#it's Christmas
shalotttower · 9 months
Title: Sweetcheeks
Fandom: Black Christmas (1974)
Summary: You've been getting these odd calls for several months now.
Word count: 2000+
Characters: Billy Lenz x Reader (female)
Notes: Yandere!Billy (I'm not sure if there's a point to specify it, seems like his normal state), stalking, voyeurism, explicit and degrading vocabulary, some regular Billy perversions, NSFW, noncon touching, implied noncon by the end.
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You've been getting these calls from a stranger for several months, ever since you moved into the sorority house. When the phone rings, what you might hear is easy to predict: creepy panting accompanied by lewd remarks. There's a breathy, slightly raspy voice on the other end; Hello, sweetcheeks, whatcha got down them pants?
He calls you that, "sweetcheeks". Says your name as if it were the loveliest word ever. "Naughty girl," he croons, "let me lick your hot cunt". Nasty bitch. Angel. He has an extensive collection of nicknames, and keeps expanding it with every passing day. Some of them are quite creative, others made your skin crawl at first, but eventually you got used to his bizarre expressions.
He never gets tired of these calls.
The sorority girls named him the Moaner, because he does it quite a lot - moans. Moans and says obscene things, which make your face flush in a hot wave of pink.
"Did you think of me?" he asks.
Do you ever think of me?
"I could-" he groans those filthy words, and you want to wash your ears with soap, "fuck your brains out. Dirty whore. Your... mmm."
You slam the receiver down. It always happens when least expected. In the middle of a conversation with other girls, during study hours, when you're cooking or getting ready for bed, he calls. There's no pattern, so it's impossible to anticipate; normally you just answer the phone when there's no one else around or let others tell him to fuck off.
Today is almost the same as usual, with the only exception that you don't pick up.
What follows can't be described: the unbearable, insane trilling of the phone ringing without a pause. You don't want to go downstairs, there're finals, tests and assignments weighing heavily on you and no time to indulge the ever-breathing presence behind the line. So you don't. Luckily, a set of ear plugs from the local pharmacy helps a lot.
You don't bother answering for the whole week, yet despite your neglect he still calls as if desperate for something you can't place.
If only Billy could tell you how sweet you look when getting ready for bed. Through the attic floor cracks he sees every small detail of your routine, the room which is nice and smells of a woman - clean, soft with the hints of perfume, it makes him want to bury his face in your sheets.
If only Billy could tell you how exhilarating everything about you is. From the way you move through the day to the sound of your bare feet padding on the wooden floors in the evening. His favourite part is when you shake off your jeans; it's a clumsy movement which makes your ass wiggle.
Billy has a small box where he stores the pieces of your life. There's a receipt from the bakery, two pencils, a silver chain that broke off from your neck and he grabbed it like a treasure, a lip balm. You are all his, every bit of you in those little things you leave behind, even if you don't know it yet.
He knows so many things by now. What time you usually go to shower (late at night when all other girls are asleep), what you are going to wear in the morning (he saw you ironing a blue fluffy sweater and a checked skirt). He knows what's in each of your drawers, from cosmetics to panties, soft cotton that smells like laundry detergent.
The box is hidden carefully in the dusty corner of the attic. Sometimes he opens it, caressing the items you left so carelessly on the desk or bathroom counter - they burn his fingers.
You have a mole under your left breast, a beauty mark on your inner thigh. He also knows that you haven't been answering his calls for a week.
Engrossed in your books with sticky notes, you don't even pay attention to the ringing when he's trying so hard. Too bad Billy can't read, letters dance before his eyes, mocking him with their squiggly shapes; maybe he'd know what exactly is keeping you so occupied if he could. He heard some girls talking about upcoming finals but didn't understand what that meant.
Billy knows how to handle a girl who doesn't answer the phone, a naughty, mean girl who ignores him and gets under his skin like the itch he can't scratch, irritating, driving him crazy.
Patience is a virtue - that's what they told him in the looney house, but it must've been a lie. Patience won't bring you closer, he thinks, sitting cross-legged on the attic floor with a phone clutched in his palm. Patience won't help him touch you, lick your soft skin and hear you moan for him. In the cramped space smelling of old wood, dust and cobwebs, patience only leads to days crawling by like sluggish worms.
He knows how to handle the girl who doesn't answer his calls, but you do look tired, the shadows under your eyes are too heavy and prominent. Billy watches you rub your temples for the fourth time in an hour, yawning. He's seen this gesture before, saw you massaging the back of your head after reading for too long.
He likes watching you when you think no one's looking, because then you're most honest. Just you.
Maybe Billy will let you rest. Yes, maybe...But his hands itch so much. Itchy-itchy-itchy when he holds the phone. He wants to dial your number again, listen to your breathing and tell you something that will make your voice waver in confusion, just like that time when he asked what sounds you make when touching yourself.
He strokes the cord and imagines when you'll finally start picking up again. You'll say your name and ask, "Who's this?" and Billy will laugh, because you're silly, so silly and should've known it's him all along.
When did it begin to snow?
You remember the sun peeking from behind the clouds a few days ago and now there's nothing but whiteness outside. White paths, white street lights and white flakes melting on the glass windows. The kitchen feels quiet today, walls drip with the evening chill which crawls inside your veins; it's a week before Christmas and the radio is playing jolly songs about sleigh bells and presents.
Something's been off lately.
Another pair of your favorite socks is gone; you bought five, but three vanished without a trace. Maybe you lost them, maybe they got mixed up with others' laundry. Yet you distinctly remember washing the two and putting them away in the drawer. Usually you're not that forgetful, but perhaps it's finals stress shows.
You glance at the clock - past six - the sorority house is mostly empty, everyone's either in the library or went home for Christmas. The last few hours passed in decorating the living room area with tinsel and ornaments, you even put a wreath on the door. A festive mood is slowly seeping in, and all that's missing is a tree. You know that one should be in the attic, Allison told you there's a lot of stuff up there. The house is old, and whoever owned it in the past had a lot of things, from clothes and books to trinkets, all stored away in cardboard boxes and plastic containers.
Sturdy and narrow, the attic ladder is hanging down to the hallway, beckoning with its crooked wooden rungs. Allison mentioned some odd noises coming from there sometimes. Probably rodents. "Go take a look, girl," she laughed and made spooky sounds, wiggling her fingers. "But don't tell me if you find something nasty, I don't wanna know about it."
Your eyes wander over the ceiling and stop at a small trapdoor. There are rusty hooks holding it closed, and you wonder if it's safe to go up alone. It's probably dirty, a real mess, but the living room looks empty and unfinished without a Christmas tree.
Just a quick look. As long as there aren't spiders swarming the corners it'll be alright.
Everything's dark up there, nothing moves and the sound of your quiet breath is the only thing breaking the silence. You pull a flashlight out of your pocket. Flick. Nothing. Stacks of boxes crowd the space, pressing together, on the side of a particularly large container is scribbled: BOX 23. You look through the labels - toys, photographs, china, books - dozens and dozens of them, some haven't been opened for years.
Dirty. Stuffy-dusty, Billy's saliva gets sticky, leaving wet stains on his sleeves as he wipes his mouth. He can see you from where he's hiding. It's hard to breathe. Harder when you bend over to open a box with Christmas decorations; you've got nice thighs. Nice legs. It's so good to have you here, sweetcheeks, you won't leave soon, pretty kitty. Dumb bitch. Sweet angel. You really should've stayed downstairs, in the warmth and light of the fireplace, instead of crawling up here into the darkness.
Into him.
You go through the attic space looking for something, and Billy thinks that your soft slippers will be covered in dust after you're done poking around, all filthy, so messy. But it doesn't matter, Billy will clean you up later with his tongue, and you can sit on his blanket while he licks your hot cunt till you scream.
Billy knows exactly what kind of sounds you'll make.
He's heard them countless times already.
A sudden clank makes you jump. Your heart flutters, but there's nothing except for shadows dancing on the walls under the ray of your flashlight. Maybe a rat? Oh, there it is. A green plastic branch of a fake Christmas tree is sticking out from the nearest pile, just what you were looking for. You tug at it, trying to free it from the clutches of old furniture and junk, but the thing is stuck tight.
Billy wants to grab you. Wrap his arms around your waist, press his face to yours and whisper in your ear that you shouldn't worry about the Christmas tree anymore, because now you're going to stay forever and ever with him. He'll let you stroke his cheek and kiss him softly on the lips before carrying you down the ladder to celebrate together. Billy will take care of it, he's always liked Christmas; there was a time when everything was different, a man dressed up as Santa brought gifts, he even remembers what he got - a shiny red truck and a candy cane.
The flashlight slips from your grasp and rolls over the dusty floorboards. You curse, crouch down and reach for it though the hole between the boxes.
The trapdoor shuts close with a loud thud.
Your hand freezes.
There's a breath. Not yours, it tickles your fingertips and the skin of your palm like a feather; it shouldn't be there - you scramble away from the darkness. Or try to. Something warm catches your wrist in a vice grip, pulls and next you're tumbling forward, right through the hole with Christmas ornaments spilling everywhere.
"Nasty piggy," says someone's raspy voice, "why don'tcha pick up my calls anymore?"
In the dim yellow of your flashlight too far out of reach, you can barely see anything, only glimpses of dirty auburn hair, brown eyes and a green stretched jumper.
It's not a rat in the attic, you think. It's not a rat, he smells like a wet dog and has hot lips which press into your throat. His hands shake as they travel up your sides, touch your breasts through the sweater, squeeze, and then he moans.
You've been getting these calls for several months now, from a stranger who pants on the other end of the line and makes obscene remarks. And you know him by voice, the one who likes talking filth and making you blush every damn day.
"Santa brought presents," he whispers in your ear. A hand slides down between your legs and cups your mound through the fabric. "Merry Christmas, sweetcheeks."
204 notes · View notes
kaisertheadvisor · 9 months
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123 notes · View notes
moon9931 · 9 months
....boy what the hell you doin'?
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boy this is your second tray..
66 notes · View notes
ilianazzzosemanverse · 9 months
It's almost Christmas. It's time to reread This Winter!
33 notes · View notes
naughtyneganjdm · 9 months
Yeah. Still not giving you a platform to spew your homophobia anonymous. I'm sorry you are jealous of Hilarie. Bigotry is not welcome on my page 🙃
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32 notes · View notes
gosmigenergy · 9 months
FEELS LIKE CHRISTMAS / Maxwell Lord (Lorenzano) x F! Reader
Summary: Celebrating Christmas for the first time with Maxwell.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Mostly holiday fluff but turns explicit, holiday stress, mentions of family, mentions of Christmases alone, mentions of food, drinking, sixty-nine dude, oral - male receiving, oral - female receiving, P in V, unprotected sex (use protection irl please), language, no use of Y/N
Word Count: 5.9k
Author’s Notes: I did plan on making some continuous fics about Bunny and the Boys but I work in retail, have just come back from Iceland (panini delayed holiday) and I’m going to Norway to visit my sister over Christmas. When I was considering what to do because I really wanted to post something, I found this unfinished Maxwell Lorenzano seasonal story hidden away on my computer.
Anyway, enjoy!
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You normally loved the season, you basked in multicoloured lights, engulfed by the smell of roasting chestnuts, ears ringing with the constant playing of hymns and cheesy pop songs.
However this was the first year you and Maxwell chose to celebrate Christmas, with him came Alistair and with him came the pressure of presents. For Maxwell, they had to be perfect even though he wasn’t loaded with fake Black Gold money, he had to give his son what he never had, the one gift every kid was asking for.
The Ghostbusters Firehouse was proving to be one of the most desired toys of the season, it had been since Halloween.
Alistair had dressed as one for the school disco, you’d found a jumpsuit and dyed it brown, found an embroiderer who made the name tag and spent hours building a Proton Pack from cardboard boxes. All that effort was worth it, to see that kid running up the steps with several other Ghostbusters in similar attire, be it triple the price.
“I love you,” Maxwell said, beaming with a lopsided grin and tears framing his eyes.
In that moment, you felt a warmth that you’d never quite felt before, one that was reflective of a proud parent.
You didn’t feel that right now.
After hours of following the herd, going into what felt like every toy shop in DC and coming out empty handed each time, you broke.
“Alistair is back in two and a half hours, I just want to go home,” you cried. You were literally crying on a bench, cheeks hot with the freezing air.
Maxwell’s smile had disappeared long ago, replaced with a straight line.
He huffed into the space next to you.
The bus ride home was quiet, Maxwell keeping his emotions to himself, his grip tight on the shopping bags. You’re grateful as the tension seemed to drop a little when you rest your head on his shoulder.
“Please talk to me.”
The pair of you had finally stripped yourselves of your winter accessories and coats, abandoning the gifts in your bedroom to stop prying eyes, yet neither of you had said a word.
“What’s there to talk about? I’m a shit father who couldn’t get a present for his son.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“Maxwell Lorenzano,” you walk to him and place your hands on his cheeks so he couldn’t look away. “You are not a shit father.”
His deep brown eyes glossed, his chin crinkling as he tried to stop himself from having an absolute meltdown.
“I can’t even get my kid the one toy he wants, what am I going to do?
“What are we going to do? I’m not letting you blame yourself for this. This is companies exploiting Christmas, making people feel shit for things out of their control.”
“Don’t you love Christmas?”
“Yeah but not this. Not making a father feel guilty for not getting his son a toy, that’s not what this is about. I love everything around that, the delight of snow and the rush of having to get outside.  The warmth of a hot chocolate settling in your stomach, nights on the couch wrapped in copious amounts of blankets with It’s a Wonderful Life on the tv…”
Your heart twinges.
“The smile on the face of someone you love getting something unexpected, the voice on the other end of the phone as you wish them happy holidays.”
That’s what it always was for you. Your family far away, you unable to afford to get home.
“Mi amour.”
Maxwell brought a thumb to your cheek and caught the tear that had escaped.
You sigh, “It’s just been a long day.”
“I know.”
He pulled you close, resting his slopping nose on top of your head, breathing you in. You hold each other for a fragile moment.
“I need to go and have a think, ok?”
He kissed your forehead.
You nod before looking around your shrinking space, somehow the apartment the three of you shared was getting smaller.
“I’ll get this place in order before Alistair arrives and start on dinner.”
“Thank you, baby.”
He walked away almost defeated.
“Hey, you better not go in there and make some elaborate plan to make everyone’s deepest desires come true.”
“That was one time.”
You giggle.
A while later, the knock at the door interrupts your flow but you couldn’t stay mad for long when that wide smile greets you.
“Max, Alistair’s here!”
You’re almost knocked back as he throws himself at your legs and in for a hug, you squeeze his head to save yourself from falling.
“How’ve you been?”
“How was your mom?”
You didn’t really care, you were just making pleasantries to try and pretend you didn’t find the woman absolutely insufferable. When he lets go and gives you a shrug, you take the hint.
Ok, you mouthed.
“Alistair,” Maxwell appeared, his smile matching his son’s as he fell to his knees to embrace him enthusiastically. “I’m so happy you’re home.”
“Me too, mom said she wants to talk to you, she’s downstairs.”
“Alright, why don’t you help with dinner?”
Alistair ran to the kitchen.
You guessed what this might be, the exchange of presents from ‘Santa’ as discussed between them. Alistair was going to be away from his mother for the holidays, not that either of them seemed to mind. You and Maxwell would have him until New Year so you had plenty planned.
“I’m sure you can keep him distracted for a while.”
“Of course,” you winked.
“Why is your tree so small?”
Alistair cocked his head to the artificial tree placed on a side table next to the television.
“Oh, I got that tree when I first moved to DC. I couldn’t afford much but I was desperate for some sort of Christmas decoration and there it was, last on the shelf at Goodwill.”
“Were you on your own that Christmas?”
“Yeah, my family were all back home.”
“Have you ever been back?”
“No, I’ve never had the chance. Though I’ve had loads of good Christmases here with friends and neighbours, Mrs Zonana gave me the biggest chocolate log you’ve ever seen.”
“Really?! Do you think she’ll make one for the party?”
“I’m sure she will.”
“Have you ever wanted a big tree? Mom had one that almost reached the ceiling.”
You shrug, “I’ve never thought about it, it’s just been me but, yeah, I guess something a little bigger would be nice.”
“And colourful lights for the window?”
The more he inquired, the more excitable he became and your smile grows.
“Colourful lights would be good too.”
“How’s everything going in here?”
Maxwell wrapped his hands around your waist, the chill prominent from his trip outside. He rested his chin on your shoulder and looked down at the carnage of flour, butter and cheese, Alistair’s hands coated in the ingredients.
“It’s gonna be later than expected.”
He pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“It’ll be worth the wait.”
“Can I just sleep here tonight?”
Alistair’s eyes were heavy, belly full from dinner and his body warm from a combination of flannel pyjamas and a fleece blanket.
“No, we all need to go to bed.”
Maxwell was the only one moving, he’d cleaned up and offered to make special hot chocolates, two of which would feature alcohol. He handed his son a mug brimming with whipped cream and marshmallows.
“But it’s comfy here,” he moaned.
“I can’t disagree with him.”
You were stretched on the couch, waiting for Maxwell to return to fill the space he left behind. He was your headrest, allowed you to snuggle within the crook of his arm and listen to his heart beat slowly. Once he was back, you were asleep for sure.
“Everyone is going to bed,” he reiterated.
He remembered the last time the pair of you fell asleep on the couch, his cricked neck played up for almost a week.
“Careful you two or Santa won’t bring you presents.”
Alistair laughed.
“Oh dad, Santa isn’t real.”
“What makes you say that?”
You try to deflect, Maxwell was hoping for another year of illusion at least.
“Jake told me.”
Curse you, Jake.
“Well, it’s not that he’s not real, it’s more that you’re old enough to allow Santa to bring joy to another kid. He’ll make sure this year’s extra special, I’m sure of it.”
His expression scrunched, “That sounds rubbish.”
“Oh no,” Maxwell shook his head, “it’s very true.”
Alistair’s eyes flitted between both of you and you knew the game, keep a straight face just long enough for him to believe you.
“That’s cool.”
He continued to watch the Christmas special on the tv. Maxwell handed you your hot chocolate and slipped into his spot. He let you settle back before leaning down and kissing the top of your head.
His words were soft, “Thank you, baby.”
You had gone to check on Alistair one last time before heading to bed.
“He’s out of it.”
Maxwell was already cosy under the duvet, glasses on as he read a battered copy of A Christmas Carol. Closing the door gently, you tiptoed across the room and slide into the other side, resting your fuzzy head on the pillow.
“How are you not dizzy reading after that drink?”
“Because I didn’t put an extra shot in mine.”
“What? You deserved it.”
You huff, you can’t stay mad at his stupid face, his wide toothy smile looking down on you.
“How did it go… with the present swap?”
He put his book down, “Fine.”
Maxwell was a man of little words when it came to his ex wife.
“You know you told Alistair that white lie about Santa Claus? Well, lucky for us, she managed to get that firehouse.”
“Of course,” you scoff.
The moment Maxwell lost his ‘wealth’, his then wife dropped him for someone who could pay the lifestyle she was after.
“Paid triple the amount for it.”
You let out a singular laugh.
“At least Alistair will be happy.”
“Do you think he’ll like what we got him?”
“Why do you ask?”
Maxwell’s brows furrowed, maybe he did make a mistake putting another measure of Irish cream in your hot chocolate.
“He knows we’re not necessarily as well off as his mom but I don’t want him thinking that we don’t love him as much because we can’t give him that.”
“Alistair knows we love him, maybe even more than his mother does.”
“We got him underwear,” you throw your arms up as you spoke.
“He needs new ones.”
“I know he does but we’re giving them as a present.”
“I was very happy when I got underwear one year.”
“You’re lucky to have a kid like him.”
“I’m lucky to have you too,” he said, cuddling closer. “Not every girlfriend would go from toy store to toy store trying to get a present for a kid that isn’t theirs.”
“You both mean the world to me.”
“And you’re everything to us.”
He cupped your cheek, feeling the heat seer through his palm before his lips met yours.
“I love you.”
“Love you too.”
You can’t remember falling asleep, only Maxwell gently shaking you awake. In your groggy state, you could sense it was still dark out yet you rolled over to see him fully dressed.
“Alistair and I are heading out,” he whispered. “He forgot to get a present for his friend.”
“I’ll get dressed.”
“No, don’t get up. Have some time to yourself, ok baby? We might be a while.”
“Ok,” you immediately roll back over.
No offence to Maxwell but it was way too early and you were far too hungover to kick up a fuss, he told you to stay and you wouldn’t put up a fight about it.
The phone started to ring the moment you stepped out of the shower.
After a lie-in, you visited Mrs Zonana ahead of her Christmas party, hosted every year in the apartment complex’s courtyard. You offered to help in some way and after much persuasion, she had you and another neighbour putting up the gazebo and decorations. Then you got back and knocked up some cookies for the evening before getting ready.
“Hey, baby.”
“How’s your day going, Max?”
He groaned, “It’s gone fine but we’re running late, we’re waiting for the next bus. Do you mind if we meet you at Mrs Zonana’s?”
“Not at all, can’t promise there’ll be any food left.”
“It’s Mrs Zonana, she’ll save us a plate.”
You hum sarcastically.
“Don’t deny it, she loves me.”
You roll your eyes, “Am I being replaced?”
“Of course not,” the phone crackled, “I’ve got to go, love you.”
He hung up before you got the chance to reply.
When you finally made it downstairs, the outside was already buzzing. You made your way through the throng of your neighbours, stating you’d catch up later before reaching Mrs Zonana.
“Oh, I’ll make the boys their plates and keep them warm in the oven.”
“You don’t have to, they’re the ones running late.”
She battered you with a tea towel, which you were unable to decipher whether it was meant to be playful or if she really did want it to hurt.
“Sorry we’re late!”
Everyone practically cheered at Maxwell and Alistair’s arrival. You swiftly apologise to Nico to ensure you got to them first.
“Finally! Where have you two been?”
You jokingly put your hand on your hip and pout, Alistair giggling at your phoney expression because you, of all people, were never mad.
“Sorry, baby.”
“It’s not me you have to apologise to,” you smile wickedly as you sense Mrs Zonana’s presence.
“Alistair, come get yours and your father’s food.”
He runs away immediately.
“Did everything go ok?”
Maxwell hummed.
“You look exhausted.”
“I know but it’s all with a good intention.”
You rubbed your thumb along his cheek, warm in a rush to make it back, the faintest sensation of whiskers from lack of shaving.
“How have I not been greeted by my man yet?”
“Hola, Mrs Zonana.”
Maxwell slipped seamlessly into Spanish around her and you always prayed that they were saying kind words when your name popped up. You drew your attention to Alistair for a while and listened to him talk about his day with his father.
Occasionally, yours and Maxwell’s eyes would catch across the courtyard and you’d exchange the softest of smiles throughout the rest of the evening.
“I’m tired.”
Alistair was valiant in staying up, most of the other kids had gone to bed. He flopped onto the edge of the garden box with you and Maxwell, who had escaped another lecture on ancient artefacts from Mr Fennec.
“We should probably get you boys to bed, huh? It’s been a long day.”
They both groan, playfully collapsing their heads to your shoulders.
“Come on,” you ruffle Alistair’s hair.
After saying your goodbyes, the three of you strolled up to the apartment.
“I have never seen a boy this excited to go to bed,” you laugh.
Alistair had run ahead the moment you reached the walkway. Maxwell brought you closer, locked an arm around your waist and breathed you in.
“Don’t think I can blame him.”
The holidays were always tiring even when you were on your lonesome, you were always invited somewhere with someone and keeping up appearances was the norm. You spent years coming back, crashing onto the mattress before getting up to do the whole thing all over again. It was nice that the building party was the only real big deal this year.
Maxwell chose to do his office party by himself because why would you want to be surrounded by drunk, obnoxious salesmen for the evening? You were better off with Alistair baking cookies, watching a film and secretly helping him wrap presents for his father. Then Alistair’s mom took him to the school party and to meet Santa, attending the Christmas light switch on was the one event you happily obliged.
“Why are you taking so long?”
“Because we’re old,” Maxwell shouted as he and you approached.
“Did you hang mistletoe on the door?”
Your inquiry was met with a shrug.
“You do realise that I don’t need a Christmas tradition for an excuse to kiss you?”
“Ew,” Alistair fake barfed.
Maxwell rummaged to find the key in his pocket, refusing to let go of you. Alistair snatched it out of his hand as soon as it reemerged. Maxwell’s hand came to your jaw and gently, he eased you to face him. He stared at you with his brown puppy dog eyes, bringing his other hand to meet your cheek.
“Shouldn’t we be under the mistletoe?”
His face was illuminated by an orange glow as Alistair made his way inside.
“Too much effort,” he smiled before clashing your lips together.
It could be because he’s tired or the alcohol or the fact he was trying to make the kiss more of a pantomime for his son to endure but Maxwell was messy. He practically pinned your face to his with both hands, slipping his tongue passed your lips sloppily, forcing your body to turn backwards to the door.
You gasped for air when he finished.
“I like the enthusiasm.”
You take a couple of steps back to see his expression soften, he knew what he’d done, chose not to say anything.
Then you notice something out of the corner of your eye.
Wait, that wasn’t there when I left.
And suddenly the room seemed to fill with pinpricks of every colour.
“Merry Christmas!”
Alistair leapt from behind you and slowly, inch by inch, you took everything in. You didn’t utter a word, couldn’t even scream as your chest began to heave.
The tiny desk tree had been replaced with one triple the size, overloaded with baubles. Every wall was lined with string lights, the kitchen sill decorated with ornaments and tinsel and the focal point, three stockings hanging from the breakfast bar, embroidered with golden letters.
“Do you like it?”
You fall to your knees and squeeze Alistair hard. You put every ounce you had in you to hug that boy and kissed his head multiple times.
“I love it, Alistair, I love it so much,” your voice cracked.
“You’re crying.”
“They’re happy tears, I promise,” the words were catching in your throat.
“Let me take your coat, baby, Alistair’s got more to show you.”
“There’s more?”
Alistair was beaming up at you, nodding passionately.
Maxwell helped you pull yourself out of your coat, your body shaking as it failed to follow basic instruction. He trailed a hand down your spine as you attempted to get it together, wiping the tears that were already falling.
Taking your hand, Alistair showed you what else they’d done. The old tree had now taken pride of place at the end of the corridor between your rooms. There was more lights along the ceiling and the pictures on the walls had changed to winter scenes of snowfall, ice skating and carollers.
“I can’t believe you’ve done this just for me,” you smile, more tears forming.
“Well, I said about it to dad and he said he overheard us talking yesterday and felt like we should do something,” Alistair said. “Also I didn’t have any money and I couldn’t get up high so I needed some help.”
You couldn’t help hugging him again.
“I couldn’t have asked for a better surprise.”
“Oh, I’m going to remember this one forever.”
Alistair excitedly returned to Maxwell to pass on the good news. Of course you were going to love it, Maxwell knew you would. Luck aligned for him, there was still some money left in the budget you two had built, Mrs Zonana gave a hefty contribution and Suzanne from the other block let him and Alistair hide whilst they also played look out.
Plenty of people loved you more than you realised.
He automatically hugged you when you came back, “You good?”
“There aren’t any more surprises are there, I don’t think I can cope.”
“Not from me.”
You laugh into his chest, “Thank god.”
He ran a hand through your hair, squeezing you a little tighter before reluctantly letting you go.
“Can I have another one of those hot chocolates?”
“And me,” Alistair chimed in, “please.”
The three of you rested on the couch, Alistair retelling the day and how each decoration came to be. It felt like your heart could burst, he was so overjoyed. Maxwell’s arm was draped firmly over your shoulder, chest rising and falling slowly as sleep tried to take him.
You knew you spent too long in the bathroom, you worried Maxwell may have fallen asleep before he even got chance to see your gift. It was a risk you were taking but you hoped it would pay off.
“Maxwell. Are you asleep?”
“Just resting my eyes,” his head lulled against the headboard.
“Oh because I was hoping I could give you one of your presents early.”
He opened one eye, “Really?”
You hum, fingertips playing with the tie on your fluffy dressing gown.
“Well, you’ve been such a good boy these past couple of days,” you pull open the knot, “and I think you deserve it.”
You shrug your shoulders and let the fabric fall to the floor with a light thud. Maxwell’s head snapped up, both eyes wide with the delight of seeing you dressed in nothing more than a see-through babydoll in bright red, nothing left to the imagination. Your bush freshly trimmed and nipples pert.
His smile brought the dimples to his cheeks. He leaned forward, gesturing with both hands.
“Come here.”
You saunter to the edge of the bed and he moves to you fit perfectly between his legs. His hands run up the backs of your thighs, fingers burying into your ass as he pressed his forehead to your stomach, the refreshing scent of your favourite perfume catching in his nostrils. He moved his hands to your hips before looking up at you drunkenly.
“How long have you been hiding this from me?”
You hum, biting your lip sheepishly.
Whilst in the mall, deflated from toy shopping, you excused yourself to go to the bathroom, leaving Maxwell amongst the other male shoppers in the seating area. As you walked, your eyes caught something in the window of a shop.
You only treated yourself to lingerie when it was a special occasion and after the day you two were having, it called for it.
Dress up wasn’t something you and Maxwell chose to do so, even though the enthusiastic sales assistant tried, you gravitated towards the little red number you wore tonight.
“I shouldn’t have got you tipsy last night, should I?”
You cup his face in your palms.
“It didn’t help.”
Brushing aside his stray hairs, you lean down and kiss him deeply, his back straightening to attention. You both part, catching your breaths.
“So, are you one of Santa’s naughty little elves or…”
Maybe you should have got the costume. You look at him, your eyelids low as the corner of your lips curled.
“I’d much rather be Mrs Claus.”
The smile grew back on his face.
“Now it’s time for you to go back to bed.”
Maxwell happily obliged. He made sure to look at the view in detail one more time before slipping his hands off you. Pushing back on the mattress, he rested on the pillow, hands tucked behind his head.
“Are you coming to tuck me in?”
You climb on the bed and crawl over his body, your index finger trailing along his underwear where his hardening cock was becoming visible.
“Not until…”
Your faces meet and he waits in anticipation for your next line, it doesn’t come easily. You think of all the seasonal puns but they’re all ridiculous - candy cane, north or south pole, Christmas has cum early?
He breaks first, a singular laugh ruining any chance of you being a seductive Mrs Claus.
“Hard to keep up the charade?”
“Yeah,” your expression scrunches. “I don’t think ‘not getting rid of your south pole’ does what I want it to do.”
He snorts at the terminology.
“Want me to take the rein?”
You thought he was going to make some sort of sleigh ride joke but nothing came after. He calmly brushed the hair from your face, breathing and heartbeat steady, his expression soft. Maxwell didn’t usually take control but this time, he seemed so sure.
Then something changed, his pupils blew a dark black.
“Turn around.”
You listened, swapping your legs over each side. His hands travel up your legs before they claw your ass apart and you instinctively arch your back to offer him a better view. His cock twitched beneath the cotton fabric.
“Wet as always.”
“Always for you.”
He hummed, glad you were facing the other way round because he could feel the temperature rise in his cheeks.
You kiss the skin above the waistband of his underwear then lick in one motion, sending a shiver along Maxwell’s spine. He returns the favour, kissing the creases that joined your legs to your butt before spreading his tongue over your folds.
You shudder, leaning back further to try and catch the tip of his nose.
He knew exactly what you were doing, “Behave.”
You grumble, pouting your lips as you glance over your shoulder. You couldn’t see much past the sight of your ass but you caught each other’s eye.
Your fingers play with the elastic before you gradually peel his underwear off, inspecting his throbbing bright tip, precum glistening. To behave would be to not take the top in your mouth and spread your tongue over but you were going to get him back for his little remark, that and you were hungry for him. Dampening your lips, you took Maxwell in your mouth, rewarded with his lengthily moan.
“Oh fuck,” he says as you take him further, “you are not behaving.”
He felt your soft laugh against him, the vibrations pleasing enough to have him creeping closer to the edge.
There was only one way to play this game.
Swallowing hard, he spreads you wider before teasing you along your outer lips, soothing with his tongue after a gentle nip. You breath with a sigh and just as he gets you into a false sense of security, he buries himself into your weeping cunt.
You pull up, Maxwell’s cock falling with a slap to his navel as you gasp and whimper.
“Put me back in your mouth, baby, I don’t want you waking up Alistair.”
You massage his balls lightly and the air hisses through his teeth, he was going to blow if you weren’t careful.
“And what about you?”
Maxwell was the most vocal lover you’d encountered. He didn’t respond, returning to your cunt with more finesse, his tongue working against your blooming clit.
You let out a choked whine before wrapping your lips around his tip and sweeping around with your tongue. You felt his groan run through every nerve ending, your walls clamping round him. Slowly you took his length into your throat and back up again, picking up the pace according to his movements.
You couldn’t tell how long the pair of you were locked like this, in this pure unadulterated bliss.
He only came up for air to sing your praises and for his final admittance, “I’m so close, baby.”
You already knew that.
His hips had bucked a few times to get his cock further into that little throat of yours, the sound of you gagging sweeter than any music. His body was tensing, his grip on your hips making them numb, he was forcing himself not to cum out of the want of making you cum first.
“This is your treat, Maxwell,” you say after releasing his cock with a pop. “How do you want me?”
“I want to watch you bounce on my dick until we both cum.”
You smile coyly, turning yourself to face him, “Now that’s some Christmas magic I can do.”
Straddling his hips, you kiss him squarely on the lips and force him to lay with his back firmly on the mattress. Slipping your tongue into his mouth, you taste the tang of your arousal before pulling back, teeth nipping his bottom lip.
You lift yourself up, taking his cock in your hand as you line it up with your entrance. Eyes focusing on him, you slowly sink down, Maxwell releasing a choked gasp when just his tip slides between your folds.
His eyes flick up and down your frame as his palms trail your thighs, encouraging you to take his length.
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip as you lower yourself, a soft hum as he fills you. His cock twitches, his head falling back, eyelashes fluttering shut as you held steady.
“Fuck,” he sighs.
You sit for a minute, inner walls pulsing as your aching pussy readjusts to the stretch of his girth. All this time together and you still hadn’t gotten used to how heavy his cock was. He feels fingertips grazing the skin of his chest and opens his eyes. You’re gazing down at him, eyelids low but he could still catch the glint in your eye.
“I thought you wanted to watch.”
Oh, he did but he fucking adored how you felt around him, he could stay like this all night if you allowed him. But you started to raise your hips, your other hand lifting the fabric to your waist so he could see the drag of your folds.
He groaned, not too loud yet not too soft, just enough for it to hit your ears.
“Like that?”
You tease as you drop back down, knocking the air out of his lungs. He can’t answer, can barely move his head because his mind is solely on your pussy around his cock. You gradually begin to pick up the pace when your legs stop protesting, the slap of your skin against his getting stronger, his fingers digging further into the flesh of you.
A squeaking moan escapes you every time you bounce from him, lips sealed together as you try to keep the volume down. You can still hear Maxwell, his hushed praises blending into his second language, his throat bulging as he tries to contain his grunts and groans.
Your walls were tightening, your hips stuttering when the tip of his cock hit somewhere new as you rolled your pelvis forward. His lips crashed into yours, swallowing the honeyed groan that came deep from your chest. He held you in place, your legs shaking with anticipation.
You could feel your arousal spilling between your thighs, preparing you for the final chase, the spark igniting low in your belly.
Maxwell coiled his arms around your waist, removing his lips from yours as he nudged his nose against your cheek. You catch your breath, fingers drawing circles over his shoulder blades before you finally looked in his big brown eyes. Always soft and sincere even though you were about to ruin him, he would happily take it.
You kiss his lips, palms moving to settle on either side of his neck. Lifting your ass a little, you let him shuffle his legs closer to boost you up before you rolled your hips.
A moan escapes you as your clit grazes the hairs above his cock. He sighs, lips parting as he focuses on your movements, your walls twitching around his aching cock. His broad palms fall from your waist and over the curve of your ass, fingers sinking into the muscle as he guides you up his length.
“That’s it,” he says breathily.
And when you get going again, you feel the tingle as it dances along your skin, your belly warming. Maxwell’s hands following as you bounce, legs locking beneath your weight.
Both of your hot and heavy breaths trickle down your flushed chest, his soft grunts seeping into your ears. Your hands trail over his outline, the shiver shooting up his spine as your fingertips tease.
His head fell forward and you pulled him close to your body, nestling his face in the crook of your neck. Keeping on hand on his back, you draw the other to his hair, the colour no longer a fake blonde. Your fingers delve into his thick roots and tug gently, the noise he makes having you close your eyes, riding his cock as fast as your ceasing legs would allow.
His hands grip tighter, his tongue so loose he can barely get the words out to warn you as his balls recede and he coats your walls. He manages to hold you down as you hiss through your teeth, body trembling as your own orgasm surges through your body.
“Shit, Max,” you choke.
Your cunt pulsates, milking him for every last drop before your muscles relax. He groans your name passionately, his body going limp, back hitting the mattress with a loud exhale.
You keep your eyes closed, your hand reaching for his chest as it rose, filling the lungs with much needed oxygen. Your legs shudder with an aftershock, his hand coming to your wrist. You blink, the room coming into focus and you catch his lopsided grin as he gazed up at you in a blissed out state.
“Best present a guy could ask for,” he chuckles.
You giggle, brushing the hair from your face with your free hand. Lifting your hips, you slide off his cock, thick white cum dribbling from your folds before you crawled up the bed to settle next to him.
He snakes an arm under your neck, across your shoulders to draw you closer to his chest. You snuggle to his frame, draping a leg in between his, hand fixed to his chest as his heartbeat slowed.
Glancing up, his eyes are already closed. You knew he was exhausted, all the rushing around, trying to give everyone the best Christmas, making up for all the ones he’d missed. All you wanted to do was tell him he didn’t have to but he wouldn’t listen.
Maxwell wouldn’t have it any other way.
When he came to in the morning, your side of the bed was empty. He could hear life outside of the door, the faint strip of sunlight breaking through the curtains. Stretching, he tried to find his t-shirt before guessing you borrowed it when Alistair came to wake someone.
In the now cramped living room, he saw you and Alistair on the couch, huddled under a blanket with mugs in your hands. The pair of you had soft smiles and were whispering to one another, you attempting to understand what was happening on the kids show you were watching. A few more presents had made an appearance under the tree, sugar cookies filling a plate on the coffee table.
“Morning,” his voice sounded groggy, vocal cords not quite ready to talk.
“Morning dad!”
“Morning, coffee’s fresh if you want some.”
Your smile grows at his arrival before he comes down and kisses you. He continues to watch you both while he wanders round the kitchen, semi listening to what was happening on the tv. Returning with a mug of coffee, Maxwell leans over and grabs a handful of cookies, met with a little groan from Alistair who had to tilt sideways to see the screen.
“Sorry, sorry,” he whispers before sitting down.
You wriggle to make room as he slumps into his usual spot. After he’s got comfy, you nestle back against him and he drapes an arm over your shoulder. His lips come to the crown of your head.
“You ok?”
“Perfect,” he strokes your cheek as you drop your head back. “Feels like Christmas.”
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This is my first year going into the Christmas Season as a non-christian,
I'm looking for ways to celebrate the holiday season now as a non religious person, but the only ways I know are very *deeply* routed in religion, which I'd very much so like to distance myself from this season. I've been looking into Yule, as I am of Germanic and Celtic decent, and I've been wanting to learn more about my heritage. If anyone has any ideas or tips on how to celebrate this holiday season, please let me know! I'm very interested in re-learning life on the outside of strict religion, especially Christmas time.
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allylikethecat · 6 months
Chapters: 5/6 Fandom: The 1975 (Band) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: George Daniel/Matthew Healy Characters: George Daniel, Matthew Healy, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original Child Character(s) Additional Tags: Christmas, Meeting the Parents, Angst and Hurt/Comfort Series: Part 4 of The Infection 'Verse Summary:
“Yeah,” said Matty, pulling his hand away from George’s to run it through his hair. If there was one thing he was good at, it was doubling down, even if usually that just made it worse.
“Christmas, what are your plans for Christmas?” Matty swallowed hard, feeling very small all of a sudden and like he was baring a piece of his soul, “because I would very much like to spend it together.”
“Oh,” said George and Matty wanted to die right then and there.
AKA The Christmas Fic™️
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rubdown · 2 years
"Raylan," Boyd says, and Raylan wants to tell him, stop trying to conjure me, I'm already here. "If you could spend Christmas with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?”
"The alive one," Raylan says. Boyd smiles down at the floor, and Raylan tries not to count it as some kind of win. He shouldn't be trying to make Boyd smile.
"Well, I was hoping you'd say that," Boyd says. "Because I was hoping you'd spend a little bit of it with me."
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thousandbuns · 9 months
Khonsu: "'Horrors beyond human comprehension' my ass, I routinely expose myself to the aether-currents of the Realm of Souls and lemme tell you, after enough practice your pattern-seeking brain will learn to recognize, categorize and name specific Warp sensations and phenomenas, making them perhaps still mysterious in their inner workings, but otherwise perfectly comprehensible, just difficult to describe with a vocabulary base that's already struggling to encapsulate your mundane senses."
Freyr: "But do they stop being horrors?"
Khonsu: "Define 'horrors' to an Astartes with extensive medical knowledge and a hefty amount of practice. 'Ooooh, but you're a damned man steeped in heresy and the daemons will devour your soul'-- have you ever seen a shrapnelled gut up close? Have you smelled it? Did you have to piece it back together and keep it clear from infections so that Brother Sutekh over here can not only survive without entombment, but maybe even get back up and running by the time our Crusade fleet arrives at the next backwater system designated for conquest? Because I did. Many times over. Starting at about twenty or so years of age, and keeping at it for another one hundred, no complaints, and that's only counting what I did under the Imperium's banner."
Khonsu: "Because later on I got Warp-knows how many years to get mortifyingly proficient at all the things they expect of a Sorcerer - murder, torture, blood rites, all that noise. I'd call it a butcher's work, but that would be a fierce insult to the profession, actually. Butchers need clean cuts and large, intact chunks, no bleeds and bruises. I was usually asked to deliver the opposite."
Freyr: "What about your... personal fear of mutation, then? You've said that you can't control or understand it, and it's inflicted on you like a curse by the God of Change, isn't that a horror beyond--"
Khonsu: "It falls under the broad label of existential fear, which is a different beast altogether from the lack of imagination and state-sanctioned neophobia plaguing the Imperials, please and thank you."
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chainsaw-to-the-heart · 9 months
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"Bollocks...the dispatch assigned me to work overtime. It's a bloody holiday! Do they have no heart!?"
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tastetherainbow180 · 9 months
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate. Hope you have a good old gay time!
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Also who else is watching the Doctor Who Christmas Special today? Because I am and I'm very excited and looking forward to it.
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I handled a kitchen disaster and turned it into a wholesome family experience but I still vividly remember my childhood and teens with a permanent lack of wholesome experiences only disasters at Christmas so I'm dropping a new chapter for Winternight's Tales tonight since good stories kept me alive back then.
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honeymilkbubbletea · 9 months
Happy crimus everyone!
It's chrismu
Merry crisis
Merry chrisler
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All I want for Christmas is for the bots to LEAVE ME ALONE
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moonstrider9904 · 10 months
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Santa Cross hopes your holiday is calm and merry!
This is absolutely gorgeous and has warmed my heart. I am )( this close from printing that out, framing it, and placing it in my desk. The warmth of his smile...
Thank you very much for this, it's so thoughtful and sweet of you!!
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