#it's kinda short and lame
jade-lynxx · 1 month
I had some Michael Myers x Jake feelings so here's a oneshot about them
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Kageyama or Bokuto for the ask game? - kenmas-autistic-eyes
i did bokuto here so here's kageyama
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he is so fucking autistic, we might have v different personalities but solidarity, i get him. tbh most hq ships have major crimes against characterization at times but kagehina suffers the most imo. it makes me wanna bleach my eyes when i see him with a corruption kink [esp paired with stupidly innocent hinata]. like pls noo that's not him. he's just a guyy. i like the growth he goes through and how awkwardly he starts trying to connect with his team
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wearejericho · 1 year
open to all!
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    ❝ it’s late. ‘the fuck are you still doin’ here? ❞ his eyelids are heavy. paperwork that should’ve been done in 45 minutes has taken him nearly three hours. 
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femme-malewife · 7 months
#i dont really “hate” anyone tbh#like if i get annoyed or pissed @ someone ill forgive them within 2 days max#usually within a few hours im chill again#but my coworker. Holy shit i actually hate her sm mam pls pls pls shut the fuck up stop talking to me#im ngl im actually openly a bitch to her#like when i leave in the late afternoons ill call bye to my managers and coworkers by name...#except her. I flat out dont say anything to her#when she walked to the back and left the register unattended she said she needed help w smthin#and i flat out lectured her instead of gently explaining that she cant leave it unattended#i didnt cuss or anything but even i could hear my tone beinf a very “duh” voice#And im kinda fuckin tone deaf#i get a lot of complaints abt her from customers too lol#shes rude and never says please or thank you or anything#like she says fuck manners or smthin#and she keeps! Interjecting!! In my convos!!#Ill be talking w Anyone and she'll but in and be like#For example#the other week i was trying to separate two carts and one banged against my chest. I held my chest and whined @ my coworker (whom i adore)#and we were laughing together and i said “im short! carts will hit my tlts! it happens!”#and lame coworker walks over and goes “youre not short. I saw an adult the size of a toddler earlier.” In this smug bitchy tone#or when im telling a coworker im trying to budget#she'll come @ me going “youre not trying to say youre Poor are you? Because you dont look poor”#like girl what the fuck. First off i wasnt fucking talking to you! Secondly thats none of your fucking business???#i get my clothes cheap online or in thrift stores#ONCE IN AWHILE ill go to a fancier store and get 1 or 2 items but thats it. And thats vvv uncommon#she pisses me off sm im gonna be meaner lol
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ambreiiigns · 5 months
i watched midori aka shoujo tsubaki and it's huhhhhh how do you say huhhhh lame
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sol-flo · 6 months
analog horror haunts and vexes me i do not get the appeal but i feel i must study and understand it. but tbh. tbh it seems to me that it's much more a vibes based aesthetic descriptor. analog horror is when found footage but bad quality recording on youtube. analog horror is when people get reminded of being up late watching tv as a kid. analog horror is when liquify and noise.
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usermakki · 1 year
would any moot be willing to read over my wip to give me genuine criticism?? I just wanna know if the pacing is alright,,
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gremlingottoosilly · 2 months
Slasher!König crashing a small Halloween party. Reader starts flirting with him, thinking he’s just dressed in a costume as another party goer. Even when he starts saying ominous words, she thinks he’s trying to keep up his act with some weird role play. Reader also has a big mask/fictional slasher kink. The music also drowned out the screams of her friends, making her unaware that she’s probably the last one standing.
Party is lame. Decor is cringey, costumes are lazy. The only movie the host brought is the latest Screams, and you kinda hate the sequels past the third. No streaming services either - you brew in boredom, drinking too much for one person. Not like you give a fuck, obviously. Honestly, you are one of few people who actually thought about their costume. You and some other guy. Wears a GhostFace mask - basic. His body isn't. Tall, broad, muscular in a way that stretches his black compression shirt. Some tactical harnesses across his pecks, makes you want to tug on it and see if it would be useful while riding him. Oh shit. You're definitely drunk. You plop on the side of the couch, your buzzed drain ignoring how quiet party suddenly got. Probably half of the part is already gone - you wouldn't blame them. Music is too loud, the weird horror mix with added screams makes you want to puke, and the only thing still keeping you around is snacks and this guy sitting on the couch. You try to appear nonchalant, scrolling on your phone. Checking out other, much more fun, parties. With your side vision, you can see the guy leaning towards you, shamelessly looking at your phone screen. Bad boy. "You should pay more attention to your surroundings." He says, in his perfectly hot voice. You ignore the threat, instead opting to graze your knee over his. He grunts under that heavy mask of his. Smells weird - like metal and booze combined. You think you have already started getting hallucinations from drinking too much. "Or what, big guy?" He places a hand on your hip, playing with the hem of your shorts. You're not usually like this, but you're bored and lonely. You spread your legs, thinking about condoms you had in your bag - just in case. Smile as his fingers linger even further, closer to your mound. He knows what he wants, at least. And his hands are nice. "You mind end up in a horror story" You laugh, pressing your body closer to him. Gets on his lap, grind your ass against his erection. Smile when he grabs your waist and settles you down, a hand already getting in your panties. Asks you quietly for confirmation and you get him a condom from your bag. Grind your hips over his cock again. Smile. You push yourself up, looking around the room. Something is wrong - you can't quite point out what, but you squint and... Konig slips his cock in your welcoming pussy. You stare at the body of the party host, head severed and laying just behind the couch. You blink. "Going to keep you, Schatzen. Don't worry, ja?" You really should have paid attention to your surroundings.
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wannabeanotter · 15 days
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Fucking tops. It's Friday, nearly midnight and instead of dancing I'm stuck in the washroom at a gay club, hiding from some shithead.
"Tops, right?"
Next to me is a tall guy in a flannel shirt. He's pretty hot, but, urgh, he's the last thing I want to be thinking of right now.
"Yeah," I try to sound chatty, but it's clear I'm pretty annoyed "How did you know?"
He turns to me and crosses his arms, grinning, "Oh, you know. What happened? I bet you have loads of guys chasing after you"
It's true. I mean, look at this ass
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"Urgh. This guy grabbed me from behind and started grinding against me. Can you believe it?? He didn't even ask, all I did was wink at him."
"Hmphh, you winked at him? Sounds like he was giving you what you wanted. You know, all you bottoms are the same. Needy. Demanding. Seeing real men as just dumb grunting animals. Maybe that guy was trying to do you a favour?"
I groan and turn around to leave "Oh, fuck you." Just what I need, another smug shithead.
He heckles me from behind. "God, twinks like you are so fucking lame. Maybe we're fed up of being nagged all the time?". He sounds kinda angry, but I ignore him, and roll my eyes.
"You know what, grab your dick."
I freeze, and my eyes go wide with shock. Why am I so shaken? That's not the worst thing I've heard at a club. I try to move but I can't, I just sputter, "Wh- what?? I'm not doing that"
He grins, "I'm not asking"
I feel something pull against my pants, but I look down and see it's my own arm
"WHAT THE FUCK! Are you... you're doing this?" My arm creeps down, playfully running my fingers over my tight stomach, and slips down through my waist band.
"Haha, yeah I am bro. So, bottom bottom bottom. What to do with you. What if I open your eyes a little?"
I, I start to shake. Something in me feels good. Beefy guys start to flash through my mind, and whatever's taken over my hand knows what it's doing down there. Athletes, wrestlers, big bulges in tight clothes...
"Here's the thing. There's enough brats like you around here bro. Someone's gotta do something. Think of it like, uh, giving back to the community."
The images in my mind start to change. The models get smaller, swapping out athletes for tight twinks in tighter shorts. Instead of biceps, I'm thinking of big, curvy asses, and my hand... I can't control myself. I wanna grab someone, anyone, and start grinding.
But then, one of my crushes slides by - Jason, a HUGE wrestler on my college team. Biggest pecs I have seen in my life. Thank fuck, finally, a real man. He looks at me with his big, brown eyes and oh my god, my heart flutters. I look up at him and in my mind I start to walk towards him
The guy in the flannels shirt is egging me on, "Go on, do it." How does he know what I'm thinking? Whatever.
I reach out, and Jason smiles. That big, goofy, handsome grin... and then he turns around. He gets down on the mats, on his hands and knees, raising his big, firm ass into the air. I'm looking right at it.
I squirm. "Oh god. No. No no no no no"
"Uh, actually, yes." The guy in the washroom grins. "I want you to be a dumb, grunting animal, you will do that for me. Are you starting to understand?"
I lean down over the sink, but in my fantasy I fall against Jason. I hold him tight, pinning his big sweaty form down against the mats. At first, there's barely anything I can do to control him - he's WAY bigger than me, but soon I start to feel... bolder. Firmer. He tries to roll me over, but I slip my arm around his shoulder and a vein pops up over my bicep. My legs strain and my glutes start to stretch. Fuck, my whole body is throbbing.
I grunt, and slam him downwards, which gives moment to catch my breathe. Does he feel less sweaty? I wipe my forehead. Wait, am I more sweaty?
"Yeah bro. I know what you're thinking, I know how much you love guys after they've worked out. Damp clothes, that manly smell... it's exactly what every bottom wants these days. Now it's yours"
We twist around each other, and I reach my arms across his body. Wait, all the way around? His shoulders have gotten smaller, thinner... twinkier. And, well, mine are the opposite. He lunges, but I grapple him. All the mass has gone from his legs, meanwhile, my biceps are big enough to crack a skull.
"I want to make you a real fuckboy, you know? Someone who just thinks with his dick. Gym, sex, gym, sex, gym, sex... I want you to always be turned on, I want it to control you, I want you to never get a break."
I've got him, firm between my legs. Jason's tiny now, the same size I was 2 minutes ago, and I start to grind my bulge against his soft, bubbly ass. Fuck. Fuck! It's so good. This is the best fantasy I've ever had in my life. I want to fuck him so bad.
My whole body is throbbing, shaking. Blood is pulsing through my, through my everything. Fuuuuuck. I feel almost dizzy. Everything about this almost feels real. I go to lift up my shirt, but it's gone, and I run my other hand over my stomach. It's like I can really feel the abs
I cum. Oh my god, did I just cum in a... a washroom at a night club? And, I was thinking about topping a guy??
"Ahem". I turn to stare at the guy next to me. He looks pleased with himself. Very pleased.
"There bro! How do you look?"
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I look in the mirror, and it hits me like a fucking brick. My body... my clothes. Oh my god, everything's gone. THAT WAS REAL? I look like some stupid fuckboy. Am I a stupid fuckboy? Is that a JOCKSTRAP? My jeans are gone, now just a pair of shorts. Very short shorts. Is that it? Is that all I'm wearing? Over the top of my huge pecs I see my converses are gone too, swapped out for some worn down gym shoes.
This can't be real. If it is, my boyfriend is 100% going to break up with me. How do I even explain this? That I'm like, ripped now? No, wait... that's not it. I try to imagine him topping me but, but, fuck, it feels so gross. A total turnoff
"Of course you don't want to let him top you. You're not a bottom anymore... that's kind of the whole point."
But he would never let me top him. But maybe we don't need to have sex for a while. That wouldn't be so bad, would it...
"AHAHAHA, sorry, with your new sex drive? What part of a fucking animal don't you understand"
There's no way he would want to stay with a horny fuckboy, but, but...
what if I am a stupid fuckboy? I'm already thinking of a nice, tight twink. I'm not that interested in him anyway - he's too tall, too beefy. All the guys I saw earlier are racing through my head. The skinny guy I danced with with the great ass, that cute short one by the bar... urgh, he had those perfect legs, that cute crop top, tight stomach... I bite my lower lip and reach down...
I start hyperventilating. "This isn't me. I'm not a jock, I am ABSOLUTELY not a top. And," I lift up my arm, "there's no way I actually smell like this"
He laughs, like he's having the fucking time of his life. Maybe he is. "HAHA, sorry dude, yeah you do. And, yeah, you are. Think of that fuck stick like a gift, not just to you, but also to every cute boy you see on grindr. You'll get used to it, trust me"
His words flood my head... I imagine scrolling through the app in bed later, looking at the sea of boys all desperate for me... I reach down again...
"NO! Fuck! Make it stop. Why are you doing this to me?!!"
He pauses for a moment, then sighs and shakes his head. His expression... he's looking at me like he thinks I'm stupid. Does he think I'm stupid? No way - this motherfucker!
"Really? I know I fried a few wires up there dude, but you cannot seriously be asking that. Why do you think I'm doing it?"
"I - I..." I can't find any words. I really don't know. I just don't fucking get it. He's ruining my body, my LIFE, and for what? Fun? Revenge?
But he laughs, and looks at me. I'd think he was being pitiful if he wasn't grinning so fucking hard.
"Bro," he says, "I'm doing this because I think it's hot."
My heart sinks. "You're doing this because, because it fucking turns you on? Don't you give a shit about me at ALL?? I'm going to lose my boyfriend, I'm trapped in this horny, sweaty, disgusting body..."
"Just stop complaining. You know, so what if you don't get in a say in this! Sometimes you just gotta take what life gives you, and right now that's a huge fucking cock"
I feel like I'm about to burst out crying. He grabs my new, boyish face, and pulls it up towards his. "So, yah! Glad I could clear that up," he laughs, "Look, ok, this isn't gonna work if you're gonna be such a fucking loser about it. It's also not gonna work out if you don't work out - you gotta be going to the gym from now on. Those biceps, those pecs... you're chiseled like a statue and I'm not gonna let those new muscles go to waste. You need to be in there DAILY."
He gives my cheeks a squeeze, then lets me go. I clutch my face. It feels different, unfamiliar. Am I crying?
"URGH, bro, will you just quit looking at me like that. Puppy dog eyes, I shouldn't have made you so fucking handsome... Look, I'm gonna give you one last chance, ok: cheer up, right fucking now, or else I'm gonna have to do some rewiring. Right now, all your decisions are being made up there", he flicks my forehead, and then he smirks and grabs my crotch. "But, if I flick the switch, this guy gets to do all the thinking. You'll be so dumb, so horny, HAH, you'll be drooling over your own dick. A real fucking animal. Got it?"
If I don't get a grip, it's over for me. But what do I do? I gulp, and try to swallow my tears. I wash my face a little in the sink. He stares down at me, and the two of us stand in silence. It feels like forever, but it must have been just a minute.
I look up at him, and let out a squeak. "Yeah. You're right. I got it"
"No." he says "I don't think you do."
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Damnnnnn, look at these pecs. Fuck, what was I doing? Whatever, I gotta get back out there. See if that blonde guy by the bar is taken. Just thinking of him and his ass makes me wanna... I grab my crotch, and let out a moan.
Wait, is that cum? Yoo how did I not realise. I clean myself up and slide my waistband back over my jockstrap, letting it snap into place against my cum gutters. I flex, and light shines off my glistening, sweaty muscles - if someone were to see me now, they'd think I was a greek statue. These strong, firm thighs, the perfect curve of my glutes... these shoulders look like they were made by fucking Michelangelo.
Nah, I'm way better than that. A statue doesn't have a dick. See you at the club, bro
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emmyrosee · 4 months
this is for the non curse bf!sukuna
when you first start going out he wouldn’t know what flowers to get you. he could ask you but- who tf asks their gf ‘hey what flowers do you like?’ he thinks that’s lame. so guy brings 5-6 diff flowers just for you.
can you imagine, him all tattooed and brooding buying you flowers in a pretty flower shop😭😭i’m crying :((((((
Like originally he was just going to take you out on a few dates, enjoy the company and yuuji and his Ma off his back, but that plan crumbled when he started to be the one to text you first. When he started to initiate dates. When he started to feel butterflies in his chest when you laughed.
Yuuji so graciously told him he had feelings and should cuff you before you get tired of him, and the idea swirls for a bit in Sukuna’s head before one night at four am, he storms into yuuji’s room and in a pure panic asks “how do I ask her out?”
Yuuji grumbles and throws a pillow at his brother, “flowers and candy, go back to bed.”
But Ryomen does anything but. Because there’s so many flowers and so many candies, how will he know which is your favorite? And as much as he’d love to ask you, it would ruin the surprise of being so excited at being his girlfriend that you’d have to say yes- a little manipulative, perhaps, but he’s not perfect despite what he says.
So he kinda goes… crazy.
He buys you all sorts of candy, everything from sour to chocolate, to even some cotton candy grapes and gummy bear watermelon and more candy flavored candy, all to put in a small bag that dangles from his thick wrist.
Next is the flower shop, and that’s even more stressful because how is he supposed to pick between roses and peonies and assorted and god knows what other breeds of flowers there are- one time, as a kid, he saw yuuji give a little boy a fistful of yellow dandelions, can’t he just do that?
According to the swipe of his credit card after picking out seven bouquets…. No. Apparently not.
He lugs everything out to his car with grunts of efforts, texting you telling you to be home because the smell of flowers is making him nauseous and the candy is probably melting in the warmth of the sun.
SENT please tell me you’re home?
Schnookums (god he needs to change that, why’d you ever put yourself as something so feral in his phone?) why, you coming over??
SENT no I’m making conversation
Of course that question means I’m coming over
Schnookums yayyyy okay 🥺💙
He scoffs before making a floor to your house, nerves making him speed a little too fast and almost run a few too many red lights, and he’s grateful that the cops he passed have mercy on him and let him get to your house without a ticket or handcuffs.
He gathers his bundle back in his arms and blindly makes his way up your driveway, using the sheer grace of the gods watching over him to not trip and crush everything under him. He sneezes god knows how many times, and once he’s finally at your door, he doesn’t know how long it takes him to knock successfully, but after 5 tries, he finally nails it.
And after a few short seconds, you open the door with a gasp of excitement. “What did you do!”
“I wasn’t- fuck!” The flowers start to slip as he tries to peer over them to look at you. You’re quick to make a move to help him catch them. “Fuck. God damn it. Ugh.” He clears his throat, “I wasn’t sure what flowers to get, so… I bought them all.”
“Whats in the bag?”
“An absolutely feral amount of sweets.”
You’re beaming at him, so excited between the gesture and seeing him that you immediately toss your arms around him, the crinkling of the bouquets being what snaps you back to life.
“Ah shit.”
“Sorry! Sorry!! I just… this is so sweet,” you say, smiling.
“Well, I uhh…. I wanted… you and I’ve been kinda… going out for a while….”
“Yeah?” You ask, and with the way your eyes widen and jaw slacks slightly, you know what he’s going to ask.
And he knows you’re going to make him do it.
“And I really… really have enjoyed it.” He takes a deep breath, “not sure why, but-“
“Shut up,” you snicker.
“But I kinda… want to do it. More. And… not let you do it with other people.”
“Okay,” you giggle.
“And I’m told the only way to do that is to make you my girlfr-“
“YES!” You scream, wrapping your arms around him again, and when he makes a noise of protest, you grab the flowers to put them on the ground, hugging him again tightly.
Tightly enough his organs hurt and his breath can’t get into his body, but this feels so right, so good and so comforting that he’d let you do it forever. He kisses your head and cradles it, letting the bag rest against your back.
“I can’t believe you went through all this trouble for me,” you murmur against him.
He chuckles, “don’t thank me too much yet. We still need to find vases for all of these because I’ll be damned if I let my kind gesture die within twelve hours.”
“I don’t even know if I own a vase.”
He stiffens, and you snicker in his grip.
“Well then I hope your don’t like your kitchen sink too much.”
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thel0v3hashira143 · 2 months
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ married life with jjk men ☆ yuuji megumi gojo geto nanami n ino!
masterlist 💕
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ warnings: fem!reader, reader is a sorcerer, black coded but anyone can read, mentions of sex/pregnancy/kids, mentions of breakups
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ notes: sorry they're kinda short!! i abandoned my ap chem work to do this so pls like it up!😞😞inspired by my personal fantasies lately. sighhh i love my man :3 stay hot!!! 🎀
⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ 1.1k words, 6.3k characters
yuuji itadori 🌸
the first out of the bunch to tie the knot
a high school sweetheart kinda vibe like y'all def got married straight out of graduating jujutsu tech
small and intimate wedding, just friends and family in attendance
never shuts up about you when you guys are apart.
"y'know [name]- my wife, me and my wife-, isn't my wife just the coolest?"
megumi and nobara are SICK OF HIM
absolutely REFUSES to go on missions without you cause bby just wants to protect you
when you guys finish missions he always takes you out to eat in tokyo, it's like a lil tradition you guys do 🥲💕
as for dates it's always super spontaneous and he makes sure you never do the same thing twice
but he likes to stay home too!! movie dates at home are his favorite, but he won't tell you since he knows you like going out
just follows you around as you fill up the basket and is ready to pay at the register
he's just so happy he's yours.
megumi fushiguro 🌸
not THE last! but one of the last to get married
it took him a couple years to pop the question, not because he wasn't sure about your relationship, but because he wanted to make sure he was ready before making such a big commitment
no wedding, y'all eloped and went to the courthouse but you had a little ceremony after :3
isn't super vocal about his affections like yuuji, but he does small things
you're his homescreen and his lockscreen is a picture of you two at the courthouse when you guys got married 🩷
he trust your abilities but does secretly fret when you go on missions alone
as for dates he's def a homebody...
he considers any one on one time with you a date...not in a lame way tho!
he just finds the two of you in your home alone to be intimate and comfortable
speaking of home alone...you guys have one kiddo since you guys were a little older when you tied the knot!!
a cute little girl who is y'alls pride and joy. when you told megumi you were pregnant tho he was terrified.
he just didn't want to turn out like his father
but he loves you and your little girl dearly 🩷.
satoru gojo 🌸
THE BLUE EYED PRINCE IS UR HUSBAND??? girl whats ur secret??
anyways, small wedding (he didn't want the elders all up in ur buisness) happy home, and wayyy too many kids
nobody expected you both to have so many kids but you have such a beautiful body!! how could he keep his hands off you?
and besides look at him and tell me he doesn't have a breeding kink...
due to you both being the strongest sorcerers and the kids, your schedules got a bit hectic but he always makes sure you're taken care of
multiple calls day and night, he loves to hear your voice...or moans. (he's hi-key a freak)
we know he loves sweets but you guys always go to nice restaurants, cause he believes you deserves the finest things in life
and he loves his kid so dearly
he's giving me 2 girls, 1 boy energy
from the tea parties, makeovers and late video game nights, he endures it all because of how much he adores them.
he adores you even more tho <3.
suguru geto 🌸
the. perfect. husband.
anything you want? you got it.
hair? done. nails? how much is your set?
definitely had the biggest wedding out of everyone (and the biggest ring)
AND A HUGE HONEYMOON like y'all were gone at least 2 weeks
everyone's fav couple, like nobody ever gets sick of y'all
he absolutely lovesss pda can can't keep his hands to him self. always has a hand on your lower back, arm around your shoulders, and he's just super in tune to you as a whole
wants kids bad, LIKE BAD
and y'all got busy on that honeymoon so you def had one pretty soon after the wedding
when you were pregnant, he spoiled you rotten and he made it his #1 priority to make sure you hadn't a worry in the world
you have 2 beautiful girls and suguru loves them more than life
he tries his best to keep them away from sorcerer life for as long as possible because he knows what it's like to be ostracized because of that life
has no favorites, but if he did it would be you.
kento nanami 🌸
sighhh my old man :)))
last to marry, but the ceremony was beautiful!
intimate but like i said, vv nice
lovesss to spoil you!! and plus we all know he makes hella bank bc he needs someone to spend it on
shopping dates!! mostly consist of him following you around and you just picking out what you like
if you even look at smth he's already at the register
prefers staying at home dates though, like reading together, cooking together, and movie dates!!
minimizes pda in public- perhaps holds your hand maybe
but in private he is so clingyyyy like you have to tear him off you lip to lip, chest to chest, hip to hip, you name it
you practically hung the stars, you could do no wrong in his eyes
is 50/50 on kids???
he's not going to actively ask you to start a family but he also is totally on board if you want to
we all know this man is under a lot of stress so his favorite way to spend time with you is coming home after a long day and cuddling with you 🩷
he's utterly obsessed with you (he's just good at hiding it)
takuma ino 🌸
high school sweethearts but y'all broke up right before graduation
you guys adored eachother but he was scared of losing you once you guys became sorcerers ಥ_ಥ
but fear not! you guys got back together a year- 2 years later bc he's in love with u
he wanted to propose as soon as you got back together but he has more common sense than that
when he does though it's so cutieee
def private and small, just like the wedding. only your closest friends and family, because he wants everything to be perfect
loves fun dates like laser-tag, go-carts, ect. bc he is just a big little kid
if you do missions together, he is literally that scene from hotel transylvania: "that's my girlfriend!" "your wife, ino..." "my wife? even better!"
i'm not even gonna sugarcoat it y'all get pregnant immediately after
ino is def terrified. you guys are both young and you've barely been married for 3 months
but he pulls it together obv and y'all have a cutie little son <3
just like yuuji, he gushes about his little family to nanami constantly (kento acts like he hates it but he finds it endearing)
he reads to your son for bedtime every night WITHOUT FAIL
he always thinks about how he wouldn't have things any other way.
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⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡ i wrote this in like 2 hours and i have a chem quiz tommorow i hope u guys like it 😿😿(pls love me) BUT I GET TO SEE MY MAN TOMMORROW AHHHH. sorry i'm not gonna shut up about himmm. ok bye stay hot ily guys sm!!!!
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐲 ♡
𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚!
𝙘𝙤𝙥𝙮𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙡0𝙫3𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙖143 2024
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dancewithdeath11 · 2 months
Leave you with a kiss…
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Summary: A quick goodbye…
Warnings: SMUT! Cunnalingus, kinda lame aftercare ngl, petnames(ma, baby) ((sorry for any errors, just wanted to write something rq before finals))
Word Count: 900 (just a quick little thing)
“I know..”
“You’re going to be late-”
“Shut up, ma.” He grumbled as he tugged you further to the edge of the bed by your thighs.
You took a deep breath but did as told. Jay hated when you chastised him. Especially about patrol. He took patrol as a bit of a selective choice. At least after he met you. It didn’t matter if he went on patrol on time. Especially when he could be saying goodbye with some good head and a last peck on the lips before he left. If he was a few minutes late.. Whatever. He was saying goodbye to his girl after all. 
He started slower, licking a hot strip just up the side. Not quite on your pussy, but it made you shiver nonetheless. Squirming in his tight hold where he had his arms locked around your thighs. Making sure to keep you spread for him. He lapped and licked, sometimes going further up your thigh, just to bite down teasingly and suck a hickey there harshly. Jay cooed and nosed at the sensitive skin of your thigh at how you were already so fucking wet. “So messy, baby…”
He dipped his hand down, pushing your thighs up further with the movement. Just barely brushing your slick seam with his pinky. “Huh?” You murmured after he growled something under his breath. 
“Don’t worry about it..” He let out a hot breath, you bit down on your bottom lip at how it made your pussy twitch at the feeling. Your stomach flutters as you wait. He brought his other hand down, thumbs brushing over your lips before pulling them apart. He watches greedily, seeing how your wetness fucking webs as he spreads you open, exposing you to him in a way that makes you whine out of embarrassment. 
It looks too good to ignore as he was quick to lean down and lick from your hole to your clit suddenly. Tongue flat before he flicks it over your sensitive but in a way that makes you gasp. He grabbed at you a little tighter as you started to squirm again. He did it again, and again, and again.. 
“Jay!” It was a weak cry, one half buried in a pillow as you grabbed at his wrists. When he tried to push your hands away, you grasped at the sheets. “Fuck- fuck, I’m close.., Jay!”
He nosed at your clit, his jaw aching as he shoved his wet tongue into your hole, fucking you with the hot muscle. You grabbed his wrists again out of shock, a sob leaving your lips as you arched under his touch. He pulled away from your hold, only to trap your wrists in his grasp, pinning your hands to your hips as he held you there. 
He could feel it, see it in the certain way your hips seemed to twitch to and away from his mouth at the same time. It felt like a short circuit how impossibly fast you felt your end coming. Whines and helpless moans leaving your lips as your head thrashed on the pillow. He kept licking from your quivering hole right up to your clit, giving it a quick harsh suck before doing it all over again. 
“Jay-” You were keening under his touch, and he only doubled down. Just like he knew you needed it. He fucking knew everything you needed. And that's because all you needed was him. He will be your best fuck, and only fuck for the rest of your lives on this miserable fucking planet in this miserable fucking city. And he will pride himself on that until the day his dick stops working right and he needs a new jaw from all its use. Because a pussy this good, twitching and creaming all over his tongue is too good to give up. 
Fighting with your hands as he wrangles both of your hands into one of his. His other hand snaking down as he shoves two fingers into your pussy. Then he sucks, harsh and long sucks like he’s trying to give your clit a hickey. Not letting up even when your hips buck up too hard he has to move his head with you. Your cries filled the dark room of the apartment as you were slammed with the force of your orgasm. Jay crooks his finger in your cunt, feeling how you squeezed around his digits. He thrust them shallowly in and out, brushing that spongy spot just right. You’re quivering and thrashing in his grip weakly as you were riding out your high. Folding in on yourself as your breath stuttered, legs trying to close.
Only then does Jay pull away. Kissing just under your navel before getting up. He grabbed one of his clean shirts and wiped his hands, then your pussy. It was quick, almost unceremonious. But you knew, if he had more time, he would. “Need anything, baby?” 
A drowsy smile came on your lips, you shook your head softly. He nods and tosses the shirt in the hamper, taking the moment to adjust himself in his pants. Grimacing as he realized how hard he was, his dick bulging against his zipper and pulsing with need.
“Okay, love you, I’ll be back in a few hours.” He huffed and made his way back over. Kneeling on the bed, leaning down to capture you in a quick kiss. “Night, ma..”
“Night, Jay..”
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hoesformatt · 2 months
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“whatever you want, don’t call me”
“I need you to get the fuck out of my space”
“I’m fuckin, I ain’t making love no more”
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chris smut/angst (first angst y’all), FOR THE CHALLENGE @annamcdonalds67 + THANK YOU FOR 1800?!?! WTF THERE’S 1800 OF THE FREAKS
toxic ex!dom!chris • poc!reader friendly
contains: oral (female!receiving), missionary, kinda angsty, pet names, no use of y/n
word count: 1.4k
Booty calls, all the fucking time, does he never think a bitch is tired? He broke up with me two weeks ago just to fuck some lame ass blonde bitch that he was texting while we were dating. In his defence ‘It’s not cheating if I broke up with you before I even fucked her’. What type of fuckboy shit is that?
It’s the 6th call from a 3rd No Caller ID and I’ve had about enough of it, I shut off my phone leaving my device to charge on my bedside table.
I raced down my stairs, pulling down my shorts because my thighs were rubbing. I turned on the tv to take my mind off but I heard a ping from my iPad.
how you been holding up bae
Give me a fucking break. I just get out of a relationship and she’s too busy trying to scissor me?
My stud-plug texted me for the millionth time of the week, can people get out my phone and mind their own business? I guess that’s my fault for telling her about my situation with my now ex-boyfriend, we were getting high and I got off topic or whatever. I debated on blocking her knowing that I can’t, cause as much as I display my tits to a store owner they weren’t going to sell kush to someone ‘underage’.
I was in need to disconnect from everyone by turning off my iPad rolling my eyes while grabbing an energy drink from the fridge.
In time, I got back on my phone having nothing better to do as I had already developed a headache. I scrolled through instagram being unamused by everything until Jana sent me a photo of a random girl. ‘I found her’, I knew I could count on her. When I first saw the blonde bitch on my ex boyfriend’s camera roll I sent the photo to myself then sent it to Jana to do her investigation skills.
I searched her profile and saw a bunch of bikini photos, picture of flowers and photos of herself. What does she have that I don’t? Cause she most definitely does not have these curves. I brushed it off and called it his loss because at the end of the day, he’s the one blowing my phone up.
I need to talk to you
Don’t block me
I’m coming over
Who the fuck does he think he’s talking to?
I checked that the text was sent 28 minutes ago and I heard a car pull up in the driveway. I ran to the door holding the doorknob when he was unlocking the door. “I swear to— OPEN THE DOOR!”
“You better fucking leave!”
“OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR” He pushed the door with force sending me almost flying. He shut the door locking it behind him as I rushed to the kitchen shaking my head “I can’t believe this shits happening right now” I cursed under my breath.
“Did you miss me” His lips curled into a smile looking down at my ass before I turned around and caught him. “It seems more like you miss me, blowing up my phone and showing up at my door?” Our eyes were locked and tense along with the air in the room.
“I’m not sucking your dick.” Chris scoffed, walking towards me “so you’re gonna ride me?” I pushed him away the folding my arms looking at him with a ‘are you fucking serious’ face.
“Go get that flat corny ass blonde bitch to ride your small dick” He raised his eyebrows being taken aback from my remark “that’s a new low for you ma, you know that’s not true—and I don’t want her, I want you” I laughed. I laughed hard in his face making him scrunch his face.
“You realised she didn't have what I got?” I continued to laugh “that’s what happens when you don’t appreciate what you have”. Fuck face. Chris clenched his jaw drawing a deep breath in before gripping my wrist, taking me behind the kitchen counter.
“Bend over” He ordered I sternly looked at him with a stone face “tell me that you want me to leave”. Chris stopped his actions waiting on my response. The healing part of me wants him to leave but I honestly want him to put on me, and good so I stayed quiet. “Bend over. Now” I let Chris spin me around and arch my back across the counter.
Chris yanked off my shorts, spanking my ass leaving a stinging sensation, then kneading it to ease the pain. He leaned over to my ear “you’re so beautiful mama” I slightly smiled at his compliment as he snaked his hand into my panties, rubbing my clit and feeling my wetness “this is the last i’m fucking you” he chuckled with cockiness.
“Get up on the counter baby, I wanna eat you out” I immediately climbed onto the counter, lying on my back and the cold granite sending shivers down my spine. The brunette pulled my thong to the side while he was going on his knees, inserting his tongue between my folds making me gasp.
The warmth of Chris’ tongue on my cunt made my back arch and he sucked on my clit. My eyes flutters close from all the pleasure and Chris twisted his tongue in pussy, cleaning up all my juices in one lick “I can’t get enough of you, can’t believe I let this pussy go” he began to push a finger deep into my cunt “Fuckkkk—” My moans dragged out from between my lips as I felt my climax.
I gripped on his brunette locks waving my hip towards his face while he placed wet kisses on clit. I gasped loudly as Chris sloppily licked off all liquids while they came out “such a sweet pussy that cums just for me” he kissed my inner thighs, the spots darkening.
Chris pulled me off the counter, carrying my naked body to my room, laying me on the bed with my legs spread open. He slid his tip across my wet, sensitive slit, coating the head of cock with my wetness.
Pressing his tip to my hole, he groaned entering my tight pussy. “You’re so tightttt” I tensed up the more his inches entered my cunt. Did he get bigger? My eyes began to water as I felt his cock hit my tensed walls “relax mama” his hand was on my stomach feeling for dick that’s creating a little poke. I took a deep breath, exhale trying to stop tensing as he began to thrust into me.
Hands gripping on my hips, small moans escaped my lips, feeling his length abuse my walls with every thrust becoming harder than the last. Chris lowered himself for lips to kiss neck then in the crevice where his forehead was on my pillow making our bodies collide.
I opened my eyes with Chris’ hair laid on my cheek realizing this was the closest me and him have ever been and kind of scared of it but he started to kiss my jaw as if he could tell what I was thinking “c’mon baby”
My walls tightened around his cock making it harder for him to ram into me. Instead he hit in a different angle hitting my g-spot “please Christopher, right there” I placed my nails on his back, scratching it up while doing. My breathes were laboured with the rush of my orgasm was about to come and his thrusts got sloppy up until I came and he did also inside of me
“Fuck baby” post-nut clarity hit me while Chris leaned in to kiss me and I shoved him away by his chest “get out” I said quiet but loud enough for him to hear “what do you mean—” he looked at me lost and confused “I mean get the fuck out my bed Chris”. I got out the bed naked picking up his discarded clothing from the floor of my bedroom.
“We can work this out baby you know this” He put on his jeans buttoning them up before looking up at my bare body “GET THE FUCK OUT MY HOUSE CHRISTOPHER, YOU KNOW YOU SHOULDN’T BE HERE” Chris backed up as I pointed to my door collecting the rest of his shit before leaving.
Worst ex, but great sex
tags: @lunariaxzz @chrissturniolosbitch @leahsbussy @luv4kozume @mattslolita @muwapsturniolo @idkwhosnyla @strniohoeee @iiheartstef @nonamegirlxsturniolo @ka1nani @1800chokedathoe @fuzzycupcakebeliever @mattgirly @love4chris @mattslutt @nicksmainbitch @luhsexcbihh @hearts4chriss @thesturniolos @junnnilieee07
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wildandsmile · 8 months
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❖─✦『✙ Popsicle ✙』✦─❖
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Summary : Bakusqaud reacting to reader licking a popsicle in front of them
Tw: N/A
Kinks: Fingering, Growling,Exhibitionism,Breeding, Cream-pie, unprotected sex, penetrative sex (p in v) , Oral (F and M reviving) and Rough sex
Wc: 1.5k
An: Happy Day 8 of Kinktober (srry guys I didn’t know Denki and Mina weren’t showing but don’t worry I fixed it)
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He does his best to avoid glancing at you while you tease the tip of your popsicle with your tongue, resisting the urge to stare.
You'll catch him sneakin' glances at you, and being the sweet girlfriend you are, you try to share a little bit with him but he always huffed at you and said no.
Eventually, he'll be like, "Hurry up and just eat it up! You're making a mess in my room," or some kinda lame excuse.
But what totally drove him wild was when you began licking the bottom of the popsicle, all the while getting your hands all sticky and sweet.
Sometimes, when you felt bold, you'd let out a soft little moan or two when the melting popsicle grazed your skin.
"You're doing that on purpose, aren't you?" Bakugou asked as he pinned you to the bed, his knee pressing into your clothed cunt. "What are you talking about?" you ask, but your words are cut short when you feel his teeth sink deep into your neck. You could feel his hot tongue lap at the bite mark he'd just created, and as he growled into your neck, he said, "You know exactly what I'm talking about." You tried to pull away, but were stopped by Bakugou's hard hands pinning you firmly into the bed. "O there's no getting out of this one slut, you teased me all damn day with that popsicle now it's my turn" he says as he slips his hand to the hem of your pants, he pulls them down. He then rubs his hands over your clothed cunt, creating a wet spot to appear on the middle of your panties. Bakugou simply glances at you with a broad grin before saying. "I can't wait to turn this little cunt and your brain to mush."
Kirishima never beat around the bush when it came to his feelings and desires for you.
As he spotted you, looking all sultry, fanning yourself and sensually licking a popsicle, he couldn't resist but saunter over to your irresistible allure.
Approaching you, he locked eyes and whispered the most jaw-dropping words you could ever dream of.
He didn't hold back, his voice echoing loud and clear, making you wonder if the whole world could hear the daring words he spoke.
"I wouldn't mind you sucking my cock like that pretty girl"
And that's how you ended up on your knees in an alleyway with Kirishima in front of you. As he unbuckled his belt, liberating his cock from the confines of his jeans, he gazed down at you and you stared up at him. When you removed it, it flopped around aggressively in your face, his tip crimson and oozing with cumin. "Suck." You leaned closer, shyly licking the tip of his cock. You gathered all the cum that was dripping off of it before putting it in your mouth and swirled your tongue around it. He gasped and gripped your hair, driving more of his cock into your wet lips. You gagged him, and he whimpered, his hips sputtering. You gave him as much pleasure as you could, pressing your tongue against the vein that ran along the underside of his cock. "Fuck, baby I could do this all day" . He groaned, taking laborious breaths and occasionally grunting. After a while, he began pushing into your mouth, utilizing you as a pleasure hole. Your filthy moans and gagging just encouraged him to fuck your face, slamming his cock into your throat with each vicious thrust. He thrust around five more times before stopping and holding your head down, forcing you to deepthroat him. He kept his dick in your throat for seven seconds before pulling it out. You quickly gulped for air, drawing it greedily into your lungs. "Fuck... that's good girl." You did an excellent job for me, princess. “Now turn around and let Daddy take real good care of you”
Sero often tiptoed into the mischievous realm, occasionally feigning innocence, but you saw through his act like an open book.
While you were visiting his place on a scorching summer day, savoring your popsicle, you couldn't help but notice Sero's gaze shifting from you to your icy treat.
At that instant, you could read his thoughts plain as day; it was written all over his expression. So, feeling mischievous, you decided to playfully tease him.
Before long, you found yourself toying with your popsicle, running your tongue along its edges and sensually swirling the tip, all while locking eyes with him.
You could sense that it was driving Sero wild because soon enough, you both ended up in Sero's room, your clothes nowhere in sight, and the popsicle forgotten somewhere along the way.
You couldn't run away from his teasing hold since your legs were resting on his shoulders."It's time for your punishment Mi Amor ," Sero says, pressing his lips into your wet folds and licking lengthy laps with his tongue, causing your legs to close and your lips to separate, prompting you to groan uncontrollably. He was soon caressing your puffy clit with the tip of his tongue while his fingers softly worked with your slicked folds. "You like that, don't you Mi Amor, you like when I fuck dumb on my tongue, don't you?" Sero says as he inserts his tongue deep into your cunt curving it in just the right area to curl your toes and have you seeing stars. You tried to push yourself away from Sero as you felt a knot in your stomach, but he stopped you with one sharp smack to the ass, causing the knot to come undone. "That's right, Mi Amor, you take your punishment and enjoy it," Sero stated as he slowly licked up your juices before drawing you in for a sloppy kiss that had you clinging to him even tighter."Come on Mi Amor we're not done yet"
Much like Sero, Denki had a penchant for mischief, and when I say mischief, I mean the naughty kind.
The moment his eyes caught you indulging in your popsicle, his mind went into overdrive, racing with impure thoughts.
"Hey, Spark, why don't you come on over here and taste my sweet treat ?" He'd say, flashing the most mischievous grin.
Even after you finished your popsicle, the barrage of suggestive comments from him didn't cease.
Before long, you were ensnared in his devious little game.
Denki claimed he was finished with all his jokes when you threatened to give him the silent treatment, which he began begging and imploring you not to do, and you forgave him after a couple of butterfly kisses and mild shoulder massage. What you didn't expect was him softly massaging your breast, leading you to let out a small gasp as you struggled to rise up, knowing where this was going. But just as you try to walk, Denki stops you and says, "Come on Spark, let me make it up to you please." His pepper kiss was like a drug, making your legs twitch and leaving a wet spot in your panties.You soon found yourself on the couch, your legs wrapped around Denki's waist, your claws crawling at his back as he pumps himself in and out of your overstimulation cunt you can't remember how many times you cum. Because every time he thrust his cock into you, your toes curled and your mind went blank; the only word you could fully form was "Feel so full," which only made Denki's cock harden; he didn't care if there was a white ring around the base of his cock or if you almost looked pregnant; all he cared about was emptying everything he had into you. "Fuck you feel so good can't wait to see are children"
Unlike the guys, Mina didn't really mind how you enjoyed your popsicle, as long as you didn't make a mess.
Well, at least she didn't mind, until a few days ago.
On a scorching day, the two of you ventured out for ice cream, simply trying to enjoy the moment.
Just as Mina joined you, her ice cream cone in hand, she caught sight of you licking your popsicle, and she couldn't help but think you looked adorable.
It was only when she glanced around and noticed a group of guys ogling you that her frustration started to bubble up.
And that's how you ended up in a bathroom stall, clutching the door for dear life as Mina ripped orgams from you. She knew your body so well that it didn't take long for her to have you wrapped in her arms like jelly. "You're doing such a good job for me, princess," she adds as she presses her fingers against your sweet spot, prompting you to sigh softly. "Come on princess, let those boys hear who owns this body," she adds as she extends another finger, making you feel much more stretched out than before, but just as you were about to come undone, she stops, leading you to turn around and look at her. "I think they know your my cute little princess now so let's hurry home so mommy can make you feel real good," Mina says as she licks her hands clean, not letting a single drop of your juice fall to the floor. You turned away from her, embarrassed that you'd have to walk back outside, but Mina grabbed your arm and dragged you through the store, flicking off every customer who looked your way.
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satoruhour · 11 months
reader x toji where they hav an argument nd the reader dresses slutty and suddenly has plans at the club w her friends. but toji doesnt like that 🫣
a/n: IM HERE . IM HERE SORRY IVE BEEN RB-ING SO MANY THINGS !!!! but i promise im writing hahahaha. but also i dont owe anyone an explanation! enjoy anon!
wc: 1.4k
warnings: toji picks ur lock w/ a bobby pin lol, reader is a little mean LMFAO but #valid, dom!toji, pussy drunk tojiiiii, implied overstimulation, oral / cunnilingus (from the back + face-sitting + lying on ur back), exhibitionism? (reader is on call with her friends but her girls don’t know she’s getting eaten out!), implied unprotected p -> v sex @ the end, implied creampie / breeding kink, n*sfw under the cut
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“yeah— but you didn’t have to say it like that!” you huffed out at your boyfriend, or so you thought, because you probably had read too much into this relationship, heart tearing apart when toji simply said he was with his woman, with benefits while on the phone with shiu. 
you tsked when toji opened his mouth to explain, a distraught expression on his face that implied it was a slip of his mouth but even then you were relentless about the simple slip-up that meant a lot to you. it wasn’t often that toji had anything but an indifferent expression on him and you’d relish in his panicking face with a smug grin if it wasn’t for your rage.
“stupid fucker — still thinkin’ i’m just some bitch he fucks like he doesn’t whine for me in his sleep,” you grumble to yourself mindlessly later, phone blowing up from the messages from your friends while you scour through various outfits that slowly flood your bed. 
No way he said that!!!! Wtf???? Who does he think he is?
let’s bring u out tonight babe. wear sum cute
yeah!!. Let’s get ur mind off of that lame fella . he still kinda hot tho…
it’s messy and there’s a continuous clash of colour with each skirt or top you pull out and you groan in annoyance, so you take a shower — and it’s not all that better either, mulling over that dreaded sentence while lathering yourself up, while washing it off, getting dressed. it pisses you off so much that a man’s words can affect you so much, but that’s the price you pay when it comes to toji.
the toji who gives you a crushed, bloody bouquet after coming back from one of his dangerous missions, the toji who grumbles while he pushes the last nugget in the mcdonald’s box toward you despite loving it, the toji who likes to feel your body against his because he’s said that the mere sensation of you pressed up against him is enough to make him cum.
you scoff when you hear a knock on the door, in the midst of pulling an extremely short skirt up your hips with your ass basically peeking out from under it, paying it no mind before securing a tube around your bust.
“shut the fuck up!” you bark back when toji knocks again and there’s silence altogether, rolling your eyes when there’s a dramatic sigh from behind the wooden door and your feet naturally has you swerving away from the bed to open up the door, if not for the call from your girls that come in. the ringtone echoes throughout the room, distracting you from the professional work being done by toji with one of your bobby pins.
with phone on the bed, it’s led to your ass being propped up while you’re on your hands, butt facing the door with a full on display of your miniskirt and the very lacey underwear toji’s gotten for you for your anniversary. it was a petty move, you know — everything felt right when you pulled the material over your legs after your shower, not expecting yourself to pick up such a revealing bottom.
but now you know everything definitely felt right when those panties pooled at one of your ankles that hang off the bed while you’re trying not to whimper into the call with your girls who’s just so excited to see you. it’s a wonder they haven’t already heard the sloppy noises of toji eating it from the back, hands gripping onto your ass cheeks so hard they form bruises and you don’t have it in you to give a fuck when the other licks a hot, long stripe up your folds.
“left the house already, hon?” one of your friends ask and you’re gripping so tightly onto the phone that it hurts a little, not missing the way toji mumbles out that your pussy tastes as sweet as ever.
“uh— ah! n-not yet!” you squeal when toji smiles into your cunt and you absolutely hate how your hips shimmy toward him instinctively when your boyfriend pulls on your thighs to bring you closer, “i’ll leave soon, o-okay— mm—”
“okay bye!” you panic and press the large red button, hanging up immediately before your moans increase in volume immediately and your head dips into the bedsheets. the man eats pussy like a starved man, slobbering over your pussy while his nose just takes in your scent and arousal — something that’s gotten him hooked since day one. your leaking hole, your sensitive clit, your twitching thighs. god, toji loved every part of you and he was determined to fuck you better than a friend with benefits.
“’m sorry baby, mmfhh—” toji grunts into your core, “any chance ya could forgive your old man?”
the hold on your pride was getting looser and looser while your hands only clutch the sheets tighter and tighter, whimpers turning into a borderline scream when the man manoeuvres himself under you and yanks you down onto his face. your arms support your limp body instantly, hips moving with their own mind as you grind into toji’s tongue with breathless pants, rolling your pelvis over him and he groans at the feeling. toji doesn’t care that your miniskirt is in the way, eyes peeking out from the fabric and flitting over to you and your breath hitches cause you know he’s serious in earning back your forgiveness.
“not when— haah… you’re still saying i’m just some— w-whore you fuck.” you’re still a little bitter, but toji below you is enough to make you clench around nothing, high already approaching when he switches between sucking and nibbling and flicking his tongue at your bundle of nerves. 
“slip of the tongue, i promise, doll,” he talks into your drooling pussy, the vibrations sending chills up your body, hands flying to his hair to grab onto toji’s hair and pulling, “you’re my cute lil girlfriend, aren’t ya?” you hate how easily you nod your head, “mine to fuck, and mine to eat out, yeah?”
that sentence alone has you needing to lock eyes with toji just for a moment to see his lips curl up slyly, bottom half of his face soaked with your juices that your stomach contracts a little at the sight, a weak whimper leaving your lips.
“yeah…” you mumble out breathlessly and that’s all it takes for toji to go back to eating, quickly bringing that burning coil in your tummy again while slurping up your arousal. the room feels so hot and you’re sure you’re sweating through your outfit that you so carefully picked out that you’re peeling it off your body. your lover only wraps his larger arms around your thighs when he sees that your pretty tits are out, intoxicated on the thin layer of sweat lining your body and the curve of your upper body.
“toji, toji, toji—” you’re chanting his name like it’s a mantra, dizzy from the constant abuse toji does to your clit, pleasure shooting through your body when he moans around your cunt and you’re cumming with a moan of his name, thighs shivering around his head that he only laughs, humming into your core while you soak his sheets and skin. you’re just about prepared to get fucked when you catch a glimpse of toji’s hand palming his bulge, but that isn’t what toji has in mind when he changes positions again.
“taste s’good, baby,” toji groans, pulling apart your thighs that close from the sensitivity, “let me eat ya out until i’m forgiven.”
and all he can do is stick to his words whenever after each orgasm he pulls from you, you’re shaking your head like you’re saying you aren’t forgiven and he figures out your game soon enough, but whatever his girlfriend says, it goes. it’s just like that for toji who worships every part of you, a mistake rewarded well later when he taps his fat, leaking tip on your cunt and slips in easily from how many times he’s made you cum, reaching nirvana just from hearing your still-loud mewls leaving your worn-out body.
it’ll be something that will be burnt into his brain, forever, but toji doesn’t have time to think about that for now, so he just fucks you like he thinks a sorry man should fuck — deep into your cunt with the promise of being better and the need of giving you everything you ask for, even if it’s something as simple of wanting his cum in you.
whatever his princess wants, his princess gets.
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i cannot go a day without mentioning breeding omfg im actually deranged
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starbright349 · 4 months
You Didn't Know? (Adam X Seraphim Reader)
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In the celestial realm of Heaven, where ethereal beauty and divine beings reigned, lived a Seraphim angel named (Y/N). She had the sacred duty of caring for the children who had passed away and ascended to this heavenly abode. (Y/N) was a compassionate and gentle soul, radiating a warm light that comforted the departed souls in her care.
In this divine paradise, an unexpected love story unfolded between (Y/N) and Adam, the first man created by the Almighty. Adam, despite being the progenitor of humanity, had a penchant for mischief and a reputation for being a total prick. Yet, somehow, the celestial forces intertwined their destinies, and love blossomed between the seemingly mismatched pair.
After a few hundred years of dating, the two got married in Heaven. It was a beautiful wedding, and Adam didn't have to worry about losing his third and final wife to Lucifer, since she couldn't leave Heaven.
One day. when Lucifer's Daughter, Princess Charlie Morningstar. Came into Heaven for a meeting; (Y/N), Sera, and Emily greeted her at the gates of Heaven. "Greetings daughter of the Morningstar. I am Sera, the high seraphim of Heaven. You're gifted to be here." Emily squealed and walked up to Charlie.
"Hi! I'm Emily, the other seraphim. You can call Em, Emi, E, whatever you want. I go by anything." Emily giggled nervously, she wanted to say more but (Y/N) stopped her and put her hand on Emily's shoulder. "Emily. We talked about this; we don't want to scare them off, now do we?" (Y/N) turned to Charlie. "Hello Princess. My name is (Y/N), I'm the other, other seraphim. It is our duty and pleasure to welcome you to Heaven."
(Y/N) and Emily showed Charlie and her girlfriend Vaggie around Heaven for a short while. (Y/N) even led and showed them to their room where they would be staying until the trail.
It wasn't until then that Charlie noticed her wedding ring, she found it strange since Sera, nor Emily had a ring. "(Y/N), may I ask you a question?" "Of course, Princess. Ask me anything?" (Y/N) said with a smile. "Are you married? Because I noticed that ring on your finger and none of the seraphim's have it." (Y/N) looked at her ring finger, she smiled as a wave of nostalgia hit her.
She remembered how Adam confessed his love to her, the day he proposed to (Y/N), and the day they got married. All of Heaven showed up, Adam removed his mask for that day, Sera walked (Y/N) down the aisle, Emily was her maid of honor, and God himself was the one that pronounced them husband and wife.
"Yes, I am married. My husband and I have been for about almost 100 years now." Charlie's eye lit up with joy, "Oh~. And who is this lucky guy, hm?" (Y/N) chuckled and walked to the door. "You'll see him, I'll be sitting next to him during the trail. Good luck to you both." (Y/N) said and closed the door behind her.
*A few hours later*
As the trail was about to start, Charlie and Vaggie took their seats, while (Y/N) flew and sat down next her husband Adam and his friend Lute. "Hey babe." Adam said and gave (Y/N) a kiss on her check. Charlie started to (Y/N) in shock, and all (Y/N) could give was a little smile and shrug her shoulders.
Charlie leaned to Vaggie. "I didn't know such an asshole like him HAD a wife."
After everyone was here Sera spoke "We're gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in Hell, can be redeemed into heavenly realm by means of this 'Hazbin hotel', Princess Morningstar?", Sera said wanting Charlie to speak up.
(Y/N) looked down to Charlie, holding hands with her husband underneath the booth. "Webster's dictionary defines redemption as-" before Charlie could speak Adam interrupts her "Objection, lame and unoriginal". (Y/N) sighed at his immature behavior and let go of his hand and bumped his chest gently with her elbow.
"Sustained. No further dictionary references please." Sera asked with a kinda sad look. "Right." Charlie was flipping through her cards making Adam roll his eyes. "If you have actually evidence, then show it already." He asks, glaring at Charlie. "We have a patron right now and he's making incredible progress."
Charlie defended and (Y/N) smiled, "Really? Then tell us Princess, who is this lucky patron?", (Y/N) asked. "Angel Dust" Charlie spoke. "Oh yeah, the porn demon. Yeah, he's totally worth being redeemed". (Y/N) looked at Adam. "Adam! Language!" Adam gave (Y/N) a confused look. "What?"
(Y/N) suddenly stood up, "Well then, if you know so much…what do you think it takes to get into heaven?", she spoke. It was quiet until Sera asked if Adam was okay.
He scoffed as he pulled out a golden paper from his pockets and a quill, "Give me a fucking moment, okay?", he then started writing and gave Vaggie the paper as she read it out loud, "Act selfless, don't steal, stick it to the man?", (Y/N) looked at Adam with a raised eyebrow and sat back down. He shrugged "Uh, yeah? Sure, got me here...didn't it? Right babe? Sera?", Adam ask as he looked his wife then Sera, seemingly questioning himself. Sera sighed before saying: "He was the first human soul in heaven."
In the following hours Charlie showed everyone the improvement of this soul called Angel dust. He did everything what Adam wrote on his list. He was selfless, he stopped one of his friends from stealing, and he stuck it to that awful man called Valentino, but nothing happened. Sera only sighed as she wanted to declare the trail as a failure and that we will see what brings someone to heaven when the first soul arrives. (Y/N) sat there with my head hanging.
She felt bad for Angel Dust, Charlie, and all of the other demons who wanted to try and make themselves better, especially when she looked over to Emily, who held the paper that Adam had written earlier with a sad look.
(Y/N) and Emily had always been very close, they considered each other to like sisters. Which why (Y/N) had asked her to be her maid of honor at her wedding, and if the time came, (Y/N) would be Emily's maid of honor when she would meet that special person.
Emily: But she was right, Sera. She showed us a soul can improve.
(Y/N): (Y/N) stood up again and flew next to Emily) He saw the light, Sera.
Emily: Checked all the boxes that you said would prove a person deserves a second chance.
(Y/N) Emily flew around the court room.)
(Y/N): Now we turn our backs, no second glance?
Sera: It's not as simple as you think.
(Y/N) and Emily looked up and Sera and flew up to her.)
Sera: Not everything is spelled in ink.
(Sera held (Y/N) and Emily's hands.)
Charlie: It's not fair, Sera!
(Vaggie places a hand on Charlie's shoulder)
Vaggie: Careful, Charlie, keep a cool head.
(Charlie pulls away)
Charlie: No! Don't you care, Sera? That just because someone is dead, it doesn't mean they can't resolve to change their ways turn the page, escape infernal blaze.
(Y/N) and Emily were on each side of Sera while still flying the air.)
Sera: I'm sure you wish it could be so. But there's a lot that you don't know.
(Lute interrupts Sera.)
Lute: What are we even talking' about? Some crack-whore who fucked up already? He blew his shot, like the cocks in his mouth. This discussion is senseless and petty.
(Adam and Lute flew to Charlie, as Adam held her face.)
Lute and Adam: There's no question to be posed! He's unholy, case closed. Did you forget that Hell is forever?
(Lute and Adam, flew on top of the crystal ball)
Adam: A man only lives once; we'll see you in one month. Gotta say, I can't wait to…
(Adam flew off the crystal ball and stood Infront of Charlie,)
Sera: Adam…
(Sera's eye widened but she was interrupted by Adam.)
Adam: Come down and exterminate you.
(Y/N) and Emily's eyes widened.)
Emily and (Y/N): Wait!
Adam: Shit…
(Y/N) and Emily flew down in front of the crystal ball)
Emily: What are you saying? Let me get this straight.
(Y/N): You go down there and kill those poor souls?
Charlie: You didn't know?
Adam: Whoops
Lute: Guess the cat’s out of the bag.
Adam: What’s the big deal?
(Y/N) looked up at Sera)
(Y/N): Sera, tell us that you didn't know…
Sera: I thought, since I'm older it's my load to shoulder
Emily: No!
(Y/N) put her hand on Emily's back for comfort)
Sera: You both have to listen; it was such a hard decision.
(Sera flew down to (Y/N) and Emily)
Sera: I wanted to save you; the anguish it takes to do what was required.
(Sera held (Y/N) and Emily's hands, she had flames in her eyes. (Y/N) and Emily looked at Sera with shock for a moment, until their looks turned angry.)
(Y/N): To think that we admired you, well we don't need your condescension.
(Y/N) and Emily tore their hands away from Sera, while they both flew in the air.)
Emily: Were both not children to protect! Was talk of virtue just pretension?
(Y/N) looked at Adam, who gave a worried look, she flew Infront of him.)
Adam: Babe listen-
(Y/N): Was I too naive to expect you to heed the morals you're purveying?
(Y/N) flew away from Adam, who had sadness in his eyes. She flew next to Charlie and Emily.)
Charlie: That's what the fuck I've been saying!
(Chalie held (Y/N) and Emily's hands. They flew on top on the crystal ball.)
Emily, Charlie & (Y/N): If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie!
(Adam and Sera were trying to talk to them. But Emily and (Y/N) wouldn't listen.)
Sera: Girls
Adam: (Y/N)
Emily, Charlie & (Y/N): If angels can do whatever and remain in the sky. The rules are shades of gray, when you don't do as you say. When you make the wretched suffer just to kill them again.
Charlie: I was told not to trust in angels.
(Filled with rage that Charlie had turned his wife against him, he decided to reveal Vaggie secret.)
Adam: By her?
Lute: Ha! She should know.
Vaggie: We should go.
Charlie: No! Don't you see? We've come so close. Look at them fighting, they're at each other's throats.
Adam: Don't you act all high and mighty. Did you ever think your little girlfriend might be a liar?
Vaggie: Don't, Adam please!
Adam: What's the fuss? Why hide the fact that you're an angel just like us?
(The Crystal ball revealed Vaggie's old look as an exorcist angel. Charlie stared at it in shock, and fell to the floor)
*End of the song*
(Y/N) looked at Adam with disgust in her eyes, Adam looked at (Y/N) but his smirk was quickly feeling off his face when he saw (Y/N) with a disappointed look.
He tried to reach out and explain, but (Y/N) stopped him and flew up next to Emily and Sera. Sera had to breath in out to collect herself, she then spoke. "I'm sorry, but the court finds there is no evidence that souls in Hell can be redeemed."
(Y/N) and Emily were disappointed, they looked at each other with worry. Adam then stated that when the extermination comes, he's coming to Charlie's Hotel first. He snaps his fingers causing Vaggie and Charlie to be sent back to Hell
"Charlie don't give up on this!" (Y/N) said from above as Emily chimed in "We will figure something out, we promise!" (Y/N) held Emily in her arms, trying to comfort her. "That was uncalled for Adam." Sera said will looking down at him. "Yeah, but did you see the looks on their fucking faces." Adam said while laughing, but it stopped when he saw (Y/N) disappointed face again.
Adam face softened for a moment, "Sorry." That was thing said until he flew up Infront of (Y/N) face while she was still comforting Emily.
"I'll see you at home tonight, right babe?" Adam said while putting his hand on (Y/N)'s face. (Y/N) just pushed his hand away. "You shouldn't expect me to be home tonight... or any night for that matter." Adam wanted to try and convince (Y/N) to come home, but he knew it would be a bad idea with other seraphim's watching.
He flew away, leaving (Y/N) with Emily and Sera. It was a short silence when (Y/N) released Emily from her grasp. Emily spoke, "Extermination of human souls. Demon or not there is no reason to be doing this."
Sera spoke, as they eye of her hair and halo opened. "They were upraising, girls. It is my position as the head Seraphim to protect these souls at all costs."
Sera's eyes closed as she placed her hands on (Y/N) and Emily's shoulders. "It is your job to keep them happy and joyful and (Y/N)'s to care for the children of Heaven." "How can we fulfill our jobs when we now know that were causing so much pain to souls down in Hell. And me knowing that my husband is keeping secrets from me, his wife." (Y/N) said.
Sera quickly had answer for it. She told (Y/N) and Emily to let her about this and told them to go back to their jobs.
That night, (Y/N) made true to her word and refused to come home. Adam laid on the bed that he and (Y/N) shared, waiting for his wife to come home so he could explain himself. He never meant to keep secrets from her, he just wanted to protect her and everyone else in Heaven.
And despite his fuckboy nature, Adam really and truly loved (Y/N) and would anything for her. Even if it meant killing demons just to protect her.
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