#it's just amara and dean talking about it
manwiththemagic · 2 days
The writers of s11 were cowards. If IIIIIIIIIII was in charge I'd made Lucifer's weird obsession with Sam show up more. Like the writers have very obviously included it and yet when Lucifer is processing the same vessel as cas, and therefore pretending to be cas, he just fucks off and tortures Crowley with fucked up bdsm pet play.
Like the few times casifer and Sam interacted were GOLD. because Sam sees it as his best friend cas, and Lucifer (who keeps talking about Sam like they're toxic ex's) is pretending to be him!! Although not to well. Like his freaky smirk when sending Dean into the past and coming back to harass Sam? Dude lives off of sadistic pleasure.
The way he full on LAUGHS when Sam says he trusts him bc Sam thinks it's cas?? Like gold!?!? Don't know why the writers didn't do more with that.
Also why not do more with the 'lucifer sent Sam visions to get him down to hell'. Like Lucifer is Obsessed w/ sam because that body/vessel is "supposed to be" his. And yet after revealing himself he doesn't try and convince Sam anymore?
He's just given up? Like nah man I don't believe that. I feel like he woulda fucked with Sam more in cas' body. And like it woulda been a way better not-romance-romance plot then whatever the fuck Dean and Amara were..
Like that came outta no where... I mean I get it.. but ew?? We saw her grow up, and maybe id argue "well there were two versions of her!! One physical on earth, the other her actual form and memories as a celestial being!!" BUT NO. SHE CALLS CROWLEY UNCLE CROWLEY.
cause he like raised her for a day or wtv..
Idk s11 is better than s10. Like the episode from baby's prospective?? PEAK CINEMAAAA!! also not that I dislike s11, no I quite love it, I just wish the dean plots were more fleshed out, and that it was more "Dean and Sam vs the world!!" Then Dean vs Sam yk??
Like where's my dynamic duo??
That's part of why I didn't like s10. Like no I loved the IDEA of Mark of Cain dean, and demon dean was hilarious (although I HATE him) but it was just Dean vs Sam, Dean vs cas, Dean vs the world. And idk I liked the idea, cause this time it was sam doing everything to save Dean, but man I just didn't like the fighting..
Also s11 had a mention of TMNT, S10 did not so... points!!
S1 and 2 of spn were peak ofc, and s3 was good but not really memorable for me?? Idk I'll go back and rewatch once I finish the series (just finished s11)
S4 and 5 were also really good, we got Castiel who is peak, blood junkie Sam, which was one of my favorite plots!! And of course a lot more bobby. Rest in peace king!
And unlike some I loveeeed s6-7 like.. the soulless plot, and death? Dean dealing with soulless sam?? Chefs kiss I mean mwah. Then Sam tweaking because of hallucinations. NOT TO MENTION GODSTIEL?? loved him sm stg.
8-9-10 is where it kinda fell off. I mean idk the leviathans?? Weak. Hated them ngl. Idk if they were s7 but either way.. mid. I didn't like purgatory bc no way Sam would do that?? But I did like how it developed deans character..
I don't remember what happened in what season but I lovedddd kevin, hated metatron (but in the "it's because he's well done" kinda way), the tablets were aight, Mark of Cain was uh... something.. (I hate demon dean but he was peak..)
So like idk.. show is peak though, I'm just at that point in the hyperfixtion where it's like "BUT I COULD DO IT BETTER!!" ykwim?? NVM I'm sick with a fever, supernatural is all I have going for me man.
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nightzombie · 1 year
fascinated by the fact that no one gives two shits about deananna and deanamara. we watched it grace our screens and all went k whatever.
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nobodymitskigabriel · 10 months
Dean making fun of Sam for being sexually assaulted in red sky at morning makes me so ill. It's so out of left field and pointless to the episode so I tend to just pretend it never happened for my own sanity. But then there's Dean rolling his eyes and sighing over Sam being assaulted by Meg in s1. Then again in s2 making fun of Sam for being possessed by a "girl demon". And like. It would make a lot of sense for Dean to not take woman on man sexual assault very seriously due to toxic masculinity for one but also being chronically sexualized his whole life? Like if a woman sexually assaulted or raped dean (and theres a good chance something like this has happened) no way would he take that at face value. He'd write it over in his head and convince himself he must've wanted it.
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shallowseeker · 7 months
15x09 The Trap should have featured Emma W. and Andrea K. dancing in the ruins. Dean thinks maybe he’ll find Benny? Boom, enter Andrea and Emma who take a shine to Cas and wanna keep him.
Utter chaos!
Narrative symmetry! Dean-and-Jack shadow replacements, hello! And enticing Cas to stay ofc was always a crunchy theme.
#emma winchester#andrea kormos#narrative symmetry#come on this would’ve been soooo crunchy and messy and horrible#it would’ve needed another episode tho#andrea takes over purgatory...*she* is king of the place#see the thing i love about these eps#dean was passive-aggressively fishing for whether or not cas *really cared in the first place* and not just b/c of narrative reasons#he said: *i don’t know if you CARE or not but chuck is back on the board*#then about amara: *we had a thing* -- dean was fishing for a REACTION he is starved of cas reactions since cas tends to WITHDRAW#i would have LOVED dean to get an unexpected outlet for that messy spillover of emotion but reversed in the form of andrea and emma#and emma would have underlined jack’s death SO well you know it would've#even though dean had reason to be angry with cas for withdrawing#he was absolutely cruel with words and actions *you've been to hell before* while expecting / taking cas's support FOR GRANTED#yet he still expected cas to be there for him even when initially talking abt killing jack w/the equalizer in the bunker/chuck confrontatio#dean was so damn HURT over everything he was neurotically chomping at the bit for cas replacements from lee to benny to amara to whoever#even in the script of Last Call he was relishing getting his ass grabbed by that bar lady cause *it's nice to get some attention for once*#in the trap: *we should split up*#dean was craving a reaction FROM CAS#when dean can't even say jack's name!#when dean can't admit that trusting chuck was a mistake#*i always knew chuck was squirrelly and untrustworthy he says in 15x01 >>> he didn't*#anyhoo i think this scenario would have supported ALL of those complex crunchy situations!#cause it's almost like the whole - be careful what you wish for in dean's case but on the other foot
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lesbiten · 4 months
KEVIN is season 7 too ???????
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queermania · 1 year
it's vitally important to me that dean and cas were kind of together in s12. not in a big way. they hadn't talked about it. it just kind of happened in the early days of mary being back. cas was no longer possessed by lucifer. the angels were minding their business more or less. amara wasn't a problem anymore. sam was alive and mostly well. mary was alive and it was difficult and cas was the person dean would confide in and one night it just... kind of happened and they didn't really talk about it but besides a few awkward moments nothing really changed. and then it happened again. and again. and then dean got locked up in super solitary and cas killed billie and they had their little domestic and then dean got whammied by that witch and may or may not have hooked up with someone else and he felt guilty about it and then cas told dean he loved him (while dean was still feeling guilty) but then he walked it back and made it about everyone and that made dean feel worse and then the nephil arc began and cas was never around and they still hadn't talked about it and then cas ran off with kelly and dean was mad but still. still. it was cas and when he healed dean at the lakehouse it felt like it meant something but then cas died. and then there was jack. and then apocalypse world. and then michael. and then and then and then and eventually so much time had passed that they both just assumed the other one decided it wasn't worth it. and then the confession happens and dean is furious.
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deancaspinefest · 8 months
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Take The Long Way Home
Author: sidewinder | Artist: caught-a-dragonfly (Sarah)
Posting on Monday April 15
Two months ago, the world didn’t end. But for Dean Winchester, who fully expected to sacrifice not just his life but his very soul in order to stop Amara? The celebration has been clouded by the disappearance of his best friend, Cas—the friend he’d started to realize meant more to him than he’d been willing to accept until now. The last anyone’s seen of Castiel was when he was banished from the bunker by Toni Bevell. The Brits swear they don’t have him. Neither Heaven nor Hell claim to know of his whereabouts. All of Dean’s calls, texts and prayers to the angel have gone unanswered, and Dean can’t help but worry that a "Winchester win" has once again come at a terrible price. One day hope finally arrives in a lead from an unexpected if not always trustworthy ally. However finding Cas might end up being only the first step in saving him—not simply from the forces holding him captive, but from the prison of his own mind.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
As Dean approached the galley, he saw the light on there already, meaning he wasn’t the only early bird up and about today. His mood brightened with a momentary spark of hope—Cas rarely slept, and when he was around the bunker, he usually enjoyed hanging around in the kitchen to read or watch cat videos and shit all night on one of their laptops. But Dean’s bubble of hope burst when he saw it was just his brother, sitting there in his sweatpants and a ratty old t-shirt, chugging a disgusting-looking green smoothie. Sam was no doubt ready to head out on his morning self-imposed torture session—that is, a five-mile run looping around the bunker to Lebanon and back.
Kid seriously had to be the devil’s vessel if he found that kind of physical torment enjoyable.
“Hey,” Dean grunted at his brother.
Sam looked up from his laptop at Dean and nodded. “Hey. You’re up early.”
“You too. Couldn’t sleep?”
“Rarely do.”
Yeah, that was something they had in common. “Anything up?” Dean asked on his way to fill the coffeepot with water. 
“Not really. Just restless, I guess. I found a case, maybe. Not that I was looking for one,” Sam added quickly. “But while I was searching for any signs of Cas, or Lucifer, I came across a news story about some strange deaths in Wichita. It’s not far from here, and—”
“If you wanna go hunt whatever it is, go for it,” Dean cut him off. “Take mom. I know she’s itching to get out of here and do somethin’ other than stare at our ugly mugs all day.” 
“No, Sam. I mean it. Until I know where Cas is, I just can’t. My head’s not in the game.” A distracted hunter was a dead hunter. That was the rule their father had drilled into them as soon as they each could carry a weapon, and learn about the things that went bump in the night being real. A week ago, Dean had let Sam talk him into going on a “milk run” hunt to clear out a small vampire nest near Toledo and he’d nearly lost his neck thanks to not fully concentrating on the job at hand.
“Okay, I get it.”
“Do you?” Dean snapped. “Cas has been missing for two months, Sam! We have no idea where he is, if he even—”
Dean cut himself off. He couldn’t say it. Not out loud.
If he even survived.
(continue reading on Ao3 on Monday April 15)
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swordofsun · 10 months
Avoiding rambling mostly off topic on another person's post, so I'll just spill it all over here instead.
Sam had a tv from pretty much the moment they moved into the bunker. We see it in Pac-Man Fever when they all gather in Sam's room to watch Game of Thrones. In s11 during Cas' recovery period Sam gets him hooked on Netflix.
Which is actually fascinating in and of itself. For years Sam was the one with a tv. Just Sam. Not Dean, the tv and movie reference guy. And once Dean gets a tv, it's in a group space. Even when he's watching something on his laptop he does it in the library.
The only time we ever see Dean watch something in his room is in Mint Condition when he's full on depression caving (and presumably took the TV from the Dean cave) and hiding from the AW!hunters. Outside of that one instance he'll read or listen to music in his room, but he doesn't watch TV or movies.
And we don't know when exactly the Dean cave was created. Just that Sam didn't learn about it until s13, long after it had clearly been finished and in use. So why did Dean put it together? We've been shown that he's okay with watching on his laptop in the library. He clearly wants a separation between his own personal living area and the tv/entertainment area.
(Presumably because motel rooms are set up with tvs right at the end of the bed and he's not living in a motel anymore.)
But, Cas loves TV as much as Dean does and with as little discrimination about the exact programming. We've seen Cas happily watch infomercials and know he enjoys trashy talk shows. Outside of the beginning of s11 Cas just doesn't spend a lot of time at the bunker. He spends most of s9 and s10 doing his own thing/supervising Sam's secret project. S11 he was posseased by Lucifer and then kidnapped by Amara for the vast majority.
So, S12 is when he really starts staying for longer periods of time. S12 is when Dean is looking at potentially weeks of Cas hanging around and sitting in the library in the middle of the night is no longer appealing. S12 is the most likely option for building the Dean cave and the most likely reason is a comfortable place to hang out with just Cas. No Sam wandering in during the middle of a movie. No one complaining that sound travels pretty well from the library and asking them to keep it down.
The Dean cave was built to spend time with Cas. The only reason Sam ever found out about it is because of the circumstances of the eventual TV acquisition. The place was fully constructed and in use by the time Sam sees it. And there is no way Dean got all of that set up by himself, Cas had to have helped.
But the Dean Cave was used as a place to hang out with Cas. Yes, movies and TV shows on the laptop, probably on a table pulled up inbetween the recliners. But also Dean and Cas sharing a drink from the bar, playing fooseball, listening to music, maybe sitting silently reading together. It's the first place Cas goes to look for Dean. They spend time there.
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scoobydoodean · 2 months
saw someone say that sam is the only one in tfw whose trauma is sexualised... and I just want to know what show they watched because that's the most blatantly untrue thing I've ever seen. truly glad to find some people on tumblr like you who seem to actually have watched the show so thank you for that
Not exactly sure how to interpret this the way it's phrased. If the idea is that Sam is the only one who faces trauma that has sexual undertones or overtones...
In 1.20, a rapist vampire forces her tongue down Dean's throat while another vampire watches appreciatively. This is also all happening while John and Sam are using Dean as bait.
In 3.01, Dean is attacked by Lust.
In 4.03 while Dean is tied up, Azazel sniffs at his neck while wearing his grandfather, Samuel.
In 4.05, Dean is undressed by the Dracula shifter while unconscious and then dressed in lederhosen.
We... all saw Alastair, right? Like. Just watch the guy in a single scene. How he talks to and looks at people. How he talks to and looks at Dean. ("They sliced and carved and tore at me in ways that..." - Dean in 4.10 talking about hell). (Also this)
In 4.14, Dean swaps spit with a siren and is put under it's control.
In season 5, saying "yes" to an angel is repeatedly compared to sex acts by Dean.
In 5.01, Meg forces a kiss on Dean.
In 6.05, Soulless Sam uses Dean as unwilling bait. Dean is attacked in an alley by a rapist vampire who calls him "pretty" and then later in the episode, the same vampire asks Dean if he wants "the private tour" while looking him up and down.
Multiple instances in 6.09
In 6.09, Meg sits on a tied up Dean's lap and puts a knife to his throat, and says "Satisfy me or I please myself". Afterwards, she tells Dean "don't pretend you don't enjoy it".
This moment also in 6.09.
This moment from 8.03.
Abaddon says a range of creepy, sexual things to Dean while overpowering him. [Ex 1]
Lots of heavy implications in season 10.
The Amara plot line.
Dean being tied to an altar as a sacrifice for a tentacle monster.
Whole season 14 Michael possession plot.
Didn't make it to film but "Wide-eyed hitchhiker routine" (14.14)
In 15.05, Lilith says that Chuck has a "Very weird, very pervvy obsession" with Dean. (Pair this with Dean being "full frontal" in the Supernatural books according to 5.18).
Then there's Cas, who is almost murdered by a woman he had sex with in 9.03, and who also gets possessed by Lucifer, and who was lobotomized 5 billion times for being in love with Dean.
My tag #dont objectify me! might be of interest.
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smollkittykat · 3 months
i know that we all love that Dean took God out of Castiel's name by calling him Cas but something in my brain just kind of blanks out when he calls him by his full name.
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this post is specifically adressed at 11x18 where Lucifer plays his full "ohh look at how useful I can be I could kill Amara"-spiel and Dean can literally only think about activating the sigil to gain a chance to talk to Cas and almost prays.
"Castiel, show yourself."
And when Cas says his name, how everything in his face just crumbles and he immidiately jumps up to approach him.
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caranfindel · 5 months
Because it’s Sam Winchester’s birthday, and I’m in a mood to talk about how much he is loved, and because I watched Exodus on TNT yesterday, I’m repeating what I said on LJ long ago…
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Dean's not stupid. He's not really afraid of his brother committing suicide, but he does know that Sam isn't afraid of death, that he welcomes it to some extent, that if the Devil had given him any real choice in the matter, Sam would have gone gentle into that good night and Dean never would have known there'd been any other option. Dean knows that as much as Sam wants to be here for Jack and Mary (and himself), having that bestowed on him by Lucifer is, in many ways, the worst thing that could happen to him, because Lucifer never gives with one hand without taking away with the other. But Dean also finds it hard to care as much as he should about the worst thing happening to Sam, because Dean just lived through the worst thing that could happen to him, and Sam? Sam can deal.
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And Dean feels guilty, maybe, because he prayed for this. He prayed to Chuck and Amara, prayed and begged, please, he deserves better, please, I can't do this, please, and when Sam walked into the camp his first thought was that maybe they'd actually listened, maybe one of them had brought him back, and even now he wonders.
The Lord works in mysterious ways, after all.
(Dean will always wonder, but he’ll never regret.)
And now Sam's standing here, blood-splattered, reeking of shame and remorse, but alive, Christ, and Dean can't imagine what he's apologizing for. For bringing Lucifer to the camp? As if he wouldn't have found it on his own? For dying? For allowing Lucifer to resurrect him? It's incomprehensible. Dean doesn't have to go dig his little brother's cold ravaged corpse out of a vampire den, he doesn't have to carry him home and burn him, he doesn't have to go on with the rest of his life knowing how badly he failed him once again. Yes, he should care about how awful this is for Sam, but he can't, because Sam's alive and God forgive him (Sam forgive him) because he doesn't care how or why. Just doesn't fucking care.
So when Sam says I'm alive he says then you got nothing to apologize for, because nothing else matters.
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queen-of-deans-booty · 4 months
Deadly Proposal: Part Five
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.5k
Warnings: angst, drug use (cocaine), heartbreak
Summary: Amber takes it a step too far when she throws a party at Dean's house. She crosses a line completely when she reverts back to her old self, and you are done breaking your back for her.
Deadly Proposal Masterlist
Square Filled: force feeding for @badthingshappenbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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The fight with your sister and Dean made it so you couldn’t sleep well last night. You slide out of bed, throw on something to wear that’s semi-appropriate, and head down to the kitchen. You’re not expecting to see anyone but Sonja, so you’re surprised when Amber is sitting at the kitchen island. She gives you a side glance but doesn’t say anything to you.
“I thought you were leaving.”
“I know you want me gone but my boyfriend didn't show.”
“I never said I wanted you gone,” you sigh. “I was frustrated yesterday, and I said something I didn’t mean. I’m sorry.”
“Whatever,” she shrugs. “Looks like you’re stuck with me.”
You sit at the kitchen counter and turn to her.
“Why don’t you and I go into town today and look for jobs? You said you were going to try.”
“Yeah, maybe we can do that later.”
“You need to do it sooner rather than later. Dean only gave you a week here.”
“What are you, my mom?” she scoffs.
She leaves her untouched food on the counter and storms to her room. Your shoulders sag in defeat but you don’t dwell for long. Sonja takes her food away and sets a plate in front of you with a kind smile on her face.
“Thanks, Sonja.”
As you eat, you think about Dean and your fight. Was it a fight? You know you’re not supposed to feel anything for him since you’re just a blood bag for him but the more he drinks from you, the more you crave him. Not just him, but his time and attention as well. You want to know so much about him but he doesn’t give you much to work with. He’s so mysterious and it’s driving you insane.
The thing with Amara isn’t sitting well with you either. You hated how jealous you got when she came over. She’s so beautiful, and may or may not have been involved with Dean. You subconsciously touch the wounds on your neck that have mostly healed. What did she mean when she said your blood was special? She said that she’d never smell anything like it, but doesn’t she smell blood all the time? No, that was carnal behavior. Dean talked to her but you’re not sure what he said to her. Does he even care?
No, screw this. You’re not going to sit here and continue to wonder. You’re going to get answers now. After you’re done eating, you walk upstairs to where Dean’s office is. Your hand hovers over the doorknob as doubt begins to creep inside your mind. Would he give you the time of day? Would he send you to your room like a petulant child?
“I can hear you breathing, you know,” Dean says from inside.
It’s now or never. You open the door and walk inside. Dean is sitting at his desk typing quickly on his laptop.
“What are you doing?”
“Nosy much?” he smirks.
“I can’t help it.” You shrug. “I’m bored and you’re not paying attention to me.”
Dean chuckles and leans back in his chair to give you his undivided attention.
“If you must know, I’m working.”
“You have a job?” you gasp in a teasing tone.
Dean shakes his head with a smile he can’t resist. “Yes.”
“What is it you do?”
“Nothing you need to know about.”
You walk over to his desk, sit across from him, and cross your legs.
“Do you realize you’re always brooding or does it come naturally to you?” Dean rolls his eyes and continues typing. “So, where’s your brother? I’m assuming you have one, right?”
“Are we doing this right now?”
“Fine.” You pause. “Do you have any parents?” He doesn’t reply. “I’m going to keep asking you questions until you answer.”
“Fine.” Dean groans and pushes his laptop away to pay attention to you. “You have five minutes. Go.”
“How old are you?”
“Over half a millennium. Seven hundred and sixty-two years if you want to get specific.”
“How did you become a vampire?”
“I was working a hunt when I was human. Vampires. They got to me before I could get to them. I’ll spare you the bloody details.”
“What do you do for work?”
“I help women escape their abusers.”
You’re taken aback. You did not expect that to come from him. You want to know more but then you’d use up your five minutes and you need to more about him.
“You made it sound like you had a family. Any siblings?”
“Are all your friends dead, too?” Dean cracks a smile and looks away to try and hide it. Your smile fades slowly. “Are you going to kill me when you’re done with me?”
“Why me? Why take me out of everyone you could have taken?”
“I already told you.”
“Yeah, my ‘special blood’,” you scoff. “What does that mean? Amara said I had special blood, too. What makes me special?”
“You remind me of someone I used to know. She had the same blood you did. In fact, you two are more similar than I’d care to admit. Maybe I don’t want to be alone anymore. Maybe she was the best thing to have happened to me in a long time, and I want to have that again.” Your mouth goes agape as you try and process his words. He clears his throat and pulls his laptop closer to him. “Times up. Now get out and let me work.”
That’s more than you thought you’d get so you won’t complain. You get up as he continues typing, and you walk to the door slowly. You look back at him but he doesn’t spare you another glance. Since you don’t want to see Amber and Dean doesn’t want to hang with you, you decide to hang out in your room for the next few hours either reading, playing video games, or browsing Amazon for new stuff for your room.
It’s nearing dinner time so you get out of bed to see what Sonja has made. When you open the door, you hear music blasting from downstairs and commotion that sounds like chatter coming from a huge crowd. You take the stairs down two at a time to see people filing into Dean’s house. Strangers who are already inside hold red cups filled with God only knows what. This is a party. Dean would never throw a party and you didn’t, and there is only one person here that would.
You push past everyone to get to the living room where Amber is sitting on the couch with two nasty-looking men. Unkempt hair, dirty clothes, and yellow nails.
“Amber! What the hell are you doing?!”
“It’s a party!” she grins. “I was bored of staying in this house with nothing to do.”
“Fuck, Amber! This isn’t your house.”
“It’s not yours either. Plus, Dean is almost always gone. He won’t mind, I’m sure.”
How did you ever think you could change her? How did you ever think she would be willing to change? You’re about to respond to her when you feel a hand wrap around your arm. Dean pulls you away from Amber and to an empty room nearby. He shoves you inside the room and slams the door behind him with a deadly glare on his face.
“Dean, I am so sorry. I didn't know she was doing this. All these people just showed up,” you stutter. “God, she always does shit like this. I shouldn’t have brought her here.”
“Yeah, no shit,” Dean glares. “Get rid of them.”
“Yeah, you got it.”
“I mean it, Y/N. I am a vampire and this party is filled with blood bags. Get rid of them before I do.”
Your eyes widen when you realize the threat behind his words. You leave the room and push through the sea of people that seemed to get bigger from ten minutes ago. You grab a few cups from people but they pass you by without another thought.
“Party’s over! You need to leave!” you shout over the loud music. No one is listening to you so you push your way to the DJ who is spinning the record player. “Hey! You need to stop. The party is over!”
“Get lost,” he says and continues playing music.
The control is slowly leaving your body and you start to panic. People are doing body shots off of other people, some are in the pool half-naked, and some are playing beer pong and doing drugs, among them is Amber. From the DJ stand, you can see over everyone’s head and to the couch where you left Amber. There are white lines on the table, one of which she sniffs up her nose. You don’t think anyone can hear your heart break over the music.
You jump off the platform and push through the crowd to get to her. She sniffs up another line of drugs when you yank on her hair.
“What the fuck?”
“Are you serious right now?”
“Great, it’s the fun police,” she giggles with her friends. She grabs her alcohol bottle and takes a few swigs. “You need to lighten up, Y/N. Have fun. Get drunk. Get laid. Where’s Dean?”
Tears prick the back of your eyes. “This isn’t funny, Amber. This is my life. You come in and ruin everything! You’re poison and a parasite. I don’t even know why I helped you in the first place!”
Amber glares but she is too high to care enough to bite back.
“Let’s play Seven Minutes in Heaven!” she shouts. A few people cheer her on as she shugs the rest of her alcohol. Some drops fall from her mouth when she pulls the bottle away but she wipes it away with the back of her hand. “Y/N, you go first!”
“No, I’m not playing, Amber. Seriously, the party is over.”
Amber doesn’t listen and spins the bottle on the now drug-free table. The bottle spins and lands on a spot that’s right behind you, and she grins when she sees who is standing there.
“Dean, you gotta go in the closet with Y/N.”
You turn swiftly and see Dean standing there with an emotionless face. Shit, he looks pissed. Someone grabs your shoulder and pushes you and Dean into the nearest closet. The door closes before you can say anything. 
“I’m so sorry,” you whisper.
“I don’t care about the party, anymore.” Dean steps closer to you, puts a hand on the wall behind you, and leans in closer to you. “What are you doing to me?”
“What do you mean?” you whisper.
“I can’t get you out of my head. You’re so different from her.” You can only assume he’s talking about the woman before you. He’s so close that your heart is racing a million miles a second. He leans in so close that you think he is going to kiss you but he doesn’t. He’s stopping himself as if kissing you is the most horrible thing to do. You sigh in disappointment which Dean picks up on. “Fuck it.”
He turns back to you, grabs both sides of your head, and kisses you so deeply that your knees immediately go weak. He holds you close and takes complete control over the kiss. His lips mold to yours like they were always meant to be there. His tongue touching yours sends sparks flying down your body. Your head is swirling too quickly for you to keep up, and all you can smell is him.
He finally pulls away from you and you lean against the wall to steady yourself. Dean doesn’t say a word and leaves the closet since the seven minutes are up. You touch your lips with a shaky hand as you force yourself to calm your racing heart and mind. Amber is gone from the couch when you leave the closet but you don’t care about her. You storm over to the DJ who is taking a water break and snatch the microphone from the stand.
“Party is over. Get out. The police have been called and are on their way!”
That does it for most. They scatter like startled cats and the rest leave because everyone else is. Soon, the house is empty and covered with trash and empty bottles. You’ll clean this later but right now, there is one person on your mind who you need to deal with. It’s not hard to find your sister when she is vomiting her guts out in the downstairs bathroom. You don’t care if you get vomit on you. You yank her away from the toilet by her hair and pull her toward the door.
“Wait, Y/N, I’m sorry. Please don’t do this,” she cries.
“You’re done, Amber. You’re not living here anymore.”
“Please, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I won’t do it again,” she sobs.
You drag her to the front door and throw her out on her ass. She has tears running down her face and looks at you with a heartbroken look.
“Please, Y/N, don’t do this to me.”
“No, I am not doing this again. Go find somewhere else to sleep, and go find someone else who will give a shit about you because I am done.”
With that, you slam the door in her face. You start to clean the house from the partygoers but that doesn’t distract you from Amber’s cries on the front porch. You continue to ignore her until she stops which means she either fell asleep on the porch or she left. A quick check through the window tells you it’s the latter.
Amber stumbles from the house in tears and down the long driveway to the road. She has no idea where she is going to go but maybe there is a homeless shelter that might take her for the night. She pulls her thin jacket tighter against herself since it’s starting to get cold outside. She walks further down the road when she hears the rumble of a car behind her. Maybe she can hitch a ride to town.
She turns and puts her hand out to avoid being blinded by the headlights. The car slows down next to her, and the driver rolls down the passenger side window.
“Can I get a ride into town, please?”
“Hop in,” the man says.
Amber is quick to hop inside the car where the heater is gently blowing.
“Sorry if I seem like a mess. My sister just kicked me out of her life, basically. I know I’m a fuck up. I fuck up all the time. I understand why she would but she’s my sister. We’re supposed to stick together through thick and thin, you know? So I do a bit of drugs. So what?”
“You poor girl,” the man says. “I can help you.”
Amber looks up and sees he hasn’t moved the car since she got in. She glances over at him in confusion. He has a beer belly, hairy arms, a scraggly beard, and dark eyes.
The man grins with sharp fangs where his canines should be. He grabs Amber and sinks his teeth into her neck. Amber screams for her life but no one is around to hear them. He’s right about one thing: poor girl.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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crowleybigbang · 3 months
And finally, here we are! @doctorprofessorsong and @vibe-howie open the celebrations and prepare you for a summer of sin with
Love Is A Bet, A Wild One
You can read it here!
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Summary: When Amara and Rowena make a bet of cosmic proportions, Gabriel and Crowley are forced to take a road trip together. Their task is to answer the question: can people truly change? Crowley isn't thrilled to be stuck with an Angel of the Bored, but he soon discovers that Gabriel is definitely not what he expected and just maybe exactly what he needs.
Word count: 24.471
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Freeform, Minor Character Death, Murder, Alcohol, Drugs, Apparent Threat Of Sexual Assault, Blasphemy, Canon Compliant, except the parts I have disregarded because I can do that, Crack Taken Seriously, homoerotic buddy road trip, unconventional soul saving methods like timeloops and murder, Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort.
Additional tags: Background Dean Winchester/Castiel - Freeform, past Castiel/Crowley and Dean Winchester/Crowley, trueform angel and demon sex, Consentacles, references to past abuse and torture, Non-Graphic Torture, BDSM elements, Monsterfucking, kidnapping, Non-Consensual Drug Use, apparent threat of sexual assault, references to a cult, alternative post-canon universe, Light Bondage, Wing Kink, Anal Sex, Rimming, Blowjobs, Consensual Biting, Coming Untouched, Grace Powered Orgasms, unrealistic sex (angel and demon refractory periods are non-existent), Dirty Talk, Getting Together.
And what about the art?! You can admire it here!
Reblogs, Kudos and comments keep the world go round. You know what to do.
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shallowseeker · 7 days
Okay, so.
While I'm thinking about Rowena blaming The Darkness on Dean, and about Sam assigning a hefty amount of responsibility on Dean too, we gotta talk about CHUCK.
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Fresh off the heels of blaming Lucifer for his own corruption ("You always cast a jaundiced eye. The Mark just made you more of what you are.")
Chuck then says of this moment: "Or MAYBE you didn't WANT the knife to work against her."
It's, again, blaming someone (Dean) for his own "failures." That their failures failed because they WANTED failure.
And it sounds dangerously close to a different kind of "Maybe you WANTED it."
Chuck is blaming Dean for Amara's coercion and cosmic compulsion because Chuck knows that Dean will take the blame to heart.
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rosemariad · 15 days
SUPERNATURAL SEASON 15 - final season - part 1 - i finally made it to the bitter end
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Jack’s dead :/ and it does seem like the hunts (at least from the earlier seasons) 😓😱 have been undone as we see some familiar ghosts and some new ones running around trying to kill the helpless townspeople nearby. Sam & Dean try to do some damage control after a new demon swoops in to bail them out of the overrun graveyard. Sam manages to convince the local sheriff about getting everyone evacuated into a nearby high school that will conveniently be out of range for a spell Belphegor proposes to contain the bloodthirsty ghosts.
Meanwhile Sam’s starting to feel the consequences of his attempted God assassination (only you Sam — fitting considering what He wanted you to become) as a wound appears on his shoulder that’s probably not gonna heal. Cas certainly can’t do anything about.
Side note - I guess Jack ain’t getting a funeral huh 😒
While Dean mothers his baby bro at the end of the premiere episode, he momentarily laments how futile his life feels while Sam tries to keep the hope alive that they’ll find some way out of the mother of all shitstorms they’re in right now as for one of the final arcs of the show the brothers take on God Himself in rebellion for the lives He made them live? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Cas finds some time with Dean later in 15x02 after Dean made it clear that he’s still super steamed about Castiel dropping the ball where Jack & Mary are concerned. But he’s not just mad about last season.
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Dean’s pissed about the whole show (as he should be considering how his story ends) cuz it’s clear to Dean that their lives were never their own, as God had been pulling the strings the whole time, trapping the Winchesters in a maze to more or less see what Sam and Dean would do with the roles bestowed upon them. And where they are now, the position God has put them in, it all seems so…pointless. Dean thought he was fighting the good fight, but probably feels no different than a puppet. As he put it, he’s a hamster in a wheel and he’s been running this whole time— going absolutely nowhere. So Dean does what he does best and projects his feelings onto the person he’s talking to that can conveniently relate to what Dean is going through himself and make it seem like it’s just them - this time it just happens to be Cas.
But Cas tries to get through to Dean by pointing out 1 very super important thing.
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Which I think is important cuz sure Chuck wanted Sam & dean to be these rough & tough boys who kick ass, fuck chicks and drink tons of liquor, but Cas was never part of the overall plan. God probably kept bringing him back from the dead just so that the Winchesters had a useful ally (which may be why Cas has at times never felt like he belonged with Dean [and/or Sam] and felt his friendship with the brothers was contingent on his utility) but Cas wasn’t supposed to have the profound bond he does with Dean. So even though these 2 are on the outs (forgive him, Dean you stubborn dumbass), their relationship is still a rebellion, an aberration, this unplanned, unforeseen thing that God can’t control (or doesn’t bother to as He doesn’t see it as much of a threat, after all the deal Cas made with the Empty still stands 🤬)
Kevin’s back! I should be happy but apparently he’s been condemned - of course he is. Let’s make him suffer as much as possible😡. No one got done dirtier than this kid. Not Adam, not Charlie, not the Harvelles. Adam had Michael. The Harvelles got each other. Charlie (I hope) found peace. But Kevin died alone, he died young and he never got peace. NEVER.
Are these like super ghosts or something because Rowena just sat back and let them threaten her?
And ghosts can consume each other? Kevin almost became part of…jack the ripper? 🤦🏾‍♀️
God went to see Amara, who’s been chillaxing in Reno with a personal masseuse and is surprised to see her bro. When did they part ways?
Sam apparently did do some damage to God even though the aim was to kill Him. When God touches His wound, Sam feels that. Amara ditches her brother when she realizes the true reason of his visit. She makes it clear she’s done playing by His rules.
Man, she is so dead.
Amara mentioned she was trapped…is God stuck in this one universe cuz of the flesh wound? Oooooooo.
Meanwhile, with some teamwork Rowena & Dean defeat the ghost we’ve been following in these first 2 episodes BUT cuz of what God has unleashed there’s plenty more where they came from. They keep coming.
So this ghost-apocalypse is the last major end of days crap? Little early in the season so I'm sure there will be other shenanigans. But definitely On theme for supernatural. Ghost hunting was their bread and butter once upon a time.
Rowena tells the guys that they’re screwed as it’s only a matter of time before the warding breaks down and millions/billions of ghosts get their tons of flesh from all the unlucky humans lying in wait to be massacred.
Dean’s willing to fight with his 1 shotgun and finite supply of bullets 🤣🤣🤣🤣 like boy sit down.
He calls Chuck a fanboy, like uh Dean that fanboy is the master & creator of the universe. He made you! If anyone gets the last word, it’s Him.
On a positive note, where there’s billions of souls in Hell, there’s trillions in Heaven. So in this universe more people go to Heaven than Hell. That’s nice ☺️
Anyway, dean puts Cas on grunt work - that motherfucker 🤬. He doesn’t even ask, he just orders Cas to go with Belphegor and retrieve the horn/staff/whatever from hell they need, and he knows Cas will go because he has to know right? That Cas is entirely devoted to him (cuz Cas is in lurv-) just cuz you love him Cas doesn’t mean you let dean push you around. Stand up for yourself!
Cas does the Dean thing and projects HIS feelings when speaking to the demon, saying that Sam & Dean are just using Belphegor and they don’t actually like him 😭🥺😓
I’m loving the Cas moments in this episode, he kills some random demon, then has to sing to open a box 🤣 we should’ve seen that whole part 🤣 too bad a new demon baddie is interfering just as Cas gets the box open.
Belphegor reveals his plot 😒, he aims to do what Cas did at the end of season 6 but with Hell’s souls instead of Purgatory. No Leviathans this time I hope.
Lol Rowena & Sam are holding hands lemme stop 🤣
Cas WTF are you waiting for move it! Don’t get trapped in hell!
He stays just long enough to hand Belphegor his own ass, all in Jack’s corpse and the body is smote a 2nd time 😭
Chuck really hates Cas doesn’t he? Just keeps punishing this poor angel man - payback for how many times he’s broken the rules.
Rowena comes up with plan B, by ripping out her resurrection doohickey and declares that she must sacrifice herself to take down all the ghosts running around, throwing herself into hell and trapping the souls with her where they belong. She says she’s not doing this to save the world, only because she knows that Sam is the one who was meant to kill her. I guess she’s tired of waiting for her own demise.
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Rowena, we hardly knew ye…dies to become queen of Hell like her son before her 🤣 well things sorta worked out for her didn’t they? Too bad her son is lost & forgotten to time. And her grandson is in…Heaven? 🤷🏽‍♀️
I think she died the most noble death on the show. She took her fate into her own hands and sacrificed herself for the greater good and…it WASN’T in vain. What she did, actually worked.
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Why you gotta take shit out on sexy baby Cas? You know he feels bad about what happened. And then you're astonished to see him walk away. I feel like that pissed Dean off more. How much tongue lashing is the angel supposed to take dumbass? You can only talk shit to him so much before he decides to walk away like duh.
I don’t think Dean doesn’t care though. He wouldn’t be so upset if he didn’t care. If he truly didn’t care, he’d just straight kill Cas with an angel blade. I think Dean regretted what he said when he said it but was too proud to take it back. Every time I see Cas walk away I hear will you leave me now by Chicago.
Sam is dreaming about becoming the evil Chuck envisioned and killing his brother. We got a flash of that in 15x02 no?
Ugh veggie bacon. I’m sorry its just…ugh. I can’t eat any fake meat. Does things to my throat…anyway.
Dean calls himself the meat man 🤣 ofc he does. He should listen to Sam though, meat man means…other things 😈
Becky’s alive, and finally found that special someone. They have kids together?! But they look too old to be hers (she was single less than 8 years ago?) maybe she’s a stepmom. But I guess it’s a father-children trip so Becky’s left alone and chuck visits her. While she’s still a die hard SPN fan, she’s channeled that energy into making merch and selling it on Etsy. I think in the real world she might get sued but hey yay for her.
Becky still thinks Chuck is just a prophet 😅 I'm glad she regrets what she did to Sam in 7x08. and she’s kept up with her fan-fiction (hopefully she stopped the Wincest smut - #brothersnotlovers)
While the brothers are off solving a monster of the week case, with a bit of a twist (one of the high school kids is a vamp and his parents were trying to help him get away with murder and food by way of his classmates), Chuck tries to get Becky back on the bandwagon like she used to be — I'm glad Becky stood up for herself though. But she also inspires Chuck to start writing again and even though his rough draft left much to be desired (subtle, as much could be said about how the show has been lol, I'm pretty sure folks have said the same things Becky was saying in one form or another), his second draft horrifies Becky
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Makes you wonder what she read? Anything to do with vampires and some rebar??? 🤨
Too bad she and her whole family die though. I say die cuz there’s no way we’re ever gonna see them again.
It just doesn’t pay to be a fan huh…
It’s adorable that think Sam & Dean think they’re ‘free’, that Chuck is gone. Do they really not understand? God is God. He’s not done until He says He’s done. it’s been made clear He’s not done til the brothers kill each other. So on another case, they start to see that (why didn’t you ask about Cas, Sam? Hm?) in the form of 2 brothers - spoiler alert, they’re werewolves. When the story ends in inevitable murder-suicide, the plot twist emerges as the young blonde is revealed to be Lilith incarnate. She’s returned (thanks to Chuck) as a…messenger? She came for the new fancy gun God made for the Winchesters last season. When she fucks them up, Dean convinces her to run off with him in a bullshit lie/surrender tactic to get Lilith away from Sam. When the brothers try to escape, Lilith stops them, correctly assumes the gun is in the glovebox of the Impala & proceeds to destroy the gun right in front of the guys.
Back in the bunker (where’s Cas gone? Sam tried to reach him yet again) the brothers ruminate over how extra shitty their situation is. That gun wasn’t gonna help you.
It would’ve been cool if at this point the brothers realize they can take the fight to God in a new way. Not rebellion specifically and certainly not violence (they have no weapon to kill Him with). God made the Winchesters in his image, as rooting, tooting badass hunters who drink, fight & fuck their way across the continental US of A. So, stop doing that. Stop the drinking (and the eating of bad junk food it’s not good for you and it’s starting to show Dean you’re basically 40 now), stop the meaningless fighting and as for the fucking lol…maybe Sam finds someone to settle down with and Dean dares to explore his sexuality…with a certain angel …who’s totally in love with — wishful thinking though. Right?
So while Sam tries to track God, (HA!) and Lilith, Dean’s hunkered down in his room & eating his feelings 😔 the poor unfortunate soul is just beaten down from all the misfortune since its been made clear there’s no fucking hope.
CAS is back! Yay! And he’s gone…fishing? If only he took Dean with him but that whole situation is fucked…just like Dean’s life 🤣😭 he stumbles his way into a case while renting a place in the town he’s holed up in, and ends up having to call Dean when the sheriff demands to talk to Castiel’s FBI supervisor. Oof. That was rough, but Dean only mentions that Sam was trying to reach out and to check his messages. And he warned cas about Chuck.
How convenient that Rowena wrote down all the magic she’d done. And of course Rowena was working on a spell that could be applied to Eileen instead of motherfucking Kevin, who’s been dead for way fucking longer 🤬🤬🤬
While Eileen & Sam get reacquainted Dean runs off to Texas on a lead for a new case, and he just seems so depressed. It could just be me & the doom and gloom of the final season and all but the smiles don’t match the eyes you know? And Dean bullshits with the best of them. He runs into an old pal who suckers him into some singing but all the reminiscing on old times can’t make the plot twist hurt less. The reason Lee quit hunting is he found a money making monster - all it requires is continuous human sacrifice. So Dean kills the monster and then he kills his old bestie after Lee says his monologue about how pointless the fight is.
While Dean has his Texas adventure Cas returns (with no mention of his latest fallout with Dean - does Sam even know about their spat???) To work on Sam’s wound as he thinks it can help lead them to Chuck. All Cas manages to do is make Sam worse 🤦🏾‍♀️ He has to reach out to former MoL contact Sergei who comes to the bunker after Cas makes a super direct threat on his life. Pretty sure the angel was motivated not to further enrage Dean (if Dean were to discover Cas endangered his precious Sammy’s life) but Sergei makes even worse & tries to bargain for a key to Death’s library? Huh. Wonder if that’ll come in play later…🙄
Cas claps back tho as he expected Sergei to scheme and had Alt-Bobby follow Sergei’s relative (and here I thought he was bullshitting about being with his niece when he took Castiel’s call) so Sergei realizes he’s beat and puts Sam back the way the Moose was. But Sergei’s trick was useful for Sam in 1 regard as the younger Winchester got some insight into Chuck’s recent happenings.
Dean rushes back to his baby bro for an awkward run in with Cas who asserts Sam’s ok (now). I laugh when Sam tells the others they can beat God. Like, He’s omnipresent, He’s probably listening to you right now…do they not realize that?
Meanwhile the big G.O.D. Went to some casino to rig a slot machine to win every single time in the midst of countless corpses, sparing only 1 woman to serve him cocktails while he plays. So…what was the purpose of all this, to show how far God has fallen? Dude, just like have Him decimate a country or something. Sink some islands. Like real end of days shit! Weak…pfft.
Dean brings forth the demon tablet (honestly they fucked up destroying the angel tablet, that one would’ve made more sense) and they make some weak argument that because God made these tablets it was for the intent in case the demons and angels (and Leviathan or are we not gonna bring them up, they were the first ones we got a tablet on) went out of control — and bullshit! Lilith is basically God’s goon at this point as we see her and Michael have a quick chat in some diner where Adam is FINALLY, FINALLY out of the godforsaken Cage. My. Lord. It literally took the boy a decade to be free (sort of, he’s still stuck with Michael but doesn’t seem to hate it so much). Kid’s got a great attitude after the last 10 (human) years he’s had to live through.
The winchesters bring Donatello back to translate the tablet they have and he finds some notes BUT God intercedes, speaking through the prophet like a puppet, proving my exact point - Chuck is constantly watching these dudes whenever the fuck he wants. He just doesn’t take them seriously. It’s like they’re taking the most powerful entity in existence and reducing him to a general Big Bad. Like don’t have God just threaten. Make Him do shit! Shit that makes you jump and scream and go 😱
Anyway - ugh I love how Cas & Dean are still on the outs but when Dean had to bleed for a spell Cas is willing to heal him 🥺 and Dean lets him 🥺
Rowena can see the tension, picks it up right away and merely asserts that Dean & Cas have to fix it, makes sure Sam’s outta earshot too, since she figures Sam is out of the loop (and she figured right!)
Since it’s clear to the guys that Michael got out of the cage (FINALLY!) we get to see Adam eat a burger (he hasn’t lost his love for them I see😂😂 and the good vibe is ruined when Lilith approaches the archangel and he smites her out of existence (thank goodness) then makes the awed humans at the diner forget what they saw. Cas lures Michael into an angel trap (the holy fire circle) and the Winchesters give mike the 411 but Michael turns it around on them and makes the brothers face Adam.
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This kid seriously has the best attitude ever! Like if he wanted to kill them, who would blame him? I sure wouldn’t. But he certainly doesn’t forgive them (so he says). But Michael won’t hear how bad God has become. It’s not until Cas shows him clips from the past couple of years that Michael to accept the reality of the situation.
Not Cas saying Luci was right 🤣
So Michael hands over a spell that may seal God away in a cage and pops open a door to purgatory so Team Destiel can acquire the final ingredient. Yay! But God lured Eileen (and Sam who she brought with him, probably like Chuck wanted) into a trap and takes them back to the casino (why a casino though, honestly?)
Chuck reveals that Eileen is back because of Him as Sam did exactly as God ordained. As if that was a surprise - He ain’t the master & creator of the universe for nothing. He’s about to torture Sam But Eileen tries to sneak call Dean so big bro can know what’s up but Chuck (breaks?) tosses the phone away, ending the call. Dean’s about to run over to Sam like the mama bird he is but Cas stops him.
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Yes, speak up for yourself Cas – tell Dean what it is! I'm loving the tension/drama though 😏
But Chuck does reveal that he can’t see Sam because it was Sam who shot him? He mentioned Sam specifically, so he can only watch Dean? Or is it that wherever Sam is he can’t observe??? Then what was that power play with Donatello about?! (Make it make sense writers)
Sam calls out Chuck for being a BITCH - actually Eileen does and for her trouble Chuck makes her a torture puppet and has her gouge Sam while Chuck gets to watch. So petty.
Chuck then says that there is a chance Team Free Will can defeat Him - so long as Dean & Cas don’t fuck up — they’re screwed. And chuck starts to show sam glimpses of the supposed future.
Hasn’t sam been getting more visions of fratricide throughout this season? Per Chuck, they’re moments from other universes where Sam & Dean succumbed to their fates and fratricidal tendencies.
Sam & Dean become vampires (AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA), Jody & Bobby kill Sam, Dean drains Jody - that suuuuuuucks (hehe, get it?)
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No that seriously sucked.
Not Cas taking on the mark to seal away God! He’d be helping to fulfill the future Sam saw, no!
Oh thank God, Sam, by dropping the ball (orb) you avoided the very grim future for Cas.
About that FINAL Destiel scene: https://www.tumblr.com/rosemariad/761296693532803072/the-bitter-end-spn-15x18-despair-about-that
About the SERIES FINALE EPISODE ‘CARRY ON’ 15x20 https://www.tumblr.com/rosemariad/761299089485889536/supernatural-season-15-the-bitter-end-series
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wetsocksinbed · 3 months
*whisper it* I didn’t like Sam or Dean by the end of Supernatural. Sam was just boring and Dean was just really mean and angry. I kept watching because I still liked Cas and Jack. The ending really annoyed me too. It was very poorly written and directed and I couldn’t believe neither Cas nor Jack were in it. I thought it really sucked. It was worse than the end of Game of Thrones, imo. Really disappointing. I wish they would retcon the whole last season (or even the last two seasons.) Or give Castiel and Jack a spin-off or something. Anything to take away the bad taste it left in my mouth. It’s still there, that bitterness, even nearly four years later. I thought all the characters and all the fans deserved a better ending than that. #SPN
I’m so glad other people feel the same way. I think that’s why Jensen created the Winchesters spinoff, because he felt like his character was incomplete. Hell, imagine playing a character for 15 years only to have them die like that. Especially since Dean has had such intense deaths, like the Hellhound, or Metatron, in the past, to the point where Dean would die through the series just to be able to talk to Death/Billie. So to have him die to a metal bar is just insulting. Especially when Jack, a literal god, could have easily snapped his fingers and brought him back. I mean, Jack brought Castiel back from the empty, a place more powerful than God or Amara, the oldest thing in existence, twice.
the only thing I liked about season 15 was that Jack came back tbh
Lucifer 🤝 Supernatural = having some of the worst last seasons known to mankind
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