#it's a more pinkish hue on laptop
from-the-mind-of · 2 months
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Christine hosts a Murder Mystery before a screening of Murder on the Orient Express at the Ace Theatre Downtown, 1st Nov 2017 [x]
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firstscn · 9 months
continued from here @hrhenryfox
He hummed back mindlessly as he followed Alex like a lost puppy dog through the halls and to his room. His eyes took in the various paintings and colors as they stepped into Diaz's door. Surprised at Alex holding the door for him, he ducked his head to cover up the pinkish hue covering his cheeks. Watching Alex get his laptop, he took to looking around the room. It was more personal than his own. The colors rich, various papers on his desk and blankets on the couch. It was all so cozy. When he made a full circle, he sat on his bed. Careful of the slippers he wore getting the white comforter dirty. He took the ice cream and silently peeled the outside of the wrapping away. "I doubt you'd like anything English. Why don't you choose?"
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"I doubt you like anything English," Alex mocks Henry's accent, rolling his eyes as he settles down onto the bed. "I like YOU, don't I? And you're as English as it gets." They're FRIENDS at this point, and they've been doing the whole teasing thing for as long Alex can remember now, but it's in a nice way, now. "And for the love of God, will you take your shoes off and get on the bed properly? Or leave them on for all I care," Alex laughs, settling against the pillows and handing the laptop to Henry. "Pick something. English, American. French for all I care. I trust your choices,"
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lazywiteralex · 2 years
Day 5 (cause day 4 was a break)- A short story titled "Nailbiter"
I place my usual order with Beth, Tuesday morning's batista, and sit down at my usual table in the corner of the cafe. No one else knows this but the corner has the best wifi signal. If they did then the spot would be taken, but it never is. I unpack my laptop and notebooks, preparing to look busy. If you look busy people tend to leave you alone and pay you no mind. I need to be left alone, otherwise I might just be asked to leave.
I check my watch. 8:37 Three minutes to go.
My computer springs to life, asking for a pin. Beth calls my name. I stand and retrieve my coffee.
I check my watch again on the way back to my corner. 8:39 One minute to go.
I feed my computer its passcode and glance up at the cafe door. Any second now.
Ding Ding
The bell on the door announces the arrival of the newest customer.
Right on time.
She saunters up to the front counter, an early morning smile on her painted lips. She makes her usual order, selecting a raspberry pastry from the case. She pays in cash, dropping two extra dollars in the repurposed coffee can in front of the register.
Her seat of choice is by the window, where the view is the best and the wifi is the worst. She has no laptop, instead a book. A new one today, she must have finished the one with the orange sunrise cover yesterday. This one is a pinkish hue with some sort of white figure, the text of the title much too thin to discover from a distance.
I continue to steal glances at her as I fain busyness, silent earbuds working as 'Do Not Disturb' signs. The morning sun shining through the glass illuminating her like a heavenly spotlight. She flips another page, eyes shining, not with entertainment but with fascination. A truly angelic look for her.
Beth calls her name. She marks her page, today with what looks like a receipt, and goes to fetch her order. She thanks Beth sincerely and returns to her seat of choice, a drink in each hand.
Ding Ding
Time's up. They're here.
They stride over to her perch and greet her with a kiss on the temple. After a glance at her book and a remark on existentialism they take the seat and drink across from her. She tucks her book away and offers the uneaten half of her pastry to them. An offer that, like always, is gladly accepted. The morning chatter about the evening before begins. My que to cease my prying.
I turn back to my notes of disease and healing, more distraught than ever before. What a fool I was all those years ago. To have never suspected that ugly duckling to become a swan. That scrawny nailbiter who could hardly look anyone in the eye. Least of all an imbecile of a boy who's ego was much too large for his own good. A teenage tyrant who thought nothing of the future and tormented one anxiety ridden girl to the point of attempted suicide. What a cruel monster I was. The Fates knew what I had done and bided their time to give me a fitting punishment.
There wasn't a whisper of the sullen nailbiter for seven years. But the threads of fate are woven from steel. They closed my coffee shop, forcing me to find another. And by their design, my new coffee shop was hers first.
She stood taller, brighter, with delicately manicured nails. A floral half-sleeve decorating one arm, twinkling silver creating constellations on her ears. A vision of beauty in every way.
But I couldn't say a word because she would be with her book, then she would be with them. All smiles and kisses, gentle hand touches and genuine laughter. Things discordant with the memory I had of her. I thought the Fates were being much too cruel. I had met her first, so why did they get the princess in the end? But then I was reminded of my own cruelties. The ruined lunches scattered across the floor. The insulting names shouted through hallways.
Ding Ding
Times up again.
The pair had finished their drinks; a London Fog and a caramel steamer, who's was who's I'll never know. Off they go into the city we share. And I stay here, alone in my corner with my cold coffee and strong wifi.
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chifufuuyu · 3 years
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“the sunset is beautiful, isn’t it?”
pairing : timeskip!chifuyu x reader
genre : angst
wc : 1.2k+
a/n : my first time writing ig idrk what im doing. english is not my mother tongue.
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YOU WALKED INSIDE  THE  BEDROOM you share with the love of  your  life, chifuyu matsuno. he was by all means, perfect. he  was respectful, caring, kind, passionate, loving, he is literally a walking green flag. he was the perfect husband material. chifuyu and  you have been  dating for almost four years  and not once did he hurt you, physically or  mentally.
you've  been dating for so long and have always dreamed of getting married to him. you've shown him every signs of you wanting to get married like taking him to the jewelry store with you and looked at wedding bands, you even began leaving your laptop in somewhere he can easily see with your pinterest opened and displayed with wedding boards but he just can't read the signs.
or so you thought...
the vibration of  your phone interrupted your humming notifying you that someone had texted. grabbing your phone from your nightstand, you opened it and there displayed his contact name with a heart emoji. you smiled and opened it to see what he said.
'meet me in the afterglow, love. you know where. i have something to tell u.'
your eyes widened reading his texts.
could it be?
the first thought that clouded your mind was that he was finally gonna ask the question. your mind got filled with happiness as you squeal doing your stupid nerdy dance while kicking the air idiotically looking like a mentally deranged person with a crazy grin plastered on your face.
it was the perfect moment. afterglow was your favorite time of the day and chifuyu knows it. it's when a broad arch of whitish and pinkish sunlight in the sky that is scattered by fine particulates, like dust, suspended in the atmosphere. hues of colors in pastel coloring the light blue sky making it more beautiful than it was.
gazing outside your window, you notice the sun is almost close to setting which means the afterglow is almost near so you began to get ready as fast as you can.
rummaging your closet for something to wear, you found a beautiful red floral sundress that chifuyu gave to you on your last birthday. excitement was bubbling on your chest as you squeal and put it on. you grabbed a pair of comfy sandals then continued to get ready.
you put on a light make up and  curled your hair to perfection then grabbed your phone and a purse and dashed out the door while smiling to yourself.
arriving at the seaside, you looked around and smiled when you spotted your boyfriend sitting on a memorable bench. it was the bench where you first met him.
you were sitting miserably by yourself after getting fired from work and chifuyu sat beside you and he brightened up your darkened day. he was there for  you at your darkest times laughing with you as the both of you watch the sun sink into the depths of space.
rustlings of the wind and thuds or your rapid heartbeats were heard as you nervously walked up to him. he also looked nervous as he mumbled things to himself.
you sneaked up behind him and shook his shoulders as you snake your arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. he looked at you surprised and anxiously smiled. you thought nothing of it thinking he was just nervous to pop the question.
you sat beside him while intertwining your hands with his. you chuckled feeling his clammy hands in yours as  he gripped on your thigh.
you looked at him expectantly while sheepishly smiling as he stares deeply into your eyes.
you couldn't decipher the look in his eyes.
you thought it was nervousness but why does his turquoise emerald eyes seemed like they were baring hurt and regret?
he stared directly into your soul as he stood up from his seat and fell into his knees while gripping tightly into your hands. you felt your blood run cold as your knuckles turned white and your mouth was left agape with your eyes the same size as saucers anticipating his next move.
sniffles and sobs were heard as chifuyu buried his face into your lap.
where was the ring?
why was he crying.
"i'm sorry y/n..." he said in between breaths.
you were left aghast.
what was he sorry for and why was he hurting? you wanted to ask what was going on but you're also scared to find out what's happening.
"i'm sorry love... i... i didn't mean to-- i swear." his voice came out hoarse as sobs continues to leave his mouth and tears drenching your dress.
"what are you talking about, babe?... what-- what's going on? what are you not telling me?"
"i'm sorry... i'm sorry... i didn't mean to hurt you. i never wanted to  hurt you y/n... i swear..." he said as if he were begging you.
your hands left his palms as you placed it in both sides of his cheeks lifting his face.
"what's going on, chifuyu? tell me... please..." you pleaded as your own e/c orbs clouded with tears.
"it was an accident... i was drunk-- i didn't know what happened y/n... i was drunk. please believe me..."
the next words that came out of his mouth made your soul leave your body as you stare into his tear clouded eyes looking for any hint of lies.
"i never meant to cheat on you. i-- it was never my intention to hurt you... it was a mistake. i was drunk and i had no idea what was going on..."
your beautiful e/c eyes that previously held joy, anticipation and excitement got replaced with hatred, anger and sadness.
you refuse to face the cruel reality.
you refuse to believe that all of this is happening.
it's just a nightmare, right?
it's not real...
it can't be.
"please y/n... will you please forgive me?... don't leave..."
"please stay..."
you wanted to give in and just forgive him and stay. you wanted to  stay by his side and never leave him just like you once promised. you wanted to be beside him and never let him go... but... you also didn't want to be near him. to wake up and stare at his face that will only remind you of infidelity and unfaithfulness.
it's not fair how every happiness and beautiful things you once possessed can be taken away from you inn just a snap of a finger.
being drunk is not and never will be a valid reason for anyone to cheat.
cheating is always a choice and that was the choice he made.
the mistake he made and can never be undone.
after the things he has done stuck and processed in your mind, you stood up causing chifuyu to look at you expectantly...
he expected you to yell at  him, to scream at him. he already prepared himself for a slap in the face and hurtful insults but none of those came...
instead, you stared at the beautiful afterglow before muttering,
"the sunset is beautiful, isn't it?"
chifuyu felt his heartbeat stopped as his world crumble into pieces.
you weren't serious, were you?
you wanted to hug him and tell him that everything is gonna be okay and that this is just some crucial test that you were gonna pass with him but you also had to let go.
you love him and always will but you will— no, you have to let him go.
for the sake of the both of you.
it maybe some crucial test that can be passed but you made up your decision and refuse to pass this trial.
he knelt down in front of you and asked you a question but it was not the question you wished to answer.
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lapithai · 3 years
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Petronius request 
I got a new laptop and the colors on it are really saturated, so the drawing appears kind of dull on other screens, sorry.. There should be more of a pinkish hue to it. 
Edit: Made a lot of changes to this drawing because at the time of drawing it, my laptop and huion just felt really off and I wasn’t comfortable drawing with them..which made me unhappy w/ the drawing because it felt so off to me!! But now that I have my OG tablet back, I decided to go ham...I kinda like it a bit more but it’s whatever. I’d rather redraw in the future
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caxsthetic · 4 years
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RIGHT BACK HOME — Miya Atsumu x Reader
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Type: Standalone Movie (One-Shot Fiction)
Cast: Miya Atsumu
Storyline: He always afraid to lose you, yet he didn’t realise that he was the one who made the string loose — and you decided to cut it off.
Genre: Drama, Romance, Slice of Life
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Home. He was supposed to be home by now, maybe in your embrace as he wrapped his arms around your torso. He should have been there, inside the house with you, dragging your body to bed since he knew how stubborn you could be if there was some work that you needed to finish.
Funny how right now he stood in front of the house that you used to share with him, yet didn't dare to come knock at the door. As if the owner of the house was just a stranger. As if the owner of the house was not someone that he kissed for the last three years of his life.
But as his amber eyes stared at the mahogany door, it was as if the past years of his life on earth was just a mere fantasy; something that his mind created to make him feel better about his crappy adulthood.
He was broken — hopeless too. And right now he wanted nothing but to rewind the time, wishing that somehow in another chance, he could get back to you.
"Why didn’t you say anything?"
You croaked out, engulfed by the warm hoodie that belonged to him — yet it could not save you from the coldness inside his orbs as it pierced into you. You felt so small, hands holding on tight to the soft fabric to keep you from falling as you tried to stand your ground.
"What's the point?" He shrugged, both hands tucked inside his pocket. "It's not like it would change what you did."
You wanted to retort as he voiced it out mindlessly. Communication was important in a relationship. Yet every time he didn't like something that you did, he always just kept it inside his heart and grumbled on his own.
And each time, it would end up in one thing, a fight. Endless fights as he was too stubborn to say that something was bothering him, yet when you turn around and act as nothing happened — he always says that you never care. A little toxic wasn’t it?
“But what if it would have?” You steeled yourself, taking one step closer to him. “If I knew that talking to Sakusa could make you feel like this, I wouldn’t talk to him that much.” Every word that you said was honest, for him, you really would do anything.
“Oh, as if.” But he just decided to be a bitch about it. “Can’t you see it? How he let you come close to him? How he actually wanted your company or, or how he fucking allowed you to touch him?” Each sentence dripped with poison as his fist clenched and unclenched, trying not to let his emotions run free.
“What is wrong with touching him? I just—”
“‘Cause he never lets anyone touch him!”
His shoulders slumped the second he blurted out the words, hand carding his own hair in frustration. “Can’t you see it? He’s interested in you! He smiles a lot when you are around, and what? You flirt with him back as if I am not even there!”
“I am just being a good friend, Sumu!”
“Oh yeah, being a good friend with those innocent looking eyes as you leaned your body closer to him. Yes, such a good friend you are.”
Your blood boiled as his accusation seeped inside your heart. You have been nothing but a loyal partner for the setter, and yet he always acted like this when someone was being too close with you. It was as if he questioned your love for him, and little by little, you started to question why you stayed.
“I am not in this relationship to be treated like this.” You hissed at him and took off the hoodie that you wear, throwing it right at his face, leaving you with just a thin shirt to cover your body. “You’re always playing victim, always acting like I don’t care, like I don’t love you.”
“Well, do you?”
He chuckled bitterly and grabbed the hoodie that you threw at him beforehand. His amber orbs looked at your face as disbelief was written all over your facade.
“You never really loved me. You just wanted the fame of being the girlfriend of Miya Atsumu. So the moment someone way better than me takes a liking to you, you immediately whore around—”
It rang inside his eardrums, the after-effect of your palm hitting his cheek. You were five feet apart from him before, but now here you were, standing right in front of him with tears glistening your orbs.
Your voice didn’t waver, not even a little bit as you said it with a cheery, yet sarcastic tone. “You tried to push me away, to make me tired of all your bullshit—” Chuckling, you let your hands fall to your side. “— and you accomplished that! Congratulations!”
And just like that, he was the one who felt so small under your gaze.
He wanted to say more, as he couldn’t believe that you sounded so relieved. As if you have been waiting to finally end things with him. It was never his intention to make you feel like this, to make you think that he wanted you out of his life. His lips parted, as he was in a hurry to explain why.
“So can you leave?” But you didn’t give him a chance. “I am tired, Atsumu.” Of course, what did he expect anyway after treating you like this? “I didn’t need to hear your pity excuse.”
But it was not an excuse.
Atsumu stared at your face, a little plea could be seen through his orbs as he just needed you to hear what he wanted to say.
I am just scared.
Yet when his gaze met with yours once again, he knew that you wouldn’t hear anything from him. He was too late to say that, he was too stupid to say anything before.
I am just scared that I will lose you sooner than I expected to.
But then again he already lost you in this moment. All because he was too cautious, too wary of the possibilities that you would love someone else. Someone that was possibly better than him; who was not sarcastic, who did not act like a child most of the time.
Maybe you needed someone more mature, someone that you could rely on most of the time. And that was not him, that man was not Miya Atsumu.
And he should have realised that before the two of you went too deep.
You kept clicking the pen in your hand, mind unfocused as every second brought you back to someone that used to lay on the bed while you did your work. He always snuck up on you when the night was late, resting his chin on your shoulder as he whispered for you to join him in bed.
It was mostly romantic, nothing too explicit as he saved all the files that were opened on your laptop, shutting it down and led your body to tangle with him under the soft blankets. When you first met him, tipsy with pink tinting his cheeks at the club downtown, you never imagined him as someone romantic.
Everyone knew him, at least you and your colleagues knew about the pretty setter of Black Jackals. His reputation was very much something that all women loved to talk about; cheeky smiles, perfect hair, smooth talk. All the things about him screamed playboy.
Who would have known that he was just a big softie inside?
Palms sweating, words blurted out with a stutter here and there, you chuckled when you remember how he still tried to impress you while everyone could see how drunk he was already. You always kept some distance with a guy like him. Yet when he parted his lips for the first time that night, you could see that he was not like what people thought.
"Hello, miss." You just laughed with your friends when a deep, harsh voice flew to your ear. Your friends who were facing the said man widened their eyes and immediately left you all alone — of course after whispering 'Go get it, girl!' to you beforehand.
Composing yourself, you took a deep breath before facing whoever it was that made your friends have their eyes filled with hearts. Plastering a smile on your face, you turn around to meet a pair of beautiful amber eyes, gazing at your face timidly as a pinkish hue could be seen on his cheek, even under the blue light of the club's light.
"Can I get ya a drink?" His voice was smooth as he tilted his head a little to the bar, making one of the bartenders stop right where the two of you were standing. There was a slight glimpse of Kansai dialect as he spoke, but it sounded so subtle at the moment, maybe because of how he interacted with different kinds of people.
And something about his genuine smile intrigued you. That and how he seemed a little scared as he waited for your answer. Though the nervous look on his face was gone in an instant the second you nodded your head.
"That would be my pleasure."
His smile widened immediately, and it looked so refreshing from how you see it. He was like a child being treated with some sweets from his parents.
"Hey, man! Give us what's in the house right now, wouldja? Give us the best of the best!" His request was greeted with a chuckle by the bartender. The two of you just stared at how flawlessly they made the drink, both in awe, mouth agape, even after the mix was done and served right in front of you. "Woah! Here, ugh, keep the change."
The blonde reached into his pocket, slamming a couple of yen to the table before grabbing both glasses and giving one to you. He looked a bit more relaxed now as he felt great so far, nothing bad and you seemed like you enjoyed his sudden company. You did really enjoy it, but before you could reach the glass, the bartender suddenly cleared their throat.
"I am sorry, sir?" He jolted when he realised they didn't leave him and you yet. "But the money you gave is not enough."
Your mouth agape as the words rolled down their tongue. And every second that went by, the pinkish hue from his cheek gradually turned into red and covered his entire face.
"Fuck!" He blurted out in embarrassment before diving his hands inside the pocket of his pants. Orbs widened in panic as he realised that he left his wallet on the hotel, making all the colour draining from his face. "Shit, I ugh—"
You chuckled and gently put your hand on top of his, silently telling him to stop talking as you gave the rest of the money to the bartender. He eyed the interaction with humiliation struck his body as he wanted to just bonk his head on the bar table.
His head hung low, feeling that it would be the first and last time he saw you. "Sorry, my friends rushed me out today. I didn't mean to be a dick and make the woman pay." He sighed, resting the glass back on the table, still not daring to look up at you.
"Since when is a guy making a woman pay considered being a dick?" You voice out your opinion, sipping the drink that tasted so good on your tongue. "After all," Trailing off, you grab his glass and shove it under his gaze. "You can always pay me up next time."
His face immediately lit up as you said that, couldn't believe that you implied you were alright with him even after the stupid incident. He searched your eyes, searching for maybe a sign of joke. But when none could be seen, he took the drink from your hand, now with a smile that screams confidence.
"I can't wait for next time then."
You banged your forehead on the wooden table of your working desk, groaning as you missed his presence around you. Honestly, the relationship that you had with him was something that people often got jealous of. You looked so beautiful outside as you stride down on this earth with so much power.
Yet they didn't know what could happen behind closed doors. No relationship was perfect, at least that was what you knew from all of your previous relationships. But out of all lovers you had, never once was there someone as confusing as Miya Atsumu.
You gently lifted the white t-shirt that engulfed your body, hooking it on your nose as you inhaled the scent that came with the fabric. It was his favourite shirt, soft and thin but enough to keep the cold air attacking his skin. Your heart felt so heavy when you exhaled as imagination tookover your mind.
Right now, you were wishing that it was the crook of his neck that you inhaled on. And you could only hope that he was alright somewhere — even though he had been nothing but an asshole for the past weeks.
Knowing that you could not think about anything else but him, you decided that it was the right thing to shut down your laptop for today. You waited for the screen to die before closing the lid, standing up and stretched around to relax all of your joints.
You missed him, that was what occupied your mind right now. And you still loved him, because all of the constant worry and thinking about what could have been — it was enough to make you realise your feelings.
Without thinking, you snatched the phone from your table, searching up his name on your contact list. It was easy though, knowing you pinned his contact. To see that it was only six days ago you broke it off with him, making you dumbfounded as it felt like months had passed ever since then.
You leaned your body to the wall, thumb hovering the phone symbol on your screen. Just one touch, you could hear him once again if you just touch the symbol. But then again, there was nothing to talk about anymore.
Somehow you could predict how the conversation would go. Some shouts here and there, insults blurted out mindlessly from both mouths. There was nothing left but a fight in between you and the blonde setter, and it pained you more than anything because you didn't know how to fix it.
You banged your head to the windowsill, eyes fluttering close as you tried not to let frustration engulf your mind. You love him, you really do. But you were afraid of getting hurt once again, to be doubted and questioned for something that anyone else could see.
Everyone knew how much you love the man, everyone else except him.
Your mind took you back to the night when everything was falling apart, when both of you were at the limit already. He was someone full of pride, and yet he acted like no one could love him without any ill intention. You were beyond frustrated right now, as you couldn't find any clue about the reason behind the downfall.
"So the moment someone way better than me takes a liking at you, you immediately whore around—"
You straightened your posture immediately, a hand clamping your mouth as you couldn't believe the newfound information that just sank in. He was indeed someone full of pride. So when someone that he felt was better than him seemed so close to you, he took that as a threat. And the pride itself — was something that made all of the ache and doubts immensely multiply.
Your heart hammered in your chest as you unlocked your phone once again, calling him without wasting another second. You needed to see him, you wanted to talk it out with the man who owned your heart since the moment he clinked his drink to yours. You needed to lower your pride — and you hoped that he would do the same.
The line was ringing, yet no one was there to pick up the call. You were afraid for his well being. Ever since you kicked him out that night, he never once came to the house to maybe pick up his shirt or some of his other stuff. And it made you feel so wary.
You tried to call him, again and again. Even though after the fifth time you were still greeted with a voicemail, you didn't stop trying to reach out to him.
Until your eyes locked at the familiar blonde tuft outside the window, sitting on the pavement in front of the house with his head hanging low.
Gasping, your heart stopped as you realised that it was him. Atsumu was outside on this cold evening, all alone — and God knows how long he had been sitting there. Your feet strode down the stairs, didn't bother to cover yourself with a coat or jacket as your mind could only think of him. Your hands frantically turned the key before opening up the door and ran outside into the night.
You called out, bare feet making contact with the harsh pavement. But you didn't care for any uncomfortable senses that your body felt. He slowly lifted his head, eyes widening as if he couldn't believe that you were standing in front of him.
The rustles of the leaves accompanied the two of you as both eyes seek each other. Longing was evident on his face, and you wondered if you had the same expression as him. The two of you stood there feeling so lost, knowing for certain that either your heart or his wanted to be rekindled, yet no one dared to say anything.
Your eyes scrutinised his body, and your heart clenched when you saw the state he was in right now. He had been sitting on the pavement with dark circles under his amber eyes, clothes dishevelled and messy hair. It was like he hadn’t been taking care of himself for the past few days.
“Hey.” You finally croaked out, somehow you knew that he wouldn’t be the one who started the conversation. He answered you with a little shrug before pinching his nose, still unable to believe that you stood right in front of him. “H-How long have you been here?”
“Two or three hours, maybe? Maybe more?” He wasn’t really sure himself. “I got here right after I am done with today’s practice.”
The sentence was enough to make your eyes widen, since you remembered his exact schedule. And if it hadn't changed — then he was there, for maybe around six hours now.
You fiddled your fingers, still thinking about how to start fixing up the relationship that you two had. Or was there even a chance for it, you were not really sure. Lowering your head to the ground, you were too preoccupied with your own thoughts and didn’t realise that he stood up and walked towards you.
Until his shoes were in your vision, and the smell of his scent could be felt once again.
Atsumu draped his team’s jacket around your body, trying to shield you from the night breeze since there was nothing that covered your skin except the thin layer of his t-shirt. He was waiting for you to take some steps backwards, or maybe just scowl and threw the fabric back to him like what you did to his hoodie that night.
But you kept silent, biting your lips as you wanted nothing but to feel his body on yours, not just his clothes, not just the trace of him.
“I miss you.” “I am sorry.”
Your mouth agape as those three words slipped from his lips. When the two of you fight and he was the one who started it, there was never any indication of him feeling bad and apologized. He always acted like nothing happened the next morning, pulling you to his embrace as if the night before you and him were not at each other’s throats.
Right now though, he realized, if he let go of this chance and kept his wall of pride standing in between the two of you, he knew the two of you would fall into the same cycle over and over again. “I am sorry I said that you are a whore, I am sorry I didn’t trust you and treated you like shit.”
He clenched his hand into a fist, biting his lips as he tried not to spill any tears that were already brimming at the corner of his eyes. “Don’t call me like that. Please.” His body was trembling by now, something clogging his throat as he forced out the words that needed to be said. “I-I don’t know where to go anymore, every day I always ended up… here.”
You listened as you held yourself back from pulling him into your embrace. You needed to be patient, you had to hear everything that he wanted to say.
But the second the tears cascaded down his cheeks, you couldn’t help but just wrap your arms around his torso.
“I-I am sorry, I'm just scared—”
You shushed him softly, fingers going up to the strands of his hair as he rested his chin on your shoulder. Right now, what you had in mind was to make sure that he knew you understood.
"I know, Sumu." You whispered softly in his ear. "You don't have to say anything, I know."
Swallowing a huge lump, he sobbed to hear your voice. He had been missing it, every day he wanted to knock at the door yet he was too cowardly to do so. He should have seen it, how your existence was one of the biggest things that ever occurred in his life — yet he needed to break his own heart first to know that.
And you missed this, his warm body that engulfed yours within an instant. The warmth that he missed this too, the feeling of home that could only be felt when the two of you were so close to each other.
He had been sitting there for days, at the same spot, the same corner. One night he even stood in front of the door, too tired from being alone as he wanted nothing more than to see you again. Yet he never did anything, as he was afraid that he would do the same thing to you all over again.
But right now as he pulled away, amber eyes locked with your warm orbs — he vowed inside his heart that he would do anything to change how his mind worked. That he would do anything to keep you in his life, to make sure that he will treat you like how you deserve to be treated to.
With your hand interlaced with his and a loving gaze that was being thrown at him, he knew that you understand. He knew that once again, you let him go back to you.
“Let’s go home, Sumu.”
So he wouldn't let this chance slip between his fingers. Because he knew that with you, he was coming right back home.
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xbunnybunz · 3 years
Sick Days [BEN Drowned x Reader]
Summary: When a creepypasta manages to crawl into your home through a computer, people usually scream and call the police. You? Well, it's just another normal day for you.
Genre: Fluff, Horror, Humor
Date: June 20, 2015
You sat in your room with the expression of utter boredom painted on your features, your hand absentmindedly tracing patterns on the table next to your open laptop. You grunted as your computer went into hibernation mode again and tapped the spacebar to reawaken the screen. Your bedroom window was wide open, allowing the evening breeze to float into your adobe and gently rustle the papers on your table. Fading streaks of sunlight peeked through your fluttering curtains, caressing your body with soft warmth.
Despite the serene atmosphere that had settled into your semi-messy room, your features were soon twisted into a grimace. The fingers that had been trailing along the table began drumming a steady rhythm, growing quicker and more impatient by the second. You glanced at the clock for what seemed like the hundredth time that day, and read the blaring red numbers 6:23 PM. You scowled, annoyed. "Ugh, where is that little rascal?" You muttered, tapping your keyboard again and watching irefully as your homescreen popped up again. Ben usually arrived before sundown, but the sun was already halfway down the horizon. Ben probably would've taunted you for being so worked up over his absence, and you, being a little short tempered, would probably fall for his teasing and would have exploded into a mess of jumbled profanities. Though many would describe your actions now as "eager," you recalled how petrified you were when Ben first popped out of the fossilized desktop your dad insisted they brought when your family moved. That day, your mother and father had been visiting a sick relative in the hospital, and couldn't come home for the night. You, feeling free and a little daring, decided to stay up the entire night watching horror flicks in your livingroom. Although you felt the terror of eight marathoned horror movies shake you to your core, you persisted, jumping at every little noise from the movie and from your creaky home. That's why, when you witnessed the forgotten computer in the corner of the livingroom fizz and flicker on and off, you froze in unfathomable fear, merely staring as a deathly pale hand clawed it's way out of a jumble of binary code and pixels. By the time a head of tousled white hair and pitch black eyes with crimson irises emerged from the screen, you were already halfway out the door, knowing better than to trap yourself in your own bedroom. You would've spent the night at a neighbor's house, but your closest neighbor must have been at least a mile away- being that your family decided to move into the suburbs. Unfortunately for you, who was secluded in the pitch black of the night with god-knows-what in your house, it was pouring outside. In your mad scramble for salvation, you had not grabbed the keys to your house. You had originally settled for the plan to stay in the freezing rain, (it was definitely a safer bet than being in the house) but alas, the hours spent watching scary movies finally took its toll on you, and had made you paranoid to every small rustle and crunch. (In truth, it was just the trees.) This terror had driven you to crawl up some old growths of ivy on the side of your home, feeling blessed to find your bedroom window open just a crack- allowing you to pry the rest of the window open. Halfway through your window, you looked up- only to become blatantly horrified. There the white-haired boy was, floating in the middle of the room with bleeding eyesockets- as if he had been waiting for your arrival. Overcome with panic and surprise, you allowed the wet soles of your feet slip out from under you, sending your drenched body sailing face-first towards the hardwood floor of your bedroom. Your nose took the brunt of the fall, and erupted in a mess of blood upon impact. The pain of a shattered nose did little to deter you from the thing in your room. Holding your nose with both hands, you scrambled to press yourself against the wall- as far away from that demon-ghost-thing as possible. But when you looked back up, you were shocked to find it trying desperately to hold back laughter, it's eye twitching from the effort. The corner of it's mouth was twitching toward a smirk, and it's eyes were betraying it's stoic expression- it wanted to laugh at you! You shot to your feet, prepared to duke it out with the hovering monster- only to slip a second time on the rainwater that you had tracked into your room. This time, your head collided hard with the frame of your bed, and you blacked out. You woke up the next morning with a wrapped head and a bandaged nose. It turns out your parents had returned from their little trip and found you lying in a puddle of your own nosebleed- which sounds as humiliating as it felt- and had patched you up. After you told them about what you had seen, your parents merely laughed and gave you an affectionate pat on the head, claiming that the stress of moving and lack of sleep had to do with your "hallucinations." You would've believed them, if it wasn't for the fact that the boy showed up in your room again. You fell asleep while using your laptop and when you awoke, you found the pale-haired boy freeing his foot from your computer screen. Though you were sure that the white-haired monster returned to finish you off, you found him simply pointing his finger at your wrapped up face and cackling at you, tears budding in the gaping holes that were his eyes. You felt your face burn with embarrassment, and though you should have called for help, you simply sat there, allowing the strange being to laugh at your misfortune. After what felt like an eternity he retreated back into your computer, still snickering- leaving you bewildered and dazed. He later introduced himself as Ben Drowned over a cyberchat website named "Cleverbot," and you learned his story, as well as the fact that he could teleport just about anywhere that held an electronic device. Later that night, you awoke to a flooded room. With your heart pummeling with fear, you gasped and flailed for breath, desperately searching for a way out. You were less than pleased to find Ben on the screen on your open laptop- which was, for some reason, still working under water. His shoulders shook with muted laughter, doubling over with the hilarity he found in your pitiful predicament. As soon as it started, it was gone. The water that had once filled your room was gone, leaving everything unscathed in it's wake. Once you found mobility in your limbs again, you stormed to your laptop (which still contained the laughing freak) and took out the battery, taking away the laptop's source of life. You stormed about your house, rampaging in the middle of the night to turn off or unplug any source of electricity you could- the phones, the computers, televisions- even the dusty desktop. Despite the complaints of your confused parents, you were at peace. Since you had cut off any source of electricity, (other than the lights) that pesky elf hadn't bothered you- probably because he couldn't. However, your happiness was short-lived. Upon returning from school one day, you found that your parents had somehow reconnected everything before going to work- leaving you with two things: electricity, and an angry Ben. You had no idea how you did it, but you managed to convince Ben not to suck you into the netherworld or kill you- With minimal damage to the house. Before you placated him, Ben had flown into a livid tantrum, tossing tables and pictures to-and-fro with some unseen force, only ceasing when you promised that you would keep all electronics plugged in- thus allowing him to drop in any time he liked. Since then, the white haired boy with red irises visited routinely each day without intentions to scare you, though you were still unnerved by his presence at first. As if he sensed your uneasiness, Ben began to annoy you. Ceaselessly. Day after day, he knocked over decorative vases, messed up your room, taunted your occasional bad grades, and in all: irked the hell out of you. Yet here you were, waiting for his arrival like some kind of goddamned puppy. "What. Ever." You hissed through clenched teeth, standing up from your computer table, "Maybe he got bored of me. He's been visiting me for... God knows how long already...Good riddance." Despite your words, you felt a twinge of sadness prick your heart like a fine-tipped needle. Though he was undoubtedly aggravating most of the time, you had liked him company. Just a little. You sighed, the beams of twilight cast your shadow across the floor. "I should prepare some microwaveable dinner, my parents are working overtime today." As you sulked slowly towards your bedroom door, a loud crash and the sound of loud static pierced your eardrums, making you leap several feet into the air and scramble for the doorknob, storming downstairs to find the source of the noise. You were both annoyed and relieved to find Ben crawling out of the screen of the old desktop, though your annoyance went out the window once you spotted his shaking arms on the edge of the screen, as if he couldn't support his own weight. You extended a hand out to him, flinching as he finally managed to haul himself out of the mess of codes, landing in a heap on the floor. "Ben?" You inquired, peering at his crumpled form. "Are you okay...?" You knelt down next to him, touching his shoulder gently. "Ben?" At your voice, the creepypasta turned to look at you weakly before sniggering quietly- which worried you a bit. "What are you doing in my house?" You raised an eyebrow. "Ben, this is my house. Not yours." Ben, who had a pinkish hue to his pale cheeks, took a look around before the realization dawned upon him. "Oh, right. I'll be going then." You watched as the usually boisterous entity struggled to get back onto his feet, only to fall down again. This time, however, you caught him. Once his body made contact with your arms, you nearly shrieked. The back of his neck was burning hot, and the rest of his body was strangely warm- just like an overheated computer. "Ben-" You adjusted your hold on him, (he was a lot heavier than he looked) "Ben, are you sick?" Ben glared at you weakly. "No." You sighed, exasperated. His pride was going to be the death of him one day. You placed a gentle palm his forehead, cringing at the impossibly high temperature you felt. "Ben, you have a high fever. A bad one." The said person clicked his tongue and turned his face away, looking irritated. "That explains why I felt like shit the whole day." You couldn't help but snicker as you carried him to the couch, "That also explains why you didn't think of visiting me today." "Get off your high-fucking-horse, princess." Ben scowled, trying in vain to look threatening. "You should be thankful that I visit you everyday." You rolled your eyes, placing him softly on the couch. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks for gracing me with your presence everyday, dumbass." You swore you heard Ben grumble something under his breath, but you were already too far up the stairs to hear. You returned with several pillows, a thermometer and some pills from the bathroom cabinet, determined to nurse Ben back to health. Though he was an annoying turd most of the time, there were rare moments where he comforted you in times of need- though most of the time, his offers to help just involved murdering someone, which you kindly refused. ("Killing people isn't the solution to everything, you freaking moron!") Now, it was your turn to help him. With an abundance of pillows in your arms, you urged him to sit up for a second (which he did with an anguished groan) and slipped four or five behind him, ensuring his comfort. You went into the kitchen and returned with a damp cloth and a glass of water to drink with the medicine. To be honest, you weren't quite sure if human medicine worked on creepypasta such as Ben, but it was all you had. "Ben, come on, you need to take some medicine." He scoffed at you. "Get your Earth pills away from me. You know just as well as I do that those won't work for me." You knelt next to him on the floor next to the couch and uncapped the bottle, shaking two pills out of the container and nudging him up. "You're right. I don't know if it'll work, but it's the only thing I have, so just suck it up and take them." "Get away from me." He hissed. "Ben..." You said, your tone threatening, "Don't make me unplug everything again." At this, Ben's hollow eyes narrowed, the red specks of light in them piercing into your skull. "You wouldn't dare." You gulped, feeling a cold sweat accumulate at his intense gaze. You steeled yourself and glared right back at him. "Try me." Grudgingly, Ben accepted the pills and sat up. Before you could stop him, he threw the pills in his mouth and began to chew. You froze, holding the cup of water in your hand and staring at him with wide eyes. You had made the same mistake of chewing those pills when you were younger, prior to figuring out that you could use water to wash them down. To be frank, those pills could cause more damage than a fever if not taken with water- they were horrendously bitter, and nearly caused you to puke. Just as you thought, Ben gradually stopped chewing, turning even paler than he already was- if possible. Though his face showed no emotion, you could almost feel the bloodthirsty aura that washed off of him, obviously not too pleased with the taste. You wasted no time in shoving the glass of water in his hands, urging him to drink. The water was gone before you could even blink, and Ben held the front of your shirt with an intent of death in his eyes. "You-" He stuttered, his face tinted red from anger, "You-" You braced yourself for whatever might come, but surprisingly, the grip on your shirt loosened, and Ben flopped back down unceremoniously, letting the pillows swallow his lean body. "Oh, whatever... Why would humans invent something so horrible to heal a sickness? If anything, that just made me sicker..." You smiled nervously, feeling the slightest bit guilty. "Er, it's my fault... I should have told you about the water sooner..." Ben scowled faintly. "Damn right you should've." You whispered a low "sorry" before wringing the wet towel, placing the cool cloth on Ben's head. This pulled a sigh of satisfaction from his lips, his eyes fluttering closed with contentment. You uncapped the thermometer, clicking the "ON" switch before turning back to Ben. "One last thing before you rest, Ben. I need your temperature." Ben didn't even bother to open his eyes or complain- which surprised you. Without hesitation, he simply opened his mouth. You found yourself smiling endearingly at his actions: it was like handling a stubborn child- all you had to do was get past his hard shell. Taking Ben's temperature was a little bit of a struggle, since the digital screen glitched and spazzed out once it made contact with him. However, once you had taken his temperature, your eyes nearly bulged out of your head. The little pixels, occasionally glitching, read "105.7° F. " After discovering this little fact, you urged him to sleep for a bit- feeling a bit panicked. After the third time of telling him to just relax and sleep, Ben snapped at you. "If you tell me to go to sleep one more time, I'll call Jeff up here and tell him to put you to sleep." Though you knew this was an empty threat, it still shut you up. You had heard a lot about Jeff the Killer, and though some of your friends were obsessed with him, you weren't too keen on meeting him. After turning on the fan in hopes to cool Ben down, you settled back next to him on the floor, watching his uneven breathing. After a few moments of staring, Ben's eyes snapped open, feebly glaring at you before it turned into a smirk. "Sweetheart, I know i'm good looking- but if you're gonna stare, at least do something that can excuse you from it." You blinked and furrowed your brows, feeling embarrassed but relieved. It sounded like he was feeling a bit better- but was that really a good thing for you? Silently, you lifted a hand and began combing it through his silvery hair, knocking his hat astray. However, Ben didn't seem to mind. In fact, he completely ignored his hat and turned away from you, as if he were hiding his face. Despite his best efforts, you spotted a pinkish tint on his cheeks that extended to his ears- and you were sure it wasn't because of the fever he had. You watched him with soft eyes and continued your small ministrations, wondering how he had gotten sick in the first place. Before long, Ben had fallen asleep to your touch and the low hum of the fan. Sighing breathily, you gave the sleeping boy a thoughtful look. You didn't understand why he had kept the routine of visiting you everyday, but you weren't about to complain. Moving was no easy task, it included making new friends and leaving the old ones behind. Your socializing skills weren't your strongest suit, and although you tried your best, it was difficult to keep a conversation with someone at school- you feared their judgement. Though you knew most of the people at school didn't mean any harm to you, it was still a little scary for you to be cast out into a new environment so suddenly, it made you feel vulnerable. And although Ben had scared the pants off of you at first, you slowly began to realize that your arguments and chats with him didn't make you tense or anxious. Perhaps you could even go as far as to say he made you the slightest bit happy. You continued to play with his hair for a little while before removing your hands, observing him carefully. It was true that Ben was relatively handsome, though you would rather die than admit that to him. His white hair and pale complexion gave him the look of a hauntingly beautiful angel, though his eyes were dark and devilish, always seeming to hold only the most malicious of intentions. While he was awake, his countenance was usually twisted into a smirk or a sneer- which didn't exactly make him more attractive, but definitely did not take away from it, either. However, as he was asleep, you couldn't help but notice how strikingly bewitching he looked without the usual grimace. His long, white eyelashes brushed against his cheekbones, colored pale pink with his fever. Though you hadn't noticed it previously, it was almost unnerving how captivating Ben was. With his sleek, graceful features relaxed, you almost wouldn't have been able to guess that he was such a cunning gremlin while he was awake. You couldn't stop your eyes from wandering to his lips, which were slightly parted with his steady inhales and exhales. Just like the rest of his body, his lips were deathly pale, and slightly chapped- though they still looked inviting. You blushed and averted your eyes upon realizing how inappropriate your thoughts were. Ben was horribly sick and helpless, yet here you were, daydreaming about... A kiss... You covered your face, feeling humiliation wash over you in waves. Ben would probably laugh himself to death if he knew what you were thinking. The mere thought of being with Ben was impractical within itself, since there was no way monsters like him were even capable of feelings, right...? Your train of thought was halted when you heard the silverette groan lowly from across you. You peered out from your hands with questioning eyes, wondering if you had woken him up with the intensity of your staring. (Was that even possible, though?) He wasn't awake. His eyes were still sealed shut, but his mouth was twitching, as if he were trying to say something. You leaned in closer, watching attentively. Did he want water? A colder towel? More pillows? Suddenly, much to your shock, your name erupted from his lips, sounding like a cross between a groan of irritation and a plea. Then, he was silent again. You felt a warmness in your body emitting from the center of your stomach, and before long, you found yourself smiling at Ben. He was asleep, so it wouldn't hurt too much, right...? Slowly, you leaned forward and brushed back some of his soft locks, marveling at how pretty his face was. With such a small distance between you two, you could smell his scent- a distinct smell of static and coconut. Gently, you pressed your lips to his cheek, feeling the warmth of his soft, feverish skin on your own mouth. As you pulled away, you found a hand on the back of your head, pulling you back in. Wide eyes registered as Ben tilted his head, and his lips met yours, watching your bewildered expression with groggy, half-lidded eyes before he closed them, pressing his lips harder against your own. His mouth was burning hot, no doubt it was because of the fever, but it made the kiss even harder to resist. With flushed cheeks, you allowed your eyes to slip shut as well, returning the gentle pressure lightly. You noted that Ben was being unusually careful as he cupped your face, as if you were made of fragile glass that would shatter at any moment. You smiled at this, and brushed the side of his cheek with the back of your hand endearingly. He pulled away and you opened your mouth to speak, but before you could get a word in, his lips descended upon yours again, his tongue sweeping over your already open lips and tickling the roof of your mouth. You squeaked a bit at this, and he pulled back, his hand still on your cheek, opening his eyes to take in your reddened face and light panting. And then you saw it. It surprised you more than the kiss did- and perhaps more than his first appearance did. Ben smiled. It was a genuine smile, albeit small, unlike the smirks and half-grins he gave you all the time. This time, his lips curled naturally, softening his scarlet eyes a twinge. The hues of twilight poured in from the window and washed over both of you, bathing both of you in a beautiful gradient of a fading pink, yellow and orange. You should have scolded him for kissing you while he was sick, but you couldn't find the heart to ruin the mood. Instead, you smiled back at him, leaning into the hand that remained on your cheek. There, in the wake of the lingering sun, you discovered that what once was your greatest fear was also your greatest treasure.
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dawnsociety · 3 years
Starry eyes
Chapter 1
6:26 pm
The semester had already started and you had no idea why you felt so behind already. You knew it would be hard but never thought it’d be THIS hard. You were still adjusting to the (new) uni life - classes to attend which never seemed to end, coffee soon becoming your companion for life, friends inviting you to too many drinking parties (“this new place in Little Italy just opened up, and the drinks they serve for uper- aperitiv- whatever, they’re the best!”). It already felt too much for you, even if this wasn’t actually new for you.
Although this was your first year as an art major, with a minor in sociology, you weren’t exactly a freshman. Actually, you were even older than most of your colleagues. When you had first enrolled in uni, you chose to attend an Economics program, hoping it would make your mom happy. “Make the most sensible choice!”, she had told you, even though it seemed it was a choice that sounded the most sensible to her.
Being very young and insecure, you didn’t really feel like going against her and choosing what you actually liked doing. You had even fancied the idea of taking a gap year, but the mere thought of telling your mom you’d be taking a break sounded in your head more menacing than being held at a gunpoint. You knew you’d feel guilty if you had chosen to pursue your path, especially considering how expensive it is to attend college.
Things, however, soon started to get bad: skipping classes became a habit for you, and you’d rather spend your time drinking and smoking with friends than to attend your Microeconomics class, even if your professor was actually nice and not the typical douche. You didn’t even notice it at first, how hard you tried to escape your feelings and admit to your mom - and to yourself, first - that it wasn't the right path for you. But eventually, the smell of cheap alcohol and low quality cigarettes gave her a hint of what was actually going on.
You didn’t know how you had gathered up the courage to tell her how things really were. How you actually tried your best to make it work, but it just wasn't suited for you, Heck, you even despised the idea of having to deal with money - especially, other people’s money. It made you sick in the stomach and feel like you were contributing somehow to capitalism (which, of course, you weren’t really a fan of). You wanted to be free, to feel free, at least for once. And that meant being honest to your mom, and yourself.
A few months later, you found yourself in the college library, working on your presentation for your History of contemporary art class. You couldn’t understand why your professor - a non binary black folk with dreads who wore birkenstocks even in the freezing cold (you had no idea why they did that, but oh well) - decided to make you do a presentation when you weren't even halfway through the whole class, let alone the semester. To you, having to study the whole syllabus at once right before the final test sounded way better (so you could actually procrastinate, but this is a story for another day), but you were just a student, a small fish in a tank with bigger ones.
You were finishing up this PPT on Basquiat, when your friend suddenly appeared out of nowhere. You were sitting right beside the big, white windows that made sure the sun would light the whole place beautifully. Frankly, that was your favorite place on campus, if not in the entire world. You had spent so many nights there, crying your eyes out when you couldn’t let your words out - the ones that would probably make your mom angry, but make you feel so much better.
The typical quietness of such a place was soon being interrupted by your friend, who ran to you as soon as they found you. “Hey, finally I found you!!!”, they screamed while running to you. Startled, you looked up from your laptop screen only to find your friend running to you. They were the only person you had actually managed to become friends with during your brief time as an Economics major. You had no idea why, or how, you were still being friends - you didn’t really have much in common, but it was nice to have someone who knows you on campus.
“I tried to reach you but you didn’t reply to my messages, or phone calls. I almost got worried!!”
“You could try harder so you could actually be completely worried for me, not just almost”, you replied half jokingly. Your friend made an annoyed expression at your sarcastic remark, before adding: “I was looking for you on the entire campus. I wanted to ask you to come to the soccer game with me, but I couldn’t reach you, so I went there but I couldn't find you either. I tried looking for you but there were too many people. That’s definitely the Yunho factor!”, they ended with a small laugh.
“The Yunho factor?”
“Yeah, Yunho’s in the team! He's an amazing player. not to mention, he looks really cute, but that just might be because i love everybody”, they replied amusedly.
“That's amazing but… who is this Yunho, exactly?”
“YOU DON’T KNOW WHO YUNHO IS?!!?”, your friend screamed while jumping on their feet. If the first scream wasn't enough to make everybody side-eye them, this one was definitely a second strike to be kicked out of the library indefinitely.
“Sit down and lower your voice! Do you want to be expelled from campus?”, you whisper-yelled, making them sit down. “and by the way, is this some Necessary Information i need to know to be considered cool?”, you continued jokingly, laughing at yourself.
Your friend scoffed. “He’s simply the most popular guy here on campus, and the best player at every game on earth! Not to mention he’s actually very handsome, tall, and is friendly to everyone… the whole package! how come you don’t know him? He’s in his third year of college, and you’re not really a freshman here!”. They sighed, while you wondered why a tall guy like Yunho hadn’t joined the basketball team. Or maybe he had, you had no idea and you didn’t care much.
“I didn't know of the game and I don't know of this yunho. Can you please go now? I need to keep working on this presentation.”
They scoffed. “Alright, I'll leave you alone. good luck on your medieval art project!”, they yelled while leaving the library, earning another round of nasty looks from the other students in the library
“It’s a con… never mind”, you said, almost  to yourself.
8:34 am
You didn’t know how you managed to get up early and get ready for class in time but you did. Working on this presentation took longer than expected, but you had managed to almost finish it. you just had to revise it and then it was done.
You were walking down the hallway when suddenly, you heard people whisper. Actually, lots of whispering. You looked up from your smartphone where you were looking at the newly released pics of this new group you had just gotten into, when you saw people whisper-talking to themselves. You couldn't understand why at first, but soon you realized why: a tall, handsome guy with blonde-pinkish hair was walking down the hallway, direction opposite to yours. He wasn’t handsome - yes, he was, but most of all, he was… pretty.
You had never seen such a face before: his gracious features were being framed by his beautiful blonde hair, with a subtle pink hue. it looked so natural you actually wanted to ask him to give you the address of his hairdresser. His sparkly eyes gave off a genuine, good natured vibes - they looked like the gateway to his precious, yet hidden world where nobody is allowed. a place only he knew, and that you found yourself to want to explore.
You didn't know yet, but you had just met Yunho.
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argiopi · 3 years
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I've received a hand-me-down screen tablet and omg.. look at the difference in color quality. >_< My laptop on the left, screen tablet on the right. My reds aren't orange! I can't believe it! I prefer a more orangey red and thought I was using scarlets all this time... I knew my laptop had <100% color quality, I bought it knowing this since the specs were what I wanted and I knew I could upgrade the screen later. But I hadn't upgraded the screen since I thought it seemed fine enough for art. Evidently not! Greens also look more yellow on the laptop than they actually are, which is shocking because I was specifically working on a small painting in celebration of the color yellow-green because I find it to be the most jubilantly springy color that fills me with joy and energy. And I opened it up on the screen tablet and it's just a normal green! Even veering into blue!
On the Hornet picture I intended the more orangey hue on the left, definitely not the pure red it actually is. But I like the true form of the Grimm picture, I wanted a cooler pinkish red and apparently I could have pushed it further.
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Laptop above, tablet below. The purest red appears scarlet! Which means I'm failing to properly apply scarlet! 255/0/0 and I would have thought that was like. 255/25/0.
I haven't been able to get pen pressure to work yet. I just want to painttt. :( Not that I always use pen pressure but the things I want to work on right now need it... And then I spent most of my time after work failing to fix it and have yet to do anything fun and I need to sleep soon already. I just moved & started a new job after freelancing all quarantine, it's an adjustment, I paused my queue for now because I haven't really had time to check Tumblr anyway. Was resigned to thumbnailing stuff on a scrap of receipt paper I found in my wallet during a break. Anyway I am adjusting to a new schedule and having to not be nocturnal now. Will probably just post the paused stuff every once in a while. While I get the new tablet working, and have an existential crisis over my colors. xD
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you prefer bar or liquid soap? Liquid. I don’t like how a bar soap tends to slip out of my hands. What's the speed limit on your street? I live in a gated village with tiny streets and kids that can run out of their gates any time, so the maximum on our widest roads is 40 kph. In more cramped streets, it’s recommended to drive 15-20. When was the last time you wore your favourite article of clothing? With my favorite pair of jeans, it was at the start of the month. I don’t have a favorite top; I find them all nice. Do any of your family members have an upcoming birthday? I don’t know anyone in my family who celebrates their birthday in August. If there’s someone, I can’t place them at the moment. On a scale of 1-5, 5 being the best, rate your last kiss. 5.
What is your favourite flavour of Jolly Ranchers? I don’t eat those. Where was your Facebook profile picture taken? It was taken in the basement of my college, which had been converted into a makeshift photo studio for a few days so that we could take our senior photos there. The basement has several rooms so most of them got used for different purposes like a hair and makeup room, a changing room, the actual photo studio, etc. Do your parents smoke? No. I think my mom mentioned experimenting with cigarettes when she was in college, but she didn’t like it, quit as soon as she started, and hasn’t had one since. My dad never smoked, period. Would you rather bake cookies or a potato? Cookies. It’s more nostalgic to me, which makes the experience more fun. Who was the last person to stay the night at your house? Gabie, probs. She’s the only one who sleeps over anyway. Do you live close to a park? We have our own tiny parks in our village; but no, this country is generally not public spaces-friendly. Is your favourite animal endangered? One of them is. Have you eaten pizza in the last week? Nah man, I haven’t had pizza in a WHILE. Not since February, I’m pretty sure. Who was the last person you added to your contacts list? I don’t remember. I think it was my hair and makeup artist for a test photoshoot that I did last December. How long does it take you to shower? 7-10 minutes. Do you prefer a brand of bottled water over others, or is it all the same? Sure. There are brands that have a slightest taste, and I try to avoid those. Have you used Wikipedia today? Yes. I read at least one article a day, whether on purpose or coincidental. Idk I think that despite the fact that it’s not a credible source to include on essays and papers, I still think it’s super informative and helpful and it’s at least fun to read through and spend hours in if I’m doing leisure reading.   Are you better at writing fiction or non-fiction? Non-fiction BY A MILE. The idea of writing fiction terrifies me...I’ve never been able to reach that level of creativity. Do you know anyone who has moved to a different state? I’ve known people who have moved from one province to another (we don’t have states). But in terms of the US, I also do know someone who moved from one state to another. I went to school with this girl who migrated to Hawaii a few years back, then she moved to California last year. How many pens can you see from where you’re sitting? Zero. Have you ever dated someone one grade/year above or below you? Nopes, but I’d assume that’s pretty common.
What language do you think you’d be good at? Spanish for obvious reasons.
What language do you think you’d fail at? Russian. And the African languages that have click sounds in them; I’ve always found this SO fascinating, but I know I'd never be able to perfect those. Do you still have a landline phone at your house? Yes. I have older relatives who still prefer talking on landline, so we keep it around for them. What is your current desktop background? One of the default wallpapers on my laptop. I changed it recently though. My old one was a mountain shot that mostly had a pinkish hue; and my new one is still a shot of a mountain range, but now it’s orange-purplish-pinkish.
How big is the television you last watched? Haven’t watched TV in a while. Have you ever been stung by a bee or a wasp? NOPE, one of my biggest fears.
How many schools have you been to in your lifetime? Two. I went to my first school from kindergarten to high school and the only time I transferred was when I went to college. Are you of legal age in your country? Yes. I have been in the last four years.
Why did you last visit a doctor? I had been sick for days and I was convinced it was no longer just a fever because no medicine and amount of sleep were helping, so I got myself checked. Would you prefer an ice cream cake or a regular cake? Regular cakes. Omg I hate ice cream cakes...I was never sold on the idea of cake not only being painfully cold to bite, but also capable of melting and getting all liquidy. I’m not gonna hate on other people who are into those, but I honestly never saw the hype. How old is your best friend? Gabie’s 22. Angela’s turning 22 in September. What is/was your high school’s mascot? My old school doesn’t have a mascot. We have school colors but that’s it. Do you carry pain relievers with you at all times? No. I didn’t want to be too dependent on them (still don’t) when I was still in school, so I just left the pills at home. My headaches sometimes go away on their own, anyway. Where is your mother right now? She just went upstairs to settle in their room for the night. What was the last thing to make you smile? A meme Angela sent a couple of minutes ago. Are you currently saving up for anything? Not currently since I don’t have money coming in. I imagine I’d be saving up for Airpods and a new set of braces once I start having a salary, though. Priorities, hahaha. What’s the view like from your bedroom window? Not too impressive. I just see the houses behind ours. Generally speaking, do you prefer sweet or savoury? Savory. My cravings for sweet only come once I’ve had savory. What would you do if you got home and you saw your house had been destroyed? Check the scene and see if my dogs made it. I’d try asking neighbors and the guards if they saw what happened; and I’d be devastated and anxious as fuck, of course. When did you last go outside, and what for? I walked Kimi outside an hour ago so he can do his business. We’ve closed off the balcony for now (his usual spot) since it’s been raining all day and evening, so I walked him in the area of our house that’s under a shed. Who is your favourite Sesame Street character? Didn’t really grow on Sesame Street. I suppose I liked Big Bird most, but I was never too attached to the character. How often do you check your emails? Everyday at this point. Do you have any plans for this Thanksgiving? No. What colour is your backpack? Baby pink. Would you slap the last person you talked to for twenty dollars? It’s not completely off the table, but you’re gonna have to pay me a lot more for me to slap my girlfriend lol What search engine do you usually use? Google. How much did the shirt you’re wearing cost? Couple thousand bucks. It’s official WWE merch. Patrick Stump or Pete Wentz? I never compare members within the same band. I like them both. Do you know anyone who gives way too many hugs? Laurice. Not that that’s a bad thing. She hugs eveeeeeeryone, and she’s the sweetest for doing so. What time do you usually wake up on Sundays? 7-8 AM these days, like for all days. Have you whispered today? I don’t think so. What grade did you get on the last test you took? I never got to find out my grade in my Rizal exam since the lockdown happened shortly after. That’s the only test I got to take in the second semester.
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eeriegrove · 6 years
Okay, feel free to take liberty with this prompt. Katsuki has been super stressed out because of work and his sex life with Izuku is suffering the consequences. So Izuku does a bunch of enticing things trying to subtly seduce Katsuki throughout the work day until the final act causes Katsuki to snap and really passionate stress relief sex ensues. (Semi public is fine or private is fine too, up to you!)
Ah, thank you so much for the ask! I got a bit carried away, so it’s a bit longer than expected! I hope you like it! Office sex is the best sex, right? ;)
KatsuDeku - Stressed Out
    Bakugou Katsuki was stressed out.
    It didn’t take an idiot to tell that the blond was suffering through the work day. Ever since the villain attack at headquarters, he’d been burying himself in the paperwork and meetings that came along with it. Katsuki would never admit it, but when it came to his work, he was passionate. He didn’t want other people to be swamped with the papers, especially when he blamed himself for the attack.
    Which it wasn’t, Izuku grumbled to himself, but he can’t get that in his thick head. It wasn’t the first time this had happened, the first time being when he accidentally blew up the eastern ward when a villain amplified his quirk. He was so upset over that, he refused to talk to Izuku for days.
    “Hey, Kacchan?” he called out, peeking his head through the door of Katsuki’s office. As he expected, he was flipping through documents with a determined gaze. Izuku’s heart clenched in worry, but he kept it hidden. “I’m heading out to lunch. You want to come with me?”
    Katsuki didn’t even look up at him. “I’m a bit busy over here, Deku. You know how it is.”
    Izuku bit back a groan at how stubborn his boyfriend was. The incident was two days ago, and he hadn’t grabbed lunch with him for two days. Life around the office was getting lonely without his other half. “But I’ll be awfully lonely without you.” he trailed off, closing the door behind him. Izuku wandered over to the other side of the desk, resting his hand on his shoulder.
    The one thing that really bothered Izuku wasn’t just the fact that his boyfriend was overworking himself. It was that his sex life was dwindling. Before the attack, they were on each other nearly 24/7: doing it at the office, bedroom, anywhere as long as they wouldn’t get caught. Katsuki loved to mark up Izuku, but now their nights were tense and had no passion behind it. It bothered Izuku to no end.
    He leaned over and pecked Katsuki on the cheek before nuzzling into his neck, breathing in his scent. At least he smelt the same. “Izuku, cut it out. I’m busy.” he said, lightly pushing Izuku away. “If you’re lonely, go and take Round-Face with you.”
    This time, Izuku didn’t hide his disappointment. “But she’s not you.” he whined, sitting on the edge of the desk where there weren’t any papers. “Can’t you take a break, Kacchan? C’mon, eat with me.”
    Katsuki looked up, an exasperated glance sent his way. “Not right now. I’ll come home early, I promise.” He gave him a tired smile and went right back to reading. That’s a lie. You said that you’d come home early for me last night, but you got home around midnight! But he wasn’t looking for an argument.
    With a sigh, he stood and walked towards the door. “I’ll grab you something to eat on my way out.” he said, dejected. Katsuki shooed him away.
    “Don’t worry about that. Go on, have fun.” He didn’t look up from his paper that time either, and Izuku shut the door quickly in anger. If Katsuki was going to act like this, Izuku would have to try even harder to relieve his stress and burden. He’d just need to know how…
    “I’d seduce the hell out of him.” Uraraka offered bluntly, taking a sip from her drink. Izuku nearly choked on his burger, swallowing it down with some water to avoid dying. She laughed at his reaction, but sobered quickly. “But seriously, if it’s affecting you like this, I’d take initiative. I mean, no sex in two days? That’s too long for you guys.”
    Izuku flushed red, but didn’t object. It was true that they were well-known as the most  sexually active couple among their friends, yet it was still embarrassing every time he heard about it. “What should I do, though? He keeps pushing me away if I get too affectionate.”
    Uraraka hummed in thought. “Try doing it subtly, then. Make Bakugou come to you.” She gnawed on a fry.
    Izuku contemplated the idea, smiling to himself. He’d have to pull a few stunts, but it might just work. “Thanks, Uraraka. I’d be losing my mind without you.” he breathed out, resting his head on his arms. He was exhausted too, having spent some nights awake thinking about Katsuki’s health and wellbeing. Izuku was worried, that was for sure. 
    She patted his head gently. “I wish you luck, Deku! Let me know if you need help with anything.”
    Izuku nodded, getting to his feet. “Will do! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a boyfriend to seduce!” he exclaimed, grabbing his things before rushing out the door. Behind him, Uraraka laughed.
    His mind was already set in motion, thinking of the many things that got Katsuki riled up. Izuku was smiling widely as the plans began to set themselves up. Oh, just you wait, Katsuki! I’ll have you back to normal in no time!
    The first plan would be exposed skin. Katsuki absolutely lost his shit when Izuku showed his shoulders and collarbones, and it was sure to work against stubborn old Katsuki. He walked back up to Katsuki’s office, not even bothering to knock as he already knew that he would be in the same spot. He slipped in, closing the door softly behind him.
    “How was lunch?” came Katsuki’s monotone question. Izuku rolled his eyes and crept forward, beginning to unbutton the top button to his shirt. It wouldn’t be a strip tease, but it would be enough to trigger some kind of response from the working man. Izuku walked behind his chair and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, leaning forward to pretend that he was reading the papers. It put his collarbone in perfect sight, if Katsuki was willing to look.
    “What are you doing, Deku?” he sighed, lifting his hand to swat him away. Izuku stayed latched on his shoulders, swirling him around on his chair until he was nearly in the man’s lap. Katsuki’s red eyes immediately noticed the hem of Izuku’s shirt, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he gulped. He definitely looked tempted, but would he hook on the line?
    “Like what you see, Kacchan?” Izuku purred, cupping his boyfriend’s cheek. In response, the man leaned forward and pecked him on the lips. Izuku’s hopes were raising, excitement thrumming through his veins.
    “Not in the mood, Deku.” he said instead, gently pushing him away and turning back to the desk. Disbelief turned into frustration as Izuku was left standing there. Seriously?
    “Right.” he said, sounding dejected.
    Katsuki sighed, but didn’t look back. “Maybe later, Deku. When I’m not so busy.” he offered, but even Izuku knew that wasn’t going to happen. When he wasn’t busy, he was sleeping. There was no time in between.
    Izuku left without a word in response, fixing his collar on the way out. That was only the first try! He’ll surely get him with the next one.
    The next plan was dinner. He would have to make it quickly, since he got off work later than Katsuki (thankfully, Katsuki always left work later anyway) and he’d have to get dressed for the occasion. Last time Izuku wore a tux, Katsuki immediately took it right off of him and they had the best sex imaginable. If he could do that again…
    He sent a text to Katsuki, letting him know that he’d be waiting for him. Izuku even sent him a teaser picture of what he was wearing, not exposing too much. The dinner that he made was spicy curry, just for Katsuki, and by the taste of it, it was damn good. Katsuki would love it. Alongside the dinner, he set the table and lit a few candles, setting the atmosphere to a warm, candle-light dinner. Izuku was excited to see his reaction.
    So he waited. And waited. Thirty minutes turned into an hour, and an hour turned to two as he waited for Bakugou to show. After three hours passed, Izuku finally threw in the towel. He blew out the candles and put the curry in the fridge, too upset to even eat as he peeled off his suit and hung it back up. Izuku nestled into the covers and wiped away a frustrated tear.
    Of course he wouldn’t show. I doubt he even saw the text. Izuku hiccuped and covered his face in his hands.
    Why does this hurt so much?
    It was Izuku’s last attempt at seducing his boyfriend and freeing him from work. If Katsuki didn’t fall for that one, then he’d finally relent and confront his boyfriend head on about how much this was bothering him.
    He didn’t knock this time either, walking right into his office. Only, there was a new sight to greet him. Gone were the papers scattered across his desk, instead all that was on it was a laptop. Katsuki was talking to someone on there, his professional voice in place. Oh crap, Katsuki’s having a meeting right now!
    He nearly backed out when a sudden idea hit him. What if…?
    Izuku smirked and approached the desk, keeping quiet and out of sight as he snuck under the desk. He rested his hand on Katsuki’s thigh, startling him out of his conversation. He gawked down at him before having to focus on the video call once more, his face taking on a pinkish hue. Gotcha.
    He unzipped his pants slowly, palming his boxers to see what kind of response he’d get. The small noise in the back of Katsuki’s throat was all he needed to hear before he pulled down his pants and boxers, freeing his cock. It wasn’t nearly as hard as it could be, so Izuku got to work, lowering his lips to the tip. He used his hand to pump his shaft as he swirled his tongue over the head, humming softly to further stimulate him.
    Katsuki grabbed his hair, the grip rough as he tried to get him to stop. However, Izuku’s hands were glued to his thighs and he refused to let up. Soon, Katsuki was trying to keep a straight face while he kept a conversation, Izuku sucking his dick under the desk. He moved his hand and moved his head lower, swallowing down Katsuki’s cock while willing his throat not to seize up.
    He bobbed his head, flattening his tongue on the underside of his cock. Katsuki’s hand stayed in his hair, but he made no move to protest. Izuku had finally hooked him.
    Suddenly, Katsuki thrusted his hips up, promptly gagging Izuku. Katsuki masked the sound with a cough, confidently smiling back at the camera. “Oh, that was nothing. I believe I may be coming down with something, however. Maybe we should reschedule this call? I’d hate to interrupt, but I’m not feeling so well.”
    His grip in Izuku’s hair tightened as he shallowly thrusted, but Izuku had adapted by now. It wasn’t the first time Katsuki had used his throat roughly, so he got used to it real quick. Speaking of, Katsuki was wrapping up the call, politely bowing his head before shutting the laptop. Immediately, he glared down at Izuku, pulling Izuku off of his cock.
    “You’re fucking ballsy, I’ll give you that.” he breathed out, his face red. Katsuki pulled Izuku up and nearly threw him on the desk, roughly grabbing at his clothes. Soon, they were both stripped naked as they took turns kissing and biting. They weren’t playing nice anymore. The stress of their own issues were driving them at that point.
    Izuku moaned as Katsuki began to finger him, wrapping his arms around his shoulders to stabilize himself. “More, Katsuki!” he stuttered, yanking him down to kiss him, his tongue battling with his. They were messy, always had been, when it came to sex. And now that Izuku was getting what he wanted, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
    Katsuki pushed Izuku down until he was flush against the desk, his legs sprawled on either side of the blond’s hips as he panted. Katsuki was already pushing inside him, having prepared him enough, and was thrusting. There was no foreplay, no sweet talk. This was pure stress relief.
    Izuku found support by grabbing the edge of the desk, muffling his moans by biting his lip. Katsuki was doing the same, pounding Izuku into the desk with frantic whines as he grabbed Izuku’s hips to keep him in place. It felt so good, the feeling of Katsuki’s cock sliding in and out of his ass while he was powerless to do anything about it.
    “Fuck, Izuku.” Katsuki broke the silence. “Feels so good.”
    Izuku could hardly respond, instead drooling as Katsuki hit his prostate. Realizing where he thrusted, Katsuki angled his hips better and pistoned inside him, hitting that spot over and over. Izuku was having a field day, crying profusely as he neared his release.
    Katsuki’s pace only got rougher as he neared his release too, holding Izuku down as he came with a cry. Izuku followed soon after, the sensation of Katsuki’s cum spurting inside of him was too much for his body to handle. They stayed still after that, breathing heavily as they came down from their high.
    “Feeling better?” Izuku teased after he caught his breath, wiping his sweat from his brow.
    “Shut up.” Katsuki responded, smiling as he bent down and kissed his boyfriend again. “Sorry for getting so overwhelmed.”
    Izuku thought about it for a second. “Well, if it means that we can have sex like that more often, I’d say you’re forgiven.”
    “You’re ridiculous.”
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maevefiction · 5 years
Your Light in the Mist - Chapter 44
Blind rage washed over me, and my first instinct was to grab Luke’s phone and throw it off the balcony, as if doing so would make everything associated with it disappear as well. I could feel my eyes darting back and forth as my thoughts tried to force their way through the dense red fog, and out of the corner of my left one I caught sight of Tom falling backward into the wall, his knees buckling beneath him, and I realized that this, this singular moment in time…this was one of his greatest fears becoming reality. The anger drained from me, starting at the crown of my head and continuing until it reached the tips of my toes, quickly vanquished, and all of my focus turned to Tom, to reassuring him that everything was going to be fine. We had a plan, we were as ready as anyone could ever be, and we’d face it all, and handle it all, together.
Turning to him, I placed my hands on his shoulders and met his gaze. His pupils were dilated, his breathing much more rapid than normal. I spoke slowly and, I hoped, calmly.
“Babe. Relax. We’ve got this. It’s okay.”
He shook his head, breaking eye contact. “I don’t have this…I don’t think I have this…”  
I moved my hands from his shoulders to either side of his head and forced him to look at me. “You know what? That’s okay. You don’t need to have this. Because I’ve got this. I’ve got it for both of us. I’ve got it, and I’ve got you, and it’s okay. Full steam ahead, remember?”
He bit his lip and inhaled deeply, then exhaled, voice shaky but strong. “Nothing’s going to stop this train. I liked it, and I’m gonna put a ring on it.”
I nodded. “And wow am I regretting what I said on the plane right about now…”
Tom reached out and ran his index finger down the left side of my face, stroking slowly along my cheek, then my jaw. “Perhaps you’re a bit psychic.”
“Did you mean a bit…psychotic? Because that seems more plausible.”
He smiled, which indicated that I was free to take action. I turned back to Luke.
“Okay, assuming you’ve read the full article, what’s her angle here?”
Luke frowned, nodding. “She’s framing it as Tom bought her silence in order to maintain his impeccable reputation and avoid damage to his career but she now regrets ‘covering up for him’ and says ‘it’s time everyone knew what kind of person he truly is’. Her words.”
“Fucking seriously? That’s what she went with?”
“Correct. It first appeared on a Reddit thread she started, entitled ‘The Real Tom Hiddleston’, with links to the videos hosted at a website with an url that corresponds to the thread title. The timeframe when they were made is unspecified, so there has been speculation that infidelity may be involved, especially since she’s chosen to release them the day before the wedding. And…”
Tom interjected, his voice now strong and dripping with venom, fueled by righteous indignation. “Well of COURSE that’s exactly what she’d go with. And that will probably be the next shitstorm to hit the media, right, Luke? That I cheated on Maude? That’s what you were going to say, isn’t it?”
Sighing, Luke glanced down at the floor, then back up at Tom. “It’s a possibility we should prepare for, yes. Believe me, I wish it wasn’t.”
Tom stepped forward and hugged him. “I’m sorry, man. You know that wasn’t really meant for you. I’m just…I…very, very sorry.”
Luke patted his back gently. “I know. And I’m sorry. This is…it’s awful.”
I left them embracing and walked to the desk, powering up my laptop as I sat down. They both turned their head in my direction, and I stared back. “What?”
Tom released Luke and walked to my side, resting one hand on my shoulder. “Are you…are you alright?”
Shrugging, I looked up at him. “Hell no.” He bit his lip, and I smirked. “But I’m going to channel everything I’m feeling into doing what I do best. It’s showtime, baby. And I am going to CRUSH. HER.”
Luke joined us, stone-faced as he struggled to keep his anger in check.
“Maude, you shouldn’t have to do this. Not now. You shouldn’t.”
Having to maintain some modicum of professionalism in the midst of something that was so deeply personal was a hazard that came with representing friends and family, and despite us having a plan in place, we had known all along that an incident of this scale simply had to be handled by one of us. Our junior agents, though very skilled, weren’t yet ready for the scope of…well, a scandal. That’s what this had turned out to be, really. An out-and-out scandal. And we also knew that though Luke had an important part to play, I was the one that had to be cast in the leading role.
I shrugged again. “Ideally, no. I shouldn’t. But also ideally, I’ve been down this road before with other clients and know the ropes. You…haven’t and don’t. So it’s just got to be me. Pull up a chair or sit on the desk, fellas. The clock is ticking, and we need to hustle.”
Luke dragged one of the wing-backs over and sat facing me, Tom opted to squat down at my side. I took a deep breath, then began.
“Okay. I considered addressing all our guests first, but I think that ship may have sailed…and we really can’t spare the time to do it properly now. So we’ll save explanations for after if they’re needed.  Luke, I know we planned on distributing press releases immediately, but let’s hold off.”
His left eyebrow rose, then both brows furrowed as he pondered what other avenue we could possibly utilize. “I want to question that, but intuition tells me to zip it and listen up.”
“Wise choice, sir.” He chuckled, as did I. “Here’s what I want you to do…talk to the business reservations manager, tell her we need a conference room or some other indoor space for 9 AM. It shouldn’t be a problem because they didn’t book any other events this week other than ours. Once you have a location, go outside. I’m sure the media coverage has multiplied by a factor of ten this morning…advise each and every outlet that we’ll be holding a closed press conference at 9:10.”
Neither of them commented, though Tom swallowed hard and Luke’s lips were pressed together with such force they’d lost their typical pinkish hue.
“Yes, I’m aware that sounds terrifying. But. BUT. It’s really a golden opportunity. Instead of just written statements, we’ll be able to speak, and there will be video and stills. They’ll have an opportunity to ask questions, so we can dispel rumors immediately. And, I’m going to give them an incentive. If, and only if, they run the story within an hour after the close of the conference and agree to leave us alone for the rest of today and all day tomorrow, they’ll be admitted to a fifteen minute post-ceremony, pre-reception photo opportunity. Just the two of us, in a location to be determined.” I turned to Tom. “If you’re okay with us pimping ourselves out on our wedding day, that is.”
“If you think it will afford us and our guests’ privacy and peace, yes, I am.”
“They’ll be getting two exclusives, and I’ll throw in that we won’t post anything to social media until the weekend, so that should seal the deal.” I frowned. “I’m sorry. I know it’s not something either of us would typically consider doing…”
He stood up, then sat on the desk next to my laptop, taking my hand in his and then kissing it. “Don’t you dare apologize, not for any of this. All the fault is mine, Maude. Thank you for finding us a way through this.”
I squeezed his hand. “You’re welcome.” Shifting in my seat, I rotated to face Luke. “I’ve got all the documents I need, so I’m going to start uploading them. Will you go hit the press? Not, like, hit them hit them. Not yet, anyway. You know what I mean. I’ll go over everything with Tom that he needs to cover in the interim. I think I just want you do corral the media and get their info, do the briefing, then introduce Tom, if that works.”
Luke nodded, rising to his feet quickly. “It does. I’ll go see what we’re dealing with so I can give you an idea of what to expect. Be back as soon as I can.”
As the door closed Tom released my hand, stood up once again, then walked around the desk and eased into the wingback next to me. A small smile appeared across his face, but the shine to his eyes told a different story…Tom’s default reaction to being afraid. Tears. I leaned forward, placing my hands on his knees as I met his gaze.
“All you’re going to have to do is read what I write for you. We’re going to do that right now, together. Your side, the facts. You will NOT be taking any questions. You finish your statement, and then I take over. That’s all. I know it’s awful, but it’s going to be okay. I’ll be right by your side the entire time.”
He bit his lip, eyes turning downward to stare at the pattern on the carpet for a good thirty seconds, breathing slowly in an effort to calm down. Finally, his eyes returned to mine and he nodded. “Okay. Thank you. You’ll be there, I can do this. I can do this.”
I stood, then bent forward to embrace him. He buried his face in my neck, and we remained as such, silently connecting, until I forced myself to let go and get to work. We’d been given a chance to get out ahead of this, and I couldn’t let it slip through my fingers, no matter how much I just wanted to hold him until everything else just faded away.
Tom and I stood outside the Chart Room, waiting for everyone to be seated. At least 30 outlets were expected, and Luke had chosen this particular space not just for its square footage…it possessed two entrances, one of them on the main hotel drive, the other from inside the hotel itself, which made it possible to allow the press access to us, but not the hotel or its guests. The door we’d be entering was closed, and would remain so until Luke texted us before he began to speak to the crowd. I was wearing a black cotton tank dress, and Tom had donned black jeans and a long-sleeved white button down. When preparing his statement, I remembered what he’d said back in March in LA when confronting Claudia and sought the recording I’d made to transcribe it. That, along with a few additions, made for a brief but impactful description of what had actually occurred…and, unlike Claudia’s version, we had proof to back it up. My phone dinged, and I looked up at Tom, took a deep breath and opened the door. We walked slowly toward the podium as Luke greeted the media and walked them through what to expect.
“Welcome. Please pause or stop any recording devices you have active at this time.” He waited for thirty seconds, then resumed. “I expect all of you to conduct yourselves in a professional manner and to refrain from interrupting prior to the question and answer portion of the conference. As we discussed earlier, this is a closed press conference, which means you may not broadcast any material live. While I accept that you may choose otherwise, I’d like to encourage you to be respectful to both Mr. Hiddleston and Ms. Gallagher when publishing articles relating to the situation at hand. Mr. Hiddleston will be making a statement, then Ms. Gallager, Prosper’s Social Media Director, will provide you with additional details pertaining to the matter. She will also be answering your questions. You are permitted to record and publish material from only Mr. Hiddleston’s statement, Ms. Gallagher’s formal statement, and the Q & A. There will be an off the record briefing prior to Ms. Gallagher’s formal statement, and she will advise you when you may resume recording.” He turned his head toward us, then stepped back, waving Tom in to take his place.
Tom felt uncomfortable with the idea reading what he planned to say, so he’d spent an hour memorizing it, though I’d insisted he bring my tablet along with the text readily available just in case. He set it down on the podium, adjusted the microphone, cleared this throat, and began.
“Good morning. Thank you for being here on such short notice. I very much appreciate your willingness to listen to my perspective and allow me to address the claims Ms. Heidrich has made. I met Ms. Heidrich towards the end of 2014. She was an extra on the set of I Saw the Light, and shortly after the director opted to cast her in a minor role, we began a sexual relationship. During filming, we did frequent sex clubs and engaged in what would certainly be considered non-traditional activities with other consenting adults. Ms. Heidrich and I also hosted other couples with similar interests privately, typically in my hotel room. Once the shoot ended, I travelled back to California with her, where we continued our sexual relationship until I discovered that she had been recording video and audio of our encounters with neither my knowledge nor permission. At that time, I made it abundantly clear that her having done so eroded all trust between us and as a result I no longer wished to be involved with her in any capacity. She expressed regret and, for the first time, indicated her perception of our relationship was that we were romantically involved, which differed from my own. I explained that regardless of how either of us felt, my decision to separate stood and I asked her to leave my hotel room. After her departure, I opted to return to London immediately, and before my plane even landed Ms. Heidrich had begun to harass me via phone and text messages. When I did not reply to those messages, they escalated from excuses and apologies to threats. She threatened to provide a detailed account of our interactions to my family and friends, she threatened to publish all of the videos she’d made online, and she threatened to ruin my career and make my life a living hell. It was at that point when I realized I’d found myself in a situation I wasn’t equipped to handle on my own and alerted my PR team, who called in legal representation. In an effort to stop the harassment, as well as to protect my family, my friends, and the various studios and organizations I represent and am associated with from the negative attention and potential loss of income that often results from the public revelation of personal, private matters, my team suggested that I enter into a non-disclosure agreement with Ms. Heidrich, and I willingly consented to doing so. I had neither seen nor heard from her until March of this year, when she attended the after party of the I Saw the Light Los Angeles premiere. Ms. Heidrich, without invitation, joined me on stage during a musical performance, and when the song finished she kissed me on the lips in front of my friends, colleagues and my fiancée. She then handed me a key to her hotel room and invited both me and my fiancée to join her for a tryst. It was, as you’d expect, mortifying, and though it was difficult to maintain any degree of professionalism, we managed to exit the party shortly after Ms. Heidrich did without drawing any undue attention to ourselves. I decided to use the opportunity to confront her face to face, so, with Ms. Gallagher as my witness, I did just that. I reiterated what I’d said to her when we initially parted ways, then told her in no uncertain terms that she was to never approach me in public or private ever again, and that if she did, I’d file a restraining order against her. Her response was to bring up the videos she’d made, first threatening that she’d publish them to embarrass my fiancée, whom she thought was not aware of their existence. When it was revealed that wasn’t the case, she then indicated that she would indeed publish them anyway. After Ms. Gallagher explained the actions that would be taken if any material was published, Ms. Heidrich responded by claiming she’d take action of her own, but when informed evidence existed which would prevent her from being victorious in that particular endeavor, she threw a highball glass at Ms. Gallagher. The object would have without a doubt hit her in the face if I had not pulled her out of the way. We then exited and returned to our own room, and decided to hope for the best…that Ms. Heidrich would finally move on. Today’s development is far from that ‘best’ we were hoping for, though not entirely unexpected. The timing is obviously intended to do the most harm…but rest assured it will not interfere in any way with our upcoming nuptials.”
I sighed, grateful that he’d made it all the way through, with the exception of the closing where he’d turn things over to me. A few seconds passed, and I thought he’d froze, but as he cleared his throat I sighed once more in relief.
“As a public figure, I have the opportunity to speak to a wider audience, and in this moment, I feel compelled to use my voice to draw attention to something that affects so many all around the world. Though I wasn’t aware of it at the time, during the second half of 2014 I was exhibiting symptoms of clinical depression, and I began self-medicating with alcohol to the point where I’d frequently black out. The behavior I exhibited during that time period was not typical, for me or of me. I don’t say that as an excuse, because I take full responsibility for my actions. I say it because I wish I’d been more informed about the symptoms of depression, I wish I hadn’t dismissed my feelings, and, most of all, I wish I had sought the help I needed sooner as opposed to later. There’s a stigma, a shame, still linked to any type of mental illness…one I didn’t even know I held fast to within myself. My own ignorance had a significant impact on my life, and what I wish to say is…if you’re feeling overwhelmed, less-than, grief-stricken, lost, angry, alone, anything that’s so powerful that it hinders you, who you are, who you try to be…tell someone. Make the call. Make an appointment. Get the help you need. There should be no shame in it…if you injured your body, you’d go to A&E. If your mind, your soul is injured…they deserve the same care and healing, do they not? Therapy helped bring me back from a very dark place, and taught me how to solve problems instead of trying to avoid them, or bury them. Without it, I don’t think I’d be here today, standing in front of you, about to stand tomorrow before gods and humanity and declare my undying love for and celebrate my commitment to the most amazing human being I’ve ever been blessed to encounter in this life.” He wiped away a tear from his cheek. “It’s okay to ask for help. It’s something we all need at some point in our lives, and it’s nothing anyone should ever be embarrassed by, or ashamed of. Thank you, again, for being here.”
He left my tablet at the podium as I’d requested, turning toward me, and it took everything I had to not break protocol and embrace him. Instead, I met his gaze and mouthed the words ‘I love you’ as he brushed against me on his way to Luke, and then both of them exited via the side door we’d entered by. We’d agreed he wouldn’t stick around for the rest, not only for his sake, but for mine as well. I needed to be in full on don’t fuck with this bitch mode, which would have likely been impossible if I knew he was there listening, and hurting. I stepped behind the podium, clicked my tablet out of sleep mode, and saw that Tom had used a drawing app to scrawl a note for me.
Your words are your scepter. They will all kneel before you. I love you. – T
I was unable to suppress my grin, so I used it as an ice-breaker.
“Man, I don’t recall sending any of you an invitation. This might be a Guinness world record for the most crashers at a single wedding.” They laughed, and I could feel that switch within me flip. “Before you begin barraging me with ridiculously intrusive questions, we’re going to play let’s make a deal. Ready? Here’s the deal. If, and only if, you run with this story within an hour after I’m done speaking AND you agree to leave us – Tom, me, our guests, the hotel staff, everyone involved – alone for the rest of today and all day tomorrow, you will be admitted to a fifteen minute photo and video session with Tom and me immediately after the ceremony and prior to the reception. The location will be emailed to you upon confirmation that the story was published before the deadline. And trust me, I’m going to check. Repeatedly. Because I want this everywhere. Like, right now. I’ll be sharing our path forward, I have information and supporting documentation and other goodies all of which only be available to YOU for distribution. Granted, there are a lot of you…but wow, what an incentive to be the, you know, first, am I right?”
More laughter, which I silenced by holding up my right hand briefly. “Don’t get too excited, because I’m not saying another word until you agree to the terms. Get this story out there within an hour, leave us in peace for the rest of today and all day tomorrow, and you get exclusive wedding couple coverage. We’re even going to hold off on posting to social media accounts until the weekend. So. If you don’t agree, please exit immediately. Remaining will be considered consent, and allow me to reiterate that I. WILL. BE. WATCHING. YOU. Also, permission is now granted to resume recording.”
I counted to thirty, and everyone remained right where they were, fiddling with their devices. “Mr. Hiddleston provided you with a brief summary of his relationship with Ms. Hedrich, and at this time I’d like to expand upon several points as they relate directly to our intentions in regard to her actions. It’s important to note that Mr. Hiddleston entered into an NDA with Ms. Heidrich on the advice of his PR and legal representation, and that his concern was not for himself, but instead for those around him. His team, though, was absolutely concerned about him…not only his reputation, which they were hired to protect, but for his safety and emotional well-being. Not only had he just discovered that his privacy had been violated by someone he trusted, he was in the midst of enduring a campaign of harassment and threats as a result of ceasing contact with the violator. Over the course of three days, Ms. Heidrich sent numerous text messages and called his cell phone two-hundred and sixteen times, leaving fifty three messages, each more bizarre than the last. She threatened to kill herself, contact his family, and publish the videos she’d filmed without his knowledge or consent on the internet. Mr. Hiddleston has in his possession the phone he’d been using during this time, on which all voicemails and texts remain in their original, unaltered state. I’ve captured screenshots and audio of a few, which you’ll be able to access with a link contained in an email you’ll be sent at the end of this conference.”
That got their attention like nothing else had as yet, and the room began buzzing with indecipherable murmuring, and I could feel myself begin to feed off their energy as I continued.
“You will also be able to access the non-disclosure agreement itself, which is obviously no longer valid as Ms. Heidrich has violated the terms contained within it. Quite spectacularly, if I may add. And, as you’ll soon see in the draft copies I’ve included for your perusal, she refused to sign on the dotted line until the settlement sum reached one million dollars.” Gasps and low whistles replaced the murmurs.
“Which brings me to…what’s next. Unfortunately, Mr. Hiddleston’s legal representation back in 2014 was not aware that what Ms. Heidrich was threatening to do was considered revenge porn, which is against the law in California and Louisiana, the states in which the videos were filmed. Had that not been the case, Mr. Hiddleston would likely not have had to enter into an NDA, nor paid out any sum in order to keep Ms. Heidrich in check, as the threat of jail time is often incredibly persuasive in and of itself. Now that she’s published the material she was contractually obligated to NOT publish, we will take action against her. In fact, this process has already begun. The hosting service she chose to use has taken down the website she created and moved all the content that was uploaded to a secure server. By their count, said content consists of 37 mp4 files. Reddit has agreed to remove the thread she opened after they’ve completed archiving all the posts and replies. Data from both will be retained for later use, as Mr. Hiddleston has opted to pursue criminal charges against Ms. Heidrich under both the revenge porn and invasion of privacy statues, and to file a civil suit as well for breach of contract. Be advised that the terms of the NDA were very clear and that Ms. Heidrich is now required to return the settlement compensation she received. All monies received by Mr. Hiddleston as restitution will be donated to a charity of his choosing. We anticipate having everything in motion by the end of next week.”
I paused, scanning the room, gauging whether or not I should ‘go personal’ again, as I had during my let’s make a deal segment. I knew they wanted me to…they always want that, the realness, evidence of emotional investment and, hopefully, pain. It’s what generates the most clicks. And then I remembered what Tom had written…and personal went right out the fucking window and I dove headfirst in the fray.
“Okay. Questions. Try to be concise so we can fit as many in as possible. One per outlet maximum. And when I say done, we’re done.” Hands rose in a wave. “Daily Mail. You’re at the top of my naughty list today, so let’s get your query out of the way first.”
There was snickering, but the woman stood, undeterred. “How long have you known about the videos? Have you watched them?”
I gave her the Frank Underwood sipping a beverage glare of disgust. “That’s two questions. Next time put an ‘and’ in between them and perhaps your inability to follow the rules won’t be quite as obvious. Tom and I first discussed his relationship with Claudia a few weeks after we met. And no, I haven’t watched them. Have you?”
Her cheeks reddened as she sat down quickly. Ah, another opportunity for a Loki-esque smirk.
“I’ll take that as a yes, then. TMZ, go.”
A man with long dark hair in a well-worn Ramones shirt rose quickly from his chair. “Ms. Heidrich mentioned the premiere and hotel meeting on the Reddit thread, and according to her she and Tom spent the night together…you were all staying at the same property, and he went upstairs to her suite after you fell asleep, then snuck back in before you woke. AKA, he cheated on you and you had no clue. Tom’s version of events is completely different. Which one is the truth?”
“There’s a reason why Tom didn’t go up to her hotel room alone…and it’s precisely because it was a perfect set up. Cameras all over the property, right outside the room to get him coming and going but leaving everything in between up in the air in order to craft a he-said, she-said scenario to which there’d be no concrete resolution. Which is why I recorded audio of the exchange in its entirety on my phone and, during the checkout process back in March, requested that the hotel retain a full 24 hours of surveillance covering both our room entrance as well as Claudia’s. Oh, right. I didn’t answer your question. Sorry. Tom’s version is the truth. Next, Sun.”
“Maria Fontaine, Ms. Gallagher. So you’re saying a recording of the exchange exists…will you be releasing that?” Her dark blonde eyebrows rose above the black rectangular frames of her glasses.
“I hadn’t planned on it, but the file just needs to be uploaded to the location of all the rest of the materials available to you. So, yes.” I pulled my phone out of my pocket and held it up. “The original is still right here, safe and sound and timestamped.”
As I slipped it back in, a stringer from the Hollywood Reporter, one I recognized from previous conferences, jumped up and blurted out his question. “Was Ms. Heidrich made aware that you were recording her?”
I snorted. “I’m going to have to subtract a hundred points for not waiting your turn but wow, you’re quick on the uptake today, Cody. No. She was not made aware that she was being recorded. Yes, California is a two party state and I fully understand that I may be subject to criminal and civil penalties as a result of my negligence to do so. E! News, you’re up.”
Rising slowly from her seat and smoothing her black and white chevron printed dress along the way, a woman with black hair to her waist and dark red lipstick titled her head at me as she placed one hand on her hip. “Since you haven’t seen them, how can you be sure that none of the videos were filmed after you met Tom? Maybe he was actually cheating with her, if not that night in LA, then some other time?”
That took my mind in an unpleasant direction, even though I knew there wasn’t a shred of truth to it. “Well, the best way to analyze them is by evaluating his hair style, coloring, and body type. In order to play the role of Hank, Tom lost a significant amount of weight and dyed his hair dark brown. We met in June of 2015, right after he completed filming for the Night Manager, for which he bulked up, adding a great deal of muscle mass and definition. His hair was also shorter, and lighter. The difference should be glaringly apparent.” From the look on red lipstick’s face, I could tell she was super disappointed that her question hadn’t pushed me over the edge and into boo-hoo personal territory, but it did make me reflect on the very first question I’d received. The fact began to sink in that though I hadn’t seen the videos, a vast number of people HAD viewed them, and would continue to do so unto perpetuity now that they were in the wild. Folks everywhere were watching my very soon to be husband having sex. With people who weren’t me. Seeing him in the most intimate situations possible, receiving a torrid glimpse into what likely happened when he and I were behind closed doors. And probably getting off on it. My heart began to pound and I was accosted by a mild wave of nausea, at which point I knew I needed to shut the conference down, and quickly.
“Two more questions. Hollywood Life, your turn.” I was stunned they had a body present…their normal modus operandi was to make shit up. Said body was female, and, if I had to guess, an intern. Her gum cracked as she spoke.
“Aren’t you concerned about being with someone who’s had so many sex partners? Has Tom been treated for any STIs?”
Resisting the urge to flip her off was tantamount to not scratching a bug bite. “Ah, there are the ridiculously intrusive questions I was waiting for. Also, are you serious right now? Neither of those are anyone’s business. Take that judgmental bullshit down the road.  And if I see you’ve printed anything at all about either, now or somewhere down the line, you’ll be hearing from me. You may think that’s preferable to hearing from my attorney, but trust me…it isn’t.” Her eyes were huge, and she sat down in slow motion.
“Last question. Radar Online.”
Their reporter hadn’t even bothered to take of his sunglasses. “Will the wedding be postponed?”
I leaned forward, jaw having dropped open at his idiocy…but, thankfully, I realized only Tom had addressed that particular issue on the record and this dude wanted something from my lips he could actually use. “The wedding will proceed as planned, and we’re going to relax and enjoy ourselves with our friends and family. Like people who fall in love and get married do every day all over the globe. But with more Marvel character actors. Probably. Thanks for coming, everyone. Emails should be sent out within the next fifteen minutes for you.”
There were shouts, which I ignored as I grabbed my tablet and headed for the side door. Blocking my path was a man about my age, maybe a little older, perhaps mid-40’s, wearing a black t-shirt, chili-pepper print Bermuda shorts and black plastic flip-flops. His hair was light brown, up in a bun, and he sported a goatee flecked with grey. My stomach was roiling, and I was just about to shove him when I thought better of it, using my words instead.
“Can I help you with something?”
He smiled sheepishly. “Listen, I know you just want to jet and I’m really sorry to bother you, but I freelance for a lot of outlets, some of which are actually, you know, reputable. The New York Times has been asking me to do a story on something tech within the entertainment industry, and I was wondering if you’d agree to sitting down for an interview about your app. I saw it on someone’s phone last week, and downloaded it myself, and it’s incredible. Like, life changing incredible. Your marketing has been targeted mainly at studios and actors and PR, but it should be wider. Way wider. I’m Chad Morrison. Here’s my card, call me if you’re interested when things settle down. Best wishes to you and Tom.”
I accepted the shiny paper rectangle, trying my best to not puke on his feet. “Wow, thank you. I will. Thanks again.”
He stepped aside and I hurried out into the hall, passed by Tom and Luke, and darted to the restroom just down the corridor. I could hear Tom calling my name, but I was too preoccupied with barfing into the sink to answer. The door creaked open as I was on heave number five, nothing coming up by then other than what I was sure would be my innards. I saw his reflection in the mirror, and he gathered my hair into one hand, holding it back from my face, then began to rub my back gently with the other. I heaved twice more, and…that was that. Tom passed me a stack of paper towels, and I washed my hands and face, then turned around, my eyes meeting his, which were full of concern. I smiled meekly.
“Sorry about that.”
He frowned, taking my hands in his. “Are you alright? What happened in there? We listened, and…”
“Dude, you weren’t supposed to listen. It went fine, I just…it kinda slammed me, the idea that the masses are watching you fucking someone who isn’t me. But I think I’m over it already. Water under the bridge. Digestive fluids down the drain. And I probably should have had breakfast. Coffee is not breakfast.”
He pulled me into an embrace, stroking my hair as he whispered. “I’m so sorry.”
I leaned back to look at him again. “It’s okay. Sometimes when I get overwhelmed I throw up. Like a two year old after a crying fit. Or something. I feel fine now, though. Actually, I’m hungry. Which is weird because christ, that was gross. Let me make sure the sink is clean before we leave.”
He kissed my temple, released me, then checked the sink himself. “It’s fine. Are you sure you’re okay?”
I nodded. “Yep. My brain decided that the solution to my problem was to realize that while there may be lots of people seeing you do the deed, I’m the one who gets to actually DO the deed with you, from this day forward forever and ever amen, so I win.”
“Your logic never fails to amaze me.” Reaching out, he took my chin in his hand. “I’m still very, very sorry. Thank you for standing there and handling it all.”
“Well, I’m a little disappointed that they didn’t kneel before me.”
He laughed, leaning in to kiss the tip of my nose. “Only because they were sitting, my love.” He released my chin and took my hand in its place.
“True. It’s like too lazy to get off the floor kneeling. Totally acceptable. Also, what you said, your improvisation…that was…it was beautiful, and very, very brave, and I’m so proud of you, Tom. And also ridiculously, totally, completely in love with you.”
A big, beautiful smile spread across his face. “Same, Maude. Same. And thank you. It’s been in the back of my mind for quite some time, but it never seemed right until that moment. If it helps even just one person, it’s worth it. Plus, if the world’s going to know I’m not perfect, they should know just how imperfect I truly am.”
“Thomas, I’m going to have to go ahead and disagree with you there. You are TOTALLY perfect.”
He laughed, a full on three gear ehehehehe. “Come on, then. Let’s get you fed.” He held the door for me, and we walked back to join Luke, and Simon, who’d arrived in our absence.
“Lets. I have one file to upload, then the first email can go out. By the time we’re done eating, the story should be spreading like wildfire. And after I send the invitations, this is going to be Luke’s problem until after the weekend unless it’s absolutely necessary for us to get involved. Right, Luke?”
Luke glanced at Tom, silently inquiring as to whether or not I was okay. Tom nodded, and Luke sighed with relief.
“Sure thing, Maude.”
Simon pointed at me. “Whatever Bridezilla wants, Bridezilla gets.”
I pointed back. “And don’t you fucking forget it, mister.”
4 notes · View notes
ladye11e · 6 years
Deception pt 29
The conflict between the Assassins and the Templars is getting out of hand. Lies, deceit and subterfuge, now you must pick a side...
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Tagging @geekgoddess813 @sweet-flash @ermergerd517 @i-wontgivein @imakemyownblog 💕
If anyone else would like a tag, shoot me a dm 😁
Link to the full fic so far is Here.
Your eyes fluttered open and you wiped the sheen of sweat off your forehead with the back of your hand as you sat up steadily, taking several deep breaths to slow the pounding in your chest, as it was beating as if you had just run a marathon.
Glancing around as you tried to push the disturbing images of Achilles' face when he realised you were a traitor out of your mind, you only just noticed that you were alone in the bed. Shuffling out to peek through the curtains and seeing it was still dark outside, you grabbed the dressing gown off the back of the door and plodded out in search of Shay. You spotted him quickly with his back to you at the dining table; engrossed in typing something, so you leant over and kissed him on the cheek, before sitting on the edge of the table next to where he was working.
"There you are. Feeling better?"
"Mmm, much. What are you still doing up?!"
"Still? It's ten o'clock." He stated, weaving his arms around your waist and pulling you into his lap.
"Ten? Two whole hours sleep, great."
"No lass, ten on Monday. You've been passed out for over a day."
Your eyes widened as you grabbed his laptop and turned it to you, double checking what he had said as you had never slept for that long in your life. Looking around furiously when it finally sunk in, you went to jump up as your gaze finally landed on your bag, but Shays tightening grip around your middle prevented you from doing so. Cocking your head when he reached around his computer and fumbled about, you took your phone off him slowly when he handed it to you, extremely confused as to why a horde of assassins wasn't banging down the door right now.
"Guessing you're lookin' for this? Gist came over this morning and hacked into the chip, it's turned off now an ya don't need to put in that code. Should be glad I didn't throw it out the window, it's been going off non-stop."
Quickly unlocking it with your thumbprint, you dismissed the seven calls and flicked through the eighteen messages that were on there, grimacing when they were all from Jacob complaining about how Connor was being mean to him, making him exercise and eat green tree things with his dinner, and you needed to get him the hell out of there. You breathed a sigh of relief when you listened to the only voicemail you had, of Altäir sending a mass call to everyone saying that due to the circumstances everyone was allowed two days off to grieve and, were expected back in on Wednesday.
"Hmm, sorry about that. Most of it wasn't even important."
"I was only joking." He chuckled, pulling you down to kiss you gently. "Oh, I forgot to thank you yesterday, for gettin' the boss to give the room back. What did you do to get him to change his mind?"
Flicking through your phone one more time to use it as a distraction while you came up with a good excuse, you tossed it on the table and draped your arms over his shoulders, hoping you had come up with something believable, but would also give you a chance to pry slightly. You didn't want to lie, you even hated yourself for it, but it was better than the alternative.
"Nothing much, just made him realise he was being a complete idiot. Although..."
Trailing off and furrowing your brow, you scratched your cheek as you contemplated how to word it, without dropping yourself into a spiralling fib.
"I don't know really. I've got the feeling he's hiding something, to use against me if I pissed him off again... I'm not sure though."
"He threatened you?!"
You winced when his arms tightened around you, gritting his teeth and tensing up as if he wanted to run over there and burn the whole building down to the ground.
"Calm down. Not as such, but he heavily suggested that there would be consequences if I made him look like a fool again?"
"I knew it..." He grumbled under his breath, shifting you slightly to the left on his lap so he could pull his computer back in front of him.
"Know what?!"
"Right, promise me you won't get mad."
You looked at him pointedly, as if to say 'well, duh' as he clicked on something several times, which brought up numerous schematics of Templar headquarters, and a particular one of which you slightly recognised as Haythams work office.
"You know what I mean. Remember that pin you wore for our first mission? Well, I had a gut feelin' that I wasn't the only one watching. Then he confirmed my suspicions when he asked me about that drawing you did, before I'd even mentioned it."
Rolling your tongue in your cheek as you could see where this was going, you zoned out; now thinking that more than just Haythams eyeballs would look good on a stick, snapping out of your revengeful plotting and sighing when you realised Shay was still talking.
"When I confronted him about it, he said that the feed went to his computer too so he could have a look for anything that could help us, but it was deleted. I'm sure he recorded it though, cos he keeps bringin' up little details that no one would have noticed unless they watched it more than once. I didn't know, I swear to ya."
"Son of a bitch... Details such as?"
The corner of your mouth curled up when he shuffled about and lowered his gaze to your lap, his cheeks taking on a pinkish hue when you booped his nose playfully, making you wonder why he kept getting flustered so quickly recently.
"Aww, you're cute when you're embarrassed. Okay, you don't have to say. But why didn't you tell me about it before now??"
"Cute?! Thanks, I think?" He mumbled, which made your eyes roll and a chuckle erupt. "Didn't say anything because I've got no proof. It's what I've been workin' on the past few days."
Now paying more attention to the screen when he pointed at it, you saw that it wasn't only the floorplans were there, but all of the internal ducting, emergency exits and lifts were highlighted too.
"If he has got anything, it'll be on his work computer, not his personal one upstairs because he was in the middle of that bloody merger thing when all that was happening, and he never left the place. You up for another bit of larceny together lass?"
You grinned wickedly and pulled him to you by the collar of his shirt, kissing him firmly before shuffling around on his knee, so your back was up against his chest.
"Stupid question... So, what's the plan?"
Spending all of the evening formulating a way in and out of Haythams office, you had finally come up with a strategy, and were now stood across the street from Templar headquarters at eight fifteen in the morning. Checking your reflection once more in your compact mirror, you were satisfied enough that even your own mother wouldn't be able to recognise you. You had reached out to one of your contacts Mary Read; who was an expert in disguises, and after being under her skilled hands for several hours, you were now adorning a full latex mask and a somewhat itchy wig, drastically changing your appearance. Knowing that she would have no idea who Shay was, you took him with you (even though he was rather surly about having to wear 'makeup') but as it had taken longer to get him done than yourself and had to leave to finalise a few details, you didn't have a clue what he looked like right now.
Fiddling with your choker that concealed a voice synthesiser as it felt like you were being strangled, you didn't notice that someone was stood behind you until you felt a hand cup your ass. Spinning around quickly and getting ready to punch whoever it was, you suddenly dropped your arm when you looked into the stranger's eyes, recognising them instantly.
"You're late." You scoffed, frowning at the higher pitched voice that came out of your mouth. "Blonde is definitely not your colour either."
Taking a step back to get a better look at Shay, your nose crinkled when you saw he was, well, boring. No distinguishing features at all. His scar had been concealed, and his hair was now sandy ash colour and swept to one side. Most would still find him attractive, but this didn't do anything for you in the slightest. But it wasn't like looks mattered at this moment in time, only that he couldn't be recognised, and Mary had done a fantastic job. On the upside, he was wearing a black suit and tie so that he could take the place of one of the security guards on the upper levels.
"I'll keep that in mind next time I go to the salon love." He joked. "Sorry about the time, Gist took a bit longer than he thought to get these Id's sorted. Here ya go."
Staring at the badge for a moment when he handed it to you, your eyes narrowed as you read the name on it three times, rolling all the despicable things you could do to Christopher when you saw him next around in your head.
"Kandi?! I sound like a freaking stripper! I'm gonna kill him..."
Clipping it to your blouse and slapping his arm when he burst out laughing, you stomped over the road when you saw that the staff were starting to arrive at work, stopping just outside while you waited for Shay to catch up; who was still sniggering at you.
"Oh shut up, Gus. Well, here we go."
Holding your breath as you swiped your card to get through the turnstiles and enter the building, you resisted the urge to smirk when you got through security without any problem and, headed over to the elevators. You were pushed to the back when nearly a dozen other people flooded in, giving you the perfect opportunity to look over the shoulder of the girl in front of you; whose place you would be taking, and sneak a peek at her mobile while she was texting. Taking a phone that Shay slyly handed to you and holding it down by your side, you clicked the screen when you saw that it had paired with her cell, allowing you to clone it.
Flicking through the contacts list quickly, you eventually came across the one you were looking for; stomach-churningly named 'xXhunnibunniXx', and sent a beautifully doctored picture of her kissing a man inside her car. Switching the phone off and slipping it into your bag, you only had to wait several seconds before hers started ringing, pursing your lips when as soon as she answered it, she started becoming hysterical.
"What?! What are you talking about?? I haven't cheated! Sweetie, please... Wait... Listen to me!"
You managed to keep a straight face as she banged on every button on the lift in trying to get out, barging through the doors and pretty much screaming down the phone when they finally opened. Sliding her work card that you had managed to snatch off of her bag into your pocket, all you had to do now, was wait until you got to the top floor.
By the thirty second, there was only four of you left in here, and you were becoming impatient at how long this was taking, huffing when the elevator stopped again at the next level. And as your luck would have it, just as the last two people got off the next person to get on was none other than Haytham, whose eyes immediately widened as he saw you, standing a little too close for comfort directly to your right. Crap crap crappity crap crap! You thought as he kept glancing at you out of the corner of his eye, and you could literally hear Shay gritting his teeth.
"Are you new? I do not believe we have met. Haytham Kenway."
Not daring to meet his eye just in case, you took his hand when he extended it, managing to muster up a small smile when he squeezed your fingers briefly.
"Kandi. I'm just here to help out, one of your assistants called in with a family emergency? So I've been told."
"I see. Well, I do hope you enjoy working for me. Perhaps we could see, more of each other? Over drinks shall we say?"
Your brow furrowed as you wondered what he was getting at when he leered at you, until you followed his gaze downwards and saw that one of your hold ups had slipped, so the lacy top was now just below the hem of your skirt.
"Oh! Silly me. These damned things just won't stay up! Honey, would you mind?"
Spinning around to face Shay, you hoisted your skirt up and propped your heel up on the waist-high rail next to him, grinning when he slowly ran his hands up your calf and thigh, sliding your stocking into its proper place.
"This is my husband, Gus. He's much better at taking them off of course, but that will have to wait until later. So I'll have to pass on your offer. Thank you anyway."
Shay could barely contain his smirk as you kissed him on the cheek and tugged your skirt back down, wiping your lipstick away with your thumb as Haytham gave him a somewhat surly, but polite nod. You bit back the urge to laugh as he couldn't get out of the elevator fast enough when it finally opened on the second to last floor, leaving you and Shay alone for a moment to sort yourselves out when the doors went to close again; pushing the stop button, so the lift didn't go anywhere.
"Well, that's was, interesting, what made ya say that? You probably shouldn't have done it though, that's not gonna make things any easier for us."
"I know, but I couldn't resist, it was just the first thing that popped in my head. Besides, since when do we ever get to do something as easy as this? Least we can be ourselves, apart from our faces. Suppose that was one way of testing the disguises." You giggled, handing back the phone out of your bag and, taking an earbud and a small, pencil-sized device off of him.
Quickly double checking that all remnants of your makeup were off his face, you exited the lift, Shay going to the right and taking his position at the security desk, with yourself going to left, joining the other two assistants outside Kenways office.
"Who are you?!" The redhead sat at the main desk several feet away from you asked rather abruptly without even looking up, her long nails that were clacking on her keyboard making you wince.
"Kandi. Last minute temp. Why are there three of us for one person?"
"Give it five minutes, and you'll know. You better be good." She huffed.
It didn't even take that long before Charles stomped out of Haythams office with a tower of files in his arms, splitting it in two and dumping a pile on yours, and the rest on the other smaller desk with an evil grin.
"You know the drill. Make sure the new one keeps up."
"Yes, Mr Lee." The redhead chanted miserably, not bothering to glance up from her computer.
Grabbing the topmost file and flipping it open, you groaned as you recognised its contents, which was page after page of minutes from meetings that all needed typing up, in Lee's almost illegible handwriting.
This was going to be a looooong day.
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pauliflower-blog · 7 years
Final Poetry Portfolio Spring 2016
From my past semester of English 570 aka Techniques of Poetry.
We wrote various poems, different forms, workshopped each others’ work and it was a blast. I learned about meter, the intention with each line, as well as other sonic patternings!
The portfolio was required to be comprised of 3 extensively revised poems already submitted in class (which I only revised about once for each poem… don’t tell my professor lol), and one new poem (which I am actually very proud of).
Without further ado (In the order I have written them):
Can we be much more fluid, like a silver night swaying over pinkish hues? Do a headstand on the sky. Notice how it looks at you blending with its endless view.
Sonnet: Shallow Diving
The waves are my blood without oxygen, crashing against my heart, mesmerizing up and into the skyline, quivering. I never thought I’d feel this way again, didn’t realize butterflies can swim, run, up my spine into new horizons and create exhalation so vibrant. I thought the chances of drowning were slim, but I’m submerged under waves I can’t surf. And I’ve dedicated air to learning about a you who bleeds red and blue, plunging into fluid feelings of hurt. Skin grazing the jagged seafloor, yearning to come up for breath once more, I sink in you.
Collage Found Poem: Not Tonight (Lines from E.E. Cummings and Pablo Neruda)
My Terra, constantly dancing, spinning, why do you wobble the night around you? I don’t know days you can turn to disarray but you shake the stars from their always
because you have loved me moon and sunset stars and flowers glow, grow, in me and you I feel you keep going, luminous against a soundless reassurance so
the dark matters could fade to a light blue I like it when you break through these wavelengths as if you were on fire from within The moon lives in the lining of your skin
try not to notice oceans you’ve drowned in I wish to run my fingers through your air but their impacts, like comets, race instead along your surface already jagged
My vastness, to recognize these crashes hallucinate a space that reminds me this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart: I’ll carry your heart for light years
Terza Rima: Static (New Poem)
When a room stills and settles upon dry, untouched objects, dust collects. Shameless nestles
against the both of our necks dissolve among burning memories, consumed wholly by heart-wreck.
Uninhabited rooms of you and me shying away from each other, creating distance without feet.
Two quiet, neglected lovers wishing to gently caress everywhere the dust will cover
don’t acknowledge their rooms a mess. Spreading stillness like it’s for the best.
I probably could have spent more time on these, but I feel like I work better under pressure. But damn, imagine what I could accomplish with much more time on my hands (me speaking to myself, in hopes of motivating me to drop my horrid habit of procrastinating and waiting until the last minute).
The portfolio was due at 7 pm on Friday, May 20th.
I literally started writing my new poem in my notes on my phone at around 4 pm, as my dad and fam and I were coming out of the movie theaters after watching the new Angry Birds movie lol. We got home around 5 pm and I went straight to my laptop, scrambled to finish, and turned it in late…. (7:30 ish).
I still got an A- in the class though. But yes, I admit mistakes were made.
What can I say? You live and you learn.
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sunaddicted · 7 years
Rainbow (00q, E.T. sequel)
James cocked his head to the side "Can you explain to me why does your skin change colours? I'm guessing it's not a random thing" he blurted out, curiosity winning his inner battle after having spent a couple of hours in silent observation: Q easily and systematically took apart and put together again the best equipment Q-branch had to offer in almost an hypnotising way. The poor Major didn't know that James had actually stopped destroying his equipment and losing it everywhere - still, the Quartermaster never saw it again because he'd give it to MI6 resident alien. He just couldn't help himself: whenever Q pouted and looked up at him with those bright green eyes - always there no matter which form he had taken in that particular moment - James would give in to any requests that the alien would make. One of Q's tentacles flailed around a bit and his skin lost its usual marble whiteness in favour of a bright pinkish hue "Rude" the alien chided, scowling down at the laptop he was taking apart - hands and tentacles working together in effortless harmony "I don't ask you why you flush red sometimes, do I?" "So, it has to do with your feelings?" James grinned, endeared by the way Q was easily flustered - which made the pink hue only more evident. Deciding that he'd rather use his hands to work, Q half-heartedly shoved at James with one of his free tentacles and showed him his teeth. Not that it was of much use: apparently, the agent was unfazed by his shark-like smile "You're so nosy" "Professional deformation" James retorted with a shrug, gently coaxing the tentacle to twirl around his finger with careful prods that really were just caresses "So? You turn pink when you're embarrassed - which other colours can you do?" He asked curiously, tugging lightly on the tentacle wrapped around his finger and sliding a bit closer to peer down at Q's skin. "Why don't you tell me, oh great 007?" Snark and sarcasm were something Q had picked on quite quickly and James couldn't help being endeared by the prickly personality the alien showed sometimes "I've seen you turn blue once, when a doctor came in and scared the living daylights out of you" "Our parents take great care in scaring us of anything remotely medical and human" Q pointed out, crossing his arms and all of his tentacles - except the one that James had claimed for himself - to convey his message clearly: no teasing allowed "Besides, I don't need human doctors" James rolled his eyes: that was a conversation they had had quite often and neither of them had yet budged on their position "You don't know if you're immune to our diseases: you need shots. I don't want you to die because of a mere cold" he said honestly, tickling the tentacle in his grip "I'll hold your hand" he added with an impish grin, even if he meant every single word he had said. James himself wasn't find fond of doctors, having met his fair share of and criminals who liked to mess with the human body while wearing a white coat for the dramatic effect, and he'd never let Q face one of them alone if they scared him. Q had to focus greatly to make sure that starbursts didn't blossom on his skin; if he had any saying in it, James would never see that particular pattern - not even on his dying day "I'm not a youngling" he protested to hide just how pleased he was with the other's words that showed just how much the agent cared about him. Swooning after a human - had his bearer known that, he'd have revoked his lab privileges before he could start pleading for mercy. And Q would have wholeheartedly agreed with the punishment. "And now you're sad" James observed, voice dropping an octave to a sweet and consoling tone that people rarely heard coming out of his mouth. Q glanced down at himself and saw splotches of black seep under his skin like ink dissolving into water "I was thinking about my bearer" "That's another thing I noticed" James jumped at the occasion to change topics, hoping to distract Q from any sad thought swirling around his mind "You never say mother and father - you always say bearer" he pointed out, indirectly asking elucidation; after Q had understood that nobody wanted to hurt him, he had always showed himself to be quite eager to share fact about his alien culture and biology. "Oh, that" pink swirled together with black, painting his skin in a unique pattern "Our bodies can both bear and sire younglings" Q frowned, rooting around his brain in search of an appropriate term to better express what he meant in English "We're hermaphrodites?" He asked, unsure about whether he had used the correct word. James blinked in surprise "What about gender then?" Q peered into the agent's face, trying to see whether there was any horror or disgust displayed on it. What he saw, it was only unbridled and genuine curiosity and a thirst for knowledge "We choose what it fits us best, it's... a fluid concept for us" "That's fascinating" James stated and really, there never would be a thing about Q that he didn't find interesting. *** James had some bad mental associations with the red: it was the colour of blood - freshly spilled or already drying - and of gore; it was the colour of Vesper's sundress when she had drowned under the scalding Venetian sun of an Italian summer; it was the colour of Q's skin whenever he was hurt and in pain. After the nth time he hadn't brought back his equipment to Q-Branch, Boothroyd had decided to get at the bottom of the question; he had made sure with his own eyes that 007 hadn't lost his gun or earwig in the field, which could only mean that the agent was keeping them to himself. Unashamedly, once he was back in MI6, he used the building security cameras to follow 007 and find out where he secret stash was. He had known about the resident alien but, while a man of science, Boothroyd had never interested himself in alien biology and preferred to stick to technology. So, he had left the poor thing alone to get used to its new environment - everyone with enough clearance knew that the alien would never be allowed to go back to his home planet - and he made sure that his curious underlings too left it alone. Really, it was 007's fault if he had made his way to the alien's cellar - no matter how tastefully decorated, its rooms were still a prison - to ask the creature what it exactly did with his tech. Only to discover that the alien had a wonderful mathematical mind with a knack for engineering "Can you look less... Alien?" Boothroyd had asked and when the alien had shown him its human disguise, he had patted it on the shoulder and congratulated it about its first job in MI6. Of course, M hadn't been exactly thrilled about it but the Major had made sure to point out that he was the only one who could choose who he thought was better fitted to work in his branch. Plus, the poor thing needed something to do or it would go insane, cooped up as it was with only 007 and an unfriendly doctor as the only people visiting it. And Boothroyd gave 007 the exact same speech he had given M, when Q got hurt and he lost his head like a bull charging at a red drape. Apparently, Q's disguise wasn't as airtight as he had thought; when the alien focused on work or felt a particularly strong emotion, it would sprout tentacles or its skin started changing colours. Personally, Boothroyd thought it was rather cute - and he knew for sure that Bond wouldn't think of the alien as scary or dangerous even if it started gobbling down people. Sadly, humans could be extremely obtuse. When Q's skin had turned a sunny yellow in excitement - Boothroyd would later learn that the alien had managed to crack open a firewall nobody had even managed to weaken - an underling had freaked out and shocked Q with a taser. And since disgraces never come alone, that was the exact moment when 007 entered his branch. James rushed towards them, putting himself in front of Q as a shield in order to protect him. His hands fluttered all over Q's skin, digits skimming over the bright red flashes swirling together with a terrified indigo blue "Can you move everything?" He asked, gathering the other's trembling form in his arms. Tentacles tentatively slithered out to wrap themselves around his biceps and neck, holding onto him for dear life, but James didn't mind: he just drew Q closer and encouraged him to also wrap his arms around his waist, glad to see that Q seemed to have not been harmed by high voltage of the shock "Calm down" he murmured, hand running up Q's shaking spine "I'm here now" And to Q's relief, James would always be there for him when he needed him to.
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modexuk · 6 years
Getting the best from your exhibition stand lighting
So you’ve booked your space at a kay industry event. You’ve commissioned your exhibition stand, designed your graphics and ordered your furniture. It’s all too easy to get caught up in the design and functionality. But have you considered what kind of lighting you want? If you want to maximise impact and draw visitors to your stand, the way in which your stand and displays are lit is crucial.
By carefully considering the different lighting options and techniques available, exhibitors can truly transform an exhibition space, creating inspirational spaces that stand out from the crowd and deliver real ROI. Having invested in a great-looking stand, you want to make sure that you create an impact and effect that entices visitors to engage with you and your products.
Increasingly, exhibitors and exhibition stand designers are looking to the retail environment for inspiration, which makes sense when you think about it. In essence, exhibitions are high-pressure sales environments where you use lighting to best display your products, capture attention, increase dwell time and improve conversion rates.
When choosing your lighting, use it to create the mood you’d like on your stand, as you would do in your home. Likewise, think in terms of all three dimensions of your stand. As with a room in your house, there isn’t just a light on the ceiling. You might also have lamps on the walls, ceiling and floors which light certain areas of the room.
So, what are the options when it comes to standard LED lighting? There are four colour temperatures (shades of white light) which are categorised as warm, natural (or neutral), day white and cool white. Which one you choose will depend on the mood you want to create and how much light is going to be emitted by other fixtures and fittings such as video walls, iPad and laptop screens.
Warm White is generally used in residential settings, has a pinkish-yellow hue and adds a sense of softness, making it ideal for the more relaxed areas of your stand such as any comfortable seating. Natural or Neutral White has a true white appearance, so it’s particularly good for illuminating graphics on a wall or creating an energetic feel in a particular area of your stand.
If you’re planning to demonstrate a product, then the industrial lighting effect of Day White is generally recommended. Alternatively, Cool White gives off a clean bright light with a bluish tinge and is often found in hospitals, so it’s the ideal light when showcasing technology.
Highlighting certain areas of your stand, such as branding or product displays, will naturally draw the eye to that particular area, so if you’re launching a new product it should take centre stage. Even on a bright stand, make sure that any featured element stands out above all others using spotlights which are small, unobtrusive and can be directed on a focal point.
If you want to create a striking illuminated exhibition stand that delivers maximum visual impact, consider using LED lightboxes. These come in all shapes and sizes and can be placed anywhere – freestanding columns at floor level, hanging from the walls, integrated into stand walls or double-sided boxes on a rig high above the stand.
Uplighter boxes are a different way to ‘wash’ a wall with light, a subtle and dramatic affect that helps create a mood or atmosphere. While LED strip lighting is a good way to ‘flood’ a whole wall with light and is particularly effective at illuminating graphics.
And if you really want to go to town with your lighting, consider neon signage, illuminated shelving, a combination of general and accented colour lighting, or if you’re particularly daring you could use lighting to change the look of your space throughout the day using programmable LEDs. But that’s for the really brave amongst you.
Tom Rigby, Author
For over 20 years, Tom Rigbyhas helped businesses across the UK to find their voice and communicate their messages, in print and online, whether they want to generate sales, attract customers, inform stakeholders, educate the public or persuade them to join a cause. He is a published author and occasional contributor to a number of publications. www.tomrigby.com
The post Getting the best from your exhibition stand lighting appeared first on Modex Exhibition Stands.
from Modex Exhibition Stands https://modexuk.com/getting-the-best-from-your-exhibition-stand-lighting/
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