#it’s ok i’m just a bit of a stupid bitch it’s fine
star-of-waterdeep · 5 months
i didn’t think i liked whump but then i actually thought about my relationship with simon for more than 10 seconds and realized that’s literally what it is
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athenamikaelson · 2 months
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Klaus Mikaelson x Soulmate!Reader x Elijah Mikaelson Pt. 11
Word Count- 3.8k
Warnings- Mentions of Suicide(Damon trying to die because of his wolf bite), swearing, death, blood, gun/gun-shot wounds, smaller chapter but big things happening cliffhanger ending
“Yes, Elena. Once again, I’m fine. I have to go run an errand and then I’ll see you guys at the square. OK? Toodles!”
I quickly hung up my phone, just in case Elena decided to ask what errand I was running. How the hell am I supposed to tell her I’m going to try to talk a dying Damon Salvatore off the ledge?
It’s been two days since Demon dropped the bomb that he was dying and then disappeared. He hasn’t answered my calls and whenever I ask Stefan about him he says “I’m working on it.” Not well enough, clearly, because the Bunny Eater called me 30 minutes ago telling me Damon just tried lighting himself on fire and he needs my help talking him down. I’m not sure why I’m the one he called for this since I’ve heard Damon on more than one occasion say he’d rather die than listen to me speak. 
Damon and Stefan have made me keep quiet about this, so no one else but us three knows. Which is why I fibbed a bit on my phone call with Elena. I’m not entirely on board with keeping this a secret. What do the Salvatores think is going to happen when the werewolf bite kills Damon? Just tell everyone Damon went upstate to a farm, just like what parents tell their children when their turtles or dogs die.
Although Damon and I have had our differences, I can admit the thought of him dying doesn’t sit well with me. Especially since he got bit trying to stop the ritual. Even though it didn’t stop it, it did save Tyler and Caroline. Who I guess was replaced by that bitch Jules and some random vampire Klaus had in his back pocket. 
I take a deep breath as I exit my car and walk up to the front door of the Salvatore house. I don’t bother knocking since everyone kind of just lets themselves in when it comes to this place. I’m about to call out for Stefan but within a moment he’s flashed in front of me. 
“Oh good lord,” I clutch my chest in surprise. At this Stefan’s eyes widen and he reaches out to me.
“I’m sorry, Y/n! Is it your heart again? Do you need anything? Here take some of my blood,” Stefan frantically says.
I put both of my hands up and shake them, “Stefan calm down dude, okay? I’m good, you just scared me. I’ve got to start getting you vamps little bells to wear around your necks.”
Stefan slightly laughs but I can still see the weariness in his eyes.
“Really Stefana, I’m good.”
Stefan sighs and nods, “Sorry, I just…with everything going on I’m just…,” Stefan rubs his hand over his face and now I can clearly see the exhaustion and sadness on it. 
I take a step closer and wrap my arms around him in a hug, “It’ll be ok, we’ll figure it out, alright?”
Stefan doesn’t say anything but I feel him nod as he wraps his arms around me tighter as if me hugging him is the only thing keeping him grounded. And after seeing his older brother trying to light himself on fire, it might just be. 
After another moment Stefan releases me and smiles at me but it doesn't reach up all the way. 
“He’s down here,” He says and I follow him down to where Elijah was when he was daggered. 
At the thought of the Original my heart sinks. It’s been three days since I’ve seen or heard from him. Each time I hear my phone ring a small part of me expects it to be him with his stupid posh accent telling me he’s sorry for ghosting me, but every time I answer it’s never him. I’ve tried to distract myself with hanging out with the girls, or Theo, and even the occasional phone call with Jenna who talks to me a lot now about the supernatural since we both learned about it recently. Bonnie and I have also been going through her deceased Gram’s grimoires and things to see if we can find anything on why my chest bled and then magically healed itself, but nothing comes up.  It’s disheartening but Bonnie says she won’t stop searching until she’s found the reason. Our time together has made me realize just how good of a friend Bonnie is. She’s loyal and kind and she’d fight for her friends until her dying breath. Which is sadly something she has already done once. I really like hanging out with her and her teaching me more about her world. I may not understand much about witches but it’s nice to see how excited she gets when she talks about it. 
“Are you going to be good down here by yourself,” Stefan leans down to whisper to me.
“What,” I question now realizing he’s been talking this entire time. 
“I have to go to the square to go speak to Elena but after I’ll be back. Just whatever he says, don’t let him out. Ric should be here soon too. He can take your place when he gets here.”
I do a soldier’s salute and he rolls his eyes as he walks back upstairs. Leaving me and Grumpy down here by ourselves. The door that separates us is big and wooden with a small window that has three metal bars. I look through and frown when I see Damon scrunched up, sitting on the far side of the room. 
“Are you going to eat me if I come in?”
“Drinking your blood would be a fate worse than death,” Damon’s scratchy voice speaks up after a moment. 
I roll my eyes as I unlock the door and push it open, I quickly make my way inside and close it. I lean against the door and cross my arms as I look at the dying vampire in front of me. 
“Stefan really thought you of all people would be the one to talk me off the ledge,” Damon grunts out as he puts his head up to look at me. 
“That’s exactly what I said. I told him you’d be more likely to do it again after hearing me speak,” I laugh out.
Damon’s upper lip twitches for a moment and he lets out a strangled laugh, “You’re not wrong. 
We’re both quiet for a moment before Damon speaks up again, “I’m going to die.”
I take a deep breath and sit down against the door mirroring Damon, “At the moment, yes you are.”
Damon raises an eyebrow at me, “So you’re not going to fill me with fairy tales about some special cure and that by tomorrow I’ll be fresh as a daisy?”
I shrug my shoulders, “Is that what you want me to do?”
Damon stares at me for a moment and then shakes his head, “No, I don’t.”
“Alright then. Works for me. You know, Stefan called me to try to talk you down because he thinks what you did was crazy. But… I understand why you did it.”
This captures Damon’s attention as he stares questioningly at me, “You do?”
I nod as I play with a loose thread on my shirt, “Ya. You’re scared. And in pain. You think this is the only way out, but it isn’t. And I’m not saying that because of some magical cure. I’m saying that because you still have time left to say your goodbyes and to be with those who actually care about you. Even though you’re an actual hellspawn. I know that this is scary, you’ve been alive for over a century and now you’re facing mortality for the first time in years. I would be scared too.”
Damon’s jaw clenches and for a moment I think he’s mad but when I see him turn his head to stare at the wall next to him I realize he’s trying to hide his emotions. 
“Damon you can stare at that wall all you’d like but I meant what I said.”
At the sound of footsteps, I stand up. 
“Ric’s here. Try not to be such an ass to him. You’re kind of like his only friend,” When he doesn’t make any noise about my joke I frown and start to unlatch the door, “I’m glad I met you, Damon. I don’t tell a lot of people that, but it’s true. Thanks for bringing out a fire in me I didn’t know I had.”
Damon says nothing and I quickly wipe a stray tear from my face as I open the door.
“I’m glad I met you too, Y/N. Even though you’re a pain in the ass,” I turn and make eye contact with Damon, and even though the room is dark, I swear I can see small tears building in his blue eyes, “I don’t believe in next lives or whatever…but if they somehow exist, I wouldn’t mind meeting you again in that one, Pukey.”
I let out a small sob as I run over to the seated man and throw my arms over him. He lets out a grunt of surprise and after a moment he wraps his arms around me and I can feel the dampness from his tears on my shirt.
“If you tell anyone about this I’ll kill you,” He tries to threaten but his voice comes out strained so it doesn’t hold much punch.
“Ya whatever, Demon.”
It’s night by the time I get to the square for whatever movie night the town’s having. Elena asked me to come earlier since she says everyone needs a break from all the chaos that has happened. I’m not excited to see how she’s going to react to the news about Damon. But for now, I’m grabbing my fluffy blanket and walking towards my friends and watching this stupid movie.
Jenna, Jeremy, Bonnie, and Caroline all sit together talking as I walk up behind them. 
“Hey guys,” I say and they all spin around to look at me. Bonnie and Jenna both send me warm smiles and waves, Caroline hops up and guides me over to the group talking my ear off already, and Jeremy tries to send me a smile but that dude looks like he would rather be anywhere else. 
“What errand took you so long,” Caroline questions.
“Oh, Theo just needed some help bringing back his football gear and stuff. I guess the coach has been bothering him to get it back for weeks since the season ended,” I say which isn’t a total lie since I did do that after leaving the Salvatores.
“How is Theo,” Jeremy asks. 
Ever since the funeral Jeremy and Theo have been gaming together. When I asked Theo about it,  he said he was doing it out of pity and that someone as cool as him wouldn’t hang out with an emo like Jeremy. But after passing by Theo’s room and hearing him and Jeremy laugh and make fun of each other over call, I don’t think Theo is really doing this out of pity anymore. After moving here and with everything that has happened with our parents it’s been hard for Theo to make friends. Even though he says otherwise. I know he has people to hang out with at school, but it’s all brainless jocks who probably don’t even care to know my brother’s favorite color. He needs a good friend like Jeremy in his life. 
“Theo’s good. Even though he was pissy this morning because he says you cheated last night,” I admit to him as I sit down next to Jenna and Caroline. 
Jeremy shoots me a look of disbelief, “I did not cheat! That jerk! He’s the one who cheated,” Jeremy lifts up his phone and starts angrily texting someone. A someone, who I’m guessing is my brother.
I look around noticing the absence of my best friend, “Where’s Elena?”
They all look at each other wearily before Bonnie grabs my hand, “You might want to prepare yourself for this.”
I look at her confused for a moment and whisper, “Is this about the Damon thing?”
“You knew?!’’
“Excuse me?”
They all yell out and I raise my hands in surrender, “Hey! Stefana and Demon made me keep quiet. They didn’t want to stress anyone else out more.”
“How long have you known,” Caroline asks me and I grimace, “Like… since John’s funeral.”
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! It just wasn’t my place to say.”
They think about this for a moment before nodding.
“Elena went to go talk to Damon and Stefan is off trying to find a cure,” Bonnie says.
“Let’s hope he finds one in time.”
We all quiet down after a moment and go back to watching the movie, but 5 minutes later I feel a tap on my right shoulder.
I shoot Jenna a questioning look as she leans down to whisper to me, “Anything from Elijah?”
I just send her a small shake of my head and she returns it with a comforting smile and a squeeze to my shoulder, “His loss then.”
Over the past few days of Jenna and I talking about the supernatural, we’ve also been chatting about other things like school and relationships. It took me a while to open up but after I did I brought up Elijah. Talking to Jenna about Elijah, and everything that’s happened with him has actually made me feel somewhat better. Jenna’s been more of a mother figure to me these past three days than my own mother has in almost 18 years. 
Out of the corner of my eye, Jeremy quickly stands up, capturing all of our attention. 
He hangs up the phone and turns back to us with a nervous look, “Damon escaped and Elena wasn’t there yet so Ric thinks he’s coming here to see her. Ric says the bite is making him hallucinate so he’s not himself right now.”
“Fantastic,” I mutter to myself and Jenna slightly elbows me and shoots me a disapproving look. 
“If Damon is off the rails, there is nothing you can do to stop him. Let us take care of it,” Bonnie gestures towards herself, and Caroline and I want to groan at this. It’s really starting to piss me off how the supernaturals keep pushing us humans away every time we want to help. Just because we don’t have super strength or heal within a split second doesn’t mean we’re useless.  
“You keep doing this! You left me behind before, and guess what, Elena was still killed,” Jeremy exclaims to his girlfriend, “I’m going to find my sister. You go ahead and try to stop me. Y/N, Jenna, you with me?” 
Jenna instantly nods and I shoot a look at Bonnie and Caroline before walking towards Jeremy, “Let’s go.”
“There he is!” 
I follow behind Jeremy as we see a wounded Damon staring off into space. Jenna left a while ago to go find Ric, leaving Little Gilbert and I to try to find Elena. “Damon,” Jeremy tries catching the attention of the delusional vamp and I watch with caution. 
“Where’s Elena? I need to see Elena now,” He frantically says and I send him a smile as Jeremy walks closer to him.
“Hey, let’s get you out of here first, alright,” Jeremy grabs Damon, who instantly falls into his arms. I go to the vampire’s other side and grab his arms trying to help Jeremy with the deadweight. 
After a bunch of odd stares and murmurs from passersby, we finally get Damon through the crowd and into the empty Grill.
Jeremy drops Damon off at a table and goes to tell Ric where we are. I’m still holding onto Damon's arm as I watch Jere, but turn around when I feel Damon do the same. And I freeze.
“Y/n, move I don’t want to hurt you,” Sheriff Forbes stands in front of us holding her gun and pointing at Damon. 
I go to try to reason to her but Damon flashes away, spooking Liz and all I hear is the sound of a gun and a piercing in my left arm. 
“Oh god,” Liz looks at me for a moment in shock but when she looks behind me her features go straight to fear. 
A strangled sob escapes my mouth as I watch Jeremy fall to the floor, his once-grey shirt turning red, as blood spills from his chest. 
“What the hell did you do,” I scream at Liz as I run over to Jeremy with tears in my eyes.
 I strip off my sweatshirt and place it over his bleeding chest.
“Come on Jeremy, you’re going to be alright,” I sob, “You’re going to be alright Jere,”
Another sob comes from my mouth as Jeremy’s shaking hand grabs mine for comfort. 
“I know this hurts but I have to keep pressure on it, okay. You’re going to be just fine.”
I can hear Liz call for paramedics as she tries to move my hands so she can hold down the sweatshirt.
“Don’t you dare,” I snarl at her and she sits back.
“Jeremy…Hey! Jere,” I shake my head as he closes his eyes. 
Bonnie and Caroline rush up to us and Caroline gently sets me back so she can try to help Jeremy. I sit there with silent sobs as I watch Bonnie tell Caroline that Jeremy’s ring won't bring him back since the sheriff is human. 
Caroline bites into her wrist and places it onto Jeremy’s mouth, “Go on, Jeremy. Drink.”
“What are you doing,” The sheriff questions her daughter even though she is not the one who should be speaking at all right now. 
“I’m helping him.”
I sit there with tears in my eyes as Jeremy doesn’t wake up and I know it’s because he’s dead. The others must realize this too because they all sit back with sobs of their own. The sound of a door opening captures my attention and I look up to see Ric and Jenna staring over at us.
“Bonnie what’s wrong,” Ric asks as he and Jenna run over to us. As soon as they see Jeremy though they halt. Jenna instantly falls to her knees crying and I crawl over to her ignoring the shooting pain in my arm. I grab her into my arms and she instantly latches to me and sobs into my shoulder. 
“I know what I need to do,” Bonnie says aloud as she stands, “I need you to grab him. T-Take him with us.”
“No, no, no, no. You can’t move him. This is a crime scene,” Liz tries denying which has me wanting to smack her. Jeremy’s dead all because of a prejudice she has.
“Mom, just let them go,” Caroline tells her mother and Liz stands up so Ric can grab Jeremy’s body.
“Okay. Alright, come here, buddy. I got you,” Ric says and I hug Jenna tighter.
Bonnie sits in front of us chanting over Jeremy’s body. Candles around us burn hotter as Bonnie shakes her head, “No.”
“What? What is it,” Ric asks.
“They’re angry at me for coming back here. They don’t wanna help.”
I shake my head in denial.
  “Well, they have to.”
Bonnie looks at Jeremy with tears in her eyes, “They said there’ll be consequences.”
“Well, he’s just a kid. Tell’em to shut up.”
Bonnie continues chanting and the witch house starts to shake.
“Emily! I know you’re there. Please help me. I love him.”
Jenna, Ric, and I watch in silent horror as everything stops and Jeremy is still lifeless. Bonnie cries holding him and Jenna crawls over to her dead nephew. 
I look down at Jeremy and let out a sob of relief as I see him flutter his eyes open. 
I sigh deeply as I watch Jenna and Bonnie hug Jeremy. 
I turn to Ric who is staring at my arm, I watch as he slowly lifts his fingers and touches my shirt. I fight the urge to groan in annoyance as I look at the fresh blood on his fingers. 
“Anyone want to take me to the hospital?”
“OK, so it appears you’ve lost quite a bit of blood,” The doctor tells me as he tapes gauze over the gunshot wound on my shoulder. I have a gunshot wound. I was shot. What the hell?! Somehow the bullet that killed Jeremy went right through the upper part of my shoulder. 
Ric and Jenna had dropped me off about an hour ago. They insisted on staying, but I told them my mother would be here soon and they should get back to Jeremy. 
“We’re going to have to give you some blood. Do you happen to know what you’re blood type is? It appears that on your medical records, your mother and father’s blood types are listed but yours isn’t.”
I shake my head, “I’ve never had to get blood drawn before so I don’t know.” 
The doctor nods, “That’s fine. We would give you the universal donor blood but for some reason, we’ve had a shortage in blood lately,” I nod along as if I don’t know exactly why that is, “But we’ll take some of your blood and do a test then find out what your type is.”
I nod and thank him.
“We called your mother but it seems she can’t get out of work and your father didn’t answer. Is there anyone else you’d like to call to be with you?”
My heart hurts as I think about how both my parents couldn’t bother to come to see their own daughter in the hospital, “Um...no thank you. I’m alright.”
The doctor sends me a smile, but he looks almost as hurt about my parents not being here as I am. Tell me about it man. I watch silently as he takes a vial of my blood, tells me he’ll have my results soon, and then leaves. 
Great who the hell is going to drive me home?
I’m awoken by a small shake to my uninjured shoulder. I squint my eyes to see the doctor from before looking down at me wearily. 
At this, I try to sit up but waves of pain stop me.
“Don’t move sweetheart it’ll just rip open your stitches,” The doctor gently pushes me back down. But the look on his face makes me nervous.
“Is everything ok,” I question. 
The doctor is silent before he shows me a blood bag, “I was able to find a match for you, but… your blood type is Type B,” His tone and words confuse me. Wouldn’t he be relieved he was able to find me blood?
“I don’t understand,” I shake my head in confusion.
“I don’t know if I should be telling you this without a parent present. I could be fired,” He says to himself as if he’s fighting some internal battle. 
“Please… what are you talking about?”
The doctor places a hand on my shoulder and frowns at me, “Your mother’s blood type is Type A, and your father’s is Type O,” At the confusion still clearly on my face he sighs, “Genetically those two blood types combinations can only produce Type A and O children. So…”
My entire world seems to come down crashing on top of me as he finishes his sentence.
“You can’t be related, biologically, to your father.”
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whore-era · 2 years
delinquent!ellie williams headcanons 18+
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has the MEANEST MUG FACE at everyone but her close loved ones, especially you. she shows you the softest side to her bc you naturally just draw it out. ellie will literally have the grouchiest face, but once she sees you, it will be all soft heart eyes around you and you only! everyone else though? fuck them. they will get a bitch face and a middle finger thrown their way!
is guilty for always manspreading, but it's okay because it kinda stirs something inside you anyways. you guys will literally be anywhere, and she'll sit with her legs spread with her hands behind her head and you'd find yourself walking over and plopping yourself on her lap.
is extremely territorial and possessive of her girl, but not in a way where she's controlling you by any means. ellie is aware of how gorgeous and sexy her girl is, and while she has no problem with others looking, she draws the line at people approaching you. you would be at a party, talking with your friends, occasionally looking across the room at her. while giving each other loving glances, some guy approaches probably saying "hey girl, you lookin' finnneeee as hell tonight, you wanna get outta here?" and she'll already be behind him, fists balled up and hissing, "get the fuck away from my girlfriend."
would absolutely beat someone's ass for you. if someone is disrespectful to you or looks at you the wrong way or god forbid, lay their hands on you, it's automatically on sight for her. "but you should'a seen the other guy, babe. he's got it worse," she'll say, as you're sat on the sink with her in between your legs, tending to her small cuts and bruises. "what'd i tell you, els? you can't keep getting into these stupid fights because one guy says something dumb about me." "yea, baby, i know. i just hate when people say shit about you," she coos, "you're absolutely fucking amazing, and everyone should know that by now." you both end up kissing in the bathroom and it always ends up with you being bent over the sink taking her strap-
you would CONSTANTLY be on her ass about everything. since she does have a short temper, you always find yourself having to check her and and lecture her a bit, and she lowkey kinda loves it? ellie thinks you're hot as hell taking a little bit of control and telling her what to do, and every time you do have to lecture her, she'll look at you with desire in her eyes and respond with "yes, ma'am", "alright, baby, whatever you say", "mhm yes, baby m'listening" even though she quite literally is hyper-focused on how sexy as fuck you look lecturing her rn.
always putting her hands on you! whether it's rubbing your ass when she's cuddling you, holding your hand when you're out and about, or putting her hands on your hips and waist when she wants to be close to you. 
showing how she feels about you in actions rather than words. ellie has a tough time expressing how she feels for you directly in words, and sometimes her message that she’s trying to send doesn’t always sound…right. so she’ll do little acts of services for you like picking up lunch for you on days when you’re extremely swamped with work and assignments, organizing your books and backpack when you fall asleep on your desk from studying, picking up your favorite snacks when you need a lil cheering up, and helping you take off your clothes when you’re extra exhausted from the day. 
always assuring you’re safe. ellie will always make sure you never have to travel alone and tries to walk you to and from class, but if she’s busy she’ll bug dina to do it. she’ll always ask where you are and who you’re with just to make sure you’re safe and alright, periodically checking in with you with texts (even tho it can be a lil bit annoying but u never say anything bc u know she’s just worried). baby u ok taking the bus alone? yes els i’m fine babe. u sure? i can come get u rn. no my love u don’t need to do that. swear. yk what babe let me ask dina if she can- ellieeee….
a/n this one was rly short my apologies ;P
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themultifanshipper · 4 months
ok hi hello i have a little bit of a switch up ask for u 👉👈 could u mayhaps do a lil oscar thing that's just stupid cute angst where the reader is having some self esteem issues and oscar notices bc he's staying with lando in monaco after the race and them + some friends are planning on going out to what happens to be readers favorite club or bar but reader isn't feeling it. oscar immediately cancels and stays at landos n just. comfort fluffy bullshit please i beg <3
also pls flood my inbox with thots/requests bc i will be flying home from seoul tomorrow and i need shit to do on the plane pls and thank u
Made it a bit smutty at the end bc that’s what I do, yanno?
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Warnings: bit of angst, lil bit of fluff, smut at the end, friends to lovers type shenanigans.
You were excited at first, going out to your favorite club, with your favourite boys, in your favourite city.
You and Oscar were staying at Lando’s flat in Monaco, excitedly getting ready to go out when everything started to go wrong, bit by bit.
Your hair wasn’t laying how you liked it and it frustrated the hell out of you. It had been fine all week and now suddenly, on the night you knew there would probably be cameras around, it was being a bitch.
Then there was the outfit. Oscar had picked it out for you, and it was truly gorgeous, but you weren’t convinced you would do it justice, especially if your damn hair was going to be a catastrophe, along with your skin that had suddenly decided to become oily as fuck.
Then there was the sight of your body as you passed the mirror. It wasn’t ugly by any stretch of the imagination, but you had eaten a big meal earlier so you felt a bit bloated, your mind exaggerating the barely-there bulge that Oscar insisted nobody (including him) would notice. But you weren’t a skinny, hairless, bronze goddess of a model, like most of the women they frequented, and you knew the media would pick you to pieces if you didn’t look perfect for the cameras.
So you started to spiral, and locked yourself in the bathroom.
You had no idea how much time passed until Oscar inevitably came knocking.
“I can’t go out Oscar!” You called out in a shaky voice.
Worried, he tried to open the door and found it locked so he knocked on the door harder.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“It’s too much for me, Osc. Everything is shit! My hair is shit, my body sucks, everyone’s gonna laugh at me because I don’t fit in with you lot” Your voice cracked as tears started clouding your vision.
Oscar started panicking slightly and he tried the door again, with no luck.
“Please open the door, I'm sure everything's fine! I don’t kno-“  he was interrupted by Lando coming around the corner.
“Mate, they’re waiting for us at the club. How long you gonna be?”
“Uhhm…” Oscar said, unhelpfully.
“I’m not going Lando!” You called through the door.
Lando lifted an eyebrow at Oscar in confusion.
“You go, we’ll catch up.”
Lando nodded and sauntered off, leaving Oscar on his own in dead silence. After a while you asked, “Is he gone?” as you got up from where you’d been sitting on the floor and approached the door to listen out for any movement.
“Yeah, please open the door now, it’s just me” Oscar said softly.
You did so and he gasped at the sight of you.
“Sweatheart, you look amazing!” He took your face in his hands, thumbs wiping away the tears “Your eyes are a bit puffy, sure, but your hair looks fine! And that bangin’ bod of yours in that? I knew it would look stunning on you!” He wrapped his arms around you and you giggled wetly into his neck.
“You’re just saying that.”
“I’m really not. You look like a wet dream come true!”
“Awww, Osc. Don’t go sappy on me.”
He laughed as the hug ended, a bit too early for your liking, and you just stood there smiling at each other like idiots.
You broke the tension with a sigh and picked your phone up to check the time.
“I don’t want to go out Osc, I’m really not feeling it tonight.”
“No problem, I’ll stay in with you”
“You don’t have to-”
“But I want to”
“Osc, you got p2, you need to go out and cele-“
He didn’t let you finish as he kissed you gently to shut you up, and when you got over your initial shock, you deepened the kiss, his hand came up to cup the back of your head and the other slid around your waist, pulling you closer as the kiss got more passionate.
You separated, eventually needing air, and panted into each other’s mouths.
“That’s better than a p2, baby. I’ve waited a long time to do that.”
“I love you, Osc”
He grinned and squeezed you tightly as he kissed your forehead “God, I love you too sweetheart.”
You were both sat on the sofa, drinking a glass of probably very expensive wine you found in Lando’s pantry, still in your fancy clothes (although fancy for Oscar meant a white shirt and black jeans), chatting about how the two of you had been dancing around each other for years.
Oscar put his empty glass down on the table. “You know, just because we’re staying in doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun” His hand wandered up your arm, to your neck, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“Oh yeah? What did you have in mind then?” You asked
“Dunno” His expression remained neutral, but his voice betrayed his amusement. “We could take our clothes off and see how we go from there?”
You giggled, putting your own glass down and shuffling closer to him “Sounds like a plan.”
You all but ripped each other’s clothes off in your haste to get naked. He gently prised your legs apart as he sucked two of his fingers into his mouth, getting them wet before testing the waters and sinking one inside you.
You both groaned, you because he could reach deeper than you ever could on your own, him because you were so hot and wet and tight.
It didn’t take long to get to three fingers, stretching you out before he withdrew completely and lined himself up, rubbing his cock through your folds a few times to get it nice and wet.
When he slid into you, it felt like coming home after a long day, like this is where he belonged. He stayed like that for a minute, hips still and head in the crook of your neck, as he tried to concentrate on not coming immediately.
When he was ready, he leaned up to kiss you and mumbled “I love you, so much” against your lips, before pulling out a bit and then giving an experimental thrust, which drove you both wild. He was so thick, his cock stretching you in the most delicious way, that you whined at every movement, and his hips quickly picked up speed.
You could only cling on to him as the pleasure was almost too much, your orgasm building too fast, making you tighten around his cock as he drove it deeper and deeper into you.
You tried to convey something to him, but the only thing that came out was a pathetic whimper.
He got the message anyway, a hand slinking down to rub messy circles into your clit, sending you hurtling over the edge as your vision blacked out.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Come on my cock, fuck-” and with that he reached his own end, pumping you full of him, as he gently ground his hips into yours, bringing you down slowly, the two of you in complete bliss.
Let’s just say, after that day, Lando had to replace his now stained sofa, and he never let you both stay at his place again.
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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this is like super short pls forgive me tan twitter tl for context
tan on twitter!!!
8 participants - 8 online
tae: yoongi pls unblock me on twitter
yoongi: kill yourself
tae: i tried guys why doesn’t he love me 💔
y/n: that was a pathetic try
tae: guess what
y/n: what?
tae: ligma man..
y/n: ligma??
jimin: no way 😭
jk: baby…
namjoon: really
y/n: WHAT???
jin: i’m with her
wtf you guys on about??
hobi: this is a sad day
y/n: drown
jimin: ur fault tbh
hobi: real
y/n: leave me alone
jin: look you made her upset idiots
hobi: cheer up baby ❤️
namjoon: it’s okay tae upsets me all the time
y/n: im fine
hobi: bts song
jk: i know bts
tae: me 2
y/n: i want to stab you with a pencil
tae: watch out namjoon
namjoon: she is definitely talking to you
tae: proof?
hobi: bts?
jimin: i’m gonna bts outta you shut the fuck up
hobi: aw man :/
jk: bts?
jin: beat the shit
tae: beat MY shit
jk: woah
yoongi: he actually needs to kill himself wow
tae: @y/n u 2
jimin: she’s mad
y/n: I’M NOT MAD
jin: y/n are you still with that scoups guy?
namjoon: didn’t we just find out they we’re together like a week ago?
jk: WE DID????
jin: she moves on fast tho so idk
y/n: NO I DONT????
jimin: yoongi mingyu jk scoups mark wonho minho san all of us
there’s more hold on i’m thinking
hobi: all of us?
jk: say sike…
jin: woah major slut alertttttt
namjoon: shut up
jk: what
yoongi: she’s a grown woman
y/n: RIGHT
sorry i’m hot as fuck and pull bitches it’s not my fault
jin: u mid
y/n: ur 30
jin: ok please leave me alone i’m sorry
tae: my body count is also 2
jimin: -2
tae: ummmm?
jk: i’ve killed no one
i could of but don’t worry
namjoon: ??
hobi: fyi she did not deny being with scoups
jimin: TRUE
jk: NO
y/n: i deny it
jimin: too late we know
jin: SLUT
pls i’m sorry i didn’t mean it pls don’t be mean to me
please oh my god i’m sorry it slipped out
love u
namjoon: it’s okay if ur with him
y/n: IM NOT
tae: who have you fucked
yoongi: are you stupid?
tae: no i’m curious
wow i love shinee
y/n can you please start talking to minho again and then get married to him so i can be at his wedding and we can be forever connected
y/n: you guys know so much about my relationship life it actually makes me want to throw up
jimin: ur easy to stalk
hobi: she’s fucked jk and yoongi
tae: and me
jin: in dreams doesn’t count
yoongi: lol
yoongi: L
tae: no
yoongi: O
yoongi: L
tae: 6pm seoul south korea apartment block C floor 7 door number 279 a ak47 a man a mask and a fucking dream
namjoon: wow ok that’s great!!
nice vogue shoot btw jungkook!
namjoon: oh my fucking god
hobi: scottish pride!!
jimin: ???
hobi: was he not wearing a kilt?
jimin: a what?
hobi: killing myself
jin: why they put you in that dirty ass bathroom omg?
tae: dirty shoot for a dirty man
jin: ?
tae: what?
jin: just a bit crazy coming from u
y/n: tae you need to shower
tae: you in love
fucking bitch
jin: do you fuck her or fight her damn?
jimin: right he’s pissing me off
tae: can you leave me alone i’m going through a lot rn
jk: dick
tae: ??
jk: a lot of dick
yoongi: lmao
namjoon: he likes men?
hobi: ewwwwwwwwwwww
jimin: homophobia?????????
jk: yes so he’s going through them
cuz he does not like y/n
yoongi: you say this like every 2 weeks
jk: because it is true
y/n: thank god
jk: no thank men
hobi: thx men
jin: so it’s not jimin?
jimin: what??
tae: i’ve never touched another man let alone sleep with one
hobi: amen
y/n: now that is just not true
namjoon: who cares
tae: I DO
hobi: no one will ever say those words to you
jin: i will
tae: fr 🥲?
jin: LOL
tae: ok kys
and fuck that bitch y/n
yoongi: have
tae left “tan on twitter”
hobi: cuteness overload ^_^
y/n: what crawled up his ass today tf
jk: hi do you need me do you want me do you love me
namjoon: can we just talk about life or like
jin: let me guess trees?
jimin: weed?
hobi: life is a downward spiral noting matters we are all slowly dying the government hates us money is worthless drugs are all around our water is running out
jk: where is it running out of
let’s catch it
y/n: tae was being super weird right?
hobi: super shy
namjoom: what’s new
hobi: new hair
namjoon: stop
hobi: forgive me master
namjoon: i’m at my breaking point
jimin: breaking bad
jin: drugs?
jimin: it all links back to namjoon…
jk: omgggggg namjoon is this true……..
pls lmk if you like the twitter concept idk if i’m feeling her yet but if you guys are i will do more idk trying to be different 🙈
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vioartemis · 11 months
Two's company, three's a crowd (Part 2)
(Tara Carpenter x fem! reader || Sam Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: If you thought your feelings for Tara were gone, you were wrong... Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 Warnings: angst (?), Tara is kind of a bitch in that (sorry, I love her) a/n: expect a part 3 👀 (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
Sam and you had been dating for a few months now. Everything was going well; you both loved each other, you were happy together… Yet you couldn’t help but think about Tara.
Lately, you had started to spend time with her again, and you couldn’t deny you missed it. You missed her. You missed what you had. Which yourself you didn’t understand considering it wasn’t the best situation.
You didn’t know if you should talk about it with Sam. Morally, it would be more correct to do it, but you were sure it would hurt her. On the other hand, if you didn’t tell her and she found out by herself, it would be even worse.
She wasn’t stupid, you were sure she’d notice something was off. And she did notice.
“You know you can tell me if something’s wrong, right?” she told you one day while you were cuddling on her bed
“I-I know, but nothing’s wrong…”
She stopped stroking your hair and looked at you seriously.
“… okay maybe not everything is fine…” you sighed and sat up, trying to find out how to phrase it “I love you, I really do… But I think I still have feelings for Tara as well…”
You could see she was hurt, and you felt bad for being the one hurting her.
“I thought you said you were over her…?”
“I thought I was…”
Sam sat beside you, visibly thinking about what to say next.
“… What do we do then? Do we… do we stop here…?”
“I… I don’t want to stop seeing you… I love you, I-”
“But you also love Tara…”
You looked down, biting your lip, your heart sinking in your chest at the thought you might have ruined everything.
“… I think she likes you too”
You looked back at her, frowning.
“What makes you say that?”
“The way she looks at us, at you…” she paused “What are you going to do…?”
“I don’t know… I- I thought about a kind of poly relationship before we started dating, but like- make it work so it wouldn’t be weird…” you said quietly, almost to yourself “I’m a bit lost, but I know that I don’t want to lose you…”
You took her hand in yours. You meant it; you just didn’t know what you’d do if you lost her.
“… Would that make you happy? The ‘poly relationship’, would it make you happy?”
“I- yes, I think so. Why?”
“If it makes you happy… I’m ok to try”
You were stunned by her words, obviously not expecting to hear that. You weren’t even suggesting to do that.
“Y-you’d do that…?”
She nodded.
You looked at her and hugged her tightly.
“Thank you!” you pulled away slightly “If you ever want to stop it, I promise I will. Just tell me. I want you to be happy too”
She smiled and kissed you on the lips.
“I love you” she whispered
“I love you too, Sam”
You were happy that your girlfriend agreed to try the ‘poly relationship’. Now you just had to talk to Tara about it. You just didn’t know how to bring it up. You were currently hanging out in a park near the flat.
“So, how’s it going with Sam?”
Looks like you won’t have to think about how to bring it up.
“It’s… okay. I just…” you took a deep breath “I have feelings for you, Tara… I mean… I have feelings for both of you…”
Hearing that you had feelings for her, Tara felt an ounce of hope come back. Maybe there was a chance, even just a tiny little one, that you would consider dating her if she told you how she felt about you.
“Y/n I- I need to tell you… I’m sorry about everything, about the friends-with-benefits thing, about the way I treated you… I… I’m in love with you, have been for so long, but I was afraid to be hurt again… I… I know it’s a bit weird but… Do you think you could give me a chance? I’m sure we’d work if we tried…”
“Tara, I talked about that with Sam… and she agreed to try a poly relationship” you said, trying to find the right words
“Wha- really? She said that?” Tara asked, surprised
You nodded with a little smile.
“Does that mean…” she paused, uncertain, slightly leaning in “Does that mean I can do that?” she asked in a whisper, lips only inches away from yours
You hummed in response, making her smile. She put a hand on your cheek and kissed your lips softly.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
It had been a few weeks since that moment, and everything was going well. At least that’s what you thought.
Truth is nothing was going well. Both Carpenter sisters were jealous of each other; you tried to spend an equal amount of time with each one of them, but you couldn’t do the same things, and every time one felt like her sister was treated better than her.
They were also fighting a lot when you were not around, like that night.
You went out to buy more tampons, and the two were already fighting.
“It’s not fair!”
“What do you mean ‘it’s not fair’?”
“She should spend more time with me! You had her for the past months, you could share!”
Sam scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“I was there for her when she needed me because someone broke her heart! If you wanted her so bad you should’ve just told her how you felt! And you could make an effort, we’re doing that because it makes her happy”
Tara rolled her eyes as well.
“Yeah, and she’s happier with me”
“And why would that be?”
“Well first cause I’m better in bed, obviously. Don’t you hear all the pretty noises she makes when I fuck her?”
“See, that’s the difference between us. I don’t fuck her. I make love to her. I don’t-”
They both heard the door opening and went quiet, only glaring at each other, before Tara walked towards you.
“Hi babe” she kissed you “Wanna go to my room?”
You smiled.
You took off your jacket and shoes and went to Sam to give her a kiss as well.
“See you later tonight?” she asked
“Of course, I promised you we would watch that movie” you smiled brightly
She smiled a bit too, and kissed your forehead.
“I’ll make popcorn and we can cuddle, does that sound good?”
“It does!”
Tara rolled her eyes before tugging slightly on your arm, impatient to have you all to herself.
As soon as you both were in her room, Tara closed and locked the door before kissing you again more passionately. Her hands were on your hips, keeping you close, before her fingers slipped under your shirt and her lips dipped down to your neck.
She kept on kissing your neck, pushing you slightly so you were sat on her bed, before sitting on your lap, her lips still on your skin.
“W-wait” you pushed her away gently “I can’t do this right now…”
“Why?” she pouted “Cause you have the movie with Sam after?”
“… yeah… Sorry I-”
Tara groaned and caressed your cheeks.
“Y/n, I need to talk to you… This whole situation is… annoying. I don’t say that to hurt you, I just wish we could be exclusive… I don’t like having to share you with Sam… It’s killing me when you’re with her… Please babe… I know I can make you more happy than she can…”
You were a bit shocked by her words, not expecting that at all.
“I uh… Did you have that on your mind for a long time…?” you asked hesitantly
“It’s been some time, yes… So what do you say?”
“I- I need some time Tara… I… shit… I thought it was going well…”
She kissed you softly.
“It’s okay, I’ll help you talk to Sam if that’s the problem”
“N-no it’s not that… Just… I need to process… Sorry…”
Tara nodded and kissed you again, until a knock on the door was heard.
“Popcorn is ready, we can start the movie now if… if you’re free” Sam said to you, behind the door
You gave Tara an apologetic look.
“Can’t you stay a bit longer?” she asked
“I don’t want her to think I don’t want to spend time with her, sorry…”
You gave her a last kiss on the lips before leaving her room and going to Sam’s.
As soon as you walked in her room, a smiled appeared on her face. She patted the spot next to her, inviting you to sit with her. When you did, she wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed your forehead.
You started to watch the movie, your head resting on Sam’s shoulder.
She could tell you weren’t paying attention to the screen at all.
“Is everything okay?” she finally asked, pausing the movie
You bit your lip, hesitating.
“What do you think about our relationship?” you asked quietly
Sam took a moment to think before answering.
“As long as you’re happy-”
“That’s not what I asked, Sam… I want to know how you feel about it”
“I…” she sighed “I don’t like it. It’s hard to imagine you with her, honestly. I know it’s selfish, but I have trouble accepting the idea that you’re doing… what we’re doing, with her too… I love you, Y/n. I love you more than anything, but I don’t think I can keep this going… It’s just become too much… I’m not asking you to choose me over Tara; I would never. I just- I can’t do it anymore… But again, if you’re happy with her I understand-”
“Sam” you cut her off, taking her hand in yours “Why didn’t you tell me earlier…? I told you I would stop this if you didn’t like it…”
“It’s just… You just looked so happy… I didn’t want to be the one to ruin that happiness…”
“You wouldn’t have ruined anything!” you shook your head “I shouldn’t have suggested this poly relationship in the first place, it was selfish, I’m sorry… I love you, I just need you…”
You felt bad to do this to Tara, to have given her hope, then crash it down. But with what she told you earlier, and her way to live this relationship, you understood that you had a very different view of a relationship. She wanted you like you want a Gucci bag or Eras Tour tickets -like something to possess.
You didn’t doubt she might have feelings for you, but her way of showing it wasn’t what you would call healthy.
Both Carpenter sisters basically told you the same thing, about not wanting this relationship to continue, but at the same time it was very different.
Now you knew what you wanted -who you wanted.
You wanted Sam.
[Previous part] || [Next part]
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rinstrumental · 1 year
ellie gf headcanons pt. 2
# i’m a headcanon machine i cant be stopped… also she is literally a cheesy ass lose girlfriend this part is actually canon confirmed by naughty dog. modern au
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if your native language isn’t english/speak any language other than english she is going to think you’re ten times cooler than you already are. best believe she’s hopping on duolingo first thing she gets home too so she can impress you (i know duolingo isn’t the best but she’s TRYING)
she took spanish in high school though
even though she can’t retain the info for shit she will search up terms of endearment in your language and call you them all the time even if you think its corny she can’t stop
whenever someone asks her what her type is she just says “my girl” with the most stupid grin on her face
she fidgets SO much omg she doesn’t wear rings often but when she does (you said they looked nice one time and all of a sudden she’s wearing rings every time you see her) she’s constantly playing with them. she also plays with the strings of her hoodie/loose threads etc.
*playing basketball* “this one’s for you babe” *completely misses*
such a nerd for collectibles!! has been since she was a kid. she has funko pops, vinyls, pokemon cards, snowglobes, plushies, smiskis, calico critters she’s a slave to capitalism
little social media presence. her only instagram account is basically a photo dump which is private with only her closest friends following it. (spoiler alert, most of the pictures are of the two of you)
in the last post i said she’s have a pet gecko but i also strongly believe joel would have a dog. could be a teeny tiny chihuahua or a fucking great dane idk just give my man a good friend! ellie also loves that dog (whatever it is) dearly
doesn’t have any piercings and doesn’t ever consider it unless you say that they’d look good on her… your word is her law FR 😭😭😂😂
okay no she’s not dependent on you to the point of it being toxic though. HOWEVER it’s a bit hard for her to express when she feels upset sometimes and gets jealous easily but she tries her best to communicate and keep it healthy
she has her tattoos though of course. although this is a modern au so she’d have different ones i guess… forearm one is definitely in the cards but also lots of tiny little ones. a few for her friends and family and a few she got in a drunken stupor
pottery lesbian that’s it
gets SOOO red when she’s drunk i dont care what anyone says her alcohol tolerance is average at best
i think she would play a sport sometimes. like volleyball. she plays competitively if she’s in school and she always wants you to come “watch your girlfriend be cool”. bring a sign - she’ll love it
kisses and hugs u after the game while she’s all sweaty too…ew but aw
she also really likes animated movies, not disney but like how to train your dragon and the spiderverse and puss in boots (im projecting). she went to see barbie and oppenheimer on the same day and she didn’t dress up but the spirit was there!!
she’s not a gymbro per se but joel probably would have workout equipment in the basement which ellie uses from time to time. and she’s just naturally lean because she’s an active person. pls tell her how big and strong and sexy and amazing she is
ok fine i think she likes being praised AND SHE DESERVES ITT like she’s such a wonderful girlfriend ❤️ ugh shes perfect I CANT STAND HER
goodnight and good morning texts are part of her routine
sunburns easily so you have to remind her to wear sunscreen all the time
doesn’t really know how to do makeup but she’ll paint your nails for you and do your hair
whenever the two of you spend the night together she’s usually last to get up. this bitch could sleep through the rapture i’m not kidding but it’s okay because it gives you time to admire her pretty face as she sleeps in peace and quiet for once
takes the aux very seriously you guys HAVE to share it. unless you like the same music and i think she would like radiohead, joy division, deftones and loser sad songs like that…. she also is a big fan of the spiderverse soundtrack and kendrick lamar though and thee stallion 😜 (i have two wolves inside me)
please reblog mwah thank you!!
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Support System pt. 7
CH1 | CH 2 | CH 3 | CH 4 | CH 5 | CH 6
Roy Kent x Reader
Little wait for this one, I wanted Chapter 6 to marinade a bit 😂
More spicy spice so enjoy!
Chapter 7
The next day you were again woken shortly before 4am again with a breathtaking kiss.
“Oi, not fair. Did you know I’m statistically less prepared to defend myself from some weirdo attacking me at this stupid time in the morning?” You roll over, mumbling into the pillow. You remember that he doesn't even need to be awake, "also, why the hell are you awake? Go back to sleep. You’ve got a match later." He doesn't respond, so you open one eye, 
"How do you know that?" He asks, pulling you against him. 
"Saw it on Tiktok. Sleep now." You nudge him, wiggling back down. 
"Stop wiggling." He says, his voice low in your ear. You stop, and close your eyes but after a few minutes it's clear that you are, unfortunately, awake. You sigh. "What now?"
"You woke me up." You complain. “If you think I’m going to be woken up at 4am every morning, you are very much mistaken,” he slips a hand over your thigh, pulls your leg up and hooks it back over his own, opening you up to him. His hand comes back around to your centre, “I will just never spend a night with you again and-” you cut off with a gasp as he slips two fingers inside you and pumps so agonisingly slowly,
“You were sayin’?” He kisses the back of your neck and you arch your body towards him.
“I’m not staying again.”
“No?” You feel him rock hard against your back and your willpower is all but gone. “Sure about that?”
“No, ohhh fuck, Roy-”
“No,” he laughs softly, “didn’t think so.” You roll onto your back and pull him over you, pressing your heels into the back of his thighs to guide him into you. It’s still so dark in his room that you can hardly see him so you let your hands lead you. Up his arms, over his broad back, down to squeeze his thigh, back up and into his hair. He matches you with each roll of your hips. It’s slow and lazy and there’s so little space between you both that the friction is to die for. The darkness makes you both quieter, his whispered affirmations, praise and moans are dizzying. He takes you over the edge with him and you’re both asleep again almost instantly.
Roy had suggested that you stay again. He had said that while pressed against the glass of a shared shower with you on your knees for him, though. His hands had tangled in your hair and he'd garbled promises you weren't sure he'd remember in five minutes, let alone five hours so you weren’t actually sure where you were staying that night. You were going to the match at midday with Sara and Phoebe which meant coded conversations over Phoebe’s head.
“Go on then.” She prompts.
“No.” She points, “no. I got blank stares from him yesterday until I mentioned your name and he went all doe eyed. What’s going on?”
“If you’ve spoken with him then surely you already know?” You suggest, trying not to smile. She glares at you and you’re suddenly worried that she’s not ok with any of this. “Ok, fine. I popped in to see him the other night after I’d taken Lex to her dads… I may have stayed the night. And last night as well. And possibly tonight - yet to be confirmed.” You had to whisper most of your reply so Phoebe didn’t catch on. “Shit, are you mad?"
"No! Fuck, sorry, it's the Kent genes - resting bitch face. God, I'm not mad! I have like 1000 questions - at least 997 I don't want to know the answer to since,” she dropped to a dramatic whisper, “he's my brother.” She grinned and gestured down to Phoebe, “She’s going to be so happy!” She mouthed. “Are you ok? I mean, I’m assuming the answer is yes, since you stayed more than one night and didn’t leave immediately?” She cackled. You nod, stealing a glance down at the pitch as the halftime whistle sounds. Roy turns to the stands as the teams filter off the pitch to catch your eye.
“Yeah, so far so good. It’s… different.” Sara cocks an eyebrow.
“Now I’m in torn territory - do I want to know or not?” You wave her off,
“No! I mean, yes, that’s very different too - I’m not used to feeling so…” you flap your hands around a bit, trying to find the right words, “wanted?” you whisper. “In all ways. But y’know, it’s very, very early days. I have no idea what’s going to happen, or how it’s going to go. I’m just trying to protect myself, and Lexie.” She smiles at you,
“I think you wouldn’t have gone over there if you were that unsure. You wouldn’t just, y’know, do that with anybody. And neither would he.” She points out.
“Remember what we said at the beach? Honestly, that’s not his style.” You know it’s true so you concede and carry on with watching the match. The team wins - they’re so close to winning the whole thing, the whole town feels like it’s on tenterhooks.
“Congratulations.” You smile after the match, you can see in how he clenches and unclenches his fist that he wants to touch you, but Phoebe is bouncing up and down on his other arm chattering on about how she can’t wait to see Jamie. 
“We’re going back to mums, you coming?”
“Only if you want me there?” Phoebe spots Jamie through the crowd and races after him, Sara has to book it after her. His hand finds the small of your back guiding you over to them,
“I want you every fucking where.” He whispers in your ear as you reach the others. You have a fun but fraught afternoon, Jamie comes too and you can see how he keeps engaging Phoebe. You're not sure whether it’s a help or hindrance having him around. He keeps Phoebe and her nan occupied enough that Roy can use any excuse to find little ways to touch you, but he’s also very perceptive and can’t seem to fathom why one of Phoebe’s friend’s mums is there. Sara claims you as her best friend and it appeases him. You’re very nearly caught with Roy’s hand halfway up your top in the far end of the kitchen but just as Jamie is about to turn and see you, Phoebe calls out to him to get his attention. By the time he turns back around, there’s a couple of strategic metres between you both. Your phone buzzes late on with a message. 
Please tell me you’re stopping at mine again. You smirk and fire off a reply,
Is that you asking nicely?
I asked nicely this morning
Surprised you can remember anything you said this morning
I remember everything about this morning
You look up to see him trying to hide a smile behind his beer bottle. You’re barely inside the front door when he’s backing you against the wall and there’s probably some kind of record beaten in just how quickly he makes you come.
The kids are back at school, you haven’t enjoyed a 4am wake up for three days, you’re still jobless, you’re expected at a gala with Roy’s co-workers in two days, and you still haven’t found anything to wear. He’s offered his card (multiple times) for you to ‘buy whatever the fuck you want as long as I can take it off’. Switchover day for Lexie is tomorrow, closely followed by the gala. It’s been a busy few days so despite school runs you haven’t even seen Roy for a good few days. Sara has collected Lexie on your behalf so you swing by on your way home to pick her up. You peek around to say hello to the girls sprawled out on the sofa and then you’re dragged to the far end of the kitchen.
“So the Gala huh?"
"He told you?"
"He said you were stressing over what to wear, suggested I take you to find something while he hangs out with the kids this evening." At that, the front door opened. "I'll let you have a couple of minutes alone since you haven't seen each other for such a long time." She rolled her eyes in jest. 
"You're both sneaky." You point out as Roy's arms wrap around you. 
"Not true," he says into your ear. "Thanks, dickhead." He smiles at his sister. Sara gives him a little salute and grabs some snacks to take to the girls. You turn in his arms, "Fuck, I missed you."
"I missed you. Had to watch that press conference for a fix, and then you made me cry." You laugh. 
"I need to try and keep my hands off you for half a week. Think I’ll manage as long as they're on you as much as possible for the other half a week."
"Deal." You may have been apart for half a week, but you've spoken every day. 'Lexie' days are in his calendar for at least the next few weeks. "I have a big problem." You whisper, he looks down between you both making you snigger. "No, you idiot. My problem is that it's been way too long since you last kissed me."
"Shit, that is a big problem," he agrees.
"It gets worse," you pause for dramatic effect, "If you do it now, I'm not going to want you to stop and we'll get in trouble with your sister and the kids."
"I mean, that sounds like a problem for you more than me. Cos I'm going to fucking kiss you anyway."
"You have to be in charge of stopping then." He's halfway to kissing you when he stops, 
"I think I like the sound of that a bit too much." You smirk and meet him in the middle, snaking your arms around his neck.
“Right, that’s time up.” Sara came back through with her eyes covered. “We’ve got to go and get you something wonderful to wear.” Roy reluctantly lets you go with a final kiss, and then goes to make his presence known with the girls. You’re barely out the door when they’ve put a tiara on his head.
You’re not having much luck with a dress.
“This one?” You step out of the changing room for what feels like the millionth time.
“Nah, too plain.”
“I hate this. Is it too late to just not go?” You go back behind the curtain and take the dress off. There’s two more left to try, one baby pink and one royal blue. Chelsea blue you think, taking the dress from the hanger.
“You can’t not go, he wants you there. Plus, think of the afterparty” She winks before making a fake vomiting sound. “God, it pains me to have to think about my brother in this context.”
“Ha! Sorry. Oh holy fucking shit.” You squeak.
“What? Ugh it’s not the pink one is it? I only picked that one up because the sales assistant suggested it. Is it gross?” She laughs. You step out of the changing room and her jaw drops. “Fucking hell. Hang on, stay there, what’s your shoe size?”
“6, why?” She disappears back into the shop and is back in a matter of seconds,
“I saw these on our way in here. They’re perfect.” She hands you the highest gold glitter heels you’ve ever seen and you step up into them, holding her hands for balance. She steps well back to take in the full effect. “That’s it - that’s the one. And it’s Chelsea blue, he’s going to lose his fucking mind.” You look in the full length mirror,
“The slit?”
“Is perfect, stop worrying.”
“The neckline?”
“He’s seen you naked love, it’s perfect. You are wearing the shit out of it.”
“It costs half my mortgage Sara!” You look at the tag.
“If I recall correctly, I’m under strict instructions to tell you - and this is word for word, obviously, ‘that’s not your fucking problem, buy the dress’. Such an eloquent man, my brother.” You’re torn,
“I’m not a charity case Sara,”
“I know. Look, he does this, it’s not about the money or thinking you're not independent or any of that shit. What it boils down to for him is that he’s taking away something that’s worrying you - he does it for me. Like picking Phoebe up from school for me, or training Jamie at 4am every sodding day. He finds the thing that’s worrying the people he cares about, and he tries to fix it.” Your eyes swim with tears and you hold your hands up in defeat.
“Ok, I get it. Worry eliminated.”
“Atta girl. Now, let’s go home.” 
“I got rejections from the two interviews I had last week.” You tell her suddenly, the words tumbling from you.
“Ohh lovely, come here,” she pulled you into a hug and you cry on her shoulder,
“I just feel like such an idiot, why did I quit with nothing to go to? And I don’t want Roy to think I’m some sort of golddigger.”
“Why would he think that? He might be a total knob sometimes, but he’s not an idiot. I take it you haven’t told him yet?” You shake your head. 
“Come on. Let’s go, a Roy Kent cuddle makes everything better.” You smile at her,
“A Sara one is pretty good too. Thank you.”
Roy has one child snuggled up on either side of him with a bowl of popcorn on his lap and Encanto on when you get back to Sara’s. You manage to take a very quick photo before any of them spots you. 
“Hiya poppet. Ready to go?”
“I’ll take you.” You flash him a smile,
“Thank you.” You pack Lexie’s stuff up and say goodbye to Sara and Phoebe, and are outside your front door all too soon. For some reason, Lexie is lingering around the front door so you're forced to wave Roy off with a smile.
“Laters Lex.”
“See ya Roy,” she grins at him. He disappears up the path and you start hustling her upstairs to get ready for bed. She’s still jumping on your bed when the door goes again.
“Stay here, I’ll be right back - start getting ready for your bath please.” You nip down the stairs and pull open the door. Roy Kent is back on your doorstep. “Oh my god, are you the Roy Kent? The really fit coach for Richmond?” You ask excitedly.
“Depends, can I have a kiss if I say yes?”
“Depends how long you make me wait for another one.”
“Tomorrow any good for you?” He leans on the doorframe.
“I can do tomorrow.”
“Good.” You tug at the bottom of his t-shirt and he steals an arm around your back to pull you into a deep, crushing kiss.
“Tomorrow?” He asks when he’s finally let you go. You can hear Lexie still jumping on the bed upstairs. You let your fingertips brush against the soft skin of his stomach underneath his t-shirt, making him shiver.
“See you tomorrow.” You give him a final kiss and let him go.
You don't have to look far to see him the next evening, but it's still a surprise - he's parked up at the station and is out of the car, leaning against the door waiting to pick you up.
"Get in the fucking car." He grins, pulling you into a kiss as soon as you are in arms reach. "Ted had to ask me three times today if I was paying attention." You turn in your seat to look at him fully,
"Oh come on, that's bullshit!"
"It's true. Had to threaten to punch dicks - they all said I was too fucking happy and I was being 
weird. I think Jamie’s onto me."
"Uhoh. Is the grumpy persona being destroyed?"
"Only around you." He puts a hand on your thigh while he drives, stopping off at yours. “Get some stuff, I don’t want to have to lose you for an hour every bloody morning.” He grumbles. You collect the things you know you’ll need. When you get to his place, he's already cooked.
"I could get used to this," you tease. "So this gala," you ask over some gorgeous Mediterranean vegetable dish, "your co-workers will all be there?"
"They will." He confirms, waiting for you to continue. 
"And your ex?" you add quietly. 
"Keeley will be there, yes." You nod, pushing your food around your plate. 
"I met her once." He's still watching you, dinner finished with. 
"I had to run an event she came to for work. She was really sweet." 
"She is. I think you'll like her." He smiles reassuringly.
“And you're sure you want me to meet these people? Your people?”
“Yes, I am.” He said firmly. “You don’t have to tell any of ‘em about us - tell them whatever you want. They can take the piss out of me as much as they like. I really don't give a shit." He continues to reassure you in a number of exhilarating ways for the rest of the night. He leaves you at 4am yet again with a kiss that has your body clenching on nothing, desperate again for his touch. You’re half awake when he returns at 6 but it’s a horrible day outside already so he lets you know he’s going straight in the shower. You can hear the kettle, so you pull on the t-shirt he’s just taken off so you can go downstairs to make tea for you both. It’s not familiar, it’s an old Richmond home shirt. When he comes down, your leaning over the counter on your elbows  reading from your phone and making notes on a scrap of paper while the tea brews. His arms circle you and to your surprise, you feel him press against you.
“Wow, hi.” You turn to face him with a little laugh.
“You’re wearing m’name,” he manages to say gruffly before kissing you roughly. 
“Sorry, I just grabbed it to come down here, I’ll take it-”
“No.” He stops you, “No.” He says more firmly. He rests his forehead against yours, his hips still against you. Oh. It dawns on you. Oh. You kiss him briefly, nodding your understanding and turn back around for him, resting on your forearms. “Fuck,” you hear him, so quietly, “fuck. You wreck me.” He slips inside you with no real warning, filling you completely. He sets a wickedly punishing pace, the angle has you an incoherent mess and makes you come almost instantly. It’s fast and rough and utterly filthy, your name spills from him like a worshipping chant as he comes, dragging another orgasm from you as he does. When you’re able to stand, you turn back to him. He buries his face into the crook of your neck, his hands soothing the bruises he’s no doubt left on your hips. “Sorry, I didn’t mean-” he starts to say, you shake your head,
“No. Don’t be sorry, don’t be. I’d tell you if I wasn’t ok with something, ok?” You reassure him with a kiss.
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kvthgok · 1 year
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Surprise? | Miguel O’Hara x Teen Spider Reader (Platonic)
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Warnings- none
Summary - Durning a mission you get hurt and try to hide your injury from Miguel
Side note - IM SO SRRY YALL THAT I HAVENT BEEN POSTING LATELY 😭🙏. SOMEWHAT PROOFREAD BTWWWW (ALSO to those who did request ideas I DID read them and am currently writing them 🤍🤍)
It was like any other day in the spider society. Fighting and sending anomalies back to their earths. But things had taken a slight little turn.
You had asked Miguel if you could tag along on a mission with him. It had token some convincing but half of it was just you begging. Miguel didn’t really like the thought of you going on actual tricky missions. He would normally send you on missions to catch the anomalies of the week. But not serious dangerous ones, especially the new anomaly Spot.
As you and Miguel were standing on a building Miguel was going over emergency plans.“Okay kid if anything goes downhill and you open a portal back to HQ immediately. I’ll be fine and finish up the mission myself.” Miguel looked at you trying to reassure you that he would be fine if you needed to leave.
Miguel sighed and then looked at the mission in front of you. “Ok you ready?” He asked you. His tone shifted back to a bit more stern and serious.
Yup!” You Said putting on my mask
The two of guys both put on your mask then swung off the building to the chaos down there.
Skip time after fight (cuz I’m to lazy & suck dookie at writing fight scenes🤭)
Miguel had met back up with you and was checking to make sure you were alright.
“You alright kid?” Miguel said having a tiny hint of concern in his voice.
He was about to say something else but stopped himself. He didn’t want to seem to over protective.
“The mission was a success. Good job kid.” Miguel said instead with a slight proud smile
He looked down at you and raised an eyebrow. “Yeah you alright kid? You didn’t get injured out there right?” He didn’t look too concerned but he had that same small hint of worry in his voice.
“Mhm yeah im fine.” I Said with a Small smile.
You had lied. Your hand was hurting like a bitch. The anomaly had stomped on it while fighting. You only lied to Miguel so he didn’t have to worry. Your lie seemed to work though.
Skip few days
These past days Miguel has noticed you had been laying off one of your hands and questioned you one night about it.
“Kid remember that time on the mission when you told me you weren’t hurt?” Miguel asked with a neutral expression.
“Yeah..why?” You said trying to act normal.
Miguel sighed and looked at you for a few seconds. “Don’t try to act like your normal. I’m not that stupid. Show me your injured hand.” Miguel’s tone had shifted back to being stern.
You still tried to act like you didn’t know what he was talking about.
He sighed out of annoyance and called out for Lyla telling her to scan you. She did find something. Your hurt hand.
Miguel was more annoyed then anything at this point. He had known you were lying to him this whole time. “So your telling me you’ve kept this injury hidden for a few days and didn’t tell me?” Miguel asked you while looking annoyed.
You nervously smiled not knowing what to say, “Surprise?”
He had a pissed off look on his face as he looked down at you, “Your not funny.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you had an injured hand when we got back to headquarters. I could’ve done something about it.” Miguel said with a stern tone.
“I didn’t want to you worry that’s why I didn’t say anything about it.” I said scratching my head looking down
Miguel looked at you for a few seconds. You could tell he was trying not to lash out. He sighed a bit and then spoke. “The next time you have an injury like this tell me please. This injury could’ve gotten a lot worse if you kept quite and let it fester for long periods of time.” Miguel spoke with a gentle tone even though he was pissed.
Miguel looked down at you once more. He could see that you had learned from this mistake. “I get it you didn’t want me to worry. Just don’t make that mistake again.” Miguel said looking a little less annoyed about this.
“Sorry Miguel” I Said in a low tone
“Its alright kid but next time just tell me. I want to make sure your always safe alright.” Miguel spoke with his eyes looking slightly softer and less stern.
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“Well look who has come back?  I thought you would eventually grovel for your job.  So you went to Daryl, hunh?  You said what you had to say, and he, being the owner, just shrugged it off and told you to get back to work?  It’s funny how shit like that happens, isn’t it?  Would it come as a surprise to you that while you were complaining about me to him that he had my load in his ass?... 
“Yeah he called me in before your appointment.  I told him everything, including that your life is fucked for having to register as a sex offender for having consensual sex with a seventeen-year-old only two weeks away from turning eighteen.  He doesn’t give a shit about all that.  He just knows that you can’t find a job elsewhere in this tight town.  So welcome back.  My demands are the same.  If you accept your role as my cunt employee, strip….
“…There you go.  Damn, you are diving right in with our new arrangement.  I like your enthusiasm.  OK.  So I am going to expect a lot more than the blowjob I initially asked of you last week.  A lot more.  Going forward, each day after the last delivery truck returns, you are to report to my office.  If I am there you are to strip naked in front of me.  If not, you are to strip and bend over my couch and wait for at least 15 minutes.  If I don’t return, go back to work at your desk naked. 
“If I recall, you were getting evicted because of your status.  Well, I talked to the Daryl, and he’s fine with you moving into the apartment over the office.  But he agreed on one condition, that he still has access to it to bring tricks back from the adult theater, Ruby’s bookstore, or the glory holes at the rest stop up the highway.  I said that was fine.  He, you, and I will all have keys.
“You are to always keep it clean, that includes the sex toys and the furniture.  You will be living there rent free, that’s the least you can do.  You will be making the same pay, but you will be expected to do more for me. 
“I can’t take it anymore.  Those titties are too soft.  They need to be worked over.  Hold still.  Fuck yeah.  There is a direct line from your titties through my fingers to my dick.  Mmmm fuck.  I promised Daryl that he could watch you get claimed by me.  
“He and I go way back.  I met him at Ruby’s and then at the rest area.  I told him that I was looking for a job and he hired me on the spot as long as I promised to regularly fuck him.  I’ve been here nine years since.  We go out, every once in a while, into the city.  He loves to see me cunt a fag.  So you are going to be the fag tonight.
“These nips will be bloody by the end of the night….  Shut up!  I’ll smack you again.  I have no problem doing that.  Look.  We are setting you up very well.  You have a rent free apartment and a well paying job.  The apartment is far enough away so that you don’t have to worry about proximity to children.  All you have to do is be my cunt bitch fag. 
“Don’t give me that look.  I know you can do it.  Despite your protests that you are straight, I found out, just last week, that the seventeen-year-old, that you went to prison over, was a boy you picked up outside Ruby’s when he was kicked out for being under age.
“So you can knock off the ‘I’m straight’ bit.  You can still fuck all the women you want, but you will submit to my cock whenever I demand.  Thing is, I don’t ever want to hear about your escapades with women, you got that?  I told Daryl the same thing. 
“You will be required to tell me all the men you hook up with.  That will include any of the drivers.  Not all drivers we hire are in the know.  Some are.  This is a privilege I am extending to you.  You can be the top if you want.  But know that I own this pecker here.  Shut up.  If I want to squeeze so hard your balls pop I will, and it would be my right.  So don’t do anything stupid, or I’ll lock this thing up.
“You understand our agreement?...  You good with it?...  I said, ‘you good with it?’…  Good!  Glad to hear.  Now get on your knees.  I got to take a piss. 
“…Damn you must love being face slapped.  You think our thing is just tit torture and fucking?  Oh hell no.  You are going to drink my piss for starters.  I am going to do a lot of shit to you.  If you think you were getting cunted in the apartment with Daryl looking on, you would be mistaken.  After I finish pissing in your stomach, I’m going to tie you up naked in one of those delivery trucks and then we are going to this sex party in the city where you are secured in a sling.  I will be the first of a long line of men to gang bang you.  Daryl doesn’t know it yet, but he will be tied under you in a way that any ass slop that comes dripping out of your gape will go in his mouth.
“Now put my cock in your mouth and drink.”
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drksanctuary · 2 months
I guess I’m just gonna be behind from now on. @titan-army-week
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Part 5: Supplies
When Alabaster regains his el senses and gets them back to shore, he’s in survival mode once more. It’s uncanny how it kicks in automatically . He is suddenly 12 years old again, running from a monster and his dad…no. It’s not time to think about past failures… not when he had a brand new failure to-
“Alabaster?” Marina’s says, her small voice cutting into Alabaster’s despairing.
“Huh? Yes what is it Marina?”
“I’m hungry” she says, almost ashamed.
“Ah…well” Alabaster looks around to find a small convenience store with its neon open sign on and flickering. He pats his pocket. Of course he doesn’t have his wallet with him. Not like it has much money in it anyway.
He runs through the usual tricks in his head. Most require mist cards (which he doesn’t have) or illusions (which require . His last mist travel jump to get to the two of them to shore has him exhausted. Marina has magic to spare. But she’s mostly been practicing traps and protections spells.
He runs his fingers through his hair in frustration as he he thinks. His hand is sopping wet. At least the water washed away most of the blood on his face but it still hurt like a bitch.
“Right” Al says “it has to be in the middle fucking August didn’t doesn’t exactly look like we’re coming in from the rain”
Marina shivers. Al instinctively holds her and rubs her shoulder.
“Oh! You remember that trick we pulled on Dennis had the nerve to say we can’t do anything without magic?”
“Yeah…why?” Marina asks
“I have an idea”
Marina bursts into the store laughing loudly. She heads over to the candy section and starts picking out one of each thing. “I want this one! This one! Oooh and this one! And ooh this one??” She piles them on the counter and the cashier regards her, almost asking for money when Marina says
“Oh wait!” She dashes off to the chips aisle. “This and this and-“
Alabaster enters looking frantic. Marina ducks to hide.
“Jenny?” Alabaster whisper shouts “come on…mom’s gonna be pissed!”
Marina stays quiet .
“Jenny! It’s not hide and seek time!”
Marina moves slowly to the other side of the aisle as Al comes towards her.
“I’m not kidding! Let’s go!” Al says channeling all the impatient teenager energy he can muster.
Marina takes the chance and runs out of the store, hands full of chip bags .
The cashier who is a bit stuck behind the pile of candy and safety pane. Almost darts over but grabs the phone instead.
“Fuck! JENNY NO!” Al darts after her.
When they are on the outside in a place that had a wall obscuring the view, Marina chucks 2 bags of chips behind the trash can.
Alabaster gives her a thumbs up before he pretends grab her and drag her back in the store.
“I’m so so sorry” alabaster says “she stupid and hyper” he says as he dumps what must be 6 bags of chips onto the counter in top of the candy. He quickly grabs a Kit Kat bar off of the counter amongst the chaos of falling bags and pockets it.
“What do you say?” Al scolds
Marina pouts
“Jenny” Al admonishes.
“I’m sorry” she says
The cashier, who seems to have either bought the ruse or figured it wasn’t worth his trouble.
“It’s fine” he says
“Thank you” Al says “we’re leaving. NOW” he emphasizes and holds Marina by the wrist.
He pulls her along while she continues her role as pouty energetic brat.
They grab the two chip bags and head away, waiting until they’re a good distance away to partake.
Alabasters mind is already going to next steps. Finding a drachma might get them ability to Iris message. Luke had small safe havens throughout the area…maybe he’d find one of those?
“Alabaster?” Marina says mid Chip munch
“Is it ok…that…that was fun?”she says and look up at him with just the biggest brightest eyes and a wide grin.
His heart crunches like an empty tin can under a good stomp.
“Of course it is.” Alabaster says
“But…but everyone-“
“Everyone…no matter their state would just be glad you’re ok…bonus points if you are happy”
Marina chomps her chip pensively but nods. “I hope they’re ok.”
“Me too Marina” he pats her shoulder, holding her closer to keep her warm. “I really really…hope so”
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jannythewriter-pt2 · 10 months
Collage Feels Pt.3
It’s the week after the party and you and Connie have been texting for a minute, both liking when the other text first, but of course Connie texted first. At this moment, you were getting ready for Connie to come over to your dorm so he could help you with one of your stupid class assignments 😟.
Right now you’re in the shower and you hear your phone buzz…it’s from Connie. “Hey I’ll be there in 5” the text said, you replied with a simple “ok, I’m so excited” and finished your shower. You got out and put on an oversized shirt, your silk black bonnet and some short shorts. You touched up in the mirror, applying one more coat of lipgloss and a spray of strawberry pound cake perfume and just then you heard a Knock at your door. “He’s mf’n here” you said in your head nervously.
You open the door and GAH DAMN Connie was looking so mf’n fine 😫. He was wearing a black under armour compression shirt with gray sweatpants, black cats, an iced out Cuban link chain, and you could see the waist band of his underwear and you could see his print. (And y’all that dick was dickin 😫) You were staring hard and he caught onto this, “you see sum you like ma” he says in a flirtatious tone “nigga get in here” you say in a sarcastic tone.
“Your dorm is nice asf, and it smells like vanilla in here” he says admirably. “Thank you hun, I like keeping a clean space, making sure my shit is mf’n organized cause don’t nobody want a nasty ass bitch” I said with confidence. “Nah cause you’re right about that shit” Connie said laughing as he put his Luis Vitton bag down on the floor. “Sophia what you need help on ma” he said in his deep voice, “I can’t figure out the formula for this equation” I show Connie the problems. “Yeh we’re gonna be here for a mf’n while” Connie says defeated.
It’s been 2 hours and you finally finished your work and you actually get what’s going on. “I should prolly go, ik you got other things you gotta do so imma get out of your hair” Connie said “Nah nigga you ain’t going nowhere. I did not just call you over to help me with my work. We finna order takeout and watch Baddies tf” you said pissed off that this mf was thinking you just wanted him for help and that’s it.
“Deadass, like fr?!” Connie says surprised, “Yes Connie I’m not that typa girl who’s just gon use you for her benefit, know that” this makes Connie smile to himself, he’s never met any girl who doesn’t just want to use him for his smarts, or who doesn’t want to fuck him, your different. “What you wanna eat ma?” Connie ask and you say “Def Chinese, I want orange chicken and white rice” “aight I’ll put the order in” Connie says “I’ll go get my ca-“ your cut off when Connie says “fuck no, sit yo pretty ass down somewhere, I’m paying ma” this makes you feel hot and bothered, this more dominant side of him, the sexy side of him…. “ o-ok” you stutter out shook.
It was a few hours later and y’all were watching baddies, and Connie was being real cuddly, not only that but he was being a lil…..touchy. “Please ma just come here, I wanna hold you, I promise I’ll take you out just come here” in your head your so nervous to make a move, but you a bad bitch so you do your big one. “Fine Constance” you take the blanket off of you and instead of cuddling up to him, you do something unexpected to Connie, you climb on his lap, wrap your arms around his neck, and you sat there, looking into his hazel eyes. You notice a slight pink dusted over his cheeks. “I ain’t even gon lie, your to fine for me to leave you without making you mine” Connie said quietly “you gon treat me right baby?” You said in a serious tone, “I promise ma, I promise” Connie says sincerely “ok pa, I’ll give you a chance”
Yall the next part gon be a lil bit of smutt 😫
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whowantslovergirl · 7 months
bad idea right?
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Topper Thornton x reader (reader is female with she/her pronouns)
warnings: cursing, um just y/n being a dumb bitch tbh, this is obviously inspired by the song 😫, slightly suggestive, bold words are the lyrics, this in your pov, HOPE YOU ENJOY MY LOVERSS 🤍
outer banks masterlist
Summary: Y/n knows it bad that she keeps going to Topper but omg look at him!!!!
posted: February 28,2024
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Me and Topper broke up a couple months ago. We were the golden couple and I was way better than Sarah (in my opinion) I didn’t have cold feelings toward Sarah but I didn’t think she was the best person. Sorry getting off topic but I miss Topper and I have this bad habit of going back to him. I know it’s a bad idea but guys look at him!
“Come on you have to come! Yes Topper might be there but it doesn’t matter.” My friend Bianca said trying to convince me to go to this party.
Of course I wanted to go but he’s going to be there. I am not going.
I went.
I saw him and he saw me but I quickly went the other way before anything happened. I mean I haven't heard from you in a couple of months. And you just expect me to just hop back into your arms. Yes I want to do something about it but I'm out right now, and I'm all fucked up, wayyy too fucked up and I don’t wanna go back that road.
I have been here for a couple of hours and Topper still haven’t left. He never stays this long. After dancing for a while I got a little tired so I went to get a drink. And fucking Topper is also getting drinks. I try to ignore him and do what I have to do but that obviously didn’t work.
“Hey Y/n.”
“Hey Top.” I avoid eye contact. “How you doing?” He sounds nervous. “I’m doing good, what about you?” He shrugs. “I been alright better now I’m with you.” You just roll your eyes.
Once you’re done with the drinks you leave or at least try too. He grabs my arm not enough to hurt but his grip is pretty tight. We make eye contact and I can feel myself getting lost in his eyes again. And I know we're done, I know we're through.
But, God, when I look at you
“Come over N/n.” Only he calls me that and it still has the same effect on me. And I hate that. I should probably, probably not. “I don’t know Top.” He cuts me off. “Please N/n, I just wanna see you.”
“I’ll think about it. I will text you later.” Then I walk away to tell Bianca what the fuck just happened.
Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
“It’s a bad idea right?”
“Um yes?! Y/n you spent months crying and now he says two words and you’re at his feet?! Stand on business!”
“I am! But he seemed pretty sincere.”
“Fuck being sincere. Y/n don’t do stupid shit.”
“Ok! I’ll text him no.”
“Good now I’m going to dance. Text him no.”
She left and once she’s out of sight. I text him.
n/n 🩷
im coming over
Seein' you tonight, fuck it, it's fine
I went over and we fucked like really fucked. He dropped me off and right now we’re pulling up to my house. “Bye Top.” “Bye N/n.” We kissed for a little bit then I finally left the car.
Bianca’s going to pissed.
“What the fuck?!”
“I didn’t mean too! It just happened.”
“Yes, I know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect? I only see him as a friend.”
That was the biggest lie I ever said.
“You are such a liar! So friends fuck now? Wow! I did not know that!” I can tell she’s being sarcastic.
“And you’re wearing his shirt!” I looked down and I am indeed wearing his shirt. “My clothes were dirty he was just being nice.”
“You’re so delusional I can’t.”
“It wasn’t my fault! I just tripped and fell into his bed.”
“You are terrible Y/n! Don’t let it happen again.”
She knows it’s gonna happen again.
“No she definitely had sex with him.” Me, Bianca and some other friends were just gossiping about people we don’t like at the country club. Then I got a text from no other than Topper. “Hey I gotta go to the bathroom real quick.” I say while walking towards the bathroom to answer his text.
top 🩷
Can you come over tonight n/n??
n/n 🩷
yea I’ll be there ml <3
As I’m walking back I’m smiling. I’m so excited to see him.
On my way to Topper and I told my friends I was asleep, but I never said where or in whose sheets.
I’m finally here it felt like it was forever since I’ve seen him and I pull up to your place, on the second floor. And you're standin', smiling at the door.
“Hey N/n. I missed you.” We hugged and stayed there for a while. “Top it’s only been 24 hours.” I said while laughing and he slowly joined in. “24 hours too long.” He said while pulling away and looking into my eyes. And I'm sure I've seen much hotter men, but I really can't remember when.
There was another party and everyone was there. Even Topper. I was dancing with Bianca and I can feel eyes on us, I turn and see Topper smiling at me and he sent a little wave. I waved back then he made a come here motion. I nodded and he went to a secluded spot. “Hey Bianca I’m getting something to drink, you want anything?” She shook her head and continued dancing.
I started to follow him and couldn’t find him anywhere. Then I felt arms around me. “Oh my god! Get off you weirdo!” You try to pull him off then he started laughing. You turned around and saw Topper. You slapped his arm. “You’re an asshole.”
“Hey I’m very sorry, just wanted to scare you.” He started to hug me and I hugged him back. “Can you come over tonight?”
I should probably, probably not
“Um ok.” You smiled and gave him a kiss and you both walked back to the party.
This can’t be a good idea. I’m slowly starting to see why we broke up in the first place. He’s getting possessive again. Seein' you tonight, it's a bad idea, right?
Seein’ you tonight, fuck it, it’s fine
Whatever I’m bored anyway.
It happened again. I fucked Topper and it was better than other times and yes, I know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect?
“I only see him as a friend” Again that is the biggest lie I ever said.
“Y/n I’m only saying this because I’m your friend but you’re becoming old y/n, making excuses defending him when he treated you like shit.”
“And before you said but we. Yea you guys were cute together but everyone slowly saw what was going on behind closed doors.”
Bianca is a really good friend and I understand what she’s saying and I appreciate what she’s saying but I only see him as a friend, I just tripped and fell into his bed.
Then it was excuse after excuse.
“We’re just fuck buddies.”
“I ended it anyway.”
“I just tripped and fell into his bed you know?”
I’m getting really fucking tired of Topper. Right now he’s yelling about something and I’m just zoning him out.
“Are you even listening Y/n?! Do you not understand how this would make someone upset?!”
“Why are you yelling at me? I can't hear my thoughts Topper.”
“I’m not yelling, It’s just-.” Before he could finish I just left. I can hear him screaming behind me but I really couldn’t care less.
But I know it’s gonna be the same thing anyway and the same excuse.
‘I just tripped and fell into his bed’
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An: AGHHHHHSHEIDND ngl i lowkey cooked on this but HOPED YOU ENJOYED MY LOVERSSSS 🤍🤍🤍🤍
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canonically47 · 2 months
oh fuck the episode dropped HAHAHA i forgottt... i promise i’m not gonna watch a leak next week i prommy....... anyways
DCAS ep 16 - review
spoilers! (no duh.)
ally finally got an arc and she’s just some corny recycled version of riya. seriously how does this grown woman spend her almost entire screentime fighting with jake like a pathetic elementary schooler.
her lines are so corny like omfg get off your high horse. i used to pray to like her bc i never saw the hype and i guess i now know why
jake was ok this episode, theyre still not backtracking on his development which makes me super hopeful for his future
grett absolutely carried this episode. her and jake are definitely my top choices for the top 2
hearing kristal hype up & seeing grown ass adults panic over a 12-piece puzzle was absolutely hilarious. like. oh my god connor you cannot be this stupid
i knew alec’s days were numbered as soon as he was made into a whiny bitch (jake 3.0 because jake 2.0 is connor) aaand this did not surprise me sadly. tbh the first info i got on the episode was his elim so i was kinda sad but at the same time they ruined him a bit this season so it was for the best
they tied up his loose ends okay. he dropped riya and apologized to connor. i know i hc him as aroace but he seriously is making it so hard. he’s so pathetic (/pos) around connor like. i know what you are you bi-alligned aroace
the idol play was so fun and clever yaya
alec’s exit was so awkwardly edited i think he’s the first character to not get like 🤔 a close-up or someone leading them to the bus. “thank you connor” *awkwardly standing* “for what?” “for everything” *awkward transition* like omfg he deserved so much better
uhhh idrc for the staff or for conriya idk why they’re still pushing some angst for them nobody gaf
it’s a forgettable episode except for maybe the idol strategy which was pretty fun 🤷🏼 as i mentioned i think grett and jake are making finale and i could see connor winning atp. with alec gone idk how riya will manage with grett having connor jake AND ally close to her. so my choice for next boot is her. it’s a doozy to say who could go next but probs ally. ONC doesn’t like her enough to give her a good and long arc
6/10 it was fine and underwhelming. not episode 14 bad tho. thank god
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insomniamamma · 2 years
Closing Time: Marcus Pike x F!reader
A/N: This is my first installment in my Year of Kisses themed creation challenge! I was invited to join the fun by @oonajaeadira and @yearofcreation2023! I have never really participated in anything like this so be gentle. This fic plays fast and loose with Marcus Pike canon. I wanted to write for our Perfect Boyfriend without watching seven something seasons of the mentalist. If Marcus is OOC that is entirely on me. Also Sherri is entirely based on a supervisor I had once. I loved that lady to pieces.
Warnings: Angst. Break ups. Language. Alcohol. Some drunken flirting and kisses. Reader has a truly shitty ex.
          This is the last place he wants to be. C'mon, Marc it'll be fun, said Danny. You need to get out of this fucking office, said Sherri. You're just gonna sit home and mope otherwise.          I'm not going to mope.          You're gonna sit home and watch old movies and pine. For that stupid Lisbon woman, or whoever's managed to break your heart lately. Sherri gives him the look.          Fine. She means well. Sherri and Danny and Big Bill, they all mean well. They know him well, too well maybe. Marcus's New Years plans involved getting take out and catching up on the Christmas movies he'd neglected. White Christmas. Die Hard. Gremlins. The classics. Fine. I'll go. For a little while.
         And now? The jukebox is playing "Hallelujah," John Cale's version. It's just past midnight and the ball dropped on the tv over the bar and people kissed each other and called their friends and Marcus's phone sits like a brick in his pocket, a fossil from when Lisbon would call, from when Dierdre and Sarey would sometimes call. Can't think of a single person he wants to call. He stands arm in arm with his friends who dragged him here, rocking back and forth with them, "hallelujah, hallelujah, Halle-loo-oo-oo-oooh-jah--"          And that's when he sees you, hunched at the bar, the only other person in this dive who isn't paired off, who isn't singing along with a bunch of drunks, your face pinched and closed off in the bleary bar mirror, peeking out around plastered on stickers and flyers for long defunct bands. He can tell that you've been crying.
         You drink and watch your phone light up with messages. Hey you okay? Did you make it home? U ok? What happened? You don't give a fuck. They can wait until tomorrow to find out if you lived or died or caught an Uber back home. Fuck. Home's not even home anymore technically. Staying the night at my Mom's. He'd texted. We'll figure out the logistics tomorrow. He'd texted. Logistics. Three years and it boils down to fucking logistics. Three years in and he dumps you at 11:50 on New Years Eve. So that's how you find yourself alone in this little pub with a bunch of drunks singing along with the jukebox, but at least it's quieter here. You catch your own reflection in the mirror, face peering over half empty liquor bottles with plastic spouts stuck in them, eyes puffy from crying. You laugh. A low and bitter sound. Who dumps somebody on New Years Eve?          "...couldn't've waited twelve more hours," you say, muttering into your half-finished drink, into the black hole at the center of the galaxy, "Couldn't've sucked it up for one more fucking night!" The last bit comes out loud, and you feel eyes on you, hunker down into yourself, into your glass, like a snail pulling into its shell, and then the noise of the bar resumes.          He'd rested his hands on his shoulders and peered into your face like he did when he meant kiss you or say something sweet. I'm not in love with you anymore, he'd said, the same tone of voice used for things like hey can you take the garbage out, or hey, we need more dish soap the next time you go to the store. Okay, so maybe bitch-slapping him in the middle of the dance floor in front of all your friends wasn't the best move, but it felt good and right. And now he keeps texting you about his stuff. His clothes and his x-box and you and the girls did a round of tequila shots before and you can't quite figure out how this all happened.          Why now? Why tonight? Things were good, weren't they? Or at least not bad, and you watch the ice melt in your drink and feel tricked, bamboozled, and oddly relieved. If he's willing to pull this shit you're better off without him, you think, but deep down you just wish it was all a mistake, that you'd just have someone warm to come home to, even if things weren't great. That maybe the both of you will wake up tomorrow and be like did we really break up last night? That's crazy. But he's texting you about his x-box and his ps 5 and how he really needs it even though you went halfsies on it. Text me one more time and you get nothing. You hit send and turned off your phone. Thank fuck his name's not on the lease. Let him stew. Let them stew. Fuck 'em.          You feel someone settle at the bar beside you.          "Hey, are you okay?"          "What do you think?" It comes out harsh and you regret it instantly. This stranger  in this dive on New Years Eve has nothing at all to do with what's happened. You turn to look and you see a tired man with his lips quirked up in a smile that doesn't quite hit his eyes.          "Sorry," you say, and shake your head, "I'm not--fuck--this has been a hell of a night. I hope you're not looking for a hookup because I got dumped at ten-till and the last thing--" He laughs, a soft low sound.          "A hookup's the last thing I want," he says and holds out his hand, "Come and sit with us. So you're not all by yourself." You eye him skeptically.          "Is this some sort of pity thing?" He laughs a little, a soft exhale, "If it is, we can be pitiful together. He glances over at a table of drunks, "I'm only here because they dragged me. I was going to order a pizza and watch Christmas movies-"          "It's past Christmas."          "I spent Christmas working," he says, "If that's not pitiful I don't know what is." You feel yourself warming to him.          "I bet you don't even have a tree up."          "I do!" He smiles, and this time it does touch his eyes, frames them in lovely crinkles, and maybe it's better to hang out with a handsome stranger in a bar than sit and drink and brood about how tomorrow you're gonna have to clear your boyfriend's shit out of your place. Ex. Ex boyfriend you have to keep reminding yourself. "It's not a real one, and it's only four feet tall. But it's there!" He offers his hand again.          "C'mon," He says, "You don't have to be all alone." Fuck it, you think, down the watery dregs of your whiskey sour and place your hand in his, allow him to draw you from your place at the bar. He is striking, leather jacket across broad shoulders, tight jeans that grip him just right, and eyes so deep and warm a girl could fall right in and drown.          "I'm Marcus," he says, and gives your hand a squeeze, but doesn't let go. You tell him your name and he leads you away from the brightness of the bar, back to where the jukebox plays a distorted love song "the curl of your bodies, like two perfect circles entwined see you feel hopeless, and homeless, and lost in the haze of the wine--" back to his table of friends, smiling and laughing, sticky shot glasses and half-filled pints between their hands. Sherri. Danny. Big Bill. Sherri has large blonde hair and gummy blue eyeliner and a cigarette roughed voice.          "You seem nice enough, what're you doing with this sad sack of shit?" She jerks her head and Marcus looks like he wants to evaporate and you laugh.          "I got dumped--let's see--" you power up your phone just long enough to check the time, lock screen lit with a tangle of missed texts --"47 minutes ago? Guess two sad sacks of shit are gonna find each other, huh?"
         The night passes in a warm blur, you and your newfound friends drinking together and laughing, Sherri's got stories that leave the table wheezing laughter and all through it Marcus is a warm presence at your side, your hands keep finding each other's, his gentle grasp an anchor in this storm of a night. You feel like you've speed-run the stages of grief over your ex. Sherri eyes you over shot glasses that have popped up like mushrooms over the course of the evening.          "Listen here," she says, pointing a pink lacquered dagger of a nail in your direction, "Keep the PS5. He paid his half in cash right? Unless you wrote him out a receipt he can't prove shit. His name's not on the lease. Leave whatever you see fit in a cardboard box by the front door and block his number. Wash your hands of him. You don't owe him shit."          "Yeah, fuck him," says Danny, and Big Bill comes back from the bar holding too many drinks and Marcus rests a warm palm on your shoulder.          "Hey," he says, those big dark eyes full of concern, "You don't think he's gonna try anything do you? You're safe, right?" And your first impulse is to laugh, the only thing your boyfriend, ex-boyfriend is a danger to is game controllers and the fifteen year olds who roast him over discord, but Marcus looks so sincere.          "Yeah. He's--I'm not worried."          "Can I give you my number? Just in case something happens--" Danny launches in to the worst mob-movie New York accent you've ever heard in your life.          "You give Markie here your number, see? One woid and your ex'll be sleepin with the fishes. We'll fit him out for the old cee ment loafers, we'll--"          "Jesus, Dan, you sound like the bastard child of Tony Soprano and Rizzo the Rat--" And everyone loses their collective shit.          "If I'm Rizzo the Rat, then you're Miss Piggy--"          "No way am I Miss Piggy! I'm nowhere near that wound up--"          "Bill here is Sweetums."          "If I'm Sweetums, Marc's that grouchy Eagle."          "No way," you say, "He's Kermit. Tell me I'm wrong."          "Hi-ho this is Kermit the frog here with a muppet news flash," and that's it. You are crying into your drink with laughter, and once you can breathe and put words together you tell him--          "You are the last person in the world I would've thought could do Kermit the frog--" And he smiles, a bashful one that pinks his cheeks and turns his face away.          "Marcus has many talents," says Sherri, "Don't let him fool you."
"I can see that you are lonesome just like me And it being late, you'd like some company Well, I turn around to look at you, and you look back at me The guy you're with, he's up and split—the chair next to you is free And I hope that you don't fall in love with me--"
         The lights are up and Tom Waits plays through the bar. People settle their tabs and head out into the bright night. It's snowing, large flakes that catch and hold the light, street-lights haloed in whirling yellow.          "Do you need a ride?" He asks, snow catching in his hair, his hand warm around yours.          "I can walk," you say.          "I'll walk with you,"          "How'll you get home?"          "Taxi. Uber. I'll manage," he smiles, soft and sad, "Let me get you home safe, okay?"          "Okay." Marcus offers his arm like some old time movie character and you loop your arm through his. Snow falls, slow and soft and heavy, and the bars let out all around, spilling people into the streets, closing time everywhere, and people sound happy, buoyed on the promise of a better year, at least for a few days until the shine wears off and it's back to business as usual. Sooner than you want you're at your front step.          "This is me," you say, and wish it wasn't, wish for more time in the swirling snow with him, and his hand traces down your arm, his fingers find yours and lace through.          "Are you okay?" he asks.          "No. But I will be." You surge forward and hug him, wrap your arms around his broad back and snow-dotted jacket, and he grips you in kind, cradles the back of your head in his hand, tucks your face into the warm join of his neck and shoulder, "Thanks for looking out for me." He squeezes you tighter.          "It's my pleasure," he says drawing back to look at you, his hands on your shoulders, "And if your ex--"          "He won't," you say, "He couldn't even wait till midnight. Couldn't even give me a kiss. I mean, not that I'd want him to now--" Marcus reaches for you, brushes the pad of his thumb over your cheek, the question hanging in his eyes. You nod and he presses his lips to yours, waits for you to kiss back, and then his tongue slides soft between your parted lips, tender, undemanding, your face cradled in his warm, calloused hands.          "Come upstairs with me," you say, and you feel him draw back, bright line of hurt in your chest.          "I want to," he says, "I want to take you to bed if you'd have me--"          "Then why--"          "I don't want to push you," he says, "I move fast. I scare people off sometimes. I like you a lot. I don't want to hurt you, okay?"          "Okay." That line of hurt resolves itself into a dull ache, "I should get some sleep. Gotta dump Asshole's stuff on the curb bright and early." He leans in kisses your cheek.          "See you next year."          "See you."
         At some point in the deepest ditch of night you turn your phone back on. Peer bleary-eyed at the notifications, unanswered texts. You send a group text to the girls, home safe don't worry about me. You give your ex a time to come get his shit and then block his number. You drift in the dark, and your phone vibrates against your chest.
         M: If you don't feel too terrible, I know a place that does breakfast all day. Best blueberry pancakes in town.          M: I'd like to see you again.
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photo1030 · 1 year
Ugh....Someone sent me a tag for a WIP request and I've been working on sorting my notes for the next phase of my fic, so I lost track of the request. :( Sorry to whomever that was. I'm lame like that.
So if anyone gives a damn, here's a rough snippet from one of the MANY ideas that I am trying to wrangle in:
IS THAT A THREAT? (this takes place down the road a bit, but I really like the drama of this one. It's very, vert rough; not developed at all. But gives you an idea where my overall fic is heading.)
When you hear Arthur ride in, you exhale with relief from inside the tent. When he comes into the tent you are so happy and relieved that he questions why you are acting so strange. 
“You OK?” he asks, eyeing you carefully.
“I’m fine, just so glad you’re back, is all.” You wrap your arms around him tightly and curl up into his chest, making yourself smaller and smaller as if to hide. 
Arthur kisses the top of your head before tilting down to place more delicate one on your lips. He sits down on the edge of the cot as you start to get ready for bed. You pull your shirt off of your shoulders, exposing your arms. 
“What is that?” Arthur asks.
You close your eyes and curse yourself under your breath. You forgot. 
“What?” you ask innocently, not looking him in the eye. 
“Come here,” he says, reaching for you. It is not a question, but a command.
Arthur stands up and examines your arm in the lamptlight, twisting the appendage slightly to get a better look at the dark purple splotches adorning your skin. “How did you get these bruises?” he pushes. 
“It's nothing, " you reply weakly.
“Don’t look like nothing.”
“I walked into the corner of one of the wagons, is all.” You shrink a bit under his gaze, hoping to God he believes you and lets this go.
“Y/N, these are fingerprints.” Arthur looks at you for an explanation. You open your mouth, but he cuts you off. “And before you deny it, don’t forget that I know full well where bruises like this come from. Now I’ll ask you again, how did this get here?”
You stare at him, wide-eyed, afraid to tell him. Not because he’ll be mad at you, but because you know what will come next. 
“Who did this?” Arthur growls out. You avert your watering eyes, staring into the lantern's flame. “Who did this, Y/N?”
When you still won’t answer him, Arthur asks quietly, “It was Micah, wasn’t it?”
“Arthur, it’s fine. It’s over,” you quickly try to reassure him. 
“I’ll kill him,” he answers sharply and immediately bolts out of the tent. 
“Arthur, wait!” you desperately call after him. 
Arthur stalks across the camp with you chasing after him, trying to catch up. “Arthur! Stop! Don’t!”
He walks right over to the fire. “Micah! You son of a bitch!”
And before he can register what is happening, Arthur’s fist lands an upper-cut to Micah’s jaw, launching him backwards from where he's sitting by the fire. Arthur is quickly on him, grabbing Micah’s collar and throwing punch after punch. Bill and John are instantly on their feet, trying to pry Arthur off of Micah’s who is laying sprawled on the ground trying to cover his face with his arms. 
“I thought I told you! Keep your damn hands off of my wife! You’re either too stupid or too arrogant to understand. So which is it?!”
“Arthur, for Christ’s sake, get ahold of yourself!” shouts Dutch, trying to break up the fight. 
“It was just a misunderstanding, is all, Arthur,” says Micah, spitting blood out of his mouth. 
“Arthur, please!” you beg, pulling on his arm “Stop!” You move to put yourself between the two men, pushing on Arthur's heaving chest, your fists clenching his blue shirt. “Arthur, let’s just go back to our tent.”
But Arthur is too incensed to hear you. “I’m going to tell you one last time, Micah. Stay away from Y/N. If I find out you laid so much as a finger on her again, I will kill you. Tell me you understand what I'm saying!”
Micah holds his burning gaze, an unspoken thing between them. 
Arthur reaches around, wrapping his arm protectively around you to corral you back towards your tent. 
Once you get back to your tent, Arthur stands there, anger just radiating off of him. You watch him, full of guilt, as you hate seeing him like this, hating that he has even more to worry about. 
“I’m sorry,” you mutter. 
“What are you sorry for?” he bites back. “He’s the idiot!” His volume makes you wince and you start to cry, tears finally breaking over your lower lashes. But one look at you instantly bring Arthur back to the present and wholly to you. 
Arthur's face quickly changes as he rubs his hand along your arms in an effort to calm you down. “Sweetheart, I’m sorry, I’m not mad at you.”
Before you can answer, you hear a voice outside your tent. 
“Arthur, I need a word with you.” Dutch’s booming voice is cold and sharp. 
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