#it's like a way worse version of his character in blacklist
theheightofdishonor · 2 years
blacklist has literally all my favourite thai actors (nanon,chimon, ohm, frank, love, prim) but despite how much i tried, i can't finish this show.
The lack of agency and respect given to the female leads, the boring love stories (come on, there's no way 5/6 boys end up in happy, straight relationships), the rapidly derailing plot, the iffy characterizations, it's too much.
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Okay spoilers for ssp1 and ssp2 here, so if you haven’t read them both and want to avoid spoilers, keep scrolling (and also blacklist the tags if you want to save yourself spoiler pain in the future!)
It’s fascinating to me how obviously these books were written in a global pandemic. Like, obviously we knew that, but I’m so interested in the way that influence is showing up in the books.
In Tress of the Emerald Sea, we start the story with a girl who Does Not Leave Home, under order of the government. Breathing the air outside of her home is Definitely Fatal, and there are many variations on the Very Fatal Things you could inhale. People wear masks to protect themselves, but it’s hardly exact protection. You’ve even got people with a long-term version of the spores living under their skin until they die, in the form of the aethers. Tress is a pandemic novel, where the spores are covid, and someone is risking exposure for the sake of someone they love.
The Frugal Wizard’s Handbook For Surviving Medieval England is a mouthful of a title. BUT it also has some really interesting influences too! Right at the start of the book, we learn that the main character is a cop- and we learn it in the most copaganda series of sentences I think I’ve ever read. Then later, we learn he is not a cop, but his friend is, and that friend is subsequently portrayed as Absolutely Perfect Person Arbiter Of Justice. Then later, we see that the cop-friend is just a bastard in so many ways. Through Ulric and the whole idea of buying dimensions, we see capitalism ruthlessly profiting off of people who have no say, usually making their lives actively worse for money or entertainment. We see medical tech that can protect you from terrible diseases, and we get hints of people who refuse to use it.
To me, ssp2 (NOT typing that title again) shows so much of what was happening culturally during lockdown. ACAB, with a bastard cop character throwing locals and “losers” in harm’s way, when the other characters want so desperately to believe that there is someone doing actual justice in a fucked up world. Vaccines, and antivaxxers. Killing entire dimensions of people who don’t have a say for the sake of a profit SURE SMELLS LIKE THE WAY ESSENTIAL WORKERS WERE TREATED.
Idk, I just think that it’s very fascinating to see the way that the pandemic is so present in these novels if you scratch even a little bit beneath the surface
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sugdenlovesdingle · 1 year
Any robron fans in the lone star/tarlos fandom?
Does this Iris business not remind you of the Rebecca nonsense? Including the fan reaction to her and the actress.
Let me explain for the people who don't know what I'm talking about.
Robron (Robert and Aaron) were a couple on a British soap and in 2017 they got (unofficially) married right before Aaron went to prison. During that prison stint he got hooked on drugs and picked a fight with Robert during a visit - who then went home, got drunk, slept with his ex wife's sister Rebecca... Who then got pregnant with his baby. (this is the short version - the story lasted most of 2017 and into 2018)
99.999999% of the fandom hated the story, some people left the fandom, people were in denial and wrote fics where it all just never happened, others straight up blacklisted every word to do with the story... And there were people who "targeted" (for lack of a better word) the actress playing Rebecca. Who blamed the story on her, called her (the actress) names and said she only got the job because her dad was a big name in the industry. She ended up basically quitting social media over it and the guys playing Robert and Aaron would step in to defend her in interviews and on social media. So did the soap press.
Even mentioning her name (actress or character) was controversial™️ in the fandom.
It's all very similar to this Iris story. I don't like it either and of everything Tim Minear could have done with Carlos this season, this was definitely not on my wishlist... But it's the story he's written and no amount of shit you give him or Rafa or Lyndsey is going to change it.
You don't have to like it, you don't have to watch, you can pretend it's not happening, you can write all of the this-never-happened fics, but don't take it out on the actors. And obviously complaining to Tim doesn't do any good either.
A marriage in name only between two friends who both want to end it one way or another really isn't the worst version of this story we could have gotten. Plot holes and all.
Neither is in love with the other, Iris doesn't want Carlos for herself, Iris isn't fighting the divorce, Iris isn't saying TK isn't good enough, she isn't pregnant with his kid, they don't have a secret 5 year old, Carlos isn't sneaking off to be with her, Carlos isn't keeping this from TK, they're not breaking up over it, they're still getting married, Iris wants to be there as Carlos' friend (as long as she doesn't have to sit next to a gemini) - it could be worse.
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nvzblgrrl · 1 year
7 9 10 13 19 transformers AND doctor who
7) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? Transformers - Starscream. Like, yes, he can be kind of annoying in canon sometimes but it all levels out with the amount of times he gets shot down for it, but the fandom? It has been years since I've seen Starscream described as 'Scrimscrim' and just thinking that name makes me homicidal. Doctor Who - oh, this is hard, but I'm going to say Rose Tyler. Like, she's fine as a companion - flawed, obviously, but that's the interesting part and I don't blacklist her name because of that. I blacklist her name and block people because they're incapable of letting her exist as a flawed character - she is the most prototypically stereotypically straight girl I have seen on Doctor Who, yet people are trying to sell her as a 'bi queen'? She tried to get the Doctor to let a potato roll dick weasel on the TARDIS based on like, the worst first impression ever because apparently this
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is hot enough to overlook utterly rancid vibes. If that ain't straight people magic at work, I don't know what is.
9) worst part of canon Transformers - actually a difficult question, since I tend to cleave close to what I like (Beast Era) and don't wander to far from it, but... I think the Marvel comics run of Transformers comics. Like some of the stuff is just fucking miserable to look at and perceive, stop it. The only good bit is that Spider-Man gets to meet and befriend a Transformer and then ends the story thinking his new bud is dead. Doctor Who - Torchwood. No hesitation. I hate all the characters, especially the Time Agents, because half of the 'jokes' from that corner seem to be rooted in biphobia, to the point where I ran into a line from one of them where 'bestiality' was apparently something omnisexuals could and would line up to, apropos of nothing I personally did.
10) worst part of fanon
Transformers - Scrimscrim. I rest my case. Doctor Who - DoctorRose unpwobwomatic twu wuv. It is inescapable, people won't leave it alone OR tag for it half the time, and I would like to just exist without someone trying to shove Perfect Holy Rose Tyler down my throat. I hate it extra much when it leaches out from 'Canon' DoctorRose to fuck with every other era or other 'competing' female companions get shit on or railroaded into being mindless supporters. Like either Stop It or learn to Tag Your Shit Right.
11) worst blorboficiation Transformers - Tailgate. IDW1 fans have just. Made a guy that's inescapable and annoying even tho his default 'true' self is a character I'm neutral to. Like fuck off with that ukefication, nobody wants that. Doctor Who - the Doctor. Literally, the Doctor is so interesting when you take them - any of them! - as a hot mess who means well but overcorrects from the 'previous' model's flaws to make new ones. Like 9 and 10 are fun because they're joint studies in PTSD - the guy who knows he has it and shares it in Shit Ways but at least does and the guy who shoves it down and denies even as he's hemorraging all over the table and making everyone else suffer because he's too desperate for one (bad) familiarity to stay in his life. And then people go with the 'sainted god Doctor thing' that popped up every so often in the later RTD 1.0 era and it's like 'why. why you like this, this is boring.' Also 8 ends up with a worse version of this where it literally hamstrung his potential in stories from day one because reducing him down to amnesia, romance, and whump was just easier I guess.
12) you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
Transformers - uh, I guess Transformers Cybertron, mostly of who I was at the time; a kid who didn't follow stories well but liked how some characters looked. My taste with Override at least held up but Beast Wars was infinitely more engaging, both when I was a kid + rewatching as an adult. Doctor Who - a lot of Eighth Doctor stuff, I'll be honest. Like I said, there's a tendency to being reductive and making 8 a passive participant in his own life (which would at least be interesting if it was explored as the Doctor doing that on purpose) and some poor fan behavior regarding the War Doctor just makes it... very difficult to engage with that corner. And yet here I am, liking 8 a lot despite all that.
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iamanartichoke · 3 years
[please blacklist spoiler tags: #loki tv series spoilers, #loki series spoilers, #loki spoilers]
Yes, I did just watch episode 2 at 5:30 in the morning.
No, I am not sorry. Not at the moment, although when I inevitably crash later this afternoon, I will be.
Just some very, very quick - and scattered and messy - thoughts: That is a straight up lie; they’re definitely scattered and messy but not very quick at all.
Under the cut for spoilers and length.
I’m going to start with Loki’s characterization. My honest opinion is that Loki’s overall characterization feels like a fic characterization. He definitely is not Avengers Loki, like, at all. I don't know if Tom just, like, forgot how to play that Loki or ...?? That, or Loki was so much more mind-controlled than we realized and getting hulk-smashed just completely reset him back to zero but also fucked him up a little bit and affected his personality, kind of like how some people completely develop weird new personality quirks after a traumatic brain injury.
… yeah, I think that’s where I’m gonna land for now. TV series!Loki feels like a more-or-less canon version of Loki, but if that Loki got hit in the head really hard and now he’s just a little bit fucked up but overall no worse for the wear. Which - it may be that it’s so early in the morning, but that’s actually really fucking funny to me, lmao. God, I kill me. It’s not funny.
No, but, that’s pretty much how I feel. He’s ooc but he’s also ic, and the reason I’m not particularly bothered by the inconsistency, for lack of a better word, is because that’s what pretty much every fic Loki already feels like to me? (Including my own, so I’m not, like, saying that in a derogatory way.) Which is why I say Loki feels like a fic!Loki and to try to explain it better - there is always, for me, a little suspension of disbelief that I employ when I read fic. The reason for that is because the context, the plot, and the dynamics of the fic are usually pretty different than what we ever get in canon, so it becomes a matter of taking film!Loki and, like, bending him a bit in order to fit him into the perimeters of the fic.
The result ends up being that I don’t see the exact Avengers!Loki or TDW!Loki, and thus by definition the portrayal is ooc, but the version that I do see feels like a genuine extension of the canon version, possessing enough of Loki’s overall traits and characteristics that he feels authentic, albeit a bit pretzeled for the new context.
I honestly think that’s something that’s unavoidable, just due to the fact that in fic - and now, in this series - there are a lot more variables at play than there are in the films, wherein Loki is not just a supporting character but also the villain/antagonist and is therefore very limited in what he does/what the narrative allows him to do. When those limitations are taken away, what are we going to see? Probably a lot of different things, and yeah, a lot of them are going to feel a little ooc. And, like in fic, even if the characterization mostly lands, there are definitely bits and pieces (some fics more than others lean this way) where the author didn’t stick the landing or got carried away or otherwise probably forgot for a while that they were writing Loki, not their own OC.
That’s the point where it strays into cringe territory for me (and where the ‘heh, he’s Loki but with a brain injury’ aspect comes in), but while I had to consciously decide to just ignore those moments, overall the tone in this episode felt a bit more balanced between the new, the old, and the cringe, and less whiplash-y from the beginning of the episode to the end.
… I have no idea if that makes sense, but what I’m basically saying is that while I am enjoying this version of Loki, I do recognize all of the ways he’s ooc but, unlike how I feel about Ragnarok!Loki, the ooc-ness feels genuine and unavoidable rather than just a fundamental and careless misunderstanding of the character altogether. In other words, I feel like any ooc-ness here is happening despite the writers taking care to do their best, and isn’t just a result of Loki being lazily written by a person or persons who just doesn’t want to bother with him at all.
Again, I don’t know if that makes sense, but fuck it, there we are and I’m moving on.
I liked all of the little details, including again, things that felt straight out of fic, like Loki asking Mobius why he has the jetski magazine. (Also, if any of my thorki friends read this, was I the only one who noticed that when we see Loki reading the magazine, it just happens to be open to a page with a picture featuring a jet skier who looks like Thor? l.m.a.o.)
Loki interrupting things to explain the difference between illusions vs the other power (I can’t remember which one, off hand, and if I stop writing to go look it up I will lose my train of thought and not finish this) was great, but his overall input and contributions to the missions inspired very mixed feelings for me. On the one hand, I loved that the narrative, via Loki, is reminding us of all these things that he’s capable of that the films generally left out or brushed aside or ignored - but, every time he spoke, he was met with eye rolls and sighs and just a general feeling of “someone please shut this guy up” and I didn’t like the narrative treating him that way.
But also, it’s understandable bc none of the people on his team are actually on his team. None of them want him there (story of Loki’s fucking life), none of them trust him, and none of them are particularly interested in hearing what he has to say. So it’s like, I understand why they reacted the way they did, and I don’t think their reactions are meant to support an overall narrative undermining of Loki’s skills and input - but, the tone is hard to read for me bc I am very defensive and protective of Loki. I can’t quite determine the line between the TVA agents being unreliable narrators (ie, they’re annoyed by Loki bc of who he is to them, but that doesn’t mean the audience is supposed to feel the same) and the TVA agents validating that Loki is just being a nuisance (and, thus, the audience is supposed to feel the same).
That is, I know how I am consuming the narrative (that they’re unreliable narrators), but I’m not sure if that’s how tptb are intending for me to consume the narrative - and I guess it doesn’t really matter, but it’s worth mentioning.
In general, I really liked, again, Loki existing in his own space and watching the way he carried himself. I especially found it interesting that his hands were almost always in his pockets - for one thing it's a stance I tend to imagine him taking often in fic, but also it’s kind of a weird choice bc pockets don’t seem to be a thing in Asgardian clothing. It makes me feel like Loki is the kind of person who never knows what to do with his hands but is always conscious of them, as is common among anxious and self-conscious people, and I just find that relatable on a weird level.
I am really kinda torn on Mobius in this episode; when not interrogating Loki, he’s much less antagonistic toward Loki and therefore I’m more inclined to take-him-or-leave-him but I’ll go ahead and take him I guess. Yet at the same time, bc he’s not interrogating Loki he’s also not trying to put on a show for Loki and when you take that away, he really doesn’t seem to like Loki at all. It supports that Mobius only wants what Loki can do for him and doesn’t actually particularly care about him as a person, which is fine and more or less what I figured, but it contributes to me not really being able to decide how I feel about him in general. Idk, though, I kinda like their dynamic? Like I want them to end up friends?
Regardless, Tom and Owen have amazing chemistry and it’s really funny to me bc (not to be a jerk) I honestly didn’t know Owen Wilson could act. Like, I’ve never seen him in a role where he wasn’t just playing Owen Wilson. So for him to not only be playing Mobius so well but also having such chemistry and a sense of holding-his-own against Tom Hiddleston is like, color me surprised but pleasantly so.
I like B-15 a lot, even though she obviously hates Loki, so idk why I like her but I do. I like Renslayer less, but meh. (Side note - when I was in undergrad in Syracuse, I took the Amtrak from Syracuse to Boston and back more than a few times, for reasons that aren’t relevant, and that route always had a layover at Albany-Rensselaer and every single time I see Renslayer’s name, I want to call her Rensselaer instead.) Shout out to the guest appearance by Casey, sorry Loki stole your juice lmfao.
The moments from the trailer that were very cringe were less so in context (though still kinda cringe, tbh). I think we’ve seen most of the content from the trailers in the first two episodes now, though, which means going forward, it’s going to be like 95% previously unseen material (aside from the brief apocalyptic shots and so forth).
One thing I fucking loved was how Loki, reading about Ragnarok, was visibly affected and even teared up a bit, and you could tell he was in his feels about it, but then later when Mobius expresses sympathy, Loki is just like, “Uh huh, very sad, but anyway.” It was a subtle (well maybe not that subtle) but effective way to remind us that what Loki presents to other people is more often than not a mask and he keeps his true feelings close to the chest. It makes last week’s breakdown have even more of an impact, I think, bc clearly Loki was at the end of his rope to allow himself to show that much raw emotion and vulnerability, but also - for me - there’s a niggling little doubt there that wasn’t there before, in that there was probably more performance in it than I thought.
By which I mean, I think his reaction to the film of his life when he was alone was genuine but, while I previously thought his admission to Mobius later was also genuine, I now think was probably half genuine and half performative. I know others already figured that out, but I’m a little slow and, also, I don’t mind changing my opinion and interpretation from week to week.
Along the same lines, I wasn’t exactly surprised to see that Loki is “undercover” in the TVA, but it was nice to see it acknowledged fairly quickly. Not sure I buy that Loki wants to overthrow and rule the TVA - it’s still a little too “Loki only wants a throne” for me, but again, just because that’s what he told the variant doesn’t mean that’s actually what he’s after.
And, finally, I like the variant, I love Loki’s reaction to seeing her, and while I realize that the show has acknowledged Loki’s gender fluidity and we’re meant to assume that Lady Loki (I guess? Not sure if we’re going with that or not here) is Loki, I saw a theory somewhere about how this is actually not Loki-Loki, but - I wanna say her name Sophie but that’s the actress, again I can’t go look it up bc I will lose my train of thought - but it’s a character who is similar to Amora and who was created by Loki and models herself as Loki but she’s actually someone else.
Ugh I can’t remember the details of the theory, but I am kinda going with it bc I don’t think that Loki would look so - not surprised but just kind of “oh, well, I wasn’t expecting that” if he were seeing the female version of himself. Like, he doesn’t seem to recognize her the way I assume he would recognize himself, male or female. Not only does that make me feel like she’s actually someone else, but also not recognizing her as the female version of himself doesn’t necessarily mean Loki doesn’t recognize her at all. He may very well recognize her as this other Amora-similar character and, if so, I really want to see how that character fits with MCU Loki (as I think she’s a comic book character but, again, I’d have to go back and find that theory).
Edit: I found a version of it here.
Overall score, B-. Mostly solid, but needs moar Loki breakdowns and tears. (That's just me, don't fucking judge me.) Also, I really hate that we have to wait a week between episodes. I wish they were following Netflix’s method of dropping the entire season at once but, then again, if they did that, I’m not sure any of us would survive.
I gotta get ready for work and I deleted and rewrote so much of this and it still seems nonsensical to me, lmfao fml. Anyway feel free to interact/send me asks/whatever, it’s going to be a long fucking day with all of this on my mind. I’ll be working my way through my dash as best as I can.
Oh, also! Loki is so fucking pretty in this episode! The TVA suit is ugly, but he makes it work, and his hair's combed nicely and he looks like he finally got an opportunity to sleep and shower and eat something and, yknow, it's working for him.
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
Times Two
Your husband is cloned by a quirk and you just so happen to love that. So what do you do? The only thing that makes sense, of course. 
Rating: Explicit Warnings: Sex (anal and vaginal), DP, foreplay, blowjob, throat fucking, vulgar phrases and words Words:   4681 Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki (x2) x Fem! Reader
a/n: I’m sorry if it’s a bit confusing to tell the difference between clone and real Bakugou. I have it set up like Bakugou = Real. Katsuki = Clone. The reader specifies it as well to try and clear some stuff up. But yeah, this is the naughtiest thing I’ve written in a while and I took some risks, hopefully it works out and y’all enjoy it! Don’t forget to read past the “Read More”! 
BTW, please blacklist the tag cutesuki-lemons if you do not want to see this content from my blog. I will no longer be tagging with specific keywords for this type of content.Thank you~
Due to the nature of this post, the characters are 18+
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Edit: I forgot to add the anon that requested and inspired this lovely idea, I’m sorry! Thank you so much for sending this in! (⋟﹏⋞)
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Being married to the explosive Bakugou Katsuki, there is very little that surprises you. That man, as hot headed and rough around the edges as he could be, was always surprising you in one way or another in the forms of sentimental gestures and words that no other person alive was ever meant to hear. Along with being married to him, you were more involved in the life of pro heros than you ever really expected to be, as in his late twenties, he was very quickly becoming a prominent name and popular icon. A new quirk or odd behavior was always expressed to you by him when he arrived home, as he always had something new to rant about. But this… this was not something that you were familiar with. The fact that you were staring at two sets of glaring crimson eyes made you almost feel faint, tempted to shut the door and reopen it just to make sure you weren't hallucinating. 
“Katsuki…” You stared up at the one you assumed to be the original, as he was dressed in the clothes he had left in that morning, while the other was in some outfit you had never seen before. “Why… What- I mean… There are two of you.” You gestured from one to the other and back again with an accusatory pointed finger, gaining an annoyed and almost simultaneous click of the tongue from both blondes before you. 
“No shit.” The original barked in an annoyed huff, placing a rough hand on your arm to urge you out of the way so they could enter. You followed direction, watching them shuffle in through the door before shutting and locking it into place. 
“How are there two of you? Why are there two of you? Which is the real one?” 
“I am!” With a point to his own face, Bakugou glowered down at you, the familiar snarl and wedding ring on his finger calming your initial fears. The other Bakugou, who stood awkwardly off to the side, wasn’t wearing a ring and he also gave off a different… energy to the original. It was obvious that he was confused and out of place, though he glanced around at both the environment and at you with a sense of familiarity. Before you could really even say anything else, your husband snatched you by the arm and dragged you off to a different room, making you stumble over your feet for a second before catching your footing. 
“No need to drag me around Katsuki—” 
Bakugou brought a finger to his lips, hushing you with an urgency that spiked a bit of annoyance in you. All you knew at this point was that he had better start explaining himself quickly before you got frustrated, and the look on your face must have told him that as he began to spill his guts to you. 
“Sorry. Look, while I was out at a call, a villain touched me and used their quirk on me to try and catch me off guard. It didn’t work, but it did make him. He is literally me, down to memories and feelings. We have to get rid of him!” 
A frown crossed your lips as you glanced out of the doorway, seeing the clone wander about while looking at pictures along the wall. “He’s… not having like a crisis or something? I’m surprised he’s not upset.” 
Bakugou shook his head, letting his hands fall down your arms to tenderly hold your hands. “After the villain was caught, she explained her quirk… They may be exactly like me, but they won’t ever realize they’re going to fuck off when they fall asleep. Fuck off as in… turn into a doll. And even though he has all my memories and shit he’s… very compliant.” 
“Hm… When he falls asleep he’s gonna turn into a doll? Why don’t we just let him hang around until night time, and he’ll go to sleep. I don’t want you to attack him and knock him out or anything… That’s so mean.” You squeezed his fingers as you tried to have him understand your point of view. “If he’s literally you, then he probably feels really comfortable here. What a shame for his final moments of existence to be fear or pain.” 
Bakugou glowered down at you, obviously annoyed with your empathy. “So what, you want to invite him to have dinner and watch TV with us and share our bed?” 
“It’s technically his bed, too. He’s you.” You gave a very nonchalant shrug, ignoring the frustrated furrow of your lovers brow. “I don’t want you to hurt him. We should make his only day alive something enjoyable. Let’s go talk to him.” 
“Babe—” Bakugou sighed as you walked away from him, towards the clone that instantly peered down at you curiously. He seemed genuinely happy at the smile on your face, and though you could tell he wanted to, he was reluctant to touch you. Fiddling with your nails as you came to stand in front of him, you gave a small cough to clear your throat, glancing back at the real Bakugou as he glared at you from his spot learning against the doorframe. 
“So, uhm…” You began, turning your attention to the Bakugou in front of you. “Things can get a little confusing I think, so… How about I call you Katsuki, and him Bakugou.” As you addressed them, you gestured to them, feeling your cheeks flush a bit at how ridiculous you sounded. “I’m used to calling him Katsuki, but it’ll be okay for now. I’ll try not to get you mixed up. Deal?” You glanced back again at Bakugou who merely shrugged in an ‘I don’t give a fuck’ manner, while Katsuki in front of you gave a calm nod. 
“Sure, [Name]. I, oh fuck, sorry—” Having unconsiciously placed his hand on your arm, Katsuki quickly pulled it away as you gave a small flinch in surprise. With this, you saw a flash of confusion and defeat across his face, as if he hadn’t been expecting you to do that. Well, of course he hadn’t. To him, you were his lover, his wife and you loved each other fiercely. Physical touch was important between you and Bakugou, and so you knew that it was just as important to Katsuki. Still, you felt conflicted yourself. You could feel the tension from behind you, fuming off of your husband like it was a tangible object. A clone of himself or not, you knew that he wasn’t going to just let another man touch you.
Deciding to change the subject, you motioned towards the bedroom with a small nod of your head, prompting Katsuki to follow you. “Come on. How about you both get comfortable and we can, uhm… Make dinner, I guess.” 
Bakugou pushed himself up off the doorframe, entering the room before either of you. “I get my tank and shorts, got it?!” 
Katsuki scoffed, reaching behind him to pull his shirt up and over his head. “Whatever, I don’t give a fuck, I’m not going to fight with myself over clothes.” 
“Hey, hey, chill. Please.” You placed a hand on Bakugou’s arm to calm him, though by the click of his tongue you got in response, it didn’t work. “You have plenty of clothes to share. Just pick an outfit.” At this point, you already felt like you were babysitting, taking a step back as the two grown men bickered over what comfortable clothes the other wanted. Though, their huffing and puffing wasn’t really what was on your mind. Looking at them, both shirtless now, you felt a heat spread through your cheeks and down to your toes. You had two versions of your husband in your house, both of them who knew who you were and loved you equally. One was definitely in a better mood than the other, but that only made it better. 
You couldn’t stop the thoughts and visions flashing through your mind of both men pleasuring you from all sides, one fucking you from behind while the other made you gag on his cock. They were identical, down to the scars and minute imperfections on their skin. You couldn’t resist the sinful thoughts, especially as they continued stripping and changing. The instant Katsuki’s gaze landed on you, catching you staring, you took in a breath and shuffled away, mumbling something about having to go to the restroom. Shutting the door a bit too loudly, you leaned against it, placing a hand on your chest as you tried to calm your heavy breathing and racing heart. 
You almost lost it there, [Name]. You gotta calm down, there’s no way the original is gonna fall for a threesome. But this is a once in a lifetime thing! To be fucked by double Katsuki’s… What a dream— 
There was a sudden rough knock on the door, startling you so badly that you almost screamed out loud. Heart now racing even worse, you took a few deep breaths, opening the door to peek out. You could instantly see that it was Bakugou, his wedding ring gleaming against the light as his hand came to rest on the door. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you, babe?” 
Opening up the door just a bit more, you allowed him to stand halfway inside so you could whisper to each other. You kept yourself close to him, tenderly caressing his upper arm as you let out a trembling breath. “I’m fine, I’m fine. It’s just… This is a lot to take in all the sudden in a… different way.” 
“Different way?” With a cocked eyebrow, he glanced over your body, noticing the timid stance and erect nipples behind the thin cloth of your t-shirt. Your flushed face and pounding heartbeat were dead giveaways as well, though instead of his usual smirk at realizing your current state, he narrowed his eyes at you. “Are you horny?!” 
“Shh!” You reached up and covered his mouth, standing on your tiptoes to look out and make sure you weren’t being listened to. “Don’t say it so loud.” 
“So you are.” Bakugou continued when you removed your hand, giving a small shrug. “Well let me in there, we’ll fuck real quick and get to— ah, wait!” Now, he shoved himself the rest of the way inside, shutting the door behind him. In the same moment, he pressed you up against it, forcing a gasp from your lips as his leg wedged firmly into place between yours. He liked to do this, pin you up against whatever solid surface he could and tease the hell out of you, until you were writhing and begging for him to fuck you. Though, this was a bit different, as his glare showed little signs of the typical lust you were familiar with seeing. 
“You little slut. You want to fuck both of us, don’t you?” With your hard swallow and guilty gaze, a smirk finally crossed his lips, gripping your chin to force you to look up at him. “I should've known you were going to be like that. You’re so obsessed with the way I fuck you, there’s no way you wouldn’t want it from two of me. What were you thinking, hm? A cock in your ass and your cunt?” His hand began to travel down your body, teasing you with just a hit of that rough touch you craved. “Like hell I’m going to share you with anyone, not even a version of myself.” 
“Why not, Katsuki?” Your eyes darted from his face down his his hips, able to see his erect member pressing against the fabric of his sweatpants. “It would be fun. And so sexy… imagine me, kneeling on the floor, face covered in your cum. Letting you take turns fucking my throat.” Clutching onto his shirt tightly with one hand, you let the other slip between your bodies, slowly and firmly palming his member through the fabric of his bottoms. “You’re already rock hard thinking about it.” 
“You think you could handle it?” Bakugou pressed his leg further up between yours to press against your sex, prompting you to eagerly grind your hips. “I leave you ruined just on my own. I don’t think you’d be able to take it. You’d be begging for mercy.” 
“You underestimate me, love. The only thing I’d be begging for is more.” You tugged him in closer, catching his lips in a heated kiss. In that same second, you were in his arms, pressed up against the door. Keeping yourself latched to him with your arms around his neck and legs around his waist, you sighed softly at the feeling of his member pressing into your sex, wishing despirately to feel him inside you. While one arm kept you firmly in position, the other hand was free to roam, his rough and calloused palm sliding up your bare thigh. His touch was like fire, telling you just how seriously turned on he was, too. Just maybe you could get him to agree… after letting him have a little fun on his own first. 
“Please,” you moaned breathlessly into the kiss, reaching down between your bodies to slip his manhood free from his clothes. “I need to feel you inside me. Right now.” As you moved your poor excuse for pajama shorts and underwear side, Bakugou complied, shifting your body just enough to slip himself inside you. You felt every inch of your body tingle in excitement and pleasure, your heart racing at the sound of his groan against your cheek. He may have teased you about being obsessed with the way he made love to you, but you knew that he was just as addicted. Even though he put on a tough show, you could easily make him do whatever you begged for, like he was wrapped around your little finger. A simple touch or glance could have him immediately wanting you, and now that you had him this far, you knew that you could weasel your way into adding another cock to the party. 
You didn’t have much time to contemplate exactly how you would pull that off, distracted as he began to thrust his hips, fucking you at a rough and hard pace that made the wooden door at your back sqeak and rattle with each movement. Every inch of him vanished within your depths with each stroke, fogging your mind to everything but the irresistible pleasure. You were so engrossed, in fact, that you didn’t hear footsteps approaching the door from the other side, only able to focus on Bakugou’s lips and teeth against your skin. 
Suddenly, you felt an emptiness at your back and a wash of cold air swallow you both as the door to the restroom was swung open rapidly. With a squeal from your lips and a sharp inhale from Bakugou, you began to tumble backwards at the loss of support. Though, just as soon as it had gone, it was back again, though the presence that you found your back against was more familiar and warm than the cold wooden door. You were now pressed against Katsuki’s chest, his hands gripping onto your upper arms tightly to support the weight of both of you. 
“Hey, what the fuck?!” Bakugou barked at his mirror image, glaring at Katsuki over the top of your head. “Get that smirk off your face asshole, who the fuck invited you?!” 
“[Name] did. You think I didn’t hear you two talking in there or could tell what she was thinking?” Katsuki’s hands slid under your arms, gripping and squeezing your breasts roughly. You couldn’t resist a soft gasp, the mutual feeling of Bakugou inside you and now Katsuki’s hands on you making your head swim. “I saw her staring at us. Just like you, I know exactly what she wanted. And you weren’t exactly subtle, fucking against the door like that. It’s like you wanted me to notice.” 
Trembling, you clutched onto Bakugou’s shoulders tightly, lightly rocking your hips to move him within you. “You two stop fighting and just fuck me already!” 
Bakugou complied without a moment's hesitation, using Katsuki’s leverage to keep you stable. Your voice squeaked out in pleasure as you laid your head back, catching Katsuki’s gaze. The lust in his crimson glare was so clear, feeling a heat rush to your face as he smirked against your cheek, one hand coming up to wrap around your throat. “That’s it, babe,” He hissed in your ear, making your heart flutter violently. His other hand left your breast and vanished elsewhere for a moment, and you could only hope that he was preparing himself for what you wanted most. “You’re such a naughty little bitch. Tell me what you want.” 
As Katsuki’s lips came to hover near yours, you could feel it, the hard presence of his cock against your ass as it bounced with Bakugou’s thrusts. The fire inside you began to swell, unable to tear your eyes away from your lovers clone and his hypnotizing crimson glare. “I-I want you both! I want your cock in my ass— ah!” Your voice squeaked as Bakugou increased his speed and roughness, pulling your attention to him.
“Beg harder, babygirl. Beg like the cock hungry slut you are!” 
You knew exactly how he wanted you to talk, how filthy he wanted you to be, and it wasn’t something you were going to resist. “P-please, fuck me in my cunt and my ass! Fill me up and use me!” 
Again, your pathetic excuse for clothing was moved aside, with Bakugou pausing just long enough to let Katsuki sink his length into your ass. You and Bakugou were no strangers to anal sex, so it wasn’t as if that was what shocked you. No, it was the feeling being completely full, not a single inch of you untouched. There was new pleasures you had never felt before, the heat inside you almost unbearable, and yet, you loved it. Pressed between these two men, who were alike in every sense of the word, cocooned you in warmth, bringing an odd sense of sleepiness to your mind. That is, until they began to move, very quickly finding a rhythm. They didn’t alternate like you expected. Instead, they matched each others pace, making you melt into puddy in their hands. 
Trapped in their arms, you couldn’t move, only able to anchor yourself to something with your hands, which clutched onto Bakugou’s shirt and shoulders. Just from the look on his face, you could tell that it felt different for him as well, though in what way you couldn’t really imagine. All you cared about was the fact that he was enjoying it, and so was Katsuki from the groans and soft curses you heard near your ear. Within no time, you could feel it, the pleasure building into a ball in your core, until it exploded in a rush of moans, trembling and uncontrollable jerks of your body. 
“Oh fuck, babygirl, that’s it,” Katsuki purred in your ear, both men having to stop from the pressure of your contracting walls. “You’re such a good girl.” Through your panting and soft gasps, Katsuki turned your head with a push of his thumb, catching your lips in a passionate kiss. His tongue invaded your mouth instantly, forcing you into that submission that you loved and leaving you breathless. 
“She’s gotten off too easy,” Bakugou huffed, removing himself from inside you and leaving you aching for his return. “Put her ass on the bed.” 
Complying, Katsuki released your lips and removed himself from you as well, taking on the full weight of your body to walk you over to the bed. Dropping you onto the mattress, you bounced with the impact, gazing up at both men expectantly. Smirk on his lips, Bakugou removed his shirt, coming to stand at the side of the bed. Without questioning or waiting for instruction, you scooted your body closer, instantly taking his hard and throbbing cock into your mouth as you rolled over onto your stomach. Propping yourself up on your arms, you lovingly tended to his member, running your tongue along the underside and stroking him with that firm grip you knew he loved. With a pleasured sigh, Bakugou ran his fingers through your hair, stopping at the base of your head to apply pressure to keep you from going anywhere. 
Taking a curious glance up at his face, you could instantly tell why, his gaze following Katsuki as he climbed onto the bed behind you. Eager hands gripped your ass, squeezing and spreading you open, even though you still had your shorts and underwear on. “What a filthy little slut you are, drenched through your clothes like that.” A hard smack to your ass followed his words, making you squeak and unconsciously take Bakugou’s cock deeper into your mouth. After another rough slap, your clothes were pulled down, leaving you exposed to him. The chill of the room was short lived as he slipped his cock between your legs, urging you to squeeze them together before he began thrusting his hips. The way his cock stroked against your clit sent tingles across your skin, your moans muffled by the dick in your mouth. The more pleasure you received, the more you gave, turning Bakugou into his own panting and grunting mess. 
Eventually, with a tight grip of your hair, you knew what was about to happen. Removing your hands from him, you kept your mouth and head loose for him, allowing him to thrust his hips. He was going slow at first, like he usually did, soaking in the feeling of his tip pressing into the back of your throat. You could barely register the sounds coming from behind you, merely following direction as you were told to squeeze your thighs together tighter. 
Bakugou scoffed, glaring at his clone with a smug smirk on his lips. “What’s wrong, you fucker? About to cum already?” 
You gave a muffled squeal as Katsuki increase the roughness of his thrusts, feeling yourself about to peak again just from the stroking of your clit. “Whether you’re in or not, she’s going to be covered in cum by the time I’m done with her. I’ll cum as many times as I fucking feel like.” With a shuddering of your body as you came, you were given some reprieve from the cock in your mouth to breathe, fighting between coughing and moaning as you stroked Bakugou’s length in the meantime. As you were still cumming, you felt a hot release all over your legs, listening as Katsuki grunted with his own release. It coated your thighs and cunt, surprising you a bit with how much there seemed to be. With a heavy sigh, Katsuki took a moment to recover, spreading his cum across your pussy with his thumb. “What a pretty sight.” 
Before you could even think of a response, Bakugou forced his cock back into your mouth, fucking your throat at his own pace and roughness. You couldn’t even react to the sudden feeling of Katsuki’s cock sinking into your pussy, fucking you from behind at an equally rough pace. It was exactly as you had imagined, a mixture of pleasure and pain that had your eyes rolling back, once again completely at their mercy. Every inch of your body felt more sensitive than it ever had before, even your nipples as they scraped against the fabric of your shirt enough to add to the pleasure. 
“You want my cum all over your face, babygirl? Or do you want to swallow it?” Bakugou didn’t give you any chance to even answer, coming to his own conclusion just from the pleading furrow of your brow and tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. You wanted to feel it on your skin, to have him dirty you up as his counterpart had. You wanted to feel the heat of his essence on you, to watch his face as he jacked off on your face. So, that is what you received, with Bakugou removing himself from your mouth at the last moments. He gave you just enough time to open your mouth wide, catching what little bit of his cum on your tongue that you could while your body rocked with Katsuki’s thrusts. 
Leaning his head back as he came, Bakugou’s smirk spread, watching your body for a moment before he gripped your chin, giving Katsuki a quick glance that told him to stop. The clone did so, slowly removing himself from within you before filling you back up again in slow and teasing thrusts. Using his thumb, Bakugou spread his cum across your cheek and to your lips, allowing you to lick and suck it off his fingers. 
“You like the taste of my cum, don’t you?” 
“Yes,” You answered breathlessly, staring up at him through blurry and teary vision. “I love it. I love your cum—” Your voice hitched as Katsuki removed himself from your pussy, sinking his cock instead into your ass as deep as it would go. Once done, he grabbed your arms and shifted your positions, laying down as he pulled your body back against his. Understanding, you kept your legs open and displayed, panting as you smiled up at Bakugou. 
“C’mon, love. I want you both to fuck me until you’ve had enough. I told you I could take it.” 
And so you did, for hours you were treated how you had wanted to be, subdued and ravaged until your limbs were sore and body was sticky with cum and sweat. Both men had plenty to give and were just as eager to pleasure you, giving you everything you had ever wanted out of the experience. When you finally had enough was in the shower, as Bakugou enjoyed using the strongest setting of the removable shower head on your clit while they both fucked you mercilessly. You were positive that you had never had such a powerful orgasm, even sure that your mind had gone black for a few seconds as you came, pressed between their bodies just like when you had started. 
Now cleaned and so worn out you couldn’t quite move your legs, Bakugou carried you to the bed once dried off, shoving the dirtied comforter off the bed to leave mostly clean sheets for you to lay on. As he sat you down, he softly moved some hair out of your face, kissing your lips sweetly. “How was that, you stupid girl? Got your fill?” 
Smiling, you shook your head, gaining a confused cock of his eyebrow. With a wave of your arm to call Katsuki over as well, you patted both sides of the bed. “I want double cuddles.” 
“At the same time?” Both men huffed in similar tones simultaneously, making you giggle. 
“Yes! C’mon, lay with me.” 
Giving each other annoyed glances, both of them crawled into bed on either side of you. While you stayed on your back, they both squeezed in close, with Bakugou’s face resting in your hair while Katsuki pressed his lips against your cheek, showering you in soft and gentle kisses. Your heart fluttered from the sweet affection of both men, feeling for the moment that you were the luckiest woman in the world. Even if it was just for the evening, having two living version of your husband there to love you was something that you would never forget. It was sad to lose one of them, which was the particularly more affectionate one at the moment, but at least you had given him an enjoyable existence. 
“I love you.” You spoke softly, already beginning to feel sleep pulling at your mind as you reached up to softly stroke both of their cheeks. 
“I love you, too.” Both spoke in unison, filling your last waking moment for the evening with a fluffy and warm sense of love that would carry you on into your dreams.  
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savedpeople · 3 years
There’s going to be spoilers for the Here’s Negan episode in this post. I’m not tagging it twd spoilers bc I don’t want this coming up in search. This is your warning! (I’m hoping writing “twd spoilers” here will be enough for blacklists to pick it up.)
I’m thinking of what I want to take from the episode and include in my portrayal. I will be sticking to Negan’s original comic book backstory. As much as I enjoyed the episode, my portrayal has been built upon his comic backstory for over three years now, and the way things were changed in the show make it impossible for both versions to exist together. However, there are little things I’ll take from it. Here are some things I’m adapting into my portrayal in some way:
Smith. Yes, Negan is now officially Negan Smith. No, your characters don’t get to know this information until he personally tells them (it’s fine if they do in banter/crack RPs, just not serious threads.)
“You Are So Beautiful” being Negan and Lucille’s song.
Negan being a gamer. Not heavily, but I always imagined him dabbling in it.
Negan having reading glasses. But can usually manage without them, hence why we never see him wearing them anywhere else. Could probably use a pair in the current season as his vision gets worse with age.
Negan getting into a fight with that man at the bar. HOWEVER, my Negan did not beat him badly enough to be sent to the hospital. He does not get fired, sued, or get charged. They were just two idiots that got into a fight over something stupid. Negan is still a gym teacher when the outbreak hits. He does however have a past of getting fired from previous jobs.
Negan’s more caring, loving side while taking care of Lucille. While she passed away at the very start of the outbreak on this blog, a lot of the sweeter moments we see of them in the episode will instead be moments they had together pre-apocalypse after Negan left his mistress and began focusing on her again.
Negan using his basement as a bunker and staying there in the early days of the outbreak. Only the first 3-4 weeks. Eventually realizes he needs to move, and continuing to stay there just brings back painful memories after losing Lucille. He burns the house down before leaving as a way to put it behind him, and keep himself from being tempted to return.
Laura (and Franklin) being one of the early Saviors. I’m not sure how to fit this in yet, since for my Negan it’s still Dwight’s group that takes him in. Maybe Negan encounters them, they offer some medical/first aid supplies but he doesn’t stay with them bc he’s grown tired of losing people. Maybe their group of doctors falls apart and they turn up again later as part of the group Negan welcomes in (the one whose leader he kills.) I dunno! But Laura is with the group before they reach the Sanctuary.
The leather jacket being a “gift” from Lucille. I’m still debating this, but I like that it gives the jacket some meaning. Maybe it’ll be an actual gift and not something Negan technically bought.
Things I am NOT incorporating:
Lucille surviving months into the apocalypse. I am open to RPing show canon with Lucille blogs! But otherwise I’m sticking to comic canon. Negan being alone from the start is an important part of his story.
Negan lying to get out of driving Lucille to the doctors. I’m keeping comic canon where she collapses and is brought to the hospital. He is with her when she gets her diagnosis.
Laura giving him the bat. I love this idea for the show! It just doesn’t fit in with what I have established on this blog.
As mentioned, he doesn’t get fired from his teaching job.
He doesn’t cheat on Lucille with Janine, nor does he keep it secret. Lucille knows and Negan tells her once it’s over. Still debating this but it’s just some mistress in comic canon and idk if I want to switch it to being Lucille’s friend.
Craven’s group being Negan’s first Lucille victims. I’ll still have them be a group he encounters at some point (minus the held captive aspect), but his first victim is still the leader of the group he encounters in the comics, since there’s a lot more meaning behind it imo.
So... yup. I’m still thinking about some things but this is what I got for now.
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Great Characters: Larry Sizemore, aka “Dead Larry” (Burn Notice)
You can tell a lot about someone from the way they smile. People smile when things are going their way. If they work in the intelligence field, a business of waiting, listening, and frequent inconveniences; it tells you they probably don’t do things by the book. If they are an undead spy doing mercenary work for the highest bidder, they probably enjoy their work a bit too much. If they call targets “Dead-ees” and chuckle when admiring a dead cartel hitman bleeding out on your couch, they probably kill a lot of people. Most importantly, if they smile with a weapon pointed at you, they have plans much worse than killing you in mind.
Larry Sizemore, aka “The Spy With Nine Lives”, is a former Marine turned contract killer after “retiring” from the service by faking his death. 15 servicemen witnessed him walk into an oil refinery before it exploded and Larry was declared K.I.A. (Killed In Action). This assessment was proven to be inaccurate when Larry resurfaced and tried to bring his former protégé, Michael Westen, back into business with him. Michael, now a blacklisted spy without an agency, does his best to keep Larry at a distance, thwart his plans, and minimize the excessive collateral damage Larry defaults into when things don’t go according to plan. True to his name, Larry has survived numerous attempts at execution, retribution, and termination by various nasty organizations, operatives, and explosions. But he keeps coming back, and he keeps finding Michael, and he keeps trying to reawaken the killer he knew Michael to be back in their Marine days.
Larry appears in four episodes of Burn Notice alive, and a fifth as a hallucination of Michael’s. Each appearance serves to reiterate the point that Larry is a terrifying monster posing as a father figure. Everything about Larry is evocative of an older, wiser, more experienced version of Michael, but with a much different moral compass. A lifetime of field operations in some of the nastiest parts of the globe has only sharpened Larry’s killer instinct into an all-purpose tool. His response to any whiff of police involvement or potential setback is to “Just kill everybody, and I mean everybody.” A braver man could try to deduce Larry’s kill count, or even just the number of digits in Larry’s kill count, but it ain’t me. An operative of that age, with that caliber of skill, and that sort of cleanup mentality, could crack three digits easily. All it takes is for something to go wrong. In the field, something always goes wrong.
Actor Tim Matheson does some amazing work bringing The Spy Who Never Dies to life. Larry is almost never seen without a smile and a chuckle, cementing himself as both a fatherly persona and a depraved sociopath in one clever motion. One of the most distinct qualities about Larry is just how much he smiles, and unlike Michael, who only ever smiles when he’s putting on a fake performance, there’s a sincerity & earnestness to Larry’s toothy grin that sells just how much he's enjoying himself. This man likes his work. On the few occasions when Larry isn’t smiling, the atmosphere shifts dramatically. This is a man who does not tolerate discouragement well. Underneath the warm exterior is an explosive temper, seething anger issues, and a little voice in his head that only says “kill them all, stack the bodies, sort it out later”. The closest we get to seeing Larry lose control comes in a law office while trying to get access to a federal database. When the desk clerk checks into Larry’s ad-libbed story and tells him (in that trademark desk clerk manner of professional detachment) that he can’t help him; we get a glimpse of what can only be described as pure, unfathomable fury. The look on Larry’s face lasts only a moment, but the stare could melt steel beams. It’s not an over-the-top, teeth-grinding, nostrils flaring sort of rage. Larry’s eyes don’t widen or redden, the veins in his neck don’t bulge or pop, and he doesn’t lean any closer or start reaching for any weapon. The expression he gives can only be compared to the eye of a storm, a single moment of stillness and quiet in the center of unmatched destruction and carnage. It’s the look of someone who already sees you as dead and just needs to figure out where to dump the body. Michael’s timely arrival is likely all that saved the clerk from becoming one of Larry’s Dead-ees.
Story-wise, Larry exists as this alternate path for Michael. The spy he could have been if he didn’t have his morals. If he stopped trying to do things the hard way and just let the bodies hit the floor to get what he wanted. There’s a piece of Michael that recognizes that he’s as good a spy as he is because of the time he spent with Larry creating piles of dead bodies on foreign soil. Whatever reasons they may have done it, Michael and Larry are both government-sanctioned killers. No amount of Good Samaritan work will ever wash that away. The job of a spy is to take whatever avenue has the highest chance of success for a mission and see it through, even if it requires eliminating enemy forces or collateral damage. Every job has risks, if the mission’s success is on the line, you do what you have to. Stubbornly refusing to kill is an easy way of getting yourself pointlessly killed in the field. Bad guys usually won’t share that sense of moral integrity, it’s a lot easier to just shoot you in the head and feel bad about it later. Larry is a reminder of the power of simplicity. Simple job, simple approach, simple method. Get target, kill target, get paid. And while he may not be as smart as Michael, he’s still smart enough to disrupt Michael’s plans and force him into a situation where Larry’s “kill ‘em all” mentality is the only way out.
What makes Larry such a memorable character is the combination of his cheerful demeanor, his excessively deadly skills, and his constant reminder of Michael’s own dark past. Not to mention he manages the remarkable task of being outwitted by Michael and his crew, going on the run, dodging the repercussions of his actions, and then showing up again out of the blue ready to go another round. One thing Burn Notice doesn’t have a lot of is repeat offenders. When Michael & Co finish a job, the bad guys can’t usually come back for more. Larry, however, keeps turning up, no matter how many times they get rid of him. When Larry does meet his end in an enormous explosion, the question is left open-ended as to whether he has, once again, faked his own death so as to reappear and darken Michael’s doorstep again in the future. That said, he was less than 20ft away from the explosive that took out the entire building he was in, and killed guards all the way down on the first floor. Newspapers say only the bodies of the two guards were found, so perhaps the Spy With Nine Lives has cheated death again; but logic says there’s probably not enough left of Larry Sizemore to be found. Burn Notice is over, Dead Larry is dead, and trying to bring him back would only undermine the realism the show works so hard to establish. That said, in the long list of enemies Michael has faced over the course of the series, Larry will always hold a place at the top.
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auntynationalsblog · 4 years
Fargo: Top 10 Characters
Television shows like Breaking Bad, The Sopranos and The Wire are definitely three of the greatest in the genre of non-fantasy dramas, thrillers, and crime fiction. If you love those three shows, but you are unfamiliar with Fargo, stop whatever you are doing, and watch it now. Right now. Thank me later. 
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One of the reasons why Fargo is a work of genius is the intensity and depth of its characters. These characters, in my opinion, have earned the right to be categorized alongside Walter White, Tony Soprano, Omar Little and Don Draper, as some of the legendary TV characters of all time. This blog takes a look at eleven of the most astonishing characters Fargo has provided to the world of television. 
Beware of spoilers, obviously. 
Consolation Prize: Lester Nygaard (Season 1)
“Old Lester, now, he would've just let it slide. But not this guy.”
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Played by Martin Freeman, or better known as Dr. John Watson from the twenty-first-century version of Sherlock Holmes, Lester Nygaard is a loser. Like all losers, we tend to feel bad for him, until his personality develops in a way which makes us abandon our pity for him. Pity is replaced by disgust, and sadness is replaced by anger. Lester’s transformation from a good-for-nothing non-achiever to a devious and heartless criminal and fugitive is definitely one of the most subtle character developments I’ve seen on TV. His role is often overshadowed by two other characters from the same season. Very important character nonetheless, brilliantly portrayed by Freeman.  
10. Wes Wrench/Mr. Wrench (Season 1, Season 3)
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Played by the deaf, yet brilliant actor - Russel Harvard - Mr. Wrench also can’t hear. What can do is kill. He is an assassin, and he is loyal and lethal. He appears in the first season as one-half of the committed team of Mr. Wrench and Mr. Numbers (Grady Numbers). Wrench’s childish attitude is quick to win the hearts of the audience, while his kill skills and will-power earn him a spot on this list. After losing his partner (Mr. Numbers) in a gunfight, he is spared by his partner’s killer because the killer was himself impressed by Wrench’s skills and character. He reappears in season three as an invaluable accomplice to another character on this list, a role which makes us love him even more. 
9.  Molly Solverson (Season 1)
“Got to love a man who keeps his word, right?“
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Played by Allison Tolman, Molly is the walking-definition of a young and hungry-for-justice police officer. A daughter to a police officer and a granddaughter to a sheriff, Molly is the character that makes us nurture the hope that there is hope for goodness and justice. After losing her murdered chief early on in the show, who is replaced by an incompetent one, Molly takes up the challenge of solving her chief’s murder all by herself, and she quickly finds herself trapped in a world of assassins and conspiracies. But despite being shot and hospitalized, she just does not give in, acting as the top cop that she isn’t. The character even earned Tolman the Emmy and Golden Globe nominations. 
8. V.M. Varga (Season 3)
“The past is unpredictable.”
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Played by David Thewlis, or as we know him - Professor Remus ‘Mooney’ Lupin - from the Harry Potter world, Varga is sick, and in all likelihood he will make you sick to the stomach. Sadistic and ruthless, with a portrait of Joseph Stalin on his desk, Varga uses a businessman hitherto leading a happy and normal life to further his money laundering scheme. Intimidation and disposal seem to be his key tactics to success, apparent when he makes the businessman’s subordinate drink his own urine as a punishment for acting suspiciously. With the worst teeth on the show, and probably suffering from bulimia, Thewlis’ villainous role does not allow us to take even a one minute break between episodes.    
7. Floyd Gerhardt (Season 2)
“Three times, I sent men to do a job. Three times, they come back unfinished. I'll handle this myself.”
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Played by Jean Smart, Floyd Gerhardt inherited one of the most difficult jobs in the world. After her husband Otto, the head of the Gerhardt crime syndicate, suffers a stroke and is unable to lead the mafia any longer, Floyd takes over all the guns and the money. Her eldest boy, Dodd, is unwilling to accept a woman, who is also old, as the new mafia don. However, throughout the season, Floyd shows us who’s boss as she uses an iron hand to deal with a rival gang from Kansas City and to investigate the homicide of her youngest son. One of the characteristics of Floyd which makes us like her so much is her love and concern for her granddaughter, who is mostly abused and humiliated by her father Dodd. The characters in season 2 are the strongest, but without Floyd, none of the other characters would be as appealing as they are. 
6. Gloria Burgle (Season 3)
“There’s violence to knowing the world isn't what you thought.”
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Played by Carrie Coon, Gloria is the older version of Molly Solverson. After finding her stepdad murdered via asphyxiation, Gloria’s investigation leads to bizarre outcomes that find her entwined in something very big and very dangerous. A recently divorced woman, whose position of Chief also got taken away, her new Chief is simply intolerable, who demands of her to let go of the investigation. But like Molly, she just doesn’t give up, and her relentless pursuit constitutes the heart of the third season. Gloria is an example of how some police officers simply cannot be intimidated or corrupted into submission. The final scene of Fargo is a conversation between Varga and Gloria, and arguably, that tense scene is one of the best dialogue exchanges in the series. A true superhero. 
5. Lou Solverson (Season 2)
“Am I the only one here who’s clear on the concept of law enforcement?”
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A loving father, a caring husband and the hotshot cop of town, Lou Solverson, played by Patrick Wilson, is your Marvel/DC superhero. Lou actually made his first appearance in the first season, as Molly’s father - former cop currently running a diner. In the second season, we are given a glimpse of Lou’s glory days as he single-handedly takes on both the Gerhardt Family and the Kansas City Mafia. Two things to note about Lou’s character - fearlessness and morality. Lou just does not submit to intimidation, as is seen in his confrontations with Mike Milligan on one occasion and with the Gerhardt Family on another. On the latter aspect, Lou is forced to take in his long-time friend Ed Blumquist on charges of murder, but the element of friendship does not deter Lou to do what he knows is his duty and is morally right. 
4. Mike Milligan (Season 2)
“If the goal is to kill those who oppress you, what does it matter who goes first?”
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Played by Bokeem Woodbine, Mike Milligan is the epitome of suave. A well-read man, who often uses poetic quotes out of nowhere to dramatize his point, Mike is an assassin working for the Kansas City Mafia, and is in charge of ripping the Gerhardt Family apart. Arguably the most cunning and nefarious character of the second season, what sets Mike apart from other villains is the unbelievable aura of calm he brings to a seemingly tense situation. Varga does that too, but Mike does it better. Intelligence is his most lethal weapon, as his loyal henchmen, known as The Kitchen Brothers, carry out most of the bloodshed for him. At the end, although Mike meets a fate worse than death, most of us would die to be him during a gang-war.  
3. Lorne Malvo (Season 1)
“There are no saints in the animal kingdom. Only breakfast and dinner.”
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Played by the former husband of Angelina Jolie, Billy Bob Thornton’s portrayal of Lorne Malvo goes down as the greatest villainous role in Fargo. Malvo, in simple words, is pure evil. He does not care. He is a predator, with an ideology best put as, “kill or be killed”.  He begins an unusual friendship with the Lester Nygaard, whose character is antithetical to that of Malvo. He even saves Lester from arrest and gradually, through his venomous words, turns him from an innocent loser into a evil loser. Eventually, Lester tries to show him who’s boss, realizing he couldn’t have made a worse choice about who to fuck around with. The personification of evil that is Malvo, can be categorized with characters such an Anton Chigurh, the Joker and Hans Gruber (who has an unusual physical resemblance with Malvo) on the list of the greatest villains of all time. 
2. Ohanzee “Hanzee” Dent (Season 2)
“ “Send the Indian,” they'd say. “Who cares about booby traps? Give Hanzee a flashlight and a knife and send him down into the black echo.” ” 
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Played by Zahn McClarnon, Hanzee Dent is not an evil guy. He is a bad man, sure. But he is not EVIL. He is not a villain. Society alienated him, treated him like a mongrel and made him a ticking time-bomb only seconds away from the boom. A native-american assassin recruited by Otto Gerhardt from a very young age, Hanzee appears to be a loyal hit-man for the Gerhardt Family, until he loses his shit. An unstoppable force and a ruthless killer with a history of military service (Vietnam), Hanzee has an agenda of his own. His killing spree is triggered by a sign outside a pub boasting about murders of 22 Sioux Indians who were hung there, with a puddle of dried vomit beneath it. Arguably the most complicated character of the show, with an intense development of personality, Hanzee Dent is the only character in the show who is a lethal assassin but makes us pity him and root for him. 
One Last Consolation Prize: Peggy Blumquist (Season 2)
“I just wanted to be someone.” 
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Played by Kirsten Dunst, or Mary Jane from the Tobey Maguire Spiderman series, Peggy Blumquist is the source of all the drama. After she accidentally runs over the youngest Gerhardt son, Rye Gerhardt, her husband, Ed Blumquist (another brilliant character) becomes number one on the Gerhardt Family’s blacklist, and acquires the nickname - The Butcher of Luverne. Peggy should not be perceived as stupid or a trouble-maker. Throughout the show, she feels what many of us also feel, that we are not living up to our potential. Her interests conflict with her husband’s interests, but eventually she does everything in her capacity to clean up the mess that she (unintentionally) created, and to save her husband from the cops and the mafia. Her portrayal by Dunst was vastly appreciated by critics and fans alike, but in a show comprising of so many awesome characters, it was impossible for me to include Peggy in my top ten.  
1. Nikki Swango (Season 3)
“You've made me the happiest woman ever. Now, let's make a sex tape.”
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In Fargo, we have super-heroes, heroes, villains and super-villains, and we have Nikki Swango, portrayed by Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Right from the moment we saw her eliminate a threat to her grand plan with the help an air-conditioner, Nikki provided Fargo with the most unique ‘unique character’. A genius who utilizes her intellect in a professional game of cards (Bridge), she may be, at first, perceived as selfish and shallow. But towards the end, it is evident that she actually did love her fiance Ray Stussy, and wasn’t just using him for her personal ambitions. It is hard to put a hero/villain label on her because she embodies the key characteristics of both roles - empathy, willpower, deviousness, ruthlessness and a thick skin. Her partnership with Mr. Wrench, her plan to execute the entire squad led by Varga AND extort two million dollars from him has to be one of the most memorable moments of the series. Not to forget how she, along with Wrench, hijacked the truck carrying all the documents needed by the IRS to prosecute Varga. Simply put, Nikki Swango is the badass of the show. 
So that’s my list. I won’t ask you to like or comment on my blog (some feedback would be appreciated though). All I want from the world of Netflix, is that this TV show receives the viewership and appreciation that it deserves, which it hasn’t gotten yet. 
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endlessnightarts · 5 years
(I wrote this after Ragnarok came out, then decided I didn’t want to start some shit, so it got stuck in my queue for awhile, now I feel like yeah I should just post it bc I found myself blacklisting tags relating to Thor 4?)
Remember when T'Challa confronted his father for the things he’d learned T’Chaka had done? When T’Challa got to see his father’s failings and react, to become better for having processed those betrayals?
Thor doesn’t really get to do that in Ragnarok and it’s such a glaring fault I’m never going to be over it. Thor’s characterization gets hamstrung and he steps backward from things he was starting to figure out in The Fucking Dark World.
For all that Ragnarok is about the evils of imperialism and Odin having this blood-soaked history of conquest - It still allows Odin a respectful death scene and brushes past so many of the things he’s done to all his children. We’re asked to accept that a simple “I love you, my sons” is enough to make up for everything he’s done to Thor and Loki. Those boys are complete wrecks, and this movie really should have been Thor finally admitting Odin did BAD SHIT. Thor never even seems to realize that Odin fucked him up, and god forbid we acknowledge that Odin fucked up Loki as bad as he did. And hell we’re asked to accept this reconciliation literally as Odin is admitting he fucked up his first kid even worse than the boys and isn’t very sorry about it.
The Dark World explicitly set up Odin against Thor. Because Thor had come home off of his time on Earth and the things he’d learned there. Returning to Asgard and finding it felt different to a changed version of himself Thor started to see that Odin was more violent and ruthless than he realized, and Thor wasn’t ok with that anymore.
The whole ‘I’d rather be a good man than a great king” thing needed to be revisited, because the only model of kinghood Thor knows is Odin’s. And he didn’t realize how fucked up that was until TDW, which is theoretically escalated in Ragnarok. In the first movie Thor thinks that Odin is wise and making hard choices that Thor is uncomfortable with and doesn’t think he can do, and he thinks that's a character flaw on his part. That he’s not good enough somehow and still has much to learn.
TDW had Thor starting to really see that Odin has major flaws and disagreeing with him to the point of committing treason to protect Asgard.
Ragnarok should have been the movie where Thor really disconnected being king from being Odin - and in a way he does when he steps up to lead the refugees instead of handing it off again. But the transition is made without ever confronting Odin about it. Or even getting across that he’s made that disconnect and taken Odin off the pedestal he’s been on Thor’s entire life.
It's a step backwards. Thor argues with Odin in The Dark World and even questions his need for Odin’s approval. He learns to really define himself more and not just trust that Odin knows best.
And the thing about the final scene in The Dark World is that we really, really need to revisit the implications after Thor finds out Loki was impersonating Odin at the time. Because that movie had this very clear antagonistic thing between them where Thor was chafing under Odin’s rule, learning to see Odin as not infallible and Odin pushing back very harshly - violently even - when Thor disobeyed him. Without that extra scene at the end, Thor and Odin’s relationship would have been ending on a very low note, perhaps ruined for good. But from Thor’s perspective he returns home to find Odin having reconsidered and sort of come around to accepting that Thor isn’t blindly obeying him anymore. Tacitly approving of Thor’s decision to act in defiance of Odin to protect Asgard, and even giving him permission to delay his kingship indefinitely. Now, to Thor, that seems like a major repair/redefining of their relationship as less parent/child blind obeying to a more equal relationship of respect with Thor being seen as a mature adult who doesn’t always agree. Ragnarok never touches on the fact that literally the only time we see Odin being that compassionate and compromising with Thor is when ITS LOKI.
And when Thor finds that out there isn’t any moment where he realizes that his relationship with Odin might still be in the phase it was in the middle of The Dark World - where Odin was controlling and overbearing and cruel (not to mention the fact that Loki as Odin could have had Thor tried for treason and thrown in the dungeon but instead gave him permission to just fuck off to a different realm and while that does still help Loki keep power it's definitely a lot less shitty than something he would have done circa his Avengers era headspace and I think that’s some growth on Loki’s part even if he’s being selfish because oh yeah that’s what Chaotic Neutral kind of means) But we’re never going to talk about that again I guess. Odin was a good dad and Loki is just a spoiled rich kid with no real problems apparently.
Ragnarok condemns Asgard’s history of bloody conquest, and uses the whole Sins of the Father thing but also refuses to really condemn Odin - the mastermind behind all of it. There’s lip service to it, Hela calls out Odin for conquering the other realms and turning on her and lying to everyone, but Odin himself? He gets a peaceful, respectful death scene where he isn’t held to any account even as he’s dropping more shit on his sons laps to deal with.
And the worst is that final vision Thor has, where he kneels before his wise father and practically begs Odin to explain the answer to him. It’s annoying. Thor deserved a scene like T’Challa gets in Black Panther - he needed to confront Odin and be able to state that Odin was wrong. That Thor is a better man than Odin and he became that despite the way he was raised. That he’s going to be a better king than Odin because he’s learned to not just emulate Odin’s style of rule.
That would have been a real three movie arc for Thor. Not this ‘I’m not strong enough, father, tell me how to fix this’
Thor isn’t made to come back and reexamine his relationship with Odin.
Instead, Thor treats Odin in their final scene like he always has. With reverence, with respect, desperate for his advice and approval. It’s like he’s absorbed nothing that he’s learned. No ‘I’ve had to fight my siblings and its because of the lies you told.', No 'You were wrong and I don’t want or need your approval.'
What is the movie telling me Thor learned here? They destroy Asgard, yes, but that’s all set up in a way that’s more about stopping the active threat of Hela destroying everything than about Thor really realizing he can’t continue Odin’s legacy. Thor gets to push so much of this onto Hela rather than confronting Odin about it and its a shame. And because Hela’s characterization is so thin it’s easy for Thor to focus on her rather than spend time re-contextualizing everything about Odin. Hela is the physical representation of Odin’s past evils and yet somehow Thor treats them entirely differently.
It’s just...I dunno, man. I wanted Thor to grow on his own by the end of this movie, not need a pat on the back from Odin before he could level up?
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thearcanaartificer · 4 years
Hey, I would to like to know answers to questions 2, 3, and 7 please.
All excellent questions! Hard ones too, but I will do my best to answer them!
2. What things does your character love about their LI?
If she was musically inclined, she’d write sonnets about all the things she loves about this boy. Alas, she’s not. So she’ll more than happily write all the ways. The biggest thing she loved about Julian is his heart. He’s kind and caring and altruistic and charismatic. Ready to jump in to help others in need at the drop of a hat. Not only that, he’s adventurous and not afraid of getting rowdy. Yes, he can get really nervous and cowardly in elements he’s not confident about (i.e. ALL OF THE MAGIC REALMS) but, as long as Odelia’s there, he’s also brave despite going with knees shaking and proverbial tail tucked.
She loved his ability to talk too. Especially his stories. She never cares if he repeats them, because its a little different each time. Maybe a tidbit more detail in one spot than the last time or perhaps a bit more exaggerated in another detail. She doesn’t care if its a tall tale or an outright lie, he weaves the stories so well its engrossing to listen to- especially when he starts re-enacting the whole scene. She loved his grandeur, verbose vocabulary, and endless creativity.
And he’s so tender and thoughtful to her needs. But at the same time he doesn’t treat her like she’s fragile- simply someone he treasures. He never tells her that she can’t do something, always confident in her ability to succeed, even if others aren’t so certain. Being handicapped, that really means a lot to her. Yes, he still frets about her at times, but its never because of her handicap.
However, it has to be his intelligence that makes her heart pound and her face flush with passion. She’s a genius very smart woman, and, unfortunately, not a lot of people can keep up with her mentally. She finds it very hard to have a real conversation with others because she’s always having to mind that they won’t follow if she gets too far down a more advanced subject. But Julian? He perhaps struggles at a few subjects, but give him time, a few books on the subject, and something to take notes on and the man will come back much more acquainted with the topic- enough to understand what Odelia is telling him and offer useful insight.
3. What things about their LI annoy them?
Oh, for how much she loves him, there are still things about him that grate on her nerves, just like there are things about her that make Julian want to tear his hair out sometimes. Here are some of the bigger things though:
The biggest thing that annoys her is his tendency to drive himself into the ground trying to help or please other people. She loves that he wants to help others. She’s happy to support him in this mission, but when he’s driving himself to the point to of mental exhaustion, where he breaks down crying in frustration over simple things or tries to work through the night to make sure he’s got everything done or skips meals to push through- no, she’s annoyed. What’s worse is that he stubbornly refuses to see that he’s making it harder than it has to be or even accept her help. Everything turns into a minor fight when he’s like that and it takes her threatening him with a lockdown to get him to even concede that there might be a problem.
Another thing that annoys her is when he drinks too much. She doesn’t mind alcohol. She’s not super into drinking and only does so socially and never more than a glass or two, but Julian can and will drink like a fish when the good times are rolling- and she’s not had great interactions with drunk Julian. It’s not that he ever lays a hand on her. Goodness, he’d never mistreat her, but he can turn into a weepy, depressed drunk that verbally abuses himself in the worst ways. She can’t trust him to be by himself if he turns into that version of himself and he has scared her on several occasions, so no, she’s annoyed if he comes home drunk off his ass- because the only time he’s drunk anymore is when the friend he was entrusted to didn’t stop or encouraged the behavior. On a side note, there are friends that are blacklisted from drinking with Julian alone ever again- because he doesn’t like the fact that he goes blackout drunk and wakes to his wife being super distressed.
And the last super big thing that annoys Odelia is Julian’s perchance of being overbearingly protective and then not allow people to be remotely worried about him. If she’s not up to snuff, he’s right there fussing over her and making her rest in bed and ‘don’t you dare get up, my dear, doctors orders’. However, if he has a high fever or a grievous injury, he’s waving it off with some bullshit line like ‘I’m fine, I’m a doctor, I know my limits’. She’s tied him to the bed before because his stubborn ass wouldn’t rest despite how high his fever was or how much he was swaying. Also, on that note, she gets annoyed at how terrible he is at letting someone doctor him. He’ll happily let her fuss over small cuts and ‘boo-boos’ he wants her to kiss better, but she sometimes has to tackle him, hold him down, and do a body search to even know if he has a serious injury (and she usually only suspects him when he’s turning down sex to avoid being caught). And then forget about even treating it without him fighting every step of the way. Yes. Julian can piss her off at times with his more annoying habits.
7. What are some private jokes they share?
Haha, the biggest one is from when they first met. Well, more like, re-met. It was right before Asra had left on his journey and triggered the start of the whole nightmare called ‘Let’s not resurrect the Red Plague or, ya know, merge the dimensions, k, thanks, bye’. She ended up doing Barth a favor of getting him out of the Raven after he had passed out drunk by carrying him out princess style. The whole event ended up with him landing a rather embarrassing moniker (Pretty Princess Jules) at the Raven and no one let’s him forget it.
There are also a few jokes about Odelia’s habit of ‘attacking first, asking awkward questions after’ when spooked. She’s, uh, gotten Julian really good a few times when she had been badly startled- though the first time was the most embarrassing because she nearly did almost kill him.
Also there was an incident involving the mispronunciation of quiche. Odelia, Nadia, and Portia still laugh about it, though Asra and Julian definitely don’t.
Those are the main ones, at this moment, but I’m sure I’ll be thinking up more inside jokes as I keep writing.
If anyone else wants to ask me questions, please do! I fixed my blog site because I had made a mistake in a design choice that ended up with there being no button to ask questions. As you can see with this one, I have fixed that. Please feel free to ask me the April Apprentice Asks or just send me any free form questions you want to know!
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izzy-b-hands · 5 years
I’m a smut-loving bitch and I know I can count on you to deliver some quality shit🥰 Prompt: Smut, 14 - “Can I at least take my shoes off before you pounce on me?”
Thank you for trusting me with the smut-I’ve always been a lil insecure about writing it, so this just makes me go !!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!! 
It’s horny on main hours for me (though I’ve tried to contain it lol) so I went...I went all in here. Just...the most smut I could think of, as intense as I could go in the moment. 
So, I’m gonna do a Sledgefu version of this and a version of Sid/Eugene too considering the conversation from just a bit ago tonight about that ship. This is the Sledgefu version; I’ll have the Sid/Eugene version up as soon as I can on a separate post, tagged so those who like that ship can find it, and for those who don’t, can blacklist (no hate, we love the ships we love and dislike the ones we dislike. I like experimenting with characters in various ships, but I know it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Thankfully we got tags and blacklist if we need ‘em!) 
Snafu couldn’t take his eyes off of him. 
Was it inappropriate? Probably. Had he seen Eugene in a nice suit before, so the sight in front of him shouldn’t have captured him so much? Yes, but that didn’t change the fact that he was actively focusing on not getting a hard-on in the middle of a church. 
The whole reason he was there was for Eugene. Eugene’s parents had asked them to come to church, after they’d pushed it off for a good seven Sundays in a row, and Eugene had felt bad pushing them off again, even if neither of them were one hundred percent certain on how they felt about any sort of a god at this point in their lives. 
So he’d agreed (they were nice folks, after all, and were only asking to try and share a part of their life that was important to them) and had woken up earlier than he wanted to dress up and try to stay awake in a pew that clearly had not actually been made to have someone sit on it comfortably. 
But it was all worth it, watching Eugene glad-hand with the folks in the church, many of whom had apparently known him since he was little judging by their stories of him that they told without care, while Eugene blushed. 
He couldn’t just sit for much longer though. The sermon had been over for a good half hour, and he was at his limit for smiling and looking pretty for all the judging church ladies, and for watching Eugene in that suit that was tailored perfectly, tight in all the right spots. 
Before he could get up to grab Eugene, Eugene was over to him, a pained look on his face. 
“Can you fake being sick or somethin’? I’m dyin’ here. If I hear one more embarrassing story from when I was three years old, I’m gonna...I don’t know, but I can’t handle it. I’m ready to go home.” 
“Say no more,” Snafu replied, and took a deep breath before standing. Or attempting to, at least. After all, he had to act this out well, really convince them that Eugene needed to take him away. After all, the church friends of Eugene’s parents didn’t know they were anything more than ‘close friends.’ 
He stumbled, panted a bit, leaned on Eugene as Eugene played right along, helping him out of the pew and into the aisle. 
A few of the women shouted concern, but Eugene brushed them off. “Just the heat; I’ll make sure he gets home and gets some water so he doesn’t pass out. Always too warm in here, you know.” 
The ladies nodded their understanding, and that was that. 
He kept up the act as they reached the car, letting Eugene help him lay down in the back, where he remained until Eugene had driven them home. 
As soon as the car stopped, he was out of the backseat and opening the front door, struggling to wait for Eugene as he walked in after him with relaxed steps. 
As soon as Eugene was inside and the door was closed and locked, he grabbed him. Pulled him close, and kissed him like it was the last thing he might ever do, letting his hands roam and grope at Eugene.
“Can I at least take my shoes off before you pounce on me?” Eugene laughed as Snafu broke the kiss, only to move his lips to Eugene’s neck. 
“You’re lucky I didn’t do this in the church,” Snafu grumbled. “Watchin’ you wander around looking as good as you do in this suit, expectin’ me to sit there all nice.” 
He moved back for another kiss, this time biting at Eugene’s lower lip as Eugene pulled back, smirking when Eugene gasped and moaned. 
“We’re gonna have to move upstairs eventually,” Eugene was breathing hard, his hands toying at Snafu’s belt. Snafu could practically taste how badly he wanted to start undoing it. 
“Why wait for eventually?” Snafu asked, and didn’t wait for a reply as he dragged him upstairs with one hand, trying to pull off his suit jacket with the other. 
In the bedroom, there was no more restraint. He tossed aside his jacket, tie, shirt, everything as quickly as he could until he was naked and could feel Eugene’s eyes running up and down his body. But he held up a hand to stop Eugene from doing the same. 
“Oh no. You keep that on,” he instructed, motioning to the bed. 
“I’m not wearing my shoes on the bed,” Eugene protested. 
Snafu rolled his eyes, but smiled. “Take those off then, but everythin’ else stays put.” 
Eugene took off his shoes, a curious look on his face as he tossed them aside and lay back on the bed. 
Snafu joined him, straddling him, enjoying the delightful shade of pink that colored Eugene’s cheeks as he reached up for him to pull him in for a kiss. 
“Oh no. You gotta pay for makin’ me wait, for makin’ me watch you. Leave those hands at your side; I’ll say when you can start touchin’,” Snafu said as he rolled his hips against Eugene’s hard, still clothed cock. 
Eugene whined, and it was a beautiful sound. His hands fell back to grasp desperately at the quilt as Snafu continued to roll his hips, moving so his cock was grinding against Eugene’s. The friction of the material of the suit was something else, and all he could think about was how he wanted to ruin it by having them both come on it. 
After another few minutes of teasing, Eugene broke. “Please.” 
“Please what?” Snafu asked before letting himself moan loud, the way he knew made Eugene weak. 
“Jesus, Snaf, please-” 
Snafu interrupted him with a gasp as he moved off of Eugene’s lap to lay between his legs, finally undoing Eugene’s belt and pants, moving things just enough to free his cock and balls. “We were just in church, but look at that language. I might have to punish you for that too.” 
He let the head of Eugene’s cock just barely touch his tongue, and relished the whimper it earned him. “Tell you what. I’ll move things along, but no more of that language. In fact, I say we switch it up. You can touch, but not a sound. What do you say?” 
He took Eugene’s cock deep in his mouth, and got his answer in the form of one of Eugene’s hands in his hair, grasping gently as he sucked. He moaned around Eugene’s cock, and looked up to see just how much of a mess he was making Eugene. 
He was flushed, his free hand clapped over his mouth, but his head moving in a way that suggested he wanted to moan and sigh and make all other manner of noises in response to Snafu’s mouth on his cock. But he was being a good man, keeping quiet despite it. 
He let Eugene’s cock fall from his mouth, only because he could tell neither of them would last much longer. He moved to grab the Vaseline from the bedside table, and leaned back against the bottom rail of the bed frame. If Eugene had thought he was already getting a hell of a show, then he had no idea what he was in for. 
Eugene sat back on his arms, moving up a bit to give Snafu more room, then reaching a hand out for the container. 
“Oh, that’s adorable,” Snafu hummed. “Normally, I’d be happy to let you work me open. But not this time. No, you get to watch me do that to myself, and think about how badly you wish you were the one doin’ it.” 
Eugene moaned, half in lust and half in frustration, and Snafu shook his head. 
“Didn’t I say no noise?” he asked as he opened the container, and set to work on himself. It wasn’t quite as much fun, doing it to oneself, but what was fun was watching Eugene watching him, a hand clapped again over his mouth to silence himself. “Gonna really have to make this worse for you then, aren’t I? Maybe I can tell you how much I love when you’re the one doin’ this to me? How much I love your fingers inside of me?” 
Eugene was silent, but his eyes were pleading, and it was one of the hottest things Snafu had seen in his life. 
“Because I do. I could get off just on that, easy. Have a half a mind to ask for that for my birthday, a night of just you toyin’ with me until I can’t take it anymore,” Snafu continued, fighting back moans of his own so he could keep talking. “Think you could get me back for this? I know you want to.” 
Eugene nodded, and let his hand drop away from his mouth as he kept watching, his tongue running across his upper lip. Snafu figured if he kept this up long enough, he might actually have him drooling. 
It was tempting to try for that, but he couldn’t hold back any longer. He moved to straddle Eugene again, grabbing the container of Vaseline and quickly coating Eugene’s cock before lowering himself onto it with a moan, letting the container fall off the bed as he moved. 
Eugene’s hands were tight on his hips, tight enough to bruise. But he was silent still. 
“Okay, you can talk, and touch,” Snafu smiled as he sat, but didn’t move, though he wanted to. 
“Oh my fucking god, please move, please,” Eugene was begging, the words falling from lips fast. “Merriell-” 
“That what you want?” Snafu interrupted, and cocked his head to one side. “You sure? I might be good here.” 
Eugene let out a whimper that was almost more of a sob. “Please.” 
Snafu started to move then, in a haze of pleasure as Eugene’s hands roamed, moving like he couldn’t get enough of touching him. He started slow, but couldn’t keep that pace. Earlier, maybe he could have. Now, it was almost painful. 
He leaned forward slightly as he rode Eugene, only to gasp and nearly fall out of Eugene’s lap as Eugene sat up, holding him close as he fucked him back, reduced to whines and sighs and moans that were mostly nonsense, but occasionally contained Snafu’s name. 
His cock was trapped against the material of Eugene’s suit jacket and the pristine white shirt he wore underneath it, the end of his tie just managing to hit him as well. He was definitely going to ruin it by coming on it, there was no other way about it. 
But he was desperately holding out, trying to come as close to Eugene’s orgasm as he could, but damned if Eugene hadn’t suddenly found some extra stamina, fucking him like his life depended on it as he sucked hickeys onto Snafu’s neck and kissed him breathless. 
There was one thing that Eugene occasionally liked, and that Snafu knew would send him over the edge. He leaned into Eugene’s neck, pressed a kiss to it, then bit down, not terribly hard, but enough to make Eugene gasp and groan, to make his hips snap up so hard against him as he came that he was sure there would be bruises to match the ones on his hips. 
The feeling of Eugene coming inside of him, hot and hard and pulsating was all it took to send him over too, coming hard with his cock pressed in between them. 
Eugene fell back, letting his hands fall away from Snafu’s back as he panted and moaned, his eyes shut tight. 
After a few moments, Snafu let himself move off of Eugene with a shudder and whimper. “You’re forgiven.” 
“For makin’ you wait?” Eugene laughed as his eyes slowly opened again, watching as Snafu snuggled up close to him. 
“Yeah,” Snafu replied, pressing kisses to Eugene’s face and neck. He could wait a moment or two to get up and clean them both up. For now he just wanted to be as close to Eugene as possible, with his arms around him. 
“I really gotta wear this suit more often,” Eugene sighed, and Snafu bit back a laugh as he kissed him. He certainly wouldn’t fight him on that. 
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SALTY ASKS uhhh, 4 8 15 16 & 23?
Thank you, Randy! 
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP? 
- Keep any and all romantic BB/Rae away from me. I don’t care what version, what AU, what rationale, I just don’t like their dynamic. I see absolutely NO romantic potential there. (I have seen.... two stories, in the entire history of Me Reading Fanfiction, wherein they were in-character, developed, and actually okay together. And one of those was my very favorite Raven RPer.) But the vast majority of the fanbase? Yuck. One or both are always out-of-character. Things are taken out of context. The foundation for their relationship seems to be whipped up from nothing. Canonically, they... literally mocked each other in the cartoon, barely even spoke to each other in the original comics, only had a relationship in recent comics when the writers had them Very Out of Character (or randomly got smacked back together, esp. in the end of TT v3? why even bother???)... It’s just, a really bad ship all around. I will unfollow people for not tagging it, it’s that bad. Bro-ship between them is on thin fucking ice.
- And then there’s... t/endershipping. (In Yugioh-- Ryou and Yami Bakura.) Oh gods. This one’s worse. Because it is legitimately an abusive dynamic. I mean, bullying, forcing someone to go against his wishes, threatening his friends, twisting selfish actions to say they were selfless, literally injuring him to use his injury as blackmail, not to mention inuring him in the throes of will-battle, and then there’s the literal spiritual possession thing. You know, “forces your will/consciousness to fuck off so I can do whatever I want in disguise as you” kind of dynamic? What the Fuck? There’s no trust, no respect, literally NOTHING to build ANY kind of POSITIVE relationship on, and all the TRAUMA that spirit put Ryou through is absolutely NOT the kind of thing that should make ANYONE fall in love?! I genuinely WORRY for the people who see what the spirit of the ring did to him, and think “they’d be cute together”. Gods. Gods!
(I’m also hugely squicked out by memory/shipping, Ryou+Aigami, because? What? The fuck? Did you not SEE what he DID to him?! FUCKING NO?? But luckily the t|endershippers tend to be the memory/shippers too, so they’re fairly easily blocked.)
- I also have jas|pis blacklisted because Canonical Abusive Relationships are Not Dynamics I Enjoy At All, thank you. Especially not when their conversations sound like something right out of the things I witnessed in my mother’s own life. (I have no idea how popular it is because I’ve been blacklisting and blocking it since the moment I found out it exists.)
- Also: It’s not at all popular and not something I see often, but: I’m just squicked in general by terra\ven, because while I can see how a thing might be developed, I’m not the kind of person who can look at their Canon History and Interactions and think, “How romantic!” Bad communication, festering hatred, picking at each others’ weaknesses, mutual toxicity, and attempted murder don’t make a good backdrop for a relationship. Yikes.
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?
Kind...of? I’ve gotten asks hating on blog appearances, fandom opinions, and General Negativity, but nothing hating on me as a person.
The headcanon blog I help moderate got an ask once that could’ve started a shipping war (basically like, “How can people possibly ship RobRae?”), but I like to think I handled it well because I redirected that before it could explode.
Honestly, most of my anon hate came from fanfic.net reviews back in the “mary-sue” witch-hunt days. (The funny thing was, at the time I didn’t even know what that accusation meant. 8P )
15.  Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
I liked the Yugioh manga better in black/white than in color! (The! big! mystery! about! Ryou’s! eyes!! continues!! to stump!!! and frustrate me!!!!! For context: this one character has had his eyes colored brown, green, blue, lavender, gray, black, dark purple, magenta, red, and seafoam green! [x] What the HELL color are his EYES.) 
And for the record, in the advance copy of the “Games” graphic novel my dad gave me, there were Certain Pages still in either ink-work or black/white coloring that I really liked more than the final product. That book is colored GORGEOUSLY, don’t get me wrong! But the pure linework shows a lot more of the “line of motion” and TEXTURE details that my non-visual brain can Grasp And Parse and Feel Things About much moreso than a colored page.
Also: Raven is a big softie deep down inside. Comic, cartoon, you name it. I don’t know why this is so controversial because it’s Genuinely Canon as Hell, but even some canonical writers miss out on this, and it’s like? guys have you READ a Raven comic???
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
RYOU BAKURA WOULD BE MORE THAN A GODDAMN PLOT DEVICE. As mentioned in the Other Answered Ask, this drives me to absolute annoyance and disappointment and disdain. (This is specifically directed at the “show”, of course. The manga [and even season 0!] did a much better job of, you know... remembering that he is also a human being and not just a shell that has a conveniently-possessed antagonist necklace.) 
It’s just the treatment of certain characters for me, I guess. I’m really bad at looking at a canon and going “This Event Would Be Different” otherwise. Especially when I’m emotionally attached to the Canon Events...
Except “Titans”. That fucking stunt they pulled with Arella, one of the most strong-willed, independent, perseverant, traumatized female characters to ever rise fully above her past and find her own way in the worlds-- in MULTIPLE worlds!-- and they made her the lackey of the monster she has always defied. It STILL pisses me off. (There are other things I’d change about Titans-- many others. But that AU is so far off the mark that it would take a collegiate-length essay to “change” it just right.)
23.  Unpopular character you love?
Jericho! Arella! Malachite! Rorek! 
Joey is such a sweetheart and has such a unique and versatile power. Arella is such an inspiration and proves time and time again that she’s stronger than her trauma. Malachite just had so much POTENTIAL as her own character and I wish we had seen more of her as an individual. And Rorek of course? God those eyes and that hair trigger the demigray. (And I headcanon hardcore that Malchior used Rorek as a template for how he looked, sounded, and acted, and of course Rorek wrote the book, and I fell as hard for Malchior as Raven did. So like.... kind of a scapegoat to redirect that love, but it makes me happy, okay.)
And Mismagius, which I don’t understand because surely I’m NOT the only strategically-minded lover of the Ghost type? And I’m certainly not the only witch who practices pop culture magic with Pokemon (and Mismagius is literally based on a witch and called “the magical pokemon”)? But hey, loving the underdog has been my lifelong specialty. 8F
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kiradurbin · 5 years
Super Short Reviews: Spring TV part one:
Russian Doll (Netflix) – Groundhog Day for NY druggies?  Or Mrs. Maisel on special K?  Or is she stuck in a loop in her own video game?  Or is she having the worst mid-life crisis ever?  Or maybe she just really misses her cat?  If you feel too wrapped up in WHY her day keeps repeating you’ve missed the point.... the characters (led by Natasha Lyonne) and the humour are terrific, and don’t even get me started on that wig.  (It IS a wig right???)
American Soul (BET) – Why yes that is Kelly Rowland playing Gladys Kinght!! Soul Train was an iconic American show and its story deserved to be told.  I didn’t care for the soap opera style behind the scenes drama... but what I really liked was the dialogue that did not shy away from the reality of those days... which sadly for the most part have not passed.  
Romance Is a Bonus Book (Netflix) – Korea.   Ohhhhhh this is so adorable and Im so happy I finally like a Korean show.  I love love love Lee Na-Young.   She gives me hope for a better world.   Romantic comedy lovers this is your next binge watch.  
Fast Layne (Disney) – This is the first Disney show I’ve seen that was filmed on location. Automatically it feels better because of that.  The sixth grade girls actually made me giggle and for a second I thought oh I hope my kids want to watch this... but then the car started talking.  Why Why WHY does that voice have to be so ANNOYING?!?!?!?
Umbrella Academy (Netflix) – Wes Anderson meets the Marvel universe. Yay!!!  Two thumbs up from me.  (And big props for humourous song selections.)
Boomerang (BET) – I never saw the movie (don’t yell at me) so I don’t know how it relates to that, but the tv series is fun and funny and sort of like a really upbeat cousin of ATLANTA.
 Whiskey Cavalier (ABC) – Sure fire hit with the 45 and up crowd.  Ana Ortiz (Ugly Betty) and Tyler James Williams (Everybody Loves Chris) made me laugh more in the first episode than any comedy pilot ive seen recently.  By the way if you havent seen the music video for John Newman “Love Me Again” I highly recommend it.  Make sure you watch the full version – the ending is the best.
Riviera (Ovation) – Originally aired in UK 2017.  Can Julia Stiles act?  I cant figure out her appeal.  Her face never moves.  What shines here are the GORGEOUS on location settings and shots.  Good for a summer binge.  
Proven Innocent (Fox) –  Kelsey Grammer as the powerful bad guy and some SUPER annoying girl as a completely unbelievable lead lawyer.   Kelsey Grammer deserves an actual sparring partner and a way better show. Ugh.
Flack (Pop) – UK.  Lascivious fun with Anna Paquin and British playmates.  Beautiful score too.
The Enemy Within (NBC) –   Blindspot... the Blacklist... the Enemy Within.  I guess they couldnt find a way to make the title start with a B.  All the same show to me.  Should be another hit for the 50+ crowd.
Gone (WGN) – originally aired in Canada in 2017.  Chris Noth revives his law enforcement scowl as an FBI agent who recruits a child abductee survivor to help him find missing kids.  Not the first or best show about missing people but you can do a lot worse than Chris Noth at the end of the day when you’re nodding off to sleep on the couch.  
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
A Silent Love
Secret lovers just can’t keep their hands off each other. 
Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit Words:  4690 Genre: Romance / Fluff Warnings: Sex (public), cursing, alcohol, non-consensual touching (not by Bakugou and not sexual)
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BTW, please blacklist the tag cutesuki-lemons if you do not want to see this content from my blog. I will no longer be tagging with specific keywords for this type of content.Thank you~
Due to the nature of this post, the characters are 18+
Under the cut~
You could be such a god damned tease sometimes. Yes, Bakugou loved it, watching you strut around with that natural sway of your hips that drove him crazy. Your smile, your curves and that sly sideways glance you liked to give him were all equally as tempting. What was even better about it all was that you were all his. Every inch of that beautiful body was at his disposal, anytime and anywhere he wanted. You crumbled at his mercy with just a simple touch, the two of you wanting nothing more than to pleasure each other. He wanted to take you right now, to pull you off into a remote corner of this hell of a venue and fuck you up against the wall. But, no matter how badly he wanted, he knew that he couldn’t. 
Why? Because you were both at a large Pro Hero convention, representing your own brands. Technically, you were competition to him, since your agency just so happened to be in his region. The two of you found yourselves constantly fighting to drag in the villains and keep up your popularity. The rivalry was good PR material, and so even though you were seeing each other, you kept it up. Yes, it was made harder by the fact that not a single soul knew that you two were dating, and that is what was frustrating him the most at this particular moment. It was the time of the convention that involved a formal dinner, where everyone dressed their best and focused on networking. 
Bakugou hated networking. He didn’t need people in high places to help him, he had grown through the ranks all on his own. It was all his own power, his strength and somewhat questionable methods. You were the same, which is why he had fallen so hard for you and vice versa. He wanted nothing more than to have you on his arm, to show you off to the world that you were his lover. Still, a mutual decision was made to hide it until necessary, and in truth, you both liked the secrecy. It gave you privacy, a way to avoid being constantly harassed by the media. Sooner or later, you both figured that someone would find out, then you would roll with whatever happens. But now, at this particular event, Bakugou wanted to blow his cover if it would keep the damn vultures off of you. 
Men had a tendency to swarm you. It was nothing that you were doing to attract them outside of just being yourself, which is what had drawn him to you in the first place, too. But now that he had won your affection, all the other men were nothing but little flies buzzing around your head and annoying you constantly. Bakugou wanted to take you into his arms, kiss and even fuck you on the table just to prove that none of them had a chance. It was a horrible fantasy, Bakugou knew this, one of the more extreme versions of his thoughts to keep them away from you. That particular thought was mostly drawn forth by the fact that you were taking great pleasure in teasing him from afar. 
Sensual glances, a peek down the front of your dress, and that sweet sway of your hips as you walked by him all made his blood boil. You had even hugged him earlier in a fake greeting, squeezing your body against his and making him want to do nothing more than sweep you off your feet and take you back to his hotel room. That little [color] dress you wore fit you so perfectly, caressing your curves and flattering your skin tone so well that he was just itching to touch you. Yet, for the sake of your shared secret, he stayed silent and watched from afar. 
It was interesting to him how nice you seemed to be to people that approached you. Typically, you preferred to act much like him, to hide in the corner and wait for it to be over. Something must have been making you very happy. Perhaps it was just his presence, that he was close enough to protect or divert attention if necessary. It was something he hadn’t had to do just yet, but at the moment, there was a man who was being a little too persistent, even after you had tried to shrug him off. His time may just come, the instant you gave him a ‘help me’ look, he wouldn’t hesitate. 
“This wine is very good,” You noted as the man beside you mentioned for the fifth time how good it was. “I’ve only had one glass, but it seems--” 
“Only one?!” He proclaimed, annoying you beyond belief. “C’mon, [Name], you gotta have some more! How can you enjoy the party without a little alcohol to loosen you up a bit, hm?” It was then that he slipped an arm around your shoulders, instantly making you shy away. 
“Nah, I’m good, really. No, no I’m good and I’m definitely not going to drink from your glass.” You finally took a few steps back from him, nearly ready to make a scene or run to your secret boyfriend, who was surely fuming by now. 
“What’s the matter, honey? Scared I got cooties?” 
“Oh fuck off, we’re not children.” You gave a hearty laugh along with your snap, trying to make it sound not so… mean. Even though you wanted to tell him to go shove that glass up his ass. “I’m just not into that.” 
“It’s so unlady-like to curse. You’ve been working too closely with that Bakugou, he’s a bad influence on you and your agency.” He waddled a finger at you like you really were a child, and the urge to break it was only quelled by the fact that you saw Bakugou stand out of the corner of your eye. 
With a scoff, you crossed your arms, turning to face the tall and brawny blonde as he was already making his way over. “Bakugou!” You called, the name unfamiliar on your tongue and making you long for the sweet taste of his given name on your lips. “Do you think you’re a bad influence on me?” 
“The fuck?” Bakugou glowered down at you, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I’m a bad influence on anyone I meet, if they bother to take influence from me, which is their fucking mistake in the first place. I’m no ones god damned babysitter.” His crimson glare moved to the man that had been pestering you, becoming darker out of natural annoyance. “Not like this little twats opinion matters.” 
“Excuse me?” The man pointed his wine glass at him, which was nearly full and threatened to spill. “I’ll have you know I’m a CEO of a support items company and I--” 
“--Need to fuck off. You need to fuck off, you’re right.” Bakugou gave him a firm slap on the shoulder, giving it a good squeeze to get his point across. “Now. Unless you’d like the entire party to know how much of a douche you are.” 
“I’ve only been nice to not ruin your image.” You spoke up, arms crossed over your chest. “But I’ll gladly talk as loud as I can to really get people to listen.” 
Trembling from anger, defeat and rejection, the spiffly dressed CEO scoffed, shrugging Bakugou’s hand off of him. “You’re both filth! You don’t deserve your ranking as heros with such awful personalities!” As he spoke, he used his hands, and with a dimwittedness that made you gasp out in shock, he spilled his entire cup of wine all down the front of your dress. You had tried to evade, taking a few steps back, but you weren’t fast enough. Bakugou was, however, snatching the man by the front of the shirt, his free hand prepped to blow him away with his quirk as he snarled. 
“You fucking prick! You did that on purpose!” 
“N-No, it was an accident!” 
“Kats- I mean, Bakugou, don’t--!” Your panicked voice and hand on his chest quickly calmed Bakugou down, alleviating the red from his vision. Without you, he would have decked the guy for sure, but your teary eyes and ashamed posture quickly made him realize his attention was on the wrong person. With a scoff, Bakugou released the man roughly, sending him falling backwards onto his backside. In the same moment, he shrugged off his nice suit coat, placing it around your shoulders so you could hide the damage to the best of your ability. 
“Go chase someone else, you fucking dickhead,” Bakugou barked at the man on the ground as he ushered you towards the exit. “Get a fucking life.” 
Keeping your head down to avoid looks from the other hundreds of people in the room, you didn’t speak until you were both out in the hall, headed towards the bathroom. “Katsuki, that was so embarrassing! My dress is ruined! I almost wanted to let you punch the shit out of him.” 
“I think I would have been arrested if I did. I’m sure he’s going to try to call security on me just because I pushed him. I’m sorry, [Name]. What do you want to do?” 
Sniffling, you struggled against the urge to lay your head on his arm, not wanting to nurture the suspicion that surely bloomed in the ballroom. “I have a change of clothes in the big bathrooms with the showers and lockers. I’ll just fix myself up and… go back, I guess.” 
“You seriously want to go back?” 
“We’re two of the top heroes in the country, Katsuki, we have to.” You looked up at him, feeling your heart flutter at the visible concern on his furrowed brow. Smiling, you eased his tension just a bit, softening his expression. “It’ll be okay. The party was almost over, anyway…” 
Eventually, the two of you reached the large locker room, where you both stopped before entering. With a sly smile, you nodded towards the door. “Come in with me. There’s places to hide if someone else comes in.” 
“What if someone else is already in here?” Bakugou glowered down at you, even though the thought was incredibly enticing. “That’s worse.” 
“Oh, give me a minute, I’ll check.” With that, you scurried into the room, letting the door shut behind you. After a quick sweep of the large locker room, you decided that it was indeed empty, going back to the entrance to let him in. “It’s good!”
After a quick glance over his shoulder to make sure no one would notice, Bakugou slipped inside, letting his arm rest around your back. “If we get caught in here, our secret will be blown.” 
“Mm, I don’t care.” You cupped his cheeks softly, pushing yourself up to kiss him, feeling tingles spread across your skin as he was quick to return the affection. “I just want to be alone with you. It’s so hard to stay away!” After one more quick peck, you made your way towards the lockers to fetch your change of clothes. Holding his hand as you went, Bakugou trailed along behind you, free hand in his pocket as he glanced around the room to grow familiar with it. It was a typical locker room, with a section of lockers and bathroom stalls, which had full coverage doors and would be a perfect hiding spot if he needed it. There were also showers with curtains and a row of sinks with mirrors. Each section was basically in it’s own separate room, with motion sensor lights that were currently only shining down on them in the lockers area. 
Stopping by your specific locker, you punched in the code you had created and opened it up, pulling out your bag. Watching curiously, Bakugou stood back a bit to give you room. “Did you expect there to be a mess or something?” 
Shrugging off his coat, you laid it down on a bench. “Well, you know I like to be prepared for emergencies. I figured if something happened this would be better than going back to the hotel room. And… this dress is a little too small for me anyway, I thought that the zipper might bust.” 
With a chuckle, Bakugou came up behind you, helping you to unzip your dress. “How the hell did you even get it zipped up?” 
“An hour and a lot of anger.” 
“Hm.” Unable to really think of a response, Bakugou found himself distracted by your skin as it appeared beneath the zipper, which stopped right below the base of your hips with a teasing peek of your cute underwear. “I like those.” 
“Like what?” 
“Your underwear.” He slipped his hands beneath the dress to caress your sides, placing a soft kiss on your shoulder before trailing more up your neck. “Those are my favorite ones. Is there a reason for that?” 
The growl of his voice in your ear and the heat of his touch made you shiver, smiling as you tenderly reached up to caress his cheek. “Besides the fact that you can’t see them beneath my dresses? They’re your favorite, of course. I thought seeing them would excite you.” 
“And when would I get to see them?” 
“Well after teasing you for a while longer I was going to drag you off somewhere to take your frustrations out on me. But that got ruined.” Turning your head, you caught his lips in a kiss, allowing your body to rest back against his as his hands slipped around to your front. The tingling in your core was quickly smothered as he gave an annoyed grunt into the kiss, his fingers sticking to your skin that had gotten wet with the wine. 
“It did. And you’re fucking sticky… and smell like wine.” As he removed his hands from your dress, you huffed, glowering up at him with flushed cheeks as you stepped out of the dress the rest of the way. 
“Well it’s not my fault that asshole decided to be a prick! I don’t want to have to take a whole damn shower…” You tossed the dirtied dress down onto the bench beside your other belongings in a mangled mess, the dark red stains only further fueling your anger. 
“You don’t have to, just come here.” Bakugou had made his way to the row of sinks, all connected by one large vanity. Currently washing his hands, he watched you through the mirror as you sighed, making your way to him with your arms crossed over your chest. When you reached him, he took a moment to shake the water from his hands before he helped you sit up onto the counter, ignoring your hiss of shock from how cold it was against the bare skin of your ass and thighs. 
Snatching some paper towels, Bakugou wet them under the running water he was using, getting a little bit of soap on them as well. You leaned back on your hands as you watched him, not embarrassed about your exposed chest, as he had seen, touched and kissed every inch of you by now. Dating for two years will get you to that point, afterall, where there is not a hint of shame between you. In truth, although you were scared to tell him, you truly loved him with every little bit of your soul. You dreamed of finally coming out to the public about your relationship, about getting married and even having a family with him. But, it was such an intense subject that you feared speaking to him about it, worried he may not feel the same. 
Now, your adoration for him was only made more intense, especially as he cleaned your stomach and chest with such a tender and attentive touch. His expression stern, he was highly focused on making sure to get every dirtied inch of you, and although nothing he was doing was sexual, it still made your heart race. How could he do this and not actually love me, you thought to yourself, only able to chance quick glances up at his face in your bashful state. Two years and not a single ‘I love you’ from either of us… I just need to suck it up and say it. He’s probably thinking the same thing… 
“Thank you, Katsuki…” You spoke with a quiet softness, finally swallowing your embarrassment to catch his gaze with your own. Pausing his work as he grew distracted from your words, Bakugou leaned forward and kissed you softly, caressing your sides tenderly with both hands. 
“No problem. You know I’ll take any chance to get to rub on you.” A sly smirk crossed his lips as he squeezed your ribs, making you giggle and lean forward into him. 
“Oh whatever, that’s not the only reason. You know damn well it’s because you care about me.” You let your arms rest up around his neck, smiling against his lips as he tugged you a bit closer to the edge. “Because I’m your baby.” 
“Is that what you are?” Bakugou abandoned the paper towel in his hand in favor of feeling your skin, keeping your body close to his. “My babygirl?” His smirk only grew as you had a visible reaction to the nickname, goosebumps spreading across your skin as you gave a slight nibble to your bottom lip. “Like that, do you?” 
You didn’t just like it. You loved it. Anytime he called you by any sweet or sexual nickname you felt like you would melt, making your body and heart only ache more for him. “Maybe I do, maybe I don’t.” Bringing one hand around to caress his neck, your lips curled into a sly smile. “I think you’ll have to do some investigating to find out.” 
The words barely left your lips before he kissed your fiercely, tugging your body to the very edge of the counter. You would surely fall off if not for his body between your legs, and you were at the perfect height for doing exactly what you both had been craving the entire night. Even if it was just a quickie, it would alleviate the tension just long enough to finish with the party and get back to his hotel room. With practiced fingers, you were quick to undo his belt, tugging his pants loose until you could pull his hard and aching cock from his boxers. Just touching his strong and girthy manhood made your head swim, wishing desperately for the moment when it would enter you. 
Pussy already so wet you knew it was dripping, it only took a quick moment to push your underwear aside before he was inside you. You couldn’t hold back a gasp as he filled you up, clutching onto his shoulders tightly as he dug his cock in as deep as he could. “Oh fuck, Katsuki--” Your voice squeaked as he began to thrust, forcing you to lean back on your hands for extra support. Ignoring the rocking of your body with each thrust, you instead kept your eyes on his hips, loving to watch the way he fucked you. He knew the exact speed that got you off, how deep and hard you liked it without you ever having to ask or beg for a single thing. Unless, he wanted you to beg, which you did without hesitation. There were times where you felt positive that you would do anything just to feel his cock inside you. 
“What, you little cock hungry slut. Isn’t this what you’ve wanted all night?” Bakugou gripped your chin, forcing you to look up at him. The lustful fire in his eyes only made you hotter, though you were unable to find it in you to answer, your moans and gasps of pleasure taking the lead. He didn’t seem to need an answer, only increasing his roughness until you were nearly writhing at his mercy. “You want it so bad? You’re going to fucking get it.” 
“Y-yes, Katsuki!” You were finally able to speak, his warning boiling the excitement within you. “Please, fuck me harder!” Just as you were about to get your request, Bakugou stopped, staring intently into the mirror behind you. Panting and aching for him to continue, you thought for a moment that he was just further teasing you, though you didn’t notice the confused glare on his face in your hazy pleasured state. “Hey, Katsuki, why’d you-- mmph!” 
You gripped his arm as he clasped a hand over your mouth, shushing you with a sharp hiss in the same moment. It was then that you could hear it, soft giggling out in the hallway and excited drunken talking from other women. With a soft curse, Bakugou removed himself from you, holding onto his pants with one hand while the other snatched your wrist. Not wanting to be caught either, you followed him to the toilet stalls, where he shut the door behind you as softly as he could. Locking it, he stopped for a moment to try and listen for the intruders, grumbling in annoyance as they were clearly now inside the locker room. 
Keeping your voice to a whisper, you pushed yourself up on your toes to whisper into his ear. “Do you think they heard us?” 
Knowing his voice wasn’t quiet enough to talk, Bakugou shrugged, looking down at you instead of at the door. The frustration on his face was obvious, and you had to admit that you were just as upset. Still, your eyes fell back to look at his still rock hard cock, just begging for attention. Your pussy aching just as fiercely, you gave his earlobe a teasing nibble, pressing your body into his. “Don’t stop, Katsuki… I want you to keep fucking me.” 
The stone wall was cold against your chest as he shoved you against it, but you had little time to adjust as he slipped himself back into you. Biting down onto your bottom lip, you struggled to keep yourself silent, his cock reaching so deeply into you with each thrust you thought you may just go insane. The sounds of the women chatting about in the locker room were of little consequence, knowing that as long as you didn’t let a single moan slip through, they wouldn’t notice. Bakugou was even attentive enough to avoid the slapping of skin, though that didn’t stop him from growling taunting words into your ear. 
“Think you can keep quiet?” He tightened his grip on your hips, his fingers threatening to bruise. “I think you’re going to slip up, babygirl.” The teasing words were soon joined by his fingers against your clit, rubbing in rhythm with his thrusts. Your hips arched up higher in reaction, feeling his cock slamming even deeper inside of you. Sure enough, you almost lost your control, digging your nails into the stone wall as you clamped your teeth together. Not wanting to give in, you gave a small shake of your head in defiance. You quickly realized that was a mistake, able to feel him smirk against your ear in acceptance of your silent challenge. 
In that instant, his teeth clamped down hard onto your neck, biting and suckling as he increased the pleasure with his fingers. Unable to stop it, a sharp and pleasured gasp escaped your lips before you covered your mouth, muffling the remaining moans you couldn’t hold back. Satisfied that he had won, Bakugou released his hold on your skin, giving a soft chuckle into your ear. “I win.”
Too caught up in the pleasure as you could feel your orgasm building up rapidly, you didn’t bother paying attention to the confused female voices outside of the stall nor did you have the focus to fight against him. All you wanted was to cum, to feel him fill you up and make turn you into a mess of puddy in his hands. 
“Cum for me,” Bakugou hissed in your ear, his own movements becoming erratic and harder, no longer caring about how roughly his hips slammed against yours. “Cum all over my cock, [Name].” 
Moaning freely into your hand now, your entire body trembled and jerked with your powerful orgasm, only kept up on your feet by his grip on you. In that same moment, you felt his hot release inside of you, the grunts and sighs of pleasure he let out muffled by his face shoved into your shoulder. His hands once again on your hips, he had your body nearly completely pressed against the wall, and he was close enough that you could feel the heavy pounding of his heart. As the pleasure began to subside for both of you, his hands softly began to travel up your sides, his lips placing gentle kisses along your neck. 
The sweet affection made goosebumps spread across your skin, making you smile and give a soft hum. You felt so warm and full, as if his essence was spreading through every inch of your body. It was love, you knew it well, and the gentle way in which he caressed you only confirmed that he was feeling the same. All around you was nothing but silence and his touch. You wanted to speak to him, but as you caught his glance, you could see the reluctance in his expression to make a single noise in fear that someone was still outside the stall. 
After sharing a quick and silent kiss, you softly urged him up off of you, nibbling at your lip as he pulled himself from within you. Already able to feel his cum dripping from your pussy, you were quick to pull your underwear back into place, before you gave a small tug on his shirt. “Gimme this,” you whispered, ignoring the confused cock of his eyebrow. “So I can leave the stall.” 
With a grunt, Bakugou complied, unbuttoning and handing you his nice dress shirt. It was large enough to cover you decently, so with him hiding behind the door, you exited the stall as casually as possible. The locker room was just as you had hoped, with not a single other soul around. 
“Come out, Katsuki, it’s okay. We should hurry, though.” Looking back at him as he exited, he had already fixed his pants back into place, working on running his fingers through his hair to attempt to fix the sweaty awkward mess. Feeling a blush rush across your cheeks, you couldn’t help but adore him in that moment. His expression softened as he observed you waiting for him, flushed and glowing. To him, you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, every fiber of your being calling to him like sirens song, one which he couldn’t ignore. 
As Bakugou took you into his arms once more, he hugged you tightly, making you giggle and return the affection with your arms around his neck. It was true, you could be such a god damned tease sometimes, but there was much more to you than that in his eyes. You were beauty, loyalty, pleasure and kindness. You were love, and although he was scared to admit it out loud, he loved you. It wasn’t something that either of you needed to admit just yet, you thought as he kissed your lips with a tenderness that melted your heart. 
You could feel it. For now, that was all that you needed. 
“Still want to go back to the party?” Bakugou released you, running his fingers through your hair gently to fix it back into place. Smile growing, you gave his arm a gentle rub, giving a small shake of your head. 
“No, Katsuki… I think I just want to be alone with you for the rest of the night. You’re more important to me than some stupid networking party.” 
“People might talk.” 
“Let them. As long as I have you, nothing else matters. Now, come on. I want to say all this mushy stuff cuddled up in some sheets, with some gross take out food and a lot of wine.” 
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JD Fanfiction: Season 9:
Episode 1;Scenes 1-3
This is a fan written continuation of JD's original route. Taking place roughly 20 years later (A couple years after their Date Night: The Devil in Sin City) This is written in true Havenfall form, so explicit language and adult themes are to be expected!
Characters included:
Jordan Davies(-Craine)
MC - ( Theo Davies-Craine)
Sherriff Mackenzie Hunt
Razi Nassar
Dr. Diego Escalona
Location: Havenfall, Indiana
Episode 1
Scene: 1
I grumble and roll over to face JD as the way too bright morning sun finds it's way in through a crack in the curtains.
(What's the point of black out curtains if we can't remember to close them properly?)
I lay there for a moment, hoping the steady breath and warmth coming from JD's body will lull me back to sleep. I sigh, quickly realizing I'm fighting a losing battle. I curse under my breath as I drag myself out of bed and towards the only thing that could make being awake at this ungodly hour bearable.
( Coffee.)
I glance at the clock on the coffee maker and groan as the numbers set in.
"Yep. Most definitely half past way too early O'clock." I joke to myself.
I make my way to the couch when a frantic knock jilts me out of my morning grogginess.
"Grace?!" I instantly roll my eyes at myself as soon as the name leaves me mouth. Why do I always think it's Grace? She doesn't even live in this zip code. And hasn't for years now.
I hesitate a minute before walking towards the door. It's been awhile since JD and I have had to deal with any sort of disgruntled foes, other than a few unhappy cryptids, that is. But you can never be too careful.
I manage to sqeak out a soft 'Hello' before flinging the door open. I scan the scene and find nothing until my eyes hit the doormat. A small box with a strange symbol sits there. Before I can stop them, flashbacks of JD last 'prank' fill my vision and my body tenses with anger.
( They wouldn't!)
Without even closing the door I half run back into the bedroom where JD is still soundly asleep. Not a care in the world.
"JORDAN DAVIES-CRAINE" My volume is a tad louder than I planned on, but I roll with it.
"B-Wha!?" JD practically falls off the side of the bed as they come to. It takes them a minute to realize that the culprit of their interrupted slumber was me, and it takes one look at my face to know that I'm not happy. They swallow hard before putting on their award winning smile. "What's up, Beautiful?"
(Damnit. I hate how disarming that smile is. )
I make a motion to follow me into the living room. They quickly do and when I point towards the doorway to the small more ominous by the fucking minute box, their eyes grow wide.
"W-woah. Wait a minute, Theo. I didn't do that!" They throw up their hands in surrender. "I swear!"
I let out a steady exhale, trying to figure out if I'm more happy or scared that this random, innocently seeming, obviously not so innocent box was actually placed on our doorstep by someone other than JD.
Once JD's sure they're no longer the object of my frustrations, they slowly make their way to the door and crouch down. They rub their fingertips lightly over the embedded symbol and take a deep breath. Their brow furrows in concentration.
"I've definitely seen this symbol somewhere before... I just can't remember from where." They curse under their breath. "I'm literally the most useless Devil ever."
I chuckle.
"Well.. I dunno about that. I find you plenty useful." My inflection on the word 'plenty' and warm tone brings a beautiful pink hue to their cheeks. They catch my eyes and smirk.
"You're also biased as fuck." They let out with a laugh."I think we should bring this over to Razi's. Have him and Deigo take a look at it"
I nod and immediately send out a group text before heading into the bedroom to throw on some clothes.
Scene 2:
Even with JD's fingers intertwined with mine as we drive to the bowling alley, I can't help but feel nervous. The box even feels weird on my lap. A tiny hum seeming to come from within. I frown slightly as I get lost in my own thoughts. JD must notice because they squeeze my hand reassuringly.
"Hey, hey. Theo. We'll figure this out." They bring my hand up to their lips before giving in a gentle kiss. "Maybe it's just a late Congratulations On The New Shop gift from one of our hundreds of admirers!" They exclaim with a wide grin. Obviously proud of themselves.
I laugh and shake my head.
"Oh, yeah.." I reply dryly. "A 19 year late, congratulatory box, emblazoned with a ominous looking sigil, from one our NON existant admirers?" I chuckle to myself, looking intently at the box. JD just shrugs, but I can see the concern on their face.
When we get to Razi's, everyone is there waiting for us. Diego even has a good dozen books on Demonic symbols and sigils littering one of the tables.
"Hey you two! Been awhile since we had a mystery to solve!" Razi smiles as he says the words, but you can tell he's also on the defensive.
"Yeah.. and I don't think last time counts, considering it ended up being Jordan, just being a worse version of Jordan." The Sheriff's eyes linger on JD long enough to get their point across.
They sputter for a moment trying to come up with a reply.
"I s-swear it isn't me this time! I mean... O-ok. I know I said that last time too.. but, it's true!" They almost look pitiful as they try to defend themselves. Searching my eyes in hopes that I believe them. I put my hand on their shoulder and smile.
"Relax, Sherriff. I already pulled out the ol' powers on them earlier. They're telling the truth."
JD looks at me dumbfounded. Eyes wide.
"Wait. Y-you did?" They let out a low whistle. "Man.. I am slipping..." I chuckle as I move a rouge hair out of their face.
(God, they're so beautiful.)
"You were half awake, so don't be so hard on yourself." I reply with a smirk. "And you can't really blame me after last time" I smile, shoving them playfully so they know I'm only half joking.
"So, are we ALL going to die? Or just JD and I?" I try to joke as I scan all of their faces. It's Diego's that flinches first. As he carefully picks up the box, his eyes widen.
"There's a good reason you don't remember what this symbol means, JD. " Their voice is level, but wary. JD steps a bit closer. "It's because it's not Demonic in nature... " he takes a deep breath before continuing. "It's Angelic."
Everyone stares at each other for a moment. No one saying a word as the information settles in.
(But, what does that even mean?)
A thought crosses my mind, and I have to wonder if my angelic powers can somehow give me some insight into this whole thing. I narrow my eyes and stare hard at the sigil. Willing it to bust open. Burst into glitter. Swallow us whole. SOMETHING. But, no. All it does is give me a headache. I sigh and sit down defeated.
"You ok over there, Champ?" JD comes over and sits next to me, taking my hand in theirs. I smile and put my head down on their shoulder.
"I was just hoping being an actual Angel might actually help us with this... situation, but... "
"But, magic is weird?" JD interrupts with a smirk. I smile faintly at the familiar joke.
"Yeah... magic is weird."
Diego brings over a book with a brief section on Angel sigils. The one from the box sitting in the up right corner of the page, next to a paragraph about summoning Angels.
(Wait. You can summon a fucking Angel?!)
"Wait. You can summon a fucking Angel!?" I exclaim. JD looks just as surprised as I do. But Deigo and Razi exchange a look.
"From what I can tell, someone wants you to make a call, so to say. It seems as though someone is trying to get in contact with you, from the Angel realm." Diego tries to keep his words as level as possible, as to not add to the overwhelming anxiety that's beginning to build in my chest.
JD shudders.
"Pretty sure I'm banned from making any such calls.. last I checked, Heaven had my name blacklisted." JD says almost proudly. As their words sink in, I come to a horrific realization.
(This is all on me. )
I roll my eyes. Of course it is. Stupid box. Stupid dumb Angelic cryptid message box! JD catches the scowl on my face and laughs.
"Don't worry Theo. I know JUST the person to help us with this." They smile mischievously before snatching up the box and making a beeline for the door.
Scene: 3
I make it to my truck about a millisecond before JD puts their foot on the gas and floors it. They pull out their phone, gracefully tapping out a text message with one hand. I'm about to chastise them for texting while driving, but the phone is back in their pocket with one fluid motion before I can even open my mouth. They look over and give me a wink. I feel the heat start to rise to my cheeks instantly.
( They're so hot. How do they still get me this flustered after almost 20 years? )
"See something you like?" JD's voice is warm as I try to hide my growing blush. They laugh to themselves, almost too soft hear. "Yeah, you see something you like, alright."
My face is about to burst into literal flames by the time we pull up to the house.
(Thank the Gods! Saved by domesticity!)
Once we get inside, I turn to JD, trying to figure out their plan. I look around, not knowing if I should be expecting something to happen or not. JD is just standing in the middle of the living room with a nondescript look on their face.
".... So? You gonna let me in on the big plan here, Mx. Mysterious?" JD just smirks. An all knowing smirk.
( Oh lord. What am I getting myself into here?)
"They should be here annnyyy mome-" JDs words are cut off by a cloud of thick crismon smoke filling the room. It's not entirely unpleasant, smelling slightly of gladiolus. When the smoke begins to clear, I can make out a regal figure standing in the center.
"What is it now, Jordan?"
(Wait. I know that voice.)
"Baphomet??" I say with a laugh. "Baphomet is your secret mystery person?"
"Well.. Hello to you, too, Theo." Baphomet's eyes narrow as she makes eye contact with me.
( Right. Probably not the warmest way to greet the Demon who just made the trek all the way from Hell to help you, Theo. )
JD cuts the tension by slapping Baphomet on the back with a wide smile.
"Baphomet, ol' buddy ol' pal! Good to see you! How's the torture business going?" JD is smiling so wide at this point that even Baphomet cracks a smile.
"You can save the pleasantries for one of your lowlier demons, Jordan. Why have you summoned me?" Their gaze is level as they give us both the once over. "By the look on Theo's face, I can tell it's something a lot heavier than our usual evening of beer can bowling."
Defeated, JD walks over to where Baphomet is standing and slowly holds out the box. Baphomet's eyes widen slightly for a second before taking the box in her own hands. The sigil seems to grow darker as she holds it, and Baphomet lets out a low whistle.
"I honestly always thought Angel sigils were a myth. How on earth did you two come across this?" She stares at the box in amazement, turning it over in her hands. I look at JD uneasily, hoping they'll take reins on this one. They nod, taking a deep breath before speaking.
"Some unknown person.. or cryptid.. or demon... or angel, I guess? Left it on our doorstep this morning before quickly performing a disappearing act." JD quickly throws their hands up before Baphomet can say anything. "And no, it wasn't me!"
Baphomet catches my eye and gives me a soft knowing smile. I smile back, taking JD's hand.
"Well.. lucky for you, Jordan, I know for a fact that you couldn't have done this. First of all, you know nothing about Angel sigils. No one really does. And secondly, Theo would've called me up here already to skin you alive, if it had been you." She gives them a devious smile as she let's her words sink in. JD swallows hard looking between the both of us before laughing nervously.
"R-riight.... S-she wouldn't.. ! Y-you wouldn't... !" Before they can finish I start laughing and put my hand on their shoulder, calming them instantly.
"We're just messing with you, babe." I tussle their hair lightly, kissing their cheek. "Nice face, though"
It takes a moment for them to regain their composure. Rubbing the nape of their neck as the embarrassment starts to fade from their face. Quickly replaced by their patented Jordan Davies smile.
"Right. I knew that." JD replies with a smooth glide over to the couch before making themself comfortable. I chuckle quietly to myself.
(Oh, fuck me. I love them. )
Baphomet clears her throat, trying to bring the attention back to her.
"Bad news is, being a literal gate keeper of Hell, I have no business in trying to help you summon an Angel. I prefer to keep my extremities in tact, thank you very much." She pauses and shudders, before taking a deep breath and continuing. "What I can do, though, is help you open it... if you'd like."
The question hangs heavy in the air. I look at JD who seems to have started to sweat. They wipe their face with the back of their hand before making eye contact with me. I nod, not taking a second to think about it. They nod back and give me a weak smile.
( Ok, yeah. I'm sure summoning an Angel is NOT on their bucket list. )
"Ok" JD croaks out dryly, clapping their hands together. "Let's do it"
I quickly move over to the couch, taking JD's hand in mine as I sit next down to them. I give it a firm squeeze, trying to calm their fears. They quietly let out a slow, ragged breath.
Baphomet holds the box, flat out on their left palm. They close their eyes. Trying to steady themselves. They're voice is deep and slow, like honey. It feels warm, like JD's persuasion powers.
"Dimitte Me.. " The words come out in a haze and seem to dance across the sigil as each line begins to glow. A steady line starts to draw itself around the middle of the box before a deafening 'POP' snaps it open. As JD and I walk closer, the objects inside become painstakingly clear.
"No. Fucking. Way." JD scoffs. My eyes grow wider, thinking the exact same thing.
(Just what in the Heaven is this!?)
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