#it’s so surreal what is involved in seeing a doctor now
panic-flavored · 2 months
I keep imagining some robotnik superior showing up unexpectedly in his lab and being like "🤨...Wait there are three mermai... *stone kills him*
I plan on writing a fic about this eventually, but I've been short on time lately 😭 Long story short, Robotnik moves Stone to an underwater lab he's been building to save him from being un-alived by the government, and at roughly the same time they find out Stone is pregnant. So fortunately the merfamily is totally safe! Here's a blurb from the WIP of that fic, since it probably won't be posted for a while:
The words echo off the lifeless conference room walls and rattle around unpleasantly in Robotnik’s brain. They are not words Robotnik wants to hear, and if he’s being honest, some time ago he’d forgotten that he’d ever have to hear them in the first place.
“Doctor?” Commander Walters offers Robotnik an appropriately concerned frown. “Did you hear me?”
Robotnik clears his throat, refocusing. “No, uh- no. I must have spaced out. Say that one more time for me.” He heard him loud and clear, of course, but he wants to pick through it one more time, see if there are any loopholes or contradictions he can take advantage of to be found in the words.
“Oh, sure… I understand, I’m sure you’ve been working around the clock lately.” Commander Walters says. “I said that if you’ve acquired all the data you can from the living specimen, it’s time to turn him over to the autopsy team. It’s still your project of course, so you can be as involved as you’d like to be going forward. But after six months of research, I think it’s safe to say we can–” here, Walters does that annoying rotating motion with both of his pointer fingers, “--wrap it up.”
Robotnik feels a little bit sick. Furious, mostly, but the sour heaviness in his guts is close to making him gag. Has it been six months already? Back then, this plan didn’t bother Robotnik in the slightest. When he first stormed into the biology lab to assert himself as the project leader, he didn’t care how injured and malnourished Stone was - Stone wasn’t Stone back then, he was the ‘specimen’. Robotnik hadn’t chewed out the pitiful scientists over their subpar treatment of Stone because he’d worried about Stone’s safety, it was because they’d compromised the scientific process. There was no sense in researching a living subject if that subject was too weak and sick to move, after all.
Obviously Robotnik’s opinion had changed rather quickly. He’d been told that the ‘merman’ wasn’t intelligent, wasn’t sentient. That he was mindless and violent. Fools. Almost as soon as Robotnik dismissed the rest of the team, it became apparent none of that was true. Stone quickly proved himself to be highly intelligent, learning ASL almost as fast as Robotnik once had. He was complex, loyal, and terribly interesting. He saw the world so differently than anyone Robotnik had ever met. 
This is a very wordy way of saying that Robotnik fell in love, even if he hated framing it in such a simplistic, childish way.
Stone fell first, to be fair. He’d marked Robotnik, he claimed him, they were mates and now Robotnik is hearing another person say that Stone needs to be killed and torn open soon. It all seems so surreal. 
“You can’t just put a time limit on science, Commander,” Robotnik says icily. “Six months is nothing. I haven’t even had ample time to study his metabolic rate yet, it’s vastly different from a humans–” “Six months was your estimation, not mine,” Walters counters. “When you took over the project, that was your projected timeframe.”
Robotnik inwardly kicks himself. He originally gave himself six months to ensure he had a comfortable cushion of time, but he’d been positive four months is all it would take to collect all the necessary data before passing Stone off to another team. 
“Well if it hadn’t taken two months for the creature to fully recover from what those amateurs did to it before I arrived, I would have been done by now!” Robotnik growls. It hadn’t taken two months for Stone to recover, but it seemed a believable amount of time to a person who isn’t personally familiar with how quickly merpeople heal. “Why do you think I’ve been ‘working around the clock’, Commander? Making up for lost time!”
Walters frowns in consideration, rubbing a knuckle thoughtfully against his stubbly chin. “Ah yes, I remember reading about that in your initial reports. I hadn’t considered how much that may have set you back. In that case, I’ll give you another two months to finish your research, Doctor. Does that sound fair?”
It takes Robotnik less than a second to run the numbers, the estimations and impromptu simulations - yes, he could certainly finish his work in two months. Not the work Walters was expecting him to finish, obviously. Something much, much more important. “Two months sounds more than fair, Commander.”
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foxymoxynoona · 8 months
So...did we ever actually get a drabble with Jungkook getting to hold Kai for the first time after he's born? 🥺 the lil' boy who's made up of him and the woman he's loved for decades 🥺
I got carried away 😅
Story: Amended Characters: Isabella & Jungkook Length: 7,322 CW: Birthing scene with references to cutting cords and placentas and stitches, health complications at birth, stress, fluffy fluff
“There’s evidence of meconium in the amniotic fluid,” were not the first words Jungkook had expected to hear the seconds before his son’s head began to emerge from between the legs of his wife. It was surreal, what he witnessed, it had seemed like an impossible thing –like a cartoon, not something women actually went through. But Isabella was real, really going through this, really clenching her fists against her chest as she curled forward and pushed with everything in her, his tough strong girl who had agreed to go through all of this again so they could do it together. She had known what this was like. He kinda did but, he was learning in the moment, not really. 
Watching Isabella go through this pain and being unable to fix it was a guilt second only to knowing the pain he had caused for her when they were younger. Well, he had sort of caused this too… but she had asked him to! Very sexily! How was he supposed to have resisted sex and getting to have a baby with her! No mortal man could resist that.
“Head is out,” the doctor called and Jungkook realized he was both present and not. They had suggested he watch. He would never be able to unsee what he was seeing now, but it was trippy –not just the baby’s head, covered in gooey gunk and some kind of white… cheese looking stuff??-- but this whole image, this whole experience.
“What does that mean, meconium?” he belatedly asked as the nurses encouraged Isabella to wait, not to push, as they quickly wiped off the baby’s face and sucked snarfy sounding stuff out of the nose and mouth. A head of hair he hadn’t expected stuck out at odd angles as the baby’s mouth opened and closed in protest, eyes firmly shut in what looked more like anger as the injustice of this introduction to the world.
Do they look like me? he wondered, feeling like the room had gone still despite the rapid actions of the doctor and nurses.
Isabella yanked him out of it, demanding, “Do you see the baby? How’s it look? Is everything ok?”
“The meconium,” he repeated, not sure someone had answered.
“Don’t worry about that right now,” one of the nurses said. “It may mean nothing, we just want to get Baby really clean to keep it out of their airway.”
“What if it’s–”
Jungkook was interrupted by the doctor calling, “Ok let’s get this baby clear–” The baby’s cry interrupted him, like it was say yeah get a fucking move on here, I’m a head sticking out of a vagina!
Jungkook grabbed Isabella’s hand, wanting to be helpful and involved somehow but feeling absolutely unnecessarily. For most of labor Isabella had not wanted to be touched. It had all moved so much faster than he’d expected. It wasn’t like he could contribute much of anything as Isabella curled forward, face sweaty and red and everything in her clenched as she expelled a tiny human from her body.
“Fuck you’re so hot,” he rushed –not quite what he’d meant to say, but absolute admiration for her loosened the words.
“The fuck?” she laughed. “Doctor this man is harassing me.” Her breath was panted, her words a cheat as she stole a break
Maybe those were the first words their child heard from their mother, if the baby could hear anything over the crying.
“One more push, one more push, you’re almost done!” the nurses chanted and Jungkook saw with amazement that a baby from the hips up had now emerged. He couldn’t process that it was real, that this was really happening, that Isabella had not just grown a big belly and that there really had been a tiny person in there all along. Their tiny person.
“I love you,” he said to her, to the baby, to both of them. “You’re so cool, Isabella.” He had the sudden need to rush out as many good things as he could, so the baby would be born surrounded by words of love and kindness. He assumed Isabella had showered Ezra and Lily with love at their births but he knew their “fathers” had not, not the way he did now for them, not the way he would for this baby.
He had wanted so badly for everything with this baby to be different and now he had contributed basically nothing to Isabella’s labor. She hadn’t wanted the massages or the kisses, she hadn’t found it amusing that he’d driven her to the hospital in his cop car with the siren on, and it had all moved too quickly for him to walk her up or down the hall with their arms linked and his words of devotion carrying her through her contractions. 
They’d arrived at the hospital approximately eighteen minutes ago and here she was pushing out the baby.
This wasn’t what he’d planned. He wanted to be better than Landon and Stig.
“I love you, baby, you’re amazing,” he said. Isabella grabbed his hand and squeezed it this time with her push –a short one, replaced with a stunned, open face and a gasp. OUt of the corner of his eye, Jungkook saw the baby suddenly slide down, followed by a rush of fluid and the cheers of the medical staff.
“It’s out!” Isabella cried.
“He’s been screaming, didn’t you hear him Mama?” one of the nurses joked. 
“Dad, are you going to cut the cord?”
“A boy,” Jungkook cried over his son’s cries, hands itching to grab him and comfort him. He glanced at Isabella to see if that was ok, that they’d had a boy. She had insisted so many times she didn’t care either way but… but a son, a boy might be like him… would Ezra be ok with a brother…? 
Isabella was reaching forward, eyes glassy as she called, “Give him here.”
“One second mama, we want to make sure we got his mouth cleared–”
“Does it look like he aspirated–”
“I see some in the mouth but–”
“Dad, you cutting this cord?” the doctor called, stretching an intestinal-looking thing as a nurse held out a pair of scissors. Jungkook took them in a stupor. He didn’t really want to do this thing, it felt wrong to cut a body party, a piece of Isabella and their baby, but in the moment he was too overwhelmed to remember he’d meant to say no. He’d never forget the way the cutting felt in his hand and quickly thrust the scissors back, attention turning towards the baby who was now being dried and looked over, a stethoscope pressed to his chest as his little legs kicked and his hands reaching for a parent who was already failing him.
Jungkook didn’t realize he’d put his hand on Isabella’s head until she grabbed his wrist, her other arm hanging in the air as she called, “What’s wrong? What’s going on? Jungkook, I can’t see–”
“They’re looking at him and listening to his chest,” Jungkook said. Isabella’s panic made his rise. Was something really wrong?
“Hey, what’s going on?” he demanded, leaving her side and striding over to the rotisserie-chicken-heating looking thing the baby was on now. He didn’t know the doctor who had suddenly appeared from nowhere in all the chaos.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Gardner,” she said, “I’m the pediatric specialist here.” She held her finger up and listened again to the baby’s chest, though he’d stopped screaming. It was more of a gentle, plaintive cry now, as if he was giving up on life–
Or comforted by Jungkook’s sudden near voice.
Jungkook shifted the active part of his brain away from the doctor and to the baby –his baby– who needed him.
“Hey, hey little guy,” he cooed, leaning down and reaching right out to stroke a little chubby cheek. He got goosebumps, saying that to his son, to a real baby that was his. The baby’s head turned, wobbly, as if trying to press against his finger. “It’s ok. It’s ok you’re just born now, and your mama is waiting to hold you close.”
The pediatric doctor was rattling things off –a weight, a height, an APGAR score.
“I hear a slight crackle,” she told the nurse writing things down. “Breathing is slightly elevated but hard to say whether that’ll linger. Let’s check his vocal cords…”
“Excuse me, Dad. You can hold his hand but I need his head,” a nurse said, nudging him out of the way to first slide on a tiny yellow hat and then hold the infant’s head steady. Jungkook felt a jolt of alarm as the doctor suddenly slid a massive camera light clamp tool thing into the tiny little mouth. The baby didn’t seem more upset by this than he already was, didn’t even flail about it, though a nurse held his legs still anyway.
“Wait, what’s going on? Is this really necessary?” Jungkook demanded, worried he was already failing his son. He needed to understand what they were doing before they just did things! 
“Koo?” Isabella called. “Someone tell me what’s happening!”
“Hands and feet are still bluish but may be pinking up,” the nurse holding the legs said.
The doctor nodded and removed the tool –which Jungkook saw now was just a light, not even as big as his panic had made him think. The baby screamed louder and he felt a surge of anger that no one was answering their questions.
“Excuse me,” he said, not as politely as he intended, and promptly scooped his baby up right from beneath the doctors. There was so little weight to the body as Jungkook’s hands lifted, his skin warm and oddly dry-feeling but with a softness to it he couldn’t describe. Jungkook didn’t know what he had expected, but not for the this newborn to feel like such a baby. He was only minutes old, how did he feel so real?
Unphased, the doctor touched Jungkook’s arm and cooed at the baby, “Good good. I’m sorry, little sunshine, we just have to make sure you’re ok.”
The baby continued to cry. He was so small! And yet, not quite as small as Jungkook had expected. Sorah had been miniscule, and Amelia just about. This baby felt bigger than Sian and Parker and Sam had been, but maybe he just didn’t remember? Jungkook tucked the baby down into the crook of his arm, nestled against his chest, and took it all back; suddenly the baby felt tiny! Impossibly small! He felt like his arms were too big and awkward despite ample experience holding even very fresh babies. Many times! Not quite as fresh as this one. 
He was moving on fumes now as he bounced and hummed and tried to believe this was real.
“It’s ok, you’re ok, shhhh, I’ve got you.”
“Jungkook? What’s going on?”
“We can go to mom,” the doctor said, touching Jungkook’s arm. She had a smile on her face which soothed Jungkook because it had to mean nothing was badly wrong, though he couldn’t quite fight off the resentment that this doctor had already upset his baby and delayed his comfort and not even answered his questions.
He turned away from the chicken-roaster and saw Isabella watching with absolute terror that seemed totally disconnected from the doctor and nurses still working between her legs. She looked completely ignorant of that, her whole attention trained on Jungkook and the baby. Everything right now was so weird.
The baby gave a full body shudder and a nurse suggested, “I’ll get a diaper.”
“Who cares about a diaper,” Jungkook snapped, offended she’d think he was afraid of whatever the baby might produce. He was just born! Jungkook was his dad, he didn’t care, let babies be naked! “A blanket? Please.” It was tacked on. Politeness wasn’t at the front of his mind right now; his baby needed things and what, they were worried about some pee or poop? If that would make him feel better, he could poop all he wanted!
Jungkook’s throat felt thick as he tucked the baby higher, pressing his jaw gently to the hatted top of head as he carried him over to his anxious eomma. It was crazy. It was unbelievable. He was holding the baby and he couldn’t even make sense of that yet because it actually didn’t feel that weird at all, of course he was holding his son, hadn’t he always been holding his son since the dawn of time? Wasn’t this all just a really nice dream?
A nurse held out a blanket but first Jungkook lowered the baby into Isabella’s waiting arms, then took the blanket himself and tucked it around the baby. Isabella’s gasped and immediately pushed the hat off and stoked the hair and chubby little face and papery-thin ears as tears spilled over. 
“Oh my god, our baby. Look at him.”
Only then did Jungkook more fully appreciate that he had held his son for the first time. His real living breathing in-the-world son. The baby’s cries quieted to a single final chirp of complaint and then nothing, just peace on his mom’s chest. Jungkook decided the baby had been real a moment ago, there was this haze of unreal around everything until Isabella and the baby were together. Now it was real. Impossible, but real.
“Oh my god,” Isabella said again. “He’s got so much hair!” Jungkook laughed and reached out to stroke the baby’s face again too, leaning close on the bed beside Isabella, ignorant to the bustle around the room. That was just background noise now. All that mattered was that suddenly they had a baby and Isabella was holding their baby.
He felt complete in a way he had not known was missing. Him, Isabella, Ezra, Lily, Gidget, and now this baby to tie them all together, he felt whole. He suddenly desperately wanted everyone here so he could hold everyone at once. His heart would burst. 
“Was that you?!” Isabella gasped, looking up at him. The whining noise had come from him, not the baby at all, though it sounded like a baby noise. He tried to explain himself but only a cracked non-word came out and he blinked rapidly against the tears. “Oh my god you’re going to cry,” Isabella giggled. Her face glowed with sweat and effort and joy and Jungkook wasn’t surprised at all the way their son stared adoringly up at it. What a beautiful first view.
“I’m trying not to,” Jungkook admitted and laughed as his eyes threatened to run over. He pressed his face to Isabella’s shoulder and drew a deep shaky breath. The blanket moved against his chin, a little foot cycling. “Hey, are you trying to kick me already?!” The baby was a solid warm lump under the blanket, so warm Jungkook couldn’t believe it as he patted the little butt he’d been shown so many times on the ultrasounds. 
“Ok, I’m sorry to interrupt again, we want to draw some blood,” the pediatric doctor said.
“You have to take him?” Isabella asked, shifting as though trying to sit up. The doctor down south told her not to move, so Jungkook slid his arm across her, trying not to notice that there were stitches happening in a place stitches shouldn’t be. How was Isabella not pay any attention at all to that?!
“In a moment, but you keep holding him now. Often that helps a baby improve and wake up, which is what we want to see, he’s still a little sleepy. Right now we’re just going to stick his foot. I will explain while the nurse does that. We noticed meconium in the amniotic fluid right before he was born. Meconium is the baby’s first stool, it’s this blank inky stuff–”
“We have two other children, I remember it,” Isabella interrupted. The joy was gone from her face, she looked so serious at the doctor. Jungkook could read her mind. Spit it out already.
“The concern is whether the baby aspirates the meconium into his lungs. If so, it can make it difficult for him to get the oxygen he needs. The good news is, he looks really good, his color is good, he is responsive and strong. There were no signs of fetal distress during labor and you delivered quickly, but a quick delivery can be hard on a baby too. I do hear a slight crackle in his lungs,” the doctor continued. Jungkook watched the nurse grab their baby’s tiny foot with a needle and resisted the urge to push her away. The baby didn’t seem to notice or care anyway. He was just… existing against Isabella, breathing quickly like he couldn’t quite trust the air of this new world.
“That’s bad,” Isabella said. “Is that why he’s kind of breathing fast? Does he need oxygen or something?”
“It’s not good but we don’t know if it’s bad yet. We’ll run a blood gas to look for low blood acidity, low oxygen or increased carbon dioxide. The most accurate way we can look to see if he’s aspirated is with a laryngoscope, which we’re setting up now.”
“Right now?” Isabella asked with alarm. “He was just born!”
“The last thing we want is your baby not getting the oxygen he needs to do well,” the doctor explained. “If he needs to go on oxygen therapy, better we do that quickly.”
“But…” Isabella trailed off, face distressed, but she was already shifting to hand it over. “You can check quickly?”
“I don’t understand, he’s in danger?” Jungkook tried to catch up.
“We hope not but we want to make sure so we can react quickly. Your baby’s APGAR score was a 5, which means–”
“He needs help,” Isabella said. “Take him, do what he needs! But tell me what’s going on!”
Jungkook felt like he’d done the wrong thing bringing the baby over now. He didn’t know what to do. This wasn’t what he’d planned. He and Isabella were just supposed to snuggle their new baby now; he wasn’t supposed to trail after the doctor carrying his son back to the chicken oven where medical staff had set up several tools next to an incubation bed. Just the sight of that was terrifying and known. It meant something was really wrong.
Jungkook barely held himself together as the baby was braced again and the doctor slid an actual camera this time down the tiny throat. Jungkook wanted to push them all away but was frozen with the terror of it. What did it mean if the baby didn’t have enough oxygen? He didn’t understand in a real way, only that it was bad. What was happening to their baby?
“Faint staining,” the doctor said, looking at a grainy image on the small monitor that meant nothing to Jungkook. He wanted to scream at the awful image of his newborn child with a camera in its mouth. This was wrong, this was a nightmare.
“Very faint though,” she said as she withdrew the tools and set them on a tray for a nurse to carry off. “Let’s recheck APGAR.” Jungkook could only stand there as they ran through a series of questions again –about baby’s skin tone, response to thwacking on the heels, a pulse check, temperature. Jungkook felt like he’d shit himself, he was so anxious, but mindlessly called things over to Isabella before realizing she’d just delivered the placenta. Did he want to see it? No, he told the nurse; how could he care about that when they were listening to his baby’s lungs again? Also, kinda gross…
Suddenly the baby jolted and cried out.
“Ah! Sorry, little one, was that cold?” the doctor grinned and shared a smile with the nurses. She concentrated on listening and nodded, then glanced over her notes as the baby began squirming. 
“What’s happening?” Isabella called again. “Someone tell me!”
“Your baby’s APGAR score is improving,” the doctor called back. “That’s good. That’s very good.” She slid her finger along his arm and palm and smiled when little fingers curled around it. “That’s better. That’s better, little one, you’re waking up.”  
“Oxygen?” the nurse asked.
“Set up for the chest x ray, let’s do that since I saw the staining but… but these signs are good… come, let’s get baby back to mom for now.” 
Jungkook wasn’t thrilled the doctor picked the baby up this time, after the nurses had added a diaper. Something about the diaper seemed wrong, like they were already trying to clean the baby up when he and Isabella just wanted to be with the baby, no diaper needed, just them. He trailed along as the doctor whose name he’d already forgotten returned the baby to Isabella’s chest, offering her a reassuring smile. Isabella looked terrified and Jungkook didn’t know what to do about it. He wasn’t sure his touch would be comforting since it hadn’t been for labor, so he just hovered beside her and watched.
“Good news, mom and dad, baby’s looking a little better. I do see signs of meconium staining on his cords but it’s very, very faint which hopefully means he aspirated very little. The crackle is still in his lungs. This is all very slight but something we want to monitor closely. His heart rate is picking up and his breathing is slowing down, all very good signs. We’ll redo the blood gas in a few hours as well but there’s a balance to strike between making sure he’s supported and not being too aggressive with anything that will tax his little lungs.”
“So what does that mean?” Isabella asked, bless her, because Jungkook didn’t understand a fucking thing.
“It means he is looking better by the minute despite aspirating the meconium so right now I want you to take the time you want to do skin to skin like you are, try to nurse him, just love on him. But we will want to watch him closely for the next few hours and if anything changes, put him on oxygen, so you’re going to see a lot of us until we’re sure he’s all right.”
“Should we do that right now?” Isabella asked. “I don’t want to hold off just for my sake–”
“No no, I promise I would not risk anything. Right now the best thing is for him to be surrounded by you and watched. When you sleep though, we will want to take him to the nursery for close watch, ok?”
“I’m here,” Jungkook reminded. “I can watch him while she sleeps.”
The doctor smiled and agreed, “Yes, absolutely. I will explain the things to watch. But both of you should rely on medical staff while you are here to get the rest you need to take care of him at home. We may have him stay here a couple extra days.”
“In the NICU?” Isabella asked.
“I don’t think he needs NICU as of now, we’ll just keep watching. He is seeming stronger by the minute, we just want to make sure we’re quick to react if that changes. See, he’s rooting, that’s a good sign too.”
Jungkook couldn’t help but feel like she’d tossed a bucket of stress over them. He watched the baby with more anxiety than fascination as Isabella went through the motions of stroking his face and pressing her nipple into his mouth –something that seemed old hand to her after two kids but Jungkook thought was pretty fascinating. The pediatric doctor remained to watch too, a whole party of nurses as well, but Isabella didn’t seem to mind the audience.
“Is it bad?” he asked her quietly, hoping she would know more and could give him an answer.
“I don’t know… he looks so perfect… I think if it was really bad they’d have him on oxygen so they’re just watching…” She looked nervous. Conflicted. He resented that the doctor had interfered with their joy. He felt like worry was making him miss everything. 
“Ready to move her to a room?” a nurse at the door called. 
Jungkook trailed after them, not sure how he was supposed to fix any of this and angry that they hadn’t had more than a minute to bask in each others presence after birth and terrified that a big hand was going to suddenly reach down and steal his son away before he even got to know him.
The baby had been born shortly after seven o’clock in the morning. It was weird to get messages from family members about delivering the kids to school, about work, wanting to know when they could visit and asking for pictures. Jungkook hadn’t even taken pictures during labor or immediately after the baby was born. Another failure. He tried to make up for it in the room, snapping photos of Isabella exhausted but mooning over the baby, the baby snuggled against her chest, the baby trying to nurse because Isabella said that was fine to photograph. 
Eomma and Appa came by right away and couldn’t believe a whole baby had been born in such a short period of time. Soona came too, and Gina. They all fluttered around Isabella and the baby and Jungkook was glad to have something to do, taking pictures, fetching Isabella water and food, reciting the things the doctors had said even though they didn’t make sense to him. He wished he could believe everyone’s assurances that the baby would be fine, but they didn’t know.
Soona went with him for the baby’s x-ray because he insisted, needing to feel like he was doing something for his baby. His sister was a doctor, no one would refuse to answer her questions, and Soona would tell him what they were really saying. It was all so scary. It didn’t matter that the doctors were saying things were improving, there was still that crackle in his lungs, and they decided to start him on antibiotics because he was running a fever, and Jungkook worried worried worried. A newborn baby shouldn’t run even a small fever! He was glad to have his big sister there to ask the right questions.
It was several hours before family left to let Isabella rest before more family would come by later. Jungkook nodded seriously when Eomma told him to be firm if they wanted fewer visitors –that was another thing he could do. But he knew Isabella would want the kids to come by and meet their brother as soon as they were out of school. He hoped the baby would be healthy and strong enough; it wasn’t risky, right? And–
“Jungkook.” He went at her call in an instant, leaning down on the side of the bed. “You’re worried,” she so wisely detected.
“But he’s doing ok,” she said.
“Shouldn’t they put him on oxygen just to be sure?” Jungkook asked. He’d made the mistake of looking up on his phone what it meant to aspirate meconium in a quiet moment. Low oxygen at birth could cause all sorts of brain trauma. They might not even see it for months or years. He might seem fine now but then get worse later.   
“Snuggle down with me.” She shuffled over as best she could in the bed, and he kicked his shoes off before balancing on it with her, not trusting it would hold them both until it did. The baby had fallen asleep on her chest, sound asleep, mouth open, perfectly at peace.
“What if he’s got brain damage?” Jungkook whispered, afraid the baby would hear.
“Then we do whatever he needs,” she said. “But it wasn’t much meconium. It’s light staining. His blood gas wasn’t bad.”
“I know,” she murmured. “Everything is so scary. Everything can go wrong and they’re so little and you feel so helpless to do anything. I feel that terror too. But look at him. He’s here, and he’s strong, I can tell.”
Jungkook had to admit the baby did look healthy and peaceful. He looked less blue and more like a little plump puffy baby. He didn’t even seem to be having a hard time breathing right now; his whole chest didn’t convulse like it had off and on all morning.
“Is he breathing?” Jungkook suddenly gasped.
“He’s breathing. I can feel it. He’s just content right now,” Isabella said. “He’s good.”
“He’s good,” Jungkook repeated.
“We have a baby.”
“We have a baby,” Jungkook repeated, then added, “And I only cried a little. There wasn’t time to cry.”
“I know. That was scary but… but it’s quiet now.”
It was. It was so quiet and peaceful. Isabella was a beast and seemed to have come through labor as if it was nothing, which he did not understand.
“How are you feeling?” he asked her, realizing he hadn’t in a few minutes.
“I’m still fine, Koo,” she laughed. “Puffy and sore. They’re going to come tell me to try and pee soon and I’ll probably cry about that. I don’t want to get out of bed.”
“You should rest. You… did a lot.”
“You think?” she giggled.
He stroked her face to get her to look up so he could kiss her and finally his touch seemed welcome. He hadn’t had time to entertain the fear it would be permanent, that space she wanted, but it was gone now anyway, just a figment of labor. He could feel she was sleepy by the low energy of her kiss, warm and soft and lazy. 
“It’s so different,” she murmured. 
“What is?” he asked. He kissed her forehead, his hand dropping down to rest against the lump of the baby because he needed to be part of this joyful love too. Whatever happened, the baby was loved and wanted and Isabella was right, they would figure out whatever he needed if something did go wrong later on.
“This part,” she answered. “It’s so weird. When Ezra was born, I almost felt bad for Landon because I just had this instant connection with the baby, he was mine and… and I think Landon felt very left out. He didn’t know what to do.”
“I don’t know what to do.”
“You’re amazing, Koo. When he was first born and the doctor had him over there and I didn’t know what was happening but you were there.”
“Doing nothing.”
“Being there. When Lily was born, you know it was just the two of us, me and her, and that felt right too. I would have liked to have a partner there but not Stig. He didn’t belong in that moment with me, meeting my daughter. She was never his. And this time… honestly, I was kind of afraid I would resent you being here.”
“Resent me like… being present at all?”
“I’ve never been someone’s wife. I’ve never had a partner the way you are. Just… people who interfere, Landon, Stig…  failures as parents… I was a little afraid the baby would be born and I would just want him in my arms and everyone to go away, even you.”
Jungkook swallowed. It wasn’t like he hadn’t had similar fears but it was terrifying to hear Isabella admit them. She’d fought so hard to protect and raise her children, and he’d never done this before, he fully expected his bumbling might make her defensive.
“But seeing you hold him, it feels the same as if I’m holding him,” she said. “There’s nowhere in the world our kids are safer than with you.”
Relief flooded Jungkook’s body.
“I’m so glad you’re here, Koo. Labor sucks and I couldn’t have done this again without you.”
“You seemed to do just fine,��� he mumbled, abashed by her affection.
“I know I didn’t want much touching but… but you were here. And you listened when I said something and you nearly shoved that elderly couple out of the elevator so I could get in–”
“I thought you were going to have the baby in the hall,” he chuckled. “They thought so too, everyone was jumping out of the way.”
“I almost did!”
“It went faster than I thought it would.”
“Me too. My perineum isn’t happy about it.”
“Ah, the tearing…”
“Let’s not talk about it.”
“I’ll still eat there all the same but–”
“We’ll wait until you’re all healed up and then I’ll take care of things,” he assured her, overjoyed by her scandalized glare. 
“You just watched a child emerge from my vagina. I would think that’d cool your engines for a while–”
“No way. You’re so cool, Bella.”
“Here, take him.”
“Oh do you need–”
“No, just you hold him now. I bet he won’t even wake up, he’s so out. Maybe he’s going to be a heavy sleeper like you.”
“Is that bad?” he asked.
“Having a baby who sleeps well would be the greatest blessing.” He was barely listening to her because she’d started to drag the baby towards him, the whole little burrito. At the last second Jungkook recalled all the conversation about skin to skin and yanked his shirt over his head and tossed it away.
“What are you doing?”
“Uh… they said that uh, skin to skin with dad is–”
“You’re so cute,” she grinned, and dumped the baby burrito onto his chest. He was so warm Jungkook thought he must still have a fever though the nurse’s said the fever was gone. His hands and feet were now a healthy pink that Jungkook hadn’t even known to hope for. 
He adjusted the little one against his chest –who, as Isabella suspected, barely stirred. His face rubbed against Jungkook’s pec and for a second he thought the baby was rooting and would wake up, but he just relaxed and slumbered on. 
“What a lucky baby to have two parents with big tits,” Isabella mused.
“I’ll scream if he goes for my nipple.”
“Count on it.”
Jungkook’s laugh trailed off. He was too mesmerized. Dark hair peeked out from beneath the cap, feathery soft over little skin rolls at the back of his neck. He wasn’t swaddled, just draped with a blanket, his little body curled up like he’d probably been inside Isabella. He was so, so new, so fresh. Jungkook knew within weeks, months, years this baby was going to turn into a little person but it was hard to believe right now. Jungkook slid his thumb into the little fist, long papery fingernails barely a scratch against his skin. He had that feeling again he’d had earlier: I am complete, my family is complete. I’ve been waiting for you and now everything is good.
“Maybe we should have let Ezra and Lily skip school so they could come sooner,” Jungkook said. “It feels wrong they haven’t met him yet.”
“They’ll meet him soon and have every day with him. Enjoy the quiet now.”
“That’s true… I just miss them…”
“What are we going to introduce him by?”
“What do you mean?”
“What should we name him, Jungkook,” she snickered, and kissed his shoulder. He kissed the side of her head, briefly again distracted by how amazing she was to have delivered a fucking baby and now just be hanging out talking to him like it was no big deal. She hadn’t even cried. He’d cried from constipated shits before and now she was asking him what they should name this baby she had made?
“We had that list of names.”
“You choose.”
“You pick his name,” she said again. “As long as it’s not something I hate. No Wolf.”
“But you gave birth…”
“And you’re his dad. I got to name our first two.”
Jungkook studied the little face pressed to his chest. He tried to fit a name to this person, but how? Nothing fit. He was a brand new baby, a blank slate. There was no personality yet to tag a name onto, only a little potato with a head of dark hair and a history of scaring the shit out of his parents from the first minute.
But there actually was a name on the list that had seemed familiar to him from the moment he’d written it down. Isabella had not seemed to react any particular way to it, but she hadn’t struck it out, and he’d been almost afraid to point it again in case she didn’t like it. He wasn’t sure where he’d even heard it, it had just lodged in his brain.
“Kai,” he said.
“Kai?” she repeated. “Kai Jeon?”
“It sounds cool, right?” he asked hopefully. 
“It sounds like a manga character,” she said, then grinned. “The protagonist. I like it.”
“Ezra, Lily, and Kai. It sounds good together.”
“Yeah, I thought so too!”
“So you’ve thought about this.”
“I just liked the name… OK, and what about Ronin for the middle name? The ronin were samurais who no longer served a master or family, only themselves… kind of like wandering knights… That’s cool, right? Ah, too geeky?”
“Kai Ronin Jeon sounds cool.”
“And it’s kind of like Ezra Ryan and Lily Eleanor… and Kai Ronin… it sounds good, like you said.”
“Cool. Hi, Kai. You are going to have a way easier time learning to spell your name than I did so you’re welcome,” Jungkook murmured, patting the little cushy diapered butt. “Kai.” He felt a joy course through him. Yes, the name was right, he felt it in his heart. The baby was right. The family was right. The woman was definitely right.
He wanted to say that, to tell her how much this meant to him, to tell her that he recognized the miracle it had taken for them to be together like this and married and having a baby, and that she had done most of the work. He wanted to tell her he would never take this for granted, that she’d been willing to do it all one more time with him even though the last times had been so hard for her.
What came out was, “Hey I look pretty good for a dad of three, huh?”
“If you weren’t holding him, I would push you off the bed.”
“You look banging as a mom of three–”
“Your tits are…” He trailed off, realizing they were definitely getting bigger. He’d know. He studied them carefully.
“Yeah, I think my milk is coming in faster this time, so he better have an appetite. I can’t believe he’s over nine pounds…”
“Yeah, is that good?”
“It’s big.”
“Is it? I don’t know baby sizes. He seems bigger than my nieces and nephews were.”
“It’s big.”
“He’s strong,” Jungkook decided.
“I think it’s mostly his head. He got your head.”
“Wha? I have a normal sized head.”
“Tell that to my fourteen stitches.”
“Is it really fourteen?!”
“I don’t know, I made that up, I wasn’t listening –he’s awake.”
Jungkook’s gaze snapped immediately down to the little face, to the little dark eyes cracking open. His brow and mouth were scrunched, making him look very grumpy to get woken up.
“Oh hey look at that scowl, he’s definitely yours, Bella–”
“I swear to god, Jungkook.”
“Ah, I think he’s doing that breathing thing again,” Jungkook frowned as the baby began to breathe with his whole chest again. “I’ll give him to you to nurse and get a nurse to check him again.”
“You think we should?” Isabella asked and Jungkook was floored by the question, by the way she looked up at him, by the trust he felt from her. She was the one who’d had babies before! But she was relying on him as the father to help make sure their baby was ok. That Kai was ok.
“Yeah. I’d rather check too much and annoy the nurses than wait too long if he needs oxygen, right? I’m sure he’s fine but I’ll get the nurse.” He felt puffed up with the responsibility of it as he gently eased Kai over to Isabella. Kai let out a cry of complaint, just a little single yowl, and Jungkook’s heart skipped a beat.
“You like me already, huh?”
“Your tits are better,” Isabella teased.
“Definitely not true, sugar butt. I’ll be back.” He said it just to get her huff of annoyance at the saccharine pet name. Good. He loved Isabella grumpy with affection. He loved her needing him and trusting him and pulling him close when it would be so easy for her to push him away in her exhaustion and fear over their baby. 
He hadn’t felt like it wasn’t true, but he felt for sure now that they were in this together. Maybe that was partly where the sense of completeness came from, not just from holding Kai and feeling like his family was complete, but this bone-deep proof now that he was Isabella’s –to have, to hold, to rely on– in a way he thought he never could be.
He went off to bother the nurses again, gladly, because there was nothing he wouldn’t do for his wife and kids.
Isabella felt it too: that connection, that worry, that relief, that wholeness. 
Kai would be all right, she believed it because she had to, and because he had his daddy to take over when Isabella couldn’t. It didn’t matter if Jungkook didn’t come into this with the parenting history she did. He was Kai’s dad, and he wouldn’t quit until he got it right, until Kai had whatever he needed –just like he had with Ezra, and Lily, and Isabella. 
Kai was perfect, just as both her other children had been. She had the most wonderful children in the world, and any of her fears that blending a family would be hard vanished when she held Kai. He belonged here, and Ezra and Lily would feel it too, just like they had with Jungkook even before she did. 
Jungkook came back, chatting animatedly with the nurse. He’d been up all night with her once the labor pains started, trailing her like a duckling as she paced the house, timing them because she was impatient and couldn’t remember to do it, bringing her ice water, keeping his distance when she said she needed space, jumping to her side when she needed someone to lean on.
“I think Kai needs a new diaper,” she shared as Jungkook and the nurse reached her. She peeked in the back of the diaper to confirm because these early meconium poops were odorless and easy, but she’d sensed it in the way he had just curled and relaxed. She was right. Maybe some of this baby stuff would come back to her, more easily than she had feared. 
Jungkook stretched his arms out, cracking his knuckles, then beamed, “All right, let’s get diaper duty started, huh? We’re going to ease into this, right, Kai? Start me off with some non-threatening stuff, yeah?”
Jungkook’s gasps of horror at the tarry stools a moment later had Isabella suppressing the laughter, her body too sore for this kind of thing. 
God, every time she didn’t think she could possibly love Jungkook anymore than she already did, she found she could. 
There are more Amended drabbles on my masterlist or read the main story here
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cold--carnage · 11 months
ok I'm gonna need to rant about fnaf for like a while so hold up and prepare for drunken spelling mistakes and probably some npd shit that I just realized was involved with this
I fell in love with fnaf immediately when it first became public. I heard about it before Markiplier picked it up and when he did I pretty much stalked him and the official fnaf sites for details. I was into this way before it was cool and that's not really a brag it's just a fact. I was bullied extensively for it and to this day I'm known for being the fnaf guy to the point that my sister (who does not talk to me) messaged me when she saw the movie. I hate. with every fiber of my being. that something I suffered to love became so mainstream and so reachable years after I had found it. I remember taking every image Cawthon posted and fucking with the brightness and source code to find hidden messages and I remember going as Foxy for Halloween in grade 9 and nearly getting stuffed into lockers for it because that was "nerd shit." this was "weirdo stuff" and "autismo garbage" and all the shit like that but I held it and I latched myself onto it and I stuck by it because fuck everyone. and I played it at school on my friend's MacBook at lunch break and I waited for lore like a dog and I was a loyal and extremely devoted fan.
and I'm seriously so happy to see something I love so dearly become something so legitimate. to see the things I loved finally move on screen the way I always imagined it. but part of me is so unimaginably angry. that this indie game. that I stuck by. that I was ridiculed for. that I worshipped. to see it slowly become something so mainstream. it hurts so bad. call me a selfish narcissist I don't fucking care. I am what I am. but I had very few things in this life. and this was one. and now it's a household name. but I remember when I had to make my own merch because it didn't fucking exist yet. and I remember being hurt for loving it. and now it makes me cry. because the movie wasn't even amazing but to see something you've loved so hard become something so real is just surreal. and I hate myself for caring so much about some stupid fucking robots but I can't ever explain it. my life revolved around it for years and I was hurt badly for it. and now everyone suddenly loves it. and I got hurt for nothing. and what am I supposed to do.
my art teachers were sick of seeing me draw Foxy and my mom was sick of me talking about robots and my doctors didn't know what to say and I was consumed by this shit and now it's something everyone loves and I love that people love it but for fucks sake. you don't have any fuckin clue what I suffered for this fandom that I hate now. because I don't recognize it. it outgrew me. I had homemade masks on my wall. I researched animatronics. I made my whole world about some dumb fuckin robots and I was beaten for it and now it's just another tumblr sexyman contender I guess
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illmamnim · 1 year
As propaganda for Shahar in the @original-character-championship , here's some history
Back in 2014, I've created a set of characters that would later become our main cast: Shahar, Peter, Omer and Gil.
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I won't go into each of them in this propaganda but I'll show them off once I have proper character sheets.
The world
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In this world people have different abilities and those can be distinguished via eye colors.
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Those without an ability have gray eyes, and are called and treated differently in each culture.
A brief of each major character:
Omer has Charisma, Gil has Illusions, Peter has Earth, Miss Basir has Plants, Shay has Wind, and finally Shahar:
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Shahar has red eyes because her ability comes from her grandpa - heat regulation. She can control her body temperature, from not producing any heat at all to burning like a well boiled soup.
Her story starts when 3 teens (Omer, Peter, Gil) start looking into her dad's old clinics after their parents have gone sick. Her dad asks her to go with them and make sure they don't find him and aren't suspicious of it.
She joins our group after they've found miss Basir- a traveling gardener who rides with her daughter in a van across the F.U.E (The country name (ish)(may change)). Shahar tags along without much contribution, only pointing out wrong paths and misinformation to make their journey come to dead ends.
However, after spending weeks with people on the road you're bound to find yourself attached to them, to some degree. Omer wasn't as annoying as he used to be, Peter seems to know everything and is always happy to answer her questions, Gil loves the same comics she does, Miss Basir knows just what to say to calm her down, and her daughter, Shay... Makes her feel things she never have before. They all do, in their way.
Shahr is full of guilt and shame over her father's actions, and her own. She's still leading them away from her father, this time not for him, but for her. What would they do once they find our she's been tricking them? What would they say if they knew that she's related to the man who almost killed their parents? They don't even know the purpose of all this. They still think Dr. Rephael is a good guy who can give their parents medicine.
As much as she tries, the crew still manages to find the doctor. Shahar tries to think of ways to discourage them from going, but it doesn't go as she planned- as any of them planned.
The doctor opens his door with warm hospitality, not at all surprised to see them, and offers them cookies and drinks. The kids explain their situation to the man, as Shahar seems to shrink into herself more than ever. The man listens politely, with that familiar expression of a doctor listening to their patients, and finally opens mouth to reply.
See, healers aren't people who can mend all wounds. Their ability helps your body heal itself by giving you ease, comfort and peace of mind- it feels just like talking to a loved one after weeks of being alone. So when the doctor finally tells them that he knows, that it was all a part of his plan and that their parents don't matter, it sounds fake. More than fake- it's surreal, as if they've finally managed to unlock the door but it's 15 feet in the air and they are seconds away from crushing into the hard asphalt ground.
The doctor explains his plan, Shahar's involvement and how he finally came to the conclusion that, to continue his plans, it's best to just poison this group and continue on. The crew looks down at the crumbs of sweets on their shirts and feel the taste of warm tea on their tongues, and nothing felt more bitter.
Now, a bit of an immersion break, because this is the end of season 1 and is yet to be fully constructed. But this story is intended to have 2 seasons at least (with either a movie special or a short season 3), and those characters has a very long way to go, with more people to meet, more challenges to overcome, and more talking and listening to do.
I really want to make this story into a comic and hopefully in college I'll even make an animated short with them. I still have a lot to learn to make this story what I want it to be, but I'm getting started, I'm building the plot and i have way too many google docs to prove it.
I hope this was a taste to get people interested. If so, send asks! I would love to talk about those little meow meows with more than just my 2 friends lwkzkws
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babykentthegent · 1 year
An Austin Adoption
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It’s been one week since the newest member of our family joined this world. Looking back at this past month feels surreal. It’s true what they say...once you have a child, you forget what life was like before them. The purpose of this blog is to share with family and friends Kent’s journey and development in his first year. One thing is for sure - he is one happy boy! This kid cannot stop smiling. Either he’s exceptionally happy or he is one gassy dude, haha. Let’s go with the former. He’s also remarkably bright! He’s already trying to hold the bottle for himself and is a great self-soother. His diet consists of formula and he is A-ok with it being room temperature. When he does cry, it’s always warranted and is his way of communicating his need. We then quickly run down the list: Does he need a diaper change? Is he hungry? Is he too cold/hot? Is he gassy? Once we identify the issue and take care of it, he’s back to being all smiles. 
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It was Thursday, May 18th at 11:37 PM when we received a text from the birth mom that read “And go!” She also told us to drive safe and not speed. This was after our false alarm fiasco on Cinco de Mayo...a story for another time. Let’s just say it involved a full moon, a cyclone of a storm complete with thunder and lightening, torrential downpour so hard the windshield wipers failed their only job, roads flooding, tree branches falling, followed by me puking so hard I popped all of the blood vessels in my face and neck. But this blog isn’t about me, so back to baby Kent. We made our way to St. David’s North Austin Medical Center, stopping to buy milk for the birth mom who had requested it for her heartburn. She tried to buy it herself but got impatient with the clerk and yelled at him that she was in active labor then left. We spent the evening and morning with the birth mom in her hospital room. While she was only 2 cm dilated, the doctors proceeded with inducing her, and eventually gave her an epidural. For hours she slept through her contractions. Epidurals are no joke! When she finally did wake up, the painful contractions didn’t last long. The doctor’s scrubbed me up as I was the person in charge of catching the baby and announcing the gender. Rob held the birth mom’s hand and opted to be her coach on the north end of things. The midwife checked her cervix to see if she was ready and I could already see the top of Kent’s head! Just three pushes later, at 1:49 PM on May 19th, he was born! I quickly shouted, “it’s a boy” to the room. A whopping 6 lbs 15 oz and 20″ long. A tiny but long little dude! The whole thing happened so fast that I barely had time to process it all. And just like that, we became parents. 
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We spent the next 48 hours in the hospital with Kent by our side. In Texas, the right of revocation for the birth mom is 48 hours. Kent’s birth mom was kind to allow us this bonding time with him which also allowed us to get a crash course from the hospital nurses on his care. We had to wake up every hour to feed him, but eventually he took to the bottle and never looked back. In our 12 years together, I’ve never seen Rob so happy. And he’s a natural! He’s now a pro at diaper changes, feedings, and soothing Kent like he’s been doing it for years. The way he looks at him brings tears to my eyes. Is someone cutting onions? It’s the same unconditional love that I have for Kent. 
After my mom died, I lost that level of bonded connectedness that a mother and child share. That all changed the day that Kent came into our lives. Once again the bond is back and I feel it stronger than ever. Not having family, especially my mom, there to be with us was difficult to say the least. One night I called my sister crying in need of support and within hours she hopped on a plane from California to come be there. Kent is so lucky to have an Auntie that would do that for the three of us. Once she arrived, she commented on our hospital room number (222). She shared that this was an angel number and that there were angels by our side. When I looked it up, I learned that it’s the angels’ way of telling you to let go and relinquish control of the situation and to trust the process. It was then I knew that we weren’t alone in that room and that everything was going to be okay. I could feel a strong presence and was certain that my mom, Rob’s dad, and Rob’s grandpa Kent were with us. It brought us another layer of comfort that we so desperately needed.
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Before we knew it, it was time to sign the adoption paperwork. After the signing, I felt overwhelmed with emotion and just sobbed. The build up to this had been a bit stressful and hectic to say the least, but once it was all said and done we were over the moon with joy. The hospital took photos of Kent before we were discharged. Shortly after, we buckled our newborn in his carseat and were off to the races. We went back to our friend’s house, where we stayed while in Texas, and spent the rest of the time getting to know our new little one. We had to wait for the state of Texas to process the paperwork before we could get the green light to fly home. In the meantime, we have enjoyed every moment we’ve had with him and we just can’t get enough.
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Kent is so alert and just loves to look at you. When he’s being fed, or just relaxing in your arms, he likes to cross his ankles. He has the cutest little mouth with puffy, adorable lips. He absolutely loathes being cold and when he’s cozy in his swaddle or sitting on the back porch in the humid weather, he is a happy boy. We’ve quickly learned how much laundry a tiny human produces, not to mention the diapers. He’s peed on us several times. It’s like a dang firehose! Sometimes right after we change a poopy diaper, he’ll immediately poop in it again...then we’re on to diaper three in a matter of moments. The first several days were late nights with little to no sleep. Yet, one week in, Kent is already letting mommy and daddy sleep a bit longer. On his three day checkup, the pediatrician here in Texas gave him a clean bill of health! Our favorite thing to do is sit outside as a family, drink coffee, and listen to the birds chirp. 
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We gave Kent his first bath back at the house and he handled it like a champ. It’s funny how similar babies and the elderly that require long-term care...you can’t trust a fart and you have to rely on others to feed and sponge bathe you. He got the tiniest little diaper rash, so we’ve been going above and beyond to try to help it heal. Even going to the extent of pulling his butt cheeks apart and blowing air on him to dry. That’s how much we love this kid - enough to blow on his butthole. The things you do for love. I tried to clip his nails when we got home and cut off part of his skin, causing it to bleed a little. He didn’t cry or seem to notice, but I cried and felt horrible! Lucky for me, my sister-in-law called to tell me that parents aren’t perfect and you’re going to make mistakes. This put me at ease because it’s so easy to feel like you’re a bad parent when you do make a mistake. 
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It’s true what they say - it takes a village. We’ve been so fortunate to have the support of friends and family. Our friends have allowed us to bunk up at their house and use their car this whole month, saving us a ton of money. My stepdad is house sitting and getting it ready for our homecoming. Rob’s parents are always there to talk to when we need them and helping out at home where they can. We’ve had family watch our dogs so we don’t have to worry about them. Other family that has sent us gifts and even dinner one night. It truly does take a village and Kent’s village is massive. 
In just four days we will be taking a flight back to Seattle. We can’t wait to get our routine and life started with him there. We fall more in love with him each day and are excited to watch him grow, learn, develop, and progress. He really is our little gentleman. His name is Kent, some call him KJ, I call him bubba or booboo or whatever obnoxious nickname that rolls off my tongue in response to his cuteness. Kent John, you have an exciting life ahead of you little dude. And we couldn’t be happier to be the ones to show you the world. 
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kimeow7 · 11 months
Eternal Shadows Ch.6
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Eternal Shadows (m) Chapter 6. The Bargain
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Rating: Mature (18+) Please do not read if you are underage.
Shorter chapter.
Warnings: Hospital. Talks about death. Mentions of gods, angels, demons, and souls without meaning to portray any specific religion. 
Again this chapter hasn't been revised. The grammar might be off and certainly, i am not a medical professional so the descriptions of the procedures and the hospital itself are simply based on watching way too much Grey's Anatomy. ¯\(°_o)/¯
Enjoy, :)
Disclaimer: All members of BTS are used as inspiration for the characters in this story. However, this is a work of fiction and should not be seen as a projection, representation, or judgment of the real-life individuals. The scenarios and representations depicted in this story are entirely fictional and do not aim to convey any aspects of real life.
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Tests, discussions with doctors and nurses, interactions with friends— the entire day passes by in a blur of activity. From medical appointments to conversations about fantastical scenarios with your friends, it's difficult to distinguish what is real anymore. On one hand, you are grappling with your health issues, and on the other, you are contemplating a counteroffer to a god.
It all feels absurd, nonsensical, and surreal.
Now, you yourself alone find once again. Visiting hours have ended and Doctor Kim has retired for the night. Before leaving, he informed you that your platelet count is improving, which brings some sense of relief. Yet, in this solitude, a wave of nervousness washes over you. You need to talk to Yoongi, but how? Rin advised you to simply let it unfold naturally, even if the week passes without seeing him to present your counteroffer. However, you're not entirely comfortable with that approach. Yes, he gave you a week, but if you have insights into his deal, shouldn't you see him sooner?
You let out a sigh, feeling conflicted and uncertain.
Maybe if you search online for how to summon a god, there must be something out there.You can't be the only person on this earth to have encountered one. With a quick reach for your phone, you open Google, of course.
"How to summon a god," you type, feeling a bit silly even as you do. If someone were to stumble upon this search, like an FBI agent, they would probably laugh at how ridiculous it sounds.
Numerous blogs and websites appear, mostly catering to those interested in the mystical and the occult. There are guides on summoning angels, demons, and even ghosts. But nothing specifically about summoning a god, even though Yoongi did mention that he embodied all of those entities.
You read through a few blogs and browse several web pages, but they all seem to suggest the same rituals, most of which involve candles. Glancing around your hospital room, it becomes painfully obvious that you don't have any candles, nor can you light them in this environment.
What is it with gods and their affinity for candles, anyway? Do they enjoy the faint light?
"Not precisely," a low voice interrupts your thoughts.
"Shit!" you exclaim, startled by the sudden sound. Your hand instinctively rises to your chest as you turn to face the source. "Yoongi can't you just... I don't know, announce your presence?"
Yoongi chuckles, sitting comfortably on the small couch in your room, legs crossed and resting arms on the back of the couch. "You seemed too engrossed in your reading," he teases. "I wouldn't dare to disturb your research little doll"
You roll your eyes, feeling a sudden wave of foolishness. Did you just roll your eyes at a god? Isn't that disrespectful?
Another chuckle escapes the god's lips. "Ah, little doll, you don't need to worry so much about disrespecting me. Denying my deal, however... that's a different story altogether."
Now, nerves begin to creep in. "I'm not—" you clear your throat, trying to compose yourself. "I was just thinking."
"You were considering," he corrects you, and you nod in agreement.
"I was considering that there are certain aspects I need to fully think through before accepting the deal."
Yoongi chuckles again. "And pray tell, my dearest, what are these aspects?"
"Well—" you glance over at the bedside table and reach for the piece of paper that Rin left for you. "My friend... she's—"
"A lawyer, correct?"
You furrow your brows as your nerves dissipate. Now, you feel a twinge of annoyance towards the god sitting before you. With a raised eyebrow, you turn to stare at him and ask, "If you already know, then what's your answer?"
"I want to hear it from your lips, my dearest. Go on... let me hear your offer for my deal."
"Will you consider it?"
"If you are appealing enough," he shrugs.
You scoff at his words and posture. He seems overly arrogant, but then again, he is a god. Still, it's a bit much.
Shaking your head, you begin reading the numbered points on the paper. "I need to know how long you plan for me to judge these souls."
"Indefinitely," he retorts immediately.
"Well, that seems unfair," you cross your arms. "How can I regain my life if I'm bound to serve you for eternity? It would only be fair to set a specific time frame, no longer than a year."
He chuckles. "Alright, what's your next point?" He gestures with his hand, encouraging you to continue.
"Are you agreeing to—"
"No," he interrupts, and you pout. "I'm considering it."
You think it's fair. "I must know the guidelines for judging these souls. What are the parameters? What defines good and bad? What is it based on?"
"It depends on the soul. I shall not disclose the parameters until you decide to accept the deal. I cannot divulge this divine information."
"Well, that's rather vague."
"Indeed, my dearest. What else do you have?"
You let out another sigh, feeling the weight of confusion and apprehension settle upon you. The words written on the paper now seem meaningless in the presence of the god beside you. Lowering the parchment, you take a deep breath, gathering your thoughts.
"What would I have to do?" you ask, your voice tinged with both fear and uncertainty. Yoongi furrows his brow, appearing somewhat perplexed. "I mean... I'm scared. The thought of suffering for eternity is terrifying. But I'm also confused. How am I supposed to judge a soul? You haven't provided me with any information, and yet you expect me to simply agree. I just..."
Yoongi interrupts you with a loud sigh, his hands tapping impatiently on his thighs. He slowly rises from his seat and begins to approach you.
"Five souls," he says, standing beside you, and you furrow your brow in response. "You will judge five souls, no more, no less. five."
Your jaw clenches, and you gulp harshly. "And how will you decide which five souls?" you ask, locking your gaze with his. His eyes hold that same dangerous yet strangely comforting intensity, adding to your confusion.
Yoongi sighs, briefly glancing around the room before focusing his attention back on you. "There will be souls that are in contention, viewed by some as good, by others as bad, and by some as nothing at all. The power to judge such acts lies in my hands. I will select those five souls, I will choose these individuals who teeter on the delicate precipice between good and evil. They will be the five souls for which you shall determine their fates."
Five souls. Could you truly do it? Could you bear deciding the fate of five individuals just to save yourself? Selfishly, you're tempted to say yes. After all, Yoongi is offering you a chance to reclaim your life. Yes, there's a glimmer of hope that Doctor Kim's surgical skills work miracles, but Yoongi had also told you that your time was running out, that you would die within hours... and he granted you more time, which means...
"Would I die if I were to refuse?" you ask, a tremor of fear in your voice as you lock eyes with Yoongi.
"Yes," he responds without hesitation, his voice laced with an enigmatic tone. "Your path has been set, my dearest."
"And you can alter my fate, just like that?" you inquire, a mixture of curiosity and trepidation in your voice.
"If I so desire, I hold the power to intervene," Yoongi asserts, his words dripping with an intriguing mystery.
His words send a shiver down your spine. There's no miraculous prowess of Doctor Kim's hands, no chance of survival, only a perplexing pact with a god. But could you live with the constant nagging doubt, forever questioning if you made the right choice? If you saved the right souls? Could you bear the burden of uncertainty in your actions? Could you—
"My dearest, our time is slipping away, and I require an answer," Yoongi interrupts, his tone carrying an air of urgency.
"You promised a week, and only a day has passed," you respond urgently, feeling the mounting pressure.
Yoongi smirks, his expression veiled in inscrutability. "That was the initial agreement, my dearest. However, as we reshape the course of our initial arrangement, I believe it's only fair that if we alter one aspect, I can alter the rest."
"It sounds unfair. I need more time to think... grant me some time to—"
"One day, my dearest. I shall return on the eve of tomorrow to collect your answer, or to claim your life," Yoongi interjects firmly, his words cloaked in a mysterious aura.
Your eyes widen, the weight of his words sinking deep into your soul.
Tomorrow, you will die...
Yoongi smiles at you, his presence captivating, and delicately takes your hand in his larger ones. For a fleeting moment, you're spellbound by the ethereal beauty of his flawless skin, the ornate rings adorning his fingers, and the enigmatic allure he exudes. Then, Yoongi brings your hand to his lips and kisses your knuckles causing a shiver in your body.
"This is your final opportunity, my little doll," he whispers to your skin, his voice tinged with an enigmatic allure, as the lights flicker and Yoongi vanishes from sight.
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So! Re: director's commentary shsksjsj. Melliferous is literally like always on my mind and it's just shsksjsks so good. Bls whatever crumb you're willing to give us about the fic, I will very much enjoy. Plus!! The Thomas and Virgil buried alive fic!!!! So good! I am kissing you on the forehead for that one so ye. Whenever you're up for it I am basically vibrating for the director's commentary for those.
Here's some odd thoughts on both of them, just for you!
So one of the things I'm really careful and insistent about in my writing is POV. You might have noticed it. I'm meticulous about this, both in reading and writing: the point of view of the narration has to be both consistent and recognizable. If it's from Virgil's POV, then that must be distinguishable from anyone else's, and we aren't getting insight into another character's head or thoughts as long as we remain with Virgil, and so on. Usually I stick with one character the whole way through (Virgil in Chessboxing, Thomas in Pick A Side, the OC in the Inception AU) or I switch POV from chapter to chapter (Eucatastrophe with its rotation through the full cast, Syzygy goes back and forth between Thomas and Janus).
Melliferous is the anomaly here, because it doesn't have a defined narrator or point of view. It's an omniscient narrator, which I usually shy away from on principle, but I did this on purpose. I wanted the whole story to have a kind of drowsy, dreamy feel of unreality to it, and narrowing things down to a single narrator would have taken away from that. It couldn't be Thomas (my go-to when I'm writing ensemble cast stories like this) because Thomas is dead and not there. It couldn't be any one of the Sides, because that would be elevating them to protagonist, and Melliferous is, at its core, about the group.
So instead you get a narrator reminiscent of folk tales and fairy tales, who knows more about the world than you do, patiently tells you what you need to know, and speaks with pretty words and a kind of knowing resignation, because they know exactly how it's going to end before it's even started. It's the only way this story could be told, I think.
A lot about Melliferous was carefully calculated to be disorientating and strange. It's not a normal Sanders Sides fic, and I knew that going in. Things like: the story opening on a conjunction and in medias res, never explaining exactly how the Sides are alive when Thomas isn't, never explicitly saying 'Hades is a Bee, Seph is a butterfly, also Seph is Persephone' - leaving that all up to implication, albeit very obvious implication - and of course the fact that the strangeness of everything is barely questioned by the people inhabiting the story. The TSS canon universe should not be one that supports concepts such as Greek Gods And Bee Hell without question, but I never wanted that to be in question, just like I wanted everyone to be as in-character as I could manage the whole time.
I feel like that's what makes good surrealism. The familiar tempered with the wholly absurd, in a way that it takes you a minute to go 'wait, why am I just accepting it?' - melliferous is definitely one of my more successful wanders into that sort of storytelling.
lying in a box with a lid on it
This fic was born out of a very specific set of thoughts I had, which I will now roughly try to recreate, in order:
there are a certain bunch of fic tropes that I really enjoy, involving characters being put into Situations, often much to their distress. however, I only really see these specific tropes in certain types of fandoms, like Marvel and the Witcher, occasionally Doctor Who.
Whenever I do see them in Sanders Sides fics, it's usually in the context of an AU (not always my thing) or in the context of Canon-ish Imagination Adventures (again, not always my thing)
I don't think I've ever seen a canonverse fic wielding the Buried Alive trope, have I?
(related thought from a completely different train, arriving almost simulstaneously at the station with the last one) the only way you could get Virgil to discuss his problems with Thomas is if you locked them both in a box and kept them there for hours.
hey wait a second
I like writing unique stories, stuff you couldn't find anywhere else. And there was just something really novel to the idea of Thomas and Virgil getting trapped somewhere together in his brain that I liked the idea of. It felt fresh and interesting, and also something that hopefully would stay a oneshot instead of turning into a multi-chapter epic.
Virgil and Thomas's dynamic is one of the more fascinating ones to me, because of the coexistence between 'we are friends and i love you' and 'you are literally my anxiety and as much as i love you, you occasionally hurt me as a part of your existence'. Someone in the comments of this fic described it as the Hedgehog's Dillemma, and fuck, that's exactly it, isn't it? Shoving them into an enclosed space ratchets the mental health issues up to a million, because they hurt each other. But it also makes them talk it out, because they don't want to be hurting each other.
Was this fic also just an excuse to force them to cuddle? Maaaaybe. Maybe that was my secondary motivation. That happens to be a favorite trope of mine, too.
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bleuhisteria · 1 year
Deus Ex Machina|| Aizawa x Reader Chapter 12
Within ice cream and delusions, our paths intertwined, set to forging an unstoppable duo.
We gathered in the kitchen, savoring spoons of ice cream as my dad posed a question.
"Let's have a quiz! What do you think the game's storyline was about?" he inquired, adorning his ice cream with a drizzle of chocolate sauce and caramel.
Aizawa paused, his spoon halfway to his mouth. "It seemed like we were attempting to escape from a hospital where human experimentation for mutant creation was taking place," he responded, his expression pensive.
I interjected, recalling the in-game documents that shed light on Aizawa's character's mental state. "Actually, it was an asylum," I corrected, adding caramel to my ice cream. "The game delved into the delusions of our characters, which was why you had moving platforms and surreal experiences."
Curiosity sparked in my dad's eyes as he turned to Aizawa. "And what's your take on the storyline, Aizawa?" he asked, eager to hear his perspective.
Aizawa shrugged, taking a moment to consider. "Honestly, my main focus was on escaping. I didn't delve too deeply into the plot," he admitted, a hint of perplexity in his voice.
Dad redirected his attention to me. "And what's your interpretation, (N/N)?" he inquired.
With a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth, I pondered before answering. "The plot revolved around a failed experiment involving mutants. The character I played was one of the abandoned doctors when the mutants escaped. However, the twist was discovering that Aizawa's character and mine were the same person, lost in a delusionary world we had conjured up," I revealed, my surprise still evident.
Aizawa turned to me, his eyes widening in realization. "Ah, I see. No wonder our characters merged in the end," he remarked, a mix of awe and understanding crossing his face.
I gave him a smile as I took another spoonful of ice cream.
"Now, you may be wondering why I asked the question," my dad began, "Well, it revolves around my evaluation." he said.
Aizawa and I exchanged glances, the weight of my dad's evaluation sinking in. The atmosphere in the room grew tense as we braced ourselves for the critique.
My dad continued, outlining our areas of improvement. "Since the majority of the storyline revolved around (N/N)'s perspective, it's understandable that Aizawa wasn't as invested in the plot itself. However, there were moments of miscommunication that led to consequences. For instance, the door problem. Aizawa, your lack of consideration for the puzzle caused (Y/N) to witness a gruesome scene. This highlights the importance of active engagement and support for your teammate. In battle, even inactions can have significant consequences."
As his words sank in, I could see the concern in Aizawa's eyes mirrored in my own. We both knew we had made mistakes.
"Furthermore," my dad continued, shifting his focus to me, "there were instances where you overly relied on Aizawa's information, wanting to be right from the start. This led to you being trapped inside a box, limiting your exploration of the map. Remember, teamwork is about sharing information and making decisions together. It's important to maintain your autonomy and not solely rely on others for information that you can gather yourself."
"Got it," I replied, my enthusiasm dampened as I contemplated my reliance on Aizawa's information. I took another spoonful of ice cream, feeling a mixture of disappointment and determination.
My dad offered us a reassuring smile. "You did well in completing the game, so pat yourselves on the back for that. Next time, we'll work on predictability," he explained.
Aizawa tilted his head in curiosity. "Predictability?" he questioned.
Dad nodded, elaborating on his point. "Yes, it's about anticipating each other's actions and being in sync. However, we might save that lesson for another time. I don't have many days off, but in the meantime, focus on improving your communication. Verbal communication is crucial," he advised. "While I'm not here to personally train you, engaging in one-on-one sparring sessions can help you understand each other better. And if you truly want to reach my level of skill, you could even ask Elena to spar with you," he added mischievously.
A bead of sweat formed on my forehead as I imagined Elena getting involved in our training. "I-I don't think Elena should be bothered with something like this," I responded cautiously, fully aware of Elena's abilities.
Dad chuckled, his amusement evident. "Well, it's up to you both. Just remember, teamwork and training go hand in hand. Keep improving, and I'm sure you'll become an unstoppable duo," he encouraged.
An unstoppable duo...
The thought lingered in my mind as I found myself walking to the garage a couple of hours after Aizawa left our house. I approached the sign on the door that barred my mom from entering, a smile creeping onto my face. With a sense of anticipation, I pushed open the door and stepped inside.
To my surprise, the garage was bathed in a soft glow of blue neon lights. My eyes darted around, landing on the various objects hidden beneath cloth coverings. Something had definitely changed since I was last here.
"Daaaad!" I called out, my voice tinged with skepticism.
Within seconds, my dad's head popped up from the end of the hallway. He peered at me with a curious expression. "Yes, (N/N)?" he responded, his tone filled with intrigue.
Pointing towards the covered items in the garage, I raised a skeptical brow. "What's in the garage, and how did it get here without me noticing?" I questioned, genuinely puzzled. I could have sworn these things weren't here just last night.
Chuckling softly, my dad replied, "I asked my secretary to bring them here. It's the equipment I mentioned bringing home."
My confusion deepened. "But when did they bring it? It wasn't here this morning, and it couldn't have been brought in last night," I stated, searching for an explanation.
"They actually delivered it during our training session this morning," my dad explained, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "Come on, let me show you how to use them," he continued, walking past me and heading into the garage.
We delved into the array of equipment, carefully examining each piece and discussing its potential applications. The missing bio photonic scanner had miraculously reappeared, causing a sense of relief to wash over me. Alongside familiar tools, there were also new additions, including specialized equipment for biochemistry and neurochemistry. With these resources at my disposal, I could explore the depths of molecular biology and perhaps even uncover the secrets behind quirk molecules.
Among the assortment of scientific instruments, I couldn't help but notice a few peculiar additions. An incubator, a freezing chamber—these made sense within the realm of my research. However, one item stood out in stark contrast: a coffee machine.
Confusion tugged at my thoughts, and I turned to my dad, seeking an explanation. His response was simple yet unexpected.
"It's for me," he replied with a mischievous grin.
I blinked, momentarily taken aback. "For you?" I repeated, unable to hide my surprise.
My dad chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Yes, (N/N), for those late-night research sessions when I need an extra boost of energy. Coffee is my secret weapon," he revealed, his tone filled with a hint of playfulness.
A smile crept onto my face, amused by his unexpected answer. I had always admired my dad's dedication to his work, and his inclusion of a coffee machine amidst the scientific equipment added a touch of familiarity and warmth to our work space.
"Fair enough," I replied, sharing a chuckle with him. "As long as it helps you stay sharp and fueled, I'm all for it."
A couple more hours was spent arranging the new equipment until Elena came to call us for dinner, in which we bolted out of the garage faster than lightning in hopes of not getting another scolding from mom about the time.
After dinner, lying in bed, my mind was consumed by a single idea—the prospect of my mom having recorded all of UA's previous sports festivals, stored somewhere within the confines of her office. The thought of accessing that treasure trove of information ignited a spark of determination within me. Aizawa and I could use that advantage to prepare for future competitions.
Glancing at the clock, its bright digits revealing the late hour—11:03 PM—I reasoned that my mom, dad, and Elena were most likely fast asleep by now. With their slumber as my cover, a plan began to form in my mind.
Quietly slipping out of bed, I slipped on my fluffy shoes, their soft padding muffling the sound of my steps as I made my way to the hallway. Each footfall was deliberate and cautious, ensuring I remained undetected as I ventured towards my mother's office. Her door, devoid of any lock, invited me in, and the security measures she had in place offered a sense of false security. Her chaotic system of arrangement made it nearly impossible for anyone to find anything, but I was determined to prove myself an exception.
An air of excitement mingled with a hint of apprehension as I approached the office. I knew the risks involved, the potential repercussions of trespassing and snooping around. Yet, my desire for the information outweighed any hesitations I might have had. After all, by the time I faced the consequences, I would already have obtained the valuable insights I sought. It was a perfect plan, or so I believed.
With a silent breath, I pushed open the door and stepped into the dimly lit room. The anticipation in my chest quickly turned to shock as a voice broke the silence, causing me to freeze in place.
"Right on time."
The lights flickered on, revealing a scene that sent shivers down my spine. The walls were adorned with bulletin boards covered in red strings, connecting photographs and documents in a web of information. Bookshelves lined with books, not arranged by height or category, but seemingly by a mysterious order. The only semblance of normalcy was my mother's desk, positioned in the center of the room. And there she sat, my mother, in her pajamas, a mischievous smile dancing on her lips, as though she had been expecting my visit.
She looked like a textbook villain, the only thing missing was the cat she would be stroking on her lap if we had one.
"Exactly 11:05, as I predicted," she stated with a smirk, her outstretched hand beckoning me forward. "Come in, my dear. Close the door and have a seat. I know why you're here," she said, her voice laced with amusement.
My heart pounded in my chest, a cold sweat forming on my forehead as the realization of being caught washed over me. With no other option but to comply, I closed the door behind me and cautiously made my way towards her desk. The air was thick with a mix of trepidation and curiosity.
Taking a seat opposite my mother, I braced myself for what was to come. Her gaze held a combination of knowing and intrigue, leaving me both unsettled and intrigued in return. It was clear that she had unraveled my intentions, but how and why remained a mystery.
"You must have so many questions," my mother said, her voice filled with a gentle, knowing tone. "I've been watching you, my dear. Your curiosity, your thirst for knowledge—it reminds me so much of myself at your age." Her fingers absentmindedly traced the edge of a file, her gaze drifting to the intricate web of red strings on the bulletin board.
I swallowed hard, my mouth suddenly dry as I struggled to find words. The air in the room felt heavy, filled with unspoken truths and secrets.
"You were looking for the videos, weren't you?" my mother continued, her smile widening. "The UA sports festivals, the key to understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your rivals. Aizawa must have shared his concerns with you. But, my dear, knowledge is a double-edged sword. It can empower you, but it can also blind you."
I sat in silence, absorbing her words, a mix of guilt and curiosity swirling within me. How much did she truly know? What had I stumbled upon in my quest for an advantage?
Nervously, I asked, "C-can I just go back to bed and pretend this never happened?" Hoping to avoid any potential consequences for something I hadn't actually done yet.
My mother laughed, her expression filled with amusement. "No, my sweet (N/N), you should be delighted because... I will give you the videos," she said, causing my head to jolt up in shock.
"What did you just say?" I asked, my eyes widening in surprise.
She nodded, affirming her offer, and then raised a finger. "However, there is one condition," she said.
Depending on what she was asking for, I better say goodbye to ever seeing those UA sports festival videos.
A grin spread across her face as she spoke, her tone filled with a twisted excitement. "I've been waiting for this day..." she said, her laughter taking on a disturbingly manic quality that sent shivers down my spine.
Her words hung in the air, and my fear intensified as I anxiously awaited her condition.
"My condition is..."
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Thirty-Three
Four hours. That’s how long it had been since Eris had gone missing from the daycare. The police had questioned Robyn thoroughly, Johnny too and Miko and the other daycare assistants. They had been allowed to go home, but Robyn and Johnny stayed at the police station. A captain had come in and brought Robyn out of the interview room and into an office that was a little more pleasant, allowing her and Johnny to finally see each other again after he’d come rushing to the police station and found out the situation. 
“Now, Ms. Thorne, I want to assure you that even with the video evidence provided by the daycare, we have enough witness testimonies and computer access timecodes that rule you out as a potential suspect in your daughter’s disappearance.” 
Even though the words were supposed to be comforting, they were anything but. There whole thing was so surreal that Robyn felt almost detached from everything. She could only nod, because she’d known that to begin with. She hadn’t come to pick up her daughter. Either the tape was doctored or...
“It clearly wasn’t Robyn,” Johnny said, less accepting and kind with the words. He reached out for Robyn’s hand, which she silently appreciated helping to ground her. Not once had he looked at her like he didn’t believe her story and she would be eternally grateful that he’d shown that much trust in her. “You have something else to go on, otherwise she’d still be getting grilled by your detectives, so just tell us what you know.” 
The Captain looked less than appreciative to be talked to so bluntly and in all honesty, if Robyn was in a better state of mind, she would have been surprised with Johnny at how firm he was being. With a sigh, the Captain licked his lips like he was about to give bad news. “There have been two other cases this week involving...similar circumstances. We believe that this is a...targeted attack.” 
“Targeted?” Johnny bite out. 
Robyn let out a reserved sob, shaking her head. “Targeted? Why? Who...who would target me?” 
The Captain’s face was sympathetic for a moment. “Not you, Ms. Thorne.” The words hung there in the air and festered, bristling on all their skins. The Captain’s gaze slowly moved to Johnny and her eyes widened, turning to look at him. He didn’t meet her gaze, face stone cold as he stared back at the Captain, like he dared him to say the next words. 
“It seems...they’re targeting children of veterans. All three missing children had a parent who fought in the war on Sixam.” 
Legacy Page
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thexgrayxlady · 10 months
What I read in October and November
The Drowning City by Amanda Drownum - 2.75/5.00 While it was a fun adventure in an interesting setting, the character motivations felt muddy. I wanted to like the complicated politics, but the plot was sometimes hard to follow and didn't involve as much necromancy as I would have liked. I'd still give the next book in the series a chance if I found it at the used book superstore.
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield - 2.00/5.00 I don't think this book is bad, it was just sold to me as something it wasn't. If this was recommended to you because you loved Into the Drowning Deep and wanted to scratch that deep sea horror itch, you may be entitled to financial compensation. If you're interested in a slightly surreal meditation on grief, with very pretty writing check it out.
The Lights of Prague by Nicole Jarvis - 2.50/5.00 As a debut novel, it's pretty good, but I wasn't quite feeling it. I didn't realize that it was going to be as romance focused as it was, but that's my bad. I just thought I was getting something a little more Castlevania. The setting is fantastic and well described. I am all about the gaslamp fantasy right now. The magic feels really magical and fantastic in a way that sometimes a harder magic system doesn't.
Unfortunately, the main characters are a bit flat and I don't think the story was served particularly well by having both POVs. They have more chemistry with every other character they interact with than each other. I loved Domek's relationship with Kaja, but Domek on his own does not have a strong presence on the page. Ora has a very strong Not Like Other Pijavica vibe that gets old very quickly. She views the rest of her kind as monstrous vermin to an extent where when she feels betrayed by Domek being a lamp lighter, it feels disingenuous and unearned. If we saw more pijavica like her, who just want to go about their unlife in peace, that betrayal would hit much harder. The ending has a bad antagonist pileup that leads to none of the antagonists feeling as impactful as if the author had just stuck to one.
Even with all that in mind, I think the author has a lot of potential and I would love to see how she develops as a writer. You could tell that she had a good time writing this.
Dracula's Child by JS Barnes - 3.25/5.00 I genuinely like this book, and it's interesting to read a Dracula sequel written in the style of the original novel. It builds slowly, but the letters, journal entries, and newspaper clippings are mostly short, so the book doesn't feel quite as long as it is. Unfortunately, it also makes it really easy to put it down until it really gets going. But when the horror starts to hit, it really hits. All that being said, it was good to catch up with my good friends Jonathan and Mina. However, I just preferred The City of Doctor Moreau.
Murtagh by Christopher Paolini - 4.50/5.00 This is a completely biased review. I don't know if I can confidently say that this book is good, only that it brought me immeasurable joy. I loved every second of it. I would absolutely 100% read another seven hundred pages of this. Hell, I would read another 700 pages of Murtagh and Thorn doing slice of life things and side quests.
I love Murtagh and Thorn's relationship so much. They are so good to each other and deserve to have fun and act their age and not have so many responsibilities and problems thrown on them. The scene where they were just playing together is by far the best scene in the book.
I haven't read the original quartet since high school so I don't remember much, but I feel like this book does a good job getting you back up to speed. I feel like Murtagh approaches magic in a very different way than Eragon and sometimes it's very interesting and creative and sometimes you get, "Fuck it. Brute force time." Like, there is something very entertaining about a character both sorting out a magical laser beam and going, "I don't have time to figure out a clever way around your wards, so I'm going to harden the air around your head and you're going to suffocate."
As a board certified, card carrying Oldest Daughter, I liked that Murtagh was really bitter about how things turned out for him. I completely understood why he would rather swallow broken glass than ask Eragon for help. I know people thought that Murtagh and Thorn were too angsty and made stupid choices, but they are very young and have been traumatized for their whole lives, so they deserve some bad choices and bad emo poetry. As a treat. And Thorn deserves to say snarky things about said emo poetry. As a treat.
I know that some people thought that the torture went on for far too long, but I was down for it. If anything, I would have wanted more.
That being said, I have my gripes with it. The pacing is weird, and while I was just vibing and having a good time, I could see why someone wouldn't like it. The ending is very abrupt, and I wasn't the biggest fan of how some things played out. Paolini is not very good at writing poetry. I would have preferred fewer poems and Thorn snarking more at the ones we get.
The main villain's name is really stupid, and I couldn't get over it. I know it's not pronounced the way it's spelled, but I couldn't get over it. There are definitely more than a few moments where the author is too clever for his own good. Like, dammit Paolini. don't use an archaic spelling of a common word, when it looks so much like a typo, on the first page. It sends the wrong message about the quality control that went into your book.
I still think that Paolini isn't good at writing romance. While Murtagh and Nasuada are, by thin margins, his least bad romance, I'm happy it's kept to a minimum. While I'm not sure I'd read a future installment, I hope that it is similarly in the background because there are scenes from To Sleep in a Sea of Stars that I cannot unhear. I am scared by them. I am entitled to financial compensation.
In the most affectionate way possible, I hope that this book finds its way to the lonely middle school girl who needs it.
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petite-ursus · 1 year
I did watch the J*hn M*ulaney special over the weekend
To get it out of the way, was it good? Kind of! I definitely laughed a lot, often out of shock that he revealed what he did about his own inner processes. A few jokes didn’t come off for me (the grandparent bit,) and it ended sort of unsatisfying, but yeah he’s good at telling his story in a funny way.
I was mostly curious how this one would differ from the past. He does address his intervention, rehab, and etc. There’s something... really... surreal about the whole thing.
Obviously his comedy has always been rooted in his drug addiction, both his mannerisms, and his actual stories. Like, he has told us jokes about stealing from friends, destroying property, and even tricking a doctor into giving him drugs and getting a prostate exam. The thing is, he has just always been very good at making it “cute” and framing it like a distant thing.
So in this new special he mentions these 12 folks who intervened, and how they’re all comedians. Before he got to saying more I told Haley how real it was that they were all comedians and how I bet they purposefully had to cut the comedy out of the intervention and then he immediately reveals that they did just that, the funniest folks he knew being dead serious. Because it was dead serious. He frames the whole thing as very funny. He takes the piss out of himself and the folks involved, but he was in so so much danger. He was going to die young (could still) and if anyone knows that, it’s other comedians who understand how a very good comedian dies slowly in front of his audience with a smile on.
And now he’s up on stage making jokes again about what had to have truly been a harrowing wild existence that there’s no way he really truly has finished processing. Because that’s his job.
He makes this joke about being cancelled and how when he’s alone in a room with himself he’s in the room with the person who tried to kill him and so the worst thing anyone else could do to him is nothing compared to what he has already done to himself. I’m sure that includes the things he did to get drugs, he tells a few stories in this special and makes sure to point out, as cringe as that one is... it’s one he is willing to tell, compared to all the ones he isn’t. Addiction is wild. It changes your brain.He talks about this pathological need for attention that he can trace back to childhood... it has always been there and some career paths and the things you choose to imbibe on cook down into something awful.
And look, this is not to condone anything he has done. It’s just one of those strange spooky things our society does. Get clean. Return to the environment that pushed you to use. Tell us about it. Become overwhelmed... Need new content.... etc.....
He also made a good point that there were 12 folks at his intervention, there could have been 4, and he knew which ones he would cut. Which was very funny because there is a very specific.... like when you have a breakdown it’s as private and personal as it is public. You kinda want a limited guest list to The Main Event (the moment someone finally says “Bestie it’s time to stop.”) But also there’s something about getting a large backing of people for what you predict to be An Undertaking of an Intervention. They didn’t want to do it twice, so they bolstered their numbers to prove how much it mattered, and even though John claims 4 would have done it... Honestly probably not. It’s knowing the 8 people outside of your close sphere know and care enough to skype in and See You Doing You that helps push the rest of the way...
I just think it’s neat. I hope he figures it out.
0 notes
forgottenyear · 2 years
I saw my gp today. She is still trying to eliminate other possible causes for the migraine symptoms, but she did agree that we need to start addressing the migraines directly.
My doctor and I have been having ongoing discussions about my partner, and she gave me some small cards with numbers I can call if it gets unsafe again. Small cards that could be smuggled past my partner. She also talked about having a safety plan so I can get out quickly if need be. The questions she asked made me realize how small my life has become.
When I was checking out at the front desk, I needed my partner involved in scheduling my next visit (my partner is my transportation). They were having trouble with the electronic scheduling, so my partner made a big scene. It got worse on the way back from the doctor and still worse when we got home.
In the blink of an eye, I went from college classes and friends to being alone and with no real supports. In just the blink of an eye this happened.
And today, being grateful that the cards with emergency numbers for people in abusive relationships were made small so I can hide them.
How does this happen?
How did I let this happen?
I am not a child. How did I let this happen?
This has been just daily life for me for years. It was nothing new, really.
But looking at what I have to do now. How I have to sneak around.
It is just surreal.
It is just surreal.
I did not see it happening.
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Chapter 1
Series Summary: There are moments in our lives that have a major impact. The interactions, the adventures, and the love, all make up who we are. But when Harry can't remember those moments with YN, they are both left wondering what that means for themselves and their relationship.
Chapter Summary: This is the start of their story. Well, the start of the switch in their story, if you will. And if sympathy is in your soul, you'll want to pull it out because they will need it from the get go.
Chapter Warnings: Car accident, hospitalization, memory loss, medications, and a lot of angst
It's a surreal experience, to say the least. Everything happens in slow motion, but too quickly at the same time.
It was supposed to be a simple date night for you and Harry. Your plans involved having dinner at Tasty Palace, your favorite Chinese restaurant, and seeing a movie. You hadn't even bought a ticket, because the two of you wanted it to be a 'spur of the moment' decision- a fun way to make it interesting.
Your plans did not include a drunk driver, or an ambulance ride. Your plans did not include pacing outside of a room with your boyfriend on a hospital bed, waiting as he lies still and quiet, wishing with everything you have that he would wake up.
So you stand out there, staring at your phone, hoping that you were able to form some sort of sentence during your call with his mother, Anne.
As your eyes turn back towards the door, your vision becomes blurry and your mind becomes fuzzy. You feel your body start to get weak and barely hear someone calling for help.
A soft voice brings you back to normal, and you blink your eyes open to see Anne kneeling in front of you.
"Oh thank goodness. YN, are you alright?" She asks, her eyes pointed at you without any sign of moving.
"I think so. Did I faint or something?"
"Yes. I arrived right as the nurse grabbed you to keep you from falling."
Your mind clicks into gear and your body sits up straight as can be, and your head snaps over to Harry's room.
"He isn't awake yet, darling." She sighs, and your shoulders slump down. "I'm here now, if you want to get some rest. You should rest."
You slowly shake your head. "I want to be with him."
"No!" You shout, causing a frown to form on your face at the shock of your own tone. "I'm sorry, Anne."
"It's alright, darling." She moves to sit in the chair next to yours, placing her palm on your back as she rubs it up and down to soothe you. "S'gonna be alright."
Tears flood immediately, and your face drops into your hands.
"I can't… I don't…" you utter, unable to keep your mind from beginning to think the worst.
She wraps her arm around your shoulders. "It's going… it's going to be alright… it's going to be alright."
She rests the side of her head against yours, as her own tears start to fall down her cheeks.
Two days you've both been there, waiting. Calling family, friends, your boss, his boss… and waiting. Unable to give any updates, unable to give any answers, unable to process any of what happened, and unable to do anything but wait.
It is your turn for what you and Anne are calling a 'shift'. One of you stays in Harry's room, while the other takes a break to grab some food or coffee, reply to those texts and calls with no new information, and to clear the chaos of thoughts swirling around in your head.
You find the coffee machine that has the least disgusting choices, which are nothing to be excited about, and fill up two cups.
As you come back up to Harry's door, you notice a few more people have entered, and you take a deep breath before you walk in.
As you move around to where you see Anne standing, your gaze darts over to follow hers, seeing Harry's gorgeous and deep green eyes open for the first time since that daunting night.
"Oh my god." You whisper, handing Anne her coffee, as you try to keep your composure while the doctor explains the situation.
"Harry, you've suffered a TBI, which is a traumatic brain injury. Do you remember what happened?"
Harry just shakes his head.
"You were in a car accident, sweetheart." Anne exclaims, eyes flickering to yours with an grateful and relieved expression.
You just want to hold him, and kiss him, and nuzzle into his neck as you feel the joy of finally seeing him awake again.
"I… I was?"
"Now, we don't really know the extent of your injury. Only time, and maybe a few tests, will tell. But you are awake, and that's the first step. It's a good sign."
"Oh my god! I'm so glad you're okay!" You blurt out, rushing to the bedside just to touch his arm.
"Oh… Umm… Were you in the accident too?"
"Yeah, but I'm okay. Just some scratches, and bruising." You smile, squeezing his forearm, relieved to feel the muscles contract.
"I'm… I'm sorry." He utters.
"Don't be, Harry. It wasn't your fault."
"Oh. So…" He pinches the bridge of his nose. "So… does that mean… your car hit mine?"
"Did we crash into each other?... Or…?"
"Sweetheart, now is not the time to joke around."
"Harry. It's me. YN."
"I'm sorry… I don't know… I don't think we've met…"
Suddenly, your heart stops and you stand up straight, taking a step back from the hospital bed.
"What?" You whisper, turning your head directly to the doctor.
"It's possible he is suffering from some memory loss. There was no brain bleed, but we can order some tests to see if we can get some more answers."
"Thank you Doctor Green." Anne replies.
The nurse checks the monitors and they both exit the room, leaving the three of you alone to process everything that just happened.
"Harry, you really don't remember YN?"
He stares at you and simply shakes his head.
"She is your girlfriend. You live together. You… you love her."
"That… no… what? No… That's not right…" He states, running a hand through his hair, and clearing his throat. The telltale sign that he is nervous. "I'm… I'm with Tabitha…"
Now your heart sinks, and your stomach turns to knots, as Harry claims to be with the woman he was once with. The woman who came before you. The woman who he told you had hurt him tremendously.
"Is she here?" He asks, and you turn around as tears return to the corners of your eyes. "I... would like to see her."
"No, Anne." You grab her hand and give it a small squeeze. "It's okay."
"He's probably overwhelmed, and needs some time. It's okay." You state, hoping your shaky voice seemed steady enough to convince her of some sincerity in your words.
She nods, and you turn back to Harry, displaying the most minimal smile you can manage.
"I'll see about getting you some food."
"Thank you… umm… YN?" He replies. "But please no chicken noodle soup… I hate it."
Your head drops and you let out a deep sigh.
"I know."
You open and exit through the door, taking a couple of steps until you are out of their view. Your hands cover your face and your back slides down against the wall, tears streaming down in a sob as your heart begins to break.
The test results did not bring any comfort. There was nothing visible to indicate any concerning physical trauma, which is actually common.
The neurological exams determined that Harry has good motor function, reflexes, and coordination. But, it was confirmed that Harry was suffering from retrograde amnesia, and it's unknown how long it will take for him to get his memories back, if he ever does.
This is Harry. The love of your life. The man who dragged you outside into a storm because you told him you'd never been kissed in the rain. The man who learned to make your coffee order just so that you could stay just a few extra minutes at home with him before heading to work. The man who sat on the bathroom floor with you, all night, holding you while you cried.
He means everything to you. Everything.
So... how can what they're saying be true?
How can it be true that you mean nothing to him, because he doesn't remember you?
But he doesnt. He does not remember you. He does not remember your relationship, the entire two years and a half years that you've been together. He does not remember your first date, your coffee order, or your love for each other.
As if that wasn't heartbreaking enough, the person he does remember being with, the one he does remember loving, is the one who actually broke his own heart.
Nothing, literally nothing, can prepare you for this. What are you even supposed to do now?
As you stare out the window, you feel those strong, warm, tattooed arms wrap around you from behind, and Harry's lips on your cheek.
"I love it! Absolutely love it!"
"I knew you would! This is ours, Cupcake. Our new home together."
You twirl around to face him, being met with a wide, dimpled grin. You wrap your arms around his neck as your lips hover in front of his.
"I can't wait to get our furniture in here and really make it feel like us. It's what I do best!"
A mischievous smirk displays across his face. "Well, the bed is set up, I can make you feel something right now… I'd like to think that's what I do best."
It has been decided, moderately protested by Harry, that you will take him back to your place. Hopefully the familiar surroundings can help him regain some memories, or at least bring him some comfort.
"I'm sorry the elevator was a bit loud. They keep telling us they'll fix it soon, but you know how that goes…" Your eyes widen with your statement. "Or… umm… I'm sorry."
"S'alright." He states, looking down at his feet as you slide the key into your front door. "I do know how those things go."
"Right. Of course." You shake your head as the door opens, and you toss your keys on the entry table.
Your eyes stay fixated on him as he looks around the place, his gaze stopping every once in a while on different items, but quickly returning to scan his surroundings.
"Do… you remember anything here?" You ask timidly.
"Not really." He lets out a deep sigh. "It, umm, it feels like it could be mine, though."
You stay quiet, continuing to let him embrace the living space.
"Where… umm… where is the bathroom?" He asks. "I'd like to take a shower, if that is okay?"
You clear your throat, hoping to keep yourself steady. "Oh, yeah, it's, uh, right through here."
You make your way to the bathroom, and open the bedroom door.
"Your clothes are in here." You state, opening his drawers.
"Thanks." He replies, grabbing a pair of shorts and his favorite shirt. He's had it forever. Longer than he's known you. Long enough to still remember it.
"I can order some food, if you want." You suddenly state.
He shrugs. "Sure. What's your favorite?"
Tasty Palace. But there's no way you're suggesting that. Maybe not ever again.
"There's Chico's." You reply, staring at your hands as you pick your nails. Harry stays quiet, and when your eyes move back over to see his confused expression, you realize your mistake. "Oh. Umm… it's a Mexican restaurant down the street. You… you like it."
"Okay." He shrugs. "Would… you mind just ordering what you… know… I'll like?"
"Of course." You smile, leaving the room and closing the door behind you.
After sitting in silence, eating as much as you can manage with your new lack of appetite, Harry finally speaks.
"This is awkward to ask…" he swirls his fork around on his plate. "But, are we… going to sleep… in the same bed tonight?"
If you didn't know that the current situation was the cause of the pain, you would've been sure you were having a heart attack. Your chest tightens and your breath escapes you.
It's not even something you had thought about until this moment.
"That's up to you." You look up at him, hoping your expression gives him some ease.
"It's just… because… umm, I feel-"
"Harry, it's okay. This is…" you sigh. "Weird. For you."
"This isn't weird for you?" He asks, and you actually see his subtle, genuine smile push through for a moment. The one he does when he thinks he's done something cheeky.
You can't help but almost cough out a laugh. "Oh, it's definitely weird. But probably not as bad since I'm the one that…"
"Remembers." He nods.
"I can't imagine how you feel. And if sleeping separately is more comfortable for you, then that's what we will do."
"Umm, m'sorry, I think it might." His gaze flickers up to you before shooting back down to his plate.
"Okay." You reply. "Are you wanting to go to bed now?"
He nods.
"Okay. Let me clear the plates and I'll just grab my stuff out of the bedroom."
"What?" His eyes finally meet yours for more than a few seconds, and for a moment, you get lost in them. Those beautiful, bright green eyes that you've stared at a million times.
"Oh, so I can sleep on the futon in the office."
He shakes his head. "Absolutely not. I'll sleep there."
"Harry, you've been laying in a hospital bed for the past few days. You can sleep in the bed. It's fine."
"I can't do that to you. M'sorry. This is your-"
You both fall silent, your gazes immediately dropping to the floor. Your breathing quickens slightly and you look up to him before tears trickle down your cheeks. Your chest is tight, but you don't want to push this and make things more uncomfortable for him than it already is.
"Okay. Thank you. But let me know if you change your mind." You state, doing the best to send him a smile.
"Alright." He quietly replies.
You grab his pillow, a clean sheet, along with one of his most used blankets, and help him make it comfortable.
Once it's done, you both stand there, staring at the bed, not really knowing what to do next.
"Well, uh, yeah, goodnight." You mutter, maneuvering your way towards your bedroom, and stopping in the doorway.
"Goodnight, YN."
"I love you." Your eyes widen immediately and you wince at your words.
"Oh… umm… yeah… I…"
"It's okay, Harry. I'm sorry. Have a good night." You blurt out, rushing to the bedroom and closing the door.
You immediately flop onto your bed, simply shimmying off your pants, and curling under the covers. The bed feels larger, and colder. It doesn't feel right. But of course, none of this feels right.
Suddenly, the sobbing starts, and you bury your head in your pillow, hoping and praying and wishing -doing anything and everything you can- to have your Harry back in the morning.
As your body begins to shift, your mind begins to wake up, and you can smell the scent of breakfast wafting through the house.
You open your eyes and instinctively reach over to the other side of the bed, before sighing and getting up to throw on some comfortable clothes.
You walk out and see Harry fumbling his way through the kitchen, opening and closing some cabinets before moving on to the next.
"Good morning." You state softly.
"Oh fuck!" He shouts, jumping and spinning around to see your face. "M'sorry, umm yeah, good morning."
He pulls his lips inward, telling you he is embarrassed by his reaction.
"Sorry I scared you." You chuckle.
"S'alright." He replies, a tiny blush appearing in his cheeks. "M'trying to find the mugs…"
"Oh!" You move into the kitchen, standing next to him, feeling his warmth, and point to the cabinet above you. "You were almost there."
"Fucks sake." He mumbles as he shakes his head, opening it up and looking at his options. He points to a white one, with a smirk growing on his face. "Whose is this?"
Your eyes follow his finger to the mug with big, bold letters printed on it, spelling out the words 'Fuck it'. You can't help but giggle.
His smirk grows a bit deeper to show off your favorite dimple. "Yeah, that tracks."
He pulls it down and fills it up. "I still… umm… drink black coffee, yeah?"
You nod. You bring down a plain mug, filling it up and adding some vanilla caramel creamer from the fridge.
"So… I, umm… took a while to find everything, but I made some pancakes if you want some... I hope that's okay?"
"Of course it is. They're your favorite." You clear your throat. "Thank you."
He plates a few for the both of you and moves to sit at the kitchen table, followed closely by you.
"You have an appointment this morning." You state, causing him to look up from his plate.
"Already?" He asks, his brow furrowing in the way it always does when he is slightly confused.
"I guess that's normal with brain injuries." You quietly reply. Just saying those words makes you feel queasy.
"M'kay." He shrugs.
"But your mom wants to have us over later, if you want to do that."
"Yes!" Harry exclaims, excitement in his tone for the first time since last week.
"Alright. Good." You nod, taking one last bite of pancakes before standing to clear your plate.
You move around your chair, your plate in hand, and lean down over Harry's head, placing a kiss on top.
He clears his throat and his eyes flicker up to you for only a moment before you straighten up.
"Shit." You mumble. "I'm so sorry. It's just a habit. Well… for me… not for you, I guess… not anymore… I need to shut up."
Your free hand covers your face and you stumble into your chair as you try to make your way into the kitchen.
As you place your plate in the sink, trying to compose yourself, you hear Harry's chair squeak across the floor and feel his warm presence close by.
"Umm…" Harry utters. "M'sorry this is weird for you too, YN."
Your eyes shoot up to his. His gorgeous green eyes, that once looked at you with vibrancy, but now just stare back at you with uncertainty.
"It's…" you inhale a deep breath, turning your gaze back down to the sink. "It's not about me. It's about you. Getting you… back to you…"
He chuckles, placing his plate on top of yours in the sink, and beginning to walk toward the office. "Whatever that means."
Exactly. What does that even mean? Because, who is he now? What if he never gets back to being… your Harry?
"So, Harry, how are you feeling this morning?" Dr. Green asks.
"M'fine." Harry reluctantly replies.
"How are you really feeling?" She asks again.
He sighs, looking down at his hands and fidgeting with his rings. "Sore."
"What's sore?"
She nods, typing his answers into her computer, then looking over to you.
"And what about motor function, balance, things like that? Have you noticed any changes Miss YLN?"
You sit up straighter, not realizing you'd be asked any questions. "Uh… everything has seemed fine."
"Good. Good." She types again. "And now, let's discuss memory. Any improvement?"
Your head drops down too and you hear Harry sigh.
"I… umm… it's… it's just…" He stutters.
You quickly look over to him, watching his fidgeting increase, and turn your gaze to Dr. Green.
You lean over, placing your hand on Harry's forearm like you always did when he was anxious.
"I'll wait in the lobby." You state. He lifts his head and looks over to you, only responding with a nod.
You get up, your chest tight at the thought of Harry, your Harry, feeling more comfortable without you by his side.
You exit the room and find the closest chair, starting to feel faint again, like you did that first night in the hospital.
"Are you alright, Miss?"
You look up to see a nurse glancing over from the front desk of the office.
"Yeah. I'm okay. Just…" You breathe in to try and gain some control of your lungs. "It's just a lot."
"These things are." She nods. "But he's lucky to have you here with him."
"Mhmm." You mumble.
"It's so important and helpful to have the people who love him, and who he loves, around to support him."
You scrunch your face, staring at the ground, as your heart starts to sink.
The people who love him. Yes. But the people who he loves? That might not be you anymore.
The door opens and you stand up to join Harry as he shakes the doctor's hand.
"As long as nothing gets worse, we will see you in a week, Mr. Styles." She looks at you and you nod in confirmation. "Remember to relax and let your brain heal itself. Don't pressure yourself. But do those few, small tasks to exercise it too. It could help regain those memories for you."
"Thank you Dr. Green." Harry replies.
You shake her hand and lead Harry back to the car.
As you settle into the driver's seat, you look over to see a solemn expression on his face.
"Would you like to go back home… back to the apartment… first? Or straight to your mom's?"
He perks up at the last suggestion. "My mum's! Umm… yes, my mum's please."
"Sounds good."
"You… umm… know the way. Yeah?" He mutters.
"Yep." You state casually. "I do."
"Should I bring something? I feel like I should bring something."
"You're biting your thumbnail again."
"I'm nervous!" You exclaim.
"You're really cute when you're nervous." Harry smirks.
"I'm meeting your mum. I want her to like me!"
Harry stands up from the couch, walking over and pressing his body right up against yours, the sweet scent of his favorite Tom Ford cologne instantly calming you.
"She's gonna love ya." He states, kissing your forehead as you grab onto his arms. "How could she not? I do!"
The drive to Anne's house is usually quick, but feels painfully long today, with your thudding heartbeat being the only noise you can hear on the car ride over.
You let out a small sigh of relief as you pull up into the driveway, but feel a little disappointed when you hear Harry do the same.
Anne immediately opens the door once you knock, and wraps Harry into a big hug.
"Bloody hell, Mum. I'd like to breathe, if that's alright." Harry whines.
"I get to hug you as tight as I bloody well please, thank you very much." She replies, releasing him and pushing him into the house.
"Alright, fair enough. M'gonna grab something to eat." He walks right through the doorway and straight into the kitchen.
"At least he still remembers where things are in this house." You sigh.
"So nothing's changed?" She whispers, shutting the door behind you, as you both stand in the entryway.
You shake your head and cross both arms around your body.
"I don't know what to do Anne."
She wraps you into a big hug, one palm rubbing up and down your back for comfort.
"It'll be alright, darling. I just know it will." She pulls away, grabbing both sides of your face and lifting it to meet her intense gaze. "It'll be alright. I love my son, but I also love you, and I'm here for you too. Yes?"
"Okay." You whisper, choking back to lump in your throat.
"Let's go sit." She suggests, guiding you into the living room. As you walk in, you see Harry sprawled across the sofa, humming a tune and peeling a banana. He looks comfortable right there. But even better, or maybe worse, he also looks happy right there.
"Your sister will be by in a bit." Anne states, causing Harry to look up with a distinctly mischievous smirk. More noticeable than the one last night. It shows off one dimple, his left one, every time. It's a dead giveaway that he's about to throw out some major sass.
"I remember her being a pain in the ass." He chuckles. "I remember that correctly, yeah?"
"M'just checking, Mum. Just tryna remember the important thing-" His eyes shoot over to yours and your stomach drops. You do your best to give him a small smile, and even a shrug, hoping he will believe that you don't mind.
Because who wouldn't mind the love of their life not even remembering that they love you, right?
The doorbell rings and you are snapped out of your thoughts, thankfully, as you see Gemma walking through the door.
"YN! Lady! I've missed you!" She exclaims, walking over and giving you a tight hug. "I'd ask how you've been but…"
She pulls away, holding both of your shoulders in her grasp, and stares into your eyes.
"Yeah." You shrug.
"M'fine by the way!" Harry shouts, grabbing his head and groaning from raising his voice. You reach in your bag and hand some medication to Gemma, as she makes her way over to him.
"Okay, lil brother, this'll be a rare sappy moment from me…" She hands him the pill and squats down next to his spot on the sofa. "But, I'm so glad you're okay. How are you feeling?"
"Yeah. Umm. M'fine, I guess. Everything hurts." He mumbles as he swallows the medication. His eyes flicker over to you before looking back to her. "And m'confused as fuck."
You grab a glass from the cupboard and pour some water, taking a gulp to swallow the lump in your throat.
Gemma's gaze then flickers over to you, and you see her smile. "Well, I know YN has always been good at taking care of you when you're sick so you're in good hands."
"M'not sick, Gem. I'm injured." He replies, with the stern furrow of his brow, that you know means he's fully serious.
"I know. Still applies." Gemma shrugs, kissing his forehead and standing back up.
"Harry, sweetheart, I pulled out a photo album." Anne states, pulling a large book off of the kitchen counter. "I thought you could take a look. Maybe it'll help to jog your memory."
"Can I please just relax first?" He sighs, leaning his head against the back of the sofa. "Feels good to finally relax."
You place your hand on Anne's. "He's right. He should relax."
She returns your gaze with the most compassionate expression that eyes can give someone, and reluctantly nods.
"Maybe later then." She replies, placing the photo album back on the counter.
"Mhmm." He hums, placing his hands behind his head and closing his eyes.
Anne motions for you and Gemma to follow her to the backyard, and you walk out to the patio.
You sit down in a large, cushioned patio chair, and bring your knees up to your chest, wrapping your arms around them for comfort.
"So, what did the doctor say?" Anne asks.
"Not much when I was in the room." You shrug. "Just that he needs to relax, not to pressure himself too much."
"Anything about his memory loss?" Gemma asks, and you shake your head.
"I guess she gave him some things he can do to help but…" You sigh. "I don't know."
"YN. It'll be alright." Anne states.
"I know he'll be fine." You reply, feeling your voice start to shake and some tears start to form. "But… I'm… I'm like a stranger to him now."
Anne shakes her head. "He'll remember."
"He loves you!" Gemma adds.
As you rest your chin on your knees, the tears begin to fall.
"Does he? Because I'm worried he won't remember that he does. And…" Your breath begins to quicken. "I'm worried he won't again."
They both move to sit on either side of you, on the arms of the chair, and run their hands up and down your back.
"It's been one day." Anne whispers. "I know it's hard. Give it a bit of time. He loves and adores you. He'll remember. It'll be alright."
You don't respond. You just bury your face in your knees and begin to let the tears flow freely. Anne kisses your head and both ladies stand up.
"We'll be inside." She whispers, and you hear the back door shut.
You know she's right. It's only day one and you're thinking the worst? You can't give up that quickly. And you have got to be strong for him.
You let out the last few tears that are sitting at the corners of your eyes, take in a deep breath, and shake out your hands.
You make your way back inside and to the living room to find Anne, Harry, and Gemma sitting on the sofa, flipping through the photo album Anne had pulled out earlier.
"These are your students at a recital last year." Anne states, directing Harry's attention to a photo in the middle of the page. In it, he had a huge grin of his face as he kneeled between three kids, their instruments in hand.
"So I still work at Edison Arts Academy?" He asks, looking up at his mom with a smile, seeing her nod. "Good."
"And this is you, Sarah, and Mitch at a gig downtown." Gemma points to another photo. "You remember them right?"
"F'course!" He exclaims. "But… we actually played gigs? That used to just be a dream I had."
"You were… are… really good." You chime in.
"I'd hope so. Otherwise I'd be glad to not remember embarrassing m'self."
He looks over the rest of the page and flips it over, landing on one filled with photos of just the two of you. Things he remembers absolutely nothing about.
"I… we… went to Jamaica?" He questions, his finger placed on top of a specific photo, which you took as he sat in front of a jerk chicken stand.
"Yes. You, YN, and a few of your friends." Anne responds.
"Never… I never thought I'd do that…"
"You volunteered for a summer program over there, to help teach kids to read music." You state.
"Oh… okay… that makes sense." He quickly looks to his side to meet your gaze. "So, do you teach as well?"
"Oh. No. You had asked me to go with you all. So we could have a little vacation together too." You clear your throat and sit up straighter.
"Oh." He looks back down at the photos. "That sounds nice."
You smile to yourself, remembering the late nights with everyone on the beach and the fit of giggles you burst into when trying to get up on the surfboards. Remembering the walks around the town with a delicious Jamaican coffee in one hand, and Harry gripping onto the other. Remembering the glow he constantly had on his face after those morning classes, beaming with pride over a student who had learned to play a new song.
"It really was."
He flips through some more pages, stopping to look at some photos of Christmas spent with his whole family, a couple of his cousin's new baby, and one particular photo that you didn't even know existed until this moment.
Anne holds the page down before Harry can move on, pulling out the photo and holding it in both of her hands.
"This is one of my favorites of you two."
You lean in closer, as does Harry, and see yourself sitting next to him on a piano bench. Your head is resting on his shoulder as his fingers press down on the keys.
"When was this?" You ask, looking back up at Anne.
"It was last spring, when I was really sick." She replies. "You both took the day off to take care of me. And when I came out from an afternoon nap, seeing this, I…"
She pauses and wipes some tears from her cheeks, holding the photo against her chest before bringing it back down to her lap.
"S'alright, Mum." Harry says, gently, rubbing his hand over hers. "What were you saying?"
She looks over to him with a smile, and then to you, turning her body slightly more towards yours. "It was the moment I knew that you truly loved Harry. And that we were important to you too."
Your eyes fill with tears again as you wrap each other in a hug.
"It's going to be alright." She whispers, pulling away and nodding when she meets your eyes.
Your attention is suddenly taken by Harry, watching as he pinches the bridge of his nose and groans.
"Fuck. This is a lot…" He mumbles. "I think I need to take a break."
"I'm sorry." You scoot away on the couch.
"No… you don't… you don't need to be sorry." He states, quickly meeting your gaze. "It's just…"
"A lot." You sigh.
He nods.
"Umm… I was thinking… I'll take a nap."
"Yeah, that's good." You reply.
"Mum, does my old room still have a bed?"
"It's a guest room, so yes. There's extra blankets in the closet." Anne states.
"My favorite one?"
Anne looks over to you, and you begin to bite your thumbnail, before quickly composing yourself and looking back up to him.
"It's at our place. You brought it with you when we moved in."
"Oh… okay. S'fine." He mutters, giving his mom a kiss on her forehead and stopping next to you. "I'll… be in there then."
You give him a small smile and turn around to watch him walk down the hallway.
"Do you want to take a nap too darling? You can use my bed, I just put on fresh sheets." Anne asks. "You deserve a rest too."
"No. Thank you." You sigh. "I think I'm gonna use the restroom and then sit outside again."
She gives you a kiss on your temple and moves to put away the photo album, so you head to the bathroom.
As you get inside, you splash some water on your face and dry off with a towel. You place your hands on either side of the sink, staring down at the drain, and wonder what it would be like to just get washed away. Find yourself somewhere else, and not have to deal with all of this.
You shake your head to shake out those thoughts. You can't feel sorry for yourself. Harry is going through a much harder time than you, and feeling down isn't going to help anyone. You're here for him. He needs you, even if he doesn't know it. He needs you, right?
You open the bathroom door and begin to walk back down the hallway, when you hear some hushed chatter coming from the guest room. You can't help but to stop where you are, unsure if you should listen in, but unable to move in any other direction.
"It's just weird, Mum. It's so weird." Harry whispers. "I don't know her."
"You do, Harry. You know her, and you love her." Anne replies.
"Everything is just so strange. So different. So confusing." You hear him sigh. "Like, this guest room feels more familiar than that flat I apparently have now."
"Just give it time, sweetheart." She utters. "I promise, it's a great life you have now."
You hear him sigh again, and your chest feels tight. It hurts that things aren't back to normal, but it hurts more that it's causing him so much uneasiness.
You head to the kitchen, turning on the sink and grabbing the dish soap.
Anne walks in and stands right next to you. "You're doing this to distract yourself, aren't you?"
You look up at her and nod. She knows you. You love that she knows you. At least one of them does.
"Alright. I'll be watching some shows. You don't need to clean the whole house, so join me when you're done."
"I will."
"YN…" She squints in your direction, waiting until you meet her gaze. "Please. Come relax with me when you're done."
"Okay. I will."
Footsteps down the hallway cause you to look up from your phone, and sit up on the sofa.
Harry appears, running his hand through his hair as he looks over to you.
"Hi." You utter. "Good nap?"
"Mhmm." He replies. "Definitely need it. Where's my mum?"
He looks around the room.
"Oh, uh, she got called into work. And Gemma had some plans or something."
"Alright…" He replies. "So, should… we just head out then?"
"If you want to."
He shrugs. "Nothing else to really do, s'pose."
"Right. Okay."
You both grab your things and head to the car.
As you pull out of the driveway and head down the main road, you turn on the radio. You figure it'll feel like a long trip back, so some music will help ease the uncomfortable silence.
"I love this song." Harry states, as the first chords of a Rolling Stones song begin to play.
"You sing it all the time." You reply. "You actually play it at some of your gigs."
"I do?" He rubs the back of his neck, a sign that he feels awkward. "Guess that makes sense."
He turns to look out the window, tapping his fingers on his thigh, and humming along to the song.
"Hey… umm… would you rather stay at your mom's house?" You sigh, readying yourself for the answer you assume is soon to follow.
There is silence. You're not sure if that's any better than a quick response.
"Harry?" You utter, looking over to him as he stares out the car window.
"Hmm?" His head turns to you. "Sorry."
"It's okay." You look back to the road. "I was just saying, uh, that if you'd rather stay with your mom then I understand."
Out of the corner of your eye, you can see his head drop as he fidgets with his hands. He's nervous.
"I… umm… no." He utters, and your head shoots back over to him. "It's… it's only fair to you… for me to try to, like, remember…"
"I don't want to put any pressure on you." You reply, trying to hold back the sudden, but subtle, fluttering you feel inside.
"No. No. You're not." He gives you a small smile, then furrows his brow slightly as he looks back down. "I want to… remember… I want to make sense of things. Y'know?"
"Yeah." You nod, turning back to the road with a tiny smile yourself.
Maybe this will work out. Maybe it will actually be alright. Maybe you'll get your Harry back.
"Is there anything specific you wanna know? Or do?" You ask timidly.
"Umm…" He shrugs. "What do you do? Like… for a job?"
"I'm an interior decorator for businesses."
"What does that entail?"
"I help businesses create an interior atmosphere that works best for the space that they have." You pause, noticing out of the corner of your eye that his gaze is fixated on you. He's always been an attentive listener, and it's nice to see that hasn't changed. "But, in basic terms, I pick wall colors and help place furniture in offices and restaurants."
He chuckles, and god you've missed that sound.
"I once heard… that the color blue… helps to decrease your appetite… like mindless snacking."
You unintentionally let out a big laugh.
"Is… is that wrong?" He asks quietly.
You shake your head and take a few breaths to calm down your reaction.
"No." You giggle once more, then clear your throat and completely compose yourself. "No. It's right. You just… you said the exact same thing the first time I told you what I do."
"I see." He chuckles again. "So… where… where did we meet?"
You instinctually bite your lower lip, looking over at him to see his wide eyes and lips pulled in, the expression he uses when he is calmly waiting for an answer from you.
"At a coffee shop called Way Cup."
"Way Cup?" He smiles. "Oh I get it. Clever."
"We… can go there if you want?" You bite the inside of your cheek, nervous and uncertain of what his answer will be, and how it'll feel to take him there.
"Umm… sure! Sounds nice." He agrees, and a mild flittering reappears inside.
"Oh shit! Oh my god! I am so sorry!"
"S'alright." Harry chuckles. "Minor wounds to my sweater."
You shake the coffee off your hands, throw the now empty cup away, and pick up the cupcake you had just dropped on the ground.
"Poor thing didn't serve it's purpose."
"M'sorry… what?" Harry asks, causing you to finally look up to see the most beautiful green eyes you've ever come across.
"I… uh…" You let out a breathy exhale of a laugh. "I was treating myself. The cupcake was my reward. Now that it's on the ground, it doesn't get to do the job it was made for."
And now you are witness to the deepest, dimpled smile you've ever laid eyes on.
"That's poetic." He replies.
"Also makes me feel less guilty for indulging in it."
He looks down at the hand of yours that's covered in frosting, and then down at his sweater.
"Well, I think I need to get some napkins inside. And I'd love to help another cupcake achieve it's baked good goals. Can I buy you another, and a coffee?"
You feel your cheeks flush.
"It was my fault. You don't need to do that."
"I'd like to. To be fair, I wasn't really paying attention either." He motions towards the cafe door and you nod, leading the way back inside.
You reach the counter and order a foamed vanilla latte with caramel and another cupcake.
"Wow. You really like your sugar."
"Hey, I told you I am treating myself." You smile. "Plus, isn't that how life should be?"
"How's that?" He asks, with a raised eyebrow and a smirk to match his curiosity.
"Sweet." You bite your lower lip. "Life should always be sweet."
You both sit in silence at your table by the front window.
"So we met in this coffee shop." He nods as he stares down at his mug.
"Technically outside."
"Right." He nods again. "And we came here a lot?"
"Hmm." He continues his head movements. "I just… wasn't normally one to… go out for coffee…"
"Yeah." You shrug.
"How long ago?... Like… how long ago did we meet?"
You begin to bite your thumbnail as you pretend to do a quick calculation in your head. But you know the answer.
"About two and a half years ago."
"Two and a half years?" He exclaims. "I've lost two and a half years?"
"What?" He looks up to you and scrunches his face.
"It's more like, three years. If…" You feel a knot forming in your stomach. "If you remember being with your ex…"
"For fucks sake!"
He rests his elbows on the table and runs his hands over his face.
"M'sorry, Harry." You whisper, holding back the tears beginning to appear.
"I just… I don't…" He sighs, now resting his face in his hands. "How can I… not remember?"
"I need to know something." You state timidly.
"What is the last thing that you do actually remember?" You immediately regret asking, your heart bracing itself for some hurt that is inevitably headed in your direction.
His eyes shoot up to yours.
"Are you sure?... Like, I don't…" He clears his throat. "I don't want to… make you uncomfortable…"
"I want to know." You shrug, looking down and biting your nail again. "Maybe we can figure out where to start."
"Well… I remember… getting ready for an event…" He furrows his brow, wrapping one arm across his body and bringing the other hand to pull on his lower lip. "A fancy event. I was in a suit."
You know. You know exactly what event it was.
"I think…" You sigh, feeling another large knot forming within. "I think I might have a way to help you out, with the memories."
"What's that?"
"I think there's someone who could maybe help clear things up…"
"Oh?" Harry perks up. "Who?"
Your eyes squeeze shut, and so does your heart, as you take in a deep breath. You can't believe you are about to say it.
Series Masterlist
If you'd like to send extra support, I love coffee 💗Bee xx
Taglist: @watermelonsugacry @tw1nflamebruis3 @slut4lilyrose @pinktakeaway @hopefulwastelandcreation @tenaciousperfectionunknown @his-only-angel-1989 @queenmadi2 @runway-to-my-aid @theekyliepage @be-yourss @harryistheonlyoneforme @b-reads-things @behindmygreyeyes @michellekstyles @a-strange-familiar @yousunshineyoutempter @buckybarnessimpp @little-freak-satellite @msolbesg @sleutherclaw @katiebaxterrrrrr @percysaidnever @thatbitch2828 @mrspeacem1nusone @thurhomish @sushiabby @woanderry @harrystylesrecs @robotrry
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100 Followers celebration - Beautiful Anomaly: Snippet
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Whether you're an old follower or a new one, I want to say thank you to everyone who loved my works and my posts from any fandom I have participated in 🥰🥲🤧.
For some news for those who are following the "Beautiful Anomaly" series: It will be awhile before Part 3 will be up because I have just been bestowed a large assignment from one of my professors.
So I present to you a post series snippet of a conversation with Life (aka Fem Reader), Morpheus, Death and Hob Gobling. This takes place some time after the ending of the entire story of Beautiful Anomaly and there aren't any spoilers for the next parts. This is also essentially me making fun of myself because this series started with me being horny for Morpheus/Dream. This is also a reassurance from my end: Yes, the series will have a happy ending for Morpheus and Life (I'm like Bette, I'm a sucker for happy endings). It's all about the journey.
Taglist (if you want to be a part of the taglist just comment requesting so) : @winxschester @true-queen-of-mischief @laydreams @memento-mora @daydreamin1220 @kuchokitty @fate-huntress
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"I can't believe you"
"Why not? I really haven't seen it."
"You're English, you've lived for what 6 centuries now - and you still haven't watched a single episode of Doctor Who?"
"Well" He shrugs at you and he gives you an expression.
"Come on there is just so much of life to experience."
"Oh, and following your favorite story isn't an experience?"
"Hey, for your information I was in the audience in most of Shakespeare's plays when he was still Shaxbird."
"And how is that different from watching an amazing story unfold in an entire series?" You're both amazed and exasperated. It was only later that you realized you still had your mouth open.
For someone who has chosen to be immortal to experience life to its fullest, it turns out he wasn't that involved with pop culture. You take a breath as you close your eyes and pinch the bridge of your nose.
"Look, I can forgive you for not knowing about Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z, and Moriarty the Patriot - I even forgive you for not knowing about Welcome to Nightvale the top fantasy podcast with amazing story telling using an underrated medium."
"Hey! I do listen to podcasts - just not the fantasy type that's all - "
"I forgive you for not knowing about Homestuck - I haven't even finished the entire thing but from what I recall during my school girl days it was amazing and surreal - "
"To be fair you've also not finished Welcome to Nightvale." Morpheus says as he joins the two of you and settles at your side. From your periphery you see Death wearing garnet and topaz bracelets. One on each hand. She volunteered to be the one doing the orders. Probably to force Morpheus to socialize with both you and Hob.
"I was happy with where I left Welcome to Nightvale; Cecil and Carlos reunited and together. Especially the heartache that came with the whole Desert Bluffs fiasco forcing them apart." He smiles at you knowingly. You didn't need to explain it to him after all that you two have been through and after all the things you two have done to resolve various misunderstandings and other communication issues. He understood why. You turn back to Hob to continue your argument.
"Okay fine how about this: What fandoms are you a part of?" Hob gives you a confused look.
"What's a fandom?"
"Are you part of a community that happily admires a story or a piece of work?" Morpheus asks before you began actually cursing.
"Actually...I don't think so. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy entertainment but its more of a passing thing." You feel your mouth open aghast.
"Does your entertainment by any chance include video games?"
"Oh I've always been a bit intimidated by video games. It was one thing when it was just pong, but now with all of the complicated stuff added on, I just feel like it may not be for me."
"How do you know if you haven't tried?" Death asks as she puts down the tray of your orders from the counter. Morpheus stands to help her distribute the coffees teas and pastry snacks that includes your favorite sugar free chocolate cake paired with your favorite tea in this lifetime, Moroccan Mint tea.
"My friend, you just might need someone to help initiate and guide you. She could very well help you out with that." You turn to Morpheus with an eyebrow raised.
"I'm just a casual gamer. All games I've played are coping mechanisms for my stress in my law school classes." He smirks at you as you take a bite from your cake while you wait for your tea to steep for 3 more minutes.
"Coming from someone who has more than a hundred runs playing Hades."
"And who has completed many routes in mobile dating sim games such as Ikemen Sengoku, Ikemen Vampire, and Ikemen Prince. Not to mention you've written plenty of fanfictions-"
"Okay! I get your point you two." You roll your eyes but everyone knows you weren't really offended.
"Um...what's a fanfiction?"
"What the -" You hear a chuckle from your side as your eyes widen. He couldn't restrain it any longer by the admittedly comical cognitive dissonance between you and Hob.
"Why don't I start explaining it first." Death quickly adds before you could comment.
This was going to take awhile.
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girl8890 · 3 years
What your personality says your AIB game speciality is ♣️♥️♠️♦️
100 Followers Special!
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{ Alice in Borderland Master List }
Notes: Oh my God! Thank you all so much for getting me to 100 followers! I haven’t even really been active until just recently, even though I started on Tumblr years ago, and I wasn't expecting to even get a NOTE on any of my works. Now we're at 100 FOLLOWERS!!!!! This is so surreal... Thank you to everyone that’s been loving my works and commenting such nice things too! Even if I don’t answer to all your requests/messages I do see them and they always make me cry like a little boy. Thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart! Let’s see if we can get to 200 next XD 
Until next time, My Curious Cats! ఌ
Tags: @starjane312 @dream-escaper
*·゜゚·*:.。..。.:*·'(*゚▽゚*)'·*:.。. .。.:*·゜゚·*
Diamonds ♦️
- People with the same speciality: Shuntarō Chishiya, Suguru Niragi, Keiichi Kuzuryū, Rizuna An, Amon Komayama, Hinako Daimon, Takashi Asuma, Benzō Yashige.
- You most likely went to college with a full ride. Got your masters or doctorate in something that not many people have the mental capacity to do themselves. 
- Always make calculated decisions and tend to only speak your mind when needed. Though, you always have an opinion and an answer to every problem.
- Doesn’t take a lot of risks, but if this risk involves showing your intelligence then your fine with taking it. If this risk involves putting other’s in danger though, you don’t care as long as you get what you needed.
- Best core subject in school were math and science.
- Even if an answer is simple you’ll go above and beyond the solution because your just that smart. Nothings ever simple in your mind.
- Prefers to be alone and hates projects that involve a lot of people. You consider yourself to be the smartest in the room, so why make it a group project when you only need one person to get it done?
- You also aren't a very physical person. You rather use your brain, not your energy. 
- Opposite speciality: Clubs 
-  Closest speciality: Hearts
Spades ♠️
- People with the same speciality: Yuzuha Usagi, Morizono Aguni, Takeru Danma, Takatora Samura, Isao Shīrabi, Akane Heiya, Takumi Maki, Gōken Kanzaki.
- Probably didn't go to college unless you needed to. Went to a trade school or went straight into working. You work in something that’s needed for more physical strangth than calculated thoughts. 
- You speak your mind most of the time, even if you know it’s not your place. If everyone thinks your opinions are wrong, you're right in your own mind and that’s enough to go with your ideas. 
- You’re always one to take risks even if it has bad consequences. 
- Best core subject in school was gym. You would rather get physical and skip any other class.
- Would rather let everyone else do the work on things, but would still be considered the leader of a group. You have a lot of opinions and usually the most strength in the group, so a lot of people would feel to intimidated by you to question your leadership. 
- Your okay with being around other people, as long as they don’t get in the way of your goals.
- Anything that involves extra brain power isn’t your favorite. Why over think things when there’s a simple answer?
- Opposite speciality: Diamonds
- Closest speciality: Clubs
Hearts ♥️
- People with the same speciality: Ryōhei Arisu, Mira Kanō, Hayato Dōdō, Ōki Yaba, Sunato Banda, Enji Matsushita. 
- Went to college for something specific. Didn't matter where it was, but they did it and graduated with the degree. Most likely a psychology or counseling degree.
- Your considered the outsider most of the time. Even if you're around a group of friends you had for years, you would still be the odd one out. Your the one that always creates crazy ideas of fun and are okay with taking risks as long as you don’t end up in danger. 
- Throwing other people under the bus your fine with too, but only to certain people you don't care for. 
- You speak your mind when you 100% know the answer, but if theres even an inkling you’ll be wrong you’ll stay quiet.
- Best core subjects were science and language arts. 
- Depends what the task is, but you would be the leader most of the time. If it involved anything too physical or tedious, you probably stay on the side lines for this one. 
- The more people around you the better, but not all the time. Sometimes doing things by yourself is just as fine as being around multiple people, but your not exactly a loner either. 
- Not everyone trusts you for past occurrences, but they also rather be by you because your intelligent in certain aspects of life. 
- Opposite speciality: Spades
- Closest speciality: Diamonds
Clubs ♣️
- People with the same speciality: Momoka Inoue, Ginji Kyūma, Asahi Kujō, Kōdai Tatta, Yūji Mahiru, Uta Kisaragi.
- College wasn't always your priority, but if you needed to go then you did. Have a pretty simple job like in a business or anything that involves a lot of people.
- In any type of group, you fit right in. Always the charismatic and talkative one too. It's easy for you to make friends or make someone that’s considered a loner talk to you.
- You thrive in groups and hate being alone for long. Group projects were your favorite type of homework growing up.
- You're not the smartest or strongest of the group, but you try to help in any way you can. Taking risks is apart of your personality. You don't want to wait around for an answer when you can just wing it and hope for the best.
- You do speak your mind a lot, but if there was a conversation going on that strongly didn't involve you then you’ll stay quiet. Most people will be surprised that you didn’t give at least one opinion the entire time.
- Best core subjects: Lunch... because you don't learn about anything you don't care about and can be with your friends.
- You don't consider yourself a leader even if your the most talkative of the bunch. You rather be the follower or the leaders right hand man. Someone everyone trusts and wants to talk to with their problems. 
- The more people around you the happier you’ll be. You just LOVE people! You’ll always be seen around at least one person. It will be a very rare scene if you're found by yourself. 
- Opposite speciality: Hearts
- Closest speciality: Spades
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creepychan08 · 3 years
Oikawa x reader - A married life
"Now I'm asking you, what is this?" You shoved the screen of your phone,  towards your husband as he squinted his eyes at the sudden action.
"I told you,  I was at the company party and I-" Oikawa stopped. The picture showed him kissing a woman clad in revealing dress. His hands covered her cheeks as it looked like he was gladly returning the affection.
"Yn,  I know what it looks like but I promise you its not what it seems like to you."
"Then why are you kissing her!?" You threw your hands in the air,  frustrated at your husband. It didn't help that your hormones were skyrocketing and out of place. You were 3 months pregnant, after all.
"Look, she grabbed me out of nowhere and just forced herself on me. I was trying to push her that's why my hands were around her head. Baby, I wouldn't do that to you. You know I only love you."
You were rendered speechless at his explanation. The ache in your chest dispersing as you calm down. He wrapped his arms around you, running his hands through your soft hair.
"I'm sorry." You mumbled, hiding your face in his chest. He smell so good beneath the smooth texture of his suit. Unknowingly to you, Oikawa's eyes were tightly shut as he bit his lips guiltily.
"It's just whenever I go to your workplace, I always see her sauntering around you. She's obviously trying to seduce you. That's why I asked you again and again to avoid her as much as possible. I don't want to lose you" Voicing out your insecurities made you feel vulnerable. But you know that being in a relationship require two parties involved to be honest with each other. Communication and trust remains the strong foundation of your marriage.
"I know,  sweetheart. But tell me, who sent that picture to you?" He pulled back and just when you were about to answer,  another chime from your phone took both of your attention.
You clicked it open. Oikawa right by your side as he curiously look at your text. You didn't mind it. There was nothing to hide from him anyway.
The message opened to reveal a video. Tapping the play button, it shows your husband furiously making out with the same girl in the earlier photo. They were situated in a corner,  away from everyone as some of his coworkers were busily drinking.
You hands started shaking as tears unconsciously poured from your eyes. Feeling your husband tense from beside you only confirms your theory. The video soon ended and there was tense silence.
You looked up to see Oikawa with his head bowed, hair covering his eyes. Even from your position, you couldn't see his expression. But it didn't matter. The video says it all. You didn't bother asking for explanation this time.
Slowly, you begun untangling his arms around you. Letting out a hollow laugh, you shook your head in dismay.
Funny how you always laugh at those cliche movies whenever a girl experiences heartbreak. They always portray it as a physical pain, symtoms similar to a heart attack. But you deem it as bullshit. Sure, it hurts. But its impossible to feel that much pain just from losing the one you love, right?
So why does it feel like you're dying now? Your heart still beats. But it feels as if it was literally torn and stamp repeatedly. You tried to breath normally but something lodge in your throat and why can't you breath properly?  Why does your lungs seem to stop working right when you need it most?
Choking back a gasp, you return to reality as you see Oikawa panicking as he held you.
"Are you okay? Breath slowly, baby" He instructed, rubbing his hand soothingly on your back as you tried to regain your senses.
"Why, Tooru?" You finally gathered the courage to ask. The feeling of betrayal rang loud and clear on your hoarse voice and he winced from it.
"I'm sorry Yn. I'm sorry for lying. I got pretty drunk at the party. I lose control. We haven't done it for a while after you got pregnant and she was there and just flaunting around and kept rubbing me, saying things how she's going to make me feel good and I just- I!" He rambled, truth finally spilling from those lips you loved so much. His eyes were everywhere but you.
You didn't know what to feel. You asked for the truth, right? But you feel so much worse now.
"Are you blaming me for being pregnant, Tooru?"
"Shit,  no Yn-"
"We planned this together! You said you wanted to build a family with me. And we both decided to refrain from any sexual activities while I'm in my early pregnancy to avoid any possible complications while the baby is being developed. We talked about it and we both agreed! So why are you turning it against me now?"
"I know it wasn't an excuse, Yn! And I know I'm wrong. God,  I'm so wrong.Please, forgive me." Oikawa sobbed, tears cascading down the smooth expanse of his cheeks as he begged for your forgiveness.
"If you can't help yourself then maybe I shouldn't have agreed to have a baby with you!" You cried, anger radiating off you in waves.
"All those nights you came home late. Was it because you were taking your sweet time with her? Hm?" You smiled at him mockingly and his eyes widened in protest.
"No, Yn!" He tightly clutched your arms, desperately forcing you to hear him out, "Listen to me. I took all those overtime to gain extra money. That was in preparation for when our baby comes! Please believe me when I say it was for us!"
You looked at him with dull eyes. The aftermath of the fight just leaves you exhausted. You didn't know what to believe anymore. This was the man you had vowed to be with for the rest of your life. This was the man you wholeheartedly love and respect. Trust had always been your foundation,  hasn't it? 
Where has all the trust gone to?
You placed your hand on your belly. Wondering if he or she can feel the pain their father just bestowed to you. Hopefully not. You never want any harm nor pain come to your baby.
"I'm going to sleep. I'm tired." Coming up with a lame excuse, you turn to walk away when a hand firmly grasp your arms, not in a painful way.
"Lets talk about this, Yn. I don't want us to go to sleep tonight without resolving this issue." Oikawa pleaded with you, eyes begging for a chance. Any time, you will easily give in but after what happened, you don't know how to face him.
"I don't know what to say anymore, Tooru. I just want to rest." You smiled at him resignedly. Oikawa gritted his teeth. His heart throb painfully. How can you say that with such look on your face? Knowing that he caused your pain only increased the frustration and guilt running through his veins.
With a sigh,  he unwillingly yielded to your request. Letting go of your hand,  he watched your back face him as you slowly walked further away from him.
He will later learn that that was the biggest mistake of his life.
That night, both of you slept in the same bed as usual. Although a few inches only separates you, both your hearts were distanced with an invisible barrier. One trying to forget the pain it experienced,  while the other trying to find ways to have you back to him.
It was dead silent. You were tilting in between reality and dreams when a sudden, sharp pain tore through your abdomen and you screamed in pain. Startling your husband who immediately checked on you.
"Yn-chan,  are you okay?  What happened!?" Oikawa asked,  panic covering his features as he took in your pain filled expression. He felt the sheets wet and he clicked the bedside lamp open to see your side in bed covered in blood.
Your pupils dilated as you took in the sight. Another stabbing pain washed over you and you keeled in agony, stifling your screams. You barely felt Oikawa whisper comforting words to you before quickly lifting you up to bring you to the hospital.
My baby. No,  I can't lose him/her. Was the only thought going through your mind.
"It hurts" you groaned in pain as Oikawa comfortingly grip your hand with one of his own as he drive with one hand. (AN: Not safe. Don't do this guys. Always drive safely)
"Take deep breaths, love"
"My baby" Sobbing in distress, you held on your stomach and Oikawa felt like vomiting. A lot has happened in the past couple of hours and the thought of something happening to your unborn child didn't help the queasy feeling in his gut.
"I'm here, Yn. Nothing will happen to you nor our baby." Pretending to be strong for the both of you, he forcefully blinked the tears forming on his eyes.
Everything happened fast after that. It was like everything was a blur for him. You were quickly taken in the emergency room before you were transferred to the operating room. The doctor and nurses explained what was happening to you and what they were about to do. He numbly agreed to what they say. Only repeated over and over again that they must save you.
Before long he found himself waiting outside the operating theatre. His ears were ringing as he looked at his surroundings. It was surreal. Like his body was there but his consciousness somewhere else. He was only brought back to reality when he felt harsh tugging on his shoulder.
"Oi,  Oikawa get a grip on yourself!"
"Iwa-...chan..? How did you get here? "
"You texted me,  did you forget?"
"Ah.. Right" Oikawa mumbled, blankly staring at nowhere in particular. He felt drained but the anxiety running on his body did not allow him to even get an ounce of rest as he waited for the news on his wife and baby.
Iwaizumi frowned. It was unusual to see his bestfriend so distraught. He still didn't know what happened after all, Oikawa only texted him that he was in the hospital after something happened to his wife. But he felt asking would be too insensitive on his part so he stay silent and tried to just be there for his bestfriend.
"It was my fault,  y'know" Oikawa finally spoke after some time.
Iwaizumi patiently waited for him to continue, silently confused on Oikawa blaming himself.
"We had a fight. She saw me making out with the girl she hated from our company. Somebody sent her a video of it."
Iwaizumi was shocked. He knew Oikawa was a huge flirt back in their high school days but that he also outgrew it when he fall in love with Yn Ln. They were happy together and rarely had a fight as much as he knew. Or was it all a facade?
Suddenly,  he felt anger rush through him at the foolishness of his bestfriend. Messing around when he knew his wife was pregnant! Iwaizumi opened his mouth to curse at his close friend when he was frozen at the sight.
Oikawa was staring at him with regret painted all over his face. Tears continuously fall on his cheeks. The usual light in his warm, soft eyes was gone and all that was left was an endless pit of misery and hopelessness.
"I screwed up, Iwa-chan" He whispered, defeated.
Flinching in response, Iwaizumi's anger quickly switch into sympathy for his friend as he assessed his poor condition.
"She's strong. Stop thinking on the worst scenario. Just focus on what you will do after this." While giving him a reassurring pat on the back. Oikawa released a shaky breath as he nodded at his friends' advice.
Suddenly,  the doors to the operating room opened and a doctor wearing scrubs came out. Two nurses were by his side.
"We're looking for the husband of Yn, Ln"
"That is me"
Oikawa quickly stand up from his seat and approach the doctor. He was then escorted to an empty room where the two nurses silently left him and the doctor to discuss the aftermath of the procedure.
With his heart beating loudly, Oikawa eagerly fired questions to the doctor.
"How is she?  How's my wife?  My baby?  Were you able to save them?  When can I see them?"
The doctor resignedly took of his mask.
"I'm sorry to inform you,  Oikawa-san but the baby didn't make it. Your wife had a spontaneous miscarriage. It has no specific cause. Women in their first trimester or early pregnancy are more prone to experience it that's why stress must be avoided at all times especially during this sensitive period in a womans' body."
Oikawa felt like being doused in cold water. He stayed frozen while staring at the doctor who looked grim. After seeing all that blood came out on his wife,  he already knew deep inside that they lost the baby but he simply refused to believe it. He hang on to that tiny hope that maybe their unborn baby can be saved.
He shakily gulped, feeling his heart break. The pain was intense. They were looking forward to the arrival of their first child and for this to happen-
"What about my wife? Can I see her now?" He was hurting. Greatly. But he couldn't imagine how his wife was faring. She was the one carrying their child, after all. He wanted to comfort her and be there for her.
"I-" the doctor stopped and cleared his throat. Oikawa felt something amiss. Like an impending doom but he quickly tried to shoo the thought away.
"Doctor, how is she? I want to talk to her as soon as possible."
"That is another matter I must discuss with you, Oikawa-san."
The nerves were killing him and it took all his self restraint to not jump across the table and force the surgeon to speak at once.
"There was.. a complication while we were taking the fetus out of her. The amount of blood was greater than what it should been. We quickly transfused blood into her but it wasn't enough. We tried to resuscitate her but in the end she.. died due to heamorrhagic shock."
For a moment, Oikawa forgot how to breath. The world around him turn to black and white and the only words resounding in his mind was that she's dead, she's dead repeatedly.
It didn't fully sink in yet. Until he saw his wife, his beloved Yn, lying still in the operating room. Her face was pale under the glare of OR lights. And if he didn't know any better, it looks as if she is only sleeping peacefully after a long day. But as he caress her cold cheeks, no more warmth emanating from those cheeks he love to kiss so much, he was slapped with the bitter reality that she's not coming back.
No more warm smiles and sweet kisses from his wife as he return home after a long day at work. No more delicious meals waiting for him at the table as they talked about what happened during their day. No more cuddles and whisper of i love you's in the darkness of the night as they lay entangled from the after event of making love.
The perfect picture of a happy family with their son/daughter shattered in his mind as he loudly grieved for the loss of his family.
Kami-sama if you are real,  please let me return back time. Let me be with my family again. Please give me a chance to make things right...
Oikawa loudly gasped as if coming back to land after drowning. He find himself gazing at the ceiling in their room. It was dark. Where was he?
A slight shuffle and then,
"Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare, Tooru?"
That sweet, melodious voice.
Oikawa slowly turn towards the source of sound to see, much to his relief, his beloved wife gazing at him with concern while rubbing the sleep out her eyes.
"Yn-chan" He choked, lunging at her to give her the tightest embrace.
"Woah there,  big guy" You chuckled,  patting his back. You stilled when you felt something wet trickled down your neck.
"I'm so glad! So glad to be with you, Yn!" The pure, raw emotion coming from your husband surprised you as he continued to sob on your neck, clinging to you like a lost baby.
"Please don't ever leave me again!  Kami-sama,  thank you for bringing her back to me!" Oikawa yelled, voice muffled as he continued to shove his face around your neck.
"What has happened to you, dear?" You worriedly asked and pull his face away to wipe some of his tears.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You suggested,  talking about his nightmare.
"No need, love. I just want to say that I *kiss* love *kiss* you *kiss* so damn much!"
You giggled at his affection, loving his kisses.
"Oh and how many months are you again?"
"Silly, did you forget? I'm just two months along. 7 months to go"
Oikawa heaved a sigh of relief. Turning to your stomach,  he leaned down and pulled up your shirt.
"Hey,  little one. I'm so excited to meet you. But for now,  be good for mommy, okay?" Placing a sweet kiss to your stomach,  you smiled at your husbands' attention as you run your fingers through his hair. Oikawa gladly reciprocate your smile with his own.
This time, I'll love you with all of my heart. I won't make the same mistakes again. We will be a happy family, Yn.
Extended ending:
"Yes you heard it right. You're fired." Oikawa coldly said to his assistant. The one who destroyed his past life and made him and his wife suffer.
"But! I-" she whined pathetically, trying to win his sympathy by acting like a pitiful slut. But Oikawa was having none of it.
"I said. Get. Out." The fiery glare in his eyes send shivers down her spine and she immediately booked her way out of his office,  whining like a bitch along the way.
Another extended ending:
7 months later, you tiredly smile at the little bundle of joy in your arms. After 18 hours of grueling labor, you finally had your healthy, baby boy.
"I'm so proud of you." Oikawa wiped the sweat along your forehead as he softly kissed you.
"Thank you for bringing our baby to this world. You make me the happiest person alive, Yn. I love you two so much and I swear to protect you both for the rest of my life." He whispered, tears springing in his eyes at the emotional moment.
"As do I,  Tooru. As do I." You swore,  sealing that promise with sweet kiss.
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