#it's just I've wanted Monk to feel powerful for so long.
mythicaldemonart · 10 months
So, I've been frustrated with Monk in DnD for a long time and I finally decided to write out my own ideas on how to rework it to allow it to finally be a viable pick over the other martial classes. Just a quick disclaimer, this has not been playtested yet, and I'm posting it here cause I don't really know what else to do with it. This is also just the base Monk abilities, any subclasses will most likely need to be altered/reworked to fit a lot of the reworks.
Okay, I also want to start off by explaining my reasoning here for such a drastic overhaul.
So the problem with Monk in my eyes is that it's caught in a "worst of both worlds" where the class feels like its trying to be a pseudo-caster class and a martial class at the same time, both your martial and caster abilities cost ki, and the ki system itself is practically interchangeable with the spell slot system. And you can't really buff either side in a meaningful way because they are both right on the cusp of being really strong, and that could make a Monk overpowered. And simply giving them more ki, or more ki regen options is a stopgap solution that can fix some of the problems, but doesn't really address the core of the issue. As a martial class, Monk cannot deal as much damage with physical attacks as the other martial classes, whilst also generally being less tanky than those same classes. And as a caster, Monk is far less versatile and capable than other caster classes. And like even some of their abilities that allow them to more easily get out of dangerous situations are a little less useful when the Rogue can do it too and without needing ki points to boot. So a lot of the advantages of being a Dex based martial character are kinda negated when you can just play a Rogue instead and have all the same benefits with almost none of the caveats. So yeah, like I said, it's the worst of both worlds.
But more than that, the whole class lacks a certain amount of its own unique identity, mechanics-wise. Basically anything that you like about Monk in its current form exists in a more powerful, more polished form on a different class. Want to be fast and Dex based for stealth and sleight of hand shenanigans? Play a Rogue. Want to be a martial character with lots of versatility? Battlemaster fighter. Do you want to just hit things with your fist and facetank all the damage? Literally just play a Barbarian. Do you want focus almost solely on casting, with a spell-casting resource that comes back from a short rest, whilst also still having the option to run up and hit things? Well do I have a class for you, its called being a Warlock. So yeah, I came to the conclusion that the first thing that needed changing is the ki system, which is long-overdue a complete overhaul in how it works. It's just a really uninspired design now; it may have worked back when it was first created, but it doesn't anymore, and it's holding the rest of the class back at this point. Monk being one of the weakest classes in 5e is a widely known issue in the DnD community and you can't always just iterate your way out of such fundamental issues with a class. Sometimes big problems require big redesigns. Monks are a class that is all about speed; you move fast and you hit fast. So with a lot of aspects about Monks being designed around the theme of speed, I wanted to tie their kit together with a theme of Momentum. My idea is that Monks are also persistent fighters, who can get stronger as they fight and can also draw a seemingly endless amount of strength from within. And even when they should be at their physical limit and be unable to move, much less fight, through channelling their spirit into all of their movements and also sheer force of will, they still refuse to slow down. And I wanted to reflect that mechanically in their ki system, in a way that could allow their physical attacks to be useful to their kit, and allow their spells and abilities to be more powerful, without pushing them completely into "unbalanced" territory. Oh, I also made them start with ki at level 1, because it's really dumb to me that they don't. It's like a level 1 Wizard not having spell slots, or a level 1 Barbarian not having Rage; it's just such an important part of their kit and they should have access to it from the get go. So here's a rough framework of the levels and abilities:
Unarmoured Defense
Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armour and not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.
Martial Arts
Your practice of martial arts gives you mastery of combat styles that use unarmed strikes and monk weapons, which are shortswords and any simple melee weapons that don't have the two-handed or heavy property.
You gain the following benefits while you are unarmed or wielding only monk weapons and you aren't wearing armour or wielding a shield.
You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and monk weapons.
You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your unarmed strike or monk weapon. This die changes as you gain monk levels: At 5th level it changes to a d6, at 11th level it becomes a d8, and at 17th level it becomes a d10.
When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or a monk weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action. For example, if you take the Attack action and attack with a quarterstaff, you can also make an unarmed strike as a bonus action, assuming you haven't already taken a bonus action this turn.
Certain monasteries use specialized forms of the monk weapons. For example, you might use a club that is two lengths of wood connected by a short chain (called a nunchaku) or a sickle with a shorter, straighter blade (called a kama).
Starting at level 1, your training allows you to harness the mystic energy of ki. Your access to this energy is represented by a number of ki points. The number of ki points you start with is equal to your Wisdom modifier. You regain ki points upto a number equal to your Wisdom modifier whenever you have a short or long rest. You can spend these points to fuel various ki features. You start knowing three such features: Flurry of Blows, Patient Defense, and Step of the Wind. You learn more ki features as you gain levels in this class.
Wearing armour of any kind, or equipping a shield weighs you down considerably and prevents you from opening your ki pathways. You cannot spend ki points whilst you are wearing armour, or using a shield. Some of your ki features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature's effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
Ki save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Flurry of Blows. Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn, you can spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.
Patient Defense. You can spend 1 ki points to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on your turn.
Step of the Wind. You can spend 1 ki points to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action on your turn, and your jump distance is doubled for the turn.
Ki Flows
Starting at 2nd level you gain the following:
Momentum strike. You gain a deeper understanding of ki and how it flows through your body, consecutively hitting enemies with your attacks allows you to open your ki pathways and channel more spiritual energy in the heat of battle. When you hit an enemy/enemies with two or more unarmed strikes or Monk weapon attacks, you may gain 1 ki point for each successful hit. Any ki points you gain from this ability lasts until either spent or until you have a short or long rest. Ki-Fatigue. You have the capability to gain frightening amounts of momentum on the battlefield, but you’re not a perpetual-motion machine, even birds that can fly non-stop for days need to rest at some point and you are no exception to this. You have a safe maximum number of ki points you can gain from Momentum Strike which is equal to your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier + your Monk level. This counts over multiple uses of the ability, and once the safe maximum number has been reached, you become Ki-Fatigued. While you are Ki-Fatigued, any ki gained using Momentum Strike is halved and rounded down. If you surpass half the safe maximum number (rounded down) again whilst you are Ki-Fatigued, you gain 1 point of exhaustion. Ki-Fatigue lasts until you have a short or long rest with meditation.
Unarmoured Movement
Starting at 2nd level, your speed increases by 10 feet while you are not wearing armour or wielding a shield. This bonus increases when you reach certain monk levels: at 6th level your speed bonus increases to 15ft, at 10th level your speed bonus increases to 20ft, at 14th level your speed bonus increases to 25ft, and at 18th level your speed bonus increases to 30ft.
Deflect Missiles
Starting at 3rd level, you can use your reaction to deflect or catch the missile when you are hit by a ranged weapon attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + your monk level.
If you reduce the damage to 0, you can catch the missile if it is small enough for you to hold in one hand and you have at least one hand free. If you catch a missile in this way, you can spend 1 ki point to make a ranged attack (range 20/60 feet) with the weapon or piece of ammunition you just caught, as part of the same reaction. You make this attack with proficiency, regardless of your weapon proficiencies, and the missile counts as a monk weapon for the attack.
Monastic Tradition
When you reach 3rd level, you commit yourself to a monastic tradition, chosen from the list of available traditions. Your tradition grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 11th, and 17th level.
Ki-Fueled Attack
Starting at 3rd level, if you spend 1 ki point or more as part of your action on your turn, you can make one attack with an unarmed strike or a monk weapon as a bonus action before the end of the turn.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a feat.
Slow Fall
Beginning at 4th level, you can use your reaction when you fall to reduce any falling damage you take by an amount equal to five times your monk level.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Stunning Strike
Starting at 5th level, you can interfere with the flow of ki in an opponent's body. When you hit another creature with a melee weapon attack, you can spend 1 ki point to attempt a stunning strike. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn.
Focused Aim
Starting at 5th level, when you miss with an attack roll, you can spend 1 to 3 ki points to increase your attack roll by 2 for each of these ki points you spend, potentially turning the miss into a hit.
Ki-Empowered Strikes
Starting at 6th level, your unarmed strikes count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. 
Your ki more freely flows through your body’s pathways, and can now be focused to the very tips of your extremities and then beyond into your aura; the outer-reaches of your ki can be hardened into vicious shockwaves that amplify your strikes into devastating blows. Starting at 6th level, you may spend 3 ki points a turn to gain the Concussive-Ki condition. Whilst you have the Concussive-Ki condition, your unarmed attacks also deal Force damage equal to your Martial Arts die.
Monastic Tradition feature
At 6th level, you gain one feature granted by your Monastic Tradition.
At 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area effects, such as a blue dragon's lightning breath or a fireball spell. When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Stillness of Mind
Starting at 7th level, you can use your action to end one effect on yourself that is causing you to be charmed or frightened.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 8th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a feat.
Unarmoured Movement improvement
At 9th level, you gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces and across liquids on your turn without falling during the move.
Purity of Body
At 10th level, your mastery of the ki flowing through you makes you immune to disease and poison.
Monastic Tradition feature
At 11th level, you gain one feature granted by your Monastic Tradition.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 12th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a feat.
Tongue of the Sun and Moon
Starting at 13th level, you learn to touch the ki of other minds so that you understand all spoken languages. Moreover, any creature that can understand a language can understand what you say.
Diamond Soul
Beginning at 14th level, your mastery of ki grants you proficiency in all saving throws.
Additionally, whenever you make a saving throw and fail, you can spend 1 ki point to reroll it and take the second result.
Timeless Body
At 15th level, your ki sustains you so that you suffer none of the frailty of old age, and you can't be aged magically. You can still die of old age, however. In addition, you no longer need food or water.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 16th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a feat.
Monastic Tradition feature
At 17th level, you gain one feature granted by your Monastic Tradition.
Empty Body
Beginning at 18th level, you can use your action to spend 4 ki points to become invisible for 1 minute. During that time, you also have resistance to all damage but force damage.
Additionally, you can spend 5 ki points to cast the astral projection spell, without needing material components. When you do so, you can't take any other creatures with you.
Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
If your DM allows the use of feats, you may instead take a feat.
Perfect Self
At 20th level, when you roll for initiative and have no ki points remaining, you regain a number of ki points equal to your Wisdom modifier.
Like I said, this is just a rough concept. But by overhauling ki this way, it allows you to more freely give monks more powerful abilities and ways of buffing their melee strikes that cost ki, without it being too broken. But I would love to hear thoughts and critiques on it. Thank you for reading this, and I hope that at least someone likes this idea
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spacebarbarianweird · 7 months
Hi! I love your headcanons and fics! Can I request Astarion and a Tav that is a follower of Bahamuth the platinum dragon? Could it be a Paladin, a Cleric or a Sorcerer?
Oh, this is a nice idea! I've already made Cleric of Selûne! Tav and Cleric of Latander!Tav - time to see rare gods!
Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon is the deity of good-aligned dragons and metallic dragons, being considered the first of their kind. He is a sworn enemy of Tiamat, the Scaled Tyrant, who is the queen of the chromatic dragons.
Astarion x Cleric of Bahamuth!Tav
You are forced into marriage when you were fifteen.
A common practice in your area but that doesn't make it any less awful.
Your husband, a man who has buried three wives before you, is eager to consummate the marriage.
You barely remember the first wedding night and the nights that follow.
Only pain, beatings, and humiliation.
So you decide to run.
Your husband's people have been hunting you like a doe until one day you met a monk.
The monk fight your husband's people with his bare hands.
You are free but for how long.
He is powerful. He is vindictive. He is unforgiving.
You beg the monk to take you with him and he agrees.
You spend a year learning under his training - he is a wise man, kind and intelligent.
He teaches you the ways of magic and secret knowledge of dragons.
You assist him in his travels and help the less fortunate.
One day, he reveals his true form to you.
He is Bahamuth, the god of good-aligned dragons, who prefers to live with mortals.
Оnce the initial shock wears off, you swear your allegiance to him.
The Dragon God makes you his priest, a cleric of the light domain.
Bahamut does not demand anything from you except that you be a good person - otherwise he receives his blessings from you. That is all. You are not obliged to obey him.
As your first mission, you are asked to go to Baldur's Gate and help people who suffer from the Absolute cult but on the way to the city you are kidnapped.
You manage to unite people around you - you strike hope in your companions.
Even in Astarion, though, he will never admit it.
He mocks your religion and your faith but you are patient and, with time, he becomes more accepting.
You don't how to react to his confession - the forced marriage and matrimonial rape made a mental block in your head.
You don't know how to love.
But you know how to care and, gods, Astarion needs a dragon to be saved from his misery.
Your relationship is rather asexual - you both aren't sure you ever want to have sex.
You destroy his master with Flamestrike and Daylight.
In the graveyard, you both forget all your traumas - and spend a night in each other's arms.
In the middle of the acts you almost get arrested for public misconduct but you make a fuss showing your cleric symbols.
It's not like the poor guardian knows Bahamut doesn't require having sex on the cemetery.
With the tadpole gone, you are adamant about finding Astarion a cure.
Not just an ability to walk in the sun, but the cure.
Bahamuth must know how to do that but you can't contact him though you feel his presence.
You and Astarion decide to travel through Faerun.
With time, Astarion accepts your faith. Sometimes he prays with you and he always listens to your theological lectures.
Unfortunately, when there is a vampire, there is a monster hunter.
Astarion is killed - and his body turns to ashes.
You are devastated.
It's unfair.
You deny Bahamuth and spend a year doing everything he despises.
Murders, debauchery, crimes.
One morning you wake in a dungeon cell with a very familiar monk as your cellmate.
Bahamuth listens to your cries and complaints and... ask to forgive him.
He is a god. A dragon. He doesn't understand mortals.
You ask him to return you Astarion and he agrees.
Besides, he's wanted to pay a visit to Hells a long time ago.
He keeps his promise - Astarion is back. Bahamuth says he is going to the Astral Sea and you will probably not meet again in your mortal life.
When Astarion opens his eyes, you are too busy cradling him in your arms to notice something is off.
His eyes are green and his skin isn't that pale.
There is a beating heart in his chest and he breathes.
A resurrected vampire is a mortal.
He needs time to get used to his mortal body but his vampiric years feel to him like a nightmare.
One day he confesses to you that as he was praying to gods to save him he never prayed to Bahamuth.
He just didn't know such a god existed.
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katyspersonal · 2 months
Hi there
I saw your post about Rellana & Messmer and i really want to know your interpretation of their relationship. Many insist on them being unrequited love but i couldn't really find any evidences that support this interpretation except Rellana's sword description in Eng because the Japanese version is different as it's says the fire & moon were always together .
Anon I am sorry I am so late fdhshf The usual: I was waiting to get to Messmer myself first after doing like 600 side things and then I forgor 😔
But for starters, a couple of funny things regarding the topic! First: I was actually dead sure they were canonically an item because of some thoughts I've heard from the fans early on!! And I got further into this confusion because I've misinterpreted Messmer's emblem as Fire + Twin Moon (since it is two circles overlapping and I first met it in the Castle Ensis), instead of Fire + Two Serpents that it IS! XD
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Second: I was instantly confused by the description of Rellana's helmet, because Rennala has brown hair in both concept art portrait and the ingame model. So, the long black hair could not have been a cute parting gift, right....? Well, we resolved it with the help of analysing Japanese text more (this post ( x )), and turned out Rennala DID give her own hair! x) I suppose her hair, or the part that sticks from under the crown, became brown under prolonged strong Amber Egg's light exposure (basically same as sunlight)! However for a month I believed that Rennala simply helped Rellana to tweak her appearance with Amber Egg's magic to charm Messmer better because they knew long black hair was his taste HFSDHFDSGSDG XDDD
So, I was convinced that they were soooo married that they were proudly putting the symbol of alliance of Fire and Moon everywhere. The wording in English 'chase after Messmer' and fanart didn't help x) So.. now it had cleared up a little. As for the Japanese text you're referring to, me and @heraldofcrow asked someone else about it for clarification!
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Japanese text breakdown from them is,
Ok, for the first one, she told me that the sentence/description, “ 月と火は、ここでは常に共にあった” has the word “常に” in it for “always.” (It’s “tsuneni” when Anglicized). This means “always, constantly.” So that one is correct. You have verify by even just looking up “tsuneni” in a Japanese dictionary, which I did. Seems right. So, yes the translation is “Moon and fire were constantly/always together here.”
I feel like this is further backed up by a certain other thing within Carians:
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Notice how both swords also have identical skill; the use of sorcery with a normal attack after assuming the stance, and the use of fire with a strong attack! Both deal normal, magic and fire damage types! The only thing different is that since then, the celestial body representing the 'sorcery' part changed from stars to Moon, however Carians do not forget their roots!
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So all flames, Messmer's included in the end, were an anathema to the Erdtree for the vision of the Cardinal Sin of burning it once (Fire Monks' incantations, Candletree Wooden Shield)!
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I see it as Rellana deciding it was bullshit sentiment and actually sorcerers, whether Stars or Moon ones, were supposed to be allies to fire powers, like their origins intended! Liurnia/Carians and the Erdtree became allies after the war ended with Rennala's and Radagon's marriage... Whereas at first Rellana was okay with following the new obligation, for one reason or another she decided to REJECT THE MODERNITY AND EMBRACE THE TRADITION!
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I am going to cuss localisation team again, because in Japanese original, the word that is here 'succor' is 癒 (月の輝きが、その男を癒せぬと知っていても) which means to heal! So, the sentiment is, her knowing that she could not fix him the horror plaguing him could not be treated, even with the magic/knowledge of Carians!
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Black Knight Commander Andreas and his son Huw stood by Messmer until they've learned WHY Marika "abandoned her son". At this rate I need a T-Shirt that says 'You could never be Tanith' because I need it OFTEN in this DLC hfsdhfds . If Rellana knew of his affliction and still chose to stand by him, that puts her on the level with his Fire Knights, and even his snakes! And we know that Messmer still does need friends, not just his mom.
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^ Unlike with the Cleanrot Knights of Malenia getting subjected to her Scarlet Rot by effect, Messmer's flame cannot infect others and it is just a curse for him and his two snake friends. However, Fire Knights attempted to share the burden with him and at least find the satisfaction in using his fire as is! Rellana is similar, because her fire sword IS serpentine and uses his fire:
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(Video by Zullie the Witch ( x ))
After having all this context and clearing up my confusion, I think them having unrequited love is possible, but in the other way around! Say instead of her having "chased" him and him not feeling much in return, she had more ideals-fueled reasons to seek him and HE is the one hurting from not being loved the way he wishes!
According to Rogier sky sorceries of either king and the Erdtree were enemies, but sorcery and fire, on the other hand... And an "evil" kind of fire as well; the Fell God is literally named that, it is known as Flame of Ruin, even the Fire Giants carrying it for their god were said to have been burdened by it and it was an anathema to the Erdtree! Marika was not able to overcome her fear before the horror within Messmer although she tried her best to love him, but Rellana maybe decided 'yeah no shade to my sister's tastes but the plea to the Erdtree is kinda dumb, we sorcerers are supposed to be their enemies but allies to all kinds of evil fire! *looks at FF* EXCEPT THAT ONE' fsdhfds She could not heal him, but OG description of her sword makes it sound as though there is a "bigger idea" behind standing with him than just liking him. Aliance of sorcery and fire. She sees standing with him like more natural order and fate!
Messmer, on the other hand, would like to be liked (by her) on a more "primitive" level, without all that historical and philosophical nonsense! He is a person, not a symbol! ..but at the same time, he sorta knows he can't be. It is not just a problem with her, it is a problem with... everyone, really. He is carrying this curse and hates his fire, and to truly understand him would be to experience it the same way as he does. Something Fire Knights attempted to do, but it didn't work. But at the same time, he feels like even if he could infect people with his flame, he would not want to subject her to it in particular. With the Knights their honor kinda implies giving him their all, but despite her also being his blade he sees her as an equal! Someone who is better off not being burdened by his curse. Additionally, he already second-guesses whether he ruined her life by effect by """making""" her lose her right as a princess just to stand with him! Yeah, true, he needs Melina to lecture him on people's agency, but those with very low/negative opinion on selves OFTEN believe that they have more power over people than they actually do. Like they are "manipulating" them by literally just standing there (menacingly), and everything is always their fault..
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So yeah! I think Rellana is a little 'clueless' about their bond, nor Messmer is doing enough to express his feelings! She sees them as Moon and Fire, not as Rellana and Messmer, and seems pretty content this way! He, on the other hand, would probably actually charm her romantically if he was not so gloomy and reclusive and put in conscious effort! He has a lot of charisma he is not using to get bitches when he CAN!! But he bounces between the 'why can't she like me in a more personal way?' vs 'wait, why WOULD she? it is better if she doesn't. damn I am an awful person as usual for wanting such thing.' ...🙄
They both have the capacity of developing relationship, but if Rellana is feeling attracted she is clueless about it simply because she won't think of it without being prompted to. With Messmer, he becomes STUPID vulnerable and self-conscious for multiple reasons pondering upon forming a bond this deep with her! I know it is an overused comedy trope, but picture Moonrithyll and [insert a Fire Knight] seeing the clear tension between the two and facepalming about how dumb they are about it XD Or, alternatively, trying to match-make them so they'd stop being so embarrassing and just fuck already lmaoooo fdghfsdg
Conclusion: both are too occupied with their own stuff to make a conscious effort towards it, but the potential and the tension is here! He has more talent for good romantic gestures and just the right tender things to say than he (or anyone else) realises that would make Rellana blush and stumble. Act slightly tsundereish, even, because she is not good at the "soft" things. She, on the other hand, is on more blunt side and her expressions of attraction would be passionate, and mostly vulgar I think. And that'd make HIM blush, because he is not good at THIS stuff! His style is some sentimental sweet line, her style is complimenting his slim ass or whatever fsdfsg Strong romantic energy from Messmer who dies at sexual commentaries, and strong sexual energy from Rellana who is no longer so tough at some nice poetry. Because they're "opposites" in such ways, there is a lot of awkwardness, but also a lot of dynamic!
(+A funnier interpretation is Messmer being romantic asexual that'd be still willing to have sex with someone he loves, and Rellana is aromantic sexual that'd still be okay with cuddles and kisses and stuff from someone she desires! They have each their own way to love and try to make it work. Just a more 'direct' version of the dynamic I've described previously, is this anything? xd)
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leoneliterary · 8 months
Heya Leone! Hope you’ve been having a good (or survivable) week so far! Here’s two questions that have been on my mind for quite some time:
We know that Aretas and Laverna get a good stream of admirers, but how’s it look for the rest of the ROs? Do people tend to get crushes on/court them often? 🤔
Shoutout to Amatus for gracefully gifting his Ducklings the gift of Being Hot by simply growing up near him btw
Thank you, I've been preoccupied with staying warm, but I can't complain!
Okay this is a cool question, let's see:
(Some have tried to get with her and very few have lived to tell the tale.)
When Aretas was young, many nobles wanted to approach and control a young, politically vulnerable widow. They did not succeed. Now people at court are either too resentful of her power or too afraid to risk the ire of the Aretas to try anything. Still, she has many admires who still appreciate a beautiful woman. She gets love letters, gifts, and marriage proposal's from other kingdoms.
(If he wanted to, he could be getting busy on the regular and have a whole family.)
In the Jackal territory and other parts of Lower Cusmo, he's viewed as a catch. Idir wishes that Sutek would take advantage of his position as guild leader and followed his example, but Sutek keeps mostly to himself. He rebuffs people's advances, assuming people feel obligated or have ulterior motives for approaching him, but he doesn't do it in a cruel way. Unfortunately for him, this only increases his appeal.
(She's had some casual flings and broken several hearts because she's careless when it comes to people's feelings. Unless you're one of the ducklings.)
Her intense connection with the ducklings, especially if she has feelings for the MC, makes it hard for her to invest too heavily in other people on an emotional level. The Talons are her family/friends and a roll in the sheets is good fun. Any of the people in Cusmo that thought there could be something more usually found themselves with empty pockets, no palpata, and Desma's confusion about what else they expected.
(People have been interested, but he's too unavailable for it to go anywhere. Plus his ex...was not the best.)
He has that whole broodingly handsome thing going on that has caused people to be interested, but he usually is too busy sulking and thinking about vengeance for it to go anywhere. He's dismissive of the attention he gets at best and at worst he's hostile. People that have been around him long enough to have a crush are usually crushed by his blunt refusal of a confession.
(She has some quiet admirers, one closer than others, but most people don't view her that way.)
Ever since she began to follow in her father's footsteps, her marriage proposals have withered away to almost nothing and the offers she does receive are more disrespectful than flattering. She doesn't think any interest people express in her is genuine and has all but given up hoping for it. This has caused her to miss some of the people that are interested, but not vocal.
(People are definitely interested, he just doesn't know it.)
He has grown up in a temple and is somewhat oblivious to his good looks. People gives monks food all of the time, so he thinks all of the nice ladies in some of the villages they help out at are just very kind to offer him dinner and baskets of fruit. When he was younger, some of the other monks called him a pretty boy, but that was usually trash talk before a scuffle broke out, so he assumes they're being sarcastic.
P.S. Oh my goodness you're right! Amatus is proof that being hot is contagious haha!
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desertleviathan · 9 months
I've included every Job I've heard people mention as speculation, no matter how unlikely I personally find it. Propaganda after the cut is all just my own feelings, and includes some very minor spoilers for recent MSQ events, Astrologian Job Quests, and the Shadowbringers patch 5.3 Dungeon:
CALCULATOR PROS: They have had some fun with Math Bosses, haven't they. It is a theme present in the game, and with precedent in earlier FF games. CONS: I can not imagine any configuration of this job that would function within the timing of FFXIV's combat. Applying simple Astrologian buffs is already tricky enough. Also, this was a real balance-demolisher in its main prior appearance.
GAMBLER PROS: FFVI has proven fertile ground for Job design concepts, between the Monk and Machinist revamps. And Setzer's armor is already in the game. CONS: Even more RNG dependent than Dancer? I don't much like the sound of that. And Astrologian has already claimed Cards as a primary tool.
GEOMANCER PROS: It canonically exists in setting. And it is on the dwindling list of Jobs in FFXI that haven't been reinterpreted in FFXIV. Probably a pretty strong contender, except... CONS: The Astrologian quests kind of ate its lunch, explicitly stating that they are heavily overlapping arts. That will be a common theme with entries on this list, Astrologian seems to be made of pieces of a ton of prior Mage jobs.
GREEN MAGE PROS: The presumptive favorite in most of the chatter I'm reading, because of a symbol on a thing in a very "we're teasing new content" feeling MSQ cutscene that matches the design of Green Mage in one of the Tactics games (I think?) CONS: Ok great but what the heck even is a Green Mage? Their whole shtick appears to be long-duration buffs and debuffs that would have been categorized as Black or White Magic in other games... and FFXIV has been very steadily removing those kinds of powers, aside from a handful of DoTs. If they crib this aesthetic, the actual mechanics will likely be something entirely unanticipated, or possibly overlapping with one of these other options, rather than a Buff/Debuff Mage. Or maybe they've just been removing long duration powers from other classes to... consolidate them? I really doubt it, but maybe.
NECROMANCER PROS: It's a solid concept, an RPG classic, and the Necromancer Boss in the Heroes' Gauntlet dungeon looks sick. Rumor has it that all the bosses in that dungeon were concepts once considered as alternate branches of base classes in the same way Arcanist splits into Scholar and Summoner, before they ditched that design. In which case it probably would have split from Thaumaturge? CONS: Rumor also has it that cultural considerations in certain key markets made this something SE didn't want to pose as a heroic archetype. Also, pet jobs. They've been pretty steadily gutting the pet mechanics of Scholar and Summoner, and I can't imagine they'd be in any hurry to add another full scale Pet Job. Maybe a Limited Job though. Also, in FFXIV the art to animate and control the dead seems to be closely related to the summoning of Voidsent, and Reaper is already doing the Demon Magic thing in a big way.
ORACLE PROS: I'm gonna be real with y'all, can't actually think of any. I see this as having zero chance. But the name keeps coming up in conversation. So maybe I'm wrong, and the apparent fan support will keep the idea afloat. CONS: Like Green Mage, it's mainly been a place to dump debuffs that originally belonged to other magic types. And the theme of prediction and prophecy has been thoroughly raided by Astrologian.
PICTOMANCER (A.K.A. Artist, Painter, Ink Mage, etc.) PROS: As I mentioned under Gambler, raiding FFVI has been a solid move, and Relm Arrowny's power set deserves a less-buggy reinterpretation. Also Ink Mages are the only common enemy in the Heroes' Gauntlet that doesn't match a job we have available. Also Yoshi P's TMNT shirt at the first fanfest may have been hinting at Leonardo's dual swords and a Ninja's scouting armor sets for Viper, but it could also have been a reference to the Renaissance Masters that the Turtles were named after. He's clever like that. CONS: The only reason this isn't my #1 guess without hesitation is that pesky Green Mage emblem. I have a theory though that Green Mage and Pictomancer might get combined and have the "green" be about painting landscapes, in which case it might also be borrowing from Geomancer turf a little. Who knows!
PUPPETMASTER PROS: Also on the short list of FFXI jobs that haven't been reinterpreted. Mammets are a big part of this setting and there would be a lot of cool aesthetics to potentially draw on. CONS: Pet jobs. I just can't see them ever doing another full Pet Job. Also the FFXI version was a blend of technology and martial arts, not a caster per se.
TIME MAGE PROS: One of the missing FF classics, with a lot more potential spells than you expect, since it also usually deals with Space Magic. CONS: Haste powers and traits became a huge balance headache in FFXI and I can't see them rushing back into that. Also, once again, Astrologian already swiped several key ideas.
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starsurface · 7 months
hi.. did tumblr eat my request for general caregiver fujin headcanons? i could have sworn i requested that unless i'm just crazy?
Awh I've had that happen to me too!! Sometimes request don't fully send? Like, you need to get that small Tumblr notification that states that it was sent? It happens very rarely though, don't worry :]
Luckily you resent another request!! :D
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Fujin Hcs
☁️ Such a good CG!!! <3
☁️ Really good with a lot of ages!!
☁️ Doesn't specialize with any age, but is incredibly good with clingy regressors
☁️ Adores cuddling and spending time with you, your his most important thing right now
☁️ Well, your his most important thing period, but when your small your his main priority
☁️ Has pushed some of his God responsibilities off just for you <3
☁️ Raiden lectured him later for it though >:(
☁️ Speaking about Raiden, Fujin would highly encourage little playdates between you two!!
☁️ Fujins really strong, and he really likes carrying you
☁️ So this works incredibly well if you regress smaller
☁️ Mortals very much amuse him very much
☁️ Which means you amuse him so, so much
☁️ Learnt that younger mortals need a nap and encourages you to take one, especially if you regress tiny
☁️ He'll dress you in soft jammies, brush your hair, you'll have a whole routine
☁️ He’ll also cuddle you!!! Loves to cuddle during naptime (even if he doesn't sleep)
☁️ Won't force you to take a nap if you don't wanna though
☁️ If your scared of naps (such as monsters under the bed or such) he'll cuddle you extra tight and get you a dream catcher
☁️ He'll also get magic Monster Go Away Spray!!! (a trick he learnt from a parent app, actually)
☁️ Thinks it's really funny when you get a burst of energy, and then crash asleep
☁️ Is very patient when you have tantrums or hissy fits
☁️ He'll let you scream and cry, especially if it's over big negative feelings, but stays by incredibly close so you don't hit or throw anything
☁️ If you do he'll gently grab your wrists or quickly catch whatever you throw
☁️ He'll scold you later for it, probably when your big again and can have a better conversation
☁️ But right now, he wants to make sure your okay
☁️ He'll gently rock you and say that everything's okay
☁️ Doesn't really do punishments, but will scold you if your being naughty on purpose
☁️ Believes outside time is very important!!!
☁️ Whether that's going outside and playing with his kite, or sitting on the grass with some toys and a blanket
☁️ Will encourage you to pull pranks on the Monks and his friends (and take any backlash so you don't get in trouble)
☁️ He'll make you ‘fly’ in the air with his powers (making a burst of wind beneath you)
☁️ Safely though!!! He'd never do it if you didn't want to either
☁️ Will sit you on a blanket and then put you in the air (like a magic carpet ride fr Aladdin!!)
☁️ If your a bigger kid, you'll still get treated like a toddler >:(
☁️ But don't worry!! Just tell him and he'll treat you more your age (or try, it's a process)
☁️ Thinks pet regressors are really cute and funny and will watch you roll along the ground
☁️ Gives the best head scratchies and tummy rubs!!!
☁️ If you're ever sick while your tiny, it takes everything out of him not to pick you up and hold you closely :(
☁️ It's just, your all tucked in bed looking like ‘🥺’ but he knows that if he holds you, he'll get sick too :(
☁️ Tries to get you yummy medicine, and will make you some nice warm milk
☁️ Very good with if you use diapers and will buy you ones with cute designs!!
☁️ His hair is very long and he'll let you brush it, and will redirect you if you pull on ks hair
☁️ Will brush your hair any time of the day, absolutely loves brushing and styling it!!
☁️ Favorite CG nicknames are Dada, Fuu Fuu, and Cloudy
☁️ Favorite little nicknames to call you are Sweetie, Sweetheart, Little One, Baby, Lovely, Bumble Bee
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
They're not the best, but I can always do more!! :D
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lokavisi · 2 months
I've been getting big in my thoughts and feels lately about something, and as I started typing I realized this isn't the first time this has happened.
I've seen a bunch of posts lately about taking deities Super Cereal™️ and that people talking about their deities like friends is somehow disrespectful? Like, Deity are so ancient and scary and acting like they're your magical BFFs is wrong. Why are we feeling angst around this? I think there's a few different things going on here that should be addressed.
First of all, not everyone relates to deity in the same way. Grow up and respect that. Just because the idea of "hanging out with Odin" or whatever the hell sounds like they aren't taking Odin "seriously" in your eyes, doesn't mean that person doesn't have respect for or have an understanding of who Odin is. Yes, Odin's been around for fucking millennia and wields some ancient, primal sort of magic that we as humans could not being to understand or experience. But you know what we can experience? Mead. Storytelling. Learning new things. I don't see why the one who slayed a giant to create our realm can't also be interested in discussing the popular literature we're reading over a beverage of choice. Who are you to say how deity like to spend their time with us? They know what they want from who. If you're their devout monk instead of their BFF, great. Who cares? As long as you know who it is you're working with, why does it matter? Just as we are complex beings with many facets to our personalities and life, so are deities. There is more to them than whatever monolithic power you ascribe to them.
On that note: everyone, on both ends of the spectrum, make sure you know who you're dealing with. Learn as much as you can about the common signs and language people seem to share with the deity you're looking to connect with, and learn to recognize signs of imposters or other potentially adjacent beings that it might be reaching out to you instead. I know I'm not an expert and I've made mistakes, but I feel like a lot of deities are more likely to be ok with meeting us half way, so to speak. If you're both serious about connecting with one another, you'll do that in whatever way works for you whether that looks like a more human-like friendship or a more ascetic form of dedication. Certain deities might have tendencies that lean further one way than the other (just as we humans might), but that doesn't mean there isn't more or less respect for the deity based on the nature of your relationship with them.
I feel like we also need to recognize, and this kind of relates back to my first point, that what the nature of deity and humanity actually are is something that we might not all agree on either. And that is ok! If you think deity are so untouchable that we should enforce some great divide between our two beings, great! If you think deity are really personable and live among us like other people with bonus spiritual abilities/incorporealness, great! Both are incredibly valid! We need to stop acting like anything in regards to religion or spiritual practice is absolute. I know there are people that connect with Loki that do not practice their path in a way that looks like mine or that I even agree with, but that doesn't mean either of our respective practices and ways of relating to Loki are any more or less valid than the other. It means we have different understandings of Loki and probably different lifestyles or religious backgrounds/worldviews. It is what it is. We all like to be Big and Right™️ all the time, but what does that really do for us at the end of the day? As long as we aren't using deity as an excuse to harm ourselves or others, what does it matter?
Personally, I like the pets analogy/metaphor my friend uses, and the more I flesh it out, the more I agree with it. They posit that we are to deity what our pets are to us. Think about it. We are not required in any way to house and care for animals of any kind for any reason. Why do we do it? Companionship. Affection. Routine (i.e., pet care). Interest in animals. Whatever our reasons, when we have a pet, we do everything we can to care for it because we love the damn thing. We might need to train it, scold it from time to time for peeing or shitting on something they shouldn't, but that doesn't mean there isn't love or care there. And that's what I think Deities do for us. They don't have to care about us. Not all of them care for every one of us humans, certainly. But when they do, they have their reasons. We can certainly shit the bed from time to time (figuratively, or literally depending on your age or life experience), and they can be harsh in their lessons and messages, but that does not mean they don't care. They potty train us and keep on loving us because we love them. We do things for each other that bring us joy in some way. We talk to our pets, they talk to us. We don't always understand each other or share the same agendas, but we still go through life together. Think about how we consider pets to be members of our family. We love those little critters. Might deities feel similarly about you? I don't see why they couldn't. You see what I'm saying? We're not equals, no, but that does not mean our connections aren't real and genuine and friendly and full of love. And them being friendly does not mean they aren't respectful.
Anyway, I'm gonna have a movie night and watch old monster movies with Loki and their Jotun family. Because giant wolves and snakes can have opinions on old school Universal horror films as much as they can keep our world from ending. Imagine that.
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chaotic-history · 2 months
Outside of V and Emile/Fritz what’s your fav relationship V has?
Ok I warned you that this was going to be a long answer, and idk if you meant specifically a romantic relationship, but I'm going to pretend that you didn't so that I can yap about my absolute favorite V relationship, which was with Claude Philippe Fyot de la Marche. And I have to yap about it extra since only one bio I've read has ever mentioned him, and even then, it was only to get facts wrong about him :/ (thanks Pearson).
V and la Marche were students together at Louis le Grand, and we have five letters from 17yo V to la Marche after la Marche had left the school early. There's.. a lot in those letters: (italics are originally in Latin)
"Please disabuse me of your perversity [la Marche had evidently called himself an Epicurean, and V wasn't having it] as I disabuse you of the opinion you have of my virtue, and make me a confession as sincere as the one I make to you. I know that it will cost you more than me, but I don't believe you want to hide your true feelings from me; this will be for me a lesson which perhaps I will not benefit from and will content myself with admiring; I see and I desire the better, I follow the worse. I finish with this line for fear that in continuing the picture I will make it so true that you'll believe me as insincere as you are when you speak of yourself."
And here's the context for the quote V said he couldn't finish w/o la Marche thinking him insincere:
(From Metamorphoses):  "Medea, you struggle in vain: some god, I do not know which, opposes you. I wonder if this, or something, like this, is what people indeed call love? Or why would the tasks my father demands of Jason seem so hard? They are more than hard! Why am I afraid of his death, when I have scarcely seen him? What is the cause of all this fear? Quench, if you can, unhappy girl, these flames that you feel in your virgin heart! If I could, I would be wiser! But a strange power draws me to him against my will. Love urges one thing: reason another. I see, and I desire the better: I follow the worse. Why do you burn for a stranger, royal virgin, and dream of marriage in an alien land? This earth can also give you what you can love. Whether he lives or dies, is in the hands of the gods. Let him live! I can pray for this even if I may not love him: what is Jason guilty of? Who, but the heartless, would not be touched by Jason’s youth, and birth, and courage? Who, though the other qualities were absent, could not be stirred by his beauty?"
There are multiple ways you could interpret this ofc, but also... gay
The rest of the letters are a combo of similar to the above and just depressing; V was super broken-up about la Marche's leaving. He also keeps trying to set up a time for them to meet in Paris, but there's no record of anything ever coming from that.
And then, in 1761, a monk murdered someone in Ferney and V wrote to la Marche's son about it since he thought it wasn't being investigated thoroughly enough and Marche fils was a magistrate at one of the parlements, and through that he and la Marche got back in touch and it's so 🥺🥺🥺
"M. de Ruffey, sir, made me shed tears of joy when he told me that you wanted to remember me, and that you resume the exchange of letters in which you have always been charming. My heart is still moved in writing to you. To think that it's been almost sixty years that I've been attached to you! My hair has gone white, my teeth have fallen out; but my heart is young: I am tempted to cross the mountains and the snow that separate us, and to come embrace you. I'm ashamed to admit to you that I consider myself in my retirement as one of the happiest men in the world; but you deserve to be so more than I do, and I warn you that I shall cease to be if you are not. You are honoured, loved, I know you have a very beautiful soul; a charming, fair, enlightened, sensitive soul ..."
And then eventually la Marche came to visit V at Ferney, and helped supervise the printing of the engravings for V's Corneille book that he was raising subscriptions for Mlle Corneille with
I think la Marche is my favorite just because all the letters are so sweet, and for the longest time I thought it was just the five early ones and then I was legitimately so fucking happy to find out that they did meet again in person. I also really wish there was more written about him, cause even if he's not super important historically when writing about V, V clearly cared about him a lot and la Marche was important to him
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sillysnack · 1 year
mmgmhmhmmmmm click for toritsuka and maybe torisai thoughts........ im so sad i dont think i've seen kurumi and reita interact? maybe they did Idk #fake fan 😞 but yeah heres some toritsuka with kurumi and kusuo. kuniharu's at work idk.
i have to tell you all i never really knew where i was going with this. omg.
toritsuka who. i assume hasnt rly met saikis parents and just hears mentions in conversations with saiki. almost every mention comes with a ridiculous (at least, to toritsuka) background. saiki's like "im used to it"– toritsuka's bewildered. sure he's had an unusual upbringing as well, being raised in a temple full of monks, but hearing about saiki's parents... if hes being honest with himself, toritsuka doesnt know what he expected.
one day, toritsuka does meet saiki's mom as he stops by saiki's home, hoping to ask him to hang out. its then that toritsuka gets invited by saiki's mom to stay inside the house and wait for kusuo to get home. toritsuka wonders just how far the apple fell from the tree. saiki's mom is so lively in comparison to her son. eh, it's not really a deal-breaker. toritsuka mentally shudders at the thought of saiki with kurumi's attitude.
as how he makes conversation with everyone, toritsuka introduces himself as a spirit medium. he reveals he has powers, though he comments that it is nothing as impressive as any of saiki's powers. kurumi reassures him that any power is impressive. after all, there are only a few of them who are blessed with such abilities, no?
toritsuka can only nod. he doesn't really feel the sentiment resonate with him.
anyway! kurumi is really glad, though, to have found out that kusuo is friends with someone his age who also has powers. she hopes toritsuka and kusuo stay friends for a long time.
toritsuka nods again. this time, he shares the sentiment. he really hopes he and saiki stay friends for a long time, as well. saiki's his first friend, after all. maybe even the only person he can really call a friend. (toritsuka makes a mental note that he means no offense to aiura, he's just worried they aren't at that point yet.)
kurumi tells toritsuka that she was actually in the middle of making coffee jelly for kusuo. she assumes saiki's probably bought his own on the way home, but nothing beats anything homemade with the special ingredient called a mother's love, right?
toritsuka agrees with kurumi's assumption before revealing his living situation. the two talk for a bit, have a heart-to-heart, before kurumi asks reita if he wants to help out in making the coffee jelly for kusuo.
of course, reita says yes. he figures it would be a fun activity.
finally, kusuo arrives home. he had gone out to run errands on his mothers behalf and is greeted with kurumi's warm acts of affection. naturally, kusuo softens at such gestures. he doesn't really mind the fact that toritsuka could see this more domestic side of him.
although kusuo pretends he didnt just hear toritsuka think he was cute at that moment.
"ah! reita and i made you coffee jelly"
kusuo turns to toritsuka with a slight surprised look on his face. he doesnt even call him by his name. toritsuka rolls his eyes at saiki and tells him to just eat. the coffee jelly is great. he cant believe toritsuka even had a hand in making the sweet treat. he quickly shoots a half-assed apology at reita for even assuming he'd be shit at anything related to making food of any kind. though he assumes its because his mother still helped.
kurumi reveals that reita made a few cups all by himself, including the one kusuo was eating at the moment.
kusuo and reita lounge in kusuo's room. still, he cannot belueve that toritsuka reita had made such tasty coffee jelly. it's an easy thing to make, but given reita's history with simple tasks...
"i wanted to impress you." reita grins before asking if it worked, to which saiki would reply with an opening to a different conversation topic (cringe)
reita considers it his victory, and even thinks of baking more sweets in the future for kusuo. reita rarely ever cooks for himself, so its surprising to him as well when the thought even crosses his mind. though, as long as kusuo is involved, he isn't surprised with how quick he is to stick to his idea.
kusuo would be the first to taste every one of reita's baking. it is an unspoken agreement between the two of them.
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chattegeorgiana · 7 months
Hello! Thank you again for always taking the time to respond to any notes I send, can’t wait to see what comes next! On your IG I noticed how Sakura’s Crown of the Sun seal reminds me of Hashiram’s warrior monk sage mode from a cosmetic pov. Which made me think about how you pointed out how Sakura is thematically a Senju or represents them in the overall themes of the story. Which leads to a head cannon I wanted to bounce off you. Shinachiku in other fanfics I have read he’s never written to have Sage mode which would be something that fits his universal traits given to him. From the show/manga I felt that Sage mode you a character who had the physical, mental & spiritual fortitude. Shina fits the bill but if he were to have a Sage mode it would look similar to Hashiram that way he’s not following directly in his father footsteps but it gives Sakura homage as Shina powers align closer to her. Which I like that Shina both in designs and abilities come from Sakura. It makes him unique not just to be another Naruto clone which only really works when you have a tragic backstory like him. My point is that I felt like Shina that warrior monk sage mode shows his duality as a character. He’s universally acknowledged as a skilled medic which implies he has a value and sanctity for life and seeks to prevent death and heal others but at the same time he’s expert hand to hand combatant and wields tanto blades which are specifically made for killing. It’s one of things I love about his character that duality, he’s both the yin and yang. Much like his parents. Sorry for the long paragraph I just enjoy sharing these thoughts!
Hi dear,
Welcome back!
I'll start by saying please stop apologizing for these long asks, I love them! Even if I'm not always able to respond right away to them, do know that I love getting them and reading them and exchange all these headcanons with you.
Makes my heart smile when I see someone is really analyzing Kaika in such a beautiful way. Feels like an honor, tbh.
Now to get to the actual point of the story...
First of all, Sakura's seal... well, there's a reason why I made that seal the way I did it. Those old theories of mine echoes so hard and far away, that nowadays they're used as commercial hook in the franchise.
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And it's not the first time that I see in the franchise concepts that have been used that I talked about at some point in my theories.
One of the biggest I've seen is ironically the one theory that I couldn't recover after losing my blog 2 or 3 times already (lost the count tbh cuz when you have to build it from scratch every time, it's so tiresome honestly) called Spiritual Enlightenment: Sakura Haruno, Slug Sage mode and possible genjutsu connection.
Most of what I see in the sequel nowadays in terms of certain power-ups are mechanics that I've laid down in that theory that I lost.
Most will say that eh, I'm talking BS cuz I don't have that theory so I don't have a way to prove it. But the thing is, there are certain residuals/artifacts if you may say so of that theory around the internet.
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So then, the reason I had her seal look like Hashirama's is precisely because I'm making use of my own theories in a way that I think Kishimoto wanted to develop Sakura, like I said so many times.
Now, as for Shina, the way I plan on developing him has connections to that and doesn't at the same time. I won't go too much into detail, but I made him that way because I wanted to have something unique to him, in a way, like you said. I don't want him to be a copy of anyone.
That's why some of the power-ups I have in mind for him are and aren't connected to that specific similarity. I have a little twist in mind.
But what I do have prepared for Shina, is the Heaven & Earth symbolism in his power-ups. He's not gonna necessarily fit the warrior monk archetype tbh. If anything, the monk type will fit more for Arashi, the way I have him built.
But, in a way partially, it will also fit with Shina. So you see, that's why I say that it is and it isn't at the same time. But I do get from where you're coming and I agree with you in the sense that Shina has respect for the sanctity of life. After all, he is very laid back and respectable like Katsuyu. That's why she becomes his favorite summon and always has a Katsuyu plushie haha.
The thing is, I built all 3 siblings in a way that fit certain themes and symbolism, but with a unique twist, I'd say.
For example one of Shina's power-ups is going to be tied to Hanami, and through that, Hanami also gets her own power-up. Arashi in a way is the one who's more hermit/monk like so his power-ups aren't tied directly to his siblings per se. But that's because I want Arashi to be more connected with the Uzumakis.
And I did all that because I wanted to have the family theme represented in more ways than one, which is the classic blood relation.
I won't go exactly into too much detail because I don't want to give away the "juicy" parts so to speak, haha. But I hope everyone will find it as interesting as I seem to be finding them in my head, lol.
Once again, thank you very much for your ask, it's really a pleasure to talk all these things with you.
Have an amazing rest of your day/evening/night.
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bahnloopi · 1 year
is there an lssj in the sentos?? and why are they ssj3/4 for power scaling??
LSSJ- Yes, but they don't associate with him. He lives deep out in the arctic region areas of the planet. He's a lot more violent than they are and only the Elder and Transporters know he's out there. They don't want him near because he'll end up setting everyone off into their Oozarus from stress when they try to keep the peace. The Transporters bring him food/resources to keep him calm and he'll constantly ask when he can "come home" to which they reply "soon" and leave as quick as possible.
Power Scale- Knowing DB is inconsistent, the reason I gave them base power level of SSJ3 is to set a middle-ground since both Goku and Vegeta are already on god levels currently. Planet Sento contains Blutz Wave type energy in the atmosphere as well as the springs providing muscle stimulator properties. With all that stacked onto them, it makes it so they aren't OP but also not push-overs. This also leads to when I say they DO NOT physically transform into a super form (SSJ 1 - 3, hair recolors). I didn't want to just slap super forms on them since every other Saiyan type already does that. I wanted them to feel more organic and different. Not relying on super forms but more on their natural strength of their Oozaru. Now. This being said, they CAN learn super form PROPERTIES (stamina/moveset/(some) ki abilities). They work similar to how Ikari/Wrathful SBroly works where he harnesses the power of the Oozaru without actually transforming into it physically. Oozarus are their natural transformation.
-Now addressing SSJ4. SSJ4 in their community is an exalted, pure form. A super form, yes but exception, natural connections to their origins. It is very uncommon. But it can be achieved if they really go for it. To achieve a standard SSJ4, one must have the powers of both a SSJ and an Golden Oozaru and regain consciousness of oneself. For a Sento, this form can be obtained given they already have the power of the Oozaru and couple it with the SSJ PROPERTIES they learn along with will-power for the consciousness, (boom) Sento SSJ4. Only the Elders know how to achieve it but they themselves have not transformed into it.
SInce they don't have the direction, immediate threats, or will-power normally to obtain these feats without any outside influence, it's lost to them without all criteria met.
I've added and changed some things but I'm hell-bent with them not going the "hair recolor" route. There's enough of that already in source material. I'm returning to monke.
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therisingphoenixden · 19 days
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I *feel* like I'm close to finishing act 2 now. Or at least getting closer to the end?
I did wind up going back to do things a bit properly, which didn't cost me too much progress. As seen by the title screenshot, I found He Who Was and was very happy to see a Shadar-Kai npc in the game! He was pleased enough to give Ven some nice gloves to summon a raven familiar, which I'll put to good use at some point. I even managed to rescue Rolan this time around since I missed him earlier and he probably died. I had to fight Gerringothe again which sucked, but I got some nice goodies and a small stash of gold in my bags.
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Minthara was recruited through the power of bullshitting my way out of trouble for a change, Halsin was recruited after a fairly harrowing fight to keep his portal safe, I didn't have to fight the other two Thorm bosses in Reithwin because I finally caved and started nomming normal tadpoles for skills. At least monks got a special CON check on Thisobold that made drinking down the weird glowy brew that much easier to avoid that fight, but the amount of dread I was feeling all through the House of Healing chat isn't something I can easily put into words. Glad I was able to talk the nurses into "practicing" their surgical techniques on Malus because I've heard that fight's a nightmare. And in a hilarious uno reverse of my previous luck with persuasion rolls, the power of one Shadar-Kai's thirst beat the Absolute. A dirty 20 to go with those dirty thoughts to distract Z'rell! I'm stuck in the Gauntlet of Shar now, debating on finishing the trials for Shadowheart or just going after the relic that Ketheric has. I'll probably be kicking myself if I don't do the trials, since I killed a demon for Astarion and helped Karlach fix up her engine enough so that she can touch people again.
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I also got the best part of act 2: romance unlock time. I knew going into my first playthrough that I was going to romance Gale first and I'm not disappointed! It's soft, gentle, romantic, and suits Ven who's never really had that softness before. I wound up with the astral romance scene which also felt fitting for the pair since pre-tadpole Ven wasn't much for touching others or even feelings until they wound up with their merry band of misfits in Faerun. They spent far too long in Shadowfell, first as a Gloomstalker for the Raven Queen then as one of Her acolytes in a small monastery. And as for Gale...*gestures at the whole Mystra thing*.
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Definitely enjoying that Ven can ask Gale for a kiss whenever they want, although that's usually at camp when they're covered in blood from a day of fighting like a complete gremlin.
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lasplaga · 3 months
If Osmund were to meet Mother Miranda (or if he already has) what are his thoughts? Would he have any thoughts on the Lords? Is there a secret meeting between cult leaders we don't know about?
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-;┊ 𓆙 𝕺𝕺𝕮 ; ◥ 𓆙      —      𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐙𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐍𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 --- ALWAYS Accepting!
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Not canonically because Osmund was in exile until 1984 at the earliest. However, in my verses where Osmund was resurrected post 2004, I do explore a dynamic with Mother Miranda. I've been a mutual of @fallesto for a while, who writes her VERY well, so I do suggest a follow if you're not already.
Osmund pities & sympathizes with her because it is extremely traumatic to lose a child. Lord Saddler has endured his fair share of trauma itself to the point it was insanity inducing ( such as with Glenn, sound familiar? ), so he really resonates with her in that aspect. Mother Miranda's power & influence is also respectable, but not nearly on the same level as him, as he was motived enough to eventually target / infiltrate people close to The President & United States government as a whole. We don't have anything to support if Las Plagas & Mold is compatible besides them both being related to fungus, so unfortunately, they wouldn't be welcomed into Paradise if they were incompatible. Whether or not Osmund would go out of his way to kill them is a different story. Mother Miranda only wanted her daughter, whereas Osmund wanted the entire world, so if he could / can bribe her sect to look the other way while he dominates the globe, if not assist him outright, I'm sure they would get along swimmingly. Osmund has no quarrel when it comes to experimenting upon children, therefore he has no moral issue with finding a suitable vessel for Eva, no matter how long it takes or how many times he fails. A part of him internally asks why Mother Miranda simply wouldn't make "another one" to replace Eva, but this VERY GROSS line of thinking is just a byproduct of his ancestral lineages life expectancy being extremely poor. Lord Saddler is very desensitized to the loss or suffering of children as he grew up in an environment where it was normal to cannibalize your siblings / comrades.
I haven't had the chance to interact with an Alcina, Karl, or Salvatore, ( so I won't comment exactly on them yet ), but Osmund finds Donna FAR from hideous, & does wish that she would eventually leave from her isolation. There is an entire religion that would not see her as a failure, nor disfigured, or as an abomination. To them, mutations are a blessing & it is something his congregation seeks to obtain. With @dollhidden's Donna specifically ( I also recommend following! ), he truly enjoys her company, & feels terrible for her. It's important to keep in mind that he values a mutant much more than he would a human, as he sees the latter as biologically imperfect & inferior.
Any of The Dimitrescu Daughter's he is fascinated by & feels a sense of kinship for, due to being more related to arthropods / insects than a human being, additionally with the fact he worships them. Lord Saddler is aware of the whole "man-eating" sentiment & is absolutely down for that sort of thing, but he is to dense to see that THAT also applies for himself. Lord Saddler doesn't see himself as masculine since he is not BIOLOGICALLY masculine, there's also a whole historical thing with male monks dressing / behaving feminine but that's an entirely different conversation, however it does contribute to his identification as non-binary & androgynous, he is a parasitic hermaphrodite, & sometimes he is pretty clueless to the fact that not everyone is inside his own head, 24/7. Some information he expects others to know without prompting because he is so used to implanting / exchanging thoughts via a Hivemind, & that God doesn't really have a gender, he's "just" God. One day he will learn that he is also a disgusting "man-thing", sadly. Unless he's offered an exception on the basis he can literally make / have children by a parasitic technicality. Which, he does consider his plagas offspring his own children, the same as a human would with a baby.
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Spoilers for Scott Pilgrim takes off
So 13 years ago Scott Pilgrim (the film, and then, much more effectively, the comics) called out a bunch of really shitty traits of mine, and it was the catalyst for a lot of self work and personal growth—it said stuff I needed to hear in a way I was able to listen to, and it means a lot to me for that reason.
It was also really powerful to experience a piece of media that showed a protagonist who is simultaneously pathetic and aspirational. Like, ngl, I saw a lot of who I am and a lot of who I want to be in both Scott and Ramona. It felt good to admire them and aspire to their better qualities, while also wanting them to do better to prove to myself that I could be better, and seeing in their depictions the ways in which some of the things I aspired to be actually sucked and needed rethinking.
(that last bit didn't actually feel good tbh, some of those books made me sick to my stomach and it took a long time before I was ready to read them a second time.)
And the new series has so much more in it that I want to talk about. Like, how the whole vibe of the show captures how being in love and being loved back feels, because it's not just that the other person feels really cool, it's that they make you feel like you're awesome, that they make the whole world feel like an adventure.
But the thing that I'm really dying to talk to someone about right this very second is the last episode, the bit where even older Scott is talking about how he spent ten years like a monk training every day to master all sorts of skills and shit, and even older Ramona is just like "it sounds like you just didn't go outside for ten years"
Because that narrative, of cloistering yourself and doing monklike work every day to perfect your abilities, is so, so common, and it's so, so bullshit. But it's SO FUCKING EASY to use it to justify not getting out of your fucking room, which is something I've absolutely been doing lately.
Anyway. I'm glad a work that I love and that helped me grow a lot came back and immediately punched me in the face with more character flaws I ought to be working on, but still made me feel excited about being the kind of person I am. I think, more than the other versions did, "Takes Off" really nails the important nuance that Scott and Ramona aren't truly aspirational figures, but they also aren't bad guys. They're flawed people who often hurt other people with their emotional cowardice, but they're also genuinely cool and exciting and are worthy of love. That the best case scenario isn't that they stop being Scott Pilgrim or Ramona Flowers, it's that they start being better to the people they care about and who care about them.
Anyway I'm gonna go hide under a rock for fear of judgment from people on the Internet seeing me call Scott Pilgrim (the character) cool
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reading update: june 2023
as promised (to myself) I spent all of gay months reading books by and/or about the gays, no exceptions! (unless you count the heaps of old Batman comics I was reading, but come on. it's all pretty fruity.) the trend will be continuing into July as well because I overshot and still have book I need to finish, so in the immortal words of Janelle Monáe: happy pride forever!
anyway, what have I actually been reading?
Empress of Forever (Max Gladstone, 2019) - man, I've been meaning to read this FOREVER! and I'm glad I finally did. Gladstone's space opera follows ultrawealthy tech genius Vivian Liao, a sort of dykey Lex Luthor who's CERTAIN that she's the good guy. okay, yes, she's trying to get control of the nukes, but she's not going to use them. it's just that the world's a mess and she needs to be in charge. unfortunately our girl Vivian doesn't get far in her master plan before she's transported across the galaxy and finds herself on the run from the all-powerful Empress in the company of a cybernetic monk named Hong and the legendary space pirate Zanj, the Empress' greatest enemy. from there our heroes are off on a slow, messy quest across the galaxy as they make new friends, grow as people, and strive to bring the Empress down. it's a very long book and can feel slow in places, but all of the time devoted to fleshing out the characters ultimately pays off as their stories converge into a resonant narrative about the notion of identity and what it means to be yourself. if you like Becky Chambers' Wayfarer books of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, get on this shit.
also hey listen Max Gladstone is having a bit of a Moment rn; the book he coauthored with Amal El-Mohtar, This Is How You Lose the Time War, is getting a huge boost thanks to the Trigun (????) fandom??? over on Twitter, and you should definitely go check it out
Not Gay: Sex Between Straight White Men (Jane Ward, 2016) - Ward is a brilliant queer feminist writer; rigorous and insightful while keeping her work imminently readable. while the title may sound facetious, Ward actually takes entirely at face value that there are men having sex with each other an engaging in otherwise homoerotic activities - mutual jerkoffs, hazing rituals that involve anal penetration - that sincerely aren't stemming from a place of gay desire and asks us what the fuck we're supposed to make of that. what results is a fascinating look at masculinity and the intricate rituals that both subvert and maintain it. shockingly thought provoking for a book that contains so many transcribed craigslist posts of men looking for straight guys to have totally normal hetero dudesex with!
The Latinos of Asia: How Filipinos Break the Rules of Race (Anthony Christian Ocampo, 2016) - I was lucky enough to get to see Ocampo (who is gay) speaking at the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity this year, and naturally I had to buy one of his books while I was there. I strongly suspect he's about to become one of my new favorite nonfiction writers, because the Latinos of Asia was a brilliant read that I really couldn't put down. Ocampo (who's also Filipino!) delves into the formation of Filipino-Americans' racial identity, and finds that many feel caught between the most conventionally accepted racial categories - feeling alienated from the idea of Asian identity, which is often perceived as pertaining to East Asians like Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans, and instead relating much more firmly to Mexican-Americans and other Latinos. it's a FASCINATING study on race and one (of many!) loopholes that exists in this very large, messy, totally made up construct of race.
A Lady for a Duke (Alexis Hall, 2022) - for my pride month romance novel I wanted to read something that I might actually like. I've previously adored Hall's genre-fucking ultra-queer Sherlock Holmes pastiche, the Affair of the Mysterious Letter, and Lady for a Duke was really well-reviewed, so my hopes were high! and you know what? I fucking loved this. it was like cotton candy, perfectly sweet and made to be inhaled without a second thought. Our Heroine Viola was the heir to an estate who faked her death at Waterloo so that she could run away and be herself - that's right baby, this is a 19th century trans lady romance! she reconnects with her old BFF the Duke of Gracewood, who's been catatonically depressed since losing his best friend in the war, and reader, you will not believe what happens next. just kidding, you totally will: they want to kiss each other so bad! they're yearning so bad and it's great. it's a very silly book and Gracewood is the most unexpectedly forward-thinking 19th century duke EVER who is instantly down to accept Viola entirely as a woman and thinks that having biological children is overrated, and you know what? that rules. I'm not reading this book for historical accuracy I'm reading it to watch a man beg his girlfriend to fuck him tenderly in the ass. and she does!!! if I'm being honest everything after they finally hook up is kind of nonsense and the book probably is too long, but god it's a delightful time.
Chlorine (Jade Song, 2023) - back in the days of twitter I started following Jade Song as soon as they announced selling this book, the story of a competitive high school swimmer succumbing to obsession as she fantasizes about becoming a mermaid. finally getting to pick up the book from the library and actually read it felt crazy after existing in potentia for so long! while Song's novel is a little rough in some places in exactly the way I expect from a debut, it's still gripping and visceral. our protagonist lives in an intense and demanding world, striving to please an overly handsy coach, wanting to please the immigrant parents she can barely speak to, stumbling through sex with boys on her team while longing for her female best friend. through it all she fixates on mermaids, and the story is told in flashbacks building up to a drastic act of self-mutilation at a swim meet. it's definitely not the right book for the faint of heart or anyone looking for feel-good fluff, but it's harrowing in the best way.
Vagabonds! (Eloghosa Osunde, 2022) - gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! Osunde celebrates queer life - those called vagabonds, society's outliers - in Lagos, Nigeria, slipping between the real world of social stigma, oppressive religion, judgmental family, and dangerous politics, and the world of magic, gods, and the unreal, blending the two together in an effortlessly dizzying effect. the ultrawealthy hide behind layers of flawless masks to conceal their identities, a lonely woman dying of cancer summons up a daughter than only she can see, and a young man channels the devil to raise his murdered lover. while the stories start bleak, firmly establishing the danger of life on the margins, they gather speed with increasing warmth and love as the story progresses, eventually bringing all of our protagonists together in glorious, life-affirming celebration of vagabonds and all who love them. Nigeria, in Osunde's hands, reads much like family - imperfect, sometimes even awful, but also capable of harboring tremendous love, surprising tenderness, and still worth holding out hope for. I think measuring books in terms of relatability is a fool's game, but as an American queer watching more and more legislation and persecution roll out against my people each day, it was hard not to feel a cord being struck. Vagabonds! is a beautiful reminder that queer resilience is eternal, and reader, I did cry.
Quietly Hostile (Samantha Irby, 2023) - I was a ride or die bitch for Sam Irby even before she picked up and moved to my small Michigan city, effectively becoming my neighbor. (not really, but she is married to the mother of a friend of a friend, so.) despite this, I will freely admit that I was a little underwhelmed by her last release, 2020's Wow, No Thank You. it's possible that WNTY was damned by its March 2020 release, putting it in the awkward position of being a humorous essay collection creeping out into the world at a time when everyone was paranoid and nothing was funny; maybe on a reread I would receive it a bit more warmly. Quietly Hostile, on the other hand, is just stupid funny right out of the gate. Sam Irby is old (see: in her early 40s) and going downhill, writing candidly about peeing her pants everywhere, adopting a rancid little dog, getting sent to the hospital with a severe allergic reaction, and jacking off to plot-heavy porn of elderly lesbian nuns. it takes a little bit of work to get me to actually laugh out loud at a book but man, I was chortling. if you don't already know her work, this is a sign from god (me) to check Samantha Irby out now.
what am I reading now?
Black Water Sister (Zen Cho, 2021) - the was one of the oldest queer novels(TM) on my list and I really wanted to knock it out for pride month. the Malaysian setting and culture is a welcome addition to contemporary urban fantasy, but I'm not sure I'm crazy about the story overall. and yet, I'm over 200 pages deep and don't want to give up, so ? I guess I'm persisting.
Giovanni's Room (James Baldwin, 1956) - my local library lost their copy just in time for pride month, so I bought one on ebay for all of nine dollars. haven't started yet, but I'm really excited to finally pop that proverbial Baldwin cherry!
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leoneliterary · 2 years
Thinking of some of those ridiculously long and absurdly specific novel names for the HAT romances and I’ve got:
Help! I’m A Nobleman’s Contracted Aide But I’m In Love With a Beefy Lawful Military General Woman Who Doesn’t Know About My Super Secret Double Life As A Successful Thief In A Notorious Guild!
My Adoptive Parental Figures Were Taken From Me By Some Mysterious Armored Freaks Whom I’ve Been Chasing For 10 Years, But My Focus Gets Obliterated When The King Stands Before Me!
I Steal Wallets And Baked Tarts As A Way To Vent My Kleptomaniac Tendencies In My Shadowy Road As A Felon Raised By A Melodramatic Criminal Mastermind But I’m Getting Stolen Away Instead By The Most Powerful Courtier’s Daughter?!
Feel free to add some more titles as well! I feel like these over-the-top titles are actually pretty fun to make!
I keep reading these and I love them so much!
Yours sound like some of the the manhwas I've actually read, but I don't know if I can come up with any as good as the ones you have here 🤣
I tried and this makes me want to write a reincarnation/transmigration themed IF :
I'm The Best Thief In The City And Have Been Contracted By A Mysterious Noble, But Why Is Forbidding Me From Getting Hurt?!
The Villainous Thief Just Wants To Take Revenge And Experience A Sweet Love With The Monk Who Is The Seer Of This Generation!
I'm A Thief But I Accidentally Stole The Heart Of The Infamous Ice Queen?!
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