#my cats are put out about the fans but they love me sleeping downstairs
gettothestabbing · 1 year
Car wouldn’t start out of the blue yesterday. None of my neighbors are home when I am, so I called a towtruck and they gave me a jump in my garage. The guy said to pour Coke on the battery to get rid of corrosive acid, which I am 90% sure was not a joke, because he had no other suggestions.
I was worried the issue was way more serious than just a jump. The car is 10 years old, bought off the side of the road after it was in an accident that permanently changed the shape of the frame around the engine. I’m glad it works because I don’t have the time or money to rent a car rn. But I do have to think about how much longer these repairs are worth keeping this car.
I can’t trade it in unless I get it registered in the proper state. Which I put off doing, despite having everything I needed for it, because I hate the DMV more than almost anything else. The last time I was at the DMV, I frowned because I was being told I had to go to a different line and do a bunch of stuff over again. I’d already been there for almost two hours. My frown prompted the worker to start shrieking at me “not to get angry” and “stop threatening me.” It was surreal and embarrassing. We weren’t even making eye contact, how is a frown a threat? 
New Jersey was the worst. Everyone I stood near in that DMV back in 2020 was talking about how much they hated living there and how they were trying to move away XD Even though I’ve moved twice since then, I never went back to a DMV. Lockdown made getting a good time to go too hard in MI, and in OH I’ve been working and traveling so much that I always found a good reason to put it off just a little longer.
Oh, and they cancelled over half of the vacation time they’d already approved for me at the end of the month. They actually cancelled ALL of it and didn’t clearly communicate that to me, but when I realized and explained I was going to a family reunion and about my grandpa’s health, they felt bad and gave me 3 days back. Plus, the AC and the outlets in one room are still out of commission too. I have two fans going at full power that I carry from room to room. And my left wrist feels like it’s damn near about to fall off.
This week is giving me whiplash.
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kaliforniahigh · 1 month
Being neighbors with the guys, knowing who they are just not caring because they're just people. Eventually becoming friends but also dismissing Noah's flirting because you're older (4/5yrs), on the chubby side, and just feeling like he's definitely out of your league. He loves that you are just able to be yourself (no makeup, messy hair, etc) and that you're a nerd like he is.
Thank you so much for the request!!! I hope you like it, nonny <3
Warnings: reader mentions that her dad has passed away, insecurity, a little bit of angst, comfort, mentions of weed, parties, probably some innacuracies regarding animes and mangas. I think that's it.
WC: 3.3k (I'll proofread this later!)
Requests are closed for now.
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You didn't know the people that just moved in and were now living in the house next to yours, but you were about to find out. You could only guess they were young adults or fresh out of college and unemployed. Ok, maybe that was you passing jugdment before even meeting these people, but who throws parties on Sundays? Obviously someone who doesn't have to work on Monday, that's for sure.
You've been trying to ignore the bass thumping through the walls for the past couple of hours, as you were not ready to sleep yet. You just hoped they would quiet down by the time you went to bed. But as you laid there, the clock reading just past midnight and the music and chatter not giving signs of slowing down, you decided that a trip next door was in order. The music wasn't actually bad, as you were a fan of metal yourself. But your days of staying up late on a work night ended long ago.
You didn't bother putting any effort into your appearance, thinking your new neighbour - or neighbours - would already dislike you for complaining about their party.
Putting your hair up in a half-assed bun, wrapping your fluffy robe around your body that was clad in a less than decent pajama, you put on your slippers and made your way downstairs and out of the house.
You rang the doorbell a couple of times, standing there and waiting for someone to answer the door, pulling your robe tighter on your body, feet tapping on the ground. You assumed you must look like a grumpy cat.
The door opened and you actually had to look up to meet the person on the other side in the eyes. And as soon as you do, realization takes over you. But you didn't have the time to mull over the fact that Noah Sebastian - and the whole of Bad Omens, probably - is your neighbour, because he was greeting you.
"Hello", he said, leaning on the door frame, eyes going over you and a curious look takes over his face.
"Hey. We haven't met yet, but I'm your next door neighbour", you extend a hand for him to take, and his enveloped yours entirely. But his handshake is firm and his hand is warm.
"Oh, I'm sorry we haven't had the time to introduce ourselves yet, with moving and everything", you were actually glad he didn't have the time, you don't know what you'd do if Noah just casually knocked on your door.
"Well, I'm sorry we're meeting like this, but I actually came here to see if you could turn the volume down a little?" you pointed past him towards the house and the music playing on the speakers. "It's just that it's past midnight and I have work tomorrow morning", you explained.
His face changed into one of shock and a little embarrassment.
"Oh my God, I didn't realize it was so late already or we would've turned it down a lot sooner. I'm really sorry", he disappeared behind the door for a few seconds and you heard voices before the music cut off entirely.
"You don't have to turn it off, turning it down is enough really, I don't want to ruin your party", you told him, feeling a little guilty.
"No, it's ok, the other neighbours were probably bothered as well. Thank you for coming here and letting me know about the noise", he sounded sincere. "I would invite you in for a drink, but I take it you're already headed to bed?", he pointed out, reffering to your choice of clothes. You laughed a little at this.
"You're definitely right. It's already way past my bedtime", you joked, pointing to an imaginary watch on your wrist.
"Well, I guess we'll leave it for another time, right?", he crossed his arms over his chest, a smirk playing on his lips. You tried not to focus on the way his arms bulged at the motion.
"Yeah, of course" you didn't know what to say. You didn't even know this man for more than fifteen minutes probably, and he was already inviting you into his house.
"I'll hold you to it", the smirk never left his lips and you were beginning to wonder if he was flirting with you? It couldn't be, because you just came here in the most stupid clothes and completely crashed his party.
"Well, I better head home, I got an early start tomorrow. Thank you for turning down the noise", you said and started to back away from his front door.
"Anytime, sweetheart. Sleep well", he said, but made no move to get inside the house. Did he just call you sweetheart?
"You too", and with that, you finally turned away from him and walked to your front door. As you unlocked it, you looked over at his house and saw that he was still watching you, making sure you arrived at your house in one piece. Waving at you, he waited until you waved back and got inside to retreat into his home.
Noah saw you in passing for the next couple of days, when he was leaving the house and you were just arriving or the other way around. It was currently Saturday afternoon and he had just arrived from a studio session with the guys.
Parking in the driveway, he noticed your garage was open, but you were nowhere in sight. He didn't even know you had a car since your garage was always closed. Worrying a little, he decided to stop by and check what was going on.
Walking the few steps to your house, he noticed a beautiful Cutlass parked in your garage, and your feet clad with a pair of boots peeking out from underneath.
You must have noticed him arriving, because you slid your way out from underneath the car, a wrench in your hand, that were dirty with oil. That's when he noticed the overalls covering your body. You stood up, greeting him, but decided to not shake hands this time.
"Hey, Noah. What's up? I would shake your hand, but, you know", you trailed off, mentioning to your messy hands.
"Hi", he greeted back. His eyes going over your frame, noticing how your overalls were tight around your hips, highlighting the shape of your body, as well as your full breasts, that were being hugged by a white t-shirt underneath. The robe you wore that day definetely didn't do you justice. "Nothing, I just... I arrived and noticed your garage was open and....", fuck, he was stammering like an idiot and you totally noticed. "I decided to check on you", he finally said what he wanted to say.
"All good here. Just taking care of this beauty and making sure it's still running", your hands ran over the side of the car.
"It's a beautiful car. Is it yours?" he asked, wanting to facepalm himself. It was inside your garage, of course it's yours.
"It was my dad's, it got passed down to me after he passed away. My brother is not really a car person and he lives far away", you explained.
There was a lull in conversation after your statement, so he decided to say the first thing that came to his mind.
"I was actually meaning to tell you", he started, your eyes paying close attention to him. "We're having a party next Saturday and I was wondering if you wanted to come? To make up for last time?"
They were totally not having a party next Saturday and he didn't even know if he had something planned already. But if he has, it was now cancelled.
"I would love to come", you said, voice excited.
"Amazing. I'll see you around then?", he was slowly making his way out of your garage. Not wanting to say anymore dumb things.
"Sure", you sat back down to go back to work and watched his back as he left.
You decided that if this man was actually flirting with you, you would let yourself have this one, enjoy it and get whatever he was willing to give you. And if it went nowhere, you would go back to just being friendly neighbours.
You were never one to dress up for parties, so you standing in front of your mirror on Saturday with not too much time to spare before you had to head to Noah's house wasn't a surprise for you. You probably tried on five or six outfits by now, and none of them seemed party appropriate.
Ultimately, you settled for an oversized t-shirt and some biker shorts. You guess that's what the cool girls were wearing nowadays. Since you spent too much time on your outfit, you didn't realy have time to put any makeup on - not that you even applied much anyways, the feeling of stuff on your face made you extremely anxious. So you put on your shoes and headed outside.
The door opened just a few seconds after you knocked, Ruffilo standing on the other side. You still never mentioned it to Noah that you knew the band before he moved in. You kind of felt scared he would lose interest in you.
"Hey! You must be Y/N", he greeted you, moving sideways so you could come in the house.
"That's me", you made your way inside. The place wasn't that packed, but there was music playing in the background, and you felt a distinct smell of weed in the air.
"Noah has been mentioning you a lot lately. Sorry I haven't been around to introduce myself yet", you made a dismisse wave with your hand.
"We're all busy, I get it. I'm here anyways, so I'll get to know all of you"
You looked around and noticed a few people scattered about. You couldn't help but notice how young these people seemed. You know 34 isn't that old, but you couldn't help but feel a little out of place in the middle of so many people in their 20s. Did you even know how to interact with them anymore?
Being the older sibling in your household, you always felt like you had to act older than you really were, in order to take care of your brothers, that you often forgot to live your own life. Noah didn't have to worry about that, his life was a dream to anyone his age. Getting to travel around the world doing what you love. You suddently weren't so sure about encouraging his advances.
Nick showed you where the drinks were and told you he would let Noah know you had arrived. Picking a beer to sip on for now, you heard someone calling your name from behind you.
Noah stood tall as always, dressed in black from head to toe, somehow the color made his tattoos stand out even more. He wore a loose tank, so most of them were on display.
He made his way closer to you and you registered he was coming in for a hug. You wrapped the arm that wasn't holding your drink around his neck as best as you could with your height difference, and you felt the warmth of his hands going to your waist.
The hug lasted maybe a tad longer than it was supposed to, and when you parted, he kept himself close to you. You leaned your back against the kitchen cabinets behind you.
"I'm sorry our parties are a little lame. No one dancing on top of the tables or anything", he looked around as he said it.
"That's perfect, actually. I don't know if I could handle that", you said with a little laugh.
"C'mon, let's sit down on the couch. I'm not gonna have you just standing here", he took your hand and led you towards the living room.
"Wow, is that Attack on Titan playing on the TV?", you said, in a little shock. The parties here were different indeed. You sat on the couch and he sat beside you.
"Yeah, just in case someone wants to watch something. You a fan?", he asked.
"I love it. I'm a big manga fan overall", you seemed to catch his attention even more now.
"What's your favorite?", he moved more towards you.
"I mean, it has to be Naruto. It's the one that got me into it after all"
You slipped into an easy conversation with Noah, talking about your favorite mangas and animes. He introduced you to his friends whenever they approached the two of you, but mostly you kept close to each other, neither one of you considering doing anything else at the moment.
The conversation drifted to other topics, like music, movies and random stuff. Regular things you talk about when you're just getting to know someone. You watched him talk about the things he's passionate about with so much admiration in you eyes, you hoped it wasn't too obvious.
You got up to get another drink from time to time, choosing to switch from the beer to non-alcoholic beverages. Noah didnt drink anything alcoholic thoughout the night, and when you asked him if he wanted a beer, he told you he stopped drinking a while ago.
You noticed the party was slowly fizzling out. There weren't nearly as many people around now compared to when you arrived. You looked at the watch on your wrist and noticed it was already past midnight. You would have to leave soon. You didn't want to be those people who overstayed their welcome.
There was only you and Noah in the living room right now, and you looked over to see everyone hanging out on the outside patio.
"We can go out there if you want to", you told him, not wanting to keep him from enjoying time with his friends.
"Nah, I'm good here. I would actually prefer to stay here", he was honest and you could see it in his eyes.
You were facing each other, knees touching and one of his hands were resting on the back of the couch, close to your face. He took advantage in the lull of the conversation to move his hand to rest on the side of your face, gathering some of your hair and putting it behind your ear, thumb grazing your cheek ever so slightly.
You couldn't look away from his beautiful, dark eyes. And his gaze drifted from your eyes to your lips and you felt tingles run all over your body. He leaned in closer and you could tell he was going to kiss you anytime now. But the thoughts in your head ran rampant and you conjured up a million scenarios in just a millisecond.
He doesn't even know how old you are.
He is famous and everyone is going to call you a cougar and make fun of him for dating someone so much older.
He is going to trade you for someone younger soon enough
You didn't want to, your body was contradicting your mind and telling you to just kiss him, but you put your hand on his chest and it made him stop in his tracks.
"Noah...", you said, not wanting to look into his eyes, but knowing you had to. You saw his face change from confusion, to embarrassment and horror all at once.
"I'm so sorry, I should've asked you first. I guess I misread the signs", he moved his body away from you, creating a distance that became unbearable to you. You hated that you made him feel like this.
"No, you didn't. I just....", you stumbled over your words, not knowing how to broach the subject with him.
"It's ok that you don't want to kiss me. I promise you won't hurt my ego if you say so", he gave you a half smile, trying to reassure you.
"Noah, I'm 34 years old. Have I told you that?", you just came out with it. But his face remained the same.
"No, you haven't. Thanks for telling me, though. I'm 28, by the way", he told you, as if the information was completely irrelevant.
"I know, and that's the problem. I'm way too old to be kissing people your age", you saw his eyebrows furrow at this.
"Are you telling me you're too old to kiss me?", he asked and you nodded. "I'm a big boy, I think I can decide who I want to kiss", he informed you and you went to respond that it wasn't about that, but he beat you to it.
"No, listen to me", he closed the distance once again. "I'm attracted to you. You've been driving me insane with just your existence ever since you showed up on my doorstep, looking the cutest I've ever seen and asking me to turn down the music. I've literally not been able to get you out of my head. If you don't want to kiss me, that's fine, but that won't change the way I feel about you or the way I think about tasting your lips everytime I look at them"
"Noah, your life is very different from mine. One day, you're gonna find a 25 year old and realize she has so much more life in her than I do", you pointed out.
"That's impossible, because I've met many 25 year olds and none of them made me feel the way you do. I'm afraid this isn't an age thing, love, it's about how I so desperately want to stay in watching anime with you on Friday nights, show you places that I like, figure out what makes you tick and hear you complain about work to me at the end of the day"
You couldn't deny all those things souded amazing, and that you also wanted all of it with Noah.
"I'm afraid that if we do this, I might never get enough of you", you whispered to him.
"I might never get enough of you either. Good thing I have an infinite amount of kisses to give you"
The voice from the day in the garage, telling you to just enjoy this, came back in full force now, overpowering any other nagging thought that is sabotaging you and making you think that you can't have this. You can. You can enjoy your life and you can kiss the boy in front of you, who is pleading to be kissed.
So that's what you did, closing the distance between you, touching your lips to his, tentative at first. Noah was letting you set the pace of the kiss, and soon enough, your hand was on his hair and he used both of his to cup your face.
You couldn't imagine a word where you didn't get to kiss Noah Sebastian. His lips felt like heaven on yours, his hands so delicate on you, conveying all the emotions he talked about earlier. And you could feel every single one of them.
"Why don't you get some clothes from your house and we make good on the watching animes until late thing I told you about?", he asked you, lips still lightly pressed to yours, barely leaving space for the words to leave his mouth.
"I don't know, I think I live too far away", you joked, but you didn't want the night to end either. Other than kissing you for the first time, he also got to see your house for the first time that night, as you invited him in, grabbing a backpack and stuffing it with things you would need for the night. As you looked at him, sat on your bed, eyes looking over your room, you thought that you could get used to the sight of him in your house, your bedroom, your life.
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Fun fact: the reader's car is a Cutlass because Son's of Anarchy is one my favorite series, and my queen Tara owns a Cutlass <3
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jordie-gvf · 2 years
jealousy , danny wagner
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i wrote this as best as i could, let me know if you want me to re do it and i will!
pairing : danny wagner x mtf!reader
warnings : language, angsty and fluffy at the same time, hate comments, strangers being transphobic on the internet
word count : 1.2k+
i really hope my nonnie enjoys! if you dont, send me an ask and i will rewrite it!
Ever since you and Danny had gone public, you had made all of your social media accounts private. 
You had a public account before, so you still had followers from before that were fans. You and Danny had lived together, as you were far past the honeymoon stage. You two had been living together for about 6 months now. You both picked up on each other's behaviors and what ticked who off. 
You had cooked dinner for the both of you while Danny showered, hard day with Josh. He knew something was wrong as soon as he sat down to eat. You usually grabbed his hand and sparked conversation, tonight you didn't. 
He looked at you, smiled and said, “What's wrong?” 
You shook your head and said, “Nothings wrong.” in a flat voice. 
He grabbed your hand, but you pulled it away from him. He kept quiet for the remainder of the night. 
You had gone upstairs to shower and do your whole nightly routine. When you got out of the shower, you saw Danny asleep in the bed. You checked the clock and it read, “11:43.” You quickly got into bed and scrolled through your instagram.
You were responding to comments from friends on the photos of you and Danny. You came across a comment that said, “Can't believe he is still with THAT, so sad what the world has come to.” 
You read it a few times, not believing what your eyes were reading. You wanted to respond. You wanted to tell them to fuck all the way off, but didnt. You looked at other comments, just as mean. 
“Wow. Danny could do better. I miss Cat.” 
“I can't stand this bitch. She thinks she's better than everyone else.”
“He would be better off without this”
“I can't stand these kinds of people. Terrible that this is what men are settling for. An it.”
You put your phone down on the nightstand and closed your eyes, trying to think why people were so cruel. 
Your eyes started to get watery, thinking about how hard your life had been for the past couple of years. You laid in the bed, crying yourself to sleep. 
When you woke up, Danny was gone. You had a note next to your side of the bed that read, 
Went out to hit balls into holes, be back soon
Man Candy Dan
You smiled at the note and made sure to tape it to your vanity mirror. You got up out of bed and went into the bathroom to brush your teeth. The memories of the comments last night flooded your mind, and that was all you could think about.
“Would he be better off without you?” You thought to yourself. “No, he wouldn't be better off without you.” 
He had always told you that you made his life turn around. How toxic his relationship was with Cat and how you saved him from that. You left the bathroom and went downstairs to see Iracebeth, the doberman. She was on the couch waiting for you to let her out and feed her. You called her over and gave her some kisses before opening the back door to let her out. You went outside with her and took in the fresh air. 
You put food in her bowl and made yourself waffles and eggs. You got a glass of ice water and took your pills. 
While you were eating, you heard the low rumble of the Corvette pulling into the garage. You got up to greet your boyfriend at the door. You opened the door and he was standing right there, bouquet of poppies and a card in his hand. You looked at him and he said, “I saw the comments, baby.”
You sighed and pulled away from him, not wanting to have this conversation at 10 AM. “I love you for who you are, Y/N. I never thought twice about it, I have loved you ever since you walked into that bar. I am so glad I met you.” 
“It's not the comments, Danny. It's the fact that people would rather you go back to your toxic ex rather than let you be happy with someone you love.” you said and walked away into your bedroom. He followed you into the room and said, “I already said something on my instagram. I was going to ask if you wanted to sit down and make a video about it.” 
You turned to him and asked, “You would really do that for me?” He nodded and said, “Of course I would, I love you.” You walked over to him and kissed him. He pulled you closer to him and reluctantly pulled away from you. “I got you some goodies,” he said and grabbed your hand. He led you into the kitchen and you saw your bright red poppies and a pink envelope. You opened the envelope first to see a card that read,
My favorite pair of eyes to look into. 
My favorite way to spend an afternoon. 
My favorite person to laugh with. 
My favorite text to appear on my phone.
And always my favorite smile to see,
Signed with his name and the date. You turned to him with tears in your eyes and said, “I love you so much, Daniel.” 
He hugged you and kissed the top of your head. 
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Danny had come up to you while you were sitting on the couch with the dog. “I'm ready to film the video if you are.” he said to you. You nodded and shut your book, ready to address this entire situation.
Danny started his phone and sat next to you. He started with, “Hey Everyone. Never thought Y/N and I would ever have to make this video, but um, my wonderful girlfriend has been getting very mean and rude hate comments on her instagram. What she does with her body is her choice and is no one else's business but hers. I love her very much and if you are that sour with her and her choice, that's your problem. Do not bring your sour transphobic asses to her page. She deserves nothing but love. Who I chose to spend my life with is nobody's business. I would rather spend the rest of my life with the woman I love. I would rather be with someone who I know loves me rather than be with someone who was toxic.”
He looked over at you as you got teary eyed. He asked if there was anything you wanted to add. You nodded and said, “If you have a problem with him dating somebody who is transgender, maybe you're the problem. Like he said, who he chooses to love is no one's business. Those who made hate comments have been blocked by the both of us. We will not tolerate anyone who leaves rude comments on my page.” 
He said goodbye and shut the video off. “I never thought I would ever need to discuss this with anyone, ever. This is so fucked up. I swear I'm going to punch someone.” Danny said.
You stood up and said, “Calm down, Man Candy.” He leaned back on the couch and said, “Iracebeth, go upstairs. I've got something to take care of.” and pulled you down on top of him.
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elizabethplaid · 4 months
midday notes - June 5, 2024
It's 11am and 84F degrees outside. I think I woke around 10?, after going back to bed after 6am. Earlier, when I was playing on my phone, Moscow was spread out in front of the fan. I didn't realize how warm it is, because I was so comfy.
Talk about chores and self-care below the cut. Coping nicely, but I still like to type out my thoughts.
Gathered trash upstairs and rounded up the TP tubes from the hall and the stairs. 20 tubes total, but there are more in the living room. The trash was def an obstacle for my mental health. Here's to hoping the next step will naturally progress after the sun goes down tonight.
Downstairs, I grabbed a bottle of water to sip on, along with a soda refill and light snacks. Put the last of my portable drinks in the fridge. (Flavored sparkling water, in this case.) Will snack after I finish the water; saving soda for snacking*. Will also inquire about the cooler, to store drinks by my bed.
Checked Wampus in the living room, before returning upstairs. She was in my spot on the couch, able to see me in the kitchen. I turned on the fan and pointed it at her. The window was open, even had a breeze, but it was def too warm for a long hair cat. I expected her to be in the basement or laying on a cool floor somewhere. Nah, she was cuddled next to my nest of blankets.
I'm typing this on my phone, which still feels like a novelty. I just KNEW it'd be that much harder for me to leave my bed if I had tumblr on my phone. Hence my resistance.
On the other hand, not getting up in between my short bits of sleep has been helpful. Like I said, I just need hydration, and then things will be better.
To think that it's only been a year since "baby's first cell phone". This past year has been an incredible journey of testing my limits, finding new limits. And yeah, I am experiencing the blow-back of finding one, at the moment. But like... I feel so loved and supported that I don't mind. Very grateful, practicing patience, trying not to rush myself.
*John (oak23) mentioned cutting out flavored drinks helped affect the changes in his eating habits that he wanted to see. I have also seen in some non-American shows that people only drink water with their meals, which helps them from over eating? I forget the exact explanation.
It's something about how a flavored drink leaves some of the flavor after you sip it. Still feeling it, you are inclined to refresh that sensation. So you keep seeking out those happy flavor signals.
By drinking plain water, you help flush out the flavor from your mouth, so you don't get the temptation to keep seeking those signals. Not quite the same, but I think the collective association of mint with toothpaste is a similar thing. I know mints after meals are used as a palate cleanser, at the very least. It's a signal to the brain that meal time is over.
I'm obviously not phrasing it well enough to feel confident about what I'm saying. And I don't have the stamina to hunt down source links on my phone atm.
What I was trying to say is that I'm reserving my flavored drink to help with snacks. I prefer to use plain water for just hydration. Also, water doesn't taste as nice when it warms up, but soda is fine.
Thank god I used a cut on this post. Then again, everything seems longer when it's on the phone. (That's what she said)
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survey--s · 10 months
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1 - What have you been up to so far today? Is that a typical thing for you to do on this particular day of the week?  I've been to work and yeah, my Mondays are always the same, pretty much. The only difference today was Mike was home so I didn't have to worry about Archie, lol. I got home just after 1pm, had a shower, had lunch, washed up and now I'm doing this.
2 - Did you get a decent night’s sleep last night? How many hours sleep do you consider a decent amount?  I slept really well actually. About seven hours is fine for me during the week, but I tend to sleep a bit longer at weekends.
3 - What is one silly thing that really gets on your nerves?  When Mike takes the lighter and doesn't bloody put it back lol.
4 - Who was the last person you saw who wasn’t family? What did you guys end up doing together?  Martin. I just talked to him when I dropped Ollie back home after his walk as he was working from home today.
5 - Do you prefer hot or cold drinks overall?  I prefer a larger variety of cold drinks, but I love my hot coffee too.
6 - Do you own a decent set of waterproofs? If so, what do you use them for the most? If not, do you think that would be something you’d find useful?  I do because I need them for work and walking the dog.
7 - Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?  Not really, just relaxing at home. The weather is bloody freezing and the wind was picking up as I finished my last walk so I'm just glad that I don't have to go back outside.
8 - How often do you get your hair cut? When hairdressers were closed due to COVID, did you try cutting it yourself at home?  I cut it myself at home even when COVID isn't a thing - normally every few months, I guess.
9 - What did you wear the last time you left the house? Is that different to what you’re wearing at the moment?  Fleece leggings, a long sleeved t-shirt, a jumper, two pairs of socks, walking boots and my winter down jacket. I'm now wearing normal leggings, a t-shirt and a hoody, plus slipper socks.
10 - Would you rather have a relaxing beach holiday or a more active holiday in the mountains?  A beach holiday just because my normal life is being active in the mountains lol.
11 - Do you know how to tie a tie?  Yeah, I wore a tie to school for about sixteen years.
12 - How old were you when you first had a sleepover at someone’s house? Did you miss home?  I don't remember, probably about seven or eight? I don't remember missing home much but it was nearly thirty years ago.
13 - How often do you spend time with your extended family? Never. They all live overseas and I haven't been over for about a decade now. My mum's sister and her husband came over a few years ago though.
14 - When you get up in the morning, do you have a set routine?  Yeah, as soon as I get out of bed my routine is the same. Get up, go downstairs, pee, light the wax burner, feed the cats, let the dog out, feed the dog, sort the litter trays, vacuum and make breakfast. After that, it depends whether I'm working or not. If I am, I'll get ready and go to work, but if not I'll have a shower and just chill out.
15 - Do you remember the last time you cried? Were they sad or happy tears?  Last week, they were just...frustration I guess as I had some horrible bug/virus thing and felt horrible.
16 - What do you have planned once you finish this survey?  Probably more surveys.
17 - What was the last thing you cooked? Did you cook from scratch or just heat something up? I had a cannelloni ready meal for lunch, lol. I don't really cook - I just don't enjoy it and our kitchen is really small too which makes it a real hassle.
18 - Are you a fan of hot chocolate? Do you like it plain or do you prefer to add things like whipped cream or marshmallows?  I'm not a huge fan of it unless it's the proper stuff, in which case I always add cream and marshmallows.
19 - What caused your last injury?  Simba scratched me when we were playing the other day.
20 - How many tattoos and piercings do you have? Do any of them have an interesting story behind them?  One tattoo, eight piercings. And no, not really.
21 - What kind of flowers do you like the best? When was the last time someone bought those for you?  Sunflowers or pink roses. And probably Valentine's Day? We have Simba now and he can't be trusted not to knock everything over so no flowers here, lol.
22 - What’s the smallest thing you’ve ended a relationship over?  I honestly don't know.
23 - Would you rather order a starter (appetiser) or a dessert? Or would you be able to manage a full three courses? I generally prefer starters. Desserts always seem really disappointing in restaurants lol. I can rarely manage all three courses.
24 - How do you get most of your news, if you pay attention to it at all?  Online - mostly via social media.
25 - Have you or a member of your family been diagnosed with COVID yet?  My parents had it but it wasn't very serious. Mike and I had something that probably was COVID back in 2022 but we never tested. We were both pretty unwell with it though.
26 - Are you a vegetarian? If so, what persuaded you to stop eating meat? If not, is it something you’d ever consider?  Not anymore. I did give it a go for a while as a teenager though.
27 - Do you prefer rice or pasta? Pasta.
28 - Is anything you’re wearing a gift? Who bought it for you?  My wedding/engagement rings and well, my husband did lol.
29 - What’s the dominant colour in the room you’re in at the moment?  Red, grey and white all feature pretty evenly.
30 - Did you do laundry yet today? If not, do you need to do any before you go to bed?  I put my towels in the dryer after my shower but otherwise no. I don't need to do any either, I did loads over the weekend.
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toomanysurveys9 · 2 years
I miss doing surveys.
Is there anything you dislike about your house?
I don’t like that it is starting to fall apart because there is way too many people living in it than there should be.
Would you permanently remove your pubic hair or would you be cautious in case pubic hair comes back “in” fashion? 
I would not permanently remove my pubic hair. I really don’t enjoy shaving although there is so much pressure to, especially if you’re in a relationship. But I am an adult. I LOOK like an adult. And that should be more acceptable. Besides, shaving is way too much work.
What do you like to put on bagels? 
I usually do cream cheese.
To what extent would you consider yourself to be an online “stalker”? 
I don’t think I am at all.
Hypothetically, if you were still a virgin at the age of 40, do you think you’d just go out and have sex with anyone or would you still want to wait for someone special? 
We’re going to pretend I got to choose when to lose my virginity... if it WERE my choice, I would wait for someone special.
What TV show would you recommend other survey-takers to start watching?
Eh. Depends what they like to watch. My viewing choices tend to be all over the place though so I could probably recommend something.
What do you think of restaurants with topless waiters? Do you think this is inappropriate/unhygienic? 
Not something I am into visiting or working at, but it’s also not my place to say that others can’t work there or enjoy going. Just don’t be a shit human.
What’s your opinion on eating your own placenta after giving birth? Do you think you would? 
None of my business, but it is not something that I did with any of my three children, nor would I personally want to.
Have you ever found mice or rats in your house? 
I have two pet rats. We did have mice, but our cats and pest control handled it.
What do you think of “teacup” or miniature pigs? 
They’re cute.
Have you ever seen your parents drunk? What was your reaction? 
My mom, plenty of times. The first time, I was in high school and had to pick her up from the bar because my dad was across the country for work. I had to miss school the next day too, but she took me out for breakfast. My dad has never been drunk. He’s sipped alcohol once and hated it.
What’s your biggest body worry when you wear a bikini? (Being too pale, cellulite etc.) 
Scars and fat. After having three babies... my body is a disaster.
Do you cringe when people call sex “making love”? 
1 - What are some of your favourite scents/smells? 
Baby shampoo/soap. Lilac. Vanilla. Coffee shops.
2 - Do you enjoy watching murder mystery/crime programmes? Do you prefer fictional shows or ones based on real-life cases? 
I do, unfortunately. Lol. I tend to watch fictional ones. The real-life cases mess me up.
3 - What was the last parcel you received in the mail? Was it something you ordered yourself or was it a gift? 
I’ve ordered so many gifts off Amazon the past few weeks due to Christmas. The last thing I received were gifts for my Secret Santa and my dad.
4 - Is there anyone you send e-mails to on a regular basis?
5 - What's your favourite colour combination? Are any rooms in your house decorated in that particular scheme? 
Bright colors and black. Blue and black. Really anything with black. No.
6 - Do you prefer white, milk or dark chocolate? What about flavoured chocolate? 
I prefer milk chocolate, and I am generally not a huge fan of flavored chocolate, although some is okay.
7 - What was the last reason for you leaving the room you're currently in?
I went downstairs to get medicine and go to the bathroom, because I was originally planning on going to sleep, but I really miss doing surveys so I decided to do one before bed. Even though I should definitely be doing homework if I was going to stay up. Lol.
8 - How many surveys have you taken so far today? Do you have any plans to take more after this one? 
This is my first one in a very long time. I should probably go to bed after this one, but I might do one more. After my assignments tomorrow I’ll be on break from school for a couple weeks so I’ll probably do some more over the next couple weeks at least.
9 - If you eat it, what type of meat is your favourite? If you're vegetarian/vegan, do you like meat substitutes like quorn or tofu?
Probably chicken. I’m boring.
10 - What was the last thing you looked up on Google? 
Uh, Google chrome so I could download it.
11 - What's the next major holiday coming up for you? Do you have any interesting plans?
Christmas. No interesting plans. The 23rd I have work all day and then a Christmas party for 4 hours. Then we’re doing our family Christmas on Christmas Eve this year because my brother works Christmas day (he started a new job as an EMT) and I give my littles their Christmas eve boxes. Christmas day we will probably celebrate with Jacob’s side of the family.
12 - Do you live in an area where masks are compulsory in order to enter shops?
Masks are not required hardly anywhere anymore. Although my work has started requiring them again last week due to so much illness, such as COVID and the flu.
13 - Did you wear any kind of uniform to school? If so, describe it. If not, did you at least have some kind of dress code to follow?
We did not have a uniform and the dress code was basically “girls are not allowed to show any skin and are also not allowed to look like girls.”
14 - Is there anything unusual or out of the ordinary in the room you're currently in? 
It’s a disaster. I have a couple mountains of laundry to put away while I am on break from work and school next week.
15 - Who was the last person you spoke to via Messenger, if you have it? 
Probably our family chat.
16 - Have you ever been badly sunburned? What did you do in order to make it less painful afterwards?
Yeah. A lot of aloe.
17 - When was the last time you went swimming in the sea? Do you prefer swimming in the sea or in a pool?
September of this year when we went to Texas to pick up my brother. I prefer pools these days. Oceans and lakes make me nervous since having kids and I’m always too anxious about them to enjoy it. I am in pools too, but it seems a lot easier to get to them quickly in those.
18 - What's something you need to buy in the near future? Are you waiting until you get paid to buy it? 
More Christmas gifts for a couple people on Jake’s side of the family. Kind of. We’ve spent so much on so many people.
19 - What have you eaten so far today? Do you have plans to eat anything else before you go to bed? 
Today I actually ate too much instead of not enough. I had half an omelet and toast for breakfast, and then an 8 oz steak, loaded mashed potatoes, and house salad from Texas Roadhouse for dinner. 
20 - Do you parents still buy you Easter eggs even though you're fully grown? 
No, but she does get each of us kids a Christmas gift even though we tell her that it is fine.
21 - The last time you were in a car, where were you going and what were you doing there?
I had to drive to the store to get some floor cleaning stuff.
22 - Do your parents have any opinions that you consider to be old-fashioned or odd? 
Oof, yes. They have a lot, to be honest. Like my mom thinks that Jacob should be the main source of income for our family, so she doesn’t like that I am the one that makes more an hour. I could go on for hours.
23 - What time did you get out of bed this morning? Is that normal for you? 
It was about 9:30 this morning, which is sleeping in for me. During the week, I usually have to be up by 6 AM because I have to get myself and Wyatt (he’s in kindergarten now) up and ready before everyone else starts waking up. And then I had to leave early because I was picking up a couple other little boys for school, but I’m not going to be doing that anymore. I’ll just be taking Wyatt to school and then going to work myself when he goes back after Christmas break. But usually the kids are up by 7:30-8 if I’m not waking Wyatt up at 6.
24 - What normal things do you miss the most since COVID hit? 
For the most part, people have gone back to normal I guess where I live. Even though we have ungodly amounts of flu AND COVID AND RSV happening right now.
25 - What style of jeans/trousers are your favourite? 
Skinny jeans I guess although I prefer leggings.
26 - Does it bother you when you recognise an actor but can't remember what else you've seen them in?
27 - Are you generally more introverted or extroverted? Does this have a negative impact on you in any way?
Introverted for sure. It’s made it a lot harder to make friends I feel like and people are quicker to make assumptions about me.
28 - If you were on Mastermind (a UK quiz show where you need in-depth knowledge of a certain subject), what would your preferred topic be? 
Either young adult fantasy books, Stephanie Plum novels, or marriage and family therapy.
29 - What's your favourite flavour of cookie? Have you ever tried those cookies that are stuffed with things like brownies or cheesecake? 
Chocolate chip or M&M cookies. I have not tried those cookies.
30 - When was the last time you tried out a new recipe? Did it work out as well as you hoped? 
Friday night for dinner. I made slow cooker chicken burrito bowls. It was pretty underwhelming for me, but everyone else seemed to enjoy it. I felt like it was just a lot of mush I guess.
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writteninkat · 3 years
Heyy🦙 I'm writing fanfiction for Hinata (form Haikyuu) and I'm gonna post it once I'm done but that's besides the point..
actually request: Any of the MHA/BNHA boys catch you writing/reading/drawing fanfiction/fan art
the characters are your pick
um- I never tell you this but dont stress yourself either🥰😚
w/ Bakugou, Iida, Kirishima, Denki, Shoto
warnings: suggestive themes
a/n: i'm having trouble falling asleep these days and it's taking a toll on my daily activities but i'm sure i'll manage, thank you :")
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catches you reading fanfiction
blond bb knows you love to read, as a matter of fact, he's aware you read more than you spend time with him. and he's alright with that cause he'd rather chill with you in silence than listen to you talk his ear out lol
just because he doesn't mind you with your hobby doesn't mean he isn't curious about it
what kind of books are you reading that have your eyes glued to your screen the whole day every day?
he never does this and really doesn't want to do it but curiosity killed the cat. as you bake cookies with Mina downstairs, you left your phone in your room to charge
Katsuki takes this as his chance to snoop. He won't go to any other app, he'll head straight to your reading apps and sites.
Jujutsu Kaisen x Reader?
Haikyuu x Reader?
Naruto x Reader?
and what the fuck is 'lemon' and 'smut'?
he puts your phone back, discreetly leaving your room to do some research in his room
ah, so you've been reading 2k-10k worth of words of fanfiction about Jujustu Kaisen, Haikyuu and Naruto characters pleasing you...
he shall now delete his search history and pretend he never found out about this part of you
catches you drawing fanart
everyone in 1A knows you draw and that you're amazing at it
Class press never forgets/fails to compliment your drawings, even if you the pieces are half down
but that's the thing. you always let him see and sometimes you even let him watch as you draw, so why are you hiding this particular piece from him?
he guesses it's a surprise for him- but hold on, he doesn't have tattoos or pink hair. so who is it?
while you're in the bathroom, he sneakily takes a peak at your work and thinks he should regret it but honestly, the art is so good he can't even find it anything remotely negative
it's a fanart of who he remembers is Sukuna, the kind of curses from the TV show Jujutsu Kaisen. he's on a throne with a mountain of skulls underneath it, a corner of his lips tugged up into a smile as a woman's head rests in between his thighs
he probably should regret ever taking a peek but the details, holy shit. the shading, the hand- everything just sends shivers down his spine
catches you writing fan fiction
red boi always loves listening to you type as you study or do your homework, he uses it as a sleeping aid. as you work diligently on your desk, he lays on your bed, slowly drifting to sleep land
today, however, your typing sounds different. it's much faster, more rushed and he can't help his curiosity from growing at how you're biting on your lip, smiling as you typed
from what he knows, you absolutely hate typing essays so why do you look so excited right now?
he lets it slide, sleeping to the sound of your rushed typing.
the next day, you ask Eijiro to bring your laptop with him cause you're about to watch a movie with the whole class and the files are in your comouter
it's not even his fault, your laptop was left open and on and when he moved to turn it off, he catches a glimpse of "Tsukishima runs a hand down your thigh, his hot breath rising goosebumps all over your body." and suddenly he's reading the whole chapter
you barge in your room, yelling and asking what took him so long only to catch him glued to your computer screen, mouth left ajar.
you quickly snatch the PC from him, earning a whine. "Give it back! I need to know if Tsukki likes me back!" He pouts.
"This isn't for you to read, Eij! Leave it alone!"
"Oh sure, so your ten thousand followers in tumblr can read it but I, your boyfriend, can't. Okay, yeah. I see just how Eijirophobic you are."
he's pouting the whole day until you finally give in and let him read your drafts. allowing him to correct your grammar and spelling errors along the way
catches you reading fan fiction
this man is utterly confused why you're suddenly reading so much and how your vocabulary is slowly expanding but he's happy for you
as the both of you are in his room, silent as the both of you read your own books, Shoto can't help but get curious
so as you fall asleep with your phone still turned on, he takes his chance to get a peek
he also wants to read the books you're reading, he wants to learn more and improve himself. if your english grades had risen up from reading what you read, surely he'll also learn from how "Toji places your leg on his shoulder as he continues to pound in"-
as a matter of fact maybe he is okay with what he knows now. sometimes ignorance is bliss after all
catches you watching fanart
you've forgotten about the wall of mirrors behind you and you're scrolling down your current favorite artist's twitter page, flood liking their posts
mind you their fanarts are 18+ so you thought it'd be best to face your boyfriend so he won't be able to see what you're looking at.
no, yeah you're a complete idiot.
Denki presses his lips together, trying to contain his laughter as he videotapes your reflection. you're zooming into the intricate details of a Gojo fanart with his blue polo shirt completely unbuttoned and sweat glistens over his sculpted abs
"Babe what are you doing?" Denki asks, now zooming into your face after showing to the camera what you're zooming in to
"There's a mirror behind me, is there?" You ask, now feeling like a complete idiot as your boyfriend laughs, absolutely no sound coming out of his mouth as his mouth stretches widely
You face your phone screen at him, showing the fanart. "I'd cheat on you with Gojo."
Denki continues laughing, now out of breath. "And of course I'd be pissed cause why the hell did Gojo pick you and not me?"
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nextdoorharry · 3 years
imaaaaagine a world like that..can you? part 2
in which y/n sees a text, harry lies to her, and wants her back.
a/n: ahhhh!!! i feel like the first part of this story was a fan favorite out of all my other pieces! so thank you thank you thank you!!! hope you enjoy!
here’s the link to part 1 if you haven’t read it already!
you were always a light sleeper. you would wake up to a pillow falling on the floor, slight wind coming from outside, or even a phone that’s on silent vibrate. that’s the case when you woke up to a text vibration sound coming from a phone. tired eyes, you wake from your current position and see a love island episode playing. on auto-play of course because you already remember watching the previous episode a few days prior. you guess you and harry fell asleep during the new one you two were watching. with tired eyes, you squint to see harry sleeping peacefully. you miss this, you thought. sitting there in silence and taking in how harry used to sleep, slight snores, mouth a little open. except he’d be right next to you and not across.
your thoughts interrupted you hear the text buzz again. you grab what you assume to be your phone, since you and harry both have simple, plain black cases.
it wasn’t your phone. it was harry’s.
you realized this when you read the text displayed on the lock screen, from olivia wilde.
I miss you, and our casual hookups. Can’t stop thinking about it. it read. you wanted to breakdown and cry right there.
you felt all kinds of emotions; confused, upset, angry, and jealous. why wouldn’t harry tell me this part? no i understand that, but why would he make it seem like he did not enjoy it at all? clearly he’s comfortable doing this stunt if he was hooking up with her. all these thoughts running through your head as you quietly get up, turn off the tv, and go upstairs to your bedroom. leaving harry to sleep on the couch.
you feel tears rolling down your face as you get into bed, quiet sobs erupting from your chest. you loved him. you still love him. you were glad when harry said that it’s all pr. you were glad when he made it seem like its all fake. but now, it was all a lie. sure it was a pr stunt, but harry and olivia seemed to take advantage of that and use that to get intimate. he clearly wasn’t as annoyed as he made to seem about the situation since he got to hookup with her. you may be jealous, but you don’t care that he didn’t mention something private like that to you, because he didn’t need to, it’s his business. but what stings is that he made it seem like it was clear he wasn’t actually into olivia.
you wake up to hear the coffee machine on, and the sound of something being cut against the cutting board. harry’s still here. you felt weird facing him now that you know he lied to you. even though you two aren’t in a relationship anymore, he has never lied to you. ever. nonetheless, you get up and proceed with your morning routine, then head downstairs.
“mornin,’ sleep well?” harry smiles as he sees you enter the kitchen. his eyebrows furrow a bit as you come closer to his vision. he couldn’t help but notice your eyes look a bit puffier than usual than how it normally looks when you’ve just woken up. he knows its either allergies or that you cried.
you reply with a slight “mhm” and reach for the cupboard to get glasses.
the thought of you crying makes him worried. it always did. you rarely cried during your relationship with him. only when it was a close individual’s funeral, or tears of laughter. or the day you two argued and he broke it off with you.
that’s why he hates seeing you in your state now. because if you were crying, all he could picture is the day you two broke up.
“y/n, y’good? your eyes look puffier than usual, love.” harry asks cautiously, trying to read your face, which refuses to make eye contact with him.
you were stood by the fridge, filling the glasses of water for the two of you when you replied, “m’good, just allergies. cat’s shedding season.” you say with a straight face, looking towards the glasses you’re filling. not wanting to look harry in the eyes. because all you can think about is how he was intimate with olivia, and how he lied. your stomach already turns at the thought.
“take the allergy meds that doctor prescribed you a while ago. remember it works wonders.” harry smiles, setting yours and his plate down on the table as you come and set the glasses down.
harry makes it so damn hard to hate him sometimes. the fact that he remembers the little things has you in awe. but no, not right now y/n.
“mhm, i’ll call in to get those refilled.” you lie through your teeth, acting as if the allergies were the reason for your current state, “thanks for breakfast by the way, y’didn’t have to. my fault for waking up later than usual.” you say sitting down.
harry sitting across from you, senses a different feel to how you were yesterday. you seem a bit off now, and you were never like this in the mornings. he supposes you did have a late night and filled with allergies bothering you, so you’re probably not in the best mood.
he shrugs it off, “no need, i overstayed my visit on accident, and its the least i can do after you helped me with my little uh, situation,” harry giggles, sticking a strawberry in his mouth.
you give him a glare as he looks down. his situation he says. you wanted to laugh in his face.
it’s a silent breakfast from there. harry in his own thoughts thinking about last night. oh, how much he missed you. how much he wanted to cuddle with you. be sleeping in bed with you. waking up to your face. soft kisses throughout. he misses it so much. he senses and hopes you miss him too. he had a good feeling last night. and that’s when he decides he needs to say something. if he doesn’t speak now, he never will. now’s the perfect time. after his tour and new album, he’ll be taking a break. a break from everything. a break to spend time with family, friends, live privately, and hopefully settle down with you. now’s the perfect time to reconcile with you and put the offer out on the table.
“..so,” harry begins. you look up and see harry putting his utensils down, wiping his mouth with a napkin, getting ready to speak. “after the tour ends, i’ll be releasing my album, do some promo for that, and then i’ll be on a hiatus..for however long i’d want it to be..”
you can’t just have all feelings for him disappear in less than 24 hours. so when he said that, you can’t lie to yourself and not feel some happiness. yet, he still better not say what you think he’s gonna say. you’re still mad at him y/n. don’t do this to yourself.
“so what are you saying..” you hum.
“god y/n, you know what i’m about to say.” harry purses his lips and looks you in the eye, hands reaching out for yours, “i’m ready to settle down with you, if you’d have me back that is.” he says with a little smile and gleaming eyes.
the days prior from yesterday of you finding out, you would’ve have said yes. you would have breathed out a finally, and had a sense of relief.
but now it’s going to be a different outcome. he took advantage of your kindness and you giving him advice. he took advantage of your time. maybe dramatic, but that’s how you see it.
you’re mad. that slight happiness you got when he said he was taking a break is gone.
“s’not even like we have to be boyfriend and girlfriend for another period of time! we can go straight to fiancés! we already have trust in each other, i mean we only broke up because of my work. nothing else was to be fixed in the relationship! i’ll put a ring on it right now if i have’ta!”
harry rambling, saying some bullshit about trust, causes you to interrupt him, “harry-“ he still rambles but now about having kids. “stop.” you say, voice grew a little louder and more stern.
harry pauses, wide-eyed. sure he didn’t know how you were even feeling about this, but he was sure the love you two have was still there.
“trust?” you laugh in disbelief. “first off, you’re acting like we took a break. a halt in our relationship until you were ready to settle down. you should know that’s not the case. i’ve been patient throughout our relationship far too long for me to be waiting around on your terms.”
“y/n i-“ he interrupts.
“no, i’m talking. this whole ‘trust’ thing is gone. i’m sorry but last night i woke up in the living room to a text notification. i assumed it was my phone, and since we have the same phone cases, i happened to pick yours up and saw a text from who’s supposed to be your ‘pr stunt’? she’s wanting to hook up with you? again? jesus harry, you should know why i’m mad and upset that you’re saying you want me now. even before you said all this, right after seeing that text, i was mad because you lied to me. look, you of course didn’t have to share that you were intimate with her; but don’t make it seem as if you’re not into her at all. and making it seem like it’s the poor girl’s fault. acting as if she’s a nuisance wanting to be intimate or affectionate, cause clearly you wanted her as well.” you end your speech with a sigh, shaking your head. you take a sip of water, mouth dry from the little speech you said. you wait for him to come up with whatever amusing thing he can say to make it not sound as bad as it is.
harry’s startled. doesn’t know what to say. he saw the text when he woke up, but he told her that it wasn’t for him anymore, that he just wanted you, and it was nice in the moment, but they are after all, strictly just business buddies with a platonic friendship. she understood, she seemed a bit mad, but harry didn’t care. he just wanted to make sure there’s nothing in his way to get you back, and that those hookups he had with her were in the past. he’s going to try to fix this.
you speak up again in a calmer tone, “you didn’t care about my feelings,”
his face turns red. nerves rattling him.
“y/n i feel awful about it, know what i mean i-“
you cut him off. “you made me look really dumb, harry.” you say while lightly nodding your head in order to get him to understand.
he begins to speak again. “look i’ll be honest. i should’ve mentioned it yesterday, and m’sorry for that. i will admit, there was a physical attraction with her at the beginning of everything, and since we were broken up-“
you correct him, “are, broken up.”
his heart hurts when you say that, he nods, “yes, are broken up, i didn’t want to live with any regrets. i felt it was better to just experiment and to take advantage of being in the stunt, seeing if there’s a spark,” he takes a breath. “i would’ve regretted if i didn’t and it was better to do it at the time because i didn’t know if you would even take me back once i came home,” he keeps fidgeting with his feet under the table, nervous on what your response will be; but hopefully understanding. because you always were.
wrong. boy was he wrong.
“so..you still did it with the intention of coming back home, hoping to get back with me?” you caught him. “harry..what are you even saying?”
he gulped. fuck. this looks bad. he didn’t think things through, he thought. “look, you didn’t feel anything rushing back last night? everything that we had, and built together?” face even more red.
“yeah and then today..you slapped me across the face with a lie and embarrassed me.” you spat. “what’s wrong with you? you don’t have any respect for me.” shaking your head in disappointment. “and its such a let down considering if you hadn’t hooked up with her, i would’ve hopped right into your arms right when you said you wanted to settle.”
he regrets everything and anything right when you said those words. why did he hook up with her? god did he really think y/n was going to just be waiting around? of course he thought so. he always did. and that’s why you two were broken up.
he sighed, shaking his head as well, as he’s disappointed in himself. he was about to speak, but you beat him to it. “i’m not mad that you hooked up with her, i’m mad that you don’t have any respect for me. i’m mad about your intentions behind it. and the fact that you lied to me making it seem like olivia is the bad guy saying, ‘s’like she enjoys it!’” you repeat his words he said to last night, when he made it seem like he wasn’t into her. “and just the fact that i gave you meaningful advice because i care about you, once again, you embarrassed me. i feel dumb, harry.”
he feels dumb too.
you still didn’t let him speak, instead, you let him leave.
“something needs to change, harry. until then, please leave.” you say, getting up from the table walking hurriedly upstairs, eyes beginning to water, but you feeling satisfied that you listened to your own advice you gave to harry: stand your ground.
a/n: man really thought y/n would be waiting around for her. smh.
hope you guys enjoyed this part!! still deciding on whether to make a part 3 or not! don’t really know which way i want to go about it.
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itjazzbicch · 3 years
Sporadic Present
Pairing: Kenny Omega x Fem Reader   
Summary: Kenny and The reader, his girlfriend, have explored things as a couple but when the subject of lingerie came about, the reader wasn’t a fan, but for Kenny’s birthday, the reader decideds to give him something he would like, but wouldn’t expect....
Warnings:  SMUT!! (18+ ONLY!!)
Requested by: Anon (whoever you are, I hope you enjoy!)
Word Count:  1955
Tag List: @demonqueen29 @jessiebean00 @new-zealand-chic @crowleysqueenofhell @justamess44 @thatpanpal @hungmanhorsecarriage @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch  @linziland13 @yungbludjazz360  @writtingrose​
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“So, Kenny’s birthday is tomorrow,” Nick smirked at me while we were walking through the parking lot, leaving daily’s place, "Got any big plans?"
"I have a little surprise for him," I smirked, walking nonchalantly, but Nick and Matt insisted on knowing more.
"Care to tell?" Matt asked curiously and I laughed:
"No! Last time I told the two of you, you spoiled it! Besides, I can't let you two on this one."
"Oh man, you must be pulling out the big guns," Nick chuckled, his comment making me roll my eyes.
"Kenny has a lot of stuff do to sadly, but we'll have our time together and I have a surprise that he'll love. That's all you two need to know," I sighed, not giving it up.
This was something that truly needed to stay between only Kenny and I; And like I mentioned, Nick and Matt are loud mouths. They can't keep a secret to save their lives! We were all pumped for Kenny's birthday, but no ones gift could top mine.
Kenny's busy schedule turned out to be a big benefit. He took care of some things during the day, we went out for a bit so that he could see the guys and some of his friends, during that time, I actually went home so that whenever he came back, I could give him something he definitely wasn't expecting.
"Y/N! I'm home!" I heard Kenny yell from downstairs.
At first, I didn't answer, hurrying to make sure my robe was tied, my hair was still done nicely, making sure my cat eyes looked good too.
"Y/N?" Kenny voice echoed, travelling into our room.
"The one and only," I smiled, coming out of the bathroom.
"There you are! You had me worried for a moment," Kenny chuckled, taking off his suit jacket, buttoning his shirt, then looking down to my robe, "Ready for bed already?"
"Maybe not to sleep," I smirked, "But you're not wrong in a way."
A sly smirk appeared on his face whenever I sat on the bed, Kenny cooing, "Oh I see. I still haven't received one of my presents yet, huh? You were preparing huh?"
Kenny was really jumping the gun quickly, coming at me already with the steam, wanting to go after my robe, but my foot landed on his chest, my heel pushing him back. The curiosity that was building up was easily noticed, Kenny whispering: "Heels? And stockings?"
"Sometimes," I sighed, grabbing him by the tie, switching places with him, "It's best to just be quiet and watch."
The excitement was growing quickly, especially for Kenny, seeing his bulge growing already, taken by surprise a bit when he just noticed the dimmed lights and candles in the room.  
"Remember a conversation we had once? How you were a fan of something, but I wasn't?" I asked, watching Kenny trying to recollect his memory. There was no need for him to respond when I continued, "Well, I took that into consideration and figured that I would give you a gift that no one else can give you."
His eyes dropped right along with my robe and his reaction was priceless when they followed up from my heels, to the black nylon stockings, to the black lace garter and thong, silk straps around my core that literally wrapped me up like a present, bow-ties and all, then those attaching to the light, black lace bra and choker.
Kenny went to speak, but couldn't. He was literally drooling, his erection clearly visible. Finally, he said something when he swallowed a breath, "Now, this is a real gift and I didn't even expect it."
"It may be unexpected," I smirked, getting close, one foot on the bed so that I was towering him a little, "But from your friend down there, I can tell you like it."
We both chuckled when he looked down to his hard-on, Kenny chuckling, playing with one of the silk bows, "Like isn't the word. You are literally, the sexiest gift I've ever received."
"So, we just going to sit here?" I sighed, "Or are you going to open your gift?"
I could only hold the sexy, smolder stuff for so long, breaking out in giggles whenever Kenny picked me up, slamming my back down to the bed playfully, moving faster than the flash whenever he threw off his shirt, unbuckling his pants.
"Open?" Kenny chuckled, hovering above me and kissing me hard, tongue slipping in when he whispered, "I'm going to tear it up."
Quickly, he sat back up, throwing off his pants, taking me by the wrists and pinning me down. He had moans building up in me already just from his kisses, leaving some love bites behind when they began to travel down my neck.
"You do look so damn sexy and gorgeous in this," Kenny whispered, unclasping my bra from the front, then going to the first bow tie, his hard cock rubbing against me when our hips met for a moment, "But it's going to be a lot of fun getting this off of you."
"Knock yourself out," I whispered, biting my lip while feeling his cock rubbing against me again.
"Oh, I will," Kenny chuckled, his kisses continuing fall.
One by one, each bow was untied, a devilish smile on Kenny's face when he made it down to the garter, leaving that on, but going for my thong, tongue falling down to my clit while pulling them off. That really got my heart pumping, seeing an animalistic look in Kenny's eyes.
He wanted to get straight to the point, his briefs going next, but when he came back down to me, I turned the tables, flipping him over. He was a little confused, but that same, excited smile coming back whenever I pushed my hair away from my face, saying:
"I know that you're enjoying yourself, but I'm the one giving the gift here."
"One gift after anoth-" Kenny began, but sucking in a deep breath whenever I lined up with his cock, sitting right on top of him.
I couldn't help but chuckle whenever I saw him bite his lip hard, hands finding my hips once I began to roll them slowly, that same animalistic look in his eyes whenever I looked at him, cooing, "Loving your gift already?"
Slowly, he nodded his head, but wasn't letting me get off so easily when he sighed, "But if you can deliver all that fire that you did revealing that lingerie, you better double that now."
"Geez," I giggled, teasing him, "You haven't even let me start."
Seeing his reaction, how eyes closed tightly, gripping me harder, even moaning a little when I rolled my hips, taking all of him again, hands pressing down on his chest while I began to move faster, all the way up then back down to his base again.
"Damn, you know how to make me shut up," Kenny snickered, his hands still on my hips, guiding them every time they rolled down.
"Maybe," I giggled, leaning down to kiss him, biting at his lip, "But tonight, you'll be making other noises."
"I won't doubt it, baby," He cooed, a groan rumbling in his chest, heading dipping back into the pillows, letting me have full control.
I made sure I got the best of it all, pleasing him as much as I could, fighting through the crazy moans that wanted to come out of me when I sat up straight, bouncing up and down. The tasks became a difficult one after so much, feeling every inch of his cock pushing up, hitting my sweet spot.
We both became a moaning mess, Kenny making it a little harder on my end to keep going whenever he picked up his hips, his cock going in deeper every time my hips fell down.
"Got damn it, Kenny," I whined out, biting my lip hard, keeping myself going by trying not to focus on my orgasm too much; Kenny giving me a hand whenever his hands covered my breasts, squeezing them, putting my hands on top of his.
"Me?" Kenny scoffed, squeezing me harder, "You're the one riding me."
"And you're the one with such a good dick," I whispered, moaning sharply, trying to catch my breath when I felt his crown slam into my sweet spot.
He was laughing at both my comment and reaction, encouraging me when he cooed, "Yeah, I do. Keep on riding it."
"Keep on riding it, huh?" I huffed, biting my lip hard and when I saw him nodding his head, I gave him exactly what he wanted and then some.
He couldn't hide any noise at all, moaning and groaning, body tensing up when I bounced down so that his hips were pinned to the bed, keeping them there, moving faster than I thought I could.  
The entire bed was shaking, hips rolling, bouncing, my body leaning back a little while I braced my hands on his thighs. His hands found my hips again, holding on like a death grip, encouraging my quick speed and all of this didn't need much more time to get the better of us.
"Y/N," Kenny groaned, head back into the pillows, "Go harder."
"Usually that's what I say," I chuckled, leaning up a little, starting to go harder, but Kenny was frantic, needing more and expressing that when he slapped my ass, kissing me and biting my lip.
"I'm about to cum so fucking hard," He growled, hiding his plea with his deep voice, "Go harder."
"You're gonna cum, huh?" I huffed, rolling my hips a little more aggressively, bouncing down deep and hard just like he wanted.
With a breathless nod, his head fell back to the bed. His body tensed up hard again and when I looked back for a moment, his toes were curled and all. The only obstacle in my way was my own body. The both of us just moaning like crazy, mine almost turning into screams.
"Kenny," I whined, "I'm about to cum too."
He was able to help me out a little, picking up his hips again, trying to beat my thrusts, "Just keep going. I'm so close. Just keep going, baby, please."
I was able to keep pushing, feeling my body shake, some sweat falling down my temple, my hips tensing up and making it harder to keep going, walls clamped up and pulsating hard, my breathing beyond unstable.
"Oh my fu-" Kenny groaned, "You're squeezing me so hard. I'm almost there, baby. Come on."
"Kenny!" I about screamed, convinced my heart jumped out of my chest when I felt my core about snap, gushing out onto him.
It wasn't intense on just my end. Suddenly, Kenny's hips popped up, his legs spread kind of like a squatting position, his hands holding my hips down to his, my upper body collapsing on his chest while we were both gasping for air.
I was still moaning and whining, nails digging into this shoulder when I felt his stream of heat, shooting over and over and hard, creating an aftershock that waved through all my nerves. Slowly, he let his hips fall, whispering:
"Y/N, I think you just fucked me to death."
We both laughed hysterically at his comment, panting still when I said, "you told me to keep going. I knew that lingerie would get you wired up."
"It sure did," He sighed deeply, wrapping his arms around me, kissing me softly, "Can I get gifts like this more often?"
Kenny gave me the puppy dog eyes and all, making me chuckle whenever I kissed him back, whispering, "Maybe I start a little collection just for you."
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heyyyharry · 3 years
Deep End - Chapter 12: Dirty Dreams
…in which Harry and Ezi kiss again…and again…and again… (THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SMUT)
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Word count: 4.6k
AU: famous!harry, siren!mc, adult modern retelling of the little mermaid? lol, fake dating, enemies to lovers.
All chapters / Synopsis / Moodboard / Playlist
Wattpad link
Harry didn’t understand dreams. How did dreams even work? Because sometimes he would see someone he hadn’t seen in years in his dreams, even though he had completely forgotten about the person’s existence up to that point. Then there were these super violent and bloody dreams that woke him in the middle of the night in cold sweats. Then, there were some other more inappropriate dreams that made him so disappointed when the alarm rang.
Listen, Harry wasn’t a pervert. He didn’t think about sex 24/7; well, not usually. But lately, he’d been having dirty dreams more often than he would enjoy. He would wake up with his dick rock hard and end up late for work because he had to stroke one out in the shower. And he blamed it on…
“Ezi! Where are your pants? And why are you wearing my shirt?”
Ezi stopped in the kitchen doorway with a bowl of ice cream in one hand, the other holding a spoon in her mouth. “This is my new ‘at home’ look,” she said, while leaning against the door in nothing but his button-up shirt that fell just past her bum. As if the sight wasn’t torturing enough, she had to be licking ice cream from the fucking spoon. It was eight in the fucking morning! And Harry would not go back to the bathroom to wank again.
“But where are your shirts? Why don’t you wear them?” he asked and slipped past her into the kitchen. He would make himself a cup of coffee so he wouldn’t have to watch her being effortlessly sexy in the kitchen doorway.
“They said on the internet that you should borrow your boyfriend’s shirt, and you’re my fake boyfriend.”
“Fair enough,” Harry chuckled.
She gave him a shy smile and left without saying another word. That was the longest conversation they’d had since that night she went out on a date with Dawson. Ezi was always a little bit weird. Okay, well, very weird. But her weirdness had been different lately, in a bad way. She was still doing weird things, but keeping a distance from him.
Harry knew he couldn’t really complain, since he’d specifically told her to her face that he preferred it when it was just him and the cat. Having his own space had been nice for a day or two, then he’d started missing how annoying she’d been. And of course, he blamed this all on Dawson.
Harry had been second to Dawson his whole life. Ever since he’d been a kid and found out that he’d had a cousin, Dawson had been nothing but a burden for Harry. Harry was the only child, but to his parents, Dawson had been their favourite son. His father used to love sports, but Harry had never been a fan of those. Dawson, on the other hand, had been the captain of the school’s football team and was excellent at marathons as well. So if Harry’s father was still alive, Dawson would be the one making him proud by taking over the family business Harry didn’t want.
Now, just as Harry had finally gained his own spotlight as a singer, becoming great at something Dawson wasn’t good at, Dawson swept in and stole Ezi.
Harry had spent a lot of time wondering why it had mattered so much to him that Ezi had gone on one date with his cousin. He didn’t even like her like that, and the house was always peaceful without her, which he enjoyed very much. But why did the idea of her becoming something with Dawson bother him so much? He hadn’t been sleeping well for the last couple of days. Not to mention that Ezi had started keeping distance from him. Well, he’d done it first because of the kiss, but it was weird when she did it because she had always been so fucking clingy. And he’d hated that. Until now!
Ding dong!
“What do you want?” Harry asked in the least annoyed tone he could pull off, while fighting the urge to slam the door in Dawson’s good-looking face.
“Is Ezi home?” Dawson asked.
“Ezi? You mean Ezili? Because I’m the only one who calls her Ezi.”
“Y-Yeah, Ezili,” Dawson said with an awkward smile. This guy was a tool. What did Ezi see in him?
“No, she’s at work,” Harry said, and quickly added, “but don’t think about going there. They’re having a book club meeting; she’d be mad if you showed up and distracted her.”
That was a lie. Harry didn’t even know if people actually hosted book club meetings at random book shops, but did it matter? If he was going to be petty, he must go all the way.
“What do you wanna meet her for?” he asked before Dawson could leave. He didn’t want to have a long conversation with Dawson about Ezi, but it was the only way to learn more about their date. “Did you do something that you wanna apologise for?”
“No. Of course not,” Dawson chuckled and adjusted his glasses. “She bought some books and forgot them in my car.”
“I could give them to her when she gets back from work,” Harry said.
Dawson looked hesitant. “Well, she told me not to give them to you.”
“Oh.” Harry kept a straight face, but he was very offended that she’d made that request. Did she really hate him so much for what he’d said that night?
“So,” he ventured, averting his eyes. “Guess the date went well?”
“I suppose,” Dawson said.
Harry had hoped for a different response. This one didn’t really hurt him but it didn’t make him happy, either. He cleared his throat and straightened his back. “So are you looking forward to the second date?”
“I don’t think there’s gonna be one,” Dawson said, to Harry’s surprise. “I don’t think she likes me like that?”
Okay, this was the response Harry had been waiting for. He tried to suppress a grin as he patted his cousin’s shoulder sympathetically, while he was far from sympathetic. “Oh, don’t be so pessimistic. I know she’s a bit out of your league, but dare to dream a little.”
“Very funny,” Dawson snorted and brushed off Harry’s hand. “But I think she has a crush on you.”
“Really? I mean, no!” Harry faked a laugh, crossing his arm and leaning against the door in an unnatural pose. “No way.” Now he sounded like a commercial guy who had never attended a single acting class. “She doesn’t...she doesn’t have a crush on me,” he stuttered. “W-Why do you think so?”
Dawson pressed his lips into an understanding smile that made Harry’s face grow red. “All she talked about for the entire night was you.”
Harry thought Dawson was just teasing him at first. Then he remembered that this was Dawson, not him. So it was true. Ezi had talked about him for the whole night when she was with Dawson.
“What did she say?” Harry asked, trying to seem more curious than excited.
“She told me you were a good cook, and then complained about your bad habits. Then it was all ‘Harry said that’ and ‘Harry said this’. It seemed like she was really into you.”
“Oh, wow.”
“Nothing.” Harry shrugged, trying to act cool and all that. “I’m just surprised. I thought she hated me.”
“I mean, she can still hate you if she has a crush on you,” said Dawson. “Also, why is she staying with you? Where’s her family?”
Harry shifted uncomfortably. “Why didn’t you ask her?”
“She kept mentioning her mother but nothing more than that, and she’d just change the subject whenever I tried to ask.”
Harry didn’t have enough time to think of a lie, so he blurted, “Her family was abusive.”
Dawson looked horrified, but he completely bought that. “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that,” he said. “She’s a lovely girl, though. I know that you don’t like her, but don’t break her heart. Turn her down nicely.”
Harry blinked. “What?”
“You don’t like Ezili, right?” Dawson asked.
“Oh, yeah,” Harry laughed, uneasily. “I mean no, I don’t.”
“Yeah, I know you don’t wanna be in a relationship.”
Harry didn’t want to be in a relationship, but that didn’t mean he didn’t feel things. He guessed most people would just assume he had no heart because it was easier for them to make sense of why he wouldn’t settle down. In reality it was more complicated than that. He had had feelings for some people in the past, and he’d shut them down before he got to the point of no return. Ezi might be a dangerous creature, but he’d probably hurt more people than she had, mostly himself.
So did he like Ezi? Yes. He’d just realised that when his heart blossomed to the thought of her thinking about him on a date with his cousin. There was no denying that, as he only felt this way about his own songs. But was he happy about it? Well, yeah, of course he was happy about it. He was over the moon even. Still, that didn’t mean he should do something about it. He would just keep it to himself and wait–No, hope for it to pass.
Later that night, when Ezi came home from work, she went straight into the kitchen to eat from the fridge, and Harry came downstairs to find her sitting on the floor, munching off a sandwich in the fridge light glow. He watched her for a moment from the door before deciding to break the silence.
She flinched when hearing her name. She turned around, sandwich still in her mouth. “Did Dawson stop by?” she asked. “He said he would bring me my books.”
“Yeah, he did. I put them in your room,” Harry said, trying his best not to roll his eyes at the mention of his cousin. But then he remembered what Dawson had told him and came to sit beside her on the floor.
She ignored him and continued eating. She looked nothing like someone who had a crush on him, so what if Dawson had lied to him? He had never heard a lie from Dawson, but it didn’t mean Dawson was incapable of lying.
“Ezi, I wanna ask you something,” he said.
She finished her sandwich and reached into the fridge of ice cream. “Go ahead,” she said.
Harry started fidgeting with his shirt. “Why won’t you tell me about that date with Dawson?”
Ezi didn’t look at him as she said, “Do I have to tell you? It was personal.”
“Well, your sister was there,” he reasoned, “and she’s tried to kill me several times so I think I deserve to know some details about that night.”
Yes, Harry was curious about Ezi’s sister as well, but was it bad to say that he wanted to know more about what Ezi thought of him? Was it bad that Ezi’s feelings for him mattered more than his stupid life?
“My sister wasn’t there the whole time,” Ezi sighed and dipped her spoon into the ice cream. “I got rid of her at the fair then went for dinner with Dawson.”
“Oh,” Harry said, watching her intently as she ate. “So—”
“My sister wanted me to go back home.”
Harry froze. “Why?” he blurted, suddenly anxious. “I mean…does your mother want you back? Not that I think she won’t ever want you back—”
“No.” Ezi rolled her eyes. “My sister wants me to go back in return of the throne, so she can be Queen and allow me back into the Queendom.”
“But you wanna Queen?”
“I’m going to be Queen!” Ezi snapped. Seeing the shocked look on Harry’s face, she softened her voice, “I’m the firstborn. I’m going to be Queen. I have a year to…” Her voice trailed off and she spaced out for a second.
“To what?”
Ezi pressed her lips into a tight smile then said, “To stay here. My sister told me that my mother would take me back in a year.”
“That’s the punishment?” Harry chuckled. “Make you stay in this world where a handsome man takes care of you and buys you stuff?” Maybe siren mums weren’t as bad as he’d thought.
“And also bullies me 24/7,” Ezi said.
“Hey!” Harry put up his hands. “You bully me, too.”
“You literally told me you didn’t want to see me around the house.”
“Yeah, well, I like seeing you around the house now.”
“Liar,” Ezi said and took a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. Harry tried not to pay attention to the way she licked the spoon or think about licking ice cream from her lips, but he knew he was going to see a lot of that in his dreams tonight.
“I’m sorry about what I said that night,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.
Ezi held his gaze for two seconds, squinting her eyes. “Fine,” she said at last. “I forgive you.”
“Well, that was easy.”
“For now,” she added, putting the ice cream back into the fridge. “I’ll hate you again when I’m hungry.”
“You’re hungry eighty percent of the time!”
Harry chuckled as he watched her amber to the kitchen door. Clenching his fingers, he asked, “When’s your birthday?”
Ezi turned her head. “March 12. Why?”
“So I can say happy birthday to you on March 12.”
“Oh, thanks. Not looking forward to it, though.”
“Also,” Harry said fast before she left. “Do you wanna go to a party with me?”
Niall had just reached one million followers on TikTok, so he’d thrown a huge party at his mansion and invited his friends who had brought their friends and their friends’ friends. So the most influential people in the entertainment industry were at the party tonight.
Jeff had suggested that Harry bring Ezi so they could do some PDA stuff at the party to make headlines for the next few days. At first, Harry had planned to make up some excuses so he could go alone.
He and Ezi hadn’t kissed since that day in his mother’s closet. Well, actually, they had had a few pecks on the lips in public, but it’d only been for the paparazzi. It was hard to think about romance when there were at least ten cameras pointing at you.
Their first kiss, however, had been real and…hot. Harry couldn’t stop thinking about it. He didn’t know how Ezi felt since she never talked about it, but he had the impression that she had enjoyed it as much as he had. He couldn’t stop thinking about her flushed cheeks and plum lips as she pulled back, confused yet wanting more. In his dreams last night, they had been in that closet, but their clothes had been discarded, and he’d been pounding her against the wall. It was so hot. He’d had to wank twice when he woke up and he couldn’t make eye contact with Ezi in the kitchen during breakfast. Now he couldn’t get those images out of his mind.
Harry jumped when his name was called. Ezi gave him a questioning look. She was wearing a little pink strap dress and her hair was in a high bun. She looked so cute tonight; his stylist had done a great job.
“You okay?” she asked, slipping her fingers into his. He knew it didn’t mean anything and she was only doing what Jeff had told her to. But he couldn’t stop the butterflies in his stomach from acting up. “It seemed like your soul left your body for a second.”
“Sorry, this loud music gives me a headache,” he said and finished his glass of wine. Ezi didn’t drink. “You wanna dance?”
Her gaze shot up in surprise. “Do you wanna dance?”
“What do you mean? I’m a fantastic dance partner.”
“But I’ve never danced before. I just got these legs a few weeks ago.”
Harry chuckled, shaking his head. “You’ll be good at it, I’m sure. We’ll wait for a slow song.”
Niall walked by just in time to overhear the conversation, so he shouted, “Slow song for my besties Harry and Ezili!”
Harry tried to stop Niall, but it was too late. Everyone in Niall’s living room was staring at him and Ezi. Jeff would be happy about this, but Harry didn’t think Ezi was. Her fingers tightened around his as she stepped closer, apparently uncomfortable with the intrusive glances they were receiving.
“Come on,” he said, pulling her close. “We’ll show them how great we are.”
“But I’m not—”
He didn’t let her finish and drag her out on the dance floor. There were a few couples slow-dancing around them, but Harry knew he and Ezi were the attention of tonight. In these people’s eyes, they were in love, completely infatuated with each other.
“Follow my lead,” he whispered in Ezi's ear while fixing her posture. “It’s easy.”
For a human who had been to too many of these dances, it was. But Ezi was barely good at walking. And so she ended up stepping on his feet repeatedly. The giggles of some women in the room made her even more anxious, so she almost stopped. But he reassured her by pulling her closer and lifting her chin so she was looking at him instead of them.
“Don’t be nervous. This is your little mermaid moment. Embrace it,” he said, making her smile.
“Ariel was a terrible dancer.”
“True. But she looked pretty stepping on the Prince’s feet.”
Ezi arched an eyebrow, amused. “Are you calling yourself the Prince?”
“I almost got casted for the role of Eric, by the way.”
“Yeah, right.” She rolled her eyes.
He acted offended. “No, it’s real.”
“As real as Santa Claus.”
“Santa Claus is real,” Harry argued. “Not you saying he isn’t when you’re literally a mythical creature.”
“Shut up,” she chuckled.
“Make me,” he replied.
Harry didn’t know who had initiated it. Maybe they had both leaned in at the same time. But this time as they shared a kiss in a crowded room, it felt like they were all alone in his mother’s closet once again. Of course he had to keep his hands respectfully on her lower back, but the kiss was still hot. He could feel himself being unravelled right there on the dance floor, and he liked the way her fingers twirled the hair at the back of his neck as they melted into one. But then people had to ruin the moment for them by filming it. Jeff would be happy; Harry wasn’t.
He had developed a special talent over the years as a celebrity and could always sense when someone was taking pictures of him. It made him uneasy and distracted, so he had to pull back. He supposed his twisted expression might have given Ezi the wrong idea. She thought it was her that made him uncomfortable. And for some stupid reason, Harry let her think that.
They left the party early because Ezi didn’t seem to enjoy it anymore. On the drive home, Harry tried to find a way to apologise for ruining the moment, but he didn’t know how to not make it awkward. She didn’t say a single word to him in the car, and he knew she wasn’t going to unless he started the conversation. But then he didn’t. And so she went to bed angry at him.
Harry felt really bad about it. He knew it wouldn’t be this way if he had communicated like a normal human being. But it wasn’t easy. He didn’t want to admit to her that he’d enjoyed kissing her, and he would’ve made out with her in front of all those people had it not been for who he was. He had wanted that moment to be real, but then he remembered it wasn’t, and he felt like he was taking advantage of her.
Maybe she felt that way, too. He wasn’t sure. Or she was just tired and didn’t really care about the kiss, and he was the one making a fuss out of it because he assumed he meant more to her than he really did. Again, Dawson could’ve lied. Ezi might not even have feelings for him. She might think he was a bad kisser even.
As Harry fell asleep that night, he dreamed about her again. They were alone in Niall’s mansion. The music was playing as they slow-danced but nobody was watching. She started kissing him, and he kissed her back. His hands reached around her to unzip her little pink dress and let it pool around her ankles. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath. His cock was rock hard when they went in for more kissing. Her tongue slid between his lips, her hands reaching for his belt as he fumbled on the buttons of his own shirt. Then he woke up with a tent on his crotch. It was three in the fucking morning, and he was having the worst erection in his life.
Harry slipped his hand under the duvet and started playing with it to relieve some tension, but just as he was about to cum, he heard a loud crash downstairs. Instant boner killer.
“Ezi!” he shouted in frustration, slipped on his boxers and marched out of the room.
“I’m sorry!” Ezi’s voice echoed from downstairs. Harry groaned and headed down to the kitchen where he found her collecting broken pieces of a vase she’d knocked over.
“Just leave it,” he said, grabbing her wrists and pulling her up and away from the glass. “You’d hurt yourself, idiot.”
“I’m sorry. It was dark. I couldn’t see.”
“Why didn’t you turn on the lights?”
She shrugged, which made him laugh, because that was very Ezi of her. “You’re a dumbass,” he said.
“I’m not,” she pouted.
“You are. This only happens to dumbasses.”
“Gosh, you’re an asshole,” she mumbled, arms crossed. She was standing with her back to the counter, and he was blocking her way from the door. Of course she could always sidestep him to leave, but instead, she stayed there, just awkwardly chewing on her nail. She was wearing nothing but a loose white shirt of his. And this time, Harry wasn’t complaining.
“Stop looking at me like that,” she said.
“I’m not even looking at you,” he said, yet staring right at her face.
“You are.”
“How would you know? Unless you’re also looking at me.”
“This is stupid.”
“You’re stupid.”
“No, you—” Ezi’s voice cut off; her gaze dropped to his mouth as if she hadn’t realised how close they were until now. Harry knew that look so well, and usually it would be a sign for him to make a move. But this was Ezi.
“I should go back to bed,” she said, eyes meeting his again.
He nodded, but didn’t get out of the way.
Again, he didn’t know who leaned in first. The moment their mouths collided, all his thoughts evaporated; his walls crumbled, and he was powerless, unable to pull back. There was a kind of power in the way she kissed that he could not resist. He was all hers.
He tightened his arms around her hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he lifted her onto the counter. He could feel his erection growing again in his pants. It didn’t take too long for it to turn fully hard, and she obviously felt it, so she pulled back from their kiss, panting. “It’s…”
“Ignore it,” he breathed, kissing her again, making his way down to her neck and chest. She was squirming now, and he wondered if she was also feeling things down there. “Are you wet?” he asked breathlessly against her lips.
She blinked, confused. “No, I’m dry.”
“No, Ezi,” Harry chuckled, face buried in her neck. “I mean, are you wet between your legs?”
“Oh.” She licked her perfect lips and nodded once. “Yeah. Like most of the time.”
Harry’s whole body went stiff. “What?”
“Like...whenever I think of us kissing,” Ezi admitted innocently.
Harry didn’t know which was hotter. The fact that they were both half-naked and horny right now, or the fact that she got turned on just from thinking of kissing him.
“What do you usually do when it happens?” he asked, adding soft kisses to her lips.
Her fists tightened on his back, her eyelids fluttering. “I r-rub my thighs together.”
Harry smiled as his cock twitched to the thought of it. “Does that feel good?”
Ezi nodded.
“Want me to help you feel even better?”
“You can?”
Harry nodded. He knew it wasn’t right to have sex with her when she didn’t even know what it was, so he wouldn’t rush it. He was just going to help her.
He kissed her once more and got down on his knees between her legs. She looked so hot all spread out in front of him with just his shirt and panties on. She wasn’t lying when she said she was wet. Her panties were completely soaked as he slid them off. She shivered a little yet didn’t protest. She wanted him to help.
He started by kissing her inner thigh. She had the prettiest pussy he had ever seen. He could just cum to the thought of licking her, and he swore he almost did when he took the first try. Her hips jolted, and he glanced up to meet her confused stare.
“If you want me to stop, just say it, okay?”
“Okay,” she replied, biting her nail.
He held her eye contact as he started licking. She tasted as sweet as he’d imagined in those dreams. He still couldn’t believe this was real, but god, the sounds she made sent him to heaven. He dipped his tongue into her and her hands flew to the back of his neck. For a moment she forgot everything and started moving her hips against his face. Fuck. It turned him on so much. He slipped his hand into his boxers and gave himself a few strokes. Then she started to moan, and he worked his hand faster while flicking his tongue into her. He fucked himself until she cummed and made a mess inside his pants, cum dripping onto the floor.
“Is that milk?” Her question got him cackling as he got back to his feet, holding onto the counter on either side of her so he wouldn’t fall. He had never cummed so much; it had literally drained him out.
“No, it’s not milk,” he said softly, tucking her hair behind her ear. She looked so fucked out as well, which made him feel so proud. “Did you like that?”
“Yes,” she said shyly. “Did you?”
“Very much,” he said. “I would kiss you again if I hadn’t just eaten you out. Not sure how you’d like it.”
A look of horror crossed Ezi’s face as she quickly checked between her legs.
“No!” Harry laughed. “I didn’t literally eat you. It’s what it’s called.”
“Is it like...sex stuff?”
“Not really sex, just part of the sex. So yeah, sex stuff,” Harry explained, not sure how to feel about this situation. Now that post-nut clarity had hit, he started to feel a bit guilty, but it didn’t he wasn’t proud of himself for making her cum so hard her legs were shaking.
“I still want to kiss, though,” Ezi said shyly. “I don’t care.”
“Oh, yeah?” Harry smiled. He liked seeing her blush because of him.
With a nod, she pulled him back in.
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ouranoa · 4 years
tw: suggestive, swearing. [not proofread]
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ever so slowly, you felt your eyelids shutting. it was getting late and you were getting tired. it was understandable that he was an executive member, and that they were to attend any meeting that was organized; however, you never understood why they were so damn long. the alcohol you had been drinking was beginning to sink into your system, the feeling of exhaustion washing over you- it was too much for you to fight back. there's nothing wring with having a little nap, you thought, he probably won't be back for another 45 minutes or so. Finally giving in, you allowed your body to indulge into your sleepy sensations and drift off to sleep.
not even 10 minutes into your cat nap, a white hooded figure pushed your room door open and stepped inside. your vision was hazy so you couldn't make out their facial features, and you were far too tired for your body to react in a panic. your senses had not yet awakened, and you weren't bothered to hear the faint noises they made. that is, until they began to speak.
"fallen asleep already? sweet."
your eyes snapped open, and your limps stirred from their stiff form. the deep voice that rang in your ears brought a sense of relief yet excitement to you.
"you're finally back," you replied arching your brow
chishiya removed his hood and flip flops before sauntering towards you.
"yeah, something came up and things are....out of the ordinary let's say."
"this whole fucking thing is 'out of the ordinary'" you snapped back, raising your digits to make air quotes.
instead of replying, he hauled himself onto the bed next to your form, causing it to shift ever so slightly. lifting his hand to your jaw he said in a sultry voice.
"so you missed me that much huh, baby?"
damn him. he wasnt even trying, yet he knew how to get you worked up in the simplest of ways. but you weren't giving in. not tonight.
you tilted your head away from him, averting your gaze to a painting of an elegant woman. you didnt want to make things awkward though, so you attempted minimal conversation.
"did the militants give you any trouble?"
you heard nothing for a second, then he answered.
"please, they're too idiotic. even if they did do something to hurt me or any of the exclusive members, they wouldn't have thought it through and that would only cause more chaos to surface."
you smiled. there was just something about his cockiness that made him so attractive. the way his brain worked, hell, even the way he spoke. didn't know how you managed to claim him as yours, but you weren't complaining.
"what about you?" his gravelly voice filling your room
you sighed. his life was more interesting than yours by far and you kinda wished that something would come up to you.
"no. just seeing people feeling each other up, alcoholics being stupid- you know, the usual stuff."
forgetting about what you had told yourself, you chanced a glance at him; but as if on cue, his eyes met yours. you stiffened. this was the first time you got a proper look at him and he looked hot.
his silver hair swept across his face perfectly covering a little section of his feline eyes. his brown orbs looked so cold and you find yourseld getting lost in them every time you look at them. his lips, so luscious as if they were made to be kissed. your faced inched closer to his involuntarily.
you were swimming in dangerous waters now, and whatever move that you or chishiya made could most likely cause you to drown. but you were getting tired. you wanted him and you couldn't stand him and his silent teasing.
you pushed your lips onto his and waited. you felt him chuckle before his hands cup your cheeks. his lips shifted causing a pleasant harmony between the two of you.
as the seconds went by, the deeper the kiss got. chishiya maneuvered his tongue into your mouth. you were distracted by his wet muscle so you were caught off guard when one of curled around your neck. you gasped at the sudden lack of oxygen and he took this opportunity to start painting purple and pink flowers on your collar bone.
he laughed and airy laugh and said, "i was waiting to see how long you'd last. i could see the need in your eyes."
he removed his hand from your neck, and you took a deep inhale.
"you're so cocky, you know that?" you panted, unbuttoning your shirt.
chishiya rolled on top of you and smirked, making you feel small. "mhm, but you love that shit."
once your shirt was removed he lowered himself to your stomach and began to kiss down it your breathing begame ragged and you tried to compose yourself. it wasn't exactly effective though.
you were about to loose yourself when his actions came to a complete stop. you remained still for a split second before arching your neck to look at him. he blinked a couple of times before removing his face drom your middle.
his expression was unreadable, but it almost looked like he had forgotten something.
then, all to quickly he got off the bed and was putting on his flip flops.
"ch-chishiya," you stammered, still recovering,"where are you going?"
"i have to take care of something. i'm sorry y/n."
you let out a groan of frustration. for fuck's sake.
"when will you be back?"
chishiya didnt respond for a moment and stared at the door, keys in hand. he was thinking.
"not until later tonight," he began, grabbing a handheld transceiver, "you'll have to leave soon too. get dressed and be downstairs in about five minutes."
he wasn't going to lie, chishiya felt bad for leaving you hanging like that, but he had a job to attend to. so, as a way of apologizing, he rushed over to you and pressed his lips on your forhead.
even if he did make you agitated at times, you still loved him and couldnt ignore the fact that he was a sweet man. watching him leave your room pained you, but you got up to get dressed anyways.
yes, your boyfriend seemed unbothered about the whole situation, but you didnt keep your mind from wondering about what secrets lie within the beach
authors note: [okok, i am feeding my fellow 'alice in borderland' starved fans since theres literally no fics on it yet. love y'all and sorry if it was bad lmfao 😗🤍]
here matey c: @donnyhateslife @cruel-spider
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shaanks · 2 years
Honestly can you just answer all of them because they’re so obscure I’m obsessed with knowing your answers https://at.tumblr.com/z-oros/695414491415003137/1eo6sk6hvtff
Alright you wonderful, beautiful mad lad, let's do this. Just gonna exclude the ones I've already answered so if it jumps around, that's why <3 also after the first few I'm gonna stick this under a readmore so I don't put the longest yeah boy on everyone's dash lmfao
2. lighter or matches?
kinda depends on the application. matches for lighting candles and like, campfires or hearth fires, lighter for things I'm gonna smoke.
5. what color are your eyes?
Hazel! Much more green than brown, with grey flecks and a kinda grey ring around the iris.
6. why did you do that?
m8 I was bored. or out of some kind of pettiness probably.
7. hair-ties or scrunchies?
when my hair was long enough, hair-ties. needed the extra grip bc my hair is super thick.
8. how many water bottles are in your room right now?
two + my hydroflask, all of which are empty atm. need to go downstairs and refill the flask after this aslkdfa
9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
cold coffee almost always. i used to regularly order iced cappuccino from tim hortons at like 3 AM in freezing weather.
12. what kind of day is it?
It's kinda crappy today, I'm still having some flu shot side effects and there are strange men clomping about in here moving and banging on things. it's friday though, so that's something!
13. when was the last time you ate?
about an hour ago, I had some beef stew and a cup of tea with honey for my throat. :)
14. do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
there are few things I love more. I think rain just makes everything better tbh, saturates the world with beautiful scents and colors.
15. are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
not of any human children, but to my cat Nicki for sure.
16. can you drive?
I sure can, I've been driving since I was 15. c:
17. are you farsighted or nearsighted?
I don't ever remember which it is, nearsighted I think? If anything gets further away than like arm's length it becomes blurry and incomprehensible.
19. imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
aw bby I'd sure try!! I can't promise they'd be like, salon perfect, but I'd love to paint your nails!
22. what type of person are you?
honestly I have no idea, you might be better equipped to answer that one. i sort of exist and I'm trying my best, that's about the closest to an answer I have for ya.
23. how do you feel about chilly weather?
it's my FAVORITE!!! i'm so excited for the onset of spooky season, fall/early winter is my favorite time of year <3 I just wanna wear my boots and jeans and sweaters without actually sweating.
25. perfume/body spray or lotion?
definitely prefer body spray/perfume, though I've started coming around to lotion in recent years.
26. a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
unfortunately a lot of these are like. arguments i've had or incidents with people that have hurt me. i always think of the best responses or ways that i could have changed the outcome like 6 years after the fact lmao. there's also like...dumb self-indulgent stuff i'm writing where I'll turn a scene or idea over and over in my mind like a rotisserie chicken before (or if) I ever write it.
27. about how many hours of sleep did you get?
last night? like 5ish? my throat is kinda itchy so that always makes it difficult OTL
28. do you wear a mask?
everywhere now, and i may well do it forever. i'm a big fan of public health and also having as much of my face obscured as possible.
29. how do you like your shower water?
either freezing or scalding, no in between. reasonably sure that's some kinda flavor of ND but who knows.
39. do you use lip balm?
yes!! i've got multiple ones but my fave rn is lippe balm by drunk elephant.
43. what’s your take on spicy foods?
I love spicy foods...conceptually. I look at things like tteokbokki and drool everywhere, and I love the idea of a hot and spicy broth that opens you up, but unfortunately I am like. the pastiest person alive and my tongue is really...weird. so i cannot eat most of spicy things OTL
44. you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
i'm always really torn on this bc like. vladimir putin, mitch mcconnell, and jordan peterson have all, in their own ways, done vast and irreparable damage to the world at large, and everyone would be better off without them, but idk how to like. go about parsing which of them is "the worst" if the pass is only for one asldkfjas (i realize i've just created the worst fmk round of all time without really answering you but oh well)
45. can you remember what happened yesterday?
I spent most of yesterday propped up in bed at a weird angle with my cat, I'm not feeling very well this week OTL
46. favorite holiday film?
i'm not really sure honestly. Krampus maybe, or Nightmare Before Christmas? Hocus Pocus maybe. Something spooky regardless of the holiday is the answer basically.
47. what was the last message you sent?
something about one piece to another friend of mine lmfao
48. when did you first try an alcohol beverage?
my biological dad used to give me like, beer and little sips of liquor so that I'd make a face for his friends, so I was like. reeeeeally little, maybe 4? I distinctly remember that being orange liquor and it making me feel like I couldn't breathe, which was apparently very funny for the audience of his buddies.
50. can i tag you in random stuff?
baby of course you can!!! if i don't respond/do the thing just DM me, chances are I saw it and then got distracted and forgot. <33
anyway this was SO SO SWEET of you, I promise I'm not obscure really I'm just a weird boring little gremlin but ILY HONEY <3333 I hope this was at least some kinda interesting for you XDDD
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evening-starlight · 3 years
Warm Beers
Taglist is OPEN! Dm or comment to be added
Posting Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
This takes place before season one!
All Works Master List
Warm Beers Master List
Word Count: 1808
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    Kenzie slips out of her room, quietly closing the door behind her. JJ was still asleep, cuddling into one of Kenzie's pillows with the green dinosaur squishmallow John B. gifted Kenzie last year under one arm. He looked so peaceful that Kenzie couldn't bring herself to kick him out, even though it was already eight in the morning, and she could hear her dad downstairs making breakfast.
    "Does JJ want eggs?" Shoupe asks, back turned towards Kenzie when she enters the kitchen. His daughter stops in her tracks and stares at his back. How the hell did he know? Kenzie made sure that everything was put away and that they stayed quiet all night. "You're not as sneaky as you let yourself believe, Z," Victor points out and looks at his daughter with a knowing smirk.
    "Dad, I'm so sorry," Kenzie starts to apologize, knowing she broke one of her dad's rules. Again. No boys were allowed to have sleepovers until after she was eighteen.
    "Don't apologize. I've known since the first night. If I wanted to get you in trouble, I would have," Shoupe points out, turning back to the scrambled eggs in the pan. "You're too good to that boy, you know?"
    Kenzie slides into a barstool and leans against the counter. She rolls her eyes and protests, "He just needs some extra love. You've seen the deadbeat dad he got stuck with."
    "I know. I'm just giving you shit. Now, does JJ like his eggs scrambled or over easy?" Kenzie shrugs. "You're best friends, and you don't know how he takes his eggs? Are you even best friends?" Victor jokes.
    "I'm sorry, I didn't know I had to know his damn egg order to be considered best friends. I'll demote us to acquaintances again," McKenzie sasses with a roll of her eyes. Shoupe laughs at her and dishes his eggs onto a plate.
    "You didn't want any, did you?" He asks as he takes his place next to Kenzie at the kitchen island. Kenzie shakes her head. She wasn't the biggest fan of eggs unless she was low on protein. If they had more cheese than egg, she would eat them, but the Shoupe household was out of cheese at the moment. Which Kenzie considered a crime punishable by death. "Didn't get any sleep last night?" Kenzie shakes her head again as Shoupe's phone starts to ring. He sighs when he sees the caller and answers it. McKenzie slips off her barstool and goes to grab a breakfast shake from the fridge while her dad gets called in early for work.
    He sighs and hangs up, looking at McKenzie. "I have to get going, Z. I'll see you later tonight?" Kenzie agrees and hugs her dad goodbye. He leaves the house with his plate of eggs and his ceramic coffee mug. Victor had already gotten dressed and everything he needed for his workday when he decided he had enough time for breakfast. Which, obviously, got cut short.
    Kenzie moves to the living room couch and sits on the far end, drinking her shake and scrolling through social media absentmindedly while she thinks about her plans for the day. She should probably clean up her bedroom, or she could forget that and go play with the Pouges on the water.
    She glances up from her phone when JJ sneaks downstairs, looking around for the deputy. "He's already at work, Maybank," Kenzie calls up, causing the boy to jump. She giggles and waves him over. JJ jogs over and jumps on the couch next to her. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty."
    JJ rolls his eyes and slaps Kenzie's phone out of her hands. "What the hell, JJ?"
    "I wanted your attention," JJ shrugs, smiling at her innocently. "The fuckers have work today, so it's just you and me until three. So, what are the plans?" JJ asks, heading tilting. Kenzie rolls her eyes and picks her phone up from the ground.
    "Who said I wanted to hang out with you?" Kenzie jokes. JJ pouts and crosses his arms like a child throwing a tantrum. "I'm kidding, J." Kenzie laughs, pushing JJ's arm lightly. "I thought that I should clean my room but would rather play games," Kenzie suggests.
    "I say we play games all day," JJ inputs, causing Kenzie to giggle. Her eyes catch the Hello Kitty band-aid still stuck on his chin, heightening her giggles into a real laugh. "What?" JJ asks, forgetting the bandaid is stuck there.
    "You have a kitty on your face," She laughs. JJ's hand slaps the plaster and starts to giggle as well. "You look so stupid," Kenzie continues to laugh as JJ claws the Hello Kitty off of his face.
    "You're the one who forced me to wear it last night," JJ exclaims, rolling up the bloody band-aid and tossing it to the floor. "What's the plan, Ken?" He asks, trying to forget the way his heart melted when Kenzie kissed the wound late last night. It didn't mean anything - to either of them - but it was such an innocently sweet thing Kenzie always did to make JJ feel a little bit better.
    McKenzie rolls her eyes, picks up JJ's disgusting plaster between two fingers, and takes it to the kitchen trash can. "I'm always picking up after you disgusting idiots," Kenzie says, shaking her head as she walks back to the living room. JJ just smiles a Cheshire cat-type smile as he lounges on the couch. "Pick a game, Loser," Kenzie instructs as she plops down next to him.
    JJ starts up her game system and scrolls through her options before landing on a first-person shooter he knew he'd beat Kenzie at. As she takes the remote, JJ grabs her legs and sets them on his own. She squeals slightly as she gets pulled closer to him, practically sitting in his lap. When given a questioning look from Kenzie, he just shrugs and starts the game. He just needed a little extra physical love this morning.
    The two yell and push each other when the opposite kills them during their numerous rounds. Kenzie's tongue sticks out the corner of her mouth as she concentrates on the game in front of her. JJ takes notice when he glances over at her.
    Kenzie's hunched over, feet planted firmly on the ground instead of over his legs after he brutally killed her. The controller is clutched tightly in her hands as if the pressure she hit the buttons with would make the attacks hit JJ harder. Her tongue pokes out, and her eyes squint at the screen in concentration. JJ could feel his heart pick up in pace as a smirk spreads across McKenzie's face.
    "Bomb! Headshot, Maybank," Kenzie cheers, jumping up from her seat and doing a small victory dance in front of JJ. He forces the smile that creeps across his face down as Kenzie continues to dance. She was so happy that she won against JJ that she was practically glowing. Her smile spread so far across her face that her chin dimple appears.
    At this point, JJ knew there was something else besides beers and not eating causing his upset stomach. But it didn't hit him until Kenzie turned to face him, smiling wide and eyes bright, that the feeling came up, and he felt like he needed to throw up. Kenzie was one of the most beautiful people JJ's ever had the pleasure to have in his life. Both inside and out. But was he going to confront these feelings? He's JJ Maybank. Of course he won't.
    "I let you win," JJ pouts, crossing his arms and leaning back into the couch. Kenzie giggles and jumps on the couch next to him, knees tucked under her. JJ rolls his head to the side and glares at Kenzie. Her eyes glisten with victory as she stares back at the boy.
    "You didn't let me win; you got distracted," Kenzie points out. She obviously saw JJ staring and used that to her advantage. He wasn't as sneaky as he liked to think he was. Drool was practically flooding out of his mouth as he looked her over. Kenzie was a little flattered that JJ got distracted by her, but it also made her stomach clench.
    "Yeah? By what, Ken?" JJ prompts, sitting up so he's even with Kenzie. Something was yelling at him to lean in, to make a move on his best friend. JJ knew he shouldn't, but the urge to kiss those pretty pink lips grows the longer he looks at them.
    "My unfathomable beauty," Kenzie teases, leaning closer to JJ unconsciously. JJ smirks and glances down at Kenzie's lips again. They just looked so fucking kissable right now. Kenzie's tongue pokes out and licks the soft skin, egging JJ on more.
    Kenzie can feel JJ's breath fan across her face as they slowly gravitate towards each other. This was wrong on so many different levels. They were best friends, and there was the no-Pouge-on-Pouge macking rule. But being this close and this intimate was causing both teens to get upset stomachs and throw caution to the wind.
    The garage door swings open harshly, and the deputy follows soon after, carrying his empty dishes and looking around frantically for something. Kenzie jumps to the opposite side of the couch while JJ leans back into the soft sofa cushions casually. As if they weren't about to kiss.
    "What are you looking for, Dad?" Kenzie asks, scratching the back of her neck. Shoupe takes one look at the teens and rolls his eyes. They looked like love-sick puppies who longed for the other's sole attention.
    "I got to the station and realized I left my badge at home. Have you seen it?" Victor asks, still looking in the kitchen.
    "You didn't have it this morning, so it's probably still upstairs, in your room, on your dresser," Kenzie says, knowing exactly where Shoupe keeps his personal belongings. He sighs out a thank you and goes to retrieve it. The teens stay silent and avoid all eye contact.
    This had got to be the most embarrassing situation Kenzie has ever been in. It was getting hotter in the room by the second, and Kenzie and JJ continue to ignore the other's presence in stiff silence.
    Kenzie's dad yells down that he's found as he trots down the stairs. He places a quick kiss on his daughter's head and eyes JJ suspiciously before bidding his goodbyes and running out the door. The friends continue to sit in silence, staring at the floor, before Kenzie breaks the silence.
    "Are we going to talk..."
    "No," JJ answers curtly and picks up a remote. "Let's just play." Kenzie agrees silently and goes back to fighting JJ, who won't let up on the poor girl.
Taglist: @queenofallhobos @gwenlovesharrystyles @gviosca @x-lulu​ @cognacdelights​
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imagine-docx · 4 years
for b.
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Summary: The three times Bucky was insecure, and the one time you proved you loved him with your entire heart. [continuation of sneaky] [chubby!neighbour!au]
Warnings: body shaming, self doubt, swearing
A/N: the amount of love i got on sneaky is astronomical! thank you all for reading my work, and for those of you who asked, here’s a lil part 2 for you. - amanda 💛
if you haven’t read sneaky, click here to read it. reading it isn’t necessary, but many highly recommend reading it. 
You’ve made thousands of horrible decisions over the course of your life, but dating James Buchanan Barnes is not one of them. Dating him is probably one of the best things to happen to you. You still get butterflies anytime he picks you up from work, spontaneously calls you, random ‘i love you texts’, the entire works.
Since dating Bucky, you’ve seen his insecurities at an all time high. Which was completely understandable considering what happened to him in his last relationship.
For the first three weeks, he always tried hiding his metal arm. That was until one night you two were watching a movie in your living room and you practically had to crawl into his metal arm and reassure you loved him, metal arm or not.
He constantly shied away from your cell phone’s camera. Which ultimately resulted in you taking cute couple photos when he was asleep, and his face was buried in your neck, but he doesn’t know those photos exist.
One night the two of you were working at your living room table and he bent to give you a slice of pie, and his stomach accidentally brushed your arm. Which resulted in word vomit from him apologizing, and you opening the floodgate of reassurance telling him not to apologize and he was the cutest thing to exist.
The longer the two of you dated, it got slightly better, but still your heart ached at the fact that he doesn’t see himself as worthy enough to date you.
The morning after the first time you two had sex, was probably the worst you’ve seen him at.
That morning he rolled over to wrap his arm around you, but that was until he was greeted with a cold and empty space next to him. He opened his eyes and realized you were gone. He rolled back onto his back and covered his eyes with his flesh arm, and felt the tears form in his eyes. He knew you would be too disgusted at his naked body, and were right to run when you could.
He suddenly felt a weight straddling him, as well as a pair of soft hands cradle his face, “Baby? What’s wrong?”
His eyes snapped open, there you were in one of his old red henleys and your panties, “You’re here? I thought you left,” he managed to stammer out.
“Alpine looked like he was about to kill you if you withheld food from him for another twenty minutes. Though I love Alpine, I love having a super cuddly boyfriend more,” you said stroking the stubble that littered his jaw, “Now what’s got my baby boy upset?”
“I thought you left after seein-” you cut him off before he even got to his point.
“Nope, and I never will,” you looked into his eyes, “Buck, I love you for you. Six pack or not. Metal arm or not. That doesn’t change the fact that I love you, and will continue to love you.” You pushed the stray strands of hair out of his face, “I fell in love with that heart of gold you have. The one that cooks me dinner when I work late because he’s worried I'm not eating good. Or when he comes and picks me up out of nowhere for coffee. Or all those times we’ve cuddled while watching movies and you pretend you don’t fall asleep. Hell even when you’re pissed off at Mario Kart. I love everything about you.”
Bucky teared up once again before pulling you into his arms and engulfing you in the tightest hug you’ve ever gotten. He buried his face into your hair, “I love you so much doll.”
“I love you more Buck, don’t forget that,” you said stroking his back.
“Can we stay here all day?” He asked.
“As much as I want to say yes, we need food,” you said, as he pulled away and looked into your eyes.
“All the food I need is here,” he said squeezing at your hips.
“Listen babe, as much as this is fun, you worked up an appetite. I’m gonna need to eat if you’re gonna be jumping at my bones all day,” you said stroking his hair, “I got Wanda to drop off bagels and coffee, so we need to eat.”
He groaned before letting out a, “Fine.” He untangled himself from you, and got up and put on a pair of boxers, he looked back to see you looking at him biting your lower lip. “Are you checking me out?”
“Why wouldn’t I? You’re the hottest thing to walk this earth,” you said getting up from the bed.
He wrapped his arms around your waist before planting a peck onto your lips, “I love you.”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, “I love you more. Now go brush your teeth and I’ll meet you downstairs.”
He planted another soft one before releasing you, and the moment he turned around, he felt a light tap on his ass. He turned back to see you practically ran out of the bedroom giggling. You would be the death of James Buchanan Barnes.
The rest of your day consisted of random love making on random surfaces, cuddling, napping and eating.
The second time you’ve caught his insecurities at a high was one night that the entire office had to go for drinks late in the evening and he shot you a ‘SOS’ text.
You let yourself in with the key he gave you and made your way up to his bedroom, walking in, you saw the amount of clothing that buried his bed, and Alpine snuggled against one of his military green t-shirts.
You saw Bucky’s back in the closet, you quickly lifted up Alpine who meowed at you, and took the shirt and hid it under your body.
He didn’t know you were there, because he walked back and threw yet another set of clothes and yelped when he saw you were there, “Jesus Christ doll, warn me when you’re here next time.”
“Now as much as I love fashion, I didn’t think you were into it. So what’s happening?” You asked him, as he held up two shirts against his body in the mirror.
“Office drinks, and I have no clue what to wear. I was hoping my fashionable girlfriend would help her clueless boyfriend out,” he said turning around and pouting at you.
“I guess I have to put my job to use,” you jokingly said.
Looking at the pile of clothes on his bed, you knew he was searching for too long before he sent you the text. Kind of like how you can tell how old a fossil is based on how much material is on top of it.
“Did I break my girlfriend? Does she not even know where to start?” He jokingly asked.
“No, just my boyfriend being stupid and not realizing he looks cute in everything he wears,” you responded, looking under his pile of clothes.
He could feel his cheeks burn up, he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face into your hair, “Thank you.”
You managed to pull out a military green bomber jacket, a black t-shirt and some black jeans. “Bam, an outfit.”
He kissed your hair before pulling away, “Thank you doll.”
He was about to walk into the washroom to change, “Where do you think you’re going?” You asked.
“To change in the washroom?” He said, confused.
“Change here,” you said.
“A-are you sure?” He stuttered out.
“Buck, I’ve seen you naked thousands of times, this isn’t any different,” you said reassuring him.
He walked back to the bed, and slowly peeled his current outfit off of his body and replaced it with the one you provided him.
“What do you think?” He asked.
“I think that this would look better on the floor,” you said slyly.
He chuckled before throwing the shirt he was previously wearing at you, “Jokes on you, you’re never getting this back.”
“That’s fine with me doll, you look better in my clothes than I do,” he said.
“Are you sweet talking me to avoid paying me for styling services?” You faked offence.
“Is it working?” He joked back.
“A little,” you said fanning yourself.
He laughed, before coming around the other side of the bed, and wrapped his arms around your waist, and you instantly wrapped your arms around his neck. “Will you be here when I come back?” He asked.
“Can I borrow your Disney plus then?” You asked.
“Of course doll, you can have anything you want,” he said kissing your forehead.
“I think you made the worst decision telling me that,” you responded, burying your face into his chest.
“And why’s that?” he hummed out.
“I’m stealing your entire closet, and maybe your cat,” you said.
“I said what I said doll, you look better in my clothes.”
He felt this sense of warmth knowing his girlfriend picked out this outfit and he wore a smile with confidence, which didn’t go unnoticed by Sam. And Sam being the number one hype man he is, kept telling Bucky that if he didn’t have a girlfriend he would have snatched him by now.
He came home later than he anticipated, and heard the soft sounds of the tv playing from his room. He walked into his room hoping you were awake, but his heart melted at the site of you curled up in his bed, wearing his shirt, with his cat next to your sleeping form.
He let the TV softly play while he went to shower so he doesn’t wake you. He came back, moved Alpine to his bed on the floor, and crawled underneath the covers with you.
He thought his heart couldn’t get anymore mushy after seeing you in bed, but the moment he laid down, you curled up into his arms, and his heart exploded.
Turning off the TV, he got comfortable with you before falling asleep.
Bucky sat on your couch reading over one of the files for work, while you were typing away at your laptop. Your eyes were starting to hurt while you were finishing the final details for the fall fashion show that is supposed to happen within the next month.
Pushing yourself away from your laptop, you turned to study your boyfriend. He was in sweats, had his hair pulled back in a low bun, and were innocently chewing on the tip of his pen. “Babe?” You called out.
“Hmm?” He hummed out.
“I need to talk to you,” you responded.
He was still staring at the file in his hand, “Shoot doll.”
“I need your attention,” you responded.
He looked up, only to have you throw yourself into his arms and stay there. “Okay what do you want to talk about?” He asked.
“Nothing,” you responded.
“But you wanted my attention?” He asked, even more confused.
“That’s literally it, I needed your attention,” you said burying your face into his shirt.
He chuckled before tossing the file and pen onto the coffee table in front of him, he wrapped his arms around you. “And I thought I was the needy one.”
“How can I resist myself when I have a hunk of meat sitting on my couch?” You asked.
He rubbed gentle circles into your back, “Hunk? Never heard that one.”
“There’s a first time for everything.”
“I guess you’re right about that part doll.”
“Have you ever been to a fashion show?” You asked.
“Not in my lifetime,” he responded.
“Come to the one I have next month?” You asked.
“Will my pretty girlfriend be there?” He asked.
“Of course,” you responded.
“Then I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he said squeezing you.
It was the morning of the fashion show, and Bucky once again found himself panicking and not knowing what to wear. But this time he couldn’t send a ‘SOS’ to you because you were at work doing last minute touches on the show.
He turned around from his closet only to be greeted by Sam and Steve, “Jesus Christ,” he put a hand over his heart, “Do you knock?”
“No,” Steve responded as Sam dangled the spare key Bucky hid outside.
“Fuck both of you,” he grumbled.
“Listen, your girlfriend sent us because she knew you would have a heart attack picking out an outfit, and she also sent us tickets,” Steve said.
“And I’m gonna make sure my baby boy is dressed real nice,” Sam said, “Now move and let uncle Sam work his magic,” Sam continued before going into Bucky’s closet.
It was 4:30, Sam, Steve and Bucky were standing in the venue sipping champagne whilst waiting for the hall to open for seating. Looking around, Bucky felt so out of place, “You look good Buck,” Steve noticed and reassured him.
“Of course Buck looks good, my man looks good all the time,” Sam said.
“Your man? I’m convinced he’s mine,” he heard a familiar voice from behind him. He turned around and had the air knocked out of him.
There you were, in a long sleeved black sequined shirt, that was tucked into your black shorts, and a pair of knee high heels. Even though it was simple, you were the only person who stood out in the room.
“Sam may be wrong about that, I’m only yours,” he said wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you into him.
“Sorry Sam, I won this round,” you joked.
“I got the two of you together and now you’re the sole owner for him? I call bullshit,” Sam retaliated.
“Okay fine, you get him Monday to Friday, and I get him weekends,” you negotiated.
“Now you’re talking.” Sam responded.
You heard someone call out your name, knowing you had to be pulled backstage yet again. “I gotta go, I’ll see you after?” You asked.
“Of course,” he said, before you pecked his lips and disappeared to where Carol called you.
“Tinman got some game,” Tony said coming up to the group.
“I didn’t know you were invited,” Steve said.
“I’m always invited to these things Cap, and lucky for you I am sitting next to you guys,” Tony responded, stealing Bucky’s champagne.
Bucky didn’t realize what was happening until Sam nudged his ribcage, “All of those look like things you would wear.”
And yes it was. There were henley’s, t-shirts, sweaters, jeans, sweatpants, hell they were in colours he would wear too, black, red, navy blue, military green, etc. It looked like someone took Bucky’s entire closet and remade all of his clothes and put it on display for him to see.
He also realized there were models of different sizes, some with prosthetics, and he felt his heart swell. He knew you managed to convince everyone there to do this. He never thought you would do it on such a grand scale of doing it at a fashion show.
For the remainder of the show, he sat there with the biggest smile on his face and it didn’t even falter, not even once.
Bucky waited for you to finish up before taking you out for milkshakes and a walk in the park. Since it was colder than when you left this morning, he draped his suit jacket on you, and held your hand. You were sipping on your milkshake before Bucky asked, “Did you put together the entire show for me?”
“What gave it away? The fact I literally stole your closet to do this? Or the fact it’s called ‘For B.’?” You asked.
He nearly choked on his milkshake, “You named it what?”
You stopped and looked him in the eye, “‘For B.’ because it’s for Bucky. I know you always talk about how you aren’t as pretty as models, which is a complete lie might I add and they don’t wear what you wear. So I thought, why not make it for you. I’m sorry if you don’t li-”
You were cut off by Bucky engulfing you into his arms, “Doll, no one has ever done that for me.”
“I love you Buck,” you said looking up at him.
“I love you more doll,” he said, kissing you.
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verymuchimmortalcat · 3 years
Maribat March Day 4: Internet Friends
Marinette looked up from her phone as she heard a notification go off on her laptop. She had just finished posting the pictures from the photo shoot for her first official line. After years of making items for mainly Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale, she had released her first line under the pseudonym of MDC at the age of 17, a year after Hawkmoth’s defeat. One message from Arrow Girl, it was a message from Cissie, which given that she had just released a new line wasn’t that surprising it just meant that Cissie had stayed up past midnight again. It should be around 3 am for her right now. Opening the message, she laughs.
So, yeah Cissie didn’t know she was MDC and sue her, Marinette found it funny how Cissie ranted about her designs to her. It’s not like Cissie didn’t laugh when Marinette obsessed over the costumes on TV and the people wearing them.
Designs&Coffee: Ya, I did
Which one’s your favourite piece?
Arrow Girl: The second one
It’s a master piece
Designs&Coffee: I love that one the most too!!!!!
That was true, the only thing Cissie didn’t know was that she designed that piece.
“Marinette, Adrien’s here,” her mother called suddenly.
“Coming Maman,” she replied.
Designs&Coffee: I’ve got to go, my mom’s calling
Talk later. You should sleep.
Arrow Girl: Says the girl with Coffee in her username
Closing her laptop, Marinette headed downstairs, grabbing the Black Cat miraculous on her way. Adrien visited from London once a month but he had left behind his miraculous saying that he’d rather put it all behind with everything his father did. But both him and Plagg missed each other so Plagg came along on their monthly visits. Marinette still wore her earrings and Tikki went with her everywhere but she was more of a pocket best friend at this point then a pocket goddess who gave her the ability to become a superhero. Both Cat Noir and Ladybug had retired after Hawkmoth, they dealt with a miraculous threat and if another arose, they’d be there to help, but for right now the two of them were focusing on their goals and dreams outside superheroing. That was actually how she had ended up talking to Cissie, some random person had started questioning young heroes retiring online, and Cissie and Marinette had both jumped to the defence and they had just continued talking. That had been about six months ago. Now, they spoke almost every day.
Marinette hugged Adrien as soon as she saw him, calling out a bye to her parents she dragged him out of the bakery and they headed to the park. They had a few hours to catch up before they had to meet Alya and Nino.
A week or so later, Cissie was stuck in the makeup chair when she heard the notification that she had set for M’s messages go off.
Arrow Girl: I could tell.
Designs&Coffee: I feel like you should be more excited.
Sometimes, Cissie wondered how M didn’t figure it out. Her username was Arrow girl, she knew her first name was Cissie and M knew that she was working in the movie industry. But then M treated her like a normal human being and not like those other fans and Cissie really didn’t want that to change that at first, she knew now that she would not treat her differently but Cissie had no idea how to go about telling her that I’m the actress you fangirl about.
However, before she could reply to M she was called so they could start shooting. Telling her that she had to go, she’d talk later and that she should take her own advice about sleep, she rushes out onto set.
A few months later, Cissie’s agent gets her an audition for a period drama set in the 1800s when women walked around with corsets and large skirts and Cissie for some reason agreed to audition. So, she auditioned and got the part. The first week on set was just them going over the beginning measurements for the costumes and other things like that. When she asked the director, who was going to be designing the costumes, he said that it was a rather high-profile designer who would be arriving in L.A. next week. That confused Cissie, this movie wasn’t that much of a big deal that they got a high-profile designer. She decided to ask the assistant director who seemed to be a boy around her age, so maybe seventeen or eighteen, who seemed to be always wearing a cap and headphones.
She went ahead and introduced herself to him, holding out her hand and saying, “Hi! I’m Cissie King-Jones.”
He laughed and shook her hand, “I know dudette, you’re the star in the movie. I’m Nino Lahiffe.”
He had an accent she thought was French but she wasn’t quite sure. “I was wondering about the designer, the director said it was a high-profile designer and that they would be arriving next week-“
“And then he asked you to talk to me?” he asked with a smile.
“No? Should he have?”
He chuckled, “The designer is one of my best friends, we’ve been friends since we were about five. She wanted to work on something different and when I suggested this she agreed immediately. Honestly, I think she only agreed because you’re on this movie but who knows with her.”
“Well then, I look forward to meeting her.”
Marinette had arrived in L.A. the day before and was now headed to set with Nino. She was nearly shaking with excitement; she was going to meet the Cissie King-Jones. Nino was laughing at her excitement, “you’re being mean,” she said.
“And you’re acting like a little child, when all of us know when you actually meet her, you’ll be too busy in your designing mode to actually say anything to her, so I took the liberty to do so for you.”
“You did what?” she screeched, earning weird looks from people around them.
“I told her that her being in the movie was probably the actual reason you agreed to work on it. Which is undeniably the truth. Feel free to thank me later.”
“I’m never going to thank you. She probably thinks I’m some crazy fan now.”
“You need to stop catastrophising, Mari. It’ll all be fine in the end.”
“Why am I friends with you?”
“We’ve been friends for too long and now you no longer know how to survive without me.”
She snorted at that, “keep telling yourself that, Nino. Keep telling yourself that.”
Cissie was talking to one of the other members in the cast, when she saw Nino walk in with a petite girl, with shoulder length black hair and blue eyes, who was carrying a few sketch books and a bag that looked really heavy to be carried by someone that small.
When the makeup artist told her she was done, Cissie headed in the direction of Nino and who was probably the designer. Joining the two of them, she held her hand out to the designer, “you must be the designer, I’m Cissie King-Jones.”
“Hi, it’s wonderful to meet you. I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
Cissie definitely didn’t know that name, her confusion must’ve been clear on her face because Marinette laughed, “I don’t go by that in the fashion industry, I’m MDC.”
Cissie took a bit to process that bit of information, she was meeting one of her favourite designers ever who was apparently a fan of hers. She was in heaven, she had to be.
“I love your work. Your new line was breath taking. I loved the second piece the most, the colours and design were amazing,” she blurted out, before she could think clearly.
Marinette just laughed, a clear sounding laugh, and said, “Thank you, I’m really glad to hear that. The second piece on the line happens to be my favourite too. And I think your work is amazing too.”
Cissie smiled, “Thank you.”
And then they proceeded to talk while Marinette showed her the designs and ideas she had.
Marinette and Nino returned to the hotel late in the evening and were hanging out in his room.
“I told you that you need to stop catastrophising and everything turned out fine.”
“Why yes, thank you Nino,” she drawled sarcastically.
“I thought you were never going to thank me?”
“Sarcasm, my dear friend. Sarcasm.”
“So, you were being sarcastic when you said you would never thank me ‘cause it sure didn’t sound like it.”
Throwing a pillow at his face and calling out a Good night Marinette ran to her room. She opened her laptop to check if she had missed any messages. There were 10 messages from Arrow Girl. Opening their chat Marinette wondered what Cissie had sent. What she saw left her feeling shocked and incredibly stupid. In hindsight it was extremely obvious but then again she didn’t know Adrien was Cat Noir until he detransformed in front of her.
Arrow Girl: M!!!!!!!!!!!
She thought about her reply for about a minute and the sent it off.
Designs&Coffee: I’m sure she didn’t think you were awkward.
She was probably concentrating more on the fact that she was talking to CISSIE KING-JONES
Her response was instantaneous.
Arrow Girl: How can you be so sure?
Also how did you finally figure out that I’m that Cissie
Designs&Coffee: I’m so sure because I’m that M
As in the M in MDC. Also how I figured you were that Cissie
Hi again! I’m Marinette. I’m 17 and sorta run a fashion empire
Arrow Girl: Cissie King-Jones. I’m seventeen too and currently an actress.
Marinette breathed a sigh of relief, she was worried that this might’ve ended badly
Arrow Girl: Wanna actually hang out tomorrow?
Designs&Coffee: sure!
Cissie woke up two mornings later to nearly a hundred notifications on her phone. About twenty of the notifications were from news channels, which was strange she was supposed to get those only when her name was mentioned in an article and 20 articles in a day were strange. There were another fifty from Bart, which happened occasionally. Ten each from Cassie and Marinette. And a few messages each from Tim, Kon, Greta and Anita.
Checking the news articles first because they would probably give some insight on the dozens of messages, she saw that someone had seen her out with Marinette yesterday and taken a photo which the tabloids had eaten up like starved wolves.
Bart had clearly lost patience fast, his messages were getting more and more pleading as she scrolled through all fifty. Laughing she told him that she had just woken up and would answer all his questions, and she and Marinette weren’t together it was just a misunderstanding, like the one Tim deals with all the time. Kon, Anita and Greta used to the several articles that came with Tim had picked out articles that had the most ridiculous theories and had sent it to her. Cassie had done the same along with several other questions. Choosing to answer Cassie first, she calls Cassie and spends nearly an hour talking to her even though it took Cissie only five minutes to explain the whole tabloid mess. Tim had sent a message saying “welcome to the world where if you’re seen outside your house with someone, everyone is going to believe you’re in a relationship.” Cissie just responded with a laughing face emoji.
Marinette had apologised for her friends’ behaviour, strange as that was. Saying that if she gets e-mails from Adrien Agreste, Luka Couffaine, Alya Césaire or Kagami Tsurugi it would be best to ignore them. They were just over protective and annoying. Cissie pointedly ignored how Marinette had casually brought up four very prominent people in the world. Apparently Marinette’s friends not used to the whole invasiveness of paparazzi had decided to deliver Cissie a shovel talk over e-mail before Marinette could clear up the confusion with her friends. She had also added that they were supposed to apologise and to please tell her if they didn’t.
And that was when she remembered her own friends’ highly similar behaviour and sent a text in the Young Justice group chat that she’d use them as moving target practice if they decide to induct her into their group with threats, and then sent another message to Tim to stop whatever extensive background check he was doing. She groaned as she got a smiley face in reply. Then the notification she had set for Marinette went off.
Designs&Coffee: I’ve been meaning to ask you about why you had all the points you had for young heroes retiring???? so, uh, why did you?
Groaning she flopped back onto the bed, this was going to be one hell of a day.
So my thoughts on how it would go ahead:
Marinette and Cissie meet up to talk about her text but Cissie doesn't really tell her about Arrowette. She changes the topic, after all Marinette was also ready with several points on the same topic. Maybe they eventually tell each other maybe they don't, i don't exactly know.
Marinette's friends calm down pretty soon after, Alya takes some more time but eventually calms down too.
When Cissie says, 'Marinette had casually brought up four very prominent people in the world', Its because at this point Adrien's run as a model still hasn't died out with it being only a year after Hawkmoth's defeat. Kagami is a world famous fencer, Luka joins Jagged Stone on tour and becomes pretty famous too and Alya listened to Marinette, (It ends up being Marinette and Adrien after the reveal who get through to her), she ends up making a name for herself in the year after Hawmoth's defeat, though her work still focuses around heroes/vigilantes which is why Cissie knows her, she's not really that prominent outside France.
Sometime after Cissie finishes talking to Cassie and sees Marinette's text Bart shows up demanding answers. They don't actually know it's Marinette, as in they don't know her name. Marinette Dupain-Cheng isn't really well known, MDC is, and no one knows who MDC is. Tim would probably do a facial recognition scan find out who she is and continue on with his extensive background check and probably figures out she's MDC somewhere along the way. Traya asks about Marinette the next time she sees Cissie
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johnhawkens · 3 years
(Quick CW: minor mention of blood and very minor injury, some description of depression/anxiety)
Okay strap yourselves in for this one:
It’s 0500 or 5am. I had just spent the last 12 hours in some sleep fugue state from some medication issues trying to get my brain back on track. Nevermind the extremely vivid dreams that included training to be a samurai in some dude’s house, stealing slushies from some labyrinthine cafeteria/buffet in the underground of a hotel, flying with my arms and meeting the cast of Good Omens (I still have yet to watch it yet), and trying to contact Lupin III for help while a family laughs at me for failure to eat some rapidly melting chocolate cup thing; (And those are just the ones I remember) my body feels like it just got run over a dozen times.
As I'm debating if consciousness is really worth it at this moment, my adorable cat Truffles decides that she is insulted that I ignored her all day by sleeping and wants my attention right MEOW. I'm too sluggish to want to move, so she gives me a defiant nip and runs off. Ouch.
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(she's lucky she's so darn cute)
So I haul myself out of bed to make sure she has food and water and immediately bash my toe on my chair, partially breaking my nail.
Double ouch!
So by the time I'm done helping her, it's understandable that I am dizzy, shaky, my mind is still foggy, I'm in pain, am ravenously hungry and dehydrated, and completely resenting my existence at this moment. I almost just give up right there and toss my carcass back into bed, but thirst drives me to throw on my robes and shamble out of my room like the crypid I am.
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(Mothman has nothing on me)
I get some water from the kitchen and debate if I want to warm up the food my BFF got for me while I was dead to the world, or if I just want to shuffle back to bed and ignore life for a few more hours. However, I've also just spent the last 12 or so hours sweating intermittently in bed. (my temp goes even more haywire when I'm having med issues) No matter what I end up doing, I really want to wash up. I still feel pretty miserable, but I know it'll be worse until I'm at least clean.
I debate a shower when the sudden idea of a bath springs into my mind unbidden. I haven't had a bath for years. I consider it when depression decides to try to rear its ugly head. I remember clumsy past baths, body image issues, etc. I almost give up entirely right here.
No! I grit my teeth and fight it. I have extremely bad depression and anxiety as of late but I know if I let it constantly win at all the small things, how can I get back on my feet with the big things?
Bath time it is.
So first of all, my BFF is asleep. Her door is just one away from the bathroom and while she has the weekend off and is usually good once asleep, I don't want to wake her up. That means pulling both her door mostly closed as well as the bathroom door mostly closed and hoping it won't be too loud. (Only partially because her cats need to reach their litterbox or food in different rooms, and Truffles will want to make sure I'm still alive with all that water noise.) Her husband and our other roomate are awake downstairs, so I don't need to worry about them.
I take some medicine for my headache, put bactine on my bite and toe and start up the bath. While it's filling, I go back to the kitchen to get water and the BAWLS energy drink I got earlier. (Probably not the best to do on an empty stomach, but whatever.)
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(I love joking about the fact I have to get two every time we go grocery shopping because I am very mature)
I even remembered to get a plastic cup from the kitchen to wash my hair with! (I was proud of remembering this detail) Back to the bedroom to get my phone so I can relax and watch Youtube or read some fan fic and I hustle back to the tub.
Remember the title?
I just needed to set the stage first, right? Things had been rough for the little bit I had been conscious. And here I was, about to settle in and feel accomplished.
I sort of did at first even. Climbing in, I managed to find a decent bit of water to soak in. Most baths really don't fit me (more on that in a bit), but it was alright, and I was prepared to enjoy it anyway.
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This is what a typical bathtub looks like here, though most I've seen have a slant in the back for "resting" though I have no idea why they bother. Perfect for a kid, and I'm sure some people can fit alright in these. I, however, cannot.
Look up tubs online and you will see some of the most magical things out there. Massive jacuzzi tubs, couples tubs with bubblers, beautiful giant tubs that look like they were carved out of stone, or super high tech looking ones with lights all over.
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If I ever can save up enough money in my life, I am getting a nice tub, or at least a nice soaking tub.
Now I know that I am a larger gentleman, and that certainly doesn't help, but I can barely sit with my legs folded and I've never had a bath actually cover my whole body, or even most of it. More than anything, they feel like convenient driptrays for showers. They are also terrible at heat retention! (This is extra irritating since many studies have shown that hot soaks serve so many health benefits, it's not even funny) So if you want your water to stay warm for any length of time, you better crank that dial up so that you can cook for a while until it's something more pleasant. (I know I'm a little bit of a heat baby, but it's worse when half of you is boiling and the other half is freezing) And I'm not just talking a little bit warm, I'm talking let's try to resemble a sulfur pool (not the nice spa resort ones), or just cut straight to volcanic lava.
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(hey at least I'd know I'd fit here!)
A lot of tongue and cheek, and a hefty bit of complaining was really to add emphasis to what happened only about 5 minutes into the bath.
The water was already growing cold.
Now part of this was totally my fault. It'd been so long since I'd last had a bath I forgot how fast it cooled. So when I set what was pretty warm to me for a shower, I was inviting disaster. It didn't help that I forgot to bring in a different kind of soap, so I was stuck in lukewarm water with little chunks of moisturizing, exfoliating soap faeries and two little blood clot faeries from the noosebleed I had, had right before I entered. Not at all the relaxing bubblebath I was planning on.
But this could be fixed! A quick drain and I could refill and grab a different soap!
So I shuffle painstakingly slowly so as to not accidentally soak the entire bathroom floor and discover that I am just a bit too chubby to completely reach the drain easily. Ahh well, I'll just get out and do it that way!
Then I realize I have no idea how to haul my handsome flub out of this tub. The next couple minutes are spent in what had to be the most hilarious slow-motion (can't flood the room!) gymnastics in which I contorted every which way and slowly filled with dread that I might need to call for help. The prospect was not just humiliating, it meant calling my BFF out of sleep, or texting the husband downstairs. I'm a trans man so while I know none of them would be rude, this was going to be awkward at best.
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(actual footage of me contemplating my impending doom)
However, I was filled with great determination and managed to haul myself onto my knees with only the tiniest bit of splashing and was able to shuffle around to face the drain. Now able to reach it much more comfortably, I turned to pull it open.
Nothing happened.
Okay, maybe I just forgot which way I had turned it and it was more complicated than just pulling. I know shower dials are complicated affairs, so maybe this was similar.
Nothing happened again.
I tried turning all over, I tried yanking, I tried turning /and/ yanking, I tried thinking at it very strongly and tried yanking even harder!
Again nothing happened. My headache was returning...
I began to feel a sense of exhaustion and despair. I tried again and again and started to berate myself internally for even trying a bath. For five minutes of lukewarm soaking, I was now tired from my water ballet, sore, still not clean yet, (I forgot it's best to kind of shower first then soak when you're less grungy) and I was facing a half full tub while hungry and cranky.
I couldn't be on my knees any longer since they were getting to cramped. I had to perch on the edge of the tub and kept at it for another ten or so minutes. At a few points I swore I could see a little space under the drain head, so I figured that maybe it was just very slow and I marked an old scar on my leg to compare water level by and waited.
Still. Friggin'. Nothing.
I had a headache, was hungry, still slightly out of it from my day of recovery sleep, and was feeling pretty miserable at this point. I tried looking up some solutions on my phone. Oh! Maybe it was clogged! One guide recommended using a plunger. Welp, if I used that I certainly needed to be out. I tried the plunger a few times and nothing changed. Or rather one thing had! The water was now absolutely gross between the soap, blood, and now possibly some remnants of plunger waste. So if I was going to ask for help, I needed to get some of that water out so they didn't have to touch so much of it.
So I slap on my robes, shuffle out grumbling under my breath and found a big enough plastic tub to help. I shuffle back, heaving the quietest of heavy sighs (my roomate is still asleep), and I start scooping out the water into the toilet for the next 5 or so minutes.
Sweating, exhausted, I finally message the husband on discord and ask him if there's some magical trick to this tub. He admits it had been ages since he'd last used it as a tub and says he'll be right up.
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(Oh you hellish little monster)
Husband arrives and starts trying everything I did. I may not have the greatest upper body strength, but it quickly proves that strength isn't the issue. He chuckles and says that he remembers having an issue like this when he attempted a bath about a year ago and had simply avoided baths in this tub ever since. Finally he asks for a butter knife from the kitchen and we strike up chatter while he pries.
"I had headphones on so I couldn't hear anything specific, but I kept hearing all these thuds upstairs." He chuckled. "I knew it wasn't from the kitchen and it didn't just sound like footsteps so I was beginning to wonder if you were okay."
I couldn't help but laugh at that. The idea of me flopping around like a seal out of water and then the dozen or so times the toilet automatically flushed as I poured water into it must have sounded quite confusing. Now we've both worked overnights, so the time wasn't that odd to us. But I've tried to stick to more daytime-ish living to make sure I didn't wake my BFF, could spend more time with people, and generally didn't try to tromple all over the house. He adds that American bathtubs just suck and I agree wholeheartedly with him.
And then, the sweetest music came to us. An unmistakable sound.
Turns out the little plastic or rubbery rim of the drain cap had become hyper sealed to the bottom part. It was starting to lift, yes. But the water pressure was so powerful, it was preventing anything from going down the drain and additionally not allowing it up high enough to change the pressure so it /could/ drain. I don't know all the science, or even all the right words to use. But the fact is, it worked and the tub finally fucking drained.
We shared a laugh and he told me not to worry about it, that it was definitely something up with the drain and nothing I had done. (I think maybe I accidentally made it worse with the plunger, but I'm not sure and the problem was at least there before it) I thanked him, he headed out to wash and get back to gaming and I finally had a working drain.
So I took a fucking shower.
Struck by how amusing this ultimately was in retrospect and needing to sit for a few before I thought about food, I decided that I needed to write out this story so I could just link it to friends and let them laugh with me. At least that would soothe my frustration.
Just for good measure, I had a much better intro, but Tumblr erased it all somehow while I tried to move the window and I had to start all over.
TLDR: American standard sized bathtubs suck, medication snafus / depression / anxiety sucks, and butter knives are the heroes of the day.
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I give you the hero of today, my good people
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