#it's a long trip where i'll be spending a LOT of time with my siblings so i can't feasibly keep it from him
crimeronan · 9 months
talkin to my mom on the phone planning a trip home for the first time since i moved to oregon and she was listing all the east coast relatives i can catch up with and then was like "oh! you can meet your stepmother!!" and i accidentally made a Very Audible sound of disgusted surprise because i FORGOT I HAVE ONE OF THOSEEE & she Laughed Her Ass Off and was like yeah... um.... i'll leave you in charge of...... whatever you wanna tell your dad about when you're coming. maybe spring it on him the day before your flight,
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
Sharing is caring (George Russell)
A long weekend with the Russells
Note: english is not my first language. I know this is very very very overdue, but hopefully it's still enjoyable!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: pregnancy
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"Are you guys doing well back there?", you asked the kids as George drove the four of you up to his parents' house. According to the screen display, you still had a little over an hour until you arrived at George's parents house where you would be staying for the long weekend to enjoy some family time before the season picked up again.
"Does anyone need a bathroom break?", George asked, looking at Olivia and Arthur through the rear view mirror, "I'm fine", Olivia chirped in, "me too, I'm okay", Arthur added.
"You're doing okay, too?", George asked you, hand on your thigh as he drove, "I'm fine. I never want to say it too loud, but I think morning sickness stopped two weeks ago", you added.
"Little one has had enough causing raucous", George whispered, turning his attention back to the road ahead.
"We're nearly there, right, daddy?", Arthur asked as he recognised the streets as the car approached his grandparents' house, "yes, we just turn here and at the end there", George replied as you texted your mother in-law, letting her know to open the big gate so no one had to get out of the car.
"Guys, you're here! Did you have a good trip?", Allison welcomed you into the house, hugging the kids who immediately ran and hugged her legs, "grandma!!", they excitedly said.
"We did, it was fine. There was a little traffic at the end, but we were so close I think it barely bothered us", you said as you greeted Steve, walking inside the house and making sure the kids left their shoes by the door.
"I'm going to take the bags upstairs", George said, kissing your forehead, "I'll be right back", he smiled as you ushered Olivia and Arthur to the bathroom, "Y/N, here, darling, our some slippers on!", Allison offered.
Since Allison and Steve lived on their own again, as every child had now fled the nest, they updated the bedrooms, you and George staying in the guest bedroom with a double bed and the kids occupying the room they had for whenever the grandchildren stayed over.
"Lunch is ready, so when you can come down, we're waiting for you", George's mother called him as he helped you sort out the room for your children, "we'll be down in a little, thanks!".
After eating and helping tidying the kitchen, George took the kids out to the garden, hoping to use up their energy since they spent the whole morning inside a car.
"Is the swing alright, dad?", George questioned, "yes, me and Benjy sorted it out a few weeks ago. It's good as new", he answered, prompting George to take the kids to the renovated swing set.
When he was younger, he didn't spend too much time at home since racing required him to spend a lot of time away, but the times he did spend back home were filled with memories os this swing.
"Is this the old swing you told us about?", Arthur said, unsure of the whole apparatus since he heard stories from when his father and his uncle and aunt were much younger.
"Yes, me and uncle Benjy used to spend a lot of time here with auntie Cara, too! Who wants to go first?", he said as Olivia volunteered.
"It's safe, Arthur, see?", she said as she balanced her body back and forth, making her brother feel a little more comfortable with the whole thing, "I'll share it with you later, okay?".
"Sharing is important", George began, "and the fact that you guys always share is very nice, me and mummy are very proud of you", he said as Arthur picked some flowers from the grass and gave some to Olivia.
"We're siblings, of course we share everything", Arthur said naturally. It was true. For him, even if Olivia picked on his buttons a few times, he wouldn't ever not want to share something with her.
"Would you want to share your things with somebody else?", George tried as the kiss both looked at him like they didn't know what he was on about, "what I means is, would you mind having to share your things with someone else?", he clarified.
The pregnancy news were still between you and George, excluding your doctor. Because the kids could easily spill the news to somebody else and you had been specially careful so the news would stay between the people you wanted to until the doctor considered it was okay.
"I always share with my friends, too. But yesterday I had all the grapes mummy cut up for me because they were really good and I really wanted them", Arthur admitted as Olivia quirked a brow, "I think we could, yes. Even our toys, we share them too", Olivia added.
George seemed satisfied enough with the answers, hoping that when you broke the news they wouldn't have a complete meltdown.
"C'mon, Liv, it's Arthur's turn", George requested gently, the girl hopping off so her brother could have a go.
"What is mummy doing?", your son asked, "she was helping grandma with tonight's dinner when I asked if she wanted to come with us", George offered.
When they arrived back in time to have a quick shower and get ready for family dinner, you and George dressed them in comfortable clothes since it was just close family. Once they started arriving, the kids found their spot on the floor of the living room, playing with toys and colouring books while the adults caught up with eachother.
"Y/N! I haven't seen you in so long!", Cara said as she came up to you for a hug, "we've been busy, but we managed to sort some time out to come up here", you smiled, offering her the little pastries you had been working on with your mother in-law, "these are delicious!".
Excusing yourself from the group, you went to check on the kids, sitting on the sofa and getting a few cuddles from your nieces and nephews, "auntie Y/N!", one of them gasped, "you almost fell asleep while I was showing you my drawing", he said as Arthur snickered, "I'm sorry, sweetheart, you can show me again, please", you offered, rubbing the sleep away from your eyes.
"Darling, do you want some wine? We found your favourite in the shops the other day, Steve bought a couple of bottles", your mother in-law smiled as she stretched her arm to receive your glass when you were all in the dining room, "I don't, thank you for thinking of me, though", you smiled, exchanging a look with George that wasn't missed by his sister.
"I saw that!", Cara pointed out, "what was that?!", she questioned her brother, knowing he would break under her stare.
"Y/N has something to tell you", he quickly offered, passing the ball to your court as you felt everyone's eyes on you.
"This is not how it was supposed to go, but there wasn't a proper plan either, so... we are having a baby!", you announced, unfolding your leggings and letting your small baby bump show.
"Oh my goodness, another baby!", Allison cooed as your children looked at George for confirmation, "you're going to have a little brother, guys!", he said as they ran to hug you baby bump.
"I noticed your tummy was bigger, but I just thought you had a big lunch!", Arthur said, delighting everyone as they laughed, George watching everyone congratulate you before also congratulating him, "congratulations, darling", his mother kissed his cheek.
"We've been a little more careful this time around, did all the tests and in the blood test, the doctor told us were having a little boy", you smiled, kissing the top of your kids' heads as they latched onto your sides.
"Well, we can celebrate with the wine still! Some juice for you, Y/N", Steve poured in your cup.
When it came to bedtime, the kids didn't want to sleep in a separate room from you, and since the bed was big enough, you allowed them to sleep with you and George.
"That's what I'm saying, guys. It doesn't mean mummy is sick, but it means she needs our help more, she won't be able to do all things at once and it's our job to make sure she rests, as well", you heard your husband tell the kids while you brushed your teeth in the en suite bathroom.
"Time for sleep, kids", you said, lying down on the mattress, you and George brushing each of their hairs as they switched off, almost like a button, "they used up all their energy today", George began, "Did you know these two were wondering how they could help you, because they were worried that you are tired. You even fell asleep on the sofa..!", George tried his best to mimick his nephew shocked expression, earning one of your beautiful laughs.
"I love them so much", you sighed, "and I love you", you kissed his lips.
Kissing your forehead, George's hand managed to reach your bump despite the little boy latching on you like a koala and your daughter lying on top of him, drawing random shapes on it, "not as much as I love all of you".
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hi big brother ! so i had an idea. what about headcanons for when mc has to go somewhere for some time, how would the m6 deal with it ? maybe spraying mc's perfume on a pillow and hugging it or writing every thought they have about mc. (this is totally not a self-indulgent idea (◔◡◔✿) )
The Arcana HCs: M6 when MC goes on a trip
~ hi little sister! oh my, what a completely not self-indulgent prompt. I'll be sure to stay extra uninspired while I write it (joking) @elysian-chaos I hope you like these! - brainrot ~
You're going on a trip? Without him? Why?!
Oh. Are you sure you don't need him to go with you?
Doesn't try to convince you otherwise, but will tell you that he'll miss you. To avoid falling into old habits, he decides that everything he does is "for MC."
He leaves the clinic on time without overworking himself "for MC." He only has one drink at the Rowdy Raven "for MC." He eats three times a day and drinks water at least twice "for MC."
He brushes his teeth "for MC." He puts on his coat "for MC." He washes his dishes "for MC." He clips his toenails "for MC."
Portia and Mazelinka start to give him grief for the amount of times a day he murmurs "for MC" before doing something mundane with a heroic air, but he lets them in return for crashing at their places
Because going through the day is busy and distracting enough, but when he gets home and it's exactly the way it was when he left? When he can't hear anyone else breathing in the house?
He hasn't spent one night at home since the first one after you left, choosing instead to show up at Mazelinka's or Portia's right before dinner with the biggest puppy dog eyes they've ever seen
He sporadically writes you long, poetry filled love letters, and sleeps with your replies tucked against his heart
When you get back his ginger chest hair is stained blue in splotches from where the ink rubbed off
Ah, the sweet, sweet taste of poetic justice
Asra's delightfully humble when you rub it in their face - they're the first to point out the irony and suggest they run the shop for you
He makes sure you have everything you need before you leave, puts you in touch with several trustworthy friends, encourages you through any travel anxiety, and waves happily at you as you walk out
And then they mope
The shop starts opening later and later, customers walk in to find a sleepy and depressed Asra behind the counter, and even Aisha and Salim have a tricky time cheering him up
Until two days in when they look up to the sound of the shop bell, and there's Muriel, grumpily following through on your request to check up on Asra while you're gone
Which results in the mountain man standing stoically in front of the counter, trying not to give in to his oldest friend's infectious laughter at how the tables have turned
Seeing how much his visits perk him up has Muriel dropping by almost every afternoon until you return, and the two have a great time catching up on life
Muriel even gets the chance to repay years of teasing when he goes upstairs and sees that Asra has dragged your entire wardrobe onto the bed so they can snooze buried in your smell
You have a lot of laundry to do when you get back
Almost smothers you with everything you need
Transportation? Clothes? Funds? Useful tools to not get lost? Enough paper and ink to write her a ten page letter every day?
She admires your determination to do this on your own merit and decides that she is going to follow suit. She is going to spend the extra time being the best Countess she can for Vesuvia (and you)
Two days in she can't stand the loneliness any more. Where is her MC when she just wants to sit back and relax after a long day? Where can she find someone who'll just treat her like a person?
She quickly finds that most of your mutual friends are unfortunately busy
Desperate times call for desperate measures
She writes to her sisters
Over the next few days, the Satrinava siblings descend on the Palace in hordes. The workload has never been so light, which leads to unexpectedly empty afternoons
And oh, those afternoons are so much more fun than she could have ever expected. Exploring the Heart and Temple districts, riding through the fields, even sparring and dance matches
She would almost feel guilty for how much fun she's having in your absence if she wasn't purchasing everything she saw that reminded her of you
You get home to a pile of presents and lots of sisterly teasing
He's sad to see you go, but he's not hugely bothered
He knows you're a competent traveler, and to be honest, he could use a little alone time. He loves you, but he also likes his introvert recharging time and he's used to being a little more isolated
Starts to get frustrated because for someone who likes being alone, it's a lot harder to enjoy than he remembers
Until he opens the door to his hut after a walk with Inanna to see Asra snoozing in front of the fire
It seems you saw fit to have them return all the favors Muriel did when they were the ones going off on a trip (they were more than happy to humor you) and make sure he didn't get too lonely
Between Asra's love for shaking things up and his own restlessness without you, Muriel suggests renovating the hut to surprise you
The two of them first built it when they were kids, so they know they can do better. It ends up being more fun than either of them expect and they get to really talk for the first time since the plague
The hut itself turns out beautifully - the beams are reinforced, it's given a new floor, any rickety furniture is repaired and replaced, and Asra takes it upon themself to paint the entire interior in beautiful detail
You get home to a yard full of chickens wearing mini bow ties (don't ask) and a Muriel who is very happy to have you back
Oh dear, you lowkey triggered her a little bit when you told her you were going on a trip by yourself
This is exactly how it always goes! The cool person she loves and admires takes off on an adventure and forgets all about her!
Until you remind her that the reason she can't join you is because she's also scheduled for a very cool trip to a different country as a representative of Vesuvia
The first half of your trip goes well with both of you on the road. She tracks your itinerary on one of her many maps and writes you letters with updates on Pepi and the crew every day
Until her trip ends halfway through yours and she's stuck waiting in Vesuvia until you get back
The only moment she stops to breathe is when she writes your daily letter and cooks herself dinner (all of them your favorites)
Other than that, she's too busy working to stay distracted. When she runs out of things to do at the Palace, she deep cleans her cottage, and then Julian's house, and tries to clean Mazelinka's
It's when Mazelinka looks over mid-afternoon to see Portia bustling in the door with a cutlass she "borrowed" from the Palace armory, begging for a distraction, that she intervenes
You get back to an empty cottage, only to find out that Portia's been challenging the Palace guards to sparring matches and sleeping at Mazelinka's every night
You're going on a trip? Without him? Why?! (pt. 2)
He knows that the job you've accepted will work better with only one person, and he knows that of the two of you you're the one who practices magic, but still!
Alternates between grumbling about you leaving and cheering you on because you're so cool, you don't need help, you've got this!
Thankfully, the town he stays in waiting for you knows and loves both of you and is happy to host one of their regular journeymen for the two days you'll be gone
This is fortunate, because Lucio's response to missing you is deciding to learn magic, regardless of his natural ability (or lack thereof) and ignoring the fact that he has nobody to teach him
After you leave that morning, he spends the rest of the day out in some poor farmer's field practicing magical attacks on their hay bales while Mercedes and Melchior terrorize all the local wildlife
He stops by the tavern for dinner early that evening, and after several drinks, decides to camp out in the town's square belting out tone-deaf ballads of your virtues
The townspeople love him for all he's done on different jobs for their sake, so the next morning they take turns asking for his assistance with different tasks to keep him out of trouble
You get back that evening to half the town telling you how much he missed you and a very tired (but satisfied) Lucio
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starrywooyo · 1 year
treasure: one
synopsis: when y/n gets whooshed into an alternate universe, an adventure: one with pirates and monsters and much, much more
pairing: ot8! pirate ateez x fem! reader
genre: pirate au!!
!!warnings(per chapter)!! - descriptions of death, blood, wounds, abuse and assault [bellow cut!]
notes: I got this idea from a couple of my favourite movies: pirates of the Caribbean and the chronicles of Narnia
word count: 3.4k
main masterlist
| next chapter
That is the way you'd describe the day you're having. 
stuck in the old ‘ancient’ mansion of a house in the countryside that your grandparents own. and the worst of all: no internet. How are you gonna listen to your favourite music group and keep up with them? plus you've got your transfer student opportunity coming up
what are you supposed to do for the entirety of the time you're staying with them whilst your parents are away on their ‘business trip’ again. it's always no sooner that they are back, that they leave again.
Now don't get it wrong. you love your grandparents but it would be much better if your parents left you back at home where you have your friends and internet actual Wi-Fi so you can do things. but no. you're stuck here with your younger and older siblings.
So here you are sitting in the library reading some random book you picked, sprawled along the couch with your older brother sitting at the opposite side of the room at a table trying to read but being pestered by your younger brother and sisters. 
‘The ship swayed side to side, waves splashing over the deck.
bodies littered the deck from the opposing crew.
blood everywhere.
the injured pirate captain stands. blood oozing from his wounds,
he picks up his sword and then…’
you're pulled from your book with your younger brother's whines and you sigh again watching the argument.
“Come on James, play with us. we're bored by ourselves..” your younger brother pushed for what seemed to be the 100th time.
James sighed 
“Please Callum go bother Y/n or someone else... I'm trying to study,” James explained.
And so with that your siblings turned to you with hopeful eyes, just before you could say anything your Grandma popped her head in the door.
“oh come on now dears, you both have been in here all day nearly, would it hurt to spend some time with each other? tell you what. why don't you all play a game hmm? Maybe outside like tag or ball if not that then this is a very big house with lots of places to hide” she looks at each of you with her hinting.
“you know your parents used to love playing hide and seek here, Y/n. James, you did too so why don't you play with your siblings  and give them the fun of exploring the house too?” your grandma said.
you look at your siblings and James pipes up.
“I'll join only if Y/n does”
you sighed bookmarking your book, you stand keeping it with you. 
James nods “okay then, you all can hide and I will count” 
wandering the halls, the voice of James counting to 100 gets more distant. you walk by old paintings and other weird artefacts your grandparents keep.
you come to a stop at a random door, quite far from James and hopefully your younger siblings. opening the door you find most of the furniture still covered with dust sheets, you figure this room was long forgotten due to the old paint cans still laying around. oh well. at least you've got some quiet to read your book for a while.
peeling back the sheet on the lounge couch you brush off any dust that could be there and make yourself comfortable and reopen your book getting lost in the pages..
you don't know how long you've been in this room but you find yourself still to be hidden or either forgot about. closing your book you finally decide to take a look around the room.
It's a huge, spacious room with all its furniture covered. the walls a simple cream colour and wooden floorboards with a large bay and stained glass window and a writing desk placed where the light shines. all in all not much to the room. it was probably going to be a private study for someone..
What catches your interest though is the large painting on the wall, it's a beautiful painting of the ocean, a ship adorning the waves on the canvas. you find yourself drawn to the painting. 
it almost looks as though the waves are actually moving, but that would be crazy.... right? 
water suddenly starts pouring out from the painting.
you laugh. you're most definitely seeing things. this isn't real. it wasn't till the water level started rising you began to panic. you yank the door handle to open the door. it stays shut. since when was the door locked!!? 
the water now just below your chest: the window! The Height of the room was only the second floor. You could jump from this height, no problem! the window doesn't open.
the room seemingly seems to get smaller, is that ship getting closer in the painting? 
The water level still rising, you take a deep breath as the water covers you.
the wooden furniture starts to float around you. 
you begin to swim up to get the last bit of air before it disappears. this was it. you were going to drown.
reaching the surface. you find the blue sky above your head and you in the ocean.
you quickly swim to the writing table to hold onto to keep you afloat. The water is freezing.
looking around you see the large ship coming your way.
“Man overboard!” and someone jumps in the water and swims towards you.
you get dropped onto the deck, the water dripping from you. 
you're surrounded by a group of men. 
“Now, now. what do we have 'er” a man walked through the group. a large hat on his head.
ah. pirates.
He puts his sword under your chin and lifts your head. and hums 
“a woman? now what shall we do with you eh..” he says. 
 a crew member pipes up.
“Captain, all do respect but we can't 'ave a woman onboard the ship. it's dangerous and a bad omen too might i add” he says.
Bad omen? who does this ass think he is.
the captain nods his head.
“hmm you're right. We are headed to land. suppose we could sell 'er and get some shillings for her. throw er in the brig” the captain says with a smirk on his face.
a song of ‘aye aye's’ follow and you are grabbed by 2 muscular men and dragged down the steps of the ship.
you struggle and yell your demands to be let go, which go unheard, as you're thrown into the wet damp cell under the ship. It stinks. the leaked water sloshes as the ship moves on the water, slowly you feel yourself become seasick. you clearly don't have sea legs yet.
the ship coming to a rough stop jolts you awake, the cell door flung open. you're grabbed up to your feet by the captain and your hands are tied.
“Sorry 'bout this missy. you'll forgive me right?” he smirks showing his disgusting teeth.
you're then dragged off the deck, to the dock and dragged through whatever place you're in now.
you tug on your restraints but to no avail and get yanked back.
you're then pulled into some shop by the captain and he talks to the man at the desk.
“Ahhh how can I help ya captain, here to buy?” the man with glasses asks
the captain laughs
“no, not this time, i'm actually here to sell” he gestures to you “her”
the man leans over the desk to get a better look at you.
“ooh she's a beauty she is. sell for a fine price she will captain. But what's with her clothes eyy?” the glasses man asked. 
the captain scans over you. 
“d'know found her like that in the water, must've been shipwrecked or sumthin” he said
The glasses man nods his head.
“very well captain. sale is in 2 days if yer staying, she'll definitely sell, then you'll get yer money don't worry.”
the captain nods back, handing over the rope to the men standing at the door and you get pulled into a different room.
the rope on your wrist gets untied, maybe you could escape you thought. but that idea was soon out the moment a gun got pressed to you and told if you ran you'd get shot.
one of the men shove a small pile of clothes in your hand. 
“go behind there. get dressed. no funny business”
and so, not wanting to lose your life you do as told.
standing behind the sheet you strip yourself of your ‘modern’ clothes, putting on the ripped, tattered skirt you were given and white shirt tucked in. you exit from behind the sheet and then dragged into another room. one full of other women. some sleeping, some awake and others crying and scared. you're forced to sit down and chains are put around your ankles and your wrists and the men then leave the room.
you look around the room scanning the other woman: some are older than you, some far far younger. and you look over the woman you see that some are bruised and marked up with hickeys and all sorts. 
your eyes open and you sit up. a sharp pain shoots through your neck and back. as it would be sleeping on a hard floor for a few days.
The glasses man walks through the door and starts picking women at random, some screaming shouts of disagreement and the others complying willingly.
he stops in front of you. “her too” and yet again you're getting dragged out of the room. you're then sat in a chair and a woman comes and puts some make-up on your face and does your hair. The finishing touch was the corset that was put on your waist and tightened up so much. but now you see why they did it. your chest was pushed together and appeared to be much bigger than it was.. clearly to get attention of woman hungry men.
the chains were placed back on your feet and hands. and you were put to follow the other woman outside to the square in the middle of the town. already a crowd of men standing waiting to see whom or what they can buy. 
you're forced onto your knees and one by one the man goes down the line and starts to show off and sell the others. and then it was you.
you were dragged to the front and put to your knees again.
“Now, now. isn't this one a beauty?” the man asked the crowd and cheers of agreement erupted.
you zone out as the man starts listing ‘features’ about you trying to entice the buy.
this was it. I'm actually going to get sold off as a slave you thought. you zoned back in to what was happening.
“now d'we have any takers? she'll make a lovely slave and play thing if you'd like” the man asked finally going to sell you off. 
“we'll take her for 10,000 pieces of gold!” someone in the crowd yells out
the man smirks 'sold'  and with that you're dragged away. 
...  [ ??? pov ]
Here we are again on this forsaken horrible island, walking through these empty streets.
there's a crowd just at the square from what i can see..
so i dragged my crewmate along with me to see what all the commotion was about. peeking through the taller men we can see it's a sale, not just any sale. they're selling people. I expected nothing less from this place.
as we watch them go through more and more woman and people...
“now d'we have any takers? she'll make a lovely slave and play thing if you'd like” the salesman asked. That's when I snapped.
my hand shoots in the air “we'll take her for 10,000 pieces of gold!” Then the sales man shouted: sold!.
my hand is then snatched from the air and I'm dragged a bit away.
“Are you crazy? 10,000 gold. Captain’s really gonna kill you this time” 
“well i'd like to see him try either way-” I'm cut off by the man bringing the girl over to us.
“Here you are, gentleman. one slave” my jaw clenches as he says that ‘slave’ I hate that word. “and the gold?” he asks on top of that.
“You'll get your gold, we have to take her to our captain first” I tell him.
the man looks between the two of us “no, no, no. You must think I'm stupid. gold first then the girl is yours.” 
my crewmate then laughs and takes his turn to speak. 
“don't you know who our captain is?” he laughs and he points to our ship's flag. the man's eyes light up in fear and he starts to shake a bit.
“a-ah ah, y'know what. you can give us the gold l-later. tell yer captain there's no r-rush” and the man shoves the girl and proceeds to hurry away.
the girl stumbles from the push and I catch her in my arms. She's quick to try and get away though. She shoves me away and tries to run. only to stumble over the chains still around her ankles.
“Wow, hey hey hey. it's okay we're not gonna hurt you” i tell her. I take my jacket off and wrap it around her shoulders to cover her from the peeping eyes of the men walking by due to her skimpy clothing the slave house has put her in.
“you're okay. you'll be safe with us. don't worry” I try to reassure her again.
My crewmate tugs at my shirt. “hey we need to get her back to the ship now. get those chains off and I need to treat those wounds” he points to them.
my attention was brought back to her. and i start to notice the bruises on her legs and ankles and the numerous cuts that litter her body as well as the blood that's now dripping from her knees from the fall. I wince. I kneel down at her level and she still tries to get away.
“hey, you're gonna need to come with us okay? we need to get you back to our ship and treat your wounds. Would it be okay for me to carry you?” I asked her.
she seems to go into deep thought and then seems to clutch my jacket around her slightly and nods her head. and so I scoop her up into my arms and then begin to walk back to the ship. as I walk the chains around her legs clink together.
it's quiet, so i decide to ask her name.
“I'm Wooyoung by the way. and my crewmate here is San. he's our medic so he'll treat your wounds once we get to the ship. Can I know your name?” I smile at her. The smile slightly falls as she stays quiet. and so the walk continues for a while.
“Y/n..” a quiet voice whispers. I hum in confusion wondering if she even spoke at all.
“my name.. its Y/n..” she says.
y/n.. what a pretty name
...  [ y/n pov ]
Once the man called out sold, I'm grabbed to my feet and pulled towards two men. one tall man with broad shoulders and black hair, the other more slim and smaller too with blonde hair. both wearing similar clothes and hats adorning their heads.
ah more pirates. great...
they both seemed to be deep in conversation before noticing us. the man yanks me closer causing more pain to my bare feet as they scuff the hard stony ground. I can't help the fear that shoots through me at that moment.
What do these men want with me? What will happen to me? Will I ever get home at this rate?   
“Here you are, gentleman. one slave” the man gestures to me. you feel small under the two men's gaze. you see the blonde man's jaw visibly clench. making him appear slightly scary. 
“and the gold?” he adds, holding out his hand to receive his gold?  
“You'll get your gold, we have to take her to our captain first” the blonde man says.
the salesman chuckles and pulls me closer to him “no, no, no. You must think I'm stupid. gold first then the girl is yours.”
the black haired man laughs
“don't you know who our captain is?” he points to a ship's flag in the distance. the salesman's eyes light up in fear and he starts to tremble a bit.
“a-ah ah, y'know what. you can give us the gold l-later. tell yer captain there's no r-rush” the man said and shoves me away as he himself runs away. I fall into the arms of the blonde guy and he wraps his arms around me.
is their captain really that scary for people to run away I really don't wanna meet this guy
and so I push the blonde's arms away and attempt to run, forgetting my chains around my ankles soon falling to the hard ground as my legs get caught up in the chains. I hiss as the ground rips the skin from my knees. Still on my knees I begin to feel small again under the gazes of the men passing by looking at me. I'm practically wearing next to nothing. 
“Wow, hey hey hey. it's okay we're not gonna hurt you” the blonde man says as he takes his jacket off and slightly bends as he drapes it over my shoulders. 
“you're okay. you'll be safe with us. don't worry” the blonde says again.
will I though..?
I stayed quiet and noticed the black haired man tugging at the blondes shirt sleeve.
“Hey, we need to get her back to the ship now. get those chains off and I need to treat those wounds” he tells him and points to me and at the wounds on my body. 
the blonde man looks back at me and scans me, his eyebrows furrowing slightly as he lets out a wince. he then kneels to my level
“hey, you're gonna need to come with us okay? we need to get you back to our ship and treat your wounds. would it be okay for me to carry you?” he asked me.
Will it really be safe to go with these men?
Can I trust them?
they don't really seem bad in my opinion compared to the pirates and men I've already encountered...
only time will tell and besides its more so the captain i'm afraid to meet from the salesman reaction.
What will this guy be like? 
it would still be better than here i hope. I found myself clutching his jacket slightly tighter. He did put it around me to cover me.. so I nod at the blonde.
He then scoops me up in his arms and holds me close as my own arms go around his neck. and The two men start to walk in what I assume is the direction to said ship.
it's too quiet 
All I can hear is the stones crunching under the pairs feet and the blondes breathing. until the blonde pipes up.
“I'm Wooyoung by the way. and my crewmate here is San. he's our medic so he'll treat your wounds once we get to the ship. can i know your name?” he asked and gives you a smile that slightly falters as I stay quiet.
you slightly glance at the black haired man 
hmm San..? San a medic I didn't think he'd be a doctor.. he looks so scary.
i then look to the blonde man
woo...young? wooyoung hmm nice...
As the walk continues you find your tense body slightly relaxed in Wooyoung's hold. his scent calming you.
“y/n…” I quietly let out.
he looks down at me and hums slightly confused
“my name... its y/n…” I say again but a tad bit louder.
he smiles again and nods his head a bit 
The walk shortly comes to an end not long after.
“well 'ere we are” he says and a grand ship comes into view. It's a dark wooden boat and upon the main mast in the wind a black flag with the words "ateez" in white lettering. 
from here it looks like a beautiful ship, well kept. not much damage from what you'd expect on a pirates ship.
and written on the backside of the stern of the ship
previous | next chapter
a/n: so!! i hope you all like the start of this little series i'll be doing, feel free to reblog and or just leave your thoughts! till next chapter, byeee!!
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strangeswift · 2 years
Interested in MY thoughts??? Very flattered, genuinely.
Okay I'm gonna do college aged headcanons cuz they're fun and middle aged people bore me.
I think everyone will go to college, outside of Hawkins obviously, and I don't think any of them will return to live in Hawkins afterwards. But assuming Hawkins is still intact at this point, I think their parents would all live there still including Joyce and Hopper, so they'd all come back for holidays.
I'd like to think that they all go to college together, but realistically I think Mike and Will would go to a school with good art and creative writing programs, which wouldn't be where the others would end up.
Dustin would go to a school with a good Technology/Engineering program, where Suzie would also attend. I think Lucas would study something in STEM and Max probably a social science, maybe sociology. El would study a social science for sure, probably child psychology.
So I'll say that Dustin, Suzie, and Lucas would all end up at the same school. And Will, Mike, El, and Max all together at a different school.
Will and Mike would be roommates in college, as would El and Max, and Dustin and Lucas. Dustin and Lucas would come visit the others often and crash in their dorms, even if the school was far from them, they'd road trip. Suzie comes a few times but usually she's too busy because she works as a research assistant in a lab and is taking an insane course load.
Mike and Will are together, but they're only out to the party and their families. They're happy. They share a small dorm and they pushed their twin sized beds together, but there's a gap in between that Mike always complains about falling into. And when Will suggests, "Well you could just stay on your side of the bed," Mike is incredibly affronted that Will would even suggest such a thing. (I am a clingy Mike truther.)
Don't get mad at me guys, but although I do love the idea of Elumax (with Lucas and El platonic because El is a lesbian) I like the idea of Lumax and El finding another girlfriend more. I think El-he's-my-first-boyfriend Hopper would go on dates with lots of girls in college, trying to figure out what it is that she wants in a relationship. I think she'd unintentionally be a little bit of a heartbreaker. But eventually she'd find the right girl and they'll be super happy. Also while she's dating around, Max (bi icon) respectfully gives her opinions of the girls. Max and El respect women.
Lumax are long distance in college, but as I said Lucas visits often, and when he does he crashes in Max and El's dorm while Dustin crashes in Mike and Will's. Lucas also likes to hear about El's girlfriends so the three of them stay up and gossip like it's a sleepover. They taught Lucas how to braid hair.
Will and El hang out a lot, they both like to have time alone together. Mike always wants to tag along, and Will can never tell him no, but El can and she does. They do all hang out together frequently, but the sibling hangouts are sacred to El.
Mike and El are actually close now that they can be honest with each other. They love each other a lot and they're still physically affectionate, hugs, etc.
But when Will and El hang out alone, that leaves.... my favorite.... MIKE AND MAX BESTIES!!! Reluctantly at first, they start hanging out and end up really bonding. They talk about sexuality struggles, their tendency to push people away, etc. They still argue a lot and have a very sarcastic teasing relationship. They're hilarious to watch interact because their banter is never-ending and they're both very witty.
Lumax are completely, head over heels in love. They talk on the phone every night, and when Lucas comes to visit they spend every minute together and go on lots of movie dates. But as always, they aren't huge on PDA and they aren't as lovey dovey as say... Will and Mike. Or El and her girlfriend of the week. Or Dusty Bun and Suzie Poo.
Dustin and Suzie are gross. Sweet, but gross. PDA like crazy. Always PG, but it still makes Lucas roll his eyes. Though he really is happy for them. He just misses Max a lot of the time.
That is all I can think of right now. Well, that's a lie but I need to cut this off somewhere.
Thank you so so much for the ask!!!!
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
December 31: WIPs and Ideas I'm Taking Into 2023
As the year is ending, I am considering what writing projects I will try to complete next year. Will 2023 be the year I finish my WIPs? Will it at least be the year I let go of WIPs I don't care about? We'll see.
Here are (most of) my current projects and ideas--T100 only because I don't feel brave enough to even address Star Trek or other fandoms. Let's see where I am at the end of 2023.
devil's gonna get me one of these days: Southern Gothic AU; ensemble and multi-pairing; vampires, ghosts, and secrets
Troped Madness Horror Round: Harper-centric, epistolary/found footage-y
Talk About Timing in Times Like These: Bellarke, Modern AU, exes to lovers, heavy on the bitterness
And They Lived: aka the Ark Sleeping Beauty AU, Bellarke with a lot of other stuff going on
A Watch With No Hands: parts 3 and 4, the continuation of my 2019 Bellarke Big Bang, Grounder Clarke, Arker Bellamy, canon divergence
The Poly Fic: endgame Bravenlarke, modern AU, what it says on the tin
Can't Be King of the World: aka my long (long) percolating Ark AU, ensemble and multi-pairing with a lot of Wells
Sky Village: canon-divergence with rare pairs, independent delinquent village feels
Blake Siblings Summer AU: ...this is a Pete & Pete AU, if I'm brave enough to write it
Slow Summer Vibes: one step up from a PWP, Bellarke in the heat of summer
Under the Western Stars: more Bellarke modern AU angst nonsense
Kiss the Ring: canon-divergent Becho, in which they are both brutal, ruthless leaders
Jonty Dual Timeline: part modern AU, part canon-divergence, heavily S3 inspired
Sequel to How I'll Spend Through Winter: more Bellarke UST and longing, this time in high school, some Princess Mechanic
Bellarke Bingo Love Potion: Bellamy runs an antique store. Clarke takes a love potion. There's magic involved.
Dawson's Creek AU: endgame Bellarke and Murven, and in the meantime, a faithful AU for no reason at all
Documentary History of the U.S.S.S Arkadia: expanded version of my Braven fic of the same name
Reality Bites AU: as it says; Bellarke
Dollhouse AU: also as it says, ensemble/Bellarke, Bellamy as Echo and Clarke as Ballard...sort of
autumnverse fic: eternal-autumn type universe with ghosts!
oh well you've got me under your spell: an old Bellarke HS AU I always wanted to continue
Bellarke Bingo Blast: trope-heavy Bellarke friends to lovers; embarrassing how many modern AUs are on this list
South: Murven road trip that I started ages ago and might continue?
Everyone Gets Married: mostly Jonty with some Bellarke, sappy romance stuff and perhaps some talk about the concept of marriage
Bellarke Beat AU: this is from 2016, enough said
Maya & Octavia Troped: canon-divergence, post S2
Miller/Bryan Troped: canon-divergence, sometime in S3; more a universe than a plot but like an exes thing
Bellarke Invents Soulmates: triple-timeline, reincarnation and soulmates (former Troped round)
Miller/Bellamy Road Trip: but also they're on the run from the law, danger and UST
T100 + 3% Fusion: Princess Mechanic; 3%-like plot but in T100's universe
Fantasy Heist: delinquents on a magical hunt to save one of their own, still working out the kinks on the universe. And the plot (former Troped round)
Kane/Luna Ark AU: exes and magic and hints of political intrigue perhaps; horror
Slasher: half-baked old Troped Horror idea, heavy on the tropes, and I suppose on the bloodshed
Camping Trip Meta Horror: some horror tropes in the woods
Tropical Horror: something about this island isn't right
Troped Horror 2022: the fic I didn't finish because I thought it was going in a bad direction. Only hints: another slasher, Octavia-centric
Party Fic: Indulgent, stylized, multi-pairing HS AU
Modern Band AU: Bellarke and other pairings, rival bands, minor genre/form experimentation
...I didn't specify but some of these are one-shots and some multi-chapters and if a multi-chap isn't started, I can only promise to start, not finish it in 2023
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miras-ash · 1 year
Epilogue of "Just as the stars love the night"
Ash's pov
One year later...
I strolled with Yumiko through the parking lot of the stadium. In front of me I pushed the buggy in which Estella babbled and next to it ran Maho who was very amused about it. They both grew up so fast, I remembered exactly how small they used to be, time passed so quickly and soon we would welcome dwarf number three in our midst. Yumi was heavily pregnant with Jordan's child, they were supposed to start their planned trip around the world months ago but that plan was promptly scrapped when they found out about their blessing. I was so happy for them, they deserved all the happiness in the world. As for me, or rather Elena and I, our family planning was complete. With Estella and work we had our hands full. It took us a long time to adjust to a normal everyday life again but with the help of our friends it worked out.
Together we entered the stadium, it was a hot summer day and we had spontaneously decided to visit our loved ones at the training. The Tournament of the Champions was in a few days and everything was running at full speed. This year Lena would still be competing for Nighthaven since she was still under contract and even though it seemed strange to me I was cheering for Kali's troop this year. She should just not get used to it, next summer she would have no more chances should I be released for the service and participate again. I hoped so much, I loved being a mother but I wanted to get back in the saddle and work but I wasn't quite out of the woods yet. Sometimes nightmares and panic attacks still plagued me but with time it became less and less.
Yumiko and I crossed the lower area, past the changing rooms and entered the interior of the large dome. We walked the familiar path along the side to the benches where the various teams sat. I got Stella out of her stroller and put her on the grass, there she could crawl in peace as she wanted without anything dangerous lying around. Maho got all jittery, she had hoped that Jordan was already done and took her to the training building where she was allowed to drive around with a drone as long as it was not one of Twitch's, the last time she had zapped Mozzie with it a few times who did not find it as funny as the rest. She kept an eager lookout while playing with Estella.
Yumi sat down on one of the benches and stroked her round belly. She was beaming like the sun.
"Oh Liz, are you sure you don't want another one? You're such great mothers and I'm sure Stella would love a sibling. Maybe we can even get pregnant at the same time then, imagine that."
Her eyes shone with joy at the thought and she seemed to have her head in the clouds.
I looked at her and raised my eyebrow.
"No for the last time, you know how I feel about it. I love my daughter and wouldn't trade her for anything but I also want to finally do something for myself again. I want to get healthy and start back at Rainbow, I miss it so much. Besides, she already has a sister and soon a brother. We all spend so much time together that she will never feel alone. And another thing you douche, both of us pregnant at the same time? Our partners would leave the country. We're bad enough as it is."
She shrugged and replied "Well maybe I'll talk to Mira, she might see it differently."
Suddenly a voice sounded behind us "What do you want to talk to me about?"
Elena was standing there, she had already changed her clothes. Apparently she had finished her workout and had gone to take a shower while we waited. Jordan also appeared next to her, which did not escape Maho's notice. She ran up to in and let him lift her into the air.
"Hi Dad!!! Can we go?"
She had started calling him that over the last few months and Jordan couldn't have been prouder. Together they went off to play with the drone.
Mira picked Estella up and then joined us.
"So what about me?"
I rolled my eyes and said "Yumi thinks we should expand our family."
Elena laughed "Why, she's already doing that for us with Jordan or is she talking about a dog?"
She earned a nasty look from Hibana who got up and waddled away. Someone should have told her that she couldn't be taken seriously like that.
We amused ourselves for a while, then Mira changed the subject.
"So what do you say? Do we have a chance against Rainbow?"
I snorted, she knew how to draw me out.
"They don't stand a chance against you guys. You'll flatten them."
Never would I have thought to root for Nighthaven, I guess I was more mentally unstable than I thought.
The rest of the afternoon passed quietly. We went for a walk as a large group and family and then ended the evening without children in a restaurant. I had missed that so much, to lead a normal life without being on the run or having to fear for my loved ones. But now everything was finally good. I had people around me who loved me and for whom I felt the same. When I think about it, I had everything I ever wanted and needed. I was happy.
The end.
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egyptianhoney · 11 months
Breaking up with my ex’s family
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I experienced my first true breakup during the winter of 2022. When the time eventually came, it was a lot easier given that our relationship had been rotting for years before it eventually spoiled completely. Just like the bag of lettuce browning at the bottom of my fridge for weeks before I mustered up the courage to throw it out, the breakup was long overdue. When the relationship ended after three and a half years, it felt like I could take a deep breath again. 
But it never occurred to me that breaking up with my ex’s family would be much more difficult. 
I’d like to think I had a really good relationship with her family. Of course, I’m not quite sure anymore, but I know for certain that I spent a lot of time across three and a half years with them. I spent so many nights at her mother’s house downtown, where we would watch movies with her little brother, or play games of Cluedo as a ‘family.’ I would cook for them, dedicating so much time to perfecting my inherited recipes just for the validation from her parents and siblings. We went on vacations together, and I would visit her family in France for months at a time. I even put up with her racist step-father and his children’s endless questions on where I was from and what my opinions were on Arab geopolitics. To me, these people became just ‘family,’ for better or for worse. 
In a thread posted to r/BreakUps six years ago, reddit user @Jonny_Epidemic asked, “Do you ever miss your ex's parents a lot?” 
In a comment, @emelbee923, wrote, “...It is like losing an entire family. I still have things I planned on talking to all of them about that I'll never get the chance to bring up.”
When we broke up after three and a half years, it resembled more like a divorce. We spent hours with mediated conversations by our friends helping us divide our things. Her mother eventually inserted herself into these discussions, and to make it simple, she was actually just like any other white French woman after all. Au revoir!
But, truth be told, I still miss her dad. I still have things, as @emelbee923 commented, that “I’ll never get the chance to bring up.” I had full, honest, and beautiful conversations that I would never be able to have with any of my own family members. I built a connection with him where I felt safe, even safer than when I was with my own father. We would spend weeks on end in his home in a small town in France, and sometimes I still dream about waking up to the sound of him making us coffee. He was the first parent who ever asked me to make sure I was full, as he did every day after breakfast.
I felt at such peace in that home. I still have such fond memories, like when we took a road-trip to Paris, playing music from his youth all throughout the five-hour journey, and showing us around the winding streets, answering all my detailed questions. I still have the poetry book he got me from a museum shop in the city after he saw how much I connected to the exhibit.
I remember so clearly the last time I saw him. I think a part of me knew I was never going to see him again. He dropped us off at the bus stop before the airport, we hugged for a long moment, and then he was gone, driving away into the distance, my memories fading away with his image. 
On the same thread, @festivalfriend commented, “I miss them like crazy. They were truly a second family to me, and in all honesty, I'll probably continue missing them long after I get over her.”
Much like @festivalfriend, I continue to miss my ex’s father, and I’m long past being over her. What is it about these pseudo-intimate connections, that are so fragile because they are fundamentally dependent on someone else, but so deep that the loss is still felt so profoundly? 
Obviously, the clearest and simplest answer here is ‘daddy issues.’ I have a struggling relationship with my father, so classically, I project onto other people’s parents in order to fill the gap left by my own. Rest assured, I’ve made a lot of progress unpacking this. Nevertheless, there is still something to be said about this type of loss that you never necessarily prepared to mourn. Instead of losing one person in the ordeal, I lost five. 
Surprisingly, a lot of commenters on the thread gave advice to @Jonny_Epidemic, saying that the relationships they formed between them and their ex’s family did not necessarily have to end with the ending of the relationship. In a Refinery 29 article, Mirel Zaman asks, “Is It Ever Possible To Stay Close With An Ex’s Family?” and Zaman ends her article writing, “Remember, you’re not necessarily saying goodbye to your relationships with your ex’s family forever.” 
Are these relationships we build actually independent of our relationships with our former partners? Is there a chance for me to have a relationship with my ex’s family again? Or is holding onto that false hope only letting the wound from the loss fester? 
My relationship of three and a half years was nowhere near perfect. The most basic understanding was that we were too young to be so committed so quickly, and we needed to both develop ourselves as individuals first. A more complicated reading ends with the fact that she was emotionally and physically abusive (read In the Dream House (2019) by Carmen Maria Machado to understand the insidious intricacies of abuse in queer relationships). Regardless, although I don’t like to admit it, the relationship truly only ended when she cheated on me. 
Considering all of these circumstances, I silently dreamed that her family would reach out. She eventually came clean about everything and confessed to the harm she had caused me, to both her family and our mutual friends. Once everything was out in the open, call me naïve, but I secretly hoped that at least her dad would check-in. 
He never did. And I don’t think any of them ever will. 
Not all parents are the same. In fact, on the thread, @Achizzy1018 commented, “I not only lost the woman I thought would be my wife but a whole family who were a big part of my life. Apparently her family is pissed at her and her parents refuse to give her permission to meet the new guy she met online and dumped me for lolol.” 
Sometimes I wonder, like @Achizzy1018’s story, if my ex’s family speaks well of me or still think fond of me. Or honestly, in the case of her mother, if they ever really like me in the first place. 
On a sadder note, @duckwarriorx left a comment, “After we broke up I messaged his mother to thank her and his father for everything they had done to me and to tell them that I'm sorry things didn't work out between me and their son and etcetera. She replied with a "you're welcome." That was all I got back from the people that I thought of as pretty much a second pair of parents. That might have left me almost as heartbroken as the actual breakup.”
I used to think about reaching out to her father, to thank him as user @duckwarriorx did with his ex’s parents. However, taking responsibility for my own actions means accepting that these people were never my family. Although these connections may have been real for a brief moment in time, I was projecting my own unresolved family issues onto people who maybe never even wanted that type of relationship with me. 
Therefore, much like @duckwarriorx, I would’ve probably just been disappointed with the answer regardless. 
I’ll never know what they thought of me, or how I continue to exist in their memories. I’ll never know if I make cameos in their dreams, reminiscing about our moments laughing. I wonder if they remember any of the random facts I shared, or if they kept the paintings I made for them. 
I wonder if they also have things they never got the chance to say to me either. 
All I know is that, even though I still miss them, they will always simply just be a fond memory. 
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captains-simp · 3 years
Wanda Maximoff ~ Fake It Till You Make It
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Wanda version of this fic as requested by @yeetus-thyself
7.7k words
Warnings: shitty family and homophobia
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Pleeaasse, Wan" You pouted once again. You had been begging Wanda for the favour for an hour now; her stubborness was proving hard to overcome.
"I'm busy." Wanda said, her accent strong as she walked around her appartment to collect things for her next mission.
"But will you be busy on the 10th?" You asked from the couch where you watched her disappear into various rooms as she talked.
"I thought you said it was a few days." Wanda quipped, seemingly only giving you half her attention.
"It is." You confirmed with some hope.
"So I'd need to clear my schedule for more than just the 10th." You huffed and rested your head on the back of couch.
"Yes you would. I'm sure Natasha can manage without you for a few days."
"I wouldn't be too sure about that." She muttered.
"Please, Wan." You tried. "I need a win." Wanda stopped by the kitchen counter and gave you a long, considering look. You had long given up on your puppy dog eyes and instead copied her expression as you chewed on your bottom lip.
"I'll think about it." Wanda finally said before grabbing something from the cupboard. It was the best response you had gotten all night and you knew you wouldn't get anything more. So you accepted it and hoped for the best.
Your parents had invited you to their cabin for a few days just like they did every year. It was a beautiful place. You could spend your whole visit in the forest along the back. Or swimming in the clear lake that was a short walk away. The cabin itself was the cosiest place you had ever been and had been where some of your best memories had happened as a kid.
As you got older things changed. Being around your family, especially your parents, wasn't as enjoyable. They had high expectations for their children, expectations that your siblings had met without a problem but ones that you had struggled with. You enjoyed your life. You had the kind of relationships you had always hoped for, you loved your job and you had the perfect balance of the two. But you could never shake the feeling that you had failed.
Your brother was a surgeon who always told you all stories of the lives he saved and the close calls he had swooped in to save people from. One of your sisters was some hot shot lawyer who had done great things like help people wrongly convicted but still put dangerous people back on the street. And your other sister was the CEO of an energy company that you never quite understood. They even all had equally successful partners who loved to talk about themselves as much as your siblings did. You didn't have any of that. But you did have Wanda.
Knowing the Avengers was the only thing about you your family took interest in. They were always subtly hinting at wanting to meet your friends. But you knew the Avengers had to endure enough fan service and didn't want to push your family onto them, especially with how annoying they all were.
However as your family's unrealistic expectations reached their all time high you were sure you wouldn't be able to handle another trip with them without a win, and you were far too petty to take the moral high ground and just not go. Not to mention that was a huge part of you that was dying to see what the Wanda girlfriend experience would entail. Yep, that was what you were asking of Wanda. To pretend to be your partner for the duration of the trip.
You knew it wasn't a smart choice. That if Wanda agreed your crush on her could get out of hand. You knew you would end up getting too caught up in the act. You could have, no - should have - asked Natasha or Yelena or even Carol if she was around. But your family knew you were the closest with Wanda and she would be the one it felt the most natural with, and the most believable. At least, that was what you told Wanda.
"When are you going?" You asked, changing the subject in hopes that Wanda wouldn't suddenly conclude she didn't want to do it (then you really would have to ask one of the others).
"Tomorrow." She answered, keeping her focused tone.
"When will you be back?" You attempted to keep the concern out of your voice but the glance the redhead gave you told you you hadn't done a good job.
"The day after." She said, softer this time. You nodded as you looked down at your lap and tried not to think about everything that could possibly go wrong on her mission.
"Be safe." Wanda strolled over to you and placed her hand gently ontop of yours and gave it a quick squeeze.
"Got any plans Saturday night?" Natasha smirked knowingly at her friend as they preped for their mission.
"No." Wanda replied as she adjusted her earpiece.
"Nothing with y/n then?" Nat asked, partly genuinely but mostly knowing Wanda would still say no.
"Nope." She said again, biting the inside of her cheek in consideration before speaking again. "Not this Saturday."
Natasha raised an eyebrow in surprise and interest. Wanda rarely made any kind of special plans with you as you would always hang out casual and it was never anything fancy or different. She had always wanted to though.
"Plans for another time?" Nat continued as she double checked her pack.
"Maybe, I'm still thinking about it." The redhead turned fully to her friend at her words, confused at why Wanda was hesitant to spend time with you. "She wants me to go to the cabin with her and her family." Nat had heard all about the infamous cabin and your family.
"That sounds fun." Nat nodded. The cabin sounded fun. Your family did not.
"As her girlfriend." Nat's eyes widened excitedly but before she could speak Wanda clarified. "Her pretend girlfriend."
Nat paused and looked as though she was going to speak for several seconds until she stuck to just giving a confused look.
"Yeah." Wanda sighed. "Thinks it would seem impressive." Wanda had tried not to be hurt over that. She knew you weren't just friends with her to show her off to people, because you never did. But it hurt her to think the only time you could see her in a romantic way was when you were pretending.
"Well," Nat muttered as she adjusted the zip along the front of her catsuit. "Fake it till you make it." It was Wanda's turn to give Nat a questioning look. "Maybe it'll be an eye opener for her."
"You think I should do it?" She asked, fully open to hearing and accepting her friend and mentor's advice in that area.
"Definelty." Nat confirmed. She wasn't sure about it for the reasons she said though. Wanda's crush on you was obvious to everyone except you, just as it was vice versa.
You had been overjoyed when Wanda told you she would come with you to the cabin and play along as your girlfriend. She had told you when she came back from her mission, in fact it was the first thing she said after she had let herself into your appartment. It was never really brought up after that, but you couldn't deny you were incredibly anxious on the week leading up to the visit.
On the drive up to the cabin you and Wanda stayed in a comfortable silence most of the time, clearly both lost in thought. You had the radio on for background noise more than anything else, but you would occasionally lightly tap the steering wheel if there was a tune you recognised, oblivious to Wanda's acknowledging smiles.
"So what's the plan?" Wanda asked as she looked at you expectantly. Right, of course the Avenger wanted a strategy.
"Keep things simple, I guess. They know how we met already so we can just say at some point we took things a step further than friendship." Wanda didn't seem convinced at the simplicity of that. "Look they're not going to want to hear about us, not much at least. They prefer the sound of their own voices, they'll be trying to impress you is all."
"Impress me?" Wanda asked.
"Yeah, hope you warm up to them so one day they can invite you to their snobby parties." Wanda chuckled her heart warming laugh as she glanced out of the window, knowing there was a lot of truth to what you said.
"And what are those like?" She enquired curiously.
"I wouldn't know, I've never been invited." You said simply. You had gotten over that a long time ago, gotten used to being forgotten. Wanda clearly hadn't though.
"It will be an honour to turn them down." Wanda said. You shook your head and smiled at her. That did sound pretty nice.
When the cabin came into sight between the trees your nerves spiked. You figited in your seat and bit your lip when you saw some of your family gathered outside, their attention instantly on you. You shot Wanda a quick smile which she returned before you got out of the car.
"Y/n! So nice of you to come." You mum said as her eyes flickered to Wanda more than you. She opened her arms for the shortiest hug in human history before turning to Wanda. "You must be Wanda, we've heard so much." You mum insisted as she brought the redhead in for a hug too. She raised her eyebrows at you over your mum's shoulder and you bite back a laugh.
The others came over to greet you and mainly Wanda in a rush, overwhelming both of you.
"You two will be in the upstairs bedroom on the left." Your mum told you as you went to grab your bags. You did a double take, convinced you had heard her wrong. That was the best room in the house. A big difference from being in the small room in the basement every other time you had been there.
"First one on the left." Your dad confirmed. There was no way your parents were going to be in the basement so you wondered who else had been moved around but didn't ask, knowing whoever it was wasn't going to be happy.
You and Wanda made your way up to the room and you couldn't help but smile at the sight of the spacious room and the door you knew led to your en suite.
"That was...a lot." Wanda summarised as she said her bag under the bed.
"I would tell you it gets better but I don't want to get your hopes up." You sighed as you got a couple of things out.
"It's just a few days." Wanda said despite the fact you should have been assuring her.
"Yeah." You nodded and stared down at the floor. "Now c'mon." You suddenly said as you took ahold of Wanda's hand and laced your fingers together. You missed the startled blush that crept onto her cheeks when you turned around.
Your family were sat outside whispering amongst themselves when you returned. Their interested gaze fell to your entwined hands in an instant.
"So you work with the Avengers?" Your brother, Dalton, said as soon as you both sat down.
"I do, I'm one myself." Wanda said as she continued to hold onto your hand.
"Must be crazy, what are they like?" He enquired.
"They're good." Wanda said simply. Everyone clearly expected something more but Wanda pretended not to notice making you smile.
"I almost did business with Stark once, decided against it in the end." Claire announced proudly. You and Wanda exchanged knowing glances. Stark had told you all about his encounter with your sister, it definetly wasn't her turning him down.
"I was invited to one of his parties." Anna said quickly. "I was busy that night unfortunately."
Bull. Shit.
"Yes I remember working with Doctor Strange when he was still in the medical profession." You gave Wanda an I-told-you-so look as your family erupted into conversation over who had the most contact with the heroes. That had to be a new record of how quickly they started talking about themselves.
They continued like that until your mum called everyone in for dinner. The food smelt undeniably amazing as you took your place at the table next to Wanda and eyed the dishes infront of you. Your parents efforts to impress the redhead weren't all that bad.
Your family continued to catch up and and you and Wanda half listened as you ate. They were all doing as well for themselves as ever and still hadn't learnt any modesty.
Although you were proud of your siblings for what they had all achieved, Wanda had contained four potentially devastating bombs from going off in the space of half an hour a week before but she wasn't going to bring that up anytime soon. Eventually though, the attention turned to you to bring you out of your silence.
"And you're still working in that little café, y/n?" Your mum asked curiously.
"I own it, mum." You corrected quietly as you stabbed some pieces on your plate.
"Ah yes, quite the contrast though, isn't it. Between you two." She said as she pointed at you and Wanda with her fork. You didn't say anything to that because you felt there really wasn't anything to say in response. It wasn't like you hadn't thought that exact thing every now and then.
"The team loves it." Wanda said suddenly making everyone, including you, look at her in slight surprise from speaking up. It hadn't taken your family long to learn Wabda wasn't much of a talker, not to them anyway. You couldn't get her to shut up half the time. "At least one of us goes everyday. If we're lucky we all can. Nothing beats it." She defended simply before turning back to her food to show she wasn't going to say anymore. You smiled down at your plate at her words and the truth of them.
No one said anything in response, clearly shocked from this new information until Dalton spoke up.
"But doesn't Stark like fancy, top of the line, restaurants? I can't imagine him in some random coffee shop, no offence sis." He nodded towards you though you knew he didn't mean it. He couldn't let you have just one win.
"That random coffee shop has catered some of Stark's parties. Not that many though." A smug smile crept onto Dalton's face as he opened his mouth to make a snarky remark but Wanda cut him down again. "Because y/n's invited to the rest as a guest and a close friend." Your family stared at you with open mouths.
"You've been invited to Stark's parties?!" Anna exclaimed. In your defence, your family never wanted to hear about your life so you never got the chance to tell them anything.
"It's not really my crowd." You shrugged. "I just go to hang out with them after." Dalton's jaw clenched in annoyance and he didn't say anything for the rest of dinner. It was only really your mum who kept talking. Telling everyone about her latest travels that fell on death ears.
It was certainly a first for your family.
When everyone had finished their food you and Wanda excused yourselves and said goodnight before retiring to your room. Wanda shut the door gently as you collapsed onto the bed on your back and glared at the ceiling. The redhead shuffled around quietly to get her toothbrush and toothpaste and some other things you weren't really paying attention to and went into the bathroom.
When she came back out she was in her bedclothes and lifted your feet off the floor to turn you so you could fully lay on the bed. You smiled at her weakly.
"You should go get changed." Wanda said as she got her laptop out her bag. "Then you can pick a movie." She announced when she had gotten under the covers and started her laptop. You smiled more and nodded.
You tried not to think about your family and everything they had said at dinner as you got changed but it proved difficult. Everything they had said echoed around in your head but most of all you couldn't shake the disregarding ways they said it. It was as though you could do no right with them. Maybe they would never be proud no matter what you did.
You placed your toothbrush back I'm the holder and rinsed your mouth before heading back into the bedroom to an awaiting Wanda.
You got under the covers next to her and rested your head on her shoulder as you glanced at the Netflix screen and pointed to one of the comedy movies.
About ten minutes into the movie Wanda spoke. "You okay?" She whispered as she continued to look at the screen although that wasn't where her focus was.
"Yeah." You whispered back.
"You can talk to me." She said after a second." You moved your head away so you could see Wanda clearly.
"I'm so glad you're here." You said honestly. She smiled and nodded as her eyes searched yours.
"I'm glad I'm here too." You knew Wanda wasn't glad she had to spend the time with your family. She was glad that she could support you despite their efforts to bring you down. You were incredibly lucky to have her.
You rested your head back on her shoulder and neither of you spoke for the rest of the movie. Or the rest of the night. You must have fallen asleep about half an hour in.
Wanda was one of the most intimate people you had ever met. It was mainly something she aimed towards you and Natasha but didn't refrain from comforting others and giving hugs to anyone who would take one. She never held back at all with you, as far as you knew. But when you woke up and couldn't tell where your limbs started and Wanda's ended, you were still surprised to find yourselves like that. Butterflies flew around in your stomach in a way you knew was dangerous but couldn't help but love.
You were resting your head on her rising chest and had your arm slung across her stomach. Your legs were tangled together and her arms were holding onto your waist. A warmth spread through you and you decided to settle back into her hold and closed your eyes with a content smile.
You had about ten minutes to enjoy that before Wanda woke up. You could feel the moment she realized you were so close, she physically froze. You waited in anticipation for something for several moments until your friend very slowly unhooked her legs and guided your body to lay against the mattress and pillows as she slipped out of bed towards the bathroom.
You sighed when you heard the door close and rubbed your eyes slowly, knowing you should get up but wishing more than anything that you could return to how you woke up.
"Morning." Wanda croaked when she left the bathroom and saw you sitting up in bed.
"Morning." You said back with a smile and tried not to focus on how ridiculously attractive her voice sounded.
You gathered some random clothes into a bundle and went into the bathroom to change again and brush your teeth. When you came out Wanda was pulling her shirt over her head and gave you a generous view of her toned stomach. That training with Natasha really was paying off. Your face heated up when you saw it and you turned away to pretend you hadn't seen when Wanda noticed you.
"Don't make a sound." Wanda warned. You glanced up at her with some confusion. "I don't think your family's awake yet, that means we get the kitchen to ourselves." She grinned and you did too.
You and Wanda had gotten so used to getting up early for your jobs you forgot other people would still be sleeping. It was hard to break out of the habit but it proved useful.
The pair of you made a quick breakfast and ate it outside thanks to the warm weather even at that time. But soon enough your parents came downstairs and ruined the peaceful atmosphere with the clanging of pots and loud convosations.
You wandered around the side of the house and saw the old table tennis table that bad been folded away years ago and hadn't been set up since. You went over and started setting it up when Wanda joined you and eyed the table with a glimmer of mischief.
The redhead wasn't all that competitive, in fact you were pretty sure she let other people win games on the regular to make them feel better about themselves. But there was an undeniable spark of mischief in her eyes when she saw the table.
"You played this before?" You asked convosationally.
"I have." She said as you both automatically took up your positions of opposite ends of the table.
"Me too." You said confidently. "A lot." Wanda hummed in acknowledgment and swivelled her bat in her hand and stood ready. You smiled at her seriousness for the game.
You served surprisingly well for someone who hadn't played in a few years and Wanda was able to hit it back with ease. Once you had developed a steady pace you started hitting the ball more daringly to Wanda who was caught off guard before she started doing the same.
The moment you missed the ball a small smile tugged at the corner of Wanda's lips, her celebration was short lived when you suddenly sent the ball back her way until it was too late.
"That wasn't fair!" She exclaimed childishly.
"That was tables tennis." You said seriously but started smiling again.
Wanda huffed dramatically and flipped you off as she trudged back to the table and served the ball with force. You managed to send it back but took a step away from the table in caution.
You continued like that for a while. The competition tension rising as you picked up the pace, one of you occasionally getting a point before the other evened it out.
At one point you were vaguely aware of Dalton sauntering over to see what you were doing and arched his brow at the sight of the table.
"We still have this thing?" He questioned and you hummed quietly in response, too focused on the game.
"Hey Claire! Get over here, we're playing table tennis." You rolled your eyes at the intrusive and could sense Wanda refraining from doing the same until an idea popped into your head.
You caught the ball in your hand and smiled at Wanda's protests as you moved round to her side of the table just as your sister came out.
"I didn't even know we still had this." Claire laughed as she picked up another bat from the box.
"Maybe we should take it back with us." Wanda whispered to you and you bit your lip to contain your smile because yes, yes you should.
Inevitably, your siblings sucked at table tennis. You had suspected as much you just never thought they would be as bad as they were. They missed almost every hit and everytime they did they got increasingly angry, which meant they ended up flaring their arms around like idiots. It was a memory you would be sure to treasure.
"Stupid game" and "probably broken" kept echoing across the table until your siblings finally stormed off to throw a tantrum.
The rest of the day went by quietly. You and Wanda sat by the lake for most of the afternoon to enjoy the sun and heat. You reveled in the most recent memories of your siblings embarrassment and had to keep hushing down to childish whispered whenever one of them was nearby.
Surprisingly, dinner went by peacefully too.
You weren't asked anymore questions at the table. Instead, your family were content with talking about their upcoming plans between stealing glances at you and Wanda that the redhead never failed to notice.
The pair of you slipped off to your room the first moment you got and easily fell into bed besides one another. Wanda picked out a DVD from her bag of an old Sokovian show she used to watch as a child and had you hooked on as well as teaching you the language.
She settled down beside you and within the first few scenes she wrapped an arm around your shoulder so you could sink into her further like she did sometimes when you watched things together. You were barely paying attention to the series after that.
Despite trying to keep your focus on understanding what was happening in scenes of the show, you couldn't help but want to melt under the warmth of your best friend. You hoped it was something you got to experience more, you felt safer than you ever had in Wanda's arms.
Little did you know that having you in her arms was the most comforting feeling Wanda ever experienced and she always tried to do it as little as possible to refrain from falling for you more. It never worked.
You had thought waking up in Wanda's arms the morning before had been the best thing to awake to. But that day when you woke up not only were your legs tangled together again but the redhead was slowly stroking your hair while your head rested on her chest.
It was a gradual gesture that maintained a perfect rhythm and made you want to fall back asleep. But you were afraid you would mistake it for a dream later on. No, it was definitely real.
Luckily, your head was already tilted upwards slightly so when you secretly opened your eyes to risk a peek at your friend you saw her staring out the window as though she was in a trance. She was clearly so deep in thought she hadn't noticed you wake up, you had never seen her like it. But the feeling was too good to ignore, too compelling.
Soon enough, you found yourself drifting off back to sleep.
When you woke up again Wanda was gone. Her absence left an emptiness you knew wasn't good for you. As the days of your visit went on your fake relationship with Wanda was going to effect you even more when it was over.
Over...you couldn't think about that.
Once you got up and got changed you found Wanda in the kitchen looking at the news on her phone as she sipped her coffee.
"Morning, honey." You grinned. Wanda blushed slightly into her coffee, something you thought was undeniably adorable.
"Morning yourself." She tried to play off smoothly making you grin more.
You made breakfast for you both just as your mum came into the kitchen and greeted you both with an overplayed smile, already talking to Wanda about an upcoming party that she should go to. Wanda mumbled something about a busy schedule as you managed to whisp her away outside with your food.
Eventually, you and Wanda became bored with sitting around in the house when you had such amazing surroundings on your doorstep. You declared that you were going on a walk with the redhead and left before any of your family could invite themselves to go with you. Especially as you had told your friend to wear her swimwear underneath her clothing as you had a surprise for her.
You made a point of holding Wanda's hand as you left and once you were far away from the house went to take it back only for her to hold on tighter.
"You never know where they could be lurking." She joked as an excuse, so you starting swinging your arms playfully as to assure her you wanted your hands to stay linked together too.
You spent hours in those woods and was thankful for having a spy best friend who of course knew to pack the essentials like food and drinks so you could stay away from the house as long as you wanted.
The redhead brought so much you were able to have a small picnic on top of a hill that overlooked the large lake that stretched out all the way back to the house. You remembered thinking up stories as to explain the strange shape and curves to it as a child.
"It's beautiful here." Wanda said as she picked some grapes from the bunch between you.
"It is." You agreed with a fond smile.
"I used to want to live in a place like this." She muttered, sparking your interest.
"In the woods?" You asked curiously and she nodded.
"I thought I could retire to the woods and get a small cabin and I could grow my own food and that was all I needed." You hummed with a smile as you studied Wanda's features.
"Sounds lonely." You thought aloud.
"I'd have a cat." She said simply making you laugh. "I never used to think that but now when it crosses my mind and I picture that life... I picture someone else there with me." You knew she was imagining it as she spoke and you wished you could see exactly what it was she wanted.
"We could always downgrade the holiday house." You half joked as you nodded in the vague direction of the house. "Make it a simple cabin."
"We?" Wanda asked hopefully, the emotion clear before she had a chance to conceal it.
"There's no one I'd rather run away and live in the forest with." You joked although there was a lot of truth to your words. The redhead considered you for a while before smiling and nodded as though she had reached her own internal conclusion.
"Come on." You said suddenly as you stood up and dusted yourself off.
"You want to go back?" Wanda asked and you grinned.
"I'm going to show you that surprise." You declared and packed the remaining food away. Wanda did the same, eager to see the surprise you kept secret the whole way.
It was quite a way back to the house. The whole time Wanda kept asking more questions about it but you wouldn't say. She could only make guesses based on the swim wear which should have left only a few options, non of which she got right.
Finally, you arrived where you wanted to and grinned at Wabda before starting towards the edge. The redhead frowned as she watched you approach the ledge and became worried when she invisioned the steep slope that didn't always lead to water straight down. If you were to fall... your friend didn't have to wait long to see that. You slipped along the edge and disappeared from her view as she gave a startled cry and sprinted towards the edge and knelt over with wide eyes, expecting to see something that could haunt her forever but instead she saw you on a wide ledge but seven feet below her.
To your left was part of the ledge that had been dug into randomly and acted as perfect aid to get back into the woods above.
"Come down here." You beckoned as you starter to take your top off. Wanda's eyes widened more and quickly turned around and dropped down next to you steadily.
She glanced over the side of the small ledge to glance at the fifty foot drop into the water. There was nothing in the way to fall onto but there was no telling how deep that water was.
"You can't go in like that." You laughed as you kicked off your shorts and pushed them to the side.
Wanda's face heated up at the sight of you in your y/f/c bikini as you assessed the view. But even in her flustered state she was able to put it all together.
"You want to jump down there?" She exclaimed making you laugh.
"I've done it tones of times." You assured. "It's fun."
"It's a death wish! What if the waters not deep enough?" She questioned making you laugh more.
"Are you scared, Wan?" You teased as you took a step towards her making her avert her eyes from your form. She scoffed to play it off.
"Of course not." You hummed in faux belief.
"Well then I'll see you down there." You grinned and took a couple of steps back until your feet were no longer on the platform and you were plummeting down towards the water where you landed with a splash.
Wanda held her breath as she waited for you to resurface for a few agonising seconds. When you did with a gasp and started kicking around frantically to keep yourself afloat with your built up adrenaline the redhead sighed in relief and started taking off her own shorts and shirt and placed them next to your things.
You've jumped from higher. She told herself as she rocked on her feet. And you have powers! She argued back before she shoved those thoughts aside and threw herself off the ledge and into the water below. You laughed as she came back up and pushed her hair away from her way. You swam closer to her and saw her wide smile.
"Fuck." Wanda whispered with a laugh as she looked back up from where you had both come.
"Told you it was fun." You teased as you tried not to focus on the low cut on her bikini bra.
"Yeah yeah." She laughed and paused when she looked past you and saw you were surprisingly close to the house. She could see the outline of your family sat outside.
"They're looking." Wanda muttered. You could tell by the look on her face who she was talking about. It wasn't like there was anyone else around either.
"Do you think they've caught on?" You asked nervously as you stared at Wanda's brown eyes to stop you looking at your family.
"Maybe..." She considered and glanced around. "It's not like we've been acting like that much of a couple." You scoffed at that.
"At home everyone assumes we're dating and the one time we need it be believable it isn't." You rolled your eyes but couldn't help the smile.
"I know." Wanda laughed for a second but then paused. "Then let's give them something believable." She gently placed both her hands on your waist and pulled you slowly towards her. You let her guide you and took extra notice of the water droplets across her face. You almost trembled when your bare stomachs pressed together in the water lightly.
Wanda's soft hands left your waist and gripped your thighs to pull you up to wrap your legs around her own waist. You couldn't help but giggle at the gesture as you wrapped your arms around the redhead's neck and held onto her waist with your legs in a lock.
"Can I?" Wanda whispered when she lifted your chin with her finger and her other hand came round the back of your neck.
"Just shut up and kiss me." You demanded with a playful smile and leaned in to do it yourself.
You smiled into the kiss and felt Wanda do the same. It was everything you had ever imagined it to be. Her lips were soft and fell into place perfectly against your own as they moved together. Your mind was hazey and your stomach was doing flips at the realisation that you were actually kissing your long time crush. You forced yourself to remember that it was all a show. That Wanda didn't mean it. But she put on a believable act and kissed passionately, even slipping her tongue through your parter lips to explore your mouth further.
When she eventually pulled away you rested your foreheads together to catch your breath and grinned as you closed your eyes.
"You're a really good kisser." You blurted out making Wanda chuckle.
"Not too bad yourself." She teased.
"I hope not, we're gonna have to do that again." You smiled and instantly realized that sounded like a confession you desperetly wished you could claim. "You know because...Once probably wasn't enough to make it entirely believable." You rambled and Wanda nodded somewhat stiffly and let your legs drop back down. You wanted to say something to her, anything but it was all stuck on the tip of your tongue.
Just as you opened your mouth to speak, a small murmurarion of starlings flew across the lake, some of them skimming the water then gaining height again as they got closer to you and Wanda. You both ducked instinctively as they flew over your heads and off towards the forest again as you watched them in awe until they disappeared. You glanced up at the sky and noticed the sun had gone behind a cloud, ableing you to continue looking up at the other birds higher up.
You kicked your legs up slightly so you could lay on your back and outstretch your arms to keep you afloat in the water so you could stare up at the sky without hurting your neck.
You didn't realise Wanda mimicked you until her hands brushed against yours. She withdrew it as soon as you touched and went to murmmer an apology but you smiled and held onto her hand as you both lay watching the birds.
Neither of you had to say anything. It was a comfortable and peaceful silence that was occasionally filled with birds chirping or the sound of a calm breeze. Of all the things you expected to feel on that trip, relaxed was not one of them.
You stayed like that for a while until you were both snapped out of your daydreams by the distant yell that declared dinner. Well, you had to go back to them eventually.
Both of you took your time swimming back to dry land and only felt a shiver when you left the water and the breeze hit you. Wanda spotted and reached the towels before you and wrapped yours around you tightly. You thanked her with a small blush as you both sauntered up to the house where the mouthwatering smell of a barbecue greeted you. Your dad was leaning over it while shooing your brother away as he tried to offer his 'help'.
You and Wanda went inside to change swiftly and came back outside as the food was being placed on plates and your mum finished setting up the buffet. Everyone starter helping themselves and you piled as much food as you could onto the plate. You parents had asked what food Wanda liked and when you gave them a brief list you added in a few things you knew you both loved.
"You gonna eat all that?" Anna asked as she eyed all the food on your plate. Guilt and insecurities washed over you until Wanda purposefully grabbed a large handful of small sausage rolls and put them on her plate that was piled with a considerable amount more food than your own. You smiled at the reassuring gesture as she sat down with a satisfied grin on her face when she saw Anna close her mouth to stay quiet.
"Thanks." You whispered to her as you sat down.
"If you don't eat all that I will." She declared. You were pretty sure she went back for seconds.
Instead of disappearing back to your room like you did the previous nights, you and Wanda stayed with your family for a while after dinner. It wasn't to do with their company, more the mesmerising fire in the firepit you all sat around. You were cuddled up into Wanda's side with a blanket over both of you as you stared at the flames, smiling at their small flickers and dances.
"So Wanda," one of your sisters began, "are any of the other Avengers...you know." She nodded her head in the direction of you both.
Oh boy you though.
"I don't think it's my place to say." Wanda said because yes, a lot of the Avengers were queer.
"Oh come on, you can tell us." Anna encouraged as she sat forward eagerly.
"I could, but I'm not going to." Wanda continued to defy.
"Lay off it guys." You mumbled but was ignored. Your family took it in turns saying her teammates names in hopes of sparking a reaction, clearly forgetting they were facing someone who had been trained by Natasha Romanoff.
"Stark!" Claire said but was instantly shut down by the others.
"He's married!" Dalton objected.
"Could still be bi though." Claire tried but Dalton just scoffed.
"I suppose there's going to be more surprises."
"What does that mean?" Wanda asked with narrowed eyes, feeling protective of her teammates. Dalton met her gaze with his own challenging one.
"I just never thought one of the Avengers would be a dyke." You felt Wanda stiffen as you all held your breath. There was no way to tell what was going through the redhead's mind, especially as after all those years of friendship you still didn't even know what team she batted for. She was an ally at least, but would she see this as her battle to fight?
Upon getting no reaction, Dalton continued. "It makes sense why you'd hang out with y/n though, we always knew something was wrong with her but-"
"That's enough." Your mum snapped with a guilty expression she failed to mask. You swallowed hard and moved to get up, deciding you had heard enough.
"Then you're idiots." Wanda stated as she glared daggers at your brother while you sunk down.
"I'll have you know I have a doctorate-"
"Your idiots." She repeated. "There's nothing wrong with y/n, which is impressive considering she's grown up around you lot." You looked at your friend in awe as she continued.
"She's the most amazing person I've ever known, including any of the Avengers. She's everything that you're not and I'm lucky to call her my girlfriend. It doesn't matter what any of you think of her, I love her and I always will." She declared as shot daggers at each individual family member who had fallen silent. She took your hand and pulled you up from your seat to take you inside.
You couldn't get her saying she loved you out of your head. You reminded yourself over and over again on the way to your room that it was just an act. That the redhead was making her point. But God, how you wished it was real.
She was so gentle with you as she guided you through the house. When you got to your room and broke down sobbing she held you on the bed for a long time until your cries turned to sniffles. The thing was, you weren't sure what you were crying over. Sure, what Dalton had said had hurt. As did the confirmation that your whole family had always looked down on you. But you had known that was the case for a long time, you had moved on from it.
Instead, you may have being crying over what you didn't know and didn't have. How much of what Wanda said was true? It was all based off of something that wasn't real. What if she saw you the same way your family did?
When you stopped crying you became aware of Wanda gently stroking your hair as she rested her head on yours and held you close to her. You remembered the memories you had accumulated over the past few days with her. The kisses, the hand holding, the nights together, how she stood up for you like no one ever had. You loved her so much.
"I think we should go tomorrow." Wanda mumbled and you nodded into her shoulder.
"I'm not going to leave you though, you know that right? You can stay at mine and we'll watch more of those crappy American movies you like." She mocked lightly making you chuckle against her. "Whatever you want."
"I just want you." You said honestly. You knew you shouldn't have said that, but you were too emotionally drained to care.
"I just want you too, y/n." You pulled away from the redhead to look at her clearly.
"I don't think you know what I mean." You sniffed and she smiled at you fondly.
"I mean what I said earlier, around the fire." Your eyes widened slightly and you held your breath.
"It was all an act though." You whispered and Wanda chuckled as she exhaled sharply.
"No y/n." "I think I am inlove with you." She said as she took ahold of your hand and searched your face for any signs of a reaction to her confession.
"Me?" You questioned, not quite believing it.
"Yes you, idiot." You smiled and sighed in relief, not being able to find the words to express your overflowing happiness and numerous other emotions you couldn't quite pinpoint. You let go of Wanda's hand and brought them both up to cup her cheeks. You had done a lot more handholding than kissing in the previous few days. It needed to be evened out.
You closed the gap between you and kissed Wanda with just as much passion as you had in the lake, except all hesitation and questions were gone. Because you knew she loved you. Oh God she loved you. You grinned into the kiss at the thought and felt her hand fall to your hip while the other caressed the side of your neck in the most gentle manner you had ever seen from her.
When you eventually pulled away you rested your forehead against hers, a smile still playing on both your lips.
"Told you we'd have to do that again." You said and and laughed. "I love you too."
"Well I hoped that wasn't a pity kiss." She joked and you smacked her arm playfully.
"It definetly was not and I'll prove it to you by taking you on a date when we get back." You promised as you sat back to look at her clearly.
"Oh yeah?" She asked with a playful smirk and leaned over so her face was inches away from yours.
"Yeah." You said back.
"Well until then, my real girlfriend should definetly just keep kissing me." She said as she pushed you down gently and kissed you again. You smiled against her gleefully.
"Your girlfriend would love to."
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asavt · 3 years
I wanna share more of the squad™ (Madeleine-Espresso-Latte-Almond-Roguefort with the addition of Creampuff and Walnut too) headcanons because.
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-First of all, I gotta say that when I draw them I'll most likely start my music play with either "What's going on?" or "Life goes on" both from the P5 ost, idk, settles a good mood for them. (like right now, as I write this the latter is playing)
-As said before, none of Madeleine, Espresso nor Almond (nor the girls) know that Roguefort is Phantom Bleu, Madeleine and Espresso both see something suspicious about them, and Almond and Walnut, with who Roguefort spends the most time with, might or might not have seen a few similarities between the two, but the idea has never crossed their minds.
The only one that knows, as also said before, is Latte. Although she was a little wary of it at the beginning, is this what made her and Rogue good friends, she is the only one that knows (for now) after all. Roguefort is someone that can trusted it seems.
-As an addition to that, is not uncommon for Roguefort to come into Latte's atelier as Phantom bleu at night if they see she is still awake (is weird to happen, but sometimes it does). In those nights those two just talk, Latte asking about how the place where they all live in is like at night. And sometimes Roguefort might use their shapeshifting abilities to try and copy their friends and do bad impressions of them, both them and Latte laughing a lot afterwards.
-I do headcanon Walnut and Creampuff to be really good friends. For some reason the idea of Walnut asking Creampuff to be her crime-solving-partner when they grow up is cute to me...
-They all share a collective braincell, is Espresso, but it doesn't always works at it's fullest so they are all still idiots.
-Going back to Latte and Roguefort because their friendship is something I love. Latte once, early on when she had just found out about the secret, if they were keeping up an act to take advantage of the other. This Roguefort answered that ''that wouldn't be a fair game now, would it?''. Whatever Roguefort finds about the others that can be deemed as a weakness they don't use it against the others (useless is some kind of urgent scenario where they need one of the others to do something, but they try to avoid that at best). This is what proved to Latte that they can be trusted, as they also shapeshift into any of the others way less (especially espresso, they know they would be killed on sight if they do).
-More with Latte, from what it says in the game I think she helped Espresso in the development of coffee magic, so both have known each other for a long time. People often confuse them as siblings, truth is, they are not, they just act that way. Espresso may say that Latte is a bother, but he really appreciates his friendship with her, as well as he thinks of her as a great mage too.
-Espresso got to meet Creampuff in one of the meetings, before him and Madeleine started to date and before the group got to meet Roguefort. She seemed a little intimidated by him at the beginning, and Espresso had thought some of her movements at the moment to cast spells a bit clumsy, but he still saw some promising future in the young mage. Creampuff eventually started to stop begin intimidated by the coffee mage, she respects him greatly, and she warmed up a bit more after Madeleine was brought one afternoon when she was visiting Latte and Espresso and Madeleine came by.
-Madeleine tends to shower the young girls with gifts when he can (either small things like candy, something one or both of them might have said they wanted, or just take them to a shopping trip). Well, he tends to give gifts to every single one of the group if he has the chance (which is pretty often tbh). Each one of them must have at last ten gifts from him, if not more.
-The group was pretty surprised when once Almond brought with him not only Walnut, who wanted to meet with Creampuff in the atelier to then go walk around, but also Roguefort. It was a few weeks after a pretty bad night after work, the detective had been close to collapsing on the ground on his way home when Roguefort, who had been off work, saw him, approached and offered help, something the detective first rejected but had to accept as he almost tripped and fell face first. The thief was well aware of how tired Almond was half the time he saw him (it wasn't as much as they saw Walnut in the middle of a chase of crime scene, they mostly had seen him when they weren't dressing up in their cape and top hat), and they were also well aware of the danger it was to engage with the detective when in their normal self, but begin honest they were worried of Almond's well begin. The two of them started to see each other more after that small encounter, mostly because Roguefort decided to stop avoiding Almond when they were off work.
-Once, Almond arrived really really late at the meeting, Roguefort behind him saying "he got caught up in various cases today", and the detective looked absolutely exhausted. Just as he sat down his cellphone started to sound with an entering call. Roguefort frowned, Latte sighed, Espresso and Madeleine exchanged looks and just as Almond was about to answer Madeleine snatched his phone and answered the call with "Hello, this is Sir Madeleine Cookie of house Madeleine, Detective Almond was requested to help both me and the renowned coffee mage Espresso Cookie with an issue we have at the borders of the city, so, may I ask for you to not call useless there's a problem as big as a dragon attacking the place, thank you and good evening" and hung. Latte and Roguefort were laughing hard, Espresso was chuckling and Almond was looking at Madeleine in complete disbelief.
"You did not just did that"
"I did, and hey, I got you a day off, enjoy it"
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fayeimara · 3 years
Meant To Be Series || One For Every Billion
6. By My Side | Pt 1
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- July 20th -
The park is as close to empty as it can be when your group arrives early in the morning. Since you've been staying with the Kageyamas, you drive up with Miwa and Tobio, meeting up with your mutual cousins, Ren and Shin, at the entrance to the park's hotel.
You've all made sure to capitalize on early access passes and are staying overnight to make the most of your time, so everyone drops off their things first before deciding what to do in the time you all have before the park opens to all regular pass holders.
The rest of you are just waiting on Miwa to meet you all back in the lobby from her room (she takes the longest, honestly) and you're pulling on the thigh-length sleeveless cardigan you grabbed to wear over your shorts and tank combo, when you finally hear her voice as she crosses from the elevator bay to your group by the doors.
"Okay kiddos, I'm off to the adults only section of this place so call me if you need anything. But try not to, you know?"
Well, Miwa is the eldest of the group here and you're sure she only came along because her best friend decided they could make a mini girls' vacation out of it and brought along her own younger siblings as an excuse.
Tobio looks a little frustrated when he replies, "Neesan, it's way to early in the morning to find a bar."
"Are you kidding me? Of course I'm not drinking. Yet. We're just going to the theme spa!" She happily exclaims, waving her hand in the air delicately, "So you know, try not to get lost or get hurt, because I don't want you interrupting some serious r and r."
Ren rolls his eyes at his cousins' interaction, as if he's any better. You're well aware he also already has plans to ditch the rest of your group when his friends arrive. Thankfully Shin interrupts before Tobio's easy temper is tripped.
"Hey let's hit up the new coaster! I want to see Tobi throw up!"
Okay, not helping. But you do want to try the new roller coaster, as well, you're a huge fan of any adrenaline inducing activities and there are only so many times you can try the ones back home before you're used to all the dips and twists. This new one is supposed to have the highest drop record internationally so far.
"Tobio you won't throw up, right?" You try to coax him to agreeing, "I think you'll enjoy it!"
He gives you a dry look as if to say, You didn't put any effort into that. So you shrug and decide to bribe him, "I'll buy you milk after."
He contemplates it for a moment before nodding. Success, as usual.
Miwa claps her hands together in excitement, "Perfect! Okay, so I've given Y/n the contacts for Eiko's sister and brothers. They're around here somewhere so please take some time to say hi. Tobio already knows Hikaru and Hiroshi so I'm sure you'll all get along great!"
Before any of you have time to respond, she's bounced off, presumptively towards the waterpark and spa area. Okay then, you turn back to your cousins with a big smile that only Shin returns, making him your favourite of the day. You're all for the deadpan look when you're bored or annoyed but you're actually so happy to be here, you love amusement parks.
"So... let's hit some coasters?"
"Yeah!" Surely, you can all guess who answers.
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After spending about an hour hitting up several of the most popular rides and possibly traumatizing Tobio before the main rush of people arrive in the park, you get a buzz from your phone, sitting tight against your waist in an inner zippered pocket of your cardigan, with your cash and cards. It's really a pain to have to carry bags and even more so to have to stress about having it stolen so, being an avid coaster enthusiast, you like to keep your items simple on days like this.
Quickly moving out and to the side of the exit line to pull out your phone, you see a notification from Hana, the girl who is Miwa's friend's little sister.
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, You look up and find your cousins also stopped when you @sakusasimpbot anding right by you. Thank god, you didn't want to have to drag them back here if they'd wandered away to the next ride.
"Hana and her brothers are on this ride so I told her we'd wait for them here."
Ren is typing on his phone but speaks up, "I'm about to head out to meet up with my friends." Finally finished with his own chat, he looks up at the rest of you, "Will you guys be okay from here? We can meet back for lunch."
Tobio just shrugs while you nod, Shin speaking for everyone when he tells his brother, "Yeah, yeah. Just go already, the 'real' adult already ditched us a while back so no need to act all mature here."
"Shut up, Shin." Ren returns his brother's smirk with a glare, which slides back into his expressionless gaze after he rolls his eyes and faces you and Tobio.
"We'll be fine, Ren, we're all in the same place and can call if anything." Your turn to reassure him where Shin clearly failed to even try.
Ren studies you for a moment before turning and throwing a casual, "..'kay." over his shoulder. You're sure you, Tobio, and Shin all share a mutual eye roll at that.
Shin has pulled up the park map on his phone, looking for a place where your group might want to grab a snack or drink, when the next line of people exit the ride.
Linking your arm with Tobio, you scan for a girl and two guys that look around your age. It's not hard because there really still aren't many people in this area of the park yet and the guys in question make an immediate beeline for the three of you when they lock eyes with Tobio. Right, since they know him already.
Hana is a pretty brunette with a bright smile on her face and you can immediately tell she's a fellow coaster enthusiast, if not adrenaline junkie, because of that wild happy look in her eyes.
Just as their group reaches yours, you smile back at her and say, "It's a really good one, right?"
"Yes!" She happily exclaims, "I felt like I was flying off the seat!"
You laugh at her enthusiasm, "Exactly, completely weightless."
Tobio introduces you and Shin to Hiroshi and Hikaru, who immediately tell you both to just call them Hiro and Karu. The two brothers have a relaxed vibe to them as well and, you swear, Karu and Shin click instantly. Not surprising, since they have a very similar outgoing and playful vibe, although you can attest from personal experience that Shin is probably the more mischievous and troublesome one. Karu has more of a happy and fun feel, if you're reading him correctly.
Hiro is equally nice and outgoing, with a slightly more chill personality that offsets Tobio's quiet intensity pretty well.
Hana is amazing and your first impression of her is only improved as you all sit down and talk over refreshing drinks at an outdoor café. She reminds you a lot of one of your friends back home, Aspen, in that down to earth and cheery kind of way so you immediately feel a sense of familiarity with her.
You find out that the siblings are each about a year apart, which coincidentally lines them up with Shin, you, and Tobio respectively. You had a feeling Miwa and her friend were pushing all of you to hang out here together for a reason. You definitely think she wanted her brother to spend time with a friend, especially after how tough things had been for him at school and with his club lately.
You look over at him when Hana briefly interjects into his and Hiro's conversation, completely relaxed for now with a bottle of cold milk in his hands. Yeah. He catches you looking and blinks in surprising, honestly shocking you when he returns your smile to him with a very small one of his own. You haven't seen him smile for quite a while, at least not the past several weeks you've been staying with his family. Probably not since the last time you saw him about a year and a half ago.
Oh, Tobio, you think as you look away to study the people passing by, I hope you're okay. He was always serious and direct, even as a little kid, but he never hesitated to smile when he felt happy. Does that mean he hasn't felt happy lately? For how long?
You have to shelf your concern away so you don't dampen the mood of this trip for everyone. Looking back to the others to make sure they're all finished up, you ask, "What do we want to do next?"
"None of us have tried these ones across the park," Shin speaks up, "So maybe make a circle this way back around?"
You catch Hana's disappointed expression just before she wipes it away and says, "I was hoping to try the new one, it's supposed to be exhilarating!"
"They already went on it, Hana." Karu gently replies but you shake your head and say, "Sure, but I loved it. I'd be really happy to go again!"
"Yeah! Why don't we split up? If the guys actually start from the other side of the circuit they planned, we should catch up to them in no time and group back up."
Karu and Hiro exchange looks and shrug, Karu stating, "I'm okay with that if you guys stick together and message us updates so we know you're safe and also don't miss each other as the park fills up more." He looks to your cousins and asks, "What about you guys? What do you think?"
Tobio's still looking at where you pointed out your plan of action on the map displayed from Shin's phone but it's really Shin who you have to make sure agrees. After all, Tobio is younger than you by a year, but Shin is older than you by that same length. Even though it's never something you think any of you typically consider, you remember the little incident last summer where he got chewed out by Ren and hope he's not decided to be a little more strict with you.
You catch him looking at you with a sardonic gleam in his eye and realize both your thoughts are probably very aligned. If he does decide to veto your idea, it won't be because he believes he needs to be strict, it'll be purely out of his innate need to torment you. Ugh.
"Okay," What? Ahh, now you're even more suspicious but it sounds like he's accepting your plan, "keep the sound on your phone high though, and call immediately if there's an emergency."
Yeah, sure, at this point you have a line of people who've told you to call them right away but if he hasn't considered that, you're not saying it.
So instead, you brightly agree, "Of course!" earning a doubtful look from him.
Oh well. You reach for Hana but she's already grabbing your hand instead and you both rush away to the new ride calling over your shoulder, "See you later!"
You both ignore whatever they call out after the two of you, giggling and debating where you want to sit on the ride instead.
"Y/n!" You hear a familiar voice call out your name in excitement just as you both reach the line up for the first ride and you feel butterflies take flight in your stomach, spreading electric tingles through you with the flutter of their delicate wings. Wow. Well, you know even before you turn around who it's going to be.
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Behind The Scenes!
-Y/n and Toru can really dance around the things they really want to talk about, even when some things are called out directly by both...
-Y/n doesn't always catch herself calling him 'Toru' out loud (or over text even), clearly that's what she calls him in her head <3 but she usually is aware of what name she's using when she speaks it out loud, or she just avoids calling him directly at all
-But much like when she says 'I'm sorry Toru' in that 4th panel, it happens... she didn't realize it, it was just a heartfelt apology that she was trying to genuinely express
-She won't say she wasn't expecting him to ask to spend his birthday with her, even if they've messaged constantly for the past year
-Which is why she felt so bad when he reached out about it early in the month... and why she wasn't focused on how she addressed him... but then calls him Oikawa in the next panel
-He notices all the slips, whether he teases comments or not
-Tobio and roller coasters... :'D
A/N: Hmm, I wonder who this new person could be... lmao, hope you guys have liked part one so far, the ride only gets wilder from here ;)
Taglist: @delusivist, @prettyinblack231, @kac-chowsballs, @sakusasimpbot, @hawkthekinnie
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whitewolfmoving · 3 years
Boston Burning Part Three
In Your Orbit
Summary: Chris takes Nika with him to the station during his next shift, there she's introduced to the latest transfer from Austin, Texas—Arden Daniels. A simple question from an outside perspective brings out an overdue confession in a roundabout way.
Warnings: cheesiness, flirting, Chris Evans absolutely doting on Nika Stan (yes it absolutely needs its own warning lol)
Word Count: 2770
A/N: This fic will feature a lot of implied signed dialogue, as two of the characters are a part of the Deaf Community. Dialogue expressed in ASL (American Sign Language) will appear in bold and italics preceded or followed by the proper indicators. Unless otherwise stated, regularly spoken dialogue will be used for interpretation purposes for characters who do not sign when mixed in with signed dialogue. As I, myself, am part of the Deaf Community and wanted to bring a character to the table that represented my own experience with my deafness, I DO NOT speak for all d/Deaf/HoH individuals nor the Community as a whole. I am but one person, these are MY OWN experiences. Happy reading!
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"Are you sure you want to come to the Station with me tonight?" Chris asked, poking his head into the bathroom as he and Nika got ready to go.
"For the last time, Evans, I'm going. I'm not sitting around here waiting for shift to be over," Nika said, applying a small amount of antibiotic burn cream over her skin.
He put his hands up in surrender, leaning against the doorframe. He wouldn't offer to help her unless she indicated that she needed him to. "Alright, alright. I'll quit asking. I just want to make sure you're as ready to see everyone as they are to see you."
"Chris," she paused, looking over her shoulder, "I'll be fine, I promise. I'll take it easy and I'll let you or Lizzie or Scar know if I need to come home. Now, can you help me with my shoulder?"
Chris nodded and accepted the tube. He took his place behind her and moved her hair to the side revealing the wound on her shoulder to him. He gingerly rubbed a thin film of cream over the healing blisters. "It's looking better already."
Nika scoffed. She'd never really taken the time to look at herself in the mirror before, never really felt the need to. Since the fire, all she did was stare at her reflection.
"Hey," Chris said softly, "you're still just as beautiful now as you were before."
"Are you flirting with me, Evans?"
"Depends, is it working?"
The two continued to stare at each other in the mirror; Chris's fingers idly glided over the rough skin of Nika's scar tissue. She watched intrigued as he leaned into his own touch of her skin instead of pulling away repulsed by the feeling as she would have been. Chris was good to her, too good, in ways Nika felt she hadn't earned.
As if he'd read her mind, he turned her around to face him, lifting her chin to look into her eyes. The pad of his thumb gently brushed over her cheek. Stop that. You don't need to earn my attention or my affection or my care.
Why are you so good to me? How can you just give me that much of your time so easily? Nika questioned, her hands moved furiously to highlight her frustration. Try as she might, she couldn't understand what he saw in her — more so now, thanks to the scarring left behind by the fire.
Chris understood that Nika's confidence had been shaken, he understood that she didn't see herself as she once had. It's simple, Nik. You're my best friend, it's yours if you want it.
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The drive to the firehouse was quiet. Nika left her hearing aids at home, not wanting to burden herself with attempting to follow so many conversations. Chris was there to interpret for anyone who didn't sign, giving her a much needed break.
Chris pulled up outside of the station and looked over at Nika. He waited patiently for her to make a move or a sound or any indication that she was ready to go in. She sat still as a stone, amber eyes fixed on the brick and mortar building in front of them. Chris softly tapped her left knee with his right hand, grabbing her attention. You ok? Nervous?
Nika shook her head. No, not nervous. Indifferent.
We don't have to go in. We can go home. Whatever you want to do.
I want to go.
Then we go. Chris reached across the seat and grabbed Nika's hand. He slid his fingers through the spaces between hers, giving her palm a gentle squeeze. The soft look in his eyes was warm and calming, exactly as it had been in the mirror. He slowly brought their hands up to his mouth, softly brushed his lips over their tangled fingers, skimming her knuckles. Ready?
Nika answered with a small nod of her head, her eyes still trained on the spot where Chris's lips had touched her skin. His affection wasn't new to her, except the way in which it was being delivered. She communicated with her hands, and to have him now showing deeper levels of care to her with his own… Chris's touch was everything.
The passenger door opened to reveal Chris standing at her side, waiting to escort her into the station. His bright blue eyes found her smooth honey gaze, and a sense of ease washed over them both.
She took his hand when offered, smiling as she hopped out of the truck. Who is here tonight?
That you know? Scarlett, Lizzie, Scott, and myself.
Do they know about the fire?
Scott knows, he was with me when Seb called. Everyone else will know only if you want them to. Chris smiled reassuringly. He knew seeing everyone under the current circumstances would be a lot for her, but he hoped having at least him and his brother there would take some of the pressure off. The Evans brothers were good for interpreting, Elizabeth and Scarlett knew enough conversational signs, and Nika could get by fairly well on her own otherwise.
The warmth of the summer evening relaxed both Chris and Nika's nerves. He hummed softly as she leaned into the protective barrier his body offered, shielding her right side from further damage. He hadn't been there to protect her from the fire that had caused the initial injury, but he'd make sure no more harm came to her during her stay in Boston.
She tugged on his arm as they approached the firehouse and nodded toward the opened shutter doors of the apparatus bay where Scott was waiting for them.
Hey, Scotty. Long time, no see. Nika greeted the younger Evans brother, stepping away from Chris's side and giving Scott a hug.
Hey, Trouble. Glad to see you're up and moving. How's the arm?
Can't wait to get this cast off. I'm already tired of it and it's only been a week.
Scott chuckled, greeted his brother with a nod and quick hug of his own. "Chris, you two doing alright? Need anything?"
"No, Scott. We're good. Thanks," the older Evans answered. He adjusted Nika's backpack over his shoulder and watched her slip into a comfortable conversation with Scott. The brothers had been friends with Sebastian and Nika since the four of them were in grade school; when the Evans' family moved back to Boston when the boys were in middle school, every so often Chris and Scott or Nika and Sebastian would spend a weekend with their respective second family. Nothing could tear the bond they had apart.
As they got older, Chris grew closer with both of the Stan siblings while Scott branched out and made friends of his own. He still kept in touch, not as closely as his big brother had but enough to keep the bond with them alive.
Chris's brief trip down memory lane ended abruptly, when a surprised yet happy squeal from Nika met his ears. He turned to find her sprinting through the apparatus bay toward the back of the rigs, Elizabeth's brunette hair fanning out behind her as the two spun around in a reunited embrace. He caught up to them in time to see the sling slip from Nika's arm in all of the excitement.
He tapped her left shoulder and gestured to her right arm. Hey, careful! You're not 100% yet, Nik.
Whoops. Nice catch. Thanks, Cap. she blushed, biting at her lower lip as Chris helped her slip the sling back into place. She did her best to ignore the heat rising in her cheeks at the soft kiss he pressed into the side of her hair.
How long are you here? Elizabeth asked, drawing Nika's attention away from the Squad Captain.
Off duty until my wrist and burns heal, so I guess we'll see. Definitely long enough for girls night!
That's what I like to hear!
The girls erupted into a fit of giggles. Nika hadn't been back in Boston since her breakup three years prior; a nasty one that only Chris and Elizabeth knew the explicit details of. Girls nights had been out in hold in favor of the time and space she needed to work through what happened.
Chris carefully guided a happy and preoccupied Nika to the locker room, followed by Elizabeth, as the two desperately made plans for a much needed wine and gossip night. He knew better than to interrupt.
After depositing his and Nika's things into his locker, Chris finally decided he'd take a chance pulling her away from the party planning for a bit. He found the two friends huddled in a corner of the common area, chatting animatedly over two mugs of fresh coffee. Elizabeth alerted Nika to Chris approaching her from behind and she turned around with a warm smile.
Hey, what's up?
Not much. How's your arm?
Ok, a little sore. Lizzie and I are planning Girls Night.
Chris chuckled. He loved the way Nika's eyes lit up whenever she mentioned plans with their other friends, especially Elizabeth. The two of them were almost as inseparable as Chris and Elizabeth were, and he knew that whenever he couldn't be around for her, Elizabeth would be. He nodded at the brunette and gestured toward the offices.
Mind if I borrow Nik for a moment? There's someone I want you to meet.
Not at all, I need to find Scarlett anyway. I'll see you later. Elizabeth waved them off and went in search of the other paramedic.
So, who am I meeting? Nika asked, following Chris to his office. It'd been three years since she'd stepped foot in that small room, three years since she's been in Boston at all but it still looked exactly as she remembered.
Latest Squad transfer. I think you'll like her, he answered simply. He set her purse on his desk and led her back out to the apparatus bay.
As they rounded the corner, Nika noticed the woman across the bay next to the Squad rig who hadn't been there when they'd arrived. She had wavy chestnut brown hair about as long as Nika's and stood a couple inches shorter than Sebastian. From the back, she could be his twin—a thought that thoroughly disturbed the younger Stan sibling. As the woman turned, Nika noticed the glint of the lights off of something in her hair and squinted, trying to make out what it was.
What was that flash of light in her hair? she asked, pulling Chris to a stop before they approached.
Just go meet her. Please? For me? he said. He reached forward and gently touched her left shoulder, rubbing it reassuringly and tugging her forward with him. "Hey, Daniels. You got a moment?"
The woman paused her inspection of the Squad apparatus, and turned in the direction of Chris's voice. The light caught the strange piece in her hair and now that they'd moved closer, Nika recognized it as a cochlear implant.
"What can I do for you, Captain?" The woman's eyes shifted from her superior over to the younger woman standing next to him. She gave her a polite smile, but kept her professional composer as best she could in the presence of company.
Chris easily slipped back into ASL now that he had her attention, not wanting to leave Nika out of the conversation. He quickly made the proper introductions. Nik, this is Arden Daniels, the new transfer I was telling you about. Arden, this is my best friend in the entire universe and the most badass firefighter I have ever seen, Nika Stan. She's staying with me for a few days during recovery.
Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you. Arden relaxed, shook Nika's hand, and offered the man a small chuckle of her own. So, this is the girl you learned to sign for?
Nika didn't miss the way Chris's cheeks grew a light shade of pink at Arden's accusation, though all she could do herself was stare at her best friend and wait for his answer. She'd always wondered why he'd learned ASL but never thought to ask, assuming that like everyone else, that's just how things went.
I didn't learn for her. He shook his head with a soft smile. He glanced over at Nika whose warm amber eyes were trained on his face, and he couldn't look away. I learned because of her.
Isn't that the same thing? Arden continued once she'd had Chris's attention again.
Arden, now interested in what Chris had to say, sat down on the bumper of the truck behind her. It'd become increasingly clear to Nika throughout this small interaction, that like herself, Arden's experience with hearing people wasn't always positive. Truth be told, she'd never really thought of Chris as "just another hearing person" because he'd never treated her as "just another hearing impaired" girl. But then again, their relationship was different entirely.
How is that not the same thing?
Because I could always learn to sign, but Nik could never learn to hear again. I learned ASL so that I could talk to my favorite person in the world without barriers.
He'd never admitted it before, at least not out loud. No one had ever asked except Sebastian once, and when Chris didn't immediately offer an answer, he didn't press the issue. After that, he never really thought about it. For Chris, it was self-explanatory. Why would you ask a Deaf person to accommodate you in a world that's made for you?
Well, now that that particular cat was out of the bag, Chris wondered how long it would be until Nika knew the truth of how he felt about her. He'd move heaven and hell to see her smile again, but he knew it wouldn't return until she was healed up and back on the job. He couldn't just let her go home after this, not when things were finally taking a step in the right direction.
The world needs more people like you, Captain. Hearing people who don't see us Deaf as something broken to be fixed. Arden said, grabbing Chris's attention once more.
If you think I'm great, you should meet Nik's brother. He taught me everything I know about being a good advocate for the Deaf Community.
Nika rolled her eyes at the mention of Sebastian. She loved her brother, but she was loving her time away from his overprotectiveness even more. Who do you think taught him what he knows? she joked, giving Chris a playful shove.
Arden couldn't help the smile tugging at the corner of her mouth as she watched the two of them interact. Chris was a goner...it showed in the brightness of his smile and the melody of his laughter.
I'm going to get back to it. But Nika it was nice meeting you. And if you're still around after shift, I'd love to get your number before you go.
It was nice meeting you too. I'm sure I'll see you again before the night's over. Don't let Evans run you into the ground.
Chris put his hand to his chest in mock offense. Hey! I resent that. I am a fantastic Squad Captain.
Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night, C.
The air between Chris and Nika was playful and electric. He led her back to his office in a comfortable silence, her left hand securely tucked into his right one. Both of them were coming down off of the excitement they shared with Arden, and the weight of his near-confession still hung just out of reach.
He shut the door behind her to give them some privacy.
So, what'd you think of Daniels?
Nika shook her head with a chuckle. Female Seb, but Deaf. It's weird.
I thought the same thing when I first met her. She's good at her job. he offered.
Hey, Chris?
Yeah, Nik? What's up?
Chris stopped in front of where Nika leaned carefully against his desk. She was staring down at her shoes, lost in thoughts she hadn't yet shared with him. He tucked his finger under her chin, lifting her head to meet his gaze. What's wrong?
I was just wondering… what are you doing with your time? Her soft honey eyes found his mesmerizing blue ones.
There in the quiet of his office, Chris did the one thing he'd been waiting to do for seven years—before he could talk himself out of it, he leaned down and softly kissed Nika's lips.
It's yours if you want it.
To The End of All Things Taglist: @suitofvibraniumarmor @pinknerdpanda
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starliightxo · 3 years
JAPAN INTERVIEW - Perrie Calloway 
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what’s your star sign? ---
what’s your favourite holiday? Summer vacation!
what colour are your eyes? Blue
if i went on to your spotify right now, your most played song would be what? Just the way you are by Craig Reever! I've used it on a lot of my videos cause it's so fun and reminds you you're beautiful just the way you are
do you read much? Articles and magazines
where did you grow up? I was born in London and spent a lot of growing up there but my mum did go back to Paris so my time was split between London and Paris. Although I never learned French.
when it comes to siblings; are you oldest, middle, youngest or only child? Only child but I have step siblings
what were you like in high school? I was the polar opposite to who I am now. I was quiet, timid, shy. I had one or two friends but mainly kept myself to myself. I was a bit of a nerdy kid; school work and studies were top priority. I always had high ambition on wanting to be able to go for whatever job I fell in love with so I fought for good grades to ensure I could.
if you could be any magical creature, what would you be? A mermaid
where is your happy place? Wales
can you tell us about a hobby you have that has NOTHING to do with your career? I love the outdoors especially in the sunshine! Like my mum, I love hiking. It's a great way to explore.
which academy do you attend? Willow House Academy
do you have a routine that gets you in the right frame of mind for work? Usually it's in the form of some kind of smoothie or iced coffee.
can you give us some insight into your next big project? I have some brand deals coming up around the same subject. It's very taboo but I want to normalize it and get rid of the stigma around it!
if you weren’t at a talent academy, what occupation would you be working towards? Something fashion-y like styling people. I always loved the idea of being a personal stylist.
are you a ‘work hard, play hard’ or a ‘work hard, sleep hard’ type? Ah i switch between the two to be honest, it depends on the day.
what’s your proudest moment in your career so far? I signed an on-going deal with Lounge wear/swimwear/underwear that'll last a long time! They love what I do and what to keep me full time which is incredible
do you remember where you were when you realised you were accepted into your academy? I think I was home alone and hadn't told my mum I'd applied so I cried a lot. She got home and thought someone had died.
did you get rejected from any academies? do you care anymore? I don't remember but I think I did. Willow was my first choice though.
what is your DREAM achievement? To help someone learn to love themselves.
finish the sentence: “when it comes to my career, my goal is to make sure that...” I'm happy
are you single or taken? Single
what’s your snapchat score? It's all about Instagram
read us your last received text... "I was wondering if you wanted to colab at some point? I think we have similar ideas and messages"
would you ever date a fan? Sure
how could somebody go about getting your attention? In the complete opposite way they usually do. Most of it is hate because they'll think they'll get a rise out of me. Or they compliment my looks. I'm brilliant, if you want to compliment me then compliment my brain
have you ever stalked an exes socials? No
have you ever stalked an exes new partners socials? No
which song best describes your last crush or relationship? I've never had either
have you ever used tinder? Yes
who on tour would you most like to see naked? There's a long list
who’s the most annoying person on tour? We all have annoying traits, even me.
which person on tour would you NOT let your hypothetical son or daughter date? This isn't Victorian times. They can decided who they want to date, I'm not about to arrange their marriage. They can make their own choices and or mistakes and I'll be there no matter what.
what’s the grossest thing you’ve ever done? Given a man my power.
have you ever peed in the shower? No actually
who is one person on tour that you trust more than anything? Family.
what kind of drunk are you? Flirtatious
if you could spend a day inside one movie, which would it be and why? Girls Trip
if you could have any piece of music play whenever you entered a room, what would it be? My most played Spotify song! Just the way you are by Craig Reever
everybody has ONE word tattooed on their head that most describes who they are, what does yours say? Passionate
if i came round your house for a dinner date, what would you cook me? Some kind of Pasta dish
do you have any guilty pleasures or weaknesses? We all do!
say a word that you HATE the sound of... ugly
what is one country you have no desire to visit that other people do? There aren't any but I will say I'm definitely more of a rural girl rather than cities
if you could rename yourself, what would your name now be? I actually prefer my middle name; Addison
if these were your famous last words, what would you say? Life is too short to not eat cake
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(Y/n) POV:
I never had a happy childhood as long as I can remember, not even a decent childhood memory, my mother never once care for me much less said a nice word...
my father his.. Let's just say... His never around, but when he is he used me as a personal punching bag or so.
I don't have any siblings and there's not much to say about my life.
Everyone i get closed to seems to distant themselves... when i turned out not being "worth it" ?
In the end I just got used to it.
One day the tables turned, I got into U.A the hero course.
It was pretty crazy first the USJ got attack by the Lov, then the festival after that out of the blue Katsuki demanded that I date him, then he got kidnapped by the Lov.
Thats just how crazy my life has gotten.
Present Day still (Y/n) POV:
I have been having a lot of doubt lately about katsuki, my boyfriend.
It wasn't to long ago he demanded me to date him, since than we haven't spend a lot of alone time or for that matter kissed.
"..." I sigh rolling my pen between my fingers staring blankly at my dorm room wall. "I guess it was all for show." I mumbled.
Suddenly knocking was heard on my door more like loud banging
"Oi! Extra, open up!" Katsuki's loud voice rang through my ears. I got up curiously opened the door letting the blond ash king explosion murder walk pass me.
He has an irritating look on his face?
"You know its late? I was about to sleep." I decided to go sit down next to him on the bed.
"So exstra, what do two people do when their in a relationship?" Katsuki question letting it sound more like a demand
My eyes widen at the little blush on his face.
A few seconds passed leaving an akwared silence.
"I don't know? I've never been in any kind of relationship at all."
"Right..." ... "What about we go get something to eat tomorrow?"
"Katsuki, why do you like me? I have nothing spacial nor do I have a amazing quirk. So why?"
"Your... Nothing tomorrow at 9 meet me at the dorm gate." Katsuki ordered walking out but stopped "and don't be late!" He growled slamming my door shut.
"What was he going to say?" I question brushing it off, laying down while falling at sleep in the process.
Who knows? I'll ask later.
Time Skip...
Its been quite some time since I started dating katsuki, its been a wild ride since that day in my room,
Its more like 5 months since he invited me out.
It all started with that one dinner and great memories, we got to know more about one and other what we like and dislike.
I learned how easy it was to handle the angry pomeranian, I also learned how good at cooking he can be and all his other talents and good morals.
But he can still be a little overprotective when it comes to me I don't really mind it as long as I can get a kiss or a hug out of it.
When the others found out I became Katsuki's girlfriend\boyfriend they where suportive but kaminari and mineta started whining about how katsuki got a lover before they did, I also had to avoid Izuku cause Katsuki literally tried to kill him the last time I talked to him.
Beside all that I really love being with katsuki he can be loving from time to time.
But its all seems too good to be true, a loving boyfriend and supportive friends. I doubt it from time to time?
Present time:
"Class dismissed." Mr.Aizawa said falling on the ground in his iconic yellow sleeping bag crawling out the door followed by some other students heading out.
"Finally, my butt feels numb." I yawned standing up from my desk
"Oi, babe wanna hang out in my room later?" Katsuki asked walking over to me with his bag hanging on his shoulder and a calm look on his face.
"Sure, katsu I'll just grab my stuff." I said in a smiling manner giving him a small pack on the cheek about to take my bag.
"Oh, hi (Y/n) Your still here, do you mind, like helping a girl out I got a few books I wanna return to the library, can you give me a hand?" Mina question holding a mountain of books.
"What the hack Mina." I fast walked over to her grabbing a few books before they where about to fall.
"Hey exstra do it yourself!" Katsuki barked at Mina who stayed unfuged by the angry yelling it's a daily thing so everyone is basically used to it by now.
"Chill down katsu, I'll be back in a minute." I winked at him walking down the hallway chatting a bit with the alien queen.
Little Time skip:
"That took longer than expected, I wonder if katsu is still there?" I mumbled to myself heading back too class.
I suddenly heard something getting knocked over, I rushed over the class room door.
The sight before me scared me shirtless.
Katski was on the floor with a girl I didn't know, maybe from another course but that wasn't the main issue they where kissing...
In the moment
I've become emotiontless because nothing can be worse than this feeling.
I feel the pain eating me up inside until I become this hollow soul of pain and nothing else, my heart broken into million pieces.
I wish I could turn back time, never agree to be this cheater girlfriend\boyfriend
I should have known, everyone the same
First mom than dad... Now katsuki their all the same, just a bunch of liars.
My tears built from deep inside and flowed down my cheeks, my tears spilled down my face like a waterfall running down from high cliff. My body started trembling compared to how messed up my mind was.
I couldn't stay here any longer, I turned running out the school while my tears spilled out my eyes.
I no longer feel like living. I can't. Its all over.
Nobody's POV:
The ash blond growled shoving the girl off him wiping his mouth off, an angry look spread on his face meaning his not very please at the moment
"You, fucken extra, touch me again and I'll kill." Katsuki barked with little explosion blasting from his palms.
"I-i Sorry!" The girl stuttered running away for her life.
"Damn, where's (Y/n)?" Katsuki mumbled taking his and his lover's bag walking out the class.
Meanwhile (Y/n) was in his\her room baling her\his eyes out wrapped up in tons of blankets.
"Hey, (Y/n) you in there?" Katsuki voice called out from the closed doors, but (Y/n) ignored him trying to block out the blonde pomeranian loud banging on the door.
Katsuki had enough he was worring and angry at his lover for making him concern that he decided to blast down the door, stepping over the broken wood he head over to (Y/n) bed.
Katsuki kneeled down in front of her\his bed thier all crawled up into a ball and pillow stuffed over thier head.
"... whats wrong?" Katsuki sighed questioning his lover who remained silent.
"I won't be able to help if you don't tell me." Katsuki said yanking the pillow off.
"You jerk, give me back my pillow!" (Y/n) said in anger trying to grab it but katsuki just throws it behind him.
"So you can talk." Katsuki smirked grabbing (Y/n) hand pulling her\him off the bed letting her\him fall onto katsuki.
"Ouch." (Y/n) mumbled realizing she\he was on katsuki (Y/n) wanted to get off immediately, but katsuki trapped her\him locking her\his waiste between his legs and holding a iron grip on (Y/n) arm and a hand holding pressing her\him against his chest.
"Now you can't get away from me, and i have your full attention. Whats wrong?" Katsuki smirked at (Y/n) but sounded worried.
"Y-you cheater!" (Y/n) yelled her\his tears dripping down her\his cheeks, the teary eyed vision of katsuki lover made him angry, no one hurts his only love and gets away alive, but it confused him more that he was called a cheater knowing fully well that he is forever committed to only (Y/n) alone.
"(Y/n) what do you mean? Cheater?"
"Don't l-lie to me I-i saw you, k-kissing that girl." (Y/n) voice cracked making it bearly hearable. Except katsuki heard every word that came out off (Y/n) mouth.
... Silence filled the room with little hiccups coming from (Y/n) where she's\he's pressing thier face into his chest trying to save little bit of the last warmth she\he might ever get from katski.
It was nice while it lasted. The words ranged over and over in (Y/n) mind, katsuki will leave her\him after he/she found out that katsuki knows that (Y/n) knows he's been cheating, than he'll go to be with his real love.
"You-" Katsuki paused with a deadly gaze in his eyes it scared the hack out of (Y\n) when she\he looked up into katsuki's eyes.
"You honestly think i'd leave you. Or fucken cheat on you?! Your my one and only bitch! Your the one and only exceptional exstra in my life, the love of my life. (Y/n) I fucken love you." The words katsuki angrly barked out touched (Y/n) deeply, who knew katsuki could actually feel, Much less love, and here (Y/n) was ready to give up on ever loving again as if katsuki would leave her\him for another.
His not like (Y/n) mother or father, katsuki cares and loves deeper than any average person.
"Bu-but you where ki-" katsuki stopped (Y/n) from finishing her\his sentance by forcing his lips onto (Y/n) lips, a innocent kiss quickly turned into a heated make out session. Katsuki and (Y/n) partened catching thier breaths, (Y/n) shyly gazed into katsuki's crisom eyes.
"I dare you to finished that sentance or ill take you right here and now."
"What happened?" (Y/n) asked wanting to know how katsuki ended up on the floor with the girl kissing him.
"That stupid exstra doesn't know how to tie her shoes, the low life tripped knocking me over landing on me and we accidentally touched." Katsuki said looking irritated.
(Y/n) didn't know how to feel, should she\he be mad or happy on one had a girl kissed her\his boyfriend and on the other hand katsuki wasn't cheating.
"Katsu, I'm sorry. I misunderstood. I-" katsuki placed his finger onto (Y/n) lips shushing her\him.
"I love you.. (Y/n) ❤" katsuki says giving (Y/n) a soft passionate loving kiss.
"I wuv you too, katsu~" (Y/n) mouned in the kiss wrapping her\his arms aroud the blonde neck letting katsuki hug her\him tighter.
In the end it was all a misunderstanding.
The end.. Haha xox
P.S sorry i couldn't stay on the only girl version & i had to rewrite the end cause it was supposed to end with (Y/n) running away never being seen by anyone again, but it was too sad, I'm a sucker for a happy ending.
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najatheangel · 4 years
Drabble Ship💚💚💚
Hi, may I have a drabble ship for SHINee, F(X) & Girls' Generation? I usually don't approach strangers, I let them come to me. There's some exceptions like if someone is friendly or has the same interests as me. I'm shy at first when I meet people. As I start to open up, I'll be more talkative and feel more comfortable talking about anything that's on my mind. I'll also joke around a lot. My hobbies are dancing, acting out scenes from my fav tv shows or movies and playing mobile/video games. I like babies (well mostly my baby cousins, they're so cute 🥺), having time to myself, roses, candy, rabbits and fireworks. I dislike snakes, spiders, nosy people, math and naggers it makes not want to do whatever they're nagging me about. Something I look forward in a relationship is spending the holidays together, especially Christmas! Since I'm older and now I know Santa isn't real, my parents have me help pick out presents for my siblings and I also get to pick my present. I like that I can get whatever I want, but I don't feel excited to open it, since I already know what it is. With my partner, I would like us to exchange gifts on Christmas day. Since I won't know what I'm getting, I'll feel the excitement I use to feel as a kid, which will make me very happy. I would also like to do Easter hunts. If you need more info, feel free to message me.
Heyy angel 😊😊, good to see ya requesting. That was a lovely description about yourself and I love how you added your love for Christmas to it. sorry for making you wait so long...
From Shinee, I ship you with...Onew
Winter Wonderland ❄️🤍
Song inspiration: Winter Bear by V
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It has been 5 years since you’ve married Onew and your favorite season has finally approached.
On January 21st the first winter snowfall of the new year has finally came. Your husband has finally took you on the Dream honeymoon you’ve been asking for after throwing your wedding on Christmas Day.
You’ve stayed together the whole weekend at the cabins in Tennessee to drink hot cocoa, watch hours worth of k-dramas reanacting your favorite scenes and spending quality time relaxing in the hot tub.
This getaway was perfect, but today was even more special because today your 6th year anniversary since becoming a couple.
The both of you have admired the snow falling from the sky holding hands, reminiscing every moment laughing together.
There was even a moment where you were on the peak of breaking up, because of the importance of his career. The thought made you shed tears.
Y/N: Remember when we almost seperated? Man that was the toughest day wasn’t it?
Onew: Ahh yeah it was. Why all of a sudden you thought of that just now?
You turn walking towards him holding his hands with warming his hands up with your fuzzy gloves.
Y/N: Ever since that day, I’ve realized my life wouldn’t have been the same without you. I mean my family and friends love you coming around every holiday. But, every season as more time pasts by...I love having you around the most.
He sheds a tear as he hears his lovely wife confess such beautiful words. He gently hugs you spinning around singing Winter Bear.
Onew: You have my word honey. I won’t be going anywhere, That’s what I vowed to do didn’t I? He leans in kissing you on the forehead.
Y/N: Mmm, that’s right my Winter Bear. I love you.
Onew: I love you more.
The married couple lives in there own world as they wiggle each other’s noses giggling under the snowfall...
From F(X), I ship you with...Amber
Red Lights🎄❤️
Song Inspiration: Mistletoe by Justin Bieber
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It was your Christmas together with your girlfriend Amber and your family. Your grandmother and mom was in the kitchen baking chocolate chip cookies while you, Amber and her younger cousins helped set up the tree.
Amber was on a roll at first nicely setting up all the 24 ornaments you both painted together. It all went down hill until she started tangling up the red Christmas lights.
You and cousins laugh at this embarrassing sight and decided to help her.
Y/N: I told you not to by those cheap ones. Those get tangled very easily and don’t last long.
Amber: I know y/n. The star is the most important part anyways. smiles at you making cute llama noises.
Your younger cousins decided to step back and take a cookie break after helping hanging up the lights.
As your tree is almost complete, Amber pulls out the sparkly golden star to complete the tree and hands it over to you.
Amber: Here you you, for my shinning star.
Y/N: Giggles holding on to the star. Don’t mind if I do sweetie.
Your start climbing onto the three step ladder carefully setting the star on top. As you move away from the tree to get off the steps, you end up falling into Amber’s arms.
Amber: Catches you into her arms tightly and just looks at you caressing the top of your head. Hehe, hi... Aren’t you glad I caught you?
Y/N: Absolutely...I know it’s a bit early, but I should give you your gift. You want to know what it is? Leans in wrapping your arms around her neck.
Amber: Hmm, suprise me. I’m ready.
As soon as you two were about to kiss everyone walks back inside the living room screaming both of your names to try your grandma’s famous chocolate chip cookies before they get cold.
The both of your faces turned as red as the Christmas lights flashing on the christmas tree. At least later that night, Amber was able to receive her gift...
From Girls Generation, I ship you with...Tiffany
Ms. Claus🎵🎤
Song Inspiration: Santa Tell Me by Ariana Grande
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You decided to take a trip to the mall to buy your family and friends some gifts for Christmas.
You were walking around for hours going over your checklist of everyone’s wishlist. Your siblings were getting a lot older and there at that age where they don’t want to play with toys anymore.
You were planning on taking a break by eating at the food court exhausted from all the shopping. All of a sudden you hear a crowd of people screaming..
Fan 1: Omg is that Tiffany Young?!
Fan 2: That sure is her, her new Christmas single just came out.
Fan 3: She’s also having a meet and greet right after.
Growing up girls generation was one of your ultimate kpop groups and to hear that Tiffany is performing right now at the mall made you speechless.
The red curtain opens and all you see is Tiffany stunting on stage with her all red ribbon dress smiling so angelic at the crowd.
The jazz band plays the song to her new single Ms. Claus with her unique vocals. In the middle of the performance, you didn’t want to believe it at first, but you noticed her exchanging eye contact with you.
Towards the end of the performance, confetti exploded everywhere making the crowd go insane. She walks off stage standing infront of you handing you a rose smiling at you.
Tiffany: What’s your name?
You look up at her dropping your pretzel on the ground forgetting how to function. Eventually you’ve proceeded to tell her your name.
Tiffany: I’ve noticed you sitting here all by yourself. I just wanted to say your very beautiful and I hope you enjoy your Christmas.
She then kneels down in front of you coming closer to your face kissing your cheek leaving a lip stain on your cheek.
Y/N: Holds marked cheek looking flustered. W-Will I ever see you again?
Tiffany looks back at you one last time and winks.
Tiffany: Whenever you need me, my phone number is attached on the rose...
The crowd looks at you with jaw dropped to the ground and hypes you up saying “Yaa she’s so lucky.” And “You go get her tiger. ”
Not even a second later after her meet and greet was over you’ve decided to call her and stay on the phone for hours. Santa has definitely blessed you this time of year.
@wjnterchild I had so much fun writing these for you. It’s definitely fitting the theme and I hope you enjoyed them. Happy Holidays 💚❤️💚
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astralastrid · 6 years
I'll Be Home For Christmas
Hi @snowfairy909 ! I was your @usuknetwork holiday exchange Secret Santa! Happy holidays and enjoy!
Title: I'll Be Home For Christmas Prompt: Arthur coming over to London to surprise Alfred for Christmas Summary: Separated by distance, both Alfred and Arthur long for each other. Rating: general audiences Warnings: n/a Holidays were always a magical time for Alfred. He loved them as a child, and loved them still. He loved the certain feeling everything would get, the quiet serenity that came with snow, the holiday songs, the food, exchanging gifts, and the warm atmosphere of family. And even as everyone got older and went their separate ways, he still enjoyed calling everybody and seeing what they were up to. Unfortunately, this year, Alfred found himself spending these special days alone. 
His brother, Matthew, lived in Canada and couldn't make the trip, and he rather not bother his parents, even if he knew they'd always welcome him with open arms.
But mostly Alfred found himself longing for his boyfriend, Arthur. Alfred had met Arthur in a café, and the two had kept running into each other, which had sparked a friendship. The two texted back and forth, and even started to hang out, sometimes at the very café where they had first met.The two would discuss all sorts of things, often complaining about work. And while Alfred's own work stories were subpar, Arthur's, on the other hand, were extremely entertaining, and Alfred always looked forward to Arthur's latest tirade about his French co-worker. Over time, Alfred and Arthur became close, and friendship soon turned into love. 
 Unfortunately, Arthur had been working in London for the past year, and because of this, the two had rarely seen each other in person, Arthur visiting only when he could get the vacation time, and often he would just stay in England. Alfred dearly missed the sound of his angelic laugh, his rare, small smile, his doting yet brash personality, and especially his embrace. Webcam could only capture so much. 
Alfred decided to call Arthur. The phone rang and rang, but there was no response. His boyfriend's voice usually brought him joy, but this time, Arthur's familiar voicemail only added to the pang of loneliness he felt.
Alfred sighed, deciding to call his brother instead, who thankfully picked up. "Hey Al, everything alright?"
"Yeah, yeah, just relaxing you know? Anyway what's up bro? Have you put up your decorations?" Alfred looked around at his house, all decked out in holiday garb. His eyes lingered on the tree, and he felt a new wave of sadness come over him. Decorating was one of his favorite things to do with Arthur, and it was the first year in a while that they hadn't done it together.
"Well actually we're doing that now." The sound of a grunt came over the line as Matthew probably picked up something heavy. 
"Oh" Alfred said dejectedly. "Is now a bad time to call?" 
"No, no it's fine! It's always nice to hear from you, especially since I know you're busy this time of year." Matthew was too polite for his own good, and wouldn't admit that it was probably a hassle to balance the phone on top of putting things up. 
"No Mattie it's fine, I can call you back." There was a pause, and Alfred could almost see the worried expression on his sibling's face. 
"Alfred, I know you miss Arthur, but try not to let it take over your life eh? Order some pizza and watch a Hallmark movie or something. You love the holidays. Don't let this ruin it." 
alfred tried to smile. "Your right Matt, thanks. Love you."  
"Love you too. Talk to you later." Matthew had a point. Holidays were supposed to be fun! And by god, he was going to enjoy them! Alfred ordered a pizza, putting on "Elf," one of his favorite Christmas movies, and watching the snow fall. Maybe he'd make a snowman later... 
Over the next few days, Alfred tried to not think about Arthur too much, but it was hard when they did almost everything together during the season. It was strange to not smell burnt food coming from the oven or hear scathing remarks on the "cheesiness of American movies," (even if Arthur secretly enjoyed them.) Everything reminded Alfred of Arthur, and the holidays were going to be hard without the other half of his heart. 
 Arthur Kirkland had mixed feelings about holidays. He despised the commercialism of it all, the same bloody songs playing over and over, and above all, the crowds. And yet, he did enjoy the general giving spirit mankind was prone to at this time of year. Everyone and everything seemed a little brighter and a little kinder. Even his brothers seemed to tease him less during the holiday season. 
But this year, Christmas was turning out to be a little different. His job has asked him to work abroad for a year, and Arthur had happily accepted, eager to return to his homeland after years of being away from it. The experience was incredible: so much was the same, yet everything was a little bit different. So many of the shops he had known as a child were still there, but unfortunately a few had been closed down or demolished. Despite being busy with his work, Arthur had taken the time to "sightsee," refamiliarizing himself with the joys of his younger years, even taking the time to see his parents and catch up with them.
However, while it was great to see it all again, he found himself missing Alfred a lot, and the conversation he had with his parents didn't help. They were overjoyed to see him "across the pond," so to speak, and Arthur was thankful that they were so supportive of his relationship with Alfred, but it soon because all that they wanted to talk about: 'How was Alfred?' 'When was the last time you saw him?' 'Have you called him recently?' 'Don't you miss him?' 
 And yes, Arthur missed him dearly. London seemed much more gloomy and quiet than he remembered. He used to enjoy that aspect of London, but after meeting Alfred it was strange to go back to a less boisterous life. Everything seemed colder and lonelier without Alfred's warm touch, his larger-than-life laugh, his brighter-than-the-sun smile, and his overall sunny personality that filled whatever room he was in. Alfred had become a bigger part of Arthur's life than he realized, and he cursed the fact he couldn't always afford the plane ticket to see him. 
 Admittedly, Arthur had been so busy with work lately that he had missed numerous calls from Alfred, forgetting to call him back and mostly replying to him via text. It was all going to be worth it, but he still felt immensely guilty and decided to give Alfred a ring. 
 "Hello? Alfred?" 
 "Artie!" He could clearly picture the smile on his boyfriend's face. "Is everything ok? You hadn't called in a while..." His words were like a stab in the gut. 
 Arthur coughed awkwardly. "Yes, sorry about that love. I've been busier than I anticipated. But I'm fine I promise. Anything ah, new over there?" 
 "Nope! Just the usual: ice, snow, hot coco, and the "overly cliché" movies you love to hate. Oh and the oven isn't on fire for once." 
 Arthur reddened. "You leave me and my perfectly fine cooking skills alone!" 
Alfred laughed. "Whatever you say." There was a pause. "Hey Arthur?" 
 "Yes love?"
"It's really good to hear your voice. I really miss you." 
 Arthur smiled. "I miss you too poppet." They said their goodbyes and it was really hard for Arthur not to tell Alfred that he'd see him soon. See, the reason that Arthur had been so busy is that he had been working hard so that when he requested to go home for the holidays, it would seem like a reasonable request. It had taken a bit of wheedling on Arthur's part, but his boss had agreed to let him go. Arthur was scheduled to arrive on Christmas Eve, and he couldn't wait to surprise his boyfriend.
Alfred had been watching "The Polar Express" and eating ice-cream when there was a knock on the door. Strange, he hadn't been expecting anyone... He paused the movie and put the ice-cream down, opening the door carefully. Seeing who it was, he swung the door wide open and crushed his boyfriend in a bear-hug. "Artie!" Arthur, while a little irritated at the lack of a warning, hugged back tightly. "I missed you so much it hurt Arthur!"  
"Merry Christmas Alfred. I missed you too. Now can we please go inside before we catch out deaths out here?" Alfred laughed, quickly letting him go and helping him with his belongings. 
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming home? I would've prepared something special!" And wouldn't have left the place in such a mess, Alfred added silently in his head. 
"I wanted to surprise you. Plus I knew you'd be all overly extravagant about it, and while I appreciate it, I rather just spend a few relaxing evenings with you." 
Alfred nodded. "I understand, but promise you'll let me take you out for New Year's! If you're staying that long. When are you going back? Are you here for good?" Alfred became frantic. "Or are they making you stay in London for good? Please don't tell me it's true Arthur! This year has been hard enough already! Another second without you and I'd die!" 
 Arthur scoffed. "Stop being so overdramatic." He gestured to the various trash scattered about. "You seem just fine. You sure you'd missed me?" At Alfred's indignant look, Arthur waved his hand dismissively. "I'm just joking. I'm home until after New Year's and then I have to return. But after that I should be wrapping up everything and returning for good before the month is out, promise." He went over and kissed him on the cheek. "But we can worry about that later. It's Christmas Eve! Let's just relax." 
 Alfred beamed. "You don't have to tell me twice!" Alfred made popcorn while Arthur brewed his tea, and the two soon returned to the couch, continuing to watch movies and cuddling up to each other. It didn't take long for them to fall asleep in the other's embrace. 
The next morning, Alfred shook Arthur excitedly. "Wake up Artie! It's Christmas!" Arthur groaned, trying to go back to sleep, but Alfred insisted, pulling the blankets off. 
 "Fine, fine, I'm up!" Arthur grumbled. 
 Alfred was smiling sheepishly as he handed him breakfast."I'm sorry I couldn't get you a proper gift this year. I wasn't expecting you to be home and frankly, I didn't know what to get you regardless. You have plenty of mugs and tea, and all your knitting stuff is in working condition-" 
 "Oh hush." Arthur interrupted. "It's okay love. Being with you is already the perfect gift." 
 Alfred smirked. "I thought you hated cheesy lines like that." Arthur scoffed and hit him playfully. "Seriously though. I'll make it up to you."
 Arthur smiled. "It's fine, don't worry. And don't you want to know what I got you?" He went over to his suitcase and brought out two wrapped presents. "I know how much you love Harry Potter, so I got you a robe, a wand, chocolate frogs, and Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans." He explained as Alfred opened the presents.
 Alfred hugged him tightly. "Oh I love this! Thank you thank you!" Alfred put them out of harm's way. "So what now?" 
 "I just want to spend the day with you dearest." And that they did. They baked and cooked together, (Alfred being careful to watch Arthur's every move,) ate together, and Alfred even convinced Arthur to have a snowball fight with him. After that, they warmed back up with hot drinks and spent the rest of the evening snuggled up, watching whatever was on tv. 
 And later, Alfred did fulfill his promise to make it up to Arthur, taking him out on New Year's Eve and buying whatever he wanted from the stores that weren't closed, (despite Arthur's protests.) They went ice skating, and walked around town eating ice-cream. At night, they toasted to each other, sharing a kiss at midnight. And staring into each other's eyes lovingly, they both knew that their holidays would always be complete, so long as they had the other at their side.
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