#it'll often take them literal years to listen
medicinemane · 11 months
Ok, minecraft complaint time
They need a way to slime proof a slime chunk
Slime spawning is a really nice mechanic if you're trying to make a farm, but I've walked into a couple of the rooms I've done only to find slime
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It's well lit (which I know slime don't care about), it's... you know... it's mob proofed to normal standards. There shouldn't be random chunks that look identical to other chunks that just play by different rules
Great for farming, annoying for everything else
(Also would be nice if you could stop villagers from spawning golems. Basically anything where you can just manipulate bits of the environment, cause at the end of the day minecraft is basically an interactive diorama a lot of the time, you know?)
Anyway, it'll probably just be a matter of that sometimes you come into the map room and have to fight a giant slime, and since everything's eventually probably gonna be pretty well lit it'll probably be a frequent thing but... not much else to be done
It's something that you can live with, it's just kind of dumb and annoying is all
I like slime chunks, I just wish there was a way to disable spawning within them when you didn't want it
#ah... what's that mod called with the... mega torches?#stop spawning in a chunk basically?#what a great mod#not gonna install it here; everything's totally vanilla other than the pack that keeps endermen from picking stuff up#(which here's my complaint; I wish you could have just parts of mob greifing off instead of it being all or none)#(cause I don't like creeper damage; and I don't like endermen picking stuff up)#(but you know what else is mob griefing? villagers picking up food; you can't breed villagers if it's off)#(so basically you can either turn off mob damage; or you can have villager breeding; but not both)#(which is the only reason I had to add that thing to the server that stops endermen from moving shit around)#(if it was just mob griefing enderman/creeper/villager; each as a separate toggle; then I wouldn't even have that much)#dumb; real dumb#I love minecraft and I think they over all do a really good job; but it's little stuff like that where it's like...#why not do a small thing that would help so so much?#oh; and nightvision with conduits; that's a hill I'll die on and a hill I'll kill over#let me have conduits that don't effect vision; I make my lighting with contrast on purpose#you render conduits useless for me despite how many places I'd like to use them#have a version with night vision; but people have said; have dark prismarine give none... I agree#anyway... love it; but man do a couple things grind my gears on it#and... they're better at listening than many; but even with big name people who play their game for a living#it'll often take them literal years to listen
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gomugomuno56 · 3 months
Trafalgar Law Headcanon.
Law x gn!/fem! reader: when he has a crush
No spoilers ig? Just crack and fluff
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𝔸 𝕧𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕞 𝕠𝕗 "𝕊𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕗𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥, 𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕖𝕝𝕝 𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕕𝕖𝕣".
This man, first of all he takes literally AGES to even acknowledge his feelings for you, and don't get me started on how long it'll take him to act on them.
He'll catch on quickly how you feel about him once he realises that he likes you, little dipshit is not at all gonna be nice with the teasing.
He hasn't liked anyone this way, though he's had his teenage phase *ahem*, so he's a little rusty.
To test what light you see him in, he tests the waters for a while by being a little more 'unprofessional' with you.
Don't get me wrong, he loves his crew and always joins them in silly little celebrations, but he'd much rather be in his room or the library or the medical room and study nerdy shit, not just because he has to but also because he is actually interested in them. So he might opt out of one of those earlier than usual and ask you whether you wanted to join him. It shocks you but you know who's even more shocked? Shachi who was sitting next to you spits out his drink not just through his mouth but also his damn nose. He'll probably panic and ask Law if he's ok or if he has a fever or something. Poor Law is so embarassed that he just says "nevermind" and sits back down before you even had time to react.
Like you two usually do spend one on one time together, but he's never asked you like that when everyone was around, not that anyone other than Shachi heard.
He'll try to spend more ALONE time with you, both doing completely different tasks but still being in the same room, just enjoying the silence.
Would probably let you have a boiler suit in a different colour, as long as it looks similar to the original white/cream colour.
Occasionally, he'd ruffle your hair as you pass by or complete some work for him, smiling at you randomly when your eyes lock, giving into your puppy-doe eyes a lot more often.
Would often want to assist you in your tasks/ or want you to be assisting him. MAKES sure you both are paired together often when on an island.
He loves listening to you talk(yap) , you were practically best friends other than the captain-subordinate dynamic, which is why initially Law thinks he likes you so much.
And when he finally tells you how he feels, bro is gonna be sweating BALLS, will NOT DARE to look you in the eyes, face so red you'd think he has a fever. But that will be atleast a good year or two after you joining him on his adventures.
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Thanks for reading🙏🏻 (^thats me vanishing)
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floydira · 6 months
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₊˚﹒✶﹒trolls headcanons .ᐟ
brozone, creek & king trollex with a reader going through a breakdown, overthinking and panicking and how they deal with them.
note ; I somehow(?) accidentally deleted the person's ask for this. I don't remember exactly what they asked word for word. (I'm down on my knees apologizing to you rn, I'm so sorry anon 🙏) so hopefully based on my memory this is at least close to what you asked for. I also hope this headcanon is to your liking.
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John Dory
erm. well. let's just say when it comes to dealing with other people's emotions, he's not really the best guy to depend on...
BUT considering he spent years by himself (and rhonda) with no other socialization, plus leaving his brothers behind and coming back to them after awhile out of conscious but seeing them nowhere to be found, he definitely felt lonely and HAD his own breakdowns before.
so he'd understand how you're feeling, or at least try to understand.
when he first saw you breaking down, his first instinct was to ask you questions "why are you breaking down?" "did something happen?"
if he doesn't get a reply from you, he'll respect your boundaries and not ask any further questions. he'll just focus on comforting you in the present, awkwardly patting your back and giving you words of affirmation that he thinks would work. like those motivational phrases or quotes online, maybe even those ones that facebook moms use.
if you do give a reply, he'll sit down next to you and hear you out. sipping a drink and lending his ears for you to vent. he'll keep quiet (internally, he's restraining himself from outing his own opinions on whatever you vented to him about).
In summary, he's a listener. If you let him voice his own opinions, he'll tell you his thoughts and views. more often than not, if he does give advice, it's probably best you don't actually follow them. I feel like he's bad at giving advice...
at least, he's got the spirit!
this troll has a wife and kids. I'm sure he's knowledgeable in comforting someone when they are breaking down or overthinks a lot.
if you're overthinking, he'll support you and keep you company but he's also honest that helps you actually evaluate your overthinking thoughts and not stress too much about them.
once you come to him looking vulnerable, he'll immediately try to soothe you by rubbing your back gently. yk like those back rubs that puts babies to sleep? yeah, he'll do that.
while he rubs your back, he urges you to take a deep breath and let it all out. so you do. unknowingly you ranted and ranted, every little detail spoken word to word. he just has that affect on people.
lets you know that what you're going through is valid.
once you're all done, he'll give you advice to ease you or if you're not looking for advice, he'll just comfort you until you feel better.
he literally is in a sad book club, he'll have the knowledge about it and how to deal with it. except...he's slightly bad at executing it.
he'll snap you out of overthinking by yelling positive stuff to you, that are actually...effective???
if you rant to him, he'll listen to you attentively and pat your head afterwards. it's just something natural that he does, honestly head pats are soothing ok.
if you're okay with physical touch, he'll caress your face while giving you actually reassuring words. (LIKE. have you SEEN him literally pinching and squishing branch's face when he first met him after 20 years?!) of course, it's effective, combined with his already nice vibe (I feel like he naturally has a healing presence, he's just a sweet little boring cutie)
his method of comforting you naturally makes you feel better. he doesn't have to try hard because just watching his body language and mannerisms are dorky enough that it'll make you smile. he's unknowingly comforting in a silly dorky way. even with how badly he persists to be a very "serious" guy.
he'll definitely give you a big warm hug after everything.
he's literally called the sensitive one. out of the brothers, he's definitely the one who understands you the most.
I don't think I even need to explain, you already know how perfect he is with dealing with stuff like that. like the time he talked to veneer about how his sister treats him and how he shouldn't let her be like that to him.
his face is full of worry if he sees you in a vulnerable state.
he literally gives the best hugs, it's canon, I know it's canon.
this emo mf knows exactly the right words to get you out of your vulnerable state for a while (bc the phrases he gives to others are probably what he wants to hear given to him).
he'll be really patient with you and help you with every step along the way even if you're having a hard time changing your bad traits.
he's also attentive at listening, he'll caress your hands with his thumb with a reassuring smile.
he'll be really sweet at tackling your situation and never makes you feel overwhelmed.
will cry with you tbh.
he's kind of helping himself when he helps you, because he's similar in a way.
branch was quite the panicker himself during the times when bergens ate trolls.
so he'd also know how to help you deal with it because he understands you.
he had to figure it out himself and was mostly alone to deal with his own vulnerability so he's happy to help you.
he'll look calm, composed and collected externally but even he, himself is slightly panicking on the inside. afraid that he'll let you down or he won't be of much help. don't worry though, he has it all put together after a bit.
If you're panicking, he'll help you focus, calm down and ease your hyperventilation.
"concentrate on your breathing, okay?"
once you've calmed down, he'll provide you with reassuring words.
he'll keep you company and stay with you until you feel composed enough to talk about it with him. he'll lend you an ear.
afterwards, he pats you on the shoulder and gives you advice that worked on him before.
as bad as he is, he's literally the best when it comes to relaxation. he has that zen-like wisdom, so he'll calm you down and help you relax if you're panicking or overthinking too much.
just like floyd, he also knows exactly what to say to reassure or cheer someone up.
he'll give you a more positive outlook on whatever happened to you so that you don't overthink it.
tbh his voice itself is enough to calm you down.
he encourages different methods and ways(that he knows of) to you that could help.
King Trollex
this sweet goober offers you all his emotional support.
he feels upset, if you're upset. he's all frowny when he sees you vulnerable.
"can I give you a hug?" ofc he asks for consent.
will hug you tightly (he thinks hugs are a remedy for everything, besides music), quiet sobs are heard as his face is smooshed against your chest. just like bruce, he'll also rub your back soothingly while hugging you.
Intertwines both of your hands and encourages you to put your thoughts into words so that he knows what's going on that head of yours that's overthinking a lot of stuff.
keeps eye contact with you as you rant to him.
"you can get through this." he'll say with his cute smile.
the most he can provide is listening and comfort. he wishes he could help you more.
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paradiseprincesss · 11 days
need a jonathan story where reader is bruce wayne's sister with similar morals about fixing gotham so she's a psychiatrist at arkham. her and jonathan butt heads a lot as she doesn't like how inhuman he is to his patients (he has a secret obsession with her). however she starts getting in the way of his plans and que the "this is where we make the medicine" scene. batman comes to save her and even though jonathan is high on fear he hears batman call reader his sister, so he plans to kidnap and/or blackmail the reader. Can be pure dark or dark with a change of heart?
love your work, but you already know that xoxo
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all your fears are interwoven | jonathan crane
this is dark which i dont usually write so please...bare with me okay? IM SORRY IF THIS ISN'T GREAT LMFAO !! trying to write dark for u pookie <333
summary: you're a psychiatrist in the first year of your residency at arkham, working alongside doctor jonathan crane himself. however, you two are constantly butting heads due to your different beliefs in the treatment of your patients, amongst other things. one day, jonathan finds out that your the little sister of the batman himself - and he decides to act out on every sinister thought he's ever had about you.
word count: 3k
warnings: [NON-CON], 18+ mdni, smut, dark as hell, p in v, forced breeding, kidnapping, stalking, obsession, literally just all around terrible, terrible things
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"it's inhumane," you argued, "no wonder your patients are terrified of you."
"because i don't feed into their delusions and paranoia?" jonathan scoffed, "i keep them medicated because they're mentally ill. if you haven't noticed, were in an asylum for the criminally insane."
"see, that the problem when it comes to you! you're not treating them like people, but rather prisoners." you sneer, rolling your eyes at his distasteful way of speaking about his patients.
for a moment, he's silent. he doesn't say a word, but you can tell you've hit a nerve with the way he physically reacts. his jaw is clenched, his eyes narrow at you, and he takes a short but sharp breath through his nose to try and appear composed.
"i have something i'd like you to see," he says calmly, "i think it'll help you understand my 'unorthodox' methods, as you like to call it."
you were a new grad from gotham university, specifically from their medical department. you'd graduated top of your class in medical school, and you'd matched in psychiatry for your residency. hence why you were working alongside doctor jonathan crane - the renown psychiatrist of gotham city himself.
when you first met him, he was cold towards you - and nothing changed. even a year into your residency, he was still cruel towards you. actually, that's a lie because he seemed to hate you even more than he did before. you two butted heads constantly over anything and everything under the sun. you thought he was heartless, but he thought you were too cynical. you believed his methods were 'unorthodox' as you liked to say, but he thought your methods were mind-numbingly boring. you two clashed in every possible way.
nobody liked working with him. you knew that already, though. it didn't take long for you to figure out why after you first started, as for starters, none of his employees hid their distaste towards him, and he didn't hide how much he disliked them back. he often called the other nurses, doctors, or medical professionals working there an array of insulting things, including but not limited to: imbecile, idiot, braindead, and painfully stupid. that was actually a few of the nicer things he called people - we don't talk about what he's called you.
you contemplated switching over to a different speciality because of jonathan crane many times, as working with him was exhausting. you still had three years of your residency and training left! how were you supposed to stand three more years with him? your brother, bruce wayne, always listened to you vent about jonathan - he didn't like him either. he always said that man was up to something, and he didn't know what but that it was bad news.
"are you incapable of forming a proper response, doctor wayne?" jonathan sneered, bringing you out of your thoughts, "you really are dense. the fucking lights are on but clearly no one's home."
"what are you, twelve?" you bark back, "i don't fucking-"
"i'm working on a new psychopharmacological drug," he cuts you off with a smirk, "i know, you're too stupid to understand anything about medication-"
"i went to the same medical school you did, jonathan." you retaliate, but he pays no mind to your words.
"like i said, i know you're too dumb to understand such complex specialities such as internal medicine and psychopharmacology, but i think it's something you'd benefit from learning about." he explained flatly.
as much as you wanted to punch him in his face, he had a point. you weren't dumb by any accounts, you were probably just as smart, if not smarter than him. however, as a training physician in her residency, it wouldn't be such a bad idea to get some hands on training in prescribing and dosages for mentally ill patients. it would help you in your career, to be fair.
"...fine," you huff, "tell me about it."
"this way, please." he says, ushering you to follow him into the elevator.
with annoyance, you follow him silently, not wanting to talk to him or give him any form of a verbal response at all. jonathan looked at you with a hunger in his eyes; unbeknownst to you, the brilliant but sociopathic psychiatrist had a deep, twisted, and disturbing obsession with you. he had your pictures plastered on the walls of his house. he knew where you lived as he'd broken in a few times unnoticed, and he knew pretty much everything about you - down to the smallest details.
for someone as brilliant as him, he had yet to figure out you were bruce wayne's sister, though. he knew your last name was wayne, but he didn't really put two and two together because he didn't expect you to be the sister of bruce wayne himself.
once you two reached the basement of the asylum, he led you through a series of dark, eerie hallways and you made note to shoot your brother a text about how crane was being extra strange and creepy at work today. in an attempt to slip away from jonathan, you clear your throat and try to come up with a feasible excuse.
"um, doctor crane," you say to him, your tone starting to become shaky, "i-i'm not feeling too well, i think i'm going to go back to my office to grab some advil."
the trembling of your voice doesn't go unnoticed by jonathan, and he knew that you knew where this was going. he grabs your arm harshly, and drags you through a door in which you're met with a distressing sight - multiple inmates of arkham mixing up chemicals in a makeshift lab, and pouring the liquids into what appeared to be a sewerage of some sort that seemed to leak into gotham city's plumbing and piping.
as your eyes were fixated on the scene in front of you, you failed to notice jonathan putting on his scarecrow mask and when you did - it was too late. a white, potent gas was sprayed in your face, and you immediately started to gag and cough on it as it felt like you were suffocating from the inside out. your lungs started to burn and your head was clouded, along with your vision.
"awe, having trouble?" he cooed as he grabbed you by the neck, choking you harshly.
before you could even formulate a response, a loud bang echoed in the lab. jonathan released his grip on your neck instantly, and though all your senses were disturbed, you could still articulate a few of his words through your current state. he said something about "the batman," and you knew that bruce was here to rescue you. internally, you thanked every higher power you could think of for having your brother come to your rescue.
not long after you heard jonathan say that, you looked up from the ground to see bruce with his hands gripped on jonathans face, his pale blue eyes widened and crazed. it appeared that bruce - the batman - had sprayed crane with whatever he had sprayed you with, and he was definitely seeing some shit while on his own drugs.
bruce's words were unintelligible at this point as you were just as drugged up as jonathan was, but you managed to hear jonathans voice meekly say something along the lines of "she's your sister?" bruce threw jonathan onto the ground, and the sound of police sirens could be heard in the background before your words were starting to become heavily slurred, and finally, your vision went black.
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as your eyes fluttered open, you noticed that you were back inside of your own apartment. as your vision adjusted to the light, you noticed bruce calling your name softly as you sat up on your bed groggily.
"you're awake," he said quietly, coming over to sit on the edge of your bed, "how are you feeling?"
"what happened?" you ask as your head started to spin.
"long story," he sighed, "but i've been looking into crane for a while - all his experiments on his patients and such. it's inhumane, like you said, but it turns out he's been slowly trying to poison gotham city as a whole."
"what?" you say with surprise, "wait, i...what?"
"gordon had him arrested," he explained, "he had him locked up in arkham, but there was a mass escape. he's on the loose again."
everything that bruce was telling you was making you sick - what did he mean jonathan was just prowling around the city again?! with a deep breath, you look down and shake your head, tears welling in your eyes.
"i don't understand..." you whisper, and bruce reaches a hand out to your shoulder.
"i think you should stay at wayne manor for a while," he says softly, "it's safer for you there, i don't want you to be alone in your apartment."
"yeah, i think so too." you agreed.
"great," he says, "i'll grab us some food, and then we can start packing and head over to mine. sound good?"
"okay, can we get takeout from that chinese place i like?" you ask with a soft smile, and your brother nods.
"yeah, i'll go pick it up right now. do you think you'll be okay for about half an hour alone? maybe we should just head to mine first..." he says, looking at you with concern.
"bruce," you say softly, "i'll be okay. the sun is still out, it's like, mid-day still. don't worry."
it takes some convincing, but bruce eventually agrees and leaves to go pick up the takeout a few blocks down from your place. after a few minutes, you hear your door being unlocked. you get up from your bed inquisitively, unsure as to why bruce was back so soon. knowing him, he probably forgot his wallet or something. however, once you entered your living room, you were met with a sight that made your heart drop.
jonathan crane himself, standing there in your living room, with his scarecrow mask on. his unsettling but strikingly blue eyes met with yours as he looked at you through the small cutouts of his mask, and he smirked to himself.
"are you feeling alright?" he asked with a sickeningly sweet tone, "i'm sure my fear toxin had you feeling quite...disoriented."
you stagger backwards, gripping onto your bedroom doorframe as fear consumed you once more. you swallowed hard, and continued to backup as he stepped forward menacingly.
"m-my brother is going to be home soon." you whimper.
"oh, batman?" he chuckles lowly, his voice seemingly distorted with his mask, "i wouldn't be too sure of that, sweetheart. i thought i heard him say he was going to be at least half an hour."
your mind went stagnant as he told you that, and you wondered with panic on how he would know that information. jonathan seemed to have picked up on what you were thinking, as he took a step closer and lifted his wrist up to show that he had some sort of contraption that could gas you with his so called "fear toxin" at any given moment.
"you really are brainless, aren't you, sweetheart?" he cooed, "silly girl, i can't believe you didn't notice all the little cameras and recording devices i've been planting in your home."
"wh-what cameras?" you say as you felt tears run down your cheeks out of sheer panic and fear.
"i've been breaking in for months, i can't believe you haven't noticed," he snickered, getting closer and closer to you, "i want you so bad, sweetheart. and to think, i almost had you before the batman had to come and ruin things for me."
"please," you whimper, "don't...d-don't hurt me."
"don't give me a reason to." he shrugged, before lunging at you and pinning you against the wall with his hands wrapped around your neck. "it'll be easier if you don't struggle. otherwise, i might have to dose you with my medicine again."
"please, n-no-" you gasp, as his hands tightened around your neck.
"maybe i will, you look so beautiful when your fears are interweaving themselves with your reality. isn't the nightmare just to die for?" he asked dramatically, before throwing you onto your own bed harshly.
your lack of response must have set him off, though, because he decided to harshly grab at your hair. he cranked your head back so roughly that you could feel the strain in your neck, and you would rather he just strangulate you right now rather than put you through whatever he was about to.
"say you love it," he growled, "say you love me."
"f-fuck, no." you weakly whined, and he was lifting his other hand up before you started talking again, "i-i'm sorry, yes - i love you!"
you immediately rushed your words out, even if they were forced and untrue, because you really didn't want to be dosed with his fear toxin once more. the effects were worse than any fucked up nightmare you'd ever had.
"good girl," he cooed as he started to forcefully undress you, making you choke back a sob, "ugh, i can't wait to absolutely fucking ruin you."
the smell of his cologne flooded your senses, and you felt more tears drip down your face as he continued to undress you with zero resistance. you tried to tell yourself that maybe you were just having a nightmare, a side effect from the drugs - but you knew that wasn't true. bruce wouldn't be back for at least another half hour, giving jonathan free range to do whatever he wanted to you.
you had zoned out so deeply to cope that when you finally stopped dissociating, he was already fumbling with his belt buckle. as you tried to grab his wrist to force him away from you, the pressure from your hand accidentally triggered his wrist band to spray his fear toxin directly at you. you choked and sobbed as you heard him chuckle lowly through his mask, and at this point - you'd given up.
you stopped trying to fight it because it was no use. he had already won. his fear toxin was seeping into your every sense. the fears that were interwoven in your subconscious were now playing out right in front of you. it was like watching your worst nightmare, only fifty times worse, on repeat. at this point, you thought you were going to lose your sanity permanently.
jonathan had pulled your panties off of you with ease, as you were too high on the toxin to even understand what was going on in this very moment anymore.
the less you fought, the better.
with a groan, he forced himself into your cunt, breeching your hole painfully. obviously, there was a struggle because one, you weren't even in contact with reality right now and two, he was forcing himself onto you.
he spat down onto your cunt after a few moments, and that seemed to work. he let himself sink into you slowly, stretching you out painfully as you laid there in tears, unintelligibly whispering and pleading. he didn't bother to prep you or even try to make this enjoyable for you, since it was never really about you in the first place. it was about him; his pleasure and sick, disgusting, twisted obsession with you.
"fuck," he groaned, "you're so tight i think i might fucking break you, sweetheart."
he continued to fuck himself in and out of you, his length reaching places inside of you that shouldn't be reached. you couldn't tell which one was worse: the terrifying nightmares being fuelled in front of you or the pain in your lower region from his fat, veiny cock breaking your cunt in.
the tears never stopped, continuously pouring down your face as you tried to beg him to stop - but the words never came out. they couldn't. you were starting to feel every ounce of sanity you had left slip away from your body, leaving you in a permanent state of living hell.
"it's a concentrated - mm, f-fuck,- dose, my love. you're slipping away, i can feel it in the way your squeezing me." he groaned as he continued to split you open on his cock, rocking his hips back and forth as he held your waist still with an iron grip.
"s-stop." you weakly whispered, but he laughed lowly at the sad attempt.
you knew that you'd never recover from this, whether it be the assault or the effects of the fear toxin - both were things that would cause you to never live a normal life again.
"m'gonna take you away from here," he huffed, already close, "shit, you feel good- gonna fuck you every god damn day and fill you with my cum 'till you have my babies. keep giving you my cum over and over again."
that almost sounded worse than the disturbing, mind-rotting imagines that were flashing before your eyes right now from the toxin. you couldn't imagine a life that hellish - but you couldn't exactly object with the state you were in.
"don't worry," he says as he kept talking to you, "you're not going insane, sweetheart. fuck - like i said; it's a concentrated dose. you'll be back to your stuck up, whorish, braindead self in about twenty four hours."
twenty four hours? how were you suppose to survive for twenty four hours like this? how? you didn't know, but jonathan didn't seem to care. he did not care at all - all he cared about was kidnapping you and stuffing you full of his cum. all he craved for months was to give you his babies. get you nice and full, pregnant by him.
you didn't even notice when his hips stilled and his cum poured into your abused cunt, filling you with every drop he had. he let out a satisfied groan, and hesitantly, he pulled out.
you lay there as still as ever, tears still pouring down your face as you tried to remind yourself that the shadows, the whispers, and whatever other hellish things you were hallucinating were not real. jonathan then threw your pyajamas back on you in a hurry, and picked you up bridal style.
"c'mon," he says softly, as if he cared about you - as if you liked this, "let's go home."
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mmoonpies · 1 year
Okay okay I saw that you're taking requests and then SPENCER R3ID ARE YOU KIDDING, love that guy honestly sooo could you maybe do something where the reader is also in the bau and spencer and them have been dating for years (like from s1 to like s4 idk ) and only Aaron knows (because he obviously has to know for work reasons) and the team somehow finds out and are like wtf since when and then spencer says 4 years and blah blah days and so on you get the drill
i literally love him sm. him + fluff is my fav thing!!
also sorry this is lowkey sloppy + unedited
spencer reid was nothing short of being described as introspective; gentle and withdrawn eve. his mind was constantly running, comfortable focusing on his inner thoughts and ideas, drawn to the corners of the wall as he willingly let other people's shadows tower over him.
despite the uncontrollable bursts of facts that fall from his tongue before dissolving into a stuttering ramble, he was pretty withdrawn. often refusing to go 'socialising' with the other bau members, preferring to stay within the comfort of his apartment to read and write.
that was until he met you.
your smile was toothy, lips sharply curved into a grin as your eyes shimmered with a playfulness he yearned for. you had no problem being in the "spotlight" voice loud and almost boastful as you bashfully took control of the room. you were loyal, unafraid to protect those you loved; even if it would end in your peril.
your greetings were filled with enthusiasm, followed by your signature grin, despite being 4am in the morning, only fuelled the other's disdain as they winced and clutched their coffee tighter. spencer's eyes would rest on your face from across the room, teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he felt the urge to smile at your bubbliness.
spencer once thought you'd be attracted to someone as confident as you, willing to show you off and flaunt your skills whenever possible. when, in reality, it was the opposite; you were searching for someone you could show off.
you were the one to listen with undivided attention to his over-the-top explanations, eyes wide and attentive as you smiled at him when his voice died off, encouraging him to keep speaking. it made his chest swell, cheeks growing warm as hesitantly gripped at his fingers, playing with them as he nervously continued his explanation.
you were the one who dropped a coffee off at his desk with a small smiley face messily drawn on the side, shooting him a bright grin before bouncing off to your desk. spencer would keep his palms wrapped around the cup, silently treasuring the drawing meant for him.
it became a routine - you sent a coffee his way each morning, and in return, spencer would offer half of his sandwich to you after you walked him through a 'tour' of your lunch. you would give him a generous serving of your lunch, and he would gratefully eat it, no matter the taste.
and to be honest, he wasn't sure when a full sandwich became 'too much' for him, always craving whatever concoction you had created after each half of his sandwich. he wasn't sure when he became so fond of you, patiently and hopefully waiting for you to bound over towards him, fists clenched in front of your shoulders as you beamed up at him.
"spencer, you will not believe how excited i am for lunch today!"
"i think i can," spencer would smile back, eyebrows raising as you bit your lip, grin still toothy and bright. "what've you got today?"
"can't tell you," you squinted up at him, giggling like a devious child. "you have to wait until lunch, but trust me, it'll blow your silly mismatched socks off!"
"hey! what'd they ever do to you?!"
it had stayed that way for 4 years; every single day, without missing a beat. no matter the time or day, you never failed to bring him c coffee with a smiley face, just like he had never failed to give you half of his sandwich.
being with you came as easy as breathing, although he struggled to convey his emotions, both physically and verbally, you both confided in the action of sharing lunch together. he hardly touched you at work, not wanting to seem unprofessional and upset hotchner or anyone on the team.
the only words hotchner had said in relation to the two of you were practically unthreatening. yet, as spencer shyly stood behind you as hotchner processed the information, the sickly feeling of dread spread throughout the inner lining of spencer's stomach.
"don't let it interfere with your work," he demanded, eyebrows furrowed as usual. you both gushed out 'thank you' before turning to leave, the stress of hiding it washing off the two of your shoulder's.
spencer, for 4 years, had assumed hotch had announced it to everyone else on the team. he still dealt with derek's teasing about him being a 'virgin' and his constant jabs about his 'experience with women.'
he was honestly just glad nothing had changed; your routine stayed the same, your glances lingering a little longer than usual, and your smiley faces turning into hearts. but that was all.
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spencer was currently cursing his wonky alarm, almost tripping over his own feet as he struggled to pull his own pants up. a slice of bread was caught between his teeth as he slung his satchel over his shoulder before rushing out the door of his apartment.
he was cursing his dumb decision to skip crashing over at your apartment, fingers smashing against the buttons of his cell phone as he called you back, wincing at the number of missed calls he had.
"hey, hey! i'm so sorry y/n, please just tell them i'll be there soon. my alarm didn't go off!"
"i told you it needs new batteries-"
"is now the time to say 'i told you so'?" spencer practically whined in your ear, a small smile curving at your lips as you giggled.
"got it, just get here as quick as you can." you murmured in response before flipping your phone shut, lifting your head up to meet the inquisitive gaze of four profilers staring right at you. "he slept in, he'll be here in about 5 minutes."
"the spencer reid being late? that's a first," emily teased, flipping through the case file in front of her. hotch's facial expression was the same as always; eyes slightly narrowed and eyebrows creasing inwards with his lips stretched into a thin line.
"everyone's allowed to be late," hotch shrugged as he stepped in front of the projector, grabbing one of the files scattered over the round table. "once."
you almost snorted at the delivery, shoulders hunching over as you caught yourself, swallowing your laugh. you caught derek's eye just as the door behind you swung open, a flustered spencer basically clambering through the doorway.
"sorry, sorry! i'm so sorry i'm late!" his voice was pitched, bowing his head at hotch before walking over to you. his brain was still recovering from his interrupted and rushed morning, a cloud of haziness hovering over his brain as he leant down and pressed a kiss to your temple. "sorry i missed your calls."
the room is silent apart from the squeak of spencer's chair as he sits down, rolling forward to reach a case file before noticing the defeating silence in the room. he lifts his head up, only to be met by the shocked and wide-eyed faces of his team members.
"what was that?' derek exclaimed, gesturing between the two of you. spencer shook his head with a shrug before tilting his head, eyebrows furrowing with confusion.
"what do you mean?"
"you just...kissed y/n on the forehead," jj spoke slowly as if she was still processing the situation in her head. spencer had a confused smile stretch across his lips. looking between the three of them as if they were crazy.
"yeah? you guys are acting like we aren't dating..."
spencer jolts back at the yells of the three members, hands raising in a defensive manner before looking over at you. your jaw was basically on the floor, eyes wide as you stared at spencer.
"...they didn't know, spencer," your voice is barely above a whisper, embarrassment running thick as you hunch your shoulders once more. for once, the attention is focused on spencer, and you're thankful the spotlight isn't on you.
"since when?" emily immediately interrogates him, standing up and leaning over the desk as her palm splays against the wooden table.
"c'mon, they're obviously pranking us," derek shrugs with a confident smirk. "we would've known sooner if they actually were dating."
"no I'm-i'm serious," spencer defends, mouth opening and closing before he turns back to face emily and answers her question. "it's been 4 years."
"WHAT?" they all exclaim in unison once more, lips parted as their jaws drop. they're all frozen in shock, eyes flickering between the two of you.
"i'm confused, how did you guys not know? we share lunch together every day!" spencer laughs in disbelief, shrugging as his hands flop between you and him. "y/n brings me a coffee every day."
"yeah but-"
'you never gave us a reason to believe that you were more than friends!" jj interjects, arms crossing over her chest.
"can we please focus on the case, guys?" hotch interrupts with a deep sigh, rubbing at his forehead with an impressed glower.
"hotch, you're not surprised?" derek exclaims, sitll in disbelief.
"no, they told me 4 years ago," hotch states simply before turning towards jj. "now, we've had enough interruptions. the case? please?"
"we're going out for drinks, and you're telling us everything." emily demands, her index finger pointing directly at you. you can feel everyone's gaze turns towards you, snickering at how flustered you look - unable to meet their eyes as you cover your cheeks with your hands.
"i'm sorry?" spencer offers, his own shoulders hunching upwards."i can give you my entire sandwich?!"
"be quiet, spencer!"
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zukotheartist · 3 months
I'm a day late (bc... reasons) but for International Women's Day, I'd like to remind everyone here about what's happening in the Democratic Republic of Congo🇨🇩!
(I apologise in advance for my poor wording but please don't let that take away from the point and check out the links at the end of the post!)
People (not just women) in the Drc🇨🇩 are being displaced, tortured and killed at immense rates. They are also being enslaved and forced to work in mines under unsafe conditions, for long hours and with little to no pay, to dig out cobalt. The levels of rape there are so high that a lot of people with vaginas have developed a severe condition called Vesico Vaginal Fistula which often also leaves them ostricised from society (it creates a strong smell and makes liquid leak out constantly).
What is happening there is also a genocide, just like in Palestine🇵🇸. And very much like Palestine, it's because of greed. Western powers arm militias/rebel groups (backed by Rwanda) to enslave these people to be able to get cobalt - a mineral necessary for technology - much faster and cheaper.
Here on tumblr we don't talk about it as much, and there's of course a lot of anti-blackness too, but on tiktok and insta - awareness is starting to raise, slowly.
Congolese activists are telling us to NOT call it a "silent genocide" (a common phrasing that some people have been using recently) because this has been going on for decades and they've been talking about it for DECADES and it's not their fault we didn't listen/pay attention.
They are also calling for a TECH BOYCOTT, urging people to use the technological devices they already own for as long as they last and when it breaks, try to use the new one for as long as it lasts as well + try to buy the next ones second-handed or from companies that support congolese people or at least don't abuse them. Lots of people who vape have also decided to stop vaping for the boycott!
You know how Aaron Bushnell and an unamed woman in Atlanta (she's still alive! At a hospital) self-immolated for Palestine🇵🇸?
Well, a man did that for the Drc🇨🇩 too! His name was Cédrick Nianza! And he was only 25 years old, died a week after his brave act.
Please do your own research but for now, some places that you can check out are (in no particular order):
1) The Fistula Foundation!
> an organisation that helps people affected with VVF in the Democratic Republic of Congo (and elsewhere too).
2) Friends of the Congo!
> a non profit with a lot of information about the genocide going on in the drc, with different sections that explain how to help (donating, sending emails, etc) and has a whole section about women and women's health.
3) Al Jazeera
> A newspaper with a lot of information about the Drc🇨🇩 but of course also Palestine🇵🇸 and Sudan🇸🇩! > Sudan is another cause we should all be looking into as well because people there are also being displaced, tortured and killed.
4) a lot of people on Tiktok have made sounds and/or filters that generate money, through the creators' fund, that they are donating to the Drc and have shown proof of doing so! Meaning that literally just by watching their videos, commenting (ideally more than five words, not including emojies and avoiding the word "boost"), resposting, sharing, duetting, etc you are helping donate to the Drc! You can also make PRIVATE videos (you'll be the only one to see them or just your friends if you want) using those filters/sounds and it'll still work!
Here's some of them
^ he's on the ground! Showing us the conditions that the congolese people are living under and spreading awareness.
^ has already donated 5500$ through views and also uses of his song for Dr Congo + by giving yoga lessons! He's also gone to the Drc himself and is helping with providing internet.
^ has also made a song (you can find it on Spotify too!) that generates money for the Drc! And has a whole playlist on her account that explains how much money one stream can generate + how many streams she's currently at, etc, showing proof! I understand that a lot of people here don't have TikTok but please check it out on Spotify, if you have it! She also has videos for Sudan🇸🇩!
There are a lot more tho so feel free to dm me or send asks if you want more recs!
And now some articles:
1) this one is from ABC news (of course always be critical when reading articles and especially when they come from specific sources), dated March 6th 2024
2) by Sahara Reporters (one of the only articles I was able to find about the young man who self-immolated for the drc), dated January 18th 2012
3) by Business and Human Rights Resource Centre, dated January 13th 2020
4) by Al Jazeera, dated February 7th 2024 (m23 is an armed rebel group backed by Rwanda)
When it comes to companies that don't abuse congolese people I've heard of 2 so far, and one of them seems to be congolese owned as well, BUT i haven't made much research into it because my phone is still functioning. So, I'll leave the names here but PLEASE do some research yourself anyway before you buy from them:
Okapius/Okapi Phones - seems to be congolese owned
Shift Phones - seems to be german owned but cobalt-free
We cannot achieve women's liberation without liberation for all! Liberation for 🇨🇩🇵🇸🇸🇩 and so many more places!
PLEASE reblog!! Or make your own posts!! Just PLEASE spread awareness!
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early20sfailingplenty · 8 months
💕 I have a request!
Could I please have some heavy angst headcanons, behaviour-wise, for an emotionally devastated, completely withdrawn and deeply depressed Vincent Sinclair who sincerely believes that he's been rejected by someone he's fallen hopelessly in love with?
Heyyyy ~ Kelly!!!💖 This is a fun little one to write; you sent it in about a year ago but I've only just found the energy/inspiration so I hope it's still something you're wanting to read about! I was curled up in bed eating my weight in chocolate cake and watching House of Wax scenes as I wrote this, so I hope you enjoy! If this goes well, it'll serve as my comeback into the fandom.
Reader details: as always, "you", Y/N, gender neutral reader, no coded language.
TW; Vincent haaaaaates himself, depictions of child abuse (canon compliant), Vincent makes decisions for the both of you without discussing them with you beforehand, miscommunication trope my beloved, Vincent's behaviour and thought patterns are unhealthy, canon compliant depictions of violence, morally grey reader who knows about and passively participates in canon compliant events, angst, Vincent is emotionally constipated AND he genuinely believes you don't love him like he loves you, dehumanisation of nameless and faceless people who come into Ambrose (canon compliant).
This is an angst fest and does not have a happy ending.
Word count: 1, 487.
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Of all the people who had passed through Ambrose (and never made it out), no one had gotten under Vincent's skin quite like you had.
The people who came into Ambrose were either canvases for Vincent or a fun day for Bo. Even rarer were the ones destined for Lester, if only because he didn't partake in the family business as often as the twins did.
The ones destined for Lester always ended up in literal pieces in the roadkill pit, with many an animal thrown atop the human chunks for good measure. Very few entered Ambrose, but even fewer got to leave.
Vincent was never anything more than delighted, thrilled when he hunted, killed and then prepared his artform... and no one had ever gotten under Vincent's skin.
Not until you, and no one but you.
Of all the people who came into Ambrose, none of them had ever been perfect before Vincent had started his work on them. He immortalised the beautiful and romanticised the ugly.
No one but you, and he found himself wanting to keep you perserved while you were still alive.
It totally threw him for a loop and if Bo had been able to listen in on Vincent's thoughts, as he so often claimed he could, then it would have thrown Bo for a loop too.
Your very existence took Vincent by surprise and just like how Vincent always deals with the unknown, he totally shut himself down from you. He put in a word for you with Bo to tell him in no uncertain terms that you were not to be harmed in any way, but that was the extent of his involvement with you.
Vincent's act of shutting himself down from you was one-sided but it caused enough pain for two people.
As far as you knew, Vincent wasn't treating you any differently. He was very rarely around you but he was barely around anyone except Bo. So you thought little of it.
Lester did think something about it, but a sharp look from Bo would silence the youngest Sinclair, and so Vincent was blissfully, agonisingly, left to his own torturous devices.
It wasn't that Vincent had fallen in love with you at first sight - such a concept seemed terribly unrealistic, especially for him - but he had known from the moment he had laid his eye on you that there was going to be something between you.
And just his parents had done to him before he had been old enough to take his first shit, Vincent wrote himself off.
His attraction to you turned to intrigue, which turned to yearning and then desire and then red hot want which would have rendered him speechless if he had been able to speak.
Vincent had initially made himself put in a good word for you with Bo, to help you stay in Ambrose with your life intact. But then as time progressed, he found himself putting your favourite snacks down on Lester's grocery list, convincing Bo to let you go with Lester, making sure you had the thickest blanket he could find because Ambrose could become cold at night... on and on the gestures went, but you seemed not to reciprocate them.
In truth, it was because Vincent was unreadable to you. As days turned to weeks which stretched to months, you formed cautious bonds with Bo and Lester, but Vincent remained unreachable to you. He was kind to you, but he was also totally withdrawn from you. You couldn't read him, you couldn't tell what was going on behind that mask, he was just... a wall.
You tried to express a rather twisted sense of gratitude for basic necessities but whenever you thanked him, Vincent would nod in such a way that it felt like your thanks was just an annoyance to him. His kind actions combined with the coldness of how he treated you after the fact, confused you, and you found yourself keeping away from him as best as you could, your heart aching. How could you properly thank him if he didn't let you? It was like he was only being kind to you to keep you quiet, to keep you where you were. Vincent was giving you emotional whiplash and you didn't know what to do about it.
There was more to Vincent than he was showing you and you knew it, but he was silent, he loomed over everyone in any room he was in, and he was truly intimidating.
It served to keep you away, which was what Vincent wanted, but it also caused him pain, because he longed to be close to you. Before Vincent knew it, he had fallen hopelessly in love with you. Once upon a time, he had been the Golden Child, the favourite of the three Sinclair children. He had been expected to die soon after being separated from Bo, but he had lived, and out of guilt had Trudy and Victor practically smothered Vincent in love, much to his developmental detriment.
They hadn't loved him for him, they had 'loved' him to alleviate their own guilt, and it had fucked Vincent up as badly as their abuse and neglect had fucked up Bo and Lester.
And so it was that Vincent was outwardly cold to you, or, at the very least, seeing to be totally unaffected by your presence in Ambrosde, and yet when you weren't there, it seemed that everything he did was for you, to make your life easier in a world you should never have known existed.
A world in which the dead remained so, encased in their own tombs, and and the living were haunted by the ghosts of themselves and all they never got the chance to be.
Vincent had closed himself off to you, rejecting the idea of you ever loving him before he ever gave you the chance to even consider such a thing, and as such, you inadvertently closed yourself off to him, too.
Your every attempt to thank him was rebuked, your every want to appreciate him left ignored, your every attempt to even minutely bond with him the way that you were slowly bonding with Bo and Lester was ignored...
Vincent never gave you a chance, he condemned the possibility of you loving him before such an experience could bloom within your mind, and in doing so, he practically shot himself in the foot. He was condemning you just like his parents had condemned him before he had even taken his first breath after being separated from the back of Bo's head.
He fell into a depression worse than anything his brothers had ever seen, to the point that even his artwork, his momma's legacy, was suffering for it.
To an untrained eye, all was fine with his figurines. They came out perfectly, not a hair out of place.
But to Bo and to Lester, they could see flaws Vincent usually poured himself into trying to fix. They could see hairs stitched back into the waxed scalp half a centimetre out from where it should have been, they could see raised patches through the clothing restitched onto the victim once the wax had cooled, they saw Vincent spiralling so badly that he ended up committing novice mistakes his mother had beat out of him decades ago.
And it was because of you.
Or, it was because of Vincent's assumptions about you, made due to his self-loathing which he had never questioned. He could romanticise the ugliest of gestures, the most grotesque of crimes, but he couldn't extend that same 'courtesy' to himself and it always saddened Lester and angered Bo.
Vincent didn't blame you for anything. He blamed himself. He withdrew from his brothers, he neglected his art, he shut Jonesy out of his workshop instead of letting her sleep on the mattress he kept down there for times when Morpheus called his name so sweetly that Vincent couldn't resist long enough to get back up to the house before Morpheus' sand got in his eyes...
And it stayed that way.
Vincent remained hopelessly in love with you, he kept himself away from you, believing with everything he was that you would never, could never, love him, and so to spare himself the heartbreak, he broke it himself more thoroughly than you ever could have done (not that you would, but Vincent had kept himself away from you so well that you would never think to yourself that there was more compatability between the two of you than either of you knew).
You pined, you ached, to know and to love Vincent, but he had made that decision for you, he had taken the choice away from you, and now the both of you were profoundly suffering and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
In time, maybe one of them would do Vincent a solid kindness and break the ice between the two of you. But why would they, when this was so much more entertaining?
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tallymonster · 7 months
Memories of Us chapter 9
AO3 link
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Little baby warning, it does get angsty and there are some mentions of sex, no smut yet though, sorry guys.
Giving @cheesy-cryptid all the flowers for their beautiful art. Without it I wouldn't be writing this massive project I have given myself lol
Also giving flowers to my bestie @micropoe10 ✨ she's gonna be reading parts of this for the first time with everyone so I can't wait to see her reaction hehehe
Tag list:
@justporo @satanicspinosaurus @sleepy-timaeus @tragedybunny @davenswitcher @wayward-hel
Chapter 9
why cuts aren't healing
The relationship between Astarion and Octavia had changed since her little intrusion. She had seen him walking around without the glasses, finally. Whatever reasoning he had for that was lost on her, since he stopped speaking directly to her.
 He would just stare, those fire orange eyes seemed to burn into her seething with a mix of disappointment, rage, betrayal. Gale had the unfortunate duty of passing her messages from Astarion, working as their in between. 
 The cold notes Astarion would send in with Gale were only about work. No smarmy comments, no sarcastic airs, just boring work. Octavia crumples up and throws the note in the garbage next to her.
 "Do you think he's ever going to speak to me?" She asks Gale, flatly. She inhales deeply and slumps down on the chair. 
 "Octavia, you literally broke the one rule the man has for ALL OF US. What were you expecting? A handshake? A pat on the head? Please."
 Gale looked at her with an annoyed face, his tone not much further. "Listen, let him brood, it'll be good for him. For you too. Maybe you'll learn what 'private' means."
 Gale isn't hiding that he's mad, but there's a hint of concern behind it. He obviously cares for Astarion, but he can only do so much for these two. 
 In his dusty office, Astarion still obsesses over the argument with Octavia. She was so afraid of him. Even as she was being torn down, she still looked at him with a nurturing curiosity.
 The entire thing confused him, why did she smell like Tav? Why do her eyes look at him like hers did? She reminded him so much of his lost love. Was he imagining it, or was it the regret playing tricks on his mind again?
It had been one hundred and fifty years since he let the human go. She was desperate to join him in the Underdark, she could help him, they were in love after all. 
 Somehow Astarion couldn't ask her to give up her life in the sunlight for him. She screamed, begged, pleaded, fought, and cried. Nothing would move him from this firm stance. He couldn't take her from the only life she had known above ground. Especially not now that they were all being hailed as heroes. 
 The look on her face when he denied her was still seared into his memories. The necessary pain he had to put her through to save her. He was too cowardly to face it, so he left in the night. 
 Never looking back at the Elfsong Tavern, never seeing his friends, letting them all kill him in their minds. They were all dead now, or they assumed he was. There was no point in dwelling on his own actions. 
 Still, he can't help but wonder, what happened to them? Did Lae'zel and Shadowheart ever forgive his choices? Was his Gale truly happy like the letters his great grandson gave him said? Did Wyll and Karlach even make it to Avernus? Astarion let the sorrow fill his core, the despair growing and twisting into total apathy. 
 He often thought of his last night with Tav, the way he had to lie to calm her down. Her tears as he kissed her worries away. His hands on her body, feeling her come undone with every touch. She crashed her lips on his desperately, the worry and insecurities followed by hunger and lust. 
 Her soft cries of pleasure and heartbreak echo in his ears as they have each night for almost a century and a half. Her slow caresses were pleading him to stay, to never leave her alone. They had grown so much together, she trusted him with her blood, her body, and her heart. They had risked everything and came out the other side. 
 He decides then to bring her to bliss one last night before never indulging in her ever again. To feel her running hot in his icy veins, warm with her glorious blood. She was always so generous with her gifts. Her blood, her love, her body. He should be ashamed to want to leave them all behind. 
So many have killed for the type of love and affection that he had in his hands. He was foolish to let it slip through like the ashes he would turn into if he walked into the sun like he imagined so long ago. 
 His mind couldn't help but wonder.
Was she happy? Did she forget him? Did she ever have the family she wanted? She always wanted kids, and even though he wasn't sure if he could give her some without dangerous risks, he would have done it for her. Even if he wasn't sure he ever wanted them himself, he .
 He closes his eyes and hears her voice, soft and melancholy in the cold white hue of the moonlit night.
 I will do anything for you, I love you. 
 You have me, my Star.
 I'm yours forever. 
 Don't leave me. 
 The memories were all too painful, he tried hard to suppress the anger, grief and regret. but it burned like a house fire. Slowly, then all at once. He slams one of his fists onto the desk in front of him. The pain shoots up his wrist and arm, making his shoulder vibrate. 
 He winces and swipes off the papers on his desk, he keeps punching the desk until he can't feel his right hand. The good thing is that he won't be too badly hurt if he kills a big animal tonight. It should still be easy to catch a deer, even in this weakened state. 
The aggression won't stop, he wants to yell, to destroy this whole facade, but he can't. His whole 'new' life is built on the foundation of his old one. He can't move on, no matter how many times he's lied to himself about it. No matter how many times he's tried he can still sense her. 
 There was a bit of a complication now, though. Octavia reminded him so much of her. The thought kept replaying in his head, all the little things he had noticed these last months.
 She had the same tilted laugh, the same sweet smile that lights up her face, her way of challenging him to get a playful rise out of him. Maybe there was something there but now he can't face her. Why had she violated his only wish, what could possibly compel her to sneak in and spy on him like that? 
 Astarion lets all the emotion rise, his breathing quickens, his chest feels like it's tightening, the pain that was in his arm takes over his whole body and he falls into the chair behind him.
 His head throbs, and it almost feels like that fucking tadpole made its way back inside him. The room is spinning and shrinking all at once. The shadows in the corners slowly growing darker around him.
  The sound that comes from him erupts from his lungs, a rumbling sob that he can't suppress. The little he feels now comes out in giant tears, he gasps for air as if he's digging himself out of the grave again.
 Nothing can stop the flow of emotions rippling from within. The shaky breaths tumble out, bathed in the chill of the room. He buries his head in his hands and lets it all melt away. 
 The sorrow he feels washes over him, the memories and lost time all pouring out. The weight of the years, the grief, all the stupid things he said and did that hurt them. He never meant to do any of it. He was just trying to protect them. His loneliness kept them safe, it was the only thing he could tell himself after all these years of self isolation.
 As much as he hates putting up his walls with Octavia, she seems remorseful enough to respect this distance he's forced upon them. Practically punishing herself to gain back his favor. He can tell with the way she'll quickly turn away when he catches her looking at him, or how her eyebrows do that thing…
 Oh no. 
 Oh Gods…
 The realization hits him all at once. He's got to apologize if he even thinks this could work in his favor.
 She deserves some compassion from him, at least. It's time to let go of the fear and to show someone he can be open to feeling like this again. 
 He's scared, always has been. It feels different now somehow, he only has to open the door and let it in, whether it will welcome him or engulf him in its flames was to be discovered in due time.
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jadeddangel · 4 months
The Owl House x Reader
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General Headcannons for The Owl House x Reader
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Older!Luz Noceda:
Her love language is physical touch and gift giving
She's a cuddle bug
If your sick or not feeling well she'll refuse to leave your side
The kind of girl to write poetry that doesn't make sense
But you can still tell that she does it cause she loves you
She's a horrible cook but don't tell her that
She buys or makes charms for your staffs
She kisses any kind of small wounds that you have
Luz let out a loud gasp "ay! Mi amor! Tu estas bien? Does it hurt?" Luz asked frantically as she held your hand looking at the literal smallest paper cut on your finger before digging in her pocket and pulling out a small bandaid and putting it over the cut and kissing over the band-aid " all better mi amor!"
"Uhm Luz? Why do you just have bandaids?" You asked confused. Luz straightened her lips into a line "uhm.. a good witch is always prepared?" Luz said questioningly
She buys you themed band-aids from the human realm
she tries to teach you Spanish
She's not the best teacher but you can see her effort
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Older! Amity Blight:
Her love language is acts of service and words of affirmation
She's really big on arts and crafts
She likes to make you things
She likes to let your palismans play together
She likes to do things like make your laundry and things
Cause in some part of her mind she thinks it'll make you love her more
She's rather shy with PDA at first
She's a touch starved baby
Ghost and your palisman were cuddled up in a little window hammock that amity had made for them
"Hey amity? Do you think our palismans live eachother like we love eachother?" You asked curiously
Amity blushed a bit "oh quiet take your nap you were so adamant on it earlier" amity said defensively
It doesn't matter if you've been dating for years
She still gets flustered if you say anything too sweet
She shows her love with actions rather than words
So she often makes you food
She's an amazing cook btw
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Eda The Owl Lady:
Her love language is quality time and gift giving
She likes giving you shiny things
Like rings, jewels, anything that shimmers or shines really
She doesn't particularly like her curse being around you
But after she makes her piece with it she's fine cuddling you
Whether that's in her harpy form or in her full form
She's starting to realize that it won't hurt you
Eda groaned holding her head. "Eda? Dear? Are you ok? Is the owl bothering you again?" You asked sweetly sitting up in edas nest. Eda sighed and nodded "its just getting worse and I don't know what to do it just.. it's like it wants to be with you? If that makes sense?" Eda tried to explain as you nodded along.
"Yknow, eda I don't really mind the owl.. it's rather sweet after you guys had that heart to heart, so how about you just let it put? And if anything goes wrong I'll have elixir on hand" you reassured the older woman
That night was one of the first of many that eda let the owl interact with you
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Raine Whispers:
Their love language is the same as Eda's, quality time and gift giving
They can't really cook anything but eggs
They're so sweet
They really like to make little songs/ lullabies for you
but they're willing to learn anything you'd be willing to teach them
They're not really touch starved
But if you so much as lock your pinkys together they're melting in your arms
They loves you with their whole heart so when they're performing or teaching your the only thing on their mind
In all truth the thought of you probably helped with their stage fright
They gets flustered so easy
Raine was playing their fiddle for their class they were playing the song they had made for you.
Raine finished the song after a few moments before bowing and putting their fiddle away gently
They had a smile on their face at the thought of you in the next classroom over listening to them play... just for you
They always sat and ate lunch with you in their classroom
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The Collector:
His love language is gift giving and acts of service
Game nights literally every damn night
He likes to hide your things all over your home
He always takes your petty arguments as a joke
He may not be the healthiest but he's definitely always there for you
He's a cuddle bug
Practically clinging to your side where ever you were
He isn't shy about pda in the slightest
The collector was clinging to your sleeve "nooo don't leave!" Collector whined trying to tug yoy back into the house
You sighed "baby please I'm begging you just let go of me I'll be back soon, I've got a class to teach" you bargained
The collector let go of you gently "fine.." he pouted
He's beyond clingy
It's a problem sometimes but you manage
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His love language is acts of service, quality time, and gift giving
He makes you little cravings of animals
Especially wolves
Definitely his favorite earthly animal
He's touch starved
Please give him hugs and kisses
Really likes to hold your hand
His hands are rough and calloused after the years of being a golden guard and then his hobby of carving palisman
He likes to visit earth with you for small dates every now and then
Hunter held your hand gently as he led you through a forest on earth, hunter had been planning this small, somewhat simple date over the past month
Hunter had set up some fairy lights and a picnic deep in the woods, he had been quiet and mysterious the whole walk but soon spoke softly. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you or anything" hunter joked
You laughed a bit but paused as you saw the at area "oh hunter.. this is beautiful "
Hunter smiled and helped you sit down "yea.. just like you" he said sweetly
He was sweet and romantic like this alot of the time
He's corny but it's relieving to know that he really cares for you
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kafus · 5 months
my friend who passed away was the friend who got me that event pichu exclusive to IRL movie theaters in south korea that i mentioned a while back. his name was Riku
he passed away in the early morning of the 22nd (21st in my timezone). he was in his early 20s and had just moved out on his own and it was way too soon for him to go. just a week or two ago i was watching the kaika and vwp gensho concerts with him at 4 in the morning. he was around literally everyday - me and my friends found out about his death so soon because we were concerned that he was gone for just one day, and on the second day we reached out to one of his IRL friends to find out where he was. he was often in the hospital so i was hoping he was just afk for a particularly long time in the hospital and he would send a picture of his iv drip and the ceiling like he always did. i could not have imagined this would be the time he didn't make it. it is going to be weird not hearing from him literally everyday like i have been for the past 2-3 years. i am really struggling with this, i have had friends pass away but never any this close to me. i'm trying to keep myself together for his sake
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leave it to me to process strong emotions through pokemon i guess but i loaded up SV to give the pichu the best friends ribbon so it says "the Great Friend" when sent out. i can't nickname it due to the fateful encounter flag but i've given him the name Anemo in my mind at least since our main shared interest that we met over was Kamitsubaki, and his favorite singer was Isekaijoucho, and the flower things in her hair are called Anemos (short for Anemones) and i thought naming him in a small way after something he loved and an interest we shared would benice
i also did a nuzlocke a while back where i had some special rulings to do with naming all my encounters after my friends from the friend group me and riku were in - the pokemon everyone got assigned were random and decided by spinning a wheel, and riku ended up being my flygon that came to the E4 and everything
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i wasn't planning on ribbon mastering any pokemon from that playthrough, but now i really want to RM this flygon specifically. transfer him up and take him with me yknow
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riku was not a pokemon fan in particular, but it was something we shared/bonded over - he used to ping me whenever he saw art of any kamitsubaki character with pokemon, and he went out of his way to celebrate that interest with me, even thru our language barrier
his favorite musician of all time was Kanzaki Iori, and some months ago he put out a call for fans to send him pictures he could use in the youtube videos for some cover songs he was doing. riku submitted photos, and on two occasions his photos were actually included - we didn't share pictures of ourselves or our real life often, so these were some of his rare photos of his real life presence
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i can't stop listening to these. i cannot imagine how many times he listened to them himself. he was so happy about his photos being in these videos
i'll make a more proper memorial post at a later time (i want to draw something dedicated to him) but i just sort of wanted to ramble about this to get some thoughts out of my head in a public space. riku didn't have a ton of people in his IRL life and we were just friends over the internet but i want him to be remembered and i want my feelings today to be saved somewhere. eventually it'll get easier but for now it's still really raw
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halftheway · 1 month
hazebur playlist walkthru with lyrics linked for the 2 ppl that will read it<3
(you won't feel a thing - the script) this one feels very ah!wilbur pov. the determined protector who's been through hell several times over and refuses to have anyone she cares about go through anything similar, even if it means she herself has to take the brunt of life's harm to keep them out of its way
(falling in love (will kill you) - wrongchilde ft gerard way) what it says on the tin<3 haze is falling in love for the first time and it makes them feel like they're dying a lot of the time. the refrain at the end of "i collapse into your arms (it'll kill you)" feels very fitting for how all they want at the end of the day, even through the nerves and uncertainty, is to just be around wilbur
(pink in the night - mitski) this one is a doozy. haze started to fall first, even though they'd never admit how early, and kept their growing feelings close to their chest, never really admitting to anyone. their first kiss was actually a series of kisses; haze had never done it before & they wanted so badly to do it right, and they're very thankful wilbur was patient and let them figure it out. they've only kissed twice since then and haze is too shy to even daydream about it, let alone ask for more. on the flipside, in group settings haze is often somewhat removed, whether by choice or happenstance, but more often than not they're looking at wilbur even when someone else is the center of her attention
(songbird - fleetwood mac) just a beautiful, tender song about wanting your love to only experience happiness and warmth, from everything in the world but especially from you<3
(arms tonite - mother mother) WE COULD'VE HAD IT ALL, CHAT! haze spent their month in the arena walking, endlessly searching for wilbur. they wanted out of the game on their own terms, and they knew death at wilbur's hand would be a merciful, peaceful end. they didn't get what they wanted, but hearing wilbur say she would have killed them, if they asked, was comforting. they sometimes imagine what it would have been like, if she'd hold them and slit their throat, if she'd run them through with her sword and catch their lifeless body. they'll never get to find out, though
(electric touch - taylor swift ft fall out boy) haze has never been in Love before, but that doesn't mean they've never been infatuated. it hasn't ended well, historically, but they can't help but to hope. things with wilbur kind of swing back and forth between making them hate themself and floating on clouds, which maybe isn't how love is supposed to make you feel but haze is still clinging to the dream that someday it'll level out and they'll finally have someone want them back
(follow through - the altogether) i have nothing to say go read the lyrics. it's both of their povs i literally cannot stress enough just listen to it. it's hazebur.
(mess is mine - vance joy) where they will hopefully be one day, actually communicating about the things weighing on them and choosing to stay together, choosing to take each other for the good and bad, not just in spite of it. not being afraid to the darker side of themselves and being vulnerable enough to share their burdens
(i wanna be your dog - dbmk/(let me be your) teddy bear - elvis presley) haze just wants to be something uncomplicated. something loved simply, wholly, unconditionally. they think they're easier to love when they are something small and cute
(deep water - american authors) everything with water imagery takes on such a new meaning for haze on account of. blazeborn. anyway. amazing song about wanting to seek depth but being afraid of losing yourself, and asking for someone to be there with you, to help you survive the intensity of it all
(take me to church - hozier) he wrote this because he knew ah!wilbur would come to be ten years later i'm sorry but it's simply about her. circling back to the dog imagery a little bit, as well as wilbur avoiding telling haze the truth about the basement And haze thinking about wilbur killing them. anyway "my lover's the sunlight"
(manta rays - chloe moriondo) it's all for you, it's all for you, it's all for you, it's always for you. is it the healthiest? no<3 but it's never not for you
(luv note - chloe moriondo) double whammy of 'love' songs that are actually just haze's poor self image & the way they put wilbur on a pedestal<3 once again we revisit the theme of wanting to be a Thing, something whose worth is only in its beauty and the way you feel about it
(feel things - amava) you make me feel like i'm wanted! want this, you and i, in every life<3
(no words - the script) haze has written probably a few dozen letters to wilbur at this point and has still never actually described how she makes them feel. partly because they're afraid to show how Much they feel, but also because she's so many things it's impossible to capture everything she is in words
(come into the water - mitski) simple and sweet<3 they are very gentle with each other despite not being gentle people themselves... think wilbur softly reassuring haze before their first kiss and haze averting their eyes when wilbur wears more revealing clothing
(heaven's gate - fall out boy) once again the pedestal<3 but also "you're the one habit i just can't kick"– there have been several instances where haze could've and maybe Should've cut things off with wilbur, but they just can't make themself stop
(she's the prettiest girl at the party, and she can prove it with a solid right hook - frank iero) WHAT IT SAYS ON THE TIN!!! haze's past bad luck with romance has them half-convinced things with wilbur won't work out, but they still desperately want to try anyway, even if being in love with her sometimes feels like dying. they also, selfishly, want to have her time and attention all to themself, even though they know her world is so much bigger than any one person. they're cranky and crabby and don't know how to be a person, but when wilbur says she likes them just for who they are, they can almost believe it.
and that's it<3 there are a handful more songs on the playlist, but these are the ones that i wanted to highlight
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getmehighonmagic · 4 months
omg ok I am so excited about literally ALL of the wips on your list but which one are YOU most excited about/haven't gotten to talk about yet???????? I WOULD LOVE ANYTHING SNIPPETS/DETAILS/VISUALS/VIBES ANYTHING!!!!!!!! <333 xx
ok ok ok I fucking loooove this!
So, there's two that I'm most excited about right now!
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This one I'm writing on every day and I lie awake at night thinking about them. I've got this entire story mapped out, the first chapter is done. I plan on writing about 4 chapters and oh my god, I'm having the most fun working it all out. I came up with this story while doing the dishes and listening to San Francisco by Niall Horan and now I'm absolutely fucking obsessed. They're soulmates, they fall in love at first sight, followed by heartbreak and suffering, but there will always be a happy ending. Hopefully it'll be done soon!
“Kiss me,” he blurts out. He has to suck his cheeks between his molars and bite down hard to stop himself from cringing, because it really does sound insane, but he suddenly wants nothing more than for Alex to kiss him. He’s in a foreign country, in a place where he has all the privacy in the world. He’s alone, in the dark, under the stars, with a man so attractive it makes his skin prickle and he wants to be kissed. He wants to be swept off his feet. For once, Henry just wants to be something to someone.
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This one here? This is my baby. FirstMarine will forever be my baby and this is the story in which I give Luke the happily ever after he deserves, even though he had to go through a lot of shit to get there. I've almost finished writing chapter 3, so this one is coming along nicely, but it's a bit of a slow burn, so it might take a while to finish it. Eeeee I could talk about this all day, haha! ♥
Luke ends up coming over almost every day, and if he’s not nestled under a blanket in Alex’s window seat with a book or his laptop and with Buddy at his feet, he’s texting Alex book recommendations or memes he finds funny. Alex has also discovered that Luke prefers tea over coffee, which means that he now owns a box full of various types of tea, sitting right beside his own coffee collection in the cupboard above the sink. Alex likes it; the fact that he’s not alone all the time anymore. He did make that choice consciously when he moved back to Austin - to concentrate on work and his own mental health for a while - but he hadn’t realized how much he missed having someone to share his brain worms with. He also likes Luke’s laugh when he says something especially silly. He doesn’t know why, but it feels like a unique thing to witness; like Luke doesn’t laugh like that all that often. He feels privileged to be exposed to it and he won’t admit it out loud, but it’s definitely the reason why he sometimes says silly things on purpose.
I am also incredibly exited about kinktober this year! I've got 3 stories finished, 2 halfway there and 9 more outlined, so it's gonna be hella good!
Snippet from #18: Thigh riding:
“You’re not wearing underwear,” Nora pants against June’s lips, a statement that makes her stomach flutter and her pussy throb. “You’re in my office, rubbing up on me, and you’re not wearing underwear.” June giggles and breaks the kiss, before hiding her face in the crook of Nora’s neck. “You’re very observant today.” Nora growls and turns her head to sink her teeth into June’s earlobe, just beneath the gold of her earring. “Don’t get cheeky with me,” she warns, slipping a hand up the back of June’s skirt to cup one of her perfectly round, warm cheeks. “I think,” June murmurs, kissing up Nora’s neck, “that being cheeky is going to get me exactly what I want, right now.”
Thank you for asking, this was fun! ♥♥♥
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stigmvtas · 7 months
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welcome to marina, LYDIA FLORES ( cis woman, she/her ) ! they are a TWENTY SEVEN year old who has lived on the island for FIVE DAYS. word on the street is they’re currently living in HYLAND PARK and works as a BALLERINA / SEAMSTRESS. everyone also says they look a lot like ANYA TAYLOR JOY. what do you think? — JAMES, 24, THEY/THEM, EST.
full name: lydia rosemary flores - montgomery.
birthday: april 16th, 1996.
astrology: aries sun, aries moon, libra ascending.
sexuality: bisexual.
currently listening to: ptolemaea by ethel cain.
last known location: [[[cannot be found]]]
brief history.
born in nyc, product of an affair between an intern and her attending in the hospital, a well - known and sought after surgeon. born a twin - something their mother wasn't able to handle. in the end - lydia stayed with their mother, and valentina was given up.
lydia grows up in a single mother household; one where her mother's constantly away, constantly striving to put food on the table - little to no extra income to spend. lydia spends a lot of time alone; hates being alone. it feels wrong - she often feels wrong. babysitters don't survive her - too much for them to handle. princess of tantrums and attachment issues.
she doesn't meet her father - knows of him, about him - but never sees him; he knows of her - of them - but never reaches out. never cares to - he's got a family of his own to deal with; barely wants to do that. a narcissist - evil behind his eyes.
wasn't very liked in school as a child; only forced her compulsive obsession with being perfect. strives for it - begs for it; forces it onto herself. mimics all the prettiest girls in her classes - their movements, how they talk - their activities, what they consider cool, or pretty.
ballet's a side project she can't afford - but she's all about the precision - the way perfection is demanded. she'd never be a clara, or an odette - but she'll spend her whole life desperately trying.
is never anything worthwhile - never feels worthwhile; spends her teenage years sewing knock - offs in her tiny apartment to impress her rich friends, to further build a lie she's long been crafted.
to them - she's just as rich; personality mimicking theirs, she's a carbon copy heiress. a nepo baby - a hamptons princess, whatever they needed her to be.
it's a con that works its way into her adulthood; wiggles her way into fashion school - a talent she's more practical at than creative, stealing the designs of those more innovative than her. flunks out and tells no one; racks up credit card after credit card - often not hers, often her friends.
recently was exposed for her fraud; fled to marina in response because in her eyes - marina's an island of nobodies where the irrelevant go to further rot, and she thinks it's perfect to rebuild her image. to build a new person - maybe find a rich spouse who'll dote on her and take her far, far away.
facts & temperament.
a hot mess of insecurities wrapped pretty with a bow; still prone to tantrums and meltdowns when things don't go her way. it's not a pretty sight. needs to be the center of attention - needs eyes to be on her always, admiring her and loving her and envying her.
deep seated need to love and be loved. it's a full blown obsession that follows any person she sets her eyes on; anyone who's rich, successful, or easily malleable to be both of those things. doesn't mind giving the push, pulling the strings - if it'll mean inspiring wealth.
compulsive liar. manipulator. desperate and needy, and will do anything to survive. will throw people under busses literally and metaphorically if it'll make her look better. will start rumors, lies - drama wherever she can, no matter how nonsensical it is.
clings onto people she deems her "favorites" - their opinions mean the most to her, and when they don't align with hers, her entire world collapses beneath her. is very dramatic about it. is dramatic about most things.
the most upright posture. has worked hard on having a dancer's grace, a model's countenance - exuding an air of elegance even with mascara running down her cheeks.
the gaudiest person alive. room is adorned in florals and swan imagery and yellow gold, mostly all fake. loves heart - shaped anything, and reds and pinks and whites and creams. loves fur coats, the realer the better, and silk slips.
can get very possessive and very jealous. tends to drive others away because of it - because she's the "crazy" girlfriend once her cool girl exterior cracks and reveals the truth. can be just plain mean. often critical of others, judgmental.
emotionally fragile. will cry at the slightest voice raised - can cry on command, utilizes it often.
spends hours in the bathroom, especially on self - care days; will bath until her skin's nothing but a layer to remove.
even when trying to be compassionate, or sympathetic - tends to make it about herself, and her feelings. excessively idealistic to the point of delusional.
just wants to be liked so bad. but is bad at it. is kind of a bad person.
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eway · 9 months
So um...I was listening to this
And I thought of a one shot to write. So I did. Here it is. It'll go on fanfiction.net tonight. I literally wrote it as I was thinking it up so sorry if it's bad
My name is Link. Though most here call me Young Link. I am 11 years old, and have gone through enough for grown adults to freak out. I'm not the only kid here though. There's quite a few. I consider them my friends. But they all have their scars…some worse than others. The only kid whose got near as many as me is Lucas. Most adults know this, they call us brave, strong. But they don't quite understand. The only ones who DO understand the trauma were there for it. Well, there are two adults I'd say understand. Samus and Lucina. Samus is in her late 20s, Lucina is 20. Neither had a childhood. Lucina grew up in an apocalypse. And Samus, well, she had her biological family taken from her, and later her adoptive one.
I don't want these kids getting more scars. I feel their pain. It's why I often go to them during their nightmares…
"What's going on? Stop stop stop I can't grasp whats going on!"
"I…I don't want to…die like this…let go you…you stupid bug…it's all going dark…help me…"
"The darkness! I-I need to fight it!"
I always go to comfort them when the nightmares come. No one should have gone through what we did. As for those women, they hide things better. Lucina generally takes walks after waking up from a nightmare, and goes to train. Pikachu has to tell me when Samus had a nightmare.
Usually to calm everyone down, I get someone they trust from their universe who went on whatever "adventure" caused this. For some this isn't an option. So I stay with them as long as they need. Not to say I don't help the others. I usually calm them down until they can get to someone they know.
Villager is interesting. He seems to crave an adventure, we're like heroes to him. I envy his innocence. Still, just because I'm scarred doesn't mean he should be. As with the others, I try to protect him.
Their are many threats in smash. Most don't have their enemies in smash though, so that's good. But that doesn't mean their aren't problems.
Ness' cousin Ninten apparently told him about Gigyas' original form, Giegue. So when the Melee tournament happened, and Ness met MewTwo…the nightmares were unintentionally projected to everyone nearby…I can say that Gigyas may be more terrifying than Majora…
Lucas fighting MegaMan is never good. He freezes, unable to attack. He always looks so…broken
Lucina had a panic attack seeing Zombie for the first time. She kept it hidden, but I could tell. Shaky hands, a more brutal fighting style, shaky breath.
Samus was a wreck after Ridley joined. She wouldn't leave her room, even when we had to go to another Hotel.
When Kirby heard his fan wrote a story about him, he was happy. When everyone died in the story, he was a mess. The idea of everyone dying and him needing to save them…that much pressure. Pointing out plotholes in the fic helped, but not much. He was practically attached to Meta Knight
And let's not forget the Heroes vs. Villains Splatfest. Each group was stuck with their group until it ended. Whoever decided Dark Pit was a villain…has my hatred. Especially when there was a fight the splatfest, since they now had leverage over a goddess. I shouldn't enjoy stabbing Ganondorf so much haha. Poor Dark Pit was hurt though, pretty badly too. Guess that's what happens when someone with morals is stuck with villains and unable to escape, and severely weakened because in this realm, we have to be weaker for the fights to be somewhat fair.
I'm still a kid. And I frequently have my trauma resurface. But I guess, if there's one thing I've learned, what goes around comes around. Whenever I have a nightmare, I wake up to my friends, all there to comfort me…they all also like to spend time with me. Everything I do for them, they do for me, even Bowser Jr! I guess I just…wasn't prepared for that. Things are way less doom and gloom. We can do…semi normal kid stuff. We can…kinda…have childhoods!
I'd give up my life to protect any of them. Is that normal? Maybe it is when you lose everyone you've ever cared about. I cannot see Saria anymore, The Great Deku Tree died, Navi left. Only Zelda remains. I gotta admit, I maaaay have a thing for her. But that's off topic. My point is, as long as I am around, I will protect my friends. I won't let them suffer as much as me…
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dragon-business · 8 months
Nishida and Kiryu, Majima and denial
Despite the events of Kiwami, Majima firmly believes that Kiryu is a ladies man through and through. He's very deep in this denial scenario.
Oh, the mental acrobatics of ignoring all their dates last year (of Majima Everywhere and not), and Kiryu's drama with Fighter.
Nishida would cry if he heard of this.
Majima, looking at Kiryu clutching his old photo with Fighter gently, and congratulating him on the marriage with a shaky voice: I've connected two dots. Nishida, very quietly: you didn't connect shit.
Nishida is so offended. He has to listen to Majima rant about how every sane lady must want a piece of Kiryu at least 5 times a day.
Nishida was stalking Kiryu last year for Majima (and knows everything that went down), and when Kiryu comes to work for Majima Construction, Nishida can talk to him more often, and even witnesses his interactions with Majima in person.
And maybe Nishida had a crush on a slightly older sempai when he was younger. He understands. Something something, older men. Something more, queer struggle.
He may even intentionally chat Kiryu up, just for support and intel.
Because he'll be curious, too. He thought Kiryu being there in the flesh is the final goal. He thought it'll make life easier. But no. Majima is closed off and in denial. It's Kiryu's turn to put in the effort. To be brave, struggle, and take steps.
In any case, Nishida is a bit too eager to help, and sometimes says things that he thinks are obvious, but not for this couple of idiots.
- On the karaoke outing Majima be like: and what are you ordering, Kiryu-chan? And Kiryu's like: I'd go for the Majima special, best thing I had in years. Hope it's still on the menu. Majima, skimming the menu: nope. told ya, I've bought the cheapest shit back then, they don't serve it here (^;
(he actually bought expensive stuff, but they don't serve it in karaoke either)
Also Kiryu's "I'm not on the menu, you're lying" comes back around on him. Karma's a bitch.
Nishida will riot if he hears about this. Praying for him.
- Kiryu on the work break, with a cigarette between his lips: can you light me, Majima-san? Majima, already smoking: *throws a lighter at him* Kiryu sadly puts it in the pocket with 12 other lighter and a matchbox.
- Nishida, probably: I'm glad boss is wearing a safety helmet… but it's like he's wearing a safety helmet… on his heart, too… Kiryu, literally working on the construction site without a safety helmet: well, safety is Important.
Dealing with them is like herding cats.
Kiryu can even go hard on this metaphor.
Like, people have to be careful with themselves, because sometimes even if your heart is in the right place, your body is on the construction site. And you gotta give yourself a bit of time and space to get them all in one place, where a safety helmet will not be needed. Where you can know it's not needed. And it's okay. It's alright. But sometimes getting there takes a while. And when you take your helmet off you're on a construction site again for some reason. And you wonder – did you take too long? Or were you always standing in the same place, and the safety helmet was obstructing your view? Do you get it, Nishida-kun? Do you understand? .__, No, I'm not gonna wear the safety helmet on work hours, Nishida-kun >c
There's a metaphor somewhere in this. But Nishida is very unprepared for Kiryu monologuing. Kiryu is not prepared for it either, tbh. He just says words, and they hit him. Self-knockout.
He just didn't have anyone to talk about all this, so there's a lot of pent up stuff brewing. Like, Rina doesn't need this baggage. Kiryu was gone from Kamurocho for a year, too. Gotta reconnect with her first. Date, well. He doesn't understand.
But Majima Construction is the queer scene. All of them (or most) can probably sniff Kiryu out as someone to trust and be relaxed around. Kiryu's first recruit to the team was an okama, also Tooth and Nail remember him.
I bet if Nishida will somehow share that he's gay (or if it will come up through circumstances) it will ease Kiryu a lot.
Kiryu "I found out men can date other men a year ago, and it was such a relief" Kazuma. It's not about the existence of the concept, but the fact that it is really possible and can be taken seriously. It takes time to allow yourself to fully embrace this. Especially for older repressed people. 
And look at him now, bringing more queer people to work on the construction site.
After years of half guessing social rules of the lowlife criminal scene it's all finally coming together.
So yeah. Only Majima is in denial there.
And it's not like Kiryu has openly gay people in close circles, so he will be asking Nishida questions about stuff and concepts. He's curious, in the Kiryu way. There's a whole new world of things Rina couldn't tell him about!
Nishida is crying on the inside. Baby gay Kiryu Kazuma is taking his wobbly first steps, eager to learn. He's older than Nishida, and yet here they are, student and teacher. That's queer life for you.
Nishida is around 30, 35 max, he just has a severe case of baby face. Especially without the helmet. He just has an ageless, angel face of nervousness. But he also has a lot of gay scene wisdom, for Kiryu he is a sensei. And Kiryu is a very attentive learner.
Imagine Kiryu in glasses sitting with Nishida at the computer in Majima Construction office. Nishida is showing him obscure forums and internet/texting lingo. Kiryu is Absorbing.
And the fact that Kiryu and Nishida are getting along so well, whispering to each other a lot about something is not worrying Majima at all. But Kiryu is getting absorbed into the family and Majima doesn't approve of this. This is his gang. His business. Kiryu should go away- well, too late. The family bonded with him.
- Will they go out to proper underground gay bars for group outings, or go to Smileburger still dressed capm af, take a big booth, laugh about dumb shit, and don't mind the stares? Or they'll do one after the other.
Just Kiryu going out with the boys ™️, your usual fried meat and beer experience. And then in a couple of hours he finds himself in the homo-sexual underground. You can still find plenty of meat there 👉👉
And the crew will celebrate Kiryu passing little milestones, like his first drag show etc. After the bonuses drop, you know.
- Majima, after finding out Kiryu joins the crew on their outings: is it because he's straight?.. They need a token straight person in their click?
Or is it because Kiryu doesn't have an official rank within the yakuza? Technically he is a civilian. And in Majima Construction he's only a forman. Maybe Nishida would not want the boss to see him navel diving. But the foreman is okay.
- With Majima deep in denial, Kiryu will have to find more cunning and direct ways of displaying affection (Kiryu. More direct. What a wild idea).
Nishida: isn't this- Kiryu: it's his knife, yes. he gave it to me. Nishida: that's… a very personal thing for the boss. Kiryu: when I hold it in my hand it feels like a part of him. like I'm holding- Nishida: … Kiryu: like I'm holding his hand ._, Nishida: *slowly exhales*
Oh, Kiryu. He'd love to hold a hand. But he's still in the indirect hand holding territory.
Nishida is seriously thinking over whether offering Kiryu to use the knife in fights is a serious health hazard. On one hand, Kiryu doesn't use it in battles because it is his prized possession. On the other hand, if he's not using it, boss will probably decide that Kiryu doesn't care about his present.
But offering to knife the boss is a little bit, ahem… well, he would appreciate it. Most likely. But.
- I wonder what Majima thought when Kiryu brought the knife to meet him in Purgatory. Is it a replica or the one he gave Kiryu?.. But Kiryu knew he needs to bring the knife as a peace offering (the fight offering).
The cop was a surprise though. The guy on the door asked Kiryu who she was to him on purpose, to clarify it for the boss. If Kiryu brought his girlfriend or wife to the meeting? No one would've let him in.
- Majima, after seeing Kiryu with a woman once: his obviously straight.
Like, he bought her underwear! And a beer. Kiryu never bought beer for Majima. Underwear either. That would be a hell of a night to need both afterwards.
Nishida: You sure the beer is the point of focus here, boss? Majima: No, you don't get it. It cements a level of familiarity, like eating cold pizza together in the morning. Nishida: Well, pizza-la os just down the street, you two can get beers and- Majima: No, you don't get it.
Some time later, Kiryu, holding the knife: I don't know, Nishida-kun, I never felt attraction to a woman in real life. I always thought it's something people experience in context. Like, at certain points? Perhaps?
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𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐰
Summary: just a headcannon on dad jack and your daughter being his mini me
Genre: fluff
Warning: none
© writing by Iguessweallcrazyithinktho do not steal or repost any of my content anywhere without my consent
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First off Jack loves being a dad. He's always wanted to be one of course
Before she was born he was already an amazing dad.
He would talk to your stomach at night time, telling his little bean about his day and how everything in the studio went. He would read her books and everything just because he was that type of guy.
When you went into labor Jack was scared, but he stayed calm for you. He got you into the family car and drove you to the hospital in record time despite you squeezing his right hand and cursing him out.
In the hospital room it'll be no different. You would still be cursing him out and squeezing his hand. When you shedded a few years he would wip them away and give you encouraging words
"you got this mamas. You're doing so good."
When it was time to push jack is the only person in the room besides nurses. While you're pushing he would kiss your head and whisper that it's almost over
When he heard the first cry of his baby girl he almost passed out. When she was sat on your chest he couldn't help but cry a little bit himself.
When they went to clean her up and check her out he followed, already attached to her like glue. He would be there to change her first diaper, give her her first bath and even get her first small smile.
As the years go by jack would spend so much time with his bub
She would grow more and more into her features and she would definitely be Jack's mini me
Curly hair, bright eyes, beautiful smile.. everything
Even though she looked like him he would always call her mamas or little mama because she had your attitude
On days when you weren't around Jack would spend the whole day with her. He would bake with her, have a tea party with her, watch a princess movie with her. Anything she wanted she got it.
Whenever you were running errands he would take her to the studio with him. She would be a huge distraction to them all because she loves to talk and loves to touch everything.
Regardless everyone found her adorable
Despite Jack loving her around him, he loved when you were with her.
You both would be like besties
He would often catch you two up at night sneaking ice cream and it never fails to put a smile on his face
When he comes home from the studio late at night he found you two sleeping in your king size bed. You would often tell him she would come to the bed at night so she could greet him when he got home, but unfortunately you both would fall asleep
If there was one thing jack Loved, it was hearing his baby laugh
He loved her little laugh after a long day. It made him so happy.
One thing he hated though, was seeing her cry
On several occasions she would cry and it'll break his heart. He'll do anything to make her happy again literally anything
When jack is away on tour he would facetime you and Bub on the daily. She would tell him about her day and what you both did. Those talks would last about two hours because jack can't get enough of his baby
When it's time for him to come home, you would set up a little coming home party for him.
Your bub would be more excited than anything we he gets home
When Jack walks through the door she would squeal and run to his arms. Jack would pick her up with a smile on his face
Throughout the rest of the day the both of them would be together. She can't help but tell Jack about what he miss when he was gone. Jack would just listen with a huge smile on his face.
By the end of the night, she would be tired out from all her talking. Jack would put her to bed
When he return he would have a smirk on his face. You already knew why.
"I wanna have another baby."
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