#it's hot as hell and I haven't been swimming in almost two years
gettothestabbing · 1 year
Car wouldn’t start out of the blue yesterday. None of my neighbors are home when I am, so I called a towtruck and they gave me a jump in my garage. The guy said to pour Coke on the battery to get rid of corrosive acid, which I am 90% sure was not a joke, because he had no other suggestions.
I was worried the issue was way more serious than just a jump. The car is 10 years old, bought off the side of the road after it was in an accident that permanently changed the shape of the frame around the engine. I’m glad it works because I don’t have the time or money to rent a car rn. But I do have to think about how much longer these repairs are worth keeping this car.
I can’t trade it in unless I get it registered in the proper state. Which I put off doing, despite having everything I needed for it, because I hate the DMV more than almost anything else. The last time I was at the DMV, I frowned because I was being told I had to go to a different line and do a bunch of stuff over again. I’d already been there for almost two hours. My frown prompted the worker to start shrieking at me “not to get angry” and “stop threatening me.” It was surreal and embarrassing. We weren’t even making eye contact, how is a frown a threat? 
New Jersey was the worst. Everyone I stood near in that DMV back in 2020 was talking about how much they hated living there and how they were trying to move away XD Even though I’ve moved twice since then, I never went back to a DMV. Lockdown made getting a good time to go too hard in MI, and in OH I’ve been working and traveling so much that I always found a good reason to put it off just a little longer.
Oh, and they cancelled over half of the vacation time they’d already approved for me at the end of the month. They actually cancelled ALL of it and didn’t clearly communicate that to me, but when I realized and explained I was going to a family reunion and about my grandpa’s health, they felt bad and gave me 3 days back. Plus, the AC and the outlets in one room are still out of commission too. I have two fans going at full power that I carry from room to room. And my left wrist feels like it’s damn near about to fall off.
This week is giving me whiplash.
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starmotions · 2 years
musical shuffle tag meme
tagged by @hanjisoonie (and @hungerpunch in another musical tag meme) to do this cute music tag meme!!
rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks & list 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist, and then tag 10 people to do the same !!
i'm shuffling my spotify wrapped here bc i have way to many playlists to choose from.
10 random tracks:
seventeen by sjowgren
everybody breaks by ivan & alyosha
crash by mai.la
our love (from arcane) by curtis harding and jazmine sullivan
parents by YUNGBLUD
little me by duumu and karnaboy
achilles come down by gang of youths
the kill by thirty seconds to mars
too much by HONEYMOAN
in the kitchen by mree
a pretty solid listing all around. no repeats, goes from artists with only 1k listeners a month to those with 5mil, from poptimism to rock, lot of lyricism and indie pop lol. i like to discover smaller artists a lot but will also get into a vibe trend where only one song will cut it or i have to devour one musician's album (see: yungblud) so i have to listen to that. i also did listen to like three soundtracks sooo heavily this past year. arcane takes the cake though, it was phenomenal in every way. if you haven't watched this breakdown of creating 'what could have been' by arcane musical composer alex seaver, you should!
10 favorite tracks:
blemish by mae mae and the colourist has some upbeat-sad contemplative vibes, which i'm always into. sonically it's just very appealing, the 'hate to burst your bubble, but you're always causing trouble like you always do', i listen to it on repeat a mmmm lot
i'm still here by john rzeznik from treasure planet! yeah, i'm still not over it!!!! it's so fucking good. sweeping and captivating, it builds in your chest like you're truly flying
jigoku tengoku by TWINKIDS it's just pure vibes, so very vibes. also: 'i'm thinking bloodstone/your cold li looving will/be keeping me warm' yeah i do love that vampire love thanks
nothing new by the strike i listened to the strike a lot this past year. a lot of their songs have a fabulous tempo that is perfect for furiously typing or running or cleaning or highway driving
this hell by rina sawayama when people talk about an anthem, this is the type of song they mean. anthem IS its genre. i jam, i groove, i sing along. i wanna do the two-step like in the music video
supercut by lorde i don't listen to a whole lot of lorde but supercut has a perfect late night driving echoing in the blue headlights atmosphere, with the echo of the vocals and the staccato in the bridges, it's very satisfying
the funeral by yungblud like i said, this album on repeat! 'do you hate yourself? well that's alright. do you love yourself? well that's alright! do you dream about the day you die?' lots to love, including the oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-ohs
powder blue/cascine park by yumi zouma here be vibes again! it's a very soothing sort of musical swimming, good for listening to on repeat and keeping a consistent tempo. most of this group's songs fall in the same home lo-fi vibe
vivaldi storm by 2CELLOS ha, i almost always have a little instrumental interlude in my playlists and i enjoy this little mashup a lot. emphatic and vibrant !
i love it when hot guys cry by link lauren honestly everyone should listen to this song. whenever i listen to it i wanna put it on repeat for days. when will it be on drag race, etc. it's just campy great goodness. i get recommended a lot of smaller queer artists on spotify and almost always enjoy them bc they are just so unabashedly themselves and over the top and romo and delightful - shout out to be steadwell, gregory dillon, heartthrob and kelechi!!
thanks for the tag, hon! i'll go ahead and no pressure tag:
@deadhoneysalama, @fromadifferentphase, @lomku, @somekindofsheepl, @sevenpoints, @spareourworld, @crent-trimm, @the-faultofdaedalus, @alexenglish, @docdracula ! 💖
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hero-to-villain · 3 years
Through the good, the bad & the dirty
Derek Morgan x fem!reader (she/her)
Summary: Derek is actually a cutie, and really cares for Y/N, even if he doesn't show it at first.
TW: anxiety, SA, violence, swearing
Word count: 3k +
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What the fuck was that case? How did they not notice the man in the midst? He was so OBVIOUS, even Spencer realized pretty early on that he was weird, but the community couldn't see it because he was so involved with the church and their restricting cult. Of course the good, church-going son wasn't going to be suspected by the higher-ups of the church - he was their most promising protegé after all.
Your thoughts were out of control, spiraling past any point of return. It just reminded you SO much of what you went through, of how the church didn't take any action, of how the police tried but "couldn't find any evidence". You were tired of it, the pain, the suffering. Everything.
It was getting hot, way too hot for the hotel room that you were in at the time. An uncomfortable, prickling feeling spreads through your fingers. With it came the nausea, the ever-present feeling that pressure is existing just under your ribs and that in turn constricted your breathing. Your lungs aren't filling up, you couldn't breathe. Oh god, you can't breathe. What were you going to do? A rhythmic knocking echoes throughout your quiet room.
"Y/N are you okay in there?" Derek knocked again, but when he didn't receive an answer he couldn't help but feel like something was off. You had been a lot more irritable during this case in particular, and the solemn yet angry looks you had given the victims seemed to hit a little bit too close to home for the big man.
"If you don't open up in 5 seconds I will knock this door down Y/N!" Without an answer he felt the panic rise in his throat, adrenaline pumping through out his body that wouldn't let him rest even if he wanted to.
The room was swimming, and your ears were ringing - what was happening? An anxiety attack? You haven't had one of those in the last few years. You were trying to self-soothe but none of the techniques were helping, not using your senses, breathing in a square or even pain, which had been your go-to metod ever since that fate-ful incident. Your ex-boyfriend was the reason for your panic and anxiety and the case had brought that up once again.
You were gone; off somewhere deep in your thoughts - and then you weren't. A deeply distinct scent consisting of sandal wood, ember and something so uniquely Derek Morgan that you just couldn't complain. His hands were cold against your burning cheeks as he forced you to focus on him and his beautiful eyes. His breaths were fanning out against your lower face as he panted something that wouldn't reach your ears; covered by the incessant ringing that just wouldn't stop bothering you. And then you saw him - you really saw him. He was there, clear as day. His bright eyes, filled with concern and something more, something that you couldn't identify.
"Y/N? Y/N!" slowly but surely his voice came through the high tone and your body was relaxing in his hands. He could feel the stress leaving her body and the weight of her in his large hands. A sign of trust; relaxation. Your breath was slowly returning and the frantic look in Dereks eyes were fading along with your anxiety. You two were simply sitting there, looking at each other and breathing.
"How are you doing?" His voice was low, almost whispering but you heard it just as well as if he had spoken at full volume. It was the only noise in the room after all, and you didn't complain.
"I'm okay don't worry"
"Y/N, you just had an anxiety attack. Like hell I'm going to accept that half assed comment, you are not okay!" His hands were still on your face, and so any attempt to look away was promptly stopped.
"No really, it's okay! I'm okay" A single well-aimed look was all it took for tears to spill down your red cheeks and onto his hands, alerting him all the more to your lessening composure and control over your emotions.
"Derek, I was them. I was a victim, just like those women, but I never got any justice. They never caught him; locked him away. He's still out there. It scares me Derek, It scares me so much. He's out there and can find me with a single search on google, how can I feel safe when the man that made me a victim is still out there, and no-one knows what he did." You were crying harder and he couldn't stand to watch it without being able to do anything.
"Can I hold you Y/N?" He didn't move until he got the okay - and then his warmth covered you. It was very welcomed as your body temp fell in tact with the adrenaline. You didn't even realize that you were shivering until his arms curbed the tremors that were moving your body.
"He didn't listen to me Derek! He didn't listen when I said no, he had a knife and he was so much stronger than me, what could I have done? I had just turned eighteen, it was all that he waited for." Sobbs raked through your body and the cries were so loud and emotional that you could even see his eyes tearing up through the clouding of your own.
"I know Y/N, I know. It's rough but you got through it, and you made it out. What he did wasn't right, but we can't change that. All we can do is work through it and help prevent others from going through the same pain." You could identify the specific look in his eyes now; compassion. He wasn't pitying you, or looking down on you in any of the ways that you thought he would - he just felt for you.
The two of you ended up sitting there, in that position for almost half an hour before one of you spoke up, that someone being Derek Morgan with one of his well-meaning yet somewhat innocent and flirtatious comments. it didn't fit the mood, but it worked like a charm to break the somber veil that coated the sterile environment of the hotel room.
"Listen, Y/N you are amazing and what that bastard did was awful, but you are not defined by that, you hear me? You are not defined by him or his actions! You are dedicated, passionate, and caring and so much more. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. You are a goddess, ethereal and never ending!" He had your face in his hands again, forcing you to look into his eyes again. He needed you to understand that he was serious and that he didn't think any less of you for revealing this. He really thought that you were so amazing and a so-called goddess. He was completely enamored by you.
"Do you want me to stay tonight?" Doubt was filling your mind, the thoughts taking over, which of course, the ever present analyst in him picked up on. He had already made his choice, now it was up to you whether or not you wanted him there and would allow him to stay - you did.
The plane ride back to Quantico was uneventful, giving you some quality shut-eye in the presence of the few people that you trusted with your life. It also gave Derek ample time to consider your recent confessions and what they implied. You were over the incident as much as you could be, but everything could rise to the surface if triggered hard enough; after all, he knew all about that. You had been on the team at the time of his confrontation, but not as an active agent because of some reason that he couldn't recall as of right now. Eventually the constant rumbling of the plane lulled him into a deep sleep that he stayed in for the rest of the trip.
The case was finished and that was the last of it, or so you thought. Months passed and new cases came and left your desk, and you thought nothing of it. It was work, nothing more nothing less. Then came this one. A case so awful and appalling that you couldn't sleep, and you knew that Derek couldn't either, after all it had become sort of tradition for you and the tough man that Garcia so lovingly calls "chocolate thunder" to meet late at night and talk to take your minds off of things.
"How are you doing?" The question rolls off of your tongue in a low tone, not daring to break the comfortable bubble that he had created at the bar of the stingy little hotel that they were staying in.
"I'm okay sweet cheeks, how are you?" The question dripped in sincerity, but the answer to your question didn't match the sentiment. You decided not to push it, not right now at least. Not bothering to answer him, you leaned against his shoulder and sighed deeply, giving him all the information that he needed.
"Truth or dare, Y/N?" he looked down at your tired form, a small smile playing on his full lips.
"Did you ever dream of another life? Different from this one?" His warm arm was resting on your shoulder and you could swear that you saw something akin to more than friendship in his eyes, especially as you snuggled closer.
"Yeah, once upon a time I dreamt of having a family, of being a teacher, and bringing my kids to my parents house; to watch them play around while me and my partner could exist in peace.-" Before you could notice, a small smile spread on your lips and it continued as you kept on talking. "- You know, I used to be such a family oriented person and now I barely see my parents. I guess you are my family now." You smiled contentedly up at Derek before snuggling closer, taking advantage of his body heat.
"How about you handsome, what did you want out of life?" You mumbled the question into the crook of his neck but he heard it somehow, and his signature laugh blessed your ears in response (maybe he's ticklish?)
"Yeah, I used to dream of working a regular nine to five job, to be home in time for dinner, and to be able to constantly show my people that I love them, especially my wife and kids, But I've always wanted to have a family, and to follow my dad's footsteps and become a cop." He had gotten a look of nostalgia in his eyes and a sentimental smile. You liked him like this; honest, open & brave. He always embodied those traits, but he always seemed more genuine in the am.
"Huh, Derek Morgan, a family man." The words didn't leave the disgust that you were expecting, but rather it felt right, like it was meant to be. He was a caring man, you know that, but hearing the real deal say that he wanted something more, something real, felt better somehow. You could see him with a family, playing in the park and waking up to sunshine in the morning. You two were there for a bit longer, just talking about life and what you wanted out of it, so long that you eventually fell asleep in his arms.
Soft sheets caressed your body as you stretched in bed. Hearing a chuckle woke you up with a snap, and your eyes were frantically searching for the source of the noise - Chocolate thunder.
"Hi Sweet cheeks." Ever so smooth talking, he smiled so beautifully that you just couldn't help but smile back at the man.
"Hi Der' " That special look had reappeared in his eyes and you decided not to comment on it, right now the priority was how and why you were in his bed.
"Hey sleepy-head." His skin was on show, glistening and wet, he had just taken a shower and had yet to put on a shirt. How was he so attractive?
"You drank a little bit too much last night, and Hotch needs us so you need to get up, sweet cheeks." You could tell that he got some slight form of pleasure from forcing you, due to the tone in his voice, it reeked of smugness and slight amusement. And you longed to wipe that stupid little smirk off of his perfect face.
The rest of the day was filled with figuring out where the unsub took his victims and the motive behind the violence. with the exception of the coffee incident. Trying to navigate the foreign office was hard, especially when you were two in the kitchen and searching for different things.
The kitchen was small, but not imposingly so. Painted in a green color you couldn't deny that it was cozy, but the cozy was offset by the fact that you couldn't find anything. The tea water was hot, but you couldn't find the teabags, only the coffee - which desperately needed to be refilled. Speak of the devil and he shall appear; in walks Derek with his empty cup, no doubt wanting to recharge with some B-grade caffeine.
"Hi Y/N, have you seen the coffee?" He sighed as he asked, why were they always out of coffee when he wanted more?
"Over here." You didn't pay him any mind, still trying to find those damned teabags - without any success-. You heard him getting closer and gave up on trying to find them in the drawers, the team must be in one of the cupboards, much to your irritation. Why wouldn't you just place the coffee with the tea? You could feel his body heat seeping into your clothes as he tried to squeeze in between you and the table conveniently placed in the middle of the kitchen. With a large hand on your hip he tried to avoid pressing up against you, but as his grip got tighter both him and you realized that he misjudged the size of the space, by a lot. His breathing changed ever so slightly and it took everything in you to not analyze why it changed, but to rather focus on how it made goosebumps rise, and tingles exploded under your skin, lighting a fire that you weren't sure that you'd ever be able to put out.
"This one?" His voice was low and positively, purely, sin. How was he even allowed? He was a walking distraction and you were glad that you weren't facing each other, because you large pupils would've told him everything that he needed to know.
"Yes." It was closer to a sigh than anything else, but you both decided to ignore it in favor of the promised caffeine boost and the hope of avoiding any awkwardness. You finally found the tea in a cabinet and returned to the working space, unknowingly leaving your superior and friend with an emotional and moral dilemma, as well as a problem for him to handle.
Later that evening you decided that you needed some well deserved girl-time and called Penelope for the hottest gossip and to tell her about the kitchen incident - without mentioning any names, of course-.
"Okay, but I need to tell you something, Pen!" You proceeded to tell her everything, how you couldn't find the tea, how he pressed up against you, and exactly how it set you on fire.
"Girl, if you don't snatch him up, then I will! As the oh so amazing tech god that I am, I will find out who he is and I will make sure that he is deserving of you." She meant well, and you didn't feel threatened by her and Derek's relationship, but some part of you wanted to keep it a secret, if just for a little while longer. To have something that was just yours, without any meddling from your best friend- just the pure attraction and fire between you and the amazing man that you are slowly but surely falling hard for.
For once you felt good about going in and arresting the unsub, with some help from Penelope and the quick mind of the locals, you had found his address. But nothing is as easy as it seems, is it?
The unsub was hiding out in this suburban home, complete with a picket fence and the golden retriever; a perfectly respectable couple - if you could disregard the murder, that is. They had lured you men and women, under the guise of wanting another partner in the bedroom, and it just so happened that you were just their type.
“Wow, Y/N, that’s not something you see every day!” He was hyping you up, and you knew it was supposed to be encouraging, but the growing ball of anxiety in your throat told an entirely different story from the bull shit that you were spouting.
“What Morgan, have you never seen a lady before?” The cold of your hand created a chilled area where it rested on your hip. The outfit was amazing, with pretty chains and straps, you were sure to attract the attention of the targeted couple - and find out who the true unsub is.
Derek drove you there, but dropped you off around the corner so as to not tip anyone off. placing a scorching hand on your thigh he stopped you, just before you got out.
"It'll be okay, I promise you, I won't let anything happen to you, okay?" He searched for any sign of doubt in your eyes, any sign of you being against taking this course of action. You did your best in trying to tip him off to your inner demons, you knew he would call this entire thing off, and you needed this to finally nail the guy without any possible doubt.
You had decided on a time to meet before, and therefore they were expecting you and you just walked right in. They were waiting. In your bag was a microphone which recorded everything that happened, and it was a lot.
"Hello Y/N" The two of them were very comfortable with each other and whilst their words were very nice and gentle, their body-language was not.
"Hi, where do you want me?"
"Right to the chase?" Tha man seemed surprised and somewhat reluctant, but the woman compensated with a quick reply as to not raise suspicion.
"The red room is fine, it's right through here" she said. Red room huh? fitting.
The room was towards the back of the house and like she said, it was very red. In fact, the floor was a collage of different shades of red, with pitch black walls. Red carpet to mask the blood? fitting. I bet we can find evidence of all of their victims here.
The thought of finding enough evidence to prosecute them was enough to boost your confidence, and with that confidence you removed your trenchcoat to show them your outfit.
The woman was on you first, admiring your form with a ravenous gaze. The red on her lips transferred to yours messily and small puffs of air caressed your now swolen lips. The man came up from behind and placed his warm hands on your hips, it stirred some of that anxiety back up, but not being able to break your character just yet you focused on kissing her neck. Her small hand moved to card through your hair, only to grip it at the base and roughly tug your head back, and exposing the side of your neck to the man. The slight tug drew a moan from your lips, and before you could stop it his lips were on your neck. Your hands were getting clammy and your puls was racing, trying so hard not disassociate and forget to give Morgan the cue to move in. But not yet, you needed undeniable proof. The panic was rising, making your breathing labored and your throat was closing up badly, and then you saw it, the glint of the knife right as the garotte was placed around your neck and tightened.
A useless gasp of your safeword (and codeword) was all you could utter before the lack of air got to you, inducing gagging and gasping; desperately trying to survive. As your sight was flimmering in and out, no longer registering your surroundings you could see the worried face of Derek, your Derek. And then there was nothing.
"you can never do that again, you hear me, never." You hand was warm as he held them so tightly in his own, he kissed it lightly and looked at you with such worry in his beautiful eyes.
"I can't promise that"
"Then I will burn this world to the very ground to make sure it'll never happen again"
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Their Doll 8
Let me in
B.Barnes x Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
series synopsis:  y/n Stark, all records of her non existent, and yet Hydra still find her. When she is kidnapped by a certain super-soldier and no one believes her, she finds herself searching for unexpected familiarity in her not-so-distant past.
Series Warnings: smut, violence, torture, swearing
Chapter Summary: y/n gets emotional
Warnings: swearing, feelings
A/n: The timeline in this has been altered, as there I things I wanted to include but I also wanted this fic to follow the storyline/timeline of Winter Soldier and Civil war.So for purposes of this fanfic, Peter Parker was discovered by Tony at a much younger age - when he was bitten - and has been an intern with him since, almost like a protégée.(For the purposes of this story Peter was bitten much younger too - more like when he was 9 or ten rather than 14/15)
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Life at the tower was...tiring, to say the least. During my free time I often found myself in the gym, lobbing knives at a target and trying my hardest not to biting one in Steve's chest every time he would correct my technique. When I wasn't trying to murder the avenger in cold blood, I was usually dragged into things by the other: briefings and debriefing for missions I'd never go on, my dad's parties, group training sessions and study periods with Bruce in his labs to name a few.
But for now, I was huddled in my rooms - fresh out of a hot shower after a brutal two hour training session and four mile run with Natasha - curled up on my bed and attempting to catch up on a few of the films I'd missed. But the exhaustion and drowsiness clouded my eyes, the noise from the TV merely in the background as I felt my eyes growing heavier by the second.
A sharp knock at the door snapped my out of my lowsey state, the people movie across the screen simple a blur of colour as my eyes darted past the tv and over to the door.
"Mr Stark is waiting at your door. Would you like me to let him in?" FRIDAY's evenly calm voice chimed, making me groan and mumble a 'no' into my pillows. The last person I wanted to see right now was my dad.
"Come on kid, let me in." My dad called from the other side of the door, and I could practically hear him roll his eyes and shake his head when I stayed silent. When he spoke again, it wasn't directed at me. "FRIDAY, override command and open the door."
"Wait! That's hardly fair!" I whined like a five year old, groaning again when the door swung open and my dad stood on the other side, quite clearly just as exhausted as I was.
"Get used to it, kiddo. Life isn't fair." Tony chided, walking over to my bed. I tried to shuffle away slightly when I felt the bed dip, my dad perching on the edge as his eyes scanned over the room. "I see you haven't decorated yet." He commented casually, as if nothing had ever happened between us.
"Yeah, well, I thought It'd be a shame to spend so much time on something when you're probably waiting to kick me out anyway." I mumbled, refusing to look at him.
"What the hell is wrong with you, y/n? Ever since you got back you've been-"
"Acting different?" I cut in, and when Tony simply swallowed thickly I nodded. "Funny that, seeing as I was kidnapped and tortured for three years. Not to mention made to kill people for another year after that."
"Y/n I'm sorry..."
"But you're not! You can't be, otherwise you'd actually have tried to save me, rather than leaving me to rot!" My voice cracked, tears pricked at my eyes and I now sat up straight in my bed, facing my dad but not looking him in the eye. "And you can't change that, you can't go back in the past and fix your mistake. And trying to fix it now sure as hell won't work, so I suggest you leave before I'm tempted to use you as my target for my training session tomorrow." I raised my voice, eyes now keeping his captive as the tears rolled freely down my cheeks.
"Oh, kid, they broke you." Tony murmured, cupping my cheek with his hand, eyes swimming with sorrow. Sorrow that I didn't want.
"You can't fix me either, because I'm not broken!" I said harsher now, voice only getting louder. "I don't need to be fixed..." I trailed off, voice barely above a whisper Joe as my eyes broke the contact, averting to my lap as the tears dropped onto the bed sheets.
That's how I found myself in my fathers arms, face pressed against his shoulder as the sobs made my body shake, hiccups escaping me as I tried to speak.
"A-all I needed W-was my D-dad, and yo- you took him f-from me!" I wailed, hands clutching my dad's shirt and his arms wrapped protectively around my shoulder, hands rubbing circles over my back soothingly.
"I know, kiddo. I'm sorry."
"Who is that?" Clint frowned, staring at the pictures scattered over the table in front of Natasha and Steve as they studied them deeply,  brows creased in thought.
"Our newest pain in the ass." Tony answered for them, slapping a thick folder down in front of Clint as he said so. The marksman was quick to pick it up, flicking through the documents, news stories and information sheets greedily.
"The...winter soldier?" He asked, looking at the three superheroes in front of him as if they'd gone mad. "But he's a ghost story!"
"I've seen him. Been shot by him, actually." Nat said, an sadistically proud smirk forming on her lips with her last words, almost as if it were an achievement.
"We're trying to find out more about him, maybe that way we can beat him." Steve explained, sitting back in his chair with crossed arms as he huffed in defeat, sick to death with staring at the same five pictures all morning.
Y/n walked in, a skip in her step as she crossed the room to Tony.
"Morning, dad." She greeted, placing a quick kiss to his cheek and heading over to the cupboard to grab a mug. Clint and Natasha frowned in confusion, looking between the two as if they'd witnessed pigs fly.
Tony shrugged, y/n too preoccupied with making herself a coffee to notice the avengers' reactions. When her coffee was done, y/n swiped her mug from under the machine and sipped happily, letting out a content sigh before wandering over to stand behind Natasha.
"What are you working on?" She asked, peering over the spy's shoulder to get a glimpse of the pictures.
A loud smash crashed through the room, Tony's eyes widening in shock and Natasha jumping from her seat in order to not get covered in spilt coffee. Y/n stood paralysed, eyes never leaving the photo in front of her as she started at the Soldier. Steve frowned deeply, studying the girl as her eyes glossed over with with what seemed to be...sadness.
Clint was already at her side, a comforting hand on her shoulder as they all asked y/n what had happened and if she was alright. It was like a constant ringing in her ear interrupted their words before they reached her ears, and y/n suddenly felt nauseous as she starred at the bright red star on the soldier's arm, his long and messy dark hair shrouding his face and his leather clad, muscular body. Only his cerulean blue eyes could be seen, the rest of his face covered in a black mask she didn't usually see him in.
"I-I need some air." She stuttered, stumbling blindly out of the room and down the stairs, tipping over a few steps from the bottom and tumbling down the last few. She quickly pulled herself to her feet, hearing still ringing and vision offset, hazy, as she scrambled for the double glass doors. Luckily they already stood open, so she flew through them and out into the busy streets of New York.
Y/n found herself colliding will someone almost instantly, angry shouts of 'hey, watch it!' And 'look where the fuck you're going, kid!' Being called after her like a chorus as she pushed through the bustling people.
She finally stopped, dropping to her knees and simply staring straight ahead, no intended subject in her line of vision as she tried to comprehend the-the grief, at seeing the a soldier's face again.
It had only been two weeks, and yet two weeks without him, his touch, his scent - it felt like an eternity to y/n now. She hasn't registered what her feeling meant for him before, liking him beyond a source of comfort had just felt...wrong, after all he'd done, and yet y/n couldn't deny it.
She was in love with the Winter Soldier, and she didn't even know his name.
I wasn't aware of when someone had found me, nor of how they got me back to the tower or even how I was now stood staring blankly out of the window that stood next to my bed. I gazed longingly, almost as if I stared long enough, hard enough, he'd appear.
But of course he wouldn't, he was probably half way across the world, knowing HYDRA. A soft knock on my door and my head was turning, facing my visitor with a look of pure grief and want. Desperate, unhinged want that could eat you up from inside out and you'd still feel it.
"Hey, y/n. Can I talk to you for a moment?" Nat asked tentatively, clearing trying to to disturb my shaken up state. I nodded, offering a small smile which she returned as I now faced her. She walked up to me, talking my hands him hers and playing with the as she spoke, eyes kind and full of understanding.
"There's a mission, and we want you to go." She said calmly, almost as if the mere thought of it would send me into some kind of heart attack.
"Okay," I begun, eyes flitting down to the floor before back up again. "What is it? Aren't you scared that I'm still HYDRA and all I'd do is stab someone in the back?"
"Not exactly." Nat informed me with a smile, amusement glinting in her eyes at my assumption. "For starters, we all trust you, well maybe not steve - but everyone else does." Nat and I both laughed slightly. "And I think you wouldn't have it any other way it to go on the mission yourself." Nat finished.
"How come?" I asked, brow raised.
"There's been a lead..." she started. "On the winter soldier. We thought you might want to help check it out, possibly capture him. Your powers may be the best chance we have a detaining someone as strong as him." Nat spoke. "And if we can detain him.."
"We can save him." I finished.
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Maybe, Just Maybe
Someone To Stay Ch. 5
Spencer x Fem reader
Content/Trigger warnings: a little bit of body image issues
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Spencer POV:
It's been a few days since I hung out with Y/N. I'm truly glad she was the one I got to go with. I feel like we might have a lot in common, and she's easy to be around. For a little while, I almost forgot about everything that happened...about her. The next day the thoughts came sinking slowly back in, but they don't feel as debilitating as they used to. Maybe Derek was right, getting out, being around people, it may not be easy for me but it may be what's best. Maybe I should try to get out of my comfort zone a little. I want to get better, I do. But being social, well it's never been my strong suit, and to try to do it now, when I feel so emotionally vulnerable, it's particularly difficult.
Other than the dinner at Rossi's, my friends haven't been inviting me out as much as they used to. I'm pretty sure they got tired of the inevitable rejection. I want them to see that I'm trying, that I want to do better, to get better. Maybe if I reach out first...
I grab my phone to call JJ. She's like a sister to me, and she's been the best at trying to understand what I've been going through.
"Hey, Spence!" She sounds surprised but glad to hear from me.
"Hey, I was uhh.. well I was just wondering..." my words trail off as I find myself suddenly losing confidence in my endeavor.
"Yeah, what's up?" Her voice has a calming effect on me.
"Well...I was wondering if the team had any plans this weekend? To hang out or...I don't know."
"Actually we don't. But we should! I think I have an idea. There's something I've been wanting us all to do. There's a Lakehouse up for rent, and I think it would be fun if we all went up for a weekend. What do you think?"
I'm not very into outdoor activities, but the idea of reading on a porch by the lake sounds incredibly calming and therapeutic. It also sounds like a good time for me to start hanging out with the team again.
"You know, that actually sounds perfect." I smile at the thought of the much needed weekend getaway.
"Perfect! I'll text the group! Thanks for giving me the nudge to set this up, Spence. It'll be fun."
I hang up and shortly after I hear the familiar ding from the group message chat.
BAU Baddies😎
JJ💖: Hey guys! Who would be down for renting a Lakehouse this next weekend?
DM🍫⚡️: Hell yeah! @ahotchner you know what that means?? Jet Skis baby!! 😜🤙🏻
AB🌹: How fun! Count me in.
DR🇮🇹: I'll cook! I have a new recipe we can try out. I think you'll all love it👌🏻
PG🦄👸🏼: @jjereau @ablake We HAVE to go swimsuit shopping first, ladies! This is a non-negotiable.
AH: Sounds fun, are we bringing the kids this time?
JJ💖: Actually, Will is staying home and he'll be watching Henry. Jack can spend the weekend there, if you'd like. @ahotchner
AH: Thanks. I think I'll take you up on that offer.
DM🍫⚡️: @sreid you better be coming pretty boy, just bring a couple dozen books and you'll be set.
SR♟: Yep, already packing.
I smile to myself, thinking of how for once, I'm the reason we have plans. But if anyone else knew that, I'd never hear the end of it. I knew JJ was being intentional when she didn't mention that to the group. I hear another group chat alert and glance at my phone.
BAU Baddies😎
JJ💖: Hey, is it alright if I invite Y/N again?
AB🌹: Oh I thought that was a given! You definitely need to! She fits in with us so well.
PG🦄👸🏼: You better! Or I won't let you hear the end of it 😂
JJ💖: Great! Thanks you guys, it means a lot that you've been so welcoming to her.
Y/N will be there. Maybe I'll have a friend who will hang back and read with me. It would be nice to not be the only one. Then I remember what she said about moving here because she loves the outdoors. That means she'll probably be hanging out with Derek, JJ, and whoever else. Oh well. At least maybe I'll get to talk to her more. I decide to text her. I never really text anyone, but she doesn't know that.
Hey, it's Spencer. I heard JJ
wanted to invite you to the lake.
Do you think you'll go?
Yeah! I just got off the phone
with her. I can't wait! Are you
Surprisingly...yes. I'll be bringing
some books along to pass the time
but it'll be nice to have a change
of scenery.
Books??? We'll see about that😉
I love a good book as much as the
next bibliophile...but this is a
weekend for things you CANT
do at home. Anyways, would you
want to carpool? We can take turns
driving if one of us gets tired.
Passenger is in control of snacks
and music! 🎶🍿
Haha, ok deal. We'll work out
the details later. And...thanks :)
Anytime Spencer, can't wait! 👍🏻
I lean back into the couch and smile. Even if we spend the weekend doing different things, at least we'll get to talk on the way there. I feel like she could become a good friend, but I don't want to make any assumptions...I don't do this often.
You run around your room, packing for a trip that's days away. You're too excited, it can't wait. Just as you're trying to decide on a swimsuit you get a text from Penelope, saying that the girls are going swimsuit shopping this evening. They want you to come. You can't hide the smile growing on your face. How long has it been since you've been on a girls shopping trip? You can't even remember. It's spontaneous, so you assume no one will be too dressed up. You throw on a black sleeveless t shirt dress and some strappy sandals. Easy enough to get in and out of for trying on clothes. After brushing through your hair and applying some quick, light makeup, you're ready to go. The girls had decided to meet at the mall, for the most options.
You meet up with Aunt JJ, Penelope, and Alex outside of a nice department store.
"I figured we could start here. It has the most options and it's at the end of the mall. So we can work our way down, until we all find something."
Aunt JJ tends to take charge. She's such a mom, but that's part of what you love about her. Always prepared, caring for everyone. Alex found a cute one piece with a wrap to wear as a skirt. Penelope picked out a cute pink and purple polka-dotted swim dress. JJ ended up with a sports-bra fitting bikini top and some athletic looking swim shorts. Still such a typical mom. The only one left is you. You haven't tried on very many things, and what you did try on, never made it out of the dressing room.
"Y/N, why don't you let us pick you out some things to try on, and this time, you have to at least let us see. Deal?" Penelope gives you a look of encouragement.
"Sure" you shrug. "I'll try anything at this point."
Alex stays with you while JJ and Penny go to pick out some swimsuits for you. They return with a few handfuls of options. You try on the first option, picked out by Penny. It's a cute two piece, frilly and pink. You come out and are greeted with a few giggles.
"As cute as this is, I think it's more your style than mine, Penny" you let out a small laugh.
"Oh I know. I just wanted to see you in it! I couldn't pull it off in a thousand years!" She laughs.
"Alright alright, let's keep going." JJ ushers me back into the dressing room.
I come back out in a black two piece. It doesn't show too much skin to make me uncomfortable, but it's really flattering on my curves.
I hear a chorus of "ooooo" and one "yes queen!" that I'm sure came from Penny.
"Really, you guys? It's not too...ya know."
JJ shakes her head at me. "No definitely not. Girl, you're single, you're in your twenties, your body hasn't had a child yet. If you got it, flaunt it. If not now, then when?"
The girls all nod in agreement. You blush. You didn't know you could look this good in a swimsuit. You usually avoided bikinis. You found it hard to feel comfortable in your own skin. Whenever you tried to dress sexy, you just ended up feeling awkward and uncomfortable. It helps to have some friends to encourage you. You look at yourself in the mirror one last time. Okay, even you had to admit, you look hot.
The four of you end the day with lunch, chatting about your plans for the lake.
JJ turns to you. "Y/N, I almost forgot, do you need a ride down there? I can pick you up, if you'd like."
"Ohh uh, no actually. I'm carpooling with Spencer." I give her a shy smile. I know what this looks like. "We're just friends" I quickly interject.
"That's great" she says, giving me her warm smile. "Spence really needs a friend right now. And I bet you do too." There's understanding in her eyes. You're grateful that she didn't try to make more out of it. Aunt JJ knows you, though. She knows you make guy friends much more easily. That aside, you were still so grateful for the day with the girls. They were all so genuine, and easy to get along with. They didn't make you feel like an outsider intruding on their day.
Later that evening, you lay in bed as you try to quiet your mind. Your head is swimming with too many thoughts to fall asleep: anxieties about this weekend, but also excitement and ideas of what you'll do. Not to mention, more time to get to know Spencer better. You wonder what JJ meant when she said Spencer really needed a friend right now. Maybe, just maybe, you'd break through his walls a little more this weekend.
A/N: sorry this one is short-ish. It's kind of a transition chapter so there's not as much content! Building a base, building friendships, hang with me, we're getting there 😁💖✌🏻
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angelsswirl · 4 years
The One With Very Chaotic Pool Party
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"Sugar, we're going down swinging."
Peyton knocked on the door harshly, "Ryland! Hurry the fuck up! Everyone's already here and I haven't even gotten to shower!"
A huff came from behind the locked door, "Go use the one in moms' room!"
"Oh! I can't believe I hadn't thought of that!" Peyton rolled her eyes, even though her older sister wouldn't see it.
"See, there you go."
"That was sarcasm, dipshit. Mom is in there."
"Peyton! Don't call your sister a dipshit!" Jisoo yelled from somewhere in the house.
"How did she even hear that?"
Ryland finally exited the bathroom a few seconds later. Her hair was tied back in a immaculate ponytail with a baby blue scrunchie that corresponded with the rest of her hot weather outfit.
Peyton glared at the young woman, "What were you even doing in there? You look exactly the same?"
Ryland gasped, terrified, she quickly backed into the bathroom again and slammed the door shut.
"Sleep with your eyes open." Peyton muttered at the locked door.
"Peyton! Stop threatening your sister!" Jisoo yelled again.
"What the hell?!" Peyton yelped.
You frowned as you left your bedroom, Kaleb sat on your hip, his swim trunks and rashgaurd coincidentally matching Ryland's baby blue outfit.
"Your mom's right. You need to stop threatening your sister with bodily harm when she does something you don't like."
Peyton's frown deepened, "It wasn't a threat. It was a suggestion. I'd hate for it to be an unfair fight."
You just stared at your youngest daughter, "You know, when Lia dropped you on your head as a baby I didn't really think it would manifest itself into this."
Peyton pouted, "Lia dropped me?!"
"Well, technically it was Jisoo and you landed on the bed. Just..head first. In your mother's defense, she didn't know Lia was going to jump onto her stomach. You were on her chest. It was like those big air blob things you see at summer camp on a lake. It was actually kind of funny. You thought it was too while you were in the air. After you landed, not so much."
"And somehow I still love you." Peyton deadpanned. In all honesty, that story made a whole lot of sense.
"I love you too!"
Kaleb tugged on the collar of your shirt lightly, "Build?"
You smiled at your youngest, "Yeah, we can build. I think mama moved your legos outside, is that okay?"
Kaleb thought about it for a second then nodded. He didn't care where his legos were as long as he got to use them.
You urged Peyton along one more time, before setting off to the backyard.
"You're going to burn a whole through the poor kid's head if you don't stop staring." Sana said as she pushed the meat around the grill some more. She didn't know what she was doing really. But she was precariously watching a YouTube video with instructions. YouTube University to the rescue once again.
"She wants to defile my child. I know this as fact. That's all I was thinking about at that age." Jisoo said without breaking her gaze.
"And yet, you remained a virgin until 27. Funny how stuff like that works itself out." Irene spoke up, she shooed Sana out of the way of the grill and set about fixing things.
"If I lost my virginity at 27, how would I have had Lia? Oh, you were joking." Jisoo pouted.
"Got it in one." Irene's words dripped sarcasm, "I thought you got over that. Seulgi and I met at 19 and 18, you didn't seem to have a problem about that then."
"I was also 19 and neither you or Seulgi are my fucking daughter. How would you feel if Maya just suddenly walked into your house claiming your sworn enemy's kid was her mate?"
"I killed all my enemies back in the late 90's."
"Could you give me two seconds of sincerity, Irene? Please." Jisoo's shoulders slumped.
Irene rolled her eyes, "Is Maya happy in this scenario?"
Jisoo looked as though she didn't want to answer that question, "Well...yeah."
"Then I'd be happy for her. Like you should be with Ryland."
Sana nodded along with Irene's statement, "As far as I can tell, neither Rosè or Taylor are bad people. Ryalnd is happy. Shouldn't that be all that matters?"
Jisoo huffed defeatedly, "Fine. You're right. I'm going to go talk to the kid."
Jisoo practically stomped off in the direction of the teenager.
Irene looked on with a proud smile, "You know, Sana? I think our little girl is finally growing up." She wiped a fake tear from her eye.
"The ribs are burning." A voice stated from the side of them.
"Oh hey, Jennie. When did you get here?"
"Ryland, do you mind if I scare the shit out of your girlfriend? Thank you." Before Ryland could respond, Jisoo dragged Taylor away by the arm.
Taylor stood up straighter and puffed out her chest, "Hello, Mrs. Kim. My name is Taylor Bae-Park and I-"
"Look, kid. I don't need all of that. I just need to know a few things. Do you love my daughter?"
"With every single breath I take."
Jisoo tried to keep her scowl to a minimum.
"Are you treating her right?"
"I like to think so."
"Are you pressuring her into anything she doesn't want to do?"
"Of course not."
Jisoo sighed, "That's...good to hear. Alright, if you end up going all the way with this thing then so be it. Just promise me this, if she ever starts acting like...well, herself and you can't take it anymore, just bring her back. Her mom and I are use to it."
Taylor nodded stiffly then saluted, "You have my word!"
"Did you just sal-you didn't-I'm not..whatever." Jisoo took a sip of the beer she had completely forgotten was in her hand.
Taylor began to walk away, but Jisoo stopped her, "Hey, Taylor? Tell Chaeyoung I said 'Hi'." Taylor nodded with a smile, then jogged back to the edge of the pool.
Jisoo stayed rooted to the spot, almost jumping out of her skin when arms encircled themselves around her waist.
"That was very hot." You practically purred into Jisoo's ear, "You being all protective mama bear. It's a shame we're hosting this little get together, because if we weren't I'd get down on my knees for you and-"
"Okay! Why don't you put a pin in that thought for now, while I go completely submerged myself in the pool for about 10 minutes, yeah?" Jisoo shuffled out of your arms frantically.
You only laughed hysterically as Jisoo awkwardly hobbled to the pool edge then jumped straight in.
"20 years later. Still got it." You gave yourself a mental pat on the back.
"Jesse Kim! You are way too old for me to have to tell you to stop standing on tables." Lisa shouted up at her son. He had always been a climber. He had given her and Jennie multiple heart attacks as a baby.
Jesse only smiled charmingly at his mother, then set about continuing to do what he was doing, "Friends, Family! I have an announcement to make!"
He had managed to catch everyone's attention, though most of them probably wanted to see if Lisa would throw a shoe at him to get him down.
"As you all know, I was going to go into my second year of college at Julliard, but what you don't know is that last week I got a signed a record deal with Columbia records!" He smiled brightly.
The rest of the partygoers clapped enthusiastically.
"But they suck."
"Not only that, but after talking with my 'rents, I've decided to say fuck college and I'm going to perform full time."
"You just couldn't keep it PG, could you?" Lisa took a long sip of her chilled wine. Jesse shook his head with a happy smile.
There's a scraping of a lawn chair against pavement and a dissatisfied huff. No one really notices accept for the people closest.
Jisoo moved to go talk to her oldest daughter, but stopped when a hand is placed on her shoulder.
Jennie shook her head subtly, "I think I have some aunting to do on this one."
Jisoo looked a bit skeptical, but let Jennie walk off in Lia's direction nonetheless, "Alright, but come get me if you need me."
"I got this, Chu."
Lia had stormed around the house to the front stoop. She sat on the step with a huff. An angry tear hit her cheek just before being forcibly wiped away.
"What's up, Li?" Jennie sat on the step next to her. She had a feeling she already knew what the problem was, but it wouldn't do her any good to assume and be wrong.
"...I was supposed to be like you and Aunt Seulgi. But no, I just had to get that stupid disease and it just had to ruin my fucking voice." Lia squeezed her eyes shut to prevent the oncoming spillage of tears. There's an idle throb in her throat as if to taunt her.
Jennie rubbed her back softly, "I know that this is hard for you, Kid. If I knew Jess had planned on doing that, I would have talked him out of it. You know how he gets."
Lia only shrugged and shook her head, "It's whatever. What's done is done. Peyton commited to SUNY. I should be used to it."
"I don't think you should have to get used to your life passing you by. You're not a failure. So, what? You can't sing anymore, but that's not all you are. You're a successful youth soccer coach. You just graduated college. You're completely independent of your parents. Those are all things to celebrate."
Lia nodded softly. Jennie did have a couple of points, "It's just...hard."
"I know, Li, but you're not alone. You've got me, your parents, your siblings, and all of your other family and friends to help."
"Yeah, okay." Lia nodded.
"Now, you want to get back to this party?"
Lia nodded resolutely, "Yeah. Mama said I have to beat Taylor in a game of Chicken Fight to assert my dominance."
Jennie only sighed, "Yeah, that sounds about Jisoo."
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toosicktoocare · 5 years
ooh, an It fic idea if u want: maybe the losers come home after their first semester of college and kind of like. the memory loss has started but isn't solidified yet, so things are a little awkward, like seeing a friend you haven't seen in 5 years instead of one semester. and because they haven't seen each other in so long, they decide to go to bill's while his parents are away. richie doesn't want to ruin the holiday by telling them he's incredibly sore and running a fever, so he doesn't :)
Love the prompt @taylortut!
BEV -- WHAT’S UP LOSERS! I’m coming to Derry over Christmas break! Will you all be there? I feel like I haven’t seen you all in YEARS!
Big Bill-- I will be. If everyone’s up to it, we can meet at my house? My parents won’t be back until late Christmas day.
Ben (is getting kinda hot??)-- I was thinking about dropping by for a few days. 
Mikey Mike-- Yep. 
Stan the Man-- If everyone else shows up, I can be there. Mini reunion? 
Eddie Spaghetti-- I, unfortunately, don’t have a choice. Mother’s orders. 
A soft, high-pitched beeping pulls Richie’s focus from his phone to the thermometer he plucks from his mouth. After he woke up feeling questionably sore and heavy, with a headache that could give his hangovers a run for their money, he made a surprisingly adult decision to swing by a drugstore on his way out of the city to pick up some Ibuprofen and a thermometer. 
According to the two-dollar device, he’s sporting an annoying fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit. He shrugs and dumps two pills into his palm, dry swallowing them with a wince. 
Richie is the superior friend-- Eddie, did your mom not tell you that she extended a personal invitation to me?
A low sigh slips past Richie’s lips as he tosses his phone onto the passenger seat and swaps his car into drive. It’s just a small fever, he tells himself. He’ll be fine.
Richie’s drive is a rough blur of chills, random bursts of heat that have him swerving as he tugs uncomfortably at his coat collar, and aches that squeeze at his bones. By the time he pulls into Bill’s driveway, he’s completely exhausted. His head is pounding at the temples, and the chills have picked back up. He turns his car off and drops his head onto his steering wheel, arms wrapped tightly around himself. He musters up a groan as his eyes flutter closed, but a light knock on his window has him shooting up with an impressive string of curses. 
Stan’s peering into his window with a frown and a slight tilt of the head, and Richie smiles and opens his door. His muscles protest when he slips out of his beat up truck, but he smiles through it. 
“Stan the Man,” Richie breathes out. The icy, snowy wind feels like burning needles against his skin, and he can’t suppress the sharp shiver that shoots up his spine to his shoulders. 
“Hey, Richie. You okay? You look pale-- even for you.” 
Richie waves off Stan’s quiet concern. “Long drive after a week filled with little to no sleep and too many finals, but enough about me,” he draws out dramatically. “How are you? How’s the whole math engineering study stuff going?” A strong gust of wind billows past the two, and Richie hisses, crossing his arms tightly around himself. 
“It’s fine,” Stan says with a light laugh before he wraps an arm around Richie’s shoulders. “Let’s get inside.” 
“You’ve always been the smart one,” Richie breathes out through chattering teeth. He leans into Stan’s warmth. “It’s cold as fuck out here.”
Stan hesitates when the two reach the door. His hand hovers in front of the doorbell, and Richie steps away from him with a shrug. 
“Fuck it,” he says, and Stan laughs as Richie opens the door and steps inside, with Stan close behind him. 
They follow the sound of quiet chatter to the living room, where Bill, Eddie, Mike, Ben, and Beverly are sitting around a fire. 
“Richie! Stan!” Beverly’s out of her seat and running toward them before Richie can utter a word. She wraps her arms around both of them, and Richie can’t help but laugh as red curls smack him in the face. 
“Ah, Beverly, you look as beautiful as ever.” 
Beverly pulls away from the two and punches Richie in the shoulder. “Shut up, loser.” Her voice is fond, and Richie smiles and pretends that the punch didn’t hurt way worse than it should have. 
“Come on, “ Beverly tugs Richie’s coat off and hangs it on the rack beside the one Stan is hanging up. “We are swapping Uni war stories.” 
There’s a brief moment where Richie locks his eyes to his long, heavy coat, missing the added warmth it provided. Without it, he’s feeling chilled through, and he crosses his arms and grits his teeth before following Beverly and Stan toward the others. 
The next few minutes pass in a surprisingly awkward exchange of hugs and back pats despite everyone only being separated for a few months. Richie waggles his brows at Ben’s taller, leaner form, grabs at Mike’s beefed up triceps, throws both arms around Bill, and pauses with Eddie. The two share a silent conversation before Richie pulls Eddie into a tight hug. He chases Eddie’s warmth for as long as comfortably possible before Eddie pulls away with a soft smile. 
“So, Richie,” Ben draws out when everyone’s seated once more. “Theater major?” There’s a smugness to Ben’s tone that Richie arches his brows at. 
“It’s my specialty.” 
“Acting?” Mike asks, and Stan scoffs. 
“No, being dramatic.” 
“At least I’m not majoring in creative writing.” Richie deflects, pushing the attention toward Bill only because he can physically feel his face growing hotter by the second, and he’s mentally cursing leaving his thermometer with his bag in the car. He sinks back against the couch, and he can almost hear his muscles sigh in brief relief. He crosses his arms over his chest once more, fingers digging into his arms, and he tries really hard to follow the conversation despite the pain gnawing at his head and bones. 
For what feels like hours, the seven chat about Uni, about fuzzy memories, about how it feels to be back at Derry after... 
Richie smiles when something funny is said, offers input when he finds it necessary, but as the night drags on, his headache worsens. Despite the fire and the heat on, he’s ice cold, and his muscles are painfully stiff from suppressing chills that threaten to take over. He feels like shit, and he’s beginning to think that he can’t even blame this on a rough finals week, not with a spiking fever. 
He doesn’t want to say anything, though. He doesn’t want to ruin this time. It took at least an hour for everyone to get over the initial awkwardness, and he doesn’t want this old feeling of friends to end. 
“You guys should spend the night.” Bill finally says after another hour, and Richie breathes out a low sigh. 
“Wish I could, but I promised my parents I would come home at some point today.” Richie lies with ease.
“That sucks,” Ben says. 
“Will you come back tomorrow?” Bill asks, and Richie nods as he gets to his feet. He has no idea if he will even be able to get out of bed tomorrow, but no one needs to know that right now. If anything, he can just lie to them tomorrow if he’s too sick to pry himself from bed. 
“I’ll walk you out,” Beverly gets to her feet, but Richie waves her off with a wide smile. 
“No way-- it’s way too cold out. I’ll be a-okay, so you guys just carry on.” He manages out a weak accent at that last bit and says his goodbyes before turning quickly on his heel. The longer he’s standing, the less sure he is that he can remain standing. He walks down the hall in long strides, shrugs his coat on, then slips out the door as quickly as he can. 
The wind takes his breath away, and now that he’s away from everyone, he doesn’t bother trying to stop the shivers that begin to uncontrollably wrack his body. He struggles to get his key into the lock, but when he does, he all but throws himself into his truck, anything to get out of the wind. 
His teeth are chattering hard while he reaches a shaking hand around the dark to find the thermometer. He needs to know what he’s potentially dealing with, so he presses the on button and shoves the tip of the device under his tongue. He leans his head back and closes his eyes while he waits. When the thermometer starts beeping, he pries his eyes open, gaze darting toward the door when it opens. 
Eddie’s faster than Richie. He snags the thermometer from Richie’s mouth, and Bill crowds in behind Eddie. 
“103.5 degrees, Richie! What the hell? Stan said you looked a little sick, but this bad?”
Richie winces at Eddie’s shouting. Fuck. “I didn’t want to ruin all of this,” Richie mutters, defeat lacing his tone. Fucking fuck. 
“You’re not r-ruining anything, Richie.” 
Richie frowns at the small stutter, but he doesn’t say anything as Bill steps forward and presses a palm to his cheek. 
“How do you feel?” 
“Terrible,” Richie admits, looking away from the sharp gaze Eddie shoots him. “It’s fine, though,” he starts, reaching for his door handle. “I’ll just go home and sleep this off--” 
“Of you could stay here.” 
Beverly, Mike, Ben, and Stan appear behind Bill and Eddie, and Richie realizes he’s officially outnumbered. 
“I’m probably contagious.”
“Probably,” Eddie spits out. “And with a fever that high, you won’t even make it home.”
Richie wants to argue with that, but Eddie and Bill are working out sleeping arrangements between themselves while Stan and Mike help Richie back out of the car. Beverly grabs his bags, and the seven hurry back into the house. Richie’s uneasy on his feet, but Mike’s gotten stronger thanks to a few years of football, so he’s able to lean most of his weight on Mike. 
“I’m really sorry,” Richie mutters as he’s led into Bill’s room. There are people tugging off his jacket, and someone’s easing him onto the bed while another person is working on his shoes. “I’m really dizzy,” he adds. The room’s spinning, and he’s shaking. 
There’s a hand on his burning cheek, and he blinks around swimming vision to see Eddie watching him with wide, worried eyes. 
“Have you taken anything for the fever?” 
 “A couple of Ibuprofen,” Richie manages. “Before I left for Derry.” 
He doesn’t see who leaves to retrieve more medicine, but soon he’s taken two more pills with blessedly cool water, and he’s being helped under the covers. He can’t stop shaking, no matter how tightly he pulls the covers around him. 
“I’m really cold,” he chatters, teeth clacking together. He feels like complete and utter shit. 
“Just give us one second, okay?” 
Richie hums and presses Bill’s blankets to his heated face. He’s almost drifting off when he feels the bed dipping in different directions. He pries his eyes open to see everyone but Eddie crawling onto the bed. Eddie’s setting up blankets on the floor beside the bed. 
“What are you guys doing?” 
“We will probably all end up sick anyway,” Ben says nonchalantly. 
“Yeah, and we don’t want you to suffer alone.” Beverly adds.
Richie pulls his gaze to see Eddie getting comfortable on the floor. 
“Sorry,” Eddie mutters, and Richie shakes his head. 
“You guys don’t want this-- whatever this is,” Richie mumbles. “It’s the worst.” 
“We’ll be fine,” Bill says. 
After a few moments of adjusting, everyone has a spot that’s comfortable. Richie’s curled around Stan, with Beverly pressed to his back. His leg is close to the edge of the bed, and Eddie’s hand is resting on his ankle. Ben is tucked behind Beverly, and Mike and Bill are both squeezed in behind Stan. It’s a tight fit, but it’s warm, comfortable, and Richie smiles despite feeling like shit. 
“I’ve really missed you guys,” he whispers before drifting off to sleep. 
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7. Syyskuuta. 2019 (2/3)
Everyone got in their own rooms. And nea started taking off Allu’s clothes.
“Sori ku lainasin.”
“Ei se mitää. Kun ei täällä niinkään noita peruskuteita tarvii.”
“Allu.. Meidän pitäs varmaan käydä suihkussa kun tota (köhköh) mun eilisilta ja ei pahal mut haiset hirveelt hielt.” Nea sais. Allu laughed and nodded.
“Jep. Mee sä vaan suihkuun. Saan hoidettua tämän mun vitun WinxClub voimilla.”
“Miten vitussa. Onks teil joku suihku taika?”
“Siis kun pystyn sytyttään itseni tuleen. Ja tuli sterilisoi pöpöt jne ja tässätapauksessa polttaa kaiken ylimääräsen mun kropalla...” Allu decided to demonstrate this trick and got up in flames. Everything that burned vanished as black ash in the air. When the flames were gone Nea started laughing her ass off, literally. Alex looked at himself and saw that he was naked.
“Vittu mä voisin joskus ajatella asiat loppuun...” Allu cursed and took fresh pair of underwear from his luggage. “Hei turpakii ja mee sinne suihkuu!” Allu couldn’t hold his own laugh.
“Haluisitko matchaavan asun Codyn kaa. Kun siis mulla ja codyllahan on antikristuksen etiketti eli me ei ees saada pukeuta, ainakaan kokouksissa, perus pukuihin. Se on pakosta musta missä on punasta ja sit edes jollain tavalla viktorian aikasta.” Allu kysyin ja meni nean kaapille #gentleman.
“No totta helvetissä. Mut nyt meen suihkuun.” Nea said. Alex kept digging thru nea’s closet that had different dresses, gowns to add to them and all from heaven to hell. Alex found a dolly black red dress and decided that it will do fine with yesterday’s other pieces, also this one covers the base of nea’s neck.
For his own wear, because of the little incident, he picked up a pretty confusing looking top and other pair of leather pants, and pretty tall creeper boots. As usual Alex tipped off his suit with small clip on chains and rings.
“Eloo!” Nea came from the bathroom, her hair had gone perfect with only blowdrying. “Älä liiku!” Alex said and run to get hairspray. He went to confused nea and started to spray on all the hair, nea couching. “Finito!”
“Aika nice. Mun pitäs viel meikata.” Nea sighed. She started putting on the dress and other’s that Alex has laid on the couch. When they were both dressed up nea took her makeup bag and turned to Alex who was standing meter away from her, bit taller than her.
“Mitäs vittua.” Nea asked seeing the tall shoes. “Pakko. Hih. Näyttää niin tyhmältä ku meen Tillin vieressä pätkänä kun se muutenki on sellane jätti. Anna mä teen sun meikin ni päästää nopeemi.” Allu said.
“Ethän sä osaa enää meikata.” Nea snorted smiling but Alex was already doing her base. The eye makeup was pretty basic, dark red around the eyes, thick blended black liner and thick mascara, and dark red lips with pretty sharp cutting contour.
“Tänään panostetaan ulkonäköön enemmän kun on nää ite palaverit.” Allu said and put some red on the corner of his eyes, same that he did on the end of last school year, inspired by ahs apocalypse.
They took last check on the mirror and Alex hooked his arm around nea’s hand who looked at him quoestoning. “Manner’s” Was his reply.
Both walked out of the room to till and cody waiting for them. Alex handed nea to cody who took her hand the same way, and himself, placed kiss on Till’s cheek. Alex and Till didn't walk käsikynkässä but nea decided to not ask about it. they were weird pair.
The four walked to the canteen, Cody and Nea first, Till and Alex behind them. Whole canteen quieted down for a moment and everyone bowed their head a bit. Nea turned to look at cody and was about to ask when she heard allus voice in her head. ”Even if quinton and such are the highest rank on a tree, in fact me and cody, the antichrist are the ones who rule here. I mean, we arent the bosses but our ideas and voice is higher than other's and if we wanted we could kill quinton and them all and be the bosses. but respect is everything. me and cody would be swimming in piss without them. they do the paperwork and not the dirty work but we do that.” Nea nodded and they got to their seats on the corner with Windows to both directions.
”There you go Mr.North, Mr.Fern, Mr. Lindemann (pieni paussi) and Mrs. Fern" The waitress says as she places breakfast trays in front of them. Nea was about to correct it but Cody patted her thight and the waitress left. ”Why did she think I'm your wife but Alex and Till were seperate?” nea Asked
”Because, Dear, they haven't seen you before and you are with me so they are told to call escorts and such by their, well person they are with.” Cody explained. Nea nodded slowly. ”But you aren't an escort dear. They just can't know.” He added.
They ate breakfast in silence and then left. They all went to Neas and Alexs room. ”We've got 30mins.” Till said, smirking at Alex.
”Oh shut it. You take 30mins to making out.” Alex scoffed. Till took a small glass bottle of some kind of whiskey and took a sip then handed it to Cody. Cody took a sip and handed it to Nea who looked at allu and then back to cody. Allu looked at cody angrily, who’s eyes seemed almost pleading.
”This once.” allu grunted. nea took the bottle and sipped it. She was handing it to Till as Alex grapped it from her and chugged the last of it. All of them stared at him eyes wide. ”What? I'm a devil bitch. I can disolve alcohol the way I want to in my guts.” Alex said. He was kinda pissed but played it cool. There was reason why he didnt drink and now there was reason he did. One, Alex didn't want to be part of the Order anymore. two, if he didn't like how the alco felt he could disolve it in his guts. three, he trusted Till to take care if something happened.
”Nea. please dont tell anyone back in finland.” Alex pleaded and threw the empty bottle to trash.
“We should get going. The earlier we are the better places we get.” Cody said, and took nea käsikynkkä. (siis mä en kestä.)
They went to conference room 3. Some people already were there. “Well cody you were wrong, some people have assigned seats.” Till said. The four started to walk to the front of the room.
There were rows of seats with tabled and on the front there were puhemiehen sellane jännä niiku pikkupöytä and on both sides of that, facing the others.
“That’s where the elite sits.” Alex said and swallowed. Anxiety kicked in, sitting there in front of about hundred people who look at you like a traitor who came back. Till placed hand on allu’s back and stroked it reasuringly.
“It’s going to be okay. Just concentrade on me and nea sitting here.” Till said and nodded to the direction of seats named for them on the front row.
“Why am I sitting here with you?” Nea asked Till. “Because you can’t be sitting with the elite but none of us want you to sit alone in the back with some (lowers voice) whores.” Till said.
“What if people think I'm your girlfriend.” Nea panicked. “That’s a silly question dear. I’ll mark you as mine and everyone coming close to you can feel youre mine.” Cody said. Nea got ready for another bite, but they could think till did that. Maybe he takes a knife and writes it on her. Cody leaned down and gave nea a deep kiss, making her feel literally owned.
“It’s not physical. It’s an aura.” He said. Nea nodded and more people started to flood in. Till and Nea took their seats, the way that nea had the side one so she didnt have to sit next to starnger. Alex breathed heavily and walked with cody to their places on the front. They didn’t sit down but stood behind the chairs.
“HEY! ISN’T THAT THE BITCH WHO WAS THROWN OUT OF THE ORDER BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO BE A MAN!?” Some man shouted. Everyone turned to look at him, fast enough to see how he flew with raging force to the wall and then out of the window. Gaspes where heard, mostly from escorts and newbies. Members know that you don’t fuck with the elite, or the antichrist. The window repaired itself and everyone turned heads to see how Alex had reacted, to find her hand stretched out, two fingers pointing to the window. Some people whispered but quit it as Alex’s eyes met theirs, some were already pale and scared. Alex put her hand down, leaning on the back of the chair, not saying anything. Nea looked at Till, who had a smirk on his face.
“EVERYONE!” Quinton shouted from the puhemiehen jakkara. Final people took their seat and quieted down, Elite still standing.
“Now we will forget that little incident here and concentrade on the reason why we are here. As some of you know, our ‘job’ is to keep world and humanity going, and repair our ways of living. But now we are at the point where action needs to be taked, or there wont be return..” Mr. Quinton talked in firm and strong voice, no microphone were needed, the acoustics of the room were good too.
“It’s safe to talk about this with people out of The Order, because they are enchanted to not be able to speak, descripe, write or anything involving sharing thing talked about in this room. (small brake) Climate change. We’ve all heard of it. Most of us have felt it, seen it. Northern europe’s climate has been unstable for years now. Winter comes even more late but stays longer. This year, we had winter coming back *five* times in time of spring. Our summer was cold, but changed to hell hot in minutes, multiple times a day. There is no control. It is like a child playing with weather machine.” People hummed in agreement, some let out gasps.
“This weekend are the starting conferences where we depate what’s our act on this and how could we stop this. Permanent damage is still done, and for good enough change, it takes a lot. At this point it is NOT enough to shut the light off in room youre not in. NOT enough to take the puplic transport. NOT enough to use electric cars, because those polute more than you think. Our seas and lakes are full of trash and shit. Our forests arent green and fresh, they are white and aluminium from the paper and cans. Our streets are not from stone and asphalt, they are a carpet of cigarette stumps and candy wrappers. Our paper collection is full of cardboard, biowaste full of plastic. We are at dead end if we do not act on this.” Quinton nodded his head and sat down as aplodes and some ‘wohoo!’s were thrown. The elite has sat down, but cody and Alex walked on front of the puhemiehen jakkara. It was quiet again.
“Some of you might understand how bad the situtation is that even i am asked back to the elite. (naurahdus) I’ve been in my private life monitoring everything going on with nature and climate. Haven’t looked good in europe. My brother here, Mr. Fern has been looking in this on American and australian continent.” Alex said, stepping bit to the side, showing it’s cody’s turn to speak.
“Yes. Australia is always been known as hottest continent of them all, we spend our christmas swimming in the ocean. Lately, the heat has been even higher, but sometimes eye-catchingly low. America and Asia has been seeing a lot of tornados, or otherwise unnormally windy days.” Cody said. He got applauses. They went to sit and Till looked at Alex with somewhat sad smile.
‘rather be without the attention. Negative or positive or fake’ Alex said in Till’s AND neas and codys head. The conference kept going. Elite members spoke about their research, they didn’t rise from their seat tho. After it was over, and main theme was run thru Quinto went to the front and announced that we will have a 15 minute break, then elite and members will meat without companions.
“What will I do?” Was nea’s first question as they got to al’s and nea’s room’s balcony, all four. Everyone took a smoke but Alex stayed without, he had stopped vaping too.
“I can introduce you to a nice young girlfrien, like actaual lover, of my friend.” Cody said. “You two should discudd fashion and makeup, shes into those like you. Grab a coffee and so on.”
“Okay.” Nea said. Cody took his phone out and called his friend telling the situtation. He could hear the girl beaming at the other end. “Yeah meet us in front of the conference room in few. Yeah thanks bye.”
“You’ve got a date!” Till joked and got playfully slapped by nea. They got out of the room and Alex seemed worried all the way to the room.
“Hiii Cody so nice to see you like this.” A young woman with a side-cut and pretty punkish style said and hugged him. “Same to you, Sindy.”
“So this is nea?” She asked happily as she looked at nea. Nea nodded and they changed names. “I came with All-Alex here. I’m not he-his companion or nothing just friends.” Nea stammered. Sindy took a glaze at Alex and had a mixed look of disgust and shaming on her face, but turned back to nea smiling. “That’s so nice of *her*. I bet you’ll love it here!”
“Don’t trust what she says about Alex okay. She is amazing but some people cant get over things.” Cody whispered to nea and gave her a quick kiss. Alex looked away, kind of trying to leave out of the group but John saved it, going to Alex and greeting him happily, giving a hug. John and sindy changed a kiss and us men left to the room.
“Okay! What you wanna do first?” Sindy asked. “Maybe a coffee? But i have to get my purse from my room first.”
“Oh no honey youdont have to, they give us everything for free, Order pays.” Sindy said, taking nea’s hand and seeing their way to the coffee place on the top floor. They ordered special coffees and went to sit down to the outside balcony with mesmeraising view. They get to know each other. Sindy’s face seemed to flinch everytime nea mentioned Alex, but she decided not to ask.
“So... How do you feel about this all? Like how Alex just came to you and used some demonic power on you?” Sindy asked, secretly hoping to get something to spread a bad word.
“Well.. I got spooked a bit to be honest. But then again it was pretty cool. It happened fast but with good night’s sleep i feel like i got thru it. It’s kinda weird all this luxury and etiguette but i kinda like it. I wa slike S H O O K when i saw cody here and alex told that it was like in ahs. I think i died for a moment when he kissed my hand and all that flattering stuff. Do you mind if I smoke?”
“No I dont, John’s a smoker too. But I get you at the ccody oart. He is charming. I actually met john thru him. I’m a makeup artist on tv industry and as cody being a fashion hoe he is we turned out to be very good friends.” Sindy said. They starter talking about makeup, fashion, girly things, boys, best coffee places, everything between heaven and hell.
“You’re so lucky to get liked by the antichrist. Like we did have two of them as higher chanches but when cody became the only one it’s kinda been a sea of whispers within us girls. I feel like it’s a bigger thing for us humans, as all that power reveals to us as so unbeliveable, when the demon gurls already know that shit.” Sindy laughed. Nea’s phone buzzed and it was text from cody, the meeting was over.
“Wow, two hours passed like a train.” Nea said as they started to get going from the caffee. ‘Meet in your room, Alex is at Till’s 😉' Was a new text from cody. Nea showed it to Sindy.
“Ooohh.. You gotta get some! (laughing) Alex and Till is a weird thing tho. What’s with them?” Sindy said, asked nea as they were walking to the hallway of their rooms, damn big place it was.
“No idea. They seem pretty close but then again, it seems like they have much disagreements. And that chain thing. Last spring me and Alex had this joke where he had a long chain and wore it just like that on his neck and we joked that he is my dog, only within friend group tho.” Nea said laughing.
“She can be a weirdo sometimes. But like when you look at Till holding Alex in a chain it just so ruins this ‘Alex North the antichrist’ thing. Like if she is so powerfull and able to rule everything and everyone how is some basic demon, who is powerful tho, hold her under spell like submission.” Sindy said, it wasnt hateful kind of voice but more likely gossiping voice.
“Yeah, been thinking the same. But sometimes Alex seems to correct Till’s doings with strong hand.” Nea laughs, before sindy could have said anything else their boyfriends came to hug them. Cody took nea in his arms, and so did john to sindy. Alex and Till where nowhere to be seen. They all said byes and seperated to their rooms. Cody kept kissing nea who stopped him for a moment.
“What did you mean by beliving in what sindy said about Alex?” Nea asked, thurthfuly curious. They sat to the sofa.
“Well... I’m not sure if Alex showed you this story in the class but.. There’s two antichrist for a reason, on man and one woman. Historical books say that those two spawns of satan are to be united and give birth to a baby woth power of them both, and that baby is to be allmighty of earth heaven and hell. But.. Times have changed and our reason is not to rule the world as bad and sadistic beings anymore, it is not much about satan and blood. So being here on the new age, around mid 2000’s Alex had been very womanish, just like you right now (wink), but as a person and single minded he is, felt that he is wrong body. In that time our people still went with the runic writing, and the oder was just made, still in mind to have that almighty who would be the order himself. When Alex gave up the dresses and winged eyeliners people started to be worried how is the plan going. And just to add, there never was anything romantic with me and alex, it was one reason why i didn’t give a shit on his gender change, but helped him. The old war and hitman stuff hevied on his shoulder and he lost his sanity alltogether. He went back to cia, fbi whatever and offered to kill masses again. The people there used his power for their advantage and let him kill with bare hands, no need to snap fingers and lick the blood on the shoes as there was no chance he would die from too slow action. When the elite got to know that, Alex was ripped back and tortured for what he had done, used his power wrong, on eof the worst sins. When fbicia wanted him back, the elite took his physical soul (?????) and gave him anither body, as punishment, a girl, that you knew as Aino. He grew up without remembering anything of this, but bit by bit in the last 2 years the memories came back. Rembering the reason he was thrown out, he didnt want back by any chance. At the start of this summer, so happened anyway, because as he joked, the situtation is that bad.” Cody finished his story time. Took a glass of water that was on the table.
Nea didn't say anything. she processed it all. what the fuxk. my life is a lie.
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New Hope (Joseph & Reader)
Description: Once you've decided to visit your auntie and uncle living in Hope County, Montana. And you met an interesting man in there.
A/N: Joseph is in his twenties in this one-shot. So he isn’t a cult leader - but he's a young man who believes that God is speaking to him and also, it's before his homeless era and even before his wife - he's really young (21, more to 22, I think - in FC he's 44). This isn't the real past of the Seeds brothers - I just think that it could be that way.
Warnings: NSFW content and swearing, just by the way. Pretty long, too.
Inspired by Strangers from Sigrid, also by Warm On A Cold Night by Honne.
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It was one of your last days in Hope County, you were sitting under huge spruce and your objective was shaking. You were freakin’ freezing. Falling rain was heavy and your “water-proof” jacket was already soggy as hell. You were cursing at everything and kneeling in wet moss. But the photos were really worth it. 
You came to visit your family living on the border of the county located at Montana. You've been in love with this place since the first time you've visited it. You were working as a photographer at the time and this country's wildlife just fascinated you. You haven't seen so many animals in one place before - not even at the zoo. There were bears, mosses and you even captured some salmons jumping out of the water - you and your chief were both contented with the results and your payment was already highest of all you had before. 
Right now, you have a Karibu in your sight - hiding under a huge tree with some baby Karibu. It was so magnificent, that you had to follow them through the forest for many hours - and now was the time to fire your shot. The objective was on them and you didn't move and ich - and all of the sudden... You sneezed. Karibu family have been gone in a second. 
„Well, fuck me right in the ass.“ You mumbled to tissue as you were getting up. It was almost hour to your car - so you got up and went back on the road. There was a town nearby as your map said. More like a few houses together than a town, you thought yourself - but took the chance to have a rest in a local pub. The town was about a half mile away from the place where you were now.
You arrived in the town after less than ten minutes. Your camera was already swimming in the case, you would bet that. You invaded the pub like a big bang - you stumbled over the door’s threshold and you have fallen on the ground. You heard a loud breaking sound. You didn't give a single fuck about the people in the pub an sat on your buttocks, opening the camera case, mumbling just no, no, no, no - over and over again. 
„Pissflaps!“ You shouted all over the place and everyone has gone silent. Of course that you have broken your objective. Your favorite one - the one that your dad gave you a few years ago as your first. The lens has broken right in the center - it was a unique opportunity to take beautiful photos through cracked objective, but still. You wanted to cry but you closed your eyes and got up. 
The others started to talk once again and you've sat in the corner of the pub. You ordered a beer and hot tea, sitting in one of the boxes away from the bar. You took the camera in your palm and started to browse the gallery. You have been pissed off and you were adoring the photos of Hope County at one moment.
There was a whole bunch of your cousin's smiling face. You looked at another one - your uncle was repairing his old pick-up named Tango, his face and clothes all oiled up - he was all messy and he covered you in that mess too. After a few other photos, there was your auntie, baking the traditional family pie with plates of lemon all around. Then there was her in her church clothes. Then there was you in church clothes - a long, wine red skirt long a little bit under your knees and white shirt with a light, pink sweater. 
You are my sweet little girl, your mommy has always told you on Sundays. You never believed in God, you really didn't, but you came to the church when your auntie or mommy wanted you to come. 
„What a nice girl,“ a quiet voice whispered in your ear and scared the hell out of you. He didn't actually whisper - but you freaked out anyway. You put your hand on your chest and breathed deeply. „Oh, that’s you!” He laughed all of the sudden and you were convinced that the man in front you is some sort of psycho. You were looking at him without a single word - the man bent for your camera and he looked at the picture in details. He was smiling. 
„Berk, what the fuck are you doing?! That’s my camera!“ You finally came to oneself and got your camera back. You didn't look at him and sat down. Your clothes were still soaking wet and water was dripping from your bun. Your cheeks were red as the communist manifesto and your body was on fire, it was coming to oneself after three hours spent in the depths of the woods in the heavy rain. You reached for the camera case and started to put it in.
„Pardon me, lady. I just can't control my curiosity sometimes.“ He said and you heard him laughing. Asshat. 
„Well, learn it then. This is just rude.” You mumbled and he chuckled a little. 
„Can I sit down?” He asked calmy - his voice was husky and it was really nice to listen. You finally closed up the case and looked at him. It was a really young man - probably one, two years older than you at maximum. He wore a denim jacket with wool lining, a shirt with blue and black squaring and a black t-shirt under it. His jeans were black and tight - his shoes were brown, typical shoes for a hike in the woods. He had a few rings on his hand and his big, manly palm was holding a beer. Then you have finally looked into his face.
It was a hell of a man. He had a beard and you could say by one look, that he cared about it a lot. His hair was combed into a man bun - it had brown, wild color with glasses with yellow glass and metallic frames. His eyes were like water - lightly blue, almost like drops of the rain outside. He was charming, handsome... And asshat, you remembered to yourself.
„Suit yourself, creep.“ You took a sip of hot tea and then a gulp of beer. 
„You're spirited and fiery - I like that.” He sat and looked directly into your face.
„Well, you're rude and weird, probably a thief... And I don't definitely like that.“ You took another gulp of the beer in front of you. He chuckled once again. His smile was crooked, his lower lip was definitely waving at your lips. 
„I am not a thief, I assure you. I am Joseph, Joseph Seed. And you are..?” He gave you his palm and wait patiently. You hesitated a bit, but then you accepted his hand. You shook it a bit and maybe you smiled a little. 
„Y/N Y/S/N. Not so nice to meet you, but I'll give you the second chance, ok?” You asked and he smiled a bit. His head nodded almost immediately. Both of you put your hands on the bottle of beer. 
„Well, well, well... What a lady like you does here, in Whitetail mountains? This town is a pretty out-of-the-way place.“
„A lady like me? What are you talking about, Joseph?” You said his name and he heeled over to you. 
„I mean - the women out here aren’t like you, look at yourself. It’s God’s land out here - I swear, I didn't hear cursing since I didn't see my older brother. You are... I can feel your energy. The east gals are pretty fierce too - but right now I’m staying on the North. But...”
„You aren’t from Hope County.“ He said confidently. You opened your mouth and then smiled a little. He had some skills - and he was good with people. You haven't no idea how much did he actually charm you - until he showed you his full smile. He was an asshat - but a handsome and charming asshat. „Ok, you uncovered me, mister Seed. But how do you know... How can you be so sure?“ 
„Let’s face it - berk is a typical British cursing word. And, you're suntanned. How would you get suntanned in this part of the year in North America... In those woods? But... I can’t figure out where are you from, cause you don't have any British accent - I think that you're from South America - I mean, like Florida or whatever.” He summarized all thing and you raised your eyebrows. 
„Right, those are some skills. You’re right. I am from Miami, but my family lived here in Hope County and a big part of it still lives in Fall’s End or here at Whitetail mountains. Only I and my parents have left the ’rough North’. But my dad has a half-brother Charlie from London... And that man is a swearing machine. But he's really clever.“ You leaned on the seat and smiled at him. He was a likable man - the one who is shrewd and observant to details. There was something about him and you were smiling like an idiot.
„A lot of people is saying that. I am just like that - I do track details on them. That makes me pretty good with them. And I am a pretty nice and charming man, that sets me in a pretty good position. They believe me and... I can’t tell you all of my tactics!“ He laughed all of a sudden and drank once again. Your cheeks were rosy and your eyes were shining like two stars. You were starting to like him, but you were pretty confused about him. Was he joking or was he dropping clues about his personality? Was he manipulative? 
„Now, you were saying something about staying here on the North... You're not from here?“ You asked quick. He looked into your eyes and smiled a bit. 
„You were listening, I see... No, I’m not. My brothers and I... We are from the East. My younger brother in the local children's home.“ He stopped smiling and tears appeared in his eyes. He went from smiling calm person to a broken, angry man whose mouth was shut in line.
„I didn't mean to be rude, excuse me, Joseph.“ His look went into your face and he looked like a psycho. The emotions were running in him - millions of them in one second. He was sad, then angry, then he looked strangely melancholic and at least, he looked into your face like an empty human case. Then he smiled again and you sighed in relief.
„Don't be sorry, I am. It happened a long time ago and I'm still feeling really emotional about it." He stood up and drank the last gulp of his beer. „Well, mine beer is totally empty, but we've just met and the night is too young, don't ya think. Do you want me to take another beer for you?"
„No, not beer, I'll have an apple cider, please. Thank you, gentleman." You smiled at each other, and the rest of your beer disappeared in you. You gave him your empty bottle and when your hand went forward to his, your fingertips touched his palm. He was touching your palm too, and you could feel the little fire which came from that interaction. Then he slowly walked to the bar.
You watched him silently, your palm was stroking your cheek and your eyes were slightly closed. He walked slowly, his butt and hips were moving in little circles. He's walking like a freakin' cowboy... And you found it really attractive - all of the sudden. Well, it was the first cowboy that ever attracted you. Not even your internet date from Texas didn't get you as excited through the whole night as that Joseph boy did under a half of an hour. You sighted for yourself, and when he was away enough, you started to try to look like a human. You set your hair free, let the waterdrops falling on a wet t-shirt. The rest of your clothes was thrown all over nearby heating. 
You knew that your skin looked unhealthy pale, there were some pimples on your forehead and there was no make-up in the vicinity of five miles. You started to panic - all sudden, your confidence was gone and the only thing you wanted was not to like a potato. But although you looked like a total cadaver, it looked that he likes you. You went redder even though you thought that it isn't possible.
He came back after a pretty long time. With a cider for you, a beer for him and two shots of green liquid. You almost calmed down, when showed up.
„Well, how much am I going to pay you?” 
„It's my treat, (Y/N). You will pay me back by an hour, or two of talking and listening. I would like to get you to know something about me. And, in the opposite direction, of course.“ He smiled and gave one of the shots to you. It smelled like your toothpaste. „On meeting new people?“ „On meeting new Josephs.“ You smiled back and let your hair fall on your shoulder.
He was really suave and after some alcohol, he started to become more and more handsome. You were talking almost the whole time - and he was a flawless listener. He laughed where he had to, he comforted you when he had to and his eyes smiled at you the whole time. You just didn't shut up.
„And that's the whole story.“ You finished. You finished the whole story of how your father took you and your siblings fishing. And you got a dog named Cargo in there.
„Yeah... He was.“ Your cider was empty. „Now you. How was your childhood like?“ You looked deeply into his eyes. The happy cowboy was gone in a second - he shut up and thought a few minutes. Then he smiled gloomily, and finally sight.
„But my life isn’t some kind of fairytale. And it is not going to be “happily ever after,” I think, you know? We moved here from a small town in Georgia. I have two brothers - Jacob, who is in war and John, that's the young one. I have talked to Jacob many months ago for the last time. He's gone missing two months ago, and I hope that he's alive somewhere out there. I pray for him every single evening. John is nine years old now. It was that one evening I drove Jacob to an airport in Montana when John stayed at home with parents... And they have beaten him up as a dog. Or that's the story I've heard from him. They've beaten him up just because he refused something, he said no. My parents... They were really strange. They were strongly believing Christians. Their love for Jesus was stronger than their love for anything else - even stronger than love for their own children. I didn't grow up in our so-called home... Let me tell you why. When I was a little boy, I didn't want to go back to our house after school because they were beating me, they forced me to read the Bible over and over again. To keep down and be quiet. I ran away many times - but police caught me and dragged me back to that house. How I said, they have beaten you really hard after you did something against God’s will. I was their main concern before John was born - Jacob knew how to defend himself. But he couldn't defend me. I was afraid to come back from school. I ran away from home when I was eighteen. I ran for days and night, further and further. Only Jacob knew where I was. But he had to go back to Iran, and John stayed alone. A six-year-old boy with those freaks for freakin’ three years... He’s a sensitive child. He is curious, full of love inside - but on the outside? Those freaks made him look like a body without a soul. The nuns told me, that he refused to eat for the first few months. He only ate when he was starving... Now, I’m trying to get him into foster care. I will be a good brother to him - after all those years.“ He said with cracked-up voice. He lowered his head into his lap and it looked like wanted to cry and tried not to really hard. He pushed his jaws against each other and he was breathing loudly.
You get up and sit next to him, your head was leaning back on his shoulder and your palm was stroking his back only in the shirt. He was warm and he smelled nice - you started to warming up next to that cowboy. It was the alcohol you had, in a part. And you liked him too. Maybe he was an asshat - but you changed your opinion and you started to like him about an hour ago.
You decided not to ask more. Not to ask about his brothers or parents. No more questions.   „It’s ok, Joseph. Don't get stuck in your memories. You are persuading me that you aren't a creep and thief, don't you remember?“ You whispered and he laughed lightly. Your heart melted a little and you pushed yourself closer to him. You kissed him into hair and your look entwined. 
„Can I tell you something else?“ He was millimeters away from you and you felt his breath and you even smell it. An oh boy, it was turning you on so bad. But you controlled your temper and smiled innocently. 
„Of course you can. I am here for you.“ 
„Sometimes I can hear sort of a... A voice inside my head. It is talking to me (Y/N). Sometimes it whispers... Sometimes it shouts. I can hear it since I was seven years old - since my father beat me up with a belt for the first time. I don't think that I'm losing my sanity. The voice is helping and it is telling me something about a future plan it has for me - that I will be a savior. But I have to walk my path on this earth to be the savior. You know? Maybe I will make a difference in the future. I think that God’s chosen me as his Prophet.“ He looked on his shoes again and shut up for a moment. „Does it sound as crazy as I think it does?“
You didn’t want to answer him directly, yes or no. He was a broken man inside and you felt it from his words and from the voice timbre he had. Both of you stayed quiet for a while. You held his palm in yours and smiled a bit.
„Is that voice talking to you right now, you creep?“
„You would bet your ass it does.“ You heard the first and the last curse word from his mouth in his husky and calm voice. 
„What does it say?“ You swallowed and your eyes met again.
„That this is a good idea.“
And so, you walked hand in hand out of the pub. The rain was pouring from the sky even more than before, mud and puddles were everywhere. You two ran through the city and both of you were giggling like children. You ran into some tall grass and you were all soaked up again. But you actually didn't give a fuck about that. 
The cowboy was holding your hand as tight as no one before, he was laughing and looking at you as if you were some sort of an angel. He kissed you in the pub passionately - and oh boy, he was a good kisser. Everything was shining and you couldn't get your eyes off him. You were drunk and excited after a really long time and it was beautiful. 
You two ran into a carn. 
„My room is up there. Come on, (Y/N).“ He took your hand and pulled you to the stairs. And he didn't lie - there was a door to the added room for rent. He unlocked it and invited you inside. There were a bed and a mirror, two windows with a view oriented to the wilderness and a small bathroom. That was all. 
You finally looked at yourself - and sweet baby Jesus, you were looking like a total piece of shit. Your tracking trousers weren't lightly blue anymore - the mud was all over them and they were soaking wet. The water was dripping out of your hair and then you've seen your face. You smiled at yourself - you were looking like a seventeen years old girl. Your cheeks were rosy and your eyes were melting with excitement. Your hair was everywhere and still - somehow you were turning that cowboy on.
„Come. Don't be shy and make yourself home.“
„I can’t. I am totally dirty. The mud would be everywhere.“
He smiled and you looked at him. His hair was out of the man bun - and you were lost in that moment so hard. He was slowly walking like a cowboy, smiling a little. He was... He was anything but creepy or looking like an idiot. He so sexy in that moment, that you started to beg God to let him fuck you as hard he could. 
He took you your camera case and carefully lied it on his bedside table. He went back to you, unzipped your jacket. It fell by its own will. He slowly unzipped your hoodie and helped you out of it. You stood there, cold as hell, the rain was pouring outside and the thunderstorm began. And still, you were fascinated by that man. He kissed you one more time meanwhile his palms were playing with the hem of your T-shirt, slowly peeling off the wet material off your body. It was gone in an instant and both you were shirtless. 
You caressed his hair with your fingers, locked them here and you even pulled a little. You felt his fingers on your trousers zip and you were defenseless, without breath. You sighed with lust in your belly when his ice cold fingertips touched your burning skin. Then he lowered himself on his knees, his lips were wandering all over your curves, putting soaked trousers away of your body. Then he took off your shoes and socks. You almost fell down, when he stood up. He did the same thing as he was lowering down - he closed his eyes and wander on your shin and thigh, going up to your belly and your breasts. You stood there only in your underwear, barely breathing.
„As I said before, angel. Make yourself at home.“ He smiled and went off taking his clothes. So you moved towards the bed, feeling insecure clothed only in your underwear. You would never define yourself as "pretty" or "sexy". You were just a normal woman. You had scars on your body and your hair wasn't shaved perfectly and your pimples were lighting as Christmas lights. So you sat on his stone hard bed. And covered yourself with his thick blanket, it was innocently white and it was really soft and cold. You covered yourself all over and watched the cowboy.
His pants were slowly leaning to the ground, the belt was making noises when it touched the ground, and then he took the pants off at the same time with his shoes. His bare feet were sticking to the cold ground, so you heard every step he took. 
A few moments later he was sitting on the bed with you, touching your bare shoulder. He was warm. And looking at you.
„Don't worry and show yourself to me as God made you.“ He winked at you, the alcohol gave him courage. As you understood, he was a religious man who believed that God’s speaking to me - so he was a big part of his life. So he accepted you as a God’s creation no matter how bad you thought you look.
The blanket fell down on you, and you leaned closer. His skin was on at least a boiling point. 
„Come on, my dear. You are as beautiful as you are.“ His hands hugged you hardly and his body tumbled you on the bed. He was heavy - but not as heavy as the lovers you had before. 
It wasn't as tough act as you hoped, but you never knew you could have so much pleasure from an ordinary missionary position - and you finally knew that the mistake wasn't in you as you always thought. It was a slow, pleasing act for both of you - sometimes he came in too fast and you both giggled. You could feel him breathing on your skin, sometimes you heard his sights interrupted by the thunderstorm outside. And the only time you could see him gasp for air was only when the flash hit the ground. 
The acme came from all the sudden, both of you shook in delight, screaming as loud as you could. Your fingers were interlaced in convulsion and you couldn't believe that it was that fast. You lied to him, hugged his waist and closed your eyes. You felt safe when he hugged you back and kissed your forehead. 
„Thank you.“ He whispered and you rested your chin on his thorax, looking into his beautiful eyes. His hair was everywhere around his head - he looked like a Jesus. He was smiling, slowly sketched fingers on your shoulder. The cowboy was looking the most charming and handsome from the whole evening. „For what?“ You asked back. 
He didn't respond but kissed you on the forehead once again. Then you got up and spread every piece of your clothes on the ground to get it dry. Both of you were naked, you chatted as if you were longtime friends - you trusted him after one night in one bed. When it was finished, you came back to bed and leaned under the blankets together. Both of you fell asleep really fast.  
When you woke up, the sun was shining high in the sky and the birds were singing outside. But you woke up all alone. The cowboy was already gone - you couldn't see him. He folded your clothes on one pile and prepared you a breakfast - juice with bread and honey.
After a while you have eaten, you discovered that he took your camera out of the case and lay it on the bedtime table. You took it into your palms and switched it on. There were all the photos you remembered - except the last. It was him, photographed in the mirror next to the door. Shirtless, only in his pants with his man bun and the yellow glasses on. He was smiling - and you were smiling too. he was cute. 
Then you found a note under the camera case. The note he left you.
Dear (Y/N), it said. I had to leave immediately because they called me from John’s children's home. We are finally heading back to the east - after the night I spent with you, I'm looking forward to the future. We will be good. Please, pray for us and pray for Jacob. Think of me, and I'm looking forward to seeing you once again in the future.
That you, thank you for the new hope you gave me by your presence.
Yours truly, Joseph.
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aryareyes · 4 years
The moment our eyes met...
Chapter 2
Wattpad link : https://my.w.tt/VXt651wY86
The cool air brushed my hair and sent chills on my spin as I watched my hometown through the car window. Further I go further I felt the same familiar warm feeling inside me as the first time.
- " Juvia? " I turned to face Jellal at his call.
- " Are you okay? " he asked concerned. I gave him a reassuring smile in response. As he seemed unconvinced I added  " Jellal, I'm fine. Really ". He smiled softly and turned to face the road.
- " Good we'll be there in five minutes, I'm not sure if there's everything you need there, let me know if you need something..." he stated.
- " All I need is a long bath and Coffee! " I retorted.
- " So you're too a coffee addict huh ?"  He grinned.  " Don't know what you girls find in coffee..." he trailed.
- " Dude! No coffee no life! Besides girls are not the only coffee addict...Don't be a sexist." I defended myself.
- " Ok.Ok. Maybe you're right but still it's more girls who are coffee lovers than guys..." 
- " Well you guys are smokers so we're even."
- " Hey! I don't smoke...I actually hate it!" He exclaimed offended.
- " I said guys not Jellal Fernandez" I chuckled and I rolled my eyes.  " However, we have a point in common..." I stated.
- " You hate smokers too ? " he asked.
- " Of course, I hate the fact they kill their selves so dumb fully! " I said back.
- " Agreed...and here we go." He was parking his car in front of the flat.
- " I'll carry your stuff your Majesty, you may go inside...here's the key..." he joked handing me the key.
- " Thank you my knight of shining armor." I countered him back. He laughed before pushing me inside the building. I stopped laughing by the by time, I arrived in front of Gajeel's flat which was in fifth floor, second door at left.
I opened the door and entered the apartment. It's little different from two years ago, it's more furnitures and decorations. Yet, it's simple and minimalist but cozy. I liked it. Weird, Gajeel is not too keen on decoration or house management. It's probably the girls doing. (AN : photo on media)
I didn't find him in the living room so I went to his room and he wasn't either. I frowned but then remembered what Jellal said earlier.  Gajeel couldn't come to get me because he had an impediment. I sighed, I was so excited to see him here. I shook my head to chase unnecessary thoughts. If Gajeel couldn't be here then it was really important. That doesn't mean he'll get away with this so easily, I'm gonna piss him off with this once he's back.
I then opened the curtains and the balcony door to let the morning sun light enter. Perfect. I stepped out on the balcony with my fireflies bottle in my hands and took a look at outside. It was nothing new, a town with small buildings and shops but not a lot. It wasn't crowded, it's calm and peaceful. Just like I like it. I saw a long river running in the middle of the town a took a mental note visit it.
I then hanged the fireflies bottle near the hanging flower pots on the balcony and went inside.  I entered the a room which I assumed mine because it looked unused. The other two are filled with things. One's Gajeel and the other seem more like a common room.
I looked at the untouched room which only had a bed, a dresser, a table with its chair and a small sofa with its stool. It looked like a hotel room to me, I added my room decoration in my mental notes. Though the fact that with my stuffs, it won't be so empty. That's when I looked around me. Where is Jellal ? It's been almost fifteen minutes I'm here and he won't take that much to bring my luggage here. through the lift for God's sake. Maybe he completely forgot? I went to the living room to see but no he's here. Where the hell is he ?
I need a bath and coffee to clear my head, I thought as I went in the bathroom taking a new towel in visitor's room, thank god, Gajeel thought about leaving a towel for visitors. I can take one of Gajeel's t-shirts until Jellal comes back with my things.
I closed my eyes as I felt the water on my skin, I sighed in content and made my self comfortable. Water always makes me feel at ease. I feel free, pur and natural in the contact of the water on my skin. I always have loved it since childhood. That maybe a reason why I like swimming and fortunately I'm good at it.
After a long hot bath, I wrapped the towel around my body and got out of the bathroom to find a t-shirt in my brother's room. That's when I regretted to not bringing it before, at the time I so wanted a bath and now the room is in the opposite side. I have to cross the hall to get there. I sighed and prayed Jellal shouldn't be here before entering the living room.
I was mid way in the hall when I felt the fresh air on my skin, with the rays of the sun light. I smiled in delight as I felt shivers on my body. I then frowned, before going in the bathroom I closed the window so how...
I turned to see a strong silhouette leaning against the edge of the balcony. I could see his biceps,his toned muscles and his sculpted abs forming a perfect V shape through his white t-shirt. He had a chiseled jawline and then all I saw is a back of the black mess of hair.
Shit. Was I really ogling on Gajeel? Beurk! I mentally slapped my myself and shook my head. I then remembered that Gajeel is just in front of me, I haven't see him for two years and now he's here. I squealed in my mind and approached him slowly and silently.
I stopped behind him before slapping his butt playfully. He jumped in surprise startled and I laughed out loud.
- " OMG! Your—Your reaction!" I laughed harder.
- " Why...are you so sur—surprised Metalhead ? Who...else will slap your... butt if it's not me ? Hmm... maybe you expected it to be your girlfriend..." I choked my own words as I was laughing throwing my head back. I had tears on my eyes and and my stomach was paining. So I stopped laughing with so much difficulty and narrowed my eyes at my brother's face as he was now turned to face me with his arms crossed against his chest.
Oh no. My expression turned into horror in a second, if I before was red from laughing now it's redder from embarrassment. I opened my eyes and mouth wide and blinked. And then shouted in shock.
- " Who—who—-ar—are you?! " I stuttered blushing and trying to pull the curtain to me as I suddenly become aware of my lack of clothing. I just had a thin white towel on my body for God's sake!
- " Who are you ? And what the hell are you doing in my house ? " I raised my voice as the stranger kept staring at me. Damn it. He's hot. He's such a handsome face—-Shut it Juvia! He's a fucking stranger! And you were drooling over him a minute ago and slapped his sexy butt.——Shut the fucking mouth of yours conscience! I was only saying the truth...——Shut it.
- " Excuse me, who are you ? " he raised an eyebrow.
- " I'm—-Wait, I don't even know you why should I tell details about me and for God's sake, you're in my house! Get out of here! " I retorted.
- " Geez...So you can slap a stranger's butt but can't say your name..." he smirked. It caught me off guard.
- " I—I—-I confused you with someone else—-" I said heat rushing to my face as the embarrassment took over me. "...Sorry...I swear I was confused that my brother's butt was flat and all but then I saw the black hair and..." mumbled as I bobbed my head down ashamed, my cheeks burning in embarrassment.
- " So you think mine is well shaped..." he murmured with a smirk. I ignored him.
- " However that doesn't explain your presence here." I looked up at him frowning in anger.
- " It's our place so of course I'll be here! What I don't understand is who the hell are you?! " he retorted for the first time raising his voice.
Idiot. How dare he come in my house and raise his voice against me ?
- " How dare——"
- " Raindrop?! " That idiot and me turned to see Gajeel on the door.
- " Metalhead! " We exclaimed in unison and started at each other shocked then back at Gajeel.
- " Shit. I missed you troublemaker! " my brother exclaimed as he walked to my spot rapidly.
- " Fuck you! " I hissed at him. The stranger idiot laughed as Gajeel stopped a feet away from me and blinked, once he processed what I said, he gave me a death glare. But a second later his glare was directed to the stranger idiot as he was laughing.
- " What the hell are you doing here stripper!" It was my turn to laugh at the nickname and as if to prove Gajeel's says that idiot hadn't have his t-shirt.
I found my eyes wondering on his amazing torso and looking his cross chain curiously before getting back to my sense. The stripper idiot was now glaring at my brother and me. I bite my lip to bit laugh and I felt my cheeks puffed as I was controlling my laugher.
- " Who the hell is she?! " he asked irritated.
- " She's—" Gajeel started But I cut him off.
- " Oh! Mister, calm you ass down! Don't talk to me like this! "
- " Oh! Madam, Cut it off Ok?!" He retorted. I was about to reply when I looked at a dumbfounded Gajeel between us and then at him to see that he was doing the same as me.
I stared at Gajeel again then at him and couldn't control myself. I burst out laughing, along with him. Each time we tried to stop, just a look at each other's face is enough to double our laugher over.
After few minutes, I was leaning against the wall to support my weight and holding my stomach in pain. He was sitting in front me on the floor, now with his t-shirt on, seeming to be in the same state as me.
- " Man...I don't remember laughing this much in my life! " he exclaimed. I chuckled and nodded giving him a thumbs up as I was so tired to talk.
- " Ok. You know what I'm not even gonna ask why the hell are you two puffing like dauphins!" Gajeel said from the living room, I didn't saw him going there between my laughers.
- " That's a great idea Gajeel! " I approved wiping my tears.
- " Whatever. Raindrop this is Stripper prick, Stripper this is Raindrop" He gestured a hand between us lazily from the sofa.
- " What a great way of introducing people..." I said sarcastic. The other guy sneered and stood in front of me.
- " I'm Gray. Gray Fullbuster." He gave a hand with a handsome grin. My lips curved in a slow smile as I took his hand.
- " Juvia Lockser, pleased to meet you." I shook his hand giving him a sincere smile.
- " That's not what it seemed to be half an hour ago but guess, pleased to meet you too." He half-grinned. I chuckled.
- " So you're Gajeel's friend huh? "
- " Yeah...and you're flat butt's sister right?" He teased.
- " It'll hurt his ego if hear this..." I said in a small voice chuckling. He sneered.
- " Bless you. You're alive for all those years being Metalhead's sister." He mocked.
-" What did you say Ice prick ?!" Gajeel shouted from the kitchen.
- " Gajeel?" I called him sweetly.
- " Yeah?"
- " I need a coffee! Please!" I cried. I can imagine him rolling his eyes and sighing from here.
- " it's actually not that bad." I said to Gray. He chuckled before murmuring :
- " A free advice : next time don't slap any guy's butt." I blushed bright red and remembered I had only a only towel to protect my dignity.
- "Cover your eyes! Don't peek! " I warned him before moving myself from behind the curtain and sprinting to my room. I heard him laugh even after I closed the door. I leaned my back against it and I tapped my forehead in shame, with a small smile on my lips.
0 notes
i-found-your-shoe · 7 years
Where My Demons Hide - Part 2
Tumblr media
[Sam Winchester, Reader, Dean Winchester; Eventual Sam x Reader]
Your sobs were muffled as you buried your head deep into Sam's heavy flannel shirt. He wrapped his arms around you and held you as you shook, patiently waiting for you to calm down. It took about 10 minutes, but you were finally able to catch your breath.
“I'm sorry.” you whispered, laying a hand on a particularly wet spot on his chest. “I fell asleep waiting on you. I - all I could see were the flames.”
Sam raised a calloused hand and gently wiped the tears from your face with his thumb. “It's alright. I heard you scream through the wall. Thought I'd better check on you.”
You furrowed your brow. “Thanks. I guess.. I feel like a terrible daughter. I thought my father was losing it. I - I never believed him… Never believed that something bad was going to happen.”
“Look, (y/n), it's… Normal. If this, hunting, wasn't my life, I wouldn't believe it either. I wouldn't believe that demons walked the earth. Or angels. Or monsters. You're not a bad daughter.” Sam got to his knees and rested himself on his heels. “You gonna stay under there all night or do you need help up?”
You smiled sheepishly and bit your lip. “I need help up.”
Sam got to his feet and reached out. You took his hand, still slightly damp from wiping your face, and let him pull you to your feet.
“There's a bar down the road. You wanna get a drink with me?” you paused. “Oh,I'm - I don't mean to be rude. You're probably exhausted.”
“I could use a drink.” There was that grin again. It was small. Barely there. Shy. But it crinkled his bright hazel eyes in just the right places.
Sam told Dean you were borrowing the car and let you give directions as the Impala ambled out of the parking lot. Once inside the bar, you had five hours until last call and you were determined to use them well.
Sam impressed you with the fact that he had been going to school to be a lawyer, as you both sipped your Jack Daniels slowly. You could see the disappointment in himself hiding behind his eyes when he revealed he had dropped out.
“Don't worry. I almost dropped out of Oxford.” you shrugged, draining your glass and holding it up to signal a need for a refill. “Stanford was lucky to have you while you were there.”
“I can't believe you went to Oxford. That's amazing. Really impressive.”
“Stanford is impressive, as well.”
The grin and chuckle. God, it made your knees weak. “I think Oxford is a little more impressive, (y/n).”
“Probably.” You winked at Sam as the bartender filled your glass. “I was actually aiming for a PhD in physics. But we see how that turned out.”
Sam motioned for a refill. His cheeks were a nice shade of pink, courtesy of Jack. “God, smart and hot. I'm impressed.”
You chatted for hours, the bar tab rising steadily with the minutes. Finally, you checked your watch. “Fucking hell. It's almost 2. We should be going.” you slid over your bank card and swiftly signed the receipt.
Sam stood and wobbled, holding onto the chair for balance. “I….cannot drive.”
“Let's walk.” you giggled. “we'll grab the car in the morning.” Sam waited while you let the bartender know that the Impala would be picked up first thing. He offered to call a cab, but you denied it, saying you were less than a mile away from your destination. Slowly making your way back to Sam, you took his arm. “Let's go, cowboy.” and the two of you swayed out the door, using each other for balance.
When you finally made it back to the motel, you paused at the door. “This may be incredibly forward of me.. And I promise no funny business… But -” you paused, your head suddenly swimming with more than the whiskey. Adrenaline and nervousness clawed behind your eyes and in your stomach. “I don't want to be alone while I sleep. I don't want -” you didn't finish your sentence but Sam understood, even in his inebriated state. You didn't want the nightmare to come back.
He silently followed you into your room and waited as you sat your key down on the night stand. Your room was a bit smaller than theirs. No couch, and only one bed. On the plus side, it was a king. On the minus side, you hadn't shared a bed with anyone in a long time.
“Um.. I'm gonna get changed.. You…. Make yourself comfortable.”
You eyeballed your suitcase. You weren't even sure what was packed in there and you were nervous to check. Finally, you gathered enough nerve to barely unzip the bag halfway and pull out the first shirt you saw. With eyes to the floor, anxiety rising in your chest, you made your way to the bathroom. When you returned to the room, you noticed Sam had discarded his jeans, shoes, and shirt and curled up under the blanket. Slowly, you crawled into the bed on the opposite side, and made yourself as comfortable as you could. It wasn't long before your eyes began to feel heavy and hot succumbed to a, hopefully, dreamless sleep.
You were awoken the next morning to your door opening and a deep voice saying “Well. Okay, then.”
Your side felt heavy and your nose was filled with an unrecognizable, but comforting, scent. You peeked out of one eye and came face to face with a chest - and a very interesting tattoo. You slowly began to realize that you had curled up against Sam in the middle of the night and he had wrapped an arm around you.
“I got coffee in the pot and a lead whenever you lovebirds are ready.” Dean stated as he left the room.
You sat up quickly and Sam rubbed his eyes. “I'm sorry. I've been told I'm a heat-seeking missile.” your cheeks burned red as he dragged his arm from around your waist.
Sam rubbed your arm, attempting to comfort you in your obviously embarrassed state. “As long as you slept well.”
“Yeah. I did.” You groaned as you stretched. “Fuck. I need coffee. With a touch of the hair of the dog that bit me.”
“I got you. Get changed and meet me next door. Dean can make motel coffee taste like actual coffee.”
You nodded and got out of bed, trying to pull your shirt down so you didn't expose your ass. If you did, and if he noticed, he said nothing.
You finally made your way over, after reaching blindly into your suitcase and finding a pair of yoga shorts, and rapped your knuckles against the door. Dean opened the door a crack and whispered, “you didn't use the secret knock.”
“I didn't know there was -” you blushed again.
“I'm messing with you, sweetheart.” he laughed as he opened the door and ushered you in.
“Sorry. I think I'm still a tad bit drunk.”
Sam raised his hand from his position on the bed. He was laying back with his legs over the edge and his other arm draped over his eyes. “I - I am still drunk.”
“Here. This’ll help.” Dean handed you a coffee mug and the sharp aroma of Jack Daniels smacked you in the face.
“Is there coffee in this?” you asked, staring at the mug.
“Eh.. A little.” Dean chuckled as he looked at your shirt. It was emblazoned with Princess Leia’s face and the words ‘A Woman's Place is in the Resistance.’ “Nice shirt.”
“What can I say? I'm kind of a feminist.” you shrugged, taking a long drink of coffee. “Oh, yes. That's what I needed.”
“Pfft, feminist, my ass.”
“Anything you can do, I can do better. And if not better, at least backwards and in heels.” You sat down on the bed next to Sam, and you must have jostled him because he placed his free hand on his stomach. “Sorry,” you muttered, but he waved you off, letting out a slow, deep breath and sitting up as well.
“Not hunting, sweetheart. Nobody hunts better than me.” Dean raised his eyebrow as he handed Sam a cup of coffee.
“What if you taught me?” you asked, eyes widening as Dean choked in his own coffee.
“I vaguely remember us talking about that last night. Didn't think it would be brought up first thing in the morning, though.” Sam groaned, taking a drink of his coffee.
“Listen, sweetheart. This job takes a lot more than just a pretty face. It's tough -” Dean interjected.
“I'm tough. Don't let the pretty face fool you, Angsty McBroodyArse, I'm more than meets the eye. I'm smart. I'm a quick learner. I'm a damn good shot. I studied Krav Maga for 12 years.” you glared at Dean and Sam raised an eyebrow. “The only shoes I own now are the combat boots I was wearing last night. You might not get me in flannel, but I look damn good in leather. And I live on four basic food groups; coffee, whiskey, bacon, and cheeseburgers.”
“I don't know what kind of pretty picture Sammy painted last night, but it ain't all sunshine, roses, and hookers. You give up a lot to lead a life like ours.”
“Please explain to me what I have left to give up. My only family is gone. My house is gone. I haven't had a job, friends, or a relationship in 4 years. I have nothing to lose. I'd go back to England, but I'm sure I need to remain stateside until I can get bank documents and insurance forms squared away. I have nothing but time and money, Dean.”
“Yeah, come on, Dean. What's the harm?” Sam asked, glancing at you sideways.
“Three months. Give me three months, Dean. That should be long enough for me to get down the basics, as well as some in-field experience. Plus getting my assets in order. If it's not working out in 90 days, I will go without a fight.”
Dean pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Fine. Three months. 90 days. Sammy, she's your problem, not mine. I don't teach.”
You squealed and jumped up to hug Dean. “Oh, bad idea.” you moaned, letting go of him to grab your head. You had stood up too fast and made your still-drunk self dizzy. You waited for the feeling to pass, and when it did, you opened your eyes and grinned at the boys like an idiot. “So, you said you had a lead?”
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If you haven't already been asked them, 4, 6, 10, 21, 22, 24, 50, 54, 66, 74, 80, 81, and 84?
A lot of questions! A lot of questions require a lot of answer, and so they’ll all be below the cut, dove!
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
Yes. I don’t always have an easy time trusting people, and me saying I trust you is beyond a big deal. The list of people I honest to God, truly trust doesn’t even take up all the fingers on both hands.
6. What are you excited for?
A lot of things. I’m excited for hopefully finishing the first draft of my novel this summer, and being only a year and a half out from finishing school, and potential future plans I’ve been toying with, and that I seem to entertain you all with my itsy drabbles that I use as an excuse to write but not work on my novel.
I’m just a very excitable person, really.
10. What is the last beverage you had?
Coffee. I drink a lot of coffee.
21. Are you in a good mood?
I’m tired (an introvert at a pride event gets very drained very quickly), but overall I’d say I’m in a good mood.
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
Hell. Yes.
Stick me in a suit tomorrow and I’d dive in without a second thought. I love the ocean, I love the creatures that live there, and if I could swim with them? That’s a bucket list item right there.
24. What do you want right this second?
More coffee. And some quiet. I have the quiet, and I really should drink some water instead of more coffee.
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
Just call me Hawkeye. I’m actually pretty damn good with a bow. A bit out of practice right now, but I have excellent hand-eye coordination.
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
That’s the one with the potato in the ravioli type thing, yeah? If yes, then yes.
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
I will always choose the white cheddar natural Cheetos over almost anything else. Unless I’m in the mood for salt and vinegar chips. Then I’ll always choose salt and vinegar chips.
74. What is your favorite book?
Now this question just isn’t fair. I’m going to have to break it down into my two favorite genres: fantasy and horror.
Fantasy: this was really hard, but first place belongs to The Hobbit, followed VERY closely by the Owlflight series.
Horror: The Stand or Hemlock Grove are tied for first. But if you hand me any King book other than Pet Semetary, I’ll probably be pleased (Mainers stick together y’all).
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
I really love plain iced tea. I love all iced tea, but if I can get plain iced with with frozen fruit in it? Especially peaches or blackberries? I’ll swoon and possibly profess undying love for you.
81. Tea or coffee?
Coffee, no contest. I will drink that shit all day everyday if I can get away with it.
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
There are people that can’t? I honestly didn’t realize that was a thing. Yes, I can.
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Someone To Stay
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An original story by fairytales1896
Spencer Reid x fem reader
5. Maybe, Just Maybe
Spencer POV:
It's been a few days since I hung out with Y/N. I'm truly glad she was the one I got to go with. I feel like we might have a lot in common, and she's easy to be around. For a little while, I almost forgot about everything that happened...about her. The next day the thoughts came sinking slowly back in, but they don't feel as debilitating as they used to. Maybe Derek was right, getting out, being around people, it may not be easy for me but it may be what's best. Maybe I should try to get out of my comfort zone a little. I want to get better, I do. But being social, well it's never been my strong suit, and to try to do it now, when I feel so emotionally vulnerable, it's particularly difficult.
Other than the dinner at Rossi's, my friends haven't been inviting me out as much as they used to. I'm pretty sure they got tired of the inevitable rejection. I want them to see that I'm trying, that I want to do better, to get better. Maybe if I reach out first...
I grab my phone to call JJ. She's like a sister to me, and she's been the best at trying to understand what I've been going through.
"Hey, Spence!" She sounds surprised but glad to hear from me.
"Hey, I was uhh.. well I was just wondering..." my words trail off as I find myself suddenly losing confidence in my endeavor.
"Yeah, what's up?" Her voice has a calming effect on me.
"Well...I was wondering if the team had any plans this weekend? To hang out or...I don't know."
"Actually we don't. But we should! I think I have an idea. There's something I've been wanting us all to do. There's a Lakehouse up for rent, and I think it would be fun if we all went up for a weekend. What do you think?"
I'm not very into outdoor activities, but the idea of reading on a porch by the lake sounds incredibly calming and therapeutic. It also sounds like a good time for me to start hanging out with the team again.
"You know, that actually sounds perfect." I smile at the thought of the much needed weekend getaway.
"Perfect! I'll text the group! Thanks for giving me the nudge to set this up, Spence. It'll be fun."
I hang up and shortly after I hear the familiar ding from the group message chat.
BAU Baddies😎
JJ💖: Hey guys! Who would be down for renting a Lakehouse this next weekend?
DM🍫⚡️: Hell yeah! @ahotchner you know what that means?? Jet Skis baby!! 😜🤙🏻
AB🌹: How fun! Count me in.
DR🇮🇹: I'll cook! I have a new recipe we can try out. I think you'll all love it👌🏻
PG🦄👸🏼: @jjereau @ablake We HAVE to go swimsuit shopping first, ladies! This is a non-negotiable.
AH: Sounds fun, are we bringing the kids this time?
JJ💖: Actually, Will is staying home and he'll be watching Henry. Jack can spend the weekend there, if you'd like. @ahotchner
AH: Thanks. I think I'll take you up on that offer.
DM🍫⚡️: @sreid you better be coming pretty boy, just bring a couple dozen books and you'll be set.
SR♟: Yep, already packing.
I smile to myself, thinking of how for once, I'm the reason we have plans. But if anyone else knew that, I'd never hear the end of it. I knew JJ was being intentional when she didn't mention that to the group. I hear another group chat alert and glance at my phone.
BAU Baddies😎
JJ💖: Hey, is it alright if I invite Y/N again?
AB🌹: Oh I thought that was a given! You definitely need to! She fits in with us so well.
PG🦄👸🏼: You better! Or I won't let you hear the end of it 😂
JJ💖: Great! Thanks you guys, it means a lot that you've been so welcoming to her.
Y/N will be there. Maybe I'll have a friend who will hang back and read with me. It would be nice to not be the only one. Then I remember what she said about moving here because she loves the outdoors. That means she'll probably be hanging out with Derek, JJ, and whoever else. Oh well. At least maybe I'll get to talk to her more. I decide to text her. I never really text anyone, but she doesn't know that.
Hey, it's Spencer. I heard JJ wanted to invite you to the lake. Do you think you'll go?
Y/N 📱
Yeah! I just got off the phone with her. I can't wait! Are you going?
Surprisingly...yes. I'll be bringing some books along to pass the time but it'll be nice to have a change of scenery.
Books??? We'll see about that😉 I love a good book as much as the next bibliophile...but this is a weekend for things you CANT do at home. Anyways, would you want to carpool? We can take turns driving if one of us gets tired. Passenger is in control of snacks and music! 🎶🍿
Haha, ok deal. We'll work out the details later. And...thanks :)
Anytime Spencer, can't wait! 👍🏻
I lean back into the couch and smile. Even if we spend the weekend doing different things, at least we'll get to talk on the way there. I feel like she could become a good friend, but I don't want to make any assumptions...I don't do this often.
You run around your room, packing for a trip that's days away. You're too excited, it can't wait. Just as you're trying to decide on a swimsuit you get a text from Penelope, saying that the girls are going swimsuit shopping this evening. They want you to come. You can't hide the smile growing on your face. How long has it been since you've been on a girls shopping trip? You can't even remember. It's spontaneous, so you assume no one will be too dressed up. You throw on a black sleeveless t shirt dress and some strappy sandals. Easy enough to get in and out of for trying on clothes. After brushing through your hair and applying some quick, light makeup, you're ready to go. The girls had decided to meet at the mall, for the most options.
You meet up with Aunt JJ, Penelope, and Alex outside of a nice department store.
"I figured we could start here. It has the most options and it's at the end of the mall. So we can work our way down, until we all find something."
Aunt JJ tends to take charge. She's such a mom, but that's part of what you love about her. Always prepared, caring for everyone. Alex found a cute one piece with a wrap to wear as a skirt. Penelope picked out a cute pink and purple polka-dotted swim dress. JJ ended up with a sports-bra fitting bikini top and some athletic looking swim shorts. Still such a typical mom. The only one left is you. You haven't tried on very many things, and what you did try on, never made it out of the dressing room.
"Y/N, why don't you let us pick you out some things to try on, and this time, you have to at least let us see. Deal?" Penelope gives you a look of encouragement.
"Sure" you shrug. "I'll try anything at this point."
Alex stays with you while JJ and Penny go to pick out some swimsuits for you. They return with a few handfuls of options. You try on the first option, picked out by Penny. It's a cute two piece, frilly and pink. You come out and are greeted with a few giggles.
"As cute as this is, I think it's more your style than mine, Penny" you let out a small laugh.
"Oh I know. I just wanted to see you in it! I couldn't pull it off in a thousand years!" She laughs.
"Alright alright, let's keep going." JJ ushers me back into the dressing room.
I come back out in a black two piece. It doesn't show too much skin to make me uncomfortable, but it's really flattering on my curves.
I hear a chorus of "ooooo" and one "yes queen!" that I'm sure came from Penny.
"Really, you guys? It's not too...ya know."
JJ shakes her head at me. "No definitely not. Girl, you're single, you're in your twenties, your body hasn't had a child yet. If you got it, flaunt it. If not now, then when?"
The girls all nod in agreement. You blush. You didn't know you could look this good in a swimsuit. You usually avoided bikinis. You found it hard to feel comfortable in your own skin. Whenever you tried to dress sexy, you just ended up feeling awkward and uncomfortable. It helps to have some friends to encourage you. You look at yourself in the mirror one last time. Okay, even you had to admit, you look hot.
The four of you end the day with lunch, chatting about your plans for the lake.
JJ turns to you. "Y/N, I almost forgot, do you need a ride down there? I can pick you up, if you'd like."
"Ohh uh, no actually. I'm carpooling with Spencer." I give her a shy smile. I know what this looks like. "We're just friends" I quickly interject.
"That's great" she says, giving me her warm smile. "Spence really needs a friend right now. And I bet you do too." There's understanding in her eyes. You're grateful that she didn't try to make more out of it. Aunt JJ knows you, though. She knows you make guy friends much more easily. That aside, you were still so grateful for the day with the girls. They were all so genuine, and easy to get along with. They didn't make you feel like an outsider intruding on their day.
Later that evening, you lay in bed as you try to quiet your mind. Your head is swimming with too many thoughts to fall asleep: anxieties about this weekend, but also excitement and ideas of what you'll do. Not to mention, more time to get to know Spencer better. You wonder what JJ meant when she said Spencer really needed a friend right now. Maybe, just maybe, you'd break through his walls a little more this weekend.
A/N: sorry this one is short-ish. It's kind of a transition chapter so there's not as much content! Building a base, building friendships, hang with me, we're getting there 😁💖✌🏻
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