#it's been 20 minutes and they haven't even started actually climbing
sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
ignore this but i need to fucking vent bc i'm in tears in a fucking university and i really need to just. fucking.
my friends asked me to come rock climbing and i said maybe, and then said i wouldn't go bc i'm exhausted and have to be up early for work, and they said we could do something else after they go rock climbing, so i was like ok fine i guess we can go for a drink. and i was gonna meet them at the restaurant but they said they'd come pick me up first and then they BRING ME
so now i'm sitting alone in the hallway of a random fucking university with tears in my eyes bc my friends decided to fuck all our plans over last minute and NOT FUCKING TELL ME and now i'm over an hour and a half away from home and i'm so fucking miserable and mad and upset and i just. wanna scream
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masteraqua · 2 months
okay i need to take a break from thinking about it but i still want to share what i've been working on for my kh3 reimagining—now officially named KH3 Retry! get it? re-tri? you get it
so i've been thinking a lot about the kh3 prologue. if you saw my recent complaints about it, then you'll know i find the original sequence to be sloppy and forgettable, resulting in an incredibly weak start to the story. and so in light of that, i'm throwing the whole thing out and starting from scratch.
keep reading to see what i have in mind! 👀
i'm still working out some details, but here's what i know so far:
a teenage xehanort is the central character of the prologue rather than sora. i always found it bizarre that the main antagonist barely appears in kh3 until the finale, and i intend to correct that by starting the game with him, allowing us to get a glimpse inside his head to better understand his motivations and perspective.
as a direct parallel to kh1, we begin with a dream sequence. however, instead of a station of awakening, xehanort finds himself atop a gigantic alba & ater game board floating in a void.
i love the way the board is used throughout the kh3 opening as both a physical stage and a framing device. i'm incorporating both of those angles, but i'm also taking it a step further by making it playable. the tiered structure of the tiles would lend themselves well to teaching physics controls, don't you think?
the height of the tiles will change as the tutorial progresses, depending on what's being taught; walking/running, jumping, climbing, dodging, etc. maybe they'll form stairs or a labyrinth or even a pit if the situation calls for it.
here's some concept art! no i did not draw the board accurately, but you get the idea. baby nort for scale
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after completing the mobility tutorials, the ground will begin to shake and towering chess pieces will fall from the sky to fill the board, nearly crushing xehanort in the process. this will lead into the questionnaire that influences the level progression system.
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as this is xehanort's dream, the dream weapons this time around will be represented by chess pieces. i need to flesh this part out more, but the basic idea behind it is that everything in life is a strategy game to xehanort; move the right pieces to the right places and you'll win. so you choose which piece to play
here's a low-effort mockup of the pieces that can definitely be improved later
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as xehanort traverses the board, setting up his strategy, he will see visions playing out around him of events that have yet to pass—events he will one day be responsible for. this ties in to all the pieces that are now on the board, since they represent different characters. this also has the added function of reminding the player of the story up to this point.
there are several cool shots from the kh3 opening to use as reference here. it's a shame they go by so quickly
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after the questionnaire, there will be combat tutorials and probably a boss fight at the end, à la darkside and twilight thorn. i haven't thought it through yet, but i wouldn't dream of leaving out a big monster set piece battle. maybe he's fighting a representation of his own darkness? or somebody else's...
it might be interesting if he's using the gazing eye keyblade during this part, because he doesn't actually have it at this point in his life. i think that'd be very ominous from his perspective.
after taking down whatever metaphysical monster has been conjured by his psyche, the dream will end on a triumphant but foreboding note. altogether i think this sequence would take about 15-20 minutes.
but we're not done yet! continuing the parallel to kh1, xehanort awakes in scala ad caelum. he's sitting by the window in the classroom, game board by his side. he gives it an inquisitive look, still thinking about his dream.
i'm still contemplating what happens next, but the gist is this: playable scala. we should get a proper introduction to the world and be able to interact with the environment in order to learn more about what xehanort's life is like here. i think this is important in the pursuit of humanizing him.
there will probably be some minor objectives to complete, something small, maybe a fetch quest. would it be too on the nose to have a mock fight against eraqus with a score counter?
i have some ideas for how to incorporate story elements from dark road, but i need to think about them more.
this section doesn't need to take longer than 20-25 minutes, i think; it just needs to be enough to get a sense for the world. it's very important to me that it isn't as time-consuming as the kh2 prologue.
the last shot will have the camera follow xehanort's gaze up to the sky, followed by the title card.
speaking of which!!! i made a logo :)
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enchanted1waters · 1 year
you owe me pt3
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Self control for motley Crue was non existent, but when the new offer came up from how much loving publicity was brought by these music videos...it brought on a whole new realm.
So here we are, The boys dressed in leather, spikes, hairspray, eyeliner, heels, and more bondage than usual. They were all joking and throwing around fake rocks when I walked in, they immediately heard the tapping of heels, chains, my legs covered with a million type of fishnet and bondage. My hair teased, a mask like thing above my eyebrows,. Mind you I haven't been able to get ready for the past 20 minutes between hearing one of the boys and my bandmates FUCKING. So I just decided to be happy for whoever sounded like they loved life, and try to tune out the moans and groans. Before you say 'Scarlett you just need to get laid' I already get laid, whether its a girl or boy in my bed, I can't stop getting the hungry eyes of Lee and Sixx out of my rocking head.
As the band's eyes devoured every atom of my body, they were tuned back to reality when the director yelled to take our positions, Katey and Doc smiling as I rolled my eyes and pushed the boys aside. I hadn't been really informed much other than my poor babies, trace and Becks had to be in a cage with a lot of other girls. Almost naked, in the like if the same get up I had on.
But first I had to watch my girls climb over rocks and look around like they were waiting for something to swoop down and eat them. That's when the boys suddenly appeared putting on a show with delicious kinky outfits, hair looked too easy to pull, lips begging to be bitten and- ehm uh torches.. in their hands. I watched as the girls looked shocked into the camera and frantically fell in a huddle with frequent hand movements.
If it weren't for me seeing the girls behind the scenes I would've thought the women were actually scared. They did a great job, it was precious to watch Mick act like a lion behind Trace. They were adorable. Nikki and Tommy and even Vince were hard not find attractive during their predator like behavior. I was trying not to laugh as Tommy picked up Becca, this has to be literally down 5 times over because Becks wouldn't stop hitting Tommy everytime he picked her up and spun her. Tommy is not a Tommy fan for some reason. It was quite funny to watch this happen over and over though. The boys eventually cornered the girls into the cage and put their torches up around it.
The next to film was the band live and holy fuck were they so good it hurt. I had to smoke a cigarette to just barely distract me as Vince's rasp curled through the hair, Tommy railing the drums, flicking his head, and Nikki's hands as they curled so well it made the bass moan. Or maybe that was me internally. Either way I had to cross my legs during this.
Trace absolutely swooned as Mick shredded. Teasing eachother we laughed. The boys eventually started making their way to the girls, a little too enticing. Who was I kidding I was glad I wasn't in the cage, would've made me thing too much entirely about the other night.
Then it was my turn.
*The Boys' pov*
Nikki got completely lost in the music we all did every time we started playing a single chord. though all of our eyes kept darting to off scene, our main girls gazing at us like dinner. Eventually later after wrapped up the band scene, That's when the amazing effects started, the storm like wind, the hot chicks acting as prey. And then suddenly this huge rock started to break and there we saw Viper. I might as well get on my knees and beg for her poison me, hit me, kick me, kill me, anything she pleases. Cause holy fuck every muscle in my body twitches when I saw her. She had this badass shield too. Fuckkkk.
She seemed to be having fun as she looked at us like a villan in a comic, suddenly springing to action and flying sparks from her wrist thingy.
When we were on break the director pulled us and Scarlett over explaining that after she opens the gates for the girls, Vince will follow her into a tunnel. That's when jealousy brewed in Tommy and Nikki's stomach. Vince was a quicky type guy, didn't ever savor or devour shit long enough to let a girl enjoy, he just did it long enough for himself. I didn't give a shit who and how he fucked. Just not Scar. She was different, she deserved different. Not saying me and Tommy haven't been through half the population, just saying she deserves better than a smash and dash. It wasn't her worth.
*Viper's pov*
Next thing I knew after that little game plan huddle of Vince sending me a wink which I rolled my eyes so hard at, I could've sworn I checked out my own ass.
This led to me strutting down a stone tunnel, peering off to the side, a corner. Getting pinned, the camera following Vince who quickly found me and laid his hand on my cheek. Caressing me with a strangely gentle manner. His leg suddenly between my thighs, his hungry eyes and his toned arm pinning me against the wall, before I swatted his hand away after acting as if I was into it. I quicky walked away, swaying my hips as I disappeared in the fog. Him left untouched.
I then was out into another smoke filled room, my eyes scanning as if I had x-ray vision. That's when I heard loud boots behind me, I swiftly turned around to be met with a List filled Tommy, he was towering over me, just as I turned around to run the other direction I was met with a equally starving SIXX. My heart pounded at my chest, and shorts. My reproductive system was practically screaming. Corned by the literal terror twins. I shouldn't have felt the way I did, like such desirable prey. I quickly backed up between the two, trying to keep my thoughts straight, attempting to not cause this video to turn into a famous porno.
My fight or flight chose flirt, I instantly looked eyes with the boys, Nikki's hand on my shoulder lighting my body up like leather on a hot day. Causing my neck be thrown back, back arched, putting on a show. I suddenly felt Tommy's hand carefully holding the back of my head as if he thought I could break by how filthy my movement was. Then as soon as the tension split the air, I moved fastly running.
The next couple of hours was filled with the band playing way too well. The girls and I teasing each other, me watching some extras attempt and some successful in sleeping with Vince. Nikki and Tommy seeming to be spaced out everytime the girls touched or flirted with them. Which I was interesting to watch. Then it came time for me to stand in the four boys which took 30 minutes for something so fricking easy to do, because they wouldn't stop making each other laughing saying they felt like justice league, or talking about running a train or just the most stupid joke coming out one or the others mouth.
Eventually, we did get that music video done, leading to a huge fandom of shipping and asking for us to collab in more stuff. Yet we only had one more music video to film before they were scheduled for four. Which I didn't know what it was, and just so ya don't get too lost every second I've explained of my sad, feral, rocking life so far this chapter has only been a FUCKING week. So this particular Friday night after wrapping up looks that kill, none of us changed and just went straight to a club with a bar, who had tons of people recognizing us. Tommy and SIxx had both offered for me to ride on the back of their bikes to which I declined in respect of any hope I had left of self control.
That was until I got buzzed, and had a conversation that flipped a switch, so let me take you to the moment we walked in the club. My senses were automatically filled with cologne, perfume, sweat, sex, smoke of all kinds, hairspray, alcohol, heat, bright lights, wood, bodies everywhere, loud rock from Acdc to Metallica to the beatles. I found myself sitting on a stool when Tommy and Nikki sat on either side of me. Vince finding a 3rd woman for the night, (he has literally given up on any chance with Scarlett because of how whipped the two mullet wearing GAURD dogs are, constantly threatening him to stay away. Even Mick warning him to not mess with her.)
I raised an eyebrow as I gently rolled my tongue over the straw to my licker. "May I help you boys?" I smirked showing my wrist metal, "any damsels in distress?" Tommy quickly put his hand over his head and went faint, "UGHHH poor me, suffocating-lack of air- needed." He put out a hand throwing it towards me and gasping as me and Nikki lost it. "Musy have kiss- to...besavedddd!" He said smoothly as he began to choke on air.
I stood up and licked my lips, "Nikki kiss the choking man while I'm gone, gonna go dance a little, maybe I'll feel like baby sitting when I get back." I said with a wink before finding Grace and Becks in the floor. We all moved together as 'my kind of lover' came on the speaker, we slowly fell in a line. "Ya know, clearly were into to threesomes, but not romantically and from what I've heard from Mick this is the longest they've gone from hookups. I mean the man literally voted most sleazy has even rejected the hot model on set. Literally. Shunned her from his dressing room. Mick is saying you broke em. They both apparently made the new song with lyrics referencing you."
I scoffed and rolled my eyes, "Yeah cause, Nikki and Tommy The literal FUCKING terror twins can have romantic feelings." At that Becca grabs my hips and slams me back against her. Talking in my ear, "admit it, you're scared. You're scared they're gonna get bored. Boys like that don't write songs and skip models for a single night with you. They don't interrogate every person you know or have even spoken to ever just to try to see or talk to you again. I think you should face your fears. You're Scarlett fucking viper, you look at fear and punch it in the face after commenting how small its dick is. Don't let two boys in high heels stop that streak. If it doesn't work out or if they hurt you me, Mick, Trace and our fans will quite literally kill them. Break a fang, bitch." She said before pushing me away harshly.
With that godly advice in mind, I walked back over to the Bar, seeing a woman with teased hair and a sweet ass between my men. Did I just- nope definitely didn't anyways. I felt anger boil, I quickly walked over and leaned forward pushing past the girl who was squeezing Tommy's arm while touching Nikki's hand. Talking about how if they're good in concert they must be good in bed. She scoffed at my ignorance to her existence as I nudged her shile I grabbed my drink. She furned around and looked at me as I drank the entire pint while raising an eyebrow at her as she had the most hateful look on her face.
She started to talk, I cut her off with a finger in her face gesturing to the bartender, "one second needy, hey excuse me sir, yes can I get a bloody Mary? Great thanks." Then I looked back at the girl and rested my empty glass in Tommy's hand. Him automatically taking it as he watched the bitch at work. Nikki slyly smirking. Them giving each other glances as if they were speaking a secret language. The more I was around them the more I could understand.
That's when I tuned back into the girl rambling about how she was here first and how I was so rude blah blah. I then thanked and grabbed the bloody Mary from the bartender as she continued her lecture. I casually sippedon the drink, toying around with the little umbrella. "Are you even listening to me?" She said crossing her arms. I then looked up at her wife eyed. "Hm?" She then growled, "I SAID BACK OFF BITCH."
That's when shit went silent at her pitchy tone as it echoed through the crowd. I felt those bubbles in my blood start to boil. I knew I had issues, ive been to a doctor about them, them starting when I was a child. stuffing a rock up a kids nose after he snapped my friends barbie in half. Knocking another kid out my age when I was 13 with a log I picked up after he called my cousin a racial slur. Those were the only justified timesbof my adolescence. Most being caused by passive aggressiveness or just teens being teens. Men being men. Either way I always ended up with bloody knuckles or handcuffs on.
Either way, my body at some point had shut down, vision going black. Seeing only red, only acting on instinct.
*The boys' pov*
We have seen a lot of girl fights. Consisting of mud, bikinis, nip slips, moans. We've also seen the kind that happens with a slap or pulled hair. Rarely did we see a punch thrown, that was until we met our walking goddess. What an entertaining strangely arousing sight to see Viper's tongue poke in her cheek, which I've noticed happens before she gets violent. Then the girl said something even more insulting, if I'm being honest, I didn't listen to anything she says, just Her. Lord have mercy on my soul when this woman walks in the room. Next thing I knew my badass lil rocker chick poured her bloody Mary on the girls white shirt. This caused hollers from every direction including Trace telling her to beat her ass.
The girl then went to slap Scarlett and Scarlett caught her hand and looked her in the eye with most devilish smile as she right hooked her, when that didn't stop the girl from trying to scratch her with her bright pink nails, Scar grabbed the girls head and hit in on the bar. When the girl didn't get back up, groaning with a now broken nose, hurt hand, and bruised cheekbone. It was silent when me and Tommy started high fiving each other, Trace and Mick screaming fuck yeah, Vince then finally made it to the front of the crowd and was cursing at how inconvenient his timing was. "ITS ALREADY OVEE?!? I JUST GOT MY PANTS ON." He said with the roll of his eye as the guy was still shirtless. Apparently ran from a hookup after he was told there was a fight.
*Scarlett's pov*
I then snapped back into it as I felt my something wet and warm drip from my hands. I knew that feeling all too well, I looked down to see the girl who had just been in my face insulting me now on the floor groaning. "Oh shit, are you okay?" I said reaching out to her to help her up and she flinched telling me to back the fuck off. I then looked backed at the boys, "I'm gonna need another shot." I said before the boys showered me in affection I didn't deserve for beating up a chick. Didn't make me feel good. It made me feel out of my body when I blacked out like that. I was scared of myself. That's when I could tell the boys noticed. Their consistent jokes became less as their eyebrows furrowed at me as I nursed my drink.
I then felt a hand on my back, rubbing circles. Tommy's. He asked the bartender for a wet rag. Then began rubbing the blood off of my knuckles. The other large hand from the side brushing a strand of my hair behind my ear. I forced myself to make eyecontact with Nikki. My eyes threatened a gloss. He immediately looked at me like I've never seen. When he spoke it was as if I would shatter if he wasn't gentle, his voice slightly cracking at the empathy he seemed to feel for the first time in his entire lifetime. His large hand slightly rubbing it's thumb on the side of my face which I couldn't help but melt into, cracking my walls down.
"Hey.. hey hey, Scar. It's okay, you want me to take you home?." He asked clearly not meaning suggestively. I looked at Tommy as he delicately rubbed the stain off my skin. "Both of you?" They looked at each other and shrugged, "if that's what ya want, we aren't gonna come in or anything so it doesn't matter."
I then sat up and suddenly regain my sea legs, my charm switching back on. I looked between the two of them, "and what if I wanted you two to come in? I mean I could just be soooo lonely." I watched as their eyes transitioned from soft and caring to lustful. Their eyes quite literally burning into mine, Nikki crossed his arms and looked at Tommy, "It wouldn't be right to leave her alone all night, all the bad tears she could shed." Tommy then smirked at me, "yeah, it wouldn't be gentleman like to not give her some good tears in replace."
I then hopped off the stool, "chivalry isn't dead." I said causing them to laugh. I then walked out swaying my hips. I turned around to look at the boys, "who wants to give me a ride?" They both raised their hands and laughed as they pushed each other. "I'll let T-bone have the second ride, c'mon sugar. I'll give ya a fun ride, for now anyways." He said as he swung his leather clothed leg over the black metal made Bike.
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doctorstarinken · 1 month
Def Jam, Red Carpets, General Mills, and Studio Keys
My days usually belong to me. Even while on a project, my schedule for the most part is mine. I've freelanced long enough to know that I am very useless for any professional setting before 10am.
The last eight months have been a constant roll from project to project and I finally had some downtime during the last two weeks. Worst two weeks of 2024 so far. There is a deep restlessness in my system that cannot be tamed. No amount of therapy, religion, love, philosophy, ladder climbing, weed, alcohol, shrooms, sex, vacations, cortados, FIFA, i.a. has been able to quell it.
Perhaps god can? But my younger self's relationship with god featured exclusively around my ability to "bring the presence of god down during service." A fucked up thing to tell a young kid who already runs with an already over-inflated sense of worth.
Surely I can music for music's sake. Maybe when I'm old and very grey. Music has unfortunately never been for music's sake for me and I've always tied some sort tangible external outcome at the end of it whether it is "calling the holy spirit during service," a recital, jury, audition, performance, recording session, et al.
I'm not saying I don't enjoy it, I do. My mentor once mentioned that I probably feel for my craft deeper than how I feel for my wife. I think she would probably agree as she says that I'm obsessed. But how does one turn off an over active imagination that is now super-charged and optimized?
I've even started working out and honestly... I'm kinda feeling myself. I haven't felt and looked this toned since high school and my first two years in NYC. I'm not turning into a gym bro or anything and honestly the smell of multiple sweating humans around rubber, plastic, and metal is fucking nauseating. I've mainly started getting active as a means to sort of quell my mind.
Ya... that shit doesn't work. It maybe works for like the first 20 minutes post workout. I've tried high intensity things and cardio as well... it doesn't work and truth be told, I'm much to scared to play any sport in fear of risking a hand injury. Never mind pain. Imagine I can't actually play anything bc of broken hands/wrists. That doesn't bode well for anyone involved.
There's nothing wrong with feeling my best when I'm on a project that I care about. That is a blessing. Whether it is a film score or something as tedious as recording and editing an audiobook, there is something about my relationship with sound and my ability to manipulate it to be optimized that makes every part of my being locked in. That sort of hyperfocus in flow mode is addicting. The praise and admiration received after a project is finished is also addicting despite my best efforts to feign.
But mainly it is looking at a blank session, over populating it with any and every idea, dialing it back, finessing it, export, email, repeat. It is this rhythm where this restlessness is quelled.
All of this to say... someone please give me a large project to work on please.
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newgenog · 3 years
Wildmoore Week Day 5 - Alternate Meeting/AU
Alternate Timeline and Alternate Universe are basically the same thing, yes? Let's pretend if not. I borrowed from The Flash Armageddon Part 4 for this fic. As a Wildmoore fan, I'm really hoping you've already watched this crossover. If you haven't, huge HUGE spoilers are ahead. So, you should probably go do that first. Necessary end note also included. DT: @you-are-crazy-beautiful Thanks for the encouragement!
Sophie and Ryan are laying in bed, discussing Ryan’s trip to Central City for her best friend, Iris West’s rehearsal dinner. 
S: Do you really have to go? 
R: You really can’t come? 
These were rhetorical questions. Neither of them could or would change their plans, regardless of how much they wished there was a workable alternative to their current predicament.
S: If it was for anyone else but Jordan, you know I'd be there. Dammit, why didn’t we coordinate this better? 
R: I know, right? I'm sad I'm missing the community center's 10 year anniversary, too. I helped get that thing off the ground!
It wasn't as if Jordan or Iris would have actually exchanged notes on their ideal dates for such important celebrations. Whether this resulted from them enjoying the bliss of ignorance or absent mindedness caused by their hectic lives, it wasn't until a month ago that Sophie and Ryan realized they were going to have to miss the other's event. Sophie is sulking because Ryan's activity is taking her out of town, and Sophie is even a little jealous because she always has such a great time in Central City.
R: But, hey, it’s just a weekend - and not even that: two days and one night. I’ll be back in no time. 
They are on their sides, facing each other. Ryan leans in to kiss her wife. They’ve been making out, off and on, since they woke up, and Ryan is officially behind schedule. Early into their relationship, they’d made a habit of sleeping naked, which meant they were late to a lot of things. And, Sophie has used every weapon in her arsenal to stop Ryan from succeeding in her goal to start getting ready. 
R: Okay, I’m getting up now. 
Sophie has that questioning expression she makes when she's skeptical about something. It seems like an odd reaction to Ryan abandoning her in the bed.
R: What’s that look? 
S: You really think Eobard is the one? 
R: That’s not my job. My job is to be a supportive best friend. 
S: And if it doesn’t work out…?
R: Then my job is still to be a supportive best friend. I didn’t realize you didn’t like him, though. 
S: I didn’t say I didn’t like him. He's fine, I guess.
R: Okay...what, then? 
S: Do you think they’re like us? 
R: I don’t know if anyone is like us - not even Luke and Mary. 
S: You’re probably right. 
R: I have to go, and I’m not even going to kiss you again, because that’s why I’m late in the first place. 
S: And when you get back, we’ll take another look at the donor options? 
Ryan’s jaw drops, shocked at the lengths Sophie is willing to take to stall. 
R: Don’t you think we should settle which one of us is going to carry before we start paying for storage at a cryobank? 
S: I just think we can do those things in parallel. Why not be efficient with our time? 
R: Fiiinnnee. We can look at donors again when I get back. 
Ryan starts to roll over to climb out of the bed. 
S: What’s the hurry, anyway? It’s early in the morning and you’re heading out for a dinner. 
R: Soph, I was supposed to be getting ready 20 minutes ago. I promised to help Iris with whatever she needed. And, you’re trying to trap me in the bed again! 
S: What, my sex appeal isn’t enticing enough for you. I’m not worth being late for. 
R: You’re asking for it. 
Ryan reverses, and pins Sophie onto her back. She starts kissing down her neck and between her breasts. Just as Ryan is gently biting at Sophie’s hip, her phone begins to vibrate. 
S: Ignore it. 
R: It’s probably Iris. 
S: Of course it’s Iris. She’s like Miss Cleo, always knowing exactly when to call and ruin the moment. 
R: Babe, she’s getting married. Remember how much she was there for me when we got married. I'm taking this Maid of Honor thing seriously!
In the back and forth, they missed the call, but the caller is persistent and the phone vibrates again. Sophie surrenders, passing it to Ryan. 
R: Hey bestie! What’s up?
I: Alex says Kelly can’t make it either, so you fellow wives can be each other’s dates. 
R: That’s what you called for? 
I: Yeah, why? Bad time? 
S: Nothing a text couldn’t have accomplished. 
I: Is that Sophie? Tell her I said hey sis! 
R: I will. 
I: You’re leaving soon, right? 
R: Yup. I’ll be out of the door in 15 minutes. 
I: Great! See you soon! 
R: Bye girl. 
Ryan notices Sophie is peering over at her nightstand, clearly considering her options. 
R: You don’t need that. 
S: But you just said…
R: I’m already late.
Ryan made it to Central City an hour later than her initial plan, but Iris had built in plenty of cushion because she’s used to her best friend’s questionable time management, especially when it came to Sophie. After brunch, they spent most of the day running wedding related errands, and the later part of the afternoon getting ready for the Rehearsal Dinner. With Iris’s help, they’re early, and passing time while waiting for the remainder of their friends to arrive.  
I: I really appreciate all of your help today. 
R: Wouldn’t have missed it for the world.
I: Thank you, but I do know it’s not easy for you to leave. 
R: Batwing can take care of Gotham for 5 minutes. 
I: You know that’s not what I meant. 
R: Okay, that part is definitely harder. 
I: Exactly. I knew what 15 minutes meant when I called this morning. 
R: In my defense, Sophie and I had been talking about the baby plan!
I: Mhm…
R: We were! Eventually. 
I: You two are the worst. So, what’s the plan? 
R: I guess we’re going to start with picking a donor, and take it from there. 
I: Do you know what you’re looking for? 
R: Yes and no. 
I: What does that mean? 
R: There are things we know we don’t want. Like, he probably needs to be at least 6 feet tall, because if I carry, we need someone who’s going to offset my height. 
I: Are you thinking of carrying?!! 
R: No idea. 
I: Don’t you think you guys should figure that part out? 
R: That’s what I said?! Why is it so complicated deciding how to have a baby? The bat suit isn’t exactly baby proof, but I can’t force Sophie into 9 months of indigestion and swollen ankles. 
I: Sis, you are spiraling. Do you remember what I told you when I was your Maid of Honor? 
R: No, I was busy getting married, not taking notes.
I: I told you to stop thinking so much and to listen to your heart. If you want to have a baby, your heart will figure out the how. 
Barry Allen, a.k.a The Reverse Flash, interrupted the Iris West and Eobard Thawne Rehearsal Dinner, and then ran off. Team Flash and friends have been scouring every corner of Central City trying to uncover his whereabouts. Batwoman has not had any luck in her search. She gets into the batmobile and decides to check in with Sophie. She selects her wife’s number from the favorites in her contacts. 
S: Babe? Everything okay? 
R: Yup! Just laid out a few muggers and saved a young girl who was living out of her van. 
Ryan recalls the time she needed a hero for the exact same scenario, and the fact that this moment has come full circle is far from lost on her. 
S: That’s my wife! You guys find Allen yet? 
R: I wish. I searched the entire waterfront, and found nothing, but at least I did some good. I’m headed back to Iris to regroup. 
S: Tell her hi for me, and that I’m really sorry I’m not there. Talk to Luke, yet? 
R: No…but I saw his missed call. Why? 
S: You’re going to want to call him back. 
Good old Gotham, having the best, tragic timing ever. Ryan is not going to let whatever doom is pending break her concentration. She didn't actually just call to check in.
R: Alright, but can I run something by you really quick? 
S: Uh oh.
R: It’s nothing bad, I promise. 
S: Okay…What’s up?
R: Well, I’ve been talking to Iris about how we can’t decide who should carry. And, that it’s even kinda hard to pick a donor. 
S: Are you…having second thoughts? 
R: No - never! It’s just…I have been thinking. 
S: Yeah…? 
R: What if we adopt? 
S: Huh. 
Sophie's tone is reflective, which gives Ryan the momentum she needs to push forward.
R: Listen, saving that girl who was living just like I used to, and thinking about how Cora saved me. It feels like maybe that’s what everything was leading to. 
S: Babe…
Ryan hears Sophie's voice break, and she can imagine the way her mouth is twitched to one corner, like it always does when she worries over Ryan. She just hopes Sophie isn't also worried about how to remind Ryan that this wasn't the plan.
R: Will you at least consider it? 
S: No need. Let’s do it.
R: Really?! I was prepared to have to do at least a little more convincing.
S: I’m not going to lie. I have definitely been picturing a miniature version of one of us running around here, but I think you’re right. I think this might be the path we’re meant to take. It just makes sense, and I can actually see it, too. We should adopt.  
R: Ooh, yes! I love you so much! 
S: I love you, too. Hey, we'll talk about it more when you get home, but call Luke, okay?  
R: I’m on it 
S: Miss you. 
R: Miss you, too.  
For continuity and context, I chose to quote Ryan and Iris verbatim from the actual beginning scene in Armageddon Part 4. Use of that copy is in courtesy of the rightful owners, TM & © 2021 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Thanks for sharing, WB!
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julie-thefatones · 4 years
Ghost of You || Luke X Reader || Part 1
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Hello everyone!! welcome to my first Fanfic pretty much.... im really nervous about posting it, and really hope you guys like it! Im going to warn you that there are some punctuation mistakes, and probably some misspelled words, and run on sentences... but nobodies perfect eh? lol anyways Enjoy! please let me know what you think, I am already writing part 2 so if this goes well ill post that soon :)
A/N: Your best friends with Julie, since the stamp was removed from the boys they are able to be seen by lifers at choice and can touch lifers at choice, but are still ghosts. You and Luke grow closer and closer starting to go from friends to more than that and everyone starts to notice, it just takes a little longer for you two to figure it out.
Word Count: 2,352
First day of school is always hard, especially senior year.... big deal or its supposed to be. You have always had a hard time with school because it was just hard for you to focus, you were always thinking about what you would rather be doing like painting, singing, taking a walk, and most recently learning guitar which Luke had been more than happy to help you with. Luke, Luke Patterson he was a member of your best friend Julies ghost band, Julie and The Phantoms, which included members Luke, Reggie, Alex, and of course Julie. You always knew they existed but it wasn't until recently that you were really able to get to know them your self because until recently only Julie could see them. Ever since they had that curse of a stamp removed from them, they pretty much can choose whenever they want to be seen or touch anything. It has been nice, because now you can really be apart of your best friends new world, you also got to make 3 new really fun and funny friends, they were just as chaotic as you and Julie. You and Luke really clicked from the moment you and him were able to actually see each other, well he has always been able to see you, but this way was much better. Since you and Luke hung out all the time, you found your self spending hours with him a day. In fact thats where you were before school, was with Luke, you guys had this little place by a lake you loved to hang out at, which caused you to be late for your first day.
So deep in your thoughts you didn't even realize you made it to your locker until you heard the all so familiar tone of your best friend calling out your name as she approached your locker "y/n!!! I didn't even see you pull in" Julie said as she now rested against the lockers next to you "Hey Jules! sorry I over slept and was late" Julie rolled her eyes "On your first day! man you really setting the bar high this year" she said laughing at you, You laugh too at the obvious sarcastic tone in her voice "alright, alright!! ms setting the bar high, we better get to class" you say punching Julie playfully in the arm before heading down the hallway to class.
As you sat in class, you started to feel really bad about lying to Julie about the real reason you were late to school today, you just didn't know how to explain how much you and Luke have been hanging out with out her asking a million questions, but its not like it was a big deal. Trying to get out of your head you try to focus on Mr. Berty who was describing the different factors of algebra which you never understood anyway, so you just write notes in hopes that when you study it later you'll understand it.... which never happens either. As you're writing notes you notice something in the window, in the corner of your eye, not really thinking anything of it until you notice that the thing is jumping up and down and no one else is noticing which could only mean one thing. You look to the side and you see Luke in his orange beanie and Rush tank top jumping up and down waving his arms in order to get your attention with the biggest smile on his face, you laugh to your self, and then realizing he must want something, looking at the clock you realized you still had 40 mins left in this class *Oh my gosh! for real its only been 20 minutes!* you thought to yourself; quickly looking from the clock to the window where Luke was still jumping, you raise your hand "Yes ms. Y/L/N" you bring your hand down faster than you want to, slightly hurting it on the desk "May I use the restroom please?" you ask hesitantly, eager to know what Luke wants, Mr. Berty sighed with annoyance "If you really need to, I suppose, but make it fast ms. Y/L/N" you stand up a little to excited "Thank you mr. Berty" you said as you scurried out the door.
When you made it outside Luke stopped jumping, but his smile remained. You loved his smile, it was contagious, you noticed you were smiling too "Luke! what are you doing here" you said punching his arm playfully, he laughed and grabbed his arm pretending that the punch hurt him "Wow the abuse Y/N" with a smirk he continued "Someone help!!! im being abused someone help!!!" you roll your eyes and smack your hand over his mouth "Not that anyone can hear you, but shut up! that did not hurt" you say with a small laugh, as he is laughing underneath your hand "What are you doing here Luke?" you say with your hand still on his mouth, you feel his smile grow bigger underneath your hand "Well, Y/N, Im here because I got something for you!! but you have to come with me to get it" he said with pure excitement, still with your hand on his mouth, then he licked your hand to get it off, you pull away in knee jerk reaction, he smiled "Sorry! as much as I love your hand on my mouth we need to go!" he said eagerly, you laughed and rolled your eyes "Luke, you do realize im at school right?" he grabbed your hand pulling you across the school field "Yeah! but if you really cared about that, you wouldn't have come outside would you" he said, still with the biggest smile on his face, you rolled your eyes even more and gave in knowing he was right "Alright! but where are you taking me" you exclaimed, speeding up to be side by side with him instead of him dragging you, he looked at you, and bit his lip still excited "aha! you'll just have to wait and see" he said and you both smiled. As you kept walking you realized never Luke never let go of your hand from when he was dragging you..... not that it meant anything, it felt nice though.
It took about 15 mins to walk to you and Lukes usual spot by the lake, still holding hands you approached the tree you guys likes to sit by, or sit in depending on if you wanted to climb, which about 90% of the time Luke did.. also doesn't help he can just teleport up there if he wants to, where as you had to do it the hard way while he just laugh at you trying to climb up. This time Luke wasn't going up the tree, he let go of your hand, which kind of made you sad, but then you saw the look on Lukes face, which was pure excitement "Stay right here Y/N!" he said firmly grasping your shoulders to make sure you stayed in place, as he hopped over to the tree "CLOSE YOUR EYES!" he yelled from behind the tree grabbing something, but you obeyed closing your eyes and before you knew it he was in front of you, you could feel it "Alright, you can open" he said softly, you opened your eyes, and there Luke was with the same smile, holding an acoustic guitar, you could tell it was a nice one, just from the shine on it and how pretty the strings looked, you didn't even realize your mouth was wide open until Luke laughed "Ya like it?" he exclaimed, and you just looked at it "Is that for me?" you asked shocked and excited, Luke laughed "Is that for me?" Luke mocked you "Yeah its for you! ya dork" he continued as he hopped over around you, to get behind you so he could place the guitar in front of you for you to hold, you could feel his arms brush against you... which you like as much as the hand holding but, a little more ... again it didn't mean anything, he was just a friend... and Julies band mate. Luke continued talking taking you out of your trance "Ya never answered me though, do you like it" He said still behind you, but now you were holding the guitar, you just looked at it in awe "Where did you get this Luke? How did you get this?" you asked still in shock, Luke just laughed "Don't worry about that!" he said with a mischievous tone, and then you got worried "Luke you didn't ?!... you didn't steal this right!" you asked with actual concern, you wouldn't put it past him, he just laughed and in a teasing tone said "Ouch! you think I would do that Y/N.... Im not that bad!" and then he continued but more serious this time "No! I didn't steal it, Since I have this new found power of choosing when to be seen and stuff, I picked up a small job at the music store downtown, thought why not earn some money.... and then when you asked me to teach you how to play guitar, I wanted to get you your own.... sooooo I have been saving up ever since" he said in a soft tone and then you felt him come closer to you from behind, but now he was putting his hands on the guitar softly playing a melody, while pretty much holding you, as he played the melody you could feel his breath on your neck.... you guys have never been this physically close before, right before you got to lost into your thought Luke continued talking "You! still haven't answered the question though!!! do you like it??" he exclaimed with a teasing tone once again, which caused you to laugh, and you turned around in his arms making the current position pretty much a hug but Lukes holding a guitar "Of course I like it you dork!!" you said excited and continued "This is the nicest thing anyone has done for me...." you looked into his eyes and with a soft tone said "Thank you" he smiled, a soft smile, and his whole face became soft as he relaxed the guitar down by both your sides and looked deeper into your eyes "Of course...." he said softly, both of you just looking deeper into each others eyes, you felt some kind of connection, and you felt like you both were getting closer and closer to each other and then a voice came from behind both of you, causing both of you to shake out of the trance you both shared "Hey! Y/N! Luke! what are you guys doing out here?
You and Luke both jump, moving away from each other as you see Reggie come out of the trees eating a meatball sub. You and Luke look at each other confused as crap as to why Reggie was there and how he knew about it "Hey Reg!" Luke said a little nervous putting his hand behind his head messing with this beanie, you looked flustered flashing your eyes from Luke to Reggie and back to Luke who continued talking "the real question is what are you doing out here buddy?" and Reggie just chuckled a little, while taking another bite off his sandwich "Well, I went to the school to see Kayla like I always do, we like to eat lunch together, then I saw you two run off and thought I would follow" Reggie said with a full mouth, you and Luke shared a look "So you have been here the whole time?" you asked, wondering how you guys didn't notice Reggie was behind you guys the whole time, Reggie smiled a meatball smile since his mouth was still full and he answered "Yeah!! but I wanted to eat my sandwich so I decided to sit down in those trees and eat it" Luke looked at Reggie with a confused look "But Reg, isn't that your sandwich?" Luke asked still confused, and Reggie looked at him, again with a meatball smile "No! this was supposed to be Kaylas sandwich but since I didn't see her, because I followed you guys... I decided to eat it!" You and Luke laughed and Luke stepped forward patting Reggie on the shoulder "Kayla is one lucky girl Reg!" Luke said teasing Reggie, you laughed in response, and then Reggie went back to his initial question "So what are you guys doing out here?" he asked taking yet another bite of the sandwich, in which Luke got nervous again and answered Reggie with a slightly nervous tone "Hey! shouldn't you be getting back to the school, Kayla is gonna be wondering where your at bud" Reggie stopped chewing and his eyes grew big and he looked at Luke "Youre right! awww man, im gonna have to go get another sandwich" Reggie answered in a high pitched nervous tone "Ill see ya guys later!" Reggie said while running away nearly tripping over his own feet. You and Luke sighed and looked at each other, Luke smiled "Well should we get you back to school as well?" Luke asked you with a soft tone added with a light chuckle at the end, you nodded "Yeah, Lunch is gonna be starting soon and Julie is gonna be wondering where I went" you responded, and then looked at your guitar and looked back at Luke "I love my guitar Luke, I really love it!" you said as you wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a tight hug, he responded by wrapping his arms around your wait pulling you in tighter, when you guys released from the hug you shared another look, quickly shaking it off with Luke responding "I cant wait to teach you some more chords on it!" he said back to his excited state from when you first got there, skipping forward grabbing your hand again as you guys walked back to school together.
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Big Cock Boy's (2)
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Read Part One: Here 
Warning: Smut, Bit of angst 
Word Count: 3.7k
Baekhyun had thought he was prepared, but ultimately he wasn't. He has expected you to be the type to tease him at first. He thought you'd be like many of the other girls he had been with, like the type to kitten lick the tip of his cock, then suck the tip a bit before working your way down.
But he was oh so very wrong.
Instead, you started off strong with slowly taking his entire cock down your throat and holding it there while he thrusted his hips gently. He swore he could have cum right then.
However you were unimpressed with how gentle his thrusts were. This man boasted about how huge his cock was, relatively true, and about how rough he was. But you weren't seeing the rough, instead he was acting like a little bitch.
You slowly take his cock from your mouth, looking up at him with disappointed eyes.
"What the fuck?" You ask.
"What? Why'd you stop?" He whines, sticking out his upper lip.
"Earlier you said, and I quote 'i get rough as fuck' and I'm just wondering where that rough is? Cause right now, you're disappointing me." You huff.
"I just didn't want to hurt you." He murmurs.
"I'm a big girl, I can handle it. Now fuck my mouth like a man!" You yell.
Baekhyun's eyes go dark as he slides his cock back into your mouth, grabbing a clump of your hair before ramming his cock down your throat.
Here we go.
"How's this for rough?" He grunts as he continues to thrust his cock into your mouth.
You love it. This is what you wanted, you wanted him to fuck your throat raw before fucking your pussy, which was now drenched.
You had planned on taking him out of your mouth after one more deep thrust so he could in fact fuck you, but apparently Baekhyun had other plans, plans he did not discuss with you.
"Shit I'm gonna cum." He grunts, his grip on your hair tightening as he shoots a load into your mouth. You immediately swallow out of habit, but are so not impressed.
"Fuck. That was.. fuck." Baekhyun huffs, stumbling backwards to fall on his bed.
You stand up, licking your lips to gather any access cum before you begin yelling. Now is not the time for cum to be flying everywhere.
"What the fuck?" You shout.
"What?" Baekhyun asks, his arm laid over his eyes as he catches his breath.
"Umm.. why'd you cum?" You ask.
Baekhyun props himself up on his elbows with an eyebrow raised. "Was I not supposed to cum?" He asks.
"Not you weren't, shithead. Do you not remember after all your talk about how you get rough with blow jobs, that you will 'tear that pussy up'. I was waiting for that tearing." You say, very obviously disappointed.
"Well shit. You didn't say you agreed so I just assumed.." he trails off.
"I also didn't deny it either. Christ. Well now I'm going to have to tell everyone you are decent at receiving blowjobs, but your communication is severely lacking and your pussy game is weak." You sigh.
"Excuse me!? Weak? You haven't even tried it. Stay there. Give me 20 minutes. Don't move." He shouts before running to his bathroom.
Baekhyun stands in front of his mirror, naked, with his hands on his hips as he stares at his mostly flaccid cock.
"Come on, buddy. Let's go General. Stand at attention. Our pussy game is not weak. It's time to perform." He whispers, hoping his cock is listening.
Baekhyun hears a smothered laugh front outside the door and he knows it was because of him. You heard him whispering to himself, but he didn't care. It was a technique that worked for him. He stares down again, whispering," C'mon ...be strong...."
Turning the shower on for privacy, he imagines the hot, wet suction of your mouth. The way your tongue stroked and wrapped around the head of his dick. His cock twitches from the delicious memory, a shiver races from his spine to his cock from the recent sensation.
"You okay in there?" You ask, softly knocking on the door.
Looking down at the strong thick erection he's now sporting, Baekhyun looks back up to smirk in the mirror before shutting off the shower and lights, only for his jaw to drop at the sight before him now.
He looks good. His muscles were slightly bulging, his hair was in the perfect place. Damn, he looked absolutely amazing. You were a lucky girl right now.
Baekhyun confidently unlocks the door, leaning himself against the door frame as his cock stands straight out. He clears his throat for you to turn around and see him in all his glory.
And when you didn't turn around, he frowned and cleared his throat even louder. And then your phone rang.
"Hello?" You said answering the call. "Yeah I have time. I'll be right there." You finish by hanging up. Without even looking behind you, you yell out a goodbye to Baekhyun and exit his room like he wasn't just planning to pound the life out of you.
"Did she just.." he scoffs. "Now what am I supposed to do?"
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Baekhyun scoffs at his phone, throwing it on the bed. Why did he feel the weird urge to try to get you to come over again? He wanted to see you. But you know, just to fuck you and then never talk to you again.
Although it sort of hurt his heart when he thought about not being able to see you again. Fuck Baekhyun, cut it out. He groans as he heads back to the shower to jerk himself off, while he thought about what you would sound like while being fucked. He bet your moans sounded amazing, just like how your pussy probably felt.
Fuck, he wanted you, and the next weekend he would have you.
The next Saturday came and Baekhyun was deciding how to get you over. Text? Would you come if there wasn't anything going on?
A party. That's what he needed. Baekhyun hopped in the shower quickly, and when he had finished his shower, he swiftly got dressed and rushed downstairs.
"Boys get ready, we're having a party tonight." He smiles, pulling out his phone to text you.
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That night you arrive back at the frat house, ready to get drunk. Baekhyun had been messaging you about all the things he wanted to do to you, and you weren't excited but a part of you also felt nervous. So what better way to loosen up than a few shots and some dancing to tease the one you're after.
The moment you walk into the house, the music is blaring, there's people everywhere but still you manage to catch Baekhyun's eyes immediately. He's sitting on the couch, his face stone cold as some girl sat beside him, desperately trying to get his attention.
He paid her no mind. His eyes followed you until you disappeared into the kitchen.
"S'cuse me." He murmured to the girl, standing up to find you.
As Baekhyun walks into the kitchen, he sees you downing another shot, with Kai. He could feel his body start to heat up as he watched you laugh with Kai, as he leaned in close to you and whispered in your ear.
Baekhyun knew what Kai's 'I'm going to fuck you' eyes were, and he was definitely sporting them with you. Unable to control his jealousy, Baekhyun began walking closer to the two of you, and got close enough to hear you turn him down.
"I'm sorry, I'm actually here to see Baekhyun. Just needed a drink, or 5 first." You laughed.
Baekhyun immediately relaxed. He felt a sense of accomplishment that you chose him over Kai, considering every woman and their mother and grandmother wanted to fuck him.
"Hi baby." Baekhyun whispers in your ear, startling you.
"Hi." You blush. You wanted to play hard to get with him, and it was easy over text but when you were face to face with him, you had no control and you hated it.
"Let's go." He smirks, grabbing your hand to pull you with him. Instead of heading towards friends, or the dance floor, Baekhyun dragged you up to his room like he was on mission.
Once the two of you were in there, and he closed his door, his eyes went dark.
"Strip." He growls, eyeing you up and down. Your pussy felt wet immediately from his dominance.
You began taking your shirt off slowly, throwing it somewhere in his room. Next, you took off your shorts, slowly sliding them down your legs before you tossed them across the room.
Baekhyun's breath hitches as he stares at you standing in front of him in only a red lace bra with matching panties.
"Keep going." He insists.
You reach behind you, unhooking your bra letting it fall to the floor.
"I'll do these." He says hooking his fingers in the band of your panties before kneeling down and sliding them down with him.
A shiver fell down your spine as Baekhyun's finger traced down your legs, and then back up, moving over your hips, up your sides, over your breasts before wrapping around the back of your neck.
He slowly pulls you forward, placing his lips onto yours pulling you in for a deeper kiss. You ready your hands down, gripping the hem of his shirt before pulling it up and over his head, having to break the kiss.
Baekhyun quickly fumbles with his belt buckle, trying to take his pants off as quickly as he can. "I've been waiting for this." He smirks.
"Lay down." You smile, pointing to bed.
Baekhyun lays down, his cock already erect and ready for you.
"I want to try something." You admit. Baekhyun raises an eyebrow as he watches you climb on the bed before standing above him with your legs on either side of him. You bend down onto your knees and grip his cock. Baekhyun assumes you're going to slip him inside you, but that's not the case.
Instead, you push his cock forward slightly and straddle him, grinding your clit against his cock.
"Holy..shit.." Baekhyun groans as you continue to slide yourself against him.
You look Baekhyun in the eyes as you reach your hands up, cupping your breasts before tugging at your nipples, and squeezing.
"Dam, baby" Baekhyun groans. "Please let me fuck you." He whines.
"Yes." You moan, wanting to cum while he fucks you instead.
Right as you lay on your back, and Baekhyun lines himself up with your entrance, the door to his bedroom swings open, revealing a panicking Chanyeol.
"Bro!" He huffs, and then looks at what is currently about to happen. "Nice" he smiles, winking at you.
"Dude!" Baekhyun yells, pushing you off the bed and covering himself with a blanket.
"Suho is about to go against Johnny from NCT. We need you!" He yells, bolting away from the door.
"I.." Baekhyun stutters looking at you and then back at the door.
"Go." You huff. "I'll be here." You finish.
Baekhyun gets up and gets dressed before running after Chanyeol. You lay in his bed annoyed and confused, but waited.
And waited.
And waited, until you eventually fell asleep in the comfort of Baekhyun's bed. You woke up startled around 3am, still in his bed and still alone. Annoyed, you quickly got dressed before heading downstairs, wanting to leave as quick as possible. You had assumed Baekhyun was out dealing with whatever he needed to handle, but apparently he wasn't.
Instead Baekhyun was leaning back on the couch, his arm wrapped around the same girl who was trying to get his attention earlier. She was snuggled into his side and your heart broke a bit. But it wasn't like the two of you were dating or anything. Doesn't mean it didn't hurt. As much as you didn't want to admit it, you liked him and you thought he liked you too.
"Y/N.." Chanyeol loudly exclaims to get an intoxicated Baekhyun's attention.
You could see Baekhyun's face go from laughing to panicked at the mention of your name. He moves his arm from around the girl, standing up to go to you. Instead, you waved bye quickly and began walking away from him.
"Please wait." He yells, grabbing your wrist to stop you.
"What do you want, Baekhyun?" You ask, crossing your arms.
"I'm sorry.." he whispered.
"Sorry for what, exactly?" You ask, wondering if he even knew why he was apologizing.
"For leaving you upstairs and staying down here after things settled." He says. "And for being close to that girl." He finishes, lowering his head.
"Nah, don't apologize. It's all good. It's not like we're together anyways." You snap, walking away before he can say anything else.
That morning you laid in your bed thinking about the scene you had seen last night and your heart hurt. You shouldn't have acted on anything with him. You sighed as your phone dinged. New message.
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Your finger hovered over the block button as you waited for another text from him, but nothing came.
Clearly he didn't care, and now you would have to try to not care either. You turned off your screen, not bothering to block him. He doesn't care anyways.
Monday you heard nothing.
Tuesday, nothing.
Wednesday, nothing.
As Saturday evening rolled around, you had still heard nothing from him. You didn't understand, even though it had only been a few weeks, there was something about him you liked. You still did no matter how much you didn't want too.
"Party at Beta Pi's tonight!" Your friend Moonbyul yelled excitedly. "We're going right?" She asks.
She knew the entire Baekhyun situation, and while she sympathized with you, she wanted to fuck Sehun but was too nervous to go to the house alone.
"We'll get you looking all fine and sexy, and find you another man!" She exclaimed. Maybe that's what you needed? Maybe if you got under someone else, you'd be able to get over Baekhyun.
"Hell yeah." You smile, heading to your closet.
An hour later, you two emerge from your shared house, looking fine as fuck. You had decided on a black mini skirt, with a red lace bralette and red pumps, while Moonbyul had gone for a tighter skirt with a bralette.
The two of you looked amazing.
As you walk into Beta Pi, you try your best to not scan the room looking for Baekhyun, but you can't help it. You're disappointed when you don't see him anywhere, so the two of you make your way to the kitchen for some drinks.
30 minutes later your buzz has officially kicked in and Sehun drags Moonbyul away. You turn around and become face to face with a smirking Kai.
"Hey there beautiful." He smiles.
"Hi." You hiccup.
"Would you like to dance?" He asks. You nod your head, placing your hand into his as he pulls you to the dance floor.
You turn around, pressing your ass against his crotch as you move your hips to the beat. You can feel Kai becoming more excited as you dance on him, only until you don't feel any warmth behind you and hear some yelling.
Turning around, you're met with an extremely pissed off looking Baekhyun.
"The fuck are you doing!?" He yells at Kai.
"Bro, we're just dancing." Kai laughs, pulling you closer to him.
"That's my girl you're dancing with. So back the fuck off." Baekhyun yells, grabbing your wrist and pulling you upstairs with him.
He pulls you into his room, slamming the door behind you.
"What the fuck was that!?" He yells at you, his fists clenched tight.
"I was dancing. Why do you even care?" You ask.
"Because. You can't be doing that." Baekhyun murmurs.
"That's not a good enough answer. Why not? I'm a single girl, I can do whatever the fuck I want." You snap. "You ignored me. You didn't text me. What the fuck was I supposed to think? You don't care." You slur.
"You told me not to text you!" He yells.
"Yeah but if you like someone, you're supposed to do it anyways." You pout.
"How's this. You're mine, now and always. Better?" He smiles.
Your heart skips a beat at his words. You can't help but smile. "So what exactly does it mean?" You question, wanting to make sure you fully understand.
"It means you're my girlfriend and I'm your boyfriend." He smiles. "Okay?"
"Okay." You grin. "Let's go back to the party, I wasn't done drinking." You giggle.
"No no baby. You were awfully naughty tonight. You've got to pay for teasing me with Kai." Baekhyun smirks, his cock clearly twitching in his jeans.
Your pussy drips as your mouth begins to water. "Yes." You breathe.
"Yes what?" He asks.
"That's right baby." He says, pushing you onto the bed, not bothering to remove your skirt.
He parts your legs as he pulls you closer to the edge, gripping tightly to your thighs. He hooks his fingers into the top of your panties and slowly drags them down your body until your pussy is bare.
Baekhyun licks his lips as he kneels down, spreading your lips before burying his face between your thighs. He licks a strip up your wet pussy, causing shivers to trickle down your spine.
“Fuck” you groan as he latches his lips to your clit, sucking harshly. You and he both knew that this would end up with not much foreplay, almost straight to fucking.
You move your hands to his head, grabbing a chunk of his hair as he flicks his tongue against your clit, over and over again. You move your hips in a circle, grinding them against his face. You let go of his hair and instead lift your bralette, exposing your perky breasts.
Baekhyun reaches his hand up, cupping your breast before he pinches your nipple, rolling it between his fingers.
“Just like that” you cry out, your orgasm building. You've been waiting for this for too long.
Baekhyun quickened his pace, switching between using his tongue and his lips.
Your hold on him tightens as your orgasm comes closer, a few more licks from Baekhyun and you're almost over the edge, when he pulls his mouth away from you.
He licks his lips and smiles at you before he stands up and undresses himself, his cock springing free.
“Ride my cock baby." He says, sitting on the edge of the bed.
You happily climb onto his lap, straddling him as he holds his cock up so you can line yourself up with him.
You slowly sink yourself down, his cock stretching you out as he completely fills you up.
“Shit baby” he hisses, as you slide down fully on his cock. "Even better than I imagined." He groans.
Baekhyun places his hands on your hips, guiding you back and forth as you begin rocking yourself on his cock.
Within seconds you’re bouncing yourself on him as he hits your G spot everytime, while your clit perfectly grinds on him.
“F-fuck” you cry out as Baekhyun bucks his hips, pushing himself inside of you further. He was always right, he definitely belonged to the Big Cock Boy's club, you'd happily admit it to anyone.
“That’s it baby. You ride my cock so well” he groans, slowing you back down to rocking your hips.
"You like that? You like riding my cock like a dirty slut?" He grunts, taking his hand off your hip and moving it to wrap around your throat. “Do you?” He asks, squeezing your throat.
You nod harshly as it becomes hard to breathe. Baekhyun releases your neck allowing air to flow through again.
“Yes” you cry, as he chokes you again.
“You better cum for me baby” he grunts, snapping his hips up to meet you as you fall back onto him.
You rock your hips, your moves now harsher as you desperately reach for your climax.
“Oh my god” you cry out, your orgasm hitting you out of nowhere, spreading through your body like wildfire.
You stop all movements as your orgasm tears through you and you grip onto Baekhyun tightly.
He grunts as he holds onto your waist, snapping his hips harshly inside you yearns for his own much needed release.
“Fuck baby, you gunna let me cum in that tight pussy” he grunts, his thrusts becoming harsher and more eager.
“Yes, oh god yes” you cry out, hiding your face in his neck as he works on his release.
After a few more thrusts, Baekhyun cums, coating your walls with his cum, milking himself until he’s done.
The two of you sit there for a moment, catching your breath. Baekhyun chuckles as you take yourself off of him, and head to the bathroom to get cleaned up.
"So worth the wait." Baekhyun huffs, laying down in his bed.
"Definitely." You smile, standing in the doorway of the bathroom, looking at him.
"Come to bed." He smiles, patting the spot next to him.
You both smile as you crawl in, laying on your side and Baekhyun wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you in closer to him.
"I'm so happy." He whispers as the two of you drift off to sleep.
It had been a few months since you and Baekhyun had started dating and things were going well but now you had news for him.
You sat on the couch of the frat house as you waited for him to get back from class, your leg shaking while your hand squeezed the piece of plastic that would make or break your relationship.
Baekhyun walks through the door with a smile on his face until he sees your concerned face.
"Baby what's wrong?" He asks, kneeling in front of you.
You can't say anything, and instead you hand him the thing you've been holding.
Baekhyun looks down, his eyes go wide as his head shoots up to look you in the eyes. He somehow manages to get the words out..
"You're pregnant!?"
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rebelwrites · 4 years
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Chapter Twenty Four: It’s Over Baby
Warnings: fighting, guns, blood, death
Join The Group Chat Here // Chapter List / Masterlist // March Writings
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Today was the day. The day Brooke faced her demon face to face. The day everyone was dreading.
Everyone was sitting around the table, Xavier wouldn’t let Brooke off his knee but she didn’t mind as it was keeping them both calm. Brooke didn’t get much sleep the previous night as her mind kept thinking of today and all the way things could go wrong.
“So there’s no more pain right?” Alex asked Brooke.
“Nope and I don’t have any pain riding either” Brooke nodded.
“Wait how do you know that?” Xavier asked.
“I may have snuck out after you fell asleep and rode around the compound because I couldn’t sleep” Brooke said leaning back into Xavier.
“That’s why you were in somewhat of a good mood this morning” Xavier laughed, shaking his head.
“Brooke” James said taking a deep breath “it’s time to sent the text”
Xavier watched as Brooke hovered over the send button, she took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she hit sent before tossing her phone on the table.
Tom, I want to come home, meet me in the woods at 5pm. Come alone.
She felt physically sick as all the worries creeped back into her mind.
What if the plan didn’t work? What if she ended up back there? What if she got killed? What if…
She had so many thoughts it was making her head spin. She needed to get out of her, she needed an escape.
“I’m sorry this is too much” she whispered, climbing off Xavier’s knee and walked out of the room.
She ignored everyone that spoke to her as she headed straight towards the garage. Grabbing her leather bomber jacket off the hook, she slipped in on before putting her helmet on and grabbing the keys from the hook. As she straddled the bike she felt the engine rumble under her causing a small smile to appear on her lips. Slamming the visor down she remotely opened the garage door before giving her bike full throttle speeding out and racing around the compound.
At least in this moment she felt free as the wind battered her jacket.
"I knew this was going to be too much for her," Xavier sighed, running his hands through his hair.
"Xav she will be fine, she just needs to process the information. She used to do this when we were kids, remember" James smiled at the memory.
"I don't even know where-" Xavjer said before stopping mid sentence as the roar of her bike got louder and then faded.
He smiled, he should have known. Every time things get hard Brooke goes for a ride. She has done since she was old enough to ride a bike. A loud thud on the window brought him out of his thoughts. Looking over to see the once clear glass was now covered in grass and mud.
"Think we are going to have to replace the grass" he laughed, shaking his head. He didn’t care if it kept his bumble bee calm then He would replace the grass as long as they both lived.
"I'm gonna see what mess she has caused" Xavier laughed walking out the room.
As he stood on the grass just watching as Brooke tore up the compound. She didn’t see him at first but as soon as she did she raced over to him, skidding around him covering him in grass and mud. Once she had righted her bike, in one movement she cut the end, kicked the kickstand and lifted her muddy visor up smirking at Xavier.
"Oops" she giggled as she climbed off her bike.
Xavier laughed as he shocked the mud and grass out of his hair
"Feel better?" He whispered wrapping his arms around her. No words were said but she nodded into his chest.
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It was now four ok. This was it the plan was going to work or she was about to walk into a death sentence.
Taking a deep breath she pushed the door open to the church. Feeling Xavier’s hand in the small of her back she flashed him a smile. He would always be standing by her side no matter what.
"Brooke are you ready" Alex asked concern laced in his voice
"Nope, but too late to back out now" She whispered, shrugging.
"Well you won't be unarmed" her dad said emptying the bag he held on the table.
4 knives and 3 guns.
"So you can slip a knife in each boot, one on the pocket on your left arm, tuck one gun in the back of your waist band and the other two in the holster" Alex smiled softly, as she started putting the weapons where they needed to be.
She felt a bit better being armed, but she still couldn't shake the feeling something was going to go wrong as she grabbed her keys off the table with a sigh
"Bumble we will be right behind you, I won't let anything bad happen" Xavier whispered wrapping his arms around Brooke’s waist.
"Let's just get this over with"
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Brooke stood in the middle of the clearing, trying not to jump at every twig that snapped or the rustling of the leaves. This was a mistake as fear ran through her body. She shouldn’t have agreed to this, putting herself on the front line.
She leant against her bike, pulling her cigarettes out and sparking one up before looking at her phone to check the time.
5 minutes till the end of her life.
Quickly she sent a text to Xavier, just in case.
- I love you, no matter what happens x-
As she heard the sound of a car pull up she shoved her phone back in her pocket. This was it. She watched as the scrawny man climbed out of the car with a sick smile on his face.
"I knew you would make the right decision sweetheart" he smirked walking towards her . "You are mine, and I think I need to remind you of that so you never forget it"
Brooke swallowed, mentally preparing herself for playing the part of an obedient little pet.
"Yes sir" She whispered trying not to throw up.
"I guess the people you call family don't actually love you seen as you are here alone" he laughed
"Suppose" She shrugged.
Not long, keep it up she reminded herself as Tom walked closer to her.
"You have put weight on my dear, that won't do at all. As soon as we get home you are going on a diet" he muttered as he put his hands on her hips
"Yes sir" She whispered.
She suddenly felt his fingers run down her face. His touch made her want to vomit.
"There is no need to be scared" he whispered, breathing down her neck.
Brooke hated every second of this plan, with a passion. Staring at the bastard that stole so much of her life. She tried not to throw up or plunge her knife into his neck. Not her anyway.
"How much longer are we waiting" Xavier sighed running his hands through his hair
"Not long now bro, just a little bit longer. Bee is clever she knows the plan" James whispered.
Xavier peaked through the gap in the brushes, he could see Brooke stood there frozen, her hand was shoved into the pockets of her jacket and knew full well she was gripping the handle of the knife so tight. She looked so scared.
"I'm not sure about that jay look" Be whispered, moving out the way so he could look through the space.
"Shit" he muttered before getting his phone out, frantically texting the guys.
"Change of plan" he smiled texting again "Xav everyone is in their places make the signal"
Without another thought he started making bird sounds. Looking back through the gap he watched Brooke's expression change. She looked relieved.
"You think you control me?" She spat in his face.
"You think you own me, you think I'm your play thing that will do whatever you want me to? Well bitch you are wrong, I will never be yours. You have taken too much of my life and now I'm regaining control" Brooke shouted.
Watching. Waiting. Tom didn't say anything except he laughed.
"You think someone as weak as you is going to take me down" he spat.
“Come Brooke, just stab him” Xavier mumbled
She looked around the woods, her eyes landing on Xavier’s. He smiled at her, letting her know she was doing great. With a simple nod from me she smirked.
"That's the thing bitch, you haven't had me for god knows how many years. You don't know what I've been up to. You don't know I strong I have fucking got" she laughed pulling her hand out of her pocket revealing the knife she was clutching.
“Come on baby you got this” he whispered
Without a second thought Brooke forward, plunging the knife into Tom's leg causing him to scream.
"You will pay for that slut" he screamed
"No I don't think I will," she smirked whilst she laughed in his face.
The next thing she knew she was surrounded by 20 men. They should have known he wouldn't have come alone. For a second Xavier saw the fear in Brooke's eyes, then followed by a smirk.
"Awwww how cute. Let play bitches" she laughed pulling one of the hand guns out of her jacket.
"Bro are we moving in?" James asked.
"No not yet, let her do her thing and then we will go in. She needs this" Xavier whispered not taking his eyes off Brooke.
One gunshot, two gunshots, three gunshots and a lot of screaming followed
"Now" Xavier whispered to James and sent the text.
As Xavier walked out into the clearing, none of Tom's men saw him as they were too focused on Brooke who was standing in front of them with a gun. Walking up behind her Xavier slid my arms around her waist, breathing in her scent.
"Nice work princess" He smirked, looking round, taking his gun out of my waistband. He gently kissed Brooke whilst shooting another one in the head.
"When we get back you are so teaching me that" she laughed making him smile.
"Let's play bitches" she smirked pointing her gun at another guy.
Thirty minutes had passed and everyone was dead, bar Tom, who had taken shelter in his Range Rover.
"Oh you can hide but you won't get far" Brooke screamed as she reloaded her gun and pointed to the car. She emptied the magazine with a smirk.
"Get him out of the car" she shouted to some of the club.
Within seconds Tom was in front of them, forced to his knees.
Brooke took a new gun from her waist band, taking the safety off she pointed the gun directly on his face.
"You will never shoot me" he laughed
"Oh is that what you think?" she smirked, shooting his knee cap. "You were saying" she laughed.
Out of the corner of my eye Xaviers eye saw his dad, Brooke's dad and James walk up looking worried. Holding his hand out to signal them to stop.
"You took so much of my life, turned me weak. Made me hate myself, made me forget my family. You made me think everything was my fault. You beat me till I could take any more. You raped me" she shouted as the tears rolled down her cheeks.
Xavier wrapped my arms around her waist. Brooke leaned back into Xavier’s chest letting his scent keep her grounded.
"But most of all you took my fucking dignity and I'm done. I'm done with your games. I'm done with feeling weak. I'm done with feeling like a victim. But most of all I am done with you. Do you know what? I am not weak. I am a fucking survivor."
The next sound that was heard was the gunshot and Tom's body going limp.
"It's over baby" Xavier whispered kissing her head pulling her into his arms, just holding her as she sobbed into his chest.
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aimai-ronri · 3 years
Reworking the Fuzzy Gaming Quest
This is the first time I've ever blogged publicly about something like this. I usually talk to friends about it, but I just as often don't say anything, because when I talk about video-games I get hyperfocused and sometimes the conversation takes a long time, so I often feel like it's a bit rude to get people wrapped up in it. But I remembered I have a tumblr now and people actually blog on here sometimes, so: prepare to suffer.
To set up why I'm so weird about games allow me to explain: first of all, I'm obviously not neurotypical in some way I don't know but one day would like to figure out. SECOND, I've been playing video-games literally since I can remember. My first real memories of cognition are watching my dad put cartridges in the NES, and climbing on the bed to put our Thai bootleg cart in there myself so I could play weird sprite hacks of Super Mario Bros. So anyway, gaming has factored heavily in my life since the beginning.
Anyway long story short, this has led to, for a long time, me wanting to leave some kind of legacy behind me in the form of a trail of beaten-up old video-games. Often this takes the form of just wanting to curate out a collection (physical or unholy--I mean digital) that I can leave behind in some state of completion, but on top of that it comes as me wanting to sit down and truly spend time with the games that are most important to my history over the course of my lifetime.
This has led to me making innumerable 'systems' for approaching the task of having a humongous backlog of video-games (some might say longer than is completable than anyone in a life time, and I recognize this) and often these systems get replaced or revised for being inadequate in some way. The latest no-thought system on my part was the Fuzzy Gaming Quest, in which the goal was basically to play through games starting from the beginning of time and blasting through at hyper-speed, with the intention of covering as much ground in order to induce familiarity as fast as possible with arcade games from an era I've rarely played (but longed for in my old man's soul).
This was working but I quickly ran into a snag (after recording about 250 videos 😥): I wasn't spending as much time with individual games as I'd like by any means. On one hand, I was backlogging games I was enjoying just to get them out of the way and continue the progress. On the other, sometimes I wasn't sure how much time you'd even spend with a game to consider yourself familiarized enough to rank it in some way, without necessarily having to beat everything (who has the time?). Not to mention arcade games that have no viable ending for the regular player (Pac-Man, Galaga, etc).
So anyway all this is leading up to me explaining the next iteration of the Fuzzy Gaming Quest. Here's a picture!
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What you're looking at is essentially a 7 day scoreboard for various games that I selected out as important during my previous pass through the 70s and most of the 80s. These are all games I wanted to play more of or possibly log in a list.
7 days is my naive answer to how long I think would be good to spend on a game, in order to get competent enough at it to get a decent score and/or feel you've experienced your average game enough to go ahead and put it somewhere in a list. It might seem like overkill for a simple arcade game (though I'd argue you need to play repeatedly and give your brain time to absorb it to get the true experience), and it may seem like underkill for an RPG (though I'd argue that most RPGs probably aren't changing much more if you've been playing for 7 days already, but this doesn't forbid from continuing to play if I choose to), but this is my naive and probably flawed answer, anyway.
This is meant to serve the purpose of: - Progressing reasonably fast (notice this is a list of basically banger games everyone has heard of, I will probably only include a few games here or there that are lesser known that I just happen to like--I'll also be avoiding some consoles intentionally that I don't particularly like (like the Odyssey 2, sorry, it's my list though--convince me otherwise if you like)) - Filtering into some kind of "best of" list (if I don't even want to play it for 7 days (in brief sessions), it must not be very good after all and doesn't deserve to be on any best of list I would leave behind me--games that I do get through the 7 days I should understand enough to rank competently enough to make myself happy) - Giving me an excuse to spend more time on the games that really matter to me, today, in case I get hit by a bus tomorrow - Giving me a target for when I'm able to comfortably say I've experienced a game enough and don't need to feel bad about moving on if I want to but still haven't "beat it," and also leaving room for playing more if I like (I can sort it, take it off the board, but finish it anyway on the DL) (Also, if I do beat it, I can stop there with the board) - Satisfying whatever kind of ADHD thing I have going on by allowing me to keep a variety of games on rotation for some amount of time and not just getting stuck behind one game at a time - Breaking game experiences down over multiple days to allow a longer time to think about them and grow accustomed to them, also to allow me to fit them into my busy schedule by playing Space Invaders on the toilet for ~10 minutes - To leave behind a journal of high scores or information about how far I got in various games as I plod on
So, you may (rightly) ask: What's the point of all this? Why can't I just play games that I like and call it a day?
Well my first answer would be, "shut up I know you're right I just can't, my brain is broken," but my second answer, the one I would say aloud, might be that I really have always wanted to take a targeted approach to going through all of game history and that's what this is in service of.
I have no false expectations about getting all the way through game history up to now in one lifetime, at least not without sacrificing a lot of games in the process. I definitely won't ever get to the point where I'm always keeping up with contemporary games. It's lucky for me that I mostly fell out of favor with games around 2011 for various reasons, but really it had been a steady decline of interest since about 2005 or so. I have a shorter-hand target, but if I were to ever reach it, I'd like to keep going on, even if it means playing PS4 games in 2061 when I'm almost as old as my dad is now.
Anyway, your second question (and wow, if you made it this far) might be: "so what does this mean for your tumblr, which I care about intimately after seeing 20 posts, and was gutted when you temporarily took a break, and have been looking for meaning in my life ever since?"
Well, true believer, if you want I might post my 7 day high-score for various arcade games or something along with some pictures or videos of high points of the game (when I get to games complicated enough to have cool art). I haven't decided yet. I'm open to suggestions! I'd love to see people try to (and succeed!) at beating my scores (I'd feel like I influenced someone into maybe playing some old, great game they wouldn't have before deciding to just then).
If nothing else I hope it was interesting to see my thought process about this stuff.
If that's not true, I hope you were entertained by a write up of someone's journey ever deeper into video-game delirium.
And yes, I will get frustrated with the system and change it again in approximately a month.
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chloefranco · 6 years
2 a.m. calls
Diego Hargreeves x Reader
Summary: You call Diego in the middle of the night cause you needed him. And also to have cereal. And he proposes. Wow. That's a lot.
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It was the third night this week that you've been hearing your parents fighting outside your room. You knew they were going to end up getting a divorce. You were 20 years old and thankfully you won't have to decide who to live with but it still hurts to see your parents separate. They are the first people to show you what love is. And to see them destroy what they had is starting to take a toll on you. You haven't been able to stop crying. Your eyes were starting to hurt by now. You just wanted to be with someone. You didn't want to be alone. Nobody ones to be alone in this situation. So, you called your boyfriend, Diego. He picked up after the second ring.
"What's wrong, baby?" He said. His voice showing that he just woke up.
"Sorry. I woke you up." You said quietly, feeling guilty. You shouldn't be bringing him into your mess.
"No, no. It's okay. Do you want me to come get you?" He said with nothing but love in his voice. It felt nice to hear his voice through the phone. It was enough to not make you feel so alone. But you do want him with you. Just to feel complete.
"Yeah." You said, your voice cracking and the tears start coming. "Could you come stay with me?"
"I'm on the way." He said and he hung up the phone.
You waited for him on the roof outside your bedroom window with two bowls of cereal. It took Diego 5 minutes to get to you. He saw you from the front yard and he climbed up your roof effortlessly since he's done it many times before.
He sat down next to you and you linked your arm with his and leaned your head against it. You closed your eyes and breathed. And you felt him kiss the top of your head. He didn't say anything. You didn't say anything for a while. He didn't have to. He knows about your family issues. He's the only one you've told. He has his own family issues. His dad not being an actual father his whole life. His family is dysfunctional and you don't feel nice calling him up because of your own issues. But he's the sweetest. Even though he has anger issues. But he knows how to control himself around you. And that's why you love him so much. He has a hard exterior but he's really just a teddy bear.
"I didn't want to be alone." You said as a tear rolled down your cheek. He felt your tears on his shirt so he looked at you.
"Hey. I'll always be here. You don't have to go through this alone." He said as he wiped away your tear stained cheeks. He felt his heart break a little bit at the sight of your red eyes.
"I know." You said as he kissed your hand. "I'm thankful for you, Diego."
"I'm the luckiest guy, baby."
"I got you cereal." You said with a smile and Diego chuckled.
"You called me at 2a.m. cause you were alone and wanted me to eat cereal with you?"
"Pretty much." You said as you gave him the bowl. "And I just wanted a reason to be with you. I'm glad you're here."
"I'll only eat cereal at 2 in the morning for you. Now, cheer up, baby." He said as he peppered kisses all around your face.
"I love you, Diego Hargreeves. So much." You said as you kissed cheek.
"You don't know how much I love you. A lot. It's crazy. You make me crazy. In a good way. I love you, (Y/N). And I swear to God, one day I'll marry you." He said as he brought your hand to his lips and he pressed a long kiss on it.
You couldn't keep the smile that was growing on your face. Your heart beating so quick. "Are you proposing to me, Mr.Hargreeves?"
"Will you marry me, baby?" He said as he pulled out the ring that he's been carrying around with him for a month.
He didn't plan to propose to you like this, given the current situation but you already beat him to it. So he thought why not do it now. You felt a millions butterflies flying around in your stomach. He still gives you butterflies even after dating for two years.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed his face. "Yes! I love you. I love you, Diego." You said with tears as he chuckled and gently pried you off of him as he placed the ring on your finger.
"I can't believe you made me propose to you."
"No, I didn't. You just have so much love for me. You can't resist me." You said teasingly. "How long have you had this?" You said as you looked at the ring. It was a small diamond but it was perfect. You weren't like the other girls that would throw a fit because it wasn't big.
"A little over a month." He confessed. "Do you like it?"
"I love it. I love you." You said as you brought your face closer to his and closed your eyes. He kissed your nose. "Can you spend the night over with me, tonight?"
"Of course, baby."
You spent the next hour or so eating cereal and talking. Looking at the stars. And you looked over at Diego and felt safe. You felt at home. He was your home. Your safe haven. Life is good as you make it. And he makes life easier. Sometimes you worry you and Diego will end up like your parents. But he's changed your mindset. He's it. The one made for you forever. And you wouldn't have it any other way.
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noviceaoiryusei · 4 years
「 Myojo 2019.12 」 Nakayama Yuma with Lil Kansai interview
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Talent can be discovered in unexpected places!
"Nice to meet you", the juniors passionate TALK!
"I want to see my juniors at my home town for a long time" it's Yuma's suggestion.
It's a face to face with a fresh group called Lil Kansai who has a 10 year gap in between him. ♪
An unexpected yell from their senior, lilkan was impressed!
Toa: First, let's have introductions starting with the leader!
Kotaro: I'm the leader, Okazaki Kotaro. I was appointed by Jo-kun during the recording of "Maido! Jani~".
Yuma: Are you trusted by everyone?
Kotaro: It hasn't been done at all!
Yuma: *fufu* (he is laughing)
Ruku: I'm Toma Ruku. It is said that I'm similar with Senga-kun.
Yuma: Similar!? Then, do you like dancing?
Ruku: I like it!
Fuga: Ruku has a stylish way of dancing.
Yuma: I heard about it while I was shooting, are you going in to practice, Toa-kun?
Ruku: Us three went. Right, Kota-chan?
Kotaro: Uhn, I went.
Toa: I think I'm going to start practicing dancing hip hop by next week. Ah, I'm Shimazaki Toa, my member color is red.
Yuma: Did you decide on the member color?
Toa: We've decided it together with Ohkura-kun.
Takuya: Originally, the colors was decided somehow but, Ohkura-kun made a proper decision (for the member colors). I'm also introducing myself, I'm Nishimura Takuya. My name is similar with Kimura Takuya-san.
Yuma: (looked at the kanji notation) Really! Is your motor skills good?
Takuya: I'm a second in black belt in karate in Japan. I also had an invitation from soccer club team but I entered Johnny's.
Yuma: Really!? If you (Nishimura and Fuga) had a fight here, no one will be able to stop you. (laughs) Fuga also exhibits an image of karate even on stage.
Fuga: Ah, I'm Onishi Fuga. That's right, I also do karate. I think Yuma-kun saw it when I first performed at Shochiku-za. On the other hand, Yuma-kun exhibits a good image of dancing.
Yuma: I wasn't good at all but I was trained by Yara-kun.
Kotaro: Ruku seems happy.
Yuma: Do you like Yara-kun?
Ruku: I watched "THE YOUNG LOVE DISCOTHEQUE 2019", it's so cool. What does it feel like to be trained by Yara-kun? I heard that there used to have a bamboo sword...
Yuma: He carries it! He says "Get it right!!", it's like a gag. (laughs) Is there anything that you want to do in the future?
Takuya: Our familiar goal is to have a solo performance. Among the named groups, we're the only ones who haven't performed solo yet. Shounen Ninja and the Tokyo Juniors are performing on their own at "Johnny's Ginza".
Kotaro: This year's fall and winter, we'll be back up at Naniwa Danshi and Ae! group's tour.
Fuga: If we can do it, we'll also be in it by next year.
Takuya: But it'll be meaningless if we can't fill up the audience.
Yuma: Well then, you can't just do your best right? Who are you're 5 closest seniors?
Fuga: Naniwa Danshi!
Yuma: Naniwa Danshi. When I was still in Osaka, Jo and Ohashi we're the only ones there, Daigo isn't even there yet. Moreover, right after I joined Kansai Junior, I had never participated in a Kansai Junior live show.
Lil Kansai: Eeeeh!!
Yuma: I wonder if I'm at the first live performance in Shochiku-za? There's B.A.D., BOYS, Veteran, 7WEST. I used to be silly (back then).
Fuga: Do you have some kind of rule regarding hierarchies?
Yuma: You can know what kind of position you are in Kansai Junior by position of the dressing room at Shochiku-za.
Toa: Ah~! It's still there until now.
Yuma: First of all, the room (on the left side from the stage) on the other side (when climbing the stage).
Takuya: I also moved up there since the formation of our group.
Ruku: If you enter a public bath, it somehow felt that you've become an adult.
Takuya: I know. The first bath is at UmeGei. The first 5 dressing rooms are the one closest to the shower area.
Kotaro: Just right before the seniors will come. (laughs)
Yuma: When I'm still there, it's normal when everyone says "Let's go! Let's go!"
Ruku: Even now, my seniors still invite me. I hope they'll refrain from doing it.
Yuma: When you take a bath, Bunichi-kun pretends to be naked and dead. He always do that until someone comes in.
Lil Kansai: Ahahahaha!
Yuma: He might be doing it again~that's what I thought.
Takuya: When Bunichi-kun visited (us) at Shochiku-za, he went to the bath.
Yuma: Bunichi-kun will even take a bath even when he's only visiting. Did everyone had a job in Tokyo yet?
Takuya: During that time, we were at Tokyo Dome (Johnny's Tandoku Koen "Johnny's Jr. 8.8 Matsuri ~Tokyo Dome kara hajimaru~).
Yuma: I see, how did it go? Did you get nervous?
Toa: Not that much.
Takuya: Because we had random talks with BiShounen.
Yuma: When I went to Tokyo for the first time, Kisumai we're rehearsing at Tokyo Dome. I was only 14 years old back then when Johnny-san took me around. It was awkward.
Fuga: I also took a bath at Tokyo Dome. I felt awkward when SixTONES and Snow Man came. In Kansai Junions it's only me, Taisei-kun and Kojima-kun.
Yuma: It feels like SixTONES and Snow Man are like Kisumai or KAT-TUN.
Takuya: Yeah. I also would like to know what kind of routine does Yuma-kun do before a performance.
Yuma: Two hours before the actual performance, we're stretching our body for 30 minutes. Then, practice your vocals and relax with a stretchy ball that'll make you sway. That's how I prepare for it.
Toa: Microphone...
Takuya: We're taking a bath, talking, taking a nap. Ah, but it's not about the dressing room but now I'm doing my voice training!
Kotaro: (that's) From 3 days ago. (laughs)
Takuya: It isn't! The voice training teacher said I can do it alone since I'm doing good.
Yuma: I think everyone has their own way. However, when it comes to things that you don't like, when you can do it little by little, you'll start liking it. I think that it's good to slowly add things that you like.
Takuya: It extends your strength when you start something new. I think that's what's important?
Yuma: I'm already 25 years old, it better if you'll extend your strengths but everyone is still young so I thought it would be good to learn something; you'll not know if you won't try. I still even have such a talent. I have a talent of playing the ukulele! If I had the opportunity to play ukulele during work, I practice a lot then, I became able to play lots of things.
Toa: Amazing.
Yuma: Because (your) talent could be in various things so, just keep on trying various things.
Takuya: Until now, what's the best thing that your seniors had said?
Yuma: Hmmm. There were lots of things that has been said by lots of people but I don't specifically remember who said it. (laughs) But Yasuda-kun said "it's okay to be confident but don't be overconfident", that's what I remember. It's good to have confidence, it means that you're in a good condition. I was told with this when I was 15 years old but I didn't understand what does it mean during that time. But after I became 20 years old, I started understand (what it means).
Takuya: Just like our age. It's amazing if you still remember it after 10 years.
Kotaro: Yuma-kun, when you're 15 years old, what kinds of things have you thought of?
Yuma: I wanted to do a play. I turned on the camera on private, I wrote a script and edit it, I made a short film production.
Toa: I played with my friends during school holidays. I also did it yesterday. (laughs)
Ruku: What do you mean by that?
Toa: Like I'm a director for an anime scene and reproduce it in a silly way.
Takuya: Even Kotaro started practicing the piano!
Kotaro: I only play the level of performing in our family's piano. It's still difficult to do it properly.
Fuga: But it sounds like there's a little pitch.
Kotaro: It is slightly pitched. (laughs)
Takuya: I can hit about 1/3 of the original sound.
Yuma: I was kind of careless but whatever it is, it will still have an impact in my life -- it's something that I didn't know during that time. A day might come that even playing tag may be useful too!
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Rollercoaster | Zhong Chenle
Genre: maybe angst, fluff
Word count: 1.4k
A/n: this was actually the original idea and then I built the series around this one 🤠 but idk I've been in Lele soft hours lately and I just love him so I hope I did this justice
Based off Jonas Bros song Rollercoaster
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You loved field trips because it meant you weren't in class and you weren't technically missing any class either. It was the perfect scenario. The rumor was going around that class clown!chenle convinced your physics teacher to let you go to an amusement park to help you "study physics in the real world." This thought almost ruined the field trip for you because what I didn't mention was that Chenle is your ex boyfriend.
Last year Chenle was struggling in school and he blamed you for it. Basically, he was spending all his time with you and not on school, therefore it's your fault that he was failing algebra. N e wayz. He broke up with you which, in turn, broke your heart. It's been nearly a year and you are still getting over him and haven't dated since.
Regardless of any of that, you were determined to have fun on this trip. Until you realized that only the physics kids were going. You only had one friend in that class. Jisung, however, was also Chenle's best friend and left you with absolutely no one to talk to or ride rides with. That being said, Jisung would probably be too chicken anyway.
You hop on the bus and find a seat about 2/3 of the way back. This way you weren't by the rowdy kids in the back or packed in the front with all the normies. You were hoping to be invisible since you were all on your lonesome.
"Hey, y/n!" You felt the seat adjust as Jisung plopped himself down next to you.
"Oh. Hey, Jisungie. You scared me; I figured you'd sit by-"
"I'm sitting with him on the way back, but you on the way there," the boy cut you off before you mentioned your ex's name. Jisung was always doing that and, in a way, it was really sweet of him.
The bus started to limp it's way down the road, the loud students in the back assumed that was their queue to, you know, be loud. Chenle was one of these boys and his voice was heard over everyone else's. Jisung smiled kindly at you, handing over an airpod to cancel out Chenle's noise.
"Thanks." You smile back at your friend. He really was too kind for his own good.
You woke up to Jisung gently nudging your arm. You must've fallen asleep on his shoulder during the bus ride. "Y/n, wake up. We're here."
Everyone filed off of the bus and into lines to get into the park. Interestingly, Jisung stayed next to you and not Chenle.
You walked around with him for a while, but you were beginning to get bored. "Jisung, do you wanna ride one?"
"Oh. Um, I hadn't really considered that. Uh- I think er- no."
"You're no fun, you baby," you teased him.
"Oh yeah, I'm the baby when you're the one who is pouting right now. Fine. I'll go on one with you."
"The line said it will be about 20 minutes from here!" You exclaimed with a smile. Jisung, on the other hand, had turned white. He was sweating pretty bad too. "Are you gonna be able to go on it, Jisung?"
"Of course. Yeah, absolutely."
"If you really feel this bad about it, you don't have to just to make me happy. You need to be happy too! So I'll find someone else to go with and you and I will just get some cotton candy, okay?"
"No. I'm going to ride this," he stated firmly, waving his fists in the air.
The worker motioned for you two to sit down on the next car. You could barely contain your excitement.
"Oh my gosh." Jisung just, to put it simply, looked awful. "Y/n, I'm sorry. I'm gonna-" and he took off running for the bathrooms.
You felt like you'd just ruined your only physics friend's day by nearly forcing him on a rollercoaster. The attendant offered Jisung's seat to a boy in line behind you. His eyes widened as he sat down.
"H-hey, y/n."
"Hey, Lele- Chenle," you corrected yourself after using his nickname.
"You can call me Lele if you want. I always liked it when you did." Before you could make the situation any more awkward, the car lurched forward as it climbed the first hill. The coaster began to drop and you were thriving(tm). As it raced down before looping, you grabbed Chenle's hand without thinking. You both were screaming at the top of your lungs.
When the ride came to a stop, you realized your hands and quickly pulled away. "Sorry," you mumbled as you began to run off to find Jisung.
"Y/n, wait! If you wanna keep going on rides, you should just stay with me. You know Jisung won't want to."
In your head you knew this was a bad idea, but for some reason you said, "okay."
Ride after ride played out similarly. You squeezed each other's hands and yelled as you plummeted towards the Earth at what felt like the speed of sound. It was so natural, you didn't even question being with your ex boyfriend at this point. And that was a thought you didn't want to be having.
After probably the 19th rollercoaster, you decided to break for food. Chenle even offered to pay for your corndog, but you turned him down. "Y/n! I found you!" You heard Jisung shout from not too far away.
"Jisung! Where have you been?"
"I was walking around with Mei. She doesn't like rides either," he smiled as he said her name, persuading you to believe he might have a little crush. You nudged Chenle and he nodded, having picked up on it too.
"Well, why don't the four of us do something?" He suggested. Jisung looked and the boy, then back at you. He gave you a questioning look probably concerned for your wellbeing. Who in their right mind goes to an amusement park with their ex? "Jisung, are you afraid of ferris wheels or is it just the big rides?" Chenle continued to tease.
"Oh, I'm not afraid of anything," Jisung claims, puffing his chest.
"You're so brave," you add, grabbing Chenle's hand in yours. "Let's go!"
The four of you hopped in the cart for the wheel. You sat next to Mei and across from Chenle. You introduced yourself and instantly got along with her well. She was super bright and kind, you could see why Jisung liked her. As you talked with Mei, you noticed the two boys talking about something quietly. You weren't able to overhear without making it obvious. They immediately noticed when Mei and your conversation ended and stopped theirs as well.
"Hey y/n, will you switch seats with me?" Jisung asks innocently. Chenle's eyes widen as he shakes his head at Jisung. As the boy sat down where you were previously sitting, he gave Chenle a smirk. You were confused by his actions until he grabbed Mei's hand. She flushed red hues and turned towards Jisung. He returned her gaze, smiling, and unable to contain his blush as well. He leaned in and places a light kiss on her cheek. Moments later you found yourselves back at the bottom of the wheel. Jisung and Mei got off, but told the attendant you and Chenle were going again. He even winked at you as you lifted back into the sky. What was their conversation about?
Chenle suddenly began apologizing. "Y/n, I'm sorry. For everything. It was never your fault. My mom was always on my case for my grades- and that's not an excuse! I am the one to blame. I'm just trying to explain; trying to make things right." He looked at you with big puppy eyes.
"It's okay, Lele. I remember low lows and high highs. We were up and down. But I forgive you."
"Thanks, but that's not all-" he was cut off by you quickly pressing your lips to his nose.
"I'd go back and ride that rollercoaster with you. Do you want to ride it again? It was way more thrilling than this ferris wheel!" You smiled brightly at the speechless boy. He could only nod as an answer.
You walked hand in hand past Jisung and Mei and back towards the big kid rides. He looked at your hands before proudly proclaiming, "I see Chenle held up on his side of the agreement. Wait why are you guys going back for more coasters. We barely made it over!" Jisung bargained, but you kept walking. Your relationship didn't work out the first time, but this one felt different. Who knows, maybe the second times the charm?
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mcrmadness · 3 years
Anxiety triggered by the body is thousand times worse than the anxiety coming from inside one's head, and it usually feeds the latter. It often feels like it's ruining my life, mostly because there is nothing I can do, and it makes me feel angry, vulnerable and helpless.
I have been feeling good lately. I finally managed to get myself motivated with exercising and have managed to keep this going for a few days now. I have been feeling good about myself. Sometimes frustrated because I know using the exercise bike for 30 minutes and for 3 days in a row won't change my body, but still I have felt better in my skin than on the days when I haven't been doing anything. And I've been feeling like I might actually get to somewhere with this, I might be able to make this into a habit this time.
Until I was playing a video game a couple of hours later and got heart palpitations. Not the kind that feel like loosing a beat - these happen to me all the time. No, I got the scarier type where the heart just starts beating faster for no reason. It always triggers my panic mode, and this time it also felt like my whole body would have been trembling and it was so scary cos I didn't know if it was the heart, the panic or just my muscles after the exercising. I have been slightly more panicky because exercising has caused my muscles to ache more or less. These fast-palpitations always last for maybe a few seconds, maybe for 10-20 seconds max. but even 1 seconds is enough to send me into the full alarm mode.
It's the worst feeling ever because escapism doesn't help. I can't rip out my heart and put it on a shelf for later. So I can do things I normally do when I need escapism but I'm constantly aware of my body and feeling like it could happen again any second now. It's been hours now since that and I still feel like I'm on alert mode. I'm tired, I wanna sleep, but sleeping sounds scary. Even laying down sounds scary because I often get the skipping-a-beat type palpitations just because of my back and what if the fast type happens again?
What makes me angry is the fact I don't know if this was related to the exercising, or just totally random. These happens sometimes. It's just scary because they happen when I'm not moving. Just playing a chill video game and boom, suddenly heart is beating as if I just climbed up stairs! And I was feeling so good about this my little "life change" and now I don't know if I have the courage to continue it. What if it happens again? I already have a bad relationship with sports because of ny past and my heart defect. I have been having mental monsters in my head telling me exercising is dangerous yadayada. And things like these are not exactly helping.
I just hate having a body. I hate having a heart defect. I didn't choose to be born with a faulty heart that was fixed in a surgery that gave me lifelong mental traumas because I was only a 3-years-old sensitive child. I hate being vulnerable and mortal. This is why I have dissociation. It's too scary to think my whole life could depend on one muscle alone.
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