#it’s like enrichment for them okay idk what to tell you
poltergeist-coffee · 11 months
sorry if anyone sees me rn i miss q!insaneduo
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islayhawkin · 8 months
Jack dawkins x f!reader
Summery: jack is accused of thieving and you take the blame for him instead.
Request: Hello could I request a Jack Dawkins x reader? Where maybe reader knows he’s a thief and is fine with it and when he maybe gets caught for something she takes the blame for it? And fagin and Jack have to scramble to save her
A/N: honestly had problems coming up with this whole plot so idk how to feel about it but hope it is somewhat what you had in mind
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Jack wasn't particularly proud about his past and he tried to start a new life but it seems he couldn't escape it and it came back to haunt him. In the form of Fagin.
He had built a reputation around Port Victory town as a surgeon. And he met you. You were a great enrichment in his life as you brought your sweetness to his side. You were always there for him and he was for you. It was a unspoken promise.
Contrary to what he'd known since his childhood there was a good intention and softness behind everything you did. He relished the evenings with you in his room. Sometimes you came to watch his surgeries but you had to work hard to survive in the pottery factory too.
So naturally you understood that jack was a pickpocket back in the days. He was reluctant to tell you though- a part of him he wanted to leave desperately behind. You were okay with it. You reassured him that you understood that he needed to.
But something changed when Fagin came back into jacks life. You noticed immediately. He tried to hide things from you. He said you couldn't meet in his room anymore since he seemed to try and hold Fagin as far away from you as possible.
He wanted to keep you out of his mess and Fagin only did bring a mess everywhere he went. Jack was afraid you'd get caught up in it somehow. And as long as you wouln't get to see Fagin you wouldn't know what was going on. Or so he thought.
Of course you found out. At first you were angry with him. Especially for trying to hide it from you. But after you talked about it you let it be. You didn't like it. But it was okay.
Until that day were he got caught.
It was a quiet evening at the pub. Jack had his neckerchief loosely slung around his neck and a few drinks already drowned. Fagin sat across from him. A few high society families were seated near them. A girl came over to jack and sat in his lap with a smile. He shook his head politely and gestured for her to remove herself from him.
You saw them sitting at the table and joined them as you sat down in jacks lap yourself. Giving him a kiss on his temple in greeting. He hummed contently and pulled you close to him by the hip. "You had drinks already?" You questioned quietly.
"Yeah. Sorry. You want the rest?" He held the glass up for you to take.
"No thanks."
He sat the glass down on the table again and watched as Fagin got up and got another drink. A short moment later Fagin came back and patted jack on his vest before he sat down again.
The evening went on as you and jack enyojed eachothers company. He had a few more drinks and Fagin scrambled up a few times from the table.
Until a small shriek could be heard. "My pearls! They've been stolen!" A seemingly rich woman screamed histerically. Everyone looked around and started speaking incoherently. They started to search every man in the pub.
Your eyes twitched nervously around the room and you noticed jack to be particularly anxious as well. You were certain it couldn't be him since he was with you the whole time though.
As they came to your table and started to feel jacks clothes up and down they stilled at his pocket and gripped into it. A pearl necklace was fished out of jacks vest pocket.
Jack had a horrified expression on his face and started to stammer out excuses. Trying to deny his fault. A gasp went through the the crowd.
"Doctor Dawkins. Is this your doing? Our doctor is robbing the people of this town!" The people roared with shock.
He would be losing his job because of this. He'd be losing his life here.
"No sir I-" jack tried to reason but you interrupted him as you saw no better way out of this.
"It is my doing. I have to confess as I do not want doctor dawkins to be blamed innocently. He had no part in this. My conciousness can not lie to you anymore. I needed the money-" another gasp went through the room.
Jack turned his face to you. A look of fear in his eyes. He tried to grap your arm to stop you but you shook him off. He wouldn't be able to pull you both out of this so you took the chance to at least save him.
The man took you roughly by the arm. "You are accused and guilty of theft."
"No." Jack muttered shaking his head. But nobody paid any attention to him.
You glanced back at him as you were escorted outside and you could see a look of desperation in his eyes.
Jack couldn't believe it. You took the blame for his buggin' thievery. He knew it would get you in trouble if he got you involved and the one thing happened he was afraid of.
He turned around to grab Fagin by the collar and pushed him harshly against the wall in a quiet corner.
"I told you not to do anything when she's around! You should be escorted to prison. Couldn't even stand to your bloody action!" He roared into Fagins face. His eyes held pure fury in them.
Fagin held his hands up in surrender and looked sheepishly. "It was a good oportunity. I didn't know they'd notice so soon." Fagin shrugged.
"You got her buggin' imprisoned. She never did anythin' ." He pushed against Fagins chest again in frustration.
"That's her own doing."
"No it is not. It is your doing. Our. Mine." Jack pushed the words painfully out. He removed himself from Fagin and ran throught his hair with his hand.
His inability to stop with the thieving, with the gambeling, to leave his past behind got you into trouble and he'd never forgive himself for it. He never should have started with this. He should have kept you safe. Far away from the mess. Far away from him.
"How do we get her out of this?" Jack asked quietly.
Fagin was quiet for a moment before a smirk appeared on his face. "You're a doctor."
Jack frowned confused. "What has that to do with anythin' right now?"
"You're her doctor."
"You mean...I can't do that..." It dawned on jack and he shook his head.
"Do you want to free her or not?"
"I'd have to declare her insane. She'd be the talk of town. She'd have no job anywhere..." Jack closed his eyes and pinched his brows. Whatever he did it would come down to harm her life in some way. "I need to know what their doing to her." He whispered and dashed out of the door.
Fagin ran after him panting quite a bit. There was determined expression on Jacks face as he made his way across town to the police station.
Fagin complained a bit about the pace and that they should call a ride but jack ignored him.
Finally standing in front of the door he knocked. There was a moment of silence and no reaction. Jack sighed and walked around the building. Searching for any way in or at least see something. A small window with bars on it suggested a look into the cell at the back of the building.
Jack waved Fagin over and told him to give him a lift. Fagin grumbled but held his hands to the ground for jack to climb onto. He could barely see through the bars but he could clearly make out a form of a person pacing back and forth in the cell.
"Y/N?!" Jack whisper-shouted into the window.
You reeled around at the sudden voice and you saw his mop of blond hair pop up behind the bars.
"Jack?! What are you doing?" You looked up at him surprised.
"Trying to get you out of there obviously. Isn't there any bobby (name for police officers in victorian times) in there with you?"
"Uh..." you looked around the room to check again. "No. I think he left to gather more information or something."
""Y/N I need to testify as your doctor. They'll let it slide if I insist."
"Testify what? That it wasn't me? Then you're guilty."
"No." His head disapeared for a moment and Fagin seemed to grumble complaints. Then his head appeared again. "I have to testify as your doctor." He cleared his throat. "I'll have to come up with some sickness. One that is cureable."
You looked at him incredilous. "You want to declare me insane? That's your way of thinking about rescueing?" You scoffed.
"Sorry." His head disapeared again. You shook your head and sat down against the wall.
                                *** It was morning when the door to the building opened again and the bobby came in. Shortly after jack did too from what you could tell. You could hear them talk but couldn't make out coherent words until they came in your direction.
You sought jacks eyes for some kind of information or reassurence but there was none. The bobby unlocked your cell door and took you by the arm to pull in jacks direction.
"You have a close look on her. Something like this happens again I will not be so kind. She's your responsibility doctor."
"Of course sir. I will keep her in line until she's cured. Thank you." Jack gave the bobby a nod and he gave jack one back out of respect.
Jack hadn't even as much as glanced in your direction. He took you by the arm bow too to escort you outside. You stayed silent the whole time. Knowing your place.
As soon as you both walked around a corner jacks expression changed completely. He turned to you with his soft deep brown eyes. "What were you thinking taking the blame." He racked a hand through his hair.
You took his rough hand in yours. "I couldn't let you be blamed. You have way more to lose than me."
Jack opened his mouth and closed it again. "Wha- that's not the point. You had nothing to do with it. I didn't want you to be involved in that stuff. I should've never started again. It's my fault and I should own up for it too."
"I know. But I gladly did it okay? I just couldn't watch you loose everything you built."
He sighed. "Thank you. But you still shouldn't have done it. I feel so guilty. I was...afraid."
You pulled yourself against him. Wrapping your arms around his slender back. "Thank you for getting me out."
He buried his face in the crook of your neck. "I'm sorry."
"It's alright. I'd always stand up for you."
"I'd always rescue you. Whatever it'd take."
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funtheysaid · 4 months
IWTV 2x02 Initial Thoughts (Stream Of Consciousness)
- ooh the title card changed! I’ve been wanting to see the Eiffel Tower as a “fang” since season two was announced. WE IN PARIS BABY!
- ayooo three-way (interview) incoming
- Daniel’s “Paris sucks” aka “Paris is where my ex-bf is from and he sucks (dick), but not mine anymore, and no, I’m not bitter abt that, his city just fucking stinks (literally)”
- not two minutes in and Devil’s Minion is already flirting bickering
- ALICE MENTION alice!armand truthers are gon love that shit i just know
- “I’ll tell you what a woman is” That’s my sapphic-coded queen!!! 🕯️ pls S2 give me claudeleine 🕯️
- “Gauche” well, yes.
- Loumand: 🥰🥰 Daniel: 🙄 he‘s so second-hand embarrassed for them I can’t
- Louis would be that faux-intellectual hipster who has his own darkroom full of overexposed and blurry, unfocused photos that are his “art” bc he took them on film (affectionate)
- Not claudia calling him out on it in the next scene “let me think I’m deeper than I am” okay honey you do you
- “She’s miserable but she doesn’t want to fuck with your too delusional left bank dilettante vibes” ahh the narrative foils are foiling, I see
- The show: Alice was pregnant, My dumb ass: OMEGAVERSE DEVILS MINION !?!?
- “joyfully joyless” MOOD.
- Claudia looking at Madeleine like “I don’t know if I want to be her or be with her” Dw babe it’s a rite of passage for all of us you’ll figure it out
- “Your French is ugly” 🥹👉👈 weally?
- “the dress for my body” LOOK I know what she meant, but I can’t help it that my mind is perverted
- okay why Loumand playing with my heart “I will never harm you. And I never have” wtf wtf wtf
-Oh no the ole business card trick! we all know that’s Louis’ kryptonite he loves a man with credentials
- i like girls, but why is santiago kinda…
- Woah the Annika scene was really hard to watch which I think was the point but goddamn idk if I’ll be able to rewatch that part
- Estelle is my self-insert. I’m claiming her.
- “You both fucked Lestat!?!” HOW DID THEY KNOW WE WANTED HIM TO SAY THAT!?
- “He tasted of vermouth and annihilation” We both know you have no earthly idea what that man tastes like, Armand. Be so fucking fr right now.
- Did Armand just casually drop that he had a threesome with a father and son? I’m sorry, sir????
- “Now I know what two blood fat cocks slapping hands feel like” When I tell you my spirit left my body
- oh shit here we go. I’m a caged animal and it’s time for my weekly enrichment. give me my loustat.
- there’s a letter !?!? Wait wait I wasn’t ready for something like this wait stop stop please
- “all my love belongs to you. you are its keeper” just take me out back and shoot me at this point
- “it is a thin veil” fucking fuck why was that so romantic??
- the blood tears welling up in Lestat’s eyes I’m-
- “Rebound of my life” and in that moment, he spoke for the people
- WHAT IS HAPPENING???? Jesus Christ, they were talking about Alice and then it cuts to FUCKING ARMAND!?! This is not a drill. Everyone to your stations, this is not a drill.
- “You sold your Dad’s playboy magazines at recess” Hmmm? You’re telling me a “straight” teenage boy sold porno mags instead of keeping them for himself??? Yeah, I call gay on that one
- “she wanted to say yes” you motherfuckers.
- Oh shit Louis is pissy tonight rawr kitty got claws
- Devils minion girlies are thriving, skin glowing, hair silky, breath minty, pillow cold, stomach full, dreams sweet, and by Jove, we fucking deserve it !!!!
- daniel’s shaky “um- gulp” …….guys this is gonna sound crazy but i think there might actually be a god
- ooh the camera/photography being like a divide or barrier between Louis and his present situation. Like he wants to capture the moments, but only as if an onlooker and not a participant… interesting!
- “Who?” will never not be funny
- “Mon ami” in the same episode as “Mon Cher” FUCK ME GENTLY WITH A CHAINSAW
- “Armand for you” nah nah nah i changed my mind, you can do like Leatherface and shove that chainsaw in rough and hard
- Close up on Louis’ conflicted face, fire blazing behind him…. That’s not foreboding in any way. I’m sure they’ll all live happily ever after from now on :D
What a ride! Until next week! 🧛‍♂️🩸
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care666bear · 7 months
Idk it makes me cringe when cis men tell me they’d punish me for being a brat or give me such good ruels ??? 🤣🤣🤣 let me just express how much y’all do not get about this lifestyle. Ok let me chat shit for a minute
Like your version of a punishment is making me do something you can cum to, that’s not brat taming hahahahahahaha “yeah I prefer self spanking or withholding attention as a punishment” Get ouuuut of here (withholding attention is neglect & it’s horrible & it’s mean. It isn’t discipline, it teaches nothing)
Have you ever made someone take a spoonful of hot sauce for smart ass comments ?
What about 100 lines for disrespectful statements ?
Early bed ?
Denying them pleasures that isn’t just getting to cum, like loss of their fav drink, snack, etc. ?
What about the conversation after a punishment is done, to solidify the lesson learnt & how sorry your sub probably is? After-care ? No. Okay.
Now the rules - showing you my panties daily is not a rule. Having to only cum if you watch is not a rule. Maybe for some honestly!! I promise you though, if she’s comfortable in her submissiveness/littleness as her natural nature, ew no (I say little as that’s mostly where I see rules hold importance! Take it with a grain of salt)
Rules do not restrict & control. They guide & enrich ✨
30 minutes of a book before their fav show
Getting fresh air
Having an opinion & expectation for screen time, bedtime, meals. -
This is broad bc all relationships are different, your rules should cater to what is best for that lil human. Maybe it’s all sexual, maybe it’s not sexual at all.
you’re not the dom you think you are, get off that high my guy 🫶🏼
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myrtles-and-blood · 2 months
Me again (sorry) but your page is awesome???
do you have any general tips while I'm starting out? Anything would be appreciated. Especially anything around meditation idk
Thank you so much, that means a lot, you made my day. ♥︎
Let me tell you about my experience:
(this is gonna be a long post talking about me fucking up a lot)
I started a couple years ago learning about deities, witchcraft, paganism, etc. I talked to MANY deities and I never got the hang of it. I was busy but then I wasn't okay enough to keep up, and then I had various faith crises, and then I was scared of them. This has to do with other things, but you get how messy I was.
Then I talked to Lucifer once and he scared the shit out of me. Like, a lot. He was scary as fuck. I had never gotten so interested in something in my life, and I found myself thinking about him every day, every moment, and even reading the bible trying to see where he appeared and to learn about him. Yes, I know this is one of the worst methods, but leave me alone I didn't know anything about demons.
So one day I was like "okay enough of this Lord Lucifer come here we're gonna talk" and I told him I wanted to work with him on that, specifically: not being constant and having lots of trouble with my life, in general. Do you know what this guy told me? "Oh, I don't think you're gonna last a week, but if you want I'm not gonna stop you"
So I'm still here out of spite, mostly.
Being serious, he was direct with me. He told me I had a problem, a big problem, and he was not gonna fix me, I was gonna fix myself. That's what got me started and what made me keep up. I'm still having lots of trouble but we're getting there, trust.
What I'm trying to say is that it gave me a purpose, and I think everyone needs a purpose to get started here. What is it that you want to get out of this? What is what moves you inside the craft? Because if you're just doing this to not get anything from it, you're doing it wrong. Do spells, work with deities, just worshipping deities, bettering yourself, looking out for nature, or it just makes you really happy to do one really specific thing, but if it doesn't bring you anything that enriches your life you're not doing it correctly imo.
What do you do when you find something you like? Look into it, make mistakes, try everything, have accidents, believe things that are not true, fuck up again, change your beliefs, change your whole craft all over again... You know, live your craft. It's like everything.
When I started doing cross stitch I had two bloody fingers, the wrong kind of thread and they were the wrong color, but now I'm doing gifts for friends and framing some of my works. It was hard and I'm never escaping the bloody fingers and not having enough colors, but it won't happen as frequently. You know what I mean?
And after all of this, I gotta tell you meditation is something that I'm just starting to work on. The first time I tried to meditate with Lucifer he forced me to go to sleep instantly because it was pretty late at night (I'm still a bit mad at him for that)
What I can say is that guided meditations worked for me wonders, and I think it's a really good place to start! There's plenty and you just sit there listening to instructions, which I love very much.
I hope this helped in some way, or at least I hope I made you laugh at my mistakes lol.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
For the fusion ask: boatem road trip, sburb au (assuming you know enough about homestuck), otherwise hermit archives stuffed bird!
i don't know enough about tma to do the hermit archives fusion here, someone who knows more about tma can tell me which fear stuffed bird fits. alternately, you could probably write a really cool statement here, but the thing is like, okay, you specifically requested a hermit archives fusion, right? which puts us in an... interesting... place. is concorp affiliated with the institute. did grian work for both of them. what happens when your archivist becomes a monster with only like, bare slivers of human reasoning left. would that even happen - does other entities already having a claim on our hermit archives characters cause problems here. what the heck is evil x in this arrangement. I DON'T KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT TMA TO ANSWER ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS. anyone who DOES know enough about these things though. hit me up. i am really interested in this potential fusion i just don't know enough to like, write out ideas.
anyway boatem road trip sburb au sounds hilarious. i think i would handle this by. maybe in this version of the au they get to keep their phones or something. and the first half of boatem road trip happens but they're marginally less bored - their phones can't connect to anything meaningfully but they can at least play, idk, picross. (does picross require an internet connection? i don't play phone games that much.) anyway then partway through they get Mysterious Connection that allows them to download this weird phone game, sburb. and at first they only play to like, for something to do, but it actually lets them put items in their environment. the level of enrichment this provides makes them ignore all the warning signs.
...if you cause the end of the world after you already ended it the first time, where do you go from there?
anyway don't ask me to classpect people i constantly change my mind but grian is a something of breath, i think mumbo is either a void or a space player, i am extremely undecided on everyone else,
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havendance · 1 year
Okay your ask meme question is 3 if you feel like being spicy, and 13 otherwise.
(from this list)
3. Who’s your third-favorite Robin? Tell us one thing you like or dislike about them.
Okay, I thought this one would be easy but then I started overthinking it. Going off of the 5 post-crisis Robins who typicaly make the lists. Initial Answer: Damian. Dick and Tim ranked above, Jason and Steph ranked below (not necessarily in that order.) But that's in terms of generally how interested in their character I am. (I haven't gotten as in depth for Damian yet, but I want to like him.) (I am sorry Steph fans, but she's just never a character who really clicked for me. I get why people like her, but she's just not for me.
But then! I started thinking well, what about the character *as* Robin and then I think it might be Dick. Because look, I am an unrepentant Tim fan. I like Tim as Robin. Damian as Robin has got a lot of juicy story potential and I enjoy reading him when I stick my nose into other eras of comics other than the one I'm reading. Robin: Year One for Dick was excellent, but I think I'm just more interested in stories where he's Nightwing.
Ummm, likes/dislikes I guess.
Damian: Because I just read Robin War, I like him trying to pull the sacrifice play like his dad! He is trying and he is like 12 and he is being a bit of stubborn ass of it like his dad and it's sweet even as Duke's got to knock some sense into him.
Dick: I guess to contrast the other answer, I'll go with a dislike, but I'm having trouble articulating why I don't like Robin!Dick content as much other than it just doesn't compel me as much. I think maybe the more golden/silver age tone. Less on the drama side, more on the flashback-y ness in the eras I've read. Idk if that makes sense.
13. Is it okay to make detailed contingency plans to take down your teammates? (see: Tower of Babel and a million other storylines) Why or why not?
Look! That's important Bat-enrichment! He gets sad if he can't make elaborate contigency plans to take down all his friends and allies :(
Okay, but more serious answer: yeah. It's Batman's job to be paranoid and they live in a world with earth-3 alternate evil versions and mind control and stuff. He should probably spend more time coming up with contingencies for the contingencies though.
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ssreeder · 2 years
(this one is possibly my longest comment ever so uhh good luck)
no fr I saw the update I was like fucking FINALLY I’m getting some good enrichment in my enclosure how do you always have perfect timing???
and just like.. 30k?? IS IT MY BIRTHDAY ALREADY WTF you’re honestly insane ilysm
fuck you I don’t love you “zuko didn’t return that night” looking ass >:(
okay ik this is a sad emotional scene but the spirits not giving a fuck about sokka is like so ironic lmao bc in the show they never leave him alone even tho he tries to avoid them at all costs T-T
bruh not sokka thinking hakoda is annoying for breathing- he’s finally experiencing a normal teenager experience :’)
oh nooooo sokka if you tell hakoda you’re in love with zuko and hakoda reacts badly fuuuuuuck
hakoda said toxic masculinity get rekt that’s so girlboss of him
idk how you intended this to be read but I’m picturing hakoda saying “no.. not the watch tower” like this:
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but also not hakoda doing reconnaissance on zukka-
yes sokka when it’s a question of how information gets spread the answer is always fucking reho (and I love him for that how else is anyone supposed to get anything done with everyone else being too emotionally constipated to talk to each other)
I cannot express to you how fucking frustrated I am by the communication being compromised bc of the fucking dai li bc ykw??? it’s such an incredible plot point by you since it is 100% in character for the dai li to interrupt messages bUT I HATE IT SO MUCH I’m literally going to have the time of my life when Somebody finally gets a clue about what’s going on
lmao katara something really did happen after you left but lucky for you it was a good thing!! and a bad thing bc everything always goes to shit but oh wellllll
katara you moron why did you tell them you’re leaving T-T
uh yeah no I can promise you jet is anything BUT bored jet is scheming jet is raging jet is challenging firebenders to duals he can’t win JET IS MAKING FRIENDS (well one friend and he doesn’t want to admit they’re friends but reho still counts)
oh fuck. jet you’ve really done it now.
oh hakoda I love how smart you are we really need a good tactician and here you are saving the day <3
also quon is a fuckinf asshole I hope he gets decked at some point xx (but it’s kinda a slay too that he just has so much audacity like it’s honestly lowkey impressive ngl)
yes bato act dumb and pretty we fully support lying and trickery in this household
also I’m placing my bets on zuko returning at the most inconvenient time in the most dramatic way possible fyi (and I’m going to eat it up bc I live for dramatic zuko)
uh yeah jet bby you’re definitely ashamed of what you did hate to break it to you HOWEVER I really do get why jet did do what he did bc he’s traumatised and also a teenager and so he was never going to think maturely and rationally (which like yes obvi that means he caused the problem BUT ALSO it’s not his fault he’s problematic) I just really need him to get some therapy dude
OKAY can I just say I love you showing toph as being affectionate outside of playful physical aggression?? it’s been ages since I’ve read a fic where toph has shown some form of affection that hasn’t been a punch in the arm! and I feel like that’s so important bc in the show most of the female characters are insanely talented in the art of combat and so often they then get reduce to Just being aggressive (like toph) or being overly emotional (like katara which is super ironic considering the ember island players tragic performance and how that was supposed to actively argue against katara being so one dimensional) WHEN REALLY they ARE BOTH tough and have feelings bc they’re literally human beings
yeah I have many opinions oops
I FEEL SO VINDICATED I LOVE YOU KATARA AND YOUR BIG SMART BRAIN she’s such a good actor my heart is squeezing in satisfaction oh lordy
shit. appa. fuck. goddamnit. REALLY?
omg this is so not gonna happen but imagine if zuko turned up in ba sing se and then all communication Issues are solved and he can help find appa like in the show :D
well not all communication issues but a fuck ton of them
YES RASU he’s such an icon I actually love him with my whole entire heart my flirty baby boy
lmao zuko had a crush on rasu
shit. idk why but it’s so jarring to have be explicitly said that zukos death (even tho it’s fake news) is a casualty of war. like OBVIOUSLY but to have it put so bluntly is like damn. it’s like as a casualty of war, it matters fuck all that he was a prince or why he was hunting the avatar and everything that made (makes) him integral to the war effort bc in reality he really just is another kid who died in the war. and then THAT just makes you think, yeah he’s not all that special because the horrific reality is that so many people were casualties of the war and while they’re anonymous numbers on a large scale, in life they Mattered and now it’s all for naught. jesus crispy sreedie you’ve really got me grieving
sokkaaaa now is not the time to be bad at readying facial cues T-T
aang has so much more emotional maturity than people give him credit for fr. like there’s no way in hell I would’ve been able to regulate my emotions half as well as aang when I was 12 even WITHOUT factoring in the genocide of his nation
also he’s so fucking wise “evil people don’t only belong to one nation, they are everywhere” LIKE PREACH they really fucking are war provides a platform for the worst people to shine
real talk if shen dies I’m gonna be devastated
ohoho nice like fic name drop right here
omg not zuko popping up at the MOST convenient time in the least dramatic way possible??? shocked but also not surprised bc it’s making perfect sense narrative wise
wheezing at zuko being consistently unpredictable bc ykw the only reason nobody can figure out what he’s planning is bc my boy simply does not have one!! ever!! and it’s legend behaviour actually I think it might be the reason he’s my fav character
okay okay okay at least sokka and zuko have bato with them for child wrangling purposes bc they need an adult. but oh no hakoda is aloooone
zuko you dumbass motherfucker did you just SURRENDER YOURSELF
ykw I take back what I said about him never having a plan being my fav thing about him I have come to my senses and have reconsidered.
ZUKKA KISS??? it’s tragic.
it’s so fucked up that ara and sokka are gonna become friends again bc their bfs got taken hostage but I’m here for it
okay so obviously appa is under lake lagoli right
and yes I’m very relieved that shen and zuko are together at least BC NOW WE CAN GET SOME MORE QUALITY BANTER AND THATS ENOUGH COMPENSATION FOR THE TRAUMA RIGHT
reunion soon :3
anyways why did I think this would actually end okay with zukka and bato off frolicking to ba sing se?? how am I that delusional?? it’s like I don’t know you
leekie <3
OH MY GOSH, if you keep flirting with me we might just have to tear up our divorce papers and move in together.
Hahah Hakoda’s reaction to the watchtower is exactly how I envisioned it. Sarcastic & pretend shock lol.
Katara’s honesty is finally catching up with her, getting her in trouble with the Dai Li that is. But she is a strong girl and she can hold her own, I know she’ll be ok!
Ok I love that you brought up toph because sometimes I feel like fics make her out to be a lie detecting, punching, sarcastic person and just leave it at that. But she is so much more than that, all the female characters are! I hope I can do them justice.
Zuko does have a plan!!! “Don’t let Sokka get hurt” - that’s it, that’s the plan. Haha.
I hope Shen doesn’t die… but also, I can’t make any promises.
SUKI IS ON THE WAY TO HELP SOKKA!!! & azula is on the way to bomb him lol.
Im sure it’ll be fine, I love you! You’re amazing. But I also hate you because we are divorced and GRRRRRRR, but secretly we’re still hooking up and it pretty obvious but shhhh don’t tell anyone. ;)
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palettepainter · 2 years
damn dude. i hadnt seen the rowlf and teeth art yet, so with all the literal homophobic moral panic new age puritanical bitching from that other anon abt "ruined childhoods" i was sort of expecting like.. something spicy?? which would still have been fine, like. muppet porn is not my thing but people are allowed to express their thoughts through their art on their own damn blogs. so i half expected it to be steamy or risqué or even vaguely sexual from the way anon is flailing around, but nope nope not even an implication not a whiff of yiff, it's the cutest sweetest most G rated least offensive display of pure and wholesome affection ive ever seen, and the art itself is stunning in quality. perhaps anon should stop outsourcing the foundation of their personality onto the rest of the world and learn to curate their own experience online, instead of trying to control the thoughts, lives and expressions of others in a quest to reform the world into a special little homogenous space made especially just for them and nobody else. other people exist and some of us want to see the muppets kiss, because it ENRICHES our childhood memories.
anon, listen. if you dont want to see the muppets gay kiss? just.. unfollow the artist who drew gay kissing muppets. you have no right to tell people what they are and arent allowed to do with, draw images of or say about fictional characters from a tv series we ALL watched. you dont own the concept of muppets, buddy, and even if you did, not-for-profit fanworks are a legally protected form of art in most countries.
and gay romance is not sacrosanct!! if you think it is, you need to do some work killing the internalized homophobia that's clouding your view! you need to actively counter the homophobic misinformation you are regurgitating! and realize that you are not immune to being homophobic just because you are bisexual. gay people can be homophobic towards other gay people, and towards themselves. homophobia is a type of violence, and in the same way it doesn't matter who's behind the fist when youre getting punched in the face, it doesnt matter how you identify when you're claiming that a depiction of innocent gay affection is sacrosanct enough to be childhood-ruining. that shits homophobic. people who get bullied can, in fact, also bully other people. they aren't mutually exclusive concepts.
and besides, if a g rated image by an artist on tumblr can ruin your childhood memories of the characters.. was it ever really about the characters at all? did you ever actually give a shit about these characters if another person's—and I cannot stress this enough—HARMLESS and INOFFENSIVE interpretation of them in one single picture could ruin it for you? maybe you should reflect on that. and maybe you should go watch some jim henson muppet shows, i know they cover it in sesame street on multiple occasions that it's not okay to tell other people what to think or or how to play with their own toys, like it's repeated and explicit that you cannot control other people. in children, we call this behavior bratty. if a child wants their godzilla toy to have a tea party with their barbie, thats literally their right. yes, even in public where *gasp* other people will see it. and drawing is like creating your own 2D action figure. its not the original one on tv, its your personal version. telling an adult to stop drawing something and sharing it from their blog is literally a direct translation of telling a child they are playing with their toys wrong, ruining godzilla for you bc they want him to have a tea party with barbie, telling them they should only play with them the way YOU deem correct. so if you can't reconcile the way someone else is playing with their own toys in their own front yard, walk away and either go to your own house and play with your own toys or find someone else to play with. maybe you missed those very central and important parts of these shows, idk. maybe you're just too self centered to understand the lessons the muppets were trying to teach. either way, get the fuck over yourself and leave artists alone.
anyway my dear artist, i am so sorry for the behavior of that other anon, and i'm sorry if this message is way way way too long. you deserve only the highest praise, both for your work and for how you handled this whole debacle. you're an absolutely amazing mastercrafter, your skill is truly something to behold and that piece is so so precious and warms my heart and i would love to see more of ur muppet interpretations, i love you sm ok bye
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I was fully expecting to wake up to an ask from that homophobic anon, if I've learnt anything from this hater it's that they're persistent. But this?? This is so fucking nice to see you have no idea!
I woke up this morning and saw I had new asks in my inbox, I was expecting hate, I was prepared for it, I was ready to make more jokes out of hateful comments. But to wake up to this?? Not just a few sentences, no a full-on paragraph that you took time out of your day to send in? It wasn't until I realised this wasn't hate did I realise how crazy it is that most days I wake up in the mornings expecting there to be hate in my ask box. This truly made me smile this morning and helped me remember that my online audience is overall a happy, supportive and kind group of people
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Thank you so so much for sending in this ask - after waking up expecting hate reading this was such a nice surprise! It also helped remind me that not everyone who views my art isn't out to get me for whatever I choose to draw (this is really off topic but how did you write all this in one ask?? Whenever I've tried to send in lengthy asks to a blog it always say there's a character limit)
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dragonofthestone · 1 year
What Everyone Else Knows [lab!life]
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Closed off in the little bubble called a lab, locked away from the outside world. Timaeus thought he understood it all, could follow orders obediently and just by a gesture figure out what was wanted. But that's not how things work, not really.
Keep quiet, head low and wait for an order that's what he'd understood- even then he didn't always understand why but never questioned it (not out loud anyway) simply did as what was wanted of him.
And now?
He watches as those around him go about doing any which task even without orders, without being told first - the last and only time they recall trying something like that the person was furious for going against them.
One familiarity is the nonsensical fights, or asking how someone was feeling. Why can't they see it? To him its almost as plain as day and seems a silly question.
At the same time it's also frustrating how some things do go unsaid when they shouldn't- and in general what's the point of 'subtlety' which might be misread or go unnoticed.
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He might be one of if not the first to pick up that something is wrong with someone, that while they say their okay and from his perspective feels like no one is noticing or cares. So asks why they're lying , or point out that well no your not what's wrong.
Not having picked up on or realized that perhaps their reason for saying so was less to say they were alright but simply didn't wish to talk about it / or idk there way of saying not good but they aren't worse either, whatever other meaning you want to throw at it- sure it was a lie but a lie done to try not to worry the other person.
Anything that ends up creating mixed signals, he also doesn't understand the most terms of phrase. Oh he's certainly heard them even in the lab but never knew what any of the meant and although having it explained helps he still finds them a bit weird or doesn't get how one could relate to other at times.
The other thing lost on his arrival was routine, the expected. Without he's got no idea what to do with himself and it is frustrating. Even on the days where he was left alone and there were no tests to be done, certain things remained.
When food came, when they left. Could always tell when it was about time for them to change what little bedding they did give the Chimera. Take away the old and throw down some fresh clean ones- the best days were the times when they placed it down it was warm.
Certain sounds or smells that occurred regularly. Occasionally something new or unexpected occurred but generally the White Coats habits were predictable. Nor was he entirely devoid of any stimulation or enrichment, even if it was only to keep the Chimera from becoming destructive or maybe was just another test monitoring their problem solving skills or whatever at the end of the day it all added up and was part of his habits and routines.
Leaving him rather lost and confused without them- and in search of finding a new one.
While he could probably come to understand the idea of keeping secrets, and obviously not everyone needs to know everything or if it's for something good that will be told to the person involved just not yet.
Beyond that he fails to see how not telling the truth could ever be good. Wouldn't it only make someone more upset not being told something.
Which leads me to want to make it very clear that rarely if ever does he lie. He will always tell the truth, even if something gets omitted but it's always in away where what he's said and told the person is factually true it's just there was something extra involved. Or just answers the question very literally with the defense of not being asked specifics or what not.
You ask him where he's going: Will truthfully if vaguely say that he's going out, or give a location he's headed - which while true if he were to then head somewhere else it's not a lie cause he never said he was staying there / wouldn't go somewhere else after.
Injuries / illness: Call it animal instinct or what becomes a growing desire not to cause worry in others but he'll certainly try to down play the seriousness of things: It's nothing bad, he'll be alright. Key word being saying 'he will be' not necessarily saying 'he is' and if he says he is fine more often then not again it's not so much a lie perse as in that moment when asked he was fine
Yeh admittedly it gets to be a blurry line of technicalities an semantics but at the end of the day by definition of a lie he doesn't. He's always honest.
The only time you'd catch him in a lie is if it legitimately is something that's to protect or help someone because along with being honest is keeping a promise.
So if he promises one person not to tell anyone where they're going but someone else asks that's where vague but still technically truthful replies come in, saying that they only saw them leave but aren't sure where they are now (sure he knows where there headed but by all accounts he doesn't know where they are)
Of course the last option is just to stay quiet- can't claim truth or a lie if nothing is said in the first place
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I normally don't do this type of post because it wasn't my intention when I created this blog, however as it is related to danganronpa especialy shipping( of course it is ,well lets say this fandom is quite intense in the subject of ships to say the least) i feel this whas a nice space to this kind of vent.
I quite loyal to my ships but i like to belive im pretty open to hear people out on their, to try to understand what is the apeal even if dont work for me, i just whant to see the positivy side of things however this day something happen that made me notice something about myself, idk if can explain correctly but when someone is so agresive with their shiping put other ship down to compare to their own i feel like any type of interest  that i had before in trying to like them myself get lost,especially if the shipp or ship fans in questions they  are puting down is one i like our im a part of, it make me feel so akward.
 Of course, this dont apply to criticism , everyone has the right of expressing their opinion and hearing where people are coming from overall enrich your visions make less one side even if you disagree with the persons take, im talking about the ones that are just hate like ''this ship suck'' , ''this ship i have is so much better than the other one''  our ‘’the fans of this ships are stupid’’ this just blatantly unnecessary mean. One argument i see being toss alot when people trying to justify this behavior is ''oh the fans of this ship were bad to me’’ with i  can see some point of it,i allways gona be agaist any type of toxic ship plus ‘’pettyness’’ is normal to have in time to time,yet  fogiveness if sound to harsh, but if act like they acted toward you repeating the circle you are not becoming the same level as they? Like you not doing any better being this whay generalizing a group of people and being nasty with them just becausa you had bad experiences in the past? Why compare to their ship in the firt place? why not focous on doing you own and the the positivy things than weaponize your anger?
I consider myself a pessimistic person, i allways think of the worst so i can just only hope for the best , however when i see any hate toward something i like i just whant to make more things of it to combat the negativity, i think if people did the same could be best for them mentally but made they and their ship become more approachable to people like me who whanted to give a shot, well as a friend of me sayed to me ‘’is their loss’’ so is better not cry over spilled milk ,is just quite disapointed is okay to have you taste though, if you dont like something i like is totaly valid just being so agresive about it is what feel weird, i just dont like this type of mentalitys. 
sorry for the long rant is definly not the normal type of post on this blog, but i dont know i feel quite relife in saying out lound  in a space that make me feel safe, maybe i can use this blog to tell things are on my mind related to danganronpa  the blog focous is not gona change stil i feel is a nice change of passing and maybe give people glimpse of the type of belifes and opinions i hold.
if you read this far, thank you for give me your time and stay safe <3 .
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magic-human-bean · 2 years
OKOOKOK SO saw the thing about earth bread being an island in the middle of the ocean SO you know what I’m just thinking about a human who got stranded there one day finding a way to get back home and having a few cookies they’ve befriended consistently pestering them to take them to the human land because 1) they’re SUPER curious about what it’s like and 2) they think that knowing how the human world works is a good way to understand the witches because witches are essentially humans with magic [but tbh with those old witch hunts and the complete absence of magic ANYWHERE, those cookies won’t find anything witch related at all]
Anyways knowing almost everything can crush these little guys (and that they’d certainly be horrified at the discovery of sold baked goods), the human would obviously deny them such an adventure, but I get the feeling if these cookies are super determined they’ll sneak onto the human’s method of escape anyways and only make their presence known once the human makes it back to land, which leads me to this question AND the purpose of this ask:
How would a cookie react to the scale of a human city? Or basically anything in a human city idk your choice (and you can decide on who specifically is reacting in this scenario if you want, could even do multiple cookies!)
*Cue a live-action movie like Alvin and the Chipmunks and the Smurfs, where whacky tiny creatures are dragged into the modern city world*
But seriously though, the Cookies would NOT be safe in a human city. Raccoons, pigeons, rats, they all wanna eat the Cookies.
Not to mention other humans would lose their mind and blah blah blah the usual "scientists will want to catch them and experiment on them to study them" trope when it comes to supernatural creatures in the real world.
So all the cookies (except a tiny few) will be very intimidated and will make sure to stay close to their human friend and follow their advices.
Under the cut I'll talk about the main 5 and some ancients maybe?
Gingerbrave would be a good boy though. He wouldn't stray too far away from his human friend, especially if their human friend clearly tells him that he MUST stay close for safety. He's brave but not 100% stupid, and listens to the people he trusts. He's really excited and mega curious! Curiosity WITHOUT ANY limit. But he would be cautious and manageable still. Please take him to see the view from a skyscraper, he'll love it so much, very enriching to him. But don't let him watch the news.
Strawberry Cookie would stick to their human friend like glue! She didn't even want to come!! She just came along because she wanted to be sure her friends would be okay...
Wizard Cookie is really fascinated, but he also finds it weirdly sad and creepy that there isn't any magic in human cities... Like it all feels... dystopian to him... He's pretty perplexed, and a little uncomfortable. He wants to learn more about witches and the origin of magic, but of course everything is gone... He'll have to do researches on the witch hunts on google (with adult supervision).
It will take DAYS to explain to Custard Cookie III that royalty doesn't exist anymore. It will take WEEKS for him to wrap his head around it... This one you should keep your eyes on, he could get into trouble from his stubbornness.
Chilli Pepper Cookie kinda loves it! She's sneaky, quickly adapted to navigate the city without letting anyone sees her. She steals people's wallets when they sit down, even though she can't use this currency, but that's just how far her greed goes. Do NOT show her your jewelry box, do not even mention it. And don't take her to a jewelry shop.
Pure Vanilla Cookie, he came along hoping to act as some kind of ambassador for Earthbread, because he'd love to have humans and cookies live in peace, as friends! Maybe it's too early for official contact, but he wants to learn more about humans and human culture, hoping one day this knowledge could help him establish an alliance/friendship with humans. He will make sure to follow his human friend's advices and stay safe during his stay, and keep the other cookies safe too!!
Hollyberry Cookie came along to check out what kind of entertainment and fun humans can have! She'll want to try all the wines, listen to all the music genres... To her it's like an adventure/vacation, and she's not afraid of shit, therefore she will CONSIDER her human friend's advices, but she will mostly do whatever she wants.
I don't think Dark Cacao Cookie would come, sorry. It's just not in character for him to leave Earthbread when he has the responsibility of keeping the Licorice Sea in check. I don't think he cares for other lands, unlike Earthbread.
If Dark Enchantress Cookie comes to human land, it would be to burn it to the ground :)
(Send me other asks if you want me to talk about other cookies in this situation (but do mention the context please))
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
7 Anti LO Asks
1. Do you know what really gets my blood boiling about this comic? Persephone and Demeter's relationship.
In the myths, Demeter and Persephone loved each other more than anything. Their reunion is so important - it marked the coming of spring and growth. A whole cult was dedicated to this for crying out loud. Yes, the myths were far from perfect, but the Persephone and Demeter myth showed the strength of a loving mother-daughter relationship with Demeter searching endlessly to find her child that was ripped away and had her innocence forcibly taken.
Now, RS is not the only author to make Demeter this over-bearing mother type in order to put more positivity onto the Hades-Persephone relationship. However, RS takes this trend to a whole new level - to the point where I would even consider it misogyny.
How is it, she takes this beautiful mother-daughter relationship and makes it out to be an abusive and controlling one, and then takes the Hades-Persephone relationship from a forceful one to a loving, perfect relationship with no problems? How is it ok to ruin one relationship to elevate another?
I understand that many versions of the myth try to downplay Hades' actions, and even make it so Persephone actually falls in love with him and there is no rape. But it doesn't change that this relationship was problematic, and meant to represent the loss of innocence.
Then fans have the gall to claim this comic is feminist and then claim on top of that that Demeter and Persephone's relationship was the same in the myth? These fans clearly don't know the myths, and neither does RS.
Making Hades a good person is fine. Changing it up a bit to make Persephone's loss of innocence something else is also fine. But ruining Demeter and Persephone's relationship? Especially when Persephone has to spend half the year with her? So horrible. 
2. im sorry, but rachel cant introduce KRONOS coming back and then dropping it for several episodes to focus on a stake-less trail and persephone not knowing what lingerie to seduce hades in. like thats too much of an earth shaking development and huge stake plot point to just ignore for months to focus instead on something as minor as hxp's relationship, which only points out a huge flaw: why is hxp's relationship so minor in this? isnt the whole point supposed to be about them?
3. I think LO completely dropped the ball over Hades’ characterization. 
From the first ep I thought ok, this is good, we have some bones to see he’s not that lucky in love and is just tired and lonely, and while ignoring the creepy actions towards Persephone, I thought ok, Artemis hates him, Hestia hates, even Ares hates him, maybe once Persephone finally sees the underworld and probably gets to know him it’ll be a clever twist and they’ll be proven wrong. The underworld will turn out to be fair and just, the citizens will love Hades, he’ll be revealed to be a good leader and king and not like his brothers, it’ll be like everyone saying Hades of myth isn’t actually that bad, and it’ll help reinforce why this sweet and bubbly Persephone wants him, she sees the real him, not the mean rumors and assumptions, this is perfect.
And then it just didn’t happen. The exact opposite happened, actually.
We’re shown the LO underworld is cruel and unjust, where the poor dead are forced into slavery and Hades created a harsh class divide with him and him only on top, the citizens hate him, the underworld gods don’t trust him and openly seem ok if he’s taken out of power, he’s not a good leader and king and doesn’t even want the job yet keeps it for his own ego and grip of power m, and on top of it all he is just like his brothers, if not worse. He loves to get violent over any little slight against him, he hoards wealth and resources to enrich himself while his citizens starve and struggle to survive, he’s corrupt, he controls all the media and laws to bend to his will, sleeps with his brothers wife for centuries behind his back while claiming to be holier than thou, he has sex with his secretaries who are made dependent on him for any way to survive, and now he lusts after his barely legal intern who is also now dependent on him for her way to survive, and that’s only what I remember off the top of my head.
LO perfectly set up to prove Hades isn’t the devil or the false pop culture assumption that he’s evil and to show some actual facts from myth, and yet Rachel only ended up reinforcing exactly that and even making him even worse with her made up ideas, all while thinking having Persephone ignore or excuse it somehow makes it not bad or even a good thing. It’s honestly kind of impressive just how bad of writing that actually is. 
4. Chapter 172 is not that interesting. It’s setup had me excited to see Hephaestus and Hera and learning more about echo, but it’s cut so short. Because again the story can’t leave HXP out for 2 seconds.
I can also see why Zeus is gonna go insane. 
5. i agree w/ other anon. LO should have pulled a PJO or a BoZ and just made up OCs and have them interact with the gods than whatever Rachel thinks shes doing, which is lying she's being accurate and faithful while completely changing all of it, removing what is needed, and adding what isnt so that it lines up with no actual myth besides like, various 50 shades fanfic she read in 2015 and some popular tumblr text posts.
6 . the animation studio behind blood of zeus literally can only draw one face for the men and one face for the women and they were still able to make the gods all look distinct and hot while LO can't even bother to use more than 6 colors and can only have the women look as tiny as possible with the biggest boobs while the men are all just lego men.
7. ////FP SPOILERS////
Okay so like I stopped reading LO way back before season 1 ended, and a majority of my knowledge of the series comes from what I read here on your blog which is enough for me lol and I decided to read the latest 5 chapters just to see what's up (on zahard. I refuse to give the actual series any views)
And I just. Could not take the whole scene with Daphne running from Apollo seriously? The anatomy and art inconsistency was so distracting that i genuinely could not find it serious. Even when Thanatos discovers her hibernated body I couldn't take it seriously because of how she looked?
And when Hades had that call (??? Was it a call? Or his inner dialogue? I couldn't really tell ngl) with Zeus and said he's causing Persephone unnecessary distress, and that she didn't pose any threat. B!tch??? She killed a ton of mortals??? She has no control over her powers???? She's literally a fugitive for the aforementioned things??? She apparently woke Kronos up? (Idk if anyone knows about that, again my knowledge only spans to whatever I read here) Hello????
And I have a lot to say about the chapters starting the trial but I'll only mention one thing; Hades saying "I don't think blindly supporting my little brother would be doing him any favours (as a ruler)" had me cackling. This is coming from a guy blindly supporting a girl he's literally only known for a few weeks, who's like what, only recently turned 20? Sit tf down Hades you're not cool, you creepy ass overgrown smurf.
Overall I still hate this series lmao. Regarding art though I feel like I wouldn't be so miffed about the anatomy much if the character designs were consistent and the story was compelling. They literally change hairstyles and body types frame by frame, and it's distracting.
The timeline from what I read here is laughable. 4 years in publication with almost 200 chapters and you're telling me only like a month has passed canonically. That's wild and such poor writing.
And as someone who literally will sympathise with any lead character pretty quickly, the story makes me hate them. It makes me want to root against them. I also hate the fact this trash is somehow top ranked on webtoons when so many other stories are far better then it.
Anyway, many thanks to this blog for existing and allowing me to dump so much text here to vent out my hate for this series lmao. You the mvp fam, hope you're having a good day 🥂🥂🥂
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haneybun123 · 3 years
Stray Kids as Mafia Members
a/n: idk why I made Seungmin such a sap or Jeongin so sad it was just hard writing about such softies being violent criminals okay,,,,
Chan - the leader
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- Chan spent his youth on the streets for.. a number of reasons. arguments with his parents, questionable influences, a thirst for danger, the streets gave him the enrichment regular life didn’t. slowly, he accumulated a group of people that were the same as him as they continually pushed themselves to go further. they were the Stray Kids- people without a home, coming together to find something. it’s them against 
- the group grew in notoriety inhumanly quickly thanks to the fact they- Chan especially- never hold back. they never say no to a chance, never back out of a challenge, and put 200% of themselves into everything. so, with that, they grew intense power. it didn’t take them long to have influence- especially considering Chan had been on the street for a long time.
- Chan has the greatest notoriety out of the members because of the sheer amount of hustling he did as a teenager. he was everywhere and everyone still knows his name and his temper. so, he shows up when they know they need to make a statement. he never disappoints either. he always comes in, gun already loaded, with the scariest looking snarl, and never leaves unless he’s gotten what he wants.
“So, someone’s decided to cause problems, hm? you think it’s funny to graffiti up our shit? ” he slithered around the corner with no warning, hand on the annoyances shoulder before the man had even clued into what was happening. the tone of the room changed immediately from humorous to icy cold, spray cans scattering to the ground in panic. Chans knuckled whitened from his grip as he spoke, “don’t make me repeat myself. I’m not the type you want to frustrate like that.” he was on the floor before he even had a chance to run away, all over one missed deal.
Minho - the informant
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- Minho has always been a bit- well, a lot- of a sadist. he spent his time as a teen either getting in fights or starting them and always left them with a smile, no matter what his condition. he’s addicted to the rush, to the sight of others bleeding, and the thrill of knowing he’s superior. it becomes even worse when his friends are under threat. he grew up with them so they’re the only people he doesn’t hate, quite frankly. when they’re under threat you’d be hard pressed to hold him back.
- as their careers grew this became more useful, and he became more addicted. sometimes, people would sneak in or try and steal off of them. it wasn’t enough to beat them up- people in crime go through it constantly- they had to drag it out of them. Minho, well, really didn’t mind doing it. as it began to happen more and more, and threats became more common, it just happened.
- Minho racked up a body count quick. soon, like the other members, he became known for his violent and downright savage way of dealing with enemies. as their career became even more dangerous, people began to fear Stray Kids more for the fact he was there.
the room was pitch black, not even a slither of light from a window, with two sounds emanating through the darkness: muffled cries and a sharpening knife. Minho, unlike most in his role, likes to break his victims mentally before he even touches them. through the night vision Jisung gave him, he could see him cower- the signs things had really begun. so, his knife went to his throat, and he finally spoke, “you’re gonna tell me what people invited me here or- well, you don’t want to known the alternative. clear?”
Changbin - the second - hand
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- Changbin can do anything. everything Chan needs, Changbin is there. a rival in the basement, tied up, within the hour? done. a tentative piece of information that could make or break their current deal? gotten it before he could get the slightest bit frustrated. he’s a blessing, and really keeps things running smoothly behind the scenes. him and Chan have been inseparable for years, always loyal to each other no matter how hard the street tried to tear them apart. he would do anything to keep Stray Kids going for him.
- Changbin is vital to keeping deals and alliances running smoothly. Chan has.. a pretty short tempter when it comes to those things. bureaucracy has never been his strong suit but it has been Changbins. they both agreed he’s better off at his desk where he can’t snap at others and Changbin runs the business side of things, where his resting bitch face is best applicable. it’s just safer that way for everyone involved.
- he wanted them to just deal in arms at first because the thought of facilitating others addictions to drugs really made Changbin uncomfortable. eventually they got into weed and insulin because those drugs are healthy and far too expensive in most places for those that need it. that Changbin was okay with, even if Chan wants to deal hallucinogens.
the first thing the other half of deal asked for was Chan, “he’s not here right now. your stupidity is too much for his lack of patience.” Changbin rose to his feet, rolling up his sleeves for effect. the flex of his muscles in combination with his dark tone of voice changed the tone of the room entirely- suddenly he was in charge. “I'm here because I have enough respect for you to give you my time of day, unlike Chan. so don’t come in here throwing about demands like this isn’t my courtesy.” the man found himself backing away from him on instinct, and Changbin smirked knowing he had him right where he wanted him.
Hyunjin - the thief
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- Hyunjin only began to steal because all of Stray Kids were getting into crime. it was for the thrill of it- shoving a can of monster into his bag or sticking a packet of gum up his sleeve. then it became bigger and better things as the adrenaline rush became more addictive. soon, he was stealing expensive shit and getting really fucking good at it. it became what he did. it became his use to the group. 
- his agility from his days of thieving lead him to becoming a great fighter for the group but his skills do end up becoming handy often. in the middle of fights he’ll just.. pick up valuable documents or something of that type and put them in his pockets. sure, it gets them in the shit sometimes, but it always ends up giving them key information about their rivals or even being worth some good money.
- often, Hyunjin is just sent to fight with the rest of the members, but he’s pretty similar to a spy type role during this. Chan usually gives him his own, special mission to get done. he’ll ask him for a specific document or person to be brought back, or for files to be downloaded from their main computer. thanks to his days sneaking around, it’s not hard for him to make it there and back without being noticed, prize in pocket.
they arrived at the warehouse cloaked in darkness, dressed in pure black. their mission was simple- cause a distraction. Hyunjins’, however, was different. they had a flash drive in their office containing an array of secrets about supply chains and dealers who were stepping into their turf. the shots and explosions in the factory took over the enemies allowed him to slip up the stairs, choking out the man diligently guarding the office door. right where it was said to be he found it and he was back in the car before anyone noticed.
Jisung - the hacker
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- Jisung, well, hates authority. he’d been a bit of an online vigilante for a long time- acting as a sort of WikiLeaks type figure- before he was found by Chan. Chan thought it could be useful to have someone who could out him and his political connections on his team. the “stray” part of Stray Kids enchanted Jisung and he was onboard with “enhancing” their mission before Chan could even explain his role.
- Jisung is a driving force of Stray Kids. Chan found him hilarious and inspiring as soon as he met him so he rose up the ranks quickly. though some people found this ridiculous, Chan argued that he’s done more for the group in 2 months than they have in years. and he has. he gathered enough blackmail in a month to keep them going for years. he set up an online trafficking circle so they could expand to outside of Korea. he’s killing it.
- his main role outside of meetings is recon. since he has the ability to break into security systems and bug buildings, he spends a lot of time in vans and trucks listening in and tracking movement patterns before missions. then, he’ll drive with the crew to make sure they follow their information properly. he’s their eyes in the sky, as Chan calls it.
“listen to me you bunch of clowns. go left, straight, then take the second right you see. they’re all there- I count 15. you’ll be fine,” he spoke in his usual, upbeat voice. though most of the team grumble at his brushing off of their possible deaths by wording it like they were driving a car, the men trudge off according to his directions. Jisung turned back to his 2 laptops, one with their security system open and one with the code of their database. he diligently worked through firewall after firewall until he finds himself at their most protected files. his information paid off seamlessly, he got his files and the physical information they needed from the building. as usual, his snark was worth it.
Felix - the fighter
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- no one ever thought a 5’7, grey haired teenager who barely spoke Korean could be so intimidating. then Felix entered the scene, dressed in his goth best and flipping the crime scene upside down.. on the surface. he was a lost puppy until Chan took him under his wing and taught him the ways of the streets. he didn’t know his shotguns from his rifles until he met Stray Kids. now he’s a notorious force known well for his inability to hold back. that’s a common theme with Stray Kids, most find- they always do the most.
- the difference between Felix and most of the members is he knows when to intimidate and when to go all in. his deep voice gives him an edge, to be fair, and it makes people cower at the mere sound, even if it’s clear he’s hesitating with his sentence structure. but, sometimes people don’t listen, and then you need to fight. he’s been taught all sorts of different tricks and styles from his time with Chan and the boys, giving him a unique fighting type to the others.
- he’s sent on everything. if he isn’t involved directly he’s there for pure intimidation purposes or for moral support. he’s strong and has more of an effect than he wants to admit- on missions and the others. it’s now reached the point that others are more afraid that he isn’t there, in case he’s hiding behind a corner somewhere and will pounce on them at any moment. he’s Chans perfect soldier.
Felix had been waiting patiently by Changbin’s side, watching him wrestle with this man over the tiniest details of their deal. he could see the calm expression slowly cracking as his impatience took over, despite Felixs having broken long before this. finally Changbin nodded in his direction, relief washing over Felix as he got to do what he had wanted to do this whole time. his hands moved before his brain began to think, switching into the violent autopilot he was raised with. soon enough he caved and he left knowing Changbin would reward him for his perfect work.
Seungmin - the medic
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- he may not be as sadistic or as violent as his other friends but Seungmin still has his part to play in their system- their medic. truth be told, he’s just not as interested as the other members in the world of crime. he prefers them when they’re chilling out together, fucking around with all the stolen playground equipment they have on their roof. if that takes bandaging their bullet wounds to experience that again, even if for only an hour, he’ll do it.
- he studied a lot of first aid when they initially got into crime to ensure he could help them, proving useful when they cut themselves running away from the police 24/7. when they started getting really serious he begged them to stop but- seeing that they wouldn’t budge- he found himself with no choice but to go to medical school and become a nurse. the amount of maths he had to learn on that course also made him useful for double checking their accounting to make sure they look legitimate, but he doesn’t mind. he’s helping his friends and that’s what he cares about.
- he did have to get taught how to use a gun, against his will obviously but he was still taught to. it was for his own safety and- while it breaks his heart- it has come in handy once or twice. because of his aversion to violence he spends most of his time in Chans office helping him out with paper work than anywhere else, but Chan enjoys his company so it’s ok.
Seungmin was minding his own business when he heard his name screamed across the warehouse, “Seungmin! it’s an emergency!” this was the part he hated the most. he may be trained in it but nothing can prepare you for watching your friend writhing in agony as a bullet is pulled out of his ribcage. this was what he spent 3 years studying for but comforting Hyunjin through another surgery, seeing all of the scars adorning his skin, is a sight that will forever haunt him. no matter the thanks he gets from Chan, or the fact that Hyunjin will be hugging him for an hour later when he can walk again, it always makes him doubt his choice in joining their life of crime.
Jeongin - the spy
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- an innocent, young teenager, on the streets in his cute boy outfits, accidentally strolling down an ally where he accidentally comes across a gang planning their next mission. it has to be a coincidence, right? of course, it’s not like Stray Kids hacker Jisung read their email chain and found out where the meeting was going to be, of course. that’s Jeongins job- act innocent, record their conversation, if he gets caught pretend to be a school boy getting milk for his mum. deny all knowledge and get out.
- truth be told, Jeongin always knew he was cute and knows exactly how to play it up to get guilt points. he was just like Seungmin in the sense of he didn’t want to enter a life of crime. he just wanted to impress his peers and be cool, not get a record so long that it beats the length of his English homework. but he loves them, and loves spending time with them. if this is what spending time with them is, and this is his use, he’ll do it. it’s kind of fun anyway and the thrill is pretty exciting.
- he hated being taught how to fight and use a gun. he hated being a 16 year old with a pistol in his school backpack but seeing his friends get excited about how much he was improving gave him the biggest smile. Chan has some sympathy and doesn’t send him out unless he needs absolutely everyone on board or a distraction. so, he spends most of his time in the warehouse doing homework with Chan and Jisung than anything.
“hey, kid! what the hell do you think you’re doing! fuck off!” Jeongin froze, Jisung shouting swears through the earpiece in panic. this is the first time Jeongin has been caught in a long time and his anxious brain was struggling with remembering what to do. from his lips spilt a fountain of excuses, eyes widening in terror. he had been listening in on a key rivals meeting, kneeling like he was tying his shoe in case of this exact moment. soon, his other members started shouting about whether to take him or kill him or let him go. he took the chance and ran, shouting about how he wouldn't tell anyone, until he rounded the corner to Jisungs van and told him everything, the adrenaline making him collapse against the car seat. though Jisung was proud, he didn’t know if he could be.
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donnieluvsthings · 4 years
what are your thoughts and favorite quotes from this episode?
my thoughts are that this is one of my favorite episodes EVER it was so good so soft i absolutely LOVED IT and just. ALDKQLDKAL IT WAS AMAZING
anyway this got long who would’ve guessed so its going under a read more aldjaldls i just have a lot of feelings. SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT
okay but to actually answer ur question i think it was just. what we NEEDED in this series rn there’s been a lot of angst and i loved POF, i did, but this was just so SOFT and FUN and there was a sprinkle of angst but not OVERWHELMING angst and it was so good. i love that virgil is the one who TOOK CHARGE and he DID THAT himself. he’s the PROTECTOR and he SHOWED IT here. i love that for him❤️💘💙💓❤️💖❣️💖❤️💓💙
also the art was so pretty!!!! all of them look so ADORABLE. the artists are so talented. and story-wise i like how it allowed them to physically interact!!! in the same frame!!!!! virgil turned roman’s face!!! roman put a hand on virgil’s shoulder!!!!! they both grabbed thomas’ shirt and both pushed him (literally) to do stuff!!!!! just. more freedom and i loved that
and idk fam they’re just so HAPPY even tho roman and virgil are two of the sides that maybe are not talking to the others as much bc of, yknow, many past events. i like the allusions to virgil not approving of janus’ acceptance/of lying in general but!!
as @subtlereferencetomyinterests pointed out to me in a galaxy brain moment, virgil’s line “are you gonna rely on deceit for all the answers? is that fair to him?” could mean that virgil recognizes how depending on a single side can hurt that side so he may not like janus but he still doesn’t want janus to get hurt by thomas relying ONLY on janus, bc it will hurt janus—just like relying too much on patton has already hurt patton in the past.
this is turning into me rambling as usual but just!!!!! yes i loved the ep!!!!! i have MANY favorite parts but some are:
Roman: oh, what lad is that which doth enrich the mack on yonder slate // Thomas: huh? // Roman: SIGH cutie at 12o’clock
i literally dont know if thats even what roman says but its hilarious aldjaldk
Virgil: thats a classic introverted method of talking about yourself without having to do anything too extreme......like talking
Roman and Virgil: *seeing Nightmare Before Christmas sticker* OH. MY. GOD.
Virgil: no, DOOFUS
Roman: i hate to rain on ur black parade gerard gay, but—
Thomas: good points guys! I don’t want to be doing this either and i will gladly sit back down now // Roman and Virgil: NO WAIT—
anyway theyre in sync this episode i love them sm
Virgil: u have 5 seconds max // Roman: i’m not MAX, i’m PRINCE ROMAN // Virgil: NO, MAN // Roman: uh its RO-MAN. with an “R”? you’re really struggling today.
Virgil: When it comes to antisocial etiquette, i’m like a TRIPLE expert. an EX-EX-EXPERT // Roman: easy tiger
I’m just gonna end up quoting the entire episode at this rate
GAY EYES (does that work? no. no. it does not. not for me at least)
everything about Nico i love him
Virgil: oh nonono i wasn’t testing you. i was just panicking :)
Thomas: idunno, PLANT
Roman: you were being a baby about the buttons, and the pins had you panicking (roman i love u)
V: thats like CYBER STALKING but REAL LIFE // R: so... stalking // V: OH UR RIGT
The bathroom monologue 🥺 and the GUY IN THE BATHROOM ALSKAL
V: you did it again // T: yeah i gotta stop wooing strangers in bathrooms ALSALDKS STOPPP
R: i so badly want this. i’m desperate for it. ROMANNN
Nico: You almost forgot ur food! // V: if you could call it that. // R: YE—AH—UH TELL HIM TO CALL U SOMETIME. whats his number??? TELL HIM HOW CUTE HE IS!! a REAL textbook cutie pie!!!!! OH my gosh i cannot BREATHE right now *excited stuttered breathing* // V, at the same time: whAT?? you can’t just TELL someone to call u! we TEXT each other nowadays!!! and you will NOT tell him he’s a textbook cutie pie!!!!
Nico: you mind kinda telling me about that? // V&R: HUH?? // V: What’d he say? // R: I DUNNO I DUNNO // V: okay thats okay except its super NOT i am FREAKING OUT // R: i think i saw a lot of wide vowels // V: Nevada?? // R: MORE THAN THAT // V: anaconda???? // R: ANACONDA!!! Thomas he’s a Nicki Minaj fan!!!
the entire nico/thomas convo omg
EDIT 2: also when thomas reads his tweet and virgil INSTANTLY has black eyeshadow again and goes “HUH.....delete it” alfkalfkal
i did in fact end up quoting most of the episode yeah i loved it okay sorry this is so long aldjaldksld goodbye
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gettin-bi-bi-bi · 4 years
Hi, what is aftercare supposed to be like ? All the people I've asked irl had super different views now idk what to do
you’ve gotten so many different answers from different people because people are all different, my friend. and what they need as aftercare is different from everyone else bc we’re all individuals. it also can vary within the same person depending on the mood of the day or which sexual acts have been done.
aftercare can be anything like
cuddling and holding each other
wrapping your partner up in a blanket
talking about the sex you just had and what you liked/disliked
talking about anything BUT the sex you just had
watching TV together
reassuring your partner that they did good (especially important in dom/sub dynamics; for example Doms/Dommes sometimes need to be reassured that they acted perfectly within the pre-agreed boundaries and that their sub enjoyed the “treatment” or else they might feel guilty for what they did, even when it was all consensual and their sub enjoyed it)
getting a glass of water or a snack for your partner
mending any wounds or pain that may have happened (be it on accident or bc of kinky stuff)
taking a shower together or running a bath for your partner
literally.... that’s only the first few things that come to my mind and I bet someone else could give you a list at least that long with other things on it.
If you don’t know what to do then just ask your partner. Most people instinctively do some of that stuff after sex anyway (like cuddling, getting a glass of water and food). But it’s okay to need more or something else than that. You can ask your partner and tell them about your own needs. Especially when you venture into kinky waters then it can be important and also just fun and enriching to talk about the experience you’ve just made together.
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