#it’s on the playbill it’s my signature
navysealt4t · 2 years
btw. crying.
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uploxy · 1 year
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before and after photos ofc
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gontagokuhara · 1 year
haters will say its fake
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lionblaze03-2 · 30 days
you SHOULD watch fight club movie of all time <333 tyler and narrator have a similar "mentor guy who helps main character for a while but then starts to get too malicious with it" thing going on like the squip and jeremy also thats so cool you got to go see it omgg ^__^
I will give it a watch sometime soon… just 4 u ✨
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richsfire · 1 month
hi be more chill fans of tumblr, i really need help
i recently got a be more chill playbill, and i've decoded some, but others i'm struggling with and i can't find out who they are
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my friend said the big silver one might be george salazar? but i don't know honestly. (I've been SCOUTING to find one on ebay with a gerard canonico signature. if anyone has one/knows someone with one for sale, hmu)
uh yeah please help its driving me crazy!
(I drew out the ones I already knew)
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ealvara7 · 7 months
So... I got some Beetlejuice Playbills! 🪲
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I was originally gonna hold off on sharing these until I got everything in my new Beetlejuice collection altogether, but since I've got a couple of other things on there that I'd like to share in detail, I feel it's best to dedicate a post to the Playbills by themselves.
And boy, do I got an interesting story to share about these.
I took an interest in collecting some Playbills after I saw @mastersprogram's post sharing their own signed School of Rock Playbill. It made me realize that I wanted a Playbill that had Alex Brightman's signature as well.
I looked around eBay to see my options, and that's when I decided that I wanted at least one Playbill from the DC run, one Playbill from the Winter Garden (2019) run, and one Playbill from the Marquis Theatre (2022) run.
For the DC and Marquis Theatre Playbills, I got regular ones.
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As for Winter Garden...?
I found a signed one.
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I knew that I wanted a signed Playbill with the original Broadway cast, but I figured those would be more difficult to find, so I left myself open to getting a Playbill with the reopening cast as my second option.
I genuinely did not expect to find this one... and this is where I wanna share the story about my experience getting this signed Playbill-
Purchasing signed Playbills online can be a tricky thing to do because... some of them are forged.
I didn't even stop to consider this until after the fact. When I did, I was extremely nervous...
I started looking a bit into the seller I got the signed Playbill from and... it was a genuinely interesting find.
They had not only been selling the signed Playbill, but also a couple of other souvenirs that they got when they saw the musical back in May 2019.
They actually gave me a streamer they picked up from the show! They mentioned it in the listing, which was what interested me to buy the Playbill.
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There was just something heartwarming to see what was essentially a story unfolding in their Beetlejuice listings. I may not be 100% certain about the signatures, but the fact that the seller went out of their way to show proof that they were there, makes me much more confident that what I got is legit.
That being said... I think I will just stick to regular Playbills from now on.
To close this off, I wanna share just a few more pics of the Playbills I got. This picture is from my Winter Garden Playbill, showing the original cast.
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For the Marquis Theatre one, I actually got an extra slip showing some of the temporary cast changes that I imagine occurred for one of the performances.
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This picture I took specifically for @stinkyhorsebitch, who has expressed an interest in this version of the bug man.
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Also, I just realized after the fact that I got exactly three Beetlejuice Playbills-
"Three times in a row", indeed...
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rainybeetles · 1 month
OVIOUSLY I wanna get the cast's signature when I go watch beetlejuice but what are they supposed to sign? Do most people even ask for signatures or would it be rude?
I mean, if its okay to get signatures, do most people have just a normal paper, or do they carry special things? If I just take a piece of paper, would it be weird or boring?
Should I take my whole sketckbook?? And they sign the cover? ....
Oh wait, most people have their playbills signed right? Oooohhh yeeaah thats the normal thing to do.
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asagaciousmind · 4 months
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is there anyone who is familiar with the national tour cast who can help me identify whose signature is whose 🥺 It got passed around a bit and I have face blindness so it would be awesome to know who actually signed my playbill ghdjhgd
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markbbrooklyn · 3 months
Signed POTO Playbills - Ramin, Emilie
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"Titanic", now being presented at NY City Centre, includes many POTO & Les Miz Broadway performers, including RK, EK, Judy Kuhn & Ali Ewoldt.
I waited at the" "stage door" before the show, and all of the "alumni" graciously signed one or more of my Playbills (including the Italy production and the closing night of Phantom, shown above) and a few even stopped to chat for a minute.
"Titanic" will close on Sunday June 23, so if you are in NYC during the upcoming days, you still have a chance to see the show ($45 nosebleed seats are available for most performances) and/or possibly get a few signatures. Be friendly, polite, patient and appreciative - that really helps. And be prepared for the possibility that some may not stop (especially not for photos) - that is their prerogative.
I do NOT sell or trade my autographed Playbills. But if you want any tips about "my process" (LOL), please let me know!
FYI - I did not go to Italy or to the final performance of Phantom - I get the majority of my Playbill collection on eBay, elsewhere on the internet, or at the Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids street fair which takes place on a Sunday in late September or early October.
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crushingcasanova · 6 months
Off to the show now, everyone..! Here's hoping I can get some signatures on my playbill! >_<
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felt-squirrels · 1 year
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gay-little-bitch · 1 year
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Oh nothing…. it’s just my signed sweeney todd playbill with gaten and josh’s signature 🤷🏻 (i’m internally screaming rn)
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jittyjames · 1 year
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we’ve reached the stage of hyperfixation where i start spending my money on shit (first playbill is opening night and the second is signed and tbh i can’t make out half the signatures but!!!!)
like this is the closest i could get to merch since it’s literally a show that only ran for a few months in 2012 but i’m thrilled!!!! (also i thought this fixation would be passed by now but it’s literally been months so ig she’s here to stay)
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audioaujom · 1 year
(5) Automatonophobia
LTWF Hub, < prev, next >
No TWs, just more crazy antics and some writing of the whole gang together (finally)! It’s pretty dialogue heavy, so I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2972
Throwing open the plain wooden door with a grin, Patton excitedly gestured inside to a rather unimpressed Logan. “This is my dorm!” 
“It seems like an adequate living space.” Logan nodded as he followed Patton inside, taking in the two wildly different halves of the small dorm.
The right side was very clearly Patton’s, with fairy lights tacked to the very top line of the wall over the bed covered in piles of fluffy blankets, stuffed animals, and pillows of various pastel colors. Every surface of the desk was covered in small knick-knacks—Pokemon figurines next to squishies of various shapes—and a Polaroid camera tucked into the corner of the top shelf that was free of even a speck of dust. A small cork board hung on the wall between the bed and desk and was covered in photographs—mostly of Patton, though Logan spotted Virgil in more than in a few—and handwritten notes.
The other side belonged to Patton’s roommate Roman, the scarlet sheets not well made up and the desk covered in loose paper, books, and a large speaker on the top shelf. The wall behind the bed had every inch covered by large musical and movie posters, a handful of them covered in sharpie signatures and some of them with matching playbills displayed on the desk.
Between the two was a microwave precariously balanced on top of a rather large mini-fridge, the power cables for both stretched nearly to their limit to reach the busted wall outlet beside the window above Patton’s bed. Both beds had a window above them, the blinds pulled down all the way over both to keep the late evening sun from warming the room too much.
“It is! And I’ve got it all decorated and everything!” Patton ran inside and jumped onto his bed, picking up a cat shaped pillow and hugging it into his chest. “This is my half, the other is Roman’s.”
“Ah.” Logan hummed, entirely unsurprised. He spared one final glance at the wall of posters as he shut the door behind him, walking over to take a seat at Patton’s desk. “He seems to enjoy the art of make believe.”
“Yeah, he’s pretty big into theater.” Patton laughed, setting the pillow down to pat the bed beside him. “That’s why he’s not here right now, actually. He’s got a rehearsal.”
“I see.” Logan hesitated for a moment before getting up and taking a seat beside Patton on the bed. “You have quite the collection of stuffed animals.”
“Yes!” Patton instantly pushed himself back towards the wall so the full pile of plushies and pillows that made up a mock headboard could be better seen. “They all have names and they are all my friends!” He then paused, realizing what he was saying and face flushing as he picked up a small elephant and put it in his lap. “I… know it’s a little childish.”
“Acting upon child-like ideas and motivations is not always a bad thing, Patton.” Logan shook his head, reaching out and picking up a small white cat and holding it in his hands. “Is there a particular reason you cherish them so much?”
“Well… I always wanted a collection when I was a kid, but my parents said I couldn’t have more than a few.” Patton stared into the carefully arranged pile, a sad smile slowly spreading across his face as he poked at each plushie instead of glancing at Logan. “So, um, I collected them in secret during high school. About a quarter of these are gifts from Virgil for making it into school, though. That's why it’s so big now!”
“I see.” Logan was smiling slightly when Patton snuck a peek back over at him, having set the cat down across his legs. “As long as they make you happy, I can understand why collecting them could be seen as a worthwhile hobby.”
“Do you want to meet them?!” Patton exclaimed excitedly, Logan unable to say no as Patton lit up and began gently handling every single stuffed animal with a kind of delicacy that had Logan's smile growing, listening intently to every name until some noise from the hallway outside interrupted the moment. 
The noise turned to shuffling directly outside the dorm door, before the door then unlocked and swung open as Patton’s roommate started to step through with a wide grin. 
“Honey, I’m ho—OH MY GOD!” Roman slammed the door shut in his own face, Logan and Patton sharing a look as Roman then had to unlock and open the door for a second time. “What the hell is that thing doing in here?!”
“Oh, hey!” Patton brightened up, smiling. “Roman, this is Logan! Logan, this is my roommate Roman.”
“Hello. It’s nice to make your acquaintance.” Logan stood up and started to extend a hand towards Roman, who jumped back in surprise.
“Oh shit! It talks!”
Logan tilted his head to one side, a small frown forming on his face. “...I’m confused.”
“Oh course he does!” Patton was also confused, looking at Roman questioningly. “How else would he teach?”
The three stared at each other for a long moment, before Roman tentatively asked, “...teach?” 
“Do you even go to class at all?” Patton tilted his head to one side, a little annoyed by Roman’s confusion. “He's the guy from my astronomy class I was talking about!”
“The guy… from your astronomy… class… is… a…” Roman’s face changed as he spoke aloud, clearly processing the information before suddenly blurting, “Well now hold on a diddly damn darned second! You never said he was a robot!”
Patton smiled sheepishly, holding the white cat that Logan had on his lap earlier. “I didn’t realize that was relevant.” 
“If my presence makes you uncomfortable in any way, I can vacate your residence.” Logan offered, gesturing for Roman to stop blocking the door. “Patton and I could resume our discussion either at a later date or in another location.”
“No, Logan, you don't have to go.” Patton leaned forward to grab Logan by the upper arm, eyes pleasing as he pulled him back towards the bed before he could walk away.
“No! Yes, he does! He— Yes!” Roman blanched as Patton glared over at him, him looking between the two nervously.
“I thought you said you didn’t mind if I had friends over?” 
“Well of course I don’t mind, it’s just…” Roman awkwardly looked away, face flushing as he admitted, “Those things are creepy. They freak me out.”
“By ‘those things’, are you referring to us androids in general?” Logan asked, Roman pressing his lips into a thin line as he nodded in affirmation.
“Yeah! You look and sound so… real.” Roman shuddered, finally dropping his backpack and shedding the jacket he had on. “It’s unnerving!” 
The three boys stared at each other for a long moment before Roman grimaced, waving a hand dismissively into the air and turning his full attention to the ziploc bag full of half-melted ice he pulled out of his bag on the floor.
“But… whatever. If Patton wants you here that bad you can stay. Oh, and Virgil told me to bring you ice. Didn’t say what for.”
Logan sat back down on the bed beside Patton, looking to him for confirmation before quickly recounting, “Some kids attacked him while we were reviewing notes earlier.”
“Oh, shit! Let me see!” Dashing forward, Roman almost dropped the ice in his haste to figure out what happened, reaching out for Patton’s face.
“I’m fine, Roman, really—!” Patton immediately put both arms out, pushing Roman away before he could touch him, Logan noticing the nearly imperceptible flinch that the other clearly missed.
“Names.” Roman demanded as he noticed the now purple bruise spreading across Patton’s cheek, hands clenched at his sides. “I want their names.”
Patton shook his head, subconsciously trying to block the injury with one of his hands as the other reached out to take the bag from his roommate. “No, no, come on. Just… it stings. Let me have the ice.”
“Oh. Sure. Sorry.” Roman worriedly watched Patton as he handed the bag over, gently pressing it against his face.
“If you would like, I can—” Logan interrupted, Roman whirling to the side and swinging a wild punch that collided with Logan’s chest, not hurting the android but startling him as his words were cut off in a loud swear from Roman.
“Ow! Fuck, man, I forgot you were made of metal. That hurt.” Shaking out his hand, Roman winced and offered Logan an apologetic smile. “Sorry. Ow. What were you saying?”
“I was simply planning on offering to hold the ice. The temperature will not affect my hand in the same way.” Logan returned the smile as best he could, turning to look at Patton. “Meaning I can hold it for longer.”
“It’s okay, Logan. Thanks though.” Patton shook his head, pulling the ice off the bruise for a few moments before putting it back.
“You’re so lifelike you may as well be.” Roman uttered incredulously, both Logan and Patton unsure if he meant to say that out loud. He then abruptly turned around, busying himself with his phone as he declared, “Well, I’ll let you two have this room to make out or whatever it is you were planning on doing—!”
“Roman!” Patton cut him off with a squeak, before composing himself and countering, “If you’re leaving to go see Virgil, just invite him over, too.”
“...how’d you know?” Roman looked up through light bangs that had fallen in the way of his eyes, face crimson. “Am I really that obvious?!”
“I am told I am rather dense and usually unaware of these things, but…” Logan interjected, Patton trying to suppress giggles from beside him. “I noticed as well.”
“Well fuck.” 
“Which means Virge probably has too.” Patton shrugged, meeting Roman’s still concerned stare with a teasing, “So go on. See if he’ll come over.”
“You…! You are…! I’m going to come up with something very mean and witty later!” Sputtering, Roman turned and flopped onto his bed, rapidly typing on his phone as Patton and Logan shared an amused look.
Patton waited for a minute, watching as Roman’s face lit up and prodding, “So?” 
“He’ll be here in a few minutes.” Roman answered a little too quickly, before turning an accusatory glare to Patton as he opened his mouth. “I don’t want to hear it!”
The three chatted idly for the next few minutes, Patton continually icing his face on and off until there was a sharp knock at the dorm door that Roman rushed to answer.
“...I hope this isn’t an intervention.” Virgil commented with a smirk, looking between the three in the room.
“Nope! Just a playdate!” Patton grinned from the bed, pulling the ice away from his face to flash him the widest smile he could muster. “Unless you want Logan and I to go so you two can have a real one!”
“Yuck. Like I’d ever spend alone time with his majesty, the royal pain in my ass.” Virgil stuck his tongue out, Patton giggling as Virgil cleared off a spot on Roman’s desk to hop up and sit down.
“Excuse me!” Roman gasped, offended, turning indignant eyes to the boy on his desk. “There is no need for such salty nicknames, Cynic-ella.”
“Not one of your best.” Virgil smirked as Roman gasped again, the two starting to bicker as Logan leaned over to Patton in confusion.
“What are they talking about?” 
“The school is doing a production of Cinderella, and Roman is the prince.” Patton explained, removing the ice from his face again as he watched Virgil and Roman go at each other fondly.
“Does that imply Virgil is playing the princess?” Logan asked, eyes widening as Patton doubled over laughing, his shoulders shaking with the effort of trying to stay relatively quiet. “Why are you laughing?”
“Virgil just helps him run his lines.” Patton corrected after he caught his breath, still shaking with the aftershocks of his laughing fit. “He doesn’t act.”
“Oh. I apologize, I misunderstood.” Logan nodded, before taking a lull in Virgil and Roman’s bickering as an opportunity for him to get off the bed and approach Roman to ask, “Could I bother you with a question or two?”
Roman blinked, awkwardly putting some extra space between the two before nodding, albeit a little confused. “Oh, um, sure. How can I help you?”
Patton didn't get to hear Logan’s question, his attention caught by Virgil jogging over and stealing Logan's spot on the bed. “Just so you know, I approve of him.”
“What?” Instantly turning bright red, Pattong almost threw the bag of ice he was holding in surprise as he glanced over to see Virgil’s self-satisfied grin. “No, it’s not—! I’m not—! How could I possibly—?”
“I don’t mean like that.” Virgil shook his head, but the words turned insincere as he added, “But if you want things to be like that you have my blessing as well—”
“He’s just cut from better cloth than your usual taste, that’s all.” Virgil defended, Patton going quiet as his friend's expression turned serious. “And for me to say that about a robot—even one who seems to be bordering on fully sentient—means a lot.”
“I know.” The heaviness of the words made Patton sigh, picking up the same cat pillow from earlier to give it a one handed hug as he put the ice back to his face. “I, uh, never thanked you. For all your help with…”
“You can thank me by being happy with Logan, alright?” Virgil smiled softly, reaching a hand out towards Patton’s shoulder and waiting for a tentative nod to give him a gentle pat and a squeeze for comfort. “Though I am surprised he and Roman can hold a conversation, given Ro’s aversion to—”
“I stand corrected. Let me go rein him in.” Virgil rolled his eyes, sliding off the bed and casually walking over to Roman. “What’s going on, you two?”
“I understand the concept of acting in theory, but the idea of representing false emotions I do not personally feel in front of an audience sounds rather strange. I simply asked him a question about it.” Logan looked at Virgil, visibly concerned by Roman’s outburst.
“No, you accused me of being shallow!” Roman whined, crossing his arms as Virgil shot an amused glance back at Patton.
“That was not my intention.” Logan frowned, brows knitting together as he earnestly continued, “I just wish to understand your… craft… a little better. I apologize if I upset you.”
Roman’s glare slowly tempered, eventually mumbling out, “Apology accepted, WALL-E.” A moment of silence started to stretch out, though it was nearly immediately broken by Roman commenting, “God, you really may as well just be a person.”
Logan blinked a few times, not following. “I can not tell if that is a complement or an insult.” 
“Me either.” Roman shrugged, before wildly gesturing across the room with a much less enraged shout of, “Quick subject change: Patton! How is your face?”
“Still stings.” Patton sighed, pressing the ice against his face and relishing in the familiar soothing feeling of the cold. “It’s not that bad, and it’ll only be like this for another day or two.”
“Can I take another look?” Virgil asked, something unreadable in his expression.
“Yeah, just…” 
“Be careful, I know.” Nodding, Virgil’s expression softened. “I won’t touch.” 
“I’m sure it looks worse than it is.” Patton tried to sound optimistic, moving the ice away from his face so Virgil could get a better look. 
“That’s not a comfort, Patton.” Roman chastised, sitting down on his bed with a huff. “I’m serious, if you just give me names, I’ll—!”
“Roman.” Virgil scolded without turning to look, Roman deflating.
Seemingly satisfied, Virgil left Patton to nurse his face as Roman came over to continue to bug him, taking the moment to address Logan. “Patton’s single, by the way.” He said lightly, Logan jolting up in surprise as if he'd been shocked. “Just if you were wondering.”
“Why would I be wondering that?” Logan questioned, Virgil smirking at the visible tension in his shoulders.
“Your eyes are quite expressive.” Virgil answered honestly, sitting back up on Roman’s desk as Logan awkwardly hovered nearby. “His last try at dating ended pretty badly, but I think you’d be good for him.”
“Do not forget that I am not real. I am an android, Virgil.” Logan warned, Virgil raising his eyebrows disbelievingly. He cleared his throat, pointedly ignoring the look. “And while I understand you and Patton are quite close, don’t you feel as if you are overstepping?” 
“Not even a little.” Virgil grinned wide, Logan giving him a blank look in return. “Not since he started trying to set me up with Roman.”
“Then is this some form of retribution for that? Because I can assure you that Roman has some sort of feelings for—”
“Nah. Let’s just call it repaying the favor.” Virgil shrugged, crossing one leg over the other to lean just a little closer to Logan and mutter, “I know you’re more than the metal you think you are.”
Logan didn't have a reply, instead turning his attention back to Patton and Roman, who weren't arguing, per se, but Patton was thoroughly done with his roommate if his face was any indication of his feelings.
“Violence is never the answer, Roman!” 
“You’re right.” Roman acquiesced with a sigh, before a smile grew across his face as he dramatically gestured alongside his counter of, “Violence is the question, and the answer is a resounding yes!” 
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so i haven't been able to stage door at any of the shows i've seen (i missed the chance in rochester and will ALWAYS be sad about that), but i was able to go to the stage door, and it was honestly the BEST time
the cast was so so very nice, and i was able to get a good number of signatures on my playbill!
but here are some stage door cast interaction highlights:
kade was... so sweet?????? like the man literally was the kindest human being?????
brian and zamb came out together and i got to chat with them for a bit and they are so so lovely
tbh almost started crying when i met tayler, i've been wanting to meet her since i first saw her in rochester so this was SO exciting and i was just in awe of her
but also it was SO funny bc she was on facetime with someone and she told the girls in front of me "i'm actually on facetime with a member of the former cast who's living in japan" and i was like HYLA???? and so when she came to me i was like "yeah i saw you guys in rochester and syracuse and you were amazing" and she was like "wait then you saw hyla hold on" and i got to say hi to hyla on facetime like WHAT
the last ones who came out were michelle, hank, and taryn, and there were like six people including me waiting, and so we stood around and chatted for like almost ten minutes??? just chilling??
taryn said she loved my makeup and we talked about makeup together and then she said she loved my nails
michelle was SO sweet and i was like "you're one of my favorite jenny's, this is my third time seeing you in the show" and she was like "no way where did you see us?" and i said "rochester and syracuse" and she said "omg blast from the past"
but then when i was talking to hank she was like "WAIT i'm starting to recognize you from Rochester" and i was like EXCUSE ME WHAT THE FUCK? and she was like "yeah i recognize you!" it was insane but i'm literally over the moon lmao
also???? hank said i looked familiar???? and asked if we had met before???? bestie i'm honored you think you know me but WHAT
but seriously this was one of my favorite stage door experiences, this cast is just so 💖💖💖💖
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jelliclekay · 2 years
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Managed to get my hands on a signed Playbill from the Broadway Revival! It's so cool even if I cannot tell who all signed it asjdkfk (if anyone recognizes any of the signatures please let me know!)
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