#it's fun i see why they made what looks to be 500 movies off of this hfvsh
keeps-ache · 10 months
just wait til i remember how to turn properly, then it's all over for you losers [<- the steep hill i'm scared of rolling down at the park]
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rcmclachlan · 1 month
RC, PLEASE share more BuckTommy headcanons with us, everything you’ve said about them so far has been glorious.
Headcanon 1:
After Buck calls Tommy about touring Harbor and they agree on a date and time, he starts researching. Every free second he has between calls is spent watching videos that walk through what all the switches and gauges on a helicopter control panel do. On his days off, he reads pages and pages of posts on r/flying. There are no less than eight biographies about pilots on his kitchen counter dressed in the colorful fringe of all his page markers at any given moment. He devours Chickenhawk in one evening, then falls down a Wikipedia rabbit hole that starts with the article on the Bell UH-1 Iroquois and spits him out when he finishes reading about a municipality in Baku, Azerbaijan called Bibiheybət just as the sun starts peeking through the windows.
The night before he's supposed to meet Tommy, he takes a practice PPL exam for shits and giggles. He doesn't pass, of course, but he scores better than he expected to, and he can't wait to tell Tommy. He can't wait to wow him with everything he's learned.
Of course, it's all for nothing, because Eddie swoops in and steals Tommy right out from under him before Buck can even ask Tommy about his thoughts on the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024.
Once they make their relationship official, Tommy does make good on his promise to take Buck up, and it's so fun to watch Tommy navigate the skies like the helicopter is an extension of his body, like he's barely wowed anymore by the fact he can fly, and he even lets Buck handle the cyclic for a couple of minutes.
They're hovering almost 6,000 feet above city limits, watching the sun set in a sweet comfortable silence, when Buck's almost had his fill of looking at the clean lines of Tommy's profile, he says, "Someday, when I get certified, I'm going to do a Screwdriver Down in a MD-500."
Once Tommy has wrestled the bird out of its sudden 400-foot free fall and back into an even hover, he grips the cyclic until his knuckles bleed white and says, teeth clenched, "Evan, unless you want tomorrow's top headline to be 'Two LAFD Firefighters Die In Massive West Hollywood Helicopter Crash,' I'm begging you to keep the dirty talk to yourself until we're back on the ground."
Headcanon 2:
Tommy has seen a UFO. He's actually seen, like, four. The third time, he'd been flying over the San Gabriel Mountains when something popped up on his radar out of literally nowhere and clipped his tail rotor, sending both him and the craft crashing into the woods. 
He doesn't remember anything that happened after that. He woke up in a windowless hospital room where someone in full military dress blues shook his hand and congratulated him on becoming the first ambassador to outer space. Then he made Tommy sign approximately eight million SF-312s and consent to be called upon "if the time should ever come." 
This is why he can't watch sci-fi movies with a straight face.
Headcanon 3:
Back in 1996, Tommy's buddies Jamal Kluger and Mitch Henney finally convinced him to go to one of the weekly school dances, mostly because Jamal was determined to slow dance with Amanda O'Shaughnessy and he needed moral support. Tommy didn't hate dances per se. Were there a hundred other things he'd rather be doing? Yes. He had a backlog of Car and Driver that really needed seeing to, but Jamal was practically his brother and Tommy would do a lot worse than dispassionately swaying with a few of his classmates to Mariah Carey in the name of best-friendship.
He'd been in the middle of trying to get Jamal's attention—not that he was ever going to notice, because he was finally dancing with Amanda and everyone else in the gym had probably ceased to exist—with his hands hovering a respectful quarter inch off Laura Lee Moore's hips, who said she'd specifically requested Dreaming of You, when the slow turning they'd been doing put him at the perfect vantage point to see Brett Bennett, pitcher for the East Woodbridge Falcons, dancing with Vanessa Wilson.
Brett was wearing a really nice button-up shirt and Tommy's gaze kept snagging on the way his arms filled out the sleeves, and he couldn't help but wonder if Vanessa could feel the calluses on Brett's hands through her miniskirt. They were probably rough and kept snagging the fabric. Vanessa could probably feel the pull of them, like velcro trying to pry apart. He watched Brett lean down to say something to her and couldn't help but think Brett wouldn't have to strain his neck so much to talk if he were dancing with Tommy. They were almost of a height; Tommy would barely have to tilt his head down. Selena crooned I just want to hold you close, but so far, all I have are dreams of you, and Tommy's heart pounded so loud he was almost certain Laura Lee could hear it over the music. When the song ended, he awkwardly backed away from her and thanked her for the dance, his gaze on Brett and Vanessa, who were still pressed close even though the Quad City DJs were enthusiastically telling people to ride a train. According to his cousin Denise, who was a grade below him and also in attendance that night, Laura Lee spent the rest of the night crying in the bathroom because Tommy couldn't take his eyes off Vanessa.
Almost thirty years later, he and Evan are hanging on the couch, half-watching an episode of Taskmaster and reminiscing about their first crushes—"Really, Evan, your teacher?"—and when Tommy tells him about wishing he'd danced to Dreaming of You with Brett Bennett, Buck presses a sweet kiss to Tommy's arm and says, "Stop making me want to time travel so I can fight an eleven-year old."
Tommy laughs and says, "It was more wanting to slow dance with a cute boy in front of everyone than Brett himself. You have nothing to be jealous about. When we were in the eighth grade, he crushed up a bunch of Altoids and snorted them through a hollowed-out pen during social studies. I've never heard anyone scream like that in my entire life. They had an ambulance come for him and he never came back to school after that."
"Sounds like a real winner," Evan teases, tongue between his teeth. "You really know how to pick 'em."
"Yeah, it's a gift," Tommy deadpans, and then wrestles Evan, who's cackling like a hyena, into the couch cushions. 
Months later, Howie and Maddie throw a big party—which Howie's been calling Reception Redux in the OG 118 group chat—in Tommy's backyard, and he's in the middle of an unspoken chicken wing eating contest with Eddie—who's winning, and Tommy has no idea how he's putting them away so fast—when the music changes from some pop song he doesn't know to a familiar tinkle of piano chords. Howie strong-arms the mic away from the DJ and announces with a big grin that the song was requested by someone who wanted to "quote-unquote: dance with a cute boy in front of everyone."
Tommy almost chokes on the wing in his mouth, and he barely wipes the barbeque sauce off his fingers in time before Evan comes over, takes his hand, and pulls him onto the little dance floor they'd put down that morning in the flattest part of the yard. 
His heart pounds as Evan drapes his arms over Tommy's shoulders like it's the easiest thing in the world, pressing close until it feels like their bodies are merging everywhere they touch, and then starts to sway. Tommy slowly lets his hands settle on Evan's hips, firm and sure. He doesn't even consider doing the hover thing. 
As Selena sings about wishing on stars, Tommy closes his eyes and tucks his temple against Evan's, and for a moment they're in the East Westbridge Junior High School gym, which smells like sweat and cherry Lip Smackers and body odor, and across the room Jamal and Mitch both give him an enthusiastic thumbs up—and Mitch then does something obscene with his hands that has Jamal smacking him upside the head—because Tommy's dancing with the boy of his dreams in front of everyone while his stack of Car and Driver magazines sit unread and curling from the humidity. 
"If Brett Whatshisname shows up, I won't be responsible for my actions," Evan says warmly, voice soft against the curve of his ear. "Literally. I already cleared it with Athena."
I'll be dreaming with you tonight endlessly, the song promises, and Tommy opens his eyes in the present. He takes a deep breath, borrows the energy of Selena's vow, and pulls back just far enough to whisper against the corner of Evan's mouth, "Marry me."
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
Hello Yuri!! Congrats on 500 followers!! You deserve it, your writing is amazing and makes me so happy whenever you post something new! (・∀・)
If it’s alright, could I request Ace Trappola, Ruggie Bucchi and Cater Diamond with prompt four if that’s okay? About the reader meeting someone at the ball and ranting to the boys about them.
Thank you so much in advance, and congratulations again!! ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
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4. You met someone really wonderful at the Masquerade Ball and have been ranting about how he was totally the love of your life to your abnormally quiet friend. Actually, wasn't he invited too? Maybe you should ask him how that went.
Hello Rhea! It's always a pleasure to see you in my notifications, though you did give me a bit of whiplash with how fast this request came in (;゙°´ω°´) It makes me very happy to hear I have managed to make you happy, I hope you like this post too. Also thank you very much for the kind words, they made me feel much better.
notes: they/them pronouns used for Yuu, I know the prompt says "quiet" but these three are sort of the chatty type so it's more like dodging the question (sorry), the other event requests can be found on my masterlist here. There's a movie reference hidden here (kind of) that if someone gets I'll probably scream idk.
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There is a god in some sort of heaven and he hates Ace Trappola. Well maybe not a god, maybe it's just Riddle, and he certainly doesn't hate him, Ace is just being dramatic. But there has to be some sort of rule Riddle is breaking here, seriously what beacon of morals and etiquette sits pretending to sip tea while obviously eve's dropping on what should be a terribly private conversation. It's a nightmare made substantially worse by just how long he has been wanting to have this talk.
"Honestly I wasn't expecting to have so much fun, I thought Crowley was just going to put on a cheap tacky formal, not an actual ball with proper costumes." You feel light headed with joy for a change, technically half of the things you've experienced in this world you never would have in yours but a real, fancy Masquerade somehow felt more surreal than the overblots or flying brooms. Maybe it was because you had seen pictures of real ball costumes and masks that made it feel more tangible, like this was something you really were meant to be a part of.
"The costuming was indeed very impressive." Riddle swirls his cup just gently enough to avoid spilling his precious tea whilst making sure to pour Ace's all over the Heartslabyul lounge. "I was surprised at how impossible it was to tell who was who."
"I know! That's the whole problem." You practically jump up from the couch, before remembering yourself and settling down again. Ace notices you still move subconsciously closer to him, even if your silly head doesn't know just who he is. Or would it be was?
"Is it really?" Ace really wishes you weren't so used to ignoring his whining. "The entire point of a Masquerade is to be anonymous, isn't that why you and Deuce thought it was 'romantic.'" He had wanted to have this talk in Ramshackle where it was guaranteed to be private- scratch that he wanted to have it last night while he was trying to imagine what your eyes looked like under your mask. What they would look like if he moved his aside and just said what he was trying to for once instead of flirting more with the subtext than you.
"Well yeah I guess." You mumble. Your chest has been tied up in funny knots and Ace's unenthusiastic tone isn't helping with the pain. "But it's driving me insane to think I could have met my soul mate and all I know about him is that he makes a really attractive clown." Riddle chokes, tea cup clanking onto it's saucer as he politely tries to pass off his laugh as a cough. "Well not just that..." you mumble, closing your eyes to conjure up the memory of the jester who had produced a rose from behind your ear and insisted on leaving it there for luck.
"What sort of luck?" He held onto the rose just a second too long for your poor heart to bear, you swear he could feel it if he pressed his fingers that much closer to your pulse point.
"Well mine of course, how else am I supposed to find you when this is over." It's odd not to see the man's lips, your heart tells you it suspects he's smiling but it won't confirm it.
"That's not luck!" You laugh. "That's cheating!" He shrugs, as if to say he knows, that's the whole point. As if to say it's worth it to break the rules where you're concerned. It's daring, the way he holds you as you dance, the way your heart is screaming for you to just-
"I should have kissed him." You groan, remembering how Grim had charged in between you and your date screaming about how he'd never approve or something dumb like that. Just who did he think he was anyway?
"Well then why don't you!" Ace cringes as he says it, neck beet red as you go to sass him back before the oddly serious nature of his tone and the implication of his syntax force you to stop. Riddle's exit barely registers as you stare each other down, Ace from the corner of his eye and you with the full force you can gather.
"Would you have let me?" You whisper. A familiar touch lights just behind your ear, pressing in this time to trace the speed of your heartbeat.
"Only one way to find out, prefect." You expect him to run. Make some sort of joke about how he was pranking you, or say kissing before marriage being against the rules. But he doesn't. He waits, perhaps in the way he has been since the first night he showed up at Ramshackle, collared and crabby, just waiting for you to close the gap.
And embrace you as you fall.
Ramshackle was closer to the main castle than Savanaclaw. That was the excuse Ruggie had used to get you to agree to let him crash there, in his mind anyway. Really, all he had needed to do was ask, but you know that's not exactly how he works. Your relationship has always been a series of scratches, offers of give and take that tend to be minor but offer just enough of a technicality for true feelings to remain hidden just out of sight. That doesn't change how surreal it is to see him here so late, or the sharp contrast between all the stiff collars and plaster faces you both had been drowning in just a moment ago and the worn gym clothes you both wear for pajamas.
"Man I'm beat." Ruggie says, sinking into the couch. You aren't in much better shape, if he wasn't taking up a part of it you would be sprawled face down across the length the couch. Instead, you satisfy yourself with curling up into the far corner. You have a dreamy smile on your face, content like how he usually looks when he eats a large meal, or when he thinks you aren't looking.
"I think I found your soul mate hanging around the buffet tables tonight." You lazily tease, tracing nonsensical shapes on the floor to amuse the nervous energy from your earlier encounter.
"Oh yeah?" Ruggie sounds vaguely intrigued, but he doesn't move much. If anything he settles his neck more firmly into the sofa back, eyes intentionally trained on the ceiling. "What makes you say that?"
"He was stealing all the apple fritters." You say, dreamy smile widening when Ruggie snorts. "Too bad I intend on stealing him from you."
"Do you now." He murmurs, head tilting back down into his palm. He rests his elbow on his knee, but he doesn't look at you, not immediately. Your well into your little rant before he does.
"Well at first I was just going to steal the food-" that was the whole reason he had wanted to stay here, the two of you had hatched a plan weeks ago to smuggle in some containers and smuggle out as much food from the banquet hall as possible and it just made more sense to take it to Ramshackle "but he offered to give it to me so long as I danced with him." There is a container of said fritters in between you both, sticky with caramelized sugar and a good reminder of just how expensive the Masquerade Ball must have been to throw. It's odd to have food last so long in Ramshackle, odder still with Ruggie so close.
"Nice try." You said. "But you won't trick me like that. My friend trained me well and I need to bring those back to him."
"Are you sure about that?" The man's voice is muffled by his mask, white plaster forming three faces obscuring any meaningful detail of his real looks. He's radiant, something about the way he's managing to thread the needle through the crowd despite his exaggerated mask is holding all your attention despite Ruggie's warnings. You're supposed to be competing to see who would bring the most food home, but instead you're dancing in the arms of someone else, laughing as he kisses your hand when he dips you in tune with the song. "Your friend is missing out, I have the best tasting thing in the ballroom right here."
"I'm sorry I was so distracted I only managed to snag a couple things. Did you get anything good?" You roll out of the corner closer to the center, just out of his reach but oh so obtainable.
"Nope~" he says, letting the word pop and looking away with more shame than you have seen on his face... ever now that you think about it. "I uhh. I may have... also.. gotten distracted." Both of you look at the single container of apple fritters, suddenly very much aware that neither of you actually brought anything else back to your dorm.
"Laugh with me." You try to protest but Ruggie has both your fingers up to your lips, his trademark smirk looks good on you, he wishes he could take a picture. "Embarrassed prefect? You shouldn't be so worried, I told you how I felt didn't I?"
"But you don't know how I taste!" You manage to wail and he finally cracks, shaking with laughter and letting you curl your blanket around you in a ball of embarrement. You stay like that for a good long while, trying to beat down the smile that twitches at the corner of your mouth until Ruggie reaches over to unwrap you casing and pull your head into his lap.
"Well then, maybe you should let me test you." He's wrong you think as your lips meet, Ruggie has got to taste much sweeter.
"Well someone looks like they had fun last night~" Cater says and you giggle in response. He allows himself to pause before he continues, Cater really hates the sound of his own voice. How anyone can stand him is beyond him, and he knows the conversation he's about to have has a pretty good chance- no.
It's going to destroy the carefully built illusion he's woven around your "friendship" even if you react positively. Losing you would be painful, but keeping you in the dark would be even worse. He has to play this smart, play you correctly so he can try and keep your eyes with him even if they only look at the superficial face he wears.
Yes, Cater has to play you carefully, but he is off to a bad start. You know before he sits down that something is wrong, it's written all over his face sewn into his unwashed hair and dark circles under his eyes.
"I want to say 'you too' but honestly you look exhausted Cater, you sure you want to be awake right now?" You don't want to press him in case that makes him run, but you also know Cater a bit better than he wants to acknowledge. You don't really think the bit of yourself you have to share will help soothe him, but he goes along with his script anyway.
"Seriously, you worry too much!" He can't say about me because he wants your worries, and he knows that denial would crack his mask. "Besides I've just been dying to hear about the dance, you seemed really excited to go!" There's a sparkle in your eyes, a flush to your cheeks that he desperately wishes he had put there.
"It went well." That’s all you can bring yourself to say as your hands go to fiddle absent mindedly with the sleeves of your blazer.
"That's good?" He tries to poke at the topic but you don't go further. "Or was is it not good and you just don't want to think about it?"
"No! No it's just. I met someone. Or I think I did anyway." Cater blinks. Once. Twice. Three times just for luck because he knows, or at least he thinks he knows, that he was the only one with you all night. What you're saying just can't be right, there's no way you didn't know it was him all night. "He was just so easy to talk to! I completely lost track of time and didn't meet up with anyone else..." Your little embarrassed smile confirms it, you didn't know. He laughs.
"Sorry," he doesn't mean that "you're just too cute Yuu." He pulls his phone from his pocket as you desperately stutter.
"Look I'm really sorry I know I said I'd look for you, Riddle, and Trey but I was just... I don't know, moonstruck?" He laughs more, practically chokes as he quickly types an apology to Trey and savors your embarrassment just a moment longer.
"Don't you mean starstruck?" He teases and you suddenly find a bit of your fight back and fiercely shake your head.
"No way! That's for famous people. Moonstruck is for when you're overcome with ridiculous love for someone even if you don't know them." You pout and Cater looks at his phone, not to do anything really just to center himself and his thoughts. He has a choice to make, and he doesn't know where either path will go.
"Are you alright?" Cater should have known you would find him, there should be something scary with how unconsciously in tune with him you are. He doesn't say anything, but that doesn't seem to discourage you. You settle yourself next to him, sitting quietly keeping him company until he's ready to speak.
"It's all just a bit too much." He gestures vaguely at the room, uncertain why he's decided to speak about this now and not run from it. "Everyone's here wearing masks and hiding themselves like it's a fun thing to do."
"It can be." You say calmly. "But always dressing like this would be a lot." You look over the crowd with the stranger, the conversation lulls, and you try to examine the man's costume for a hint of what might be best to say. "You know," your voice is uncertain, but the words that come to you aren't ones you don't believe in, "everyone wears a mask sometimes, especially when they're afraid or lonely." The man says nothing, but something about the way he sits suggests you still have his attention. "You're not obligated to remove those masks for anyone, it has to be done when you are ready to accept the consequences of how other people will see you."
Cater isn't ready. He somehow doubts he ever will be. He wishes there was a way to confess this with a guarantee that the consequences won't burn him.
"You weren't the only one moonstruck." You look hopeful almost, exactly like you did when you'd pulled him from his corner to dance. Exactly the same as when you had when he had teasingly pulled your mask aside to kiss you, the same cute look he would never be sorry to see on your face. "Say are you busy prefect? I think there's something I need to tell you."
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shinobus-bonnet · 2 years
★ first time for everything. ★
dont know what this is but minors dni lol. also I hit 500 followers recently so thank you!!!!
pairings: badboy!uzui! x black!fem!reader (installment of my badboy uzui headcanon)
warnings: slight corruption kink, oral, tongue piercings, fingering, mentions of s*x, mentions of virginity loss , super sweet pet names, reader gets embarrassed lol, cocky uzui. lmk if I missed some
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the night started off so innocent. you and your boyfriend watching movies and baking cookies just having a little stay at home date.
Until he started to tickle you mercifully leaving you in fits of giggles while you tried to fight him off. Honestly you knew you couldn't budge him off of you. He was simply too big and he overpowered you.
after he was done tickling you he gave you soft pliant kisses while you were still in your fits of giggles until he kissed you deeper causing a make out session between you two.
It was nasty. he was basically swallowing your whole face while tongue kissing you
pulling away he began to kiss you on your neck making sure to leave marks for the next day. You gently called out his name to grab his attention.
"everything alright sweetheart?" he asked meeting you in your eyes
then you got nervous. How were you supposed to tell your boyfriend you wanted to have sex with him? you thought about it for while and u knew this is something you were ready for.
Its just so embarrassing to ask.
"well I- uh" you started. then he quirked an eyebrow at you. "fuck this is so embarrassing" you followed up before covering your face
"hey it cant be that bad my love. tell me whats on your mind" he said caressing your face to help you calm down a little
"I want to have sex with you uzi" you said rather quickly and lowly.
his mind went blank at your statement. but he wasnt sure if he heard you clearly
"you gotta be a little louder baby. Say it one more time for me?" he said sweetly
He had to be teasing you at this point. You began to grow more shy at the fact you had to repeat yourself
"I said I want to have sex with you uzi gosh" you said embarrassingly rolling your eyes.
His eyes went wide a little and gave you a little smirk. Hes been waiting for this day since yall first started going out with each other. he wanted to have you under him for a very long time now. He wanted to see you come undone for him and hear you make those pretty little sounds for him.
kissing your neck again his sneaky hands made their way down to the bottoms you had on slowly slipping them off of you. Fingers finding way to your covered pussy he began to ghost his fingers over your pretty panties. seeing and hearing you reaction at the ministrations he smiled bringing his face towards your ear
"you like this?" he asked coyly
he knew you were basically panting for him to take off your panties and to touch you
but you had to be patient because soon enough he would give you want you wanted. but he wanted to have his fun first.
Uzi is a biggggg teaser. kissing you on your neck while rubbing on your sensitive puffy clit and talking in your ear so whore like its all too much for you.
soon enough his fingers were pumping in and out of you while his thumb was still playing with your clit all while you were whining so sweetly in his ear occasionally biting your lip to control your moans.
you whined in his ear that you were about to cum and he stopped abruptly.
propping up on your elbows you meet him with a pout on your face asking why he stopped.
"i'm giving you the full experience princess. just relax let me take care of you." he said pushing you down gently.
Taking off his shirt he kneeled on the edge on the bed and hooked your thighs under his arms and pulled you closer to him.
Kissing up and down your thighs you began to grow a little nervous. Your legs started to close around his head but your boyfriend quickly held them apart
"hey whats wrong sweetheart?" he asked looking up at you while rubbing your legs
"im just nervous uzui. This is first time being intimate with someone." you said slightly embarrassed
after you uttered this sentence multiple bells started ringing through his head. He went dizzy from the fact that he was gonna be your first.
his dick started to strain in his pants at the thought of molding you into his personal slut.
"Ill be gently honey. dont worry with your head about it." he said delivering a kiss to you
under all the gentleness he was giving to you he was containing his self from ruining you.
going back to your thighs he continued to plant little kisses up your leg while you squirmed in anxiousness
pulling your cute cotton panties off your hips and sent a teasing blow to your slit you whimpered at the feeling and whined at the feeling of his tongue slowly licking up and down feeling the cooling sensation of his tongue piercing
gripping your legs tighter he got lost in between your legs. you thighs serving as warm earmuffs while uzi eats like its his last meal
legs tightening over his head signified that you were close to your orgasm. he brung a nimble finger to play with your clit as he still ate.
sqeualing you cursed as your orgasm washed over you. crying out for your boyfriend you sat on the bed breathless at the pleasure
“how you feelin pretty?”
with a simple nod of your head he smiled reaching down to give you a kiss
“need you so bad uzi please” you said in his ear
you watched him undo his belt buckle and pull down his pants while your thighs rubbed together in anticipation
“its gonna hurt princess but just keep your eyes on me ok?” he said caressing your pretty face because pushing into you.
back arching into him you whined that he was too big
you were really fueling his ego right now.
feeling your nails digging into his back as he pushed more into you your cries turned into moans as he started to thrusted in and out of you.
you were so warm and inviting. it was addicting to say the least. the way you were digging into his biceps and begging him for more. feeling you clamp down on him he knew you were close again
"I know you're close babydoll" he said roughly in your ear before licking up neck
"please uzi can I please" you whined
"please what princess? use your words for me" he said giving you teasingly long strokes.
"please let me cum please uzi" you said so sweetly in his ear
giving you permission to cum your back arched off the bed as your orgasm washed through you.
peppering your face with kisses your boyfriend continued to pump in and out of you sloppily chasing his high
"too much uzi please" you whined feeling the overstimulation wash through you
"almost there darling just hold off for me" he grunted
pulling out quickly he quickly released on your tummy
"sorry pretty, didn't want to cum inside you just yet" he said laughing lightly.
picking you up he sat you on the toilet and warmed up a hot towel
"how was it honey? I wasn't too rough on you was i?" he asked nervously
"it was- nice. it felt different. in a good way of course" you said as he wiped your face
It was a sweet moment between the two of you. he made your first time special. you were glad you lost your virginity to him.
putting you in one of his shirts uzui quickly carried you back to the bed. head hitting the pillow you were already dozing off to sleep
"I love you sweetheart" he said kissing your hand seeing you smile sleepily
"I love you more handsome." you said before finally going to sleep.
tags: @bloomgemstonia
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rendy-a · 1 year
Congratulations on 500 followers 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉 hope you get more btw 🤗
Anyways so far the event reads are super entertaining and great so if its alr can i get yandere idia after the dance?? Ignore if you wish 👍
Funny thing about writing fics, sometimes you think your fic is a mess but when you reread over the draft, its not half bad.  I remember starting this out and thinking, if its after the dance, then surely, they have to meet in an unusual way because Idia won’t be coming to that dance by free will…
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There were so many things to remember from this night; the dance, your outfit, and hanging out with both new and old friends.  As the lights flickered off in the gardens, you sadly realized the magical night was over.  Only, you knew you’d never be able to sleep after this much excitement.  Maybe that was why you’d agreed to stay behind and help pick up trash from the tables in the cafeteria.  Plus, you weren’t completely alone.  “Thanks for keeping me company, Ortho,” you say as you give the AI boy a smile.  “It was my pleasure, Prefect!” he cheerfully replies. 
You look around at the dim cafeteria and realize, “Gosh, it is so quiet in here with nobody around.”  Ortho takes on a look of calculation before replying, “You are correct, no other lifeforms are detected in over 100 meters from this position.”  You laugh at how he took your innocent comment and turned it into such a scientific response, “Good to know.  Now no one will hear me scream.  Just like a B Horror movie.”  Ortho looks very amused by this, “Are you a fan of B Horror movies, Prefect?  My brother loves those!  You should come over to Ignihyde sometime and watch one with us!”  Watch movies with Idia?  You didn’t want to say anything to Ortho about his brother but, honestly, you weren’t sure he even knew who you were.  Really, if it hadn’t been for the whole ‘kidnapped by a ghost’ thing, you wouldn’t know him either. 
“Oh yeah?  That sounds like, um, great fun.  We should totally hang out some time,” you end politely.  “Ah! I’m so happy you feel that way, Prefect!  I’d love for Brother to spend more time with you!” Ortho says happily with a hand to his mouth like he couldn’t contain his smile behind that metal cover.  “Yeah, why not.  You can let him know to come see me…just whenever it is convenient for you,” you say offhandedly.  “Transmission complete.” You look over, “Hmm?”  Oh, the table Ortho was working on was now clean and…you look down at your own area, so was yours.  In fact, you’d hardly noticed but you and Ortho had finished collecting all the trash in the room.  “I guess it is complete,” you say looking back at Ortho with a smile, “Do you need me to walk you home?” 
Ortho gets a mischievous look in his eye, “No, Prefect, I’ll be fine.  My brother equipped me with everything I needed for nighttime navigation.  He would do anything to make me happy and I’m sure he’d do the same for you too.”  You didn’t really know what to say so you stammered a reply, “I..I’m sure he would.”  This was apparently the correct answer as a very cheerful Ortho waved enthusiastically as he floated off.  You watch him go before turning to begin your own trek home. 
Good thing you weren’t afraid of the dark.  Otherwise, this campus could be a frightening place.  The gothic architecture reminded you of a vampire’s castle and the bats circling the towers did nothing do dispel that mood.  The eerie blue glow dancing across the pavers made the whole place seem like a path to an undead underworld.  Wait.  There shouldn’t be a blue glow on this path.  After all your earlier bluster, you were now generally freaked out.  You looked back, considering taking the back way home but that convoluted path would take you at least half an hour to walk.  No, you lived with ghosts, you could deal with whatever supernatural entity this was.  You’d just be careful.
You crept carefully down the path until you came to a glowing blue hedge.  You could see the eerie flames came from deeper within.  You gathered your courage and rushed forward, parting the hedge and shouting mightily, “Arrgghhhh!”  You had no plan but, luckily for you, you didn’t need one.  The frightened occupant of the hedge screamed louder than you did and fell back on his bottom, “AAAHHHH!”  You meet eyes and continue screaming for a solid twenty seconds until the flickering blue flames finally illuminated enough of his face for you to recognize your supernatural stalker was only Idia. 
“What are you doing here?” you hiss out quietly at the cowering dorm leader.  “You…you invited me, so I came!  B.but, I got nervous about random encounters and decided to take a pit stop to wait for my stamina to recharge,” he stuttered out.  You give him a puzzled look, “I…invited you?”  He flushes deeply and his hair gets a pink tinge to the ends, “Ortho, he passed on your message.  That, that you wanted to see me…to hang out…” Then he looks away, tapping his index fingers together like a schoolgirl.  Wait, what exactly had you said to Ortho?  “I thought I said he shouldn’t mention it until he saw you next.  I didn’t mean to drag you out of bed or anything.” 
Idia gets a rare sharp-toothed grin when explaining, “Ortho is set up with Wi-Fi, local transmission, and the ability to connect to outdated landline technology.  We are always in touch.”  Then he seems to feel overwhelmed about having said so much, “P.plus, I’m never asleep this early s.so, you shouldn’t worry about me.”  You still felt guilty, you had inadvertently dragged an introvert out into the wild with no real reason.  The guilt prompted you to come up with an impromptu excursion to drag your new acquaintance on.  “So, want to walk around the main street?  I guess you don’t really get to see the busy areas of the school much, huh?”  He blinks at you owlishly before giving you a shy grin and a nod. 
“Here are the Great Seven statues,” you remark in a very tour-guide tone.  You nod your head toward the stature of the Queen of Hearts, “Grim and I sort of burnt that one down once.”  Idia looks at you, “Oh yeah?” he drawls with a knowing grin.  “I…I mean we were MINORLY involved.  It was really Ace’s fault mostly!  I’m not some hoodlum or anything!” you hurriedly backtrack on that comment.  He pulls his hands into his body in surprise at your sudden outburst and stammers, “I…I know…I believe you.” 
You cringe at what a weirdo you sound like.  Not that you are the only one who had some weird moments this night.  Earlier, you’d randomly pointed out a bench you like to sit on, and Idia had taken a picture of it with his phone.  How much of a shut-in do you have to be before someone’s favorite bench seems picture worthy?  “Maybe next time we will sit on it together,” you’d joked only to have Idia flush instead of laugh.  Maybe he isn’t ready for jokes today.
Time for a topic change, “Which of the statues is your favorite?” you ask suddenly.  “Me?  You want to know my favorite? I never thought you’d want to know about me…” Idia trails off in a mumble before responding, “Ah!  I like the King of the Underworld.  A.and not just because I’m from Ignihyde!  He is just so cool.  He devotes himself to his work but still had time to find someone to make his bride.  I..I try to imitate his work ethic…and other things…”
The silence lingers after Idia finishes until he asks quietly, “Which one is your favorite?”    It was an interesting question as you had no dorm affiliation to influence your choice.  You don’t really want to think too hard about things in the middle of the night, so you shrug and point to one.  “Th.the King of Beasts?” Idia asks in surprise.  “Hmm,” you hum in agreement, “It’s a cat.”  Then you meet his eyes and burst out into laughter.  He surprises you by letting out a small chuckle too; I guess he is ready for some jokes after all.  “I didn’t know we had so much in common.  I also like kitties.” he says quietly before you nod toward the path and continue your way onwards toward Ramshackle. 
You reach the fence bounding the hill on which Ramshackle lies and lean onto it, weaving your arms between the spiked bars that top it.  “Home sweet home.  It doesn’t look like much now, but you should have seen it when it was all decorated up by Diasomnia during Halloween.”  He gives you a small smile and remarks, “I saw it.  I had Ortho fly over and take video for me.”  You bump him with your elbow, “Keeping an eye on me, eh?”  He does not take that as the joke you meant it to be and goes into a panicked fluster, “N.No!  Not..not at all!  It…It was for research purposes.  RESEARCH ONLY!”  You laugh, “Relax, I’m only teasing you.”  He was fun to tease, you decide.
“I thought it looked great.  I was sort of jealous of the costumes.  I think it would have been fun to dress up in one,” you muse, allowing the subject to change.  “Do..do you like to cosplay?” Idia asks carefully.  “Hmm, I don’t know if like is really the word.  Maybe say I’m interested in it,” you say as you think it over, “Like when you see a really great costume online and it makes you feel excited to try it out.  You know?”  You push back from the wall and give Idia a nice smile as you seek out his acknowledgment.  He returns your smile, “Yeah, like sometimes you see something really cute and think ‘I wonder what they’d look like in this.’” 
“They?” you tease, “Who is they?  Do you have a special someone Idia?”  If you thought you’d flustered him before, that was nothing to the reaction you got now.  The tips of his hair turned so crimson that, for a moment, the blaze was red-hot enough to warm you.  “NO!  I DON’T HAVE ANYONE IN MIND!  But I mean if I did, I wouldn’t brag about it to everyone, I’d keep them safe and secret.  It would be great to have a person to do this sort of thing with.  Maybe someday…”  From there, you aren’t sure if his mumbles get too quiet or if you are laughing too loudly to hear them. 
Then you reached your door and stopped at the entry to say goodnight to your companion.  “That was a fun time.  You should get out more often.”  He looks at the ground mostly, but you catch him gazing at you through his lashes as he says, “If you invite me, I’ll come again.”  You smile, “Sure.  I don’t mind, its not like you kept me waiting or anything.”  Idia’s expression becomes deathly pale, and his mouth works without producing any sound.  “Oh, don’t worry.  I’m not mad.  Even though you took that rest in a bush, you still showed up surprisingly fast.  I’m surprised you managed to get there that fast from Ignihyde and all.  What, did you actually jog all that way?  I think there must be a surprising amount I don’t know about you, Idia Shroud.”  Then, with a wave of your hand, you slipped inside and left the shocked Idia standing at your doorway.  He really was easy to tease. 
As you climb the stairs to your room you are stuck with your parting statement.  You hadn’t consciously thought about it, but Idia HAD appeared in that bush far faster than he’d have been able to if he came from Ignihyde.  Had he been on campus doing something?  Idia the famous introvert?  Now, when it was too late to ask, you wonder what he might have been doing prior to meeting up with you.  Perhaps, if you ever met up again, you’d remember to ask him what had interested him enough to tear him out of his room while everyone else was dancing. 
The whole ‘hang out’ had taken a surprisingly short amount of time, only around half an hour.  But after the long dance and clean-up were added in, it was enough to make you ready to turn in for the night.  So, you shucked off your formal wear and put on a comfy outfit and headed to bed.  You grab the top layer of bedding and fold it over giving yourself a way to slide into bed.  Before you can though, you puzzledly examine your pillow.  A single strand of writhing blue hair lays upon it.  You twirl it around in your fingers, ‘I guess it must have transferred to me from earlier and fallen off,’ you think.  How odd but…not odd enough to keep you up longer.  You flick your fingers, sending the wayward strand floating off to the floor to be swept up some other day. 
Then you slip inside your comfy bed and let your mind wander as it does before sleep claims you.  I wonder if Idia gets hot when he is in bed?  That flame hair must heat things up pretty fast.  Funny to think about because tonight, you feel like your own bed is somehow still warm as though remembering the heat of a recent occupant.  But that just must be your imagination.  A bed can’t stay warm all day like that. 
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elysianstars · 11 months
I actually love that Mika Pikazo designed Engage's characters. Her art is so colourful and vibrant and fun, it's a great fit for the game itself! Alear's outfits make no sense, but we've gotta accept that's par for the course with anime. Male Alear looks so pretty that I wish they'd used her art for in-game portraits, instead of his 3D model. I love Celine's ridiculous bell skirts, and Alfred's impractical ruffled sleeves, and Nel and Rafal's cool spiked collars that look like crowns, and everything about the Ivy Trio because hey, let's have three of the most unreasonably hot characters join all at once and create an utter menace to bisexuals across the world. Everyone has their own distinctive silhouettes, and shared style elements between certain characters, like the stripes of black lace on Firenese royals.
You know what else I love? No paired endings except for Alear! Now I can enjoy watching an entire support chain between different units, without worrying I'm going to accidentally get them locked into a romantic ending that I don't like (which happened several times in Three Houses) or instigate any child unit weirdness (one of my least favourite features in Fates). All the fun of seeing their bonds develop and personalities shine, with none of the awkward drawbacks.
Plus I get to recruit every single character that I like, no choosing factions, or feeling like I'm missing out on chunks of the game if I get too attached to a particular side. I want all my eggs in a single delicious basket, please. Replay value? I'm happy to play the exact same story over 500 times if I actually like it, the same was rewatching a favourite movie until I can quote half the dialogue off by heart.
Oh, and the way genderlocking S-supports got kicked into the garbage like it deserves? The way gender just...absolutely does not matter in the slightest, at any point in this game? Perfect. It feels like I'm finally 100% welcome. I could make a whole separate post about why Engage means so much to me on this specific issue, but for a quick example, look at Alfred. One of the characters whose S-support is most obviously a romantic confession. Look me in the eyes, and tell me that if this game were made ten years ago, and the developers had to pick just a few characters as same-sex romance options, he would've been included. Not a chance. Wlw players would probably get Yunaka, mlm players would get Rafal. Do you see what I'm saying here? Yeah.
There's myriad other things I love about Engage, but I just wanted to shout some positivity for a few that I've seen mixed responses to (except removing the genderlock, I haven't seen anyone small-minded enough to criticise that yet, but I like saying how great it is regardless).
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ikeromantic · 1 year
Entwined Ch. 7
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Part 7 of a multipart series. Mai has been reborn in the modern age after a full life in the Sengoku. The warlords as spirit animals find her again after 500 years of searching for her soul. Approx. 2800 words.
Part 1
Previous: Chapter 6
Mai hurried to her appointment. She was fitting a particularly demanding bride today and the last thing she wanted was to be late. The last few weeks since her date with Hideyoshi had been packed with new commissions and she was doing everything she could to keep up.
Her seamstress bag knocked against her side as she threw herself toward the train she needed to catch. A hand shot out of the cabin just as the doors were about to close, holding them for her. 
“Oh, my gosh, thank you,” she panted as she wedged herself on board. The guy had the most vibrant pink hair, half hidden under a stylish cap, his face was mostly covered by sunglasses and a mask. 
“Sure! It’s always nice to help a fellow artist out.” The guy nodded to her. 
For a moment she was surprised by his comment, and it must have shown as he added, “Your bag. It’s for sewing, right?”
“Yes! Yes it is! I’m surprised you noticed.” Mai smiled. “So, if I can ask, what kind of artist are you?”
The guy laughed. “What if I give you three guesses?” 
“Alright. Ummm . . . are you a tv star?” She figured that was a safe guess, given how carefully he disguised himself. 
“Ok, do you sing?”
“Hm. Sometimes. But that’s not exactly it. Still close.”
Mai sighed. “What about movies? You have to be some kind of actor.”
“I have to be? Why do you say that?” He leaned close and tilted his sunglasses down. He had the prettiest eyes, playful and mischievous. 
“Ranmaru, stop teasing the girl.” A deep voice took Mai by surprise. It was a low purr, mature and commanding. The kind of voice Mai could imagine on a successful radio show or audio book. She nearly jumped though, and looked for the source.
She didn’t have to look far. An older man stood a little behind Ranmaru. His face was cruelly scarred but he wore a kind smile, and the robes of a Buddhist. He nodded to her when he caught her gaze.
“You always spoil my fun, but . . . you’re right. Sorry.” He sighed. “As he said, my name is Ranmaru - and I am an actor. I’ve done tv and music so none of your guesses were exactly wrong.” He laughed again. “So what gave me away?”
“Well . . . you are covered head to toe, including your face. And you seemed too nice to be some kind of masked robber, since you held the door. So I figured you didn’t want to be recognized. And if you’re afraid of that -”
“I must be someone recognizable. Nice.” Ranmaru tilted his head. “So, now that you know my name, may I know yours?”
“Sure. I’m Mai. It’s nice to meet you.” She grinned. “I think this is the first time I made a friend on the train.”
“Same.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “Oh! I didn’t introduce my advisor and teacher. This is Kennyo.” He pointed toward the Buddhist.
“It’s nice to meet you as well.” Mai gave a respectful nod to him. 
Kennyo’s smile deepened, giving him the nicest dimples. “I am honored to meet you as well.”
“So. Now we’re all friends. Want to come to lunch with me? I’m trying to take a little break today and you seem like a fun person to spend time with.”
Mai almost agreed. There was just something so appealing and charismatic about him that made her want to go along. But work. Always work. “I’d love to, but I’m actually on my way to see a client.”
“Aww man! Really? Well . . . what if I give you my number? Then we can hang out another day, when you have time.”
“Yeah, if you’re sure that’s alright.” Generally Mai did not accept numbers from randos she met on the train, but Ranmaru was so nice.  
He laughed. “It’s definitely alright. I trust you not to share it.”
Her eyes widened. “Wow, really? But we just met. I might be, like, some crazy stalker fangirl. Or I could be really greedy and auction your number off to someone who is.”
“Mai, I know you would never do that. You’re not the kind of person who would betray a friend. And we’re friends, right?” There was something in his voice now, a heaviness beneath the playful tone. As if he had some deep regret or trauma in his past. 
She nodded. “We are friends. And you’re right. You must be really good at reading people.”
“Nah, you’re just really easy to read.” He handed her a business card. On one side, there was a single star orchid embossed into the heavy paper, white on white, and on the other, his number. 
Mai sighed. “I keep hearing that.” She tucked the card away in her purse just as the train pulled up to her stop. “Well, it was really nice to meet you today. I’ll see you around.”
“I hope so. I really missed you.” He waved goodbye as she stepped onto the platform, leaving her with that curious statement. They’d only met, so he was probably just teasing. Still, what a weird thing to say!
It gave her the strangest sense of deja vu. As if she’d said goodbye to them before, only that was silly. She’d definitely remember meeting Ranmaru. And Kennyo! Her last sight of the two was Kennyo bending down to say something to Ranmaru as the doors to the car slid shut.
She put the encounter out of her mind as she practically ran through the station and up the sidewalk. There was no time to think about cute actors and kind priests. Mai stopped at the front of the building and pushed the intercom, trying to catch her breath before anyone picked up.
The bride, Ms. Higurashi, told her she would be down to open the door in a moment. Mai took the opportunity to put herself back in order. The whole morning felt rushed and she wanted to make sure it didn’t show.
“Hello little mouse.” A low voice, close to her ear.
“Waah!” Mai spun around with a little hop. “Mitsuhide! What? What are you doing here?”
He gave her an amused smile. Before he could answer, the door opened.
“It’s good to meet you in person, Mai,” Ms. Higurashi said in greeting. “And who is this?”
“I’m her assistant, Mitsu. I help measure and fit when there is more than one client. Today, I’ll be working with your fiancé.” Mitsuhide’s expression was pure professionalism. Polite and steady, as if he did this all the time. 
The bride smiled brightly. “Oh! That’s wonderful! I didn’t know you had an assistant.” Her smile turned sour a heartbeat later. “There isn’t some additional fee for this, correct?”
“No, of course not, Ms. Higurashi. All costs are as agreed in the design contract.” Mai held in a sigh. She wanted to know how the hell Mitsuhide just happened to be here. And why he’d said he was her assistant! If he messed this up . . . she threw him a wicked side-eyed glare. 
Mitsuhide just kept smiling that bloody crescent moon grin, a twinkle in his golden gaze. 
“Good. You wouldn’t believe all the extra fees that caterer is trying to sneak past me!” The bride chattered on as she led them up to her flat. It was a huge space, taking up half the floor it was on. Ms. Higurashi barely glanced at the view from the huge window in the living room, but Mai couldn’t help herself. The city spread out below them, glittering in the morning sunshine. 
She didn’t have long to appreciate it as Ms. Higurashi introduced her groom. After introductions, Mai explained the process to them. They needed to be wearing the underclothes they planned to have on at their ceremony.
She and Mitsuhide would pin the linen mock-ups on to check the fit of the garment. If everything looked good, she would be using the linen mockups as her guide when cutting the expensive silks for the actual kimono. 
Mai hoped that Mitsuhide was paying attention. She made sure to be extra explicit in the instructions so that he would look like he knew what to do. 
When the groom and bride hurried off to their separate rooms to don their underclothes, Mitsuhide gave her a wink. “Don’t worry, little mouse. I’ve assisted with fittings many times.”
She gave him a skeptical look, one eyebrow raised. “If you mess this up . . .”
He took a step toward her and tapped her nose lightly. “You’ll just have to trust me. You do, don’t you?”
“I . . . I mean, yes? But -”
Mitsuhide smiled even more widely, something warm and sweet in the expression that had not been there a moment before. “Good.” Then he glanced away as if suddenly shy, his eyelashes almost touching his cheek. “I do wonder though.”
“About what?” Mai watched him, feeling suddenly nervous. A fluttery sensation in her belly that she couldn’t ignore. 
When he looked up again, there was still warmth in his gaze, if warmth was the right word for the sultry heat of his golden eyes. He reached for the bag in her hand, his fingertips grazing her forearm and sending a pleasant jolt racing up her arm. “Nothing much, just . . .” Mitsuhide leaned close as he bent to reach into Mai’s sewing case. His lips nearly brushed her cheek as he spoke again. “I wonder what kinds of punishment you would wield, little mouse. Would you tie me? Whip me? Or something altogether more creative?”
Mai felt her whole face heat up. She almost fell back from him, her words stumbling out in a tangled jumble. “What? I - no - whip? Are? Crazy! I - you -” Her heart was beating so hard she thought it might show. What he said - the way he said it - sent her imagination into naughty overdrive. Immediately conjuring images of Mitsuhide tied up with sheets, his body splayed and naked and vulnerable. Not that she had ever done anything like that, or even considered it! 
Mitsuhide laughed, a rich, low sound of genuine amusement. “The shock in your expression. You look splendid when you’re flustered, my dear.” He paused, studying her expression. “Ah. I am sorry. I couldn’t resist.” He wiped at his eyes. “You are so much fun. I can’t tell you how I’ve missed y- the opportunity to tease you.” 
“You -” She cleared her throat, trying to settle herself down. “You are so mean. And you know I’m working!” 
“Sorry,” he grinned, looking completely unrepentant. “I’ll have to make it up to you.” Mitsuhide fished the linen and pins for the montsuki. He bundled the items and took off for the groom’s room. 
Mai took an extra moment to pull herself back together. She really wasn’t sure why he could get under her skin so easily, but she was determined to handle his next taunt better. All sorts of clever, witty come-backs and ways to turn it around came to mind as she took what she needed to go fit the bride. “I’ll get him next time,” she told herself. 
The next hour, she didn’t have much time to consider how she would get Mitsuhide back. She was too busy dancing around a needle-skittish bride. It was hard to pin when your subject kept stepping back or bouncing from foot to foot. “Ms. Higurashi,” Mai sighed, feeling exhausted by the woman, “if you keep moving, it just makes it more likely that I will poke you. Please hold still.”
“Sorry. It’s just, they’re very sharp! Are you sure this is necessary?”
From the sounds across the hall, Mitsuhide was having no trouble at all with the groom. Were they . . . laughing? Mai paused and set her pins down. “I’ll be right back. I need to check on my assistant.” She gave the bride a hard look. “Do not move.”
She peeked into the room across the hall, trying to get a look before either of them realized she was there. The groom was dressed in nothing but his underwear and the linen mockup. Mitsuhide had an array of pins between his lips. 
The groom was posed with his arms out, an open question in his expression. “All jokes aside though, how do you know?”
“Getting cold feet are we?” Mitsuhide chuckled.
“Not - not exactly. It’s just such a big step. Formalizing everything. And thinking about kids . . . I just don’t want to make the wrong decision. Every married person I know is bitter or bored and if that happens to us . . .”
Mitsuhide nodded, his smile fading to a serious expression. “I can understand that. Being in love is as terrifying as it is wonderful. You can’t predict where that road will lead.”
The groom sighed. “Yes. That. It’s just, I don’t know. Have you ever been in love?”
Mai couldn’t help but lean forward, listening intently.
“As it happens, yes. There is a girl I am very much in love with.”
“So what happened with her? Did you marry?”
Mitsuhide shook his head. “No. I’m afraid I wasted the time we had together. Working. Always busy. We promised each other we would get married once things settled down, but they never did. And then one day, she was gone.”
The groom looked at him with a certain sympathy. “But you still love her?”
“More than anything. I hope one day she will let me make it up to her. There is no goal more precious to me than to be at her side again.”
“Sounds like true love,” the groom chuckled. “Good luck.”
Mai stumbled back from the door, feeling a sudden tightness in her chest. Mitsuhide had someone else. Someone from his past that he was still in love with. Her eyes ached and she felt the beginnings of a headache behind them. She rubbed a hand over her face. No, no, no, she thought to herself. I am working. I am a professional. I am not going to let this actor needle me with his teasing. Who cares if Mitsuhide Akechi has some old flame? Not me! No.
She marched back to the bride’s room, a woman on a mission. Mai managed to cram all her feelings into her chest and seal them up until she felt calm and collected. The rest of the fitting went smoothly. The bride’s mockup went into the bag, marked up and ready to be used as a template.
Then she went for the second time to check on the groom. She gave Mitsuhide a chilly look as she stepped past him to check his work. “Let’s see if my assistant did a good job, hm?” Mai checked over the pins and marks, her fabric pen at the ready. She had a specific notation she’d developed for herself to remember tucks and folds and where the fabric sat, and she expected to need to add them here. But they were already in place. Exactly the way she always marked them. 
“I hope I did well?” Mitsuhide stood at her shoulder, pretending to be worried about her judgement. 
Mai turned her head. “Where did you learn these marks?”
He shrugged. “I told you, not my first time assisting.”
She wanted to explain that was impossible. Even if he had done a thousand fittings with other seamstresses or tailors, these marks were hers. Unique and specific. She’d made them up in design school, a way to protect her work from being copied. He couldn’t know them unless they - unless he - a sharp pain exploded in her head. Hot and white and so bright she closed her eyes against it as if she could block out something on the inside. 
There were voices inside her head competing with the ones outside. 
“Go with Mitsuhide. You are to stay by his side at all times.” 
“Is she ok? She’s still breathing,” Ms. Higurashi said.
“Call off your troops and I will let the girl live. Do it, and I may even forgive you for turning against me.”
“I think she just passed out. Probably overworked.” The groom’s voice.
“There’s no reason to run, little mouse. Azuchi isn’t going anywhere.”
“She is fine. A little overtired. You have our apologies. We have what we need for the fitting. I’ll see to her. And I promise, this won’t affect our work for you.” Mitsuhide reassured the two.
“I appreciate that, but please make sure she’s ok.” Ms. Higurashi said at the same time the groom said, “Don’t worry about that. Just make sure she’s alright.” 
Mai wanted to open her eyes and sit up. To reassure them she was fine and make her apologies, but her body felt as heavy as lead. Weighed down and sinking into a place filled with voices she almost recognized. Though she fought against it, the velvet soft darkness took her.
Next: Chapter 8
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leftforthestars · 9 months
is aleron more self-centered or selfless? or are they in-between? :0
hi!!! sorry for taking so long to post this but good question!! to answer this, im gonna have to completely go into the lore.
their story is in the year 2608. so why is aleron a knight if the story takes place in a futuristic world?
well, about 500 years before then, a 17-year-old girl took over the world as queen. the areas she ruled turned into medieval kingdoms and villages. the areas she couldnt control were often by the coast. those places developed into cities, like the sorta shit youd see in dystopian movies and stuff.
one day, the queen declared that she had found a way to make herself immortal. the next, she disappeared.
most assumed she was dead.
people started flocking to the cities, and the villages and kingdoms... well, they were left behind. the cities grew, and the people who dared to explore those now-abandoned areas ended up missing.
now, the year 2598. aleron's 6 years old. theyre living in one of those cities, being raised by their grandparents.
xe is a direct descendant of the queen's most loyal knight, and growing up, xe heard stories passed down from generation to generation in xir family.
this is what led them to want to become a knight. but in a much different way than that of xir ancestor. see, they wanted to be the kind of knight to be brave enough to betray the evil ruler they served.
so pretty selfless, right? yeah?
fast-forward 10 years. its 2608. aleron is 16 and already living alone. they hear about someone else disappearing after going to the nearest abandoned village.
one night after coming home, they dig through their closet and pull out a set of armor they got for their 15th birthday. xe doesnt want to put on the whole thing, so xe only chooses select pieces. a pauldron for the shoulder they hurt recently. vambraces for their lower arms. poleyns. greaves. sabatons.
xe packs a bag. xe takes the helmet from xir armor with xem, just in case. grabs their sword. and then leaves.
they head out to the village that someone disappeared in.
surprisingly, the place is still intact after 500 years. it's silent.
well, except someone calling for help.
aleron follows the voice to the side of a hill, where a cave lies. the entrance is blocked off by heavy rocks. this is their chance to save the person who disappeared. this is xir chance to show the people who made fun of xem for xir obsession with being a knight. their chance to look good. xe doesnt realize it, but this isnt for the person xe is saving.
it's for themself.
this is their first experience with self-centeredness.
xe helps the person out of the cave, but it wasnt who xe was looking for.
the person they helped says her name is mēdeia. that she got trapped in the cave after she woke up in there. that she's a 17-year-old sound-bending witch who cant really remember who she is other than that.
there's something i forgot to mention, that that necklace aleron wears? it was something that belonged to their ancestor, and, like the stories, was passed down from generation to generation.
and it just so happened that mēdeia somehow had an exact replica of the necklace.
aleron, still on the search for the missing person, leaves, but brings mēdeia with xem. better to have a sound-bending witch by your side than to travel alone and increase the chances of somehow ending up dead.
over the months, aleron starts to slip back into that selflessness.
something tugs at the back of mēdeia's mind, someone she used to know that aleron reminds her of. it's comforting, safe, but also unsettling. like they could turn against her at any moment.
and then, as aleron tells her why xe became a knight, the final pieces fall into place.
a dark tank. freezing temperatures. a guillotine. a village. a crown. an announcement of immortality.
her name wasnt really mēdeia. she wasn't just a sound bending witch. she was a queen. a queen that was assumed to be dead for 500 years. she had made herself "immortal" through cryostasis, a way of preserving living organisms through freezing them. the person aleron reminds her of is the knight who had once served her so loyally. the necklaces were a symbol of her love for that knight.
and she regrets her every action as queen. what she wants is to atone for her sins.
but when she tells aleron, who is almost a spitting image of the knight she once loved…
xe stabs her through the heart with xir sword.
this act of self-centeredness is disguised as selflessness, as a way to protect "the people" (note the use of the quotation marks. them killing her is more to protect themself than to protect others).
in that way, aleron has gone against the true purpose of being a knight, which is to protect others, not destroy others. in that way, xe is the villain.
and that act is what seals it. from now on, aleron does things for themself and themself only, but claims what they do is a way to help others.
they head back for their city, alone, giving up on their original quest, a distorted echo of their ancestor.
anyway im sorry that was so long, i just felt that if i said something like "oh they were pretty selfless but then they became selfish but then they went back to being selfless but then" etc etc without providing context, then it wouldnt really make sense????? so yeah. thansk for reading my essay /hj
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So I decided to take up the challenge of a non-PatP criticism of Princess and the Popstar, and correct me if I’m wrong bc it’s been a while, but did they ever truly explain why that crystal-looking royal plant was important to the kingdom? Like it looks magic but it’s not properly delved into as far as what it does. Why is the royal family trusted with protecting it soooo heavily? It would’ve made sense if part of the plot was that it’s a lifeline for the kingdom but slowly withering (maybe from neglect on early-movie Tori’s part?) and that could’ve been what was causing the “drought” (which even as a kid I knew was a ridiculous boiled down metaphor for the recession irl) and it’s fixed by the end. Also feels like the villain is kinda disconnected from everything else in this one, can’t even really remember them at all.
OMG yes thank you this is exactly the kind of stuff I wanted to see.
So, the Diamond Gardenia unfortunately isn't explained all that much during the movie. All we know is what Tori tells Keira: It's 500 years old, grows real diamonds, blooms every 5 years and helps "pay for schools and, y'know...stuff". I like how they write this explanation from Tori's POV since she's doesn't really know/care yet about royal duties at this point in the story. However, it does come at the expense of the audience not getting the full picture of how important it is. I mean, sure, we don't need to be spoon-fed everything, but a little more info would help. We can still piece together that the first rules of Mirabella probably built the castle around the Gardenia and used its diamonds to help the kingdom get started. But like who appointed the first royal family to protect it? And then it had to stay a secret, but how did EVERYONE in the royal family keep it secret for 500 years? Was Tori REALLY the first to tell someone outside of that circle?
And yes I TOTALLY agree on Crider feeling tacked on. The message of the movie and all the actually interesting and fun stuff come from Tori and Keira's storylines and how they intersect and learn from switching roles with each other. Crider as an antagonist is fine, I guess, but this story didn't necessarily NEED a villain. to take down. The real pleasure comes from the girls learning that they're lucky to be who they are and that sparking changes in how they He would've worked just as well as just an annoying manager that talks too much about his own glory days.
I like your idea of the plant being a lifeline for the whole kingdom, especially since the movie already shows that it basically is. When Crider cuts the roots, everything else withers. I think having it slowly dying on its own would have worked better. Getting hints of it in the background, like say when Tori and Keira leave the room after getting caught, would help to build a tension that lingers in the back of the audience's mind, only to be distracted again by the fun musical numbers. It could work well with Tori's perspective, like she notices that something is slightly off but then her attention redirects back to "I get to be my favorite popstar for a day!".
You made some good points!
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iheartlexihoward · 3 years
vulnerable (pt 1) // fez
*・゜゚・* summary: fez turns up at your window not wanting to talk about some "fucked up shit" that just happened, and you're the only person he could even think of being with right now.
*・゜゚・* pairing: fez x reader
*・゜゚・* cws: drug addiction, rue being a mess, regular euphoria type shite
this is part 1 of this series! find the rest of the parts in my masterlist
ok so i set out to write a fez blurb that was super chill and like 500 words but i ended up feeling very inspired so now i have an outline for a whole fic ... i thought this was kinda a good place to leave it bc it sets everything up for the characters so pls let me know ur thoughts! i haven't posted my writing in literally about 4 years so this is makin me kinda nervous
also i just came up w the title last minute but now it's making me think of tinashe's vulnerable so... maybe demon time inspired by that song is on the way
It was gone midnight when your attention was taken from the soft glow of the TV by the persistent bzz bzz of your phone. From the sounds of it, you’d gotten at least 3 texts. Furrowing your brow, you stretched and grabbed it, tapping the screen to wake the device up.
From: fez :)
You up?
Some real fucked up shit just happened
Can I come over
To: fez :)
is everything okay??
what happened
and yeah of course, where are you?
From: fez :)
It’s ok now don’t worry
Outside to be honest wit you lol
You shot up and straightened yourself out slightly. It wasn’t like Fez hadn’t seen you in worse states than cozied up in sweats and a white tank top — God, far from it — but somehow, knowing he was right outside your house made you nervous. You made your way over to the window and slightly pulled back the curtain, giving the boy a wave and tight smile when he immediately looked upwards.
You’d met Fez years before. Your little sister was best friends with Lexi Howard, and in turn you’d met Rue through her. Then Fezco through Rue. Although, it wasn’t really for the first time.
It was almost funny how it all went down, really. After Rue’s dad passed, Lexi and your sister were becoming painfully aware of her mounting drug issues; she was high at school, high in front of parents, near passing out in other people’s bathrooms. It hurt your soul to see your baby sister and Lexi, who you’d come to view like one, constantly in tears fretting over if their best friend was going to take it too far.
But what hurt even more was seeing the state in which Rue was. You cared about her. You knew how much fun the three of them had together, hearing them laughing downstairs at a movie long after they should have been asleep or FaceTiming one another after school. Even when they were over doing homework together, you could hear them nonstop giggling and goofing around. They made each other happy, and Rue’s addiction was tearing the dynamic apart. It was tearing Rue apart.
That’s why you made the decision to find out who the fuck was selling her the drugs, walk down there and very sternly tell them they had no choice but to cut her off — that you were the only older figure who knew, and that you weren’t going to take no for an answer.
But of course it was fucking Fezco.
You’d known him for an extremely long time. He was in your grade during elementary and some of middle school, until he seemingly disappeared off the face of the Earth for a little bit. Kids made all sorts of stupid rumors; that he’d moved to Ireland, that he’d died in a tragic car accident, that he’d been removed and sent to some kind of military boarding school. The truth was a lot sadder, and not fully explained to you until years later.
You always knew all of that shit wasn’t true, anyway. Fez was never unpopular, everyone liked him, but he just didn’t associate himself with the hierarchy and politics crap that festered in every school. That’s why you had the courage to speak to him in the first place. You were never technically friends, but you knew him. He was the only person you’d let cheat off of you in History. He was modest, but he had an air of wisdom about him even as a kid. He was smart, too smart for his own good — smart in a way where he couldn’t fully grasp it. And he was so goddamn kind.
It started getting out a few months after Fez left school that he was dealing drugs. You didn’t remember ever being particularly shocked. When you knew him, it always seemed like he wasn’t telling something. You never held it against him, despite the D.A.R.E. programs, despite every adult in your life telling you that drugs were the devil. You knew he must have had his reasons.
You didn’t see him again until the day you strode down to his store, mustering every ounce of confidence and poise you had to give.
Well… technically you had seen him, in the literal sense. You weren’t a recluse — you went to parties, and he’d usually be standing outside or smoking on a couch somewhere. You gave it your utmost to steer clear of him, to keep his current presence in your life a flash of blue eyes or a rumble of his voice from across the room. You didn’t really know why you felt such intense need to avoid him. It was like you wanted to keep him as nothing but an urban legend, memories of the young boy you once knew tucked away.
That’s why it made it all the more difficult.
The second you walked up to the cash desk and he looked up, face hardened from too-young years of doing what he did but with a tenderness so familiar to you, you softened. Every intention of storming up and giving him the telling-off of the century (which, in hindsight, would have looked ridiculous anyway seeing as you were the same age) went flying out the window.
“Hey.” His voice was deeper than you could have imagined from the snippets of conversation you’d heard him in. “What can I get you?”
“Um…” you began, trying to silently compose yourself. “Actually, I don’t need anything from here.”
“Aight… then… what you here for?”
“It’s about Rue.”
He looked down and slightly furrowed his brow, as if he already knew what was coming.
“Listen, I know what she’s been doing,” you continued. “My sister’s friends with her and Lexi. We’re all really fucking worried about her, and I know I’m the only one who’s going to come down here and say anything.”
Fez didn’t respond, just flitted his eyes slowly, avoiding eye contact.
“She’s not my fucking sister or whatever but I think we all know what’s coming, and I don’t want to have to watch it. She means the world to those two, and none of us want to have to see her… you know… like… overdose or some shit.”
He still didn’t say anything, the silence driving you to yammer on anxiously.
“So, yeah… what I’m saying is, I want you to cut her off. Like, for real.”
A beat passed before Fezco spoke. He looked up, scrunching one eye slightly at you. “Didn’t we go to school together?”
“Fez, what the fuck does that have to do with anything?”
He blew air out through his nose, avoiding eye contact once more. “You know my name. So yeah… we did.”
“Fez, you’re like the number one dealer in the fucking area. A lot of people know your name. I’m talking about serious shit right now.”
“I remember you,” he continued, as if you hadn’t said anything. But he wasn’t ignoring you — he’d carefully waited until you were done, taking in your words. “When you came up in here, thought I recognized your face.”
You were visibly almost flabbergasted, the way he listened to your worries yet disregarded them in the same breath getting deep under your skin, earlier fire returning. “Okay?”
He took a deep breath, pulling a pre-rolled joint out and placing it between his lips.
“Listen, man…” Fezco lit up and inhaled deeply. “Thing is with Rue… I care about her too.”
“Then why the hell do you—“ you gestured wildly, Fez cutting you off before you could finish.
“I know she fucks around. But if she doesn’t get her shit from me, she’ll get it from somewhere else… know what I’m sayin’?”
You quieted down, absorbing his words.
“And I know these people. I deal with these people every fuckin’ day. And they not the type of people I want Rue gettin’ her shit from… you understand?”
You swallowed, somewhat embarrassed at your earlier outburst. “Yeah.”
“Listen… I understand you gettin’ upset about it and wantin’ to come talk to me, but I’m just tryna' look out for her. Just like you. These other people… you don’t know what the fuck’s in their shit. I’m not tryna’ watch her die. Just like you.”
Your lungs filled deeply with air. He was right. It seemed so one-track earlier… but then it hit you. Rue was an addict. And if an addict can’t get something from one place, they’ll get it from another. At least with Fezco, they both knew what it was she was getting.
And in that moment, you understood him.
Maybe that’s why you and Fez grew closer over the next couple of years. Mutual understanding. You bonded over your care for Rue initially, but it grew into something different. Not a relationship — neither of you wanted to push any boundaries — but you knew that the connection you shared was special.
You knew the way you’d call each other in the middle of the night, spewing any bullshit excuse to hear each other’s voice, was something else. Or the way you’d get tipsy and latch onto him at parties, pretending you just wanted to smoke and ending up way too high because you couldn’t keep up. Or the way that one time, on one of the latter occasions where you’d tried to out-smoke him and ended up hearing colors, you leaned into him, held his hand and told him he was the prettiest boy you’d ever seen.
He’d just blushed and muttered something along the lines of, ‘you high as fuck right now chill’, but the situation left a warm feeling in your heart and a fluttering in your stomach.
Maybe all of it is why in that moment, where Fezco felt his most vulnerable, you were the only person he wanted to be with.
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Maya, sweetie! 💕 Congrats on 500, that is so awesome! 🎉💖💖💖 For the writing prompt, may I request Stucky + movie night? 📽✨
✨Kay✨, my loveee 💕💕 Thank you so so much!! Have I told you recently how amazing you are? How wonderful and sweet and kind and supportive and talented? Probably not, or at least not often enough, because you deserve to hear that every single day 💖💖
I loved this prompt, so so much!! 🥰🥰 So much so, that this is gonna be a part one of 2 little fics (part 2 is mostly written but still needs some adjustments), so this one is on the shorter side because it made no sense to cut it off anywhere else. A little pre-war stucky sweetness for you, sweetheart, and I hope you enjoy 💛💛😘😘
Stucky + Movie Night, 1.3k, T
Read on Ao3 or below
“Stevieeee”, Bucky whines for probably the 10th time in almost as many minutes. “Are you done?”
Steve sighs. He’s trying to work on a sketch, and Bucky keeps trying to get his attention. Granted, he’s not getting anywhere, and he’s been grumbling over it for a while. “What is it, Buck?”, he finally gives in. Bucky turns him around in his chair so Steve’s facing him. “Let’s go out, do something fun. You’ve been cooped up in here all day.”
“And do what? Go for a walk? We barely have enough money for food as it is this month so I dunno what you’re thinking”, he grumbles. He sees Bucky smile at him mischievously, and he knows he’s about to be pulled into some trouble. He tries to frown back, but it’s unconvincing. They’ll always follow each other into anything. “Sure, a walk sounds good”, Steve finally sighs, “I’ll go put on some shoes.” Bucky starts to nervously hop from foot to foot. “What? Come out with it already”, Steve chuckles.
“Maybe get changed too? Put on that nice blue shirt?”, he asks carefully. Steve shakes his head, but goes to the bedroom to change his clothes. He’s not even gonna ask. When he comes out, he sees Bucky’s trying to fix his hair in the mirror. Steve finally takes in what Bucky’s wearing, all dressed up, with his shoes shined and wearing his nicer pair of trousers and shirt. Bucky looks up, gives him a beaming smile. “You look great Stevie”, he says, voice soft, grabbing their coats and scarves “Come on, lets go.”
They walk for a little through the neighborhood, evening just starting to set. At some point, Steve has an idea where they’re going, but he doesn’t know why. He’s proven right when they get onto Church ave and Bucky stops right in front of the Kenmore. “Bucky…”, he starts, but Bucky shushes him and grabs his hand. They make their way into the alley, Bucky making them hide out behind a dumpster until someone gets out of the side door for a smoke break.
Bucky waits just long enough for them to turn their back, before he rushes to the door right before it closes, motioning to Steve to make a run for it. Steve curses internally, but follows him inside, the door falling shut behind them. They make their way through the hallway, staying quiet just in case any other employees come their way, but eventually they make it to the theater lobby and slip into the screening room undetected.
They sit down, trying to catch their breath, but soon enough they’re bursting out into laughter, just out of relief they didn’t get caught. It’s a while before the picture starts playing, so they just get a few weird looks, but no one tells them off. “What are we watching?” Steve asks once they’re both calmed down a bit. Bucky smirks at him. “You’ll see”, he says, before getting out of his seat. “I’ll be right back.” Steve shakes his head, a fond smile still on his face. Bucky was right, they needed to get out of the house. And it’s been a while since they’ve gone to see a movie. He’s excited, grateful.
Bucky comes back after 5 minutes or so, a bag of popcorn in his hands. “Couldn’t take my best guy out to a movie and not get him some popcorn, now could I?”, he whispers, setting the bag into Steve’s lap. Steve looks around a little, worried someone might have overheard, but quickly settles his eyes back on Bucky. “Oh Buck”, he says, and when he sees Bucky’s cheeks turn a little red, he decides to mess with him a little. “Is this a date?”, Steve asks, smirking. “You didn’t even ask me properly. No flowers?”
Bucky’s face flushes a little more before he gets it, and then he grabs a hand of popcorn and throws some at Steve. “You’re a punk”, he says, aiming a kernel for Steve’s nose and hitting it right on target. Then he leans in, as if to grab another hand of popcorn. But he doesn’t. He just gets close enough to whisper softly “you should be glad I love you, that I put up with this”, giving Steve a soft smile and plucking some popcorn from his hair. They stare at each other for a little, heads bent close together, before they realize they’re in public, and should at least try to be a little more careful.
They settle down a little, Steve taking in the murals that adorn the walls of the theater, even if he’s seen them before. They’re not exactly his style, but he does appreciate them. He gets lost a little in them, because before he knows it, Bucky is lightly elbowing him, and the theater lights go down. The intro starts, Bucky making Steve chuckle a little by doing an impression of the MGM lion roaring. Music starts to play, big blocked letters showing it’s Cary Grant, Katharine Hepburn and James Stewart in a picture titled “the Philadelphia Story”.
He looks over at Bucky, who’s already staring at him. Bucky shrugs. “Thought you might like it”, he says, and then he smirks. “I know how much you like Cary Grant”, he teases. Now it’s Steve’s turn to blush. He turns back to the screen, squeezing Bucky’s hand. The opening scene makes him frown a little bit, as does the ostentatiousness of the Lord’s house, some of the character’s behaviors. He does like Dinah Lord, a young girl who seems to be a little contrary and a little crazy, but still definitely the most sane of the bunch. Still, the picture is funny, witty, and Steve feels warm hearing the sound of Bucky’s laugh so close to his good ear.
They get about halfway through the picture before Steve can’t take it anymore. Bucky has been slowly running his fingers up and down Steve’s arm, the feeling making him shiver. He suddenly gets up, grabs Bucky’s hand. He wasn’t that into the story anyway. It’s fine really. But all he really wants to do right now is get out of there. Bucky follows him out the screening room, confusion clear on his face. Once they’re in the hallway, he asks what is going on, but Steve just drags him further along, down the stairs and out of the theater.
He doesn’t stop until they’re back in the alley. “Stevie what’s-“ Bucky tries again, but Steve uses all his strength to push Bucky’s much larger body against the wall, Bucky’s question ending in a grunt. “Are you gonna tell me what’s going on?”, he asks, not looking so confused anymore, mirth in his eyes. “Yeah”, Steve breathes, leaning in close, “you know why I like Cary Grant so much?” Bucky shakes his head, his eyes focused on Steve’s lips. “I like him because he’s a little like you”, Steve whispers, their lips barely an inch from touching.
“Oh yeah?“, Bucky breathes out, the puff of air making Steve’s lips tremble a little. “You think I’m a little arrogant, witty and mean?” Steve shakes his head, then frowns and nods. “Maybe a little. But I actually meant…”, he says, moving in and softly pressing their lips together, feeling the smile on Bucky’s lips against his, “that you’re gorgeous”, he finishes, pulling away slowly. Bucky doesn’t let him, turns them around until Steve’s against the wall, crowds him and goes in for a heated kiss.
They get lost in it for a little while, until Bucky notices Steve has started to shiver a little - it’s January, and it’s late, so it’s too freezing to stay outside much longer. Bucky takes off his own scarf, wraps it around Steve’s neck and pulls him in for one last kiss. “Always the gentleman huh?” Steve echo’s the line from the picture. Bucky grins back at him. “Except just on occasion.”
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Not A Date
Summary: You’re Bruce’s cute little intern and he has a crush on you, but doesn’t want to admit it. Except Thor’s kind of his best friend and can tell. He just needs a little push.
Pairings: Bruce Banner x black!reader x Thor
Warnings: smut, mmf threesome, age gap, daddy kink, swearing
(A/N: decided to change it up a little to celebrate 500 followers 🥳. It’s a little long. Enjoy, like, and reblog.)
Tagged: @titty-teetee​, @harrysthiccthighss​, @iam-laiya, @sweeterthanthis , @night-of-the-living-shred​, @mariahthelioness29, @liquorlaughslove, @blackmissfrizzle
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Bruce would have never thought about being with someone that worked under him until you. He liked to think of himself as a man with integrity when he wasn’t the Hulk. Yet he found himself thinking about you in the worst ways.
It was worse because you were half his age. He never wanted to cross that line. Despite Tony trying to convince him to ask you out for drinks. He didn’t wanna freak you out or make you think he was a creep. You really had no business looking that sexy in a lab coat, though.
What was worse was that it seemed like he couldn’t get a break from you. You genuinely enjoyed his company. You were eager to learn and Banner was definitely eager to teach you.
The only problem? Thor had taken a liking to you. How the fuck was he supposed to compete with that.
Would you rather have Banner? A nerd that spends all day in the lab or Thor. A king from another planet whose people had been forced hereafter said planet had been destroyed. The choice seemed pretty obvious to him.
Not that Thor wasn’t great. After everything that’s happened Bruce and Thor were practically best friends. Thor gotten him through a really rough time and obviously Banner had been there to help the god save his people. Then after everything with Thanos. They’d bonded in a way neither of them had expected.
He doesn’t even know why he tortures himself thinking about it. It was bad enough that the King of New Asgard was making googly eyes at you. Or that you seemed to be reciprocating it.
You were doing it right now. Laughing about something he said while his friend trailed his different colored eyes up and down your body. He couldn’t even blame him.
“Banner, you want to come out with us for dinner?” Thor had asked as you’d started taking off your coat getting ready to leave the lab for the day.
Bruce sighed. Why did Thor have to torture him like that. “No, it’s okay.”
“Oh, come on, Dr. Banner,” your voice was so smooth and sultry. Like you were always about to whisper something dirty. “Come out with us. All work and no play make you a dull boy.”
“I wouldn’t want to impose on your date,” he said as he finished packing up.
You tilted your head to the side with those confused puppy dog eyes. “Date? This isn’t a date. We’re just bored. And I wanna get drunk.”
“Yeah.” Thor nodded. “Just three friends having a few drinks and dinner.”
Banner looked between the two. Both of them with those sweet looks on their faces. Why the fuck did Thor have to be one of the nicest beings he’d ever met. It was hard to say no to him.
“Okay fine. Where are we going?” He asked as he finished packing up.
“It doesn’t matter as long as I get nachos!” You replied with a grin. “But I need to change first. I feel icky.”
Bruce had decided to do the same. He didn’t want to admit it, but he wanted to at least look nice for the first time you’d be seeing him out of work. Not that he was planning on acting out on any feelings. Again. He didn’t wanna freak you out.
“I know your secret.” Thor narrowed his eyes with a smirk on his face making Bruce almost smack onto him when he’d walked out of his room.
“Jesus, Thor!” He put his hand over his heart trying to not freak out completely.
He put his hand on Bruce’s shoulder. “Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I do know your secret, though.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You like Lady Y/N. Am I right?”
His jaw dropped, but he tried to sober up quickly. “Wha- what. Why, why would, what makes you think that?” He stuttered.
“I’m a fertility god.” He rolled his eyes dramatically. “I can tell these things.”
“Oh...” he trailed off his cheeks getting bright red.
Thor laughed. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. She’s beautiful.”
“She’s half my age,” he replied.
“So?” He frowned in confusion. Of course, Thor would have no concept of an age difference when he’d lived through centuries.
Bruce sighed. “So, it’ll look odd if I start dating my twenty-five-year-old intern, Thor.”
He shrugged. “Look I’m sure Stark has done much worse. Don’t worry about what people will think or you’ll never get your chance.”
You sipped from your margarita from your spot beside him. Why’d you have to be so close. Not that he was complaining. You’d started drinking the tequila before you’d even gotten the chance to get your food.
It was so different seeing you out of the lab and compound. You were dressed so simply in a white v neck tucked into your black jeans and a pair of black boots, but you looked so good. Your hair was up and done in your natural look. Like a cute pineapple.
“Wait, can either of you even get drunk?” You asked.
Thor had set down his beer and nodded. “I can, there’s nothing like Asgardian mead, though. What about you, Banner?”
“I don’t drink. Not sure how the big guy would react,” he answered.
She nodded. “That makes sense. Hope you guys don’t mind if I get drunk as fuck.”
“Feel free,” Thor replied. “We’ll protect you. Won’t we?” Thor kicked him lightly under the table.
“Yeah... yeah,” Bruce replied.
“Dr. Banner, loosen up. We’re here to have fun.” You nudged him.
“Yeah you’re right,” he replied a tiny smile appearing on his face as he tapped his fingers against the table. “I guess a beer wouldn’t hurt. If anything, we can just stay at Tony’s.”
“How many homes does this man have?” You asked wrinkling your nose. 
Thor spun around with you on his back as you guys walked towards the entrance of the complex Bruce had told you that Tony wouldn’t mind if the three of you crashed in for the night. Just because Stark Tower was gone didn’t mean the billionaire didn’t have other properties around New York.
Banner laughed as he walked behind the both of you. He’d stuck to a beer to be safe and had loosened up at least a tad. He’d enjoyed seeing you have fun more than anything. All those stories the three of you would share. Of course, nothing compared to the odd adventures Thor had over the centuries, but still entertaining nonetheless.
Once you’d made it in you pretty much skipped inside as you looked around the penthouse. “Wow is it weird that I’m surprised that he’s trusting us with this place?”
“What’s not to trust?” Banner asked with a chuckle.
“Oh, come on. This is the face of a troublemaker.” You made a kissy face at him.
He shook his head. “You look like you stay up watching Bill Nye the Science Guy.”
Your jaw dropped. “Hey! Bill Nye is a national treasure. I used to have a crush on him. I think I have a thing for nerds.” You shrugged as you walked over to the kitchen.
Thor wiggled his eyebrows at Banner before motioning at him with his head. Bruce in turn shook his head at his friend. “Just talk to her,” Thor whispered still a little too loudly.
“No,” he replied.
“Think Tony will get mad if I drink some of his wine?” You asked as you took a wine glass.
“Eh, Stark will be fine,” Thor replied. “Enjoy yourself.”
So, the three of you had settled down to watch a movie. You’d also maybe raided the pantry which led to you and Thor throwing M&Ms into each other’s mouths while Bruce munched on chips. “At least Tony let us stay in the place that has snacks.” You laughed.
“Or does he know?” Thor asked with a smirk leaning over to steal one of Bruce’s chips.
“We’re not breaking and entering, are we? Because you guys might be able to get out of it, but...”
“We’re fine,” he answered, waving you off. “This is like the party house.”
“Yeah and where he goes when he wants to snack away from Pepper,” Bruce said with a smirk on his face.
“Wow shady, Dr. Banner,” you gasped with a giggle.
He groaned. “How many times have I told you to call me Bruce.”
“What if I like it?” You teased. “Besides if I call you Bruce I’m gonna end up calling you Brucie.”
“How about you can call me whatever you want then.”
You narrowed your eyes at him and he knew he was in for trouble. “Fine. What if I call you Daddy?”
For a minute, Bruce was sure his brain had short circuited. As soon as that word left your mouth, he could feel it happen. He closed his eyes for a minute. Almost like he was savoring it. He opened his mouth ready to say something witty or flirty or anything and, “Uhhhh...” It was like his voice had short circuited.
“Bruce, I’m kidding.” You laughed as you stood up, poking his shoulder. “I’ll be right back. I have to pee.”
As his friend was trying to process what had just happened, Thor sat beside staring at him with a dopey grin on his face. “I told you,” he teased waving his hands excitedly.
“She was just joking,” he quickly retorted.
Thor shook his head still absolutely beaming. “No. She’s totally into you.”
Bruce groaned because even if you were, it was still so inappropriate. “Thor, I can’t.”
“Yes, you can. Who’s going to stop you?” Thor shrugged. “Now fuck the twenty-five-year-old or whatever that is.”
“Thor!” Banner said, feeling himself almost lose control. The Hulk must have had a crush on you, too, because he did not like the other man talking about you like that.
Thor quickly sobered up, not meaning to push him that far. “Shit, I’m sorry,” he said.
“Is everything okay?” You asked peeking out of the bathroom. You looked a little panicked because in the few weeks you’d been helping him you’d never seen him go Hulk. This was the first time you’d even gotten a glimpse of him.
“Yeah. Just...” Thor looked at Bruce. “Give us a minute, Sweetheart.”
“Okay,” you replied softly biting your lip and close the door again. You’d already been over so many evacuations plan for just in case it happened, but you kind of cared about him so it would be kinda hard to see him like that.
“You okay?”
Bruce had his eyes closed and nodded. “No. I’m fine. I just... he wanted to come out and play a little.”
“You sure? We can go for a walk if you want. Clear your mind or whatever.”
He laughed. “No. I’m okay. Thanks. Y/N, you can come in!”
You peeked your head out again, looking between the two of them. “Everything cool?”
“Yeah, we’re good,” Bruce answered feeling a little bad if he’d scared you. 
You came back over and took a seat on the couch that was across from them. Like you weren’t sure if you should get close. 
“Y/N, you can sit here,” he said, looking down at your former spot on the floor. 
You knew he hadn’t done it on purpose, but this kind of felt like a command and you found yourself complying. You weren’t even sure if it was from what’d just happened or from the daddy thing. “Okay,” you replied softly, making your way over.
You sat criss cross applesauce in between them. Thor peeked out from over the top of your head, staring him down. ‘Do it,” the god mouthed to him. You looked over and groaned. “Shoot forgot to get more wine,” you said standing up again.
“Banner, be a man,” Thor mumbled.
“I could say the same thing for you.” 
“I am a man. I would have kissed her already. Taken control. Like a man.”
“I don’t want to scare her off.”
“So, you do like her!” Another grin grew on his face. “I told you.”
Bruce groaned softly. “Why would I want to do that with you here anyway?”
“Just trust me on this,” he replied as you walked up with another glass. They probably should have stopped you because by now you were pretty tipsy.
“Ohh, trust you with what?” You asked, sitting back in your spot.
“Nothing,” Banner replied. “It doesn’t matter.”
“It does, but he won’t admit it.” Thor added with a dramatic sigh. 
You scrunched up your face in this cute pout as you got on your knees to wrap your arms around Bruce’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Brucie. I won’t let Thor bully you.”
Thor was so giddy. 
Your breasts were so close to his face. “I thought you were supposed to call me Daddy?” He asked, looking up at you.
You got back on your knees your arms still around him. “Bruce! You’re so bad.” He could have done it. Just moved a little bit closer. Instead he froze again. 
At that exact moment. While you were waiting right there. For him to just move closer to you. To connect your lips. His fucking phone rang. He groaned, resting his head against your shoulder. He dug it into his pockets to answer it. “Fucking Tony.”
You retracted your arms as he got up to take it. You leaned back resting your ass on your heels. “What, Tony?” He said a little harshly into the phone after he’d made it into the hallway.
“Where’d you put my wrench?” He asked and Bruce could hear the clattering of things being moved in the background. 
“Seriously? This is what you’re calling me about?” Bruce laughed sarcastically.
“I texted you, but you never got back to me. I knew you three were out on your date thing.”
“It’s not a date, we’re just hanging out,” Bruce replied clearing his throat. “Why would you call it a date?”
“Yeah, whatever. Keep lying to yourselves. Anyway, where’s my wrench?”
It took a minute, but he’d finally found it and he was hoping he could get back to where the two of you were a moment ago. 
It didn’t even make any sense. He was a fifty-year-old man, he shouldn’t have even been trying anything with you. Yet there he was ready to risk it all. For as Thor kept putting it, twenty-five-year-old pussy.
Of course, though, Bruce had the worst luck in the world. Between the Hulk and that whole thing. Making Ultron. Yeah, he’d fucked up a few times. Apparently walking away from you was one because there you were with his one of his best friends making out with you just like how he was supposed to.
Thor pulled away from your mouth to start kissing her neck. His hand went to one of her breasts. You looked up at him with this troublemaker eyes. “I told you to be a man, Bruce,” Thor said, in between nips on your skin. “So, I’m showing you how.”
He could feel his face getting hot. Like the big guy was threatening to come. He didn’t want you to see him like that, but as you stood up you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“It’s okay. I have enough holes for the both of you.”
His jaw dropped, but he couldn’t respond as you’d already smashed your lips into his. Your mouths worked together. His hands stayed at his side as you pushed him back until he could sit on the couch.
You climbed on his lap. Straddling him as his hands went to your ass like it was an instinct. He could pretty much hear the Hulk actually giving him kudos for doing it.
“See how much better that is,” Thor said sitting next to the two of you as he started kissing your neck.
Bruce thought for a minute. He should be telling Thor to go away, but the fertility god was just trying to help him out. Maybe he could play and not really touch.
“Brucie,” you moaned as he started to trail down your neck with his lips.
“Been teasing me all night. Haven’t you?” He said, into your ear.
You nodded with a chuckle as you started to roll your hips against him. He moaned into your neck as he cupped the bottom of your ass. You gasped, “Daddy.”
His dick rubbed into you in the most delicious way. Fuck he felt so damn good. “That’s such a good girl,” Thor said, coming to sit the beside of you.
“Thor!” Bruce pulled away.
Thor rolled his eyes. “Stop making this weird.”
You laughed grabbing the man who’s lap you were currently on top of. “It’s okay,” you said in such a cute way, your body perking up.
He sighed before looking at Thor who started to kiss your neck again. You didn’t even give him a chance to think as you smashed your lips against his. It didn’t take long for that to become his focus.
One of them started to pull your shirt up making the other follow. You helped them as you pulled it from your body, lifting it over your head. They kissed the tops of your breasts as Thor reached behind to undo your bra. “Look at these beautiful fucking tits,” Thor said licking your nipple.
Banner went back up to your lips, grabbing your ass with so much more force. Suddenly Bruce stood up with you wrapped around his waist. Ended up dropping you so your back was against the couch. You squealed then laughed as he started kissing you again.
There was still enough room between the two of you to where Thor could fondle you and kiss your neck. Honestly you felt like a fucking goddess with the two of them worshipping you like that.
You started to undo Banner’s shirt needing so much more. He helped to undo the rest while you reached forward to unfasten his belt. He was quick to help so you could start to work off your own pants.
It all happened so quickly. Before he knew it the both of you were naked and you were ready for him to fuck you. “Please,” you whined.
“What do you want?” He asked.
“For you to fuck me.”
Just like that he slammed into you, not being able to wait anymore. Fuck it had felt so good. He’d been wanting to do this ever since you started coming around. All that pent-up sexual frustration.
The noises coming out of your mouth were perfect. He couldn’t believe he was finally inside of you. “Yes,” you moaned.
Thor had taken his dick from his pants as he watched the two of you. Bruce never thought he’d find himself here. Fucking you with his best friend stroking himself as he watched. It was probably hotter than any porn he’d ever watched.
“Harder,” you whimpered.
“Fuck her like a man, Banner,” Thor groaned. “Like the slut she is.”
“Yes,” you mewled.
Banner groaned before pulling out of you. “Turn over.” He demanded.
You did as you were told, flipping onto your stomach so your ass was in the air. He wasted no time in slamming into you making you yelp. “That’s good, Banner. Fuck her just like that.” Thor reached out to stroke your cheek. “You look so beautiful getting your cunt stuffed.”
You moaned looking up at the god with big doe eyes. The way you were biting your lip. Banner honestly felt intoxicated just from being inside of you. As he worked his hips back and forth while you worked back against him, he honestly felt like he’d died and went to heaven. Even Hulk was giving him props.
“That’s it,” Thor groaned as you finally put your mouth on his dick. As much as he was trying to resist it before, it was kind of hot to see you getting your face fucked by Thor as he fucked your pussy. 
“I’m gonna cum,” you moaned taking your mouth off of Thor. Bruce rubbed your clit making trying to coax it out.
You tightened around him. He honestly felt like you were trying to milk his dick. “That’s it,” he groaned. “Cum for me, Baby. Be a good girl and cum for Daddy.”
His words made you explode because you were not prepared for him to say anything like that. Banner pulled out of you helping you flip back over onto your back. He once again wasted no time to enter your overly sensitive pussy.
You scratched his back and he noted that it was probably his favorite feeling. The way you raked your nails up and down. “Oh, Daddy.”
“That’s a good girl,” he groaned.
Thor got on his feet so he could get access to your mouth once again. You turned your head, ready to serve. “Thor!” Banner groaned.
“It’s okay,” you moaned. “I like it. And, look at how pretty it is.”
“See, Banner. It’s okay.” Thor moaned feeling your tongue back on him.
Besides it felt kind of good to be this desired. As a woman of science there was something so hot about Bruce Banner fucking the shit out of you while your mouth was full of dick from an alien god king. This was like your dream come true.
Though hesitant at first, Bruce was finding himself enjoying seeing your mouth be used by Thor at the same time as he fucked you. The way you licked it like he was your favorite popsicle before taking into your mouth. He could tell you were having a little trouble me multitasking since you kept pulling away from Thor to moan.
“Fuck, Daddy!” You whined having to pull away from the other dick once again. Your head was swimming because it was almost too much, but you were determined to please.
“Ah, ah, ah, Pet, I didn’t tell you to stop,” Thor scolded grabbing the puff of hair on top of your head so he could push back into your mouth. Even at the strange angle you were sucking his dick like a perfect little cocksucker.
It honestly looked so good. Seeing you moan as you tried to keep up. Bruce’s mouth was practically watering as he looked down at your spread-out legs and the way you attempted to take his best friend down your throat. He wasn’t sure if you could because Thor was as big as he looked like he’d be. Then again seeing you choke on him sounded kind of hot.
Slobber drooled down your chin. You were making such a mess, but it looked like that had been exactly what you’d set out to do. Bruce had only seen blowjobs that sloppy in porn. “That’s such a good girl,” Thor groaned. “Look at that. Doesn’t she look so pretty like this.”
“So pretty,” Bruce grunted as he fucked you getting more on your body now. He buried his head into your neck as you wrapped your legs around his waist.
You were slurping on Thor’s dick and fuck you were so wet. How was your pussy so damn wet. “Been teasing me all this time, huh. How long you been wanting this? Is that why you applied for the internship? So, you could take my dick?” He angled his hips in a way so that he could go deeper. His cock surrounded by your spongy walls.
As much as you’d fantasizes a long time about him, you never thought it’d be like this. Fuck were you pleasantly surprised.
“Answer me, Honey,” he said, looking back up at you.
Thor’s hand was still gripped in your hair and he forced you off of him long enough for you to speak. Except at that moment you finally reached your breaking point cumming around him. You felt yourself milk his dick and all he did was keep fucking you. “Yes!” You cried. “Fuck me, Daddy!” You begged.
“Such a good girl,” Thor cooed before shoving himself back inside your mouth.
You moaned around him. All that spittle on your face. Bruce wanted to kiss you so bad, but considering your mouth was a little preoccupied he hesitated. It did look good, though. He glanced up at Thor who was mostly watching you take him like a good girl.
He noticed Bruce’s eyes on him before looking down at him with this slight smirk, shrugging his shoulders. As a god and until recently a prince, he had no shortage of lovers. This meant from different beings to whomever. Men or women or anything else. So, with the way Bruce was looking at him, he wasn’t really shocked.
Bruce on the other hand had only been with a handful of women. As Thor’s thick cock was just right there in front of him with your lips sucking at it, he felt like he couldn’t help himself as he leaned forward to lick what you hadn’t been able to fit into your mouth.
Thor hissed at feeling your mouth and his tongue now added. “Fuck,” he said under his breath.
You smiled around the dick in your mouth and pulled out with a giggle. “Daddy!” You squealed. Bruce blushed, pulling way. You leaned into him to connect your lips with his. He stopped moving and instead held you there. “It’s okay. I’m having so much fun.”
“Me, too,” he said, his face still red.
“Banner, it’s okay,” Thor said, rubbing the other man’s salt and pepper curly hair. 
Bruce found it more comforting than he even expected before lifting away from you so he could lick it again, tasting the saltiness. You moaned underneath him connected your lips to his neck. “Don’t stop, Daddy,” you whispered in his ear before nibbling along his earlobe.
He ground himself, starting to move his hips again. This time fucking you with slower, deeper thrusts. This tingle that had already built up inside of you grew more intense. He was working your pussy so fucking good. Then seeing him do that you could feel a new orgasm building up inside of you.
“Help me, Baby,” Bruce said.
Thor smiled because he was happy to see the teamwork. Besides two mouths were definitely better than one. “That’s it.”
“Fuck you’re gonna make me cum again,” your voice shook as you suddenly clung to him. This one was definitely going to be more intense. 
You squealed out your moans opening your mouth before biting down on your lip only for your jaw to drop again. You lip quivered into a pout while your brows tensed up. He couldn’t help it has he mesmerized the little details. Noticing how your eyes got so desperate looking. And it was for him. For what he was doing to you. Of course, you’d clearly enjoyed what Thor had done to your mouth, but he was the one fucking you into two orgasms one right after the other.
“That’s it, pretty girl, cum for Daddy,” he grunted because he could feel himself ready to also cum inside that pretty pussy. “Want Daddy to cum all in this pussy?”
You nodded, but you were so sensitive at this point because your orgasm was intense. Bruce quickly followed behind unloading into you. Tremors ran through your body as your eyes closed.
When Bruce looked down to see he immediately got off of you. “Shit, Y/N,” he said, he rubbed your cheek. “Hey, hey,” he talked to you ever so softly.
Thor got down next to you. “Sweetheart, are you okay?”
You wrapped your arms around him and he hugged you back tightly, kissing your temple. Bruce rubbed got down beside him, so he could rub your back. “I’m sorry. It was just a lot.”
“Don’t be sorry,” Bruce said. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“No.” You laid back down as Thor kissed your forehead.
“Why don’t we go lay down?” Thor suggested.
“That’s a good idea,” Bruce said, grabbing your hand and kissing your knuckles.
Thor carried you to one of the many bedrooms. Your legs wrapped around his waist; chin perched on his shoulder. Bruce trailed behind watching the glazed look in your eyes.
As Thor laid you down, he made sure the blankets were pulled over you before kissing the top of your head again. “Comfortable?”
“Mhm,” you answered contently.
“Need anything?” Bruce asked. “Water? Pretty sure we’ve been through most of the snacks.”
“Can you lay down with me?” You asked looking between them with big eyes and a pout. Thor grinned before getting in beside you, Bruce quickly doing the same. You got snuggly between them. Thor against your backside and Bruce in front of you so you could wrap your arms around them.
You were enjoying the closeness of them. They would kiss you softly wherever they could reach and traced their fingertips on your skin. All the affection was making you feel like you’d settled into his haze.
Thor tickled your side and you giggled trying to get closer to Banner. “Daddy, tell him to stop.”
Bruce chuckled and kissed your nose. “Is Thor teasing you, Baby?”
“I’m the tease?” Thor gasped. “I’m the one who didn’t even get to cum and somehow I’m the tease?”
You laughed. “I’m sorry.”
“You will be sorry,” he said, as he brought his hands further down over your butt, squeezing your flesh.
The jealousy Banner would have felt earlier was gone. Instead replaced with curiosity over what he could possibly do to her. The anticipation was making him hard all over again.
“Daddy!” You gasped; eyes wide as you looked into Bruce’s. “He’s touching me!” It sounded like you were trying to tattle and Bruce couldn’t help it as he laughed.
“Oh yeah? What’s he doing?” He asked with a smirk on his face.
Thor had lifted your leg up so he could stuff his large fingers into your cunt from behind. “His fingers are in my pussy,” you replied with a moan.
“Does it feel good?”
“It feels really good,” you whimpered.
Bruce chuckled as he pulled you in so he could kiss your lips again. Thor kissed your shoulder as you started to leak all over his fingers. “That’s such a good girl. Why don’t you ask Daddy if I can fuck this pussy,” he whispered in your ear, the bass of his voice sending shivers down your spine.
“Oh, Daddy, can I?” You asked.
“That’s not how you ask politely, Sweetheart,” Bruce scoffed.
You swallowed down a moan because fuck Thor was really working you over good. “Daddy, can Thor please fuck me?”
“Since you asked so nicely,” he said. He felt like he was drunk off of you. For once even Hulk was at peace.
Thor grabbed you making you face him as he kissed you greedily. You climbed on top of him straddling his waist. He grabbed your hips to lift you up and then eased you back down onto his dick.
“Oh.” Was all you could say. Your face felt hot all of a sudden. It felt like you were almost too full from him.
Bruce smiled at the dazed look on your face. You looked so beautiful. “How does it feel?”
“He’s so big,” you whimpered.
“You wanted a God’s dick baby,” Thor said beginning to move you up and down his length. “You have to take it.”
“Is it too much?” Bruce asked taking his hardening member into his hand because watching the two of you was so perfect.
“I can take it,” you whimpered through gritted teeth because you weren’t entirely sure you were telling the truth.
“That’s such a good girl,” Thor groaned. Fuck your cunt was tight. If you weren’t having such a hard time now, he would have been slamming in and out of you. Your pussy felt so damn good.
Bruce’s watched intently as the other man fucked into you. He wasn’t sure what had come over him tonight, but he doesn’t think there’s any coming back from this. “Fuck, Thor,” he groaned, “your dick is too big for her.”
“Is it too big for you, Sweetheart?” Thor asked. “Too much?”
“I promise I can take it,” you cried because you felt like you were gonna be split in two.
“You better fucking take it,” Bruce said.
Thor finally started to pick up the pace. You threw your head back, biting your lips, eyes squeezed shut with your eyebrows furrowed.
You looked so gorgeous like this and even though you’d just made Bruce cum in that pretty pussy he wanted to do it again. Thor had this smirk on his face because there was something so funny about this little human woman struggling to take him.
Thor looked at Bruce as he’d glanced over him and Bruce wasn’t sure what came over him as he pressed his own kiss to Thor’s lips. Thor always needing to dominate kissed the other man deeply tongues fighting against each other.
You finally opened your eyes noticing the change in Thor’s movements as he tried to keep up with both at the same time. You started to move your hips faster because fuck they looked hot together and even though it felt like Thor was going to break you, you needed it.
“Fu- fuck!” You yelped as your orgasm came through. Thor smacked your ass and laughed against Bruce.
“See I told you her twenty-five-year-old pussy would feel good,” Thor couldn’t help himself from saying.
“Thor!” Bruce groaned.
You stopped moving, a laugh wrecking up through your body. “What?”
Your night pretty much went the same way. Getting used by both men until you were completely tapped out. You fell asleep nestled between them as they whispered sweet nothings to you and surprisingly each other.
Bruce couldn’t believe the smile that was on his face. Whatever aftermath happens after this he could deal with it. As long as you and Thor were there. Well mostly you since Thor would have to go back to New Asgard at some point. 
“I don’t even know how she found out!” Tony complained to Happy for what was probably the millionth time.
The other man shrugged. “Maybe the kid let it slip?” He suggested as they finally came through the door. The both of them looked at each other as they saw the bowls of snacks around the floor and the only have drunken glass of wine.
And all the clothes.
“Who the fuck...” Tony gasped.
“I’ll do a sweep of the place,” Happy said already getting into protective mode.
Of course, Tony not being able to be patient wanted to see who the hell it was that had clearly had sex on his damn couch and didn’t even clean any of the evidence.
His jaw dropped seeing you in bed all safe and sound with Bruce. All of the irritation he felt was suddenly replaced with shock, but also relief because at least it was just Bruce. Besides he needed to get laid.
Thor came out of the bathroom at that moment, making Tony’s eyes widen as soon as he saw the god in all his naked glory. “Hi, Stark.” Thor greeted him with a grin as he went back over to the bed.
“I fucking called it!” Tony shouted, jolting the two of you awake.
You let out a scream before throwing a pillow to hit him in the face. Happy had covered his eyes because this was too much for him. “We’ll just wait outside,” he said, grabbing Tony’s shirt to yank him away.
“I knew it was a date!” He giddily yelled.
“Well, at least we don’t have to tell everyone because Tony is probably having Friday text everyone.” Thor shrugged, before scooping the both of you into his arms. Fuck, Tony. He was going back to sleep with his two small humans and then take them out for breakfast.
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marie-hoe · 3 years
Jaw is Sore
24, 51 and 74 for Chris please? Wow these prompts are 🥵🥵
Congrats on 500 as well 🎉👏🏻
“Are you trying to turn me on right now because it’s working.” “When we get home I’m cuffing you to the bed and going down on you all night until my jaw is sore.” "Wow, I think you're blushing even redder than the vibrator inside you."
Words: 1442
Warnings: Dawg, this is smut, I’m losing track at what is what anymore18+, tied down, public teasing, 
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You smiled to the cameras flashing before you, body standing behind Chris’ slightly as you two stood on the red carpet for his newest premier. 
The camera men continued shouting, trying their best to get Chris’ attention for the winning shot. With your eyes trailing up to meet Chris, your hand on his back slowly falling, stopping right above his ass subtly. 
You felt his body shake as he chuckled, his arm pulling you closer as the two of you were led further down the carpet. Another group of cameramen, another awkwardly long encounter of the two of you standing, staring, and smiling, while people shouted your name at you and trying to take your photo. 
This time, Chris pulled you in front of him, an arm snaked around your waist protectively while your photo was taken a million times. You smiled at the cameras, mind wandering to what better things you two could be doing. You leaned back against Chris, but rubbing against his crotch as you innocently turned your body around to look at him and then again to look back forward. 
He knew what you were doing. He knew exactly what you were doing, and it was working... it always did. The both of you were ushered further, this time Chris pulled into an interview on the side of the carpet. You intertwined your fingers together standing off camera as he answered the questions regarding the movie. You held his hand, hugging it close to your core as if it were cold- on a hot summer day in Los Angeles. The people around you were none the wiser, but Chris felt the slight bumping of your crotch against his hand as you slyly sent him hints. 
After the questions you two were finally led inside, Chris wrapping an arm around your back to pinch your waist while whispering in your ear, “Are you trying to turn me on right now because it’s working.”
You smirked to yourself, following his assistant as she guided you to your seats. Upon sitting down in the dark theater, you rested a hand on his thigh. He looked at you out of the corner of his eye as you made conversation with the person beside you, eyes glaring into your skull while your finger nails raked along his thigh inconspicuously. 
You turned your attention away from the stranger, focusing on the screen as the movie began to play. Chris took a deep breath, knowing it would be a long premier, but he would make it worth his while once he got you in the confines of your home. 
You glanced over at him, seeing him take deep breathes in an attempt to focus. His eyes caught yours as you sent him a wink, crossing your leg over the other and running your foot up and down his calf. 
He smirked at you, loving the skill you had at being so secretly seductive. If anyone could see you right now and the affect you had over him, they wouldn’t believe it. You were so cute and innocent on the outside, but Chris knew that deep down, at least for him, you were a dirty whore. 
He reached an arm out around your shoulders, leaning you closer to his body so he could whisper to you. “When we get home, I’m cuffing you to the bed and going down on you all night until my jaw is sore,” he threatened, actually coming from Chris, you knew it was more of a promise, and it made your whole body ignite on fire.
You clenched your thighs together, closing in as the wetness began to pool in your panties at the thought. You smirked at him, eyeing him from the side of your eye as you reached your hand to the other thigh. You figured you were already in trouble, why not have some fun. So your fingers extended out, reaching around his growing bulge as you raked your nails along it softly. 
You watched as he struggled to maintain his composure, hips slightly bucking upwards at the slight friction. He realized the game you were playing and slid his hand down, off your shoulders, and into your lap, prying your thighs apart so his fingers could tease your soaking core. You bit your lip, stifling a moan as his finger trailed up and down your slit slowly, and this is how you two watched the whole movie. An agonizing two hours. 
Once home, Chris pushed you against the door, lips clasping onto yours as his tongue berated your mouth. You moaned loudly against his mouth, furiously pulling his shirt off as he undid your dress zipper. 
Once he got you naked, he through you over his shoulder, carrying you to the bed where he threw you down. He turned his back, going to the bottom drawer of the chest of drawers and brought back a handful of items. 
He brought a blindfold to your face, tying it around your eyes as he kissed your lips softer this time. He then pulled your arms above your head, tying them securely to the headboard. 
His body shifted, lips kissing their way down your body until he reached your legs, securing them one by one to the bedposts below you. You  groaned as you bucked your hips. 
You knew this is how you would end up tonight when you decided to tease him, but secretly, it is exactly what you wanted to begin with. 
Chris brought his mouth up to your breasts, kissing, licking, and nipping at your nubs as his hands massaged the mounds of flesh and fat, drawing moans from your body and slick from your core. 
His tongue flicked your hardened nubs, fingers stroking along your sides before his mouth abandoned them to move further south. He stuck out his tongue, licking straight down to your panties, leaving a kiss to your navel on the way. 
His tongue halted at the band of the panties before skipping down and kissing your clothed core, smelling your arousal as his hands pushed your thighs against the mattress. “Babe, you smell so good.”
He pushed your panties to the side, licking at your clit as his finger inserted into your cunt. You moaned softly, back arching slightly as he pushed his finger in and out of your wet entrance. 
You groaned, eyes shut behind the blindfold as you laid as still as you could and simply enjoyed the pleasure coursing through your body. Your senses on overdrive as you were unable to see, but when you heard the sound of a constant vibrate, you knew you were in for it.
Chris ran the vibrator across your body as you writhed under the touch and he chuckled. The vibrator ran down your body before Chris teased your clit with it, pressing it into the bundle of nerves as his tongue licked at your folds. 
Hips thrusting into the toy below you, you began to whine, desperate for more. “So needy,” he teased as he lowered the toy down your slit and pushed it in your walls. 
You bit your lip hard, groaning as you felt your body growing hotter, cheeks on fire. Chris tutted and you could practically hear his smirk as you felt your orgasm building. “I think you’re blushing even redder than the vibrator inside you.”
Whining once more, you tried pushing your hips around, looking for his touch; however, Chris had leaned back in his knees, stroking his cock as he watched your body lose its ability to remain calm under the intense vibrations. 
Gasping for air, your back arched and toes curled harshly as you tugged against the restraints holding you down. Your orgasm snapped and you felt the vibrator slide slightly out of you as your cum gushed outward and you whined, feeling overstimulated, before Chris pulled it out of you. 
He crawled closer to your face, panting as he stroked his cock and took the blindfold off your of eyes. “Lemme paint your pretty face, baby,” he groaned as you stuck your tongue out, eager for anything he would give you. 
He groaned, strokes getting slower as he spurted hot, white ropes against your face. He grunted, trying to catch his breath as he slowly untied your arms and legs. 
You giggled at his exhaustion as you were the one being tied down and teased while he laid down beside you.
“I’ll eat you out until my jaw is sore later, but when I was getting the ties I saw the vibrator and had a better idea,” he shrugged, pulling your head into his chest. 
Tags: @harrysthiccthighss
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₊·˚♤˚· inconvenient | lhs ˚₊·˚♤˚·
↬ part of: 500 followers event <33 ↬ pairing: lee heeseung x reader ↬ genre: fluff | slight angst (happy ending dw) | idol!au  ↬ warnings: slight angst in that reader feels as if hee doesn’t have enough time for them bc of hee’s busy schedule and heeseung calls reader’s efforts inconvenient w/o realizing the weight of his words :( ↬ w/c: 1.4k ↬ requested by: anon, no specific name
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As your eyes settled on the screen of your phone, reading Heeseung’s text message, you couldn’t help but scoff at it. You looked out the window of the cafe you were supposed to meet your boyfriend for your lunch date but he sent a text, canceling for what felt like the hundredth time this month. You could feel him slipping away from you with the other half of the bed empty almost every night, your dates constantly canceled, and your texts going unread. You decided not to respond to Heeseung, after all, what was the point? As you finished the remainder of your drink, you decided that you were going to enjoy the day to yourself regardless of whether or not Heeseung was going to be with you.
And that’s exactly what you did.
You explored the city and took your own pictures, found a new favorite trail to walk on, and bought yourself a new bag. Despite all the texts and calls from Heeseung, you ignored them all to give him a little taste of his own medicine. When you got home, you were more surprised than anything to see Heeseung waiting for you.
“Where the hell have you been?” he asked. You looked at him, noticing how his eyes narrowed in on you and his arms crossed over his chest which caused his biceps to bulge out.
“Oh, so you care about me?”
“Of course I care, why wouldn’t I?”
“Well you canceled for the hundredth time today, I decided to have fun by myself.” His eyes cast to the floor, unable to look at you. You heard him let out a sigh as he muttered,
“I’m sorry.” You knew that when Heeseung became an idol, he’d have a busy schedule. You supported his dreams, had been there from the start but what good was your efforts when right now it felt as if you weren’t even in a relationship? Sure, Heeseung was sorry but you had heard the words thousands of times that you felt nothing anymore.
“How many times am I supposed to forgive you?” you asked, voice barely above a whisper.
“Babe, I’ve just been busy. You know how important promotion season is, I just don’t have the time for things like I used to.”
“I know that but you can’t even go on one damn date the entire month?”
“We spend all night practicing for performances that I’m better off spending the night at Jay or Jake’s instead of coming home. With the events we have along with the dates you wanna go on and your constant texts, it’s just inconvenient.”
“Inconvenient?” It was with Heeseung’s words that you realized, you had had enough. If your constant attempts to keep the relationship, well, a relationship turned out to be inconvenient to Heeseung then there was no point to it. If all the time you spent checking up on him turned out to be inconvenient then you had no reason to put in any effort anymore. You knew that work and his dreams were important but so were you.
“I didn’t mean it like that, there are things that I need to do and responsibilities I need to focus on-”
“Am I not important to you anymore?” As your ears were met with silence you felt your breathing caught up in your throat. Waiting for Heeseung to answer only to be met with no reply, through his hesitance you found your answer.
“Baby, I-”
“Forget I asked.” You walked past him, heading into your room and in the process shoving his shoulder. As the door slammed and you flopped onto the bed you waited. Waited for Heeseung to knock on the door, waited for him to say something, anything, but waiting only led to self-given heartbreak. You heard the opening of a door ringing throughout your ears but it wasn’t the door you had hoped. After hearing the key, you came to a realization. Heeseung decided to walk out.
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Following the next few days, you and Heeseung entered a stage of your relationship you weren’t quite sure what to label as. It wasn’t that you broke up per se, but you weren’t exactly together either. Sure, you exchanged a few messages here and there but you could feel Heeseung slipping away or maybe it was you slipping away, you weren’t quite sure. Throughout the week, you found yourself unable to sleep. But one Friday night, that inability to sleep turned into a 3 am movie marathon spent on the living room couch curled up under your blankets and one of Heeseung’s shirts. You heard the front door open, glanced over to see the light turn on and Heeseung taking off his shoes.
“You’re up?” he asked, slight worry filling his tone.
“Couldn’t sleep,” was all you could bring yourself to say.
“Should I make us some ramen?” he offered.
“Yeah, if you want.” You stayed in the living room while Heeseung made his way to the kitchen. You didn’t know what to say, how were you even supposed to start? With your eyes settled on the tv, you entered a sort of daze where your head felt heavy and clouded with thoughts but your throat was unable to get any words out. It wasn’t until Heeseung was in front of you, blocking the tv that you drifted back to reality. You let out a small “thank you,” as the warmth of the bowl of ramen met your palms, couldn’t hold back your small smile as you saw that Heeseung had given you one and a half soft boiled eggs. When the both of you finished eating, you found yourself almost scared to talk to Heeseung about what went on that night. Your relationship was either going to continue, or it was going to end. As Heeseung reached towards the coffee table, about to take the bowls to the kitchen, your hand reached out to hold his arm, stopping him.
“Stay,” you whispered. Heeseung only nodded, settling himself so that he was laying on the couch with you. Face to face with him, you moved so that your head was laying on his chest. His heartbeat was calming, embrace comfortable, and scent making you feel complete. The next step in your relationship, or its end, whichever it was, you’d find out tomorrow. Closing your eyes, all you could do was wait.
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When you woke up, your ears were met with a slight groan and the hold around you tightened. As you lifted your head up, a hard sort of knock was heard paired with an,
“Oww, what the hell?” from Heeseung. You brought up a hand to massage his chin while you felt him kiss the top of your head,
“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting you to be here when I woke up.”
“I, uhh, have something planned for us today. If you’re up for it?” Heeseung seemed kind of nervous as he spoke, avoiding your eyes and rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
“You do?”
“A date, as an apology, because I’m sorry.”
“What about work?”
“I told our manager that I was taking today off.”
“Because you’re important to me and I hate that it’s taken so damn long for me to show it to you.”
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While you got ready for whatever it was Heeseung had planned, he was making breakfast. After breakfast, he brought you to a festival you didn’t even know was going on. While you walked past the stalls set up, occasionally stopping to look at something that caught your eye, Heeseung’s hand stayed intertwine with yours. You had missed it, being with Heeseung, and feeling loved by him. When lunchtime came around, you ended at the park. There were both couples and families with a towel, eating food they had packed, but all of a sudden, Heeseung was leading you to a towel with a picnic basket.
“This is our spot,” he said. Your eyes went wide,
“You set this up?”
“Mhm. I know how much you love picnics and I figured… let’s go on one.” You sat down, unable to hold back your smile as Heeseung sat next to you. You really did love picnics, but more so with Heeseung. After eating, you laid down and looked up at sky feeling as if the world was so vast and wide. You found yourself looking at Heeseung,
“Y’know, keeping my head on the ground is really inconvenient right now.” Heeseung’s eyes filled with alarm,
“I’m sorry, I never should’ve said that.”
“It’s ok,” you said. And you meant it. “It’d be less inconvenient if I could use your arm as a pillow though.” As Heeseung’s arm extended, you rested your head on it while you wrapped an arm around his chest. Waiting often led to self-given heartbreak, but sometimes, it was worth it.
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❦ written by riri ( @enhykkul ) | main blog masterlist | 500 followers masterlist 
tagging: @bloom-bloom-pow | @markleepooh​ | @sunshineshouchan​ (permanent taglist open if anyone wants to be on it !!)
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daydreamrry · 3 years
so did the sun article mention her or not? i saw someone say whenever it’s a n article from his team it never mentions her, unlike from her team. //
I was the anon that wrote that and I didn’t notice it at the bottom lol but I’m also not convinced Harry’s team approved that part. Back to the SEO post another anon linked to… what if the Sun added that part in just to boost their own SEO ranking. Editors can change pieces so I bet the Sun added that in. PR doesn’t completely control what is written they just heavily persuade and guide the piece. (I work in PR)
Here’s a prime example what I meant tho. This is an example of something Harry’s team sent in:
Notice how it was posted in March of this year but no mention of Holivia just Olivia as director briefly? This publication posts super positively about Harry in general and has done a lot of articles detracting from Holivia. Everyone wants to hate on his team, but hear me out on this theory.
I think his team has been actually working really hard to keep Harry’s brand as disassociated from her as possible while the stunt continues. That’s part of all the winning of awards (not to say he didn’t earn them but a lot of awards are political, esp. Grammys) and why Liam and Ed keeping bringing him up, that’s why Lorde talked about him, and Joshua whoever Olivia Rodrigos ex, and why Jen Aniston wore the same suit as him for People, why Courtney Cox covered his song. Yes all these people get clout from his name but think about how many random people have been talking about him lately??? Why?? Image restoration. All of these people have done nothing but say amazing and positive things about him. PR people talk a lot and it’s not a stretch that they’d be involved somehow in all these random positive mentions. It’s their job to find these connections and positively promote their clients. Why do they care so much about his image?? HS3 baby!! Harry wants to be and his team wants to market him as one of the greats of his time (Grammys, high profile articles with RS and famous music journalists, placement on 500 best albums and 500 best songs?) More than anything Harry wants critical acclaim for his music. They do not want it cheapened by being tied to Olivia. The article today proved it to me. They laid out that he wrote it before her and they will continue to say that and steer album marketing as far from as they can strategically. Think about it. How much press has Olivia gotten not tied to Holivia and how much press has Harry gotten not tied to Holivia? Exactly!
Theory continued: I also think his team reads these blogs and they know that we all think it’s PR. I think maybe they are the ones leaving some of the “it’s PR” comments on the DM and other Holivia articles not the GP. (Go look up what they did for Eroda and all the fake Twitter accounts they made for that marketing push) If everyone thinks the relationship is fake even if stories say otherwise, this angle is better because he didn’t really break up a family/date her anyway. Olivia still gets name recognition and tabloids get clicks. That’s why I think we see Harry being so over it. At first his team wanted to sell the it’s real thing to water down the home wrecker narrative they’ve worked so hard to clear (why he wasn’t looking horribly miserable although still strange in the January photos) but they noticed we weren’t buying it. Now they’re purposely seeding doubt and straight up disconnecting him publicly from her as much as possible. They’re the ones that fed that Page 6 article about him singing about his ex in front of her. They’re trying to make her look bad guys! Why? It’s better for Harry that we’re thinking poor Harry caught up in this stunt with such an annoying person. It’s actually sort of hilarious. And real tea I think Jason’s team is doing the same thing so I doubt there’s any real bad blood between Jason and Harry bts or any of their shared friends. That’s why the subtle shade with the kids and Jason before the Emmys and the classic doodle line. Like damn. She’s probably on the phone so much talking to her PR team about how to salvage any of this and it sells her girlboss image. He’ll still make fun of the situation on SNL but I bet Olivia comes out looking the worst. The only confusing part is Jeff? Why would he hype Olivia on the teaser Instagram story hmm? Why not Harry? Well he’s not gonna tag them both in the post and honestly I think they’re trying to distance Harry from the movie some too bc it’s tainted by her and the stunt. I’ll stand by Harry’s core team who’ve been around being loyal to him. I think tommy is dancing with Olivia like that bc he knows fans will capture it and she’ll look stupid.
I know this is a lot and sounds sort of crazy. I’m not a Larry or any of that but literally this whole thing has been so strange and this is the only explanation I can’t come up with. This is the first relationship I feel is a stunt truly without love or at least some romance involved. I don’t know what happened between them but that weird dancing video and the yacht pics really cemented it as being off for me. I don’t think Harry’s innocent or any of that either. I know he has flaws but I can’t for the life of me wrap my head around why someone who was so horribly paraded through the press with 1D would find themselves in this position again when he hasn’t had anything like this in the press for like 5 years? I know there are some pieces still missing like why did this all start in the first place?? I don’t think Harry would willingly tarnish his image even for a movie role. I don’t believe they were even seeding Holivia back then. I think they had him photographed with Flo stating they were just friends and the article about him being single to get ahead of any costar romance narratives. This was supposed to be a serious project for him. Something else happened that sent us all careening down this path to Holivia hell and it probably involves betrayal of some sort which is why he made that weird statement “thanks to everyone who has my back” at the brits. I’m convinced that DWD was supposed to be a movie to show he has acting range and that’s why he took the role, but it’s become some weird death trap.
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stressy-enby · 3 years
Some Scars aren’t Physical: PART 2
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Iida X GN! Reader
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Allusions to past abuse, swearing, slight panic attack, L-bombs, and the obligatory Izuku texting POV 😜🤪
Summery: (Y/N) had a terrible boyfriend in middle school. He was possessive, manipulative, and just plain awful. Since breaking up with Him, (Y/N)’s had pretty bad relationship anxiety. It’s so bad, that it makes them afraid to pursue their new crush: the kind, earnest class rep, Tenya Iida.
Link to Part 1
Please note: Reader is a little short. Like, Iida’s a tall boi, and Reader’s implied to be short enough to at least have to tilt their head a little to fully see them. If you’re 5’10 or taller, (first of all, fuck you, can I have your height?) then kindly overlook every time reader is described as short. I’m 5’2, leave me alone.
Btw, this is the end, y’all. I only planned 2 parts. Enjoy 😘 
. . .
Summer came. Villains attacked, a classmate was kidnapped and rescued, and you moved into the new school dorm system. You and Tenya had been going out for a little over a month. You were thrilled to be closer to him with the dorms, and he had shared your enthusiasm, even if it was somewhat more contained. 
“Y’know what’s funny?” You looked up at Tenya, swinging your interconnected hands between you. “I still don’t think I’ve gotten used to the convince of the dorms.”
“Well, we haven’t been here very long.” The bespectacled boy mused with a smile. 
“Yeah, but it’s like… somethings I forget that we’re even in the dorms.”
“Really?” Tenya pressed the Up button on the elevator, running his thumb over your knuckles as you waited for the doors to open.
“Uh-huh. Just yesterday Izuku and I were texting and planning a movie night, I made said something like ‘wanna come over to my place or should I head over to yours’, and he was like ‘we’re literally within the same 500 yard radius of each other. It doesn’t matter.’ My dumb ass really thought I was still in my own house.”
Tenya laughed as you pulled him into the waiting elevator and punched in your floor number. “What movie are you planning on seeing?”
“I’m going to make his sit through all of Mama Mia!, and possibly the sequel if we don’t start too late.” You cut your eyes to the side to squint playfully at your boyfriend. “Why? You want in?”
“If you’ll have me, I don’t want to encroach on your “bestie time”.” Tenya pulled his hand out of yours to make over exaggerated air quotes. 
You scoffed, lightly shoving him out of the elevator as it opened on your floor. “I highly doubt he’d care. Homeboy won’t say it to your face, but you’re his bestie too.” You grabbed his forearm, hugging it to yourself.
“If you’re sure, I wasn’t kidding about not wanting to intrude on you and Midoriya’s time. I know he’s important to you.”
You smiled warmly up at him, coming to a stop in front of your dorm room. “I really appreciate that, but you have nothing to worry about. If I didn’t want you there, I wouldn’t offer.”
“Hmm. I just might take you up on that, then.”
Tenya took both your hands in his own, brushing his lips against your knuckles. You giggled softly, squeezing his hands in response.
“I had a lot of fun tonight,” You said quietly. “It’s been really weird lately, we defiantly needed a night out.”
“Yeah. Things seem to be settling down, but I think the training camp incident’s still heavy on many of our minds.” Tenya sighed. “I know it is on mine.”
You hummed, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Then you certainly deserved a date night.”
He chuckled, a soft, blissful expression painting his sharp features. He cleared his throat, his cheeks beginning to darken. “(Y/N), uh, I’m going to ask you something. Before I do though, I want you to know that saying “no” is an expectable answer. I’m not going to be upset, I promise.”
You raised both eyebrows, brows furrowing. “Okay,”
Tenya took a deep breath, squinting his eyes shut for a second before reclaiming eye contact with you. “Can I kiss you?”
You swore the world stopped. You vaguely heard laughter from the dorm a few doors down, but it didn’t register. All that mattered was Tenya. Beautiful, respectful, wonderful Tenya, and how he wanted to kiss you. He hadn’t asked when you’d had your first kiss back in middle school. He just swooped in and-
Nope. You’re not thinking about Him. He’s not here. He can’t hurt you anymore. Tenya’s here, and he’s asking if he can kiss you. 
And you want him to kiss you.
“Yeah. Yeah, I would really like that.”
A small smile cracked across Tenya’s nervous face. He gently cupped you face with his hand. “You’re sure? Absolutely sure that you…”
You stood on your toes, knotting your fingers behind his neck. “Kiss me, Tenya.”
And he happily, albeit nervously complied.
. . .
After a draining school day and the mountain of homework that followed, all you wanted to do was collapse. You flopped over on your bed, groaning into the blanket. You were so tired you didn’t even feel like going down to the main floor for dinner; you figured you could raid your mini fridge when you got hungry.
Tenya’s gonna have a heart attack if he thinks I’m skipping meals, you thought with a dry chuckle. Just as you were unlocking his phone to text him, you heard a knock at your door. 
“Yeah?” You called, refusing to leave the comfort of your bed.
“It’s me, Tenya.” He replied. “Can I come in?”
“Sure. Yeah, get in here.” You sat up to greet your boyfriend, tossing your phone aside.
He entered, pressing a kiss to your forehead before joining you on the bed. “How are you, dear? You’ve been hiding in here since the class ended.”
“Tired. So tired.” You mumbled, leaning into his large frame. 
“Oh, well, that certainly explains your absence.” Tenya remarked. “Are you hungry? I was thinking we could go out someplace to get something to eat. Somewhere off campus.”
“Um, I…”
You’d never liked saying no, especially not to Tenya. You’d never really had a reason to; you usually agreed with whatever he suggested. He’d never liked it when you said no to Him. He’d guilt you into giving into whatever it was He wanted. He’d twist your emotions until you couldn’t do anything but halfheartedly agree to His whims.
You were still far too tired. You couldn’t even bring yourself to go downstairs, much less out of the school. You didn’t want to. You wanted to say no.
But the word wouldn’t form. 
“(Y/N)? Honey, are you okay?” Tenya asked, a concerned expression taking root on his face. “You look distressed, and you’re shaking, what’s wrong?”
“Uh, I-” You swallowed thickly, breathing going funny. “I don’t-”
“Shit,” Tenya muttered under his breath. He slipped off the bed to kneel in front of you, taking both your hands in his own. “Shhh, (Y/N)? I don’t know what’s going on in that head of yours, but I promise you’re going to be okay. Try taking some deep breaths, okay? It’s alright. I’ve got you.”
You slowly calmed down, your anxiety settling as Tenya whispered soothing words and caressed your hands. “I’m okay. Thanks.”
“Of course,” He murmured, brushing hips lips against your knuckles. “Can you tell me what happened?”
You hung your head, shame twinging in your gut. “I’m too tired to go out, but I wasn’t sure how to tell you no. I guess I got nervous.”
“Okay, why is that scary to you?” Tenya retook his seat next to you, rubbing a gentle hand across your back. “‘No’ is an acceptable answer, (Y/N). You shouldn’t force yourself to do anything you don’t want to do.”
You tugged on his shirt, eyes beginning to brim with tears. “Can I sit in your lap?”
“Oh, come here.” Tenya encouraged, opening his arms.
You crawled onto him, sitting sideways on his thighs and leaning against his chest. He tenderly wrapped his arms around you, tucking your head into the crook of his neck.
“I had a boyfriend in middle school who wouldn’t let me say no to Him.” You muttered, nuzzling more into Tenya. “He’d guilt me into doing whatever He wanted. He did a lot of other shit too, I don’t think I can get into all of it right now, though. You’re nothing like Him, and I know that. I really like you a lot, Tenya, and I trust you, but I still get nervous sometimes because I keep thinking about what it was like with him and it’s ruining things with you and I don’t wanna fuck this up and I hate it and-”
“(Y/N), you’re crying.” Tenya interrupted, brushing his thumb across your cheek. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to, honey.”
You nodded mutely, wiping the rest of your tears. “ ’m sorry,”
“Please don’t think you have to apologize. I understand. You have nothing to be sorry for.” He assured you, gently rocking you back and forth. “None of this is your fault.”
He held you for another few minutes, rocking you until your tears stopped falling. “Thank you, Ten.”
“You’re welcome, dear.” He kissed your forehead, smiling loving at you."Can you promise me something?”
“I don’t know, what is it?” You asked, squinting.
Tenya laughed softly. “That you’ll say ‘no’ to me when you have to.”
“I’ll try,” You twisted your shirt in your fingers. “I don’t want you to be upset with me, though.”
“For what? Having your own opinion? Not wanting to do something?” He pulled away from you a little to look you in the eyes. “That’s unfair to you. You’re far too precious to me. I don’t want you to feel like you’re trapped being with me.”
You laughed breathily, smiling for the first time all night. “That’s just it, Tenya. I don’t feel trapped. I feel free.”
Tenya let out a dumbfounded laugh, blush spreading across his face. “W-well, I’m glad.”
You softy threaded your fingers into his hair, kissing him sweetly. He melted into your touch, pacing a hand on the back of your head.
“Thank you,” You whispered against his lips.
“For what?”
“For just… being you. You’re amazing, Ten.” You pursed your lips, organizing your thoughts. “And… I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you.”
Tenya’s grip on you suddenly slackened out of shock. You would’ve slid right out of his lap if you hadn’t anchored yourself by griping his shoulders.
“Woah, sorry,” Tenya quickly gathered you into his arms again, face burning. “You surprised me. Um, did- did you mean it?”
“How could I not?”
 Tenya let out a dazed puff of air, a flustered smile tugging at the cornered of his lips. He lightly kissed your jaw, his fingers dancing over your waist with a feather-light touch. “I love you too, (Y/N).”
. . . 
(Y/N): Yeah, I was just too tired to go down to dinner. Don’t worry, I’ve got food up here. Tenya wanted to go out for dinner, but a minor panic attack changed his mind 😎
Izuku: Wait, panic attack? What happened?
(Y/N): He asked if we could go, and I got a little nervous about telling him no
(Y/N): I freaked out a little bit, and he held me for a while. I told him a little about He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
Izuku: …Voldemort??
(Y/N): 😑
(Y/N): Yes, Izuku. I dated Voldemort in middle school.
Izuku: Lol, how’d that convo go?
(Y/N): Really well, actually. Tenya was supper understanding. God I love him.
Izuku rolled his eyes, snickering as he texted back, Totally news to me. 🤣 When did you come to that realization? 
As he hit send, a different text notification slid across the screen.
Iida: (Y/N) got anxious about something and explained a little of their “bad dating experience” you mentioned to me. They were a little distressed about the whole thing, but they still managed to fluster me.
“What am I, the middle man?” Izuku asked himself, sighing as he texted his friend back.
Izuku: Ooh boy. What’d they do?
Another text from you. Izuku navigated back to your thread. This was already getting tiresome.
(Y/N): I dunno. We had a date a month-ish ago, and we had our first kiss afterwards. I think I may’ve had some sort of idea that I was in love with him then, when he asked if he could kiss me.
Iida again. “Good grief,” Izuku muttered.
Iida: They told me they loved me. It threw me for a loop, but I managed to regain control of my senses to tell them that I loved them too.
Izuku: Geez, you two are hopeless.
Iida: What do you mean?
Izuku: I’m currently switching back and forth between texting both you and (Y/N) gushing over each other.
Iida: Oh.
Izuku: Yeah man. This is fun and all, but (Y/N) called me as their wingman first. Go get your own, lmao
Switching back over to your message, Izuku sent one last text:
Izuku: That’s really sweet. Anyway, Iida is also texting me at the exact same time as you are. Thought I’d pass along a message he didn’t ask me to pass: he’s head over heels for you. I’m now muting my phone. Being friends with you two is exhausting. 
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