#it’s me Hugh and the after you I cackled
amemoryofwot · 2 years
Marisa going back to the Magisterium is DELIGHTFUL she is SUCH a little shit who knows EXACTLY what she’s doing
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leaentries · 3 months
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SYNOPSIS: there was no way quinn would ever have feelings for his best friend, never.
WARNINGS: angst w/ happy ending, misunderstanding, alcohol, drinking, getting drunk, loser guy harassing reader in a bar, reader breaks a bottle over a loser guys head, reader gets punched, quinn pulling a colin bridgerton (iykyk), swearing, reader gets into an accident, non-life threatening injuries, protective quinn, not proofread
“You know, the longer you stare at her the more pathetic you look.”
“I’m not staring.” 
“Really? Cause I don’t think you’ve blinked in the past ten minutes.” 
With rolling eyes, Quinn finally tore his gaze away from where you stood, enticed in an animated conversation with a random guy. He looked to Jack with an unamused face, hands twirling the straw that danced with the ice of his empty rum and coke. Irritation stirred at the back of his neck, causing him to grunt as he stretched out the muscle. As annoying as Jack could be, he wasn’t necessarily wrong in this situation. 
“Can you blame me?” Quinn barked, “She’s over there smiling with some jackass she’s never met before.” 
Jack just let out a cackle that, to Quinn, reminded him far too much of their father, “It’s called mingling, Quinny.” He slapped a hand firmly onto the older boy’s shoulder, “We came here to have fun and that’s exactly what she’s doing.”
“Well, she could at least be smart about it and not talk to strangers.” He placed the tip of his straw into his mouth, blowing into the empty cup. Quinn knew he sounded like a whiney toddler, but he couldn’t seem to bring himself to care. Not when it came to you. You had been by Quinn’s side since he got drafted, recently having been hired onto the Canuck’s marketing team. It was all too easy for the boy to immediately cling to your side since both of you were new to living in a new country by yourselves. The both of you found a special solace with each other that could only be described as “home.” At least, that’s what it felt like to Quinn. 
You had become a rock, a symbol of strength and perseverance through his rookie year, and that only seemed to grow stronger with each passing season. He found himself falling reliant on you and your presence, through the little things you would do, such as bringing him lunch when he had been going overtime on the ice or simply helping him clean up the mess of his apartment. Whatever it may be, Quinn couldn’t push away the feelings he had associated with you and your relationship. However, all he could chalk it up to was that you were his best friend, nothing more. 
“Said the world’s biggest introvert,” Jack remarked, “Dude, if you don’t want her to flirt with other people then grow a pair and ask her out.” 
This statement had Quinn’s eyes bulging and shards of ice shooting through the straw he had placed in his mouth. He turned his head, partially to cover his cough, but mostly to hide the red that bloomed on the skin under his stubble. Quinn felt a twang of panic surge through his stomach, nerves spiking. 
Now if you ask Jack, he’d say Quinn was stupid, which could be the only reason the eldest brother let the phrase fall from his lips. 
“Ask her out?” He asked with disbelief, “We’re just friends, I could never be into Y/N like that. Never.” 
Jack felt his own eyes widen at Quinn’s words, coughing awkwardly as his gaze fell behind the brother’s right shoulder. Quinn’s brows formed a deep ‘v’ as he turned around. He swallowed thickly, suddenly feeling his mouth run dry. His throat felt as if it was closing, a gate to the words that wanted to chase after you. He watched the way your eyes filled with an unknown emotion, your shoulders slumping as you made a b-line past him. Quinn’s body was screaming and fighting against his skin to run after you, yet he stayed put. He sat firmly in that chair and watched you run out of that god-forsaken bar. 
He felt as if he was watching his heart rip from his chest and walk away. And in some ways, he was.
You felt stupid. 
Stupid for letting yourself feel things for him, stupid for getting close to him, but most of all, for thinking you actually had a chance.
You had been excited to go to the bar that night, having gotten the invitation from Quinn that morning. Admittedly, a sparkle of hope glimmered in your chest every time he invited you somewhere. What started as a casual outing between friends, developed into something far more. His hand would often find home on the small of your back, guiding you and keeping you close if it was crowded. Always taking the liberty of ordering your drinks and food because he somehow managed to remember them all. Beyond all of that, he cared for you. He put in the effort to hang out with you, to check up on you, something that many others lacked in doing. However, all of this seemed pointless now. Empty promises and misread signals now resided where the longing and hoping used to live. 
You could feel your resolve break the second you heard Quinn say those words to Jack. Embarrassment consumed you, and an uncomfortable burning painted your skin red. You felt your heart fall to your ass the second he turned back to look at you.
The worst part? He didn’t even care. 
Quinn made no moves to check up on you later that night after you’d found a ride home, nor did he the following day. Two days eventually turned into a week, and you’d officially gone without speaking to Quinn longer than before the two of you had met. Your heart ached every time your phone lit up, hoping his name would appear under your notifications. You grew tired of waiting, tired of the itch that seemed to cover your fingertips every time you hovered over his contact. 
After the seventh night, your girlfriends decided you needed to quit sulking and go out. And, as if scripted, the familiar knocks at your apartment door announced their arrival. You opened the heavy door, as your two closest friends barged their way in, practically pushing you over. The searing squeak of the metal hinges were begging for help as the door heaved open so quickly. You smiled as they ran to your kitchen, grabbing the tequila bottle, which just so happened to already be on the counter and a few shot glasses. 
“Get your ass over here, y/n/n, we are pregaming this shit.” Demanded Willa, one of your close work friends. She had been there the night everything went down at the bar and didn’t hesitate to get you the hell outta dodge the second she saw tears welling up in your eyes. 
“Do we have to?” You droned, “I want to at least be able to walk to the bar without falling over, Wills.” 
She just rolled her eyes, swatting her hand through the air as if it were your words, “Just one, pretty please?” Her wide brown orbs were rimmed with amusement, clearly getting a kick out of your hesitance. Unfortunately for you, the shit-talking brunette also knew that you were very easily peer-pressured, at least when it came to her. 
“Aren’t you gonna try to convince me to drink too?” You questioned the ginger sitting to the right of Willa. 
Duke just grinned, her freckled cheeks rising to meet her sapphire eyes, “Don’t need to, Will’s already got you covered.” 
You sucked in a harsh breath, giving in to the liquid temptation sitting on the cool granite countertop, “Fine,” You waltz over, snatching the shot glass out of Willa’s hand, “Bottom’s up, bitches.” You guzzle down the shot, the burn almost mute at this point. The situation with Quinn, paired with the off week the Canuck’s had, it was horrible timing for you. But proved to be great timing for the local liquor store. 
Managing to take another shot, you all quickly go to your room to finish the final touchups for your nightly escapades. Duke hooked her phone to the speaker, playing the shared playlist the three of you had, specifically for nights like these. You could feel the tension from the past week melt from your body as you jumped around with your two best friends. 
After the first few songs, you settled down into a comfortable chatter, talking about nonsense as you curled your hair on the ground by your floor-length mirror. Willa sat on the bed, legs crossed as she did her eyeshadow in the camera of her phone and Duke somehow wriggled her way onto your dresser, feet dangling as she sat back against the tan walls. She had never been one to overly dress for clubbing, but her style suited her. 
“...and then he told me that I had a pretty voice,” Willa giggled as she rambled about her newest boy toy. As much as you loved the girl, there was no denying that she got around, but you’d never judge her for that. In all honesty, it was almost refreshing to hear about her many rendezvous, giving you insight into a life you could never live. Not that you wanted to, the thought of jumping from guy to guy made your skin crawl and dread fill your throat. You were more of a one-stop-shop kind of girl. 
“Which one is this again?” Duke’s voice slurred slightly, a tell-tale sign she was already tipsy. 
Willa rolled her eyes, “Duke, have you not been listening this whole time?” 
Duke slumped over to her side, “Sorry,” She snarked, “I’m sure this guy is fantastic and will be the one to get you to walk down the aisle.” 
The brunette scrunched her nose up in disgust, “Ew, not a chance.” 
You just laughed at their banter, finally curling the last few pieces of your hair. Duke turned her attention to you, eyeing you up suspiciously. “You seem rather quiet, y/n/n. Is everything okay?” At her words, Willa looks up from her phone, brows furrowing as she waits for your answer. 
You manage a nod and a half-assed smile that wouldn’t fool them from a mile away, “Yeah, I’m all good. Don’t worry about me.” 
Duke gave you her “don’t lie to me” look, which almost had you spouting yout guts out to them about Quinn, but Willa managed to beat you to the punch.
“Is it Quinn?” She asked, voice uncharacteristically serious. 
You just sighed, giving them the answer they needed. Willa moved off the bed, sinking onto the floor beside you, “Look, I know we are normally supposed to gang up on the guys that hurt us, but coming from someone who watches the two of you interact on a daily basis,” She paused, thinking of the right words, “I think you should text him.” 
Your eyes widened at her statement. Usually, Willa was very anti-man, in the sense that she would smite anyone who looked at you wrong, so hearing her tell you to reach out to him was shocking, to say the least. 
“Why would I do that? You heard what he said about me at the bar. He made it very clear he would never have feelings for me.” 
“All I’m saying is, you never even gave the guy a chance to explain himself, that’s all.” Willa’s voice was resolute. You just nodded, taking her words into consideration. Maybe you’d text him, but not tonight. Tonight was your time to let loose, to have fun. The calm before the storm that surely awaited the second you clicked the call button under Quinn’s name.
Getting out of the Uber, Duke grabbed your and Willa’s hands, leading you to the front of the line. 
“Duke? The line starts back there,” Willa said, pointing back to the line that wrapped around the brick exterior of the bar. 
With no reply, Willa just huffed and continued to let Duke lead the way. The redhead turned sharply on her heel, “Stay right here a second, I’ll be right back.” 
“Du-” You cut yourself off. She was gone before you even had the time to call out her name. You looked around, leaning up against the wall. You let your head fall back, blowing out a deep breath into the night air. Despite it being warm outside, your skin erupted in goosebumps, no doubt due to your outfit, which didn't serve as much insulation. Willa groaned, slumping back next to you. She took this moment to bring up the one guy you were trying to avoid thinking about for the night. 
“Do you wanna know why I think you should text him?”
“Depends,” You snapped, “Are you gonna give me an actual answer?”
She nodded, not at all phased by your attitude. Having worked with you for 6 years, she had gotten used to the front you put up when you were frustrated. 
“I think you should text him because I think he was lying.” 
Your eyes snapped to her, and you shook your head in confusion, “Why would he have any reason to lie?” 
Willa shrugged her deep-brown shoulders, “Because I can see the way he looks at you. Y/N if you actually paid attention to the way he treats you, you’d understand where I’m coming from. That boy doesn’t just see you as a friend.” 
Your body tenses, scared to ignite that flame of hope again, “That still doesn’t explain why he would have lied about it and made it seem that dating me was a fate worse than death. You didn’t hear him, Wills,” Your voice dropped, “He was being serious.” 
She turned her body to face you completely, her arm now fully rested against the copper-toned brick, “Maybe not, but you didn’t see his face when you ran out of there. He looked like someone just killed his dog.” 
You huffed, annoyed at the whole ordeal, “Then why didn’t he just come and tell me himself?” Your teeth bared down, sending an almost painful tick through your jaw. 
“Now that, I don’t know. I just said he wasn’t being honest, not that he wasn’t a coward.” 
You couldn’t help the puff of amusement that escaped your nose, Willa now sounding more like her usual ball-busting self. Just as you began to grow impatient, Duke emerged through a side door, ushering you two inside the building. 
“What the hell, D?” You asked, very concerned and slightly worried about the fact that you were sneaking into a very infamous bar in downtown Vancouver. She just rolled her eyes and continued down the long hall until you reached the end. A dark metal door with a keypad served as the only barrier between you and the dance floor just beyond. Duke quickly typed in a code, the door making a dull ‘click’ signifying that it was unlocked. 
Before the three of you made into the main floor, Willa grabbed Duke’s arm, “What the actual fuck is going on?” 
Duke laughed at your faces, her husky voice echoing through the, otherwise, empty hallway, “Remember how I mentioned I was seeing someone new?” You and Willa nodded simultaneously, “Well, he happens to own this place and gave me the code for whenever I wanted to bring some friends.” 
You felt all your worry ease from your bones, no longer nervous about getting kicked out, “You know you could have just told us that.”
Duke chuckled as she opened the door for you all to walk in, “I know, but where is the fun in that?” 
Walking into the crowded room, you could already feel the smile forming on your face. Maybe your friends were right about getting out of the house. The DJ on the big stand played some early 2000’s songs and you fought the urge to scream along. You laughed as Willa immediately dragged you to the floor, Duke running off to find her mystery man. You threw your hands up, swaying your hips to the beat of the music. It was intoxicating, being able to let loose and not feel the pressure of everyday weighing down on your shoulders. For once in the past week, you could confidently say, you weren’t thinking about Quinn Hughes. 
After an hour or so, you and Willa managed to push your way through the crowd, desperately needing a drink to soothe your sore throats after all of the screaming and singing. On your way to the bar, a large frame steps in between you and Willa, her body quickly blending in with the sea of people around you. You look up to the man who all but blocked you, noting the devious glint in his eyes. His light hair was cut short, not complimenting his crooked nose or the way his lips turned up. There was something about this man that made your hair stand straight and your gut clench. 
“I saw you dancing with your friend, you looked really good out there.” His rough voice almost made you cringe. You looked over his shoulder, eagerly trying the find Willa or Duke. 
“Uh, thanks,” Your hands picked at the fabric of your dress, nerves now on edge. 
“Wanna show me some more moves?” He bent down next to your ear, “Maybe something a little more personal?” 
His words shot panic through your body, a shiver of fear running up your spine, “I’m actually trying to find my friends right now,” You say curtly, hoping he’d catch on and leave you be. “So if you’ll just excu-” However, he proved to be more stubborn. The man quickly grabbed your wrist, stopping you from going anywhere. Your eyes widened in terror, breath picking up as you rapidly searched for someone to help you. As you tried to pry your arm from his grip, the man let out a sound that was borderline animalistic. 
“You’re not going anywhere, sweet cheeks.” He smiled wickedly at you, his perfect teeth almost sickeningly white. The nickname made bile rise in your throat, stopping any screams or pleased for help from coming out. Seeing a nearby table with empty glasses, you quickly reach to snatch one, not missing to smash the bottle down onto the man’s head. His hand loosened around your wrist and you took the opportunity to tear away from his grip. 
“You little bitch!” He snarled, starting after your retreating form. 
You turn back, noticing the man growing closer on your heels, you try your best to escape him but he grabs your shoulders roughly. As he swivels you around and you reach a hand up to scratch down at his face, aiming for anything to get you the hell away from him. Tears shook through your ribs as a fist came hurling at you. Blinded by the anxious sobs, your head flew back at the impact of the punch. Everything around you went blurry, sounds mixing. A high-pitched ringing echoed through your head, all of your senses seemingly disappearing. At first, you don’t register what happened, but the searing pain on the left side of your face has your mind crashing back into reality. Fresh tears well in your eyes as you stumble away, the man having appeared to run off. 
You manage to get to the bar top, Willa sprinting over the second she notices your bruised and bloody face. 
“What the fuck happened?” She thundered, anger plastered all over her delicate features. 
You couldn’t answer over the deep sobs that racked through your entire body, the pain in your face growing worse by the second. 
“Shh, shh, it’s okay. We’re gonna get out of here,” She soothed as she pulled you into her body. She quickly took her phone out, presumably to call someone, but you were too focused on getting the hell out to notice. Once you got out of the building, Willa guided you to sit on a nearby curb, letting you lean onto her body as you stared blankly into the black asphalt of the road. You somehow managed a breif recap of what happened, Willa beyond furious, her brown eyes dark with anger. You were so caught up in your head, that every echo or screech sent your muscles tightening and body flinching in response. You whined at any subtle movement in your face, the pain had you hoping to the universe nothing was broken. 
“I called Duke to let her know what happened, she said she’s gonna have her boyfriend look through the cameras to see if they caught anything.” You could only break out a weak nod, not wanting to aggravate your injury any more than it already was, “I also called Quinn.” 
Your head shot up, but only earned a deep whimper out of you as the pain shot through your face and down your neck. Willa just gently guided your head back down to her shoulder, running a hand through your hair.
“FIghting or not, Quinn is still one of your best friends. Are you seriously gonna tell me you don’t want him here?” 
If you had the energy to argue, would you? Probably not. Willa always managed to see right into you, and blame it on the injury, but you wanted nothing more than to feel Quinn’s arms wrapped around your body. You remained in that positon until you heard heavy footsteps hurrying towards you. Picking up your head, you couldn’t fight off the rush of relief you felt when Quinn came up beside you. 
“Who did this to you, baby?” He rasped breathlessly. The boy inspected your face closely, not even noticing the nickname rolling off of his tongue and maybe if you weren’t so uncomfortable, you would have acknowledged it. 
You shrug, swallowing the fresh batch of tear that threatened to fall, “Some random guy,” Your voice cracked, laced with emotion and pain, “I was just trying to get a drink.” 
Quinn pulled your body into his, making sure to be careful with your head and face, “Oh, baby,” He cooed, trying his best to keep his voice soft through the anger that coursed in his veins. He stroked your hair soothingly, letting you grip tightly onto his hoodie, “It’s okay, pretty girl. I’m here now, no ones gonna touch you.” Quinn’s words grew sharp with venom at the end of his sentence. He couldn’t describe the feeling he got when Willa had called him. All he knew was he needed to get to you, and he needed to get to you fast. Did Elias give him a weird look for bursting out of the room at record speed? Yes, but Quinn didn’t give a fuck, not when you were hurting. He would gladly burn down the city if it meant protecting you from the vile monsters like the man who put his hands on you. However, Quinn knew that wasn’t possible, so he settled for what he could do, and that was keep you close to him for as long as he could.
You’re not sure how long the both of you stood there, but the night began to grow colder and a chill ran up your neck. 
“You cold, pretty girl?” His voice asked softly, placing a kiss on your forehead. You nodded, not quite ready to try and speak again. “Okay, come on, I’ll take you home.” 
Bidding quick goodbyes to your friends, you let the comfort of Quinn’s body and hands guide you to his car. Luckily he hadn’t parked very far. In all honesty, he hadn’t really parked at all, far too busy rushing to get you. He helped you in, turning on the heat to the exact temperature you would always pick when in his car. The engine hummed to life as he gripped the steering wheel in one hand and intertwined your fingers with the other. 
The ride back to your apartment was silent, but the unspoken words hung heavy in the air. Neither of you spoke until he walked you up to your place, helping you inside and locking your doors. The both of you stood awkwardly, not knowing how to address the tension. Biting back the pain, you decide to break the ice.
“Why did you say it?”
Quinn let out a shaky breath, “I don’t know.”
“That’s not good enough, Quinn.” You quipped, shaking your head in annoyance. 
“I-I don’t know why I said it,” He replied desperately, “I guess I’m a coward,”
You scoffed.
“But what I do know,” Quinn looked deep into your eyes, “Is that I didn’t mean it.” He grabbed your hands, his warm palms encasing the bitter cold that nipped at your fingertips, “Jack caught me off guard and I didn’t want to admit to myself that I’m in love with my best friend.” 
Your eyes widened at his confession, but before you could speak, Quinn continued, “So here I am, because I don’t want to be a coward anymore and I can’t live without at least telling you how I feel. Because even if there is a sliver of a chance you might love me back, then I have to take it.” 
You were speechless. For the first time in your life, Quinn Hughes had left you speechless. When he got no response, he nodded glumly, taking that as his que to leave. Your mouth gaped as you screamed at your mind to say something, anything. Whatever it took to stop your boy from leaving for good. 
“I love you too,” You squeaked. 
He stopped in his tracks, body turing back to face you, “You what?” He whispered, not believing his own ears. 
This time, your voice came back full force and even the pain in your cheeks wasn’t gonna stop you from saying those five words, “I love you, Quinn Hughes.” 
It took three stride for Quinn to make it back in front of you, his hand gently cupped your non-injured cheek, eyes darting down to your lips. 
“Can I kiss you?” Quinn’s voice was timid, as if he was scared you’d break if he talked normally. 
The only answer you gave was colliding your lips with his. The kiss wasn’t exploding fireworks, but rather a ‘welcome home’. The taste of morning dew and the comfort of a freshly made bed. He tasted like the honey you’d put in your tea and felt like the warmest fire on a winter’s day.
Quinn Hughes was a man of many talents, a man of many things, but home was definitely number one. 
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theemporium · 30 days
“People are staring at us.” “Well, let’s make them jealous.” green eyed mojito
with luke bringing his girlfriend to a family skate and the cameras being on them
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
10. “People are staring at us.” “Well, let’s make them jealous."
You knew team family skate days were a big deal. 
If not for the whole franchise, then at least for the guys on the team who got the chance to share the ice with the people they loved and cared for the most. Luke had told you as much when he asked you to join him, insisting that it was your choice on whether you wanted to join him and his family or not. 
It was the next big step in your relationship, you knew that. But by some miracle, you and Luke had managed to keep your relationship quiet and private. There were whispers but nothing confirmed, but those doors would be blown open if you joined him at the Devils Family Skate with all those cameras around—especially following both Hughes brothers.
Luke knew you had your doubts about the camera and publicity of it all, but it still made him unreasonably giddy when you said you wanted to join him. He was practically buzzing on the days leading up to the event, answering any and every question you had to try and calm your nerves. 
And when the day came, Luke refused to leave your side. He kneeled down in front of you on the bench, helping tie your skates. He looped his arm through yours as you waddled onto the ice, clinging onto him when your skates almost slid out from beneath you. He stuck to your side until he had to do an interview, leaving you in the hands of his parents as he made his way to complete the interviews as quickly as he could. 
You could feel the cameras following Luke as he made his way back to you.
“People are staring at us,” you murmured, only just loud enough for him to hear since your head was down with your eyes glued to your skates like that was going to help you keep your balance.
“Well, let’s make them jealous,” Luke retorted as he took your hands in his, already starting to pull you along with him.
Your nose scrunched up as you finally looked up at him, laughing as you did. “God, that was really fucking cheesy.” 
“I thought it was motivational,” he said, trying—and failing—to remain serious as he continued to pull you around the rink. “Did my parents take care of you?” 
“They did,” you said before adding with a smile. “I can confirm that Ellen is the best skater in the family.” 
Luke scoffed. “After me, obviously.” 
“In your fucking dreams, babe,” you snorted, only to let out a squeal when Luke suddenly sped up. “Luke!” 
But the boy only cackled, taking mercy and slowly stopping so he could pull you towards him and wrap his arms around you. “Sorry, baby.” 
“Dick,” you murmured against his chest.
“Yeah, I deserve that,” he grinned back, holding you tighter.
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mrs-dr-reid · 1 month
Show Me How Sorry
A Wolverine Fic
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Pairing: Logan Howlett x Mutant!Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader makes Logan prove how sorry he is after an argument
Genre: A teensy bit angsty, then pure filth. I don’t make the rules, bub
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI (I mean it), Swearing, insecurity, crying, unprotected p in v (DON’T BE SILLY, WRAP YOUR WILLY), oral (fem receiving), fingering, choking kinda(?), a Hugh Jackman-sized Wolverine (aka size kink), groveling (*cackling intensifies*), breeding kink if you squint, kinda subby Logan/kinda dom reader but for plot reasons
A/N: You’re welcome. Also, ayyyyyy, first published work of smut! Big thanks to @snixkers for being my beta reader and editor, as well as @foxy-eva and @imagining-in-the-margins for being my human thesauruses.
Word Count: 2694
Y/N had to hand it to Charles: the roof of X-Mansion was one of the best stewing places she’s ever come across. Throughout her life, she’d found herself in plenty of spots that were ample for sitting and seething about a bad day or a petty argument: fire escapes, tree houses, a water tower that one time, but none were as effective as crawling out of the window of her room at the mansion and sitting on top of the dormer with her knees pulled up to her chest. Which is what she was doing now, all because of Logan.
This particular fight was a long time coming. Ever since they’d started dating, little things had been piling up and slowly reaching a tipping point, leading to the idea that Logan didn’t think Y/N was capable of handling herself. She confronted him about it, and the resulting screaming match culminated in Logan slamming the door and Y/N retreating to the roof, where she had been staying for nearly two hours.
She was watching the sun sink below the treeline when she heard her window open and a familiar gruff voice. “Y’know, one of these days you’re gonna fall off the roof.” Logan crawled out of the window and fixed her with a disapproving stare. Y/N avoided eye contact and ground out, “For your information, Hard Ass, I’ve been doing this since before my mutation manifested, and I never fell off of anything once. And in case you forgot, I can fly, so even if I did, I’d be fine,” hugging her knees tighter.
Logan let out a sigh and said, “Can we talk? Please?”
She turned her head away. “Unless the next thing that comes out of your mouth is an apology, I don’t want to talk to you right now.” A groan escaped him, then she heard him say, “Okay, I’m sorry. Will you get off the roof now?”
The last embers of anger Y/N had left in her belly stoked back up into a raging fire at him reacting to her wanting an apology like it was some great inconvenience, and the idea that he was only saying it to get her to come back inside.
She whipped her head back towards him and snapped, “Sorry for what, Logan? Do you know why I’m upset with you, or are you just handing over a baseless apology hoping I’ll forgive you just like that?”
A look of surprise crossed Logan’s face at her tone. He thought for a moment, then said, “I think I know, but I want you to tell me anyway because I want to understand.”
His tone was even and measured like he was extending an olive branch, so Y/N nodded and let her legs hang off the dormer as she took a deep breath to steady herself.
“When I joined the X-Men, I thought I was finally done with people overlooking me, underestimating me, belittling me. I thought I’d finally found a group of people who would support me and let me handle things on my own. You’re the only one who doesn’t do that, and I can’t take it anymore, Logan. Do you have any idea what it feels like when the people you love actively show how much they don’t think you’re capable of? I have power now. I can make a huge difference in the world, and in the lives of the students, but hearing someone I love say in not so many words that I can’t handle something? It hurts.”
Logan was silent for a moment, then he carefully made his way onto the dormer. He sat beside Y/N, tilting her chin up so she’d look him in the eyes. “I’m sorry for makin’ you feel that way. You’re one of the most capable people I know, and I’m sorry for underestimatin’ you. I just don’t wanna see you get hurt if you take on more than you can bear on your own. You’re my best girl, and I wanna keep you safe, okay?”, he asked, wiping away the tear stains on Y/N’s cheeks.
She nodded, then said, “Thank you for the apology, and for explaining yourself.”
Logan smiled and said, “Anytime, Darlin’,” before kissing her forehead.
After a moment of silence only broken by the rustling of the wind and birds chirping, Y/N said, “I’m still mad at you though, Howlett, and words aren’t gonna cut it.”
Logan quirked his eyebrow. “Oh, really? Then what did you have in mind?”
She leaned in and whispered, “You’re gonna show me just how sorry you really are,” before sliding off the dormer and crawling back through her window. Logan watched, letting out a lustful groan as she did so.
Once he’d managed to get back through the window, his Adam’s apple bobbed at the sight of Y/N sitting on the end of her bed with her denim-clad legs spread and her flannel shirt partially unbuttoned to reveal a black lace bra underneath. She raised an eyebrow suggestively and said, “Get to work, Big Boy. You know where I want you.”
His eyes darkened before he husked, “Yes, ma’am,” and dropped to his knees in front of her.
Y/N unbuttoned her flannel the rest of the way and let it slip off her shoulders as Logan pressed open-mouthed kisses to her stomach, and she let out a breathy sigh of his name, weaving her fingers into his hair, when his lips started traveling lower and his hands came up to fiddle with the button of her skinny jeans.
She breathed out, “Go on, Tough Guy,” so Logan popped the button and started sliding her skinny jeans down her legs, cursing under his breath as it happened slower than he would have liked.
He grunted out, “Hate it when you wear these pants, Darlin’. Takes fuckin’ forever to get ‘em offa you.”
“I know. I only wear them when I want to make you work for it.” She unhooked her bra and sent it flying towards her hamper, earning her a groan from the man kneeling between her legs as he finally managed to rid her of the dreaded jeans. Y/N crooked her finger at him, so he obliged instantly, kissing his way from her clavicle to her inner thighs, nipping at her skin and soothing the bites with his tongue along the way in his efforts to coax his favorite noises from her.
Y/N let out a tiny gasp when she felt Logan’s breath on her clothed center, and gripped his hair tighter before he could do anything else. She made him look at her before she said, “Do you have anything to say for yourself, Logan?”
Logan ran his hands up and down her legs and said, “I’m sorry for hurting you, Sweetheart. I was being an asshole, and I’m so sorry. You smell so fuckin’ good, Baby. Can I show you how sorry I am now?”, while hooking his thumbs in the waistband of her black lace panties and looking up at her with pleading eyes. Y/N pretended to think for a moment, then loosened her grip on his hair and said, “Go ahead, Bubba.”
He groaned in thanks before sliding the soaked fabric down her legs and tossing them over his shoulder.
Logan took a moment to breathe in her scent, but when Y/N’s nails scratched at his scalp, he took the hint and draped her legs over his shoulders before pressing an open-mouthed kiss to her core. He let out a guttural moan when Y/N whispered, “Good boy,” and tightened her grip on his hair like she was trying to bury him in her pussy (not that he would have complained). He continued lapping at her like he was on death row and she was his last meal, relishing in the sounds he was drawing out of her. When Y/N was least expecting it, Logan added two fingers into the mix, which made her whine his name and dig her heels into his back.
He continued his ministrations, and Y/N felt the familiar knot in her belly tighten. “I’m so close, Lo. Always make me feel so good, Bubba.”
Logan let out an honest-to-god growl against her as he spread her legs even wider and sucked on her clit. Her orgasm crashed over her, and she let out a breathless moan of Logan’s name as if it was the only word she knew. He whispered soothing words against her as she came down from her high.
Once Y/N had caught her breath, she said, “You’re still wearing a lot of clothes there, Wolvie,” and fiddled with the collar of his leather jacket.
Logan shot her a look. “Still not satisfied with my apology, Princess?”
She sat up to gather the front of his tank top in her grasp, then pulled him onto the bed. “No, that was a perfectly adequate apology. I just need to remind you what happens when you hurt my feelings," before flipping them over so she was straddling him.
Logan’s eyes blew wide with lust, and he shed his jacket as quickly as he could while Y/N undid his belt and jeans. He went to put his hands on her hips, but she held his hands down at his sides. “Uh-uh. Touching is a privilege, Big Boy. You haven’t earned it back yet,” before ridding him of his pants and tank top. She kept his boxers on, and she rested all of her weight on his throbbing erection before sitting back on her heels and surveying him. She tilted her head to the side, a seductive smirk on her face as she shifted her hips ever so slightly so he could feel her desire pooling against him.
Logan dropped his head onto the pillow behind him and groaned, “Woman, you’re gonna be the death of me,”
Y/N leaned closer and whispered, “Quite a feat considering you’re effectively immortal,” before attaching her lips to his pulse point and running her hands down his broad chest, earning a guttural moan from the man beneath her. She snuck her hand into his boxers and stroked his length with her index finger a few times.
The whole time she was teasing him, Logan was gripping the sheets as hard as he could to keep his hands to himself.
Y/N withdrew her hand from Logan’s boxers. “You’ve been so good, Bubba. Have you learned your lesson?” She asked, toying with the waistband as he let out a strained, “Yes, ma’am.”
She replied, “Good,” then lifted herself off of him briefly to drag the final barrier between them down his legs and discard it. She lined herself up, then said, “Touch me, Lo. You’ve earned it,” before sinking down on his cock.
His hands flew up to grip her hips the second he was permitted while letting out a euphoric moan.
Y/N let out a whimper of, “So big, Honey. You fill me up so good. Fuck!”, and gripped Logan’s shoulders before starting to move above him.
He grunted out, “Love making you feel good, Sugar. Love how your tight little pussy squeezes me so perfect,” as he gripped her hips so tight she was sure there’d be bruises in the morning.
Y/N’s hands moved up to Logan’s neck, and she coaxed him into an upright position before pressing her lips to his in a breathless kiss, accidentally applying too much pressure on his throat as she got lost in his lips.
Logan gasped out, “Fuck, Baby!”, against her lips, which made Y/N realize her mistake.
“Sorry. Too much?” She began to remove her hands from his neck, but Logan reached up and grabbed one of her wrists to stop her and looked her in the eyes before husking, “Just the opposite, Baby Doll,” earning a delirious moan from Y/N. She tightened her grip slightly and continued rolling her hips in tandem with Logan’s thrusts. Many moments passed where the only sounds to be heard were the rustling of sheets, two pairs of lips moving in feverish tandem, and skin against skin, with the occasional breathless moan from Y/N or grunt from Logan.
Y/N felt the knot tightening again, and she could tell by the stuttering of Logan’s hips that he wasn’t too far behind.
“So good, Lo! Gonna make me cum!” She buried her hands in his hair once again to tug at the strands desperately.
He grunted back, “I’m close, too, Darlin’. Wanna cum inside you so bad, please, Baby?”, and attached his lips to her cleavage. Y/N let out a whimper before regaining what little composure she had left to whisper in Logan’s ear, “Fill me up like a good boy, Bubba."
That sent him over the edge.
He started driving his hips up into her like a man possessed. Y/N cried out his name as her climax barreled into her like a freight train, the spasms of her velvety walls bringing him right along with her.
“Fuck, Darlin!” He shouted as he grasped her tight. Y/N collapsed against him with a gasp as the final pulses of her pleasure faded away, and Logan continued rocking into her until he was completely spent, his large hands running up and down her back comfortingly.
Once they’d both come down from their respective highs, Y/N pressed her forehead against Logan’s and whispered, “I love you."
He nuzzled his nose against hers and whispered back, “Not as much as I love you, Darlin’,” before kissing her gently.
They stayed wrapped up in each other for a few moments of blissful silence, then Logan broke it by saying, “Am I forgiven now?”
Y/N giggled and buried her face in the crook of his neck before saying, “Can I get back to you in three to five business days? My brain is kinda mushy right now.”
Logan let out a snort. “Yeah, I can work with that." He pressed a kiss to her temple, then carefully pulled out of her to go get a warm cloth from the bathroom. Y/N rolled over to watch him go, and she silently thanked whatever deity sculpted his perfect ass and sent him her way before he came back and cleaned up the mess they made together, peppering kisses on her stomach and thighs as he did so.
Once he’d finished, he fished his boxers out of the haphazard pile of clothing that hadn’t exactly made it into the hamper, pulling them on before grabbing a Pink Floyd shirt (that he was well aware was stolen from him by her) and a pair of boy shorts from their respective drawers in her dresser. He handed them to her as he crawled back onto the bed.
Y/N tugged the well-loved cotton over her head and slid into the undergarments before beckoning Logan under the covers (which he happily obliged to), and let out a content sigh when he wrapped his strong arms around her and murmured, “Sweet Dreams, Baby,”
She was happy they were able to resolve their problem, albeit through slightly less conventional means.
MCU Taglist: @libraryofloveletters
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added
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nicohischierz · 2 months
matching tattoo: adelaide hughes au
tagging: @ivy-34, @francesfarhadi, @hzstry8, @cixrosie, @itsnotgray, @estapa94, @trevs-swiftie, @heartz4hisch you want to join the taglist let me know!!
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with the off season, came the filling of the hughes lake house.
adelaide had arrived the latest, spending time with her boyfriend after their seasons ended and before he was met with the chaos of the hughes house.
“yeah baby, i just walked into the house. well tell your sister i miss her too and i’ll see her soon. i love you,” she ended the call, dragging her bags in.
alex spotted adelaide first and ran to the girl, giving her a hug. “addy, i can’t believe you’re here! is your plus one here too or did they bail?” he asked.
adelaide shook her head. “he’s visiting his family turcs. he’ll be here in two weeks,” she hugged the other boys as they came into the house.
her brothers were the last in.
luke bound straight to her, wrapping her in his arms. quinn followed after his youngest brother, giving adelaide a side hug instead.
jack just tilted his head in acknowledgment before turning to his girlfriend.
trevor rolled his eyes at his best friend and quickly grabbed adelaide’s bag, dragging her up the stairs as she sulked behind him.
“soo … did you do it or did you chicken out?” trevor asked.
adelaide threw a sock at trevor, causing the boy to laugh in response. trevor’s laugh sounded through the house as cole opened adelaide’s room door.
“what the fuck are you cackling about?” cole asked looking at his friend.
addy gestured for the boy to come in and shut the door. cole wasted no time jumping on the girls bed next to trevor.
the hughes girl bent down to pick something up when trevor let out a whistle. cole on the other hand swore at the glimpse of her tattoo
“holy shit addy. do your brothers know about the ink on your skin?” cole asked.
his question prompted the girl to stand up and cover the area her tattoo was. she turned to face the boys and grabbed a different pair of shorts before dashing to the bathroom to change
when she returned trevor and cole were still sat on her bed in a state of shock.
"not a word to anyone. not luke, not turcs, not quinn and especially not jack. capiche." she threatened.
before matt arrived at the lake house, adelaide had opted to go get her boyfriend so that the couple could spend the drive home in silence before the lake house chaos followed.
"by the way, cole and trevor saw the tattoo," addy informed her boyfriend.
matt looked to his side and smiled "what did they have to say about it?" he asked, a slight smugness in his voice.
adelaide rolled her eyes "you continue that tone and I won't show you my new one." she teased.
when the duo arrived at the hughes lake house, it didn't take long before matt was invited onto the boat with the guys. trevor gave the couple two minutes to change into proper attire before he stormed in and dragged them out.
the boat ride was calm. matt made casual conversation with the guys around and everyone kept everything light hearted. jack ignored adelaide and matt, choosing to talk to his girlfriend and friends only.
"addy, can you grab me a soda?" alex asked. the hughes girl nodded walking to the cooler to grab the drink when an array of whistles and comments were made around the boat.
matt came up behind his girlfriend and lifted her up "your tattoo is on display," he whispered in her ear. the girls cheek reddened as she turned to look at matt.
quinn was glaring at his friends and luke had his eyes covered. jack had just scoffed and turned to his girlfriend.
"you have a tramp stamp!" quinn exclaimed. the oldest hughes was all for his sister getting tattoos but he assumed the one on her shoulder blade was the only one.
adelaide blushed, hiding her face in her boyfriends chest. the tall boy's chest rumbled as he chuckled at adelaide's reaction.
"we got matching tattoo's" matt responded, showing off the tattoo he had gotten of reiya's number on his chest. the location meant that the tattoo fell over his heart, a sign that he would always love the hughes girl.
"what if you guys get traded and need to switch numbers?" luke asked, peeling his fingers away from his face.
matt and adelaide looked at each other before looking to the latters family and friends. "well it will commemorate the numbers for the first time we met and it also happens to be the date he actually asked me out," adelaide responded.
the group of boys on the boat awed at the two. their affection towards each other was pure and real.
it was the the relationship everyone had wanted for the hughes girl to have.
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what is the mechanisms and where do i start (ive seen you posting about it and it sounds cool)
Ok so the Mechanisms are essentially a “storytelling musical cabaret” band of immortal space pirates
(Their about page is here)
The cast at its height was made up of nine performers, including some of the people involved in TMA (Jonny Sims, Jessica Law (Nikola), Frank Voss (Basira), and Tim Ledsam (Jordan Kennedy)).
They rework myths n traditional stories into more sci-fi esque narratives (eg the Odyssey/Greek mythology, Arthurian legend, Norse mythology, etc) and incorporate versions of songs (the ones that came to mind is The Rocky Road To Dublin (which became Favoured Son). There’s a focus on the characters that narrate/play the people in the stories they’re telling- these being the Mechanisms themselves.
Without going into a massive lore dump, they were all (bar two) made immortal by Dr Carmilla with metal body parts (eg the heart, the lungs, the eyes). So you’re not completely confused with who’s who, have a cast list + their mechanism:
Jonny d’Ville- played by Jonny Sims- captain first mate- the heart
Nastya Rasputina- anonymous actor- engineer- the blood
Ivy Alexandria- played by Morgan Wilkinson (Morgan uses he/him, Ivy she/her)- archivist- the brain
Ashes O’Reilly- played by Frank Voss- quartermaster- the lungs
Drumbot Brian (my personal favourite)- played by Ben Below- pilot- everything but the heart
Toy Soldier- played by Jessica Law- “we don’t know what it does, but it’s here and it won’t go away”- everything but the voice (it stole its voice)
Gunpowder Tim- played by Tim Ledsam- gunner/master at arms- the eyes
“Baron” Marius von Raum- played by Kofi Young (they/them, Marius generally referred to with he/him)- ship’s “doctor”- the right arm
Raphaella la Cognizi- played by R L Hughes- science officer- the wings
(The last two are the ones that weren’t mechanised by the doctor (their actors joined the ensemble slightly later))
Nastya left around 2015 and the Toy Soldier wasn’t in the Bifrost Incident, though was present for Tales To Be Told Vol. 2 and Death To The Mechanisms.
In terms of where to start, I’d recommend Once Upon A Time (In Space), which is their first recorded album. You can also find the live performance on YouTube (if you’d like a link let me know)
It might be an idea to start with the song Tales To Be Told (they played some variation of it at the start of every live show) from the Death To The Mechanisms album (here). This introduces you to most of the cast + the band as a concept.
After OUATIS I’d suggest going chronologically- Ulysses Dies at Dawn (UDAD), Tales To Be Told Vol. 1 (TTBT), High Noon Over Camelot (HNOC), Frankenstein (single), The Bifrost Incident (TBI), Tales To Be Told Vol. 2, and then finishing with Death To The Mechanisms (DTTM) (live album).
There’s some fiction written by the cast on their website, should be ok to find but if you need a hand/want to know where to start with those let me know. And if you want fanfic recs >:3 (get to grips with the music first though).
I love the mechanisms, they’re fucken great fun- watch their live shit on YouTube if you can (I have so many saved so if you want some, again, let me know).
(Also there’s some brilliant mechs artists on here, take a dive into the tag if you have the time.)
Good luck!!!
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sgiandubh · 6 months
This, reasonably recently in (gracias por todo, siempre - y tu lo sabes):
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As many other sports professionals, Scottish Xena uses several fitness outlets, according to her specific training needs.
I had no clue it was actually a thing, until being properly briefed over the phone by cousin D, a sports buff in his own right. Who was very surprised by my question ('what possessed you?').
According to her clear answers during today's Instagram Q&A session, there is no hidden meaning to her fitness venues selection - cue in the hyena cackle 'as if she was going to tell us the real reason behind her training in Cumbernauld'.
Speaking of Cumbernauld, this is the venue, as confirmed by herself:
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Inside the Antonine Shopping Centre. Most probably between a Tesco Extra and a TJ Hughes shop. How romantic. How imperial (heh). I might never recover from all these revelations.
Yet there is, after all, a sentimental reason for this odd, perhaps less practical choice: 'my brother worked there and it reminds me of him so I just never left when he moved away'.
Her brother lives Down Under. It's normal she'd miss him.
In the meanwhile, this whole BS innuendo that never was brought her more than 25K new subscribers. She owes at least a dram to *urv, or something.
Connecting dots? Not even in a non-Euclidean geometric system.
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toomuchracket · 10 months
little bit of backstory: i’m going on holiday for christmas so my grandparents decided to host a mini christmas today so they could celebrate with me and give me a couple presents n all that christmas jazz (a lovely roast dinner included!)
anyway one of my presents was a small-ish lego set so i decided to build it after a few drinks and all i could think about was tipsily building lego with matty whilst watching a christmas film and drinking a nice bottle of wine🫠
STOP THIS IS SO LOVELY!! omg what an idyllic day, i hope you had so much fun!! and what a cute fic idea - i think this would work for any au, but i see it particularly strongly for early-but-established flatmate or d word, before you're engaged with kids but while you're a proper cohabiting couple. regardless of which universe you prefer, the image in my head is the same; thinking you and matty braved the leicester square lego store (i went the other day and was so overstimulated it was insane) to go and buy a christmas present for your little cousin, and while you were squinting between the marvel section and the text from your aunt detailing which one you should get, matty was busy being quite enamoured by the lego floral bouquet sets. he brings over a couple - the big one and the tulips - before you head to the till, and responds to your inquisitive look with a "what? i think these would look great at home, brighten the place up a bit. and we could do it together and be reminded of that whenever we look at them". he's so earnestly sweet about it that you agree, and once you've spent hours wrapping your family's gifts that night matty brings you a glass of wine and says "you need to relax with me, darling. shall we build up the lego flowers? we could take our time, pop a christmas movie on. i know you've wanted to watch love actually for a bit"; you're like "YES let's do it", and matty laughs at how cutely enthusiastic you are before he gets the lego and more wine and sets up the movie. and it's a lovely night, doing your own running commentary and building lego and drinking and kissing and laughing (in d word au, you make matty CACKLE when you say "you know, they're kind of us. but you're a worse dancer" about hugh grant and his assistant, and in flatmate au he giggles when you nod at sam drumming and smiling and frowning when joanna points at him while she's singing and say "he has 'you' energy, definitely"), christmassy and sweet and just so full of love <3
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fanficapologist · 3 months
So I inhaled this chapter earlier this morning because I needed another Aemond fix so this came at the right time. Here we go!!
What I am cackling about and want to focus on is how you can feel the jealousy oozing off Aemond. I’m torn between expressing my appreciation and thinking he deserves it. After all, where was this when Alys was still alive? I can’t help but think, isn’t it a little too late to be showing jealousy? What right does he have now? Part of me also thinks is he jealous because he thinks Maera might hold affection for Ulf OR is he jealous because he views Maera as property and something that’s “his” alone? With Aemond I feel like while it could go either way and his execution or how he expresses himself doesn’t help.
I see they’re still sleeping separately!! I don’t blame Maera, but at this rate, I wonder how they’ll move forward? I also feel like Maera might milk Ulf’s interest in her to at least even the playing field, let Aemond have a taste of his own medicine. I know this is set in the background of the Dance but I am more invested in Aemond and Maera’s dynamics because I am invested in these two and this is my comfort story 😭and despite the hurt Aemond inflicted, I do want them to make up, only after Aemond crawled theough hell and back of course hahaha
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I know you mean Hugh don’t worry 🤣
Aemond x Maera is why we’re all here 🖤
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strayfoxxchan · 2 years
Class Time (Part 2)
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Pairing: Bang Chan x f!reader (Y/N)
Genre: Fluff, Teacher AU
Content Warning: None
A/N: Okay, so @that-crazy-five-foot-two-chick requested I finish this, and then I did, and then the power went out, and then I drove out to see my parents, and then the power went out again. So there might... be a part 3 eventually?
Chris motions you toward the door. “Come on, then.”
You gather your coat and bag and join him in leaving the art classroom. You lock up behind you.
“I’m telling you, I am absolutely useless when it comes to… well, any type of sport,” you chuckle nervously as you stroll down the hall to the stairs. “The last time I tried to play a sport, I got hit in the face with a plastic baseball bat, nearly ripped the braces right off my teeth,” you shudder, remembering more the embarrassment than the pain.  [a/n: true story my sister insisted I include]
“B-braces? Are you saying you haven’t done any sports since, what, high school?” He looks aghast. 
“What’s the saying again? Fool me once, never again?” You say. 
He laughs heartily, gasping for air. “I don’t think that’s how the saying goes.” It takes him a moment to recover from his breathless laughter. Something about his laughter made you wish he would laugh all the time. 
You just shrug and flash a smile at him. “Anything to keep these pearly whites safe.” You flick your hair behind you in an attempt to look haughty, but you smile anyway.
Chris pushes the gym doors open, and students are already standing around waiting. They’re scattered about, playing games amongst themselves. 
From the distance, you hear a familiar gasp and the patter of trainers heading toward you. “Wah, seonsaengnim?! You’re here too?!” Dowoon skids to a stop just short of running straight into you. 
“Your coach helped me today, so it’s only fair.” You chuckle.
The students gather themselves around Chris before he even has the chance to ask them. 
“So today,” he starts, giving you a mischievous glance before turning his attention to the students, “we’ll be having a little… how should we say… competition?” He rubs his hands together.
Your stomach drops. Competition?!
“It’ll be Channie-ssaem against Y/N-ssaem and it’ll be a little game of dodgeball.”
You fail to stifle a guffaw and it comes out more like a snort than a laugh. And then you laugh a little more before you stop dead-pan to look him straight in the eye. “D-dodgeball?”
“Don’t worry, we’ll just pick the teams and watch,” he seems to enjoy watching you squirm. “Y/N-ssaem and I will pick the teams.”
Dowoon pipes up from the spot he’s chosen on the floor. “What happens if you win?” 
“Oh, we should make a bet, shouldn’t we?” Chris puts a hand on his hip. “If I win, Y/N-ssaem has to buy me dinner. Counter?” The students ooh and ahhh, nudging each other and giggling. 
You look up at him, arms crossed and lips pursed. “If I win, you have to model for my class for the rest of the week.” This sends a ripple of boos across the class. I guess that wasn’t as spicy as the kids hoped it would be, huh? 
The two of you divvy up the class into two. Chris calls his team the Wolverines, affectionately named after Australia’s own Hugh Jackman, and you call your team the Picassoes. They split themselves off across each half of the gym.
“Alright, kids, you know the rules! No head shots, no groin shots, everything else is fair game. You catch a ball, the student who threw it is out. Make us proud!” He yells, blowing his whistle. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Chris kneel down and hit play on what you can only describe as a CD player right out of the early aughts. You clearly catch his distinctive voice on the tracks, and the music adds so much energy to the already chaotic game. 
Rubber balls are flying about, students running, jumping, and spinning around to avoid being caught by the balls. They laugh joyfully all the while. Even as students begin to get hit, they still cackle raucously. 
And then, one by one, the teams begin to shrink. Rather, your team begins to shrink, and rapidly. They’re having too much fun to notice that their numbers have dropped nearly to half. Chris comes to stand beside you, nudging you. 
“I have pretty expensive taste, y’know.” 
“And I make an art teacher's salary, so it better not be that expensive.” You grumble. 
“I think I want a big ol’ lamb chop.”
“Do they even have lamb chops in K—-,” your sentence is cut off as a rubber ball comes flying and hits you directly in the face, knocking you off your feet. 
You hear balls bouncing as students drop everything to check on you. Chris drops to his knees. 
“Y/N! Y/N, are you alright?!” Chris takes your hand and pulls you up, then runs his hand down your cheek. “It’s all red,” he frowns.
“Sports and me don’t mix, I tried to tell you,” you smile and promptly wince, cheek stinging something fierce. Just as you get to your feet, the bell rings. 
Dowoon runs up to you, backpack in hand . “Ssaem,” he says with a giggle, “have a nice date!” The teenager winks at you and runs for the door. Your hand flies straight for your face, greeting you with another stinging pain where rubber met flesh. 
In his office, Chris sits you down, gingerly placing an ice pack on your cheek. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he says softly, face full of concern. “You’re pretty tough though, yeah?”
“I suppose,” you say, eyes glued to the ground. He’s close, really close. You look up and the two of you lock eyes for a moment. And then another, and another. You can feel his warm breath on your skin. 
You both clear your throats at the same time, causing a fit of giggles. “S-so, dinner tonight?” He smiles warmly at you. “I’m thinking… Ramyeon? 7/11? What do you say?”
“Oooh, pricey.” You grin. “A little out of my price range, but I can make it work,” you chuckle and wink at him. 
“Shall we?” He holds his arm out which you take as you head out of the gymnasium doors. 
The bus ride back to your stop is much the same as it had been that morning, if a little colder as the sun begins to duck beneath the Seoul skyline. The two of you huddle together a little closer, the warmth of the bigger man enough to keep you comfortable. He pulls out his phone and nudges you. 
“D’you wanna see something cool?” He waggles his eyebrows at you. 
“Is it actually cool or is it something gross?” You giggle at the expression on his face and turn your attention to his phone screen. 
He scrolls through a few apps before triumphantly showing you “Shiny. Charizard.” 
You look back up to him, enthusiastically pulling out your own phone. 
The two of you chuckle like school children, comparing your teams and discussing the intricacies of IVs before the robotic voice signaling your stop rings out over the bus loudspeakers. 
“That’s us,” Chris says, standing up and holding his hands out to pull you up from the seats. He moves beside you, hand placed gently on the small of your back guiding you as the bus slows to a halt. He jumps out of the bus, and holds your hand steady as you disembark. 
“7/11?” You say, and he nods back at you. 
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rosiesramblings · 1 year
Ted Lasso Tickle HC's
Ok, fine. I wasn't in the mood to write a whole fic so here are some headcannons I spent an embarrassing amount of time on lol. Let me know what you think/if you have any headcannons I didn't include
Spoilers for the show Ted Lasso. Not too many I don't think but enough for me to put a warning. Sorry for the formatting I couldn't figure out how to do bullet points on only part of the post.
Jamie Tartt
Such a fucking lee it's not even funny
My touch-starved baby
Always after attention, no matter what kind
Dr. Sharon helps him unpack this and channel his need for attention into more positive behaviors like making people laugh, doing small kind things for others, etc
The team accepts Jamie back as a teammate after the Dubai Air protest. But they start actually liking him as a friend once they figure out how ticklish he is. 
In the later seasons, winds Roy up on purpose cause he knows it will end with him howling on the floor with Roy spidering over his ribs mercilessly
Whenever Jamie’s being a prick without getting the signal first, someone on the team will trap him in a bear hug and claw at his tummy
It’s really hard to be mad at Jamie when he’s being held up by a teammate, cackling after his legs gave out after a few pokes
The only one brave enough to poke the bear that is Roy Kent (other than Keeley)
It never ends well for him
Or does it?
Worst spots are ribs and hips
Light bicep tickles als get him really bad, but really only Keeley knows this
Roy Kent
Holy shit
Do NOT piss this man off, he will wreck you
Early in their relationship he would try and tickle Keeley. That stopped pretty quick when he realized Keeley dished it out ten times worse
The only people who know how ticklish he is are Keeley, Jamie, Phoebe, Phoebe’s mom (does she have a name in cannon? Idk) and, oddly, Coach Beard
And he has threatened all of them in order to make sure it stays that way
Roy has no idea how Beard knows and that scares the shit out of him
Beard says that Roy just looks ticklish. Really he was in the office late one night when Keeley came to pick Roy up and saw him jump a foot in the air when she dug a finger into his armpit
Knows that Jamie sometimes riles him up. He lets him because somewhere he knows that Jamie needs this. Also it is quite satisfying. Even better than taking a swing at him to be honest.
Worst spots are under his arms, his neck, and light tickles behind his knees on good days
Keeley Jones
Queen of the lers
Her nails should be classified as weapons
Roy and Jamie both know this
They also know the other one probably knows this. They never talk about it.
She’s the one who let Jamie’s ticklishness slip to Roy
Will let Roy or Jamie get a few pokes in but quickly turns the tables
Rebecca is the only one who knows about the spot being her ears
Colin Hughes
Will absolutely shout, “For Wales!” before pouncing on someone, regardless of whether or not the preceding conversation had anything to do with Wales
His shoulder blades are a death spot
Anything lighter than a firm pat on the back will make his shoulders shoot up to his ears
One of the only people who is allowed to tickle Isaac with few to no repercussions
Generally prefers being the ler, he got enough experience being a lee when he was growing up
Dani Rojas
Sunshine golden retriever man
Loves making people laugh
Will coo at his teammates in Spanish while he tickles them
That’s actually how they find out that Jamie’s been trying to learn Spanish for Dani to make him less homesick. Dani teases him lightly while spidering over his sides, and Jamie BLUSHES hard cause he can actually understand ¾ of what Dani’s saying. Dani tickles him more often after that as a thank you
Sam Obisanya
Ticklish just about everywhere
Doesn’t mind being tickled
Very persuasive - will easily convince people that a certain player needs to be tickled
That makes him dangerous
Excellent reader of people - was the first person to realize that Jamie likes being tickled
Isaac McAdo
Quite a tickle monster in the early seasons
After he becomes captain, is more reserved and conscious that the other guys look up to him
If he ever gets too in his head, Colin is more than happy to bring him back to earth
Also sometimes resorts to tickles to keep the other guys in line
Will sneak in neck and ear tickles to each guy’s haircut every season
Jan Maas
The absolute best at teasing but only because he’s so naturally blunt and honest
“This spot is much worse than your sides.”
“You are very ticklish. Does it ever become a problem?”
“Are we supposed to pretend that we don’t know you are enjoying this?”
“You squirm as if you want to get away, but you do not push away my hands.”
“You are a professional footballer, it would be very easy for you to get away.”
He strikes me as someone who just isn’t ticklish, which Jamie whines is unfair
Coach Beard
Knows where everyone is ticklish and is super scary about it
Rarely actually tickles people. Its bad enough that they know that he could. The one exception is Ted, who he tickles all the time when they’re alone/don’t have an audience, with a completely straight face
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bg-sparrow · 1 year
I had such an incredible time at Back to the Future: The Musical this past Saturday! I decided a couple of weeks ago on a much-needed solo adventure when I was able to score tickets in the eighth row for a good price!
Coming from the Pittsburgh area, it’s about 6 hours’ drive to the Big Apple. I left at 4 AM and followed the sun across Pennsylvania, sneaking a snapshot when the fog broke long enough (it was so foggy!).
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There was also some lovely flora and fauna amidst the fog at the rest stops, particularly at the PA-NJ border.
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Now, I have been to NYC three times before this in 2007, 2008, and 2009. Coming back felt like the most special and most normal thing at the same time. I missed it! While I could never live in a city, I enjoyed taking in the awe of the big buildings and novelties Times Square had to offer a couple of hours before my show (I should have went back for that Reese’s candle, but I def had NY Cheesecake for dinner).
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Now the show? Amazing. Spoilers below the cut.
First off, let me assure you that whatever seat you have, you will hear the show. I’m pretty sure my hearing was a tad damaged from the sonic booms and big chorus numbers, and I had a decent headache from it, so just be warned that it was a bit louder than anticipated. If you’re in the last row of the mezzanine, you’ll hear it all, I promise!
Some of my favorite things about the performance:
Hugh Coles makes it look like they plucked George McFly straight out of the film. He was incredible and by far the perfect embodiment of his character. So if you’re a big George fan, this is your show! If you’re not, he will make you fall in love with him! Incredible!
Roger Bart makes a joke about going to 2020 and there is no disease and a few people really cackled at that, and he broke character to look at someone and say thank you. Then, for probably 45 seconds, he broke character laughing with us over it, and Casey (Marty) is just standing there looking perfectly confused without cracking. It was a delightful way to start the second half!
Super enjoyed that when Marty meets Doc and is first trying to convince him to come see the DeLorean, Doc sees him go right for the flashlights in a drawer he couldn’t possibly know they were in, making him realize this kid might be who he says he is. I don’t know why that little detail stuck out to me as so significant, but it did. It was so satisfying from a storytelling perspective.
I loved George and Marty’s number in the backyard. We don’t get to see a lot of Marty really positively connecting with his dad in the movie unless it’s serving the “saving himself from non-existence” plot. I loved the genuine father-son feel of Marty dancing and George trying to copy him and Marty celebrating him for it. That felt good. One of those things theater is really good at capturing!
They filled the auditorium with bubbles during the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance and OH, talk about immersive atmosphere. Loved seeing everyone reach up to pop at least one bubble, like we were accepting some kind of offering. So fun!
Jennifer’s UNCLE HUEY. NICE.
The stage changes to the story were acceptable and believable. I almost didn’t realize the whole skateboard chase didn’t happen til the scene before the dance in the diner. Good job of keeping things succinct by combining various scenes and keeping the pace smooth!
This is nothing, but I saw a fake flower go flying off a bouquet and almost immediately one of the Texaco guys just tucked it in his rag when his staging brought him close enough during the number and kept going. I love seeing how discreetly the “oops” gets fixed on-stage.
After the show, I was out back to have my playbill signed by the cast when BOB GALE walked within a foot of me. I froze. I wasn’t sure. It has been my goal to ask this man the month and day of Doc Brown’s birthday for years and I BLEW IT. But he was quietly trying to get out of there I think. Someone got a quick photo with him before he disappeared in Times Square and UGHHH I can’t believe he was RIGHT THERE. (My friend who went to the 8 PM show said Alan Silvestri was there! How cool is this??)
My playbill was signed by all of the cast minus Roger Bart. He did not leave the theater that any of us saw. I did get to catch a photo with Mayor Goldie Wilson on his way back in, though!
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I also got to meet up briefly with @bri-to-the-future and give her a 60s Doc I crocheted for her! How fortuitous that we got to see the show on the same day and meet face-to-face!
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And then it started raining, my hotel didn’t get my reservation, and I was so mad that I just drove the six hours home (do not recommend). 🙃
It was certainly an adventure! I’m so glad I finally got to see it in-person, and I definitely recommend it! Now I can officially talk musical! 🎵 🎶
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panelshowsource · 1 year
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aw thanks anon!! i did post my gif resources a while ago but i can post an updated one of these soon and include some psds! my gifs really aren't that good tho anon — if i'm being honest, i don't really spend that much time on colouring like i could — so if you can find someone PROPERLY good (usually a film/tv blog, as you can imagine) they may have really expert tips 🤔
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as someone who has been at the ugliest end of reddit & discord tv/britcom fans' trolldom (too nice a word, really), and lived through the fucking unending years-long era of that one incel's rule over the panel show subreddit, i understand the reticence to participate in those spaces — even though, these days, they're mostly pleasant enough and subs that supply downloads (tv_bunny is life) are more or less transactional. that said, the purpose of this blog has always been to service the people who can't or don't torrent — who a lot of reddit & discord tv/britcom fans don't have the patience for, but i digress — so it doesn't bother me that a lot of my followers don't know reddit as well as i do. no worries!
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omg! recently i watched after life (i love kerry godliman!!!!!!!), dara ó briain's new special, and i've also been doing my biannual re-listen of the entire horne section podcast because it is so fucking impeccable chef's kiss! i was catching up on guessable but it's really, deeply, truly mid, so i kinda gave up for a while and switched over to breeders (martin freeman agenda continues). otherwise non-panel show things, some films like close, return to dust, un beau matin, etc. — but that's for my main hehe i'm someone who wishes i could watch 10000 things in one day T_T
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hahaha i do get asked this a lot!!! like you there's just so. many. and i often chicken out of substantially answering this because if i forget anyone i'll kick myself SO hard later
back in the day i answered a similar question about some non-comedians i want to see on taskmaster AND I SAID AMELIA DIMOLDENBERG AND IT CAME TRUE
MY BRAIN 🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠
this is personal to me, of course, and i'm considering people i really love + who i think would be really fun specifically on taskmaster, so in a somewhat priority order...
robert webb
stephen mangan
robert irwin
martin freeman
catherine tate
jessica hynes
miles jupp
simon amstell (preferably on the same season as jessica hynes because about 15 years ago (literally) i used to watch this clip religiously, and i'm sure that has something very specific to say about why i am the way i am but we don't have time to psychoanalyse me rn)
larry dean
ed byrne
holly walsh
diane morgan
daniel radcliffe
charlie brooker
hugh laurie
susie dent (omg i was CACKLING at susie, who is never on panel shows(!!!), being on the same episode of guessable as nick helm — and now i kinda wanna see her on the same series of tm as nick helm muhahaha)
kayvan novak
paul foot
bill bailey
lawrence chaney (i also love the vivienne of course! but i think lawrence may be more fit for tm while the vivenne is more fit for something like celeb juice; btw just watched her on guessable with ivo graham, and ivo calling her "viv"...omg...it did something to me...it really did...again, we're not talking about why i am the way i am)
vic reeves
the sexted boys
some other randoms people i'd certainly be happy to see, even if they don't make the priority manifesting roster — ahir shah, adam buxton, danny dyer, jimmy carr, graham norton, matt berry, glenn moore, maggie aderin-pocock, gary delaney, hal cruttenden, rhys james, huge davies, josie long, alasdair beckett-king, gino d'acampo, julian barrett, and tonsss of actors but we'd be here all day
i don't think there are many people i vehemently do not want to see on the show. while there are of course a few comedians i just don't like, and if taskmaster puts another tory politician on the panel again i'll fucking write in with my upset, the disappointment i typically feel if and when i see a new lineup is more along the lines of "meh they're fine but they took the place of someone i'd much rather see". but tm is also so good at introducing us to people we may not have seen much of before — and then we love them, so i trust the producers and alex a lot!
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fandomdaydreamer · 2 years
The Lighthouse and The Ocean
Pt 23 - Interlude
Pairing: Pedro Pascal/OFC
Warnings: mentions of #metoo, stereotypes, referring to Pedro as 'daddy'
Summary: (formerly deleted chapter) Back home, Nini picks up her cat at her friend's and designer's place and of course, ends up being interrogated about her new relationship.
Notes: Also find this fic on Ao3 -here- or the series' Masterlist and Playlist -here-
I loved the characters and the jokes too much to throw this short chapter out. Who wouldn't want to gossip with your gay friends about Pedro??
Length: 5k
Mr and Mr Du Maurier lived on the opposite side of the wall separating our gardens but we had been thick as thieves ever since I moved into my brick townhouse in Brooklyn Heights a few years ago. The couple had moved here in the nineties to pursue their dreams of becoming a reputable designer and a famously extravagant performer and they marvellously succeeded. Married for almost twenty years now, Hugh and Samir had made names for themselves but had also found peace with the comfort of middle-aged life and the occasional babysitting of their neighbour's cat.
Barely accustomed to life back in New York City, I ignored my general fatigue and climbed the ladder leaning against the wall, jumping from behind it once I was sure I heard a ruckus in their garden. "I'm home!" I announced loudly and scared Hugh shitless. He screamed and threw the empty water can in the direction of my goofy grin. After inhaling a long gasp and standing frozen at my sight, we shared a moment of childish excitement until my friend seemed to melt.
"You don't know what a doorbell is, do you? Come on, get over here!" Hugh shrieked and I swung my legs across the top of the wall to climb to the other side like I always did when I had to use a secret way out of my house.
"Hello, beautiful. How come every time I see you, you're even more pretty? By the way, Jane Fonda called, says she wants her face and her youth back!" He cackled once and ushered me closer. "Come here you cute little cutie pie!" He made a sound of feigned disgust as we hugged, which was utterly special to me considering Hugh had never been much of a hugger.
"So good to see you!" I keened and uttered more small pleasantries as he fitted his skinny arms loosely around my frame. I tipped back once he held me at arm's length to take a near longing look at me.
"We have so much to catch up on. Come in, in, in!" He spoke and waved me to follow him.
Inside their boogie house, my gaze immediately searched the floor. "Where's my baby, where's my kitty cat?"
"You mean the cuddle-addicted nuisance who leaves paw prints on my sketches and hair all over my designs?" Hugh sighed dramatically, faking his distaste for my pet. I knew he loved her. Maybe not as much as Samir, but enough to treat her more than well.
"I suppose she is. Where's the husband? Where's Peachy?" I allowed myself to use Sammi's drag name.
"Oh, she'll be back any minute, had to run an errand for the committee. All these wicked numbers in her pretty little head, organising another fierce ass show."
My jaw dropped at the quite unsurprising news. "Cool, I'd love to come, you'll invite me, won't you?" The excitement to see another one of Sammi's drag shows was genuine and heightened by the thought of possibly tagging Pedro along. Not only did he love the community, but earlier this year, he had also been invited to be in Drag Race's next 'Snatch Game of Love'. And then I came along and snatched him up first and had possibly made it onto RuPaul's list of personal enemies. Pedro called this friendly but quite bitchy disinvitation the only downside of our relationship.
"Front row, we insist. But don't tell Sammi his design is from scratch... unlike your dress!" He said in a conspicuous voice and made me all the more breathless to see the gown he'd made me for the premiere next year. I clapped my hands together, simply squeaking in delight at the prospect of wearing another Hugh Du Maurier masterpiece. "Good you're finally here to try it on. You'll be pleased with my really pretty handwoven silk from Peru. None of those polyester-cotton mixes." Hugh took another loud look at me from head to toe, making me feel self-conscious about my old green dungaree.
I interrupted his nagging when I finally spotted Poentje galloping down the hallway. "Daar ben je, poesje mauw!" My voice shot up several octaves in baby speech when my giant black ball of fur tapped towards me and then stopped right in front of me. Of course, I was the one who had to close the distance between us. She hadn't changed in that regard, going limp when I picked her up and purring heavily in my arms while she endured my snuggles and kisses.
The lanky ice-blonde man curled his lips in amusement at the sight of our reunion but God forbid he'd show his soft side. "Don't believe a thing she says when she starts complaining to you about Sammi and me neglecting her. She demands food like she's starving."
"You didn't give her too much, she's light like that, she just looks big." I weighed her in my arms, unsure suddenly if my old lady had always been such a lightweight. "Is that normal? Do you think I should take her to the vet?" She'd been fine for so long, any worries of mine coul only meet denial at this point.
"I don't know, she takes her meds like a good girl. Maybe it's nothing." Hugh put on a smile as he scratched her head, making her meow at him with her high voice. "Just luxurious fur, yes it is."
I cuddled my enormous rag doll, seeking eye contact. "I found you a daddy," I informed her and we head-butted each other. It was then that I noticed a vein on Hugh's neck popping out. "What?" I asked.
"Nothing!" He snapped back at me way too loud and quickly and I promptly became aware of the accidental impact of my words. Smirking, I went back to pretending to talk to my cat but kept teasing Hugh in reality, feeling the urge to tell my gossip partner everything. Honestly, I was surprised he hadn't interrogated me about Pedro as soon as I had walked through the door. "He'll be such a good daddy, I know he will. Isn't my pussy-cat happy-"
"Oh, oops, my husband's calling. Hello, my peach-" Hugh had picked up his unlit phone, quickly exited the room and slammed the door to his garden. I stayed behind, giggling while he pretended to make a phone call.
Back inside after enough time to cool his temper and freeze his socks off, Hugh waved me to follow him into his workshop upstairs.
I let my cat down when she began to squirm. Poentje followed but kept her distance up in the atelier, looking at me while I undressed and climbed onto the pedestal.
"I feel like the fabric Gods have given me something really good here, sunshine girl!" Hugh rummaged in his design closet and I routinely closed my eyes, ready to look when we had secured a strangely airy and inorganic fabric around my body. When I finally opened my eyes, I could watch myself lose all colour in my face at the sight of the weirdly balloon-shaped dress. I stared at Hugh through the mirror, feeling devastated and mortally disappointment and yet I toughed through the shock with humour. "It's... something." My smile quivered.
"Yeah?" Hugh stayed perfectly serious. "I thought since you rudely turned down a job offer from Marvel so you could become a rock star, I thought you won't need your career anyways, so what the hell."
"It fits the uh... unconventional beauty image." I quoted some public opinions.
We stared at each other until we both burst out laughing.
"It's an egg!" I complained, loudly. "You're joking."
"Yes, I'm joking. This was Sammi's Halloween Costume. He was an egg, I was a chicken. We finally know what came first!" We screamed together at the joke and Hugh stage whispered. "It was the egg." He revealed, somewhat bored and disenchanted.
"Thank heavens, this is not it. You had me for a second, I'm not gonna lie." I exhaled my relief, finally able to appreciate the egg in all its hilarity. It even had a shell hoodie.
"I think it's funny." "It's hideous." "Alright, get ready for the real thing." While I tossed the egg costume to the floor, Hugh twirled out of the cupboard and presented me with a flowing, warmly toned sunflower yellow dress.
My heart stopped at the sight. I was presented with the most delicate, rich dress I had ever seen. It had sunflower ornaments, a generous cleavage and a never-ending hemline and looked so soft to the touch. "It's beautiful! Oh, Hugh, you're a magician!" I reached out to feel the delicate fabric before getting rid of my bra and changing into the dress.
When everything seemed to fit in place, Hugh opened my braid and I was glowing like the sun. The dress' deep sleeves exposed my shoulders and hung so low, it was only held up by my bust. The ornaments strung into a thin a-line waist before the dress flowed low and wide, reaching a length my legs could never match. It would drag behind me when I'd wear it at the public event and I imagined, I'd look soft and wonderfully elegant while strutting down the red carpet on Pedro's arm. Hugh's creations managed to steal my breath away every single time.
"I can't believe it. It's so perfect. What do you think Poen, do you like it?" I asked the cat currently sitting on Sammi's costume. She regarded me with slowly blinking eyes and I took it as a 'yes.
Hugh fussed about to reveal a long slit the dress provided to expose the side of my leg. "Look at that beautiful silhouette, one nasty leg out. You look like royalty, radiating so much. Hold up, let me get some shades." He said and picked out some huge, shiny Dior sunglasses which covered almost his entire face. "Better." He joked with a proud smile. "You know I love your freckles, look how gorgeous they are with warm tones and uh, what's this?" He peeked at me over the rim of his sunglasses to inspect my sea glass necklace.
"Something Pedro gave me. He wears one of these too. Isn't it cute?" I showed off my beloved jewellery. Another item I'd always refuse to get rid of, even for the sake of fashion events. Luckily, the coffee-brewed colour fitted the dress perfectly.
Hugh still didn't comment a thing about Pedro but another, softer voice made itself audible instead. "Oh, I love it so much," it whined and both Hugh and my eyes lit up.
"Sammi!" I hopped off the pedestal and hugged Hugh's husband. He grinned and made noises like he was gobbling me up. "Habibi." He blubbered, squeezing me tightly against his chubby figure. "Good to see you... finally in that dress. You look absolutely stunning, you're gonna make me cry."
"Thank you, Sammi. Your husband has outdone himself again."
"Alright, can we finally talk about it? I am sweating!" Hugh shouted at his husband before he fanned his neckline. "You don't want to be in my shoes, clenching my butt so hard trying not to say a thing about Nini moaning on about her new daddy!"
I giggled, caught after all. "Not true!" I lied.
"You knew what you were doing." He hissed at me, all his demeanour changed now he was showing his true emotions.
Sammi let out an intrigued hum at this spicy but not entirely true information.
"Whatever could you mean?" I asked anyway, sounding innocent, swaying past them to admire my dress in the three mirrors.
"Don't even-" Hugh stopped himself from bursting and breathed carefully before turning his shoulder to ignore me. Sammi was happy to comment for him. "He's The Daddy, TM. If ever one existed."
I bit my lip, mutely agreeing. "Still, I was joking. I do not... try not to call him that. But I know it's true. He knows it's true." I gulped heavily, set on asking my future therapist if Pedro's concern about my daddy issues would thwart our secretly shared kink forever.
Sammi shook his head, flabbergasted. "He literally lets the world call him that."
"I know. It's unfair but I respect his boundaries."
He hummed, still delighted, beaming across his entire face before giving his scowling husband a quick side glance. "Don't worry about Yuyu, I made her dramatic ass promise she wouldn't ask you about your boo until I got here," He explained in a delighted tone. "But now that I am, I think you're free to... spill the tea." He winked, already directing his steps towards the bar to fetch us a round of early drinks.
"Spill it now or I will combust!" Hugh empathised.
I had guessed it would come to this but now that we'd gotten here, I didn't know where to start. "I don't know what to say," I replied shyly but giddily. "Pedro is my boyfriend, my love, my husband," I contradicted myself, at least trying to avoid rambling out everything exciting about Pedro. I could talk about him for hours.
"Husband? Not for real though." After Sammi had prepared us a round of mimosas, he stretched his short neck to check my ring finger. Just to be sure. "Yeah, we're not married but also... we are."
Hugh's face fell from delighted to annoyed. "Yeah, who chose that wedding outfit? The grumpy green garbage monster from Sesame Street?" "Yuyu! Stop, you thought it was adorable too." Sammi interfered. "I swear I've never seen something more adorable. We donated too."
"Oh, thank you so much!" I was touched by the idea of my friends supporting my friends. "I promise you, should a real wedding ever occur, you'd be the one in charge to design my dress."
"I better." Hugh scoffed but squeezed my hands back before his eyes jumped down at me and he quickly moved my cleavage. "Oops, alarm. Free the titties!" Hugh giggled and adjusted my sleeve again before he ushered me up the pedestal and clicked his tongue at me. "Have you lost weight?" He scolded me, pinching my waist and pinning the dress a little tighter.
My hands smoothed down my dress, feeling a bit self concious. "Maybe. First, there was this diet for our movie, then I was extremely busy afterwards," I excused my even poorer diet of a musician locked in their studio. My last three weeks had been packed with work and the only times I had taken care of myself had been when my loved ones had asked during our phone calls and had made sure I was getting a proper meal in.
"And also, so in love, you could barely eat. I know all about it." Sammi laughed, slurping his drink, petting his belly and making a triple chin for comedic effect.
Hugh complained and busied himself with draping the dress around me aggressively before his curiosity snapped. "Okay!" He erupted. "You have a new man and I demand every single detail! Don't leave out the dirty bits."
"Like what?" "First of all, is he treating you right? Is he everything you ever wished for?" When it came to my relationships, Hugh was fiercely protective.
"Pedro is everything I'd ever hoped to find." I sighed dreamily, batting my eyelashes and swinging my dress in the mirror like a love-struck Disney princess. "He's so sweet, kind and generous and supportive. He's the cutest and funniest person ever, he has never lost his childlike sense of wonder-" my love for him bloomed in my chest when I named merely a few of his wonderful qualities. "When we're together, I feel complete and content. We simply fit. It feels like we were meant to be, you know?"
It took more than my obvious heart eyes to convince Hugh. "But is he good? Is he good for you? 'Cause for the love of 'Gahd', honey, don't give me the 'he's not like the other guys' speech and turns out he's worse and I end up getting second-hand anxiety from watching you survive. Again. Going full two-thousand-and-ten Lindsay Lohan on a Monday afternoon."
"I never!" This time, I felt indeed insulted. Right, I had knocked on their door in several stages of disarray but nothing borderline destructive. Nevertheless, Hugh and Sammi had always been there for me.
My designer feathered out my hair, maybe a tiny bit too aggressively. "Really? I remember the day you moved here, away from that nasty, arrogant fella. The one before McGregor, the one I chased off our property?" He kindly reminded me. "You know I'm not religious, but some people need the Lord. Some don't believe in consequences, in this life or the next, they just don't fear hell but I swear, they'd do humanity a favour if they did. Put barely a smidge, an 'ounce' worth of the fear of God in them and I'd sleep a little better." Hugh scoffed and I pressed my lips together in amusement at his passionate hatred for my past lover non of us had liked. "The nerve of that man. What did he say again after you left him?"
"He'd destroy my career if I wouldn't admit I had cheated on him. At least that explained why I was fired, not the fact that I got out when my former agency continued pressuring me into sleeping with our producer." I rolled my eyes, not proud of that particular period of my life and how much the public got involved in it. Yes, I had met someone else who had been kinder to me for a while but that foul man and I had never been together in the first place. So much for my chaotic past.
Sammi spoke from the depths of his compassionate soul. "They said there are more Weinsteins out there. I don't get why you didn't go public with the truth."
I sighed. Just another thing I added to the list of topics I needed to talk over with a therapist. Maybe I'd even warn Pedro about that particular man if I was sure he wouldn't strangle him if they happened to cross paths. "I just wanted it to end. No, I owe you two and Olivia my freedom." I grazed Hugh's cheek, fondly reminding them that our friendship was for life. Olivia might have been the reason why I got out of my contract legally, but Hugh was the ferocity that had chased that guy out of my life and leave me alone. He could be extremely nasty too and I couldn't lie about it; I had the habit of being adopted and protected around every next corner.
"Last but not least, your career survived your biggest scandal through my talent for dressing you in a way that makes everyone either want to kiss or be you." The designer hummed, so lost in his work he failed to see my blush. "We're just looking out for you, sweetie."
"And I thank you for it but I'm actually on the hunt for a therapist right now, so you'll have less work," I announced and while Sammi rejoiced, Hugh slapped my arm in a friendly manner. "Atta girl. There are a lot of unaddressed issues lying underneath that tough skin of yours-" he looked alarmed before he made genuine eye-contact again. "But I appreciate you for doing your best every day. It'll be alright, I know it will."
I fought my urge to cry as he arranged small braids into my hair, ashamed and humbled to receive such kindness. "Why do you know everything?" I asked but was met with Hugh's usual sarcasm and God complex. "Have you ever seen God and me in the same room? No. Just saying."
"You're delusional," Sammi said dryly before he sank his nose back into his mimosa.
"I am? Look at my work, it tells the future. Just wait until your Pedro sees you in this dress and will want to take you out like a damn trophy."
My skin heated at the thought and I felt proud all of sudden. "Makes me indulge in unfeminist thoughts." I admitted, checking my exposed back. "I wouldn't complain if he'd objectify me for just one hour. Oh yes, I hope he likes it."
"Oh, trust, he will." Sammi cooed at me and his eyes filled with moisture when he returned to the topic. "I think you're so cute together, you have no idea. The internet compilations, the headcanons, the infuriating lack of evidence. I'll need a pacemaker before your movie airs."
Hugh stayed his perfectly sassy and bored self. "Yes, she sucked the gossip up like a greedy little slut while I was like 'Pedro who?' and then oh my, why have I never seen him before? He's so sexyyy." Only a high steam train could have made a higher sound than Hugh. He began smirking then. "Pray tell, what's he like in bed?" He wiggled his brows at me and my face split into a grin. "Is he still mister dreamy in post-nut clarity or do you suddenly think 'what the fuck am I doing'?"
One thing I loved about Hugh was how expressive and inventive he was in the scenarios he created. He never failed to make me laugh.
"He's irresistible," I swallowed the last of my giggles so I could moon over him. "We can love each other for hours and hours and his voice, is-" I hummed and closed my eyes, covering my pounding heart with my hand. "So soothing and warm and sexy and his eyes- I was smitten from the moment we met.. if it hadn't been his charm, it would have been his dorkiness."
"Listen to that, baby. You ever talk about me that way?" Hugh asked affectionately, looking over his shoulder at his husband before going back to work. "Sounds like he's got you wrapped around his finger. But hear me begging you for more spicy details." He sobbed. "What's the dynamic between the sheets, hm? Let me guess..." Hugh pretended to think while Sammi snickered. "Not that sweet and dorky."
I took my time until I had finished my mimosa. "He's perfectly generous in every way, thank you very much."
"Way too cryptic."
"It's... intense," I admitted. "He kisses like a bandit." I started mildly, recalling our first real kiss that night in the hotel bar. I was bashful to share explicit details but Hugh wouldn't have it.
"Just saying, your ravished look at the airport spoke volumes and that's when the world knew for certain that he fucks." He leaned in over my shoulder and made intense eye contact through the mirror.
"Honestly?" I raised my eyebrows and let their anticipation stir. I blushed. "Oh, he does fuck. Have you ever had such a full-body orgasm you blacked out from the sheer force of it?" My friends celebrated and swooned over my experience. I nodded and melted a little. "He pushes all the right buttons."
"Oh, it's like that, huh?" Hugh faked to awe, pretending he had made a disappointing discovery when he stared into the distance. "Like Nini or a damn tsunami, the harder the hit, the wetter it gets."
All three of us squealed at the burn and I hid my cheeks in my hands in a failed attempt to hide my furious blush. "Oh my God, stop, I'm begging you."
I smiled through the embarrassment and tipped my head back to let Hugh continue styling my hair. "I'm very much in love with him and he cares so much about me, I think he might love me too. No, I'm sure he does." If I wasn't careful, I might start to cry. "And I want to be with him forever."
While Sammi was moved to tears, Hugh seemed sceptical. "What's his zodiac sign?" He inquired. "Aries," Sami answered for me and I wondered how much research exactly he had put into this.
"Oh no, Libra girl. That combination is not good." Hugh tutted at me, still tweaking my dress.
I shrugged my shoulders. "So I heard but I decided it's stupid." "Good in bed, really bad at communication."
"That's... scarily accurate." I thought a while, remembering the past and worrying that our relationship could be threatened if any misunderstandings weren't properly addressed.
Hugh clicked his tongue. "What's his Chinese sign?" He made me stop and frown. I had never given zodiac signs much thought. "I don't know. He was born in seventy-five."
"NO!" Hugh yelled. "What?" "You! do not. date. a. rabbit!"
I panicked at his tone. "Why?"
"Roosters and rabbits are enemies! Worst match ever! Take Sammi and me. Sammi is a horse, romantic, talented and loves being ridden. Whereas I'm a snake-"
"The biggest cunt since the old testament." Sammi finished Hugh's sentence which made him sputter into his mimosa while Sammi and I were giggling hysterically.
"Oh, ha-ha." He mocked us. Finally, Hugh relieved me of my dress and Sammi came up behind me to drape me into one of their expensive silk morning gowns.
"I don't care. All that matters is that I'm sure about him." I insisted, turning.
"Stubborn as always but that's why we love you."
I rose on my tiptoes to sling my arms around both their shoulders. "And I love you too. What would I do without my favourite couple, Timon and Pumba?" I dissed them and they acted insulted at the pet names.
"What about the dress? It's wonderful but is it done?"
"Yes, just a few changes here and there if you don't gain your weight back soon. Look at that exquisite butterscotch gold. Sammi says it's yellow but the bitch is apparently colour-blind!" He said loudly, so his husband couldn't miss it while he left the room.
I cringed, for I had thought it was yellow too and my expertise clearly didn't match the designer's.
"We both know I still have better taste than you," Sammi called back from somewhere in the house, causing his husband to whip his head around and yell back. "Tell that the next trophy you received because I wore one of my dresses!"
"I know! I love you!" "And I love you too!" They yelled across their house.
Hugh smiled contentedly while he spread my gown across his work table, addressing me softly now. "I used the lighter fabric on you and disposed of the idea of using this thicker, richer one I scouted-" he pulled a batch of heavy, darker gold fabric from his stock and my hand shot out to feel the heavy, silky material. "Now I have a roll of this royal mustard dupioni, not enough for a collection, too thick for a dress." Hugh chuckled in distress.
I hummed, intrigued. "It reminds me of a costume Pedro had once, well... almost."
"Oh, yes! It is just like it! Oberyn's robe." Sammi gasped, now joining us inside the room with more mimosas.
I made huge eyes, an idea intruding my head, a brilliant, gigantically good idea. "Hugh!" I gasped out, grasping his hand. "Have you watched Game of Thrones?"
"Oh, no. So gory." He always pledged his distaste for violent TV.
"Wait." I picked up my phone and showed him a picture of Oberyn Martell.
"Damn, isn't he pretty? Oh, yes, I think I remember." Hugh commented and I nodded.
"That's a gorgeous robe, look at that-" he zoomed in. "Sun and leaf pattern details, it's almost...hmmm, I know what you're thinking." He said fondly but strictly.
"Could you make it?" I asked, excited and breathless.
"Honey, I don't know. It looks like a lot of work and I've got a whole fashion show to design this coming season."
"Darling, I'll pay you double if you can turn the rest of the fabric you don't know what to do with into something that resembles this style." I teased my voice into a sweet and convincing sing-song, a plead. "Pedro's birthday is in April and if I had his favourite costume for him..."
"What's his size?" Hugh gave in and I cheered.
"Not that tiny-waisted as in this picture anymore, he's more huggable now. I could lure him in with the promise that you'd make a nice suit for him and you take his measurements and get to know him while you're at it."
"Oh yes, I'd love that!" Sammi threw in and Hugh began to smile.
"She'd get his most sexy version, selfish girl." He gave me a nasty and playful look. "His character didn't make it, right? All I remember is mopping up Sammi's tears."
"Oberyn deserved so much better." He sobbed and the gentle man who was prone to tear up quickly thickened in voice. "He left behind eight daughters and the love of his life, if I think about you and my daughters-" Sammi sobbed and both Hugh and I hugged one arm around his large belly. I rubbed his arm comfortingly until he let out a dramatic breath of air. "Baby, you've got to revive him. It would be a gift to see Oberyn, an older version, the prince who lived."
"If I do that, Nini will find a see-through tropical dress and whisk him away to a Mediterranean island, probably get so invested in her fantasy, she'll cause a scandal."
"He means the orgy part," Sammi explained, rolling his eyes while mine widened.
"As much as I'd like to give that man everything he's ever wanted, I have a hard time imagining that." I stared ahead, picturing us in the middle of many sweaty limbs and squirming in discomfort. "He won't want it if I'm uncomfortable with it, even though he always envied Oberyn's lifestyle. No wait, he'd be too goofy about it anyway I think." I snapped out of my ramble to quickly change the topic. "What flimsy dress?" I asked and fantasised about the idea of making his birthday present a surprise kidnap to a fitting location. "His favourite colour is purple."
"Oh no no no, purple is not your colour as a warm blonde." The expert protested. "Lavender or emerald, Greek sleeves with gold accents and no underwear. At all. He sees you in that, you'll wear it for an entirety of five seconds." Hugh even blushed in excitement at the magnitude of ideas flooding his brilliant mind and after another moment or two, his playful arrogance slowly softened for me. "Alright, I'll do it."
We celebrated and clinked our glasses to our wicked, secret plan. "Here's to new beginnings." Hugh introduced our toast.
I chuckled. "And love."
"And good cock." Sammi added and with a giggle, we echoed his cheeky contribution.
Part 24
Translation notes:
(dut): Daar ben je, poesje mauw! - (eng): There you are, kitty meow!
(ara): Habibi - (eng): My love
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seven-oomen · 2 months
Okay, let’s see if I can make anything coherent out of this, even though I should really be going to bed. XD  Will try to break up the rambling as best I can for readability.
First off, jeebus christ that opening.  They did not even slightly play around about what to expect from this movie.  I was *WHEEZING* the whole time because my brain just playing that “I’M GONNA BEAT A MOTHERFUCKER, WITH ANOTHER MOTHERFUCKER” meme the whole goddamn time.  The moment when Wade straps on the claws and manages to use them was both horrifying and genius.  XD
Also, holy crap the levels of references and meta in this film.  (A friend actually sent me a YT video that covers ALL of the Easter eggs in the film, but I’ve not had time to watch it yet, as the only comment she added was “It’s LOOOONG”)  I keep telling the coworkers I’m trying to get to watch it that “It doesn’t so much break the fourth wall as nuke it from orbit."  XD  The comments about how you’d never know that Lady DP just had a baby, about Hugh’s divorce, all the stuff with the Legacy gang.  My favorite was probably the shop called Liefeld’s Just Feet from the end sequence, every time it popped up I had to choke down a cackle.  The callbacks to the old films, the recreations of popular cover art.  Just the sheer amount of research that went into this film was just *chef’s kiss*.  I’m sure there were things I missed because I’m not totally caught up on everything, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen some of it, and everything was just happening so much, but it doesn’t even matter because everything I did catch was amazing.  Also, very much appreciated the TVA agent who was clearly meant to represent all of us.  XD  Treasure that mask my dude.  (Funnily enough, I didn’t even know about that because I hadn’t really even seen all the trailers, I went into the film fairly blind.  Was DEFINITELY part of the cheering section when he pulled that on.  And then immediately knew I had a coworker who NEEDED to do that costume.  XD )
And, omfg, the CAMEOS.  I almost screamed so many times at some of the reveals.  I’d heard lots of speculation on who (actor) and who (character) might appear, but I knew there was no way all of it was going to be true, so I just let myself be surprised in the best ways.  The only one that we didn’t get that I saw people talking about that I wish had happened was Daniel Radcliffe as "Height-Appropriate Wolvie”, especially after some of the pics I’ve seen from that film where he has guns attached to his hands or whatever.  I think it would have been fun.  One that might have been cute would have been Taron Egerton as Patch, mostly because I occasionally see him mentioned as a possible future replacement for Hugh (even though he’s not 90 yet XD, and I don’t know that Taron has quite the feral quality the character needs), as well as a possible future Bond.  Also kinda hoped for Ice Man to pop up since Pyro was there, or for a possible Loki mention because of the TVA.  My mom said that RR’s kids all appeared in the film, but I haven’t had a chance to look into that yet (maybe Thor was crying because he stole his move XD ).
But without doubt I had three favorite cameos (listed in no particular order.)  When CEvans appeared I think the whole theater lost its collective mind.  Like, literally spontaneous cheering.  I kinda wondered a bit at first, because like, the facial hair, and he didn’t really have the Dorito shape going, but I’d also heard a little about the whole Nomad thing, but as soon as he pushed the hood back and I got a better look at the collar/shoulder of his outfit, my brain started up this slow “wait…WAIT…hold up, that looks like…” and then he says it and I started cackling like a fucking hyena.  That was a truly brilliant bit of misdirection.  (Side note, I assume you saw the end end credits scene?  XD  How much do you think he enjoyed that?)  On a somewhat related note, absolute props to Emma Corrin for being so believably James McAvoy’s sister.  And also hellaciously terrifying.
Shortest favorite cameo (but worth every moment), absolutely hands-down, The Cavill-rine.  I had heard people speculating he might pop up as various characters, but again, I wasn’t particularly expecting anything or anyone.  I could tell it was someone new from the beginning, but I wasn’t certain until he turned around and then there was a whole lot of screaming from a lot of different people.  I did appreciate the adaptation of his “arm-loading” maneuver from M:I for deploying the claws, I found it very effective (though maybe it was just the tank top XD )  I’ve seen some people saying that this could be a sign that he’ll be moving over to the MCU at some point now, which I have slightly complicated feelings on mostly just because the main character I could see him being used for is Captain Britain (which would be amusing because he’d have to go blond, and if anyone remembers Stardust that can be…tricky…  XD ), but I can’t stand CB, but he also leads my fave X-team so if he DID take that part maybe we’d get an Excalibur movie, which I would love.  Part of me would want RR involved with that, though, because I’d trust him to do Nightcrawler correctly, and make commentary about it when he does (also, I don’t know if they’ve actually interacted much/at all in the comics, but I feel like Wade would absolutely enjoy meeting a guy who not only also dual wields swords on occasion, but can actually triple wield because that tail is prehensile [and yes, I have indeed seen fic where he used his tail exactly the way Wade would imagine - often on Logan as it happens.  Ah, the lawless early days of fic found on people’s unregulated personal sites or behind AdultFanFic.com’s rather lax security protocols. XD ])  Uh…sorry, went a bit off topic there…
Lastly, but very certainly not least, I almost LOST MY SHIT when Channing Tatum strolled out.  Like barely restrained dolphin screeches and wriggly seat bouncing (I choose to believe they were mostly restrained at least.)  Gambit is probably my second favorite X-man, and I have been desperate to see him done justice in a film.  Ironically the only appearance he’s had was in the same dumpster fire that gave us our first “Deadpool”, and I’m pretty sure they didn’t even make sure he had the proper accent, which.  How very dare.  I’d heard mention of Tatum’s attempts to get a solo film made off and on, and now I’m even more disappointed it never happened because he was an absolute delight.  And they did such a good job showing how useful his powers can be in a fight (I may have been chanting “where tf is his bo staff?!” in my head when the fight began, then almost cheered when I saw him using it, shhh, don’t judge me.)  That whole thing with the Legacy gang was a hoot (loved “Elektra” not being upset about the lack of a “DD"  XD )
Okay, moving along (kinda?), to the main boys.  I feel like possibly one of the only ones who engages in the more shippy side of fandom culture who didn’t see the car scene as sex?  Like, I can see WHY so many people do, but I just didn’t even process it that way in the moment.  I feel like it’s possibly just one of those aspec confusion things where my brain just doesn’t tend to make that sort of assumption about interactions, coupled with my own personal opinion of Logan’s mental state at that point.  Like, I feel like it’s entirely probable that one or both of them got off at some point during the fight, but I don’t think they "fucked nasty in the Odyssey."  Wade would absolutely have been DTF, because he’s absolutely attracted to Logan (understandable), and also, it’s what he knows, it would have been an easy outlet for all the BIG EMOTIONS that just kept happening for him, but I feel like Logan wouldn’t have been, even if he was also interested, because at that point he was still so deep in his self-loathing that I don’t think he’d have allowed himself something "pleasurable” like that.  I mean, he’d get something very similar from a fight, but he wouldn’t have to acknowledge it the same way.  It felt more like a “I’m going to punch something until the screaming in my head stops because I’m now too sober to regulate my emotions properly” type of moment to me.
For similar reasons I wasn’t really all that surprised when they didn’t obviously get together at the end.  Now, if they hadn’t pulled that stupid shit with Wade and Vanessa, it would be a different story, but they needed to wrap up that drama first.  Fix what the idiot writers decided was necessary for “growth” or whatever, (even though I feel like Wade would have also been just as determined to save his universe if they were together, even if she was encouraging him to try to do more) before you expand things, as it were (which now that I think about it is rather similar to how I felt about the OG trio in Jurassic World: Dominion…  anyway…)  And I feel like Logan was just reaching the point of allowing himself to have friends and make connections again (because did I mis-hear, or was Cassandra implying he’d had to basically mercy kill some/most of them?  Because holy shit), I don’t know that he’d be at the point of actively pursuing anything yet, though.  Like, it almost felt like they’ve seen the potential in each other as a partner by the end, but weren’t quite in a place to do anything about it yet until they’d worked through some things first (which means the sequel needs to be a full on romance.)  Like, the most I might have expected given where they were (and also, y'know, Disney) would have been Logan just sort of casually throwing his arm around Wade’s shoulders, maybe a little kiss on the temple.  (In my defense I am weak for fluff.)
However, again, so much potential for places to go from there.  I feel like it might be a little awkward at first, because Wade might not really know quite what to DO here.  Like, flirting and sex are one thing, attempting an actual relationship are very much another (especially since he’s not 100% sure where Logan stands on polyamory, and would rather not accidentally offend the man he’s trying to woo.)  He has no doubts he could seduce Logan, but he LIKES him, and convincing him of that he’s less certain of.  And it’s not like it was with Vanessa, who was just as confident and forward about what she wanted as he was.  Logan is much more reserved, and still occasionally irritable, and Wade isn’t known for coming across as serious and sincere, even when he genuinely is.  And while Logan likes him, too, he’s still adjusting to this new reality, and getting a feel for how all the dynamics work in the group.  So they dance around each other for a little while, while Vanessa keeps encouraging him to “just ASK him already!"  And then when he finally does broach the idea, he finds out Logan is not only totally down, but "this ain’t my first rodeo, so to speak."  (So.  My thought process here is partially influenced by the whole thing in one of the comic runs where people were joking that he, Jean, and Scott were in a throuple because of some weird bedroom layouts.  [Sadly the artist eventually commented on it and said that they weren’t, although my first response in my head was "they could be if you weren’t a coward.”]  And the other part was because it had seemed a little odd to me that when Logan was telling Laura about what happened in his universe, he referred to Scott and Jean by name, and everyone else by codename.  Which probably doesn’t mean anything, but I decided it did.  The fact that they were trying to get him to join them could imply that he hadn’t known them long, but there’s also no reason they couldn’t have been encouraging him to join because they’d been dating for a while, too.)  Wade is like, immediately incensed about this (“why didn’t you tell me?!” “you never asked.”), because they apparently COULD have now been fucking nasty already.  Vanessa and Al both give him much crap about this (“Boy, I’m blind as shit and even I could see he was interested in you.”)  Also, I feel like Yukio would absolutely adore Logan, but can’t decide if Negasonic and him would get along like a house on fire, or if she’d be put off by how alike they are.  XD  Given his history with volatile young girls the odds are probably in his favor.  I mean honestly; Rogue, Jubilee, Kitty, Laura.  And being besties at various points with Wade, Kurt, Ororo, etc.  For a guy who so staunchly considers himself a loner he has quite the support network.  XD
…I feel like there were probably other things, but it’s almost two o'clock in the morning, and I open tomorrow.  Also, this is already hella long (again, my apologies, lol.)  Hopefully this mostly makes sense, and is at least somewhat of an enjoyable read.  Tbf, you did encourage me.  ;P  Anyway, hope you’re still doing well, and may the weather calm down soon.  Take care!  *HUGS!*
It is approaching 1 am where I’m at, so I’m gonna reply to some of this now and maybe to some of it later. I definitely think Logan had to mercy kill at least some of his teammates in his own universe. It’s heavily implied in my opinion. Which, ooofffff, man. No wonder he feels that much guilt and is that messed up. Oh Yukio absolutely adores Logan, I feel like she might just hug him one day and just says; I’m glad you joined the family. And Logan, the big fucking softy he is, just absolutely melts and adopts the girl on the spot. As for Ellie/Negasonic, I’d say there’s a lot of posturing at first between the two. With Logan just mostly being really confused by the way she’s acting, but eventually Logan wins her over and they get along splendidly after that. I do think Laura and Negasonic become instant besties. Which spells hell for anyone else involved because they are ferocious and MeanTM. I did write some premises down for a fic for them where they slowly get together, sticking to mostly canon, with some comic references thrown around. (Creatively working my way through the messy, messy timelines). https://www.tumblr.com/seven-oomen/757474833241096192/so-story-idea-for-deadpool-and-wolverine-obvious?source=share
I think the way I’d tackle their relationship is that they didn’t get together at the end of Deadpool 3 for exactly the reasons you list above. While I would have loved the movie that much more if they did, from a character standpoint I think both Wade and Logan have some shit to figure out until they get to that point. It’s fun to wish for it though.
Things it will feature and the premise: Omega Logan Wade is just Wade/Deadpool as we know him Dualsex Omegas from Logan’s universe Deadpool and Wolverine prequel/midquel/sequel Jimmy Hudson & Ellie are twins born of Logan and Wade (Ellie is loosely based of Eleanor Camacho) Trans Jimmy Hudson Laura Kinney is adopted into the family Slow burn Poolverine Wade has some kinky shit that really ends up helping Logan through his heat. Logan and Wade are bad at feelings Flashbacks to Logan’s life during weapon X and the X-men In Logan’s timeline he and Wade met during weapon X times, though back then nothing really came out of their relationship. Logan was very much under Victor’s thumb until the aftermath of Lagos where he and Victor were experimented on. Logan survived his experimentation, Victor didn’t. Which left Logan with some abandonment and bonding issues. Eventually Logan found his way to the X-mansion, and was taken in, though that too ended in tragedy by his own making. He didn’t join when his team needed him the most and paid for that decision by losing everything. He even had to put Jean, Scott, and the professor out of their misery in the end. After that faithful night, the hunt for mutants in his universe began, with him being one of the few survivors of the purge. By the time Wade pulls him out of his own universe to act as an anchor being for his, guilt and anger are eating away at him. After shit goes down, and he realizes there’s no way back, Logan tries his best to settle back into civilian life with Wade and the rest of the family. Things get incredibly complicated when Logan’s heat hits with lasting consequences for the newly formed family.
I’m working out the kinks in this stage and figuring out the tone of the story. Would love to read your thoughts though :)
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aiden3963 · 1 year
Bosko the Doughboy (1931)
Bosko the Doughboy (1931) October 17, 1931 Director: Hugh Harman Introduction: There are multiple characters in animation history that left an impression on people. Today we're going to talk about one of the early characters in animation named "Bosko". Created by Hugh Harman and Rudolf Ising in the early 1930s. The earliest adventure of Bosko called "Bosko the Doughboy" is a short movie which this blog post is going to be about. We are going to dive into his adventure. Our journey includes understanding the film's technique, representation, reception, and how it left a huge mark on people living in 1930s.
Technique: "Bosko the Doughboy" was produced by Warner bros. The animation technique used to create bosko was traditional hand drawn animation.There are multiple principles of animation used to create the film, but i would like to focus and embrace the ones which are eyecatching- squash and stretch and exaggeration.The sound effects sure are cherry on top as this movie had sound for whole length of it's film. Sound sure was important part of this movie as it gives way more depth to the movie.Throughout the whole movie Bosko finds himself in messed up situations which are perfect for his comedic character. As viewers are able to see his variation of dealing with things. Representation: Bosko,being a character was definitely affected by the racial stereptypes from his time. His character artist created him as a Character with black face and high pitched voice which is visible in the movie.Though it was a senstitive topic to many people they did go with their decision of Bosko being blackfaced.1930 was also the era where these things were common although they could've done better. But according to it's time bosko sure captured a lot of people and showed his comedic charm with his crazy ideas. The movie is easy to understand as it's about World war 1.Bosko was not only a fun and humorous character but he also showed various ways of handling things in his own personality he would do certain extreme things which people might find crazy or out of the normal because they wouldn't do those certain things and that's why they found it so humorous and someone they could connect to.
Reception: Upon its release, "Bosko the Doughboy" was well-received by audiences of the time. The short film gained the popularity of the Bosko character, delivering an entertaining story that suited to the tastes of early animation enthusiasts. Audiences were delighted by the film's humor, visual gags, and sounds effects In retrospect, the short film sure holds a significance in history as an example of Warner Bros into animation. It shows their ability to produce high quality cartoons and animation. It helped them later in life as they proceeded to Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies.Bosko portrayed as racial stereotypical character played a certain role in shaping the animation industry. Conclusion: Bosco de Doughboy remains an amazing entry in vast landscape of Animation history. Despite its racial stereotypical representations and other things that surprised people at the time it also is a testament to technical achievements in early 1930s of Animation industry. By examining this short film we understand the depth of animation which was created back in 1930s as it also helped animation industry later down the road by setting certain rules and guidelines for the industry which was morally and logically correct for animators to follow. Going forward It's always important to understand from past and not follow the same mistakes again, that's how you become a successful industry and that's how animation has survived over the years gaining massive popularity and being so successful.I was able to watch Bosko on you tube as there are no certain theatres anymore which would show short films of history but after watching the hilarious movie it has me cackling.
Here are the links to all the information used to write this blog
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