#it's funny i just said the title and they were like oh i googled that there's some cool fanart. yeah buddy. guess who drew that
aroaessidhe · 8 months
me posting in the chat if any photographers are free before my evening shoot tonight
someone replying, who I specifically was planning on asking next year bc I just saw them do something that would suit me perfectly
me giving them more info about my cosplay (wasp) and them being so interested they want to do a shoot AND read it. we organise one tonight
they get back to me and are like: actually. do you want to do this another weekend and take all day and go to different locations and do a full proper shoot for this
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fangirl-dot-com · 10 months
Chapter 8 - May the Odds be Ever in Your Favor
Guys, Max was never going to be her dad (that’s gonna be reserved for Christian lol). Everyone on the grid will be a brother figure, unless stated otherwise – like Fernando is leaning towards the wise grandpa rule and Lewis will be the cool dad (I have a funny story line to go with this idea). All that to say, Max and Kelly will look after her when she needs it most. I also switched the titles. On with the show, and don’t forget to comment if you want to be added to the tag list and or if it’s somehow not tagging you! Much love <3  
Well, to Max’s dismay and according to google, you cannot adopt your 20 year old teammate that he had met hours earlier.. He had called Kelly early Thursday morning to whine. The more sensible part of his brain also knew that Christian wouldn’t let that happen either. And Kelly had to quickly remind him that he could still watch out for her. 
Max seemed to finally agree at the thought of being one of the protective adults in her life. He knew that you had your manager, who you seemed to trust. But, that didn’t help much when you spoke of how lonely you were. He was going to make it his mission to get you to move to Monaco, where he could keep an eye on you. 
“Maybe Christian could adopt her,” he muttered, staring angrily at his coffee. What that cup did to offend him, he didn’t know. But what he did know, was that he’d see you again later that night. Another festival for him to attend to. He only wished that Formula 1 went back to racing, and not putting on shows that had a strict attendance policy. 
At least you would be there. There was a change in the schedule so that you could be with him, Checo, Daniel, and Yuki on whatever thing they were being put on for the night. The buzzing of his phone ended his staring contest with his cup. 
It was a text from you. 
Little Racer : 
max, i need your help 
what are you wearing tonight??? 
i have an idea, and I think it’s stupid but i want to do it 
Big Racer : 
If it’s you, I don’t think it’ll be stupid. 
Probably what I always wear. Jeans and whatever Red Bull top they give me. 
Little Racer : 
that’s so grandpa core of you maxie 
and what is this all proper grammar for texting lollll 
you are not beating the allegations you millennial 
Max’s brows furrowed. He was not a grandpa or a millennial. He just liked to use the normal setting on his phone with proper capitalization and end marks. He would just have to ask Charles or Lando to see if they agreed with you. They wouldn’t though…would they? Your next message had him actually dying. 
Little Racer : 
do you think that Christian will be mad if i come dressed like elvis?
he said i could but i don’t know… 
Big Racer : 
You wouldn’t dare. 
Little Racer : 
oh boy ladies and gents, he doesn’t know 
*looks into the camera like an episode on the office* 
Big Racer : 
Did you seriously type all of that? 
Don’t answer. 
20 bucks says you won’t. 
The three little dots danced on his screen as he waited for you to respond. 
Little Racer : 
just you wait maxie, just you wait 
You didn’t text him anything after that. Max could only call Christian to understand what just happened. He picked up after three rings. 
“Hello, Max.” 
“Hi Christian. First off, happy birthday.” 
“Thank you son. But I know you didn’t just call me to wish me a happy birthday. You could have told me that later tonight.” In the background, it sounded like a coffee machine was running. Max hoped he didn’t wake him up. 
“Well, Y/n just texted me about wearing, uh.” Max didn’t want to say it out loud, because now it sounded stupid. 
“An Elvis costume? Max, the kid called me last night to ask. Said she didn’t want to ruin an image for us if she showed up like that. But I told her that it would be fantastic idea. Poor kid sounded scared.” 
Max let out a low hum. He didn’t like the sound of that. You were in no position to worry about such a thing. If anyone was to ruin Red Bull’s image, it would be him. He had no filter and Christian often had to tell him to reign in his thoughts. 
Max spoke, “I think I’m going to see about her moving to Monaco. She mentioned she has a flat in Nice, but that’s far away from Milton Keynes, and not close enough to anyone. Christian, she has no one.” 
It took a while for Christian to reply. Max could just imagine the older man running his hand along his forehead. It was hard to think of someone so young to be so alone. 
“Yeah, I think that would be best for her. I’ll make sure she can afford it. Hell, it could even be a property that we buy just for her to stay in when we have breaks.” 
Max listened and nodded his head along. Now it would only be to convince you to move. But suddenly, he remembered his previous conversation with you. He smacked his hand on his head. 
“Is everything alright Max?” the Brit on the phone questioned. 
“I just lost 20 bucks.” 
You however, had no idea that this conversation was happening. All you knew was that you had the go ahead from Christian to wear your beloved Elvis costume. Would you make a fool of yourself? Maybe. 
But who cares. It’s Vegas. To your chagrin, Vito had told you that there would be no walk out, but there would be dramatic paddock entrances. He still promised that you would get your song. That’s all that mattered to you. 
While you waited for the night to begin, you roamed the hotel. Because you were bored, you actually did a lot. 
You started off with breakfast. You were sad that they didn’t have the machines that made Texas-shaped waffles, because that was only in Texas, but the pancakes would do. And because you’re trainer would kill you for not eating well, you took it upon yourself to have a yogurt with some fruit as a side. 
After letting the food settle, you went to the gym for that daily grind. It had been a while since you had been able to work out, but you needed to get back on track. You would be racing tomorrow and you needed to be at your best. You lifted some weights first, starting with the smaller ones as warm ups before you got to the bigger ones. The stretch bands were very useful as you squatted the weights. 
After you were done, you hopped on the treadmill. By using the lower speeds, you were able to practice your runway walk, as if you would ever be a model. But the speeds increased and you found yourself in a full sprint by the end of the run. Five miles wasn’t bad, and you knew you could have gone farther, but you wanted to take a quick dip in the pool before getting ready. 
The water was a nice cool down for your overheated skin. Running was not your first choice of exercise. You’d rather run out of money, than run in real life. It didn’t make sense, but it did. The chlorine in the water was making your hair gross, so you decided to get out so that you could take a shower. 
Like the kid you were, you had your outfit laid out the night before, as if you were going on a fieldtrip. 
You allowed to take your time in the shower. It wasn’t every day that you made your F1 debut. That had your bones chilled. Your Formula 1 debut. You. Putting your head under the stream, you rinsed out the hair mask that you put on. There would be no nervousness. You were born for this. 
The thought of Max’s texts earlier made you giggle. You were glad that he was so welcoming. You would be much more nervous if you had met the infamous Mad Max. But this was more cat-dad Max. Kind Max. 
You only hope that you won’t screw things up. 
You turned on your playlist as you started to actually get ready. You ordered room service so that you didn’t have to go somewhere to eat. The food was amazing, well, as amazing as hotel food could get. You curled your hair as the remnants of your skin care routine dried. You mumbled the words to a song as you stuck a French fry in your mouth.
Once your moisturizer and various oils and toners dried, you started on your more pronounced makeup look. You knew you were going to be photographed throughout the night, and you needed to look good. Looking at the window, you noticed that the sun was setting. That meant that it was time for you to get dressed, and Vito would be there to pick you up shortly. 
Your outfit consisted of a sparkly white crop top and some white pants. A red scarf topped the outfit off. 
You would be arriving right behind Max and in front of Checo. You were excited to see the two men again. Moreso, you were excited to earn 20 bucks. With sunglasses on your nose, you were ready to hit the Sin City. 
Vito could hardly contain his laughter when you got in the car. 
You raised an eyebrow, “What?” 
He shook his head as to somehow rid himself of his laughter. “Nothing kid.” 
“Well Christian said I could wear it. I’ll blend right in. And besides, I’m almost immediately changing into my race suit.” 
He nodded his head at your reasoning. You had pulled off crazier things before, so he didn’t know why he was surprised. Maybe it was because he thought that you might not want to in F1. But, on the inside he was happy that you weren’t losing your child-like nature. He never wanted to see that seeming innocence to leave. He knew that you weren’t totally innocent, but he never wanted to see you hurt to an extent that you quit being happy. That was his favorite thing about you. You seemed to care about what others thought of you, but you knew how to make yourself happy. And if wearing an Elvis costume to the paddock would make you happy, then he would protect your decision. 
You could see the flashing lights even before you got out of the car. American paparazzi were on another level. You knew that Red Bull were one of the last ones to show up, and that freaked you out. Almost every single driver was already on the other side of gate. Your nerves settled when you saw Max get out, and you wanted to follow him. But, you realized that this was what you were waiting for. 
The familiar sounds of 33 Max Verstappen (the original one) could be heard through the car doors. Max’s face morphed into one of almost disgust. You let out a giant laugh and rolled down your window before you knew what you were doing. 
“Max, I love the music. Very Mad Max-esque.” 
He quickly flipped you a loving middle finger as he scanned his card to be let into the paddock. Multiple Elvis impersonators gathered around him for a picture. You hadn’t noticed, however, that the moment you rolled your window down, all of the cameras and photographers were now pointed at you. 
You buzzed with energy when you heard Life is a Highway start to fill the air. 
On the other side of the paddock, Max had stopped to talk to Lando, Oscar, Carlos, and Charles. He also was waiting for you so that you could walk with him to the Red Bull hospitality. He glanced over to see if you were out of the car at least. 
“Nice entrance mate,” Lando clapped him on the shoulder. He rolled his eyes. He’s sure that you roped Christian in to play the song. 
“Well what did they play for you?” 
Lando deflated and muttered, “Let’s go Lando.” Carlos and Charles, along with Max, laughed at his demise. 
Charles suddenly looked over Max’s shoulder. At that moment, Carlos spoke up. 
“I didn’t know Checo was a Cars fan.” The drums and guitar seemed to be turned up to the highest setting. What. An. Entrance. 
Max had a glimmer in his eyes, “He’s not.” 
And suddenly, there you were. In your Elvis costume. And you were loving it. You waved at all the people around you, quickly becoming a crowd favorite. 
From his right, Charles hums and Lando’s jaw is dropped. 
“That’s the new rookie, correct?” Suddenly, George was with them, along with Alex. 
Max only chuckled. “Yep.” He popped the “p.” 
Charles spoke up, “She’s nice. I met her at Arthur’s birthday party, but didn’t speak to her much.” 
“You all will love her. Trust me,” Max said, eyes widened as you got crowded with the other Elvises. You smile could outshine a thousand suns. 
Your eyes quickly met his and you gave him a giant wave. He beckoned you to come over. You flashed a nervous look before it melted away, replaced with bravery. If there was a time to meet some of the grid, you really hadn’t wanted to be dressed as Elvis. 
Your steps were quick and you made it over in no time. Now, most drivers are tall, but look short next to George, being the giraffe that he is. However, you were another thing. 
You’d definitely be taller than Yuki by a couple of inches. But you stood closer to five-foot-six (167.64 cm.), almost 5 inches shorter than Max, and four inches shorter than the rest. 
You gave a shy wave as you spoke, “Hi, I’m Y/n. It’s nice to meet you.” You suddenly remembered something. You turned to Max and held out your hand. 
The boys’ eyes widened as Max fished out his wallet and placed a bill in your outstretched hand. 
“Pleasure doing business with you sir.” You mocked a salute. 
Lando tsk-ed, “What did our Max loose a bet on?” 
“He said I wouldn’t come dressed like this. Little did he know, I’ve had this in my closet for years.” Lando couldn’t help but laugh at your revelation, and neither could Carlos and Charles. 
“Yeah, kid, you should have told me that Christian already gave you the go ahead.” 
“And where’s the fun in that?” You had a shit-eating smirk on your face. Lando was the first one to speak up. 
“How old are you? Max over here keeps calling you kid.” 
“I’m twenty.” 
It was an amazing recreation of that one tik-tok trend. I’m twenty, insert looks of disgust, uhg. Your heart dropped at their reactions. 
It was Carlos who surprised you. He quickly patted your head, “Aw, just a baby.” 
You looked at him in awestruck. You leaned over to Max and all but whispered, “Max?” 
“Yes kid?” he said in full voice. 
“He’s older than you right?” 
“Can I do the thing?” Max looked Carlos up and down before smiling. 
“Go right ahead.” The smile that you had was wiped off your face. You squared your shoulders and held out your hand. Carlos took it with a confused look. You gave him a firm handshake. 
“Thank you Mr. Sainz.” You swear he did a full body cringe. He was about to say something, but Christian had waved the two of you over, yelling something about time to get ready. 
You flashed a smile at the small group, “It was nice meeting you!” You all but bounced away as Max calmly walked by your side. 
“Did she just?” Lando looked to Carlos, who was frozen in his spot. He looked like someone had just told him that his car had blown up on the way here. 
He looked at his hands. “Mr.,” he gulped, “Sainz?” 
Oscar finally piped up. “Well, you are old.” Carlos looked close to a breakdown. 
Charles put a hand on his shoulder as he watched you and Max walk on the ramp. Max’s face was now stone-cold, yet yours still radiated so much warmth. “Come on mate. We got to go.” 
As they walked away, Carlos questioned, “I’m not old, am I?’ Charles could not, would not, should not, give him an answer. 
Lando and Oscar just looked at each other and then back at the disappearing duos. Laughter filled the air as they also began to walk to their respective hospitalities.
As you and Max got closer to the garage, you got a little quieter. 
“I don’t think they liked me very much. I knew the costume would be a bad idea.” The look of dejection was all over your face. Max looked over at you and huffed. 
“Kid, they just don’t know you yet. They’re also stressed about this race. No driver liked to drive on a track that was built in a month.” 
“You’re right.” 
“Kid, I’m always right.” You hit his shoulder. 
Christian was quick to get you, Checo, and Max all together for a couple of pictures. Since it was Christian’s birthday, there was cake and everything for a small celebration. After, the three of you were told to get into the racing suits for the opening celebration. 
You were with Mitch while you did so. 
“You’re telling me. That Kurt Cobain is going to perform. And I’m going to miss it! With John Legend!” Your eyes were wide as you zipped the suit up. 
“For the last time kid, you can meet them after.” You pouted as you tied your shoes. 
“Fine. But let me say, this is very Hunger Games of them. So Americanesque.” Mitch just let you talk. 
After you were ready, minus the helmet and all that, Mitch led you to the glass box. You turned to look at her. 
“Promise me that you’re not going to be dragged away to your death. This is so Katniss Everdeen coded and I cannot lose you like she lost Cinna.” Mitch was going to tell you off for worrying too much, but she could see through your eyes that you were trying to actually tell her that you were scared of the whole thing. No wonder you were rambling, you were just nervous. 
Mitch brought you into a hug and squeezed. You practically melted as you squeezed her back. Over your shoulder, Max was looking at the whole ordeal. He’ll give you a hug right before they went up. He knew how scary this world was. 
Mitch was given the signal that everything was about to start. You climbed into the box and some official closed the door. 
Mitch looked up at you, “May the odds be ever in your favor.” Your jaw dropped in appall as you were slowly being lifted. So she did know the movie! 
Max put a comforting hand on your shoulder as your face was suddenly hit with a breeze. All around you, people were cheering and lights were flashing. You suddenly wished you had brought your sunglasses with you. 
Max scoffed as he raised his hand to wave. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“This isn’t racing. We’re standing here, being observed, like a bunch of clowns.” 
“At least this won’t last long. We’ll be in the car soon Max.” You were right. If it meant anything, he would be back in the car soon, in his element. 
A beep let you three know that the machine would be going down in the next few moments. When the machine jolted down, you quickly stood up straight, hand behind your back, and put three fingers to your mouth. Your lips kissed your fingertips before you held the three fingers up. 
It was still loud as you did it, but the crowd died down as they watched you and mirrored your display. You watched in awe at the raised hands. 
The three of you lost sight of the crowds as the box was now back where it started. Max looked at you in bewilderment. 
“What was that?” 
You let out a large gasp. “You’ve never seen the Hunger Games?” You must have been loud because someone else gasped as well. Looking over, you were met with the sight of blond hair and striking blue eyes. 
“Max, you’ve never seen the Hunger Games?” Logan stomped over. 
“Dude I know. So not girl boss of him.” Max looked at the two of you in confusion. Girl? Boss? 
You and Logan were quickly swept into a conversation about American tendencies while Max just stood in between the both of you, looking like he’s in the middle of a midlife crisis. You and Logan were only pulled away when you needed to get into the car for free practice. 
As you left, you turned around and faced Logan, giving him a look of faux sympathy. “May the odds be ever in your favor.” 
“At least you didn’t volunteer,” Logan laughed as he turned away. 
 Max was still in the middle of his midlife crisis when Christian came to tell everyone that it was time to head to the garage. 
You felt your heart rate picking up as you got closer to the garage. You took a deep breath and exhaled. 
It was show time. 
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Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @leilanixx @angsthology @digitalizeduniqueness @topguncultleader @landosgirlxoxo @gods-menace @itsjustkhaos @thefandomswhre @alwaysboredsworld @vellicora @bintuabbas @sam-is-lost @empress-kimiko @assholeinatrenchcoat @kagatinkita @glitterquadricorn @zyonsay @tsukishimawhore @treehouse-mouse @ashy-kit @agent-curt-mega @julesbabey @lydialawrence @stopeatread @claudia5912 @nichmeddar @blueberry64857959
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goron-king-darunia · 1 year
Eggtober 4th 2023
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"Cropped Rainbow" or Asparagus Hollandaise with Poached Eggs
(Clip Studio Paint, Gouache Brush, Gouache Blender Brush, and some messy Pencil brush details to experiment with the shiny look. 16 colors. ~2 hours give or take a bathroom break and some wrist rest.)
One of the eggs broke on the way to the drawing realm oh noooo! Ah well, it's still tasty. As we all know, poached eggs are my fave because the yolks are runny and the whites are cooked but soft and they add rich, fatty, flavor to everything and are a good hit of protein for a healthy dish. This is probably a little more fat in one sitting than you need honestly, what with the butter in the hollandaise, but still. Healthy is relative and this sure as heck is healthier than my breakfast of 2 chocolate bars. (Don't tell God and maybe I won't gain weight. XD) As far as healthy veggies go, asparagus has to be one of my faves. Hollandaise helps anything, but even by itself, asparagus properly cooked (i.e. not overcooked) is delicious. I had a couple ideas for today but most of them were fried eggs because of my inspo board (AKA all the images I pulled up of fried eggs on Google) But mom said "eggsparagus" as a joke October 1st and so I pulled that idea out of the bag today to spare everyone from a week of only fried eggs because God knows I would definitely do that. As for the title, it was funny to me how we have orange, yellow, green and blue on the same piece and how that's kind of the middle bit of the rainbow. Most of the colors were necessitated by the subject but I just happened to pick blue for the background and I liked it so... Cropped Rainbow. (Cough cough I sure DO hope some breadbugs show up to the picnic to sample the eggs. One is ready to be eaten already since it popped open and depending on how much mess the breadbugs mind, they could probably haul all that asparagus back to the burrow for later. Shout out to @lady-quen who has blanket permission to draw the beloved breadbugs stealing or not stealing as many of my eggs as the little guys desire to steal. Been loving the little guys so far!)
And as always, egg for the egg gods. Thanks to @quezify for always drawing such delicious looking eggs! An inspiration for sure!
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anti-romantico · 1 year
[she doesn't have to know] seventeen mingyu
warnings: best friend younger brother AU (title is a little misleading lol), age gap (reader is 5 years older), oral (f receiving), protected sex, i suck at writting fluff but i tried, let me know if i missed something
A/N: feel free to ignore this but there is a funny story regarding this fic lmao. originally, this was written for seventeen's vernon, but after finishing it I just stopped feeling it and left it on drafts until I knew what to do, then I posted it, but tumblr marked it was "mature" so I deleted it. then I changed it for txt soobin, and I was happy with it, but when I made the poll I wrote svt mingyu instead and didn't release until I proofread it lmao and since some people already voted for svt mingyu, i decided to change it.
Also, I'M REALLY SORRY. This was supposed to be posted yesterday but I was so tired after work I totaly forgot :( I'm sorry
luv u, moon
words: 2.5k
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Vacations for yourself, that's what you needed. And even though you wanted Lia, your best friend, to go with you, she insisted you needed this. "I promise I won't burn down your house while you're away" she said with one hand over her heart. And you knew you could trust her, you just were terrified to travel alone.
The hotel was gorgeous, with a beautiful view of the beach. You rang the bell and waited for the receptionist.
— Good morning, what can I do for you? — The young lady said with a pretty smile. You gave her your name and waited for your key.
The room was definitely your favorite part, you deliberated if it would be better to stay there all week, but of course, you were there to explore. Yes, the bed looked too inviting to stay there your whole life, but the many restaurants you booked were calling you.
You sent a message to Lia to let her know you were at your room and that you missed her, and instead of answering, she called; like she always did.
— Hi, babe! — Her voice made you smile. — How was the flight?
— Pretty good, you know I always sleep to avoid feeling sick. — You sat down on the small sofa and looked through the window.
— Right. Oh, guess what? Mingyu is also there. Not sure if he's staying at the same hotel as you, but he sent me a photo.
— Oh really? I'll see if we can meet up for dinner. — You said. Mingyu and you weren't exactly close. You used to find him attractive, but he was your best friend's younger brother.
— I told him you were there and he said the same. — You both laughed knowing the dinner will never happen.
After talking for another hour while you unpacked and got ready for your first dinner alone, you said goodbye. You looked at yourself in the mirror and admired the blue dress Lia gave you exactly for this trip. It was comfortable and made you look really pretty.
The restaurant was close to the hotel, so you walked there with the help of google maps. Once you were seated, the waiter gave you the menu and told you you just needed to raise your hand when you were ready to order.
The food was on another level, and even made you afraid the food of the other places wouldn't be as good. Suddenly, the waiter let you know someone was trying to pay for you. You looked at him confused and he pointed at the entrance where you found Mingyu smiling. You sighed and shook your head no and asked the waiter to give you your check.
Mingyu waited for you, telling his friends he would see them in the hotel. When you got out of the restaurant, you already knew he would be there.
— How nice of you, but a little bit creepy if you ask me. — You said when you were in front of him.
— Better me than a stranger. — He said and made a move with his head. His car parked beside the two of you with a guy getting out of it and giving Mingyu the keys. — Do you want a ride?
— Was it too hard to ask first? — You said, waiting for him to open the door. He laughed and did it.
— So, how's traveling alone so far? — He asked without looking, full attention on the road.
— I've been here less than 24 hours, but I think I can get used to it. — You said looking at him. Yep, he was still really attractive.
— And about the dinner the three of us knew wasn't going to happen... — His comment made you laugh.
— I can't promise anything, I've booked a restaurant for each day and I really want to enjoy them alone. — You said, not afraid of him getting offended, at the end of the day, he knew you.
— Oh no, of course Your initial plan was to be here alone, but since we both thought we wouldn't meet, I thought we could come up with something now that we did. — He parked close to your hotel and looked at you.
You checked your phone. — Today is friday, I booked for another dinner tomorrow, — you said in a quiet tone. — does it suit you on sunday? I've booked for breakfast.
— Sunday night... Yeah, I'm free. Anything in mind?
— Lia told me about these souvenir places all over the beach, and if I'm honest I was looking for an excuse to not do it. I'll get her something later. — Mingyu laughed. — I do want to go to the beach though.
— Then we have a plan. — Mingyu started the car and drove to the entrance of your hotel. He got down and opened your door, taking your hand to help you.
— See you on sunday. — You said before walking away.
— Oh, by the way... — Mingyu said, making you turn around. — You look beautiful.
You fought the urge to not blush. — Thank you. You don't look bad.
Sunday arrived really fast, but you didn't mind, the previous day you couldn't stop thinking about this... date? Was it a date? no, it wasn't, just hanging out with your best friend's brother... fuck.
Mingyu asked Lia for your number and sent you a message asking for your hotel room. Two soft knocks on your door triggered your anxiety.
— Wow. — He said when you opened your door. — You look really pretty. — You were wearing a black long skirt and white top.
You let him in. — What's with all these compliments, Mingyu?
— What? I can't tell you how pretty you look?
You sighed and crossed your arms. — Just... take that backpack and let's go. — You pointed at the backpack on the floor and opened the door.
The weather was chill, but you already knew, that's why you packed some cozy pants to wear just in case. You both sat down and you offered him some snacks, which he accepted.
You talked for a bit, enjoying the view. The weather started to get cold so you took a small blanket from the backpack. It wasn't enough to cover both of you, but Mingyu insisted he wasn't cold.
— So after that asshole, you haven't dated anyone? — He asked, flexing his legs and hugging them against his chest.
— I don't have time for that, Mingyu, and if I'm honest, none of the guys I've hooked up with made me think "maybe I do want to settle down". — He nodded. — You? I don't think I've heard about a "special someone".
— I had a girlfriend not long after I graduated, it lasted a year, nothing serious since then. — It was your turn to nod. Suddenly, you felt a shiver down your spine, making you shake a little bit. — We can leave if you want, it's getting late.
— Oh no, it's just the wind, I'm fine.
After a comfortable silence, he asked: — Are you still not looking for something serious?
— Not really, just having fun for now. — Your fingers playing with the blanket.
— Are you having fun right now? — And you noticed when his tone changed.
— You're my friend's brother. — The way you said sounded like a reminder for both.
— You can't blame me for trying to shoot my shot. I've been waiting for my turn for a while. — He rested his body on his arms, looking at you.
— I thought you got over your little crush on me when you got in college. — You turned your head to look at him.
— I thought I did, but then I saw you looking gorgeous in that blue dress sitting alone... like I said, you can't blame me. — He leaned his head to the side and shamelessly checked you out. — And maybe it wasn't your intention, but I can't stop thinking you dressed up this pretty just because you knew we were going to meet. — You stayed silent, trying to find the words, but he kept talking. — And I can continue with the cheesy talk if you want, but I really want to kiss you, at least once.
And you knew that if you thought about it, you wouldn't do it, so you just did it.
You shared a sigh of relief, letting the other know how long you were waiting for it. His tongue made his way to your mouth and you let him.
But it hit you. — Wait... — He started to kiss your neck. — Your sister...
— She doesn't have to know if you don't want to, even though I'd pay to see her reaction to this. — Mingyu pulled you from your neck to kiss you again. You put your hand over his chest and straddle him. — Uhm, don't start something you can't finish.
— We both know I started this earlier. — You said, admitting you dressed up like this for him.
— I fucking knew it. — His hands flew to your butt, squeezing it. — Are you sure you want to take the risk?
— Are you asking yourself... kid? — You called him the nickname you used to call him when he was in high school.
The way back to your hotel was fast, none of you couldn't wait any longer. You opened your door quickly and threw everything to the floor, you'd clean later.
You took Mingyu to your room and pushed him to the bed to straddle him again, but he inverted the positions, and you were about to protest when you felt his fingers brush over your underwear. You weren't ashamed by how wet you were, he even growled against your neck when his finger made the fabric to the side. He was skilled and you hated yourself for waiting so long to finally let him touch you.
He started with one finger, then two. The wet noises filling the room. You moaned out loud when his thumb put pressure on your clit. You didn't care if anyone heard you. You felt his fingers leave you and his body over you. You opened your eyes and you caught him licking his fingers clean. He lowered his body and removed your underwear, but leaving your skirt. You took a deep breath when his tongue finally made contact with your cunt, pulling your own hair when he opened your lower lips with his finger so he could have more access.
— Fuck, Mingyu... — You moaned when he gave a quick suck on your clit.
And it was like you told him what to do; he continued sucking on your clit while fingering you.
And just now you felt ashamed because you were so close. You pulled his hair, but wouldn't be able to tell him, your loud moans were his sign to know though.
He gave you a last lick before going up with you again. You kissed him and removed your sweaty hair from your face.
You pushed him again while kissing, pulling his shirt up and helping him to undress. You almost felt sorry by how red his dick was. You started to massage him slowly, then you grabbed it and spreaded to precum on the tip. Mingyu grabbed your neck and kissed you, making you confused, but you didn't stop to jerk him. His hand went to unclasp your bra without removing your top, not leaving a single doubt he loved the outfit. He massaged your boobs under your top and pinched your nipples, making you whine.
— I hate to be that jerk, but I don't have a condom. — He said, grabbing your hand that was still jerking him.
— You're in my hotel room with me dressing this nicely for you, what made you think I was done? — You gave him a quick kiss before standing up and grabbing a condom from the drawer.
— I'm so close to marrying you, woman. — He said, throwing his head back when you straddle him and slowly rolled down the condom.
Mingyu pushed your body back to the bed and pinned your hands over your head before penetrating you. His eyes on your boobs told you enough to know why he chose that position. But you couldn't keep your eyes open for too long, he felt too good inside you, you not being able to move added something to the situation.
The bed started to crash against the wall, and even though none of you would ever admit it, that turned you one even more.
His lips started to suck on your neck and you immediately moved your head so he could have better access to it. His finger went under your top again to pinch your nipples, making you moan and throw your head back.
— I'll never get tired of that. — Mingyu said in a whisper. You didn't answer, biting your lip when he gave you a last hard pinch.
The skirt started to bother you so one of your hands went to the knot on your right side and untied it. Mingyu pulled out and quickly removed the skirt and your underwear before penetrating you again. You pushed him back and rode him, both moaning for the new angle. You could feel him on your stomach, and while you were looking him in the eyes, you also removed your top.
He loved the view, he wanted to enjoy it every day and night. God, he was obsessed.
You moving your body up and down in a desperate way took him out of his thoughts. Your boobs bouncing were distracting, but he wanted them in his mouth. You pulled his hair when you felt his teeth biting softly your left nipple.
You grabbed his chin and made you look up. His eyes were dark and his lips were swollen. You kissed him a little before biting his lower lip and cummed. His hands went straight to your hips to keep the movements, making your whine for the overstimulation. But he didn't take long, his lower whines confirmed he also finished. And even though you were already trying to catch your breaths, your hips were moving slowly.
— If you're going to keep going, then I'm going to need another condom. — He said, burying his finger on your skin to make you stop. You finally stopped and pulled him out, making both of you sigh.
After that, you ordered dinner and Mingyu sent a message to a friend to send him some clothes and other belongings. The night was calm, and while you were enjoying your food, you talked about your lives. Kissed some more and fell asleep.
You woke up close to 4am to go to the bathroom. Carefully, you got up without waking Mingyu up.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and sighed. She doesn't have to know if you don't want to. Mingyu's voice resonated in your head. Maybe it was the best.
Mingyu's reflection appeared behind you, but you didn't turn around. He walked toward you and caged you between the sink and his body.
— Is everything ok? — Hi said, kissing your neck and playing with the elastic of your pajamas. He was teasing you, and you were a little surprised you were down for it.
You both shared a look in the mirror and nodded. You pushed your butt against him, making you bite his lip. Oh you were so down for it
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sk8termikey · 4 months
Chapter 8 of 21 Questions
better interface on wattpad
It was time for Matt and his brothers to film another car video. This would be entitled WE RATE YOUR PETS (very scary or cute) and although people could guess from the title what it would be about when the video would come out on a Friday, Matt started explaining the point of it:
“Well, actually a fan said ‘rate our dogs’ so Nick said ‘oh my god, let’s rate people’s pets’. And then he put on the Instagram story ‘rate all different types of pets’ so you guys sent your birds, your cats, your dogs, your lizards, your cows, your horses, your mice–”
“YOUR MOM!” Chris interrupted Matt as the latter let out a small laugh and covered his mouth when doing so while Nick widened his eyes in the backseat.
As Matt pulled out his phone to start looking through the pictures of animals they’ve been sent, Chris and Nick warned their viewers that they should not be hurt by whatever they could say about the pets they would rate.
“It’s just like a funny game, we actually love all animals”, Chris clarified in case people would start criticising them for being too harsh and honest during the video.
The triplets had started rating a couple of animals when the camera cut – funny enough – due to them talking about their new project coming soon:
“We’re interrupting today’s car video to plug Cut the Camera Podcast on all platforms”. Nick was indeed promoting what would be released in a few days as Matt added that a trailer giving a preview to their fans was already out since the beginning of the week.
After being brutally honest towards every dog that they saw, the mood changed in the car as Nick announced with a frown that the next dog they were about to rate had died recently.
“Rest in peace, Sam.”
The brothers let out an aww when looking at Sam’s picture as they found the dog adorable. Nick was still acting considerate of Sam the dead dog as he concluded:
“Well, I’m happy that Sam had owners that loved him”.
“Me too”, Matt agreed.
However, Chris decided to ruin the sweet moment:
“What if they neglected Sam–”
“No.” Nick immediately stopped Chris from saying more as he knew his youngest brother would just talk shit.
After rating a horse that they really badly judged, the triplets did a 180° when they came across a picture of a pug and a cat, which they were all enjoying. Although the three were ecstatic while looking at the photo, Matt was the most fascinated out of them as he took the phone to admire the two pets more closely.
“Oh. My. God”, Matt gasped at the picture. “Wow.”
The triplets kept admiring the picture and couldn’t stop smiling at how cute they thought the two animals were.
“Oh wow…” Matt started as he was frowning at the new picture he was about to show his brothers. “Look at Bernard, who names their pet Bernard?”
“Well, it’s your middle name so you don’t have any right to judge this poor animal Matt”, Nick retorted.
“That’s– that’s a Google search”, Chris immediately reacted as the cat looked weird to him. “Ain’t no way that’s her dog”.
The triplets all started laughing at Chris’s comment. Although the picture was a bit funny, it was still obvious that Bernard was a cat – his owners will probably feel outraged when they hear what has been said about their beloved pet, but then also over the moon that he appeared in car video, and finally amazed at the coincidence that Matt was the one to choose the photo amongst what might have been thousands of others.
“I mean, I thought that was a hamster so–” Nick nervously laughed as he and Chris were just weirded out by the pet.
“I think he’s a cute cat”, Matt said to try and hype up the pet. “It’s just the angles”.
After having rated a dozen of pets – a certain favouritism towards dogs was to be noticed, Chris chose to end the car video by asking his brothers which animal they would be. As Matt replied that he wanted to be an owl and Nick had no answer to give, Chris announced with a serious face that he would be a serpent as the camera went closer to his face. Then as this is how they usually ended their Friday videos, Matt brought the camera to his mouth and let out a small scream to conclude.
“No but”, Matt started as he turned to face his brothers after turning off the camera. “I wanna know who the fuck names their cat Bernard. Poor thing is not a middle-aged man.”
“Yeah like, did they do that because of you or is it just a coincidence?” Chris wondered.
“Honestly it sounds like a huge coincidence to me”, Nick tried to find the most reasonable explanation. “But in the very little possibility that they did it on purpose, they didn’t choose the best triplet. I think we can all agree that out of our three middle names, Owen would be the least worst for a pet.”
“Well thank you Antonio”, Chris turned to the backseat and gave a genuine smile to his brother. “Bernard, you can suck it.
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :) The story is co-written w @/little_grapejuice on wattpad
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raleighcarreras · 2 years
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Part 1: and I know I said go slow
Pairing: wanda maximoff x black!fem!reader
Rating: M (language)
Wrd Cnt: 1.5k+ maybe?
Warnings/Tags: friends to lovers, angst, slow-ish burn, eventual smut
Part(s): 2,
Summary: You're determined to be in a committed relationship by Valentine's Day. So what if it's a capitalistic holiday that holds no real significance. In your 25 years of life, you've never had a Valentine and if you make it to 26 the same way, you might just jump out of a window. So, you and your best friend Wanda have 60 days to accomplish the impossible.
Little do you know, your Valentine has been right under your nose the entire time. And Wanda has a plan of her own. Sorta.
Notes: trying my little hand at a rom-com because I get to do whatever I want around here. here's the playlist for this fic. the title song is 365 by Katy Perry & Zedd. Translation done by Google translate of course.
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Falling deeper than before. Say that you are ready, lock it up in a heartbeat.
How early was too early for stores to start prepping the shelves for Valentine's day? Christmas was still a week away. Certainly, you would have thought that would be too early.
But the Walgreens closest to your and Wanda's apartment had other ideas. They were shoving the teddy bears with hearts sewn to their paws right next to the teddy bears with santa hats sewn to their heads.
Even worse? They blended together seamlessly because everything was red!
You had crossed your arms and pouted severely as you recounted the blasphemy you had encountered (while trying to retrieve your daily vitamins and a bag of baked cheetos) to your best friend, Wanda Maximoff.
"Are you even listening, Wands?!" You shrieked something serious.
Wanda only peaked one of her eyes opened, "Yeah."
You flopped onto the couch heavily. You threw your feet to one end and laid your head in her lap, "Then what did I say?"
"You said that it was stupid to put the V-day stuff out so early but you only feel that way because it reminds you of how lonely you are."
You stared up at her, "That isn't what I said in the slightest."
"No, but it's what you meant."
You scrunched your nose up in offense, "I don't like you."
Wanda smiled softly, "Liar."
"You smell like smoke."
Wanda laughed out loud at that. She gestured for you to get off her lap so she could extradite herself from the couch, "That's what happens when you're a volunteer firefighter. Sometimes, you encounter fires."
Wanda stretched dubiously, as if to empathize her point. Her wife-pleaser raised above her midriff. You made it a point not to look. You had always been envious(?) of her body in a wierd homoerotic way that you rather not explore.
"Did you save everyone?"
Wanda walked over to the kitchen, probably in search of a Nutri-Grain bar, as was her routine.
"No one to save. Some teen thought it would be funny to light a match next to a newspaper stand."
You stretched your neck over the edge of the couch to see her. She was upside down in your vision, but you would make do.
"My brave bestie."
Wanda mumbled something that you couldn't hear.
"What was that?"
"I said it wasn't really about being brave. I could have thrown a cup of water on it and it would have been fine."
"Well, I still think you're brave. Even though you didn't run into a burning building today, doesn't mean you haven't before. And you're doing it for free? You're a hero in my book."
Wanda's cheeks reddened, "Thanks."
You hummed, "Where's Kaiser?"
"Who? Oh! I locked him in your room."
You gave a scandalized gasp and jumped up. You ran to your room, opening the door to the saddest puppy you have ever seen in your life.
You picked up the german shepherd and husky mix, cuddling him into your chest. You walked back into the livingroom with a scowl.
Wanda huffed, "What? He screams for you when you leave and I was trying to take a nap before I go to the bar."
"Your mommy is so mean, isn't she, my little kaiser roll?" You're 76% sure he nodded at you in confirmation.
"I'm not his mommy. He hates me! Despite having saved him from a tree. He's a dog, why was he in a tree!?"
"He's adventurous and he can smell your fear." You thought back to the day Wanda seemed to reluctantly come back home with a random puppy, despite not having left with one.
She told you that she had to boost Natasha into the tree during one of their shifts and in the process Natasha had stepped on her face to retrieve him. No one else could take him home and they didn't want to drop him off at a shelter because he was clearly not that smart. Wanda drew the short fire hose.
"He's the size of my shoe, I'm not scared of him."
"You're still a bad mom. Say sorry to our son."
Wanda turned to you with an incredulous look that quickly turned exasperated when she saw you were serious, "I'm sorry, Kaiser."
Kaiser gave her a look that was clearly meant to be perceived as triumph over Wanda.
"He said apology accepted."
Kaiser barked.
"No he didn't."
You placed Kaiser down on the floor and watched as he curled into a ball at your feet.
"Anyway, back to the problem I brought up earlier. I refuse to be without a Valentine next year. Tony is inevitably going to rent out your bar for a stupid little love day party and if I don't have a date I think I might explode."
Wanda returned to the livingroom. Kaiser nipped at her ankle when she got decidedly too close to you.
"Who cares if you have a date or not? You normally don't."
Your groan forced you deeper into the couch, "Exactly! All of our friends probably think I'm a loser and unlovable. And...and fuck, I just don't want to spend another year alone."
Wanda's brows furrowed, "You're not alone. You have me. And I know for a fact that you're not a loser and extremely lovable."
You pressed the palms of your hands into your eyes, "You're supposed to say that. You're my best friend. If you didn't think that the bestie police would like arrest you or something."
"That's not a real thing."
"Sure it is. And so is me needing to be boo'd up in the next 60 days." You crossed your arms over your chest.
"I'm still not understanding the rush-"
"Wanda, when was the last time I brought someone home?"
Wanda wished she didn't have to think so hard, "Oh! Three nights ago!"
"That was Pietro. And I definitely didn't fuck him. One, because he's gay, and two, because we were in here the whole night and you were with us!"
"Yeah...okay, last week?"
"That was Natasha." You deadpanned.
"The week before that?"
You rolled your eyes so hard Wanda feared she have to catch them when they fell out and rolled to the ground.
"That broad was here for you!"
Wanda sunk into the couch cushions, "Damn. It has been awhile."
"But that doesn't mean you need to fall over yourself to find someone by Valentine's day. Besides, we always do Galentine's instead. What about that?"
"Technically, I need to find someone before then because I want to be in a committed relationship by V-day. We can still do Galentine's with Nat and Carol. It'll just have to be earlier in the day." You said easily. You didn't notice the miffed expression Wanda was giving you.
"How are you going to even do any of this?"
You smiled brightly, turning to face Wanda, "With your help, of course! And probably Nat, Tony, Carol, and Sam's too. You guys will find me suitable dates. And we'll go from there. I'll even reactivate my Tinder account."
Wanda's frown deepened even further, "But you hate Tinder."
"That's how you know I'm serious about this."
Wanda watched as you frantically typed away on your phone. Informing your friends of your plans and setting up multiple online dating profiles.
"There's no talking you out of this, is there?"
You only shook your head with an infuriating smile.
"Fine. I'll ask around I guess."
"Yay! Thank you, Wands!" You threw yourself into Wanda for a hug. Wrapping your arms around her neck as much as you could.
Wanda patted your back.
"Youre welcome, Detka. At least this way I know they won't be the losers you normally have an affinity for."
You pulled away, "I do not have an 'affinity for losers'."
Wanda raised an eyebrow, "Which one of your exes has not been a loser?"
"We were 16 when you dated Carly. She was definitely a loser."
Wanda's eyes widened, "Jackson tried to cheat on you. With me!"
You shrugged, more than over that by now, "Yeah, but he was so hot. And his dic-"
"Okay. You win. Moving on."
Kaiser hopped up onto your lap.
"Your mommy is so easy, Kai."
Wanda just scowled.
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"And your dumbass agreed to that?"
Wanda huffed for the fourth time that evening.
This little coffee break with Natasha and Sam was not going well. She thought they'd be on her side when she explained the crazy episode you had the day before.
But instead, they were just staring at her like she had three heads. She wasn't the crazy one. You were!
"What do you mean? I had no choice. She volunteered me!"
Sam blinked. Once. Twice, "Did it not occur to you to just say 'No'?"
"Of course it did. But I couldn't!"
It was Natasha's turn to blink blankly, "And why not?"
Natasha and Sam shared a glance.
Natasha shook her head in astonishment, "Oh my God."
"What?" Wanda asked softly, thinking something was wrong.
"oH. My. GOd." Sam, for his part, looked just as confused as Wanda.
"What, Natasha?!"
"YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH Y/N!" Natasha exclaimed with a half shriek half laugh thing that caused her to choke. Sam patted her softly on the back while looking at Wanda in shock.
"Заткнись на хрен." Wanda said through gritted teeth, looking around the fire department's lounge like you would pop out from behind a light fixture at any second.
Sam pouted, "Hey, no Russian. Bucky still won't teach me anything. Not even the cuss words."
"She told me to 'shut the fuck up'. Which obviously means I'm right, Sammy boy."
Sam turned to Wanda, "Then why did you agree to this!?"
Wanda blew out a latte scented breath. The cat was out of the bag and there was no getting it back in. So, she might as well have leaned into it.
"Because she asked." Wanda shrugged.
"You simp. I'm so ashamed of you right now." Sam said with a shake of his head.
Wanda rolled her eyes, "When was the last time you said 'No' to Steve?"
"This isn't about me, Wanda."
"Anyway, so you're actually going to let her go on dates and potentially find a life partner even though you like her?" Natasha asked with a concerned grimace.
"Yes. As long as she's happy. If she liked me back she wouldn't always put me in second place."
Natasha shook her head, "That's not fair! You're always in second place because she doesn't even know you're in the damn race."
"And you're not going to tell her, are you?" Sam said with a soft, sad smile.
"No. I'm going to help her get ready for her dates with a big smile on my face. And if she finds the love her life. I'll be happy for her."
"You looked like you were going to burst into sobs while saying that."
Wanda scratched at the side of her head, "Yeah. I'm-uh-still working on that."
Sam was silent for a moment, "Can we make a deal?"
"If she still hasn't found a Valentine by February 13th, you ask her. And not in a 'besties gal pals BF4EVA' way. In a 'if you took off literally any peice of clothing even a sock I would have to change my pants' way."
Wanda dismissed her blush with a breathy chuckle, "Deal. But we all have to take this assignment seriously. I'm a last resort. No setting her up with losers."
Natasha and Sam both looked reluctant to shake hands on those terms, but they did anyway.
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lunarriviera · 9 months
2023 ao3 wrapped
last year @programmedradly and i asked each other some questions, rather than try to field the entire thing. so we did the same thing this year! and here are my answers. i had a wild little annus mirabilis and somehow posted more work than i ever have before, so there was lots to choose from.
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
tragically, one of my dead doves: the wu xie/li cu fic “you bear your scars, you've done your time.” no one reads it because it's an age-gap pairing, and it's inherently tragic (post-sha hai fucked-up wu xie). it has 17 whole kudos and it fought for every one. but like a lot of my badwrong pairings, it's honestly some of my best writing. i wrote it fast and the action scenes are solid, the dialogue is good and even funny, and the sex scenes are miserable and scorching. oh well, they can put it in my norton critical edition after i'm dead lol.
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
readers seemed to like the pingxie kissing fic, which was funny to me because it's literally just…kissing. (i wanted to put in plot and/or sex but mumble was very stern with me: “this is a KISSING fic.”) i guess we all are still battered by canon and just want wu xie dozing by the carp pool and getting kissed.
6. Favorite title you used?
“the subtle fire," with its title from the calamus poems by walt whitman; all its subheadings are from whitman too. sadly otherwise this was the year of taylor, and i exhausted midnights and all the vault tracks. new year's resolution: moratorium on fic titles from tay.
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
somehow there were 18 dmbj fics. 😳 pingxie won out with 9 fics, followed by 6 heihua fics and then a smattering of rare pairs (not to say dead doves lol). there were 5 under the skin fics; at this point i post one of those like every two damm weeks because i'm down that bad.
10. What work was the quickest to write?
probably either of my drabbles—a little rpf prose poem for zhu yilong/unnamed photographer (still my most beloved pairing) or shen wei smoking a cigarette and zhao yunlan being horrified (and a little turned on).
11. What work took you the longest to write?
without a doubt, the 31k guardian fic i just posted. i got freaked out by its complexity and dropped it for a year, and then had to TOIL over all the canon details, because i didn't remember ANYTHING apparently (zhang shi who? fu you? li qian? what?). it took for fucking EVER to finish and i will NEVER write such a plotty monster again. the worst part was when ma gui randomly said, “oh there's a fifth hallow” at which point i was like “there's a WHAT NOW.” ironically that turned out to be the title. i hate characters that TALK and SAY SHIT.
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
the pingxie epic 😭 i'm not sure if i even can ever finish it because it involves google searches like “recent tomb discoveries china” and “can you survive c4 explosion.” also it'll be another dead dove because it starts with wu xie divorcing bai haotian, and the iron triangle being broken up. and that's just the beginning. everyone will hate it, and instead read cute fics about liu sang being a fox, probably.
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
it's gotta be du cheng from under the skin. he embodies what is turning into my favorite character archetype, Big Dumb Hot Cop. so butch. so loyal. so stupid. just a blast to narrate. wu xie and hei xiazi have similar idiot energy but are also paradoxically very intelligent so that's more challenging. (writing xiaoge's dialogue is difficult as fuck. he can't just say "wu xie" ALL the time.)
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
possibly, after everything, the end (for me) of the zhu yilong/unnamed photographer series. other people may keep adding to it but i needed to let them go. they exist in such a liminal unsettled never-together bittersweet place for me and i felt grateful to have spent time with them, as weird as that is to say. i'll always love unnamed photographer, and his aesthetic yearning. MY ONE RPF SHIP THAT WENT CANON. 😭
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
indulging myself and submitting a few:
Even Huos had to sleep sometime, or hang upside down, or whatever it was they did to restore themselves. [x]
Once he has him flat on his back again, with breathtaking pragmatism Shen Yi drips lube all over him, sinks down on him and then rides him so hard Du Cheng sees not just stars but entire constellations. [x]
Xiaoge kissed his hair. "Hold still," he said, and Wu Xie could do that, no problem. He fell asleep that way, curled against Xiaoge’s naked skin, and dreamed he was watching Xiaoge plant moss in the moss garden, in impossible colors: turquoise, bright orange. A richly saturated luminous violet. [x]
Xiazi added so much condensed milk to Xie Yuchen’s coffee that he finally had to arrest his hand forcibly. “Stop trying to give me diabetes.” Xiazi’s smile was worse than the cloying milk. “It’s to match the sweetness in your soul, my little flower." “Oh my god,” said Xie Yuchen faintly, as Geya listened, to all appearances visibly entertained. “What do you want? Because I assume you want something. Money? Work? Is this a hostage situation?” Xiazi just smiled harder, but at least he put the milk down, in favor of giving Xie Yuchen another pain au chocolat. “Why does he get all the pastry?” Geya said, sounding disappointed. “It’s to build his strength,” Hei Xiazi told him, and the patently, horribly uxorious look on Xiazi’s face made Xie Yuchen want to hit someone.) [x]
Xiao Hua manages to bite back a tart comment about how challenging it is to keep looking younger than forty when one’s companion will never look any older. It takes more than expensive rose hip and argan oil and ceramides; it takes never skipping the gym, and always skipping dessert. It means going to bed at nine-thirty when he’d rather stay up reading, and above all it means not letting Hei Xiazi know about any of these little maneuvers, lest it not seem effortless. [x]
As Wu Xie started enthusiastically laying out the details—and why was he awake at this miserable hour?—Hei Xiazi pulled the pillow away from his face and started gently hitting Xie Yuchen with it. “Wu Xie, let me call you back later,” he said, arresting the pillow’s movement with one hand. “I have something I have to deal with here.” “Sure,” said Wu Xie, cheerful. Then: “I bought Pangzi an espresso machine, and he taught me how to use it! Xiaoge’s not here, I wish he’d come home. I had five cups! You should take Hei Xiazi with you, just in case things get complicated. They might. Get complicated, I mean. I'll tell you all about it. When will you call me?” Xie Yuchen fought not to laugh. “After sunrise, probably. Drink some water. And tell Pangzi I’m going to kill him.” [x]
Su Wan seems lost in thought for a minute. “I always thought maybe one day I would like guys, but I don’t.” Li Cu elbows him. “What about Hei-ye?” Su Wan looks horrified. “Yali, no! What a thought!” “Okay, okay,” says Li Cu, and drunkenly tousles his hair. “Calm down.” Yang Hao puts out his hand for the bottle. “Hei-ye is pretty cool, though,” he says, which is high praise from him. It’s true. They sit without saying anything for a moment, in silent contemplation of Hei Xiazi’s inarguable coolness. [x]
The things about you that other people find unsettling, those have somehow never bothered Wu Xie. You’re spooky, Hei Xiazi told you frankly, once. I am too, but I drown it out by talking. You’re so silent, our little Yaba Zhang. People are afraid of you. Xiazi had been right, and you knew it. But Wu Xie has never been afraid of you, not even once. You think about the first time you came back from behind the gate, how furious and desperate he’d been to know why you hadn’t come straight back to him. Demanding answers, wanting to know why you went, what you saw. And you remember gazing back at him, still mute with the magnitude of it. He could never have understood, but no one could, not even Wu Xie whose intelligence shone as clearly as an aura around him, glowing, burnished—still innocent, still young enough to be passionate. Whereas even at the time you felt every single one of your hundred years lying on you like a burden, like fallen trees pressing you into the loam, the moss, the muck. [x]
He’s still half-asleep, is the only thing that could possibly explain why Zhao Yunlan ducks under some low-slung branches and strolls right up to the water’s edge only to see Shen Wei, stripped naked, hip-deep in a pool of still clear water, combing through his unbraided hair with his fingers. Why is this a surprise. What was he thinking. And above all, why is he still walking towards him on automatic, as if drawn toward him, as if not caring whether Shen Wei would see him or stop— Shen Wei startles and looks up, motion arrested. He’s bent at the waist, rinsing bits of dirt and bracken from his hair, skin glowing like wet marble, and Zhao Yunlan suddenly wants him so badly he couldn’t make a fist if he had to. Shen Wei smiles, and Zhao Yunlan will never get enough of that smile, artless and full-hearted. All he can do is smile back, helplessly. [x]
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roxy206 · 11 months
Philosophers Watching Car Crashes — 06/06/2023
watch here | listen here
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I just counted how many pod episodes I have to catch up on & we’re just going to ignore that number 🙃
Honestly it’s kind of funny that I watched this week’s UNHhhh earlier which mentioned car crashes & now this episode title
I’m so behind on the pod that this is before the decoration change
I love that Katya somehow went down a Google rabbit hole of Kacey Musgraves
Hot people know they’re hot — I mean this coming from someone who frequently thinks they’re unfuckable …
It’s hard for you — lmaooo Katya laughing at this
Did y’all know that I love Katya’s laugh
I truly need Trixie to take Katya to Dave & Busters
I was really testing my limits of how much I could disconnect from work Yeah I know, you also were on the phone with me, you said “it’s my day off” — you said it about twelve & a half times
You look great
I gotta tell you this — I literally love when Trixie says this
Who’d you have sex with? — the way this is the first of Trixie playing 20 questions about this
You can be hot at any age; you can be hot at any weight
That’s Mother Goose That’s story time; that’s Aesop’s Fables That’s drag hour at the library, honey. None of it’s real, none of it matters
The snort laugh ❤️
Katya grabbing Trixie’s leg while laughing thoughhhh
I think bald works for both of them honestly
I wanna do your makeup sometime — pleaaaaase do!
Okay okay okay wait hang on hang onnnn — Trixie slightly kicking her leg out so it was closer to Katya when Katya went to grab her leg like come onnnnn
I watched it twice & oh. my. god.
If I was in medical school I would want your arm
Trixie not being ready to end the pod for once
Not Trixie being like here are my concerns about your trampoline idea lol
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 9 months
The Stranger Stampy Circus: Chapter 6
The sixth chapter of a long series I am making!
NOTICE: This is 11+! Throughout this story, there will be light mentions of blood, death, war, darker humor, and violence. While nothing here is explicit, if this bothers you in any way, keep on moving. Trust me. I won't be mad.
AN: I am making this not only on here but on google docs. This is a crossover between Stranger Things, Stampy's Lovely World, The Amazing Digital Circus, and Wonka. Each chapter will have a name of one of the characters (or main POV's I refer to them as,) and whoever's name is on the chapter title is the person narrating the chapter.
Anyways, enjoy TSSC!
Chapter 6: Vecna
After dinner, everyone went to bed… except for me. How could someone die such a horrible death? I mean, I have experienced some horrific deaths, but how did that specifically happen? I know it’s video game logic, however, this is different. The person is actually dead.
“I mean, what if I got stuck there? Good god, I am horrified just THINKING about it!” I cried in my mind
“Erm, sir..?”
“What if one of my citizens got stuck there, and we didn’t know?! I can’t sleep!” I kept thinking.
I snapped out of my thoughts, and frantically looked around. “WHO THE HECK SAID THAT?” I screamed, grabbing a knife from the table and standing up. I kept looking around, but couldn’t see who it was. I finally looked down, and there it was. A small orange man with green hair stood in front of me. “Who the fudge are you?” I frowned. “I am Lofty, and I need your help,” The small man said. “Man, your voice is much lower than I expected…” I muttered. “Anyways, what do you need?” He gave me this look that said he meant no funny business. “So you know that portal room you have?”
“So which portal do you need?” I asked. “Type in the word ‘Wonka.’ Don’t ask questions about the name, got it?” Lofty asked. “Alright,” I shrugged. I typed in the word, and a brown portal opened. It looked like chocolate swirls. I, though, couldn’t savor the look for long, because I just got sucked in.
Just like what I  have heard the other’s experiences were, I woke up shortly after.
My face felt fuzzy, so I just touched it. “OH WOW, I BECAME MY HUMAN FORM AGAIN!” I grinned. I leaped onto my feet as I also realized I was now wearing 1800’s clothes. “I feel so victorian! I am a Victorian boy!” I screamed to the heavens while bouncing around like an idiot. “AHEM. We don’t have much time to waste, my good sir. He could die,” Lofty interrupted. “OH. OK,” I said. Scrambling back onto my feet, I caught up to him on the rescue mission
“So who are we saving anyway?” I asked, walking into the chocolate chapel or whatever the heck Lofty called it. “We are saving a boy named Willy,” he responded. He proceeded to grab a rock off the ground. “What will you be using that for? You’re gonna be breaking some stuff, aren’t you,” I sighed. “Yep. I will be breaking some skulls just in case,” he said, picking up more rocks. I just glared at him.
After he was done picking up rocks for what felt like 3 minutes, he looked at me. “You break into the downstairs and deactivate the chocolate mechanism,” he instructed. “Look, why don’t I just use a rock to break that glass right there?” I asked. Lofty looked past me, and shrugged. “Sure, but that’s the easy route. Why not a challenge?” I ripped a rock out of his hand, and pummeled it into the glass. “Hopefully that didn’t kill anyone,” I smiled. Suddenly, I saw a hand stick out of the broken glass dome. I ran over to see what it was.
I helped the boy out of the tank. He looked to be at MOST four years younger than me. He had fuzzy brown hair, light brown eyes, a baggy ripped blue shirt, and some tan pants. “H-hi…” he murmured. I quickly grabbed him because he looked like he was going to faint. He was covered in chocolate, which I struggled not to lick off, because that would just be really weird and uncomfortable. So I sadly didn’t. “Thanks… I am Willy.” He smiled slightly at me, and I smiled back a bit. “Come on, let’s get you home,” I said.
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artis-lined · 2 years
Regarding Recent Events
(Believe whoever you want, I don't care, I just hope this stops.)
Hey guys, I unfortunately didn't want to have to be the one to do this, but I'm sorry to say with everything happening, I have obtained enough evidence to confidently accuse @slow-snail and @luminous000 of everything. Strap in, because this genuinely going to be a long one.
Red Flags
Let's start with some things arent quite evidence yet still may be a cause for suspicion. If you'd like to skip this section, please go to the next, titled "The Stalker"
Lumi has very similar texting patterns as Ghost
I have been in multiple situations where someone I know has faked being two or more people. I feel like I know the signs at this point. Lumi and Ghost are very similar, I remember thinking that they were just the same person and it was just a back up account before Ghost said it was his bf.
Ghost makes uncalled for jokes that are not, infact, funny.
I understand humor being a coping mechanism. It is even recognized by many mental health professionals. The thing that bothers me (and hopefully many of you) is the point where it stops being a coping mechanism. Playing dead for a day and a half is not funny. It is not cute. It is, infact, hurtful and can even be traumatizing for some. It's not funny how worried we were. It was a worrying time, many of us were so shaken up we blamed ourselves. It is not funny.
Convenient timing
It seems like every time they get better something either happens to Ghost, or Lumi. If they don't recieve enough attention, the resort to drastic measures to get everyone worked up and then come back to say: "no everything's ok now, ty for worrying 🥹". Like no shit. People are going to worry if you post how you're going to jump off a fucking bridge.
The Stalker
Here I will discuss how the story had more plot holes than things that actually made sense. Please read this part, as it contains important arguments.
Texting us while on the white board
Whether he was lethargic from "blood loss" or abt to pass out, they never stopped typing. On top of that, most of the responses were so premeditated it immediately made me feel like we were all just role playing.
Usage of medical terms
Other than the usage of 'stitches', the other terms were improperly applied.
"The goal of a medically induced coma is to reduce the work of brain cells and protect them from increased pressure inside the skull or after an event such as a stroke."
"The medically induced coma is intended to reduce the metabolic demand of the brain cells."
[Another term for a medically induced coma can also be sedation]
My uncle was placed under sedation when after his heart surgery, his kidneys stopped working on their own. It is different from anesthetics since anesthesia slows blood flow to the brain (and decrease brain activity). Isn't it wonderful what a quick Google search will teach you? Oh, speaking of Google searches..
Lack of News Reports
I'm not saying the news reports everything-- but I find it odd how even when googling key pieces of evidence regarding this case, there was nothing remotely similar. This includes turning off local searches.
Went Home Quickly
After about two days in the hospital, Ghost was released. It was very short considering being in critical condition (including the fact they apparently flat lined multiple times). There was also no vital organ seemingly damaged, so then why would he flat line? Blood loss is serious, but they were alive in the hospital and ambulances have O- blood on hand since it is a blood type that everyone can use.
Ghosts Suicide
Finally, the last piece of evidence. This was disgusting... genuinely disgusting. Please read this part, as it contains important arguments.
Medical Inaccuracies
I'm not going to type out the whole medically induced coma argument again, but the point still stands.
Legal Inaccuracies
Lumi would not have been the person contacted regarding medical information. They have expressed to be around fifteen, and have no legal or blood relation. It's nice that they're dating and all, but it does not make them automatically the one updated with information regarding Ghosts wellbeing. It's one thing to be updated by the parents, but Lumi has shown that Ghosts "parents" don't like him.
Death occurs when there is no more brain activity.
This part was horrible. It had so many lies in it I don't even know where to begin. First, it's illegal to just pay a doctor and say that they're dead. Second, multiple doctors are there to ensure a patients safety. There has to be evidence of brain death.
The Next Chapter
I can't be the only one who sees what they're doing, right? Lumi was in denial when Ghost came back, and it's going to end in one of two ways.
Lumi is so upset about what happened, and as they are plagued by guilt of not know sooner, they attempt to kill themself, and don't succeed. The cycle continues.
It turns out Ghost has been hacked (probably by the stalker if they're feeling like it needs a plot twist) and it turns out the hacker is going to do something horrible to Lumi.
I'm just so done. Like, actually done. I tried to make this post as informational as I could, because I don't want anyone to think I'm being a jerk. You don't have to agree, but I'm probably going to take a short hiatus or something just to get away from all this.
Thank you for reading everything.
@parma-san @i-dont-draw-stuff @aimless-aimz
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Коханий Місяць
Happy birthday, Moon! Today, you're a special girl on her special day! Well, you're always a special girl but today, you're EXTRA SPECIAL!😍
So this my birthday present and uh, writing this makes me realise that I ain't as slick as I thought I am😅 but I hope you'll enjoy it either way. 
(Also, pardon the title. I had to use Google Translate T.T)
His family and friends never realised it but Hudson is as observant as he is anxious underneath his DJ persona.
When you’re on the microphone, you’ll have the audience's attention. But the battle that comes with it? Holding it. Because when you’re under the spotlight, it’s your job to entertain the mass - gauge their reactions, understand what they want and don a personality that eases them. Perhaps that’s why despite his introverted nature, his classmates and parents never stop praising him for his showman persona. 
“Damn, Hudson! I didn’t know you were such a funny guy! I busted a gut laughing at your jokes when you hosted that Energetic club.”
“Serves you right for underestimating Hudson, Jackson. Why do you think he’s the poster boy for D.A.M.N?”
“Give me a break! Hudson’s so quiet sometimes; I didn’t know he was the DJ that y’all were talking about.” 
“Even a guy like him needs downtime. Isn’t that right, Hudson? Yeah, see? Anyway, are any of you losers going to that Vampire Prince’s party?” 
“Isn’t that exclusive for his and his partner’s friends?” 
“I mean yeah, but Hudson shared the same classes with his partner when they were an Electro Energetic. He can totally invite us along too.”
“Could you, Hudson?”
And that’s the downside when you’re under the spotlight. The ‘fame’ that comes with the package. The pressure and anxiety that Hudson has to deal with as he navigates through uncomfortable social circumstances never fail to leave him exhausted and weary at the end of the day. While Hudson appreciates his friends and classmates, he wishes that they wouldn’t try to use him to get into special events like the party. For goodness sake, he only said hi to that Electro Energetic once! 
(Hudson remembered they were a Latent Humanborn. Unsure and a little bit intimidated the first time they step inside their class. Something in Hudson compelled him to greet them in hopes they would feel a bit better.)
His ‘popularity’ and career aside, Hudson mostly keeps his head down; hoping to graduate with full honours and with little drama as possible. Make his family proud. Maybe even… experience one of those cliché romance tropes too. 
Hey, a guy can dream, can’t he?
So it’s with that mindset Hudson decided to just… wander around Dahlia for a while after his classes ended for the day. A few of his friends invited him to watch the cheerleaders at the Earth Elemental practice but he just shook his head. 
“I’ll pass. Send my regards to Hux and Xavier though.” 
His friends let him go easy enough and Hudson went on his mini adventure. The streets of Dahlia paint a familiar scene as soon as he steps out of the bus. Empowered and Unempowered folks mingle about, busy with their day. Standing amongst the crowd, the aimless Hudson allows the rushing passerby to direct his journey. Hoping to come across something new within the city. The sights and excited chatters of strangers carry him to a lot that Hudson has never seen before. There’s something new and exciting in Dahlia and Hudson could kick himself for his ignorance. 
A cat café. Hudson was a lost man before, but now? Now he has found his sanctuary!
The building nestles between a pet store and a veterinary clinic. Very appropriate that Hudson couldn’t stop the glee building in his chest. He could already spot a sassy-looking Calico basking near the large window. He watches the cat yawn and Hudson immediately zooms inside with speed that would give a Vampire a run for their money. 
“Hello, cutie! Where have you been all my life!? Oh god, you’re so fluffy and soft!” Hudson coos as he scratches the Calico’s neck. The man honest to god squeals when the cat purrs as loud as a motorboat, leaning into his warm palm. It’s only when it tucks itself for a nap did Hudson reluctantly backs away to survey the café.
The warm, earthly interior tone reminds Hudson of his parents’ summer cabin. Sturdy wooden walls with pieces of friendly artwork on them. There’s a study area on the left; jars of candies line up beside a row of electrical outlets so customers can charge their laptops. A plush-looking sofa, two couches and a spinning armchair are provided in the lounge to unwind. Entrances to the bathrooms for both humans and felines can be seen peeking at the far end of the building. The speakers above him softly croon gentle R&B beats. All in all, it’s a pretty cosy place; perfect for studying or playing with kitties. Both for the ultimate experience! 
An assistant notices Hudson hovering over the rules and regulations of the café. He slides in to help the Energetic settle in with some food and coffee. As soon as Hudson rests on the armchair, however, a pale orange marmalade cat scampers over and immediately loafs over his lap. Hudson had to apologise to the other customer over the kettle-like shriek that escaped his mouth. And when a poofy black cat perches over his chair, Hudson could’ve swooned. 
“This is it. I can die happy now.” Hudson sobs and buried his face into the purring bread on his lap. All is right in his world. 
“Castiel! Stop claiming every new man that comes in. I raise you better than this” A voice startles Hudson from his reverie and he immediately pulls his face up. 
Hudson’s breaths were stolen from him as the most gorgeous young woman he has ever laid his eye upon hurries over to the lounge. Her expression is apologetic and Hudson has to internally stomps down the urge to comfort her. The other cats who were sprawling on the couches and warm floor barely pay them any attention.
“Sorry about him,” The woman continues, oblivious to Hudson’s primal brain switching to SIMP MODE. “He’s super friendly but has a bit of an attitude. A dangerous combination. He’s been going around greeting new customers by sitting on their lap.” 
The cat in question chirps in confirmation and snuggles deeper into Hudson. The picture of indolent. It takes an embarrassing while for Hudson to reboot and reply, “No, no; it’s cool! Um, h-he’s quite a distinguish boy. Castiel, right?” 
The woman is Unempowered - Hudson can’t see her Aura - yet her chuckles are magical. Like music to his ears. “That he is! Bad news though? He knows it so he expects people to spoil him.”
“O-Oh. Does the café allow customers to bring their pets?” Hudson asks, anything to keep the conversation going. 
“Oh yeah. As long as your cat is well-behaved and collared. Cats need to socialise too, you know. And since mine doesn’t seem to be getting up anytime soon, is it alright if I hang out around here?” 
“Of course! I’d love, uh, I mean - it wouldn’t bother me.” 
Hudson’s heart skips a beat when the woman smiles widely and thanked him. She makes herself comfortable on the couch, between a Sphynx and a Persian, and runs her fingers through the latter. The two exchange names before diving into polite conversations. Hudson shares his life as a university student, entertaining her with stories about mundane shenanigans with his friends while keeping Covert in mind. In return, she talks about how she and her family often travels around until they settled in Dahlia a year ago. The cat café quickly became one of her favourite spots in the city. 
It’s nice. Being able to talk to someone without any expectations weighing on him. Hudson can’t point his fingers at why he feels so at ease with this woman. Time slips by the longer they chatted. But not wanting the unknown chemistry to sizzle out, Hudson shyly asks if she would like to have lunch with him after Castiel hops off to chase after a few cats playing in the corner. 
“The shop is actually across the street,” Hudson explains, not wanting her to think that he has any ill intentions or anything. He continues to fluster when he realises that she’s smiling fondly at him. “It’s a simple sandwich shop. U-Um, are you alright with it?”
“Fine with me, handsome - ” Hudson squeaks like an excited hamster. “ - you can recommend what’s good.” 
There’s no way this woman doesn’t have any magic. It just doesn’t make sense how easily she sweeps him away! His eyes take in her every detail - intensely and obsessively; never missing one thing that she did. From how cute she scrunches up when the sandwich’s sauce smeared the tip of her nose to her deadpan stare when screaming children are left unattended by their parents, Hudson is able to read her like an open book. Is this what’s like falling in love? Is Hudson falling too fast? His head spins because he never felt anything like this before! 
God, it feels like his heart is in this woman’s hands and it both excites and scared him. And this is only their first meeting! 
And when evening is fast approaching, Hudson could faint right there and then when she passes her number on his napkin and winks. 
“I had fun today, Hudson. Don’t be a stranger now, OK?” She sweetly bids him goodbye. Inside the pet carrier, Castiel meows Hudson in acknowledgement and off the pair went. Hudson returns home in a daze, and his parents' curious eyes follow him all the way to his bedroom.
As he lies on his bed, it’s strange, but he can’t stop thinking about the woman from the cat café. His new friend/crush. An absolute cutie who rolled the dice and gained maxed points on charms. His face flushes just thinking about her now! Hudson rolled to his side and pressed close to the pillow; both scared and excited about these emotions bubbling inside him.  
The full moon outside of his window watches Hudson struggles to sleep that night, that woman’s beautiful smile eventually follows him into his dreams. 
Time passes on quickly after that. 
Despite how Hudson craves her daily, both were just too busy with their lives that they could only hang out once a month. So he treasures every second that he’s with her; be it on the phone, sharing ridiculous memes until late in the evening or those rare instances that their plans align and the two could meet in the city. 
And when they meet up, Hudson learns something new about her. And he falls hopelessly harder for her every single time. 
Her dual-coloured hair - platinum blonde and fairly golden - mesmerised him when she jogged from the bus stop. His fingers itched to run them through her bouncing curls as they had lunch. 
“Hudson? You alright?”
“W-What? Oh shit, I’m sorry. I… I didn’t mean to stare. You just, um, have really nice hair.” 
“Aww, you’re very sweet, Hudson. Actually, can you look left for a sec?”
“Yeah sure, but what are you - sjcnaskjbf.” 
“Hmm, you’re also very cute Hudson. You know that?”
Poor Hudson could only squeak helplessly as she teases him after that innocent kiss. It was a good day for everyone involved. 
When they meet up the month after, she invites him to her farmhouse and Hudson was delighted to be introduced to her animals. The barn cats eagerly weave through his legs the moment the front door swings open. Castiel is among them, chirping in greeting before dashing towards the potato garden to make a mess out of it. Sometimes Hudson envies the life of a cat. But when his crush brings him to her bedroom so she could teach him how to play Valorant together, all he could think about is how he wants this. A friend that he vibes with so well and a lover that he could imagine spending the rest of his life with. 
And it’s when the moon is about to make her appearance in the evening, Hudson finds out how greedy of a man he is when it comes to this woman. How he wants more of her time - her wicked grins when the two of them won a match, her patience when his anxiety suddenly becomes too much and her hugs that ground him from the world. 
So really, it didn’t take long for Hudson to prepare an unforgettable day for the two of them when a new month comes along. A quick breakfast at the cat café, a tour around Dahlia on foot and when evening falls and they enjoyed a fun dinner, Hudson confesses with his heart pounding against his ribcage. 
“I-I like you! I like you very much!” The words came out like a flood but they came straight from his heart. A little cheesy but for the first time in his life, Hudson wants to be honest with someone and in return, with himself. Wants to package everything he’s feeling right now into a box and hands it to this beautiful woman. “I’m so grateful that Castiel jumped on my lap because I got to meet you and I… I fell in love with the moment you smiled at me. You, um, have a pretty smile! I love your smile and I love you.” 
Hudson never knew anxiety like this before; romantic confessions are a lot harder than what the movies show. The wait is maddening but a soft kiss on his lips chases away the jumbled thoughts and Hudson melts when giddiness envelops him. And when his friend - girlfriend too! - slowly pulls away, her eyes glazed with love and happiness. 
“No fair, Hudson. You beat me to it. Naughty boy…” She says lowly, smirking when it earned a whimper from Hudson.
The second time they kiss - after her own confession - she’s the one who initiated it and Hudson gives himself completely to her. The woman who lights up his world once every full moon. 
“Thank you for coming into my life, Moonlight.” 
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Writing advent calendar
Day 7
Prompt: Watching a christmas movie
AKA: I just make references to obscure christmas movies and let Ámbar, Simón and Luna react to them
Read on ao3 in the link above or under the cut of this post
Ámbar, Luna and Simón were in the Benson living room, deciding to have a christmas movie night. A christmas movie night didn't seem like much... Ámbar was never much for christmas movies. However, she did like movies with drama, romance and good music, which a lot of christmas movies did have. 
"Is there any argentinean christmas movies?" Luna asked.
"Barely," Ámbar shrugged, "It's less focus on christmas and more focus on something else in those movies."
It was true that the northern hemisphere countries were the ones making more christmas movies, as it was more or less assumed everyone had snow and coldness in december. Which was very far from true - there were plenty of places in the northern hemisphere that didn't have any snow. But it was the ideal, according to the movies.
"We could watch an animated christmas movie," Simón suggested, "The animated ones are always really underrated."
"Yeah, and funny!" Luna added, "Some are really badly animated, which makes you laugh."
"Don't forget the ones that are well animated!"
"Oh, of course!"
"Hey, what movie is this?" Ámbar suddenly said, finding some obscure film with a title in a language she didn't know. Simón took out his phone and typed it through google translate.
"Well, it's apparently called 'Santa is the father to all the children' if you directly translate it. But the english title is "In bed with Santa". It's about a mom who has children with a bunch of different men and is planning on having another child with her new boyfriend. For christmas she invites all her previous men into the house to celebrate christmas together everyone and during dinner she reveals she is pregnant. But what she doesn't know is that her boyfriend has gotten a vasectomy. In that case, who's the father of the baby?"
"That sounds... absolutely wild," Ámbar said. "Can we watch it?"
"Sure, but there's apparently remakes in different languages. Ooh, there's one french remake. You know fluent french, Ámbar, maybe that's the one you should see."
"We should see them all in order, starting with the original and then the remakes!" Luna suggested.
"Nah, let's just... watch the original first and foremost. I can read subtitles. Unless they dubbed it."
"It's a good thing we dub everything in spanish!" Simón chuckled.
As they finished the movie, they all were in shock.
"Well, that was... a movie," Ámbar said. 
"Certainly. I mean, our family situation is a little odd too, but at least it's not the mess that is that family."
"Maybe we can see another movie," Simón suggested, "Something less dramatic."
"Is there any mexican christmas movie?" Ámbar asked.
Luna and Simón's eyes widened and they got very mischevious smiles.
"It is time to introduce you to Santa Claus from the ripe old year of 1959," Luna said.
"Isn't there any newer film?"
"Yeah, but this one's a cult classic!" Simón chuckled, "And it's the wildest thing you'll ever see!"
Ámbar was curious to see why this movie got the two so ecstatic. 
"So what did you think?" Luna asked excitedly.
"Well..." Ámbar said, "I... It was certainly from it's time..."
"Yeah, some things have not aged well," Simón agreed.
"However, I have to admit, it was kind of hilarious. I mean the whole thing with the devil and Santa fighting was something I never would come up with."
Luna and Simón smiled. 
"Can we see another christmas movie now?" Ámbar asked.
"Sure," Simón shrugged, "Which one do you want to see?"
Ámbar smiled, "Ok, call me childish... but I really want to see Santa Buddies."
The others giggled.
"Let's watch!" Luna exclaimed.
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gayspock · 4 months
ok ep 2. i looked into it more and im confused cuz again like... i swear ive seen no advertising for any of this? it looks like it dropped in aus in NOVEMBER. now its dropped in the uk all in one go.... this past week?? and it apparently drops in the us all in one next month. so im like confused as fuck as to why they would release something like that
one thing i will say is theyre insanely good with the casting still arent they
another thing what was i to say
oh im sorry im watching this and every time i think to myself hmmm i wonder where cosima or sarah or hel- i cut myself off and i think about tatiana maslany in godawful cgi
this kid (jules as the episode title would lead me to believe) is soooo fun i love the hair
I SORT OF DONT AGREE WITH THAT OUTCOME FOR SARAH NOT TO BE A DICKHEAD I feel like its like.... squints.how do i fucking describe this. it does not feel like her to me and it feels likeughghh the word escapes me you know what i mean
can this dialogue be any
felix drag her
i love how lucy is a cunt. i do like that about her i will admit.
We were made in a printer.
NOW who the fuck is He.
sorry also to backtrack a bit im bewilderedand unsure how i feel about them bringing in the old guard at all because hello like look i said what i said i dont want them to have a show called orphan black echoes with like no reason for it to actually be related to orphan black but also what the fuck
if harry potter is still culturally relevant in 2052 i swear to god
come on charlie girl. its gonna be ok. everyone shoots someone in the head once.
beck from victorious i need you to be all in on this ok
so who the fuck is thissssssssss
he is kind of so funny . i love you beck from victorious.
im also ok going back to like this relating to people from before like... this charcterisation os kira feels so odd
"lord this place is like neolution without the tails" wow did you get that guys ! a callback
james youre tickling me
this fucking acting and general fucking reaction is also crazy to me wes im sorry youre adorable but please
okay theres just something so off putting about felxi im like help me what is going on
also i feel like kira is like sending me so much i feel like this happens all the time when kids who initially .... no offence.... lacked a lot of character ... now have to be an adult version cuz what are you going off. i dont know who this woman is but she isnt kira to me because who the fuck was kira in the first place but a kid that said ominous stuff and was a plot device for most of the show
also i think theres again something so insanely off i cant tell what it is. i think its still in that space of being so stupid high budget fo rwhat it is and yet itr feels so weird looking. the whole futuristic thing is strange to look at. like this being orphan black which ootherwise like. sci fi but still very grounded. it feels weird to now go to this
and i feel like i'd have preferred a smaller timejump. if they prove me wrong with that then fine but thus far i dont see the benefit of it being in 2052. i'd have preferred them to go less crazy with the like aesthetics cuz theyre just kinda weird and take away from everything for me.
and again i dont like the general approach to all of this. i think they needed to start slower and build stuff up more over time . everything here with jack for example like... i would have preferred if we sat with lucy and lucy alone and we didnt keep cutting to kira . like let us build this up and have it be one long continuous thing and maybe hold out this reveal a little longer. this feels like its rushing. and again the strongest part of orphan black, to me, before was like the slow build of increasingly complex fucking dire situations and being able to layer that shit
hi lucas
kira being a shit mam is so funny to me
FELIX'S ENTIRE PERFORMANCE STILL FEELS SO FUCKINH INSANE TO ME. cuz i get what youre going for but the delivery is jsut so fucking choked by the actor trying to keep it up. i swear he was not that stilted before even when he WAS putting something on. like is it trying to mask his voice age as well or something?
jules is so much more compelling to me again i think it is cuz her storyline IS the slowburn one here . and also shes got all the things i mentioned kind of lack with Lucy
like sorry i hate it when theyre like "haha. she's so spunky." (the actual chatracters are telling us this to the camera) like ok i get it i literally could have GOTTEN that watching
AND AGAIN WHY IS EVERYONE ... i dont know it feels like the exposition in the dialogue is crazy. like theyre shoehorning stuff in. you dont have to have them say everything so literallly and explicitly . help
ok im pausing for tonight hang on
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In 2008, Nintendo partnered with Google to make a Japan-exclusive Wii game called And-Kensaku which is a minigame compilation based on guessing Google results
My favourite part is these awesome mascots they made for it
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You can watch gameplay of it here:
Nintendo World Report translated the Iwata Asks interview about this game too! To me the most interesting parts were: Iwata - In my tenure as CEO no other title has had its name rejected so many times. Nishimura - I only gave you just a couple of the total number of title proposals I came up with - there were actually mountains of them.
Iwata - So you only showed me the best of the best of the titles you had thought up from that mountain of proposals, and I shot them down every time.
Nishimura - …Yes.
---- Iwata - As I discussed with Kan-san from Google earlier, when searching “Tokyo” versus “Osaka,” the number of results for “Tokyo” is overwhelmingly greater, simply from a population standpoint, but if you add a term and phrase search for something like “Famous Tokyo Goods” versus “Famous Osaka Goods,” you unexpectedly find out that the converse can be true. Nishimura - "We decided to only select questions that would be interesting, like puns, questions with double meanings, or regional questions like the comparison between Tokyo and Osaka." ----
Nishimura - Furthermore, we decided to add explanations to make things easier to understand.
Yui - While this is a game where you’re competing to see who can find out which keywords generate the most hits, we figured it would be a better game if you’d find out why the difference in hits occurs after you find out the answer - to give you that feeling of, “Oh! I get it!” --- Yui - Actually, whenever playing vs. internally we had a person that would always have some punchline while playing that was incredibly funny.
Soya - Furthermore, once “And-Kensaku” was made to be a packaged title, I felt it was regrettable that we wouldn’t be able to help deliver that atmosphere from playing together. So, part of me lit up when Nishimura-san said he wanted to put in the speech bubbles and voice. “Ah, we can just put in what that guy says verbatim!”
Iwata - So he’s included in the package (laughs).
Yui - Yes. We’ve included what he said verbatim. We basically noted down everything he said.
Soya - We fit his words in per situation. Sometimes to get a rise out of people.
Yui - But he really hated recording it. Nishimura - And in the end people said it was funny, so I was really glad we put it in. Another person doing a test play had a comment that said, “It feels like there’s a person living inside the game.” Iwata - It’s like that guy was included in the game (laughs). --- Yui - Right. So I hope people that have a vendetta against quiz games use this to get their revenge. --- Iwata - By the way, have you all become trivia experts through developing this game? Soya - In the beginning whenever I learned something I’d relay it to everyone, and the reaction would typically be, “I see” or “Wow”, but by the end everyone was an expert in trivia, so they would just say, “Yeah, I know already.”
Thank you for learning more about And-Kensaku with me! I hope you appreciated it ^^
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jennamacaroni · 2 years
hacks paleyfest s2 ep1 recap SPOILERS ABOUND AHEAD UNDER THE CUT like as much as i could remember, nearly five google doc pages of truly deranged shit, so if you dont want to know anything about what happened DO NOT GO FURTHER you’ve been warned.  for those thirsty for the deets... ENJOY :D
(ty to @mmbopjen and @tarynlatx for their help)
they showed the episode first before the panel, made clear it was not a finished copy and there were still some tweaks/edits/visual effects to add in, etc
the sound in the theater was INSANE like the bass was so loud it was overwhelming and ridiculous
picks up right from the finale, they’re on the PJ and deborah is asleep and ava is just freaking the fuck out.  they actually pipe in a really loud heartbeat (which with the sound setup was literally shaking the theater omg it was A Lot) and she’s just looking over and over at deborah panicking then there’s this turbulence that wakes deb up and so she starts looking at her phone and suddenly all these notifications are coming in.  and ava’s like oh fuck “uhh you’re kinda blowing up there?” and deborah is frowning down at the phone, then she’s like “WHAT DID YOU DO” and ava’s like “okay let me–” but then the camera cuts to the dogs and barry is eating a grape.  deborah to ava:  “stick your hand into his mouth and get it!”  ava:  “uhhh what”  deborah:  “REACH INTO HIS MOUTH” and ava does bc of course she does
then they’re landed and coming down off the plane and greeted by someone from deborah’s staff, “welcome home ms vance” and you can tell deborah is happy to be home.  they walk off the plane BOTH CARRYING A DOG like literally one in each of their arms i fucking lost my mind.  they pass off the dogs to the staff dude then deb is like “lets go get in the car” and ava is like “ya kno im just going to call an uber.  i want to go to the palmetto and pick up some of my stuff” or whatever and deborah is just like “um no we are going home right now we have a LOT of work and planning to do for this tour”.  deborah has this energy and fire about her, you can tell she’s ready to put in the work and do the damn thing.
okay there are a bunch of scenes in the ep re: jimmy and kayla and having to deal with HR and the sexual harassment shenanigans but i dont remember the timing or frankly much of the detail bc lbr not what im here for but they are funny as fuck as usual.  but that’s all i’ll really say on them.
there’s a scene in the car from the airport to the mansion.  ava and deb see deborah’s giant posters for her residency are literally being white-washed and painted over in real time and they’re just looking at it happen.  ava:  “wow that was fast”.  then jimmy calls thinking he’s only talking to ava but ava puts him on speaker so he knows not to say anything about the email.  awkward convo about nothing takes place, then deborah is just like “PLANNING MEETING ABOUT THE TOUR WHEN WE GET HOME,” reaches across ava to her phone and and hangs up on him.
title screen is a close up of deb’s giant face being painted over.
meeting at the mansion with marcus, josefina, damien, and ava (that promo pic of deborah standing by the fireplace and everyone gathered in the study).  marcus says basically all big national venues are already booked and deborah is like fuck it we’ll do the tiny dumpy comedy clubs im not above that.  but also the nice tour bus she wants isn't available, the tour manager she wants died (deb: “did we send flowers?” marcus and damien: “yes”).  ava was basically silent the whole time.  deb:  “well does anyone have anything positive to add?  anyone???”  and josefina chimes in:  “you know what this will be a great time for?  re-painting the molding” and deborah is like “YES COOL great”
scene of ava in the christmas room, first she calls the british writer chick, asking “as a friend” for them not to use anything she said in the email because she was upset and deborah had just slapped her (foot in mouth).  writer:  “she SLAPPED you???” and ava is like oh fuck def just made that worse.  the writer is basically like “sorry girlie we’ve already passed it all onto our bosses its too late” and then she’s like “not to mention the last line of the email was ‘i release all my rights to this do whatever you want with it’” oops
then she turns around and calls jimmy:  “i really think i should just tell deborah,” jimmy “DONT SHE WILL KILL YOU and then ME just dont say anything” and ava is like well actually i just called the british chick and made it worse sorry? Jimmy asks her to do him a favor and throw her phone in the ocean
ava and deborah having breakfast together, paper is missing the arts section (josefina pulled it out so deborah couldn’t see the review of her 2500th show) and deborah is like oh i dont give two fucks about reviews (lol okay deb, sure)
scene of ava at the palmetto in the luggage storage room with ray.  she can’t access her room anymore since deb no longer has a comp’ed room so her stuff was packed up for her, ray put a bunch of it into a black trashbag. ray:  “oh also this came for you” and hands her a bright shoebox.  she opens it and pulls out a tennis ball can full of dust.  ray:  “are those… ashes?”  yep they are half of her father’s ASHES.  ava immediately calls nina, who picks up and is on the exercise bike in ava’s old room.  ava: “why did you send me his ASHES mom?” nina: “well i have half” so clearly ava needs the other half like it was the most obvious thing in the world.  ava:  but why in a TENNIS BALL CONTAINER???  nina:  well i know you’d call me complaining about whatever urn i sent them in so… and ava just ends up hanging up on her and is clearly emotional / trying not to cry.  she apologizes to ray, tells him her dad just died and he’s like “ah yeah i get that, my dad died last year.  sorry.”  then they share this really lovely hug and ava’s like “man all this time and we could’ve been.. friends?”  and he’s like “yeah, maybe” and it was just really a sweet and unexpected empathetic moment of human connection.
deborah coming into the breakfast area of the mansion and finding dj eating breakfast alone (josefina’s chicken pot pie, “forgot the peas so it tastes like shit”).  deborah is like, “you’re eating pot pie at 10am i know something is up” so DJ tells her that she and aiden have been doing IVF and the second try just failed.  it was news to deborah that they were doing IVF, DJ is there basically hiding.  she doesn’t want to tell aidan that it didn’t work bc she doesn’t want to mess him up before his fight.  deborah then is basically like “uhhh what are you doing you cant have children with this man you barely know and just only married like a second ago” like she is still so clearly distrustful of both men AND DJ’s decision making and obviously DJ gets upset and is pissed that once again deborah is not supporting her in the way she is hoping for.
prob more jimmy/kayla here? idk
scene with marcus showing up at wilson’s to ‘return some of his stuff’ and some other dude answers (roommate possibly? wasn’t clear).  turns out the box contains just half a bag of granola and an almost brand new flonase.  marcus is then like “uh yeah tell him im… going to a party”... “no tell him im going on a date”... “no party’s good” then just sort of runs away.  poor bud misses his water cop.
deb goes to DJ to apologize for the way that she reacted to the IVF news. DJ to deborah at her apartment “you know my rule,” then they say in unison, “don’t open any closed cabinets.”  it’s cramped because aiden moved in and DJ compares herself to a military wife bc he is literally in combat all the time.  there’s a rifle on the coffee table and deb is like “oh FINALLY you got a gun!” and DJ is like uh HELL NO that’s aiden’s paintball shit.  anyways aiden is there and is so excited to see her and hugs her (awkward af from deb) and keeps calling her mom and you can tell he’s really trying to get on deborah’s good side and desperately wants her approval which he’s clearly NOT getting. after he leaves she tells DJ “the mom stuff has to stop.” DJ:  “i know, but he’s from ohio.”  DJ asks deb to go to the fight because it means so much to aiden (and her), but deb is hesitant.  first because “you know i hate seeing men’s bare feet” (lol) but also “you know when i show up to these things the spotlight is always on me, so it’s better if i don’t go” but finally agrees because she really is trying, ya kno?
at the fight:  deb and ava show up but because deb is no longer employed at the palmetto, the bouncer she has known for years turns her away and tells her she has to go to the public entrance.  even ava to the bouncer guy is like, serious bro?  deb is obviously miffed.  starts the night off on a bad foot.  deb is wearing a navy sequin jacket because of course she is
deb runs into wayne newton, greet each other as “mr las vegas, mrs. las vegas”
deb then goes up to marty and the mayor and marty is like “wow didn’t expect to see you here” because ya know bad feelings or whatever and also marty:  “i know you don’t like seeing men’s bare feet” with this gross smirk.  but deb is like “i’m here to support my son in law” and marty sincerely says “its good to see you”.  then they mention his new girlfriend and they look around for her then she’s coming down the aisle and she’s actually age appropriate??? so obviously that really pisses deborah off bc how the fuck dare he finally date someone older and its not her? so she’s all pissed going back to her seat and is just staring daggers at him.
kiki is next to ava and just pulls out her purse and it’s fucking full of popcorn
DJ tells ava to tickle her arm and just holds out her bare forearm and ava is like uh wtf but okay bc of course she does.  “no, scratch my arm, really use your nails.”  DJ notices that deb is sweaty, actually from walking around from the employee entrance to the regs in the heat, but dj thinks it’s because she’s nervous for aiden and that’s *bonding*
deb thinks the in-fight host/emcee is going to come over and interview her/spotlight her (bc he mentions a palmetto residency) and she fluffs her hair in anticipation.  but the host goes over and talks to the guy that is taking over her residency instead.  deb obviously gets even MORE upset and gets up to go to the bathroom to take a moment.  ava immediately gets up and follows because she knows that must've been hard for deb and she needs to be there for her.
bathroom scene, deborah is putzing in front of the mirror (i remember surprisingly little about this i clearly must've blacked out sry - thanks to my wife who remembered).  ava:  “are you okay?” and deborah then admits that she read the review in the vegas sun and basically it said it’s no longer “her time” anymore and basically she was obsolete and that she wasn’t sure about doing the tour and ava is like “you cant possibly care about what they say in the local paper do you?” and deborah sort of looks at her and is like “its my hometown paper” and she looked so heartbroken?? then ava is like “i think you’ll feel different once we’re out on tour”
cue the fight itself:  (which was really well done??? jen made a comment on the panel about how good lucia is at directing.  “she directed that fight scene and it was like straight out of rocky”).  aidan is getting the shit kicked out of him like totally being owned just taking hit after punishing hit.  DJ makes a similar comment parallelling the newspaper re deb that it’s not “his time” because he’s new to MMA and clearly he is not going to win the fight.  plus the guy he’s fighting is like really really good, his nickname is the ‘maimer’.  aidan gets pinned so there’s a break in the fight and deborah is just like *OH FUCK THIS* and just gets up out of her seat, walks determinedly right down the aisle, through the barricades and right up to the corner of the octagon where aidan is recovering.  and his coach is like uh what the fuck get this lady outta here and aidan is like no, let her stay.  and deborah is just like [very paraphrased here clearly] “listen.  i know this is is the fucking climb but what you have to do is find his weakness.  you find that weakness and you fucking hit it.  and then you hit it again.  and again and again and again until you win this bitch” and she’s clearly talking to herself but he’s clearly listening and nodding and then she’s like fuck it.  “YOU’RE A VANCE NOW so go fucking DO IT” and she just stays there while he jumps up and hops back out into the ring and SHOCKER he starts winning and landing blow after crushing blow, backing this dude up right up to where deb is standing.  one final shot to the face and we just see this huge blood stream fly and splatter right across deborah’s face and she has this huge maniacal grin on her face.  there will be blood, indeed.  end scene.
more kayla/jimmy here?
leaving the fight deborah tells ava to pack her stuff they’re starting the tour tonight.  ava is like uhhhh what?  “none of the stuff is ready” or whatever and deborah just says “just you and me, they’ll meet up with us in a few weeks”  (A FEW WEEKS???? LADIES WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ON YOUR OWN FOR WEEKS like are you just going to head out in the rolls????)
goes to DJ’s apartment and DJ answers.  deb: “sorry if i woke you?”  DJ is like “oh nah i have to stay awake to make sure aidan doesn’t fall asleep and slip into a coma, we’re reading harry potter.”  deb tells DJ that she’s leaving to go on tour, and holds out the keys to the mansion, telling her that she should use her house while she is gone, you know, just until they find a place of their own. DJ tries to brush it off.  deb:  “please, DJ.  all those times you should have been at home and not in comedy clubs.” (fuck me up why dont you)  DJ finally agrees and is clearly touched:  “is there anything you want me to do while you’re gone?”  Deb:  “i’d rather you not touch anything”
deb goes back out to the car and climbs in, turns to ava and is like “we gotta make a stop”.  they stop at the newly painted massive residency poster for dudebro who took over deb’s slots at the palmetto, and deborah shoulders that paintball gun like a fucking pro, and shoots red paintballs all across his massive face.  ava is clearly very scared considering the email is still v much the guillotine blade hanging over her head.  anyways deb was very ‘betty draper with the shotgun energy’ if yall know that scene in mad men RIP to all of us fangirls.
end of ep.
they really emphasized throughout the ep deborah struggling with becoming obsolete and no longer being the queen of las vegas.  the massive posters advertising her show are being painted over right in front of her, marty has a new girlfriend who is actually age appropriate for the first time (and its not deborah how dare he), at the fight they spotlight the new dude who took over deborah’s residency rather than deb, she’s upset about the review in her hometown paper, etc.  “no longer her time” and you know, she took that personally.
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delicrieux · 4 years
☆ミ 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 “𝚘𝚑”
y/n is back in brooklyn for the holidays. thinking that a stream will make her feel less homesick for cali, she starts working on her famously titled hentai.free.srv. what was supposed to be a relaxing stream turns into a special delivery about two hours in.
─── corpse husband x reader ─── soc. media + written fiction! ─── word count: 2.2k ─── ❥ req: Here's one... You know those apps for delivery like Domino's or whatnot... What if reader is streaming Among Us with Corpse, and reader mentions they're hungry and Corpse offers to order them food, and readers like no no it's fine... Then there's delivery at the door (Corpse ordered beforehand) 
author’s note: fucky format is also back in town baby!!! also if you find any mistakes - no u didnt <3 thank u everyone for enjoying this story sm i literally cant believe how feral yall going strawberry cow was a nuclear explosion im still recovering tbh. got an ask a while ago and decided to incorporate it into myso. happy holidays everyone! myso will continue on monday!
ultimate masterlist.  ҉  myso masterlist   ҉   previous.  ҉   next.
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Indeed, being soft on any social media platform was the biggest disgrace and needed to be eliminated post haste. Moreover, it was a slippery slope - once you start flooding your timeline with cute imagery and heart emojis, what will stop you from posting inspirational Facebook quotes? Disgusting. If Rae were here, she would chide you (not you thinking about her as if she’s dead or something). For once in your life, you feel like you deserve it. 
Alas, you hope this little chaos you’ve caused is enough to throw everyone off. The stans, especially. You know the hashtags, you’ve seen ARMY scourging for info online with the same fervor and ruthlessness 1 Direction fans hacked airport security cameras just to spy on the boys. If you had any dirty secrets online, they are out to the public now - thankfully, besides the Harry Styles stan account (with edits and all), you have nothing. Though, now that you think about it, exposed nudes would have been better than your Punk!Harry edit receiving almost a million views. God, your life’s a fucking mess.
Your fans aren’t the only ones out for info - you, too, are trying to decipher Rae’s message. Code: Barbecue Sauce. The two of you had come up with it roughly two years ago, around the same time when you promised that if you didn’t find significant others by the time you’re 40, you’ll just marry each other. It was one of the many rules found in your friendship codex. Barbecue Sauce signifies information - an exchange of information. And depending on how it ends or begins (”So I’m sitting there” alludes to Rae, “On my titties” alludes to you), secret data on that person is given away, usually free of charge. 
But why? And to whom did Rae give away what? You had pestered her mercilessly and even sent some voice messages where you were crying. You were only crying because of a video of a grandpa smiling you saw on TikTok, but you are a snake, and so you put those tears to good use. If streaming doesn’t work out, you’ll just become an actress. Hollywood would love you. Your PR firm sure as fuck wouldn’t, though.
Rae was having none of it. She said you’ll figure it out eventually. Told you to channel your superior puzzle skills. You were quick to remind her that you can barely count to ten without having an aneurysm. Oddly serious, she admitted that she worries for you sometimes. Why only sometimes?! you demanded. She merely sighed. uttering under her breath something that sounded closely to “Boke.”
You leave her for barely a week and she’s already neck deep in the gay volleyball anime, hoodie and cardboard cutout and everything. Your life is falling apart.
But Brooklyn is nice. It had snowed when you stepped off of the plane. Thousands of snowflakes sprinkling into your hair, dotting your cheeks and nose. You missed this sight back in Cali. You missed your parents, too. 
Home cooked meals, old sweaters, your old room and about 40GB worth of old high school pictures on your computer. You went through them all one night. Some were stomach churning, cringe inducing nightmares. You were especially fond of those. Texted some of your friends that were still in Brooklyn, met up, decided to bake. Bad idea, Rae was the resident chef back in Cali. Besides laughing till your stomach hurt, and almost burning down your kitchen, nothing all that significant happened. Somewhere down the line, at about 3 am, half-way through a cheesy rom-com you had the overwhelming urge to text Corpse.
That’s where the problems really started. God, you missed California, missed being in the same timezone with a guy you hadn’t even met yet, how embarrassing is that?! You missed skating around and taking pictures of the beach in the setting sun, sending it to him, silently wishing he was with you to admire the view. 
You really want to call him. And to hang out with him. But for some reason, the thought of that springs up immediate anxiety and you shy away from asking. Him sending you cute good morning texts doesn’t help, either. Maybe it’s better he doesn’t know that you’re a blushing, stuttering mess each time you read “baby”. 
Late evening. Your stream is already set up, people are slowly trickling in and you greet them with a grin and a soft “Hello! Hi hi!”. You did your best to make your room a perfectly chaotic backdrop - led lights, an embarrassing amount of anime merch and plushies. You always try to balance out your weeb side by dressing hot as fuck for your streams - today’s inspiration just so happens to be egirls. Mostly because you watched one too many egirl make-up tutorials on TikTok, and also because you’ve been listening to Corpse’s song all day.
Yeah, no, who are you kidding, you dressed up this way because you were hoping Corpse was watching your stream. You didn’t forget your cat headphones, either. You know he likes them. You want to make him suffer. Perhaps then, finally, he will ask you out, so you wouldn’t have to.
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“I feel like,” You start when you put away your phone, staring idly at the chat, “I feel like I need a new name for you guys. Calling you guys after two years of streaming is just... weird, no? I also don’t respect men so I don’t want to call you guys. Like, so many creator’s have, like, a name for their fans. Uhm, Cody Ko has the chodesters, Kurtis Conner has, uh, folks? Kurtis Town? Citizens! Markiplier has mommy issues--” You can’t help snorting, “So, I’ve been, like, thinking - I know, shocking! - so I was thinking I’m gonna name you cockroaches. Because you’re grimy little shits impossible to kill. And also then I can use the legendary Minaj meme ROACHES!”
Your stream enthusiastically echoes ROACHES, making the chat swim. Yes, if anyone would enjoy such a name, it would be your audience. You’re as equally proud as you are disturbed.
“Well, anyway.” Leaning back into your chair, you throw your arms out with a bright grin, “Big dick is back in town, baby! If you noticed the backdrops different, it’s cuz I’m in Brooklyn now. Don’t ask me when I will return to Always Sunny, I don’t plan that far ahead.”
While Minecraft boots up, you decide to answer a few questions.
r u dating sykkuno?
You want to smack your head into the keyboard, but as it is, you can’t exactly afford a new one, so you refrain, “No, Sykkuno and I are not dating, we are just good friends. Uhm, I’m not sure how much I’ll have to repeat this, but, we really aren’t, so if the roaches could chill - Oh my God, that sounds so stupid, I love it - uh, yeah, if the roaches could chill that’d be great.”
the roaches lmao sounds like we’re a sports team
“Oh shit, yeah it does, uh-- maybe I can make like, jerseys or something. That’d be cool, I think.”
how disappointed are your parents with the way your life turned out?
“My parents are actually not disappointed at all!” You say with a cute little smile, “Uhm, they’re both really proud, actually. They’re glad I found something I love doing and made a job outta it. Dad finds my Youtube videos endearing. Yes, they watch pretty much all of my videos, unless I explicitly tell them not to. And yeah, with all the fucks and thirsting for anime characters. Uhm, it was very embarrassing at first, but I mean, after a while, shame just...doesn’t exist anymore, I guess? Funny thing about my parents, actually, when they watch my videos-” You eye catches a comment, “Oh! No, they only watch my Youtube videos. They don’t know how to use Twitter, thank God. Uhm, anyway-- when they hear a name they don’t know, like, I dunno, Dabi, or something, they google--” You’re grinning by now, eyes crinkling, giggling softly, “--who that is, and buy me like, merch and stuff. It’s really cute. 
can i be adopted by ur parents plz
will you and corpse ever collab?!
You were about to answer, though the man of the hour himself decides to do it for you.
Corpse_Husband: yes.
Okay, not to say your heart skipped a beat, but it totally did. With a pleased smile, you nod, like one of those bobble head toys sold at the dollar store. The motion is oddly reminiscent of Sykkuno’s own nod. Perhaps you had picked it up from him. The chat seems to notice.
pack it up, sykkuno
More questions pile about this mysterious collab you and Corpse are planning. Yeah, you’d like to hear more about it, too, since he single highhandedly decided one was happening right now. Corpse remains silent. Fine, keep your secrets. 
“Okay, guys, oh, I mean, roaches, Oh my God--” You’re covering your mouth, giggling, “-calling all roaches, calling all roaches, calm down. Everyone grab a snack and a blanket I’m turning up the music volume so we can all chill. Entering chill zone. Entering chill zone. Roaches, prepare.”
we are prepared
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An hour or so passes and you grow hungry. It shows with the amount of cakes you had baked in your server. Currently, you find yourself throwing eggs at the wall of one of the renovated houses, your face scrunched in concentration and slight frustration. 24 of the 50 eggs have been wasted. “What’s a girl gotta do to get some chicks around here?” you had uttered under your breath, until, finally, a screech - the egg finally spawns a mob. Your mouth falls open, “Aww, look!” You approach it, so small, walking in zigzags beside you, “It’s a baby chicken! Die, bitch.” The baby chicken is no more as you swing your bedazzled (you have mods) diamond sword. You’re cackling by the time the dust settles.
y/n is a child murderer
“Roaches,” You address your fan-base, spurring another fit of laughter - you can’t get over the name, “I think I’m like, forgetting that eating in Minecraft won’t actually make less hungry in real life.”
take a break and go eat queen <3
“Fuck no, we starve and die like men. Now I actually really need another chicken.”
Another twenty minutes trickle by and you’re trying to lure back a panda from the jungle when there’s a knock on your bedroom’s door. Whipping your head to the side, you slide down your headphones. At the same time, your mom pokes her head through the ajar door, “MOM!” You scream, “Get OUT of my room I’m playing Minecraft!” But your yell has no actual bite to it, as you don’t manage to hide your smile. Your mom laughs, doing some sort of sign language and motioning for you to follow her with her head. That or it’s some sort of performative dance. 
“I’m live right now,” You tell her, pointing at your screen. She knows this already, though, “do you want to say hi?” 
The roaches spam the chat with friendly hellos. You mom, quite impatient now, waves you over. 
“Sorry, roaches, mom needs something. Be back in a bit!”
Stopping the stream, you rush out of your seat and pleased she slinks into the hallway. “What’s this about?”
“Your pizza came.”
“My what now?” You echo, confused.
“Domino’s. You ordered pizza?”
“What? No? I was busy with the stream, I never--”
Thankfully, you had managed to grab your phone from your room before you exited. You almost choke on spit once you read the messages.
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You decide that it’ll be impossible to stream after experiencing what you had just experienced. You tweet out a quick apology to the roaches (God, that fucking name) and say that you had a breakdown but you’re okay. That is as a close to the truth as you managed to muster. It’s a sad sight, chewing and crying; your mom winced when she saw your state - disheveled hair and rundown eyeliner and everything. “D’aww,” She had muttered, caressing the top of your head, “don’t cry my little raccoon.”
If anyone was ever to ask you where did your chaotic nature come from, you’d answer with my mom. To make yourself feel better, you took a selfie - duck face and peace sign and the horrible 2000′s angle. Sent it to Rae. 
looking hot, her message read. 
thanks, was all you replied with.
You couldn’t just leave things as they were. Once you calmed down, you wanted to text Corpse, but how would you follow up the ungodly caps lock and screeching? Impossible. An idea sprung to mind, one that was brave. Taking the first step.
Instead of sending a text, you sent a voice memo.
“Thank you for the pizza, it was delicious.”
You voice still sounded a bit raspy. His reply was instant. Your heart skipped a beat. He sent a voice memo back.
“Glad you liked it, baby.”
He was going to be the death of you.
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tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos - @fairywriter-oracle - @tsukishimawh0re - @ofstarsanddreams - @bbecc-a - @annshit - @leahh19 - @letsloveimagines - @bellomi-clarke - @wineandionysus - @guiltydols - @onephootinfrontoftheother - @liamakorn - @thirstyfangirl - @lilysdaydreams - @pan-ini - @mxqicshxp - @tanchosanke - @yoshinorecommends - @flightsandfantasy - @liljennyx3 - @slashersdream - @unknown-and-invisible - @sinister-sleep - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat - @mercury–moon - @peterparkerspjsuit - @unstableye - @simonsbluee - @shinyshimaagain - @ppopty - @siriuslystupid - @crapimahuman - @ofthedewthesunlight - @mythicalamphitrite - @artsyally - @corpsesimpp - @corpsewhitetee - @corpse-husbandsimp - @hyp-oh-critical - @roses-and-grasses - @rhyrhy462 - @sparklylandflaplawyer - @charbkgo - @airwaveee - @creativedogs - @kaitlyn2907 - @loxbbg - @afuckingunicornn - @fleurmoon - @yeolliedokai - @truly-dionysus - @multi-fandom-central707
more tags are in the comments bcs tumblr only allows me to tag 50 people max 💙
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