#it’s going up right now but Jesus Christ. please don’t let this be a regular thing
barbwritesstuff · 5 months
Ashdhdhsg ok if you don’t mind my Chris obsession in your inbox, here’s some more!
Some disclaimers:
1) this is going to get. um. pretty granular.
2) I'm code diving for the sake of optimizing my Comparative Chris Studies.
3) My analysis going to be filtered through the lens of my own playthroughs and emotional reactions.
4) I will be asking lots of questions, mostly rhetorical - I am simply enchanted by the possibilities of the text. Please don’t answer any of them unless you really feel like it - I don’t want to bombard you!!
5) This is already pretty lengthy and I'm far from done -_-; I'm numbering these asks to avoid confusion.
Beginning from the beginning: Chris suing for everything is sooo awful I love them. The later reveal that they’re a lawyer is insane context for the first divorcee scene:
“there is no going back once there are lawyers involved. There is no hope for a reunion, or even an amiable end. Lawyers mean two things. Pain and paper. That's the only way this can end now. Pain and fucking paper.”
Jesus Christ mc, tell me how you really feel. The way this frames their perception of the entire relationship as doomed from the beginning, even if it's just subconscious? The way it frames their perception of Chris as a person? ouch.
Early Chris is so interesting from meta perspective. In these early scenes, your reading of their character changes pretty drastically with your assumptions about the relationship and the character/personality of your own mc. You can totally play as an mc who justifies this kind of treatment and is as uncommunicative, unreliable, and unable to let things go as Chris later accuses them of being and has imploded the relationship on the strength of their own bad behaviour, but if you interpret the relationship as ending more from mutually terrible communication skills and regular stressful life stuff? Going scorched earth like this can’t be seen as self protective in the same way - it’s so extreme. It's fun to ponder on Chris containing all of these messy and intricate possibilities regardless of worldstate. This is the kind of thing I love about interactive fiction as a medium, and you handle it so precisely and delicately here, leaving so much room for the player to build their own character while remaining grounded in the story.
The line that’s been stuck in my head since the first time I read it was this one:
“You got Spaghetti before you even met that lying arsehole.”
The mc is either accusing Chris of being a liar in general (which strikes me unlikely from the sense of the character that we get later) or of being a liar within this specific scenario, the divorce. So what did they lie about? Are they not honouring a prenup? or was there no prenup, only a verbal agreement to split things fairly and lovingly in the impossibly unlikely event of a divorce? Is the mc upset specifically about the breaking of marriage vows? Chris clearly has gotten their ducks in order before serving the mc with the divorce papers (another revealing fragment of character that I obsess over. what was up with that). Is it the fact that they must have been planning to break up for a while and instead of navigating it mutually decided instead to blindside the mc? How do you go from wanting to raise a child with someone to coming right out of the gate with a litigious divorce within a few months?
I want to live inside their walls. who said that.
Copy + Paste:
Side note 1: that waitress seems really sweet cool and genuinely concerned over the mc :(
Side note 2: vampires flush when sated 👀
Side note 3: 911 calls are generally recorded and can often be accessed after the fact with freedom of information requests. Could Chris have unearthed it during their later search for mc? How creepy, if they did. Heavy, panicked breathing, the crunch of broken glass, the call just disconnects. Confirmation of something awful but beyond understanding.
They way you get me immediately into full breakup mode with one line:
"Come back in the morning," Chris says in that slow, specific way, as if speaking to a very young, very stupid child.
IRL that would be an instant blind rage button for me lmao. How dare you speak to me that way. And again! From Chris’s perspective this is a pretty reasonable boundary! but they way they lay it out is so. IDK. Unbecoming. Unworthy of them. plain mean.
There’s this real sense I get from both sides of the relationship of “I’m not sure I ever even really knew this person” the love WAS there and it was real but in the fog of bitterness and anger they both lose sight of it and each other. There's a through line in this part of the game of the way high emotion can mess with your perception of reality and rational decision making.
“It wasn't all bad, was it? There were times you were happy together. Not that anyone would believe it, reading this.”
I interpret this line as the MC doubting Chris's fundamental intentions and affections. Coupled with Chris's lack of concern over the mc's disappearance (put a pin in it) it's just so INTERESTING to be the way that these two have come to see each other almost as strangers, which is really scary and alienating! Neither can give the other an inch of grace or benefit of the doubt. the cognitive dissonance is so compelling to me.
You've had all of these intimate moments, potentially a CHILD (a grandchild, a whole lifetime), with a person you now cannot recognize, who's actions you cannot understand. Of course Chris isn't going to let mc into their house, they could have been anywhere, doing anything, for two months now! the thought that it might not have been by anything but MC's own volition is anathema.
I'm living for this Chris deep dive that landed in my inbox.
However, I really don't know if i can say anything without spoiling the game... so I'm sharing without comment. 💙
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lostnfounder · 11 months
[The following is a transcript of an interaction that took place between Lostfield Reporter Ruth Shirbon and Edgar the demon.]
[There’s a sound of a door opening and closing, then footsteps and cardboard rustling as Ruth steps out into the night, clear from the sound of wind hitting the mic and distant crickets chirping.]
R: [Muttering.] I swear to god, that guy better get here soon. Hey, stop fidgeting. 
[There’s a sound of something scuffling around in the box, which grows fainter but doesn’t entirely go away.]
[A beat-up looking pickup truck screeches up to the building, jolting to a halt almost comically. The back wheels seem to lift up as the car comes to a full stop.]
R: Jesus christ, those askers weren’t kidding.
[Someone exits the car, staring the building down, trying to figure out whether he’s at the right place. Before walking closer.]
R: Edgar, right?
E: Mhm. You have my arm?
R: [Sound of cardboard box rustling around again.] Uh. Yep.
E: Can I… have him? Please?
R: IIII… [Sound of hair brushing up against a heavy jacket as they turn their head to look behind them for a moment.] …was sort of hoping I could ask some questions? First?
[Edgars shoulders sag, exasperated.]
E: Fine. What do you want to know?
R: [Straightens up a bit.] Well, for, uh, one thing, what was your job in Showfall? And don’t try to say you weren’t from in there, either, I saw the logo on one of the metal plates on, uh, him. [At this, the cardboard box is shaken around a bit more.]
E: … Mechanic. I don’t really want to talk too much about that, though.
R: Alright, alright. Did you, like… invent Adam? Or something? 
E: Wh– god no! I had nothing to do with that fucker. Some uh… hm. Some other things from the facility got to my regular prosthetic. And… Now I have to keep the fire extinguisher on hand. 
R: You. You don’t seem thrilled about him?
E: Okay, don’t get me wrong. He’s great. I don’t hate him. But he has a habit of… being a bitch. If I’m being blunt. I wasn’t kidding about the stealing thing, I have thirteen stolen gift shop items in my apartment. Which he regularly throws around. He also adopted a squirrel, somehow. Who has been learning from him. 
R: … Somehow, I feel like him and Chase would’ve gotten along. Actually no. Chase has... eaten squirrels. So maybe not. Uhm. Oh. Wait, okay, I just remembered. I have this one recurring asker who’s been… unable to leave me alone. For months. Well, I mean, I have a few of those, but- there’s this guy that signs off with A? And they claim to know you? Any idea who that is?
E: Oh, yeah. I know them. They’re honestly like a brother to me. I… yeah. They’re not lying.
R: … For clarity, this person is. Not named Chad. Right.
E: No. A’s name is not Chad. 
R: Alright. Well that makes things… slightly more complicated. [Sigh.] I think that’s probably good for questioning, then, uh. You can have your arm back now. [Cardboard shifting sound as they hold the box forward.]
E: I can’t really. Um. Hold that very well. You can just open it, if that isn’t an issue for you.
R: Oh. Yeah. Alright. [Light thud as the box is set down on the concrete, and then the quiet sound of the box being opened.]
E: Thanks.
[Edgar grabs Adam out of the box. Without either of them saying anything, metal claws shoot out from the base of the arm, grabbing onto Edgars forearm, and reattaching with a soft click.]
R: [Quietly.] Whoa. I feel like Olive would’ve lost their mind at that, to be honest. Don’t let them figure out where you are. [Slight laugh as she brushes one long strand of hair over her shoulder.]
[Suddenly, there’s something like a battle cry from somewhere distantly behind them, and then footsteps rapidly approaching as Chase runs at the two of them from behind the bushes out front of the house with his sword drawn.]
R: Wait, no-
E: Holy shit–
C: YOU DID THE SIGNAL!! [He comes to a stop, but still has his sword raised, uh, menacingly, glancing somewhat frantically between Ruth and Edgar.]
C: THE HAIR THING. [He pantomimes brushing hair over his shoulder.] YOU SAID-
E: You had a fucking signal for attacking me? The hell did you think I was going to do? I’m unarmed! In two ways, before you gave me Adam back! Also, hello again. Nice to see you’re doing alright.
R: W- Wait, did you know him??
C: [Glances between both of them again, more slowly this time.] I… Well, uh, I… [Lowers sword, reluctantly.] No, I… I don’t think so. Maybe? You, uhh, look… sort of familiar?
E: I was the dude with the crowbar. It was a while ago, and I looked a little different. So I understand if you don’t remember that. But I recognize you, so.
C: Oh. Uh. From the…? I’m… I’m sorry man, everything from that, like… how long was it?... is kind of a blur. I think I remember… something about a crowbar, but.
R: Huh? What?
E: Either way, I’m glad you’re alright. I kinda wish I could forget that day, honestly. I’m not saying you’re lucky for not remembering it. But… that whole thing was fucked. 
C: Was. Was it only a day.
R: Okay, uh, do either of you mind answering what the hell you’re talking about, or???
E: Er. Did you not…?
C: Well- I- I mean, I was- gonna get around to it. Eventually.
R: Dude.
C: What!! It wasn’t a fun… time. Okay. I don’t like thinking about it.
E: Neither do I. But I have a feeling that you’re going to have to talk about it soon anyway, because you’ve just said something about it. No better time than now, maybe?
C: Yeah, well it. We. Ugh. I don’t know. It’s like one in the morning. I can’t… not right now.
R: [Quietly.] Okay. It’s fine, man. Uh. [Sound of recording device being jostled as Ruth takes their phone out of their pocket.] Yeah, okay, it is one in the morning, uh. Sorry for keeping you out so late, Edgar.
E: Hm. I’ve been out at later hours. But that usually ends in disaster, apparently someone shot at me with a crossbow once. So. Yeah. I should probably get going now. 
C: Just like Minecraft…
R: Do not bring Minecraft into this. [Brief pause.] Uh. Yeah. Sorry for… kidnapping your arm. Sort of. Okay, then again, you did kind of have him jumpscare me? By banging on my window?? So I rescind the sorry, actually. It’s a fair trade off. If you think about it.
E: Wh– god damnit, I told him to knock! Not do that! Jesus… 
R: Not surprised. I don’t remember if it was you or one of the other askers that said he was similar to a thirteen-year-old, but, uh. Yeah. It checks out. 
E: That was me, yes. Unfortunately, I can’t do anything about his behavior, because I can’t exactly ground my own arm. So I’m stuck with this.
R: [Somewhat awkward pause.] Uh. Yeah. Anyways. I’m cold. And tired. So. I hope your night goes well, and, uh, no one else fires any crossbows at you?
C: Yeah, try crafting a shield about that, to be honest.
R: Chase. No.
E: I have no idea what that means, anyway. Have a good night, you two.
[As Edgar turns away, he trips over his own foot, but instead of face planting, he manages to tuck into a roll, still landing roughly, but avoiding a head injury.]
R: Whoa.
C: Nice combo!!
R: Okay, I think I’m letting you play too many video games.
E: [Standing.] Still don’t know what that means. Okay, actually good night. I’ll try not to run into anything with my car on the way out, by the way. But I’m not making any promises here.
R: Alright. Good luck. And goodnight.
C: Yeah, uh, sorry for trying to. Kill you. 
E: It’s fine. I’m not taking it personally. I’d probably have done the same. 
[He reaches the pickup truck, and climbs in, speeding down the road a few seconds later, tires screeching.]
[The night returns to its usual calm, and there are a few beats of silence.] 
R: So. I’m thinking we need a better signal. [Quiet footsteps as they begin walking back towards the house.]
C: [Begins to walk after her.] Uh. Yeah. I thought I was gonna have to stab someone. Maybe make it a bit less… vague??
R: [Yawns.] Tomorrow, man. I’m exhausted. And you’ve got some explaining to do, then, too, so don’t forget it. 
C: [Slight pause.] Right. Right, yeah. 
[It’s quiet for a few more moments before the recording device is pulled out of Ruth’s pocket and the recording is ended.]
[Transcript end.]
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e-devotion · 1 year
will you help?
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It has been a full and good week already.  Today I would like to share with you just a little of the overflow.
In one week I will be headed back to Cuba where I get to serve once again with the FCA sports ministry.  Please pray for this important ministry as the Cuban leaders are making a great impact on the lives of athletes, coaches and their families.  The doors are open for the work and for the churches connected to the ministry seeing God work.
I ask you to do three specific things.  First, please pray for the ministry and those doing the ministry.  Pray for the team members traveling with me on this trip (team members are from Virginia, Texas, Missouri, Minnesota and Costa Rica). Pray for the staff of the sports ministry in Cuba and their families.  Second, please consider going on a mission trip with me in the future.  Get your passport and let me know you are interested.  And third, please give to help this ministry.  A gift of any size is helpful.  Money goes to help with travel, to purchase sports equipment, to build and maintain sports fields and equipment and to help with special projects.  Gifts can be given through our church or given to me directly.
Thank you ahead of time for joining me in being on mission to see God radically change lives in Virginia, in Cuba and in other places.  Together we are stronger.
Colossians 3:4  NLT  
And when Christ, who is your life, is revealed to the whole world, you will share in all his glory.
Finally in this devotion I am going to share some of my takeaways from the pastors meeting I have attended the last two days.  Some of these are huge.  All have encouraged me to keep on doing what God called me to.  Read on…
We cannot move forward without establishing trust.  
Build unity among leaders by spending time together and changing the culture of your organization.
Jesus knew we would need each other.  He calls us to be with Him so that He can teach us and send us out.
When you share the Gospel, expect spiritual warfare to happen.
We are all one decision away from a stupid decision. 
More people are saved when the church is scattered and sharing the Gospel than when the church is gathered.
When the culture seems to be against us, we have to keep living with Christ and great character.
There was a time when culture helped build character and supported the church.  Now the culture is doing everything to harm the church and what we stand for.
Churches that teach dads to fight for their kids and for their families will survive in the future.
Even people who do not know God or love His church know that something is wrong.  Families need to be built and supported.  Even non christians know that something needs to change.
A disciple making culture is like a sports team.  All participants need to be a part.
There are many things we can do, but Jesus said there is one thing we must do.  Make disciples.
We are not the hero, but we are to point people to the hero.
You haven’t made a disciple until your disciple makes a disciple.  
People who do not rest are disobedient to God.  We need to rest to be at our best.  
Take your sabbath on a regular basis or your sabbath will take you.
Passion for ministry should never out pace our passion for the Lord.
Disappointments will come.  But do not give up.
Isaiah 53 says that Jesus took our sin AND our sadness upon Him so he can wipe away every tear.
Don’t bargain with God.  Don’t bookkeep with God.  Don’t blame God.  Believe God.  God is trustworthy and will always do what is right.
God notices those who are forgotten and those who are missed.
Superiority is not the key in God’s kingdom.  Servanthood is.
I know that is a lot.  But those are so good.  I pray God uses one or two of these statements to get you thinking about His kingdom and helps you trust Him even more!
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Shaken Until
“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in Me he is thrown away like a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire, and burned.” John 15:5-6ESV
For years now, I’ve been listening to prophets. One thing each and every prophet has been saying on a regular basis is— God is shaking the church.
What does shaking look like? Well in my personal life— my lightning fast mind has figured out— shaking has been an unidentifiable sickness causing much chest pains, inhibiting the ability to breathe, large quantities of fluid between the pleura and the lung, acting like a heart attack, and huge hospital bills.
When one is shaken —faith, love, and commitment are shaken until only what can’t be shaken is left. I’ve questioned *** if God loved me, *** if His Word was true, *** if He still heals. Daily I declare Isaiah 53:5KJV “…He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed.” — Jeremiah 30:17 “I will give you back your health and heal your wounds,” says the LORD…”
AND moment by moment I end up back at John 6:67-68NLT “…Jesus turned to the Twelve and asked, “Are you also going to leave?” Simon Peter replied, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life.” There’s nowhere I’d rather be than in His love. There’s nothing the world offers that is better than what I’ve experienced with Jesus.
Only God knows what satan is using to shake believers. Some are facing bankruptcy, even foreclosures on their homes. Children have died of overdoses, disappeared, ran away. A friend’s son was murdered. Marriages made in heaven have dried up in adultery and selfishness. Preachers caught red-handed in sexual perversions and immoralities. Cancers and every disease known to man is rampant right now bringing death, invalids, and poverty to countless millions of believers and non-believers alike. Wars destroying lives, families, and bodies.
Kenneth Copeland prophesied that 2023 would be a year where God’s Word must be the final authority. In other words— What the doctors and circumstances say are lies— God’s Word says I’m healed— delivered— wealthy— in healthy moral relationships.
From what our eyes see and God’s Word’s final authority seem a billion miles apart. To bring God’s authority to life we must stay IN the vine as the text says. Otherwise we’ll find ourselves thrown in the fire.
Align our words to declare God’s Words and authority, i.e. Job 22:28NKJV “You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.”
Often we don’t know how to pray. Allow the Helper Jesus sent to us— “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words” Romans 8:26ESV. It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Lord God shake every sin out of our lives. Let nothing remain in us which would separate us from You. Help us to stand up for the truth of Your Word, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux' Copyright 2023 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional, as author. Thank you.
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mingishoe · 3 years
𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓽𝔂 | 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓮 [25]
Summary: You finally spend some time with Seonghwa alone.
Pairing: Seonghwa x Fem!Reader
Genre: Social Media AU, Smut, Hints of Fluff and Angst but not really
Word Count: 7k
Warning: Party scene, alcohol consumption
Smut Warning: Dom!Seonghwa Sub!Reader (not in a particular order) Heavy flirting, friendly teasing on both ends, making out, public sex? Not really cuz they’re just outside and no one else is, handjob, oral (m&f), fingering, slight finger sucking, dirty talk, unprotected sex, breeding/impreg kink, praise, cum play, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, dacryphilia, drooling, dumbification and degrading, I think that’s it…
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
You were putting the last touches on your makeup, double, even triple-checking to make sure you looked good. You had a white silk dress on with lace accents along your waist and chest.
You were nervous about literally 20 different things, but you’ve never been more excited at the same time. You heard a honk outside signaling that Wooyoung was here to pick you up. You quickly rushed to grab your things to put in your purse before you made your way outside.
As soon as you stepped outside Wooyoung vigorously honked the horn as Mingi whistled at you loudly, “Damnnn! You were right- you are hot!” You covered your face in embarrassment as Mingi stuck his head out the window.
“Okay- okay shut up and move over.” You stood at the door waiting to get in.
“Sure you wouldn’t rather sit on my lap…” Mingi winked at you before Jongho smacked him on the back of the head.
“Just let her get in! I’m ready to go party!” Wooyoung complained, making Mingi move over with a pout.
“It’s okay babe, at least you look hot. Would totally fuck.” You wink at Mingi with a small smile.
“Close your ears Jongho and Wooyoung, don’t look in the rearview mirror. We’re gonna fuck back here.” You snort loudly before you hit Mingi on the arm, “What?! You’re the one who said-”
“Maybe tonight.” You wink jokingly at Mingi before the four of you begin to talk. You mostly stay out of the conversation, worrying about how many celebrities could possibly be there. Mingi and Jongho are decently well known and Wooyoung is hot so he’ll fit right in, but you… you’re just there.
“Y/n… Look at me.” Mingi’s voice was soft as he scooted next to you. He wrapped an arm around you before kissing you on the top of your head, “It’s okay.”
“Will you stay with me?” You held onto Mingi as you looked at him with a worried expression.
Mingi almost wanted to laugh but he could tell you were actually nervous so all he did was rub your arm and agree, “Y/n, babe, you know damn well once you get a drink…” Mingi raised his eyebrows knowingly at you.
“Okay but-” you laughed loudly as you realized he was right, “Okay yeah but like I can’t get there and get drunk right away!” You were honestly ready to get there and go straight to the bar, but you gotta wait at least an hour to fully go in. “But how am I supposed to be in the same place as so many famous people?! I’m not famous! I just happen to know someone who is-”
“I’m not famous either.” Mingi blinked at you seriously.
“Okay but technically you are! And- And look at you!” You exclaimed as you checked Mingi out.
“Look at you!” Mingi’s voice turns into a whisper, “The dress does nothing for the imagination.” You bite your lip as you smile softly as Mingi lets his fingers trail over the lace that’s hardly covering your boobs.
“Please- you’re so hot.” You jokingly lean in like you’re going to kiss him and when he leans in too you squeal and giggle as you push him away.
The two of you joke around for a little bit longer before the car stops. When you look out the window you pull up to where a man is standing, “Does he have fucking valet parking?! How rich can someone be, Jesus Christ!” “Is this his house? There’s no way- it’s way too big!” Your eyes were wide as the four of you looked at each other in amazement.
Wooyoung is the first to get out of the car quickly following the rest of you. You watch as the car gets driven away and the four of you stand there awkwardly, feeling completely out of place.
“Okay- Okay, come on! We got this. We’re all hot. We can fit in.” Wooyoung attempts to hype the four of you up. Mingi nods and takes your hand in his as he makes his way into the house.
As soon as you step in, your entire body vibrates from the volume of the music, “Isn’t this more like a club than a party regular celebrities would go to?!” Mingi nods as the two of you look around. Jongho and Wooyoung made their way behind you and their mouths dropped.
As the four of you are standing in the entryway you jump as someone wraps their arm around you. Your head snaps to the figure next to you and you let out a breath of relief as you see Hongjoong.
You turn to hug Hongjoong with a bright smile, “Did y’all just get here?”
You nod as you pull away, “Yeah. Uhh, we just feel a little bit weird…”
Hongjoong laughs softly as he nods, “It’s okay! Follow me, I’ll take you somewhere where you can hang out.”
The four of you nod and let Hongjoong lead. Wooyoung pulls you back towards him, “That’s Hongjoong?” You nod, “Yeah I get it.” You look at Wooyoung with a confused expression, “Why everyone thinks he’s so hot. And why you-” “Okayyy- Yeah.” Wooyoung laughs loudly at your panicked expression.
Hongjoong leads you into a back room and it’s already 10x quieter, “Whenever you’re ready y’all can go out and just come back whenever you want to if you need a break, okay?” Hongjoong smiled at you and you nodded, “Okay. I’m gonna go find Seonghwa so he can come say hi. Mingi, Do you wanna come with me?”
You smiled knowingly as he looked at you. He had already told you he’d stick with you and now Hongjoong was wanting him to go with him. You nodded with a wink so Mingi would know you were okay with him leaving, “I’ll find you later.”
Mingi nods and leaves with Hongjoong and you laugh softly, “He’s not coming back-” and you flop down onto the sofa that’s in there.
“You’re staying here?!” Jongho looks at you with an exasperated expression when you nod, “What happened to wanting to get drunk and party?”
You laugh, “I’ll wait for Seonghwa.”
“And what if Hongjoong didn’t tell him? Why don’t we go and find him instead?” Jongho holds his hand out in offering. You huff and stand up and walk with Wooyoung and Jongho and as soon as you move to open the door, it swings open.
You flinch back and you stand there with a shocked expression, “Oh! I’m sorry- I didn’t know you were right there.” Seonghwa brings you into a hug and rubs his hand down your back before he pulls away when he notices Jongho and Wooyoung standing there. He takes Jongho into a side hug before he turns to Wooyoung, “I’m Seonghwa, Nice to meet you. You’re y/n’s friend?” Wooyoung nods and introduces himself and Seonghwa finally takes a step back to take in the three of you.
His eyes scan Jongo and Wooyoung before they stop on you. Mingi was right, the dress you were wearing left nothing to the imagination and it was obvious from the look you were getting.
You glanced at Wooyoung and he was looking at you with a smirk and you suddenly gained a surge of confidence that you usually would never get unless you’d been drinking, “Do you like it?” Seonghwa’s eyes never leave your figure as he nods, “It’s new. Thought it was cute.”
“Cute? Yeah- yeah, it’s nice.” Seonghwa finally lets his gaze break from your body as he looks at the pretty smile you’re flashing at him. He wraps his arm around your shoulders, “I want you to meet someone.”
You let Seonghwa guide you into the crowd as you curiously look around, trying to see if you saw anyone else who you recognize and your curiosity rises once he stops at the bar, “Hey, Yunho. Yeosang.”
Your eyes widen at the names and as they turn around your mouth drops.
“Oh my god!” The three of you all simultaneously exclaim as you look at each other.
“Oh, holy shit! You’re Y/n right?” Your hand slaps over your mouth as Yunho says your name, “It’s about time we met you!”
“Oh- Oh my god- yeah. Uh Yeah, my name’s Y/n. It’s really nice to meet the two of you!” You reached your hand out but instead, Yunho stood up to hug you before Yeosang did the same.
“Do you want anything to drink?” You thought about it for a while, not sure if it was too early to get drunk.
“Just something light.” Yunho nods and turns to order you a drink.
Yeosang leans in to talk to you, “It’s been nice to meet you. Yunho and I have heard lots about you and we were getting excited to meet you.”
You cover your face in embarrassment because you know that both Seonghwa and Hongjoong have talked about you, “All good things right?” Yeosang laughs as he nods, “Yeah- I mean… I don’t want to be weird or anything but yeah, I know who y’all are and this is really exciting. Not to be weird.”
Yeosang smiles brightly as he nods, “No it’s okay! It’s nice. Usually not too many people make a big deal over us.”
You pout, “No! Really?! You’re so cool and like hot so-” You gestured to the both of Yeosang and Yunho.
Yunho turned around just in time as he handed you your drink, “If we’re hot, what are you?” Your face gets hot as a smile slowly makes its way on your face, “That dress is something else.” Yunho winks at you with a pretty smile before he taps Yeosang and points to Seonghwa.
Seonghwa had remained quiet the entire time and you had forgotten he was beside you, “I guess Seonghwa thinks so too.”
As you’re taking a drink, you turn to look at Seonghwa and you can’t help but laugh loudly as you turn to look back at Yunho and Yeosang. Seonghwa had been leaning on the bar with his eyes glued to you, “He said it was cute.”
The two boys burst out laughing and Yeosang slaps Seonghwa on the arm, “Maybe be a little bit less obvious about your eye-fucking.”
Seonghwa broke his gaze and looked at Yeosang, “What?”
You tried to stop yourself from laughing by downing the rest of your drink before ordering another. You let the three boys talk for a minute as you sipped on your second drink already before your head snapped up. You totally left Jongho and Wooyoung alone back there and Mingi is probably blowing Hongjoong’s back out somewhere.
It had only been about 5 minutes so you’re sure they’re not too far away from where they originally were. You look around for a minute trying to see if you can find them and you see the two of them making their way to the bar. You wave your hand in their direction as they walk towards you, “You came to get drunk without me?! I cannot believe you-”
You laugh and jokingly hit Wooyoung, “This is only my second drink.”
Wooyoung takes the drink from you to give it a taste, “This has like no alcohol in it- what’re you doing?”
The 4 others are laughing at the interaction between you and Wooyoung, “Wooyoung! I’m not trying to get drunk right away- we just got here!”
Wooyoung shakes his head distastefully and orders 6 shots, one for each of you, “Looks like the party is here.” Yunho smiled at Wooyoung’s enthusiasm as he patted his back. The bartender handed each of you the shots and Yunho counts down for y’all to down them at once.
You wink to Jongho, knowing that you two have the highest tolerance out of your group and actively compete to see who could drink the most. The 6 of you simultaneously downed the shots as Yunho got to 1. The liquid burned the back of the throat as you smiled. Now that you have some proper alcohol in your system, you’re going to keep going.
Wooyoung laughs as he leans next to Seonghwa, “If you want her, you're gonna have to get her to stop.”
Seonghwa, Yunho, and Yeosang looked at the two curiously as there were 6 shots in front of you and Jongho, “They’re not gonna drink all of those are they?”
Wooyoung stands back and nods proudly, “Yep. They have a thing going. She’ll be fine.”
Yeosang’s mouth drops open, “She’ll be fine?! She won’t get like- oh my god” All three of their mouths simultaneously dropped as you consecutively downed all 3 shots before you flipped Jongho off, “Is she not going to get like… I don’t know? Shitfaced?”
Wooyoung shook his head, “Just don’t let her get past 6. That’s when she starts to get drunk. She’ll just be tipsy for now.”
“Okay- Okay Jongho. I told you I’m not getting drunk within the first hour!” You stopped Jongho from ordering any more drinks with a smack to his arm.
You turn back to the rest of the guys with a lopsided smile and they look at you with wide eyes. Seonghwa takes hold of your arm and pulls you next to him.
You were still a little bit tense, but you shouldn’t think about San right now. You looked at Wooyoung and he knew exactly what you were thinking about. He slowly shook his head and you turn to look at Seonghwa.
As you look up, he’s already looking down at you. The two of you maintain eye contact and your heart speeds up as he smiles at you. You look away with hot cheeks as he wraps his arm around your shoulder and leans in to whisper to you, “Do you know where Hongjoong is?”
You laugh softly, “He went with Mingi.” You wink at Seonghwa and his eyes widen as he nods.
“Hey, Seonghwa!” Both you and Seonghwa turn around as a voice calls out. Your eyes wide when you see Chan and Jisung standing there. They typically work with Hongjoong so you weren’t expecting them to be here.
Seonghwa moved to greet them before you waved at them. They smiled at you before they made their way to the bar to get a drink and greet the rest of the boys.
Some hours passed by and the lot of you made way to sit down where most people had more or less stayed away from.
Stories were being told and the room was filled with laughter. There were cups around with who knows what in it along with a couple of bottles whatever alcohol Wooyoung was able to grab as y’all came in here. You haven’t drunk anything else and only watched as everyone else did.
A loud laugh comes into the room making everyone turn their head to the noise and you laugh loudly as Hongjoong and Mingi walk in, “Have fun?”
“Shut up.” Mingi laughs and slaps you on the arm. Hongjoong sits down next to you and you elbow him in amusement. Mingi stands there for a minute until you finally realize there’s nowhere for him to sit.
“Oh- here go ahead and sit here.” You stand up and Hongjoong and Seonghwa scoot over so Mingi could take your place.
“Where’re you gonna sit then?”
“Your lap is free right?” You pat Mingi’s thigh before you attempt to sit there.
As you’re about to sit down, Seonghwa pulls you towards him, “Mine is free too.”
You grab one of the bottles on the table before you wrap your arm around him. His arm wraps around your waist and his hand rests on your inner thigh. Wooyoung is highly amused as he drinks straight from the bottle of vodka, “Getting bold these days, huh Seonghwa?” Wooyoung was obviously drunk… so much for being the designated driver.
“You know one time we were at this club and Y/n and Jongho were doing their thing and then like 7 shots later there were like four people doing body shots off of her.” Your eyes widened and you kicked Wooyoung for randomly telling that story.
“Wooyoung! Why would you tell them that?!” You laughed in disbelief before you took a swig out of the bottle you were holding. Seonghwa tries to take it from you but you stop him with a smirk, “Want some?”
When he nodded, you straddled him and took another drink. You held his face in your hand and connected your lips with his. His hands went to grip onto your waist tightly as the liquid was transferred.
There was loud hollering and screaming as the two of you kissed. You held back a smile as Seonghwa sucked lightly on your tongue. Seonghwa’s hands slid down from your waist to grip onto your ass.
“Y/n- Why are y’all making out in front of everyone?!” Mingi was laughing so hard and hitting your side causing you to pull away and start laughing with him.
Everyone is both shocked and amused including Seonghwa. His eyes are dark and his mouth is parted slightly as he watches you laugh with a bright smile.
Yeosang’s mouth was wide as he looked at Seonghwa in complete disbelief, “Since when were you two that close?!”
You shrugged as you giggled, “He’s seen my Twitter.” You knew that Seonghwa knew you weren’t drunk so there was really no excuse for kissing him but it didn’t seem like he minded. Because honestly, the way Seonghwa was looking at you the entire time you’ve been here only gave you confidence.
Yunho, who was also pretty drunk, cried out, “Hey, one person here has already gotten their dick wet. Why not make it two?”
“Yunho shut up or get out “ everyone burst out in laughter as Seonghwa got flustered.
You bit your lip as you leaned in to whisper to Seonghwa, “Or we can get out of here?” Seonghwa’s grip tightened on your thigh as he nodded.
Suddenly Wooyoung’s phone rings and he looks at you, “It’s San.” He lets out a huff before he answers it, “Hey San!”
You roll your eyes as Wooyoung talks to San on the phone, “She’s right here… why?” He looks up at you, “Why aren’t you answering your phone?”
You make a face as you shrug, “It’s on silent and I’m trying to have fun here.” Wooyoung opens his mouth and you immediately stop him, “And no I don’t want to talk to him.”
Wooyoung laughs, “San you’re ruining everyone’s mood! I’m gonna- what do you mean you’re on your way?! It’s too late- What happened to not wanting to come?” Suddenly Wooyoung’s face turned serious.
You turned to Seonghwa and tilted your head before you stood up, “We’ll be back.” The boys look at you with wide eyes and San on the phone doesn’t stop him from winking at you as he gives you a thumbs up.
“We’ll be outside. Then maybe somewhere else… I dunno.” Seonghwa announces to whoever is curious before the two of you leave.
Seonghwa leads you outside and lets out a sigh of relief when there’s no one else there. You make your way a little bit further into the backyard before Seonghwa pulls you against him as he leans on the side of the house, “Fuck- are you okay?”
You look at Seonghwa with a puzzled look, “Yeah..?”
“No it’s just that from all the other times we’ve talked, you’re not as… bold. You’re not drunk, right? Because I don‘t-“ you cut Seonghwa off.
“No. I’m not. I’m okay. Just gotta shoot my shot eventually, right?” You tilt your head at Seonghwa and look at him with the most innocent look you could muster.
“Who’s San? Or whoever your friend was talking to?” Seonghwa held onto your hand as he slowly pulled you closer to him.
You shake your head, “Don’t worry about it.” Your arm snaked its way around Seonghwa and let your chest press against him.
Seonghwa took your face in his hand and his gaze fell to your lips, “You’re so pretty.” and with that, Seonghwa connected his lips to yours. Your entire body felt like it was on fire and you held onto him tightly to ground yourself.
Seonghwa’s free hand slid down your back and gripped onto your ass. Your dress was riding up and Seonghwa definitely noticed. His hand trailed the bottom of your dress before you pulled away, “S-Someone is gonna see.”
“It’s okay, no one’s out here.” Seonghwa kissed you once more in reassurance as he let his hand trail underneath your dress. You squeezed your eyes shut and shoved your face in Seonghwa’s side. He trailed his fingers along with the lace of your panties before his finger dragged along your slit.
You let out a soft moan before you pulled Seonghwa’s hand away. He looked at you with a concerned expression, worried he did something wrong, but then he felt you undoing his belt. You looked incredibly focused as you undid his belt and the button to his pants. You looked up at him with expecting eyes.
As soon as Seonghwa nodded you dropped to your knees. You swiftly pull down his pants and boxers to reveal his cock. You inhale sharply and carefully take his cock in your hand. You shakily start to jerk him off and he laughs softly, “Are you nervous?”
You look at him with the same expression as you nod, “Just a little bit.”
He looks at you with soft eyes as he wraps his hand around yours and guides you to jerk him off. You let Seonghwa guide you until you can regain some confidence. Seonghwa’s hand starts to move faster after some time and your eyes are glued to his cock as it leaks precum.
You swallow harshly and you shake Seonghwa’s hand off of yours as you swiftly take his cock in your mouth. Seonghwa is surprised by your sudden movement and he jerks harshly in your mouth, hitting the back of your throat.
Seonghwa lets out a deep groan and you hold back a smile as you take all of Seonghwa’s cock. You focused on your breathing as you swallowed around his cock, “Oh my god- fuck-” You felt your confidence growing from Seonghwa’s reactions. You pulled his cock out of your mouth with a loud pop.
“It’s been a long time since you’ve gotten something good, huh?” Your teasing tone made Seonghwa’s mouth drop open in amusement.
“Well- I can’t really-” you laugh as you cut him off.
“So… yeah? It’s been a while.” The way you were looking at him made Seonghwa feel about 20 different emotions at once.
“Shut up-” Seonghwa pushed his cock back in between your lips with a groan.
The two of you were so caught up in each other, neither of you heard the door open.
San had found Wooyoung at the bar and basically demanded him to take him where you were. Wooyoung objected because he knew exactly what the two of you were doing out there, but San continued to insist.
Wooyoung led San to the back doors and let him open them for himself, “San I’m being serious. Don’t go out there.” Wooyoung had managed to sober up in the span of 10 minutes and was dead serious. Even through all the stress, San had put everyone through, he doesn’t want him to get hurt because he’s being nosy.
Despite Wooyoung’s warnings, San opens the door and makes his way outside. Wooyoung followed behind him and felt relief when he didn’t see either of y’all, but then he heard a laugh followed by a deep groan.
Wooyoung tensed as he turned to the side and saw you on your knees in front of Seonghwa. You couldn’t really see, but anyone who wasn’t completely oblivious could tell what was happening.
San had taken a few more towards you and Wooyoung gripped onto his arm and pulled him back to the door, “San, no. What did I fucking tell you?” San shook his head like he was in disbelief and made another attempt to go back outside.
“No Wooyoung- But she- she- But we-” San refused to believe what he saw. Maybe his eyes were just playing tricks on him. Maybe Wooyoung was mistaken and that was someone else. It had to be.
“San, come on. Leave them.” Wooyoung pat San’s arm and tilted his head, signaling for him to follow him.
You pull away from Seonghwa with furrowed eyebrows as you look towards the door, “Did you hear that?”
Seonghwa groans in annoyance, “No. No one’s there, it’s okay.” Seonghwa lets his fingers get tangled in your hair and slips his cock back in your mouth. You jerk off Seonghwa with one hand while you suck lightly on his tip. Your tongue swirls around his cock and your lips look so pretty wrapped around him.
Seonghwa’s stomach tightens and his grip on your hair is tight as his hips start to buck slightly, “You’re doing so good. You’re sucking my cock so well.” You smile as Seonghwa pets your head as he praises you.
Seonghwa’s words only encourage you as you lick your way up his cock before fully taking him. Your hand moved to gently roll and massage his balls as you looked up at him seductively. Your eyes are watering as his cock continuously hits the back of your throat and one of Seonghwa’s hands carefully takes your face in his hand, “Gonna cum.”
You nod as best as you can and as you look up at Seonghwa you could cum untouched. His face was flushed and sweat was dripping down to his neck and his head was thrown back with the prettiest face of pleasure. It was pathetic but the way Seonghwa looked caused a loud moan to rip from your throat.
The combination of your mouth and the vibrations were getting too much for Seonghwa to hold back. He gripped on your hair and pulled you down his cock as he came. Your hands went to grip onto Seonghwa’s thighs tightly as his cum shoots down your throat, “Fuck, Y/n- fucking take it. Take my cum.” You slowly pull away until only the tip is in your mouth and his cum drips down your chin as he pulls out.
Your eyes are glued on Seonghwa’s cock, “Do I turn you on that much? You’re still hard.” You say matter-of-factly as you smirk at Seonghwa. Your finger gently trails up and around the head of his cock causing him to let out a loud moan before he grips onto your wrist.
Seonghwa shoves himself back into his pants and pulls you up, “Come on.” Seonghwa guides you back inside and upstairs before he goes into the last room in the hallway.
Seonghwa swiftly lifts you and places you on the bed, “God- this fucking dress.” Seonghwa’s hands trail down your body, feeling every one of your curves.
“Cute isn’t it.” your teasing tone is only riling Seonghwa up further.
“It’s anything but cute-” Seonghwa gripped onto your thighs and spread your legs, “And by the time we’re done, that smart mouth of yours is gonna be gone.”
“Is it? I mean, you said yourself, you haven’t been with someone this good in a while. Sure you’ll be able to last.” You were pushing Seonghwa. You wanted to see how long it would take until he snapped.
“Will you? You sound very sure of yourself.” As Seonghwa spoke his fingers hooked around the waistband of your panties before he slowly slid them down your legs.
“I can take whatever you give me.” You pulled Seonghwa closer to you as your voice lowered, “I’ll be a good girl for you.”
Seonghwa inhaled sharply before his fingers made contact with your soaked pussy. You immediately let out a loud whine and attempt to close your legs. Seonghwa scoffs and pulls your legs apart, “Aw, is it already too much for you?”
You shook your head and your hips bucked as his fingers began to circle your clit lightly, “No! No- please don’t stop.” Your entire body was hot and you couldn’t wrap your head around the situation you were in right now.
You had just sucked Park Seonghwa off and now he’s in between your legs. His touch felt 10x more intense than anyone else’s and you could already feel yourself becoming addicted to it.
His middle finger teases your leaking hole as he collects your cum and spreads it and before you can open your mouth to complain, his finger easily slips inside of you.
Seonghwa takes a fee experimental thrust before he slips his ring finger in, “God, you’re so fucking wet. You hear that?” He bit his lip in amusement as he thrust his fingers revealing the squelching noise coming from your soaked pussy.
Your legs were spread and you ground your hips against Seonghwa’s fingers with pretty moans falling from your lips. Your eyes are shut as you‘re only focusing on the feeling of Seonghwa. You’re so caught up in the feeling that you don’t even realize as Seonghwa’s head makes its way in between your legs.
Your legs immediately shut around his head and your eyes are wide as you cry out loudly. Your hand reaches in between your legs to grip onto Seonghwa’s hair, “S-Seonghwa! Ohmygod fuck! Please!”
Seonghwa’s tongue swirls around your clit as his fingers continue to pump inside of you. Your hips were bucking and grinding on Seonghwa’s mouth and his arm wraps around your hips to hold you down, “Stop fucking moving.”
You cried out loudly and your legs tightened around his head, “Se-Seonghwa! Seonghwa fuck! Pleasepleaseplease! G-Gonna cum!”
Seonghwa’s looking at you between your legs with sparkling eyes and your entire body tenses. Your legs start to shake and the moans you’re letting out are borderline pornographic as you cry out Seonghwa’s name.
Your eyes are watery as Seonghwa’s touch gets overwhelming. Your mouth drops open and your eyes squeeze shut as you cum. Seonghwa’s name is the only thing that falls from your lips like it’s the only word you know, “S-So good! Feels good!”
Seonghwa smirked against you as he licked up every drop of your cum. He lifted your hips slightly and slipped his fingers out of you. Your back arched and you pulled on his hair tightly as his tongue fucked into you, “Ah- Fuck Seonghwa! Please! Please Seonghwa!”
“Aw, what’s wrong? What do you need?” Seonghwa pulled away and looked at you with his lips and chin slick with your cum.
“I- I need you to fuck me! Please- please fuck me!” You needed Seonghwa more than anything. He was the only thing on your mind.
Seonghwa smirked at you with dark eyes as he lifted you. He messed with your zipper before he pulled it off of you, “Hey- D-Don’t rip it!”
“Fuck- I’ll buy you 10 more if you want. I’ll give you anything you want.” Seonghwa slipped the dress off of you and threw it to the side before he dipped down to kiss up to your stomach, chest, and neck until he got to your lips.
You pull him close by his belt loops and he attaches his lips to yours. You let out a soft moan as his tongue slipped in your mouth. You let out a soft moan as you taste yourself on his tongue. Your hands slipped down and pulled his pants off before you gripped onto his cock. His hand reached down to spread your legs as you guide his cock in between your legs.
You pulled away and your forehead was pressed against his, “I’ll fuck you now. I’ll fuck you good.” Seonghwa grabbed his cock from you and gently aligned it to your hole. With his free hand, Seonghwa held onto your waist as he slowly pushed himself into you.
Your mouth dropped open and you went to grip onto his biceps tightly as he bottomed out inside of you. Seonghwa was bigger than San. Seonghwa reached deep inside of you and stretched you out deliciously. Your mouth opened and closed as you wanted to tease him and push him further but only moans and whines were coming out, “Aw baby what’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?”
“No I- ah!” As you spoke Seonghwa started to thrust into you.
“Huh? What was that? Didn’t quite hear you. Did you say to fuck you harder?” Seonghwa let one hand down to rub at your clit while the other went to cup your boobs and play with your nipples.
You spread your legs further and wrapped them around his waist. You only then noticed you were fully naked whereas Seonghwa still had his button-up on. Your hands shakily move to undo the buttons as you moan and cry out loudly, “I- you- you have- take it off.”
Seonghwa looks down at you with amusement before stopping his thrusts to undo his buttons, “Wait no! D-Don’t stop!” You pathetically grind yourself down on his cock as he takes off his shirt. Your hands immediately go to his stomach and rub along his abs.
Seonghwa laughs teasingly, “You’re already so desperate. Are you sure you’re gonna be able to keep up with me? Because I don’t think so.”
You nod as Seonghwa’s thrusts increase in speed, “Uh uh. You can f-fuck me however long you want. I’ll take all your cum.” Your words make Seonghwa’s thrusts falter and his head fall back as he groans, “You like that, don’t you?”
Seonghwa’s thrusts were hard, hitting that special spot inside of you with every thrust. He increased the pressure on your clit and your legs were wrapped around Seonghwa tightly. He liked that, “S-So- So why don’t you fuck me all night? Hmm? Fill me with your cum. G-Give me so much that there’s no way I won’t get pregnant.”
Seonghwa’s eyes shut and sweat is dripping down the side of his face and neck. He grips onto one of your legs and presses it against your chest, thrusting his cock further into you, “R-Right there! Therethere! Your cock- ah! It’s so big! You- You’re fucking me so good! Please! It’s s-so good!”
You’re throbbing around Seonghwa’s cock and deep grunts and moans were so pretty and his voice rang in your ears. You were close. So close. Seonghwa’s touch made your entire body tingle and you pulled Seonghwa against you and pressed your lips against his.
You couldn’t even give Seonghwa a warning as you suddenly came. Seonghwa’s lips muffled your moans and whines before he pulled away, “Cumming.” You couldn’t even take a second to breathe when Seonghwa came.
As soon as you feel his cum shoot inside of you, you could’ve cum again. You hold Seonghwa against you tightly and his thrusts turn into slow grinding as he releases all of his cum. Seonghwa whispers something to you but your head is spinning and your ears are ringing.
Seonghwa attempts to pull out and you hold onto him tightly with wide eyes, “WaitWaitWait! No! I-”
Seonghwa is amused at how desperate you are, “S’Alright. We’re not done.” He pulled out of you and you desperately clench around nothing in an attempt to keep his cum inside of you. Seonghwa flips you on your stomach and grips onto your hips as he slams back into you.
“Ah fuck! Seonghwa! W-wait- too m-much! It- fuck please!” You try to pull away from the overstimulation but Seonghwa holds onto your hands and uses them as leverage for his thrusts.
Tears are falling staining your cheeks with mascara, “Is it too much? Is my big cock too much for you? Thought you could go all night?”
You find the energy to laugh at Seonghwa, “D-Don’t flatter yourself. I-I’m fine. Oh god!” Seonghwa pulled out completely before slamming back into you before repeating it a couple more times, “Seonghwa! Don’t let it- Don’t let it come out!”
“Don’t let what come out?” Seonghwa attempts to pull out of you once again but you clench around him restricting him further causing a loud groan to be ripped from his throat.
You let out a choked sob as he let go of you and your arms gave out making your face get shoved into the pillow. Your voice was muffled but you still managed to cry out, “Y-Your cum! Don’t- Don’t let it out!”
“You’re such a pretty little cum slut.” Your moans and cries are muffled as you just take what Seonghwa gives you, “Only for me now. Look at yourself. Look how pathetic you look.” And you do. You look pathetic. Your ass is in the air as Seonghwa pounds into you. Your mascara and lipstick are completely smudged. Your face is buried in the pillow.
Seonghwa pulls you back up and your moaning incoherent pleads and mumbling things he couldn’t understand, “Yeah, I’m ruining this for you, aren’t I? I’m turning you into my cum slut.”
Your eyes were rolling back and your mouth was open in a silent moan as you came again. Seonghwa slipped his middle and ring finger into your mouth and you immediately began sucking on them. You were desperately pushing your ass back to meet Seonghwa’s thrusts, “Turning you into my dumb little slut.”
Seonghwa pressed down on your tongue, refraining you from responding, not that you could either way. You had completely gone limp and it was only Seonghwa keeping you upright. Your entire body was hot and shaking and if your mind wasn’t completely clouded with Seonghwa, you would be embarrassed about the spit that was dripping down Seonghwa’s fingers and hand, “Aw, poor girl. I fucked you stupid, didn’t I? My stupid girl.”
You’re uncontrollably throbbing around Seonghwa’s cock and his stomach and balls were tightened before he came. As he came, he pulled you flush against his chest and held onto you tightly. He shoved his head in your neck and you listened to his moans with a small smile. You had made Seonghwa feel good. That was the only thing you wanted.
At this point, the mixture of all of yours and Seonghwa’s cum was completely overflowing and dripping down your thighs making you whine quietly, “Hwa- It’s dripping out!”
“Gonna have to pull out baby.” You make a sound of protest but don’t stop Seonghwa from pulling out. You cringe as all the cum starts dripping out of you, staining your thighs and the bedsheet.
Seonghwa lays you down and you lay completely limp with your eyes shut, “Are you okay?” You hum softly as you nod, “Here, open your mouth.”
Before you follow Seonghwa’s instructions you open your eyes in amazement, “How are you still hard?!”
“I told you you wouldn’t be able to keep up with me.” You scoff but you open your mouth for Seonghwa regardless, “But you were right. I can’t remember the last time I… you know. Much less with someone this good.”
Seonghwa slips his cock past your lips and you let out a soft moan as you taste the mixture of cum on his cock, “Just clean it off and I’m done.” You nod mindlessly as your tongue swirls around him, making sure to get all the cum off.
Seonghwa reaches down to push your hair off of your face and he looks at you with flushed cheeks and a soft smile, “You did well, baby. Let me go get something to clean you with.”
Seonghwa slips himself out of your mouth and attempts to move off the bed but you grab onto his wrist with glossy eyes, “Don’t go.”
Seonghwa smiles and kisses you on the forehead, “I’ll be right back, promise.”
You force your eyes open as you watch Seonghwa make his way around the room into the conjoined bathroom to get a wet cloth to clean you off with. Seonghwa first holds your face gently as he carefully wipes your cheeks and eyes from your smudged makeup before going in between your legs and cleaning your cum covered thighs and pussy. You see Seonghwa looking at the bedsheet and you shake your head and pull him on the bed next to you.
He wraps his arms around you with a smile as he pulls you on top of him. Nothing is said as he runs his hands through your hair and rubbing your back in a comforting manner. You rest your head in his neck before you give it a few kisses as you giggle.
“Y/n?” Seonghwa’s voice is soft as he calls you. You hum softly for him to continue, “Do you maybe wanna hang out sometime?”
You smile against his neck before you speak up teasingly, “Are we not hanging out right now?”
“You know what I mean. Like by ourselves. We can maybe get some dinner?” Seonghwa looks around the room awkwardly.
“Like a date? Sure. I’ll go on a date with you.” You tilt Seonghwa’s head towards you before you give him a soft kiss.
It’s quiet for a few moments before Seonghwa laughs, “Guess all the times you called me baby daddy means something now.”
You snort and hit his chest softly, “That wasn’t funny.”
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shiftynightshade · 3 years
@totallycorrectjediorderquotes Thanks for letting me borrow the quotes! Love your content!
It seemed like clickbait at first, just another Holotuber desperate for their 15 minutes of fame. However, one particularly curious Rodian had clicked on the link while waiting for her lunch at Dex's and the opening lines of the holovid had immediately caught the attention of everyone in her vicinity.
“Hi everyone! I’m Jedi Master Kit Fisto and, with permission of course, I’m posting this to share some behind-the-scenes clips of the Jedi Council. Most of these are going to have no context, but that makes them funnier. So without any further ado, let me introduce our very own Master of the Order, Mace Windu without any context! Buckle up gentle beings, prepare to have your whole galaxy shaken.”
“Is this real?” A twi’lek whispered from beside her, his eyes impossibly wide. She shrugged. The Jedi were not exactly the most popular beings in the galaxy after all.
The first few seconds were nothing but a black screen before it began shaking and moved to show a round room filled with multiple chairs and large windows, which led to Coruscants skyline, indigo’s had begun to bleed to black. The camera panned to the right in which you could see a hologram of Shaak Ti and Kit Fisto curled up in his chair next to her. Briefly, Adi Gallia and Eeth Koth were in the shot.
Kit looked across the room with a shit-eating grin. “Dead Sifo-Dyas? More like kawaii desu baka Sifo-Dyas”
The camera quickly oved to the left to where Plo Koon had reared back in surprise. Master Yoda was letting out evil cackles while Mace Windu stared with a hard expression. “Blocked” He threw his hands in the air.
Chuckles and Kit’s pleads filled the room as the camera flipped to show the filmer to be Saesee Tiin. He grinned. “Council Session number 21: Kit Fisto gets fucking Removed from the Jedi Order.”
The clip stopped and went to a rainbow screen.
The Twi’lek giggled beside her, his green skin flushing a bit. “Wonder what else is in there?” hey shared a look.
The rainbow screen cut to a pair of fuzzy socks padding their way through a hall to a dimly lit kitchen. The sound of kitchen utensils echoed as the filmer peeked around the corner. A chrono displayed the time as 4:12 AM, the year set as 48 BBY. A younger Mace milled around the kitchen in a simple amethyst purple sweater and earbuds. His head bopped softly as me mixed whatever he was making in the bowl.
A young voice came from behind the camera. “Master… what are you doing?”
Mac looked up and removed an earbud. “Making chocolate pudding.”
The filmer now known as Depa Billaba made small noise. “It is four o clock in the morning, why on earth are you making chocolate pudding?”
Mace shrugged with a smirk. “Because I’ve lost control of my life.”
Depa snorted and the camera flipped to show a 16 year old Depa wearing a matching smirk.
A young Mon Calamari cooed and pointed to a drawing on the wall signed DB. “Aren’t they the cutest? He looks like such a proud dad.”
Another clip began playing, this time it was set during the afternoon, the sun shone through the council chambers windows. The camera panned to show the worried faces of each council member present. Only one seat was empty. A few council members were whispering to each other in concern, eyes constantly going to the doors or the seat. The doors creaked open to reveal Mace rubbing his eyes.
Adi rose a brow and chuckled a bit. “How long have you been asleep?”
Mace yawned and slumped in his seat. “I was awake for two hours on Tungsday”
Adi frowned. A couple muffled “Oh Shit’s” came from the other Jedi. “That doesn't answer my question... You know its Primeday, right?”
Mace’s reply was cut off.
“That’s…. very concerning.”
The Mon Calamari nodded. “Sounds like a mini coma to me.”
That didn’t exactly bode well for the Jedi if they only got rest from sleeping in coma’s.
The camera shook as the filmer seemed to adjust its setting before flipping up to show a med bay where injured clones were resting. Mace was pacing while Obi-Wan Kenobi sat cross-legged on a bed. “Look at me, okay? I can’t eat, I can’t sleep. I’m a wreck!”
Obi-Wan smirked a bit but rose an eyebrow.
Mace sighed. “I mean, sure I still look good, but that’s just genetics.”
The camera panned to where a clone in armour with purple paint sighed and shook his head like a friend watching their friend get back with their ex for the 50th time. “General please.”
Another Rodian snickered at the clone’s plight.
The camera cut to where Mace and Saesee were laying on their backs, Mace had his legs propped against the wall of the council chambers while Saesee had starfished beside him. “What did we learn, Master Tiin?”
Saesee grunted and shrugged. “I have no idea”
Mac sighed. “I don't fucking know either. I guess we learned notto do it again.”
Saesee nodded serenely. “Yep.”
Mace dragged his hands down his face. “I'm fucked if I know what we did.”
“Yes, it's hard to say.”
Mace blew out a breath. “Jesus Fucking Christ.”
The Rodian laughed as the clip cut itself off. “OH goodness, I thought Jedi weren’t allowed to feel emotion?”
The camera cut to a small group of Masters sitting in a room full of waterfalls and plants: children could be hear giggling in the distance. A small title in the upper corner of the screen read. The Room of A Thousand Fountains.
Eeth was sitting with his arms planted in the grass behind him. “Let’s play truth or dare.” Mace was laying in the grass beside him. He shrugged. “I’ll play.” Eeth grinned. “Truth or Dare?” Mace hummed. “Truth.” “When was the last time you slept?” Mace blinked. “Dare…” “I dare you to go to bed.” “I hate this game.” Suddenly a large cloak was thrown over Mace and one Plo Koon was there the next, a vehement “SLEEP” hissing out of his mask.
The clip stopped.
The Twi’lek blinked. “I-is that a regular occurrence in the temple?”
A dark room filed with a large holoscreen and multiple Jedi appeared after the previous one. Mace was staring at Anakin Skywalker. He pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. “I'd like to offer you some friendly advice.”
Anakin frowned at him and shook his head. “I don't need your help.”
“Consider it unfriendly advice then, dipshit.”
The clip cut off.
The next video was of Mace walking out of the council chambers. “Do not come over to my house. If the house is on fire you may knock once, if I don’t answer assume I set the fire and I want to burn to death.”
The clip stopped.
The Rodian stammered. “D-do they get therapy? Do they have time for therapy!?”
Hysterical laughter could be heard as the camera shook. “Mace when did you become such a comedian?” The camera moved to show Mace.
“I'm naturally funny because my life is a joke”
It suddenly cut to show Depa sneaking up behind Mace with a grin. She held up a finger to her lips before jumping to cover Mace’s eyes with her hands.
“Guess who!?”
Mace startled and reared back slightly. “It’s either my former Padawan or the cold, clammy hands of death.” The filmer snorted.
“It’s Depa!”
“He sounded genuinely disappointed then.”
The video was shorter with Mace sitting in The Halls Of Healing. “Master Windu you need better self-care habits.” A Twi’lek was admonishing.
“Self-care is drinking 20 cups of Caf and Lightsaber Dueling a Sith Lord.”
The Twi’leks sigh was longsuffering.
The Rodian blinked as the video ended, the next one already loading.
The Mon Calamari whistled. “The Jedi are…. Different to what I expected.”
The Rodian nodded.
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Can you do a react for fallout 3 companions {Or all the more the merrier} of Lone returning after a long time being badly injured!! I love your blog chief!
I once again emerge from the shadows to do a single react. see u again in like 3 months lol (also I only do one game’s companions per post sorry!) I think I may have misread this. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Butch: Butch liked Rivet City as much as the next degenerate, but it never felt like home. After months of traveling together, Lone asked him to go back to Rivet City. Before he could ask why, Lone had already taken off. Defeated, Butch moseyed on back to Rivet City, as he was instructed. Every day on the big boat was the same, and it was torture for Butch. He missed the adventures with Lone more than he would ever admit. During his daily visit to the Muddy Rudder, Butch could not look more bored. He sat at the bar, twisting his switch blade between the table and his hand. Hearing the door to the room creak and squeal open, he instinctively looked up to it, expecting to see another regular. It was Lone! Looking down at him they smiled, “yo!” Butch immediately got up, “Where. The. Hell. Have. You. Be-” He said with each step, but was cut off by Lone almost falling down the stairs. He quickly scuttled up the stairs to them. “Jesus Christ stop, stop. Take my hand, idiot.” He helped them up, and started leading them to the doctor. Despite his bad attitude, he was very gentle with Lone. “You don’t have to tell me right now, but if you don’t tell me what happened, you’ll end up worse than you are right now.” Lone swallowed and looked at him. He wasn’t aware of it, but he was smiling a little. 
Clover: Lone dismissed Clover, telling her they needed time to themselves. “Oh please.” She was annoyed, and a little hurt. Without so much as a goodbye, Lone left her in the wastes. Having nowhere to go, she headed back to Paradise Falls. Being there made her miserable, especially after the sweet freedom of traveling with Lone. Every day that passed felt like an eternity. She lost track of time. Laying on the floor in Eulogy’s pad, she was left all alone. Tracing her fingers in the dirt on the floor, she sighed, effectively blowing all the dirt and dust away. “Clover?” A faint voice called. She sat up. Maybe she was hearing things? “Cloverrr!” There it was again! Clover got so excited, she started running at the same time she was getting off the floor, falling forward on her face. It didn’t stop her though, she was out the door in seconds. Having spotted Lone, her face lit up. “Lover!!” She yelled and ran to them. Before Lone could look in her direction, Clover pounced on them. Holding them in a tight embrace, she quietly said, “don’t leave me again.” After her minute long hug, she let them go with a huge smile on her face. Blood was flowing down over her mouth. She got a bloody nose from falling on her face. Lone had a pained look on their face. Clover couldn’t tell if it was because of her or.... or the blood all over their arm! “Good god what happened! Don’t answer that. Come inside let me take care of you real good.” 
Charon: Whenever Lone asks Charon to wait, well, anywhere, he gets antsy. This time especially. Lone asked Charon to wait in Underworld for awhile. He didn’t ask any questions, but now he wish he had. He hadn’t kept track of how long he had been there, but it was way too long. Charon was pacing outside of the Underworld exhibit. Something he had been doing for the past 3 days. Hearing the doors to the museum creak loudly, he perked up. Squinting his eyes to see if it was who he was waiting for. “Charon? What are you doing out here?” It was Lone! He couldn’t see them clearly, but it was their voice for sure. He briskly walked across the room and straight up to them. They hadn’t even taken 2 steps from the door. He inhaled, but seemingly changed his mind and kept his mouth shut. “Um-” Lone was cut off but Charon’s harsh voice. “Where have you been.” He sounded like an angry dad. “Nowhere. Don’t worry about it.” Lone tried to take a step around him, but started to fall over. Charon caught them with ease. “Look at you.” Lone couldn’t tell if that was accusatory or pity. Either way, Charon moved Lone’s arm around his shoulder. He picked up most of their weight, and took them straight to Underworld’s doctor. He never did ask any questions though. 
Dogmeat: :0 who did this!
Jericho: It had been maybe a month, though it felt like years. Lone left Jericho in Megaton to attend to some “business.” Whatever that means. It didn’t take Jericho long to fall back into the Megaton rhythm. Get up. Go to Moriarty’s. Go home. On one very sunny afternoon, Jericho was once again resting his head on the bar counter. Gob had long since stopped asking him to get up. The door swung open and hit the wall with a loud bang, startling everyone in the room. Jericho shot up and rubbed his eyes. “It is TOO GODDAMN EARLY FOR THIS.” “Jericho it’s 4 pm.” A familiar voice from behind caused him to spin around on the bar stool. Sure enough, it was Lone. Leaning against the door frame, they gave him a sheepish smile. “Where the fuck have you been?” Lone shrugged off his question, and slowly hobbled over to him. Jericho got off the stool, “what the hell happened to you?” Lone started to explain, but before they could finish, Jericho punched their shoulder. “You dumbass.” Without asking, he swung Lone’s arm over his shoulder. He quietly muttered, “you coulda asked me for help.” 
Fawkes: Lone brought Fawkes to Underworld, and asked him to wait there for awhile. An unspecified amount of time, he noted. He asked for what reason they were leaving him, and they pretty much dodged the question. “Then I shall wait.” It didn’t take much convincing. Fawkes never actually entered Underworld, he didn’t want to scare the residents. He kept to himself, and the ghouls never bothered him. Having spent an eternity in a single room in a vault, he was accustomed to waiting. He kept himself busy by... well, by talking to himself mostly. Underworld visitors gave him dirty looks, but he didn’t mind much. After quite some time, Lone finally returned. In shambles. Their clothes were torn in places, covered in blood, limping. Without a greeting, Fawkes quickly ran to them and swept them off their feet. Literally. “Fawkes, I’m so sorry its been so long..” they trailed off. “2 months and 5 days.” Fawkes replied. His exact calculation made Lone almost embarrassed. Fawkes didn’t think twice about kicking the door to Underworld down, Lone in his arms. He almost started a riot in the place, but the sight of Lone made all the residents stand down. 
Star Paladin Cross: On a routine visit to the Citadel, Lone asked Cross to stay there while they visited somewhere. She didn’t quite catch where. She agreed without a second thought, and wished them well on their journey. Cross hadn’t even realized how much time had passed, as there was always work to be done within the Citadel’s walls. During some down time, Sarah had asked where Lone was. Cross inhaled, but stopped herself. “I don’t quite know. Now that I think about it, it’s been months!” Sarah gave her a look that said, “yikes,” and sipped on some coffee. Cross wouldn’t have it. She stormed out of the room, and decided right then and there she would go look for Lone. In the middle of the courtyard, she stopped. She didn’t even know where they had gone off to! Amazingly, the doors to the Citadel slowly crept open. Lone’s head poked in. “What the..” Cross said squinting her eyes. Lone entered, and waved at her. She started at them with a warm smile. The closer she got, the more she could see how unwell they were. Each step becoming faster. Lone was teetering, and thankfully fell into Cross’s arms. “Cross, I-” Lone was cut off. “Shush. You can tell me all of your journey later. Let’s get you to a bed for now, hm?” 
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triplexdoublex · 4 years
Pairings: Colson x Reader
Warnings/Tags: rough sex, anal sex, face fucking, gagging, spit, spitting in mouth, slight bondange, golden showers, pissing in mouth, slapping across face, being filmed.
A/N: Shout out to Shawnie ( @heytheregreeneyes) for always letting me use her as my OC and being my best friend. Also Colson isn’t MGK in this, just a pornstar so his personality isn’t as cocky as he usually is. I know I’ve mentioned it before but the sex in this is loosely based off my fave porn star Small Hands AKA Aaron Thompson. Hope this was worth the wait. Lemme know what you think! “Open it, open it!” Your roommate and best friend Shawnie stood before you with a gift bag in hand, shaking it excitedly.
“My birthday’s not even until this weekend,” You laughed taking the bag from her. “You sure you don’t want me to wait? It’s only a few more days.”
“ No please, I’ve kept this a secret for long enough, it’s killing me! Just open it!” She exclaimed. “Plus your gonna need time to prepare.”
“C’mom, just open it, open it, open it!!!” She was far too excited. You wondered what it could be that she was so eager to give you. But what you pulled out of the bag just left you with even more questions. 
“Thanks???” You said confused, holding up a sexy red lace bra and matching g- string that tied at hips. 
“That’s only part of it,” she assured you. “What’s your biggest wish?” She tried to clue you in.
“Ummm paying off all my student debt?” You answered still puzzled. “Did you get me a job as a stripper?” You laughed.
“Okay, maybe ‘wish’ was the wrong word to use … hmmm—oh biggest fantasy!” She corrected herself. 
“Oh to fuck my favorite porn star Huge Hands, AKA Colson Baker. You know that — wait … no, no way!”  You exclaimed as your friend started frantically nodding her head yes. “Shut up!!! What? You’re kidding. Like how?”
“Look in the bag . There’s more!” 
You reached into the bag and pulled out a pass of some kind and read it aloud. “Huge Hands/Colson Baker : Exclusive Access, Porn Star for a Day pass” 
“They were super limited, I have no clue how I managed to snag one, but I’m so happy I did! The look on your face right now is priceless!” Shawnie laughed. “It’s probably because you’re the only one I know who’s  crazy enough to actually go through with this.”
“I-I don’t even know what to say. I have no words… thank you.” You expressed your gratitude, still in shock. “I’m really about to have the best sex of my life this weekend! On my birthday yet! Have you seen his fucking cock, it’s huuuge!”
“Yes, many times,” Shawnie chuckled , entertained by how pumped you are. “Or did you forget about all the links of his umm ‘work’ you’ve sent me?” Shawnie wasn’t big on porn herself but she was always willing to take an interest in your latest obsessions, no matter what they were. That’s what you loved most about her. “Turn it over, it tells you more about what’s included on the back.”
You did as she suggested, turning the pass over to read more. “Half hour zoom call day before to privately discuss details, and needs/wants of scene; hair and make up; up to one hour of shooting time; and keepsake autographed DVD recording,” you listed off. “You know I’m gonna watch that everyday for the rest of my life, right?” 
“I’m assuming you’re gonna make me watch it at least once too, knowing you,” Shawnie laughed. 
“Yeah probably,” you laughed as well. “ I got no shame!”
You’re stomach was in knots as you waited for the zoom call to begin; you’d never felt so excited and  nervous at the same time. Shawnie was there with you sitting just out of frame, when the ‘bloop’ of the call came through your computer's speakers. 
“Hi, Y/N?” Colson questioned.
“Yeah, hi. That’s me!” You did a timid little wave.
“Ok good, just wanted to make sure I got the right person before we get started here. Imagine that … Awkward!,” he laughed, and you instantly began to relax; you could tell he was going to be easy to talk to. “Well, obviously you know what I do , but I’d love to hear a little about you. Says here on your forms you’re a college student?”
“Wait, what forms?” You asked.
“The ones you filled out online with your info and kinks and things you wanted to include in our video when you purchased the Pornstar for a day package,” he answers slightly confused. 
“Ohhh, my friend bought me this for my birthday, she must have filled them out.” You responded. “She’s right here. Say hi Shawnie!”
“Hi!” She giggled leaning into frame. 
“Hello. Wow this must be some “friendship” he joked making air quotes. “Because this is a very detailed list. You gotta hear this.” He smirks. “Written in the section about what you hope to include in our scene says— and  I quote: I want Huge Hands/ Colson to absolutely destroy me. I want him to fuck my throat, my pussy and my ass. I want him to slap me around, and spit and piss in my mouth, and anything else he wants to do to me, I’m all for it.”  He choked out a laugh pulling dramatically at the collar of his shirt “Whew, I’m the pornstar here and that’s even got me blushing!”
“Oh my God, Shawnie!” You covered your beet red face.
“What!?, did I lie?” She laughed.
“I mean no, but still. Damn, to hear it out loud like that.” Your eyes bulged. 
“So it’s true then?” Colson asked slyly.
“Yeah, that pretty much sums it up,” you hid your smile behind your hand, shaking your head in embarrassed disbelief.
“Aye,  no need to be embarrassed, we’re gonna have fun tomorrow, I can tell,” he smiled. “I’m especially excited that your interested in Anal. It’s kinda my favorite. I’m assuming you’ve done it before?” 
“Yeah,” you answered simply.
“Do you enjoy it?” He asked.
“Tell him what your ex said!”  Shawnie blurted out. 
“Oh, boy. I gotta hear this,” he chuckled. “What’d the ex say?”
You inhaled deeply before speaking, “I do enjoy it, probably more than regular sex, if I’m being honest,” you admitted. There was no use trying to be coy now. “Uhhh he actually said I could be a pornstar since I can take a hard anal pounding so well.” 
“Nice!” He exclaimed. “Girl, after my own heart.”
“Jesus Christ, this conversation has me sweating already,” you chuckled standing up to pull your cardigan off. 
“Is that a little tattoo I saw there, peaking out of the top of your jeans?” He asked. 
“Yeah, you wanna see?” You unzipped your jeans without waiting for a response and lowered the top of your underwear just enough to show him. 
“ The Playboy bunny, huh? How fitting,” he teased.
“What can I say, it was my first tattoo,” you giggled “Seemed like that’s what everyone was getting at the time.”
“What else you got going on down there?” He lifted his head as if trying to see more. “Is that a landing strip?” He asked referring to the thin dark stripe of short curls just  barely visible above the band of your lowered underwear. “Can I see?” 
“Yeah, sure,” you lowered them further exposing yourself, your inhibition long gone at that point. “This is just how I normally like to groom. I can shave it completely if you prefer?” 
“Nah, it’s perfect,” he smiled. “Well, I think I have a pretty good idea now of what you like and what we’ll be getting ourselves into tomorrow. Do you have any questions or anything else you want me to know, before we end the call?” 
“I don’t think so,” you said. “Shawnie pretty much laid it all out on those forms,” you laughed. 
“That she did!” He produced a chuckle as well. “I meant to ask earlier, but, since she knows so much about your kinks and what not, have you two ever —“
“ No, just best friends, I tend to overshare, I guess.” 
“Yeah it amazes me sometimes, the things women  share with their friends, but yet guys are always the ones who are known to kiss and tell and brag about their conquests. Females can be just as bad, y’all just keep it on the low a little better,” he stated. “Well, I look forward to working with you tomorrow. Take care, and I’ll see you soon.”
“Can’t wait!” You responded. “Bye.”
You felt oddly comforted and at ease after the call, no longer a ball of nerves or embarrassment. He made you feel like there was no shame in enjoying the things you did. He was very professional despite the nature of the call; it didn’t feel sleezy or overly salacious; just two consenting adults having a mature conversation about their sexual desires. 
When you walked out of hair and make-up and onto set, you saw Colson waiting for you on a red leather couch. He was clad in only black dress pants; shirtless — his tattoos on full display. He smiled seductively when he saw you, beckoning you over with a pat to his thighs. You undid your silk robe they had given you and let it slip from your shoulders to the floor, revealing the red lacy set Shawnie had bought you, as you made your way over to him. You suddenly became very aware of all the cameras and other people in the room, as you sat on his lap. Somehow it has slipped your mind that they were all a part of what went into this.
“You get used to it,” he said softly , remembering the way he felt his first time in front of the cameras. “Just pretend they’re not even there— only me and you, okay?” He said brushing a finger along your thigh. “Unless, Shawnie forgot to mention you’re an exhibitionist too, then by all means enjoy them watching us fuck,” he joked, making you laugh. “Don’t forget, if you need me to stop at anytime for any reason, just give me three quick taps,” he demonstrated, tapping your thigh. “Don’t worry about the filming, they can always edit and piece things back together if needed. This is all for you and I want you to enjoy yourself. Oh and happy birthday by the way! It’s today right?”
“Yeah,” you smiled. “Thank you.”
“Ok, so we’ll just start the scene with some kissing and light touches, and when I feel you’re ready I’ll signal the camera man, he’ll call action, and then we'll be recording.”
“Sounds good,” you nodded your head. He had made you feel so comfortable and relaxed the last bit of nervousness you chalked up to just being slightly star struck; You never thought in a million years you’d get this opportunity.
“Ready?,” he pressed his forehead to yours, staring directly into your eyes, the corners of his mouth turned up into the most alluring devilish grin. 
“Ready,” you echoed back, biting your lip trying to suppress a needy whine. God you were always such a sucker for his killer eye contact in his films, and now you were the one his eyes were soul fucking. You’re heart pounded with excited anticipation as Colson’s face drew nearer to your own. He lightly held your chin as he pressed his lips to yours, parting them to introduce his tongue. It was a welcome greeting, cut short by the breathy “oh fuck ” that involuntarily slipped from your lips.
“”You good?” He laughed softly, a small puff of air the only thing separating your mouths; your foreheads still touching. 
“More...than good,” you spoke in a short choppy sentence trying to compose yourself. 
“That’s what I like to hear,” he smirked against your lips, continuing to kiss you. 
You melted into his kisses— slow and gentle at first,  increasing in intensity as he carried on. When he nipped at your bottom lip with a low groan, you lost all innocence, shifting positions to straddle his lap. You gripped the back of his head, as he kissed you and rolled your hips against him, demanding more. And that’s when he knew … that you were ready.  He quickly signaled to the cameraman with a thumbs up, and “Action” was called. 
His hand slipped down from your chin, settling on the highest part of your neck just under your jaw, his fingers squeezing at your pulse points on either side. Roughly he turned your head to the side with a push of his thumb and his mouth began mauling your neck with an appetite for lust, leaving blooming raspberry patches along the descending path of flesh that lead to your breasts. With one hand he expertly undid the front clasp of your red lace bra and took in the sight of you.
 “Perfect,” he whispered into your flesh with a growl, taking one breast  in each hand as he licked between them, keeping his eyes locked on yours. You slid the silky straps of your lingerie over your shoulders, letting it fall, as he took turns going back and forth between each breast treating each of your nipples to light suction and a pleasurable nibble. You let out a moan at his actions and again rolled your hips in his lap, pressing yourself against the hardening bulge inside his dress pants. “Needy are we?” He teased swiftly  spinning you around so your back was to his chest. He dug his chin into your shoulder peering over it as he snatched up the crotch of your panties roughly, tugging the material up between your lips . You canted your hips up chasing after the friction of the coarse fabric against your clit. “You like that, huh?” He pulled them harsher. 
“Mmmm, yes” you squeaked out, nodding your head.
“Yeah, I bet you do,” he growled nipping at your neck. “Look at this pretty pussy,” he shoved the material to the side exposing you, letting his fingers explore your folds as he pleased. “You want my cock right in here huh?” His voice was so gravelly and low as he slipped a finger inside you, only to quickly pull it back out, teasing you. “Taste yourself,” he brought the finger to your mouth. You wrapped your lips around it, as he slid it further into your mouth, his long fingers slipping down the back of your throat. “Oh, god, yes!” He exclaimed impressed by how you didn’t even gag. “Tell ya what—“ he paused to add a second finger to your mouth, continuing to talk as you sucked “If you can suck my dick as good as that—“   he then pulled them back out of your mouth. “I might just have to fuck you right in here too,” he shoved his spit slicked fingers into your ass.
“Yes, fuck, please!” You whined, wiggling your hips, wanting his fingers deeper.  
“You like that? Huh. You dirty little anal whore!” He grabbed your neck with his free hand, keeping you pinned back against him, the fingers of his other hand still moving inside you.
“Yes, yes! I am,” you strained to speak. “Please, please fuck my ass!” You whined impatiently with pleasure. You never heard yourself sound so needy and desperate in your life.
“You sound you pretty when you beg, but you're gonna have to earn it first,” he demanded pulling out his fingers,  leaving you feeling empty. Quickly, you dropped to your knees in front of the couch as Colson got up standing before you. You waited impatiently while Colson unbuckled his belt above you. Once undone he yanked the belt free from the loops with a satisfying ‘whoosh’ that made you pulse between your thighs. You desperately clawed his pants and boxers  down his legs like a feral cat in heat as Colson brought the tip to your mouth, still holding onto his belt in the other. “Open!,” he demanded. “Goooood,” he growled in praise as you did what you were told. You reached up to grab it but ,“no hands!” he smacked them away, and then secured them behind your back with his belt. “Let’s try this again, open!” He spoke harshly. You obliged, opening wide. “Tongue” he barked.  You let it hang from your mouth with anticipation; eager breaths rolling down it like a panting dog eyeing a steak. He teased you, slapping his cock against your tongue before shoving it fully into your mouth. Your eyes prickled with tears as you fought your gag reflex, taking him down your throat. He held your head in place with one hand , the tip of your nose pressed flush against the coarse hair of his pelvis, as he hunched his body forward over yours untying the sides of your G-string. It slipped from your body leaving you completely nude. Colson smacked your ass, then gripped it harshly, making it jiggle for him before finally standing straight up and pulling his hips back to let you come up for air. 
“Huuuuuuhhhh,” you inhaled sharply gasping for breath, letting oxygen penetrate deep into your lungs before Colson stuffed your mouth again. Mascara ran down your hollowed out cheeks as you sucked. You started pulling back out of instinct when you began to gag but Colson held you in place. 
“No, keep it in your mouth,” he instructed condescendingly, looking down at you. “Just a little longer” he promised. You tried your best, Colson letting out a throaty moan every time your raw, used throat constricted around him as he fucked into it. “Mmmgghh,” he groaned, pulling out of your mouth “Goooood girl,” he praised with a smirk, before bending down to give you a sloppy kiss, swapping mouthfuls of saliva. Just as he pulled away he let a long string of collected spit slip from his pursed lips and into your open mouth, where you eagerly accepted it, moaning as you swallowed it down. 
 You let out a breathy “awhhh” as you opened your mouth again, wiggling your tongue enticingly. 
“Such a dirty, fucking whore,” he bent down again and spat directly in your face. He smeared it all over your face with his hand before grabbing you by the neck, pulling you to your feet. “Turn around,” he ordered. You did as he said and Colson undid his belt from around your wrists. Before you even had a chance to soothe your sore wrists with a rub, Colson spun you around and pushed you down onto your back on the couch, your ass teetering on the edge of the red leather cushion. “Spread yourself for me,” he instructed, as he pumped himself. Again you did as you were told; you pulled your legs up, wrapping an arm around each thigh, holding them back as you parted your opening with your fingers.  “God, you’re so fucking wet.” He teased the head of his cock through the glistening mess on display for him. 
“Fuck me,” you said in an inpatient huff, staring into his eyes. 
“Awhhh, yessss,” he groaned out, slack jawed as he sank into you
“Ohhh, shit,” you screamed out , face twisted in pleasure, your eyes slipping shut, at the feeling of him burying himself deep in your cunt.
“Open your eyes. Look at me!” He spoke harshly, cupping your face in his hands as he thrust. You opened your eyes, trying to focus on his, but your vision was  spotted by the intensity of it all. “Feel good?” He pressed his forehead to yours just as he’d done earlier , starring directly into the windows to your soul as he fucked you. You nodded the best you could, but that wasn’t good enough for him. “Words, I want words. Say yes!”
“Yes.. yes,” you responded breathily, biting at your lip.
“Yeah, Mmmghhh, that’s it. Fuck, I like it when you use your words”  he moaned , shifting himself to be more upright. He then spit on the tips of his fingers and brought them to your clit and began rubbing it furiously, his cock still destroying you.
“OH Fuck!” You cried out, wiggling and bucking your hips. 
“You gonna fucking stay still? He roughly grabbed your face, squeezing your cheeks. You nodded your head, trying your best to calm your body’s erratic, pleasure driven movements as he thrust. “Words!” He spat, his hand letting go of your face only to connect it to your cheek again with a quick, yet harsh slap.
“Shit! ...Yes!” You corrected yourself once again, Your body was  loving how aggressive he was getting the longer he fucked you and he could tell;  spitting at and striking your face again.
“Turn over!”  He ordered, abruptly pulling out. “Hands on the back of the couch.” He roughly assisted you in turning around , and you placed your hands where instructed. You arched your back and pushed your ass out waiting for him to re enter you from the new position. “This is where you really want it, huh?” He teased his cock over your asshole. 
“Yes!,” you remembered to use your words this time.
“You’re a dirty little fucking anal whore, aren’t you? He asked, he question sounding a lot more like a statement. “Let me hear you said it.” He applied pressure to your hole with the tip, as he yanked back a fist full of your hair.
“I’m a dirty little fucking anal whore!,” you repeated desperately pushing back against him.
“Mmmghh!, That you are!” He confirmed with a groan, snapping hips hips forward, quickly entering you. 
“Uhhhhh, Oh my God!” You exclaimed at the feeling. You never fully understood why you enjoyed anal as much as you did, perhaps it was the pleasurable fullness, the taboo aspect, the fact that you were one of the few woman who were into it, or the way so many men were obsessed with it , and the look on their face when they found out you were more than willing to take it up the ass, but you absolutely loved it, and this time was no different. Every jack hammered thrust brought you closer and closer to the edge, especially when Colson reached around to between your legs adding the friction of his fingers to your clit. The sensation of your ass being stuffed combined with his  touch was the perfect recipe for orgasm and you felt it building every time his cock slid in and out. 
“Yeah, cum for me,” he could feel you tightening around him. His words perfectly in sync with the  jolt of pleasure boiling over in your abdomen and ripping through you with vast intensity. A series of explitives and sounds you’ve never heard yourself make, flew from you lips as your body went boneless under Colson. He quickly pulled out, turned you back over and came across your face with a few pumps of his hand. He collapsed to the side of you briefly, before tugging you off the couch and onto your knees. “I’m not done with you just yet,” he spoke out of breath taking his softening dick in his hand. Your eyes lit up, you knew what he was referring too— the only thing on your list of wants he hadn’t included yet. “Say ahhh!”
“Ahhh,” you echoed the request, letting his golden stream fill your mouth, splash off your tongue and dribble down your chin and body. You giggled, piss spilling from your smile as you looked up at him, all your fantasies now fulfilled. 
“Annnd cut!” Called the director. A few stage hands scrambled to bring you both a towel and small refreshments. “Almost done, just gonna get you guys a little cleaned up, rehydrated, let you catch your breath a bit, and then film the little quick, post scene interview. 
“Ok,” you both answered.
Colson tossed his towel over his shoulders and reached out his hand to you “You, good?” He asked with a faint laugh , watching your hand shake as you drank your water.
“Yeah,” you answered letting him pull you up onto the couch. 
“You were amazing,” he said, rubbing your back. He knew the come down from the adrenal rush of scenes could be taxing, especially from rough ones . “You —“
“Ready,” the director interrupted, cutting him short, and immediately pressing record. “So how was it?” the director focused the camera on you first. 
“Oh my god.. mind blowing,” you answered , still out of breath, adjusting your towel. 
“And you?” The director turned the camera to Colson.
“ Absolutely amazing. She was a natural. I’d love to work with her again.”
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lonely-teddy-bear · 3 years
Hey, can you do this that Harry and reader are bffs and they are drunk and fuck and don't remember anything and reader is pregnant but doesn't know who the father is bcoz she had her last fuck months ago plss do tag me plssssssss😭🥺🥺
Word count: 1.25k
a/n: I had this half done before I finished it today. I know its not much but I might do a second part of Harry’s POV???? Only if y’all want it of course :)
warnings: tiny smut, not so detailed.
Hands roamed over my body, panting being heard through the room. Our breaths were heavy as we kissed and touched each other over our clothes. Not long after clothes was scattered on the floor, leaving us with nothing.
"God y/n i've wanted you for so long."
I moaned when I heard Harry say that. Harry and I were nothing but best friends but tonight we drank a little too much and ended up playing truth or dare. I ended up getting Harry and we were dated to do 7 minutes in heaven and let me tell you, it was heaven.
Harry's lips trailed down my neck and to my chest, the lower he got the messier I felt. My hands were on his hair, gripping it for dear life. The more I tugged it, the more moans I heard from Harry.
"Fuck Harry just fuck me already," I couldn't handle the kisses on my body, the heat running through my body and the butterflies I felt when he said my name.
He moved up my body while he licked me at the same time. I felt goosebumps through my body but ignored them when I saw Harry looking at me. He was taller than me but we were at perfect height for each other.
Grabbing me by my face with both hands, he kissed me my mouth being slightly open which Harry took advantage off and slipped his tongue into my mouth.
Walking towards the bed he pushed me into the bed, causing me to jump lightly. I looked at him, roamed my eyes from head to toe, admiring my his body. "Fuck you're hot Y/n."
Sending him a smile on which he returned, he crawled over me and kissed me. His hands were back on my body, a hand on my chest, teasing my left nipple while the other hand roamed down to my hip and then to my leg. He slightly spread them apart, causing me to moan at the close contact. I could feel my wetness on my legs which meant I needed to be fucked.
"Oh Harry. Please." I wasn't one to beg but I was drunk and horny.
"Please just touch me already."
"Harry." I moaned, spreading my legs for him.
I sat up quickly, looking around and then looking at the door where Harry was standing, looking at me awkwardly.
"You okay? You uh... you were moaning my name."
Fuck, you thought.
I looked away from Harry and sat up straight, covering my pantless legs with the blanket.
"Sorry. I don't know where this dreams are coming from," I looked up at him, seeing how he would react but he was looking at me as if this wasn't new.
"I too have them to be honest." my eyes widened. He dreamed about me too?
He took a deep breath and looked around, with a clap he walked backwards and pointed at me before leaving and saying, "get up, we're going for breakfast."
"Geez what's with all this woman being pregnant?" I scrunched my face when I saw a woman with toddlers. It's not that I don't like babies but it looked as if there was a virus going around causing the woman to be pregnant.
I looked back at Harry who was eating, minding his business.
To think of it, I haven't had my period.
"Harry you remember when it was the last time I got my period?" He stopped eating, placing his fork on the plate and looked at me with a serious face.
"Why now? Can't this wait after we leave?" I shook my head.
He let out a sigh and closed his eye, rubbing them with his palm.
"Geez I don't know. Like a month ago or so? Why?" My eyes widened. That can't be true. My periods are regular unless I change my diet or stress a lot but lately i've been fine.
Pregnancy can't be because I haven't slept with anyone in months.
I looked down at my body and then looked at Harry.
"Do I looked pregnant?" Harry raised a brow at me and looked at me as if I was stupid.
"You got the food belly but aren't pregnant." Then his eyes widened. "Wait... Are you? If you are then who's the daddy?
I send him a glare. "I can't be pregnant. I haven't slept with anyone in months."
"Think you could be having the next Christ?" I send him a glare and kicked him under the table.
"Damn, the fuck. Fine we'll go to the doctor geez woman."
Pregnant? How could that be?
I looked at Harry who looked as if he hadn't blinked in a while, looking pale.
"Holy shit. You are having the next Jesus." I rolled my eyes at his comment and looked back at the doctor.
"This can't be right. I haven't had sex with anyone for months."
"Well the results says other wise. Try to think about the night you don't remember. Trust me that will be the night you slept with someone." I slowly nodded, thinking about the one night I had no recollection of.
"If anything just call. What ever your decision is just make an appointment and we'll talk about your options. Okay?" I nodded, giving her a smile and thanking her.
Harry and I left the office and left to the apartment that we shared as roommates.
"Who'd you think is the dad?" Harry said once we walked in to our apartment. The ride over was quite, mostly because I was trying to put pieces together. By the time we arrived to the apartment my head was hurting from all the thinking. There’s no way I could be pregnant, I haven’t slept with anyone in months because of how busy I have been and because of the lack of interest I had on anyone.
Walking into our apartment I headed straight to my room, ignoring Harry and his calls to me. I just wanted to be alone, be able to thing and hope I can find the answer to this pregnancy.
After showering and getting ready to go to bed early due to the mental exhaustion I had, I sat on the bed, coming out my hair while I looked forward to the wall. The doctors voice hasn’t left my head, telling me how I was a couple of weeks pregnant. What didn’t help was the fact that I still didn’t know who the baby daddy was. I wasn’t going to raise a child on my own, maybe if Harry helped me but I would feel bad for him. He would just be stuck with me and the baby.
The thought of Harry made me think about the dreams. I have been having dreams about him and I having sex, also didn’t help that it felt so real. I could feel him on my body and I would even wake up from how deep it went. It all felt too real.
It couldn’t be. We couldn’t have slept together because if we did we would have remembered, I would have remembered.
I got into bed after brushing my hair and laid on my bed, sighing at the comfort of it.
My eyes couldn’t stay open any longer, I was too tired to stay awake to think some more. But when I did drift off to sleep I couldn’t help but to think about how Harry also had the same sex dream with me.
Tags: @delicate1294
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buckys-black-dress · 4 years
a/n: here she is!!! while i work on afl, here is my crackfic on tattoo artist bucky!! if u haven’t caught on yet, most of my writing is au’s because of all the possibilites in terms of scenarios and storylines. anyways, i hope you enjoy, lovies!!! xoxo, ali <3
wc: 2.8k 
[tattoo artist!bucky x fem!reader]
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It was like an addiction. 
Your first tattoo you got was simple. It was a dainty, small one on your wrist.
But now, it was slowly developing into a sleeve.
Not that you minded, though. Your forearm was slowly becoming filled with designs that you kept going back and getting here and there.
And at the tattoo parlor near your apartment in Brooklyn, you had become a regular at this point.
It was called B&R Tattoo Shop, and it was run by two of the kindest, but most attractive men you’ve ever met. 
You’ve come to find out after getting to know the owners, that they opened the shop a bit after they returned from their second tour in the army and wanted to settle back in their hometown.  
Steve and James were hospitable to you, especially when they first met you. Steve was the one to meet you and speak with you at first, but he handed you off to James, or Bucky as he asked you to call him, because he was the artist at their shop that specialized in more of what you were looking for in terms of style. 
As far as first tattoo conversations go, you and Bucky got to know each other pretty well in one session. The tattoo itself took less than an hour, but it felt like Bucky was... prolonging it in a way, like he wanted to keep you there longer.
As you swung open the door of the shop, you were greeted by their piercer, Natasha. 
“Hey, back for another already?” She smirks from her spot behind the desk. While she wasn’t piercing, she usually worked the front if there was no one else free.
Your first tattoo had been done by Bucky, and you instantly fell in love.
With the tattoo. 
Well, Bucky too. Just a little bit.
He was extremely soothing and eased you into the process of tattooing you. He told you when something was going to happen, and as soon as you got used to the feeling of the needle against your skin. 
The more he talked to you, the less pain you felt. It was already not that painful, but you almost forgot about it with him talking to you. When he looked up to you as he finished, you looked like a confused puppy.
“Okay, all done, doll.” Bucky looked up at you, moving to turn off his machine.
“Oh... that was fast.” You furrowed your brows.
“Well, yeah, we moved pretty fast since it was a pretty small piece.” He explains, grabbing a paper towel and the anti-bacterial spray.
“Do you mind if I take a quick picture of it? I usually do, for my portfolio.” Bucky asks, inspecting the tattoo closely once again.
“Oh, yeah, that’s fine.” You wait for him to pull out his camera, take the picture, and he comes back with a piece of plastic film in his hand.
“Okay, so this saniderm has to stay on for about three days. This is how it’ll heal, and when you take it off just wash it up with a gentle soap and use a cream without any fragrance or any of that crap. I can give you a little of that spray if you wanna use it to clean it up if you ever feel like it’s dirty.” Bucky explains, giving you a mini bottle of the antibacterial spray.
“Thank you,” you say, moving to sit up in the chair. “How much do I owe you?”
“Uh, just about $40.” Bucky says without eye contact, heading to the computer at the front counter.
“$40? That’s it? When I signed the waiver it said the shop minimum was $75...?” You wonder out loud.
“Let’s just say you get a special discount, doll.” He smirks, typing something into the computer and only sparing you a glance.
“O-Oh. Alright.” You say sheepishly, handing him your credit card.
“Okay, you’re all set. Hopefully I’ll see you again soon.” He tells you with a gentle smile. It really contrasted his aura; a big, beefy guy with a metal prosthetic arm, covered in probably hundreds of tattoos. But here he was, smiling like sunshine.
“I think I will be. Have a nice day, Bucky.” 
“You too, sweetheart.” He gives you that smirk again, making you feel like you might actually pass out. And not because you just had a needle jabbed into your skin for almost an hour.
“Uh, I already talked to Bucky for my session today. I know I’m a bit early, I can wait if he’s still working on someone else.” You tell Natasha with a smile.
“Sure, let me get you your waiver.” She says, and you plop down into one of the chairs at the front and pulling out your book to pass time after filling out the form.
After a few minutes, Bucky emerges with a girl from his little tattooing corner.
You hear his voice first, looking up from the book while he talks to her.
“Okay, since this was your first piece and pretty small, I’ll only charge ya $55 for it, doll.” Bucky tells the girl with a smile, and you immediately feel a pang in your chest.
You didn’t want to say you were jealous, but goddamn it, your breathing became just a little more shallow at the sight you were currently witnessing.
Even Natasha and Steve turned their heads to him, confused looks on both of their faces.
“Oh! Y/N, you’re here! C’mon back, I’m sure Nat already set you up with your waiver.” You nod, not saying a word as you follow him to the familiar chair.
“So, are we still doing what we discussed on the phone?” Bucky asks, setting up his area to tattoo you.
“Actually, I was thinking something different.” You say sharply.
“Different?” The shock is evident on his features. 
“Yeah. Different. Just want a little something on my collarbone.” You say, sitting down. 
“O-Okay... what were you thinking of?” He asks, pulling out his sketchbook.
“I want an olive branch, going from here to here.” You show him where you want it to start and end. It was a bit of a stretch right across the left side of your chest. “Something simple and minimal. I’ve been thinking of starting the top of my sleeve, this might be a good way to transition into it.” You say nonchalantly.
“Uhm... alright. How does this look?” Bucky asks, showing you his sketch. “I would, of course, add more detail to your liking, just let me know.” 
“Yeah, I want some more shading, please.” You say shortly. You honestly weren’t trying to be mean, but you were irritated.
But in the end, you really had no right to be. 
After almost ten sessions with Bucky, he hasn’t made any indication that he likes you the way you like him.
Sure, he calls you pet names, but he does that to everyone. Even discounts. You weren’t special. He was just being nice and doing his job.
So honestly, you had to cut the act here.
“Are you sure this is what you want? Are you saving the other design for our next session?” Bucky asks, growing more and more concerned with your odd behavior. Usually you would talk to him about your day, how work was, really anything. 
“I don’t know. I think I might ask Steve to do that one instead.” You say out of spite, more than anything. You would never take a design that Bucky made specially for you to another person to tattoo on you, even if it was his own business partner.
“Wha- Why? Did I do something? You’ve been acting really weird today...” Bucky questions you carefully. “Talk to me, doll. Did you have a bad day at work?”
But that, that right there, was your breaking point. Doll. 
“No, I’m fine. Let’s just get this done.” You huff, laying down after nodding to the sketch that Bucky drew out. 
Bucky’s brows furrowed even further, but didn’t ask any more questions. He laid down the stencil and asked if the placement was alright. You looked in the mirror he handed you and nodded briefly. 
The entire time Bucky had the machine in his hand, neither of you spoke a word. He tried to make brief conversation, but you only responded with a hum or nod. 
When he finally finished up, you got up and headed to the counter without a word after looking at the finished tattoo in the mirror. 
Your face was blank, emotionless, and Bucky was truly lost. 
After you paid the full price of your piece, you walked out of the shop, not even sparing anyone a glance. 
Once you left, the shop was dead silent. Everyone either just finished up with a client or didn’t have any at the moment, and the shop was blanketed in an extremely uncomfortable silence.
“What the hell was that, man?” Sam’s voice broke the silence, making Bucky’s head snap towards him. 
“I-I... I have no idea. She was acting so...so weird today.” Bucky looked more confused than ever.
“You’re an idiot, you know that?” Natasha’s voice cuts through the palpable silence.
“Wh- What the hell did I do? I asked her too, and she didn’t give me an answer...” Bucky mumbles.
“Do you like her?” She fires back with a fire in her eyes.
“W-Well, yeah. She’s a regular.” Bucky answers, looking at his fiddling hands.
“Not like that, you dunce. You know what I mean, don’t act dumb.” Natasha rolls her eyes.
Bucky sighs, not making eye contact yet again.
“I-... I do like her.” He says. “But I don’t think she feels the same.” 
“Jesus fucking Christ... You really are a dumbass.” Sam sighs out.
Steve snorts at his words, nodding in agreement.
“Buck, she got jealous.” He explains, shaking his head at his best friend’s obliviousness.
“J-Jealous? Of what?” Bucky scoffs in shock.
“That girl you had right before her. Gave her a discount, called her pet names. The whole shabang.” Natasha points out to him. “Also, you gotta stop giving out discounts like that. You’ll lose more money than you’re makin’.” Natasha scoffs. 
“Wh- But... She never said anything...?” Bucky thinks back to all the times you’ve sat in his chair. You never made any indication that you were outwardly interested in him.
“I think she said enough today without actually saying much.” Steve laughs. His friend was a real idiot.
“I... But, why didn’t she say anything before?” Bucky asked.
“Buck, you never said anything either. I guess that when she heard you talk to that girl like that, she thought you really didn’t like her like that at all. You treated that girl the same way you treat her.” Natasha explains to Bucky, who had a look of realization on his face.
“But... I was just... being nice...” He says with his head in his hands. 
“Well, now she thinks you do that with all you clients, so...” Sam says, making the brunet’s head shoot up.
“Fuck. Fuck. I fucked up everything!” He exclaims. “I-I do like her!” 
“Well, don’t tell us that, tell her!” Sam shouts back to him, and before Bucky can process, he’s pulling out his phone and dialing your phone number.
“C’mon, pick up, pick up,” He mumbles repeatedly, but the call goes to voicemail. “Fuck.”
“Not pickin’ up?” Steve questions, coming to the front and picking up the shop phone. “Gimme her number, she’s doesn’t have to shop saved to her phone, right?” 
“No, I don’t think she does.” Bucky says, watching as Steve dials your number.
“Hello?” Your voice sounds annoyed as it filters through the phone. “Who’s this?” 
“Uh, Y/N! Hi!” Steve speaks, looking at Bucky in a panic, his facial expression screaming, ‘talk to her!’ 
“Steve? What’s up?” You ask, wondering what he needed. 
“You uhh... you forgot your book here!” He blurts out, trying to find an excuse, but quickly found one upon seeing your book resting on the seat where you were waiting. 
“O-Oh... I guess I’ll just turn around. I’ll be there in a few. Thanks, Steve.” You say, ready to hang up.
“O-Okay. Bye, Y/N.” He clears his throat, hanging up. “You have like, ten minutes to get your shit together and talk to her when she gets here. Good luck.” Steve pats Bucky on the shoulder, ready to haul Natasha and Sam to the back to give you two some privacy.
Bucky thought that this was the longest ten minutes of his life, and he was trying to conjure up a speech in his head to confess to you.
Finally, when you did appear through the doors, you looked lost. You only saw Bucky, which made you even more aggravated from the fact that you had to turn back around.
You were ready to head home and wallow in peace, but alas, you wanted your book. 
Bucky just watched as you picked up the book from his grasp across the desk, your eyes not meeting his while he kept his gaze on you very intently. 
Just as you turned around to leave, Bucky’s voice cut through the unbearable silence.
“Y/N?” He simply asks, and you feel like the wind’s been knocked out of your lungs at the sound of his small voice. This wasn’t the Bucky you knew and... loved.
“Yes, James?” You simply respond, and Bucky cringes at the sound of his first name being used. 
“Can I talk to you for a second?”
“...Why? Is everything alright?” And although your voice didn’t give it away, you felt your heart drop to your stomach. Any possible scenario popped into your head. He has a girlfriend. He’s gonna tell you he doesn’t wanna see you anymore. He-
“E-Everything’s fine, doll. Just wanted to tell you that... That I...” Bucky’s voice sounded strained, like there was something caught in his throat.
“Bucky, just spit it out.” You say, wanting to leave already.
“It’s just- I like you. A lot. And I’m so sorry for earlier with that other client. I was just trying to be nice, but I realized how that looked to you, and I never thought anything of it because I didn’t know if you liked me back or-” Bucky was rambling, and your eyes were wide as saucers.
“Bucky, Bucky stop. Let me talk before you drive your own head in with conclusions,” you say, resting your hand on top of his on the desk.
“I like you a lot, too. I didn’t think you like me either because of that girl before me. You just- you treated her the same way you treated me, and I got jealous. I know I didn’t have the right to be, but it just made me think that... that you didn’t feel the same way about me, that I was just another client to you. I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions, and also for being kind of a bitch to you...” Now you were the one rambling, your hands flying all over the place in explanation.
“D-Doll, I never wanted to make you feel that way. I’m sorry, too. I should’ve told you before, before I almost blew everything with you that we’ve been building these past months.” He says placing one large tattooed hand and one metal hand on the sides of your face. “But I’m not gonna miss my chance again. Y/N, would you like to go on a date with me?”
“I-I would love to, Bucky. Took you long enough to ask me.” You giggle, holding onto the hands on your face.
“Yeah, well, I’m kind of an idiot, if you haven’t already noticed.” He laughs, gazing into your eyes with a look that almost turned you to mush in his hands. 
“Do... do ya wanna go now?” You ask, nodding your head to the door.
“Sure, let me go grab my jacket from the back.” He tells you, and you nod, watching as he keeps his eyes on you until he disappears to the back.
“My man, who would’ve thought you’d finally man up?” Sam ridicules him as soon as Bucky appears.
“Dude, shut up. I got a date to get to, see you losers later.” He rolls his eyes, moving back out where you’re smiling at him.
“Ready, angel?” Bucky asks, slipping his hand into yours.
“Ready, handsome.” You reply, and as soon as you step out into the fall air, you plant a kiss on his cheek. “Where to, lover boy?”
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nugnthopkns · 4 years
if everything could ever feel this real forever
word count: 4.3k
warnings: explicit!fem reader, cursing, alcohol consumption, allusion to sexual content (nothing explicit but minors please be aware!)
recommended listening: everlong | foo fighters
a/n: broke down and wrote for ratty matty. alternalty titled four times matthew thinks you’re the one and one time he knows (4+1′s are fun to write, pls don’t fight me). also pls ignore the fact i don’t know how airports work, i’ve only ever flown domestically lmao
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Matthew feels different when you’re around. 
You don’t turn him into a completely different person. He’s still himself – an absolute pest at times – but more genuine. With you he can feel everything deeply, say whatever’s on his mind without the fear of being judged. It’s the best kind of different, and he wouldn’t change it for the world. His teammates constantly ask him when he’s going to lock you down; put a ring on your finger and change your last name, but he needs to be sure before he makes such a big commitment. 
It’s the beginning of July, and you’re sweating buckets in the back of an Uber. The driver has the air cranked, but nothing seems to alleviate the heat. You know it will be worse in St. Louis so you do your best not to complain, but it’s hard. Taking two weeks off to visit your boyfriend in his hometown sounded like a great idea, but reading the weather forecast has you re-evaluating the trip. 
Your phone lights up in your lap, and you eagerly unlock it. It’s a text from Matthew. Have a safe flight. Text me when you land. Tayrn will be there to pick you up – Brady and I’s on-ice got extended. I’ll see you when I get home. Love you. 
Though you wish he could be the first person you see when you touch down, you understand that his job comes first. Besides, your re-unification will be more private this way. I get to see the best Tkachuk first, fuck yeah you reply, before following it up with Love you too Matty. See you soon. 
Soon after sending the text you arrive at the entrance of Calgary International Airport. With a polite thank you to your driver, you grab your suitcase and head inside. The working air conditioning answers your silent prayers and you feel your body slowly return to a normal temperature. Check in is fast, and before you know it you’re breezing through security. A slightly nervous traveller, you’re at the gate earlier than you need to be. The plane doesn’t take off for another two hours. You don’t mind the wait, listening to a couple of podcast episodes and grabbing a snack at the lounge before boarding. 
The five hour flight passes in the blink of an eye. St. Louis is busier than Calgary, and it takes you longer than you thought it would to get through customs. Once passed immigration and at the baggage carousel you let Matthew know you’re safely inside the city limits. You grab your obnoxious suitcase – a bright red thing with a giant Flames logo that Matthew thought would be funny to give you – and set out to find Tayrn. She’s easy to spot, waving a giant poster with your name on it. Abandoning nearly all airport etiquette, you rush through the crowd to see her. Over the years she’s become a little sister and close friend, and you really wish you could see her more frequently. 
“Y/N!” Taryn squeals as you wrap your arms around her. The pair of you embrace for another moment or two before making your way to her car. Neither of you can stop talking, so excited to be in each other’s presence.
“It’s so nice to be back,” you sigh. “I really do like St. Louis.” 
Tayrn giggles. “You’re just excited to see Matthew.” 
Though she isn’t wrong, you swat her bicep in faux annoyance. “What? Can a girl not enjoy a nice Midwestern city?” You push your sunglasses up onto the bridge of your nose before continuing. “Besides, I only came here to see you. I see enough of Matt at home.”
She rolls her eyes but extends her arm so you can fist bump her. With a quick look to make sure the way is clear, Taryn exits the parking spot and heads in the direction of your temporary home. The open sunroof allows the wind to whip through your hair and you struggle to tame it enough to put it in a ponytail. One Direction blasts from the stereo, and you join Taryn in screaming the lyrics until your lungs hurt. Being on vacation, even if it’s only to St. Louis, is so freeing. You don’t have to deal with work deadlines or friendship drama. All that matters is spending time with Matthew. 
When you pull into the Tkachuk’s driveway it’s empty. It’s Thursday afternoon; Chantal’s at work, Keith is golfing with friends, and the boys are at the rink. You take a few minutes to unpack, filling Matthew’s drawers with your clothes, before joining Taryn by the pool. St. Louis is just as hot as the city you left, and the travel has left you feeling below average. A quick swim is sure to be the perfect remedy. 
The water is the right kind of cool, and alleviates any stress you were possibly feeling. You’re properly in vacation mode now, lounging on pool floaties and gossiping with Taryn. An hour later when Matthew returns home you’re in basically the same position. Stepping out into the yard he sees you urging Taryn to turn around so you can place sunscreen onto the one spot she missed, laughing all the while at some ridiculous celebrity rumor she’s telling you. Seeing you get along so easy with his sister, and the rest of his family, makes his heart swell.
In the couple of months you’ve been separated, Matthew’s thought a lot about his future. Specifically about his future with you. When he closes his eyes he can see it clearly: the two of you married with children and a dog, living in a house in the mountains and loving life. It’s idyllic, and even though he knows you’d say yes if he asked you, Matthew still can’t bring himself to do it. There’s something in the back of his brain telling him to wait until he knows with absolute certainty that you’re it for him.
Not wanting to be separated from you for a minute more, he snaps out of his daze and scurries over. Wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and pressing a kiss to the base of neck, he relishes in how you mould to him immediately, not even questioning who it was. 
“Welcome back baby,” Matthew mumbles into your skin. 
With a chuckle you wriggle slightly in his grasp, allowing yourself to face him. You press a kiss to his lips and it feels like heaven. Absence does make the heart grow fonder, you suppose, because you could stand here kissing Matthew your the rest of your life and be happy. 
“Hi Matty,” you giggle against his lips, parting from him only to rest your forehead on his and twist a curl around your finger.
From somewhere inside the house you hear Brady yell,  “Jesus Christ, you two, get a room.”
Without taking his eyes off you, Matthew replies, “Fuck off Brady!”
The energy inside the Saddledome is electric. It’s the Flames’ first home game in nearly a week, doing an east coast road trip and sweeping every team they faced. Six games later the team is on a nine game winning streaking and are hoping to keep it going. You know how much it matters in this moment – the playoffs are fast approaching and all points they can tally up are needed. 
You had decided months ago to buy rinkside tickets for this game, planning to surprise Matthew. He loves when you sit in the regular crowd, cheering and spilling your beer like any old fan. It’s humbling for the both of you, and honestly you enjoy it. Though you love those in the Better Halves box, you were a hockey fan before dating Matthew and sometimes like to enjoy games by yourself. Plus, your friend was supposed to be in town and join you at the game, and you figured she’d like to experience how insane the area is firsthand.
So you do your best to quickly shimmy around those blocking your seat, beverage in hand. It was all you could do to get to the rink on time, sitting in the dense downtown traffic for nearly three quarters of an hour after rushing out of work. You wanted to make it before warmups started to make sure Matt knows you’re there supporting him. No one really bats an eye at you, which you’re thankful for. In no way are you notorious, but it wouldn’t take a die-hard fan long to recognize you. Sitting down and letting a soft sigh escape your lips, you carefully place your jacket over the seat beside you. At the last minute your friend had to cancel her trip to Calgary, leaving you solo. With a quick look at the clock you see that warm up will start in just under a minute. The players begin to step onto the ice as you sip your beer. Matthew is yet to notice you but you don’t take offence. He’s in the zone and most likely won’t realize you’re sitting right in front of him until halfway through the third period.
“Look daddy, it’s Matthew Tkachuk!” you hear a young boy shriek in excitement. “He’s so fast, I want to play just like him.”
You turn to look and see two rows above you there’s a father and son, who looks around eight. He’s wearing a jersey identical to yours, and from the sounds of his excited chattering it’s his first game. Seeing the young boy so happy to be here, to see your boyfriend, has your heart swelling. You want to make this a game he’ll never forget.
“Hi,” you smile at the father. “I don’t mean to intrude, but I know Matthew quite well. Would you like me to get his attention so your son could meet him?”
A shocked expression makes its way onto the dad’s face, but he doesn’t react negatively. “You’d do that?” he asks. “Riley loves Matthew. Wants to be just like him.” When you nod, he lets you approach the boy. 
“Hey there Riley, I’m Y/N,” you say, smiling and extending a hand to him. “I’m a special friend of Matthew’s. Would you like to meet him?”
The boy looks at his father tentatively, and only once he nods encouragingly does Riley respond to your question. “Yes please.”
“Why don’t you come down here with me and we’ll get his attention?”
With a little help from you, Riley climbs over the seats and plops unceremoniously beside you. You help him straighten out his jersey before beginning a conversation. He tells you he plays in a local youth league and wants to make it to the NHL one day. When prompted, you explain to him that you work a boring office job that you love even though it makes you angry sometimes. It’s all very formal, but after cracking a few jokes you get him to loosen up.
Matthew, still not having noticed you, begins to skate along the boards in your direction. “Watch this,” you whisper-yell to your newfound friend, “I bet he’ll jump super high.”
As soon as Matthew passes your spot you bang on the glass and scream his name. Sure enough, his skates lift a good three inches of the ice and he shrieks. Teammates around him laugh and the look on his face is priceless when he discovers you’re the culprit. 
You smile. “Matty, this is my new friend Riley. He wears number nineteen just like you!” A glance at the boy lets you know he’s starstruck, and your eyes lock with Matthew’s. 
He leans down and rests his hands on his knees, at eye level with the child. “Hi Riley,” he begins. “I’m Matt. I like your jersey.” 
After that, Riley’s a tap that won’t turn off. He details every bit of his day to Matt, and even though their voices are muffled a bit from the glass they get on like two peas in a pod. Matthew is great with children and doesn’t shy away from having legitimate conversations with them. He talks to them like they’re people, which is something you admire about him. The warmup time runs out, but before he heads back to the dressing room Matthew hoists his stick over the glass, giving it to Riley. The younger boy beams and waves goodbye. You blow Matthew a kiss, which he gladly returns, and turn your attention away from him as his figure retreats. 
“Is he your boyfriend?”The question makes you laugh.
“Is it that obvious?” you ask, to which Riley just shrugs. 
“He called you ‘babe’, and my mommy calls my dad that. That means you’re in love,” he says as though it’s the most obvious thing in the entire world. 
Matthew cannot pay attention in the locker room for the life of him. He’s trying really hard to listen to everyone’s hype speeches, but his mind keeps wandering back to the interaction you shared during warm up. You looked so happy watching him interact with the boy you found god knows where within the arena. It’s then he realizes he wants to watch you act like that for the rest of his life. He wants to see you bring excited children to meet him because you have the power to make their nights. His suspicion is confirmed when he steps onto the ice and looks in your direction, finding you and Riley pressed up against the glass cheering loudly.
The Giordano’s are hosting an end-of-season barbeque before everyone scatters into the wind, and you’re going to be late. No matter how much you reminded Matthew of what time you had to leave he still started getting ready as you were finishing up. This typically wouldn’t be a big deal, but he has recently started taking care of his curls, and the routine eats up a lot more time than he anticipates. 
“Matty, are you almost ready? There’s going to be no parking!”
His footsteps echo off the hardwood floor as he comes towards you. “That’s what you’re worrying about, baby? Parking?” Matthew laughs, pulling you into his side and kissing the crown of your head. 
“Yeah Matt, I am. You know I have parking anxiety.”
“I’ll drive then,” he says sweetly. “Besides, it’s been a while since I’ve driven us. Have some fun tonight.”
The short drive across town is full of laughter. Neither of you are great singers, but it doesn’t stop you from belting out lyrics at the top of your lungs. At some point Matthew breaks out a rather terrible impression of Axl Rose and you just have to post it to your instagram story. Captioning with a simple microphone emoji, you slip your phone back into your sweater pocket. Though most certainly warm enough to spend the entire evening outside, Calgary currently has a bit of a proclivity for wind, and you’d rather be prepared. Outside of Mark and Lauren’s house Matthew finds a spot and parallel parks with ease.
“Shut up,” you mumble, poking your tongue out at him. 
Matthew ruffles your hair in retaliation before jumping out of the vehicle, booking it around to the other side so he can open your door. He isn’t slick about hiding his intentions, grabbing a handful off your ass before leaning down to kiss you. Though you’d much rather stand in the cul-de-sac and make out with your boyfriend, you both have appearances to keep up. You get him to stop being a pest kong enough that you can enter the party and pass him off to his teammates. 
You congregate with some of the other girls in the corner of the yard, and enjoy a drink while the sun sets. It’s fun to gossip with them, to catch up one final time before most of them leave. You’ll be staying in Calgary, job tying you down for the foreseeable future. The only thing that’s better than spending time with your friends is glancing at Matthew from across the space. 
He’s enjoying himself, glass of water in hand. When he offered to be the designated driver he was serious, and he took the shit the boys were giving him in stride. Though you’ve only had one gin and tonic and can’t feel the effects of the alcohol, you’re glad he’s staying true to his word. The heightened water intake makes his skin glow, and you’re having a hard time staying focussed on the story Lauren is telling. He catches you staring and shoots you a dazzling smile. Tired of keeping your distance, you excuse yourself from the conversation and saunter over to your boyfriend. 
“Hey Y/N,” Noah says breezily, raising his glass to you in mock salute. You wrap your arms tightly around Matthew’s waist.
“Hanifin,” you smile. “I’m really sorry to do this, but I need to pull Matt away for a quick second.”
No one in the group is the least bit surprised. The two of you have a reputation for being young and in love, sneaking off often and doing everything that entails. Once the two of you are alone you rest a hand on his chest, dangerously close to the button of his shirt. You then move kissing along the underside of his jaw, pressing your body closer to his to ensure he gets the point. 
“Needy baby?” Matthew tries to smirk, but his voice wavers when you reach the junction of his jawbone and earlobe. 
Declining to speak, you continue your actions until he’s just as desperate to get home as you. Though you try to be sneaky as you exit through the back gate, you won’t be surprised if you wake up to a few crude text messages. You’re too far gone to care, solely focussed on showing your boyfriend how much you love him. 
The entire ride home Matthew can barely focus on the road. Not because you’re doing anything particularly risqué, a few too many close calls have put you both off of initiating things in the car, but because he doesn’t ever want to stop sneaking away from events with you. It’s exhilarating in more ways than one, and he hopes the feeling never goes away. Being with you, his best friend, is something he wouldn’t trade for the entire world. So what if he gets chirped by the boys for having precariously placed marks on his back.
September brings a chill to Calgary, but you couldn’t feel warmer. Matthew is due home this afternoon after nearly four months of being away. Of course you visited him in St. Louis, and he even flew back to the city once, but the two of you were mostly separated. Your shared apartment felt cold and lonely without him to annoy you, so you had spent as much time away from it as possible. No longer do you have to fall asleep with Matt’s side of the bed stone cold. 
Though you know he likely won’t care, you’re nervous about the new decor. In an effort to make yourself feel better in Matthew’s absence, you completed some home renovations. Most are superficial, like a new sectional and an ungraded home speaker system, but you had redone the entire kitchen after scrolling through pinterest. The cabinets are a bright yellow, and the walls are a warm cream. Subway tile has also replaced the previous backsplash. You’re quite proud of the way it looks – doing pretty much all of it yourself and only calling your dad when you really needed help. 
You spend much of the morning not doing anything productive, pacing the hallway back and forth. It’s nerve wracking and exciting to have Matthew home. Things will go much smoother with his presence even if he can sometimes be the most annoying person on the planet. You force yourself to eat a small meal before continuing to wear holes into your floor. He’ll arrive in a matter of minutes, and you’re practically vibrating with how much your legs are shaking. 
A key twists in the lock, as though it’s a Pavlovian response, you bound towards the front door. Not even letting him step over the threshold you wrap yourself around him as tightly as possible. Matthew giggles sweetly, and you swear it’s the best sound you’ve ever heard. Tears flow freely down your cheeks and soak through his shirt. In a very ungraceful waddle Matthew carries the both of you inside your home and shuts the door lightly. 
“What’s the matter, Y/N?” Matt asks, obviously concerned because this is more emotional than any homecoming you’ve ever had. 
Through hiccupping sobs, you stutter out, “I painted the kitchen cabinets yellow and you’re going to hate them. And then you’ll want to break up with me but I won’t be able to take them with me.”
“Woah woah woah, slow down baby,” he soothes, rubbing circles on your back. “Why am I going to hate it?”
When you can’t come up with a justifiable answer, he knows your anxiety just got the better of you. Repositioning you slightly so you’re tucked into his side, Matthew walks through the apartment to see the kitchen for himself. He’s blown away by its beauty, and he can see just how much work you put into it. The room is so much brighter and inviting – he can’t imagine having any other kitchen now. 
Once you ramble off an apology for being so dramatic that he won’t accept, the two of you settle into the couch and start a reality television marathon. It’s a tradition that both of you take very seriously, and though he’d never admit it to anyone but you, Matthew looks forward to watching the outlandish dramas. The night is quiet, with you getting through quite a few seasons of Desperate Housewives, and at some point you fall asleep on Matthew’s chest. He knows he should gently move you off of him, start to unpack his bags, but he can’t tear himself away.
He can’t help but stare as you snore softly. There’s nothing Matthew would like more than to spend the rest of his life relaxing after coming home to you. If he’s being completely honest, St. Louis doesn’t feel like home as much anymore, and he finds himself counting down the days until he can return to Calgary. Matt supposes you’re the defining factor, and even Antarctica would feel like home to him if you were there. He never wants to lose that feeling. 
+ one 
There’s ten seconds left on the clock. Ten seconds until the Calgary Flames will become Stanley Cup champions. You’re holding your breath – you know a lot could happen in such a short amount of time. The lead isn’t as wide as you’d like it to be, only one, and you squeeze Taryn’s hand tightly. Everyone in the friends and family box is just as amped up as you. If the choice had been yours, you’d be sitting in the stands of the Saddledome, but in event the Flames win you need to be with everyone else if you want to join the team on the ice. 
Matthew carries the puck up the ice, and you audibly gasp. At the last second, a Bruins defenseman is blocking his view of the net. Not letting the scoring opportunity go for his team, he snaps a pass backwards to Elias Lindholm. A nano-second later the puck is in the back of the net. You possibly scream the loudest of anyone in the box, jumping into Brady’s arms excitedly. 
“Holy shit, they’re going to do it,” you whisper, and Brady nods enthusiastically. The clock now only has two seconds, and there is virtually no way the Bruins can make a comeback. 
You untangle yourself from your boyfriend’s brother and approach his parents. “How exciting is this!” Chantal gushes. 
“So fucking exciting,” you say honestly. “Listen, I want to talk to you about something.”
The Bruins’ head coach is halfway through his timeout, so you have to talk fast. You explain that you want to hang back while the family celebrates with their son and brother. Keith and Chantal try to argue, but you insist. You want them to be the first people to greet him as a Stanley Cup champion. 
A horn signals the return to play, and you return your attention to the ice pad below you. Everything seems to move in slow motion; all you remember is the final whistle being blown and getting crushed in a group hug by everyone else in the room. Your voice goes hoarse from screaming, and tears stream freely down your face. 
The party continues for a short time in the box, but then you’re being led through the arena and out onto the ice. Nodding in the direction of Matthew, you urge the Tkachuks to greet him. You congratulate other members of the team, snapping candid pictures of everyone to share in the group chat later. So many families will treasure the photos that you can’t bring yourself to stop, trying your hardest to grab everyone. 
Once enough time has passed for Matthew to properly be congratulated by his family, you make your way towards him. Wasting no time, he skates over and lifts you off your feet. Your lips meet his in a passionate kiss, and if you weren’t so proud you’d have reservations about sticking your tongue down Matthew’s throat in a packed arena. 
“I’m so proud of you,” you whisper against his lips. “My champion.”
Matthew blushes profusely at your words, and you can tell he likes them. “Couldn’t have done it without you supporting me,” he responds, leaning into your touch as you rake your fingers through his hair. 
While you celebrate with the rest of the team, holding babies and snapping pictures, Matthew realizes he can’t live without you. No one else will fit into his life as perfectly as you. There’s no one he wants besides you. Matthew makes a mental note to go through your jewelry box in the morning to get your ring size. His mom always said he’d know when someone was ‘the one’, and now he understands what she meant.  
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
taglist: @jamiedrysdales​ @kiedhara​ @tortito​ @brokeninsidebutnobodyknows​ if you want to be added shoot me an ask :)
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
Joke’s on You
Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Summary: Bucky’s fuckboy tendencies get the better of him. But you show him you’re not gonna be tossed around like a toy. This time, he gets the shit end of the stick.
Warnings: Language, Angst, Smut, Fighting, Angst, 
Word Count: 4.3K
A/N: Okay fellas. Here she is. The third instalment of Gangsta. Now, this one can be read in the series or as a standalone. Based on Charlotte Lawerence’s ‘Joke’s on You’ (Both regular and acoustic.) and also on Love the Way you Lie obvi cause angst and toxic relationships hehe. I’ve got the next part almost fully written and lemme warn y’all, it’s a tearjerker. So good luck!
I see Red
Jokes On You
Habits (Coming soon)
“Hey, Steve.” He nods at you, arm resting on the back of the seat just behind your shoulders. “Waitin’ for him?” You nod, lips pursed as you cross your arms on the table.
The club is loud, music thumping under your feet and people chattering all around you. Your eyes scour the club, looking for James.
You feel Steve stiffen a moment before you find him, and then you realize why Steve reacted the way he did.
Bucky’s standing at the bar, flirting and chatting up a busty brunette waitress. You grind your teeth together, watching the way he looks her up and down.
“I’m sure he’s just being friendly?” Steve offers, cringing when you turn your glare on him.
“That’s the problem. If I ever get that friendly with a guy I’ll never hear the end of it. I fucking hate that this is such a double standard. I’m not gonna just sit around and watch him get with random bitches. Not anymore.” You make to stand up, halting when Steve grabs your hand.
“At least dance with me. Not someone that he’s gonna kill for no reason.” You ponder this, glancing over to your boyfriend once more and making your mind up quickly. The brunette is leaning in, her lips almost touching his face.
You grab Steve’s hand and haul him towards the dance floor, ignoring the way you can feel Bucky’s eyes on you. You spin around in Steve’s arms, pressing your back against his front and moving your hips against him.
He grips your waist, his head resting over your shoulder, lips just barely brushing the shell of your ear.
You slowly open your eyes, looking over to where Bucky’s sitting, his jaw clenched and his eyes focused on you.
The waitress is gone for the moment, but two glasses sit on the counter beside him, one of them stained with red lipstick.
He raises his eyebrows at you and you cock your head to the side before reaching over your shoulder and grabbing a handful of Steve’s hair. Bucky’s eyes flash a warning at him and you only roll your eyes in return, before tugging Steve’s head down and craning your neck back to smash your lips against his.
He’s stunned for a minute, before kissing you back with passion, his teeth grazing over your bottom lip. His hands trail up your body, cupping your breasts through the thin material of your dress and groping them roughly.
You pull away after a moment, panting hard. When you open your eye they immediately flicker to Bucky, a frown crossing your face when you see him once again talking to the brunette.
Huffing a frustrated breath, you tug out of Steve’s arms and strut over to the bar, smiling sweetly at your boyfriend.
He hardly glances at you, only giving you attention when you clear your throat.
“I uh... I should get back to my table,” the waitress says, smiling at Bucky before walking away. His eyes stay on her backside and you scoff.
“Really, James?” He shrugs, playing it cool when all he wants to do is bend you over the counter and fuck you until the only thing you remember is his name.
“Yeah. Maybe don’t come home tonight. She and I are really hitting it off. She’s got a tongue stud and said she’d let me see her nipple rings.”
You scoff again, shaking your head at him.
“Yeah, whatever. When you’re done being a prick let me know. I’m staying with Steve tonight. Maybe when you grow up a bit and can talk about whatever doubts you’re having about our relationship, then I’ll come home. But not before then.”
He watches you walk away, his heart aching and his mind racing. He doesn’t want to let you get away, but he has no choice. He can’t need you. He doesn’t want to need you. And yet here he is, needing you.
You walk up to Steve, your anger evident on your face.
“He being a dick again?” He asks, shaking his head in disappointment.
“Of fucking course he is! When is he not? God, sometimes I forget why we got together.” Steve chuckles, his hands holding your waist. “Because you guys are a match made in heaven? C’mon. I’ll take you home. I’m sure he’s just gonna get shitfaced then bum a ride from some poor defenceless college kid.” You nod, taking a deep breath but deciding that Steve’s probably right.
As you’re turning to the door, you see none other than your boyfriend leaving, one hand on the ass of the waitress as the two of them leave the club together.
“Jesus Christ he’s leaving with her,” you hiss, turning to glare at Steve.
“He’s an idiot. I’ll take you home.” You shake your head, determined to make a point.
“No. Take me to your place. He gets to go with a random bitch, fine. I’m going home with someone else too.” Steve sighs, knowing better than to argue with you when you’re in a mood like this.
The ride to his house is silent, the tension thick in the car as you stew in your anger.
Too many times has Bucky done this, pushed you away and fucked other girls, only to get mad at you whenever you attempt to do the same.
Fucking random guys would only get them killed, exactly how Steve said, however, Bucky cares too much about his best friend to kill him. Beat him to a pulp? Sure. But Bucky could never kill Steve.
As soon as you’re in Steve’s apartment you’re on him, mouth pressed tightly against his and hands pushing his jacket off of his shoulders. He pauses for a moment, pulling away to look at you carefully.
“Are you sure you wanna do this? You know he’s gonna find out.” You roll your eyes and step out of your dress, kicking it aside and standing bare in front of the blond.
“He can go fuck himself after fucking that waitress. If he does. And if he doesn't then he’ll finally know how I’ve felt all those times when he’s come home smelling like another woman.” Steve ponders this for a moment longer before grabbing you by the waist and pulling you tight against his body.
His kisses are fierce, all teeth and tongue and power and you allow yourself to get lost in the feeling. All thoughts of Bucky are shoved aside. He’s not a priority to you tonight.
No. The only thing on your mind is revenge.
And by God does Steve make it taste sweet.
Your head is pounding and you swear you feel like you’ve swallowed sand.
The sound of a door opening makes you pry your lids open, glancing over to the sound. Steve offers you a smile, a glass of water and a couple of pills in his hands.
You sit up and rub your face before grabbing the water and painkillers, downing them both quickly then groaning.
“Where’s my phone?” You croak, holding your hand out expectantly.
Steve hesitates and you feel the atmosphere change. You lift your head and look at him, brows drawn together.
“Give it to me now.” He sighs and pulls your phone out of his back pocket, tossing it over to you.
You catch it effortlessly, turning it on while your heart beats in your throat.
Your world crumbles slightly at the sight of your lock screen.
Zero notifications from him.
Not a text.
Not one single phone call.
You grind your teeth together and toss the blankets off of yourself, marching over to Steve’s dresser and grabbing a pair of his sweatpants and a t-shirt that’s at least two sizes too small for him.
“Give me your keys,” you demand, marching out of the room with murder on your mind.
Steve grabs your arm but you yank out of his grip.
“Think about what you’re doing before you do it, (Y/n). Please.” You take a few deep breaths then shake your head.
“I’m just gonna go talk to him. If he’s not serious about us then neither am I. I just want to see...” You trail off and Steve sighs, handing you the keys to his Ferrari.
“If you so much as scratch the paint I’ll-” “Yeah, yeah you’ll kill me I know. It’s fine I’ll just buy you a new one.”
You’re out the door before he can say anything else, keys jammed in the car’s ignition.
Steve would have a heart attack if he saw the way you were treating his baby.
And he would die on the spot if he saw the way you drove.
By the time you’re outside the apartment you and Bucky share, you’ve had some time to cool down.
That doesn't stop you from grabbing a knife out of the glove box though.
You hold it loosely in your dominant hand as you walk into the building then up through the elevator, the trip taking far more time than usual.
But then you’re outside of your apartment, ready to have a serious conversation about where the two of you stand with regards to your relationship.
You unlock the door and push your way into the apartment, stopping right in the doorway when you see not one but two people in your home.
A piece of your heart shatters and any semblance of composure is left a step behind you.
Bucky looks like a deer in headlights, his mind foggy, but yours is working just as well as it usually does, if not better.
The waitress from the night before stands before you in your boyfriend’s shirt, a confused look on her face.
You hold the knife tighter in your grasp and pounce, the blade just nicking her throat before Bucky yanks her out of the way.
She lets out a terrified scream, stumbling to the ground and scrambling away from you.
Before you can get her again Bucky’s got your arms pinned to your sides, his metal arm holding tightly to the arm that has the knife.
“Grace, you should probably leave,” He says softly, his eyes focused on the look of pure betrayal on your face.
The waitress gets up and gathers her things quickly, her eyes on you.
You eye her with nothing but pure hatred in your gaze, straining against his hold.
He doesn’t loosen his grip until she’s safely out the door, only then does he let you go.
But what a mistake.
Your anger is now directed at him and you swipe your blade up at him, catching the apple of his cheek and leaving an angry red slice across his pretty face.
“Fuck!” He jumps back, one hand coming up to the wound while the other extends defensively in front of himself.
You don’t follow him like he thought you would. No, instead you toss the knife aside and turn away from him.
He’s utterly confused at your behaviour. It’s not like anything you’ve ever done before.
He was prepared for anger, for wrath like no other. But this? This is new territory and he hates that.
You pour yourself a glass of whiskey and bring it over to the couch, plopping down and grabbing your phone out of your pocket. Bucky approaches you slowly as if you’re an animal ready to lash out at any moment. But you don’t.
“Baby?”  He asks softly, waiting for the anger.
But he gets nothing in reply.
“I’d be using my time more wisely if I were you,” you say stoically, eyes on your phone as you fight tears.
“W-what do you mean?” He’s never felt genuine fear for his life before now.
“You have twenty-eight minutes left to get your shit and get out. Whatever’s left after that is getting burned. If you’re still here then you will also be on that list of things that will be getting burned.”
He’s shocked.
“What do you mean?” He repeats, taking a few hesitant steps closer to your figure. The way that you stay so unbothered, eyes on your phone as if he means nothing to you, it’s beyond concerning.
“I’m not going to repeat myself. It’s up to you if you want to take me seriously or not.” He’s not sure what to do, but he knows that he pushed you too far, if only from the way that you don’t give a single fuck about him.
“I-I’m sorry,” he tries, voice low and hands raised in surrender and fear, hoping to appeal to your human side.
Unfortunately for him, your human side is long gone.
“Mhm,” is all you say in reply, taking another sip of your drink and trying to remember where you keep the propane.
He starts moving then, packing up a bag that’s enough to last him a few days. He’s not sure if he should believe that you’ll actually burn his things, but he grabs all his valuables just in case.
The remaining twenty-five minutes go by far too quickly, and then he’s standing at the door, watching you rise to your feet with the utmost grace.
He watches as you start gathering up little knickknacks, stray socks and books of his, a bunch of pictures, a set of ridiculously expensive champagne glasses, and the necklace he got you for your last birthday. You toss it all into a cardboard box then head into the next room to gather more things.
His curiosity and want to preserve what little he can of the relationship gets the better of him and he hesitantly creeps his way over to the box, grabbing the pictures and the necklace.
A bullet narrowly misses his hand and he almost drops his belongings in his haste to get out of the line of fire, but you’ve got the barrel pointed directly at him again, finger hovering dangerously over the trigger.
“I told you: half an hour. You’re done. Get out. If I ever see you again, I’ll kill you.” He says nothing. Instead, he grabs his belongings and leaves without so much as a second glance.
“Have you tried talking to her? She seemed pretty pissed when she left my place.” Bucky glares at his friend, “You fucking asshole, don’t even try to give me advice, you’re the one who ruined this in the first place.”
Steve raises his brows and downs his scotch then actually laughs at his friend, the sound getting slightly drowned out by the noises in the bar
“Do I need to remind you who left the club first? You took that waitress home before (Y/n) and I even left. That’s the only reason I took her home. She would’ve fucked anybody in that club and then you would’ve gone and made a mess that I would’ve had to clean up. I took her home cause you and I both know I’ll take good care of her and won’t treat her like shit. She deserves the world, Buck, and you treat her like a piece of garbage.”
The brunet is silent as his friend tells him what he knows is true but really just doesn’t want to accept.
“That woman loves you, Buck. To the moon and back. With her whole fucking heart and soul and you stomp on it every damn chance you get. If she wasn’t so damn in love with you, I’d take her out. Wine and dine her real nice, just how she deserves. I’d show her what it’s like to be loved.”
The glass shatters in the brunet’s hand as he listens to his best friend talk about the way he’d treat the woman he loves.
“I get it! I’m a fucking idiot. I’ll go talk to her.” He drops a couple of bills on the table then marches out of the bar, trying to keep his composure and his confidence on the drive to the apartment.
He’s not sure what he’s going to say, but he knows he needs to apologize. He needs to tell you that he loves you and that you’re the only one he wants.
Hesitant knuckles knock against the door and he feels stupid. It’s his place too.
When he gets no reply he pushes the door open, his stomach dropping and his heart clenching tight in his chest.
It’s empty.
No furniture, no decorations, and not one single sign of you.
“(Y/n)?!” He calls, hand darting to the gun tucked into his pants as he explores the empty penthouse.
“(Y/n)?” His voice is softer but more desperate, the reality of the situation hitting him like a punch in the gut.
You’re gone.
He lost you. And he’s not sure if he’s gonna be able to get you back.
You shoulder your way into the tiny shithole that you’re calling home, brows drawn together and shoulders heavy with exhaustion.
“Love the new place.” You’ve got a gun raised and aimed at the voice, heart racing in your chest at the fact that you didn’t even realize they were here.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” You demand, not lowering your weapon as you walk into the living room.
He’s seated on the couch, eyes staring straight through the window across from him.
“You left,” is all he says.
You want to scoff.
Scratch that; you want to shout. To yell and scream and beat him to a bloody pulp. You want to ask him why. Why he hurt you so badly and why he acts like he did nothing.
Instead, you walk past him and set your gun on the table.
“Why did you leave?” His voice is closer than before, his feet silent as they carry him towards you. You’re in your bedroom, raking your hands through your hair as you try to handle the situation.
“Why?” He asks again, two metal fingers just hardly brushing against your bicep. You yank yourself away from him, eyes full of rage and betrayal as you glare at him.
“Don’t you fucking dare touch me! You have no fucking right!” He takes a moment to look you over, a frown on his face as he sees how upset you are.
This isn’t how this usually goes. Usually, the two of you shout and scream at each other, then fuck all the anger out.
But not this time.
No, this time it’s different. Because there’s more than just anger on your face.
The look of pain, of absolute agony on your face, has his heart shattering in his chest.
“Doll... I’ll never be able to apologize for what I did. I just...”  “You just what, Bucky?” You never call him that. Exhaustion laces your voice and your shoulders slump forward.
“You just what? You wanted to hurt me again? Well congrats, you did a great job. Now please leave. I don't want to see you. Not now and not ever fucking again.” He shakes his head as you turn away from him again.
“No, no you don’t mean that. We’re good together. We’re so fucking good together. You’re the Lois Lane to my Superman. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”
His words are dripping with desperation and truth. He’s scared, terrified that this is the end. But he’s talked you back before, he can do it again.
“I’ve been hurt before, Buck. And when I saw... that... it felt like there was a knife in my fucking throat. Like someone was stabbing me in the chest and in the back all at the same time. I couldn’t breathe and I couldn’t fight. And you know what? I’m done fighting. I’m done fighting you, I’m done fighting for you and, I’m so fucking done fighting for us. It’s not worth it anymore.”
He shakes his head but you continue, not giving him a moment to speak.
“We’re not good together. We’re toxic. We’re so fucking toxic but you love it. You love that I hate you because I always come crawling back. You never let me leave, you’ve never ever told me you loved me. It’s always been me. I was the only one who ever tried to salvage our relationship and I’m done doing that.”
He shakes his head, swallowing the sorrow and bile in his throat at the way your voice breaks, the way you crack and splinter and shatter right before his very own eyes.
And it’s his fault. He caused this. He's the one who hurt you.
“Doll I love you. So fucking much. I feel so fucking ashamed for everything I’ve done and the way that I’ve acted.” You scoff, shaking your head at him, “as you fucking should. I’m not going to comfort you. You see me crumbling, see me in pain, and all you've ever done is stand by and watch the show. I won’t let you. Not anymore.”
You sniffle and scrub a tear off of your cheek, your voice shaking as you start speaking again.
“I love you. So much that I can fucking hardly breathe when I’m with you. And when I fell in love with you... it hit me out of the blue. Out of fucking nowhere. I never wanted t-to hurt you or to make you upset. Now I can’t even look at you. You said you’d be my ride or die but you have never been there when I’ve needed you.”
His eyes are red-rimmed and his heart is in his stomach. This isn’t happening. It can’t be happening.
“B-But I can change. Just give me another chance, please, doll. I swear things will be different this time.”
You shake your head angrily, furious that you’re having to have this conversation with him.
“No! You don’t get it! You don’t get another chance, this isn’t a game! You lied again and now you’re going to fucking watch me walk out of your life and I’m not going to fucking look back!”
“Baby, please. Just... I just... I need you so much. I know I wasn’t there for you and I know it wasn’t you and it was me but your temper’s just as bad as mine is and we’re both stubborn as hell and so fucking crazy. Our relationship isn’t as bad as it seems and I love you too much for you to walk away. Come home, we can try again.”
You’re crying now, arms crossed tightly over your chest in a pathetic attempt at protecting yourself
“You’re a broken record, Bucky. Playing the same damn thing over and over again. You don’t mean a word you’re saying.”
He winds up and his fist slams into the wall, a large hole gaping in the drywall.
There goes your damage deposit.
Tears are streaking down his face and his chest is heaving as emotions wrack through his body, tearing him limb from limb and setting him on fire.
“You’re not even listening to me! Don't you hear the sincerity in my voice! I told you this was my fault! I know it’s all my fault! Next time-”
“Next time?!” You actually laugh, though the two of you know there’s no humour behind it. “You don’t get a ‘next time’! We’re done! We’re fucking done!”
“No! You’re not listening to me! All I want is to have you back home! I’m tired of these fucking games! Come home!”
He reaches for you, hands grasping your waist, and you shimmy out of his grip and back up in the bedroom, absolutely fuming at the audacity this man has.
“This isn’t a fucking game, James! If you ever come near me again I will tie you to that fucking bed and set this place on fire! I will show you exactly how you’ve made me felt and by the end of it you’ll be begging me to kill you!”
The two of you stand facing off with each other, tears falling and eyes narrowed, but you won’t give in.
Not this time.
After a few very long minutes his shoulders sag and his entire demeanour changes as he accepts defeat. As he realizes that you’re not giving in this time.
He lost.
He lost you.
“Alright. If that’s what you want, fine.” He turns around and walks towards the front door, each step sending a sharp fiery pain through his chest.
He hesitates when he gets to the door, eyes squeezed shut as he waits, hopes, and prays for you to stop him.
But you say nothing. You only watch him, wait for him to leave and take all his lies and deceit away.
He pulls the door open, steps through, and turns around, red eyes focused solely on you.
You muster up your courage and take calculated steps through the apartment towards the front door.
His heart jumps up into his throat, lips parting to apologize and to thank you for giving him another chance, but he doesn’t get a word out.
No, you close the door in his face and leave him standing alone on the other side, your decision having been made.
His movements are mechanical as he makes his way to his car, keys in the ignition and foot on the gas.
It can’t be real.
It can’t be.
He finds himself back in your old apartment, eyes on the absolute nothingness, a perfect representation of your relationship.
A strangled sob leaves his lips, and then another one. And another until they’re consuming him and he’s on the floor, unable to breathe or move.
No, he curls up in the fetal position, hunched in on himself, and screams your name. He curses himself, his friends, his stupidity.
He deserves this. He knows that.
He’s a lost cause.
Loving him was a mistake on your part.
But that doesn’t make the hurt go away.
Fuck, he wants the hurt to go away.
172 notes · View notes
So Give Me Hope In The Darkness
Dukeceit Week Day 4: Free Day
Janus comes to him scared and broken. And there is nothing Remus wouldn’t do to help him. 
AO3 Link: [here]
Word Count: 8855
Warnings: violence, dehumanization/people as test subjects, implied past abuse.
@dukeceitweek <3
“Remus, the transport’s here. You ready?”
Remus looked up from where he had been meticulously finishing the last fold on the absolute best paper airplane he had ever made in his life. “The what?”
Roman, leaning against the doorframe of Remus’ office, sighed deeply. “For the love of all things Disney and musical theatre, Remus, check your e-mail on a regular basis.”
Remus glanced at his desk. His laptop sat half-buried in crumpled up reject airplanes, the screen dark, so he slipped his phone from his pocket to check his e-mail with instead and… oops. One official work order, sent over 40 minutes ago, and three more messages from Virgil that all read somewhere along the lines of “Jesus Christ Remus respond to this so we know you read it.” Which, of course, he hadn’t. 
“Uh…” Remus said helplessly. Roman scrubbed a hand down his face, then motioned for Remus to follow as he stepped back out into the hallway. Remus scrambled after him.
“I’ll fill you in, but we need to hurry,” Roman said.
“The hell do they need me for? Wasn’t it just another one of those underground lab bullshit raids? Those always turn up fucking zilch.”
“Not this one,” Roman replied and, well, shit. Now Remus was interested enough to shut up and let his brother talk. “They actually found, like, the real headquarters. Evil scientists and all.”
“Fuck yeah, good for them. Logan and Virgil have been working themselves to the bone...r. But why do they need me?”
Roman gave him a look. It was his it’s time to be serious now, Remus look. “They found a, uh…” he hesitated, looking for the right word. “A test subject.”
Well that answered that.
By this point, Roman had reached the door that led out to the parking garage. He stopped at the door and gave Remus a pointed look.
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Remus muttered. Quickly, he emptied out his pockets and shoved his phone, wallet, keys, a small notebook, a miniature lockpick set, and a pocket knife all into Roman’s waiting hands. The last time he’d tangled with an aggressive gifted, he’d gotten the entire contents of his pockets- as well as the pants themselves- reduced to a pile of molten plastic and ash. “Right. Here I go.”
“Logan will brief you. Be careful.”
“I’ll be fine, bro, chill out.” Remus patted Roman’s cheek- which his brother couldn’t do a damn thing about with his hands full of Remus’ stuff- then pushed the door open and made his way out to the intake dock.
There was already a small crowd gathered around, a safe distance from where the armored transport van had been backed into the receiving bay. Logan, Patton, and Virgil were there, of course. But the presence of a handful of armed officers was a surprise. Logan usually refused to allow the police department to send their thugs into situations like this. This sort of thing was what Remus was on the payroll for. 
“Wasn’t expecting a party,” Remus said as he approached his team. Logan turned away from his conversation with Virgil.
“Ah, Remus. There you are,” he said. “I take it you have read the work order?”
“I… skimmed it,” Remus lied. Logan looked unimpressed. 
“Well, just in case you missed anything important, let us recap. Virgil?”
“Uh, yeah.” Virgil stepped closer, looking troubled. “We found a gifted in there, probably a test subject knowing these bastards. He’s aggressive, borderline feral, and those jokers-” He jerked his head in the general direction of the uniformed police. “Didn’t fucking help the situation. I couldn’t reach him, but I don’t know if that’s cause he’s in a state of mind where logic and reason are completely out the window, or if he’s… like us.”
Remus nodded. His own powers would work where Virgil’s had failed, but only if this one wasn’t completely immune to the effects of other gifteds like he and Virgil were. He turned to Patton. “You got anything for me, pops?”
“Of course!” From the pocket of his white doctor’s coat, Patton produced a small capped syringe filled with bright blue liquid. “I had to guess at the dosage, though.”
Remus accepted the tranquilizer and shoved it in his pocket. It would be a last resort. Looking to Logan, he asked, “Any ideas on powers? What to watch out for?” He was not pleased to see Logan grimace.
“We don’t know yet. The base is still being swept, so it will likely be some time before we will know what, if any, information was found on this subject.”
There was a heavy thunk from inside the armored van that made Patton jump. 
“Sounds like we don’t have that kind of time,” Remus mused. “Somebody wants out.”
“He was restrained when we found him. Blindfolded, too,” Virgil offered. “So he needs either visual, touch, or both.”
“Really narrows it down there, Virge,” Remus said with a huff. There was another thunk. “I’m going in. Standard operating procedure?”
Logan nodded. Remus nodded back, then looked to Virgil. 
Virgil led him through the crowd of uniforms, snapping at a few of them to move back, and up to the back doors of the van. He met Remus’ gaze. There was another thunk.
“Ok, now!” Remus said. Virgil tore open the door. Remus threw himself at the gifted on the other side, and Virgil slammed the door shut behind him.
He hadn’t been sure what to expect, so when he collided with a much smaller body, his momentum sent them both sprawling across the back of the van. Remus was bigger and stronger though, and didn’t have the disadvantage of being blindfolded, so he flipped the smaller body easily beneath him, wincing slightly at the hiss of pain he heard, and pressed a palm firmly against the bare skin of his neck.
“Why don’t you take a nap,” he growled. His power reached into the body, weaving its way into the circulatory system to slow the heart. Or, well. It tried to. He couldn't get a hold anywhere.
“Fuck. You are like us,” Remus muttered; more to himself than to the other, who was becoming increasingly difficult to hold down as he writhed and struggled against Remus’ weight. With his free hand, Remus reached around to try and fish the syringe out of his pocket. But the movement put him off balance. The gifted threw him off with a sharp jerk and scrambled away.
They both staggered to their feet on opposite ends of the cramped space, and Remus got his first good look at the gifted. His long blonde hair was a tangled mess, and he was still blindfolded- though he tracked Remus’ location enough to bare his teeth at him. Some sort of restraint seemed to be keeping his arms behind his back. Remus kind of wanted to murder whoever had done this to him.
“Hey, look, I’m not trying to hurt you,” he offered, even though he knew Virgil had already tried using his literal powers of persuasion on him. “I swear, I’m just trying to help you. But you need to calm the hell down.”
The gifted had pressed his back up against the wall of the van. Talking wasn’t going to do shit. The sooner Remus ended this the better. He rushed the gifted again; the gifted spun out of his grasp, and his hand closed on… feathers? The fuck? Whatever. The gifted had cornered himself against the back wall of the van. Remus spun sharply and slammed his weight into him. Winded, and with his back pinned into the corner, there was a precious few seconds where the gifted made no move. That was enough time for Remus to slip the cap off the syringe and jam it into the gifted’s thigh. 
His muscles immediately went slack, and Remus carefully lowered him to the floor, mindful of the goddamn wings he could now see were strapped down tightly against the gifted’s back.
“What the fuck did they do to you?” he asked sadly. He leaned over to bang three times on the van wall to signal the all clear to Virgil. A sudden, sharp pain raced up his other arm, and he jerked back with a yelp. The gifted had apparently gathered enough strength for one last act of defiance and had lashed out to fucking bite him, what the hell? Remus pushed him back down to the floor, and this time he stayed down. 
One of the back doors to the van eased open, and Virgil peeked in. Remus turned to him, and the whole world spun.
“Ah, fuck,” he managed. “Venomous. Cute.”
And then he promptly blacked out. 
Remus woke up in one of the dimly lit rooms of Patton’s infirmary. Patton had a vendetta against fluorescent lights, instead opting for soft, warm lights that didn’t give everyone headaches. Remus was thankful for this every time he woke up here- which was often- but especially now. His head was throbbing, and he kind of felt like he’d been hit by Virgil’s big armored transport van. Which he had before (his own damn fault) so he knew exactly how it felt.
His phone buzzed. Wincing at the movement, Remus glanced over to the small table beside the bed where his phone sat amid the pile of his other belongings. Which meant he had been out long enough for Roman to stop by and leave again. His phone buzzed again, so despite his body screaming at him for doing so, he reached over and grabbed it.
His team’s groupchat was filled with missed messages from the past hour. He scrolled through the most recent ones with a slight frown.
Nerdy Wolverine 
Patton, please give us an update on Remus’ condition.
He’s gonna be just fine, kiddos, he’s just sleeping it off.
Daddy’s Favorite 
Surly Temple 
Oh joy.
Daddy’s Favorite 
You were just as worried as the rest of us, Dr. Gloom.
Surly Temple
You can’t prove that.
Calm down, kiddos.
Nerdy Wolverine 
Patton, I would also like an update on the subject.
Are you sure? There’s kinda a lot to talk about.
Nerdy Wolverine 
Something brief, then. I will come by the infirmary when this meeting is over.
Logan, texting during a meeting??? 😱😱😱
Surly Temple
Daddy’s Favorite 
Wake up, Sleeping Beauty!
I lived, bitch.
I’ll be right there! Don’t you dare sit up!
Remus was already in the process of sitting up when Patton burst through the door. He winced slightly at the pain, but moreso at the disappointed look Patton gave him. 
“Uh-uh, you lay back down, mister,” he said. Remus sighed.
“I’m perfectly fine, pops,” he whined, but laid back down anyway, because even Remus knew better than to argue with Patton.
“Maybe, but you know the drill,” Patton replied. Remus made a noise of protest, but let Patton take his vitals and check him over. Then after an eternity- or more accurately, about five minutes- Patton stepped back and said, “Alright kiddo, you’re all good. Take it easy though. Maybe go home after the debrief, ok?”
Remus sat up now that he was allowed to. “I can’t believe that little fucker bit me,” he scoffed. He glanced down at his arm, where it had been bandaged up. “What happened to him? Where is he?” 
Patton looked a little uncomfortable, which more or less answered Remus’ question. The agency would be forced to hold the gifted here until the illegal lab had been fully cleared out and all the paperwork filed; and, well, there was a good chance Logan’s bosses would send in government officials to “assess the mental stability of the liberated test subject,” which was really just shitty politician speak for “see if this could become a huge scandal and decide if it was better to just make it all disappear.”
“Fuck,” was all he said. Then he got unsteadily to his feet. “Where’s Logan?”
Patton put a hand on his shoulder to help steady him. “He’s in a meeting with the chief of police. They’re trying to take the case.”
“Teach won’t let ‘em,” Remus said proudly. “I’m gonna, like. Go sit in my office. Cool?"
Patton eyed him suspiciously, but nodded. Remus gathered up all of his stuff from the table beside the bed, and darted out the door before Patton could change his mind. 
When Janus woke up, he immediately became aware of three things, in consecutive order.
First, he was somewhere he had never been before. That realization did not come as a surprise. He, of course, distinctly remembered the whole… “getting dragged out of his cell by people he didn’t know” incident. Usually he knew better than to lash out, but… there had been so much noise, so much unfamiliar chaos, and in his fear, he hadn’t known what else to do. And of course, it hadn’t done him any good; it never did. And now he was here. Wherever “here” was. 
The second realization did come as a surprise, as he sat up on the cot where he’d been laid, and looked around the sparse, softly-lit room: he was completely unbound. His wings were still instinctively pressed against his back, but they twitched at the realization and slowly unfurled to their full span. He winced slightly as tendons snapped into their proper places for the first time in a very long time but then he sighed in relief as the fragile bones settled. 
He had only just begun to catalogue the state of the rest of his body when a voice startled him into the third realization: he was not alone in the room.
“Damn, look at you!”
Janus flinched so hard he almost hit the wall the cot was pushed up against. He brought his wings around him protectively, and turned his eyes on the man sitting on a plastic chair near the opposite corner of the room. He narrowed his eyes as he recognized the voice of the man from the truck. 
“Hey, hey, don’t ruffle your feathers at me like that,” the man laughed. “Sorry about before, man. It was the only way to get you off the truck.”
Janus didn’t say anything. But he shifted so he was crouched on the cot rather than seated, in case he needed to dart away quickly. That seemed to amuse the man further.
“Relax, I ain’t here for a rematch. You kicked my ass fair and square. I just wanted to see how you were doing.”
Janus glared.
“I’m Remus, by the way. You got a name, snake-bird?”
He stood up as he said it, and Janus instinctively flinched back. The man-Remus?- didn’t look like the bad people, dressed in baggy jeans and an alluringly soft-looking green flannel. The bad people always wore white coats or body armor, depending on what they were planning to do to him that day. But… maybe they were just trying something new.
The man hadn’t moved closer. He was watching Janus with a look that fell somewhere between sadness and anger, and it kind of made Janus want to curl up into a ball and hide. 
“I, uh… I guess they treated you real bad down there, huh?” Remus said slowly. “Look, I know you’re scared, and you’re probably super confused, but you’re safe now. I can at least promise you that.”
He didn’t wait for any sort of response from Janus this time, instead turning to riffle through the bag that had been leaning up against his chair. He withdrew a fluffy, pale yellow blanket. He looked between it and Janus, and while Janus wasn’t the best at reading facial cues, he thought for a moment that Remus looked… embarrassed. Then, he moved forward a few paces and set the blanket down and backed up again.
“Here, uh… that’s for you. If you want it. Anyway, yeah. I’m gonna just.” He edged toward the door. “I’ll leave you alone now.”
“Janus.” His name leapt from his tongue before he could stop it. His voice was raspy, and his throat was sore, and he was still afraid- terrified- but still he ground out the words that made Remus pause in the doorway to look back at him. “I’m… Janus.”
The file Logan put down in front of them was almost the size of the textbooks Remus used as doorsteps in college (rather than their intended use) and for a moment, they all just stared at it. Then, Remus said what they were all thinking: “Well, fuck.”
“I hate to agree,” Roman sighed. “But yes. That.”
“Of course there will be much more to go over after I have had the time to fully analyze these files, but I thought it imperative I explain the current situation to you all as soon as possible,” Logan said. He was seated at the head of the conference table. The rest of the team was seated around the table except for Virgil, who paced restlessly nearby. Everyone- even Remus- stayed quiet, because when Logan talked, everyone listened.
“With this file, and similar documents recovered both from the most recent site and from previous sites, as well as the recovery of a live test subject, our case is more than sufficient to ensure those responsible will not walk away from this.” 
There was a collective sigh of relief. Virgil, who had been working on this case alongside Logan for years, looked especially relieved. He collapsed into the chair next to Remus, and Remus leaned over to ruffle his hair with a grin. 
“You guys should be proud,” Patton exclaimed. “You worked so hard to see this through!”
“Well it’s not finished yet,” Roman pointed out. He nodded to the file in the middle of the table, that none of them had dared to open yet. 
“Roman is correct,” Logan said. For a moment, he looked very tired; then, he adjusted his tie, and continued. “We must first ensure we have indeed apprehended all parties responsible. There are more names in these files than persons in our custody. Additionally, there is the matter of the test subject-”
“Janus,” Remus interrupted. Everyone gave him an odd look, so he clarified, “His name is Janus. He told me.”
“...Janus, then,” Logan amended. “Janus is to remain in our care until he can be evaluated. If he is deemed capable, he will be free to go once the investigation is closed.”
Logan did not, nor did he need to, state what would happen to Janus if he didn’t pass the evaluation. The agency’s evaluation essentially just looked to see if a gifted could still be considered a “person,” or if they had gone “feral”- and not in the fun way. Feral gifteds got locked up somewhere and were never seen again.
Remus, like all gifteds, hated it; but the government viewed them as dangerous. And a gifted that wasn’t in complete control of their mind, and thus, their powers, was considered too dangerous to let go free. Regardless of what trauma had made them that way in the first place, and if, with proper care, they could heal from it. It made Remus sick.
“They’re not taking Janus,” Remus spat out, interrupting whatever Logan was going to say next. “I won’t let them.”
“Ree,” Roman said gently. “We may not have a choice.”
“No. You guys haven’t seen him- he isn’t aggressive, he’s just scared.”
“Do you know how many people it took to get him into the damn truck?” Virgil snapped. “Oh and also, he bit you? You’re immune to gifted powers and he still knocked you out?” 
“Think about it from his perspective. You’ve been trapped in literal hell for who knows how long, and then suddenly you’re getting dragged out by people you don’t know, blindfolded and tied up, to go who knows where? I’d bite too.”
Patton looked heartbroken at Remus’ words. Virgil didn’t look convinced. But it was Logan who spoke.
“We have time,” Logan said. “Until the investigation closes, he remains in our custody. We make the decisions regarding his care.” He cast Remus a meaningful look, and repeated, “We have time.”
Remus understood.
He left Janus alone for the rest of the day, because he figured the guy probably could use some time to calm down. He even managed to persuade Patton to put off any sort of medical examination for the time being- partly for the same reason, and partly because Remus would need to be there in case Janus reacted badly, and Remus still sort of felt like shit and he just wanted to go home and sleep.
So Remus had gone home, passed out for like 15 hours, and woke up feeling a little less like death and decay. 
The benefit of going to sleep at like 2pm was that, even after his stupidly long “I got bit by something venomous” nap, he still made it back to the agency at the crack of dawn. It was quiet, none of the police department’s goons hanging around, and Remus, with his years of practice, could sneak easily past Logan’s office. 
He peeked in through the little window in the holding cell door. Janus himself was nowhere to be seen- instead, there was a Janus-sized blanket mound curled up on the floor in the corner of the room. The sight made Remus smile fondly.
“Damnit, you’re actually kinda cute,” he muttered. And then promptly decided he was not going to overthink that.
Remus camped out outside the holding cell until the headquarters came to life. The mornings were always a flurry of activity, even moreso today what with yesterday’s events. He saw the moment the noise from the hallway woke Janus up- the gifted poked his head out from under the blanket, mismatched eyes blinking sleepily, and then quickly vanished into the blanket mound once more. It was stupidly adorable. 
An intern came by with a tray of food for Janus, and Remus stopped him from approaching the door.
“I got this, kid,” he said with an amused grin. “This is way above your paygrade.”
The intern handed over the tray with a look of relief and scampered off. Poor kid.
The blanket mound stirred when Remus stepped into the room, but there was no further indication that Janus intended to come out. He shut the door behind him, and walked over to crouch down near- but not too near- the blanket mound.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty. I take it you like the blanket?”
The blanket shuffled backward a few inches. Remus set the tray down on the floor in front of him.
“I don’t really know what kind of food you like, so hopefully there’s something here you'll eat,” he said, eyeing the assorted fruits, toast, and eggs that had been sent up. “But like, if you want something else, you can tell me.” There was no response, so Remus stood up slowly and backed away. “I’ll just… be over here, then.”
He dragged the plastic chair to the opposite end of the room to give Janus as much space as possible, and plopped down in it with every intention of waiting him out.
It took about forty minutes of idly scrolling through his phone before Janus emerged, slowly and warily, mismatched eyes darting between Remus and the plate of food. Remus glanced toward him.
“Go ahead. It’s yours. Cold by now, I’ll bet.”
It took a further ten minutes for Janus to make up his mind and emerge fully from under the blanket and approach the plate- but when he finally did, he downed the food so fast, Remus was surprised he didn’t choke.
“Guess you like everything,” he mused. “Fuck, did they even feed you down there?”
He wasn’t really expecting an answer, because Janus was moving back toward his blanket. But rather than vanishing again, Janus sat down facing Remus, with his back to the wall, wings draped around his body like a blanket, and the actual blanket across his lap.
“They did, sometimes,” he replied. His voice sounded a bit rough still, like it had been a while since he’d used it, and quiet enough that Remus had to strain to hear him from across the room.
“Shit, man, these people fucking suck. How long'd they have you?”
Janus seemed to consider the question, but ended up just shaking his head. “I don’t know.” He avoided Remus’ eye for a few minutes, but he looked like he had more to say; Remus just waited in silence until finally, Janus asked, slowly, “Why am I here? Who are you?”
“I’m glad you ask, bud,” Remus answered. He stood up, and Janus flinched back slightly, feathers puffing up a bit. Remus moved a few feet closer, and then sat down on the ground so he was level with Janus. “It’s kinda a long story, but the short version is that it’s our job to go after the kinds of people who do this sort of shit. And the people who took you are gonna go to jail for the rest of their fucking lives for what they did.” He hesitated for a moment, then added, “They ain’t gonna lay a finger on you ever again. I promise.”
Janus eyed him carefully, like he wasn’t sure if he could believe what he was hearing. Remus couldn’t blame him. And then he was gone, vanishing back under the yellow blanket. Remus cleared his throat awkwardly, and stood up.
“I, uh. Yeah. I guess I’ll leave you alone then.” He paused at the door, and glanced over his shoulder. “You want more blankets? Some pillows, maybe?”
A muffled “Yes,” was the reply. Remus, again, could not help but smile fondly to himself.
Sleeping on the floor meant that Janus could stay alert to anyone approaching his cell, by sensing the vibrations in the ground. By his third visit, Janus could easily discern Remus’ gait from that of the others that passed down the hall.
He brought pillows and more blankets, just like he said he would. And then he asked if he could bring a friend in.
“He couldn’t give you more than a quick once-over when you first got here,” Remus explained while Janus sat on the floor and inspected his new blankets, marveling at how soft they were. “But he wants to make sure you’re not hurt anywhere.”
“I’m not hurt anywhere,” Janus said quickly. It wasn’t totally a lie; he wasn’t hurt anywhere specific, he just sort of hurt in general. That was normal though. 
“Ok, I’m gonna pretend I believe that,” Remus huffed. “But even so. He’s gotta do it sometime soon.”
Janus cast Remus a sideways glance. He still wasn’t sure what to make of the situation, and he still wasn’t sure how much he could trust these people. The ones before had never shown him kindness- he’d been grabbed off the street in his early teens and treated like an animal ever since. This new place… it felt different from anything he’d experienced before, and that made him wary. 
Being shown kindness and then having it taken away was worse than having never been shown it at all.
“Okay,” Janus said finally, because he didn’t think he was actually being given a choice in this. 
“Okay,” Remus echoed. He seemed unconvinced, which sent a small spike of anxiety into Janus’ chest, because the last thing he wanted to do was upset Remus. The man had brought him blankets, for goodness’ sake. “I’ll text him.”
Janus decided to busy himself with nervously running his hands through his oily feathers. His wings badly needed grooming, but he didn’t know how to ask for brushes. Would they let him have brushes here? He wasn’t allowed them at the old place. He was so lost in that thought, that he didn’t sense someone approaching the door until it was being opened.
“Hey, pops, come on in,” Remus said. Janus glanced over, and was immediately gripped by panic. 
He didn’t recognize the man, and his expression of “cheer fading into concern” was an unfamiliar one, but it was the white coat he wore that Janus recognized. He knew what the white coat meant.
He got caught in his pile of blankets as he tried to scramble to his feet. He tripped and crashed to the ground; out of the corner of his eye, he saw Remus make a grab for him. But he was too quick, kicking off the blanket that had tangled up his legs and springing to his feet. He used his wings to balance himself and buffeted Remus over the head in the process.
“Janus- fuck-” Remus staggered back to avoid a second blow from Janus’ thrashing wings. The man at the doorway looked torn between rushing in to help and backing away. Janus bared his fangs at him, but he was shaking so badly, he felt like a small breeze could topple him.
The man took a step closer, hand held out, but Janus barely heard his words- “Oh gosh, kiddo, I’m not gonna hurt you!”- over the blood pulsing in his ears. His back hit the wall behind him, and abruptly his legs gave out. He slid down to the ground and curled his wings over his head. 
“Janus?” Remus’ voice sounded far away beyond the curtain of feathers. “Hey, you gotta talk to me here.”
“I’ve been good,” Janus managed to choke out. “I- Please don’t, I’ve… I’ve been good.” He curled further in on himself, fully expecting to be struck. 
But nothing happened. The door opened and closed. Then silence. Janus risked a quick peek through his feathers and found that the other man was gone. Remus sat a few feet away.
“It’s ok, he’s gone,” Remus said quickly. Janus did not lower his wings, but the shaking abated slightly. 
“I’ve been good,” he said again, a little more firmly this time. “You promised.”
Remus looked unnerved. He scooted a few inches closer and asked, “What did I promise?” 
“That they… they wouldn’t hurt me again,” Janus hissed. Then, softer this time, “I’ve been good.”
“You have been good, but that doesn’t have anything to do with… wait, did you think…” Remus looked confused, his brow furrowing slightly. “Patton isn’t one of them. Is that what you thought?”
Janus just glared.
“Oh, snake-bird.” Remus’ eyes softened. “Patton’s one of us. He’s ok.”
“He looks like them,” Janus growled. “White-coat.”
“White coat… oh, shit, man, I didn’t even think.”  The sudden volume of Remus’ voice made Janus shrink back into the safety of his own wings. “Oh, shit, sorry. Hey, come back. I’m sorry.” 
Janus folded his wings back with a huff, and gave Remus an unamused look. Remus gave him a soft smile in return.
“I mean it. Patton is one of us. I can tell him to take off his coat. He won’t touch you unless you tell him he can. And you can tell him to leave, at any point, and I’ll throw him out myself. Deal?”
Janus searched his face for a long time. Remus seemed… so distressed. What would be the point, of faking that? There would be no reason to fake any of this, would there?
(Or maybe there was, and he was just too blinded by the hope that his nightmare had finally come to an end to see it.)
But slowly, reluctantly, but unable to shake the small seed of trust in Remus that had just started to take root, Janus said, “Deal.”
After the small fiasco that was Janus and Patton’s first meeting, things actually went rather smoothly. Patton wasn’t able to give as thorough of an exam as he was hoping. Janus was too skittish for that. And he had flat out refused a blood draw, which Remus had kind of expected. 
But at the very least, Patton was able to sign off that there were no signs of physical trauma that demanded immediate medical care, which was really all Logan’s bosses wanted. 
Despite his initial reaction, it seemed like the experience with Patton actually helped Janus feel more confident in his new situation. He grew more comfortable exercising his new control over his body and his space, even going so far as to tell Remus to go away when he wanted to be alone. And when he asked for brushes for his wings one day, Remus left work then and there to go get them. When he came back, Janus was waiting at the door for him.
“Well then, eager beaver, I hope I got the right stuff,” Remus said. He handed over the bag. It was way more than the two brushes Janus had asked for, but Logan had given him the company card and, well, Logan should know better than to do that. 
“Anything is better than a rag and my own hands, which is what I usually use,” Janus said. Remus very politely did not make the joke he so desperately wanted to make. “Is that… a bottle of dish soap?”
“Sure,” Remus answered as Janus pulled the little blue bottle of Dawn dish soap out of the bag. “They use it to clean crude oil spills off penguins and shit and, like, a penguin's a bird, right?”
Janus sighed deeply, but he was smiling, and Remus would steal him the sun if it meant Janus would keep smiling.
“Anyway, uh…” Remus shifted awkwardly. “I can, like. Leave you alone, I guess. If you want. Unless you want… uh, never mind, I’ll go-”
“Would you help?” Janus asked. He glanced down at the bag in his hands, and added, with much less confidence, “Um. There are parts I can’t reach.”
“Yeah, of course,” Remus said immediately. “Just tell me what to do?”
Janus guided him to sit down on the ground, and then plopped down next to him. He carefully spread one of his wings out and, after a moment of hesitation, let it drape across Remus’ lap. Remus tried not to feel too overwhelmed by the incredible amount of trust Janus was putting in him right now. 
“Here,” Janus passed one of the bristle brushes to Remus- one of many that Remus had bought- and then chose one for himself. “Just go with the growth, please. But if you find any loose feathers go ahead and work them out. Gently, though.”
Remus obeyed. He brushed carefully through the feathers, marveling at their soft golden-brown color. Even covered in oil and grime, they were beautiful. But after a few minutes, Janus frowned. 
“Everything ok?” Remus asked. He was suddenly afraid he was brushing too hard, or hurting Janus somehow, even though Janus had given no indication that he was in pain.
“It’s just…” Janus sighed helplessly. “They’re so dirty.”
He looked almost on the edge of tears when he said it, which was enough to put Remus immediately into I will do anything for you mode. “Do you want to try the Dawn? One time Patton used it to wash a cat he found that was all grimed up and shit, and it worked real well.” 
Janus seemed to consider it. He glanced over toward the door that led to the little private bathroom attached to the holding cell, then shook his head. 
“There’s not enough space in there,” he said. “We’ll make a mess.”
“We can go downstairs,” Remus suggested. “There’s showers in the employee locker rooms. Plenty of space.” 
Janus looked skeptical. “Is that allowed?”
It was, technically, not allowed. Janus had not been evaluated yet, and he wasn’t really allowed out of holding until he was. But… well, if they were quick, no one would notice. What was life without a little risk?
“Sure!” he said. “It’s fine.”
“...Okay. Sure.” 
Grinning, Remus got to his feet and gathered all their supplies back into the bag. Then he beckoned for Janus to follow.
“Logan’s in meetings for most of the day, and Roman’s off on assignment,” he said. He eased open the cell door and peered out into the empty hall. “And Patton’s usually swamped with paperwork in the afternoons. Everyone else who works here is too scared of me to say anything.”
Janus didn’t question it. Remus led him down the hall and paused to make sure the stairwell was also empty before leading him down the two flights to the ground floor. Janus seemed nervous in the unfamiliar surroundings. He clung close to Remus, close enough that he almost ran into him at several points. Remus tried to give him reassuring smiles and the occasional word of encouragement. 
There were voices in the break room, so they had to go around to get to the locker room. It was usually empty at this time, and today was no exception. Remus held the door open and ushered Janus inside. 
“The showers are over here.” Remus pulled back the curtain and leaned in to turn on the water. “You a warm water person or a cold water person?”
“Warm,” Janus said quickly. “Please.”
As the water warmed up, Remus helped him to pull off his soft flannel shirt (one of many Remus had bought because the agency-provided shirts were those horrible starchy t-shirts and Janus had hated them.) Remus was amazed at how much healthier the scaled half of his face and body looked after just a week of proper meals and consistent rest.
“Are you sure this isn’t going to turn everything blue?” Janus asked when Remus passed him the bottle of Dawn. He still looked vaguely unconvinced about this whole thing. 
“Nah, it won’t, don’t worry!”
Janus sighed. “Ok, but if it does, I shall never forgive you.”
“If I turn your wings blue, I’ll buy you so many blankets, they’ll fill up your whole room. Ready?”
“Well that makes me want my wings to turn blue,” Janus said. He followed Remus into the shower stall. 
It took longer than Remus was expecting to wash out all the years of grime from Janus’ wings. It was especially difficult closer to the point where the wings met his back, because Janus couldn’t reach there on his own. Remus worked through those spots carefully, and it wasn’t until he was almost done that he realized Janus had gone silent. 
“Hey, you good?”
Remus leaned over to catch Janus’ eye, only to find his eyes were closed. There was a content look on his face.
“...did you fall asleep?”
“You totally did!” Remus grinned. “You fell asleep standing up!”
Janus opened his eyes to glare at him, but the glare was tempered by the obvious half-dazed look of someone who had, in fact, just woken up. 
“...Ok, maybe I did for a moment there,” Janus huffed. The glare became a pout. “It just feels nice.”
Remus let his grin soften into a smile. “Good. I’m glad.”
The sound of the locker room door opening and closing startled them both. Remus pulled back the curtain just enough to look out into the locker room- and he immediately came face-to-face with Virgil. 
“Oh. ‘Sup, Virge.”
Virgil was eyeing him suspiciously. “What are you doing?”
“Uh… a smoothie?”
“That’s not… Remus, that’s not how that meme works. And you’re not even holding a smoothie.”
“Worth a shot.”
“Are you showering with your clothes on?”
“Sure, doesn’t everyone?”
Virgil’s eyes flicked toward the ground, then back up to Remus. “You realize I can see there’s someone in there with you, right?”
Remus also glanced downward. The curtain stopped about six inches off the ground. “Uh…”
“And I can also see the pile of feathers on the floor that you sure as fuck better not try and wash down the drain.”
“I’m not that dumb.”
Virgil sighed. “Hello, Janus.”
Janus hesitantly poked his head out from the other side of the curtain. “Hello.” 
“The fuck are you guys doing?”
“We’re not having sex if that’s what you’re thinking,” Remus said. Janus made a choked sound and vanished back into the showers.
“There is no universe in which I was thinking that,” Virgil growled. 
“No universe? Not even one?”
“What the fuck are you doing down here?”
Remus rolled his eyes. “If you must know, snake-bird here looked like a penguin in an oil spill. We’re washing his wings.” A pause. “Hey, since you’re here, wanna hand me a couple of towels? The big fluffy ones Patton hides.” 
Virgil walked away grumbling, but by the time Remus had finished rinsing the soap out of Janus’ wings and shut off the water, Virgil was waiting outside with a stack of Patton’s fluffy light blue towels. Remus took one and wrapped Janus up in it.
“What’re you up to, Emo?” he asked as he took a second towel and started toweling off Janus’ dripping wings. 
“Logan sent me to find you,” Virgil answered. He was watching the scene unfold in front of him with a look that Remus didn’t bother trying to decipher. “You weren’t answering your phone.”
“Probably ‘cause it’s sitting on my desk. What’s Teach need me for?”
“He wants to talk. Work stuff.”
“Oh.” Remus looked at Janus. “We should, uh. Probably get you back upstairs before he comes looking for me himself.”
Janus nodded. He gathered up the brushes and, after a moment of eyeing Virgil cautiously, reached over and snatched up one more of Patton’s fluffy towels and shoved it in the bag as well. At Virgil’s look of incredulity, there was nothing else for Remus to do but burst out laughing. 
As it turned out, Logan would probably not have been upset over Janus’ field trip downstairs, because when Remus finally made it to his office, the first thing Logan said to him was, “Would you be opposed to letting Janus stay in your home?”
Because apparently, Logan had pulled some strings with his bosses to get Janus out of holding; he had argued that spending his time in a home environment- instead of a type of confinement similar to what he’d endured for a large portion of his life- would vastly improve his chances of passing the assessment. The higher-ups had agreed, with the stipulation that Janus be released into the care of one of Logan’s team.
“Of course he can come home with me,” Remus had said, almost automatically. It was a chance to get Janus out of the box he’d been stuck in all this time. There was nothing that could make him say no.
Janus had seemed hesitant at first, but ultimately agreed to it. So the next day, they had packed up the mountain of pillows and blankets, the bag of brushes and stolen towels, the couple of books Logan had sent up to keep Janus occupied when Remus couldn’t, the snake plushie Virgil had apparently dropped off the night before, and the multicolored cake Patton and Roman had brought by for him that morning that was now half-eaten, and hauled it all over to Remus’ apartment. For a guy who’d been dragged out of hell with only the clothes on his back, Janus sure had a lot of shit to move.
Janus had balked at getting into a car, so Remus talked Patton and Roman into driving his stuff over for him, and then walked with Janus to the apartment. It wasn’t that far, and, Remus realized with a stab of guilt, it was probably the first time Janus had seen the sun in a long time. He kept pausing to close his eyes and tilt his head up toward the sunlight for a few moments at a time, before darting after Remus. Remus didn't stop him. 
It slowed them down to the point that when they finally got to the apartment, Roman had let himself and Patton in, brought all of Janus’ stuff up, and then left. Which was just as well- Janus had met Roman only once, and had seemed oddly jumpy around him.
“So, yeah,” Remus said, after showing Janus around. “You can just grab anything you need. I don’t really keep anything fragile in here ‘cause I tend to break stuff, so don’t worry.”
It was odd, seeing Janus standing in the middle of his living room, with his wings- which after their scrubdown, actually had a soft golden sheen to them- folded carefully against his back. But he seemed relaxed in a way Remus hadn’t seen before. Logan was right.
That evening, Remus got Janus settled into the bedroom.
“Where will you sleep?” Janus asked tentatively as Remus dumped all of Janus’ blankets onto the bed. 
“Huh? Oh, I’ll just be in the other room,” Remus replied. “I sleep on the couch half the time anyway, no big deal.”
“Oh.” was all Janus said. Remus made sure he was comfortable, and then went to pass out on the couch.
When he woke up sometime late in the night, he wasn’t quite sure what had woken him. Remus was, historically, a heavy sleeper. He’d once slept through a monsoon in a cheap tent. If he was tired enough, he could probably sleep through an earthquake. 
He turned his head to squint out into the dark apartment, and could just make out that the bedroom door was ajar. Remus stood up to go check on Janus- and then promptly tripped over Janus.
Remus yelped, and collapsed into the blanket nest that had appeared on the ground next to the couch; Janus yelped, on account of being tripped over, and scrambled out from under his pile of blankets. They both stared at each other through the darkness for a moment, and then both spoke at once.
“Are you ok-”
“I’m sorry-”
They both paused, and then Remus laughed.
“Shit, J, almost gave me a heart attack there. You ok?”
Janus looked a little sheepish. “Yes. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s ok. What’re you doing sleeping there, though?”
“Um…” Janus looked down at his hands where he was clutching the snake plushie. It was stupidly cute. “I couldn’t sleep, alone. I thought I’d sleep better… out here.”
Remus blinked at him, still half-asleep. And it was probably because he was still half-asleep that he said, “Do you want me to sleep in there with you?”
Janus, after a moment, nodded.
“Ok. I can do that, snake-bird. It’s ok.” 
Remus helped Janus stand up, and they moved the blanket mound back into the bedroom. The rest of Janus’ blankets and pillows had been made into a nest wedged into the space between the bed and the wall. Remus smiled fondly. 
“Didn’t like the bed, huh?”
“I feel safer on the floor,” Janus said, looking embarrassed. “I can… sense vibrations in the ground. I know if someone’s coming up to me.”
“Oh. That makes sense.” Remus glanced between the nest and the bed, and shrugged. “I got the bed, then.”
He laid down, while Remus clamored over the bed to get to his nest and then promptly burrowed under the mountain of blankets. And as he was drifting off, Remus could have sworn he heard a soft sigh from Janus, of something that could, perhaps, be contentment. 
Janus had never slept so well before. Tucked into the space between the bed and the wall, in a room so unlike the cement-walled cell he’d spent years calling home- and with the soft snoring of Remus, the man he had tentatively come to trust, nearby, Janus slept through the night. And the night after that, and the night after that.
So when he woke with a start the fourth night, it took him a few groggy minutes to piece together why he was awake. He was still curled up comfortably under his blankets. Remus was snoring away in the bed above him. And then the people in the kitchen took another step toward the bedroom, and the vibrations in the floor raced up to Janus’ body. He sat up in a panic.
“Remus,” he hissed. No response. He reached up and grabbed at Remus’ shoulder to try and shake him awake. “Remus!”
Remus grumbled something incomprehensible, and did not wake. Starting to feel frantic, Janus crawled up onto the bed and shook Remus harder. At the same moment that Remus’ eyes fluttered open, the doorknob turned.
“Janus?” Remus asked, voice rough with sleep. Then the door was flung open. Flashlight beams fell across them both as men poured into the small room. Janus turned, baring his teeth, and spread his wings to shield Remus behind him.
“Take him, alive,” one of the men ordered. Janus squinted through the harsh glare of their flashlights to pick out who was speaking. “Kill the other.”
No. Absolutely not.
Janus caught the leader’s eye and summoned his powers to him. The man tried to look away, but even in the gloom, Janus’ powers held him rooted to the spot. 
“Sleep,” he snarled, forcing all of his power and will into the command. The man dropped to the floor.
In the seconds it took for him to wrest the leader’s consciousness away, the other men had fanned out around him. Janus whipped around to his left, but froze when he felt the cold muzzle of a gun touch the back of his neck.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” a voice behind him sneered. A man to his right reached to grab him. There was a crack and a grunt of pain behind him, and the gun fell away- Remus appeared on his right and swung what looked like a crowbar. There was another sickening crack, and the man grabbing for Janus immediately collapsed in a heap. 
The momentum of the swing propelled Remus up off the bed and into the next armed goon. They both fell backwards- Remus knocked his gun away, and as they hit the ground, a whack from the crowbar meant only Remus stood back up.
“Janus, get down!” he shouted suddenly. Janus turned- there was one man still standing, and he had his gun leveled at Janus’ chest. Janus froze. A gunshot rang out.
Janus felt himself hit his mound of blankets. Remus had shoved him off the bed. Hesitantly, he peered up over the edge.
Remus had bowled the man over onto his back amid the sheets and now sat on top of him, a hand grasping at the exposed skin of his neck. The man, rather than struggling against Remus’ grip, was clutching at his own chest. He convulsed, then fell still.
Janus put a hand on the ground. There were no more in the apartment. He climbed up onto the bed.
No response. Janus hesitantly reached out to touch his shoulder. At the same time, Remus slumped forward and slid to the ground.
“Remus!” Janus cried out in alarm. He vaulted over the bed and crouched down next to Remus. There was blood soaking his shirt.
“Remus, fuck. Why’d you do that?” Janus hissed. He gathered Remus up into his arms and tried to put pressure on the wound. Remus gazed up at him with glassy eyes.
“I promised,” he said weakly. Janus looked down at him.
“What did you promise?” he asked, probably sounding a little hysterical. Remus gave him a gentle smile.
“I promised they’d never touch you again.”
A neighbor had heard the gunshot and called the police, which was just as well, because Janus had no idea how to work Remus’ phone. The police had come and whisked Remus off to the hospital in an ambulance. Virgil came to take Janus back to the agency so that he wouldn’t be left alone in what had now become a crime scene. Janus made sure to bring his pale yellow blanket, the first one Remus had given him.
The investigation that followed revealed the intruders to be the extra names Logan had been searching for, and had returned to try and reclaim Janus before leaving town. With this, Logan could finally put the case to rest.
Remus was fine. When Janus was finally allowed to see him a few days later, he had just grinned and said, “Still not as bad as that time Virgil hit me with his truck.” Janus was not amused.
With the investigation closed, the agency could release Janus to be evaluated. Everyone gathered in Logan’s office to wait anxiously.
“He’s gonna be fine,” Roman said in what was probably supposed to be a reassuring tone. It did nothing to soothe Remus’ frayed nerves.
“Yeah, but what if something goes wrong, like they spook him or something-”
“If he can tolerate Princey randomly belting out Disney songs, he can tolerate anything,” Virgil scoffed. Roman glared. Patton stifled a giggle. Remus opened his mouth to reply, but in that moment, the door opened. Logan stepped into the office- behind him came Janus. 
“...Well?” Remus asked impatiently. His eyes were fixed on Janus. 
Janus glanced toward Logan. Logan gave a slight nod, and a smile spread across Janus’ face.
“I’m free to go.”
Remus sprang up and engulfed Janus in a hug. Janus clung to him tightly, and his tears of joy soaked Remus’ chest. 
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munchmemes · 3 years
cxgf lyrics.  (  season three, part one.  )
❛  where’s a woman’s pride without her man? ❛  my reason for living has abandoned me. ❛  i can’t stay here forever but i also can’t bear going back to my life, facing pity and stares. ❛  i ran away like some scared little boy. i want revenge for my broken heart but i’m so devastated, i don’t know where to start. ❛  my defenses are down after his sneak attack. ❛  do i let him win or do i fight back? fight back? ... fight back. ❛  right now, we’re angry and sad. ❛  it’s our right to get righteously mad at every member of the opposite sex. let’s not distinguish between them at all. let’s just drink a lot more alcohol. ❛  all men are completely repressed. all men only want to have sex. there are no exceptions. all three billion men are like this. ❛  this is a kind of primal ritual we need now and then. ❛  all men are stupid and childish, even the ones who are smart and mature. ❛  all men do each and every day is watch porn, eat wings, burp, fart, and snore. ❛  crazy is when i go off the rails, this is what you’ve done to me. ❛  don’t mess with a bitch who’s crazy in the head. ❛  i’ve got my head in the clouds ‘cause that’s where heaven is. ❛  go no cares anymore. no obligations are holding me down, that’s what religion is for. ❛  reality was getting so complicated, all the drama was getting insane but now i’ve given my life to mr. jesus christ. ❛  i’m speeding down the carpool lane ‘cause god’s my E-Z pass. ❛  my whole life i’ve wanted to be bad but whenever i tried, the result was always sad. ❛  lead me to the dark side like a lamb to slaughter. ❛  you’re a soul-sucking, corporate piece of trash who only cares about sex, lies and cash. ❛  you’re like professor snape in his sad dungeon with his potions. ❛  thongs are so uncomfortable. ❛  the buzzing from the bathroom has finally been explained. ❛  i used to think i was a hero. can’t believe she didn’t come. ❛  after everything you made me do that you ‘didn’t ask for’ you pay me back with rejection, pain and loss. ❛  i now associate toilets with heartbreak, welcome to the hell i’m living. ❛  you gave me that worthless proposal and not even two weeks later, i made out with my boss when we got stuck in an elevator. ❛  you’re nothing without me and my selfless humility. ❛  i held you up despite the fact you lack brains and ability. ❛  after everything i’ve done for you, i thought love was the reason why but now ... i say goodbye. ❛  what does the future hold? what will tomorrow bring me? ugh. ❛  might be an uphill climb but i just gotta find what’s at the end - please don’t make me say this - of this rainbow? ❛  ugh, oh, i guess it’s time for a story. ❛  that was a living nightmare.  ❛  deep inside there’s something still ain’t right so then ... i go to the zoo! ❛  i look at the monkeys. their eyes look like my eyes. ❛  it’s so relaxing at the zoo, saying ‘what’s up’ to kangaroos. my boys awake cause they’re nocturnal. ❛  my favourite is probably the cheetahs but i ain’t messing with no zebra. ❛  i know the nightguard at the zoo. his name is ron, my man’s legit. he knows that i love panda canyon, sometimes he lets me bottle feed the cub. ❛  sometimes even the zoo isn’t enough so then ... i go to the aquarium. it’s like a zoo for fishies. ❛  i used to think my mother was the worst. that if she didn’t kill me, i’d kill her first. ❛  maybe she’s not such a heinous bitch after all. ❛  i don’t want to bash her head in with this cup. it may sound harsh but that’s a huge step up. ❛  i still hate her, don’t get me wrong. ❛  i still hate her, don’t get me wrong but it’s more like the way normal girls hate their moms. ❛  all i ever prayed for every day was to resent my mother in a regular way. ❛  maybe old age has tamed this with and made her a doll. but like one of those evil haunted dolls. ❛  i feel like this isn’t about me. ❛  clearly they’re projecting all of their feelings about a person i’ve never met and making it about me. ❛  i’m not the best with social cues but this one’s pretty clear. ❛  when i tried to find the reason for my sadness and terror, all the solutions were trial and error. take this pill, say this chant, move here for this guy. ❛  i could really rock a tinfoil hat. ❛  i’m aware mental illness is stigmatized but the stigma is worth it if i’ve realized who i’m meant to be, armed with my diagnosis. ❛  the naturopath said it was sex addiction. yes, i like penises, but who doesn’t? ❛  what’s your hashtag? ❛  yeah, that’s not a movement. ❛  i was so young, he was so big and strong. i can’t believe that he’s right here. ❛  how could i ever forget the first penis i saw. ❛  all of the penises i’ve seen his had the biggest impact. ❛  i didn’t know what to do next. i didn’t have that part planned. ❛  i just made a new buddy. ❛  i got only good things to say about my friend’s dad. it’s all the fun of having a dad without the painful history. ❛  he’s a literal drunk but that don’t bother me ‘cause he’s not my dad. he’s my friend’s dad. ❛  it’s the healthiest relationship i’ve had with a man. ❛  if we were related, we’d probably fight a lot. ❛  my sperm is nice and healthy. in terms of sperm, i’m wealthy. ❛  even though i’m no teenager, my boys still throw a rager. ❛  you’ve brought me joy and you’ve made me smile but now that you’re grown ... why are you still here? i don’t understand. ❛  it’s time to get your ass out of my ass. ❛  seriously, why do you still live with me? ❛  let me be clear, i want you to disappear. ❛  perhaps that was mean but i think you should know how frustrated i’ve been that XY and i can’t have sex as loud as we want. ❛  my church friends think it’s a shame. they say my son is so lame. ❛  what’s up with the random rowboats? ❛  thanks to your feet, this house smells like sauerkraut.
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jarofstyles · 4 years
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A/N: this is one of the little one shots we wrote for @majorharry​’s 20k fic celebration (congrats to cass she’s is amazing!! we love her writing so much 🥺) we used prompt 30 “you’re making this so much harder than it has to be.” Our take on punk!harry catching feelings for a hookup 
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send feedback and requests here 
pairing: Harry Styles x Reader 
warning: a bit of angst 
word count 4k
“You’re making this so much harder than it has to be.” Y/N watched as Harry scrambled to get his clothes on. 
This was a regular routine for the two of them, Harry would text her telling her to be ready when he arrived. She wouldn’t exactly call their relationship a relationship. She felt like calling it a booty call made her feel gross though that’s the closest to what it was. Y/N wouldn’t even call it friends with benefits. Harry wasn’t her friend, he never tried to be. They were from different sides of the spectrum. Harry was rough around the edges, blunt, pretentious. An arrogant son of a bitch if you asked Y/N. She leaned more on the safer side of things, not a good girl, but not exactly bad. Just your average girl. She’s boring and uptight if you asked Harry. 
“It’s 2...” Y/N trailed off to look at the clock, “2:46 in the morning, just stay.” She sighed, sitting up and bringing the sheet up with her to cover her front. She wasn’t sure what his deal was, but it started to get under her skin.
“That isn’t my thing, Sweetheart.” Harry chuckled, feeling the panic bubble in his chest at the idea of staying. Of being too close to her. Y/N was equally as terrifying to him and she had to have some clue.
Harry didn’t do relationships. Hell, this was the closest thing he had to being truly intimate for years and he was terrified. He had gotten a bit too comfortable with Y/N and found himself wanting to stick around too long after their fun. It was made abundantly clear to the both of them that they weren’t going to be anything more than a booty call. After the last time, it had been insanely good and he had fallen asleep in her bed. Waking up with her curled up on his chest, the warmth, the comfort? It was so amazingly lovely and so terrifying he could cry. No. He wouldn’t allow himself to get attached again. 
Besides. She was... god. She was fucking immaculate. Smart and kind, talented and sweet. There was no damn way she would actually want a relationship with someone like him. Covered head to toe in tattoos and piercings and shit. Smoking and drinking and all that too. No. She deserved a nice guy. Someone with an office job.
Y/N rolled her eyes. She hated that fucking nickname. It felt patronizing, but she knew that wasn’t the angle Harry was coming at this all with. He was avoiding her. She could see it. The way he wouldn’t meet her gaze. Harry was well aware she could read his eyes, he wouldn’t be able to hide from her then. 
“Harry, it’s fucking pouring.” He didn’t have a car, she knew he had full intentions of walking back to his apartment on campus. Y/N looked at him with furrowed brows, realizing he wasn’t stopping. She reached over and slipped her Fleetwood Mac shirt back on, getting up to walk over to him. “If you’re that fussed about it, you can take the couch, or I can take the couch, but I’m not letting you walk home in the fucking rain in the middle of the night.” Y/N spoke sternly, but her voice was soft. What was the big deal?
“No. You aren’t taking the couch— get back in bed.” He sighed, closing his eyes. Fuck. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings, Y/N didn’t do anything wrong at all. She was being her normal, sweet, tender self and wanted to make sure he was safe and he understands that but... fuck. “Go back to bed. I’ll sit until the rain stops and call an Uber or something.” He was nervous. He knew that if he laid back in bed with her that he would like it and want more of it. Those kisses would be soft and not the rough ones he was used to and he would melt. Normally his hookups didn’t make him nervous— but she absolutely did. Very much so. “Don’t give me that pout please.” He groaned when she looked up at him with puppy eyes and approached him slowly. Oh no. He was a strong man but he knew his inner weakness for her. He felt it. Didn’t want it.
“I don’t understand why this is such a big deal.” Y/N frowned, genuinely confused. What I’m earth was he on about? Sitting until the rain stopped or getting an uber? Was she really that unbearable? Y/N wasn’t going to beg for him to stay, but if he really wanted out there must be a reason? She thought maybe since they’ve been having regular sex for a few months that maybe it wouldn’t be such a big deal for him to just stay. “I don’t understand you, ya know?” She muttered, looking at him as if she was examining him. What changed so much? He had come into her home all guns blazing a few hours ago, pinning her against the wall, ravishing her after a night of drinking with her friends. She even thought they made progress when they had a little laugh about it afterwards, but then he was up and itching to get out. “I know you’re not the biggest fan of me, but do you have to be so fucking stubborn?”
Wait. What? Harry furrowed his brows and looked at her with disbelief. The way he had just fucked her as if his life depended on it? How did that translate into him not liking her?
“Hold on. No— I don’t dislike you or anything. M’not trying to get away because I don’t like you.” He said lowly, face full of confusion and a bit of irritation. “Jesus Christ. It’s the opposite. That’s why I can’t bloody stay in your place.” He felt a bit stupid admitting that because even to him it didnt make total sense. All he knew was that she wouldn’t like him the way he could end up liking her and he already had the beginnings of something more than a crush. He knew he fell in love quickly— far too quickly. And he didn’t want to set himself up for more disappointment.
Now Y/N was confused. 
“And that’s supposed to make sense?” She asked with furrowed brows, her arms crossing over her chest in defense. It was chilly in her apartment, but she wasn’t about to go put on more clothes when they could just get back into bed and go to sleep. If he would just listen. “You stayed here last time and you were fine.” Y/N stayed simply, “just go lay down, can go home whenever you want tomorrow....” She was giving up on fighting with him, but of course his words were still ringing through her mind. If he liked her why was he so desperate to leave? Why did he want to get away from her so bad? It didn’t make any sense at all.
“Yeah, I did and we cuddled! We aren’t supposed to do that.” Harry stressed. When her face was even more confused he let out a dark groan, covering his face with his hands. How did she not understand this? This dilemma, this crisis? They were meant to be fuck buddies. Nothing more. She wouldn’t be interested in more and it was so fucking embarrassing to think of himself catching emotions for her when she would just laugh or not want to be involved at all. His last girlfriend had summed it up by explaining that Harry was fun for a while. Fun to explore and live out that bad boy fantasy with his motorcycle and crazy parties and tattoo artist apprenticeship but he wasn’t boyfriend material. If she thought that —and she wasn’t a total prize once he thought about it— Y/N would for sure laugh if he wanted more than that.
“You understand you’re making zero sense right now right?” Y/N chuckled, shaking her head. “You were balls deep in me and cuddling is what you’re worried about?” She asked with a small sigh, taking a few seconds just watching him. “Look, I’ll stay on the other side of the bed if you want. Just stay. It isn’t a question, you’re not leaving.” Y/N didn’t like being challenged, she liked getting her way and he was making no sense with his talk. She reached out and took his hand, pulling him back towards her bed. She was tired, sleep was visible on her face but she wouldn’t sleep until she was sure he wouldn’t leave. 
Truth be told she didn’t want him to leave for other reasons. She liked having him around, even if sometimes he didn’t act so fond of her and pushed her away. Y/N liked having his calm energy around, liked him roasting her, liked how he always found a way to get her to wind down. Not to mention sharing a bed with him during the night was incredibly comfortable. When they started this whole thing, Y/N knew that there was a possibility that she could catch feelings. However, she let those die. He wasn’t interested. She was just some good pussy to him.
He felt squirmy. Sitting in bed with her and not touching her felt wrong. It felt weird and uncomfortable and he just wanted to pet her hair and gently touch her skin and it was such a weird and odd feeling. He wanted to vomit. How the fuck was he even doing this?
She was terrifying.
He didn’t realize he had said that out loud until she turned over and looked at him with a questioning look. Fuck. Oops. 
“I... didn’t mean to say that out loud.” He cleared his throat, face flushed as he realized he didn’t know how to get himself out of this.
To say Y/N was thoroughly confused was an understatement. Y/N was getting antsy, she didn’t like all this scrambling around, she wanted to have an adult conversation with him. 
“Can you please just tell me what is on your mind? Cause I’m lost.” Y/N sighed, “you text me telling me you’re going to come over, you get here all eager to see me, fuck me for two hours straight, then want to get out of here faster than I can say your full name. Say you’d rather wait the rain out or get an uber than sleeping here. Tell me it’s not because you don’t like me but because you do like me, then say I’m terrifying? Am I reading this wrong or?” Y/N wished he could just be straight up with her, she didn’t have time trying to figure him out.
“For fucks sake!” Harry sat up on the end of the bed so he didn’t have to look at her. It was too embarrassing. Getting flustered over this. “I’ll get too comfortable. I’ll sleep here and we’ll cuddle again and I’ll feel close to you and you’ll end up getting tired of me.” He huffed. “No one keeps their feelings for me for too long and I’m fun to fuck around with but I’m not relationship material.” It was obvious he had heard this before and it had stuck in his mind. Very much so because it was like he was reciting it bitter from memory. “And then you’ll be tired of me and I’ll be used to sleeping in your bed, and I’ll be fucking worthless with sleep again and it’ll fuck me up. I don’t want that shit to happen. I’m not the type of guy you want to cuddle or sleep with anyways. M’only decent for a fuck.” Plus, she hadn’t shown any real interest besides the fact she did want to fuck him.
Y/N sat up, completely taken aback. She didn’t realize it was getting like this. Hell, she was fully convinced he just didn’t want to be around her outside of their sex life. But to think he had been sat here convincing himself of things that just weren’t true? Assuming that she wouldn’t want him when, if given a proper chance, she would? “And how the hell do you know what I want?” She asked out right, “you never asked me... and I never said anything about it. You’ve barely even attempted conversation with me, fuck... and you just—” Y/N knew she had to relax. “If I didn’t want you sleeping here I would have let you leave. If I didn’t care about you I would have let you leave.” Her voice was softer this time. She took a few moments to calm down and then decided to speak again. “You know you could have asked me... what I wanted? Know it’s scary— and... I don’t know who hurt you.... but I don’t want to be lumped in with them. I don’t think like that...”
Harry clenched his jaw. He didn’t know what to think. With Y/N being as sweet as she was,  he didn’t think she would be one to lie about it.  It did make sense if he thought about the fact that she never kicked him out. He was just the first to leave so she wouldn’t have to be the one to say it and make him feel weird about it. He was used to that. 
“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be a dick.” He rubbed the back of his neck, still not turning around to face her. He felt like a bit of an idiot as it was. He didn’t want her to think that he didn’t want to stay either but he wasn’t sure how the hell to go about it. “You’re... I dunno. You’re nice and different and it’s terrifying. I don’t want to be rejected by the nicest person.” He said lowly. “You’re really sweet and I’m scared to get to know you properly. Everyone talks about how lovely you are and I know you must be.” God, talking about feelings? He didn’t know how to properly do that without sounding like a damn idiot. “I’ll probably like you a lot more than I should. The sex is fucking fantasitic. But then I think about you kickin’ me out or waking up and realizing what you’ve done and get upset.”
Y/N could understand him, sure. It was self preservation. He assumed because of his past and naturally, he wanted to be ahead of the curve. He didn’t even give her a chance. Y/N felt like this type of behavior didn’t help anyone, only landed them in situations like these. 
“Hurts a lot more when you just get up and leave ya know?” Y/N swallowed thickly. “Feel dirty... used... convince myself it isn’t what you mean and that maybe it’s just cause you’re ashamed or something.” She said with a shrug, “know you’re a nice guy, know you don’t mean it like that... but..” it still hurt. “We decided it wasn’t going to be anything more and I wasn’t expecting anything more, just thought maybe we could be I dunno... not like this?” Y/N chuckled sadly. “Thought that we could be friendly even if it wasn’t real? Dunno, just... the last time you were here it felt nice? Felt like what I wanted it to feel like, minus the awkward bolt you did once you realized where you were.”
“Fuck. I’m a dick. I didn’t want— I don’t want you to feel like that.” That had him turning around, piercing in his brow slanting down with the snarl in them. “I just can’t do this shit right, huh?” He groaned, a sarcastic chuckle leaving his throat. “Jesus. I don’t know how I manage to fuck shit up so damn bad. I don’t want you to feel dirty or used cause you’re not. I enjoy myself, darlin’.” There was a deep sigh, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles. How the fuck did he end up getting it all wrong? “Wasn’t leaving cause I didn’t like it. Left because I did. Too much. S’not what I’m used to and I don’t think I could have stomached you telling me to leave, so I just left before you could tell me to.” He looked down at his lap. “M’sorry, Y/N. It wasn’t my intention. Know that doesn’t do shite to make you feel any better and doesn’t take away the fact that I’ve been a dick but, I thought you’d want me to leave.”
“Why?” Y/N asked softly, deciding that if she got him talking she might as well get the answers she wanted out of him. “Why did you think I’d want you to leave? Cause I wasn’t going to ask you to.” Y/N told him honestly, “it isn’t polite and even then I thought... I would feel like shit if someone asked me to leave.” She explained with a small sigh. “Just because we decided it was nothing more than sex didn’t mean that I wasn’t going to at least try to be your friend or something... I just assumed that wasn’t what you wanted. Practically ignore me everywhere else.” Y/N knew that no one really knew about them. They sat there for a few moments before she decided to be bold, to look at him properly and just get this over with. 
“Do you want this to be more than sex?”
Harry sat and thought about it for a moment. Of course, he did. His little crush on her was massive now and he had been kidding himself every time he left to walk away and do dumb shit like this. 
“I didn’t think you had any interest because you didn’t really show any besides wanting to fuck.” He said bluntly. Which is true. “I thought I’d be overstepping boundaries by suggesting more. Plus... you’re so.... good. You’re sweet as fuck, you’re smart, I would have thought you’d want an office dude or someone who’s going to give you some sort of good stability. Not some guy like me.” Harry shrugged, looking over to her. “I can’t tell what you’d want. Maybe s’partially my fault because I leave so quickly. But... I dunno. Maybe? It’s... it’s hard.” He didn’t know how to explain it properly. On the outside, he was a dickhead. A bad boy. He fucked, drank, smoked, dabbled in coke and shrooms. He was an artist, wanted to be a tattoo artist, didn’t see himself leaving at least for another 2 years. Then he wanted to go to New York, or New Orleans. Something bigger than him. Would she want any of that?
“Could’ve asked me out for a drink or something... didn’t have to be this elaborate thing.” Y/N sighed and played with her fingers some more. Obviously she enjoyed herself, obviously she didn’t want it to stop, but he wasn’t wrong about her not showing him any signs of wanting more. They agreed to it being strictly sex so she kept it at that. “So what then, you’re just going to keep coming around and fucking me and leaving again?” She asked quietly, “what do you want me to do?” Y/N didn’t know how she could help in this situation. She didn’t deny him, never said she wasn’t interested, but when asked if he wanted more he deflected. Y/N had been single her whole college career. She wanted to focus on her school work, besides, all the college guys were assholes... most of them were. They just assumed they knew more, tried to mansplain everything. She hated it. Y/N didn’t want that. If she was going to get into a relationship of any kind, she would hope that they brought out the best in her, made her feel like she could have fun the way Harry did.
“No— obviously m’nit gonna do that. I didn’t realize it made you feel shitty. S’what everyone else has wanted but... I should have realized.” Harry licked his dry bottom lip. “You’re a lot nicer than them. Softer. I shouldn’t have just treated you like everyone else and m’sorry for that.” Of course she was different. She was just... sweet. She never made him feel poorly and always praised him during sex. Always was excited to see him. He really felt like a massive dick. Especially seeing the worry in her face. “What do you want?” He asked, picking at the non existent lint in the bed. “Like... would you want to do somethin’ other than that?”
“I wanna go on a date...” Y/N said without really thinking, “if you want... we can like, go for coffee or a drink or something just... talk.” She didn’t know what he was going to say, she felt like she would bite the bullet in this case since he was far too nervous to take initiative. She had to force it out of him.  “And if it’s not up to your expectations then I guess we can just pretend it never happened or something... you can even come here for dinner if you want?” Y/N didn’t want to make a fool of herself. “and if you don’t wanna do any of that then maybe we can just like... be friendly?” She rubbed at her eye, feeling extremely sleepy. He really did fuck her good. 
The two of them were realizing that they were both full of shit. They should have communicated better, shouldn’t have been guessing. Neither of them wanted to comprise the sex but sometimes, adult decisions had to be made.
“I’d... you’d really want to go on a date with me?” It wasn’t something he had ever initially expected but hey. Harry would take it. Especially because she was so shy usually but she had been the one to switch roles and take charge when it came to talking about feelings.  “Yeah. We can do that.” He noticed she was sleepy, rubbing at her eyes and felt guilt course through him as he noticed it. “Why... don’t we talk about this in the morning’. You’re so tired.” And damn, was she cute. He felt a bit of pride as well knowing a good fuck could help aid in the sleepy thing. 
“I promise I’ll be here in the morning.” He stood up and took his jeans back off but kept the shirt on, not sure what was proper when sleeping with a girl when you weren’t fucking them. This was good, yeah? Cuddling was still foreign so he wasn’t going to attempt it— he would let her decide if that’s something she wanted. “Any of that sounds good to me. M’sorry I was a prick. I didn’t think you’d want anything to do with me but that’s my own fault.”
“It’s okay, you can make it up to me.” Y/N was happy that he agreed to go on the date with her. She felt like it would be nice for them to actually have a conversation without it leading to sex. Just for them to get to know each other properly and not just based on what they’ve heard. She hummed as she felt sleep coming on, immediately falling back on the bed and getting all cozy. Y/N curled up and pulled the pillow closer to her, looking up at him as he stripped back down. “Shirt too.” She mumbled. “cause you’re warm.” Y/N cooed and patted the spot next to her. She moved to curl up to him, lifting his arm so she could rest her head on his chest. “What? You said you liked the cuddle.” She teased, nuzzling against him. “Could you turn off the light?” She asked, pointing to the switch above her bed.
Harry felt okay now. A bit shaky— but better. He didn’t know what would come of this, but he could feel that he was comfortable and warm and bright. Happy. She made him feel at ease with these simple things and had even suggested a date. A date.  Something the man hadn’t imagined a girl like her would ever be into but, look at them now. When he turned off the light and settled into the bed, feeling the warmth of her body as she clung on to him— there was one thought that kept going through his mind. 
It’ll be alright.
A/N: ahhh thank you for reading, this is something a bit different for us, but hopefully these little oneshots/blurbs we can post a bit more often in between series updates! also, but congrats to cass once again, you a queen. we love you 🥺 - n + d
let us know what you think!
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🎃 𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 🎃 |
↪ ✦ super duper party people ✦
this chapter pairing; incubus!96z(Jun/Hoshi/Wonwoo/Woozi) x reader
genre&warnings; this is literally a 5-some djfhsd(96z gangbang hskshdksjh). incubus!seventeen, double penetration/anal, blowjobs, handjobs, cum eating, bukakke,  (minor)subspace, tentacles(as if there weren’t enough cocks in this), 2woo(wonwoo/woozi) have a (minor)crying kink don’t look at me, degradation/namecalling/dumbification, dirty talk. ☠️ hooooooly jesus please dont come for me kdfks 😩😩😩
notes; *hypnagogia is that weird threshold between being awake and being asleep where some people experience hallucinations/lucid dreaming/sleep paralysis. Also i have no excuses for this one LMAOOO SKJHFKJH this is def me indulging but thats what halloween is all about right? 🥴 SINS AND DECADENCE!! So enjoy~ have a good day/night!! stay hydrated and I'll see u tomorrow!! (also I accidentally sandwiched this one in between jun and wonwoo’s indiv fics so we got 96z action 3 days in a row kjfhsdkhf)🎃👻 💕
word count; ~3500
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - x - x - x - x - x - x - x
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ooh, all the girls and boys on the dance floor,
and they lose all their heads to the groove of the record;
drink a little velvet so you get into the beat,
strike a bolt of lighting and become a superfreak!
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Club Hypnagogia was a small club.
A hole in the wall space tucked away on the further side of town that people tried to avoid after the sun went down. Most people knew it to be where the seedier characters tended to lurk, but the small niche knew it to be where the more supernatural characters gathered instead.
You take a sip of your drink, eyes already focused on the two males standing across the club. It wasn’t as busy tonight which came as a shock to you considering it was Halloween night, but they’d caught your eye as soon as you’d walked in and you found yourself unable to look away.
One was much taller than the other but both of them had the same sultry smirk painted on their lips and you soon found yourself already drawn to their allure as you abandon your drink and make your way across the club.
You already knew what you were in for when you stopped in front of them.
“My, my, such a pretty ‘lil thing, aren’t you?” The taller one comments.
You take in their appearances; red and black outfits that showed off their bodies and they also made no effort to hide their crimson eyes and black horns either.
“You’re Soonyoung’s plaything, correct me if I’m wrong.” The shorter one teases; lips easing into a knowing smile.
“Soonyoung’s? I thought she was Jun’s?”
The two of them share a look, brows raised at you as you bite your lip. “Um…”
“Interesting. I take it you’re a regular around here then?” The taller one asks, stepping closer to you as you immediately feel their energy pour over you in an instant. “I---I guess you can s-say that…” You mumble.
“D’you think either of them would get mad about this, Wonwoo?”
“Dunno. Let’s find out.”
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Wonwoo and Jihoon.
That’s what their names were.
They came as a set; nothing more and nothing less.
Unlike Soonyoung and Jun who always came individually, unwilling to share their time with you.
“Look at you, crying while you choke on Jihoon’s cock.” Wonwoo laughs, legs crossed as he sits in a chair across the bed. “Does Soonyoung make you cry prettily too? Or maybe Jun?” Jihoon’s hands tangle in your hair, holding you still as he thrusts into your mouth. You gag around his cock as your own fingertips rub at yourself through your panties that already stick to you like a second skin.
“She’s even touching herself while she chokes on my cock like a good fuckin’ cockslut.”
Wonwoo gets up from his seat, cropped top shifting slightly to show off his toned abs and slim waist as he joins the two of you on the king size bed. Thank god for the private rooms, you’d said.
He sizes up behind you, his hand over Jihoon’s as he holds your head still for the other male. “Bet you’re already thinking about both of our cocks inside of you at the same time, huh?” There’s a pause and a smirk from Wonwoo, “You wanna be a good plaything for us and let us use your holes like a good cock hungry slut but what are you gonna do about that mouth of yours, hmm? Nothing to keep it filled.”
Jihoon catches his drift, a smirk of his own plastered onto his features as he cuts your airways off with his cock. “Should we invite some friends? Y’know, somethin’ to keep your mouth busy?”
You feel a shiver run up your spine, head fuzzy at the lightheadedness and the thought of more hands on your already burning skin.
Jihoon pulls his cock out of your mouth as you sputter and drool. “Well?”
“Y-yes…” You croak, stray tears slipping down your cheeks as Jihoon tilts your head up to meet his stare. “What was that? Say it louder.”
“Yes, I---I want… I want m-more… I wanna choke o-on cock while the--the two of you f-fuck my c-cunt and my ass…” Tears spill down your cheek as the lust pools in you and Jihoon is quick to lean down, tongue already lapping up the salty tears. He smirks, “You’re so pretty when you cry, y’know?”
Wonwoo nods, licking his lips. “Especially when you’re begging about wanting more cocks in your pretty body.”
“Christ, the two of you are somethin’ else.” A voice chips in. You sniffle, turning your head slightly to see Soonyoung and Jun standing by the door.
You whimper their names as they step closer to the large bed, both also adorning the same knowing smirk that Wonwoo and Jihoon had when you’d seen them for the first time.
“I’ll admit, I’m not particularly good with sharing but my, are you a sight for sore eyes. Sandwiched between two incubus and still wanting more. Tsk, and I thought I was enough for you.” Soonyoung smirks, fingertips reaching out to cup your tear-stained cheeks.
Jun joins you on the bed, leaning up against the headboard. “I will say, you’re quite the risk-taker for a human. Wanting to get fucked by all four of us at once. Care to give us a reason why we even should?”
You let out a choked sob, lips chapped. “I--it’s ‘cause… I--” The words die on your tongue, slightly embarrassed.
Wonwoo takes the hint, chuckling under his breath. “Lemme guess, human males don’t do it for you, do they? They don’t know what you want. Or rather, when you tell them, it scares them off. You want to be treated like a plaything, holes stuffed full of cock ‘n cum until your brain is just a pile of mush, right? You like it when we use our abilities to make you feel good, our tentacles when they wrap around your pretty throat or when they fuck your ‘lil ass with our cocks shoved deep inside your cunt filling you to the brim with cum until it’s spilling out of you. You’re an ‘freak’ to normal standards. Tell me if I’ve hit the nail on the head, or if I should keep going.”
Your fingers still tucked between your legs press hard into your clit at his filthy words, shaky eyes unsure of who to look at first.
“Y--yes… You’re r-right...” You whisper quietly.
Soonyoung leans in, lips ghosting against yours.
“Then let’s indulge.”
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You were used to Soonyoung and Jun both using their ‘abilities’ for added pleasure; almost addicted to the way they each knew exactly what you wanted and needed.
“Hey, fuck, it’s my turn!” Soonyoung grumbles, trying to bat away Wonwoo’s fingers that were knuckle deep in your pussy. 
This was precisely why he never liked sharing.
You were on your hands and knees in the middle of the bed, lips wrapped around Jun’s cock and one hand wrapped around Jihoon’s as you worked them both. Wonwoo and Soonyoung were both behind you, arguing as Wonwoo thrusted his index and middle finger into your tight cunt.
“Cripes, Soonyoung, give us a break. And anyway, who says we both can’t finger her pussy at the same time.” Soonyoung’s annoyed expression turns into one of agreement; spitting on his fingers before he positions them next to Wonwoo’s. He sinks them in and you moan around Jun’s cock at how full you felt with four of their fingers fucking you open and getting you read to take their cocks.
You squeeze Jihoon a little harder when you feel a tentacle slithering across your torso, wrapping itself around your midsection to keep you upright as another two wrap themselves around your breasts. The sensations are almost too much for you to handle, but you try your best to stave off your orgasm for now.
“Hmm, we have her cunt filled up but what about her cute ‘lil ass, huh? Give her what she wants already.” Jun comments. You clench around Wonwoo and Soonyoung’s fingers, whimpering when you feel them both spit onto the puckered rim.
This time, a smaller tentacle slithers up your leg until you feel it prodding at your ass and Jun pulls you off of his cock, licking his lips at the precum and drool that drips onto the sheets under you. “Let’s hear it, princess. How much do you want it?”
Your grip momentarily loosens around Jihoon when Wonwoo and Soonyoung both curl their fingers right into your g-spot. “Pl-please... I--I want… I want you to---to fuh--fuck me… use, ah, my h-holes like I’m your--your toy…”
Jihoon laughs in amazement, “Shit, you’re fuckin’ cute. I could get used to you.”  
Jun rubs the head of his cock against your lips, smearing the precum on them before you part your lips for him once more.
You start a rhythm again, letting Jun fuck your mouth and running your hand up as down Jihoon’s cock as you fuck yourself on Wonwoo and Soonyoung’s fingers. The tentacle slowly eases past the rim of muscle and you moan around Jun’s cock at the fullness you feel when it starts fucking into you as well.
“Hmm~ Look at our 'lil dumb cumslut. Filled up just like she wanted. Must be so happy, huh?” Soonyoung teases.
The urge to cum is strong and you feel your self control starting to slip quicker and quicker, unable to warn any of them when your body suddenly seizes up in between them all.
“Oh~ She’s cumming~” Wonwoo singsongs; wiggling his fingers inside of you as your walls flutter around his and Soonyoung’s fingers.
In an instant, they all pull away from you, watching as your body slumps to the sheets and your whole body trembles. Your fingertips go numb, head muddled at the intensity of your orgasm that you seem to momentarily black out.
“Fuck, she’s so pretty when she cums~”
Your eyes clamp shut with unshed tears and you can’t even tell who’s speaking anymore, but the tentacle wrapped around your waist slowly starts to lift you back into your previous position as you whine in sensitivity.
“Since it’s our first time with our new plaything, why don’t Jihoon and I have the honours?”
“Just say you wanna fuck her ass, Wonwoo, it’s fine.” Jun retorts.
Wonwoo shrugs in return, a cocky smirk on his lips. “Okay, I wanna fuck her ass and Jihoon wants to fuck her cunt. The two of you have already gotten to play with her so it’s our turn, isn't it?” He turns to Jihoon who nods, head tilted in mock thought. “Seems fair to me, ‘Woo.”
Soonyoung and Jun both narrow their eyes at the other males, lips pursed. “Fine.” They comment in unison.
“See, the two of you are capable of sharing.”
“Shut up, Wonwoo.”
You feel yourself being readjusted as Jihoon slides underneath you; hand wrapped around his cock as he positions it at your entrance.
You take a shaky breath, lowering yourself down onto him as you brace your shaky hands on his chest. “Oh, f-fuck…” It takes a moment for you to adjust to his size, clenching around him in a vice grip. “You’re s-so big…” Whimpering, the other three watch on as your, still, sensitive body sits pretty on Jihoon’s waist.
Their hands itch to get onto you; eyes fixated on the way you start to swivel your hips on Jihoon’s lap. “Shit, she’s so tight and wet around my cock…” Jihoon mumbles, hands on your waist to replace the tentacles that’d disappeared again.
“Fuck, okay, please tell me I can fuck you already too.” Wonwoo groans, hand wrapped around his own cock as he jerks himself off behind you.
“P---please, Wonwoo…”
He pushes you down until you’re chest to chest with Jihoon, exhaling harshly when he sees how stretched out your cunt was around the other male’s cock. “Fuck, baby, d’you even think you can take me?” He teases.
You let out a series of whines, shaking your hips slightly when Wonwoo rubs the head of his cock at the tight ring of muscle. “Yes, p-please, it’s--it’s, hah, not my first t-time, you don’t have--have to, ah, treat me l-like glass...” He lets out a small scoff, slowly easing his cock in.
“Okay, but you fuckin’ said it, princess. Once me and Jihoon start fuckin’ you ‘til you break, you can’t complain, okay?”
You nod your head shakily, groaning at the feeling of them both inside of you when Wonwoo finally bottoms out. “Fuckin’ do i-it then, make it s-so I only k-know your cocks, fuckin’ ruin m-me…” You slur out.
Soonyoung whistles in surprise as Jun’s eyes widen. “Shit, do you think we influenced her too much with our energy?” The latter asks, only slightly concerned. Soonyoung kneels to your side, tilting your head up until your lust filled eyes meet his.
“How’re you feeling, baby? Too much?” He asks, leaning down once to kiss you on the lips before he pulls away. “I--I feel g-good… really r-really good…” You swivel your hips, letting the two other males you wanted them to move. And they quickly take the hint as Wonwoo draws his hips back before he thrusts back into you as Jihoon cants his hips up into you at the same time, making you cry out at the way they filled you at the same time.
“Fuh--fuck, please…” You beg, unsure of what you even wanted now that you were close to satisfied. Soonyoung tilts your head back towards his cock, tapping your cheek with the head of it as he smears his precum against your skin.
Your lips part and you stick your tongue out, letting Soonyoung fuck your open mouth as you gag around him. You feel the tentacle come slithering back, wrapping itself around your midsection again just as Jun’s fingertips wrap around your wrist.
“Figured I should help you a little, hmm? Can’t have you falling over Jihoon now, can we?” Chuckling, he brings your hand towards his cock as you slowly wrap your hand around him. You let Soonyoung tangle a hand in your hair as you get used to the feeling of all four of them in and around you.
“She’s such a good ‘lil plaything. Can’t believe neither of you shared before.” Jihoon jokes; reaching up to pinch one of your nipples as you moan around Soonyoung.
“It’s ‘cause her fuckin’ cunt is too good to share. I was being selfish on purpose.” Soonyoung grits out. Laughing, Jun thrusts into your closed fist, “Hey, I was maybe willing to share. Neither of you bothered to ask.”
“Neither of us knew she was this fuckin’ good, genius.” Wonwoo retorts. He places his hands on your ass, blunt nails digging into your skin as he alternates his thrusts with Jihoon. “But hey, now that we do, I guess she’ll be seeing more of us, huh?”
You clench around him and Jihoon, whimpering around Soonyoung, and gripping Jun just a little tighter at the thought of seeing them again. 
You could get used to that. 
“Guess she likes the idea.” Jihoon mutters. “Although, it seems like Soonyoung’s still a little reluctant.”
A certain warmth pours over you, eyes fluttering shut at the sensations overwhelming your body. Your head feels fuzzy and unfocused; body feeling weightless as they continue to fuck into you. This was definitely more than your usual encounters with Soonyoung or Jun. 
The head of Jihoon’s cock grazes against your g-spot and you whine around Soonyoung; thrusting your hips back as you chase the feeling. You do your best to keep your hand on Jun as well, tightening your fist around him as a high pitched whine spills from his lips.
You’re unsure of how much time has passed, only able to focus on the way they all fall into a rhythm that keeps you wanting more.
You needed to cum again.
Wonwoo and Jihoon can feel the way you tighten around them both, doubling their pace as they, too, chase their highs.
Jun’s fingertips circle your wrist, tugging you off of him as he goes to lean against the headboard again. “Hey, Soonyoung, let’s let them have their moment.” He grins, wrapping a hand around his cock as he watches. Soonyoung grunts but nods in agreement, slipping his cock from between your lips as you sputter and catch your breath.
“How’re you feeling, princess?” Soonyoung asks.
“H--huh?” You blink slowly, hazy eyes unable to focus on the male.
“My, my, I think we really did fuck her into our dumb ‘lil cockslut.” Wonwoo laughs, fucking into you faster now that Soonyoung and Jun had eased off. “Isn’t that right? Just a dumb set of holes for us to fuck and play with.”
“Y-yeah…” You whisper; head rolling as Soonyoung rests next to Jun against the headboard. Your body buzzes as you let Wonwoo and Jihoon fuck into you at a harsh pace, losing their rhythm as they feel their impending orgasms.
“I’m gonna cum, f-fuck, cum with us, princess. Let us feel how fuckin’ tight you get for both of us while we fill you up with cum.” Jihoon growls, fingertips reaching down to rub at your clit.
The action proves to be too much as you cum on his command, lips parting in a high pitched cry while you clamp down on both of them. Their hips stutter as they follow suit, cocks snug inside you as they ride out their highs with you. The tentacle wrapped around your waist disappears again in the midst of your orgasm and you feel your body go slack; arms and legs trembling as you do your best to not fall onto Jihoon.
“Hoo~ Isn’t that a sight, Jun? She’s so fucked out of her mind right now, she can barely even hold herself up.” 
You let go of the breath you didn’t realize you were holding, riding out the remnants of your orgasm as Wonwoo starts to pull out of you.
A garbled moan floats past your lips at the feeling and you can’t help but thrust your hips back as you chase for him to fill you up again.
“Chist, she’s insatiable.” Wonwoo quips, eyes hyper-focused on the cum that drips down from your ass. He wraps a strong arm around your midsection after a moment, helping you up as Jihoon slides out from underneath you.
You sit with your legs folded outwards, cum pooling underneath you onto the sheets. It feels warm and sticky; pin pricks on your skin as you sit in the afterglow of your orgasm.
“Our turn~” Jun singsongs, gesturing to Soonyoung who gets up from his place, quicker than lightning.
They each kneel on either side of you, hands wrapped around their own cocks as they jerk themselves off above you. “Tongue out, princess.” Soonyoung groans.
You sit directly in between them as they cum, both of them covering your face and chest in rivulets of the warm, salty substance. It trickles down your hair, to your cheeks and mingles on the bed of your tongue as you grind down onto the sheets underneath you. Their moans draw you in and make you crave more, brows furrowed and eyes clamped shut as a wave of arousal floods your system again.
They all can tell as soon as it happens; eyes flashing a blood red as they, too, gain a new wave of energy from your actions.
Soonyoung and Jun scoot further away as their orgasms ebb off and all four of them pause to admire your body covered in cum.
You draw your tongue back in, swallowing the mix of Soonyoung and Jun’s cum and it’s the latter who leans back in; fingertips swiping at the cum that covers your eyelids. He brings the soaked digits to his lips, licking them clean as you gently open your eyes.
The first thing you see is all four of them in a half circle around you; the same dreamy smile plastered on all of their faces.
Your cheeks burn crimson as the shyness overtakes you with all of their eyes on you at once.
“Um…” You don’t even know what to say next, instead waiting on one of them to take the lead.
Jihoon’s the first one to scoot forward, gentle hands pushing you back down until your back rests against the soiled sheets. He parts your shaky legs, this time leaning over you as he grins.
“Well, we’ve got all night, princess. How about we indulge a little more?”
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