#it's all probably not that deep and it's just a comedy 😅
mikuni14 · 5 months
The tags left under my review of first ep of WG by @italianpersonwithashippersheart inspired me to write about what I immediately thought about Dee: this boy is inexperienced when it comes to sex (although I don't think he's a "novice" in this matter) and he draws on all his knowledge - despite this that he's a doctor 😭 - from, um, pop culture? 😂 His behavior indicates that he's under the influence of a mixture of music videos of modern female rappers, old-fashioned porn watched secretly during his adolescence years and BL series (he wiped the food off my mouth = clearly it's love), because if not, the poor guy has watched hair metal bands from 80's, because of the way he draped himself over the door in this scene
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honey, you're not the hot girl from the Whitesnake MV! 😭
Dee is inexperienced, or very naive with a touch of delulu, and despite everything, childish in these matters (sorry, I will insist on this 😘). Because Kao somehow managed to flawlessly point out the loopholes in Dee's reasoning, tried to help him and warned him many times, and he also leads a conscious love life himself - and they're both of a similar age! How clueless Dee is when it comes to matters of sex is proven by the fact that what he took away from the whole conversation with Ter was not that he didn't like him "like that" and that Ter was straight, but that he, Dee, was vanilla 😭
That's why I'm curious whether Dee will be shown as someone who has had sexual partners before but still has no actual experience, or whether he "saved himself for Ter for 8 years". And how his "sexual journey" will unfold with the right partner 😚
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genericpuff · 6 months
Genuinely I would give anything to hear your thoughts or read more critical analysis of yours on other webcomics writing (*slides you Marionetta* I like the webtoon but there are some things in the writing that I'd like to see be discussed critically more often but the fandom focuses way too much on shipping. sighs..)
Anyway, you probably have been asked this before but are there any webtoons in particular you would recommend? :D
Oh lord, you don't know how many times a week I get asks in my inbox asking for my opinions on webtoons they're reading. It's really sweet that people wanna hear me talk about other works outside of LO, but unfortunately I just don't have the time to read as much as I used to, even keeping up on LO lately is getting really difficult 😅 I'm definitely keeping a list though of works to check out!
That said, I try not to read series on the basis of criticizing them because frankly I just... don't want to spend time reading something if people are only looking for me to rag on it? 😆 Of course I know that's not the only reason, I know there's also just the element of seeing me talk extensively about other works the way that I do with LO, but it's not really something I can turn on and off like that, I have to get really into a series to want to talk about it to that extent. So it often comes down to just luck of the draw :'0
Right now the series I'm keeping up the most on (or have completed and would absolutely 100% re-read):
Alfie (18+, it's porn with plot but the plot is REALLY GOOD , I SWEAR LMAO the art is gorgeous, the characterization is IMMACULATE, and it ironically tackles the subject of purity culture way better than LO ever has lol)
Theia Mania (the creator is often in my comment section / neck of the woods, she's been working on an Abduction of Persephone retelling for a long while now and has also tackled other myth retellings in her style! I always love seeing new pages of her work in my feed :' ) <3)
Tales from Alderwood (if you like fantasy and comedy, this one's great, the plot's really starting to get interesting and it's just got this really great sense of humor about it)
The Black Parade (this one's REALLY interesting, it's a comic-stylized version of My Chemical Romance's The Black Parade, using the songs as narration and sometimes even dialogue to tell a visual story, it's really cool and the art matches beautifully with the lyrics and style of MCR!)
A Tale of Two Rulers (this is a Legend of Zelda fancomic that poses the question, "What if Zelda and Ganondorf got married to solve their political crisis?" It updates a lot slower than most of the other comics I follow but the art and writing is so worth it <3)
Dogs of Future Past (and p much all of Lynx's Undertale comics which can be found in the link, seriously, THESE are the comics you wanna read if you wanna get into Undertale fanworks, they are PEAK)
Tamberlane (this one's an anthro comic, I normally don't read anthro but this one actually gripped me by the throat, the art is gorgeous and the character arcs so far have been great!)
The Mafia Nanny (okay it's legit so funny that I'm including this one here but I've been reading it the last couple days after seeing it basically beat out LO at the top of the trending tab for a couple days, so I figured I'd give it a shot, at first I was like "great more tropey shit" but the more I read it the more it's actually started to get pretty good, I'm holding out and hoping to god it stays that way LOL it's not especially deep or anything like that, but it's really fun and cute to read and the shipping of the main character within the narrative isn't too self-absorbed which I can always appreciate, I'd honestly be 100% fine with it if it didn't turn into a romance)
City of Blank (I talk about this one a lot here, but it's one of my favorite Originals right now, the art is super polished and the writing has gotten INTENSE, go check it out if you want some fun action / sci-fi storytelling!)
Time and Time Again (a time-travelling vampire and his werewolf boyfriend get into all kinds of misadventures, what more could you ask for?)
Touch of Divinity (like the Mafia Nanny, this is one I just started reading, it's got a very interesting premise so far and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes!)
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
No sex-ed Dream our beloved 😁 how about the reverse of that last ask? Dream was told as a child that only married couples have babies, and growing up somehow completely missed any evidence to refute that. Even when he later (barely) learns about sex, by the time he’s in college he pretty firmly thinks it’s sex + marriage = babies. He still wanted his first time to be special though, so he’s still a virgin until he starts sleeping with Hob.
When Dream starts having pregnancy symptoms, he simply assumes he caught a bad flu or something. At some point Hob hesitantly brings up the possibility of pregnancy, but Dream just rolls his eyes and says something like that’s impossible, or that he’s pretty sure he would’ve noticed if he was pregnant.
What he’s thinking is “It’s impossible obviously bc we’re not married, and I’m pretty sure I would’ve noticed if we had gotten married, very funny Hob (actually that sounds lovely, but we should probably wait until after graduation)”.
What Hob hears is either “that’s impossible” as in Dream can’t have kids (a bit of a disappointment, but there’s always adoption), or “I would’ve noticed” as in Dream has already checked and confirmed he’s not, maybe he already took a test and it came back negative or he’s on his period, so Hob lets it go, and the nausea quickly goes away anyway and they move on in blissful ignorance (btw if Dream is like me he’s really really bad at tracking his cycles, so he doesn’t even notice that he’s missed a couple months (I’m so bad, if I ever get pregnant missing my period is not how I’m gonna find out 😅)).
If possible for maximum comedy I’d try to keep Dream in denial up until the birth, but Hob will probably bring the subject back up a little more forcefully when Dream starts showing. At first it could be dismissed as a little weight gain (and that’s what Dream definitely thinks it is), but at a certain point it’s clear that that’s a baby bump, it’s literally a baby bump, Dream do you have something you’d like to share???
They finally sit down and clear everything up, then they can both have a little freak out as a treat, that Dream is pregnant, they’re gonna be dads, holy shit they are so behind they need to schedule all the appointments yesterday.
My love for this au never ends!!!! And I do have a huge soft spot for a Dream who is very obviously pregnant and very much in denial about it. Maybe he insists that Hob has just been feeding him too well! And Hob is staring at the very round very obvious bump (which occasionally ripples as the baby begins to move around and throw punches). Admittedly he likes to keep Dream eating plenty of nutritious meals, but his lasagnes definitely didn't do THAT.
I think deep, deep down Dream knows that he's having a baby, but he's very scared and kind of hoping the whole situation will go away if he ignores it. He still doesn't know HOW he got into this mess. Did him and Hob get married with out realising it? Dream is so confused and anxious and he wants a nine month nap and a hug. Instead he gets a baby (and a boyfriend who loves him very much and is who is NOT going to put his dick inside Dream without a condom for a very, very long time).
Nevertheless, the expectant parents are very very excited!!!! Hob is telling everyone he knows that his boyfriend is pregnant!!!! He's got a lil miracle in his belly!!!! Hob’s gonna be a daddy for real!!!! And Dream pulls off the most beautiful, iconic, celebratory trans pregnancy to the point where the entire campus is invested, and bigots everywhere are drowning in ire and envy.
It's especially nice that their baby, aged around 18 months, gets to be the guest of honour when they do get married. Dream and Hob get a night off from parenting their little one and have a very raunchy consummation of their marriage in their hotel room........ where Dream suggests that now they're actually married, maybe it's time to try for another baby?
Hob takes great pleasure in chucking the condoms out into the corridor. Time to make a baby with his HUSBAND <3
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destinyc1020 · 2 months
This might be a tad controversial to say but ... I understand that Sam's team is attempting to slander Z, which is terrible. However, I'm glad that article confirmed they are no longer close. She was so deeply and emotionally invested in Euphoria/Rue that it didn't seem healthy for her to be consumed by it all the time. During the pandemic, she would discuss the S2 script with Sam everyday. That was the moment I thought 'Oh honey you need to stop'. Yeah, she's a workaholic, but it's important to balance work with your personal life. She was restless during the pandemic, It seemed like she was experiencing separation anxiety from the Euphoria world. When she appeared on Variety's Actor on Actor, she was legit almost in tears talking about Rue. The closer she got to Sam, the more she became consumed by the Euphoria realm and obsessing over Sam's work. Their friendship even led to the creation of Malcolm and Marie, which had fans defending her online for months. Now, post-Euphoria, she is glowing, taking time to treat herself, and traveling with her loved ones. I love how much she's grown beyond Sam and Euphoria. She looks happier and she is branching out. I hope to see the Euphoria chapter closed for good. The cast seemed to have moved on as well just I want to see Z happy and away from that man.
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GIRL YES!!!!! ALL of this! 👏🏾
I've honestly been feeling this way for a long time, but I just didn't wanna say anything. 👀
She was so deeply and emotionally invested in Euphoria/Rue that it didn't seem healthy for her to be consumed by it all the time. During the pandemic, she would discuss the S2 script with Sam everyday. That was the moment I thought 'Oh honey you need to stop'. Yeah, she's a workaholic, but it's important to balance work with your personal life. She was restless during the pandemic, It seemed like she was experiencing separation anxiety from the Euphoria world. When she appeared on Variety's Actor on Actor, she was legit almost in tears talking about Rue. The closer she got to Sam, the more she became consumed by the Euphoria realm and obsessing over Sam's work.
#REALTALK I think Z did get kinda consumed with her work on Euphoria, and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that was probably one of the reasons for the Tomdaya split. 👀 I think sometimes, actors can get so caught up in their work or a specific role because they know it's their one chance to really prove to the public and the industry that they can branch out and do some "serious work" (or, in Z's case, not just be seen as a "Disney Girl" for life), and I think it gets to the point of obsession because there's so much pressure and anxiety tied up into it. 😔 Meanwhile, your loved ones around you are confused and like.... "Yo...maybe you need to take a break....It's just a role.... It will be okay...hey, when are we gonna see each other..." LOL 😅
Z was definitely swept up into the Euphoria Hype/Sam Levinson World for a while. When she was talking about her character Rue like she was a real person, I was like... "Oh girl.... you've gone to the deep end..." 😔 But I had compassion for her, cuz I know this role meant a LOT to her, and it really allowed her to prove to people that she can do more than just comedy, and little wholesome Disney roles. I don't blame her for getting caught up, because it can happen to ANY actor out here. ❤️
But like you, I'm just glad that she has finally started to DISTANCE herself away from Sam.
Now, post-Euphoria, she is glowing, taking time to treat herself, and traveling with her loved ones. I love how much she's grown beyond Sam and Euphoria. She looks happier and she is branching out. I hope to see the Euphoria chapter closed for good. The cast seemed to have moved on as well just I want to see Z happy and away from that man.
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Girl YES.
The sooner she can get away from that man, the better! And I totally agree with you! I think her being away from the obsession of Euphoria (like in S1) has been the best thing for her! She seems so much more at ease, happier, more carefree, etc. I'm glad she learned that she doesn't have to be a work-a-holic either.
Don't worry....Our girl is good and she will be fine! 🥰 Getting too deep into a role is something that happens to a LOT of actors (believe it or not - many have discussed this). I think instead of blaming the actor, fans need to have more compassion (jmho), because it can happen to ANYONE! But I believe she learned from her experience, and also learned not to trust Sam lol (especially his deadlines 👀), and so she's moving on and more than likely won't make that mistake ever again. 🥰
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I just finished a fic about John coming back to life and having to deal with Castiel, Crowley and Rowena strutting around the bunker. (I'm gonna upload it tomorrow probably)
And doesn't this sound like it could be a comedy? Because I was aiming for a comedy. I also started writing a part of this back in December (and I think I was hinting to destiel back the so obviously I had to correct that transgression xD now I'm hinting towards casual Drowley while gencest is the main thing).
Anyway. It's not a comedy. Like, at all. I messed up. This is deep 😅
Apparently I can't write comedy with Sam and Dean because their relationship is so deep and pain is so beautifully entwined with their existence and relationship and whatever I try to do, it comes back to them needing each other to breathe. (Is John reacting to this? Not really. That's the one part that hasn't changed about their sons after all these years. If anything, he finds some comfort in that)
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ladyswillmart · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the love ❤️
Hey wow, thanks for the message! I actually had to think about this one quite a bit. I'm not always the biggest fan of my own work, but in recent years I have published a few fics that I ended up liking. These... might be in some particular order? Eh, I dunno! Anyway, here goes:
5.) "It's Up To You" (Portal). The one where Doug Rattmann is trying to repair Grady. This is the last Portal fic I did and probably ever will do (though, never say never, right?). I'm not sure why I envisioned Doug as a fan of Ricky Nelson but it kinda works. Like the rest of my Portal stories, I put a lot of heart into this one, but in the end it felt like a bit of a waste. Oh well, I still like how it turned out.
4.) "Fish is Also a Four-Letter Word" (Gensou Suikoden II). It's sort of a screwball comedy where Jillia kind of asks Klaus to use his strategist super-powers to kill her brother. This was one of those magic stories where it all just brilliantly came together in a matter of days, footnotes and all. Rarer still, it's a story I can re-read and go "oh, that was cute", without cringing!
3.) "Malus" (Soul Blazer). The tiny fic in the tiny fandom that could! The first story I've ever done that was narrated by a goat. It's such a sweet and gentle tale, and I still think this setting is really interesting. There are not a lot of fics for this old SNES game, but I guess it is kind of a niche title. I got about halfway through a follow-up (narrated by a dormouse) so maybe I'll finish that one some time too...
2.) "A Difficult Business" (FF14). Originally a shitpost on Tumblr, which should tell you everything you need to know, if you don't want to actually read the fic summary. It's the one where Y'shtola bribes Nero Scaeva to deep fry Nidhogg's eyeballs in the fry vat at the Husting Strip Galleria food court's Ol’ Mistbeard Fish ‘n Chips.
1.) "Mog House" (FF14). In here, there is only Mog. And House. Huh, this one also involves Nero in some manner of bribery (only this time he's the one doing the bribing).
Ironically (?), my actual #1 pick isn't something that I can link to because it hasn't been published anywhere yet! It's called "Ancient History" and it's a 16-chapter work of Ultima VII (Serpent Isle) fanfic that's going up on my Neocities. For whatever reason, I made the boneheaded decision that it would be the FIRST thing to go up on my website, along with a complete (read: way too verbose) timeline and character profiles and little pictures, the works! All of this is still under construction, HOWEVER the bulk of the actual writing/markup of it is DONE and has been for some time. It's really just down to the getting the formatting just right, plus some light revision and last-minute edits.
Oh yeah! I still need to write the epilogue. Hah!
Unfortunately, it looks like Dawntrail got in the way as it's currently taking up my "writing" time slot. 😅 However, I'm also making my way to the end of all that so I expect I can get back into finishing my website pretty soon as well.
It's something I don't really expect people to be interested in so I'm not putting this story on AO3 or anything like that. I'm really proud of the work I put into the website and the story and the little AU world I crafted around it, but in the end, it's something I did just for me. 😛
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thelargefrye · 2 years
genre : fluff, some angst (esp in yunho’s), comedy
requested by @kurosism
SBS did a special stage featuring EXILE HER and YEOSANG after the two had recently announced their relationship to the public. the two did a special stage with an original song NAP FAIRY.
the stage was praised by ATINY and IXLUVS for being overly cute and heartwarming. many netizens praises both their vocals and how they blended well together and how well the two were able perform with such professionalism while still acting cute with one another.
the song was also praised and many IXLUVS have theorized that this new song will potential appear in a future album of yours.
thought the two of you looked so cute on stage
helped you write the song you and yeosang performed
was so proud of you for how the song turned out
would definitely take pictures of you for instagram
knows how nervous you were before the performance and would try to calm your nerves
“you’ll do amazing and both atiny and ixluvs will love you.”
would definitely kiss you after your performance and tell you and yeosang how well you did
thought you both looked cute and performed well
is happy that most of the fans are open to you and yeosang dating and that this special stage was given to you both
feels a little sad deep down when watching you and yeosang look so happy and couple-y while performing
only because he also wants to experience that but can’t
would be right next to hongjoong to kiss you both once you get off stage
you originally wanted to go public with yunho but chose not to because of the fight between you both
would feel bitter while watching you and yeosang perform
he would post pictures with you and yeosang but made sure a fourth member was always in the picture as well
he could tell how nervous you were but instead of comforting you, he would just leave the room
another member will take care of her he thinks as he leaves
he loved watching every second of it
asked atiny on universe if they had watched the stage after it was over
everyone is pretty sure san is a yeoyn shipper
would definitely post pictures with the two of you after the stage in order to congratulate you both
would definitely fight with wooyoung on who got you both when you all returned to the dorm
nap fairy would be one of his new favorite songs to sing
when the ateez_log was posted atiny got to witness mingi singing nap fairy
while yeosang stood in the background with 😬😅 face
was jealous that he didn’t get to perform with you but knew this stage only happened cause the company decided to make you and yeosang go public
he’s still only a little bitter that you didn’t choose him to go public with
but knows that yeosang is probably the better choice because of how close you two are
he thought the two of you looked so good and felt mesmerized by you both
would definitely fight with san on who got you both when you all returned to the dorm
he was all OVER this performance
had his signature gummy smile while watching the whole time
helped pick your outfits out for the performance
like san would also post pictures with the two of you
would update his homescreen to be a picture with you and yeosang each kissing his cheek
he would complain about how you both surprised him but you knew he secretly like that type of affection
would also sing nap fairy in the same ateez_log that mingi sings it in
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🌟🚗 Welcome back to “Keeping Up with the Cullens,” where today we’re diving deep into the infamous make-out session by Emmett’s Jeep, Edward’s epic self-dazzle moment, and his surprisingly human behavior—probably for the first time in a century! Trust me, this is a scene worth talking about that I haven’t seen anyone doing! 🧛‍♂️💋 Honestly, I love it because it shows that even sparkly vampires can have teenage meltdowns. 😂✨
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We’re all used to seeing kisses from Bella’s perspective, but viewing this particular kiss through Edward’s eyes is like watching a teen romance collide with a vampire action flick. 🎥💕 Edward’s inner monologue is hilarious. He’s trying to play it smooth, whispering sweet nothings and kissing Bella’s collarbone like he’s the star of a Nicholas Sparks novel. 📖💞 But when their lips finally meet, it’s a full-blown hormonal teenage frenzy. 🚀 His brain goes from “I must protect her” to “OMG KISS HER MORE” in seconds. It’s like The Bodyguard with vampires, with 100% more sparkling angst. 🎶💔
His past monologues were so packed with vampire angst, but now his monologues are getting more sappy all the time. 💔 This time, though, it’s all about his genuine teenage boy feelings, like wanting skin-to-skin contact and all that jazz. “The craving for more, for skin against skin, was a constant temptation, a reminder of what I could never fully have.” Edward, welcome to the human experience! It’s messy, but hey, at least you’re acting like a regular teenage guy now! 🙃🎥 You might want to start a vlog: “Teen Vampire Diaries: The Struggles of Dating a Fragile Human.” 🙃🎥
Speaking of hormones, it makes me wonder if Carlisle or Esme ever gave him “the birds and bees” talk because he definitely needs one now. 🐦🐝 Oh, wait, he’s probably taken health class 100 times by now, so why is he so surprised by his own hormones? Maybe he skips class to hunt on those particular days. 🏹 But doesn’t he have tons of medical degrees like his dad? Carlisle, please talk to your son before he knocks Bella up… wait… he does just that the following August. Dude, protection! I guess he’s a typical guy leaving that duty up to us girls. Looks like even vampires aren’t immune to the classic teenage pregnancy trope! 🍼😅👶
So, here’s the scoop: Edward decides it’s time to up his game and kiss Bella by Emmett’s Jeep. 🚗💋 But this isn’t just any kiss—it’s a carefully planned move to distract Bella from her reluctance to run with him to the baseball field. As they park by Emmett’s Jeep, Edward plots his dazzling move. ✨ Bella’s all nervous about running, hitting trees, and getting sick, and Edward’s like, “Let me dazzle that fear away!” 🌟 Edward, your strategies might be questionable, but your kissing tactics? Surprisingly on point! 💋👏
During this epic make-out moment, Edward’s internal monologue is pure comedy gold. 😂 He’s having a “self-dazzle” moment—yes, folks, he manages to dazzle himself, if you catch my drift! 😂 It would be like a teenager watching Blue Lagoon for the first time. Here’s the moment: “This new fire—a fire without pain, that ravaged only my ability to think—raged even hotter when her arms wrapped tightly around my neck and her body bowed into mine. Her heat and her pulse were fused against my own form from chest to thigh. I was drowning in sensation.” 🔥💫 His “self-dazzle” moment is like that time Clark Kent discovered his heat vision in health class by staring at his substitute teacher. You know, just a regular day for a teenage superhero trying to control his powers—kind of like Edward navigating the choppy waters of teenage vampire romance. 😳🔥
This kiss is so intense that Mr. I-Have-Ice-In-My-Veins lets his inner teenage boy loose: “The kiss was soft at first, a gentle brush of lips that quickly turned into something more. I wanted her to remember this feeling more than anything else.” Suddenly, Edward realizes, “In that moment, I was more aware of my nature than ever, the fine line I walked between passion and danger.” It’s like watching a vampire having an existential crisis mid-kiss. 😂💎
And just like that, Edward tries to handle this like a cool, collected vampire, leaning in and using his super-vampire powers to make Bella forget how to breathe, only to end up being the one caught off guard! 🤯 It’s as if he forgot for a moment that he’s not just a lovestruck teen but also a supernatural creature with the strength to crush his first girlfriend with a hug. 💪 Yes, they’re officially boyfriend and girlfriend now—they even told Charlie. You can imagine his relief that Edward isn’t just another mystery guy creeping around Bella with a sparkly secret. Right now, Charlie is probably singing “Cleaning This Gun” by Rodney Atkins while polishing his rifle, just a classic dad move to keep the sparkly teenage vampires in line. 😅🔫
Caught up in the kiss, Edward has to remind himself of the supernatural strength he’s using, realizing he must back off before things get too heated, like when someone speeds up during a yellow light and suddenly has to deal with the consequences. 🚦 He pulls away just in time, only to be slapped with a dose of reality: “Damn it, Bella, you’ll be the death of me!” Edward, you might want to ease up on the drama. This isn’t a soap opera—oh wait, it kind of is. 🤦‍♂️📺
But wait, that’s not the end of Edward coming off as a regular teenager. 🧛‍♂️ As the two run to the game, Bella, in true Bella fashion, ends up awkwardly sprawled on the ground, getting off Edward’s back. 🏃‍♀️ Her look of indignation has Edward in stitches, releasing the tension with laughter. 😂 As she tries to brush off the mud, Edward can’t help but laugh harder, snapping out of his own self-doubt and amusement again, just like a normal teenage boyfriend. Seriously, how many times will Bella fall off his back? If this keeps up, Edward might need to get her a helmet. 😆🪖
As they attempt to make their way to the game, Bella confidently marches off like she’s heading off to find Narnia without a map, only to end up facing the wrong direction. “Where are you going, Bella?” he chuckles, catching her by the waist. Pro tip: always let the vampire be your GPS. 🧭 Bella, convinced that Edward was mad earlier, isn’t amused by his laughter. Her eyes narrow into a glare that could melt vampire ice, arms crossed like Lucy ready to deliver one of her famous zingers. ❄️🧊 “Oh, so now it’s funny, huh? You’re the only one who gets to be mad?” she snaps, with all the indignation of someone who’s just discovered their significant other ate the last slice of pizza. 🍕 Edward, still chuckling, tries to explain, “No, no, I wasn’t mad at you, Bella! You just should have seen your face!” Bella rolls her eyes, throwing back his earlier dramatic line, “You’ll be the death of me, I swear.” 😂 It’s a classic I Love Lucy moment, with Bella playing the exasperated Lucy to Edward’s Ricky as they bicker and reconcile with a laugh. ❤️🧛‍♀️
As Bella regains her composure, Edward pulls her closer for the sitcom-style heartfelt moment. “I love you,” he confesses, “It’s a poor excuse for what I’m doing, but it’s still true.” Their brief, restrained kiss seals the deal, as Bella’s warmth and Edward’s protective instincts shine through the chaos of teenage emotions and vampire instincts. 💏💕
Finally, they head toward the clearing, where Edward tries to focus on the upcoming baseball game and not his body’s recent betrayal. Just another day in the life of a hundred-year-old teenage vampire, right? 🧛‍♂️⚾ Maybe next time, Edward, try dazzling yourself in your room before you go and make out with Bella. You know, a little practice session like an awkward teenager prepping for prom night, just without the pie. Okay, Edward? 🥧😜✨
This episode of “Keeping Up with the Cullens” is brought to you by Edward’s accidental self-dazzle and the eternal struggle to balance teenage hormones with vampire instincts. Stay tuned for more drama, passion, and hilarious supernatural mishaps! 😅🎬
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reyesstrand · 1 year
The way Carlos is acting in that sneak peek is the same way he acted during their fight in 2x04 (nonchalant and using comedy in a serious situation) You just know there’s some deep rooted shit coming at the end of this. Hopefully anyway 😅
everything is coming back to 2x04 and i’m so intrigued about that!! tarlos and marjan as main beats in the story and their problems kind of intersecting…love it!!
and anyway. exactly! carlos deflects. he makes jokes. he takes care of tk in a spiral but has no clue how to let someone else in when he’s having these really serious complicated moments of vulnerability. we don’t know much about carlos’ childhood, but we know he grew up in a catholic, likely traditional household with two sisters who appear to have fulfilled their parents’ expectations, and he lived his whole life thinking he never could. he came out to his parents and they didn’t talk about it for years. HE MARRIED HIS FEMALE BEST FRIEND BECAUSE HE THOUGHT HE’D NEVER GET TO LOVE A MAN!!! beyond that, we know carlos got the impression—likely from how he was raised—that he feels gabriel always saw him as soft. he has so many repressed thoughts about masculinity and sexuality. he probably always saw himself as this scared little boy and developed a hard exterior and never imagined wanting to bring a kid into his world because a) he never thought he’d truly get to find a real love and b) how was he supposed to be a father? with his own father issues and ideas about tradition? he didn’t even think he wasn’t broken/in need of fixing until he met tk.
so i think this will all come up and tk and carlos may have a bit of a spat beyond the clip we saw, bc it looks like they’re cleaning up after interviewing officiants or perhaps setting up for another meeting, but like in 2x04 when they just sit down and talk….i think they’ll do that here and sit down and talk and see each other’s sides, and in doing that carlos will begin to see how maybe he wouldn’t be a bad dad. maybe he could have a family—one that’s his—with the love of his life, and that’s a choice that’s theirs to make. it doesn’t have to happen the day after they get married; i think they should have at least a year or two before they bring them having kids into the show. being child free is absolutely valid but i think the writers are using this more as a way to dig deeper into carlos’ psyche rather than actually suggesting they wouldn’t agree on what their family would look like, because that wouldn’t be something they’d want an endgame couple like carlos to go through just for drama. it’s a way to see more of their mindsets. judging by the formula of 2x04 (and even something like 3x13)…it’ll happily resolve, and they’ll be stronger for it.
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Finnie, my lovely gal, if it’s not too much to ask could I get a uhhh… no.9 with a side of you’re-a-really-awesome-writer jalapeño poppers and an extra sweet master-of-simp-fics iced tea please?
So I’m a Latina from Texas, but I am whiter than a damn ghost until around summertime where I get a little bit of a tan. ☀️ I have ADHD, anxiety, and depression, and I am somehow on the spectrum but not really (you can thank my psychiatrist) 🙃 I’m into drawing stuff especially if it’s fantastical and/or creepy. I like reading, gaming, doing stuff online, playing on my phone and lots of other stuff I rarely have time for 😅 Creepy stuff is my jam, as well as the colors pink and black and some cute things here and there. I love almost all types of music but I’m a BIG fan of classic rock and I love early 2000’s punk, Pour Some Sugar On Me is my favorite song while Green Day is my favorite band! Horror movies fill me with joy, not even kidding. I love weird facts and information. True crime stuff slaps 👌🏼Comedy shows like Friends and Golden Girls also slap 👋🏼 I have an eyebrow piercing, 5 tattoos (4 small, 1 big that was for my Nanna) and I definitely want more 😂😅 I have dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, a scar on my back from spinal fusion surgery and I’m pretty proud of it tbh!
I’m sorry for rambling and I hope I didn’t add too much ❤️🥲
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: ah peach this is perfect, i already knew lots about you but this was great because i know exactly who i would give you lmao💚 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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ok so let's break this the fuck down!
first off, i think this particular crane is an absolute beast when it comes to mental health, so not only would he find it absolutely fascinating to be able to work with you, he could also prove to be very valuable in helping you to do some healing... or he might be mean about it, just depends on his mood i guess
i think this jon is probably a fan of classical music, but there's something about the dirty, nasty, loud vibes of punk that would get him going and the general horror/gore emotions that the songs/bands/music tend to evoke would be right up his street. he'd probably tell you how the different movements in "jesus of suburbia" really echo the movements often found in a lot of symphonies, and then request to bang you to it
artistic expression is something he would admire in a partner, or even a close friend. i don't imagine he's very artisitic himself, but he holds a deep appreciation for artwork, especially if it's on the spooky side, and especially if it's related to a beloved horror movie
which, speaking of, he'd the biggest horror movie fan ever? like canonically, the man is a buff, a dork, an obsessive loser over horror movies. having someone to get equally as geeked out over them with would bring him so much joy!!
hello true crime fan, it's probably not great for your anxiety, and he will nag you a little bit about that, but he wouldn't be above creating some reading materials for you if it's been a slow week, if you catch his drift...
he has a great sense of humour, if not slightly weird... but he strikes me as the kind of guy who has lines from shows memorised and who will use them at the worst times, making everything he says even creepier. so a binge refresh would be a perfect couple's activity! that way the next time he has someone held at knife point, teasing them to watch them sweat, he can make "could you be any more scared" the most terrifying reference to chandler bing ever. what an accomplishment!
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ectogeo-art · 6 months
^_^ okay so I am sure I'm not the first to think of it but basically:
instead of their conversation getting interrupted, after the "Mr. Garak, I never knew we thought so much alike." "Life is full of surprises, Commander." exchange, they hook up, and only after that we hit unpause on the plot. (Plot~~ Sim!Garak seems to betray them, saves them, dies, Sisko sees Bashir's reaction to Garak dying, the rest of the simulation happens and they wake up in the cave). Now only Sisko (and the founders) knows he slept with Garak and he is going to pretend that never happened, especially because he realizes that Julian has deep feelings for Garak. But Sisko can't help but look at real Garak differently after that, there is probably some awkwardness or tension and Garak notices and tries to figure out the source for that, maybe he ramps up the flirting and Sisko tries to forget even more how good sim!Garak was. (Garashir are probably in the pining idiots stage of the relationship or in a friends with benefits while pining for each other situation). Sisko may try to be supportive to Julian and make sure Garak isn't just playing with Julian's feelings. I am not sure where to go from here, I think Jadzia may also notice Sisko is acting off and try to talk to him about it. There is also the question of how the founders knew to simulate sex with Garak and the options I thought of are 1) Julian's memories 2) your idea about pre-canon on Romulus siskarak 3) changelings already did some hands-on research on ds9 and that included sex with Garak
Another question is if Garak finds out, how would he feel about it? I figured he would be delighted at first, but I'm not sure about his reaction further
Sorry if I rambled too much this ask was shorter in my head 😅
Haha, omg, this is INSANE, thank you for sharing, I LOVE it! ^_^ Especially Sisko seeing Julian holding Garak as he died and feeling extra weird about his hookup with Garak after that. Peak comedy!! <3 (Though it would work well with an angsty tone too haha)
Hmmm, if the simulation's pulling stuff from ALL of their minds then maybe the simulation saw memories of Garak flirting with Sisko in Profit and Loss and just extrapolated from there hehe ("Oh, and if you'd like, stop by the shop one day. I have a number of suits that would look quite flattering on you." - like, we all know what THAT means!!! lol). Or maybe the Dominion just assigned the simulated Garak to be the confidant/honeypot of the simulation, the character meant to draw information out of the actual people and observe their reactions. Maybe they picked him based on his reputation as a spy and/or as a flirt, or maybe it was just at random lolll.
And real!Garak flirting with Sisko to try to find out why he's acting weird post-The Search is great! XD Like, I imagine Sisko is just like. Being extra nice to him or something but in a weird awkward way, bc he feels bad both for mistaking a simulation for the real him and for almost maybe accidentally being a homewrecker and breaking up garashir/preventing them from getting together. But Garak finds his aimless vague niceness disconcerting because he is used to Sisko being clear and firm with what he wants from him and where they stand. So maybe Garak is like hmmm I'm gonna drop innuendos until he either bends me over his desk or tells me what's really going on (win-win). lol
And I think it should end with Garak and Sisko hooking up for real. Like, Garak finally wears Sisko down and gets him to spill the beans about the simulation. He tells him about sleeping with simulated!Garak and also about his observations about Julian's obvious feelings for Garak. And Garak's just standing there with his mouth hanging open because he's shocked to learn that he's desired by either one of them, let alone both of them. Sisko expects Garak to feel used or disgusted, but Garak just steps into his personal space and kisses him with tongue, so grateful to learn he has a chance with Julian... and he's also not uninterested in the fact that Sisko's clearly into him too. And then!!! Well, then he and Sisko fuck, obviously. <3 Just once. <3 Garak initiates this by saying that it's only fair that, since Sisko has been with Garak, Garak should get to be with Sisko. And then afterwards Garak just leaves, armed with a new understanding of Julian's feelings... and Sisko is just left in a daze thinking like, "Man. That was hot but what the fuck WAS that." But luckily a lot of the tension was released between them, in such a way that they can maybe (MAYBE) be normal about each other for a few years. The end! I hope you like my thoughts on how your AU would play out, and thank you for letting me share my vision. XD
As for your followup ask:
wait the thought "what if /no/ garashir" just went through my mind for the first time ever, what if in this au they really are just good friends (with benefits) and Sisko was reading too much into it, maybe something makes Julian try to play matchmaker for them (hopefully the first ask reaches you before this one so there is context)
Okay I gotta admit, I'm such a Garashir=endgame girlie that I'm not really interested in thinking through/brainstorming a true no Garashir scenario, it just doesn't compute for me, sorry (but that of course def doesn't mean you can't explore it!). That said, I can buy something like Garashir not yet realizing/acknowledging their feelings at that point, or them trying to distance themselves from their feelings for each other or thinking it's unrequited. Like, it makes more sense to me if Garashir just hasn't happened yet, than if it actually is just platonic/FWB between Garak and Bashir.
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good-beanswrites · 4 months
Director's commentary for "I prefer to not be disturbed"?
Starting here, perhaps, since the fic is over 500 words.
Kotoko grits her teeth. She doesn’t plan on harming Amane as she did the others
Aw yeah! This is definitely one that doesn't quite stand up to canon anymore, but my justifications for little details still hold up!! Thanks pal :3
Kotoko grits her teeth. She doesn’t plan on harming Amane as she did the others -- she would never raise a hand to a child (despite what she told her about avoiding special treatment.) Still, the girl needs to be taught a lesson. Kotoko is a vessel for justice. She has been chosen. She will not be turned away so easily.
*siiiigh* So I did think Kotoko had it in her to attack Amane when I wrote this -- the problem was, the original ask had a lighthearted/comedic tone, and I wanted to go for a lighthearted/comedic tone. And. There's no way to casually drop child abuse in a comedy piece. I had to find a compromise for this piece, and this was my solution 😅 I thought it would work to have Kotoko threaten Amane that she wouldn't hold back because she's a child, but deep down Kotoko knows she couldn't really do it.
(And as much as I enjoy reading Kotoko as she will justify any means to the ends, to be fair, this could still be true to canon -- she could have just told Es those things to keep up her reputation, but we don't know what she'd actually do under pressure...)
“Momose Aman--”
The door opens a crack from the other side.
I rarely write in present tense but sometimes it just really works. I tried it out for the urgency and action of this one, and thought it fit well. And then proceeded to mess up the tense every other sentence. I think I caught them all by the time I posted it...
"I prefer not to be disturbed."
Amane looks up, her expression making it clear she has already been disturbed. Kotoko’s fierce red eyes are startled by the gaze looking up at her.
There's nothing scarier than a righteous twelve year old that you've upset -_-
“Well,” Kotoko shifts so she can see the blood that flecks her clothes. She can get a good look at her boots, and her raw knuckles. Amane sizes her up, her purpose becoming clear. “I --”
“You will need to come back later.”
Kotoko's brow furrows. She doesn’t have time to come back later. She can already hear Kazui collecting himself from where she’d left him with Fuuta. She wasn't prepared for any of this.
Can you 'hear' someone collecting themself? Probably not, but I kept bumping into the problem where Kotoko needed to know time was running out without Kazui directly charging at her 😅 I liked the idea of an incredibly efficient Kotoko, that she'd be a bit frazzled when things don't go according to her meticulous plan. As adaptable as she seems, I bet she thinks far enough ahead to plan for any derailment..... and this was not one she expected. I liked the humor in Amane instantly throwing Kotoko off of literally everything she'd prepared.
“Er... You have been named guilty. Your...” She clears her throat. “Milgram has named you guilty of an unforgivable murder.”
“Milgram is wrong.”
Amane’s voice is unwavering. Her eyes went from mild frustration to a pinpointed rage.
(RIP I didn't catch all the tense issues.... I actually think this was meant to be "had gone" and I thought I could swap it with the less wordy "went" since her expression changed while Kotoko was talking, not after Amane's line. Anyway.)
Kotoko had just listened to Mahiru’s cries that this was all a mistake, though the woman accepted her judgment quickly. She’d heard Fuuta’s excuses and denials, showing nothing but an immature rejection of what he’d done. But the way that Amane rejected her verdict, Kotoko was actually inclined to believe her.
No, she would not be mislead. She was not mistaken. She was here to bring only righteousness. She was here to administer punishments.
I enjoyed the idea of all the guilties having similar excuses that "Milgram got it wrong, I did nothing wrong", but Amane is the only one who truly believes it. (I think out of everyone, she's really the only one with absolutely no doubt in her mind that she's in the wrong.) Because she believes it's the truth as she says it, it makes it convincing to others as well.
“I am here to--”
“-- you are here to disturb me. I refuse to be taken from my studies.”
Amane squares her shoulders. She starts rolling up her sleeves.
Kotoko knows better than to mess with a young woman with that kind of fire in her eyes.
Now we have Lucky, but at the time I was just thinking about Kotoko herself. She remembers a time when she was that age, likely with similar drive and anger. She knows the kind of damage she could have caused at that age, and doesn't want to test that out with Amane.
Also, I think it's pretty 50/50 of Amane actually mad about being interrupted and defending herself from a clear threat. She's letting Kotoko know she'll fight back, but she genuinely is very annoyed that her activity/focus was interrupted.
She gets the feeling that even if she doesn’t take things too far, Amane will. That was not part of her grand plan of delivering justice.
I tried to use loose wording here -- "even if," "wasn't part of her plan" -- to show that Kotoko is still very capable of attacking Amane, it's just not her plan at the moment.
She straightens. “...I understand.”
She hears Kazui is nearly recovered. She thinks she hears Shidou’s voice as well. Too much time has been spent here, with no easy resolution. There’s one more prisoner she must deliver punishment to -- one whose verdict was the absolute clearest to the warden. He should be her true priority.
I liked hearing theories about whether guilty ratio or just prisoner number affected Kotoko's order of attack (reference not intended), so I usually go with the idea that the voting ratio was reflected in Es' personality when they made the decision. The rest of the prison can tell that Es was most sure about Mikoto's guilty verdict, and least sure about Amane's, hence Kotoko's view that he was far more of a threat than her.
Kotoko steps back. “You will see the error in your ways in due time. But for now, I’ll leave you to it.”
Amane’s hard set expression doesn’t change. She gives a curt bow. “Or, perhaps you will. Thank you.”
Even when threatened, she remembers her manners ;-; I wanted this to be a funny line, of them pleasantly saying "thank you :) goodnight :)" after such an intense moment, but on a serious note, I think Amane is conditioned to use her manners in the face of even the meanest adults...
Kotoko doesn’t lose another moment hurrying to the neighboring cell. She spares a single glance over her shoulder. She just has to be sure those intense green eyes are off of her. Amane shoots her one more look before shutting the door.
After exhaling a little sigh -- not out of relief, if anyone were to ask -- she pounds three times on the next cell.
Although this line was mostly for a nice comedy ending, I do think out of everyone, Kotoko wouldn't underestimate her. She wouldn't necessarily be afraid like this, but she would 100% know to take the girl's anger and capability very seriously 👍
And I mentioned it in the tags of the original but I can definitely see Kazui and Shidou figuring out Kotoko's plan, finding the victims she left in the previous guilty cells, and bursting into Amane's cell to meet her Even Worse anger at being disturbed again, by Shidou of all people...
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bouncycloud · 1 year
If the Slytherin quartet were immersed in Muggle culture. What things would each one like? Type music, literature, games, clothes?
As i'm asian and have limited knowledge on the british muggle culture, i'll answer it as best as i can😅
-plain polo shirts. Sensible pants. Expensive watches and sunglasses
-he would read paradise lost and Dante's divine comedy and find the humor in them.
-he would think muggle music is cool, but wouldn't like anything particular. in modern au he'd probably mention Imagine Dragons if you ask about his type of music, he's that basic.
-he will love overshirt, jackets, dark (mostly black) coats.
-in modern au will cry while watching the lion king.
-He would, of course, be interested in reading anything from Arthur Conan Doyle. He would like Dostoevsky's books if someone introduced them to him.
- reggie and music. Guys, i don't think you understand, but reg's childhood music is just the kind that walburga likes: Tchaikovsky's Valse sentimentale. The freaking Mozart's Requiem. I'm not familiar with 70s songs, but he most likely will like songs with deep lyrics and i don't know.. intense songs really, because he's wired that way. In modern au he probably would have a love and hate relationship with arctic monkey's do i wanna know
-he would have two moods in clothing: popular rock band tshirts or cartoon tshirt. Leather jacket is also a favorite.
-in modern au, he'd watch netflix in maddy's profile and mess up her algorithm (intentionally, mind you. Because Maddy would only watch movies and series based on Bethany and Amanda's reccomondations and they're all boring. He wanted to help!)
-music like AC/DC, led zeppelin. Honestly just any epic song to play in the background while he's being awesome.
- dinosaurs are dragons. This conspiracy would be the only time he agrees with regulus.
- He probably would prefer something light like the LOTR and narnia. Fantasy books.
- turtleneck everything. Expensive everything. He's a brand baby.
- evan was robbed Taylor Swift in his time. He also listens to classical music, brahms mostly.
- doesn't like to read at all.
- in modern au would probably like superheroes themed movies.
That was it lol. If someone wants to educate me in british culture or just direct me to somewhere so i can learn about it, i'll appreciate it very much. For the greater good, guys.
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the-widow-sisters · 3 years
I read the Just Dance fanfic, got curious about the song, and looked it up. Rasputin is now my top song on Spotify. Do with that information what you will. I also read the one where Kate gets her wisdom teeth out, and I was wondering if you could do one like that with Yelena and Natasha. I’m imagining a very loopy (and possibly violent) Yelena that has a strong craving for smoothies. Natasha is filming the entire thing because it’s comedy GOLD. Hope you’re having a great day! :D
A/N: Rasputin is literally one of the best songs ever 😂💖 And it really has a tendency to stick in your head 😅
Thank you so much for this request! I’m sorry it took me so long to get to it! I was trying to think of a way to make unique from @thenigotthisfamily‘s amazing fic 🥰 I think I succeeded 😊💗 Experimenting with the idea of Yelena and/or Natasha getting loopy has been something I wanted to experiment with for a really long time now, and I’m glad I finally got an opportunity to write it out 💕
I hope you enjoy this one! And I hope you’re having a great day, too! 💖
Word Count: 2478
  Natasha headed to the hospital room that she was instructed to go to, stress filling her as she marched through the halls and attempted to maintain some semblance of stoicism.
  Yelena had to go and get some tests done at the hospital. It was just some routine scans for her medical record, but it had involved her getting into a machine to get an MRI. Since it was such a small, claustrophobic space inside and she could not have Natasha’s physical support at all in case it messed up the results of the MRI, Yelena was completely unable to relax.
  After much persuasion and promises of watching over her and protecting her, Yelena finally agreed to allow them to put her under anesthesia to keep her relaxed during the process of it. Yelena had been practically shaking as they put the breathing machine on her face to put her under, and Natasha had held the sides of her neck gently, stroking the exposed skin as she offered her reassurances.
  It had broken her heart when she saw it, and she had remained uneasy until the process was finally over.
  However, now that it was finished, they had taken Yelena in the back to get her oved to a hospital room to recover and wake up from the anesthesia. Natasha had hurried as quickly as she could as soon as she figured out where they were putting her baby sister, but she was afraid that Yelena was probably awake by now. She was also terrified that Yelena might be freaking out even worse given the way she had been behaving before going under.
  Natasha took a breath, realizing she was finally at the door of the room she had been told that she would find Yelena in. Natasha hesitantly opened the door, and she headed inside tentatively, not wanting to scare her sister if she was already in a bad state.
  Soon enough, she spotted Yelena laying there on the bed, looking almost out of her mind. However, as Natasha stepped into view, her gaze snapped to Natasha. She immediately was reaching her hand out toward her as she looked positively injured.
  “Natty! They’re trying to kill me!” Yelena somewhat childishly cried out, looking horridly upset. Natasha felt her stomach twisting inside her as she approached the bedside, swooping in quickly and sitting next to Yelena on the bedside. Natasha took a small breath, pushing aside all of her stress in favor of trying to reassure her baby sister who was so obviously in need right now in the midst of her current state under the influence.
  “It’s okay, sweet girl, I’m here—”
  “They said I can’t have any slushies!” Yelena declared petulantly, her cheeks puffing up with her unhappiness, and Natasha froze for a moment.
  Natasha then let out a deep sigh, glad that Yelena was just being dramatic rather than truly emotional. While any version of a drugged Yelena was surely going to be bad, she believed that she was probably not in a good state to handle Yelena in an emotionally drugged state given her stress from earlier.
  “Oh, yeah?” Natasha more calmly replied, her hand reaching out to sweep a tendril of hair behind her ear. Yelena immediately grabbed onto her hand with a grip that almost took Natasha off-guard in its intensity. Yelena pulled the hand back and away from her, examining it carefully. Natasha just raised an eyebrow, letting the blonde look the appendage as she watched her affectionately.
  Yelena brought the hand closer to her face, looking at it as if it held the secrets to the world somewhere in the lines within the palm. However, before Natasha could speak, Yelena suddenly licked Natasha’s hand with most of her tongue. Natasha disgustedly pulled her hand back and out of Yelena’s grasp, wiping it on her pants. Yelena hacked a bit with disgust, furrowing her brow and looking down at Natasha’s hand disdainfully as she let her head fall back against the hospital bed.
  “What was that?!” Natasha yelped in shock, and Yelena just made a sound of revulsion.
  “That did not taste like turkey!” Yelena cried out, completely upset at the fact, and Natasha paused, looking at her as if she had lost her mind as she examined her hand carefully.
  “Why did you think it would?!” Natasha demanded, wincing hard as she tried to make sure the last bits of spit were removed from her palm.
  “Hands taste like turkey! Haven’t you heard of hand turkeys?!” Yelena somewhat dopily questioned, and Natasha stared at her blankly for a long moment before chuckling in spite of herself. A drugged-up Yelena was certainly a very interesting encounter, and she was beginning to find it absolutely adorable despite the fact that Yelena’s antics could be extremely disgusting.
  Natasha withdrew her phone surreptitiously, planning to get at least some of this on video. After all, she knew that Yelena would do the exact same thing to her. She, of course, was not going to show anyone this video, but she was definitely keeping it for her enjoyment.
  “Yeah, I’ve heard of them. But that’s arts and crafts,” Natasha informed her gently as she turned on the video option on the phone, tilting the phone ever so slightly in her lap so she could get video footage of Yelena. Yelena nodded slowly, her head against the pillow where her hospital bed was elevated.
  “I’ve done farts and craps,” Yelena slowly declared as if it were some sort of great accomplishment, and Natasha almost snorted, barely controlling herself as she tried to stay sounding at least a little serious. She was not sure how the blonde would react to her laughing at her in this state.
  “I know, Rooskaya,” Natasha patiently replied with a sigh and what was almost a laugh.
  “I’m good at farts and craps,” Yelena proudly announced, and Natasha nodded slowly.
  “Trust me. Anyone who’s been in the bathroom after you is well-aware,” Natasha retorted, knowing that the sarcasm was probably a little above Yelena’s head right now but still finding it necessary to make some sort of quip in reply. Even if it was only for her own enjoyment.
  A nurse suddenly came in for a short moment, messing about with some things on a nearby clipboard resting in the room, and Yelena immediately opened her eyes at the sound of someone coming in. The man barely looked in her direction but once he realized she was just staring at him creepily, he offered a tentative yet friendly wave.
  “Natashka, do you think he’s a leprechaun?” Yelena suddenly asked out of the blue, the question far too loud despite Yelena’s attempt at a whisper. Natasha immediately face-palmed, sighing deeply as she felt the man’s gaze snap over to them. He was extraordinarily short and very redheaded and the comment was admittedly quite humorous, but she tried diligently to get Yelena to quiet down.
  “No, honey, I don’t,” Natasha answered her carefully.
  “But Natashka, he’s a ginger!” Yelena told her a bit more loudly, and Natasha shook her head, shushing her.
  “Sh, don’t say that out loud,” Natasha tried to scold, and Yelena’s eyes widened as she poked at Natasha’s hair.
  “You’re a carrot, too,” Yelena declared as if it were some sort of grand discovery, and Natasha started to open her mouth to protest before Yelena suddenly raised up more, yelling loudly as she looked at the man.
  “Leprechaun! Come join your St. Patty Sistren!” Yelena called far too noisily for Natasha’s liking and Natasha almost felt as if she were going to shrivel up and die from the embarrassment of it all.
  “Yelena, shush! And what is sistren?!” Natasha demanded, glancing worriedly in the man’s direction but keeping most of her attention on the blonde just before her.
  “It’s like brethren— wait,” Yelena suddenly froze, pouting thoroughly and Natasha paused as she stared at the girl somewhat blankly, noticing very thankfully that the nurse had left on that note.
  “You called me by my real name… Are you mad at me?” Yelena pitifully questioned, her eyes suddenly growing terribly big as she gazed at Natasha pitifully and almost as if she might cry. Natasha shook her head immediately, taking Yelena’s face in her hands as she pulled her close.
  “No, no, sweetheart, I’m not mad at you. I’d never be mad at you,” Natasha kissed Yelena’s nose and the area between her eyebrows. Yelena poked her lip out in a pout, unhappiness written in her every feature as she gazed at Natasha grumpily.
  “Your hands are cold,” Yelena pointed out, and Natasha let out a small hum of acknowledgement, chuckling in spite of herself.
  “I’m sorry,” Natasha apologized gently, too much mirth in her eyes to be too serious with her words. Yelena just let out an unhappy huff before suddenly narrowing her eyes a little, leaning up in the hospital bed as she tried to prop herself up. Her eyes were focused on Natasha’s face, and Natasha raised an eyebrow slightly as Yelena moved in close to her.
  Yelena grabbed Natasha’s cheeks in her hands suddenly, pulling Natasha’s face closer to her own. Natasha almost laughed as she tried to keep the phone balanced on the bed so it could video at least the underside of their faces. Yelena used one of her thumbs to poke at the mole on Natasha’s face, and the redhead could not help a slight chuckle as she patiently allowed Yelena to mess with her face and do whatever she wanted to her.
  “Did you know you’ve got a booty mark?” Yelena asked, and Natasha huffed a little, rolling her eyes affectionately but unable to be truly any less than positively adoring of the girl sitting in front of her.
  “Beauty mark,” Natasha gently corrected, just looking into those ridiculously dopey honey greens. Yelena was poking at her mole in concentration, and Natasha huffed calmly, scooting a bit nearer to allow Yelena easier access to her face.
  “It doesn’t come off,” Natasha quietly informed her, and Yelena’s eyes widened.
  “No, no, I don’t want it to come off! It needs to stay forever! It’s perfect,” Yelena argued strongly, and Natasha smiled just barely before Yelena suddenly changed course.
  Yelena removed her stare from the mole, just taking in the full sight of Natasha’s face as she looked at her older sister. Natasha gazed back at her quietly, trusting her sister completely and allowing her to do whatever she wanted to with her.
  “You’re very pretty,” Yelena complimented, an awed expression filtering through all the goofiness. Natasha smiled slightly, the words meaning a lot to her despite having heard them a million times before. When almost anyone said it, Natasha never really listened to the words, just ignoring them because the person no doubt wanted something from her.
  However, when Yelena said it, she actually believed her baby sister, knowing that the blonde would not lie to her. Of course, even though she felt she was probably not as pretty as most people said, she valued Yelena saying it because she was happy to be pretty at least in Yelena’s eyes.
  “Thank you. But you’re the most beautiful,” Natasha assured her sweetly, and Yelena looked at her with that same look of pure awe. Yelena’s fingers gripped at Natasha’s face just a bit tighter, and Natasha smiled gently at her, her heart swelling at the mere sight of her.
  Yelena released Natasha’s face just a little but still was trying to lean forward to touch and trace her features, inspecting them carefully. Natasha just scooted nearer, allowing the blonde to touch her face and look at her carefully from where she was reclined.
  Yelena ran her index and middle fingers along Natasha’s eyebrows, feeling them gently. Natasha just remained still under the ministrations, enjoying the touch. Yelena then ran her fingers down Natasha’s nose before poking her lips with the tips of her fingers. Natasha could not help but grin a little at the goofiness of the blonde and Yelena’s fingers accidentally made contact with her teeth. Yelena quickly withdrew her fingers, wiping them clumsily on her blanket.
  “Ew, slobber,” Yelena complained, and Natasha laughed lightly. Yelena then just looked at her calmly, a tiredness seeming to set upon the blonde that had been steadily building but finally began to show itself. Natasha reached down to the phone, turning it off, and she then just looked at her baby sister.
  Yelena was gazing at her with something akin to pure adoration, and Natasha moved her head closer to Yelena, pressing her forehead against the blonde’s. Natasha really was so lucky to have this light in her life.
  “I adore you,” Natasha whispered softly, the words full of plain honesty and only the utmost love. Yelena grinned dopily, closing her eyes as she quietly enjoyed the contact. Natasha brought up her hand, stroking Yelena’s face before pulling away gently.
  Yelena grabbed onto her arm tightly, pulling it closer as she just laid there with her eyes shut.
  “I love you, Natty… Don’t leave,” Yelena mumbled, barely making sense considering how her lips were barely moving. Natasha felt her heart melting at the nickname Yelena let slip. It was a name that Yelena never uttered unless she was almost asleep, in the throes of sleep, or so wound up and upset that she could not think straight.
  “I’ll never leave you. Never again,” Natasha whispered to her tenderly, pressing a kiss to her head before moving onto the bed next to Yelena, allowing her to hold onto her arm and cuddle with it in her sleep.
  Natasha reached over, picking up her phone to look over the video that she had just taken a few minutes earlier. She could not help her slight smile as she leaned her head against the blonde’s.
  Who knew her baby sister could somehow get even more adorable than she already was?
        “NATASHKA!!!!” Yelena’s voice rang out ridiculously loudly a few days later, her footsteps thundering along the hallway of the compound as she searched the redhead out.
  Natasha could not help her slight grin as she turned to face the door of their room at the compound as Yelena flung it open. Yelena stood in the doorway, her chest heaving and her face adorably red with anger and embarrassment.
  “Can I help you with something, little one?” Natasha questioned gently, her eyes glowing as she grinned from ear to ear.
  Yelena was practically sputtering as she stood there, completely beside herself with frustration.
  “You videoed me the other day!” Yelena finally spat, and Natasha immediately started to laugh in spite of herself, and Yelena narrowed her eyes, her cheeks puffing with her irritation as she grew positively livid with her next thought.
  “And worst of all, YOU SHOWED KATE BISHOP!!!!!”
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woodchoc-magnum · 2 years
Hi! Seeing as you watch both shows, why do you think the quality of writing is so different on OG and LS? I'm not trying to hate on the writers, and I initially thought that LS was meant to be more of a light hearted comedy compared to OG, so I accepted the lack of depth and character development as just that, a different genre, but at this point I'm not sure🤔 is there a reasonable explanation I'm not seeing? Is it indeed the fact they want it to be... not deep? (my latest moment of annoyance was the whole 'I thought you didn't want to be a father, but you just didn't want to be my father' monologue in the latest episode of LS, and it was practically word for word what Chimney said way back when Albert first arrived, but this is a minor thing compared to... the whole superficial nature of it all).
I'm going to put my answer under a cut because it's pretty anti-LS, lol
Re the writing - I don't really know for sure. It could just be that the OG has the A-team and LS has the B-team, but Tim oversees both shows, so... 😬
LS has always felt pretty uneven to me in terms of characters/storylines/emotional arcs, etc. Aside from their straight white male lead, and maybe Tommy + Judd and Grace, no one has really been developed all that well.
It seems like the stories rotate so that everyone gets a the spotlight for one or two episodes a season but the main glaring problem is that it is the Rob Lowe show, and he is their focus, and everyone else is just supporting him. Everyone gets like a two-episode storyline arc and then it's forgotten.
Maybe they're trying to appeal to a broad audience by having Rob Lowe as the star and revolving everything around him, but it's never worked and at this stage I don't think it ever will. Owen Strand is a deeply unsympathetic character.
I do find the rest of the cast (except RR) genuinely pretty likeable but after three seasons I also don't feel like I really know them all that well, which is not great. Everyone complained about the OG being overstuffed but I also think LS suffers from that problem - you could easily cut some of the cast (Nancy, sorry) and it wouldn't make any difference.
I can't say that about the OG - they take so much care with their main characters. You understand them; you know why they make the decisions they make and even if you don't always like it, it doesn't just come out of nowhere. Could they do Eddie's storyline with such care and attention on LS? I doubt it. It would've just been forgotten about in two episodes.
I think LS suffers from lazy writing and also... maybe inexperienced writing? Which is probably why Tim spends so much time on it. And like you said, sometimes it feels like they're doing the OG's greatest hits but it's like the budget version 😅
But then I also think it must be frustrating as a writer to have this amazing diverse cast and not really be able to do anything with them, because everything has to revolve around Owen. And he's just not fucking likeable!
I just feel like there's a lot of wasted potential. They don't do emergencies very often anymore - they used to be the funniest part of the show. The emotional beats don't really hit as hard as they do on the OG. Some of the actors are fucking terrible (you know who). The cast really isn't given a lot to work with.
In saying that, I'm still watching it - mostly because of Judd and Grace, and if they weren't the emotional core of the show, I wouldn't be able to watch it at all. So they have that going for them but not much else.
Move Judd and Grace to LA, end LS, problem solved.
This is probably all over the place but yeah, there are so many problems with LS that it's hard to just pick one!
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Mettaton for ask game?
Apologies for the late response, I have... a lot to say about him hahaha
favorite thing about them: If I were to list everything about this bot, we would be here all day, so... He's the second character to be so excellent as to induce a wholeass long-term hyperfixation. Every scene with this guy is memorable... and largely fucking hilarious, but that's not the only thing there is to MTT either. He's a complicated, deeply flawed character with a lot of depth, burying insecurity and a lot of difficult, ugly emotions under a painted Hollywood smile. Also... he really is hot he is so fucking hot I've never thirsted this much over a fictional character before aaaaaaa
least favorite thing about them: My MTT related pet peeves are powerful, and they are many. *Deep breath* The fact that he's a hard character to get right and most people don't, either making him a perfect uwu sparkleboy bottom or an irredeemable abuser that doesn't believe in consent. The fact that he's the most neglected main character, with his equivalent of the bit that would have showcased the majority of his character development getting dropped fairly early in development leading to it just getting *implied*. (I don't care that giving him a "date" would have thrown off the pacing of the game, I want more MTT dammit *whine*) The fact that, as funny as he is, comedy's the ONLY reason anyone ever brings him up in stuff Toby Fox added later. The fact that he's not a Lost Soul despite literally being in the room. The wasted potential of Mettaton NEO. I've suspected Toby Fox doesn't know what he has with him more than once before.
favorite line: Every line this fucker says is pure gold, but I'm always partial to "oh, my poor love! I'm so full of grief, I can't stop laughing!".
brOTP: I headcanon that he reconciles with Alphys of course, but I've become particularly invested in his relationship with his bandmates Blooky and Shyren. Especially Blooky. It's gonna be a long hard road to truly making things right with Blooky of course, you can see in the alarm clock dialogue things are still decidedly Not Great with the ghost family and this bot would truly rather die than utter the words "I'm sorry", but... I like to think the family's going to get there... eventually.
OTP: I do think he's a very sexual alloaro, but while I don't go nuts for any there are actually quite a few ships I've gone "okay sure" at (though tbh I read them more as "yeah MTT probably would find this person attractive" than "marriage material").
nOTP: I'll not beat a skeleton horse one more time, I also find Mettaton/Burgerpants rather squicky. That most ungifted in the looks department boy is obnoxiously hetero if nothing else (and there is QUITE A LOT else)
random headcanon: I have. So many. I think about this robot. So much. Two I haven't talked about yet is that I agree with the idea that he transitions partially away from film and TV in the human world, finding the majority of the fame he seeks as a music star with the band. And the reason that he's so shitty to Burgerpants and no other employee is he overheard Burgerpants say something mildly unflattering about his acting skills one (1) time and he's held a grudge literally ever since 😅
unpopular opinion: It's an orientation one yet again but he really does give me more bi/pan vibes than gay vibes. Mspec Metta is a hill I WILL die on.
song i associate with them: "Most songs are about your hyperfixation if you torture the lyrics enough" is in full effect rn, so in addition to just putting "90% of Lady Gaga's musical output" here, Oh No! by Marina reminds me very much of him (though it's not a perfect fit, he very much DID want fame)
favorite picture of them: I no longer have my favorite screenshot I took of him having his heartfelt moment when Blooky calls while mid-splits with an arm up because I did the armor tactic the first time through his fight, so fuck it, y'all are getting this:
Tumblr media
He's also the entirety of my "fave" tag (suggestiveness ahead)
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