#it's going to be scarlett johansson isn't it...?
multicolour-ink · 1 year
And another thing. If I could choose, I'd want Mae Whitman (the voice of TInkerbell from the film series of the same name, April O'Neil from TMNT 2012, Katara from Avatar The Last Airbender, and Amity Blight from The Owl House) to voice Princess Daisy in the Mario film series. Here are my reasons why.
Yoooo she was Tinkerbell???
Oooh! Mae Whitman is an excellent choice!
For reference, here is a video of all her notable roles
Not to bring the mood down, but I fear that, despite the movie having voice actors in there, they'll just cast another celebrity recognised by their face, not their voice...
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granolabird · 11 months
Ok everyone, it's the spooky season and the song Heads will Roll is having a resurgence in popular media, so it's time to end things once and for all
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Pairing: Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Someone sends you flowers and your girlfriend isn't happy about it.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. Also, this was requested by one of you. Thank you for the request, anon!
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You spent most of your life being disappointed at all the people you tried to date.
Don't take it the wrong way, but there was always something that displeased you in a way that you couldn’t brush off. Your first girlfriend would do overly romantic gestures that you were fairly sure she was getting ideas from the rom-com she was fascinated with. The relationship didn’t last that long, although she kept the record of the most amount of gifts any girlfriend ever gave you for many years after that. The girl that came after her was the complete opposite, difficult to show any emotions and very closed off. You fell hard, of course, and had your heart broken several times by her. She cheated, she lied, she manipulated, and she wouldn’t even tell you she loved you unless it was when you found out about another one of her affairs. You made yourself go through that hell for nearly three years.
After that, you vowed to give yourself some time to recover, to be alone and think about your own life. You were almost done with college at that point but that didn’t stop you from suddenly becoming the party girl you couldn’t be for the last few years. None of your one-night stands were remarkable enough for you to want a second round with them, even when some would ask and beg for it. It was fun, but you also met every type of girl in your adventures.
When you finally met someone again and tried to start a new relationship, things just didn’t work out. No dramas, it just didn’t. It was nice at first, but the spark was gone so fast that you two became friends very quickly. You were done with college soon after you broke up, so you packed your things and moved to NY.
It's not like you made a conscious decision not to date anyone. You didn’t put any walls around your heart or anything like that. What happened was that no one seemed to be able to catch your attention for more than a few dates. It was like they would bore you somehow, which was insane to think because you were sure they were all great people.
Just not the right ones for you.
So you kept living in NY while going through a small rampage of quick dates. You found a job, you started your career, you got yourself a nice apartment that was way more expensive than you thought it should be, you made some friends, and you lived the freedom of the early twenties.
Until you met her.
Scarlett Johansson popped up in your life out of nowhere, as if she had appeared out of thin air, but she soon proved to be very different from anyone else you knew. You couldn’t pinpoint exactly what made her so different from the rest, but you figured it out after a while. She was older than you, she was already divorced, she had experience. She had experience.
It didn’t take long for you to fall for her, head first and without going back. How could you not? How could you not fall for her when she did things that no one else had ever done for you?
Scarlett would open the doors for you - and it would never fail to make you blush. She would bring you flowers, but not only when she was picking you up for a date - no, she was always pampering you with flowers, sometimes sending you a bouquet even when she was traveling and currently on the other side of the ocean. She would treat you to fancy dinners and expensive wines, and take you to try dishes you never even heard about. She would call you "darling" and kiss your cheek in public, although she wasn’t usually holding your hand - her hand was normally at your lower back, guiding you gently but with no hesitation. Scarlett would give you small gifts all the time too - you picked up on the fact that you would talk about a book you wanted to read one day and said book would be waiting for you in the next one. Scarlett even renounced her side of the bed because that was your favorite.
Overall, Scarlett was a true gentleman.
Except when you were inside the bedroom.
Oh, when you were inside the bedroom things were very different.
She never truly forewent her gentleman persona since she would whisper sweet nothings in your ear while pounding you mercilessly on the bed. Scarlett would pull your hair and kiss your jaw sweetly at the same time. She would ruin you and then go up your body kissing every inch of your skin while also telling you how good you were. She would call you a slut and, after you had the best orgasm in your life, she would prepare you a hot bath where she would rub your feet and tell you how much she loves you.
That’s why you were so damn surprised with the conversation that took place that night.
“Thank you for the flowers,” you said while peeling a potato.
Scarlett was cutting up bacon into cubes beside you, but she hit the knife a bit harder after she heard what you said. “I didn’t send you flowers.”
She looked at you with one quirked eyebrow, clearly asking you for more information, but you were too busy trying to fight back a blush. When you were called in the middle of your workday to go to the reception table to sign off a delivery, you were already halfway expecting it to be flowers. Scarlett didn’t make a habit of sending things to your work - unless you shamefully admitted you skipped a meal and she made a goal of trying to feed you - but you also never received anything unless it wasn’t for something Scarlett sent you.
So, when you got there and saw the bouquet, you immediately assumed it had been from your girlfriend, although you didn’t have time to send her a quick text to thank her because you needed to rush for a meeting and couldn’t take your phone with you. You were busy until closing hours and, since you had plans with Scarlett that night, you didn’t bother texting her, just deciding to thank her in person.
Which was what you were trying to do.
“What do you mean?” You asked with your head tilted to the side.
“I didn’t send you anything,” Scarlett repeated, now putting the knife down to fully look at you. “You received flowers today?”
“Yes,” you still sounded confused when you also stopped peeling the potatoes. “It wasn’t you?”
“No, no it wasn’t.” Her voice was firm now, leaving no room for arguments, and you could see her jaw clenching a bit. “Who sent you flowers?”
“Babe, I thought it was you!” You were fast to try to explain, even though you weren’t exactly sure how you could explain something like that. “I don’t know who - Oh.”
Oh, indeed.
The thought crossed your mind while you were talking, but that was the only thing that could make sense. If Scarlett hadn’t been the one to send you the flowers, there was only one other option for who did it. And it was bad because, sure, you didn’t want to receive flowers from anyone but your girlfriend, but the fact that it was that particular person who did it made it a thousand times worse.
Scarlett must have picked on your reaction because she raised one eyebrow at you, clearly not amused at all. “What does ‘oh’ mean?” You didn’t reply since you weren’t sure if it was a good idea to do so, although it only resulted in Scarlett crossing her arms while she glared at you. “Y/N.”
It was a warning, you knew that much. It usually happened when you were making too much noise when she was fucking you somewhere you might get caught or when you tried to distract her from her work by walking around naked around the house. It always came to you to decide if you would take the risk to keep pushing your limits or if you would back down - and, of course, sometimes you just kept pushing just to see what she would do to you.
That wasn’t the time for that, though.
The mood wasn’t set for sexy times. Scarlett seemed mad and impatient.
“Uh, I might know who sent them,” you admitted and watched as her eyes narrowed. “Are you sure it wasn’t you, though? Maybe you forgot about it.”
“Forgot?” Scarlett repeated the word with a scoff. “I would’ve done it in my sleep for me not to be able to remember if I sent my girlfriend flowers or not.”
Well, fine, so there was no hope for you. “Okay.” You bit your bottom lip and looked down at your feet. “Don’t be mad,” you plead in a whisper.
You were still looking down, but you heard Scarlett sighing before you felt her soft hands touching your face. She prompted you to raise your head, which you did, and you saw she was making an effort to wash the anger from her features. “I’m not mad,” Scarlett said and, despite it all, she sounded honest. Her thumbs were making soothing circles on your cheeks and you felt yourself relaxing when she smiled at you. “I’m sorry if it looked like I was. I was just caught off guard, that’s all.”
You nodded to let her know it was okay, but you still whimpered a bit. “It’s not really my fault.”
“I know it’s not.” Scarlett pulled you for a hug, making you rest your head on her shoulder as she kissed your forehead. “I’m sorry, princess. I didn’t mean to make you feel like I was mad at you.”
You knew she wouldn’t actually be mad with you about it. Scarlett was way more laid back about it than you, for sure, so you weren’t honestly worried about it even for a second. If things happened the other way around - if Scarlett had been the one receiving flowers from someone who was trying to hit on her - you would be livid too. Not at her - the same way her anger wasn’t directed at you - but you also would’ve been in a much worse mood.
No one could blame you for pushing things a little bit, though. Not really. Because you knew Scarlett would comfort you and that she would jump in to make you feel safe in her arms, loved and cared for - and maybe that’s the exact reason you always pushed your limits around her.
“I, uh, I might know who sent them,” you declared once you pulled away a bit shyly. Scarlett nodded in encouragement for you to keep talking, so you did. “I had a meeting yesterday with someone from another company. It was just business, really, but I noticed that this guy wouldn’t stop looking at me and, when the meeting was over, he walked towards me to ask for my number so we could ‘discuss more personal matters’.” You made the quotation marks with your fingers while you rolled your eyes at the memory. It had pissed you off the day before and it was pissing you off again now that you were remembering it. “I told him I wasn’t interested and he walked away. I thought he got the message.” The last part was said with a groan as you pinched the bridge of your nose.
That made Scarlett’s expression shift to something assembling worry and concern. “Has he made you uncomfortable?”
“Just annoyed,” you sighed and shrugged. “He didn’t insist. But he apparently sent me flowers today, so I don’t know how I feel about that.” The conversation with the man had been strictly professional and you couldn’t imagine what happened to make him think he could send you flowers like that. You did care that he hadn’t taken the hint and was insisting, but, at the same time, you couldn’t care less if he suddenly had a crush on you. You had the most perfect woman beside you, you didn’t need or want anyone else.
Scarlett nodded and leaned to kiss your forehead again, more firmly now to offer you some comfort, before she offered you a grin. “Well, if he tries something like that again, you let me know,” she asked before her grin became a bit devious. “I could ask Hemsworth to give him a piece of mind.”
You laughed as you pictured the scene. A man like Hemsworth - a muscle mountain - walking inside someone’s office to defend your honor on Scarlett’s behalf. “I think he would shit his pants if he ever saw Hemsworth in front of him.”
“That would work perfectly for me.” Scarlett shrugged, now sounding amused about the whole thing.
You chuckled happily and gave your girlfriend a quick peck. “Thank you. There’s no need to call in anyone in this situation. Yet,” you added as a later thought, noticing how Scarlett got serious again. “I promise I will tell you it keeps happening. If he sends me something else, I will go to my boss about it as well. He might do something about it.” The man worked for a company that your boss was thinking about making some transactions, so that could actually work in your favor if he decides to give the dude a little scare. Your boss was an older man with four daughters and seven granddaughters. You were sure he would be even angrier than Scarlett if he ever heard about that story.
“Okay,” your girlfriend conceded. “I will let you handle that for now, but you come to me if you need any help. Deal?”
“Deal,” you agreed quickly with a little smile, happy to be given that trust to handle things for yourself first.
You loved it when Scarlett took over to solve your problems because you trusted her blindly to always make the best decisions and to get things done. Sometimes you got too overwhelmed by everything and it was nice to rely on someone else. This time, however, you were sure you could deal with things alone. You would get to your office the next day and send the guy a very straightforward email to let him know he shouldn’t be sending you any more gifts and that your conversations would remain only work related, and see how things go after that.
The best part of having someone like Scarlett was that you knew that, if things didn’t work out how you wanted them to, you could come to her at any time and she would jump right in to help you. You knew that she wouldn’t actually call her castmate to help scare some grow-up man - logistically, it would be hard to do it since Hemsworth was currently in his home back in Australia - but Scarlett was a very skilled woman herself. She would know no boundaries to protect you.
With that in mind, you placed your arms around her shoulders, letting your wrists meet behind her neck, and took a step forward to get closer to her. “My knight in shining armor,” you sang provocatively before giving her a kiss.
“Hm,” Scarlett moaned against your mouth, causing a content sigh to escape your lips and you both pulled away a few inches. “Maybe he needs to know that you’re taken,” she suggested.
“Oh, I am?” You tried to sound as innocent as possible, though you knew it just sounded like you were teasing her. You didn’t care. The mood had shifted and you now wanted to push your limits again.
“Yes.’ Scarlett’s voice was firm, but it was the way that her hands gripped your hips to pull you against her that made you gasp. “Haven’t you noticed it yet? That you’re mine.” She was smiling now, her green eyes going darker by the second, and you suddenly felt like you were a few seconds away from dying right then and there. “All mine,” Scarlett whispered with a hoarse tone and your knees lost some of their strength.
“I know.” You eagerly nodded because, yes, you knew that. You made yourself hers.
Scarlett smiled even brighter and she leaned over to hide her face in the crook of your neck. You felt her lips brushing against your skin, although she didn’t touch you. “Do you really? Maybe a reminder would do some good.” Finally, an open-mouthed kiss was pressed against your pulse point and you felt goosebumps going up and down your spine. “Maybe a little mark so everyone knows you belong to someone else.”
“Scarlett,” you moaned both at her words and the sensation of her tongue darting out to lick a path on your skin.
“Yes, darling?” Scarlett sounded amused, which almost made you roll your eyes at her.
“If you don’t take me to your room right now to keep up your word, I will be sending your flowers back from now on,” you threatened and, even if you both knew it was a blatant lie, it did the trick.
“Hm, we can’t let that happen,” Scarlett joked before she pulled away to look at you again.
The next day, you came back from a meeting and saw a life-sized bouquet on top of your desk with a small card written in Scarlett’s beautiful cursive letter.
“To my beautiful girlfriend,
You own my love
and I promise to protect your heart.
You decided to forego the email idea. No, you would do something even better. You would call the stupid man to your office so he could see for himself that he was nothing compared to your girlfriend.
And, if you had three new hickeys in your neck that he might see, well, that was just a consequence.
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canirove · 9 months
My neighbour Rúben | Chapter 1
Summary: Have you ever watched this movie Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans did before Marvel called “The Nanny Diaries”? It's about a girl, Scarlett's character, who finds herself working as a nanny for a very rich family, and Chris happens to be her hot and very cute neighbour. And something very similar is what has happened to me, neighbour included. Though in my case, mine is very cute and very hot. And handsome. The most handsome man I have ever seen. And his name is Rúben.
Author's note: This story has been finished and waiting in my drafts since 2022. I wrote it as a new and different version of "The Nanny Diaries" (my story with Ben Chilwell) because I didn't like it, and then I ended not liking this one either 🙈 But time passed, I read it again recently, thought it was cute… And here we are, having now both of them posted when they weren't supposed to 😅 I hope you like it, and as always, thank you for reading! 💜
Next chapter
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Have you ever watched this movie Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans did before Marvel called “The Nanny Diaries”? It's about a girl, Scarlett's character, who finds herself working as a nanny for a very rich family with a spoiled kid and Chris is her hot and very cute neighbour. And something very similar is what has happened to me, but let's start from the beginning.
My entire life was designed to achieve one goal: become the best piano player in the country. Or in the continent if my father got too excited. And since I can remember, I've been glued to one.
While my friends were going out to the park, I was going to my teacher's house to practice. While my friends were meeting to go shopping or watch a movie at the cinema, I was practicing. While my friends were going out clubbing and meeting boys and girls, I was going early to bed because I had practice in the morning. And while my friends were choosing a career path they liked and enjoyed and moving to different cities all around the country, I only had one option: playing the piano and moving to Manchester, where the best teacher lived. 
The weather sucks, yes. But it isn't such an ugly city as they say, and all the people I met were lovely and very welcoming. Unless you are fighting with them for a spot on the next recital or to get the next scholarship. That's when things get nasty, and that's how you end up with broken fingers and the dreams your parents had for you shattered. Because becoming the best piano player of my generation wasn't my dream, it was theirs. Or my father’s to be precise.
So when Anastasia Hamilton pushed me down the stairs and I found myself with two broken fingers on my left hand, a sprained ankle and my body covered in bruises, I didn't complain. Well, that's a lie. I complained and cried because it hurt like hell. But I didn't complain when they told me I wouldn't be able to play the piano like I used to due to one of my fingers not healing properly despite being treated by the best doctors. I didn't complain because I was finally free. If I wanted to play, I would be doing it because I wanted to, not because it was my job, because I had to, because my future depended on it. Now I was free to finally follow my dreams and not my parents’. Or that's what I thought.
I told them I wanted to take a gap year to figure out what to do with my life, but they said no. They had decided that I should study to become a music teacher, to help others achieve what I hadn't been able to. We argued, they said that if I wanted to do anything different it would not be with their money, I said ok, and I found myself alone in Manchester with barely any money or a place to live.
And that's when I crossed paths with Julia. 
I had gone to the shopping centre to see if anyone was looking for a waitress or someone to fold t-shirts in a shop, when I saw her crying in the middle of one of the corridors, most people walking past her and ignoring her. 
"Hey, are you ok?" I said, kneeling in front of her. "Where are your parents?"
"Quiero a mi mamá" she sobbed. That was why people were ignoring her. She only spoke Spanish and they didn't understand her. But, lucky me, I used to go to the north of Spain for music summer camp and I can speak it fluently. 
"¿Dónde está tu mamá?" Where is your mum? 
"No lo sé. Estaba comprando una taza fea y..." Her mum was buying an ugly mug. I couldn't help but laugh at that.
"Ok, let’s go find her.” Where we were most shops only sold clothes, but I remembered I had just walked past a Zara Home. Maybe she was there? "Come" I said, grabbing her hand. She didn't say a word and just followed me, her sobs turning into hiccups. 
"Julia!" a woman screamed the moment we turned the corner. "Oh, Julia, I thought I had lost you!" 
"Mami!" the kid said, letting go of my hand and throwing herself at the woman. "Me perdí y esta chica me ayudó."
"Did you help her?" the woman asked me.
"I saw her crying and that people were ignoring her, and I decided to check on her. She was speaking Spanish and I think that's why most people were walking past her, because they weren't able to understand her."
"Oh, she always does that when she gets upset. Do you speak Spanish?"
"Oh, you are an angel" the woman said, hugging her daughter a bit tighter. "I don't know how I'm gonna be able to thank you."
"Knowing that she's alright is enough, don’t worry."
"No, no, no. You must allow me to do something for you. What do you say, Julia. Should we invite this wonderful angel to have lunch with us?"
"Yes!" Julia said, her English coming back. "We'll bake you a chocolate cake! Do you like chocolate cake?"
"I actually do, yes" I smiled.
"Then it's settled. Let me give you my card, it has my office phone number on it" Julia's mum said, opening her bag. "Call tomorrow morning and we'll schedule that lunch together."
"Ok. Thank you."
"Thank you" the woman said, giving me a hug. "My name us Lucía, by the way. But you can call me Lucy like everyone in this country does."
"Nice to meet you, Lucy."
Lucía, Lucy. A Spanish lawyer specialized in divorces, and the divorces of very wealthy people. Which meant that when I arrived at her house for that lunch date, I found myself before one of the most expensive apartment buildings in the city. 
"Are you coming in, miss?" the doorman asked.
"Yes, hi, sorry. Do I have to tell you where I'm going or..."
"You don't look like a thief" the man chuckled.
"I'm not, I promise. I'm meeting with Lucy and Julia."
"Oh, yes. Miss Julia said a friend was coming for lunch today. An angel."
"That must be me" I said, blushing a bit.
"Then welcome, miss" the man said, opening the building's door. "Do you know their floor number?"
"Yes, the 7th. Letter B."
"That’s the one. Call for the lift and push the number, their house will be the one to your right."
"Thank you very much, sir."
"My pleasure, miss" the man said with a smile. Roger. The loveliest man you'll ever meet.
"So glad you could make it" Lucy said after opening the door, giving me a hug. 
"Angel!" Julia screamed, coming to also hug me. "You came!"
"Of course I did."
"She’s decided to start calling you angel because of what I said at the shopping centre. I hope you don’t mind.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry" I smiled.
“Come, let me show you my room" Julia said, grabbing my hand and forcing me to follow her.
After a tour around the house and its many rooms, we were back in the living room, one where the small flat I was renting thanks to some money my grandparents had been sending me without my parents knowing, could perfectly fit.
"Is that a real piano?" I asked Julia.
"It's daddy's" she said. "We used to play together."
"That's lovely." My dad never played with me just for fun. It always was about practice, practice... And oh, yes, more practice.
"Do you play?" Lucy asked me.
"Since I was Julia's age."
"Oh, that's wonderful! Why don't you play something for us while we wait for our food?"
"Sure" I said, sitting in front of the huge black piano. It was a very expensive one like everything else on that building.
"Daddy used to play that!" Julia said when she recognized the song. "Hey Jude, don't make it bad... Mami, why are you crying?" she asked her when we finished.
"Because it was beautiful, sweetheart. And you play so well" Lucy told me. "Have you ever thought about giving lessons?"
"Not really..."
"Julia started to take them a few months ago, but her teacher... Had other things to do, so now she doesn't have one. Would you like to take her place?"
"Yes, angel! Be my teacher!" Julia said, clapping her hands and jumping.
That was what my parents had wanted me to do. To become a teacher. I wasn't going to be doing it at the music school, but this still was teaching, right? And I liked Lucy and Julia a lot despite only knowing them for just a few hours. 
"I'll do it" I said. "I'll be Julia's teacher."
"Oh, perfect!" Lucy smiled. "When can you start?"
"Whenever you want. I have nothing else to do" I shrugged.
"Then tomorrow. I have to work, so maybe you could pick up Julia from school, bring her here and start your lessons? I'll pay you for that extra time."
"Ok" I nodded.
I had found a job, one that I liked, and one that was going to pay me handsomely judging by the numbers Lucy had mentioned while doing a draft of my contract. 
I was so busy thinking about all that, checking the details she had given me about Julia's school, that I hadn’t noticed the lift had made it to the lobby and the doors were open. 
“Are you going up again?” a male voice said.
“Uh?” I replied, lifting my eyes from my phone. And what did they see? The most handsome man you could ever imagine.
“Are you going up again?” he repeated.
“I…” I had forgotten how to speak. I may have not been wearing an ugly costume like Scarlett in one of the scenes where she met Chris Evans, but I had my jaw on the floor and definitely was making a fool of myself. “No” I finally managed to say.
“So… are you leaving, then?” he asked, trying to hide a smile.
“Yes” I said, still looking at him. Was he real? He was real. When he stopped the lift’s door from closing again, taking a step forward towards me, I saw that he was very real. “Thank you. Sorry. I’m leaving” I blurted out, my brain finally remembering how speaking worked. Kind of.
“It’s ok” he replied with a smile. No, not a smile. A smirk. One that made everything inside me turn upside down. “Bye” he said, walking inside the lift and letting go of the doors, disappearing behind them while I just stared. He must have thought I was stupid. A creep. Or both. But what else are you supposed to do when you find yourself face to face with the hottest man in planet earth?
“Miss, are you alright?” I heard Roger say from the door.
“Yes, yes. Just… Processing what just happened. That I got a job, I mean” I quickly added, noticing how he was arching an eyebrow, his eyes moving to the lift. 
“Oh, those are great news, miss. Congratulations.”
“Thank you. I guess you’ll be seeing more of me from now on.”
And hopefully, I would be seeing more of him too. Of the hot neighbour, my own Chris Evans. Though later on I would find out that his name wasn’t Chris, that would have been too much of a coincidence.
His name was Rúben. 
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be-missed · 11 months
I Love You More
Florence Pugh X Fem!Reader
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(picture not mine)
Summary: You are dating Florence Pugh, and Florence knows that you are one of the biggest fan of Natasha Romanoff. Florence invited you to the celebration dinner for Black Widow 2 because they just finished filming. As you don't know, Scarlett was also there because she reprised her role as Natasha Romanoff.
A/N: Hope everyone is okay, I miss Natasha. I also don't know how to do the "See more" option, so uhm, can someone please teach me how to do it or is it automatic? Idk sorry.
Warning: None. Please notify me if there are.
"Hey babe, are you sure it's fine for me to come to the celebration? Isn't that supposed to be a secret?" You teased Florence about the dinner because she doesn't even tell you the plot of the movie, she just tells you that she is glad to be part of the movie again and you'll love it.
"Stop with the teasing darling, and yes, you are allowed to join because one of the higher ups told me so." Florence answered you as she nuzzled to your neck and breathed in you smell and leaves pecks to your neck.
Before things get heated you pull away and heard the whine that comes out of Florence's mouth. "Okay babe, let's save it for later we'll be late. Come one let's move our ass up." Y/N said as she breaks from Florence's hold on her waist and gives Florence one last peck on her lips.
As Y/N gets ready for the last time, collecting herself and doing breathing exercise before they enter the dining hall that was rented by the team, Florence holds Y/N waist and whisper in her ears "Hey, you are doing a nice job, let's enter and have a nice night yeah?".
While they enter the dining hall, Florence started to talk to everyone and she doesn't forget to introduce her girlfriend to everyone. Florence holds Y/N's hands tight and doesn't forget to squeeze it every time Florence feels that Y/N breathing changes.
As they hear the host asked to go to their assigned seat, Y/N saw Florence's smile become brighter, as she follows her girlfriend's line of sight, there she is, Scarlett Johansson.
Y/N mentally panics, the gay one, the gay panic. Hundreds and hundred of thoughts are filling her mind right now. Like, Why is she here? Is she a producer? Of course she is right? WILL SHE BE BACK AS NATASHA? No, that's impossible, but I heard rumors, uhm NO, STILL IMPOSSIBLE. But WHY IS SHE HERE? Oh NO, what will I say? Can I even speak? Oh no.
Florence saw how her girlfriend panic and pulled her girlfriend out of her thoughts by squeezing her hand. "Surprise darling" Florence whispered to Y/N's ear with a giggle.
Scarlett was walking to the couple and Y/N can't do anything but focus on her breathing and nudge Florence with her elbow. "You could've told me earlier that Scarlett will be here" Y/N said to her girlfriend while she's mentally readying herself to talk to Scarlett.
"Hey ladies, how's the night going? I see Florence now brought her lovely girlfriend" Scarlett stated as she greet the both of you with the brightest smile.
"Hey Scarlett, this is Y/N my girlfriend and the love of my life. Y/N this is Scarlett, my friend and also my co-star." Florence introduced you to each other. Y/N is still in a haze and that's when Scarlett initiated a hug with Y/N.
Y/N still in the clouds have muttered words "Hi Scarlett, it's really nice meeting you, Florence told me a lot about you." Y/N tells Scarlett with a smile. Y/N was always glancing at Scarlett and stared at her in awe, mentally processing that she is near Scarlett and Scarlett knows her.
As the dinner went by, everyone was happy with the outcome of the filming and the editing and was excited for the release of the trailers. The night went by and everyone is saying their farewells to each other.
Inside the car Florence stares at Y/N with a bright smile on her face. A tinge of jealousy sparks on Florence's heart, but she knows that it's dumb to feel jealousy towards her co-star knowing that she is the girlfriend and you just really adored Scarlett and her character Natasha.
This change in Florence's aura doesn't go unnoticed by her girlfriend, so Y/N asked her girlfriend "Darling, all good?" and Florence only answered with a hum.
Y/N pushed through since she doesn't want Florence to feel neglected, "Honey, please tell me, I know something is bugging you?" Y/N added a pouty face.
"Well.." Florence started and continued with a sigh, "I feel jealous, I know it's dumb and stupid, but I feel like you nearly tell Scarlett that I was only a good friend. You also kept on staring at her. But I'm glad that you get to know her, I just feel, I don't know..." Florence looked at you with her pout, making her look like a baby and it makes you want to kiss it away, and that you did.
"I'm sorry if that's how my actions made you feel my love, I didn't mean to make you feel like I'm gonna tell Scarlett like you are a good friend. My inner child is just happy to finally meet her hero, and now I'm really glad that you let us meet. But I'm mostly happy that I am with you, here by your side, going home to our house, getting to wind down with you. My heart explodes with the thought that the filming ended and I get to be with the life of my life for the rest of my days, and no one can top that." Y/N said while looking at Florence directly that made her tear up.
"Are you proposing to me now, huh?" Florence said with a giggle that made the both of them laugh. "Well this is not how I want to propose, but I am saying that marrying you Florence will be the best thing that's gonna happen to me." Y/N said as she kissed Florence tenderly.
They break apart from the kiss with a smile on their faces. "I love you" Florence whispered, "I love you more. More than every thing and everyone. I love you Florence" Y/N answered.
A/N: thank you for reading <3
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nats-bottom · 3 months
SJ - Doctor's Office
Summary: Reader has anxiety about going to the doctor's office and Scarlett calms her down and distracts her.
Pairings: Scarlett Johansson and Reader
Warnings: Doctor's office, almost-panic attack, swearing, anxiety and depression mentions, medication mentions.
I also have accounts on Wattpad and AO3! The users there are @ paige_vers
Please give me requests! You can submit them here or on my insta, @ scarlettsoutset
I dreaded these days. They didn't happen often, but when they did, they always sucked. As soon as I was 16, my mom made me go to all my doctor's appointments by myself. And this year is no different. Even though it's just my yearly check-up, I still get very nervous. What if they find something wrong? What if I'm really sick? I just get all these worries in my head that don't seem to go away. 
My appointment isn't until three in the afternoon, but that's all I can think about. It's currently ten AM, but I'm just pacing around the living room of the house that me and my girlfriend, Scarlett shared. Scarlett was out getting groceries, but she should be back any minute. Then as if on queue, I hear the front door open. Unable to stop my pacing, I keep up my pacing while I hear Scarlett put away the frozens and drop the rest of the bags of groceries on the ground. I feel hands on my shoulders and look up to see Scarlett in front of me. I stop pacing and look into her beautiful, forest green eyes.
"Breathe with me" She says, taking deep breaths in and out. I didn't even realize that I was hyperventilating, but I started to follow her breathing pattern after a few breaths. Once I've calmed down enough, Scarlett takes my hands and sits us down on a couch. "Is it the doctor's appointment?" She asks, almost as if she already knows.
I nod my head, still too shaken up to speak. Her thumbs rub patterns on the back of my hands. I look down at my lap, feeling ashamed for getting all worked up over a simple appointment. 
"Hey, look at me." Scarlett says. I look up at her, worry still written all over my face. "It'll be ok. You'll be perfectly fine and healthy. You eat well, you take care of your skin, you exercise, you have no symptoms. You have nothing to be worried about." 
She lets go of one of my hands and cups my cheek. "Do you want me to go with you?" I nod, still nervous to speak, of fear that my voice might crack. This means a lot to me, as I've been going to these appointments alone for years. This will be the first time I will have gone with someone else besides my mother, and I'm glad it's Scarlett. Even though we have only been together for a year now, I'm glad she cares enough about me to go with me. For my last appointment, Scarlett was away filming. If she was here, I know that she would've come. 
"I've got to go put away the rest of the groceries. Do you want to come help me? It might take your mind off of the appointment." I nod in agreement. Scarlett gets up and gives me a hand of hers to help me get up. I take her hand and walk with her to the kitchen. I start to put away the groceries, and she walks over toward the speaker system. She looks through her phone for a minute, and grins. She turns on the speaker system, and connects her phone, playing my favorite music. Music that she knows I can't resist not dancing and singing to. She walks back over, swaying her hips to the beat, and I watch her, biting my lip. I switch my focus back to the groceries, oblivious to the fact that Scar has now abandoned her task of putting away the groceries and now is dancing along to the music. 
As I put the last few things away, I hum a bit to the music. When I put the last thing away, I actually sing a little bit. Once I am all done, I turn around, and see Scarlett dancing to the music. 
"So that's why I had to put away everything by myself. You-" I boop her nose "Were busy dancing, you cutie."
"Care to join me?" Scarlett says as she outstretches her hand to me. I gladly take it. She twirls me around, and then puts one hand on my hip. She keeps a hold of my other hand, and I put my free hand on her shoulder. We sway to the music as we both sing-shout along to the music.
The next song to come on is a slower song, so we don't shout to the music as much, but instead just sing at a normal volume. She leans in closer to me, nuzzling her head in my neck. Her arm snakes around my back, and mine around her neck. We just sway to the music, holding each other tight and close. 
Once the slow song is over, we let go of each other and start to dance our asses off to the next few songs. That's when I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I check to see what it says, and it's a reminder that my appointment is in one hour. 
I start to panic again, and Scarlett notices. She takes a quick glance at the clock first, realizing the time, and envelopes me in a hug. I hug Scar back, taking in her scent. Her hugs always help me calm down. She pulls back peppers my face in kisses. Once my face has been fully appreciated, she rests her forehead on mine, looking into my eyes. I look back into her sparkling eyes, and let out a sigh. She always knows how to calm me down. 
"Let's go darling." Scarlett says. She knows that if she were to mention the doctor's, that might've made me panic again. She grabs her phone and her keys in one hand, and takes my hand in the other. We walk in silence to the car, where Scarlett opens the door for me and helps me get in. She gets in on her side, and after she starts the car, she connects her phone and continues the same playlist from before.
We both sing along the whole ride there. Once we get there, I'm hesitant to get out, so Scarlett comes over to help me out. She opens my door and undoes my seatbelt for me. She takes my hand, and just stands there, holding it.
"Come on, my love. We can't avoid this forever. You got this. I believe in you. Now let's get this over with." She says lovingly. She takes my hand up to her mouth and kisses my knuckles. 
I eventually get out of the car, and we walk hand in hand to the building and through the doors. I check in at the front desk, and we sit down together. We keep holding hands, and at one point she brings them up to her mouth, kissing the whole back of my hand. She knows this will keep my calm and keep my mind occupied. Before I know it, the door opens and they call out my name.
"y/n?" The nurse said. I get up and look at Scarlett. She is still sitting down, probably expecting to stay out here the entire time.
Still holding her hand, I say "You're coming with me, silly." She shoots me a playful grin, one that always gives me butterflies, and gets up, walking with me to the exam room. 
The nurse ushers me to sit on the exam bed, while he suggests Scarlett sit on one of the chairs that's in the room. "I think I'll stand," Scarlett says, still not letting go of my hand. She helps me get up on the exam bed, and stands next to me, holding my hand with her hand furthest away from me and rubbing my back with her other hand. The nurse takes my vitals, then walks out of the room. We wait a few minutes for the doctor, who eventually comes in.
The doctor comes in and tells me that everything looks normal, and the only thing that needs to be changed are my head meds. These are what me and Scar call my anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds. She gives me a new prescription and tells me to come back next year. 
She leads us to the front desk, where I schedule an appointment for next year. We walk out the car, and as soon as we're both inside, I let out a huge sigh of relief. 
"You did great, sweetie. I'm so very proud of you." Scarlett says, looking at me and resting a hand on my thigh. I put a hand of mine of top of hers, where it stays for the drive home.
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crunchycrystals · 27 days
still thinking about That Scene in chris grace as scarlett johansson and i want as many people to watch this as possible so under the cut it goes. watch this if you've ever been interested in representation in media and how it affects the way you perceive yourself
anyways so ive talked briefly about how i love a good full utilization of a format (link here) but now i wanna go more in depth on it bc i love it a lot
make some noise
jesus christ the first time i saw this i paused and started jumping up and down on my couch. let me start with basics !!! i love that the video of the show appears on the make some noise tv. its so unnerving to see something completely detached from make some noise now on the tv after watching dozens of episodes. and sam just saying the normal spiel he does every time leaves you wondering for a few extremely disorienting seconds if they just edited the video onto a normal episode until he starts to introduce chris and you see his nameplate is erased. another extremely disorienting thing because we NEVER see the nameplates empty and it ties in so well with the identity crisis currently happening in the show. he has no idea who he is as a performer like is the performer part of him the real part?? how much has been played up for entertainment??? and then after the horror has been slammed into you by the prompt and seeing chris as confused by all of this as we are, he runs off which leads to the thing that kept me standing on my couch for the next 10 minutes
very important people
first off. i absolutely love the coincidence (or intentional detail???? who knows but either way) of chris's first line on the make some noise set being "my name is..." because that's the thing that started vip !!!!!!! and throughout the rest of the existential crisis dropout trip he constantly says "hello my name is" too ough i love that so much thats why i started writing this whole post. very important people is the perfect show to add to this segment it makes me feel a little feral thinking about it. coming out on stage without any alterations to his appearance, again back to the idea of is the chris grace on stage the real chris grace?? can he ever be??? and again his name is gone like in the scene before. vic says "you can be anything you want" like the thing scarjo said to justify playing an asian character and he still can't come up with anything. then the card transition oh my godddddddd
dirty laundry
(side note i did say before that the cards on the vip set were dirty laundry cards. i was wrong they are vip card the designs just look very similar esp compared to s1 of vip)
this is gonna be way shorter than the two rambles above i just think it's really cool to use the dirty laundry question format for some identity crisis stuff. i don't know how to properly express how cool i think it is i don't think i can do it justice. the "who..." format for the cards is a great way of expressing how he is losing grip of his identity
this section of the post is also to point out that i am only noticing now that the "dropout presents" version of chris is seen on the couch at some point also heckling stage chris which is a nice detail especially since part of the card was "who is generally a hypocrite"
gastronauts hasn't come out yet so i can't analyze this as much as i'd like but to me it just seems like an extension of the thing started in dirty laundry of everyone confusing him for scarlett johansson. i initially see this as a reference to the fact that throughout the whole show it's been going deeper than him playing scarlett as she plays him and then her playing him plays her again, etc, but thinking about it more for this post makes me think it's like the line between the real person and character they play blurring. i think everyone in the dropout audience is pretty familiar with this like we know brennan pissed on game changer isn't actually how he is in real life, but it's extremely easy to fall into that parasocial trap. when you put so much of your actual self in a character or performance it's hard to find the line between, even for the performer. chris keeps saying that he's not scarlett but everyone insists it's who he is
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jpmarvel90 · 1 year
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Don't let me down - Part 5
Masterlist Scarlett Masterlist
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Relationship: MamaScarlett x 16 yr old Reader
Summary: Settling in, Y/n now meets Scarlett's wider family. Whilst the Johansson/Josts go support Y/n at her first game of the season.
Word count: 6071
Y/n's POV:
"Morning kiddo. You're up early." Colin greets me whilst balancing Cosmo on his shoulder. It's current 6:30am and I've been up a lot longer than that, but I'm not about to tell him that. "Yeah, I'm quite an early riser." I share, it's not a lie, but I'm not an early riser through choice. I'd happily sleep in late if I could. But my brain still thinks if I stay in too late, I'll be caught by Mr Woodstock.
It also doesn't help that today I'm meeting Scarlett's mom and siblings. Thankfully, they're not all bringing their kids. I think that would be a little too overwhelming for me if I'm honest. "Would you like some coffee? You look like you could do with some." He offers, making me smile. "You saying I look like crap?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow.
There's a brief look of panic on his face but when I smirk at him, I can see his shoulders relax, knowing he hasn't actually offended me. "Just a little tired around the edges." He teases in return. "Then fill her up!" I say, holding a mug out towards him. Once I take my first sip, I can already feel my body starting to wake up.
"Are you nervous about today?" He asks me, making conversation whilst he tends to Cosmo. I look down to the mug in my hand, a little ashamed that I'm so nervous about this. "A little." I admit. When I do lift my head, I'm met with Colin giving me a warm, sympathetic smile. "Don't worry. They're all really excited to see you again. I can also confirm they are lovely people. I definitely got lucky with the in-laws." He reassures me.
"Meet me again?" I ask a little confused. "Yeah, they were all there when Scarlett gave birth to you. They all met you then. Melanie is especially excited to meet you. I have a feeling she'll be over earlier than the rest to get a head start." He chuckles. "Seriously though, if it becomes too much for you at any time, just let me know and I'll make up an excuse to take you out of the room." He offers and it makes me smile.
I've only been living here for a little over two weeks, but Colin has been so accepting of me. I mean, Scarlett has too, but I'm her daughter. Colin had every right to dislike me, but he is so caring and treats me like Rose and Cosmo. I really appreciate it. I can see why Scarlett likes him.
It's slowly become easier being here. Since our talk in the park, I feel closer to Scarlett which is nice. Rose went from not giving a shit about me, to me being her favourite person. Which gave me a bit of whiplash, but it's been nice spending time with her. She hasn't long started playing soccer at school, so I've been helping her to practice her skills. I must admit, she's not bad.
After my blip of questioning my annoyance to Laura, I spoke to her about it, and she spent about half an hour scolding me for ever thinking that. Our relationship is probably stronger than ever, and I know that I'm going to take the plunge soon and tell her how I feel. I know I risk losing our friendship, but I hope that even if she isn't interested, she'll stick around.
"Do you want me to take Cosmo whilst you go and get ready?" I ask Colin, who instantly nods and moves to hand Cosmo over to me. "Thanks kiddo. I'll see you in a bit." He smiles, placing a kiss to my head and rushing up the stairs. "Hi there buddy. Look at you all handsome this morning." I greet my little brother. Is it sad that my favourite person is a baby?
Wanting to do something nice for the family, I decide to start on breakfast. I find the baby sling and make sure that Cosmo is comfy before grabbing out what I need to make some pancakes. I put some music on quietly and start to dancing around a little to help comfort Cosmo, who is giggling a treat. It keeps distracting me and I find myself getting lost in his cute little smile. God he's such a cute baby!
"Ok then buddy. What shall I prepare to go with the pancakes? Bacon is always a winner." I start to talk to him, and he looks at me as if he understands every word I'm saying. "I guess we need to do fruit for Scarlett. Don't want her complaining that her trainer will be mad." I say with a scrunched up face. Fruit just ruins pancakes. "Oh, better not forget the syrup for Rosebud!" I remember, moving to the cupboard to grab out the bottle.
"Well, this is a sight I could get used to." I spin around so quickly to see the source of the voice. Scarlett is leant against the door frame, watching over us with a content smile on her face. "Your 16 year old with a baby?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. "God no! No sex until you're like 30!" She quickly orders, making me laugh. "Wait. You're not, you know. There isn't someone I haven't met that you're uh doing that with?" She asks making this moment all too awkward. "Oh God, Scarlett no!" I respond, my cheeks heating up and going a dark red. "Sorry. I was just check. What I had meant was it's nice seeing my daughter being adorably cute with her brother. I love how well he's taken to you." She corrects her earlier statement and thankfully drops the sex talk.
"And thank you for being so considerate of my feelings on my trainer." She smirks at me, making me blush with embarrassment that she heard all that. "Coffee or juice." I ask her, moving on from that subject. "I'll do drinks. Thank you though sweetheart." She smiles at me, moving to the fridge to grab out a couple of cartons of juice.
I can feel her eyes on me whilst she's pouring the drinks. I take the last pancake out of the pan and turn around and meet her eyes. "Something you want to ask?" I question her, seeing the same nervous look she has in her eyes when she wants to talk about something, but isn't sure how to bring it up. "I notice you're always up early. But today you were up earlier than usual. Is everything ok?" She asks me.
I frown at her as I wasn't downstairs any earlier than I normally would be. I made sure of it. "I wasn't earlier. It was only 6:30." I lightly defend, but it only causes her frown to deepen. "I heard you up at at least 4:30." She calls me out and my gaze drops. "I think the question is why were you up that early Mrs Johansson?" I ask, trying to cover the fact she's right.
She sighs but takes a seat whilst I continue to bounce Cosmo who clearly isn't happy that I stopped dancing. "I'm nervous about you meeting the family." She admits, taking me by surprise at her honestly. "Why are you nervous?" I ask her, is she worried that they're not going to like me? I try not to let the panic overtake me and allow her to answer before I get too worked up.
"They're going to meet you and see how amazing you are and hate me even more for giving you up." She shares honestly, and it shocks me that she's being so open with me. "I guess they can't hate me more than I hate myself though." She sighs, her gaze focused on the baby in the sling. "You can't change the past Scarlett, only the future." I tell her firmly, which makes her look at me with teary eyes.
I've spent a lot of time talking with Laura about my feelings towards Scarlett. There is still a lot of anger and hidden feelings there. But what I said is right. We can't change what happened. I know she tried to get me back but couldn't. As soon as she had the chance to, she was there. It's still going to take some time for me to actually feel part of this family and not the random kid living with them. But I'm mature enough to focus on the here and now and to try and move on from the past. Eventually.
Feeling like I should repay her honesty, I decide to admit the truth also. "I was nervous too. But that they would hate me and think I'm just here to use you or something." I share and her eyes widen. "Oh sweetheart! They would never think that. In fact, I know they don't. Mom is so incredibly excited to meet you. I'm worried she might not let you go when she hugs you." She reassures me through a chuckle.
"Besides, if anyone says anything slightly negative about you, I will hand their ass to them before they can even finish their sentence." She says with a completely serious face. "Well, let's not have any violence on the first family get together." I joke, making her laugh. "No promises." She returns, walking over towards Cosmo and I, wrapping an arm around me and placing a kiss to my head.
I never used to be a hugger with people other than Laura. But I'm actually starting to enjoy them. They make me feel warm and like I'm actually safe. It's amazing how in two weeks my mindset is already seeing small glimmers of change. "I'm always here if you need to talk. I know you have Laura, but I'd like to be able to help if I can." She tells me softly. "Thanks. I appreciate that." I respond. "Now, let's eat." I instruct her.
Breakfast is nice. I'm still getting used to the five of us sitting down all together to eat our meals. Scarlett and Colin listen so intently to Rose, and you can see how happy that makes her. Conversation moves on to the fact that they are all planning to come and watch me at the first game of the season. I told them that they really don't have to, but they said they wouldn't miss it for the world.
It'll be weird to actually have someone there supporting me. I've never had that before. Laura's parents would always cheer for me too if they were watching, but it's not the same as having your parents there showing you how much they support you. I just hope I can focus on the game and not the fact that they'll be in the stands.
For the rest of the morning, I helped Scarlett and Colin prepare the food for dinner later. Everyone was planning to arrive at 2 so I had plenty of time to sit and stew in the negative thoughts going through my head.
At about half 1 the doorbell rings and Colin smirks at me. "Told you she'd come early." He gloats, moving to the hallway to greet our guest. Just like Colin had predicted, Scarlett's mom had come by early. As we walk into the hallway, she's just finishing hugging Rose. When her head lifts to look to Colin, her eyes land on me and they go wide.
She lets out a small gasp and walks slowly over to me. "Y/n?" She whispers and I nod. "Wow. You're beautiful." She compliments me, making me blush. Her eyes are glossed over with tears, and she stands in front of me. "I'm Melanie. I guess technically your grandmother." She smiles at me. "It's lovely to meet you." I respond as confidently as I can. She goes to hug me, but my stupid body flinches at the action and I'm internally cursing myself for allowing it to happen.
She looks at me worriedly and lowers her arms. I can see Scarlett looking on with concern, but I try not to focus on that. "I'm sorry. I should have asked. Can I hug you?" She asks with a kind smile, not a hint of annoyance at my respond. I nod and she carefully steps forward and wraps her arms around me. She's a similar height to Scarlett so I have to bend down a little as I melt into her hug. How can someone I've just met feel so comfortable. "I'm so glad you're home." She whispers to me, and I give her a little squeeze.
When she pulls apart, she holds my hands and looks at my face once again. "You look just like Scarlett at 16. Except for the brown hair!" She observes. I feel a little exposed under her gaze, but this was definitely a better reaction than I had been imagining in my head!
We move into the living room and Melanie sits with me, asking me lots of questions to get to know me more. She shares some embarrassing stories about Scarlett, much to her annoyance, but I very much enjoyed hearing those. Rose has been surprisingly good. I was worried that she would get annoyed that I was stealing her nana's attention, but she's been joining in the conversation and allowing us time together too.
We're all taken by surprise when the door opens and we hear a voice shouting from all the hallway. "The favourite twin has arrived!" My heart instantly starts to beat rapidly. I don't know why but I'm most nervous about meeting Hunter. Maybe it's because he's Scarlett's twin and I know how close they are. I can't help but worry about how he's going to react. I can feel my palms getting sweaty and I'm trying to count as many red things as I can to prevent a panic attack forming. This is stupid. It's just her brother! I can do this.
Scarlett's POV:
As soon as Hunter makes his presence known, I can see fear wash over Y/n. Things had been going so well with mom, after the little blip at the beginning, and I thought she was doing ok. But I couldn't be more wrong. I should have done more to make sure she was comfortable.
I quickly stand up and make my way over to her, when I see her eyes darting all over the place, sitting next to her and carefully placing my hand on her knee. Colin thankfully gets up to greet my idiot brother. "That boy will never learn to knock." I jokingly complain, hoping to provide some comfort without making her worries be the focal point. I've learnt that Y/n hates being centre of attention, and she wouldn't like it if I made a big deal about this right now. Even though it's breaking my heart to see her so scared. I just want to scoop her up and take her away so she can calm down.
Her eyes stop moving around the room and I wonder if she was counting objects. It's something that I know Lizzie does to help during her anxiety attacks. "What colour?" I ask her and she looks at me in shock. "Red." She admits shyly, so I return a smile easily. "Everything is going to be ok." I reassure her, wrapping my arm around her. "Remember, I'll throw hands regardless. I'm black widow remember." I joke, hoping to lighten the mood, and it seems to work. She let's out a genuine laugh, which makes both mine and mom's face light up. I'll never tire of hearing her laugh. I just wish I heard it more.
Colin and Hunter soon enter the living room and I notice that Hunter is calmer than he normally is. He can be a bit of a loose canon at times, but it's clear that Colin has had a word with him. Which I'm glad for. I love my brother, but I know if he goes to full Hunter mode then he is going to freak Y/n out more than she already is.
After greeting Rose and Cosmo, he walks towards us, and I can't help but laugh at the stern look mom is giving him. Y/n stands up and holds her hand out to Hunter, clearly getting a wave of confidence. "Hi, I'm Y/n. Nice to meet you, Hunter." She greets with a smile. I can see her outstretch hand is shaking and I notice that Hunter clocks it too.
He quickly steps forward and takes it. "I'm so happy that I finally get to meet you Y/n. As soon as Scarlett told us that you were moving in, I was desperate to meet you. But I was kept away, something about you need to settle." He greets in return, smirking with his last comment. "How are you settling in?" He asks, motioning for her to take her seat on the sofa again.
I take my own seat and watch over them with a smile as they easily seem to get on. I've noticed that Y/n has this really great wit. She can be hilarious and I'm sure she's even funnier, but she's scared to go too far. I can't wait to see her be unapologetically herself.
There isn't much respite though as Adrian and Vanessa turn up a few minutes later. Thankfully, they arrived together, meaning that Y/n didn't have to go through another two introductions. I watch as they both introduce themselves, smiles permanently planted on their faces. "I can't believe how much of a mini-me to Scarlett you are!" Vanessa observes and she wraps an arm around Y/n's shoulder. Another flinch wracks her body, and it breaks my heart that her reaction is still that someone is trying to hurt her. Vanessa's eyes snap to mine, and I mouth "later" to her, and she nods slowly, a frown on her face.
Everything is going well as my siblings and mom get to know Y/n more. They're being really respectful and not pushing too hard or bombarding her with questions. It's a shame my dad couldn't be here, but he's hoping to visit in the next week or so, which will be nice as the whole family will have had the chance to see her.
Happy that they're all getting on well, I head into the kitchen to start getting everything ready for dinner. I almost have a heart attack when I close the fridge door and Vanessa is stood there with an expectant look on her face. Mom stood just behind her. "Jesus Christ, you scared the crap out of me." I say, holding my hand to my chest. "Sorry, I did call after you, but you obviously didn't hear me." She apologises, moving into the kitchen to help me with the food.
"So, are you going to tell me why my niece is flinching?" She asks. It's not accusingly, but there is definitely a worried and angry tone to her voice. I look up and see mom waiting expectantly for a response as well. When I told them that she was back in my life, I had only briefly mentioned about her being in a difficult foster home. It didn't feel right to be sharing that so early on.
I sigh, rubbing at my head. "She uh. She didn't have the easiest of upbringings." I admit, the sadness washing over me all over again as I know I could have prevented it if I made the right decision 16 years ago. "What do you mean by that?" Vanessa asks. "Her adoptive parents were abusive. Then when they died, she was moved into an abusive foster home. So, this is the first safe space that she has lived in." I tell them, making them both gasp in shock.
"My poor baby." Mom whispers, tears filling her eyes. "Its that the lingering bruise on her face? It's barely noticeable but I clocked it." Vanessa asks, a sadness across her face. "Yeah, Mr Woodstock, the shitty foster home manager, had hit her after he blamed her for being drunk in front of me and Danny." I explain, my gaze focusing on the pork in front of me.
I'm stopped in my actions when mom's hand rests on mine. "Come here honey." She instructs me. It's only then that I realise that I'm crying. "I should never have left her mom. I let her down so badly. I don't deserve to have her in my life now." I cry into her shoulder, letting it all out. Vanessa quickly walks towards us and wraps her arms around the two of us.
"Don't talk like that Scarlett. Yes, it may have been the wrong decision, but you were doing what you thought was best at the time. You never could have known she would end up in a place like that. You trusted the system to take care of your daughter. You are giving her the life she deserves now." Mom comforts me, her hand running up and down my back.
"Mom's right. Other than looking terrified of being surrounded by us Johanssons, she seems happy. There's a relief in her eyes. It's going to take time for her to fully settle and find herself again. But you are going to be there supporting her in getting back to that person. We all are going to be here for her. For both of you." Vanessa adds on, making me smile. "Now, do you have this assholes address. I'm thinking of paying a visit." She asks with a chuckle. "Country jail right now. Where he's meant to be!" I reply, grateful that he's not going to be able to get anywhere near Y/n.
After a moment to compose myself, we start back on finishing everything for dinner. I call in Colin to help take the food through whilst the others move to the dining room, sitting at the table. Rose instantly sits next to Y/n, making me smile at how much she loves her big sister already. Hunter takes the seat the other side almost as quickly, clearly deciding that she's his new favourite.
Conversation through dinner flows easily and I can see Y/n get more comfortable as the time goes on. There's lots of laughter and storytelling, mostly embarrassing ones about me, but Y/n is loving them, so I'll happily let her know them all to see her smile.
By the time it comes to everyone leaving, I'm a little sad. But I couldn't be happier with how it went. Mom's already planning to pop around in the week to have some one on one time with her after school and Y/n seemed really happy about that. As they're leaving Adrian pulls me into a tight hug. "I'm glad she's home. Take care of her. Whoever hurt her has done a number on her." He says to me quietly. I look at him shocked and he just shrugs. "She has all the signs. It wasn't hard to work out." He answers my unasked question. "I'll protect her with everything I have." I assure him and he smiles.
Hunter approaches me next with the biggest grin on his face. "I'm so happy to have a new partner in crime. Rose is great but, you know, she's only 7. With Y/n the possibilities are endless." He smirks. "Oh, I'm going to regret introducing you two aren't I." I sigh, knowing that I'm going to be on the receiving end of his pranks now. "Love you sis!" He shouts as he heads out to the car. I flip him off which only makes him laugh harder.
With the door closed I let out a deep breath, grateful that it went so well. I go to the living room and see that Y/n isn't there. I find her in the kitchen, clearing up from dinner. "Oh, you don't have to do that sweetheart." I tell her, taking the plates from her hands. "It's ok. You cooked. I'm happy to clean." She tells me, taking the plates back from me. "Fine, but I'm helping." I insist, starting to pack up the leftovers.
"Your family is lovely." Y/n breaks the comfortable silence we had. "They're your family too and they love you. So much. In fact, I'm scared that Hunter is going to try and steal you away from me." I joke making her laugh. "Yeah, he needs to work on his prank ideas. They're a bit childish." She shares. Clearly Rose was the mastermind of all their ideas!
"Seriously though Y/n. You are apart of this family. You never have to give them a label, but they love you as their granddaughter and niece, and they always will." I reassure her and I notice her eyes gloss over. "I never had more than my parents before." She shares at a whisper. I move towards her with my arms open and she falls into them. "Well, you do now and we're not going anywhere." I tell her firmly. "I love you my sweet baby." I tell her and she squeezes me that little bit tighter. "Thank you for saving me." She says it so quietly, I barely hear it. But I do and it completely breaks me.
The tears silently fall down my cheeks as I hold my daughter. I don't ever want to let her go. I want her to be safe and loved and happy and I will do everything in my power to make sure that she gets the best in life.
"Come on mom! We're going to be late!" Rose shouts to me from the hallway. I head downstairs with Cosmo in my arms. "Ok ok! I'm here, I was just getting your grumpy pants brother ready." I inform her but she huffs. "We're going to be late and miss out on the good seats if we don't leave now!" She complains with a pout. "I know honey. Colin is just getting his wallet." I tell her, making sure that we have everything.
We're about to head to Y/n's school and watch their opening game of the season. I'm so excited to see her in action. She loves soccer and I'm happy that I'm finally able to share in that passion with her. Rose is beyond excited and has even made her a sign to cheer her on with.
Colin jogs down the stairs and I smile as we're all wearing blue, their home colours. Rose is very sad that you can't buy a jersey so she can match her sister, so we found the closest top that we could instead.
The whole way there, Rose is excitedly rambling about how she hopes that Y/n scores the winning goal. Then as soon as the car is in park, she's undone her own belt and jumped out, rushing us all along. I'm surprised at how many people are here to watch the game. Seems like they're popular. I let Rose lead us to where she wants to sit and we end up at the halfway line and about midway up the bleachers. "These are great seats." Rose says proudly, wiggling with excitement. The team are out warming up and my eyes roam over them to find my daughter. "There's Y/n!" Rose calls out, pointing towards her on the pitch. She looks really focused as she runs through her drills with the team.
The coach blows the whistle and the team move towards the touchline to grab water. Y/n catches a glimpse of us and looks completely shocked as we wave at her. She says something to her coach, who nods, and she makes her way up to us. "You came?" She asks as if she can't believe it. "Of course, we did. We promised we would." I reply, ignoring the sadness that she's not had this support before.
"Sissy! I made you a sign!" Rose tells her excitedly, showing what she had made. A wide smile appears on her face. "Thanks Rosebud. I love it." She returns. "I better get back down but thank you for coming." She thanks. "Good luck kiddo! Kick some ass!" Colin encourages her, making her laugh as she jogs back down to her team. "Colin that's a bad word." Rose scolds him. I hide the laugh fighting to come out as Colin looks like a naughty schoolboy.
My eyes don't leave Y/n as I watch her with her team. My pride only grows when I notice that she puts on the captain's armband. They get together as a group and put their hands in the middle before call "Panthers." We all cheer as they take their places on the pitch. My excitement is only growing as I get to see how good she is.
Turns out she's very good. She controls the ball so easily and commands her team like someone far older than she actually is. A mistake in the back line results in the opposition scoring and all of the girls' heads drop. But Y/n gets them together, clearly giving them a pep talk. They have an extra bounce in their step after that talk and they retain all the possession and pressure for the next 20 minutes.
With a beautiful bit of skill, Y/n darts around two defenders. She looks up at the goal, probably contemplating shooting. "Shoot!" Rose is shouting from beside me. But she does the opposite just as a defender approaches her, she does a low cross finding Laura, who hammers the ball in the back of the net. It's like she had a sixth sense that she was there. Her gaze wasn't even in that direction.
We all jump up from our seats cheering whilst the team celebrate. Whilst I watch them set back up, I can see why they get such a good crowd here. The team are really talented. By half time it's 1-1 but the panthers have had all the pressure and Y/n has had a couple of close calls. It feels like it's only a matter of time until they score.
Whilst they're taking on water at halftime, Y/n looks up towards us and Rose jumps up and down waving. Y/n's smile grows as she notices and waves back. "She saw me!" Rose points out triumphantly.
The second half starts with an exhausting pace. The passing technique of the girls is amazing, but their opposition has picked up their game. It's end to end and my nerves are building as the opposition striker shoots and the ball just scraps past the post for a goal kick.
Y/n calls out to the team to calm down, making the gesture with her arms at the same time. I feel like I'm seeing Y/n in her element. She is so confident and sure of herself. I hope that in time, we'll get to see this away from the soccer pitch.
The panthers get a corner and Y/n is tussling with a defender in the box. Just as the ball is about to be hit, she does a dummy move, tricking the defender and giving herself space in front of her. She jumps in the air and her head connects with the ball. It feels like it's going in slow motion as we watch the ball move through the goalkeeper's hands and into the net. "YES!" I jump up cheering, Rose following my lead. She lifts her sign in the air cheering loudly. Colin has Cosmo bouncing on his hip and it seems, watching his sister play soccer has gotten him out of his grumpy mood.
The intensity of the game doesn't drop though. If anything, the opposition pick up even more with conceding that goal. Y/n is spending a lot more time in a defensive position, showing her ability once again. She really is talented. I know I'm biased, but I truly believe it.
It looks inevitable that the opposition are going but score but Laura makes a break, but their defence manages to get back pretty quickly. She looks up and sees Y/n stood just outside the box. With a cheeky back pass, she gets the ball to Y/n and moves out the way as Y/n takes the shot as soon as the ball as at her feet. She hits it sweetly and it curls into the top right hand corner. Once again, we're jumping around in the stands.
By the looks on the team's face, none of them can believe the shot, Y/n looking more shocked than anyone. Laura runs at her, jumping in her arms. Y/n holds her easily, spinning around. I don't know if they realise it, but they are definitely having a moment. Y/n is looking at her like she's hung the moon and stars.
The rest of the team are soon joining in the celebrations, their moment over. But as they go to retake their position for the restart, Laura loops her arm around Y/n's shoulder and gives her a kiss on her cheek before running off. I chuckle to myself when I can see Y/n's cheek instantly blush. Oh, she's definitely smitten!
After a nervous last 5 minutes, the final whistle blows, and we join with the rest of the crowd to applaud the team. We wait for a few minutes as the teams shake hands and Y/n thanks the referee. Rose all the while getting more impatient. Before I know it, she's run off and is making a beeline towards Y/n.
Though my worries instantly dissipate as Y/n bends down and scoops her sister up and rests her on her hip as she listens to her little sister ramble excitedly. I slip my hand in Colin's and we walk down towards the touchline so we can congratulate her too. I watch as Y/n proudly introduces Rose to her teammates before her and Laura walk in our direction.
Laura is looking a little nervous as she approaches us. "Hi Scarlett, Colin. Little Cosmo." Y/n greets us, placing Rose on the floor and pinching at Cosmo's cheek. "I'd like you to meet my best friend, Laura." She introduces her friend. "Sorry about how I spoke to you both last time." She apologises but I instantly wave her off. "No, you were protecting Y/n. I appreciate that she's got you in her life." I reassure her and notice her shoulders instantly relax.
"You played an amazing game. Congratulations the both of you for scoring." I congratulate them. "I'm not exaggerating when I say that was one of the best games of soccer I've watched." Colin adds on, making Y/n beam. "Can you believe the goal she scored at the end. She's going to be a superstar." Laura compliments Y/n, nudging her shoulder. "Oh, shut up. It was just a fluke." She tries to play it off. "Besides, it's because I had the best partner up front." She returns, making Laura's cheeks blush too.
"Are your parents here Laura? I'd love to meet them." I ask, excited to get to know the people in Y/n's life. "No, they're both working tonight." She responds a little disappointed. "Yeah, but it's the first game they've missed in ages." Y/n comforts Laura, slipping her arm around her waist. "Yeah, you're right. It's nice to see you final have someone cheering for you. And all in matching colours too." Laura laughs. "This one wasn't happy that she couldn't buy your jersey." I share, making Rose pout. "I'll see what I can do." Y/n smiles at Rose, running her hands through her hair.
"If you're parents are out tonight. Why don't you join us for dinner." I offer, smirking internally when I see Y/n's eyes light up. "Oh, you don't need to do that. I don't want to be a bother." Laura deflects. "You will never be a bother, Laura. You're always welcome at our house." I reassure her. She looks to Y/n who's nodding like a happy puppy. "Ok, that would be lovely. Thank your Mrs Johansson." She returns. "Oh please, call me Scarlett. I'm not old yet." I joke, making the others laugh.
We wait for Y/n and Laura to change and start on the drive home. I'm excited to get to know Laura a bit more. I also want to see if my instinct is right and see if these two are as smitten with each other as they look. I hope so, because she makes Y/n incredibly happy!
Part 6
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rxmqnova · 8 months
Sup. Can I ask for a scarlett x sister reader ?
Scarlett plans us an amazing sweet 16 party. She invites the whole school. The only problem is, we're really not that popular and on one shows up. So scarlett quickly gets on the phone and invites all her celebrity Hollywood friends before we arrive with the fam. Her friends of course drop everything to come (because we're a sweet kid and they all love us).
Soon the party is all over social media and the kids from school show up to meet their favourite celebrities but scarlett tells security to not let them in knowing we'd be uncomfortable with them just getting close to us because they now know who our big sister is.
Sweet 16
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Y/N: 16 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV Scarlett smiles, admiring the garden which she decorated for her little sister's 16th birtday. She, as the big sister, has been super excited for today. Her little sister's turning 16, so it needs to be big and perfect. She even sent invitation to nearly the entire Y/N's school.
There's one thing Scarlett doesn't know though. Y/N isn't exactly popular at her school, more specifically… she's more of a loner and the one the others mostly make fun of.
So when no one shows up, it's not really surprise, yet Scarlett doesn't know and it makes her really confused.
"I got it all right, where is everyone?" She asks herself with a sigh, looking at the invitations if she didn't got the time or date wrong.
Ten minutes pass and still no one has come which makes Scarlett really nervous as Y/N should be here in less then 40 minutes.
"Alright, time for plan B" Scarlett sighs out, taking her phone and listing through her contacts.
She calls every single one of her friends that Y/N's met, inviting them over for the party and luckily everyone said they would come.
The first guests arrive soon which finally makes Scarlett relax. And a lot more come right after, so the huge garden finally doesn't look that empty anymore.
Even more guests arrive and now it's about the time Y/N should come. It was hard, but everyone managed to hide behind something and now they're just waiting for Y/N to walk in.
And in the moment she does, everyone jumps out of their hiding spots, shouting 'happy birthday' which makes Y/N jump a little, but then a smile makes its way on her face.
"Happy birthday, sweetheart" Scarlett's, of course, the first one to walk to her sister and pull her in for a tight hug.
"Thank you! Did you do all this?" Y/N questions, a smile never leaving her face.
"My little sister's turning 16 today. We need to celebrate it properly" Scarlett smiles, pressing a kiss to her sister's forehead before taking her hand in hers and leading her to the others.
Spotting the Marvel cast, Y/N drops her sister's hand and runs to them, pulling all of them in for a hug which makes Scarlett chuckle. Y/N's spent a lot of time on set with her big sister and over all the years she's become pretty close with them.
"I can't believe you're all here" Y/N nearly squeals, her eyes shining and a wide smile playing on her lips.
"Of course we are! We wouldn't miss your birthday for the world!" Chris Evans speaks first which only makes Y/N's smile widen even more.
After talking to every single person who came, it's finally time for the birthday cake. And of course, everyone brings out their phones, filming everything and taking pictures. Y/N's turning 16, this moment just needs to be captured.
Automatically, most of the videos and photos end up posted on instagram or other social media which doesn't go unnoticed by the kids from Y/N's school Scarlett invited in the first place.
No one on the entire school knows Scarlett Johansson is Y/N's sister. Maybe if the kids knew earlier, they would have come. Who knows?
The Johansson family decided it would be better for Y/N's safety, knowing what paparazzi and social media can be like.
It won't matter now though and Scarlett counts with it. She knows Y/N's strong and would never let any bad article, comment or anything similar take her down.
Everyone's eating the cake now, talking, laughing and Y/N's never been happier. Every now and then she just leans to her sister's side, giving her a hug as Scarlett's sitting next to her and that makes the big sister really happy.
It doesn't take long until some kids from Y/N's school show up, standing in front of the house as the security Scarlett hired won't let them in.
"I am such a great cook. I would definitely make a great guest on Cooking with Flo" Y/N states, Florence Pugh letting out a chuckle in response.
Somehow the two ended up talking about cooking and Y/N as a big Cooking with Flo fan just had to try.
"Tell her, Scar" Y/N looks at her sister in a need for a support, furrowing her brows when she notices Scarlett's not really paying attention and looking at the security guy that's coming their direction. "Are you okay?"
"What? Oh, yeah. No worries. I'll be right back" Scarlett smiles, pressing a kiss to Y/N's forehead before standing up and walking over to the man. "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah. Just a group of kids showed up, claiming they're your sister's friends and were invited. Should we let them in?" He asks.
Scarlett checks the time, seeing it's been nearly two hours since the party started. She glances at her sister, seeing her smile and laugh while talking to the others, a smile making its way on her own face.
"No. Don't let them in" Scarlett decides.
The kids must have seen the photos and videos the others shared. And if this is the reason they showed up, Scarlett doesn't want them to be around her little sister. If they were real friends, they would have come at time.
The man nods and starts walking back, so Scarlett goes back to her little sister, taking a seat next to her. "Are you having a good time?"
"The best! This is the best birthday party ever!"
Scarlett Johansson masterlist
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call-me-a-simp · 1 year
Me waiting for more chapters of 'No one hates you more than I do!' 👀
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No One Hates You More Than I Do
And I'm Scarlett Johansson (part 2)
Enemies to lovers (Rhea Ripley x fem. Reader):
Summary: You're a well known wrestler in WWE and Rhea is your worst enemy. You hate each other in and outside of the ring. Rhea always flirts with you, not that she means it, she just knows it makes you furious and wants to annoy you. But one day everything changes and you start to feel like all of this isn't a joke anymore and that there might actually be something between you two.
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You wake up the next day to someone ringing the doorbell. Who could that be? You think. You didn't expect anyone this early and the mail wouldn't ring.
You get up and throw on an old oversize t-shirt you stole from your ex. "I'm coming" you yell as you make your way down the stairs.
You open the door and there is, surprise, no one. You're about to close the door again as a note on the floor catches your attention. You pick it up and take it to the living room where you sit down to read it.
It's a note from Rhea, saying that she was "sorry for her clumsiness yesterday and glad someone found you" As if you would actually believe that bullshit. Further on she wrote that she just wanted to annoy you a little by waking you early bla bla.
"God I hate this woman" you mutter and throw the paper away. Since going back to sleep wasn't an option as you had to be awake in an hour anyway, you decide to go make yourself some coffee and maybe do a little workout.
Your plans for today were pretty chill, you just had to attend to a few interviews and a meet and greet with some fans. You hope Rhea wouldn't be there, you didn't have the nerve to face her today.
The interviews went quite well, not too many questions and quite nice people. As you're sitting behind your desk at the meet and greet and are about to sign a photo for a fan, someone wraps their arms around your shoulders from behind.
"Hello love" you hear Rhea whisper. You sigh and try to ignore her, smiling at your fan as they walk away happily. "Ignoring me huh, that's not nice you know" Ripley acts a little offended and crosses her arms in front of her chest.
"what you did yesterday wasn't either" you mumble, but she hears you. "Oh come on, don't be dramatic, Joe found you didn't he? So what's the big deal? Being locked up for a few hours, that's nothing.." your enemy mocks you.
You try to hold back your anger, not wanting to explode in front of all this people who came and paid to see you. "Can we speak about this later please? I'm busy right now" you face her for a moment and turn back around as she shrugs and walks away.
About two hours later you're done and exhausted. You even forgot about wanting to talk to Rhea afterwards and head out to your car. You unlock it, put your bags in the backseat and are about to open the drivers door as someone spins you around and pins you against the car.
"Didn't you forget something, pretty?" Rhea smirks and licks her teeth like she usually does in the ring. You sigh and mumble some sort of excuse while trying to get away from her, but she keeps you in place.
"You said we'll talk later, so here I am wanting to talk" Rhea says in a firm voice. "Ugh fine, what was that earlier at the meet and greet? You made us seem like a couple" you say with a disgusted expression.
"Come on it wasn't that bad, other's would die to be in a relationship with me" she grins proudly. "ye and I'd rather die than to be in one with you" you mutter. Her grin fades and you catch a glimpse of sadness in her eyes.
"What? Can't handle being rejected?" you tease her. "What- I- no.. Ugh forget it" she curses and walks away angrily. You huff and get in your car, just wanting to be left alone. As you start the car and are about to head out of the parking lot someone knocks on the passengers door.
You open the window and see Rhea again. "Hey sorry, weird question but could you take me with you? I don't have a ride and the others already left.." she says looking down in embarrassment. You knew exactly how much she hated asking for help, especially someone she wants to seem tough in front of.
You sigh again and motion for her to get in the car. "Thank you" she mumbles. "Where do you need to go?" you ask and look over at her. "you know, that one hotel near main road..?" she questions and you look at her confused. There was no hotel in the small city you were living in.
"Uhh never mind, you can just drop me off whenever" Rhea brushes it off. "Anywhere you need to be tomorrow?" you ask with an annoyed undertone. "No why" she looks confused. You sigh and then say something you never thought you'd say to her.
"It's quite late, you're just gonna spend the night at my place and tomorrow morning I'll drop you off at the bus station or so, so you can go home"
Rhea mumbles some sort of thank you, not wanting you to see how surprised she was at your offer. You leave the parking lot and head off to your home about 15 minutes away from the arena.
You get out the car and Rhea follows you with some space, clearly uncomfortable with the situation. "You don't have to do this" she says it so quietly, you almost don't understand her. "We're here already so just come in, but don't try anything stupid on me, cause if this is just a trick to get into my house then I'll call the police on you!"
She nods shyly and you show her your guestroom where she can spend the night. After that you're both in the kitchen to heat up some frozen pizza for dinner. "You know, I actually really like you, I just have difficulties expressing myself correctly" Rhea mumbles more to herself than to you.
You huff, not believing what she just said. "Ye, right, and I'm actually Scarlett Johansson" you tease her and notice a sad expression taking over her features. "Anyway" you say and take the last bite from your pizza "I'm going to bed and you should too" and with that you stand up, take your plate to the sink and leave her alone.
Part 2 with a confession from Rhea 🤭
Taglist: @specialinterestshows @butterfly12347 @billiewherearetheavocados @lomlrhea @hatdog96
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freaktorium · 2 months
So like I said, the band name is Mother Nightshade. The group contains a fish demon (Piper), imp demon (Jazzy), succubus (Wendell), sinner (Lucyle {yes she has debuted on this acct before, and yes I deleted all previous posts of her bc I repurposed her}), and a hellhound (Arlo)
{Picture featured below is the crew in a Vivziepop esc style}
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Now here they are in my style, plus their human versions!
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I even made a fake pin for each of them, including their LGBTQIA identities and pronouns
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I feel like it'd be worth it to go through each character individually, ya know? Get to know them! Let's start with Piper!
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Piper Eela plays lead guitar in the band. She's often known as the "Big Sister" and musical prodigy. She comes from the Envy Ring, and she found her love for music when she was in her early teens. She listened to everything from pop to goth, and loved it all! Piper can also play acoustic guitar, and it was actually the first instrument she learned how to play. She is also one of the first members, as the band started off with herself and her close friend, Arlo. They even made matching jackets that they wear every day.
{VC - Scarlett Johansson}
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Jazzy Rivers is the imp of the band. She's a pack of dynamite in quite the small package. She can play any form of bowed string (violin, viola, cello, etc) and even some woodwinds. She grew up around music, and often played instruments at different festivals for public entertainment. Arlo attended one of these festivals that Jazzy was playing at, and noticed her talent. After talking with Piper, they agreed to give Jazzy an opportunity to play with the band. Up to that point, Jazzy had only played country music, and quickly learned to expand her playable genres. She's feisty, she might bite you, but you can't deny she has talent!
{VC - Andrea Libman}
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Wendell Starlight is the drummer, a succubus from the Lust Ring. He grew up listening to rock and heavy metal, and learned how to drum thanks to his dad. Wendell finds the rhythm of a song to be one of the most important aspects; without it, the song sounds empty and off-putting. Wendell would do gigs at Ozzie's and would also often fill in during performances, being the backtrack to whoever soloed that night. It was at one of these gigs that Piper went to where she noticed him. Having guitar, strings, and bass was nice, but they were missing something. A solid beat! It didn't take long before Wendell accepted being a permanent drummer for Mother Nightshade, expanding their music even more.
{VC - Jack Black}
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Lucyle Thorn is the odd one out when it comes to the band. She's a sinner (and autistic). They can't go to other rings like the rest of the band can, which makes tours rather difficult. Mother Nightshade was doing really well when it came to performance, but they still felt like they needed more. In response, they hosted an audition in the Pride Ring. Many other demons and sinners came, and many left. Lucyle had been raised around piano, she loved it with her soul. In her audition, she played bluesy pieces, something slow and jazz-like, overall expressive. This caught the band's attention, and quickly offered Lucyle entrance, which they accepted. Now when it comes to yours, often Lucyle would record her parts in advance and send them with the rest of the group. They'd rather not do the tours anyways, as she finds them overstimulating.
{VC - Alecia Beth Moore / P!nk}
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Arlo Hayes is the hellhound of the band, originating from the Gluttony Ring. He's a disabled ambulatory wheelchair user, so he can be seen on wheels, in crutches, or even sometimes without any mobility aids at all! Arlo and Piper grew up together after he was adopted by her family, and have been joined at the hip ever since. As to why he wears bright ass orange pants, it's, in his words, "So people won't make me a trip hazard when I don't have to be." While Piper learned guitar, Alro learned bass. He liked how he could feel it when he played, and how full a song felt with it. When Piper and Alro got older, they did online videos together, covering popular songs with their instruments. One thing led to another, and they started a band, Mother Nightshade. The goal overall was to be non-conforming. Why play only one genre when you can play them all? The band was a success, with their first few albums focusing on pop, goth, and punk music. As they gained performers, they gained genres. After Jazzy joined, they did a country album, a heavy metal one with Wendell, and a jazz album with Lucyle. Nowadays they alternate between what the consensus is; what do they want to play?
{VC - Ian Cardoni}
Aaaannnnd that's all, folks! Thank you for getting this far! Please consider interacting with this post. It took weeks to get all of these pieces out, and getting the start of a story out there. Of course, if there are any questions, my ask box is always open!
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thefudge · 7 months
If I may dare ask what are your favourite romance novels?????
this will sound obnoxious, but i tend to love romance best when i encounter it in other genres (and i could definitely make a list of novels from different genres where the romance isn't the point but it goes so hard for me, and i think i have made some lists like that in the past? i really have to organize my books/book recs/book rec tags. and maybe make more lists)
but if we're going by novels that are considered and (could be) classified as romance, here's an imperfect list:
all of austen of course, but especially pride and prejudice and persuasion
jane eyre by charlotte bronte
the age of innocence by edith wharton
anna karenina by tolstoy (where i think i'm fonder of the kitty/levin pairing)
doctor zhivago by boris pasternak
gone with the wind by margaret mitchell (hate/love relationship but i am not immune to it, i'm afraid! i will say i prefer the book to the movie)
excellent women by barbara pym (god, i love the grumpy hero/heroine pairing here)
bridget jones's diary (the first book especially)
girl with a pearl earring by tracy chevalier (the movie too! colin firth and scarlett johansson had such good chemistry, it was surreal)
the blue castle by l.m. montgomery (love that we have a genuine "plain jane" heroine that doesn't turn out to be beautiful if she lets down her hair or any of that nonsense)
the french lieutenant's woman by john fowles (a postmodern romance, in many ways, but the yearning is so good)
spring snow by yukio mishima (i do think this is a romance, first and foremost, and my goddd, the angst and the yearning)
eligible by curtis sittenfeld (a modern p&p retelling; i know a lot of ppl hate this one but i really like it, though it could have been shorter. some of the lizzy/darcy moments in this book made my brain go brrr. the humor is great too)
sofia khan is not obliged (but just the first book in this series - another fun p&p retelling with a muslim heroine)
conversations with friends by sally rooney (i promised i wouldn't stretch the genre but this to me read as more of a romance than anything. and though i struggled with some parts of this book, i will admit that the affair between frances and nick did get to me. there were some particular sex scenes where rooney was doing what i like with the smut in terms of revelation and vulnerability)
the princess diarist by carrie fisher (okay, i'm doing it again, this is technically classified as memoir but again, the sections about harrison ford?? INSANE in terms of romantic anguish and angst. theee RPF of all time)
who's that girl by mhairi mcfarlane (some scenes in this book literally made my heart skip a beat?? this is a celeb/journalist romance that really worked for me. mcfarlane doesn't always strike the right chord with me but here, omgg. i hated her a bit for that ending, but some of the moments between the hero and heroine made me kick my feet like a lil kid)
birthday girl by penelope douglas (i don't know if i'd call this favorite, but it did the age gap thing right, while also being hot and well-written. it didn't toootally win me over, but i appreciate it when an author takes the "fell for my boyfriend's dad" trope seriously)
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olsenmyolsen · 8 months
Dinner with Scarlett, Brunch with Geneva, and a Tracklist with Fans
Part 42 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: 6.6K
Thank you once again to JPmarvel90 for the use of their character Jess Parker (from My Best Friends Sister). They're a great author and a kind person. Show them love, and I hope you enjoy this chapter &lt;3
Scarlett POV
"What are you laughing about?"
I look up from my phone to see Colin holding our baby boy, Cosmo.
"Lizzie and Y/N at the premiere." I look down at my phone and miss the confused look Colin has on his face. "You're laughing at our friends?"
He walks into my home office and looks over my shoulder as Cosmo babbles. "Look." I hold my phone up to him to show him a series of tweets about Y/N's phone wallpaper.
"No way!" Colin says in disbelief.
I nod and snicker as I look at a few more tweets before turning my phone over.
"So what's up?" I turn in my chair and look at my husband and son. The latter giggles as I poke his tummy.
"Not much," Colin says. "Coz and I were just missing Mom." He looks down at our son in his arms. "Isn't that right, buddy?"
Cosmo just smiles.
"Well, Mom is right here!" I blow a kiss to Colin and Cosmo. "But Mom is busy. She has to get ready for a meeting!"
"With Kate?" Colin asks, earning a nod. "With our Sephora launch and starter kit, it's just a lot of expanding."
Colin begins to walk to the office door. Humming to Cosmo. "I shouldn't be too much longer!" I say only to revive a laugh. "Scar, it's fine. Take as long as you want. I was coming to hang out and to remind you that Jess Parker is coming over tonight."
I freeze in my tracks and look away from my open laptop.
"No, Liz and Y/N are coming over tonight..."
Colin tilts his head. But he has a look that I hate to see.
He might be right.
"Are you sure?" Colin asks. I nod. "Here, I'll call Lizzie." I grab my phone and find Lizzie's contact. I place her on speaker and wait as the sound of ringing fills the room.
I look up, and Colin looks from his phone. He's texting someone.
Jess. He mouths.
"Oh, Hey, Scarlett!"  I hear Lizzie's voice, and just by the tone, I can tell she's smiling.
"Hey, Lizzie! How are you and the rockstar!? Did you see the news??" I smirk and swivel in my chair.
"Yeah, no, I saw Y/N's wallpaper."
I laugh. Y/N's totally gonna get it later from me and Lizzie.
Wait, that sounded dirty.. but I mean... have you seen those two?
"Hey, so sorry to call right after your premiere, but I was just wondering if you and Y/N were still on for dinner?"
"Yeah, of course, we're still on for dinner! Why did something come up?"
I look up to Colin. "Umm.." He flips the phone to face me, and I see a text exchange between him and my friend Jess. With the words: "Yep, I'll be there!"
"Shit," I say. "Shit?" Lizzie repeats back. "No! No.. Sorry! I- I double booked."
"Huh?" Lizzie says, making me quietly laugh. "I double booked dinner tonight with you and Y/N and my friend Jess Parker."
The other side of the line goes quiet.
"Jess Parker? The Jewelry maker? She's your friend?" Y/N speaks up for the first time all call.
"Yes?" I answer, unsure of where this is going, but I quickly find out when Lizzie brings the phone closer to her mouth.
"Scarlett Ingrid Johansson, do you mean to tell me you are friends with Jess Parker, and this has never come up? Not once? You've never once thought to introduce her to her very fashionable friend! Someone who walks the red carpet with you!"
"And me!" Y/N pipes up again.
I gulp. It's clear I've made a mistake.
I look up to Colin only to find him gone. The door to my office closed.
"I- uhhh..."
Before I can even say or think of any words to say, it's like in a blink of an eye, somehow I've time traveled, and I'm in a long sundress while I carry Cosmo to answer the front door for our first guest of the evening.
My long-time friend Jess Parker.
In a way, she's been like a sister to me. Sorry, Vanessa. But we've always been close. Not many people know that the reason I took the role in The Nanny Diaries was because of her.
And while living across the pound for some odd years, she has always been a sound support system. But now that she's back in New York after a long 18 months, it'll be nice to catch up. Oh, and to warn her that she's famous no matter how little she believes me.
I mean, Lizzie and Y/N want a piece of her work, apparently.
Oh shit, that means I have to warn Jess about them coming over too.
But before I can say anything, I'm pulled into a side hug by Jess just before she scoops up Cosmo from me. For a baby who normally screams his head off when someone new takes him, he remains quiet.
"You look so good!" Jess says as she takes her shoes off and looks back at me. Her English accent still on her tongue.
"You too!" I easily reply as I look her up and down. "Love the top!" Jess gives a little shake of her head that says, "eh."
She never was the best about compliments. Her and Lizzie are the same that way.
"So Scar, do you wanna tell me why you were trending earlier?"
Y/N and I are about to arrive in front of Scarlett's when Y/N looks up from her phone with a smile. "What's up?" I ask.
"I just can't believe it's almost here."
I can see on Y/N's phone that she just read an email from her label, which probably led to Y/N thinking about her livestream tomorrow night.
"Is the studio set up?" I question her about the set up the label put together for Y/N. Basically, the idea for the cover of the album started when Y/N had a dream about her and I on a beach flipping tarot cards.
Hence the original name of the album: tarot cards on the beach.
She described it as the most nerve-racking dream she has ever had, and I'm still unsure why.
But when she woke me up to tell me about it. I remember being cranky in the moment but ultimately happy for her.
She then immediately got into contact with her old friend Cyrus and had the label commission a giant canvas of what the album would look like. It's going to be revealed live for the first time at midnight tomorrow, followed by Y/N sharing the tracklist.
I can only imagine her smiley, cute face when she sees the finished product.
Y/N nods. "Yeah, that's what the email was about. They have everything ready to go."
"Even the cards and CD's?" I raise an eyebrow. "Even the cards and CD's." She states.
Following the tracklist reveal, the studio wants Y/N, aka hex, to autograph specially made tarot cards that will go into the CDs for the first 500 people that preorder.
I promised to massage her hands for as long as she wanted after it was done.
"What?" Y/N asks, making me realize that I've been staring at her face. Her perfect face. "Do I have something on my face? Because I know you told me not to snack at the hotel, but I still did it."
I laugh and pretend to wipe crumbs off her lips before leaning in and kissing her.
"You're perfect."
"You're still cheesy." She says. "Learned it from you," I reply and look down at her outfit.
Since it's dinner with Scar, we didn't decide to go clits to wall decked out like we would if it was the twins. We know Scar and Colin are busy with baby Coz, so the fewer clothes that could get messy, the better.
Wait- basically, what I'm saying is that we're just going as cute casual! I'm in brown boots, jeans, and a long black sleeve, while Y/N is wearing wide-ankle khakis, her vans, and a long maroon button-up.
I wasn't sure about the outfit, but she picked it out, and knowing Y/N, she'll be trying to color with Rose anyways, so who cares.
"I like what you're wearing." I look back up to Y/N's eyes and slowly lean in. She does the same until our lips touch again.
"I think the label will push for an August release," Y/N says as she leans her head on my shoulder. "It's still summer, but I was expecting July."
"August is still good, right?" I ask, unsure of what Y/N really wants. "It is." She says. "I think I'm just ready to start some shows because every time I think about performing, I wanna throw up."
That's right.
She's going to be on the road sooner rather than later.
"Well, I'll be there with you," I say and hold her close. But Y/N chuckles, confusing me. "What?" She leans up and fiddles with the ring on her right hand. "I know you'll be there, and I love that, but I know you, and I don't want you to put off filming for me."
I look at her as if she doesn't see through me.
"What do you mean?" I look away from her eyes and clear my throat. "Liz..." She sighs. "I know about Azazel reaching out to you." I found her eyes, and they light up. "We both know I will probably be on the road if people want me to be. So please take any offer that comes your way. I'm mar- I'm in love with Elizabeth Olsen, the greatest Emmy-winning actress of our generation. Not Elizabeth Olsen, the-"
"Y/N." I stop her. "I get it." She leans in and kisses my nose, making me giggle. "Thank you." She says.
The car rolls to a stop in front of Scarlett's, and before Y/N moves away from me, I thank her for always being supportive and caring.
She said, "No, you." before jumping out of the car while laughing.
"Oh shoot. Should we have brought wine or chocolates or anything?" I turn to Liz just after ringing the doorbell. She looks back at me with a look that says yes.
"We should go." I turn my heels to walk away, but Liz grabs my arm and spins me around. "I think it's too late for that." We both know that, but it's not confirmed until the door swings open, and instead of a short blonde greeting us, it's an even shorter blonde.
"Auntie Lizzie!" Rose runs and jumps out of the doorway to Liz's legs with arms outstretched but stops when she sees me. "Auntie Y/N!" She squeals, making me smile.
Her and I are entirely different with one another since our first meeting.
But just like that, Lizzies runs as favorite aunt ends. I see the defeat on her face as the scorned look in her eyes washes over mini Scarlett and I, but- wait, what did Rosie say?
"Huh, Rose?" I ask as I bend down the child by my side. "I said you have to meet my favorite Auntie ever, JP!"
I look at Liz, who looks back to me. Who the hell is JP??
"Rose!" All three of our attentions turn to Mama Bear Scar as she steps out of the house to take Rosebud from me and place her on the ground. "How many times have I told you not to open the door?"
Rose hangs her head. Clearly, knowing that she shouldn't open the door without an adult present. "But I know it was Auntie Lizzie and Y/N." Rose cries.
Scarlett gets onto her knees in front of her daughter. "Rosie, look at me." Rose turns her head to look at her mother. Liz and I watching this interaction like statues. "I know that you know it was them. And that, yes, they are safe people, but still, it is better to be safe than sorry. I'd hate for anything to happen to you." Rose nods. "I love you." Scarlett pulls her daughter close and smiles when a smaller, quieter "I love you too." happens.
Rose pulls out of the hug and looks at her mom. "Can I hang out with Auntie Liz and Y/N?" She asks, earning a nod from Scarlett. "Yes, you can."
And just like that, I have Rose by my side as she points at every little thing in the hallway as if I've never been here before.
"Is that a chatterbox I hear?" Another woman's voice surprises Liz and me as we enter the kitchen. As soon as our eyes see the person, we immediately remember. "Auntie JP! Look, I brought friends!" Rose smiles proudly and makes a grand gesture with her arms.
"I see that!" Auntie JP, aka Jess Parker, says as she comes up and makes a goofy face at Rosie before turning to Liz and I. "Hi!" She says as she extends her hands to Liz first. "It's nice to meet you finally." Jess smiles widely at Liz as Liz returns the greeting.
Rose watches the interaction with glee as Jess turns to me. "You must be Y/N." She extends her hand to me as well before leaning closer to whisper: "Scarlett, let it slip that you have a huge crush on her."
Immediately, I groan and turn around to the older woman, but she puts her hands up. "Hey, look at Twitter and tell me what's true!" I roll my eyes away to see Colin laughing as he fixes Liz a drink. "Yeah, yeah, keep laughing, Jost."
I narrow my eyes before Rose grabs onto Jess and I. "I want to show you my new coloring book! It's in my room!" Liz turns her head at this. "Can I come, Rose?" Rose thinks before walking away. "No, thank you."
As comedic as Rosie is, I see Liz's face falls. So, instead of having Rose pull Jess and me away, I crouch down to her. "Hey, Rosie, how about you go grab all your art supplies and books, and we can color them at the table before we have to get ready for dinner. How does that sound?"
Rose thinks and agrees before pouting a little. "Can you see my room later, too? I got some of new toys of momma."
Jess crouches next to me and nods to encourage Rose. "That sounds great." Rose nods and runs to grab her things.
"Drink?" Colin asks as I turn around. "Yes, please," I say as I stand by my wife sitting at the kitchen island. "Damn, I can't believe I'm old news now." Liz jokes as Scarlett brings in baby Cosmo. "I doubt that," I say as I kiss the top of her head. Liz shrugs. "You and Jess seem to have it pretty covered."
From the tone, I can tell there's more under the surface.
But before anything can spill from my mouth, Scarlett hands me a babbling baby boy. "Carefully, he's rigged to blow any minute." I grimace but hold Cosmo steady. "Gee, thanks." Scarlett winks at me. "Want me to talk to her?" Scarlett asks Liz in regards to Rosie. Liz lightly laughs and shakes her head. "She's a kid. She's fine."
Scarlett gives a flat smile as Colin places a drink before me and Jess across the island.
"Be honest..." Scarlett starts. "How many pictures of Natasha do you have on your phone?"
I sigh. "I don't know. Enough to have a folder..." I shrug. This only makes Scarlett smile wider. "Can I see?" She wiggles her eyebrows. "I'd die before I let that happen."
Scarlett looks me up and down. "Put me in a red wig, and I think you would."
I look around the room and see no help on the defense. My girlfriend sips her drink, knowing that she'd rather sit with jealously than engage in between Scarlett and I.
"So Lizzie..." Jess speaks up. "You had a movie premiere today, and now you're here? Slumming it with us? What's up with that?" Scarlett watches her friend tease effortlessly with a smile, and as my girlfriend answers, I watch Scarlett's eyes shift from one friend to the other.
I had no idea Scarlett even knew of Jess Parker, but looking at them side by side, I can see a similarity between them.
I tune into the conversation just as Liz speaks my mind. "Well, what about you, Miss Jess Parker! Word has it closed up shop, but after eighteen months, you're here slumming it with us! I had no idea Scarlett, and you were so close! I mean, I know you designed the Infinity Gauntlet piece Scar wore at the Endgame premiere, but..." I chime in. "We could've used your jewelry on the red carpet earlier this week."
"And tonight!" Scarlett makes a point.
Jess smiles and takes a sip of her Moscow mule. "Basically, I missed home."
"New York?" I question. Jess nods. "I was overseas with my Dad and stepmom, taking time off to find myself." Scarlett pipes up as she wraps an arm around Jess. "A horrible ex who never have to speak about ever again." Jess nods and gags. "The worst. But yes, now I'm back home. Close to Scar again-"
"I'm sorry." I interrupt. "How long have you and Scarlett known each other?"
Scarlett takes the question.
"We grew up together." This information shocks Liz and I, but my mouth works faster than I can stop the words. "Cool. And you never meant to mention this??"
"Babe-" Liz tries to stop me while laughing. "Liz, we could've been wearing Jess Parker this entire time! Do you know how hot you would've looked with a Scarlet Witch Crown!"
I shake my head to make my thoughts pure again.
Everyone laughs, including Cosmo, as he spits up disgusting me just as Rose enters the room, pretending to laugh like she knew what was going on. "Got 'em!" She says as she holds up her supplies and books.
"That's great, Rose! We'll meet you at the table." Rose happily turns to the table at Jess' words as Scarlett takes her baby from me.
"Well, rumor has it the shop might be open again." Jess makes a face to Liz and I as she sips on her drink with a grin before joining Rose.
"Oh, she's fun!" Liz says as she turns back to Scar and Colin. "Fun, huh?" I'm quickly met with a green-eyed glare. "Noted," I say as I take my drink to color with Rose and Jess.
"Wow, Rose!" I say as she is coloring a picture of The Black Widow. Jess coloring in Hawkeye. "I didn't know you had an Avengers book!" Rose looks up at me with an are you serious look. "Yeah." She says before handing me a page. "You can do this one."
It's a picture of The Scarlet Witch.
"I tried asking for it, but she wanted you to color it so you could give it to Aunt Lizzie," Jess says with a smile while also doing a pretty good impression of Rose that the child ignores. I look up at her and laugh.
"Thank you, Rose." I turn to the small blonde. "No problem." She replies.
"Hey, Rosie?" I say as I pick up a red colored pencil. "Yeah?" She looks at me. "I can do this picture, but I think Aunt Lizzie would really appreciate it if you made something for her that was an original piece."
Rose looks away as she thinks before grabbing a blank piece of paper. Paper that looks like she easily took it from a copier somewhere in this house. "Like flowers? She's pretty like flowers."
"Yeah. That's a good idea, Rose."
Pretty like flowers.
I immediately store that line in my head for another day.
As Rose gets to work on a 2-D paper bouquet for my girlfriend, I look up and see Liz fully engaged in a conversation about whatever Colin is talking about.
My eyes travel down her face to her hands.
"Hey, Jess?" I whisper before looking her way. "Yeah?" She whispers back with a smile. "Could I have your number?" Jess widens her eyes a bit before looking in the direction of the other adults. "That's kinda bold of you, don't ya think?"
I give her a confused look before hearing my own words. "Omg no." I continue whispering. "I heard a rumor that maybe your shop was open."
Jess makes an ah sound. "Yeah, and?" I take one last look up at Liz before turning to Jess.
"I'm thinking about a ring."
Jess' lips immediately curl up into a wide smile as she can't help it. "Omg yes!" She jots down her number on a piece of paper, and tears off the strip before tossing it to me. I quickly shove it into my pocket before anyone else can notice.
No one does, but the only person in between us. Rose.
I think nothing of it before remembering that kids talk about anything and everything, and my name and a ring would spill at some point.
"You're getting a ring?" She asks at kid volume, but luckily, no one else heard. "Yes," I whisper. "I want to get Aunt Lizzie a ring, but no one else can know about it." I plead with my eyes at the sweet little Rose.
She nods her head. "Okay." She says innocently enough as her red colored pencils makes contact with the page.
"Legos," She says moments later. "Legos?" I question, indirectly forcing Rose to grace me with her presence. "Legos for the secret."
Jess watches the shake-down happen.
I slowly nod. "Legos," I repeat, unaware that Liz and Scarlett were joining us at the table. "Legos! We're talking about Legos?!" Scarlett asks as she kisses her daughter's head before looking over Jess' drawing. "Yeah! Auntie Y/N said she's going to get me legos once the school year is over!"
Suddenly, all eyes are on me.
"If it's okay with you, Scar," I say as Jess holds back a laugh. Who knew kids were this scary!! Scarlett shrugs. "Sure. We love legos!"
"Legos! We're talking about Legos?!" Colin asks as he enters the room with a freshly changed Cosmo. "Old news, Jost, keep up!" Jess says, making me laugh as Liz sits down next to me.
"Ooh, now, who is this!" She grabs and holds up my colored page of her Marvel character. "I don't know, but she looks pretty hot!" I jump my eyebrows up as I get a playful eye roll back.
"Please, we all know who you really want." Scarlett bites back as she smirks at me.
God, damn Johansson and that smirk.
Dinner came and went with much harassment from Scarlett and her endless run of jokes. While funny, my cheeks might've been painted red by the end. Although I know for a fact she wasn't joking when she said she had a Black Widow suit upstairs.
I'm pretty certain my hand was going to break from how hard Liz was holding me.
Anyways, conversations flowed well, and Colin talked to Liz and me about SNL with Benedict this weekend and how fun that'd be. I then realized that I'd be in the same room with Benedict and how I would restrain myself from trying to get him to say penguin.
I also told Liz she should try hosting SNL, which was tabled for another time.
Jess also talked about how she'd love to make jewelry for Liz and me and our upcoming events—so stay tuned for that. _
"Babe, there's no way you're still jealous after last night!"
Liz scoffs as she pulls on the handle to the restaurant, letting me through first. "Jealous?" She scoffs again. "Who said I was jealous?"
"Me!" I point to myself with my thumb. "All because sweet little Rosebud wanted to sit next to me. Hang out with me. Only talk to me! All last night! You got stuck with a gassy Cosmo." I say with glee as we see William and Geneva stand up from their table in the corner of the restaurant to greet us. "Yeah, because Legos were promised. Oh, and let's not forget about Scarlett's friend!" Liz says as her jaw tightens. "And yes, Jess Parker was very nice. I'm glad Scarlett introduced the two of you. Being chatty and all." Liz says as she waves her hand around, and I know I'm immorally pushing the buttons here. Especially when I say. "Pretty, too."
Liz turns to me, and even through her sunglasses, I can see her glaring at me. "Stop, okay. Fine. Let's say I was jealous, but I have no reason to be right now because I'm Geneva's favorite."
I nod my head and agree. "Yeah... for now." I smugly say as I pass her to greet William first while she hugs Geneva before we switch. "Y/N, sit here!" Geneva pulls out the chair to the right of her. "Okay!" I say with a smile as I turn back to Liz to see her flummoxed.
She wasn't expecting that, but being the polite angel she is, she graciously pulls out the chair and sits across from Geneva.
"Hey, you two are matching!" William points out to Liz and Geneva, who are both wearing their LA Dodgers hats. "Yeah!" Liz says as she removes her sunglasses to glance at me. "I knew I had to match with Geneva today! You know..." She glances. "Had to make someone jealous."
Geneva laughs as she sees me roll my eyes.
William notices, too, but chooses not to comment on it.
"Oh. I hope it's alright, but I ordered a round of coffee for the table. I don't know what you two might've gotten up to last night."
Liz and I thank William and let him know that he's definitely speaking to the two most homebodied people who just so happen to have a certain celebrity status. This makes Geneva laugh again before asking Liz about her garden.
Liz happily answers any question Geneva has, and the conversation flows from one topic to another.
The waitstaff come by periodically, and it's always funny to see the different looks from the surrounding customers as they recognize us.
I know I saw a few phones take some pictures; it's annoying, but that's the life I want to have. It comes with a price. But anytime I did catch someone snagging a pic, I made sure to glare their way.
Not for me or Liz. But for Geneva. She's 15. She doesn't need to be posted all over the internet, first off. And secondly. I'm sure her being pictured with Elizabeth Olsen and myself would bring a particular stress she doesn't need.
"So, Geneva, how was the camping trip?" Liz finally asks the one question I know she has been keeping in her back pocket. And just like Liz said, Geneva's face lights up. "Oh my God, I have to show you pictures. It was so cool!"
As Geneva picks up her phone and begins scrolling, mine begins vibrating in my pocket. I think about checking, but I ignore it and choose to remain present in the conversation as Geneva's phone gets handed to me.
I lean over closer to Liz and begin swiping to the left on her photo album titled 🌲 Oregon Trip 🌲
"Oh my gosh, look at that one!" I say as we swipe by a selfie of Geneva at the top of a waterfall. "That's a stunning picture! Where is that?" Liz says as she looks up to Geneva, but her finger points to an object in the picture.
It's an LA Dodgers hat.
I nudge Liz with my leg under the table before handing Liz the phone to reach mine as it starts vibrating again.
"Sorry," I say to the group as I check the Caller ID: Bo.
"Shit," I say before looking at Geneva. "Sorry." She shrugs. "That's fine. I curse, too. Fuck. See?" She says deadpan before breaking out into a smile, making me and Liz laugh while her dad scolds her. "Honey, don't do that." She shrugs again.
"Who is it?" Liz asks as my screen goes black. "It's Bo." I think he's calling me back to give me the final word on what the album will be titled." I sigh. "I don't think the studio likes the I keep pushing back." Liz brings her hand gently onto my arm before rubbing it up and down. The action, while comforting, reminds me that we're not alone.
"Sorry. Geneva, you were saying?" I question, but William stops me. "Hey, if you have an important phone call, we're more than happy to wait or let you take it." I shake my head. "I don't want to be r-" Before I can finish my sentence, my phone starts vibrating on the table.
"Take it," Liz says to me with a pointed look. William nods in agreement. "Go! Don't worry, I'll have more photos to share!" Geneva smiles at me before focusing on her chocolate chip pancakes. "This place is always so good." She looks to her dad.
"Go." Liz practically shoves me out of my seat with love and care. I nod to the table and let them know that I'll "be right back." As I answer the phone.
"Hey, Bo!"
"You know I called you two other times."
"Uh oh, someone's cranky," I say as I wave to the hostess who waved at me. Good thing Liz didn't see that.
I hear Bo grumble on the other side of the call as I exit the restaurant and begin walking around the parking lot.
"I'm not cranky." He says. "Well then, let me guess, someone got Decaf this morning?" I know I hit the nail on the head when he doesn't immediately quip back. "Come on, who's your favorite!" I tease with a smile.
"Anyways..." He starts making me awww. "Would you like to know what happened in the meeting a few minutes ago, or should we keep joking around?"
As I look back from the hostess waving at Y/N, I'm met with the smirk of a 15-year-old.
"Does that happen a lot?" She asks before stabbing a strawberry with her fork. "Does what happen?" I ask, pretending to be clueless. "Girls throwing themselves at Y/N." Geneva dramatically falls onto the table.
William clears his throat as a warning to Geneva just in case she's crossing a line. But she's not. Because. "No. It doesn't."
Geneva makes a questioning hum.
"Okay, I'll bite. What?" I ask, tilting my head. But the teen just smiles and smirks again.
"Okay, Wanda." She takes a sip of her water. "I was just saying that you had a certain look of jealousy in your eye. I mean, I get it hex is very attractive-" "Geneva."
"Dad." She mocks back. "Elizabeth knows." I breathe out. "For the last time, it's Lizzie." I chuckle. "And yes, I do know. But that doesn't mean every girl throws themselves at Y/N."
(A/N: They do)
Geneva puts her hands up in surrender. "I was just saying." William leans over and apologizes for his daughter in a very teasing way, making Geneva defend herself, leading to her and her dad playfully arguing.
It's cute, but it does make me think about my father. It's been months since I've seen him or spoken to him, and yet I wonder what he's doing right now. I know he misses me, but is he truly sorry?
Y/N has moved on from how he treated her, but I can't.
He hurt me and someone I love—bottom line.
"Elizabeth?" Geneva pulls me out of my thoughts. "It's Lizzie." She smiles back, loving this back-and-forth we have. "Sorry." She makes a very sarcastic gesture as she rolls her eyes. "Lizzie?"
"D-do you think.. Do you think Y/N would follow my Instagram?"
Okay, maybe Y/N IS everyone's favorite.
"I just love you and her so much. And since you don't have any social media anymore, it'd be really cool! Plus, I love her music! And we are all forming this fanfic kinda bond right now, so it seems like-" I hold my hand to let Geneva catch her breath.
I take a glance at William, who shrugs.
"I'm sure she wouldn't mind, but try asking her." Geneva nods and grabs her phone. "Okay!" She immediately gets up and runs out to speak to Y/N.
"Oh wait, Geneva.. I didn't... mean now... she's gone."
"And then there were two." William laughs as he leans back into the wooden chair of the restaurant. Rubbing the grey hairs, he has under his neck. "How long do you think she'll be?"
"I was just about to ask you." I chuckle while William smiles before leaning forward with his elbows on the table. He clears his throat before taking a full of coffee.
"This is a lovely place you and Geneva picked. I've never been here before." I say as my eyes dart around the fun interior. "Yeah. Geneva and I have been coming here since she was about 2." My eyes widen a bit. "Oh wow!"
William nods. "Course, she only remembers it only being just the two of us."
"There was someone else before?" I cautiously ask. Curiosity getting the best of me. William nods again. "Clara. Geneva's mother." There's sadness as he says her name.
"Excuse me for asking. But has she passed?" William doesn't take offense and only offers a shake of the head. "No." He sighs. "I don't think anything will kill that woman." Again, he rubs his shaven beard. "She's not in our lives."
"Oh.. By choice?" He nods. "Ours." Referring to him and Geneva. "Geneva has always been a bright girl. Smarter than me. Funnier than most. She's the type not to be afraid to show off what makes her, her."
I nod along to his words and smile. It's true. I barely know this father and teenager, but everything he's saying is true.
William takes a breath and sniffles as he continues speaking. "Clara did not like that. Especially when Geneva was discovering who she is." I raise my eyebrows and make an ahh noise.
"I used to work a lot more than I do now, so I was blind to it."
I tilt my head and bring my body forward against the table. When William moves his face upward, I can see the light of the morning sun bounce off the water in his eyes.
I hesitate to ask... "Did she ever-?" William stops me before I can finish. "She never laid a hand on her. But the verbal assault was enough." A shaky breath escapes him. "What kind of parent does that?" He asks me.
Once again. I can't help but think of my father.
"It only got worse when Geneva was brave enough to come out and tell us that she was gay." William clears his throat again. "And maybe another reason she did it was to show she wasn't going to change. Or maybe she did it because she truly thought it would change Clara."
William sighs with a shrug.
"Of course, I accepted her, and I thought my wife did too..." He shakes his head. Still hurt. "But one week later, she was trying to send our tween off to a conversion camp."
He pauses.
"I never looked at the person I married the same way after that." He picks up the napkin in his lap and runs it over his nose as I blink away the tears in the corners of my eyes. "I had a point when I started this, I promise." William cracks. "I could tell." I light-heartedly joke back. He smiles.
"Geneva is one hell of a kid. One in a million. And she likes you and your girlfriend. And hell, for some reason, it looks like you like us too." I smile and nod. "And she may look tough as nails, but she's still a kid, at least to me. My girl." He says. "So please be careful with her."
I nod with a sniffle."I can promise you that Y/N and I only want to be the best for her." I take a second. "She's a brave kid. She helped me be brave, too."
William smiles.
"Jesus..." I ran a hand through my hair. "It sounds like we're adopting her." William belly laughs at that.
"They pushed. They want it to be like a real debut album. And since this is more than an EP, they're making you go self-titled. hex." Bo says on the other side.
I sigh. This isn't the worst, and I know I should be grateful for this opportunity. So I breathe out and smile. "Okay. Timetable?" I ask.
"Late Summer," Bo says as he looks at a stack of papers in front of him. "August."
I turn around when I feel the eyes of someone on me. I quietly laugh when I see an out-of-breath Geneva.
I quickly wave to her as she waves back.
"And did they say anything about a tour?" I raise an eyebrow with interest.
I hear Bo go quiet.
"Ten shows to start. With you going self-titled, your livestream tonight and if depending on your sales once released, they'll add more."
I nod to his words, but I hate the roadblocks I have placed in front of that I must maneuver to please men in suits.
"But you get to pick where you want the tour to start."
It makes me smile because I instantly think about my Dad and where to play. "Nashville. Anywhere you can fit me."
When the call ends minutes later, Geneva politely holds her phone out to me, and I press follow.
Saturday Morning May 7th
Billboard Today "Fans of newcomer hex showed up in force just after midnight last night to see the drop for the tracklist to the artist's debut album. The livestream,which many thought was going to be small, was watched by over 200,000 people. Oh, and what about the songs, you ask? It looks like the album is going to be a solid eleven songs. But just before signing off,hex let it slip that there may be more in the future. Deluxe album, maybe?"
PopCrave "Artist hex debuted their tracklist for their debut album hex last night to awaiting fans. Check out the photo below from the livestream!" photo
MusicStarsNow "In a series of tweets starting with a profile picture change. Artist hex shows fans who missed last night's livestream the painting of the album cover commissioned by a friend of the artist Cyrus Wilcott. Followed by eleven tweets. Each one being a track title with short information about the song. However, the final tweet only contained the song title. Other than that, no release date has been given, but we hope for a summer release!"
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A/N: Hey, everyone. Sorry, this took a while! But it's here now with a lot going on! The next chapter will probably skip to the time the album drops. So see you next time! I hope you enjoyed it! Be safe, and drink some water!
Also, below is the real tracklist Fake album. Real songs. ________________________________
Track#. Track Name . (Real Artist)
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hex by hex . 1. Too Bad . (King Princess)
2. My Silver Lining . (First Aid Kit)
3. Nashville . (CMAT)
4. The Last One . (First Aid Kit)
5. Hospital . (Madison Cunningham)
6. Oh Wasn't It Fun . (hex)
7. Graves . (Hand Habits)
8. Always, Joni . (Trousdale)
9. Big Time . (Angel Olsen)
10. Leaning On You . (HAIM)
11. Wishful Thinking . (Gracie Abrams)
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whoiwanttoday · 1 year
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I watched Asteroid City last night. I was feeling myself slipping into a depression over what is, quite frankly, a stupid thing to be depressed about which is I have multiple plans this coming weekend and there is one I want to do more but it is less reliable so it's likely if I do that it will fall through and I will regret not doing the other thing so I will probably do the other thing and the result is that I felt myself just tumbling into a hole for a very stupid reason. Of course, I have learned actually the reason is superficial, my depression hardly needs a reason and will latch on to any trigger. I thought about bed, just climbing into bed at 6 PM but I didn't, instead I went to the movies. It had a salubrious effect on my soul I am happy to say and my stupid dilemma ended up being thematically appropriate to a degree. Wes Anderson wore me down from a crank who sat down to purposefully not have a good time to someone who had a very good time. The magic of art, it can heal your soul. And to think people want to not pay artists. Anyway, among the revelations that were really just reminders is that Scarlett Johansson is strikingly beautiful. It's not that I am unaware of this, she is the first person I ever posted on this blog because she is my longest ever celebrity crush. It isn't that I was unaware so much as I rarely think about it anymore and it was nice to have the reminder. She's also a very good actress. It was nice to be reminded of that now that she isn't a superhero. The movie gets a thumbs up from me but then I made my family go see the Royal Tennebaums when it was in theaters and they all hated it so which side of the equation you are on might impact your enjoyment. Today I want to fuck Scarlett Johansson.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Hi can I request Scarlett and reader for the Advent fics? Christmas proposal from Scarlett or date at a winter light show? Fluffy and cuddly?
Thank u I love you
☃️ Christmas Dream ☃️
Pairing: Scarlett Johansson x Reader
Summary: Scarlett makes a dream come true. 
Fluff | 0.8K | No Warnings | 
AC: Lowkey need Scarlett in a rom-com Christmas film.
Day 12 | Advent Calendar Masterlist 🎄
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Laughs filled the room as your family along with Scarlett sat at the dinner table enjoying the amazing Christmas dinner you put on. Scarlett sitting beside you with her hand gently stroking the back of your neck. "This is such a lovely dinner, Y/n" your mother smiles from the other end of the day, "You have to give me the recipe for the pie!" she adds. "The pie was all Scar" you smiled as you turned slightly to look at her, "I can write it down for you before you go" Scarlett spoke with a smile. 
After dinner it was gift giving time, mostly because all the young cousins, nieces and nephews were getting impatient while the gifts with their names on them sat teasingly under the tree. You sat comfortably on Scarlett's lap while everybody gathered around the tree while Christmas hits played ever so softly in the background. Wrapping paper soon covered the living room floor, children's faces grinning from ear to ear as they showed off their new gifts to one another. 
"Can we get out of here for a moment? Just out back, I have something for you" Scarlett whispered before you felt her leave a kiss on your cheek, "Out back?" you turned to her with a confused look, "it's cold out" you added. "Trust me, you won't care about the cold" she smirked before nudging you to hop off her lap, "lead the way darling" you stood up. 
Scarlett took your hand gently as the two of you slipped away from the crowded living room, Scarlett making sure to grab both of your winter coats before helping you put yours on. "What have you got planned huh?" you looked into her eyes which only made you admire her rather than search for clues. "A secret" she replied in a whisper as she opened the front door, "you said out back" you cocked a brow. Scarlett chuckled, "just come with me will you" she reached for your hand. 
It was only a short walk around to the back of the house. Where you lived with Scarlett was out of the city of New York, but you had a breath-taking view of the city given the house was built on a hill away from the likes of the public. With the snow covering the city and the city lights mixed with the bright colors of Christmas, Scarlett knew this was the perfect spot for her to spend a few moments with you. 
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Scarlett turned to you once you both came to a stop by the back fence, still giving you a magical view. "It is" you smiled, "Darling, why are we out here?" you asked as you pulled your coat over you more, trying to keep as snug as possible. "I have something for you" she reminded you as she wrapped her arms around you from behind, enjoying the view and soaking up her world in her arms. For a moment you forgot how cold it was with Scarlett behind you with her head gently resting on your shoulder while the world moved slowly, forgetting the joint family sharing laughs in the living room. 
"I love you" Scarlett whispered, her tone low and raspy causing an instant smile to tug at your lips, "I love you too" you replied, your hands now resting on top of hers. "Baby, look at me" Scarlett spoke, gently spinning you around to face her. You knew the moment you looked at her what was coming, "Scar?" Still, you questioned. 
"I was hoping it wasn't going to be this cold" she slightly shook her head with a chuckle as she slowly got on one knee, pulling out a small box from her coat's right-side pocket. "I was going to save this for new year's but seeing how happy you were at dinner and the view from here, I couldn't wait" she adds, "I love you more than I've loved anything or anybody in my life before, you're everything I have ever wished for. I honestly cannot bare to think of a day without you by my side or a night where I don't come home to see your beautiful smile"
Tears filled your eyes as Scarlett's words touched your heart, not wanting her to be on the cold ground for too long you gently pulled her up to you as she continued to speak. "Will you marry me?" she asked, your tears breaking free as you smiled widely, "nothing would make me happier than being your wife" you replied before smashing your lips onto hers. She smiled against your lips, "I love you so much" she whispered against your lips as she slipped the ring onto your freezing cold finger, the cold never phasing you again that night.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff  | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @ahintofchaos | @fluffyblanketgecko | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | 
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Her Song part 7
I focus on my breathing as I round the corner, dodging a mother pushing a stroller. "Sorry," I breathe out as I continue my run. It's early— way too early to be out on a run, but I have to go before the store opens, and I like to watch the sunrise. This morning, the sky is a perfect painting of refreshment. Watercolors of pink and orange reflect off the river, taking my mind off the ache in my muscles.
I stop in the middle of a small bridge to catch my breath and admire the view. Leaning on the railing, I can see my breath in the crisp fall air. Briefly closing my eyes and tilting my head back, I try to reign in some peace. My peace is short lived, however, when someone calls my name.
"Y/N! Hi!" Florence shouts, jogging over to me with another blonde woman in tow.
"Hey, Florence. What are you doing out here?" I ask, gesturing to the remote park around us. Very few people come to this park, which is part of the reason I love it.
"Going for a run. We don't usually come this early though. Do you usually run here, as well?"
"Yeah. Yeah, as often as I can."
"Oh! Where are my manners? Y/N, this is Scarlett," she says, pointing to the other woman behind her. "Scarlett, this is Y/N. The one who owns the shop I go to."
"Hi, nice to meet you," Scarlett says with a small half-smile, reaching out for a handshake. "From what Florence has told me, you must make quite the impression. I could swear she's in love with you by the way she talks about you."
"H-hi, yeah that's-that's nice," I squeak out, dumbfounded by the fact that I'm shaking Scarlett freaking Johansson's hand.
"Wow, how come I didn't get this kind of reaction when we met?" Florence asks, pretending to be insulted.
"Sorry. Didn't mean to fangirl. You're just- you're you and I used to watch Marvel movies with my dad and- I'm just gonna stop now," I nervously cut myself off.
"No, don't apologize. It's cute," Scarlett says with a smirk. Florence elbows her and I look between them, laughing awkwardly. What the fuck is happening.
"We've really gotta go, but I'll see you at the shop later, yeah?" Florence says.
"Yeah, of course."
"Hey maybe I'll swing by, see what all the hype is about," Scarlett adds, looking me up and down. Did she just? No. No way.
"I'd love that. Fair warning though: my kid will probably freak if she sees you guys. She's totally obsessed with Marvel—especially Nat and Yelena," I tell them.
"That's no problem. I'm sure I'll love her," Scarlett assures me.
"Yeah, and I can't wait to formally meet her," Florence says sincerely, blushing as she looks into my eyes. I search her eyes for any hint of what she might be feeling, but find no answers.
Scarlett awkwardly clears her throat, and Florence and I end our accidental staring competition. "Right. I'll see you guys later," I say before they take off once more. I jump around and try to wipe the giddy smile off my face, but I can't. So I resume my run, which will surely rid me of any scraps of joy I was feeling.
When I return home, Syd still hasn't woken up, which is probably a good thing. I don't really want her wandering the apartment alone, but I know and trust both of our neighbors. I try not to leave her home alone often, but I can only rely on Ash so much.
I peel off my sweaty clothes and take a quick shower. Then I wake Syd up and we get ready to head to the shop. I buckle her up in the back of my WRX and hop in the driver's seat, starting the short drive to the shop.
When we get there, Ash isn't there yet, so I unlock the store and open everything up. About a half hour later, she arrives and clocks in before choosing music to play. She puts on Sinatra's A Man and His Music and the soft melody of "Put Your Dreams Away" fills the shop.
"Momma this music is boring," Syd complains, sitting on the checkout countertop.
"Sydney Fleur Y/L/N, you take that back," I gasp. "Don't make me disown you."
"Yeah, Sydney. Don't you ever insult Sinatra again," Ash teases. Syd sticks her tongue out at Ash, who then does the same in return.
"You're both children," I tell them as the bell above the door rings.
I smile and wave, beginning to greet them before Im cut off by Syd yelling, "Momma, it's Natasha and Yelena! Momma, look!"
"Babe, you remember that discussion we had about how those characters aren't real? This is Scarlett and Florence. They're the actresses who play Natasha and Yelena," I explain.
"Oh. Well I don't care," she states loudly, before leaning over to whisper, "Momma are they your girlfriends?"
"No, no they are not my girlfriends," I laugh quietly.
"That's stupid," she grumbles.
I look back over to them and say, "Sorry about that. What can I get for you, Scarlett? I already know what the Brit wants."
"Can I please have a double shot cafe Americano?"
"Definitely," I say with a smile, motioning for Ash to ring them up as I start the drinks. "For here or to go?"
"For here," Florence replies, watching me as I work.
Seeing as I can't write on a mug, I grab a napkin and write "Walkin' After Midnight by Patsy Cline" on it, placing it under her tea as I set it in front of her. I make Scarlett's drink next. I hear my phone ring as I hand her the coffee, but Syd answers it.
"Hi, Grandpa! No, Momma is working," she says into the phone. I smile briefly and watch her, not really wanting to talk to him. It's a complicated relationship. "Momma, he wants to talk to you."
I take the phone from her and head out back. "What's up, Dad?"
"I was just calling to check in. I miss you. You should come home to visit. I haven't seen Syd in forever."
"Dad, there's no way in hell I'm going back to that town. If you want to see Syd, then you're gonna have to come to New York. I'm sorry, but-"
"No, no, I get it. After what this town did to you...Look, how about I come to visit? Just for a few days. I can even watch Syd so you can go out with your friends. Or possibly a girlfriend?"
"There's no girlfriend. Sorry to disappoint. But of course you can come. I really have to go back to work, so text me when you have a plan, okay? Love you."
"Love you too. Bye."
I hang up and go back into the shop. "Sorry about that."
"Don't be, Momma. I was just about to tell Scarlett and Florence how you're a stripper!" Oh god.
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