#it's fine whatever i didn't expect much i just watched it bc it was short
ambreiiigns · 5 months
i watched midori aka shoujo tsubaki and it's huhhhhh how do you say huhhhh lame
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zynxwrite · 1 year
Wait this is the first thing I have ever requested lol. Could you please write a romantic peice for aonung, the reader is a sully (surprise surprise I can't think of anything else) and maybe just do something when him and reader sneak out at night and he's being really flirty but the reader is being a little oblivious and maybe it ends with some kisses 👀. Idk it's completely fine if you do not like this idea but just wanna let you know that I love your writing so please keep up the amazing work
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pairings ❰ ao'nung x m!reader
fish boy asked you sneak out with him to 'hunt' and a little something something
warning: short writing, aonung himself
I made it an x male reader (I hope you don't mind since you didn't mention a gender for the reader) and yes i misread the word oblivious as obvious lol, still I hope you like this plot with a change of the word.
special tag bc I can: @nerdyglasess
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The ocean water was lovely this evening. While the chilly wind blew along the shore, it was shimmering and twirling with the star's reflections. All but one person were capable of falling asleep listening to the sounds of the night.
You were the only member of your family awake at this late hour because it was late at night. Your hands were moving with each touch as you made the reef baskets with shells throughout by hand. You were the toruk makto's oldest son. Even if you weren't asked to be responsible, you still had to.
Crafting fascinating things on a regular basis would calm and relax you, especially at night. As you worked, the glorious stars would watch you as you created anything really.
While you were focused on weaving a basket, your sense didn't bother to look at your surroundings as you thought that everyone was asleep due to how late it was.
You assumed as much, however you were unaware that a figure was stealthily approaching you from behind as your hands shifted the shells into placement. Even humming a melody before this person could distract you.
"Uhm, hey-" an unexpected voice startled you, but you didn't have time to scream as you spun your torso around and raised your fists to strike something, or someone, that frightened you out.
After the attack, you looked down and noticed that Ao'nung, whose face you had just smacked, had his hands outstretched as you prepared to deliver another punch. You groan as you withdraw your fists.
You raise his body and pull his prominent ears as you lead him outside the cottage, abandoning your hand-woven baskets and your peacefuly sleeping family behind. While walking to whatever you were going to, Ao'nung moves to escape your grasp as it is freezing outside in the beachside village, his breath frosting over in the billowing air.
“What the hell was that?! You almost had me waking the entire village. Do not ever to that again or next time I will rip out your ears the next time you do that.” You hissed as the boy with teal skin fixed his posture with his ears down, understanding of what you were saying. You sigh while you allow him a minute to respond to your question as it appears he was tongue-tied. He mumbled an ‘I’m sorry’ which you did not catch as the wind was singing.
“I wanted to uh- ask you on uh....” As you stand in front of him, he fumbles with his hands as he tries to think of a sentence to say in response to your glance.
“I wanted to ask you if you would wanna come hunt a- big fish.. with me?” He grinned awkwardly at you as you stood there with a cringe-inducing expression on your face. As he continued to fidget with his hands in expectation of your response, you appeared to notice a reddish tint appearing on his cheeks.
So this is what this was all about huh. You shrugged your shoulders and a mischievous smile, almost a smirk, formed on your lips. You now finally know why this fish boy has been less of a tease on you, while he was extreme to your siblings.
“well of course I can, lead the way, warrior.” Your response to him is delivered while you attempt to avoid sounding sarcastic. His anxious eyes are now pierced by stars from above. 
Both of you mimicked the sound of an Ilu for them to be summoned. 
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The both of you were guided to a sea-plant field by the stingray-like creatures. The corals' varied lights provided the opportunity for you to see underwater at night. You and your dear frenemie, Ao'nung have organized a race before traveling to the hunting destination.
You both descend underwater as you paddle with your ilu, the bubbles from your dive following you both as you disappear in the waves. You roll your eyes as your orbs saw that Ao’nung was already ahead of you, He’s a show off at anyways, he’s just annoying.
You and he have engaged in just few battle of races, but now you are both at your destined location.  You already understood that this place was not related to ginormous fishes or hunting. It was a stone-lined cavern filled with brilliant colors of light that shined brilliant at night. cute.
“So, uh- I think we kinda got the wrong location” He attempts to conceal the fact that the explanation for sneaking out was unrelated to hunting. It was about another topic, something he was keeping from you. 
While you were waiting for the appropriate moment, you simply played with the tone and ignored his comment. He was looking at you, perhaps zoning out, as you made a short circle around the coven with your hands on your hips.
You gave the boy a lingering glance before stopping your brief tour of this wonderful cavern. “Now, what is the actual reason why you brought me here, fish lips?” going back to his direction, his eyes met yours.
He had switched from his awkward body postures to those that were the reverse; he was now back to his ego personality. He was aware that you would have immediately learned the truth thanks to your sharp intelligence.
“You smart, smart tree hugger.” He chuckled while giving you that look. This guy really be flirting with you right now? Of course you were not gonna let him dominate you, you’re [name] sully, the eldest son of the man that came from a star.
nuts, he was the one who did it first. His lips met yours, Saying you were stunned is not so understating the situation. Instead of kissing back, you simply waited for him to realize what he was in fact doing. 
“aw, I was supposed to do that. You scxawng” You said as he pulled your lips away from his. You gave him a look that he could recognize, your eyes were a sign of yes to a question. 
“Let’s.. stay for a bit, I like the sound of waves. My [name].” You grinned as you knew where he got that reference from. You just hope for one thing, that his parents would agree with you being his mate. 
You two casually relaxed in peace while soaking in the outside waves. Aonung took hold of your hand, your five fingers hugging his four. Who would’ve thought that a forest person could ever be with a reef person? You two love birds would solve that.
“you’re still a bitch tho”
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© 2023.zynxwrite .ᐟ please do not copy any of my writings.
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rad-x6-88 · 2 months
my actual gripes with the show, based only on the first two episodes (after this im done, prommy)
thot the directing and writing was shite, as well as weird cuts that seemed incredibly clunky. in short, the artistic merit fell short. it doesn't have to be this way. maybe im too picky but this kinda stuff hampers my enjoyment every single time. the actors did a fine job, no complaints there.
too many things had the typical "cheap" look that has become so common in shows on streaming platforms. it constantly reminds me that im watching a show and it just ruins my immersion. maybe i should have watched it on low res on my laptop instead? idk
the opening scene made me feel absolutely nothing at all!
the gore didn't even feel, like, interesting. it was just "oh, okay then".
the humor was forced and weird. some parts were fun, like lucy's vault dweller personality/politeness, but then there's "haha, this guy tried to fuck that guy's chicken. please laugh!" 🤨
we already all know how i feel about the ghoul. what even was that introduction??? (or rather, re-introduction) and that shootout scene was a joke. there was no flow, nothing. the dialogue was especially stupid in that scene. and ofc, again, it all looked like such a cheap set. i dind't buy it one second. additionally, i actually feel his acting is the worst of the lot.
the bos was shitty, which is accurate and okay, but since when
a) do they brand the squires 🤨 (especially with maximus being black. wtf!)
b) are the squires literal adults who carry around "their" knight's (🤨) shit
c) do the "squires" call "their" knights "my lord?" 🤨
d) would even the shittiest most useles bos knight be scared of a yao guai????????????????????
and the whole religious aspect to it all was too much. yes, they are cultish, but not quite like that. and what was up with the voice distortion from the power armor helmet?
ofc im also not a fan of retconning/making certain things canon (im assuming that was the prydwen?) but i ciould ignore it if i genuinely enjoyed the rest
that's all i can think of rn. i wish i wasn't so bothered bc i ofc didn't expect much but i love fallout so this is all still disasppointing to me.
im glad so many other people managed to enjoy this slop.
my mother also had fun but she has only played some parts of fo3 and knows enough not to be confused. plus she likes the music ofc. i think she's gonna keep watching and enjoy it so that's good. that's the one good thing: i had a nice little afternoon with my mother watching telly and eating junk food :D
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thegeminisage · 5 months
it's tng update time.
we did. and you know this. because i made. i counted. 18 posts about it. "half a life." and of course: "the host" (honorific).
half a life: part of what makes the ep after this so wonderful is that THIS episode was so genuinely upsetting. it was a huge bummer. it was awful. the only fucking episode lwaxana troi has been in that cathy actually watched and she had a valid character arc. i was furious. and then we got into it and i was like. oh.
first of all, kudos to charles winchester from mash for being here. cathy caught a 4077 ref that i missed bc i wasnt paying attention. i cant believe he was gay when he did this
secondly. the fucking. ethical implications of. people who are infirm should be dead for their children's sake and for their own sake. like it's better to be dead than in a nursing home. when you're 60 time's up. parents care for their children so children should care for their parents. your aging parents are mortal and they'll die one day. your daughter wants you to kill yourself. you want to die and can't wait to kill yourself. you don't want to live and then you do want to live but you still have to kill yourself. you're 60. you're 60. YOUR DAUGHTER WANTS YOU TO KILL YOURSELF. when she is 60 your daughter WILL ALSO KILL HERSELF.
i think the most fucked up part of this was that lwaxana ruined him. she meant well, and for once i saw her point and her arguments as totally valid (i usually think she's horrible), it was like maybe the only semi-selfless thing she's ever done aside from the ferengi business we will not be discussing. but she ruined him. when he was fine with dying and he had to die, fine and whatever. when he wanted to live?? no longer fine. if he lives his people will hate him forever. his daughter will regret him living because he can't be laid to rest in the family plot. because he can't die with his friends and family surrounding him. but he's 60. people live to be well over a hundred in the star trek universe, other aliens live even longer. he's SIXTY. he's healthy. he has work to do. a planet to save. and he's gonna die knowing his work meant nothing and his planet might die and his grandson may have nowhere to grow up. live or die, he will be miserable either way, just because he was introduced to a different way of life. it's SO fucked up
i think i had more to say about this after it ended but i have clean forgotten all of it. like it's been blasted out of my memory which is probably for the best. the short version is, i am living at home taking care of my mother who turned 58 three days ago. i didn't need any of that.
but then.
But Then.
the host: what can i possibly. i mean. the sheer. the fucking
like the fucking MOOD WHIPLASH alone
i had heard of this episode years ago. so i knew beverly's bf was a parasite and he eventually jumped into a woman and i was made to believe she was super homophobic about it. i was prepared to look completely past all of this and enjoy not-quite-gay SUBTEXT. i was NOT prepared for ANY of the rest of it
to get this out of the way: as i said, though i miss wesley very much (ask catherine i say so like every episode) it's so fortunate that he was not here. i think bev finally hit menopause because her horny levels were CRITICALLY off the charts and this whole debacle would have been so awkward for him. i'm glad he sent her a letter god bless i'm so glad he's fine wherever he is
the BABY BUMP THIS GUY HAD. this i was not expecting. i didn't know we were doing pregnant men in this episode. i figured the entire episode would be about beverly being like "this is weird cuz idw fuck you now that you're a woman" i had no idea his ass would jump into RIKER
riker did amazing bg work in this ep too before he got to star. he gave beverly and her bf some KNOWING looks. at one point the following exchange was uttered: "HE knows they're fucking." "yeah he wishes it was him." apollo and the dodgeball.....
the fact that after that i literally did have the thought "yeah except he'd never fuck beverly. she's one of the few people who are off limits." lisa simpson dot jpg
and then riker's pregnancy, what can one say. beverly put a little worm in his body. i'm only sad we didn't get to see the baby bump because that would have been extremely funny
i spent the whole ep thinking no way can beverly fuck riker. they have to work together. she has to look him in the eye after this. AND THEN THEY DID.
like it's so insane. it's not even that i dislike the concept because the fallout could lead to some extremely meaty interpersonal drama except for the fact that star trek generally isn't about interpersonal drama and we didn't see riker again after he got possessed. we didn't get one word from him. the silence seems so calculated so as to avoid having to write his reaction. BUT I WANTED HIS REACTION. will he not tell us how it feels to be possessed and pregnant and FUCKING BEVERLY CRUSHER? genuinely this is the first time i've been tempted to look up tng fic. someone tell me there is fic
also, like, he only had 18 hours until he got a new body. she could have waited to fuck the new guy if she felt weird about it being riker. SHE didn't know the knew guy was gonna be a woman. like it had to be menopause
the fact that deanna condoned this, even suggested it, is INSANE. not only because she didn't consider riker's ability, or lack of ability, to consent, but because THAT'S HER BOYFRIEND. quasi-boyfriend. sometimes exes sometimes fwb. like it's NUTS.
their discussion was so wild too. like "what do i miss...his hands, his mouth...no, there was more than that" girl they were 5 more minutes away from discovering the split attraction model. actually i don't even normally like the split attraction model but this episode made me like it a little more. growth <3
actually on that subject quasi-exes are weirdly chill with each other on this show. picard and beverly are kinda dating and kinda not, the same way deanna and riker kind of are and kind of aren't. and picard is like...beverly whatever else i am to you i'm also your friend and i know this fucking sucks. do you want a hug. like that is SO chill and cool of him. and ik they probably do this bc they don't want to have to maintain character development but it winds up accidentally feeling really refreshing
anyway: The Woman
i can't believe that beverly can fuck riker, her "sort of "brother," but not this hot blonde lady. and i know it's because they can't be gay but ACTUALLY
i was SHOCKED that gender didn't come into it at all. like yes it was the elephant in the room but nowhere in beverly's dialogue did she say she couldn't do this because odan was a woman now. copypasting:
"Perhaps it is a human failing, but we are not accustomed to these kinds of changes. I can't keep up. How long will you have this host? What would the next one be? I can't live with that kind of uncertainty. Perhaps, someday, our ability to love won't be so limited."
NONE OF THAT MENTIONS GENDER. none!!! the only part that could be interpreted as a gender thing was when beverly said bring HIM in, and was smiling bc she was about to meet the new version of her bf, only for her smile to drop when she encountered a woman. you could sort of read it as "a woman will be even weirder than riker and i just don't have it in me to go through that acclimation process again" BUT LIKE. like she's CHOOSING not to. not that she couldn't eventually adjust. to a woman. beverly just found out she's bisexual fr
like the wrist kiss was SO SENSUAL. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK. i can't believe they let two women do that on tv in 1991. holy shit. AND!!! they said i love you to each other. i did quite literally stand up out of my seat. it feels very progressive considering when it was written
and like it's a shame this was in the same episode where riker gets knocked up bc that distracted from the entire gay thing. i WISH the whole episode had been odan in a woman's body and riker had had his own episode to do all of that in later. like it would've been incredible. sexuality is fluid <3
anyway. wow. next time: "the mind's eye" and "in theory," two episodes i already feel sorry for because they will Never live up to all of that.
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plumbus-central · 1 year
How did you develop your art style? Like how did you find your own voice in your art?
Oh what an interesting question, I never expected to asked abt my art!
Honestly i took a while to think abt this question, and I think a lot i've done about developing my own art style came from seeing things i liked in other people's art and copying it lol.
For instance when i was in the [REDACTED] fandom when i was a young teen there was a very popular artist who used gradients in their work to add depth and color and i liked it a lot, so i started doing it in my work too.
A few years ago i started following an artist and really liked their work bc they had such a strong grasp of color, shape, gesture, and line. And they used these strong, thick lines to fill out the form of their work, but i noticed that the lines often didn't touch and that it didn't matter bc you could still understand and make out the form of whatever they drew just fine. So i decided to stop worrying abt MY lines touching either lol. which is how i ended up with those sort of ghost constructions of figures and shapes i do sometimes.
I can vividly remember seeing a comic on tumblr ONCE where i saw a character have just a line for a mouth that went off their face and i just stared at that panel for a while trying to figure out why i liked it so much lol until i realized it was their expression that i liked. So i kept that in my head, and a few years later i realized that i had started using it in my art too.
Another aspect that has influenced my art is exploring other media and being challenged by my own interests. Like when i was a teen i was very into steven universe and my own ocs. which was fine but didn't challenge me too much artistically. Then in college i got into bojack horseman, and specifically my favorite character was herb kazzaz, a short, fat man with a beard. Completely out of my comfort zone to draw, but i wanted to draw him so bad! so i figured it out!
(some of u might actually be familiar w/ my boajck horseman sideblog @hambone-fakenameington , it hasnt been updated in a while cause im on that rick and morty shit right now lol). But now i have to skills to draw these things by way of my interests in the character.
My fixation with rick and morty was actually so strong at first that i was drawing like crazy, which eventually taught me to focus on and hone my skills with gesture, thumbnailing, and composition bc i wanted to draw so many ideas at once that i couldn't spend too long on each one. (and it also gave me lots of practice). Thanks to my interest in R&M ive also developed skills in drawing very skinny bodies lol, but also on pushing expressions and gestures to extremes that i never used to!
Hell even just trying to figure out how to take features and details from characters in something and translate them into YOUR style can be a big learning and growing experience. (u can see in my old art it took me a while to get rick to look right)
So i guess the overall is that seeking out and consuming media is always important bc you can take a lot of inspiration from something without even realizing it. (honestly if ur feeling stagnant in ur art watching/reading something new can be a good way to jog ur brain). And taking a good look at the art you enjoy and trying to figure out WHY u like it, and what elements are stick out to u. Then seeing if you can bring those elements into ur own art and see if it's successful to u to explore it.
as far as voice goes um.... i guess what's become important to me is that u gotta know when to cut corners lol. like a hand doesn't ALWAYS need to be perfectly formed, like it can be a squiggle and it might even look better for it. sometimes loose and sloppy looks good for what ur doing and sometimes heavily defined and carefully lined work is necessary but i gotta remember that the clean art is built on the back of the sloppy studies. and stray lines, warped perspective, and unaligned facial elements can give a lot of character to a work that might otherwise seem bland and stiff.
thank you so much for the question it was fun to take a look at my work and reflect on how i got to what i have as a style now! R&M has honestly done A TON for my art style and drawing abilities that i didn't realize till now.
Also worth mentioning bc i forget how much of my life i share w/ you guys but i also have BFA in Illustration with a focus in Animation Arts and Sequential Art.
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papirouge · 1 year
What jpop artists do you like? Lately ive been getting into some like perfume, and sheena ringo or even vintage ones like pink lady or candies. Ive also heard lots of good things about hikada utaru, but aparently she identifies as nonbinary now?! Does it make me petty not to want to listen to her just because of that? Like i expected better of Japan artists but i guess even they can be delulu like american artists...
Yeah, there's been a whole discourse with Hikaru Utada because she suddenly said she didn't want to be described with gendered pronouns such as "Ms." before her name (and instead use Mx. or something like that). It's interesting to note that Hikki is fluent in English, and there was hardly any chance that someone who only speaks Japanese get so nitpicky about pronouns. 'Ms' doesn't really exist in Japanese, and actually Japanese is a pretty non gendered language (even less than English). So it's really interesting how the linguistic influence of the West took a toll of her. This statement was clearly dedicated to her Western audience, the only that would consistently use pronouns to describe her. However, she never stated she wanted to he called "she/they/them" or whatever.
Music wise, I'm not really fond of her music. I really like her 'ULTRA BLUE' album (which is famous for "Passion" which was Kingdom Hearts 2 theme) and some songs here and there though. Hikki is famous for having Jpop most groundbreaking debut at only 16 years old with "Automatic" (this song aged like fine wine tbh) by 1)being one of the biggest selling record in Japan 2)shoving R&B element in her music which was very outstanding at that time. The fact that she wrote at such a young age (and still do) all her lyrics + is fluent in English gave her a very solid 'ace' aura, and die hard fans who still to this day will jump on your throat if you 'dare' criticize their queen lol I remember someone who said that even her most upbeat/positive songs (Keep tryin', COLORS, Traveling…) always had a sad & melancholic era, and I think that's the most accurate description of her music, maybe that's why I have a hard time listening to her albums bc they (beside 'ULTRA BLUE' and 'HEART STATION' which are imo her most lighthearted ones) have this very downer, softdoom vibe~
That being said, it would be ridiculous to not listen to her just bc she has pronouns anon lol It's pretty funny how some people are getting so cranky abt pronouns-having artists and boast about how refuse to entertain anything that they do....but will have issue to keep watching/listening to movies/music of predators, sex pest and convicted rapists lmao
I always got a weird vibe from Sheena Ringo and never got remotely interested in her music. The rumors about she being a closeted Japanese nationalist just bc of her NIPPON album era (where she had her audience wave Japanese imperial flags) are insane though lmao Hopefully those people have the same energy to call out Miley Cyrus for being an American Nationalist for her song "Party in the USA" where she dances before a giant American flag 🤡
I hardly listen to new Japanese artists anymore. I replied to an ask not too long ago where I professed my love for Ayumi Hamasaki (her 10 first year of career were pristine - she really should've retired at her 10 years Complete Singles best album momentum because everything after that has pretty much been trash tbh). Her album LOVEppears is probably my favorite album of all time 🥴
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I'll never be over how cute she looks on "Fly High" MV (one of my favorite of her - those platform shoes + micro short + glittery sweatshirt combo will never get old / this MV is 23 years old and that outfit is still KICKIN #legendary)
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Also pretty random because that's not a band that I'm checking like that, but THE ORAL CIGARETTES 'UNOFFICIAL' album is an absolute no skip banger. I hardly remember a Jrock album that got me hooked like that those last few years😳
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I have so many other Japanese acts that I love it's really insane (I am more savvy of Japanese music that western one).
Soloist wise, I grew up in womanhood listening to Kana Nishino and her music is literally the soundtrack of my early 20s. We were born only a month apart and felt so connected to her and her songs. She truly has a special place in my heart. Her debut & sophomore albums 'LOVE one.' and 'to LOVE' got 20 years old me on a CHOKEHOLD! "Motto" got me crying all my tears off a dusty lmaoooo😭 it's insane how her songs matched with my life - we truly had a connection
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Tomiko Van and Kana Nishino are Jpop best vocalists imo ELLEGARDEN (rip) and ART-SCHOOL are my favorite bands of all time. ASIAN KUNG FU GENERATION and UVERworld had a decent run in the 2000s. Perfume is still kicking.....but I don't really catch up with them anymore cause I've been trying to cut out secular music off my playlist
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uniformbravo · 8 months
it's nanowrimo & i havent touched my wip since last year so im gonna reread it all rn to jog my memory lets goooo
"And so, class, as you can see, blah blah blah…"
Silan wasn't listening, so neither should you have to.
i didn't know how to start it skjfdkngkf
goes on for several paragraphs about why he wasnt paying attention, making up a bunch of bullshit about him being sooooo sleeby bc he watched a horror movie last night & then couldn't sleep, fascinating stuff
So no, he wasn't listening to the lesson going on at the front of the room, nor was he prepared in the very least to be called on suddenly.
"Silan, what's your answer to number fifteen?"
Like a bucket of ice water was sitting upright on the ground beside him instead of upturned over his head, Silan's brain fog persisted as he struggled to catch up with the moment.
ok fine the ice bucket line is kinda funny im here to subvert ur expectations not unlike a mime thats allowed to say fuck
"Y equals seven…?" he guessed, understanding completely as he said it that it definitely would have been better to just say "I don't know," or "Could you repeat that?" or even "Sorry, I didn't sleep well because I watched a horror movie before bed and was too scared to fall asleep for hours and now I can't focus because I'm so tired, so I honestly have no idea what's going on right now."
As it was, his actual answer garnered a few laughs scattered around the room, from people who'd given Silan way too much credit and assumed it was a very intentional joke. He couldn't look his teacher in the eye, that knowing gaze piercing right through him as if to say, "You may have fooled them, but not me. I know that was a real attempt at an answer, and I am disappointed in you on multiple levels. I'll see you in my office and also you have detention forever."
What he actually said was, "Mr. Scott, this is a Biology class."
CHRIST i take it back im a comedic genius
Chris is A Dude in Silan's class, but he's so much more than that; sports ball player man, wearer of varsity jackets and knee-length shorts of all varieties, copier of his friends' homework whenever one of them has actually done it on time… He truly is just Some Guy, but to Silan? He is The Guy.
If Silan himself were to be the one to describe Chris, that paragraph would have probably gone a lot more like: Chris is on the baseball team, so he's fairly muscular; he has a sharp, square jaw and dark brown hair that's not quite long enough to submit to gravity just yet, so it sticks up and looks just sooo fluffy and soft (do you think he lets anyone touch it?). He's never actually grown a beard but he does have stubble across his chin and jaw that suits him extremely well. His eyes are brown and his skin is a natural tan and it all suits him perfectly and he's hot okay. He's hot.
Silan is gay.
and he is being sooo normal about chris
They'd only ever spoken a total of two times; once when Chris had gotten the rows confused on a day he'd seemed particularly groggy (this class ran from 10:45 to 12:15 and was the one right before lunch, though, so it was beyond Silan what exactly had put him in such a state) ((I'm the author though, so I know exactly what it was, and it's that he'd been out nearly all night with his friends to the subsequent dismay and rage of his parents, and his request to stay home from school the next day was vehemently denied)),
this is fucking unhinged. publish me right now
That had been just a few weeks ago; the other time was last year (junior year, or 11th grade, or year 3 out of 4 of high school, whatever makes the most sense to those unacquainted with the American school system) in April and I will tell you more about it later.
It was the urge to doodle their initials in a heart together in the margins of his notebook like… like some kind of lovesick middle schooler (not that. He'd ever done that. In middle school,).
silan would never
The combination made him want to launch himself directly out the window, had one existed (the only windows were over by the door, which Silan sat pretty much across the room from).
He was kinda fucked.
tfw u cant throw urself out the window bc of ur school's evil fucked up floor plan
Rhoden, while still fairly small for his age, definitely isn't the same kid Silan met back then. There's a maturity to his jaw, his brow, that he's really come into since, and his voice has deepened considerably; anyone who might still initially mistake him for a much younger boy would be instantly enlightened the second he opened his mouth. And then they'd have to figure out how to politely decline a spontaneous interview proposal from a guy they'd thought was twelve two seconds ago.
when u get within a certain radius of him a giant health bar appears at the top of the screen & boss music starts playing
Today, though, was a photography day.
They were always Silan's favorites. He did enjoy his other tasks, in general, but none of them were as fun or freeing as photography.
It made him look at the world around him differently. Taking such a wide expanse of possibility and narrowing it down to that one perfect shot; knowing where to look and how to find potential. It was capturing a moment, but not just that; it was turning a moment, even the smallest, mundanest occurrence, into something timeless- into something special.
(And, of course, there were other perks to the job, but we'll get to those later.)
i am 100% certain said "perks" are getting to Observe chris at baseball practice which is a very funny juxtaposition to the previous paragraph
"photography is a timeless art form, truly nothing as magical or poignant could ever exist.... also i get to look at hot boys cha-CHING"
"Silan," she called out now in lieu of a team name, since the work of a photographer was mostly individual.
"I'm, uh, shooting baseball practice today."
A few short minutes later, Silan was signing off for the club's camera, which he needed permission for every time. This was one of Mrs. Springet's few roles as an advisor, to make sure the camera wasn't being stolen. It was a nice camera, to be fair.
Oh To Steal The Journalism Club's Nice Camera
While Chaulden High did have a football team, the undisputed star of the show was the baseball team; with a coach that led them to victory time and time again, it wasn't hard to see why.
As such, the New Moon always made sure to leave room for a section on the team, even going as far as establishing a series they ran every year called "Dug-Ins & Outs," in which various members of the team were interviewed.
ok still proud of that title TBH
Which meant Silan was often sent to obtain shots of the team, which was no problem. Less than no problem. He was pretty fine with it, actually. Perhaps even looked forward to it, some might say.
Because Silan was definitely interested in the team, as a whole, all twenty-six members. All of them, and not a single one more than the rest. He would never single a specific member out to accidentally focus 90% of his attention on. That would be ridiculous, and highly unprofessional of him. Perish the thought.
So uh. Chris is on the baseball team,
cups hands around mouth fucken NERD
The coach, Mr. Wendell, stood with a clipboard tucked under his arm by the dugout, clapping and calling out to members who were lagging behind in the group of joggers. He always made Silan nervous, if he were honest. He was something of a hardass, with high expectations for his team and a grueling training regimen he held them all to. He had a loud voice and a firm handshake, was broad shouldered and tall, and if Silan weren't so intimidated by him he might even find him [REDACTED].
Just as he clicked the shutter the chain-link fence behind him exploded into sound and he jumped violently, sending all of the birds flying. Heart pounding, he sat up and turned around to figure out what the hell that was.
On the other side of the fence was one of the team members leaning down to scoop up the offending ball as the coach's voice echoed across the field, "Stop fucking around, Neely!"
fucking Neely
It took him a good five or six more minutes to calm down, sitting there in the grass and pretending to flip through photos on his camera. This time he made sure to face the fence to avoid a repeat scenario- because of course, Silan was known to have the reflexes of a tiger and wouldn't even flinch were another ball to come hurling at the fence.
jotting this down in my Extremely True Silan Facts notebook
He sat on the very top row and zoomed in on the players, scattered across the field. The fence still sat between him and the rest of them, reaching high for maximum audience-shielding ability, so he decided to see how many of the players' heads he could frame perfectly within the open links in a single shot.
His average came out to about four, mostly because it was basically impossible to keep track of any more than that at once, but he did manage to get one with six on accident, so that was pretty neat. It didn't help that they were all constantly moving around- Silan probably would have had more luck trying this with the birds.
He spent about another twenty minutes doing this, occasionally moving to other parts of the bleachers for different angles to see if they made any difference (they didn't; the lower he went the wider the holes got but also the closer together the player's heads became, so it balanced out), before the main event, as far as he was concerned, finally began: batting.
silan: boy oh boy i can't wait to take pictures of the baseball team!!!
also silan: does this bullshit
Everyone knew baseball players looked coolest and most iconic when at bat, and anyone who disagreed was simply wrong (second best was pitching, third was sliding). Silan's opinion on this was in no way swayed by visuals of Chris that may or may not have been burned into his memory.
[three pictures of a batter, a pitcher, and a sliding athlete respectively side-by-side, the batter obviously being the coolest most hyped up one with dynamic lighting and stuff, whereas the pitcher and the slider are intentionally lame, like cheap-looking clip art or pictures where they're making really ugly faces]
im gonna lose my fuckin shit (no theres no actual pictures this was just a place holder for when i eventually found & inserted them which i was absolutely planning on doing)
He stayed on the other side of the fence, lest a stray ball hit him (or worse, the camera)
He was tall (he had several inches on Silan and a good few on Chris), and he was slender and lean and really quite handsome in general. His thick, curly black hair was neatly shaved close to his head and the corners of his jaw were pleasantly pronounced.
Not that Silan could see any of that from this distance, especially with the helmet obscuring most of it. But as a member of the newspaper club these were things he had to know. For professional reasons.
i believe him
He should have been adjusting his position to line up the perfect shot, but it was hard not to watch as Chris rose up on one foot, twisting his torso with his arms raised and clutching the ball- then sprung into action by slamming his foot back down into the dirt and following the momentum with his upper body, arm arcing into a powerful throw. A split second after Silan saw the ball hit the backboard he heard the noise, a loud, solid smack!
God. God.
"Make sure you're getting my good side, yeah?" He joked, grinning and striking a stupid pose.
silan watching chris: beautiful. flawless. show stopping. groundbreaking. so so hot and sexy hehehauhaoehemeheuenana
silan watching lucas: clown ass motherfucker striking his goofy ass POSE what an idiot 000/10
"Yo," Devon greeted as he pulled himself to his feet, flashing his hand in a pseudo wave.
"H-hi," Silan answered haltingly, heart beating a little fast from the maneuver he'd just had to pull. Devon offered what Silan could only describe as a dashing grin before turning his attention back towards home.
hee hee hee hiiiiiii devonnnn *twirls hair* (silan impression)
They rarely talked but Devon had always come off as a nice guy with a friendly vibe. He'd certainly never referred to the newspaper club as Mooners- not that Silan had heard, anyway. Though it wouldn't be such a big deal if he did, since the nickname was pretty widespread at this point. But it was nice that he didn't.
Also, he really was quite handsome.
this would have been a very different story had silan gone for devon instead of chris, devon would NEVER pull the shit chris is about to pull in this story fksndkjfdkjg he doesn't even call them mooners 😭
(school newspaper is called the new moon so people call the club members new mooners, an extremely clever & funny joke that i came up with myself)
(ok context, silan was gonna take a pic of chris sliding (the team's doing this whole exercise where they alternate from pitching to hitting to sliding) but bc he was so focused on getting the shot he didn't realize the ball was headed right for him so chris collided w him trying to intercept it)
Silan turned around, seeing the coach standing with his arms crossed as Chris examined his elbow. He looked up when Silan moved.
"Thank Christ. That was stupid as hell, you both could've gotten way more hurt." He hadn't even checked if Silan had been injured. "Jumping over another guy like that. We're not a goddamn gymnastics routine."
"But I caught the ball," Chris grinned, holding it up and waggling it around. Silan immediately had to stop himself from asking if he could have it.
As he walked off herding the team away, Chris stepped closer to Silan, instantly setting his heartbeat into overdrive, more than it already was.
"Your shoulder okay?" he asked with a gesture towards the shoulder in question, and Silan just about passed away on the spot.
when he checks if ur ok after he ran u the fuck over 😍😍😍
Then he looked to the left, in the direction Chris had tossed the ball just a minute ago, at the spot in the grass it had rolled to a stop.
The backboard of the catcher's box announced another missed swing, and Silan picked up the ball, examining it.
The object that had ruined his perfect shot. That had come careening directly towards Silan's head (or worse, the camera). That had resulted in the disastrous collision and subsequent injuries of Chris and Silan. That had wasted precious minutes of Coach Wendell's perfectly scheduled practice regimen.
He tucked it neatly away into his hoodie's front pocket and took a seat on the grass right where it had been.
STOLE THE FUCKING BASEBALL this is unhinged behavior and also exactly the kinda shit i would've pulled in high school 10/10
uhhhhhh that was chapter 1 and i feel i should perhaps stop here for now since this is getting like way longer than i thought it would lfksndlfmdkgj the whole thing is like. 30k ish words? i feel like i wrote about 3 or 4 chapters
i like. shoulda done this shit a few days ago so i could start writing again today (the 1st) but i was too busy drawing heehee uhhh whoopsieee >w<
its ok its fine this year i will make it to 50k easy peasy dont even worry abt it ;3 i will definitely not go back to drawing today that would be sooooooo silly and goofy of me hahaha :)
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saltysaccharin · 1 year
• characters :: shigaraki tomura, ryouga atsumu, himegami kuroi, extras
• genre :: crack
• warnings :: written while high. not literally high bc drugs are bad kids but like high in spirit /ij none
prompt / synopsis :: "call him baby girl"
word count :: ~900
a/n :: i had SUCH a day today. very eventful /pos. i should be sleepimg bc i'm tired from said day but bro. smth took over. and i churned out like 900 somwthing words of utter stupidity.
dw, not canon to elysium at all bc. frankly it's TOO stupid to be 🫶
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Himegami ordering Shigaraki Tomura to get an updated-daily social media account was supposed to be serious. He was supposed to upload short 'reports' on his life rooming with Apollo every day, not.. whatever this was.
"'Call him baby girl for me'? What the fuck?" Shigaraki barked out a laugh, muttering the comment aloud as he read it and clearly finding it entertaining rather than taking offense to it (as he definitely would have a year or two ago). "Fine. I need to find the fucker first, though."
The audio translated the shuffling off of a couch very well; he had been blessed with a really good phone model by the very person he was planning to make fun of. Oops. Hey, he had to give his audience something, didn't he?
Nice place.
holy shit its actually happening someone clip this quick
rly went 'bet' lol
Idk what y'all expected ofc he'd do it XD
Shocker, the symbol of fear has no fear?!?!?
Shigaraki casually walked through the spacious penthouse, still using the front camera as the Live continued. His watchers' expressions of disbelief and amusement flooded the chat as he continued his search for a certain doctor.
talk about upper-class
Do u guys need an extra roomie maybe?? 🥺
Address drop or no balls
where is that
Finally peeking his head and his camera around the master bedroom's doorway, the lens focused on his prey. There, sitting at his work desk, was Ryouga Atsumu — otherwise known as Doc Apollo — tinkering with a foldable bow. The brunet grunted ever so often every time he ran into a particularly frustrating component to calibrate.
it's a wild apollo!
Sexy Heroes in your area right now! Click the link: <https://www.insertcreativedomain.com/japan-no-2>
help mods theres a fucking bot
@/ERĀ Mod get the bot pls
Im jealous ngl how come u get to live w/ him :(
@/ERĀ sic it
An especially impatient fan sent a Gift into the Live in an attempt to encourage Shigaraki. The loud notification from it managed to catch Ryouga's notice, dragging his attention from his weapon directly to Shigaraki.
"Oh, hey. Need anything?" Ryouga smiled softly as he spun his chair to face the correct direction. With a hum, he tilted his head before pointing at the phone in Shigaraki's hand, "Is it rolling? Daily check-in?" He asked curiously.
"It's live," Shigaraki replied, stepping out of the concealment of the doorway since he'd been discovered. He straightened his camera as well. "People are watching in real time."
Ryouga made an O with his mouth in understanding and nodded. "Right, yeah. Well, you know I don't involve myself much with social media, Shigaraki; I have a whole group of people running my account for me."
omg he's a boomer in disguise. i knew no guy could be perfect </3
Was this not common knowledge?
knowing Apollo having a team just for managing his Tweetr made my fucking week
Send help
Shigaraki waved his free hand in dismissal, "Yeah, yeah, I know all that—" He paused, suddenly narrowing his eyes as he stared directly at the former, "—baby girl." Delivered with absolutely no shame, accompanied by a singular finger gun and a tongue click.
Ryouga only stared in response, seemingly frozen in time. Mouth slightly agape, he blinked twice, then a bunch more times in quick succession before leaning forward in his chair and shaking his head. He knitted his eyebrows as he squinted at Shigaraki for answers.
"Baby what?"
Shigaraki snickered as his focus transferred to the live chat, his thousand-or-so viewers currently blowing up the inbox at the speed of a bullet train. The number signifying how many people were watching went up a slight amount as more people joined the stream.
"Nonono, you listen here," Ryouga pushed himself up from his seat before marching toward Shigaraki, who watched him approach through the camera rather than directly with his own eyes. The red-eyed man only grinned as the doctor gave him an incredulous look.
Quite the switch in expressions compared to their less amicable times with one another.
"Ryouga, it's fine, it's a fucking meme—" Shigaraki managed to explain between every other chuckle as he raised both hands in surrender, the camera angle disregarded as the screen now barely showed either of them fully, much to the dismay of the people watching. It captured a diagonally-warped perspective of Shigaraki's face as he looked at the off-screen Ryouga.
this is honestly hilarious i cant do this im gonna die today
Nooo the videooooo
he looks like he's getting an earful
All the viewers could experience from that point on was hearing Ryouga chuckle and go: "Oh no, I know. I don't keep up with online trends but I'm not that blissfully unaware of my surroundings!" He huffed, albeit overdramatically just to prove his point.
"You.. know? Then why the hell did you give me that look? I thought I upset you!"
"Well, I'm not 'baby girl,'"
A brief shot of Shigaraki's lips being pecked followed that statement, the culprit disappearing from sight as quick as they had committed the crime.
"You are."
"...I'm not sure you know what 'baby girl' entails." Shigaraki coughed into his shoulder, attempting to hide the blush creeping onto his face.
Oh my GOD
nvm not an earful. mouthful maybe LOL
This was disgusting & I don't mean that in a good way smh
I feel like i've intruded on a moment here
Aww what a cute couple (is sleeping on the highway)
gay gay homosexual gay
@/ERĀ you and me when
Dudeee wtfff (do it again)
When is it my turn to be happy
wait WHAT is happening i literally thought apollo and hawks were still a thing help me
Himegami slowly breathed out into her intertwined fingers as she deadpanned at her laptop screen.
What in the nine circles did she just watch?
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kerie-prince · 3 years
Hermione Granger x fem Slytherin!reader (fluff)
requested: (@chokemepansy) im terrible at requesting because i blank on ideas BUT anything for hermione please <3 take your time ily 💓
warnings: a single curse word, but mainly just soft hours
summary: Hermione has her very first date with you at Hogsmeade (song inspo from Fergie's Clumsy) (pardon my lame ass summary)
a/n: ty for requesting, luv 🥺 hope you like it! i made the reader slytherin just bc of you <3 and yes, i put in an outfit inspo but it's not like the cringy ones from wattpad
(gif not mine, cred to owner)
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You came to love the smell of parchment and books. The sound of pages being turned, the feeling of a new book in your hands. You loved them because it made you think of Hermione.
Merlin, you were infatuated with everything about her. The excitement in her voice when she talked about her favorite books, the small paper cuts on her fingers from turning the pages – she didn't mind them as it was normal for her – and the look on her face when she received praise from professors.
She was all you thought about and you wanted to go to the top of the Astronomy Tower and yell out "I LOVE HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER" for the whole school to hear. And you were positive she felt the same. Hermione would refuse to let go of your hands when you walked together from class and on some occasions, you'd catch her staring at you during study sessions. Just like she was doing now.
"Miss Granger, for the last time, I am asking you what are the contents of polyjuice potion?" Snape was hovered over her desk. Hermione jumped in her seat and turned to face the brooding professor. Your Slytherin housemates who sat at the back of class laughed at her startled state as she named the contents. You looked back and glared at them all. When Snape left your table and continued his lecture, you leaned closer to Hermione and whispered as low as you could, “Are you okay? You seem kind of distracted,” you noticed.
“Y-yes, I'm fine,” Hermione stuttered. Snape excused the class and Hermione waited for you to be done packing your things just so she could hold your hand to the Great Hall. “Are we still going to Hogsmeade on Saturday?” you asked.
“Harry’s got detention with McGonagall for ‘ accidentally’ turning Crabbe into a water goblet in class,” Hermione used her free hand to make air quotations, “and Ron’s busy with Lavender that day.” She had a sad look on her face, thinking that they wouldn't be able to go to Hogsmeade after all. You picked up on it and had an idea. “So, just the two of us then?”
Hermione’s chest became warm, “Okay. It's a date.” Your eyes slightly bulged out and to Hermione, you had an indistinguishable smile, “I mean, not like a date date, but a girls date.” You weren't sure if she meant it like that, but you laughed at her stumbling her words. The always composed girl becoming a cute, blubbering mess for you. Not that you knew for sure it was because for you but you’d given it a lot of thought.
She never held Harry’s hand like she did yours unless he was upset about something and she was comforting him. And she certainly never held Ron’s hand. Nor does she ever hug him knowing Lavender would go ballistic. Not that she’d ever want to. He was her best friend, yeah but she had never gotten used to it. They both had an unspoken thing to not hug.
“Sounds fun,” you chirped, “can’t wait for it.” You gave her a lingering hug before going to your table. You sat in between your best friends Pansy and Daphne. Pansy had a smirk on her lips once you were in her line of sight, “Did you finally tell Granger?” You knew what she was talking about and nudged her arm with your elbow, “Shut it.” The two girls chuckled and gave each other knowing looks. “I might tell her on Saturday,” you disclosed.
They had matching shocked faces; for nearly a year, they’ve watched you pace around their shared dorm debate with yourself whether or not to tell her about how you feel. You’d have a sparkle in your eyes every time you talked about her and nearly spent every day with her. They weren't upset about it. In fact, they couldn't wait to see you two together. But you were unexpectedly insecure by thinking of the worst case scenario in which she’d reject you.
“That’s great, Y/N/N. I’m so happy for you. I know everything will turn out well,” Daphne supported. Pansy nodded and pointed to Daphne as to say ‘Me too’. You grabbed the hands of both girls and held them tightly, “Thanks, girls. I love you guys.” You wrapped an arm around both of them and brought them in for a hug. Daphne returned it while Pansy made a fake coughing sound. “I can’t b-breathe,” she exaggerates. You held on for a couple seconds more before letting go and started eating. “Okay, so how is this happening?” Pansy asked.
“We’re going to Hogsmeade together on Saturday,” you inquired. “So the whole lot is going as well?” Pansy was talking about Harry and Ron of course.
“No, just the two of us alone,” you replied, taking a bite of the chicken on your plate.
“You mean, this is a date?” Daphne exclaimed. “We’re going to help pick an outfit, no questions asked.” She had a stern look that dared you to talk back. As sweet as Daphne is, once her mind is set to something, she doesn't budge. You accepted it and was met with her usual warm smile. Inside, you were ecstatic and couldn't wait for Saturday. Your crush has gone on for too long, and you were tired of waiting.
Your dorm mates got you up at the crack of dawn. And by crack of dawn, it was actually 10 am at most. They made you change into every outfit they picked out which totaled in 8. You appreciated everything they were doing, but some of the outfits were too much for a day in Hogsmeade. Daphne picked out tennis skirts with cropped argyle sweaters. Pansy picked short dresses that stopped at your mid-thigh and black wool turtlenecks to go over them. They had completely different aesthetics which is what probably made them perfect friends.
You settled on something casual; a thick striped long sleeve polo with light blue jeans and white trainers. It was going to be a nice spring day and you didn't want to wear something that would be too short and you get cold later. Daphne did your hair in two French plaits and Pansy did your makeup modestly. Once you were done, it was noon and you rushed to meet Hermione for your ‘girl date’.
She took the air straight from your lungs. She looked more breathtaking than the night of the Yule Ball. You distinctly remember being incredibly jealous of Viktor Krum and beat yourself up for not asking her before he did. But now, if he was here, you were sure that the famous Quidditch athlete would be jealous of you.
Hermione’s usually wild hair was tamed into smooth wavy curls that framed her delicate face. She wore a floral print button up that was definitely new as you’ve never seen it before. Or did she save it just for you? Her navy jeans hugged her ankles and she donned light pink flats. And probably for the first time since the Yule Ball, she had mascara and lipgloss on. Casual, but perfect.
Your face was flushed, and you weren't sure if she was also blushing or if maybe she was just wearing blush. “Shall we?” You reached out to grab her hands – her soft hands – and waited for her response. She didn't say anything when she laced her fingers with yours and started walking on the path to Hogsmeade. Hermione was about to say that you looked pretty when she tripped over a small rock on the pathway. “Are you okay?” you expressed concern. She was still holding onto your hand as she steadied herself up, “Yeah, I’m fine.”
You snorted and had to hold the butterbeer in your mouth, “Ron did what?” Hermione laughed as she told you how Lavender exploded on Ron for forgetting their anniversary and when he tried to make it up by giving her chocolates that he got from his older brothers, Lavender instantly grew a huge chin that drooped over her neck. Ron had gotten so mad at them and in unison, they told him ‘Why’d you think we’d ever give you real ones?’
“So that’s why no one has seen her for a couple days!” you noted. She was nodding as she laughed. You could only imagine what it was like to see it in person. Poor Lav. You went back and forth talking about whatever went on since the last time you were together.
Hermione went on talking about a new book she read about over the winter holiday. The way she expressed her emotions and passion for it made you fall for the Gryffindor girl more. When you hadn't said anything, she stopped and lowered her head, “I’m boring you, aren't I?”
You sat straight in your chair and fumbled your words before reaching out to grab her hand from across the table, “No, no, no, of course not. I could never be bored of you, I love you.” Your eyes widened. You didn't exactly expect to let it slip out like that, but you studied her reaction to see if you could leave it at that or otherwise. She sat still with a poker face. “Y-you’re my best friend, Mione–”
“I love you, too,” she confessed. “Huh?” Please, please, please tell me I heard her right. You didn't get to fully process what she said because after a few seconds, she gathered all her courage and reached over the table to give you a quick peck on your lips. It would've been a sweet moment hadn't she accidentally knocked her glass over in the process. Everyone in the Three Broomsticks had their eyes on you, Hermione’s face beet red and lowered out of embarrassment. You tried cleaning the mess and out of nowhere, Hermione ran out. Fuck this you thought as you ran after her.
“Mione, wait!” She hadn't gone far and luckily for you, she listened. Her cheeks were rosy and her eyes averted from yours. “Where are you going? Aren’t we on a date?” Confidence had finally kicked in when you asked her. Hermione’s breath hitched. She couldn't see anything in your face that showed you were joking. Because you weren't. “Yes,” she grabbed your hands and started walking towards the other shops in the small village. Until once again, she nearly fell back when she nearly slipped over another rock on the ground. You supported her back up and giggled, “You’re so clumsy.”
requests open!
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babypandawrites · 3 years
Allies, Pt. 12
The Siege of the North, Part Two
Pairing: Sokka x F Reader Warnings: Implications of Death, I think that's all? Word Count: 3,286 Summary: With the Fire Nation waging war on the Northern Water Tribe, you didn't expect things of the past to be brought up, but, when do you expect anything at this point.
Note: And here we have, the final part of Allies :') But don't worry- the story will continue in a sequel 👀 Phew I did not mean for this to take so long, but I was having a really hard time with the end and ended up having to change where the reader was towards the end for me to... actually be able to write the chapter. Thank you to everyone who has enjoyed the story thus far! It means the world to me, really. It's crazy to think about how I've been working on this for four months! I hope you guys will stick with me for the months to come while I write the sequel :') I'll be carrying over the taglist to the sequel since it's the... same story just a different name heh. Let me know if you want to be added or taken off! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and that you all have a great day! <3 Also hi sorry bringing this poll back up bc the results are currently tied!!!
-Navigation- | -Atla Masterlist- -Last Part- | -Allies Masterlist- | -Next Part-
Taglist: @boomeraangin | @brokennerdalert
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Eyes blinking open, Y/n slowly came too. Her vision was blurry, and her head was pounding. Faintly, she could hear someone talking, but her head was too fuzzy to make out who it was and what they were saying. Her vision clearing, she could see a rocky ceiling, which seemed… odd. Was she in a cave?
When she tried to sit up, she found that she couldn’t move. Her arms were trapped against her sides, and her legs were bound together. Groaning quietly, Y/n twisted onto her side. Aang was on the ground a few feet away from her, hands bound behind his back. He didn’t seem… present.
Observing the situation more, she noted the figure that stood at the entrance to what she was assuming was a cave. They were still talking, and her head was finally clear enough to make out what they were saying.
“I don’t need luck though, I don’t want it. I’ve always had to struggle and fight and that’s made me strong. It’s made me who I am.”
Struggling weakly against her bindings, Y/n furrowed her eyebrows together. “..Zuko..?”
His head turned to the side slightly, an acknowledgement that she was awake, but he didn’t turn to face her. “Don’t bother trying to get free, I’ll just knock you out again.” He paused for a short moment. “Sorry about that, I just.. I knew you wouldn’t give up. You never have.”
Zuko had… taken her too. Why…?
Grunting, she continued to struggle against the rope, stopping only when Zuko rested his hand on her arm. “What did I just say? Did I knock you in the head that hard?” Sighing, Zuko settled on the ground next to her. “I’d prefer if you didn’t make me knock you out again. You probably think otherwise but I don’t want to hurt you.”
Opting to stay silent, she shuffled in place. He watched her carefully, before awkwardly looking about once she stopped moving. He took in a deep breath, when she started shuffling again. “Are you.. uncomfortable?” Being met with silence, Zuko glanced at Y/n to see she was looking at him with a blank expression. “I can sit you up, if you want.”
Not receiving an answer once again, he let out an annoyed breath. “Conversations usually go both ways, Y/n.”
Still, she looked at him blankly. “I don’t think people typically converse with their captors, Zuko.”
“Well, we used to be friends!” Crossing his arms with a huff, Zuko slumped against the cave wall. “I guess the key phrase is ‘used to be’, isn’t it?” He clicked his tongue, before breathing out a sigh. “I didn’t capture you to turn you in, we could… still be friends.”
Y/n took on a pensive expression. “Then why..?”
“Why did I capture you..?” Receiving a nod of confirmation, Zuko shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t… I don’t know.”
“You don’t… know..?”
“No! Okay?! I just-” Breathing out another annoyed breath, he dropped his head into his hands. “Why? Why did you leave? I thought… I thought we had each other's backs and… and you just up and leave?! Just like that?! No explanation, no nothing!? So why?!” Continuing to stay silent, Y/n grimaced internally at the rise in Zuko’s volume. The more he spoke, the louder he got. It was almost hard to imagine that this was the boy she grew up with.
Zuko scoffed, shaking his head slightly. “Fine then. It doesn’t matter anyways- You’ve chosen your path.” He let out a laugh, one edging on hysterical. “You know, I thought maybe I could sit here and convince you to come back, but I can see that isn’t going to work… The Avatar and his friends have won your favor.” He was silent for a moment, seemingly calming down from his outburst. “Uncle told me that I shouldn’t be mad at you, that I should respect your decision to find your own path. How can I do that when your so-called path is going against me?”
Before Zuko could continue, Aang came too, returning from the spirit world. Attention turned to the boy, when he started to struggle against his bonds. After a short moment of futile struggle, he sat up to face Zuko.
“Welcome back.”
“Good to be back.” Aang spoke with a threatening tone, blinding reaching around with his hands- which were tied behind his back -to try and find Y/n’s wrist. Once he was able to grab onto her wrist, he took in a deep breath and blew Zuko away from them while simultaneously shooting both him and Y/n out of the cave. The two landed in the snow outside, where Aang started to caterpillar crawl.
It didn’t take long for Zuko to get to them, grabbing Aang by the collar and lifting him in the air once he did. “That won’t be enough to escape.”
Suddenly, Appa appeared above them, before landing on the ground. Y/n breathed out a sigh of relief. Katara got off the bison, as Zuko dropped Aang back into the snow. “Here for a rematch?”
“Trust me, Zuko, it’s not going to be much of a match.”
Katara blocked a fireball Zuko shot at her, sending a wave of ice towards him. Once the ice reached him, she encased him in a pillar of ice that she raised high from the ground. When she dropped him, he fell to the ground unconscious.
Sokka jumped off of Appa, rushing over to Aang to cut his bonds. “Hey! This is some quality rope!” He commented, before moving to Y/n to free her as well.
“We need to get to the oasis! The spirits are in trouble!” Aang got up, and ran to Appa, while Sokka helped Y/n to her feet.
Everyone was on the bison, ready for take off, but Aang hesitated on leaving, looking towards Zuko’s knocked out form. “Wait, we can’t just leave him here.”
“Sure we can. Let’s go.”
Y/n shook her head softly. “No, Aang’s right, we can’t leave him. He could die.”
Aang jumped off Appa, and grabbed Zuko to bring him up onto the bison. Sokka watched him with a somewhat exasperated expression. “Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. Let’s bring the guy who’s constantly trying to kill us!”
As they started to fly back to the Spirit Oasis, the moon changed to a blood red, casting a red light over everything. This seemed to affect Yue, who held her head in pain, letting out a groan.
Sokka looked at her concerned. “Are you okay?”
“I feel faint.”
Aang, with a hand to his head, looked at the moon. “I feel it too. The Moon Spirit is in trouble.”
Yue glanced at the moon as well. “I owe the Moon Spirit my life.”
“What do you mean?” Sokka questioned.
“When I was born I was very sick and very weak. Most babies cry when they’re born… But I was born as if I were asleep. My eyes closed. Our healers did everything they could. They told my mother and father I was going to die. My father pleaded with the spirits to save me… that night, beneath the full moon, he brought me to the oasis and placed me in the pond. My dark hair turned white, I opened my eyes and began to cry- and they knew I would live. That’s why my mother named me Yue, for the moon.”
They neared the oasis as Yue finished her story, to find Zhao there- a bag in hand and Momo on his head trying to stop him from what he was doing. The group got off Appa when he landed, sans Yue and Zuko, ready to fight Zhao and the other Fire Nation soldiers in the oasis.
“Don’t bother!” Zhao held a knife to the bag he had, which must have had the Moon Spirit trapped inside.
Aang dropped his staff, raising his hands in surrender. “Zhao! Don’t!”
“It’s my destiny… to destroy the Moon… and the Water Tribe.”
Y/n glared at the man, resisting her urge to attack him. “You’re insane.”
“Destroying the moon won’t just hurt the Water Tribe. It will hurt everyone- including you. Without the moon, everything would fall out of balance. You have no idea what kind of chaos that would unleash on the world.” Aang tried to reason with him, but Y/n wasn’t sure words alone would stop the man.
“He is right, Zhao!” Heads turned to Iroh, as he approached.
“General Iroh, why am I not surprised to discover your treachery?” Zhao spoke in a bored tone.
Iroh lowered his hood. “I’m no traitor, Zhao, the Fire Nation needs the moon too. We all depend on the balance.”
Unsurprisingly, Zhao continued to hold his threat on the Moon Spirit, the knife he held at the bag it was captive in not dropping.
“Whatever you do to that spirit I’ll unleash on you ten-fold!” Iroh pointed a finger at Zhao, before taking on a firebending stance. “LET IT GO, NOW!”
After a moment of stillness, Zhao faltered, lowering the bag. He kneeled and released the fish of the Moon Spirit back into the pond. The red light casted from the moon returned back to normal.
Seeing something move in the corner of her eye, Y/n’s attention moved to the right, just in time for her to see a figure sneaking away. Careful not to draw attention to herself, she followed after them, noting that Zuko was missing from Appa’s saddle as she snuck by. He was taking the chance to sneak away, while everyone was focused on Zhao. If she had anything to say about it, he wouldn’t be getting far.
In her pursuit, the moon fell dark, probably thanks to Zhao. It’s not a surprise that he would try and kill the moon spirit, even after letting it go. Keeping her distance and staying as hidden as she can, Y/n continued to follow Zuko- Only stopping when he did. Eyebrows furrowing together, she watched as he shot a blast of flames to a lower area from where they stood- Which was shot at Zhao.
The man stopped in his steps, looking up at Zuko incredulously. “You’re alive?”
“You tried to have me killed!”
He shot several more blasts at Zhao, which he was able to dodge. When he tried to run off in the other direction, Y/n moved quickly to grab her bow and an arrow, shooting it at the ground in front of him. Both Zhao and Zuko were shocked by this, not having noticed her before.
“You tried to have him killed?!”
Zhao’s gaze darted between the two, before primarily focusing on Zuko. “Yes, I did. You’re the Blue Spirit- and enemy of the Fire Nation! You freed the Avatar!” Pausing, he pointed to Y/n. “And her!” His words dripped with venom.
“I had no choice!”
Zuko fired several more attacks at Zhao, while Y/n readied an arrow- though she waited to shoot it until the right moment. Zhao avoided the attacks, removing and dropping his smoking cloak as they subsided. “You should have chosen to accept your failure- your disgrace! Then, at least you could have lived.”
Returning the fire, the two end up in a short exchange of attacks, before Zuko blasted Zhao in the chest, knocking him down. Having seemed to realize Y/n was waiting for the right moment for attack, Zuko glanced at her. “Now.”
Though she didn’t need his signal- In quick succession she fired two arrows at Zhao, one pinning his sleeve to the ground, the other pinning his pant leg. The two jumped down to the lower level Zhao was, landing on either side of him as he struggled to free his clothes from the arrows. Zuko took on a firebending stance, while Y/n pulled another arrow through her bow. They both waited to attack, watching the man carefully.
Finally wiggling the arrow free from his shirt sleeve, he scoffed, looking between the two. “Two traitors working together again, hm? I’m not surprised at this point.”
Y/n narrowed her eyes when the Admiral quit trying to wiggle the arrow pinning his pant leg down free, quickly pivoting on her heel at realization. Twisting to the side, she narrowly dodged the arrow when he threw it at her. This initiated the fight once again, Zuko sending a relentless stream of attacks. Realizing her bow wasn’t going to get her anywhere in a close range fight, Y/n hooked it away onto her quiver, running at Zhao while he traded fire blasts with Zuko. She grabbed onto his arm as he tried to send an attack at the prince, yanking it to the side so the blast shot to the right. He twisted his other arm to send a fireball right into her face, which she was able to duck away from as she released his arm. The momentary distraction gave Zuko the opening to shoot a powerful blast at Zhao, knocking him back a bit.
Unable to keep his attention on both of them at once, Y/n was able to swipe her leg at his ankles while he was focused on Zuko, knocking him down. Not relenting, Zhao shot a blast at Y/n, catching her off guard and knocking her down. She rolled out of the way of another blast, before Zuko helped her off the ground- While firing at Zhao. The two looked at each other briefly, sharing a nod.
Running at Zhao once again, Y/n twisted, ducked and dodged the attacks sent at her, while also giving room for Zuko to send his own blasts at the man. Once close enough, she started throwing punches at Zhao, taking his attention in the fight. The close proximity of the fight didn’t stop him from using his fire, leaving parts of her clothes to be singed. She ducked when he tried to punch her with a blazing fist, giving the opening for Zuko to send another powerful blast at Zhao, knocking him down once again.
He didn’t get up this time, rather looking past the two with a horror ridden expression. “It can’t be!”
Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/n turned to see what he was looking at- The moon. In the heat of the battle, she hadn’t noticed it started to shine bright once again.
Suddenly, water rose up coalescing around the bridge they were on, taking the form of a large fish like creature. It reached out and grabbed Zhao, pulling him off the bridge. He struggled against it, before Zuko reached out to him. “Take my hand!”
For a moment, it seemed like he was going to grasp onto Zuko’s hand, but instead drew back- an expression of hate taking over his features. Zhao was taken under the surface of the water, disappearing. Crossing her arms, Y/n looked at the surface of the water in near disbelief.
Silence lingered in the air, it only being broken when Zuko quietly cleared his throat. Looking up from the surface of the water, she glanced over at him. He took a minute, before speaking up.
“Listen, Y/n… I’m… sorry. For everything. I- Ugh, what am I even trying to say here.”
She raised an eyebrow in amusement. “That you’re sorry?”
“Yes- Wait, I already said that..” He breathed out a sigh, holding a hand to his forehead. Laughing softly, she held out her hand.
He hesitated for a moment, before grasping onto her hand, a soft smile tugging up his lips. “Truce.”
Tugging him a step closer, Y/n put an arm around his neck, bringing him into a hug. Zuko tensed at the action, but returned it nonetheless.
“We can still be friends..” Mumbling quietly, she broke away from the hug. “But I need to get back to them.”
“I.. understand.” He paused. “Actually, no, I don’t. But… I won’t stop you.”
Offering a small smile, she slipped past him, intending to go back to the oasis. She stopped on the way there, however, seeing that her friends were gathered. Katara waved her over, inviting her into the group hug they were currently sharing. Running over, she joined them, a wide smile on her face.
Sea water gently splashed up against the sides of the boat, spraying past the railings. The more Y/n sat with her back against them, her head leaned back, the more the back of her shirt and her hair dampened from the water. Eyes closed, she took in a deep breath. With her terrible track record on boats, she didn’t know that being out at sea could be so… relaxing.
“Can’t sleep?”
She shook her head softly in response. “You can’t either?”
Sokka breathed out a quiet, somewhat tense, laugh. “No..” He paused for a short moment. “Do you mind?”
Opening her eyes to see that he was motioning to the space on the deck next to her, Y/n offered a soft smile. “Not at all.”
Muttering a small thanks, he gave a weak smile in return, before settling down next to her. He sat close enough for their shoulders to press together, the close proximity made her heart race.
Silence lingered over them for a long moment, before Y/n spoke up. “I heard what happened… With Yue.”
Breathing out a soft sigh, Sokka tilted his head back, looking up at the moon. “Yeah… I figured you would.”
“I’m sorry for bringing it up but- I just wanted to say if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m always right here.”
“Thanks..” He paused for a moment. “You know, I went to that shop you were working at once when you weren’t there. I was trying to catch you there, that… didn’t work out- Obviously.” He breathed out a quiet chuckle, digging into his coat pocket. “But I did meet that lady you worked for, and she asked me to make sure this got to you.” He held out a bracelet, the one she’d been looking at in the shop before she started working there.
Her eyes widened slightly. “I forgot about that.”
“That’s why she asked me to give it to you. Let me see your wrist.” He tied the bracelet around her wrist, once she held it out to him.
“Thanks.” She spoke with a smile, twisting her wrist slightly causing the stone to glint in the moonlight.
“It’s no problem.” Smirking, he took on a slightly teasing tone. “I didn’t expect you to be a jewelry person.”
Pressing a hand to her chest, she feigned an over exaggerated offence. “Just because I lived in a forest and can fight better than you doesn’t mean I can’t like girly things.”
He looked at her offended. “You cannot fight better than me!” She leaned a bit closer to him, raising an eyebrow. “You wanna test that theory?”
Falling silent, he gulped. “No, I think I’m good.”
They were both quiet, before breaking into a short fit of laughter. Leaning back against the boat's railing, Y/n hugged one of her knees to her chest.
Once again, silence fell over them. After a few moments, a sudden weight was on her shoulder. Tensing slightly, she looked to the side, to see that Sokka had fallen asleep- His head now leaning on her shoulder. She opened her mouth to wake him up, but stopped herself.
Something in her didn’t want to wake him up… The closeness was… Nice.
Letting her eyes fall closed, she leaned her head back, absentmindedly fiddling with the bracelet tied around her wrist. She felt so calm, but still her heart raced, and she wasn’t sure why.
With certain thoughts and memories coming to mind, however, the pieces started to fit together.
And it was in that moment, Y/n realized.
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lewyn-martell · 3 years
what are some succession podcasts that arent awful? i trust your taste bc i think you really /get it/ and i'm kind of wary of podcasts that miss the point. i've only listened to roycast so far which is the best one imo but are there any you like?
I'm sorry for putting this on hold for so long. I had a pretty important 2 part exam these last 2 weekends and I couldn't listen to the episodes as much as I was doing before and I didn't want to give a whatever answer.
I think I want to start this by saying that for all my problems with the podcasts, most of them aren't awful at all hsbshabhaba It also really depends on what you're after, so I'm gonna try to say what I take from each of the podcasts I listen to. Short answer is that they're all fine except for the Official one.
HBO's Succession Podcast (mondays)
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Host for season 3: Kara Swisher
The first I went after and the first to let me down *mwah*
It's simply is a waste of time. I can't describe it any other way. The biggest red flag is already in the description: "After each week's episode airs, join host Kara Swisher and her guests as they unpack how the real world is reflected in the world of Succession on screen" girl FUCK the real world. The one for the first episode is basically a half hour conversation about Gerri's phone call to the white house press secretary and (urgh) real world communications between companies and the president. 30 MINUTES OF THAT. I wanted to off myself.
The only episode so far that was actually worth listening to was the one for episode 3 with Lucy Prebble, an executive producer and writer of the show. Followed (with a large gap) by the 5th episode one because it's actually 2 podcasters saying their opinion (well, kinda. Because I would actually advocate for this one a little bit more if Kara Swisher had anything at all to contribute except guiding the conversation. In hindsight, I shouldn't have expected anything less from a financial and tech reporter, but literally all she does is describe what happened.)
(I can't attest for the quality of the episodes with host Roger Bennet w/ the cast in 2020 because huh I have far less interest in what actors have to say for a whole (half) hour than I am in the opinion and insight of the writers and directors and other important crew members. Actors are just there to be pretty and do a little dance for me. Sometimes they have nice opinions, most times I couldn't care less...)
The Ringer's Prestige TV Podcast (wednesdays and fridays) and The Watch (mondays)
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Hosts (wednesdays): Sean Fennessey and Joanna Robinson
Hosts (fridays): Chris Ryan and Wosny Lambre
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Hosts: Chris Ryan and Andy Greenwald
Now these are the ones where the parasocial relationship (derogatory) gets flowing the most because together they post thrice a week and I actually listen to all of them (embarrassing).
On Mondays, right after the episode (at least until the 7th one) we have Chris Ryan and Andy Greenwald on The Watch. On Wednesdays, we have Sean Fennessey and Joanna Robinson on Prestige TV doing a regular discussion with an interview at the end. On Fridays, we have (still on Prestige TV) Wosny Lambre and Chris again doing a Precap, which actually means nothing and it's just a regular discussion about the last episode too.
All of these guys are... fine. They have easy chemistry, they know television, have some nice lines of thinking and discussion (don't get too concerned with real world logic too much), they don't try to demand from the show what it isn't and they get the comedy. But the thing is, while the talks about the plot and some situations and conversations can be a hit, all of these people, ALL of them, will miss something about character motivations ALL THE TIME. Chris and Andy are two dudebros who can't get a single thing right about Shiv and are constantly missing the point about her character. Sean and Joanna are better, I guess (especially Sean. Joanna is a bit of a disappointed Kendall girl who thought that the man suffering in s2 would erase his misogyny and delusions and flaws etc.), but not too much. Wos sometimes will say something and you will think "THANK YOU!! Finally!!" but he has also broken my trust many times (especially with Shiv) because he can get judgy real fast and has a tendency of getting too into Logan's POV (like, are you sure the point of this is the game itself and not the effects they cause??). At least none of them suck the dicks of the male characters too much, but they still get them far better than Shiv, Marcia, Willa, Naomi etc. I have to brace myself every time they try talking about Shiv because it will just leave me fuming or cockblocked when they go through a scene and manage to stay strictly on the surface. I start breathing very slowly every time one of them says something like "here's the thing about Shiv [...]".
So yeah, these podcasts are good if you want to listen to people who actually understand television narrative and bla bla bla. They all have their different tastes and all, although none of them particularly like Shiv or Connor, if I recall correctly. They don't hate them, but they're not crazy about them either. They're also busy bees and will sometimes remember things wrong and draw wrong conclusions from it (which actually hurts less when they do it from what they remember right). They usually have popular opinions, some astute observations, and are not hard-headed about anything. Wednesday ones are the best ones.
Slate Money Succession on Slate Culture (mondays)
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Hosts: Felix Salmon and Emily Peck (and guest)
Slate Culture's business and finance division Podcast with Felix Salmon and Emily Peck is actually a warm favorite of mine and they can explain it better than me: "Slate Money is obsessed with Succession, HBO's wonderful drama about the lives of the superrich Roy family. So, every Monday, we'll be discussing the previous night's episode with spoiler-filled glee." They're not kidding about loving the show. They are at their silliest and most happy quoting the absurd lines, and just basking on the ludicrous aspects of the episodes. The downside is that the group chemistry and momentum will depend on how well they can flow with the guest (there's one in every episode), and they're like finance guests which doesn't always bode well for us. Again, miss me with that real world shit. No interest and almost no patience left, but their enthusiasm about the show is contagious and it's still worth it every week for me. Don't expect anything in depth, though, but it's refreshing how they're not judgemental about the characters because of it. The definition of focusing on what you like.
Still Watching by Vanity Fair (mondays)
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Hosts: Richard Lawson, and Sonia Saraiya
Now comes the podcasts I actually don't listen all that much and I'm still behind several episodes. I thought this one was in a similar vein as the ringer because you have journalists speaking, but I think, as far as I listened, that they are a bit more surface than the ringer. Yknow, those basic twitter takes?? A bit too into saying how the characters are bad and what's wrong with them instead of talking about why they are that way. My opinion on this one might still change, though!
The Sweet Smell of Succession (mondays)
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Hosts: David Chen and Tara Ariano
David Chen is cool but Tara Ariano doesn't like romangerri... which would be nothing if this was the only or one of the only podcasts available but when it comes to picking and choosing.... I'm never that thrilled to hear anything from someone who can't appreciate romangerri I'M SORRY SJBSSJSBSJBAHA
RoyCast (fridays)
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I'm so behind this one I can't even remember the names of the hosts. Basically all I remember is that the audio is kind of bad and they're a bit too serious. I thought about catching up before posting this answer specifically because you mentioned them, but I already stalled long enough. It seems to me.... that they are fans of the show doing a podcast instead of critics, so it's good to keep that in mind when choosing what to listen because it can be a huge plus or a minus depending on what kind of perspective you want.
Bottom line is that my unmissables are mainly The Ringer ones, which I hate as much as I appreciate, and Slate Money Succession which is purely for the vibes.
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misterbitches · 3 years
so with s2 announcement which i am so beyond happy about especially since that was the last k-bl i watched and like the last bl i watched and enjoyed i think. on a level where i'm like oh this is a good movie. so i'm gonna have to watch it as a movie bc the supercut, minus the fades, is a well-flowing movie. they are writing them episodically with not a film in mind which is important but it's just easier to not have to constantly break bc the eps are short
first i am glad that the age thing is not a big deal bc i am shocked that this man is not a millenial like i thought he was lmao and that seo joon's actor is closer to my age wtf im old. but anyway idk i loooooooooooved kim kang min in it and han jiwoo and their interaction and that cool lady who wrote it or directed it or whatever like
"I like people like you" and one of my favs:
ji woo: you have a lot of friends
seo joon: i didn't say we should be friends
mwah the intricacy mwah mwah MORE KISSING MORE FUN and i hope that fUCKING CUTE AS FUCK TINY REPORTER and mr pil get together and we get to see them. i really loved her and baek ho min ofc but she's so cute. ugh. and i kinda wanna see if he managed to give the money back? looking back i really expect to cringe my way through a lot but nothing in the show made me cringe except my preconceived notions. oh wait no what did make me cringe was that blackaboo fan and the english portin but i pretend that didnt happen. this dude that played hyung ki? damn daddy u fine as hell i hope ur wallet got condoms in it
above all more of their interactions that are shown in physicality liek it was through the show
when they get all the orders and jiwoo looms over him
when theyre standing close before the cup scene
even in the bathroom when they dont wan to get caught by the Queen
the hands laid on ji woo when he wants him to ride the bike where he's like wait wait gets him to come around and puts the bag on him "hold on kkondae" that whole park scene which i could go on forever about bc seo joon urges him forward with a hand on his shoulder and it's fine and the comfortable islence
i really like kim kang min bc his ability for us to know how jiwoo felt even as obviously a) he smiles as a real person (kang min, not jiwoo) b) his reactions makes u REALLY have to pay attention for both of them but the writing lends itself well to that esp when he freezes when he's touched OR the scene where theyre drunk and he gets so mad even before they have that convo
which is like one of my fav scenes bc i was nOT expecting that at all like sincerely how desperate seo joon was and how pissed ji woo was. my other fav thing is when they both /know/ like after what happened and theyre back in the resto and seo joon is like "it seems like you're flirting" and ji woo is liek "what"
seo joon: "You know."
YES I DO KNOW anyway every bit also tehre's a point where when kSJ works in the resto at first after he asks HJW if hes making him do all this shit on purpose and HJW is like nope :) theyre all frantic and HJW says, casually and like not at all highlighted, "hey slow down" A BEAUT
and i hope we can see more about how they joke with each other. clearly they love each other's company and they definitely talk. HJW isn't as insanely quiet but seo joon just isnt shy which is part of why hyung ki was upset bc either he was crushing on him or insanely jealous and that much was not clear but i like that. anyway the fact that HJW cares about people ("dont smoke") but hyung ki just could not fucking understand it. which btw i def know hyung ki did care about him bc when the landlords come he pats HJW on the back for having to hear that shit. he knows he made the menu.
when hjw cut his finger and sucked on it (i know peole and chefs do this like freaks lmao) but he didnt want HK to help but then wehn he grabs for KSJ's finger and sucks on it and also holds his hand before dropping it and the awkward cute looks PLUS the beforehandof adjusting his clothes (KSJ adujusting HJW's clothes) and HJW lit about to touch him sigh wow im emo
then finally the end scene in which no k-bl (outside of strongbery) had gone before. and it was great. that whole convo and their laughter and when HJW was over him and KSJ met him as they had their faces close togehter (btw theyre vers make it vers u cowards IDC what ANYONE says bc THEYRE HUMANS AND THATS WHAT THEY ARE GONAN DO BUT ANYWAY I DIGRESS) idk that whole thing was great
also every time they were in a scene together it was just fun as friends and those who like each other and also their circle. pil hyun, yoon seul (noona!), ho min, seo joon, jiwoo. want to see their friendships expand and pil hyun and ji woo and i want to see how active jiwoo is now that he is way less alone he can absolutely laugh and smile and KSJ knows that. my fav convo is from the end when theyre talking about dating and KSJ gets jealuos and HJW was like u fuckin liar uve dated tons and KSJ is like wOW MY FEELINGS R HURT and theyre joking and HJW is like yea you are charming ok i get it but it's sarcastic and fond~*~* and how mature and easy it is for jiwoo to actuallys say things i think ive hit all my points the boys are there and i can't wait til we get them doing more fun stuff and shenans and not bullshit
also i think i thought kim kang min was older because it was easy for him to be in these scenes and situations whereas so many ppl u can tell theyre uncomfortable plus the ksising (also when he isnt smiling he does look older also wtf? idk i am like idk what anyone of any age looks like i could see son woo hyun's laugh lines which was an indicator but he still looks young like actually my age so i thought it wa silke taht but han ji won who plays seul is 25 and i thought she was ALSO my age so?!?!?!?!? AND JEON JAE YOUNG /IS/ MY AGE BUT HE KINDA LOOKS OLDER? kim jo kwon (baek ho min) is the only one where im like yes you are legit a baby lmao)
can u tell i really loved this show. the ending solidified it the first time i watched it. not bc i wanted something salacious but bc it was intimate and sensual and physical and so many are loath to go there and do it but the writing and team /did/ so clap clap clap
i did hate the music but that's cos im a hater if i think of more things i will put them down
also in the beginning when seul and hyung ki come in the resto there's the tip off of "your closest friends betray you" and both KSJ and HJW despite their ability to be strong and despite HJW needing to be guarded they both were betrayed bc they wouldn't hurt people intentionally bc being kind and fun (KJS) and being kind and a quiet talent (HJW) does not mean you have to be an EXTORTIONIST like i cannot for all of HJW's yrs of life he managed to not extort lol im gonna pretend this is a critique on capitalism
in conclusion
- more intimacy from boyfriends built off of the good stuff we already got
- more understanding of what they talk about and how; more depth in the humurous aspects because i think every great relationship means that they have fun together. or those are my favorites when you can laugh at each other
- going into both of their self esteem problems and abandonment issues particularly ji woo with his (righteous btw cos CLASS) inferiority complex bc of non-formal training and not realizing fully that people do want to be near him not out of pity . depriving himself of what he wants and seo joon being like "cool got it ill come 2 u" and how they deal with that
- ensemble friendship and pil hyun and seul dating bc i said so
- no blackaboo character ever i never EVER want to hear ANY of those english words ever again i always skip through it but MY GOD NO
- longer focus on ther characters in the edit but that's a personal thing.
i rly do commend them for the short time and being able to fit a lot in it that didnt rest on exhibition thank god.
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jemmydoolz · 4 years
Edgar Has Always Been Kind of a Bitch
hi okay so it's a little after midnight but I'm posting a fic rn bc it's the first fic I've written in like,, a yr and a half and also I'm rlly excited abt it??
anyway battle buddies/fahc jeremwood angst based on ramblings in a gc
(warning for minor assault implications at the beginning, and brief mentions of a suicide attempt at the end)!!!
Fiona and Gavin decide that what Jeremy needs is a night of bevs, and, to put it simply, get wasted, so the crew settles on going to a club that Friday. Jeremy only has one or two drinks, but boy does he get fucked up.
Ryan’s sitting and talking with Geoff and Jack in a booth, sipping a diet coke. He looks over Jack’s shoulder to see Jeremy standing at the bar with a much taller, more intimidating man looming over him. The guy reaches out toward Jeremy, who leans away from the touch. Jeremy nervously laughs and his eyes frantically dart around for someone, anyone who might be able to help him.
“Hello? Earth to Ryan?” Jack waves her hand in front of Ryan’s face.
“Oh, yeah. Yeah. sorry. Hey, um, I’m gonna go home, I’m just not really feeling great,” Ryan murmurs as he slides out of the booth, already heading toward Jeremy.
“Um, alright, I guess? Drive safe,” Jack calls after him.
Ryan speeds up when he sees the man grab Jeremy’s arm. Jeremy’s face flipped through a thousand emotions at once when he saw Ryan approaching, but eventually landed on confused but grateful. He gave Jeremy a look that said just go with what I’m about to say.
“Hey, babe,” Ryan says. The man immediately drops his grip on Jeremy’s arm. Jeremy does his best not to choke on his own spit when he hears the word babe come out of Ryan’s mouth. He hadn’t heard it in so long, and he didn’t think it would still hurt so much.
“Oh, hey!” Jeremy turns to Ryan and reaches up to peck him on the lips. “Where’d Edgar go? It’s his birthday, I figured he would wanna hang out with his friends!”
Fuck. Mentioning something about their friend ‘Edgar’ was always code for I don’t feel good about this, let’s leave. Edgar’s birthday meant I’m having a panic attack, I need your help. Ryan wanted to punch the guy that was practically feeling Jeremy up. No—he wanted to fucking kill that bastard. He and Jeremy may have had a severe falling out, they may have suffered years of heartache and longing, but he still felt responsible to make sure Jeremy was safe.
“He said he kinda wanted to go home. He went to the bathroom while I found you. You, uh, just about ready?” Ryan’s eyes flitted between Jeremy and the other man, who cleared his throat and mumbled something about needing to go find his friends before walking off.
Jeremy and Ryan both sigh in relief once he’s gone.
“Wanna head outside for some fresh air for a minute?” Ryan asks, getting a meek, obviously shaken-up nod in return.
Jeremy says something that Ryan can’t quite hear over the music as they walk outside.
“Oh, nothing. It was dumb.” Jeremy shakes his head. Ryan has had enough experience to know that it was better to just leave it alone. They both wordlessly come to a stop and lean against the wall of the building a few yards from the door. Almost as if they had been working as partners for years. They spend a few minutes saying nothing, watching people on the street, looking at the stars in the sky. Ryan can’t help but study the intricacies of Jeremy, realizing that so many things have changed, but somehow almost nothing about him is different. Jeremy’s hair is just a tad bit more grown out than it ever was at the agency (also, it’s bright purple and orange, which is not exactly the most appealing color combination, but that’s a topic for another day), but he still runs his hands through it when he’s lost in thought. It’s curlier than it used to be, but maybe that’s just because it’s longer. He still clenches his jaw so hard it seems like he’s going to break his teeth when he’s scared. He still wears a tank top under his shirt, no matter how hot it is outside. His eyes still crinkle at the corners when he lets out a bark of laughter that Ryan still swears up and down sounds exactly like a squeaky toy. He’s changed, though. Ryan can see in his eyes that he’s become aware of reality. He knows the responsibility he carries, the heavy consequences that come with his actions, that death is around the corner at every moment.
“D’you- d’you want me to take you home?” Ryan says barely above a whisper, but loud enough for Jeremy to hear. “You can go back inside if you want, but I know you always used to want to go home and be alone after Edgar shows up.” Jeremy lets out the tiniest breathy chuckle.
“Edgar has always been kind of a bitch, hasn’t he?” Jeremy says as he looks away from the sky to meet Ryan’s gaze, and his heart falls apart all over again for the thousandth time. That fond look of reminiscence and joy was one Ryan donned frequently at the agency. “I- Yeah. yeah. I’d really appreciate a ride home. I’m just a little too drunk to drive, I think.”
“Alright. I parked just down the street. Penthouse or your apartment?” Ryan hadn’t even noticed that Jeremy did seem somewhat tipsy; his Boston accent slipping in occasionally and his words slurring the tiniest bit.
“Um, apartment,” Jeremy says. “D’you rem-”
“Yes, I remember where your apartment is, Jeremy.”
It’s only a few minutes into the drive to the other side of town when Jeremy pipes up. “I honestly didn’t really expect you to help me. I didn’t expect you to remember Edgar, either. I dunno why I said it, I guess just vaguely hoping you would even though it’s been, what, three years?” he pauses for a moment and just takes in Ryan's profile. “I always hope you remember things from then. I know it went to shit, but we still had so much fun. We made so many memories and did so much dumb shit there. But I’m glad that stupid fuckin’ place collapsed. All of it was complete bullshit. I just wish it all fell apart before we did.”
Ryan doesn’t know how to respond. So he doesn’t.
“All those meetings I had to stay late for? Fuckin’ useless. They served no purpose, and I don't know why I was forced to go to them. I feel like the only reason I had to go to those meetings was because someone was hiding something from me. It was obvious that so many things were kept from us.” Jeremy stops for a second to try to will away the lump rising in his throat. “I thought you were cheating on me. For the longest time. I still don’t know whether you actually were. You were always out on ‘special missions’ and shit.”
The moment Ryan hears Jeremy let out a shaky breath his heart breaks.
“Was it me? Was I not good enough? I promise I tried my hardest to be what you needed. I’m sorry if I wasn’t. All I wanted was the best for you, Ryan. Even now, I just want you to be happy. If you're happier with someone else, then that’s what I want. I don’t blame you, though. I don’t deserve someone like you. You deserve so much better than me. I would do anything for you, Rye. We were together for so long. We did everything together! I thought I was gonna marry you. I was saving up money to get a ring. I guess I was too stupid to see that you didn’t want me anymore.”
Ryan looks over to see the tears staining Jeremy’s cheeks reflecting the soft orange glow of the streetlamps. Is this really what Jeremy thinks?
“I was so in love with you, Ryan Haywood. I’m- I’m still in love with you. I love you so goddamn much it hurts sometimes. Every time I see you hurt, upset, angry, anything other than healthy and happy my heart aches. I’m sorry I wasn't enough. I promise I tried. Fuck, I tried so hard.”
With every sob Jeremy lets out, Ryan's heart breaks just a little bit more. The short distance left until Ryan pulls up to Jeremy’s apartment building is spent wordlessly. Jeremy’s clambering out of the car and reaching to grab the door when Ryan speaks.
“Hey, Jer, do you want me to walk you up? I just want to make sure you’re safe.”
“No. I’m fine. I’ll be fine. I’ve already been a pain in your ass tonight, I don't need to waste even more of your time. I’m sorry. I’m sorry about everything.” Jeremy sniffles and wipes his cheeks, giving a half-hearted smile before shutting the door and walking away.
Ryan sits there for a second, unable to process fully what he just heard. He starts driving without even knowing where he was going, and he’s so lost in his thoughts that suddenly he’s sitting in his car in front of the boardwalk along the beach and crying. He can’t believe anything he was just told—there is no way in hell that the brilliant, witty, talented Jeremy Dooley ever doubts his worth. It’s jarring to think that part of it was because of Ryan. He was going on extra missions because the agency was growing more and more demanding. For months they tormented Ryan with the threat of kicking out Jeremy. They said they’d do other things to him that Ryan doesn’t want to remember. Why did Jeremy never bring it up? Why did he just accept that Ryan had ‘moved on?’ Their lives were so intertwined with one another that Ryan never felt truly whole again. The only reason Ryan went with the break up was that he saw how distant and cold Jeremy had gotten. Ryan had assumed that, for whatever reason, Jeremy had changed his mind. He hated it, he was devastated, but he didn't know how to fix it.
Ryan decides he doesn’t want to go back to the penthouse tonight. He pulls up to the nearest crew safehouse, and suddenly things click.
Jeremy had always struggled with bad self-image and depression. He had gone to Ryan for comfort, which he was always more than willing to give. Jeremy was doing better. At least he told Ryan he was.
Jack had mentioned a while ago that when Jeremy first joined the crew, she had found him after a suicide attempt and barely left his side until he recovered. The only reason for it Jack had told Ryan about was ‘emotional trauma from a past relationship, that he didn’t really want to talk about.’
Ryan did that to him.
Ryan did that to him.
Ryan made the love of his life want to die.
The pieces left of his heart fall into more shards than there are grains of sand in this world.
He collapses onto the couch inside, too exhausted to even get to the bed. He knows he’s not going to be able to sleep, though.
To: Geoff
Dropped Jeremy off at his place, he was pretty drunk though so check on him please
To: Geoff
I’m staying at kung fu safehouse for the night
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