#it's about curiosity and exploration and bracing the unknown
layalu · 1 year
Don't mind me i'm. Just gonna lay on the floor for a few hours and process this. (<- has just finished outer wilds)
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dinodontwait · 7 months
Epistles of Love(Preview/Teaser)
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Summary: In a charming and new suburb, y/n stumbles upon cryptic letters from Woozi, unveiling a tale of love and heartbreak. As the past unfolds through Woozi's words, will y/n risk her heart to uncover the secrets hidden within each carefully penned letter?
Genre: Romance, Mystery, Suspense, and Contemporary Fiction.
Trope: Slow-Burn, Strangers-to-lovers?
Main Characters: afab!y/n , Woozi, Amour( real names will be revealed later)
Supporting Characters: Jeonghan, Mingyu, Seokmin, Myungho, Suengkwan and Soonyoung(This list might change as the story progresses)
Word Count: 1.3k
Release Date: 28th February
Thank you all for your incredible enthusiasm and support! Seeing the strong response to the poll, I couldn't wait to share a sneak peek of what's in store for this story. Brace yourselves for a thrilling ride as I embark on this writing journey. Currently, I've crafted the first part, and I've sprinkled some teasers within this preview.
I'm envisioning this fic to unfold as a mini-series, spanning about 2-3 parts. However, keep in mind that I've only completed part 1, and there might be room for expansion as fresh ideas come my way. My target word count for the entire fic is around 30k, but who knows – that could evolve with the narrative.
As I dive into the world of writing, I'm aware that there might be a few bumps along the way. If you spot any mistakes or have suggestions, please feel free to let me know. I'm still learning and appreciate your input!
Thank you for joining me on this writing adventure. Your encouragement means the world to me! 🌟❤️
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Holding the old-fashioned envelope in her hands, y/n hesitated. The letter inside seemed personal, like a peek into someone's private thoughts. She pondered whether to read it or not, feeling a mix of curiosity and respect for the past occupant's privacy.
The vintage style of the envelope, with its intentional old-timey vibe, hinted at a story waiting to be told. The decision to open it felt like standing on the edge of someone else's feelings and memories. The inked words on the letter, still folded, held the potential to reveal a part of someone's life not meant for casual eyes.
The mystery and curiosity won over her reservations. With a quiet determination, y/n decided to unfold the letter, ready to explore the hidden stories and emotions that the pages might unfold. The choice to step into this unknown space felt like opening a door to someone else's past, and she took that step with a mix of trepidation and anticipation.
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Dear Amour,
In the silent embrace of this letter, the ink traces the echoes of a day that etched itself into the fabric of my existence.
The day unfolded like a poem, a delicate dance of moments that wove themselves into the very essence of my being. It was as if each passing second became a verse in the story of a land parched for the sweet touch of rain. The air, thick with anticipation, carried me toward a nearby cafe—an enclave of serenity that stood as a refuge from the monotony of the ordinary, a sanctuary where possibilities unfurled like petals in the gentle breeze.
Since the tapestry of my memories began, I've been the silent observer, finding solace in the quiet corners of my home. The contours of my existence were shaped by the solitude I sought, a realm where the whispers of my thoughts resonated in the stillness. Yet, on that fateful day, a gentle pull, like the invisible hands of fate, tugged at the strings of my solitude. It was an urging, a call to step into the unexplored territory of the cafe—a space that held the promise of encounters yet to unfold.
The very decision to step into that cafe marked a departure from the familiar script of my life. The door swung open, not merely to a physical space, but to the uncharted landscapes of possibility. With each step, I traversed the threshold of routine, embracing the unknown with a heart open to the serendipitous wonders that awaited within the walls of that sanctuary.
The aroma of freshly ground coffee beans greeted me, weaving a sensory tapestry that spoke of warmth and familiarity. It was then that I saw her—the girl who, unbeknownst to her, would redefine the contours of my existence. She stood there, a living canvas painted by the hands of fate, the light wind playing a delicate symphony with the strands of her hair.
Her presence seemed like a stroke of destiny, a chapter written in the celestial script of our intertwined stories. As our eyes met, time suspended itself, and the ordinary boundaries of reality blurred. It was a moment that transcended the mundane, as if the universe conspired to orchestrate a connection, an unspoken agreement unfolding in the silent language of glances and smiles.
Her eyes, pools of warmth and mystery, held secrets and stories yet to be told. They mirrored the reflection of a kindred spirit, resonating with a depth that transcended the superficial. It was in that gaze that I felt the tendrils of an invisible thread weaving itself between our souls, binding us in a silent understanding that surpassed the limitations of spoken words.
In the symphony of that moment, the cafe transformed into a sacred space, a stage where our destinies briefly intersected. The ordinary chatter of patrons faded into background noise, leaving only the echo of our shared gaze. And in that silent exchange, a connection was forged, setting in motion a series of events that would shape the course of our intertwined narratives.
The girl I saw was you, and you had me the moment you looked at me. Your gaze became the catalyst for a myriad of emotions, unraveling a story written in the language of fate and woven into the very fabric of our shared existence.
Each recollection of that encounter is like a cherished melody, a timeless tune that plays on a loop in the quiet chambers of my thoughts. The symphony of that moment, the laughter echoing in the cafe, the delicate clink of coffee cups, all compose a melodic ode to the serendipity that unfolded that day. It's a melody that resonates through the corridors of my mind, an everlasting refrain of a connection that defies the constraints of time.
In these moments of reflection, the word "Amour" echoes through my mind, a gentle whisper that transcends the ordinary definitions of fate. It's more than a term; it's a name, a label that carries the weight of our shared connection. The mere utterance of it conjures images of you—the girl who became the focal point of a destiny written in invisible ink.
So, let this letter be a testament to the serendipity that brought us together—the day the drought of my soul quenches its thirst with the rain of your presence. Every word etched on this paper is a silent acknowledgment of the profound impact you've had on the rhythm of my life.
In the quiet solitude of my room, as I pen down these words, I find myself grappling with the uncertainty that shrouds our future. This letter, crafted with the ink of genuine emotions, might never reach your hands. I am left to wonder if our paths will ever cross again, if the serendipity that united us will weave its magic once more.
Yet, even in the face of this uncertainty, I write with a glimmer of hope—a hope that transcends the boundaries of time and distance. This letter becomes a vessel, carrying not only my sentiments but also the silent yearning to see you again. And even if this letter remains unsent, floating in the sea of unsent letters, it stands as a testament to the sincerity of my emotions and the silent hope that someday, our stories will intersect again.
Yours in reminiscence,
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The words lingered in the air as y/n absorbed the emotions woven into each sentence. The letter had painted a picture of a connection that transcended time and space. The vintage charm of the envelope seemed to have carried not just a message from the past but a piece of a love story waiting to be unfolded.
As she set the letter aside, the room felt different, as if the walls whispered secrets that begged to be heard. It felt like the quiet town held more stories than she had initially imagined, and within its embrace, she found herself entangled in the enigmatic tale of Woozi and Amour. She hoped to find more, but the letter just ends, and she keeps thinking about it. The night enveloped the town in its quiet embrace, and y/n found herself entangled in the web of possibilities. The journey into the unknown had just begun, and the quiet town, with its cobblestone streets and whispered rumors, held the key to a myriad of untold narratives.
With a heart brimming with curiosity, she hoped to uncover the layers of mystery that clung to the very fabric of her surroundings. But for now, the letter remained a silent witness to the unexplored depths of the town's history. Its words, though poignant and evocative, were a mere prologue to the stories that awaited her. As she drifted into contemplation, the vintage envelope and its contents became a beacon, guiding her into a world where love and suspense danced in tandem, inviting her to be a part of a narrative that defied the boundaries of time.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
I Just Want To See The World Burn
➥ summary : In a world where the hero’s in the comics always win a brilliantly deranged young mind creates a multidimensional traveling watch to their universe where she helps the bad guys become #1
➥ chapter 1: the watch of possibilities
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In the small, cluttered laboratory of a brilliant young woman named (Y/n), the air crackled with anticipation. (Y/n) had spent years delving deep into the laws of science and exploring the fascinating realm of multidimensional physics. Her insatiable curiosity had led her down a path of discovery and a burning desire to unravel the mysteries of traveling to other dimensions.
Guided by her relentless pursuit of knowledge, (Y/n) had dedicated countless hours to meticulously studying the works of great minds who had dared to venture into the uncharted territory of interdimensional travel. She immersed herself in the works of visionaries such as Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and countless others who had paved the way for understanding the enigmatic realm of parallel dimensions.
As (Y/n) poured over the intricate equations and theories sprawled across her laboratory table, a thought began to crystallize in her mind. She yearned to push the boundaries of what was known, to challenge the limitations of reality itself. And so, with equal parts trepidation and excitement, she made the decision to embark on a daring experiment—a project that would forever alter the course of her life.
Her ambitious plan centered around the construction of a watch, a device that would become her portal to other dimensions. (Y/n) knew that the journey she was about to undertake was fraught with peril, but her thirst for knowledge and the allure of the unknown propelled her forward.
The construction of the interdimensional watch became an all-consuming obsession for (Y/n). She poured her heart and soul into every intricately crafted piece, ensuring that each component was precisely calibrated to withstand the immense forces that awaited her on the other side of the dimensional barrier.
Days turned into nights as (Y/n) toiled away in her laboratory, meticulously assembling the intricate mechanisms that would power the watch. She pushed herself to the limits of her mental and physical endurance, fueled by a relentless determination to succeed in her audacious endeavor.
As the final piece of the interdimensional watch fell into place, a surge of both excitement and apprehension coursed through (Y/n)'s veins. The moment of truth had arrived. She gazed upon the watch, a small and unassuming object that held the power to transport her to realms beyond imagination.
With a deep breath, (Y/n) cautiously strapped the watch onto her wrist. It felt heavy with possibilities, its weight a reminder of the risks she was about to undertake. Her heart raced as she contemplated the potential outcomes of her experiment—would she unlock the secrets of other dimensions or succumb to the dangers that lay hidden within?
The room fell silent as (Y/n) pressed a small button on the side of the watch. The device hummed to life, emitting a faint glow as the gears and circuits sprang into action. Time seemed to stand still as (Y/n) stared at the watch, awaiting the moment when reality would shift and open the door to a world beyond her own.
A surge of energy pulsed through (Y/n)'s body as the watch activated. The laboratory filled with a blinding light, and for a fleeting moment, it seemed as though the boundaries of the known universe dissolved into the ether. (Y/n) braced herself, ready to traverse the uncharted territory that lay before her.
But then, with a sudden jolt, the light vanished, leaving (Y/n) standing in the same laboratory where her journey had begun. The watch remained inert on her wrist, and a sense of disappointment washed over her. Had her experiment failed? Had her dreams of interdimensional travel been shattered?
Exhausted and disheartened, (Y/n) sank into a chair, contemplating the implications of her failed experiment. Yet, even in the face of disappointment, a spark of determination ignited within her. She refused to be deterred by a single setback. The pursuit of knowledge and the allure of other dimensions still beckoned her, urging her to continue her quest.
Chapter 1 marked the beginning of (Y/n)'s journey—a journey fueled by passion, curiosity, and an unwavering desire to unravel the secrets of interdimensional travel. As she grappled with the disappointment of her initial experiment, a newfound resolve took hold. The road ahead promised challenges and unknown dangers, but (Y/n) was undeterred, ready to push the boundaries of what was known and step into the realm of the extraordinary.
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burrito-express · 1 year
Welcome to Roswell UFO Festival & Entertainment
The Roswell UFO Festival is an extraterrestrial extravaganza that will defy your wildest imagination! Brace yourself for the mind-bending Roswell UFO Festival & Entertainment, where cosmic wonders, bizarre curiosities, and endless fun collide in an enchanting celebration. Located in the heart of Roswell, New Mexico, this extraordinary event commemorates the 28th anniversary of the legendary 1947 crash that propelled this captivating city to intergalactic fame. Visitors can embark on an extraordinary sensory experience, where captivating performances and a multitude of thrilling activities await you and your family. Immerse yourself in the enchanting Moon Maze, a journey that transports you to otherworldly realms, leaving you in awe of the celestial wonders. Unleash your inner astronaut in the Kids Zone, where cosmic games and imaginative activities will spark their creativity like cosmic fireworks. While you are there, be sure to stop into Burrito Express for an interstellar lunch or dinner that is light years from the Competition.
Roswell is the UFO capital of the world, where believers and skeptics unite in a mesmerizing dance of curiosity and wonder. The 2023 Annual UFO Festival New Mexico eagerly awaits your arrival, promising a weekend filled with interstellar exploration, captivating melodies, a galaxy of mouthwatering treats, and an array of family-friendly events that will leave you grinning from ear to ear. Join us as we dive headfirst into the unknown, capture intergalactic memories, and revel in the cosmic glory of the Roswell UFO Festival 2023!
For over three decades, Burrito Express has stood as a beloved pillar of the local community.Since our establishment in 1984, our commitment to serving the finest homemade dishes and providing an exceptional dining experience has endeared us to our loyal customers. As a family-owned restaurant, we take great pride in being an integral part of the community and fostering a welcoming atmosphere that brings people together.
Where do I buy tickets?
Tickets are not required for admission, as the festival is free. However, certain aspects of the festival (such as swag bags ($40), musical performances, and events) may require a paid ticket. Please check our website for ticket purchasing options.
Where is the festival located?
The festival takes place in Roswell, New Mexico, at various locations throughout the city. Check Home for details.
Is the event pet-friendly?
Pets are always welcome on the streets of Roswell, but when it
comes to many of the festival’s events, the festival is not pet-friendly, except for service
animals as required by law.
Should I bring children to the festival?
The Roswell Anual Roswell UFO Festival features fun for all ages—feel free to bring children to join in the fun!
Are alcohol and weed allowed at the event?
Alcohol consumption is permitted in designated areas and according to local regulations.
However, the use of marijuana or any other illegal substances is strictly prohibited during the festival. Please respect the laws and guidelines in place.
About Burrito Express
At Burrito Express, we believe in the power of food to create connections and forge lasting memories. Our restaurant has become a cherished gathering place for friends, families, and neighbors to come together and enjoy delicious meals in a warm and inviting setting. With our dedication to using fresh, high-quality ingredients and preparing each dish with care, we strive to deliver a dining experience that not only satisfies the palate but also nourishes the spirit of Togetherness.
Beyond our culinary offerings, we are grateful for the support we have received over the years, and we actively seek ways to give back to the community that has embraced us. From sponsoring local events and initiatives to supporting charitable causes, we are committed to making a positive impact and contributing to the well-being of our community. Burrito Express is more than just a restaurant; we are a gathering place, a hub of community engagement, and a cherished institution that continues to serve as a symbol of unity and connection in the hearts of our customers. At Burrito Express, great food and an out-of-this-world community spirit await you!
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sciencestyled · 3 months
Aeneas and the Cosmic Capers: How a Trojan Hero Found His Inner Space Geek
Gather 'round, noble souls, as I, Aeneas, son of Venus and survivor of the fall of Troy, regale you with the tale of how the stars themselves conspired to ignite my passion for the cosmos. You see, it all started with a misadventure of celestial proportions.
It was a day like any other in the realm of heroes and demigods. I had just finished my morning routine—prayers to the gods, checking on my fleet, and a quick sparring session to keep the heroic physique in top form. Little did I know, a cosmic escapade was about to unfold, much like my own legendary trek from the ashes of Troy to the foundations of Rome.
The catalyst for this adventure was none other than my dear friend, Anchises' eccentric cousin, Philemon. Philemon, an inveterate star-gazer with a penchant for wild theories, burst into my tent with a scroll of parchment in one hand and a gleam of mischief in his eye.
"Aeneas, old friend," he exclaimed, barely able to contain his excitement, "I've deciphered the omens and portents from the stars. We must embark on a new quest—not across the seas, but into the very heavens!"
I raised an eyebrow, intrigued and slightly wary. Philemon had a reputation for interpreting omens in ways that often led to mischief rather than divine revelation. Nevertheless, the promise of a new adventure was too tantalizing to ignore.
Philemon's plan involved constructing a colossal catapult—dubbed "The Sky Slinger"—to launch a Trojan vessel into the stars. The goal? To explore the cosmos and uncover the secrets of the universe. I was skeptical, but the lure of the unknown had always been my weakness.
Days turned into weeks as we toiled under the watchful eyes of the gods. The Sky Slinger took shape, an awe-inspiring contraption of ropes, pulleys, and divine engineering. The final touch was a specially crafted Trojan vessel, reinforced with the finest metals and blessed by the gods.
The day of the launch arrived with much fanfare. Our people gathered to witness the spectacle, their faces a mix of awe and disbelief. I stood at the helm of the vessel, Philemon by my side, as we prepared to defy gravity itself.
With a thunderous creak, the Sky Slinger released its payload, and we were hurled skyward, the earth falling away beneath us. For a moment, it felt like we had conquered the impossible. But, as fate would have it, our trajectory was slightly off, and instead of a smooth ascent into the heavens, we found ourselves hurtling toward a nearby mountain.
"Brace yourselves!" I shouted, clinging to the vessel as it careened through the air. Miraculously, we landed with a jolt, the vessel embedding itself into the mountainside. Shaken but unharmed, we emerged to find ourselves in a cavern filled with ancient carvings and strange, glowing crystals.
Philemon, ever the optimist, saw this as a sign. "Aeneas, look! The writings on these walls speak of life among the stars. This must be our destiny!"
The carvings depicted celestial bodies and strange creatures, hinting at the existence of life beyond our world. My initial skepticism melted away as I gazed upon these ancient mysteries. It was then that I realized the true significance of our wild endeavor. The universe was vast and filled with wonders, and it was our duty to explore and understand it.
Inspired by our unexpected detour, I returned to my people with a newfound passion. The Sky Slinger might not have propelled us into the stars, but it had launched my curiosity into the cosmos. I began to study the ancient texts, consulting with scholars and star-gazers alike. The more I learned, the more I became convinced that life in the universe was a possibility, a belief that culminated in my fascination with the panspermia theory.
Thus, dear progeny, the tale of my cosmic capers led me to write an article on the panspermia theory. The unexpected series of events, from Philemon's wild idea to our crash-landing in the mysterious cavern, had ignited a passion within me to explore the wonders of the universe. As I, Aeneas, the intrepid Trojan hero, journeyed across the cosmos of the mind, I found a new purpose—to unravel the mysteries of life’s origins among the stars.
So, heed my tale, noble descendants, and let it inspire you to seek knowledge in the most unexpected places. For the universe is vast, and its secrets await those brave enough to look beyond the horizon.
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peacefulpathways · 9 months
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haunted-inkwell · 1 year
Greetings, dear readers! Welcome to my haunting corner of the internet, where reality and the supernatural intertwine in spine-chilling tales. I am [Your Name], a passionate blogger and a firm believer that the most bone-chilling stories are often hidden in the unexplored realms of real life. In this blog, I embark on a journey to share firsthand encounters, eerie experiences, and unexplained mysteries that have left their indelible mark on the lives of many.
Daily Horrors Unfolded:
Here, the darkness of the unknown dances hand in hand with reality, as I unveil true accounts of the eerie and the inexplicable. Every day, prepare to be captivated by real-life horror stories that will send shivers down your spine and make you question the very fabric of our existence.
The Veil Between Worlds:
As I traverse this enigmatic realm of the supernatural, I bring you tales of haunted locations, paranormal encounters, and ghostly sightings. From encounters with spirits that linger in the corners of abandoned buildings to inexplicable phenomena that defy scientific explanation, each story will challenge your perception of reality.
The Community of Fearless Souls:
But this blog is not just about my own experiences; it's a thriving community of fearless souls who dare to share their most haunting encounters. Together, we form a bond of curiosity and wonder, united by the quest for the truth behind the unexplained.
A Journey of Discovery:
As you delve into the depths of my daily updates, be prepared to question your own beliefs and embrace the chilling allure of the unknown. With each story, we embark on a journey of discovery, where fear and fascination converge.
Join the Haunting:
So, whether you are a true believer in the paranormal or a skeptic seeking riveting stories, I invite you to join me on this haunting adventure. Let us peel back the layers of reality to reveal the dark secrets that lie just beyond the veil.
Buckle up and brace yourself, for the stories I share will be as diverse as they are bone-chilling. From the eerie to the terrifying, the supernatural to the unexplained, this blog promises to be your daily dose of real-life horror. Embrace the shivers and immerse yourself in the captivating world of the unknown.
Stay tuned for daily updates, as together, we uncover the hidden horrors that walk amongst us in the light of day and lurk in the shadows of the night.
Dare to explore the mysteries? Follow me on this unsettling journey, and prepare for the unexpected horrors that reality has to offer.
Happy haunting, [Your Name]
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litmonstertime · 1 year
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whicephases · 1 year
The True Town That Hated Sundown | Fear Master https://fear-master.blogspot.com/2023/06/the-true-town-that-hated-sundown-fear.html The True Town That Hated Sundown" is an enchanting and captivating tale that explores the power of forgiveness and redemption. This story takes readers on a journey through the cursed town of Willowbrook, where a malevolent sorceress's spell fuels an inexplicable hatred towards dusk. As Emily, a young woman driven by curiosity, uncovers the town's dark secret, she embarks on a quest to break the curse and restore harmony. With themes of unity, transformation, and the triumph of love over darkness, this story weaves keywords such as cursed town, inexplicable hatred, ancient spell, forgiveness, redemption, transformative power, and the indomitable human spirit. Prepare to be immersed in a world where twilight becomes a symbol of hope and a catalyst for change. 🔔Unleash Spine-Chilling Screams With Terrifying Stories And Videos That Will Keep You On The Edge: For more scary videos, Subscribe now: https://t.ly/420KB ✅ Stay Connected With Us. 👉Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Fear-Master-Scary-videos-and-stories/100092910744720/?mibextid=LQQJ4d ✅ For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= ✅ Recommended Playlists 👉Scary Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MzkFklrXf0&list=PLo2EK5dn5-Q9ynsu8tKSe8bkdCvwW5sp_&pp=iAQB 👉Fear Master https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNFX2KZXRm8&list=PLo2EK5dn5-Q9jcJy5kYvRc-JN4Yd7shgI&pp=iAQB ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉The Midnight Shadows: A Terrifying Sleepover Tale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPS89_75pH0 👉Haunting Tale of Unrequited Love - The Veiled Obsession https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KJHe3FGWNA 👉Frightening Tale of The Haunting of Hotel Magdalena https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWGRqGXdbJs 👉Unraveling the Dark Secrets of a CURSED and HAUNTED Town https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX730qyjS5A ============================= ✅ About Fear Master Experience fear like never before with Fear Master, your portal to a world of spine-chilling nightmares! Brace yourself for an immersive journey filled with bone-tingling videos and chilling tales that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare to be captivated by the terrifying content that will leave you breathless and begging for more. From heart-stopping encounters to hair-raising stories, Fear Master is your ultimate destination for all things scary. Are you prepared to face your fears and become a master of the unknown? Join us now, and let the adventure begin. For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔Dive Into Fear Master - Experience Fear Like Never Before With Our Haunting Tales And Blood-Curdling Videos: https://t.ly/420KB ================================= #scarystories #cursedtown #fearmasterstories #fearmaster Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialog, music, and images that are the property of Fear Master. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my Youtube Channel is provided. © Fear Master from Fear Master https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23P7cEe7u4A via Fear Master https://fear-master.blogspot.com/ June 27, 2023 at 11:06PM
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whimores · 1 year
The True Town That Hated Sundown | Fear Master
The True Town That Hated Sundown | Fear Master https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23P7cEe7u4A The True Town That Hated Sundown" is an enchanting and captivating tale that explores the power of forgiveness and redemption. This story takes readers on a journey through the cursed town of Willowbrook, where a malevolent sorceress's spell fuels an inexplicable hatred towards dusk. As Emily, a young woman driven by curiosity, uncovers the town's dark secret, she embarks on a quest to break the curse and restore harmony. With themes of unity, transformation, and the triumph of love over darkness, this story weaves keywords such as cursed town, inexplicable hatred, ancient spell, forgiveness, redemption, transformative power, and the indomitable human spirit. Prepare to be immersed in a world where twilight becomes a symbol of hope and a catalyst for change. 🔔Unleash Spine-Chilling Screams With Terrifying Stories And Videos That Will Keep You On The Edge: For more scary videos, Subscribe now: https://t.ly/420KB ✅ Stay Connected With Us. 👉Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Fear-Master-Scary-videos-and-stories/100092910744720/?mibextid=LQQJ4d ✅ For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= ✅ Recommended Playlists 👉Scary Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MzkFklrXf0&list=PLo2EK5dn5-Q9ynsu8tKSe8bkdCvwW5sp_&pp=iAQB 👉Fear Master https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNFX2KZXRm8&list=PLo2EK5dn5-Q9jcJy5kYvRc-JN4Yd7shgI&pp=iAQB ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉The Midnight Shadows: A Terrifying Sleepover Tale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPS89_75pH0 👉Haunting Tale of Unrequited Love - The Veiled Obsession https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KJHe3FGWNA 👉Frightening Tale of The Haunting of Hotel Magdalena https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWGRqGXdbJs 👉Unraveling the Dark Secrets of a CURSED and HAUNTED Town https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX730qyjS5A ============================= ✅ About Fear Master Experience fear like never before with Fear Master, your portal to a world of spine-chilling nightmares! Brace yourself for an immersive journey filled with bone-tingling videos and chilling tales that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare to be captivated by the terrifying content that will leave you breathless and begging for more. From heart-stopping encounters to hair-raising stories, Fear Master is your ultimate destination for all things scary. Are you prepared to face your fears and become a master of the unknown? Join us now, and let the adventure begin. For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔Dive Into Fear Master - Experience Fear Like Never Before With Our Haunting Tales And Blood-Curdling Videos: https://t.ly/420KB ================================= #scarystories #cursedtown #fearmasterstories #fearmaster Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialog, music, and images that are the property of Fear Master. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my Youtube Channel is provided. © Fear Master via Fear Master https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCafr5fOk2Kxrua14yuSeoZA June 27, 2023 at 11:00PM
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sacredjoanne · 1 year
Uranus in Sagittarius: Meaning, Traits & Compatibility
Have you heard about Uranus in Sagittarius? Brace yourself, because when these two get together, it’s like fireworks on the Fourth of July.
Uranus is the planet of surprises, and Sagittarius is all about adventure, so when these two come together, they create a cosmic cocktail of excitement and unpredictability.
Think of it like that friend who always gets you into wild shenanigans.
Uranus in Sagittarius is always pushing the boundaries and trying new things, and even though it can be a bit unsettling at times, it’s always a thrill.
So, buckle up, they, because this cosmic duo is here to take you on a wild ride!
What Does Uranus in Sagittarius Mean?
They are bold, free-spirited, and unconventional.
With Uranus in Sagittarius, they are the maverick of the zodiac signs.
They don’t like to be tied down by rules, restrictions, or societal norms.
They are constantly seeking new adventures, new experiences, and new knowledge.
They are trailblazers and innovators, always pushing the boundaries and challenging the status quo.
They are rebellious, anti-authoritarian, and defiant.
Uranus in Sagittarius gives them a sense of restlessness and a desire to break free from anything that limits their freedom.
They are not afraid of confrontation and will stand up for their beliefs, even if it means going against the norms of society.
They are the ultimate non-conformists.
Uranus in Sagittarius: The Visionary
They have a unique perspective on life, and with Uranus in Sagittarius, they are the ultimate visionaries.
They can see the bigger picture and have a deep understanding of how things fit into the grand scheme of things.
They have a natural curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge.
They are always exploring new ideas and concepts and have the ability to see things from multiple perspectives.
The Change Agent
They are agents of change, catalysts for transformation, and disruptors of the status quo.
Uranus in Sagittarius makes them natural change-makers who are not afraid to take risks and try out new things.
They are not content with the way things are and are always looking for ways to improve the world around them.
ultimate explorers
They are trailblazers, pioneers, and adventurers.
Uranus in Sagittarius gives them a sense of adventure and a desire to explore the unknown.
They are always up for a challenge and thrive in unfamiliar territory.
They are not afraid to take risks and try new things, even if it means going off the beaten path.
They are the ultimate explorers of the zodiac signs.
Uranus in Sagittarius Strengths
Unconventional Wisdom
With Uranus in Sagittarius, they march to the beat of their own drum.
They are not afraid to explore new ideas, even if they seem wild and zany.
They are the weird ones, the black sheep, the eccentric oddballs who come up with brilliant insights that nobody else can see.
They are the ones who are always ahead of their time and unafraid to defy convention.
Expansive Perspective
For Sagittarius, the world is a big, beautiful playground that is just waiting to be explored.
Uranus in Sagittarius gives them an even broader view, allowing them to look beyond their own backyard and see the interconnectedness of all things.
They are the cosmic dreamers who can make connections that others can’t see and who are always searching for the bigger picture.
Freedom Fighters
When Uranus and Sagittarius come together, they become a force to be reckoned with.
They value freedom above all else and will fight to maintain their independence.
Whether it’s fighting for social justice or simply refusing to conform to societal norms, Uranus in Sagittarius makes them unstoppable warriors for personal liberty.
Lightning-Fast Innovators
Uranus in Sagittarius is like lightning in a bottle.
When they get an idea, it’s like a bolt of lightning has hit them, and they are off and running.
They are the innovators and trailblazers who are always pushing the boundaries of what is possible.
They are not afraid to take risks and try new things, and they are always looking for ways to make the world a better place.
Unpredictable Growth
When Uranus is in Sagittarius, growth is inevitable, but it’s never what you expect.
They are the wildflowers that grow in the unlikeliest of places, the seeds that sprout in the cracks of concrete.
Their growth is unpredictable and unconventional, but it’s always beautiful and inspiring.
Their journey is a wild ride, full of twists and turns, but it’s always leading them to a higher level of awareness.
Uranus in Sagittarius Struggles
Restless Love
When Uranus steps into Sagittarius, love might become as turbulent as a rollercoaster ride.
People with this placement tend to have a hard time settling down and might change partners often.
They are always on the lookout for someone who can keep up with their adventurous spirit and need for exploration.
Career Limbo
Uranus in Sagittarius might make it tough to find a career path that feels fulfilling.
They might jump from job to job, looking for something that aligns with their sense of purpose.
However, the problem is that their vision of what they want to do is often so broad and grandiose that they struggle to find a specific field they want to stick with.
Overthinking Everything
People with Uranus in Sagittarius often have a hard time relaxing because their minds are always racing.
They might struggle to turn off their thoughts and might even overanalyze the smallest details.
This could lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety, making it harder to enjoy the present moment.
A Rebellious Streak
Uranus in Sagittarius might make people more impulsive and rebellious than usual.
They might feel stifled by social norms and traditions and might need to break free from them to feel fulfilled.
While this drive to challenge the status quo can be useful, it can also lead to conflicts with authority figures or undermine their own stability.
The Never-Ending Search for Truth
People with Uranus in Sagittarius have a deep desire to understand the world around them.
They might spend their entire lives learning and exploring different philosophies and belief systems.
However, this search for truth can also lead to a sense of restlessness and never feeling quite satisfied.
They might struggle to find a belief system that feels authentic to them and might go through periods of disillusionment.
Uranus in Sagittarius Man
You Never Know What You’re Gonna Get
The Uranus in Sagittarius Man is like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re gonna get.
This man is known for his unexpected changes and his love for all things unconventional.
He’s not one to follow the rules or conform to societal norms.
Instead, he marches to the beat of his own drum and embraces his individualistic streak.
Adventure is Out There!
If you want to go on an adventure, look no further than the Uranus in Sagittarius Man.
This man is a thrill-seeker who loves to explore new places and try new things.
He’s not afraid to take risks and is always up for an adventure.
Whether it’s trekking through the mountains or trying exotic cuisine, this man is always up for a good time.
Freedom is Key
The Uranus in Sagittarius man values his freedom above all else.
He doesn’t like to be tied down by anyone or anything and is always looking for ways to break free from the constraints of society.
This man is fiercely independent and doesn’t take kindly to anyone who tries to restrict his freedom.
A Visionary Leader
The Uranus in Sagittarius man is a visionary leader with big ideas and an even bigger heart.
He’s not afraid to take charge and is always looking for ways to make the world a better place.
This man is a natural-born leader and has a way of inspiring others to follow his lead.
Don’t Fence Him In
The Uranus in Sagittarius man is not the type to be tied down by traditional gender roles or societal expectations of masculinity.
He embraces his feminine side and isn’t afraid to show his emotions.
This man values authenticity above all else and refuses to let anyone put him in a box.
He’s a unique and one-of-a-kind character who refuses to conform to anyone’s standards but his own.
Uranus in Sagittarius Woman
The Adventurous Rebel
The Uranus in Sagittarius woman is a rebel with a cause. She doesn’t just break the rules for the sake of it.
Rather, her insatiable thirst for adventure and exploration drives her to push boundaries and challenge the status quo.
She’s not afraid to forge her own path and blaze new trails, even if it means going against the grain.
The Free-Spirited Feminine
This Uranus in Sagittarius woman is a true free spirit who embraces her femininity on her own terms.
She’s not bound by societal norms or expectations and instead follows her own intuition.
She refuses to be confined to traditional gender roles and is unapologetically herself.
She’s fiercely independent and values her freedom above all else.
a natural intellectual
The Uranus in Sagittarius woman is a natural intellectual who loves to challenge herself and expand her knowledge.
She’s drawn to unconventional fields of study and enjoys exploring new ideas and concepts.
Her curiosity is insatiable, and she’s always seeking to broaden her horizons.
She’s a true maverick who’s not afraid to think outside the box.
The Social Trailblazer
This Uranus in Sagittarius woman is a social butterfly who’s always on the move.
She’s not content to sit still and watch the world go by; rather, she’s out there making things happen.
She’s a natural leader and motivator who inspires others to follow her lead.
She’s always seeking out new experiences and loves to connect with people from all walks of life.
The Loyal Friend
Finally, the Uranus in Sagittarius woman is a fiercely loyal friend who values her relationships above all else.
She’s always there for her loved ones, offering support and a listening ear when they need it most.
She’s not afraid to speak her mind and offer honest advice, but she does so with kindness and empathy.
Her friends know they can always count on her to be there through thick and thin.
Sagittarius Uranus – Love & Compatibility
The Free-Spirited Lover
Individuals with Uranus in Sagittarius are like wild stallions galloping through the fields of love.
They are free-spirited lovers who crave new adventures and experiences.
They are attracted to partners who share their love for exploration and are open to trying new things in the bedroom.
The Non-Conformist
These individuals are rebels at heart. They resist the norms of society and seek to break free from the shackles of tradition.
Uranus in Sagittarius people want partners who are not afraid to question the status quo and are willing to take risks in the name of love.
The Intellectual Explorer
Sagittarius is a sign associated with higher learning, and Uranus is the planet of innovation and progress.
Individuals with this placement are intellectually curious and love to explore new ideas and concepts.
They want partners who can keep up with their quest for knowledge and have stimulating conversations.
The Impulsive Adventurer
These individuals are spontaneous and impulsive. They are always up for a new challenge and have a thirst for adventure.
Uranus in Sagittarius people want partners who are not afraid to take risks and are willing to jump into the unknown with them.
The Freedom-Seeking Partner
Uranus in Sagittarius people value their freedom and independence above all else.
They want partners who can respect their need for space and don’t try to tie them down.
They are happiest in relationships where they can be themselves and still have the freedom to explore the world around them.
Sagittarius Uranus – Career And Money
Career Adventures
Having Uranus in Sagittarius means that they are always looking for their next adventure, and it’s no different when it comes to their career.
These folks need a job that is constantly evolving, where they can try new things, and have the freedom to explore new territories.
They are often drawn to careers in travel, education, and philosophy where they can feel like they are making a difference in the world.
Financial Free Spirits
Uranus in Sagittarius folks are not ones to be tied down by money.
They have a natural inclination towards financial freedom and independence and may not choose traditional career paths or investments.
They are more likely to embrace a “follow your heart” approach to money and may find themselves drawn to unconventional methods such as cryptocurrency, or starting their own business.
The Gambler’s Paradox
While Uranus in Sagittarius folks may appear to be financially reckless, they are actually quite strategic and calculated in their risk-taking.
The paradox is that while they may embrace the unknown, they are still guided by their innate sense of adventure, which keeps them from making impulsive decisions.
They may be more willing to take calculated risks in their finances but they will not bet the farm on a single play.
Challenging Beliefs
Uranus in Sagittarius folks are constantly exploring new philosophies and ways of thinking about the world.
This can make them more open-minded and flexible, but it can also lead to a sense of restlessness and dissatisfaction with the status quo.
Their challenge is to find a balance between their need to explore and their need for stability.
Freedom Fighters
For Uranus in Sagittarius folks, freedom is the ultimate goal.
They are not content with being confined to one particular path, belief system, or way of life.
They are constantly seeking ways to break free from the constraints of society and live life on their own terms.
Whether it’s through their career choices, investment strategies, or personal beliefs, they are always pushing the boundaries and paving the way for a more liberated future.
Final Thoughts
These folks are wild and free-spirited, always seeking new adventures and experiences.
They’re natural risk-takers, but that’s what gives them their unique edge.
They’re rebels with a cause, challenging the status quo and shaking things up.
To improve your relationship with them, just give them space to spread their wings and explore.
Don’t try to hold them back or put them in a box, because they won’t stand for it.
Trust me, you want these Uranus in Sagittarius peeps in your life because they’ll always keep things interesting.
Official post by Joanne at Sacred Joanne
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myuni-moon · 3 years
General albedo cult hcs pls 👉👈
#dust from dust
general headcannons for cult!albedo
warnings: yandere content, yandere cult stuff, mentions of violence, drugging, torture
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albedo is aloof, uninterested, for a majority of the time. most of mondstadt's citizens know that curiosity is the only thing than can put a gleam in his eyes, but when they see how he's too lost in thought, there is unenviable affection that pools within his teal irises for reasons unknown. however, it is truly a wonder when he is so taken with you?
he doesn't require rest like a normal human would, but on nights where he feels too complacent with the lack of activities to do, he sits himself down in front of his sketchpad and take a piece of charcoal into his hands. his fingers methodically strike line after line onto the pages, and in his mind's eye, he sees you.
the reason as to how he can see you is unknown to him, but he surely knows how to tap into it to work in his favor. sometimes, he doesn't see your face but the ceiling or a place completely unfamiliar to him; other times, he's blessed enough to catch your visage for a quick moment.
he's done it so many times that stacks upon stacks of drawings and paintings of you fill up the storage of his home, perhaps too much to the point that even klee's scared of the seemingly unsurmountable piles of paper.
before you had been transported to teyvat, he had the routine of picking cecilias and putting them in a vase by his windowsill. as childish as it may seem, albedo has always believed that with this humble offering, perhaps dragonspine would get just a little bit warmer for him to explore or for the day to be fruitful with new information and discoveries by yours truly.
he does the same still once in a while when he gets to visit you in your teapot. he takes with him a bouquet of the same flowers, treated to last longer than the usual cecilia. he gets permission from zhongli to be able to wake you and setting his gift in a vase in your room. the smile on your face from his simple gesture is enough to let him brace the cutting cold of the snowy mountain he resides in for the majority of his research.
albedo likes gifting you things he's made. the alchemist a sucker for handmade presents because he understands the care and effort put into them. he's an artist as well, and what better of a way to remind you how pretty you are than with a lovely portrait of you. he loves to see you get flustered since to him, it means you appreciate his efforts to please you.
he rarely gets into fights with other acolytes, particularly the extremely competitive ones like venti and baal. albedo gets aggressive in his assertion of being one of your favorites, and he gets particularly smug when you spend hours just talking and spending time with him. the blond might seem soft and innocent in your eyes, but there's a silent gloat in his stare when he locks eyes with the other knights of favonius when you come to visit him.
his fury is freezing, very unlike the raging anger of those like diluc or zhongli. if anyone tried disrespecting you, he has absolutely no remorse for them and na exact mirror to the kind if living conditions he's used to. in a daze of annoyance, he might accidentally end up doing something particularly violent, but he tries to keep his animosity with others away from you as much as possible. he doesn't want you getting scared of him, now would he?
instead, he waits for the proper opportunity to bring about divine punishment onto them. he either takes them himself with his alchemy skills, or he has another person that's part of the cult to get them for him-- that job would usually fall onto kaeya who's more than happy to do so. in the dead of night, he pumps them full of whatever chemical or concoction he has in hand, perhaps going as far as mixing them up for different effect. one thing is for certain is that they'll never see the light of day again.
albedo always carries a keepsake from you on his person at all times, and he keeps it even closer when he's close to a breakthrough in his research. at the brink of a discovery, he presses it to his heart and practically writes in a frenzy as he's possessed by the hunger of knowledge. if he has a hard time resting, he clutches it in his hands, close to his face. if it was a piece of cloth that you left with him such as a handkerchief or a shirt, he inhales your scent like a drug he can't get enough of.
he develops this dependency on it where he can't sleep unless he can smell your scent to the point he'd rather move completely in your teapot just to function.
"i can't sleep," he mumbles into your stomach. his hands are wrapped around your waist, tugging you closer in his hold as he tries his best to bury his nose into your clothing. "need you."
you hum. surely aware of his current conditions. you can't help but notice how tired albedo looks with bags under his eyes and yawns bubbling from his throat in intervals. not to mention the way his head bobs ever so quietly in your lap because as much as he needs rest, he wants to be in your presence for even a second longer. your finger card through his fluffy hair and smoothing down the tangles. you pick at the strands.
"sleep, 'bedo. i'll be here." you smile. he pauses, debating whether or not what he truly wanted was to close his eyes and drift off or to keep talking to you until his brain could no longer work. before he can say a word, you insist once more.
he whispers something as his warm breath tickles your skin from underneath the fabric, but it's way too slurred to be deciphered by your ears. you don't even have the time to ask him to repeat it before you feel slump against your figure.
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asterjennifer · 3 years
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Fandom: Mystic Messenger
Pairing: Unknown x Reader
Category: Fluff
Warnings: X
Word count: 1623
Author's Note: I love the concept so much, I need more of it!!
Summary: If there's one thing that's odd about your kidnaper, it's definitely the fact that he has a thing for taking care of your hair.
The last thing you expected's the current situation that became a routine shortly after arriving. He'd been scary, creepy to the point where every single inch of your body shivered with pure fright. His bright eyes strangely lifeless, not focusing on anything other than his occupation. His choice of clothing questionable from an ordinary perspective. The fact he's a cult member didn't adorn the horror, on the contrary, knowing you've been draged into an illegal group of people which most likely durgged their members, from what you overhead so far, it's like your worse nightmare became cruel reality. Neither did he answer your questions, helped you adapt to the environment or let you explore the surroundings. None of it available for you. He declined it all.
Unknown, as he called himself. Not the most charismatic person you met so far, however, short temper's guaranteed. As a boss, since he made you his personal assistant without your consent, he's really not well educated with decency. Or privacy. Even less with the word personal space, it's such a pain to deal with. More often than not Unknown left behind all good judgement just to scream at the walls around him. He's not a person to show emotions or feel them, but once they rose up into his throat, you could brace yourself for impact. Not physically, he's always far away after blowing up because either you or he leave the room. But his words could become as sharp as a knife.
Not to mention, he's no fan of comfort in any thinkable form. Touching him in such rage episodes's a big mistake you only made once. Confronting him with the truth or simple criticism's also not the best way to approach him, at least if you try to get on his good side. Was there anything you're able to do in order to become someone he doesn't have to push over the edge just to hide himself? There were moments that made you dig deeper into the topic of his personality, looking under the surface of anger and frustration. With you, there's this one specific routine that got this particular hope to sparkle inside you. Although it's unlikely he's going to change his habits, it showed at times that he could be different.
Like right now, at the same hour over and over again when starting your next day. Once the clock chimed nine in the morning, you had exactly one hour to prepare yourself before he would bust in. Literally. At the beginning it scared the living hell out of you, especially as you couldn't figure out what he's going to do after entering. By now it's almost automatic. The moment your phone said it's ten, he would come in and already have you wait on the chair of the dressing table. He never spoke, not a single word left him before, only the first time he came in just to give instructions. Unknown then would pick up the hairbrush from the table with a stone cold facade and decide your hairstyle for the day. 
He brushed them carefully, softly to make sure it wouldn't hurt. He didn't complain either as you made small comments when asking him to do things differently, he would listen and consider changing them, even. Sometimes he used hair clips, hair ties or hair gel to change the usual. Heck, when he's having enough time he would pull out the pink straightener or curling iron if feeling invested. It's odd, to think someone like Unknown knew perfectly well how to use all these items with ease. He didn't make the impression of caring about things like hair anyways, so it's twice as confusing. And yet, you never let the curiosity interrupt the moment and disturb the silence. As long as he wouldn't hurt you, it's okay.
You stared at him through the mirror, the morning sun already shining into your room to reflect inside the glass. He's still rough looking with the bags underneath his eyes, the tense shoulders that never seemed to find peace. You wondered how he's having the patience, let alone the willpower to do someone else's hair like that. Bright, unnatural mint eyes focused on his pale hands. One of them holding the brush to untangle the knots, the other following the movement in order to smooth down the strands that flew with electricity due to the friction. It's comfortable, something you liked to feel as you managed to breath through. He must've known, your body always melted into his doing, nothing had quite this effect on you before. And the end results always looked beautiful, too.
"Thank you."
After an eternity you said words while he's standing behind your body. Unknown looked up from his work to meet your eyes in the mirror, not giving away any hint of emotions. At the very beginning that had frightened you, because someone with such dead eyes probably implied immense trouble. By now, however, it's a normal aspect given to him. You didn't expect an answer as he lowered his gaze again, continuing whatever he saw this as. Care? Pastime? Who knew what's going on inside the head of such an unique individual. Hopefully he's not becoming mad after realizing you're unable to tear your stare from his captivating eyes. He's a pretty guy, which let you think even harder of the circumstances that got him into this cult to to begin with.
"Can I do your hair one day too?"
You asked with both fists pressed against your knees, feeling like some kind of doll every time he took care of your hair. Was it intentional? Unknown's lips twiched for a moment as he seemed to think. Would he let you touch him that way one day? He's not fond of affection, maybe that's a no go. Then again, it might all be a lie to keep his inner thoughts as secrets. He didn't respond, instead he placed his free hand around your hair tips, letting it fall naturally after lifting them up. You hummed satisfied, allowing yourself to close your eyes and concentrate on the feeling. He's thoughtful with his actions, that's certain. But why only when brushing hair? It's weird. So much so, you found enough courage to continue break the silence with new found questions.
"Why do you do that, anyway? Is it relaxing for you?" 
"You're talkative today, assistant."
You smiled to yourself when hearing his voice. Rough edges that broke off more times than you could count, yet a calm touch underneath the layer of ice. It's a nice voice he got, like his appearance that's quite soft if he'd chose the right clothes. Something about Unknown's telling you he's more than he lend on, much more that it would knock you over once you learned about the truth. He put the brush down, catching your attention as a result before separating some thin strands of hair and braid them to keep them out of your face. That hairstyle's familiar, considering it's one of his favorites as you figured by how often he made it. He then sighed quietly, you're able to see thanks to the mirror.
"It's a distraction because I don't have to think."
His statement caused you to frown, not the answers you assumed to receive. But on the other hand it's making sense, as a hacker, he probably had to think way too deeply in way too short moments. You nodded, careful to not mess up his movements and ruin the hairstyle. Unknown held the left braided line with a hair clip behind your head to repeat the same on the other side, what item would he use this time to keep them connected? A bow? A simple hair tie? Maybe using the hair itself when knotting it? It changed every time he did that particular hairstyle.
"I see, that's nice. I also like it. You make me look pretty."
A small giggle fell over your lips by the embarrassment that suddenly crept into your system. It's the truth, though. Unknown had an hand for hairdressing, or just hairstyles in general. You always looked good in whatever he decided to put the chaos on your head into. Unknown grabbed the ribbon this time, one of your favorites. He held the item between his lips to get a grip on your hair and then tie the ends together. Now all of your face's visible, the bangs braided behind your head and giving you something more feminine, more delicate and yet an elegant touch by how well it's made. After he pulled his hands away, you turned your head to inspect the end product. It's as nice as always.
"Yeah, that's very pretty! Again, thank you."
You turned back to him, offering a warm smile. He didn't return the gesture, instead he eyed your face for a moment which made you painfully self-aware. He then leaned over to get the hairspray, holding his big hand in front of your eyes to get the baby hair away from your forehead and have it sit correctly at the temples. The smell's caught in your throat regardless, you didn't make a comment though. After he put everything back down, he actually met your glare. It caught you off guard, considering Unknown never made eye contact when it's avoidable. There's still not much to read behind that bright color of his iris, at least he huffed amused. Or relieved? It's a mystery if you'll ever be able to read this man correctly. At least he showed some humanity from time to time.
"Next time I'll do curls for you. We haven't done that in a long time."
"Hmh, sure. I would like that."
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murphy-kitt · 3 years
Illusion - Day Seven
It’s all an illusion. It has to be.
Valerie braces the ectogun in her hand, grasping tightening around the trigger as she stares at the ghost who blinks back up at her with wild green eyes. Phantom.
The paper in his hand crinkles, but doesn’t tear. The huntress can see clearly now the outline of a newspaper article crumpled within his hands. She can’t see the headline, or what it’s about.
Where did Phantom even get the newspaper from?
The ghost doesn’t do anything but stand, his gangly figure looking awkward as he remains frozen. Valerie can barely hold the shivers that run down her spine. His green eyes follow hers, corner of his mouth curved in curiosity.
There’s been no fight.
Normally there’d be blasts, and the scum that Phantom was would throw his pathetic banter around. Now, now is her chance to obliterate the ghost to nothing.
He’s just standing.
She feels lost.
He blinks owlishly at her, and Valerie takes the chance to give the ghost a good examination. By now he would be gone.
He’s strangely detailed for a ghost, she realises.
His skin is fair, but tanned, dotted with small faded green speckles that dapple beneath his eyes — a poisonous green that spear with intensity. There are bags underneath Phantom’s eyes, although he doesn’t look weary. The ghost's hair looked as if he’d just woken up, ruffled and greyish white like feathers. Small, almost unnoticeable icy blue specks dance in his irises.
What makes you so different?
She wonders if his appearance was once different, and wonders what he once looked like. Because — as hard as it was to believe — Phantom was once human.
Not moving her gaze locked into his, she reaches for the newspaper laid in the ghosts hands. Surprisingly, he doesn’t protest as she slips it from his grasp and takes a step back, reading the page.
“Teenager fatally injured in lab accident.” Reading the headline, her heart plummets to her chest. Was it..?
“Is — is this you?”
The ghost responds with a small dip of his head, eyes downcast to the article.
Valerie isn’t anything but confused. Why did he give her this? When? What? How? Is this how Phantom died?
She locks eyes with the ghosts again, then the newspaper, then Phantom, and the newspaper again.
When Valerie started ghost hunting, she knew that ghosts had once been human, yet no remnants of that remained. They wouldn’t remember it, they weren’t capable of doing that. Yet, in her hands, was the article that confirmed the events leading to Phantom’s death.
“On Thursday 3rd March, a 14 year old boy was seriously injured by electrocution in a lab accident. The boy currently remains hospitalised in a coma. His identity will be kept anonymous for the privacy of the family and unless more information is released…” She trailed off.
Oh God. The paper wrinkled and crumpled beneath her trembling fingers, but Valerie didn’t care. The article didn’t even name him — how could she be sure this was Phantom?
But it had to be true. She knew Phantom had to have died, and, and now here was the truth. Her enemy had been a human boy once, with parents and perhaps siblings just like her—
“I can’t do this.” She thrusts the paper into the ghosts chest, looking into his eyes once more, wondering what they’d seen throughout his lifetime.
Quickly, she runs from Phantom, who doesn’t act, just stands. She needs to get away.
In her head, scenarios play — a boy with piercing eyes and a HAZMAT, expression filled with that familiar cocky smirk, which looks strange inhabiting normal human skin — exploring about an unknown lab, an audience of open wires and fuses lurching dangerously.
She can see it now, all it takes is one trip, and then the echoing screams through her head. It feels like years.
Valerie runs through the park, through the bracken and undergrowth until she reaches the clearing and leans on a tree trunk for support. Then the screams stop.
Somehow, the boy in her illusion replay of Phantom’s death is still alive. There’s a pitch of hope — maybe he is alive.
But if this is Phantom, then Valerie knows how this ends.
The boy in her mind trails a few delicate steps, before stumbling and collapsing. His body doesn’t move. Blue eyes of the corpse echo the images in her head.
Since when did Phantom have blue eyes? But then she realises, the boy in her reenactment did have blue eyes.. not green as she’d imagined. Her mouth is dry as she pants heavily.
God, it might not be accurate to the truth, but her imagination must be playing a scenario similar to it. She can see that Phantom hasn’t spoken a whisper, but he’s following her through the undergrowth where she trampled through.
Valerie can’t lie, the ghost's silence is becoming more unstettling by the second.
“Why are you doing this?” She pleads, already drained from her anguish of Phantom’s death.
The ghost doesn’t respond. He points to himself.
“You? You what?” Valerie asks. What does he want? Does he want to be remembered? The article didn’t mention his name.
Standing here and pleading questions won’t work. But she needs to know.
“Your eyes were blue. Why were they blue? Something has to be wrong.” Valerie stares at the ghost, and the minuscule flecks of blue wavering in his eyes become more noticeable.
“My eyes never lie.”
For a second, she sees a human teenager standing infront of her, with dead, lifeless blue eyes.
Yet when she looks again, the figment of a ghost stares back, with vivacious eyes strangely full of life.
A human with dead eyes.
A ghost with alive eyes.
They contradict eachother. Ghosts are dead, the figment of the past, yet Phantom’s eyes are filled with life. The human self she imagines of him is alive, with a beating heart, yet his eyes are faded and dead.
Normally — the human is alive. The ghost is dead.
Yet Phantom is an illusion of life and death.
Honestly just glad to get this one done with. I went and rewrote it totally cause I didn’t like the first one I wrote. Completely forgot that I had a mug of green tea while writing so now my tea is cold :(
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pepperpills · 3 years
The Harvest - RE8 fanfic
The Harvest
A Resident Evil 8 fan fiction by Joana
Karl Heisenberg x Female Reader
NSFW content
Hi, guys, hope u're enjoying it and if u want, feel free to send a message and share your thoughts.
This is the second half of Part I, when The Harvest actually takes place, as I promised I would be posting it today. Part II will be out next tuesday and has more of Karl's participation.
Part I - Destiny (1)
Part I - Destiny (2)
The site was formed by four giant statues, each one in a corner, in the opposite side of the gate, a low stone fence protected people from falling from a cliff into the misty unknown that laid below. All of its surroundings were made of grey, antique stone, carved directly into the mountain. In the middle stood a symbol in the ground in the shape of an umbrella where the Giant’s Chalice was placed.
Mother Miranda was right in the middle, dressing her usual priest like costume, only this time her areola was bigger. The parents, your parents included, with their anxious expressions, were on the left side, forming a mid-circle. No other villagers were allowed in The Harvest except the children’s guardians, it was exclusive. You smiled to your folks reassuring them that you were okay, prepared. Your mom buried her head deeper in your father chest, but smiled insecurely back at you.
You couldn’t help the feeling that a couple of eyes were laid on you, you felt observed and finally gave up to your curiosity and stared at the lords. Closer to Mother Miranda, on the right side of the site, stood tall Lady Dimitrescu, the tallest person you have ever seen and also one of the most elegant. She wore a white dress that resembled the Greek columns with three black roses on it, red lipstick and a black wide hat. She seemed excited as she analysed the 20s.
Then followed Lady Beneviento, her face covered in a grief veil, she was all dressed in black, except for her doll, Angie, who wore an unclean wedding dress and was laughing almost hysterically for no reason. It would have given you the chills if you weren’t so strangely calm.
The next was Lord Moreau, forever bowed with that bone crown topping his head, he looked like he enjoyed the spirit of the festival, more entertained by its totality than the young people there.
And at last, Lord Heisenberg, a couple of steps from you as you all closed the circle. He was smoking a cigar, making a mess of bracing smoke. He was wearing round sunglasses even though it was already very dark there, his clothes were crumpled and even a bit dirty, but had an explorer’s charm to it as he wore a once-white half unbuttoned shirt, a worn hat, a camel-coloured overcoat and some kind of baggy pants.
You had the uncanny feeling it was his glance that caught you since you arrived there, but couldn’t be sure, once his eyes were hidden from you. The other thing you noticed was that he has kind of handsome with his somewhat grey hair on the height of his bearded chin. Overall, he seemed rough, a brute beauty, but beauty anyway.
The air became denser, like it was charged with electricity, however, scanning your mates, everyone appeared to be still bewitched by Beneviento’s powers, paying attention only to Mother Miranda. It had nothing to do with you disliking Miranda ever since you laid your feet in the Village. No, this was another thing. You were attracted by something else, tempted even to look to your right. Being too suggestible to battle this urge, you moved your head only to be certain that Lord Heisenberg was looking straight at you.
You quickly turned your attention back to Miranda as she played with a black liquid inside the Giant’s Chalice. She called you all her children and made a speech about destiny and natural forces that pull you to it.
“Night demands you, my children. The moon reveals your fate and today your sacrifice will be noticed.” Miranda chanted, her voice floating through all of you, reverberating the ground.
She blessed you, walking the circle and pinning a dot of the Chalice’s black liquid in your foreheads. It moved, itching a little, as her words filled the ceremony site.
“Very well.” She spoke. “Now I shall call your names, the ones I call, please step to the right part of the site, the ones I don’t, to the left.”
A shiver flowed through your spine, awakening every part of your body, bristling your hair, hardening your nipples making you feel completely unclad – which kind of reached the ceremony idea of a virgin blossoming. The sensation was curiously similar to electrical shock, even the iron taste on your tongue reminded you of the electricity discharge, nonetheless, for your surprise, it wasn’t exactly unpleasant, definitely made your feel alive and even dilatated your pupils.
When it happened, you swore your heard Lord Heisenberg chuckling alone, he was contained for obvious reasons, but it disturbed you to see a smirk playfully on his scarred thick lips. No one else appeared to be bothered though, they hadn’t noticed the man acting schizophrenic, but it also made sense, they were all absorbed by Miranda’s discourse and, somehow, that grin was intended, presumably, only for you.
Just then you realized that Miranda had already been calling names and people were actually moving around you. Two of the boys who came with you were now on the very right side of the site. You were getting tense, the magical feeling that drove you to that place was slowly fading away, giving space to the cold sensation of fear. The girl to your left got called, she lost her breath as she heard her name, but rapidly joined her new, and temporary, team.
You looked up to your parents, your mom had that overwhelmed expression lines on her forehead again and you were most sure she was crossing fingers as she is a little stitious, not super, though.
Right now, you don’t believe that any herb, crystal, sacrifice, nor witchcraft would have spare you from your doom. A part of you knew it, even at that moment, as Mother Miranda made your name thunder in the site. Your mom held a scream, your dad looked down. You must go on.
Trembling a little, you went to the right side, closer to Lord Heisenberg, as he was the last one on the lords’ line. Your mates were rigid, the other girl was holding tears, one of the boys had desperate written all over his face, but the other one preferred to show bravery and you chose to stay with him in his decision. It didn’t past unnoticed to Heisenberg, but he constantly peering at you wasn’t of your greater attention, so on you didn’t acknowledge his offbeat interest.
You weren’t going to lie to yourself, you were afraid. You didn’t want Lady Dimitrescu to use your blood in her famous Sanguis Virginis, neither to be with Lady Beneviento and her forever tea party, Lord Moreau frightens you, due to your thalossophobia and for Lord Heisenberg, his temper is well known and poorly spoken by the villagers, he tends to get angry easily, not to say that no one knows what goes on in that factory, the bridge that leads to it emerges from the water, activated by some sort of mechanism that is inaccessible from the Village, so no one goes in, no one comes out.
When The Harvest ended, the villagers were exempted before the Miranda and her family, and you were allowed to go home, the lords knew you were supposed to say goodbye to your loved ones, after all, they aren’t monsters, right?
Thus, you walked back home in your parents embrace, they didn’t let you go, neither you wanted it. Being held like that made it feel better as if you had a bad dream and that was all. Your mother even sang you your favourite childhood song about a girl who gets lost in the dangerous woods inhabited by four monsters and a malevolent witch, but in the end, her parents save her from the beasts.
In the dawn, no villager was asleep, so you spoke to a lot of people, all your siblings, friends and acquaintances. Some of them cried, others smiled and a couple encouraged you saying it was going to be okay. You doubted it, but didn’t say a thing, you were too shaken still trying to be brave.
When the sun rose, you heard the chicken starting their day. You got up, put on a Victorian black dress with long sleeves and a corselet for the thorax area, and packed your few belongings, taking good care of your bow and arrows that once were a secret and now, you thought, might be discarded, but you would still be stubborn and give it a try, maybe they would let you have it.
You left the bedroom, leaving behind your talisman made by the cabin people with a note to your younger sister. Once she was born in the Village, she didn’t know much about the cabins, but you were sure it would protect her after you were gone.
You believed you could go away unnoticed, but your mom was sitting in the kitchen table, waiting for you, looking restless, but she found vitality to smile a good morning at you.
“You look pretty.” She said as she walked towards you and twirled your hair.
“Thank you, mom.” You simply replied, thinking that touch was soothing.
“We will miss you.” She sighed. “I will miss you, deeply, my angel.” Your mom is one of the kindest people you know, she always took good care of you even when you got older, you will miss her too.
“I will miss you too, mom… I love you.” You added and hugged her. You must be strong; her smell of country flowers softened you tempting you to run away from your fate.
“Promise you will try to write.” She pleaded, staring into your soul with her woody-brown eyes.
“I promise.” You meant it and did afterwards.
“It is okay, angel, you may go now, I won’t make it any harder.” She stepped aside, giving you space to walk to the door, when there you looked back one last time and waved goodbye.
At the ceremony site, they said you should gather again at the Chapel. A part of the building is destroyed, you are not sure what was responsible for it, but there are parts of the ceiling and the ground that are missing and underground tunnels with Gods know what meandering under your feet. The others arrived not long after you and less than an hour later Mother Miranda joined you.
She spoke from the pulpit. This sight gave you an uneasiness. You never liked her manners, always thought she considered herself too much of a priest, but you were not sure for what gods she spoken, in addition, she was also very domineering. There were stories of her whispered by mourning souls saying that she would tear some locals apart while laughing and enjoying the bloody spectacle. Maybe she was crazy. Believing it or not, she didn’t please you at all.
“Children.” She began. “Destiny calls you. You must fulfil your role in this circle. It is a sacrifice for all of us, so we can preserve our way of life.” Miranda went on like this for some more minutes before getting to the point.
“Each one of you has been designated or requested by one of the four lords. I will now say your name and the name of your Lord.” She finally said.
Your heart rate was worrying, your anxiety levels were high. You breathed heavily, trying to regain composure. Miranda called the brave boy first, he went to Moreau. Two girls got sent to the Dimitrescu’s castle, one more boy went to Moreau, another girl went to Lady Beneviento. Thus, there was only you left and Miranda’s phrase reverberated through the Chapel with its angelical acoustic turning horrifying.
“Y/N. Lord Karl Heisenberg.”
Your stomach sunk. You didn’t know if you were relieved or even more preoccupied. But then you felt that shock sensation again, the iron taste made you salivate and you thought it might have been worst, maybe all he expects from you is some cleaning, laundry and your normal daily routine.
Still, one thing that Miranda said echoed in your head: did you get designated or did he request you? You didn’t know which one would be better.
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leisurelypanda · 3 years
Fantasy Thundershield Concept - Steve's a water spirit of a secluded spring deep in the forest. Humans almost never wander far enough into the forest to find his domain, so he's never had much interaction with them, or even seen them up close.
One day, a travelling knight named Thor passes through the area, weary from his long journey. Upon seeing the spring, he decides he can afford a little time to bathe and relax, stripping off before he slips into the water with a sigh of relief. With the coolness of the water easing the aches in his muscles, it doesn't take long for him to drift off to sleep seated on a shallow rock shelf at the pool's edge.
Little does he know Steve's been watching him with fascination this whole time, unable to tear his eyes away from this handsome stranger. Once Thor's asleep, he creeps closer through the water to get a better look, running his hands over Thor's body and hard muscles in curiosity. Thor's cock takes up a lot of Steve's attention, especially as it begins to lengthen and harden in his hands.
Meanwhile, Thor thinks he's been having a very pleasant dream, moaning and growling softly in his sleep under Steve's ministrations. Until he awakens to find this lithe, beautiful spirit straddling his hips and staring at him with those beautiful blue eyes, his bare ass pressed right up against Thor's erection. Lost in each other's eyes, it seems only natural that Thor shift his hips ever so slightly. Just at the right angle to slowly push his cock up into his companion's ass, their moans filling the still air as Thor takes Steve in his arms properly and draws him out into the deeper waters to continue their union.
Ooo this is such a delicious idea and it's so different from lots of fantasy AUs!
Thor is probably a knight or prince out on a quest to slay a monster or something. It's as much for glory as it is to help people who are being threatened by it. Instead of finding monster, though, he gets hopelessly lost in the forest while searching for it.
The spring is fueled by a nearby volcano so that it's always pleasantly warm, even in the dead of winter. It also contains several minerals that are good for the human skin. Additionally, since it has the blessing of a water spirit, the water contains magical properties that heal the wounds of those who drink or bathe in the waters, as long as they pose no threat to the spring or the environment around it.
Thor, being a human, has no clue about this, of course. All he knows is that the troll that was threatening people who live at the foot of the mountain is nowhere to be found. He's yet to find the cave where the mountain troll is supposed to dwell. Still, it’s been two days and nights of travel. Thor’s beginning to believe that the troll has either moved on or that the villagers were simply mistaken about what happened to their missing friends. 
In the failing light of the third day, Thor happens upon the hidden spring. Steam is rising gently from the water and Thor sees an opportunity to relieve his sore muscles. It would even be a good place to rest for the night if he could manage to find some food in the traps he’d set up earlier. 
He quietly strips out of his clothing and armor and tests the water gingerly with his foot. It’s pleasantly hot, but not so hot that it hurt to touch it. He sighs luxuriantly as he lets himself sink into the water. He sits on one of the rocks in the pool that’s the perfect height for him. It lets him lounge in the pool, the water rising up to his shoulders. 
Unbeknownst to Thor, Steve was idling his day away in the spring. It comes from an underground river and he’s spent his whole life, however long it’s been, exploring it and the surrounding mountain. The spring is his home and he prefers to keep it hidden, especially from humans. 
This one, however, found it on accident. Steve is almost insulted that someone has come into his home without so much as a “by your leave,” but the stranger’s beauty stills his tongue. the man is built like a mountain lion, all corded muscle and long limbs. The grime that washes away from his skin reveals its glowing tan and his hair is long and golden. 
It doesn’t take long for the human to fall asleep in the healing waters. As soon as Steve is sure that he is, in fact, sleeping, he rises from the depths where he had been watching the stranger. 
Steve’s not a complete recluse. He has met other spirits. The creature that the village at the foot of the mountain calls a troll is actually a spirit of a cluster of rocks at the top of the mountain. He wasn’t very bright, though. Probably why he said his name was “Brock,” because the name was similar to what he was. There were other spirits. Bucky, the spirit of the pine forest that covered the mountains here, was much more well traveled than Steve, and he said humans weren’t very interesting. They fought and quarreled and they cut down his precious trees. 
Then there was Peggy, the spirit of the ice that covered the top of the mountains. She had a much more gracious view of humans. She said they were warm and kind, the food they made was delicious, and though they struggled to survive, they also found time to frolic and enjoy life. 
Steve wasn’t sure what to think, but he’d never thought to venture too far from his spring or the river that ran through the mountains. If he followed it, he might run into humans eventually, but he preferred this spring. So this was the first time he’d ever seen one a human up close. What surprised him most was that neither Bucky nor Peggy had told him how attractive they were. As he neared the sleeping human, he began to touch him. He felt the strong muscles beneath his skin. He ran his hands over the rolling expanses, letting his fingers follow the mountains and valleys that formed on the man’s body. 
Were they all like this? If so, perhaps there was some reason to seek the humans out on occasion like Peggy did. 
Then, of course, Steve arrived at the human’s cock. it was the most fascinating thing about him, so far. At first, it had been soft. Impressive, but soft. The longer Steve spent feeling the man’s body, the longer and harder it became. This was another thing neither of his friends mentioned. He stared at it in fascination. It was true that his body looked like a human’s but he had never actually thought much about it. 
He lets instinct take over. It always seemed to work in the past. Where the instinct came from, Steve couldn’t say, but he climbed into the man’s lap and lined up his cock to his hole. As he began to sink down on it, he moaned as the thick cock stretched him open. The sound caused the man’s eyes to open. They looked at each other for a while. Steve’s hands were braced on the man’s chest. A moment later, the human put his hands on Steve’s hips and began thrusting up. Steve moaned and Thor captured his mouth with his own in some kind of strange human ritual. It’s not unpleasant, but it is a bit strange. 
Steve soon got the hang of this strange human ritual. Their tongues slid against each other as the human thrust up into him. It was the greatest pleasure that Steve had ever felt. The longer the human thrusts into him, the greater his pleasure grows. Steve can’t help but moan. His moans grow louder and louder. The human’s cock goes so deeply into Steve’s body that Steve can practically feel him in the depths of his very soul. He can’t get enough of it. 
The human comes with a loud growl. Steve feels the hot liquid fill his ass. A moment later, Steve himself is pushed over the edge with pleasure and it bursts from him. It’s a feeling he’s never experienced before. The whole spring seems to resound with the waves of his pleasure as his entire being practically glows with it. 
As soon as it’s done, he gasps and looks into the human’s eyes. He looks back into Steve’s with a warm smile. 
“I must be dreaming,” the human says. “But in case I am not, my name is Thor.” 
“You’re not dreaming,” Steve says. “My name is Steve.” 
Thor pulls Steve into another one of those human mouth rituals. Steve is more than happy to allow it to happen. He has no idea how long the two of them bask in the pleasure they give each other. Spirits perceive time differently from humans, after all. All he knows is that when they finally stop to really rest, Thor’s armor is covered in rust and his clothes have been claimed by the earth. Thor doesn’t seem to care, though. He finds a nearby cave with a pool in it that’s connected to Steve’s river and makes his home there. 
Down the mountain in human society, there are tales of a valiant knight who tragically ventured up the mountain in search of a troll. Some stories say it was a manticore or a chimera or a dragon, but all stories say that he never returned. The village packed up and left in search of a less spiritual mountain. Meanwhile, Thor and Steve live out their long years together. He meets Peggy and Bucky and other spirits as he travels the mountain range with his lover. What exactly happened to him to make it possible for him to live so long is unknown to him, but Steve and his friends take to calling him the spirit of the mountain. He never really considers returning to the world of humans. He prefers to spend his days and nights, years and decades and centuries, in the arms of the precious water spirit who captured his heart. 
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