#it’s either he lives in my room or jumpscares me in the hallway
hannie-dul-set · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS. wherein your friend offers a room for you to crash in while your dorm is being renovated, but fails to mention that your new housemates don’t know how to talk to women (oh, and they also have an ongoing bet about you, too).
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PAIRINGS. choi soobin, choi beomgyu, lee heeseung, park jongseong, sim jaeyun, park sunghoon x female! reader. GENRE. housemates! au, rom-com, sitcom, reverse harem time baby. WARNINGS. mentions of dicks and balls and nudity, mentions of sex, mild manipulation, someone cries at one point, the usual amount of swearing. WORD COUNT. 3.3k.
TAGLIST. @cerealdreamwriter @tyongff-ff @dinonuguaegi @certifiedmoa @blueberrgyuu0 @primantha @blu3bell4 @nunugget @hoshi-is-ult-bbg
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NOTE. whatever the bet they have is, it's definitely one of the three things you're thinking about. per usual, please let me know what you think about this trainwreck so far!
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CHAPTER 2 — the inevitable disasters of living with six men.
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FOR THE MOST PART, LIVING IN YOUR NEW TEMPORARY HOME HAS BEEN FINE. It’s similar to living in the dorms, but a lot more hygienic and a lot less stressful considering you don’t need to use your earplugs at the dead of night anymore. Your housemates all surprisingly tend to themselves, minding their own business on the day-to-day.
Jake makes sure you feel welcomed by introducing you to the extensive LEGO collection in his room which is taking him more than a week, you have never seen Soobin come out of his room again after he got jumpscared by your Victoria’s Secret on the first day, and Heeseung smiles and says hi to you but never fails to demonstrate his superhuman agility by swerving out of your way when you cross paths in the narrower hallways, making sure he never touches you. You also hear questionable screams of anguish from Beomgyu’s room whenever you come down for water at 3 a.m., you often have breakfast cereal with Jay and he always makes sure to refill your Cheerios while saying “to make your day a lot more cheery-oh,” and sometimes— when you’re particularly lucky— you and Sunghoon would emerge from your bedrooms at the same time and he’d stare you down, like usual, until you finally smile at him and he breaks into a cold sweat before either retreating back into his room or downstairs.
It’s great. Living with Jake and his friends is so great.
Until it’s not. Because you’re living with six men, and that statement in itself is bound to harbor problems.
Case in point—
“Who the fuck ate my ice cream?”
It’s early in the morning. Heeseung, Beomgyu, Jake, and Jay are all gathered around the kitchen island as you witness the murder scene in the fridge. You turn around, revealing the opened pint of mint chocolate that has a very noticeable chunk taken out from its creamy, minty center. “Not me.” Beomgyu is the first to defend himself. “You’re the only one in this house that even likes that toothpaste shit.”
“Say that again.” You slam the fridge door shut, looking him dead in the eye. “I dare you. Say that shit again.”
You wait. You continue staring at Beomgyu until he breaks into a nervous sweat and lets out a cough after tearing his head away. A victorious grin stretches on your face. “Thought so, punk.”
“That’s not fucking fair. You can’t pull that crap!”
“What crap?” you press further. Beomgyu isn’t able to challenge your stare again so he resorts to hopping off the stool with a groan and disappears into the living room. That’s another victory in your books. “Anyway, seriously— which one of you ate my ice cream? I won’t get mad. Just be honest and tell me.”
Jake fidgets in his seat. “Are you sure someone ate it?” 
“There’s a hole! There’s literally a singular hole!” You’re sure one of them took a bite before realizing their major fuck up and discreetly returning your pint into the freezer. Jay chokes back a giggle. The three of them are looking at each other. Oh my god, they’re all children. “Heeseung. Do you know what happened?”
The man in question suddenly jolts in his seat and straightens his shoulders. “N-no, no I don’t,” he sputters out. “I really don’t know.”
“I think he does,” inserts Jay.
“I think he does, too.” You settle the violated ice cream on the counter before marching up to the panic-stricken accused. He tries to run away, but you’ve memorized all his evasive tactics. You know how this bastard operates, so you slam your arm down over the counter as a barricade before he could book it. “Heeseung, did you kill my ice cream?”
“I did not!” he exclaims.
“Who did it, then?”
“I don’t know— ask Sunghoon!”
Just in time. Sunghoon is mid-stride into the kitchen, but makes an immediate u-turn the moment he hears his name. You’ve just about had it. You manage to grab him back by the scruff of his shirt and yank him down with a harsh tug. “Holy shit,” Jake breathes out. Sunghoon tries to pry himself off with a grunt, but you have an iron grip on his collar.
“Talk,” you spit out. “Tell me who ate my ice cream. I’ve had enough of your silent treatment, Park Sunghoon. You better spit it out, right now.”
This time, he succeeds by grabbing you by the wrist and almost flips you over, before settling with twisting your arm instead. “I don’t fucking know!”
You hold your forearm close to your chest. That was the first time he’s ever spoken to you and you would’ve thought his voice was pretty until he decided to cuss you out. “Well damn, you don’t need to be a total bitch about it.” Sunghoon’s expression sinks. He grumbles and turns back out of the kitchen. You let out a sigh, quickly returning your attention to the three boys on the counter before they can get the opportunity to run away. “None of you are leaving until you tell me who the culprit is.”
Heeseung squirms nervously under your stare. The other two are out of hot water because they don’t seem to know anything. It takes him thirty seconds to break. “Soobin hyung said— said something about making a mistake so I think you should— wait, hold on!”
Too late. You’re already marching up the stairs. You can hear the scrambling of footsteps following after you, but you don’t stop, not until you reach his room and you lift your fist up to gingerly knock on Soobin’s door. Two knocks. And then three. You hear the knob click before a small gap cracks open— wide enough for you to flash the hesitant Choi Soobin a malicious grin. Within a second, all the color drains from his face and he tries slamming the door back shut, but you wedge your foot into the gap quick enough to stop him.
Fuck. It hurts like a bitch. You’re biting down your tongue and trying your best to maintain a smile. “Let’s talk, yeah?” You kick the door open and Soobin stumbles back to avoid the violent swing.
It’s the first time you’re entering someone else’s room. You hope you don’t get sued for breaking and entering.
“I believe we have yet to formally introduce ourselves to each other, Mr. Choi Soobin, but you see, there has been a conundrum,” you start, walking into his personal space, inch-by-inch, step-by-step and he slowly backs away. “A crime scene, if you will. Yesterday, on my way home from work, I bought a delicious pint of mint chocolate ice cream from the 7-Eleven just outside the subdivision. You’ve been there, right?”
The back of his legs hit the cushion of his bed when there’s no space left for him to back into. “Soobin.” Your voice is sharp, slicing into the air, and Soobin stumbles back onto the mattress. “Have you been there?” you repeat your question. He nods, throat bobbing when he swallows down nothing. 
Maybe you’re pushing it, but you’re having way too much fun. Let’s just say you’re getting even. “Well, I left that pint of ice cream untouched in the freezer because it was already really, really late at night,” you continue. “I intended to eat it this morning, but imagine my surprise when I opened the pint to find a huge, gigantic hole in the middle! Almost as if someone dug a spoon and stole a bite of my mint chocolate ice cream.”
Soobin flinches everytime you hiss out a word with too much enunciation. You’re practically looking down on the giant man. His face is drenched in guilt. He’s got nowhere to run now. 
“Do you know what happened, Soobin?”
Too much. Maybe you pushed it a little too much this time because all of sudden— he’s in tears. He’s actually fucking crying. 
“I—I didn’t know it was yours! It was— it was late at night and I was half asleep, so I—I—I thought it was the choco chip ice cream I bought the other day, put when I put it in my mouth, it tasted horrendous, and that’s when I knew I did something horribly wrong.” There are fat tears rolling down his flushed cheeks and he’s close to breaking into a fit of hiccups. Oh no. Oh, for fuck’s sake. “I’m sorry, I’m so—sorry, please forgive me, I—”
“H-hey— it’s fine, it’s alright, I was just messing around!” Your palms and fingers are now all wet trying to console him while wiping off his tears. The last time you had to comfort a grown man was when you watched Hi Bye, Mama! with your friends, so needless to say, you’re lacking in that skill department and are thus, also freaking out. The only thing you’re getting out of this is the discovery that Soobin’s skin is unfairly soft. What the hell is his skincare routine? “It was a joke! A joke! You know what, you can have all my ice cream from now on! So, please just stop crying—”
“Oh my god.”
You snap your head back to see the rest of the boys gathered outside the door, but that’s the least of your concerts at the moment because you think you’ve just traumatized Soobin a second time within two weeks you started living here. “You monster. You made Soobin hyung cry,” Beomgyu announces from behind, and you shoot him a glare.
“Do you want me to make you cry next?”
“I think I’m good.”
Soobin finally calms down after that and you’re all subsequently kicked out. You knock on his bedroom door the next day with three more pints of ice cream (different flavors) as a peace offering and though you’re sure the both of you are cool now, he still starts sweating when you try to make eye contact with him. You also haven’t caught the bastard that keeps on depleting your kisses stash yet, but you’ll find him eventually.
And that was just one of your problems. The next issue you have is a little less dessert related, and little more—
“Fuck! Put some pants on, for shit’s sake!”
The amount of times you’ve almost seen a pair of balls hanging around shouldn’t be legal. You finally decide to round them all up in the living room for a discussion one day because it’s been getting out of hand.
“Listen,” you start your speech. The six of them are sitting around the sofa as you stand in front of them, arms crossed, and all. “I understand that you’re all used to living by yourselves for a very long time now. Trust me, I really do. But to be completely frank, I also really don’t want to see any dick and balls outside the bedroom, you know? I get enough unsolicited dick pics already.”
Jay looks like he wants to say something. “So, does that mean it’s okay if it’s inside the bedroom?” You give him a look. He politely puts his hands on his lap. “Sorry.”
“Anyway,” you continue. “Old habits die hard. I understand that. But someones these habits need to be broken for the sake of a peaceful cohabitation. That is why I thought of a countermeasure.” You tap on the large jar that’s been sitting on the coffee table since their arrival. All eyes are on the container. “Every time someone accidentally flashes anyone— of course, that includes myself— they have to put money in the Preservation of Dignity Jar as a penalty.”
“Yes. Thank you for your input, Jay. Jake, you’re raising your hand?”
Jake lowers his arm and clears his throat. “Who gets the money once the jar is full?”
“Very good question.” He looks proud of himself. You give him a smile. “All the money goes to me because of how much you guys have violated my eyes within two weeks of living here.”
“That makes sense,” Sunghoon nods at your proposal. Of course he does. He’s the biggest culprit out of the lot.
“That’s not fair!” Beomgyu interjects. “It’s not like I want you to see my dick!”
You give him a smile and he flinches back down into his seat. “So, is it my fault for walking into an unlocked bathroom?”
“Knock first!”
“I do, and you bitches never fucking answer!”
“Okay!” A clap resounds in the room. Heeseung makes an attempt to resolve the spat. “How about we all get the money in the jar?”
“None of your socialist bullshit, Heeseung. The most deprived should get all the money in full.” He winces the moment you step a little too close. You let out a sigh. “State your miseries. Soobin, you start.”
He’s been quietly fiddling with his thumbs since the beginning, and the sudden flush of attention isn’t helping his nervousness. “I...I have this Gojo figurine that I’ve been eyeing since last month, and—” Soobin cuts himself off. You raise a brow. He looks away. “N-nevermind. You can have the money.”
That was three more seconds of eye contact than usual. You should give him a pat on the head for that. “I’m in debt,” Beomgyu quickly presents his case. “I borrowed money from Jay and I need to pay him back.”
Jay goes next. “I’m a couple hundred thousand won short because Beomgyu borrowed money from me.”
“Those don’t sound very misfortunate, I’m afraid.” Jay says he totally, absolutely agrees with you and Beomgyu clicks his tongue before grumbling in the corner of the couch. Your eyes land on Jake, who hesitantly drawls out that he wants to buy a new beanie. Sunghoon spends too much time thinking so you eliminate him for being slow. “Heeseung, would you like to say something?”
“I just think we should all—”
“My turn,” you cut him off before he tries to settle for equality again. “My dorm caught on fire. I’m half-homeless right now. If there aren’t any objections about me being the most in need out of all of us, we can agree that I’ll be the one keeping the money.” They don’t dare make a noise. You grin. “It’s a pleasure doing business with all of you. Please feel free to walk around in your underwear as much as you’d like. Thank you.”
When you saunter out of the area, you hear Beomgyu rallying them to protest because this felt like an unfair arrangement, but by the end of the week, the jar is already a fourth filled with sweet, sweet cash and you have successfully established the steady flow of your passive income. Was that your intention in the first place? Perhaps, but they have to compensate you somehow for everything your eyes have been forced to witness.
But there is yet another pressing problem in your midst. This one, you’re not entirely sure you have a solution for.
“Hey,” you greet Jake after he opens his bedroom door for you. He invites you in and you realize he’s building an addition to his very extensive LEGO collection, so you’re careful not to aim your ass on any of the bricks scattered on his bed.
“What’s up?” he asks with a curious smile. 
“How did you get your friends to agree with me living here?” Jake cocks his head, eyebrows furrowed. “I mean, it’s kinda obvious that they’re not exactly comfortable with me being around.” 
“Are…you sure you’re not just misunderstanding?”
“Jake,” you exhale. “One of them picks a fight with me whenever he gets the chance, another one doesn’t even want to fucking talk to me. The other two are either desperately avoiding me or flat out think I’m about to hit them when I raise my arm for a wave. And aside from you, I can only hold a normal conversation with Jay, but those conversations aren’t exactly normal, either.” You have no idea if he hasn’t noticed this, or if he simply just wants to feign ignorance, but Jake looks like he’s in very deep thought. You sigh again. “Are you sure it’s okay for me to be here? I can just find another place to stay if I’m being too much.”
You must’ve hit a nerve, because he suddenly snaps into panic. “No! I mean, you really don’t have to go! Trust me, having you here is important to all of us.”
Now, that’s suspicious. You narrow your eyes at Jake, and he presses his lips together and looks away. Something is definitely up and you’re not going to give up until your dear friend voluntarily spills out his guts or until you make him spill it. 
“Important?” you prod. “What do you mean by that?”
He starts sweating even more. “I—I mean, those four are just shy, you know? They’re not very good at expressing themselves. And—and you’re getting along pretty well with Jay! They all have absolutely zero problems about having you here, I can guarantee you that.”
You continue staring at him for a little longer, throwing out a hum and sigh every now and then to get his gears grinding. When you deem him scared shitless enough, you finally start, “I see.” There’s something wrong in the tone of your voice and he knows it. Jake swallows nervously. You finally crack him. “Jake, I’m really disappointed.”
There it is. You watch as he crumbles right before your eyes. “I really expected better from you, you know?” A little more. “Of all people, I didn’t think you’d be the one to put me into this kind of situation. I mean, we’ve been friends for a good while now. No, I’m not angry! I’m just really, really disappointed.”
“Hear— hear me out!”
“I have nothing to do with the bet, I promise! I’m just an unwitting participant, so please don’t get mad at me! I’ll tell them to quit it, I really will!”
“Oh, so there’s a bet?”
It’s like you drained all the life out of him within a matter of seconds.
“H-huh?” he stammers, eyes batting in confusion. “Didn’t you say you were disappointed? Haven’t you found out about the whole bet thing?”
“I found out thanks to you.” It probably isn’t a good thing if Jake is this terrified about you finding out. You lean back, palms sinking into the push of his blankets as your friend continues to eye you nervously. “How about you tell me more about this interesting bet? Does it have something to do with me having to live with all of you?”
He’s nipping on his bottom lip. It’s becoming more evident that whatever this bet is— you surely have the right to know. “I’m sorry,” he finally spits out. “I—I can’t say— at least not at the moment! But, I promise it’s nothing bad! It’s completely harmless and not dangerous at all!”
It’s definitely something bad. “Alright.” You get up. He instinctively blocks your way and panics again when he realizes what he’s doing. You click your tongue. “I’m not going to force it out of you if you don’t want to tell me. You’re still the owner of the roof I’m living under, so I can’t exactly try to fight you, you know?”
“So, you’re not leaving?”
Jake is wearing his puppy dog eyes and you honestly start to feel bad. You sigh for the umpteenth time and raise an arm, letting your fingers pad through his soft hair when you pass in front of him, walking towards the door. “I’m not,” you assure. “I am finding out about this god damned bet eventually, though. It’s honestly worrisome how easy it is for you guys to crack under pressure.” Flashbacks consisting mostly of Soobin and Heeseung flit through your mind. You’ll try to mess with them a little less from now on.
You exit Jake’s room with a new problem on your plate and your previous one unsolved. It just keeps building up more and more.
To be honest, the biggest problem you expected to have upon discovering that you’d be living with six grown ass men would be them bringing in girls way too often for your personal comfort, but so far that hasn’t happened yet. Something tells you that you don’t need to worry about that anymore.
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HOME FOR THE BITCHLESS. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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trumai-jpg · 10 months
A Beginners Guide to Night 8 in FNAF 1
Hi! Okay so recently with the movie and Help Wanted 2 I've been sorta coming back into my old FNAF phase, so me and a friend decided to replay the older games - 1-6 mainly and then maybe the others if we were up to it idk - but after beating Night 6 in the first game I was talking to my friend about the night Scott added after FNAF 3 released and apparently people just don't know about this...?
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Honestly I'm surprised people aren't more aware of this (they even done a GT live stream about it) but it makes sense since nit a lot of Big YouTubers went back to play it. You can unlock Night 8 by inputting '2023' in the custom night selection screen. From there it'll take you to a normal 'Custom Night' but with the addition of Springtrap from the third game and none of the other animatronics!
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Springtrap will always start the night just out of sight from Cam 7. His AI is set to around 11-13 at the start of the night but by the end will reach 20. The gimmick with him is he's (typically) hiding somewhere in the camera but luckily I went into the files and got the images without any of the UI or static! He can go other directions (for example: Cam 7 to Cam 18) but this is usually how it goes.
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What's important about going against Springtrap is you need to keep a constant watch on him. If you hold a camera open that he's on for 3-4 seconds you'll be able to either hold him back or straight up make him go back to a previous camera. (if you choose to just do nothing and wait by the doors he'll rush to you and jumpscare you after about 40 seconds of inactivity.)
CAM 7 - Restrooms
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You can usually point Springtrap out by his eyes, and with this usually being his starting point you should Hopfully be able to catch him in Cam 7 hiding in the boys bathroom. His eyes will usually point him out but the static can make it difficult.
CAM 4A - Right Hallway
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This is probably one of the hardest spots to find him in. It's practically impossible to see him in here under normal means BUT he'll always make his way through the kitchen first, and like Chica he'll make some noise when he does, so if you're quick to it you can catch him here after and push him back.
CAM 4B - Right Corner
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If you see Springtrap here then he'll be just one stop outside of your office, and he doesn't give you much time to breath either. At his first movement opportunity he'll make his way to your office but I'll get to that in a bit.
CAM 5 - Workroom
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After reaching one of your doors, Springtrap's position will reset to either the restrooms, or here. There's actually two positions he can have in this room. Catching him in the doorframe will send him back inside the room at his next movement opportunity but he barely stays there for even a couple seconds so it's pretty hard to catch him.
CAM 1B - Dining Area
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He's pretty hard to miss here, but what's important is that he can move here from either the Restrooms or the Work Room and ge can change his route from either of them.
CAM 3 - Supply Closet
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This one isn't that complicated. He'll come here after leaving the dining room if he decides to come to your left door.
CAM 2B - Left Corner
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Springtrap will up and ignore CAM 2A, and go straight to the corner. If he's here you should follow the same advice as the Right Corner since it's pretty straight forward from here.
The Office
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Sooner or later you're going to stumble and he'll make his way to your office, but fortunately because of his glowing eyes you technically never have to use lights to see Springtrap. that aside, you should close the door immediately if you see him through either window.
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If you don't manage to notice him or close your doors, then you'll have one more opportunity (albeit an easy one to miss.) If you put your cameras down and see Springtrap's eyes then close the door straight away. Any other movement like lights or the camera will cause him to jumpscare you and end your night.
Past that you should be all set! Just manage your power and try to get through the night. I should say, although the other animatronics are out of commission for the night, there's still a minor chance that Yellow Bear or Sparky can make an appearance on certain cameras. Just don't stare at them too long or put your camera down too quick, so have fun and good luck beating Night 8!
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mad-c1oud · 8 months
Idk if the eggs technically count as half of a duo but "I won't let anything happen to you" with either slime & Tallulah or slime & flippa perhaps?
did anyone else see that she left charlie a letter because she MISSED HIM kill me just do it I can't go on like this let them hang out, let them reunite let them heal-
“I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Charlie pulls Tallulah to his chest, footsteps sure even in the pitch-black of the hallway. His sobrina doesn’t really need the reassurance; Tallulah is being braver than him in all honestly, her breath even and calm despite his own racing heartbeat. He’s her tio and an adult so he needs to take the lead here, though. This isn’t a place for eggs, this is hell.
They really outdid themselves for Pomme’s birthday this month. Someone needs to take away Baghera’s scaryfrenchman.png away, though. It’s a little overdone this time around. Doesn’t stop him from screaming heroically when another popup of one jumpscares the living daylights out of them. Charlie is so fucking brave and tough it's insane. Truly incredible.
“Oh my fucking god. You’re so lucky I was here to protect you from that guy, ‘Llulah. Jeez-us.” Tallulah giggles in his ear, the sound like music and a harsh juxtaposition to the groaning and crying someone is pumping in through speakers.
It’s not often he gets to hang out with her one-on-one, but the egg had spotted him lingering near the entrance to Pomme’s Haunted Hospital during the party and grabbed his hand, asking if he’d go with her because she was nervous. Who is Charlie to turn down some Tallulah Time? He doesn’t question why she didn’t ask literally anyone else, just beyond happy she asked him.
“AH!” Charlie shrieks when a cardboard cutout of… oh my fucking god is that Melissa in a sexy and bloody nurse costume- “Tallulah let’s- let’s not look at that for too long, for both of our sanities, yeah?” The egg laughs as Charlie obscures her vision with a hand, navigating them around an OSHA-violating nurse and onto- oh nice, a morgue.
Charlie removes his hand and just stands in the doorway, egg at one hip and his hand at the other. He tries channeling his best disappointed Dadza before speaking into the space, “Okay, this is cliché even for me. Whoever is hiding in a body bag and totally one of the lockers, jig is up. Too easy.”
He waits for a long moment while Tallulah keeps laughing hard enough she has to use her inhaler. Charlie waits for her to catch her breath, happy and no longer scared shitless. As Tallulah calms down, the body bag near the doorway rustles and the actual Roier pokes his equally bloody head out, pouting.
“No fair, I got everyone else but you, Slime.” The spider hybrid whines, flopping back into the bag dramatically. Charlie checks to make sure Tallulah is good before walking into the room, approaching Roier to pat his head sympathetically. Ew. Sticky. He’s also wearing that nurse costume, of course. Should have guessed.
He continues past the other tables and the wall of body lockers, towards the next door as he talks, “You’ll get ‘em next time, big dawg. I’ll even set the next person up-”
“BOO!” Pac and Mike scream from their respective lockers, doors flying open to reveal them decked out to the nines in decomposing makeup. Charlie has a split second to notice Pac even took his prosthetic off for the bit, but a split second is all he gets, unfortunately. 
Things go well after that! Charlie handles it well, of course. 
Unrelated but Fit is going to kill him.
Five minutes later, after the panic and terror have worn off enough to realize what he’d done, Charlie has to be led out early by a Roier near tears laughing, Tallulah securely in his arms still as Pac clutches the back of his shirt, bloody nose leaving an appropriate trail of blood through the final rooms of the haunted house. Charlie is going to say he just helped decorate.
“S-see, mi eggy Sabrina, didn’t let anything happen to you...” Charlie mumbles into her mess of hair before turning around to check on Pac as they weave in and out of dark corridors and scary Frenchmen, "Now Pac on the other hand... or should I say leg."
That gets him a flick at one ear and laughter in the other one.
Oh well, they’ll try again next month. Together.
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amyispxnk · 11 months
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Day 2 of my Halloweeny drabbles with Joel!
26/10: horror movie
Joel Miller x gn!reader
Word count: 895
Warnings: language, pet names (sweetheart, darlin')
Do not copy this work in any way, pls and ty
Beep, beep, beep.
You opened the microwave door and took the bag of popcorn out, cursing quietly when the hot air grazed your hands.
You walked back into the living room to see Joel flicking through the TV channels to find a movie to watch. After setting the bowl on the small table in front of the couch, you sat beside him, tucking your feet beneath you and looking at him.
"So, what're we watching then?"
He turned back to face you before nodding his head towards the screen.
You raised your eyebrows at him with an unimpressed look on your face.
"Scream? We've all seen that like.. 20 times already. It's not even a horror film, just a whole lotta blood and death. Are you too chickenshit to watch anything that's actually scary? Hm, Joel? Too scared..?" You mocked in a playful tone. He glared at you, or tried to - he found it really hard to be truly annoyed at you - before handing you the remote.
"Fine, you pick somethin' scary. I bet ya 10 dollars you won't be able to sleep without me tonight you'll be so afraid."
"Challenge accepted." You replied, confident you'd be 10 dollars richer by the end of the night as you turned on The Ring.
An hour later, you were petrified. You didn't want to look at the screen, but you couldn't tear your eyes away from it either, trying to catch the next jumpscare before it got you, failing miserably each time.
"Holy- Shit! Why are there so many jumpscares in this fuckin' film?!" You complained after what seemed like the ninth one in the past 20 minutes.
He just shrugged, smugness radiating from him as he watched you slowly get more and more freaked out, throwing more popcorn into his mouth. You reached for some more and pouted slightly when you realised he had finished the entire bowl.
"Joel.. did you seriously finish all the popcorn."
"'s not like you were eatin' any. Too scared shittin' your pants-"
"Go fill it up now." You cut him off as you handed him the bowl, eyes falling back to the TV, transfixed by the events playing out on-screen once again. He was about to tease you some more but decided against it, going to the kitchen and looking through the cabinets for the popcorn bag.
That was the last one.
"Sweetheart, 'm gonna go to the store real quick. Don't got any popcorn left." He called out from the hallway.
"Yeah, okay. Don't take forever." You responded as you heard the door close.
15 minutes later, Joel still wasn't back and you heard something. A floorboard creaking. Probably nothing, the house is old anyways. The tap running. You needed to get it fixed, you'd tell Joel later. A crack, then a thud.
"Probably just a tree or something. Yeah. 's nothing." You quietly assured yourself, pulling the blanket tighter around your body, glancing around a bit before looking back to the screen. It was a quiet scene, nothing much was going on. Nothing much until-
The lights flickered in your house, again and again until they turned off completely.
"What the fuck.." You muttered under your breath, squinting your eyes to look through the darkness- the only source of light being the TV. When you looked back at it, the girl was fucking crawling through the TV and you nearly pissed your pants, jumping up and scrambling for the remote to immediately turn the film off.
Your shaky hands reached for your phone, pressing the button to call Joel, about to shout at him to hurry the fuck up because why was it taking so long for him to get some damn popcorn?!
You whipped your head around to the direction the noise came from before a pair of hands grasped your shoulders tightly.
You almost actually did piss your pants before the light turned on and you saw Joel's face staring back at you, shit-eating grin very evident on it. Grin which immediately disappeared when you accidentally smacked him across the face.
"Get the fuck off- Joel?" You stared at him, panting from the adrenaline coursing through your veins and watched as he broke out into laughter, doubling over at the sight of you gripping the remote and holding it in preparation to use it like a weapon, quivering with your eyes blown wide in fear.
"What. The fuck. Was that?!" You demanded, not amused like he was.
"That-" he began after a good thirty seconds of howling with laughter. "That was me being the king at scaring you, darlin'."
You threw the remote back onto the couch, before turning back to him.
"So that was all you? You- did you even get the popcorn?"
"I did not get the popcorn, but I don't think we'll be needin' any, considerin' you turned the film off."
You looked back to the TV screen, and yes you had turned it off, but you didn't want him to have the satisfaction. You were gonna finish the damn film, you weren't chickenshit.
"We don't need popcorn, but we're still finishing the film."
He had to stay over that night because of how scared you were, jumping at every little noise that came from inside and outside your house.
Safe to say he didn't pull a stunt like that again.
Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it <3 Comments, reblogs and hearts are always appreciated and requests are open! 💞
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Word count: 2165     
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: Natasha x fem!reader 
Warnings: I don’t think there are any but let me know if I need to add something
Request: heyy! can i please request a natashaxfem!reader fic where the reader is shy? i don’t care where you take it, i’m just in need of some fluff with soft nat 🥺 like maybe she finds her shyness to be adorable and cute even though the reader is extremely insecure? no worries if you don’t want to write it!
Summary: Reader is super shy and has a huge crush on Natasha although she can barely talk to her until they spend some time alone together.
A/n: This request was for @rail-me-romanoff so I hope you enjoy it because I had a ton of fun writing this one! Obviously I hope everybody else likes this as well and my requests are always open if anyone has any ideas. To anybody who has already requested something, don’t worry, I’m working on them. Also sorry if this fic has too much dialogue because I just realized it might have a lot. 
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You are just heading out of the training room when you bump into Natasha. You’re about to apologize when she speaks first.
“Y/n! I was just looking for you! A few of us are planning on watching a movie in a few minutes and I was wondering if you’d like to join us?” You blush at the thought of spending more time with Natasha, even if the rest of the team will be there. 
“Um, sure, that would be great-what movie? You ask stammering the entire time.
“I don’t know the name,” she responds, “Tony said something about it being a really good horror movie.” You hesitate at the thought because you don’t like horror movies but you decide you want to because it is a perfect way to spend time with Natasha without having to actually talk to her.
“Ok, that sounds good.” You say nervously, before blushing and scurrying away from the training room. Natasha sighs. She doesn’t know what she did wrong because you were perfectly friendly around everyone else but always avoided her and ran away before you could have a proper conversation. She was determined for you to spend time with her, even if that meant her lying about movie plans that she now has to create. She quickly makes her way down to Tony’s lab and bursts in without knocking. 
“There’s been a breach, call security.” Tony says sarcastically as she enters. 
“Tony…” Natasha says while fixing him with her stare. He just gazes back at her, one of the only people that is not easily intimidated by her. “I need you to organize a team movie in less than half an hour, and it has to be horror. Also you have to pretend you came up with this idea days ago.”
“So you’re telling me that I have to gather the team to watch a horror movie in half an hour?” Tony asks and Natasha nods. “No can do.”
“Please Tony!” Natasha practically begs. 
“First of all, that was weird, never do that again. Secondly, why do you care so much?” He asks, very curious and always looking for more gossip. 
“I lied to Y/n and told her that some of us were going to watch a movie because I wanted her to stop avoiding me.” She responds. “But I need you to help me out here.”
“Ooohhhh, someone has a crush!” Tony sing-songs in a very obnoxious tone. 
“I do not,” Natasha defends herself, “I merely wanted to make sure I get along with everyone on the team so missions run smoothly.”
“Sure,” Tony tells her as she starts to walk away, “whatever lets you sleep at night, but I know you have a heart in there Romanoff.” Natasha doesn’t reply and continues walking away, throwing up her middle finger on the way out. 
“Why did I think he would be helpful?” She mutters to herself as she makes her way to her room. It doesn’t take her long to get there but by the time she does she already knows what she’s going to tell you so you didn’t know she was lying before. 
You’re just finishing up giving yourself a quick pep talk in the mirror when you hear a knock on your door. 
“Hey,” you say softy when you open the door, trying to force the butterflies in your stomach to go away.
“Hi,” she replies in a tone that sounds much more confident than yours, “you ready to head over to the living room?” You nod your head as an answer because you don’t trust your voice to speak and follow her as she walks down the hallway. 
“Are you just going to walk behind me?” She asks when she notices that you are trailing behind her. You mumble no under your breath and blush while doing an awkward half jog/half walk thing to catch up to her. You continue the rest of the walk to the living room in silence, every so often looking over at Natasha and then quickly turning away when she thought she might see you. 
“I forgot to mention but Tony is busy and the others decided not to watch either, so it’ll be just you and me.” She says just as you enter the deserted living room. Your whole body tenses up and you feel super nervous. You already were nervous about watching a movie with Natasha when the others were around, so you can’t imagine it without them. 
She seems to pick up on your tense state and asks, “That’s ok with you right?”
“Um, of course, why wouldn’t it be?” You say, trying not to let her catch onto the self doubt that fills your head. You can barely say a few sentences to her but now you have to spend a whole movie together. You’re so caught up in your thoughts you don’t notice that she smiles slightly while letting out a small sigh of relief. 
“Ok great,” she replies with a bigger smile that you notice this time, “you can sit down on the couch and I’ll be there in a minute, after I make some popcorn.” You sit down awkwardly and take a few breaths trying to calm yourself down. The fact that you are going to watch a horror movie is not helping because even though you are a badass superhero while on mission, horror movies scare you very easily. You decide to grab a blanket to wrap yourself up in when the movie gets too scary. In the kitchen you can hear the microwave beep and not long after Natasha comes over to the couch and sits beside you, with only a popcorn bowl distance between you. 
“Are you still ok with watching a horror movie?” She asks you. You technically don’t want to watch a horror movie but you know Natasha likes them and you don’t want her to know how much of a wimp you are when it comes to them. 
“Great, I was hoping you’d say that,” she says while smiling brightly at you. You turn your head away from her to hide your blush and she frowns. She gets up to put the movie on and glances back over to you, but you’re still avoiding her gaze. She doesn’t know what she did wrong because it seemed like you were starting to want to spend time with her but now you’re closed off again. You intrigue her for some reason she can’t quite put her finger on and she just wants to have you open up to her. 
She sits back down on the couch just as the movie starts to play and you swear she’s sitting slightly closer than before. She doesn’t say anything so neither do you, both of your eyes locked to the screen. You can already tell within the first minute that the movie is going to be scary because it looks really well done and those are always the creepiest kind. 
After half an hour, you know for sure that your suspicions are confirmed and this is the scariest movie you have ever watched. You try to appear calm but Natasha can tell with just one glance that you are terrified. She can’t help but smile at how cute you are; trying to put on a brave face but failing miserably and burrowing yourself deep into the blanket. You look over to her, noticing her eyes on you, and blush and her heart practically melts at the sight. As much as she hates it when Tony is right, his point from earlier about having a little crush on you was more spot on than she wanted. Especially with how cute you are while blushing around her. There is a jumpscare in the movie and you jump slightly. Not one to shy away from anything, Natasha takes her chance to get closer to you and moves the popcorn bowl out of the way before scooting over. 
“Are you scared?” She asks you. You’re embarrassed that you are but there is no point in lying to her because she already knows. 
“Just a little.” 
“Only a little?” she teases, “you looked scared out of your mind.” Your face turns bright red and you move to turn away from her but she stops you by gently grabbing the side of your face. 
“Don’t worry, I was just teasing, although it is true.” She says. “But in all seriousness we can turn the movie off if you want to.” 
“It’s ok, I’ll just turn my head at the scary parts because I know you want to watch it.” You tell her, hating how weak your voice sounds. 
“If you don’t want to watch I’m turning it off,” she says, getting up to do so, “besides as much as I wanted to watch this movie, I don’t think I could have focused on it much with someone as cute as you next to me.” She winks at you after she says the last part and you avoid looking into her eyes while burrowing even further into your blanket, like it would help you disappear and take you away from the embarrassment. It seemed like she was flirting with you but you didn’t understand why. 
When she sits back down this time there is no popcorn bowl between you so she sits super close, close enough that you can accidentally lean against her if you so much as shift. Your whole body tenses up and you don’t know what to do because you are afraid to move and touch her. Natasha has no such thoughts and puts her arm around your shoulders, pulling you into her. Much to your embarrassment you let out an undignified squawk at the unexpected contact. 
“Is this ok?” She asks, worried by the noise you made. You don’t fully trust your voice right now so you nod, blushing for what must be the thousandth time today. 
“Good.” She states before pressing a light kiss to the top of your head. If you weren’t already absolutely in love with her, you would be now because she is being so sweet and your heart can barely take it. Gathering all your confidence you swing your feet from the ground onto the couch on the other side of Natasha’s legs so you can cuddle in a bit closer. Although that move made you so nervous you could barely breathe, your fears are calmed when Natasha helps to pull you in closer.  
“You know,” she speaks again, “I used to think you hated me.”
“I don’t-” Natasha shushes you. 
“I know now,” she says slowly, “that you were just shy around me. But why were you more shy around me than everyone else?”
“I-I, well, I don’t really know, just I don’t know.” You stumble over your words, not wanting to own up to your not very small crush on her. She laughs at your obvious embarrassment. 
“It’s ok, I think I’ve figured it out.” she tells you and your heart pounds. “I think you had, and still have, a bit of a crush on me.” Once again you feel your whole body freeze but you start to relax again when you feel her hand slowly start to run through your hair. You force yourself to calm down by telling yourself that although this situation was embarrassing, she obviously wasn’t mad at you for liking her. Still wanting to stay on the safe side you decide to apologize. 
“Don’t be,” she pauses to kiss the top of your head again, “I’m glad, I like holding you like this. And I want to be able to do this.” She slowly tilts your head up to face her and gently presses her lips against yours. You haven’t kissed many people but even if you had you were sure that this would still be the best kiss of your life. It was just so gentle and sweet and you were definitely way too in love, your only complaint was that it ended way too quickly. Even after she pulled back your lips are still only a few inches apart and you study her face, for once not feeling shy.
A wolf whistle diverts your attention and both of you turn to look over at Tony who is in the doorway. 
“Get lost Stark.” Natasha practically growls. 
He smirks, “I don’t know how seriously I can take you when you’re cuddling Y/n, who’s literally on top of you.” Natasha’s glare intensifies and you almost feel bad for Tony but can’t quite bring yourself to because you hated how he interrupted you. 
“Ok, fine, I’m leaving,” he says before turning and walking away, “treat her well Romanoff.” 
Natasha rolls her eyes with a small smile, “Of course I will,” she responds even though he is out of earshot, turning back to look you in the eye, “what do you say we go on a date?”
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candychronicles · 4 years
boo // d. kaminari
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A/N: this is my take on the horror, haunts and halloween bnharem server collab! 
CHARACTER PAIRING: Denki Kaminari x Reader
WARNINGS: unprotected sex, car fucking, some extremely mild spooks
SYNOPSIS: who knew a little bet between friends could turn into so much more?
Want to see what other spooky, scary stories await? Click here to find out !
“damnit Kaminari, you scared the hell out of me!” you screeched, whipping around to smack your friend on the shoulder. “besides, you should save all of the screams for the house tonight!”
he shrugged his body, clearly not bothered by your comment before proceeding to the men’s dressing area, makeup already adorned on his body. he was performing tonight as a sort of scary chainsaw man with bloodshot eyes and a dark streaked face. despite the outwardly appearance of his costume, he was, at least to you, a funny and extremely attractive guy. you two had spent your whole fall flirting and teasing in between hallways and sets, having fun and making people scared at the same time. 
you never meant to work at a haunted house, but you needed the money, and it seemed much more exciting to get paid scaring people and dressing up in cool costumes over working a seasonal retail job. due to your ability to at least fake a scary and eccentric personality, they hired you immediately, along with a few other people your age. you figured it would be a good way to meet new people and have fun but you were certainly not expecting to fall in love with the dorky yet extremely talented kid with the cool hair and outlandish jokes. 
your time in the dressing and makeup room didn’t take too long, adorning a creepy maid outfit with sunken black eyes and a wicked bloody smile. twirling the braids adorning your head, you skipped out of the room, ready to get into character and have another night of spooks.
“hey, let’s make a bet tonight, hm? make it a little more interesting?” Kaminari offered, sliding in beside you like he had been there all along.
“sure, what do you propose?” 
“let’s see who can get the loudest scream of the night. we’ll both be generally near each other, so no cheating or lying because i’ll be able to tell!”
“how are we going to measure that? what if it’s really close, what are you going to do about that?”
“rock, paper, scissors?” he countered, flashing his hands and gesturing the game with a devious smile.
“sure, why not. what do i get if i win?”
“anything you want, sugar.”
you attempted to ignore the comment, though your cheeks heated up and your eyes grew just a bit wider.
“how about you owe me dinner tonight?” you joked, flashing your own toothy grin.
“that all, dollface? i’d do that any day.”
“oh boo, that’s boring. make him wear your maid costume or something!” Kirishima shouted from across the hall, seemingly butting into your increasingly heated conversation. 
“now that’s an idea,” you teased, laughing along with Kirishima as Kaminari’s face turned bright red. 
“that’s nothing! i’d do that any day,” he claimed, quickly moving on, “but i say if i win then you owe me dinner. easy enough?”
you nodded your head in agreement, shaking on it and pressing your pinkies together for extra emphasis before heading towards your separate destinations, ready for the challenge.
the night started off easy, you both earning screams of varying levels, but every time you got one, he shot right back with yet another. your jaw clenched and eyes grew dark, not backing down from the fight.
the whole evening and late through midnight did you two fight back and forth, tooth and nail, bringing out your nastiest and scariest tricks, doing everything you could to jumpscare and creep out the people of the attraction, but it seemed that neither of you were a clear winner. you, however, were not going to let him get the satisfaction of saying he won.
the final group of the night came through and you managed a loud, shrieking scream from the guy in the front, a wicked smile on your face as you waved at Kaminari down the hall. he retaliated with his own scare but, at least you thought, it didn’t quite live up to your own haunt.
“i totally won, i don’t even know what you’re talking about!” he shrieked, shoving fries in his face with a huff, waving his arms around in a display of anger.
“my scream was louder and you know it. just admit it, i was better than you tonight!” you argued back, leaning forward to look him directly in the eye, challenging him to keep up the fight.
he looked away, cheeks tinged pink at your sudden closeness, before crossing his arms and looking back at you. 
“fine, i’ll pay for the food, but i still don’t think you won. i can make anyone scream louder than you.”
“oh yeah? why don’t you prove it?” you challenged, eyes unwavering and boring straight into the side of his face. 
he took a moment to ponder, unsure of what you meant, before he looked back, pupils blown wide in shock.
“waiter, i need the check please.”
it took all of thirty seconds after leaving the dingy late night restaurant before his mouth was on yours, hot and unwavering, hands tangled deep into the back of your hair, digits pressing roughly into your scalp.
“where to?” he asked in between kisses, walking backwards as you trailed after him, hands grasping his shirt like it was your only lifeline. 
“whatever’s closest,” you whispered back, feeling him hit the car with the back of his body.
he quickly whipped around, fishing frantically for the keys in his pocket before shoving the shiny object into the lock and twisting, whipping the door open and gesturing you sweetly into the car. 
before you had barely sat down, he slammed the door, rushing to the other side and opening his own door, sinking in and turning the vehicle on, haphazardly buckling his seatbelt as he peeled out of the parking lot towards his apartment.
the bad part about working at a haunted house was that it was in the almost middle of nowhere. there was a small town with a couple restaurants and stores, but most workers came from the college town over, meaning you two had a small drive before you made it back to either of your apartments. 
Kaminari gripped the steering wheel tight, his knuckles turning white from the pressure of trying to drive safely while getting there as fast as he could. his teeth ground into each other, face set in a harsh frown, stress permanent on his face.
“relax, we’ll get there eventually. you’ll kill the mood with your sour face,” you teased, reaching sideways to place your hand on his thigh. his body jumped at your touch, briefly turning to face you before veering off onto the side of the road, seemingly finding some close down parking lot with a few trees surrounding the area.
“i’m sorry, you’re just driving me crazy. you don’t know how badly i’ve wanted you, since the day i first met you. you were so cocky and confident in your interview, ready to have fun and be crazy in your acting, but the moment you stepped away, you became so sweet and kid, always greeting everyone with a smile and a wave. i couldn’t get enough of your duality, enamored in the way you could switch that smirk on like it was nothing. seeing you in that dainty little maid outfit you’re wearing doesn’t help all that much,” he confessed, wringing his hands together as he attempted to calm himself down. “truth be told, i don’t want to be that shitty guy who you think is only using you for sex, but after that little stunt you pulled in the restaurant, i don’t think i can wait any longer to fuck you.”
you blinked once, twice, three times, trying to process what he was saying before unbuckling your seatbelt and veering towards his body, chests pressed together as you managed to climb into his lap, attacking his lips with your own, relishing in the way he practically melted under your touch, eager to feel you on him once again.
“backseat. now.”
you climbed back without hesitation, flashing him a bit of your ass as you wiggled your way onto the seat, patiently waiting for him to come back. he followed without waiting, immediately pulling your legs onto the seat and hovering over you, hands on either side of your head.
“are you sure you want to do this?” he confirmed, brushing away a couple pieces of hair that was scattered across your face.
“yes, i’m sure. please fuck me.”
he wasted no time before attaching himself to you once again, lips finding purchase on your own, against your neck, your collarbone, unbuttoning the front of your costume to nip at your breasts, leaving marks that would surely last for days. despite the cramped position you two were in, you still felt slick pool in your panties, thighs rubbing against the side of his body as you attempted to create some friction to relieve the tension building up.
you whined, begging for more, but before you could speak up to ask him for something, anything, he had already obliged, reaching down to rub the pad of his thumb against your clothed nub. you moaned in response, the need for him only growing by the minute.
“please, Kaminari-”
“Denki, call me Denki,” he corrected, nipping at your throat as his fingers moved under the skirt and around your panties, “and don’t worry baby, i’ll take care of you tonight.”
with that final statement, he pulled your panties aside completely and pushed one finger slowly into your waiting body, shivering at the feeling of your wet insides sucking him in, greedily begging for more. your breaths became uneven and labored, but you remained patient, enjoying every feeling he pulled from your wanting cunt.
he continued his assault on your neck and chest as his fingers pumped in and out of you, adding one, two more fingers, stretching you out until you were sopping and begging for his cock. he paused for one moment, hastily pulling his pants down as best as he could. before he could get to his boxers, however, you reached past his hand, pulling them down and stroking his dick, admiring the way it twitched in your hands, swollen and leaky, wanting to be inside of you just as much as you need him. 
you pulled him back down by his shirt collar, kissing him fiercely as he adjusted his body once more, you aligning him to your entrance, legs hiked up around his body as he caged you in. he sunk in slowly, not holding back his moans as he appreciated the way your body sucked him in, like he was meant to be there all along.
you moaned with him, a string of curses and praises flowing out of your mouth like a siren’s song, luring him into your lair one word at a time. 
“Denki, fuck, you feel so good. please don’t stop.”
he bottomed out in your, laughing when you shifted your hips, whining as you tried to get him to move. he pressed a chaste kiss to your head before rolling his own hips back, shivering at the feeling of you wrapped around him. he continued his pace slowly, rocking in and out of you, watching the car steam up from your breathy moans and sweat covered skin, feeling the car move in tandem with your bodies.
you arched your back and wrapped yourself around him as best as you could, dazzled by the feeling of his cock pistoning in and out of you. he was so close, his breath against your ear, and you relished in the way he moaned and sighed, feeling just as good as you were in that moment. 
he felt himself getting close much quicker than he wanted, but in that moment, he didn’t care, too enveloped in the way you squeezed around him, nails biting into his back and eyes screwed shut. he moved one hand back down in between your bodies and found your sensitive bundle of nerves, pressing down and swirling around, moaning as he felt you compressed around his cock, the new sensation overwhelming for you.
“fuck, baby, i’m so close,” he moaned, settling his head into your neck, biting down softly into your shoulder.
you only nodded back in response, too worried about chasing your own high that was emerging quickly with the combined pleasure of his cock and his fingers.
you arched your back and squeezed your thighs together as white hot lava shot through your lower stomach, cumming intensely on his cock. the feeling of your velvety walls pulsating around his own quickly brought him to his own high as he slowed his pace down, shooting his load into you.
you both laid there, breathless and sweaty, before you looked at him and erupted in giggles, wiping some of the sticky hair off his face. 
“i really liked that,” you confessed, biting your lip and smiling shyly despite the position you two were still currently in. 
“me too,” he agreed, kissing your forehead before slowly pulling out, sitting up and reaching forward into his console to grab a stack of napkins, cleaning you and himself up as best as he could.
you sat up after him, dizzy from pure elation, before a smirk came across your face.
“so you’re saying i won the bet, right?” 
“i feel like i won the lottery tonight so yes, i’ll say you won the bet.”
“good,” you affirmed, reaching forward to grab his face in your hands, squeezing slightly before bringing him closer to you, “remember what Kiri said? i think i’m going to take his words to heart.”
he looked at you confused, shrugging, but as you stared at him, his eyes grew wide once more as he realized what you meant.
“you get to wear the maid costume next.”
Taglist: @redbeanteax​ @softforshigi​ @katsuki-bakugous-lady @secondhand-trash​ @freiyalight​ @crystal-lilac​ @khemz1312​ @runrabbitrun3​
Want to be a part of my taglist? Message me!
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Have a cute Ray x Reader! he needs more love so i made something cute and fluffy for him.
Rated G
Every once in a while Ray and I get together and have a movie night and sleepover. Its been a long ass time since our last one since he and the boys went on tour. I mean, I went with them too cause I’m an honorary band member helping with lyrics and harmonies but still. Being cooped up in a bus and shitty hotels kind of ruins any prospect of a fun movie night with your best friend, especially when everyone else keeps trying to get you two together. Not that I totally mind cause of my huge crush on Ray but still! It makes things awkward and it's frustrating. 
Anyway, tonight was the perfect night for us to have a sleepover! It was supposed to rain and potentially thunder which means its perfect for some scary movies, maybe an attempt at cuddling on the couch before he leaves to sleep in his bed and I crash on said couch. I can dream. Plus other than the storm, Gerard said he was going out tonight so Ray and I got the living room to ourselves.
I threw on some leggings and a comfy sweatshirt to wear over since it's nice and cold outside, while I packed a long sleeve pajama top and matching pants. Along with some shorts that match the color of my patterned pjs. You never know if their apartment heater is going to  decide to actually work or not. I put my toothbrush and face wash in my bag, then head down stairs to wait for Ray to come pick me up. 
As I reach the bottom of the stairs I take my phone out to check the time. It’s only around 5:30 but Ray and I wanted to get an early start so we can hang out more and catch up. As I pocket my phone I hear a car coming around the corner, I didn’t want to get my hopes up but thankfully I see Ray’s old car coming straight to me.
“Hey there stranger,” Ray greets as I open the door.
“Hey yourself, asshole.” I laughed buckling in. 
Ray chuckled, “You ready for our movie night?” He made his way out of the alley and back to the main roads.
“Of course I am! It's been so fricken long since we hung out, just the two of us.” I smiled watching the buildings go by.
“I know. I’m excited too.” Ray paused turning the music up a little. “Should we get pizza or chinese food tonight?”
“Hmm I feel like pizza and ice cream are in order for tonight,” I laughed looking at him. 
He smiled, “That sounds perfect.” 
“Good,” I said before turning the radio up louder as ACDC played. 
The rest of the ride went by quickly with us chatting or singing along to the radio. We got out of the car civilly but as soon as we approached the stairs leading to the apartment we raced each other. Ray beat me up, but just barely.
“I would have fucking won, if it weren’t for your long ass legs.” I huffed trying to catch my breath.
Ray just laughed as he unlocked his apartment. Walking in we took our shoes off and I dropped my bag down next to their couch before throwing myself on it. 
“Yes, of course. Make yourself at home,” Ray said from the kitchen, making me laugh. “Do you want anything to drink?”
“Nah, I’m good.” I moved so I was sitting on my side of the couch like usual and Ray came and sat down next to me. 
We popped in a chill movie that we both had seen a bunch, but not Star Wars because we both get distracted by actually watching it, that way we could call in for dinner and just chat for a while. We talked the entire time only pausing to get the pizza delivery and then to take bites of our pizza. Once we finished the pizza we put on a classic scary movie to watch since the clouds were heavy now and the setting sun was invisible. 
“Should I turn the lights off?” I asked as Ray fast forwarded through the dumb commercials. 
“Yeah, let's get spooky.” He chuckled. 
I got up from my warm place and walked into the kitchen hitting those lights first before turning off the one in the living room. As I plopped back down into my spot I accidentally sat closer to Ray than before. Or was he now closer to me?
“Sorry,” I mumbled as my shoulder brushed his arm. I made to move but Ray stopped me.
“No, it’s fine. We could, uh cuddle like we sometimes do.” Ray said. “Or I could just throw this blanket over us. It’s clean, I promise.” Ray chuckled, grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch.
“As long as Gerard hasn’t puked on it, I assume it's clean.” I let out a laugh. Ray laughed as well as he threw the blanket over our legs. “And uh cuddling is fine,” I say fighting the blush that's trying so hard to show. Thank god for the lights being off. 
“Okay, cool.” Ray mumbled as he settled back into the couch throwing his arm over my shoulder casually, I couldn’t stop myself from leaning into him as the opening terror sequence finally started. 
We went through the movie like that, under a blanket with Ray’s arm around me. I could feel every breath he took and it felt like my nerves were wired. This did not help at all especially because I had not seen this horror movie before and I jumped in my seat at nearly every jumpscare. But Ray was tense too, something tells me he took this movie from Gerard and hadn’t seen it himself yet either. 
“Well that was a good movie,” Ray said as the credits rolled.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight.” I confessed shaking my head in an attempt to erase the scary realism of the movie from my memory. 
Ray laughed awkwardly. “Uh yeah. I feel the same way.”
“Ughh,” I groaned leaning into Ray and putting my forehead against his chest.
Ray’s arms wrapped around me in a hug. “Should we watch a Disney movie now?”
I nodded, hiding my face in his hug.
I jumped at the loud sound and Ray tightened his arms around me. I glanced up at him and we made brief eye contact before we heard a thump at the door. We both turned our heads to glare down the door in hopes that it wasn’t the fucking killer from the movie. The sound of keys in the door and its opening made us both relax slightly. The outline of a man could be seen as the door opened and the light from the porch shone down on him. 
“Ayy! Y/n! I didn’t know you were coming over!” A drunk Gerard said from the door way, flicking the lights on. 
Ray and I sighed, the tension leaving us. Ray let go of me quickly, mumbling a sorry as I turned to face Gerard.
“Yeah, Ray and I are having a movie night. You also scared the crap out of us!” I said loudly, pulling my feet up onto the couch under the blanket.
“Sorry, sorry.” Gerard waved a hand at us as he walked into the kitchen getting a bottle of water. 
“Sorry,” Ray said quietly next to me.
I turned and looked up at him. “Why are you apologizing? He’s my friend too, I should apologize to you.” I said, poking him softly in the chest.
Ray laughed, “Okay I guess. But I mean we planned this because he wasn’t going to be here and now.” Ray shrugged.
“It’s fine.” I smiled softly at him
“Kay, I’m out of here. You two,” Gerard pointed at us as he walked towards his room. “Keep being cute and don’t wake me up unless you’re getting murdered.” Gerard said sternly.
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at my drunk friend. “Go to sleep.”
“I’m going, I’m going.” Gerard mumbled. We could hear him bump into the wall before closing his door. 
“What a dork.” I said looking up at Ray.
“I know, it’s getting better though.” He said looking at the hallway our friend disappeared down.
“I know. It’ll get better one day.” I said softly. 
“Umm so,” Ray shook his head. “A disney movie? Yeah?” 
I laughed, “Yeah that sounds great.” 
Ray got up from the couch and took out the horror movie before replacing it with Beauty and the Beast. 
“Aww I love this movie!” I said as Ray settled back down next to me.
“I know,” Ray smiled, wrapping his arm around me again. Tonight was the best cuddling night ever! Even if it's platonic cuddling… whatever. 
We watched the movie cuddling under the blanket and Ray was beginning to nod off. Once the movie ended I suggested that Ray head to bed but Ray told me that I should take his bed in case Gerard gets up and makes noise in the kitchen. I tried to convince I would be fine but he insisted he take the couch and I take his bed. Somehow I managed to convince him that we should just share his bed. How my brain supplied that without overwhelming embarrassment beats me. Ray agreed though so it’s a win. I grabbed my bag and went to the bathroom to change and get ready for bed while Ray went and changed in his room. 
Once I was all changed, I headed into Ray’s room where he was throwing clothes in his hamper.
“Your room wasn’t clean, was it?” I looked up at him.
“Uhhh no.” 
I laughed before dropping my bag down on his floor at the end of his bed, “So do you want the wall or do I get the wall?” I raised an eyebrow at him.
“You can pick.” He shrugged.
I nodded and hopped into his bed scooting towards the wall. Ray flicked the lights off once I was settled and came and joined me. I could feel the bed dip and then the warmth coming from Ray as he laid next to me. The rain chose that wonderful time to start pouring down. 
“Perfect timing,” Ray whispered in the darkness.
“Hahaha it is.” I said back. “I wish I could always fall asleep to the rain.” 
“Yeah. I want to live somewhere with more rain. I know we’re in Southern California for the music industry but, it would be nice to live somewhere with actual weather.” I laughed slightly as the rain poured on the roof and down the gutters. 
    “That would be nice. I’d like that too.” 
Light flashed through the window.
“You think that was lightning or a car?” I asked.
“Hmm, maybe lightning.” Ray said softly.
We waited in silence for a while but no thunder.
“I guess it was a car,” I said sadly. But as I finished thunder could be heard in the distance.
“The storm must be far away,” Ray spoke, nudging  me in the arm softly.
“Yeah yeah, I’ll count next time.” 
“Haha okay, okay.” 
Light flashed again in the room after a few moments and I started counting. “One mississippi, two mississippi,” Ray chuckled next to me. “Three mississippi, four mississippi, five mississippi, six mississippi, seven mississippi, eight-” Thunder started to rumble then. “The storm is getting closer.” I said quietly.
“Hey, Ray?” I asked looking up at the ceiling. 
“Yeah y/n?” 
“Do you like cuddling?” 
“Yeah, why?” 
“Do you want to?” I turned my head to look at him. “It's nice and rainy, I feel like it's perfect weather for cuddling.”
He looked at me as light flashed again, “okay.”
“One mississippi, two mississippi,”
“Oh my gosh,” Ray laughed.
I put my finger up to silence him as I counted to five mississippi's. “Oh it's even closer now.”
“Haha yeah.” Ray took a deep breath, “Do you want to be the little spoon or big spoon?”
I looked back at him, “When the smaller person is the big spoon it's called being a jetpack.” 
Ray cracked up at that. He sat up and had to catch his breath before looking down at me again. “Alright do you want to be the jetpack or the little spoon?” He laughed leaning on his elbow to look at me. 
I laughed, “I feel like you don’t want to be the little spoon, so I’ll be the little spoon.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s just that I don’t want to.” Ray laughed lying down next to me. 
I laughed too, turning away from him to face the wall. “I bet it’s cause you’re tall, you only know how to be the big spoon.” 
Ray brushed his hand over my waist before letting his arm wrap around my stomach, “You’re right about that. Plus I like being the big spoon.” He said, his breath warm on my hair.
“Sorry if my hair is in the way.”
“It’s fine, your hair smells nice.” There was silence for a moment “Uh sorry.”
“Haha it's okay, my shampoo does smell nice.” I whispered.
Lightning flashed again in the room. 
“One mississippi, two mississippi,” thunder cracked loudly above our heads.
“I guess it is perfect weather for cuddling.” Ray whispered.
“I know right,” I responded quietly. 
We laid there listening to the rain pound down on the roof around us and tinkle down the eaves of the roof.
“Sorry if my hand is bothering you,” He said after a while.
“You’re okay,” I said, moving my arm to rest on his before placing my hand on his at my stomach. “It’s nice.”
“Yeah.” I smiled to myself feeling his hand beneath mine and the massive blush on my face. I was glad we were in the dark. Ray moved his fingers a bit before threading his up with mine and holding them.
“Is this okay?” He breathed.
“Yeah.” I said quietly, tightening my fingers with his. Lightning flashed into the room once more but I could barely keep my eyes open. I closed them, not bothering to count as I waited for the thunder. Ray’s warmth behind me added with the sound of far off thunder lulled me to sleep in the cozy bed. 
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twodaysintojune · 5 years
Supernatural, Debriel, Warnings-None, 5k+
One Shots Masterlist, Long Stories Masterlist
Find me at AO3
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It was hard for Sam to accept that whenever he heard Dean and Gabriel scheming together it made him feel a lot like a parent of two very rowdy, very annoying boys and it was getting him on his nerves. They messed with him and with Castiel and with Jack and pretty much everyone they deemed deserved a jumpscare or two so when he finally snapped after a case, Dean found the Fiber Fair on their way back home to appease him and surprisingly enough Sam definitely enjoyed learning to work with yarn.
The wool spinning class he took in Washington state while his brother and Gabriel had gone fooling around with the goats like actual toddlers had been truly entertaining and he was looking forward to seeing what Castiel could knit for him with the tiny ball he managed to create. He was hoping for a scarf, considering the amount of yarn Castiel bought aside to go with his wool and what little experience he had on knitting after a couple of beginner classes just like him.
The problem Sam faced right now was that he hadn’t bought the spinning set on sale at the farm on their way back, he had doubted how much he would actually use it but now he was regretting his decision. Spinning had helped him focus on a task and allowed him to let go of his stress so when he found the old spindle and distaff gathering dust in one of the bunker’s rooms he was more than glad to take a hold of it. He cleaned it and waxed it and basically busied himself with it while his first online purchase of wool roving arrived.
The wool was a nice mix of delicate golden with strikes of copper. He wanted something different than the untreated white but kept it leaning over the pale tones following the teacher’s advice and bought quite a bunch to have some leeway in case he screwed up on the process. Dean and Gabriel poked it for a while and tried using it as a pillow until Sam kicked them out of his room and sent them for groceries before they could destroy the nicely gathered fibers.
Sam began his spinning task the following day, he gathered a bunch of fiber on the distaff and rolled a bit of yarn together, doing the beginnings of a thread strong enough to hold on to the spindle with a knot and began to turn the fibers in between his deft fingers. Everything went great for a couple of hours until he saw something weird and stopped. He double checked and sighed in annoyance while standing up and heading to the kitchen.
“I hate you guys!”
“What? What did we do now?”
“You placed your stupid heads on top of my wool and now it’s got your hair all over it!”
“Oh come on Sam, it can’t be that bad.”
“I already found two of your hairs Dean! And only god knows how many Gabriel left that I didn’t catch because of your stupid hair colour!”
“Hey! I like my hair colour!”
“Alright, alright, we’re sorry man, you want me to buy you more yarn?”
Sam huffed.
“No, just… don’t get anywhere near it again.”
Dean and Gabriel nodded at Sam coyly in the most mollified gesture they could, it wasn’t like they could do much to appease the younger hunter after messing up like that and proceeded to keep up with their chat after Sam left them again to their beers. Hopefully, Sam wouldn’t find anymore hair in his batch. And just like with everything in their lives, they didn’t realize something odd was happening until the weird things started.
It had been just a graze. Both men reached for the same book and moved away as soon as their hands touched.
“Oh, no, sorry, didn’t see you there.”
Dean chuckled.
Both men smiled at each other awkwardly before Gabriel pointed at the book.
“You were gonna grab it?”
“Right, uh, as long as you don’t need it?”
“Not at all Dean-o! I can grab another one.”
Fair enough, thought Dean with a shrug taking the tome of The Silmarillion he had eagerly been wanting to read but never managed to because he either focused on a hunt or on the complexity of the book. Now that they were older and taking things a bit more slow seemed like the perfect time.
“So… you like Tolkien”
“Of course I do, he’s the best!”
“Have you ever seen the illustrated edition of The Lord of the Rings? That Alan Lee is something else.”
“Oh man, I’d kill to get a hold of that one before I die.”
“Well, you don’t have to kill anyone, you just gotta ask.”
Gabriel winked at him nonchalantly. Dean blushed.
“Yeah I… I wouldn’t want to impose like that...”
“Oh come on Dean-o it’ll only take a bit of grace, nothing that I’ll miss.”
Dean looked at Gabriel timidly, he was going to answer something back when Castiel walked in the room.
“Sam says that he wants to eat out, if you don’t have food ready.”
Both men turned towards the newcomer startled.
“Oh… Uh, there’s nothing prepared, tell him that we can go whenever he’s ready.”
Castiel nodded and moved away while the other two men stayed still for a second trying to process something that was alarming them subconsciously.
“Uh… Gabe?”
“Did we just...?”
Dean blushed and gave out a nervous laugh while scratching the back of his head. “Ok, uh, that’s a pretty strong word you know?”
Gabriel mimicked Dean’s forced smirk. “Right, haha, uh… sorry?”
Both men turned away from their eyes, they only wanted to get away from each other’s presence that suddenly was way too much to stand. Castiel came back.
“Sam says in five.”
“In five! Perfect! I’ll have Baby running!”
With that, Dean ran towards the garage, leaving the angels behind.
“Did Dean seem a little bit too eager to leave?”
“Eh, he might be pretty hungry, you know how humans are with their physical needs.”
“Are you ok?”
“Why do you ask?”
“It’s just… your grace seems a little bit altered.”
Gabriel blushed. “Of course I’m fine! Now come on, we need to get to the car.”
Dragging Castiel by his side to stop him from talking, Gabriel moved them both.
Sam had taken to spin outside the bunker in the nice early autumn weather and Castiel joined him mostly to look at him in awe. Sam felt extremely flustered the first days, especially after Castiel told him that whenever he looked at him spinning he felt like Sam shined.
This also meant that the more time Sam and Castiel spent together, the more Gabriel and Dean had to deal with each other. Alone. Which had never been a problem before, they had always been extremely compatible but with each metre of yarn Sam spun, the stronger they felt the attraction and with each passing day it became harder to be able to stand in the same room and not throw themselves at each other after a while.
Touching accidents like the one in the library always made way to awkward flirting which, when discovered, forced both men to walk away from each other embarrassed and frustrated. With ardent looks from across the room, soon enough they were effectively dancing out of their reach while thinking longingly of the days they threw themselves in the same bed to drink beer and watch porn together. Now that thought alone was something none of them wanted, it was a sure way to get other parts of their anatomy reacting as well.
Dean rinsed his cup of coffee and sighed leaning over the sink.
“You okay bucko?”
Gabriel’s tone from the other side of the room was worried beyond normalcy, he couldn’t stand Dean looking so down but he was afraid of getting any closer to his friend without doing something really stupid. He had caught himself glancing ardently at Dean’s plump lips more than once and it seemed like the more he tried to pry away the unwanted thought it came back in doubles.
“Something’s wrong. This is wrong.”
“You think it’s a curse?”
“Don’t you?”
Gabriel sighed.
“You still haven’t found anything in those books though.”
“How do you…?”
“I’ve watched you, watched the tomes you left on the table the other day. Read them too, nothing at all. So uh maybe… maybe it’s a different thing?”
“What do you mean?”
The gruff in Dean’s voice exposed that Dean had already guessed where Gabriel was going and the angel was trying to choose his words carefully but no matter how he worded it, it wouldn’t make it any less awkward.
“I mean that maybe... maybe we do like each other?”
“Dude I don’t like you!”
Gabriel felt a pang in his chest, and despite his usual trickster face something must have shown up because he could clearly see Dean’s regret at spurting his words so bluntly.
“I mean… I, I do like you but not like that.”
Dean looked away, face completely red. Gabriel stood and approached him. He was an archangel for heaven’s sake! He should be able to be more assertive and approach this man without feeling like his heart was about to jump out of his ribcage. He cornered Dean against the sink.
“Then in which way do you like me?”
Dean looked back at Gabriel defiantly, he was so damn close to him now. How was this idiot asking him to give a proper answer when he was unable to even process a word?
It was a plea, Gabriel’s trembling voice was not even half of what he had hoped to deliver. He took another step towards the man and even when Dean tried to lean away from him, they were now only inches away and Dean’s ability to process anything at all was stalled. He felt Gabriel’s hands glide upwards over his chest and hold the fabric of his flannel shirt and he couldn’t help drawing in a startled breath while realizing just how much Gabriel really wanted him and Dean began to reach forward until Sam entered the room followed closely by Castiel.
“Hey guys I was thinking...”
Sam froze in the middle of the steps into the kitchen. Dean looked at him in panic while Gabriel closed his eyes most likely silently cursing the interruption. Surely, the hunter moved away from Gabriel’s grasp and ran away from the place, half bumping shoulders with his brother in the middle of his hazed retreat. Sam looked at his brother escape into the hallway still stunned but when he turned at Gabriel and looked his sour glance he felt personally attacked.
“What the Hell Gabriel? What were you doing to Dean!?”
Gabriel looked bewildered. “Me!? I didn’t do a thing to him!”
“Then explain why you were manhandling him like that?”
“Oh for fucks… I was not manhandling him! Besides who even uses the word ‘manhandle’ these days?”
Sam was taken aback before sending Gabriel a bitchface. While they fought, Castiel approached Gabriel.
“Brother are you alright?”
“What? Of course I’m alright!”
“Are you sure? Something looks odd with your grace.”
Gabriel was turning to retort frustrated at Castiel when something hit him. His eyes widened and he pointed at Castiel.
“Wait a second, you said something like that before… What was it?”
Castiel looked into his memory.
“When I told you your grace looked altered?”
“YES! That’s it! Can you check it up for me Magpie?”
“Uh” Castiel looked sideways to Sam “Are you sure you want to do that here?”
Gabriel turned at Sam and had the sense to look a little skittish.
“Okay yeah, maybe not here, my room?”
Sam frowned at the angels while they stepped away, he realized there was something odd going on but didn’t say much. He wondered if it was wise to ask his brother about what had happened but decided to have some food ready to appease him when the interrogation started and went to prepare something. Soon enough Dean saw his brother come into his room with a soft knock, a chicken salad sandwich cut in two and a couple of beers.
Dean eyed him in suspicion looking at the food “What do you want?”
“Nothing, nothing uh… I just wanted to know if you were alright with what’s going on with you and Gabriel...”
Sam immediately saw his brother blush but he still frowned defiantly.
“What did he tell you?”
“Uh, he didn’t say much really but if he’s bothering you in any way I—”
“He’s not bothering me.”
“Are you sure about that?”
Dean huffed annoyed but still took half of the sandwich he was being handled. Sam took it as a win, if his brother hadn’t been okay with talking about it he would have kicked him away already.
“It’s not like that, it’s just… Things have been a little tense but we’ll get over it. We have to get over it.”
“You have to get over what?”
When Dean literally ignored Sam’s question to focus on munching his sandwich and drinking beer in denial Sam’s head began to work and looked back into the scene where he had found them together and he could have hit himself with how obvious the issue had been.
“Is Gabriel hitting on you?”
Dean choked on the beer he was drowning and had to be helped to sit on the edge of the bed by a suddenly slightly scared Sam.
“If you want me to kick him out I’ll—”
“No! Dammit Sam it’s not—” cough “I don’t... I don’t want him to leave!”
“Okay but why?”
Dean looked at his brother like a deer in the headlights. Sam’s eyes lit up in comprehension.  In any other kind of situation Sam would have been gloating about the turn of events but with the way his brother was reacting at the moment he wasn’t sure how to feel about the whole ordeal, it was more like having a heavy stone in his stomach.
“Oh my god, you like him.”
Dean frowned and turned away from Sam’s eyes.
“I don’t like him! Not in that way anyways...”
“Then why—”
“I don’t know Sam! I don’t know I just… Look, it’s weird as fuck, I won’t deny you that but it’s not… I don’t… ” Dean’s shoulders dropped in defeat while he sighed “I don’t know, maybe it’s just a phase. We’ll get back to how we were before. We have to.”
Sam sighed as well, Dean was being way too hopeful about this but he didn’t want to destroy his brother’s optimism.
“Okay, okay uh, you know I’m here no matter what, right?”
Dean scowled at him, he had gone back to his usual no chick-flick moments now and Sam knew he was not going to get anything else out of him.
“Uh, wanna finish your sandwich?”
Sam motioned the tray with the piece that Dean had hastily placed back in the middle of his choking attack. Dean eyed it for a second before going back for it while Sam sighed relieved, wondering if Castiel would be able to find out anything wrong with his brother after going back through their conversations and starting to suspect there might be something else going on there.
Unlike his other brothers, it had been ages since Gabriel had shown his wings to anyone. In fact it was quite recent since he had started to let Castiel see his grace like any other normal angel would. He used to blame his need to hide as a Trickster for that. Once the door had been locked, Gabriel sat on the mattress and expanded his wings for him and heard the seraph gasp.
Castiel had never seen an archangel’s wings so close in his life. The covers were full of soft golden contours and filled with sparkling downy while the larger primary and secondary feathers were broad and shimmering grace in an undulating pattern that let out ripples of energy like a pond that has been touched by a falling leaf. If Gabriel would ever use them around his body It would almost look like a regal cape. His halo a blazing ring of condensed light that let out the same ripple effect in between strokes of light.
“You okay back there?”
“Uh. Yes. Sorry… Gabriel you are beautiful.”
Gabriel blushed and quickly shut Castiel up before urging him to begin searching his grace for whatever it could be possibly altering him. Castiel moved a hand towards the wings first but was struck once more by the majestic view in front of him. Sensing the doubt, Gabriel motioned his wings back until they touched Castiel’s hand. Effectively bringing him back to reality. Purposefully, Castiel worked his hands into the wings and despite knowing he had to look for what was messing with Gabriel’s grace, he began to preen Gabriel’s feathers, there was no way he would miss the chance of meddling with an archangel’s wings. Castiel was wondering when the last time Gabriel had this done to him had been when he heard a long groan of satisfaction from him.
“Fuck Cas, stop doing that, you’re killing me!”
“I’m sorry brother, it won’t take long.”
It did take long. By the end of his search, Gabriel was a puddle in the middle of the bed, wings shining twice as hard as before and Castiel had found an odd golden thread literally sewn to the base of Gabriel’s wings. He had had to tune his grace to it because it had not been visible at first even when he had clearly felt it tangle in his finger. Leaving his brother sleeping peacefully, Castiel picked up the thread and followed it, walking along the hall he kept going until the thread torn in two. Choosing one path he landed on Dean’s door. He knocked.
Castiel opened the door and saw the man reclined on his bed reading. He was looking at the seraph waiting for him to talk but raised an eyebrow when he saw the angel enter and walk towards him apparently following something he obviously couldn’t see. Castiel looked at his hand and then at Dean’s back.
“I’m sorry Dean, could you lean over a little?”
Dean did as asked and turned at his back wondering what the hell Castiel was looking for over there. The seraph placed his hand over the same place where Gabriel’s wings would have started and pulled at the invisible thing on his hand. Dean definitely felt something pulling from him and jerked back surprised.
“The Hell!?”
Castiel hummed and moved away from the hunter.
“Thank you.”
He walked back to the hallway, invisible thing still in his hand. Puzzled, Dean moved away from his bed and followed Castiel who walked up to the division of the thread and turned towards the remaining end. This time the thread lead them to Sam’s bedroom. Castiel knocked once but still opened the door even when no one answered. Finally he saw it, the end of the invisible thread tied to the spindle. Taking it in his hands, Castiel walked to the Dean-cave, knowing Sam was watching a documentary and paused it without a second thought.
“I’m sorry Sam but can you remind me where did you get this spindle?”
It took them an entire day and a bunch of files splattered over the table for Dean to finally find the document containing all the information pertaining to the object.
“The Tools of the Fates. Clotho’s Distaff, The Spindle of Lachesis and Atropos Scissors. This spinning set was confiscated from a three witch coven in 1575 in Scotland, it is said that it’s power is so large that it can twist the fate of every human being in the universe...”
“Guess we can include heavenly beings now. Eh?”
Dean’s voice faded while he focused on each paragraph of the paper, Sam and Gabriel behind him reading as well.
“Ok I don’t get this, it says that it allows the witch to twist the fate of their target but how on earth did Gabe and I ended up like this?”
Sam’s eyes lit in comprehension and let out a very soft “Crap” that everybody heard none-the-less. With everyone’s gaze on him, the poor boy blushed ashamed.
“I got tired of looking for your strands of hair so I kept on spinning without looking for it. The yarn I’ve been making, it’s got your hair entwined.”
Dean and Gabriel looked at Sam completely startled.
“What the hell man? You’ve been doing fucking voodoo on us?”
“I didn’t know!”
“Okay nevermind that, where are the scissors? Bet my ass that we can undo this with those.”
“What? No! That’s my yarn!”
“It’s not that easy Dean-o look at this first.”
Gabriel held Dean before he could get away from the table. The hunter turned back and read the pages he was being handled.
“After some experimentation, it was confirmed that the spell is triggered by cutting the thread with Atropos Scissors in the middle of the spinning process. The curse becomes permanent and up to date no spell has been found to unbind it… Wait does that mean that—”
“We have to wait until Sam is done with the yarn he bought or else we’ll be all over each other forever.”
Dean threw his arms in frustration he turned around and pressed his fingers over his frown. He counted to ten and breathed deeply before turning back towards his brother.
“We’re not leaving this place until you’re done with that yarn.”
Fuming, the man left them to get a beer. He definitely needed one.
Some days passed, Sam had already chastised his brother away at least six times and was barely going back into the zone when he saw Gabriel appear in front of him.
“Sigh… No Gabriel, it’s NOT done yet.”
“Touchy much?”
Sam glared at him.
“I didn’t come because of that. Unlike your brother I can be patient.”
Sam raised an eyebrow at him, gruffed and turned back at his work. He assumed that whatever it was the archangel wanted to tell him, he could just say it out loud.
“I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry.”
This time Sam stopped. “What?”
“I’m sorry, for this.” Gabriel motioned the air around them. “I mean, you only wanted to have a hobby and we fucked that up.”
Sam coughed a bit surprised and turned back to his work more relaxed. “It wasn’t anybody’s fault, we didn’t know that this was going to happen.”
“Are you still gonna use that spindle after we’re done with this? For what I read on the file it works like a normal spindle as long as you only work with yarn.”
Sam laughed “Nah, I’m gonna buy a normal one. I don’t want anything weird happening again because of this.”
Gabriel hummed and sat by his side to look at him in a way that reminded Sam a little bit too much of Castiel, enthralled with his work. And even though Sam didn’t mind it, something felt a bit off.
“You’re not going back to Dean?”
“Are you kidding me? If I stay more than an hour in the same place with him I want to eat his face.”
Sam laughed heartily, the mental image should have been gross but for some reason Sam found it funny. Gabriel smiled at Sam’s gesture but his eyes soon left for the horizon and he sighed after a while, hugging his knees.
“I miss him.”
Gabriel nodded. “I love drinking beer with him, and playing pool and watching porn together but right now I can’t do that because if I get careless and kiss him maybe we won’t be able to go back to what we had before...”
Sam paused his spinning work, the eyes of the angel before him were glazed and he was bearing one of the saddest expressions he had ever seen.
“I don’t want to lose Dean like that...”
Sam stood still, falling into one of those rare moments of realization where time seems to slow it’s flow. With just a brief moment of vulnerability, Gabriel had shown that despite being under a spell at the moment, the archangel undoubtedly felt more love for his brother than what he let out on a daily basis. Sam sent him a reassuring smile.
“Don’t worry Gabe, just hang in there a bit. I’ll be done in a couple of days.”
Gabriel nodded. He stayed the rest of the day keeping Sam company.
Meanwhile Dean was mindlessly sharpening some of his blades when out of nowhere he sighed profoundly. Castiel turned from his book.
“Dean? Are you alright?”
Dean’s shoulders fell while he deposited a sharpened blade down and picked up another one.
Castiel kept his gaze on him for a while until Dean dropped the blade over the table frustrated.
“No, I’m not.”
“What’s the problem?”
“Nothing! Everything’s peachy.”
Castiel patiently waited once more, Dean sighed again and dropped himself over the table with another sigh.
“...I miss Gabriel.”
“Do you want me to call him?”
“Yes... No! Well... wait no, No!” Dean groaned “You see? That’s exactly the problem! I shouldn’t need you to call him because he should be here already but he can’t be here already because all I want to do as soon as I see him is drag him to my room!”
“And you don’t want to… drag him to your room.”
“No! I mean, I do right now, I really do but that’s because of the spell so I know I can’t do that. I shouldn’t do that.”
“Is it because you’re straight?”
“It’s because it’s Gabriel you idiot! I can’t do something like that to him! How could I see him straight to the face ever again!?”
Castiel was perplexed by the amount of emotion Dean had managed to fill Gabriel’s name with his voice. With the amount of time Dean and Gabriel had been sticking together Castiel had supposed they did get along well but he hadn’t realized just how much Dean actually cared for his brother up until that moment.
“Don’t worry Dean, Sam will finish the yarn soon.”
When night came, Dean spent a good half an hour trying to find a position to sleep, rolling around the bed, thinking of nothing else but Gabriel.
“Stop it.”
Dean bolted upright.
“Stop it.”
“What do you mean?”
“Stop praying to me! I can’t tune you off and it’s driving me crazy! I also want to come cuddle with you.”
“Shit… I’m sorry Gabe it’s just—”
“I know, I know it’s not your fault but please stop, I’m begging you here!”
Gabriel was literally kneeling by Dean’s bedside now, he had his head between his hands and was grabbing his hair in desperation. Dean understood perfectly well why. Right now the spell was making them ache for each other so much it was practically painful to not be at each other’s side. Feeling his mouth dry he reached one of Gabriel’s hands. He was scared of what he was about to propose.
Gabriel took quite some time to look up at Dean.
“You heard me, stay, I… we can spoon and maybe, maybe that’ll help.” Dean could feel his face burning now but he was also desperate to feel Gabriel close to him.
“But what if we… uh...”
“Let’s just hope we’re strong enough.”
Gabriel bit his lip for a moment and then moved into Dean’s bed, changing into his pajamas with a snap knowing that Dean hated to see him put his boots over his mattress. Dean moved aside to let him in. This was way too weird for him, not only because it had been ages since he last had someone by his side at bed but because it was a guy. Once Gabriel laid by his side they stood looking at each other awkwardly. Dean broke the eye contact focusing on any other place that wasn't Gabriel's face.
“Okay so uh, turn around so I can spoon you?”
“And have you rubbing at me with a morning wood in the morning?”
“Goddamnit Gabe I’m not a teenager.”
Dean shoved Gabriel’s shoulder while he giggled. Despite everything, Dean smiled. This is what he had been missing all these days, an idiot making stupid jokes with him by his side. Because he loved his brother like he would never love anyone else but there was only so much they had in common and he needed someone like Gabriel ready to pick up the slack. After a moment, Gabriel turned around and felt Dean’s arms surround him and fuck if he didn’t feel like this was everything he needed in the entire world to be happy. With a sigh he grabbed Dean’s hand and pulled the hunter closer. He heard him sigh as well.
Gabriel knew they should be angry about this, about being forced into an intimacy that none of them had ever needed nor expected of the other but at the moment all he could think about was that fuzzy warmth filling all his pores. This was what content felt like. This was what home was supposed to be.
Both men sighed, one falling into slumber and the other softly caressing the hand he had tangled his fingers with, when he was sure Dean was asleep, he kissed his hand softly and closed his eyes to rest, carefully monitoring Dean’s breath and wondering how it was that a human being could be so fascinating.
The following day Dean woke up and held Gabriel even closer while stirring up. He nudged his nose against Gabriel’s head in a cuddly manner before he froze, realizing what he was doing.
“Sorry Gabe”
“It’s okay, it feels good”
Dean flushed with embarrassment.
“We still shouldn’t be doing this.”
“I know.”
Both men sighed.
“I don’t wanna get up.”
“Me neither”
“...What time is it?”
Gabriel moved to grab Dean’s phone on the nightstand.
Dean looked at Gabriel’s back with a longing ache before nudging at his back again, defeated.
“Five more minutes?”
He felt Gabriel’s hand holding warmly to his arm.
“Five more minutes sounds great.”
They stayed in bed almost half an hour more. Sam was already starting the coffee when Dean came into the kitchen.
“Hey, it’s still your turn to do breakfast.”
Dean’s only response was a grunt. Sam turned to look at him and he saw his brother’s deflated stance grabbing a pan and sloppily placing it over the stove. He didn’t need to ask what was going on to see how bad he was taking the spell. He could also bet that if he saw Gabriel, he would be in the same state. Sam was torn between reaching to his brother and comfort him or make fun of him but finally desisted of both since he realized he wouldn’t be really happy if the same thing had happened to him.
The last three days that took Sam to finally get the yarn done passed by without a problem, well if you take away the soft fleeting caresses and the sad beaten puppy looks both Dean and Gabriel constantly wore next to each other. They were trying to avoid Sam as well mostly because they didn’t want him to feel guilty but the younger Winchester still managed to catch them from time to time. The last day he was sighing as well.
“Just a little more.”
“Yeah...” Sam answered blandly.
“I mean, it could be worse, you could have ended up like that with your brother.”
Sam chortled nervously.
“That would have been disastrous”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s different with soulmates.”
Sam nodded at Castiel in deference.
“You know? I would have never imagined those two really loved each other like that.”
Castiel hummed in approval.
“It’s not a romantic love but it’s still love nonetheless.”
“Platonic Love.” Some minutes passed by in silence. “Do you know why they call it that way?”
Castiel nodded.
“Back in the times of Greece, it was expected of pupils to have sexual intercourse with their professors in order to be allowed to study with them, Plato saw this as unethical and debated that the pupils should not have to be forced to engage in such behaviour to earn knowledge and that the professor should be above the simple carnal desire to provide them of such. Truthly speaking, the term was never used by Plato himself and these days it generally refers to an affectionate relationship into which the sexual element does not enter to be fulfilled.”
Sam looked at Castiel impressed. “You know I’m kind of surprised you know the term so well.”
Castiel shrugged. “I just find the concept of love fascinating.”
Sam nodded. Before he had noticed it, he was holding the last threads and twisting them together. Overjoyed, Sam picked everything up and went into the bunker followed by Castiel looking for his brother. He found Gabriel cuddled on the couch hugging a napping Dean. They had started watching a series but it had obviously not been interesting enough.
“Wow, sorry to interrupt.”
Sam teased Gabriel mostly because he couldn’t help a bit of uneasiness run through his gut seeing the archangel holding his brother so close with a smile.
“Don’t worry kiddo, you got the yarn ready?”
Sam nodded. Castiel left to get the scissors, leaving the task of waking Dean up and finding the thread binding both men to Gabriel.
“Nothing really, Castiel said that the thread was attached to the spindle as well but now it’s only attached to us. That must be the way the spells are triggered. If the thread snaps earlier than when it’s supposed to then it rebounds and tangles itself making it unbindable. It's actually pretty interesting...”
Castiel arrived moments later with the scissors and handed them to Sam.
“Ok, are you ready?”
“No, I wanna do this.”
Sam passed the scissors to Dean. Gabriel held a section of the thread between both hands to help Dean guide his movement.
“Right there Dean-o. Don’t need to move more.”
Giving a serious nod to Gabriel, Dean closed the scissors with a snap. Both men let out their breath. After a moment, Dean looked at Gabriel puzzled, Gabriel returned his silent question shrugging. He had seen the thread snap nicely and disappear but apart from that nothing had changed.
“So… uhm… Ho do you guys feel?”
“I feel… Nothing? I don’t really feel anything different.”
“Not me either, it just feel like always.”
Suddenly both men got hit with the realization.
“Oh my god”
“We feel nothing.”
“We feel nothing at all.”
“I don’t want to smooch you!”
“And I don’t want to fuck you!”
Both men cheered and hugged each other overjoyed. Sam snickered looking at them go all buddy buddy once more. If he had to be completely honest, he liked them better this way despite all the potential pranking that could come with such a hectic bromance.
“Wait a second, you wanted to fuck me?”
“Shut up. You’re ruining the moment.”
“I mean, it’s just that I happen to know this place in Nevada where—”
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gaycrouton · 6 years
Words of Lust 19/27 [Scully and Mulder play a drunken game in the middle of a storm.]
Sensual : (adjective) of or arousing gratification of the senses and physical, especially sexual, pleasure.
For the past few weeks, they had fallen into a routine that he loved. On Friday, he and Scully would leave the office, grab take out for dinner, usually accompanied by a six pack of Shiner, and go to his apartment to watch a movie. It was a newfound familiarity and comfort he hadn’t experienced in years, hell, maybe ever. On top of that, he got to spend hours of freetime with Dana Katherine Scully, something he would do anything for,
This was their ninth week in a row, and they were still going strong. He couldn’t keep the grin off his face as he sat there with sesame chicken and crab rangoons littering his coffee table, Scully sitting next to him on her third beer, and When Harry Met Sally , her choice, playing on the TV. The first few times he was worried that she was just coming over out of obligation, solely because he asked. It was probably about four weeks in when on one random Tuesday she tapped him on the shoulder and asked, “Mulder, can I pick the movie this week? Not that I don’t love the space theme we’ve been having. I just want to kick it up.” Ecstatic barely covered his feeling. She looked forward to their nights together just as much as he did. That week they ended up watching The Silence of the Lambs, and they’d been alternating ever since.
“What are you staring at?” Scully chuckled, self consciously wiping her face of food that wasn’t there. He hadn’t realized his attention had shifted from the movie to her and he had just been staring.
“I thought I saw a fly.” Wow, good one.
“Oh really? Directly on my face, not flying around?” she teased with a knowing smirk. As he opened his mouth to respond, an earth shattering crash of thunder and bolt of lightning struck, practically making the apartment shake. She jumped with a gasp and grabbed his arm like a vice, only to instantly pull away with an embarrassed laugh, “Sorry.”
Apparently a severe thunderstorm was plaguing the D.C. area tonight. He asked if she was still down with having their movie night and she quickly agreed. It had been pretty tame when they came over, but as the movie progressed, so did the storm. Mulder had seen her look in the face of danger, take down inhumane criminals, fight the most terrifying monsters, but, when it came down to it, Scully was afraid of thunderstorms. While he knew she wanted to hang out tonight, he knew a big aspect of it was because she didn’t want to be alone. “Don’t be sorry, Scully. Thunderstorms are nature’s jumpscare.”
She smiled at him and that was the last thing he saw before they were plunged into darkness, another round of thunder and lighting taking the power with it. At the same time he was registering what just happened, he felt Scully’s small hand reach out to him in the darkness, grabbing his arm. “Well, this puts a damper on movie night,” he joked, trying to lessen her fear.
She laughed indulgently, but moved her hand down so she could hold his hand, which he immediately reciprocated. “Do you have a flashlights or any candles?” she asked. Her tone was calm, but the pitch of her voice didn’t hide her fear.
“Yeah, I think I have some candles I got for Christmas in the closet.” He stood up, taking her with him as he awkwardly felt his way to the hallway closet, using the walls as his guide, only stopping when he felt the knob.
“Someone bought you candles for Christmas?” her voice rang out in the darkness as he grabbed the candles awkwardly, nudging her to grab some with her free hand.
“A few someones actually, I guess I look like a candle type of guy,” he laughed, closing the closet door and blindly leading them to the kitchen for the lighter.
“Oh yeah, didn’t I ever tell you? Before I knew about your videotape collection, I thought you came home and lit seasonally-accurate candles, watching to make sure they burned evenly,” she teased as her face was illuminated by the flame.
He gave her a little mock-gasp before feigning horror, “Scully, were you surveilling me?” She laughed at him and let go of his hand as he worked on the fifth candle, a steady glow lighting the area. She walked around the kitchen curiously before stopping in front of the refrigerator, standing on her tiptoes to retrieve a bottle from the top surface.
Attempting to retrieve a bottle. He saw her struggling and stood behind her, easily reaching above her head to grab the old bottle of Jack Daniels before handing it to her curious hands. “Mulder, I thought you didn’t drink?���
“I always thought it would be wise to keep a bottle if I ever wanted to indulge, or for special circumstances,” he told her. Picking up some of the candles and moving them to the coffee table.
She followed suit with the rest, the bottle still tucked under her arm. When all the candles were arranged in the living room so it was nicely lit she turned to him with a shy demeanor, “Hey, is it okay if I stay here for tonight, with the storm and all?” He thought it was cute she even had to ask.
“I would genuinely be offended if you didn’t,” he replied honestly. He took a seat on the couch as she placed herself on the floor at the end of the coffee table, adjacently facing him.
“Thanks,” she sighed with an appreciative smile.
“Do you have specific plans in mind, Agent Scully?” he asked, nodding to the bottle now placed in front of her.
“Oh,” she blushed a little bit, “Feel free to say no, but I was curious if you’d be down with drinking and playing a game or something?” she asked nervously, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
A chance to see Scully drunk? Abso-fucking-lutely. “I’m in. Do you have any specific game in mind?”
She paused for a moment, tapping her finger against her lips in thought as he was captivated by the motion. “It’s not a drinking game, but do you want to periodically take shots and just ask each other questions? Kinda like twenty questions, but with no goal?” He was equal parts excited and nervous. He wanted to learn more about Scully, but he was nervous what she might ask.
“So, basically, drink and have a conversation?” he joked.
She giggled as she opened the top of the bottle, bringing out two shot glasses he hadn’t even seen her grab. Sneaky. It also amused him that she obviously knew he’d say yes to her.
“Essentially, yes,” she drew out, pouring a shot for each of them.
“Are there any rules?”
“Hmm, want to say, we each get twenty questions, you can only pass on two, and no holds barred,” passing one of the shots over to him as she said this.
The no holds barred part intimidated him a bit, but he was curious what she had in mind. “Sounds good to me,” he replied, lifting his glass up in a cheers motion. She clinked her glass against his and they threw their head back, letting the amber liquid coat their throats.
He didn’t feel the need to put on a bravado in front of Scully, they were far passed that, so he felt no shame as he coughed and let his face contort into unbridled disgust. He heard a melodic chuckle erupt in response and looked over to see that she had taken it like a champ, no surprise. “You can go first since your in pain,” she offered kindly.
He took a swig of his beer to recover as he mused. “Why are you afraid of thunderstorms?”
She looked surprised that was his first question, but answered nonetheless, “I don’t really know. It’s totally irrational. I understand what they are, I just don’t like the mixture of how chaotic and power, and it’s so loud.” Made sense, he nodded and she took that as a sign to take her turn.“Excluding aliens, you get the opportunity to expose the undeniable truth behind one cryptid. What one do you choose?” she asked, taking the final swig of her last beer.
“Hmm,” he pondered, “Either Bigfoot or Nessie, probably Nessie.”
“Why,” she asked.
“Does that count as two questions?,” he teased.
“Nope,” she sang with a cocky grin.
“I’d probably choose The Loch Ness because it’s one that people are most familiar with, and if they believe that it could lead to a wider acceptance of the unexplained. Bigfoot is a little too humanistic, a little too in the realm of comfort.” She seemed to appreciate his answer so he continued, “What are your favorite three qualities of yourself? Can be emotional, physical, mental, anything.”
She cocked her head to the side and pouted her lip a bit in thought, glancing into the bottle as if the amber liquid would give her an answer. “Umm,” she verbalized before resorting back to silence for a while. Maybe thirty seconds passed and she was still thinking.
“Is this seriously a hard question for you? I could name ten of my favorite qualities about you right now,” he laughed.
He could see the faint blush dust her cheeks even through the candle light as she struggled to answer, “Umm, I’ll do one of each, I think it’ll be easier. Emotionally, I like my passion. Mentally, I’m proud of my intelligence. Physically, uhh,” she paused for a moment to think and it honestly dumbfounded him. She could list off anything and she’d be right, she was perfect. “Uh, I like my freckles.”
“Good choice, but an interesting one.”
She laughed lightly to dispel her self-consciousness, “Everyone in my family has them. I like the solidarity.” He hadn’t realized that, but it made a lot of sense. “My turn. You said you could name ten, do it.”
Oh shit. This was dangerous territory and he knew it. “Only ten?” he replied. She tried to repress a smile and nodded. “Not to copy you, but your passion, your intelligence, and your freckles also are on my list. Your loyalty, your smile, your rationality, your eyes, your commitment, your entire being, and your strength are, in no particular order, a few of my favorite qualities.” It made him happy to see that she was flattered by his words, having a hard time meeting his eyes.
“I appreciate that. I don’t know if ‘entire being’ counts as a quality though,” she reminded, easing the charge in the room.
“There were a lot of things I didn’t want to miss and I felt like that was all-encompassing,” he answered honestly. There isn’t enough time in the world to list off everything I love about you. Before starting any further, he poured two more shots out, taking them just like they had before. Scully giggled a little more after this shot and he was glad he wasn’t the only one feeling tipsy.
“What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done? Not including anything work related?” he asked after finishing off his own beer.
Unlike the last question, she knew this one immediately. After the question left his lips she giggled some more and put her hands in her face temporarily. If it got this reaction, he was eager to hear. “Okay, so promise not to judge me. When I was in high school, I had a crush on my English teacher, he was maybe twenty seven while I was sixteen, and I just wanted his attention. So, one day I went to school dressed as an actual catholic school girl. The white button up, the lewdly short skirt, the black thigh highs, the whole nine yards.”
Mulder gulped and shifted a little in his seat at the thought of a young Scully dressed so scandalously, the fact she did that was arousing enough, the mental image was almost too much. “So what happened?” he pried.
“I stayed after class, you know, asking for ‘extra help’ even though I had an A in the class. He wouldn’t even look at me, and when he did it was only for a few seconds,” she exclaimed. Mulder couldn’t blame the guy, Scully was trying to kill the man.
“He probably didn’t want to be caught sporting a massive hard on in the middle of a high school,” he cried, making her laugh.
“Fair enough, but little sixteen year old me was so pissed,” she proclaimed, as if still cursing that teacher. “What about you? Have you ever had any inappropriate crushes?” his inappropriate crush asked obliviously.
“Um-,” he paused. He couldn’t exactly say his partner, even if it was the truth. “I would sometimes have crushes on my friends’ sisters. Which is just like a no-go in the bro code.” Not a lie, not incriminating. “What was the last thing you ever did on a date?” He almost regretted the question as soon as it left his lips, thoughts of Jerse and that whole escapade coming into memory. Luckily, Scully also decided to ignore that. He supposed almost being killed nullified considering the evening a date.
“I actually haven’t been on a real date in years. Maybe back in 1993, around when we were first assigned together. I was just on a date with a random guy I met at Quantico. It wasn’t very good. We went to Olive Garden and then went to his place and had mediocre sex.” He was pleased that sex was becoming a comfortable, frequent topic right now and he honestly hoped it would continue.
“Mediocre how?”
“If I don’t cum, it’s mediocre,” she sighed dramatically, pouring another round for them. He was already feeling tipsy and a small part of him was worried she was going too fast for her tiny stature, but she was a doctor so he trusted her judgement. They threw their head back, and as he was trying to recover, no aid of beer to wash it down, she laid a big one on him, “What kind of porn do you like?”
“What?” he repeated, positive he must have misheard her.
“I know about all your tapes. What type is your favorite? Oral? Dominance? Gay? Big bust? C-” He didn’t know how long she would have been able to keep going, but knowing Scully knew all the different porn categories was something he needed to keep in mind.
“I like the longer ones, where the relationship is established. I know you’re going to roll your eyes at me, but I like the ones where it looks like they care,” he confessed. In reality, the answer would have been ‘The ones closest to our relationship or ones where the woman slightly resembles you.’
“N-no! I think that’s nice, don’t be shy,” she hiccuped. She was slightly slurring, just a little bit, and she wasn’t as balanced as she used to be. He was probably fairing the same, never really drinking and having a low tolerance.
Since she had asked him a bold question, he decided to reciprocate. It didn’t make it any less jarring to feel these words come out of his mouth in her presence, “Do you use toys when you masturbate? If so what’s your favorite?”
Her eyebrows raised a bit, but so did the corners of her lips. “I do yes,” she had barely answered the question and he could feel his penis stirring at her words. “I have this one vibrator and its pink. It’s a smooth silicone, and it’s phallic shaped with a curve. I like that I can use it both internally and externally,” she said, being so generous as to use size indications with her hands. He hadn’t asked how she used it, but he was eternally grateful for this new information.
Scully propped her head up with the palm of her hand, elbow resting lazily on the table. He thought she may have to take some time to formulate a question, but she was ready to go. “When you’re having sex, do the women say your name?”
His brow cocked up as he swallowed, glancing down at her curiosity-riddled face. He didn’t really know why she wanted to know such a random thing. “Well, they do when I’m doing a good job. So, yes,” he teased with a wink.
She rolled her eyes and elaborated, “Noooo, I mean do they call you Fox, or do they moan ‘ ah Mulder ’ at you?” During her explanation she gave a little example of how one might moan ‘Mulder,’ pitching her voice up and making it breathy as she cried his name, her face contorting in mock pleasure. It was unbelievably hot. She stared at him expectantly as he shifted in his seat to hide his body’s reaction to her little display, coy smirk on her face.
He cleared his throat a bit before answering, “Oh, the call me Fox, but I still hate it, even if it’s being said in the throes of passion.”
She nodded appreciatively at his answer, fingering the rim of her empty glass. “Good to know,” she murmured. Her answer was equal parts suggestive and ambiguous. Before he could fully decipher her words she was motioning to him, “Your turn.”
“Favorite position?” he asked.
“I’m not picky, I like quite a few, but I’ve personally had a lot of success on top,” she shrugged with a self-satisfactory smile. He’d been hard for a while now, but it was getting more and more difficult to keep himself in check. Especially imagining Scully on top, her breasts bouncing up and down from the exertion of riding him, the dedication he was sure she would have to making sure they both got off.
He must have lost himself in thought a little bit, because he noticed she was just smiling at him expectantly. He took a moment to prepare two more shots before they went further, wanting a bit more liquid courage. It went down easier than expected, unlike her next question.
Scully drunkenly put a hand on the couch, sloppily pulling herself up so she was reclining on the couch arm opposite of him. He normally would have reached out to help her, but in his drunken state, he wouldn’t have been much use. She situated herself a little bit, trying to sit up straight and wiping her hair away from her face with his palms. He realized she was about to lay a big one on him and straightened up a bit himself. Looking him dead in the eye, she started with, “Is it okay if I ask a possible two-part question?”
“Possible two-part question?” He repeated.
“Well the answer to the first will determine if the second is necessary,” she clarified. He simply nodded and motioned for her to continue, which she did hesitantly, “Mulder, do you think I’m attractive?”
Her question took him off guard. How could she not know? He mentally flashbacked through the past seven years of their partnership; the years of trying to catch second glimpses of her, the years of hiding erections from her that she caused, years of casual flirtations, and she didn’t realize he adored her? She was looking at him with wide, vulnerable eyes that broke his heart. “Of course I do, Scully. You’re easily the most attractive woman I’ve ever met. It’s honestly distracting.”
A brief smile graced her lips before she got serious again, leaning forward a little bit. “Why haven’t you tried to have sex with me?” It felt like all the air left his lungs. Of all the follow up questions, he wasn’t expecting that. He tried to think of an answer in his inebriated state, but he kept getting distracted by her questioning eyes and pouting lips.
“I-I never thought you would want to, I figured you saw me as untouchable since I’m your partner. I also didn’t think you found me attractive,” he muttered honestly.
The shock he had felt a moment ago had transferred to her, her jaw dropping open in surprise. “You don’t think I find you attractive?”
He shrugged shyly, “Well, you’ve never expressed interest.”
“Mulder, I feel like if I expressed anymore interest, you’d walk into the office with me bent over your desk waiting,” she proclaimed. He closed his eyes and tried to calm his breathing, imagining what it’d be like walking into the office, Scully precariously perched over the desk they had spent years across, her crotch wet and waiting just for him, looking over her shoulder at him with a coy smile.
“You want to have sex with me?” he asked almost incredulously.
A bright flush had painted her face, a mix of alcohol and embarrassment, maybe something more. “Yes,” it was barely audible coming out as a gentle whisper. “Do you want to have sex with me?”
“I want to make love to you,” he clarified. A rare toothy smile erupted on Scully’s face and he couldn’t help but lean in closer to her, happy when she did the same. Their lips met together in shy exploration. She started smiling at the first touch of contact, making deepening the kiss a little hard. They did anyhow though, tongues sliding wetly over each other in exploration. She tasted like booze and that hint of Scully he could never recreate.
She placed her hands drunkenly around his neck and pulled herself closer to him, effectively laying on top of his reclining torso, pressing his back into the couch. She was so warm and comfortable. He ran his hand up her spine and reveled in the way she leaned into his touch. Eventually, they pulled back and he got to enjoy what a thoroughly-kissed Scully looked like. She was panting a little, her hair was mussed, and her lips were swollen. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips, as if she was trying to enjoy the lingering taste of him. His erection was now screaming with need, even though this was all he wanted, the rational side of him was still there. “Scully, we can’t do this right now. I want the first time I’m with you to be when we’re sober.”
She dramatically sighed and he thought she was going to argue, but she conceded, “You’re right.” She pouted at him, her gaze flicking down to his tenting pants. “But what are you going to do about that?” she asked, teasingly running a finger along his bulge.
He laughed but tried to concave his hips instead of thrusting at her. “Scully, I’ve been your partner for years. I’m an expert at willing boners away,” he reassured.
“So we can’t touch each other while we’re drunk?” she reiterated.
“I wouldn’t be able to stop,” he groaned, god she was beautiful.
She was silent for a moment, lost in a train of thought. Her eyes lit up and she looked at him excitedly. “What if we just- touched ourselves?” she offered, shrugging and acting like this was the most rational solution she’d ever come up with.
He knew he was a little young to have a heart attack, but honestly he was scared it was going to happen tonight. Scully, his Scully, partner of seven years, sweet catholic, was suggesting they touch themselves in front of each other. “Like, mutual masturbation?” he asked for clarification, voice higher than normal.
“Exactly, mutual masturbation,” she cooed, starting to unbutton the top of her blouse. His eyes followed her movements, deft and elegant, lacking the clumsiness normally associated with alcohol. He was pretty sure he was blushing. The thought of jacking off less than a foot away from Scully seemed almost taboo.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
She got to the last button and let her top fall open, revealing a black, lacy bra. She let the shirt fall down her shoulders gracefully, discarding it on the floor beneath them. She scooted back a bit so that he was resting on one arm of the couch while she was on the other. Her hands were poised behind her back as she sang, “Only if you’re interested.” His eyes were constantly dancing back down to her chest, waiting for her to take away the black scrap of fabric. It became obvious she wasn’t going to remove it unless he answered. He internally chuckled at her statement. He was far more than interested.
Instead of verbally answering, he started to undo the buttons on his own shirt, discarding it on top of her own. His self-consciousness started to fade when he saw her eyes appreciatively take in his exposed chest, tracing ever muscle and curve with her gaze. She looked back up at him with gratitude and unhooked her bra, letting it fall forward to reveal two beautiful breasts. He took a sharp intake of breath between his teeth and his cock ached to be touched.
“Scully, you’re so gorgeous,” he praised. She leaned her bare back on the arm of his couch, the same couch he had spent countless hours fantasizing about her on. She continued to look at him as she raised her hands to play with her breasts, grabbing them and pushing them together before pinching her own nipples.
His eyes practically fluttered to the back of his head and he audibly groaned, earning a sensual snicker from Scully, who was moving her hands down her sides until she was easing her pants and underwear down her legs, adding to the pile. He quickly did the same, wanting to keep her comfortable in her state of undress by providing his own. When he sat back down, his dick was bobbing prominently in the air, begging for attention. She took it in with hungry eyes before returning his compliment in a raspy voice, “So are you.”
She let her thighs part, revealing her pink, glistening lips, practically dripping from wetness. He caused that. The sight was too much and he finally gave over to pleasure, taking his length in his firm hand, stroking up in down in exploration, eyes never leaving her body. She grunted when she saw this, “God Mulder, you have no idea how much that turns me on.”
She let her hand slide down her stomach, passed her pubic hair, to her arousal, parting her lips playfully before swirling around her clit, letting her head drop back with a hearty moan. Scully was touching herself right in front of him, for him, because of him, on his couch. For a second he was worried that he had died and gone to heaven but, if this is what it was like, he didn’t even care. Her chest had flushed red and, yet again, he didn’t know if it was because she was shy or simply from arousal. She was watching his hand intently as she continued playing with herself, her wetness audible in the room.
The candle lighting, though done for necessity, was now highly sexual. The light of the flames danced on her porcelain skin, a dance as natural and primal as her hand’s against her body. He reached down and, with his other hands, cupped his heavy balls, the sensation making him thrust off the couch slightly, desperate for friction. Scully must have needed more too, because she spread her knees farther, throwing one over the back of the couch as she reclined further into the couch, finger fucking herself vigorously, her elegant fingers dipping deep inside herself, curling up to hit the places she knew so well. She was now spread absolutely eagle in front of him, hiding nothing.
He didn’t think he had ever experienced such a high level of eroticism before in his life. It felt like every nerve ending in his body was on fire, he could feel his heart beating in his erection. He was already stimulated enough when she became increasingly vocal, an audible aphrodisiac. One hand was ravishing her clit while the other groped her breasts. She was whining and panting, high pitched, breathy, and painfully feminine. Her hips almost constantly undulating, gyrating into her hand. All the while her eyes were dilated and focused on his body, watching his hand pump so fast it was disappearing and his chest heave lungfuls of air.
It was hard to resist not throwing his head back in pleasure, he didn’t want to miss any part of this display of personal intimacy. How many times did she go home and lay on her bed doing exactly this? All he wanted to was throw himself to the otherside of the couch and bury himself inside her, hearing those keening sounds in his ear as he makes her cum, thrusting into her tightness with reckless abandon. “I want you so bad, I can’t wait for us to finally be together,” he panted out, his forearm aching with strain from him relentless strokes.
“I want you too, we’ll have each other so soon,” she reassured, her voice coming out like a strained cry. He could see a light sheen of sweat starting to cover her body at the same time he noticed it on his.
Her hand started to move faster and faster and he knew she was chasing her orgasm. She started to tell him she was about to cum, but the orgasm took over. “Muld-ah!” Her body was nearly convulsing, her hips thrusting desperately against her hand which was going doing everything it could to stimulate every need of hers. Her mouth was open as she cried out variations of his name and the lords, spine arching and concaving like a rhythm.
His hand when as fast as it could as his grip tightened. It took only a few seconds before he was following her into ecstasy. “Ugh-Scully,” he cried out as he bucked into his hand, milking himself for everything he had. Hot wet spurts of semen covered his abdomen, but all he could focus on was the fact seeing him come sent her spiraling into a second orgasm. Her legs clenched around her hand as she moved her body, as if making love to the air.
When they were done, the only sounds in the room were their frantic breaths evening out. He leaned down and grabbed both of their shirts, wiping himself off with his own as he handed hers off so she could do the same. “Thanks,” she sighed appreciatively with a sated, goofy smile he was sure matched his own.
“You’re a genius, you know that right?” he commended.
“Just wait until you get the full experience,” she teased with a wink.
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The end of the world: Chapter 1
Okay so this  is my first time I ever wrote a story  so it’s gonna be really bad. I might forget to add to this series so if you want this to continue just message me for a reminder.
3:36 am
I wake up in cold sweat to a loud alarm coming from the living room. I was expecting it to be my little sister Sophia watching her tv shows on a loud volume, like she always does.
I put on my bunny slippers and walked to the living room. Whilst I rubbed my eyes, I noticed Sophia was no where near the living room. There was an alarm flashing brightly on the tv with a siren in the background. After I finished reading what was on the screen,my Parents and Sophia ran into the room.
 “ What the hell is going on!? “ Mother said. 
“ Just  go get your reading glasses and  read the screen. “ Father said. 
“ Daddy, what’s going on? “ Sophia said.
 “ I don’t know sweetie, just go sit on the couch.”
Sophia got on the couch and grabbed a soft blanket and buried herself in it. The second she laid her head on the couch pillow, she fell asleep.
My mother walked into the room with her reading glasses on, “ Oh lord..”, She said.
“ Mommy, what does the screen say?” Sophia asked.
My little sister isn’t old enough to read yet. She is a happy little girl who likes dolls and dress-up. She won’t understand what’s going on.
“ Oh my god..” Father said so low it was almost a whisper
“ What is it?! “ Sophie wined.
My mother burst in tears while my father walks over to her and comforts her. I run to my room and put on my old sneakers. Afterwards  I put on an over sized sweater that goes up to my knees. I open my closet  and put on my black ripped jeans. I run out of my  room and to the garage.
“ Where do you think you’re going?!” Father yells while I put the passcode to open the door.
“ Well if they break in, we have to be prepared, don’t we?” I yell back.
I look through our boxes to find our emergency guns. I spotted this box hidden in the corner of the room with the words “ EMERGENCY ONLY,” labeled on it. I rip it open to find two pistols.
“ I guess only me and dad are gonna be armed. “
I walked out of the garage and closed the door.
“ So what did you find? “ Dad questioned.
“ I found two pistols.”
“ What is mom gonna use to protect herself?”
“ I guess she is gonna use a kitchen knife.”
I walk up to the kitchen and open a drawer. I reach my hand in and grab a knife. I walk out of the kitchen and hand the knife to my mother.
“ Maddie! Isn’t this a bit extreme?” My mother questioned with some fear in her voice.
“ It’s either this or death mom, would you rather just pray this whole time or go out there and help people who need it?”
“ I-” 
My mother rolls her eyes and grabs the knife.
Sophia wakes up from her slumber. She walks over to my father and hugs him, still tired.
“ Daddy, are we gonna be safe?”
“ I don’t know sweetie. Just go in your  room.”
Sophia walks out of the living room and into the hallway,leading into her room.
“ So..how much food do we have left?” Father ask.
I walk over to our fridge. There were a few Oreos,milk, and two strawberries. I close the fridge and walk to the cabinets. There was a box of Shreddies, a bag of apples, and two bags of Doritos. 
“ There is enough food  to last for atleast three months.”
“ Is there food so we can cook a proper meal?”
“ No, the only food we have are snacks.”
“ One of us are gonna have to go outside and get some food from the shop.”
“ I’ll do it.”
“ No!” My father screams, “ What are you thinking!? You’re  too young! You’re 13!”
“ Dad! I’m 16! Like you would know!”
My father has a shocked expression on his face. I mean it’s true. I used to be his whole life until I was three. From there, I spent all my time outside with my neighbors. We were and still are best friends, they are really my only friends anyway. Then, when I was 10, Sophia was born. Before she was, my mother was my best friend when my neighbors weren’t there. Then she spent all her time with Sophia. And let me tell you Sophia is already 6. She is old enough to go to the restroom alone, go to school, get herself dressed, and pour herself a glass of water. But my mother and father still help her get dressed, get a glass of water for her, walks her to the restroom,which is five feet away from her door, and puts her to bed. I’m not jealous. I’m not mad or angry at them. I’m just wondering why they decided to ignore their first daughter.
4:26 am
My parents have gone to sleep. They left me on charge if  a zombie breaks the door down. I have been on call with my friend, Josh. I have liked him ever since we were kids, there are rumors that he likes me back, but it is unknown if its true or not.
Josh:have you seen one yet?
“ No, what about you?”
Josh: Yeah, earlier there was one banging at my front door. They look so disgusting. Their skin is dark grey, they walk like they have just been stabbed in the stomach. Their eyes are so dead that when you look in them you get a sick feeling in their stomach. From what I have seen, they are at least 6 feet tall.
“ God damn...I can’t imagine how scary it was to see one at your door.
Josh: When I heard it banging on the door, I got so scared I fell back. It’s terrifying.
If I want to tell him, it’s gonna have to be now. What if I never get the chance to see him again? That would be terrible.
“ Uhm Josh?”
Josh: Yes?
“ I got something to tell you.”
Josh: What is it?
I couldn’t continue any longer from horror. When I was gonna spit it out. I hear a blood curling scream. The scream you hear in the movie when the main character gets stabbed to death. The sound you hear when somebody gets jumpscared.  I could tell the scream was his mothers, it was too high pitched to be his or his fathers. 
“ Jo-?!”
Afterwards, I hear a lower scream. It was Joshes scream.
The line cut.
I can’t believe it. My best friend of 14 years is gone. I never got to tell him. He would never get to tell him how I really felt. And it’s already too late. I will never see him again. I didn’t get to say a proper goodbye.
I drop my phone from my ear. It loudly drops on the wood floor. I don’t care if it cracked or not. I don’t care if it works or not.  it won’t matter. I pick it up anyways, and a big crack is across the screen. I go to turn it on. At least it still works. I walk out of my  room and my family are sitting on the couch. They aren’t doing anything. Just sitting there.
“ Mom? What are you guys doing?
“ Just thinking about how we are gonna survive.”  My mother answered back.
The last time I ate was noon. I slept all day since there was nothing better to do. I walk into the kitchen, open a cabinet and get an apple. I don’t even bother  washing it. I take a bite and it feels amazing  tasting food, I remember I better  savior this piece of food since I have to save most of it for The rest of my family.
My father walks into the kitchen and goes to grab an apple. 
“ Did you wash your app-”
He was interrupted by a load bang on the door. We both stand there, motionless. We hear a second bang that was so great in impact it knocked the door down. And there it was standing. A zombie just how Josh described it. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t move from pure horror. My vision goes blurry for a few seconds before I hear  a loud growl and a high pitched scream. 
it was Sophia.
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
Heyyyyy Racc ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) how flustered do you think Gladio would be if he found out Ignis had a twin??.. (sister or brother, your choice! )
Hahahaha, Y E S!!!
I’ve had this here for quite a while but I can’t stop thinking about it and probably won’t. I’ve been laughing at the mere mental images this brings me, and I so have to share something about this!!
First off; Ignis with a twin? HNG, YES.
I’d LOVE both cases, because if it was a sister then we could have some sort of Fem!Ignis at least visually and ASTRALS ABOVE, yes.
But imagine if it was a brother. I think that that would mess with Gladio a little more. No, wait, I just had ideas for both scenario ahaha, awman, I need to write stuff for this! Due to length this only includes Brother but ohman. I’m having so much fun writing this.
Edit: *dEEP BREATH* I ADORED AND LOVED WRITING THIS, this is now one of my new absolute favorites, thank you so much!!!
[Adding a Keep Reading at some point]
Gladio dealing with discovering Ignis has a twin brother (& their adventures after he does):
I’ve been adoring the idea of the situation being like that rumor from Marvel’s Avengers on Chris Evans and his troubles with identifying whether he’s talking with Scarlett Johansson or her stunt actress.
Same happens to Gladio: is this Ignis or is this his twin brother?
First time Gladio interacted with him, he still had no idea Ignis had a sibling, let alone a twin.
Gladio was fourteen.
Ignis, due to his great intellect and potential, was taken to the Citadel since very little, but he couldn’t bring his brother along, so Brother is staying with their Aunt at the Scientia house, while Ignis stays at the Citadel with their Uncle.
Ignis isn’t the most talkative on his personal life and, when young, he was very damn shy, so he didn’t bring up to conversation he has a brother (it either didn’t occur to him or he just was too shy to talk on his private life).
So, despite all the years together as friends, Gladio has literally no idea Ignis has a sibling.
One day, Ignis’ brother was visiting for a proper tour around the Citadel. He waited in the hallway while Ignis went into the bathroom.
Gladio happened to stumble upon him.
“Yo, Iggy! Hey, what are you doing ‘round here? :)”
“Oh. I’m not-”
“I was looking for you, say, I forgot to give you your pen back at school yesterday, so here you go.”
“Thank you :)”
“No worries, Iggy.”
“*gasps* Oh, no, dad will kill me if I’m late. Sorry. See you later, Iggy!”
“Oh. Well, hurry, I wouldn’t want you to die, big friend from school.”
Gladio was a bit ?? because what the fuck did Ignis just call him, but the almost naive way in which he said the rest made him laugh a lot, so he just shrugged it off and left.
That was literally his first interaction with Ignis’ twin.
Jkssks this idiot.
You cannot judge Gladio, the Scientia have the same bloody hairstyle and both wear glasses.
They’re like waterdrops, except Brother has a darker shade of green in the eyes and a different birthmark.
Gladio continued to live unaware that this was not Ignis.
One day, Ignis was very, very, as in absolutely v e r y sick.
Still, he insisted to go to the Citadel because “he has work to do”.
Brother smacked him.
“LISTEN HERE, I already knew the way you’re going stress would kill you in a year or two, but I can’t believe you want to fasten the process by also throwing yourself into the Stress Pit while agonizing.”
Ignis tried to insist he’s fine and kept it very, very clear he can’t miss work and someone has to do it.
Guess who’s going in his place.
Twin bro is the shit.
Twin bro is taking Ignis’ clothing and going to work in his place so Ignis doesn’t miss his work day but also gets to rest in bed.
It wasn’t in the plan to pretend being Ignis. He just happens to look the same.
Across the day, Bro waves back at “Hello, Ignis”s and “How are you, Ignis?”s and he doesn’t mind.
There’s a few who recognize he’s Brother (king Regis and Noctis, as well as Clarus and Cor), but the majority mistake him by Ignis.
He doesn’t mind nor is he correcting them.
Guess who happened to stumble upon him again.
“HEY, Iggy!! You’re looking good, yesterday you looked kind of bad, are you okay?”
“Oh. Well, Ignis is fine.”
Gladio’s laughing because “haha Ignis is refering to himself in third person.”
“I’m happy. Say, the other day, at my house. Thank you. The way the teacher puts it, it’s ridiculous, but you helped me understand very well, and today I got a 100% on the test.”
“Ah, I’m glad about it! :)”
“Yeah. You know, I used to think tutoring embarassing, but it’s very helpful. I know I’m not awful at school, but you make it a thousand times easier. You’re so smart, how does your head not explode? Nice sweater, by the way. Are these glasses new?”
“Oh? Ah, no. I’ve always had them.”
“Hm? I thought they were black, but I may just be an idiot. Do you want a candy? I saw Monica and she gave me a few.”
“Oh, that’d be nice! :)”
“Here you go. Do you like orange or strawberry better? Don’t tell me. Orange.”
“Hah, yeah :)”
“Nice. Also, did you know about Beric?”
“Who’s Beric?”
“Ahaha, Iggy, you’re extra funny today. Beric from school. Turns out he [blah blah blah]”
Gladio talked long and comfy with him having no idea this isn’t Ignis.
Brother has literally no idea what Gladio’s talking about.
He doesn’t mind, though.
Brother let him call him Ignis and talk with him as he pleased and never corrected him and just agreed or laughed even though he doesn’t understand what is going on.
That night, Brother told Ignis everything that Gladio told him.
“I think he thinks I’m you.”
“Hm…Gladio’s not as silly. He’s very perceptive. He’s got a very sharp eye and great intuition. I guess he must have noticed by now.”
Ignis’ expectations of Gladio are too high.
As time goes and by the time they’re 15 and from then on, sometimes brother goes to the Citadel to help.
Sometimes it’s to replace Ignis when he worries Ignis is stressing too much, sometimes both are around the place attending different duties.
Brother is in charge of minor ordering of archives, messenger activities, etc., while Ignis continues with his major ordering, Council and etc.
Even when both are at the same time at the Citadel Gladio still doesn’t notice there’s a Second Ignis.
The Scientia twins are coming and going everywhere all the time, so they’re barely ever together or in the same place.
So, Gladio only sees one.
“Woah. Iggy? I thought…I thought you were…ahaha, never mind. Good day! :)”
“Hey, Iggy! How did you get here so fast? I last saw you at the hallway of the throne room! Winged feet, huh? :)”
“Oh? They told me you were during Council meeting lessons! What are you doing here? :)”
“Lmao haha Ignis wtf you couldn’t have come here so fast.”
“Ignis, literally what the fuck, I just…around the corner and… *takes a look* *stares at Brother* *stares around* *stares at Brother* How the fuck.”
“Gladio, have you seen Noctis?”
“He’s at the training Hall :)”
“Thank you! *leaves*”
Gladio’s tying his shoelace and stands back up to find Ignis standing in front of him.
Gladio’s flinching and yelping in a jumpscare.
“Hi, Gladio. Excuse me, do you know where Noctis is?”
“Lmao, Ignis, wtf. I just literally told you he’s in the training hall.”
“What? Oh, right. Okay, thanks. *leaves*”
Gladio watches him leave, shakes the head and thinks he’s just hallucinating, so he turns around and goes, only to find Ignis coming from the other hallway a few seconds later.
“Ah, Gladio! I’m sorry, which way is the training hall?”
“Did I upset you? :’(”
The Scientia twins have literally no idea they’re messing with Gladio.
Gladio still has no idea or clue Ignis has a twin.
Whenever Gladio happens to engage in conversation with Brother, he has no idea it’s Brother.
Literally, Gladio will stand or sit there with him and talk like this is Ignis and call him that.
Brother has long assumed and has it a hundred percent for sure that Gladio’s just kidding when he treats him like it’s Ignis.
He assumed that Gladio knows him and is aware that he’s Ignis’ twin, and both because he doesn’t know his name and because that’s his way of kidding about the whole situation, as if doing this on purpose in some way of laughing at himself for their first interaction, he just calls him Ignis.
Truth is Gladio really thinks he’s Ignis when they’re interacting.
When Gladio’s sixteen he starts growing feelings for Ignis.
He adores just staring at him instead of the chalkboard at school, he really likes his hair and his brain and his feelings and his heart and his eyes and everything about him.
It was eventual, but he figured he really adores the guy and has a crush on him.
“Besides, I feel…Iris, I feel I’m seeing him everywhere all the time. That must mean he’s got me bad.”
Hahahahahahaha, oh Gladio.
Gladio spent most part of his 15′s and part of his 16′s hiding the feelings because “They’re ridiculous, I’ll get over this” but lol nope, it only got worse, to the point he’s agonizingly, desperately, insufferably, profoundly and excruciatingly crushing on Ignis.
Can’t look at him without going red to the ears and entirely stupid.
This state, of course, makes it impossible for him to pay attention and notice there’s two Ignis.
The poor thing.
One day he couldn’t contain the feelings anymore and had to confess so he went straight towads Ignis.
Except that’s not Ignis.
ahahahsdioashdasiohaha this mess, I love it so much.
“Uhm…Ignis…can I talk with you for a moment? >////
“Sure, Gladiolus. What’s wrong?”
“I…I uhm…I was…I was wondering…I mean- no, it’s not- no-”
“:) ?”
It took Gladio veeeeeeery long to get anywhere.
“And I just want to say… >////////
Look at that sixteen year old Gladio. His undercut hairstyle, his still hairless face, so young and smol and inexpert and silly and shy, entirely red in the face and almost sweating from the nervousness, standing in front of Brother, who’s just all  (・・ ) ? holding his clipboard and blinking up at Gladio.
“Listen. You are…you are…the most incredible person that I know. Ignis, I am- I want- I just want to say- you don’t need to pressure or feel engaged or guilty or anything, I just want to say- Ignis I’m- thing is…you are…the way you make me feel. It’s stupid and I’m getting tired of it, because I can’t sleep because I think too much and it’s always you in my head, and I can’t look at you without having brain death, I literally sometimes forget how to speak just because I saw you, and I can’t eat because it tickles so much inside I’d throw up, and I’m…what I what to say is…Ignis just don’t- I don’t- I am-….”
“ (・・ ) ? “
“…Ignis, I really really really really like you like you have no idea and I wanted to offer we go somewhere you’d like!” he bows to him, “I-I have no troubles if you say no!”
There’s a very long and dead silence.
Trembling 16 y.o. Gladio’s still in reverence in front of Brother who’s still all  (・・ ) ?
“…I’m sorry. :’(”
“I…don’t know. I don’t mean to upset you. I just…really like you. And I would really like to go…to go…out? Sometime…someday…anywhere…just as long as…as it’s…with you?” Brother is impressed Gladio’s face has not exploded from how red it is. “Uhm…you don’t…have to say yes if you don’t wanna. Sorry, Ignis.”
There’s another long, dead silence and nobody’s moving.
“…oooooh…you’re- oooh, *gaSPS* GLADIO THAT WAS SO SWEEEEET!! ❤ ”
“Really? :D”
“Yeah, I’m sure he’ll love it!”
Gladio’s now all  (・・ ) ?
why is Ignis referring to himself in third person wtf.
He’s too scared of ruining things between them so he just rolls with it.
“Gladio, that was so sweet, I’m sure he will say yes, just wait and- omg I’ll tell him to go look for you tomorrow, this is so sweet, I had no idea you- *histerical contained giggle* YOU TELL HIM THIS EXACT SAME TOMORROW, it’s so sweet! You’ve got this, IT’LL TURN OUT FINE AND HE WILL SAY YES”
“…??  (・・ ) ??” 
Gladio’s very puzzled and also a bit creeped out.
What just happened
Is that a yes
Brother broke out running because HE’S SO EXCITED OMG IGNIS WON’T BELIEVE THIS
Gladio’s just standing there staring into the void and frowning lightly and feeling so confused he feels lost because
wtf is Ignis doing
Was this his way of telling him “I need to think but I’ll tell you my answer tomorrow”?
“I’ll tell Ignis”.
Ignis wtf r u doing
Gladio’s V E R Y confused.
Brother thought that Gladio was rehearsing.
Jjkdsjksdjsfsd THESE IDIOTS 。゚(TヮT)゚。
Brother thought, once he understood what Gladio was asking, that Gladio had wanted to ask Ignis out for a while now, but has been way too shy and can’t gather the courage; as a solution, he thought about approaching Brother and pretend it was Ignis since the beginning, so while he knows this is not Ignis, he’s pretending he is and imagining this is the moment, so he can let it out and get rid of the shyness, so this is his rehearsal for the real thing.
Brother’s expectations of Gladio are too high, too.
The next day Gladio’s going around the Citadel when Ignis appears from a hallway a bit shy like
“Hi, Gladio. Uhm, Kaji told me you wanted to tell me something important, but he refused to tell me-”
“Wait wait wait. Who?”
“Ignis, listen, I don’t know what’s with you but you’ve been acting very weird. Listen, if it’s because of what I said yesterday, forget it, really. You don’t have to act like you’re mentally insane or something as crazy.”
“…excuse me?”
“If you just want to say no, say no, no need to invent madness or anything.”
“Gladio, what are you talking about? Kaji said-”
“Who the hell is Kaji?”
“Kaji. Kaji Scientia?”
“My brother?”
Dead silence again before Gladio’s shaking the head. He’s going all dry and cold on Ignis.
“Your brother.”
“Yes. You talked with him yesterday and-”
“Wow. Wow, okay, you’re saying-” sarcastic laugh. “Your brother. Twin, I suppose.”
“Fantastic. Great. This is amazing. I thought you were better than this, Ignis. I’m very disappointed. I understand I’m not your type, but to invent a twin brother just to pretend it wasn’t you I was talking to yesterday? Wow. You, you really are incredible.”
“Your sarcasm really knows no limits. How incredible of you.”
Ignis is about to reply, but he doesn’t get to say anything and he’s just frowning at Gladio with confusion when there’s a yell from behind the Shield.
“HEEEEY GUYS! Did he already tell you!? :D”
Gladio’s turning around.
Kaji Scientia walks towards them.
Gladio’s eyes grow so wide his eyeballs almost fall out their sockets, his jaw drops so low it almost touches his chest, and he’s turning to look at Ignis, back at brother, Ignis, brother, and continues until Kaji stands at his other side so Gladio’s standing between the Scientia Twins.
Kaji’s all naive smiles and Ignis is all sarcastic raise of an eyebrow.
It took a second.
The Citadel had never ever before witnessed a louder “WHAT THE FUCK” in all its history.
It takes literally twenty minutes before Gladio can calm enough just to listen and half comprehend.
“I thought you knew!”
“I thought you knew!”
“We thought you knew!”
It’s yet another half an hour before Gladio comprehends better and stops panicking.
“WAIT A- WAIT. WAIT, DOES THAT MEAN THAT-” he turns to look at Ignis. “WHAT I SAID YESTERDAY I SAID…” slowly turns to brother without making eye contact “…I-I….I-I said…to you…”
“It was ADORABLE, you have to repeat the same words to Ignis because hnngffgf.”
“Wait, what was adorable?”
“Gladio wants to conf-”
“Kaji, what was the important thing you said-”
“Gladio’s too shy but he wants to ask you-”
And that’s the story of how Gladio ended up wrestling with poor Kaji Scientia while Ignis smacked Gladio to force him to let go and Gladio’s confused the entire time because he’s fighting an Ignis while another Ignis fights him and how in the world.
Everybody’s making fun of him for the rest of his life.
“I am surprised you only noticed when you had both in front of you. I thought you were an Amicitia but you may as well have been adopted.”
“Dad >:’‘‘( “
“Hah, you didn’t notice before? Pscht, talk about brute.”
“NOCT >:(”
“*insert a Regis joke about this all*”
“…your Majesty :’‘(”
“What a poor eye. And you call yourself a Shield.”
“Cor, stop >:’(”
Tbh it took Gladio a while to stop feeling flustered whenever he interacts with neither of them.
He’s profoundly embarrassed for not having noticed, ofc, but he’s also personally embarrassed with Kaji for not knowing his name or proper existance, and he feels personally bad for Ignis because he doesn’t want Ignis to think he doesn’t care about his personal life, so not knowing something like the fact that he has a twin makes him ashamed of himself.
None of the brothers mind, and they’re both moved by the way Gladio takes this so personally.
“Omg he cares.”
“See, he’s a good choice, say Yes, Ignis.”
“Omg no, I can’t do that.”
“But why, don’t be shy.”
“What if I’m not what he expects?”
“OMg Ignis he’s literally dying for you, he expects nothing.”
“Hnfgnmf, Kaji I can’t.”
“But he’s such a good choice for you, don’t tell me you don’t like him.”
“Well ofc I do but-”
“His face, Ignis.”
“OMG I know he’s so handsome”
“His physic”
“Hnfgmnf yes”
“He cares”
Basically Kaji is the romance devil on Ignis’ shoulder who whispers to him ‘yes omg do that’ when Ignis doesn’t want to do a thing.
The twin brothers are gossiping on Gladio matters.
After the initial weeks of flustering whenever he sees any of the two, Gladio starts just laughing at the situation and rolling with it.
As time passes, he still confuses them, though.
The twins are now doing it on purpose.
Sometimes Gladio will go with one and talk with him like he’s the other, and he won’t say a thing and will see how long Gladio takes to notice he’s talking to the brother of who he thinks he’s talking to.
“Wait, you’re not Ignis.”
“Ten minutes, two seconds.”
“Why are you writing that?”
“Ignis and I are taking note of how long you take to notice you’re talking with the wrong twin.”
His record is five minutes forty nine seconds.
The twins literally have a list for that.
The only moments the twins break the fun is whenever Gladio wants to get affectionate (if it’s Kaji).
I forgot, ofc Ignis said yes and now they’re dating, how lovely.
So, you know, sometimes Gladio mistakes Kaji by Ignis so he’ll be chilling and talking with him, and sometimes he’ll try to grab his face and smooch, but brother always yelps out like a pterodactyl and shoves Gladio off him.
Kaji’s ace, btw, so no troubles there.
You can understand it’s sometimes super startling for Gladio because he has for sure this is Ignis so
“Haha, aw Iggy. You really have no idea how much I love you…”
“…well aren’t you the most affection- WAIT YOU’RE NOT IGNIS”
“Twenty minutes three seconds.”
“Come ‘ere, you idiot! *bear hugs and tries to kiss his face*”
“You’re so cute, Iggy. Come here, you moogle nose, adorable creature, sweet angel, my dearest heart, piece of my soul, part of-”
“Wow, okay, no need to- *GASPS* YOU’RE NOT IGNIS, DAMMIT”
“Forty minutes, fifty three seconds.”
Ignis plays, too.
“So the other day I was telling him ‘So how do you expect me to know when you’re lying? You were raised a strategist, you’re too good keeping secrets but it’s not always a good thing’, you know”
“Uh huh”
“So I was like, ‘you shouldn’t be keeping things like that from me, you know I’m your boyfriend and your friend’
“Uh huh”
“And he was like all sass and class like ‘it’s not like I make any harm’ you know”
“Uh huh.”
“And then I was- ………….”
“Nineteen minutes, thirty four seconds. Also, your impression of my voice is pretty…unique.”
“So I was like ‘mother of Shiva, Noctis, you can’t do that’ but he was like ‘Eh’”
“Ah hah.”
“And the little shit almost convinces me to go to the arcade and skip training.”
“Yeah and I was like “Omg Ignis is going to be so angry at me.”
“Uh huh.”
“And it took a moment and I almost surrender but I didn’t give in to that.”
“Yeah. Just don’t tell Ignis, the mere idea that I considered it will make him angry at me.”
“….wait yOU’RE NOT KAJI.”
There was this once, omg read it
Gladio thinks he’s with Ignis and he’s ‘made sure’ according to himself, so they’re alone at the training hall and they’re a bit older and hormones are a bit crazy, okay
So some innocent smooching ended up heating up until he was making out with Ignis, and until he had the guy pressed to the wall.
And Ignis is gently biting at his lips and their tongues are a mess, and Ignis may or not have hooked a leg with Gladio’s and Astrals above the kiss is so good.
And then when they break apart it’s just for air and Gladio has the forehead resting on Ignis’ and Ignis then caresses his face and looks at him with dark eyes and some lust and then he says in almost a pur
“I’ve always had this fantasy and temptation. Always.”
“I’m so glad you’re giving in to it, too” so the brown haired in his arms and against the wall hugs him closer to whisper at his ear “Let’s just not tell Ignis. Okay?”
Gladio swears his heart stopped for five minutes.
Needless to say, he immediately broke apart, stared at whoever he’s holding, eyes wide and face pale, and he’s not even able to talk, he just mouths “…really?”, before the other guy gives him a little dark giggle.
Gladio fucking shoved him off himself.
“…you’re not Ignis.”
And another of those playful smiles.
He stepped away pretty roughly and only stared long and long and long before he could say or do anything.
“Kaji. Listen. This should have never…I didn’t- I don’t mean to-. Whatever you thought-…how could you do this? Pretend to be your brother, and then do this to me? And worse, you dare do this to him? Kaji, I don’t feel towards you like I feel towards him and I will never do. He’s…my only one. You look the same, but you’re not the same. So if you thought for a second that I’ve ever wanted…”
Kaji’s looking at him with teary eyes and a moved expression.
Gladio at first took it by sadness and he continued to lecture and nag him and it lasted about five entire minutes before he got an unexpected reaction.
Kaji started smiling.
It was very very clear he’s trying to contain it and he only looks at Gladio and he doesn’t seem ashamed or anything, just very very very amused and trying not to burst into laughter.
And then Gladio catches it.
Scientia burst into laughter.
“Ignis! >:(”
“I’m so sorry, Gladio, dear, ahahahaha!!”
Gladio has the most perfect (ಠ ヘ ಠ) face that has ever existed.
Gladio was  (`ヘ´) all the rest of that day.
Ignis had to feed him Noodles so he could talk to him again and stop being all moody.
Tbh Ignis was particularly and especially cuddly and clingy with him for the following days/weeks, so #WorthIt.
“You care  (´︶`)♡”
“You know, you could have put me to test some other way, now I can’t look at your brother without feeling odd. Thank you for the trauma.”
Ignis regrets nothing.
Him and Kaji have had some good laughs about it.
Back to Gladio sometimes mistaking Kaji for Ignis and trying to be loving with him and Kaji screeching like a pterodatyl:
Every time this happens, Gladio gets super flustered.
He really doesn’t mean to mistake them, it just happens.
So he gets super flustered and embarrassed when he gets affectionate with brother.
He’ll burn red in the face like when he was sixteen, will lower the head, avoid eye contact, and be an apologizing mess.
Gladio never feels more embarrassed than in those moments.
He feels super bad and exalted.
This is Ignis’ damn own brother and Gladio almost smooches his nose, omg, earth please swallow me I cannot cope with the shame I am terrible
It’s already bad to have Kaji walking on in them cuddling
Ofc Gladio gets super mega incredibly flustered when he mistakes him for Ignis.
Gladio had no idea those levels of embarassment are possible.
They’re so big they stalk him whenever he thinks about any of those moments.
At least Kaji takes it the fun way and screeches.
Sometimes the Scientia twins like to go full fake drama on him if it happens that Ignis walked on in Gladio mistaking Kaji for him.
Ignis, from the door: “*GASPS* Gladiolus!! You’re cheating on me!!”
“IGNIS! NO, I’M- *sigh* Omg please no don’t do this to me again”
“And with my own brother! :’‘(”
“Ignis, he’s forcing me!! :’‘‘(”
“Oh no! The misery! You cheat on me with my own brother and you’re forcing him into this!”
“Guys, this has never been funny >:’(”
“Oh Ignis. Brother of my blood. I cannot look at you anymore.”
“Oh, brother of my soul, do not talk like that. It was not your fault.”
“Oh, brother of my heart-”
“GUYS >:’‘(”
“- please *unnecessarily super mega dramatic* forgive me.”
“I forgive thee, brother.”
“Oooh, Ignis. You merciful soul *hugs his knees*”
“Brother, shall we go and comfort each other and leave this heretic to his own luck?”
“Yes, we shall. Give me your arm.”
“Guys, please”
And that’s how the Scientia twins leave for an ice cream leaving Gladio behind just for fun.
How has Gladio not gone mad
“Excuse me, Iggy-”
“Not Iggy.”
“Sorry, Kaji. Uhm, Iggy- wait you’re Kaji.”
“Try again.”
“…so…Ignis? I- wait no, Kaj- no, wait I am confused.”
This is usual.
“Not Ignis.”
“Sorry. *is about to leave* Wait. Are you sure you’re not Ignis trying fool me to think you’re not Ignis just because you’re busy?”
“You’ve got me. I’m Ignis.”
“…wait are you Kaji covering your brother?”
“*sigh* You’ve got me again. It’s Kaji here.”
This is super usual.
Sometimes Kaji helps in their relationship.
He’s Ignis’ confidant, so Ignis tends to tell him most of his stuff he doesn’t talk to others.
Stuff from his relationship with Gladio, for example.
Kaji knows both mean only good for each other and that Gladio’s a good guy, but he’s also aware misunderstandings and accidents happen.
He’s also very painfully aware of how much Ignis can ignore himself or think himself obstacle or a bother, so brother understands sometimes Ignis doesn’t open up to Gladio in matters that he should and only tells Kaji.
Guess who can’t keep the mouth shut.
Kaji wants their relationship to work out bc of how aware he is that these two are sincere with each other, so he assumes it’s fine to sometimes give a hand into it.
This one day, Gladio’s going around and Ignis approaches him, looking a bit embarrassed/upset.
“Uhm…Gladio…I uhm…here.”
He’ll just hand a folded paper and leave.
The note contains a polite message from Ignis saying something like ‘It’s all okay, but I didn’t like your comment about (X) last night. It made me feel a little sad. Sorry I tell you via this. I’m not upset, I only wanted to let you know. - Your Iggy’.
Did I mention Kaji has mastered how to fake Ignis’ handwriting and that that was not Ignis?
Gladio’s usually going to look for Ignis, apologize, and hug him.
Ignis has literally no idea it’s Kaji’s doing.
This is usual.
It doesn’t really matter; things get solved and his relationship with Gladio improves.
And the best part is that this eventually gives Ignis the confidence so he himself opens up to Gladio later in the future.
Best brother award goes to Twin Brother.
After entire years dealing with the Scientia twins messing with him both accidentally and on purpose, there’s a point where Gladio hits the limits that are past his limits and he can’t deal with this anymore.
“You’re right. It’s supposed that once we hit adulthood we’re supposed to shift and transform and look entirely different from our TWIN BROTHER.”
“Do not sass me, Ignis >:(”
“I am not Ignis.”
“No, I am Kaji, he tricked you.”
Gladio’s grabbing the first one he reaches and starts messing with him.
Thing is this Scientia’s offering fight, so they end up wrestling and the event repeats itself and Gladio ends up wrestling one while the other smacks him, except this time he has no idea who is who.
Gladio didn’t reach to hurt, he aimed to mess with the hair.
“Ew Gladiolus what are you doing!? Let go of me, no, no!! What are y- eewww, why saliva!! Stop it this instant, I’m going to- kfgjnf, no!! What are you doing to my hair, stop!!”
And that’s the story of how Gladio invented Ignis’ sticking-upwards hairstyle.
This is the only way he can difference the Scientia twins from afar, understand him.
….sometimes the twins exchange hairstyles during a day.
You know what’s also very usual?
“Not that I complain or anything, Gladio, but all this talk on what you’re planning to get Ignis for his birthday makes me feel a little left out. You forgot mine.”
“You don’t remember? ;(”
“Kaji, no, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I forgot, I’m-”
“You goddamn idiot, your birthday is the same fucking day.”
Kaji likes to make a drama out of what Gladio gifts him on their birthday.
“Of course. Ignis’ is better.”
“Of course not, just the thematic is different.”
“OF COURSE. Who says I don’t want a gift like that?”
“Kaji, he’s my boyfriend, I can’t gift you the same things.”
“Yes of course, because nobody loves poor Kaji.”
“Kaji you’re asexual.”
“Leave me alone to die out of loneliness and isolation.”
Just as a side note, imagine Scientia twins musical duo
I THINK I’M BREATHING FOR THESE BROTHERS I’m loving the visuals omfg.
Gladio likes but also hates when both brothers pamper him just to mess with him.
Like he has Ignis kissing his face and Kaji stroking his hair.
He has Ignis playfully biting at his ear and Kaji massaging his hand.
He has Ignis hugged to a side and Kaji to the other. Well, they are hugging him.
He has Ignis piggy-back style and Kaji’s clinging from his leg.
Ignis is smooching his face and he’s got Kaji koala-hugged to his back.
Too much love.
They’re identical.
Romantically, Gladio loves only Ignis.
Visually, the gods damn, he has a pleasure buffet when he sees the Scientia twins together.
Kaji trained for Crownsguard too, so while not acrobatic like Ignis, he’s got the same body, basically.
Kaji’s identical to his boyfriend, were you expecting for Gladio to not like him at least visually?
Omfg how dare are these brothers so attractive.
You know the kind of impossible fantasies people have, as in, the one fantasy (in any sense) that they know impossible so it’s not a goal? Only just that, an impossible fantasy? As in something very wild they know they won’t look for, just fantasize about?
Gladio’s is, but of course, having these two for threesome.
Again, that’s only in his mental archives of Impossible Fantasies, not a goal and certainly not something he’ll die without.
Still, imagine the possibilities.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Maybe they Scientia agree.
I wanted to do Sister too, but I gave all my imagination to Brother so currently I don’t have things for Sis :(
But I have to point this out:
Gladio’s very, very, v e r y flustered about Ignis’ twin sister because
“This is what Ignis looks like. WITH BOOBS.”
You can tell Gladio’s constantly avoiding her because he turns red and all idiot and fights not to stare at her boobs.
It’s not her boobs, it’s not them why he’s staring.
It’s the idea of “this is what Ignis looks like boobiefied” what has him staring.
But ofc he can’t explain that to Twin Sister. But also can’t lie with “I like your boobs”.
I mean he likes them.
But it’s not that why he’s-
See, this is the kind of mess Gladio’s trying to avoid.
…Gladio may or may not have the same impossible fantasy here.
Do not judge me, have you looked at the Scientia twins!?!? Geez.
Hahaha, imagine Sis cuts her hair short.
So she looks even more like Iggy now.
Why is Gadio thinking so much about that, anyway
This was so much fun to write, you literally don’t have an idea how much I enjoyed it, ahahah, aaaaaaaaaaah!!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS GOLDEN ENTRY, I’m loving all the visuals and I hope you did so too! o(≧▽≦)o
PS: ‘Kaji’ means Fire in japanese, or so said the internet. :)
Edit: Look at these two arts for the Scientia twins! Here & here!
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adobe-outdesign · 7 years
BATIM Chapter 3 Liveblog
I’ll be watching Ertyez’s playthrough for this!
Keep in mind these are loose and unorganized thoughts, and some things I say won’t make sense.
I will check out the updated chapter 1 and 2 afterward. Want to get spoilers out of the way first.
Under the cut for length.
hey alice
rise an fall = steam description mentions something coming to surface, so you’re probably moving between upper/lower levels of buildings
hey, the Fan made it in despite it not even being a FNAF game
aww, there’s a nice hammock for naps. be great if a demon wasn’t trying to kill you
Bendy clock says it’s about 7:35
ooh, so that’s where Boris has been living
cartoons have underwear, good to know
henry is vampire confirmed
is there... ink in that toilet? that’s just unsanitary
ooh, those are some nice sexy ink textures
Boris is... adorable
and he has tea!
one of those cards has Bendy’s face on it
boris and henry are evenly matched
has henry like... been down here a while hiding out or
uh hey what the fuck
does joey want to like amalgamate these guys or something?? there’s pieces from all three of them in the college
aww, he has a little TV. does it get reception?
wait did Boris kidnap you
oh yeah, alice confirmed for speaking earlier
boris seems to be mute? alice was probs made from susie, her VA, so that probably means boris wasn’t
cartoons confirmed to need to eat? unless they just do that for pleasure/fun
I wouldn’t sleep on a pillow with Bendy’s face on it
why the fuck is there a stove in here anyway?
warm soup’s gotta be nice. cold soup is just gross
this is so wholesome
you think Boris laps up soup like a dog
why... why can’t we go back exactly
wait are those bacon soup dispensers because holy shit
who the fuck would want cold bacon soup why is there an option for that
oh, so the flashlight has the “Gent“ on it. company name maybe?
don’t point the flashlight down the hallway of N. Bonnie will jumpscare you
denial is the best way to die down here henry
were those the things from the trailer making those noises?
boris... boris that’s the wall buddy
Boris I’m sorry for doubting you. you’re a Good Boy
giant sammy-mask style bendy head... I Don’t Like It
ooh, this must be where they make the plushies!
joey stop expanding the damn studio the thing’s gonna collapse at this rate
singing. Alice must hang out here. maybe Susie donated the bendy plushie?
joey get your passive-aggressive ass posters outta here like half your employees are literally in hell
“I better get overtime for this“ if you can’t joke about the little things
only alice, boris, and bendy plushies. they must’ve been the only main characters, or at least the most popular ones
“why is there always something blocking the door“ he’s becoming too self aware
the new item glimmer is very nice, much more noticeable than the old one
ooh, they had a whole assembly line down here for mass production
by the way, the visuals are fucking gorgeous so far
ooh, new person! and he’s Irish!
that’s like the 4th person in this studio with some type of accent
how do you melt... a plushie...
oh no, alice angel didn’t become as popular as bendy. poor susie
Joey is A) very possessive of bendy and B) quick to temper (the steam description points out that Bendy is pissed). suspicious
joey has like a 1% employee approval rating, and that was pre satan
the ink is thick enough to sculpt apparently. Henry’s pretty darn good at it too (and he actually makes an on-model Bendy, joey)
is it just me or are the camera movements much more interesting?
I like how henry’s solution to open the door is to... start the conveyor belt again. whatever works I guess
is boris still in the vent thing
aww, alice has striped sockings. that’s adorable
no wait I change my mind this is not adorable
such a tiny little voice!
why is that poster upside down
this is Bad
that door has a start with a name on it. was alice already alive and given a room before the studio shut down?
she has five goddamn fingers again
“I see you there“ mmm nope you don’t
oh cool she didn’t murder us up-front. take what you can get
too bad it was hinted out so heavily before the chapter came out that she was gonna turn, but oh well
switching over to this let’s play
oh hey, the candles are repurposed bacon soup cans, that’s a nice touch
are the plushies made of ink? the ink forms into the plushies, and that would explain the “melt them down“ line
her horns are bigger like Bendy’s as well, because, you know, demon
ooh, this is the path of the demon/angel achievement
mm, dreams come true, first wall message this chapter
dressing rooms for each character maybe?
oh no no no please don’t cry susie I love you
oh, so maybe susie isn’t alice and pendle is instead? unless joey still used her, her voice is so distorted I can’t tell
either alice turned to keep the part or she helped turn pendle to get her outta the picture
doesn’t sound like alice has the southern accent..
I thought it didn’t sound like her on the recording playing, that would explain why
there’s gotta be a way to fix this... the creator lied to us... dreams come true on her wall written by sammy... oh no
bendy you ass
something’s gonna murder us as soon as we go down that hall isn’t it
wait, did boris move the cutout or did he just happen to be there when it moved? I mean he was dead when the one moved in chapter 1
hooray, violence!
oh my god, the punch cards are save points. I love it
ooh, new characters! maybe the butcher gang were the ones chasing each other down the halls?
oh thank god it’s dead
why the fuck was it behind a poster exactly
ha, I knew there was gonna be a lift
over here now
come to think it, the butcher boy died when you hit it, but Boris still left a corpse. maybe there’s a difference between making things out of pure ink and human corpses?
ooh new person
I feel like these new people might be the butcher gang folks? there’s at least two so far
take an elevator down to hell for your lunch break, it’s fun
shit how many goddamn boris are there?? this isn’t the one from upstairs, it’s on a completely different level
oh, so there were like multiple attempts at making the cartoons, but the ones that didn’t work were torn apart, maybe used for other things
oh my god, Joey and Susie were a thing. because alice and bendy were a thing
okay yeah susie is totes alice, the near voice replacement is what joey lied about
oh shit she’s been murdering all these toons (or... rekilling them whatever)
her face is fucked. does being a demon fuck up the process?
ooh, so toons can kill other toons then? boris I need you to get near bendy pronto
the first vs the second time... ink machine mark 1 and 2 respectively? the mk2 did have a “stability improvement“
‘a few favors’ look I’m just not interested in dating sorry
okay so I was right, she’s more of an anti-hero than straight up villain
so even she’s scared of Bendy. can’t blame her, he kind of fucked her up bad
aaand over here
ooh drill
oh shit bigger searchers
maybe the searchers are looking for more toons to kill and take things from like Alice seems to be doing?
hey I mentioned in an ask earlier than an object-head norman would be pretty damn cool right?? ahahahahaaa
oh man the ink’s spreading through the walls? that is fucking awesome and terrifying
oh no boris
Bendy doesn’t seem to see you. no cutouts either hmmm
“I have you to pick up the pieces“ do I look like wally
which one of these characters had a tommy gun
oh okay, so most weapons are made of raw ink as well
uh hey quick question what the fuck
uuuh no I don’t need to meet norman. I think he’s got his problems right now
ah, I think she’s prying out the hearts of the others and absorbing them to fix herself
maybe that’s why sammy isn’t a searcher? it’s implied he’s the one who killed that boris upstairs
ooh, the cartoons playing on the wall is a nice touch
oh god, the lift’s gonna break like that one tape said isn’t it
‘I don’t think I’ll ever get to see it‘ sweetie...
oh, I think that susie creeping in there before she slipped back into Alice’s personality
called it, stealing things insides to fix herself
this is boris numero uno in terms of being correctly made apparently, so it might be that an emotional connection leads to the best results but isn’t inherently necessary for the process to work to some degree
aaanaand going back for the path of the demon:
hey how come boris doesn’t get a room
oh look, animation supplies
“you can even cheat death itself” aaah yep there’s his motivation for turning himself into bendy all right, especially if he was literally dying o polio at the time
“positively silly thought“ like sillyvision
okay, I think I’m missing a few small things like recordings but that’s at least most of the story. in conclusion:
holy fuck
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thebrightsun · 8 years
I loved the sleep deprivation prompt! Hope you don't mind me sending you another, again based off personal experience. Okay, so either Logic or Morality mentions how you need at least 8 instances of positive physical contact per day to stay healthy. Anxiety scoffs and says kind of off-handedly, that that can't be right because he's fine and he's gone weeks without physical contact. Cue everyone's reactions and attempts to fix it.
I don’t know if this is what you wanted exactly, but here it is. :) I sometimes headcanon Anxiety being more adult-like when he’s with Morality, so in this fanfic, Anxiety will appear more mature than Morality. I hope you like it!
Pairing: Moxiety 
Anxiety hadn’t come out from his room for over a week now. He didn’t even bother to think about the conversation they had from last week.
Okay, so last Wednesday, Morality was saying that people are supposed to have at least eight positive physical interactions to make themselves healthy. And Anxiety apparently didn’t believe that at all. He only snorted at the statement, “I haven’t had physical contacts for a long time, and I’m still alive. That’s just silly. You didn’t believe that, did you?”
And after that, Anxiety refused to leave his room. He insisted, “If I come out, you guys will force me to have physical contacts. I’m not going to cuddle or hug just for that stupid fact, and I think it’s not even a fact.”
But then he was not sure whether he should get out or not. Prince just came by. He informed that Morality is sick, and Logic and he need to go out for food shopping. If he can get out from his room and take care of Morality, it would be great. Anxiety was not sure if it’s a lie or not.
“Bang!” Anxiety suddenly heard a loud sound came from the hallway. It felt like someone falls the ground. “That’s it. I’m going out.” He muttered to himself.
Anxiety was greeted by the sight that Morality’s on the ground. He rushed to Morality and worries, “What happened? How did you fall? Did you hurt anywhere?”
Morality grinned, “Don’t worry! I just wanted to come out to get some water.” Then he tried to stand up but miserably fell again. He looked at his foot. The ankle was swelled and red. He touched it lightly and hissed, “Maybe, some ice too.”
Anxiety frowned. He picked up Morality bridal style, ignored Morality’s protests and brought him to his room. “You stay here; I’ll go get your water and some ice. Do you want to watch some movies? You’re not getting out from this room today.” Anxiety decided for Morality.
Morality pouted, “So bossy… Shouldn’t be your boyfriend for the first place.” He slid himself under the blankets and added, “Ring!”
Anxiety raised his eyebrow. What wrong with Morality today, he thought. Usually, Morality would never choose any horror movie. He smirked, “Too late now, Morality. There’s no way to go back anymore. And are you sure? Ring?”
Morality nodded determinedly, “I will conquer my fears!”
“Okay, the Ring it is. Wait for me to come back.” Anxiety went out. He got water and ice from the kitchen and pulled out the DVD from the living room. When he got back, Morality already made a pillow fort on his bed.
“Come in, Anx!” Morality lifted the corner of his blanket. Anxiety nodded. He placed the ice on Morality’s ankle and handed Morality the cup.
Anxiety gently massaged Morality’s ankle. He asked, “Feeling better?”
Morality blushed. He nodded and muttered, “Just put on the movie and get in.”
Anxiety smiled. He turned on the DVD and got into the pillow fort. “I’m always here if you’re scared.” He said that in a jokingly way.
Morality snuggled in Anxiety’s arm and complained, “You have to trust me! I won’t be scared.” He pressed a gentle kiss on Anxiety’s lips and turned his head back to watch the movie.
“Well, I trusted you that you could handle yourself, then you fell on the ground.” Anxiety teased. He tangled his finger in Morality hair.
Morality laughed, “You just made a dad joke! Didn’t you! I’m so proud!” He lightly brushed his nose on Anxiety’s shoulder.
Anxiety was frozen. “No, that was not intentionally made. And you should not be proud.” He added, “Now focus on the movie. Are you trying to lighten the mood so that you won’t be scared?”
“No! I’m not afraid!” Morality argued. He focused back on the movie.
Anxiety smirked. Please don’t tell him they think he won’t notice it, Anxiety thought. The plan was so noticeable. First Morality was sick, then he fell. And he wanted to watch a horror movie. But until now, he enjoyed most of this, and he needed to go out anyways. Anxiety decided to deal with Morality’s problem later. Hurting himself for attention was not acceptable. But he could deal with that in another day.
“Ah!” Morality screamed. He shut his eyes tightly and clung to Anxiety’s arm. It was a jumpscare.
Anxiety sighed. He knew this would happen. He pulled Morality into his embrace and whispered, “Shh, it’s okay. It’s nothing. I’m with you.”
Morality sniffed. He leaned his head on Anxiety’s shoulder. “The, the girl…She…” Morality whimpered.
Anxiety soothed, “Shh, don’t think about it. It’s not real. How about we watch something else? Tangled?”
Morality nodded. He held Anxiety tightly and wouldn’t let go. Anxiety sighed, “Love if you wouldn’t let me go, I won’t be able to change the movie.” Morality pressed his lips together.
“I’ll go with you.” Morality whispered as if he’s scared of something comes and finds him. Anxiety nodded, held Morality’s hand and pulled him out of the pillow fort.
Morality was hung on Anxiety’s body. Anxiety finished changing the movie and went back to his bed with Morality. They started the movie. After a while, Morality finally stopped shivering.
Anxiety turned off the DVD after the movie’s finished. “You’re gonna get a nightmare. I’ll sleep in your room tonight.” He affirmed.
“So bossy.” Morality protested but added, “I love it.” Anxiety smirked. He pulled Morality into a long, gentle kiss.
“Good night.” Anxiety muttered.
“Good night.” Morality mumbled tiredly. He kissed on Anxiety’s cheek one more time and slowly drifts off to sleep.
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