#it's also possible this is just a little bit of venting lol
6okuto · 1 month
Hi dear I have and idea for touch starved ais and vere.
WHAT IF- what if the reader (MC) is like a single parent?????
Mc's like a mild or dilf or something like that?!
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gn!mc | meow. this (doing old reqs) is my parting gift(?)..
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his ear flicks up when mc mentions their kid for the first time. where are they? why are you here? who's the other parent?
not a guy who spends time around kids. probably not a guy who should spend time around kids /hj what swear words and scary stories will he share...
^ tbf he also gives some solid life advice, even if it's a bit blunt, or something the kid doesn't understand just yet
if mc's kid is witty / snarky he finds them amusing (especially if it's at mc) and easier to be around! whether that's good for mc or not is not up to mc Lmao
it varies depending on mc's relationship with their kid but if mc's kid is grown up, vere is more of his usual self. swearing, analyzing them, taunting them, etc.
vere never thought of himself as a possible father-figure. or even like, a fun uncle. but he likes mc, and despite his complaints or denial, has grown a little fond of their child.
^ possible angst if vere's like, do you really want to be with me? am i the role model you want them to have in their life? i'm chained up for god's sake etc
gets soft/quiet when mc talks to him about their kid. he sees the fondness in their expression, and even if he can't really relate, he can still sympathize
would make a couple pilf...? jokes. sorry. it isn't necessary though. he does enough flirting and innuendos that the pilf(?) thing doesn't come up that often
brings up their kid when mc is about to do something dangerous or stupid, when they succeed at said dangerous or stupid thing, or when their kid also tries doing something dangerous and or stupid. "well it's no surprise who you got your confidence from."
vere questioning mc's parenting tactics LOL. mc is like And what do you know about parenting and vere's like. enough to judge yours. they find common ground eventually
really doubles down on his warnings about the seaspring when he finds out they're a parent. he doesn't have to know how old, what their relationship is like, etc—he's already asking how much they're willing to risk and telling them to think about their kid
otherwise he doesn't really treat mc differently—they're a grown and capable adult, and being a parent doesn't change or weaken that
ais would pick his pets over hanging out with a kid, but he doesn't give himself enough credit with how well he can get along with one
if mc's kid is old enough that he can play pranks on mc with them. well. he will. mc looks at the both of them and they both shrug like What? it wasn't us? (the kid is grinning and giggling but ais keeps it together for the both of them.)
if there's an opportunity to introduce them to princess / whoever else, he will! like look at this sweet girl, you don't have to be scared. you wanna try getting her to sit and roll around?
babysits if needed, takes them out for the day (if only to keep them away from the seaspring). they get some food and he comes up with exaggerated stories for each shop the kid points out
mc's kid who's old enough for ais to teach them some self defense after they walk in on him taking care of injuries from a bar fight. mc who walks in on them and goes ?!?!?!
mc vents about their parenting troubles, and ais isn't sure if his leadership advice/experience is totally applicable to taking care of a child, but surely some of it is? he tries to help anyway
i can see their kid opening up to ais about things that worry them tbh. he's got that vibe. depending on what it is, ais might suggest to mc something they should do, or try to help himself
similar to vere, he likes mc and their child but he wants them to think about what's best for them—if that includes him in the picture. like yes he'll do his best, but he can't blame them if things don't work out. honestly he might try to cut things off firstdjdjshd
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neyafromfrance95 · 5 months
hey, i hope you don't mind but i kinda need to vent a little bit 😅
as a poc it's making really sad to see that "shipping vaultghoul is racist and erases maximus and barb" is such a prominent anti argument. i don't interact with these posts or these people (because i really don't want to waste my time) but it's like they don't hear themselves. maximus is a protagonist in his own right and has so much shit going on tat has nothing to do with lucy and while barb is a minor character, she's an activate member of a corporation that seeks to end the world for profit (and we get to see her own conflicts towards this) and not just cooper's wife. they're so much more than love interests but they need "special treatment" because their s/o are white 🙄
plus what is this narrow minded type of thinking where once you start to ship a couple all the other relationships become invalid? it's fiction ffs. no one is better than anyone and there's no such thing as a 'supreme ship'
i think the worst thing that came out of fallout shipping discourse is reducing maximus to a love interest of lucy when he is much, much more than that and as you said, a protagonist in his own right! like, can we stop only talking about him in the context of romance with lucy and hype him up as he deserves?! he is so complex and refreshing, he deserves more than being a talking point in a shipping discourse.
and while i mainly ship lucy x cooper, i'm fine with lucy x max and the majority of vaultghoul shippers are too. not to mention that max is like my ideal type of a dude, lol. i crushed on this man so hard while watching the show. so, those of us who ship vaultghoul do not dislike max or think he is boring (there is a difference between finding a character boring and finding his relationship with the other character a bit bland).
tbh, i hope max gets even more development and important storyline points in s2 so that maybe ppl will stop acting like he is just lucy's boyfriend.
and i think it's also weird to dismiss the possibility of max x dane when the representation this relationship could offer is very important. and as an enby myself it would be so validating for me to see the enby character paired up with the main dude (that again, i have a massive crush on).
also, i love barb and her relationship with cooper. she is a cool villain and her & cooper were a hot classy couple. tbh, it's just that ppl rarely get too shippy when it comes to the exes, especially when one is a very minor character. but i'm excited for whatever we get with her in the future.
in the end of the day, i hope the discourse (whether it is about cooper vs max for lucy, the age gap or the human x ghoul thing) won't get too heavy in this fandom bc it will ruin it and make our experiences here full of frustration instead of fun.
i'm personally all for multishipping lucy, the ghoul and maximus with everyone in this series.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Hi! Since I saw the illustrator wally series I've been exited to request this, it was also sad to see how nobody has yet come with this idea or at least I haven't seen anyone else bring this up so here I come!
It will be interesting how It would work a relationship between Human wally and reader who has maladaptive daydreaming along with autism, I thought of how would it be to meet someone who has to experience something familiar with you. ( since maladaptive daydreaming can be described as a variant of schizophrenia with some small differences ) anyways, I'm a desperate for representation-
ET TU, BRUTE? Omg I maladaptive daydream too (if I am reading it right and you mean to say that you do IT-). My therapist says that I am like, addicted to it lol. My family counselor also likened my case more towards depersonalization/dissociation/a variant of DID due to me only daydreaming myself as other people. This is actually the first time I have heard of it being described as a variant of schizophrenia, but it actually makes a lot of sense, now that I think about it! I need more representation too, so let's do this! I'll try to make it as broad as possible, because everyone daydreams about different things!
Illustrator Wally with an Autistic Reader who Maladaptive Daydreams:
TW: Mentions of Hallucinations, Maladaptive Daydreaming
🖍️ He is a bit confused when he sees you pacing around your living room. He is visiting, and decided to try to surprise you by sneaking up behind you and giving you a gift! Now, though, he is a bit enamored by how you are prancing around, muttering little things to yourself as you seem so carefree and happy in your little world. This is the first time he has seen you like this.
🖍️ You finally end up turning around, in his direction, and your face grows a bit pale from shock and embarrassment. "Uh... Hello... I'm so glad you came to visit!" You try to play it off, but he is too intrigued. Maybe you are like him, and hallucinate, too?
🖍️ You explain what you were doing. You daydream... WAY more often than other people! Intense worldbuilding, character arcs, and more all take place in your head the majority of the day. You like to prance or pace, finding it helpful to feel more comfortable. You also tend to stim in other ways if you cannot pace or prance. The odd facial expressions and mutterings were just you getting in character and reacting to what was happening in your daydreams.
🖍️ Wally is intrigued. It is so... similar, but different, from him. Both you and him are autistic, yes. He's known that for a while, since you told him around the second or third meeting between you two. THIS, though, is so amazing to him. He wants to know more about the stories in your head!
🖍️What do they consist of? Are they horror? Romance? Action? Comedy? He wishes to know. Are you in them? Do you play someone else? Is it from a third person perspective, watching over your creations? If it is something child friendly, maybe you can write a book and he can illustrate it!
🖍️ Even if it is something more... dark, disturbing, overall NOT a kid friendly topic... he would still want to draw it! Maybe he can start to expand his illustrations into more adult books. He is shockingly good at drawing horror, you know. Some of his vent art is a really disturbing treat to view.
🖍️ You might get onto the topic of how both of your conditions are similar and different. You have a lot of characters floating around in your head. Different worlds, stories, everything! Wally does have, in a way, characters, too! The little voices in his head count, right? Sometimes the same one will pop up every now and again. Both of your conditions seem, in a way, uncontrolled. Due to Wally preferring to not use medications, he simply lives with the voices and hallucinations, going to therapy to help him cope and learn to live with it. You just go with the flow, in a way. As far as you've heard, the best and only way to help deal with it is therapy. No real medication or anything.
🖍️ You both are finally happy to find someone similar to yourselves. The best part is that it is similar enough to be familiar, but different enough to have such interesting conversations!
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
Can we now please skip over the "when you were free, you never called" thing, please?? That's already been discussed enough. Let's now please discuss JK's tone when he said "Finally". He sounded relieved... a bit melancholy... a bit of something something. This isn't talked enough :(
I genuinely want to know how some of you guys decide to send in asks and to whom. I know so many of you probably mass send them out in an effort to, idk, reach as many people as possible? Higher chances of getting posted?
Anon, this also isn't just you, you just drew the unlucky straw for my rant. Sorry. Your ask is also "almost" but not quite a copy/paste of the post I made not even a full day ago.
I specifically requested everyone to stop sending me asks about the car conversation because when I was no longer sick and my brain worked more coherently, I would put together a longer form post addressing it for everyone. And yet since then, I've gotten like 18 different asks referencing the car conversation. Half of them saying "yeah, can't we just let it go because XYZ opinions"
Okay great. I'm glad you agree with me I guess but you still aren't listening and honoring my request. So low-key, it still feels really rude. So now I have to sit here and hope that maybe my followers aren't actually rude and forget I am a whole person behind this account where making demands for content isn't super nice, especially when said content was already said to be coming, just later on. But instead they just.... Idk, don't actually read my posts and just send in asks without reading anything because why bother? Idk. Feeling entitled to my time without giving me yours through reading my opinions about a subject first feels less rude in some ways than just not giving a shit about what I say. Lol 🙃
And I KNOW I make a ton of posts, especially lately with AYS and trying to keep up with at least most of the asks I get, I've been much more active on here than I have been otherwise in the past year. So I often try to give the benefit of the doubt. But honestly.
Idk, maybe I'm just extra cranky because I feel like absolute dog shit, I'm sick, trying to take care of my family, get ready for back to school, get ready to start working, and take care of myself too... But it feels a little disrespectful and it doesn't make me want to actually make more posts or answer asks.
And all of this is a general you, not directed at anyone in particular. I'm just.... Venting. This is why I kept turning my anons off occasionally in the past...
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your-gay-emo-cousin · 3 months
About Me!
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(hey there! Go follow my rp acc @gay-emo-child-of-pluto)
(hi there pjo rp accs! If I followed you here, hi! This is my main. I suggest you go follow my rp acc listed above:D)
Hi! I'm new to Tumblr so I thought I'd make a little intro post :)
My name is lyla, I am not gonna say my age but I'm still in my teens so don't be weird you weird weirdos. My pronouns are she/they, I'm maybe genderfluid(???????gender is hard) I'm lesbian and ace. Also I have a really cool girlfriend. I love books, Greek mythology, musical theater, music in general, art, and a bunch more. I have ADHD and possibly other things I'm not sure. I have a few current hyperfixations including: Hamilton, EPIC: the Musical, Cavetown, My Chemical Romance also basic Greek mythology, and that's it as of now. I have had What The World Needs from Ride the Cyclone stuck in my head for at least a week.
Some of my favorite people:
@xn4seousx my literal best friend irl I love them as much as I love mcr
@forever-bi-panic we don't talk much lately but they're like my first tumblr friend
@alexisnotstraight I don't interact with him much either but he's so cool ahhh
@klondyke-the-bear she's amazing omg
@jadelemonadee literally so cool but I'm scared to talk to her
Now I'm gonna talk about my blog for a bit lol. I started on July 11, 2024 btw so it's brand new as of now.
This blog is gonna be a bunch of random posts, whenever I think of something post worthy. This blog is basically a brain dump for me lol. I might post about lighthearted stuff like musicals, but I might post about way heavier stuff like feminism and stuff. Just depends what I'm thinking. Sometimes I'll post about my life.
Previouse URLs:
Alt accs:
@when-i-was-a-yung-boi (to hide from my friend I don't post tho)
@gay-emo-child-of-pluto (riordanverse oc)
@mostlyjustfanfiction (to post updates to my fics and stories)
I'm also mod sky on @teen-safe-space
My tags:
#lylascreamsatyou (vents)
#lylaismentallyill (mental shiz)
#lylarantsatyou (rants)
#lylatalkstoyou (thoughts)
#lylaeducatesyou (the rare times I'm smart)
#lylagivesyouarts (art or picrews)
#lylareblogsforyou (reblogs)
#lylainterogatesyou (polls)
#lylatellsyou (asks)
#lylagivesyousillies (other)
This blog is a safe place for EVERYONE unless you are one of the following:
A jerk
Anything in that zone
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Cheering You Up Headcanons
Hey all! I decided to write some soft headcanons this time around! Plus, I added a new boy, Travis Hackett from The Quarry! I know hes not exactly the same as my usual roster of horror slashers and villains, but I love him and this is my blog soooooooo I don’t care lol Also thank you to the people who voted for the 3rd character, Otis! I really like using the poll option to see what people are interested in seeing, I might have to use it some more when I’m stuck between choices :)
Freddy Krueger:
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As much of an asshole Freddy can be, he’s fully capable of toning himself down if you’re looking upset. But if he’s in a particularly antagonistic mood, the signs you’re upset will fly past him entirely until you go off on him, whether it’s crying or yelling at him for being such a dick. 
Freddy isn’t the kind to comfort you with his words, his love language tends to trend towards acts of service rather than sappy throw-away lines. He’ll never admit it, but ultimately he feels a smidge guilty for causing you more upset. So he’ll begin his scheming on a way to make it up to you.
Luckily for you, Freddy has his dream world, and he can make anything possible in your dreams. Freddy will hit you with just about everything he’s learned about you since knowing you. Do you like fancy romantic dinners? You’ve got the best seat in the house. Want to travel to places you wish you could afford? He’s got a first-class ticket to get you there. Just want a simple night in? He’s got you covered.
In all honesty, it would be a shock to see him put this much work in. Especially when half of the time you weren’t even sure he listened to what you were saying. Freddy not only listens to you, but he remembers everything. He just doesn’t like you knowing how much he truly cares. He thinks it makes him look too soft.
He’d get truly cocky as he soaks up the praise and affection you give him for such a sweet surprise. Freddy acts like it’s not a huge deal at all, and it wasn’t like he had to put much thought into it. You’re just so easy to please, he insists. But deep down even his cold black heart can feel a little something just from seeing your smile. As he lets you have your fun, he can’t help but smile to himself while watching you.
Travis Hackett:
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While Travis might be awkward about expressing his emotions too freely, he’s more observant than he lets on. He’ll listen to everything you have to say, and figure out what you need based on that. He’ll let you rant and rave if you're venting until you finally let it out of your system, or he’ll hold you tightly if you’re an emotional wreck in need of comfort. And if it’s something he can take care of, well, he’s not above solving the issue himself.
Above all else, Travis makes sure you’re safe and comfortable. You mean more to him than he could ever put into words, and he’d do anything to see your smile. Even if he has a hard time expressing it, you can tell just how much he cares by the way he looks at you with adoration and softness you rarely see from him. He’s a brick wall to damn near everyone, but once you crack inside you’ll find he’s a bit of a sap. 
The next day, he’d tell you to cancel any plans you have for that night. If you ask, he’ll simply grunt and ask you if you trust him. Obviously, you do, so you let him continue his planning.
That evening, he’ll drive you to a secluded area of the Hackett property where no one will bother the two of you. When you get there, you’ll find he’s already set up camp, and you can’t help but feel a smile pull on your face. Don’t make too big a production out of it, or Travis might get too flustered. As it is he’ll keep fidgeting and rubbing the back of his neck as he insists it’s no big deal, that he uses this campsite so often that he just keeps these things here. Suuuuuure. 
He finds the outdoors peaceful and relaxing, much of his best memories took place in the vast expanse of wilderness that fell in the Hackett property, and he hopes that perhaps you’ll feel just as calm surrounded by nature. Maybe create some new memories too.
You’ll have a front-row seat to the sunset falling below the trees, reflecting over everything in sight and giving the forest a soft orange hue. And as night begins to fall, you sit by the campfire that Travis had kept up past dinner time, looking up at the stars as they shone more brightly here than anywhere else you had seen before. 
When the fire finally dies down, Travis will have you pulled to him on a blanket as you look up at the stars together and speak softly to each other as you begin to feel sleep pulling at you. Before you both fall asleep and get bit by all the mosquitos, Travis will make sure he carries you to the tent before finally settling down for the night, his arms wrapped protectively around you.
Otis Driftwood:
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Otis isn't exactly the best choice if you're wanting a traditional cheering-up session. In fact, he might even complain if you pester him too much. "Can'tcha go bitch to Baby or something, I'm doing some important fucking shit here!" He'd probably shoo you along without so much as another glance your way.
After a while though, Otis will come around to the fact you need him. It's way easier for him to provide sexual affection, but genuine kindness is a bit out of his repertoire. But, after mulling it over for a while (as well as getting ripped a new one from Baby), Otis will try his best to be whatever you need.
He likes it best when all you need is for him to just exist in the same space, not needing him to provide a solution or answers. It's easy for him to just be a shoulder to cry on, that way he can't say all the wrong things like he tends to do. 
Otis also loves it when you need to have a good vent session. He'll hype you up, telling you that yeah, that guy was a motherfucker and maybe someone should do something about it. Maybe it's good if you don't let that get too far because Otis gets an itching for revenge at the drop of a hat just to make you happy. 
He also likes taking you on drives to calm you down. While he doesn't like to drive if he's too worked up because he's prone to road rage, he finds drives to be something that eases his mind when his thoughts are too scattered. And he's happy to share them with you, just so long as you don't become a backseat driver. Hell, if you ask nicely, he'll stop at whatever roadside spots you see. He’d even stop for ice cream if you’re being good.
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
hi Raytorosaurus, in the beginning of your post you said Ray has done interviews, podcasts, and blogged in recent years, can you please link me to those things? I would be extremely and eternally grateful <3
yes ofc!! this one by tom bryant (author of not the life it seems) is my favourite! and not just because ray talks about how much he loves being a stay at home dad doing chores while his wife gets her master's degree. it's just sweet, and goes a little more in depth into remember the laughter's concept than some of these other interviews.
this one isn't remember the laughter related, but tom bryant also did this interview with him the year before, after he released for the lost and brave dedicated to leelah alcorn (cw non-graphic discussion of suicide). it's really fucking sweet. ray talks a lot about his family and about fatherhood and about how he wants to raise his kids to be as kind and socially conscious as possible in pretty much all of the interviews i've linked here, but i really fucking love this thing he says in this one in particular:
"If ever my son was having a rough time I would just hope that he would trust me and allow me to be there for him. It’s common for parents and older people to look at youth in a negative way and to not respect the young as people. My wife always says that a lot of parents treat their kids like property – the whole, ‘this is my house, these are my rules and you must abide by my law’. You have to put yourself on the same level as your kid, you have to relate to them as a person. I hope that there’s more understanding about the differences between people in the future that my son grows up in.”
at the risk of sounding like a broken record, this one is also really fucking sweet. again he talks about the values he wants to impart on his kids, and how his son is featured in the lucky ones playing his child's percussion set :'''')
this one is a bit longer and just rly cute lol like just fun vibes
there's a couple of shorter ones here and here that are also worth a read. there's also this review that i like - it's not 100% positive but the writer does make a point of saying he's shocked the album didn't get much attention despite ray having been in mcr. yeah me too dude :(
this is a podcast he appeared on - he did at least one or two others but i think sadly they've been lost to time :(((((( but god this one is so sweet he's just sooooo. so <3. ray also says the band broke up a few weeks after his son was born in september 2012 which is interesting lol.
sadly a bunch of his blog stuff has been lost to time because the wayback machine has done a spotty job of archiving it but you can try to explore around the archived pages a bit. if you click around to different dates or subpages you can see some of his photography (tho sadly a lot of it hasn't been saved :((( ) and a few blog posts. you might even come across his shitty vent poetry lol <3333
and then i love this interview sooooo much too like this writer really gets it. ray talks about how he got obsessed with this free climber after watching a mountaineering documentary which inspired the great beyond, so the great beyond actually features a fucking chalk bag as a percussion instrument because he's insane and i love him. it also has the line "enthusiasm leaking from him like a punctured capri-sun" LOL. and then it wraps up with this statement that i really love:
Mixed, engineered and almost entirely performed by Toro, ‘Remember The Laughter’ is very much this man’s pride and joy. Every nuance of the record is explained with intricate detail and the subject matter held within comes straight from his heart. Whether you like it or not remains to be seen, as its influences are often drawn from well outside the My Chemical Romance sphere. Whether you listen to it or not, though, really comes down to this: do you want to hear some honest music?
because honestly that's the one common thread through all of mcr's discography and every single one of their solo projects. they are all 100% earnest. they all access that honesty in different ways and ray's definitely not a super accomplished lyricist so some of the lines on rtl verge on corny or schmaltzy sometimes but they never, ever sound fake or inauthentic. he wrote the album imagining he was speaking the lyrics to his son to instill a sense of hope in him about the world so he'd grow up with the belief that he was capable of making it a better place and he fucking means every word of it bro. he's ray toro :( i like him :((((
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reveseke · 2 years
Thought about a what if reader was insomniac and was found sleeping with Jack by Jessica?
PT. Thought about a what if reader was insomniac and was found sleeping with Jack by Jessica? PT end
Trope ... Mainly fluff
Feature ... Aaron Hotch Hotchner | Derek Morgan | Jessica (Hotch's SIL) | Jack Hotchner | Masc! Reader (he him)
CW ... Talks of insomnia | a fear of death/ not waking up anymore mentioned | also me swearing lol
Disc ... I'm not suffering from insomnia myself, i hope i didn't get something so fucking wrong lol. I know something off of insomnia, some little research I've done in past that stuck with me and I'm using some of my own sleeping problem experience on this but that's minor.
Edit ... I'm not actually sure her name was Veronica? For some reason I have a small itch it was lmao. Ok new edit, it was Jessica not Veronica and I'm editing it out lol
DNI - Fudanashis/fujodashis, women & fem-aligned, profic/proship, anti - LGBTQ+ folk & exclusionists, anti-antis, Necro- Zoo- Pedophiles + (NO)Maps(and other terms), basic DNI criteria, kink/nude/nsfw/sh/vent/pro-ana/ed/18+ blogs
So i got a thought of insomniac Reader who may as well stay awake for who knows how long being somewhat terrified of sleeping.
He may be plagued by nightmares of some kind, having a fear of not simply waking up anymore or possibly just too many thought that run rampant and he can't keep them still enough.
Just lying in bed with both the men as they either sleep or one or both are still awake and try to help him. But they have a little time window sometimes which means Reader may be alone most of the time and left with his own thought more than they'd like to let him.
Thinking how he'll greet them when they wake up to a case and come back just working as normally as he can manage both of them seeing how the lack of sleep is dripping off if the man.
I think both of them be dragging the poor man to bed one at a time if he starts wandering bc he's restless as fuck.
The one time they actually hear about him sleeping when on a case is when Jessica, Hotch's Sister-in-law (is it ex?-sister-in-law bc Hayley's dead? Idk may be), comes to pick up Jack.
The silence in the house was uncanny, it felt displaced as Jack wandered around the house he called home. It was usual for him to see one of his dad's wondering around mumbling to himself about something he never could catch as Aaron and Derek had left for another case.
The boy knew it wasn't exactly normal for him to be in a house of silence. Wandering to the master bedroom door, he slowly and lightly opened the door with a creek.
It didn't do anything to alert the man inside as all the boy heard were soft snores. Otherwise the room was completely silent, sun pouring in and dappling spots on the bed and the covers where he could see a imprint of a person splayed on the bed, spotting strands of (h/c) hair on the head that was slightly tucked under the covers.
The morning was silent as Jessica opened the door, looking around lightly and calling out to Jack and Reader. Nothing came of it as no answer was heard, wandering inside the house for a little bit she found the master bedroom's door ajar.
The view of seeing her nephew hugging a body of one of the lovers of Aaron was adorable, just laying besides him and making a shushing motion towards her as she called out Jack's name. The boy understood that R had difficulties sleeping and he didn't want him to wake up yet, it was unknown go R if that was the reason Jack staid with him or not. Just guarding, bc he had heard Jessica tell about a fly that the boy was trying to slap out of the air when it came too close at least once.
Except that yet turned into sleeping three days with R regretting everything. At least he could have been blessed with some pictures of the scene or a possible stuffed animal or two besides him bc Jack didn't want him to be alone when he woke up.
I really think the boys all of them would do something small for R to try to help him. Doing subtly things that would not irritate him if he was known to be really easy to be irritated when lacking a lot of sleep.
Jack would absolutely share his studies with him, saying they'd scare off the nightmares or thoughts if R had ever answered a question from the boy on why he was up. Not that R would take them, he'd give them back at the end of the day saying it's important that they're protecting Jack instead of him and stressing about it to the boy. But he does not hear it.
I think R would be doing things out of boredom at night when he's restless and doesn't feel comfortable cuddling with Aaron and Derek for the moment. Were it baking, maybe crocheting, crafting or doing something else if R is handy enough and there's something to fix he could do it, he would do it to pass time.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Is is alright is I ask for a romantic eridan concept, with a fem human darling please?
Of course! I love to write for the brat, lol :) AU where at least Feferi and Eridan are alive for plot reasons I guess ^^;
Not proofread fully, it is what it is.
Yandere! Eridan Ampora ♒️ with Fem! Human! Darling
Pairing: Matesprit ❤️
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Implied rebounding, Manipulation, Troll/Human pairing, Jealousy, Slight internal conflict, Dubious relationship/Matespritship, Possessive behavior, Brief mention of troll reproduction (it isn't NSFW at all, trust me), Stalking, Biting mention, Brief violence mention.
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Eridan would be pathetic with just about any partner.
He'd be the same as he would with a troll darling wants he gets into it.
At first, however, Eridan has little interest in a human.
While his friends, like Feferi, are interested in them he doesn't get into them at first.
He just... doesn't get it?
Feferi may actually be the one to introduce you to him.
Eridan notices she's been chatting up this female human recently and is a bit bothered by it.
When he asks, Feferi takes this as interest.
As a result the fuchsiablood gushes about you and how you two are friends.
"wwhat do you evven like about this specific human?"
"O)( come on, -Eridan! Look at )(er, isn't s)(e just t)(e cutest 38D? You s)(oald c)(at wit)( )(er... and be nice!"
Reluctantly, Eridan listens to her and gives it a shot.
He begins to talk to you through the chat client because Feferi urged him to.
He'd normally not bother because humans are land dwellers and just won't understand him.
Although it appears you and Feferi understand each other....
Eridan would be a troll that would take time before he feels comfortable with a human obsession.
An example of a troll who'd have the same issue is Karkat.
He tries to be considerate and understand you to appease Feferi, who he's having relationship trouble with.
By the time Eridan meets you in person he's grown invested in you and your journey.
He's impressed you reach God-Tier, he's actually a bit envious.
You've actually been a way he's been recovering from his falling out with Feferi.
He never would've thought it possible but he's actually considering a quadrant with a human.
He actually finds himself excited at the idea of meeting this female human.
When you eventually get to the meteor he even gets a bit upset that he's not the first troll you come to greet.
Of course you go to see Feferi first.
Although, while both flushed and pale quadrants didn't work with Feferi, she still introduces you to him.
Perhaps in an attempt to heal his broken bloodpumper or something.
"T)(is is -Eridan! )(e's been rat)(er attac)(ed to your w)(ole journey! You s)(oald talk to )(im! I'm s)(ore )(e's been looking forward to meeting you 38)"
"d-don't say that...! um... hey-"
He mentally face palms when he stutters in front of you.
At first, Eridan would try to keep up his usual personality.
He's dramatic and sometimes acts like he's better than you.
He tunes it down when he realizes he's losing your interest, however.
The two trolls you talk to the most are actually Feferi and Eridan.
Eridan understands that you've met her first... yet he wishes you'd spend more time with him-
Naturally, your conversations tend to dip into more personal territory.
Eridan asks about you and what exactly makes female humans different from males.
This is due to the fact reproduction with trolls doesn't really take the gender into account.
You also ask about this "quadrant" thing he brings up frequently.
It's expected with Eridan that he often vents about relationship issues.
You try to listen to him bur sometimes you need a break.
Feferi tends to give advice on how to deal with him.
Eridan struggles with how to admit he's into you.
He isn't sure what to say?
He's rebounding from Feferi and wants to fill his quadrants....
Yet he's unsure how to tell a human he wants you in his flushed quadrant.
He guesses it would be similar to a human "boyfriend" while you'd be his human "girlfriend" but he's a bit nervous.
Eridan can be a bit of a creep when he scopes out how to tell you.
Some may notice him following you around and watching you.
Others notice him silently seething when you talk to other trolls.
He's even tried to suggest dueling to win you over.
He's... a bit bloodthirsty.
It takes a lot out of him to finally tell you what he wants with you.
"look, i knoww you're a human but i'vve been thinking.... did you possibly wwant to be my matesprit? y'knoww... my red lovve? don't laugh it's taken me forevver to ask you because you're a human!"
If you reject him then he'll just be a pain.
He'll pester you, he'll get aggressive with trying to show you he loves you.
He's clingy and pleads with you to give him a chance.
He'll stop being so stuck up! Please just give him a chance!
He's desperate....
If you say yes then you still get barely any time alone.
Eridan's ecstatic that you said yes to being his Matesprit.
Any other human he finds to be not his type.
When it comes to you? He slams into you to have your attention.
Feferi is happy that Eridan has found someone, even if it is her cute human friend, although he seems to be very clingy as usual.
Any past feelings for Feferi is mostly forgotten as Eridan prefers to look for you.
At first he was reluctant to like a human, one not even part of the bloodcaste or aquatic in nature.
Now he doesn't care, someone likes him.
Even if you rejected him he'd somehow force you into it.
In private he's affectionate.
In public he acts like he doesn't want you to shower him in affection, still trying to keep up his ego.
Private? Hugs, kissing, nipping, nuzzling, you name it.
He'd do anything for you.
Eridan admittedly wants to explore you in any way he can, as intimate as that sounds....
For being a prince, if you say just the right thing he's bratty putty in your hands.
He acts like he's tough but in reality he's just happy you're paying attention to him, one way or another (even with a bit of force).
Eridan would be one to decorate you in his sign and color like some Highbloods.
It's a way to show you're his and gives him an ego boost.
He's possessive and other than violence displaying his color on your keeps you as his in his mind.
Feferi begins to feel bad when she sees you covered in Eridan's symbol.
He's taken this Matesprit thing a bit too far... like he fears to lose you.
You're God-Tier unlike him so you can keep him in his place if he decides to try and kill another troll for you, like Feferi.
Although, like some pathetic yanderes, you may just feel bad?
Eridan has so many issues when it comes to relationships.
After losing Feferi you one way or another gave him a chance.
Now you have a clingy troll who refuses to let you go.
Overall, Eridan would be hesitant to engage with a human obsession due to his ego...
Although once he catches flushed feelings... he just can't get enough of you despite his ego.
"i'd do anything for you, you're mine and i'm yours! i'd kill for you, i'd conquer for you... you're my matesprit and i'd do it all just for you. i lovve you... don't you dare reject me!"
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johaerys-writes · 8 months
Hello! Can you share some hcs/tidbits of Patrochilles that you choose not to show through the chapters of Disasters!AU? I'd love to see how you imagined them to be outside the picture😁 thank you, and have a nice day!!
Thank you so much for this ask!! I have a lot of headcanons for these two but after writing close to 150k words for this fic I'm not sure there are many I haven’t shared 😅 But there's a few that come to mind (mostly fluffy bc I love them):
- Every year Achilles makes a cake for Patroclus’s birthday. Every year, he fucks it up somehow. Either the frosting isn't right, or it doesn't cook all the way, or it deflates, or he forgets to get one ingredient or other. He has many talents but baking isn't one of them 🤣 And it's almost become kind of a tradition now so Achilles is always looking forward to Patroclus' reaction when he presents him his little fucked up cake. 
- They once tried to build a boat/raft from scraps and bits of wood they found in the garage and the fields. They started the project because a)they were bored, and b) Ajax told them that the Spercheios river goes all the way down to Athens (it doesn't). It took them two weeks to finish it and gather provisions etc for their voyage. They took it to the creek. It sank. Achilles cried for hours. It was wild
- I think this is obvious from the fic but as well as they get on with each other they do bicker quite a lot. Achilles can be deeply annoying and/or set in his ways, and Patroclus is also stubborn, in his own way. He is sometimes hesitant to try new things or might get a little sad and withdrawn or completely tune Achilles out, and Achilles just wants to shake him LOL. Also growing up Patroclus had to sometimes act as Achilles' impulse control, like "no we can't set this random pile of dried leaves by the side of the road on fire" or "no we won't ride to the beach at 3am on a winter Tuesday, we have class tomorrow" etc etc, but more often than not he is following Achilles in whatever dumb thing he's made up his mind to do, and then they bicker when it all goes south instead 🙃
- While they were in Phthia, they actually slept together almost every night whenever Peleus wasn't home. It wasn't romantic or anything at first, they just spent so much time together and in each other’s rooms that it didn't make sense to separate for sleep. Or sometimes they'd just fall asleep while talking/reading/watching films etc. Also like, with no parents or other caretakers in sight they were essentially each other’s source of comfort and affection and sometimes you just want to cuddle up with your bestie under a blanket and not do much else. ALSO also this isn't surprising bc the story deals quite a bit with toxic masculinity and internalised homophobia and how that affects Pat and Achilles, but I have a lot of thoughts about how the pressure to "man up" and "be tough" as they grew up really started to wear on them (especially Achilles), bc like what's wrong with crying or showing emotion or hugging your best friend or holding his hand or kissing him on the cheek! What's wrong with being soft and tender with the people you care about, what's wrong with any of it. So being able to come back home and have their safe space to vent and cry and be goofy and cuddle and not have to act a certain way around each other was such a lifesaver for them.
[Also I think their physical intimacy is something that's universal across every possible iteration of Patrochilles out there lol they're just super comfortable touching and hugging and kissing etc and I simply love how it might not even have sexual connotations a lot of the time, it's just something they do. They just like to glomp]
- I think this has been mentioned in the fic at some point, but Achilles often composes incredibly silly songs on the guitar or changes the lyrics to popular songs to tease Patroclus and Laika with. Often extremely early in the morning.
- Achilles has taught himself to knit and crochet as a result of a past hyperfixation over the span of a summer. The bright orange scarf he wears in Chapter 20 is one of his own creations, and Patroclus literally loves that thing. He teases him about it all the time. Achilles has made a few wonky beanies and mittens for Patroclus as well while he was practicing, they're very stylish (NOT lmao)
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wishtale-blogs · 1 year
📣Wish Announcements📣
Ello!! So, since I don’t have an introduction/master post, I will have an announcement post instead!! It’ll work just like an introduction post but with more! It’ll be separated into three sections: events, Q&A, and tags!
Events works pretty simply, if I’m doing an event or challenge of some sort it’ll be put here so y’all can see what’s happening!
I’m currently hosting a DTIYS!!
Q&A also works pretty simply, if I notice a question is being asked a lot, no shame at all for asking, it’s just being put here so others will know before they ask and I don’t have to repeat myself 10 times lol. (not including in ask games lol)
(Also, while I don’t have any real questions rn as I’m writing this, I will answer some basic questions so y’all can get to know me!)
1). What do you do?
I make art a lot and hope to work on animations soon!
2). Do you take art requests?
Yes!! Unless I make an announcement otherwise, my art requests are always open!! If you have a request send an ask to my side blog @wishtale-art-requests Tho it might take a little bit to finish, especially if there is an event going on, it will be finished as soon as possible!!
3). Are you open to asks?
Yes!! Asks will be answered as soon as I’m available to answer them!!!
4). What characters have you made?
I’m the creator of Wishtale that I currently only have an old ref sheet of Wish! sans (which I haven’t Wishtale worked on in a long while), and Monarch! Sans in the utmv community! And I also have my persona that ironically is also named Wish until I figure out a better name lol!
5). What fandom/s are you a part of?
I’m a part of a lot of different fandoms, but the one I post the most about is utmv, although I do occasionally talk about fnaf, Jujitsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, and vocaloids!
6). Do you have any other blogs I should be aware about?
Yes!! I have a second blog @wishtale-art!! This is where I post my final drawings, tho wips and other things I don’t want on my art blog will be posted on this blog! I also have a art request blog @wishtale-art-requests
7). What is your sexuality and gender?
I’m a aromatic lesbian who is also agender!!
8). What pronouns do you go by?
I go by any pronouns!! And star/stars/starself neopronouns! (neos are completely optional tho!)
9). When is your birthday?
My birthday is on December 14th!!:3
10). Is there any triggers I should be aware of?
Not really, but smoking and vaping make me uncomfortable (not in drawings, but like when people smoke/vape and encourage it is when I get uncomfortable) and really suggestive things (mostly just when talking to people, it makes me very anxious)
Tags are where I’m going to put tags I use often and explain what they are used for!!
#📣wish announcements!📣- used for this post any updates on this post
#wish zoomies- for any post I reblog
#wish rambles- for posts I post that I talk about stuff!
#wish answers- for any asks I answer
#wish’s art- for any reblogs from @wishtale-art or any of my wips or drawings I post on this blog
#wish does polls!!- for any polls I do
#wish is real???- for any posts that have to do with me irl (I keep forgetting I have this tag lol)
#important stuff👆- for any reblog/post that has an important topic!
(I also have a secret vent blog)
Please know that everything on this post is bound to change and be updated with time but I’ll do my best to let y’all know whenever any major changes happen!
Also, I made this as a very late thank you for 326 followers!!! I’m extremely grateful for each and every one of y’all that’s following me!!!<333
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Okay, I have been thinking... What if Ghost and Anima Roach got separated for a long time (because idk, Ghost got captured by the enemy and for some reason Roach couldn't stay with him)? And because they weren't meant to be separated for a long time, Roach was FREAKING OUT and venting to Soap the whole time. Soap, who couldn't handle seeing Roach so desperate to get Ghost back (and also not-so-secretly very desperate himself), started to plan a rescue mission or something and boom.. happy ending :3
I'm lowkey craving some hurt/comfort GhostSoapRoach recently I'm sorry 😭
- 🥀
So this isn't...exactly what you asked for, but it's something that I've been thinking about for a bit and really the only way that I can see Anima Roach being "separated" from Ghost in any way. I have twisted it to give you some GhostRoachSoap hurt/comfort, but I will admit it is very heavy on the Ghost/Roach side of things.
A Year (Anima AU)
Pairings: GhostRoachSoap, GhostRoach, Ghost/OC, Roach/OC (yes please welcome two new OC's to Luke's extended universe lol)
Warnings: Angst, Slight nsfw, discussion of nsfw hurt/comfort, slight suicidal ideation/thoughts
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They were arguing. It was quite possibly the first time that Soap had seen them argue. He didn't like it in the slightest.
Roach was always smiling or giving some sort of mischievous grin. It was just who he was. The only time that Soap had seen him not smiling was when Ghost was injured, the first time he'd seen him. Every time he was blessed with the sight of the Anima after that, he'd always been wearing a grin. Roach wasn't smiling now. His lips weren't even quirked up a bit, his face was serious.
Ghost looked angrier than Soap had ever seen him. His face was stormy and he'd been laying into Roach since they'd gotten back from their last mission. Soap understood why. He also understood Roach's side of things. He couldn't get a word in between the two men to try to help solve the issue.
"You shouldn't have gone ahead," Ghost hissed out. He ripped his mask off of his face and turned back to face Roach with gritted teeth. The black of his grease paint was faded from the mask and had spread in little streaks across his cheeks. Still, Soap could see how red his face was. "You could have given our position away!"
"No one could see me but you," Roach reminded Ghost with a hiss, "I was checking ahead, that's all! Nothing happened!"
"Nothing happened," Ghost scoffed, "Soap was nearly shot!" He motioned in Soap's direction and Soap wanted to point out that it wasn't true. Sure, he'd been seen because Roach had opened the wrong door at the wrong time, but he'd been able to dispatch the man before anything bad happened.
"Soap was and is fine," Roach stepped forward with a growl and pressed his finger to Ghost's chest, "You were fine. I was making sure that it would stay that way."
"You should have listened to me," Ghost countered, "I was leading the mission." Roach scoffed at the words and Soap could see the way that Ghost clenched his jaw in response.
"My job isn't to follow you," Roach crossed his arms over his chest, "That isn't why I was there. I was doing my job."
"Well," Ghost snapped, "I wish you wouldn't. My life would be much easier if you weren't running around trying to do your job and getting in my way."
The effect was instant. Roach reeled back at the words, his face crumpled and Soap could see the beginnings of tears gathering in his eyes. Ghost's reaction was just as quick, regret spreading across his face only moments after the words left his mouth. There was a moment where the two just stared at each other silently. Soap tried to find the words to help, but he found his own shock and horror seemed to sew his mouth shut.
"Roach," Ghost's voice was weak. He took a step toward Roach and Roach took a step away from him. "I didn't-"
Roach disappeared from Soap's sight and the only indication that he got of the Anima leaving the room was Ghost rushing to the door, calling out his name in a desperate voice several times. Ghost didn't leave the room, he just collapsed against the door frame. His grip on the wood was hard and he seemed to shrink in on himself, one of his hands came up to cover his face.
"Ghost," Soap stepped forward carefully, his own voice soft, careful. He didn't know quite how to approach the man at the moment, but he was determined to try.
"I can't," Ghost's voice was shaky and he took in several desperate gasps for air, his entire body keeling over, "I did it again. I can't believe I did it again. I didn't- I didn't mean-"
"Again?" Soap reached out, slowly placing a hand on Ghost's back to rub soothing circles against him, concern eating at his chest. He'd never seen Ghost this stressed. "Ghost, what do you mean, again?"
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"You're overbearing and annoying and overprotective!"
"I'm doing my job!" Roach hissed, his hands slamming onto the table in front of him hard. "My job is to protect you!"
"What if I don't want that?" Ghost hissed back, his hands balled into tight fists at his side. "I've made the decision, whether you like it or not!"
"Don't you understand how dangerous joining the military is!" Roach reached up to tug at his hair, frustration eating at him. So much could go wrong if Ghost went into the military. There were so many ways for him to be hurt. So many things that Roach wouldn't be able to properly prepare for. "Are you trying to make my life difficult!"
"Are you trying to make mine difficult?" Ghost snapped, his face going a deep red color. Before Roach could respond Ghost was speaking again. "I've never had a break from you! You're always hanging over my shoulder and making decisions for me to try to protect me! Well, guess what? I don't want you to protect me! I don't even want you around half the time!"
Roach's heart jumped up to his throat and it felt as though a terrible weight slammed into his chest, taking his air away. "Ghost," he choked out, his eyes stinging with tears already.
"My life would be a million times better if you weren't in it!"
Silence settled around the room. It hung over them thickly and neither of them spoke for several moments, the words just hanging between them. Roach was fighting back the desire to cry, a hand covering his mouth to keep any sobs that threatened to escape inside. Ghost still looked angry, his jaw clenched tight. He wouldn't meet Roach's eyes. He wouldn't even look at him.
"If that's," Roach took in a shaky breath, "If that's what you think."
"It is," Ghost confirmed, his fists clenching at his sides.
Roach was Ghost's anima. That was the bottom line of things. He was made with the sole purpose of protecting Ghost. Of keeping Ghost happy and healthy. That was his job. That was what he would do, it was what he had to do. If leaving is what it took to make Ghost happy, then that was what he would do.
Roach didn't say another word. He rarely ever changed himself. He rarely ever made himself invisible to anyone but Ghost. He'd never had a reason to, Ghost's family had always treated him like he was one of them. Not like he was some sort of creature, but like he was a person. Now, though, now he made himself disappear.
Ghost wanted a life without him. Roach couldn't provide that, but he could make himself virtually as invisible as possible. To anyone else, Ghost would be normal. Roach would allow him that.
He quietly slipped away, leaving the kitchen to make his way out of the backdoor of the house. He took a moment when he was outside, leaning up against the small house as he choked on his own tears. The air ripped from his lungs as sobs pulled at him. He didn't need to breathe, but it still wasn't comfortable to go so long with no air.
He pushed past it. He pushed past it all. Quietly, as tears continued streaming down his face, he tried to evaluate where the best place to go would be. He needed somewhere close, somewhere where he could still watch Ghost, could still watch the house, but far enough away that he could stay out of sight and out of mind.
He landed on the old treehouse in the backyard. It was a rickety old thing and, if he made himself present, there was no doubt it wouldn't be able to hold his weight. If he stayed invisible though, if he stayed as essentially a spirit to everyone but Ghost, it wouldn't even move an inch. It would be like he didn't even exist. That was what Ghost wanted. That was what he would do.
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Roach hated basic training. He fucking hated it. He hated the military. He wanted to hate Ghost. He couldn't. He could never hate Ghost.
But weeks upon weeks of watching Ghost be whipped into a soldier, be trained into something dangerous and fierce, it was hard for him. There were injuries, there were times when he wanted to step in and smash the face of some army officer in, there were times when he just wanted to drop to his knees and beg Simon to quit. To just go home. He never did.
He stayed back. He stayed out of sight. He just watched. He just watched Ghost turn himself into someone stronger and more skilled. He just watched him excel in nearly every class and training exercise. He watched and he knew that Ghost needed him that much less.
Of course, he learned as well. Any opportunity to pick up more skills, any opportunity to learn things that would help him protect Ghost and he would do it. He would watch during the day then, at night, when everyone was asleep, he'd practice things himself.
He hated it. He hated all of it. Most of all, he hated that Ghost seemed happy. He hated how content Ghost was while he wasn't around. He hated the way that the other recruits made him laugh. He hated the way that Ghost hadn't looked at him in months. He hated it. He wanted to rip himself out of existence, to tear and destroy the strings connecting him to Ghost. Ghost was happier without him, he saw that he was doomed to know it for the rest of his existence. His existence was a burden on Ghost and he could do nothing about it. How was he supposed to make Ghost truly happy when he was the thing causing that unhappiness?
It was worse to feel. Seeing Ghost being happy and content was one thing, but feeling it was something else entirely. It had never been clearer to him before which emotions belonged to Ghost and which belonged to him. Ghost's were happy, light, strong. His were like a weight trying to bash that to pieces. Trying to create dust of any of the positivity he was forced to feel so that it could float away from him, carried by the wind. Roach wanted peace. He wanted to disappear for Ghost's sake. He couldn't.
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Worse than basic training was clearly the squad that Ghost was placed on. Roach hated how much they liked Ghost. He hated how much Ghost liked them. He hated one member of the squad, in particular, more than anyone else.
"It isn't healthy for you to sit out here like this." A shaggy blonde-haired man slid down the wall, sitting next to Roach. Roach knew the other man was feeling exactly what he was at the moment, he hid it much better than him.
"Ash," he acknowledged, turning his head to watch the other Anima light a cigarette between his fingers and bring it to his mouth. Roach knew the smoke wasn't going to be a problem. There was quiet between the two as Ash took a long drag from the cigarette before holding it out for Roach. Roach took it from him gratefully.
"Seriously," Ash blew the smoke from his lungs, his eyes carefully watching Roach as he took a drag from the cigarette. It wouldn't hurt either of them, so there was no harm in smoking. At least, that's what Roach told himself. "You shouldn't sit out here like this."
"I'm waiting for Simon," Roach passed the cigarette back to him and folded his hands over his knees, picking at his nails. "That's all. Just doing what I'm supposed to."
Ash gave a low chuckle at those words, "Yeah, just protecting the guy who doesn't even want you around." Roach flinched at those words and tucked into himself further. He refused to meet the other's careful eyes. "Simon will be fine, you know that. Just pick up watching him in the morning." He moved closer to him, shuffling until their legs were pressed tight together, "Don't make yourself sit here."
There was a pause. Roach wanted to listen to him. He wanted to go as far away from the room as he could, to be so far away that he wouldn't be able to feel everything that Ghost was. All of the emotions. Everything. He knew it wasn't possible. He had to stay. It was his job, that was it.
The door beside them opened and two laughing figures stumbled out, straightening their clothing. Roach didn't look at them, he didn't think he could stomach it.
"Ash! What are you doing out here?"
"Sorry," Ash gave a grin up to his bonded, "Just sitting with Roach for a minute. All good?"
"All good," Todd, Ash's bonded, confirmed. "Simon and I are all good. We took care of each other." The words seemed directed at Roach more than Ash and Roach glared down at his pants. His fists tightened into balls against them.
Ghost didn't acknowledge him, "Let's go get something to eat, I'm fucking starving."
"Oh, right," Todd turned back toward them, "You two keep doing whatever, we're going for food."
They set off down the hallway together. Roach gave them a moment, allowing them to get a decent distance away before standing up to follow. Ash stayed seated on the ground, just watching him.
No words were spoken until Roach had started after the two men, until he was only a few feet away. "You have to stop doing this to yourself." Roach paused, freezing for several moments, "You and I both know that you'll just end up killing yourself."
Roach glanced back at Ash for a brief moment and took in how serious his face was. He turned away and didn't say anything else before taking off after Ghost and his...paramour. The implication of the action stood between the two Anima, though. They both knew what Roach's response was to the idea of his death: good.
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"I'm not letting you do this."
Roach looked up at Ash, his vision feeling a bit hazy. He was tired, which was a first for him, though he considered it a good sign. "You don't really get to decide that," he replied lazily. He tucked into himself further, still leaning up against the wall next to the door. Waiting for Ghost.
Ash rolled his eyes at him. "Stand up," he ordered, his face serious. There was a moment of silence between the two. Roach didn't move. "I'm serious Roach, I'm not letting you do this. Stand up."
There was another long moment that passed between the two before Ash sighed and stepped forward, hauling Roach up from the ground easily. Roach struggled slightly against his hold, fighting to be dropped back down to the ground. Ash wouldn't let him and, seeing as they were both Anima, it wasn't easy for Roach to break out of the sudden hold.
He found himself pinned back against the wall with Ash's body pressed tight to his, keeping him from struggling. "Ash," Roach met his eyes with a stern look, "I have to stay focused, let me down."
"Staying focused," Ash pushed even closer to him, "Is what is going to get you killed. I'm going to distract you. I'm going to give you a break from worrying about Simon."
Roach snorted, "Yeah, good luck with that. What's your plan? Hold me here until-"
Ash slammed his mouth against Roach's, cutting off his words and catching him completely by surprise. The other Anima didn't give him a moment to think before licking into his mouth and nipping at his lips. One of his legs shoved between Roach's his knee pressed just slightly against his crotch to give the slightest bit of pressure.
Roach, surprisingly, relaxed against his touch. He and Ash knew one another, they'd been in the same boat since their bonded had been transferred to their current squad. They understood each other probably better than even their bonded ones knew them. It was an odd thing to think, but it was the truth. And, as Roach wrapped his arms around Ash's shoulders and pulled him further into the kiss, he thought that it was nice to be wanted again, in whatever way that meant.
The kiss was harsh and biting and filled with all of the frustration that had been building within the two for the months and months that they'd been cast to the side. They took out their frustration on one another, biting and nipping and tugging at their hair until the other was groaning and pressing even closer. They were desperate to feel, desperate to distract themselves and they were doing a damn good job at it.
"Ash! What the hell?"
Roach and Ash broke apart from one another, their heads turning quickly to meet the eyes of their humans. They just stared blankly at them for several moments, their minds running circles.
Roach let his eyes trail over to Ghost and, for the first time in months, the two locked eyes with one another. Ghost looked...hurt? That wasn't right though, he wouldn't look hurt by this. Roach reminded himself quickly that Ghost didn't want him around. He reminded himself how happy Ghost had been for the past several months without him.
He shoved down the rising anxiety and upset in his chest. What sense did that make? Ghost would cut him off then feel upset when he finally did something other than follow him around silently? It didn't make a lick of sense, so Roach pushed it down. Ghost was probably just embarrassed that Roach had been doing something like this in such a public area. Not that it mattered, no one could see him or the man pressed against him.
"Are the two of you going for food?" Ash's breath was heavy as he spoke, but he still managed to get the words out.
"Probably," Todd responded by crossing his arms over his chest, "But what the fuck are the two of you doing? Don't you know-"
"Great," Ash pushed off of the wall and wrapped an arm around Roach to tug him with him, "You two enjoy your food. We're going to take over your room for a bit."
"What?!" Todd's face went a bright red as Ash shoved past him, pulling Roach along behind him.
Ash shoved Roach toward the bed in the room before turning back to the door and the men on the other side, "You may want to stay in Simon's room tonight, we're going to be a minute." With that he shut the door in their faces, muffling any noises from the two men out in the hallway and leaving himself and Roach blissfully alone.
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"You seem uncomfortable," Ash looked down at him, his eyes scanning across his face carefully. Roach shifted again, trying to resist the urge to just fully hide his face in the other's shoulder. "What's going on?"
Roach sighed and peeked away from him again, his eyes immediately catching on to Ghost's from across the long training yard. He looked away quickly. "Simon keeps looking at me," he whispered the words, as though he was afraid to speak them out loud. "And, he hesitated for a moment, his hand raising to his chest, "He's been feeling different."
"Different how?" Ash tucked him closer to his side, one of his hands coming up to rub soothingly across his arm.
"Like...sad," He tilted his head a bit, "Regret too? I don't know it's like...similar to before but, he just feels more upset."
"You're having trouble separating his feelings from your own, aren't you?" Ash didn't speak the words in a judging manner, he didn't seem smug or upset about the fact. He seemed like he understood. Roach nodded to him slowly, tucking closer to his side.
He hated it. He'd been so sure that Ghost was happy without him around, he'd been so sure of it. And yet, now, when he could tell that Ghost was upset...it felt like things had only slightly changed. "I just...I don't know what to do."
There was a silence that hung between them for several moments, Roach couldn't tell what Ash was thinking. "You could try talking to him," Ash suggested quietly, his eyes focusing on Roach's face, watching for his reaction. It was apparently quite obvious based on the amused glint in his eyes. "I'm serious. You two haven't actually talked in, what? Over a year? Maybe it's time that you try to talk with him again."
Roach jerked away from him at the words, blinking with wide eyes at the suggestion. "What? No, no way. He said-"
"A year ago in the middle of an argument he told you that his life would be better if you weren't in it," Ash finished for him, watching his face with close eyes, "Maybe now that he's lived a year without you in it he's reconsidered." He paused for a long moment, just watching Roach's shocked face closely. "What's the worst he could do," he reached up to brush a bit of Roach's hair out of his face sweetly, "Confirm what you think you know? At least you'll have tried and," he hesitated for a long moment, "I'll even do the same."
Ash shrugged and Roach could see him swallow nervously, "I'll talk to Todd if you talk to Simon. If, well, if things don't work out then I say that the two of us leave."
"Leave?" Roach blinked wide at him.
"If they decide they don't want us here? Why should we stay? Why shouldn't we go live our lives somewhere?"
"Can," Roach hesitated for a moment. He didn't know how he felt about what Ash was suggesting. Not being wanted was one thing, but could Roach actually be able to leave Ghost? Whether Ghost wanted him around or not, Roach loved him. He didn't want to give him up, even if Ghost wanted to give him up. "Can we even do that?"
"I've heard of other Anima who have," Ash spoke quietly, "When they were rejected by their bonded."
The two were silent for another long moment and, even without saying it, Roach could see that both of them were unsure about what Ash had suggested. Still, Roach reasoned, there would be no harm in at least talking to Ghost. Like Ash said, the worst that could happen is that Ghost would tell him he didn't want him around anymore again.
"Okay," he spoke quietly and Ash seemed to relax at his words, "I'll talk to Simon."
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Roach waited until Ghost was alone. He was in his room cleaning a few things up and Roach had stood by the door for nearly thirty minutes, trying to work up the courage to actually go inside. He just had to step inside. That was it.
Still, actually moving inside of the room was possibly the hardest thing that Roach had done in his existence. When he finally did, he was quick.
He opened the door, stepped inside, and turned quickly to shut the door behind him. He just stared at the wood for several moments, terrified of turning around to meet Simon's gaze. He was too afraid of the hatred that he'd find there. The anger.
He turned quickly at the call of his name, his eyes wide from having been acknowledged. Roach couldn't figure out how to get his voice to work. The words were right there at the back of his tongue, trying to leave his throat and failing.
"What are you doing here?" Ghost dropped the sheets he was pulling at and started around his bed. He only stopped when he was almost directly in front of Roach, standing only a few feet away from him.
They stared at one another for several moments. "I," Roach took in a shaky breath and leaned back against the door for support, needing something to help keep his knees from collapsing under his weight. "I came to talk to you."
"To talk?" Ghost asked quietly.
"To ask," Roach corrected himself, "To see if...if you're still sure about what you said. About not wanting me around. I know that you've been happy without me around and more than anything I just want you to be happy," it was like once the words started, he couldn't get them to stop. "But I had to check, I had to know because lately I feel like something has been different and I couldn't not ask. I just care about you so much and I don't think you understand how important you are to me, so if there was any possibility that you wanted me around again I had-"
Ghost stepped forward to place a hand over Roach's mouth, silencing him both physically and mentally thanks to the sudden proximity. There was silence between them for several moments, both of them just staring at the other. Finally, Ghost spoke.
"Roach," his voice was soft and it sounded weak to Roach's ears, "I am so sorry." He moved his hand away from Roach's mouth, leaving him gaping at the words. That was the last thing he'd expected to hear.
"You? You're sorry?"
Ghost nodded his head slowly, "I was angry. I didn't mean what I said, I swear I never meant it. I just," he looked away from Roach and Roach could feel the shame from Ghost blossoming in his chest, "I wanted to hurt you I guess. I didn't..."
"You didn't think I'd actually leave," Roach pieced together quietly.
"I was too afraid to tell you," Ghost moved carefully, as though he was afraid of scaring Roach off. His hand ever so slowly made contact with Roach's face, cupping at his cheek. Roach couldn't stop from leaning into the touch, "I was sure that you hated me."
"I could never hate you," Roach was quick to the words. They were the truth. He didn't think it was possible for him to hate Ghost, it just wasn't something he was capable of. "I thought you hated me."
"No," Ghost stepped closer to him, "I could never hate you. I need to make this up to you, please let me make it up to you?"
Roach nodded his head slowly, still nuzzling into Ghost's hand. His entire body felt warm at the contact and his ears were tingling with the sound of Ghost's voice speaking to him! Actually talking to him! He could have vibrated with the excitement of the entire situation. Ghost didn't hate him. Ghost wanted him in his life. "Just," Roach looked up at Ghost with wide eyes, "Please don't say anything like that to me again and...if you do," he looked away from Ghost briefly, "don't let us go so long without talking about it. I don't think I can survive another year like this one."
Ghost nodded his head and, in one quick move, he tugged Roach against his chest. Roach tucked himself close to Ghost and gave a contented sigh as he was tucked against the other's chest carefully. "I really missed you," Ghost whispered against his hair. There was a moment and Roach could feel him hesitating, he could feel that there was something else the man wanted to say. "You," he cleared his throat nervously, "You and Ash, are you?"
Roach understood immediately what Ghost was asking and he almost scoffed at the man. That was his question? What did it matter, especially now? After all, Ghost had Todd. "I don't know, are you and Todd?"
Roach shot back, pulling away from Ghost to look up at him with wide eyes, shock running through him. "What?"
"I broke things off," Ghost admitted nervously. There was a quiet moment before he shyly added, "For you."
Roach stared at him silently, unsure of how to respond. Ghost had broken things off...for him? Why would he have done that? Sure, Roach didn't like Todd, but that shouldn't have-
Suddenly things clicked for him. All of the emotions he'd been feeling over the past few weeks, over the time that he and Ash had started their little affair, it all suddenly made sense to him. He didn't have the context. He had the context now. Jealousy.
He stared at Ghost for several long moments, just trying to make sure that he was reading the other man's face correctly. When he'd determined that, yes, he was reading the situation correctly, it was quite an easy choice of what to do from there.
His hands pressed hard to Ghost's chest, shoving him backward until his knees hit the edge of the bed and all it took was another good shove to knock him onto his back with a small groan from his lips. Roach didn't give him a moment to recover, he just climbed onto his lap with a grin on his face.
"Roach," Ghost's voice was a bit higher than normal and there was a high blush rising on his cheeks.
"You wanted to make it up to me, right?" He put his hands on Ghost's chest and used the leverage to grind his hips down. The effect was immediate with Ghost's hands flying to his hips and his head tilting backward with a gasp. Roach gave him another grin."How about, to make it up to me," he ground his hips down again, "You let me ride your cock?"
The answer from Ghost was almost instantaneous, "Fuck yes."
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"You went an entire year without talking?" Soap's voice was filled with horror. He'd never even realized that such a thing was possible for Anima and their bonded. He thought they always stuck together, that nothing like that could ever happen because of the bond. He supposed he didn't know as much as he thought he did.
"Yes," Ghost rubbed at his face and stood from his seat. He snatched his mask into his hands and took to shoving it over his tear-stained face. Speaking with Soap about his past, about that year, and those words that he always knew he would regret and feel guilty over...it made him realize that he couldn't do it again. He had to find Roach. "I can't let that happen again," he turned to Soap, "I have to go find Roach."
"Let me help?" Soap stood from his seat as well, his eyes wide, "It might be easier with two people and, it will probably help both of you to have someone else around." He leaned forward a bit, trying to hint to Ghost that he was offering his presence to try and comfort the two men. Ghost seemed to get what he was saying a shot him an appreciative look.
"Thanks, Johnny." With that, the two men left the room, trying to track down their missing boyfriend.
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"Roach," Soap called carefully. He couldn't see Roach, but he had a pretty good idea of where the other man was. He'd learned fairly quickly into dating both Ghost and Roach that, when Roach wanted to be alone, he tended to move into dark quiet spaces. That was exactly why Soap had gone almost immediately to one of the record rooms on base.
No one ever really came in, no one would be able to bother Roach. It was the perfect space for when he needed to get away. He called out for the man again, desperate for any sign of him. Just as he was sure that this wasn't the right room, or at least that he would need Ghost to be able to properly check it, he felt a pair of arms wrap him up from behind.
A face buried itself against his neck and he could feel and hear Roach's quiet cries. "Roach," Soap's voice was quiet and he was quick to turn around in the man's hold to wrap him up in his arms. He stayed silent for several moments, just holding tight to him, trying to provide as much comfort as he could. "Ghost is looking for you," he finally whispered.
Roach choked a bit on his cries and held tighter to Soap, "He's? He's looking for me?" It was as though he didn't believe what Soap was saying and, based on what Ghost had told him, Soap could understand why.
"Yes," Soap pressed a kiss to the side of Roach's head, "he wants to apologize. He didn't mean what he said and he's very upset with himself." He paused for a moment before adding, "He was crying."
He figured that Roach could have guessed that, considering he could feel Ghost's emotions alongside his own, but he also knew that Roach sometimes had trouble reading the emotions that he could feel from Ghost, so he decided it would be better to tell him rather than just leaving it up in the air.
Roach took a moment to respond, just burying his face into Soap's shoulder harder. "Can we go to the room?" he asked after a moment, still wrapped tight in Soap's arms.
"Of course," Soap hesitated for a moment before asking, "Do you want me to tell Ghost?" Roach hesitated for another long moment before giving a slight nod of his head against Soap's shoulder. "Okay," Soap wrapped an arm around Roach and started guiding him to the door all while pulling his phone from his pocket to shoot a quick text to Ghost, "C'mon, let's get you back to the room."
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Ghost was waiting for them when they finally made it back into the room. It was clear to see how nervous he was by the way that he shot to his feet as soon as the door opened.
His eyes landed on Roach almost immediately, watching him with wide and apologetic eyes as he froze in the doorway to the room. There was silence for several moments and, despite Soap's desire to encourage the two to talk, he stayed silent and let them work at their own pace.
"Roach," Ghost choked out after a moment. His face was twisted up into a picture of regret and Soap could see how glassy his eyes were. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean it like that, I swear to god I didn't mean it like that. I shouldn't have said it in the first place I was just worried and angry. I know it doesn't justify it." He paused for another moment before taking a step closer to Roach. Roach watched him carefully, his own face a mess of red and tear stains. "I'm sorry."
After a long moment, Roach took a few shuffled steps forward and buried his face in Ghost's chest, tears streaming down his face again. "I don't like it when we argue." He grabbed tight to Ghost's shirt, using it as a safety blanket of sorts.
"I don't either," Ghost responded by wrapping him up in his arms and cradling him tight against his body. After several moments, he lifted Roach into his arms and turned toward the bed. Roach didn't even react, he just stayed with his face buried against Ghost's chest.
Soap reacted quickly to the questioning look that Ghost sent his way, understanding almost immediately what the man wanted. He moved across the room in quick strides and threw himself down onto the bed, happily wrapping his arms around Roach and Ghost when they settled next to him on the bed.
They lay together silently for some time, Roach just quietly pressed between them. There were clearly things that would have to be handled, more discussion to have, and more apologies to be made, but for now, they just laid together.
"I'm sorry you had to see us fight, Soap," Roach threw out after a long moment of silence.
"It's fine, Bug." Soap assured him, "I'm sure we'll fight at some point. It's just part of life, unfortunately."
"I hate fighting," Roach's voice told Soap that he was pouting and he couldn't help but chuckle. Even like this Roach was still his same old self. "There's only one thing fighting's good for."
"And what's that?" Ghost asked, sending Soap an amused look over Roach's shoulder.
Roach slowly unburied his face from Ghost's chest to shoot both of the men a bright grin, "Makeup sex."
Soap couldn't help but laugh.
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Do you have any headcanons about Megatron when he was a miner? Specifically about disability? Also do you have any headcanons on the workings of Cybertronian mines?(mining ethics are one of my special interests lol)
I have spent the past hour reading about mining operations and overall functions. And yet I can't even bring myself to be mad about it because it was so interesting. With that said I hope you enjoy this little bit of writing! I really love world building!
Mining Operations on Cybertron
D-16 was picked up and sent to the mines the moment he emerged from the well of allsparks and was unable to provide the guardian his name. There was no welcome package or even any explanation as to what was going on. He was just shoved into a large transport alongside the other unfortunate mechs who came out of the well without names and ferried off.
He arrived at the mines confused and innocent, however that swiftly changed after his recruitment. D-16 was put into a scout group composed of other freshly forged mechs and one to two older mechs used to the job. He spent the first couple years of his life in this group, scouting the surface for possible energon deposits and climbing into treacherous pits to examine them for his "employers". After watching several members of his scouting group die to accidents and natural hazards, he quickly learned that his life was worth next to nothing and that he and his brethren were seen as tools, easy to replace and disposable.
It was during his time as a scout that he learned about the castes and the functioning of Cybertronian society. During one of the few times he was allowed to enter into the city for some purpose or another, he was enlightened to the true difference in lifestyle for those above ground. He saw mechs living on the streets, stealing and scavenging, but at least still able to retain their freedom. He witnessed nobles parading around doing whatever they pleased and indulging in every luxury. And then lastly he saw the average middle caste mechs, working day in and day out just to live a reasonable life but never achieving anything notable for the most part.
He saw the huge gap between the elite, the middle caste, and the low caste bots and he despised it.
Open Pit Mining
After proving himself capable through training several batches of new recruits, D-16 was "promoted" and sent to work with the pit mining crew. His job essentially amounted to digging out the hole in the ground that the more experienced miners would then use to construct a proper mine.
It was dull work. Day in and day out he would swing his pick and use his saw to chip away at the metal of Cybertron's soil and haul it away to be processed. The dusk clogged his vents, making it hard for him to cool off properly. There were several occasions where other less sturdy mechs outright died due to overheating. D-16 very nearly died himself, if it weren't for an older miner taking him out of the sight of their overseers and cleaning his vents for him, he would have perished.
The energon rations were also subpar. The quality of the energon was absolute rubbish and exchanged any form of pleasant taste for nutrient value. Still, as a large mech with rations containing not nearly enough energon for a mech of his size, he consumed his rations as quickly as possible to avoid the very common fights that broke out. More often than not, the larger mecha were given rations meant for bots half their size, often leading them to fight and steal others rations. D-16 abstained from such things, even stepping in at times, but the sight did serve to further cement his distaste of the caste system even further.
Thankfully D-16 was never seriously injured or suffered from any noteworthy energon deficiency during his time as a pit miner. And by Primus is he thankful for it. He saw what happened to mecha who had a health problem that couldn't be fixed with a weld, patch, or small energon transfusion.
As the overseers of the mining operation still had to adhere to some basic laws, a medical team was called in every few weeks to look over the miners and tend to any injuries that were worth being seen to. D-16 quickly came to the conclusion that anything that cost more than a handful of credits to fix was something that medics were ordered to ignore. He could only watch in horror as one of his fellows, an unfortunate mech who had his leg torn straight off in an accident, was left to bleed out.
When he tried to help the dying mech he was pulled away by some of the older miners who hushed him and pointed out other younglings who were attempting the same thing. D-16 was once again left horrified as the mecha attempting to help the suffering miner were beat for their efforts and ordered away. There was nothing D-16 could do as his fellow miner died right before his optics even though there were medics less than a few meters away.
Underground Mining
After yet again proving his worth by working hard and training up the newbies who came from the scouting groups, D-16 was "promoted" once more and joined the ranks of the elder miners. He really wasn't all that old, but often life expectancy within the low castes, especially the mines, is not exemplary. Not only that, but if he thought that being a pit miner was dangerous, then his new station as an underground miner was infinitely more so.
Underground miners died to accidents, cave ins, injury, and any number of others things regularly. Some were even grabbed by creatures in the deep and others straight up vanished after falling into particularly large crevasses. There was no guarantee of survival, not even for miners with centuries of experience.
Thankfully the elder miners were kind and put D-16 on excavation duty until he was accustomed to the darkness and the dangers of the underground. And soon enough he learned what was required of him and joined his elders in mining away.
During his time as an underground miner he was made aware of some of the more intimate customs of his caste. He was taught to listen to the hidden songs of his comrades and swiftly figured out how to add to them. He learned how to snatch small portions of unprocessed energon and how to not get caught with it. And later, one he had lived more than a few years underground, he was invited to join his elders in their small celebrations and story telling sessions.
Through all this he really began to feel like he was part of a family, an odd family, but a family all the same. Hence he started doing what his elders had done for him, teaching the younglings and protecting them until they understood what was required of them. And against the better wishes of his peers, D-16 silently began planning for change.
Eventually D-16 became trusted enough to be "promoted" to the processing division. A function that was considered a great "honor" among miners due to how reading and writing were a skill taught upon the "promotion" being given. And while innocent enough for other miners, ones complacent with their place in life, for D-16, learning to read and write was a game changer.
During his working hours he would crush the energon crystals collected and send them through the purifier. But when off the clock D-16 watched, listened, and asked questions. He would talk with the dock workers and haulers that came to collect the energon, and through them he gained some contraband reading material. By working hard and winning a few card games against the shuttles that came by occasionally, D-16 was given the tools needed to write. With these two things, D-16 wrote his first set of poems, ones depicting his life as a miner.
Under an alias D-16 started to stir up the masses with his works that slowly stopped being poems and instead turned into controversial essays on the working of Cybertron. It wasn't a grand following by any means, but he was getting the average mecha to begin asking questions. And while he didn't know it at the time, his writing became the foundations of his revolution.
His peers kept his writing habits a secret, but eventually word got out to the overseers and D-16 knew he was done for. He was hauled out of his quarters and had the life beaten out of him. He expected death, but instead the overseers saw his build and had another plan in mind for him.
Before D-16 could even process what had happened to him, he was already on a transport to the Gladiatorial arena.
Long after his time in the mines, Megatron's vents still ache on occasion due to the constant abuse they suffered during his early years. He also feels phantom chills where old wounds he had carefully hidden from overseers once burned. And on top of that, he regularly finds his joints flaring up in pain from his time doing heavy labor nonstop.
He takes pain suppressors when he it becomes unbearable but his aches and pains are lingering scars from his origins.
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chaisshitposts · 11 months
hi chai i hope you don’t mind this ask as i feel this might come as unwanted advice that can seem somewhat pessimistic to some so i apologise in advance but i mean no harm.
I am only trying to help and wish i’d known this right when i started to “manifest” or enter the void, and also as someone who’s been on loablr since 2021 and have read possibly every single success story that exists on here, here are some things to keep in mind:
there are many people that did the 10k affirmation challenge and didn’t end up getting their desires, why? cause they most certainly affirmed 10K times for their desires (while it’s proven scientifically to work)
but still happened to fail, cause they most probably thought against their desires; which was the strongest argument the states girlies used to have.
REMEMBER: you cannot be two things at once, you either have it or you don’t so which side are you on through the day and as you fall asleep?
(i mention the falling asleep bit cause i personally felt anxious at times going to sleep knowing i am still not where i want to be so if you’re doing the same thing, please stop. That’s the state you’re falling asleep to😭 it’s doing you no good😭)
(also i am not siding with any method, all methods work)
lesson learnt from this: nothing matters if you’re not strict with your mental diet, your 4D, your imagination.
(I’m not saying you have to suppress your feelings cause that can’t be good)
@moonbakeries used to vent for as long as she liked but made sure to persist in her 4D and she changed her life. please go through her blog to understand this better.
when i see people being consistent for weeks on here doing everything right and coming you to update (i love to see the discipline) but can’t help and wonder if they are persistent with their new story throughout
because i have been in their shoes before and had little to no success. (and as i follow you i can’t help but be reminded of my own failure cause i’ve been there before and the burnout isn’t pretty.)
I appreciate your support to all of your followers. I mean no offence to anyone but i really think i had to come out of my lurking bubble and let my mistake be known loud and clear so that others don’t make the same mistake as I did.
I feel like if we all delete tumblr, strictly only persist in our 4D for a week straight, we all would be living our dream lives.
Proof: rae’s death revision success story @itsravenbitch
@moonbakeries dream life success story
time taken? seven days.
i know we are all different and we shouldn’t think of time as a relative thing cause it’s literally not real. so obviously don’t think of seven days as a deadline (silly of me to mention it now after saying all that lol but you get the point)
if you fall in love with your imagination, you won’t care about time and the 3D (i know it’s hard with circumstances which is why i still haven’t personally succeeded) but please try. It will change your life.
Reminds me of another success story (anonymous) they changed their gender just by identifying as their ideal gender. I cannot remember if it was ftm or mtf i’m sorry but whenever someone mentioned/referred to them as their older gender, they literally didn’t care cause they knew the were their ideal gender and one day, they woke up to being their desired gender. That’s all it took.
the most common takeaway from all success stories is: BELIEVE, TRUST, HAVE FAITH.
(yes, doubts are common)
@moonbakeries mentioned it too, people that entered the void had doubts too but managed to persist, @gorgeouslypink also doubted the void till the moment she entered herself but still entered the void.
The 3D (notice how i say “the” and not “your” cause it’s not yours) is none of your business.
Your 4D (imagination) is the real deal. Just like day is followed by the night, your imagination has to show up too, no matter what. let this sink in please.
I know discipline matters, please continue to do what you’re doing if it helps you stay consistent with your new story but actively make sure to persist in your new story, your FAV story. it’s so so crucial. That’s all!
I really want to be off anon but not sure how this message would be taken so i choose to stay anonymous lol
sending love to all!
thank you for your words of wisdom and motivation, I appreciate the strength it took to write this. I know that this will certainly be a wake up call to many.
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s1lly-gh02tz · 1 year
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I go by he/him pronouns
I am a minor
I’m an artist and sometimes an animator and writer!!
I don’t have many other socials but I do have a TikTok!! (Same user as my tumblr)
I love making fanart of characters from fandoms I’ve been in such as fnaf, dsaf, Dhmis, Batim, cuphead, spooky month, welcome home, undertale, animal crossing, deltrarune, the owl house, invader Zim, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, I Feel Sick, Squee!, murder drones, inside out 2, Smiling Friends, Gravity Falls, and sometimes my own characters!
I’ve made other posts about my ocs if you’re interested under some form of an oc tag lol I also have other tags like #rambles and #Lucifer loosing his marbles (first one is just me talking and the other is me talking but I’m going wacky)
Please only send in asks if they’re drawing requests. Unless you’re an irl friend or a mutual. I do not feel comfortable when people send in asks. Even if it’s asking for money. I am a minor and there is no way for me to send you money. ⚠️
If you’d like to hear more about my AUs or characters please don’t hesitate to ask! I love talking about them
I also SOMETIMES posts vents but I’ll usually delete them within a little bit so just ignore those lol
Drawing requests are open!!! However I won’t be able to get to them for a little while because I’ve got other stuff to do
I’m currently really into: Gravity Falls (no shit)
If you ask me to do something (for example continue an old au or draw something) I might not always respond/or do it. I probably have something going on that results in me not responding! So be patient and if you send me an ask i might not respond, but I really love when people send asks!
Alr that’s about it
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Drawing request info⬇️⬇️
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So yes as I said I do take drawing requests! I don’t charge or anything, it’s just something fun I like to do!
I will be able to answer/respond to requests however if I have something going on or will be busy for a period of time I will not be able to work on anything. I will update when I am able to take requests as often as possible!
I will draw:
Cartoony/non realistic things
Preferably 1-2 characters depending on complexity but I can draw more if requested
I won’t draw:
Darkships/ships I’m not comfortable drawing
Thats basically all I can think of for now. However if the request is something I personally don’t feel comfortable drawing, I’m not afraid to kindly decline the request. I apologize for any inconvenience this brings💔
Hope this helps idk anyone was wondering <3
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neonjstr · 5 months
How do u think Nacho and Jesse would end up getting along if they were to have ever met?
I think they'd be friends :D Nacho would definitely be annoyed with Jesse or dismissive of him at first (Jesse would absolutely make a dumbass comment about his name lmao) but eventually the Pinkman-One-Braincell-Charm would work on Nacho and he'd stop being mean to him. Jesse would be the talking one out of the two, with Nacho listening mostly, but I think Nacho'd eventually open up a bit or vent to him haha. Depending on when they met (for this lets just say beginning of BrBa Jesse) Nacho would probably try to steer Jesse away from dealing and "climbing the ladder" as much as possible (which IMO Nacho also tried to do with Domingo....can't remember if that's just a headcannon or not tho lol. Either way i think Jesse would be a bit of a surrogate Domingo to Nacho, since Nacho couldn't ever really be "friends" with Domingo when he was working under him but I think Nacho at least cared about him a little) or maybe even try to get him out of the business for good. Jesse would also force him to play Mario Kart with him even though Nacho has never touched a controller before lmfao. He'd introduce Nacho to his friend group and he'd instantly become an older brother figure. He and Jane would also become friends and he'd DEFINITELY end up getting a tat from her.
Thanks for the ask! (sorry for not answering sooner😭)
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