sir, we’re being boarded.” A B1 unit reported, Grievous was annoyed, destroying the B1 droid whose only fault was to have been the one to inform the General.
“Hello there,” a smooth Coruscanti accent filled the bridge, it filled you with hope, as you tried to focus on the man who held your heart. 
However, before you could see him,  you were knocked out, when debris fell from the ceiling, hitting a droid which subsequently collapsed on you, smacking your head on the way down. Making you fall to the ground, unconscious.
When you finally came to there were hushed whispers being traded back and forth.
“Master, you should really be stepping up to stay?”
“What? Isn’t the Senator your girlfriend?”
“That’s… we are friends. Have been for a long time.”
“Right. ‘Friends,’ because I always look at my friends the way you do.”
“What? Did I get it wrong? Would it be so wrong?” 
“Anakin …” Obi-wan rubbed his forehead, ”attachment is forbidden.”
“How can you deny what is clearly in your heart?” Anakin was more annoyed with his Master. 
“Because it is what I must do.”
You cleared your throat as you looked at the two of them. They both froze slowly, turning to look at you. Your eyes locked with the older Jedi of the pair, his cerulean eyes burrowing into your own. You wanted to push away the pain that you had felt in that moment, overhearing the conversation between the two. 
“It was you that breached the bridge, Obi-wan? Right?”
“Yes, Senator.” Obi-wan bowed, “It is a pleasure to see you again. You may remember my padawan, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker.” He pointed to the taller young man. You simply nodded.
“Did…” you fought back the tears, “Did any of my … handmaidens survive?” The look on their faces told you all you needed to know. You were the monster. Grievous was right. “Thank you, for … rescuing … me.” You cleared your throat, “Neither of you need to stay here. I’d prefer to be alone right now.”
Obi-wan and Anakin bowed and left you alone, as soon as the door closed Obi-wan turned back to the door, stroking his beard. Concerned over the emotions he was feeling from the Senator. 
“Alright, Anakin, you win. I’ll guard the Senator, you go and do what needs to be done. Update the Council on our progress, I will stay by the Senator’s side to gather more intelligence and report back as soon as you can.”
“Yes, Master.” Anakin bowed and headed to the bridge, grateful his Master decided to finally be honest to himself.  
Obi-wan waited outside of your med room, he could sense your grief, your guilt, and your utter feelings of hatred. His heart clenched in pain, he wanted to comfort you, to wrap you up in his arms, to let you know, none of this was your fault, but his feet kept him grounded. He always told you, come what may, he’d be there by your side, yet now, here he was on the other side of the door trying to stay as close as you’d allow him to, maybe he’d hoped for too much. 
Even if you didn’t want his presence near you, the very least he could do at the moment was stand by, ready to be of service to you. He settled against the wall as time ticked by, when he sensed her will to live absolutely crumple. 
The door opened as Obi-wan peaked his head through, you glanced over to him as you wiped your tears.
“Can I come in darling?”
You shrugged, annoyed not necessarily with him, but with everything.
He was careful about coming over and took a seat at the end of the bed keeping his distance, “Would you like to talk, my dear?”
“I … I …” it was all you were able to get out before you broke down crying. It was all too much, the kidnapping, the deaths, the fear, the adrenaline, why was this your life?
Obi-wan didn’t hesitate, he pulled you into a hug, picking you up, cradling you to his chest as he moved closer to you, and sitting back down on your med bed. 
“Shhh, it’s alright my dear.”
“No. It’s not.” You let out through broken sobs.
“What’s not?”
You sat up and moved out of his arms, although truthfully it felt rather nice to be in them. “None of this is all right! I hate this job! I hate this life! I’m responsible for the deaths of seven people. SEVEN. And because I represent our people in the Senate, I have to deal with assassination attempts. NONE OF THIS IS ALL RIGHT! I WISH I COULD DIE!”
He pushed off the bed, his heart breaking into a million pieces as the person he admired and loved for so long was falling apart in front of him. The only thing he could do for you, was to wrap you in a tight hug and never let you go.
“Don’t say that. Please.” His voice trembled, fear gripped his heart, “I need you alive, my dear. I need you alive. Please don’t say that.”
Your voice was muffled as you responded to him, your face buried in his chest, “Why? You … you can’t be by my side… we both know ….”
“Come what may. Remember? I always said come what may, I’ll be there, I will …” he couldn’t finish that sentence. The minute he did he was making a decision he couldn’t back away from, “Until my dying days, I’ll be here.”
He pulled back to look at your face, gently brushing the tears out of your eyes, he didn’t know if it was because you were at your wits end, if because you clearly hadn’t wanted this life but were doing the best you could, or maybe it had to do with the fact that you looked absolutely beautiful in this moment, but all he could think about was how gorgeous your lips looked and how tempting they were.
He slowly leaned forward, tilting your head to meet his, his breath mixing with yours as you both stared into each other’s eyes. You leaned in closer, only to hear the door slide open, you pulled away from Obi-wan wiping your tears, as Anakin stepped with news to share. 
Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal @crosshair-is-the-superior-clone @totallyunidentified @griffedeloup @leotatombs @leotawrites
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beplerblurbs · 1 year
hello ! may i rq some head-cannons for ricky and gunwook with a flirty reader ?
reactions to a flirty y/n
pairings: VERY SHY BOYS !! ricky x gn!reader, gunwook x gn!reader, keita x gn!reader, gyuvin x gn!reader
genre: fluff!!!!! suggestive in keitas, slightest suggestiveness in rickys
warnings: you drink in keitas, implying sexual activities in keitas??
w/c: 2k
authors note: hiiiii anon thanks for the first request i'll try hard to give what u asked for! i like doing these reactions in sets of four so i'll add keita and gyuvin :P its a little rushed so forgive me
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it was korean thanksgiving and everyone had gone home. yet you and ricky being the only international trainees of your dorm, decided just to spend it together.
theres already been some tension during group practice, but nothing had been established. today you wanted to test the limits since it was just you two for a long weekend.
“okay everythings ready. we can start topping!” ricky cheered. you guys decided to do a pizza making competition, better tasting pizza wins, loser has to do something of the winners choice.
you guys start rolling out the dough and flattening it. both of you saucing your flat doughs at an equal pace. the similar pace had caused a conflict with the cheese though, you both grabbed it at the same time. your hand over his, but no one moving.
“you’re moving so quick, its not a timed competition,” ricky tried to be strong, but on the inside he was melting at your touch.
“mmm you should slow down too, your hand is really warm.” your sultry voice halted rickys brain function, it was enough for you to move his hand and take some extra cheese for your pizza.
he regained his composure and tried catching up to you because you were taking more toppings.
throughout, you kept knocking ur hip into ricky’s to distract him. he was playing along too, not without showing his blushing red ears.
“stop~ you’re so annoying y/n,” ricky grumbled, he was trying to put on his final details on his pizza but you kept tickling his sides softly. you were already done your pizza waiting for him to finish to put both in the oven together.
“okay…” you pout and turn to the counter sink, starting to wash some dishes. you knew he was joking but wanted to tease him a bit by acting upset.
“okay okay! i’m sorry, don’t be mad!” you felt ricky’s arms wrap around your waist, and the weight of his head on your shoulder, “get your saucy hands off me! freak,” you laugh and turn around, thankfully you had an apron on to stay clean. you both loved playful moments like these.
“i didn’t know you were so clingy,” you smile and poke his shoulder, “am i?” he genuinely asks, hoping your tone would indicate if his personality was a good thing or bad thing, “yeah but its cute so it’s okay… hurry! our pizzas need to be cooked!”
even though rickys ears are streaming from redness, he turns to quickly finish his pizza and you help each other put the pizzas in the preheated oven to cook.
once they’re done, you bring them out onto cutting boards, to cut and serve from the board since you guys were too lazy to plate it. your secret ingredient was brushing on some sweet and sour sauce on top of the pizza (a/n: its a really good dipping sauce u should try it).
ricky cuts up the pizzas and you both take a bite of your own pizza and then each others. by the time you’re half done your slice from ricky, he’s already finished two slices, relishing in your yummy cooking.
hes a talkative person but now that he knows he’s lost he can’t admit to anything. so you help him out, testing the upper limits of your guys’ relationship.
you come close to his body and lean over to whisper in his ear, “i really like you, ricky,” you can feel him tremble, gripping the counter, “but my pizza is way better.” you pull away, smirking knowing you’ve successfully broken him.
“god, you’re gonna kill me y/n.”
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"no, i swear he did it like this!"
"that doesn't make any sense though," you sigh, gunwook seems timid.
you were an established idol with 2 years of experience already. gunwook though? he was newly debuted and his manager said it would help solidify his reputation as an idol dancer.
right now, you guys were arguing between which move was correct to the original choreography video, your interpretation or his. its not exactly clear due to the low quality of the video, but the choreographer said he would come soon to help out anyways.
both you and gunwook were being stubborn about what you saw.
“i need a water break,” you walk to the back of the studio to get your waterbottle, gunwook does too.
you sit down on the bench nearby, gesturing gunwook to sit with you. he seemed afraid to go against a senior but didn’t want to stray from the choreo of an even more astonished kpop choreographer.
“look, i get it, you don’t wanna seem rude to me or our sunbae. so i’ll let you have the chance to fully explain why you think you’re right,” you close off your waterbottle and let him have the floor to talk.
he goes into detail about why his version makes the most sense and how well it relates to the story the choreographer is trying to portray. he gets up to show the dance move in slow motion
gunwook was both well-mannered and detailed, leaving no room for rebuttal. “wow, its like you’ve been on a debate team.”
“i have! we always won province championshi— thats not the point anyways y/n, do you see where im coming from?” he looks over his shoulder.
gunwook did have a fair point, he was also became more cute in your eyes. his passion for dance, his nerdy tendencies and his kindness kindled a warm flame in your heart. his attractiveness helped even more.
you stood up and walked up to gunwook, “okay, i’ll do it your way.” you leaned in closer to, his boba eyes widened as your face was mere inches away from his, his eys tracing down to your lips, “you’re lucky you’re cute y’know?” you know you’ve weakened him and let him go with a small smile.
“okay, let’s continue with practice,” your nonchalant manner caught gunwook off caught but he caught up to your pace when you played the music.
you adjusted to gunwooks moveafter practicing for about 30 minutes, and in the middle of cleaning the moves the choreographer came in.
you both bowed and dove straight into questions about the choreography.
“sir, gunwook and i were debating on this one 4-count, can you tell us which one in correct?” his simple nod led you to play the music and both you and gunwook show your two versions.
“wow, as per usual, y/n is correct. they’re very keen on the details and always on top of things.” the reassurance settled the debate between you two.
“ahh and gunwook convinced me i was wrong now we have to practice with my version.” you sigh and walked closer to gunwook, your presence seemed to be his weakspot, “maybe i shouldn’t let him off the hook very easily.”
the bright blush that gunwook’s cheeks grew was unavoidable. he couldn’t debate this one, he just accepted he was wrong. he found you really captivating and as a sunbae he had nothing but respect and attraction for you.
after practice, gunwook stopped you before you left with a snack from the vending machine in the building. “thank you for practice today y/n, i hope we can get closer m-maybe?” his nervousness at the end made him even more cute. he was whipped for you and no one could stop him.
“of course.” you smiled, taking the snack.
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keita was in the zone lyric writing for some upcoming collabs. he was an underground rapper and was seeking some inspiration, rather than being inside a cramped studio all day, he went to a pub.
it was moderately busy for a thursday night but keita was able to focus well. that was, until a bartender put a beer and some fries in front of him.
keita had already finished his drink but he never ordered another one. “oh sorry, i didn’t order this,” he tilted his head and pushed back the fries back to the bartender.
“sir, the pretty person there bought you this.” keita turns around to, well, you, a stunning person.
your attractive looks and sultry gaze as you stirred your own drink made keita blush and suddenly his hands felt clammy. he turns around to hide in embarrassment.
you frankly, find him endearing for it. you grab your drink and sit next to him at the bar. “hi handsome, got a name?”
keita tries to laugh off his nervousness, he didn’t want to ruin his chances by being weird, “keita, and yours is?” he tilts his head, “y/n.”
you end up asking about his notebook with lyrics and why he came out tonight and he answers with honesty.
“oh, for inspiration huh,” you say curiously, “maybe you’ll rap about me,” you giggle leaning in close, “you should memorize my face for better writing.”
you were coming on strong and keita couldnt handle his nerves, he wanted to show he could be strong too. he chugs his beer for some liquid encouragement, “don’t worry beautiful of course i will.”
your smile became bigger, not for the reason keita thought though. you took your thumb and wiped away the beer foam on his upper lip. he froze.
“sorry, you had a little something there cutie,” you lick off the remains off your finger.
keita grew even more red, not because of his asian glow but out of your bold flirting, he was loving the attention.
“you okay? nothing to be embarrassed about,” you say sipping your drink, “no you’re just so hot…” keita couldn’t believe how bold he was being now.
“maybe we can get out of here and see where this goes? how does that sound keita?” the way you said his name came out so seductive he couldn’t say no.
you took his hand and led him out the door, leaving the drinks and fries unfinished.
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being a barista in a cafe near the han river was gruelling work because of how busy it gets during weekends and afterhours.
the nice part was always the empty hours, usually morning weekdays, this is usually when retired folks or people living near the river on their morning runs. this is where you can take things a bit more slow.
while cleaning a counter you saw a tall young guy with brown fluffy hair come in, particularly with a cute dog. “awww whats their name?” you tippy toe to get a better look at the dog from over the counter, “eumppappa!” the dog owner said excitedly.
getting a better look at the boy you realised he was really cute and you wanted to shoot your shot. but with the cameras on and your manager having a surveillance obsession, you couldn’t be too obvious.
the boy tapped his chin before making a decision, “uhm~ i’ll do a ice caramel latte.” you punched it into the register and grabbed a cup, “name?” and he told you.
“gyuvin… such a cute name,” your mumbling was loud enough to where you saw the tips of gyuvins ears get red.
he waited for his drink, sitting and scrolling on his phone. oblivious to his opportunities to talk to you while the cafe was empty. so you decided to take matters into your own hands.
“order for gyuvin!” you said loudly, he grabs a tissue before taking his coffee but you stop him, “oh i got a tissue for you,”
“oh thanks but its okay,”
“just take the extra then,” you take his hand and put the tissue in it.
he could see the black ink that spelled out your phone number. he looked puzzled,
“ma’am, someones number is on it.”
“yes its mine”
“oh what? why?”
“it’s obvious, isn’t it?”
“no, why would someone give a stranger their num—“
“its because you’re cute and i wanna talk to you! just take it!” he was frustrating and embarrassing you at this point. gyuvin couldn’t be this oblivious, right?
“ohhh… you could’ve just told me. i think you’re cute too,”
nope, you were wrong, he was that oblivious.
“thank you but if my manager catches us, i’m screwed, go… go!” gyuvin wasnt catching the hint at first but then scrambled out with his dog.
later that night, he texted you and apologized for causing you trouble and you couldn’t help but laugh at his cute texting style and his apology
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 2 months
as someone who has read your fics a lot (big fan hiiiii) and your tags (they're like easter eggs), i am now so curious about your controversial opinions and takes that piss you off because, i mean, i don't want to make a big deal out of it, but you seem to change your opinion on certain characters now hehehe
hi anon! thank you for reading my fics and the nonstop rambling in my tags, haha. i hope you have fun with them! i'm going to assume this is about the silm fandom because i've been rolling out the tolkien posts lately. i couldn't possibly go into all my controversial opinions or all the takes that i hate in one post, but since you're asking i'll give three of each. i'm gonna stick with things i haven't talked much about on this blog, because there are lots of opinions and takes (i.e. blaming thingol/b&l/dior/elwing for the kinslayings, claiming elrond and elros think of maedhros and maglor as their Real Parents, etc.) that i've already made my thoughts on abundantly clear, lol
controversial opinion #1: i don't think tolkien intended this to be the case, but the noldor have uncomfortably colonial overtones in their expressed intentions for middle-earth: 'long he spoke, and ever he urged the noldor to follow him and by their own prowess to win freedom and great realms in the lands of the east' / 'the words of feanor concerning middle-earth had kindled in her heart, for she yearned to see the wide unguarded lands and to rule there a realm at her own will. of like mind with galadriel was fingon fingolfin's son, being moved also by feanor's words, [...] and with fingon stood as they ever did angrod and aegnor, sons of finarfin.' these are finwe's family, his son and his grandchildren. there is no way they aren't aware that elves already inhabit beleriand, yet they express zero consideration for what said elves' opinions might be on their sudden arrival and claiming of the land. it is... a Bad Look
controversial opinion #2: according to the narrative, the sons of feanor lost their right to the silmarils. regardless of who agrees or disagrees, that's what the text posits. the silmarils burned morgoth. they didn't burn beren, didn't burn luthien, didn't burn dior, didn't burn elwing, didn't burn earendil, and didn't burn eonwe. they burned maedhros and maglor
controversial opinion #3: eol is not unreasonable for his low opinion of the noldor. eol is unreasonable for almost everything else about him -- he attempted filicide, is at best a creepy stalker and at worst a rapist (aredhel was not "wholly unwilling"... wdym tolkien explain tolkien what do you mean she was not wholly unwilling), and he accidentally murders his own wife while trying to murder his son. like wow, pick a way to be a terrible person. these quotes though -- "all this land is the land of the teleri, and i will not deal nor have my son deal with the slayers of our kin, the invaders and usurpers of our homes" / "no right have you or any of your kin in this land to seize realms or to set bounds, either here or there." -- he's not wrong about the highlighted portions and he has every right to dislike the noldor for the points he brings up. (though he is wrong for believing the noldor are at fault for morgoth, since morgoth would have come knocking with or without them.)
okay now on to the takes that piss me off!
stupid take #1: that thingol and doriath were bigoted assholes that turn away refugees for not letting aredhel pass through. this was not a very nice thing for them to do, obviously, but equating it with a case of refusing refugees is ridiculous. to begin with, the iathrim and the noldor (save maybe for the nargothrondim, whose king -- finrod -- has a respectful relationship with thingol) do not have the best relations with each other, which is hardly just doriath's fault. then aredhel, one of the noldo whom the iathrim have tensions with, wants to travel through their kingdom to visit her cousin, another one of the noldo whom the iathrim have tensions with. (the worst tensions with, in fact, as thingol is markedly, and rightfully, more disdainful towards the sons of feanor in particular.) why is it so unreasonable that this would not go over well? the iathrim didn't force her to go the way she did either; in fact they explicitly warn her that that road is "the speediest way," but that it is "perilous". she had other options and she decided to go with the one that was reportedly dangerous. and on top of it all, aredhel is not in the same dire situation as actual refugees. turgon would have given her ample supplies for the journey since he was already so remiss to her leaving in the first place, plus he gives her "three lords of his household" as guards/companions. how come this instance, which is not a case that concerns refugees, is treated by some people as sure evidence of thingol's isolationism and "racism" towards the noldor, while an explicit instance where he does accept actual -- noldorin!! -- refugees is swept under the rug? oh wait i know. because this fandom loves making doriath into this discriminatory, uniquely nationalist kingdom that it canonically is not. if you want isolationism, gondolin is right there
stupid take #2: that luthien's victories over sauron and morgoth are proof that she's a mary sue. tolkien calling her "luthien the mere maiden" is annoying, but more accurate than the complaints about her being op. she doesn't even fight either of them. with sauron he jumps at her and radiates so much Hatred that she faints, but she manages to cover his eyes with her cloak and make him sleepy for a moment. huan takes the opportunity to jump in and they start fighting. with morgoth, her disguise doesn't work on him. instead she uses his arrogance and lust to her advantage, bides her time, then seizes the opportunity to put him to sleep with her cloak. and when he stirs, she and beren run for their lives in terror! when people say luthien winning against sauron and morgoth is plot armor, what they really mean is that their faves don't have the guts she has to go up against extreme odds and the brains to effectively use what she has going for her to her greatest benefit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
stupid take #3: that luthien cast an enchantment on celegorm to make him lust after her. or even anything adjacent like luthien's maia blood enchanted celegorm though she wasn't doing it intentionally. not even going to bother debunking this kind of thing because it's a genuinely braindead take that reeks of misogyny, victim-blaming, and desperate whitewashing. fuck all the way off
i get the feeling you're talking about the sons of feanor on that part about changing my opinion on certain characters? which you'd be right about, the fandom has majorly turned me off from them. they used to be nearly the center of my interest in the silmarillion and its events, and now, while i still like them as they are in the story, i barely look at fandom content of them because the apologism is extreme and ridiculous. also funnily enough, my ranking of the individuals within the blanket of "the feanorians" has shuffled a lot too. maedhros and maglor used to be my favorite, now i've had enough maedhros and maglor to last me... maybe not a lifetime, but a good long while. (i dipped out of the tolkien fandom about two/three years ago, which was the time i got tired of m&m content. to this day i'm still tired of them.) and celegorm, the piece of shit that he is, used to be among my least favorite and now somehow shot his way up to my favorite <3 he's ambitious. he's charismatic. he's impulsive and arrogant. he's a wreck. he's funny. he's the absolute worst. love him
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italeean · 1 year
Endurance training
You can find the plot here
A/N: Hiiiii!! Guys you have NO IDEA of how excited I am for this fic... like, an x reader??? WITH MY HUSBAND?!!!! Anon, chiunque tu sia, ti amo 💚🤍❤️ (Anon, whoever you are, I love you). I hope you all enjoy this work, suggestions and support are always appreciated 🌸 Happy July everyone!!
DISCLAIMER: This is a tickle fic, if it's not to your taste, I don't suggest you read it
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Every day just felt the same: waking up at 4 AM, going on a run, shower, light breakfast, training, lunch, more training, dinner and sleep. That was the merciless routine y/n has had ever since they decided to join the Fatui ranks as a recruit. And the worst part was him.
Tartaglia, Childe, the 11th Harbinger and also their direct superior. He was the Harbinger responsible for their training, and y/n was destined to be one of his soldiers, under his command. If they wanted to have a future as something more than a simple soldier, they needed to make themselves known, they needed to be bold and daring if they wanted to impress him.
But how do you impress someone who's so fearless and self-confident that he fights with the weapon he has most trouble using?! (And he's also a pro at it)
The answer was completely unknown to them. They just knew they needed to make him notice them and see their potential. Because they had potential... right..? There was no time to be insecure, they had the skills and the desire to learn and reach higher and higher goals.
That's why they trained almost to exhaustion, paying attention not to burn themselves out to avoid missing out on important training session just because their body was too strained to even get up, and eventually their work paid off because the Harbinger decided to follow their progress with special attention, which included private combat lessons after the regular training with all the other recruits.
The two of them got closer with time, and y/n slowly got used to Childe's reckless and sometimes flirty personality. He was brilliant when it came to combat skills, although he had some lacunae in the topic of strategizing, but they saw him as a model anyway, and they strived to impress him.
However, they felt like they lacked something in their style. Their shape was perfect, their movements were fluid, their reflexes were quick... and still, the Harbinger always took them down in any kind of combat with any kind of weapon without even breaking a sweat during their training sessions.
"You're too rigid," He always told her "you should try to have more fun. Be bold, unpredictable. You're always on the defensive so your style gets predictable in the long run." Those words stung a little, but y/n knew he was right... they had to be more daring, even at the cost of making mistakes.
They quickly got up and charged at the Harbinger with the intent of tackling him to the ground... only to find their hands blocked before they could even register what was happening.
Childe was standing in front of them with his usual smug smile. "That's already much better, although we'll need to work on your speed. Now, if you manage to grab your opponents hands like I did with you, you have many possibilities." He got both y/n's hands into one of his own, "Like a headbutt, a kick to make the opponent fall and bring the fight to the ground, or you can assess a punch to the stomach, right here..."
His free hand darted to the mentee's belly to show them the exact spot to hit... but when he poked the area, he was surprised by the startled yelp that left y/n's lips. "Oh? Is there something wrong? Did it hurt? It wasn't supposed to hurt... did you strain a muscle? You've been doing the stretching routine I gave you, right?" He looked at them with a worried but stern look on his face as he let go of their hands.
"Of course I did!" Y/n replied quickly "It didn't actually hurt... it just... umm... startled me! Anyway... I'm starting to feel fatigued now, I think it's better to do the stretching and wrap things up here for today..."
Childe nodded and smiled "It's good that you're learning to understand the signals of your body, it can save your life in battle... unless you're me, in that case, fatigue isn't a thing for me." He boasted playfully and started to leave, letting y/n do the stretching on their own. Y/n breathed a sigh of relief... luckily he had bought her excuse.
'Who do they think they're kidding?' Tartaglia thought to himself. And he was right, who did they think they were kidding? He was a big brother, he could detect a lie from a mile, especially when it came to being ticklish.
The following day, the morning training went as usual, but when they headed to the training arena in the evening, a little surprise awaited them. The Harbinger was standing there with a mischievous, almost ominous smirk on his face.
"Today we'll have a special training session to improve your stamina and strength." He began "It's very effective, and I can guarantee you that you'll feel loosened up after I'm done wi- I mean, after we're done." He chuckled, cooing internally at y/n's confused expression.
He gave them a wooden stick, "You'll have to keep it raised above your head for as long as you can." He told them. The instructions were simple enough, and the mentee did immediately as they were told, although they found that training unexpectedly easy... almost excessively simple.
"Umm... shall we pass to something heavier..?" They asked perplexed after a couple of minutes. "Don't be cocky now, you're about to find out how hard this exercise can get..." He got closer to them, cracking his knuckles.
Y/n gulped at the thought of what was about to happen, because they didn't know. Probably not even the Tsartitsa herself knew how ruthless the training to become a Fatuus could get. They had to keep their guard high, be ready for the worst...
But they weren't ready for the storm of pokes that descended on their torso, making them yelp and squirm and jump left and right. "Wha- aaaahhehehehe w-whahat are yohou doiiing???" "Oh can't you tell by yourself? I'm tickling you!! I'm sure it has happened to you before! Now you better keep that stick up~" He teased as his hands went to town all over their poor tummy, toned by all those days of training.
"Hahahahaha h-hohohow dihihid yohou-"
"How did I know? Dear, I'm an older brother... did you really thought you had fooled me with your little act and your little excuse?" He chuckled as he poked y/n's abs and pinched their sides. "Now, don't you think you deserve this also as a punishment for lying to me, your superior AND your dear mentor?"
"Nooooohohoho thihihis ihihisn't fahahahair!!" The mentee complained as they succumbed to the giggles.
"This is endurance training, it isn't supposed to be fair. Now gather up and endure, that stick is shaking too much." He latched onto their ribs with both hands, enjoying the shriek that left y/n's lips as he played with their ribcage as if it was a piano.
"GAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOHOHOP IT!!" Y/n yelled on top of their lungs as their sensitive ribs were playfully tormented. "Or else what? I should remind you that I'm the one in charge here, so you're in no position to bark orders." The redhead replied with his usual amount of wit and sass as he kept having fun with his mentee's ribs.
Poor y/n could feel their legs shaking, but they did their best to fight the urge to curl over themselves... with scarce results apparently, because Tartaglia corrected them. "Your posture is incorrect, I'm gonna have to correct you, I suppose..."
And by 'correct' he meant scribbling all over their back and watch them yelp and arch it into a more correct position. "That's what I'm talking about... and I gotta admit that you're lasting surprisingly long given how much you're laughing and squirming... I guess I'll have to go for the kill..."
As he said that, his hands shot up to y/n's underarms, delicately scratching the skin with all his 10 fingers. "WAAAAHAHAHAEHEHEHEHE NOHOHOHOHO PLEHEAHAHAHSE!!" The trainee couldn't handle it anymore and let go of the stick as their knees gave out and they crumbled to the ground, trying to curl up in a ball as those devious, nimble fingers followed every single movement of theirs.
"IHIHIHI GIHIHIHIVEHEHE!! IHIHI GIVEHEHEHEHEHE UHUHUHUHUP!!!" They scream-laughed desperately when the tickling got too much to handle, and were relieved that the Harbinger decided to be merciful and stop the tickling.
After they recovered from that merciless attack (yes, he recognized he'd been a little merciless), he looked at them still with his smug face. "Well? What do you think about this endurance training?"
"Endurance training?! You call this torture a training session?!" They exclaimed in embarrassment, which made him snicker. "I think you should endure a little bit of punishment for lying to me about your ticklishness..." He slowly approached them again.
"I loved this training session!!" Y/n quickly replied with a terrified smile. Maybe (MAYBE) they had fun, but going through all of that again was really too much. "See? That's what I'm talking about!" He chirped, "I bet you're much more relaxed and laid back after laughing so much... but you're right, this was no training. I just wanted to have my fun while loosening you up."
"You WHAT?!" The poor mentee exclaimed completely astonished. "Aaaww are you gonna pretend you didn't like this even a little? Fine, I guess... get up and get your revenge!"
Y/n quickly got up and charged at their mentor, determined to take him down and 'make him pay'.
They never managed to get their revenge... on the contrary, they got wrecked again, but Childe also told them that he'd never seen them fight so well, without the usual rigidity. That 'endurance training' had really managed to loosen them up.
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biteofcherry · 6 months
Happy Wetnessday
My brain is tired today so I'm gonna give you some facts to your relationship with King Curtis and you tell me how you guys met. This may be slightly inspired by your Curtis blurb from a few days ago
- he's a just ruler but can be brutal if needed but never with you. With you he's the softest (except in bed )
- you merntion something once and he does everything in his might to get it for you, including getting a delivery of your favourite fruits from your previous kingdom
- he frequently goes on rides with you, he even got you your very own white horse to contrast his black stallion
- he takes you everywhere he needs to go nd if he can't take you he writes lettersdaily and brings you a souvenir
So how did you meet?
xoxo Wetnessday anon 💦
Hiiiii Wetnessday Anon! 💕💐
I'm sure Curtis would take care of your exhaustion and find ways to switch off your brain completely and have your muscles relax into goo 😉
Now you would think that it's through arranged marriage that I ended up being with King Curtis, but it's more of an arranged misadventure. And by arranged I mean that I was attempting to organize a sneaky escape from my kingdom. And by misadventure I mean that I wasn't planning on ending up on Curtis' ship.
Curtis came to my kingdom along with four other rulers of foreign kingdoms. It was to talk potential alliances and treaties, since my older brother - a regent awaiting for the crown while our father was slowly fading away due to illness - decided he wanted to show how big his balls are. He didn't make a good impression.
But at least he didn't start any new wars, so that's definitely a success.
Since he has been getting on my nerves with his pushing and pressing to marry me to his friend (I'm a goddamn Princess and he didn't even arrange for me to marry another king, or prince; but decided to sate his disgusting friend's lewd desires to possess me), I decided to fuck it all.
My plan was to sneak off to the golden shores of King Ari's kingdom. I had naive dreams of living a simple life on the beach, even marrying a fisherman. Just being happy and in peace.
Fowever, the security in the docks was exceptionally good, especially around each ship, which forced me to do a lot of hasty moves and wrong turns. I thought I was getting on the right ship, but in the morning, when we were on the open sea, I noticed from my hiding spot below the deck that the sails aren't pure white painted with gold.
They were crispy white, yes. But they bore the black emblem of an axe. That moment I realized I was on the way to the snowy lands, ruled by the rough, unyielding King Curtis.
Few breaths later I was discovered and dragged in front of the King himself.
Curtis wasn't happy at first, annoyed at the prospect of conflict my irresponsible escape may cause. But he took me to his cabin and demanded a thorough explanation. After a long consideration, he offered me two choices.
One was that I would be given a boat and one of his sailors would row me back to my kingdom. The other was to go with him and marry him, since he saw potential gain in that for his own kingdom.
Curtis was blunt about the political lining of it, but he was also honest in his promise to allow me freedom within the borders of the castle, opportunities to explore and grow and have my own passions. He even joked (amused by my romantic musings of learning to fish and mend fishing nets) that he'd allow me to learn any craft I wanted.
Agreeing to Curtis' proposal was dictated by me really not wanting to go back home, but he quickly proved that there was love and joy in the icy cold northern kingdom. And that it wasn't covered in snow all the time, like foreigners believed.
The wedding night also proved that my body would never desire any other man.
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sadaveniren · 2 months
Hiiiii!!! I saw your post about your kids asking you about your collar. Would you be open on providing further information on how a 24/7 master/slave relationship works with having kids? I am assuming it would be difficult to insert the sexual part of it when you’re also having to look after innocent children. Also! I am surprised with the fact that you’re in a 24/7 arrangement! I have so many questions that I want answers but I don’t want to invade your privacy!!! thank youuus
Hi!! It's no problem at all I try to be pretty open about everything, mostly to destigmatize kink. So for us navigating the 24/7 relationship while having a kid feels no different than I imagine any couple with a kid feels, because a good chunk of our dynamic isn't actually sexual. I feel like that's the first thing people really misunderstand, just because we are in a 24/7 relationship doesn't mean we are having sex 24/7 (most days... like obviously on a vacation where we have nothing else to do we definitely have just-- you know what that's probably TMI lol but just know, sex is healthy and fun and your local bdsm mom is VERY well taken care of), we just have total power exchange. (rip the gcs and my irl friends who get texts from me being like GUESS WHO JUST GOT THE FUCK OF THEIR LIFE)
Just gonna throw everything else under a cut here cause I can. You're welcome to come back (on or off anon) and ask questions! If you're curious here's a good blog post about TPE if you don't wanna just read my own experiences.
Now. Hello. Sada long post time.
I understand that to a naive and casual observer TPE can look like abuse, especially when you throw in mine and my husband's other kinks (i'm service orientated and a masochist, and they're a pleasure dom sadist) but I cannot express enough that this arrangement is 100% consensual, and was entered of sane mind etc etc. if my "you poor dumb autistic person" anon come back, preemptively, you can choke 🙃 Please understand our friends and family know we are in this relationship and not one person who knows us has ever had any concerns. My dad literally asked me where I got my collar because he wanted to recommend it to a co-worker of his.
How we navigate our dynamic in public honestly comes across as us being Very Polite And Loving to one another. We use terms of endearments to address each other instead of our titles. Every order my husband gives me includes him saying please, and he thanks me for everything he's asked me to do. We touch often, holding hands, snuggling, casual kisses. The first thing either of us do upon coming home is greet each other. We do let some subtle protocol slip through to public, such as I always sit on my husband's right (cause I'm his right hand haha), I wear my collar all of the time, and any clothing I wear is approved by my husband.
For us personally though... the best way I can describe it is we operate as one person separated into two bodies. My husband gives me orders for things they need done that they can't take care of in that moment. I am their's to order around as they want because everything they order me to do is for us. And that's why I am more than happy to fulfill those orders, because I'm doing them for us. We are like... the ultimate team. Two people working together for the same goal.
Our relationship and dynamic isn't for everyone. It's a very intense relationship and our feelings for each other run very deep. We've been together in some form of a BDSM relationship for 16 years and known each other since we were both 15. We didn't just jump into the TPE for a long while, but after being together for as long as we have certain things just work. We have negotiated a lot. We have explored a lot. We trust each other.
I belong to my husband entirely but people need to understand my husband belongs to me too. I think the loyalty and love a submissive has for their dominant is something that isn't always talked about, probably because it can so easily get stigmatized and categorized as part of abuse. I genuinely feel free in this dynamic, and like... ngl this type of relationship is exactly what I dreamed of for as long as I can remember wanting a relationship. TPE allows me to focus my energy on doing what I like (which is taking care of someone else's needs) and in return I am treasured.
My husband loves me with everything they are and their role, as the dominant, is to take care of me. They are my biggest advocate when it comes to my health. Just as quickly as they order me to get them water they are also ordering me to take 5 minutes to myself because they can tell I'm getting overwhelmed. They make sure I take my medicine every morning and that I've eaten. They know that my role is to take care of them, and in return, they take care of me. And it makes me so insanely happy.
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forerussake · 1 month
Hiiiii sorry i know it's been ages since you wrote "a hand within a hand, holding light" but i thought of it randomly today and then wondered - are there any povs/perspectives you had thought of that didn't make it into the final story? Like maybe from one of Shen Wei's classmates or something? Just, are there any othet perspectives you had thought of exploring or that you'd like to explore now? 👀 👀
Also what gave you the idea for exploring Shen Wei's character through multiple different outside povs? It's such a cool and fun (and slightly painful) concept, but something I never would've thought of doing
Ohhh anon don't be sorry! It makes me so so so happy t hear people are still thinking about and enjoying my older fics :) And tbh a year ago is not even that long! I still think about a hand within a hand sometimes myself :)
As to your questions:
It's not the answer you wanted to hear maybe, but I didn't actually create any more OCs than I needed for the fic. My planning doc consisted of first only the different periods of Shen Wei's life that I wanted to cover (pre-kunlun, during Kunlun times, post-waking etc.) and then slowly started to gain vague descriptions of the people who would be the POV characters. But for a long time no more than e.g. "struggling Haixingren student" for Liu Chang and "Dixing palace archivist" for Hu Mingxia. I developed their characters and names and backstories only as I got to their chapter, and only really while writing. I had a vague idea of what role I wanted them to play in Shen Wei's life, and I also wanted them all to be people who couldn't have been logically swapped out for any canon character. So Jing Qiannan became a student counsellor instead of a fellow student, bc for that moment in time I wanted someone who wasn't Chen Xinyan, and also someone in a role of authority, but who wasn't professor Zhou. So you see how these characters came to be :)
I do really like the idea of more outside POV work of Shen Wei's fellow students, or perhaps his colleagues. Now that I'm thinking about it I think a kaleidoscope-style fic about Shen Wei's developing academic career and the slow but steady construction of his modern life and support system would be very fun to write! I also always like to think about the experiences of Dixingren living topside :)
As for what gave me the idea... I don't know anon... I really enjoy writing outsider POV. I think it's a super fun vehicle for character study. Characters thinking about themselves can deceive themselves, but an outsider will notice and think and feel things about a character that can be really interesting and revealing. I think this works especially well for Shen Wei because he is so secretive. He is so closed-off about his feelings and thoughts, and I thought it would be really fun to put him in situations where other people notice things about him and can prick through that bubble of secrecy at least a little bit, by virtue of being outsiders who are ultimately (at least so it seems) incosequential to the timeline. I hope that answer makes sense hahah!
Thanks for this ask anon, I LOVE talking about my writing and the thought processes behind it :))))) This was really fun to think about <333
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kinomiakai · 3 months
hiiiii :) i just wanted to let u know that you ARE that fic writer!!! i read Enter Naruto in like actually less than 2 days and since i first read it a couple months ago ive thought about it almost every single day and recommend it to literally anyone who will listen and ALSO Alcohol and a Moment Alone sjdjskdjd i go back and reread it like AT LEAST once a month i literally fall asleep thinking about sasukes pov!!!! ur so talented and im actually obsessed w ur writing 🫶🏻🫶🏻
ANON!!!! I'm so sorry I had to let your ask sit for so long dshfskhd I've been so busy---- thank you so much, this is so so incredibly sweet 😭😭😭 jdjklfhskf this is so impossible to me, I love knowing it so much, I can't believe you fall asleep thinking about my fics!!! Gahhh that is so kind, thank you so so much 😭💕💕💕💕
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