#it’s gonna be prinxiety
sandersontheside · 3 months
contrary to what you may think “I Won’t Say I’m In Love” from Hercules is not the Disney love song for prinxiety. the titular track from Beauty and the Beast is. not only because the lyrics hit:
“barely even friends/then somebody bends/unexpectedly/just a little change/small to say the least/both a little scared/neither one prepared”
“bittersweet and strange/finding you can change/learning you were wrong”
but also because Virgil is initially perceived by the other sides as a villain, as monstrous, and his arc is all about acceptance both from them and from himself, learning both to love and to be loved. Just like Adam/Beast. and because Roman is Belle coded—head in the clouds and obsessed with stories, craving adventure and desperately looking for something more than this provincial life. you get it.
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loganslowdown4 · 10 months
*Virgil’s phone ringing*
Patton: Aww, Roman is calling Virgil. Oooh, it’s a videochat! *answers call*
Patton: I’m afraid Virgil can’t come to the— OH MY GOD YOU ARE VERY NAKED
*screaming noises heard from the phone*
Patton: Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry—
*hangs up*
Logan: You shouldn’t answer other side’s phones, Patton.
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halfhissandwich · 2 months
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Fem!Roman is acting like it’s just karaoke, it’s not, she’s just a good bestie who knows fem!Virgil has a crush and she wants her to do something about it
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Hey Remus! Your bro has a major crush on Virgil and is hiding it and lying about it!
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pillowprinceroman · 2 months
Me scrolling through the explicit sanders sides tag on ao3 like
Bottom Roman 🥺?
Bottom??? Bottom Roman???
Have any spare bottom roman pls???
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It has been *counts on fingers* 25 days since Prinxiety last interacted
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transformationloveb · 2 years
Ranting About Sanders Sides Again Because I Can
The fact that Roman and Virgil are currently the two sides with the most stable relationship out of the whole cast right now is just, so sweet to me.
Technically you could make a case for Janus and Remus's relationship or Janus and Patton's relationship, but Janus and Remus haven't actually interacted in a canon episode just yet, and Janus and Patton's relationship is just really getting started, so I'm not counting either of those just yet.
Now, Roman and Virgil. We know them, we love them, and I think all of us know that their relationship initially started off pretty rocky. For pretty much all of Season 1 they didn't exactly get along at all. But since then, they've gotten to the point where they're genuinely really good friends, (I'd personally even call them best friends!) and they've still got their usual banter, but at this point it's become their thing. They're not really Roman and Virgil without it!
The fact that Roman's become so much more closed off towards everyone else, but is still happily bantering with Virgil really just goes to show how much he trusts him. And it makes sense! Virgil's proven to him that he actually cares about him (see FWSA for reference) and in turn that's caused Roman to become much more comfortable around him! I mean, just look at how Roman talks about him in the 5th Anniversary Episode compared to when he's talking about the others!!
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See the difference? I certainly do!
Whether you consider their relationship to be currently the most stable in the series right now or not, you have to admit that Roman's relationship with Virgil is most definitely his own most stable one out of everyone right now. Including Thomas!
Honestly, if we don't get to see Roman and Virgil being freaking best friends in the season finale, you will not hear the end of it from me. There will be many a grumpy rant coming from my end.
I'm very excited to see how their relationship develops from here, both with how they're gonna be responding to Janus's acceptance, and with their interactions with just each other on their own. It'll be nice! And I'm very excited to see how it all plays out! :)
Also the Sanders Sides season finale cannot come soon enough, I am absolutely craving more content and I cannot wait to see what happens next.
Alright! That's all from me for now! See you all again soon!! 👋
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dustylogicalityrat · 1 year
take my silly TSS list of ships in order. (i like 'em all, lol. except for the...​ Problematic ones.)
1. Logicality 🖤💙
2. Intrulogicality 💚🖤💙
3. Logince 🖤❤️
4. Royality ❤️💙
5. Dukeceit 💚💛
6. Roloceit ❤️🖤💛
7. Intruality 💚💙
8. Loceit 🖤💛
9. Roceit ❤️💛
10. LAMP 🖤💜💙❤️
11. Dukexiety 💚💜
12. Analogical​ 💜🖤
13. Anaroceit 💜❤️💛
14. Anxceit 💜💛
15. Prinxiety ❤️💜
16. Intrulogical​ 💚🖤
17. Moxiety 💙💜
18. Moceit​ 💙💛
i included the four poly ships i've actually seen content for and have invested myself in, haha-
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Emo Nightmare (flirtingly)
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sandersontheside · 2 months
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im being so normal about titling the different parts of this AU
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loganslowdown4 · 1 year
Logan: The quickest way to a man's heart is through the fourth and fifth rib.
Logan: The quickest way to a woman's heart too.
Logan: Anyone, really.
Logan: Oh, you wanted romantic advice.
Virgil: Yes, thanks!
Logan: Ask Roman.
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vnillacone · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to the sparkly emo boy!!!✨✨💜💜
(Tap for better quality bc I am Well Acquainted with tumblr’s downgrading of images but My God)
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mychemicalasexual · 2 years
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working on another prinxiety wip
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Mistoffelees: Actually, on the subject of my name... Tugger: Shut up. Alonzo: Oh, that's okay. No pressure if you don't want to- Munkustrap: Alonzo. Shut your ever-flapping gobtalker, mkay? Tumblebrutus: No pranks or misleading? Mistoffelees: Not this time. Oh man, why did we have to have a heartfelt moment? Munkustrap: It's totally fine, this is a very accepting environment! But I have to tell you that I've been theorizing on it for a very long time, so if it's not exactly the name I think it is... I will lose it!
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selfdestructivecat · 2 years
Guess who’s writing something very gay?
(It’s me!)
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forgetbeam · 6 months
and nothing more —
Virgil, at only 8 years old, had resigned himself to never having a real family. To growing up in the orphanage where he was left at two years old, with only his roommate to really talk to.
And then, one rainy day, two kind men show up who want to take him in as their own, and the sun shines just a little brighter from then on.
Or: Virgil gets adopted by vampires. What could go wrong?
[aka a very self indulgent virgil-centric sanders sides au fic with vampires, werewolves, faeries, witches and One (1) selkie. i’m just havin’ fun with it this thing is like my baby.]
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6 | more TBA
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